The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 03, 1855, Image 2

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SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 3 1*55 TUI SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. BY P. W. ALEXANDER & CO. CITY AND COUNTY I* WINTER* «>aUy, 10 advance*,per annum..# 00. If «iH paid ia advance. 0 00 Daily. In advance, fof aix months,. Op In-Weekly, in advance, par anuum. .. - * if WApaid la advance. * 00 Weekly, invariably ia advanca » « Weekly, (dab price.) 10 copvee los to 00 SAVANNAH, GA. Saturday Horning, March 3. Th, JtwtiM, of tb« InMor Court tur. .\nvtj AMikor Kooouik letur. I _ „ A I 1 ;!*!? . adwtlMd for »l,n, of«iww it II. TM, i* • mo.1 A l.tiw from Look Ko»ih, whkh ippoomf lo I Tho R«. C. N. Illtklu. who 1 . jodidow mo«»>Mt.oo<fw,inw ih. Coort *HI th.T.mwnoMHly,Uoxcitm,• «i«i <l«l<»'•' ( uhk«r L-ta a— -^w«a 7 - T .. H. HU It. tone I. offensive, and the manner in which terming Utter from that aneampmvo »o the editor* Wa have only lo add, in regard lo the fugitive. Air. R. K. 8KYLK, ia authorized to receive Mb' •criptiotu and make collectiooa for this paper. BY TELEGRAPH FOR THE REPUBLICAN* I I UTIU II NEWS RV TIIK CANAIM Ntw Yogi, March, 1. The hellion in the Bank ol England baa decreet* ed ilightljr. Stock of cotton at Liverpool, 370,000 balca, in cloding 157,000 American. Kirk it Faoneee, of Liverpool, have failed. Frederick Peel haa been appointed under Secre tary of War in the Palmerston Mioiatry. The winter haa been severu throughout Europe. The Curt auna wero at Sevastopol the let Feb engaged in nuking a reconnuisence. Tbe Alliee were daily expecting an attack, and picket, were ordered to be on the alert. Tho vreeiber waa pleasant, and the caviilry wero under arm. all night. The Kuaaians, who bavo been largely reinlorced, continued to make tremenduoua nigbt eoniee, which were vigorously repulsed. On the 8th Menechikotrtelegraphed to St. Px-ters- burg, that atlaira at Sevastopol were unchanged (Jen. Canrjhert.the French commander haa been virtually superseded by Pe.isxer R***quet. Lord Raglan and the Eail of Lucan, it ia aatJ will shortly return to England. Omer Pasha nnbarkrd on the Gth for tho Crimea. Niplcs, Tuscany, Parma and Modena have join* ed tho Western Poeeis, mid it wa* rumored that Spain sod Portugal have also united with thu Al lies. Switzerland remains neutral, and cnntinu'sto forbid the enlistment ol troop# within her territory for foreign service. Warliko preparations continue to be made in Austria and Prussia. Tho opinion prevails that no arrangement can bee Heeled between Prussia and tho Western Pow ers, and that she will bo lull neutral. Tbe Vluona Conference, wh-ch rc*asMmbloa th*» 86ih Feb, will sirapiy receive a categorical y<« or m from Goruchakuff. For lVitfthlnvton* W, March I. Tbe Senate haa adopted a resolution, to secure, as tar as practicable, freedom of worship to Amer* icsn citizens travelling abroad. Tbe Civil and Diplomatic Bill was taken up, and an attempt made to push it through with ilw Hojsc amendment modifying tho Tariff Messrs. Clayton, Cooper, and others restated it, and ex> pressed their determination to add the French Spoliation and every other vetoed bill as amend ments, if tho modification of the Tariff waa insisted upon. In the House no business of importance wa. transacted. Tbe National Agricultural Society met here to* day, and elected oHicers tor the ensuing year. Washington, March 1, P. M. In the Senate, Mr Clayton moved to strike out tbe amendment lo tho Civil and Diplomatic bill, modifying the Tariff. Mot.on carried—ayes 21, nays 21. Mr. Douglas voted with thu rnajo*ity, with the view to bring up the subnet to-morrow The President has aigned tho Texas Creditors' bill. bsen taken ,andyetit la doubtful whether anything . , m . n w » JO experienced here so a vistt winch hu iwid lo LordRegUn . will bt accomplished, as Billy W all is known to be ■ n » *£* [ " kloda ^ „ mp ..h.ea of - 1 tlirn proceeded to head qwrters, and called as shrewd a fog as ever e*caj»ed from prison. *" uc * ' ,be,t y * . . . lhl / adventurer U P"" k”rd K*gl»«» m behalf of die American Hi* — — th« masses were certainly with thi adventurer. £ ^ ft, rec . ifw | mo very kindly, and ( Bev. Dr. Drwry In rharlaatan. gnd he ts now enjoying Uie substantial