Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 28, 1839, Image 1

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• 'VNfcQ* ~ ..iv-,-••s' ' rou H®NT. That largo and comfortablo llouso, •iturned III Washington Ward, fronting Iho Bquaro. If it i, not tented before tho first or November, tho owner will occupy W R, H. PETTIGREW. 1681 rou uGurr, , The 8loro Utah occupied by MeesH' McDonnell oil tho 80111I1 iido MonumentSquared* Aral roto -'"d^ ,G Aufffi: UJCINft CORDIAL LE CORDIAL l)E LUCINEJ T oy L ELIXIR DB L'AMOUR. lit, subscriber hot the pleoture ol mi. nonnclng 10 iho citizens ofthe U. Stntee, pdlnoivaiim, b ( ?'vk(|”aui.e demulcent. , 0 ' *, or obstinate Catptlli t in coughs * t ,a», arising from recent or negloctod •‘ffthma and a. an auxiliary, and c * Jr„,0M0t relief from Ilia threatening " W,preaching Pulmonary Con- that lie hat piircliniad.fnr n very lurao eum and ftoin the inventor, the colei,rutod Or. Magnln, of 1 tint, tile recipe nod right for making I hi, a.lomrmug modicum. Until tho appoarnnco ol tho ‘l.ucinn Cordial,* (about tliroo yours tiiico.) it wan thought that tho couiplainit, which it apuedily overcoinct, wore beyond tho teach of huinuii romody, at for upwaidaofa thousand ycart, ilioy had bullied tho witdom and liigeiimiy oflliu tnqat profound phyticlana Tbit Cordial, LOOK AT THIS! T HE loll hand hnlvoe of the Bill. named below, were mailed to the nddrern of ilia ailDMiibor on (lie Gill Fobrnaiy Inal, at Groom vi lo Court llouao, 80U1I1 Carolina, by William Choice, which havo not come to band, and Iho probability it they mutt be lott. The tcvond fin ilka ara hereby uoiifled, of my iniondoii lo innho npplicnliiiii allot due notico, fur new "“'••on Iho return or the right hand halvot which mo now in my pottoasn.n 1 , ' W SaI;):T n ' No ' mda,oJ3JS »n 1 ' 990 ISis! U,')e" r S u"' , • dt,,97 ’ do lOlHOct. du89 °* d “2dWy. ^milliciVio i»a-gro«itor claim* upon pffii!. rf the invalid than the above rtffiSJ; the olfliolivo and troublaaoma eymp- ijlutfceuiliing, expectoration or phlegm, pain toi, which commute prominent *£lu of the complaint, that the Pnlmonaria "ffimad. and hat inauifottad iu moat valm rjUS'Siriiterulof couraointhe relief of L “jJind Coldt, ariting from aiiddon change! Ketllier, fiom woaring damp linen, Ac. [ My by *• nAllT0VV - "ttUOKASAWHATCUEE 1 1,AND8. 1 HE nihtcriber olfere for .ole n traot or t- Und tituataln the 3d Diatrict, Baker iaty.embracing l5Q0acrat, which eompij. variety of Iho motl auparior toil. 1 ho oil it fiirniihad with alight improvement., and abttnlaiaed In ita geographical dimoniioni baar detiialdo ovlent. A a an additional con. £j«atiai! lo a pnrehaear, raaiunabla .torina and Eehioiad credit are olfarad. For more mit. Uhntotia inlbrmatlon, opplicanla can addrota ,",..A,he„Y G . BALDwiN . 159fl4ma • in nil pant ol’iho world. Thin Cordial, how ever, lo iho areal ndvniitago of tho human race, toon proved iltolf to ho the desideratum to long •ought fort and accordingly, notwithstanding tho brief period of its existence, ft has required n celebrity to great, that it it eagerly inquired for throughout tho civilized globo. Dr. Mag- niu toon finding that tho demand writ to vast at lo render a supply impossible, disposed of tlio recipe mid right of sale, under obligations of secrecy, for England, the United States, and other countries, only preserving Franco nnd Italy for himself. Thus has tho subscriber pos sessed liiinselfuf tho invaluable secret, and now hastens to give the inhabitants of his line of •goncy tho benefits of his speculation. •Lo Cordial Do Lucum’ or, In English, Mho Luclna Cordial/ is a general invigorator of the human frame! In all tho various cases of lan* puor, lassitude, and dcbi!it«:i..n; it is an unfaih mg remedy; ns it is equally its province to iiu cheerfulness and decision to tho mind, July 24 »art c MITE WASH BHUSHES* dec. I) |)0Z White Wash brushes &. Head#, /Q assarted sixes 21 do fine 8I100 do 60 do Thompson's Pasto Blacking received and for solo hy .23 0. II HENDRICKSON. Isus23 TOBACCO AND SNUFF. 