Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 19, 1839, Image 1

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FOIE ItENT, Thai laris and comfurlablo llnn«o, situated In Waaliinglon Ward, rronUng Ihs Square. Kit ii not rented before the first of Novombor, the owner will occupy H. H. PETTIGREW. 1681 FOR RENT, The Store lately occupied btr Messrs. McDonnell on the South aide Monument 8qnare, a first rate aland for Dry ShtHl*. ^Ajt^y hi IlrtWAND’S POLMOIUUIA, OBVEOETADLE DEMULCENT. .1* Pulnaata • Ih am.. I N cases of obetineto Catarrh; in coughs whether arising from recent or neglected • I^Lmat aaearl ita mi aiwtliiiru nasal c5det in Asthma I and aa an euailinry, end 013*01 of present roliof from the threatening sretnioms or approaching Pulmonary Con Mienlloh; IIS medicine hoagroator olaima upon tampllon. tie medioino nsagre the confidence of the invalid than the abavo "itis'lbr tho afllictive and troublesome symp. lootiof coughing, expectoration or plilogm, puln fn the breost, An. which constitute prominent ieatarcs of the complaint, that the Pulmonaria was designed. and has manifested its moat ralui ” b |i la cTually itaeful of eoitrae in the relief of Coogha and Colds, arising (Vein sudden changes of weather, fiom wearing damp linen, Ac. may'gS* ^A, BABTOW. CIIICK ASA WIIATCHEE ; LANDS. T HE subscriber offers for sale n tract of laind situate In the fid District, Dakar Comity, embracing 1600 aeree, which compri, aeserery rsriety ofthe most superior soil. The trad it formatted with slight improvements, mid can bo onlnrged ill Its geographical dimenainns it. As at can oe oninrger _ . toanydeiirahle Client. Aa an additional con. lideraiien to a purchaser, renaoinblo terms nnd pmttoctodcredit are ofibred. For moro mis- cellaneoiis information, applicants oan address the subscriber at Athens. F. G. BALDWIN, joly 84 159Hmo WHITE WASH BRUSHES, dlco. m A DOZ While Wash Brushes A Heads, JL /m assorted sixes do 31 do fine 8hoe DO do Thompson's Paste Blacking Just received and for sale by auififi G. R HENDRICKSON. TORACCO AND 8NUFF. IFJk GROCE Mrs. Miller's finaciit To' Uv bacco. 6 bbls Lorillard'a Scotch and Msccoboy Snuff, 4 lb boniest 30 jars conrse Rappee and Maccoboydo. Just received and or ta le by 0 It. HENDRICKSON. 10 183 sept 1 HATCHES Rgfk GROCE Clark’s Patent Friction UV Matches, superior to alt other kinds. Just received and for sale by HEN od 17 G R I 4DRIEKSON. DRESSING CASES. 3 DOZ Lidias mid Ganllemea'a superior English iapaned Dressing Cases, dost rsceired and for sale by octlS G. It. HENDRICKSON FRENCH JUJUBE PASTE. 1 CASE French Jujube Pasta,received and for tale by eel 45 A. PARSONS DENTIST’S TIN FOIL. T 44 PACKETS Tin Foil, for plugging teeth. Received nnd for sale by eel 15 A. PARSONS. ETERS’PILLS. ••THE TRUE IIICIIIS Ob' Ill'll 18 HEALTH." W F. know that health and the ability tola- borconstitutes the wealth ofthe great mass or the penpto in this, ss in tnnsl other cntiu. trios. 1 o preserve therefore, Hint lioollli by nn. , a , sw,siiiuiibiiii|| u» Ills* tural inonn* it n grand inornl and political sclienio, to fulfil which, require* our utmost at tention. I ho unprecedented popularity and universal approbation which this Medicine has achieved throughout tho United Stale*, the Canadas, low*. Mexico nnd the \Ve»i Indies, fully justify Dr. Peters in warmly amlconscien- tiously rocommen.llng thorn to tho ipecinl attorn lion of tho oniicted. Dr. Peter* ha* *pont much timo in expert meriting with different Vegetable Medicine*, for diMMe* of tho liver, and now offers hi* Van* otablo I ills, ns tho best, moat convenient, and cheapest Modicmo that can be pronarod for general use. * One groat quality oHil. vegotahle Pill, i.th.t lhay liavo the alioriiutivo principle combined wuh theircnlhorlic.nr oporalivequalitles, or thnl they not only cleanse the siomsch and bowels , br“ ■•- - - by purging, but il.oy regulate the liver, change tho morbid secrotiou.'stroiiffihnn ii... morbid ^oration,"strengthen tho digestive organs, nitrify tho blond, invigornto tho circnlm tiou, nnd gives tone and energy to ths nervous system. They are mild and pleasant in their nporalion nndcoitvey cl,mat iinniodintoconvictinnof tlioir utility from their fiistdose. They can be token with aafety by parsons ofany .go; and the fee, bio. the infirm, tho norvoiuand the delicate ere strengthened by their operation, buennso they clear tho system efbud humours, quiet nervous irritability, and invariably produce aound health. The Vegetable Pills are a sure remedy Tor jaundice, sick and nervous liesdaclie, dyspepty ceiiiyencss, sickness of the stomach, heartburn, nl billions complsims, fever, ofall kinds, nnd if taken at Ihe commencement will invariable chock tlioir progress, end save tho patient from a protracted and dangerous sickness. They ere invaluable in nervous end hypocondrical ofiec- Hons, loss of