Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 22, 1839, Image 2

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& co-BTr FKIKTCB. ^ V *v; 3LECTION BETIIIINS eruor.nud for nud against Ratification o 2 2! ~-c P •5 D I K •e f ’! B a 260 339 138 415 ■ — i-L BATAHHJUlt TUESDAY EVENING. Out.21. TIIE ELECTION. With the exception of Appling. Baker, ru laiki, Wnyno, Camden, Campbell, Dndo, De, ciunr, Lee, Monlgntneiy nilJ Sumpter, wo linva received return* ft out all the oilier Countie* giv ing a majority thus fur for McDonald of 1102. That the State Rights’ Party have boon delentod in electing their Governor, is now beyond doubt. Iloto il has occurred, appears a manor of sun pr iso to both parties Ykt ! the one exults—tho other, have but to excltim, Vox l*opuli, Vox Dei. Should the Union men have succeeded by fnlso reprepreientatmns, circulating report* as regards tho Petition for tho 15 Gallon Law, to elect their Candidate, so let it be. We era still a Party, and so long as we feel an interest tn Georgia, will always be of tho Slate Rights’ Party. COLUMBUS BANKS. The Columbus Seulinel A? Herald ortho 17th hint. rays—•• We understand that the Uanks of this city have suspended specie payments; and that they allege, as one of the reasons for this course, that it will enuble them to furnish our merchants belter fscilities for ptuchasing cotton, See. Under the existing embarrassments i, pr» CownussAi dollars from to which there is i bsbly to be attributed rial there,having been Mexico, In the disconut charged on uncurrent money there is little variation. Eastern remains the same, except Norwich, Ct. which the broker* re fuse. By tho Providence boat arrived yestciday morning, we learn tho Bunks there are redeem* ing all their notes up to those of lit© amount of otto hundred dollar* ill specie, and that there i* no run upon them. United Slates Rank of Peit*)lvauin notes are at II percent, discount. Haiti more Batik nut's 10 por cent. Discount in tho street on tho best papei 2 pci cunt, a month. Stocks at the First Board again advanced. United State* Bunk Shares and North American Trust Sc Banking Co, from 14 a ‘2 por cant. Delaware Sc Hudson and Kentucky, about I per cent. At tho Second Board there was, a* I* usual, a slight decline. Sale* were thou made of U. S, Bank 8tock at 80$, Dataware St Hud. son. 50^; North Amuiicau Trust 48|; and liar* lem at 41. Oil board the United States Liverpool pocket •hip which sailed yesterday, there was JC11800 sterling in spucie, The Havre packet is doiaitu ed till to day. 33 ! 32 000 tms 107 133 Warren Wilkinson Greouo Taliaferro Butt. Wo,g.n Jackson llell Clark. Monro. . Crawford Coweta Dooly Henry Newton Wallen Cobb Macon Morriwetlier Murray Futnatn Talbot Tronp Twill* SB Cberokeo Madi.on Oglclhorpo Lumpkin Gwinnett 211 276 440 426 37G 429 304 786 405 189 4G0 481 603 463 693 671 255 636 137 646 447 861 850 443 332 374 449 772 390 343 671 87 349 619 787 942 331 644 200 320 279 479 249 608 301 317 485 70 29 393 322 705 511 497 372 802 479 705 301 855 603 850 467 621 644 252 655 458 6 317 760 513 492 243 855 645 463 393 520 480 309 107 651 619 239 750 752 655 381 282 000 465 9U0 762 461 451 460 552 000 378 493 949 ooo 370 288 867 1164 ooo 635 360 430 488 311 743 000 83 223 180 11 33 48 443 112 294 130 OOO 47 21 61 000 485 677 696 478 644 65 723 65 000 305 111 412 361 160 187 420 006 10 13 129 000 333 DO 57 193 OOO 87 319 134 66 185 48 000 tiers this it a judicious alep, and that it will bo productive of advantage. 10 our community.— Wo havo lb. uinio.1 cotrHda.ee in the sound, net. and ability of our Bank*, and have uo doubt they will do *ib. clean thing.’" COLUMBUS, Oct. 17. Our Hirer.—Much Irn. bean expended to im prove tho uavir.iit.ii ofnirr river; bin never uu. til now li i. .rich n favorable opportunity pr.' Mined itself fur carrying mil tin. devirublsob' iecl. Wo nndor.lnnd that about threo hundred bunds have bean engaged fur n weok past in re moving tlr. ubstrnciiim. 