Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 14, 1839, Image 2

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— ■■'g mmm UEPIJ BLIOA^ (Tf livvici »T TltR on KK»f «»V *»» ■ . n .... 4. ini'. , o i'i) tri *■■■> ■ fUTTh* OnRimnra Chnvwlt of Saturday. in flit artictn which we tubjoin, »lMe«, w« hart nodnubtcofrcclly. the comae of our d«f«l In flit Baltimore dnliint. II corroborate* what we had onreclvae hoard and behoved, and wltal wo •ttgge*ted to bo Ilia chief caiieoofflie triumph of llto Adniini-tratiim patty there—namely, the ■btiata perpetrated under tha registry law. It waa reported here, the day before the eloctiou, that penona (eoina of whites names wo heard) holding office under flit Ganaral Government, and who have resided in this etty fur years, hod gone or sent to Baltimore and procured therm selves to ba legisiered as voters. To what ex- tent this waa practiced we canuol tell.—A'atwnsl Inttlligtncir 71* Inst. frees lit DtUimtn CAmltlt. THE ELECTION IN MARYLAND. We should be guilty of disingenuoiisneea if we wore to denr that Ilia results of the alectiona Ihtoiilhnullho Stale of Maryland have greatly disappointed us, and that the strength obtained by the Whirs, both in Congrese and the Legis lature, ha, fallen far short of onr expectation,. I returns from a number of the counties el the Whigs regarded Ibe contest with sates Indilflronco than we were lad to M] would do, and that, on the ether v onr opponents were enirnaled by a seal . inspiration, no matter whence it comes, ally the forerunner of victoty. This is t to account for the defeats we have met the counties, and it would be uselers tu .j Anther. But the truth compels ns to aay that, as far as Ibis Congressional district was concerned,there waa no lack of energy and activity. The dia. eensiona which prevailed aoieug us nt the lime of die nomination were all apparently lioalsd, and the patty appeared, at least, to be thorough. tMttWiteaittf Hs, v yT.;: .t though it falls aomaw hat short or what it should have been, making a fair allowance for the natu- ral increase of the voting population. Out, whilst we have thus a little more than maintain, ed our atrangth. our adversaries have increased theirs more than five hundred votes. They have gained, without proselyting from us, eiaept tu a very small extent. How have they accom plished this! We are perfectly aware that explanations of the mode by which a political cor.test has been lust are generally recti red with ridicule by one perty. end with incredulity by the other. Dill there are circntustarices in the present ease which it it proper people ebroirl.who have looked with heps end confidence to at, ilmuld bo apprized of, end which go > greet way to explain why we, who have claimed end atilt claim to liave e majority of tho honest lagal vt/i ten of lira city, have been defeated. We believe, in the firat place, that tire Registry Law has been administered such x tending tho polk, (baring a re enaetment of the tele note." The Annapolis RspeMicen, speaking of the result of tho okmtlon in that city, wtrero the Whigs have usually had n small majority, hut where the other parly succeeded lest week, •aye r— "That wo ware tu lose the delegation nr nnr city whs not difficult to percolvo before ine day of.electioii Mr. Hwnitii (Whig) was elected list year by tho odd vote only ; #inca that time, wo have, hy deadi and removals, lost twice as many ns our npjmmiHts—and hi next votes, es pecially hy the int'od'iciiouof the State llxecu* live and its retainers, and of a new Locofoco printing establishment ami iu appendages, they had three new volet to out ouo. Yet, with this prospect before them.the true and faithful Whig* of A nnnpolie considered it their duty to thnir brethren iu tho cause to make as determined an opposition as though victory was in full pros pect—and they did to. They could not com wtoitd suecest—but they did rnoro—they deserv ed SltCCtlf. “We have lost the Congressional district.— The Whig vote in ertry ward in the city of Bel* timoro w«a larger than ever it has been—even larger than list year, when they canted the city; and yet they are eow beaten by several hundred votes—thiiteeu hundred mote voles having heen taken than were last year, when both partite brought their full strongth to the polls. “According to the proportion there is botween voters and jMjHtfaltoR. the city of Baltimore must liuve increased in numbers shout thirteen thou* sand .