The Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1853-1855, January 27, 1855, Image 2

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f THE SAVANNAH IENBUCAN. •BYP.W.ALBXANDBRAOO. an Aw'cwwrt 4±9^*0|K TU6iw4Jii)«IIIn rvnhMi l»MHn>OwW< 8AVANNAH REPUBLICAN. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27,1855. r. t. itoiMi, CmU muml.,. MJ *S nMnSlitrinM. WMUrSwiSprtSwii —7.T. 4' ta hAmm .58 ',MM>nta*> ******* >*** SAVANNAH, G A BAtturday Horning, Jon. 87. Lu Fubnt—Aditao# lraw thaoodec wyiMhagootatBi* ih*ubet**val n» it I food iniriht^. »dli thro* lwibtrr* afoogtld* Uh»o« rn tiM CMVH m4 BipBCt tbo tm«1 Will m« b* |N4 Atvbsavm —Tbo potfuoa 4 4m c*obtlahm#af will bo gUd lo foots that Kmm* 4-d .mo ol tbo —1daltgfohl BrooUooa id 8hehfope#ro*a tm ■Mtkl >#•*■#. will U M'MwJ |M» awBlog — lb RBBBIgOr b> Awwm MU *Odjtodg1Q**t lath* BaloMfoo, u4, wHk Mtaa l*f «• and ho etcelleoi WllllCOWpBBy.lM «MO( Ull 10 BlUBCl 0 UffB TbO ItlMMI of Um OCtMfctt IB CttHaOCCvl hy‘ho fog*, Out Min LlfBB will |ai#b* b*n«At lu Bight ood will bo Mpportcd by her mother, who will ap- f*r ihM hnMi kw Um 6m ami ooljr tun* thte •BBBBO, (ItW i« SoVBOBOk Of cDewhcrw. BbbuIb WUf rtcwl Hwcloff. Wo hav* baoo pfoaeml to learn »fut tht* literary body cuoitBM to latertot thame*l»»a In pmcnnnf gooapeteat foBtortra forth* public, no eahyccta, •ctoti&c, literary a ad hteu-riral. Recently, they gat* an Invitation to tb* accmnptUhcd Irttb Orator, 1W F. Meagher, Kaq. who had •crept ed aB la OttatkM to CbarlcBtoo. to fociof* la aid «4 iho Cal Wm MoBWfai AfWWlaiino. tt r rrgr#»IO learn that $lr. Moaghrr declined to addr*** the K-eioty, wadar a r«o»J*«i..o which ho had Mono time ago famed. not U» Irctoi* again. Wo Itara, however, with pleanrr.that th* Hie- totfcal 8ociety it in conrep»ndcn.« with gentle- mcnofecfooce, and the hop* U *oicrt«io«*d. that during tba Mit and following month*, they will b* aNDteaecore tbeaarvtcoauf agieeable and mairoc tiro loctarar* iflkM rwcwdliti lICMMlIi tho CMfttaaaafcifct orhfoh ko Waoawo «f ffogaaal ymaaf—h hot hhfcmt foadlag to iha doalrod Brthmt •ado* night now, althb urna, forbear I* pm# It* far. th*e naildiratlao, onion tha dtwharva of one avora datj, nod «orBowyhaoco oliti ohm *a Mott W* ho tho a tab of th* people of Um gaooty, read* red It In* yofaUvo. Oor imdinnura vrf tho tlrmod laqaaei, a*t* dogoootly hr aonnliin*, loMHoMd an «n«rdnr,aad •tado eaaataaUuu lota tha aoouKkuo of tha jail of tha •aooty, and aa Ihalr report* have prefomd |.raaaat< onat*toihtaIbort. Thla paiwldotamlaad thaiorrey ■iinlwf af ItahaoM anha a pamwal taepe* Ion, and •tth that omb wMtrd tha Jail In a Indy. TIm odkaelo •harga of H eoty «uoitaoo»t) eoodociad o* ihra«ch a»*r> port af tha hothUag, amt aided tha aiatolaailoa hr ntaola taferoulloa la mpect of It* moduli*. thaiwnf al tha fh*l halMlagl* o» leohy, *• to ranlee th* apaftOMW* la Iha i»mad tlnry very aaaanranahla J rtiiillled to the nee*pant*. In *noi* of then haehtM, palla, and Mh*r «mnK dortna i*la, *re r^nlied to be placed ta aateh tha • atee. Tha roof ohkh mvara Iha petno da* ponmtat ha* h*BO to *haltered hy th* «*t* of Hep aac- h** !*••, a* la repair* a thorough repair. The fMem ater thla departnchl I* atarealy, if ator, RIW*I ollh oatrr, fhou tha rain*, and the hate pump In the yard betuo I* out of order, nudertug th* Wall unntalUWa M a aupply lo lu At tlaiaathaalMrro toouhnul aalar •ad iha claoalwt aperath* af tha fell* ta then pert-rat- ad at groat loaearenlcuea end o-»mpoodtn« loedkteo- «y, hy tarry lag water ta hoeheia lam then ; wherra* If ll uere hep* *appJicd, the * atee weald he dlMHhutad hy the pipe* leading m*n It through erery coll. Thla Myietu In ut a itmiMtaendail.-n m iha t.tiy C'uancit, that the walar (nun the Water tt a*h« ha promptly ta* to«duc«d. olth a view to the maM eeaecu i t an *da> gotie vupplj. Tha • ellv are too imall amt are iMeW* ••anti) venttlaled. amt •• a natural cuvenuvoee eahala anrv.aaUrely fwt-l ulw. Th* tolliir «f th* water c«>n IrtvMwe cnatrttiui*vtolhl*eW«t-aaeAwttt* d*u«tr- •uv to Malih a* dlegwvilag lu the tei.**a It l* earthy ot e»Mldreattoa, ohrtHer lathe eveal of the prv*ml location baiOg adhered Us » would foot ba advUlbte to tale down tha preeeul pi tom department, and re-co«- •Uuri it npoa a pUn ohkh e»ukl dl*p*t«e unh tha ewtts ami talwiuute well veailUied M>ai The tnvrea- Id) of the preneat building, the pn»<» ot which were eMilb led lo u* by th* Jvtlur, ll**tt, juuiry ihu v COUNCIL CL„„ •AVAhNAN.Jag* «Mh t ll FrowBi hid Itonov KdwinlC. Andtf|ptt.MBfof i AldffmMt Ldwla. Allru, lluilcr, llatJrn, Weal, Millar, llarta, Atataadaf, Rodgrra, Mallory, Car* many. Miaotaa of I art meeting weia trail and cooflrtn*d with aiandloB of Repmi of Dry Cotloro Commit* l*o oo petition olJ i. Illoaa A Co., ami Rapoti of Kla«a«o Coratttiiteo oo bill of Moot. FaiLlford, Fay A Co, for prlaiiog burnla, Ac. loformailoa and lino d««h*a weioraad and boo ftniMd, with o«copi|i-n of Ibo foliowlag c***: Julian ai, Tb. Cit, »l H...,n.b i utMiMim Hi Juh.KII.ib. I oo lb. Ilkb IM. WlinrMc*, awnrn for prua*caiH>n, Mintnldd IV llminan June* i lor delance, J. Mclnttta