The Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1853-1855, November 16, 1853, Image 1

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11 * m BlOl* drfl ittlof rfpol Tu* W Y'> r- Vf r ■ m VOLUME LL gB^u-imnw the republican. is runr.tsHsn DAILY AND TRI-WmLT p. W. ALEXANDER & CO. TERMS REDUCED: n»llr PAiwr.ln Advanco* tn 00 "« U uot Paid lu Advance,... 0 00 Trl'Wcekly* lu Advance. 8 00 „ if not Paid lu Advnnce t ... 4 00 Weekly. lovnrlnt>ly In Advance 8 00 Wcuct'Yi (Hub prioo,) 10 copies for...... 915 00 nflftiu •'«« will Hit order for tho paper bo attended u'uniewaocompwuled wuh lha inouoy, or a satisfactory r«pcrence. ADVKttT j 8 | Nn RATEBt Advertisement' Inserted at tho following rates:— roR ONK SQUARS OF TX9 MNKS, OnetnKrtlon....tWcU. One Month |0 00 rlV » ....$uw Two “ .looo TJL, h .... 1 33 Throe “ 13 50 HP “ .... 150 Four 13 00 Km “ •••• I W Six “ 80 00 Vne Week 8 00 OuoYonr ’JO 00 ' For advertisements not exeoedlug Bvo linos, three- fourth* of tho above rates will be charged, l. o n For one Insertion 43 cents. u two “ «....75 “ »* one week $1,30, Ac., Ac. Logul advertisements lunurlcd st the nsuul rates, end iirivt care takeu that they be published according to law. Ait advertisements front transient persons or strangers, •o tie paid for l« advance. The privileges of jowly advertisers will bo confined rtridly to their regular business, and all other advertise ments, not pertaining to their rogular business, as agrood (er. to be paid extra. Yearly advertisers exceeding In their advertisements the average number of lilies agreed for, will bo charged it proportions rales. So .Al’VlCRTiSKMKNTt WILL RR INSRRTID ORATl'I- . Proolankutloit—TliunksvlvIuR. oioaata t at mrschii. v. Johnson, aov. or satn stati. As dependence on God suggests tho duly of prayer, so tht bestowal of Ills mercies should prompt to praise; Mid as Slates sro as dependent mi Individuals, those du* Ue* are alike obligatory on them. Georgia, In common with our happy Country, has shared Uborally the boun ties of a benUn Providence. Ilo hat (tiled our barns with plenty j he has preserved us from pestilence and the sword i bo bu blessed our Land with general pros* perlty j Therefore I,IlsRicttiL V. JotiNion, do Issue this, my Proclamation appointing Thursday, the84Ui mil., ns a day of Thanksgiving, anil request all religious denomi nations In tho State to assemble In thelrrorpectlve places of worship, to acknowledge with devout gratitude, the manifold blosslngs of god, and to Implore the conMnu. attco or Ills mercies upon tho State amt Country, lllven under my hand and Seal of the Executive Depart ment, at the Capitol lu MllledRovIlle, tills tho I tth day of Nnvombor. IH33. Hkhhciiki. V. Johnson . ,\Tho newspapers of tho State will publish one <fm«, and chargo In Executive Department. SAVANNAH, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16,1853. NUMBER 270. Ugh All advertisements for charitable Institutions and ri- itous societies, will bo charged Imtf price, i-jr All advertisement* sent to this office without di rections as to ttie number of Insertions, will he published liilv, until ordered to bo discontinued, and charged ac- oon Ing'v.i ft | (tjrs directed lo Ibis office, or Ih Editor*, must be post puld, to entttlo thorn to attention. N. it.— Each Citation by tho Court of Ordinary, that ipplication lias I icon made for Letters of Administration, must be published thirty bays at least. Notice by Executors and Administrators for Debtors ind Creditors to reuder lulholr accounts, must bo pub lished stx WKKKS. Sates of Real Estate and negroes, by Executors, Ad ministrators, amt Guardians, must bo published FORTY PAYS before the day of sale. Those safes must bo mmh) ai the Court llouso door or the county tn which the prop erty Is situate, uud on tho tlrst Tuesday of the inontii. between the hours of ton In the morning nnd four tn tho afternoon. No sale from day lo day Is valid, unless so Harassed l« the advertisement. Applications by Executor*, Administrators and Guardi ans to tho Court of Ordinary, tor leave to sell Ecu! Estate! or Negroes, must lie published TWO MONTHS. Sales of personal property (except negroes) of testato and Intestate estates by Executors and Administrators, must be advertised FORTY DAY8. Applications by Executors nnd Administrators for Let ters Pis dssory, must ho published SIX MONTHS. Application for rorecInsiiroofMartgAgeson Ileal Estate, mart bo advertised once • month for FOUR MONTHS. Orders oftho Court of Ordinary (accompanied with « tony oftho bond of agreement) to make titles to land, mu«t be advertised threo months at least. Sheriff's sates, under executions regularly granted by tbeCourts, must bo advertised THIRTY DAYS—under Bwrlgageoxecutlons, SIXTY DAYS—sales of perishable pMportv, under order of Court, must bo advertised, gen- trail}. TEN DAYS before tho day of sale. SAVANNAH, GA, WEDNESDAY IVIOIIMNC, NOV. By Magnetio Telegraph. [rOR TUN RKPUBLICAN.j LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE Buropoan Correspondence) of the Ropubllcjm. BALTIC. Baltimore, Nov. 14th, The U. S. Mail steamship Baltic, has arrived at Kcw York from Liverpool, whence Bho sailed on the 2d inst. She brings three days lator intelli gence. Liverpool market. Cotton.—The market for tho past three days has been heavy and prices rather in favor of buyers. There lias beeu u desire on tho part of holders, to realize on all grades below middling’s, and in some instances to cil'cct sales, a decline or 1-lOnJd has been submitted to, but in general businoss, the quota tions brought by the America are not altered. Tho sales for the three days reach 13,000 bales, of which sjtcculalors took 3,000 and exporters 1,500 bales. Breadstuffs.—Prices for all descriptions were unchanged. Money.—Consols wero fluctuating; tho closing rate was ( J4>. Enstern Question. The Eastern question is much mystified by con flicting reports, there being rumors of the Turks having crossed the Danube, and also of an armis tice having been agreed to by tho two conflicting parties. [second despatch.] Liverpool iflarkel. Baltimore, Nov. 14—Cotton.—Tho demand has been moderate, and prices especially for tho lower grades have been iti favor of buyers. Tho sales for the three days amount to 13,000 bales, of which speculators took 3000 and exporters 2000 bales.— The following arc tho quotations, which aro tho Bame ns those hy tho America : Fair Orleans (lid. Middling Orleans 6 d. Fair Uplands G2d. * Middling Uplands bid. Another despatch says, the market closed heavy, holders pressing sules, and had submitted to n partial decline of 1-I6d. a l-8d., particularly on the lower grades. Money.—Interest remnins unchanged. Consols have advanced and are fluctuating at 94 a 9-U. Kice commands extremes rates. Thu Eastern Quention. Afiais in the East remain in obscurity. Thoro is a ruinor of an armistice having been declared between tho two conflicting powers, it is ulso ru mored that tho Turks had crossed tho Danube without opposition. Lnto mill InturuMtliitf from Tcxnn* Tho story about 0,001) Mexicans marching upon El Paso turns out to ho a hoax. Tho protended oxpresa-ridor who brought tho nows, is supposed to Itnvo beon a dosortlng soldier, or a fugitivo from justice, who invented tho tale, In order to got n good homo to expedite his esenpo. in this ho suc ceeded, though tho papers hope ho may urrivo soon at some safe penitentiary. Ono of tho party of gold hunters who wont up to the Guudtilupa mountains has returned. Tho Hous ton Telegraph snys ho reports an abundance of gold at the place designated by Mr. Stewart,before ho was taken sick. Ho snys tho gold is not found inlquurtz, but in tho soil, ns in tho dry diggings of California. They found an wbundance of water about hull*a milo from tho mino ; so ihnt tho gold may bo obtained with Jiltlo difficulty, with cradles ar.d other machines for washing it. Tho San Antonio Western Texan states thnt information lias been received there Irom Messrs. Jones and Devi no that they have succeeded in making such financial arrangements at tho North and East as will load to the commencement of tho San Antonio and Mexican Gulf Huilroud about tho 1st of January next, and a completion of tho onterpriso within tho time specified in tho contract. A counterfeiter’s don had been