Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 11, 1839, Image 2

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fnliirr frTlir^nPia - i -, •i,«,ekin ' n . do ~m>vxkc r.Q __ ertlietnints, appear in Loth j Papers. ■ Cf XT TIIK OR XU nr M VV AND vlll.l.- . i.vr.n MU. J. tt.O'UntY-sermiK. AK ORDINANCE . nno amend ind consolidate the tprlousor* . jL dinnncoa to the city of Savannah for es- Ubluhing, organizing, nnd regulating » resular night watch or gourd for the bettor protecting tho city of Savaniiali.for regulating tha pay there* of, and,-fur other.fyRppsas suutiocted there* with. Sec. 1. Be rtrdnined by the mayor ami alder* men of the city of Savannah and hamlets there of in council n<*mnl>lcd,aiid it U hereby ordain- ed by the authority of tho name that from and after the passage of tide ordinance, tha night . watch or guard for the protection of tho city of SaVAtiiinli ahull consist of a superintendent. n deputy auperiutendent, and throe divisott aer geauta and forty four privates. Sec. *2 Bo it further ordained, that the aaid superintendent!, deputy superintendent, and division sergeants, shall be elected by council at the first regular meeting in each and every Jan. A* the privates shall ho appointed a« iehem inaftnr specified, and the pay of the aaid an- periutendent shall be eighty dollars a month; of tho said deputy superintendent. GO dollars a month; of each of tha said division sergeants, thirty fivo dollars a month: and of each of tha privates twenty five dollars a month. Sec. 3. Bo it ftirtiter ordained, that the said officers Khali be armed at Itts own expense with a sword or hanger, and a pair of pistols and provided with a cartonch box to contain and be filled wiibaix rnunds of ball cartridges: and each of tho said watchmen or privates shall be furnished with a good and suffic&nt nm-kei and bayonet, also with a car touch box to belt round the waist, to contain and be filled wi;h twelve rounds of ball cartridges,and one spare flint, all which arms and accoutrements for the privates of aaid guard or watch shall be funished at the expense of the city; and tho said officers and privates shill each he font Hied at the expense of the city with a rattle, which shall bs used for the purpose of communication with oach other, giving an alarm when necessary, (excopt in cases of firo. when the alarm shnfl be given by the discharge} of tho musket as here* toforc;) and if any other persou or perrons ex cept tho said officers ami watchmen, after the setting of the guard shall use a rutile nfaiuulur constmetion, or any instrument producing a similar sound within the limits of the city, ho or she if a white person shall for each and every such tflence, on couviciioti at tho police court r before council, be fined in a sum not ex* S thirty dollars to lie collected end eu* in the usual manner ; and if the said of* rha a slave or free petson of color, ho or ■ho 'lull be committed to tho guard homo, and ■hall toaoive not exceeding thirty nine la.he. • at,the diicr.iiun of the mover or acting mayor. Sec. 4. Do n further ordained, that it .lull be ill. duly of the superintendent or deputy lupcriiilendoii^jvliiclievur may bo on active duty nt tho lime, to visit tho watchmen at llmr respective wards and nations in each and every night as often no circumstance.-! will permit livl it shall ho the ditty of tha sergeant on active duty to visit the respective watds and station, at fe t.ianc. during each watch. first day of April (incitmv.) tj the Cnui'ty'nf October (inclusive), of oueb-yeaiy- the member, of the city watch shell be ut the guard house, and commence their tour of duty at tho hutirofnino o clock it night; and from ilia fitst duy or Octo ber (inclusive) to tho iiirldoy of April (uvcl-i sive) uf each yenr, tho mdmhere composing the the city watch shall assemble ot the gttord I and commence thoir tour of duty at eight o'clock at night, at which respective hours the guard hetiaa hell shall cease to ho rung, and lltu aaid members shall cuitlinuo on duty until twenty mmoles before ■umioe or the ringing of the bell the next morning, ut which signal they shall re- patrand reassemble at tho guard house, there to be dismissed or retained as ciicumstaucer may require; I'M they rhall not take up any stares or peisom ofcolor slier daylight without zaod causo, and tha said city watch shall bs subject to tho orders of the mayor or acting mayor, and may ho compelled to do any further or oiltor doty, either by day or by night, whenever tho mayor or acting mayor may deem it advisable or necessary to demand Ihoir set vices. Sec. 0. lie it further ordained, that it shall Its the duly of the superintendent ol the city watch or oflnmr III command at tho guard homo to din pose of the watchmen insiicli tuannor n. that ail parts ortho city may bs equally cuarded and protected, as fare, practicable ; and he shall tli. aids the private, id two divisione to be tlenomin- ated tltd first and second division, each to bo