Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 11, 1839, Image 1

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4 m 1$M • i.*> MM FBIDif GVGNIKO, OCTOBEK 11, 1880.~ » iioi,i: i\o.-nc,«88 t JJTbaXS* VIVD STiutSV.-Tho appHoiilioti ortho ptiuon boul * u “ 0,,,,i !° be 0,19 “ f ,h ° r |P te ” Siiy intho cure end prevention of I .,eaie*l.“ gIoaU1 , consequence to aa> l 3i,, ”!«t«tmedioittoU c.i|i.iblu ofproduchig I carUi"* 1 " ...... e0 T in «i u oail.lt, and atllio I th»m«i»’“ a , giroetnal mennot LUCINA CORDIAL .i 10 moat »°^^SSiS® a: > ,l , h .,mVv’caa ol the greataat portion or tho I bli "? P Oiilv With those rotv who still ero do- I public!""-u/,.killed according to rulo,” like |tt,iut» , i^r“„|d W -would Imvo- n ’Kmg to I tin) pooplo , Bi)l ntnokv to the oiroula I f^vtttittpcN—thanka to tho gonoral dlft I tiot.t O' »re 1 v'ledgo, winch oiniblea iiineteeii ■ raiimi of , rll ji. piioi’LG to rood and to I 1 *? r., ihsiii.olvos—now wo no longer be- ii" d,l i„ r .wallowtitg that deadly mliiernl, Men- IKS otwSg to cu.o-but.universally louv- I c0, " ,P m a woria condition after tta uao. I in f, l r*"!, lonier lionovo In tho absurd notion 1 yVo r nnv kind can bo cured bv lot-; C'Oitiil.AL UK LUCINE. OU L'EUXIlt DU L'AMOUK. T HE subscriber hn*the pleasuro ot nn* nonncing to tho citizen* of tho U. States, that ho bus purchased, fur a vary largo sum and from tho.invuntor, tho colohrnted Dr. Magnitt, of Paris, tho rocipo and right for nmking this uitonnhing modicino. Until tho nppuaronco of tho ‘Lunina Cordial,’ (about three year* ditico,) it wni thought that tho complaints, which it speedily overcomes, woro beyond tho reach of human romedy, as for upwards ora thousand years, they had baffled the wisdom and ingenuity oftho most profound physicians ill nil parts of the world. This Cordial) how ever, to tho great itdvantagoof tho human racoi nil soon proved ilsolf to bo tho dosidoratum so long i , SHHm* of allv kind can bo cured by Il^uracfnuttniriifa—OUil B 1.00D, Ill.uow sought fur; end accordingly, notwithstanding t bi Fu'Sftood that an inlkuniniuion ta a wieo Iweliu f ^ 4TORBi tt aignal that ahe re- oaalatanoe of purgative medicine to TOsSaSof lb* oppreMivo burden which eho 9M9 w ItoliigltVever and tile etrong pulse, P w^tc t.i «‘n 0 «d. In other worth, the wft call,fora vegetable cleansing IIIiSlIRKTll'a VcUKTABt-E UktVBIlSAt, PlLli, no akill ilk their administration; tire ETERS’PILLS. "THE THUL KURILS OF LIFE IS HEALTH." W F. know that health and the ability to la bor constitutes the wealth of tho great mass of the penpla in this, ns iu most other conn* trios. To proservo thnroforo, that lionlth by na tural moans is n grand moral and political Rcliume, to fulfil which, requires our utmost at. teution. Tho unprecedented popularity mid universal npprobaiion which this Medicine has aoltieved throughout the United Staton, the Canadas, Texas, Mexico and tho West Indies, fully justify Dr. Peters iu warmly and conscien tiously recommending ilium to tho special atiom lion of the afflicted. HEddiiecttoti only baa tu be observed, end .C dsaaribo die just proportion of the dneo, to lnS’nJw'S-"3> a ill “" “ ^ BilANDBETH’S PILLS Thi, medicine la acknowledged hi bo otto of valuable ever diooovcro.l, as a purifier K bleed and fluid.. It U superior to Bar. I' a!. whsther aa a aodortfio or alterative. It Kl&y boforo all the preparation, or 'Snatiensof Mercury. In purgal.yo pro. aro uleno urinoaloulable valno-for them K ls tiny bo taken doily ron ear piriod, and instoa J of woekoningby tha cathartic affect,they l,dd iirougth b/Hak\ng away the due of weak- titare te no goad MzRoimv deoa, winch C Pill, Je not Itkewiae. But thoy havo nano Irftho initeiable effeoti of that dbmh.t aritcir- ic Tit* tient nro not Injnred-tlto boum landlimb. ore not paralyzed — tie—but in the Cd ofthaae diatreesing symptoms, new life ,nd consequent atiimallonis evident in every “wemetit oftlto body. BmpdMTB« P«-t. indeed « Uaivziuu. RlMZDV, for they core eanoiite diseases; they cure IttrcAMUVrlon and Cttaosio lltiBUUATiattl Thoy cure Diabbtm had SrRtaooAuvl Tltey oure Dr.MTBny end CoumtiTioKAL Coitivbmbm! . l’ney will aura 1 1 opposite diaeaies. brcause tgSSBtuXfwil the blood- provided. Lwsvor, nature ia uot beyund all human AS- SldTANCE. Four years this raodicine has now been before tho public in the U. States*, herever it has been introduced it has superie *a all Ollier remedies. Dr. Brandreth’* Ollices