discovered in Orange county. Their coinage was limited to ton and twenty dollar gold pieces, but tho counterfoils wero well executed. Large quantities of spurious coin had been carried to tho northern and western counties, nnd a widow in Tyler county, bad boon paid in spurious coin for n valuable negro man,sold to ono oi tho swindlers It is said tho names of some oftho rascals aro known, nnd that efforts will bo madoto bring them injustice. The Indinuola Bulletin, of tho 2d Inst., has tho following, items: Cupt. Teal, of tho Philadelphia schooner Martha, died on his vessel, at Lavaca, last wueok, of yellow fever. Excopling this, we liavo heard of no other deaths there since our lust, nnd uniletstand tho place is aguin healthy. From Mr. Pennington, in Inst night from Peters burg, we learn that the crops of Lavaca county aro very good, and thnt lino health has prevailed generally in that region. The Austin Gazette, chronicles tho advent of im mense swarms of grasshoppers—too late however, to do much damage to vegetation. Tho Jefferson Herald has the following interest ing paragraph :— At tho Refuge plantation of Capt. James C. Scott is an old ncqro man the properly ol the cap- tnin, who formerly belonged to Blennerhassott — Ho wns on Blennerhnssett’s Island at tho time the forco of militia was Bent to arrest him, for his con nection with'thc Burr conspiracy. He remembers distinctly und can relate many incidents in con nection with tho rumaging and mutilation of his master’s elegant mansion on Hint occasion, and speaks indignantly oftho outrago and insult lo his mistress, who it will bo remembered, remained there alter the flight of her husband, lie describes Aaron Burr as being tho finest geni Ionian lie ever saw and says, “white women in these days can’t come nigh up Jo what Mrs. Blcum rhassctt wan." When speaking of Blennerliasseit and his family tho old slavo is often moved to shed tears. With tho exception of tho Islands on the Gulf coast, the frosts havo been very general through out Texas, nnd tho most of tho papers are rejoicing over the consequent departure of tho yellow fever, and the return of healihfulncss. Tho Victoria Ad vocate, however, regrets to announce the appear ance of tho epidemic at that placc._ £3^ We aro under obligations to Mr. W. P. Wright of New York, for a pamphlet copy of tho Constitution nnd By-Laws of tho New York Cotton Brokers’ Association, recently formed in that city. It may be found upon the round table in our Read ing Room. Storm at the North. Baltimore, Nov. 14.—There was a severo storm near Boston yestorday. The Connecticut and Mas sachusetts Railroad track was washed away in many places, and the mails havo been detained. New-York Market. New-York, Nov. 14.—Cotton.—The snles to day comprise 1,500 bales. Middling Upland is quoted nt 10 a 104, and Fair Upland ut lljj cents. heuih of tho lion. Elian Hood. We sincorely regret to havo to announce to-day, Iho death of tho Hon. Elias Reed, ono of our old est merchants, and best citizens. He had been con fined to his bed for somo days with chronic dysen tery, which finally terminated his lifo about 2 o’clock P. M. on yesterday. Judge Reed was a native of Ridgefield Conn., and caino to Savannah in tho year 1810 ; ho soon after went into business, and since that timo hus Lcn actively engaged in mercantile pursuits, Bis first partner in business was Mr. Jonathan Meigs, (very recently dccoasod in Augusta, 0*a.; a name well known to tho merchants of our city and State. Judge R. commenced life with limited resources, yet by strict attention to business, energy and perseverance, ho soon rose to tho possession of * finndsomo fortune. Unambitious, and unpre tending, tho honorable positions which he hold at varioua times, of Alderman, Judge of the Inferior Couit, Director and President of the Marino and * ,r ® Insurance Bunk, wero conferred upon him knaaked, through confidence in his integrity and anility. Upright and honorable In all his dealings— P'ain and unaffected in his mannors—remnrkably ttfopsnionable, and us a host, kind and courteous— Public spirited nnd liberal—lew men had stronger G‘foin than ho to tho friendship nnd esteem of his ‘•How men ; nor will any departing, bo nioro sin- cerely regretted, or losvo behind, wanner and moro derated friends. Judge Reed at tho timo of his decease wns in tho Savannah and Charleston Railroad.—Under the Resolution adopted by the Charleston nnd Sa vannah Railroad Convention, on tho 9th instant tho following gentlemen aro appointed a Com mittee to memorialize the Legislatures of Georgia and South Carolina, for tho Charter of a Railroad, to connect tho cities of Savannah nnd Charleston by tho shortest practicable route, nnd also to tako measures for having tho routes in question surveyed immediately. Charleston—William E. Martin, Savannah—Solomon Cohen. St. Lukes—'Thus. F. Drayton. St. Helena—Edmund Rhutt. St. Bartholomews— Natiil. Heyward. St. Hcfcre—Ai.LX. J. Lawton. Prince Williams— Burwkll McBride. W. F. Colcock, President oftho Convention. Expedition from .Sarnnnali to Liberia Colonization Rooms, Washington November 5, 1853. Unavoidable circumstances render it necessary for ns to postpone tho time of sailing of the expedi tion from Savannah, Georgia, to tho 15th Decem ber, by which day wo calculate on having every thing in readiness, of which all persons interested will tako notico. W. McLAIN, Secretary American Colonization Society. £3^*Southern papers plencc copy. [for the savannah republican.] The Uravo of Ilic (Ion. Wlllium II, Crawford. Shame upon tho people of Georgia! Tho grave of her greatest statesman ami jurist, remains to this day at his late residence in Oglethorpe county, entirely neglected, without a monument to point out his last resting pluco. It is timo wo were nwuko lo asenso of our ingratitude, and hud wiped from our escutcheon this foul stigma. Vain is our boast of greatness bo long as wo leavo unprotected the graves of our “illustrious dead.” Shame ! shame! ! shame ! !! upon our St a to. Georgia never pro duced such a man as her Crawford, nnd yet she permits tho beasts of tho field to feed upon l.iis gravo nnd trample his hallowed dust beneath their feci. Legislators of Georgia ! tho remedy is in your hands—“if you havo naturo in you, bear it not.” R. R. Tbo Hon. Win. E. Dearing, Mayor of the oily of Augusta, has appointed to-morrow, Thursday, as a day of Thanksgiving nnd Prayer, in thnt city, in recognition of, and gratitude for tho benefactions of Providence. 68th fear of his age—his death loaves a void in jfi** community which will bo painfully lolt, and g remain unfilled. Arrival op tub Florida .—Tho steamship *wW", C#pt, Woodhull, arrived yesterday morn- _ n< f in sixty-four hours from Now York, bringing imwiengers and a full freight, yn Thursday tho 12th Inst., at 8 o’clock P. M. 10 !“* North 0 f Bamogat light, exchanged signals Yulk l ^° Alabama, henco for Now rip!^ 0 ar ? <ndo ^ led 10 our New York contcmpors- P„, ,/ de * iholr respective journals, also to r,| cr Clarke for Into papers. ,' V ' l| y 0 iliipntch .to tiiu agent., thnt tho « e »™i"p Aujiutla .reived in New-York veater- UI v» atnoon. Yankoo Sullivan has been admitted to bail, tho bonds being fixed pt @1500, nnd he bus sent to New York to procuro proper securities. Of courso tho “fancy” will bail him, nnd then,0/ course ho will appear at Ills trial and tako his choico between tho penitentiary and $5000 tino. Those papers which havo so warmly praised Iho authorities of Massa chusetts for their prompt arrest of this bully, may now *lng another puian in praiso of tho magnan imity of her courts of justice/ in thus allowing him to slip through the lingers of outraged taw. What Next]—A Mr.Pocock has invented nn artificial Kite and Hawk, which being made to hover over a flock of GrouBo or Partridges, so terri fies thorn, thnt insteud of flying oil*, they sit quietly awaiting the sportsman’s advanco and submit to bo shot without tho slightest attempt to escape. An artificial spider for entrapping Hies is now engaging Mr. Pocock’s attention. • Paris, Oot. 17th. Messrs. Editors Tho advices that havo como in (luring tho fow days past, plaoo no now phase on tho Enatom question. Turkey has spoken, and no ono can say she has not spokon as her dignity nnd nationality domnnilod-wlratevor may bo hor des tiny in thoprobablo coming etrugglo—which cannot but awskon much anxiety among hor well-wishers. Bho will command tho sympathy of all truly hon- orablo men, in spila of tho gulf which may socially nnd religiously exist bolweon tho followers of Mn- hornet and thoso of Christ. There may bo thoeo who regard tho npproauhing storm, ns prospoctivo ol n bright sky nfior—whon Christianity shall plant her fair standard on iho plains of Islamism.