Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 15, 1839, Image 2

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KEPUHLIOAiV UY J. n.BI. IX », «.»» * ertrrwwTg; ^Tiior.t:uu:tnul%iitht Dollar* per Annum, i.irv Paoor.strftrtsFivu Dollar* u«f Annum. y p.ipav.tstt»ifivo Unlhr* porJStx Mouth*. -f ,V S >i'i New Adatrtisimuui, tpffr i* Mk Psusers. timer »T THK cim ki« »»» A!,D I ‘“ u -' KE (TX. MR i. B.O'OPtt'ab" 1 ' 1 "- m ■ EL r« K ► F m - %" moil important object in tha . Treasury Depnnnmm, unit greatly naltrocsipt'.— Gloks i On Ctonmmtl (AT. H.) Englt- A SKETCH FROM LIFE. An old fellow, wliwo name wo veil under dill of Hunk., died in the adj.ceiil town of Charier town loit week, would t.«»e bsen a cupilul sub ject for Dickens. ond might have eel to Scott for liiiiniinitable character of lrapbui., in lb* Ftttone of Nigel. Uo was e mistily. doeo filled old hunke, « teal akin-flint, who, it wee supposed, by hit noighb.no, lied ecraped togetlr or, m euch choroetoro will, in ono woy ond another, n eon.iiloraklo amount of money. Ihte mi not known however. 8ome **iJ that ho had money concealed in the oerllt—othori, iudainx from tha elovooly manner in which ha lira! and dressed. that ha had nothin* but the few aero* which ho cnltieatod. Uo lived like tbo poorest, abutting hi* door upon every in truder—till at last, Heath knocked, and lie waa obliged to open. During hi* aicknese, he waa wont to land daily Tor a email purse ofiUver and gold, hid in the wilt of hie cellar, which In would count over with that feeling or painful delight, which iuhabita the boaom of the tniier alone. Diwaee, however, wore down his frame rapidly, and at laet, he was unequal to the task of going through hie daily coelom of counting pieces In hi* puna, and could only as they ,.e displayed before him, pal them aoMy with I hands, as a lady pal* hot favorite dog on the One day, during the last stages of bia ha sent for a neighbor, and esnresmd a . to imparl a Herat to him, “Go down cel- (aid he) and in the funher corner you will ' tub. Raise il, ai.d you will mo a shingle, h which is a box.” Tha individual foi the directions, and found n box of specie. * go to another corner"—(aatd the miser.) __ ibing tbo place. Another box waa found, embedded in the earth. A day or two after, whan he found he most soon leave all his earthly treasures, be desired to be raised up in hi* bed. Hia request was grant, ad. when he immediately reached out bis skin- ny hand beneath hi* pillow, and low—another box was found cunningly concealed containing about five hundred dollars in Flench gold piece*, which it is understood he took frum one of Ilia banks about Ibn lime of *nipeitsioa of specie payments. All the** bntied treasure* wets given in the keeping or hia neighbor for lha benefit of olheia lie said there was one ether box but that be did’m like lo tell where it was; a* he might want it himself. He however com Milled lo wiita the place of interment upon a piece of paper, so that ibe secret might nui perish with him. He died soon after, and his hidden treasures—no inconsiderable sum—weie over at the close of the funeral ceremo- TUESDAY EVENING. Oof. IB, r THE ELECTIOffi Our returns so far, are only jSitn 59‘Cennliaa. The votes for Governor being, for DiiuaHxnrtr. 84,7I7| for Slcl)uu*u>. 81,607—Leaving a inaj.niiy of 310 votes for Slate Right*’. Thirty, fir* Counlies yet temain to be heard from,which will increase tha vote of the Vnn Huron Candi date, considerably. Judging from the vote* taken in the same Counties in 1837. If we are beat ‘horse, foot and diagooita," we can but rally and tiy it again. BOAT RACE AT BRUNSWICK. We learn front Capt. B*n.r of the steamer Irsttboe, arrived this morning from Brunswick, that the race between the boat* Lightning and C. V. 3. came ofTyesterday: lha formercoming ont ahead, but the judges had not decided how many feet, when Capt. B.left; IT The following named gentlemen have been appointed Delegates from Merriwather County is attend the Cemmetcial Convention, lo be held in Marna on the 33d instant i Wiley B. Ector, Robert A, Joaes, John H, Jessey, Richard Richardson. IT We understand verbally, (says the Green, villa Afoanfaiaatr,) that at the ulMting of Direct ers of the Charleston and Cincinnati Rail Road at Flat Rock on Monday last. Mitcucll Kina, Esq, was elected President of the Road, and Chs*. Edssoxdstox, Esq. President of lha Bank* which offices, it is Hid, they will bold lemporati' ly until the muting ortho Directors at Coluai bia in December next. The Charleston Ceaiisr says—"Thera la doubtless an error in lha above statement so fat ae relates to the Presidency of the Bank—the Directors of the Road have no power lo elect a President of the