-inco list October—or seme method of working to windward in suite of, or rather by mans o( the registry law, hai boon discovered. There it a va»l-difference between Ihtsiy and piaclics nr political machinery.” fYutnl*.MUddplU N>uioii«lGnirttt, <M.0. IIruclionlyfirt.ft^auibdo.C.piloloriUprm ”m".! VCriu;^nh P . b,,"c,. iS Kngf.nd wo.lthv f.mlh.. h.viux been .n th.t llm. last year caused a demand upon tho Bank of England for England Tor more than six milhott* of pounds sterling, about thirty million* or dollar*, which was d»awn in gold and *ilvcr from it* vault* ami exported to tha continent to pay for B™m This withdrawal of *o large tin lumuint of specie, pioduced at unco a depression in tha value of cotton and other American produce, and ol course lessenedaur mean*, in lloglnud. of paying for th* largo amount of importations i f foreign nicrchandixo. There has therefore bean a continued dram upon onr Bank* for specie to ship to Uurupe to supply this deficient ,cy.—Nothing can be more lionorablo to the character of our morchams, than the sacrifices they have made to support their ere. it both at liuine end abroad. . ... In this honorable struggle to maintain tnvio. late the commercial chaiactor of onr country, they have received every support which was in the power of the Bank* to reuder mom. There i* however a point In human »ntm». whan it become* necessary to iciort to self. I ■preservation aa the first law of nature, lhnt period is now arrived;—every effort has been made by onr Banka to stem the torrent, but in vain. In support of this declaration it is only nccei'l sary to stalo, that since the late resumption of spec o payments the Bank of tho United 8tates, li t* paid out in specie npwairls of l^fotvl miliums of dollars. In addition to this, the Bank has undo groat sacrifices to support tho cause of iiiteinaTimprovements.iiot only in Penney h I hrania but el*owhure, ' ■ Of the ability of our Banks to meet all then eugwmculs, no ono can doubt. The safetyl of a Bulk docs not consist in tha an,mint of sands Jlie* having been iced to a elate of utter destitution. •The fir* commenced at half past 3 ooljok in tho morning; and although by rate felicity no life wa# lost, the most dreadful aoetacle wa* nreMmted by llm livid flames, which ascended a* if to Heaven, and their contrast w ith the darkness of tho night, served only to exhibit to the wretched senkrere their dreadful lose* The edifice, beingrhiefly built of wood, and thatch, •d with reed* and straw, give no obstruction to tho rapidity of th* devouring element, and tit a few hours the Capitol of Clioco wa* reduced to ashes and rulne P amidst tlio*hrieks and lamen* tntions of the citizens, who. being despoiled t>i all they possessed wore tlmnseWes prsterved from tho wreck,only to be exposed to a mere rolonged life of poverty end wretchedii***. ’he loss in merchandise alone !■ estimated at ono million of dollars/ NEW-OI ed since 1st quantity recoil 8W0 bales. \ otto 1077 Havana, 388 do—i of0854 b.lee-mtd leaving including nil on shit) 1 bJ Afier« dey or two of qixUt our market line again openoli with n tolerably fnir dentxnd, and nt liuldere rottmltt fimi.lhe prices pnul folly auv lain tho advance which wa nuliced In our Inet. Indeed we find it netewary »o edvence our quui tstlims fur the ordinary and middling quilllie,— our figure,, befitra, wero merely nominal, there , JSZgg* MONDAY EVENING. Oct. 14, 183* ID* 8ubfcnber.cn the Bay and under the Bluff, who do not receive their Papers, wil' confer n fever on us by sending to the 'Office for them, u the Carrier on that route i, sick, TUB ELECTION. \Ve have received relume from Thirty.nven Counties. The reault ao far, egreeakly to our calculation, ran, thus—Ducoiurtv, 13097; McDosald, 13779—leaving DeuonsSTV * mi- joiity of 1395. Iu 1837 the vole in the aeme Counties w.., Gicutn, Iteiut) t Scaur, 14534. W: Cannot despair a, onr Aland of the Ala- ttngtr he, done, in the remit. We still look up, and expect, if net a large, e respectable me. jotity in favor of the State Rights' Candidate-.— A day er two will decide tho matter, so «, to bo mitlo generally public. 07TheU. 8. Ftlgate Comlitulun, Com. Claxtox, was spoks 240 of August, about 3 it>r.-ti x iu., so j.— nuui tiavana—ell well. specie idle in its vaults, hut in the ample securi ty which it'linldt of its debtors. All that the Banks require, is time tu collect tho debts due to them, tu enable them to resume sptrla pay- menu. From the Philadelphia Gaxette, nf Ocleber 9. HTA NT MOVEMENT. mauiier aa to cue our advei ft ' ' .