Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 31, 1839, Image 2

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KSOlM ivLH'A S. i.) Jp. CliSU^->» l)iilv iMi»or.:::::::::t«F.ichi DflfinrsperAtinttro Onn*i»rv I'iner.tThjf.iPivo Dollar* por Annum. Dailv l*»;> r.:::::::Fivo lh»!l*» p»r 8ix .Ylmith* uiiiitn• l’.nn:rwj;tl1»«e ih> <*»> ®° v \ v > *\t. v. (« su» awc K.l^ _ Sun .. ,1 A ■ m /UwrtueMKU. nppatr in both A . CfO/ricf kx tii* c m kh or n\t awu r^rriKi: m#J» *. o «ill> *» ** * a l> • FLMTTEKa; A MERCHANTS’ C<JH\ I.N TION. Thumdat, Oct. 24. 1611!) Convention mat ngtrnble lu adjournment. *1 10 o'clock, A. M., Or. Iloiny, Pre-idol in the Chair* , , „ . Tho Convention wa« opened by Prayer, by the Rev. J. Davis. of I/* county. C.a. The tninmev of v«M«wl»y weie lead by tho 8ecreiary, and coniiiineil. At the ff*|irepl of the Conroy'too orSI* it waa Bred br Rev'. J. linii, off.*® conniy. G.i tliai iey be allow.-1 until 12 o'clock. tlii* •day. to *»te their Report; which was canied. following gentlamon as Delsgnlea re- dvinacKcs 0 the « omeotiuns gia—Rulatki county—NViu. S Wluifiel ', II George. Jacob Watson, IhtiuH—G G II uteri. JfrcM-A H Chappell, V. D Ttxty. W Po.. Alabtmu—Mcnti^o eo*«t|f—U M Pnraon. L«eao Croon. - 12 O'CLOCK. Convention met. llou. Thoone Uniter Kin,. Cli-nimnn of the Cein'»iM«»of SI .iitnniucil tho following: kf.phkt. Tim Commute, to whom wx« referried the Resolution instructing them to preset the soli, jectsou which the Convention wee called upon to deliberate and act. beg h ave to Report: Thai after the full exposition which is contain ed in the Cotton Circular adopted by tho Plan ter* and Merchants., at their 51 eeting in the cits of New York Hie 6th of July last, they deeds it in aonia decree superfluous. minutely U> explain or to onlarga on the pointa submitted to the peoi pie of the Cotton growing Stales in that Dncu. m W« hare therefore convened for the purpoae ofcotisidoring: , ... 1st. Whe-herthere beany inherent delect in the inode and manner of shipping our gnat *ta. pie under the existing evalein of advances,mad# by the Agetitaof the Foreign House, through whom it has hitheitubeeu principally exported/ 2d. Whether, if ihe injurious tendency of the •ysiembe deinuinrtable,there extols within our« ■elves any reuietly? YV-- v.iil now*as succinctly as poisible, pro, 0*0.1 to till! discussiou of those poiuts. It i. V.-Il known that with the exception ol the \<-<\ . :i •onsidoroble portion of the crop pur* chased iirider direct orders for the spitiueia. and Foreign account, the great hulk, of our Colton is shipped either by the Planter or Merchant, or dealer, under advance* made by agents of For* eigu houses, Tho mode in which this operation . is conducted, h :h i Hows; Uvrally, the 1)mk» in the Southern Siatea advance the money lhai move* forward the win!- ur nearly ao.) on letters of crediiy. Tii-.- hiiN innnded.upoii thmo securities, aro * v -It (jtr days sight.—They are forwarded Cotton being much more tardy freqtieniy mature before Hs matkel of c n-nrqrtion, the llnmphiiea and Riddle iw established at l.ivcrputd. The result of that agency. in wind mg up tho largo crop of lb:W. is coiichiaive proof of what may bo done bv consignee* ilioroiiglily demoted In American interests sub. joct lo no necessity l.y heavy advances, to glut tlm market by fencing upon It large ilucks in constant and « r nstrons succesduu, lu this brief outline, it embraced the whole Head and front of lb* nfluliCff which has led to much aiiiui-ituil dj.ciissi.ui, and wide spiend doiuincirition.ill the pubic prints, of both ceuntrio*. Whenever, however, a dispassionate anddtoimerested ]udg.iinr«t shall he pronounced upon the motive* qud objects r.f those win* established lliis agency, that judgment .will provo equally hoiiurahle to their patriotism} ni:d to the gentlemen in 1 aver pool w tm conducted its affiiis who are entitled to the abiding con* ftdence of our people, for the fidelity and firm ness with'which they adhered to the interests of theii constituents. ft might naturally have been expected that when the causes which had led to the establish* mem of this agency fur the defence of our great staple had been removed, the tr'udo Weald fall back into its channel*, and that the protection ul oitr interests would bo ample, with the meant it the couiiuiiud of individuals engaged in it. No olio sought to prevent this The field w«* open to the enterprise of atl. No embar rassment was wantonly ihruwu in the way ol any tine. Nothing has bei n said or done, b* the so called “monopolists ” to prevent others from enteting into a fair competition with them. ; Rut wo have, unfftrUinaUdy. hc£p iiblifed to .4e<itirbv a scveio lesson, that nthpr countiies..«s well ns our own, may. si times, be destitute of an sd« qua-e supply of the precious metal* — \Ve have tu renlr/o the painful truth, that after devoting,our capital, our anxious attention and uur tabor, to produce a good crop, and alter witnes*ing the partial dis.ippmimneiil of our hopes, fiout the unfavorahle influence of the elu* moms inoiir country, the value of wltmtt we have secured is to be i-ssetifuiUy diminished by tiie extent, or deficiency, of a difijereut crop in another country. Graniitisi thut ilm calamity of a short harvest in Fiiffland being an act of I’ruvideiiec. by which the p*nlm tive eue gies «»f our people are roll dered of loss value, lias to be and ousht to be nitimately shared by nil oltrei nnnnliies, paitici* pating in Iter coiumeice. nod that siihmii’dnn is con-cq-iemljr unless a matter nfuecc'sity than a point of duty, it l»y no means l<illow» that one section of the world should l**-ar the greater part of tiie burthen of such loss, hy the ueprecidtioii of its own productions in a dispriipornouate de, giee.