The Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1853-1855, January 26, 1855, Image 2

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/ ’•■V' thTiawaimuh be BY P. W. ALKXAN DEH* < -nfMMiwuiin >m»tw. ■mux* naunoDs, Itailf.)* VJ II »o. P*M1 to lln««. »w; II lI'IM. k» •!« ""Win V* Ft.-Weenly, U id**nea, |wr annum.... * »» l( not (Mild »n edvstww « Weekly, invariably in *dt*n*e * l “ Weekly,iclub pric*.? lOmpteeM * M> *'• KPURIJCAN, EltlDAY MORNING, .JANUARY^ If# — SAVANNAH, UA. Friday Morning, January 26. ilfMMa at ikt Urn nit MinlmMl iJ iki JmmiI 1 •iiIm w <*# Iww uiit> m ■It*. TA** in ten. p«tiinki4, lot iIm nMiw of tihlHlon IhHii iIm Hum of (l*>i(ll. AkIdIm laviinl f« tr*. iyibto- 10 m>|>.pobllitadilulull*»ta|jfitt u UHuu.u.. “MirilwniHttMlnl, Wi/MMu Hu Miu,!OH*iU'nw ih.Htr: " Tltata It t Ktilnn |* lh» Uo- KMiwiht .ml A.luoa.t t.f til III* lltokUM, Oc, Kwjn-iMVA I new ADVEBTUEMEirrS i*'«iei-nplojataC . ,j, || ,, .. TT \l I# I Krill Ilf IWNv t mt Mf wA tliywt u «h*t* ^I» H«. I a...,. »■ fL. lillMhllllU AeiMe#. • n 4". fh* |>l BNbfHtU lul lM««i 4(44 |«(tatiM 14 l‘*» ►*•*» . -■ ■ .. •■uu, laux.! i.i ilia war ilul *illl U»l*. ate Well . let eul iie»«#«4.we 4 .#►**•■• ,4 tkah—t* •k-kt.NW. gnlaMMa, limit'd to prtvducta of mamilarinre and ' pule* Ibn right or kit tddar brmhaf, the Orurf I um |,,, r „J | I# |, I||K | | (•,##•« The wniitiy *£*'**1 a«ttculinr*» aid to woth* nl in. WhiUt ft may !*• . lUhn AlafatHUi, lu eucrentl lolktlinix’inl ihr-»M km.*# it»*« neither aruMib»u* *»•*•. W'»f ihttlmia . u* i.7«t,e# m.-uiJ. 4-1 mu {•#..• »d <«>i nuppoMd that tlili 8u»* WirnM cnmixlo fur tnnlals' —tha order tvf BUtvc##i*ni Uk) down by I'eifl lha 1 td ••iHattiing o*w advantage# lu «»Hicl» w# had <»<• , ..u > ,4 u**t ewtmw*. S*.*. **. ,4»h.m.i o* •-*»• chterty It agricultural product*, I *m )M | (lltMMu 1l(-«l,l«4. m .il lh*»al(tlnit«ti| "f 1 ; 1 .?"'-■>,■;** '•" l ~ •'“*•.*«« >"•-“■ '>•'• - •" Wh«t Uu duml Utkt AIm.ihIm l«.iti. In, „„ IJ ,| 0 Wt h.u w>l.l|r It al.w iIm IV TELEGRAPH F0H_THE REPUBLICAN. noil—*—* WiauiMTVK, Jan 29. lathtHMtlo^tr Mf. !*«t»|il, of (itft>l|i* midtcktfff** »|M0M Sundint coi»* itoUtnf Um bmlnwt of ih« llouao, by not r*| t uii»i| on m>| tb(ict»; luUa for oMatili»tui>c iNny Yard tt Pniniotck, lit., ajs'foi-naitni: ihrno tiul- li.m of dollart K r b«ilditt< Inf ai«*», and many Other, trldch bad Um rnfnruHl and not haaid •incti kn »<aifd ihai iba tfundmt Commute • trtrt oallW jodno*. «Uat lh« camniiy rr*|<iir»4 » a* that ibty tkonul ropt'Tt, and Ul ilu> ll<>Mn art »n them. ’I'he l iroch spoliation bill NtiilaiMnl, It will |Mun tbn IIoom, Uu ih* action of ih« l*r«ni> dtnt »• donbtftl. Tha8«nat<' l anacd rctoluuona calling b*r In Iv^malKHi rc'aiiT# to Kuvlgn (MtnUivn acnd.og pauper* and cr m.uala hr in. Arw York ItarUcl. N»n Yuli, Jta 53 j Th# cotton market w*a aciun, jwicr* truding . •pnarda. Flour easier but not (jooUL!) lower. 1 14tot. Naw Yona. Jan. ?3 A riot bo'ka ent among the work matt on the Bmlaio and Hrantford Kulroad Kilty in»'t* acre ordered out to dielodgc notcr* who hold ju-aacoaion of tra«Jt. that the exhibition of our c«»ar*a tf»»t|.«it mamiUo- luroa Mould be a«ce|4able tothu aagautotMatiitu of conmtorvial riv alry. In tb* preiloinmaut commercial olijecu •»! rice ami cottona, liwitgia ituy eueeowrul|y eompno — Select *ta|>'ce «»l thtoe arnolea* ol ten and tnreniy pounds each, would,pndiaMy beat ault the ptupowa of the oahih'tion and the de^ifN «d tb* cilubllor I'lanirr* all aid l>o reminded In tlm ee« utiiy of monopoly which they may Indulge, that cttra-tdl- aaty ellorta am being made by the Krench lloterii. ment to lnli\aluoo,Mt>ce«>>ally, the caltuta ol long eU|>le Culttiei into Ita colonial |H*aeoe»t.M.a Already two thouaand bile# ol !