Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 02, 1839, Image 2

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' UM \ bdixance. . defining end enforcing Ihe out (lie oatha. nnd eatab- lie aeveral city officers there, r other purposes therein men* Sec.’ B« it ordninad by Aw mivor and alder- men of tbn city of8»»emt«lt and henileta there of, end it i. hereby ordained by the e'"ht'Mty nl the Mote, that theealnry ortho mayor iff tha city •hall henceforth be one Ibouwiid dollar, por an num, payable in quarterly inotalmenla; that in eddilion to Ihe dntioi of tho mayor a. pre.cnbed by Ihe various ordinencea in rorco, ho ehell pub- Inh or eeaoe to be published on tho oecond Monday in July, i" eaeh year, (or att eoen there- ■fior is he can procure tht report of the finance committee,) an account of the receipt* and ex* pendituree of Ihe city, for the veer online on 30th of June of each yew, end tlul the Mid ec- count ehali undergo the inspection, end be car, tided by the committee ol finance, before the pablicetion of the Mima. ■ . Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, that ilia clerk ofeonneii or the city clerk ehali keep an office in tho Exchange,-which office lie aliall ollend a. m.. to two o'clock. p» m., pted) and to which all per with him in the line of hit ■ and in additien to the duties { whfeh are ipiescribed by the various ordinances. which ara now in force, or which may hereafter ft be ordained, it ehali be the duty of the said clerk to receive all applications and petitions, and to ! lay the same before Ihe mayor, or acting mayor. V • (if inmwdiate necewty require) or the city | council at the next regular meeting thereof; and ha shall keep true and fair copies of the proceed, inre of the said council, and of all orainmeo* passed by them, which ehali be registered, and remain of record in books to be kept foi that purpose; and he shall furnish copies ef snch minutes to the city printors, (unless otherwise directed by council) within twenty four hours after the adjournment ofevory meeting, and he shall also furnish to the city printers, copies of every ofdinatice passed by council, within one week after the final passage thereof; and ho shall keep a docket, wherein shall he inserted the ofpetsons fined, ofTences, amount of fine, d returns of marshal thereon, uncil at each regular meeting; all alteud the council at all mgs thereof, and he shall r, chairman, or any of the business shall require hi« shall also record within a .. meeting in a proper full inutes of council, and index m k. Sec. 3, Bo it further ordained, that the city treuurar ah.ll elso k.ep hi. office at the Ex> change, and attend thereet daily, (Sunday ex- pted) from nine e. m. to 3 p. nt s end ■*--* 1 HHw^iUill!ftilia‘’il)lllt1l l .ITi) l fibfttr UImJi h.«m fu. hm,aa/fa. . ; a If rfJwll ill-*j liv llarmilior xrrwnrituu, i. duty of the Mid Irea.urer to attond Ilia com the mayor, or any of the aldermen, wheirevo r thereto required, end he .hall also, whenever required by Ihe council, inatror, acting mayor,„r finance committee, well and truly account for all moetee by him received, and in what manner the came haa been expended; and he ehali not without tha order of ute city council, or under Ihe dlreclioiiaofaome ordinance, pay any aiun ef monay out of tho troaaury, except the pay roll of the city watchmen, or the ordera of the meyor, or octing mayor in favor of the city watchmen; end lie ahall keep jnat, regular end-fair books of account, end othor book, tie- co.iary to carry out tho proviaionaufauy oidim anco passed in reference to liisoffioe or duties, and ho ehali furnish to tho committee of finance a balance shoal ofhia lodgers monthly. Sec. 4 Be it further ordained, that the city marshal shell regularly attend ilia city council at ell Hated, and other meetings, end at the police court, nnd alio the mayor, or any alderman whenever required to to do, and execute their orders and precepts. Heshall give information -ceecommitted egainel any of the or- f tho city, which may come within hie - „ and eball attend to the enforcement ofail the ordinance. which may bo off/ice at ly" of which sinners of pilotage, city treasurer. Sno. 0. Do it funner oruninou mat on mu m»t .Monday in Doceinhor, in each and every yunr, the count il ahull elect not more than sis vendue matters or auctioneer* for the city of Savatu nnli. wlin slut II give bond as required by tin* liiwsoftho State, nnd who shall also prexlniis to recriiing lire nee or acting ns such, give bond with two or inure•ucuiitie* to tits mayor and nl IcruiQii of tho city of Sa\ annuli nnd linnilest thereof, ill tlm sum ofonu thousand dollars.con. (Iitinund for ilia payment of nil dues and tnxos for which such auctioneers nmy ho liable or which may at any lime he due by him ns auc tioneer to the city, mid to make quarterly re turns, account, nnd pay into the treasury aueli sum or Mims thus duo, nnd nUo fnillifiill to perform nil the duties required by ordinance of such auctioneers; and such auctioneer or vendtia