Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 07, 1839, Image 1

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rTri7l3ANSU AND PUUIFY «.uff nouY.—'The application ofllio ptiiicit Vp^iniimi Solis nltowed to he one of the P" . utility ill Ilia euro Bid prevention of 8 , ..ills uf (M WBPft ooiinoquoiioo tu 0*1 ^in'irW medicine is capable of producing Sloiimoo ,:r,tcr J!'* "‘V 1 **'’ an<l at,h * L.iiinoin Ilia moot ofTooUial inannor "SV,, now no Inngor to oontotul with the uMTeitiudicas ol the gronteit noriinn of the bl Sn«U O Ily with there few wire .till are do. >" 5 mod to ho “killed according to rule,” like ‘i„ noonlo ofolil who ‘would have’* ‘King to oJer llioin.' Bill, thunk, to the ciroulo. of now.iiupon—Ihuuk. to the gonerul dif- “ of knowlodgo, which onitblc. nineteen S. lH ori'l|&l*li01'I.Eto rood olid to Jig for theiiHolvoi—now wo no longer be. •.win .wallowingthat deadly mineral, Me* Jour, preferring to eiite^but universally leav- u. in » worn cuiidilton after it. on. We no l.ni ’or boliovo ill Ilia ab.iird notion II uudarriooj dial an inlliitnuiatioii is a wire o»w»A««of N.tobe, a signal that iho re- nmrer die anlrtinoo of purgutivo mediciiio to enr liar of the oppro.ilvo Tiurdon wltich she oreroa by Ilia high fevor and the alrong pul.e, I wanted to be removed. In othor words, the totly callr fora vegetable cleansing Uat.nanrii’. Veostable UsivERl.lt. Puts, tMitiro no .kill in their administration! the milled direction unly has to be obrorvod, and lioy describe the just proportion of tho dose, to tbs' magnitude of the duoaso to bo oured. ill tU persons read the following opinion of a gentleman ioho mil knows the qualities of these '[‘ills, DIIANDRETH'S PILLS This medicine is acknowledged to b« one of tho moil valuublo evor discnveroil, ae a purifier „f Iho bleed and lluids. It is superior to Sor. siaarilla, whether as n soJoriiio or alterativo. It stands infinitely boforoall tho preparations or eombiiislioiis of Morcury. Its purgativo pro, srlies are alone ufinonloulublo value—for those .’ills may be t ikon daily ran aey feriod, and imtead of weakening by the cathartic effect,they add strength by taking away tho cause of weak' non. Tnoro is no good Merourt does, which these Pills do not likewise. Uut they liavo none of the mirorublo effects of that dexuly specif, ic. Tin teeth are not injured—tho bores sndlira'll are lint paralyzed—no—but in Ike ■lead oftlieso distrosriiig symptoms, new life and consequent animation is evident in every mevement of the body. Uraroreth’s Pills ■rs indeed a Uriversai. Remedy, for tlioy cure pposite diseases; they ouro Irplahiutior and JuaoRio Rheumatism! They cure Diabetes and StrirouahyI Tney cure Dyserterv and CoaiTiruTioRAi. CoiTivEREssI They will cure >11 these apparently opposite diseases, because thoy olearic nndrunirv the blood, provided, however, nature is not beyond all human AS. SldTANCE. four years this medicine has new been before the public ill the U. Slates; wherever it his boon introduced itlias superse ded all other remedies. Dr. Drandreth’s Oliices in New York are 341 BROADWAY, 183 Hudson st. and 370 Dow. ery.Idiecea Prince and Houston sit. docents par box with directions. Beware of counterfeits. Druggists sever made agents. Kicli of Or. Uranilroili’e Agents have an en. gr.ivulan{ficate,dated,whbin tho twolvo innnths nest preceding. Tliero certificates aio renew, e l regahrlyithercfora firhen over twelve months old they an longer guarantee the genuineness oftlio niodicino. Remember Orugiis'e ore never made Agents. Sold by SEABORN ROODALL. comer or Cingrossand Jolfirson streets, (nearthe Mar ket) Tlte ORLY AOERT FOR THE SALK OF THE osruisk Bn.tRPhETn's Pills in Savannah, jnly 10 153tw3m MOW PAY EVENING, OCTOREIt », 1830 LUCINA CORDIAL L’E CORDIAL Did LUCINE. T Ol) L'ELIXIR DE L'AMOUR. rib subscriber has tho pleasure ol nu> nonticing to tho citizens of the U. Stales, that he has purchasod.for a very largo sum ami from tho inventor, tho colohrnted lir. Maguin, of Paris, tho recipe nnd right for making this iiko astonishing medicino. Until tho apuoarnneo oi tho ‘Lunina Cordiul,’ (about threo year* hiuco,) it wa* thought that tho complaints, whidi it spoedily overcome*, were beyond the roach of humstn roniody, as for upwards of a thousand yoara, thoy had baffled the wisdom and ingenuity oftlio most profound