*c» laland rollon hare Iwrn lep ttrd at tlio product of Algeria, lot llio tail ) tar, and the pticee at which tine cotton waa (ju.'led, rangcu Itotti liny cent* to one dollar. Threw lactn indicate gfeat adaptation of »oi| and climate, and akilllal mauipulalion uf the cultivator. The com* leuiem id nagre rarntsl by labor in itua culture, wuh the internal earned t>y capital, under .mi own •yttem, would U' a valuable atudy Cm »tai.tiu-»,uud pdttical economy. *1110 teitlle plaiu* of Uunbatdf will aettd lice f t ethihitou, which, 111 the maikel of tlie world, haa I ptorsdeiico of all lor race Hence W lit 1*4 I liave ►H-n (he water* ol thn |*.» and Adige made to ler* ‘little and the ticcfielda id U nibarJy. I could not but l.rtcVt oil the pf«»lu. Il*e piWCt o| . . .,1.. 1 Me l igtda, :n ail caaea « haiover, etc id aa a l'< hvdraullc engineering, it a( (died l< « ur «w . ntora ' 1 .... .. ... . . , . . , i*liiMCtit K.r crime «un.l iliat lh> v a-’iall not (»■ d. and canale. I ho aectiona and Irtela made t>v . ur Florida r»>ad. might have Iwcn made to coinbiuo with an invalnatde at item of drauunga and irnga* lioa id land* now te(>rlHng culture Wm. II. llorwaoM. i—» m. no «jw tu-a Hu«t'i ..i... *,.< ' •( * » ■ " M'WI ,rU.| (..VMlMI. a*M> M<4, ••»». iJMins r;r,//.f y,o«.t.v, I.OV K! a«nlii Ttatura father WMimt emiwrur, nor did ho even *14110111 ii„,»Tmolvirc..g„»aediuii„uiiii»e«'*lihef)tiii.-J r ** eucceaelnn fit the th'one. The eldret eon, alter Thut»h, and of out m ieli«iuni#ie In «he Kew Hut tv. n i,lh'-»»ih. Hi, ...j k.. tt*”* .. ... ," r 7 ' . .. »ci r«>i title ril«,lit dial urie lit f»-m 1 Wi ihoaglua, th. fidor* claim*In lie thn ilgtittnlhetr *»fh« Mirone l,.i„ wmtiilicaltHl Hie *.»lu 1 n id tin. q.».'Wmti, and of Kua«ia. || |a III ConMM|Ucnrn ol ill** iliwuu 'Il h •*«> Hntelicd |.y |.,rmlng an luelllo adieui - agamat data U'uJiig*umi) that llie Kinpotor Ntctoolaa ie« ll iwlil, , . ..Ivcd... .... t." (or II,. «.C. II1|.1I.|.|HC,|| . ir ;,V'*V ulo ",‘1, *•.."*•'! ''•* 1 «d IiiS view* lu the Hut. 1'i.jilmga , i»ll«W »r lu,' 1 A 1 im.iuHiiMII it. Ulna. |t HAEM A 1 •* I I r, I »i.i (l> IK >X & COX. g*lT *««u «*4 •< I *a I law I.Hilti • n| • a *•*••*» *»li, (*« at. I r.W. IkulP.H, •wdWwMi HAW' *->«4*4ae M ■ • W*WWil Bu» HB *..•(.. - J m ♦ ■ V4* 1*4, rwne^W tee 7T» ah*»» y ******* • nrarT* eC i** ... ...^. , Wa*t4 « .ad! 't*ii nm akjBjMI t Pari iekwllwM M, aMM . & AJT" JHnjKk l** **• »*, \ IRgflF We#*, 4rf**w Na*(4 < . «.* ■«w ka a<>e < - »•'■+**< . * * u 1, * ** uttr tr.i. 1 v Th% 1 *\# * row real * #» I T | * M I *4 * . •».< , 'Hiinti 1 'If 1. 1 M4 M , am, uu ;,( a.ura>-*« 4.1 * Jt •- 144K-4 •• • 1 “•fLeitr* 4.. *.• .4 4.. .«>, ,4 i.m lAi*lv ahl# I Am* »M a..*.*.-.., v . 1 IM M t*t«WiAui.'*jil • *44 4C.J *4 lO* *»•'# !<**-W«. 4.«d P» 4.r f„ . , . - . ,— .... - '* tru.'iM «,» i.'ju,»i«.u4 1- M,|,i«>ti a tat*.* i« ■* I* re | safety ..f thn Oitotl>«u empire, It r ha»* *ag.-< | l*i»uu U», er •*. MiMlMl JUt AMl I.AI t: l4.vf7l.lvn, * J open i«ar ag*ll»*t ua-not hut w> bln j „„„ ,,,1,,^ M u,« M f Mt ,,«un,. u..> Uad twcrlt the two brother* allcr In* dcadi, he wa» an- • tl*u limit* n| ..ur «>wn te«lm« directing 'Imr him ai. ua to find tho ineana of Inducing lift # < wltRh hate |..r 1 !! ,r, " i . ., ^ .Hi 4. In i|,u t r|l,»r , . , 1 ,«» 1. 4.,tg *# «.s* mek», *r I(t4 ll.ll * HI»-' 4 In'. • e* Il iK.lli'i *4 woiy Ill'.IM 4if l»*e at t t|,„,Wlmo i4..,iih, |i ..j, |...1 .11 ...... I .Rinvoi worn* •* 'Um— ae*« l > *ta«t> ttua,e- 1 ) ( I * <»•», * ‘**4 *> I*. 5i M li Jl M ‘t *5 ‘1 H I W M W jwi it 4- MSltllMflUft* I rirn undie far diW.nt j •**"«» »*> «• lor ».r 1,*. If ,* n,* rtc'lWan Thank* |o the | ••uuiv*. Il4.(u«.i-nj > -»a, A M- I ;*a la J W. VI, < I'llHV A h«. lit* i«-ti4«i nit, I.ijli*. MlbalW 1*1 -44 .. I 1*441 aianunelo wltlntraw pretene ..»a par l*an* a Urge |K>M| .|) .1 ttm Kutaian liuhlliiy t r- a»ta rd ll*o . and nothing |i| eac tiled Iteolf but the 1 banco if float* II ;h, Um m 1 ur tr*« |»* end m at! iU*|.-»r il.( • o.« ..I,,. 11. „ I K.ll.c.1.11.1.^,...I. ...I .III. •“ 1 ■ •■»»> ....»»'.....I.*®. *..llll.l|.|»l.n1» . . , , ,| I). II*. a>, lit ,t. d by Ilic.r I .»e l‘>r ne and | .r U.cii I ,wu,.c. l.