master, shall, in addition to the fee, to he paid the Slate, aud the usual fees to the officers of council, pay for the use of the city, the sum*! ono hundred dollars, and if the said vendue musters or auctioneeisshnll presume to sell at public auction, or in any way act as vendue master, previous to receiving Via licence to ho signed by the mayor, or who ehali refuse or He* gleet to do any business appertaining to their resnective offices when required or called up on octwcen suu rise ami sun set. or who shall ho guilty of nny collusion or malpractice in or der to deceive, he shall on conviction forft it a sum not exceeding ono hundred dollars to he paid into the treasury of the city. Sec. 10 Do it further ordained,-that at the first regular meeting in January, of each and evuiy year, the council shall electa ptimpeon- trader, whose duty it shall he to keep in order, the public pumps and cisterns for the period of •na year thereafter. for such sum of money oa may be specified in the proposals of such con tractor, accepted by said council. Sec. II. lie it further ordained. That it shall be the duty of the messenger of council to sum mon the members of council ns commanded by the mayor or acting mayor; to attend all meet ings of council for the purpose of executing any commissions; to prepare the council chamber for its sessions; to attend on committees of council if required, end to execute their com. missions; to serve notices on the committees of council from the clerk's office; to attend at the police office at every morning at ten o'clock, and to remain there during office hours, if re. quired to do so; to execute all commissiuni ap pertaining to his office when required by the* mayor or committees of council; to keep clean, and in decent order, the untonanted parts of the Exchange; to keep the keys of all doors not at* Inched to rqpme rented; to light tha gunrd house, and prepare wood, fires, and materials for light when necessary, and he shall keep it clean at the expense of the city, and shall ho responsible for its safe and proper keeping. Seo. 12. Do it further ordained, That it aliall not be lawful for any officers of council, or any person holding any appointment under council, with any salary annexed thereto, to be concern ed, either directly or indirectly, in any contract with the city council, or their agent*, or their officers, or in nny contract or engagement of a pecuniary character in which the corporation of the city of Savannah is either directly or indi rectly concerned, under the penalty of not ex ceeding one hundred dollars for every inch of fence, and the person so offending, may also be distnissad from office by the city council. Sec, 13. Be it further ordained. That the election of all city officers, unless otherwise pro vided by a law of the State, or an ordinance of council of force, or by this ordinance, shall take pldce on the first regular meeting in January, in each and every year; provided always, that in case qfiy office shall become vacant by death. resigqe.ion, removal, or disability, or any other cause, ihe mayor and aldermen may proceed to fill aaii* vacancy, at nny regular meeting, first ten day* notice of the lime at whicIT said p* acB »( exc ®p i * n r »*e *»f or aldermen from filling my vacancy, by ilia ap pointment of «nmo fit amt proper perann to hold the Mme until on elaciion aliall have been had npun notice a. aibroMid And whenever any perron ahall bo elected, ofier sold notice haa been given, inch peraon aliall hold hii offica until tin next regular election, end nu longer. Sec. 14. Be it farther ordained. That unless a different aalh haa been, nrihnlt be prencribed by any ordinance nr law, ihe following ehali ba the aaih lobe laken andanbacribad before ike mayor or noting mayor by ihe aeveral officer.o the city, viz: “I Ho swear, (ur affirm, •• the ■») tlmt I Will, well end truly, demean myself in the offica to which I have been np. pointed, and to the beat of mv .kill and hide, mont ducharge Ihe dmio. ofihoMme, ao help me bode r Sec. 15. Be jt fuither ordained. That all the SEniiSr. e . i £fe”e‘ .i" “j•«* half any time,and lie .hall perform" all thafduliaa which may ba prescribed by aiiy ordin^Ice now of force, or which mayW'eafier be oldnined, and the Mid marahal «ha|l accoqnt for, aim pay into tho hajdjifkl i lilj flffllll»i*qitien reqtur cd by the cily council or any oidin»nce>h,gav er publio monio. ho may have Meowed.'—* ~~ • *> Bo it further onhtfned, that the city kl ea (who shall be aii in unrnlier.) ahall r tha control aud direction! ol tho may, or, or any alderman, or lha cily tnar.hal, and the Mid cenileblci dial! execute all ordera and pracapto emanating from ouch pareoua, end *h»H also give information ofail otfencee com. milled agatnal any of tha ordinancea of the env which may come within tliair knowledge, and ahall attend to tlm enforcement ofail the urdin, encea which may be of force at any lime, and K lform all the dultee which may he preacribed Sec.20 He it further ordained, that after tlm next election of city offi who otherwise provided herein) the officers hereinafter nainud, shall bo entitled to and it shall be lawful for-them to demand and receive die n-verai fees and salaries herein after enumnrntud and mentioned, toBelliet with inch other and fin liter lees or salaries as may in future he prescribed, vir.s City Clerk.