Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 08, 1839, Image 2

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iht DoltaraperAnnum. •••Five Dollars por.Aimutn. ivo Dollars per Six Momlre i:Tllree Jo do do R T. K » *» * 1» v A t* C K.) *« and Sea .ddmriiscmtnu, appear in Mi Pupirf. V < (vriCK atthX cor -kr **r bat and sum.* -PUKL fl. t.VKIt MR J. »« OkUlltV’* * rt)KK ‘ ■imr .71VW ► From the Sea Orltane Picayune. ...... JOE BROWN. A victim to tux Knot.*tics. All deep Ihinkers. mid astute pliilosoplieti. mint have perceived dial ilte principle of motion pervades all ••naliir," as Sum Slick would say. and that bill for lilts heaving to and fro of tiro world and all things therein, chaos would shortly como aiiiu. Loafers art set down by modern ornitholo* giata at a species of lha fan'thered tribe; whether it it from any aVinUarity that ia generally to be found between a loafer's nose and the comb 01 a certain fowl—that his onterman generally re. •embleta newly plucked gooso, or that likooth. er bird* ho often boasts ofn long bill, we know not; certain it ia. however, that they are ao class* * ed. Like pigeons they have their seasons of migration, which with them ia summer and autumn, and they generally steer a north by east course. As they are rare birds here at the { iresenl writing, we think one of thorn, c night n Carondelot st., on Wednesday evening, is worth describing. , „ . His face waslike.the 6gure bead of a mamof. war, which had received tha crosa fire of lha •demy, and braved The battle and the breeze: or it might be said to resemble that of a mummy, lug up from a subterranean city, or, at a dis- _xnce, to resemble a rusty paint pot. Mis nose was lika a bunch of artificial grapes hung over the door of a doggery; his eyes were like hair ripe plums, and his mouth bore some resem blance to a large lemon squeezer. His old Panama was like a long used dug-out, or cradle of an Indian papoose. It would puzzle a de bating society to tell whether his coat was ori- ginally a round-about or a “long tail blue;” it had as many colors as a southern sky at sun* down, and was as threadbare as any of the quest lions discussed by politicians. His inezpretsi* wore evidently the victim of some mistaken right disorganization; instead of being '—pother in federal union, they were split tousand parts—instead of being one were many holes, and his old shoes utire figure of anti-amalgamation; ck had brushed acquaintance with they came to the years of understand. _ r hero—cannot a loafer be a hare, as well as a wholesale murderer!—our horo was yclept Joe Brown. He appeared to be practicing light Infantry tactics en the banquet; now he’d file right, now left, and now in a quicker pace, but with rather an unsteady step, advance to the charge. At length down ho came, diagonally, on the banquet! O. ho! thought we, he is now going through the motion of firing on his back; —let us see if he dees it according to Scott, so approsohing Joe Brawn, we found he was tee totiously blue ! He commenced singing a kind of epitaphian tong, of which the following is a literal copy :— Here lies Joe Brown, on the banquet down, Who has punished full many a horn; And whon accused of taking his malt, He never denied tho corn. •Ifar Mr. Brawn.' eavs Charley, who posed from tha tenor of hi* song that such his name—‘stop that ere L. £. G., you dead yet, and it's too soon to commence funeral sarwis—shut up, .and stnnd up; quite enough pork for a shilling. I'm blam’d if the fire department ought not 10 procuro your inwaluable sarwices; you could give a belter alarum in case of fire nor that ere boll in the Cathedral—I’m blowed if you ain’t a regular roarer; you'd make first rate artificial thunder fur the theatre, or yonr woice could be occasion! ally used as a cat-bar-act—you’d be worth any money if you could be converted into Watch- mensirattles. Why M r. Brown you don’t know the extent of your own powers.' 'Powers,' says Joe Brown, interrogatively— 'I hain't no powers, I am like an ex president or a reduced place holder—I'm diwe*ted of all powers; nor I can't stand up, there's no two ways about that/ 'Why what on earth’s the matter,' cried Chan ley. •O,’ ssys Brown 'cits mo if I know, I'm sub ject to rum.itism; I suppose I have got on attack of it now/ 'Yes/ says Charley, 'and I suppose by way of an antidote you occasionally use cock-ts'! syrup,' 'No inainiwatious, you old broomstick of jus. lice,'said Joe—'you dishcloth of the law—you currycomb of loafers—no insiniwations clear out, make track’s, I wants lo contemplate the moon and the heavenly bodies: how those stars blink and laugh out riflho corner of their mouih as much as to any .does your mother know you’re out old feller, a joke so stale that