Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, September 18, 1839, Image 1

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AiHO I’U'HFV UT C.Vv'-.Tno «npli«miun “Olio P''" c " t to l)o 01.0 of Ilia. ill ilio otiro Olid (irovoiilioli of »l«*« umatoat cuiiaaqiionee tu a*. wn)' ll "' ,jjicmo ii oapalilu ofprddUtlitlg , u iii«iiat t cr in (he omia.i, n „J at Ilia o, mail jffjnma] in itinor *"* “"'^'oV'i^-to^mdod Wld. ijta luriioti of the tm \yrt i tf * V a|i| in »jh i«*v who |»ill urn do* 1 > co ‘ ,f,ii "8 V» rl,l “ " ,lk “ “ f old wire would luvo' a •King to Hfjliil groaton porlioi. ltd l l 'T.. l ,i„ .villi ih i.o low who Mil!« . paoplo '"j’j'n. ihanko to tho cironlu. d" ihiiiln iQtlijf, tonofiil dlf- LUCINA CORDIAL s»nl “, ;, 3wiod«.'wl , ioli unabloa nitialaaii M of i'll*; PEOPLE III read uid to e nuejh« jj' njJvoi—liew wo no fuiigui bo- owingitwido.iJIy oiiiflrtlj JUtf M ' ,,fi»ii'i4 toomo-liill iiitivarMlIy louv- ' P i V vjrii condition altar ill . JJSfijar Iwttavo i't tlio olrnird notion '^iu it uioii.ofiiin kind oan baiuradby ; ,nb-ou& ui.odu. i.....ow 'ihnidoirtood Unit o" nil nni.on .. a who ’ t. Jc.of N i tutu, « atKintl tlmi .ho to- “ Lawittinao nl pnrgmvo lintdionio lo - ol tli't ttppraniva ti.ird.nl which .ha . . • ... *«• ,1 llin Jlrnilif illlUn. '' “L h, high lava, and tho otrniig polio, iikWtl tit hai'iiovad. In # otordi, tha calli fir n vogoublti olaansing l ioniiru-iVaorr.vai.t) UxivWftt Pitta, .kill in thair ndjuiuiitrMioii; tho niiwd diiaCliim only Inw to bn oh.orvod, mid "%aMtm iliojn.it proportion of llio dii.0, to * . . ...nil,III nft .Uiniiitndo of tho di.emo to bo onrod, ptrtont rtvl IhtfjUntUig opinion o/ o ““(,1,1,1 io'u will know, Ikt quite, of Hum tU, 1MANDRETIF3 PILLS ThinnadiR* 00 *• aoknuWlmlgttd lobe oil* of m valuable ever discovered, ns a pu. ifier fSS, bl.»od anJ Uaidi. fi w- -uporior to dur uirill i. whether «w n #o4urifio or alterative. I tu U iiidnittfly before all tho preparations or "nbteauoiw of Mercury. it« purgmivo pio, nrtioi are alone ofiuouloulablti value—fur thupo y bu taken daily roit a.iy pznion. mid u W iJ of weakening by mo cat In rile effect,they j i jiraiijitii by taking away tho causa ol weak* ii* Tiiuru m no good Mbrci RY docs. which . ' Pills du nut like wist Uut they have mine f uw iuueiabi i effects »f that iiisaw.y upkcip- flu tkkth are not injured—the bun** „ i|i,Q.H are mil pard/zed-no-hut in Him *tid of iIh.su dutroMlug ey.u'ptuuw, now life id eoiisJUUBiit aiiiiuaiiuu U aviduntin avury iveinni of tits hiidy. Uiiaxurkth- Pill- •I ii,d.isdu UsivititUL IUmruy. fur they mini auaiUa disiiiuuattiiey cure iNPLAtisiAriiiN and MRuiio ituioevriuM! Tnoy cure liiABitrttM 11 .Sratsauvtv! Cuey cure Dyi-krykry and 0iififuriuRAi.CusTiYit.kM-! I’liey wjlluura I llicsu nop iranlly uppiHite dMeaeea, bkcausb uy cLtvise and puiuyy tha liluud pruvidud, uwuver. n iture i< uot beyond nil human AS) UPANCB. Four yenra tliie mudiciiia ha- ow been bafora iha public in tho U. States; morever it ti ts been introduced it lie* eupereo ed all other reinudiuu. Dr. Drandrutli's OlHcea in New York nro24l MIOAD^VAY, 165 ttintam *t. and 270 Uow. ry, btUoxn Vrinct and llmtum all. 25 ceiiu pur box with direction*, beware of c-nuiterfeiiea Druggi-t< rkvkr made luenti. of l)r. Urandretli'e Agentn have nn ««• nj/lc.'dfl.fiiied williiu the iwulvo innnthe ir jrflcudiug. These certificates me renew, gularlyjthurefure when over twelve months ■- y uiiluiigur giiarantoo the genuinenere medicine. I labor Drauii'tnn ntntr irude Atcnts. by SK VuOltN GOODALL. comer of Mend JiiifiMon slroHls, (nr.ar ihn Mur* TUX ORLY AOKRT YUR TUB MAt.B OF THE RRUHC UlURPnKTIt’s Pills III S.IVitnil>th. jnly 10 I53tw3m WEDNESDAY EVENING* SEPTEMBEU lS, 1839. unexahipled rianimovu SCHEME LE COllillAL L)E LUCIAE.< OU L'KLIXin DE L'AMOVE. T UE subscriber lias the pluaeuro ol am tionncing io the citi/.uti*ofike U. States, that lie lias purchased,lor a very huge sum mid from the invoiitor, the celebrated Dr, Magidn. of Paris, the recipe mid right for making this astonishing madiciiio. Until the uppearnnee of tilts •Lucina Cordial,’ (about three yoars since,) it wa« thought that tho complaints, winch t< speedily overcomes, were bnyoiid the teach of human remedy, ns for upwards of a thousand years, they had ha 111 id the wisdom and ingenuity uftlin most proioiind physicians in nil parts of thu world. This Cordial, how* ever, to tho great advantage of the human race, -non proved itself to he the dusidinanim so long sought for; mid accordingly, notwithstanding thu brief period of its existence, it him required celebrity so great, that it is eagetly inquired lor throughout the civilized globe. Ur Mng* llin noun finding that the demand was