commanded by a division sergeant, r.nd each division to bo distributed as aforesaid, when on active duty; mid only one division shall bo on active duty at a limn, except in cases of alarm, or other necessity when they shall bo innrchod to the place of danger or necessity as the oflii cer hi command, or the mayor may order; and the watchmen shall be so regulated, as not to be every night in the same wurd, but they shall be allotted to tho various wards and places with- in tho city alternately and in rotation nnd the laid watchmen shall patrol and watch through the respective wards ami places assigned to thorn during the night; and the said officers and pri* vates of the city watch are hereby required to arrest at night, and uke into custody all felons and noteis, all disorderly or suspccied persons who may be found wandering or misbehaving themselves, or in any manner disturbing tha publico peace or quiet; and all persons who may jn any manner as,auhor oppose er resist ihei£ When engaged m the discharge of their duly, and all slaves and free persons ofcolor, who may be found out of bis or her house or enclm auro, after the ringing of the guard house hull • n . 1 uule.-ts tho Kfiicl slave or free person of color bo a{xo.»jpamcd-by o white person . .over llunigo.df tbri«y(}as # or Go provided with an open written ticket drawn according to the di* rection of the city odinauces.mid signed by somn White portion, having legal authority to sign tho same, and the said poisons thus arrested shall be carried to the guard liouso, and tho white prisoiiois shall be detained until the next moriii mg whnii they shall bo carried to the polico court as hereinafter directed; provided unvcrilie* , lo*s that no white person shall bo do mined nt tlm guard house unless upon duo enquiry tr.ado of the arresting officer or watchman, it ahull op. ponr to tho officer in couiiunud ot the gu; ' house, that there was jtistjcauso for the nu and ptovided also that no white person shall um locked up in any of the prison rooms during the night, unless fioin refractory or violont conduct, or by reason of the number of persons in cus tody, And such cotifiiiuuiuiit ali.-til be deemed ;ie, ccsssury, 3bo. 7, Bo it further ordained, That it shall bo tho ditty of the officer in command at. the guard house, whuuover ut the lime of dismission ol the guard ho may have a prisoner or prison* ers in charge, to leave on duty at tho guard Itomra, a.sufficient force to koop such prisoner or pri-mnars ill custody until tho polico court hour, whou i\ slialL.be his further duty to deliver them at the police office, (except on Sunday's when the said prisoner or prisoners shall be do-ilt with as the ordiuanco regulating the police court provides.) and ilia inay'di, acting mayor, half m tl flub shnll bo Inflicted for ,... yolid one hundred dollar*: _ . if the and prisoner nr prisoners bo charged with felony or brenrit of the peace, the mayor or aid* r men preaiding ns aforesaid nt tha polico court, may at his or thoir discretion order tho prnaecniiotl ofsnld ptl«oncr*, ami turn them over to n magistrate of tho county for that put* pose. Scc. 8. Ba it Anther ordained. That the antn nf fifty cents shall be domnnded nnd received nt the guard house for tha apprehension of each and every slave attd person of color arrested tin* dor the provision* or this ordinance if ho or she be demanded and released beftire eleven o'clock, P. M„ but if demanded and released after that hour, then tho sum of one dollar shall ba de manded nod received for each poison as afore* said, nnd the said sum shnll in all cases be equally divided between the arresting watch man nnd tho city, und if it bo not pnid before eight o'clock the next morning, the said slave or ftee person ofcolor shall be comniittad to jail, them to remain until the said Gne and all costs •re pnid. Soc. 9. Be it further ordained. That if any of tho officers or privates oftho snid city watch, after having taken up any prisoner or person in the execution of their duties, shall receive a bribo for liburnliux any person so apprehended; or if any of tliu mid officers nr watchmen shall ba guilty of violent, injurious or improper con duct whilst on duty to any person or pcrsona.ur if the said officers or waihchmen shnll in any mniinet misbehave in.or neglect their duties as watchmen, the said offender if a private may be fined or dismissed, or bulli, at the discretion of the mayor or acting mayor, and hit bond may al-o be put in aid", ami the said officers may also be fined or suspended, or both, at the dis cretion of the mayor or acting mayor, which suspension shall he reported to council, at the next tegular meeting thereof, or sooner if the mayor or acting mayor shnll deem it advisable, and the said council shall net on such informs* tion, • and re-insiatn or dismiss said officer as tho said council may detm proper; and whenever any officer is thus suspended, or whenever it may be necessary to till any vacancy tempornri, ly, the