^ This we maintain h s been theefiect whether it was designed to be so or not, by the course which has been pursued by the bank of Kughn.l in regard in the Cotton crop of the United States That particular article hss l*cen selected from nil othor articles, as the one which o as to lie sold at low rules in England, bsnutso food hud to b- piircnass.l from other cminti ie* at high rotes, to sustain tier penpln. We an* nware that this position wilt be vidiemeully dented. It is never* theU;*a stitetly true, last any man look over a file of Enslish commercial tn%»pup«r» for the pa-t eight motuhs and see if lie can ducovtr.sny othei aiticln of inoichandix* nr trade, in whin, ■peciilaiioii has been mi energetically denounc ed. or relnuvo to which so many coiubiiintioH* hive been developed, calculated to prt-vt-.nl its yieldinc a fair remunerating price, to the pro ducer nr importer. Let him review the price- current— the ag'eomeui among epiufiers—tiie articles on the money market—the statistics o( the crop, and consumption—the advance of the rates ol discount by the Uuulrof England—nod then let him *uy. if liurru is one word in them ah wh.cli depreciates a rise in !hu price of s*ugni. C< fie*. Saltpetre, ludrgonr Tea. nr any t^er pn-ductiou, site Cotton/ l**>tnim then liooesi* ly state hia couviciiou. whether them Ins m has uot been a com uu *d.ex eusive and most iufi i enlial elfiirt to depreciate tbs value of (lie Cot- ton crop of th-j United dtates/ If we etlull bo fully kuisfied of the troth of . tto dto a-.t -'iv.»! c. in v . i. their fiilh itit tiro public? It ||'i-,u«in the Southern States. . ' < our country, it is quite obvious that tlu*y wuuld ihrougn the fomigti exchanges have what would hiMquiv.il-.-ut to av-ip;»!y unnuallv.of eighty mil* | lions of the m.-l-ils. Tiie exchuigc^ of tho Union wonl.l u this event, hecetitraligsd | at the Sniilh and smuoihiug done towarils the m Comp is Inn nil of the great desideratum of S.mdierii hope nnd aspiration—n di*ect trade. And we have no hewtaunn in saying that we holievo if tho Ranks of the Soitthcoinu forward promptly and geuorallv, and make advance*, .it safi rates, to responsible parties.oii our crop, that the mas? Huptudomfjf btnrJicUl cAusfs will b« 1'ir-civd in thociirraney ,trmlu nnd exchanges tin* philosophy of »;d did n's • «• Mrui'U in llio last Tho pu. Uct diiji Guriick fo u 11soil thov nny h iv-» emanatod fro n I Tho II tin- highly r- , ».n , ct - h! • purl )i of tho Rank ofEn* | counts i i l % ii* n i: I i h«* I*i m l dmiili or llio.itdu. who Ii hu . stiinmor, \ htuiuing iutViem'-'. n A only on t'u* American Ira-lo. but li.no pro«tr nt-id one of the greahtst branches of Ihe gigantic industry "f tho British F.mpinminder tho vain and absurd hone of stopping during an nbviouMy ttiiravoinhle state ol tutdeand a deficient harvest.that stream of gold which was a* certain to flaw out of En* gland, na the falhor of our western waters t* to roll his cMrrunt to the ocean. Them wise men. in their generation, have Indood done their worst—they have proMiated American Interests. and all the interest* in their own enuntrv con. uuctnd with our own, but the fatal tide still of our auctiounfthe Union.thatha* errrfefii con' Howe on. tamma’ed. Ifatthi* moment when they want And if our Ranks desire that a portion of this ‘"V., bi . l iiiu j'uiucuror tnv faVUmony , w‘ < mi/“y^ , /t//hii[ niton of Rrokors, or Rankei* U» \ -l|C i, ,» W 4g„ra*of sell prott-eiioi, ns »|»r,|t i / to meet his a-'cepouicn. Tlii» i when money is piemy, without til li»« muiuuiit it R3C*.34:y er of the Cation, or thu Rank, to } funds advaiinid on it, then tno Cot. I be sold, whether during a deprcsied bln market. Whenever the Riukm efusu to discount the Colton n.-ceiv i hi* Urokeroudorsed by hi- Rank cannot g»ve him any fin ti e __ , 5»emdveuture, the Rank or Eng. s set her face ng iip.it trnnsactiuns in n. Tnen the cottoi*. must be sold at any fice to ihe ipiiiners, who are well advised oi the amount of our staple thus ready for sacrifice and the period when it must lie forced upon tu rn irkst. It moreover m ty happen that tho hill* which the parties shipping the Cotton have renived may be good or good for nothing; and what does the planter utid shipper trust to when he agiee* to lake these bill* in return for tho produce ofhi*iudn«try/ Ho lru*K first to the autho*ity of the Agent to make the stipula ted advance, and tp draw the necessary hills en hia principal, lie trusts in the next place* to tho inclination of the pariiefabroad -First to accept the bills;and trusts finally to tiro ski.l and judgment of the foreign house, in the realization of the property, nud to their ability & disposition to hold it until the must favorable moment for its sale. The receiver of the Cot ton risk nothing, but the difference between the market value and the price advanced unless the Inner is both' extravngatil and ipeciil-itivc, (winch one party ought not toa«k,uor the o;lter to give.) this risk i* trifling. We are emi’ely aware that it miv be urged, that probably fiur fifths of the produce of thu Globe is circulated by the mean*of Riff* of Ex change. It is jilst as certain that protested bill-, drawn against shipments «»f Colton, are sent back by ihe thousands and iiuudrHd* of ihoiu> end* of dollar*, by every packet, whenever die market is temporarily nr permanently depress ed. If the price is high enough to cover them, ihoy are accepted, if not, the reverse ittevitabfv fellows. 