appeiitc, nnd oil complointa lo winch fomales olona are iiibjeot. They npor- nto as n mild epoody purge. I are n safo mid certain remedy for worms in children. Extract of a letter from Dr. Giirnoy ofN.Or. leans, lot. Oct. 9, Iflfif,—"I have received much nasjitance in my prnciice;e.peciully in inundico nnd yellow feverifroin Iheuseof Peters Pilli. | presume thnl, on on average, I prescribe 100 boxes ill a month " LUCINA CORDIAL I.E CORDIAL OE LUCINE. T OU V ELIXIR DE L'AMOUR. IIL subscriber hss tho pleasure ol nil. noniicing lo Ihe citizens ofthe If. Stales, ■*mt he bus pnrcliased.fnr a vory large iinnand from tho inventor, Ihe celolunled Dr. Magnin. of Paris. the recipe and right for making tbi. asionl.hing modicino. Until the appourance nf tho 'Lucina Cordial,' (about tliroo year* since,) it wm lliuught that tlio complaint*, which it speedily overcomes, wero beyond the reach of Iiiiiimii remedy, as for upwards of a thousand yoara, thoy hud hurtled the wisdom and Ingenuity oflhe most nrofound physicians m all parts of ihe world. This Cordial, how over, to tho great advantage of the human race, soon provoditself in be the desideratum no long sought fort and accordingly, notwithstanding the brief period of its exisl^co, it hna required a celebrity so gieat. that it i« eagerly inquired for .throughout the civilheod globe. Dr Mag nin *oon finding that tho demand was so vnat as to render a supply impossible, disposed of tbo recipe nnd right of sale, under obligations of secrecy, Tor England, the United States, mid other countries, only preserving France and Italy fur himself. Thus hn* tho subscriber nos- sensed himselfnf tho invaluable secret, and now hastens to give the inhabitants of his line of agency the benefits of his speculation. 'Lo Cordial Do Lucine' or, in English, 'the Luciuu Cordial.' is a general mvignratui ofthe human frame! In all the various cases of Ian* guor,lassitude, and debilitation; it is nn unfadt ing remedy; a* it is equally its province to im part ciioorfuluess and decision to tho mind, as health and vigor to tho body. Hut the peculiar virtue on which its celebrity is based, is the fir rility and certainly with which it rcstoros the virile powers whon they have boen destroyed by disouso, lime, recklessness, or any ofthe nu merous causes which termiualo in the prostra tion of those functions. UNEXAMPLED IHAM1UUTU SCHEME rjll Efollowuigdetailsofn ScttKMR of a JL Lottery. to bo drawn in December next, "* r t , *' , 1 !•i" d « l,ri "*. ,u b<1 UNI-ARAL. LbLbD in the history of Lotteries. Priy.es to tho amount havk nkvrr brforx been orrEREn to the public. It is true, there are many blanks, but on the other hand, the extremely low charge of $9© per Ticket—the Value and Number of the Capitals, nnd the revival ofthe good old custom of warranting that every prixe shall be drawn and sold, will, we ate sure, give iiuivt-r* sol saliifactinn, nnd especially to tho Six llum ttltZD I’rixk llol.llXKS. To those disposed to adventure, wo recom. mend early ii|iplionlion being uindo to us for tickote—when the mixes are all aold, blanks only re rosin-tbo lirai buyars liavo the bent chance. We, ihciefnre, emphatically say— DELAY NOTI blit at unco re mil and Irane-ntii l" us your orders, which shall alwa J ways unmadialaatteniian. Letters lo bo addressed, and applications mods to SYLVESTER A CO„ IBO Broadway, New York. . I6tf. In cmiinnm with tho generality afrcally good medicines, this Cordisl contains nothing ofo fij* Observe tho Number, *700,000!!! $300,0001! $93,0001 0 prixe. ol $90,000! I •8 puxoi of $13,000 3 prize. uf$ 10,000 LOTTERY Of Real Estate nnd Bank 8lock, situated in Naw Orlaens. CP The riches! end moat magnificent Scheme ever preranted to tilt public, in this or any other country. TICKETS ONLY 930. Authorized by an Aoloflha Legislative Assem bly ol Florida, and undet Ihe Directions of Ihe Commissioners, acting nndar the aante. TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, December 1st, 1839. SCHMIDT A HAMILTON, Managers. SYLVESTER A CO., 150 Broadway, Net? York, 8olo Agents. Ac. pas,.d before A. M«meY„7E.,„NotST, I ublic. on the 3d Moy, 1838, and tho propertied transferred unincumbered, for the security ofthe fortunate Prize Holders. 7 IMAei"*mT" W -, loooon lickets.from I to » » | In , °" a "•"•cl, end GOO prtz-s, with iho blanks in snoiher. To every number a pnzeoi blank will ha drawn, uniilall d ' lr,niin ed. leaving the balance ofliniilhni, III Ihe wheel blanks, «-? I'o EniTim.ASD I’cm.isiiRRs.—llsvinv receive our received Newspapeis conlalning the shove !..i?. m j r,om 8ln lesand Tenitor ie. beside, several ofil.e British Province, wo !