Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 25, 1839, Image 1

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a* s>f ibfe.>r FOR KENT. That largo and conifer tablo IIhiim, illutMd In Washington tVsrd, fronting Vho Bqutre. If it i |i mil ranted bdore the Aral of fc«ovan,b. S ,h.ownorwm.co,, P y 1081 for BENT, Tim Stoio lately occupied by Moon- McDontioll on iho South iide Monunwnl Square, a Ural raia .undr.rDryGrmd^Aj^h, BOWAMO-* ILEOBMULCENT^’ *1 PMaa'of Obitinala Catarrh j In coughe ft r!!:, from rocont or nogloolod jgfg3Sl?«S a. an auxiliary, and “lief present relief from Ho threatening ** f»rn. of approaciliug Pulmonary Con- mp ,fon no meoloilin lungroutor claim. upon XaManca »f Ha invalid Ilian Ho above tftft the alllictive and troublaaome aymp- miofcoilgbiug, expectoration or phlogm, pain '"' h ”,,,. which oonatllule proininonl the complaint, Hat the Polmonaria udadgMd, andhaainantfoaladtU moat vain* mr-ful Of oourae in Ho relief of " rhs and Cold*, arlaing from audden changea fneather, fiom woaring damp lineu, Ac. for i«le by may PETERS' PILLS. LIFE A. BARTOW. (!HICKMAWUATCHGG LANDS. E I1E aobtcriber ofler* for aale a tract or Landaituate in,Iho 3d Dlatnct, Baker ,,, embracing 1500 acre*, which contort. ITavorr variety of Iho moat aupertor eotl. Tho 1,01 it furnlihad with alight imprnvomonla, and n be enlarged I" i>* geographical dtmenaioni anv defiraolc extent. A* an additional con. iraiioa to a parchaaef, reasonable lerma and relucted credit are oflbred. For more mia. ilhnecua Information, applicanla can addroaa t wb *,ib.r..A.hen.. F ^ baldwin jaly21_ 159H4mo VlIll'E WASH BRUSHES, dice. | f) DOZ While Wa<h Uruahta A. lleada, I /St onorted aizea 01 do fine Shoe do 60 do Tliontpaon'e Paato Blacking oat received and for aale by W<3 G. R HENDRICKSON. TOBACCO AND SNUFF. „ a^gk (illllCE Mre. Millor’w fine cut To' 9 V bacco. G bble Lorillard'e Scon'll and MCoboy Saoir, 4 lb botllaei 30 jara courao unea and Haccoboy do. Juet received and riHe by (1 11. HENDRICKSON, t \i tw HATCHES. BA GROCE Clark’e Patont Friction Malchca. enporior to all other kinda. uil received and for aale by oetl7 O R HENDRICKSON. DRESSING CASES. DOE Lndios and Uentleineu’a anperlor Englieh iapaned Dreaaing Caaoa, dual iceired aad for ealo by oet 15 G. It. HENDRICKSON B t FRENCH JUJUBE PASTE CASE French Jujube Paale,received and for ealo by eel do A. PAR3QN9. DENTIST’S ’TIN FOIL. r A PACKETS Tut Foil, for plugging . OF teeth. Received and for ealo by atitlS A. PARSONS. ROWAND’S TONIC MIXTURE Ac. TB ESEIVF.D per .hip Gniton, a.fnll,upplv H. of Rowand'e Tonic Mixluro for fovor end UII0. Sulphnlo CAninina. Pipeline, Iodino,pure Uotphuio Sulphate end Acetate Morphine, Maikinpod*. Oil Black Popper. Croton Oil, Uydriodata Potaee. Soda ami Seidlilz Powder* London Moatard, Ao. For ealo by octl5 POUCH Ell St LA ROCIIE. SHAKER’S HERBS. ANDINU from ship Gaalon, a full aitpply. i ofShaker'a Horba, contpriaing Catnip, glove, llorohonnd, Sago, Pennyroyal,Tho- oeghworl, Liverwort, Boncaot, Thymo, Mint, Vormwood, Worimeod, Elder Flowara, Slip- ety Elm, .Ve. in IG ox. 8 oz. and 1 oz. packa* w, suitable forfimilioeond country merchant*, or aala by PORCI1ER A LA ROCHE, Sigqoftlto Golden Globe, Oct 15 t Oppoaito the Market. "THE TRUE ItlCHES OF HEALTH," W F. know that health and the ability to la bor con.tiiutoi Ho woallhaflho great maea of the people in till*, coin moat other coun. trio*. To pro.crve there fore, that health by na tural monna la n grand tnornl and political aohoina, to fulfil which, requite* our uttnnil at- million. Tho unprecedonlnd popularity mid univoraol opprobaiion which this Modicino ho* aohiovod ihrniighuiit iho Uuilod Slnloa, Iho Canndoa, Tezoa. Mexico and tho Weatlndiea, fullyjuatify Dr. Patera in warmly ondconacion. liou.Ty reconiinemling thorn to tho apeciol otloni lion of the ofllictod. Dr. Peter* lie* apont much lima in expert mauling with different Vegetable Medicine,, for diaeawe of the liver, end now alfeia hia Veg' olahle Pill*, a* tho beat, utoai convenionl, and choopoat Modicino