Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, September 30, 1839, Image 2

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BMP. I— HHH mfoi JIKPJJ BLICAiV liv .,. V MIUSDr' " * rM »tr *«'*■'**■ .1 ,uv i>4nW»!M^F.iaht Uhltnrep.rAnmmi. • •.. I’.nrv pxwr.::::*- Fivn 'tnilarenor Ann-nn. IMilv !*'il>ir.Saw , ivn il.i’lmpei SlDM-ntha in**iiry *!*► do do V. I K MlVi’tC K.t iNWjt iwlSno {lUtortiMMettl, appsnr in both . ■ Tallin^ '■np i -ti.Ti at Titit on nuiiy aw *sd bui.l- ■ rui't a,ivn on r.r.a i'd-.i’.s »tr. s^SSf AN ORDINANCE, . InOR rugiihuing the election, qunlifirniion JT and dulles «fihe City Surveyor,In fix tho number of Teat of porticoes, railing, enclosures and pavement*. and to regulate tliu same, and (or the better keeping the squares, street* and public places, and wharves arid dork* of tlio ci ty of Savannah fretl and clear of obetiuciiwna, mid Tor * titer purposea connected therewith. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor ntulAl* dermen of .the city of Savannah and hamlet* thereof, in Council aMembled, and it is heiebjr ordained by the nuthmity of the name. That on the fit at regular meeting of Council in each and every January, n Surveyor for the city shall be appointed, who shall, before he enters into the duties of hi* utfioe, enter into bond with two se curitise in the penal sum of two thousand did* fersfortho faithful and correct performance of (lie duties prescribed by tho ordinance* of the city, and tho said surveyor shall takn the usual oath prescribed by the ordinance* of the city to the officers thereof. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That no lot holder or occupier of any lot shall lay the fouu, dation of any building or fence on the line of on/ Ini or part of a lot, owned or occupied by him or hor, unless such a line is first ascertain! ed by the city surveyor, and after the line as aforesaid is ascertained, such owner or occupi* or shall not place any building, fence or other thing appertaining thereto, so at to affect the right of the city, and unless the said surveyor is present, (except aa hereafter specified.) and it V shall bo the duty of city surveyor to report to the Mayor or Council, ail epcroachumnis by individuals or otherwise, that now exist, or that may hereafter be made on the public square*, streets, lanes,docks or commons of this city: and k shall be the duly of the city surveyor, on the eppliection of any lot holder to attend and stake off such lot. within twenty four hours after such appUcutijn is made. t5ec. 3. Be It futlKei ordained. That the city atirveyor shall bt entitled to demand and receive the following fees, to wiu For surveying « lot, and finding and plncm; stakes, eight inches long, at tho angles of salt lot. two dollars, Forattendanco and directing the placing a house or fence, three dollars. For subdividing a lot already laid off, one dollar. Fur surveying and staking off any additional lot out of the present common.and finding stakes mid laborers, eight dollars per day. And fur any other duty or labor in propor tion. Sec. A. Bo it further ordained. That it shall he ihednty of the city surveyor to keep a coin- plots map of each tythius in this city, on a scale of twenty feel to one inch, to be bound in a suit* able book, mid therein record tho silo and di- mentions of all building* in such ty thing. mid on tno m ugiu mid nl tho foot ofsuch map ntike n note of such delineations of such building* or improvement mid the date of hi* attendance and the mid city surveyor shall when therno requirt fiord-fund“ifliftTihients winch relate or**ip per tain to the duties thereof. Sec-5. Be iifuritnr ordained. That no per sou shall bring, lay. put. or cause to bo brought, laid or put. any timber, bricks, stones, or other materials for bnUdm-.or firewood, g«».#ds, wares and nicrchandiz \ or other bulky tiling whatso- over, and permit and s.iffjr the same to cuufiu ue mid remain in any square, street, hne or a!* ley within the said city for a longer time than six hours; nor *h ill any person permit or suffer any carl, dray, tvagon or carriage of any sort to stand and remain in any square, street, lane or alley, longer than such time as aforesaid: nor shall any person without previously obtaining tho written consent of the Mayor and two thirds of the members of tho City Council,place, erect or construct or enuso to be placed, eroded, or constructed in any square, slroot or lane,or oth* • er place of or in the city of Savannah any booth, tent or other obstruction; tnr shall any person dig or cause to be dug. any hole or pit in any square, slrsst. lane or alley, whereby the fee passage of persons on fool or on horseback, or in or with any carriage, may he in any wise ob structed or rendered unsafe; mid any person oli fending against the provisions of this section, shall, on conviction, ba subject to a fine not ex ceeding one hundred dollars for each and every offence, if a white person, or corporal pumslu incut if the offender be a slave or Iroe person of color; and in case the person or person* making, causing, permitting or suffering such encroach- tneiits, obstructions, and