Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, September 16, 1839, Image 1

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/ .: • * tat. -ram tgj VOL,. VV.VVI MONDAY GVBN1NQ, SEPTEMBER10, 1830. „ m» PBulFir ♦rilK liJDY.—'Ti» application ol (lie piiucii i .rt» l 4, J C*» , i , »*» *» bo oiw of tho I’";', Iihliiy in ll(» onro awl prevention of greatest oumreqiieitco to ,Hia «n«l iiumWlo I* aapihla nfproducing r.rf«OT in lao 0««laiU awl al llio W," ,| in . in (ho in hi alljctniil inuiinar U m* iiii I,.,, jar W ouniowl with Ilia I ,;' l oreiu.licuj III III" groaiaal pariion nr ilia viktieiitli only With Ihma fuw who alill aio de i\!mill tol>a •‘killed accofiling In ritlu,"like n > imintla «ralil wan 'would linvo’ n 'King In ' Bar Ihein.' But, ihailk. to the cironla. r iu*ip.ipjr*—Ihmk* la Ilia general dif- „r biiaiviedga, w'liiohenable. iiinctuuti Sedi. °r 1’tlfi I’Uom: .0 road and lo far tha.iwolve*—iijw wo no Umgar he- liraio.wallowingthit da.'Jly Inliieral, litem 1 ", 0iiifa«' u 8 10 0I"«—hut uuiver.ully laav- in a warn cundillnn nftor in mo. We ii il'injar banavo ill Ilia ubiurd noil,hi ... iljdiiiH ornn* kind can bociiradby „a,aoiiiig e.trlife-OUil 111,001). li i*now • nttJerrtOii'J that an inn iimnaiioii I) u who aatntickar Nituiik. n aignnl that «lle re- o re* uid .ni.t nice ol purgative iiiailicina lo dm an ”1' tit* o|i|ira«i*o Uurdaii which eh. orareihr ilia high level and Ilia eirmig pnlie. II waited l'i ha ro navod. In oilier word*. Ilia lj|r call*i>ra vigeuibla churning Unii.iRarii'i Veoeraei.* Umvxs.il. Pills, tnaira m •kid in llieir die Drained diiaciinn only has lo lie olniirved. and «!*. il.rorimi ilia just properti lli« dose, lo oMaijaililda or tins di «.I« lo be cured, to! <11 esrsaal rent l*« fMneing opinion of a •milcia ns iria mill tinoioi the qmitaui of IIvm Tito, BtlANDRETIl’S PILLS Tiri* medicine is acknowledged in bo nnn «r Ilia aiosi vulnabla ever disanverad, as a Her idtlis blue I awl fluids, Ilia superior lu air- npinll.t. wlinhar as a lodmifia or alterative. li nail,Is infinitely before *11 Ilia preparations or ■Cuinbiimiiniie of Mercury. Its piirgaliva plot purlieu are alima ofiiioiiloulabl.r value—for liie.a Pills in sy bo taken doily ron a.sv rtniuo, and jittio.nl of waakening by the e illiiriic oiled,they id I siren jih by taking uwny the cause of tvena- nsir, Tnarc is no good Mcnejitr dues, which time Pills do not likewise. Bin they have none ofuis inissiabl i eireots of that nrsin.T spucir- ic, Tbs TOOTH are not injured—die busks •mlliinlis are not paralyzed—no—but in Ike <md af these distressing symptoms, new life ml cans iqueiit animation is evident in every nniioint ofihe body. Uravuiioth's Pills us iiiJeed a Usivkrs.il Rossour. for they cure opposite disease*!they cure Isri.iMMATius ami ■Juxi.ttc ItmiUMATii.*! They cure Uiabotos n I dTOisoOAKv! t'liey cure Dr<B.VTOnv and ,'esiriroriesAL CniTivosossI They will cure ill ilies* app trinity opposite disensss. n kcausk heycLOAiso awl ruaivv the blood provided, [how sver. nature is not beyond all human AS. ISIirANOK. Four years this medicine ha* pa* beau before Ilia public ill Ilia U. Stalest wftnrerar it h i* beau iiitruducad it bus supers* lilill olasr imnedias. Or. Br tnJreili’s OIBces in New Vurk ere 341 BtllJ\t)>V.\Y, I do lliidsou st. olid 1170 Bow. Iry. bihtxn Princt amt Ihuiton Hi. * 2d c,tins par box with direcliuns, Heivire of e inutorreit*. llreggios aovoh rnadn ajonls. I Kick iff Dr. Hriiidrolh'e Agents hevo an cm lrccelMrii/ii,ilB,deled within the twelve uinmhs lnl preceding. 'Phase cernfiasie* am renew, llisjaiatlyiUiarefure whan over twelve months Id Ibsy an longer guaranies the genuineness |fibo msdiolno. utbv.oucr Ornfftl’intn neesr mult Aicnti. I Sold by 3KABDR.V GOODALL, curner of lintrsss and Jefferson streals, (near Iht ,1/ar- Vj rue osi.r aok.sr von tiio salz or tub kvaiix UnATitnKTH's Pills in Savaiinuh. Ijely 10 IdiltwBm laejlj FOR IIKAT, Tlint large and cnmfnrtnbla Houses allualed in Washington ; Ward, fronting the Square. IT it Li* not reniod before the first of Nevouiber, ilia owner will occupy R. ii. Pettigrew. 