—Salary lour hundred dollars, aud Ihe following fees of office to he paid by tha individualstoqniiing the strvicoi or liable for tho same. vix. Preparing te«timonial, ninety three and three quarter coots; Countersigning the tame thirty ene and a quarter cents; For any attendance on the mayor, by applica tion of any person ott private business,thiity one and a quarter cents; For every certificate or an extract ofthe city council for any person not a member, thirty one and aquaMer cents; « Affixing sea I to any paper or order from the may or ( warrants and executions excepted,) sixty two and a half cents; For every search, eighteen and three quarter cents; For reading* petition, thirty one a quarter cent*. .... . For an order on that petition thirty one and a quarter cents, For every bond, thirty on# and a qunrter cents For taking a deposition in writing thirty on# and a quarter cents; For drawing a summons, warrant or execution thirtv one and a quarter cents; For sweating a witness in council,or public court, eighteen and three quarter cents; For a recognisance, sixty two aud a cents: For registering free persons, each fifty cental For registering nnd granting a uegro badge, thirty ona uquaiter cents. . . For drawing every deed or lease, (one lialrj to he paid by inn city, tho other half by purchtr er nr lesser, live dollars: And for every licence as prescribed by the ordinancee regulating licences for retailing spin ituous liquors, three dollars end eighteen cents: City Treasurer.—Salary, six hundred dollars per oueiim. But he*hall|receive no commie- ■ions on any public money which shall pass thro' his hands. For completing the City Digest, two hund red and fifty dollars: And the following fees, to bo paid by the person requiring the service or liable forth# same, vix: For filing every bond, thirty one and a qtiar ter cents: For receiving applications for ea^li licence, ninety three aud three quarter cent*: On every negro badge, twenty five cents: For overy search, eighteen and three quarter cents: For every certilficale or extract, thirty one aud a quaiter cents. Recorder.—Two and u half per cent on sums by him recovered and received for the use of the corporation and paid over to the Treasurer, and such otlior compensation for this or oilier services as may he allowed by council. City Marshnl.—Salary,six hundred dollare per annum. Apd the following fees of office to bo paid brfqtj&V-rp requiring the service, or Ik hie for Viz. For ihn commitment of any person; for copv ofamitimiis; far every disclirgeofa prisoner; for serving a summons, nr order of council; for np« preheuding negroes, without badges, or tickets for each act as aforesaid, thirty one and a quart tercculs; For making a_ levy, sixty two nnd a half cents; > •r execution, nnd nil GOVERNOR. CHARLES DOUGHERTY, or clsiik cnuxTV. DJ- Our f, ioml. tlironglimit the Stole ure re- que.tei) to furvvnrd it, the remit of the eleetlutt ill their rc.peclivo 12 iiitlie,. ...non oecermnied. iiitbitl, 1. Kcklt-y. I) Flntuiora, D ten, L, Junta, J U Him, M Bartlett, l) Scutt,. Bennett. On motion, the Clmirtnen onj eecrelitry wn» added to the delex-tlu,. nnd the proceeding, ill reeled to be pithli.ltoli. E. 0. TRACY Cliairirtiii. C. A. Iltaaixa, Secretary. 0T Wo cummetice with tl.ie number the dolly publication oTtho IttpMican. [IT Side Right.' Alan of Chatham County, bo on ilia alert—ilia fineiao of ilia Union Party ha. been loo •hallow, not to have been poiceptt- ble to all of yon. To Ihe Poll, then on Monday uext, and give your veto, for g-nir Oaocrntr.— Tlii. .elf-atyled Union Porty have drived, (or prafbnded to do ao) for tom. lime pad, without oppoiition, to find out a diibiMe ticket of five peraotii to represent Chatham County. At tail, within a few daye ptcvioua to the election, the tmmp iiiounded, and with Wo,aitnaAr, a coinmitteo proclaim., (a* If it ware glad tiding, from th. Cad,) wa have found then) I—aland a.ide, Id ua apeak t and “Fellow Citizen., we congratulate you on the HAprv ni»LT.” Eh yasstHt, no would elate fur the aatiifaction of our frienda in the interior, that wa find no luka- warmnan among lha ranka of tha Slate llighla' Party, and expect to give C hablki Doughkhtt, a pull altogether. The Uiiion Party have named the following candidate! t For Ut StHtlt, WM. -W. CORDON. For Repraenlai'mi, JOHN AI1LLEN. FRANCIS Al. STONE. JOHN E. WARD. RICHA11D D. ARNOLD. oiliere Imlding appointment, under, or Taviur Clintmrl. win, >l,» : "I corporation, (unleie lha c.