Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 05, 1839, Image 1

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TJcleamsm and puuify I „ffni)uy.-T*“ •pplicBtion oCtlm prnicu fc a »f bB "’* 1,0 onB ° r ,h “ U*a euro and pravenlion of ' li l.oTfM grout..! onnsoqiionoo lo o«, X'i\U tn.Jic'iio is cipublu ufproiliicing t'„ D srrxor in tire 'Midi, and at Ilia ' Sin Ilia moil offsotual inannor 'Thi iiow m> l°nP' 10 WI,I J 1,0 l'i ..i.ilioal ortho iraatait portion of Ilia W Ji>ionly with thoio nw whoitill aro do- p ' ,b !«d »b7"kill.d according to rule.’’Ilk. fit'll" nfnij who ‘would liava’ a 'King to jhi p«opl« or n , QiU thtplti to tho oiroiitn. " ? n'iniiiopora—thiuka lo tho general dif- O'knowledge, which enable* nineteen at?THE PEOPLE to read aud io Ibr theinielvoi—now wo no longer be. IL d , , , i „ .wallowingthat deadly inineraI, Man- rleiofewiiil to cure—but no serially loo*- &”n a wor*e condition after It. u*e. Si „o longer believe in tho abaitrd notion i i«gunmtiiont of any hind can bo cured by gS”,irlir*-OPJt UI-OOD. It i. now Idlanderitood that an inOainmation tea wiee Ve nice of Nixuna, a eignal that .ho re- iiinuiho aiditutca of pnrgntlvo m.dlolno to j!1 her of the opproiiwo Tnirdon which .lie by the high favei and the elroug polio, lid to bo removed. In othor word*, the ildyealhfora vegeioblooloan.lng dUatioaarii'a VcoaTxat.a Uatyaaui. Pat.*, LUCINA CORDIAL I.E (,'UllUIAL l)E LUUINIi. OU L'ELIXIIt DE L’AMOVIt. T HE *ub*oribor ha* the pleasure ol alt. nonucing to tho ciliaenioflhe U. Stale*, that ho ha* purchaaod.for a very largo mm and from tho inventor, the celebrated Hr. Alagniu, of Pari*, tho recipe and right Tor making llii* aatoniihing medicine. Until tho apponrnneo of the 'Luoina Cordinl,' (about threo yoor* •luce,) it wm thought that tho complaint*, which it apeedily overcome*, wero beyond tho teaoh of human remedy, a* for upward* of a thouaand yean, they hod bnlllod the wi.do- and ingenuity ofllio innat profound o' in all paru of tho world. Tlii-, 3‘Vn. ETERS’PILLS paru of the world. Thi*. r. , to thegront advanta" | •" t ‘*' t, pbnl G»r»- r ' *“°n provod itselfto^ ri , Q |„ ni( [ I1EAL.TH." ^ Un W F, know that heultli and the ability | 0 | a . boroonatitute* the wealth or Uni treat [",*** of i he P*°P |0 In tht*. a* in moil other conn rio*. To preserve therefore, that health by na tural moan. i. a grand moral and politiMl * "l" 1 *’ ,0 m! 6 wh,ch ' require* oar utmoal at. tei tiun. rho unprecedented pnpulnrily and uni Vi real approbation which tbi* Medicin.ha. Can*..e dd,ean*. Mexico and tho West Indie*. r ' | ■“ PurclOr. Peter, hr warmly and conaoien- •Item f-’j to purciUr. Patera ill warmly ami cons - mu le*, liimemling them lo the apodal ■ I vi-r.-.B afflicted. ye.. • -Hr. Peter* ha* epent much timo in .. •ought for; and ' V - ^g^tlwnhitandinj ,,0 .kill in their adinini*tratiou| the lulled direction only ha* to bo obiorved, and hr describe thejirel proportion of tho doeo, to iPgufoltlldo ofllio dl.eam to bo cured, lit all poroono «*! <** /nUoalng opinion of a rn in who well knowt the qonldia of I hue iy,jii, BRANDRETIl’S PILLS Tliii medicine ie acknowledged to bo olio of lie al0i t valuable ever dieooverod, a* a purifier ■I'lha blood end fluid*. It ia auporior to Sar. Iiaerilla. whalhor a* a aodorifio or alterative. It * indi before all tho preparation* or rombiiiatiuii* of Mercury. It* purgative pro, eertie* •'• alone of iucxlculabl.1 value—for thoie Li, may be taken daily ron *«r rintoD, and Loud of weakening b) the cathartic olfecl.lliey UJ iirength by uking away the cause of weak- tin. Tuorc i* no good Mnncunv due*, which lieie Fills do not likewise. But they have none ,f tho miserable elfecl* of that Dxsni.r apactr- Tbi rxxrn aro not injured—tho norrs:* j liin'ii are not paralysed—no—but in the rid of these diatreasing »ymploina, now life ,icons.'quoiil milinilioiijs ovidoutiu every Knveinstit of the body. Urxxdreth’* Pill* L indeed a Usivzhsu. Rkmeuv, for they euro Jpnoiilediieaeesithey cure IsrUMMATtos and laaenc IIhbuxatumI They oure Uia.xti* lid Sraisooinv! Tney cure Dvitaiaav and bsirirurioaAi. CoiTtvaieats! They will cure I theeeappareatfl opposite diteaae*. bxcausi ievcLtAisiB and rORtrr the blood, pruvided. hoover, nmire 1* not beyond all human AS. IldTANCE. Four year* this medicine hat rnrbeen before the public in the U. Slate*; braver it he* been introduced it ha* aiiperae od all Ollier remedie*. I Or. Brendrelh’* OtHce* in