1831 *1«0 RlitVAitl). Absoondud from Wnvcrloy i Planinhon, Camdaii County, an die Itiili dey of July Iasi, LAR KIN, DICK, nod CATO Lap . kin is a stunt Mulatto fallow, n- nbimi 53 year* of age, ft loot B to s high —lie Ins a scar on bis right clioek, ► sente merits of email pox about hia faco, llw.tl.rly an his nu*o, also a largo senr irom Vie an his fool, near the great ion. Larkin Mtlier a feeble voice for a mull of his stable. • wabliickfellow.au African by hirih, lie I *loiii. cpiaro built fellow, about ft foel 4 lo I™" "igb—haa the mark of Ills triha no his Pniiia i4 iiKuwiiie ruptured, and lias n very I 8 '! l0,,,h * Dick it h -m ill black, well sol fol* I. auoan Mricmby birth. with a round fnc« I <iown cam 109k,enrfity confused when iutur* plea*, feme is also a aingnlnr anpearnnea u hw moatli ivhon alarmed. The ab .vu fellowi were b°u«Uu»f ih« e«ale nfino. Er*? '*« rP ' h 1d3i.undf.irmarly lived nt i-mtu" ham Pkujiauon, Hryan On, They f ,0 We *l ac n i,ft ‘nted in and about Savannah GEO. C. DUNHAM, Manager. SQ (Georgian) I “‘VKL.UV, AN80N PARSONS ,£J2 ® r ? bs t'nate Catarrh; in coughs • in A r u r, * ,ng ^ r . om rece ntor neglected »« ail auxiliary, mid ilom/ir 80 " 1 r0 O L, from 1,10 threatening lion P r° a °’I”* 5 Pulmonary Con- Ude. 1 r u**°- m T emor cla ’ ,,n! * "Pon euce of the invalid than tho above Lti COllOUL Uii LUCINkl. OU L'ELIXIH DE L'AMOU/f. T HU subscriber has the ploaaura ol an* nonneing to the citi/.cus of tl;c U. Htatos, tint he has purchased, fur n vory large sum and from the inventor, the celebrated Dr. Magniu. of Paris, the recipe and right fur making this astonishing medicine. Until the opponrnneo of the 'Igiiciiia Cordial,’ (about three yoar*> Vince,) it wni thought that the complaints, which it apoedily overcomes, were beyond the teach of hum in rommly, ns for npwnrdsofa thousand yonrs, they hud hufll id the wisdom and ingenuity uftho must profound physici-u^ in all parts of tho world. This Cordial, how over, to Ilia great advantage of the human race, <oon proven itself in bo the doddormuin so long -ought for; ami accordingly, notwithstanding tiie brief period of its existence, it has required 1 celebrity so great, that it is engeily inquired for ihrnoglnnii the civilised globe. Dr. Alng- niii soon H iding that the demand was so vast is to render a supply impossible, disposed ol the lecipe olid right of sale, under obligations f secrecy, for ling!and, the United States, am) titer countries, only preserving Frnnce mid Italy f«ir himself. Thus hn-s the subscriber pos sessed hiiiisejfnf the iiivalunbla secret, and now h is oin to give the inhabitants of his line ol agency the bauofits ofhis Mpeculation. Le Cmdial Do Lunina’ or, ill English, 'the Lociiia Cordial,’ is a general mvigorator of the h iman traimd (n all the various cases of Inn* gunr, lassitude, and dehilitaflou; it is an uiifaiii mg remedy; as it is equally iis province to im part cheerfulness and decision to the mind, us lieahh and vigor to tho body. Hill the pecoliai virtue on which its celebrity is based, is the fa cility Olid certainly with which it restores tli*- vtrite powers when they have been destroyed hv disease, lime, reckluMm-ss.or any of the nu merous causes which terminate iti the prostra tion of ilioso functions. in common with the generality of really good uediciues, tins Cordial contains nothing of u mercurial or deleterious iialnro, among the ma ny ingredients which compose it; but is, nt the so nu time, so simpla, yet so etHo.cious, that while it can renovate the prostrated energies of a giant, an infant may use it, not only with iuu punity, but with advantage. The usages of society are unfortunately such, that, not withstanding the hutiufns which would bo sure to result from it, we cannot enter into an analysis of this inestimable Cordial here, or uihlUli many of tha documents which have men received, as vouchers of the blessings ii has conferred on numbers ofdespaujug individ. uals But this we cannot forbear remaiking— that it has been demonstrated that there i* sc.ircely ever, if any such thing at all, as iiQtir ral barrenness, or ns natural imbecility of the procienul functions, in either sex; and therefore that these evils are tho effect* of artificial caum es, and may ba speedily sobdund and removed by the use of *Le Cut dial tie Loc'me.’ The Liiciua Cordial is also an indubitable core for tha Gleet, and the Fluor Albm, ob structed. dillicuit.or painful .Menstruation; also, fertile iiicomineneeof IJriuo, or the iuvnlunta ry d isobar go (lioreof. It i*. likewise an invalu aula and unrivalled medicine in cases of Chrom ic Eruptions of the skin, and in the dropsical affections of the aged. Most important io the American Public. The (Juitod States proprietor ofthe cotobrn d ’IjUcino Cordial, or * Elixir of Love,’ begs to lay bofore the couununiiy, tb« following ccr ituoute, which h n has teceived from the iuven tor. the illustrious Dr. Magiilii. of Paris: ‘This is fit certify, that l have disposed of the recipe for making the -Lucinn Cordial.’ or T* lixir of Love,’ and also the right lo sell it through out the United States of North America, to. John Win turn flolderwoll, M. D. My reason.