Bank—the' Directors of die Bank alone possess that power, and they have set yet exercised it to eur knowledge." our Luudon correspondent pt*- of the impotli brou, rooiu for j bill* drawn by tbo Dank of protested fur non-acceptance ELECTION RETURNS For Governor, and for and against Ratification i died, at an advancad ago, one who*# only aspiration, through a long lif«, aaem* lo have been tho hoarding ofapecia and burying it, whare it could ba of uo earthly benefit to any ona—a perfect tni«ar—a lover of money, not for tha bleumf* which it might impart and diffuse ground him, but for Ids own sake—not for the name of possessing it—for lit faignad and waa thought lo ba poer—but because tha mere habit of acquisition had become a passion and tha bare consciousness of possession was a pleasure—a phantom ofdelight. which he could hug with rapture to his bosom. Well will it be foi such iQ they have laid up treasure in lleaven a* well as on earth. But wa will not sermonize—the lesi eon conveyed by the sketch is left with the read er. v ' - Office Holden in Mu**.—It appears, from a rsport of Mr. Secretary Woodbury, that lha expenses of nine collect ion districts in Maine, for one year, were $7$,829 53 more than the ravenaeoollected in those districts! That is, tha collectors kept all they got, and drew frum the United Slates Treasury this sum in addition. Tha following its list of the districts, with the amonnt of the ocoro which each ran up against lha Government respectively: Wiscsssscl $13,162 02 Waklobero' 18 2(19 02 Paseamaquoddy 19.457 78 Penobscot 15,539 79 Frenchman’s Bay 4 092 90 Machiaa 2,103 06 Saco 1,318 95 York 1,332 03 Belfast 582 81 8um Tout $7G.b23 53 The question naturally arises, why are so many-office holders kept m pay of tho Govern' ment, where they do not collect sufficient teve» nua for their own salaries? For the same pur pose, doubtless, ihat the inspector of this port is billeted upon the public Treasury at a charge of two or three hundred dollars per annum://r the purpose of reieardtng Us political hirelings. These worthies are scattered, or rather swarm, along the whole seacoast of Blaine, from Kiuery to Quoddy; the noisiest of demagogues, the busiest ofelesMioneerers. They get up caucus, esandconveuuoiis, make speeches and con verts, write and fight for Mr. Van Buren, and are paid foi their services by a draft upon Uncle Sam.—Dover (N. H,) Eng. Revenue.—We find the following statement in that well conducted paper the Boston Morn, ing Post, ‘Commerce and ReVeiii)# of 'Boston for the financial years dr 1638 and 1839. The number of foreign arrivals from January 1*1 tq September 30. JG38, was 975. The inlmber of foreign from January 1st to Sept 30th 1839. was 1174. Increase of foreign or riv. •la 199. The number of foreign clearances from January lst(to Sept. 30di, 1838, was 839. .The number of foreign clearances from January 1st to Sept. 30th, 1839,1055. Increase of for oigu clearances, 216, % fyeenve Fourth quarter 18.37 First quarter 1738 Second quarter do Third quarter COUNTIES. O e f c; « McDonald. | ? I l 1 Chatham 260 330 138 415 Effingham 143 (*! 174 33 Bulloch 7 313 348 33 Glvnn 131 33 116 33 Baldwin 378 330 000 000 Bibb 407 600 457 288 Jfttferaon 456 108 314 167 Washington 583 534 883 133 Richmond 449 373 103 655 McIntosh 110 138 74 83 Burke 583 114 3 323 Libert/ 130 87 18 160 Br/an 99 7 85 si Semen 311 134 ais 33 Tattnall 376 68 357 48 Jasper 440 507 423 443 Wilke. 435 358 476 112 Hancock 376 301 283 304 Warren 430 317 565 130 Wilkinwn 304 485 000 000 G recue 786 70 750 47 Taliafuro 403 30 358 21 Butts 189 393 390 Cl Morgan 450 333 000 000 Csss 481 700 466 485 Jackson 503 r<u 304 677 Hall 463 407 830 590 Clerks 603 373 750 478 Monroe 671 H03 000 000 Crawford 355 479 G55 55 Coweta 535 703 000 000 Dooly J37 301 2S3 55 H.nry 616 855 000 000 Jones 447 503 465 305 Mnscoge* 801 850 900 111 Newton 850 457 (.00 000 Walton 443 631 000 000 Cobb 333 644 000 000 Columbia 374 863 000 000 Houston 449 655 000 ono Harris 773 458 000 000 Laurens 300 6 000 000 Maeon 317 343 000 000 Marriwether 071 70C 000 000 Murray 87 549 000 000 Piko 3<f 493 090 000 Putnam 51! 349 000 000 *1 albot 781 855 00) 000 Troup 943 045 1164 103 Twigg. 331 453 000 000 Upton 541 399 000 000 Carroll 3lK 6‘JC 360 319 Cherokee 33G 480 000 000 Mudison 37! 302 488 CO Oglethorpe 47! 107 311 185 Lunpkin 343 GDI 743 48 Gwjnaell 608 619 000 000 Franklin 30f 609 133 800 Habersham 384 594 114 670 34717 84,607 369,967 70 480.300 29 4G5.765 84 949,466 09 Fourth quarter 1837 Fi-st quarter 1837 Second quarter do Third qr 1833, estimated at $2,275,500 22 652.865 88 562.915 29 875,137 09 1.202,604 00 $3,383,515 80 Increase qf the revenuo during tho financial year 1839. $1,108.015 62.’ . In tliisstitemuiitas in many others of the same kind, republished from the official docu ments the public are fiable to lie iniicli misled os to the amount of revenue applicable lo the public expenditures.—This arises from the eiiiisjjau o'* the amount ufdehenturs paid upon the ex* pollution oftarce portion* of the dutiable corn* modifies as well as the duties secured upon mil road iron which ure remitted whenever the mils •shall bo actually laid down. These two items alone swallow up n very large portion of the amount of dutpR secured nisomo of the ports —especially nt Boston. In limes ofconnnercinl pressure, tne exportation of goods subject to drawback I • invariably increased, and forms a t&mk; V' l-ri.'v.' AJEMBER8 OF THE LEGISLATURE. We committed an error yesterday in classify, ing the members of the Legislature, by putting the names of Slate Rights men in Italic—thora ef tha opposition should have been italicised. As we have no correct information in relation to the politics of the gentleman elscted in the following counties, wa make no distinction. The first named is the Senator. Carroll—Springer. Cobb. Espey. Crawford— Bradford, 1 Junior, Hancock. Columbia— Robertson, Burt, Scott, Ballard, Coweta—Smith, Grier. Calhoun, Jester. Decatur— Neal. Chester, Arnett. FaytUe—Whitaker, Robinson, Ware. Henry—Johnson, Coker, Hand. Malona. Laurent—Wright. Robinson, Ashley. MtrrueeUitr—Alexander, McMalh. Macon—Bryant, Whigliam, Greene. Murray— Bates, Carson, Holcomb. Newton—Williamson, Harris, Reynolds, Loyal. Putnam—Whitfield, Turner, Lynch. Piles—Pryor, Neal, McDonald. Pulaski-Uofitwick, Whitfield, Scarborough, Snmlcr—Tomlinson, McGouldrick, Pickett. Staourt—Bryant, West, Still, Stilhan. Talbot—Drane, Dixon, Rilev, Burks. Upton—Holloway, Goode, Meadows,Walker Ivalion—Ecliola, Stroud, Bryant, HprnUnn. Troup—Jenkins, Darden, Hendon, Taylor. Hall. 1 Tho amoun the United Su by ilmtingeur A Co., was 7,000,000 fra. Mr. Jaudon immediately repaired to Pails, and nr. rungod with the Messrs. Rothschild tonccept tha protested bills, and all others drawn on tha Masers. 1 lot tinge ur. The harvest of Great Britain has unquestion. ably.bean a failure, and the crop is estimated to ba at least 5,000,000 qnnitera short. The bullion in tha Bank of England Is csti* mated at £3.500,000, and a suspension of specie payments by that institution waa confidently predicted. Correspondence of the Courier Sc Enquirer. Loaoas, September 20th, 1839. Tho Liverpool steamship being about to da* part from Liverpool at an early hour to morrow morning, and at no other atoain ship will be in train for New York for an unusual time after the sailing of the Liverpool, I purpose to send you the fullest, latest and the best asceitained account of the present state of afl‘airs in this qnartsr of the world. Preceding all othar matters at the present moment, is the unexpected and extraordinary occurrence respecting the French agency of the Bank of the United Stales. On the night nf Friday last arrived in London an express to .Mr. Jaudon, iiifoiming him that on that day the house of llnttingeur, the Paris agents of tha bank, had refused to accept tha usual bills which had been drawn from Phils* delphia against consignments of cotton to Havre de Grace and various other poi ts of France.— This intelligence waa entirely unexpected by Mr. Jaudon, who,—though the most prominent European agent of the B -uk ol the United Statos,—has not profassod any direct connexion with the Parisian agents of tho bank, end conse quently then learned for the first time that the house of lloUingf ur had come to so extraordin* ary a determination as to rsfuie the bills of an establishment from which they have derived so vory beneficial an interest during an agency of twenty years. Setting ofT instantly for Paris, Mr Jaudon arrived in that capitul_on Mopday, and at once ieino>e<l all the difficulties of the Messrs. Ilottingour. by negociating with the house ofltosihchild,’* the Jewi-li capitalists of so much calebrity. and who new accept the bills of the Bank of tho United States. This event has been the subject of extraordin ary excitement, both in England and in France. But the numerous enemies of tho bank of tho U. States, who,both in London and in Lancashire and Yorkshire, were exnl.iug in the supposed downfall of the institution Imve now found that, on tho countrary, the result of the aff dr hai eminently strengthened the credit of the institu tion; ail parlies now agreeing.that if Mr.Jaudeii, when suddenly called on ceuld provide security lor 7,000,000 of fraiic*,extraneous entirely to bis own arrangements of every description, and could substitute the greatest capitalists in the whole woild for thecomparatively unknow house of