evidence ol ( nio t „ dlll( , Wlt |, him on the following day. Tlio Charleston Mercury, of Friday, publishes a it, giving, as they supposed to aid the cause of Hun* At Ins table l had ihe pleasure o|l meeting the of- , correspondence between a number of protmnant gary The great object of his tnlaalon, however, ^»«»f lilsnafl, and s° Kog'w *» y, » «o I fsntlemen of that city, and tho Rev. Orville Dow- foiled, for bo coaid not succeed in Inducing us to, JJjjJ 1 hJ[ ry " r ” ym»"V *»®eer, wounded at ey. by which we learn that this distinguished violaio our neutrality laws, and join in a expedi* fnkerman Ilia lordship asked me many questions | pulpit orator will deliver, in Charleston, tho course llop a{ .«mst Austria. Failing in this, he returned about America, and was much imerest**!, *s ihev of Lectures on ihe Problem of Human I*ifo and t£) Euro|»o with embittered feelings, and imw, with all were, to know the feeliug of mencans n re Destiny, which have elsewhere attracted such deep ingratitude villifice his benefactors Our j ® r r*j^rdship Uvea in a largo house appropriated j attention, and received unqualified praise. The Brcalllt<t |, 0 calls a humbug, and then ho prattles j to tho purpose, about two miles from the front camp, first lecture is announced for Monday evening, the ttms in j,, g ; | and maintsma grand eiyle with hi. suite of spsrt- 12th mst. In publishing tho correspondence ihe " Good gracious ! wlist inks have I been told, j **••"*•• l* 1 * 10 ""lie"largo 1 Mercury pays the following just tribute to the Jn some hundrdda of addros^ a^ut tho brilliant j" gr * u “ c [j ! jf , j[ li , “,(jj^. 1 „d the guard tents piuli* I character of the llerctcnd lacturor: 51™“ J ,“i creaflon of Ida m tho I -I ai.und »ali lloalniK from tliottt form quite “Of hi. ebrntetar. both p*U. «J print*, wo ^'^1'w i’XW-' ' much in honor cannot be said ; for, uniting in him* „ y ; j |, aVo born nearly le«f to shout out: Old Sun i so f intellectual abilities and cultivation of the high* thy days aru past—putout thy flickering lamp; e .t order, with a awocincee and real humanity nf another luminary will lido Mllto hcnioo ol man- nature, Mr. Dewey iu onu toward, whom admire- k "“* ll ,' Hem';*''""* J° ClJ , • lion and loroaro equally elicited Ilia «l<u|uene« .. „ „ „,j |„| iuu , J,aard, (Voun« Ameri- o. Hu ....He. atwah.l ho .. ... 7««.rt..nk. H...h.ll | ^2,,,wE™ a a..rid and li.a no onu drop of warn in It.a >oJ torpid vein*. N*» air, America k not an oyster— . It's not a tiling ol negative life ! The fact is Out [ wo have been ruled by old fogies, Whigs and Democrats,-tho one nineteen, the other twenty, but on<—no pluck, no ideas, no spirit, no princi ples with either ol them. Bent downward towards tho dust of lime past by, they have fettered III* * ‘ Poor bird ! there h« sir- Wkal U fkat.lfsfksr 7 av aisnorecuBs. Whal Is that. Mother » Tla lark, my eJtlfd ! T*» morn Wm but Jest l<*>k»t not nsl tmlM. When be start* from hUliumM* huh; m«I Awl Is up siwt isii, with lb* ile» on Ms tssSM An I a byrnu in hlsb«isn,io yon pure brlgbl spber* User, my rbl'*t. *»*• ihy m«*r»inf lays 1ia*-l,llkrli.« lark's ui tli; Maker's prslse. Whst IS that, NoUwi t Tli* dote, my son ' Awl that fosr. sweet solee, like a widow's runan, |s<>itwlti|oaifrom l er ventlr brsas: 4 i onsiant awlpurv, by dial lonely iae«t. As the wate i* weired from some crystal am ; t o bsr diststil d«ar out'snu ck return, liver. tn> son, tn* Ibuu l.ks tbe dote; In trlcndstilp aa faithful, »s tomui.i In lute' n bat It that klnthar I Tbe eagle. t»»»y ! Proudly careering lilt courte of J«»j : Finn, on M* own inouttUiii vigor relying) HrrssUng tbe dark storm, die red Wall defying— Ills win. on the wind, aixl liUrte In tbe sun, lie iwrnes wits bslr but onward l>e*rs, rigid on. liny, insy tbe eagle's flight evrr be tl.lne, Onward nut upward and true lo dm line. ItEUIftTIIY OF VOTER** PVARMAI. iNVITATloq Be iismc'nI by the Aesmte sad Hosts# U Uep'MSWU* . iiTean*,ia .A a - tlVaeoflbe SUte <4 OrorgU, luOes^rsl Ao*nMy sm, Tu erqesi* aaces r* a aM ll is hereby snarled try tbe aethoe^ty of tbe same, and the MiMee Uep<* f. tr* tevtowt i That from and nfwr Ibr p»Mge of U Is A«s. til |«ne/ea Mrs M\*Y «. MAMTOS, y L . w ...ll l. qaalUwl M-u at .lye.'■*•»«. My.< aa-l .»