nuisuncesosuforesaid, ■hall refuse or neglect to remove the same forth with after notice given to him, her or them, for that purpose, then the same (in such cases as will admit thereof,) shall be removed by the marshal and constables of said city, or any of them, at the proper expense of the person or porsons offending: and if any person or persons ■hall molest or trouble tho said marshal or con stables in the cx-icution of such, his, or their duty, such person or persons shall, on convic tion thereof, forfeit nndpnya fine not exceed ing one hundred dollars, if a white person, or corporal punishment if the offender be a slave or tree person of color; provided always, nevor- 'lholess.that any person or persons actually build ing or repairing, or about to build,or repair any building, may collect and lay all such materials os may be necessary for such* building or repairs in the sqnure, street, lane or alley next adjoin ing to the place or spot whoruin such building, or repairs are intended to bo made; and provii dod that such material* be so enclosed in a suf ficient space (and no more,) ns will effectually prevent the spreading into tho street*, lanes or squares; and the said space so enclosed, shall in no case extend beyond ten feet on any street, lane or square; ami during all such time,ns such materiul* shall so Iny in any square, street, lane or afiny, the owner or proprietor of such mate rials shall canso a lamp or Inntern with a good and siilhfiont light therein to ho securely hung up, placed or fixed on a post or otherwise, ut each of the two corners of such enclosure, and in such manlier, as clearly and plainly to show the place and extent occupied by such in iteri. nfs; and the said lamps or lanterns shall ho light, ed at or before dark in the evening, and shall continue to burn until duylighl;aud tho city mar shal and city constables aru hereby enjoined to notice and report to the mayor, all onbrouch* motifs, obdlruclioiii or nuisuuces mentioned herein. Soq.6. Be it further ordained, Tint nil dirt, litter, or robbi-dt created by the erection nr re pair of any building now orcctiug. or that may hereafter bo erected or repaired shall be carried olf by tin person or persons owning said build* iftf. or engaged or interested in, or conducting such buildings nr repairs, to the place of depos iting the scavenger's filth; or to such other place as may be pointed out by the mayor or any one of the street nn.| l;mo coin mil teo.and if such litter, din or rubbish shall remain in any of the strouts, lanes or square*, fora time exceeding fivo day*, it shall i»j (hi duty of the uursUtif, ami he is hereby rc |'iireJ to employ any mini, her of cart* or 7 wng ihs'tTini may be nscessarj, and to-bavo ilia satin removed to such place or b» of this ett; step* or porticoes to house*. - four nud a half feet on streets. thiity unveil and half f-e; in width; fi'o feet im streets, forty 8v«* ami fifty feet in width, six loot on street*, sev only five and eighty five feet in width; seven feet mi street*, one hundred feet in width: ten feet in front or nil trust Ut* except the trust ml* lying east of Lincoln street, and west of J offer* •an street only six feel shall he allowed. Sec. 8. He it further ordained, That no rail ing or enclosure shall bo erected by any person within the city, unless the same shall be extend* ed by the person putting it up, to the line of lit* or hor lowest step, and in no case shall a railing or enclosnro bo eroctod within the lino of the lowest step, and if a railing bo extended beyond the lowest step, the person erecting the wnw shall carry it out to tho space allowed for step*; and no stop or impedimeut shall be erect* ed in any lano in tho city to exceed two feet. 8lC.9. Be it further ordained. That the nnmi bnr of feet allowed lor pavement be oa follows, to wits in street* thirty seven and a half feat wide, four feat and a half beyond the line allow ed for atop*; in streets, forty five and fifty feet in width, five feet beyond the line allowed for steps; in the streets seventy five and eighty five feet in width, four feet beyond the line allowed for stepr; iu streets, one hundred feet in width, five feet beyond the line allowed for eteps; in South Broad and Liberty streets, seven feet be yond the line allowed for step*; and iu front of all trust lots, ten feel beyond the hue allowed for steps, except in trust lots, east of Lincoln nud west of Jefferson street, where six feet only, beyond said line shall be allowed. Sec. 10. Be it further ordained, That alien* erojclinieot* and obstruction* contrary ,to the provisions of the7lh, 8ih end Oth aectious qfjtljtx ordinance, and all other obstruction* not heroin particularly enumerated shall be removed in the manner pointed out by the 5th section of this or dinance, and the offenders, and persona molest ing or trouhlint the city marshal and constables in tho executi-m of their duty shall be published and dealt with in the manner prescribed by ilia said fifth section of thi* ordinance. Sec. 11. Be it further ordaiued. That whan the city marshal or city constables shall be en gaged "in the romoval of any encroachment er