physician* in all part* oftlio world. This Cordial, how ever, to tho groat advantagu of tho human rnco, aoon proved itself to bo tho do'idoraium so long sought Tor; and accordingly, notwithstanding tho brief period of its existence, it ha. required a celebrity .o great, that R i,6U*.tly inquired fi>r throughout Urn civilized glnbo. Dr. Mag. nin soon finding thnt tho domiind was no vast m to rondor a supply imposaiblo, diipoied or tho tocipo and right of sale, under obligation* ofieoreoy, for England, tho United States, and other^coiiutrioi. only prosorvltig Franco mid Italy for hitnself. Thu* ha* tho subscriber pos* sossed himselfof the iuvnlunhlo secret, and now hastens to give the inhabitants of his lino of agency the benefits of his speculation. *Lo Cordial Do Lucine’ or, In Englisht ‘the Lttcinu Cordial,’ is a general invigorator of the human frame! In all the various oases of Ian* i guor,lassitude, and debilitation; Itisununfaih ng remedy; n* it is equally its province to im r »art cheerfulness nnd decision to the mind, as tealth and vigor to tho body. Uut tho peculiar virtue on which its celebrity is based, is the fir FOB HUNT, Tlint largo and onmfnrtablo tlmise, situated In Washington Ward, fronting the Square. If it i, not rented before the first of November, the owner will ncenpy 'I. R. 11. PETTIGREW, eug 14 168V Bli FOB KENT, The Stare latoly occupied by Messrs. McDonnell oil the South . side Monument Square, a first rule stand for Dry Gauds. Apply to migO L. BALDWIN. 11 Die AUuu Hr. ••THE TRUE KlL’lll-.a' tjl W HEALTH.” E . know lhat health nnd the ability tola, bor constitute, tho wealth ofthe (reel mas. of the people in tin., o. In me.i other corn,! trio.. To proterve therefore, that health by ng. tural means is a grand mnrnl nn.i M , soliome, to fulfil which, requires our utmnlt leiltlen. The ..apr.o'ede^md pZIS e^d npP r °hation which .hi, iSedicine ha. acluav^d Ihreoghont the United Stale., Vh* i!r[ y r,r^Ed d . lMg " ,,, “ ,o,ho ‘p ecuu| ™“ Dr. Peter, be. .pent mnch time in ovn.ri morning with difibrent Vogotnbla Medicines' .iS 1 *™?* 0,1 lt \e liver,and now off,,,. hi, Voo’ eleble Pillo, a. tho boat, most convenient end JmZl uso, C ' n ° ,h “ b ° ? W P a " d One groat quality oflii. vegetable Pill, isthnt .hey heve the el,emotive principle'^combined with their cathartic, or operntivoquelitiea, nr dial they nut only cleanse too stomach end bowels IV purging,Imt they roguinlo the liver" olian.e .ho morbid secretion, strengthen the digostive organs, purify iho blond, invigoreto Hie circulei system. * VM t0 " 8 a " U ane, * } ’ 10 lh " netvoue They are mild and pleasant in their operation end convey almost immediate oonviciionR>f“E utility from their first dose. They can bo tnknn will, aafet, by peteens of.ny agj “? d bio, the infirm, the nervous nnd the delicate ere strotigtlieued by their operation, because tliev eloar tho system ofbad humours, quiet nervous rrimbdoy, end invariably -produco /S powers wliou thoy have boon destroyed by disease, lime, recklessness,or any of tho nu merous causes which tormiuulo in the prostra tion of tiioso functions. In common with tho generality of really good medicines, this Cordial contains nothing of n morcurial or deleterious nature, among the ma< ny ingredients which composo it; but is, at the same tune, so simple, yot so efflo icious, that while it can ronovato tho prostrated energies of a giant, an infimtinay use if, not only with iim pmiity, but with advantage. The usages ofsociotyaro unfortunately such, that, notwithstanding tho benefits which would be suro to result from it, we cannot enter into an analysis of this iuestiinablo Cordiul here, or Hiblisli innnv oftlio documents which hove )oon rocotvod, as vouchers of tho blowings it has conferred .on numbers ofdespauing individ. intis. Out this we cannot forbear remuiking— that It has been demonstrated that there is scarcely evor, if any such thing at all, us natu ral barrenness, or a* naturnl imbecility of the procieont functions, in either sex; and therefore that these evils are the effects of artificial caus« es, and may bo speedily subdued and romoved by the use of ‘Lo Cordial do Lucine.’ IheLucina Cordial is also an indubitable cure for the Gleet, and the Fluor Albus, ob structed. difflcult, or painful .Menstruation; also, for the incontinence of (Jrino, or the involunta ry discharge thereof. It is likewise an invnlii able and unrivalled mediciiio in cases of Chrom ic Eruptions of the skin, and in tho dropsical enactions_of the aged. Rlost important to tho American Fublic. The Uuilod Slates proprietor of the cnlehrn. ted ( Lucinn Cordial,’ or ‘Elixir of Love,’ begs to lm unci' „ FLOIUDA HOUSE, ST. AUGUSTINE, EAST FLORIDA. This commodious Hotel has been pnt in complete repair; now furni lure, bedding, etc. dee., and is open for the recoption of visiters, under the superintendence of tho undersigned, who pledges himself so to conduct the establishment, as to secure to it a chnrncter eqaal to any Hotel m the Southern Country. „ _ „ , W. W. OATES. . W* Bs—Good Stabling for Horses, and atton- u V ^ no Rnt * lwo horse Carriagos.and Ssddle Horse* for hiro. St. Augustine, August 5,1839. . m 16 16912m r ®wawd»s pulhionaiua, 1 m 0R VEGETABLE DEMULCENT. N cases of obstinate Catarrh; in coughs whether arising from recent or neglected wide; in Asthmat and as an auxiliary, nnd weans of present roliof from tho threatening symptoms of approaching Pulmonary Con- sumption, no medicine hnsgreater claims upon theconfidence of the invalid than the abovo medtetuo, It is for theaffltotiv® and troublesomesymp* f n ?J 0 ^ col, 8hi ,, g l expectoration or phlegm, pain n too breast, &o. which oonstituto prominent matures of the oomplntiit, thnt the Pulmonnria as uosigned. and has manifested its most valu* w[e properties. P^q^ly useful of course in tho reliof of nr ^ 8,rt g from sudden changes Fo t K 0m woar * n * damp linen, &c. y A. BARTOW, tor, the illustrious Dr. Mnguin. of Paris: •This is to certify, th.it 1 hnvo disposed of the recipe for making the ‘Luchin Cordial,’ or ’E lixir of Love,’ and also tho right to sell it through out tho United States of North America, to John Winters lloldorwell, M.D. .My reason* for so doiug is, thnt tho demands to me for the almvo Cordial, of which I am the inventor, are so numerous, that I am unable to supply all the orders from France and Italy alone; nnd hnvo therefore disposed of the privileges vouchsafed in this, and other certificates of a like nntare in order to goneralise tho bouofit* of my discovery throughout the world. Given undor my hand at Paris, on this ninei teemhday ofJnnunry in the year of our Lord, eightcon hundred nnd thirty-eight, ERASTE MAGNIN. Gnspard Dellue, ? wiuiea* M William Merritt, ] WUnesses. This highly important modicino is for snln by John Winter* lloldorwell, No. 123 Liberty *t. New York; Charles B. Tyler, No. 70 Chesnut st.^Philadelphi.-i; and in Bnlliinore by Robert* & Atkin*on, John M.Laroque; and G. R. Ty. lor; in Washington City by Tobias Watkin* and Charles Stott; in Georgetown by O. M. Linthacnm; in Richmond by John II. Eustice; in Petersburg by Bragg* Thomas nnd Duptiy Rosser «&. Jones; and in Norfolk by M. A. Sani los and B. Emerson;nnd by John Woudly, No 65 Poydrasst. New Orleans. It can also be found nt nil the principal Drug Store.? in South Carolina, nnd in Augusta, by Huvilnnd Risley & Co., Thomas Barrett & Co, and Nelson Carter; nnd in Savannah by G. R. HENDRICKSON. Prtco $3 por bottle, with full directions, aug 5 164—ly ciuckasawhatchee T u _ , LANDS. snliscribor ofiere for eale n Irnct of .... ni , ll " !lllJ in the 3d Diurici, Bnlter "uuoljr, einbrnoinij 1300 ,loros, wliioh compri, Yarioty of tho most sitp.rior soil. Tho es,, i!l ^Ijnishod with slight improvements, nnd ts!aL.j , a, ? oJ 1,1 it* geogrnpmonl dimensions "TOWISMl oxtent. As on mlditloinil eon. mm...? 11 ! 10 a Jinrohasor, ronsonoble lorms nnd c.lln.?^ laa ? r . 1 i* B, ° nftbrod. For more mis* lh« . applicants can address I 18 subscriber atAlhene. iutvos F. G. BALDWIN. 159TI4.no wash brushes, &<>■ 0 ^3 00^ Wlnlo Wash UruslieeAt lloads, assorted sizes f* Go fine Slioo do „ WThomJison’e Pane Blacking > 1 l o? IVed and furaalo l,y ^ng23_ g, 11. HENDRICKSON. tmrAND SNUFF. ?HOLE Mrs. Miller’, lino cut To 1 MaccnT,, l ccn ;_ Bbbls Lorillard’s Scotch and K„nn *! y 4 lh boltlos; 30 jars onnrso or P £;rL nd Mtoooboydo. Just roooivod and »opi ,6 y ll - HENDRICKSON UNEXAMPLED MAMMOTH SCHEME HE following dotnil*of a Schkmr oi* a Lottsrt. to bo drawn in December next. —:II te bo UNPAKAL, LELED in the history of Lotteries. Prizes In the amount have hevkr bkkurz been errznEn o the public. It is true, tliero aro many blanks, Imt on tho other