liiat can bo prepared for general uic. Una greet quality ofliia vegetable Pill* ialbat Hey have iho nliornativtrpvlnciplo comhinod with their cathartic, or oporativeqitalitice, or that they not only oleoma tho etomach and bowel* ■ t purging, but they regulate the liver, change 10 inurbid eocreliou,' etrongihon die digoalive organa, purify tho blond, invigorate tho ctrctilni lion, and gives lone and energy to He notvoua ayatom. They are inild and plonaent in their operation and convoy alinoai innnediulo conviction of their utility from tlioir Rial do,o. They con bo taken with aofety by poraona ofony ago s and the feei bio, the intlim, tin nervous and the delicate are etrengiheiied by Heir oporation, because they clear tho eyetein of had httmotira, quiet nervoua irritability, aad invariably produce aound health. The Vegetable Pillt ere a aura remedy for jaundice, lick and nervnin lieadacho, dyepopey, onilivoncas, eicKiiMe of Iho atmancli, fiourlbiint, oil billions complaints, fever* ofall kinda, nnd if taken at tho commencement will invariable check tlioir nrtigrese, and aova die padent from n protruded and dengoroue sickness. Tiioy ore invaluable in nervous Olid hypocnndrical aflec- lions, loss of nppetite, and oil eon,pinion to which females olono ore subject. They opor- ato as a mild spoedy purge, ami are u safe and certain rctnody for worms in children. Extract of a loner from Dr. Gurney of N.Or- lean*, La. Oct. 9,1637.—"I have received much Oisislanca in iny practice ic.peoiclly in jaundice olid yellow fever; from IhoiiseofPolera 1 Pills. I resume that, on on average, 1 prescribe 100 oaea in a month ” F.sttact ora loiter from Dr. Prluhnrd, of Ilud. *011, N. Y., Juno 3, 18:t«! 'I was aware that Dr. Peter* woe one of the best cheniiale in tho Uni ted Slates, and felt auured that lie would some day (from Ida intimate knowledgo of the proper, ties of herbs nnd drugs) produce nil ellinlont modicino,and I imistacknowledge that his Vogc, table Pills fully respond to my expccloiion, They are jndcod a superior tncdicino, nnd to 1 Rod alike upon the chemist, the physician, and lliu philosopher. Extract of a letter from Dr- Wainos. of Cim cinneti, Feb. 3,1838; 'Your Pills are the mild' eetin tlioir operations, nnd vet mast powerful in their effect*, of any that I have over mot with in n practice of eight ami twenty yeois. Their action on tho chyle, and hence on Iheimpitritici ol tho blood, ia evidently very aiirpriimg.' Cn.vat.oTTK, N, C. Jan. 1,1837. Doar Sir—I Imvo made frequent me ofyour piili ill llie incipient eiago of billiom fever, and obstinate camlipeiioH of die bmveis, also, in the onla.geiueii! of the apieon, chronic diaensea of Ho livor, aick headache, general debility, nnd in all caeei have found them to be very cR'ec live. J. it. Ilntn. M. L>. MKCKi.KSBuno. Co., Va. Feb. 7.1837. Having mad Dr. Petera' for the lest 13 months, T „„ LOOK at tiiisi HE loR bond hnlvoa of Ho Hill* named below, were mailed to the addreae of the ■ubscriber on He Gth February lael, at Greeni villa Court Home, South Carolina, by William Choice, which have not coin* to hand, and the probability ia they must be lost. The eeveial Banka are hereby notifled. of my intention to make application allot due notice, for now notoa on tho return of the right hand lialvoi, which ato now in my posaeeainn Rsi k ', ,r No. 338, dated 3d 8apl. loaJG, Lottor A, •*° <*»•••* ®r Aiignatn, do 197, do 19th Oct. 182a Loiter 0. •30 Bank of Auguste, do 890, do 2d Jan’y. 18*27, tailor A. 80 fe'a No. 853, dated 3d Fob’y. 1833, Lottor II h. 20 i?Si.uZii ,, i, N9,35M * tt,d 80 *1830, Lci'tmH’ii^ 0 ' K3 ' ^ 9,h Doc - 20 Cuiumhua, No. 1448, dated 1st Oct. low, Letter II. 80 No ' 120 °. dated 1st Ocl 1829, tatter II. 20 ?S5!n No- 202, datod 7H May, 1830,1-etter II. h. 20 ? oll,,nb "*. No. 12, dated l»t Jan’y. 1830, Loiter torn. 20 **• 't 0 '*' 1 . No. 776, datod 3d Juno, 183G, Lottor A. 30 Bank Siato of Georgia, No. 097, datod 1st Sept. 18 dim. Lottor A. 20 Bank Dmlun.No. 1078,dated IttDoo. 