obstruction under any section of this ordinance, he or ;hev shall be entitled to receive ten dollars each, per day whilst thus employed, and that all other parson or persons acting under said mar shal or constables shall receive such compensa tion aa the mayor, or street and lane committee shall allow, not exceeding three dollars per*d*y each, which charges shall be paid by or recover* ed against the person or persons interested, or roucernsd in the encroachment or obstruction so removed and who ought to have removed the same. Sec. 12. Be it further ordained, That wham ever the city marshal or city constables are or. dared under the provisions of this ordinance, to remove or cause to be removed any encroach, mam, or obstruction, the sumo shall be marked out and directed under tlio superintendence of the city surveyor or the street and lane com mittee ora special committee ef council, to be appointed for that purpose.—and the said o mmimiitce or officarsere hereby authorised to call to their aid and ns*i*tanco the city watch who are hereby required and enjoined to aid and a-<sist in the premises. Sec. 13* Be it further ordained, That no per son shell be permitted to erect or piece any etepe descending tnla any vault or cellar under neath any building within the city, end which •aid steps shall extend beyond the limits of the lot upon which said building is erected, but up. on the express condition that Bag stones or bricks shall be placed the whole length of said lot or lots upon which said building shall or may be erected, extending as far into the street a* this ordinance directs iu the case of pavements; the city, iy ihereol rery owner orTiar agent or htloruey, terms if tliisordin* shall bo pun. loart‘J mouth'*, y the city man o* aforesaid, hi*, within twenty tiny* Monday evening, sept no, is3a. ST.I TIC Rlunt% NOMINATION. FOR GOVERNOR. ciiaiu.es Dougherty, or Ct.AHK COUNTV. and the first step of the said stairs descending ax • .k.U Lf > • • , . I .k . f ,1, •aid building, and shall not extend into ;‘ n o streets at far as said Bag nonet or brie';,, by eighteen iuches; and the cellar door shall be wall secured with iron, and the end which extends into the sheet shall be level with tho **id flag atones or bricks, and lha end next to said building shall not be elevated more than two inches above the pavement; and all offenders, opposers and en croachments against the provisions of this sec tion shall be dealt with as is prescribed in the fifth section oftliis ordinance. Sec. 14. Be it further ordained, that as soon as council shall deem it expedient after the pas* vage of tliu ordinance, the committee ofatreet •»d lanes shall proceed with the aid of the city surveyor and marshal to graduate and level the several squares, streets end lanes within the city or such parts thereof as to tho said committee may scenr necessary, and to cause the said squares, streets and lanes to be cut down or raised up as may be necessary in order to pro* duca a proper level, and the said city surveyor ■hall determine the proper standard of elevation, whereby to regulate the same from, and con forming to tho accompanying map. Sec-15. Be it further ordaiued, lhal no parson ■h i II be permitted to increase or lower the height of the aide walk in frout ol his or her lots above or below the common level of the atresia as ascertained in tho accompanying map: and no person shall throw auy dirt, fifth or rubbush, or any matter or material whatsoever in any street, lane or square, by which the proper lovel as established, may be destroyed. And alloffeu. deis and encroachments against the provsions of this section shall be dealt with as is prescript ed in the fifth section of this ordinance. Sec. 10. Be it further ordained, that whenever any person owning or leasing or possessing any let between Last and West Broad street* & South Broad street and the Bay shall pave or :u any manner alter the surface of a public •tree ,gin front of his lot he shall be bound to conform to tho levels and inclinations marked on tho accompanying map: for which purpose he shall call on the city surveyor, whose duty it shall be to grade and stoke down the space to be paved, or otherwise altered, both on the Ime of the lots and the limits herein determin ed in the street, drivings stake at evert 10 feet of line before; and the said surveyor shall attend within 6 day* after lie shall be requested to do so—and he shall recivefirom the person call ing on him for such services, the sum of five dollars per lot, except corner or trust loti, and for those he shall receive ten dollars per lot: and if such person, sonwning, leasing or possesiug nnv lot, shall within 90 days thereafter finish tliesurfaco so marked in a good and substantial manner, by paving tho side walks, with flag stones or bricks, and placing a good curb on the outer limits ol stone or of bricks, well laid in mortar,, then, upon the same being certifi ed by the city surveyor or tho street and Ians committee, the amount paid to the surveyor by such person, shall bo refunded to him out of the city treasury. And any pavements here, after to be made, which idiall not conform