10 navigation. Tim mi urocoiieined low .tog. of the river render, tiro task of widening and daoptning tire channel an oa.y mid .uccev.fiil aim. This wotk whs com menced by citizens of ibis place and those living near the river below tiro city, aided l.v a onntri* htttion from tim City Council It is 610 opinion ol'all that the river vvill ba vastly improved by tho oxMulion of Ibis wurk —Argus. VERMONT LEGISLATURE. This body it Whig, and not Administration as ha,.106110 slated. Tho elootion far Speaker resulted thus t Carlo. Cooltdgo, (Whig.) 116 Paul Dilliagharu. (V. B.) 109 Whig Majority In tho Sonata tho Whig majorily is ail. ID* Tho lops of ilia mortmains near Rutland, in Vermont, wore covered with Snow t few days vinca. O’ At Wheeling on lire 14 h just, tho Ohio River bad but 18 inches of waier in Ilia channel. It i. alatod that a largo drove of cattle was diiv. on across ibe bed of the river. BUEAi) STUPES. Tho Philadelphia Aforth Amtncnn says that the market of that city wa. .wopt on Wcdnes day last of ail lira Flour In it at $6 50. Tha stock on lurid howertr was vary light. It is said to havo been taken fur expert. UaLTittone Fi-ooa AIsrkkt.—On Wednes day .ale. of Howard .treat Flour ware made at 96 12J. On Thui.day a parcel of 200 bbla. Hawaii) si. wu token for export at 96 25.ca.lt. Tito .lock ofall dsacriptioti.i, Mid lo bo light. KT A New York paper My.—" Neatly three millions of dollars will ba realised thi. yet-r frstn the quart i.i of lima and Sagging alone in fear comities in this Stars.” •r.hatn Ghaltooga 168 223 139 181 ' Do Kalb 466 653 289 r.86 Elbert Otk'i 79 496 3)6 Fayette 165 280 htki 474 153 546 261 111 188 332 188 261 Foray th 298 417 472 94 332 224 488 26 Randolph 496 508 618 116 Blswarl 751 793 903 93 Telfair 194 139 000 ono 312 2*3 000 000 Lowndes 349 224 000 000 264 389 126 390 Irwin - 14 257 000 000 Emanuel 114 152 000 000 Paulding 216 231 257 71 Walker 237 471 390 174 244 195 339 43 Pulaski Ware 000 7 0110 225 357 67 53 10 Gilmer 79 273 000 000 Rsbtin 11 294 000 000 Union 18 448 000 000 HEALTH OF NATCHEZ. The Free Trader of the 9th give, a melon, eh'.ly uccouni of tho health ol Natchez. Tha ycl- low ferer wa, not aubtiding, but on the contrary largely mrnm~tnerea»e. ‘go about the •treats,' and carriage of the dead wheels its hasty flight along tha pave, a. if it. _■ y lag a rustic, who had thus cleveror cottvoynncor peet. The protsura for money ll mu to intense than ever known, os all business- men admit. The news from the eastern cities is wtrso than the reality here. Mnnoy there commands three ner com. per mouth. The U. S. Bank of roiiiMylvnnia is issuing post notes which *ell in Nt'w York at 1A por cent, per month.—Stocks are lower in Wull street than perhaps, over known. No sales can be effected of Slate stock* it tilers at ruinous sacrifices. Illinois ami Indinnanro stopping their public work*—the coit*tritctinti of their cunal*. Rail Rond* mid turnpikes—because of the failure to sell their bond*, front which tho mean* wore expected to he received tn enable them to pro> •acute tliu above valuable undertakings. May not a friend of his country ask who caused nil this disaster, blight and ruin to our noble enterprises, nnd our proud and honorable prosperity? Arn tbeso the blessing* of the heller currencyt No National Bank—Stato Bank*— hard money—Bi-nton'* yellow boys—Mr. Van Uuren—Mr. Van Duran's Sub-treasury—the siicce** and triumph of the pretended Demo- catio party, dec. Sic. SiO.1 Hero undorour feet lit-* piostrata the credit of our country—and with it Iter prosperity and honor.—Perish conn morce— petisli commurce—perish credit wa* the motto—hut this dotto.alleUe languishes on a death bed." A two headed SrniAe —The ndlowii „ traordtnartf statement wc Hud in the Lent yoiih, iSrAiona of last Thursday; A vary singular looking Bunke waa hilled tho farm of Air. James Van* Wliiklo. It v about two feet long, uncommonly huge in n portion, with a porfect head on each end of body. It could crawl both way*. Imt it did not appear to curl, twist and straighten ns much it* sitnkasaro .accustomed to do, beenuao it« double head afToided uu extra advantage over all other snakos—If it withos to go a different d ii rent ion, it need not turn round, it only bad to crawl with tho other bead forward. Wo be lieve thi* is the only suako of the kind ever in America. Arrived n.itliidgo.VvimSv A llino!* ft 10 ,') '» C ' tt.JI Plnuizy, Arinin. & Bureoniltt ming St Co, Washburn, Lewis StCn DS? m ’ erslmm & Son, Ladd.Tupper & . Tight Lacing.'—'I think this practice is a great public benefit,’ said a gentleman. 