> llt.1,1, \m lloc >>." ■ c ||„« 1....» ' leiinmatlon lu prepare llteaanrre (of III* n.i«p.r*ud ) v •, aimd Ui« calaimlu# uwonaieWe l'i.n*t*ntini pic, atul loriM-ipienity hi nco tho il.lh- (o (il « r..ueianliy mimeiing - r.iiiant ,1 nun •*• <tt«lltin*| tear I laulkwwi * wii»»l y cull V "f c.inraaiuon |. the |‘..wr|* nlu.h r * *• • and (Ui-uf of lkl« Iccltug, aa will cl the j |t*ad «.a ilw Atm M u «la; courage (hat 11 iiiapme j , *'*‘ach ore ttm livfeot* m- te It-an one* Inllietrd ol tho L <ar pn Turkey " .STi.ijrn mo* i,v M »»»n ui-att n.—'llio h.l!. in* >4iti v*4 am.-e«r 1. ret I ■* Ate* t **.(..» *tK *V. * t > Id amouiil to the at aiuloniorni «d the dvaigoa j on Um* • (iriny'a irn*>|W ntt H>° other ai l« •>( tl** j ! I *>ic*»i.*, i...t»iiUwaftdmg a great diaj.ariiy u! 1 folio Hudi W*a Ilia uuojuai roiillid •«.#<ain<»l I Ing older w a* adopted In the M a»a»ch'i*et(* II >.**. w nil ’u* • > ** '*jr me detend. fa •*! (tie r..*t a I I !»»• ,.i i(o|.iMc,.i.ii.c. .11 it... Ti.,ui... “l i- ... I , . ' . , . ol fetr |.»u w.kv in hatiM*ha<ka, ■»-** JadlCiaty Comm, tee toutnler the e»|.ed.elMV of B li, „., r u.ln,. * .1 .devaai. p.l. • gnat,led repotting an amendment |. the Comtltnt'on of 1 y ii.i»r etpl- lUiol inVimitde. uiagr. amt il llie Cutitntonweaith, *r<utmg to all (ere-ia . «t |t»e mdrUt gatde art VI'y, a* to t*» adm ml and it .it# ..,1 .1 M»««.W,1. llic r Mlu.1,,.1 ...J in. ivn. >•» • |Ulc .d.tig, w.tii humble graiil'nlo l..« aid* 14.d, ttie t il,, (tie nratery, Iti# •• It d«-n al .^.r I .((••• t» Hi l » «o.l and •••*, and a’# 1 Hie general . ui limed of taid light* with .at trial l-y >uiy, and -hit "• Jea.ui.m that Animate# a 1 rank* < f lit- »iii| >fe, »c4lk.l'd«.,lvc«. O l.»" I »,•>•>'»>• 1.1"4»‘» f'-'O .tj a igury ,.f ali*t'(i"r luiurr l'.n. 1 .rated «»ilh our dulv a* a Chnaiiatt, »ti w> .«.ta, t,Ul l0.4l|, • •>«*> U la l.ebl im, .b* Me..ul klv»t*l 1 1 »'.*•■#,• I I truer* •■( ft.liui.,,»'r*u .u ai'i c .»,gi*4»*l.-|. |*’4.ii*it | thirty daft mi ... • «*,n, <*u->*.» f< • !«*•• o. **1 ml U,|.*l |,,l.ii.l..| I«1| tu.4. I>. 44**. .... r ••( 4*i* I.Mt) Jip, aohual (•(•«,;.* t*.*)» t i*«4« t| IIm M.■>•'*/ >4 lt‘«4U}, «•# IU a»« Mirt,U| la Julf , *1 (A# Court #|.| U,*ii I.* knot ia*4> ,, 4, |U»l**rl4t4.t . I II.* «*44S# *4.1 (h< r M#lltU*4 l> b.'l In .1 -'.I# the < *.U4- r.f U.# i|.|44.Mi«4ii J»«* In.. J. ill H M Itll.l |oi, .. 4 4 f 10,000. NvAltX -II I*#•**• *#AU4|*. Orecno und Pulnakl Lottory, ii.»ii i...... | | : < Ktaui f 0t klOOOO'l **t |.',tHH» f a*I *| oka • %2—Hh*r*<# •« » * ...1*4 4 .4 1 • * *>t rh*r*-*#*• f • *»•• '•>) ^ t .» Illll*«.7 e» I Acuta.* *>/ o*o» Jit 1 ', Jlirt M »•, W JSft" fv** e-4Ho.MA ». It |*7*»i rj Hi , „ Mat# I I-.i4*a.v(4*l» t»* •»(* .1 . >h v'ju .1.4- . i..t u.ii r*.*i.i4,i *4* uu**.•!• * , w.4.,»,, )' ' ‘ * 1 < M *» ♦ I.H V f '«* * It I yry. r»- • H *«1 1 * « A* AWi «.4M •4-.Ul.ur P/^J/ I * .4 »4 *4 .K44T udtu 0*4« *M#(4.». Ii.ui ) t l.l.l l,4.Ulli), ,40 hwllh" I '.*♦*««■ 4...M I,,. „ 1*0 » kdr UF.liU.A rtO.NS l K t It IK I The t‘mv#r*al Kitubiti.m, ap|> xntrd to hs held try Council ha* auihotnedthe Mayor U> I he dividend Mock belonging to thn cttV, whtci j »Vt" Taafl lu I'arw, m the year IhX\ will r>c«ivo the agncul* I thi «* ,iIt < r<i. m (.• etui#* ( • the w.fldward ..I l tural and manulattu mr (id-lucla aa well a* th# j and to return ihr-ugh the f‘»rih!v*n re* t-y tho Kirunnn U**%..r tin Ft 110*.—‘llie Washing* , - - , to.1 t’nion cotiltadict* « wl.,h had f- und O'.m l d,#t.e a f-«4n«gr>; cl ' « »** ; d. ami ' c>Mtam | m r diall md trpu.#. t|i) tier# aiiJ coio ctrcula l u in that ettv. tho (un»*rt > ■ wlmhw** f j^are tint %!*>, ui|wtth|r w.|h therfigmty lint mtelligrn. o tied‘wen receded ol the loan of the <>f • or empi'o ac.d In* ti’trr. #t» . t . ur taell l#|, »ed I 7..s.M. M,...... r'wl.un. w.Hi ,11 1,1. t.’.rf Hi. ‘ ’'.r. ...,l ...t l..» ...t— .1.,» ('••min(ml* u». in tbl» i.b*Mh*t# wii.gglr, l. k.ep I iut»'l*.# ixepatrtl lor rl'.’t* an 1 aatu.tu'e* |.f«** (, rtii ttol to iit*, inrai.o . I action dircitid agamai b'u toil tailed tr hi X rl> Ik «>n the >Htt of Per. i was wnoed l y the Central Railroad Company m IVcgRtber !**». l*he*ubjcc:. f esrhanging the rc*« of th# alovk held t.y the city in the K ad the H >nda ••awed for tie eocatru.