so vast is to render a supply impossible, disposed of tho tecipe and right of sale, under obligations of secrecy, for England, the United .States, ami other countries, only preserving Franco and Italy for himself. Thus has the subscriber pos< sessed himselfof the invaluable secret, and now hsr.ens to give the inhabitants of his line ol agency the benefits of hi* speculation. •Lo Cordial Do Liicuio’ or, in English, 'the Lucina Cordiul,’ is a general invignrutor of the human Iramc! In all the various cases of lam giiorjnssiiude, and debilitation; it is an unfnili mg remedy; as it is equally its province to im part cheerfuluessand decision to the utitiil, ns heultli and vigor to the body. Dill the peculiar virttio on which its celebrity is based, is the fr rilitv und certainty with which it restores tli** virile powers whan they have been destroyed by disease, time, recklesstn***, or any of tho mi* morons causes which tetmiuuie in the prostra tion of those functions. In common with the generality of really good nediciuos, this Coidi.il contains nothing of a meicurial or duleteiions nature, among tho ma ny ingredients which compose it; but is, at the vs no time, so simple, yet so elfin cions, that while it can renovate the prostrated.energies ol a giant, an infant may use it, nut only with iuu ponity. but with advantage. The usages ofsocioty are unfortunately suoli, Hint, notwithstanding tliobuuefii* winch would he sure lo result from it, we cannot enter into an analysis of mis inestimable Cordial here, ui publish imiiiv of tlie documents which have iieuii received, ns voocheis of the blessings it has conferred on numbers of despoiling uidivid. mils Uut this wo cannot forbear rumaikiug— that it has been demonstrated that them i- scarcely ever, ifuny sucli thing nl all, ns iiatir ral harreuiies-, or as natural imbecility of the procioaiil functions,in either sex; und iherefoic that these evils are the efiects of urlificial caus> es.and may bo speedily subdued and removed by the usoof *Lv Cordial do Lucinu.’ 'Hie Lucina Cordiul is also nil indubitable core for lli-i Gleet, and tho Floor Albus, ob structed. ililliculr.or painful Menstruation; «!■«». for the iiiGoutiiioiicQ of Uriuo, or die involuriln ry discharge thereof. It i< likewise an iiivalu able und unrivalled medioiue ill cases of Chrom ic Eruptions of the skin, und in the drupsicui alfectioiis of the aged. Mint important lo the American Public. “THE ETERS'PILLS Of Lin; rs TRUE UlUITbH HEALTH. 1 W E know tlmt linulili nnd Ih.ability loin- bor oonstitntM tha ueullli ortho great ma.a ortho pooplo in thia,nainiiinatothercoun. trio*. To pre.ervo thoruforc, tliut health by nn- toral inuooe U n grand inoral ond political acliame, lo tnini which, require, our utino.l ut- loution. Tho unprecedented popularity ami itnivoraal approbation which thia Medicine hua achieved throughout the United Stalo.., the Couadut, Toxaa, Mexico nod tho Weal India., Cully justify Dr. Petor, ill wurmly nndconscieii. tionsly rceniimiuntliiigtlieni totlia apoc'“l attain liuti of Ilia oflltcted. Dr, Peter* ha* *penf mnch time in expar 1 ' mooting with different Vegetable Medicine*' lor dneutea oCthe liver, and now offer* hi. Veg‘ omble Pill*, a* thr1to*i, must convenieiil, and chenpnat Atodicino that call ha prepared Cor general ilia, Orta groat quality of hi* vegetalilc Pill* I* that hoy linya tha altarnntivo principle comliinad with their cathartic, or oparativoqjialitiaa, or jjial tl.o aiooinch ami li.nvnl. rjp IIE following details of n SCHEME or _ _ Lottery, to hu druwn in December next, wiirrnnts osm declaring it to be UM’AltAL* LELED in tho hi-iory of Lotteries. Prif.es to the nmoinit have never before beer offehkH to the public. It is n no, there are many blanks, but on thu other band, the oxiromely luw charge »f 930 per Ticket— the Value and Number of the Capitals, nnd the revival of the good old custom uf warranting tlmt every piixo sh ill be drawn und sold, will, we nia sure, give univer* sal natisfiictimi. und especially to the Six I1u.ni Ditr.D Prize Hoi.uers. To tiiuso disposed to adventure, wo reconi, mend early application being made to us for tickets—when the prizes me all sold, blanks only remain—the tint buyeis have the best chance. We, ih«ieforo, emphatically say— DELAY NOT! hut at once re mil nnd trans-mi to ns your orders, which shall nlwuys receive our inimedinte attention. Letters to bo addressed, and epplicatiuns made to SYLVESTER & CO„ 156 Broadway, New Ymk. O* Observe the Number, 150. (EP It shall be nt the option of the winnert of Pi izi>s of Dank Stocks, either to take the siock itself, or the par valuo thereof hi bash. The receipts of the snlo of the Tickets are, nnd will be. deposited