mayor or acting mayor ahall have the power to mako such appointment and fill such vacancy, until the next meeting rtf council; and council shaft at all limes have the power to fill any vacancies, in the same manner ns the vm cancies of other officers of the city are filled; and the mayor or acting mayor. •• the head of the police, shall have and exerciso a geneial superintendence over the officers nnd members of the city watch, and uiny at any time direct the mode anil places in which the watchmen shall bo stationed, and shall give his directions accordingly to the ofliceis in command at the guard house, by whom such orders shall be ouuyed ana ui»uibiiiea. Sec. 10. Bs it further ordained, That ono wntchmnii shall be stationed during the hours aforesaid, in tlm steeple of the Exchange, and ho ahall ba furnished with a good und sufficient lantern, and ho ahull give the alann to the citi zens in nil proper cases by the ringing of the Exchange bell, and by h inging his lantern in the direction from which the cau«e of alarm seems to ptoceed; and a aentiuol shall always, during guard hours, nr whilst tho watch are on duty.be stationed nt the guard house door, whose duty it shall be to communicate any alarm to the officer in command, and to the officers end privates not in actual service; and the guard house bell shall he rung in all cases of alarm. Sec. II. Be it further ordained. That no watchman assigned fur the flist watch or dit is- ion shnll leave his watch or station until the re. lief guard shall have relieved him at his post; nor shall any w. tchmnu a*-i 3 ’ned for the second guard leave his ward or atalmn until the hour fur discharging tho guard shall have urrived ami been announced by the tinging of the guard house bell, or such oihr r signal as the mayor or auperiuteudftftiXjnay designate. Soc. 12. Ba it l^#fherrmhiiiieA That if air person ahall bo /coUVitlW "ore the police emtrt or councillor resisting, oppojiu£ r ^ f -~ mo , looting any of IliWffiWMgrmcwiwsorihs city watch in ilmjaifiMUi.n oflii. nr iltcir ditty, the 1 V J> o filled innny sum nut exceeding- ono hiinilrctl dollurb for each and every offence, to be cullenled anil enforced ns the lews anti ordinances provide: and tho said t.fficor, or pri vales unite city watch arc authorized nnd t nt- powered lit caso of urgency or necessity, to do* inand the aid und assistance of any citizen or citizeua, and all and every person refusing or neglecting to give such aid or aa»islance whan required, inny, on conviction before the police court or council, bo fined in a sum not exceed ing one hundred dollars. Sec. 13. Be it further ordained, That it shill be tho duly nf the superintendent of the city watch to make out a monthly pay roll of tho officer* and men,burs of the watch, to bo pro. sented to tho mayor or acting mayor on tho first of each month fur his ;ip;irnv„| a nd order there. °n: nnd tho said superintendent sha I make a report in writing to tho mayor or ucting mayor or any three aldermen, nt the police office every morning nt JO o'clock, in which lie shall detail the order and routine olthe several diiisinns, siib.diyifuotis nnd patrols, note the misconduct or any irregularity nf every and any watchman on duty, and shall relate tho occurrences of the night, and tho deputy auperiutendent shall re* port to the superintendent the occurrences of that portion of tho night in which he may have been on duty, to enable the superintendent to make the report rcq.ttret) of bin. by this saclinii. anti -hall attend at the pulica ofliett ut 10 o'clock for tho fnrthor explanation to tho mayor of such occurrence!. Sue. 14. Bo it fnrthor ordained. That tho private, of tho city watch ahull bo nppoinled hv the mayor, but no peraon ahall ba appoint^ tittle.. Ito I* • citizen of the United StB&il n „d every officer and member of the- city watch .hall taka and anb.c, ba tho following!?.ffi o,*ffi“ illation, -I doaoloicnly .wo,vr(or affirm, a. tha cu.e may be,) it,at I will to Um bel of my ,bil tty. utligomly and carefully dincharge tdl il o dime, required of me u. captoiu, or lieutenant nr aerxealtl, or private... thacaao may be,) of the city guard, and conform in all tliitiirs tu the ordinance., rule., regulation, end otdet. tea peeling my duly, ao help me (Jod.’ And the mayor .hall order copie. of inch oath or allir. ■nation to bo printed in a book to he obtained for that poipo.o, and each dupnneiit or affirmu non .hull lake and euh.cribe to the .aid oath or affirmant before the mayor or acting mayor amt the .auto .hull he kept among the recordi of council. 