The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, February 20, 1855, Image 3

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SA VANNAH REPUBLICAN; TUESDAY MOIUSl NO, FEBRUARY 20, 18,W, aiiipptna aBuccturmtntn. r«« mavasaaSb kkv wmtT STEAMSHIP ISAUEU Tin* I'. tf. Mail *u*ain»hlp Itf.AITKL, ,\Vi|ll»m KimiiiNiVmmaiHlpr, will leave *av*utvaU Ibt UnvMta and Key Wt*»l cm ^_lht* 4th nml IVlh of each month, too T.vY tlKi. c-mitrel*, al llavaua, with Ih® I’. H, Mall M.-auiahlp l'*>tU|*an)’* l .In® of Steam," for -“an Francisco via A-puiwoll, au«l w til carry the Tactile mall*. , cinmNakllRBTZiAlw , u ^ rim iii;?iTKiivii.i.Aiii. VIA I)\HIKN.HT.SIMONS*, IIIU'NtfYVH’K, FANCY HI.I IF, JRFFKKtf"NT"N AND ST. M A It V s. >IT—'* m The alowmer TI.ANTKIt, Cnpt. t*»rh, *"l lea»o for tin* a bn*® place* every tVtMnewlayMvvrnlHK at III o'clock. For irclghi or pa,- sag®- apply oh tioarU, al the Union Ferry wharl or to feb id V. YVl IIM.I.KY, Actm. Kill IUWKINMII.I.I; - ASH "THRU I. AS III Nil S.-The ^UmCanMiitcr FtlAKLKtf II ARTIUKH K, W. Taylor, matter, 92Hanta, Salto, lUiitn, ,Vc. -wci^.-wss-o-marewra.'*- \v\vri;i>> I.AAIIl 8®®4 Klee—ihrtshcd by flail. I 1 Ml 17 3 MiiMT. IIAIIF.IUMIA.M k. HON. II' TO IIKMT Thoamnll wooden billIvl low on Wliliakerotreet, weit of Iho (itiarvl Hun**. Apply to • o John j. kki.i.y. to i.irr v L4 ROOMS, np|Mi«lte the Pulaski llooae—snltablO 1T7V lot oflJev* or alreplng apat invent*. F.U'pdrvi of •kJL j,„o lY JNO. \V. KKI.I.Y. “ TO It KMT. M Two of the mint DKHtltAM.H OFFH'FA.In the city, lit the tip|*er atory of Iho KaMorii Terns mail of Mono** Now HniidiiiR,*'on llay tft. —atao— T4VO l.nnN In the lower pari nf aaiuo hiilltllnfr, I eipial to any In llieclty for the atnraife of Cotton Of ! heavy too,!*. Root moderate. Apply to I JOII.VlNliRRtfOI.lH ,lec .A In the alaivo llolldlng. — lay lot, I»ia*ler, will meat with dispatch •* above. For j fivikht orpatMio, apply on boast, or to I ftbW 1 IIRHJIIAM, KRI.l.Y 4DH». FOR HAWKtlklvVlil.l v ” . ANU INTKIIMF.IUAIR I.ANIHMJA. CSrnrvai SOtimiacmriitn. r .•.£ane.tuav*.vt£#r BAILEY & CO., (uti to rithukn.) I till iliokiiiifhtri'uf, I IN I I VI! I? I.t %ln,toln.«l it... £1 l)N TINT K to Majiulndiiio sil.VRU WAIIR.ln order, Of IIRITIHI HTKKI.INH amt AMF.RIOAN Hll.VRR, and havu adopt**! the follow Iiir atanipv for their work: IIRITIHII HTRRI.INU Hll.VRR: A MR 1(1 CAN STAN 1)A111): KOII RKMT, Until fli»l Noveiuber, a three atory (trick Mouse. ■ I. vltoatt',1 tn state Alrect, aeconit tenement vast of JauiLor Schley Viu-w houae, coiitaliilmi eiitht rooiiia | | ami hnM'ineiil—with water ami Ka« attached—alao, out uiniin.- tiulhllRK*.*auin given Imuivvllalely. For further k v »hi«.«wa TO 1C KMT« t 'The weal hall of tenement building on the eof. Her <o Jtiomtlitoii nml I'rlce-atrert*. Apply to A. tVilliur, UJ Uay-atrevRor to V. W. SKIFF, fell 13 If IOICSAI.K. V im gro woman, •.it year, old, nml her hoy child ,1* year*. She I* a good cook ami wa.hcr Apply to ‘ l,b W YVM. WRUittT. in eoum<cuon with the •trainer* WKI.AKA amt SR.MI- N'lt.K. Frvlxht taken through at the eoriomary rate*, foovl If S. 31. I.AFFlt'RAU, A* t. l'OIk <’11A IK I .fcMTOM r-*rm t*\V»‘ekl V. „ -rp 1 * ■■ . \iier the Mill ln*l, the atenmer i Al.' , will leave every Wednesday and Huinrda^kveiilini, at ? o'cl-ck. jiti 16 S. 31. l.AKITRAl , Ageut. S %\ VMM .111 AMII MUI AT l»l,K.%NAMT. . dt j. A V ANN A II AND MtH’NT IM.RASANT Alal'ACKRT.-THo niider-lcmtl liavtiu; purchavetl 1 t7..iu « apt. Steven, the »Um>p t'lF.Kh’A, will heienfter *;\it her tv^oUiK twtwevu saxwmaU and Mount Plea*. : ant. the l»t and 13th of every month hereafter, uml take ii« iktit i,<r M. Simon*, Rmti.wlck, Fancy lllulT, and It. .ImI, al o*v rovartl tt«a than the rexu'arvieamhont ran-* to It run* wick. All treixtua payable hy ,hlp|Kr». ' t'oi irriKhl apply on tn anl to Capl. OrvAUtv, or It. II. i(ip, Axenl, Savannah, or the aubacrlhcr, at Mount I'lea'anU let! 10 ly S. A. HOOKRR. | /3 y FOR lit is ToN.— 1 The new amUplemtid hark < ▼k. nM Svnrn havinx a larxe |>art ooXacwl, will have .(nick di.patch a* above, or p***ag\\ apply to feb 'JU 4k' ,r.*patcl MIIINAI.K. 1mA A cointiiodtoiiv llriek Shed \Varehoii*e,*llua(ed in the rear of the t’harli»loii Sleamhoal Wharf, “'^havluxa lea.vot five jear*.*uUabte for the ato- rnxeof I .line, llay or other inerchtiidUe. The Ituil.t* mu may lie rennw»i| tty the purchaver, at the explraliun of tlie leave. Apply to '/•• N.WINKI.RR, |y 3 -if Wllllam-on'a llulldliih'a. Tl lll*KMTIMK»V~i*I.AMTIM« l.AMWS, FOR SAI.B. ajm* A Tract of |.aml, idluatcd on SalHU Creek, lily un county, tia., within a mile of Fancy Ulalf, , - , - —«w*»coutau\Uvx Itleu acre*. Mu the prenvloe* U a neat • KISAIH.H, havinx a larxe part ofhercarxo dwcllliix, with out bultdlnx*. Till* property, .Mil ;>». f.ulri.iilhli u.,,,,, .tin .till, fur |.lji.llni! I iutpi.m n wmII m.i.v a v«. adapietl to the Turpentine and l.umhcr luitlne**. . AIh», a tract ol laud roulaiiitnx acre, mi Salllla | RvVR Tib‘VIltRNCK —The line packet *chr. I ftwk. Apply toF. l».Scutm, Fancy llluff.Oa.. ur , W3l. SMITH, Smith, matter, will have quick ) to T1SO.N A .MAl'K A V. • - * ■ ... i j n „|*y 3nt _ l’O It NAI.K. T IIR Tlcanure Yacht, the TIM'S. SPAI.DINO. For particular, nml lentta, call at JNu. s. IICTCHINSnN’SOfltce, fell-.’ if Over J no. In xcnoH’,. Ilay-»t. 1@ OC All Silver vV*r« wild by them la made upon Uio premliM and ta . unrauteed to he of the quality a, •lamped. ORDRUS A UR HOI.ICITRD. Stranxen and cltlrena are luvltcvl to vialtour manu. ftirtory. A larxe a*»ortmenl of TKA HRTtf, PITCHRR8, SPOONS and FOURS, Ac. Ac., alwaya m\ baud, al fair price*. *Jmo fcbH IJII KMT A fOo * No. 207 llaj-SIrocl. Savanimli, On,, lla* niieSed an ofllce for the *alo of North Alahnma, Tennea«ee, ami oil.ur 33*Rtf t'RUN PlMDIUjR, alid ex pect, at an early date, to bo In receipt of Hacoti, Corn, Flour, Rope, Cotton, Ac. Ac., the produce of that *vc- tlon. We keep nu ofllce at I'haiiniiooxn, To tin., for the pur- chare »r *hl|uuciit <>f Tcniu'1-eo river (ir<Mlui i«, ami can forwnid, direct l<> pliuiter*, uml from Hint |ioliit. We ure nl»o lo direct c»rre*|M.mleiice with HI. Irnula, 'xvuUvilIc, and Nii*hvlllc, nml will attend In the pur. chaaeof article* In Howe market*, to In* »hlppv<| to Sa- • aiiuah, or Inlernievllnle |M>lni* In (icnrgia. Jan tM tiiuo SUMMCIKN. ►it IMXRS trhcewi Rnxll»h, Dairy ami l.'reaitt, alU IU lihd* Uncoil tfIvlev am! Shoulder*. Ill do Sugar, N.< irlcan*,Mu«cuvudo A Poito Rico 3 ca*k« suxnr curetl I lama. CtcuriMl ftttbrrtiatmrnto. ( 3UUcft(ncmnitn. Aalrx ar auction. fldi'X niUN ! itafifatm ! RUIN. nOYMo WIUTAKER-8TUEKT# NEAR CONGRESS. IjRtltf ten,o to ntvnounew to (vet patron* of Savannah. I » an<l llir.iuxhniil Iho State of tieorgla. Florida ami Alabama, that »ho ha* retiirne,! Irom Iho North, am) la how opening the meat exten*lve, *elect and rhi ape*| *li*ck «d Fancy and Staple Dry UwucJa over Imfore oner- id by bertn Uilaolty, litcoii*ei|iieii<'eoilier long »lay nt the North, lid* *ea- •on, all Imr aiock ha* been itiirch«*eil al auction by a person of experience In llie Dry (iood* linn, l>IC KNMIJOOIIN. Printed and Plain < 'n«htnurea and Del.alne«,Plald Poplin, lllnck and<'olerod Ca*limere, Cohurgh and Alpncca*, Colored!''rape am! Alpaccna Rolm*, lire** silk* Ulreiila per yard. Plaid Wind, Humdiea, h»nx aiul vrpinre -hnwl*, very low; Mourning l.onq shawl-; While amt Ued I tau- net a, Hleuchi d ami I'uhlcnclierl Colton Trim*, i amhrlc Shoellnu*, Velvet Fjiured ScailetTaldo Covers blench ed nnd I'nMencherlTahle Cloth*,Irlvh l.lmn«, I,Hillin’ ami (ient'« do, Plain and Ruibnddrred 11,1 aim. Sleeve*, Collar*, Chctnleuic, Mutllu andl'amhtlc Uatulv. II I II IB ON S. Ill* lmpOk*lhleb> de*erlbe the l.enuly nnd variety of llie different style*, nml a* our stock I* the nio-t exien- *1 vein the eliy, wiu Invito uxaminutlon : nt to price, cannot ho boat. T II I 31 31 I M <i H. Mixed Plu*h Trlmtoiiix*, linlootw, lilmp-, Itlbhnna Mixed double Fringe Trimming. Fancy nnd Plain Ve|- vela, Molr Aullqtiu, for Cloak* nml Talma*. IIOMMI.TN, FKATIIKIIN Ac IT.OWKU*. A full stock of llie nlnwe,etlreinely low; A freali •upply of /epher tV.