1832, Latter U b. 30 Mechanics’ Bank Aagtula, No. 10, dated 6lh Doc. 1834, Letter A. GO Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 03, datod 7lli April. 1835, Lever B. 100 Mechanics'Itnnk Augusta, No. 53, datod 1st May, 1835, Lottor B. 100 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 71, datod Ut Nov. 1831, Letter A. 20 Bank Milledgeville, No. 4351, dated 2d Sept. 1830, Lettor A. 100 Bonk Millodgeville, No. 430, datod 3d Jon. 1837, Lottor A. 100 Planter* A Mechanics’ Bank Columbus,No 69, datod 9th Mny, 1838, Lottor A. 60 Plan. A blech.- Bank Columbus, No. 330, dated 2d Nov. 1337, Lottor A. 60 Ins. Bank 3avaiiiinh.No. 18,dated 8lh Dec. 1839, Lettor K. WILLIAM SMITH. Trnupvillc, Gn. lulls Ocl. 1839. CTT'lie Georgian, Aiigmta Chronicle nnd Sentinel, Southern Recorder and Cohtmbns Herald and Sentinel, will ptoaeo publish the I ove weekly for 2 month*, A forward their ac- oouiiis to me at Troupvillo, Ga for payment, oet 24 307l2.il VV. 8. p ll shell be DI the option of the winners orPiize* of Bank Slocks, either lo lake the stock "“H °i Ho par valuo thereof in cosh. Tho receipts of He eole or tho Ticket* ore, and a ill ho. deposited in iho Cilizona’, Com solidolcd, Cennl. Union, and Cnrrullton Banks in He m oio ofiho Managua jointly with J. fl! Bcrraoll, Esq., ecitially cashier of lire Cilizona' UNEXAMFLER^IAMMOTU rjT I1E following deiailoof a Sciikhe or a X Luttxuv. to be dlavln iu December next, warrants us in declaring it to be UNPAKAL, LELED in Iho history of Lotteries. Prizes tu the amount have xzvzr zetoke bees ottered lo lisa publio. It is true, there ere many blanks,, rerrauu. tsq„ actually cash but on the other bond, Ho extrcmoly low cliergo Bank, and A. Boodoplll, E.q actually cashier of per l icltet—Ilia Value aho Numbeii Ho Comolideled Bank, ae Trutle"* as her uf tlie Capitals, and tho revival oftho good old Act passed before A. Mazureon Fso Notniv custom orwarroming that every prize shall bo Pubhc. on the 3d May. 1838. and tho propertie. To tboso disposed to adventure, wo recom. I0^^."» m"h^ pm _ in ( ” 0 < lm «|m‘'^nd «)U mend early apphcaiion being made to ue for prizes, wilh the bbinke n anolhor tS evare tickets whun lho prize, a.e all .old, blank, number a p,li, 0 . blank will ho drawn „mWl only romim-lhu hr.t buyer, have the best the prives are determined, leaving iL balaii? V ! l ‘ e,efo, °’ emphatically .ay- of ill Ilia wheel blank.. * DLLA\ NOT! but•!once re milandlnm«*iiiii "* ** ocl 14 in new uneans. - i f«np riclieRt nnd mo-t magnificent Scbomo T ‘nl; .„u^ I b r n !!l i ii' ,ll m r ® C ? lvedRnd om,ri reseiiledtothepubiicflnHU o, «„y * f ills ill my practice lake pleosiiro in giving my loiiimony of their good cfTect* in cnioa of dyspepsia, sick headneno. billions fe. vers, and oilier diseases, produced by in aclivii ty of the liver. They are a safu and mild ap» eriont. being lliebest article of (he kind 1 have overused. Ukorok C. Scott, 2M. D. This celebrated Mcdicinoia for sale by all the piincipal Druggists in Savannah and through* out the United States, the Canadas, Texas, aMoxico and tho West Indies. Price 00 cotits per box with full directions, nng 5 104—1y T tiM% SOAl’S. &c. WO cases old English Windsor Soape, suitable (or family use 10 boxes Castile do, 1 case toilet do, aes'd ' 20 baskots Olivo Oil, enporior 600 lbs Pipo Clay. 3 ca«cs roll Brimstone 60 lbs Culomol, Eug.; 50 oz Quinine 12 groce Clark’s Friction Matches 500 lbs Chloride Lime, 2 casks Flaxsoed luM received and for sale by **13 THOMAS RVERSON. FOIITIIB TOILGT. B PERFUMERY AND COSMETICS. l^KENTISS extract of Rose, Musk, Jessa. L ipino and Bergamot o finei atulauperfmo toilet Powdec.roso scent’d Rowland’s Macassar Oil • Oldridga’s Unlm of Colmnbiu romade a la Rose Savin Jasmine, orange and CHATHAM ACADEMY. T HE Winter Session of this Academy will communco on MONDAY, tho 4th day of November next, under the following Instruc tors: Classical Drpartment—J. E. Earned, A. B. bemor Boys' do.—A, R. Palmer, A. B. Junior Boys' do.—D. S. Dickenson, A. B. Senior Girls' do.—E. E. Pytichau, A. M. Junior Girls' do —F. B. Folger, A. M. Junior Gills'do. 2nd Division.