in Now York nro 241 JJROADWAY, 103 Hudson st. and 276 Bow. try,bUwccn Princa and Houston sts. 25 cents per box with directions. Beware of counterfeit*. DrttfiTsti s.xvbr made agents. Emit of Dr. BrandreUfr Agents havo an e«* \araeol certi^cole.deted.within the twelve months text preceding. These certificate* are renew- 1,1 rssMl.irlyitherefare when over twelve months bid thoy no longer guarantee tho gonuinoness tf the medicine. ■ Rmmbtr Druaaisis ore neocr murfe Agcttw. Said by SEA BOHN GOOD ALL. oorner of Congress nnd Jeirorson streets, (near tha Mar> d) TUB OXLT AOBVT FOR THE SALE OF THE ixjkjhe Braspreth’s Pilus in Savannah. jnly 10 153lw3m POIl ItENT, ^ , That large ana comfortablo Ilnuse, situated In Washington Ward, fronting the Square. If It is not rented before tho first of November, the owner will occupy U. H. PETTIGREW. 1681 angO FOR RENT, . The Storo lately occupied b r Messrs. McDonnell oil the South side Monument Square, a first rate stand for Dry Goods. Apply to L. BALDWIN. tho brief period of its cxistunco, it has required a celebrity so great, that it is cugeiiy inquired for throughout tho civilizod globo. Dr. Mag ma soon finding that the demand was so vast as to render a supply impossible, disposed of tho recipe mid right of snlo, under obligations of socreoy, for England, tho United States, and other countries, only preserving France and Italy fur himself. Thus has the subscriber pos sessed hlmselfnf the invaluable secret, and now hastens to give the inhabitants of his lino of agency the benefits ofhis speculation. ‘Lo Cordial Do Lucino’ or, iu English, Mho Lucina Cordial,* is n gonoral mvigorutor of the human Irutnul In all the various cases of lau' I[uor, lassitude, nnd dobilitatinn; it is un unfatli ng remedy; «» it is equally its province to inr jart cheerfulness and decision to the mind, as tealth and vigor to tho body. But the peculiar virtue on which its celebrity is based, is tho fa cility and cortniuty with which it restores the virile powers when they have boon destroyed by disoaBo, time, recklessness, or any of the nu merous causes which tormiuata iu tho prostra tion of those functions. In common with tho generality of really good medicines, this Cordial contains nothing of a morcurinl or doletoiious nature, among tho ma» tty ingredients which compose it; but is, at the same time, so simple, yet so efficacious, that while it can renovate the prostrated energies of uginnt, mi infant may use it, not only with iuu punity, but with advantage. The usages ofsociety are unfortunately such, that, notwithstanding the benefits which would he sure to result from it, wo cuunot outer into an analysis of this inestimable Cordial here, or publish many of tho documents which have been receivofi, as vouchers of the blessings it has conferred on numbors ofdospatring individ. tials. Out this we cannot forbear remarking-^* that H has boon demonstrated that there is scarcely over, if any such thing at all, ns natu* rnl barrenness, or ns natural imbecility of the procreonl functions, in either sex; and therefore that these evils are the effects of artificial cous* es, and may bo speedily subdued and removed by tho use of ‘Le Cordial de Liicine.* The Lucina Cordial is ulsu an indubitable cure for the Gleet, and the Fluor Albus, ob structed. difficult, or painful Menstruation; also, for the incontinence of Urine, or the involunta ry discharge thereof. It is likewise an invalii able and unrivalled medicine in cases of Chrotii io Eruptions af tho skin, and iu the dropsical afflictions of the aged. Most important to the American Public. The United Slates proprietor oftho colobro^ ted 'Lucina Cordial, or - Elixir of Love,’ beg« to lay before tho community, the following cor nfinats, which he ha* received from the inven lor, tho illustrious Dr. Mngnin, of Paris: ‘This iH to certify, that I have disposed of the recipe for making tho ‘Lucina Cordial,' or ‘L lixir of Love,* andniso tho right to sell it through out tho United States of North America, to John Winters Holdorwell. Af. D. My reasons for so doiug is, that the demands to me for the above Cordial, of which I am the inventor, are so numerous, that I am unable to supply all the orders from Franco nnd Italy alone; and have therefore disposed of tho privileges vouchsafed in this, and other certificates of a like nai.ire in order to generalise tho benefits of thy discoveiy throughout the world. . Given under my hand at Paris, on this ninei teenthday of January in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, ERASTE ftlAGNIN. Gaspard Delluo, ? William Alerritt, 5 for diseases of the liver, and now offers hU Veg otable Pills, as the best, most convenient, and cheapest Modicino that can bs prepared for general use. Olio grout quality of Itta vcgoul.lo Pill, j, that "!'