*.r Wl,b ihnclrculsiion, and therefore ri^uest that sorb papers ns have net. up la this timo, inserted ihe advertisement, will be pleas. d " ">• ""<• ihM «M the other papers will 11 " u " k nnly nniil the 1st of Do. sYLVESl ER A CO., 160 Broadway, N. Y. July 33 1611 Extract ofa loiter from Dr. Prichard, of Hud. •on, N. Y., Juno 3, 1830; ‘I was aware that Dr. j W110110 ’L' 1 host chemists in the Uni- tad Stales, and reltaisured that he would somo ?|2 ( . f n!!!.!!if ilL'i"?!! J"! 0 wl«!*» Ofth. preptr, ral barren,,o«. or a'. n.7„ralTmtocTlii;'^",h. .SHAKER’S I1EUUS. ANDINU from ship Gaston, a full anpply, J of Sheker'e Herbs, comprising Catnip, rosglnvs, Horohnund, Sage, Pennyroyal,'Tlio raiighwort, Liverwort, Boneset, Thymo, Mint, Wormwood, Wormsued, Elder Flowers, Slip- pery Elm, Re. in 16 ox. 8 oz. end 1 ox. packs- ns, suitable far families and country msrehants. I Far sale by PORCHER A LA ROCHE, Sign of the Golden Globe, 061 15 Opposite lha Market. S TONIC MIXTURE Ac. IlOWAND' R REIVED per ship Gaston, n full supply of Rowsnd s Tonic Mixture for fever and I ?f n8 ', t ? u 'P’ 1010 OA-tirttiio. Piporlne, todino.pure I Morphine Sulphale anil Aootato Morphine, I lltlfk 111 nn ^* IA.I ni I. n n . * A..' Iloe of herbs end drugs) produce on efficient inedicmo.nnd l mustncknowledge that his Vego. table I ills fully respond to uiy expectation They oro indeed a superior medicine, and re' fleet alike upon the chemist, the phyaioilll, and the philosopher . “•* 0 lc*le f from Dr Weinos, of Cin* einnati. Feb. 3,1838; 'your Pills are Ihe mild- pal in their operations, and yet most powerful In Iheir cflcols, of any that I liavo ever mot wilh in a practice of eight and twenty years. Their action on the chyle, and hence nn the impurities ol Ihe blood, is evidently very surprising.' CtuiuoTTE, N,C. Jan. I.T837. Dear Sir—I liavo made frequent use of your pills in the incipient stoic ofbillhroafayei. and obstinate uunsupaiioM of the bnwels, else, in ihe onlaigoimintof the spleen, chronic diseases of the livor, sick headache, general debility, nnd in all cores have found them tu bo very ell'cc. >i»«- J- D. Ilnrr). M, D. MsCKi.v.xBuna. Co., Vo. Fob. 7,1837. Having used Dr. Paler.' niM; j;, , ny p „ciice for tbo last 1*2 months, 1 tako plea«nre in giving my tostimony of their good effects in c.ises of dyspepsia, sick hnadneho. billlmis fe. voro, and oilier disonses, produced by in octivii ty of tho liver. They are a safe and mild api orient, being the bo«t article of the kind I have overused. Georok C. 8cott, M- D. This colnbratod Modicinois for sale by all the principal Druggists in Savannah and through’ oul the United States, the Canadas, Texts, Mexico and the Weal Indies. Frica 60 cents per box wilh full directions. nngS 161—ty Mark in pods. Oil Dlack Pepper. Croton Oil, [ Hjrdriodate Potus. Soda and Seidlits Powders j London Mustard, Sea. For salo by 1 001 ,r ‘ PORCHER A LA ROCHF. T SOAPS, Ac. WO rare, old English Windier Soaps, suilible lor family uso on Ssjr* fi". 1 CSSO toilet do, ast'd non mUb'"°i'. ■•tporio' - no If* S' 1 ! 0 3 “res roll Brimstone 60 lbs Cshimel, Eng.t 60 ez Umniuo tin R,?"' 1 ' Friction Maichea ZZlr a “* k * FI,,M ‘ d THOMAS RYER80N. , D 'iSsK.'*s» Ki-a snhV Jfl’*| , ® n CBjBi Puwdor.rose scant'd |g.m;aSK. j “ o o 5 f, Par *“ ,,ran,B> «* *w and’. Macassar Oil Ktudce s llohn or Columbia ° n othor Od^"' 0 J a, nii ne ’ ornngo and C.”™ roll, Palmer'. H,p* ,r Con uos«iers .having Soap C",2 >!» Savon Ring. 1 "itavlng ' * doli 8 llirul for Soap. foird.r PnS®* ,8 j ® 0, P , i suitable for the tablet Em ll °", d Uox , 0 ’ or ' h,! '"">■• P L T. , “-*?e" J ? lr »" d Waters, of vori- E-pii d. lJl ""', 1 : 6 " nd ” ,,or,,d pattarna Dttolrp-?. 0 **' co ) d Cream. Lip Salve a,sr f ?»T'> r -"- ,qi W 0,111 Al - Fwe nvf'.^ 01 a •"’*• TiHoty ko Teeth Combo US*"" ChUm Bruahea L qoslfty back H " ir Ot excellent R"*o7 Strops ililli “r*n..- > -Uy a j Vinegar Rmigo PU Cii.onpl2 ,,n *2yi6»« Water poll ori°rJ-'SltaYtng Bruahea Ri Btavtaa;- Eu * oui &| ‘" b °'- k t»heto. r>l M l H.^ perfumery line, Tot [eioij.by M ° 01 r,t * d . on accommodating PORCHER A LA ROCHE, loci is b 'B» of tho Goldon G lubo, Opposite ths Market. mercurial or deleterious nature, among tho m»' ny ingredients which compose it; but is, at tho same timo, so simplo, yet so oflfcitcious, that while it can rnnovuio tho prostrated enorgies or a giant, an infintmay use it, not only wuh iun punity, but with advantage. Tho usagnsofsocioty aro mifortunatoly such, that, tioiwithstandiiig tlioboiiuliin which would ho sure to result from it, wo cannot oulor into on analysis of this inestimable Cordial lioro, or publish many of the documents which have boon recoivod, as vouchors of tho blessings it has confarrud on numbers ofdotpauing individ. uals^ But this we cannot forbear remarking— that it ha* been demonstrated that there is scarcely ovor, if any such thing at all, as natu ral barroiinoss, or as natural imbecility ofiht procreant function*, in either sex; and therefore that those evil* are tho effects of artificial cans* •s, nnd may bo spaadily subdued und removed by tho use of ‘Le Cordial de Lucine.’ The Lucina Cordial is also an indubitable cure for the Gleet, and the Fluor Albus, ob* structed, difficult, nr painful Menstruation; nlso, for the incontinence of Urine, or the involunta ry discharge tliiircof. It is likewise on mvnlu able and unrivalled medicine in cases of Chrom ic Eruptions ofthe skin, and in tho dropsical affection* af tlio aged. Most importnu' 10 tho American Public. Ihe United State*proprietor ofthe celehra. ted ‘Lneina Curdui, nr-Elixir of Love,'begs to lay bofnrn tho cnnimiuiity, ihe following cer tificate, which fie lias received from tho iuvetr tor. the illustrious Dr. Magnin. of Paris; ‘This is tocortify. that I have di*pn*ed ofthe recipe for making ihe -Luchin Cordial,' or ‘15 lixir of Love,' and nlso the right lo sell itihrough — 4 of N. * * ' NO combination numbbrs!!! 100,000ticketsfroin No. I upwards,in succession Extract from tho Laws of tho Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida. Chap. 761.—No. Shi.—Whereas the Court House of Duval county, ii in an tinfiniah' o (.state, and there ore yet duo and owing up on the same, monies, which ills behoved wil impose too burdensome a tax upon tho«people of Duval; and .whereas, it is desirable to pay ihoso said sums and complete said huildi thg.os well for the greater convenience of the ad ministration orjiiNtice.as for the doimle purpose of an Acadomy. for which purpose in part, the said building, when completed, ia designed Therefore— Sec. 1 ] Be it enacted by tho Go* Legislative Council of tho T< Florida. That it shall and may be Josopli B. Lancustor, Isaiah D. Hart and Wil. liamJ, Mills, or any two of thorn undor the direction of the county court of Duval county, to raise such sum or sums of money by Lottery, in such Schemes as they may deem appropriate nnd advisnbto: Provided, that tho said pursuits out thrf United States of North America, to John Winters ilolderwell, M. D. My reasons for so doiug is, that the demands to me for the ubovn Cordial, of which I am tho inventor, are so numerous, that I am iinnblo to supply all the orders from France nnd Italy alone; and linve therefore disposed of the privileges vouchsafed in this, and other certificates of a like nat.ire in order to goneraliso tho benefits of my discovery throughout tho world. Given under my hand at Paris, on this nine* teenth day of January in the year of our Lord, eighteen liundrod nnd thirty-eight, „ . ^ eraste magnin. Gnspard Delluc, > William Merritt, } AQAA CHALLENGE.—Tho Gen- WWIMFuink FRENCH PILLS a. giitnat all tho QUACK NOSTRUMS ofthe nge fur the euro af * • • » The French Pills are applicable in nil coses, for either sex, (watranted free from Mercury,) nnd pn*fto*tL>R great advantages over the Bnl. sains nnc' all liquid medicines, by being omi rely free from smell, and consequently do not effect the breath, thereby preventing the possibility of discovery whilo using them. Besides this important advantage they never disagree with tlio stomach, and ill tlio first stage* of the disease they usually effect a cure in a few days, wilh little regnrd to diet oroxposure. In tlio most obstinate stages ortho disease, they are equnlly certnin,having cured ninny afier every other remedy had failed. In Abort, they have been so universally successful that the piopriotor chnlleiiircsniiy one to produce a rein, ody of equal certnin ty,’under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars. Fof sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, nnd T. M. <& J. M. TURNER. Price $2 por box. 164—ly aug 5 HARRISON’S SPECIFIC OINTMENT. F OR tho euro of White Swellings, Scrofu Ions nnd other Tumors.UIccrs.Sore Legs, oldnndfrosh Wounds, Sprains nnd Bruises, Swellings nnd Inflammations, Scald Head,Wo men’s Sore Breasts, Rhoiimntic Pains, Tette.s, Eruptions, Chilblains, Whitlows, Biles. Corns, and External Diseases generally. It i* likewise greatly superioi to any modicino hnrototoro discovered for the ohnfud backs and limbs of liorsus-for ring norms, chapped lips—and in short for evory external bodily evil that uiny f ~" to the lot of man nr benst. For sale by G. It. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. «& J. M. TURNER. Price 50 cents per box. ong 5 16-1—ly O nR ™ACKEUEIi. "LS Mackerel, rncoivcd, lor sale by «I13 M. DILLON A CO. 1butter. Ju “ ro1 M. DILLON A CO. fall TO PLANTER!). 'll DOZEN 2d quality cold pressed JL vlF Castor Oil, 200 boxes Glauber Salts, from 20 to 30 lbs encli. Just received and for snlo at a reduced price by octie G. R. HENDRICKSON. PANACEAS. AA DOZEN Swtiiin's colob rated Panacea /&\y 50 do Houck’s do do, for Dyspopsia, «&c. 10 do Indians do do 20 do Pholnh’s do Arcanum, just recoived Fa and for sale at oot 16 actory prices, by G. It. HEN' ' shall hind themselves in such manner as the l/ 19 ««d shall for each and ovary of. court shall direct,well and truly^ to conduct such rane * ** •• lottery in good faith.tn appropriate the proceeds to the object above stated.