► „ „ r miis . dsrmsn Jrtbeiliy idita*annab,andibe hsmbuilers^, who are cIliaeSM of lb-I’nlteaf rtsUs. have reeided in U.e *tate of lieonrla f«r y*or l«e iinl* y j«*e*.eea|- |r,g tbe eleed*>«, ifd ueilsw so to d • np b* ib* l-w* *-f etrrtUm. and wiiUm ibe c-rye-rst# Urmia *-f cattinsb. for iron mnnii- mimelu ely jeerr-rifh* ibeir regMirsto-e • l.o ha«e ait*lio*l tbe ago ot iweoiy-me years, sad I a*e Irabt Bit city uses, of base In llartf »»ee rt«M saBJr-wbt reel estate to a*il*fy say ’at eieewd»ne wM<b msy be against llais. wlit. bate met* a<l re'un.f r*»|-o'«.J by the rrrdinaecee >4 lb# cilr, and bate b^w register*.) ae- Teds.' car filing Ur lire t-mtl*l.«b* of Ibis Act. n.*r Ibc 4. He d fartl-er anarte,! by t»-e outWt’y sf<w»- Ml.I, Tbat I shall Ire Ihe duty r-f SUCb carl or a O ar, Upon Ihe spplieatuui ia ymt* and t,l ly r t9t r< a**d of any person abliUed u. Sole a* *f o««» •!, eivron dr* n»re prrerrdMd f»r tbe bat b> !>• I •[.« ..(#».. lo mfiwr ibe name of such |aerooo and fWirrr f. Aim a im'letU of turn mrial'y, sipfe«aibg bit i.arnc, nuiawr and the ' usur of recistrr. i Hr< 5. He II further euteted In Ibe aulborily afore- i said. That surb cb-rk or <>|ber ofCrer, ,haJi t>« tutb-<na- rd lo require ant apptlrani tor r«r>«!ra bm u. msk an | atniavtl, be I# entitled bi *./U arc..*ding In tbe i terms of Ibis Act, before a| rerti&ca a of rag I » «r« It* r*T* *b — Ib* ••)(•#-. , _» br.I.Abfr, I'H.irj < «Mfrr, ■ tanir . aa 1I..0, ’• * fr»i*b' ie |«a«*|, job )■*• «■'* It barf, of In mar 3 I'.Kir.ii A * K«rH PMM. Afrl I I III t JAbl e. WeU.r M)rr >, !■# \V b*rf, »r» Ur mar .1 HKIMI Pdt Kllfl. Alrf.l P»M t -Tu • Smm Y tl-TI.M, r .p’A.:, Par t. Ure P-r tlaS ab-rVe |»,f| U, rot*{ Vr - ,/j , war 3 A 'lit* f (il ~Jr foil JSP.VS V'rPh e.,,. , weas rov if {artrt o ur 3 din r. \ . * ill base immadtata , . freight or t-.Msa* ar v’y •• yerrl. Kr board, o< tyttlWI Pi I mar 3 43 A I % Pt»i.*ilni a '»•*•. '**!#, I* , M IIM'li j. Tlie Turltleta Nlisve Trndr The firmans directed against the slave trade, which were inado public last (biolier, have had a ia spoken of aa aimple, freah, and earnest, abound ing in striking ideas and tho sptest illustration." (jznauu Irzata.—Tho gold mine recently dn* coverod in Hart (fate a part of Elbert) county, pro* miaea to be very productive. At a depth of 30 feet the vein ia about 3 feet wido and very mh A vein of the blue oxide of copper ha. ju»t been discovered in Cats county, a few miles trotn Csss* ville. Tho ore yields, it ia laid, about 70 j»cr cent, pure copper. Tho new Presbyterian Church just erected in AtwrcuB, will bo dedicated to morrow, th>- Riv. Dr. Talmage, «>( Oglcthmpo University,- llieiating on iho occasion. The annual cummencement of the Georgia Med ical College at Augusta, took p'ace yesterday. a m.l.te.r aetlienieDt a..J » «*!r " 1 .... .... Another letter wrilter in tho Crimea draws a less v effect in almost supprteiinj! thu traffic Haltering picture of hi* lordship. Ho aaya: | negroca from the interior of Africa. ’1 hesynipathire " DirJ Unalan ah .wa nal.Haf iJ-a* "-' K--n...»— 1 “I Kut.,l».n. ... thl.djr r..uwxi .Ho ■,qq.w..l nav lint even unertfv Ho seems lolivo ill iho past 1 sufferings of the Circassian girls, who are torn away ralh'er ban the nresent and think* lo supply every from thoir parents to bo sold into the lurem oleome ] Alraabd*-r» Ikwiu-u. I»*.»*-t H* '-. wint hy h.s c'llenshwl Peninsular recollections Ottoman l acha BuiI these miseries have no real j Hewote Hkoiirfbaaset, J *ka II Hebi.1 Ottoman l arha But thcau mtseru-s have was excellent in ltkW hi Spam existence: it i* looked upon hy tlio (sir Circassians ( and l-.iMuMai^niu.i'nc.’da Uo Ilia I—. ... ll... a. a t<-a. I'.rco “f larlun. ... aalccud .1 an 1,1 irot nu i |ii3 III,, wall all In* early a«.. lul llw HlamU-ul matkel, lo Wlr,.. in • ‘H* ■ lie .roll., la |.,. U et Ihal ......nt.nB a lew ^cnlanllr. Iua,.y ef .“ 1H0 ol U ami .han rle.aM .“.l.o e, ,».o. v ol tlie old duke ntaHm a areat ,rneral Jua. aa Itl.lo : rank ol cunantt ol a l urk 1 ha lot..! .ha a. iak.u« anuil “I a C.rtaaa.ana ia not .larcry in lha Kuropean a.of 111- tries to copy and »• therefore, ns usual, a can- the term ; and the trallic is chiefly to be reprobated caiuie ol the uiginal. Because tho duke did not foilhe s.