* r "-" ive combined liNEXAAIPLED HIAWOTU SCHEME fBlllE following details of a Scheme or a J3L Luttkrv . to bo druwn in December next, wurrnnis us in declaring it tube UNPAKAL* LELED in the history of Lotteries. Prizes to the amount have never before beer offered to tho public. It is true, there are many blanks, hut on the other hand, tho extremely low charge of $90 per Ticket—the Value and Number of the Capitals, nnd the revivu) oftho goud old custom of warranting that every prize shall be drawn and sold, will, we are sure, give uiiiver* sal satisfaction, nnd especially to tho Six Huni drbd Prize Holders. To those disposed to ndvemnro, wo recom. mend early application being made to us for tickets—when the prizes are all sold, blanks only remain—tho first buyers havo the boil Dr. I elors has spout much time in oxnor‘* chance. We, therefore, emphatically say ineiiling with different Vogn ta b| 0 MeilielnM. " willi their cntlinrlic, nr operativcnimliiiea, or ilmi limy not only nlnnmo liio atoinach ami brnvola by purgr—* * **—- “ - * - - the morl organs, linn, am system. ut they regulate tho liver, chaiiro eooreiion, atrongihou tlm Jigo.iivo organa, purify Ihe blood, invigorate the clroului linn, nnd givea tone end energy to the nervous iLi’ It .ball be at the option of the winners of Prize, of Bank Slock., eiiher in take tiieatock itaelf, or tho par value thereof in caah. The receipt, of tlm enla of the Ticket, me, and will no. depoailod in tlm Cilizano’, Con- aolidaled, Canal, Union, and Carrollton Banka, in tlm name orthe Malinger, jointly with J. I). Perrenlti E«|„ actually coahior of the Citizen.’ Bank, nnd A. Uoiidoiun, Kiri actually eaehier or liio Consolidated Bank, aa Trustee., aa nor Aci pa.ncd before A. Mnznreaii, Esq., Notnry They are mild and pleasant in their operation and convey nlnm.t ininmdiateeonviciion or their iiulily from their first doao. Tlmy can ha taken with safety by poieona ofony age,- and the fee, ™e, tho infirm, tlm nervous and the delicate ara strengthened by their operation, becauao they dear tlm oyatein of had liiimoura, quiotnorvoua jrntnbillly, and invariably produce sound he nun. The Vegetable Pills are a sure remedy for jaundice, sick mid nervous liendacho, dysnensv cosiiveness, Richness of the stomach, heartburn all billions complaints, fevers ofoll kinds, and if laken at tho commencement will invariable check their progress, mid save tho patient from protracted and dangerous sickness. Thoy nre They nre invaluable in nervous and hypocondrical a flee- tions, loss of appetite, and all complaints to which females alone aro subject. T^iey oner- ats as a mild spoody purge, and nre a safe and certain remedy lor worms in children. Extract ofn loiter from Dr. Gurney of N.Or- leans, La. Oct.0,1837,— 1 “Ihiivoreceived much DELAY NOT! but at once remit nnd trans-mil to us your orders, which shall always receive our immediate attention. Letters to bo addressed, and applications made to SYLVESTER & C©„ 156 Broadway, New Yotk. (TT*Observe tho Number, 106, $700,000!!! $500,000!! $35,000! G prizes of $20,000!! 2 prizes of $15,000 3 prizes of $10,000 LOTTERY Of Real Estate and Bank Stack, situated in New Orleans. O’ The richest and most magnificent Scheme ever presented to the public, in this or any other country. tickets 0-m.v $20. Authorized by nil Act of tho Legislative Assem bly ol Florida, and under the Directions of the Conttnixsioners, acting under the same. TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, I FLORIDA, December 1st, 1839. I SCHMIDT & HAMILTON, Managers. SYLVESTER-*. CO., 156 Broadway, New York, Solo Agents. no combination numbers! !! 100,000 tickets from No. 1 upwards,in succession Extract from the Laws of the Legislative Council oftho Territory of Florida. Chap. 701.—No. 22.—Whereas the Court 1101186 of lluvsl pm»n»y. »» *»» •*» ed state, and there nre yet duo and owing up liich it is believed on tho 2d May, 1838. and tho properties transferred unincumbered, for the security oftho fortunate Prize Holders. Drawing.