hand, the extremely lew charge erwo por Ticket—die Valok abd Nunbbr of die Cafitals. and die revival ofdio goad old custom uf warranting that every piize shall be drown nnd aotd. will, wo ate sure, give univer, •al •nlisfacdan. end especially la the Six Hoe, drkd Prize Holders. To those disposed lo adventure, wo rocom. mond early application being made to us for tickets—when die prizes are ell eoid, blanks only remain—Hie first biiyera liavo the best “»««• Wo, Ihoicforo, empliaticnlly sny— DELAY Non but nt nnee rc mil cm] tram-lnii to us your orders, which shall always receive our immediato atlomion. Letter* lo bo addressed and applications mndo to SYLVESTER & C0„ „ . , 150 Broadway, Now Yolk. ET Observe die Nmnbor, 150. $TO0|O0011! 8300,00011 $95,0001 6 prizes of $90,000II 3 piizes of SIS,000 3 prizes of $10,000 , I LOTTERY Of Real Estate uud Bank Stock, aitiialed in New Orleans. 97 The richest end most magnificent Scheme ever presented to tits public, in Uiis or any other country. TICKET! ONLY $30, cililY and certainly with which it realorei'the 'T, 1 ,!!' „ , ., „ „ virile powers wliou tliov hove boon dnsimvaii . ,? vogelable Ptlle are a sure romeilvfnr jaund.ee, sick end nerve,,, headache, eosnveness, sickness or die stomach, hiartbum. f.Lin l °.". , . 0 k 0 «" ,p " "“• r “ vor * ° r * 11 end it laken at the commencement will invariable check their progress, end save the patient from n protracted end dangerous sicknoes. They are invaluable in nervous and hypocondricnl nflhe uo,.., loas of appetite, and^'all oomplalnl. lo which femAloa alone are subject. Tiny oper ate o> n mild apeedy purge, end aro n aafi) and cortom remedy for worms in children. Extract of n letter from Dr. Uumoy orN Or, leans, La. Ocl.0,1837,—“I have received much nsfielnnce m my practice;especially in jaundice and yellow fever; from Iheuseof Peters Pills I Cc U .T,rI l n,U ,, .‘“ n aV8r ”<‘- I P—i b °™ f S sJ 0n ? r 1 ! , * le be “ l che, wi»fr In tho Uni< ted Sloloi. Biid felt assured lhat ho would some They nio indued n superior medicino end re* the philMopher. 1 " 8 0l,e,ni * , ' " ,a and Cl TPi^ r I™ ° r Pill "> "'the f mild' es i" their oporadon., and yot most powerful in their effects, of any dial I havo evor met with in a practice nfeiglil and twenty years. Tlioir S a!bl«S*| Chjr Lt*"? kincoon theitnpnridss ol the blood, Is evidently very surpriaiiiF ’ CHAR10TTE.N.C. Jan. 1,1337. . l l,vo mi'lo frequent use ofyour J.I.' “ illc !P'°nt single orbilliousfevor;nnd onTnVgemcnt of die spleon.clironic diseases of the liver, tick headache, general debility, and .11 casei have found them In be very eflec, .. d- D. Horn. M. fj. in nil ci live. ' ^ Mkcklesboro. Co,, Vn. Fob. 7,1837 Having used Dr. Potors’ pills in my praciica for tho lust 13 months, 1 inks pleasure in swing my lotlimony of their good efiecis in cases of dyspepsia, sick headnelio, billious fo. vors, and othor diseases, produced by in eclivi, ly of die liver. They are a safe nnd mild ap, orient, boing die best article of the kind I have over used. «EonoK C. Scott, M. D. This celebrated Medicino is for sale by all the principal Druggists in Savannah and through- uut the United Sletca, the Coilidsi, Texas, Mexico and the West Indies. Prico 50 cents por box with full directions. »ngS 104-1 y bp* It shall be at tile option of Ibe winners orl rizesofUniikSlocks.oidiur In lake die slock dseir, or die par value thereof in cash. 4 ho reco'pis ° f dro sale r ,f tiro Tickets are. end will be, deptuiird in die CltizeiuL Con. !S“.!’ Cl " , ru S 0 "' an<1 CarrollioPSank., ill Iho natuo «f tho Malingers jointly with j. U. Sink "n""!!’"? c 7 llitr ° ri ' 10 Ciiixon* 1 Bank, ond A. lioudouill, Esq nctllnlly cashier of An, a'l "e‘ d Bank^ ns Trustor's, ns per AcjpasneiJhcforoA. iMnziircoii, K*q,, Notniy trxnslSrrorfii M, l. y,1 ?^ ,nn, l ,bo Properties tens7.° d f °' " ,,,C0Uri,y » f "“ IOfinmi°{vmT i " ir ~ l,) “' 000lick ' , '' rf an' 1 '<• n zol w l 0 ,.?" 1 , 0,10 "I'OBl. and 000 prizes, with the blanks in number. 'I'o everv number a prize or blank will be drawn, until ad Iho privea art determined, leaving the bnlanco or '"'J"l'nr« in Iho wheel Monks. • I" RntTousAiiD I'uei.isiir.rts.—Having Sehimf ®°ntaining die alievo l.. h.Ti i (Vo " 1 '"omv.two Stale, nnd Terrilor er,' b ..r,^" T'-'?' ? r,h .