Hottingsur—tint all this must redound most signally to the credit and solid power of the Bank of tha Un;ted|8utes. The true and puncipal causa of these at* tempts upon the credit of the Uankofthe United 8tates, is, in my judgment, the teauli of a long* continued aortas of fabrications and distortions of circumstances in a csrtaiu leading London morning newspaper, furnished or abetted and stimulated by those who have been hitherto its opponents, in not recovering those interest* which were forfeited by their own imprudence alone. The outrageous quality of these asser tion* is shewn by the following very recent spe* cimena—that Mr. Jaudon had received as*i*« lance from the Bank of England—which litre is tho most dangerous charge wliich can be made agninst the credit of auy mercautiln or banking establishment—and that, in a similar manner, the earn* gentleman had receii ed the sum of £800,0*10 from tho banking house of Hope of Amsterdam. The direct answer to time inser tions is that Mr. Jaudon has never received one farthing from the Bank of England, and not one farthing from the Hopes of Amsterdam. So far indeed from the Bank ef the United States having received assistance from the Bank of England, tho Bank of England,on the contra* ry, may ba said to have received assistance from lha Bank of the United States, as far at to have imported 250,000 sovereigns, and to have sold them to the Bank of England, at a time when the bullion waa reduced almost to nothing, is certainly 'assistance’ in the true meaning of the word, and this is the only transaction which has passed between Mr. Jaudon end the Bank. On the subject of the westher.and harvest in Eugland, the accounts by tha Liverpool steam ship are unfortunately to be of the verygloatn- lest kind. Hinco the date ofmy letter by the Cambridge packet ship of the 7lh mat. which informed you of the melancholy opp?«rauce of •very thing on theground, the weather has been even worse during tho whole of tho succoi-ding lime. Daily, for tha last ten days we have exi pericnced rain in consiilurble quantity during the whole of the twenty-four hours; but on Satur day and Monday last, the torrents were greater than in any month of Septembei within tha memory of man; Real suuiiiier or auituua, there has beau indeed none in England; auJ the consequence is, that the prospects of the liar* vest are of lha most alarming description at the present time. In Ireland, dcotUud, the higher districts of Wales and the counties of England north of the Dumber, there, is now no doubt, thut the crops will be deficient at least one third and probably one half, as already mentioned;— but so green and backward in these parte of the kingdom is every description of grain, that with out an immediate and very decided change in tho weather, there is more than the possibili. ly that marketable bread stufis there will be ab. solutely none. In the more southern counties of Essex. Sussex and Kent, there is a considers* ble portion or the harvest secured in moderately good coudition; but those countries from only a small proportion of tho kingdom at large and evan there an avurage crop can scarcely lie said lo hate been secured. The Weather this morning is rather brighter at intervals, but tlio air is moih and file wind •teady in lh* southwest and souili,from which ramymisirter* it has not,indeed changed for mo re than ihreu mouths. The consequence of the unfavorable prospects of the harvest has been a rapid rise in the value of every descrip' lion ofgrainnt Market; and the advance being 5s. per quarter within the last fivodays, and the London average for the week being ?§*. 4d; but the general aveiage of the six weeks having not reached 72s, the duty on foreign wheat r#« mains at 5s. 8d. per quarter, and 4s,per bbl. of foreign flour of 19C lbs. It is now, however, cer* tain that the duty will spnedily fall to Is., and that there will be,throughout the winter, a free importation into England of foreign flour and AUGUSTA BOARD OF HEALTH. Sukday. Oct 13—12 M, Tho Board roporton* death ill town and one in the country from fover, during the last 24 hours. A. CUMMING, Mayor. S. M. THOMrsoir.Sec’y. From the N. Y. Courier 8f Enquirer, Oct 10. ARRIVAL OF TI1F. STEAM-SHIP LIV ERPOOL. 