0 GROCE Mrs. Miller’s lino cut To bacco. 6 hbls Lorillard’s Scotch and iceoboy SiitiflT. h lb bottlos; SO jars course LiDDea end Maccoboy do. Just roooived and L ula by O R. HENDRICKSON. 1 US HUTCHES. 0 GROCE Clark’s I'utont Friction .Matches, superior to all other kind#, it received and for sale by i 17 G R HENDRICKSON. DRESSING CASES. DOZ Lillies and Gentlemen’s suporlor 1 English Japaned Drosiing Cates, Just reived and for salo by ret 15 G. It. HENDRICKSON FRENCH JUJUBE FASTE. CASE French J ujubo Pasto .received and , ferule by ret43 . A. PARSONS. DENTIST’S TIN FOIL. 0 PACKETS Tin Foil, for plugging teeth. Received nnd for snle by reU5 A. PARSONS. SIIAKEK*S HERBS. AN DING from ship Gaston, a full supply, J of Shaker's Herbs, comprising Catnip, Ixgluvo, Horohound, Sage. Pennyroyal,Tho- ■ghwort, Liverwort, Boneset, Thyifio, Mint, nraiwond, Wormsued, Elder Flowers, Slip- 1 Elm. 5fc. in IG oz. 8 ox. nnd 1 ox. pack** }> , uit«b!e forfamiliosand country merchants. |r sale by PORCllER A LA ROCHE, Sign of the Golden Globo, ^l* 5 Opposite the Mnrkot. leallli and vigor to tho body. Bill the peculiar virtue 011 which its celebrity is based, is tho fa cility and certainty with which it restoros the virile powers when they havo boon destroyed by disease, lime, recklessness, or any oftiio Hu morous causes which terminate ill the prostra tion of those functions. In common with tho generality of really good medicines, this Cordial contains nothing of u inorcurial or deleterious uaturo. among tho ma ny ingredients which compose it; but is, at the same time, so simple, yot so olHoacious, that whilo it cun renovate tho prostrated energies of n giant, un infant may usu it, not only with inn |> unity, but with advantage. , Tho usages of society uro unfortunately such, that, notwithstanding tliobenefits which would ho sure to result from it, we cannot .enter into an analysis of this inestimable Cordial hora, or mblisli many of the document* which havo teen receivod, as vouchors of the blessings it hns conferred on uumhorsofdospaiiing individ. uals. But this we cannot forbear remarking— that it hns been, demonstrated that thore is senreoly ever, if any such tiling at all, os until* rnl hnrrennois, or as natural imbecility of tho procreanl functions, in either sex; and therefore that these evils are the effects of artificial-cnusi e*, and may he speedily subdued and removed hy tho use of ‘Lo Cordial de Lucino/ The Lticina Cordial is also an indubitable euro for the Gleet, and the Fluor Alhus, ob structed. dilRcult,or painful Monstruation; also, for tho incontinence of Urine, or the involunta ry discharge lit ere of. It is likewise an itivalu able and unrivalled medicine in cases of Chrom ic Eruptions ofthe akin, and in the dropsical aflbctions af the aged. Most important 10 tlm American Public The Uuilod States proprietor ofthe cohbrat ted 'Luciun Cordial/ or -Elixir of Love/ begs to lay before the community, die following cor* tificuto, which lie lias received from tho iuven lor, the illustrious Dr. Magiiin, of Pari.: •This is to certify, that I have disposed of the rocipe for making tho •Luciun Cordial/ or *E lixir ofLove/and alto iho right to sell it through out thn United States of North America, to John Winters Holderwell, M. D. My (easons for ao doiug is. that tho demands to me for the above Cordial, of which I am tho inventor, nro so numerous, tluit I am unable to supply all the orders from Franco and Italy alone; and have 50 1839,“hY 0,853, da ' ,d2dF * b >- 90 'l830, Utlo? ii‘"i,^ 0,053 dl,od 9,11 Doc - 80 HB9, ultoTll’’ No • I448 * dal « d 1,10c '* 80 ial»'. < u l Zu , * N0, l20 °- dalod atocl 80 *■- da,ed 7,h i,n ?’ ^i83o k 5: l r';„ u " N “- ,2 - da '* d f'w 1830, Letter torn. 80 VSSmi R ? d * No * 775 * dl “ad 33 June, 100G, Loiter A. Stn 80 re“'r ° r ? 00r 8 i ‘>; No. 037, detoj 1.1 Saul. 18 dint, letter A. 20 Bank Oe.lon.No. 1(178,deled letDec. 1832, laetter U. h. “SrsMrt' A "«, ,u,a * n »* ,o * dai « d [’ lh Uaa. 1834, l,im 0 r A. 60 .SS? k . A "*'Vl ,a , No - ®3, dntod 7lli April; 1835, I«et‘or [I, IW ‘V.