«r»ie*l, every vhndcaml color,Cuiivn,* ami I'atern*, with n lull avvortruent of other trlmn.uur* tonvitt. IIOM M KT!S l ||0M M RTS 11 30 percent <• hen per Ilian clxutvlicrc, lloniietv for the Million; ‘.t» case* of rich silk, satin nml Straw Hound*, vvty tow; Straw H.muet, truimo-,1. sunnhle lor country Merchant*; lllnck uml Colored j Cloth I'* nnd Talma*. Al»u, made to order at short I rfSHR uiideralxned havodUfiuMMl «,r tb«lr enllra Inter- L eat In the Wharf, Foundry and Maeblno thop of Alvin N. Miller lo Win. Wado, who will, with Mr. Mil ter, carry otv ttvo ha«lue»* and xwutmi all llwt llabltl- Ilea ami collect all the d.d.u due the late concern. JOtf. H. FAY, SavaiiiMh, Dm. Ui, IhM^ RDWIN PARSONM. WII.I.IAM WADRhaving purchaM.t| the entire inter teren «»i 3l«Mr*. Fay A Purromlu the above hu*inc*a and tiropaiiy, ha* lormed a co partimrahlp with Mr. A. N. Miller, under whom managutneul ami *u|mr. vl»l..n the bu*iiic«« will 1m. ajtidnchvl a* heretofore, un der the iinme and style of A. N. Miller A Co. Tiny Intend lo carry on the FOUNDRY A MACIIINK IICslNRstf, In all ll* various hraanhea and reaped- ....... _ ......... — intiHi, and Ihc ■—*- A. N. MII.I.RIt. WII.I.IAM 33 ADR. dec10 ■ >|NM>f.( TION. rplIR firm of NKVI1T. I.ATHROP A HTF.IIHINK I* 1 dissolved, hy mutual con*elil. The hu*iu«-*aof Ihc firm wit) he aellled by Nuvlll.lglthrop A Roger*. JOHN 3V. NRvirr. J. tf. I.ATHROP. J. II. NTKIHHNH. HF.O. H. WAIT. Savannah, Feb. 5th, IS33. if feh 3 I «»-!» A R T M1: 11N iTl l*T T^lli: *nh«crll»er» have fortue-l r co parltierahlp, under I the firm or NRVFIT, I.ATHROP A R*HiRRA, for the Itauvactlun ol the DRY HOOD' 4 Wine**. JOHN 33*. NRVirr. fully soiled the palruiiaxo of lh«dr Irlend* and Iho pule- ! lie generally. * “ ! Dec 1*1, HOI. - W¥ U VI.I.r A WOMTWQI.IilM. . lirlcka Meio. I,t*xi,ooo u,« very l*eat nailWw of Ot%J, Hard, Drown ami Soft lirlcka. Persons wlahlug llriek will do well to give u* a tall, aa we will aell un ilia »otl acrom- mtMtaivna term*. MW TO if KMT.” ^ -_r M A llOl'MR on a full lot, altuated rut Weal •Hoad, near Mouth llroad alrret*. Apply lo WYI,|,Y A MONTMOUl.lN, fill tl _ c *HI'MMRH ICKMinKMCK IOR^AKKT In Marlvtla, tia, a Dwrling, with flvn room*, a Bflji 1 kitchen ami servant room, situated on an acre of ‘UiUeXromat, with a ko*m} welt of water. Ale,, a two Ibtty dwelling, with haaement, having In I ten room*, wM, tire plore*, hrilH In Ia33, atu| a>lu»- Jfcaita «t gmtran. _ m v eil 11, n mek ,jir. i.i’ J J PoMpoetd on Hxwmi ,4 the w^I&^aWkhTc«2 at Auction. THIS HAY, 'JOIh ln«t.,al II o'clock, on llarrta' wharf lor account of owner, and all eowearaed : ' I3> ion, more or Uw) Hart U«l, WAd to Mr t\ar. age and eiprn*^* /.unleash. Uk Uvrriwiol tfplin* Co*l el A wcilow. I THIS HAY, al II o'clock, on John*,*?* lower wharf; 1 d lows Mverpuol (dull. Sold tocloee nwatramewL I Term* cash. M* M : ' T*»-M<» ll o’clock, lo front of •tor#?'"” The Muei aaemnw-tit of Hrocrrles, ProrlaloiM, Li- qnora, t’rocvvry ojhI r,l*a« Ware, Hry flocal*, new ami [ aseond hand Furniture, Ctothlng, Faocy ArUdct, Ac. Terra* cash on delivery. room*, w Mi nre piece*, bud Un Ini 3, ami *.tu»- | N. Il.-All eruelcw tmrehMM atiwcHonand notmt- one aiulm hair aeree of land. The above place* . lie! before tr,. ; r^-it regular rale,-will be eokoa te ll (ituetml In *!armua. i ^ ^ uj u , 1il1j t , 1M | count and rl*k of the firmer parchaerr. !«b * ON TURMHAY, VOH S 3 I.I.. | 4 pair of gentlo carrlxge Horae*. Mold for no fault. I a. Apply to feb if, WYI,I.Y A MONTMQRUW. “roii nai.i:. cjtrlx Rale. Oth Marrb next, In front of Coer House i _nv« Phare, M. I>,.n sp^k. 4(U> InsUhnant- fab I i ••‘d Harry at AucUow: Oft TI.RMHA3, 40t Merer. n**t. In front of Cowl Hoi Savannah, Fob. 3th, 1H35. J. s. I.AlHli'tl-. JOHN s. ItOHRRtf. Hi dr. S. 3VAIT. U teb 5 T vtVi, .|e-ir»hle liuililltig D,u In Oglethorpe Town, on Duffy, n-ar llarr,ard-streel, Rech lot meatuM.* * ! 30 feel front on Duffy by 105 Irtt In depth—feu *imple- , prlc f375 each. Apply to i jar. t5 c WYI.I.Y A MONTMOI.I.IN. I t on hai.t:, ~ , T T l‘i>N the most accommodating u-rm«, that very de- , On the l*t TR'IWDA V In March mil in fronts mats 1 L> airahle Dwelling,bit a full lot, corner of lirongb- , led No. 3t,r rawfotd Ward, Ai In VifeeL v V,aging ton and ilaberaharn r I recti, ami oppmlb! the reaidei^e | u, the eatale of Mr*. Mary Melt, dec mewl, and ►.id ot 1 of I'. A. I„ l.aiuar, ld.p liii.lding m touiplele order- { f^rrnltvloh of the <>,urt of 'irdlnery, and by order ,.f iki bed with ira*. it l^anr.. brick Stal.m alUeh.*! la 1 Admlnlttrator. Terru* re*/,. Jet, X4 A r*od garni* hergy lion*. Hound and Uad. Alta. A Hghl Trotting Baggy and Hanww. HoM fcf ‘he owner having m, was for them. Term* tmfc. Adrnlr.i,trau.r’« s*'*. ~ •r that Million; Jii cam-4 of rich silk, satin and • J 33 in. II. Damn. Atrenl. J. D. STRIIII Of Mr. STRIIHINH. let, 5 . , , IIDINUMTION rut Ice, t'lnaks.TaliiiAV uml (drculani, pinked with now r | HI. m pnrtnerihlp hen toforu exiling. In lln- name pat.-rn-; slipper*. Smoking Haps, Uille,' sacks ami , I of iPifiRHS .•patch for I bo above jroru For frclghl or panutge, ajn ; It to F. J. OHDRN. ■■ ict. an pniAR ANI» CANDI.RS.-tS hli.UN O tfugar; l(<6 ^ boxes Adomamlne Candler, In »tor\« aud for tale by OCTAVl tf COHF.N, feb an KIH 'DRS. ('apt. ltoa«, can lake 100 bale* cot- ton to complete cargo. Apply to fch lit _ _ _ ROWLAND A FU. FOR ROtfrON.—First VKaaxt..—‘the hark ,R. ||. Dol'HI.Atf.catt takc’.W bale* cotton k>r the above |H»rt. Apply to feb 111 ROWLAND A CO. />«. F< >K Hi 1ST!• N.-33'anted —VsI bahw cotton jSQfeto complete the carge of *hlp 11 AL» YvvN. Ap* | III II.IM.Xi LOTS. V IAUtJK numb-'t of HuvUHng Ub,u( vrvrtou, altea, iMin likt by 103 to‘J3 hy 103 feet. They all front on ,triet»73 feet wide, with lanea In tbu rear. For lease for a term of twenty or thirty years, and some of them on a perpetual lease. Situated In Holland tvthtng, pefcwat ward, vomit-west of vin* Falk, Itvn UwitUlvy lo* l cahtv —the only point In lh« city that etonped the epi demic lr.»t summer. Application- through the Post- < iflic- w|l| Ik. attended tm tiiuo A. 33'RIIH. -Ml Uhls, crushed. (Miwdered and refined Sugar, loo boxes uml lintl Iwxc Tobacco, various kind*. 3o M Segsr*, various 1,rami*. ImporlotlAdninestlc 75 bill* Wine* nnd Liquor*. 50 bhls, <* nml >« do No. I. J, and 3 Mackerel, tin, H and V cheats Ilyaon and (Hack Tea*. Ml bids Sugar, Sod* Cracker* and Pilot llrv«U. 40 boxes and half boxes nsaortisl Candle*, tin kills No. I and ‘J Mackerel and S* men. 50 Ih.xc, No. I nml Palo Soap. 3d hid-, J4 a:id H bids Huckwheat. 50basket*chainpaguu of ourown Importation. Ahao, n general nssor.meut of Pickles, Preserve*, Jellies. Catsup*, Spices, Ruism*, Fix*. Sardines, Cor- dials. Nut* ol all kinds, n-sorted soap*, (*, t o-; m, | praclice of .Medium-, nbslcirlc.-, ami lbs fin. hr.. L.e.. till of which will Ik- sold at the lowest . m....., , v.v -e. ■sterns; Slippers, Smoking Caps, l.aduV .-uck* and CtvRdreiv'a ch-uk*, stanvjwvt tor braiding. Those In want of ah) vlilug done In Iho above line, will plvaso send 0 In early to prevent disappointment. Remember thuapot, 3Yhiiaker-*ftcst, next door to Congress atrcct, opposite llenr) l.uthmp A C„. dec W 3m« Dll. Ws T. I'AUK, I . REFORM PHYSICIAN, 8(311(1 KON AND ACCOUCIlEUIl, Curlier of Jeflera-m nod Statu*rdrcoikr- | SANANNAII, (JA. j "I TAVINli tK'come n |K-rinnm'nt cltln-n. n-pectfidly 1 L tv-tvders Ids pruU-sstonal eerx Vers Vo the pvvtd(C,con- . fldeut of hi* ability to render enure lallsf icthm. Helng thoroughly vcraesl In the various I,ranches of Medicine, Anatomy, surgerv, Physiology, I'athohnr), Principle* W ANTRih—Deck freight to complete cargo <y»«4-ot schr CATARAtT, for New York. Apply to -. T. V. J. (HiDRS. F. J.tH FOR LIVERPOOL.—'The new A. I American <2£&*htp IRRNiR, Ma.»»ou. master, havinx most of her eng ge*l, will meet with ilispaich a* above. For t>> Miice ,d freight apply to 1 (oh 11 DANA k 33 ASIini RN. .. FOR NR33 YORK The h*rk RXACT. San- <lTA.I.t«. master, will meet with dispatch for the ■, ..■ iK>rt. For freight-apply to .... u 1 1> 3SA k 33'AtfllltURN. • F< 'inti >STOX.—The new -chtnmer ^rt^TMR"’. 33'a-ren, maslt r. having mo»t of her For V ki.l 3III.K II K Al, KMTATK. <v,«r tv-r'M I'fillFN I 11Y arrangement wills the purchaser ol lig Island orT " B .11. NTiII, the whole pmperty In which the •mvriber Is, , slid wu lately Interesled, can be sold to a single pur- . chaser. I Dr. tfereven I* aulhorl*e,| lo m-II. j jand ir 3V. 3V. tfTAHKK, N m» i> tii in; soi.ii, I A 81 ’ PEKIOU (J A NG OK KKOM 45 TO 55. I I lY virtue <•! an onler of the Court of ordinary for I O CamdenCi»iiuiy,tf late of Cisugia. granteslsm the Mb I day of January, v Ir33, i eltfh.een hundred and llnx-flxe, 1 wiil lx- sold on the thsl Tuesday in March next, before I the Court House «h-nr In the town of Jeffcr-outoii, ( am* den Count) . I*<*cx*ii tlie hour* ol ten ami four o'clock, = from 45 to 55 Netrros-a belonxlng to the estate ol Thomas .w xi- Mil’er, lain of said county,deceased, for Iho benefit of . . nxaxed, will have dl*|>aich for aiove |«.rt. to WAY k TAYLOR. i ‘a r <-ix iioi-io.,.