7 Wc think from this statement, it must bet altogether obvious, that our great staple is with out any protection whatsoever; to say nothing of the fact, that it rnav sometimes be in the hands it the mercy of those wnosu interests mid sympathes aro with the buyers of the article, rather than with the shippers, or the producer*, m spite of tho exemption from, this imputation which is justly due to nemo English houses, who have adhered to the interests of Uieit corresponi dent* with great firmness, and fidelity aniidst unexampled difficulties. Indeed it is altogether impossible to conceive a system of sale so utterly defenceless, for an . impatient article, which performs such an es sential office in regulating the Exchanges and Influencing the currency of our country. , YVe will now proceed to the second branch. 2d Having thus demonstrated the injurious tendency of thi* system, the question arises whether there exists within out selves any mine* dy? The avowed designs of this Convention being to devise some moans to protect, in liiturs a most important American interest, we pass at once to its consideration. It may not beout of placo to advert to thnt dernngiiinont in the monetary system of tlm United States, winch, in IHJ7. led to asuspeni siuii of specie payments' throughout thu Aumri* cm Republic. At that lime our country owed ti Groat Britain a largo comumrcial debt, arising out of thu excess in value of the imports of the United States, iu their trade with Eng. * land. To pay this balance in specie, was imprnn* tic-tlilo—An unusually favorable season had given us a cropof unprecedented abundance in the cotton growing states. To transmit this property to the country of our great creditor, as. lint as possible, .unit evidence that tlm citizens of the United Suites wore neither wauling in • the means no the disposition to redeem all Unur obligations, the ntd of thu Ranking lusliiinious of the Union was invoked; and to guard e part of the propei ly, so tr uismitted, through their io-triim-ihnlily;front unnecessary sacrifice iu - . priiltCiion as slmlt xtnuij owr iuiifr—t* nx.iinsi 40L-u influence* ill fuiurn. Tho question »»»i*e*. wnai tlte#o mea-ure* i*i*;iiitmi ii-re we wiii take uccnsibiiiondveit to the gro-s niis.r«pr-mnUtimi of the inmivc- mu J obj-tet*, ufihose wh-iare iespoii*ihle for the call of Uus Cuuveiiitun. It hesb^cn siid. that it wn* nediiug mine or lei« than lo g«t up u schema for giving u speculative excitement to prices; to esiahiinu a ueriii-iiieiit monopoly u, tl III MfdllCU. bv IIIH iMIfll.a tb« Cottun market, and to seduco, by tlm tempi talion ul high profits, the R ink* from the sphere of their legtitmajo hiiMiioss to turn inerchan *; and thus derange the whole commerce of the ceiiinry. To•*«-legationsare iitteily untrue. lull,, ft -t pl-ic.i wo uvow that nothing would be more mjujtoii* to ttiai great desidoratmn. steadiness in the price of our staple, than any toot porn. > and undue excitement in me market, whil-t Uie churgo of monopoly, wiiemhe whole crept- open to the comp.union of tho whole ivorid i. equally nnfouuded. Ii will he perceived, in the sequel that so far from desiring to force or se. doco the Rank* into the risk* of comumrcial ad- ventures, that wo do not propose to them to do nny thing more than perform their usual form, non unending money with an angnwnied men 1 n *7, i" 01 , 11 vvo |»«i»p»sa that me Ua' ks of the omith -rn States simiild noniumtice frnt-i ivith to in ike advamurs mi Cullen on the pled* ill n practicahl j form of the nut trial iu«lf; with tlm personal security of the person* taking the advnnre. samma ed. Ifatthi* moment when they tho support of uur great staple mast, they should embrace the pitioiis conjuncture, when, ever, resumpiion of specie payments should be enutmenrod, hy general accord, they would not only be in a state fur vigorous resumption, but be in a condition of impregnable strength, un der the eystem of exchmgtutin a gieatnr or less dfgiee, eight v millions of their currency for eighty ntilliotisof foreign or domestic exchange. For with the former it i* altogether obvi«»us— they could hnve tho means of thawing any ••mount of bullion they pleased fiotn Euiope. after sailing a sutHrent sunt to meet ilia inland exchanges of the < nit titty. With thesu manifest niid mkltplwid hlessings hetnio ii«, wo invite the cordial coiicuirence ol the Southern Rank*, Planters and Cotton ctianis in the me.i-wtf* si* titumt to aub>uu AV« ar* aware, ho>v(!