° Rrilnh Provinces, wo ’ t Wl h "» oirculndnn, and iherefnre request dial such papers os have not. up in this ed nil iTl d ".a advertisement, will bh pleas. iiZ i, ,nd ', ,,at ?" 11,0 °‘».er paper, will insert it once a week only undl Ihe lit nf Do. SYLVFsin'iMi s nr o' hcir accoonts. SYLVESTER & CO., 166 Broadway,N. Y. . J»ly 80 , Glt BCO BANE. R ECEIVED, 0 doz Saiinhnliz’s Reach nnd Bud Bug Bane, For sale by ang 14 A. PARSONS HOWLAND'S LOTION, F OR improving nnd beaulifying tho com. plosion, rendering the skin fair, >oftnnd transparent, ond for removing tans, sunburns, frocklos. Sic., warranted genuine. Jurt recoiv od and far aale by aug 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IM ITATION. G EO, W. CARPENTER'S Compound Extract of Icolend Alois. Carrageen or Irish Moss, Slippery Elm, Horehound, Arc., e valuable remedy for colds, coughs, dyspepsia, dysentery, diairhaia, catarrh, ami all nfiucdons of the breast end lungs. Fnr sale by nng 31 PORCHEIt *. LA ROCHE. CHALLENGE.—The Gxir- ImeS Vsf OIRE FRENCH PILLS e. gSnnt all die QUACK NOSTRUMS of die "gofer die cure»f * * * * The French Pills are applicable in nil cones, for either sox, (waiiontod froo from Alorcury,) nnd possesses great advantages over the Bol. asms nnd nil liquid medicines, by being ontirely froo from smell, nnd consequently donotelfeci tho breath, thereby preventing ihe possibility of discovery while using diem. Besidexthis important advantage they nevoi disogreo with tho stomach, ond in the first stages of die disease they usually effect a cure in a low days, with little regard to diet oroxposiiro. In Iho most obstinnlo stages oftlio disease, they are equally certain,heving cured many nfior every other remedy hod failed. In .liorl, they have been bo universally successful that the proprietor challenges nny oire lo produce a rom. cdy of equal certainly, 'undor a forfeiture of Threo Hundred Dollars. For solo by G. R. HENDRICKSON, ond T. Al. & J. At. TURNER. Prico $3 por box. 164—ly nng 5 LAMP OIL. *o. ■'HA GALLS pure Sperm Oil, (Fell •J"!a" strained) 300 dn Summer strain* eddo. Also, 13 doz Lamp Chimnies. Just received, end for sole by eug 14 A. PARSONS. HARRISON’S SPECIFIC OINTMENT. F OR the euro of White Swellings, Sorofu Ions nnd othor Tumors,Ulcers,Sore Legs, old nnd frosh Wounds, Sprains nnd Bruises, Swellings nnd Inilammntimis, Scald Head, Wo- men'* Sure Breasts, Rlieninntio Pnins, Tetto.s, Eruptions, Chilblains, Whitlows, Biles. Corns, nnd External Disunion generally. It is likewiso greatly superior to any niodicino heretotoro discovered for die chafed backs and limbs of horses—for ring worms, chapped lips—end in short fob every external bodily evil Hint may fiill lo tho lot of man nr boast. For solo by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. & J. Al. TURNER. Prico 50 cents por box. Bi;gfi IQI-rljr REFINED LIQUORICE. A SUPPLY of tho above article of fine qtinlityjor *aleby ang 19 PORCHER & LA ROCHE. RIEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. FH 1 !HE eighth Course of Lectures in this In | stitntion, will bo commenced on tho so* cond Monday (tho lltli) of next November, nnd he tenniiinted on the first Saturday (the 3d) of March following. The lectures will bo delivered by. G. M. NEWTON, M‘ D., Professor of Anat* omv. L. A nnd Pnthologicnl Anatomy. CHALES DAVIS, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Phnrmncy. JOSEPH A EVE, M. D.. Professor ofThora- notifies nnd Matcrin Medico. L. D. FORD, M. D v Professor of Inslitutosi and Practice uf Medicine. PAUL F. EVE, M. D., Professor of Principles nnd Prnctico of Surgery. MILTON ANTONY, M. D., Professorof Ob. stetrics and Diseases of Women and Infants. The Professor of Anatomy, assisted by Dr. John McLester, will superintend the Dissecting Rooms in person, and discharge tho duties of Domonstrator without additional foo. Tho Professor of Anntomy and ChemUtry devote their wholo time to the College. The expanses Tor the full Courso of Lectures, including the Demonstration ticket, is $115. Student* attending this institution for tho fir*t lime, will pay for Matriculation $5. The cur rent money of nny of the Staten in which Stu dents may reside will be takon nt par. Specimens in Anatomy and Nuttiral History will be tbnnkfully received! for tho Museum. PAUL F. EVE, Dean ofthe Faculty.' Augusta, Aug. 1Q t 1^39? 