no deceut star would use it.' ‘0,1 cannot stand this gammon,' said Chan ley, 'and lie applied bis club to a part of Joe Brown's body, corresponding with wheie tha rib was extracted fiont old Adam, who must have himself been out on a spree whou tho beautiful Eve was tempted to cat the forbidden fruit. •Mr./ says Joe Brown, ‘if that’s tho way you mark your writ ef error against me you don’t understand the law, but in order to stay proceed* iilgsl suppose I must go with you. just put the honorable member,—that's n;e—on his legs and I’ll see what progress I can make—I'll fancy myself a sub.treasurer and try how fait I can ■leap/ Yvilh tho aid of Charley, he contrived to reach the Calaboose, and the jail fees next morning took away all his flouting capital but one twenty five cont shin pfnster. The Recorder extorted a promise from Joe Brown that he would not get blue again till tho :j “"'^f march arrive. the honor to tell yon that > night yon cut my cable without any provocatt in —which is an insult I will bear from no man. 1 am n man of honor—and am told that It is the custom of the place to settle oil quariels with pistols. 'J lu refine I expect you will meet mu on n Point opposite the harbor, this evoning ai six o'clock precisely, and apologize for your tiitgeiillemauly conduct, or settle the affair with pistols. I must have satisfaction. I nm.air.Ac TIMOTHY TAURUS. The American, of colire* took no notice of this elegant epistle. A fiiw days aftorwarus, lie mot the Englishman lit a public place, who in the presence of many merchants of tho town, and sundry Captains and supercargoes*of va. rious Nations, uddressed him in a loud voice, which attracted general attention as follows : Sir, I ask you before these gentlemen, why you have declined accepting my challenge! Yon grossly insulted me—and then refused to give me the satisfaction which I had a right to expect. I now wish to know, sir, if it is your intention to meet me like a man of honor, and exchange shots—or must I proclaim you a coward!’ •dir,' replied the American, who was every inch a gentleman, and who had often man ifes. ted a spirit prone to resent the appearance of insult, ‘I have lessen to bslieve that my character is well and favorably known in mil place. I claim to be considered a gentleman, and will never losa that distinction by fighting n cnarso and vulgar blackguard—to which apt pellatinn your appearance and conduct convince me that you have an undoubted right.—But. sir, if you will bring me a document signed by three respectable merchants in this plscb, certifying that I hare altogether mistakin your chniacter—and that you are entitled to all the rights of a gentleman and a man of honor, I will retract what I have said, and cheer full' content to do my . beat to put a bullet through your head. In the mean time/added he sternly, ‘let me ml be again troubled with your imper tinence.' Tee Englishman who expected a different result, finding that the current wai setting strongly against him. turned on his heel; mutter ing aa ho went off,'Certificate! Certificate that I am a gentleman! No-I wont gratify the fellow so much as to bring him a certificate!—Mer. Jour.* TUESDAY EVENING. Oct. 8, 1839. sun. wn* ain't the that’s THE ELECTION For Governor, also a Senator and four Rep< resentatives to tho State Legislature, to repri* sent this C unty.took place yesterday—Electors also expressing their opinions on the subject of Ratifieatibn or No Ratification. Five Hundred and Ninetymine Votes were polled. Below we give the result. “Experience” has not lost the State Rights’ Party much. For Csternsr. CHAS. DOUGHERTY (S. R.) 200 j. McDonald (u.) 330 For Senator. W. W. GORDON (nooppotilion) 398 For liepreeentulieu. JOHN MILLEN 374 R. D. ARNOLD 343 JOHN E. WARD 341 F. M. STONE 336 J. L. SHAFFER 217 Ratification 4IG No Ratification J38 Mr. Skaffkr run as an Independent Union Man. Fair Rosamond: Dy the author of Royster Gower.—We have received a copy of the above book— the imniuila! basket maker's test. We consider Mr. Mili.kr among the first, if not the very first, novelist of his day, and shall pe, ruse this book with the gteatest avidity. We have not yet found time to do so, ond shall of course reserve any critical remarks which we may have to make, until that very necessary operation is performed. In the mcnntitne, we are sure no one who read Royster Gowor will wait for our opinion, but buy it at once at Col. Williams’. EFFINGHAM COUNTY. Ja«. Cleland, Esq —I send you for publics* tion the result of the elcotioM in Effingham Cnumy. State Rights. Union, Clia*. Dougherty 143 McDonald CG Senate. John Morgan 130 John Wilson 65 Representative. LowisWeitmtn 122 Joshua Gnnnn 71 No Ratification J74 Ratification 22 and in