—Pa«sed, rob. 7th 1834.—Approved Fob. 11th 1834 This highly important modicino is for sale by John Winter* Holdorwoll. No. 129 Liberty st. New York; Charles B. Tyler, No. 70 Chesnut B st. Philadelphia; and in Daltimoro by Roberts S& Atkinson, John M. Laroquo; end G. It. Ty. lor; in Washington City by Tobias Watkins nnd Charles Stott; in Georgetown by O. M. Liuthacum; in Richmond by John II. Eusticc; in Petersburg by Braggs Thomns nnd Dtipuy, Rosser A Jones; and in Norfolk by M. A. Sam to* and B Emerson;and by John Woudly, No, 65 Poydrasst. New Orleans. It can nlso be found nt all the principal Drug Storos in South Cnroliun, nnd in Augustn, by Huvilaud Risloy & Co.,Thomas Barrett A Co. nnd Nelson Carter; and in Savannah hy G. R. HENDRICKSON. Prico $3 por bottle, with full directions, aug 5 164—Jy SCO A IS. jl A HDDS prime St. Croix Sugar, roi JL coived and for salo bv oct 12 M. DILLON A CO. JUST RECEIVED. 1 CASE Dover Prints, 1 do light do 1 do fancy do. I do super do do 20 pcs small tig’d .Merrimack Prints 50 do low price brown do 30 do super Chintz 4 do stripud Kentucky Jeans 12 do 4 4 Apron Check* 30 do fine and coarse Sattincls 8 do printed Saxonies 10 do super fancy Mousolaino D’Laino 5 do black and white do do 3 bales 3.4 Springfield Shirting 2 do-ti l do do 2 do 7-8 do do 4 boxed new Htylo Bonuot Ribbons 2 do do do Cap do 5 bales Baud Boxes, 50 dnz P L Hood* Also, a splendid nsiortment of tho latost stylo Straw and Loghorn Bonnets. Foi salo by W. II. LLOYD, sept 20 South side Market Squaro. nf rl tile winners ° P ™ ®TStocks, either lo take the stock Useir, or iIm par vnluo thereof in cash. .nji?si r i # K 8,p J ,of, ) ,0 . ,a . ,00f "» 0 Ticket* are, !ni7i . 1 de re ,, r i1 ,n ,h ® Citizens’, Con solidated, Canal. Union. and Carrollton Banks tu-... w v: w — —— Carrollton Banks, P.!ra..h 7 ° fll, ° *'■""«<”» jnlfllr with J. B. j,". 1 ? 11,1 • fjq-M'llally cs»lu.r of it. Ciiizct..' tl.» r .J'"A B “ udo " «. .Unalljf caihier of « n,0 .i'7 d Brinl i- twT’U.twa, a. per ORDINANCE Ull u.fining wk.t .halt becui'.idsr.d pub, tic nnl.ance., ami fu. (ho prevention pnm.hm.nt and removal of tho nine. Sec. I. It. it ordnli.od b, tbo mayor and aldornion of lb. city of Savannah and hamlet, 'l? C0 ," nc ' 1 and it i. har.by in d n! I " ! *" ll " ,, L , J r of ,h » -" m ". that from and attar the pa..n,. of this orditianca, it .ball not bo lawful f.r any pei.nn to put up any Mltur or spout, to conv.y film from kitchen, into any .treat or lane of tho city, and any pan «n «o offending. .Ii.ill forfeit nnd pay a fine not exceedia* fifty dollar, for each and ovary oft rtnee, and tbo .aid guitar oripout shall ba forth, wun removsd. .t-fiM - 9 ; B * i! r ‘ lrll "> r ordained, that no privy •hall bo hereafter erected within the limit, nf the city, unle-viho sninc be hnilt or sunk with ’'o"" “> ••'ft six feet below tbo stir, race or ih. lot upoo which it is sunk, and built at lasst one ftiot .bova tlio surfaco t and ifany person shall violate this section, he or .he, or the owner, or leesee ofthe premi.ee shall forfeit and par a sum of not exceeding fifty dollirs, n, ' d oirence., and Ihe .aid privy ■''® * °° robuiltm tlio manner prescribed by this ordinance, or ho filled up. 7 Sec. 3. lie it furtlier ordained, that It shall not bo lawfit for any person lo cast, throw out or siiffor to frill from the upper or second stories er lljeir building, within lha limiti ofthe city, any boles ofcnttoaorothsrvooilswhntevsr, but the same .hall hs lowered by a sufficient rape or tackle, in so gradual n manner ns to allow per. tons passing under, sufficient time to pass nut r l- ? ni ^ l * ,e ® c c ,, pt®rsof building* nut or which such cotton lor o her goods shall b« cast, thrown, or suffered to fall, contrary to the provisions of tins ordinance, shall be deemed Dollars. 700,000 20.000 20,000 SHELL COMBS, dco. J UST recoived by Augusta, Shell Twist and Side Cotnbs Iron do do do Supor Drilling do Cloth, Tooth ami Hair Urushns For sale by AVERY A JOHNSON, oct 9 Monument Sq. HENDRICKSON. FLINT CORN. BUSHELS naw crop,in fino iwWIF condition, eithor shelled or cm the cob, ou n plantation opposite the city. For by PADELFORD, FAY A CO. 199 sale I otflG MUSLIN DE LAINES, SILKS. SHAWLS. Ac. J UST received by brig Augusta, and for sale by AVERY A JOHNSON, oct 9 South side Monument Square. GINGHAMS, Ac. £4UPER undressed Scotch Gingham* Fancy and black and white,new and fash- iouablo stylos Supor Furniture Chintz. Welsh Flannels, Ao. For sale by AVERY A JOHNSON. ic|it 07 South side .Monument Square. By agreement, bearing date the 28th of Fehi err. IS-'O,:ha above Joseph Lancaster,Isaiah D. Hart and William J. Mills did, for certain considerations, in conformity to the raid Legis lative Act, duly assign unto Messrs Schmidt A