*ciat evils which it brings care a(*out ••xpoaing himsell when It v*asnee*-aeary i tbeinsulves. ... . „ • ..i do *0, ho eX(M>se* lumself often when it is not ^ But tho U-t of the unhappy negro kdiffermt . not ; y, ami then doling m his task wmg* ihu lus re «»f our bnlnant g .Uay " Thu old fogies aru of course those who rclu* d to I carry into • Heel tn«« views of lv>«suth, *U'-h men ns , W i-r ati-r, Fillmore, *nd o.liers, but liu v.*» s not np j p* at to expect much from iho 1-lunge of rulers, it | w« may judge from tho following bit ol imperii- ' black slave is, as far as rruiur. to be deplored , but the trade »•>• which they arc brought from their native land IS attended t>y every Ksuact trotn Itegnl/y Act, approval ‘.*3m) oNsa-isty, I Rot. Tla* roltowle. |«r*ou* bsv* rag surra) H.eif bat&e* la Conpllal«ca slili I Mi sb "• Art. lisorr* H Asti, i.«irr* A A*h,|Math ss Anorot, Hub ert A Altro, Ilirr.sM VV A.ltltil II lilrtisr.l llr*.llrj, Anttioni llatbr, John % Hub*, la-swll, 11*11, Tte-ma* J liullod*, rl.awMi, John tt Hehiikeit J*»r»* >1 Hernee, John lliliao, »: II Uarne, Hi|b*-ft huler, < I. Harrle. VS ru Hrw-tikrn. J.awpn A Hud* m. b!s*M VV lluk*>>, K*;er A lllois, i VS VS Hr ur ii, Wm J Hul J»m<* s Itroan, It I. Il*nl, A l)/iatau, Anrahaio lJ*cX*r, vSiiu«ui<, llal l»cb. V. IVlIUlffl CnblTM II I» IVwrui, Harnard O-hsUaMae, (i«w>r.e II r'lark. )'ran»'* T<>4*. M'iii|oiu»*j • '.Tw.' -i’.'.ml S 4*ea»rge IH-Minu.iiag, S*roii II •liacrpi-ia, Krabcls J lie l uraa t * ii*irp)ob, M.m-s «-<t* trn. \S I i.ara (*/», liarta rs.j.a*T«.Ii H * taglearb, TloiVU VV l^w.Jaef, J<»tn aeaper, John <#'«*■ ». John l.r.urk, Aaron l. baro- l.ake r.hMslie. Wallace t.' irnna.i.g. Joseph B ' a- Jamrs A r^anrv'M*)*, tirur(* « -.rnwall, Mcl*ot»»Cruge». l«*-<rgr M i aa»,n. Kalnr k t.«*»- cornlott govs not . **e«wga K • ireopeij, e VI CoWiug. «..•**« '.oiiej J VS Ilium K Clark. HH SPIIISI, trlHllM,. PKK S T IS M I. a At m.,, j w»:\\ irr 4 M*»gr; sa 1 / »f vufqtu, t large ud iirbd » •> . r*b w«w«iM« 4re*e r v. oi.y-t , tbe Im)i«* la ••yaSC'allj vatllad. >|| f J# ( 'I’MK Dvirruibei La* Tilt !h» / .. 1 a»<k In irvie, '»/*.»« u# or ll • i , 1.3.lit , 4-. I, Wr-aa-s • -X * VSfci-., ; , I -r tr.esn a matir ««4rra of U«« ! -»*». j , , frft, la, him ( *»•»!»,«<k' r*.». ft, I 1 i.f i»r . r*a. IfTiL. I»iv i AM* r.h \ s '•U> A . v The weather continue* very cold throughout tho " \\ It it, lie upper portion ol the State tr?" Tho Sumpter Republican suggests Col Wdlis A. Ilswkin*. ot Aniencus,as a suitable call* didatc lor Congress, in the second district. HcahTti or CiuabtsTuN.— 1 Tlio Board of Health report the deaths«f twciitjr-om* persons in thatcity Tlie Democratic majority of l*»th houses^ of C< young eagle of America. ....... „ fU <»*a> uu u * NnK -, gnawing, with " sectional " ennui—now *-n h>s ) ‘^.’ani.d—n a V Vie" xtu'SeT' hitnw**lf tor tho sake *d that ho is treated wiit» cruel y w lien ho arrives in'- p,.,n, T. right (Whig) then on lus left (Democratic) claws, i of choosing In* position a Turkish h,use hold—the Turk, though a capnci* • ruiner*. ‘ »k of kcro«uijog with lus I ^Vu-rc Ik- e.Iuld U-si overlook and direct the action, ous, i» notan unkind master, and ti.o lot < f the I < urrvlt. 1 »«w linn myself, in thu battle <d lnkerniaun, '-c- i-np) lug.during a great part of iho Jay, » p«*siiion where the e*wked liat i«K.n atnxi . d an unenviable nrougm iroin im-ir native isnu is aiicoucu t.y every j , hr#Ir . |, UXJrfi van-a not ice Horn tlio enemy’s guns, and wlnre, at tho J kind ol horror. Tho slaves are generally prisoner* I |b-W.u. i.r-.rv W Iran*. ... . same tune, nobody could find turn Thu duke was taken in marauding expeditious by tho uativo rliisi- , !i»»,», J..U. I. I'vl or.l, J-bn l> U.Uto.., )*• ml It IsO- i .'Id and harsh v*i>h li.s • ldiers. Dml Rag.ail 1 tains, and »-*ld to the Arab merchants. D>ng->la ! Mn. 1*40,4*1 l» l»* x**.b.v\> M l**n,;e,o. caricatures him, and his coldness assumo# tho char* ! and tho neighboring countries supply the great t*-*)y | altered mdlllerciico." ol lh«se unt-uiunatr-s, who aro carnod often 2/KX) j | miles to Tripoli and the other African j-orta ot tt,o 1 A f’onvert i«» Know Autliinfflutii• Mi-ducnancan. ' n„. D.HI P.Bn,l, a Ii'll.'UJ D.m' Cl«lici Tho Hutlur. o( tho imJJIo |,...4«o ..c not I • be cointuud 10 iltosu ot 'hu soyagta acr- *« tho desert. Suiuliilirs the wliole caravan |e-r>*his Wiiiiam I). HUterM^a. e epben iXTut. At. 1 t .1 t4l* bj tun 3 1 > a r.»; it r. 1 » S • *a> b,«. 