'A great public benefit.' exclaimed n friend, how can that be; do not yon see that a great many of our young Indies are ruining their healths nud losing their lives by it?' •Yes, ye*,’returned tho other,’but my dear fellow, do you not teo that it kills off only tits fools nnd we shall havo all wtso ones by and Uyl’ CHARLESTON. Oci. 21. From St. Augustine —by the steam packet Southerner, Cnpt. Build, arrived yesterday af, tenmoii. wo received the Herald and News of tho 17th and lbth imt. St. Augustine. Oct IS. Boisterous IVeelher — For the last two days 'ho weather has been boisterous, accompanied by heavy mins. The wind has principally been from N. E., and all of yesterday blew a pot feet gale. The schr. Empire has been ready for aea since the 1st in*t., but has bsen kept in port by reason of bend winds. The rain which has fallen for the last two days lia« bean much needed. Vegetation was suf* feting much from the drought.and the Morn*, of which crop it may lie said that it is unequal led in the United States, had rotnmetired cast* ing their leaves by reason of this want of mois ture. Stone Dressing Machine.—A machine invent- ad by Dr. John D. Buzzcll is in operation in Philadelphia, which is thus dosetibed by tho U. S- Gazette: Tho machine is moved by steam power, end seem* to operate on granite and maiblo very much n* tho wood nltiuuitig and grooving iua< chine operates un tho pine board*. Tho whole proces* of reducing tho‘rough ash lar’ to n smooth surface and preparing it for immediate application to building, is porformed by tho machine, and, as we ntiaorslood by the person who Imd it in care, at an immense saving of labor. We cannot speak a* to the exact sav ing. inasmuch ns we did not seo enough of ilia operation lo form n judgment thoielrum, even had we u kuowb-dgeof that kind lo warrant out sitting in judgmoiit upon such matter*. Tha m.tuhuiH is truly ingenious, working with wonderful oxuctnes*. and we should think that every machinist in tho city would feel gratified to observe its motions, while stone cutters and marble masons have a direct interest iu its sue* cess. NORFOLK. Oct 17. Firs/—A fire broke out about three o'clock ysiterdny morning on CnmpbHPs wharfin tha northern tenement of the buildings occupied by Messrs. Anderson tV Goodridge, and before the flames could he arrested, tho aonth tene merit adjoining was destroyed. The fire origi, nated from within, nud may have preceded front a candle as it is bilinved to have issued from a counting room in the raennd story. The buildings wore too far gene when the firo wns fir»t seen, to ascertain particular*. The stock of go-«ds in both stotea was estimnted at or near twenty thousand dollars and was insured were also the buildings. The loss of .Messrs. Anderson * Goodridge will not therefore ox- c< ed four or five thousand dollars. Very little was saved. O’ The Philadelphia Nutional Gazelle says that seven thousand rnrular* are tn be sent te Florida, among ihcm the eighth infantry ; and a 30.850 31,052 27873 14G27 TWnI and Conviction for a Double Murder in France.—The trial of the notary, Peytel, for the murder ofbis wife, fills several columns of the French jontnnls, and has terminated in his con demnation. Peytel. who is 35 year* of ago. found some difficulty iu becoming a notary,and never folly paid tho price of the place. Yet he produced a receipt for the entire sums one of the docm manta which induced the parent* of Mule. Alt cazir to five her lo him for a wife. Peytel la of a furious temper. Ho admitted having imd a serious quarrel with bis wife on tho morning after their marriage Two letters wore read, •ignsdby his wife. Felicie P**yt«l; the first dated the twenty fourth day ol their marriage, and •ceasing herself nr crimes and ingratitude to wards Peytel. A second letter accused herself of crimes of which the gravity could not be mistaken. Il was presumed that Peytel forced her by threats to write these documents, which in ease ofneed, might serve ns excuses of mur der. Peytel could not well explain them, lie •aid bis wife wa* gourmunde nnd impolite, and that the letters alluded merely to diene trilling fault#. The unfoltuimte wuwan, who waa mar ried on the 9th May, made a will on the 30th of July in favor of Peytel, It was proved that •rn frontier, and likewise the second regiment of dragoons. Gen. Tsylor has been authorized to send to Cubs fot a Urge number of blood hounds. AUGUSTA BOARD OF HEALTH. Thursday, Oct 17—12 M. The Board report one death from apoplexy, within the last twenty four hours—none offevt r' Friday, Oct. 18—12 M. The Board report no death, during tha last twenty-four hours. Saturday, Oct. 10—12 M. Tho Board report threo deaths from fever, one from intemperance and one infant, three mouths old, during the last twenty-four hours. PROVIDENCE, Oct. 16. Bank Suspensions.