Hamilton all their Right and In* icrest, and tho Powers vested in them by the above recited Act of the Legislature of Florida. Extract from tlio valuation of George Phillip Mnnouvrier ami Jacob de Cordova, both ot* the City of New Orleans, made and sworn to on the 19th d*y of April, 1839:— That the said George Phillip Manouvrier and Jacob Cordova, appraise and con d ciemiou*ly and honestly value the property known under tho name and appellation of “Bunks Arcado,” in tho Citv of New Orleans, at Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, and “Tho property known under the appellation of “City Hotel” or “IBshop’a Hotel,” in the snid City of of Now Orleans, at Four Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars." Tho deeds of the Property and tlio Stock trans ferred in trust to the Commissioners appointed by the said act of tlio Lcgislatuio of Florida, fur the security of the Prize Holders. SPLENDID SCHEME!!! 1 Prize—The Arcado—286 feet, 5 inches, 4 lines, on Magazine street; 101 feet, II uicliflSton Natehez street; 126 foot, 6 inches, on Gravior st. Rented at about $37,000 per an num. . Valued at 1 Prize—City Hotel—162 ft on Com mon street, 146 feet, 6 inches, on Camp st. Rented at $25,000— Valued at 500,000 l Prizo— Dwolfing Housa (adjoining the Arcado) No. 16,24 ft. 7 incht e* front on Natchez st. Rented at $1260—Vniued at 1 Prizo—Ditto (adjoining the Arcado) No. 18,23 ft lient on Natchez st. Rented nt$ 1200—Valued at 1 Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) No. 20,23 loot front on Natchez st. Routed at $1200—Valued at 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 23, North east corner of Basin A Custom.house street;40 feet fronton Basin, and 40 fcot ou Franklin st. by 127 ft. deep in Custom tiouso st. Routed at $1500—Valued at 1 Prizo—Ditto—No. 24. South west corner nf Basin A Custom house streot; 32 feet, 7 inches on Basin 32 feet. 7 inches ou Franklin. 127 feet, 104 inches deep in front of Custom linuso street. Rented nt $1500—Valued nt I Prize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 foot, 8 indie* on Royal street, by 127 ft, 11 inches deep. Rented at $1400. Vnliiod at 1 Prize—250 shares Canal Bank Stock, $100 each 1 Ditto—200 ditto Com do, do do j Ditto—150 ditin Mechanic*’ and Traders' do do 1 Ditto—100 do City Bauk do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do dodo 1 Ditto—100 do do do dodo l Ditto—50 do Exchange Bank do do I Ditto—50 do do do dodo 1 Ditto—25 do Gas Light Bank do do 1 Ditto—25 da do do do do do 1 Ditto—15 do Mechanics’ A Tiu- dors' dodo 1 Ditto—15 do do do do do 20 do—each 10 *l»arca of tlio Louis* inna State Batik, $100aack, each Prize $1000 do-each2 shakos of $100each, each Prize $200, of tho Gas Light Bank 200 do—each 1 share of $100, of the Bank of Louisiana 200 do—each 1 share of $100, oflhe Now Orleans Bauk 150 do—each 1 share of $100 of the Union Bank of Florida fonce bo fined in a sum not exceding fifty dok lots; provided that this section shall not be con strued to allow persons to stop, and llierei uy prevent the lowering or cotton and other goods. Sec. 4. Bo it further ordained, that ifany person shall appear in any of the public streets squares, lanes, or docks in this city in a stale of nakednoss, or who shall in any muuncr whatso ever, wilfully mako any indecent ami public exposure of his or bur person.or ofany other person.he or she may be arrested by theciiy mar- •hnl or city constables, or ony whits parson, ana shall he fined for each and every such ofi fence in the sum not exceeding fifty dollsrs.il A mll.tre poison - J he*, if 20,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 25.000 20.000 15.000 10,000 10.000 10,000 6000 5000 2500 2500 1500 1500 20,000 10 2000 the city treasury, subject to ihe mderorcounerk who may and shall mder the s line tn ho paid to the owner of such animal, when required. l. nr' j # D ? 11 fa'tWoidainad, That any kul round .tl! ,r g, W "hi" ;h, limit, oft tho chr, n nuisance, and may u killed by nnv |>crstm. 7 Sec. 18. lie It further ordained, That if any person .hall at any of the public pnmpi, wash any nmmal, carriage, clothe, of ony description, «•»’ Ihing, or do any other act whereby filth or din ofany kind aholl ba thrown upon o> ?" r *.5 J L°I ,l,0 u“ Kl •'« or aho .hell for- foil end pny e fine not exceeding ten dollert, If e white person, end if a sieve or free person of color, he or ehe nu.y be whipped, not eiceodinix twenty lathe., nnlo>s the owner of such slave or guardian or fnsnd or.uch free parson or eolor will pay the fine imposed. 8,c ' '. 