8ec. 15. Bo it further ordained, That no oft fleer or private of the said city watch shall act ns such, until lie has taken und aubscribud the said oath or affirmation, and ul*o given good and sufficient security (to consist of one or more resident citizens nnd inhabitants) to the mayor and aldermen of the city of Savannah und hamlets thereof, for the well conducting of him. self in all the duties required of him whilst em ployed on the city guard, and the said security shall be in die sum or five hundred dollars for the captain or superintendent; in the sum of two hundrod and fifty dollars for tho lieutenant •^r depu ty superintendent; in tho sum of one uiidred and twenty five dollars for each ser. geiim; and in tho sum or fifty dollars for each private. And such bond may bo put i.i suit whenever tho mayor or acting mayor shall di rect. Sec. 19. Beit further ordained, that the mayor or acting mayor kIimII appoint ten men of good repute, and citizens of tho United States, whoso names shall bo entered in tho mayor’s office end with tho superintendent of the watch, und who sbull bs styled 'supernu meraries/ and who shall report themselves every night at thejguard house in the same manlier with the other walchmun, and under pain of lino for absence, and in case of the nbseuco of any of the regular watchmen, nny one or more of the anperuuinerories ns circumstances may rapture shall be employed to fill such vacancy or vacancies for tho night,and nil tho said super* rntian on actual service shaft bo Uedttcl that of tho aba jut regular watchmen, ai funner ahall bo paid at tha tame rata Inter: nnd tho said supernumeraries shaft lake and subscribe tho same oath and give the aamo hnud and security aa preset ibed in tho case of the regular watchmen, before their names shaft bo entered ou the list of supernunieraiie*. And whenever a vacancy ahall occur in the citv watch by any means, it shnll be tho duty of tho mayor to appoint a person from tho list ofsu. peritiimernncs to supply each vacancy nnd also to appioiitnnothei supernumerary in the room of the individual thue transferred to tho regular watch. 8ee. 17. Bo it further ordained, that it shall be the duty of the superintendent of the city watch to retain tha anna of tho watchmen in tho guard home, (except when trqnircd for duty) and nt least otico ill every week thereafter to inspect the aamo and see that they are kept and preserved in good order. Stc. 18. Bo it further ordained, that one months pay of tho ollireii nnd privates nf III* city watch shnll bn retained in the city treasury nftor the same shall have become due to moot any fines imposed, but the mayor or acting may- oi may at hi« discretion & umlei theciscunisiau- cufc'Opthe case, give an order or daft on the trea sury tu nny officer or privatn lor such portion nf •m li pieserved pay os in his di-crotion, may seam proper, and aaid draft or order shall he paid forthwith by the city treasurer out of the city funds. Sec 19. Beit further ordained, that all or* rlitunces and parts of ordinances corresponding with this and all ordinances and puits of ordim unccs militating against this ordinance, bo, and the same ore hereby repealed. Passed in council 23d Aug. 1839. [t a ] HOBT. M. CHARLTON,Mayor. Attest Joseph Kklt.c. c protein. ‘’root aAV&sm&ui* FlUOAV EVENINti.Oct. II, IKS). O’ Tho l.nglh ortho City Ordinance pub lished thta afternoon, cichida. other matter. B7 From tho Kettirna received, wacan Corn) no accurnto spittian in relation to tha eltation Tar Governor. Eighteen Co-ttitiaa have boon heard, giving Judge Douanxiittr I majority of 1083. We claim the Senator ftom Tattnall.—Stick a pin thara. (TJ* The Philadelphia Ihrutd of tho Gilt inat. •ay*—" A II.MS Novel, by Profcaor Norv (otto of die wrecked in the Home) which found it. ...... wlnn, Ik. n„l r r»—tmit of tho Prilfoi. ore effect, which were eeved-hoe been placed in the hand, of Mr. Ieotuiuii, by which it i> forthwith to be published, with the memoir of the lamented author." ELECTION KETirilNS. SCUIVEN COUNTV. male Itighte. Union. For Governor. Chu. Dougherty 211 McDonald 134 Senate. 143 J45 cnoper *lin|i, No. ■. Tha linuso nt tho iiuitlnenst comrir nf and Chosniitials., uccnniml by Tlimnas Diolili 8. C. Burning, Thus. AI. Clark, and Pyuter and Slack, commission tuarchuiits, was much damaged. The Intense heat of (ha flying cin ders act firo to tin roofs nf the stores nl Geo. W. Kichotd* nndUishphuin, on the weal aido of Frniu-sl. Tho upper stoiies of tho former wore burnt, tho hitter partially iuj'itod. Hero tho firo was checked lit this direction, beyond the expectation of the spectators. Meanwhile the fiamea had extended la the Steamboat Hotel, on the aottth aido ol'Chosnnt-st,, at tho corner of Water. Next door a cooper’* shop was de stroyed, and the offico and baggngo depot of the Camden and Amboy Line was materially in* jured. At the soittlfweat corner of Walojr and Cites* nutiste., the firo ranched the clothing elora of Enoch Allen; nuxt the harbor shop nl Win. Gor, gas noxt to Martin's tavern, No. 57 Front-st, and tiro German commission house of Mangles and UNkurt, No. 59. TIimo house* wore whoh ly consumed. Too oilier stores ill tho same ruugo, of J. B. .M'llvnmc, Win. P. Hanna, and Clius. Field iV Son, were slightly injured. Tho sparks set sovtrnd building* on fire Taylor's alley. J. Rowland’s Liquor atoro v acnou-dy damaged, and a large