-jgiaters, sitting on the two days immediately preceding the election v> supply tha names of such persons ns had not previously registered hse been eo consliusd as It authorize il,t the Registers to receive the names of per. sonsseke did not appear at the Rtrutry officii. either in person or*, proxy, bin whose names were communicated to tho Register, by pcmni in whom they hod confidence.and placed upon tho Reciatry books without the knowledge of the Public at large, or of the committees who attondod at the Registry offices fur the pmpo.e of procuring the names or all who applied la be regisiered. It is not necessary le explain bow prolific of tin grossest frauds such a licence might he mode, even without th* supposition or a currupt connivance mi tin part of ■ ma jority of the Ib-gisura. All lhal we feel die, posed to aay lithe present stogo of our infer- inalien on this subject is that we believe the Registers actually did give to Ibis portion of die lew a construction obviously at war with iu spirit and intent. Thai they did in in somoof the words we hive no hesitation in saying. When in tid of this (of iieolf sufficient) cause of our defeat we adduce tho fact diet ihe operation! of our opponenu woro sustained by an amount of money never eqalled but once before in the elections of ibis di.iric-, neither our friends abroad nor at homo ought to fail much surprise at the issue. ... We over that Urge amounts of money were upended by oar opponenu iu the oanvtei, and that n portion of it woe derived from Ihe contri. buttons or the office holders under Ihe Slate and Federal Governments. This is not denied by any gentleman of the least pritensions to veracity an Ibe other side, and is, iudecd, a fact or univerial notoriety. Upon this occasion die levy took e wide range. II even reached, as ■as Hraoie, the bumble clerks of the post office. What waa Ihe amount contributed, we cannot undertake, of course, to say. Thu it waa very Urge cuniiet be doubled, when we consider die Tastnnraberof officers, the Urge emoluments of their stations, slid the viul character of the contest. By many or them it was regarded, not without reason, aa involving, to a coiisidart able extent, their couiiiiiianci in office. The election u over. Wo stale these facu with pen fact calmness, end with the most solemn undde, liberate conviction that whet we liavo said falls •hart of rather than exceed, tha reality. We luva no doubt that if we be answered et all upon dtese heads, we shad bo Uuuted with the inquiry whether it was not tho custom of Whig office holders undet n Whig ndministrai tion of the Suie Government to oontntiute to tha supporter the,piny 41' would be equally din ingenuous end fruitless for tie to deny thin was, to some extent, the caie. But, wo contend that it was never dreamed of unlit die office holders under Ihe General Government catne to he ro> gardod the common source for Ihe receipt of moneys la sustain Ilia Administration. Until that revolution in tho inode or regulating the elections in the United Stales wee introduced, under Ihe luilion of Mr. Van Buran, as Gener al Jackson's chief adviser, the expenses of elect tioin were borne hy the cttndid'ilsi. Now, it it n fact, which wc do not think it worth while to step to establish, lhnt no one except a man of groat wealth can possibly xiistnin the expense of n political campaign where the wealth of office boldets is arrayed against them. He appeals in such tt case to hit party, and they mntt either support him or be defeated. Of die efiect upon our institutions of the general introduction of thi> systom wo shall speak heroafter. A letter from Cumberland to the Baltimore Falriol, referring to Mr. Tuouai' majority in Allagnny county, aaye—"The Canal vote turns out to be heavier hy far Uiati last year. You will find that in dm Cumberland. Oldtown.and FiAeott Mile districts, wehavobeon beaten more ,han our worst fears had presage-1. In die Old- ^wn district tho Wltige wore deterred fronton PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION. This election took piece err Tuesday. In the city of Philadelphia, Mr. 8wrrr received Ihe highest number of votee for Mayor. The whole Whig ticket fur the oily—Senator, Assembly men end Council meii—was elected by a tut joiity of about 2500. Iu Philadelphia County, tho Van Btireti ticket ii nid lobe elected by a large majority. AUGUSTA BOARD OF HEALTH. Ttiorunar. Oet. 10-18 M. The Board report that no doth has occutred front fever, during the last twenty.four hours. One aged negre man died of dropsy. A. GUMMING,Meyer. S. SI. Tunarsox, Scc'r. V li III I f-g OM T" N I ll lililll II 1MPU We Went that a conference of delegate* of the different Batik* mid of th* Dosrd of T rn< fo of tiii* city, wa* held lest evening, at which it was determined, at a matter vitally concerning tho safety end prosperity of tho comtnunity, forthwith to suspend specie payments. Tiit* resolution, with one er twoe*c«ptioni of which we hear rumnro n-l fully authentic, wa* carried iutn unanmteu* execution uwiiiy. It i* unnecessary, a* it is impracticable, to go suddenly into an ample elucidation of this great measure. It it sufficient to know that it is not one of quick and desperate immaturity: it i* one of cool reflection, of well weighed facu, slid well descried results—which in any event, can scarcely fail of uffurdutg relief whore before there wero perplexities, eistres* and struggling confidence. Of the main