—li*o* I- packet torque M Ain A MORT»»N. Iluckley, v \«'.vr, wdl have dispatch for tin- above port. For Ireuhi ,,r pas-axu. apply to Captaiu «»n l»«»i»rx!, or to • . h 1.3 I.THIRN* k IIRItr/. Agem*.__ Foil PHILADRI.PHIA.—The line last tatting .<?•>r^sehr Cfl \s. «. 3V ATRRHFKY,«—«k, masicr, I x most Ol her carx»> engaged, will have quick .'.•latch lor the above port. For freight, apply on board i' 1 *1 tain, or lo CilllKNtf k IIRKT'/., Agent*. t'F.' K l UF.UillT WAXrilD Foil PU'iVl- g ?—fi t DRX> F.—About |(SI bales Cotton is wanted for - toad t„r AUAH I. n 1J HIM. Apply to CollRNtf iw HRIIT/. •chr. J**11N IMWIOS, Lingo, ma-'i-r. having a r;. n of her freight eugagetl. will li»v,- quick dispatch i • the port. For freight, appli on lK,anl to Cap- U u, or to CUllRXtf k HRIIT*/, Agent*, tat, 3! •K hV,-r> I.S.—t he superior brig ZRN'MHA, _ v nx nearly all herfrei*ht enxaxml. will have !ch. For trekht o| 5n n iv- cotton on deck, apply llitllillAM, KRLLV k CD. Ill,- heir* and ereJilors of said deceased. The) will la) sold In h,inihes, and the talc continued from da) to day, If mx'ista-j. Term* cash—purchaser paving for title*. R. .\TKIV-4tN. >tw« Jan 13 JAM Rtf H*iL'/RND* >RF, »__**_, l «1«»0 imi.I.AIIS U13V.3RU. " I I > AN AVV A V, Irom the subscriber on tfaturday, the 1 i liithlnsl., a bright mulatto man. named sRA* IP iRN. lie iv about *3 vears ol age, stout built, weigh* about 1*3 pound*, has a large fuil black eye, aud l»ng tdaek ha r, the top o| his foreto-ud l- ju-rfecti) white, cnuxsl l») the constant wearing of hi# hat; there Isa t sear on l.i« lell hreatb 33 hen he lett, he had on a I black clotn coat, black silk ve-t, (due satinet |iania, * pu.r of hoot*, and a nnro*w high crowned beaver. i Said Ih.v wasraiaetl by me, and had no provocation . I wnatever i,* leave me. His ohlect, I presume, I*, in make In* wav to a free State, lie m.vv have Ihi H enticed from me by some malicious white man,and may at tin* 1 timeIh- in company with him. I will give the nl»ove rrwnrvl to any person who will i deliver Inin to me I.’indes We-t oi Americu*. i n tlie ' road ieoillug to Cutl.hert.or g5<), if he i# lixlged In any Jail, ».i hat I can get hliu. I will moreover given n- wnrdoi to any one who will pr.Hluce llie white nun who enticed said negro awny.or furnish proof which will convict bun. J. F. M AUKl.T. d«« tf • 13 r < >R (I 3FTIM"KR.—KsoiLsa*.-The <TT& ; , v ket sehooacr 3V« " >Dllitlin.R, .•■r.haring * large p «r» «-i her cargo ,-nBsgesl. lispatch as above. R.-r freight, applv to ltl:|i.ll \VI. KRI.l.Y k CO. ttI AO 1(133 tit Is * tl.l. to- pavit for vW appretie »D>n and delivery al The ' ' mvofflr-eof n Negro vfaii d < 'Wen. a earj.rn- ter hv tra'le He I* about '.H year# old. of medium *>ie, an,I ^ra'lu-r light complexion lor a negro; he i# well Xii..a n hi Ibis city, tiavIng w.-rktd for man) v--ar» w lit M- — r* t.aekllson. He is probably it, the coy "f m-vgh cot, kc., 4-c., all «>C which will be sold at the lowcel market price by CIIAMIT »N k IVAITtf, janlfl c No. 4 Hamard atroct. M'NUIIIKN, f(\A P 'f*tf prime Ido (.'off,-n 1UU I*** Invxe* Colgate* No. I tfoap Ml do llendel'a Candlra |m» do firnntfc. William’*Tobacco list hid* Haluinoro Flour 511 do IIiraui Hinllh's Flour Ml do Pil-d (tread 5o to lluttcrnnil tfugar Cracker, 3o hoxc* tfo«la lllscult *i'i I,his Domestic llrsndy Ml do Reeufled Whiskey JIM do R. Phelps'lim; ;to do-id p. & II. Cln 50 do N. R. Hum J 3*1 half bhls Nos. I nnd • Mackerel |isi U>xe« 3<lamantlne f'audle, 50 keg« t.ard; 3U tvh'.s l.arvl |o Here** choice Ham* ¥5 hhdn Hide.: 10 do shoulders ‘J.3 bhls choice Monongnheln 3Vhl»kcjf lo cn*«« Hyson Tm, I»>. can* to do «*.vl»nx Tea.'j t»*. cans Received hy recent arrival*, nnd lor «a!e hv feh P Hm.M»MtlR. jnHN.*M»N k CO M.MIIHCS, lUranvtftmUi'* F.xtra Flour i pure Kene-ce d<* each, Carter and Plai'Ung potahtc* 50 do Muart's A A H C!nrilh-d Migar ,50 d>* do P«*w.|or«sl amt»'ra*hesl Sugar to IwtU Ivow, tevaf vt't l-o ls,\es I,'* and r-'s Tallow Candle* , 4'* hag*iv.,1 li.o mat* old Uov, rmnetd JavaCoflco 5o hbls 3\ s et India 3lo!..--m go hoxe- each, (.round Coffes- and IVp|M*r t v d v V» and *'» (.ran- k Wdlum's Tobacco go l.hd* new llucoii Hide* 15 do do <lo J-houldcr* till boX.'S V. fill,' Clio*'**' It o ,|o new rcahvl Herring, 5.»s>* :*.*. c, k ttt*h (»• Dba> Rutter. Sugar and Soda Hiscuil M. snjK-r.or PiuiiUtn.u s,* ¥>•' iKtxes Pah* No. 1 and Fani l) stuip 5, 0 re., os •».,rt, d 33 r.i|,ping Pap, r 50 if.-zeii pa.ut,-,l hah,lie* llrootu* 80 Im.xo- x'i.igate’s and Ihslel's Pearl Starch 1-*• boxes and 3o hall do new R.tianis. I.nn.l iig and :<•.• *«!«• by feb 13 S« it 3NTIIN, J|HINtfTi«.N 4c CO. It 3 HI, VIW III ItCsAOS TO UK II 30 r jv||R atteiiM.ii of h,-l.a'1<- of Savannah I* pohtt-ly 1 caihsl t.v the f -ll ■* r.g art:. '. «. tit: I'l'k and ■ ol'd, B.'.l, plain, plaid aud Hrotfade Sdk* Rich Del.nine-, Cn-nmi re*. Merino,-* and French Print* shawls, silk mid 1 ' ill. Talma* and cloak-, >* ih a va riety of other l*r« ».* (Jo, d«. There '•'•••‘d, -ill b,-sold vary low In-Uesf, to eloao Uio present stock- Women nnd Chvlvlren, Materta M-lirsiint 'Therapeu tics, l.lieml-trv, lli.iaii), Ac., and having attended 1I1 »r ii'»iii:its - r.AiSiig:tonc1w‘dii hy mutual consent. Mr. 4. H. Rogers will attend Vo Vhu rs-dlletnelil nf tbu hiisilieas of the drill. JOHN H Rtlt/RRtf. J. II. LADtfON. Havnnnali, January 3(ith, 1855. tf Jen 31 , . notickT r pill*. umleralxneil hare Tin* Day enu-re,! Into co- I psrtnersltlp, aid have bought the rnuro stock of DRY (.• lulls of John H. Ilogera, will c-mllnun llie n- tall Dry (toad* busliiM- at the store recently occupied hr Roger* k I .ml-on. No. I3r> Congrcsa-aUeel, and No. ' 3aM. Julian struct, sha I'* llullding. Savannah. * J. C. ROCKKNIIAL'IHI. J II. I. 3DSUN. Savaiiuali, January .’V'lh, le.y,. q Jan 31 furnished with gas, k . l-arx- brick stable atlacbol lo nreUixe*. and lot I, uteri will, l,rirk . ■ Jan .-J c 3VVLI.V a MuNT3P. RUN. MINT HIM,. N un* R I* hereby given that I shall apply lo the Planters’Rank, of (be stale nf f/eorgia, at the end nf three months, I or the psyoieut of the Twent) In.liar Hill. No. 474, I.01I,-i ll, (Ixiitd 33’. An<lerw>n. I'res'i nnd dalH |*t June, l“.',l. I n*, left band ball of said llill lioing lost. II. SHANNON. Jan 3o lu—3mo .. NOTH |;r* 1 RO, by (h,-ae prerent.-. warn any fx-rson against ira<linx for or r»r«d»lng two Notes, one payable the ffr-tdav o| January, |r*3\ and tlw- otlmr payable the flr*t day ol Janu.iry, Ik'jU, .“aid Nntee drawn the 4th of No- v* mter, Ik'd, in favor of ttabnena Kilt,, of lh> State of Florida, for « me ll-indred Dnllar* each, and are In the hind# of John II• mthe, of Tatnatl county, (,e. 1, Tbi*. • nii*.lx), forewarn the pubhc, brs'euau I never lnten*l to pav ihc ahov# iu,tr«, for I consider them fraudulently This Jav tary ¥5th, 1*.*^. ml THOMAS CANADAV. Adannlainaor's Haie. On 1RKsDAY,hib March n-il, at II o'clock, la ItutA of Court llmu: One negro Man, ag^d *lmot 55 year,, I ('no m.-gro CIH.kgrd about 13 years, <*n« rw-froRlrl,agr-Jal-'Ot » year*, , Irelongin* to tbcetlab- «.f James A. M. Owter, dereoa- 1 «.-l. sold by |M.'riuls*,>,ri t.f the court of' rrdinory, and by 1 oriler of the Administrator. Tertn,ca*b. Jan 17 Riecutrla'a Male. On Tt’lltfDAY, htb March next, in Ir*,nt of the Cowrl House: 5 there, tfavannab Mutual f-mto M/<k—44tb Uwtalrwecti 5 do do do do 431 do I I do Albany Kalhnad fr<k. '31 Inilalsveal paid. la,t ysr,.7,V urry Town, Co by Jin Ude Nos 3 are] 4. Lo*era laiie- IU »erea each, l-ot No. Vi5, cm, District, Henry county—9U/W arm. 1*0. 1 in, tat, do Mu*c«t*do xajf ' ■ IKNIK l I..3THIIOI' A < U. A3 IN*; received a large i^.rtion * f tln-ir FALL "I IHVIIIRND No. ft. koi;ih3Vi:mt.|(n raii.iiuad co.. , 1 Maros, Faa. S, l“53. j 't'HR Hoard < f Dlrrcinr# have this Day declared a i ..I, '.-“f.'S* ""■ n-iiM. pw-h.™ on it.. I required number *i| rours,-* «,f medical tenures, and l, I H-" si«k of Hnsi „n>|inny,ai»<!Two(W(Wi Dollar* J lieinx n grndilklo of Iho 33',irre*ter .3|,-|irnl I'olleXe, III 1 j*. * '* 1. a tension tfhu k, fr»m Iho bush 3Vorc.-*ter, Massnclmselt* ; ilm F.rlenic Meslienl hi,II- I Va ' !"