*, C M " IC t' a !!? n ^ No. 53, deled in . «>»y. 1835. Letter B. 10° Mechanics’ Bank Augusta. No. 71. dated 1st Nov. 1831, Letter A. 20 Bank Millcdgevillo, No. 4251, dated 2d Snpt. I8.IG, Letter A. 100 l !S!i dliHadgevtUo, No. 430, dalod 3d Jun. 1837, Letter A. 100 Planter. & Mechanic* Bank Columbu.,No .. 30, dated Odi Moy. 1338, Loiter A. 50 Plan. & Meoh. Hunk Cnlmnbu., No. 330, .luted 2d Nnv. 1337, Letter A. 50 ■aft" 1 ' Soyannali.No. 18,dated 8th Dec. 1829, Letter K. UNEXAMFLED NAilllUOTU SCHEME rjl HE following Uotnilsof a Scukbie or a JL Lottkhy. to he druwn in Dooeinher next, warraute us in declaring it to ho UNPARAL LELED in tho history of Lotteries. Prizes to the amount have Kevin nxronK been ofi-kkkd to the public. It is true, there ure many blunks, hut ou tho other hand, tho extremely low charge of $SIO per Ticket—the Value and Numdkb of the Capitals, and the rovivul ofthe good old custom of wtirvnulmg that every piixo shall he drawn and sold, will, wo ate sure, givu univer sal satisfaction, nnd especially to tho Six lluid drkd Prixe Holders. To those disposed to adventure, wo recom mend early application being made to us for tickots—when tho prizes are all sold, blanks only romam—tho first buyers Irnvo the best chance. We, therefore, emphatically say— DELAY NOT! but at once remit and (rnrtimiit to us your orders, which ahp.lt always receive our immediate attention. Letters to be addressed, and applications made to SYLVESTER & CO., 4 I5G Broadway, Now Yoik. (TT Observe the Number, 150, *700,000!!! 9300,0001! $95,000! U priz-.-s or$*30,000!! 2 prizes of 915,000 3 prizes of $10,000 LOTTERY Of Real Estnto und Bank Stock, situated in New Orleans. 03* The richest nnd most mnguificout Schome ever presented to the public, in this or any ullter country. TICKETS ONLY $20. Authorized hy an Act of the Legislative Assam bly ol Florida, and undei the Directions of tho Commissioners, acting under the same. TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. December 1st, 1839. ««!? he atthn option of tho winners on nxes of Bank Stocks, oitlier to take the stock itself, or tho par value thereof in cash. Tho receipts of the salo of tho Tickets sire, and will be. denosited in the Citizens'. Con solidated, Canal, Union, and Carrollton Banks, in tho name ofthe Managersjointly»with J. B. Peri an It, E#q., actually cashier of iho Citizons’ Bank, and A. Botidoititi, Esq actually cashier of tho Consolidated Bank, as Trustees, as por Act passed hefnro A. Mazuroan, Eiq„ Notary Public, on the 2d May, 1838, and the properties transferred iiniiieiiinbored, for tbesecurity ofthe fortunate Prize Holders. 7 , DiTiieiifg.—100,000 ticket., from 1 lo 100,000, Will bo nut ill one wheel, and GOO prtzus, with tho blanks in iimnhor. To evory number a prize or blank will lie drawn, until all the prives aro detennined, leaving the balance pr numbers in the wheel hlnnks. • 'l’°„ ,: »>T"it»ASD PueuiHXiu.—Ilevlnk received Ncwspnpeis containing tho otiovo Schemo. from twenty-two States and Tunitor- lei,besides several ofthe Biitish Provinces, we nro satisfied with the circulation, and therefore request that such papers ns have not. up to this time, inserted tho advertisement, will bo pleas* ed vol to do so, and that all the other papers will insert it once a week only until the 1st of Do- ^ e i n . b 5^®23 r " rwnr ' 1 "■ their nncounts. SYLVESTER & CO., 15G Broadway,N. Y. i«iy w i5it m *., WILLIAM SMITH. 1 roupvillo, Ga. 15th Oct. 1839. ICTThe Georgian. Augusta Chronicle nnd Sentinel, Simthorii Recorder and Columbus llcrnld nml Sentinel, will plenso publish the a ove weekly forJJ months, & forward thoir ac counts to mo at Troupville, Ga for payment, oct 24 20712m W. S. T CHATHAM ACADEMY. HE U iiilor Session of this Academy will commence on MONDAY, tlio 4th day of November next, uudor the following Iustruc- Clatsical Dijmlment—J. F.. Larnod, A. B. Senior Boys’ do.—A. R. Palmer, A. B. Junior Hoys' do.—I). S. Dickenson, A. B. Senior Girls' do.