Alnbi _ liter* a few months ago—but on account of the protruded drought it will be gotten out in excellent order. FIRE AT NATCHEZ. Tho Natchez Courier uf tho 26th nit. any*— “ An our paper was going to press last night about 9 o'clock, a fire broke out on the cornor of 4 Cutml and State-sleets, in the buildings of Mr. James Lanca«hire. In a short time the whole front ol the square between Canal and Wall-streets was enveloped in flames. Tho splendid edifice of Mr. Parker« tho Southern Exchangn, on the opposite aide of State.atreet caught, and all of it, except the portion on the corner, is in ruins. The flames spread from StAte.atreet back on Wall, and swept away all the buildings on the squaro with the exception of the corner houso bolongiug to Judgo Turner and occupied by John Knight. Tho aeveral buildings fronting on State at. were all large frame buildings, with una excep tion, which was of brick. On Wall street wore destroyed the residences of Mr. James Soria and ol Garnet E. Howell, Esq. und the brick law office of Messrs. Garson and How it. The val ue of tho property destroyed will uot amount to less than $100,000. 'We can form no opinion of the origin ofthe fire, but it is represented to bo the work of an 'neendiary.as the building in which it originated was untetianted at the tune.' This is the third destructive fire which has occurred in Natchez within tho sp^ee of z few weeks. AUGUSTA BOARD OF HEALTH. Saturday, Oct. 5—12 M. The Board report the deaths of ono white person and one negro, during the last twenty four hours, from favor. A. GUMMING, Mayor. S. M. Thomfion, Seo'y. Sunday, Oct. G—12 M. Tho Board report the deuths of three white parsons and two persona ol color, during tha last twenty.four hours, of fever. A. CUMMING, Mayor. S. M. Thompson, Secretary. MOBILE, Sept. 30. The Health of our City Is nppeatantly some' what better, owing, probably, to the constant' ly decreasing number of victims. People seem to look upon October as a preventive ofdisease, and business hns beon partly resumed. Since our last report the following are the interments: —26th; G.27tli. 9:2dth9;20ih,6. Up to two o'clock to day there has been only 4. NEW-ORLEANS, Oct 1. Charily Hospital—Admitted yesterdry 175- fever 10: died 2. btones’ Hospital.—Admitted yesterday five dis* charged three: died none; 38 remaining. Interments at the Bayon Cemetery, yesterday, 9; from the Hospital 4: Yellow Fever 3. At the Catholic Cametery, 1, of Yellow Fever, 0. At the Protestant Cematery, l; of fsvar 1* The yellow ferve is represented as raging dreadfully at Bayou Sura—the hale not being sufficenty numerous to attend to the wants of the sick, or to inter the dead; Such is the report furnished by the steamer Mountaineer: tho clerk of which boat states, that application was made for assistance to persons on hoard, while the boat was ut the landing, by the inhabitants. CHARLESTON, Oct 7. Shipwreck—The schr. Caleb Nichols, Rowe, from New York, sniled 29ihiilt for this por» with a cargo of Stone, Bricks and Hay, *• ” ashore Saturday night, at 12 o'clock. Breakers. Thesr.hr . i/e of Duelling.—The Marblehead man i.Englishman.—An intelligent and highly eheud, le shipmaster,belonging to Mnrbleheuu, ;o placed in ail uupleasunl dilemma,from *“ extricated himself with truo Yankee His vessel was moored in a port in ost Indies—when an English brig entered the harbor, the Captain of which dropped his anchor foul ofoiio tho hemp cables of the Anier* lean vessel* He was hailed and requested to weigh his anchor, and remove further off— as tho cables of both vessels would otherwise re ceive much injury—but the rough, boisterous brute ofa Csptuiu. half intoxicated at the time, declared with a disgusting oath that lie would not get his anchor. The wind soon after shifted—nnd the vessels came alongside of each oilier—when the Ameri. can, justly! indignant at the culpable obstinacy of tl).; Eiiglithninn, peremptorily told hint that if he diil not immediately weigh unchor uud warp off, he would cut his cable, John Bull in a pithy reply, interlarded with many choice figuies of speech, defied him to cm liiscublo. Upon which the male, u tall raw. boned Jonathan, seized the cook’s axe, and re* coiving a wink from the - Captain, with a few hearty .strokes fairly chopped it off! The vessel drifted a short distance, when another anchor was let go, which brought her up—but improi cations of horrid character were showered down on ihe head* of the offending Jottulliuns—of U* The following is an extract of a lej ceived by a gentleman in Sandersville, ington County, (Ga.,) from a highly respeenn hie source. We only publish it (says tha Advo« cate) to show to the world the pitiful intrigues resorted to by the opposition. It was received just as our paper went to press, and we therei fore have not time for comment. “Datisboro’, Oct. 3d, 1839. "Cols. Robinson and Tennille spent most of tha day oflast Sunday with the Irish, at O’Rl ley’s Shantees—treating and electioneering. I am credibly informed they bought six or eight gallons of liquor aud gave them all Union Tick sts, to vote for their party. This I think it steeping a littlo too low for men of standing.