-turn and attll un(>«ni, %»a* brought up, but no l(iK<a wa* taken ii|mo it. ».«itlt tide « I (hat (*1*ihI I: any a dent tia* !•* | 31at id tKd.’bet of the aaino year aatn'tl vt|| No article will Ue a limited t» the Kihihitmn, I ei. ejii umle/ tho acal id llie lke|iartui#iital . ( f or eign Cvttuimtoe Thn KwvwunwU and t;ulf kluilrand. a«Ttcir sit. The comm.ttce to wii.xn Couacd reterf**l the l»i#:» of eshihitot* must be wnt to tho Imperial I •ohyect of th# Savannah and Unit Road, made the Comm art m at Fan*. p«c*cntjng tho n»me*. (.*•>• J follow tog rep it t j Council at iU MWtoa last even- f*»otu, and a.ldre#* ol the applying . the j "Kuoimi' n-y falhf j • h‘. Jfrn ' t « aft ace a# ,,..*1.1 , , .. i . i .. t mod t • #('*»« li »hlr g wli« n c#t.rd t»» I'r <» d-no# I i>|<n on iho l*t ol .Marc h, and close on the tal en her, authei. nt time tia* io*t viapead lof tl>e J t .,m*i »inl holy w. ra — » ,or •. a'th, the tntcPlgenco |.. reach the I’nl'ed Htaire. j Ir.m year* ol l -d, n r t u* lu™-r. tf ai — I til*.-I. o r the ht«v<| ..| V • -of i ti,,drr Idle ti d> e #rd> r ii.a, h** loti*M.od *i^»r hi-ad* Itnoi iht .... tii#t to ur ol the w tl w.d r> >l t>* oi.mimwlird. hap lr. m the I, m| .n I .me# down, a-e m full b a.l tll! „ .„.( , UHf , r .j,ng* ai. th- *• of your tog: **Tbe conin'iUse to whom erts referred the c• ni man.cation ut the Frveideot of th* Savannah. A baoy and Cull Railroad Company, have care lul cvoatoercd the matter aubttintcd to th.* nature, numKr, and .(ui'o.) t tfio article* to he rahibited , and t:»« *,•»(.« ’..luired (art, r i n:u C«*mnnttec# • f , ach «• u<»:ry (■••(Heated. Il J ((,.,(,„ liilMH IV r.Miitv — All tlic (•*(«• re, ,|.>n Tune# down, a*e in full l. ait •n Uamam'a antid>i..gra|diy 'I he review t.y t^ ,, (l | , u \V,• i i, Vt.-nv h *r I it it lu- ne- on — I, , j» th" w. rd#ef it e i i \ 11 • «1<», i I ilk Stavi l *it» —llarthi lome* IHano. • on ve#» ,.i |.ke trial, tv- *w.,in m.-.r h*mt# *>m| . it., chm..,( 6t -I > h ' “ Our rl»« III tew, !■ » lh# Oe'ej ee c| tr (it- it | out the Aitov tea n t^rk 't and"! a - that (•■:t >f jjii » ut tfo» Wutid, tlw *4<ui,.| and tt.o U uot ut »vt Hi. *la*o trad.- m I"i3 i •ui> r* [ “ 1 .' un li tillrhlna, Ihe foOM.ic.ilh (til if lb# Tut I’. r»rin*. lH>v»»k »M' |1' on - I i.e t tti i.'h I l*.* >m'*er, tn th# y«*i tg* ", IsH, It • < 4 1 (• I* 1 ill t (••(, Ar, per It •* 11 * (iitrt. It II 4. I.T7i IuIm (1(1.41 (Ivl H(|4 l'i I' 1 1 >| '1 llur-tr* A tiawu*#!, H/'C' Mb, *.*''• A • »'*>*.. a M , ■ i».|«i k (..*»!(M. M II It ii.itit.i iii 4*>. ., a I '.p* l«4l II ■•!.•*> A '»■, 11*0* A n Mtitlil*. t I'** i*m(i J PrwMiUt, L It #4.gili aI a * o, S 1 «w#r tv w *• t. ,4, It -ihoctl A a \ lll.tfl, A 11,1(444 IV I *ti* *M, • i.Mt'1 A IttVIl, It *(.,11. A #44.11 A, IM—*.. t kuiliii k iii,( likbiMo,#. t«**k>ia A iim.Cif, i tt latkfop A • *«. It ,#*, !••• >• A I-*. M.HH (ay A • -. It i...* A V .run ■’•at. I a ,i«e, A n tiaitr-if*, llai tail l A • *»-l, VV •; A I »jl- # T Mai**, ;**. .* l arr Ite4arr4-t akin r»*Ml[r f» I'or .V>ir fork. | VITMI nfk fl * *1411. I !*!•• Hlhk'lHlflF kMlWII-I.I* 4 ToI>av* I- M 4iv.Tit. Jau. *t Juo-ek.F M _ ^ (Ml *(-n.«^* * j • ‘ l \ II I I l|p < It Im **4M». 4 1 4.4 4ti • • r-ai*43*1 *m».ro v •»*. i« > >i»* a*, it l M i ill t * r M» tVVtn >'• • (ui nr..; 111 * .1 4M )i4f..4MUHI lie h,( M ^ t, i%!in* i/.a * - I, virft* i . 4M*.- -l-*. 4 I*'»- * * » >1* •.•.r.(4*.(-i n c r t **a kU ■ wWBrDW **- i I. .. :• oti. # *u.m*#>r lA# «SM#6*y, X*.. -44*1- 4 Ilf Jl* t 41.44., tUTuX: Tfc- I i , t 11» \ • . tv n it.i t ..ut u , *4. x | OM t'tl.kt ItA. tl 1-4. ; «V' AVI* !•. TIH4-I t.lAfl J- * , Tuleoai# r-Mfi w.J** Y?.*i t" t■■ k,A M | * -p—*■ . I 1.4 > 4-010 (lie I 44 Hll-ttt * *1- JJ"•* o.»*•*•• o* *.1* >• i • w» e*-‘**e*r wwy* k U..4U*. *4 (V - <4 *A »•# t*#M|*U 4-. pO»*>.»' - .. . kf'4.1 /»< • T ao 41ir it 1*11 M H*» 11* I rt)>im;ium. iti:< film. tr t *«* Aw » nn ii >*li I tyerti. Jan M. Per o-k IxMitm*. Vi# V.*t IAtt«o* ' j.'. I ■ doe, 11/ g. * | 4. , llotii. Ill 1.1^4-, Hun l.’