—E.E. Pynchon, A. M. Junior Girls' do — F. B. Folgor, A. M. Junior Gills' do. 2nd Division.-il. H. Mil. ler. Juvenile Department.—iss C. H. Bradley. French, Italian, Spanish, German, 9(0.—i. Bloom. It is desirable that thorn scholars which intend to join thn school, should he present at the com mencement uf ihuturin.nt winch time the clussi o* will ho arranged for tho wintor. The Teachers have been selected with much raro, and iliey will be permanent. Their char acter, talent* ami experience qualify them for thoir sovernl stations. Few Institutions aro so well supplied us this is, with ail that gives fa* cility and effect to study; and it.is offered to the friends of correct education fur their patronage. EDW. E. PYNCHON, Principal. oct 11 19G! SCHMIDT & HAMILTON, Managers. SYLVESTER & CO., J50 Broadway, Now York, Solo Agents. H AVEMlf * JOHNSON, AVL received hy Augusta, Victoria Cloth, for ladies l_ _ Alpnccn do. for dr, do Plaid Cnshmere, for children*s wear Superfine Dombaiin. till; und blue hlk Italian Crapes do do do Super double width Mattiani Silk Do black Pout Do Suie Do do Gro Do Swiss, do do Gl Do rul’d Pool De Solo, plain uti Plaid Bilks, fur Dresses Rich PliisliMnntilla*. a fnfhiom.. Do Thibet Shawls. -Into and blk Small Chally, Monslin Do Lane, Sro. Shawle Ilnbot and Bayadere Scarfs ocl ^ Monnment 8qimrc, T »«, e goods. IIL Subscriber has just received and offers for sale the follow in* nnicles: 2 hales 3 4 Springfi do 3 8 do therefore disposed of the privileges vouchsafed PIPES Otnrd, Dupuy & Co. Brandy in this, and ojlior cortificntes of a like not.iro in half pipes ^ do do lOWAND’S TONIC' MIXTURE dec. JE3F.IVED por thin Gmton, it full .upply 1/ or llow.iid « Tumo Mixture for favor and ia. aiilphnto duinino, Fipurino, Iodino.piire ■'pnmo Sulplinta ,nd Acolulo Morphine, ix m pod,. Oil Black Pepper. Crnton Oil, fj ©*'•!• B °da end Suidlitz I’owdura liuon Mustard, 5fc.“ For salo by let 15 pntti'-m.'D x. i order to geueraliso the benefits of my discovery throughout the world. Given under my hand at Paris, on this nine, toemhday of January in the year of our Lord, eightcou hundred and ihirty-eight, ERASTE MAGNIN. Gaspard Delluc, ? i«r: William Merritt, ) w,lncMCS - This highly important modiciuo is for snlo hy John Winters Holdorwoll, No. 129 Liberty st. Now York; Charles B. Tyler, No. 70 Chesnut B PORCHER& LA ROCHE. ,„ TfX SOAPS, dec. ..S Windsor Soap., . RUitabln for family use Inn TO C ,”,V il0 do * 1 C,M wilot do, ua’d ten u Mb n- * • 4 |, ° *^ di -Uperlor Hn k! n‘i 10 C l'' r ,', 3 ,!a •' !, ro11 Brinmono lid'SSfcrt 1 !GO »?• (i«inii.o * , « Friction Slalche. I W!‘ d ° LUm ’ 2 Flox.ccd I tiMivednud for mle l,y F lla THOMAS RVERSON. it. Philedulphin; end in Baltimore by Robert. & Atkin,on, Jehu M. Lnrnquo; and G. R. Ty ler; in WajthlnfiDII City by Tobias Welkin, and Charles Hlutt; in Ueorjelown by O. M r ,,il . S ?n Xlr " cl » r aow. Musk, Jossa, I tamo and Bergamot Powder .rose scent’d jjWp^rMusk end Rose Persian scent Bags E jRJJ-um Bears Oil lip®/ Macassar Oil Kd * 'i U o'" ° r Columbia lath«!ni"° ?“ v '*' ■iesmiue, orange nnd C-yg-WH, ;n pels end roll. . Ber*.. , o |Mr Cmll, o—iers shaving Soap fr V.K? Cr ?*" n J- Seven Rings * |aUavlng" tt Ureara *» *>l'*blful article for KTO.^i-SSoap. i4.r Piiff®" °i^ .f oa P-* suitable for the tablet Im. I an , J Uo, °* oril >' 1 latest pattern. ■?l'~Jg? daf »nd Rose Wntar., ufvori- EnJSJWVlb'e end asaorted palterue l nt„i: o ' co d S roam - L| P Sal ' r » |?ffer i r ri ! b i r' ci ' , ' iamo " aiidAi “i IS! " ow * 09 a large variety Ifc^ooth Coinb, y L.lSi h Clo 'M Brushes •nd .l. 5 . pi i 00 , n '. l ) 4ada ""‘ ,nll ' a " n ' Victoria [Ruelfl/** ° a °^ * “' r Biu.hos, of excellent Razor 8trope ftU™ 1 * 1d 7«. Vincgor Reugo Llron p!' 0ran *2 Flower Water |oru„!' ow “'*' SImvilig Brushes ■ Lemon nnd Rn.