— but I do not believe their visit will profit them anything. The substance you can assert and give me as the author.” The editor of tho Advocate remarks—Any gentleman wishing to see the original, wilj please cull at the printing office. MARYLAND ELECTION# So far ns relates to the representation of this State in Congress we have intelligence (says tho Baltimore Chronicle sf the 4th ins t.) of the certain choice of Mr. Philip Francis Thomas (Loco Eoco) in the .Second District in tho placo of Mr. James Alfred Pearce, (Whig)—of the election of Mr. John T. II. Worthington, (Loco Eoco) in the Third, Messrs. James Car. roll and Solomon Hillkn, Jr., in the Fourth Mr. Wm. Cost Johnson in the Fifth, and Air. Francis Thomas in the Sixth—making, so far as heard from, five Loco Focos and one Whig. Two districts, the first and seventh, remain to be heard from. We have heretofore confident, ly expected the olection of Whigs in both these Districts, but,as things have elscwhero turned out so much to our disappointment, we shall nwait, not. without anxiety, the actual returns. In the Seventh, tho returns from St. Mary’s and Calvert render it nenrly certain that Mr. Jenifer (Whig) is re*elecied over Mr. Key.— In the best aspect of the case, Maryland will not hnve in the next Congross more than three Whig*. cm Breakers. The scllr imill«*.0j a V • P'‘J’ “ filled, .nd hud commented , 0 p j® c „ a , 4 ucloek, whenUn,cmw, 7 in S nmb ^ nni to - fl in lheir b ° a '. "nd landed at Sullivan', XiImmI ye.Urdav. Veswl •nd cargo lt.\ a ||y | oil . The crew luv'td nothing t ll ‘*‘■-'“II'S- they .load in. Th.v.u.l belong® ea lo c., Waterman, of Georgetown. The cargo -he owned in tin. city.—Cornier. Effect of the Draught on Cotton.—We here been furniihed with lour pod. of Sea Island Collon from 0 plantation near Charleston, ilhieraling the effect ofthe recent unexampled drought on that staple. The Inweat pod, or that plucked nenre.t the bottom of theetelk, ii fairly opened end matured. Tho next in the aicending scale If but partially opened and matured—the next more defective—and the topmost one is IhoroUih. ly wilted, and dried, a. ifexpoied to a aevere end isntimely froet. Tho field,from which tlieae node wort1 taken,pronti.ed fair, two mouths ego, Tor a yield of 150 lb., to tho acre—tho eetimata tiow is reduced lo 70 or 75 lbs, per acre,—JWd. Great Conflagration in Aiken—Wn regret to learn from tl bjoined lettera, that the flour. isliing town of Aiken hueuffered from a dis i>. Iron, conflagration, destroying near50 building, and out buildings, and in houses and meichari* dize about $70000. To their credit, however, be u said, that the enterprizing merchants of the place Imvo resolved to take immediate meaa. ures to kreuk the force ofthe calamity, and keep up the business and fortunes ofthe town. Th«J have our sincere sympathy, and our warmest wishes for their success .—Ibid. „ AIKEN, Oct. 4,1839. Gentlemen—Our flourishing little town, is in ashes. This morning, at 9 o'clock, a fire broke out in the Store of Me B srs. L. Jones A Co. which soon communicated to the adjoining ... BS3B& M U n grentei . Jnjire. Yume* , , Gentleman—You by other lettera which „ ofthe awful calamity which has befit Holt us to day. At 0 o'clock uiiauionring, nil tho inhabi tants of our town wore busied in their different avocations. Ourmerchats ware buoyed by the prospect before them ofa fur more cxteu*ive hiisiuess this fall than had ^evor boon duno. But how sudden the chaugo from»‘pmapority to •dveraity. At fifteon uiiiiiites nl'tor 9. A A! , the alarming cry of tiro was sounded, and sill, A 1 M., in two short hours, all our hopes are bhated. The whole of the business part of our town is destroyed, and naught but smoking liiiNsand blackened chimneys point out the ■pot where life nnd activity wero before. Thirty six houses liavo been consumed; every ono of which.with one or two exceptions,was occupied; Below 1 give you a,list,aa far aa I am able to learn particulari. Two Rtnrea owned and occupied by Lowis Jones & Co.; loss $10,000—no insurance. 2 stores and a dwelling owned nnd occupied by Stecdmau & Alerrit; loss $12000—insurance $5800. Store house ownod by E. Prothro, oc. cupied by Alons. Lablutut, portrait painter; loss $I5U0—iio insurance. 