\«*r/wo>hmiiil not poifo ,iii <.ur’(ld'iy,6r *o. y iiiitdequaioly meet pnlilir ax- j-ect.ition it we di-| not poiiit out.pi.iciicufiy. h 4 me hi by winch ih«*e desirable obj-ctsjHe tube accoinpiislied. First. it •* proposed at all tlm principal ship ping pelt* of the cotton states that parties, whe ther id.iiiters,cuttiminerch.ints or factor*, should apply to the Ranks for snch uu advaure oil the cotton they hold it* may he iu conformity with tho current rates and be unit unity agtcenble to the p irti-s. In every ca*o where tho Rank conceives the advance n«ked fi>r i* too high, it is quite competent for the ii.stilulion making the advance, to require iu addiuiou all the security incident to an ordinary di*coiinled note. It (vuuld bn altngnther impracticable for this Con* Voiiitou w> fix tho *Uud.wd of what wmild or would not lie a safe rate of ml vain e; ns this, of eoursn nittst depend on llm fluctuating question of production and consumption—ih-^ti-st in fl-ieticed by the vicis«itudes or the slAons in our own country; and the Inst, by the state ol trade abroad. This mu-t of course, be left to Uit! sound discretion of the Ranks themselves Ry requiring this security at home, the spirit of larkle** .peril aiioii would be repicrveiluV the disastrous embarrasuionts of uncovered looimna- lons^loavusi amount, averted. The patty app.yiug for the advance must produce th-* ware houac receipt and policy or iitsnranct. •lul) iis-ii-ned v to the Rankt or bill ef lading, if the cotton is on the eve of shipment abioaii. Th - Rank. «•* its equivalent, after charting die interest mi l allowing ihti ddforenceofeidling*, take* 'ho stet ling hill of the shipper nl six luouih*. iu-l advances its own notes, nud by mutual agreement, it is arranged to which of the hmiws to Is hereafter appointed in Eli opn to hold these cunsignmetiia 'he cottun is to he shipped, with an explicit undersbiudiug, that it is to be In-Id for six mouths from tin* period of shipment U so long be .necessary to secure any a ivantiiguou* sale. If/be advance* are mcived by the Ranks in the interior, then th- rsce.ipi*-V. the bi Is of l idiug, Stay be Irani, m fed to their agent Ranks in the shipping porta in onlei that the i-ierliug lolls tn:i* be signed by the shipper, that the exchange my be negm ti tied It will be perceived that by (lie specific re*-«lu lions annexed lo this rep in. theiu-le by which we propose tu carry nut this great measure. I* First, Ry the appointment ef nCmnmitee in each of the grcai cotton markeisof the Southern 3iate*,*tnct>tif'*i wiilithe tlmki forthwith m orierthit an.ingemun's may bo made to com- -“•b-'ttJioiuu mi coituti on tho jsrms pro- Secondly. That these Snitdiug ('ommittee* be aottun i/.-.l to confer wi'li the Ranks a* tu the sciectiou of the turn*?* in Uicat Ripuin, and oil tho nontiii-.iit of Europe, who -nail ire iMiipowcr* -d to receive end sell the con igmiieui.* Rom c teh of our shipping ports. It may perhnp* be -l>‘*ir.ible to ihrt R-iuk* t» estnldi-h' in Ihe for. •ign nt .rkets, a* the best school for our ympig Ul !fell*Ills new American houses, lo attend to the transaction* nftbetr busim-sa. Yonr Com* tmllee in considering th- report ii.nde tn this Convention by Gen llmiiilhiti, in ubHiiieucs to tii-r instruction* of the New York .Ylet-iiog, whic'i devolved on him the proviiMie of arrnng. ia^ with son Iry Europe in houses, I* lake thu c<iu«igiiiOHiti«, mid winch ha* been referred to you- CutiuuiUcu. are of opinion that the Con* volition hud better make no designation of the h HH -*;'hiH simply tu -ugga-t th* shove relar cnee,however entirely aatisfiad they in iy he with Ult* Uiaiinuf ill Wl\Ieh »ln* gontleitiau perlomiHd stream shall be lavished on our own shores, let them turn to our great staple, which, under a judicious course of trade, will command the pre cious metals front every quarter of the Globe. Tu onr associates in an important branch of our industry, the Cotton Planters of the conn* try. wh would address a vo icu of sympathy and warning—wo wuuld lull them thnl the mode by which the product of their capital end sk ill i* disposed of in the great market of its con*ump* Ron is enough lu break down the most valuable staple, next to the stalTof life, which God lias given iiimii. They must not rest satisfied with the uncer tain calculations of the product of a crop, liable to be cut abort almost to the last tuutmmt of its gathering, hy tho vicissitude* uf the Miason.— Whether it he a lar.-e «r asmaUone.n judicious syf-lem for "iVeriug it for sal* in the great foreign markets «f its cousiituptiou. Is equally tho part of polity mid \vi«4ltin>. The fact i* not to bo ciioccnlod. in spile of the depiessrd state of trade iu England, if the American homes in Liverpool had held this year, the stock of Cot' ton which wn* consigned to Humphries and Riddle alone, during the Inst; from toil to fifteen millions of dollars reclamations would have been saved to the country; wo should luivo had an effective balance wheel ,in giving steadiness to the mmknt. The contagion of a disgraceful f mtiic would have been suppressed; and snmo list relation preserved between even a dimtn* died cniiiiimpiion mid a crop of unexampled shortness. The production of onr staple treads to- elnsci ly nn tho m-ii-Mire of uon«umptinn, that of tin* articles of commerce, it requires the utmost earn ill its salu; yet perhaps it receives the least. YVe ought to reflect, what would be the extent of thy calamity which would befall our country, if it wore to break down ton point which.would not cover the cost of production. For to the tip* lands of the Smith, it is our only remunerating pinditct. An efficient scheme of protection, for « few )enrs, will make ell »ufe Tho use ol Cottoh, ns e fabric of liumati raiment, i* just penetrating tho Russian Empire, end beioie tunny years, we shall have in the boundle** re. Cions of the North of Europe, e class of con Sinners more numerous than those ol the King, doin of Great Riitniri. YY’iih these reflections on the past, and antict pntions of the future, we submit, with this Ur port, the following Resolutions for the xdopUou uf the Convention: [The Resolutions and balance of the proceed* ingsofthe Convention, we will give in out next.]