3 .. B * h J•nlshttd, That If any person shall wuh or dry nny articles ofclotliins or cxpoM tilt will far the purpose of drying, m the street., lane., er .quire, nf the citv he nr ■he. if. whit, person shaHhe'fined in e sum not exc-eding thirty dollars, and if a elavt or free person of color commit the raid offence, ha or she may be whipped, not exceeding twenty lashee, unleae the owner of such .lav? or the (imrtlian or friend of such free por,an of color will pay rho fine imposed, " raMb,r ® ,d * l "«<li T not he lawful for any peraomoenreh or by mcana of .eh, exposure to t| otherwise, within tho corporate Ii of Savannah, and for each vinloti.. non. tho offender aholl, if a while p, fino or not exceeding thirty dollara, tod ir e .live or free person oreoior, in a like penally, or tat whipped at the discretion of the mayor/ chairman, or any two alderman, 7 Sec. 15. Be it farlher ordained, Thatitehall be the duty of the marehal to require the rsmo, yel ofeey hides, cured or not which may bo oft tensive or in lha opinion ofthe health officer in. jurious to tho health of Ike city, and should the "W possessor or claimtot of such hides, neg> net n. .. .... . -t- oct or refuse to romovo tho same within hour, from the period ofkieor her being eo ro. qmredI by tho marshal, the removal shall then bo made by Ihe marshal or any city constable el £h» , Hr t'lln* nw " ,r ' n 0 **-*’ 0 ’cl.im.nt, wno shall in audition thsratn, for each and avsi v ouch lefuia! or neglect, be fined in e snra not ollore.oi " exceeding fifty doiiere.or if ■ sieve or Ireo per. jolt of ooTnr, may be fined in e lib. manner, or bo whipped at tire discretion of tho mayor, ohair. main, or any two elder men. ‘ lloilf Sac. 10.' fnnhor ordained, That it shall and may bo lawful for any parson to seixo and taka or kitisny hog or hogs, gnat or goats,fouod at largs in tho city of Ssvannsh and lo appro- priau the same lo Iris or her own use, so’ that tho same bo earned, forthwith after being nixed, without the limits ofthe city. 1 , 17 - Be it further ordained, lhatitehall not be lowfirl for any person to retain er keen tioga within the limiia oflhe city, north ortho norih line of Junes strast extanditig ensti wardljr and wsstwardly.and each and uvery per* •on su offending shall, ir. white psrion be fined III A Him earai .a f - , ■■ . . ill t com not oxceoding thirty duller, for e.ch •Rd every iiteh offeneo, end if e slave or frw ty i persori of eolor, thall be fined in e sum mu ex, ccoding thirty dollara, or be whipped at the die- eretmti of tho mayor, okairman, or any two ell eaid choff.b.ll tta removed by him or on ftilora . ;« do so, italiall be removed toe proper dielento whipping not exceeding -V c,, 7 ntetahal at Ihe expense ofseid.own, I nr free person of color «’ or -Ifhl- Boo.1#. Ih it further ordained, That it ohatl 8v0. lB B. n furtlier ordained, that ttetnll not be lawful for any owner or agent, ofa steam rtco null to expose or causa lo bo exposed in n targe heap or in any other manner Ihe chaff pro. ducod by the eaid mill, to ee to subject it to the iriflupnc. ofthe eun and rain within the distance of heir BO" 1 , foam the present corporate limiti ofthe city. And for a vielatien or lire provision ill I Ilia ini-linn ll,n * . uf this section, the parson so offending may bn lined in a earn not exceeding cue hundred dol- fifty lashes, if a slavo nr Ireo person w. Sec 5. Bo it further ordained, that it shall not be lawful for any persau to swim or bathe ill the river opposite to the eity—that is to say, from the wostoiii side of West Rrnnd at. to ihe western side of tho Ea.torn Wharf company, atony hour after bevon o’clock in the morning until iun sot, under tho penalty of not exceeding fifty dollars, if n white person, and whipping ■ot exceeding fifty lashes, if the offender be a slave nr freo persnn of color. Sec. 6, Bo it further ordained, that no horso, golding, inaro, colt filly, mule, or jackass, skull at any time be permitted or allowed lo go nt larje within the limits of tho city, and for a vio- lationofthi* section, tho owner or owners of such nninirtl, shall be fined for each and every such offence; and each and every such animal running or going at large in a sum not exceeds mg five dollurs; and tlio city marshal or city con sUblss shall take lip tlio said animal if the own er thereof is unknown, and impound the same until the said fino and all costs sre paid; and if the said animal be not claimed in ten days, it shall be the duty ofthe city marshnl to sell the same at the pound, giviug at lenst five davs no* tico ill one of tho public Gazettes of tho city, of tho description ol the unimal and tho lime and place of sale; nnd he shall pay the net proceeds after deducting the fine and costs, into tho treat snry of the city, subject to the order of council ■ • ft 20,000 20,000 15,000 OOO Prize*. $1,500,000 TICKETS $20—NO SHAKE*. ‘ who may, and shall cause it to be paid to the owner ofsuch animal so aold, when required. Soc.7. Bo it fur liter ordained, that it shall not be lawful for any person to smoke a segar or pipe in any of the streot*. lanes, alleys, wharves or public squares within the city of Savannah., under