- for so doing is, that tho demands lo me for the abovo Cordial, of which 1 am the inventor, urn at numerous, that I am nnablo lo supply all the orders from France and Italy alone; and have therefore disposed of tho privileges vouchsafed in this, and other certificate* of a like nut iro in order to generalise tho benefits of my dixcoveiy throughout the world. Given under my baud al Paris, on this nine, tuun li day ol'January in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred ami thirty-eight, iGNlN. bfcuii*i.;!!^ ICl,ve on( ^ trou blesoino symp- L bre.-ui *?' ax P®®*onni°h or phlegm, palu ire* „r .V* 0, w S|l cimstituta pruiniiiain | ei i' ' V 1 ? «o"ipl„,"t. ilmt the P.ilmoiiuriii l™5enie«""ta " ,ai,iro ' ted '•* “'““I vein 'i-Md f’nl f ,°- f c "" rM, n lhe relief of Inliir r., 1 “U , J n * rrnm anddati ehungi 1 ' “ eah Ly wuu, »>a tlamp linen, Ac. 8 hT* A. BARTOW. MUckasawhatciiee ■ IIP . L LANDS. I BjiSfr r "T”™ f"'r sale n trnel of |iv, .ijii- “?'* ™'he '.ill Di*trir.t. Bnker l or ) ''iriaiv Hri ' >n ° ,,ore *’< w, »ioD cnmiiri. kfnMJ, -rwme'rffitsail. Tho f •„% In i'»Mr„vo,na..M. and liiciir.ui: l '“ SaoRrophicn! (limnnsimts liioq i, 1 . n As an nilditional can, |ctod ermi-.t 4 !; 0 roasonnhlo terms nud KM"n Oiroro ‘ l - Por " ,or " >»W. ^'iw;rA!heH’ 8 " ppUo "" 1 * °“ n ad,iro “ i- 0fr , f’* fl. BALDWIN. ~-_W[4mo UO^SfriiKJJSHES, Ac. N y ,,, ’° We*l' Bru.lies * lieuds, a *«ortod si/,08 Jfine Slum IK 9* *L HENDRICKSON “TH E TUUii iiluiii.a OF IIEAI.ni.” W F. know that heulth and the ability tola* bprcnnstiintiiK tho wcallh ol tJm great mam of the peop'e in this, ns in mast other coun tries. To preserve therefore, that health hv na tural means is a grutid moral mid political scheme, to fulfil which, requires our utmost at* tentioii. Tho insprecedoiili-d popnl.uijy and universal approbation which this Medw.im* tm< sohinved throughout the United Stales, the Canada*,Texas, Mexico and the West Indie-., folly tustify Dr. Peters io warmly nod conscien tiously recommending them to tho spec'* 1 •twin lion of the afflicted. Dr. Peters he. spent much lime In ntnn, 1 ' ineilllnz wlllt difierem Vegetable Medlclnos- Sfu.'-'nm* nril, . < ’ li , v *L««‘<l now ofieiehi. Veg- enthle Pill. B. the best, must convenient, end cheapest Modicum that can be prepared Tor general use. r r One grout quality of his vegetable Pill* U th«l hay have the alternative principle combined with their cathartic, or operniivequalities. or that they not only cleanse the stomach and bowels hy purging, but they regulate the liver, change ‘ho morbid secretion, strengthen the digestif ingans, purify the blood, invigorate the cironla. tinn, and gives (one and energy to the nervous system. They are mild and pleasant in llieir operation alio convey atm<Mi immediate conviction of their III,lily frinn llieir find ,lo<e. They C nn h, taken !r .ii 2®* l > * ,,n " , °* * n r agaiand tlm Tee, «!•. Hie infiljn. IlnMiBrvotis and ihn dclieuic ere alraiigibeiied by llieir operation, because they •leer ilia system aflmd humours, quiet nervous irritability, end invariably produce eound health. BIIASTE MA0N1 (liispiird Delhi.. | Wit , 10i!M , I he Vegetable Pills are a sure remedy fur IHiindice, sick and nervous headanho, dyanensy costiveaess, sickness of the stomnrli. heartburn, il billions complaints, fevers ofall kinds, and if taken at the comm-uiceineut will invarinhte check their progress, and -nve the pafimi from a protracted and dangerous sickness They are uwnlunkte in nervous nud hypocondnral nffl-c. nous, loss of appetite, nud all cun.nlaiuis to which females alone are subject. They ate as a mild speedy purxe and are a safe and cortam remedy foi worms io children. Extract of a letter from Dr. Gnrnov of N Or- leans, Lu. Oct. 9, 1^37.—"I Iiuvhreceived much assistance in my piactice;especially in jaundice ind yellow fever; from the use of poiois’ p,||* | i.resome that, on an average, I prescribe J(JO boxes io a month ” Extract of a letter fr..in Dr. Prichard, of Hud. -on, IN. V., June 3. I8.HI; *1 was aware that Dr. Peters was ono of the best chemists in the Uni- led Slates, and felt assured that lie would some lay (frmu his intimate knowledge of the proper, ie* •»( herbs amj drugs) prodocu an elHnient nedicine.aiid I must.icKnowledge that hit Vegm •able Pills fully respond to my expectation, they i«ro indeed a superior medicine, and re- fleet alike upon the chemist, the physiciau, and die philosopher. Extract of a laltnr frimi Dr Wainos. nf Cin- einnnti. Feb. 2, 18:13; -lour Pill, aru the mild* ■HI 'R thiir operation^ and yet mnsl imwerfni ui Ilnur enacts, oFarty that I hare ever met tviili m a pracuco of eight and twenty yoars. Tholr lolinn an the chyle ami lienee an the impurities It! Lite Idoud, IS evidently very ■nrpriiuia.' i, Char ottz, N. C. Jan. 1,1837. Dear Sir--J liuvo made firquent use ofyout mils in the Inc ;.