New York arc 241 IHUADIVAY, 195 lliidaon *1. and 370 Bow. lykhexa Prints amt Houston ott. litu cants per box with direotions. ■ Beware of counterfeit*. I Druggist* .levin mado ngont*. I Kir.li of l)r. Brandroth'i Agent* liava an cm 'aeedcenj/ioite.dated.witliiii ilm twelve month* lit preceding. Those certificate* aro renew. IreinUrlyithoreforo whan over twelve month* jl they an longer guarnutoe tho genuinones* TI lie inedicino. Ifisiasiaisr Drutiloto aro nooer mado Agents. Isold by SEABORN GOOD ALL. corner of unites* and detforeon street*, (near tho Mar- JO Tilt OILY AO SIT von TUB SALS Or TUB Iwisi Uhaxphktii's Pills in Savannah. Ijaly 10 IS'.llw3m the brief n- ll.hince, it has required a colob/j|a V^Tthal it it eagerly inquired for lhrin.gnout the civilized globe. Dr. king pin soon finding that tho demand writ to vn*i a* lo render a supply linpnsaiblo, dispoiod of the recipe and right ir sale, under obligations oftecreoy, for England, the United State*, and other countries, only preserving France and Italy for hiineelf. Thu* lint tho aubioriber pos sessed himselfof tho invaluable secret, and now hasten* to givo the inhabitants of hi* line of agency the benefit* ofhis speculation. 'Le Cordial De Lucmo' or, in English, ‘Ilia Luciiia Cordial,' is n general invigorator of the human frame! In all tho various cose* of Ian* guor, lassitude, and debilitolions it is an unfaih mg remedy! as it ia oqnnlly iiv province to im i ., .. *P 0 nt much time in exnori- inenting with different Vegetable Modicmo* for di.ea.e. of the liver, and Sow „rr„* hi, Veg : ojnblo Pills, as the bail, mott convenient, and geno?'l nM." i ' 0m '’ **' b * P re P" r « 1 for ofl , ,i * Tugetalde Pi at llov liavo tho aheruaiive principle combined with their cathartic, or operalivequalitie., or that hey no only cleanse ilia stumach and bowel* hypu'g ug.but they regulate the liver, change the morbid uerelion. atrengihen the digeative organs, nurify the blood, invigorato the clrculai l°iu*. * 1V<!, *" d * l,0, * y 10 ne,V0l » part choorrulnoii anJ decision to tho mind, as health and vigor to the body, lint the peculiar virtue on which its celebrity is based, is thu IV rility and certainty with which it restores the ile .... They are mild and pleasant In iheir operation ?.?»i;!L 0 ? Vay !i n !° « lm '"«'lM»te conviction of their mil ty from their fiistdose. Thoy ears be taken will, wfety by persons of any age; and the fee. ble, the infirm, the nervous and tho delicate are streiigihoned by their operation, becanso they dear the system ofb id humours, quiet nervous irritfibilny. and invariably produco sound lienltn. FOlt IIENT. That largo and comfortable House, situated in Washington | Ward, fronting the Squaro. If it [is not rented before the first of Novembor, the owner will occupy r R. II. PETTIGREW.™ I IQ| 14 1081 FOR RENT, The Storo lately occupied by | Messrs. MoDonnell 011 the South ^side Mouumem Square; a first rate virile powers when llioy Imve been destroyed by disease, lime, recklessness, or any ofihe ntr meroHs causes which lormiuato in the prostra lion of tlioso functions. In common with the generality of really good medicines, this Cordial contains nothing of a mercurial or deleterious nature, among the nia» uy ingrediouts which composo it; but is, ul tho sa-no time, so simple, yet uo otilc icious, that whilo it can ronovato thu prostrated enorglos of a giant, an infant may use it, not only with iun piiuity, but with advantage. Tho usages ofsociety aro unfortunately such, that, notwithstanding the benefits which would be suro to result from it, we cannot enter into an analysis of this inestimable Cordial here, or publish many of tho documents which have been received, as vouchors of llio blossings it lias conferred on numborsofdespniiiug individ* uals. Out this we cannot forbear ruinatking— that it has been demonstrated that there is scarcely ever, if any such thing at all, as natir ral barrenness, or ns untttrnl imbecility ofihe procreant functions, in«ilher sex; and therefore that these evils are the effects of artificial const es, and may bo speedily subdued and removed by the use of ‘Le Cordial de Luciuo.’ Tho Lucina Cordial is also an indubitahle cure for the Gleet, and the Fluor Aibus, ob* strncted. difficult, or pninful Menstruation; also, for the incontinence of IJriuo, or the iuvoluntn ry discliurgo thereof. It i< likewiso an invalu able and unrivalled medicine in cases of Chron* ic Eruptions of tho skin, and in tho dropsical affections of tho aged* Most important to tho American Public. Tho United 8tatos proprietor ofihe colcbrat ted‘Lucina Cordial,* or‘Elixir of Love.’ beg* to lay beforA if,- community, tLe folluwiog cor tificate, which lie lias rocoivod from tho iuven lor, the illusirioiis Dr. Masiiin, of Paris: ‘This is tocoitify, that’I have disposed of tho recipe for making tho ‘Lucina Cordial,’ or ‘E lixir ofLovo,’and also tho right to sell it through out the United Siatos of North America, to John Winters Holderwell. M.D. My reasons for so doiug is, that tho demands to mo for the nbovo Cordinl, of which I am the inventor, are so Numerous, that I am unahlo to supply all the orders from Franco and Italy alone; and have therefore disposed of (he privileges vouchsafed in this, and other certificates of a liko nat.ire in ordor to generalise the benefits of my discovery throughout tho world. Given under my hand at Paris, on this nine, teemhday of January in tho year of our Lord, cightoon hundred and thirty-eight. 3N1N. gang 9 stand for Dry Goods. Apply to L. BALDWIN. . FLORIDA HOUSE, |8T. AUGUSTINE. EAST FLORIDA. " ■ Thi* eommudious Hotel he* been pul in complete repair; new Cn j lure, bedding, &o. dee., mid .. ^epen for the reception of vieltere, ...... euperintendence or the idereiined. who pledget binnelf so to conduct u ".''i**'? M S“ r “ 10 11 » ehereoter B«xl to any Hotel in the Southern Country. Inn n ... 'V. W. OATES. Iv«cr.,‘i~ a °°A 8toW, 1 n * r ° r Hone*, and alien- Horeest?.:;;. ,vvo I no WAND'S PULniONAItlA. I OR VEGETABLE DEMULCENT. ' whIS!!. or ? b,Un » 1 « Coumhi in cough, ide! rn A.L ,l,m * rr , ora vecentor neglected un! 10,1 ' 8,1 auxiliary, and folior from the threatening mltiZ .,° f “FP'aaehing Pulmonary Con- Kin! mo " lc, * , °. ha««reeter claims upon JteenManoe of tho invalid then the above ,n<1 Houblgeome eymp- I the breu| h **' ei P? c , tor “ lion . or phlegm, pain llar** r !.? t i , k ' w '". ch aoiwtitnto promlneni I** de,i,n«,| bb aaa'platut, that tho Pnlmonarin Jlo props, d 0,"' d blU “’a" 11 ’ 0 * 1 ® 11 ' u ““el valu. JLSSl c »«r*o in tho relief of I»e*ih*r r ° •' r ®' n sudden changee wearing damp linen, dec. 6 I For .ale by ■"Uya3 1 A. BARTOW. C UICKA8AWHATCHEE up . lands, Un?J“- bs r o| F“"/or sale n tract of WfiFiam Merrill, } . ERASTE MAUi> This highly important medicine is for salo by John Winters Holderwell, No. 129 Liberty st. New York; diaries U. Tvler, No. 70 Chesnut st. Philsdelphin; end in Baltimore bv Roberts & Atkinson, John M. Laroquo; and G. R. Ty. ler; in Washington City by Tobias Watkins and Charles Stott; in Georgetown by O. M ‘ Ji' " Lintheonm; in Richmond by John II. Eustice; in Petersburg by Braggs Thomas and Dapuy. Rosser & Jones; and in Norfolk by M. A. Snm tos and B Emerson; and by John Woudly, No, 65 Poydrasat. New Orleans. ft can also be found at all the principal Drug Stores in South Carolina, and in Augusta, by Haviland Risley & Co., Thomas Barrett & Co. and Nelson Carter; and in Savannah by G.R. HENDRICKSON. Price s» por liotilo, wifii full direction,, eng C 10-1—ly ilia amount iiavb nbvbr BBronn bbbk errEHio tu tho public. It is true, lliare ora many blank*, but on the other hand, the extremely low charge of,SO per Ticket—the Vaiuk abu Nunern of the Capital*, aod the revival oftlie good old cnsiom of warranting that every piixe tlisll be drawn and auld, will, we ale eure, give univer- •al satisfaction, and especially to file 8u limn DHXD PRIM HOLOBBO. To tlioie disposed to adventure, we rccom. mend early application being insde to ue for tickets—when the prices are all cold, blank, only remain—tho first buyers have the best chsnce. Wo, therefore, emphatically cay- DELAY NOT! biitatoiicereniitendtr DNEXA1BPEEI> RlAJUfllO'ru T HE following delalleof n Schbmb LuTTintr. lo bo drawn in Dectmbor...... b « UNPARAL, LLLLD in the history of Lotterivs. Prises to or next, to us your ordors, which shall always recuive our immediate attention. Loiter* to be addressed, •tid applications mudo to SYLVESTER A CO., 156 Droudwriy, New York. Tho Vegotoblo Pill, are a sure remedy for jaundice, sick and nervoue headocho, dyspensv coslivou 0 .,, sickness ofihe siomach, heartburn, al billions complulnls, favors ofall kinds, and if lakon at the commencoinent will invariable chock their nrugrose, and savo Ilia paiicnl from a protracted and dangeroua sickness. They aro invaluable in nervous and liypocondricnl ofiac- nous, loss of oppeilto, and oil complaim. lo winch fomalos nlono nro subject. They oper- ■no as a mild spnedy purge, and ore a aafe and corlam remedy foi worms in children. Extract ofn letlor from Dr. Gurnoy nfN.Or. Itaiis, Lfi. Ocl.0,1837.