18 DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. At about 8 o,clock this morning arrived the stonmtliip Liverpool; bringing sis paper* from Ljiidoit to the 20 li, and Liverpool lo the 21st ult. .ho tho wh ... ih. vault, d'r'h- B*nl< mi Imi-I iuJ. --no» more than about £3.500,000; it must fullcw that the entire exhaustion of gold is almost am. mediately nt baud. ... Perhaps, therefore, the English Ministry will resort to the power, which they have under the Bank of Knglaud's char ter,to authorize the aue- pension of paymont* in cash, a measure which though groatly is, I mu confident, needlessly dreaded by the public—as tha Bank of Engined is poasa^sed of abundance ol propertv,end there is no probability that Bank of England notes would ho refused by foreign nations, nr that the discount would be lo any material amount, whilst on the other hand, the extension of the carrency which the suspension of cash pay menu would enable tho Directors of tho Bank of Englnud to croute, would appear to be the one only measure which can sustain and stimu late evury department of general trade. In American securities there is no business, excepting tilths shares ortho Bank of the Uni ted Statos—as after inquiring diligently to-day in every quarter and lo the close of the day. not a transaction can be heard of excepting in Bank Shares nt 211 n 10s. The cotton markets, however, are firmly sus tained both In Liverpool and London;as in Lon. don. though the salsa are not extensive, the im* porters remain firm in their domands. The transactions of the week ore 1000 bales middling to good fair Surat at 5Jd to Gd, and 170 good fair Madras at5|d to 5)<l per lb. There is no important homo intelligence of a miscellaneous kind; but the civil war in Spam is at length brought to acloee, Don Carlos navi ing fled into France, ed and dispersed. Mr. Rowlett Thompson finally sailed for the Canadas In the Pique frigate on Saturday last. The Siddons is the last packet which has ar, rived from tho United States. NF.W JERSeTeLF.CTION. Notwithstanding tha itnptacadantad efforts that have been made by tha Custom fleuse of this city (says lha Naw York Courier A Enqui> rer of the 10th inst) we have reason to believe that the People of New Jersey have prevailed against tha Crown. The following are tho majorities at far as hsard from; ipo—bul fin Richmond was hung in at . _ were hung in their common cloll.. Wright and bar little son, tlm one that htuL ... head so badly cut with ilia knife, witnessed lha execution. There were from 1,500 to 2,000 persons to witness tho settle. The people here suspicion some others,anti have given some ten days to leave, others three or five months to leave tha country. Tha two Indian councils are now in session, but they have done no business of any nature. Tho new oinigrants of the Ross potty censuied General Arbitckla very much for hia course; they sav he should have told them that it was a matter batween themselves; and that he would not interfere. Whether it would have been the best policy for hint, is a matter of (doubt. At Brown’s council there ate about 1.600 people, and about the same number of Ross'. Bin they can never settle it until they all meet friend* ly. Brown’s council appointed a cnmmiueo to wait upon Rosa; but its object I could not learn. cbniNIERCIAl, JOURNAL, LATEST DATES ritoM t.irr.nroor,, tmimi iEFT 30 rm>M it a vit tc, 1 : : : : 11 : : : •KPT 1 rnoM mouilk, t t t : : t t : : SKPT 28 rnou NKW OULKANS, t t t t : t OCT 6 However these prospects of exportation of high priced flour to England, may cause some parties in the United States to exult, tliero is no doubt of iho grontur enlargei moot of the views recently appearing in the Courier and Enquirer, and shewing that a high price for a limited surplus of flour is no real ssiisfactinit for the far more extensive national disadvantages arising from a diminished com sumption and lower prices of cotton and other commodities, and from the continued derange. mcm a of all commercial end mnne'ary attain, which seems now inevitable In England fur tho whole of another year of mWerv of every kind. The money market on Lond.ni remains in a very unsatisfactory situation, and though filers was some improvement of tho occurrence of ona or two not unfavorable days for the harvest, yet the subsequent lelipm to rain has again caused overy belter svmytoin to pass nwny. Indeed, it is impossible to perceive how the Bank of England is to continue payments in gold— for already it is certain that a deficiency of5,000 000 of quarters of wheat must be the result.of the harvest| and as this quantity must Majorities. Hhif. Tor,. Somerset 1(3 Middlesex 100 Mercer 380 Paata io 144 Bergen Morris 153 319 Estes Monmouth 1300 300 Bletnbers of Assembly elect—Whigs 26. Tory 9. From the Mobile Merc. Adv. Extra, 8lh inst. AWFUL CONFLAGRATION!! Elbvk.v SqoARis Dbstrotkd it Firs !!! Wa have only lima thia morning .before gaing to pteas, to announce fits occurrence or the meat awful and destructive fire which ever before oc curred in our unfortunate and ill starred oily.