1 n. ■ r 3 I j'if v i'•)..» -I- 1 r...f» e. |v»%m r&ar 3 O vT^ - !<« bar .c*»* Abb Wa- jska is the difference,. f<«r the Irctti-r, J Id-iwet'll the Aim-iica ot I’rcaident Frankbn 1'ierte - and thu Amern-n of I’n-sub-m Mi.lard Fill more, I either iu prmcqilis, dipl-miary. activity or p-dn-y f ; paj^-r, publishes the piaiform of pr.ueiples Ales- II.C wook «ndin, tlio !M.I. 11,,1mm ntw. «r, nqurti-d .<■«« »■ |.tlw judu-. , .. r , f tho I be slightest iiidicaiion of llw I Anicriean or Know Nothing party, as proclaimed | ount ot a smglo" well having"fs-eu dried up KJjrs.”:: >• c,. ..wL ,iA I «■•■» * “ ", H..IJ l*'Or«. I ••'»» WM|.u*jl.>h.J wm. lira* •’■«.) tddw ^ . * l “ l ;* 0 l 1 ^; y' Tho T'i'l. w ,n from thu interior t-» the Mediterranean aro - and 12 blacka. At tlio rocont town election* in tho interior of New York, iho Know Nothings have aim--si with out exception carried tho day. It ia ovid- nt Mr. kSeward's return to the Senate was a violation of thu will of (lie people, as in thoso town repre sented by the recusant Know Nothing members »-l tho Legislature, tlio party triumphs by largo vote* When Lord 1'alluerston wa* lately in Paris tlie Emperor Napoleon a»kid him what impression uu* penal Franco had niado upon his acute mind. 11*» answered, ros|»cc:fully, but frankly, that what had most forcibly impressed turn wa* the fact thin thu Eastern war was made hy the guverutm-nt in France, wlulu in England it was made i-y the country. He also added thvl France appeared to These «ro specimens of tho character of this pre cious epistle, nod we think they will Ins considered * We psHoll till* Wei k are said t i.rincq<lf. ol I’ 1 * u ',kn-.wii Ki.uw N“.limi! (I*- 1 *; I will.*,, ll..- .. ...ll ..I ,n».,v ccnlori« .,1 <1... „ k ' ,r. 1 ’ "...Hie, Thu .Suiu..'. hu pr—cal.d (ho whip. N..Ih". e ., h»III.... mrll «« d H»“*.‘Hjt ■' > ,|„. Air,,.!. |«m.. wt, l, lull',. ..■M. In ,l,o umvrra.l cndminxiuB It j I'h!. M.'.uch u) »u o.nli.lly itnj iimly -ndmi*’. '’"' l .' ! ‘ "«sh ,ho tuth ri.y Iho T'.f.e „ j wiihom*m. w>2„ z r ,h. ^J r ol (.ally loo. I linnc.p... ...J wo » oppoto .how, who olq, «, „„ M ,j ,|.o V.o., — I ol humanity advanced by the docreo which has been The OppusliiK I'orre*»ln Hie Crimen. | -j-,,, j. rrUNU , x Havana-A letter to tho j promul|{wicd A correspondent ol thu New ^ "fk Journal of; (;i laf | t# ton Courier from Havana doubts the rumor Coinmercn, writing from tho Crunua, gives the fol* lowing luminary ol t he opposing forces nt S< vhs- topol Tlio ituiiilrcr at tho French troop* in tne Crimea is much larger than has generally been supp< -*ed. Tho Russians hove suffered and ore still suffir- ing in u utoro tcrrihlo degree ihnn you can im* agitic. We have n • precise means ol ascertain ing tln-ir 1- >m by disease and li.trd«htps, but we must estimate Dtgcly. Tin y liavo had atdiflerent times li->a than I50.1JU0 men In tlie Crimea , an I ..l him to "resemhlu a lx*autitul woman, graceful, that number more than hall have perished Fr< witty, and animated, but who was too tightly laced, well autheti'u-ated sources 1 have obtained accounts The I sirmlo lacings." od city Of these, it has been said since, that six A Chaxue im Tilt T»m»r -Tho ll„a« Il. p. IhuuMnd wm- ubliiinl lo Im** 1 ,Ho o.iy Or w«m ol | provisions. *1*1 and aniniateil, but who was loo tightly laced, well authuricaieu sources t iiavuouiameu accounts j, J4C probably to Emperor laughingly replied to tins gillaut of the tiumlNir of Kusnans, ns given early tln*m->iiili; afm ,.,j m , c >lii*l lo that .1 wm “n..l yol III... 10 lootll ti.o Imn'c'u.mlo thJS’ of | ?l"dm ol nn invasion ol Cuba, but adds : Tlie»e lillilmstering expidilions are really a dis grace to the United StaU-s, and will find but little • >r no sympathy am<>ngs' the bet'rr part <-f < ur inhabitants Even those w ho most w i»h an atitn-xa- lion, arc opposed to such invar|,«n. In tact 1 have no d ii bt ttiat once cnu^»ertd by such ;i iu t > I lih n an w ould Ik.- e imposed the litlihustertng army, w o would be w.ifro ofl than w e are nt pres* , nt. Any bow, if this M-it* of lliitigs la*t much !