to the provisions ol this section shall bo consider* ed an encroachment, and may lie removed in the manner specified in the fifth section of this ordinance, and liie person violating the same, or the owner, lessee or possessor of the lot may bo fined by the mayor, or aciing may. or or uldermeii providing at the police court or by the council,<nns im not exceeding one hund red dollars ; and n like penalty may be inflicted upon any person who shall alter the position of any of the stukes so placed by the city sur veyor. Sec. 17. Bo it further ordained, that the own* er* of all lota on Whitaker street, on Bull street and on Drayton *troet. ns fur south as South Broad street, and on Broughton street, between Drayton street aud Whitaker streets, and cm Bay street bolween said Drayton and Whiink. er streets, ahull bo bound whenever required h'y the city council by resolution to place u good and sufficient pavement or side walk, of bricks or flag stones nud of tlio dimensions specified in the ninth soctioii of this ordin-mco. and the said pavement shall he of (he level and height after the same sh ill have been p issed; nud if any poison shall refuse or neglect to place a pavement or side wnlk ns nftxcssid, extending the whole leiight of his or her lot, within 1*3 mouth* niter such resolution has been publish, or served, itshall be the duty of the city eur. veyor and city iii*rshalakled with such masons, bitcklnyer* or workmen ns limy be necessary, to proceed to have the seme plated before the lot of each defaulter, end ill the manner prei •ci ibed by this ordinance, and^he shall report thesatno tn council with tho expenses theoreofi and council shall forthwith direct the city trem surer to issue his execution against the owner or lessee of eaid lot, for the amount ofsuch ex* pen*e, which shall he collected ns all other taxes and assessment are or may onforced hy the laws aud ordinances, that are or may be of fores; and any person who shall molest or trouble the •aid surveyor, mtrdial, c r workmen employed by them in tho discharge of their *aid duty, or in plncing the said pnvoineut, may bo punish ed ns is prescribed iu the fifth section ofthis or- dtnance. Sec, 18. Be it further ordained, That the fioiits of ail tliu wharf lots within the limits of tlio city east of West Broad-street shall consist of only double solid bonds, nnd that the space between the two aolid heads shall he filled up with stone or wuod nud that itshall be unlawful to erect any platform, stage or improvement in front of the aaid wharriots, other than double aolid heads to be built of solid logs or ranging timber and filled up with stouo nr wood; euu that any front or head erected er set up in any manner, or of any material* different from those presetibed bv this section, shall be taken down end removed by order of the city council, and the expense of taking down and removing tho same slull bo chargeable on the wharf, and re* covered by distress and tale ef said wharf and improvements in the usual manner, and any person offending ngnmstlhe provision* of title •action may be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred deHart for each week such impro per front or heed shall remain. Sec. 19. Beit further ordained, ThMko per* ■on ehall bring, doposit, lay, ar cause to be brought,'deposited, or laid q; ( any or cither of the public docks, wharves, or lauding places at the north end of, or opposite to the streets ill this city, any boards, plank, ranging timber, etaves, shingles,fire wood or other Tuiuber what* ever, aud no person shall ship from, or land at, or caused to be shipped from or landed at, any of the public wharves or docks within the city of Savannah, any rice, tobacco, cotton, lumber, corn, bales, packages, trunks or r.ny species of merchandize whatever; aud no person shall erect or caused to be erected on any ol the pub. lie wharves, scales, or triangles for the purpose of weighing or ascertaining the weight of any article whatever, provided that nothing contain ed in this section ehall be conatiued to prevent any planter from Uiidiug out of his boat or esuoe, the products of his or her plantation, either for sale or for family use, but iu no case shall he or she he allowed to occupy the eaid public wharf or dock longer thau is absolutely necessary; and all offenders against tho provia* ions of this section shall be dealt with as is pre* scribed in the fifth section of this Ordiuance.eud the eaid articles may be seized uud retained un* til the fine imposed be paid. Sec. 20. Be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person to make fast any boat or other water craft, or to land oys'.er*, clam*.or othor shell fish,nt any of the n'uirvus or mib.lio -lo 1 *."