-im or office shall bo ipecnilly provided for bvoi other ordinance or lew of force,) ehali a hand, with two ormoregnod and etifficiont cunin-a, tobeoppruved of by council or the mayor, to tho mayor and aldermen of the citv and himleia thereof, for the fiiiihfol performance ot the dune, of tire offico to which aueli offieera may have been appointed, ot for tho fhithful parlor mooce of the contract oulored into hr hint,; and the laid bond ofthe clerk of council •hall ba in the penal aum of one thousand dot, ^jm^MTIheeiirriMIlhilintba penal mm of rfijre thoua ind dolar.; ofencl. or the cily con.iai v hlee, in Ihe penal auni or five hundred dollar, o. each port warden, in the papal.aum ;,r five hund ed dollar.; of the rne.aenger ofconncil, in Ihe penal .uni of five hundred dollar.; of the recorder, in the penal .urn of five hundred do|. Ian; and for every other officer not exprclv provided for by tin. or any otlior ordinance or law, m men linn not exceeding five Ihouiand doUan, a. ilia council or mayor, inny direct: and the hand aferery caniractur with Ihe corpora- Jinn aliall he in double Ilia amount of aueli con- by efiy ordinance now of force? or'wliic’h'ruov ,r *a *' „ • r , hereatier be oidainod. V 1?' r B “ “ f “' 1 ' ll ' r ” r dnined. Tliat council . fu ' lh *f ordained, that it .hall be the duty of ilia city manlial to make a raturn on each execution end pay ovor to the city trea. •urer the money by him received ther.oii; at or berore theaeoond regular meeting of council af. tor aud) execution aliall have beau paned fex> cept tax execution!,) ’' Sac. 7, Ba it further ordained, that on tho fim regntar htaeting ofconncil in evory January there ahallI bo elected five poraoua to act a. nort w.iden._ for ilia part of Savannah who .hall he commiutontd by the mayor under the iiua! of th. corporation, who.e dutic. nnd Tec. .hell be conformable to an ordinance, entitled-an ordi- Panco to regulate the duiio. and fix ,he r„ e . or port wardena tor tho port of Savannah • paa«ed In council 4th ol March, IS34, a, am" nj, •d end altered by an ordinance entitled -an ordineca to amend an ordinance to regulate «n dutie. end fix Ihe feeaofiho port warden. J&M P “ rlUl Sav * ,lll “ | h P“Mod tile kDlliAliiy Sec. 8; Be it further ord lined, ihnt the har her tnaefer aliall be elected on the tint regular meeting of council in December, in oucli end every yea,; audit aliall bo theduty of tho Ha id harbor mailer, (in addition to any dutic. winch abaUal thefiniregulariMeliiigiiiJ. a " ( »^2 l •nd m eveiy January thereafter, elect one or more city printer., whe.e duly it ahall be to P u* n'u 1 r^** mmutea ufcouncil whenever they .lull be furm.hcd to them by Ihe clerk, and .oon Ihercafi..• „ praclicabfe, and aim lo pub. h.h all new ordinance, nnd old ord,nance, when required, all notice., order., er proclamation, itolled lay, or under the authority of council, or committee, thereof, or the officer, iherauf the mayor, oracling mayor, and ihe Mid city Dr ,ni. er or p-iniera, .lull receivo iherefor, .rich com- ponaotion aa may he Haled in the piopo.al. cepted by the a rid council. illicit" WjWM-fti'MV'jcIlia ordinance, of the city, which ere now orforce nr which mav haraalior ba urdaiiiad.) to Imvo printed the rnlffl ajtd regulation, which tie muy deem proper to he e.uhh.hcd for the government or pilot, and raa.tor.of vca.el. imho port of Savannah and can.= the name to be o.tahli.lud in such nun- ""'V« the ino.t gauural informatlo . that itothiug .hall « in oppoaiiioii lo die •iouoHuf uiioiago fartlie pun of Savalninh. mid luvo bean eigueJ by their chairmtui or re, oratory: and ir any permit ahall violate any of tho .aid regulation, when they <pl luvo been Sec. 17. Be it further ordained, That council 0,1 , lll ° Aguiar meeting ofconncil, m each and every January, elect n keepor ol the city clock, whole duty it ehali be to keep the some III pood order and repair throughout tho year, and fer which duty he shall receive a," h compenjatun a. may bo .toted in the p.opoMl. occupied by the .aid council. ' P S , ec ; ,! 8 :. B - il furthor ordained, That no offi. car holding any appointment under council fit,. mayor amTcitv printer excepted,) .hall ahieni htm.alffroin the city for a longer imni than Iwenty.four hour., without tho permii.ion of Ihe mayor oracling mayor, and where the ab, •onco to lobe prolonged beyond thirty-tinv. W ithout the permia.ion of the Couiioii; and nere aueli port oqi. given, the .aid officer •lull leave u proper deputy, lo he approved of by the authority granting tho permii.ion, end the said oflicor .0 leaving aueli depnliea and lha eacurtlim ofmich offleor am to bo held andequal- ly bound ror euch deputy aa for ihe principal; eoc. 19. Be il further otdair.ed, That the mayor or acting mayor ahall have pmvor to sua- pond any officer hording any appaintmaiit tin. dor cmiuoil tor any flagrant violation of duiv rendering it noca..ary to take aueli step, which .ii.paa.mn lie elull report lo council within Brty'eiglit hour, nfierward., by whom the said nlleg-d offence may ha enquired into; nnd council ahall al all time, luvo tlio power to fine any of tliair olficera fur a violation of Ihoir duly ( ' ; em-n^-rn TW ell •Im'/e'lAro oHW 'gJ taking upj^i#me senfnan, two dollars and sixiy.iwoliiKi a half cents: Foi executing »I warrant and lemming aanta, •ixtv two and a heir cents: 6 For a .re entry on each lot in arreer. one do!