momentum to this point, operative in both hemisphete*. wo pro* pose to speak briefly. ’I'u. eeriYir is uot on* ofchotce, by the Dinks, but of necessity—i necessity not aiuiiig out of ■ Inck of power to continue specie payments, but of sell preservition. tinder the form of keep ing the specie from being drained out of the The Board report the death* of two persons, one in town and ono in the country, during the last twentyifour hour*. A. CUM MING, Mayor Famuel M. Thomrio*, Sec'ry. Saivrdat, Oct. 13—12 M, The Board report the deaths of one white person and on* colored person, in tho country, from fever, and one person in town from bron chitis, during the lost tweniytfoiu hours. A. CUMMING, Mayor. Samuel M. Trommux, Sec'ry. ELECTION HETIUINS For Governor, and (or end against Ratification. o g s fl ? F COUNTIES. t V 1 p s. r ■? f 2 e. o s o' ■ Chatlmm 900 930 138 Effingham J43 -GO 174 Iltsllocll 7 312 218 Glynn 131 33 116 Unldwiu 278 329 0(10 Bibb 497 C9II 457 Jpfferion 450 103 314 WnsUington 583 514 H83 Riclunond 449 372 103 ilfclntusli 119 128 74 Burko 683 114 3 Liberty 139 87 18 Bryan 99 7 85 Scriven 211 134 3.18 Tattnall 270 58 267 Jarper 440 507 422 Wilke, 425 390 000 Hancock 375 301 283 Warren 429 317 566 Wilkinioii 394 485 000 Greene 786 70 750 Taliaferro 405 29 358 Uulti 189 393 399 Morgan 460 323 000 Cnu 481 706 4f>6 Jackson 503 nu 000 Hall 453 497 000 Claike 593 372 000 Monroe 071 802 000 Crawford 255 479 065 Coweta 536 705 000 Dooly 137 301 282 Henry 010 665 ono Jones 417 503 405 Muscogee 83G 817 000 Newton 850 407 000 Wallen 443 521 ooo 75,097 13,772 415 m 33 32 000 107 133 G55 83 223 160 1J 33 48 443 000 294 130 000 47 21 01 000 485 000 000 000 000 r>5 000 65 000 .105 000 000 000 ELECTION RETURNS For Senator* and llapreitritafives—the first named is Senator—those in Italic Van Ourcn men. HOUSTON—Kelly. Rudd, Donnard, Sykes. JONES—Gordon. Gay, Gray, McLeoud. MON ROE—Phillips, O'Neal, Parker, Urey, Dunu. CRAWFORD—Bradford, Hancock, Hunter. TWIGGS—Smith, Tarver, Daniel. MORGAN—Porter, Martin, Uectc, Peoples. CASS—Mnye*, Adnmr, Wulicit. JACKSON—Meigs, Chandler, McMullen and Dulaprierre. IIAL(«—Dunagan, Roberts, Harden, Graves. CLARKE— Vincent, Moore, Stroud,Ilichardson• •Now, Sam, if you don't stop licking lint molasses I'll toll the man.’ * By chalks—you tell the man, and I'll lick you and tho lasies too.’ EXPLORING (SOUTH SEA) EXPEDI TION. By n letter dateil‘U. S. ship Relief, Callao Bay, July 17 1839,’ taceivetl at tits Philadelphia Exchange, .we les'ti that Mho United Stiles ship •Relief,' was to sail the next day, for Whshoo, Sandwich Inland, to land stores, whsre from thence proceeded to Sydney, New South Wales where she would leave the remainder of the squadron, and then return hours by Ihe wiy of fit Helena, aini the Cape of Good Hope, |fand fully expect to touch at St- Helen* end III* Cape,) and be home aboiit tha mouth of March or April next. The United stale* ship Peacock Vincennes, brig Consort, and schoonar Flying Fi*h, ill of tha lein«*iUtian.»avl*d from this place July 15th, for tho islaidsand northwest coast, «ftc. ! km sorely afraid that tha United ojitej schooner Sea Gull, Pnsnod Midshipman Hied and Bacon cammnndsri, i« no more. She In* not been heard of thess three months past. A* liter# has been so much changing about, I will give you a list of officers, vis: ■IUnited Stall * ship Peacock—Lt Com Wm L Hudson; LtsW W.lker, OH Perry. G FEm- nvrry.E A Uuddi Muter, Mr. Baldwin; Passed Midisliipuron. J B Lewis, A B Davie, Geo Coirocoressls, J Palmer, S I Hines; Miiloliip* men, Ilclmstey, Hudson;Uoauwnn,T G Dvih Gunner, T Lewis; Carpenter, JnoW Dibble; Snilmnker. J D Freeman; Cnptaiu’s Clerk. F Stewart; Purser, Wm Speideti. United States ship Relief—Lt Com AK Le»g: Lts G W L Claiborne. II J HirUtene, W Dele. D Sickcts; Boatswain, W Black; Gunner. J D Anderson*. Gnstain, N. Laighton: Sailmsksr. J Irvine: Psuougevs, Mr N Bright, Mr Peicivat and Mr Ellis; Master's Mite, Purser Steward, W HInalsy* Schooner Flying Fish—Lt Com R F Pinck ney; Sailing Master, min, H Harrison country. This ncceiVily has ite chief cause in the re. vulsion of th* opinm trade with the Chinese, a trade of, say fifty millions! The''instrument of this trade is known to he opium Tin# drug can no longsr be employed ae an article of exchange with that peoplo. Specie, therefore, must take the place of it. The Bank of England fairly reeled under these tidings from China—and was forced to make a loan of the Bank of France, end into the issue of two pound notes. The balance of trade being against us, demands came over here for specie, and every packet ship went out carrying away from a half to a tudfien of del. lira. This was ths great %’anae of the late stricture ill our Banks' discounts—the U ink# could Mat di-count paper, because their issue* came back upon them directly, for specie. The merclian|* "'liBiVtoTg Knorr; Feueti Midship. figuree,, , . _ having been fuw of no transaction! In Ihtun deacrmtioiis that could bo mida tho basis tit correct quotations. The demand has been gen .rally fur Frauen end the Northern market,end has been confined principally to th, fair and good fair qtialttleaof th, neve er,p. The sales litico the 37th nil. amount) to ibout 3608 biles, the particulars of which we give as follow*-.