«. t» «... Rosser.., los and U Einer#on;niid by John Woodly, No. 65 Poydrasat. Now Orleans. It cun nlso be found nt nil the principal Drug Storos in South Carolina, nnd in Augusta, by Huvilnnd Risloy & Co., Thomas Barrett & Co. and Nelson Carter; nnd in Snvnnnnh by G. R. HENDRICKSON. Prtco $3 por hoitlo, with full directions, nng 5 IG4—ly K " 8 oul gl “" bo ' by ur retail, ou accommodating PORCllER & LA ROCHE, ' 1C, Sign of the Golden Globo, Opposite, the Market. , for sale by M. DILLON & CO. Linthncum; in Richmond by John II. Eustice; i Petersburg by Braggs Thomas and Dupuy, Ulster A Jones; and in Norfolk by M. A. Sam CANAL FLOUIL L ANDING. 75 hbls Canal Flour - t 50 half hbls do do for sale by oct 1G CLAGI10RN & WOOD. ' POllTORICO SUGAR. ^■1EN hlids prime P. It. Sugars L 20 do fine to good fair do, in store nnd for sale hy GEORGE H- MAY. oct 14 BRANDY AND GIN. 4 pipes Anchor Gin 6 do Imperial Eagle Gin 4 half pipes Seignette Brandy 10 qr casks Port Wine—in store and for sale hy J. B. GAUDItY. oct 17 KO COMBINATION NUMBERS.'.'I 100,000 tickets Bum No. 1 upwards,in succession Extruct from tho Laws of tlio Legislative Council ofthe Territory of Florida. Ciup. 7G1.—No. 22.—Whereas iho Court House of Duval county, is in an unfittisli* e l stato, and there are vet due and owing up on tho same, monies, which it is bolieved wil impose too bordunsomea tax upon tho people of Duval; and whoreas, it is desirable to pay thoso said sums and complete said build ing,ns well for the greater convenience ofthe nd ministration ofjiiHtiee.ns for tliudomde purpose of an Academy, for >vliich purpose in part, the said building, when completed, is designed Therefore— Sec. 1 ] Be it enactsd hy tho Governor and Legislative Council of *tlie Territory of Floridn. That it shall andmav be lawful for Josopli B. Lancaster, Isaiah D. Hart nnd Wi). Ham J, Mills, or any two of them under tlio direction of tho county court of Duval county, to raise such sum or sums of money hy Lottery, in such Schemes as they may deem appropriate and advisable: Provided, that tho said persons shall hind themselves in such maimer as the court shall direct,well und truly to conduct such lottery in good faith.tn appropriate the proceeds to the object abovo stated.—IVsod, Feb. 7(h 1834.—Approved Fob. Ihh 1834 By ugieemont, hearing date the 28th of Fuhi runry, 1839, thn above Joseph Lancaster,lsniah D. Hurt and William J. MiMsdid, fui coilain considerations, iu conformity*) the said Legis lative Act, duly assign unto Messrs Schmidt «Sr Hamilton all their Right and In terest, and the Powers vested in them bv the nbove recited Aet of the legislature of Florida. Extract from the valuation of George Phillip Mauouviier ami Jacob do Cordova, bulb of the City of New Orleans, made and sworn to on the 19th day of April, 1839:— Tlmt the said George Phillip AInnouvrier and Jacob Cordova, appraise und conscientiously and ho neatly value the property known under the mime and appellation of -'Banks Arcade," in tho Citv of Now Orleans, at Six Hundred Thousund Dollars, and nnicles I Shirting do 10 pcs4i4 Iri.li Linen. 12 do 4-4 sup. do • 10 do Fancy Prints, 20 do low priced do 5 doz Gorman Cravats 10 do black Cotton Ifose, 5 do blue do do *0 do white do do, 12 dosupr. do do 15 do colored do do 0 do do do half Note 4 do white do do do 8 do Gents. Berlin Gloves 4 do Ladies do do 3 do do China spun Silk Gloves DHV GOODS. r F» EA VJTO Ed il*I- and Intoning* 8ww ^ d, m ' 'T'" 8 * l 8 '"*' Hnbhiiiot Lnco (] n Ulac k nnd Lend Calicoes and Ginghams Furniture Chinia, Furniture Dimity Carpet, and Bud Bindings Worsted Cords, blk and Clue blk Beltings B e and blue blk Silk Cords, col'd Braids Blk and whito Twist Silk Gloves Long do do do do Mwse# and Ladies col’d II 8 Gloves Do * do blk - do Quill, hack nnd side Shell Combs Col’d, blk and blue blk Satin Ribbons Just received from New York,and (hr«^(alnr geuuge w. beiTn. ’ . Shad's Building; do do do do ■pi 2 do do black dc 1 do Gouts, do 15 do Silk Roinals 12 pcs Pockot lldkfs 10 M dull eyed Needles C do Victorin. iu boxes 59 packs patent Pins 6 pcs bluck Bombasine 4 do btueihluck Gro de Swiss Silk 2 boxes Can Ribbon, 3 do Bonnet do 100 doz Clark's Spool Cotton 50 do Salmon do do 50 do DeWitt At Co. Spool Cotton Laces, Bnhinetts, Edgings, 8wits,Book. fcMull and