— It may scorn to many ns hut nnothor step towards wiping off from tho earth's surface, the various to- nots of superstition and orror, leaving behind tho pmo'doctrinoa taught by tho Saviour of mankind, which aro to form tho glorious arch to span from Timo to Eternity. That wnrs aro evils in thomsolvcs, every soul imbued with nny of th6 spirit of pltilun- thruphy must admit; but in tho grand scopo of hu man regeneration, they mny bo designed as tho primo machines set in movotnent by tho influence of tho Omnipotent Spirit to scourgo man for tho folly of his ways, and at tho satno time, promote his well-being. Tho world as it ttuw stands nnd has stood, cannot remain long in a Btato of peace with out running into depravity, social vico and tho In numerable crimes of prido nnd nrroganco. Tho moral ntmosphero becoming charged with a vicious electricity, can be cleared only by being disclinrged .amid the (bunders of war. It is doubtless this foaling —tho feeling thnt tho religion of Mahomot is to fall— that tho Crcscont which has for several centuries ro- tired before tho ere long to disappear forever, that operates with so much forco upon tho minds of Turkey’s allies, independent of their many interests which render European poaco so important to them. To light seems to them, in tho caso of Turkey, like fighting against destiny ; and, notwithstanding Russia is acknowledged grossly in the wrong to havo outrageously violated tho rights of nations, they yet struggle to a fleet somo arrangement which may avert the war, save themselves from tho odium ol having abandoned their ally, whoso independence nnd na tional integrity they havo sworn to sustain—nn ar rangement which will leavo Turkey un existence, at least, if not honor. But amid the many har angues about protecting Turkey, not a word es capes in regard to tho result of that ussistanco in checking the Czar nnd driving him to honorubio terms There is evidently a sickly misgiving on that point that induces hesitation ; nnd should this protection bo materially olfored—unless a chango takes place in tho moral .onergies of tho Sultan’s friends—the rcluctnnco nnd faint heart which at tends it, will not bo prophetic of much success. Tho fact is, it is an ugly subjout for them; they are hearti ly nauseated by it, and wish to rid themselves of it as quickly as possible. Turkey has taken her position, nnd it is oithcr war or a full concession—lo oppose which is out of tho question. Tho manifesto was published in Constantinople on the 5th inst., and Omar Pncha, tsotno say iiis son,) authorized to convoy the de cision of the Porto to the Russian Commander, demanding an evacuation of tho principalities. No authentic account hus been received, I believe, that the combined fleets had passed tho Straits; but, at tho fast dates they were preparing to do so— which tantalizing news has been visiting us for tbo Inst mouth. As to the evacuation of the occupied provinces, various statements are given as to tho timo allowed—from ten to forty days—and in the event of a liberal period, tho advocates of peace, ut all hazards, base their hopes. The nogociators are still at work. What will bo tho form of tho next note none can venture to conjecture. Lord Aberdeen, in reply, the other day, to some resolu tions sent him by tho peace party in England— those few who sustain his course—remarked that, “ Her Majesty’s Government would not cease in its urdent effi>rts to arrange thoso serious differences, nnd in a manner compatible with the honor of England, itnd (he peace ol Europe.” In face of these hopes for a pacilic termination— which Would now sectn absurd, since Russia will not concede, nnd Turkey is committed fully to was —rumors aro in circulation as to Ficnchnud En glish armies moving to the scenes of dispute. A dispatch, dated nt Marseilles the 15th, and publish ed this morning, states that pressing orders had just been received nt Toulon, commanding the arming of several steam frigates lying there, in order to transport'troops to Constantinople. From England too, several published letters speaks positively of similar orders being put into execution. All these publications are received with caution and incredu lity. The heated imagination in times like these is apl lo carry ono away into such extravagancies. A public functionary in Europo now cannot go out of tho sphere of his daily labor, to take a morning promenndo without giving rise to tho most astoun ding assertions ns to (ho concealed object of this chango. Everything is full of war, and the slight est appearance of a motive, is immediately slumped a fact. You will receive by this mail—1 fancy they wero too into for the last—the full accounts of the Japan Expedition under Com. Perry, which seems quite fluttering to Brother Jonalhnn. The ciicct which it will havo on onr position in the world ol enterprise and Commerce cannot but make us more offensive in the eyes of the jealous Monarchies of Europe, From fair Italy the news is over of somo seditious character. Miss Cunniughum, whose arrest and imprisonment by the Tuscan government for the distribution of protestant biblcs has been tho causo of sumo angry words from England has been liber ated but upon what footing I have not ns yet aseor- , tainod. A few days ago, a enrringc-full of young men, arrested for political offences was driven into Verona w hero they wero conducted publicly through tho streets, tho authorities hoping by this exhibition of their victims in chains, lo provoke others to acts which would mark thorn out. Tho trick succeed ed nnd numbers wero arrested. In tho Tyrol Cnl- vi, Robert and Chinclli havo been taken up in the attempt to mako their way buck into their country. Tho unfortunate death of Lieut. Ballot a French oflicor who accompanied the English Arctic expe dition in search of Sir John Franklin, has awaken ed quito a lively regret in Groat Britain, and sub scriptions are on foot, lor a monument lo his memory to be erected nt Dover. This is honornblo to England, and calculated to recommend her to the riondly sympathies of tho French. It is something verging on the strange to see tho amicable relations of thoso two countries—Franco and England—whon we look bnck upon their histories. Perhaps no two nations over boro towards each othor deeper and moro abiding hatred. To fight they thought them selves horn—und their histories aro written in each other's blood. Prejudices still exist, but tho present relations at Constantinople have induced a kindly fooling, which never had birth beforo. They are hushing up thoirinmily quarrels, their satirical jokes, and aro trying to act together in harmony and,with something like cordiality—a thing requiring great moral force, and resolution—for If thero aro on tho earth two people the antipodes of each other, I con- ceivo them to bo tho French and English. Wo have bad a week of charming woalher, so acceptable alter tho continuous rain for somo timo previous. In tho dramatic nnd musical worlds thero aro no great hits—some novelties in tho way of brilliant spectacle, but tho artists aro pretty much tho sumo ns have boen sterutvpod in Paris for years, with tho Iobs of ono or two of the “ slara,"—Mcd- moiaello Rachel, for example who has gone, or is about going lo Russia, to play some hundred nights, for which sho is paid something liko 80,000 francs. Altogether tho prospect or tho theatrical season corns by far less flattering than wns promised at tho corresponding period of last year. Tho play houses aro crowded howovor, and as long as cheap rtista can draw os well ns moro distinguished ones, f courso interost will not prompt any chango. BAG. (Kommmtal gnUlKjgtnce, .1 verpool.. .NoV,*8*j 1 Uvrtv!f)"t. , 80 , | l |fa vans.. .Not SAVANNAH WAUKUT. Monday; November 13, p. M, 1 COTTON.