— 11)0,000 ticket., from I In 100,01)0. Will be put in one wheel, nnd 600 pnzui, wrtli the blanks in another. To every numhera prizo or blank will ho drawn, until all the prives are determined, leaving the balance of nil rubor* hi the wheel blanks. ']'» Emtouaard Publishers.—Hnving received Newspapers containing the above Scheme, from twenty-two State* and Territor ies,besides Rovernl oftho British Provinces, we are satisfied with the circulation, nnd therefore rcquasl that such papers a* have not. up to this time, inserted tho advertisement, will bo pleasi ed vot to do so, and that all the other papers will insert it once a mck only until Ihe 1st of De. cember. nntl ftirwaril tie their accounts. SYLVESTER & CO., 160 Broadway, N. Y. j»iy aa lsit LIST or IiETTJillS R EMAINING inlhoPnst Office nl Savan nah, Sopl. 30lll, 183ft. I’eraelia wishing Le tiers from this fiat, aro requested to ask for ailctrtuid Idlers. Almy mre Henrietta Ajon mis, Caroline A Amici Win n Bacon Dio B BonnTlioiB Buckley Fredorlo Borchort A Bernard ntra Ann EP Bourko I) A Bams mra J S Balnea mra J S Uatea Jos Barra Richd B Black Maty W Blncktveod Jno Biailsford misa H C Blanco Jos G Brantley R Bellisa Sami Ball misa Susan M Berry mrs Mary 4 Bell mr Emnnuol BilboJamea Bivins Jno WS Bivins U 113 Bourke Wm II 2 Bollough mra L Bowman Itoht Bond mra D Brown IIC Blount Geo Bouftiilct J p Bond David Broughton Frnnk Borden Geo C Brooks — Boyd Robt Bmler Francis J Ilutler uus Ann G Bruce Wm J NEW CAUPKTING. & E. INGLRSGLLere now opening a an eztonsive assorlmenl rich Carpeting, and Ruga, oftho newest patlerns, consisting of Three ply lngiain Carpeting Supclhue de do Extra fine and common do do Alio. D-8,3-4 and 4.4 Striped and Dnmnsk Vane, lion rich Tufted Ruga, Bindings. Jfc.t which nro eflored nt wlioleaalo aud retail, on very fa vorable terms. cop! 18 OCNVINE WELCIIFLANNELS I] PCS aasortedqualities, some very fine JL Ai and warranted ical Welch. Just 10 ceivod end for sale by aept 6 FULLER, MOORE & CO. aasiaiance iH my practice (especially in jaundice and yellow feverifrom Ihe use of Peleis' Pills. I E resume that, uii an overage, I prescribe 100 oses in a month " Eztteot of* letter from Dr. Prichard, of Hod, son, N. Y., June 3. 1830; 'I waeawarethai Dr. Peters waa oils oC the best chemists in tha Uni ted Stnloa, and felt assured that lie would soma day (from his intimate knowlodgo of ilia proper. *' , - t ' “ ' elficie ties o( herbs olid drugs) produce nn ..... medicine, nnd I must acknowledge that hia Vegoi labia Pilla fully respond lo my ezpecintiou. Tliay aio indeed a superior medicine, nnd re flect alike upon the chemist, tho physician, and Hie philosopher. Eitrnct of a loner from Dr- Wainos, of Cin cinnati, Feb. 2, 1838; ’Your Pilla are the mild- ost in their operations, nnd yet most powerful eflocta, of liny that I have evor mol with in tltoir _ in n practice of eiglit'ond twenty yeata. Their action on the chyle, nnd lienee nn the impurities nl liio blood, is evidently very surprising.’ Cbmuott*. N,C.Jan.I,I837- Uanr Sir—I linvo mmJu (Yt-qurnt u»u ofyour pills iH tiro Incipient stage of billinus fever, nrnl I obstinaio conslipaliuH of lire bowel*, nl«o, in the eiiiaigmumuot lire spleen, chronic diseases of tbo liver, sick headache, general debility, and in all cases buve found them to bo very efiec* live. J. D. Horn. M. D. Mecklenburg. Co., Vu. Feb. 7.1837. Having used Dr. Peters’ pills ininy practice for the last 12 months, I take plensura in giving my to«tiinony of their good effoct* in cases of dyspepsia, sick liendacho, billinus fe. vers, and other diseases, produced by in activii ty of the liver. They are a safe and mild ap« orient, being tho best article of the kind I have ever used. George C. 8cott, M. D. This celebrated Modicino is for sale by all the piincipal Druggists iu Savannah and through- mil tho United States, tho Canadas, Texas, Mexico and tiro West Indies. Price 50 cents per box with full directions, ong 5 104—ly on tho samo, monies, which it is believed wil impose too burdensome a tax upon the people of Duval; and jWherons, it i* desirable to pay those said sums aud complete saidbuildi ing.ns well for the greater convenience of the ad ministration ofjUMtice,H8 for tho double purpose of an Academy, for which purpose in part, the said building, when completed, ie designed Therefore— Sec. 1 ] Do it enacted bv the Governor and Legislative Council or 'the Territory of Florida, That it ahull and may be lawful for Joseph B. Lancaster, Isaiah D. Ilart aud Wil. liam J • Mills, or any two of thorn under the direction of the comity court of Duvul county, to raise such sum or sums of money by Lottery, in such Schemes as they may deem appropriate and advisable: Provided, that the said persons shall bind themselves iu such manner as the court shall direct,well and truly lo conduct such lottery in good faith,to appropriate the proceeds to the object abova stated.