—ll. H. Mill lor. JuttnUc Department.—Miss C. H. Brsdley. French, Italian, Spanish, German, Sfc.—J. Bloom. It is dcsirahlo that those scholars which intend to join tho school, xhould he presontat the com* mewcemcnt of tho tcrni.ul whidi time the ciasu es will be arranged for the winter. Tho Teachor* Imvo boon selected with much rare, and they will he permanent. Their chan actet. talents and experience qualify them for their several stations. Few Institutions are so woll supplied ns this h, wilh all thnt gives fa cility and effect to study: nnd it is offered to the friends of corroct education for their patronage. EDW. E. PYNCHON, Principal. octll 1901 BRANDY AND GIN. O A PIPES Otnrd, Dupuy & Co. Brandy 10 halfpipes do do 4 pipes Anchor Gin 0 do Imperial Englo Gin 4 half pipes Seiguette Brandy '.. 10 qr casks Port Wine—in storo and for •ale by J. U. GAUDRY. oct 17 to us your orders, which shall always receiva our immediate attention. Letters to bo addrossod, and applications made to ~~ 8YLVE8TER &. CO„ 150 Broadway, New York. ID* Observe tho Number, 150. $700)00011! $500 t 0001! $95,000! 0 prizes ol $20,000! ! 2 prizes of $15,000 3 prizes of $10,000 LOTTERY Of Real Estate end Bank Stock, situated New Orleans. OT The over presented other country. TICKETS ONLY $20. Authorized by nn Act of the Legislative Assem bly ol Florida, and undoi the Directions of tho Commissioners, acting tinder the same. TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, Decomber 1st, 1839. SCHMIDT & HAMILTON, Managers. SYLVESTER & CO , 15G Broadway, Now York, Sole Ageuts. NO COMDIKATION NUMBERS ft! 100,000 tickets from No I upwards,in succession Extract froqi the Laws of the Legislative Council of theTerritoty of Florida. Chap.701.—No. 2 , 2.-'Wlierons tho Court House of Duval county, is in an unfittisli* e 1 state, and there are yet due olid nwing up on tho same, mniiios, which it is behoved wil impose too burdensome a tax upon tho people of Duval; und .wlieroas, it is desirable to pay those said turns end complete «aidbmldt ttig.as well for the greater conveniqiice oftho ad muiistration of justice,ns fur the double purpose of nil Academy, for which purpose in pnrt, the said building, when completed, is designed Therefore— Sec. 1 ] Bo it enactodby the Governor and Legislative Council of tho Territory of Florida. That it shall ahdmay he lawful for Joseph B. Lancaster, Isaiuli D. Hart and Wil. liam J, Mills, or any two of thorn under the direction of tho county court of Duval county, to raiso such sum or sums of money by Lottery, in such Schemes as they may deom appropriate and advisable: Provided, that the said persous shall hind themselves in such manner as the court shall direct,well and truly to conduct such lottery iu good faith,to appropriate tho proceeds to tho object above stated.—Parsed, Feb. 7lh l834.-—Approved Feb. 11th 1834. By agreement, hearing date the ‘23th of Fuhi ntnry, 1839, tho above Joseph Lancaster.Isninlt D. Hurt and William J. Mills did, for reitain considerations, in conformity to thu said Legis lative Act, duly assign unto Messrs Schmidt «Sr Hamilton all tlioir Right and In teres!, and'tho Powers vested in them bv the ubovo recited Act of the tagixlaturo of Florida. Extract from the valuation of George Phillip Mnnouvrior nnd Jacob do Cordova, bothof tho City of New Orlenns, mado and sworn to on the 19th day of April, 1839:— That the said George Phillip Manonvrier and Jncob Cordova, appraiso and coiixcioniiounly and honestly value the property known under tho name and appellation of “Banks in the Citv of New Orleans, at Six Thousand Dollars, and £T To Kditoksaxd PunLiaiiEiu.