tbt motion ll»* flu* lutpuoed by Ut* Mayor waa Bir\>ar* rkao ant* aimruo Tho committee i<» whom «u leierrrdtba o«-m muiucallon »*| the I'lMident of lit.' Hatanuai*. At bony aud (full lUilioad Lomirnuy, have car* IjII» ronvidcrcd the maiur nobmuiad in them. They are u| optuion, llut under prreeni rlreniiig»aticv*. Li>-v W.lw*« ■ L*l* RV ABtnOtTUBMZMTS. BMK EKKriM, .. . AT IB NJE CM. •xtfaiiiEattsati -■'-jl-**— can bo cloMd, M»d ita largo ModMloo re- J MKMKMT Of •Unload In ibalr babiloal indnigenco In Monday ou« I mm form fifllf.I.V. I at Iona, titer a t-an ba but oo* aoewer lo iberjuroim* mfldld lififrtil fiwWaffeTy -why may ont th* aam* and bo acbldtad in (lain- <* whMhuamMwt MNI. IdHiAN win maha hoc rTrTti'tiT rw^rMar^tT^ tiTiTuIm- i r^—j tiM^f*by a puoMV wool rtmitariONad{ lira ta- *+ —<«*1| appaaionaalaBaeaaoah. JS5i # iS5Sl#A3iii?«J ih^reyMfuudtlhA* •oil In New Yofh ha* w> lar been altogether lo iinti lw at ,\*”i i • i i fjrw <*T*t'iH>*n,— »,•»**•* wameMeMd erarral Ogdccttananite. COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC I lb. .UlhwUll. ll«»Mb»4llHIM. ItOMUO AND •ItJIJIbT. ; !n«-2r,r‘rKir"" ,N - l ** vr *” xrJi£ l>»r r«*-me, and yet on Iha firet Monday, under tha < W*ohw. Mr. t>. 0. PAI.MUL .»•*•** a*M ■aar.o. rau»v ..... oi^NMn *w w e»u»i a* amiii wetiice. wm. m. « «. a. rtun. »-l( I<1WMAI.C 3ST*>»ISLTSJr! r y.u^ujgpi'i-wMiftw.gjni!! J^HL—r riMirs lUaphr wahiag *aue««g>Br*M.I«>wayMwug,) ft oirty Iwmrtaawg tuU *»** awavgry^t ad In aww by m.«iIk. ii^«ini.w<iJwiwiyjiiu;.| r*rHRcUcM-Ukln r*«*Eeit$ For *1>ir York• I KITI.U or ATI.0 ,B| All. a.INK* L »»t r i. f M t !o\i. •>» portly Naw York nf on* ol tie graai p*H| of (ha I fvetdrul of Dec V3,d, IHAI, l«» en% * l *«Hitc«-a r.| ctlnie aiwl i.iiriu Vi ** A n *»a»4. Maiurw euonrctrd with th* riboeawvrnt Mayor io do bin doty. Tin* **• M-H>mng to eitremn meaeoreo, hot Ihoee, l"0, lira Mayor w prepared to |nit In 1-re*, end b* baa n-tl> li«d th-oa ob-i kepi tlint piei«•# o|wn In a epint tlelianra, Uiat, ti (heir cundurt waetapcalad. b* . . 4 ,.*,.r5u n w W „ , w-uldeirtclMatih>*|Hiwera»<lra*»r<lB**cryUg*l HI BAM8IIIF KNOXVIIXI., mnaoa I •tbav tlieit cs*bli*btoriiUbgU>* eal* »»fll- To |4M** I b»e_D*y, T?tb J*o . at Jocl^k.P M i(i-f not only upi<oHood**,Imi opoo acary day of uiweek. ’I here la no douM that ha o |f* uiririM dwMjtBA - ^VimiTn 'fTT&i i • «*TV IBI. InfKIt -I ta. yiwpai* u w •Me* «*u amew L. «. yane lr,t -• r darumf i m, imqmwl h* i« tw auA la* ituv'M «e*«u**a>gb» do!••••'**,. > • Mu* mow B*f*uo*ee art to a-rtay •*•-« WWW tom tUe*auu««, Ayawei *4 Mnuaeui'* -a, ymvi*«»», and Peaunai' fee a.s ato env r. wa^u i aMr<toratow«rty»>aMu«*utim a i««m M . th* MlMitto U. wi iwewa Mi ito' T.MMtNMtoS] , - 1 - i itode*. t.rdl tto h a id *wIm*,«, M b fiVMWt. Wh, are **to, toe I a<B to* m+ rt *r <M «*r. touw raw uwmmm yewueiLMC *, u •aMWigtaty «»« unnnaa. he •awawto* an auea <w to eciuwac hy -o* «hu t MtoaA dfiMwd Ifetol •««•*-* •*,«■. ft* m to*art* lo Iff Vm M»|| eairy a»umated; to nuke no naw conttarta, and i(p<<* aih’o to r-DKi w llhtn the al«i«e eunt by eu*p*tHiing •och work •• tha intireore of !>♦« Hi-Mhlt-Mr/# Wiitld ervm lo lisjuire—Vl« *, |h« *u|>cf*UactU*r and oilier pari*!« wo-den material. Tha amiKialeauauw-d l-r the eervn vofiho prvoeot ye*t, (ItsVAt In-iii the city, ie fl>».uuu It will bo vvp‘1, during lltw prrval-ore of ibe ptreant elriniteiil tun*#, !•» taetilrl the rtpend'luree I- tluil aniiNinl, or *»cn We* If n-eaiblr F«-r .• a ' The u*a 1*4 tetolM tMeawihlp KhngVlM.i:. • *pc c. u. Uaa^w, win toil a Hair pAUbM^iait, '••••aa d»* oreeaawe P**v*ae.. *• The I MINIIIA. t*M- WtoMhuh. will oafejfifti! Ito hair im Ito omo* RieeHW Ou>»a». Aay ) iraiw hatUB iha towel «*o, owl atotoah h»4 MB hair, too triawLewi ll l*to Iha o«*f iM'Iimi. If ilw vmM B«a wad Ihlv into. Yto lugraCito to alg ewu ttmt •»»•* if •r ait ti. mu i; im ouaua u •Mae. we *< d*t»*>r ► *—to aaaht. ta .uaw l a* »ww, ^ ikt, uway* *m, w ta wane »i eoaeOi t *«wd rw i. *. toee«w- rAVhiti »**•«) uepwei.toUto* art a* *1 pwrtoMie U yea. toBaertodU artM* aa. leered.# pMOao* rt BrrtaevMa twofy toad*, witf to A n »«a*4e Ualuru cdinectrd w||k , . - r . In Nvw Yoek ie iha generou* oo-t*pcf#lioB which lU.tWaod laaeaao Wadaartey, >ix. laea. ihr enurep**a*. iha great nun of p*<>pl*, and a ..J*** 7 k... (a.rfa ..a. ....... ...a ..1 I La ikitf. ali.a.aft Ik pmep ... tout In# uf pM*«* Uauadto th* moM. **h go a*. .. itoat he peeyurtog la ln«U hew. ted Ml ftootwe we W*e Rued *M lH<re*. 1*4 toll to N.A.riiftiJiuitr.w I ( *e«y large pr-t**riion #*#« ol Iha llua# engetfed lo the llqo-r trank ha«g aa>ended lo tha M*yoe — T h*re hae been a ganeial atwl emraru dian* Ihero ••• eupporl and uidvdd him in prolactin* th* Hab- l-«<h In-nt di*gr«(-a and proUnelton W* canr><4 nr In eaymg th.i an cffori In H*l|im *fe, niu.l.y ell directed and deteuntmd, to arwmplieh Iha T o Ito*** T hie Day.Jeo »7,»t |0..V!-h, AIM . . Th* mmptoito wixtaa.iy ArtBkwSvssgg N-wiaiuga 41 !• u'c* «k. ft* applfto P* el laolS w at. it. ikirltu,i idUiiank lull In*. A, « r *HL itoiMOff ruaitf _ lltolM IN la^^M (i Til | *. M UtmtlUr. | ne I'lill «f CIV VOVh.»lhe Aea l*M **iPu« «h# __ . »ali*i«*(^ _ • UM* lUlW'.to #<«•*•* sto>4 Ito LMh Ito l*i«. and h»|4 if.