>ng.r, it wni be . - - trie rum of the Island. The t-tithusia-*rn is *-• gr-at, j 1 rarisciit*', rebruary 21 that tlir ,ugll *»t the Eland 75JIM Volunteer* have j taken up arms It is true that tmrst n| ihe Cfeoli-s ! Nrimarczn d > the Ennvt.AirRt — II (Jrtt# have jo,tied probably t>> avoid suspicion, or to In- Browne, Esq , editor "I the f*' 1. ui* Deriiorat. " lion with the Spaniard* — I wh -st-seat as a member of ihe Mis* un II uvj i4 steamers aru taWn up by 4• ■ >vr• . Representslivca was contested by Mr (i.KilIttt, ini-M to transport tr-« ps as 1 ha* 1>«oii sentenced in servo out thu remainder'd I log ace> nn I’rttiT —\V«-hcvr that rl e ii -n ii orace Mann, the i’residcrit of Anti <cht ol lege. Ins t t-eome n c* miriuno ant in tho ihurch ki. wnm tho West ns " The Clir stnn Den m:tu- inni," and ha* fee- ntly < ffl.-iaic-l a* a preacher in ■o-vtr-al of the Christian and ('nitarian churches in Oil* with great arceptancs. Ho conducts ttie entirecxerci*. #, und hi* services as n presrhrr are s- uglit in th** lib-ral churches of the West. The in*ti'.u i n over which he rrcsidrs i* represented .-»* m a l! -uri*liingroi,d)Hq,a — 'From thu IK stun .... , |itoii«,»iiv, which wero becoming scarce inside.— , resenutivcs, nn -Saturday last, concurred in iho Tho army at Ir.kermann numticn alsmi twemy-firo tariiraincndim-nt which had buc-n made in coni* | thousand men, and it m sji-1 that Mt n*cli.k-dlcom- | liiittoe on ihu civil and diplomatic appropriation mauds it in yursun. General Eiprandi * army of bill, which bill w as subsequently pasm-d und sent t w v'hty thodzand men had r« turnc-if from Batahi Se* ... . , rai. where they went lor provisions, and an-again I tlio Sonw.o f..I ... —cl I he amend. ,. u ;„,. rt j al iho l...ik. ,1 ,ho | ment provides that articles now bearing duties of Tchernaya, >° »hu right of the bight* ol Balakiava. | j |<k), 40, 30,25,20,15, ft) and 5 p«r cent, shall after This makes a total of sixty-seven thousand m« n ,, I the first of July pay 80, 32, 21, 20, Ifi, 12, 8 and 4 a ,,,tcu far »" the allied troop* m tho Cn- ' VV*t„iko T *..k, Much a ! iwnto-lt wSmiim) IbQM j»we»l pa ,„, kc „ I„„.| K u„ r ,„ ,h, numWr. «i,d ' The Henatu has rejected the amendment ol the House to tho Appropriation bill, t > modify thu Ta riff, by a vote ol 24 to 21. Tho House bos concurred in the Senate .amend ment to thu Array bill, tor tho purchase ot ctmeis for tho use of tno army, sod adding four now reg iments to tho standing army, for future defence.— Tho amendments also provide fur the api>oinmtQ-. ol toother Brigadier General. Both Houses aro oce j; fed with iho appropriation bills. The Empire Gil)- at Vw York. New Your, March 2 * The stes-ncr Empire City has arrived from Ha vana. Her dates are no later than those brought by tbe Isabel. .Barkcls. New Yoxr. March 1 Cotton is firm, and flour unchang. d. N»w York, March 2. Thero ia little demand for Cotton for export, though there is a fair inquiry for ibe rnanuiact< res Flour ia a shade higher. CiURi.urro.N. March 2 The steamer Nashville ha* arrived at h> r wharf in fortjr*a«ven hours from New Y.ok, and to ihu bar m forty-five hours. This m tbe shortest pa-e age over imde b> tw. on the two |i ri« Thero were 1,200 bales ol Co't »n «■!•! to d. y .if C I-2 to 9. Good Middling brought n I-4104b 3 h Geiii-riil J it11 l)«||v«*ry. It wa* dis.oveGd. early yewt<-rd«y morn mg, that aever il pero<>na confine J in jail in im* city, bad fected thoir escape. On nxaiinnAti >n ol tho cells, they wero found to beLharlo* Griffith »nd l'li >inas Ward, white men, and Billy Well, Kt. hard, ai d William, negrr>es. Griffith w«a under sentence of death, having l*.-cn convicted at the late term of tbe Superior Court -.f tho murder of young Toole — Ward wa* confined under a charge larceny from 1 the bouse, having burn arrested s iiiontha i since, for stealing watches from th« r aider,cu of Dr Ficklin. Billy Wall, u imp ■riou* and adr- it ■camp, is tho property <d John II Filer, of Kr y West, and waa a member of iho negro camp, lately discovered near tbe city, and roported at ihu time in tho Republican. Richard, or Shephard, a* he la sometimes called, bolotigs to a Mr Brown, of Now Orleans. Ho was found secreted on board a British vessel, bound Iforn that port to Liverpool, and transferred at sea to a ves*«l c -mmg to Sa- cent It reduces th** duty <>u w,.„l to right cents a (K.und.and makes raw silk and flax, rn*>*l kinds of dye stuffs, and various other articles used in manu factures, duty free. I'amlnoek* in rMEAMMiirs, Ax.