—The sale# to-day amount to 334 bnleiattlio following particulars» 10 at 8# 144 at 8j(; 0 nt DM; 00 at Dtf t OU at UK 134 at 0X;71 alOfc; IW at It);34 at !(>><; and 81 «t I0M cents, The account* per Baltic were re ceived lu tho forenoon, but bod ho effect upon prices. Savanntx Exports, Nov, 1S, Porbnrk Exncl, fur Doiton—1948 bales Upland Cotton, and 20(1 bagft Itlce Flour. Per brig Oliver Frost, for St Johns, N B—11)3,515 feet Pilch Pine Timber. For brig Turcolln, for Wnldoboro, Mo—01,503 feet Timber. guamegfl AHCII1 TEUTUHEr SH0LL & PAY, ARCHITECTS, Corner of Hull und llryan-nArooU* SAVANNAH, Offer their services In gentlemen about to build, to Coin inllleo* of Public Buildings, Churches, School Houses, Ate. Plau* for all kinds nnd styles or dwelling houses, fee., actually built and lu progress, can at all times bo seen a< their offico, As It Is more economical, and saves much atterallsap- pointment, to have plans and speolllcutions well matured beforo commencing, It must bo deslrublo for those nhoul to build to secure the services ofexpcrl-enced Architects (rgF* They ulso undertaki) Die Inspection of works during their in-ogress, as well us tarnish designs for overy style ol lulorlur decoration, monuments, tuhletit, bo. doc 4 ly, acraurttnc acercMBtrotiUB. i WlattclptHa gaeccttatmewts Nl'i AV- yOHKAN DLIVLII 1*4)01. ^ 1 UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS, | tux ships cimraieiHo mis link ars: ~ UWK8T'. / “ ATLANTIC. Cupt. WEST. ARCTIC, Cspt. LUCK. „ J!« co ‘ iwock ' From Our Now-York Correspondent. NEW-YORK, Nov. 13. With limited exceptions, tmdo Is very dull Just now, It usually Is at ttds season of Dio year, but It Is rendered unusually so by Dio money pressure. The exceptions alluded to above aro breadstuff),.which continue in very active demand for Great Britain, and the' cnniiuent nt very high prices.’ Flour hnsadvanced twelve mid a half cents under the favorable InQueneo of tho Jlmericd’t advices, und 8®4 coats on Wheat. Tho supply of Flour and Grain afloat being light, largo operation* aro dully made for parcels to r.rrlvu within the next six weeks. Common and Straight Slato Flour now cominatids$7.l3>^ by Dio thousand bids., which la about $8.50 higher than this tlino last year. Primo Gcneuaeo Wheat Is worth $1.80 by the cargo, which is fully 80 cents higher than last year. The account* Just received from Europo rela tive to Breadstuff* glvo assurance of handsome proflts to our farmers, uud profitable employment for our railroads uml ships. The Dry Goods trade Is emphatically dull, notwith standing whfob, Dio loading descriptions or cotton fabrics are well supported. Tho diminished stock of manufac tured goods, and the high prices of Dio raw material would seem to preclude any decline In prices. The stock of all kinds ofgoods left over Ih comparatively light* Thu bulk of this years Importations Is over, and Die present stringency consequent upon overtrading ought to teach a healthful lesson for Die future. Tho value of the imports or Dry Goods alone since the 1st January Inst is $83,553,084, against 853,807,h7ff during tho same periodji>f 1852; excess thus far this yuar $49,370,048.— This week they amount to 81,118,087, against Sd‘25,170 same ttino lust year. There is a slight “ fel up” in the money market. Thero is more currency, and although thero la little or no nbiueiuout tu the high rates, u return ol confldenco In llnanclat and commercial circles ts perceptible. On call, money Is moro freely loaned at seven per cent., end primo business paper Is done with inoro alacrity at twelve percent. The recent lurgo arrival* of gold from California have contributed not a little to tills result. A telegraphic despatch from theUirector or the Philadelphia Mint states Dial Dio total depostta of gold dust from Cali fornia, since Dio flrat discovery of the auriferous regions B, B, MILLER & J, I). PERU 11803, WIlLLLU niGHTN A HLAOKSniTIIH cournen or Broughton nnd ffIoitt{roincry««irceUt sjiyjjVMii, (o^/.) Carriage*. Wagons, Curts and Drays manufactured. BlHcksmtDitng, including Iron Rolling und Grates for Buildings, &o. done at Die shortest notice. nug 8fl Those ships having been built by contract, .expressly for government service, every rare John taken lu DielrcoMtrtJCDnh, us also In their en. gffiei, to s(re"gfli und spued; und their accommo dations for passengers ure unequalled for eleguuco or comfort. . . _ . Price of passage from Now-York-to I.lvernocf.ln flrst class cabin, $1201 lu second clas* cabin, $70; exclusive ijimj ol extra also slate rooms, $300, From Liverpool to New-York, JE30 and !b80. An experienced burgeon attached lo enen amp. No UerllmcflU bo secured until pntd for. 0 *j, ( hYotix Neu>- York. Saturday....Nov. 83, 1853 Huturdny....D«-c. It), 1833 Saturday....Dec. 84, 1). I.. CUIIEN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Tiiylor-ntreot* [rivit DOORS WKHT Of DRAYTON-HTRUItT,] (s prepared lo contract for nil ktnda of Building and Repairing. Also—To conduct Water through tho various partsol Houses. out 13 li. IKJTLIjIC, MASTER BUILDER, I)cutcr in WhtfcPino Lumber, YOIIK-HTKKICT, UOLKTI10Hi*X-SUU*HK. N. B,—lie Is prepuroa to put In Iron Fronts to Store* Stc. Is upr 29 DENTISTRY. HOY ALL tSi JOHNSON, SURRIOAL A Nil MECHANICAL DENTISTS, St. Jrulian-strccf, fob 14 Near the Market, Savannah. ly DU. S. G. PANCOflT, DENTIST Is prepared to perforin all necessary operations for the Regulation, Preservation nnd Beautifying the Teeth, and will Insert ArtlUclal Teeth, from a Single Tooth lo a Double Set. Dr. P. will spare no effort to glvo tho ut. most satisfaction to all who may command tits services, u83—ly Orrirx: 150 DUOUGIITON-STUEET. HAMILTON COU|»Ett. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ClIAItLKS P. COOPER. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOR FLORIDA, 175 Itay-Ni., Siivannnh, Will practice in the Courts of Chuthum, Camden, Glynn, nnd Mclmo-h Counties; also Die United Stales Circuit nnd District Courts for tho Southern District of Georgia. SKrUKICNL-ICS. SaennnaA.—Hon. It. M. Charlton. .Messrs. Crane it Rodgers, Boston & Vllluloiigu, Daniel II. Stewart. Fivriiln.—lion. Jus. H. Hroonte, lion. H R. Mallory, Hon.Thus. Biklizull, lion. Thus. Douglas. Hon. C. II. Du- pint, Hon. W. A. Forward. 3m EDWARD 1ft. ||A IB DEIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tho 1-nclllc, reach.. Ih. very Inrgn winrvgiilt. I A'- Trantpomtai Agent of Ih. WcUcrn ami Atlmllo of 8204,000,11(10, which added to the amount received from Austrulin, will swell the total to $300,000,000, be sides ttie supplies received from other sources. A valu able relation is our sister Californio. Long may tier gold mines yield thus prolilicly. The Government is fast depleting Dio deposits In tho vaults of Die U. S. Treasury, und ihcro Is a large increase to Die flonting capital from Hits source. Ttie Cotton market lias been without animation du ring the week, and tho market closes decidedly tn favor of the purchaser. Tho America's advices diuppolnted most operators. A slight improvement was anticipa ted on tho other side, instead of which wo are advised of a slight reduction on Die low grades. Tho stock here ts so light that prices will not be apt to go much lower, though somodecliuo seems inevitable, Judging from llio lone of the market ut Die present Dine. Tho Bales for Dio wiek ending last evening, amount In the aggregate lo 8,318 bales, of which 3,387 were for export, 3,740 for homo use, 800 on speculation and 319 in tran situ from a Southern port. Board of Broker's quotations: Upland. Ha. Ordinary 7?* 7*( Middling Kltf Rljf Middling Fair... 11^ )|i> Fair I \y, lltf The market In-day closes weak. Truly yours, Nctv-Drlcniis, .N'ov. D, jii in.—Cotton ItinggoliR. -TValkcr ('minty, Georgia, Will attend promptly in Die collection of clnlnis In l promptly I .. Walker, Chattooga, Whitfield, Murray, Gordon and Dado counties, Georgia, and Hamilton county, Tennessee. nxricuicxcE: RiNUunLD—II. & B. D. Brewster, W. L. Whitman, F. W. Thornton, David Jobe. Acotsta—Win. 11. Starke 6t Co., I*. A. Scranton, Colt John Mtllcdge. Ciiarlkston—E. II, Stoddard &. Co. Savannau—Dr. Richard D. Wayne, Win. M. Wndlcy, li. F. Waring, und Win. Lynn. eodly—June 14 JOHN ... HOPKINS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, CUutmuoo^n, Tunn. RxrBRKNCK*:—Thomas M.Turner At Co. nnd Nevltt, Lulbrop U Slebbliis. bavniuuih; Col. C. 11. Hopkins, Darien; uml Thomas II. Calloway, President Ena Ten* nesse und Georgia Railroad, Cleveland, Tennessee, jau 5 dly N.O.