* oatu (onto* htoMw. rtth* MW*tag yiMs to am twi *. to4e«wu« tort A M. art lto*f M.a ta uewta. _ y*. ‘t aAV a»oart. Mae to* . *e»i tojn* *#4Ito. r ♦***'• O. <*wtogto«e-r L. I. I# too A> A». »a to rwgaaMh-w dar Brt-» «m. •TtoCd to ihw .».« y*a m *< tiuatw urtt'o tnmcft, * II lewmeaw ago •-th Be a*d»c»<| »—*. to 4*u. ato to aaowne m - ye>e*«l iiyuuf •* |evhii*u.i» «r 44 Mr. c. ta * I** «*-/tic B .. tom r. •rrtntiVMrrfchO nVMtHV t*n , N.<*« f.auaei 4. *•&!. tntf r«wt»d in Die i-nteiptl#e, aii.l iliu uuwt ampin *c cuiiiv giern’o ihn rointanv that eoch c»»n«iibuin n* will La bethetmnog When a eum *uffici«-nt to bum iha li*.|l c.-mirtl-a eh.ll be <*ltoned, either fr- inlhe peof-'r -I Kwh weatryn tie- ih» ,w „ # . um-wraiefn t,#. ygii.itoin mu t«.«kra«M .rf Iba MIMIW W, r..l m.i n.r | . ’Iwl » ina r", ..I 1 *—“h will toadi! i*r. KOIIKKTA Al.I.KN, t'h'rm 1 Com- W,.. mlMa. ,( Um IVaat) ..K.U .Ma.f..l, . M ' "■» *‘”b In tke IMp.>*m<>« « f m addnkuial u» lo ace>-mptk»h a i * ‘ 1 ..OIICKT A Al.I.KN. t'h'rm f aie'Leaitooot the t..-din.usawd agreawr *rcunif .d TTidNlAS || IIAUDKN \ mtttce. Uie prlaonets t>ui *0 aalargrt plaa rt th* huUdlag Th# CNunmtUce on Health and Oltln eiV. lo w*r.) advantage* aould accrue. ,liprr««ut allth* prt »b.,,„ «,*• relriicl ut« eub|«-ci matter «•! ten ding hukciv are bo-ughl >mu contract lro*pccil«e of their g ruble at Iwutel t»l- ire CrmelciJF, ai d the pro art, <vl-r and cuadiUt a. Hegnrd m'gOt to had In ike p.,|, l*»e the e«ilK, tcglrnVrto tecoo h^ bniid-ng of • brick •!*••!«• and lo » a*w building prufnwJ lo lko«e illillMIk-M. A *rp.t*- 1 %*«-c|»t tbe pr-p.- ATBimahRIver Itwllrwnit. Wb caamd ocer eattmate th« import«nce »-f thla road,lo 8araaoah. W# puklieh w 4 ui gr»*t b«im factloB, Ik* eoaydoed nnn*unc« fr%*m th* Awfwwa ^CkMBielB A Seot.ool “ Th*i city h»* petunpriy raepooded to t*a prv'maoent t-iteteeia. In aabacrihlag ftiOo,COt> whicheaenre* the Va.lejr road which bo* Uatarmioo* in Aoguau. Tk* debt of t-or *rt:ar city la very *n»al! It* *»• i acte, mb oBdentand, to the cuiagmehmcnt ta imp-ruat road 1* to eabB*riba th# large wm of »J. It «* to bo regrwttrd that 8a«*cuah had r.<*t followed her ei- ^ ample, aoJ b*vr o*-ur prepar.d to pu*h forward the Florida road with aennty. Twe Chronicle A Km m*l ».r» t.'.c following lOentw and* twroren Um^o comn.iued f-r *«l of v\' I. \ r’u.nt big the eum of lit* hundred crime, *ad tk .«* c-n» .oed o< cr m* -b* *ic* n»»W hittatodrltM)ueatt, and bet*era wtilte and n-Mcdpe*- . •Ml, A veparotc ap*na*e*t odgkl to provLied f.u col.-itd ; •A.HNS who. tif law, am*l onderg., *n la p,|w>nin«a ’ tL * u mk «* lt *l uUim < * ,e l - < -i 4 • Anoiirv/' a>hiog C.«ohiI lorenu: tba mu ui.i. ca,rvvd *mt t««.l*d. rwch *d»an»*,v*-vtr ito eviwieg „ ., 1 It »..k walk of \mi .ijr Halt W, t-Ua. n*e-l ••nli, w# tN-ltove, lobe*i»ie*ll.»bc f..»nuiei-l- ha.tni* bad but <ltHr um* to totwidvr nod !•*•! In { id. ll uUInnl |. tint (iilHlvttlnlb, luvllliiif >tt |.i III. inaiicr, w«^ld IO*|ieCttu|lv IC|»-|t lu (a*-r of p» own, lo eaipto) iWm *t *• me in«l>*w .n-cui^iUns eu*j«i>dii.g rollcrti-n, *-r p. ceo* .gumt uld »ii-l mu-11 live f-*l‘»re JOHN M M.I.KKY, i f« omiiue.- • 11 , l IIA** 4 W WK.s I*. [ !|..iib a,-I J \S K KOIH;KIIS ) tcm-i.M The Comm lice .-*, I’utdlc *alr* and »'ittr l«4*. '•» h 411 WAV left l« d Pie |>et||i<>n I tfio "t'b*'li«lll tl.wt u|K,n tho part ol tltow Inddtng •-uIh-hh, Inemg in tt th* alrntente of moral p»*cf.d'iemii nalUN, ami lafteAiblbiy that In*# be«B ev.mrd by tba Mayor i-f S, w Y«wkl llnmplnu't t rgelaM* rlnrmew tt* woukicall lb« hik,it.-* ..I mr read***.e*r«ct*l. If Ik-or WLo M| to iuBrflUg l<-m dl»#W*e to <to *4- ...u^n.m.1 II\tll-lMN-H \ l.i.l.t Ahl »: Tlh'• t I III:. *hl<li m*f to l-ivul n» Ito '•-III* I- 09 tit lh>* p*|>*r II li in MinwulNU iv'4iri*a **l 4»«t«W* -to id Ito hw»i » aid .U# rmnlMu, In MM Wr • MeO It 1, irf Hin.ri -lr-1, ,vtl UlM-irtHl I'g* C*ll *1*1 (. I ,1m! *to cum* .tt I to|hs tlM.trfl.iM*. Iito*ifk*u««w, |M*|«|-*I*. ncrwni*. Be |‘.>r ««W by i. II. • V tt It.tod jui a J. 1: iianmu. 1‘lnUk.l lti4l>Vk|'l IU<*t-H*t A|t»» m j*a n c. A. la. deep*' I.AM; Att. iA»ar. O N T»vi*Uf itoiorf *uppw*rt aa tto Cawwta HI*# Mol, a <**• M, i»* • »L«» iw» f »>4. t-.e* tlatoiweil'lw liiliUi i*«*rM bl 4«II.M la* it to h«>n*T IIAHI MUAN h miN. )ia tf ^ a I » »:-dt«Tl A,~ *tw tto *to#i# rt ito 1 It Col p HNf'e. t .'•*»«•«, ti**--c« P. 0»>wo, M»o4 Vtehees " •• I I- hn-g. Idn**! I- It.*-* a. II*** It 1 a-*i«-.*/y hw-vn-hl*. VlKk*.|| IU...M* l.^rfr* j . N. W*.*s *m-i 1‘ieiMia l.koN, ' ’ f ' M lofaW IrftV. lh<l«g t-W.i.rfrf, *«•'.€. Ito • a A otito *u4 M|t«.-i o*f w*. Vua*r*Ai «• j »-. JW , I *kf wiiu.ii-.*‘ 4.4 M. c ui*, if. e IV toUMf* AAo»> -Uwmn Miim«,W . II.* t* k*toL rtiiouM - ItoMi Hrtui, a M««n4* hipM. _ TV*»t lihn, pM^urtgw. - W l tinltoa ; If M, J.Arf, Vm la r l\ Li|fi 1.1*1 Mwu. -Iv-vell U.*RAs Ito*. I I .fcWf-Urf . b V 7»f‘to Iw ». t\ r.