! V'r. '..un II lha pub. lie ■lock adjoining Wr.yn,', wh.rf, and at ilia piiblicdockfrou".,^ Ur»ad..irtel. See. 21, ue *; further orduiued, That it ahull not bf awful for any person to remove any sand fvom ,no bank of the bluff of this city, except it «,e removed from below eaid bluff and in email nifitniiUes. I° r uni |/mpu»our« «»« nuui of any house, end lor nu other purpose what soever. Sec 22. Be it further ordained, That all per* ions owning or erecting any parapet wall bur* dating on, or ranging with any meet loading iu the River Savuttuuh, or any oi’ite wharves, or running at right angles or in any manner di* verging from-aid streets, ehall at their expense artct,and stall times keep in good repair, a good and sufficient banister or balustrade of woud or iron on such wall, which said banister or balustiade shall be at the proper distance from the bauk of said wall, and shall be not less than three feet high, and calculated by its •trengib.ind construction lo afford protection to passengers. Sec. 23. Be it further ordaiued, That it shall not be lawful for the master, owner, consignee or an/ other person concerned, to land or cause to I e landed any sand ballast ftoiu any vessel unless the same ho immediately removed to such place os may he pointed out hy the mar* shul of the city, or uuy of the street and latfa committee. Sec. 24. Be it further ordaiued, That the mayor, oracling mayor, ma/ give permission (without which, it shall be unlawful; to any owner, consignee or agent of any cotton or oth er bulky merchandize which may have been damaged by rain or water in its transportation to Savannah, tu expose tho same while iu its wetcoiiditiun, not exceeding three days, in any public place contiguous to the store or ware housr in which it is intended to bo deposited, when dry. Provided, that nothing herein con* lained shall authorize any such exposure in any of the lane*, nor any hides or other article of merchandize whatever, which may be injurious to the ho ilth or disgusting to the Hiuell of the citizens, nor any cotton not packed iu bags; nor shall ony person be authorized to obstruct, block up, or in any manner interrupt uith cot ton or other merchuudizo, the free passage of any citizen on ftiot.an horseback, or in a carriage through any of the public squares, streets or places whatever; uud all offenders and obstruc tion* against the provisions ofthis section shall be de 1. with as is presenbed in the fifth section ofthis Ordinanco. p-ec 25, Be it further orduined, That all of fenders against any of the provisions of this Ordinance, not otherwise specially provided for, shall be punished and fined us is prescribed by the fifth Nectiou thereof, and all encroachments on tho public property pot specially enumerat Ita Herein, may be romoved iu the inuiiner pointed out in said fifth soctioii; and all penali ties and fine*, (when not otherwise specially provided for herein) shall be enfutced and collected in the manner prescribed by the exist* ing charter aud laws relating to tho city of 8a> vatmah, and all fine* when collected shall be paid one half to the City Treasurer for the use of the city, and the other half to tho informer. 8uc.2G. Be it further ordained, That all or. dinauce* or parts of ordinances, corresponding with this nidiuanco, be nnd the name are hereby suspended, and sll ordinance* or parts of ordn nuncj* militating ngainst this ordinance be and ihe same arc hereby repealed- Parsed in Council, I Dili Aug., 1839. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor, [t*. » ] Attest: JosicrH Fe*jt, c. c. pro tem., •ep 27 UT Our fiioiid* throughout tlio Slate nro ro* quested to forward us the result of tlio election iu their respective (i unties, as soon uicerlwtied. inr Thursday, the 3d of October, ha* been appointed by tho Mayor of Macon, na « d*y Thanksgiving to Almighty God, fur the health that city hns enjoyed during the season BT The last 8t. Louis firyubiiean announces the death, on the 7th instant, of the Hon. Am bert G. Harrison, a member of the last, and a member elect of the next Congrcis, from the S ate of Missouri. O* Prom the 14th to the 20th of September the deaths in Mobile.were 83. The papers of that place state that there was no abatement in the disease. QUA LIP CATION OF VOTERS. Ptinco's new Digest, at page 9.M and 4th artiole of the Constitution of the State of Geor. gia, gives the following requisite qualifications for voting, at the general elections of the State: “ The electors of members of tho General Assembly, shell be citizens and inhabitants of this State, and shall have attained the age of21 years, and have paid all taxes which may have been required oftliam and which they have had an opportunity to pay, agreeably to law, for the year preceding the election, and shall hive resi ded six months within the county." ID* The Tallahassee t'loridiun of the 21 it inat, •ays—‘Governor Call left this city oh Monday Uat on a visit to the ctmpi of the several contpa. uiei under his direction, with the intention wo learn of visiting • few Indian towns supposed to boon this side of the Suwanee. Ilia force will probably number two hundred and fifty man. If ha falls iu with the Indian*, the troops will doubtless give a good account of themselves* The surprise I and capture of the Indians this side the Suwanee, would weaken their confi, dence and cause them te retite to the Eut. We ■hall hear in a few days the result of the txpedi* lion." We have heard a rumour (says tharsame pa per) that Gen. Macomb is to come to Florida at the head of20000 men with four