|-ot nngo ofbilliousfever and •HalloaIu con-iipaiioH of the bowels, also, in ihs enla.genieiit of the spleen, chronic diseases of die liver, nick headucli«, general debilily, end in all cases have luuud them to ho very dike. '«• J> D. Born A). D. M Kcn.r.aBUnn. Co., Va. Feb. 7. 1$37. I lav mg n.-ud Dr. Peters’ pills in my practice (or the lam 12 mouths. I take pleasure in iivmg my testimony of their good effect* in msos of dyspepsia, mck headache, billions fe. vers, and oilier di-ease*, pmduced bv in nrtivii iy of the liver. Tliey are a safe nud mild nu« orient, benig the hast article of the kind I have •svorujud (iKoitor: C. Scott, M D. This celebrated Medicine is for sale by all the principal Druggist* in Savannah and through out tha United States, Hie Cnnsdns, Texas, Mexico and the West Indies. Price 50 cents per box with full direction!. wg 5 William .Merritt, This highly important msdicina in for solo by John Winter Hulderwell. No. U’9 Liberty si. New Vork; Charhu B. Tyler, No. 70 Chosmn st. I’lidudelphia; and m Daltinioro by KoharN St Aikiosou, John M. Lurnque; end G. K. Ty. Inr; in Wnshiugion City by ’i’ohias Watkiu.- a»ld Charles sSt.»:t; in Georgetown by U. Al Liiiihaemn; in Richmond hy John H. Eostioe; in Petersburg by Braggs Thomas and Dupiiy Rosser A Joins; nud in Norfolk by M. A. cam to* and B Eirier-nu;and by John VVoudly, No. tS5 P«yd«asst. New Orleans. It cn.i also bo found at nlf the principal Drug Stores in Sooth Carolina, and in Augusta, by Hiivilaud Risley A Co., Thomas Barrett At Co. and Nelson Carter; and in Savannah hy G. R. HENDRICKSON. Price $3 per bottle, with full directions. aog 5 101—ly 164—ly nV€* BAKM2, R ECF.IVED. 6 doz Hitunlmliz'. Roach and Bad Bug Bane. For sale liv °'!8 H A. PARSONS OO WE A BID’S EOTION, P OR improving uml hoautirying the com plexion, rendering ilieakiu lair, soft mid Iriiiiannrent.ond fur remeving tans, sunburns, ruckles. *c„ wnrranleil genuine. Jinn recniv ed mill fur sale by no* 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON. CHALLENGE—The Ozn- uihe FRENCH PILLS gSTnst all the QUACK NOSTRUMS of the ago for the cure nf # • * * The French Pills are applicable in nil oases, for either sox, (waunmod free from Alorcury.) nud posse-Nes great advnninges over the Bnl. sams arid all liquid medicines, hy being entirely free from smell, and consequently do not effect the breath, thereby preventing the possibility of discovery while using them. Besides this important ndvnntnge they never disagree with the stomach, and in the first stages of the disease they usually effect a cure in a low days,-'With tittle regard to diet or exposure. In the most obstinate stages of the disease, they nre equally certain,having cured many after every other remedy had failed. In abort, they have been wo universally Huccessful that the proprietor challenuesauy on a to produce a rem. ody of equal certainty, under a foifoitnre of Three Hundred Dollars. For snle by «. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. Al. A J. Al. TURNER. Price $3 per box. 104—ly augfi ttUWAItJB OF SPURIOUS 1AI- G EO. VV. CARPENTER’S Compound l-.xiraut of Iceland AIoss. Carrageen or iri-h Moss, Slippery Elm, Hnrehound, i\rc„ n vnliiiibln remedy lor colds, coughs, rlysnepsia, •lysentory, diarrhroa. catarrh, ami all affections •d* the breast and lungs. For sale by aug-J| PORCIIERlV I,\ ROCHE, JL4 TI P Olid. Ac GALLS pure Sperm Oil, (Fall strained) dl)t) do Supplier fttraui* o 1 do. Also, 1*3 doz Lamp Chiuuije*. Ju-t received, and lot sale by aug 14 A. PARSONS. REFINED LiqUOUICE. A SUPPLY of the above article of fine quality, lor sale by aug 19 PORCHER A LA ROCHE. HARRISON’S SPECIFIC OINTMENT. F OR the cure of While Swellings, Scrofm bins and other Tumors Ulcers,Sore Legs, old and fresh Wounds, Sprains and Bruises, Swellings and Inflammations, Scald Head, Wo men’s Sure Breasts, Rheumatic Pains, Tette.s, Eruptions, Chilblains, Whitlows, Biles. Corns, and External Diseases generally. It is likewise greatly superior to any medicine herctotore discovered for the chafed backs and limits of horses—for ring worms, chapped lips—and in short for every external bodily evil that may fall to tho lot of man or Iwost. For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. & J. - Al. TURNER. Price 50 cents per box. UU0 5 161—ly HIUDICA L COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. FBI HE eighth Course of Lectures in this In JL stilution. will be commenced on the se> cond Monday (the ] 1th) of next November, and ho tRimiiiated on tho first Saturday (the 3d) of March following.