2 staree ownod by — Holman, occupied by Schwnttz &.Toney; loss $2500—no insurance. Dwelling owned by Carson & Hamilton, occupied by Pucknrd; loss $2500—no insurance. Store houso owned by B. M. Rodgers; loss $1500—no iiisutntico.— The above were all on the North side of Lntii rens st. In the centre of Lnur*n*ist.,the Alurkot nnd Council Hall, owned by tho Corporation; Ioss$l000—no insurance. On the South side of Lauruustet., 3 out hoiisua nnd store ownod by Lewie Jones, Son.; loss $1000—no insurance. Corner uf Alleo nnd Lnurons'st., 2 stores and dwelling house owned by Col. John Alnrsh, oc* ettnied bv E. Durbec; loss $6000—insurance $4000. Store and billiard room owned by J. Randall, occupied by Wm. Wise; loss $1200— no insurance. '1 front arid 3 back stores owned by Jones, Aloetze & Bouknight, and occupied by them, mid also us Post Office; loss $12000— insurance $6000. Front and back store owned •nd occupied by J. Aluinly & Co.; Ioas$1600— no insurance. Store owned by John C. Hoi. cotnbe, occupied by Tupper & Co ; loss $6600 —no insurance. 2 storea owned by E Prothro, occupied by 11. Canaday; losa $2000—no in* ■uranca. 1 front and 2 back stores owned by Col. J. Mnrsh,occupied by Al'Kce & Poag; loss $4500—uo insurance. The brick building used as a Bank, on the North eide of Lsurens-st., was but slightly injur* ed; and the home on the corner of Lauiatia st. nnd Rail Road Avenue, was saved by greul ex* ortion, with but littlo damage. Owing to the great scarcity of water, efforts wero made to blow up suveral houses, but the wind, which shortly nftor the fire commenced, set in iteadilv ftoin W. N. Ws. with occasional heavy pulls and whirls, rendered ail our attempts useless, as its course was directly over the thickest part of the town. I am, vory respectfully, gmitleroen, Your obedient servant. The Disputed Territory.—Gov. Fairfield ef Maine, has addressed a letter to the Land Agent of that Stato, Rufus Al’Intire, Esq. apprising him that very extensive preparations are being made by a set of lawless men in the Province of New Brunswick for the cutting of timber the approaching season on what is called the dispu ted territory, and requesting him to give notice to said persona, and to all others, that no exer tions ofthe Executive of Maine will be remitted to break up this utrocioua system of plundering, and to bring those engaged in it and their abou lor* to condign punishment. He thinks a leni* ont course has been pursued long enough. Hit Excellency adds— Information has nlso k* oe n received that a large number of .permits/ Qi they are ceiled, have been sold an-* , MUa j by lhe L , llld Ayori , 0 Alassa'-.iiuetta to tha citizens of now'Briins- vv ‘*cU ntld others to cut timber on lands claimed ny that Commonwealth lying within ti:e dis puted territory and bordering on both sidea of the Aroostook river, notwithstanding the eai nun but respectful remonstrances of the Executive of this Slate. And it is represented hy those in the immediate command on lha Aroostook, that it will bn impossible for them to execute the several Resolvesjoftha last Legislature providing for the prevention of trespassers, if Alassaehu* sottf persists in granting these permits, thereby opening a door for admission into the territory ef foreigners without limit, to surround and tendar ineffectual the efforts of the small force which this State is compelled to keep there to save our noble forests from entire destruction: and inasmuch as many of these permits it is said will probably he obtained as a mere legal pre teuco and cover for the most extensive depreda 1 lions, I trust that under these circumstances the utmost rightful power will he exerted on your part, to prevent uny lumbering operations upi on the disputed territory, for the present, under •ny pretence or authority whatever. Should the authority prove insufficient, the power of the State, in its legislative capacity, may soon be brought to bear upon tho subject by u legiti male exercise of the sovereignly of the State over its public streams. You had better, therefore forewarn those who have obtained those permits that even if they should be 8ucr*e!