«4o.g,Wm inouaiw* 61 «• nwiwi p »•*••** lilvnato Me 4 r I |..I ,rfrf«. J t, paf* LiOuwiM.. ‘44. tt to lt«u, Hill., fiitilw, t\ I ON lla* 14 i n «to a 11 h..k,iw r rvicfto4 b-4rf«MllW b I t*|l.l, It <1,1*0 t I ML*. A b t I kt.M. i kar *iw«m: to li. pu.Wnonuii.i f.ln. wu* Mu > to F~u<> w L-. .g,.. w, mw. tt wj, -' nl.nn at. kuiit •, orjaw i-o y. i> M«Tmw* -j itoKtic. • % "h*, li. yeN.Wto.Mua mo htc to ito o um-m -OM.tU Mm! «.,f m I-mu.« I*. *W (to to to 1- *1 *'• Mto. «%..rf« Mi ItouMHI Mu. t**’1 to tf gill. Ibkhl. M -«e» I t* Hi K-IJfl to. • 4tw<> I* «. lartw ihsT *e it 1 •-**«. on •••.'•a, .N.U, J ,4 U*ol*a.. Mrt iMlMe'f » >MM *M I PI NT A I. e.y no p • noil u. IB • t% lttl.1, IMM«IM| h-Mtoi. ton.if} • •iuvv.* eim tw *4 P |uMi«g *t\ l-.MrfS |i *,*-.-» Ik ill-to* 1- *.<■• t.M* .to I t|• .«to . ••U'tl ; bnwg-M! a-w ary a«. bu»io UVt, |»* I- ). «V Mm.ii llll.r.v (. M'» Ill'll i'-rt ' lMU«lol*M**tM«*n v«|r I. b*T« COtoWUl, to. «mJiM .UU.UWU<..'.I.I»I,|.1I I.«w» » .,..1 k..., lor.llv..! III..- I“'MK» Ik, XI,T ru.x;li ,*m oil-Jt'.nailalrfllkrfk ' ~— . “ - —- >1-11 „ atm ..I M0.1VJ. brfUU. "• " • '-T* <• I 1 ’j. In Haul- i\% .IT- ,.J..,w~ *u .V-ST. ' 1 -*'• ’ >■■"■■■ - s «. - — «. r,.hb.4M.. tdb.-tol w... **l a* a p«*c# »4 e*r*rt*e for tok ,»-—*• •• R>l , * ....U-ki.Ll Whines • . it »- J <r»* mm, I . ,.*. |.- - ..u — d ia.M.i-f »'■« ^ ^« *»*•***' > ■ “ »-*’ K A H T INDIA AltC II | t*i: 1. AUO irl, nidi | uill O (Ut I IKl’io-ut ni iv it.iru u uiBHAh. • *" *“**• * to,^ * *.♦*•>. mv*‘i 1 *nt* tie .. e.eerlM for mk , .mh,. M l',"' ! ''''V**'"" 1J h , ‘ Uu ‘ H , ; '!*’ n. It « on li ft* iml tthiiir*, *.•»•). m ,i| | • it mty lenhr jevm to aap . • ll «• * «*!••' n- , _ t|J p 4tia j* |)„j r> || r h .„ 4 i;„ n .|.rj opUial intt lu.*i>e ferwin* »ir ,-caBnc.t f-i* i*g f niii ttec ».. »c|-r- •«» «'i n -• W i.liani |H*1 peenvy.; ikk tea pa-poo for wbei, ta# '••naif J* |i e«i>. **hcd I *r and* . t. ifc*> Me •*- • iml MMt • <e IVXVJ Ol4e » • «*•' '••••.It. r III Ll* MO4M k |f*VIM-Ml S- * i»*1 • • f* y «• m. In dti p«f *4 , b. ktol-wl iow ->« -rtto# B f ,«»»*. Ml Lr * - , ^1* klO«U 1 "■* J.f 1 * tW. to to C’ I-I it* tot,. •kdNkl.Mof * >4'«i«t* l.'tn, w* ito 4,) . f ••<*. r.'ikno |.|- t tv 4 1,7 I U III* VMt • ..I U«*: to - »*••* > — CM,to eve—tto Itor-j I trf«»vvh k U- to i*Om| i>-f» "In *mu I *.- id to. »-«*- llo « ■* W low. ito I7l'1 li. tou rf iw* vvvh. at Ik* l-l^w kMCI l>l»«4- ' tpi A. \<H|| t».l.«Ma— *'*' >*• ■•*' to *«- - ‘ -MM ■4 1 • *44. *• im.M. *' 4 • -H-kV w N P»*4'»- Mntol r ,*-i * * *_ tkol-tlo voitoi >» »uMiN »i -tv. Mitev TfVto-nw l W Vnwrnitui fctol ft Jf4* - ttoif His, M, n*(. 0.4 |,.S _ at— b .to* lo.'l — Tto * Vail#* Railroad C-wnpuny, pAf«b!e betriag aaiatetert «>l *e»«o pc* teat. p«r lunam. W*u ,.fi*eu4woni. OOBBlba coodtltoag let forth m wife lb DecernLcf Inat, and ■,> o tfithMM aa iha City C.-mctt m.y i ft> aacwr* tb* tairreau of Angu*i«. . each ewbecripd'-o ahall o-*t U htmim/ bac« aaUufuad by tba lrtgu:a:ar< Tn Storm of Swaday, an J which tba fgkgrsph we* eftil peeeai ing on TtanJay,mradaf fruen IfaltUt to lUit-tm-re, aad bBdk lo tba Wemeco Lake. Fm« all pomta la t*k>itcaiia« dr-eke *• a *• w-m*. *m w*. s val tb* aBOM alary of dBOhdIt!-IB ol boouM.leoceu and h i.iUea upoa Ike etti«*a*»' ih* ''•«»'», *»*»« i**e t »~ (oiar .w| |*vy>i mi, tnlii-M w*g* t*d i*omi«v.v<i a|.*a > to m**j. kv I Ito Ice. Vtoi ike Jury red mm*r«t that to-k k«t*l*u,e *«iw« i* M Leiafera, a. io*y ymMb-t r-riifivVtj n n BV M< -vijevi i»»I oy-p.erf.-VM In nv r.rf»vr-, ,»nr And the fury ilk r-«u*wvvd,4 um the cowniy tree*, lb* amkiag of mwlt to bar bore, and .f wreefca opoo tba coaar.i* told. Ai IfabUt.tba gala \ ontoWe boCMObTWwlayrtBdo-OMnwed with *cverily that » Am. foe l.**efPoul. did not leave #V J, M L# M ,» $J pmbIPt » *#'i.vJt, .. n.rv| •Otil Satarday m-coiag. Tao vnaal* eaok ta ll*# , ^.gv m> *.;ew en.1 «y p/*—.. I* it. , baiter of Baltinvee, end it wee feared eaversl lieaB warn fowl. At Dog Ueaoch. U*e waeaoj tut m te >< i p.:i». i-m tv-., donee, I threw OPOO tba beach a aamfor ol bd.., com^j- » k. wvt k. 4.torv. *m-I .ey*— f'* poweevk-n et.,y to :* lured to b# tbooa of paeacogv r* ocbuM tba ill* I »**• r ib. tobk.,*. « luy•»« **ui*« *mi nlU-VIKU ai It* »*• LUO .1* TUI T*tl E lirlfttltlLT \n Ordinance im olat-ry <>f .o Ordmvnce er.- iv.mi nya-aiL* ».••,*>. til <-d in ltNii»»H‘«- ' r Dw* -tv*p«ii-.Mi -• l! >.r. .* i |, f the *|-y* mtiiini of tiwpecuirv, p*a*«d in t ou-xtl Utn IMotwr. |iiT An (bdinancw t • imead an OrJin&oc'-, eat-il.d an It iliiuMx to prrwril ih* pmium-i-»m p»*tn.e «4 piuh, tar, r turpentine in m* «»ty -4 !M- van'.ati, *od him.'.* u»#rv«>f, ini !••* tglto-r p(p- • ,»•*! k> yn vv', *|rfiw* b • v v Tk, »>t cevkff I mu it Iv li. |•«>u«i pul An. v4 -to ItoU It. w* .att ! NUT It a. Re v V, rtruniVl • It dmtftpii^-invkli. I'toMVMi kvns r» #-.» -w i • •'■••w. in* r* k. i»f |1«*I t>, iWWvltd ba *il> It raiiMlii, l*y j U bktoXU-T )*.r I An (hdtaanr* enl-t-rd an t>,-:.nAn<e. lo »',«•»! An ttfdiuAncv rn Mr-I an * a Or> '-toe* gti Ia:-d Mp N.o tW A C«b..l* «torfi W Ta, »«- »•»•« U* 1-toJUiall««. «l >!• <„, j II..,.I ... ... .. n. .. ..i. i«rfl.rf. fa.. *ta ^aa.d ID IWb'-I, 11.« A a. to. yto.WM.I. Itol,. Mir lytot lk ii,rfl. l .i.»ito.