—A »»ill to regu late the carnage i-f ptas< ng-.-rs 111 steamships and other vessels, passed tlio House of K'-prcritttives a day ur two ago hy an uuoniiiious vote. Thu first s« c-tioii pruviJea that no master shall lake on ff,.-ird more than on» passenger to each two i<>us of bur then ot hi* vessel, not reckoning children under one year, and counting two children between ono and eight years us onu pas«cngor. Tin* sec nd section prcscnlrea the cubic space in the slop to bo assigned lor each passenger, l<» writ: ffi square feet of deck on upper de«k, and on ihu !<>w<-r dock 18 superficial feet. For violation of these pr- visiona thu master ol the ship 1* to he subject to <1 fin,- >,| fif'y dollars f-u each pisaonger in cxceasof tins legal number, and may ho imprison, d, ,nl the discretion ol tnu Judge, belofe whom ihei pen.illy 1I1.1II Ini re- eoven-d. Further provision* are made I r ventilat ing ili« shipN, l->r ihe supply >.| food, bedding nnd medicine, t -r thu 11iJiui1.Mi.1nco ol clean.m, **, dm- duciplinu and good order. D».*rLR4TE Finnr.—A desperate and ji-r'ap* f »t il fight • utr* d at 11 l.i'u hour on Hulurd »y r.iglit at .S'.nuwix II ill, m Broad.iv, New Y ,rk, 'nbV' cii a number of pug is.s, 1:1 w In. Ii thruu ■’ lour p,-r* -fi4 wt-*«-s, verely irij.ired ari-i ••flu is siipji »se<i !<• t*o niortaliy I A 1 .ifiy - I men, iMiiu-d |,< ui« Biker, Jam** Turner, I'airtck M'-L.iughliu, altar i'auger.e, and ibteu o’lu-rs, i-nleri-d Ihe sa ofin in question, and eominerired an in l.x-rimmv,» naumlt upon Bill l*'«*lo, wli » w 1* shot itiniug,! the tusly in th,- region *.| iho heart, while Turner iuviden»nl- fvr »|i..t liims'-if, and u'*-» hm Incnd B 1 k>-r Ciiarles D xit-r, a friend of l*ie,In's, was also sh->t in two p'rtt-es,hut i* not t.itully injured .Mi-Ltughlin, Torn-r and V'.iu l*,i|t worn arrested hy ih« Eighth Ward pollen B.ik'-r In.* eluded thu polirc, Ini! h it p.*')bab|e hm cipturu will be s-r-ei idler t,-d. I’oolo I* rep rto-i t • have died <d lus wounds Till. Aookeuive Fowra or IU-niia — Onqof ihu III -st *tr king debate* that alb-ndcd thu Im'o min isterial crisis in England, 1 says 1 ho Chat lesion M, r- tury,. waan stateriu-Lt, made hy Mr II Drummond to iho following effect. Soon alter its** poneu o| 1815, thu British Govrriiiii-iit C'-mrniiMiioried thu position ol our tr<*o|w, and ju<lge t*> tho (..cility W .th w lm h,"nafiin’ thu wuatin-r," ih-i lailur might ruj*e with ttic’r enemy. A I ree «t eighty-m thousand 1 Ff'-iieliincn dolrnds lli<- lint's «.| enirenchmen-* from th'.- Ehersom-sii to die catremu right •■! our; position in the rear. Thirteen thousand Eugli.h in thu cutups, and two thousand mtiu huiidn-d in tho I harbor, lat'-ly arrived assist in tin* *irg« and linm-h duties. Fill* on lliousand l urks are attached t-- ihu | French and English divisions respectively ; thus in iking n total ot one hundred and sixteen thous and mm-hundred men, principally tinpb.yod m conducting tho sn-ge, and ;n« d«-b me to the eab n 1 ■iVt* lull n to till) light W e might add to these the twenty three thouaand Ult >tii.ius, who have b> < u thrown in EupaPUM ; and when w« consider that j thi* allied t .ree III-*ro than Hint ol the cn- ; emy, we Icel astuun-fed that a blow i* mb shuck : wlnio tlio enemy 1* so uib-ebUd, not merely m numbers, but also ir, strength and confidence Bu, there art- many thing* in tlio way, s'uno ■>! whu-li ! I hue mentioned, -ueli as Hm dillicuitr. or ru h-r imp s-iinlcy, <d briugoig up em-.ii tor 11c w- baiteri.-s. The had condition ..l ihe road* i*ifi<- cuua- >1 many . oloi.icie*, winch would no' oiherwi*.< exist And ! then, "s th- French say, we must attrihuto a gr- at rii.ui> <lo ay* t-» iho inc-rngrtiil *•« and deln i.-m m-* ot the sl it! aristocracy altutlu-l t-> D-rd Rag'nn — The**- Have la-en apparent t<> all who have seen the r t-»*i 11 * "I ilioir w.,ikmiiii*'iip, tlnioiliii p'-nn Hi <i in.ue have touched tlm subject, and that n-'i »«».-• 1 Tilt I’r.t** —The 22nd id February was duly c-. 0 m'i-iI hy the Kill.-tm 11 of Talichasscu. Among til regular to:»«t« glv. ll, was «||d to illvl'l'i-, v*h eh rail-d up our w«-rthy c .!i-ni|s rary ol the H<*ntiri.-I, Mr Benj F Allen, who said ■ "Tim I'rea* ! vvtut a m .ra , social nnd { (tower I* c.