&Tex. Vi 11* 18* 11* 18* Manhattan. -Tho JOHN J«. EOCIIItAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, l.utirciiN County,Ga., Late Junior Partner of the Jinn of A. fir J. Cochran, trwinton, Georgia. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to Ills care. Particular nttouliim paid to collecting. Rkpkkknck.—Dr.C. B. Guyton,and F. II. Rowe, Dub lin, Gu.; M. Marsh, Savannah. ly nmy2 demand was more general and active than at any time since the opening of the season and resulted in Die sale j of Sjtit) bides. Prices are linn for Die better qualities. lunc 23 IV.VI. A. LOFTON, A T T O It N E Y A T L A W, Monticollo, Geo. JOSEPH CANAIIL,, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner oj' Hay and If 'hilaker streets. iy Ordinary.... Low Middling Middling Good Middling.... Middling Fair Fa COTTON BTATKME! 8tock on hand 1st September, 1833.. Arrived since Arrived to-day ...nominal. ... 7? 4 '@ 8* ... 8J*(& 9 ... U*@ It** ....III (stlUJtf ..lOJstaJ- E . «;. (M ii,tiv om, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I’nrsyth. <2(1., Will practice in Dio Flint and adjoining Counties of tho Jun 7 Macon Circuit. if PROPOSED DATES OF SAILING. For Freight or Passage, apply * co„ Am From Liverpool. Wednesday..Nov. 30,1853 Wednesday.. Dec. 14,1853 Wednesday..Dec. 23,1853 FULL JMVELLED GOLD LEVElft WATGIIE* IB KARAT GASES, ONLY $30. Full Jewelled Hinvun t.svKKs.only. ..$14 00 Hilvkr Liennks,Jewelled, only 9 00 Oou» Giuim Chain*, 12 00. B|t,VKR Tsklk Broom, per sett 18 00 BlbVkkTkA “ “ 5 00 Gout I’kni ils I 50 001.0 ficne, Silver Holder* 1 00 Watches or Jewelry sent by mall to any part of the United Bute* with perfect safety. All or ders must be uccuinpaiilod with cash. Address (post* i paid; LEWIS LAUOMUs, IU0 Chestnut-*:., Philadelphia. ! csrwo confidently refer to the editor of the “ Atne^ 1 cafTCo'urier” for the quality or our articles, and fldolltyv of our htulnoMdealing*. Tho attention of Southern and Western dealer* I* re quested before purchasing elsewhere. They ure tbn cheapest Watches In Die Untied Htatcs, and warranted, sept 12 3m L. L. EDWARD K. COLLINS U. CO., 60 Wall-street, N. Y. IIUOtVN, Nil IPLE V ic CO., Llverp«* E.O. ROBERTS 4c CO„ 13 King'a Arms Yard. )<ondon, J, MONROE 4c CO., 20 Rue Notre Dame dos Vlctolres, Purls,or GEO. II. DRAPER, Havre. ITSF’Ttm owners or these ships will not be accountable for gold, stiver, bullion, *i>ocle, jewellery, preclou* alonei ormetuls, unless bills of lading ore signed therefor, nnd thn vnlnothereofnxprowmd therein, end—ly nav 10 “ notice' TUPASNENGE IIS. In consequence of the great advanco tn the cost of Provisions, Coals, nnd Wages, the rules or passage from Liverpool to Philadelphia wilt bo 21 Guineas, 17 Guin eas, and 15 Guliiens forCuhiu, nnd 8 Guineas for For. ward Passengers, niter October 18th, 1833. LIVERPOOL ;gfji§k PHILADELPHIA 8TUAM8H1P COMPANY, Intend Suit in if their Favorite Ship* CITY OF MANCHESTER,2105 tons,Capt. Robt.Leltch, CITY OFGLAHGOW, 1010 tons,Capt Wm. Wylie. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, now. 8800 ton*. Capt. Wylie CITY OF BALTIMORE, new, 8200 urns. Capt. Leltcti. FROM PHILADELPHIA. City of Manchester,... .Saturday, Nov. 5,1853. City of Glasgow, Thursday, Dec. 8, 1833. City of Manchester,.... Thursday, Jan. 5, 1834. FROM LIVERPOOL. City of Manchester,.Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1853. City of Glasgow,. .Wednesday, Nov. 0, 1853. City of Manchester,. Wednesday, Dec. 7, 1853, City of Glasgow,....Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1834. (Jrent IlurrruliiN in C A R P E TINGS- T HE SUBSCRIBER ha* Just completed his Fell pur- c CarpelM in great variety. chases, and now offers decidedly the largest nnd b .. stock ot Carpeting* and Oil Cloths to be found In the dly, on Die best terms: Rich VELVET, “ TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, “ 3 PLY. » INGRAINS, “ VENETIANS, Together with u rich nnd splendid Stock of Oil Cloths, Druggets, Plano uud Table Covers,Stair Rods, Bindings, Ate., £tc. Low-Priced Carpeting** Housekeepers who are about furuUhlug with new Car petings, are requested to examine before making their selection: quested jous elsewhere, a* nil goods will he sold low, and warranted to give entire eatlrfuctlon to the purchaser, ROBERT U. WALKER. 190 Chestnut-st., below Eighth, Philadelphia. PLANTERS ATTENTION!! RATER OF PASSAGE. FROM Pltll.ADKIil’IltA. I PROM L1VICRPOOL. Saloon Berths 90 Dol. SnloonBerths..21 Guineas Midship “ 03 “ Midship ‘* ..17 “ Forward 44 55 44 {Forward 44 ..15 44 Including Steward’s fees. THIRD CLASS PASSENGERS. A limited number of Third class Pissenger* will be taken from Philadelphia nud Liverpool, and found In I-revision!). From Philadelphia....$25 | From Liverpool....$40 Certificate* of passage will be Issued here to parties who are desirous of bringing out their friends ut corres- p lading rules. Drafts on Dio Agents from £1 upwards. An experienced surgeon will be rnrried on each ship. AD good* sent to Die Agents In Philadelphia uud Liv erpool, will be forwurded with economy und dispatch. For freight or passage, apply to THOMAS RICHARDSON, If Walnut st., PhHad.,ntid 15 Broad way. N, Y. RICH A RDSt IN. BROTHERS k IX i.,Liverpool, PNDELFORD, FAY 4t CO., Day st., Suvannuli, oct IH—eodly SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA COMPANY OF GEO KOI AT fTMIIR COMPANY wilt continue to transport Produce JL and other Merchandise, on the Savannah river,to and from Augusfaj hy their Iron Steamer* JOHN RANDOLPH, Capt.Pim.poT, LAMAR, Cnpt.CKkswiat,. —AND AI.SO BY Tllk STKAMXU— AMORY SIBLEY, Capt. - The latter SI earner being of less draught Ihnn any other on the River, insures unprecedented despatch in all stages of Die water. Ttie Company!* also provided with fifteen Tow-Boats and two Lighter*. All Freight addressed to the cure of Dio Compnny, ot it* Agents, will he received nnd forwarded, free of com* missions. A. .SIBLEY, President, Augusta. T. 11. MILLS, Agent, Buvannuh. oct 111 \V. M. ROWLAND, Agent, Augusta. NOTICE. . all' “’a, The steamer < iREGOS having been re* nV~ifnvVl!lTf«* , * > “ 1 K ~ overhauled, repaired, and painted, will make regular weekly trips between THIS CITY anil DBM HUY’S FERRY, leaving hero every Saturday Eve ning nt 4 o’clock, and touching regularly ut all the Inter- mediate bindings. Tho OREGON tins been thoroughly refitted under llio Into steamboat law, and her accommo dations fur passengers are both ample and comfortable, und tin* been placed on the line particularly for the ac commodation of Hie planter* and merchants on Die riv er. For freight or pus-age upplv on board at Union W’f, or IO K INCH LEY 41 THOMAS, Agents, oct 5-d2w-wlin ..bate 10.024 J 170,830 Exported to date Exported to-day 58.373 . 0,307 01,740 Slock on hum! and on ship-board not cleared.... 119,082 Si’oaii—Ttie demand was ncilve. 700 hlids. at steady prices. Fair lo fully fair 3*<£4*c. Mola**k*.-)I30ii hbl*. were sold ut 22@22,*c. Wni*KBY— 155 bbl* Raw were sold at 3|e. Point—Bale* 750 bbl* inspected Me**, unit «>'> blits un inspected Mess, all at $15. Mess retailing ut $15 50. ItorK—000 colls sold nt 8c. Copfkk—Buies Duo bag* Rio at 10,*c.; 1330 nt 17*e.; Mill at Ifljtfc , and 250 ut I Ic. PitKtniiT*—A slilp taken for Havre nt l*^c.:onofor Liverpool nt auil yesterday a bark for Boston at Li ttle, for n full cargo. Colton shipped lo Havre at l‘«c^ und Inuo bhls Flour nt$l 30 per bbl. Kxciianuk—Foreign bills dull. London 8*((a>9J£ V cent. prom. Paris 5f.l3**&5f.85. New York On days 8 @8* 'V cent dis. New York Eight &@ I V cent pram. .Tlobilc, Nov. 10.