> lu,. torf..i.QU. .Mto. "*"•« ;«Q *1 rfa.u^rfto.,to,U«».wto. l rf-.„.«rwl fa. ,k ,O. ttoMwr.lkw bleat aad pvowiputo** In •*p*d4,e« Y r **—Alderm-n 'f*Hery.U.*fic»e, All«n, A . *• i tn-l- r. D*u, " M iter. IUi,. V.~-IM. #■»**• ito' torfJi • At lee* * i. i»» • • ‘i*i bwvi 7i kngv iwa n~« Mituii -4bw • V I Wvitn 4. >• i-U, C hv y- v i-t*« w* A* toitu -n .itj.i'MU I,* k»» b. (Vut-V. "»tto.,,t —MWW lloltov *i *---•§ - ll •• B II - — rfll < rfrf. Ll... I to • r-to-* *toil<!-o >• 144. ii' ltHW llm> to,to. ( rfil ('of >» A M* P >«4toi ktiA. too tot ,**•> t.fM'to. rilto.-ito **its. ■M b*. I'toMrf -« k»i4. I • y- n 4 K . igl * (MII Mi AA* tt Ito tk«y» «**4i, etoirfv r-Ml go I I' ■ -| to. MV. IM, *A<V. li *• i. v vy-*a, itotiOMvio a i .t.iaei-nrevtoetoto i A * at tv -MM-! i.r . nt-iM iv -..MMAV lA. inv. I*tol , 1- » a pA-to„rf Al.e ru.W.« M rvtoto... tor t- v.i NN l>« Vwn).n , ««, At In* it! Olld-Tbl* ,, rr. V VJ' V<« V|IT Uf. Li»M N.w L ft • i>hn« e v i-rtHin Kiili Kt» Iinvimm j,ii, ' , • ’ l’*“ t* 'k* ,lrf-l »W IW.IMMto. t. l-t.’-nv t.-.M-MaU*., torf r»rf.,rf*t f tt ‘to <i. Iwl nlMM-A. Ik* ~ ITVIJ.I f Ito ti.4 i mmv k.iiito, .f 1-o.uii .«! tvf igel ll. II. to. » MX I M-f k.lLto I- !*•t • l~ •-* I-VU-to. Coacnbo. Jaa ?1—Tb« anew iv a»vT io U mi u pi..-MXiMg« ol im y«if lortdoeota tba BOftbeea town* rttbuKaia vv . r«.ito*i ebMibe.#,oar yi*w*.w*u, kw pwbWvk. .N .ye- AW«n»Hf. lima, lUrd- n. liarmaay ffofToe, Jan «— Ail the r*.:r-.»-l i» «AJt «f 1 r ruixvnt tba city •»• mach rdnuwcled wnr» *c-w Catcaa.!,J*a n—Th- m—v fuiKiea rtnero -f Tw tba l-Mdlcrf m|*- ■ HV--..I 4 t.Mf -vv «hw|-Ai*.i miTi w- m ti to !* V m4 i*«iyl > itiktM u.owr a—*# aNtt I. %•*•: ti vrtr.b*, ito k«vi*g M.a ti-'.let • f |A I '.#m yv,Vf, Ibil btot Ti irfMM tort m —• vulv, we itl« ikiv , .Art of i»'»n. 1-1 Ik latw r4 MVIMit Oil *B IleV, Vrf.torljf- l ifwt »•» ov I... m* vi*i ep>* ilev — mom »kn in r«vlM. tv.prfifvl'1 )•*«. Bf. t tv. u«. t to11V B PON. Nr III . vieeot. rtilMt.IjsM*. ....... ... .. 1 vyirnov I «•! Irtiro *•# ,««• ve l ' I M IW-4V llUU vV | ll u# to-to, irf ytoWto f g«4 I * -lu f n.VM i-r-vX *’ i**i-v. evi-. >i« A’-vUI VrfX • i-Vrfto v« •M tort • V 4 *• I*, k. , .<■ ,*A • t«M «Mrfrf tort Ho |H- vtMito •»»»»* vv to rlt.r ii .1 *»•■ t.. ti yri-irf iu■Viavnirf-v.-f-,.i* «• * v*v iffeorf-rt ky v to***. |.« kv*,- A• ul-*< fitvlei B CtonivM I' »Niii. I >•* «• tanh Atiil ^hoii I’reilfttw. n. i.. tt ti.t.oTTr.M. a to . SI I. K W A K K HO r S K. ri'it.ttn I Hit t fiMU' -4 *11 to' m-As «).i* day tt M rt*w a»1 evdd. wtfri and rata witMo Ika rwem-ty *d tkw ip>4«at JwAtVniMir. I peatedrt tee# all day ycetrrd*? ‘I«» . E^£* S tWblbweg. Pmtriwrrt, tourfto MU „ ,, !■•*.• etert-lilg, fy Thw IbewngcMic Hen*i'4# in C^togfe** vi'tr H i\ mchi. Ml la cworwe M-odiT 1%#. «*» rtypN tbo e-*i 8*«m. tt, u« V liikfWia, W- n»n f m*. I*v* el ll lVi»y», • kAftei * *«rl. Jiiwerf * .V I'll-S J. roy-k ll Mlkv'i, W.I..ito blew, tt 'Kim P VV kl«e, i -An i <A t* s 1‘ftoi V « I’rtitnrti of It-'on-v Swen,»•!•»•*#to bit p-.ftu o y nurt ui Urdinaey for t Itnthnwv t omit y i ISM ..A Ike |VN VI.Mrl.f in Otok to-—Ik. k*l ito li k*H in Ik* I 1 .ait kar..->•«« yurfkl-iA.rt IN I of tkaif party oo Kv-* N-/»bmgiwn. bet kw- u log WO #M* Ut agrew. e»4 a a am We of K.a*u>re re T> *• V-'n-e. VV n- «« t. ftoy. 11# ar'cwd. they ad/rtenad wtthuwt c-eouag to , miaates • I. llv'rf-vrAM Ou'krtAi • r »g*v It It bow CooMeUtly peoi-etad that Mr Hageetery Ma*vy o*ay g»« to •• mMn »o MII.O »• I.l ll.N VRTI«t,i U«b r-tmt I'itnav —Tt** f'«*"»d Siiie* *r. n«it • fine intlM-ird -n M - n-ed |',.t <--«mo J H I II.r ey, I- ku. r-mg th# iMbrtmer, oa* rclcitvd t - i .-ninntue f in.o-a l-MI M ul J aarf, X I'-f. fb,... Ml; la ('•-fiiliiity «>l t»e»-rgii, t-eiyiu. t. -uit. il to tin. ilv ve.tee n,-«*e »»tef>i-*J i-- vxiory t 'if )iii| ii-J nhifito, le'erird t- • ••inmniM- « m IS Ale# Wuvk*. , Ol'h p-W*« t<. •'! r.'ill'-M ><l Wm Hiker in-l J Vn |l*my||t'-n, f M f‘ , pvijing t •RK-'-t t>> Allow ir-eni t-- kr.,i • K- eii'ini ■« lU-eigh n *tlvet, *i<b,-vl ftM-og • wh-k* mm -it ii-e p»..n *mi, w •• l.<d ,-n <h« lALie at.m>ti t>-*« e**b A*t- it- rr*b ft, Aldcrmin lewn • v *V vAli-vkrl tUto vif • 'tort | <-4 *lk » ytim, If v.-to II k*v nirf., ll tovn"v*l V ill*«V -V iniinfky.i ft .• too to W ill .'pMMMV, —r iMrfVtg Vlff-.I -to AtP ke «—•>>! I IS- irf. «• A ll. , u*. AI Ik* e kk -r ')« I »w ki M l-* "•!» - * »-*-M .4 k to, kroe, *. WV.N » la, , I.IIU* rt , T|.i-*« Md <■ tM-to Ato It*-wrt it ••—4 tort 1-4 ml, k.W A- >»*cr if i.yw b rfbirvia I l> •* *L - km toil to v.yrf I tort l-IJV t AVA.i, t MV I • y*n cl if | n*r i.BRti e f' “l w-wVv.« tt» not at oi it it vregf “ kv -A.-, pto-e I.M IWM—f t-*W It .4 » I HV i.rt *- UTH-to 1>A<* ti • Mltun #n»Vrf», I • I.M -l« aorrf, M tk* veto *M rf* to'iev, l..k Vu Hum. • rrfu-toto - •«.« IMV. In MiA-bv* WM". «' —■ V «rrf.4u 4 l-.Mto v kk. vito iH/ vm . , to f >vrf>rf.> a lain,. . v«w ltoi,4 to- •n.rrf, oVrf-v » > „ 0 •••-— to *4* km M>». x-VHV |m Mo* I Ar Vit: *« «vC ImU-mo * i-rttl-rfMA ku .to ,e»nvu-v iv ww Inky n-lu —♦ ev*.y eeviiA, —to. A-v* O b •*». . klrt ito |,in»lw p>M»tod*l 1,'Ml l» _ . v.Vto v-.