in the Citizens’. Com snliduted, Cabal. Union, and Carrollton Banks, in the name of tho Managers jointly with J. B. Perrault, Esq., actually cashier of the Citizens’ “ * " ‘ tin,’* they not only ch uii*e tho stomach and bowels by purging, but they regulate iho liver. oImi.io the morbid secretion, strengthen tho digestive organs, purify tlm bloud, iuvig,.rule the circulai lion, und gives tune and one>gy to the neivous system. They are mild mid pleasant in their operation and convey alumm ionuediate conviction of tlieir utility from Ihoir fits!dose. They can bo taken with safety by poisons of any age; mid the f**ei do, tho infirm, tho norvoiisund tho delicate uro ■orougihHiiQd by their operation, bucauso tlioy dear the *y»lmn uf bad Immoms, quiet nervous irritability, and invariably produce sound health. The Vegetablo Pill* are a «uro rama.ly for , mnilice, sick and iieivniu lieadacho, dy*iiep*v cistivuna**, HicknaM of tha ■tumuch, haartbum, ill billion* comjiIhuii*. favara ofnll hiiuli, and if mkeii at the Gomiiviiicamant will invariabl* *700,00011! *300,00011 $93,000! U prixee uf *90,0001! 2 juizc* nl *13,000 3 prize* uf *10,000 LOTTERY Of Real Eitata und Bank Stuck, ■itnnted in Now OrluHn*. £7* Tho richeat and nm*t magnificent Schtnne aver prarentad tu Ilia pul'liu, ill tbia or any uthur cuumry. TICKKTI O.M.Y *20. Idniik. and A. Bmidoiiln, Enq nctunlly caahiar or the Con.olidutcd BanK;‘aa Truataaa, a* par Act paimd before A. Mazurran, E*q„ Notary Public, on tho 2d May.l83H.aml the propartio* Iran,furred iiiiinciiinhnrcd, Tor the.ucurity ufih. fortiimitu I’rico lluldar*. ln S'"‘‘V Dre«in;-IO0.000(ickati,from 1 to IUU,Out). »i|| he put in oiio.wheel, and 61)0 pnzos, with thu blanks in uAndior. To every number n prize or blank will he v drawn, until all the priyes are determined, leaving Uie balance or numbers in the wheel blanks. 'I* 0 F.ditorsard PunLisiiKRs.—Having received Newspapeis containing tho abovo Scheme, from twentytwo State and Tenitor* las.besides several ol the British Provinces, wo ai e satisfied with llin circulation, and therefore roqiie-t that inch papers as have not. lip to this tunc, inserted the advertisement, will be pleas* •*d not to do *o, and (lint nil the other papers will insert it onee a teec/e only until the 1st of Do. cember. and forward us their accounts. SYLVESTER & CO., 160 Broadway,N. Y. j»»ygo J6it UEOEMID Per brig Augusta fiom New Yi g PCS sitper Hnhoy Moon Cotti 8 do Cotton Dinner 1 case 4 4 New York Mills SI I bale 4*4 unbleached l. For sale by GEORGE \V. B an* 10 No 2 Shad's Buili S1JLKS .Authorized by nn Act of the Legislative Assent bly ol Florida, and wutdet the Directions of the check their progress, and suve the patient from >i protracted and dangerous sickness. They urn invaluable in nervous and hypocondrichl a Hire- dons, loss of appetitn, and all complaints to which females alone are subject. They oper ate as a mild speedy purge, nnd nre a safe and certain remedy foi worm* in children. Extruct ofn letter from Dr. Gurney of N.Or* ■onus, La. Oct. 9. 1837,— 1 "I have received much issistauce in my practice {especially in jauudico md yellow fever; from the use of Peters’ Pills. I 1 prescribe 100 The United 8tates proprietor of thu celebra* te l'Lucina Cordial,* or‘Elixir of Love.' beg* comfortable Washington FOR KENT, That large and House, situated ill j Ward, fronting tho 8qiiare. f is not ranted before the first of iNovembor, the owner will occupy [it, R. H. PETTIGREW, tug 14 168! nngO FOR RENT, The 8tore lately occupied by Messrs. McDonnell on the Sontli-r side Monument Square, a first rate stand far Dry Goods. Ajiply to to lay before tho community, the following cur iifimtle, which tin has let'flivud from the inven tor. the illustrious Dr. Maxnin, of Paris: ‘This is to certify, that l have dispose*! «f ihj* reoipe for iii.ikinx the ‘Luciim Cordiul,’ or 'l, lixir of Leva,* and also tho right tp sell it through not th« Unitod States of North America, to John Winters lloldorwoll, M.D. My reason* for so doiug is, that the doiuaiins to ine for the ahovo Cordial, of which I am the inventor, nn so nnmurous. that I am unable to supply all the orders from Frutice und Italy alone; and have herefore disposed of the privileges vouchsafes in this, and other certificates of a liko nnt ire in ordur to generalist* the benefits of my rliscuveiy thronghoulllio world. • Given under my hand at Paris, on this niii** taeu.hday of*January_jjUfM» year.ofom Lord, eighteen Iiii.u Wo jtpirmi Gaspard Delluc, William Merritt, L. BALL FLORIDA IIUUSE, 8T. AUGUSTINE. EAST FLORIDA. is.