170t4vy ang 19 Authorized by an Act ofthe Legislative Assem bly ol Florida, and under the Directions of the Commissioners, acting under the same. TO DE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, December 1st, 1830, SCHMIDT &. HAMILTON, Managers. SYLVESTER & CO., 156 !)rondwny, New York, Sole Ageuts. iro COMDIXATIOX NUMBER*!!! 100,000 tickets from No. I upwards,in succession Extract from the Laws of the Legislative Council ofthe Territory of Florida. Chap. 76L—No. 22.—-Whereas the Court House of Duval county, is in an unfiuisln e.l stato, and there are yet due and owing up on the same, monies, which it is behoved wil impore too burdensome a tax upon tho poople of Duval; and iwheroas, it is desirable to pay those said sums end complete saidbuildi ing.ns woll for tho greater convenience ofthe ad ministration ofjuKtice.ns for tho doimle purposo of an Acudetny, for which purposo in part, tho said building, when completed, is designed Therefore— Sec. 1 ] Do it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of tho Territory of Florida, That it shall and may bo lawful for Josopli D. Lancaster, Isaiah D. Hart and Wil. liam J, Mills, or any two or thorn under tho* direction of the county court of Duval couuty, to raise such sum or sums of money by Lottery, in such Schemes as they may deem appropriate nnd advisuble: Provided, that the said persons shall bind themselves in such manner as the court shall direct,well and truly to conduct *uch lottery in good faith,to appropriate the proceeds to the object abovo stuted.—Parsed, Feb. 7th 1834.—Approved Feb. lltli 1831 Dy agreement, bunting date the 23th of Fthi niary, 1839, the above Joseph Loticaster,Isaiah D. Hart nnd William J. Mills did, for certain ni\iVW , *'”"A , Ct;" *hn«r 5J lAeroi* Schmidt &. Hamilton all their Right and lu> lerest, and tho Power* vested in them by the above recitud Act of tho Legislature of Florida. Extract from tho vnlmition of George Phillip Manouvrier and Jacob do Cordova, both of the City of New Orleans, made aud sworu to on the 19th day of April, 1839s— That the said George Phillip Manouvrier and Jacob Cordova, appraise and conscientiously and honestly vnlue the property known under the name and uppellation of ‘'Banks Arcade,” in the City of New Orleans, at Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, and "The property known under the appellation of "City Hotal” or "Dishop’s Hotel,” in the said City of of New Orlenns, at Four Hundred nnd Twenty Thousand Dollars.” Tho deeds of the Property and tho Stock trans* furred in trust to the Commissioners appointed by the said net of the Legislature of Florida, for the security of tho Prize Holders, SPLENDID SCHEME!!! 1 Prize—The Arcudo—286 feet, 5 inches, 4 lines, on Magnziue street; 101 feet, 11 incheston Natehez street; 126 feet, C inches, on Grnvier st. Rented at about $37,000 per an num. Valued at Prize—City Hotel—162 fr on Com mon street, 146 feet, C inches, on Camp st. Runted at $25,000— Valued at 1 Prize—Dwolling House (adjoining the Arcndo) No. 16,24 fr, 7 inchr ea front on Natchez st. Rented nt $1200—Valued at Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) No. 18,23 fr trout on Natchez st. Rented nt$ 1200—Valued at Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) No. 20,23 feet front on Natchez st. Rented at $1200—^Vnluod at 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 23, North east corner of Basin & Custom.honso street;40 feet fronton Basin, ond 40 foot on Franklin st. by 127 fr. dcop in Custom houso st. Rented at §1500—Valued nt l Prize—Ditto—No. 24. South west corner of Basin «.V. Custom house street; 32 foot, 7 inches on Basin 32 fuel, 7 inchoB on Franklin, 127 feet, 104 inches deep in front of Custom house street. Rented at $1500—Vnluod nt 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 feet, 8 inches on Royal street, by 127 fr, 11 inches deop. Rented at $1400. Valued at 1 Prize—250 shares Canal Bank Stock, $100ench FOR TIIU TOILET tk IV l! It - C OLOGNE Water in bln«?n, ent gia.a and ground .lopped bottle.; L«,. m ler dodo Fro U ne'h K p. .M°| d0 d ? ^ 0l : an 8« Flower do ol 1 ' 111 Dnd Amer,c, »‘» manufacture, SBSJiJhr-p‘ ,r " m ° r ° r ">• handkerchief, Feramii Musk nnd OitoefRose Scent Bag., n perfume for laying in drawers. r a '“ k - " ,ld •'""It". »nd preventive ngainit moth; Fr oil iim Milled, nr, Ceylon Violet, Je«. mimne, Olive, Vegetable, Lavender, Cinna. end P^f l0, i"° X er,:iu '" lor . Bom, Almond,Mink niDll^Almnmf S “T ^ CinO.V n» nil n d a,ld SWf So "P* bar.; Bears Oil, Bears Grease, Oldridge's Uulm ofColum. ,u ,, ?”7V 0i1, 9 1 "”," • Indian Uyofor clyo- ng Ihe hair in twolvo hours without injinhig rra^" , . r ‘°' B ,h , 0 -Bin. Touth Powder,. Cold yp S". ,v e or various mnnnfaetures. nlalS ralhi.'