./ "‘ K J aniiary 31*1, jmyableon and title ol' Virginia, nnd the >i>mherii Rot an Vco Medical ( '"• l (, l March next ,iti it- • «n.i ,-i. .....i i * - ,H an.aider# lur-avan College, in Ma,*„n, lix.; and having been nctliely and auccestlu'lv eiigageal in ihu tren'.ineiii of to>tl* acme anal eh route diwnsa-s tor six year*, alter iho well r,c..gnUesl I aud eslabdsln-d principle* *>f tl •• Hoiunic or R*'lonn I - practice of Mcdlrlue, teel* ronil lent ol Ix-lug able to I render entire -atv-i.iciliui to n!l who may he kind as • lo lavor loin with their patronage. Hu will treat chronic patients, both in city and conn- , tr>, for live dollar* pr month. In advance, f,>r cacti I civc, ami s II vi-lt an) ehronic patient wdhin the city, j IT necessary, mid requested, but vv .11 charge, in addition | lo the iiiontblv fee, h>r v isiis, 3c. Rxcept Iho monthly i f,i' ol five it..liars |of chronic Ir,a'liient. the u-ual time of iiidulgennce lair the payment *>l all the different hranche* ol hi* practice will he given, which charges shall Ih- a* moderate and reason{,'■!<! as those of^nny honorable and restuN-tnblc physician In the city, Service# gratuitously rumlcred t«, all worthy minister* of tin- (iosjiei and to iiidu, nt wolow* and orphan*. Person, aillicted with chronic diseases, no matter kholder* in tfavannali will receive their dividends al Ih*-1 entral Railroad Hank. Hy order of Ihe Ih-ard. feb 13 Inn, JN'ir. T. HfHPRI'ILLKT, Trem*. n . AND 33'IN'TLR f*1!3’ *•*'**sf*!*. rc»|-cctfully sollril* llie ira*!*- of their frlrn-lt aud customers, and to receive on), r* t.i which ipcrul attehlion si HI hepabi. nov 7 HOUBNINO OOODS^ J t ."T Rl.cRlS 1.1, t ni[<*-r Hlk. Rng. IlorubOaiiu, do do • anion (.Ml,*, do do Tame*,- Cloths, do do Silk Alpaca*. Mack Moutiin ln l.xli.e-. l,inghatn*. I'ru.u. Ke^ l,y lovln Ilh.MlY I.UJIRfpfcCD. In,. 1131), Sin f»i*t, 3d Hec^ Coaa to In,. |l¥7, *vt, do “* ■* Ik, |(V), 4*h do lib. >/, .'J do l*o. 3m, 31 do l»o. 41 ¥,Vd do In, (A3, g]*t do 4n do ,) BEJX,I>33Kr’S NEW STYLE SILK HATS. ONLY WRIlilllN'i; l.i, mI'NCFj*. f ' ALL at live coruer of ltr»ugnt»u nnd HaruonJ atreeta, tfavaimah. MI.K I.IH.IlM Ml.Ii 1.0011*121 |* I sr HRC'RIY Rli—Super Marx Uru ile Afrtqua u|M'r blark itrr* do Rhino • *• " Poult de ** '* Satin dr *"b,-n« • • co|»n-t Hr-ca-lr and Plaid* Hlxrk i-iiiChew M**crllriC». he — *,* nor Hi II I.N It Y I.AIIIRmP la f«). 3d do 1-aaaco 3,1 do Com co 40 do 3d do Cobb co 4b do 31 do ColAi oi 4b do •VJ do Cobb co 40 do 3d do CherokMCo 40 da Tw above profrf-rty belonging lo '.be ealsl* of F. Tra- ehelal, dec4x«-d, on*! scl*l by order cf tto Execofnx. Trriuscoab. Ju2) Kircaltft Sale. ~ On the first TUESDAY Ir, March next, wiR U W>I4 la front of the i^urt House, i Inc No*r*' Man »U»e, lo ibe e**aUi of 3Vb. C|uai.'.‘<x, drerased—sold by pennimoa of Coart of (*r tu.a'j.atrl by order of the ukuvtk. Terma cook. )*n H* 111 T. J, 3VAI.ML ' I nd- rs* rt'.er*' »0ie. I mu let, I NKW WOOD Y A III). oui,iiaKiK-i -- - rits ruii i vs iitr.r. 1) barge* In c|,|| y. .uh-cum-r rs-sfN-c lully ar.nouncc-i > ell, which ■ I "l *a*annah, that b* has commence* llie c Izen, that h* l.a* citmnenee*! ib»- I3'*»*d -. and will keep <-»u-ianily on hand l.K-k* f Oak an t I’un- IVoml. ■ «t J, R. Del onl't Drug store, 8. i •re, alCeorglati ofllce,and J. A. Ilorron’* i.roce w here they tuny resulfl In tin- I 'nued Mate-, can ><l,taiii j ' 'rders led In inv b«'Xe, hy I o'c«.<k, will be attended luunth'* iniallcii.e autti-d t*, tneir di.-tu-ia. with pre- i t„ -aim' day. Order* anlicilesl. ' ‘ * *‘“ ly It-rled r It Xe ItiN k „ Ncvrrr. i. unitin' a Mi.ititiNs, l.-llll. t.v state io u.Hr frien I* In the country al/v ar» unwiii'ng v«t :<• v1*u -avannah, that havung '•ve*| their st-k off.31.1. AND 3V INTER DRY Di,they »re j.r, |mr*-d to fill ail "rJers with which Inaj b-Iav«fr,-t ortV5 a well »e* A i I | ( - 3 »,»>-' -I' vllK1.1NIJ*f. 1)1 "NHCItU AL»h^ .. , .*1 Pint, and quarto, ahori'y exr*c«ne,t, for aab-l,y * 1 UI (RLE.-S URLlJrtVi*, " Jaft'T c M Srwat., New Yiwk. j ini' 4 DAY, instaai. wl:| be at ] 0 o'cVxk, oa Johram's lover wharf io bag* * <^n and Data (r»c-re or le»*■: damaged oa R.ard brig Zraobtk: aedd by order of Port 3\ard*ua, for account ‘t I'ndervrtur*'and all conccrMd. Trrma cash. feb 33 on 3Yf.t)NR-HA Y. Viet .oat, win avid at tb* law residence ..flhe Rev. R. P-jfT ,urh*. at White ft mg, , c- in mete-1 n g wj 11 o'oocfc, and recd-umag Iroa dasto day, until <t »;--se-l of. 1 A’I the able pro;*rtjrr*.faprt»tat Hone*, miitaa. I avHcb c«.a», ar-0 *u<k route. The cc.waarw Use ‘.mproe- »d urr-sl oi in r, n *. Durham ^ock. Mao at tto tana i brae the fum.ture and j lanuix-c at«m*.l*. It rat cash. feh I •i-flptlnli-. by uul 1 fretiof i-i-Digo t.y ai-ndingb> him by ma'l, or otU» t* iw, live dollars and a, full tuvicuvchl «t their svnipt"ins,age. he. Money sent to him by mall for medicine will be at his own ri*k. Kxrraust as.—Rev. 33’tu. M.I'nimlcyr.lllrnm Rntorts, ».*<! , Wavautvab; U«v. R. 3V. Sj,eer, Major Ucnjamlu | Pry an, Mac.,n. Apr.1,'55. Jau lb PIANO FORTES 33'. II. 33*11.1.1 3 Ms*. " T* * t'T—Quarts tie by w w FOR p. "VIDLN* » The “h-'i-r K.31'1 Mill.HAM. -• nearly ail her cargo eng.-ged, will have dispatch J • rtrelsh*. of Rice . r deck load, apply -. . 1 IIKICII \M. KRI.l.Y 3 Oh f • ill PIIII.ADI.LPHI A.—The s|,lend.d «chr. ' i- •*, LRVRHIMi.Cor^m, master, having near* • r freight engag'd, w It havu diapalch a- above, ire'xht- apt ly t«» RIIICII 3V. KF1 LY 3 10. FOR HAI.TI3loRF-.-Thc packet trh.-.ner csS* I'.MVIA. Ilr.iwn, inasirr. I.jvng n pxrt «-f her .•oeiigagesl, wdl have dispatch F..r m-vgbt, apply HKI'.ll 3.31. KI.I.I.Y 4a * ' >• f.-r 3VM. 3VHICHT. (.Ill IS I. \3 Mill •aid b»t vbe apprvtvrivstwn and vletlxery .vt ■<•, or to John P. IIiim-s, Hr* an county, of * certain nrgr-i man, nxm***! RH'H 3RD — alx>ul A* year, old -1,lack —about 5 leel - Inches l.ign ; weigh* about : Unit... VV3I. IVKIMIT. t 1 D - C 1 n> nil: Pi.oi’i i:. 11 I.N tu the course of event-, it tocomus necessary j procure • unable bal'datn* n's to adorn,- (be . m». >ov» attention vs tvsjw-vllully called v*» the ' •Usd II. VARICD, AND RXTRN'IVR STOCK > \\ \\ Kersey*, Plains, Flan nil kind* , togidb* r vv |:h t'i'" Plant, call, feh 3 .« omf.irts and blankets, r> kind of |N»me*tle ImhnIi ther*. in the tr»'l<’, will do weil t It' Kl NR 31 (.11 k I.ADtfDN. tf !•: MHlHHDRUII' - *. * ►up»-r French Jac .—Just r,ce|xi>*| : M-l ' 'oliara .Oi.l r-wis* 1’oliara Tsmte.nrr-t do tin Jlhick Rril*s* ’.s Lace: d" Maltese do Du and ,:.,| .red t Itihlmu*, lor Irlminin^s m f-l( PHIL A DKI.I'lll A.—The r'chr. PI.3N- a |)*)ML,i apt. Frown, will have dispatch lor the i«irt. Por freight or passage, apply to 3 ID »3V LAND It <•«*■ v . “F..KNiriV YMRK-'is.'.s l.tx e.—Therivii. < >» Sr packet schr J» *N A.** .-MITII. Furman, ni— ■1 have quick dtspalcb lor the above port, it f t pasrage apply t*> Hi ' F. J. OHDRN. aLS- FOR NRVV YORK—Hrlg R.MRL. Tallman. AaSbvas'n'- having moat of her cargo engaged, will et with dispatch, a* above. For balance of fralght, j.l> to DANA 4i 3VASIIMTLS. ft 1 »•■ M < "I'' Drill.t* For son'll WESTERN ll.3ll.R0AI>. lillANi.B OK -I IIKDI I.K. GS«awgMMBEBMBBE3BME p Ng vifsirry ) N AND AFTER TI'RtfDAY, February -Jitb.Poasen- ■gnr 1 rain* will leave Macon daily for Oluinbus at ■ 'clock, A. M, and for Americu* at 7 A. Nt., arnslr g • "lumbu* tf o'chwrk, A. M.. ami at Americu* li v, 3. Leave Amertru, daily a: 7. A. ((..and Csdumloi* a . P. M .arriving at Macon fr-.m Atuertcua at llj. At . ami from f'olumbu* at T V, p. .31. M.rvting at Maom each »»> with f'entral Railroad . n* to eavannab, Augusta. MtHeilgevtlki arvl tot*>m an.| with Maou oiul VA e-iem liailrooil Train* to c..n, NiUnta, Dallon, ChaUanungo, Knoxville, awt 31. gomcry Alatoma aiul l.lrord Railroad U> ••‘liver j ng niitnua. vc.mj at Americu* wUh Mail Mage Hue lo Tat • Albanr, Ih .ruasviii, k.c. vri* can b« procured at 3i»ertcus to Augusta: and :>o.n to 33 iluuiiRioD, N. < ., *U Augusta. • IRii. VV. AD.3Mtf,bu|H-rintend«iit. aeon. Pel,. I"nb, l - 55 feb 1ft CENTRA!. RAILROAD. U O O It i t. O Till.YU, AMI II IIMMin II .A It T I «' I. r.», I am imw offering at price* to suit ihu tim*-. and no mistake. 3V.M. 11. PIlli'R. jail It* - Hat alrs-s-i. iu n i ai. NOTiri:. U K. I'VNl'iiiT. lu* removed to th** brick *1 well lug corner of Harnard and stale ttreets, nnd fr oiting M.James'•quart’. n*ar I*r. Srhlcy'*. where he | will t«- pliiiM'*l to wall <i|M-n Ids friend* and the public generally, in '.he line of hi* | ruir«*lon. Dr. Pavoi't ha.* »:►, receiv'd a due aaM-rinu-nt of that Invaluable article. Or. Iltilil*t 11 r*k lintlr llrnrc* OR AllimMINAl. SUi'I’OinT.U, l To which he woiib] Invlt,- the attention of all lh««e who are suffering from general del,Hit). In recommenda tion of this incomparable article. Dr. P. would refer to lbo linndreils In ibis city who have been bcnrfllmt by 11* application. l*mo nor VC 1)1. AT A I. OIIKI -.. ~ DR II. 3V. ItANKtf. has re fitted the j Dcctal K-'ems, recently occnplvtl I,/ l>r. iTryanik llesld, •■» Draju.u-sl., one <b*«r from Hroughbvn, where be will r>e f*>un*l at all tin.