—Passed, Feb. 7th 1834.—Approved Feb. I 111* 1834- By ugiecment, bearing dato tbo 28th of Febi rtinry, 1839, tho above Ju * * D. nun c«iiu -william J. I considerations, in conformity to tho said Legis lative Act, duly assign unto Messrs Schmidt & Hamilton nil their Right and In terest, and tho Powers vested in them by the above recited Act of the Legislature of Florida, Extract from the valuation of George Phillip Manouvrier and Jacob de Cordova, bothof the City of Now Orloafis, made and sworn on the 19th day of April, 1839:— That the said George Phillip Manouvrier nnd Jacob Cordova, appraise and con*cien»iously and honestly value the property known under the name and appellation of “Banks Arcade, in the City of New Orleans, at Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, and SUP’H 4-41 SCOTCH GING HAMS. Ppr hftrnn* C«wlloi I CASE super 4-4 black ami whito Plaid Earlston Ginghams do do 4-4 black and lavender do do do do 4.4 fancy colors do do, comprising a plendid assortment. The above Goods have been made to order, and from choice pattern*, aent to Europe ex pressly for this market, SNIDER, LATHROP & NEVITT. aept 23 185■ Witnesses. FLORIDA HOUSE, BT. AUGUSTINE, EAST FLORIDA. This commodious Hotel has been put in complete repair; new furni tore, bedding, &c. &c., and it open for tho reception of visiters, under the superintendence of the undersigned, who pledges himself so to conduct the establishment, a* to secure to it a character onual to any Hotel in the Southern Country. W. W. OATES. t N* B.—Good Stabling for Horsetf and atten tive Oitleis One and two horse Carriages,and Saddle Horses for hire. St. Angnstino, August 5,1839. aug 16 169t2m R9WAND’S PULitlOlYAtllA, OR VEGETABLE DEMULCENT. TN oases of obstinate Catnuh; in coughs J. whether arising from recent or neglected coldc; in Asthma; and as ati auxiliary, and means of present relief from the threatening •ymptoras of approaching Pulmonary Con- ■itmption, n* medicine hasgreator cluitns upon ihe confidence of the invalid than tho ubove jaodicine. It is for the afflictive and troublesomo symp toms of coughing, oxnectoratiop or phlegm, pain [n the breast, ifeo. which constitute prominent natures of the complaint, that the Pnlmonnriu Was designed- and has manifested its most valu« able properties. w equally useful of course in the relief of boughs and Colds, arising from sudden changos weathor, from wearing damp linen, &c. m ay23° y A. BARTOW. This highly important medicine is for snlo by John Winter* Holdorwell. No. 129 Liberty *t. New York; Charles B. Tyler, No. 70 Chesnut «t. Philadelphia; nnd in Baltimore bv Robert* & Atkinson, John M. Laroque; and G. R. I y- lor; in Washington City by Tobias Watkins nnd Charles Stott; in Georgetown by O. ftl Linthactim; in Richmond by John rl. Enstice; i„ Petersburg by Braggs Thomas and Dupuy. Rusaar & Jmios; uml in Norfolk by M. A. Snm to. and U Einer.oiiiftud by Jolm VVoudly.No. 65 Poydraa.t- N.w Orleofn. . It can iil.o bo found nt nil thn principnl Drue Stoma in South Cnrolinn. nnd in Augu.tn, by Huvilnild Risloy & Co.,Thoma. Bnrrott & Co. ,„dNol.onC»rter^„ ] din8nvnnnnh [ hy goN Pnco $3 per bottle, with full directions, aug 5 164—ly BUG BANS. R F.CEIVED, C doz Snuithnliz’s Roach and Rod Dug Uano, For sale hy uug 14 A. PARSONS CHALLENGE.—Tho Gen uink FRENCH PILLS a- GOWIiANB’S LOTION, 1 71 OR improving nnd beautifying tbo com . plexion, rendering the skin fair, soft and irnii8parent,and for removing tuns, sunburns, freckles. Oirc., warranted genuine. Just receiv ed aud for sale by aug 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON. m BEWARE OF SPURIOUS ITATION. EO. W. CARPENTER’S Compound Extract of Iceland Moss. Carrageen Irish Moss, Slippery Elm, Horelionnd, &c. cly for GT Cant Jno 2 Cnrrtithers James Carruthera Joa A Cay Michael 2 Cavanaugh James Canon Dranah Cannon B F Carlcy mra Clo Ann Clark mra P Cleghorn Alex C Chapman K Dngcnbart Henry Davit mrs EA Davi* Mury A Davis E M Dalier Jos U Dawson miss Harriet Dean Pat 2 Damere Henry R Dellannoy Alex T Dreese Mich NEW GOODS. T HE Subscriber ha* just received and offers far sale the following articles: 2 bales 3 4 Spririgfiold Shirting 1 do 3 8 do do 10 pca4i4 Irish Linen, 12 do 4*4 sup, do 10 do Fancy Prints, 20 do low pticed do r» fin? Iiitrtnait rM,'nI. G doz German Cravat. 