- Thu lectures will he de ivered hy. G. M. NEWTON, M- D., Professor of Anut- om v. L. A DUGAS, M. D., Professor of Physiology and Pathnlnaical Anatomy. CHALES DAVIS, Al. D., Prefessor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. JOSEPH A EVE, M. I). Professor of Thera politics and Alatoria Atedica. L. D. FORD, M. D., Professor of Institute*! and Practice«»f Medicine. PAUL F. EVE. M. I)., Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery. MILTON ANTONY, AL D., Professor of Ob. sietric* and Discuses of Women and Inlaiit*. The Professor of Anatomy, assisted by Dr. John McLester, will superintend the Di**ecting Rooms in person, nud discharge tho duties of Demonstrator without additional fee. The Professor of Anatomy and Chemistry devote their whole time to the College. The expenses fin the full Course of Lecture*, including the Demonstration ticket, is $115. Students attending this institution for tho first time, will pny for Matriculation Tho cur rent money of any of the States in which Stu-. dents may reside will be tuken at paV. Specimens in Anatomy and Natural History will be thankfully received] for the Museum. PAUL F. EVE. Doan oftho Faculty, i Augusta, Aug. 10,1339. 17014w aug 19 vrexaupled aiaaiahjtii &CII LAI L Fffl HE following details of a Scheme op a Jm. Lottery, to be drawn in December next, '* u, lw UNPARAL LELED in the history of Lotteries. Prir.es to tho amount Have N»ivr.it BV.rmtfc rf.kh opfkukd lo tho public, it is true, there are many blanks, but on the other hand, the extremely low charge "f $90 por Ticket—tho Value and Number of the Capitals, and the revival ofihe good old custom of warranting thnt every prixe shall be drawn and sold, will, we are sure, give univer sal *-ati*raciinu, and especially lo the Six lluiti hr ed Prise IIuldkk*. To those disposed lo nfl venture, wo recom- mom! early application being made to us for tickets—when the prizes me nil sold, blanks only remain—tho first .buyers have the best chance. We, therefore, emphatically say— DELAY NOT.’ hutatoncere mitand/rmis-mi to its your orders, which shall always receive our immediate attention. letters to be addressed, Ind applications made to SYLVESTER A CO., 156 Broadway, New York. O*Observe the Number, 1uG. #700,000!!! #500*000!! $35,000! 0 prizes ol $20,000!! 8 prizes of #15,000 3 prizes of #10,000 LOTTERY Of Real Estate und Bank Stock, situated ill Now Orleans. O* The richest and most magnificent Scheme over prose riled to the public, in this or any other country. TICKETS ONLY $'20. Authorized by an Act of the Leai-lntive Assam bly ol Florida, and uiidei the Directionsof the Conunl-sioners, acting under the tame. TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, December 1st, 1839. SCHMIDT A HAMILTON. Alanagors. SYLVESTER A CO , 150 Broadway. Now York, Sole Agents. NO COMBINATION NUMBERS!!! lOO.OOOticketsliuuiNo I upwnids,in succession Extract Irum the Law* of the Legislative Council of the Terri lory of Florida. Crisp. 7UL—No. 28.—Whereas the Court 1 loose of JJmal county, is in an iiiitiiiixli- e 1 siale, and there are yet due uud owing lip nnilie same, moiiios, which it is believed wit nnpoftt too burdensome a tax upon the people of Duval; and wnereas, it is di-siruhle to pny ttio.-e cutd sums and complete tmiaiiuiUL mg,as well for thegreuiur convenience ofihe mJ uiini-iration of jiMice.a* for ihednu de purpose of an Academy, for which purpose in part. Hie said building, whon completed, is designed Therefore— Sec. I ] Be it enacted hy the Governor and Legislative ('euticil of ’me Territory ol Florida. That it shall and may be lawful for Joseph B. Lancaster, Isaiah L>. llmi mid VVil. limn J, Mills, or any two of them under the direction of the county court of Duval comity, io raise such sum or sums of money hy Lottery, iu such Schemes ns they may deem appropriate and advisable: Provided, that tha said person* shall hind themselves in such manner as the court shall direct,well and truly to conduct such lottery ill good laitli.tn appropriate tho proceed* to the object abovo slated.—Pa-sod, Feb. 7ih 1834.—Approved Feb. Utli 1834 By agreement, bearing date the 88th of Fehi runry, 1839, tlm above Joseph Ijiticaster.lsninli 11, Han and William J. MUWthii, tor ceilnin considerations, iu conlurmity to the raid Legis lative Act, duly u«iga unto Ale.