-Uiltoj . I Ito ll-,* »- to ... Bmv I kto, ArfA * mt*t ' VW Bev i *1 l-.rt VV i,u. **.*• 'I* * * I' m«.v«< Awe i.rf .iw k* *e*rvf.a. f*M» nnyi,,*. v» |v-*,m i .«iesy v,» u* «*m t.iw a eVUMrti l-S-vu ttf to MM4 .1 M I»*1 yhi-ii-l ** V * ton. to * ' rrftg ,rt ntalitniviMi ••>! (.netimkr iwka.vturt 4'a-««a> •« r. me .4 iwim f «e <ewi yu* a.«-«o Con- . *r.l j ei.lkeAik.Wtol I* w . 4m 1 rnii RR r»<R|v* iaiivu ,trt v n v yAtoAM Vrt-V Alrt At VV ,Mto.V.l-rf t«M, 1" *1 |V* i MtNtrf-M-M «M-' V-nt. V-.MIM-'M-'VW Ml- M A|»H,WM|itt AM. turn «• eltott •* »• I ‘<-u* "* Bi,M* mutiti I'.if MV l-.ll nil. ••>» •*! .*,o«AV nil. V-.lx i, ' . ... . / Vl»bb — I4*W k»rtrf*. fMVMto vh« ti.hi.o, «.« li to A M!li*r 'kv HMMV* rt tie irrtn< mwowl I u. uikk ...h,. v . Ike iee—v.t Pto',| ,4 iivol), n« Ike I'M VI. tot v, U 4 v.» r t««w>A •» l-i-vtov IM toi Mh».4 V NiieMpm, V iV'T 1 ^1 ni'’-V ,*» iriy . it lb* lto.«*p,4***rtikto levrfW OVM yrrrt-to An lu. Hr n w M J»ftoM«« * toMM-rOf if In •, I n»| • ^ t.-lWAlveoeHlof IK# rto.le **l -to ♦ nr«-vklvw tmtorti "rfilk. . .A. v.vveW rt k --to. AVf*. .1 I., to 1 * ^ V toto ia.m • • »*/ eaiw• vnrt - wLek wr *».*U t-ukP* • TVAil W tie irt I.' mW I Urtunbletbe .«•«-Arik*»| i 4..w*Awl , nrtk.e*. e^ABVrf o#.e lee to. *w*ateg Pye*Mg wm«o 14 * J.H* i*nut M vm, » . Fraocw.tatbe placB of Mr Mv< TT»* t’iU.-e: I 1 *' «wly (mT'i-ei of Am*r.cA *f!l <«*d *|I|| Ih* e*.l /feaWv.d, I it hn ll ft-'i itvc \|iy..» Ie iulh L> be ktraewinev, #r -J eti'f it a iw <d tg*» **»iWI llgfif- Kr-wn emu kt I l - te l'lie m-.a dividend t Ril l Ad » ••vnpiny.. f . 14 a* v I pi Mf « MllOM. A • .V per Mntlimod J- tk -« t»t '..lew '- kto *.rl Vrfti* t- I rfVV, M-v-v* V V llvtom, k « •%. I. Mryv.lln !•* b I . • d Iron, Iw , -Jmm A II»- , i I TvoMto B t o vV !• |hbe*V4rs l*i --- ...... . t . It lit Itillf, •-! I •■vr.pinf. . r »• m-e.fl ' M Itarad that cwcum iteagra oil ul r’*‘* ►>*» 1 P*‘■ *hed to-h. « ^rt-.n p*pwes n .prw,r* tb*«. „ r ...ha M U# AlrcAdy ! <4 VUO tmen gf*'.-* Wh *»f *v.| AI q-wUr dut.og be a*ih ,-n--l I »« -toned Ik* I ll Kil.A.I VM-hm 3,til were pi->p*re. H |j f A-d«f«nAn M»lr*y I v •VI WAArt IM- Ilnvvf .4 vi:m vm k nn rtM \ mmiiu, i 'ri.ijit wl, murt an r,vpii> *y*»< la yoke I-..4 tn VvnMrfCA I- W. • >.t to'.tVMrf. v**ni »U.,m»m ll) iW M4.4i.rt new irt Ur • uVv t» gi lr> An Il-wnr •% fi-il |»H in lolrfiCW... v» k rt I «rf I I .Art . M *««.* A, ,«] Mrt rt* trftv lav « « paW »» l Uv a »viku M vv.o>rv ivn -Vtv in,’ kiirv ' rtk.e* it**-. *.i An I i.Mi A.u Lie I urtuto T • 4*. rf I I rf-A ,««' M. k-rflM-,. t.,,,1 MrftoA • toli » *. to aa4 t.e AAM V, tt NS M IVI-U )..»» f PI VTtl. vnyitl. | \k r» Olivet Iki'v krv *. M,’ ■»•«< o llM k'1'4 | 1 rvilliM toirtM* »•> null e-.». M .M»»to”i. *>rt r«rf..M<Nf *v H’lrf-V Vtorfl b> A|.||, S Hw» IM • im ,to-em-, k. *ifv«A *,M >■ ««*• kw U» rio. v toS litoa. v* l—M, Lae* C** 4 "•*» ^ • **• *--• »e ,'e-iH-rf„.M, t*, r.imei I.,.* ik- rtrfW.)«rf-a A kw «tofi- k»M >4 ITd B flt'KU <bA- to-. AM. »•« MSM-to.. V ttarvM.i-* IVktoBif ^ far. a*M«.*ile*g% Dun or a* K«*lmb Mval Cryynr*B— C«**» wader Jully, Ulaul ih* B*»vo w- Bemili, baa 4*4 -a to* ▻***•*• CogUod. It o,|C he raoierntwr 4 that C -m Jof.'y ov* >be Orwoh .rtfwee oho yr 4«o.d igucet hobiBawf iA (inytae* hy t-ep* llui«ti»# / oaf briMg D-g >'b Irieh, nd t.l tl'iuiaca |i 1 /bi.ti'J, | Ito' II,* 11 'b" Vf*y f be #u (, m J loul/a t* n • • > r i eaoigli f-r Ibi <vue*»nm*in |o 1 ? ‘ "I'diuem, - i *'i»j'l<Bi ;> •» « i kr. i-tl>e fr-m J unite*, in , • I., ll, , <V, ,n ; -I .iJv. -t i’m, ,ti-w rti»..» k~»d .«•••■!* pweywra |u it* ■ on r.doay, Uii |to Jj*. », i«»,n, •**t I'ber* a»r.**d *1 Mm. p'ac- n-» „ AUfoifnan Wear l-w ’ vn ID ito,,**,# f*-^n fi-fm«iy.v"i,n 'Inge* /btH#'., |S*t i«»'iti Hi • f J. J ll n • \ l*f | h i, *• 'l'«l*, ilH>* lino iv* •riiOfvm"»'a C— , tw f» t«i,»d U»,\ I » L »*m Iky • m T.. r.» Hum-.. >• l>,~,.-1 ' •”-* " <• "• < . M o aa .1 .« Iha II m, to ‘atlilalace <»«*'«•'> emig* »R* •'* Am- »w • bf I l.ii'f ■ */’ , ‘ h . ‘ M C , - „ . waa pea** nf ad tw the IHwe .eiMrtiare, f . //re./red, | h«i in- y-niii n '•? A flwhir tb* fdUl iaat. U* pe«T«ai tb* r*r vy,ng ti rvbrttd P* || i* a nco pe--*.l -I 4 r ■ 't <-|f>e D .| k | ,|^-. |^«ib >en l fit th• i ftr*ir WilKtot lb* F.«:-pean «»w«, n • l«» g»l n-l -• th •» I -to «r». pv«v,ng A vear.vwting I is* «• rrtvir ,rt. i if B « «. I Uv-n* t uu-r B • to. r tv li.itos 1 U vv rt.. v • It.'v.rtfs |l • In-vi, |V-,i,y A • ». I*it e«. lie.Ato A • -\ f> ILwvll A -M.,11.. vv w Rvnv. Ii,.i a l/tort. rvavi.* k %,|| 11111.11111 A Ml tBP l.tVP* I! «i„i. f. VV p.l «».*.» Alto.' 4*4 1 turn k , m « . m ,toi, w. , U .V toi to. ,,,r I rf,.« • V.rffc ,. N llArtleW. A Ito*. J J ito. I. |.* n *** , T J 7^ ,V -Mitog to. If.n ■ rM - z ' :. rr.;::;v. wTJ ;r c “',7; < OHHr.KMAI. RKIORH. »••-* ,m-i-»rto.—novit.* ««•• .-..r—». ... V.ym k»v«L llk/rf . —I • ivepv * --U» T norw-r- IF vr vi. v tif • i V. MU n VV* li.. Ia4 • rtn.ffg If* (.to, o.v*. it CMrff —•’•-A e-vn, *1 Ik* V-I-I *”• vv • v '»A, ii.v-r* ••<* «»-. «« «•» .ut i», •>. .In -ei'* ■« k I « e» k- - .tel *• vn v to. «»*%, it —- r-A.a m4 iiktrfi »*.. n.«i' - .1 H.l.y.