—Ed. Rkp. yrMuidny, n-. wc .in- iidolltl- i-’f lnn',4 _ . (iverpnnl, take* o-vt no ijU-iM-} wot ill ui-muL' /; I for the A'. I'.J.nr .fi,, "Art SIKlirlNd Of MlIRCIIANTS IN RKI.A- TION TO THIS FINANCIAL Cl! his The extreme scarcity of jtihuay iu Him city lias induced a movement an ihe purl of some of onr merchants, with a view to nlnam toilet. A maJtiiig wit* hold at tho City llntol on \Vadue*« day evening, at which n committee previously appointed, made a report. in accordance with the recommendation*, another Cmninilten was now appointed, tn wait upon the different Ranks in ilia City, and re. quest them. I. To enlarge their discount*; end •J. To take the notes uf all Safely Fund Ranks at par. In tho course of yosterday. tho Committee f ierfovmcd the duties nssitneu them, soliciting rout each Rank, written IlYl.TIMURi; o,t, / lillir.— | III. . I** |||;| 1111 I I --11111 1111111 -. 111. J „f |» || r ,,| I n ii J V’*! ' Xnu " i - l ,w « for exp,,,; 'J bee u i*'i nr,. f„, i; „.,. rn ln ( . Ln*t. Irt j winch is il..} •inifonu store pries tin ’ ** ^ ^ I'- " aM-; i |M.-.i i* $0 to fra mi 'gbttit. ’ f r t’i ^•"*W®te*rde n |,,r Hour of it.;. ! *np. . 1 ■ linm Mliip*. p ut for , in I lit- v in in i l.'-t U,?:. „ U “ .lock «.k. 0*1 I B, fO 0,1 3>vr A’JLI* TIIUUSHAY KVENING. Oci. 31 IH30. OCT The Georgia Journal *aye—‘“The trial ol Hr.anr Joxes, who. it will be rccollacled, was demanded by the Governor of the Stnte from Mouth Carolina, and who was supposed to be engx»uj in the murder of a JsWgFedlsr named Kma« hx-.s. who was found murdered and concealed in a .^|) 0Mr j„g ||Mr (;|| n ton, last November came ut.,, j 0 „e* Superior Court l ist weok.'awd after an ‘*tt r afig n F| ( Hi of three davaiVAl^mul guilty .but tv^nttndsd to the We ora aware that one of tho strong obj c. ttoin urged lo thi-. scheme was, pie in -diutn -ff I*o*t Notes, thiough winch it was pmpoxfii tint tho*c aiJttnc.:* rii nild Ins paid. Since the cm|| of this CofiVeiition, and the period of it* a sc in. bly. the Ranks gener-tlly, With luw oxcepiimi-. have suspended specie pty.nents Ihrooihoiit the middle and southern glut**, nud which is likely, in spite of ihe strong edbitsby tho Ranss tn Wojy.YqrK. losustHinx rodemption ofthei. note* hi coin, w.ll becom i iinivers.il. until thu country can itcov. r Iioim the g.eit and uiipre. Otiiluhim! i„ti, Wlfici, it I, ttliumj It itlofulorfl Urcimia, , 0 ,|j, cl ,, a ,| lu -’—t Nuto »j.|.iin,.iirij to .l„iw tlm, mVinili *'-"**■ »«‘l » reruitt run,I WtltliV red«mn non at mammy. ,ho> ini.-ln bo niaito eq.iivalom to tile boat "iLniLef haiiKOi or oidmiry circill.tion. I lie cri.i.coitninly Nfu.midii. to u fat. te.t of tiro oliii.iuy of tho exon moot Ii: protect mg ouriiapie through tho iii.iriiiii.,, ol. tty ol our llarika. n. tho proc.-., of axohtittgihg their note, for good merliug bill. i. to then, i.ift Itil0rlli.lt,ibly u ineiuino, not only ofo.«eot,.il attleljr, but of .o.iml policy. Wo ore very fa, fra.o,.tying, tint .a algrml it oalmnity n. Ill,tin. tor, opt.uu of ptiyiuniti. in coin by onr Itunk, i, toboreg ired with any othor roofing. Ilwu thow ot ['toloond rrgiet; but wo appro..end that ,|,j. sti.puiwion ho* re.it tod from n in iiijfo.t q,„[ nttovoiditblo nocn,,iiy. The truth i. the lam ro. iimipiion wu. ptoiuamro. On. country bod not recovered from tho prentrahun of Id.lr. j,„l mo prcjent cri.i. ha. boon precipititud upon ,1. u, the .hurt Imrru.t of tho lul miiuuiu in Groat llritiiui. Olid aou.onuiiui ri.u m ilm rme ufintoi. c.t try III. Hank or Hugltind wtiich rendered A. uiorican .oellrilio. nileily unavuiluldo-doorei ciaiod ■ lies value ortho Cotton crop or la.t y on r —and ontoilod upon our -hippo,, the noeewiiy ol meeting enormous reelaui-nions. The enquiry therofarn nri.o., whetl.or we Cannot me onr groat .toplo, a. tlm mean, of rSOWwMig our Hank., of onuliling t|m, n l0 ropleuUh ilioir vim It. with tho procion. motoli and thereby fin- ify thnnuelra. for reauinpiion wllll.l limy .hall subserve ills Important pnrpu'O of prnleeiing the irriiat Conan -trowing inteie.t of tlm country. Wo think we oau. Wo lotve not at the South the mint-, of Mexi co or reru. but wo liavo growing on the .ut: face of our ferule plain, a staple of equal value, .• atl infinitely a less cost of prdducimn, end with • out any oxpnu.ire proce., of complicated ob cheoiy. ofoa.yeoiivertibihiy into tlm procion. inotals. Shall we in the pro •••— oftbi. oxctiottge allow other, to r np the bomifii. ofjtlitx oeii eer-ioii; at n moinen! loo when onr Ifaiik. re. lias ran tn maturity, quire a reflux of bullion into their cofferx or ' • • iUeqitiv,t|ont.iii foreign exchaugo, iu older that tiii. duty: and ot'iti - undonbiod re.neotebility of tho Ii iii-o* with whom hu coMlfried. Thirdly. That in the City of Now York there should in* hii Agmicy esieb ivlied for each donth • rn oliippiug port, to bn iinpointed hy tim Com- tnittec*. and R inks, of -aid Fori/whose duty it should tm io to ( s-icu Cottou ;»■* m \y Us slnpued to New York: and such exchange as may go to lhai place for neg.