-sc* Schmidt A Hamilton all llieir Right and In- erest, nud tho Powers vested in them by the ihovo recited Aot of the legislature of Florida. Extract from the valuation of George Phillip Manouvrier and Jacob de Cordova, botbof the City of Now Orleans, made and sworn to on die 19th day of April, 1839:— That the said George Pnillip Manouvrier mid Jacob Cordova, appraise and cou-cienumi-ly and honestly value the property known under •ho unmo and appellation of “Banks Arcade," in the Citv of Now Orleans, at 8ix Hundred I'liousami Dollars, end “The pioporly known under the appellation of “City H»tel” or ” Bishop’s Hotel,” in tho said City of of New Orleans, at Four ilundied and Twenty Thousand Dollars." The deeds of die Property and tho Stock trans ferred hi trust m the Cimmii-siunors appointed by tho said act «f the Legiriu'ine of Florida, for the security of the Prize Holders. Si-LEil'DIO SCHEME!!! 1 Prize—Tue A runic— 286 feet, f* inches, 4 lines, on Magnzim* sueet; It)I loot, II inchcsfOii Nutohez sireel; VJfi feei, It inches, on Urnvier st. Rent' >J atubout $37,000 pur an num. Valued at 1 Prize—City Hotel—16*2 ft on Com- mon street, 146 fent. C inches, on Camp st. Runted at $25,000— Valued at 1 Prize—Dwelling Home (adjoining tho Arcade) N<>. 16. 24 ft. 7 inclii es front on Nairhuz vt. Rented nt §1200—Valued ol 1 Prize— Diiin(adjoining the Arcade) No. 18,23 ft hunt on Natchez st. Remount $1200—Valued at 1 Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) No 20,23 feet front on Nutchcz st. Rented at $1200— Valued at I Prize—Ditto—No 23, North east corner of Basin A Custom.honse street; 40 feet fronton Basin, and 40 foot mi Franklin st. hy 127 ft. deep in Custom house st. Rented at $1500—Valued nt \ Prize—Ditto—No. 24. Smith west corner of Basin «.V. Cuatom house street; 32 feet, 7 inches on Basin 32 feel. 7 inches on Franklin. 127 feet, 10^ inches deop in front of CiHtom house street. Rented at $1500—Valued ai 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 feet. 8 inches on Royal street, by 127 ft, 11 inches deep. Rented at $1400. Valued at 1 Prize—2T)0 shares Canal Bonk Slock. $100each 1 Ditto—20(1 ditto Com do. rlo do l Ditto—150 ditto Alecliunics’ und Traders’ do do 1 Ditto—100 do City B ink do do j Ditto—100 do do do dodo I Ditto—100 do do do do do 1 Ditto—50 do Exchange Bnnk do do 1 Ditto—50 do do do dodo 1 Dit’o—25 do Gas Light Batik do do \ Diun—25 do do do do do do I Ditto—15 do Alechanics* A Tra ders’ dodo I Ditto—15 do do do do do •20 do—anch 10 shares of the Louis* jnnn State Bank, $100 each, each Prize $1000 do-each2shares of $100each, onnh Prize $200, of the Gas Light Bank 200 do—each 1 shnro of $100, of tho Bank of Louisiana 200 do—each 1 share of $100, of the Naw Orleans Bank 150 do—each 1 share of $100 of tho Union Bank of Florida ILr* It niitill be lit the option of the winners ofPnzes of Bank Slocks, either to take the stock itself, or the par vnluo thereof in cash. ! |?| . i ,,B P"J' l r d ,n ,l,e Citizens’, Con* sol dated. Canal. Union, and Carrollton Banks, J5 ,h ® of to® Managers jointly with J. B. I erraiilt, tsq.. actually cashier ofihe Citizens* ttiJisrs'SKs.—; KSfcsaftSj triu,.fi,rred iinmnimbered, fin the.ecurity oGhe forliiiiate I’rize Holder., 1 Innnlffi IUO.OOOllokete.fitftt, I lo 1W.UII0, “ ill l,e put j„ o, m win,el, and 6IMI prize, will, ilia blank, in number. To evorv mi inborn prize or blank willho drawn, mililall lInr prices nr.t deir rmlneil, l.nviue the balance “ J-i 1 ",',’ 1 "'!" ’ h « wheel blanks. * J£T i KniT"B«»»D Pooi.isirzni.—Ha.int reiroivod Newspapers cnniainiiig the above ^cberne from iwentytwn Siaio.nnd Tenltor ea.lm.idi'a several id the Itiilish I’roviurea. wo Ol* .all,lied with the rirculnlinn.end therefiiro reqno.l that sneb p.per. e. have lint, up iu tliia "•"•. IWeened the advertisement, will be plans, art not in do .0, and Hint all Hie other paper, will insert it once a ucek only until tlm lit of De. 1,1 ,hpir ewonnl*. 3V LYF.8TEK & CO., 100 Broadway, N. Y. - ,'Jllygfl Iftlt „ , kecemeo e Per brig Aiigtuta fiom New Yorli, PCS euper Honey Moon Conor. Tick 8 do Cotton Diaper i ft"! \ N<IW Ynrk Mill. Sliiriing I bale 4>4 unbtearheri do Foreale by GKIIDGK VV. IIPHN, ,M * 8 ’■bad 1 . Hull,lings. %ELle.fe, I.OMEHV, *c IgLACK aim's; 1 ;;;: ctM [Jldien Kiigli-li lilr.ck Silk Glove. Do light and daik II b Glnvae Do black do dn Silk Stay I-iecr. block Gauze Cep Jlibbon While, black end Iran Cnn Ribbon Narrow black Bell Ribhnti Pleiad llooke and Eyes, Hewing Silk koreeleby GEO.