*sful in their operations of cut ting, it is not improbable that the timber would be rendered entirely unavailable to them from tho course which tho State would find it necos- ■ary to tako for tho maintenance of its rights and the preservation of its interests. It is sincerely to be hoped therefore, that if none of the high considerations which the case presents to the authoritiesofMassachusetts are sufficient to prei vent the issuing of these permits, no citizen of Maine, at'least will attempt to exercise nny sup- posed rights under them, when it would mani. fc ‘ ‘ * - - r end-J toil with lose i truing Stur, ol rbor—mustdi A largo i min her of other American vessels aro also reported ashoro at different places—names unknown. Bon,' safe! afathor tho other day, Tin busy now: but ns soon as I cun gut time, I mean to give you n flogging:'’Don't hurry youisolf, pa/ rep lied, the paiiuut boy, ijcun wait.' A man in the South celebrated Ids birth day by laying fur Ins uewspnpoia. Good. Let's muku dm President, ways the Printers. estly prove ao pernicious to the best interests ofthe State, and especially at so important a crisii ns tho present may fairly be considered in u ii 7 communicated to the adjoining crisii ns tno present may fairly be consid buildings, and then to the Alarket house, which I rogqrd to the great question of boundary, stood in ihe centre of tho street, which caused Yery respectfully, the lire to cross, nnd it swept every building on Your obedient servant. each aido until it reached street. Every (Signed) JOHN FAIRFIELD. store was consumed except one standing at the earner of Laurens at. and Rail Road Avenue. The number of stores,dwellings and out build* ings destroyed, is not far, ifany, short of fifty. Trie whole of the business part of the town is in ashes, nnd the destruction of property is irn* inenso. 'ihe buildings were all of wood, and stood near each other, and it was so very dry that it burnt like tinder, and in two hours tho work of destruction, waa complete. The loss of properly in buildings and merchandize, i« gen erally estimated at one hundred thousund dollars hull think the estimate a large one,5fshoiild judge that about 70,000 might covor tho whole loss. As fur as I can ascertain, there is very littlo in surance on the properly—perhaps not exceed ing fifteen thousand dollars. It wns the result uf accident, and I may add carelessness of the clerk in the store where the fire originated. And l regret lo add ftiat there was not n dollar of ill* auranco on the store or stocks of geods ; uud the loss will be severely felt by tho worthy and enterprizing proprietors; they, however, seem to feel for others more thun for themselves, and dwell on the fuel of ull tho trouble and loss hav* iug originated from their premises. The citi* zens. as well as strangers, did their duty, but the fire defied nil exertions to stop its progress. It is a death blow to the busiues* ofthe place for tliH season, unless energetic measures are at once taken to rebuild. The merchants, liowevi or, seem not disposed to despond, but speak ef going ahead at once to build shelters lo cover tho goods saved from the flames, and expose them forsalo. Several loads of Colton arrived after ihe fire, and wero promptly purchased by some of the merchants who wero among tbe largest losers—nnd full prices paid for it, viz: 1nnd }. With such nerve nnd determination zon, nre ashore at Port Hood, ns seems to prevail, I sincerely hope that ere Brig Pilgrim, Campbell, from Boston long dip calamity may bo overconro, but, com> 1 Pictou, wa» totally lost on Picteu |3eacli Governor, Agreeably to the Governor's suggestion, pubi lie notice has been given by Air. Al’lntyre, caui tioning all persons againstcutting timber on the disputed territory, whether with or without per- mils from the Land Agent in Alassachusett*. DISASTERS AT SEA. By the packet brig Acadion, Jones, arrived at Boston from Halifax, we havo papers from the latter port lo the 20th of Sept. Wo have on sovoral occasions had to record disasters by tho severe September gales. The papers now be fore us add lo the numbet.—N. Y. Com. Ado. Tho French ship Alarie, from Havre, for N. York, was cast away on the tha. 13th of Sept, on the Islo of Sable. She had on board 75 passen gers, and a full carga of merchandize. It nfi fords us pleasure to say that the crew and pas* sungers were all saved—40 of tho latter nrrived nt Halifax in the Government achr. Victory Darby, Ofthe cargo, 1200 baskets Champagne had beon snved. The residue, with the ship will bo a total lose. s Ain. schr. General Alnrion, from Pictou, was driven ashore at Sundy Cove,and bilgod—crow and materials saveoli A letter has been received nt Halifax from Pictou, dated Sept. 2Jst, which states 'that nine American vessels, supposed to be fishermen were cast awny on Princo Edwards Island in the galo of the 13th instant—crew perishod.’ In addition to the above we find tho following- •Tho schr. Three Brothers, of Bedford, ashore on Peter’s Island, Rustice—crew saved. The Am. schrs; Alary Jane, Vine, mid Amai for CUMIHEHCIAI, JOURNAL. LATEST DATES rnoM T.iVKitroot., t : : t :: t : t SRPT 2 rnoM iiAviiz, i t : t : : t : : t SEPT 1 rit«M MOBit.x, : SK-PT 28 rilOM NKW-Oltl.KANS, t t t t J t IXPT 28 ... V Yesterday and the duv before, stocks recovered themselves wonderfully—some descriptions run up five per cent—but today the picture is re versed. Tho slocks that ran up liavo ns slid* denly fell off. Blit tho state of the Stock Alar* ket ought not to bo a guide to that of mutiny.