—A commute* from inch Board of Director* of the soveral Hanks in this cii y. met pursuant to adjournment, yesteiday •fit-moon, at the Washington Insurance Office, and voted to suspend specie payment* for the ‘ 4k J.inks. and tli.it 14 were in tavor of ausnen- •ion, 4 oppo-ed to dm rnea«uro, and the delega tion from two were divided. Boa Constrictor.—On Friday, tho largo hoa Cnitsiiictor til the Surry Zoological tinideii- cast his skin f-r the first time since hi* arrival iu this country. It measured twenty two fuel in l-rngth nud twenty raven inrhe* hi cimmi fereuce, and was thrown off almost in one eu tire piece, lie fed imnmdtiitalv nfterwnrd and swallowed four rabbits nnd a small pig fm hi* meal!— Hu had not previonaly eaten any thing for fivo months. Holtinguer and the U. $- Bank.—We yester day put our readers in po*smi*ion of nil ha facts in our power, relative to the refusal of llottingiier Si. Co. to accept the bills drawn on them by tho Bank af the U. S. It was an important pan of the information that the bill* thus refused wore promptly honored by the house of Rodichild; and all the paper sent by the Bank of the U.3 to Europe ha* been duly honored: nr, if, in n single instance, as in the case of llottingiier St Co'*, refusal, one draft he* come hack, that tins been immediately paid in New York. It inoy be proper to look for a moment at tho conduct of Merars. llottingiier St Co. townrd the United Slates Bank. That house wns urn der agreement lo accept tho very drafts which it refuaed, and had in its hands the security nci cessary to guarantee it from Ions; and in a moi mant of nervous excitement, a sort of panic most interestedly brought about, it violated its own faith, and broke oncofthoso rules for mer cantile regiiliUiuiih llint are deemed tm-st stirred Y~, - -m//.«:* -.i.o.**, tiial house a*pircs. The Banks oppineil loMtspan-non were the Merchants’, Arcade. Trader*' slid Mechanics. NEW-ORLEANS. Oct. 16 Report of Burial* in thelhree City Cemeterieo Interments in Pottersficld up to Sunday, 13th at G*. P. M Oct. 7th 10 8th 10 9th 8 10th 10 11th 7 12th 7 13th 7 Tola) 59 19 15 Sunday. Oct. 20—12 M. The Board report the death of one colored child, three years old, from worms—no death from fever during the last twenty four hours. A. GUMMING, Mayor. Samuel M. Thompson, Sec'ry. MONEY MATTERS IN PHILADELPHIA. The Not ill American of'lhuriduy last says— Stocks continue to improve, but the change is the greatest in United Stnje* Bank which ad vanced to 97. The imprexsion of the inability nf the New York Banks to coatinue to pay specie gains ground. To our people it iaa matter of no moment whether New York suspends or not. Money i* worth here to-duy IJ per eent. a mouth in thu street, at which piicu large uiiiouhi* of U. S. Bank Post Notes have been negotiated, and good business paper umy be quoted at tha Utter tormented her to do ao. Peytel'* story 1 aboul ,be •**"*» I ft percent, with every if, that whilts returning nt iiigm with bis wife, I of » Jurthar decline in the rate*. tha MtTant tvlio walked down th. hill, fired into tho carriage: Ihatlie, Pavial, leaped out, followed tha lervam and killed him will, a hammer ; in th. meantime his wifi had leaped out; ran into fitiling into the water of a pond of her wound.; the ball fired by wing lodged in her heed. Win however, that Mndame Poylel Itwlantly ortho wound Athutthe icnr enough to liar to singe her eyebrows. P.ytol imlst horn therefore "taken her and flung her into the pond where sho was found. Tho unrvan! boro n good character, and '*«» found still wrapped up in a blanket which lie had thrown round him to protect him Irani tho rein and culd. Nothing indicated any in. lentiou of committing a robbery. The piatul, which was found near or upon Ilia «erv»m’« body, was evidently Ihld tlrare nftnr his death. Poylel rou.cd up a iieielihoring former to help him lo Gird hit wife nnd bring homo tho body. Peytel never touched tho body to ascertain whether his wife wua de&d. Tho only anxiety - — lie showed was to drive the cart over the body of tho servant. A Her soveral days’ trial, thu jury found the notary, Poyiul. guilty of Ilia nun, dorofliuwifo andsarfant, and candeinad him lodcat' Hallo frier id. are you asleep? -Why, what do you want? I want to boirow five dollurs. You, l utn fust nsleop. 'Mike, and i* it yourself that can be after toll, ing me how they make ice^creims?’ Tn troth I can—do they not bake them in eowld oYCtis, to bo sure?, VVh are io hones that iho harvest of the forgo capitalist ha* buuu reapod, uud that once mure ineu of moderate in-mti* tnay he enabled to obi tain money at something like a reasonable price MONEY MATTERS IN NEW YORK, The American of last Wednesday afternoon has the following article. TAt Question Settled even for the Doubters. The Bank of tho S(a:a of New York, umi the Bank of America, are drawing bill* on England ut from 94a 10 percent. Tin* settle* the ques tion agaiimt the exportation of specie to any considerable amount by the Liverpool—and cousequenently removes one of the -care crow* that ulurin the timid, about tho solidity of our Banks. Theie will be more hill* on Engfond than buyers—uud this will continue to bo thn cu«e, au these drawn on the crops going foiwurd appear in the market. The tone nf confidence in the street to day is miinifeHtlyrtrnnger.and nothing it may bo affirm' ed nnd reaffirmed, can shake the impregnability of our Banks. 3 From tho eastward says the Boston Courier of yesterday, we have no signsof suspension. The Courier Sf Enquirer of imt Thuriday has the following: The appearance of matters in Wall streot.be cotuns brighter und brighter every day, and those who Imve hitherto ciiterinined fear* that our Bnnks would hoi be able to continue specie payments during the siutpeoaiiui of those South of iis, ure now confident of a happier result Specie continues coming in even from Canada' Interments at tha Catholic and Protestant Cemeteries for ilia week ending Sunday, I3th— IC; fever 0, Interments.—At the Catholic Cemetery, Oct. 14: interment* l—fever none. At the Prates, taut Cemutuiy, interments nuns. Bayou Cemetery, Oct, 15.—Interments 6, from the lio.-pitn| 4, f-’Ver. Report of the Charity Hospital. Oct. 14—up to 10 o’clock, P. M. Admitted ]£ Yellow Fever g Deaths g The Pitvailing Droasht.—Yxnm all part* of tho State wo ht-ar iliu most di-ircs-ing com plaint* concerning tho prevailing drvne-s of the season. Wells and spring*, which’ have been heretofore considered pereniul. hnvn dried up, and the peopl-t nf extensive neighhuihoud*, m wine of tliu comities, after carrying their corn to bo ground nt mills very fur distant, owing to the immense number of puraons collected at these places for a similar purpose, have been snuu polled to wait several duys, before their grain could be converted into meal.—Aorth Carolina Star, OFFICIAL. Department or State. / Wnshiiigiuu, Oct. ||, 1839. j The following information h>i* been column- nicuted m this Department by the acting Consul of the United Suite* nt Tinli* hfoud. Extract from mi net of the B ihuitia Leginla- tnro, passed 21-t of June. 1839—m force for five years—3 Victoria, oh. sec. I. RATE* OF riLOTAOE. For every vo**hI anchored opposite the towns of Grand ur Suit Keys: From 50 to iniMuii* $] r»0 1”0 in 150 tons 2 00 150 to 201) tons 3 f,() 2u0 to 300 toil*, and upwards 4 00 For every vessel anchored at thu Riding Puico: From 50 to 100 tuns *2 00 100 to 150 tons 2 50 150 to 200 tpiis 3 ()(f 200 to 300 ions, and upward* 6 00 For every vessel conducted through the Reef into the IJnwU’s Nust: From 50 to 100 tons 100 to 150 tons 150 to 2)10 tons 200 tn 301) tun* 300 tuns and upwards 92 50 5 00 7 00 9 00 13 00 The eighth clause give* to the pilot acting ns Harbor Muster, in the removal of vessel*, ‘n fee equal to a mnity of tho fee for the pilotage of any ship or other vessel.’ Correspondence nf the Arkansas Star. Tho following extract from a letter from nn esteemed correspondent, dated Louisville, Sept. 9th, will bo perused with interest by all ourrou- der*. The country west of tho mountains nnd south of this ta the month of the Ohio, or near it has Aiifiurcd to an extent heretofore unknown from drought. Tho corn crop may ho com •idered as destroyed. I do not bslieYeona fourth The promptness with which Mr Jnudnn met thn exigency. And -upi-hifd the went lor 8,001) 0UO franc* show* the resources of inch o ntnn. and tho strength nftlie Bunk of the United Stutes United Stales Gazelle, )A \arrou> Escape.—Tho -following anecdote nmy be relied on 11s authentic:—A larmer who attended our races last week drank so often 'pottle deep’ that he beenma intoxicated, and verified the adage-in vinoverilas: fur *0 strong were his compunctions for having neglected 'he duties of his business, by attending the races in stead of being at the head of his harvesters, und the cloud* on Thursday ovening threatening nn unfavorable chutigo of the woather. that he de termined to escape from nil future upbraiding* of coiHcieuc* by committing suicide! Accor- Clerical shretodness.