—"I liavo receive J much os» slaiico in my practice;especially in jumidico nnd yellow fovor;from Ihe use of Peio,s t Pills | presume Hint, mi an average, I proscribe 100 boxes in a monlli " Ealraet ora lailor IV.im Dr. Prichard, orilud. son. N. Y., June 3. 18:ifi; •! was aware tlisi Dr. Polcrs was one of Ihe host chemist, in the Uni- tod Suites, and rdt assured thst lie would rome “"y Cj: 0 ," 1 hi* liniiniite Imowleifgo ofllio propor. no. of herbs and drug.) produce an ofilcloiu inedicino,and I mii.tncknowlcdge fi.al hi. Vege, labia Pills fully respond lo my expecliilioii. I hay aro indeed a superior medlcino, nnd ro- Beet nlilie upon ilia chemist, the physician, and the philosopher. Extracl „f a loitor from Dr- Woinos, of Cin. ciniiati, Feb. 3. 1838; ‘Your Pilla aro Ihe mild- est in Ihairoporalions, noil yet nmsi powerful to llieir elfccts, of any iliat I have over mol with in a practice of eight and twenty yoore. Thoir action on tho chyla, and honcooii thu impurities ol the blood, is evidomly vory surprising.’ Ciiaiiiottb, N.C. Jan. 1,1837. IJe.ir Hu—I liavo made frequent use of your pills III the incipient -in-c ofbilliou. fever, end obstinate consiipatiun ofllio bowels, else, in ihe enlargement ol llio splcon, chronic diseases of ;lio liver, sick headache, general debility, and in all caaea have found them lu bo very efloc. llve ' „ 1- D. Bnyn, M. D. MBCKLBiiBono. Co., Vn. Fob. 7,1837. Having used Dr. Polar.’ pills in my prociico for llio Inst 13 months, 1 lake pleasure in giving my losiimmiy of llieir goad oflecis in cases of dyspepsia, sick headache, billions fo, vors, and othor disonses, produced by in nclivii ly .of >*>o liver. They are a safe nnd mild ap, orient, being the best article of tho kind I linve overused. Gborob C. Scott, M. D. Ibis celebrated Medicine ii for sale by nil ihe principal Drnggisi, in Savannah and through. oat file United States, tho Can.dns, Texas. Mexico anil Ilm West Indies. Prico 50 coins per box wuh full directions. nl| g 5 101—ly X7 Observe the Number, 9700,000)11 $300,000!I 903,000! 0 prize, ol $30,000!! 3 prizes off 13,000 3 prizes off 10,000 LOTTERY OfRoal Estate uttd Bank Stock, situated in New Orleene. IEF The richest and most magnificent Scheme ever presenlad to the public, in fiiia or any other country. T1CXBT1 OkLT 930. Authorized by nn Act of the Legislative Assem bly ol Florida, and undei the Directions of the Commissioners, ecling under Ihe same. TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, December 111, 1839. SCHMIDT & HAMILTON, Managore. SYLVESTER &. CO., IfiG Broadway, New York, Sole Age ills. „ r p 1 "hell bo at the option of tlm winnore of Prizes of Bonk Slocks, either lo lake llio slock llaeir, or llio por value Ihoreofiucssh. The receipt* of ihe solo of the Tickets end will bo. denosited in the Citizens’, Con! Mlulaied, Canal. Union, and Carrollton Banks, 111 I It IB nn Ik,.. I S las* XI kmb - f • . ■ , ■ a mm " in the name oftlie Mansgois jointly with J. B. Perrtult, Erq., ectuslly cashier of tin itmitr •n/i T k'—--ly cwhw of the Citizoui’ Act passed before A. Montreal!, Esq., Notary Pubfio.on thaad May. IKKI, sod tho propertied fomm. , , r . ed p:^rS' f °' ,h “«“ ri 'F ®F“» Batnee rare J 8 Batssjo, „ Pri*« Holders. nfi«n. UO ibn h b *kP" , i. n . °"" wll *a | . an«l 000 BerreRichdB prizoa, with tho blank* in another. To everv S“£j r 1 P"*; or will drawn, until afl the pnve* are detrnnined, leaving the balance of «iun»fier» hi the wheel blank*. mil and <ran*-mii CT To Eiutw.asc I’enusuims.-Unving 25!.!!. Newspapel* containing tho nt.ovi. ie*.besides scvernl of tlm British Provinces, wo are satisfied with Ihe circulation, and therefore ,l '" 1 ■" c , 1 ‘ papers ns have not. rip to this Unto, inserted tho advertisement, will be plons. ed not to do so. and that all the other paper, will insert it ontoin met only until the 1st uf Da. ,h ' ir “ nc °unt*. SYLVESTER A CO., 1GG Broadway,N. Y. i»lr 1511 NO COMBINATION NUMBER*!!! lOO.OOOticketifroniNo.I iipwarde.inanccoffion Extract from the Ignwa of the Logialative Council ol* the Territory of Florida. Chap. 761.—No. 22.