crossbarredMuslins,nnd Per- fiuneiy. Also, a splendid assortment of the luteal stylo Bonnets, fo sale by WILLIAM II. LLOYD, fopt G South aids Market. T' do .do do do AE8TERN HAY. *1 Alt BUNDLES Eastern Hay, landed JL and for snlo low from the wharf, ocl 14 GEORGE H. MAY. SPERM CANDLES. O NE HUNDRED boxes Sperm Candles,of various sizes, just received am! for snle hy oct 14 GEORGE (I. MAY. NEW AND SEASONABLE DRY GOODS. Per Brig Augustn. , WO pieces black and lead FroncRJzJints 10 do eupr. Paris Chinizrfflfwidyle splendid Paris Mous. de Lniue plain black do do blue black do do new stylu col’d fig’d Silks 24 doz primed lldkfs. 19 pcs Apron Chocks 40 do white cotton Fnnjra 50 grace Furniture.Binding 25 do Curpet do 25 do slay do 6 doz Ladies blk and col’d II S Gloves best quality Gentlemen’s Dog Skin and Buck Gloves, white nnd col’d Colton do SNIDER, LATHROP & NEVIT. oct 12 8 of 1 ••The properly known under tho appellation “City Hotel” or “Bishop’s Hotel,” in tho GOSHEN BUrPER. ft KEGS, (a superior article) just ret ■ /mt ceivod.for snlo by oct 12 M. DILLON & CO Dollars. 700, UUO MANI1ADEN FISH. HA|| UUL8, suitable for plantation use. A*fTF“Fjurt receivod per sloop Engle, and for sale low to close consignment by oct 17 COPE & MILLS. 500,000 20,000 PORK, BEEF, dec. L anding from Wilson Fuiisr 50 hbls prime Pork do Beef. 20 do Crackers 20,000 50 do 100 do Pilot Bread, 50 do Potatoes For salo hy ocl 23 CLAGHORN & WOOD. 20,000 ENGLISH WALNUTS AND PAPER. T WELVE bogs English Walnuts and 20 reams Foolscap Paper, for sale low to close a consignment. oct 14 GEORGE H. MAY. CUT AND WROUGHT NAILS. p* A KEGS Nails, assorted sizes Ov 10 do ship Spikes, just recoivod nnd for sale hy LONG & PATTERSON, oct 18 • 202 SPERM OIL. dfeffY GALLS Winter strained Sporm Oil, very light col’d; 500 do Fall do do 2d quality. Just received and for sain hy ocl 22 G. R. HENDRICKSON. TO PLANTERS. ft /fNDOZEN 2d quality cold pressed IL'iVvli' Castor Oil, 200 boxes Gluuher Sails, from 20 to30 lbs onch. Just received und for sale at a reduced price by oct 10 G. R. HENDRICKSON. PANACEAS*. DOZEN Swaim’s celebrated Panacea p&yy 50 do Houck’s do do, for Dysponsia, &c. 10 do Indians do do 10 20 do PbolphVdo Arcanum,just recoivod Factory pnees^by JUST RECEIVED. 1 CASE Dovor Prints, 1 do light do 1 do fancy do. 1 do si!|)or do do 20 pcs small fig’d Merrimack Prints 50 do low price brown do 30 do super Chintz 4 do striped Kentucky Jeans 12 do 4 4 Apron Checks 30 do fino and coarse Sattinets 8 do primed Saxonies 10 do super fancy Motisolaine D’Laiuo 5 do black nnd wliito do do 3 bales 3.4 Springfield Shirting 2 do 4 <4 do do 2 do 7-8 do do 4 boxes new style Bonnet Ribbons 2 do do do Cap do 5 bales Band Boxes, 50 do/. P L Hoods Also, a spletivlid assortment of the latest style Straw and Leghorn Bonnots. Fot snlo by W. H. LLOYD. sept 20 South side Markot Square. 20,000 Ace. SDRICKSON. »-• Koccivcd und for »ulo l.y A, I’AUSONS. ¥unt COBl*. . UU8IIUI.S now crop,in fino P<*W condition,either.liellod Crml tlio cob,on a plnutotion oppo.iln tbticily. For ■ole by l’AUKLFOltU, FAY &. CO. oct 15' 109 SHULL, COJ1IUS, J UST* rcceivud by Angnstu, Shell Twi.l und Side Comb. Iron do do do Sopor Drilling do Cloth, Tuolh und llnir Urn,bos For «.nle by AVERY & JOHNSON, oct 9 MunumontSq. MLSLIX DE LAINES, SILKS, SHAWLS, to. J UST receivod by brig Annul*, and for unto by AVKRY & JOHNSON, oot 9 South aide Monnuionl Sqnnro B HANDY. . A~*.NE pipovory old Brandy, J*ut received 1 ^,Sr" iW " k &Na.*FATTI5RS0N. ABISOW BOOT, Ao. m A CASES stip’r Arrow Root B Aj 12 dozen Robinson’s patent Barley 1 case Pearl Sago, 1 do Tapioca 1 bale Carrageen or Irish Moss said City of of New Orleans, at Four Huudred and Twenty Thousand Dollars." Tho deeds of the Property and tho Stock Iran's, furred in trust to the Commis*innors appointed hy the said act of the Legnluiutu of Florida, for the security of tho Prszo Moldors. SPLENDID SCHEME!!! 