-ll 1,1*44, O'-l 4. tali'. )*4(l H- ii# k|tv np.t r.vt*. ran i*. t- m ua.iiu •m 1 * ! - I- \M lit A t t* m lit be r #1 t urmaacri « Me *-f- V *•«» '* kM., T . , 4.4 4-...1 it W.ooi. A- o t .4 .-rt..4 • I , -•>.( 1 1 V *1 I »M« « | V», K-r- ,4>.| « * • ' ! tttu Time# t* virv • J ’I Ilk Sli' till *1 NrW Y« Ik 1 4'| e-4 * 01* 4 <J.J -;tl 11*4 |li A ,k llll« •• . -«» l« I* ! Ok *41 I Ik* 4 Ik# Im«# pile- .»*• (f >40 ]44| It# M»r. j . < o< :w« t > i, ■ . f, lie* •( J, « ll/t-l ,• *»*-.;*» 4 • | M*|«4«k«» ’4 l*.r f«*t itnOllM. «* *t-.*4 > Kg.***; t*. i|.o«.e*ii (.to lW ,«M< |.i. .at, P•« > Ol W. *, , • .k, | A ' ■ 6 . r *. > n :a u t v III), w -tai# -» 4m- U-l tle.V *t|£ I 1 f oi • i4 • ••• ti,##* 4a ‘*.#i ktf* a* •i.«e* 4 04 r,-)) « .Mil l so i* « \% k MU v|*tmeoA •* Aikti*#-». it til V I 41 »•» 1 l« » Ml *tt*% ft* t. - v. MAI> t.M »* U-M.r Oh I ...4, 1 * 4*400.Cf tMH'ttff’Ht l- : m i r % it# • •0.44 l ift ■•44, k vutigniucnl the ptiduci* | .ff»«p Tin y j Pxvwtbie, lo aood ill u nrn ol opinion, that under pr*wnt circnrmtancc*. ' w l their division, it will be proper for the Company to c nfino uae.t | akTt»t.kXX a* nearly ae (• envtde to the strict letter of them foreign micro wi 1 he c*n»i yed t • Fart* at the port of the tVoideot of l*-*. SJrd. 1*01, t . meet | c*wt ,.| me Hta.o. lawn th« Fiemti iron.are or ealKing cooiract* to lh# am.mut wt fM4,**vi, a* ! p’lt*. and .ikrw.oo *rut hack • Mimated, to make no n#w contract*, and Up* _ ixriri.v kti •ihi# to ctn* within th-' alo.v.* auin by #c», • They mutt a U/e^#«- 1 t>. th# Ci.tnntiMiooer . f noth work a* the inute-r* i>l live Si.wkhddit*' Atiang-mvnt, at he»Hvt»on F»Uce Wutild *cem t.* require—*» the wip* ntrudure The* u! e«i h paekage ah uld indical#— «|, rf **>*, (he nod other pertthahie w.-*icn mater:*!. 'Ihe l — I lie plae# eh.nce it , an*. I im,#* ai«.w..i amount eetiniated hf the *.-rvi.-e of the prceeot year, ’ 5 - Idu- nant.- 1 the et .:i 1* • I o| tin- l/nl u In mg under date l» unVi J.’.-l, *•)». lit.'i i**' in tti*' a»'»»4'oe.-.'. . I Serdeti «nd |..i |he aHrgeil (.ai|«M« * f inaiot • ' g»*.k uitvbrig.' t > » . t« ! *. t!*.- ro re miutary and ,»av»! l-fo • t Kunnti >• n *sl t.*r aai.itact • iy ■ ■ !»•■# ». *•> t*»« » t!*at t’>ef 4*efr *|i-*!gn *'• d to *. !tl *1 a'lempt I ttir r.x'nl Stalk# t 1 d*. •gh U>. So.iul I i:. i th .vkn t *d N cn. 1 t I..4J*. tt 4.1 ltW -<K - , tt»t W HJt.WI III >1 •* -v ll«Hllt*s ’ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, V(“4-414. , ’J r 111* U ill 0*> ■■ 1 the - d i (IkJi from the city, u " It w.|i f< well, during ihe prevalence of the ' preeen: itrmp nt time#, to restrict fbc Viper-l.iune to that am-e>n!, or even Ice* if pnnMbfe f or a> * large portion > : ;ha* la to bw paid in ca#h, jl wi.i t— • ■ dU&nllto r<a. xe < objol#wrhuwtdcprew#mgih.-m ' to n very h»w lig«rc,tha* injuring the credd do city, and oth## local aectaiit'ies d <wu Nothing ah-'ui. I bed oe to commit the cn.j-iBt beyond the w *: bank the Alum»'.*». ete-pt i coo-Snt m of large contn^uti •*»* tr-m - .S<r ; art o* ioterctud ia the entertf.***, aid th*- m -x aim, e •— CVWvtjr given to (be c*xn,'*n» thtr vc, d c. •ntr'#r. •« Will ha forthin mg When a vjiii **«l!kdi-n: t form the ft*Ilc.-on :> thn! Pe iA{v.>i-.|. e»ih- r ‘ front the prop'x of ?• *a !■» •*•:•■ rn I rg.». (i ,n» • li»{Vllitirr, >r •?•. .v • :h-r 4..-4f.-««, *.Vi th mv < I I Sm*MB W... nag.-y agmetj -.t# u.« a , with vigir “ i On nvA.-vo. ih* r*'i»'4r ■ f h» c-.iun..:#* wa# re i eeivrd and <* . nrn.ed tv c 3 — 1 It., nature t>| i la tti # li.rm A Mi>i>*ieu» |o I'aitutuoaui.-e du C.aavemen: d« l litpeitiog ( I#,.-* r«t m dii-tf a-'» a. a >• th# "n : t j-,» |b<iu i-4 :h# r 5>(r«., lly iTelutg I r th in T'. pf •.*••« iJrvrn '* *• I imnltHii tli'*lgne aaputa ita*- Uevl IlltlllO "I e ' Ue I.k. m a Ivtter li"m S I» m-.g. t„ the j L-ni'.t- t,.nnun Xrwa, l‘# !••»•* * f.g Mai#io«r»'a in rvga'd | > • ■ a lu it.* a r^iil ii • go* «I tbo l i.iU*l f a'r# 8.- t. |'.|| l*. i. a .ah' 1 “ \|j#r h~ d.-*ifi»v <•' ho kfixHeilkt Km-im# (r*. inn hut l*t - 444.4', > « li.Jk. u o, lv .»>t*a- ;h t M u .l IM.gitdcfl U-'J.-tll.l VI,. #.