— The immense gambling operations, that nre carriod on, have a contracting infiiianco. Par* ties and combinations ora formed to rim up or run down Stocks as may best suit their purpo- ti passengers’ Por brig Philura, from New York—Alta Ad ams. Airs Reinshart, Mrs Vanhorn. Airs Nevltt. Mrs Davis, 2 children and servant. Alra Turn er, 3 children and servant. Airs Butler and child. Airs Daily and 3 children. Miss Milter. Alias Adams. Miss Holland. Mist Turner. Miss Kemptnn. Miss Butler. Alassrs Wood. Hopkins. Remahart. Hollis. Staunton. Dalamater. Van* horn. Turnor. Dempsey. Powers. Cullen. Pur. inton. Dunstor. E Eatabrook and A Ealabrook. and 40 in the steerage. Per brig Eleanor, from Baltimore—Dr Koch, lady and 2 children, Alessra Bell, Herbert, Fir ter, and 4 steerage. Per steam packet Georgia, fm Clmrlcslon- Mrs Hunt, Airs Brady, Alesirs Hawkins, Bra* dy, Rawls, Barry, Doner, H Bosor, S H Fay* Lathrop, Judgo Randal. SHIP NEWS, POUT OF 8AVANMAH. ARRIVED SINCE OUR LAST. " Biig Augusta, Sherwood,Now York, 7 days, to C B Carter &. Co. Aldzo to N A Hardee, G Haas. Scot ft Balfour, Boston & Randall, T Purse, C C Thompson ft Co, W Olmstead, J Anderson & Co, Claghorn & Wood, S W Wight, Ladd, Tupper & Sistare, Weeds A* Alorrell, W Patterson & Co, R V Goetchins, U E Stiles, J Al Berrien, O Johnson & Co, Cope & Alitls, F W Heitiemnnn, J Gumming & Co, A Parsons, J J Alnxwoll, YV Gaston,W YV Gor don, YV ft J YV Remahart, F. Henderson. J A E Ingersoll, YV H Smith, T H Harden, 8 F Begga, C Hartridge, J C Sturtevaut.J Shaffer, YV Warner, E Bliss & Co,Al Hopkius.L Bald, win, Washburn, Lewis A Co, Huntington & Holcombe, YV Taylor,Padelford, Fay A Co,YV HAS Rogers, N B A H YVeed, C YVard, N B Knapp A Co, T M Shnpter, Camyfidd A Neyle, J Maltery, J U Gaiidry, E Ueaulurd, D Dempsey, F Sheila, Avery A Johnson, P 11 Behn, YV T YVillinnif, YV 11 Stiles, J B Iloy* word, Snider, Lathrop A Neviu, Wimberly A Jones, II Roberts. Brig Philura, Sherman, New York, 5 days, to L Baldwin. Aldzo Al Prendorgust, E Rued J A Clifford,Claghorn A YVood.E Bliss A Co. M Hopkins, C Van Horn, J B Gitudry, Cuh -n Milter A Co. J W Long. D Dempsey. C L McNisli. S Rogers. S Sawyer. G D Cornwall. YVnshburn, Lewis A Co. P WUlhorger. A Champion, and others. Brig Eleanor, Jun.'s, Baltimore, nnd 57 hours from the Capes, to S Philbrick A Co. Bncon, Flour, Oats, Ao. to F. Henderson, Pudelfnrd, Fay A Co, J Cummiiig A Co, F Sorrel A Co, YV 11 Smith, P llalligaii, C L MrNish.J Him* ter, C Ward, F R Sweat, J Shaffer, E Bliss A Co, F W Heitietnann, J A Fawns, Cohon,Mil* ter A Co, and others. Steam packet Georgia, Rollins, Charleston,8 hours, to Clnghorn A Wood. The Georgia broughtin Capt. Carson and crew ofthe schr La Bruce, from Wilmington bound to Charles- ton, wrecked on Sunday night lust on Charles ton bar—vessel nnd cargn lost. DEPARTED, Steamboat Florida. Nock. Black Creek. «> 7.—Ar’sohr Gilbert Hatfield, Smith, Philadelphia 5 days. Oct 2d 14 miles S YV off Hatteras, passed a schr cap 1 sized, bottom painted in imitation of copper, black sides,with two while streaks,apparently a new vessel. Cld. schr Stephen A Francis, AIngee.St Am giHtmo DA./miORF Oct. 4.—Ar biig Morning Star, Wedge, 17 ds fin St John., NU. Cld. brig Cicero, Lnndem.n, Wo.t Indict •chr Cornelia, Rogers, Garey’s Forrv PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 4-Ar Priteeien bug Count Woronzoff, Giunmovich, DO da flu Odenn, and 27 d. fin Gibraltar; brig P.nl 'r Jonee, Ireland, 7 da fin Churlmtonj Clma Wolle, Cioaby, 14 da fin Port un Prince.' NEW YORK, Oct. 3.—Ar brig Savnnn.b, Hubbard. 8 da tin Saoanimh: achr Warrior Wi ley, 9 da fin Jnckaonvillo: BOSTON, Oct. 2, 2 P. M.-Ar ship Eliza Ann. Burnell, Antwerp. On 2Glh, let 49 30, Ion 13, pnsaed a ship .leering E. with O, in Iter foretopiail. Barque Talent, Jonar, Trieste July HO I’OIt IYE W-YOICK, The packet ship NEWARK, D. V. Sonllurd, muator, will anil the firat fair wind. For freight nr passage, having good accominu. datinns, apply on board at Mon. gnt’o upper wharf, or to oct 8 WASHBURN, LEWIS * CO, u T‘row!'die' SiESS" 1 Transportation, tnUalnforJ a SLif-'d Savannah. Salary»), band ti ora accrmlios, in the eifat of iIrSS*- I P'MB it writing to ba Idn Jrffi 4 one i93» NclssORRE, '*co. SO ?GWfJ?fr r ' 29 haifhhlaNn., Mackerel* ' 50 box e Goshen Clreoso ' 2» kegs do Butter. F„ r , .Ml 8 CLAGHORN ML. FOR NEW-YOIIK-% Line. The rogular packet brig WM TAYLOR, Cnpt. ilooy, having boon detained by boisterous weath er, will positively sail tho first fair wind. For freight or passage, hav* ing fine accommodations, apply on board nt Mongin’s upper