Brigadier Gene* rale. This is currently reported at Garey’s Fer ry, as we learn by the Uat express. We doubt its correctness. The actiou of Congress will be required ere we have any very formidable force to operate against the Ssmiuoles, and lha war will not be ended for a year or two, • Govern, tno ut have not yet become wise from experience. The proposition o( the committee sent on b* the Cover no; has bceu rejected, and there it no hope* of obtaining a sufficient force lo com. meace operations till too lata to prosecute a sue, eessful campaign during (he winter. Gen.Nel, •on boa at hit eommand 5000 men, who have Yoluutcared to whip tbe ludians, but tbeir ser, vices have not been accepted DEATlfoF GENERAL HAYNE. Tbe Charleston Patriot of Saturday last, *» l« wiih r ,:« w. h.«. la.1.1. lhal G.n. Ro.iht Y. Haim, on. whom koih ih. Slat, of South Carolina and Iho City of Churle.ion d.liglii.S to honor aud chsriah with . woruiih of .fraction th.l never know abatement—died el Neehvillo (N. C.) on Tueedey hot, after .few dayeillneae, of Bilioue Fever. Gen, Hat*, wee iu hie 4'Jih yeti. Thue hae periihed in the ripeneet of hie facul. liee and the mobility of hie uiefulneee, a citizen who wee identified, ihiough a long and proa, peroue public career, wiih alnioal every icheme Tor th. advancement of the commercial pro„ parity of our city and Ihe political clavatjon of our Slal.,-' Tho following report wnl mail nudndoptad : Tlio dAnimiltii'i oh Pitulio Dock,, lo who waa roforrod tliu communication Pattcrion, on the subject of mi nllogeit viol.iti nf tho ordinanco regulating tlio \YlHUV<J,,Dock«, Ac., report. That they hava examined tlio e.imo and find that tlio violation doo, exist. They hive nl.o obtained acopyofllio proceeding*ofllio UMtil »f Pitiilag. on tlio aubjoct, which tlioy wiili to be takanuaa part of ttioir report; and moioovor, they liava bad til. It alimony oftlie onipenter hy by whom tlta work waa done, at lo the tint* of racoivin, tlio order, of the owner of the wharf end tlio imposeibility of having Iho work done within the lime which wae allowed. From all which ciicumetauaae Ilia Committee are of opinion that lha owner of tlio eaid wharf te lo blame, and racommand that the enure* direoled to be punned onthcllihjof July leal, by the Board ofPilolage, bo followedby tho laid wharf, owner. JOHN WAGNER, JOHN F. POSEY, G. BUTLER, Duck Committee. The following reiolutiona were nv.rally raid and paeien; On motion of Ald.rman Wagner. Raultffi, That iho revolution paned on the lSili July la.t, aulhorixing the Pump Com, rnmee to hava tlio putnp in front uf Wayim', pul in order bo raecindtd.and that tlio reaolu' lion pa,mil on the Dili May la.t authorizing lha Pump Committee to have a pump placed in Eeet Bread etreet, at lha inlereacilun uf Bryan and Wright emote, ba put in fare*. Ou motion of Alderman Cuyler, Raoltcd, Tint the Treasurer do puthe Se cretary of the Board of Health, ilia turn of on# hundred dollar., to b. expanded under the dlree- tion ofthat Board for the poor of the city. Ou motion of Alderman Poeey, Ruffltcd,Th.l the Str..t and Un. Commit- te. ba ineliucted lo at certain from lh. owner, of the land through which tlio continuation or We,t Broad atreel aouth of liberty alreet, will pasi, upon what termi the laid atiaat can ho opened to the ■oullicrn tin. of tha city, of lha ••me width and in conlinuoila lint* with th. pre,ant ilreet. Tha patition ofM. Greenwood, Agent' of lh* Fig bind «t.»m mill, in relation to lh* city (axe, on aaid property, wa« raf.rr.d to tha Finance Commit!... Wm.PAtior.oii and John C. F.rrill, war. •Ucted commi.aion.ra orPtlolago. A bill, to ba entitled -An ordinanco declarai lory of ih, ordinance! of tha city of Savannah, now in force, and to rap.al all ordinance, not contained within lha Book of R.aarvad Ordb nance.,' waa read tha third lima and pined nm d.r th. title thereof. Accountawere poind amounting to $310 56. Council adjourned. Win, Roundtree Mi** Franco. E. Turman. Cropn f, d. Jdrotuiah P. Morri., (m p.i'J"" 1 N, »V n I)-!Vni'< -on, (fiyiMi, „|jj bird Dertnunt IN COUNCIL) 12TII SE1-TEM* HER, 1630. R ESOLVED, That VVtiilakcr atroot, from ihe Bay lo South Broad atreot. efi itl be piivud, in conformity to Ihe I7lli lection of on ordinance,untitled-An Ordinance for regiita- ling Ihe election, ipV-kiLaii,ii and ilulioi ofllio City Surveyor, tuf. AND nlioroffoot of pun licoea. railings, oncltimo Bond pavement*, and lo regulate the aamo, k /for tlio better keeping of the equarei, .tract, and public place, and wharves end dock, of iho city of Savannah froo and clea'rofobatruclioiis, and for other ptirpo* >oi connocted tlieiewith,’ Paned 19th August, 1K69—and that notice Ue given accordingly.— Failed unanimously. Extract IVom tho minutea, eept 23 JOSEPH FELT,c. c, pro lent. Erll ia staled in Ihe N. York Journal of Com. mtrea lliallhe Great IP’ctUrn took about $000,. 