— Last night, at about 8 o’clock, whan tha wind waa blowiag almost a gala from the south test, the fire broke out in an old woodsn building in the rear of the house on the south east corner of Dauphin and Concapfion-sta., owned by Mr. I'iuto. Tha adjuining buildings being all of wood, lha fire wax soon commonilsd to them, and in a few minutes crossed Conception!*!.— Here it had fullsweep—the buildings were very compact sad all of wood, and tha wind south east—the fire swept over Ibe two squares west ol Conception, from Conti, on the south, tn St Francis, on the north, with unesampled and terrific rapidity. Proceeding west. U crossed Si. Joacbim.st.—iheii Jackson—here it extended ene squarefmther north, lo Si. Michael at.— and then three eolid squares abreast, all in one g rand terrific fl ime, it swept onward to Clai. orne sl.—und crossed it, sweeping every thing to Franklin-st, llero, at about 12 o’clock, the wind fortunately abated; in consequence of which and the blowing up of several buildings on iiits west side of Franklin-st., the progress of Ibe devouring element waa stayed. Not. how* aver until 6 or 8 building* on the west side of Franklin had been destroyed. The dwelling of Duke Goodman, Esq., on the corner of Dau phin and Franklin, was blown up. Thus all the buildings on the north side ef Conii, from Conception to Franklin, a distance of 4 squares —all on both sides of Dauphin, to the same ex tent—on both side* of St. Francis to same extent, with the exception ef 3 buildings on each side at the corner of Conception—all the buildings on the south side of St. Michael, from Jackson to Franklin—all on the cross streets of Concep tion, St. Joachim Jackson.Clsiborne and Frank lin. and probably 20 to 30 buildings besides, in the vicinity. Within the limits described shove.numbering it is supposed, about FIVE HUNDRED BUILi DINGS, have suddenly beer- reduced to ashes! By this awful calamity, probably two hundred families are turned out into the streets, many of whom are poor and penny less, and will (depend entirely iiponj public charity fora place to rest their heads, and for bread loappens j their l-no- K ir. The flames extended with such rapidity, at but little property could be saved, and many, have lost their all. Waare unable this moruing to descend to particulars. It is impos. sibla to convey any idea of the di-tress produ. ced* Tho removal of tho sick and the con«e< quince expostiro, excitement and alarm, we fenr will in many instances be productive of fatal results. The origin of the fire is attributed to incendia' rics, and we understand that two persons were seized on suspicion and lodged in jail. Can it be possible there can be foiirtU in human ahape, such base fiendish monsters? Mobile seems im deed a doomed city. Havo we not drank deep enough of tho bitter cup of adversity and af fiction? When and where will our calamities end? Alas! lleaven only knows! Mysterious Disappearance.—Much apprehen. siou is felt at Paris, Henry county, Tenn, for the safety of Messrs. Brown and Willey, of that place, who left there on the Glh of July last, and have not sinco boon heard from. They were halters and engaged in a flourishing busi ness.—Ono of them was bound to Ibe east to purchaso materials, and had in Ins possession a considerable amount of money in specie; the ether accompanied him to Southland, where he was ts meet a gentleman with whom he had some bui-iness to transact. They have been traced as far as that peint. nor cun anything further be hoard ofthem. Tho gentleman who was to meet ilioiu at Smillifield was there at the appointed lime, but saw neither ofthem. It is supposed that they have been murdered, as they wore not in embarrassed circumstances, and no cause can be assigned for their failure to appear. A meeting of ihe citizens of Paris had been called by the Mayor lo adopt some measures to ascertain llisir fate. ANOTHER MURRELL GANG ROUTED. The Little Rock Times and Advocate pub* fishes ihe following extract from u loiter du. ted WAstuftOToif Co. Ark., Aug 3,18.39. -The citizens of this county liavo taken the affair of the Wright murder into thoir own hands, believing it to bo the only means to rid the country of this murdorous Murroll gang of outlaws. They seem to think that there h a gang leading from ihe western part of this State io’lt)xiis; and ifpossible worse than -Mui roll's. They have good reasons for so thinking, from a chain orcircumstaucez'broiight to light on the examination ofRii hrnond. one of the three per sons who wore hung on Monday last. It appears thut them sro several others in this country, or that live hero when at home Richmond could net give the names of all concerned in thi-i fnng, ae ha was the last man that joined it, The PASSENGERS Persteamboat Ivanhoe, from Black Creek— Mr D Lawrence, and 52 deck. SHIP NEIVSi POUT OF SAVANNAH. FOB SEW.YOBK—% Line. Th« -agular packet brig AU GUSTA, A M. Sherwood, nin.lor, having been iitmviiicliiUly ileuiucj, will clear TO MOKKOW.Iha Kith nut. For balance of froight or pa,• •ago, having excellent accommodations, «np!» on hoard at w h*rf. nr to oat 15 , LliVVIS & CO. *®« UABIEN, BRUNSWICK Bt. Marys, Jacksonville and Black Crock, Tha steamer-IVAN' IIOE, Capt. Bailey will leave for lire above pla, . , „ , . on Thursday, tho 17th instant, at 8 o’clock P. M. For froight or passage, apply on board, or lo NOBLE A. HARDEE. N. II.