—An English pnpor tolls n good story of a clergyman, who, having toceiv. ed a public document, who wa* ordered to ho rend in ull tho churches, nnd which wns parti- cularly obnoxious to the people; very shrewdly said to hi* congregation that though he had pos itive orders tn rend thn declaration, they had tiono lo hear it—they might therefore leavo the church. They took the hint, and tho clergyman read the document to empty pews. ship NiswiT 1-out or MAvTi^rnr- AttlUVrEU SINCEOUrTTS^ Cunimln s , Thaverll 1 !.'.. (sailed 15th __ Diy Good* mu 3 Solomons, n Gumming, Thaver it. MUilfetSS IlUtohin,uo‘& H Linwr.Tlenviz 1 row &. Wolib, O W Andsrebit * Vi ,D . W4 WiilInco. H L IVada. U li 3tile.*\v J W Smith, and to oidar. Skin IlmaUtb. for dn on ,i,„El Brig OgleilioriiB, Sam,or., NutfolU j j Cnrn, Outs and Flour to 8 PhllbrickVo!^ Sollr L-mily Ktngl.t, Dri,ik;v m „, n,^“' KM IMiinlay. ueim, BAjIqi,.^ Warm Walking.—On the last 4th of July, the following toast was given at a western celobrn- ion. *TJ/io wretch who would rafusa tn defend the liberties of his country—Shod with lighting mjty he be condemnad to wander over tdeaerlofgun powder.’ Bill what mnkesyoti afraid to flight—hnv’nt you got the hump nfcdmAmirencss pretty large?’ Oh yes. I had one made the other day, dirsctly over tha eve ’ THE MARINER’S CHILD TO HIS MO. THER*. BY Mias T.ANDOtf. ITOh.weop no more, sweet mother, Oh. weep no more to-night; And only watch th* sea. mother, Beneath the morning light. Then the bright blue sky is joyful, And th* bright blue sky i* clear, And I can see. sweet mother, To kisa away thy tear. But now the wind goes wailing O’er i he dark and trackless deep; And I know yuiir grief sweet mother. Though I only hear you weep. My father's ship will come mother, In safety o’er the main; When the grapes are dyad with purple, Ha will be buck again. The vines were but in blossom When he bade me watch them grow, And now the large leaves, mother, Conceal their crimson glow. He’ll bring n* shells nnd sea weed, And birds nf shining wing; But what are these, dear mother? It is himself he’ll bring, Our beautiful Madonna Will mark how you have wept. The prayers nfearly morning, The vigils yon havo kept. Sho will guide his stately vessel. Though the sea be da>k nnd drear, Another weok ofsiiit'hine— M> father wiII he here. I’ll watch with thee, swoot mother, But the •tarn fade from my light; Come, come and sleep, dear mother, Oh, weep no more touiight COniillEUCIAL .lOFKIVAl,, LATEST DATES ruo.M LivKitruoL, ::::::::: r Rom havrk, :::::::::: • ROM MOBILE, t I l I I | X } } : FROM NF.W-OHLEANS, J t J J J t SKFT SEPT SEPT OCT diugly he went into tho shop of a druggist .. (Ins city, and asked for a packet nf nrsenic to Ue ■liny rats; the proprietor, struck by the incolier- eticy of his speech, nud the strangeness of hi* maimer, told him that the law furbnde his ni ll- ing it, unless tho purchuser was accompanied by a witness; the applicant then went out and immediately returned with another person, iu whom it seemed he was a stranger, but who for a ‘treat,’ had consented to accompany him to tho shop, though ho was ignorant ol the renl ob, jt*cl of the farmer. Tho druggist still suspect ing that ‘all was not right,’ made up a pucket.not of arsenic, but of cieain of tartar; his ciistumei then departed. The farmer went homo, retired |o bed, and secretly took liis supposed pni-un; immediately after which, feeling un ‘awful’ in. terual rumbling, he called his wife and family lo his beside, confessed that the reproaches of hi* conscience had diiven him to desperation, that he had bought arsenic, hod taken it. that he felt ins death wu* at hand, und therefore hs conjured all tho idle to take warning by his fate; anil lur sake, before it wos too lato, the paths of indot lence nud di«*ipation. The consternation thi* confession occasioned may be imagined, though il cannot be described—the poor wife in liyuter- ic*»; tho foaming horse flying to tho medical at tendaiit of the family; promptly did he arrivo hi* pocket armed with a Mtomach pump! Guluu •oori discovered Unit the desperate man had on ly taken cream of tartnr, und in communicating theliici tuull around him diffused a joy and cun gralulation in which the deluded man most heartily joined. Ou Tiiesd y last his wife came to tho city purposely tn thunk tho druggist f 0f hi* foresight and philanthropy, nnd at the same lime assured him that tho narrow escape