- lar; and a commission of one par centum on the money paid into the Treasury on all sales of city lots. 7 Monenger and keeper of gnard haute,—Sal, ary. (in commence immediately after th. pa. .age of tht. ordinance,) one hundred and eighty •oven dollar, and o quarter centi: 8 ' For every petition pre.euted to council, thirty one and fifty conta: ’ For every licence, thirty ona and a quarter Ceiiitablea.—Salary, ona hundred dollar, per annum. And tha fallowing fee. ofoffico; to bo piid by the defendant, or peraon liable tor the For aerving a amninona, thirty,one end a quarter cent-: For serving n warrant, or making a lerv •ixty two and a lialfceala. Harbor Alo.ter—On all .hip. and barque, arriving from foreign purte, tix dollur.: On ell brigs arriving from fuieigu porta, five On ail flchonnnra nr aloopa arriving frntn fur. eigu part, three dollar.: On all .l,ip. or barquo. arriving al thia port coastwiae, two dollar, twenty five cent.: 1 On all brig, ornving al thii pert cou.iwi.o ono dollar seventy five conlii ' On all Khoj)n-rtroy ,1„ 0 p, arriving at thie pott CCAsaWifO, fifty cents: * And the smd harbor mastor shall he entitled to mceive tlm Hid fee. from each and evorv mooter, or owner or cuu.ignee of every venal arriving m the port of Savannah attore.aiu m ihe ma.ier or coniinander ot which venal ho •hall deliver e pruned copy ofilio regulation, of the port. w Keeper or powder magazmn.-For every keg of powder placed in Ihe magazine nfiho weight of Irani twenty five to twenty eight pound, jwelve end a half cent, at tho limeof receiving the same, and the further aura of iwcIva and • liulf cent. a. tin. time nrdcliv,ri„g; i :, V 1 ° ll * n n o d i ; tho owneriand a like aum in proportion le the weight thereof And lie .hall not be entitled to any eqinpetiaatmn when ■ , a |o inkea place um lea. .aid .ale i. accompanied with a dc/ivery and all powder delivered to the .aid keeper a. kfira, .aid, .hall be immediately flowed in ihe .are.t powder magazine under hi. u„ 0 , under peimliy ol fine not exceeding one hundred dollar. to> Ihe fir.t offence, and ihe like penally and remov' n ! from nffice tor the .ocond aflonca. Sec. 31. Bo il further ordained, lhatan or, dmanco cillltlod ‘An ordinance to elncl a clcrkl and ahenff ,,f the court of Common PI.,, and o. Oyerand terminer tor Ihe city of Savanunh pa.aedon the fhh of Decomher 182a, „„d ,1, nL?" 'An ordinance THE COMING ELECTION. Tha laat Coluinbua Enquire! .aye—“The no eounu from ovary section of tho Stole, with re- gard to lha next election, are moat cheering.— The Stale Rights' Parly are determined to elect the candidates of their choice by an overwhelm ing majority—all trick, pervaraion of facta, falaa •tatemanta, die. made u.e of by the Admilii.lio lion Party to the contrary. Tha people have their ayae open, and will not knowingly run counter to tliair own inlaretta." ID* A de.tructive Fire occurred at Philadelphia •bout 3 o'clock on Wednesday morning laat, which conaumed the large Calico Factory ha. longing to Mr. Paul K. Huee«, situated in Southwark, near the Navy Yard, known aa the Mulhau.cn Works, together with coniidarable machinery, a vaat amount of finiahad and un- finished stuff., three or four buildings,and about a hundred feat of Mr. Thomas' Ropa Walk.— The lou ia estimated at mute than $105,000— tha greater portion of which will ba sustained by Mr. Hueis, there being at lha lima about $80,000 worth of work nearly or quits finished in the factory, and km about $20,000 insured.— The work, have been in operation two years, and employed nearly a hundred men, most of whom are unfortunately thrown out of employ EP Wo loam from tha Delaware Jeurnnl that the Hon. Richard II. Baxaud haa been appointed Chief Justice of that Stole, to .apply the vacancy occasioned by the resignation ofthe Hon. Jen* Al. Clavtok; and the Hon. John L. AIii.lioah haa been appointed Auociute Jndge to fill the office vacatad by Ihe decea.e of the lion James R. Black. AUGUSTA BOARD OF HEALTH. 8u.vDAT.Sepi 29—13 M. The Beard report the dtatha oflhree while person.aud one person of color, from fever, during the Iasi twenty tour hour, in the city’, and one negro in Ihe country on Ihe 27th, not before reported. A. GUMMING, Mayor. SAxuztytI.TuoHr.on, Secretary. / , Monitor-Sept. 35—13 Al, Th/S Board i S report the doailn of one white tail, one child aud one negro man in town, d ono white person in the country, durmf the last tweenty four hour*. A. CUMMING, Mayor. Samoxl^M. THOMrso.v, Sec'ry. Crops.—A very long drought, haa in a man ner blasted the hopes of the farmer, In An! gust, thoro wa> every proipect of abundant crop*. One of the Editors of this paper hav' ing taken a trip into tho country, and from informatien derived from intelligent egricul tural men, we feel justified in saying that in' Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, the crops will not exceed the lust year, if they do not full considerable short. The drought and the worm have reduced the calculation of tho planter one halffroin what hefaniicipated in Au gust he would realize.