—Having received Newupnpeis containing the above Scheme, from twenty-two States and Territor* ica,beanies several ofthe British Provinces, we lie saliaOed wilh ihecircnlatinn.ami thereRiro reqiio.t Dial such papers n* have not. up lo this Unto, inserted Iho advertisement, will be ploasi ed not to do to. and that all the other paper* will insert it once a tuck only until the 1st of De* rwnr * 1 ,,B fhelr accounts. SYLVESTER & CO., 160 Broadway,N. Y. July 29 iGIt l Spiingfield Shirting 1 do 3 8 do do 10 pcs4i4 lri*h Linen, 12do 4-4 sup. do 10 do Fancy Prints, 20 do low priced do 5 doz German Cravats 10 do black Cotton Hose, 5 do blue do do 20 do white do do, 12 dosupr. do do 15 docolored do do 0 do do do half lloso 4 do whito do do do 6 do Gnuls. Berlin Gloves 4 do Ladies do do 3 do do China spun Silk Gloves 2 do do black ao do do 1 do Gontf, ' do do do 15 do Silk l(omnl* 12 pcs Pocket lldkfs 10 M drill-eyed Needles G do Victoria, in boxes 50 packs patent Pins G pcs black Bombnsins 4 do hluoihlnck Gro do Swiss Silk 2 boxes Cap Ribbon, 3 do Bonnet do 100 doz Clark’s Spool Cotton DO do Salmon do do 50 do DuWitt & Cm Spool Cotton Lnccs. Unbilled*, Edgings, Hwirs.Book, Mull and cross barred ill uslins, and Per fumery. AUo, a splendid assortment oftho latest style Bonnots, fo sale by WILLIAM II. LLOYD, rept G$oiith side Market, H AVKHX At JullNSON, AVL received by Aupiiaia, Uaeton, &e, Victoria Cloth, for ladies Cloaks Alpaccn do, for „ do do Plaid Cashmere, for children’s wesf Supcifmo Bombusili, blk and blue blk Italian Crapes dq do do Super double width Matlioni Silk Do blnck Poul Do Soio * H Do do Gro Do Swiss, dfr do Gro De Nap Do rol’d Poul De Soie, plain andfi&’d Plaid Silk*, for Dresses ♦ Kiel) Plush Maudlins, a fashionable article Do Thibet Shawl*, siato nnd blk do Smnli Clully, Mouslin De Lane, SfO. Shawl* TiiireC! ^nd Bayadere Scarf* . Monument Square, DItV GOOD*. ^ T HREAD Lace, Edging* and ‘ Jaconet .Muslin, Inserting* i Swiss do do Unhhitiel Loco do do Black nnd Lend Calicoes and Ginghams - .T Furniture Chintz, Furniture Dimity Carpot, and Bed Bindings Worsted Cords, hlk nnd Clue blk 1 Blk and blue hlk Silk Cords, Cul’d I Blk and white Twist Silk Gloves Long do do do do Missus and Ladies col’d H S Glovoi Do do hlk do. Quill, hack nu I side Shell Combs Cul’d, hlk arid blue blk Satin I Just received from New YorlT GEORG! sept 27 T' BLK. AND COL’D I Per brig Georgi 1 PIECE super blue hlk” 4 do col’d fig’d Poul de f 2 do do blue blk 4 do hlk nnd blue blk Gro do Rhine 5 do low price blnck Silks, comprising a very excellent norortmotit. SNIDER, LATIlHOP & NEVITT. oct4 190 WHITE AND KED FiJnNEL! 8 PCS sopor White Flannels ^ I 5 do Kogr r’s do do 6 do Welch do do * 5 do Gattzo do do ■;;* 8 do common quality do 10 do Red Flannel, some very fine Received by recent arrivals. ’ SNIDER, LATHROP & NEVITT. sop; 30 GEOHGE W. BEllW, III AVF. received pe, brijt Seveuneh. ('oliu nnd Trenton, Flenneis, meh. ship, Wit Cassimeres, Shawl*, Thread Laces, Broadcloths, Merinoes, Silks, Vestings,Linenej tawns. Negro Cloths. Al«». various other er« tides iiiitatde for the present aud opp NEW AND SEASONABLE D1IY GOODS. Per Brig Augusta. WO pieces black and lead French Prints 10 do »unr. Psris Chintz, new style . G do splendid Paris Mou*. do Laino 2 do nlain blnck do do 1 do hluebluck *do do 4 do new stylo col’d fig’d Silks v 24 doz printed Ildkf*. 10 pcs Apron Checks 49 do Nvlvitu cotton Fringe 59 green Furnituie Binuiug 25 do Carpet do 25 do stay do G doz Lndu'sblk and col’d II S Gloves best quality Gentlemen’s Dog Skin and Buck Gloves, whito und col’d Cotton do SNIDER, LATHROP A NEVIT. oct 12 NEW GOODS. Per ship Trenton. PCS sunor black Gro do Rhine Silks, II /m do do bliio hlk do do. 1 do do blue blu« dodo, 2 do du blk Gro de .Swissdo, warranted not to spot *• 5 do Rngrr’s Patent Flannel f 2 do hluo Broadcloth 10'do Paper Cambric 10 do Mouslin de Laincs 2 do Mourning do, It) do fancy Prints and 10.4 Tablo Diaper A Damask For *l»ln low )%y SMUUU, LATHROP & NEVITT. _2E1?? ■ rj--' CAHPETING dc BUGS. T EN pieces vupr. Ingrain Carpetiug 1 case do* Tun«d.Rugs I do do Brit Hundred Soap nhar Odours, in pole and roll, waprahali', anpr Cnimouiere shaving E"?***•••pr Cream de Sevan iliitgs ““P f Uroam, a deliglilful artioio for lowFi celebrated HQAO CUALLENOF,.