—All freight payable by shippers.— Slave passengers must be cleared ut the Cits, lent House. oct 15 fob charleston via BEAUFORT. The splendid now steam packet BEAUFORT DISTRICT,Capt Simpt '•on, will leave for Ihe a- beve places (inland to Beaufort, and atilsida from there to Charleston) every Monday nmrin ing at 9 o’clock. For freight or pasaaze, hav ing splendid accorr.modations.apply to the Cop* Inin on board at Guiliniutin’s wharf, oct J5 JOHN GUILMARTIN. rOK * n BEMs^,nJ Tbs an. iiw.cki,- DR. ROBERT pUo|E8 O aoTorM;,:r 0 “», haa tha pleasure or informiti ih. rir vanttah and it. vWnhy.th.A, * 0| ip™ lessen, on the &,g,„ ?V'S Guitar, Violin, Flnto inf SJWj is, how to camposa Music t .J- natttcularly Church Music,',Vd^h ?S Lahte- and Gentleman wishing ti VJS •hi* Music School, will p|„u •r information at Dr. Kief? S'* K dene* of A. G. OamlaT.lSo ffittlSf*---''“—ft! SAVANNAH EXPORTS. Oct. 14. Par btig Edwin,for Baltimore—50 hales Cot- ton. SO,tlOtl feat Lumbar. Per btig Eleanor, far Baltimore—50 casks Bice, 15,DUO feat Lumbar. 8AVANNAIMMPORT3, Ost. 15 Per brig Poland, from Havana—170 hhds Mela.sc., -430,(100 Began, 30 buses Sugar, and a quantity of Fruit. Ptr*t.mtr Ltamwol. LIVERPOOL, Sept. SO.-COttea.—With reference to our circular of lha 31slult.par Bri tish Qusen, we have new to advise that our Cotton Market wa. dull during tho siibMqu.ul week, tha sale, being 30.600 hales, and prices declined J a |d par lb. We than had a tevival of much more active demand, and the boalnaaa for tha week ended I3lh inst. waa 41,380 bales, producing an advance of Id per lb—about 6000 of it having been taken far esport, and 8000 on •peculation. Bines than tha demand has bean to a fair extent, and the sale, fur tha weak and' ed this owning reach 87,030 bales, but the Iona of the matkat has bean languid, and lha ini provement of the last week Ta lost, •• that pri- ••• are now j a |d par lb balow those of lha end •f lost month, though the transactions in lh* thrta weeks have reached aboul 90,000 bales.— Tha decline is mainly in ilia low and middle qualities, and wa quote fair qualities 7| a 7|d per lb. Of this wash’s sale. 5913 ar* Uplands *1 f>l a 7|d. 5550 Alabama and Mobil* CiaBid. 7800 Oileans 6 a 9Jd. and 370 Baa Island at'40j a 35d per lb—abmil 1500 of It taken forospoii. Tha import into Liverpool ainea tha 1st Janua ry is 907,000 bales, agaiost 1,310,000 to same paiiad laat amn—ilia supply of Aniarteau is 740,000, being a decrease oflfcfl.OOO bales. Tha slock in this port is aalliuntad at 440,000 bales, •gainst 490.000 at same period laat year—the sleek df American is about 410,000, or abaul 5C00 mors than it than was. and Ball pedal, by which ||“, ewe* 0 *' 1 nioduco nine disbrant Mnndf Guitar, Hulas, Italian Violin,ciJSj." aasotlmetti ot tha newest Mniic tS' can ba .ten by theta who fatl di.nT*, 1 .mine such handsome it, "dug place, Piaao Fortea tuned, eaived. (!ra SPLENDID SHA4VLS-Brt> Challya and Mouslin dc Lsio*® 1 CARTON rich Broeh. 9 dog rich printed Thibet II<Jkr. U *’ 6 super Tartan Shawls, best,,.,;,, 3 do* tuper Mouslin da Laioe if 9 10 pcs rich flg’d Ponl da 8oi* ** 2 . -uP-rpl-tin Rips g, 8 do fighl B B Silks 8 do splendid printed Chsll,, u Ul ,, 10 do rich Mouslin do Lsinei • 1000 yds ingrain Carpeting, at SI Ml „ 10 pcs very sup’r frishlieoe.D any mistura ’ " 1 100 do Velvet Ribbons 30 do .operandlow prie. whin] 10 do do do Red do 5 do green and yallaw da 1 34 dox very ehaap linen catnbne Htt 6 pea super black Bombuias. ehoap ■ ’*1 30 do do do Crapes Oil Silk Taffeta Ribbons, monroinf msJ, Col’d Florence and Gro de Nsp SAf Ladies and Giatlaman'iiuperllSGb, Ladies and Mines white cotton Bus Black Silk Cravats Blsek Silk Haae and 4 Hose,p!