—Columbus Seminal, 261/ I!EARED OFFICE, { 0. < St. Auouitimb, Sept 23.1830, . Tho Steamheat Thomas Sulinom), Copt. Fro* derick arrived on Monday, 22d iuantHl, and by her wo learn that Bun Jones wm Hill in til* neighbeihiiud of Fort luauderdale withahout 200 warriors, who makes great professions of friendship, which is probably all talk. In the 'Ilnarld' of to morrow we shall give nil the pat* ticulars which wo have received from official sources, and persons who roturiisd in tits boat. Fatal Occurrence.—On Monday morning last, threo men two of whom were in the employ of the Rail Road Comnany, and tho other an Em gineer or Blacksmith, all considerably iuebrini ted, were promenading East Bay, whooping and rioting,entering tho stores and publio houai e«, and abusing tha occupants. They then pro ceeded up Broad street, stopping at the Banks and public offices, until thoy reached the office of Messrs. D. S. Gregory & Co. Ono of these individuali left the office shortly after, hut the other two remained and created a considerable noise and riot, Mr. Win. C. Gatewood, the Agont of that establishment, (no other individu al being present) after remonstrating with them on the Impropriety of their conduct, ordered them out of hie office, but they refused to go.— Mr. G. then took hold of ono of them by the collar and ahoved him out, but on letting go his hold, they rushed back and one of thorn struck at him. Mr. G. fortunately warded off the blow and then seized a wooden bar, which was standing near and told them to leavo Ills premis es—they both advanced upon him and he warm ed them to keep oft—one of them made a blow at him, but Mr. G. struck him on the wrist which wne tuised to ward it otfand felled him. The other person attacked him, nnd received n blow on the left side of his head which fractured the skull. By this lime a number of persons rushed in and both were tnkon away. We regret to arid that the person whose skull was fractured died on Fridny morning, from the effects ofthe wound. Ilia name was Neill Flttdd, and we learn that he was a harmless, in- oflamiye nnd industrious man, except when tin* dor the influence of liquor—his companion hours the character of being qiiarelsome and violent, and to him in generally charged the unfortunate result. A Jury of Inquest was held on the body of Fludd, who brought in a verdict that tho dscoased came to his death from a blow, in flicted by Mr. Gatewood in self defence. How does it happen that severul individuals, under tho influence of liquor, should have been permitted lo proceed in inis manner in the open day, and along our business thoroughfares, en> taring our publio establishments and places of business, insulting nnd malirosling our citizens, without being reached and arrested by the arm ofthe civil authority. Where were all those whoso duty it is to preserve the public peace?— Charleston Patriot, 26th ull. Captain Morgan, (he agent of the underwri ters, has returned from the wreck of the packet ship Milledgeville, Inst in the gale of ho 30th August, on the coast efNouli Carolina, to Ihe Northward of Capo ilntterais. The ship went wholly to pieces—not n vestige or her is left.— The cargo was partially saved, in a damaged etate, and sold by auction for about twelvo thousand dollars. The ship, it will be recollect ed, was bound to Savnuuah, nnd had a cargo of about $d0,000 value, which was insured in this wh«in8i mesial tepafiKssi Bringi lho di.lre..iMg fact tint , 0 ine iffllie crow penned by the wilful conduct ora sailor land, told belonging lo Savannah. Tho shin w.,« ■trended on tho beach near tho aliero, hut the gulo woa.oievero that no boat could laud. A line was finally buoyed to tho .here, and a hunt hauled from Ilia alii), as near the shore a. lha to”. to P ° r " , X'" 8 b “* 1 bcin * k »l>l 0““ from tha slop and shore. In this mode Ihe pan Md*tok.nto",L , L 0W,,bj,O1,M 1,1,0 ,h » b ""'’ Mto Th b r *• near •• il we. thoD ho ito y n, ' ,bon -“ ,lr<!d b * ro P»» round their bodies, thrown overboard, and pulled on •Hot.. In thi. mode ell that ««. enved were *“! “, n f ho ™ 4 . Cepiein Porter end hi. crew do. voted the day in ratcuing ilia .uivivori. When to wrack'amtoL Um<1 1110 crew oH" i 18 P e " on 10 whp,n w » alluded lo go lino Ihe boat, he cut ihe final cord thalae- cured the boat, with n declaration that every man mu.t save himicff; and by thia meanira were left on the wreck to p“ hi " P- r ^ Rwlffighl. The inhumanity of fins individual, tor we have not heard his name, wa. aa great that tho people on ahora were H. io'hli'd h 10 ‘“''I* hi * llr *' “ , " 1 W0llkl k »»« t)«ud ao, had ho not been protected by a .trnng guard. AT. F. Ervrcu. 2i/A uli Eryrcii, 85IA ult. NEW YORK, Sept 37. tMer From Bueno, Ayru and Monleoide,- uU A Inlc of horror spoiled.