- This commodious Hotel has been pm In complete repair; uuw furtii | tore, bodding, Ac. &c., ami is < opflii for the reception of visiters, under the superintendence of the Undersigned, who pledges himself so to conduct Ithe estsbliiihmetu, as to secure to it n character u qnal to any Hotel in the Southern Country. ki n r. W. W. OATES. W. II.—Good Stabling for Horses, nnd alien 1 P‘ YR Gstien One mid two horse Carriages,and Saddle Horsea for hire. 8t- Augustine, August 6, 1839. »»g 16 16912m liny-eight, M.AGN1N. Witnesses. jirusiiTEe that, oil mi average, boxes in a month ” Extinct ofn letter from Dr, Prichard, of Hud* -‘on. N. Y., June 3. 18ii6; *1 was aware that Dr, Peters was one of the best chemists in the Uni ted States, mid felt assured tlmt lie would Fbuie hy (from Ids intimate knowledge of the proper, io-* of herbs and drugs) produce hii efficient medicine, and I must ackimwledgu that his Vegei able Pills fully respond to my expectation, They are indpud a superior medicine, and re dect ulike upon the chemist, the physician, and tlm philosopher Extruct of a letter from Dr Wallies, of Cin einnati, Feb. 2. 1838; 'Your Pi Is am tlm mild •»st in tlmir oporalioiis, and vet most powerful o thair eftacts, of any tliut l Uuv« nver met wi*h to a practice of eight and twenty yeais Their •lotion on tlm chyle, and hence on the impurities ot tiio blood, is evidently very surprising.’ Char, otte, N. C. Jan. 1,1637* Dear Si»—I liava made frequent use ofyour "ilia in the incipient stngo of billions fever’ and distillate con-nlpstioH of the bowels, also, in the anlaigHineui ol the spleen, ebronie diseases of iiie liver, sick heudncim, general debility, and n hU cases have found them to ho v«,ry efloc* 's'fl. ' J. D. Dorn. M D. ' Mecklersurh. Co., Vo. Feb. 7. 1837. (laving used Dr. Peters’ pills in my practice for tlm lust 12 months, 1 take pleasure in ■jiving my testimony of tlmir good effects in imbos of dyspepsia, sick headache, billions ft*, vers, and other di-eancs, produced hy in aclivi, y of the liver. They are u safe and mild ap* urieut, being the be«t article of tlm kind I Imve aver used. Gkoruk C. Scott, M D. This celebrated Medicine is for sale hy nil the principal Druggists in Savannah and through- o.it the United States, the Canadas, Texas, Mexico and tlm West Indies. Price 5U cents per box with full directions. «"g5 161—1 v • lIO*SlEKY f Ac Received per brig Augtisls. uro do Swiss Bilkei Ho B LACK and blue blk . Ladies English and Frotichblk silk Bluck Derby Ribbed Bilk A Hose Ladms English Black Silk Gloves Do light and dark II S Gloves Do black do do Silk Stay Lacos, black Gau*o Cap Ribbon White, black and lead Cep Ribbon Narrow black Belt Ribbon Plaied Hooka nnd Eyes, Sewing Silk For sale by GEO. W. BEIlN, «"gl* No 2 Shad’s Buildings. *“ ‘ J > NNJET8, BONNETS, US. ceived per brig Clinton, a lurga ami « \mk l id a«sortmetn of thw Intent stylo. 16 1 u en superfine Lvghoin Bonnets This highly important medicine is for sale ht John Wiiltors llolilerwell, No. 129 Liberty rt New York; Clmrles B. Tyler, No. 70 Chesnu st. Philadelphia; and til Bultimorn bv Kolmin* «& Atkinson, John M. Laroque; and G. R. Ty lor; in Washington City by Tobias Watkim Hinl Charles Stott; in Georgetown by O. M John H. Eustice; Linthnonin; in Richmond bv John H. Eusiice; in Petersburg by Braggs Thomas and Dupnv Rosser A. Jones; nnd m Norfolk by M. A. San* 0OWMO-* PIILMOSAKIA, r M 0a vloktabi.r DKMULCRNT. - IN puses of abrtinate CatuttU-, in coughs » : . r ? r, " ,n 8 ** ru,n * , «cent or neglected oulacj itt Asthma; and us an auxiliary, nnd imuans ol present relief from tho threatening jr-uploiiH of dpptouching Pulmonary Con- pniitption, no medicine liasgrontor claims upon Bit! Miifidencq of the invulld than tho above pndtciiie. L ( i li » rur fi^affiictive and troublesome symp- k 11 ® e ^|»ectorulion or phlegm, pain ruiliebretitti, &o. wliicli constituto prominent po, taros of the complaint, that the Pnlmonoriu •w ues'gnQd. and bus manifested its most valu* u>lo properties. '.wofitl of course in the relief of or wl!ti ttl11 r from sudden changes For side b 01 ” wearin * du,n P &c * J"" 1 ' 83 y A. BARTOW. los mill B Einor.mii;and by John VVoodly, No 65 Povdrasst. New Orleans. It can also be found nt all the principal Drop .Stoics in South Carolina, nnd in Augusta, h> Havi’iiud Rialey & Co., Thomas Barrett tit Co, nnd Nelson Carter; and in Savannah hy G. R. HENDRICKSON. Price $3 per bottle, with full directions. nug5 164—ly Coniinbsimiers. ucting under thu same, TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, December lit, 1839, SCHMIDT tit HAMILTON, Managers. SYLVESTER tit CO , 156 Broadway, New York, Sole Agents. NO COMBINATION NUMBEKs!!! 100,000ticketsIiuiii No l upwards,in succession Extract from the Laws of tlm Legislative Council of tlm Territory of Floiida. Gmaf. 701.—No. 22.