*n h a ! ,d P,omi, ’ Ua «° Vanilla and plain toilet Powders, warranted of inpenor Book, ofsup’r quality. Razors and 8iraps,Otto of Rose in fancy cut glass and gill edge bailies; Antique Oils of various patterns, Pearl Powder I ranch mid English, Pink Saucers,Toy Paints, also uiher cosmetics loo numerous No mention. For sale by PORCHER* LA ROCHE, Sign oftlio Golden Globe, Opposite the Market. WHOLE hO.-»(i.OS4 R . 7-1ST OF LETTERS EMAINING in the Post Offlce at Savan* nnh, Sent. 30ih, 1839. Por»ons wishing B, ° reqUCJ:cd “•"•kP-? A Almy mrs Henrietta Armas Win BncmiJmi 11 lliickloy Frederic Ajon mirs Caroline A B Bonn Time B Borchort A Barnard mra Aim El* Uourko I) A Baui.mr.J3 Bnnrko Wm II 2 Baines mrs J S Bates Jos Barrs lliclid B Black Mary W Blackwood Jno Brniliford miss H C Blanca Jo. G Bramiay It Beiliss Sami Ball miss Susan M Berry mra Mary 4 Bell mr Emanuel BilbaJames Birins Jno W 3 Bivins U H 9 Cant Jno 9 Cnrrutliera James Cariuihera Jos A Ony Michasl 9 Cavanaugh Jamas Capon Oianah Cannon B F Cerloy mra Clo Ann Clark mrs P Cloghorn Atox C Chapman K Dngenharl Henry Davis mrs EA Davis Mary A Davis E HI Dnher Jos U Bniloogh mrs L Bowman Iloht Bond mrs D Brown R C Dhiuiil Gen DniiOiilet J P Bond David Broughton Frank Borden Goo C Brooks — Boyd Itobt Duller Francis J Duller mrs Ann G Bruce Wra Clark Jamoa F Cuter Jno Carrol Pnt Cranalon U Cruviltier Jii.tme Crowe. James W Condon P Conway Michael Cechren The. Cone Wm Conners Wm D Dickerson H J Dickerson M A Dyer Henry Denny Mich Donoho mrs Mary Dean Pai'g** H * r,i ‘' 5°?!‘ Francis Demere Henry R Dellanmiy AlexT DreesoMich Dufiy Nanny Dolly Tcrcnco Diirret miss Susan S ^IJnhiggiu mra Busan Earl P II Evans Alorris Easterling The. W 2 Eildale miss S M Lvons mts Cxthottno Eventt miss Ann J P Fidlcr Geo aug 28 J NEW CARPETING. & E. INGERSOLL aro now opening • on extonsive assortment rich Carpetings and R'»gs, of iho newestpaltorna, consisting of Three ply Ingrain Carpeting Bupornne do do Extra fine and common do do Also. 5 8,3-4 nnd 4.4 Striped and Damask Vann, linn rich Tufted Rug*, Bindings. Jfc.; which are ollered at wholesale and retail, on very fa- GENUINE WELCH FLANNELS U Q) PCS assorted qualities, some very fine JsL and worranttU real Welch. Just ie» ceived and for sate by sept 6 FULLER, MOORE Sc CO. SUP’U 4-4 SCOTCH GING HAMS. Por barque Gazelle. 1 CASE super 4<4blnck and white Plaid Earlston Gingham* 1 do do 4*4 black and lavender do dn 1 do do 4.4 fancy colors do do, comprising a splendid assortment. The above Goods havo been made to order, and from choice patterns, sont to Europe ex* pressly for this market. SNIDER, LATHROP Sc NEV1TT. sept 23 185 Frasier Andrew Fleming Wm Forrill mra Botsey Ferrol Carnellua rw..n;u n» n W Fleming mrs Mary Fleming James Fleetwood Green Gaskin VVI1 Gaston Cook Gaston Carrol Gonahl L 3 Gregory Osslar Gimiovoly Beuj Gier Fred Gibson Robt Gibson Jon Halligan Pat Hartshorn Wm B Harrington Susan M Hines Henry tl&nift Wuiier Hover Jno Harden White Hartt J 3 Harley Jos G Jarvis miss H Junnison — • JefTer* miss L Johnston miss S H Johnston WW2 EosterF W2 Fox JD Fowler James Formh Wm rox rmntiiu Fulton Gospar G Glass Jos Graham Jno Guay Abram Grave* P GoeltyJohn Grover Oliver Goolsby Wm Gongle James Gugel James ll Hilchcock mrs C Hill, Dawson & Co Dollars. 700,000 500,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 NEW GOODS. T HE Subscriber lias just received and offers for sale the following nriicles: 2 bales 3 4 Springfield Shirting 1 do 3 8 do do 10 pc.4i4 Irish Linen. 