\V. BEllN, "" fl ‘ No 8 Slied’e Buildings, D JSM’l’ ICECE1VED. R.KbBSIIAW S Tonic Mlxiiire.lbr the r ever and Ague, Double the strength or any oilier ofihe Tonic Alixtnres. Interniitiunt Fever, or as it is more popular ly called, Fever and Ague, or Chills and Fe vers, is a fever composed of soveral distinct paroxysms, with n perfect intermission, or pe riod when no fever is present, interposed be tween each. Ench paroxysm has three stages, winch successively fellow each other with com ’•luernble regularity, namely, a cold singe, allot singe, mid finally, a sw eating stage, which lor- minutes the paroxism. Ficvioti-l v to an attack, n feeling of languor and debility is experienced, with sluggishnnss in motion mid some uneusiuoss in attempting to move, 'j bo face und extremities hec-ouie pulu; •lie nails of a leaden or livid culur, the features shrunk, and the skin nppHnrs ns if contrac ted hy cold: n feoliug ofc Idiiuss coim-s oil ilia hack, re*(MiihiiiiK often u slreutn of cold water running down it, end anon extends over tlm whole body, ^though at this time the skin of the patient t\ ill feel warm to another poison) the sens'ition ol coldness soon increases to a tremor, uud this to rigours nod shivering. The above symptoms, which aro those ofihe old stage, vary indifferent individuals, being very slight iu some; iu others, vary severe.— Thev uie generally more severe in the old und debilitated. Ilian in the young and strong, end last Trunin few minutes to many hours. After h tune, differing iu almost every case, the chill' ness seems to ahum, or to alternate with slight flu-lies of heat—th--se soon give place to comm* "®d and increased heat of the skin: thou follows all the symptoms of fever. After oil uncertain period tho symptom* ubato, a sweet now grad* •tally breukaout, mid soon becomes profuse— when Using (lie mixture, ell painliil symptom* disappear.the skill becomes cool mid the paiiem gradually better until the paroxysm pnsses en tirely oil. All fevers market! by a distinct chill, followed hy fever mid swelling, and terioioa i tug in a more or less perfect remission ofall the symptoms, tlm ngoo occurring at loleruMy r**«t ula» ioiHivuis, are included in tho class of inter mittents. As Ague anil Fever generally originate in places contiguous to marshy mid inundated ground, t-are should be itiKen mu to be exposed more than noemurv. either to the heat of the sun, or in the opmi'uir after sun down. Ditcciioiis accompany each bottle, price SI. For sale by PORC J im-* VfttXS, UUNNETS. U ®- . P" l>"* Climon.a l.rco eiul I will I id n.eoilmem nrili. leiestaiyg, 5 •'*«»*«!>*'««• Leghorn Bonne), 12 lo Orn ntal Cut do 20 do extra fine Straw do n £ i 0, ', d 8 , tn "? . d '’ 13 60 8 »' 1 " d0 io , lm • now article 70 do do dn Hoods, low priced 86 do 8«III| Snaw do 8 bales Us ml Botes Ladies Gloves and Hose Cnlicncfc and Cumin ice J.™n.r.Swi..end Bniilt Mo.tin Ribbon.odLarM. For m| b by eu«20 ,7 " L ° YU - Sqirore. rwuiVSJ OonFiTT rgl llK bolinniliHr inteoding iiinieke an ,n* M. lire clo-e ol hi. ineicliarilile bn»liicaa in S'"!! , | l1 ' S ,h “ 1,1 d M 01 November n«t C Y D tv nffi.no" 0l e S , rA,,LK " ,ld FAN ‘ DRY GDOD8, of Inst Fall Und this •eleclioiiMl lee. price, ibanthv Oen bepurclm.ed fill itenyoilier.lorein S.vaimi II, for ia.ltonty ai n-iail;and when il iz by iiliole' •ale. f,.r epprnved Clly accepitneae. one"* momlu credit Penan, wi.hin, to , e i areal bargain, will dn well locellaiAdaaVtW •elve., m my , IO r.. ft. lU NNI TT june'in'*' 1 "^ B “ ildi "*' Square. ■IUST HECEIVE0 FEU SHIP NbWAKK 1 kept 4 4 GiiighHin., bl.ck end col'd Sufi -MU k n , ) " ‘ V 11 "" Cambric, fimey Sewing nilk Hdkls. embroidered nett silk Glaves. leellier Fain, tutimi Umhiellae, Natt Sii.uen' dais. Marlboro Snipes, blenched She.line and Sjiiruiif, tug end Atn.fi. 0.10 and 19.4 /uper Linen Sheetings. Pillow Cnee Linen, (a «upV tttiicltt> white Flannels, (warranted) LndJee block Silk I lose. Ladies while and efi . do. huglirii and Get man de, Gents J Hum mixed, brown nud whim. Ac. * ° W ' aug r UE 'tt AT HI‘ OP & NF.VITT. *°WOPB«IKci. 4,4 *u° w " Shining & 7f , 3, J. d 7 J® ,Jo d *». 15do 3.4 do do U do Red !• Inline), 50 do light Print* 40 do dark ground do 0 do Pongee Silk Hnndkurebfefe 10 dozmi Ladies whit« Cotton iloia 0 do white Cotton ^ Hose 5 do fine Cotton I mhrtdln* 'f d ." <>" J •!" 31) inch Silk do 1 do S3 itirb do do, 9 do SO do do do 4(1 do rfpool Cotton. For sale by an$8| WM * Alorket Square, sept II 3HERA LA ROCHE, Opposite the Alarket. Sign of die Golden Globe. 