-av* »- ,*rf ,*• nrt to I ,to k it. f t • |. |(,v> • • / «t -ii Ai. I*v« **,«»«•/. 1 «,. ,<A «avo4 I.MM.M »Pi » »- VV N VV L ta. I * t \a» "t*b r v Pi kw. ra. V f lio4-«<f IrtM* k• t r*M>. «i Aa- I * f«>l KI. 1 *•■*-% 1 •►* Vrf.rtrfV. j,a,r«l». 1 •> n.M* Art r-n--.«, AM.I i.rf aam V| » vRt.iyvts a n«‘ V,, l *“*'• _ )*• *« « *VP..nrfrfrfV ’ I 'M S"i I ki ».ii* I into, liv-taf krfrfi k- •* *••! all » •'* w to k # kv |<« »l * ■ lUlk V B rv*v -VSMN. e i i a V «-• VtoLv f-'iw t lit,. I,rtmf ’»•« I «to*l irt I.W AiL ll ti , ,tl |MV a f'le-li Irt* 1 me - "" - -• IN*inr HAN k I »— vA y l-n.V. rfv ,, |t« . cm M"v b rit | to.totorf. Lv. ; *..IL i-r. vri'dviN ii. bi rroRfi c 7. VlHl1 »rf * .to I. vkv •MtorfRtoto. vtf **• «*••»• W*M l«Mw-n ArtmO tn *,p-.MWi«'"ee •1 Alov A*R.< Vl I", r MrfO.L -».w - ( CViUrf MM w» f*-, lym, M, ,i-eM, v* I.M •>•»*•% « VrfMAVuto *'• S t A** 1* R UIVA eitftMIII t>4 AVrt l. u.4 pwbrtht of eweidfoate* .1 l»«e»4'.or Any r*»j- pp^tv'v.n I'•><««* •'.m*• u rnj.n • w b* # »•*' i • J yvvad coeapaay crmewyiag a *!*•• wnlwrof iiecb i*r I »ir**v«i It, we *h*d t-r baf-ly #•»*« I* delayed iMfto.b.k.liak', Wlk. -•».» la, 4 1 I. Ik. Artrf, .M, alkto-M.. a,< ..«• >'..0/4. tafet trl Ih* *t*‘T ! fw orfinito? •*■ hmg iJm-ugrow* ia>g r *.| ct - Ih if p I W.. VV rich ItooUnc nlnlr-.! | ■** O..VS ,«*, |.m, • A-.A •*.»w'aC. i IS’ Uto< rw a* | • *t Mb | IV Ml ft. A*-, IU„to> -rfrf to Im '.vv.rtlk. Ih. v-.rf»v irt .i irft kv.4 - ~n. *| y« l| . VV I I u l., • -I | V t. • t. V TI • MT ki Ilr -rf t' rt" N't+itt4, T h*' A-*.*tenn(h fe'e b* J'cpumed ' » kii<M ii. 4 < -rtUify ► l M» w * * * N 4 N * N *i v »i ■ k r V, l. Cord from fir. Crl»p. Ayaasa-N, Do »t. I ri \'d*ftvito Wikbrt. I' .. I» ID. MV A II, movV'I. *-A* i*C» r" I l AW »-.•»■*.. V rf«- L* » *v«. i.rt t.rfV Ml<4to, lirf ttoV. ♦*' l’-»v ' llto* v tt Ay » IUI ll n * m -w iNtoil ••• Ato4 lf>«*rti .Nil Mi In,. tkrfrfM* hi.A I t «t a t iv *1 III* V V I t» • » T- . Kwml'. l *-d UI I d- • pvt*. ii-i»#e I ff-ryben A D t»g'*a i I bn ii Ur mi Bltltt l-l k... I ■ I ...... J 11 .» ..I r.,.a k« car. aflrtOw,h*a«f,*Thwo.'*~ >nwwMe yowe V.<* I'ivm-ha., m fi<* f * *‘ th# b«»d -I ib# i .! a i .ty | ,.«»• „ , ,, \|. g, tbe pwikta'a, *wd hvy -•#, ty bra >r»pvfW- H»a VoloM** l«i*n j , ./»•>*...*•« l 4 »«v I , ’ j*,.'li<- iftolid n l» -I <>M I. I« I> tugr Htrmta * fVBt'e-efW - Ib. r*#h~-r -I »Se j tf Irvw-i * wv*«» iwiii. New Y’rtb va'avy Im-mI, oH»h . /bwfirt I hu iw l "»y I trrt in N-ertto tof.h.v fl ... *vr^-- . cUiel*- l‘ <S* I ft_ |*T * * •*;'»' » h |j-rT ft #.*/«», aw* «va.t*vvf In#, n <* i*>*ra yofgtOvot, I be 0*01 farwpeo. Tte New* (afootad wagivy >« the Kre-k-ia POilry.Mf lb*MtB|"l blare tn Ml) «1 Ho fr'tfeo.dwvetd (#«*««'bw tmdifrf <m,i4 mIImhi yew* omhtba«e*a«wtwrti. •**» *<•• ••• m»4». and gOLehttaboi ycoefArto lUdw -l. t , 4 . t-r h-mv ,# Irat'Bly Mf, mpniv ,; I a-e is. a-.* •* I -I (h# pabvV. bet I *a* the u»A ».l • «;*^«. «* '♦ tolwb BMnf hy ago 4*«t petti* or la gi oefoO’ia I **f ouh a M* •». I*d* ta warde tba •*<*••* at fUeaaao 1 *. oh .b I bpl my .i.‘ •. * rrt*. N-to _*ii> w a* -< • •' . A 4 *M L< ispnl- t .»•••* Vf - I'** 1 ••.wMto.rfik k«kn - U .. It* . a . * *>B . a*,.«*iki,r,v4*... MV.#.*a .# v~* s» itrjrf. m ,zhzjzti?* wto."r^- t« V V - V VV -T c *1 V v ■ ■« ' M«, I AN V« |..rf k pt I L f iw. '-toll ».Vr 1,4 I l-M «>"it hi »t* v >•**•. ’*. *. tnev* • i Vrf ‘tort 4,rfH I i.'to f ,« AAV, k. Vah 11 • t ktiWiUTV B is pivvoi 1 rinv ivnviwriarvi*' oattr. *| % lif k-wi,»wfW4 v.k ■ . R|«*••«**/ »•' rvw*>. v-to'te. "-rt- l '* Ik iTm *V aa--: t ,e *•«* NnOktoto ML»,i •* . . « VJ* .i % tfflm - t» to V* A.«A. •*— W4», e-vb *“ *•>* frtrf-,, '»”« ah/ %• N 1. • *..* -M, A MM. HAM AA l kVMMVVM AM rtto |k trfl- .,rf A.rt a* i»m *i.errf a«n me Om» e*M,i»en> Bi* a,» vv kiVtoto.Mil, y*M Vh LM lO«(V tlt.vw W It 44 a N vv IN In, tot |*^.|e*xf Ilertift" »»■ «rfr to V-vn- f ,< A f'Mmito H ih, Wu-to Vm mm • Airt • H.-M •. V.V.. 1- totrfto ♦ . r. pMW.MitoBUy OV V at- V A w to, AM,*VW M »nn» to.AArftto.lliMva MM* r'lrt* « A. •« .k. kMA-A.rfrf • - Vm irftoifll-«•»,'/- ,rf H •*.>,,R,irf *, IM torn,, irt M-. to «rt * S O -'tv*' O Vk • town l.<■ t>• * r*rfrf torf.«.f*, i« •« h> vk. pvcvi*v y eiv evt ie> *>Mto • «.—to*A 4 f torfB *1 nVl A*. Vi A t Vi %*»■».to., Vtoirf.,.V..e MAl , - >m« U.Tt| a .Im > ,ke |.h,-.torfrf «h vIm.» V'rf-,.ik mm* I" 1 ' ah «v i*.rn kiitorf. 1., 4to.,MHAi*y * % » n, . a 1 t..M Rttme *» hv-AIS >M, 7*JfL VA*"'t rf 11V. ivll.l'l ii |lw — 1-«Vrf. ,«• IVtoto •«,*» r~* “**“ '•* ■ A« la to r-s »»torf* • I"" ' rtluto V W A I ImH, r*t„ I" prf , M » r,, . 4 tifv. t itve-i b. . I f *ng a,n.g Utorfta -IOp It** lie#** »-«'• ■ A* I O-iV.V yto.- • to-.. < I I .4lmp*»to m »" ••■•*>»> ' — * 4 u - » v*. . k.Wi * V k|4.!4t I tVlItNUl . p toi. im AkAi Milk IWAto. •• 7--Ml i*l .*».« «m*l % V.itrft.rttobli A. k . v I* V. • V -v A.. -Ai.iA.rt a J Irt. ft V li -n I ii v*1 l»vil vB *• »0 rw 1 I Vf •• s* |M|i.«r,-*' S*»" tlentmelh Otaomer. (PI ib. MimaMli I’.tW'i a • >» Atom ,<f a tf'A-l-to -M |’wtogl«to.J, %li If Cl«d Iwaglrf. Ito'U tk, iLm l«f Mf-rfi' llrt-'lxir-** rev I v ml i*l4 toe* la nwvine... II, ,| .