—TIioRke. Mc>V1F UIXE FRENCH PILLS a- gljjnst ell iho QUACK NOSTRUMS of tho ego fur the euro »f * * * ' * Tin, French Pills are applicable in all caeca, for either •«, (weireniod freo from Mercury,) and poaaoaica greet advnniegci over Ilia Bel. •erne und all liquid mDdicincs, t,y being entirely free from imoll, and coiisogttotitly donatolfect ilia brealli, lliereby preventing tho possibility of discovery wliila using them. Bolides this important udvanlngo they never disagree will; tho aloinncli.and in Iho first sieges, df tho disease they usually elTocI a cure in a Ictv' days, with littlo regard to diet oresnosnro. fn the most obetinato etagea ortho disoato, tiioy aro equally certain, having ell red manyaflor overy other remedy lied failed. Ill .liort. tiioy have been so universally aiicceiafiil that the ptnprietor cliallongcsanv one to producea rout, ody of equal corioiniy, ttndar a foifoiluro of Three Hundred Dollurs. For solely r HEN) f| lICKSO t( t , n a T. M. & J. M. TURNER. Price $2 por box. 1G4—ly ang 5 AESTEItnr I1AV. -g /TN$K BUNDLES Eastern Hay, landed 1 v” v and for sale low from the wharf, ocl 14 GEORGE H. MAY. SPERM CANDLES. O NE HUNDRED hoxe* Sperm Candles,of various size*, ju*t received and for sale by oct 14 GEORGE II. MAY. GOSHEN lll/r rfilt. -g A KEGS, (a auperior article) just ret JL /V ceivod.for sale by oct 12 M. DILLON & CO. TWILLED KERSEYS. Per biig Augusta. 8 BALES Lowell Kerseys 2 case* do du 4 do htavy rolled du 20 pcs heavy twilled Cotton. For salo on “The proporly known tinder the appellation (.favorable term*, of “City Hotel” or “Bishop’* Hotel,” in the SNIDER, LATHROP & NEVITT. said City of of New Orleans, at Four Hundred | oct 11 196 and Twenty Thousand Dollars.” Tho deeds oftho Property and the Stock Irani' ferred in trust to the Commissioners appointed by the said act of iho Lcgi-dnturo of Florida, for the security of the Prize Iloldors. SPLENDID SCHEME!!! 1 Prize—Tho Arcade— 28G feot, 6 inches, 4 lines, on Mngnzitte street; 101 feet, 11 inches,on Natchez street; 12G feet, G inches, on Gravior st. Routed at about $37,000 por air Dollars. MANHADEN FISH. BBLS, suitable for plantation use, _ 'just received per sloop Eagle, and for sale low to close consignment by oct 17 COPE A MILLS. PORK, BEEF, Ac. L ANDING from WiUou Fuller 50 bbl* prime Pork 50 do do Beef, 20 do Crackers 100 do Pilot Bread, GO do Potatoes For sale by ocl 23 CLAGHORN A WOOD. D oimviiig ooaps rrtntujvafiegajgj floaps, suitable for tho tablet rowder Pull* and Uoxo* of tho Intest pattern* tologne, tayonder and Rose Water*, ofvari- n ? u * manufacture and assorted patterns SP rtl A K°*o»cold Groom, Lip Salvo Ditoof Roue*, •np'r Rose, Cinnamon and Al. r ,„ , ' 1 f nd 8°ap*. in bar* Cat Glasi Bottles of a largo variety SB a " d coarse Tooth Combs vfi , 00 '|' nMl1 Clothe* Brushoe vignette, Napoleon, Mudanmiousolto, Viotoria «»d glow hack llair Brushei, of excellent Pocket Books, 8cissors.Rnzori A Razor Strops Vinegar Rougo Oat nv^aB 0ran K° Flowor Water fi.i. F, 0n P^ ow ora. Shoving Brnslies alter Lemon and Roses, in Eng cut gloss hot- aij’ wPWMio Vinegar, Apd other articles In the perfumery lino, fot Rims by ** 6 °* on ncc °mroodating PORCHER &LA ROCHE, ... 1r Sign of tho Goldon Globe, oct 15 ^Opposite the Market, HARRISON’S SPECIFIC OINTMENT. „ „ F OR the euro of White Swelling4WM0.' u ' Ions nnd other Tuinora,Ulcer*.Sore tags, old nnd frosli Wound*. Sprains and Brnbee, Swelling* nnd Inflammation*, Scnld Heod.W o* men’s Sore Breasts, Rhoumntio Pains, Tutto.s, Eruptions, Chilblain*, Whitlows, Biles. Corns, and External Di*eaio* generally. It t* likewise greatly superior to any medicine beretotore discovered for the chufed backs and hums of liorsus—furring norms, chapped lips—olid in abort for evory external bodily ovillliat moy tall to llio lot of man or beast, for sale by O. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. * J. M. TURNER. Price 50 cents por box. eng 5 1(5-1—ly ’ vIO UBLS Maokcrol, recolved. fqr sale by 00112 M. DILLON & CO. I 'lWCK’S PANACEA. GASE Houck'* Papocoa, for DyspopsVt, «««• lteco|vo< »T 1 i^m TO PLANTEIISc , xk DOZ EN 2d quulity cold previad I Castor Oil, 200 boxes Glauber Salt*, from 20 to 30 lbs each. Ju*t received and for sale at a reduced oct 10 ,„J prico by G. R. HENDRICKSON. PANACEAS. A A DOZEN Swairn’*celebrated Panacea /Q V 09 do lioiink’e do do, fqr Dysponsiu, dto. 10 do Indians do do 30 do l’liolph’a do Arcanum, juat receivod “ , t'“[rr laUl G°Tl P HENDRICKSON FEINT COUN. . CkAAdk BUSHELS now crop,in fine sGW W condition,eillierelielled oron the cob, oil a plantation oppositeitbe city. For aale by PADELFOUD, FAY & CO. oct15 199 JUST UECEIVED. 1 CASE Dover Prims, 1 do light do 1 do fancy-do. 1 do super du do ( 20 pcs small fig’d Merrimack Prints 50 do low price brown do 30 do super Chintz 4 do striped Kentucky Jeans 12 do 4 4 Apron Chocks 30*fl!''fine nnd conrsd Sattinots 8 do printed Siixoiiios 10 do super fancy Mouselaine D’Laino 5 do blnck nnd whito do do 3 hales 3.4 Springfield Shirting 2 do 4*4 do do 2 do 7*8 do do 4 boxes new stylo Bonnet Ribbons 2 do do do Cap do 5 halo* Band Boxes, 50 doz P L Hood* AI*o, a Hplmidid assortment of the latest style Straw and Leghorn Bonnets. For sale by W. H. LLOYD, sept 20 South side Markot Square. 6 20,000 20,000 SHELL COMBS, Ae. J UST received by Augusta, Shell Twist and Side Comb* Iron do do do Supor Drilling % do Cloth, Tooth nnd Hair Brushes For sale by AVERY & JOHNSON, 0C l9 Monument Sq. MUSLIN DE LAINES, SILKS, SHAWLS. &o: J UST received by brig Augusta, and for sale by AVERY & JOHNSON, oct 9 South side Monument Square. AKUOVF ROOT, Ac. K CASES stip’r Arrow Root fl /Q 12 dozen Robinson's patent Barley 1 case Poarl Sago, 1 do Tapioca 1 bale Carrageen or Irish f* Valued at 700,000 1 Prize—City Hotel—162Ron Com mon Btroot, 146 feot, G inches, on Camp *t. Rented at $25,000— Valued at 1 Prize—Dwelling IIouro (adjoining tho Arcade) No. 10,24 ft. 7 inchi es front on Natchez it. Rented at $1200—Valued at Ptizo—Ditto (adjoining the Arccdo) No. 18,23 ft front on Natchez it. Rontod at $1200-—Valued at Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) No. 20,23 feet front on Natchez at. Rented at $1200—Valued at Prize—Ditto—No. 23, North cost corner of Basin A Custom.Iiouno street;40 feet fronton Basin, and 40 feot on Franklin st. by 127 ft. deep in Custom liouso st. Rented at $1500—^Valued nt l Prize—Ditto—No. 24, South west corner of Basin A- Custom house street; 32 feet, 7 inchos on Unsin 32 feet, 7 inchos on Franklin, 127 feet, 10£ inches deep in front of Custom house street. Rented at $1500—Valued nt 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 foot, 8 Inches on Royal Btroot. by 127 ft, 11 incheidcop. Rented at $1400. Vaiuod nt 1 Prize—250 shares Canal Bank Stock, $100each 1 Ditto—200 ditto Coni do. do do 1 Ditto—150 ditto Mechanics' and Traders’ do do l Ditto—100 do City Bank do do j Ditto—100 do do do do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do do do_ 1 Ditto—50 do Exchange Bank do do 1 Ditto—50 do do do do do 1 Ditto—25 do Gas Light Bunk dodo 1 Ditto—25 do do do do do do 1 Ditto—15 do Mechanics’ A Tra ders’ dodo 1 Ditto—15 do do do do do 2Q do—each 10 shares of the Louis* iana State Bank, $100 each, oach Prize $1000 10 do-onch 2 shares of $100 each, each Prize $200, oftho Gas Light Bank . 200 do—each 1 shsre of $100, of tho Bank of Louisiana ■ 200 do—each 1 share of $100, oftho Naw Orlenns Bunk 150 do—each 1 share of 9100 of tho Uniou Uunk of Florida NEW GOODS, Per Augusta, <&c. PCS Real Welch Flannels 10 do Red do 5 do Canton do 4 do stool mixed Sattinots 13 do 4,4 Scotch Ginghnms G do Crash, G da Russia Diaper 15 do extra rch Furniture Chintz,in setts. Received aud for sale by AVERY* JOHNSON, x oct 9 South side Monument Square. DO groce Carpet Binding, received by recent arrival* . SNIDER, LATHROP A NEVITT. oct 1 LONDON FORTER, TEA, ED INBURGH ALE, Ac. A jar CASKS Londottdonbto brottn Stout $9 in pints and quotU 15 casks Edinburgh Ale, in quarts PF Just received per ship Gaston And fa oct 14 C.L. M MORE FANCY DRY GOOD!. W H. A 8. ROGERS have just receiv- • ed per vessels Win. Taylor, Newark 500,000 I and G. B. Lontar, in addition to former invoi ces, the following