the penalty of two dollars for the first offeneo, and not exceeding five dollars for each subsequent offence, if tho offender be a white person, and under a penally ofriotexcead* ing tlirco dollars, or whipping not exceeding ten stripes, if the offender bo a slave, or free person of color. Sec. 8. Bo it further ordained, that if an horse, inaio, gelding, colt, mule, ox, cow, or cal. or any other animal oflikokind shall bo found at large in tho city, whoso appearance shall bo offensive to tho sight from its poverty, sickness or sores, the samo shall he rortioved by the mar* sliul or any city officer from tho precincts of ths city, at the expense of the owner or owners thereof; and ifany person shall resist nr oppose nny officer in tho discharge of such duty he or she shall bu fined in a sum not oxceediug fifty dollar*. Sec 9. Be it further ordained, that ifany pen sou shall water any animal ofany kind within thirty feet of nnv public pump, (except tho pump at tho base of the Exchange) he or she shall be fined, if a white person in a turn not exceedin| thirty dnllar^and if a slavo or freo person of color ilia sum not exceeding thirty dollars fto be paid by tbo owner ofsuch slavo) orba whip ped not exceeding thirty nino lashes. Sec. 10. Be ft further ordained, That it shall not be luwful for any cow, steer, heifer or calf to bo or go nt largo within tho limits of the city from the setting of ihe sun to tlio rising of the same, and tho owners of such cattle so found at large, shrill forfeit nml pny a sum not cxcoedinj five dollars for each and every time, any sue! animal may bo found ui large; and it shall be the duty of the city maislnl and city constables to take such cattlo so found nt large contrary to the provisions of tbi* ordinance, and impound them, until tho said fine and all costs aro paid; and if the said animal be not claimed in five days, it shall be the duty of the city marshal to sell tho same at the pound, first giving at least five days notice in une of the public Gazettes ol thuxity of the description of the animal and the time and place of sale; and ha shall pay the net proceeds ufter deducting, the fine and coals into not be lawful for anjr pereon or pareune to throw, eeat, O’dcpo.it, or cured to ho cat. thrown, or depoMtad in Savannah river, or on ita banka below Irish water mark, within Ike extended attd jurisdictional liuiitaorihe city of Savannah, rice chaff, or any anbeunea of whatever natnra or kind which might in any degree, lessen Ihn depth or wafer in .aid river, or any part thereof within the limita aforesaid, end each and every person so offending, .hell for each end every such offeirce. be fined in o stun not exceeding ot:. hundred dollare, if the offender be a whtto perron, or da .leva or free perron or color, hn or Sho .hell ho whipped not exceeding fifty tashi ee, unless lire owner, employer or guardian of such slave or llres person of color, shtll pay the fine not exceeding one hundred dollare, which mov be infiicied er aeeeued against said slave er freo pereon of color for such offence. 8oc.20, Be it further erdnlned, That all fine. Liav!!™ Incurred under Ihta ordinance shell be collected and enforced in the manner pointed out by law. end one Itairof the money received from said fine or forfoittiroa. shall ba given to Iho informer, and lha other hair shall go to the city. Sec. SI. lie it furtlier ordained, That all or- dinancee or pans of ordinance correspondimr with this ordinance, bo. and the same are here by superseded, and that all ordinaneea and parte h ronT"* '•"* ordinance, be. and the earns ere hereby HneataJ. n hereby repealed. Passed m Council 3d Anr., 1830. .[‘“•J K - «■ CHARLTON, Mayor. Attest Joskfb Felt, c. c.pro icm. oclO WHITE AND RED FLANNELS PCS super Whit. Fl.nncta 6 do Roger's do do 5 do Welch do do 5 do Gauxo do do 6 do common quality do 10 do Red Flannel, some vory firm Received by recent arrivals. SNIDER, sept 30 LATHROP A NEVITT. GEORGE W. H . „„ , Shad’s Building, ’cc-.t’-J P-’ hrig Savonrioh, ships Leila end Trenton, Flannels. Chintz, (iHuimsrni. Shnwl. ’I'kvanJ ■ .... o...t ' Cessimeree, Shawl,, Thread Laces, Sntiinetrs! Broadcloths, Merinoes, Silks, Vestings,Linens, Lawns, Negro Cloths. Also, various ntlrl bit - • tides suitable fur tho proicnl and oppri season. NEW GOODS. Per rdiipTrcn A PCS super black Gro do Klduu Sill dn do blue blk dn do. 1 do du blu dodu, 3 do do blk Gro do .Swiss do, war nut to spot . . - HIi 6 do Roger's Patent Fluiinel 2 do blue Urnndclotli It) do Paper Cambric • ■ 10 do Monslinde Laines 3 do Mourning do, 10 do f 8.4, 9.4 nnd J0.41 ‘ For rale InW.by SNIDER, LATHROP NEVITT. rapt 30 do fancy Print-. Diuper it Damask T CARPETING A RUGS. LN pieces sttpr. Ingrain Carpeting 1 csto do Tufted lings 1 do do Brnraelt do 50-grnce CVpet Binding, received by recent arrivals SNIDER, LATHROP Ac NEVITT. ocll m