10 do black Cotton Hose, C do bluo do do 20dowbilo do do. 12 do.upr. do do 16 decolored do do G da do do half Data 4 do white do do do 8 do Gnuta. Berlin Glove. 4 do Ladie, do do d-» China noun silk nl.... do do do do Earl PII ling Tb*. W 0 F.vans im. Cithoiina Fr.zior Andrew Fleming Wm Ferrill mr. BetMy Farrol C.rneliu. Fennill Geo W Fleming mr. M.ry Fleming Jam.. Fleetwood Gr.en Claik James P Cuter Jno Carrol Pat Cran.ton U Cruvillier Ju.tme Ctowet Jamei \V Condon P Conway Michael Cochran Thoa Cona Wm Conner. Wm » Dickerson IIJ Dickerson M A Dyer llonry Donny liich Donoho mr. M.ry Doyle Francis Duffy Nanny Dully Terence Durret mi.s Susan S Dubiggin mra Busan B Evans Morris Ealdala llll.a ri M Eientl misa Ann J F Fidler Geo Eo.ter F W 2 Fox J D Fowler Jamoa For.yih Win Fox Franklin Fulton Gmqier Gaskin WH Gallon Cook Gallon Carrol Ganahl L 3 Gregory Oulnr Gionovoiy Bold Gier Fred Gibion Robt Gibion Jon Ilalligan Pat 500,000 vnhmhlo remedy (ur cold., coughs, dyspepsia, dy.oniory, diairliam. catarrh, and ait affection, of tlm breast and lungs. For sale by PORC 20,000 aug 21 3HER & LA ROCHE. CniCKASAWIUTCUEE T un LANDS. HE subscriber oilers for sale a tract ol Land situate in the 3d District, Baker bounty, embracing 1500 acres, which compri* J®*every variety oftho most superior aoil. The u ' un " 8 ^ e, l with slight Improvements, and Jan bo enlarged iu its geographical dimensions roany desirable extent. As nn additional con. •‘aeration to a purchaser, reasonable terms and Prottaoted credit are offered. For more mis* JJUaneaiii information, opplicantB can address »ho snbacribor atAthons. . . F.G. BALDWIN. A24 1591T4mo WASH BItUSIIES, NOSTRUMS or the n.o fur tbo euro »l * B T|io Frenon Pill, aro applicoblo in nil case, for either sox, (wnirniimd free kora Morcory.) and possosnes great advamagea over tha Bal. .am. and nil liquid medicines, by being entirely froo from .moll, and con.eqnontly do notoflec. ilm breath, thereby provoiiling llm possibility ot discovery while using them. Beside, this impnrtuut ndvnnlago they never dlanttrao with thostomaeli.nml in liio first stage, of tlfo disease they usually effect a euro in o low dava with little regard to diet or exposure. J fn tho most obstinate stages oftho disease thoy aro equally certain,having cured ninny after aver, oilier remedy Imd failed. In.horl, ®’ havo^beon so universally successful that the monriotor chuHomrosany one to prodiicea rem. Sdy P of equal certainty, under a forfeiture of — tlu 1 LAitlP OIL, Ac. GALLS pure Sperm Oil, (Fall strained) 200 dn Summer strain’ ad do. Also, 12 doz Lamp dualities. Just received, and for *ale by aug 14 A. PARSONS. 20,000 20,000 REFINED LIRUORICE. „ A SUPPLY of tho above article offiuo quality, lor naleby aug 19 PORCHER& LA ROCHE. CONGRESS SPRING WATER. A FRESH supply of Congress spring Wa ter, received per brig Savannnh, nnd for sale by A. PARSONS, oct 18 183 Throe Hundred Dollars. For s«lo f by ^ HENDmC K30N. end T. M. 6t J. M. TURNER. Price $2 pet box. 104—ly aug r ’ ■*" !ir “-sorted sizes 44 do fine Slioo do In.. Thompson’. Posto Blacking ro ““ lv ed and for snlo by - i5?23 a. R. HENDRICKSON. Tobacco a. GROCE Mrs. Miller’s fitment ’IV .r W bneen, Obbls Loriltard’e ricotch ami staccoboy Snuff, 4 lb bottle-; 20 jars conrso “•PPM and Slncooboy do. Ju-i roceivodand “ttalohv G. B. HENDRiqKBON. 122 1HUSTAKD. 6 BOXES siiperfino English Mustard, in bottles. Received and forsnle by oct 3 A. PARSONS. Fouv Wisest; O N hand—50dozen sup old Pot Wines, suitable fo tho sic k. Fq .ale1 tw- ANSON PARSONS. soptfi SCALES. 1 PAIR elegant Biass Cmintor Seales,upon a Brass Standard. For sals low by a „m30 0. R HENDRICKSON. I .ale by •apt 10 HARRISON’S SPECIFIC OINTHIENT., a I F I OR tho cure of White Swellings, Sqrofm loueend other Tumor..Ulcer.,Soro Log., nnd fresh Wounds, Sprains nnd Brmnos, gronlly djaoka'end IhuhVof BmH Washing soda, *o. O NE bbl Washing Soda. 2 do Sal Erntns, 2 do Pearl Ash. Received and for anlo by A. PARSONS. oct 5 “The property known under the appellation of 4, City Hotel” or “Biehup’a Hotel," in tho said City of of Now Orleans, at Four Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars." The deeds oftho Property nnd tho Stock trans- ferred in trust to the Commissioners appointed by the said net of tho Legislature of Florida, for the security of tho Prize-Holder*. SPLENDID SCHEME!!! 