#■# K..,«,#.. . lkt4tkU>Q to P*nva >a, *4.44 *», I ■< a/-t. Ii« (» nv-4'nt akffa. Wwt <’• 1*1.n 1 •*> n.: f. « • 1;-;. ■ + ■ 4-0 dwt tlf A ••• »!•» it d*.: *» i*ti(»4»r. 1 H 4. 1 d *1" »• A ! '• Ml , m • t 4t <*r . t I** • -» e * ' . . .1 kl . ikMI -< I *.#..t lit -<| * V , I ' —-'ll 11* -4 ni,M • 1 4k Aw. • >•. lee. .»#• ••*•» 1x33-o ra^r inr>. I « -.1 : it .04 .4 -I.* 0.1 • 'I . II lilt t tint 1 « I II 1 I II t r*,kl.< Wm... I .44444 II .-* , 44 4 44 * I ■« . 4.11' >11 i.e* X I in milt I.. » t M It a » O . . .(■i, * K • I j ent'-l 1, Iv y. ,#*! • t, I.4-- .C.I 1 »h. |S« 1.4 *"> 1 - 4 I li t . .' PIANO I'OKTUS. MU-IC, Ac rnn v 4* * in*’ >r tnin.M’ I H»»V | J I V\ I I »| \ l |i »• ‘"V % , t jr r , cv. 1’-. -r^ v k r 1 tv . d, 1 I * !•• > \ ' • •*•»• vii a m it* AtrtvnV'i SriM.v — \n -m.- c• -• tH-nr wa#iitfs*iiace.' is 1‘wane.: la#* #*eou.c. Ly A t rakil##wiv, t • bject < » Wh.-h 44 iruen' :1 iWvttun 4"am?o arr i ..,; 1 rwc,'» I’-r* 1 gsulf r f th#a idfartce, efc a;, f«■ h.i-.J .. ,» ;.#* t. j l».B-g »urc than HOT Toe ldr*f in trace c*" Uia* <>xh#r important and ie «r##(*ng pe n*i let aa w* shall pcMteh u ,q I*.I, wa n#e*J o.X g. tk<m hem. i ^ H r: .: Th 4,d l f • h"o »ft "v '■ !»»;. y tn* received Crtaslwal Owckrt -canaitamiu superior twsvrt. TW WWvwiof the e*nut kl *ida of*..- Coxm, have c o>* np fur trial wito.n the.#*;. - day*: Suut 14 //cadree-ve -Avnoi' and II# te- ry. I*lea «f fo«.|y hy tb*» arcwKd H- <*#*>#(* /a prnweent- -. (Inffia A fiord- n f.*r <j<!er-J*4it .¥l*l# r« 6'r-*egr CUt 4- — A awe ad * i H* •.«•? fv-iiChorGrtvMiand Ik-'oyd A Owr >#l ri.M*o h.# ••**! Uoo. J*dge UtTwial* f t dr'i^w-e Vert., • ! W# flatr r< J*\n FVgiw —Tfa, armg »n J t * >t>J.,ug , c-t# 1 goiter!-* ficrvrrsl aoj I.; 7 I *t,«| l>#c.-.# fur tr,* ( ... i/u.-x (kata . Hm>« and Leavy M :h# d«t«e»iaut V«r d;ef. g«ilty. Nut* M. Pstrith Jf*k»w — Avowjlt trhlipr to trvdar. Rot'cHof f»#o#r*' fw th* H it# — _ JwJge HH*iftaH f-»f dafusew VrMirt. #4 v .Hr Ja M. /eke G. Jfrirtra* -H«.t,e - tor C»ew«r*I. *ed I#aw 4a lhn ,« R f ••-# h«*!# Ward St Uwrnv and John W t >•«'** J t ,1# eo*4> ^ Vnr !k«. wa g#,»ty. The C#wrri « aa engag'd y#^*f-ay u:» n'iw y, a'» V* (!t* iir-ITrtt. rhargei **ti »S« r,.o d#- Tu ■ The following wm lb# r«*•■’( ' -••l*''. g-*i.ty. S - |m,m llttftt ti f the Hte'a, Th'O.** !>*«»»•* •"'I D A (f|Iytt>« lvtW<t#i*(K* figA*Th# Ho>v—aa Cewrt cttloneg*# r- ntrywa.#.! 1 p**“* d. red tag•ewvi-/'. t« Cidom'wa ®« .Mrmdty A.:'.-W wok Oa repMler and t .arX. wr yrwvwt aarKLt tint. n r,v n ,*» ar’iclee 4-. | J. ^ '•< f.iwii-ii'f ; rrMi-mve, w i'. I.* c-m'ik-l 1 a g»4>a ie-.«rn*'.. iiutnipty. ‘IfkM UIVI Th- o***»r-4 .,f *V *. w trd* tu be d r • , r the ; f r - p *-* «* h • h lii4>f »»• t , • *> '.»#..} m , It- d» '.4,111 ne-t h. »h- Imp##’* C nr . *ij-.o lh# M n lel*»rd |,ver»«t, 10 a r -nr tb t!; ^ i'#tit A##*-« •»>>■• .> *\ l» #k-.n. .r. W 1 ; * e.r ' ■ <' r, t ■ 1 ( tji. ■ «tv ;e-4f*n , 'lay i*. I ,-'i mr tft't *. a: I ..r»nr#, I . ; , -m> ( ».i * at! • -a* .fisri-gti *h d ■--•joirymi . Sir |’ «J tl. «h '111 I ije.,* 4...J ,-vef.f .1 f .In- 1 44 II.' fair a h- lit I I*#-..,.#. *..d I *. « ,r. d# Igh: .O ■ k*«4 4.04 I *»• r I ( .141 e « 'll f. m , 4l . (•••• . . . ii-.i e 4; 4 • t» 4«,V ul[.r|. . t< Ik \ *..4 •> M l(.l lid •# - ' » . 1 in . J.cut a . h • v»idth. ki -• •tilmh I \ 1 M l itil.Nf I . it it 1 v 1 li. 4 w .m.. a ■’ vi.Rt a iht I 4 l.ll« |i- «K#4J • 144 Mm * • a It i»i*l 1-r . 1 1 : of»l » !. 4* I'. s ii . t.l , X < 44.-4 Hlk r. -• !»• *#«r. ti- and He ni*j n.-f-eoufiirir#, .f, (pil '< r'li I! ;» , l**4> ( •(, l.lU'l •(» f 'Hi. I Ultld h»»Mi * I *i h» ti ■ 1 ,-<>f i : *• '»»• o' I —I iho * Ji .|e fig •• 1*1- -I ,l' » . *no-.| • (ficg tf-r gTr*: mao . *0 hr-re . h*a It tai. I 4,1,,.#. ' icj.ct •c'.r-t# ! O I #1 •••» ('< • ■r.g ..fn- !7v- »*•*>•*! • xjt V# r*j. # »• t‘ ink •# tn»d- 1 tit k tt • tv. d a*hut I • < : h># f»tV [ n Iv# . *0-1 I d- 4,’lt (»■•< 10# t « 4.--J' > He.!.*#,.1 11 r>.4< ro «r l'i.,«ni k Og 1 ,” (f* raw'd ‘‘if yep m#*4 t* tit, *r# ’iv 7 W 0.