690 in specie. It waiahippad by’a great numbar of penoin. A mm of$300,0U0, expected from Philadelphia, did not arrive. By Ihe Brttuh Queen about $J50,000 ware received in epe 1 cie. It u aM Hated that the Orut IFt,Urn took tha lugegt mail which aver want from this country, Tho postage money waa about $3000, making Ihe con tents or the mail to 12,000 single Idlers E7” There wee a sale of high bred, improved •hen hum Cattle at Philadelphia, la.t waak, at which the prices annexed were paid t COWS. SV'VPfHT 3 f'* r - -M $500 Miu Kirby—2£ years old 410 Kal.il.-. beautiful roan, of high d.ac.nt, l-il Vh.irj nM 0 540 200 610 460 500 450 24 year, old A calf, 10 day. old Neii-red and wile, nearly 5 ytars eld * , year, old, roan Atkiuville—red, nearly 4 year* old m isle toe—roan PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL. THUBSDAY, Sept. 26, 1839. Counoil met—Prcaent, ihe Mayor! Aldermen Po.oy, Denalcr, Wagner, Goodwin, Cuyler, Anilcraon, Davis and Dryadale, The minute, of lha la.t regular and special meeting, were read indconfirinad. Tlio liiformatiun Ducket waa then taken up, hy which it appeared that Iho fallowing finaa had been inflicted hy the Police Court ainco tha last regular meeting of Council:— fcFiidny, Sept. 13.—Win. Howlot having a dead li.no iu tlio street on the 13th A'tigu.t la.t, and neglecting lo have it removed—Guiltr Fined $5. Wm. Ilowlct, n’eglociiny to attend Police Court aa a wmri«e, after being anlipmued— Guilty.—Fiimg $3. Wediioadey, Sept. I8.-Jnme« F. Linder, rei tailing Without lic.nce—Guilty. Fined $39, Thuytday, Sopi. I9.-J,,,,,, o. Co |, n|ld Win.' P. Tliompfon, assaulting a watchman on 'the night ortho IG1I1 imt—Guilty. Fined $10 each, Saturday, Sopl.2l.-Zm Wilkler, keeping hog. in hor yard—Guilty. Finad $2. John Wick, a colored man, keeping hog, in hi, ynrd-Guilty, To receive 10 la,he, or nav a fine of$2. rl Jamea Thompson, neglecting to attend Police Court a, a witness, after being lubpmnad— Guilty. Finad $2. Thursday, Sept. 26.-Tho«. Downing, dj a(r , dorly conduct. Fined $5. -• »•»**»—~i& J. a»i AUGUSTA BOARD OF HEALTH. WzDnzeDAT.Sept. 25—12M The Board raporl that but on. death has 00. eurred fiom feev., daring lha lie! twenty-four hours. A negro girl died on Saturday in Columbia county having bean removed from ihe ci-JTi but tlie feet wee not known until to dey. Tmurwat, dept. 26—12 M The Board report two death! in town and ot • in the county, from fever dining the last twenty four hours. Th. Board aUotaport on. death of* teeth ing child—one negro man from a chroma com plaint—and ana negro woman in child bed. A. CUMMING, Mayor. SiMuxt, M.TKOHrson, Secretary. Friday, Sept. 27—12 M. The Board reports the deaths of two adults, on* child and three negrooe, during the last twenty four hours, from fever, and one negro men from diabetes. JAMES HARPER, Chairman, Join, G, Dinar, Secretary pro tarn. SaTunuAY. Sept, 28—12 M The Board report the deaths, of one wbilt person in town and ona colored man iu th. country, ftom fever, during ilia la.t twenty.four hours. Alio, nno death from relapse, occasicni •dhy grim impiudtnco, and two children from other ceueei. A. CUMMING, Mayor. Jowl G. Dvauar, Secretary pro tarn. MAYORS OFFICE. 1 Augusta, Sept. 25,1839 ) Tha Mayor of this city acknowelodgos th. receipt of One Thousand Dollar, from the City Council of Savannah, through Robt. M. Cliarli Ion, Mayor ofthat city - to alleviate the dii< Ircssei of Ihe sick poor’ of Augusta. A. CUMMING. Mayor. From tho Augusta Constitutionalist, Sept. 23. HEALTH OF AUGUSTA. Tha weather atilt continues unfavorable to th* llaalth of our city. We have bean a long lima without rain,and at preient there is very litt’a prospect. The river continues low—in fact lower than in lha remembrance of our oldeit inhabitant.. Drays traverse it without any dan ger, the wnler not going over Ihe hubs of Ihe wheels, until withinMwo or three yards of the Hamburg ehora^ w As raggidrihe sickness, our roporl ofyealor dajr^xhibilaa fair showing,bill the fever atilt rage,in Iho city,and i, more scattered than a t any time previously noticed. To our abionf Bland, wo will aiill say keep away—nnd they may real assured wa will inform thorn of the •oiliest uiomeiit. when they can relurnwith enfe >y- In our la.t roport w.o noticed the dentin o f one hundred ond twenly six persons by fever —since llien wo have In report the following among them the niinti-ejof au-no of our moat useful and enterprisingoilizone, viz: George King Win. Rankin John Riley, (Tailor,) {Isaac (loughkirk Denial McMurphy Mra. Catharine Caihman Mrs. Eliza Mounts Mre Margaret Dewar {Dr,Milton Antony {Joseph C.mpfiald {Another child of A,a Smith Robert Dillon {John B. Uuedron Daniel Rorazt) Edward Denver ^ lei {Win. Tull <F. Blodgei, (achild): Irwin L, Hood {Win, Ponton "'“-i r, tJnliU/J. Shear Wm. Mori is Mre. Ctosley | Jonathan Dunn And 6 negroes. . t Dttti out of Iht Cily. .. Macon' Hzni.TMorMAco«._\v, lm j tt ;; opinion prevails ill , om , p,,,, . that ilia varyaicldjr i„ .\!uc u „-,t lil '’ know that ihn intelligence ofth.1*, ed in a local newspaper, i. „ c , iv ,. bust, hut the information we com * * bswd not only upon nur own ob,T,T,", upon intelligence received r, om lhl ' Ihentic sources.—Our ftiend. n, * ly upon our corrcctnees when we - an miuittul large populallan, w 8 h,,,?