four story build* ing also injured. In Chesiiut street nbnvo Front tho store of Durden U Carter was considerably burnt, ami the state of Henry Rishorough paitiully. We have not yet been able to ascertain the name of tho owners of (lie buildings which woro injured or destroyed by this calamitous Are. All which were within the circle of tho flames were burnt liturully to the ground. Not n particle of wood is left in thain, and tho wall* of many havn fallen entirely. There prevailed dnritij the whole night a strong northeast wind, whicl rapidly extended the conflagration and greatly incruusud the difficulties of operating ngaiuii it efficiently, In several of tho stores, the oil, liquors and other combustibles, blazed for Imiim with in. tense violence. Explosions were frequent,nnd several are said to have been kegs rd gunpow* dor. At six o'clock this morning, tho mdefati* Green Stewart Grifiin Prescott Perry Representatives. 217 Connor 210 177 33 C8 No Ratification 338 Ratification TATTNALL COUNTV. — fTl mtii. ■ Donghorty <276 McDonald Son.tor—Goo. (V. Collin., (8. R.) Ropreionliilivo—Wm. Matin, (S. It ) beating-' John 11. Smith, (U.) 87 voice. No Ratification 287 Relificatlojj^/^ 43 JASPfiR CpUNTV. Governor. 440 McDonald Dougherty Dougherty WILKES COUNTV. Governor. 4*28 McDonald HANCOCK COUNTV. Govorner. Dmighoily, 378 McDonald, 507 390 301 L the wit attbitdii gathered new courage, lit tint nver,and a plcn! THE FIRE IN PHILADELPHIA. Wa publishad yeitorday sonic account oftlto fire which was. nt the dale of our leefatlviree, raging in Philadelphia. Uclaw we give the particular., Iiom llto Nalwmd Gazcelte oft;., Saturday afternoon. Wo regrot to perceive that literal litu were hit. About I I o'clock last night a fire wa. di,cov. havef cred it! the be».inaut etory of W J. StrouD’s provision etoro.No 14 South Whorve,bet„.? n Clie.nul nnd Market sts., facing the Dolawnre nver. In a row ininuie. the flame, buret out ami reached the adjoining provision .lore of D W. I re.cotl. 1 hie house wit. built hack to Wa. ter «t., facing No 19 on that etreet In the same r»". 6 o tho .loro of Geo Mot rill took firo immo- dialuly afterward*. Although tho Fire Companies were promptly on the ground, tho progre.. of tho flume, were .0 rapid 1 lint the pro.puctornrre.iing them we. even at that early hour, vory douhiful. The « r °“ r 7 ."'S' 8 ” "' U C ' Cheesehoroughand ofGeu A Wot-tl Nu 15 South WImrve., tho oil .10,. 01 ‘ W '' n Alhbrme, and the commiesiou .loro ofj. Einhn NtH7, the iron Worohintee of Andrew M J ono. and Urmhera, the office of tho Merchant. Iran.portetiou Line, end the geueia! Commission warehouse ofC. King tfc Co. No 19 were euccceefiilly enveloped in the flu mo*. r I ho tavorn kept by Geo Neuli* was next at. tacked,and thence the firo communicated to the large oil warehouse of Shober, Burning & Co No 21. extending through to Water hi. At tin* pumt the conflagration heenmo terrific. Thu ship Chandlery of A H Hinkle No 22 South Wharves, and the cotnmistdnn warehouse* of Nowbtfld & Ilavorslick and of Smith & John, son were in HucceMsioii consumed. Here the fire reached tlm corner of Chcsnut sf. Returning to Water**!., adjacent to Air. Prescott's store, the fire is traced to John Hard ing, Jr's.;extensive wholesale grocery CKtab- lishineiit. No. 17; thenca to a very large whole sale grocery or White. Stevens & Co.. No- 21, and the •toreliousn of the same firm, 23; llteiico to Sloan s general comininsion.warehoiiia, No. 25, and thence the largo fireipronf store-house, occupied by W. R- Thompson A Co. Next to this building stood the Fulton Hoiire, kept by J. Meyer* ut the corner of Water and Chesnut ut*., which with nil tho houses above mentioned were utterly destroyed. The buildings on the opposite or west side of the s:i«j| then took fire. In this range wero Win. R. Thompson & Co’s- storehouse, (a second building occupied by that fiini;) tlm Hibernian Tavorn kept by J. Fitzi patriot, and uetween the latter und Chcsnut-st. three houses occupied its clothing stores, tho names of thn owners nf which wo could not learn. At the northwest corner of Water and Ciiesiiut sts., the clothing store of uGasktll A Barnes was next consumed. From tho rear of the latter row of buildings the fire communicuted with thosu facing on tliu oust side af Front-st. There Wm. Steel's starch factory, No. 27. was partially injured; Davis’ suspender manufactory, No, 29; and S, gable and daring exertions nf the fliumcn had reduced the flames, attd further destruction of property censed tu be apprehended. It if itir possible to commend, in terms too ardent ot grateful, tho labors of the firemen on thi* occa sion, When they had ho opportunity of work ing at tlw engines or peiforming other duties, they got dray a and carta in the ncigltbo.hood, loaded them with goods mid furniture, an J drag ged them with infinite toil to places of secure deposit. Tti* Mayor and tho whole body of watchmen were oil the ground, protecting the property scattered about