de»irahleand scnsonablo fan cy Goods, viz:—Pondicherrys, “French Cnim hrjes, blue and blue hlk Chaflys, blue nnd hluo 20,000 I black Bombasius, hluo black Tngliona (for 1 dresses) pink, hlk nnd brown Fronch Merinos, Paper Cambrics, black Silk Cord, Ladies Crni 20,000 I vats, plaid and fancy Chnlly Slinwls,*blnck and col’d wire net Glove*, Dorhy Rib Silk 4 Hose, super col’d Chnlly*, Mouslin De Lnines, fancy 20,000 I Boltings, black nnd blue hlk Thibet Shawls, E ,lilted Clmllv Scarfs. Lavender Gro do Nap, lack nnd col’d Mnden Prints. «&c» oet 14 Sonthside Market Sqnore. GEORGE W. BERN, Shad’s Buildings, R ECEIVED per ship Gaston, Black and blue blk Gro do Soie Blue black Rep Silk Blnck Italian Lutestring Fancy Chnllay Ildkf*. Challey Aprons • Smnli Thibot’Scarfs nnd Shawls Ladies plain and ribbed hlk Silk Hose Do do do whito do Black and hluo hlk Bombesins Mouslin Do Laines, blk LoveHandkcrchiof* Blk nnd lead G 4 Thibet Shawls Blnck Cotton Velvet, VelvetRibbons Low priced Rod Flannel Indigo Blue plaid Homespuns Printed Baize, plain green do Green nnd vcllow Flannels English fancy Chintz, Furniture Chintz Darning and Knitting Cotton Black Lace Veil*, fancy Silk Hdkfs oct14 193 HAMS. OAAH LBS good Dnliimpre II ami for sale low, by SEABORN GOODALL, Market Sq. sept 27 18Ct4w Mustatd, in tin canister* Starch, 5 do Cayenne Pepper, in phials, just received and for sale by' oct 16 LONG A PATTERSON. IIOWAKD STKliKT FJLOUK.' 9*k MILS mid 30 hair da Flour, just roi ceived and for inle l*y ocl 18 LONG & PATTERSpW- iiiscurrs. M BOLS.Soda. Sugar, Mi!k,m rlU Direuiu. and Pilot Bread, ceived nnd Tor ealo by oat 18 J, B. GAUDRY. 15,500 35,000 30,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 lo.ooo 60011 6000 3500 3500 1500 1500 30,000 llece'ivedpeHuUurrivul*. und for (ale by OOO Prize*. • oct 19 ;c. It. HENDRICKSON. TICKETS ?20-NO SCARES, 3000 30,000 -30,000 I FALL, AND WINTER GOODS T HE uuderaigned ore now opening Ilnur Full nnd Winter ailpply of Dry Good* completing tt splendid nseorimettl, cottsi.ling oi Plains, Blankets nnd Korsoys, white, red green end yellow Flnnnols, plnin, greon end chin IE Floor Clotlis.Cnrpetings and Rugs,Broadcloths, Cns.itncro nnd Saliinets, English end Auteri- cun Prints,French ami English Merinos,French end English Mouslin De Luins, Toweling. Sheetings und col’d Uotnesptins, Ac. SNIDER, L.miRUP & NEVITT, net 3 189 GINGHAMS. Ac. CJUPEIl undressed Scotcli Gingltnmu Fancy end black and white,new und fash- ionnblo steles Sneer Furniture Chintz, Wol.lt Flunnele, &c $1,500,000 I Fur aale by AVERY A. JOHNSON. • gjiapt 37 South aide Monunicnt Squared 15,000 13 case* Enel India Ginger 10 4 chests choice llyson Tea 5 chest* do do 15 4 do Foncltong do 15 do Imperial do 10 do Gunpowder do 15 cases Imperial and Gunpowder do, itt caddyi 35 buses • Got don’s'host Lei “ ... GROUND SPICES, Ac. HALF hhl superior Nutmegs. 10 boxes ground Cinnamon,in jib paper. * 10 do do Pimento- do 10 do 10 do IU do 10 dp 10 do 10 du 30 do do Ginger Clovoa Pepper do do prepared Cocoa Carrarcas Chocolate ltd Butler Juat re 1 CANAL FLOUR, Ao. R ECEIVED per Philum nnd Augusta, 00 bble Canal Flour, 00 half dn du do,5 hbla new Hunts, 0 hulcs Almonds, 5 hit], smoked Beef, 30 knlf hhls No. 1 MucUercl, DO box.. Sperm Candles, Forsuleby oet 9 CLAGHORN & WOOD TOOTH WASH. C HLORINE, Oris end Kteoset Toolh Wusit, highly recommended for whilou* ing the tectli, purifying the breath und imparl- irg a healthy appearance to iho gums. Just received por Wilson Fitllor. mid; for sale hy ocl 33 G. R. HENDRICKSON. VARIEGATED SCENTED SOAP. COXES Vuriogntcd Scented Soep.itt (Jqp cakes und bars. Just received and for,n e by G. R. HENDRICKSON. ocl 33 300 FRENCH AND ENGttiSIt CHEMICALS. OUNCES French Sulplinte'Quinine 09U 10 ottneea do Mornliino 3 dozen pltials do Croton Oil 3 do. packets James Fe»er Powders,Eng. Just received slid for sale by ocl 33 ANSON PAR80N8, ARHOTIV ROOT, TAPIOCA, A®’ CK CA#FS fluporfitio Arrow Root A 1 do Tapioca 1 do Poarl Sago 6 dozen RohorIson’s ptiieM Barley Revived and for aai. by ^ ■ mtU m JK «