—>Whorea« iho Court Home of Duval county, if in an uiifiiiifli* e i atnte, and tlioro aro vet duo and owing up on the fume, miMiiee, which it if bolieved wil imporo too burdeniorue u tux upon the people of Duval; urn! .wiiorom, it i« desirable to pay those raid sums and complete unidbuildi ing.n* well for thegreater convenience of tho nd ministration ofju*lice,na fur the douiilo purpote of an Academy, (or which purpose in part, the said building, when completed, ia designed Therefore— Sec. 1 ] Bo it enacted by the Governor and Lngislntive Council of tho Territory of Florida, That it shall and may bo lawful for Josopli B. Lancaster, Isaiah D. Hart nnd Wil. liam J, Miils, or any two of them under the direction of tho county court of Duval couuty, to raise such sum or sums of money by Lottery, in such Schemes as they may deem appropriate and advisable: Provided, that tho suid persons shrill bind themselves in such manner as the court shall direct,well and truly to conduct such lottery ill good faith,to appropriuto the proceeds to the object above stated.—Pu-sed, rob. 7lh 1834,—Approved Feb. ilth 1834 Uy aatcenicnt, bearing date the 28lh of Febi runry, 1839, llio above Joseph Lonca»ter,Ifainh D. Hart and William J. Mills did, for curtain considerations, in conformity to tho raid legis lative Act, duly asHign unto Messnt Schmidt «Sr- Hamilton all llieir Right nnd lm terest, and tho Powers vested ill them by the above recited Act of tho Legislature of Florida. Extract from the vnluation of Georgo Phillip Manouvrier and Jacob de Cordovo, bothof the City of New Orleans, made and sworn to on the 19lh day of April, 1639:— That the said George Phillip Manouvrier and Jacob CordoVa, appraise and comcientiously and honestly vnlue the property known under the name and appellation of "Banks Arcade,” in the City of Now Orleans, at Six Hundred id Dof BUG BANE. R FRF-iyi-LLG d°z Hiiiinlmliz’, Roach and Bod Bug Bauo. For salo by a»g 14 A. PARSONS GOWLAND’S I.OTION, F OR improving nnd beautifying llio com. ploxion, rendering lhaakin fair, soft and trnnsnnront.nnd for removing tans, ■iinbiirns, frepklos. Ac., warranted genuine. Just receiv ed and for sole by aug 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON. BEWAKE OF SPURIOUS IM ITATION. G EO. VV. CARPENTER’S Compound Extract of Iceland Moss. Carregeen or Irish Mou, Slippery Elm, Horehonnd. Ac., a idy for valuable remedy for colds, coughs, dyspepsia, dysentery, diairhtea, catarrh, and all afflictions of tho tiroast and longs. For snlo by ang’dl I’ORCHER & LA ROCHE, , CHALLENGE.—The Gxir- &QAA 1 BOVtl uiNE FRENCH PILLS Jit:.... .ii ,i. nil JLAitlP OIL, Ac. SfSXflX GALLS pure Sperm Oil, (Fall •J® strained) 300 da Summer strain ed do. Also, 13 doz Lamp Chimnios. Just received, and for sale by aug 14 A. PARSONS. nanto , m i!![ l, " l “ 11,0 District, Bnkor ••vsr'y vnril! 0 " 1 ¥ nores, which compri, P‘11* fornffi ° r ^“ !" Ml *oil. The I"MUr«d d |? ! h 'mp/wemept*. cud KnydaiireGf goographical dimensions ('•’•lion to n ! nl ' additional con. l“haoi»der?K. lrobl,, ^r' ro * ,oll ' h 'a terms nnd ksoai-r 'ana olTerod. For more mis. J* ,ab *cribor°alAtliyi* n PP bconl9Can address gurnat all the QUACK NOSTRUMS oftha age for the euro «f # • * * The French Pills aro applicable in all cases, for either sex, (warranted free from Mercury,) and possesses great advantages over the Uni. snms und all liquid medicines, by being entirely free frqm smell, nnd conscriuently do not effect tho breath, thereby preventing the possibility of discovery while using them. Besides this important advantage they never disagree with tho stomach, and in the first stages of the disease they usually tiffed a cure in a low days, with little regard to diet or oxposuro. In tho most obstinate stages oftlie disease, they are equally certain,having curod many after every other remedy had failed. In *horl. they have been so universally successful that the proprietor dial Ion ires any one to produce a rein, ody of equal, certainty, under a forfeiture of Three Ilitmlred Dollars. For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, nnd T. M. A J. M. TURNER. -ly Ijaly 84 159Y4mo F. G. BALDWIN. IB.KUSIIES, tk BRUSHES, Ace. ri ‘“fine Shoo USJgfiK.*- Jo '•eeiv.d n 0 ,7; on ’ , l P « ,, « B l«aklng »u«33^ “ “"J forsala by iLJLHENDRIOKSON. |j?GR00E M ANI> SNDIPF ' jeeuboy Sn„(T i w 8 * ^orillard’s Scotch and I’Ppss aud M'jLilJS« 8n jars conrso ’ stlo by ' aco °hoydo. Just received and <«Pt IB '■ ,*t- H ENDRICKSON. 183 Prico 82 per bo*. 