* disease and aicknees among ,| 1>n . vimi, season. \V. cannot call to n,i„j .l" 1 * of a resident adult citizen, from lhl „ linnhal complaints during the in R , ' disease, that have prevailed, have 1,!,',“. ‘ ’’ under Ihe control uf the physician, T 0 J " ■■lie among many a hundred Iti.tanM* ing thotrulh or those obserretiun., i.maik, thot at the Female Culle jr ’ arc about thiity in lha family, tfi son of vacation.) thnro hae not be,,,a* dun ofroedicino administered, „ t u ./n of consulting a phyllioinn.—SltsunZ ' CzamAt Rail Rosn.-By th, ter, it will he iceu Ihst there is a ilZ ' M wagons ut the Rail Road Depot, ti ; J tn tho inleiiiir of Ilia Slate, We ttnnkilj* ny of our planters, who have w,. on , w all to sond them there, as there i, t . 7? ■ ey would find employment etvoolnrS The letter will also give some id,, of eTu siness now doing on that roed.aadtvrihiu ly enconrngiug 10 ile friends. We uaT very few could havo anticipated Ikletnu. quite half completed, it couldtomaiMn-lnJ ouninnl of freight. It furnishes clea,en-t»| of tits impurtuuce of the woik, and lit 1* ueu that must pau over it when it ii ernp’,. to this place, or extended hy the Unite n State Roads, to Iho TeiineMte liver, w, „ iMure our leadars that tire Bond , , Oil their work toward, thi, place, «rith 1 •,.1 bla energy and despatch, and with tha d in,, nation to hava it eumpleled to the Doan tho first of October next year.—(lid, ’ Eiohtt Mims Statim,Ecpl» To ihs Editors of the Mraengtn Do me the favor lo tneku public ihe 1 want of wagons at this place—upmnli >1 have been loaded during lire put neck,m we were obliged, fur wont or ,tois room,u fiieo ill Bavaaneh to take freight for In,4 To d iy, our ilore home here, (cie-icmui is.) is ciowded to Ihe ceiling, end thru mL henvi y loaded,' will ba here el l2,nithM|la| to unload, and but two wagon, to rectiiiit-l Your community i, equally with our Cmpal interested lo e,nd down'wngom. Wnaal now atop for the present biiiigmg np {m4r| lit wo can bo relieved of tlio,0 which inkal From 49 10 50 wagon, could find londi Unbl murrsw, suit 16 to 20 a day would find mB plnyment afterwards. Wa have carried dull 600 ting, of cotton, which i, all tlnthuum anil nr« elite to take down 200 e Jey. Witil biisinen now doing, 200 wagon, wouldteli| in full employment. Fite—Tha New llenip.liireStateemia-u| lha woolen manufactory belonging nl-':| Morrow, at North Paiteraun, wa, emirilya. mined by fire an Friday last, togeiher wrld iU cuntenu. Loss estimated at $15,000,a which Ihurewnsnit insurance of $700(1. J Th* Bangor Whig .mentions tlie dlilnitwl by fire, ofllio carding and claih mills in hi • ity, Me.—owned hy Joiopli French andakil Drew. A tout Ion. | Iloi idem, do do do da Ueiident. do Re,idem. do do do do dp NEW ORLEANS,Sept.!!. I Charily Hospital.—Admitted yeitsidij II* fever 14—died 4. luiermenis et the Beyon CemturymH 9i from the Hospital 4—Yellow Fevcr5. At the Catholic Cemetery 2,- of Yello* Im. At tlie Proto,tent Cemotory 1, not of¥A' Fever. Stonss' llospitni.—Admitted ycitcrjij wwr divcliatged 1: died nuno—and 39 reimnra,'. From Ihs N, Y. CoutiiT, SeptH. 1 DREADFUL CONFLAGRATION TOTAL DESTHUCTlOf OF THE H TION A L THE A TIIE-TIHIEE Cli I'M ES AND SEVERAL DlfELLISOS. About h»lf post four o’clock, yeiteiJy * neon, our oilizon, weie alarmed by the < fiio, igliich wa, found lobe caused hr, «■, column of smoke, seen truing rroia of iho Nntiounl Theatre, at tha corner otbw aid and Church street,. In a few mlgM "9 pan of that beautiful odifice wa, ® and ao great wo, the bent PL® # . n *jJ ,L - African Mellmdiit Church on tlio opp«' of Leonard street, wn> ““u a 0110 sheet of fire. The building w,t cunieula entirely de«troyed. . ,L._„kd,' On tha other ,ide of the T. he«tre th. desliueliun wa* tooin prograM-Mf* of the now -French Episcopal Charchor Esprit, at tho corner oft rnnklin «u , luuidsomealbuilding of Ita «!*" “ took tiro, which soon •proad to the w ortho interim, which waa also WllW<f(S Ej dovouring element wa, not yal ' *) ,,c lin d con ran. t l’i.o wooden roof of h»«*£® Dutch Church in Fnthklm .treat- CB , Ilia entire building wasahorily |**“J . _JH destruction. Such n sight a, the Jl I | )t f > i at Ihia nine preiented ha, porhapt, ne « ^ haan Wimeued. A theatre £ churches in n blazo at tliu mono n ^ imrli not a atone’, tluow dwtant b»'» 0l The krick dwelling house (ro. No. 46 Leonard etrool. alsoSM k 6r * Ju,|J inleioly coiminied, andI theEBU J^hiH Idiiigs No. 49 and 51 n . fl “ r Jf nifl i B | iM j SM cnmn buildings No. 49 •••••* ••• - ■.». ed. Ou Lennnrd street, iwxj « L ^ African church.(ho dwelling bojJJ ^Ii' onllroly, and a frumo house ,lr O» Franklin atreet. beside, the' WJ® jjjJjjiS above named, tho tliroe laige hri p]] JjJ house,, Noe. 99.101 and JOJ.cn'ig I ifcJjW, mol, and cornice,, nnd were illgi J d0 though ftom lh. failhfiiln*,. of U' lion they wore saved from rinn. |UP ,b,t alio in tha mtorior of theM 0 ®® ® JJJjg sef small building, wluoli wore t lii«- some twenty or thirty reofi lions, wore more or lees MM!?' ' , taking fire from tho falling c "' '. n ,| npeat I The National Tnoatre wne arected „ I ed 6 years since a, an Italian Oiar ^ij, 1 I a eo,lof$ll0008.lheground otcMhi* cs((1 , | $65000.—Tho Opera continued , n j eons, when the homo wae for»'WHj q-h£i“