wharf, or to oct 8 WASHBURN, LEWIS A CO. oct 8 FOU NEW-YORK—Georgia Line. On Saturday nr.it. The brig PHILURA, Captain Shaman, Wl || Bail aa obove. For freight or passage, bavingsuporior ^accommodations, apply on boaid at Macro's wharf, or to L. BALDWIN. FOR BALTinOBE-Vir Cine. Tho copporod and copper fas tened brig ELEANOR, Captain Jones, will meet with despatch for .the above port. For freight or pas sage, apply to ? phiCbrick A CO, Who offer far sola, landing from said brig. ,.1000 bushel, heavy Outs 100 bbla •VickorV extrn Bakers Flour 40,000 lbs vory prime Baltimore enrod Bacon Ham., Sidoe nnd Shoulders 12 boxes prime llama 25 do ‘Copland & PrunlyV Tobacco oot8 193 frPATTEBBOl 60 boxes Cordials, assorted* 20 enses London Alustard 15 A chests Ilvson Tea oct 8 193 ’ ' McNISU 4* PIPESWtartSSSSloft S* 10 boxe. Claret, Si Julian 2 ice Pickled Salmon 10 qr enek. Cogewelfa Wine 4 halfpipe.S.ignetteBnuidy 'n b " ,c -Almond, 6 bale. Filbert,, 10 box.. Cilro, 10 keg. Butler, ju.t received SL ‘V,m C0 4 do .molted Tongue,, 5 da da B„f 10 kegs Goslivn Butter 60 buxes Cheese, just received and IWa ^octS 193 C ’ LMcKlil1 ' FEI/TON MARKET HEEiT 1 SS HALF bbl. ortho .hove, iSk Ju. n" bug Pbtluia, and fur iilebr ” ° c '8 JNO. B. SAUDll, MENHADEN FISH, ~ L anding—30 whole end hair tku iu liadett Fish, lur plantation un. Far. by CLAGHORN & WOOD, oct8 193 O F^ciriTir&EAHocnir r FER for sale on accointnodMint n No. 1 and 2 Caster Oil, in buttles as ed sizes, and by the gallon; Spti Turp«i_ do do do do; Epsom and Glauber Sails, Cra Tartar. Brimstone. Sulphur, Dutch Mid Glue, Snuffs, Salt Pc-tre, Alum, Black L, Lamp Black, Lamp Wick, Lamp Gliuei,K rax, etude and refined Indigo, Carolina u Spnnixh Float Blueing, Hippo, Jalap,RhaU Calomel, Arrow Root.Sponuh Flies,Carafh Manna, FUke, Nutmegs, Cloves, Uinrut Mace, Black and Cayenne rapper, Gq. Curry Powder, super Carbonate Soda;T.itw Acid, Rochelle Suits, Salt Tartar, Sol Aw nine, Gum, Aloes, Gurinic, Ammonia,Bens Copnl, Shellac. Mastic, Arabic, Opium andI) rax, Rose nnd Dutch Pink, Pearl Ash, SiU* ntiiB. Washing Soda, Mustard, Isinglass.Pr and Patent Barley, Chamomile Flowers,B set,Sugo,Eldar Flowers,Pennyroyal,Thsr wort, Liverwort, YVormseed, Digitalii,8 Squills, Quinine. Morphine, Iodmo, Pips Hydrioditle, Potass, Sulphate PoUu, f Oil, Oil Black Peppor, Oil* Mint, Su Lemon, Bergamot, Caraway, Oranre. CriNj Rosemary, Rose Cedrnlor Citron Flower*,* uiper, Snake Root. Pink Root, Vnlirir J Mazorion Root, Gentian, Quassia, C Magnesia, lump and calcined; SweetiadO Oils in flasks and bottles, Tooth Powd«n,5 ruvian Bark, Extract and Elixor of Bark, £ tract of Opium, Rein YVax, Gum Myrrh,Ak hoi, Spirits Nitre, Hartshorn, Carbonate,A: monin Oil, Kreosot. Also, Patent Medicines warranted frwkj genuine—Rowaud's Tonic Mixture. How Panacea, Swaint's Vermifuge, Uarclsv’s C bebs aHd Sarsaparilla, Butler's and Hr*- Magnesia, Peters, Hibbards, Brandreths.U Evuns, Phelps, Sogures, Beckwiths Gal!#* Hooper’s and other Pills;Bateman's Drops,! ish Oil, Harltem Oil, Turlington, BalsaM odeldoc, Scuddors ft Thompson's Eye Bernard’s Dinrrhroo Mixture, Morton'sC« Syrup, Apothocarie's Scales and Weight*-J Perfumery, Ao.—Prentiss and GliW»JjL logne, Lavender and Elysisn Waters. API Toilet Sonps, do do Extracts Musk. Jt»** Rose A Bergamot, do do Bears Oil. 0 _ Balm of Columbia, Hair Powder, Paps Boxes, Odorifferous Compound, VoU'-k o* of fancy patterns and colors, in eul glfc*f F gente;llose Water,Milk Roses.CreanjoiW Verbena Cream, Cold Cream, Lip Sjlre," a full assortment of other articles in Instruments-Lnncets, Tooth Keys anaf ceps, Scalpels Cupping Instrument*, mg Knives,Surgeon Needles and Sfiwotya ping Glasses, Nipple Shells and large assortment t of other article* Wt"W where physicians, planters Ind coniw* chants aro invited to call and examine selves. Opposite the Marte oct 3 Sign of the GoldenCj**] HOPS. SARSAFAIULLAiA- 1 BALE fresh Hops 1 do do Spanish Sarsaparilla 1 cask Pearl Ash 1 do French Chloride Lima I bbl Sal Soda, for wnshing 1 do fresh Chamomile Flower* 1 do refined Borax 1 do fresh Flax Seed 1 do do ground dodo 2 tags Canary Seed . 4 do Suit Petro, 1 do Spain*!* Indl , Received anil for sale by rP( , JOHN E. STILWBi,: nug 28 Opposite tho Mnu»* ol j_“—< BUTTER, CREESE. *'' KEG8 primo Cgslien 50 boxoe Jo Jo Che<« 2 botes Almonds, 10 boxes Le.noin^y received per brigs Win Taylor end I '"oct2 FUf L ' y JOHN n^Am^l JHAY-.S JLlNIMENT; (i , ia RIO COFFEET BAGS prime Rio Coflce, juitrei •iPMjr oJ and for ealoby cci 8 WASHBURN, LEWIS l( CO. ■WK7ARRANTED a cortaio W Piles, Hhotiinnliein, ,D“ "V rf p Wotiude,&e. A frcali supply Nevyark, SARATOGA pi Juki received ond for snlo ky pvnSON®: inly 20 ANSON__wL— CONGRESS SPR1N« WBHnna icoivoJ per brig *^ S 'oSsl