#—.1 are -II,I,, «(- a,el •'» '• “ • o# I #Vv p#4«#itai,. m S • In * y [ J, tn f |. , TTf I! • #* *• >1 *k#|« »fe , 1 »K- y *<« < hi« tii '4».fl«k. f 11, « , , th#m Draft# 1 ha** irtd (-,* | #1 #r -41*4. ft 0(1 • g .*J •!-#- 1 (It *• 1.1 fi' g 1 th- ojti 1* . 1 *• "4».y 10 • t'#r.»- III O I’nl . t ie f.4# I *ty tb*-#rt..« t . l S##r « h« ir (-401 .«# #>ii t. -tiart *| I..4. *r#»4 H.#*v t I • ,'.4 • r -»l «v#r tue/il is# f-it tier rei 14u*(. I V 0 I» 'o A d#ry I inti ' I lW« I t-•*# If •«#, 4 #4# »# oil m#n<e-w ’H*‘ Hi* t h ?•,.**,-»_ , <"f,bM !### # Un- |, m » ,,„ n |» « , *,*#• e-.ek «4 V# .i», »n-l ,.<(• :a* o |m r.*l, t t'tt'l i*l«#r,<« Il t (# ( #* I - i * 4* a* • mt Ul I . | # t-h* ! C »n. I. <• l'i/# tV»* “Il-4l.,ey | "m Af4k4.fl 4## I>. 1 ».•# * 1< i# > a # rvi, # ii(j* ..f t 4. Wi/d- ## lh>| h. !, (.-# I., , #*v *-| Hi* lU *M hr. ’# -at .■*■ 4»«»', M «*»'•»# , (Ml (• <k|\ IN.# t 4IU It I 4,2,'y tta.’l . ^ , n f-f. .1 t M.fwe o‘ I.f tf*4 Ok .*« Mie, w«ni ''ttjtn Iim -a*ry. * . 4,-, Ik-. ( >1" ,1 ikl • ► *1 4# a # 7 « ,-1,1.., •'•ry Ii •(!] M -k-Vi r *• a » -4# / - l .»•* . ee-i*.>.• vo*"itaiokM,-1 um.*..* IM k... «4il-l .» Mt-itaMM to to »M‘.» J r. w . u ,-.,u,lM,..,Uk. 1.4, .1.. - ,(..•» Ik. #i'p K' It Itnl.r.t V”>t ■ , ,, , , , f „, u , M«">. *«4 ttt>**<rt 4,to •< li” 1 , „„„„„ A.„. ,nn. toofa.-Pk ••«#»».< “I.'«ltollikl4-,C.—.: .... - to.. Wtook Mtol *4 toftotaUvO -r ' f .,| „.,M. -,»to.«m..r..4. .1-. to... ” 1 ' — U i—I’ j JK.*bM m-. i, —.. - r-.j • tow 11 ai ili.lll Too., »*to -WU4 .to I • lew year* nsi4 •<* k*v# rrw. * :> .imimum , >*• rewa tt five luitas *her* tn Hi I'm- On Mwrtng tW tk#wtr* ska w#e *k##n > 17 * ###t j crwwd wwMkda, wbe bed swnMrd h*t • I wamdleg lb* tefeww mU- t*o d#^?U.» , frwagUiA fgrVn* flimt t -til I'vn -(/*ns li*># la.idHt*# o 1 k*e»#e| a w«f •'R'oe-t g 4*a tisr* *• a (#•* #1 gfa—nfto tk~ F~ T- The t«#r# •• •#k<i*e«l ” •• |WIvetr lini u|Vw« !l> wv'd U, ..1t.11, n* tit totototo# X Ikfk M * 1 V”" RcvmT *1 Ntnr UililM -<H Hf^dvv, |}* IhkiWid. there we* a *»#■«.•. • 1 > J»*w Of'a«M wbUb w#a wMMeauiJ. 41 *# (-• • *. • 1 avir lojm U!m« a ad g.nrf##*,#* th* h. ## * 4»f, (Wy kef e fell hr*e in#, *t. <f. we# m.,. *i-i by • Urge a nan!wf «< trM-*e #tM f«>w*uv. j Ae AX* Hm#-Tbi Mnaae-***•«<* It # lev, ikwuief M ITB4, *»««4-*r >»*»•. it . M>] 4# U<* Mx* twnt .• «be n4 Uu#*,'.# Bku, *wdi w«j* wm eB4#vti e. the ***** . * .u Cviad Rietweitke tWwfc .4 N •*lk Am,'. #, la ffiVeUdyM*. Uj-t kl enly «*« ( berUra4 el * • •aCbagdUn. Until’ /IdiA#r*. — |««l#*re eel v.#g we-nV-g at tb* Tbewtr* ' Meath# «#e d iUp« Mr> -u.l Ik* pea* W* day* u»n jen Nn l. ju ' li ta- 4 euewne aeyLwdy #4 e d*#*i *•«••#* e, ny#,. k # ^Nte# «| live fcrKBBag»i«wU, - ,A(V4„ wtwn.., t J m#4ily edk U tubreuive 'I *i*m UaneBBe-'- W# ere -LA* to »e»*,# /b^u (.‘.wplsuft tvvvv reek'd m It w *#r> •-# r**tuft (Let **«J**f tb# r«M • I tb# (**«! •> I Ik* 11* i Ui <speed. WvkuewitMHd Ueww, •*##« b* lb* HUM|i4, —7 l« *i,*U<# ."Ur *--* MUgeAMM# V'-eUg Ue4 *••*#, »-• «k. wh*4 *** ftgU, IvwMt M U>« puUr* And Mam l#*ge« • hi, nt niviwiig tin- | |«|M4»r Ivrwter#. '# « A rk l»*y It-iknv**.# ih» 1 #. r . ■ 1.4! t t. A -0*. I m .4 ft » *■**». »''■! -I • 1 th# .4 JO k.d *'4t • ... I 4 * • .. •(- If v thl 4 it Ilk ... H 'o< -• •'# >ie i.-toiaii,, —d* J the >1 «f.» I t— • ->g tr «f.. I.* t-o . in.. #1 imp..' 4»». 44 ,1 1 M \l VV IHVII V V tt |V. . - -• I*'.-! *> ■ ' It wo | si Mil*. | s J • ( ! 1 \ HnTl l. !\ 1 Ills t m. 1# 1M.1 - ill rt. J t'. It I OU;t, -olf Pt#|>r1(l»r 11 v M.rr*r.' •"Ilk fT Iw* V*'I I t tn, #* tlx. i.*<» "« *1.4.4,l MU **44*rt».' w (in,. V-j . \. r, .‘ in mi v» k it tv. M I. v I too dmi I > *1.4 .»M»4 M-l IKV 1 *0 IAV e •'li lt h 1 to . > ;•!A * n»t> X r-Ni-t v k « kut*. (Wto>» ">•* e*«# .4 IWSWIIW Wiw# mt T- V9 f ’ '-•** » ••» ,v e wf*w#4». v#-#» it * * ■ » '■ 1 I *. #,■*# <444 w*# *hu-M|nsi4 inw«4to.i <•* 1 * **'..* t«. . V ”• • a ImflW k.i* Wtof*#--*." , *• * f 1 # k . m „'«iir» (eirgw4.k",i .... IU VMI M I M.l'llto#- I.,.* 1 <1 # h"4. TV It M..M.I ’ "I.*" ,««.tl|t*i ®V*tol. till ► • 1 ,4 * - .toll/lilt td-m.: i- (>\r* 11 HI ; 'ti 11 r 1 11 it ist.t . #t \ it k h iv '••■ V.,,,l to M»‘ V. *1 ton* Vi'44,4 e »irvti\v. 1 • ..tokue VHWVrtli,. tv# n*#>tok-(imi n.4k>«k v r* !