—'Wherein* tile Court House uf Duval county, is in an unfinish* e l stale, and there are yet due and owing up an the same, monies, wrhicli it is believed wil impose too burdensome a tax upon llm peonlu of Duval; and (Whereas, it is desirable to pay those said sums and complete saidhnildi ing.ss well for tlm greater convenience of the nd ministration of justice,ns for tliedoii.de purpose of an Academy, for whichpurpose in part, the said building, when completed, is designed Therefore— 8ec. 1 ] Bu it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of the Territory ol Florida. Thai it shall and uiay bo lawful for Joseph B. LniiciisteL Haiiih D. llart and Wil. tinm J. Mills, orniiynS) of them under the diiectioli of the county!'onrt of Duval comity, to raise such sum or suus uf money hy Lottery, in such Scheme# ns they may deem appropriate ami advisable: Provided, that tha said person* *imII Inn * liioiiisL-lves in such manner as the •-onrt shall direct,well and truly In conduct such io.tnty io timid faith,lo appropriate tlm protends to the object abovo stated.—l*a*sed, rob. 7th 1634.—Appioved Feb. Iltli 1831 By ogieeiimnt, buaiing date the 23th of Fehi rusty, ltf'-U, tlm above Joseph LuDcuslvr.lsHitili I). Hart and William J Mills did, lor cousin considerations, in conformity to the raid Legis* muvts Act, duly W;gu unto Mu**r* debmidt iV Hamilton all tlmir Right nnd In* •ereat, and tlm Powers vested in them by the above tecited Act of the Legislature of Fiorulu. Extract from tlm vnloaiioii of George Phillip Mauotivrisr and Jacob do Cordova, both of the City of New Orleans, made and sworn to on the I9lli day of April, 1639;— That tlm said George Phillip Maitotivrier and Jacob Cordova, appraise and can»cieutiou*ly D » BBtiKIVBD. H. KKRd HAW'S Tonio Mix lure.fur the r ever and Ague. Double the strength or soy other of tlm Tonic Mixtures. Intermittent Fever, or as it is more popular ly called, I ever nnd Ague, or Chills and Fe 1 vers, is a fovar composed- of several distinct paroxysms, with a perfect imermiMuon, or pe* nod when no fever is present, interposed be tween each. Each paroxysm lias thiee stuges, which successively follow each other with com -udernble regularity, namely,ta cold stas*. a hot singe, nnd finally, a sweating stage, which ter- miimtos the paroxysm. Pievioui 1 and Lvghoin Bonnets 12 co Oriental Cut do 20 do extra fine Straw dn 6 do col’d Straw do, 3 do Satin do do G de Palm Leaf do. n now article 70 do do tin Hoods, low priest! 86 do Sami Stiaw do 8 hales Band Boxes Ladies Gloves and Huso Calicoes and Cambrics Jaconet, Swiss and Book Muslin Ribbon still Laces. For sale by aug2Q V4 ' Sqcare. T OOlWOi! GONE!!! HE oubsenbor intending tnhmke an eft* tire olo»e ofhis merclismile business in ^ «!•• lat day or Nuvombur next 8'“ .... .... |>ur<ix)im, | “Vi* '^T n *\“S k "(STAPLE and FAN* iaviim.ly iu an ottaoli, c ftolma aflamuot j • . GOODS, of lait Fall and ihla (Jubiliiy i, oxpeiionced, wlil/alneci.lme.* f*" 1 "*! “■“"lion* al lea*i price, than liny can in motion nnd aotne unensine** in attomntini to 5 P"'"htired Tin at an, other More in Savnmiuh, .no,a.. Tha faco £ gg Egg I “t^. St ■ — extremities hecunie pale; | -a i B the nails ol n leaden or livid color, tlm features ' 1 proved •Itrnitk, ami tho .kin tippctt,. a, jr’contracted br I E|2JS.*2im 4 Pe, « nn 'lo pci gi cold: a feeling of c .Iduess comes on the back, iV** 1 " - .'! 1 .!! judge for tS, ling orc.rlduess comes on tho back, lubliug often a stream ofcold wuter running down it, und soon extends over the whole body, Ithnugliut this tiuio the skin of the patient will itml wnnn to another (hiisoiO the sensaiinn of coldness soon inornate* lu a tremor, and tilts to ligour# and shivering. The above symptoms, which are those of tho cold stage, vary iu different individuals, being §elvo*,nt my store. A. Bbmir. i n No. 1 Waring’# Dullding, Markit sJuVre* June 10 1 rest em' J1!ST sni1 * S1WSR44 Gingham*, blarkant) col’d Sufi K? V ,I<MI Galubrlc, fintcy Sawing - —.... Silk Hdkfa, atnbrutdated natt si!k Glace*. very slight in some; in others, very seveie.— Feather Fans. Cotton Umbrellas, Nett Smu cn- Thev me generally more severe iu tho old und dars, Murlboro Stripes, hlunclied Sheeting and debilitated, than in the young and strong, and Shirting, Eng and Am.6. 