— nf the old crop Louliinna mid Mluiulppi, 400 hates at — cents; nf the now crop. 6 belie at 13) cent,, 98 at I3|. 84 nt I0|. 30 tt 111.183 et 18, 114 nt 12. ID at 111,80 at 11|, 45 nt 18,154 at 18,203 at 12.12J, 100 nt 19. 300 at 11|. 49 nt 111.30at 121.11 at lift, 127at 121,83nt 12' 33 at 111. 100 nt 11), 17 at I3|. 40 tt 184. 14 13.46at IU.29at IIL 101 nt ll,2latfll.( at 111,14 nt 111 222 at 12J. 77 nt 13.08 at 121. 15 at 121.25 at 121.219 at 121.00 1112. 3U at 19.28at 18,10at 111, 160nt lit. at 12 cents. Liverpool Classification*—Louisiana & Mia* sisrippi—Ordinary 9 * 94, Middling 10 a 10£. Fair Ilia lli. Good Fair I2J a 12|, Good and Fine 13. Sugar—Louisiana—No sale* of anv impor tnuce liavo coma to our knowlodgo. The bush nos* is still confined to very limited parcels, and we still quote inferior to common 4 a &|. prime 04 a 7, and extra prime 7| cte. There is very liltlo doing in Havana Sugars, and prices aro without change. Molasses—Brices remain the tame,and Iran*, actions are confined to email lota from the Levee. We have heard of no sales on plantation. Uacon—Wo note a sale of 100 hhds, aidaa, at 8a84 cts * the latter piice being on time, the former cash. This Is tha only considerable sate beyond * mere retail business, that wo have no ticed forsoino time. Though a little lower than *ur quotations heretofore, it is not lower than •uoh a parcel could, for some time past.be bo't, had there bsen any demand. The market con* limits extremely dull, at former rates for email parcels. Lard—There has been a little more demand this week, though the market must still be con sidored very dull. Some two or three Iota have been sold for shipmont, and others have bean forwarded to Cuba and tha North, on owner's account. Whiskey—Tho demand for this article is not at all active, but the prices of last week era ana- lained. We eiill quota Rectified 40 a 48. Conn non 45 a 40 conts. Dealt, Hvdli.y, oil IGtlt nJlitft'iL Smith, Giiltenblirg Aug |J, * dd. altipe Tarqaln, hum. C. Wo „. N , eey. Dickson, Sneatneh) brie. Ct... tT 81 John.. NF. and L.,l.cri,teZ& Pnrtnu Pilttee; AlUitUan. Plm,,"*,;jj[ ; 'cut/, '"fit. NF. """r. 8IJ,. PROVIDENCE, Oct. 6-Art,,- , field. Wakefield, Chetleeto". A ' < PORTLAND, Ool. 3,-Cld.H, SdVtxmh. FOB hBW-VOBK-teS?’ n.Mag..hnv« | fi„,„ l0 £4ji* "PPly ou heard « » gin’s upper wharf, or In 11 «% og t 14 WASHBURN. l.BTOiq . FOB DICOI.ATA, ViXlliiiiT. wIcIflSt^arye-JaolHOhyVlcfirnsJjJNr. the 14h ill.t. at 8 n’claclt. pa.,age, apply on board, or to 'nbctoTlIla EVENl&K “ '‘“l- For 6,$^ All freight payable byXllipp^; Slave pnuengors mint ho clcartdutk.,- tom House. ccilf „ -m as possible, the Banks, (some of ih«n) gars their credit to the iiierchAnts under the form nf Boat Notes, payable four, or six. or eight months ahead, hoping hy the time they arrived nt mr turity that the pressure might become relaxed. But this did nut afford the relief. The mar* chant*, manufacturer* and mechanic*, were yet sutfe ing. This suffering was not emtfined to this city. New York felt it under all forms of severity—ax iudeed did all our cities, and the whitle count!v. * What, under such circumstances was to be dono! The Banks are just as good, and better, and more solid, under a season of suspension, as under its opposite. The obligation to pay out specie, to bo taken out of the country, no longer existing, their specie remaining secure in their vaults, and the cause that forced to bus. pend discounting, being temoved, a relief can now bo extended to n suffering peeph, by r«i lasing their orders fur curtails, as well as by suitable aids through discounts. But besides the foreign deniaud fur specie,the recoin fires in New York and in ibis city hnve made a call fur the relief of the sufferers, under all their forms fur at least one million and n half dollars. This is an addition te (lit prei ions C tonsure. The calamity requited to be met— ■it ihe Hanks could not meet tliia additional demand, except at the loss of just that much of specie to tho country. There is grout relief at tha bottom or this aits* f iension. Let ihn people regard it in it# true ighl, and it will bo every where applauded. Tho means required for rebuilding uur burnt districts, both here and ill New York, can now be had—and this will be to set thousands of me* chanica and working men to work, who must otherwise have remained idle. The Philadelphia National Gazelle says• “We are requested to state that the Commercial Bank uf this city has net united m suspending specie payments.” ttTThe Second Edition of ths Baltimore, American of the lOih inst has the fullowmg. SUSPENSION OF THE BALTIMORE HANKS. At a meeting, at nu early hour this morning* of tho Executive office!