1G4- oug 5 HARRISON’S 8PECIFIC OINTMENT. F OR the cure of Whilo Swellings, Scrofiit Intis and other Tumors.Ulcers.Sore Legs, old nnd fresh Wounds, Sprains nnd Bruises, Swellings and Inflammations, Scold Hoad,Wo* mail's Sore Breasts, Rheumatic Pains, Telto.tr, Eruptions, Chilblains, Whitlows, Bilos. Corns, nnd External Disonses generally. It is likewise greatly superioi to any ntodicine herototoro ,. - ■ ,. .■ . *._<*.a i i._ _...i il.iI.m ..r disonve Jiscnvored for the chafed backs and limbs nf horses—for ring worms, chspped lips—end in short for every external bodily ovillhnt may full lo file lot ofmnn nr benst. For snlo by G. R. HENDRICKSON, end T. Mi & J- M. TURNER. ' Prico GO cents por box. aug 5 101—ly FOR THE TOILET A NUlfT 8EKY. C OLOGNE Water in blown, cut glass and ground Slopped hollies; Lsvonder do do no an, Rose do da do do, Orange Flowor do nr French, I'.ng Kli anil Americaii mnimfsclure. Esprit de Uoje.a grelerul peifume for the hendkerchief, Persinn Mask and Olio of Rose Scent Bogs, a perfume fur laying in drawors, mirdrabe. and I,link*. DIN) prevontivo against iiiolht Pronliss’ Millefienr, Ceylon Violol.Jes. sainine, Olive, Vegelehle, lavender. Cinna mon Oriental Vernacular,llo.< Almond,Musk snd Camphor boapsfor the toileltKose, Citina' moil, Almond end while Seeps in bars; Bears Oil, Benrs Grease, Oldridge’s Balm ofColum- hn, Macassar Oil, Glenn's Indian Dye for dye- ting tVHOEE NO.- HST OF EET T l.lt R emaining imhePnsi on:. nnh. Sept. 30ih, 1839. Pi L-viers from thl. list, era rcqucsicd lo advertised ItUtro. Almy mr* Henrittta Arme* Wm AJon mis* Caroline Bacon Jno 0 Buckley Fredtrio B Bone Tho* B Borchert A Bainard mr* Ana E P Baarke II A Btrn* mr* J 8 Bmirke Wm H 3 Black Mary W Ulaekwaod Jno Ureibford mi** H C Bin nee Jo. G Branllcy R Beiliss Semi Bell mi.* Susan M Berry mr* Mary 4 Bell mr Einamiol BilhoJnmes Birins Jno W 9 Bivins U11 3 Bnllough mra L Bowman Robt Bond mr* D Brown RO Blount Geo Boufiiilet J P Bond David Broughton Flank Borden Geo C Brooke — Boyd Robt Boiler Francii J Butler mr* Ann G Bruce Wm ing llio hair in twelve hour* without Injiiihig the texture ol Ihe akin, Tooth Powder*. Cold Croem, Lip Salve of various manufactures, Freneh. English end Premiss Ruso Vsnilla and plain toilet Powder*, warranted or superior quality! Hair, Nell and Tooth Brushos, Viucgnr nl rougo.a sup’r French orlicle in fancy hollies, I omniums m rolls, of various manufacture, Smelling Sails in cut and blown glass piingeuis, sup r gill edges Powder PulT. and Duxes. Rose variegated Wash Bells, Poekei Comb, end Books ofsnp r quality. Razors and Strops,Olio or Rose in fancy cm glass and gill edge hollies; Antique Oils of various pnilorns, Pearl Powdor Frenoh and English, Pink Saucers,Tov Paints, also other cosmetics loo numerous to mention. For sale by PORCHF.R A LA ROCHE, Sign ofihe Golden Globe, B1I 8 83 Oppoiito llio Market. CantJno3 Car,mil*,s James Cerrulher* Jo* A Cay M ichnel 3 Cavanaugh James Canon Dianah Cannon B F parley mra Clo Ann Clark inn P Cleghorn Alex C Chapman K Clark Jama* P Culm Jno Carrol Pat Cranston V Ctuvilliar Justine Crewee James W Condon P Conway Michael Cacbrnn Tho* Con* Wm Csnnara Wm D Diekereon H J Dickerson M A Dy*r Henry Bonny klich Donoho mreMtry Doyle Franci* Dufiy Nanny Do^r Terence Burnt mis* Suren 8 Diildggin mr* Suun Earl P11 ) E*.t.,llng TholWtTffATOHPtkM F.vaus mta Caihoiini’ueivdny m Decvn J •fare the-Conn lOlWjMMicu- *' Eoit.r F W 2 Fax J D Dagenhnrl Henry Ilavii mr# EA Davis Alary A Davie E Al Dalier Jo* U Dawson miss Harris! Dean Pat 3 Damtre Ilenry R Dellannov Alex T Draeie Alich Frazier Andrew Fleming Win Forrill mra Botiey Ferrol Cnrneliue Fannill Geo VV Fleming nrrs Alary Fleming Jnmea Fleetwood Greon Fowler Jama* Forsyth Wm “ r Fr Fox Franklin Fulton Gasper Gaskin W H Gnston Cook Gaston Carrol Ganahl L 3 Gregory Oseiar Git.novuiy Uenj Gier Fred Ilelligan Pat NEW CARPETING. J & E. INGBKSOLLnro now opening Gibson Robt • an oxioiisivo assorlinom rich Carpetings Gibson Jon and lings, nfilia iioivcst paltorns, consisting of Threo ply Ingrain Carpeting Superfino do do Extru fino and cointnon do do A Uo. 5-8, 3*4 and 4.4 Striped and Damask V«ne. tian rich Tufted Rugs, Binding*. *c.: which ure uffored ni wholesale and retail, on very fa* vnrnblo terms. GENUINE WELCIIFLANNEL8 , . . . „ •m PCS assorted qualities, some very fine { arv,i m,M 11 JL & and warranted real Welch. Just ie» J«uni»°n — ceived and for sale by »»ept 6 FULLER. MOORE & CO. Dollars. 