>*• w j n v «i r t \- v. r 1. t ill k* t» I Ni* N 1 I Mil 1 I A II 1 (II \ I V h r I '• t * i V \ 1. I M . 1 1 I A 1. .' \ 'it') w i-v.e# eon •*• e... 440*4.- VMSJr T.'':' 4 (&*#>■ (-•(i t, 4. ) • -~l •> - ik'toto*w » I *»«<r i*i«vu* t ' i-f t lK . t*-tf I V* •!--* (.It r In tot » A M yi|tlt>H A Hi ki v# «.r |li» • *, f >to X' *• .* 1 ■ *(, k# |t> * 01, v-'-er-kg It'V'U* ItiiiM'.jS, th* #.»’( IW. 4# *1 ,. 1 .|,'.|-I ta.,1 h»*0 .1 »' '-»pr -4-| V7 1 H 1> -# tn hto A.-*. * ■ iv{ (toil |o ttoiAgb* • l»# « *#<!.» g ii I# ... ■(*, (s lo-agtoi Uy *1 '4r A w# |i ■ifiiuto'# I ritok ie *w *bv Me*# driwe, ni.e « •♦**• *# te **gM ktel (u| W * (—•ki.: i*»! etoJti 4.1 in., (k# if##-. #»••. ( tiat |4«t«w »*.J hiwa r#f*ar« will tto f ! /»(> • l>. I » # »..,..i » S 4#*k.# 1, i» • * e 1 # Xk.i i. v, . * vtn k%r» d 4.. h 7 *, ted#! * . > - - * i#*,*i V., i| V * 1'#P* 1 #*»*--, « . 1 » • i t v ( - 1 #, • 1 if fi,#H. , „-l. t V. ** * 1 *i - I I'll Jl-w e.#o.' ■ * ‘I !►■ ' ■ t *41 r #f.|4' lh - l«rkf- '»* • ft .»( I i.-*l|i( to V ■ «k k-« tkl 4 * - 1, 1.4 to 4# ; tot ,{* • hi* h-»|-k \# \ k#V. ta k k4 to#. V. 44. to — I - -•) *4 0»4.'t tk* {.*•#*, if I ,*►*■! to. 4, 4. *(4|,r| v A »• M4'« or • suMiv —A Ul, .# ‘tod #• ik# N#to 7 <v luge *•#«♦ 1*4 v*'b< M toMhprttoe* to . »* Mk><# -I I •# l|#4>~ (♦ - 'f to 1 4 *V «44i**k • . r-4-m..i ■ ■«. *e. a- tto.#--*.** lA-.-;: r../ ##toif v* M-* * * V * to'. M b'V, re i*-. .. * > d e—***4#*# m «r« •< <*t| »*• «tb-«*«r M Kef res* ’ e- v *-g b|-« ki to* «>> # -,4 |k#< • ♦ 17 u.*aeawre #•» *k»»l b- U. e« *rv**wb«*. *U«b , M *'^4M«»MM« 4 “b* #'- #W|-«w *••“.•** »• . .HIM tr kto,': u;’V*ijrfkS!!n«^i .A JA"'.'". U4>n,te«a«e4-d »ya##«tiee ..##to(v»^. eedUebengw -n#-« TfnMvbwuei* *f ibe ►-* »<»« * •b .fc U i.v»li,hii4.trwWcwAHwr. • Mv## f^oMheeSty «i«k .hr msm deUan 5 '^' ***** *** ** ** b . • — ( 1 ,* ii ry.« ». r-*#«' ■ • V, # I.f * » Si ,# M*| fT t-i-4 • • ., # (M*i., # • ItoV « 1 . to ^ 1. • 1 i-*»» • .ui tnr- ttfi* '-lul ■4to*^to* 4-1, .*.-.•*» -#to* 1# - *-■ .to4.x •»•*' -•#' •'•* 4, |lk*.44, »44« . •, •f l«l"i V(tt‘ t| I tot. 4*4* . . 1 k--v (A. *Vto■" » kl to^ — it; ft, t' •*■ *e j... «# ,iv.*,n .ta. t i,M 1 * 1 1 I iio.e d» -4to #.,* n " r i-'v.'.n .>t«i iIj.ikI m, ito-H* foul*- in t.l-# I*,, 1 «• A, tito.-,,,.- A> V* •«#-« i 4 '••*••»^ *.tau*toita * .4**. *••»'. ••*•« k.U #-*J- to to-im, tol.A * •' to*.l, 1 * .«*»** * liwvtikTWti ^4-4 V# ( V.IMO e«,IO#e ,M.4 — A#-4**#e I 1 tvp'fh slM k*,>* pi, tM*.At*w r«# ♦•*♦ f > .ii*— t# *•#. I## , I.' k at tvm mi. ,#.«» *.!*- ,»»#-> »’ • ••** MkHltl *4 , #4*404, - 4.1, >• •*» • -44—S k«*MM 4-MMtV-. i > -4 ,l*MM Wei to-Hrto-kW#, • , bk uU Sto k.ii Ml iltv 4 *»»» TJA «»*( HU *4* earn,, **4 * • Whh * IU to Um ee-. tvghu #to4 ww»^.G t# >h# mi#** dntUa ?|T?1 juraiTi‘iTi '* . , .. *. 1, |M4—< I- kl to- to 4.1 •.« .tat, k*. *1 ,c •toXtal^toW to,-Or - • -.1. ». Mil-tot totOtitaMwittk-k"' ii k-woto IH U4flUMtw« "#—to# i t < e t %.*,., mo.m t... ,f rv-w t it nUAVi vuiy • * * ‘ut vn >s* •*e»-i v*I#*t#*eke•***«Be**** | iw*ee#e*•“*v» >• .ti k-.M*. 4 — eeh ♦># « h»'V|l kin I, ., i#,*M4U#totoi Wi.i vV#»w f W v# e* wt«>a h llMI*«ttvb. U »t V,,vt f. . Ik <v*k»l HidXlU. evtw. *. U lf »*♦ vuwe WU* So- e«. jr BAtttkVhk I * * w *...#*.! #, Mi*.. ,|wwee*wiw. ,w Wtow* * >44.*M «M#.ew#»to VtoweiMh uni tW|i we ».m m rwrev eirWMaMkb *A * * h v«< >« hegg ■ ktkv vwv# eeeww s.**ewi* ww .aeitMlhia 'i^tWrtv- WwwihO, W »►» WM* 4 * »evM «*:.*# *-.«- “» 1M( ktotokkMto.Okl-to'*— "g-l* ** ta, lltto- ewe *iuMk*wr w • ht»l AIR tBMIWh 1 » »-ht leMieiVai » Mkien.Avii h**-#e a-*#* Mm§4 baling '■ I* ynywe Mwih «»#>a»i?4dX »'« ki ikit, «•*>-*«v n#H k(*•#,MatHwe, «*• • v „##, t»e<e*w# up*, »Mi. *#4,,^ _fh* total, »* j )|»«V •war* e# t rkMifPba r»i mv toWavvg m* W4 petl 4. i 1- I «4Wta **- n-»\«, 9u**ev*4 * hktatatrmuH, > 14-*^ ♦ v*»rf Wtaitoi *>v • «wMei h*4tae*-#44* «e #--h# wm*4># em* ve m-ke b<»%»e k* *e#' > . , .* ,a«i «4*u «ve* ta-M htotote •Ptee*h>« • toW*steBtok*