* of the Banka of the city of Baltimore, tho following resolution was uu.>niiiiu«ly adopted: Whereas information has reached this city that tho Hanks of Philadelphia have suspended specie piiyments^Tiierefore Resolved, That him dor the circumstance* this meeting deems it nd* visable that the Hanks of this cily forthwith suspend specie payments for Ihe present, and recommend the same to Hsurds of th* seveisl Hunks. • NEW ORLEANS, Od 5. Wo are happy to notice u duciped abatement in the epidemic. Cases are much less frequent, and those which occur aro said to yield more readily to scasousblo mid judicious treatment, —Notwithstanding these favorable features, wjl must repent our camion to tliuse abioad;'(mtt in entering the city before tho occurrence of a frost, th-y encounter danger. The. weather ha* been clour and cool tnronghout Ihe weok. Ftomthe Balti more American, Oct9, JAMAICA Hy the brig Susquehanna, at Nnw Your, we have received a file of the Jnmica Royal Gazette to tlie7tli September,inclusive. The newly appointed Governor, Sir C. Metcalfe, was daily expected to arrive at Kingi stoN to assume the government of the Island. Tho papers anticipate a favorable change in the administration of public affairs on bis ar« rival. DESTRUCTION OF A CITY BY FIRE I the Gazette of the 31st August we find tho follow ing short account of ihe total destruction hy fire of tha Cily ofQeibdo, on the Spanish •Dy papers from the Spanish Coast, intslli. gene# has b<«n received ortho almost total dtr Axothsr alleged America* Slater Caf» turkd.—Among the vessels which arrived at New York on Sunday, was the schooner Cath erine. Captain Dundas.ofBaltimore, thirty-nine days from Sierra Leone, a prize to H. B. M. brig Dolphin. The Journal of Commerce •ays: She was seized on a charge of being eugnged in the slave trade, and w brought to this country out of respect to the American Government, instead of being adjudicated upon at Siena Lflotie, a# the would have been if belonging to any nation with which the British Government has a treaty for the suppression of tha slave trade. Four of the orginnl crew of tho Cntherino are on beard. Tho remainder, about thirty, were discharged on tho const. Wa understand she has an American register on board and she is 'aid to be owned in Baltimors. She was fitted out at Havana, where aha look up her cargo, YdLno Fttsr.—Aiming the singularities of the season may he mentioned, that last week • decided case of death of yellow fever occuned in the Artillery HuapUal at this place. The senior medicnl officer knows the disease, having seen much of it in the West Indira.and he is .ymptiun., end the ns.t mortem •xntnlitetintt wero connlu.ive on tho point. VVe had thought that Canada was Tar 6001 the Hack o7 (licit a visitant, but it Mema to be erratic in ID* At a meeting nf ihe Merchants or Black Creek. (F.. F.) casambled October 3d, 1839. ae, eerdinx tc previous notice, 10 uke into cotieid. •ration what measure, to adopt to prevent tho staainboate Florida, Forester, and lvauhoo.rroi landing our good* in tho night end rain, to they have horotofi)rf done, to our groat loos and in. convenience, and courier, tu the a,labliih«d rule, eF all rreight heats, and ortea port town. Tho mooting wu colled to order by appoint, ingThonine Askew, Eiq. Chairman, and James B. Cole, Eiq. Secretary—when the fiillon ing restitution, woro unanimously adopted 1 lltulmd, That, we having been unjustly treated and greatly inipoiod upon by the eleanf boats Florida, Fura.ter, and tvanhae, and with a view to prevent it, do pledge ourselves, from and after this time, not to allow our freight Is bo shipped ill either nf in id buttle. Kaotvtd, That if tha Captaiita or Agents of said boata, will pledge thenuelvee to ue and our F TON HEAD*ESSi?)R^* V R5jBB .TS will depart for theakZT placet TO.MOlimiW MORNING, {the IDth inet. et 0o'clock - freight or pn-oagt. having excellent dattonx, apply on bnaid, or to CLAUIIORN A WOOD The I.l, will run ae a regular picket btttrin this ahd the above place,, taking the civ, .1 the Win. Seabrook. ]| FOB UURLEh'roil, VlT BEAUFORT. ’ Theauperlernewiua packet COL. JEW ET? Chao., muter, will*; fur ths above plan,., WEDNESDAY MORNING, ICth WtuS o'clock. For freight or pouoeo, apply w fa master on board et Roadie's wharf,or ta E. HENDERSON, Agent Tho Col. Jewatt will leave CkirleMMln Savannah, on Saturday morning 19J, rim.,, the arrival of tha boat from Wilmington net 14 COiUNI E It Cl A I, JOURNAL. LATEST DATES most i.ivrnroot,, j : t : t: : :: SXFT 8 rnoM ii a vii k, : : : t t :: : : : SIFT 1 non uodii.r, : SXFT 28 from axw-oni.RANs, :::::: OCT fi SAVANNAH MARKETS. Oct 14. Cettea.