—Cotton—There wu» very little domaiid to-day, parties preferring to wnlt for Die steamer's news of tho 89th ult. from Liverpool, now due. Tho snles wero therefore confined to a few hundred bales nt yesterday’s quotations. _ $l\ a c t n r£ u t c Ut fl c n c e. POUT OF KAV UViVAif, NOVEMBER 16,1858. Alfilftl VLD. U.S. M.steamship Florida, MerrittH. Woodhull,Com mander, New-York, to Pndellord, Fay 4t Co. Mdzo, to (»' Alexander, Atkin tn Burns, A llonaud. Dr Hanks, d £ It<ittiwell k Co, Riiseuhaiid it Barnett, Bcldeti it Co, J A Brown, Berlin St Nmlians, Brigham, Kelly St Co, M A Cohen,Cohen & Tarver, Cloglioru St Cunningham, J V Conneruil & Co, Cohens St Hertz. O II Catnpllcld, JP Collin*, II Cnsson. R R Cnjler, A Cassndy. A Champion, J 11 Carter At Co, J B CuruDiers, D O'Connor, G A Cuy Mr. Walter R. Jones, President of tho Atlantic Mutual Inauranco Compnny of New-York, is to bo prosontud next week with a splendid silver sorvico, worth about $6000. Tho donors aro tho Truatoea of tho Company, who Uiub manifest thoir'regard for the sorvices and faithfulness of iboir presiding officer. Tho solt contains twonty-sovon pieces, one of which is valuod at $1,100. Tbo West Indios corrcipondont of tho Courrier den Etas Unis says that notico had boon given in Jamaica, by nn envoy from Now Grnnada, of tho intention of iho Government to disposo of ull tho bran cannon and mortars of Panama, in the fortress of Panama, and weighing aoino 150,000 pound#, Tho Baton Roguo (La.) Comet mentions tho ease of a soldior in tho U. 8. Army,named Mich- ai Connor, who was formally discharged in Jan- iury, 185’J, hy Judge Burk, ot Bnton Rougo. Tho ilocutuonts in tho caao woro transmitted to tho Hon. M. Conrad, the then Secretary of War^Io show -im that tho diachargo was a formal otto, accord- jittf fa the civil law. But (ho Socrotary dillbrod vith tho civil authority, nnd nn ordor was issued ir llio arrest oi Connor, trad ho is now in contino- iont nt tho Barracks in Baton Roguo ns a dcsor- >r. Tho Comet justly calls this a flagrant outrage pon tho majesty of jaw. Tho Herald suggests to the Administration, tho roprioty of sending Mr. Caleb Cushing, Commis- .ionor lo Japan. d’Nofif, IV 'Humphrey, Harden’s Express, R Hnqersltam & Son, \V Halt*, Hone St Con 1 IV' II,.,.11 .1 II lt,imill,II P. nut-, iiiiiiu oi. uoimery, Horton At Rikeman, VV lleidt, J It Hamilton, II E Hunsome, A llavwoop, J D Jcs-oe, O Johnson St Co, J Jones Si Co, G It Johnson, N It Knapp, Kennedy St Reach, Lockett, Long At Co. 8 M Luffilcaii, II Lathrop St Co, B Lovell, J Lippnmii.C A I. Luiuiir, \V W Lincoln, A U Luce, Lyon At Reed, tv II May At Co, I) .Mnllelt At Co, W II Mercer, U A Mcl'lesky, II Mnyer, 1 \V Morrell At Co, J Marshall At Co, G It Mit chell, Mor-e At Nichols, McCoaker At Treanor, McMahon At Doyle,T R Mills,D B Fichot-, Ncvllt, Lathrop At 8teh- bins, G S Nichols, O 8 Neylc, Ogden At Hunker, J F Og den, 8 Palmer At 8on, Pierson, lleidt At Co, Price At Ven der, M Prendergast At Co, Failellonl, Fay At Co, J Qunu- tock, Robinson & Camp, VV Romslinrt, Reed At Tison,G Robertson, Jr, ltov G W Rogers, O E Smith, Staley At Jieudry, VV it Symn, It Spaulding, 8 S Sibley, D Sim mons, A A Solomon* At Co, Smith At Lnlhrop, VV A Thomas, Verm llio At Butler, J E Vtllnlougn, Washburn, Wilder At Co, VV Watson. VV T William*, s Wlltnot, Z Winkler, Webster At Palmes, VV Warner, VV C Wads worth, Williams At Humphreys, W 11 Willberger At Co, N It Ac II Weed, E F Wood At Co, Wells At Durr, Wm P Yongo, T S Way lie, uud ordor. On Saturday, tho Will. “ • dies Nortli of Barm-gat Light, exchanged nt 8 P. M.. Hi mi signals wlt'i steamship Alabama, G L Schouck, Cotn'r. hence for New York. Schr Leopold O’Donnell, Townsend, 8| Mary'*, to .Vas ter. 650(1 bushel* Rough Rite lo Rllubershain At Son. Sloop Catherine Churd, , Sulilln River, to Master. 3500 binthcl* Rough Rice to U lluberahain At Son. ’MU. 8. M. steamer Calhoun, Burden, Charleston, lo 8 M Lniiileau. Mdzo lo Central Railroad. Florida Boat, I W Morrell At Co. Franklin At Uruulloy, VV B Giles At Co,0 B Patterson, Amlerron At Co, Lnllocho At Howue. II Ro- ser, II l.ulhrop, It Habersham At Sou, J Cohen, II J Gil bert, J A Browne, Cohen At Fosdick, C II 4c A Bcruard,J M Haywood, W B Tinsley, and order. Steamer I). L. Adams, Hubbard, Patatka, 4tc., to fl II Johnson. 18 buics 8 I Cotton to Boston & Villalonga. CLEARED. Burk Exact, Gruinley, Boston— Washburn, Wilder&Co. Brig Oliver Frost, Smith, St. Johns, (N B)—E A Soul- lard. Brig Torcclla, Roberts, Waldoboro, (Me)—E W Buker, U.S. M.StoBfii-packetMetamora,Postoll, Charleston— 8. M. Lnffilenu, v U, 8. M. steam-packet VV m. 0aitou,8haw, Patatka, 4tc.— J. II. Guuby. DEPARTED. Steamer Metamora, Postoll, Charleston. Steam-packet Wm. Gaston. Bhnw, Patatka, Ate. passenger;*. Per steamship Florida, front New-York—J a Horton, II Lewis, T R Kendall, MaJ T Tnlmudge, 8 8 Fuller, A Christie, J Ward, A 8 Ward, VV P Ruggle*, J J Colt, T A Colt, Dr Dawson, Miss Topper, Mias Lord, F Lathrop, J Hard, Mr* Tell und 8 children, Mis, S R Davenport,child and servant, J I) Lee, V A Covssoy, Capt Holmes, T M i, •< •• ... ' 11.1.. 1 iv 1 .a., iti 1 1 Hogan, F Maxwell and ludy, A VV Lvdo, VV L Corwin, I VV Morrell, lady, child nnd servant, Miss Morroll, Ml** 8 J Morrell. Mira At Morroll, E Jones, J D Howland, D VV C 1 1 , , .... v ni,inire.i. ti 1 Rowland nud lady, J Lo| 111*011, P M Gallagher, Mk*« «-» « « Ault. 1 M Comliigo, Mis# O C Sowers, Mrs Barnuin, Mrs L VV Wells, Infant a don nnd Indy, Mrs II D Weed nnn 2 children,!’ ” TWo *” — 4 uea^J E’ A Colt,*Ml*sTrapp, Geo H h Mrs II Bri|/ nnd servant,G Gori l Gard ner, II D Wood, J Kelsey, J II Dixon, A II Gordon, Mrs J E llowden, Mrs A Bragg, R Mackny, W A Katu, Miss At R Dixon, AI J A Eaton,« U Mitchell. R Laton, Air* Peck, Miss Pock, Miss Solomons, Mtas lJughes, Mra O R Parsons, P It Segen, Atrs N Lyon und child, Mr* Wtlllntns and child, W II Lucas nnd lady, Mlsa Sarah Horton, Mr* J 8 Horton, Mr.iirooks, and 17? In the siooruge. Per sioam-nabbet Calhouoff'in Charle*ton-J M Bums, E Mendel, J M Jackson, J Cnlbert, UnneroR. Matcomaon aud lady, H Bradley, lady and 2 children, Miss Wayne, T Hill, A Bernard, W Middleton, M as Reynalds, Dr King, King and 3 servants, Dana, VV F Taylor, Wells, and 1 on deck. Per steamer D L Adams, from Palatka,&a—frwlu,fatly and 9 children. Col llardee, U 8 A, 11 D Brand, E J. Blair, F Blako.J H Chest, J II Corse, J Bird, W H Hot- laud, Hmltb,J W Habersham, 8 U Buckner, J O Gasper, A Caaslday 6 Uryun,0has Lewis, 11 Bwlnuey, E Bupner, A Crest. IMNfROFT Aik It lilt VAN, General Agents unit ItrokvrN, For Die pordiuse und Hide of Stocks, Honda, Excl.uuge aud Real Estate, 117 BAY-STREET, SAVANNAH. Jan 24 J* HAMIROCCK A: CO.. IMPOItTKIt* AXI)*AI.K DKAI.KHDIN Earthen-Ware, French China Looking Glasses. llroughtun-Strcft. VVIMJ.VMS A II1/411*BIIS 1 F,S, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 178 Buy-street, Sttvaniuth. M. II. Williams,] imv Ift-tf [J. T. ItoMi’iiniea. RINE. PATTEN «V CO,, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, COLUMBUS, OEO. Refer to Messrs. Pauxlioku, Fay A& Co., Savannah. ocDt-Dmo* CHAinriON A WATTS’, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Crocwit's, Foreign and llomcslic Liquors, Dried FrultN, Ac., .Va. 4 llarnard ■Street. between the Market amt Bay St., SAVANNAH, GA. A. II. CHAMPION.] [J. a. WATTS, References—A. Clinm pton, Esq.. Sain’l Solomon*, Esq., Messrs. Rubuti St Whitehead, swift St Co., Savannah. W I I. LI A .71 LO N aTC O., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 74 Iluy Si reel. Kuvanuah, Ga,, VV. Lynn. foci 19] M. D. Ci i.lens. J ■ r . I i 1 , Ltl J , FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Williamson’s building, #epl21-Um SAVANNAH, GA- WELLs A: Dt’ltlC. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 82 Buy SI., .Suvuuuuli, Ga. L. W. 1VKLLH, mar 1 L. M. OI HR. W7I. W. GAItRARIl, FACTOR &. COMMISSION .MERCHANT, 82 Buy-Strcut, feba— ly SAP ANNA II, GA AGENCY FOR imAlVDKETIlLS PILLS, VVabrastkii getiuine from tho patentee. Country deal ers and other* Hupnlied ul Die lowest Whole-Mill! Prices, oct l-ly W. THORNE WILLMaiS. JA7ILS 7Ii-.II ENKV INSURANCE BUOKEU AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office No. 118 Hny-*tri>et, (Opposite the front of the Custom House.) MARINE PROTESTS uoted and oxloudcd; Average* adjusted; Charter Partie* nud Average Bonds drawn; Papers picimred whereby to recover Losses from Ame rican or British Underwriters; and attention given to at matters connected witli Shipping und Insurance. not- 8 D O IT<i A L» P13 «l GL’SHM, Sox toil und (indertnker, WRIGHT SQUARE, NEAR COURT HOUSE, Savannah, Gkokoia, tn aadttloii to his duties ns Sexton, will attend to furnishing for funerals. [Jan 2fl. BAR NUM’S sownERiv iiiiismiiii of saturu icsroav IS PHRMJ1.YE.YTI. Y LOCjl TED AX ARMORY HALL, SAJANASAII, UA. Whore may bo found A Great Collection of Curiosities FROM ALL FARTS OF THE VVuRLD. Admittance 25 cents. Op6n from 9 a, to U p.m. Friday and Tuesday nijihts exclusively for tho colored population. FOI ft ST. AII (if 1 ST IN E, U A ST P L 4» It 1D A, VIA : DARIEN. BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S, JACK SONVILLE, MIDDLEttt’IU; (Black Creek,) PICO LATA AND PALATKA. Tho new nnd elegant steam-packet ST. JOHN’S, Cupt. Jambs Fkkbdorn, will leave 'for the above places on THURSDAY MoRN- !NG, at itt o’clock and conttuue to leave every Thurs day. This boat has been built expressly for tho trade, and lias lurgo and airy State Room accommodations. For Freight or Passngo, apply or. board at the Florida .urn Purelrnt l\M..i»r »nnp Mm linre VVorlll. Ill* In Steam Puckct Wharf, near the fins Works, or to CLAGIIORN 4c CUNNINGHAM, AgU. N. R.