tho streets, and preserving order among tho thousands of spectators who tin •d to tho disastrous scenu. The amount of properly of various kinds thus destroyed, it is impossible to estimate with pro* codon, hut it may bo reasonably staled at about $000,009. This loss is most untimely. Nevor. we learn, have the merchant* of this city stood more in need of regular nnd prosperous trade. The extensive warehouse of David S. Brown, Commission Merchant, we omitted to mention above among tho buildings slightly injured. AI. though greatly oxpoHud, it was saved by the iiho of wet hlnnketsnn tha roof and in the windows. The most painful portion of this recital yet remain*. Several, toe know not how many have been killed or seterly tooundeil. At eight o'clock thi* morning the wall* of Enoch Alhtn's house fell with a tremendous crash, and buried in tlm luiti* as wa learn positively, n liremnu named W. AJorelnnd, a member or the Good Will Eli* fiino. He was instantly killed. Others it is feared were nl*o tnorla'ly hurt. Two of the wounded were carried to the hospital. Jun^(l*^ Wm u ^** n5l,,aw » wa* severely in- 4'aines Smiley, o membor of the Diligent Hose /Company, full into a burning cellar, and had his head much cut and his hand* burned. James Barber and John Dougiuss, members of the Guod Will Engino Company,and a menu ber of the Hope Hush Compnny, whose name we did not laarn, are missing, and the worst is feared concerning them. Bornard Timmins, also of the latter Company is severely burnt. Jacob Kugler, Fireman, badly burnt. We have just learned that Thomat not Jamet Barber, wa* uu Engineer nt tho Mint und not a Fireman, He was taken to the lloxpitnl nnd died in about threo hours, leaving a wife and three children. Robort Reynoldsand Charles Herman, mem. ber* of the Weccueoo Engine, wore boihseri* oiialy injured by o bale ol cotton thrown from the upper window of one of tho stores. Many poor families have thus been turnpd from their homes, and have lust a great portion ol their furniture and clothing. There - — •4...- telly insurance un tho pto*-;', y r>ra 8 /"*. bTfeESh? 10a ' wi *'"- bui ' h “ sKiSiS; on tho ln)ar| wo Oumiotyet alaio will, accuracy it Is proper to niuiuiuii thettiie tlisaeter will not eauee any failures, "l'heie ore various .iinii:, cuncurinj tiio cause ofihofiro,which i..oppos’d wa. the work of nn incendiary. Thu firuiiin arc imiv—twelve o’clock, M. leaving tho acetioof the connagralioli with their npparntu., Thie, Wo buliuve. ie die most destructive fire which lias over occurred in Piladelphie. Of (illy twu building, which wore un fire,forty are in rum, many ol them largo new wurehou.ee. COURIER Ac ENQUIRER OFFICE, ) Nxw Voiik, (Sunday) Oct. 0. 1 FIRES. At half past 12 this ntori.ing it fire broke out in the Carnot,tor's shop of Su-iuti iSr. Carpenter No. 2311.IUrtdgo etrool, between Delunov and Itivinglun, Which consumed two houses on otthcr etdi,withe groat number ofainnll tone, litmus in the rear principally occupied by tie- groee. A mail wee curried out supposed tu ho mortally injured. While the firemen were actively engaged at the above fires, and ut about fifteen minutes af ter 1 o clock, an alaim wee given in the lower part of tho city, Our reporter wa. early at tha *“"*• "L" 1 *• '*>« litno of hi. arrival flatite were belching forth fiem llto upper stories of a larno brtek .biro No. IS9 Water street, ntldwuy be tween Fit lion at,col and Hurling slip. Some few c.llzell. who wero present, broke opott the donut, and exerted Ihnm-vlvce In save a portion of the valuable etocks of lure, or it* occupant S. A, IlalHoy. Thu Third Ward Hose Company, cot up by private subscription after tho'Great Firo,’ abort, ly arrived mid undeavorod to chuck the fury of tho fUmiosbiit thero was so littlo head of water m tha reservoir, that their efforts were entirely nullified; ulihoiigh itisccrtuin that n plentiful supply from two or three stream* at thi* crisis might have arremed their further progress. In tho menu timo tha wind begun to IVecsIieii from Ilia ■oiitheust, and soon the udjoining stores on eithor side wero enveloped in fl.imos. The in* tente heat mid cinders soon ignited the roofs and cornice* on the opposite side or the street, and the United States llotol, late Holt’s wnsse* riously tinfateu'dtbuthy ilio zealous effort* ofit* inmates in coveting oveiy window of the expos* od Nidus with wet blunkeli, it was presor ved with out injury. At half past 3, tho greater part of tho ,n-ir« square between From, Ftilinn, Weiei-m. n ’nd llurliiig slip, eoit.i.iiiig nr32 building., was in name., preventing a right truly uwful in it. Iiinity. Any effiirt to save tha least portion uf it scmuotl futile, and the firemen devoting them, solve, to tho protection or threatened, hut vet uninjured properly, abandoned it lu iu fate— I lie .qtiara i. now u max. of ruins, with the ex- ceptiou ol a few Bleree on Fiilloinat., which ly "jMreS*B "‘.