* *, prepare*! to attend to an* business connected w.ih rd* profession, !•■ accordance with the nu-t modern and .VJ I roved pllliCip'e* of -urgn n iH-ntl-try. Teatv uiamioed and given without charge.— .*-|.e» liin-nsof Plate 33 . rk t<* b*' seen at lit* i fflee. w tier*) wu! havu c<>n-t4iitlv on ban*!T<»>(h Powder,llrushaa, 1 | durations for the relief of T oothache, leciw rt-nu 4tC. l.aW. J lU »t <|U 1I.1 > I vis*. Linens ' Linen Sheet.inf* ami Pillow I'ase Linen*. ) r; 1.1 > VRtf. - A I vrg<- assortment of Ladies' w bile, drab, , dark, light and black Kid«, of superior manufac. •lure. NL3IIT. I.ATHROP 4* Rot, Kit*. I f* I, 13 c I l'j-T R RCRIV Llase, hleaelicsl hblrtlnga, blue Denims, blue Drill*, |u.| an-l l.’-l hleacbed Mu-el mg*, i |(> I brown she*-tii.g*. Apron ( lu-ck*, MnrUmrn tftrties j 1 am! I'lowl*. f*,a:.-'* »j. «.| Aim. S piece* very *U|>ern r tdack |.ugli*li (Tap** lor veil*, black tVomba- ) run s, Mark lilu de IdlUie and Poll de Mile f-|lk*, black ' Plush Trimmings and Moire Antique do, black ' rape , 1 lollnrs ami while dodo, new pa ter ns; silk Picket' . HdkfS, L.O. Ildkl- AVIN'i; litety rcc, iv*tl large ».! mion* to our stock ■1 'KTKf*, w«' are maliled t>> offer »( Hu* tune the gr*-.x'c«t variciv Iron, th<)l*c«l nn-iufa 1 tur- rer«. (mm ri.- r , 1,square 1. the most , ui> ,r.V.i ly carvel, ni-l Irom six to m-vi-iioctaves. "ur l‘.an •» «r« sele*-tc-| from the manufacturer* w I10111 we !iive lull c-madeiif” in. nml w>-are jixr'.'.cu. Ivrly rcpic-’ed liv :heni to give .v guxnvntv wl:h ever* Instrument sold l*v us as reganl* durst,ill;). lorn-, Ac- Persons in want o' « nr»i rate Instrument may rely will, safety 'it-on g, tlifigauch a one by •electing from tlie following Uirkers, wIuim- Instruini lu* ae -ndeav r to ke.-|i r«iii,iaiilly on fiand. *.* : II. VV «.rw*lrr, J. Chick- ering fk **••*(. Nunn* A'lxrke, I'acen A Raven-, II. W aters, and lljite s, llrotbers A I'utUUlIngs derJ 3niola I 3V. MoKKKI.t. A CO. PIANO FORTES. MUSIC, &c. 11 “ 1 “ "be umRrsigi.rd is prr{mrs,.t, a* usual i|.| ly all demands in In* line, liaving iho agencies of *om«- of the K-sl I’talio ‘'orte maker's In ilie country, as St.^url. J* -..»■ Chick ering. Jno. II. Duuhaiu k itrovesicn A Tiu-low. FVrlb. pond k « o., T. »d.U-rt A • ■>.. Ac . a ■ .• <c.- stijw-rlor Inr'.nimenls may |.e had at in* «•■*'. t.'.nienu p,i#s«-esed ol a life's exjief,ene». in t»•(It t(.o pro fessional and hu-iue-s di-jinnm, nt. of \ln-i , h.- tru*:» that he mat still l»* rn'.ilied t- : .• k ml pat.-niiage bo tia* reciiv«-i dun g the past five tear*, f/. It. MID II I'.I.L. Agent f..r F./*nm At ., dm '.* M. ) than and ltr)au‘is., tM-vr tlk- .Market i* 1 011 I l.llltl .31(3 . lv*>Fl"n( oiirt-t. pandit** ohsequrucc*. I he ‘3 ur i-i *| t e i.a*t,by I'idi' P *-.,uthg*'.o. H-■»>■.• Life. Twvlxe L*e;urc’*, by 3Vin. Hague A II in • for All. or the liravelwalk and "c!agonal Mode ol Ruildli.g. by V .8 Fowler. A *o'lh “ de View <d Silvery, hy V Vdatni. Flr*t i'bi.ugh:*,or llrgining to Tl. nk. The Sew. It. r. Har-y's Vacaiion.orl'ldlofcvphy at Home. A 'H‘tnan'« * bfinical Atlas, or the • brnu-try of Fanil- llsr 1 •!'Jerls, one v«l. q larln, with 1 ngraviujv and d a gram*. Fudge Doing*, by Ik- Marvel. The I tetter Rand, -r ih« llcl:oving Journey an l Future II"in,-, i.y A Tbonspson. Icb t VV. TH"I(NF. 3*11.1.1 3 Mi*__ ItKAIIIMM K'S l.\4’l.l)HI()N 'I'll . ilist-ov of Hi,. I.A|«-,i,U 'ii ngvln-t Fori Do vjue«- 1 ii- in 1775, under t,en. Hrnddocii, e-liv.d irom of.g mi, manuscr.j, *: ny 33 inthr-p .-argent, wlib many le-aix' Auie-ienn rq-or'tmaD. containing Notes, on sic siting, and ihu habit* ot i.a::-.e*. Ac , will, nu- r-uskl, author of 54 Sc t RFFRIR’r- * i P MtKI.INi; FDINIH'Rl* .M.L-l'mt*. fl quaru. a tmal! .'irmcc of .V> ravks, hourly expecird pJobu Itarrg, tbo balance uiimld I* <.ffr»e.l by UIARLR.’S lIRLL'iW «, jan'JT c 54,New York. S-ip k r-"N*' highly celefirated India I'al* Ale, 1 lew cj-a«. a 1 in B:»- e**n i.u »n *n.| fu for nutut- d'aie u-e, f.. r .alu'7 < IIVPLI-** HLI.L**W|«, Jan '.‘3 c 54 New-t .. New York. Ni;i;u's -I'UikI.IM. I.DlMil'l!*; Al P-ln I p uts, a fre.t. Invoice Jn*| recent.I "n H 1>DAY. March 6th. will t*. *g.M, la from ot tto * *>ur. House, Uaiwees the h-fol hewn of sw/c: ' A Negri, Woman. Hannah. t<ciobg1ng ko Ito ratal# of H. iVw-pcc. decease,!, krnj sold ty orCtr of the Afral# isirator T*-tn*t»ih jm gj I r <a>r > l *>. —————— Fit*® Llvecjex.l Table e*Jt, in s^>n® jars, a tu pc nor ariieir, for aa.c .a gamut j lo salt ;. a-* rhoar r a. A* ' Y. *r of if.e War: by Count . • n* of Chemistry : by IVIonge A l',t-iny ntlil) .'lai-arine. for February, d other Tub-*; bv tbe author of Head o 3VH. TIHHINR 3VII.LI AMtf. f. b •) I.OMMIN AltT Jill UNf.%1. 'I'l'l. new —-lies com in vki» w idi vbr ianuary number. 1 w.'i C--W.Ain rngrnviiig* ir-«m t.*v«- pldiirv- n ihc IJ icvn s Rallery, ami 'herw i,v rniln.-lli*!nsl suit *ub- y.-ti* ,.r Art. to make it worthy of eairnslvi- patromufe. I rice a) |h r annum,for lit monthly number*. I rank Leslie's lgal'.-«’ i.atette—monthly, a: 1-1 anni.m. I,.-* New 3 <>rk Journal, with numerous III Irain-n*. at 3-' per annum » Ladle*' Ho ik. 5<> f»»f annum. c W. TH»>RNR W 11.1.1 AM* •I | er 3 **u fnu» » lo* ca-k- rcmaifiicg m.*•;.!. bv '.Tl ARLEtf URLLOW'fl, j 1 n V3 e 51 New *!.. New Y ork. 'I'l NM.NV- (. 1. 3-1,1 *3V M.R - In pint* at.*! quaru, 1 in flnu order, I-■ r »*!«• bv »iiARi.nx nr.LLi'WH, J*n VI C 54>eW-»l^NrW York. iicctiBr-l &*k! fat do -l».d He in ,1-re and fvr sale t,y MINI- A J 'll N-Ti'V ogahela, and Recti- ' flej W Li-ke), landing U , day. hkJ f r sale tiv ■ c MINI- A JDlINtfTON. !(*-e-.iA,*l Whiskey, load mg je* RRHill AM. KRI.l.Y A • " strs-s-t I'bar, land.tig and U 'lll'KRY— Vibtib l.miu.i, and l..r k- tetv •* r I 'M.' '('ll —11®) bhis ’ I nvl- by UK It •er feb 5 M M IIOHKS UK' Ll V RD HY J"HN M. • • ** *1*1.11 k 1 I F K M* KKltU' H'KI.Ii February . Av ,ti. iv,-.r the Happy Isle, and ovticrtal**, t> .V liar; " A.' Vbe :eiv,„l. We ptiM ■ ki«. pink and blue Tarleton. k(. kc. NF.Virr. LATHIHH* k RiN'.RRtf. A”, Al.tlt'l ll.Alt’l. 'D 'NR th,- clock* wl, ch are *-n h»n-l In grent nuin- and variety of style*, -in-h a 1.eking, such a • i-ik n.-, innv Ih-beard a* seldom Is—price low—time right A* ior Jtwtiav, every Ih»Iv know* winaa .-Kill Ms, and that Is one of ihu l.c*t placr* lo piirchOM-. SI.stake not the piace IJ) • "NRlll.-r*. feh ■ |*'ll black Rinpui** Imce. cmn'd Linen 'hdlar, W hltc and blxck l'ra|H' • oilar*. do do do tflfcvci Do .-alln KMileUis nlxl Ktd liloVl'# Do and c doresj Jarlrtans hn|M-rior Irish l.l.ien, while Cambric* Do black Cballay, Hel.nme and llarcgo IV I. Il l and 10 4 Linen ^heeling*, Ac. Just received iH?r *ti-nmer.I,y let,7 c NF.virr. i.ATJinitp a nm'.p.ntf. >1 tfRKRRPINR DRV (Hxtlm.— Ct to fit lileaebeit «‘olloti Fhcs-tlnff (M to tv-4 unhlearhe-t do d" ?f> an.) %■» in h Pitl-.w ' av Colton, 10-4. II I and l -' t rthcetinga 4-1. '.>-e ai d 1 I Pillow 1 n-e l.lnens It'iS'la, hcotch, am| lluckabark Diaper* lunen Dow la**. Crash n,el Fl.vx "snanurg, |.lneu l*ania*a ai»l c—l’d hills* Cu;wr Dama-k. |in|e,i ai d Y abb* Clolha Imperial • oiinlerpaui* at d ljuilt* Mlpeiflne |li*l Ulvlikel*. all »lx*’« ITI lied (.mi,for I*. . It* >H KID*. K 1 11 Fui ISIISI. IttlLkOal, RiSKSV, Cavannth, Feb. IftUi. |c55. j | 11 a n r. 1: or m 11 1: i) 1 1.1:. U N simI after t|w gotfi instant. Hie Night Train on the ■ --ivVnd Italltnait will tun n» l-iv-.w* •. -ea»« -avannah at 4 05 P. M , arrive at Ylaeon A. Mac,iii ai e.45 I’. II., arrive at Havannah n 50 l-e Train Iwtween Augn-ia a»nt Macon will run a* •* ne Augusta at ft P. 31.. arrive at klarr-n ‘J.IO A. M. 1 >•• Mhr 1 iu e.iAp. M., arrive at Augusta I (ft A. kl. | i - Tram* Iwtwren Augu-U an*l -avannah will run j I >ll<n*a; . .v. Aug'i-ta at ft P. M . artvri* at i*a*tnnab IJVY A . I*av, savannah 9 3*> I*. M , arrive at Augusta Ft*. Vi fnejiAv Tit \ I Nd „n (be (entral Kail*-,a*l will run I 1 ' *»»nab w A Yt., arf.te al Macon 6/45 I*. M. ! . lacot. alTJi a M , a/ at rtavaunoh ft I*, kl ‘ ' ”•* mn.-!«it.,r. ,.tput.iic, a l'*»^r.ger* ar fJ,t " 1 {"**•* !***,( ■-*• llie A -if use* and • nwwlxir , Itailruwd ; leav .,,g Augu*Ual7 A. kl., tie] itwHtg to AnguaU at , p VI Tto. n,niHs l* at Mitten ,f d... * entral Railroad. { VV A 1,1.1. Y', Ren. Hup't. | IiilVB Dll RK.AUHTIVii KVT1I1LIVIISKM. 11 ''''VavTs-.s-amV 7!’V n -"- 7.1 jfji a«r»#u*ii«i. 1* ior fy -y;g • • • »ub**sr1bwr, grateful to hi* pau-nv a,.I fnerela | , thel* c.,htln>i(*l lavor*, w»nb! stale lhai. In ad ihe )m|gui«IWIiU In Dying ac.,<ilre,| hy l.lm 1 i. s [*•< visit b, Lot 1 si. I a»,d HroUaiel. ha* mat- . ■ .