ofher husband hud already wiought a reformation ii hi* conduct, and that sho believed he would nev er again neglect hi* harvest, a rcMnltiliou *He knew he might keep without denying himself the enjoyment of rational recreation. Hertford Times, The Biter Bitten,—A. piscatorial lawyer, i short lime ago. in tho course of n pi odatoryex nirsiou against tho finny tribe, wa* throwing hi* line in the river Wullaudat a village three or four mile* the west of Stanford, when lie hooked nvery flue pike; it required Homo litijy exercise of skill lo get him to land, nnd hi* exer tion* were eagerly regarded by n gaping native; ho wn* at length siiece**hil, und tho gasping fi-h was laid upon the bank. Hodge expresKud hi* wonderment at tho open jaw* und sharp teeth of Mr Pike, nud wu* udvi-ed by iIm lawyer (who wa* thinking perhap* of tho many client* lie hiin*elfh<id bitten) to put his fingor in the fi*h’fl mouth by way of an experiment.— •Nun, noa,’ raid Hodge, ‘but ho may just ink’ n grip o’ my dog’* tail, if lie Inike.’ Suiting the action to tho word, ho inserted the tip of the dog’* tail between tho jaw* af the pika, which were instantly closed. Away went the dog, and away wont tho fi*h dangling at hi* mil, to the high gratification of his countrymen uud to the disui iy of the cunning lawyer Tho latter ruined a •hout lo stop thief, and mil rented Hodge to cull back hi* dog; but calling wn* of no use they were soon out of sight, and the finli irre trievably lost to the quit driver, was *0011 donosi iled beimaih tho humble roof of tho vill iger.wfio left the lawyer omleuvorlng to cuich another fi*h but not very well ploaiad at being outwitted by SAVANNAH IMPORTS, Oat. 21 I’or ship John Cumming, from Liverpool- 1474 bars R R Iron, 479 tons Salt. 102 crates and 9 hhds Earthenware, 856 Spiders, Ovons. and Pots, 55 package* Mdza.24 tons Cast Iron, 6 tons Slate, 7 tons Ffng Stone. 1 bale Moss. Fhinizy. „ . . ^ CONSIGNEES I or brig Wilson Filllsr, fin Now Yoilr / pnrted in our last.)—WaAburn I J-u"i C Ward. IIT Webb. VV.adi-* M.S,, 4 *?' *.!! 5!S[*'.?WsB»._ p Wi Iberger.'vv!^ 'V T William., A wSflAce U luloy. A Parson., RM Plilniav IV-n S ’iPl' 1 ?' 1?%- * fJzViiu si': HoreoU, E Hondoreon. N A Hard.e, ion * tlolcumbo. G R (Icndnck.oi,, R u "*’ •bam dc Son, E Blia. * Cn, E Brown Kin llyrtre, D O’Byrn., Q W Amler.nn & fooi “ Gbldaniilli, Fletcher IV l.ri, 1 lord. Fuller, iMooro * Co, M J 14 Dihblo, M Dillon &. Co, J A CliS' V Clark. Cam|ifiebl * Noyla, Q o (jarn» f Cuban * Fuadiok, ft M Ch.rlleC8 8,1.,": „ , WENT TO 8EA. Br brig Finn, Richaidaon, Loudon. „ departed. 3, ° Q «h a P r a .”s”, l „ UaaUC °' 1 m ' k, ‘ Sleomboat Florida, Nock, Black Cre.lt, , MEMORANDA. Ship Airrericu, bug, Savniiiinh, L Baldwin and aclu Preud.nl, up at New York f« t£ pm t. Brig Ruinuliia,np ai Providence for Uti,p 0 ,t, CHARLESTON. Oct. 21.—Arlinibri,g h on, Cuuv, Beliimore, 3 d. fm Hie Caeer cf brig Cordelia. Sheiwood, N Yoik 4d, P v,*' Merchant, Redcera, du 6 daya; .team’iff Soiiiliemor, Uudd.Sl Augu.iine23 hrareml NEW-YOIIK. Del. 17-Ar aliin - ■ Chadwick, An London 2l.t Sep" P i V “ d T.',„ b T| , !if' 184d <I’m0. I ho llobe ha. had outiniiiial head dessn. wind, and galn.-l,,.. .nil,, , m.n«WfS, yard. *e. Six ofher men iveio left el the Uinirantine Ground, ilck with ihcciurr. Jam' ® * ES "" ,r ' 30 d ‘ fl " Cld.ehipa Pauline.(Bremen) Meyer,Bremen: Star. Mallell, N Oilcan.; John llats, Cl.w.fi do; Niagara, Stmili. Charlcton. Sill "hips United Suite*. Fi.iior, for Lira, pool; ttienzi, lur .Mobile, and olliera. UiK’ru.v, riot, is—Ar .hip Jacob Piriiini. Jaiivin, Cioiiaiadi. Airg. H Onflih nlhkiS Inn II, inn gale, carried nwav forainn.t w.i,. i i i .fl"' 0 ' c “ r 'i' ! d nway foreman by the' bonid, nud Inal every tiling ntiachod toil. ’ Brig Sarah Abigail. Unllett, Malaga 12ih ull; 16—Ar ship Cherokee, N Ur lean*. SOiJCE, C ONSIGNEES par brig Wiiaon Feller, will plenae attend lo receiving llioirgoodi luiming at Moore'a wharf. ot ij} BOSTON, Oct. 12.—C’ortoa—The Iran.nc tionn for tho woek show bin little variation ii price, from our Inal ropBrj. One or two liar- cola havo been taken at 0 .mall infliction. The .lack i. small but fully ample Iu meet die pie. sent demand; ubuut 7 or 800 bnlce have auld Ibis week, New Orleans comninii lo prime, al 12 a 15c—.erne oidinmy parcels have aeld less FUh—The nrrivnl. of Coilfiali Iasi week wore l-rge, thi. woek they have keen .mallar, bur prices continue tn declino. Solo of 3 n 40UQ mis Grand Bank Cml 2 87 a 3 25. 