—'Tho Market for Upland, during tho firat part of tho paat week, advanced 1 per cent, which ia owing nu doubt to lit# acorcity ufatock. Since which, accounts from the North not w»r. ranting aueh high ratal, tha arlicla became dul ler, The aalna have boott 05(1 bait, at prico, ranging from 11 I* 13 conu—principally at 121 to 13 cent.. Rict.—'Thera ia hut 0 email flock in Market a yet. We quote 3.j to $4. Cora—Retail, at 90 to 105 cents per bushel. SAVANNAH EXPORTS, Oct. 12 Porbrig Pliilnro, for New York-75 halo. Cotton, 30 cuka Rico, 12 packages aandriea. MACON. Ool. 10.—Coden—Principal ealoi yefloidny. wero made at 10 centa, and a few balusul'choice cotton at 10). Aa the qualities vary but little, prices are very tinifurin. All that ha* been brought la market, or that is now picked nut ia of tho but quality, aa then h.ti been no rain to injuto it vinca it commanood opauiug. Receipt, of Macon Market, To firat October, 1830, yjg bale. Saint! time lait year, ftie Slock on hand, ]ogg j. Da da da lut year, 5-34 & a CHARLESTON, Oct. 12.—Our monetary affaire “t present, are in a wretched condition Tho bank, Imva tliretmmed very little paper for several weeks—and our money market ia tight, beyond all proccdoacu. * Cation—The tron.action.litUpland through out the week just doted have reached about 1300 hales at the following price,: 40 at 104 203 at 101.30 M 11. 40 til 12, 235 at 15 at 121 005 at 12]. 38 at 121, 35 at 18), mid 45 bale, ai 13 conn par lb. Tito sale, in Sea Irland, have been aboin20U halo, et prices ranging from 42 to 03 coma per Ih. according to quality, end 11 bale.entitled dual from 10 to I3eanisp,i lb. Ilia—Sale, cuntinue to bo oiFoetod at very low rates. Tito bu.inera of the weok comprise 475 tierce, at the following price*.—3d at 834 184 nt 31, 50 at 3}, 137 ut31, 18 ut31, 37 at 4 and 15 tc, at 4) per 1U0. Grain.—The receipts of tho week of Corn aro 4500 btliliulv, which are held above prevent quotations. Nu arrival, ofeitlier C1.it., or Post SoveraUninlllot, liny have arrived, and baeii taken at $11 per 1U0 lb,. Florn—Too doinaud ha, bean confined to email parcel, for the city trade, os fullowiv- Bitltimure, now, $7; do Howard itroel, old and now, 7 it 71; and a ■mull lut very superior Vir. gillin 7) pur bid. Coffin—Of llto 2500 bag, Rio imported direct during tits week, about 800 bag, liavo boeu ta* ken at price, ranging front 11), to 12 cant, lb., principally at Ilia former quetuliou. 75 bags Cuba void at 11 cent, per lb. Sugar- 1 Tito vnlo, ol'tho weok hovo keen eon* fined to about 40 hhds Muicuvade, from 8 to 94 por lb. * Ezdiangt—Dill, ox England 94 a 10), Bank rata 12 per ct. prom; on Franco 5f a BfO; Bight Chunk, oil Now York,2) a 3 pe, ot. prim. Freight, ^Engagements liavo been made to Liverpool at )d a |J. and ta Havre 1 a 11 for ColtOH. Francis A. Huron. H. Ruler tc Ce, Matvin Babe. E. Austin. Lem'l Wilron. A. W. Montgomery. J. Voorliocv. Juo. Allen. Tho. Coverly. Walter Murphy, • net 14 OEOKGM llimuiciLsocT. ETY. T HERE will be »regular mailing af fa Georgia lliatorioal Society THIS EVEN. ING, (Monday,) ot7o’cloch, In the 8,r,ntnk L bury Room. WM. D. STEVEN* Rtcniug Sarfart, SAVANNAH, OGT. 14, ujT T HE*sub,criber has received a xenealu* sortment of Fall and Winter Clothiu— counting in port of Ihe following etUdes.,ir ■Hue, blk, brown, claret, invisible green Cloth' Drat, and Frock Coals, Kentucky Jeao and Sauittti Hunting Coats, blue blk, dish, ban ribbed aud plain Cnaaimare Panlalooiu; phi. Valval, plain and fig'd Satin, blue and black Cloth Vests, single nod double bran,led; ft,. Linen Shirts, Cotton do, with linen I Cation |tnd Merino Undershirt, end Dairen j -ilaitt end frilled Linen Uiuotnt, Roe Linen Cel' Mad ' lug, MWImont of Indian llnbher, Elaatioand Can ton Knit Suspenders-Glovov, lldkfe An .t. All of which will be sold low for ca.h hr ’ G. S. NICHOLS. octl l North side Mailt.t Square. n vtnenueivei tone and pur plant and irineti Linen Uoiomi.fine LittenCel. Agents in Savannah, in writing, that nnr fnielil Jata-froW a p»nrwiy wnne, Drawn and "Hit x Ian, then, and not hofuro, will wo allow ottr fraighl to b« sent by said boats. Iktohed, That, as soon as the nrocaefliiiza of thi# meeting are published, our Agents in 8a* varnish will consider it sufficient, before ship* pm*, to demand of the Captains or Agents of said boats such a pledge as is contained in the second lesiilution, and if nut complied with,not to ship our freight by said beats. Ruslud. That the Captain, of each boat be required to bare on beard, and to produce Wh„,.»,r called for. th, o.t.bli,hod primed ratoi of freight, •« wo hovo every eetira to be* have three baits hive been charging ua 26 par earn, more above the regular rates of freight. IteutKd, Thai tha proceeding, or this meet, ing be vtxned by ,the Chairman and Secraleiy, and by the Merchanta.and forwarded to the pa* pare m Savannah lor publication, and also a Co. py ho furnishad to each Captain,of thsu boats. When the meeting adjourned. TIIOS. ASKEW, Chairman; Jas. B. Cole, Secretary. „* , '* l P‘> 1 "* C. Gondrich A. Co. Beall Litton. 