1 Prize—Thu Arcudo-286 leet, 5 inches,. 4 lines, ou Magazine street; 101 feet, 11 inches,on Natchez etreel; 120 feel, 0 inches, on Grnvier at. Rented nt about $37,000 per an num. Dollars. Valued at 700,000 1 Prize—City Hotel—162 fton Com- mon streol, 140 feel, 6 inches, on Camp st. Rented at $26,000— Valued ut 1 Prize—Dwelling House (adjoining the Arcndo) No. 10,24 ft. 7 inch, es front on Natchez st. Rented nt $1200—Valued nl 1 Trize—Ditto (adjoining the Aicndo) No. IB, 23 ft ft out on Natchez at. Rentednt$l*200—Valued nt 1 Prizo—Ditlo(ndjuining the Arcndo) No. 20,23 Teel front on Notcbcz st. Ilemcdol$l20n—Valued nt 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 23, North east cornor ofBusin & Citsiom.honse street;40 feet fronton Bosin. nnd 40 feet on Franklin st. by 127 ft. deep ill Cuttoin bouse st. Renled at$15U0—Valued at' 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 24. South west corner or Basin tr Custom house stroot; 32 feet, 7 inches on Basin 32 feet. 7 inches on Franklin. 127 feet, 101 inches deop in front of Custom house street, llontod ot SI500—Valued nt 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 389, 24 feet, 8 Inchon on Royal street, by 127 ft, 11 iiicliesdeop. Rented at $1400. Vnluod nt , n ■ 1 Prize—250 shares Canal Bank Stock. $100ench 1 Ditto—200 ditto Coin do, do do l Ditto-150 ditto Mechanics’ and Trndors' do do 1 Ditto—Kill do City Bank do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do do do l Ditto—51) do Exchange Bank do do l Ditto—60 do do do do do 1 Ditto—25 do Gns Ligiit Bank do do 1 Ditto—25 do do do do do do 1 Ditto—15 do Mechanics’ &. lta- ders' dodo 1 Ditto—15 do do do do do 20 ' ‘ ‘ 3 do <**» China *ty 2 do do bluck d( 1 do Gent*. do 15 do Silk Rounds 12 pcs I'ackoi Ildkfs 10 M drill-eyed Needles 6 do Victorin. iu boxes 59 pack* patent Pin* 6 pcs black Bombnsins 4 do blueiblack Gro de Swii* Silk 2 boxes Cap Ritihon, 3 do Bonnet do 100 doz Clark'* Spool Cotton 50 do Salmon do do 50 do DoWitt & Co. Spool Cotton Lncea, Bobinetta. Edgings, Swirs.Book, Mull nnd croasbnrreaMiiilint.nnd Par- ftimety. Also, a splendid assortment “ ‘ • lo Be illigfl Hartshorn Wm B Harrington Susan M Harris Walter Harden White tiaruj a Harley Jot G Haupt Henry, Jarvis mist II JentiUon — Jeflcrs mis* L Johnston nti»* S H Johnston W W 2 of the latest stylo Bonnets, fo *alo by WILLIAM II. LLOYD, sept 6 South side Market. l>OKCIIEU Ac LA ItOCIIE,' O FFER fur sale ou accummodnting loims, No. 1 and 2 Carter Oil, in buttle, ataort. « Glai.Jo. Graham Jno Gu.y Abram Grave.P Guollyjohn Grover Olivor Goolsby Wm Gongle J.tno. Gogol Janie. II Hitchcock mr. C llill, Dewion A. Cs Hines Henry Hover Jno H'X'aiteFR Ilumer Henry Hues Jno M 1 Johnston Sarah Jones miss Ann C Johnson miss Emily Jonca Geo W Knnp A.& Co Kelly M Kelly Thos 2 Kelly John blei Keeuler mra Harriet Kenedy Patrick Kenedy D G Korny Michel Kirk mrs Sarah 2 ed sizes, and by the gallon; Spts Turpentine, do do do do; Epsom nnd Glauber Salts, Cream Tartar. Brimstone, Sulphur, Dutch Madder, Glue. Snuffs, Salt Putre, Alum, Black Lead, Lump Black, Lamp Wick, Lamp Glasses, Bo rax, etude and refined Indigo, Carolina and Spanish Flont Blueing, Hippo, Jalap.Rhubnrb, Calomel, Arrow Root,Spanish Flies,Camphor, Manna, Flake, Nutmeg*, Ciovhs, Cinnamon, Mace, Black und Cayenne Pepper, Ginger, Curry Powder, super Carbonate Soda; Tartaric Acid, Rochelle Sails, Salt Tartar, Sal Ammo* nine, Gum, Aloes, Guriaic, Ammonia, Benzoin Copal, Shellac. Mastic,Arabic, Opium and Sty* rax, Rose nnd Dutch Pink, Pearl Ash, Snl An ntns. Washing Soda. Mustard, Isinglass, Pearl nnd Patent Barley, Chamomile Flowers. BouSi sot.Sage.EUIer Flowert.Pennyroynl.Tberoughi wort. Liverwort, Worinseed, Digitales, Senna, Squill*, Quinine. Morphine, Iodine, Ptpermo, Hydriodate. Potass, Sulphate Potass, Croton Oil, Oil Black Pepper, Oils Mint, Sassafras. Lawton Wm J 2 L&dson Joseph Law Fed Law Edmund L Lnrkeu Hugh Lntkon Jaa Laty Petsr Martin Jns Martin W M Maxwell mrs Mary Mattery Owen Maher Cornelia* Mathew* C L Lee Edmund Livermore Samuel Lott* E Lord Cliorle8 Loyd W B Lamia G B Leabe mr* Mary Ilchell'W H Mingledotf James Mixson Reuben Michol Steven