-tiaiiuu Fumthly. Tuai a Delegate from each of tho C-'iniiiMtce* of the several Cotton Murkefs.meel on-tii* l«t day of Aitgusi, ol each' Voar, in iIih City of New York, to confer with ilm Nvw York Agencies, and to doviiw such im-aatnes as in.iy mure i-lftfctually pruiioto Ihe onjccty of mis Convention. Tuis h the sum and substniKo of the plan which we pr.ipose for tltH ptntectinn of onr g-eat staple, and the re*M»citatioii ofunr currun ey. Ill IIS details there i« neither coinplicntion nor mystery. Its object is to bnrrm* ihe money on onr staple at home, and not ubriMil. and thus to pl'ice it beyond the teach of nacnlico. when. ev*r the Rank of Engla-id ro iy either, from wise councils, or nil unfoun led panic.. rAi*ethe rate ofintorost. NVo dtsetaim ffmauipid ch irgo of hostility to the nt inulautiiring iutered of Eng land for the manifest reason, they constitute our best customer. YVe must' moreover, be allowed to enter our protest iigainsi tho unfounded allegation, that w« da'iio vo fix. by au absolute edict, die price mercy of ihe • jp j» np ■' ■ ' cn . ti.oly circumstanti.il. lie we*' sentoncedr©^. instructed by Ihe meeting, a ritten answer to the application. Last evening,nl 7 o'clock, agreeably to nd. jourmneNt,a nuinnrnus meeting or marchants and others nsmmbled at thu City Hotel to hear the report of the CoiitmittKe, und iu lake uiduf thnrmm ns might he deemed expedient. Mr. Tlimnus Detttiv was appointed Pieiident E P. YVoodiiilf* lat Vice President, and John L. Loycd.2d Vice Piesidnitl, and Jno Autory nnd F. S. L'i'hrop,8ecrelAriea. After wuich, t iu Alenti-nr was called tn order hy the chair. Thu Chairman of-the Cmnminee appoidivd mi Wednesday evetting tho 23d, rvapectfuUy eport— •That at an early hour thi* morning, they call • I mi tho different Hanks and presed the i (Bcii.1 m m action of said meeting, with the request that they p pJ'T' would Ikvnrus with their answers in writing in t-wric, lithe form to report to the meeting this ovum iua.' ‘. Ilo then read th* following lattcra from tl;« different Hunks: [Tho grant length of the letters prevents our ^serting'them this morning.] The Chairman said the Rank of Commerce ha* not diminished their discounts to nny entr. stderahla extent during the last thirty days, and are disposed to do nil that they ran. consistent with the safety of Ranking Institution*— nnd paittcitlirly their own—to relieve the piesent unprecedented pressure of thu money maket. After reading the letters, it was on motion Res*l&H. Thnt. the thanks of this mooting bo given to the Committee, and that their report he accepted and piiklithed* On mot Inn of Lewis Tappan, Reso’ttH. Tint a committee be appointed to make an immediate request tu the Ranks that they will take meniiire* to hold a Convention of nil thn Ranking instim lotisof thn eity in the courseofio monow with a view to increasing their discmiw*. and affording such other relief n« the exigencies of tlie crisifl requires. Which resolution being unanimously adopt' ed, Messrs Thomas Denny Messrs. Jonas Amory Win P. Miller IlobitlJnff.ay O Thompson F. & Luhrop Peter II. Schenck A. G. Stout G. P. Duo*way Charles Warded were anpointed acomiuiueeto carry the same into cflVct. It w-14 then, on motion. •*-//'« /»Tl at hi* Committee topo t o t fat r day evening..at 7 o’clock. After some rematks by Ihe Chairman, Mr. Denny, it was licjolrett, That in the opinion oftbi* meeting. •here is no nlteinative— if the Rank* do not ef lindassistance, dime mustheuii almost univer sal Hankriititcy. • The (peeting then* adjourned lo Saturday evening, Ocr.'Jfith. nt7 n clock* TIIUMAS DENNY, President. F. S. LxTHK ir, ? Secretaries. * Jones A soar, ( From the St. Augustine Herald, *5th tnst. FHOJI THE SOUTH. The YVtn. Gastou arrived on Saturday from Key Riscnyue aiit! Posts South, CoL Harney a C -•.ivil.i,#,.. M'i... r'nlntliil it... ...» dAvt... . n ...... Ii- wilnmn a con.i.li.i.,|,| a oxl,niL.'t. ***••«. nlmnt thu iinifurm iota of*(| or. nu -ku l.lli« pt«v«llliig prir, l(1 ,[^ »h[^ notice. Th. Po». nf the Dnpii.t Clm.cl, , iisli, will he offered for sale 6 IJ th tiny of Nuvcnl'rr.JSlia, ,o itir.i a, o'clock,,1*. M. Txrnt. Iffs:.' "• obtain >3 •PMifiM, will Jo well tn n m ii,/,’,,"' “ t " ,m r "i Uy order pf tho tVwliold.,,. 0*180 ? (V.W.WA8I,. Tnn,,,\ PILOTS OF THE POUT dFsvvIiJrr Tlio following It,| oriMota fa ' order oftlio Hoard, forth, inforn,,^ concortted. «•> ' v » ii bullocii. fiec’ry. Cnm'n. Piko.L branch 1-iLors. *■ Elij dt Uronghton, Jol,,, w L'.ke Cliri.tio, JwnpMbkn J-'-- ItotibiiM,’ Stephen S. Ti rain Willinm \Vhi le , Willi .mThon, s . dolm Stev.iinm ' («l drni.i L ' io d<, Qrecti Flo,(wood. dolm II. Unite, J une. Kin;, J.iltri Fleetwood/. CERTIFICATE PILOTS Janie. L. .MiilH, f or pj John G. Sexton, d„ Cliarle, R. .McKolixio, do Frederick llooiiojion, do 14 j. Fratteid IVil.utt, do 12 Jo John Mnrthaii, ,|„ |o do Alinorletia Cr«i;, d„ |j , 0 Willie in Joliet, j 0 , a ^ Jomex 8pence, do u do Manuel Jeteplt, do 9 do John Mxkin, do 9 do ocl no—r. DIED. Ill title ciiy. on the 24th )n.t. aO.rapi ■d illnirt Gxorok llr.vov Mexroxc.ima^ vonr of lu, ngo, of Nona yj Tor tho Inal vein u re.ldent ofihi. pi.c, 1 lU'Too rUJitnn of die North C.iolaU »^teque.ledjog|^,odMA,,,, tt~r 1 lie frlotidx end iicqoiiiiiiiiee^^^M ■nd Mr.. Joseph Gcorgo, and Noiilj. n'J pectfully invited to nttend the fno.iil 0 | , ymtnge.t dnngiitnr Al iriax., fnnii theirri corner of York and Puce .treetr, itS.'d Thi* Afioniann, l-AHdENGKUS Ter .hip Corriinemhi, fro.n Dneton—Ur B g.m nnd Indy. MrWyer nud lady, MrC min* nnd Indy, Meura Fell. Etion, Cni Stendnian, Coin, Crone, l.mcnln. Per alennibonl Iviuhne. from DlukCni Mc.xr, Leid., Sadler, Uuo n.v, 8url.ll, t ■ nd 8 deck. pri«minatiiin tho State Ponilantii.y for nndTp3|fiM*r. The Colonel, we ure .orry to wiy, do,in* the tenn of hi. LATE FHOJI NEW.IORK. RESULT Of THE MEETING Of MER CHANTS. DEATH OF GEN. JACKSON. The .team pneket Ntpiune, Copt. Pxn.vavxn. arrived al Chniteaton on TueMlay lul, in CO hoar* from New York, bringing the paper, of Hint city to Saturday mar,ring lut, tuclu.ive. Wu hnve copied io>low.