10 Dollars. ?UU,UU0 500,000 20.000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 25.000 20.000 15,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 5000 5000 2500 2500 -'inoo 1500 20,000 2000 20,000 20,000 15,000 FOR THU Toy I,I,T A ft IJK 81 BY. C OLOGNE Water iu blown, cut glass and gmutiH stopped bottle**, Lavender dw d»» do do. Rose do do do do, Orangii Flower do of French, Kng'Uh mid Amerioatt maimfdcuue. Esprit tie Rush, n grateful perfume for the Intidlicrclm f, Persian Afnsk and OiloofRose ■5’cenl Bng«, a perfume for laving in drawnis. kvaidrohr* .md trunks, and prevenlivo against moth; ProHtiss’ Alilleflenr, Ceylon Violet. Jc*. -nmitie. Olive. Vegetable, Lavender, Cinna mon. Oriental Vurr.nrnlar, Rose. Almnnil.Aliisk nud Camphor Soaps for ^Iiq toilet;Kose, Cinnai mon, Almond and while 3nnps in bars; Bear* Oil, Bears Grease, Oldridgn's Btihn of Coiiiin bin, Murnssar Oil, (ih-uu’s Indian Dye fur dye ing tho hnir in twelve hours wiihuut injiuing llio tuxtiiro of the skin, Tooth Powders. Cold Cream, Lip Salve of various manufactures. French. English ami Prentiss Rose Vanilla and plain toilet Powders, warranted of superior quality; Hail, Nailnml Tooth Brushes, Vinegar of roii0e.u snp’r French article in fancy hotiles, Pomatums in rolls, of various manufacture, Smelling Suits h: cut and blown glass pungent*, snp’r gilt edges Powder Puffs and Boxes Ruse variegated Wash Balls, Pocket Combs and Bonks nl'Hip’r quality, Razors and .Strops,Oito of Rose id fancy cut glass aud gilt edge haute?; Antique Oils of various patterns, Pearl Powder French mid English, Pink 8aucer«,Toy Paints, also other cosmetics too numerous to mention, For sale by ! PORCHER & LA ROCHE, Sign ofihe Golden Globe, aug 28 . Opposite the Market. T .... y° funtebs. H E Subscriber, Agem fur i|,e Allied Mnri<>ractii„iig C«m,,e„ r . has r.msianf IV mi t.snd. a supply ofiheir domestic Woolleu and cotton Goods, a sufterlnr article for Negro Ut-thing. NOBLE A. HARDEE. Juno 11 /»INTS, OILS, GLASS. Ac, 8500 SSa-'" 1 ^ 4 * Li '" 3IW ^uba. bleached Sperm Oil 6IH) du ullblcarbed do do htk) da blenched end refined Wliele Oil oni) do unbleached do do do fit'll do common do do 2'K) bozee Window Glass, assoiled sizes BO d >z large. Picture do do do . . 2 '^l 1 ' jyj’il® Lead. Ileoeivcd aud fitr nolo by HAZA11D, DENSI.OW &. CO. title 19 UALlilllOHE HADIS. zJ.SSSS I1AI.T1MOUK cured Heme, Inal Tt W received by brig Eleanor, end Tor 1>J J. B. GADDBY. in* 9 inn sugar. 7 HDDS Si Croix Sugar, 5 do Porto Rico do, just received per ebip Newark, and ibr sale by an* 9k L. BALDWIN P HI ill E COHN -AFLOAT, ‘ ftdft UU&HI I..*5 piiniH .Maryland OvrlFlf white < om, cargo of schr. Maty Augusta. For t-alc in lota m aiiit put' chasms t»y -SrPHILBIUCK A CO. t-ttp 18 500 tOltllML LBd. just received and for sals by LONG A PATTERSON. WHITE LEAD. 1 “^ JNJ' KEGS While Lead : just rac'd by brig Excel and for sale by sept 6 HAZARD. DENSLOW A CO PILOT BREAD Aft-. C.-a K- ERS. 1 Butler Crackers. 30 Uhl* Jl ’tr Pilot Broad, just received per pcIiooii- cr Com. Warrington mid fur sale hy rapt C LONG 4* PATTERSON SMOKER TONGUES A HAMS. 8.MOKED Tongues, aud 50 I lam*, just received per sekr Com. Waning- toil. For sale by sept 6 LONG & PATTERSON. LEAF TOBACCO. LBS LvafTobacco, in bales /WV W. of 100 lbs, just received per schr Com. Warrington, 1UI boxes tnanufiictur' ed Tobacco. For sale hy sept 6 LONG A PATTERSON. FOUR, IlEi.1'1 Ac. /f| db UULS Prime Pork.city inspection 50 du Mess do 50 do Prime and Mess Beef 150 do Pilot and Navy Bread 25 casks Loudon P-'rier, quarts and pint*. For sate by CLAGHQRN A WOOD, aug -:»6 173* O SHEET COPPER CASKS 16. IS. 20 and 29 oz sole by CLAGlIUllN & r96 1?R er.ror OOD. _ J. R ECE1VKD. a .upply of superior Borhiu. dn Arrow limit, worth fire aliemiou u‘ unrchisers. For salrr bv eng 19 PUKCHER& LA ROCHE. GOO Prizes. @1,500,000 TICKETS *20—A’O SHAKES. PORT WINES. O N hind—fill dozen eup’r old Port Wines, suitable Tor Ilia sick. For sale hy .opt6 ANSON PAKSON8. hTAUCIIr MUSTARD, Ac. SR /b BOXES Colagnta. supr. Staich BPTP 20 du English Milliard, warranted, G dozen each 30 bn.Ueta Sweet Oil, very fresh 2(1 boxes Hull's variagoied and scented Soa|>, 2 cask. Washing Soup. Jus, received cud fur nle by eg 19 G.R. HENDRICKSON. SNUFF, SNUFF. R eceived a foil supply of Loiiiiard’s coorso French Rappeo Snuff. For sale by TORCHER & LA ROCHE. sopUl 180 DU- D. JAVNE-S tAkllllNA. T1VE IIALbAM. A CERTAIN, safe end speedy fcnro fo, dysentery, dinriktBii.cholera morbus,sqm mer coiuplaims. onlio, sour etniiiach, An. and alldisea.es nf.lnmucli and bowels; nbo. all apaMiiodic nod rieivoua diaeasva. A fresh a,ip* ply just received and fur sale by aog 9 A PARSONS. DISTRICT COURT OF TIIE United Slates. l>i«iriei of Georgia, AUGUST TERM. 1839. ' „ STEPHEN GARDNER. Wiliia- - Ba#* © D. Dampsey. and Am ClarJvZtttl'e. that shall sv*. summoned to attend this Cm'd. daliverablo Ittiniedi* and failing «o to dot nrdr vlctulier or let Novcmhor.- accorJing to law, uxdg io contraot for,ho trbole or ennse of eznittarn, will finds bargain by applying M fore the f A. BENNETT. Tue»l’ No. 1 Waring’. Buildings, Hirket Sqiiabe, ..a 1 «eptU J80