Morin G Morr&ccy John M<yi T M«0o t; Mathews miaa Mary EAIorell Anno Nancy ~ Moles Joseph Moral — Morell John 2 Mo MoNatt Hugh McLean John mr* M Miles Smith McCluske; McDouall ThosG BE McDonald mrs M.rgt McDougallll W McEvety John McKemtoy B McBcau Daniel N Norton mr. John Norris Jos Nolen Thorns* Norton Jane Anno Lemon, Bergamot, Caraway, Oiange, Cubeha, , Rose Cedrutor Citron Flowers, Ju. 20,000 20,000 Pitcher Cnpt 15,000 25,000 20,000 Reilly Jno Regan CathBTine Reynolds J M Reilly Thos W Reid miss Eliza H Robertson Geo D Rossiguol James L ■ Stncy ffo 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5000 5000 2500 2500 Price 50 cent* por box, 3 JGI—ly indelible ink. . noz Wm. Kidder’s superior Indoltble S inMocVivqd and ^ •fej lsoN9 . oct 4 EltESIl SPICES* A BAGS Black Pepper, 3 do Pimento jS 1 bbl Nottnog.. received nnd Tor unto by ^,1 TOUMUI. u AN30N parsons. 10 SEIOLITZ POWDEBS, *c. ; -g x. GROCE Maynard « Noy’s Seidhtz JL V Powders, 0 do do do Sodn do. nuel r eeeWed„ndrorenbbV oM ^ RyEHgoN do—encll 10 slinren of the Loiiib- innn Slow Hank, $100each, oach Prize $1000 do—ouch 2 shares of$I00oneh, oach Prize $200, oftho Ga» Light 200 do—oach 1 shnro of $100, of the Bank of Uwieiana 200 do—oncli 1 share of $100, oftho New Orleans Bank 160 dn—oncli 1 share of $100 cf the Union Bank of Fleiida 1500 1500 20,000 2000 Roxemnry, Ro.o Uedral - - . niper, Snako Root. Pink Root, Valerion and Mazorion Root, Gentian, Qnos.ia, Canelln, Magna,ia, itilnp and calcined; Sweet and Olive Oils in flasks nnd bolile.. Tooth Powdera, Pe- ruvian Bark, Extract nnd Elixor of Bark, Ex* tract of Opium, Rein Wnx, Gum Myrrh, Alco« hoi, Spirit* Nitre, Haruhorn, Carbonate, Am. wonia Oil. Kreosot. Also, Patent Medicine* warranted fresh nnd genuine—Rowand’s Tonic Mixture. Houck’s Panacea, Sweim’s Vermifuge, Barclay’* Cur bobs and Sarsaparilla, Butler’* and Henry’* Magnesia, Peters, Hibbards, Brandretha, Lees, Evans. Phelps, Seguros, Beckwiths Gullighans, Hooper’s ami other Pills;Bateman’s Drops,Brit* ish Oil, Harlrom Oil. Turlington, Balsam, Op. odeldoc, Scudders A* Thompson’s Eye Water*. Bernard’* Diarrhree Mixture, Morton’s Cough Syrup, Apolhecarie’s Scales nnd Weight*. Porfumery, &c.~Premiss aud Glessin s Co. logue. Lavender and Elysian Wntors. do do Toilet Soaps, do do Extracts Musk. Jessamine, Rose &e Bergamot, do do Bears Oil. Oldridges Balm of Columbia, Hair Powder, Puff* and . .. _ Boxes, Odorifferous Compound, Volnt'.le Suit* J Seketwen Moses of fancy pattern* and color*, in cut glass pun* cents;Rose Water,Milk Roses.Cronm orSoapr Verbena Groom, Cold Cream, Lip Salvo, wit! a full assortment of other articles in the lino. Instrument*—Lancets, Tooth Key* and For* ceps, Scalpel* Cupping Instruments, Dissect ing Knives,Surgeon Needles aarl Scissors,Cop. ping Glasses, Nipple Shells and Battles, alio a large assortment of othor nrticles in tho line— where physicians, planters and country mor* chant* are invited to call nnd examine for them* solves. Opposite the Market, oct 3 Sign of the Golden Globo. Newell Thos M Newton mr* Susan Neal Samuel Nichols Geo J - ■ Nicoll mis* Georgia CNoyeau Potor O O’Reilly John ^ Patterson A P 3 Pindar miss Anne M Prendergast mi** C MPhilip* mis* Mary Peorse miss Mery AnnePoslell mrs Sarah G P 20,000 Pomeroy miss Alary H n Robinson Madison D 4 Rotunds Decatur Robbins — Roundtree mrs Sarah E Russell mra Victoria Rutherford Wm mr* Martha M Stafford Wm G Stapleton Jolm Stailv mr Geo Shearman Wilkins W Stinspr, Hirnm S St George Marlin Smith Henry T Shefiall mr* Sarah M Stevenson Jns Steele John B 2 Stewart John Stetson Amory F Smith Edward Severance U B >s Diev d Seve ts Solti 111 j Till! Tlin lor Copt ,|mnn Joeepli f ..rower John T Thomas JameiT Smith John Strobel mia Ann M Slower Dmiglasa J SturtevanlJ C T Truffett Peter Tulon Wm J Tufts miaa S 20,000 15,000 OOO Priza’- $1,800,000 TICKETS $20—A’O SHARES. TOBACCO. e BOXF.8 Leftwicli’a Cavondiali Tobacco, on liaiul and for sale by oct 4 A. PARSONS. PATENT 1IAKLBY. e DOZ Robiiison’a Patent Barley, received and foreale by ANgoN Vallatton Elizabelh^mra Word Chnrloa Wilkiiis ttiiaa Eliza Warren mrs Mnry 2 Wlllinma J B Wray n,isa Siiaon M Wilson mrs Jm;c- 2 Wodkine Lewis D Wright mrs Eliz’tli ron Wakes Edward Wilson Win N ; Washburn mra CynthinWood Joseph W VVare misa Amy VVoilh Win Jamoa VVillink Heniy F Womack A J Williams Washington Webster Joshua A aug 21 Yokum Jaa act 2 GEORGE SCHLF.Y. f5-U- ’Mm; msm