700,UUO 500,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 REFINED LIQUORICE. SUPPLY of the ubove article of flue aug quality, tor sale by ; 19 PORCHER A LA ROCHE. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. T HE eighth Course of Lectures in this In stitulion, will be commenced on the sc. corn! Monday (tho. 11th) of next November, nnd bo terminated on the fir*t Saturday (the 3d) of March following. The lectures will be delivered by. G. M. NEWTON, M* D., Professor of. Anat omy. L. A. DUGAS, M. D., Professor of Physiology nnd Pathological Anatomy. CHALES DAVIS, AL D., Professor of Chemistry and Phnrmncy. JOSEPH A EVE, M.D, Professor of Thera- politic* and Mntorin Afedica. L. D. FORI), Al. D., Professor of Institutes! nnd Practice of Aledicine. PAUL F. EVE, Al. D.. Professor of Principles and Prnctico of Surgery. MILTON ANTON */, A!. I)., Professor of Ob. stetiics and Diseases of Women nnd Inlnnts. The Professor of Anatomy, assisted by Dr. John McLester, will siiporintend the Di*«ecting Rooms in person, and discharge tho duties of Demonstrator without additional fee. Tho Professor of Anatomy nnd Chemistry devote their whole time to the College. The expenses for the full Course of Lectures, including the Demonstration ticket, is $115. Students attending this institution for tho first timo, will pay for Mntrieiilation $5. The cur rant money ofiiny oftlie States in which Stu dents limy restdo will bo taken nt par. Specimens in Anatomy nnd Natural Ilistoty will bo thankfully received] fur the Alusoum. .. PAUL F. EVE, Dean oftlte Faculty.^ Thousand Dollars, and "Tho properly known tinder the appellation of‘‘City Hotel” or "Bishop’s Hotel,” in tho •aid City of of New Orleans, at Four Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars.” The deeds of the Property and tho Stock trans ferred ill trust to llio Commissioners appointed by (lie said act of the Lcgislatmo of Florida, for the security of the Prize Holders. SPLENDID SCHEME!!! 1 Prize—The Arcado—286 feet, 5 inches, 4 lines, on Alngazine street; 101 feet, 11 inches,on Natchez street; 126 feet, 6 inches, on Gravier st. Routed at about $37,000 por an* ntim. Valued at 1 Prize—City Hotel—162 ft on Com mon street, 146 feet, 6 inches, on Camp st. Rented at $25,000- Valued at l Prize—Dwelling House (adjoining tho Arcade) No. 16,24 ft. 7 incln cs front on Natchez st. Rented at $1200—Valued at* 1 Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) No. 18,23 ft front on Natchez st. Rented at $1200—Valued at 1 Prizo—Ditto(ndjoiningthe Arcade) No. 20,23 fool front on Natchez st. .Rented at $1200—'Valttod at 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 23, North oast comer of Basin A Custom.hottse street;40 feet fronton Basin, and 40 feot on Frnnklin st. by 127 ft. deop in Custom house st. Rented at $1500—Valued at l Prize—Ditto—No. 24, South west corner of Basin &. Custom houso streot; 32 feet, 7 inches on Basin 32 feot. 7 inches on Franklin. 127 feet, 104 inches deep in front of Custom houso street. Rented at $1500—Valued at 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 feet, 8 inches on Royal street, by 127 ft, 11 inches deep. Rented at $1409. Valued nt 1 Prizo—250 shares Canal Bank Stock, $100each 1 Ditto—200 ditto Com do. do do 1 Ditto—150 ditto Alechauict’ and Traders’ do do 1 Ditto—100 do City Bank do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do do do 1 Ditto—50 do Exchange Bank do do 1 Ditto—50 do do do do do 1 Ditto—25 do Gas Light Bank do do 1 Ditto—25 do do do do do do 1 Ditto—15 do Alechutiiut^jk Tra ders’ dodo ' 1 Ditto—15 do do do do do 20 do—each 10 shares of tho Lonis* innn State Bank, $!00oach, each Prize $1000 do—each 2 shares of $100ench, ench Prizo $200, of the Gas Light Bank 200 do—each 1 sharo of $100, of tho Bank of Louisiana 200 do—each 1 sharo of $100, of tho Now Orleans Bank 150 do—ench 1 share of $100 of the Union Book of Florida SUP’R 4-4 SCOTCH GING HAMS. I Per bnrqtto Gnzclle. CASE super 4 4 black and while Plaid Earlston Ginglmiits do do 4>4 black nnd lavender do do do do 4.4 fancy colors do do, comprising a pleudid assortment. The above Good* linvo beon mado to order, and from choica patterns, sent to Europe ex* prosily for this market. SNIDER. LATHROP A NEV1TT. sept 23 185 20,000 20,000 15,000 Augusta, Aug. 10,1839. 