-'S" ■untciinli ,w mu iHOl.aiiu a plcntirul supply laiued—and the lurthor progre>a u lion was stayed. It was 0 o’clock, fere olatm subsided. IffffilK The following ii an accurnto nccount of thn aitfiororM by this calumily, thoir busiitoia, and the oiuoiiuti of their several losses so far as we havo been nblu to ascertain by cartful enquiry. On RVi(cr*ffree/.---North lido, Nos, 162,a now ■loro, and unoccupied, was much dainnted.und the 104, alio now and unoccupied, entirely destroy* ed. 100 wa* occupied by J. & L. Iliewster, hatters, and i* totally consumed. JG8 Eli Whit*, fur inurclmiil, entirely destroyed. 170, R. A H. Haight A Co., drygoud*, stock estimated at $250,000 vnluo, eutiiely destroyed. 172, J. Hunt, Jr., dry goods, do. do. 170, A. Solon, fur* und cun*, store much damaged, stock in* •tired ill Hartford. Tho nbovo building* all belonged to Air. Howard, or the Union Bank, nnd uro estimated to have been severally worth 97000— no iiiriitrnnco. Cros.-ing Burling slip, 18$ on the corner, oc cupied by Wm, HnUey A Co. Druggiste.btiild, ing and stock damaged; insured. 184 H lluglio*. suddlur, mid Z. 0. Gard ner, saddler, building totally deitioyed, walls left standing. J8G, Steiihcii King, cotk cutter, do do. 188 - , F. A. Kissain, tin ware mauulacturer.do 190. A. Megary, navigator warehouse, much injured. Oil the opposite side of 181, John Hunt* Co. fur*, cups, Ac. building totally destioxod, stock damaged in amount of $20,000, itisttred. 183, H. Simckorly. furs, ovetltead of Edward A. Ludlow, saddle und harness maker, totally consumed. 183 J. W. Brady, cape end dreisod fure, dam egi to Ntock 930,000. 10,000 insurance, build* mg entirely de-troyod. 187, A II Centre A* Son, hatter’* fur*, totally destroyed. 189. A. 11. Halsey, furs, Ac. stock worth 9150000. 101 — Oi !i ort dye stuff* totally. 193 8 Dutiu.agriMiiltnral warehouse do—1U5 J Sparkman, cork cutter, up stairs—U Levy, dm* broker do do—197 Alva Hotcliki<i>,clocks. “C.und Deway A Everett. Crockery, do 199. 28 and 30 Fulton at.—Silas Cuifes A Ne phew Dye Stuir*. considerably injured 22. 23 and 24 Fultuiiat. John Uiirgcas A Co. grocery, victualing house and bakery, stock d- itroyed, building injured—22J N. A L.Bradford,brain*, baskets Ac. building entiiely destroyed—18 ai d 20 building*and stock damaged. front Steel.—196, office of Hope Mills, bull ing* damaged: stock in cufluo. Ac. dnmagrd to the amount of 910000—inmred. 103. AI. Bern nett, fruits, wines, Ac ; stuck damaged $2000, building considerably injured. 194, John Won, fruit store; and up mnira, Crain A Polly, gin and ate Ito! much injored. W. p* ditJ. Craft, outiroly destroyed; 168 & 190, Alitcliel A Nelson, grocerieo, chiefly sugars, damage to slock about 915000 instiled, building entirely destroyed; 180, P. Baled A Co. fruits and whim, tip stair*. U. AI. Demile, Darien Packet Office, entirely destroyed: 184, C. C. Fowltr, oil and candle*, and Jewett, Sun A Co. whitelead. outiroly dostrnved. On the corner of Ijiirlmg slip, R. A D.1licks,ship chandlers, do. do. 1 On Hurling slip—No 21, dwelling and tin shop, entirely de*troy«d-23. dwelling house, do. —25, rnompson AlcConnor. cuoperago. do. On Fletcher street—Between Front and Wa, ter. Mr*. Hale’s hoarding hou*is almost destroy S'dry’scooprage enttrly consumed, and Clisa laluian'sdo dudo* EOIIUIERCIAI. JOl'ItNAIv. LATEST DATES rnoM r.ivsnrooT., : : rno.M HAvur, : ; : : rnow Monii.R, : : : : rtlOM NKW-OIU.KAN*. SAVANNAH EXPORTS, Oct. 10. Per brix Georxio, fur New York—208 L-ele« C-iil.iii.2ncn.ke Rice. Luniher 11 ' N ° r,h 8 “* r ' f ° r B * ,,, ~ G0 - 000 r “»' PASSENGERS Per ship Gaston, ftom N York—Mr Draw er. lndy aiitl2cliikJron,Miu Honker,Mr Chent- r-V’ir If? 5" d „ 3 •j);*)*!*'***- Mine Champion, Mr Clifford, Indy, 2 children nnd ec-rvnnt, Lt Den. Swonf 1 N*'* So ' l ‘ , " 8 - 1 Rol ' B, *»"-'Vilenn,Ro R ere, Swent, Newntereh. Joltmoit. Haywood. Hnh. Itcinge Uull " cl '- ' Vurnor - Joltneou, end 110 cott-tonem Mr rail road cars Arrived yesterday -97 bales Cotton to Ad. etn, & Burroughs, R lluberelinni & Soii.Wim- M/rnhiiiy 10 ' 1 N A H " ,d “ 01 E ■■-ndunuti, R NliWS. t'OIH’ «F SAVANNAH. MORROW,tho la.hinMntu/n 1 ;" ,, freight ur pnetng*. having „ datiuite, apply „„ board nl lt„ c ' -"' , CLAGllORN & ESSSnuSi All freight pnyttblo by .hipp e ,“ D - 'V"l, .o,ter nBo,,mus,b “ i «'«->. l urdi , ;. F0, “^ ,W,MV0 r?^lj. v , r , 8 FOR>|(!0 Iv AT ('.virS^ 1 ^SUt.ary, J ackeo,,v,,,.A%‘J:i . -S® ning next, the 14h i„,t. w H JWWl freighter pap.ago, apply 011 board' 1 ™ 1 All freight, paynblo by .Inpl*,"’' KINO: ,omiio„ P pr" 80t,m ' ,,lb0 "Cl || CHATHAM ACAPB,i|y~* FH1IIE Winter Seuinn of thi. /)„j ’ | JL comtnnttco on MONDAY S. flV " o,|| - uMdorthofCiiowi!;;^ Classical Dipartment-1. E, Larn.J a » Senior Baye’ do.—A. R. Pnbnnr To 8 Junior Hays' </«,—I). S. Diclteumn a' n I Senior Girls’ do._E.E. Pvttchon. A » I Junior Glib'do—F. U. l'olrer it. Junior Girls' Jo. 2nd Dictiinn—ji' , Juvenile Department.—Mins C 11 nj french, Italian, Spanish, Cretan Dloatn. 