1 Prize—The Arcnde—286 feet, 5 inches, 4 lines, on Magnzino street; 101 feet, ll.mches.on Natchez avroet; 126 feet, 6 inches, ou Gravior st. Routed at about $37,000 por an num. Valued at 1 Prize—City Hotel—lG2(\on Com mon street, 146 feet, 6 inches, on Camp st. Rented at $25,000- Valued at l Prize—Dwelling House (adjoining the Arcade) No, 16,24 ft. 7 inch* es front on Natchez st. Rented at $1200—Valued at 1 Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) No. 18, 23 ft front on Nutchez st. Rented at $1200—Valued at 1 Prize—Ditto (adjoining tho Arcade) No. 20,23 foot front on Natchez at. ltontodat$I200—Valued at 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 23, North east corner of Basin & Customhouse street;40 feet fronton Basin, nnd 40 foot on Franklin st. by 127 ft. deop in Custom house st. Rented at$1500—Vulued nt l Prize—Ditto—No. 24. South west corner of Unsin & Custom house street; 32 feet, 7 inches on Basin 32 feet. 7 inches on Fruuklin. 127 feet, 101 inches deep in front of Custom house street. Rented at $1500—Valued nt I Prize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 feet, 8 inches on Royal street, by 127 ft, 11 inches deep. Rented ut$l4Ql). Valued at 1 Prize—230 shares, Cnttai Bank Stock, $100each 1 Ditto—200 ditto Com do. do do 1 Ditto—150 ditto Mechanics’ and Traders' do do 1 Ditto—100 do City Bnnk do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do do do 1 Ditto—50 do Exchungo Bank do do 1 Ditto—50 do do do dodo 1 Ditto—25 do Gas Light Bank do do 1 Ditto—25 do do do - do do do I Ditto—15 do Mechanics’ & Tra ders’ dodo I Ditto—15 do do do do do 20 do—each 10 shares of tho Louis* inna Stato Bank, $100 each, each Prize $1000 do-encl»2ehn'o* of$100ench, each Prize $200, ofthe Gas Light Bank 200 do—each 1 share of $100, of tho Bunk of Louisiana 200 do—each 1 share of $100, ofthe New Orleans Bank 150 do—onch 1 share of $100 of the Union Bank of Florida TWILLED KERSEYS. Per brig Augusta. BALES Lowell Kerseys 2 cases do do 4 do liqnvy rolled do 20 pcs heavy twilled Cotton. For salo on favorable terms. SNIDER, LATHROP «fc NEVITT. oct 11 196 20,000 15,000 25.000 20.000 BLK. AND COL’D SILKS, Ao. 1 Per brig Georgia, PIECE super blue blk Grode Royal 4 do col’d hg’d Ponl de Soie 2 do a . ... do blue blk do 4 do blk and bluo blk Gro de Rhine 5 do low price black Silks, comprising a 9XC« lent naKiirtmii. very excellent assortment, oct 4 ^ K * DE |w) lA ' ^ * NEVITT. K",, 1 .?' 11 An w ked FLANNELS I Lh Sll nnr Whit. L’ I....... I. 8 FC8 sopor ’While Flannel, o do Itogur*. Jo ' do 5 do Welch do do 5 do Gauze do do 8 do common quality do 10 do lied Flannel, .ams very fino Received by recent arrival., ^NIOKR, LATHROP A NEVITT. GEOKOE IV, BEIIN, H . , Shad*. Building, AVF. received per brig Savannah, .hip. Lelia ond rreuton, Flannel..' Chintz, nSun*' “ r 1 '' Th J« d Lace., Saltin.t. Broadcl.il,Merlnooe, Silk., Ve.lInga.Lineiia, laiwii,, Negro Cloth*. AI,o. various other ar< ible --- tides suitab for tho present and approaching sopt 18 NEW GOODS. nr.o .. . Per ship Trenton. n PCS super black Grode Rhine Silks. 11 AS* do do blue blk do do. 1 do do bluo blue dodo, 2 do do blk Gro de .Swissdo, warranted not to spot 5 do Roger's Patent Flannel 2 do blue Broadcloth 10 do Puper Cambric 10 do Monslin de Laincs , • 2 do Mounting do, lOdo.fancv Prints 8.4,9.4 aud 10.4 Table Diaper *& Damask Fo/ salo low bv SN1UER, LATHROP A NEVITT. aepi 80 T cahpeting a LN piece, anpr. Ingraii 1 coin do TlldCd 1 do do . Brn.,el. 50 grnce Carpet Binding, received by recent arrival. ' SNIDER, LATHROP A NEVITT. 