170t4w aug 1 25,000 20.000 15,000 10,()()() 10.000 10.000 5001) 5000 2500 2500 1500 1500 •>pt J l< Hartshorn Wm B Harrington Susan M Harris Walter Harden VVliito Hartt J S Harley Jos G Haupt Henry, JeiTeri miss L Johnston miss 8 H Johnston WVV 2 G Glass Jos Graham Jno Gtioy Abram Graves P Goelly John Grover Olivtr Goolsby Wm Gongle James Gugal James II Hitchcock rors C Hill, Dawson A Co Hines Henry Hover Jno Homer Henry Hottinan miss F R Homer Henry ^Huee Jnoll Johnston Sarah Jonos miss Ann C Johnson miss Emily Jonej Geo W Knap A A Co Kelly M KMIy Thos 2 Kelly John Kccbler mrs Harriot K Kenedy Patrick Kenedy D G Kerny Michel Kirk mre Sarah 9 RffeW GOODS. T HE Subscriber linsjust received and offers for sale tho following articles: ‘ * * "el. Lawton W m J 2 Ladiou Joseph Law Fed Law Edmund L Lnrkeu Hugh Latken Jas Laty Pettr 2 bnles 34 Spiingfield Shirting 1 do 3 8 do do 19 pcs4i4 Iri*lt Linen, 12 do 4-4 sup, do 19 do Fnticy Prints, 29 do low priced do 5 do/. German Cravats 10 do black Ctillon Hose, 5 do blue do do 29 do white do do, 12 dosupr. do do 15 do colored do do 6 do do do half iioie 4 do while do do do 8 do Gents. Berlin Gloves 4 do Ladiei do do 3 do do China spun Silk Gloves Martin Jas Martin W Al Alaxwcll mra Alary Alallery Owen A!iihcr Cornelius Mntliews C L Lee Edmund Livermore Samuel Lotts E _ Lord Charles Loyd W 11 Lomis G B Leabe mrs Mary Mitchell W H Mingledorf James Alixiun Reuben Aliclial 8(even Alorin G Morrnccy John .;jli Mathews miss Alary EMorell Anne Nancy Alcll T Alero mrs M Aliles Smith McDonali ey T1 Id M J Alotes Joseph Aloret — Alorell John 2 Me AlcNatt Hugh AlcLean John do do do do snu 2 do do black do 1 do Gents. do 15 do Silk Rounds 12 ncs Pocke* lldkfs 19 Al drill-eyed Needles 6 do Victoria, in boxes 59 packs patent Pins 6 pcs black Bombesins 4 do bluetblack Gro de Swiss Silk 2 boxes Cap Ribbon, 3 do Bounet do 190 doz Clark’s Spool Cotton 50 do Salmon do do 50 do DoWitt A Co. Spool Cotton Laces, Bobinetts, Edgings, Swirs.Book, Alull and cross barred Muslins, end Per- ftimeiy. Also, a splendid assortment of the latest style Bonnets, fo ssle by WILLIAM H. LLOYD, sept 6 South side Market. McDonald nua Alergt AlcDoiigallR W McEvety John ^ AlcKeuttoy B McDeau Daniel Norton mre John Norrla Jat Nolen Thomat Norton Jane Anno Newell Thos A! Newton mrs Susan Neal Samuel Nichols Geo J Nicoll miss Georgia CNoycau Peter O O’Reilly John ^ Patterson A P3 Pindar tnise Anno Al Preudergest miss C MPhilips mise Alary Pearse miss Mary AnnePostell mrs Sarah C P Pilcher Capt APPLES. BBLS Apples in fine order—rea’d by ship Trenton nnd for snlo by sept 10 LONG A PATTERSON. IO Reilly Jno Regan Cuthnrine Reynolds J Al Reilly Thos VV Reid miss Eliza H Robertson Geo D Rossigtiol James L Pomeroy miss Alary lt Robinson Aladlion D 4 Rohnrda Decatur Robbins — Roundtree mrs Sarah £ Russell mrs Victoria Rutherford Wm NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. IO TCS New Orleans Molasses,in store, sept 29 und for suto by tacy mn 8 in fiord Wm G Stapleton John Stailv mr Geo Steele John B 2 Stewart Johh Stetson Amory F Smith Edwnrd 2 COPE A MILLS. Shearman Wilkins VV Stinson Hiram 2 CANAL FLOUR A POTATOES oil|K BBLS Canal Flour O V 25 Imlf bid* do do 59 bbls Potatoes, in fine order.and for sale by COPE A MILLS, sopt 20 184 St Georgo Martin 1 Sheftall mrs Sarah Al Stovonson Jas Severance B B Sekeiwen Aloses 10 20,000 2000 REEF AND PORK. BBLS prime Beef 75 do do Potk 40 do mens do landing, for sale by aug5 CLAGHORN & WOOD, Taylor Capt illman Joset I Tillman Joseph Thrower Joint T Thomas Jotne*T Smith Henry T Smith John Strobel mrs Anh At Stower Douglass j SiurtevamJ C T .. TrufTert Peter Tuum Wm J Tufts miss S Vallattun Elizabeth L mrl COTTON TWINiS. 1 DALE Cotton Twine, different sizes,— Just received and for snlo by aug 21 ANSON PARSONS. 20,000 20,000 15,000 600 Prizos. $1,500,000 TICKETS $20-ATO SHARES. PATENT BARLBT. G DOZ Robinson’s Patent Barley, received nndforsaloby aug 21 ANSON PARSONS PLAYING CARDS. &c. 5k4k GROCl'. superfine Playing Cards 50 doz Visiting Cards, assorted 20 do Communication do. Just received gnd for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, sept 30 . Ward Charles Wilkins miSs Eliza Wall Benj VV 2 Williams miss Anna Wallace mrs MargnreiVVilliams EdWnrd 2 Warren mrs Mary 2 Williams J B Wray miss Susan Al Wilson mrs Jane 2 Wudkins Lewie D Wright mrs Eliz’tii ron Wakes Edward Wilson Wm N Washburn mrs CynthiaWood Joseph W Wnre miss Amy Worth Wm James Wil link Ilenry F Womack A J W iliiums Washington Webster Joshua A YoUum Jas oct 2 GEORGE BtHLEYg P. M*