—Tho New York Journal of Commerce,aye:-Wo hero a letter from Couilentinople ofthe 8ih July, contradiol, log the story ol a “Horriblo Mawacre” on board Turkish schooner in the Gulf of Petra., pn b, lulled in the American papers laat March or April. Among the paa.engor. killed, the atory mentioned a Air. aud Mra. Davidjon, of Caro, line, and tliair three children. Onr Cenatanti, uoplo correspondent says— "Eight month* residence in this cin where for regulating the proceedings ofihama'vn^! C0Ml «« ® ,l 1 t,,e commercial business^of^'tho La. court of Savannah,' passed Febuaiy 8ih. VJftR y n, '. a " d ,h ® con * , l “ nl i»«torcourae I have with passed Fobnaiy 8ih, 1703 «> may not baeuporeodod by tho le.i uieSlioued ordinance or by thin, ba and tho same ore de c!«-ed lo he in full force. Sec. 32. Bo it further ordained, thatitalml be theduty of the clerk ofconncil, iroaaurcr ' rttoorder and nie-.onger, to make q.inr! lerly. return, to council of all feoe of office by them respectively received. ^ d i~“d JStft ,b - ,b ' SX'^ST""’ be u '' d ,bo « Passed in council 2d Aug. Ififln. [L. S.] ROOT. M. C1IARLTON, Moyer, Alton, Joseph Fzlt.c. c. pro tem. ocl a WHITE A BCD FJLAJViVFi h 8 PIECES super white Flannel 5 do Rogor'edo do 6 do Welch do do 5 do Ganzo do do 8 do Common quality do .JO do Rod Flannel, sumo very fine Received by recent arrivals, .ep.I6 N ' f>Ett i 8 3 ATHROP&NEVi T T ' Samian, and merchants from all porUorGiecco, especially Patrua, not to mention the iutorma. non obtained regulaily by means 0 f n, 0 Greek journal., which il la llnnighi would nut omit ro. portingtht_Unp of afleu in Greeco, mticli lea. .u important ntj occurrence, ennhlo me to ci. .lire yon that the .lory lias „o tonndoUon at all in fact, and l inn at a lo.. to guess what could have been tho deign of its author inputting it From ihe Rincon Messenger. PUBLIC MEETING. Agroeablo ton coll of IIn. Honor (he M.,. llQ teniirt linn.. — .. 7 h ” ld ,l . lk ? Uourt House on Mon, The .hip Briitna. Cap,.'Ada,,,,. r~,T n ^ video bring. Bucac. Ayr., aud Montevideo per., tho latter ara to the dates or the 6ih ultimo. Ul " The coiitenlf of these paper, ponaeiea but little interest liere. The blockade oftluenoeAyrea by the French squadron .till continued aud Can. lain Adam, report, it. the general h.liof-el Alnnlevidco that it would atill laat tor a Iona tiinoIncome a. Ihe French fleet waa attomniine nothing new, and General Roeoe preserved lie popularity nt Bueno. Ayre. unimpaired. Thi. latter fact appear, to it. highly probable, hide, ing from the cuntonla ofthe papers publiahod there, and notwithstanding tho account, which have bean recently laken from Montevideo oi. nor., ofacta of otrocioue cruelty perpetrated bv Rowe- A the lime of giving currency lo the latter, wo expressed our doubt, of their truth An account was published a tow daye ara hv •ome of our cnietnpnraric., that a reconciliatioii had taken place between Hie government or Duenna Ayre. and thnt ofAIoutevidoo. There doea not appear to bo any trull, in the •taleme'nlt on the contrary, we haven confirmation or iho invasion of lha Banda Orienial. by rotoge„r f „„. Hint Rapublio ond troop, of the Argentine lie public 1500 strong, and that Fruotuo.a Revoir. had left Montevidoo with force, to meet th.,.. • °“! b " » d “'7«rs per com. on import, andjfivo per cent, on expiits. „ a , | eT|0lJ at .Montevideo, in nddiium in tho former dutie. for the purpose of meeting tile oxiroeordinarv expenses of the, war. 7 LATER FROAI CANTON. The .hip Ninths, Capt. Gri.wold, arrived re- torday from Canton, reported lo liovo ,/lU ihciiceon the 12,1, rfMay. Cap" Gri.wMd inform, our new. cnllector that at the period M In.departure,22,322chc.u ofOnium find , f delivered up to the Chinese m.tlmri.l,. toreuih the medium or Capi. Elliot.,th. Briti.li Govi.n "lent resident, and that all the Briti.li re,idem? were making preparations In depart inmiedi moly, by order or Copt. Elliot, AII ,L„ • laden,dhpl. G. further add. wore nllowed"to leave Canton: but none wore allowed '° the river. era clandestinely leaving, tsovemy Loci ekq.retaiiied t" tho vqniiie to watch tho . rnreiguer., of vvlion, Home, if their mmiea correctly Imu.lnted, „,o nut |„ C«l|tolfi |( • ini that Lhnpttoladu Cargo will be olv.,V tnnrrow.ond that .itch ehlpe oe luvo ucco.n- ed their lading willohluin pa.spon. Aleanwltila tho thipa hoate that have In, tamed liera w ilh their orewe ever sine, nago ofthe tredu are not allowed to I, the pcrmlaeiou tor aome ahipe to >„|| > by in a manner be rendered nugnio passage beat, nrc however, we are loin ly to Mil with letters end pnueneeri morning lo,morrow. The above intelligence ne regard. t|, oflh.Cbin.ee authoiities i. promuleat. edict dated the prevlou. day. The toll, “a List of the eixteon fureign morel,on tor the pre.ept.nro net allowed by Got to leavo Canton by th. pae.oge bo..., Ditdablioy. Yottngtoon, Kratnjeo, A. Miitlicon, Ilecrj'tohltoy, D. Matheion, Bomanjce, ’ Mntlieson, Green, Injlt*. Daniell, ! Tha coneula ofail tha foreign " gouerally involved with the Eng" proceeding.. We copy the Folio ing particular reference to uur Snow, • From the iralmol Ini PanTr Sui«znvtzncr.