*ia a 6 pea steel mixed Satijnsti 5 do Kentucky Jeans 1000 yds super apron Checki 30 dox now iiylo head Ildkfs i For oalo on favorable terms, by SNIDLR, LATUROP& NEY1TT. I net 15 199 iUF.SS BEEF, ’ | A HALF bbla Mess B«.r, lost mm* JL OS end for oalo by ^ 15 LONG & PATTERSON, oct FLINT CORN. cox.ia.vxas rrn nitt ooad nits Ariivc.l yesterday—103 bales Cotton ta Ad ams & Burroughs, N A Hardee, tVn.hhurn, Lewi. & Co, Wintburly & Jones, K llaher. sham A San. DUSHEuTnoir eropjafa. iSWVW condition, cithershrllM it,, tho cob, on 0 plantation apposite ibe city. Fe •alo by PADELFORD, FAY ACO. oct 15 193 3 DBEWINO CASES. DOZ Lndiea and Gamlcntcn's aupariu English Japanad Dressing Csxi, Jail received and far *«leby oct 15 G. It. HENDRICKSON. ARRIVED SINCE OUR LAST. Ship Nc.v Jersey, Dickson, Boston, to Ladd. Tupper dt Si-tare. Mdzo to sundry persons, Btig Poland, .Gardnor, Havanas day., to p.delford. Fay Jr Co. Molasses,Ac. to L Bald- win. Ladd, Tupper dc Sistare, B VV Wight, Claghorn dc Wood. Steamboat Ivanhoe, Baity, Black Creak, ta N A Uardae. CLEARED. Brig Edwin, Parrel, Baltimore—S Plulbriek & Co. Brig Eleanor, Jonas, Baltimore—8 Philbrick Sf Co. WENT^TO SEA. Brig Edwin, Ferret, Baltimore. Brig Eleanor, Jonas, Baltimore. Schr Com Warrington, Beard, Havana. 8chr North Star, Bath. DEPARTED, Steam packet Beaufort District, Simpson, Steamboat Isis, Chaco, Charleston. Steamboat Forester, Watnbersia, Black Creek. CHARLESTON,Oct. 14.—Ar ship Ford. Indo. Libby. Liverpool—sailed Aug 13: steam packet WilmtMgien,Marshall,Wihnington.NC, BALTIMORE, Oot. 11.—Ar schr. John, Coffin, 17 days fm Porto Cabello; Light, Wa ters, 30 da fm Havana, NEW-YORK. Oct. 10.—Ar steam ship Ltv* erpool, Lieut Fuyrer, RN. commander, fm Liv erpool, sailed 31st Septs Danish nhip Neptune, Frees, fm Rio Janeiro DO ds; brigi James Wil ton, Picknar, 84 ds fin Malaga; Wallace, Crab-' trot, C ds Itfl Lubec., Per steamer Liverpool. Liverpool. Sept. 30—Sid 19dt, Hermitage, French, Havana; Senator, Pika, do. 17lh—At Caspian. Patten, N Orleans: Stan ling, &aeannnA;Globo, Oliver, N Orleans. IGth—Ar Oov Troup, Butman, N York. Sid Northampton, Maim, ao. 14th -Sid Emigrant, Maine, Mobile; That Bennett, Ilsyno, Charleston: John Camming. Thayer, SuwinnaA;Elizabelh,Swah, Charleston. 13th—Ar Medors. Turner, Charleston. 13th—Ar Walter, Faulk, Charleston. 11th—Ar North America, Hoxlo, Now Yorks laglewood, Waruhain, Now Orleani. tilh—Ar llzaide, Simmons, .Mobile. Dili—Sid Constantino, Wiusor, N Orleans; Snporior, Tucker, Mobile; Bombay, Guy, do. FRENCH JUJUBE PASTE, „ 1 CASE French Jujube PoslagecsindiW I far sale by net 45 A. PAR30N8. DENTIST'S TIN FOIL. " . -fl dk PACKETS Tm Full, far pluggiig JL IP teeth. Received and far sals by I act 15 A. PARSONS. FOII TIIU TOILET. PERFUMERY AND CO8METIC8. P RENTISS extract ofRost, Mask, Itm. mine and Bergamot Du fine mid superfine toilatPawda',rasa scsnfl Edt’.aup'r Musk and Rose Pariian leastBt|t Genuine Russian Bears Oil Rowland’s Macassar Oil Oldridga'a Balm of Columbia Puttied, a la Rase Savin Jasmine, oranglul other Odours, in pots and rolls Coggershall'a supr Connossiera shariag S«) Palmer's snpr Cream da Savon Rings Sup'r Verbena Cream, a delightful irtkliftl •having Lawn', celebrated Shaving Soaps Prentiss variegated Soaps, sitiubl* for lbs IsMtl Powdar Pull's and Bexe. of lha latest psuerrt Cologne, Lavender end Rose Waters, ofrur ous maniifaciur* and sasorlad pa turns Esprit do Hose, cold Cresnr, Lip Bairs Otto of Rows, sup'r Rose, Cinnamon «n« Al mond Soaps, in bars Cut Glass Bottles of a large varitiy Fine and coarse Tooth Comb* Nail. Tooth nno Clothe. Brushes , Vignette, Napoleon, Midainmansalla, Vietonx and glass back llnlr Butrins, of iscellul quality Packet Book*, Scissors,Rnxor. A RsxorSInp Glenn'. Indian Dyo, Vinegar Rouge Mi k.f Keros, Orange Flower Want Oil Citron Fluwois. Shoving Brushes Salt of Lemon and Rosea, in Eeg cut glass Mb tier, Aionmiio Vinegar, And miter articles in the perfume!/ l |n '- ", sale wholesale or ratall, on accommoaiblij tonus, br rORCHER A. LA ROCHE, Sign of tha Golden Globe, oot 16 Opposite the SHAKElt’B HERBS. ~~ L ANDING from ship Gaston, 1 fall «PW. of Shnkor'. Herbs, comprising C.is'P. Foxglnvn, Horohoiind, Sag*. P»J]J[) I,0 J ,, ’,,| , ruughwort, Liverwort, Boiieset, Thyme, Wormwood, Wurmwed, Elder F atten, pery Elm. Arc. in 10 ox. 8 ox. «ntl 1 «■ P"T go., suitable for familial and country msrcbsnis. or sale b ^ 0RCHER & L4 ROCHE. Sign ortho Golden Globe, oct 15 OpposileJbaMaikeb,. RO WAND’S TONIC MIXTURE R eceived par .hip u..ton, • nfUownnd". Tome Mixture tot fevsra" ague. SulphateQuiiimo, Pipeline,to,“ .Morphine Sulphate and Acetate Ma'P -g, Musk in pods. Oil Block Pappar. Cr»““ Ilydiiudute Pola.., 8oda and Seidhtx r London M-to&lNfoggjftfogCIft, \M7 K UOGEKiPwould 'ng will be opeued for their inspection, j,, Pattern Bonnets for lha present - vRgp or with a splendid a..orimonl of Fr.nch ^ xery, ond funcy Good.—ell late „ Part.. South .id* Mark.tBquM' act 15 199 |WOoo«o?old*KngU Windior Boifh 20 bnskots Olive Oil, superior R . lon# 500 Ih. Pipe Clay. 3 case, rollBt g 0 " 50 lb.Calomel, Eug.|50 13 groce Cl.tk’. Fr.ction MfU*' ) 500 lb. Chloride Limo, 3 cask* Just r.coived and for •»!“ hf oct13 " T 1 r °THo,M^s Robson.