—Tho St. JOHNS will mako her next trip lost. Augustine, on Thursday the 17th hist, nor 3-wtb IKON, ST 1313L AND NARl.S. OAA Tons Swedes Iron, assorted; 3uu tuns Refined j6\J\J Iron, assorted; Sttli tons English Iron, assorted,; llltons Band I run, assorted: 5 tons Hoop Iron, assorted 5 15 tons Scroll Iron, assorted; ID tons Oval Iron, assort ed; 5 tons Half-Oval Iron, assorted; 15 tons Sheet, as sorted; 9 bm* Spring Steel, assorted; 3 tons Cast Steel, assorted; f toil Blister Sle<-’ ...sorted; 2,(HKJ kegs Cut Nalls, assnrtod. In atoro ana for sate bv June 23 N. II. St II. WEED. C'OI* I’ F. I* N7II TI I and I’LUTIHINO T HE Subscriber ha-Ing fitted un, tn connection with his Foundry nnd Machine works, a Shop for thn perlor rkt __ his Foundry nnd Machine VVorks, a Shop *bow 0 business, and engaged the services or sui workmen, la preparod to do any deecrlptlou of work that may offer. All work dono l the very bost manner and at the ihorteat notico. A. N. MILLER, jnly 19 Eastern Wharl. Dlft* SWEET’S STRENGTHENIN'!) SALVE (IR PLASTER. tor Pahs in the Back, Rheumatism, Debility, <S-e I N order to gain tbo cunfldenco of the public, many, and nearly all, Dio venders or apeclfica and remed'" R ubllali a long list of certificates of tho valuo » " *“ *■“* — “* .heir medicine*; but my Strengthening Salve must rest on Ra own merits, foellug confident that when used rest on , — — far tho complaints for which it la designed, It will never fall of affording relief; and tho public mny bo assured that the Salve contain* no nrtlolo Uiat can. Ul any caso prove injurious, but appropriate to the tender lnfaut,the moil delteato constitution, and tho robust and etraae eUcalo constitution, and tho robust and etrone' by twxyO] a. A, 80LOMPN* k oot ©cuci-nt asim-tfocmcutB. LEIKAU'S AMERICAN FERTILIZER AND SUPER PHOSPHATE UF LIME, HAS NO I3UUAL. PREPARED EXPRESSLY FOR 1 Wheat and Grain OF ALL KINDS, CORN, POTATOES, AND GRASS, Is Suitable fur all Sails. O NE BARREL i* sufficient for nn Acre of Land, far superior to Guano, and nt hulf Rs price, can ho had id $3.50 per barrel, or $25 per ton of 9840 tbs. Method of using it, scatter Broadcast und Harrow in. To be bad of the proprietor only. G RO. A. LKINA V, Prop'r., No. 19 South Front Street., Phtia, USED SUCCESSFULLY tty Dr. Wm. VV. Clurke. of I'tiila.; Geo. Grave#, Esq,; Mr. Field, of Fox Chm>c, Pa.; Mr. David, of Mount Airy; Mr. Janiiy. Buck* Co.; Mr, Rhoads, Montgomery Co.; Mr. Chun. Wood, Isaiah Wood At Bro.,N. J.; Mr.Jtoudi- 110U, of Bnrlingtoii City, N. J.; Mr. Bond.efSalem,N.J.; Mr. Tronlwine, Aklugion, Pucka Co.. Pn.; Mr.Trainer, of Delaware Co.; Messrs. Coleman At It tclic-ner, oT Pu- Ic-tu C«., n; J.; Mr. Mahufli-y, of Marietta. Pa., and a liosl <«f Farmers tn Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania nud elsewhere. Fanners making Muck Hills, will find n few barrels In- vulunbic. i’or FRUIT TREES, which It will greatly ben. ellt, by being scattered around after they have been dug about, a light coaling, For sale only by GEO. A. LEIN A U, No. t9 HOTth Front-street, Philo., Proprietor. N. B.—Tho American Fertilizer hn» been used success fully in the Island* of tterinuda and Uurbudoes. aug 13 tuwtirh WALL 1*AP13Ift—1*A 1*13II HANGINGS. S OUTHERN nnd Western merchant# are particularly invited to examine our slock, which contain* one of the largest assortment* of every article in the business to be fouiidlu the city. BURTON & I.ANJNG, Manufucturera and Importer#, 124 Arch-street, above Gtli, sept 14-3moeod Philadelphia. Fire Proof Snfetn manufactured hy Stccrii* St Mnrviu witli Ricii’s im provement, warranted fire and dump proof, of convenient size* fur bunks, stores nr private residences. Also, alot of solid Iron Money Chest#, suit able for railroad car* and Steamboats; received hy eclir. Enchantress and brig Clinton; for Bute ut Manufacturer#’ price*, by C. II. ca.Mpfield. nov7 |lm] Agent for Slaarns & Mtirvln, N. Y. WINDOW GLASS, P ORTER’S Alkallnu Window Glne* is superior in bril liancy of surface aud polish lo all other, and never stains or rmd#. withstands nil climate*, nnd Is packed witli great care suitable for aliipping. Dealers nnd oth er* will consult their interest by sending their order* di rect lu the sole ugciii*. FRENCH St RICHARDS, New Drug Warehouse, N. VV. Cor. Ibtli St Market-si#, aug 13 oOin 1 a m l Philadelphia. tSMusYoeft Sttruci-tfarmcntB. UNIVEHSITY MEDICIHES! FKVKll AND AOl’fc Cl'Itfcl> IlY ROWaNd’* TONIC MtXTURk rplIE University of Free Mnlicineamt Popular A udit/- X edge; chartered by the Slnlo of Peimsylvuiiia, ul its last session, (viz. 89th April, tS53,t mainly for the pur. pose of arresting tho evils residing from the #ufe of spurious aud duugerou* nostrums, afro for iho purpose of supplying Die public with reliable remedies, in eases wherein the patient cannot oblnin or will not employ the heel medical advisers; having purchased Dial imalu- able remedy, Rowand'* Tonic Mixiuro, on account of Its just celebrity, uud known efficacy in the treatment of Fever nnd Ague, mid It# kindred affection*:—turn no hesitation In recommending it In Dm highest terms lo the patronage of the ufillded. krky Root. Ttie above Institution extends its snuclion, in like maimer, to the remedy for “ Bowel Complaint,” so well known us Itowuuu's Compound Syrup of Rlackherry Root, and earnestly recommend It to the confidence of patients ofUictcd with thoso com plaints—believing U lo be invaluable in the treatment of sucli cases. f lion. Henry K. Strong, i lion. J. It. Flanigan, By order of Die Trustees,J John R. ltowaml, M. D. J D. It. Ashton, Esq. i. Hector 1 *rr. Esq. Or” Alt Communication* to lie addressed.—John R. Rowand, M. D., Head of ttie Pharmaceutical Depart ment, uml President of Die University. Home Dispensary und Office, No. 47 South Second* street, Philadelphia. Brunch Dispensaries ut the Store# of J. A. MAYER, Savannah, Ga. E. M. COWLES, Mlllcdgevllle, Ga. P. A. MORSE, Augusta, Gu. J. M. POTTER, BeinbrUlee, Ga. J.S. MeELVVKEN.neur” “ sept 12—mwf Is-tuth# o3mn REDUCTION IN PRICE OF Bogie’s Hyperion Fluid, For Restoring, Preserving, and Adorning the Hair, To the fallowing low Rules, viz: Bottles formerly sold al 50 cents reduced to 85 cents. 4 RIO 75 dnndruff, #nlt rheum, and ull affections of Dio skin. Where everything else ha* failed, Bogle’s Hyperion Fluid Itu* effected a permanent cure. ROGLE’X ELECTRIC HAIR DYE I* ASoTIlrll WONDER OF TIIE AUK. It instantly convert# rod, grey, or unsightly hntr, Into a beautiful black or brown, literally dyeing it Die mo ment it I*applied, at Die same time improving the sott- nessmul flexibility of the hair. It does not slain the skin and can be upplied In nny weather. It* effects are sure and certain, whilst It* virtue* are beyond price nnd whenever used, ut once establishes itBaupcrioriiyovcr nil others. HOULE’S AfflOLE SIIAVINU CREAM Is un article of rare merit. It* mild and detergent proper ties prevent tho skin from chapping, nud ulso resist tho sudden clinugcs of Die temperature or climate, whilst the both creamy auu lusting. HOULE’S IIA1113 A IONA, For preserving and beautifying the complexion nnd ren dering It fair and delicate, I# without n mat. All these article* havo stood the test of the strictest in vestigation, and nre considered to be tho only ones wor thy of gracing the toilet of beauty, taste, nnd fashion. May be had of the Inventor, VvM. BOGLE, Boston nd lit# Agents throughout tho Untied State* nnd Canada. Iso of Druggist* generally. 