6,10 and 12.4 super , -. — n Eng onu aio.d. o, iu and m.4 super iast from a few minutes to mqny hours. Alter Linen Sheetings. Pillow Cuse Linen, (a. sup’r a tune, differing in almost every case, the cliilb article) white Flannels, (warranted) Ladies , Silk Hone, Ladies white nnd cnKl Cotton ness seems to abate, or to alternate with sllglii flushes of Imat—these soon give place toconUu* oed nnd increased heat of thu skin: then follows all tlm symptoms of fever. Alter an uncertain period the symptoms abate, a sweat now grad* uully breaks out. hiicI soon becomes profuse— when using tho mixture, all puinlitl symptoms black t do, English and German do, Gents A Hose, mixed, brown nod whim. &o. SNIDER. LATHROP iV NEVITT. a tig 21 171 r NEW GOODS NOW OPENING. Iisanpcar.thu skin becomes cool and the patient PCS 4*4 brown Shirlitig grauimite better until the paroxysm pnssesen* I ^ firely nfi. All fevers marked by a distinct chill, followed by fever and sweating, and termion sod honestly value ’tlm property known under dm mime uud appellation of “Bank* Arcade,” ia the City of New Orleans, st Six Hundred ’ “ iltur DUG BANK. R ECEIVED, 6 doz Sannboltz's Roach and Bud Bug Uuue, For sale bv ang 14 A. PARSONS ROWLAND’S LOTION, F Olt improving and beautifying the coni' plexion, rendering the skin lair, sol) and ■ rauHOHrent.and for removing tHns, sunburns, recklus. Ac., warranted genuine. Just receiv nt and for sale by nog 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON. 8EWA1IE OF SPURIOUS IM ITATION. G EO. W. CARPENTER S Compound Exiraut of Iceland Moss. Carrageen or Irish Moss, Slippery Elm, lioruhoiiud, Ac., a valuable) remedy lor colds, coughs, dyspepsia, dysentery, diuirlnca, catarrh, and all affections of the hreast und lungs. For sale by ang 21 PORCH ERA. LA ROCHE. I'lioiisaml Doilurs. and ting iu a more or less perfect remission of all tlm | <\ inploms. the ague occurring at tolerably regi nlnr iutervals, uie included iu the class of inter uiittents. As Ague and Fover gonorally originate in places coutiguniiH to ninrrhy and innnduteri ] ground, cure should be taken not to be erf *“ more than ui:ces.«uiy,eitiior tu tho h»at4 sou, or in the open sir after sun down. 1 Diiections accompany each bottle/ price $1. For sale by V | PORCUEK A LA ROCHE, Opposite the Market, *8p’ II Sign ol the Gulden Globe. do 7 8 do do, 15 do §.4 do do 12 do Red Flannel. 60 do light Print# 40 do dark ground do 9 do Pongee Silk Handkerchief# 10 dozon Ladies white Colton Hoio 6 do white Cotton j Hose 6 do fine Cotton L’inbrellns 14 do Coarse do do. 1 do 30 inch Silk do Y do 28 inch do do, 2 do 20 do do do 49 do Spool Cotton. For suit* by tog Si"™* H^LLOYD. Market Square. FOR THU TOILET A NUR SERY. ^lOLOGNE Water io blovvn, cut gins# and T trr 7RANTERS. HE Subscriber, Agent for tho Athen Manufacturing Company, hna constant* ly on hand, nhmpply of their domestic Woollen and Cotton Goods, n superior article for Negro Clothing* NOBLE A. HARDEE. June 11 ■ ' . • ground siopped bottles; Lavender do ilo of ••The properly known under the appellation ^ do,"Rose ilo do do do, ,Qf<utg« Flower do of “City Hcitel” or ‘UUliop’a Hotel,’in tlur French, KiigLIi und Aoiericau niaiiofaciure. *.*.., _. « •—* • • h v said City of of New Orleuns. hi Four Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollats.” The deeds of the Property und the Stock traits, (erred m trust lo tlm Cojiiinissioner#appointed by tho said act of the Legislainie of r’loridu. for the security of the Prize Holders. SPLENDID SGIIEII1EIII 1 Prize—Tlm Arcude—280 feet. 6 inches,. 4 lines, ou Magazine struet; 101 feet, 11 inches,on Nulelmz street; 126 feet, 6 inches, ou Gravier st. Runted ul about §37,000 por sir JvTiift »ll ilia Q.U C, «CKAS,1WHATCIIBB T „_ LANDS. • •"iHcrtbar tiff'or* for ml. a tree! of Comiiv i?"":" 0 S' 10 :W l)i»trtet, Baker 1I ) ,I() eerei, wlticlt cimitiri. Irnct i. ol'llin mnal *tt parittr soil. Tito can tin ’ nn 'l''!fJ witli impriivomenl., am) mh„v illir'ifr "* ' l> 8 0l "iffitpliicnl dittioiision* •Moraiim! 1 !™" 1 A “ an utlditlotinl eon. piniiarti'i 0 "J! urcl lit««* r . ransontibla term* mid E“^? r »‘l i, a , e olTored. For more mi*. 'I'a..ib,er"iller"'t Aff°";,“ l ’ 1,lic ‘"“ s Ca, ‘ " d,lr0 ”“ M3L ioou T«i T D G n^ 1 l BUI, SKES, &o. JL lyittio Woah Briiihe* & lload*, W? n, ".orled size* in Sliou do D!lALLKNGE.—Tlt» Gz». .. Utirr. Fit UN OH PILLS a. i, ,iu,[tut inti QUACK NOSTRUMS of the a.fl fir tit* eute »f * * * * Tho French Fills nro applicable in ell cases, for either *ox, (waiinineo iroo Trotn Mercury,) uud bos,o**tt* grout ndvntttoges over Ilia Uul. sum* Uiid nil liquid modicines, Ity hoins etttitely free from smell,'nnd comtetpietiily do not offot-, llto hrontlt. lltoroby preventing the possibility or discovery while using them. Besides this important ndvnntngo they never disagree with the stotnitch.snil in the first singes of llto disease they usually effect n cere in a lew days, with little regard In diet nr exposure. In tilts most obstlpnlo stngcs ol the disenae, tlioy are eqnnlly cnrlniii.hnving cured many offer every other remedy hnd fniloil. In short, they hnvo been eo universally aueceSsfiil that the ptopriotor eltnllengesntty otto lo prodticca ram. cdy of equal cartainty. under a forfeiture of Throe Hundred Dollars. For *nlo Ity «. It. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. & J. M. TURNER. Prico $2 per box. 164—!y nug 5 LAMP Oil., dec. GALLS pure Sperm Oil, (Fall strained) 21)0 dn Siimnier strain* aitlo, Alio, 12 do/. Lump Chimnies. Just received, nnd lor sale by ang 14 A. PARSONS. -5. II. 11 Eh jmgJ3 - --NDRICKSON. AMI SNUFF: 6ne cut To- Maccnl n, a CC ",l. G Irl.l 11 Lmillard’a Seolclt and ° , 4lhbn.ll,,,; m jar* or salu hi d acoulmy '*"• Jl ‘- 1 ro " ui ,uot in .«• It. HENDRIC. ‘"pl 18 122 and . ’s course reauived dud HENDRICKSON. HARRISON’S SPECIFIC OINTMENT. „ , F OR the c'tro of VVhi’e Swalling*. Sorofft Inti* and other Tiimnra Uleors.Soro Loga. old mid fronlt Womid*. Sprnina and Brniaas, Swelling, ami fiiffainafflions, Scald llond.Wo man'* Sore llraaata, Rhoiiinntio Pains. Totta.* gfuptinns, Chilblains, Wltitlnws, Biles. Corns null External Di-onse* gencrnlly. It is likewise grently sttporiot to nny niodtoitio heretotorn discovered for tho chafed hnoka nnd limlw of haraen—for ting worms, chapped lips—mid in short for every oxlarnnl bodily evil that may fall to llin lot of man or beast. For sale hy G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. AL & J. ill. TURNER. Prico 60 cent* por box. aug6 464—ely , ICE FIN ED IsMllTOlCICE. A SUPPLY of the uhovo article office quality, lor sale by nog I!) POItCHER &. LA ROCHE. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. T q H E eighth Course of Lecture* in this In stiltiium, will he commenced on the *e< cniiti Monday (tho Iltli) of ttuxt November, mid lie tanmtiaiod ort the fir.t Saturday (the 3d) of March following. The leclurra will he da ivered liy. WT 41. NEWTON, »!• D., Profeasorof Anal omv. L. A DUGAS, M D.. Pinfessor uf Physiology and Patliolngical Aiininmy. CHALES DAVIS, Al. D., Prefessor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. JOSEPH A EVE, Al. D , Professor of Thera peitiic, anil Alaleria AlAdica. L. D. FORD, AI. D.. Professur of Inslitutesi and Ptaetif.o of Mvilicino. PAUL F. EVE, AI. D., Professor of Piinciples and Practice of Surgery. MILTON ANTONY, M. D„ Professor of Ob. filettics and Disaasca of Women and ltiluuta. Tito Professor of Anatomy, assisted by Dr. John McLaster, will superintend Hie DUsccting Rooms in person, nnd discharge tho dulis«nf Uoinottstintnr wiilnmt adtlitioiial fee. Tho Professor of Anatomy nnd Chemistry devote thair whole time to tho College. The expense* for the full Cottrao of Lectures, including the I)mnon«tratimi ticket, i* *115. Students attending this institution for llto first time, will payfiir Matriculation *5. Tito cur- rout money of nny of the Stales In winch Stu dents may reside will be taken at par. - Specimen* io Anatomy nnd Natural Iiistoiy will bo thankfully received) for the Muaonm. PAUL F. EVE, Dean ofthe Faculty. J70Mw aus 19 nnm. Valued ut 1 Prize—City Hotel—102 ft on Com mon street, 146 feet, 6 inches, on Camp st. Rented at §25,000— Valued ut l prize—Dwollinff Homw (adjoining the Aiuade) No. 16,24 ft, 7 iuclu eg front on Natchez it. Keuicd at §1200—Valued ut | Prize— Ditto(ailioiuiux the Arcade) No. 16,23 ft f*out on Nutchezst. Rented at § 1200—Valued nt 1 Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) No. 20,23 feet front on Natchez st. Rented nt§ 1200—Valued at | prize—Ditto—No. 23, North oast comer of Basin tit CtMtoni.honso street;40 feet fronton Basin, and 40 feet on Franklin st. by 127 ft. deep iu Custom hooso si. Rented at §1500—Valued nt 1 prize—Ditto—No. 24. Southwest corner of Basin tit. Custom house streul;32 feet, 7 inches oil Basin 32 feet. 7 inches on Ftniiklin, 187 feet, 10£ indies deep in front of Custom house street. Rented at §1500—Valued nt j p r ize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 feet, 8 inches oil Royal street, by 127 ft, 11 inches deep. Rented at §1400. Valued at 1 Prize—250 shares Canal Bank Stock, §100each 1 Ditto—200 ditto Com do. do do l Ditto—150 ditto Mechanics’ and Traders’ do do 1 Ditto—100 do City Bnnk do do I Ditto—100 do do do dodo | Ditto—100 do do do dodo Ditto—50 do Exchange Bank do do DoUate. 