13 do 4-4 sup. do 10 do Fancy Prints, 30 do low priced do 5 doz German Cravats 10 do black Cotlon Hose, 5 do blue do do Knap A & Co Kelly M Kelly Thos2 Kelly John Keeblcr mrs Harriet Lawton Wm J 9 Lad.on Joseph Law Fed Law Edmund L Larkeu Hugh Laiken Jos Laty Pet.r Martin Jns Martin W M Maxwell mrs Maty Mallory Owen Molier Cornelius Mathews C Hover Jim Homer Henry Hoffman miss F R glamor Henry Johnston Sarah Jones miss AnnC Johnson miss Emily Jones Geo W K Kenedy Patrick Kenedy D G Kerny Michel Kirk mrs Sarah 9 L Lee Edmund Livermore Samnel Lolls E Lord Clmrtco Loyd W U Lomis G D Leake mrs Mary Mitchell W II MitigledorrJamea Muion Reuben Miclmt Steven Morin G Morrncey John Mathews miss Mary EMorell Anne Nancy 30 do while do do, 13 dasupr. do do I USero'mrs M 20,000 20,000 15,000 15 do colored do do 6 do do do half Iloso 4 do white do do do 8 do Gents. Berlin Gloves 4 do Ladies do do 3 do do Chino spun Silk Gloves 2 do do black do do do 1 do GentSt do do do 15 do Silk Romnl* 12 pcs Pockei Hdkfs 10 M drill eyed Needles 6 doVictorin.in boxes 50 packs patent Pins 6 pcs black Bombasins 4 do blueiblnck Gro de Swiss Silk 2 boxes Cap Ribbon, 3 do Bounet do 100 doz Clark’s Spool Cotton 50 do Salmon do do 50 do DeWitt Si Co. Spool Cotton Lnccs, Uobinctts, Edgings, Swirs.Book, Mull and crossbarredMuslins,and Per- fumeiy. Also, a splendid assortment of tho latest style Bonnets, fo sulo by WILLIAM H. LLOYD, sept 6 South side Market, M lies Smith Morell John 2 Me McCluskev Thos G AlcNatt Hugh McDonald M E McLean John McDoualdnira Margt McDongullR W MoEvety John Me Bean Darnel McKeuncy B N Norton mra John Norris Jns Nolen Thomas Norton Jane Auno Newoll Thoa M Newton mra Susan Neai Satuuol Nichols Geo J Nicoll miss Georgia CNoycau Peter O’Reilly John P Patterson APR Pindar miss Anno M Preudergnst miss C MPhilip* miss Mary Peorse inis* .Mary AnuePostcll mrs Sarnh C P : DUGAS, M. D., Professor of Physiology | d n ° tl(1 j Pntholoeicnl Anatomv. 1 ^ 1 ^ ec ^ aUlC, a,,( ^ Traders’ do do I Ditto—100 do City Bank do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do dodo 1 Ditto—100 do do do do do 1 Ditto—50 do Exchange Bank do do 1 Ditto—50 do do do dodo j Ditto—25 do Gas Light Bunk do do 1 Ditto—25 do do do do do do l Ditto—15 do Moohanics’ & Tin ders’ dodo 1 Ditto—15 do do do do do 20 do—each 10 shares of tho Louis* iana State Bank, $100 each, each Prize $1000 do-each28hare* of $100 each, each Prize $200, ofthe Gas Light Bank 200 do—each 1 share of $100, of the Bank of Louisiana 200 do—onch 1 share of $100, of the Naw Orloans Bank 150 do—each l slmro of $100 of the Union Bank of Florida 10 25,000 20.000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5000 5000 2500 2500 1500 1500 20,000 2000 20,000 20,000 15,000 APPLES. Tj DDLS Apples in fine order—rec’d 1L mW by ship Trenton nnd for solo by sept 16 LONG & PATTERSON. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. Tf TCS New OrloansMolassos.in store, B and for solo by sopt20 COPE & MILLS. Pitcher Cupt Reilly Jno Regnn Catharino Reynolds J Al Reilly Thos W Reid inis3 Eliza H . Robertson Geo D Rossiguol James L acy mrs Martha A Statford Wm G Stapleton John Stnily mr Geo Shearman Wilkins\V Siinson Hiram 2 Pomeroy miss Alar^ H R Robinson Mudison D 4 Rohnrils Decatur Robbins — Roundtree mrs Sarah E lliis*ell mrs Victoria Rutheiford Wm S Steele John B2 Stewart John Stetsnii Aninry.F Smith Edward 2^ CANAL FLOUR & POTATOES BULB Canal Flour OxK 25 half bi>l* do do 50 bbl* Polatoci*, in fine order,and fur sale by COPE & A11LLS. sopt 20 184 I St Georgo Alar tin Bheftnli mrs Sarah Al | Stevenson Jns Severance U B Sokciwun Aloses REEF A NO PORK. BBLS piimo Beef 75 do do Pmk 40 do mens do landing, for sale by ang 5 CLAGHORN Sc WOOD. Smith Henry T Smith Jnlm Strubel mrs Ann Al Slower D mi glass J SturtcvuntJ C T ’I’rnlTert Peter Tut on Win J Tufts miss S COTTON TWINE. I BALE Colton Twine, difi*urent sizes.- Jnst received nnd for sale by ang 21 ANSON PARSONS. Taylor Cnpt j Tillman Joseph Thrower John T Thomas James T V Vulluttan Elizabeth L mrs | W Ward Charles AVilkin* mi** Eliza Wail Benj W 2 Williams miss Anna I IVnllnna mrs fVT n rffnrnl W ill... l.'.l... I (> ,_MS8 Wallace tors MargnretWiUhinu, Edward 2 Worrell inr. Mary 2 WilliamaJ I! e „=,vu , „ _ , , | Wray n.ise Susan M • Wilson lilts Jens 2 DOZ Robinson’s Patent Barley, received vVndkins Lewie D Wfighl mrs Eliz’ih ton and Ihraalo by Wakes Edward Wilson IV,n N “»S 21 ANSON PARSONS | Woshbiiin mrs CynlliiaWood Jascph W PATENT BARLEY. 000 Prizes. $1,500,000 TICKETS $30-NO SHARES. PliAVING CARDS, fire. GROCE superfine Playing Card* /S\Ip’ 50 doz Visiting Cards, nssot ted 20 do Cmiimunication do. Jimt received and for sale by G. K. HENDRICKSON, sept 30 Ware miss Amy Worth Wm James Williuk Henry F Womnch A J Williams Washington Webster J« sbua A y y OCI a Ju ‘ GF.URGE SCHLEY. P. M. Ha