8. Ilnvoy.ogonlfnr Juo. J “^ n 'Vjlm.lon. Y. Ziegoii. Alfred Tanner. C. Deppiah. C. F. Aufdeiheidc, R. I’. Lowia, George Ltiou, ■ Aeron Smith. W. C. A A. S. Allen, Ann roR J. Carter A Co. Wm. II. Hickman, W. 8. (limited A Co. ofNownan.villo,E,F. (Georgiitt) STThefrieudeanJ acquaintance, of Mrs. Alick and of Owor O'Rourke, are requeued to attend Ilia funeral of lha former from the ruidouco of tho latttr, cornet of York and Hone* Ion aireote, To-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. PASSENGERS Por ateatnboat Col Jowotl.from Chorle,ton- 11 Harper, lady and 8 children, J P Stewart, Indy and child, Copt Lyon, lady and 2 children, Miu Joint,on, Mi„ Harper, Aleut, G U May, P Tnoley, A Alclntiro. eoxvtoxZEv pan naiL iioad ctnn Arrived on Ftiday—GDtuilu Cotton loR AI Phtnizy. R Hohoraltani A Son, Wiiuborly A Jones, E Henderson. Arrivod on Sattirdny-141 b ilex Colton to Wimberly A Jonu-.E iiliu A Co.C Hariri-ho. it llahervham A Son, E Heuderion, N A Har- doe, G L Cone, Jr. Arrived ye.lerday—118 halo, Colton to C Hortrtdgo, L Bliu A Co, Boatoit A Randle, N A Hordes, Witnborly A Jottu. Wo.hburn, lidwifitfc Co, L Ualdwin.AUams Sc Burrou*hs Lawton Sg Helm, E Hu tide non, R Habersham.' Sill L» NiYSvs. GEOKUE W. BEIIN, 8li.nl', Uuildinxr, R eceived por,hip Gn,ton. 1 Black and blue blk Grade Solo Blue black Rep Silk Black Italian Luteatring Fancy Chnlley lldkfe. Cltallcy Apron, Small Thibet Scarf, and Shawl, 1 Ladioa plain and ribbed blk Silk Hoot Do do do while do Black nnd blue blk Bombaeins Maualin Do Lnino«, blk Luve Hondktichiefi Blk nnd lead 0 4 Thibet 8bawl, Black Colton Velvet, Volvo! Ribbon, Law priced Red Flannel Indigu Blue plaid Homiepiini Printed Uaizu, plain green do Glean and yellow Flannels English fancy Chintz, Furniture Chiatx Darning and Kuilling Cotton Black Lnea Vail-, fancy Silk Hdltfs oct14 198 AVEiii & Johnson, AVE rocetvud hy Augiuts, Gallon, Ai. Victoriti Cloth, for ladle, Cloak, Atpuccu do, for do do Plaid Cuhmers, for children's wear Bupcifino Bomba,in, blk nnd bine blk Italian Crapes da do do Super double width Aletlioni Silk Do black Pool Do Saio Do do Gro Do Swiss, do do Gro De N,p Ho col'd Pout Ds Stiie, plain and fig'd Plaid Silks, for D.euea Rich pliiih Alamillaa, • faihioaable article Do Thibet Shawls, slate and blk do 8m»U Clially, Mniitlin De Lane, Arc- Shxwlx Thibet and Duyndon Scarfs <•«* 14 Monoment Square. H aver* * Johnson AVL received a good attiorlmem of C«mi brio ond Aluelin Edgings and Innrlinnl French Worked Collate, Ac, Ae. South Side Monument Squire. W HIOBG FANCY DAY GOODS, II. A S. ROGERS havejiiftraceir- e ed per veuele Win. Taylor, Newark and IS. B. Lamar, in addition to farmer invoi. jtoe, the fallowing derirabla end ssuonable fan cy Goods, vizi—Pondicherry., 'Fronch Cant- hrice, blue and bluo blk Chollys, blue end blue black Bombasine, blue black Tagliona (for drome) pink, blk and browu Frattch Alerinor, Paper Cambric,, black Silk Cord, LadteiCrat vale, plaid and I'unoy Clially Shawls, black and col’d wiro not Glove,, Derby Rib Silk) Hose, super col'd Challys, Alouslin Do Lninae, fancy Biiliinga, black nnd hlun blk Thibet Shawli, E tinted Clially Sanrfa, Lavender Gro do Nap, lack and cul'd Aladon Prints, Ac, oet 14 Suiiihiido Market Souaro. JPOKT OF SAVANNAH. ARRIVED SINCE OUR LAST Ship Berwick, Harding J,., Porrimoiilh, 8 day., to tlto Maatar. Salt, Hay and Potatoes to G U Ctiiuining, and Mazo t-> 0 || Mar Sioaiiilii.nl Col Jewett, Clmco, CharleetoiMo E Heudorion. Mdzo to Cohen, AIilior A Co* J B Caudry, S I'liilbrtck A Co. Steamboat Santee, Uiuent. Bluck Creek. „ . CLEARED. Brig Plnlura, Shormatt, Now York—L Bald- * WENT TO 8EA. Brig Phtlura, Bliorman, Now York. CHARLESTON, Oct. 12.—Ar oteim pack, eta North Cerollne, Davie, Wilmington, NCi Georgia, Rolltni, HotoniioA, T t'AHPB'l'lNU fit IIUU8. EN piecue eupr. Ingrain Carpeting 1 cue de Tulled Ruga 1 do de Brussels do 50 grace Carpet Binding, received, by recent arrival! SNIDER, LATI1ROP A NEVITT. oct 14 - ENGLISH WALNUTS AND PAPER. „ T WELVE bage English Walnuts ind 20 reams Fooluep Paper, for etls low to eloao a commitment. 00 14 GEORGE H. MAY. ^ . „ AEHTEBN IIA*. , . . •0 A|| BUNDLES Eaalerll Hey, load.d JL and for tale low from tha whatf. out 14 GEORGE II. MAY. . 0 ~ SFEBRI CANDLES. J , NE HUNDRED boxes Sperm CindlM.of variou, size*, ju«t received ond for iilohy oct 14 ■ GEORGE II. MAV- U o-l-A