700,000 Esprit de Rose, a grateful perfume for the luindkerchiuf, Persian Musk und Olio of Rose Scent Bags, a perfume for laying in draweis. wanlrohps and trunks, and preventive against oiotii; Prentiss’Millefleiir, Ceylon Violet. Jesr *nuiiue. Olive, Vegetable, Lavender, Cuitia* moii. Oriental Vercarulur, Rose, Almond,Musk nnd Camphor Soaps for tlm toilet;Rose, Ciiin.m moil, Almond and white Soaps iu ban>; Bears Oil, Bears Grease, Oldridge’s Balm of Coluin- ~ bin, Macussar Oil, Glenn’s Indian Dye for dye i.i*. tlm linir III fttsnli.il lint*.. «niiL....a f paints, oils, glass, a*. “vb L off' pur “ ll '" sl '' h Un< 300 gulls, blenched Sperm Oil v 600 do unbleached do do 500 do bleached and refined Whale Oil 500 do unbleached do do do 500 do common do do 200 boxes Window Glass, assorted sizes 60 doz large Picture do do do 2 tons VVliilo Lend. Recoivcd nnd fo7 sate by HAZARD, DEN81.0W tit CO. aug 19 ing the linir iu twelve hours without injmmg I f) Ik BALTIMORE cured Hams,.Jt rIio texture ol iho skin, Tooih Powders, Cold l received by brig Etennor, and i BALTIMORE IIAIWS, I Hams, 500,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Cream, Lip Salvo of various maun facto res, sate by Freneli. English nnd Prentiss Rose Viuiillu nmi | 2 plain toilet Powders, warranted of superior quality; Hail, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Vinegar of rouge.a sup’r French article iu fancy hotiles, Pomatums in rolls, of vurinus manufacture, Smelling Salts in cut and blown glass pungent*, sup’r gilt edges Powder Puffs mid Boxes. Rose variegated Wash Balls. Pocket Combs and Bonks ofsnp’r quality, Razers and Strops,Otto of Rose in fancy cut glass nnd gilt edge hottles; Antique Oils ol various patterns, Pear I Powder French uud English, Pink Saucers, 1 ’Toy Paints, also other cosmetics too numerous to mention. For sale by | POItCHER tit LA ROCHE, Sign of the Golden Globe, «'ig23 Opposite tho Market. 163 list for J. B. GAUDRY. SUGAIL flh? HIIDS St. Croix Sugar, 5 do Porto Rico 9 do, just received per ship Newark, tmd for sale by ang2i Lm BALDWIN. BUSHELS prime Maryland iP’ttU.VJ' wliito Corn, cargo of ,dir. Alaty Atiauita. For ml. iu Iota tu suit n citnwre by 3. PHILBIUCK & ( alia 18 500 CODFISH, LBS. just received and Tor **la ( mi* 10 >>y LONG * PATTERSON. 1 ts WHITE LEAD. 20,000 FILOT BREAD A.\D CRACK- ERS. ■J H ALF bbts Butter Crackers, 30 bbls JB. Pilot Bread^just received per schoom mx Com. Warrington and far sate hy sept 6 LONG * PATTERSON 15,000 25,000 20.0U0 I Ditto—50 do do do dodo 1 Ditto—25 do Gas Light Bunk do do 1 'Ditto—25 do do do do do do l Ditto—15 do Mechanics’ tit Tra ders’ dodo 1 Ditto—15 do do do do do 20 15.000 10,000 10,000 10,0110 5001) 5000 2500 2500 10 A«B«tsteyAMg‘!0» 1889* do—each 10 shares of the Lonis* inna State Bank, §100 each, each Prize §1000 do—enclt2shades nf§IOOench, each Prize §200, ofthe Gas Light Bnnk do—each 1 share of $|00, of the Bank of Louisiann 200 do—each 1 share of $100, ofthe New Orleans Bunk 150 do—each 1 slmra of $100 of the Union Bank of Florida 1500 1500 20,000 2000 20,000 20,000 15,000 600 Prize#. $1,500,000 TICKETS §20-^0 SHAPES, KEGS White Lead : ju«t rec’d by brig Excel and fur sale by sept 0 HAZARD. DENSLOW tit CO POUfii BEEF, Ac. A dk BULB Prime Pork,city inspection W 50 do Mess do. 50 do Prime nnd Mess Beer 150 do Pjlqt and Navy Bread 25 casks London Porter, quart# nnd pint* For sate by . CLAGHORN tit WOOD, ang 26 173 SMOKED TONGUES A IIAlKSt J"£4k SMOKED Tongues, and 50 limns, IJP HF just received per schr Com. Warring* toil. Forsuleby sept 6 LONG tit PATTERSON. SHEET COl 6 CASES 16. lb. itf iiti. sale by’ CLA nog 20 173. ER. D. LEAF TOBACCO. $^|4fk^kAk LBS LeafTobacco, in bnles *^™F°FxF of UK) lbs, just received per sclir Com. Wurriugton, 101 boxes inanufactur ed Tobacco. Fur sale by sept 6 LONG tit PATTERSON. ARROW ROOT. R ECEIVED, a supply of superior. Ber'mtif du Arrow Root, woith tlro uitemioti X) 1 piircliasers. For sain by ang 19 PORCHER tit LA ROCHE. POUT WINES. O N hand—5Udozen sup’r old Port Wine*, suitable for the sick. For sale by sept ft ANSON PARSONS. STAKCI1, MUSTARD, Ac. BOXES CohqpiteH sopr. Starch H v 20 do English Mustard, warranted, 6 dozen each 30 baskets Sweet Oil, very fresh 20 boxes Hull’s variegated and scented Soap, 2 casks Washing Soup. Just received and for cole by G. R. HENDRICKSON. aug 19 SNUFF, SfoUFF. R eceived « fail supply of Loriiiard’s coarse French Rappee Snnff. For sale by PORCHER tie LA ROCHE, •sptll 160 Dll. D. JAVNE’S CA1IB1 SNA* ’live BALSAM. A CERTAIN, sufennd speedy dire ToY dysentery, diarrhoea,cholera morbus,sunt liter complaints, colic, sour stomach, Ac. and nil diseases of stomach and bowels; afro, all spasmodic and nervous diseases. A fresh sup* ply just recetvedond for sale^by.^ ^ •V DISTRICT teocu'r OF THIS United f STEPHEN ( T S3 D. Dempsey, and Asa Clark, having boelt summoned to Mierid this tJoiirt hs Petit Jurois, and failing so to do: ordered, that they be fined according to luw, unless they shall file sufficient cause of excuse in the Clerk’a office, oh or be* fore thu first day of next term,to wil! the sceoml Tuesday in November ntxt. Extract frohi the minute#, aug 19 1701, G. GLfelMlfik. I j 1 ■ • ji i 4 # i