|**mi" I W.ed.'d Iw v< 'I if r *m * »<H -r i'd «-• *t • I ia|* k* C.'li.l li • ■ Ii-v4 t it | e*, «•* «vp»*t I, M f-‘ ibi b *1. *ihv »l 4v* >* |vd, | h. IdrfrWingi. «v<kMHAW <l*e eane*i.|*l aU #fc ., token |t U-e a.h! Hr * k ia *«i4 I - U* m».me ,.| ika* M»-toto**r ir-m » *•»<, L-.. 4,«j Vy pDdced *• «.ou«»*vl *e. veity rf.torf.iku I .Ml wu.k.1 r r-M -H- M»u. u,' k~ I A (J-.. oa .k. IL«.,. 'u.n. ' "» »■*«.« A ...~rf rfto.TA.MMW-TA'to*..- af l- .uk . *11W, UIKIVi: I.VTKI.I.liK.VIK. r-.tiT nr* a vv v w v«* I vs vo 1 '■* 4 oen tn vv ant* W II J ha (.14 I.' 111 i(f*,.4* V. irt Aitiv.,,0 to I A.• • «i .to V to V , * . ,1. thrf 4 It It I % 4 tt. _ 1 >*Aa BwrfV-n, |.-H,n. V.e V -»B LA* Hrf IVrtfS t» , c. I>i-A a Jk. M r tV VI VV M>:|fT »|S. V. Vkt.i blit wit* •, rf lert I .. Itw ,k A | .( Il« ri I I k.*e I .* H«V * . U * |V | MM ArtoM A Ail* to, |k. .1 « 111 Til u t» 1 Ik II I AANiiyi - l> k*V* y». ci (t -•* «vto *.••« »i *rt %pfin. \ t t prtm. mRiiirfrt Vr >'(MVt# B ****** * »- "* •toMe-MiWtt -,-4-MAH-tor ... ,<*\ i. vre*. .* ,* 1 •*• torfi wvv IN . «M rftotoil m-mMI- ArfA t it* Mis.-a a /. -H'*f' .k u,, ,, .A. A.rf VHMrf.4ltHrtM.-rtl AM4 Haw—* 1 * TW 741 1 a >. to'kif' .% 1 A VOkV M i*>ir *',to» - I .vAtoes V|rf.. VBTItl ito«M—4>M-e H* »e a. l« «Vm»A *Art4 •• f Me-. i,HH*»e v*. *. a b W - I*, at h itvki-i ikK niii.viv It***<**d, I h«l the I'.iy M i.tkil ha end b* «• hi.ihy lAMlwrt'd • »m* M i I . k-e «n 'he 4e*«niy J*.*. la b* |Wi..inl l„ ib* ft a-e Irf. il— A»y • n n.A# V||lladg*v| —.and 1 Ail k. Tw •«**» .ii>4 ... tU • w r r . n lh« ( ,ty | fiMki.i | .» iha |* (A Ok t.l 14*. I .rfk| In N i.krt.ato.fv.kHir.rH *• »A* «m|HM , , „ . Art ,,to|.rf„«»mwH ml rf-* VV«l, « | r.* mM I mAh *w>.- <v*n k. e V "t W.A •»•■■* • _ „ . „ . . . ,.,A.e m • nkto. .. a I «• 1 .H. .LiAt, v VrtMk r a.,va... TU s-twa* >i lorCvt 4 ‘ * *•“•*'*• 44 * ~ * *** J V* -V lv*4 r* -Irt I *M*. |ty td-nnii ll.-t'A ir.ll it null % (lilt. •li itiil ».»*V» *M.ii »|»ltr. irf*— i vw* tewy-e .-By rf*v*v , irf.. »*rtto | rt *il«ki,S <hrt A- ‘ ♦* '.AilAAt -k. IV .»•* A.rfiwrf. Art* M«U **• to ••*•rf»V* *• *• kAA* H M'W AT Aft'i fo* i- 1 i.Miiu ri*d i f r-i, g«otfoWM*o%n MMf he bood r«np *Nebi odl 40 bhOOiUy tafot wl U 4m*h.rge u* hery*»• | U , pfbUoM We II Ceiie |»y*H.< h-rd (4 g*#iBBB—W#re#m.h*r Mr ti.*r* It-.u-i w n t,.d i-m fbiimpny af “'HMivh,* •»’*» +• rv*d, a.4c-o 1 TN • *.*#*1 -• i»« W Wy |.«r ohm *<v- Bail fo**N« Utobe ke «e«a*ehtba g*w.e, ivm «•* ihiev eewoeetad w «h nb eon*4of Mt.C B# bateafBBy |W*»« ••****•4 elma. •*<»•" •«»• ho# H-eefo 1 evaeg.ooNO e. I .«irt. .Ol*. eveeeif yw.wwo.. y..«to„ M , l ,rf.,„.pe,^l I h-mVirti. | >pT«il fl OMfcUhe AbwOMM J4a< be ha *h*#ed own ■ |V.#tM #«M-, 4ejfrtWO*|., ta.4|»*tb-eol ( b, tmaW Iv Wiet |Lfnf4« Ito . m* yt •», #• I t«f M |* mm la iyitokfl, If i.'be JiifMt.f, kf It fo", 4 t»e |« f ima«, ye. «i'.ed Mia* |Lh,,>.ai* f. * a t. 1. io vo • Arfi • Hi Oh«* *4 vi,.«rfaa Irt... i» *• .4 k» •Vevrfr.A.p A rf-i. <S v A. k 1 1 am. 1 a. im m..m* 14 hm<i , 1 . n »arf *»e vv i„4„. I *• v. m...,,, . iw i 4 rf • *' .AW S'*.".* B*-* Art - Afirf". VtorfAf. < Vi i. rf.«* As i—f* A* I tootov ito' !•» A» %r *m ilS'l »V lilt A v* -k.y »k«V»f, |to ev e *»—-.• *♦ mh ,-««* —I Skirftowr tn •t'1 * 1 a*0%. 00 *k vkyv iOiVB** w Vrf-toM film 1 ti..*, ei.,*-. *e* v..«i.« w vrf,. v-.rfrft an* to* *M gif*.»r e A.«MA - V A.rf‘* lr, 9w.rf.4toi, to.MA to,''rf.-rf-iv AM* I" •**».. rt Art>e IV v V ta A . • vat V0f'«v, I Hi »4 4 irtore An— kA'toHrtl toitorf" »«ttt I . •1'ftf ♦to.Rir—ipiMrt Vto.'iny a«m>I h, * - I -‘.—AH torttorf.*, torttoit-W V* k*v 4 O e tVrf «nm ./ ta. k,4 a> * d A' ih-,% Si*rtA>% HV.'VIN a, MI4- Mtototot «'‘/.‘i'fk'.V;i”, *• • _ ».T,...'.vcr'krf* •* ev ard.wktoh * Ih evw 4«iy ye-rt-t. .. y^. * r-n, M« -Be,trt I i h,.A.Virti. | pi ed Vi * t ft ** ^4*0 v.*-.-rtw 1 vv »» go o «*vk*v t««| '•hi II” *»—• | , l art : I | r , VM.H kto, Arf-M. rtrt II a M. . rt.rf.i M- 4 A. 4rt»V IKtoMAAV VVlrtA, » MmH "rf.ito V'lltorffMl'to portUlNf,* BB •• lbt*b he H M l )-‘*-welly A*. JJJ 4 ^ ‘Vyj, foekoiad *»Nb aay roimBwf d 'ha H»foM a-w T>»w*v awf roneawt P»-«*-v fh,. .««.« ,*<«.« era u, te '» |V«o hn* a. *4 bn 4a* *> Jeff yfiyatf been TW be ha* a ptbvt d|b tw ra- n*> *yimd«r. ea*4 *r* u* U mote by Hmm h-.»<«w |iy Ad.f»Mil*iw*iy Art*.to* «.rt IV'I.SOA . 1 *,ea,v*vrfrf -11s. *va 4a* <0 Jeff . Vie I htoiA, #*•%,«. *4.* A-ftoM l-.lto*, elBHAAtolrt ,mV4. iw-ii .4 lot |A*W M.« »i-. « vh*i, •*’ toMkWkf to hhfilkiud *• rtar- 4>f I kL». Ml..-4't y ktolkO. vert Ut *«w M ile It I |ta i« iy tr.11 NiliMia* yvniwtoirt o.ho iov.mi»m,i «, ll O, «*Mm4, •• llooB, M**ti**4. Ifotir 1 he iyyrteiMl t - e* MHOg BI (| ttkg Of f w- f e W • e#Hrti'Bmh*. a.* v* I'hk bit lo Pnti yokf ii Ito/.A* V ham teens rt ha* r» • ah i*« lo ,rfrf4 r*+ •* «t*h krf-eM Btorfl.Wl* l.rfk r* pirfHrfi.i A> 1 < ti*ik* a, MH.rfK iw A V. ORBih. • LAV*i- % «%4WBkB»H I 't-eihl >A .utorf M* rftoV' yti—.n-Art-M, -to «.„•* 9lto.Mtot., ftortotto 1 rfVAN'to AA» fS.-Mk *• ** .... m w. uMysv- % t* _ -rf.. HIM., piano potmm. nvOrto, *<• aamBOMHi «*A- ma»i—,,rfrt» to «w>n - * • ' mh tw" ’rt ih* a •wv-e-e. V •*