-hi* fc-f as landing hi* buslnes*. Uf which he is j . bird b- I,ye a grealar tarboy r.f * '.b<*t on mil j . eu I dftawli, he, which he (rail* will 1 (),**« all who may l»»"f him «|H. ihelr 1 ' * bi,M«aU Ifjnl. l.'l«s#nji» U***f»l«l. •m rr<(»ir,<L lit H-w aarne swfwrb»* «Hyk> whirl, • *0 Iti'icb hb-**«i| |il* palrnu* anal friwiels 1 -, Houimwi f,;e*L III**, bw-l bim| I'rwwsesl In Ih# | .iho.nsl/lw **;Ue. • >rd-*,i from If,* <<H|nlrr (Hinc- 1 i:uoM lo f*»«»* modw-atw AVhan parewla ' l/yHMWlMWlMNlb .al, wwfd *ho«hl to *»•»' :<Alwr through vto P*.*A < (ffba-.w.ihat to may k*»»<w •• •• • all for Ito*a I X ALE* HALUitVAV. ."•Uli J „"ll-, ( AMI II kltllM AUK MOIIK. C|S||P, uiulcislgiicd, iH’llcvIlig the cash system lo be 1*10 1 Iw-i.Ih.iIi for the buyer and arllcr, will in future •ci! )>:« g'-od* 1 INLY Foil« ' 3-hi, nr a short city accep Unn aie! at pr.c- * m n h lower than 1* usually • barged. RL". A. M<( I.F'KLY , H'JCohgn-** -trrrt. d*ta,mah, Jan. Uih, 1-55. r Jan 13. <;»l.l> Pl.'r.k. \ N KIV S'lpf'ly. In grra! Variety llernard A llur-li's Itl-islrale-l Mannsl of Opera tive dury* ry and surgical Anaton.y translates! fr*mi the I'rencli, romp.le'e In or.e tolutne, - so , with humerou* cob,ml engmslug*. *• 1 eented in Paris. I.aiham on (lie Sailvn Races •>( ihe l(u**lan Rmpdre : with nnf« and lllu«icn(lotis. Incken's Christina* tiers, the -even Pmir Travel!, r#, Ida Ala) by Mary l-angd-n. - N M.vrrr, i. \tiii: R3V I.O* tD"*' NR33 li'H *|»—'! IHchxrdwn's sup- r -Inning l.liirna Fujierfllve I'htta tl|lu"» Alull and Nsn-.-.k Muslin* 3A a»h, t.l ui t and -Ilk l.i'iMon* Rngllab and Merr'inack P*inl* jl.iiels-iwie A| nirnuig Print- 1“ t. It-t»nd l'4-1 ttamttinn ••hccUtvg, |ll*-a. bed a*>d brown Hurling* I M T ol|rI *J 1 ll*, ll.wb-rv. Ac. Ac. Herat ve-t i-er »ieanief Knoivllle, and fur tale at low, al 33' A D.'S3V( ill fil'd • A-II II* H dR, f r h m c No ttM'nn|ms4t. S IKII'I.H AM* will | R itdNAIil HRd.-Tilaving c-inpl- irs| • i,t spring ar,xngemeiit* fur the«« g.h•*I*, ptanlrr* and all In want -III find * fisal llndl <lf the lm-1 qualities, «; Jni, pr re,.f. r rash, at frl, » r AV.* VA A D#3V' > II fil'd, 1151 "oiigrc** *t. NTOI K 4)1’ STOVES. Any wLblng lo piircha**' w ill c«n-ull their own tost mil-rest* t.y , a ii i • g on u« and seleciii.g from over thirty d'th-rrnt kind*, being three times a.* varusl a , '. , s'k a* wa» er bmughl to tin-uih by any other ■ -ia!*bsli- ment. 3\'«- have several near j.aii rut, mode ex; ie--iy for the -outh- ni Stntcs, and purchaser, inxv r,-L upon buying nf in at L »r*l North, ru Price*. KENNEDY A HI. \*TI, Ag.'nU for Maunfacturer*, -*t. An Hew'# Hail, . feb 13 If Savcm.ah.Ra LIVRRY. HACK* AYR .5?&?£iS.A.Xj2*I STABIjE. 'pill: dub-crit-'i* have purrlvase.| the large llriek I >Utde "ii 33e-t llroad sir*el, fivnnerty known as llrnw u A II irri*' dud,le,and v* III be thank! 11! for n -hxr>* «( public- patronage. 3Vt- Intend Vo Weep go-,! 1 -vma;-* and llUgvIt'S, geulb- Horses, and careful Driver-; and if s'rict nitchtlnii to bUflncss will merit patronage, w.- in. tend to have It. TllOAl \d F. NTR3 KNd, J 3C« HI KLI.IdTi'N davantmlv. January l«t. 3-54. 3mu J*n 1 i nxi l'KH X l’O. No. ft WHITAKRR-MRI.IX - AA ANN All. HA- I VF.M.UW Hi-isle*. IHovd*. lv, Mou'.dins*. 4, e. 1 / \|»o; I’ainl*. "ll-, 3 .i,|ii,br«, Tur|-M-.ilnr, Fully; I r,-licit and Ainerle.xn Window i.u-*; Pamn-r*. Matins ■ id I . tl, IIrmi/,'. Ac. f ihc 33 ,rk|— lla'pef's-lories—No V rreelr,-,!. A I «'ller "f Inquiry : • Mint*;,-r* of the of all ’ dcn,.miiui'.|,iii. .Ill >ta*« r>. by Re*. Nathan la rd, D- D • I r 1.1k I a—tie's Ladle-'Razrtie (or February. Mn a a „r My Courtship and it* Couss-qucnct-*, by ||, nry 33'|. I k off. • Rmh Hall, by Fanny Fern. Lit,-ol Itanium. 1 MagiUliu lli'pbun. Ni:\k hooks. I'lVF.D 11V J M AVMipui K C" 1. kl.AM* ll-aik of dr-igiM-l |«>r Academies *Dd , dents, by Franc. « II. Rieeii and Jiwcph | 3V'.• ongdoi', lUiisiraic-l. • F„l ■ » Jv* it, by tho author of “Come l«» Jraus," “ll t* t. rwc lla,pet's klagaiine for Fetiruary. f.Mtiam's do (Li I''* do do ! R.-ley's Lad rs* Honk do cjmiuber's Journal I r January. feb J 1 F.R, dpp |>. K.r -Tt,e •ivrd, by *h ji llirtf.irl. an >•«• die al*o< sr-.ic'c-. conMabr.g tir ur-1 Co/. n: various quali.!«■•; * too l»u. In Uiic*; Rrc-and I*-. Ibrurnt". * a**is, Ringer.,'Vise,. Ac . of ,J .ff, r- •1’vai 1 >-r. all (rr»u *n.l iH-x;ly tm 11 »< lor reia, Ch will be Sold lo dealer- rl New York Jv/iCrs, in n ine* to suit. J"IIN INFER.-, il.L. N 1. i Jones’ H' ^k. flay st. Nf, , "FI RL. .-PH Rd.Ae- ha- I—-H ajire-int*<t agent for this n Mid- “ of New York for the sale •| icr-s. Ac , X!-l w iii keep on hxr-l a •1-. winch w ill be furnished to the c, a*.! h*vr at| tto mftcMncry f..r r.-p-wioc'wtr- nd a* cheap in Frts a>-ate. Ten “ham* Cva* -u<t. iS -bore* A -ruvU A 3V»yr>c*- I I* m«' t!ai I mad v t> 15 TIM ON Tit At f ()l|A ANI) III IKUKRM. 1 ^LkLKU pwt#^>oal« win to rtcnvel bjfcito aider. c~ r.grwd : *r 45*.day of March ncxb at lVc.*- d-sck M .for tf— mater al* and tabor :-cm*ry <0carry •■ut picop/w.! id-J*„ t.» and itBprovs-tnanu at tto .-utm I. .nolle AsylurB,to-ar M bc-dgevUle hv, u» which place | the { aipouh wid to direct**! Tfo'p' . 1 .j^c of above OddltJofit wtO to it :‘.c- Asyiuinfo* !t.*p«b»cve, a dupJicaiw : • • "h will!-k. ;.t a: ;»< . oc« .4 tto Arcldteeu al .-avuinsh, and at txtbrf j Uc» farUx-r leJurtaabMi Vsil ' l-Rc-'J fl*"-- L v;.*nic|,r p,**„ »;.i t- 1 cec red for tto cxcava- Uon and fllbr.g ipw ’csbsc y*r4 1 • - Fc-r about 5 oju bar ret* tost Urruket ot Ur^rs 1 Lime,deJiverr-u r-t’hc tnoJ4:tg — tpgr bbl.) i. I'»r itsei. i/* ,i*ai f(tt riftr YcM* Dm Lso*tor, ' ( ocar.uitqfs. nr 3 by I J i by a tnchw. , Ac., ai-1 irorj |t, tu f«wt K-Sig. 4 F •* tiy t;'ng uv pda»» and tpecJwaUOM , *Ad under super* :Mon. fogr ttiiiic-r,* r.f L-.cka. aikt set- xXI un 1 v a 1 11 . - (per kt., ttrvcAk, Umt, til \xi. m.u.i “ * ' | -moe, tomg lu-ii.s/wai <-n tto ground. • 'a'j.,-i,'er', w,-»k tworaaarv n frwtc udnt . . Cl T ’ ...J.,. J > VJ AM Ui ‘ aial ret 54' w the rn. fl,aM ( srel p'l'img up. sixl b To,* » f-voe*. or.l VXi d'-or Irxaet, booed •utodc Coctoc® H'uatis txrl It tto wuiMt.Bc icr 'fwr p.,«-oc. • *.. | .0 a bom J* • tm rvwdlag. ftrncslirig off taavesxai*—tov. J v Th>—X \ T,o Uutiwv, pwr squire) l.tliijiiirvl Iren I-coders.« by 4 vnebes. and sbcMi leel Ralvaid/tvi Iron Rtriing, atom f frwi, ;* r s-.H.' Ttcroam 1 «ii'hrf. w.-.h the utvlersigacd, a J irwerro ‘•-•tVfiasO*,-* ito ,>1 *rlocking mrii poep»»sol, u ths j may deem in-*t •tl.Mteiffy. t or v-a.-icrs on »c»d to,* th«;r propioaO-t «!II nusc ttoif •Cvror! |lr* '‘ID’LL A FAY, ArtA ny c^gc' o’ Abe * .'^jtr.sah'ter, feb* _ ln-Marti. 1 111(01 ix.l< 1 Rk J I 11K01 Dili u:m I t ' T reociicd a Urge and cbc‘m )oi at Frvach Rm- b " ' •Icr*** oto OKUra. tr’.: -#* 11 <k. IW- -•A. :C to' 1 r H RUN n.iil’ll - lia, bhls. S,*uthrfH Fh-ur, suit- 1 a’-'c j,,f llak, r* ais! l'a.r.tij urn. :> 1. dsy rrer ivrvt and I.u sola by Jt-IIN IN*. Rlt.-w »|,|. t •'••h N*x,’ III >ek. Its* #,reet. I » Y Ihe atcatnrN p Augusta: * rai.berr.r* tJ tto l-est I ) d, senpiion, P g P -a. Pig llxms. t-orhro Hotter, oa Un" #•. ver ^- r, l in tins market, f.-r sale by leb c J M--INFY' A (NY. T »»* Kl. AND J1»IIL—W.fks, cask# Hexkland Dme, 1\ Ir '.ding fn-tn -chc. -arab I. Illlls, arvl f.w sale by leb 6 c * * -II ENr* A IIRR1Y.. N EW CRi t|' Cl ll \ M< *1. A-SIIi<* bbd* an.] 50 IM* t.ri.a,- i.p * crup » ut-x kl.-twaw-s. Vr fine order, .. c -s.xis-.itq; ‘.a jov ». ri ins;;. AA rought M Me sf-- do do d . d- tJ * Vuic'in Owtwiactuw. do • awvbnc ard Line* tVdU-r*. A.. I -.-ivch Wts egfcv Uss llikf*. Ac- cb'J by H)-NRY I. kTHR"p A Civ Nil! KYIYI. ( Oi l. tits M.I'.IA Fk, A?. I I -T fee, .rd a u*i tuniibisl (4 Ito loDowtug fl evet, is. ...rvf— ^ and 3A lull- AA a»li AI*o. -J.Y Marltb' Mantle 1mm <35 Vo 415**. 31*0. t Also, V.’, pair* Inside 3 ,-i i.tbcr* Would do well to gl rLewhrrc. l b,- - nimble Ihe most n net »cks, fr-'M rtbin Pllnds. <• 11* a rail in-fu upen.-e - ,s on ly ' Me* '.hip if Nap,ilrofi r edition In 4 S' bilk*. I'ltlNR -II E- -PRIM I Poem* 1 by Aliisl,'). by Jn«*. N. Nori„n er,.tilth Monjs. Itslladt. an Full Proof *.f th* klinisif) |ii»*nrr.rli’i Re--grapbiml and t'ommrrctal (is/altr: a monthly p«iblicll,.n, «l 1 yr«r DI«"irnrlP* Railroad R**td«- aiul Man fet, 13 AV. Tll"llNR Wll.l.l kkt-v \*» l’.' RU P* >T All (Rb, 3u 1,61# Just twerlvrsL In lln« . v I oxter ai d (nr sal* l,y r I IIAMPIIVN A 3VATTR. ) 'I.' *C||, |ia, t,|,l, and '.**>" aa«ks frrsl, gr*>utwl, fo| • -I-I-* AVRIIRTRU A P X I.VII's n klll IH I'.S - lla'ctolor', It'-gh's, I rl*la<|.,ro't, 1.11111*11',,„| Rlrnn's llair |>Te- I'nr •*L hy Hill', It MIX,HR AML M Jan I 33 AtvWV' II.Kr*!' lire, iv rd |wr |i4U-rn* „f riel* bprtug . tlTtFH c,\**tl H"CH|% j 115 I Oligres* slft-et. j i:iili iNsi'Ai.vir.NT. I l'.