1 a w in June 23 HUDSON, FLEMING & CO., Fuctors nnd UnnnnlMNion TUerclianls* No. 94, Bays!., Savannah, Ga., T ENDER their services to Planters, Merchants, and Dealers, in llio #nte of Cotton nnd ull other country produce. Being connected in foulness with HOPKINS, HUDSON St CO., of Charleston, Die cstub'.lsliment of nn office In this city will afford onr friends choico at mar ket*. Strict attention will he given to buslnos*, uud tbo usual facilities ufforded customer*. J. R. HUDSON, W. R. FLEMING, (Hannah. LAMBETH 1IOPK1NS, AugUBtn. Bent lfi J. J. COIIEN. Charleston. C'OCIIUAN A Kl'SSELI,, SUCCESSORS TO THOMAS ALL!RONE St CO., General Commission Merrhnnts, No. 33 Nortli Wharves.and G3 North Water Street Fhiludclpltin. Liberal advances made on Cousigumcuts. J. IIarvicy Cochran. W. 8. Rusmkl auff 3 Q u iir.9} VD1 ?. 1 ?— 1 manufactured by e. j. hu- PON’f OK NEMOURS 4c CO. 6,000 kegs Dupont’s Rifle, FFFG, 85 tbs. each, 5,000 hf. keg# do. ifo., FFFG, 19tf do. do. 5,000 qr. kegs do. do., FFFG, 6j£ do. do. 4,000 k*‘g» do. do., FFO, 95 do. do. 3,000 hlf kogs do. do., FFG, 12tf do. do. 3,000 kega for Sea Shooting, FG, 25 do. do. 9,000 kegs Rough Powder, FFFR, 95 do. do. 2,000 kega do. do. FFR, 25 do. do. l.CtIO keg« do. do. Fit, 25 do. do. 5,000 kega A.F.ftCo^ Glaz’d FFF, 25 do. do. 3,000 half do. do. FFF, 12Jtf do. do. 5,000 kega do. do FF, 25 do. do. 3,000 half do. do. FF, 12W do. do. 5,000 kega do. do. F, 25 do. do. 5,000 kegs do. do. C, 25 do. do. 5,000 kegsRlHstlnglc Shipping Powder 25 do. do. 3,000 kega High Glazed, FFF, 25 do. do. 1,000 hf.kegs do. FFF, l2Jtf do. do. 3,000 koga do. FF, 85 do. do, 1,000 lif.kegs do. FF, 19* do. do. 1,500 half kegs Duck Shooting, Djtf do. do. 1,000 qr. kega lttflo Shooting, t\Z do. do! 1,000 koga Mealed Powder, for PyroleoltulaU. CANISTER POWDER. 10,000 canister* Eaglo Rifle, oval canlstors, 1 lb. ea, j 0, Br,rl° 4 *®und do, 1 do. 5,000 do. FFFG. do, do. 1 do. 5,000 do. FFFG, do. do. X' do. Gr The above Powder It from the celebrated mams factory of Messrs. Du Pont, and la gmtly superior to any other modo In the United States. It wlfl bo bold on re*, aoiiablo terms, Iti lota to suit purchasers. Albo—Safoty ' rbr the uh offeiSn^rowdtr, aor SB Izal—Jy 168 Fronutreet, New-York, Watches and .Tcwelt-y. Tho subscriher la selling all description* of GOLD St SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER WARE, ul retail, at much less than Die usual price*. JURGENSEN WATCI1ES.—Real Jules Jurgensen Watches received by every arrival, with certificates keeper*, 8150 to $250 COOPER WATCHES.—Duplex and Levers hi limit ing und Magic cases—perfect time keepcrt$125 to 8275 INDEPENDENT SECOND, and Quarter Fecund Wutclic* for timing horse#,. $125 to $250 CHRONOMETERS—Splendid Gold Pocket Chrono meters, which run without nnv variation,.$195 to $850 EIGHT DAY WATCHES—Watches which run eight day* 8140 lo 8185 ENAMEL WATCHES, for Ladles—some In hunting ease* $35 to $100 DIAMOND WATCHES, for Ladies—somo tu magic cases, $55 lo $300 MAGIC WATCHES, which change Into three different Watches, $100 to 8175 WATCHES which wind up and turn Die hand# with out any key, to $140 Fine Gobi Lapinc Watches, 4 holes jewelled..$25.00 Fine Gold Detached Lever# 30.00 Gold Enninoltcd Watches for tbo Ladies 35.00 Gobi English Patent Lever* 35.00 Gold English Patent Lever#, hunting cases... 58.00 Silver Patent Levers, ns low ns 10,00 Silver Iletuclied Levers, u* low us 14,00 and ul) oilier style* of Watches at equally low prices. DIAMONDS,—Diamond Ear-Ring#, Pins, Bracelets, Finger-Rings, anil Crosses, for sale at much less than the usual prices. JEWELRY.—All kinds of Gold Chains, pure Gold Wedding Ring#. Gold Key* nnd Seals, Gold Pen* and Pencil*, Gold und Silver Thimbles, Bracelet#, Breast Pins, Cuff Pin#, Lockets, Ear-Ring#, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Gold Tooth-Picks, Charms, Chatelaine Chains, fee., &c. SILVER WARE.—Sterling Silver Spoons. Cups, Forks, Pio Knives, Napkin Rings, Fruit kuivos, Wed ding Cuke Knives, &c-, See. £jP“Wnlcho# and Jewelry exchanged. AHWnlJbos warranted to keep pond time, or the money returned. REPAIRS.—Alt kinds of Watches and Clocks denned uml repaired tn Die best manner, at much less than the usual price*. Goods sent by express or mall to nil pnrts of the Uulled Stutes, GEO. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches and Jewelry, Wholesale and Retail, No. 1 1 Wall-street (Second floor,) near Broadway, New-York. np 2 iyitawis 1S1CAlllif ICY’ PIANO AND MK LODE ON WAKE ROOMS, No. 123 llrourixvuy, N. Y. I .''ROM enlarging my Warerooms,! am enabled to keep 1 u much grenteruBsortmeiitofliistnimcnt*than here tofore. All Pianos furnished are of an clastic touch, uml of an even quality, ami deep, foil, rich and purely vocal tone, qualities most desirable, inasmuch ns Die volco will assimilate to ttie tone of die Instrument. All my In strument# are fatty warranted, aud n guarantee accompa nies every bill of sale, and nre sold a# low ns can be pur chased ujsowtu-ro. Second Hand Pianos ut nil prices. C3TA NEW INVENTION.—Tlio Organ Meldodeon, with ticobanksof keys, the only thing or Die kind In Die country, having two stops, coupler,swell draw slops, Sid., n *weet nud powerful Instrument, pronounced by Organ ists to tio superior for Churches or Organ practice to the medium sized Organs, price 82(H). Also tho common melodeou of all styles and prices. Being the exclusive Agent for these Instruments, order* are solicited. The usual discount made lo Die trade, und ten per clergymen purchasing for their own use. E. G. BRADBURY, ut 19—-lawt51nwolyP 483 Itrondwny. N. Y. Bells! Bells! Bells f T il E SUBSCRIBERS manufacture nnd keep constantly on hand ull sizes of Church, Factory, Steamboat, Ferry, Locomotive, School House, uml Plantation llells, These bells aro hung with tho patent iron yokes tdllt moveublo arm*. They cun he turned around so (hut the clupper will strike in a new place, which Is desirable af ter n bell has been rung n few years. ■ Springs are uffixed In a new way to prevent the clapper from resting on the bell,thereby prolonging tho sound. These belts aro man ufactured from lb chest slock arm nre cusi In Iron castings. At thlsfoundry these were first used und are found to bo a grcul improvement. Weglvo n written warrantee that If Church Bells break within one year from date of pur chase, with fuir usage, we will recast without charge. Tim tone or nil Bull* Is warranted. Nearly 9000 Bells have been.ctvst and sold from this foundry, which is the best evidence of Dielrsuperiorlty. Wo have 15 gold and stiver Medals, awarded from the various Fair* “for tho best Hell# for sonorousness nnd purity of tone.” We pay particular attention to getting up Peals or Chimes, anil can ref er to those furnished by us. Our Foundry la within a few rod* of tli*> Hudson River, Erie Canal, and Rutlronds running In overy direction. Aa this Is the largest eslabltshraeiit of the kind In the Untied States, and has Die largest assortment of bells, orders can be filled with great dispatch. Wo cad refer to bells in any of tho States. Old ltctts taken tu exchange for new ones. Levels, Compasses, 4tc., constantly on hand. Address A. MEN LELY’S SONS, — •" r* NT*. lone 13 oodly Weal Troy, 1 SHIP DLOCK FACTORY. — 1* |o7in n ‘— - P RICE for Plank Bd„ Blocks, to? In, 56Y per foot— & 0 *nd 10 Inch titijfc—II and 12 In., He. Pat to 14 Inch 169# Hand Spikes—Hand Putupa—Pump and Pump Gear, Lignumvilm work, &c. JOSEPH S. DEWEY. nqv7-3mM Steam Building, 63 Elfrabeth-at, N. Y . Mm. — - - ■* f. — _ _ w T HIS Esaonoe la e preparation of unusual excellence In ordinary Dlarinoaa,Incipient Cholera, In ahortyln ration of tbo digestive functions, ao com. at! oases of prostration Is ofluesUroable value, ..... K Die prevalence orepldcrtlc Cholera and Snuinior Complaint of children. It la peculiarly elltcaoloua. No Atuiiiv. Individual,or travol'er,-should bo without It, aa It enables the system to resist tho Influence of incipient disease* which lurk in nod upon, propareu. mneiy irom purosAMAio* uimork, should be partleaiar to; ask for “Brown’s Essence of Jr. maloa GlWt'V’ which It warranted to bo what U la rep. aotit, & Co., and by aU tbe reapocti Apothecaries In the United SUDtc 6 ,;S, »!-"C' i'j trt-.ttf C~- ’.-it