(.ey. the Cliarle.lnn Gearin' ufyeaterday) ae full a report of the pro' ceedii.g. of the Merchant, of New York, n. onr lunite will allow, knowing Ihe doup inior.-t which it excite, in oar inorcaniitecoininiiiiily. Itwdlb'j moo that the mooting adjourned to meet again on Saturday availing. The final „• anil ol their proceeding, will be aoxioo.ly look, e.l far. A Cdrre.pnndont, under dnte ofll.A.M, 2iili mil., ,jyr: •Wo hove nothing of iinp.ntance thia morn' iug. it iMil.g Into eiimixh to a,on,tam him .lior.ka are to day Tharu wax a mentiog iiflho Oflicennfthe ditforent ll.uika in thi. city lo.i ovo,ting, but widinilt nlloriog their preriuo.ly avowed re-olotion of ..i.lainin* apecle p lymaut, wliir-h tbiiM dependent on die Dank, (or money do not at all like, and fen, th* roault mild inoyf lahly be tain There In. been rateral auq.cn non., nod ...am aioppoge*. and many rnl.ro. x pecteiblnily. Ail ibuu^vhu are eound warn to agree on one paint, that in, to continue paviihr •peeie.’ * - Tin Courier end Enquirer of Saturday, con tain, the fufitmin* paragraph, enpiod from the I’hiladelphla (jaxitte or Friday afternoon, on no.incing the deceam ef the venerable Ex Pr,' ■idem of the United stale., Gen. ANDREW JACKSON •Tiie melancholy intelligence reached tho city w-i iin'im wih. »»Y an >uiuimq cuioi, me puce *i,: ■ ^ . _ . ■» of Coiton YV« mm hi no object so absurd and | " n o r,, ing, lit latter* from Lousiville, of tho oniiiGiimblo. % \\o know Hint tho graat law of j ““conse of Ex President Jackson Tim Inform «U|,pty ,i--l d. tn .nd tnoei, jfio; oil, regolam I aiion wneietiliiaxiily lo * ro.nocixble tnarc.oili’o price. Hut it i» ii Ingi itniiia obj ct of trade, by - ’ wis-t provisions. 1(1(1141(1 ngiiust gliue iu ma in irkut. eml iiufouttdHff pr::;cs ofou (lie ionhIi of unworthy and prnfiignte combumtiutis. Wo have r-po itu-lly seen iIih most false oud uu bliiffiiiig st u^m-iitcof tiie pmlj.ibl** amoruil of tho Cotton ciop of ihe United Slate*, fur tho pur* pn«e o'. dnp>e*4ing its value. Enstyuiir it was N4.4ertod that tho prmJuciin-i would b» 2 000 000 bins, hi the face of a product of l.'.DOOil); hihI. iu iIih face »fa drmixhr of untxninplod mtorisi- tv thusoiison, it is iiffi-m-rd with equal truth, tluit that of lho nrodout yonr would m.icli 2 fiOO.i 000 bigs, which, hi no event can r-xceed an avnrago one. No ariicla of axrimiUure nnd commerce in the whole civilized world is expos ed to -itch Hccumulntinn of dmtgers, a* our great siajrlo. Even th it p«*'ih*ut drug iff oriemiiil luxury} the cxnuKmn of which has recently J 1 * 5 »«»g }» n * ^«r*» noiquixiing nonvuleeil a mighty Empire to its centre, ace on which »* about ihe fair les* mi object of hostile coinbinmiou smopg (hone at least, who piirRha-io it,‘although it dispenses madne** a*id death, than a staple which gives to a man hi* most healthful raiment; and which rival* the fl cco of the lami in its softness, and the miruculmia reaults of the imhuttiy of tlm silk worm in the fineness and beauty of its fibre. We desire no monopoly. If the agents of foreign houses aro willing to giva a higher rale bftulvittico limn Ihe Ranks, lat them luko wiili the Cotton, the risk of such advoninroi. -All that wo wish is, to place a portion at least nf the Cotton crop beyond tlm roach under the death warrant nf place at least a portion . blighting influence of those house in Church alley, from it partner in that city, and comes in -itch a direct modo and form us to leavo no rcusouablo doubt of iu autlmnti city. ‘The papers front the West and South will probably contain atl ihe particulars of this eur iuout death, iu ilia course of a day's mail or two Statement* unfavorable to tlm Imalili of tlm G, „* eraEtuvoboun prevalent for several wo rks.* The scarcity of inonoy still prevails to un * un, precedenled extent, and has now prevailed so long, that it seems irksome to repeat the cumin, uance of its existence. Foreign Exchangee, in consoqiiHnctf of tho supply orbills being liiir lh« pressure for mumry so grout, have fallen — St4! (mg hills were tmgmnming at fmn I0H* IUd|. which is about the fair qitoiaiion*. bin soiiiodruvvn by a Rank in Now Orleans are re ported to have been sold much below thia r«u. Bills on Paris wore sold at Of. 80. Guifcff; Slocks hnve again rather recedod, Amur! can gold fresh from thu mint, wart olftnijd 4 p-ir com prom,, hut no biiYersiippearini. h placed on depo-ite in the Ranks. *“ Si Notes offering at one per cent diecmim/whiS?. ,notuud f»i>m aotnu iiibtiiutioim in VVml The Ranke, we understand, will meat TNritiuri this afternoon, but lh« result nf th*.iS 11 * o. I,nance, pracnc.ble compatible with their o(v' i^tui,^ -iy, they wiii hove it, to ‘ssy si™;™ gaimt Ihoui to llio knile. The InilimiThiln i Col. Homey their beat Inoiid—they will now lit iu him their eevereet enemy. Ilelbro going to Koy iV’est, (which we men tioned in »late paper,) the Colonel toldtlio lit- diam that if they wulied for [leuco Utey mn.l camp near tlm fort, where they could be aeon, and