-T rcc, lv,d per *,ratnrr I I ■ da, an lief supply of llov's lothing. such 4, M-ie I,In,, and black 1 loll, ! Jarkcia, plain aud laiicy t as-lin, n< |'«n(-, \e*i*; also, 1 McUneV Jai Vrtx ami Pa-w*. jut bow tmin four V» ttlYrrw I years old. For salu cheap at th,. « bulling **i«.ic, Rttv i In,ns'Range, by RE". >. Nlcil"lJ* A * *». ! let, 13 r I MITKT., J c|,||R Arm of Price A \’,-».!,-r on, ,ii«*..|vr| „n llie ! 1 Vhh ol kugu-t Inst, bv the death nf Da«> I 3 eulrr. ; Tbe undersigned wdl continue bu* i.raa no his own ac- I count,at tb,« ssme place ah p. >».,,.* to the tat-- Bvtix will pl« a— rail and liquids.e. nov 33 M. ", PHD R, 147 Pay t i,e*-t ('IIIIOXO.UKTKIK A PINK -hip, < hronomeicr, f Iwadv k Hunter' in a k«-, t"f sal.- low ll, R. M. i.KMI'RN, dec J.I ■ ,irn,>c llrvan ami k\ hiuker ala. M 33 HOOKA \NH .71 IRA/INI k. Ll 3' till IIY tf - Mill.I.Y , Jau. 3. 'll INK 1 "ll>IIIKr.i I In* Friend* hy l-.ver * Dnusliier • to l'.uinm<in tVrnnet. . Harper's Mags tine, for February, Rraham's, l«r do; i Rod, » *,for do; Hatl.iu's Pictoii/i P. , in*, ,.f Vr,. liar man's New Home. Ac. Por sale at ' icb 3 c ns M* \ il l NTIM.s. n cclvid by #i- jmrr, anotber sujqJy ef Yalctv- firi) variety ^c JdllS M. "Mipl'.i: h o«. .N A.TII'.N Of Till: nr. til* 'R a record ot Uio mortabiy In eavaunab, dur- : tbe epidemic <f 1-51, w h a litl of H e d.wia. aid nf d.e sick : six,. * brief account of tbe !-c;r gale. Jusi puli".,lid and '<-r sate bv J"IIN M. f « <PRR Jk CO. 1111.1.A or IJDIMJ, New Y ,irk and I’hiU leli Ida sieamec*. for 4"IIN M. t . ,"pFH jg , ,,. 1 tto brig * ni5 Ir tor's can?-. 11'tfT ,f) tines, of V F.-3 < 111.IIk . s YVhtskcy, , - 3VIII-KI.Y . —tiu ha'nr Is N ", 1 it.e much appro*e»l t.cai-)* “It,»#r" i-vjws-id |wi trig DuncaR fr.-re New* — by |X HIL.N- 4k If RKT/.. 13 KUpv«,|. > At T -- S,ta * Itn- order. I or sale l j | >l-i: 3D I > slop It j 'll I NS k IIRKT/. l and Nary lire ad. ta-'-: |w-r ’ IV Jet'll th ^Y'l U'HClII'.RItV PR 'UAL- A f-r‘b aupplv f.-r Jus. 51. Tl RNRK, Agent, i- n • c 157 Itr-'Ught -n al. I ’Id's Pt.RTrKtflnN 1 kl'f-ARI N33 ADDIN*. 1 4 jisv.iskt'atVotral Mn-, aiwl patent ll«e-t. 1 I'ervurslon 1 apa. water prr»»f; 5tat,ntn Rl tent ,-dge Run Wad* . SVi.ikl* bur* 1 ap* ; |Ut,l«s3 « r Haras, Pc I bv k .T NNlNull 3*1. V5,il») If tv’s rrccnnl.ilirsct from In Duke, snd f >r sale by )»n .1 c acrid > Fly'* 1* *).(«*> R IE - led !**I--hi I’tsloltlapse Jttsl 1,lot*, per ahipstY-nsul and The LOVr.I.I. A I kTTIMRR. (i IN \N |v 33 MMKI 3 . -!S harrsls «;i r «'1» V«ys> 33'hlA* 1 Y kl I N I INI N. \ II I NTIM N \ I.AL' ■ F. an-I •pirn,ll.l assorvmetil of Valentino*, rrreire-l am! fni **l<- by tf. tf tfltll.KI', 1.15 Cot grew* it __ .. ...iiry dealers can Im-*uj 1 llcxl #l l-iw *me* for Rll* HINT- HANK «»(' klACO.N. llill* of this cash. 1.1, 3 rs< listure for Df> Ro*-la, by ■ ItT'll. No. IIYi oogrrawsl. N|t Y INI. k N I) COTTON 4-INN, 1 1 1 a - r |'DF Fti-it-rslgud being “"I.t*. Agent* t r tf.-haffer't 4 IAKRAIN w.d buy a gmnl black | He* DUiwI*. has - a -tq * v. , , 4\ 11.01,1,*/>n,al A dsw-.rtb s caab touse 1 and are px-i-ard l» escene ,.r«l.c al the *l,.. r :r*t *,.. D"''' * No. 113 * »t»gre*a at. | fU .„ T l.e«. hase I wen m u- to. elghl ve.r. .« snd 3m tor and tot sale bv ' n ■ HIM*.II AM. KRI.l.Y' A INI, All. gj Idol*.clariAt-l tfugar, snd I" tier-, *1)0, .Eng fimii brig Duncan firm N, w "rlcanx. ai*>l by IKTAVl’t C"H»»N. t If ■ >\ R LIN Rs ||. •**< ,A|r* Tv mem of Mo-a,-desirable go jau 13 Ilf AV M kTrill Vi m*s* jowi ri * "ll N AND 1x.i,»,w« * ...e, I , Prime A| a i)l*n,J tfe*d "si* ; whim oacks For Bale f',,in LYNN A SNIDER. a It* I.N AI 11, r« J\ • fully aniwiuiM, .‘.3 tl„uis«n.l Wax \e«|*a, In lilt 1 ve*f and ho ssle hy J-i* 31. ft Agent, 15? Ilroughton •*. , llud and llay *'r,-ei*. respect- 1 tie Ui the public III a t lie Ilf' ~ " i.e-.rgla in I rs-,ulli 1 a',dim I sal sa",factlou. All onleri llsilv. fixf'Jtf 3 uvii aOoi.tot univer- e Jifiihlpl alien 3V A Y A T A3 Lillt, 1 Islsint Cotton I act,',*. Ini. hold*, fr-1| lr->ni I cltlmoie, for sale by will 1 1/ |T".ll.-»i ' -'•**. HI, l,*xPKjL*))b * will *1 Hh,* «.Wft »f 1 Mac '-ary hn Liurtaf Admin.strain.n, or* Ito cafale ,.l | * il-of.rd, tala* of Ltfolon. decswsr.1 •• arr. h«r*f„ra, la*l|(i,d*,lts,«l*ball wh-.w, •1 *>•►#**. i„ to aad afqwar talw, awhl C-,u*t to • ‘Ijaclloailfisyiltfj kttsi <*,•■* to fora It* 4rvl •> to A j rll toil, totorwiae •*>,! Dtur* will to '•***. John 3| Hlll'ti, |toj, "r.flnar y for Chatham • this siiwanu, day ,-f I «n,•»**», lav). InilH M Mil.(.I.N. „ , . , •3 "HER AN** M" 150 hhl*. *hto), ’*•»**.» )l*.laa*aa, for sale by 1 ‘ « lll'NfFR A fJAMMRI.L. D P'/T k7')Pi^U« bid*, rlntfre n«l |4,t*loa«, ' ui* s, s,ma,| p»# to/b l( 11 n.'ui-o. fr.ow " 1 Lb IT lll'NTRIt h OAMMP.I.L Mil RIVER IIAV.-w too-. D— N.ifth Itivar "xj i»i-Eng 1,.,n» bark Ms*t* M„rv,w, aswt f„r so'.* >sb It • I "III ", It II Ml I » I I DIb - ft rail) Uvtow'a Hams, iwt nraiiwl aid J I "o ^hy c ItfcfHIlAM, KFI LY A CO. Ykflll.EI. Itsrr .w*. plows, *- rw abeller*. llay < ul- 7 7 '»** Harrow* *nd • ••liivab.** I'm ,«ie I.y J»" ' n * p 3k MIUN AV I’.I.L, tirj HMaivot. 'I'" '• k H DEN I. Re AND "TH I'.lln In •.„( „f 1 in lb# title 7 of tb. city | I 1., *.| I- .tt.lrg fno Wlll.smcxn a ih„ AuguHa II- .,.! a T"*("-n ■•-el**I w|d, oak *>m| hlcloiy, ll will to s-st-l »t a totialn. atvtor *# • wtoda ,.r In )..*• Ajqjy lo Jan 'J* r ' A I. LAMAR S #*|• l> IU) mala Mn,.Sinn*; ground I,,n 4 ,r, ||a,a Ring". r*ouo,| a,-I wbi.l# t.,a,k l'r|'p l*el I love*. I’oT sale |,y ||,n attain *■ IL J Rtl.llRltT. Hi 3 1,1. k isal.a, Drowsing •**#*, 3Vmk lto«o«, k|o,.*las ( *,d I'**#*, an-l a t*ri,|v of Fawes ■la. av tlMRtUH A KIKt.kl AN'A ,t»< I* j,,TVf'"l" AM*«IN|"N" -V, bid* eating |Sh *(,>«• >1 <)-• sail-vw * mgins Ju*i ree#iv«»l snd for tela hr !0f . Nm |H lib's of superior old lie,irtoto 3Vhi,key ■J . ask, do do d„ tfe-.lcl* 33 hi.key I ,l'» 'Hi <l«» do Irish AVlilskwy .1 ,|o ,lo do «,» -Sieioc llrandy 3 do ,,,, 10 seal* i/ml* *b, which In- will ditixii*of as low ..r lowerthait etaewhare ■ o .i.ecm Irb I ( 'tl'NNV CL ,rll.. VI hab-« (,'nnnr , lolh. for aale by I |.b Id "i f All tf * "III..N. ( * |N. lium, vA hisbey, I lour, 1 ,-rt*. "*l*. Ilran ami | tfb"*ls. landing li'ifli I mms, 3V.~alli/l,lgw l and /#., bon. Hall,rn-oe, ah,I f .* sale bv W A3 RH A C".*|tfr.\.NTIRF- feli in Junes' llgibbug, f -d of Hariuird si. N * »H IHl'.flN MAV ■ A * sal# by rah 14 U F.LFI IIP.I'.FM •• »l bid* Termeaaew Mas* Href I ■m ,|o >1" Prime do, I * oak Rtof Hs«n# In ajorw ami for aal# by I.YNN A MIlHill. M. 13 tl flMSKLV. *®» to,,.Is Vk l.lsksy, Urwlihff par brig VI Dure aw, if *•!# by f.». IT r Mltlf/HAM. KRI.LY k FU, I 'L"I’N Haliiuw.## d #**r In • bole ami half »mirafa. 4 laodlrqf OJvd f->r sat# l»f DA VID M. DILI ON. lab IS Ho/ksl a-psa/a I * I* |* | An’S Rkfllk* T ll* ( III’. - A Mivxeign rsme ’/ >iy f * dis. *ms I die Idsd.ler, spine, khlitefs, and wrinsri o/gait*. als.-, f.,r dysp-|-vi*, chronic rbrumallsin, and of I be akin Dm above in.sDrtn* >* • treeslly *r. onuoro.W*t to phy • slcUwa *ii>l practlil'iiw/s of ineaHcloe, and Iks pubbe geswrallt, as i| cat, to usr.l by |mim,os of all ages and bale I# 1 Is pteasani to Ihe i*#le, and will K, icsdllv "ken l,y say pa* , *,t, iw> mtiisr how mlvarm to may to In latdog no-lirlno For sale bv |**n r J"IIN It. M< tf >RR A 1*0. U 3k II AI.R I HI, 4» torvsL, Juslre-wlvesl a**,l bn Sals hr hds I c J"IIN II. A (71. r lAL"Nn f Mill AS l."TI"N f*r Ilm.I lleSwil- llsr infallible ss a prcsarvatlta of tto ahlii and ooiiplet i„n, and as a tors ns of aradlratlng fyacklea, Un, plmpl**, Ac. Pu» s*u (■> JOHN TV MoORF. A n. H lab I a RU boo** Uni Ml eg Ur—la Mils, Just rw retted a I II kklPlirJ* A kVATTfS N o« narsl otrwai 3 N I • IM“ I IIP r M \Ptf por sale *1 the It.-putdi. all ,-CYew, a lew roplr* til tbe District Msp ,.( {iii.l s-irsey • *f Irwin *11*1 put ot |k-iiy roilli- s,, llie luslrlrl Ylap of originally Appling county, Ib-lli ••( these Maps are publish, d III Pnek* l I unv. re- pr--aonilr.g fully Uio l ots of tood by numtor, wale# courses aiul l->wns in the t-ireehl c.-unlh’s ,.| YYoftli, Th-uiis. l/iwtalr*. < - iff,-e. Ware. .Appllntf am! cRmR Tbejwlfeof each ol the ate-** .'laps I- flvr dollar,, and for that sum cidier of the Map* will to sent by m*i| free ofevtic-nN' to Ihe purchaser Im )*■• IJ king Totocco. In |<a|wi*s;R.wwt. I d M,.,Ui siniff, in I J**s «m| IhiUIc-s. 18>r sale |,, ||ie ,-stale let* 7 If. 4. * • 11, f 11! |t |, j trisrilF-’ IVRD amil»r *#l# by k lt"N Al |i, <o*n«r fl lUi *,el Hull sire* (s. A flee b»M*l l*ce| Toug-iea, • tdeh n# w ,11 dit|-.