6 NEW GOODS, Per Augusta, &c. PCS Real Welch Flannels 10 do Red do 5 do Canton do 4 do steel mixed Sattinets 13 do 4,4 Scotch Ginghams 6 do Craoh, 6 do Rtusia Diaper 15 do extru rich Furniture Chintz,in setts. Received and for sale by AVF.IIY& JOHNSON! oct 9 South side Monumeiit Squnre. London I’oincit, tea, ed^ . _ INBURGH ALE! Ao. ’ •X ftT CASKS London douhlo brown Stout in pints and quartz 15 casks Edinburgh Alo, in quarts 12 cases East Indin Ginger 10 4 chest* choice Hy son Tea 5 chests do do 15 A do Poiicliong do 15 do Imperial do 10 do Gunpowder do 15 cases Imperial and Gunpowder do, in • caddys 35 buses ‘GotdonV host Lemon Syrup Just received por ship Gaston nnd for solo by oct14 C. L. MoNfStl. MORE FANCY DRY GOODS. W H. iV S. ROGERS have just receiv- • ed per vessels Win. Taylor, Newark nnd G. U. Lamar, in addition to former invoi ces. the following decirable nnd seasonable fan cy Goods, viz:—Pandicherrys, “French Cairn brics, blue and blue blk Chnllys. blue nnd blue black Bombasins, blue black Tagliona (for dresses) pink, blk and brown French Merinos, Paper Cambrics, black Silk Cord, Ladies Crai vats, plaid and fancy Chally Shawls, black and col’d wiro nnl Gloves, Derby Rib Silk £ Hose, sopor col’d Chnllys, Monslin Do Lninos, fancy Bollings, black and Mn« blk Thibet Show!* printed Chally Scutfii. Lavender Gro de Nap, A HAMS. 3000 ^relflmv D by" lm0 ' r ° ,Um * SEABORN,GOODALL. Slurkot Sn. .opt 87 I80t4\v I OWUND SPICES, Ac. 11AL1- bhlsuperior Nutmegs 10 boxes ground Cinnamon,in lib papers 10 do do Pimento do 10 do do Ginger do do Cloves • do do Pepper do ' 10 do 10 do 10 do 10 do Carraccas Chocolate 10 do Mtisiaid, in tin canisters 20 do Starch, 5 do Cayenne Pepper, in pluuls, just received and for sulo hy prepared Cocoa Carraccas black nnd col’d Mnden Prints. &c % oet 14 Sontji side Market Sqnnro^ 15.000 10.000 10,000 10.000 5001) 5000 2500 2500 GEORGE W. BEIIN, Shad’s Buildings, R ECEIVED per ship Gaston, Black nnd bluo blk Grode Soio Blue blnck IlBp Silk ^ Black Italian Lutestring Fancy Challev lldkfs, Challey Aprons Small ThibofScorfs nnd Shawls Ladies pluiu and ribbed blk Silk Hose Do do do wliito do Black and bluo blk Bombasins Mnuslin Da Lnines, blk Love Handkerchiefs Blk aud lead 6 4 Thibet Shnwls Bluck Cotton Velvet, Velvet Ribbons Low priced Red Flnnnel Indigo Blue plaid Homespuns Printed Baize, plum green do Green nnd yellow Flannels English fancy Chintz, Furniture Chintz Darning aud Knitting Cotton Black Loco Veil*, fancy Silk lldkfs LONG & PA > by TTE RSON. HOWARD STREET FLOUR. UBLS and 20 half do Flour, just roi <#V Reived and for snle by oct 18 LONG & PATTERSON. BISCUITS. A BBLS Sodn, Sugar, Milk,ami Butler Biscuit., am) l'ilot Bread. Just re ceived and for salo by ocl 18 J. B. GAUDRY. CANAL FLOElt, Ace. R ECEIVED per Pliilnrn mid Augusta,GU bbL. Canal Flour, 59 balldn do do,5 bbl. new Hams, 6 bale, Almandl, 5 bbl. .muked Beef, 91) half bbla No. 1 Mackerel, 59 boxc, Sperm Candloa. For aala by non CLAGHORN A WOOD 1599 1509 30,000 10 Recoiverj per late arrival,, and for salo by oot 19 ;0, II. HENDRICKSON. 2000 20,000 20,000 15,000 oct 14 FALL AND WINTER GOODS. T HE undesigned aro new opening their Fall anil Wintor supply of Dry Cool!*, comprising a splendid neanruneul, consisting ol Plain.. Blanket, aud Ker.oys, wliito, red green and yellow Flannels, plain, green and cliiniz Floor Cloths,Corpeiings and Ruga,Broadcloth., Ca,aiinere, and Saltinuie, English can Print.,French anil English Mr and English Monslin Du Lain., Sheeting, aud col'd Homespuns, Ac. SNIDER, LATHRW A NEVITT oct 3 180 ^■i uoTii washT^H C HLORINE, Oris and K.cosot Tooth Wash, highly recommended for whiten, lug the teeth, purifying tho breath and import- ■|. g a healthy appearance lu the gums. Just received per Wilson Fuller, and fur sale bv ocl 93 G. It. HENDRICKSON. VARIEGATED SCENTED 600 Prixe.. 31,500,000 r/CKCTS I20-.VO SPARES, GINGHAMS, die. S UPER undressed Scotch Ginghams Fancy and black and wliito,new and fa ionable styles Super Furniture Chintz, Welsh Flannel., Ac. Fur .ale by AVERY A JOHNSON, __ sept 27 South tide Mumuncnt.Square, BOXES Variegated Seemed Soap.in Cjjqir cuke, and bars. Just received and for sa'e by oct 23 a. u. Hendrickson: 206 —: =- FRENCH AND ENGLISH. ■ , . CHEMICALS. " M.'rlno! £ OUNCES French Sulphate duinino „. n, u £u„„' -Oe# 10 ounces do Mornbiua ins, Toweling., ;; dozen pliioh do Croton Oil 3 do packets Jnmcs Fever Powder.,Eng. Just received and for solo hy ocl 23 ANSON PARSONS. ABltOAV HOOT, TAPIOCA, Ac. gjf CASES silpeifiua Arrow & I do Tapioca . do Pearl Sago 6 dozen Robertson's patent Bsilcy Recoived and for .ale by oct 23'’ PARSONS. At PARSONS.