—Mr. L, madge, while ill Mtendance on Co in New York, during the last wi to addrau a Whig Uenvemion i In the con roe ofTiie remark., L lowing exposition, which is publiil wogo Advertiser. While il doee | independence oftlio 80,tutor, it ,, veiling picture uflheaubserriency 1 , hold their principles ao lightly ’ er nil, al Ihe will of Ihe I'reei practical exampla of ilia 'pat... •vowed lately by a Von Biireit Congress in Al issieeippi, who r aa ha waa now in favor of tl •cheme, if tho President were t would renounce It loo. Title i— beyond tlm editor of the Richmom who, to be eure, maintains his op ■ub.Treiuiiry, a nteaeure whi ' moneyed power it places in t Executive, he decline to be'd- pnblic,' yet iiipporte the man 'dangernus' measure, and who even n tin, test measure of hie Admi' eie lha inconsistencies ofthe i who, reversing Feeident Mu ' menu of'principia non hoin. guide lha anihrepnblican rule ciplea.'|TI,e following ia tha e go Advertiser relative to Mr. 'J eition: ‘In Ida speech on Wednesday n madge elated Ihe fact that, r — session of Congress, in Sap. Alnrcy called on him, at hia r kcap.io, and urgad hi ■Dry schema; that in a. mined by the party in I nor remarked that ho urged to sudnrse tha e but he added with eiu bo it! Alr.Tallmndga now in hie poa.es.imj le pmininenl men ofthe Mr. Van Buran, advism, Gov. Morey had dans; a of tliair advise, ond hi. ha did appoM tha hill, norm,nice tltmlUT - It. conii.iency,' The Albany Evoning Jo: corroboration ofthe fact. ■ Governor Alarcy waauneof t lervttiver: ‘We MW eight Van Boren ! gre«», on their way to mien I tl who openly denounced llioGlo™ ly repudiated the 'destructive' do, Administration. And yet all I John C. Clark, of k tho.e eight I ofthe People, were moulded o ortho Exeeulivel And Gov. t Meisrs. Tall,,,edge nnd Clai thay occupy, and who appr, on their rotiirn, not only elt te among those whodenounc Inithful champions of tho i, pie, end the welfare ofthe II tori!’ ’ Absence of Mind.—\ . gonllenirn who had been a fee into Ihe patient's hand a etna him.elf, which lie had •ick man—lie was not mn, rnr till he found hunaelf patient getting better. Advertising Flour.- traded Religioua .Meeting ing city, Brother W mim engaged in Ihe Flour hort. Ho said, 'Brethren nnd eiat; duty to attend immediately loti our salvation, and in order lo do „„ believe in the Scriptures. Bred, believe in thorn, a. fully as I do ..... receive forealoioimnrrow 20U Barret, street Hour, and very good flour il wib At thia moment lha g„od old Pstaon row nnd'.aid, tint, tut,brother W ...... advertise your flour hare, il you pleaie.’-JlM, Ion Poet. •Hallo, boy, ain’t yon got* daddy living!'■ No, but my brothers have!' '•Jt ell, and what'e thoir namei?’ VVhy, Iheyaie both 'named. Bill axcapl Sam, and Ins nemo’s Boh! ‘Aly nonto’e Booze, but they call mo Boozey for short. Have you any thing mere to azl’ eowieugial journal. LATEST DA TES rnoM T.ivr.nroor.,: : : : :: : :: expT 2 rnoM iiaviir, SKPT I mom mohilb, ::::::::: : BXPT 21 ritOM NR\V*ORI.EANS, l l l l l l BXfT 21 d.y23din.t„ a meeting of lha cilizen.",."?": Dolecate* to reoreiai;! ihnm ii.. n J.. point J , t . J? wpwMRt thorn in tho Con vaaiioiito bo hald in thin city on tlio 22ii ()* lobir next. E. D. Tracy, Ei«; was the Chtir. and A C. In^giue appoinied ret try. The Chairman stated tHe objeefofthe meeting. And on motion of James Goddard, E«n.. ffi* tho following gentlemen g»» oily, m the Mid wu* hourly expeoted. ,IO ° P ° f w,ir,,olln Adam, The ahovo verbal accmilila ore latter than L,. cun tamed in the Canton paperewebavo,’ RICHMOND, Sept. 26.-Colliw.-12i elf per th. Tobacco—On Monday wo noticed a decline of50 cio in tho hundred. Tho market has been, lit,Heady, and price, today indicate very little chnngc from tliuae of laat wook. The receipts are light, and there is little doing ot the inspect lime. The fit flowing nrc Iho exlremo pricel tndnv: Luge $4 60 lo $0 60. Refined $6 t# 0. Passed $8 SO to $15. Ltnlp new Tobacco coming III soil, at $g 60 to &Dlh Flour—City Milla—No sales tor two week* pant. Country—aomo lioldora aro asking $5 50, nnd nthoro n few cents more; hut it ie very dull at$5 60. BALTIMORE, Sopl. 28.-Coffce.-Tho an* nunciatioit of a large anction tale of Rio In Ihe — 1,adr The U. S frieil, , , coming week hae had ila customary effect in Macau Th/u. s do 'e ?! l " r T?' 1 nl P' 8 vumiug i,ny npornlinn. of magnitude in the P °* war John Adam, interim. Borne tntniactioni have taken place during the presont week which show a decline from tho rates previously prevailing. At one* turn 173 buff* Rio wore sold at 10 a 11J cept** Flour—Howard street Flour.— Ha* declined. In the early part ofthe week the uniform atoro rate waa $5 76. Salo* of choico brand* have b#on mndeiiuce at $5 62|, and of good br*iiai *t $5 60, and in one or two instances at ■'Irac* tion bolow the latter price. We quote $6 60 6tli May ; j m the prevailing a|oro rate thii morning, ena —£tloe eerl)’ |?l|ib« week «l