-«e -if a* low a* pnoslble I, l- 0 I I HT nciiril in-l f. l sale h) ' ll"N Al |i, , Dae as. s.irtmaiiA nf hiqlnh ! li*i*e, Msvlsh), I'irkWs, and j Hancea e Jan In j S t',RD"At*s ,V*> busWris landing from wh* Rmiua, and frn ••*)# by It"I'll tk Ll.l, A r*M|f||, feb IU tl n AVtllkV'l Film# Norlhem May, fn (De. Apply lo IIOtkl. AN Mag., 1ST 13 l tf CsilIKN. .A*' 1 'oils laiHiing irtwn tfcTi. r Vork. lor -*5 by 1 NT k\ I •» «Nt||R,\. Ito* hi. Hart nml. LA*,II"KN A *'t NNIN'RH A'l. yl.I.F .’*• bids New 3 .--k Me*, tn-1 IN roc H«vf; ) Ixn-llng lrc>m all • llaiVi. M, (M f.-r sale hi eb 1 c 1 I. A«- It*1IN A t i NNlMi'll AM. •\1T **»' sack • t.uc'jx^-t -alt, la-ol,ng from hari * Ainah, and lo/ m>c to jai ') t L At;li"RN' A il NMNRH A 31 |IR II A A|H, — i\) vrrv choi.-e • 'earner FtofMx. ai\.t for 0 Jan 3 c Cl. Ai-lL'l; • \i T 1 <VX> sack# Llti-fpoo! tfaft; iftlds Turk# Island ^ do. vV b>u, K.x-k tfalu For *a< i-v Jan •>> e 1 I.Adlll'KN f, 'CNNINRII AM. I I )' *T 3IY>l>.-vA«|iM» Pot a toe-, le aaW lo arrive, * I pc* sb p linde n, tiy Jan '->3 CARD'D'N A TtHN'kiA 'I A t - •ISa.-Cksi hbls I’-lai.te*. land of treww l-arh Tula* 33 ave. an.1 Ku «a>e ).» Jan IH l • ARIKD'NA I’.ARtf*V.NH. | Tl t( — liw bam-l# Catorwxl Plaster, 'r si«»-t xml '^'N A I’AUs- Ntf. l*n JI »■ RAM KILN MKIt'K I or xate t.s ! XULKTV'N A l \H-"Ntf, Hay -si | May, tainting r-vsa ! nun, anu i.-r v»‘c to ja® 3’t < kill.PT"N A PkRtfONtf. ( I t Ml. — l^aav bid* I line, landing i»'>«w K«xg tfarf. amt * / |.»r Mle Kitr In t kHl.KD'N A r ARx-'Ntf. W Hay si. t.<k*i bushels t.ritne While * ,-rti. Ih H.-*s Mi# by I' thl.I.piN k rtRsl'X*, J»» ’** *" S',' Hay saceeg. I t'l V> * rmeel snd plaster, f.-r aa>e h* * i " “ " cod*, is. ja.**. of- * k lrape t -NUlcs. While t'rxrv Collars. ( ,'.avswl V «n,»* xdvaf, ti-d “mwsx*, kA-cm-ng Seu, ) Aft- r y ’at. URN K V LATHRt P A OOl 1 )KINTF.Ktf* AND lilLDF.Rx’—Jaw rr'- ceftfxt, a * v; ply of AsokJ Puve Hr. m# P. w 5ito, u- , •• I i •» '3 h!W. 1 nmsen, Y'eAow, Ilm- , Uno*. Jtesic. < *fa»rft Kick 1 L-kl, and tfilrcr. j leb 5 t JtTIIN M. •'Onrcu * CO. i> t it ki.t.irrs potkHi,I*ty«xiksgoi ja^TIi 1 »* a:».1? '- -uni* each, aow-incxi. IO lb*. :a a aw, 1 warrvcted r.jd to a.-- :n am. at aU--Ut tto sajfte ;carw J a* that inca-k*. «i;k ui direct:o«, (cm j-r.uid c« ea. h c*B, t-eir.g 'n t ttarh t»c-re t*jr*jiKW c-tot.Uto fee teiallltif. Am 1-crn.ia dw»m>a, to try U will ; .anro m.t ten dol-x-x in a '.c-tter t - ei nsA. .-r tbr.-wct sgvoto frvci-d in Do- placr. aad | w »i) Imw ard -to caw a, alx-vc, U.3dw. Th., arrvcic Eat txvt is tw K-r tto U»t ikrvm >ca»». and oic ito to*v of uiimcuc. v-> v’l wtotarw f ®> r ’ :: A in', CarU-aale Svd* -sxap P.-wdac, 3 cast I'nwxRr.» ow.w Sap. Cera a Ta nor, coadtfw ot ! •-* k.xda, ai-l ito to-si saWfata*. La ;-oa»d pajmrs W 'J» ! a caw. of otto* ja.-kag-, *. I . p- t. n.YRR/rr, , --eft : • **n- V«. ft* A 70 33'aavt, s. Y. ^MlTTIID'.l I "A -. Anils, l ife*, llud atdtfWgw | * H arntaerx. N.TV lilies, ar-d -socks an.1 Duw , fee **'* b‘ r. 33 . IMRX3VEU* lOi (try aa M I >' 'T AD »F“ - 1)A ki'-e r Fuiittlif Pracb Rkw-fa iaj , I P. ioioet in *: -no, Ian.! rg a-.ft v< orsit-e. I.g M'ftby CH A V PI. *N A 3V.3TTK. | Janlfl _ v ASK’* ltoirl .s waWx Va y feb U (I - IJ '•wo. Jwoi tsafioi A RKx'WN 1 nu JI 10,000 1 4 -"HN V ain! f,u 33 1 -T IN Dl k I fit IT H, ito arrvai eg ito a*ki. Jlh-'l IV see* *v. I ktlr neomsexi X'H' Civsto, I centos (LuaSSI tsv to.*** P.we kpides .3/VjB PAaaUuica, snd a Set of C.-rudsc. F--ft at J. A. RKOWNX. leb 1.1 # i f- oi*. isalior fwma tot Wixtfl A J»x«yftfTL'N. 4 Jan 13 f t‘ A III. ID >N 1 S 1 YPI.R AND FAN, 3 tii **)|Ms,— Ijwen ami 1 .ui.n* xji.ellng, lilsii l.lnens, l.lncw Dsnvaak.-lu Napkins, do T -• It. Iluokba-ks. lord# Rye Diaper, Long lawn*, while an,I red I Isnnrli, |ih-aftb«,l MilMing*. l*ls k ar-l eol'd r-llks, AY .-ol I'lai-ls Ih-mlmsllw-a, .3l|»*ee*s, Ida, k • ‘uni. n • Lolha, black aiwtfN-l'-l iNik list..el,, Ac Ar. I .-r sale by Di'Virt A klUltR 3N. Jau 11 S' I tfl.« •! It. Illraui tfmllh's twat fJeiwarr, ami Re»-*gla ‘ M,wtr 1 Itoenw, llama lard, corned He", snc.kt-d do, and AYcarYNvtk. )'•*» aaK-by feb J ft J. MOOJfFV A Civ BVK P A IttfsYv**. rtc n»»MC ■ I# *n>l -ta,% *1 Jw*e. la M.-ee. kKl.l P'N A P kK'tf'34. ft Vs »Aa* *U H|.l>ls Aft-«5 krf* HwiVcr. IVfK'.xns Ilk* hb 1 * l*t*nuvwi |\ua.• r* lamtiSsg awJ ID >Li «' MIL l, JlHI.Nw N A cs> I' n It kMPkl.N) V t ktW|->4M, Vena M.4W. am; >«b If c ( SCAN" x.W tog, 1 V«vim .v.\ tw pc.->iwvvc ai mlKvcl p-cra# H ic f kilXl* A JHBPW3YI l\ iJtKh-l. 1 I vr tuil, l.-e p^-ke# be ^ ■ i**« t>r « Xt'l. H H if c vim* a MIUtflYtt I a 'JtK>* II AA INCX « 34«r> aid '»,«*•». »* „m amt rasAv. »•/ a»N ^) #ck (V ft VLNttf A AUlksT' A V*tfi f. .ws Rav.t ’a-Ana v* a*^«d v awl I t ktN'N -tv ■) *.-•* saw T. Ja* I) M ADldK 3 33 l A |‘_ - IJ 1 axle t- PAt*At TYMclX I It A t\X tfk> earns , If toctm ,*<♦ nl , b.-w ll-« »*.V Hk-tf A V'n 3* r iPlhlMWX r 33 4 V33 1‘' rl ei n "3ll»TD Llsjl ->Ktf » bids RsvUlle-t A3 bukry .N> ,b* pure l't»e)p*‘ (its 5* d- t- Pte't-s* do «U do IkuosstW Rrandv,,Vd.» N A Kane J«sl •ecslsed p«* ahrs l m», a-xl * leewf, and N I va'e 1 V ll"t.LX'Vli to J*'ll.NtffVX| A ANV , ■ Islvl ft f '"RN Mll.lji HmiqwalUt cW Imtiaa t\we UilK-f i 1, V. all # srw, javt fv»c"*x| IDww lu,(tawd, ami 4-« eaw 1 I >w ai 11 Pa*wsnl sirvwl, hi »a*v !■ • L'VVnt.t. A l ATTlViiRr ll 3INtf T'aces I .wk, Danes,ami lw * Aaaws S'km to uu.ln.Vk, Nt liXjNt-t t >1 k Vr 3t.NL -134 UtfiW .4 .to IA * 33 m#, la Wwv. asm ft-w as n >« J*e *3 « r 3li«tdN'4.t\ nt a »NV_ IV Kales V»/■#-■ WM V.•«> |)wr t*M. H ay -tJ uclAv ns n r 3t'rt rx-AP r kT AKhli sit tlvfiN I fAkii'K*. Vy* t 3NV (' sale to ) 3t.f. U"fR Vtccds llato Ihq*,n( qw«|. ) 111, tamting ami fm sale hy toi* i 10 «’ k.RRriNRw f 3C|NT"tfll III |lllRH"Vl'.IHNi.YTtf -Jwattrgwflp ll e*l. a small t-t po|*aleh» j«n In c )t»33»Ntf"N A F 3ktP. j tMi/.I.N Am,*' S««|'mFivrsaLb* ( )HI VII. #* ft IS Ml"** Rll)'. - H*«wlvesl, this |cs*. a frnah «• |qdy nt Pftwve ami Meas IW. Vov oak* l>» f.hf ii LINN A "NIDRM.ll h.yat | I A UR. Aft.-fii ttetewa ctn -re Ham*, Tv l#xss« A4m I I rwoetieaVAmllas I wmllivg tml aw aal# bt Irb J * HOU.7V5IRR. JillINMtN A CD. Sf iwruel |-#r ihc J -hn |Kwt-»i i-SMi'aSuwsriY MU* Mftnr-I |f)f,|i. *u>«l Ll wale bv Icb ft J kliYojfBV A txt, I IT It'CLlVF.D- irr Steauw* ks.11 vllle 1 III Tl lilt I )•*• of R.vstwsv tlwller, warrawlw f»esh |l .I 31 n—.3 l-'l *m.itel l“g llanvs, 3VIIITR IlFANtf J bhls best 33 Kile IWun. Vl.' il'U -« td.1v tfstfl.lDalng FVowr rt33 I.T.T Rli kTl* -Ifsau Ik'a*I Italia Nweet* nf lb# toal d«mcilpth>w. F«*» Mle hy janvtv e J. Mmv.NI.V A IN». | t"RN I iksibwshel* pilose while Tveaeese# iW,t V IM, bwthel* prime beat v Tnnesw* "a" (an** tl l'3TT"N» IHTTvsN A iNV S till.* ll'tf Rr.e'-rtl, a k>l of thoea **vw#h ealwxl ft'* |.rathe* ScnIM aio, wllh two to-tvla janU'. ft N, h. »Y»lJtPY<. I x 3**rEMN II St. -ItM RaW-a ftftm® IU*S*sw Hat.jwsl ’) K-wived amt (nr aale by J. • NICIDHA 11 | |_|tiT 3t>»kJk.--tT' Wb>t F-saa-wa Uwdxag ft K**k ,Y. Altai *YtJ»N4 prnswv v k-VK-vv Wktovtorw, rtoHVktb ,-* I yu,) tVtv* T .-ft Mk hi A a* M 'KTsftl t.l V 1 K '*“N J was RsmA if mm' Rtfisj to k*. *k>» Ft ava 34 Tvioiitm. Ajax **- ” u; p*v W ® 31 inw7«3» .afliNij ■-4# Ark law R-Ufts. t.« tm ka.i an an, qaawtvu. a. *' Ua-svatsv -urskVj )**"»• < ..--3 F.t.l. A ..vrtlM-vRF I 'i.s 'I'M. UM RKlt ttoftgtl IW Rl TTFK AMi t llLUi): K>vw t kw*ft DTHRlNti-V' lahtd- pkASed. |MK-im smoIsxI I H U liUhMitiik-kN-.Yt'gvaai IlkSM th> Slit. AHn.xu.xsi lla,sna Ssf s«N sar*.-m# Keaton )«*■ mslvwl sal Ss aa*« t-t >*W si* c ViWtIIOJf A l-siAtn i >"7‘ 31a>T_v- Alv* ttov (SHak.-M, iatolsm ato »>* #*5i Rr IH'NTKM A u YWI l.l.« I fVhl 4 JW4 V 77 &*! I «■ i> >n —is-sSSk ^vSkWvx^wt^mjMjBgB-- ! xvl* <nj»jjwtn?to5c oto kl V*J*h« ,)« HOTAVt * txmu:v 1 ) Kami amt Aw *•»* R) eb 3 e M RNNs Ri; 3DY MaDR i VrtlllRO Hangw - A ta**w and (xuMidvVaasaostsmwt ,d Maw's llothlng two) I-* Atom! at the tY.nhiag * In Uthhogv*' Italian, at Vtw» h»w ffttres tv-fto w sating ssnk mo) dftt-r-4 m tf* *tol Ibft®K fvnwla, amt at as 1st I ivee* ** rs* he f ’Wtal. * Chit amt *»*. at UL" ft. NKNHIA to CO Jowl* ft TH'NTrit to OAMMLLl^ 40 ''“‘''“."“’’‘V'cj-JWn. M U-h Ytssma, 3N%wkm WfOmaVs*, Wtoxae amt V Ul INe* k * TV* **hki . a. X F 13 tNiRHAtr^*-. )•» Nryawwl 1 IMIv xtoikmUA^Ytoto-w L&r t awlMMbki f”ll> x-.~-r-r~r r , r-SfetSF . .Xcuiu ru-i’k .t.i..,, ' 1 »s#v tK-n* r-wah |-vwa too* 33 MVft 33 toaV. wmRmmsI « sal tv aaW at 35* r # nrsfsamJ X. as lNUttotoNa v to* <7 lk*v « ftwwww* Itoitok Mm to. N uVto ^^HUlW - to# Ato-WttototoX Iff ** 0 owsji* a «uts,