1 It i*denirahle thntlhoie pchnlnri whirl... to join llto nchool, should be preicnl.ni,!,. I inoncetneni uf the term, et which lima thiVi on will ba arranged fiir the wieter.' ™*| The Tenchorv have been nelnct.4 with m< care, end lltey will ba pormnnom. Tireirr!., nctet, tttlonle olid experience qailif. their noverttl etntione. Few In.tiiutfoue en. well supplied ei this I., with all that , ctlity and eltect to ntudyt mid it i, olTored n frtende uf correct education for their nunl. TWILLED KEKSKYS. 8 DALES Lowell Kerrey" '" i| A “‘" ,U ' 2 cases do do 4 do heavy roiled do 20 pte heavy twilled Cotton. Fvrul.,. favorable terms. BOSTON * IIANDLeT" Market Square, St maul H AVE in etore end ere raceiviaiMtn,. one arrival., a full enppl, „f U “g/W«- *«- Among which ert- 19 hltdn St Croix Sugar 11 do Potto Ricodo, (iOket.ColT« 160 pc. Bagging. 42,43 and 44 la*. 50 coils Dale Rope 109 lb. Bagging Twine 10000 lb. Baltimore cured Btccn.ll.n end Shoulders 3000 bu.hele Iteovy Maryland S«d Oil. Canal and Bell. Flour, wholo and 1 ill 10 cepkeand 25b.xen GcphenCh.™ ' 10 kngf choice Butler ,20 hnlvep.JiOqre ft 20 | BuckwheilF . ^10 boxes Spot III Candle* 6 pipe. (Itard, Dupiiy ft Cn’.lih ,in|l Brandy * ■ 5 do Scignriio da do 5 do Holland Gin 20 bhl. Poool, Urendy 30 do Ryo Gin, 30 do do Whipkey 20 do Hum ‘ Mntlutrn TraeriBh, p ol , „„j 3 , Y|e , „. j go Wino Bailor nnd Wino Biscuit Altnotide end Raisins, Tobacco 10 lone Iron, ereorlotl 75 kegn Noils, ftc. All of which they, for on eccntninodoling lerntp. K t|| BAHIIW, *)4| B11L8 now Cnnol Flour bo,M Bl,,lc,, Heiilni 30 hide Soda, Butler, Sugar sod Hi) Biscuit end Pilot Bread 50 bags prime groon Coffco 10 do old Java do B °' 11 J. B. GAUDRV. ARRIVED SINCE OUR LAST. F Sorrefft Co°’ St0U ’ 0h » rh,,on - Sugar to „ . CLEARED. B ng Georgia-Nichole, N York-Cohen, Mil- ler A Co. S^North Star, Smith, Bath—White A Bar* CONSIGNEES TO TIIK LOVERS OF A F1IE HEAD OF HAIR. T H F. Cuaudu Oil fur baldness and fallinjol of tha hair oil the head, is known lui:: r ire*emineiit above all preparations ofihski t i* froo from every tiling of a delatsrioomi Mrs, nnd has been succeufully used whenoi er much celobraled comt-osittons hivs fiile Threo mouth use in tiiddness will eSects j new end tepid growth ofhoir.and in onsweek I will prevont ilio hair from fulling off, leaving the surface of tho head moist and delightful'; smooth. Price 75 ut* per hottls. For nlebj I octll A. PAH30.N3. 1 apples and potatoes. UBLS Apples, 20 do Potatoei K coived per brig Augusta and fora Por ship Gaetiut, I'm N Yoik, (reported vee- .., d ay.)-W ft J VV Rem.herl, D forgu.on E Blips it Co, Long ft Pattoreon. Hunift.i.,., w. by oclS 193 LONG A- PATTERSON. Suit. G IV Helm, W Olmeteed, J M ft-,- S I tinier, J Robitipoii, E Uoaulurd, Roharie Sr Ctiiiimixhatii, N B ft 11 IW«i„l n * /•*. * Vw",!.:: n i" Wushhnrii. Iaiwu A, l'.. n u.a.i ... .. ** ' °J K O^e^eUo^girA Nowmareh! Sl '*Chmlo, e h,,n“ 0,g “' Kulli " 5 ' No,rull ‘ Sluuuiboat Isis, Pearson, Black Crook. MEMORANDA. WiTho itoamboal Fore»ior, al thie port front Black Creek, reports that tho ecltr. Motion Ak voreoit, front Charloaion buund to Jackponviile r;‘puhho:.i:: go d,ir,cd ou * ii# ™ :«■ 5a ... . ll1 .S“ - ,0ds !fitig’Lonoot, cjirk'cimdon Nur '“ c “' oli "»- u *vi.: Old. brigs John C Calhoun, Billion, lluvanat Moruacu, Woodsidit, Jefforeoii: Ga. * l iula Vii ‘/r “f-' ° 01 ' 7 ' -Ar * h 'P Glasgow, l-rnlti, 60 ds Itn Ltvurpool; bartitio Marv llam nioiid, 10 tl. fm N OrJuumtt Brum brig u'romon' Paokot, Wimittg’ 40 d. fin Uromc,, * r0 ‘ ,,e " Lid. Swodisli skip Sodorham, Trnpn. R m . ■ordain; Urcin elnp Olhore, Exior, Urouion. ‘ OTTO HOSE LIP SAlvp R oi, ° Ko,o ' Li p A. PARSONS. SVItUPS, COKDIA1.S, ftc. BOXES Lemon Syrup 15 do Rasp harry do 50 boxes Cordials, assorted 20 cate* London Mustard 15 4 chest* Hyson Tea 5 do Gunpowder do, 5 do Imperial do For bjIo by C. L, McNIS" oct 8 103 Ginr, SAKITION, Ac. e PIPES ol Nolet’s Imperial Gin JO boxes Claret, St Julien 2 tes Pickled Salmon 10 qr casks Cogswell’s Wine 4 half pipes Soignette Brandy JO boxes Lemons, 4 bale* Almonds G bales Filberts, 10 boxes Citron , 10 kegs Buttorjust recoived and for *« by 1 JNO, U. GAUDRy- 1 ocl 8 103 . FBE8II COUGH liliiUEDlES- 41 UM Drops, rtiatt fluvured SJV French Jitjubo Taile, real Bu.iun’a llulmit Loxonges Poctorul Loxcngos ofToIer Ellolhnrn’s Cough Lozongos llureiimind Candy da English Rafined t.iqnorice Lnzengcs , I Audnrson'e, Clttirch’e end Chapman » Congo | Drops, ftc. Just rocoivod and forrnlcaf net 10 G. It. HENDRICKSON., TOOTH POWBEB. , TOHNSON’d Ctiniphnrntod Ucmrt««j*J Aniiioorbutioiio, do Penrl do. R«' d mid fur cole by A. PARSON 8 - tint 10 195 PULTON MARKET BEEf Tl HALF bbla ofthu aliuvu, latiding ■“ -S. W btig Philuro, ond for *» l "“y „ v ocl 8 . JNO. B.eAUP»ik' „„ NEW BUOKWHEA3- ,j|S| P. ANDING from brig Hlitliiro—20 hcR“ i: A Bttcltwitonl. 20 qrdo do, 20 keg* 4* ra wurruntod free from grit. Fur eale b f- nD not 0 CLAGHORN It wOOjb.’ EXTRACT OP JLEMON- ^ A SUPPLY of Preaton e pure conccnU* xSL Extract of Lomon, for MS}\fA.U\eid .