that tire oliicer. might become acquainted with them, so ax to distinguish parties disposed to hu friendly, from other, who were coming in and out wish no definite object. To Ihe propri ety of tin., they luwoutcd, hut on hix return lie lomnl they had all disappeared, nnd with them dixappeared all the cotuequeuciix of u oummc'r’x taloing. This ereuntomnee wee the clo.ingoceuo of Gen. Macomb’, nlcummt three omitted tltu ‘•Cranty treaty, or the Gomboogeled .obiter." Tito tragedy of llio war-dance massacre, proved neur- ly a tailiue. George, the hderpreter, (Uiese negroes have a singular knack in escaping Iroin tnassaeresteayx •hat mi file day previous lo the dunce, Chitto Tuxteliuggee came several times to Fort haiul- erd.de, in a c iuoe, to urge Lieut. Tompkins to go op to tiro old pickets (nhout two tildes) to see a hall-play hy Die women. On file day of the in tended datice, invitation* were most numerous, overlooking rank, parly und politics, the whole command woe invited. George and two eoldiete .done accepted, taking in their canoe some whis key 111 a pall. On reaching tho landing, George was surprised at seeing no lights, uml hut a sing.* hro, lo which they directed him. Uirecily lie hem d the sit ip of it ride, and saw one aimed at itnn— ho was too much frightened to speak, hut jerktd at one of tiie soldiers’ pantaloons to draw him away. Sam Jones’ son wus aiming a rifiethro" a break m the old pickels, where there were n muul.er of others pointed, and ho saw many hist raised above fiitt pilhucuoes; as ho tnnied to plunge into fito hver, two shots were tired and directly a volley followed—the soldier received one hall through hts hotly and is since dead, Tho bring continued and halls falling imcouiforluhly near, George plunged und came np under file IV"'”’ ‘ iv”I".eIt!Lia bank, where lie saw the Indian movement*, ! «*«» •«*-q-»? 0l '° hoard all they wild. They were painted in grand’ brig Cs.pun, 8*1..?.*"°“^ style, nnd evidently supposed uiut u good part of Uie command was at Uie landing when the firin'' commenced, liut laid somehow eacaned. At iirst they exulted loudly at Ihe supposedxuccex of the [iter, but when tliey loittul there were no deud .Sfiles, thcireoy wa- turned into rage. The nmla- ble Lhitto instenuggee, acting as commander- m-chiel, reproached his warriors as being no hot- ter tiuul so many old .women, lu allowing 0 „o white man to escape. 6 This Master L'hitto lias certainly been miito notorious, from the day that he wi, carried on hoard tue steamer liere, drunk—stripped of Ilia d griity—mid elqlhos, to file ulteiunicd 1 massaero " •!•* people with whom lie has'been or fim cnv'toxxr. rtn mt aeiar.n Arrived yex.orduy—I7(i !i:f e.fiotlun 111 beriy aV Jones. N A.llardr-e, Adams A I rniiehs. YY r «shbiirii, l^wi* tV Co.E Ilea C IliHtriffge, D Fonce & San, L f LmM, Tuppsr \V 8|*t«rs. stilt* Ni;1V8* 1*0ItT or HA V ANtYAig ” ~MUUVED SINCE OUR LMT^j Ship (Virpinmidu, Fierce. Hoahn, 74l Wight W H Sitiw,. K W>lly.WxdtM*3 11 At Co. f W lleioeniauti. Padelfirrd.Ti Co. O Johnson & Co. R |lnb*rslMaifr& RAH Wood Cohen iV Fosdick, IV lf*-_ Huldwiti, F R Swam, Aldrich. fJa*«Mll C llnriiiiigo. F \Villb«rf«r. S Pfiilhriekti H 8 Cook. J Sf J \V Rfimffiari. IIVSiam Cohan, Miller A Co. E Reed. GII Mi/,J| Pyimhon, YV YVoodbridxe, J Cmn'mini. Stoainhimt Ivanhoo, Uniloy, lilackCuJ N A lloideo. CLEARED S.-h-Lti nruco, Robbins, Baliimort-FSi A Co. CHARLESTON, Oet.30.-Ar*ifril Clionvur. Now York 4 (Java; IlAlko.n do. sailed 24ffi iin-i; schr /nines Potw.l Nnssnit. NF. fids; st-iiim nucktU trim. Simpson, barasnnh vis BeeifiSt'jJ Chaco, do, via Rnaufort and Eduto; 1 ton. AJtirrtiiull. YVilniiii(toii.ND. Cidschr Annitdo Ophelia,Tnylor.Nw OALTfMORE. Oci. 2fi.-Ar#lu>fr Nickorsmi. 10 ds fin N Orleaiw; Urtm Cminrinn, YVossal*. Gffdsfni Brerwa. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. *26—A» ^ schr Aloxanffqr, Acqnet. fill St 1/onnry*- | Cld ship Mniitcxiiiui.ClirisliaMoaJWr brr* Fai'iflc. Lmmir. Ilordwinx. NKYV-VO UK Oct. 85—Ar ship HA Ellis, IJnvnnn; Hr schr Jane, R*^-***- Cld s*iip Neva. Bnnkar, 3Iobila; bfl Marks. Williams. K«) Wcit* . HUl ships .Moslem, Now Orleans; < Charleston. ■_ u-- Oci. 2ff -Ar ahip* Rnmin.M Eire°.s*i May Flower. Week*, Stockholmi»d P- bri/i Philitru, 8liormon. Ssmsm- Cld Hhips Gon Parkliill, »•>/•. 8 »! Havre, Vauard. Now Orlyantt I***® * xumiuer acuitotaut giteii. Tlw wretehwMtinr” ton!| h |S;T" ,l “ U f‘ Co1 ’ H«n*y .hould at- h ud the dunce, ,11ml sent xovernl inuxxmroa to In SuIT 10 l,im U, “ <!VU, “ of ,,i “ living We.it,corely Itopo that Colonel Itiirueymuv peedily regom |,lx xtrongllt for tlm country cuit 11 xparehtx xorvtcex, give lam u regiment of ri- ncme, 1 and wo ara nmeh mi»tak?n if Mo.ter wifilin fuUMnum'lw. l pb» teeo FOB OAHIBN.BBOMm 8t. Marvs,'Jacksonville and —— Thi loave fur.jjflfil c-e. TIIIS.EV® 31,t iii.tint, at 8 o'clock 1’. (• paxxago, apply on bcauI.erM ^ IS. B.-All freight PV-W'.lljfl Slave passengers must btf cle»M J tom Honro. ——— kpjU QJMIBH! BOWiIIEHCUI, JOURNAL. LATEST HATI'.s riton MVKitnoor., nto« IIAVKK, men mobii.k, t : ; : ; •. •* t *. riCOM KKU.opi.KAN*. ; ; | *, sxrT •err OCT 007. SAVANNAH EXPORTS, (ici 29 Perwhr Lx Bruce, for Baltimore—80 c Rico, co.kx St. May.xml DhrtOffl SISfflL bor.ie.in”- 1 '''.! •■I fur ib* 4 !!#* f ,, SATURDAY EVENING 2d Sj^j o'clock For frcighl or board, »• *' lom llmno fl m Ra'sssaw-***' or to R.&IV'' All freight payxblo Slave puMUgo""" 1 ' 11,0 C,S loin Home. M'W