4 a 5 fares Bay Choicer 2 75, Labrador, rather ordinary, 8 b7 a 2 75, link" I 50, and Haddock 1 25 a J 33 ner qtl. .Mackerel Imve been excessively dull throughout the week. Sales City inspec tion 7 25,1(1 50nnd $13, and outporl 712, 10 50 and 12 50, per bbl cn.lr. Hour—A very uclit o demand and limited at- MV.I*have named priers lo be fully .upperted. Sale, of 1006 bbl. Pnilndelpbia mi lauding at a 12, GO days, inlorest added; 300 Richmond 0 2o4 mo., 160 do do 0 25 cash, 200 do Freder ick.burg 0 25 4 ines, and Genc.ee 0 25 cn.li.— The ebuvu solos were mode previous lo tliu nr tivnl nf tho sloamnr Livorpmil Since,thn mar. kot Ini. advanced aboul 50c per bbl, with sulos nf 600 bbls Gano.ee common brand, at 6 62 u 6 7o, curtli. In Southern there liuve been no iriiiiraction* for want ofaupplio*. Unfnvorablo wiiiiJh have prevented arrival* for ievoral days umi thu whole mock will not exceed 1000 bhl*' which in very iiimaunl at this seimon. The mar’ km cliisn? very uurattled for all kind*, and quo. latum* for Smithctn art. omitted. Oil— Lin*eod nud Olive are dull, with munil saleaut quotations—1000 bbl* Crude VVlaiiJc* *uld at the close of last week 324 u 33c per gal / revisions—Beufhu* further doclinod, with small sale* al our reduced quotations. Fork ie- maitsa the same as Inst week, domand limited and stock ubiinduut. Sn es ut unction. 20 bhls Park 26a $22,47 VVcsteui ale. ii-f® 10 |S ‘ 3 " ■ i » chine. 91 24*1 bhl* Prune .$10 12 per bbl. 4 mo*. /^-L’he.lecMU nearly cxhansteJ, aboul I»0 liurces suld llu. week 4j a 4Ja por lb Sales at uiicnun 40 tc. 4 02 a $4 75 por IDO lb 7err. There is liulo of inlorest duing-smnll sale, good Young Hyson 70 a 73c, common 45 i« m, 0 /Vno" ilU '!?''■• G ""' 1 nflffiivy Suuciiung IS iloirl III 32n par ll, with sunll Bales. * (EFTlio friends und acipiaininiices of Mr. und Mrs. William llee and family, are invllud lo allond the funeral of ilurir sun Gr-onoa, at their residencu in Congress street, ThisAflor noun nt 4 o'clock. PASSENGERS Por ship John Cuiniuuig, from Lirorponl- Itov P L Wndo nnd lady, C Green, indy, child nod 2servant^ M Dillon, Indy, 3 children nnd inrvnnt, Mrs Coins, 2 511,a Kers, Alisa fllcTior, ■Messrs Go.loiiliofer, Muir, Trevors, A Wnhb' T Webb, Mn.inr Tierney. Per brig Wilson Fullor, from New York Mr* Ingorsoll, 2 children and servant,Mr Dei POK flEVV-YORK-Bri, — 1 lie regular packet brig EXCFJ, Cnpbiiu Sherwood, hnving been dotniued by inclement weniliir.niil •nil on Thursduy nett. For freight or nauage, having splondid .ceotn- modaliona, apply on hoard al Hunter's wharf, or to oct22 WASHBURN. LEWIS * CO. FOH NE vI’.yOKIl—fterjii Liu. -ti, i The packet brig WILSON FULi LEU, Copt. Thatcher, will meet with di.'flputch n* above. For fr«i|bt or pn**age, having good acc*miuo' dtttimia,apply to Capt.T. on board ut Mo nr*’* whurf, or to * «c>22 L. BALDWIN. FOU UIIARLti.STOfll, VIA BEAUFORT, (S. C.) The «t*Ntn packet COLJE\Y SBHEBRL. ETT. I'euraoii, mn*i»-r, will leave lor the above plnces TO.MORROIV, 23d inst. at 9 o’clock. For freight or pamje. hnving good occomntodntioii*, apply to Capt. B. on board, or to E. oct 22 HENDERSON, Agiot. FOR DARIEN, BRUNSWICK* St.Mory*, Juck*onville nnd Black Creek. Tho steamer IVAN' HOE, Cnpt. Bailey, will Ionvo for tho above pin con on THU RS DAY tha 24th instant, nt 3 o'clock P. M. For freigbtor pauuge, apply on board, or to NOBLE A. HARDEE- N. B.— All freight payable hy slii|iperi— Slave pnKseugers must be cleared at the Con tom House. oct23 WANTED ON 1st NOVEJHBEKi A House ouutniiiilfg four arDW room*, with n good yard atiocnw. Thu rout will be paid 4 oct 22 this office. , as required. ApplJ 1 * <wf\ SO DOLUdS IIEWABB., ., Rimnwny uu the last from ifro subscriber, ni»n gro man SAWNV. Ha'- 23 year, eld, 5 feol 8 or 9 nth - high, very black and llWjbJJ rather n Imllnw seiiulchrs - and n deep sicr.trico on hissido. lie wa»l>* jJ. of Mr. Hugh Rnso about 3years , in beliovo was brought up on his place abo mile* above this city. ... .. ..h-- Tlio ubove reward.will bo paid for 111-™ cry iu any safe Jail ill this State, nr '* yjpg scribur. NOBLE A. IIARDBt.. <"d 22 205 TO HIKE BY THE '*'«* III ICE if* 'usssi - T WO prime young Negro payable .,,oulkly.Mlu.|mre of d'ow 205Hm FOUND i pair of B y a sorvniit, ono day lari wsok, Speciaoles. Tlio uwnsr by proving properly and paying fof on application to t , |0MaS PAINE, Broughton st near West Bread 2ll5o- — oct 82’ NE pipe vo’y^oldBrendy, just rccon« 4 oo,22 rtr “ ,Ml L(jNGIkPA'n'F.rtBON. 4 —