-iiipnscd in (list term 1 In England so vast is its intlueiiee, it In* lu-en 1 h trsclon/eil a* one i-*tjte of tli,-realmn 4 Ii course, 11 i« not ■>• r« «-ogi..z< d )• tlio •tern 11* ig.-s ..f ifm t'o-i*tHn 1 in. hu th •* wh - havo foil it* j> .leney have den ml II tied il llm l--tirui j’owt r In pructictil truth and «. lu.i'ry, il 1* tlm first powi r -I 1 In* Senate ,, .S .v- reign. I. -r*l«, Eoinruon* nu 1 tin- |'r<-s*," 1* tho 11 >111 - Inal order of nrraug miuiit, hut its formal announce- iin-n*, 1* th" mvers*- of their aeiu-il imjiortnuee — Aec'-rdmg t • it* order, ihore i*a' {mwer he In ml dm dnoiie greater thin tho throne il*. II." The un-st insigodicaut takes iln- lead, to, j.ia. *.ol tiowcr 1* in ihe r*-iir. Tlie sentiment 1* tin ref re true, rne I’ress the tram. 1* ol re.i*nrsAr/>, ih the -* the \\ xld, and *•• long a* it shall fie lull m (hi* country, W lilt in. re-Uraii.t* upon it* liberty, other than th which prudence .md di*er»ti"«i iiiipwii ii|)ori it* iiiansgei*. he lm| ||. .}■•>» of tint pteaofvution of iho f'uion.aiid the Right* ol tliu Stnto*. Tilt (hi»N ami ir* Deniis.—I'rofoes-u ()|m* lev. Tin ted I will. I| III'.' vannah, and subsequonlly lodged in jail William, I away where tlm «lurks who govern England gen Duke of Wellington, to draw up a statement upon stead, ol New Haven, bus contriluited to die la*t dm military power of Rumi.i—power ol aggros- number <d llm New Englander, (a quarterly pnhli. Sion and defence. ’| ho report wa* iiiudo nnd put cation,1 nn article entitled n " i'hiloso| Incnl .8ur- >n n.* wo h'-ar ol n lauding Wo have bore reserve. Odd men of the Ik-»i troops, nil ready ; they ur-- a't arnnd with the new {latent French rifle*, and are said lo Inv excellent shots. There will h..t work il any invasion is attcmptcii, and my op.n- ion is that it tkt-y conio in small numbers they will be ill sliiughti-red, nnd d in large uutnbc-r*,the fraud ts Iceland ruined forever. The Ni.w (Than B mu — \ dispatch from Washington to the N. Y Trtlamt, dat'd llie'dlth nit., *ay* Soiiiti o| die now Cuban frond*. nuue<i bv ihe ('1Z1.111 Junta, have t*e« 11 rccetvctf here ir<-rn N« w- (b<-iii* They d-> not ddlt-r mau rial.y from thu ■ •id ones {i-it lortll by E-){h-x, and a copy olwhxh w as pub!i*hi*i| in Ibe Inielligcuci-r, but are sign'd bv t»c.i John A Quilman, L'j>mrnat)<l"r-in-th <I, t n-p r Beianc-'ur', I'rcndrot ol the Junta at New- Uni-aua ; n»<i J'Jmi 8 Thrasher, as Secretary — Tho Ib'iid* aic «>t various denoiii'riati- n*. from 3.V' up Gen Q'l iiuan nrnvid in New - Orleans on I relay, tli" JCtli, f-*r llio pu'isrseot tikingcoiniiiand oldie mvad ng «rmy, nnd it wa* exji-clcd wou.d leave there wiuin a w.-.-k. I’m.itc ieders from Cub* *s*eit dial iho men ar- restrnl in I la van* havu n-> connection with the Cj'iitmnu Eti-«*)ition I n o.n llx'b—Th*- N* w York Herald, of last Sundnv,st)# M<-**r» Gr- elev, M'Effatli, Fry and Company, have recently |iiit>|i*hid in the Tribune a swing oj th-- iii'wt unii'idi-nt .I’-c.a aga.ust the id. t *,t tho N'-w Y tk il> *a'd, c-VI ring n > less dun two col umn* >•( die first n.iuel journal, and einh dywig a eerie* •-< mi; ud. i t invention*, - Apr.-Me.l in ttie |..»H ni (I III-'SI degrading latiguage that could be {).( ked up l'l the »l . «t ll >!« S of I lie el'V Iu tli.s nrraV of lilrels ng will u». 'In re is a die tmci charge set forth >n,J pub'i»lu d, ' we cx- t• ■*■• <1 'Ii*- su'ii ih r ec-n diotivan-l -1 llan Ir -m an itiiku *w ii p-fMin w ho was 111 die Ii.mi*.- >•! a w .iti.ui ot die mi III" <d I ownscbd, in Th tins street, on th li'ght wht-n a celebrated murder wascotlini't- t. d I lie *t--ry w-ji» orig.iiaby a pure iiiventiou of th" late M rd'-rat Man.iMeli Nonh It wa* g pen up and oireulated hy Inm tit of j<->l.-u*y, becanao W" w. re •in-ei M»t'il 11 tiewspaimr bu*in<*s. nnd In* was not O'-1 N ‘li.wiili.ill Ins im|.inieii(-e and 10 i , .,iutt, 1 ever dan-il to {mb i«h 11.1- ,t.,t, tin lit hi 11 * ..wn |..ip.-r. l*o* • inuUt.1l i» »• on tic. and t has it v -r l>> i n printed until it sp|>eari-d in the columns ol die Tr bune two days since W e nre gl d to Ii id tbl* *tntement thus p-ibln ly |ni! ! "Hi and published nmb r such r"«pe. t.W> uu ■p • •». and we I'liall immediately commence oi» i| nc i ii* fi-r 111** I ugairot these person*, d. man nt ;. i*t fihy thousin'! dollars damages We d » n U earo (or the money, Imt We are lispjiy t « liavo (hi* "ii|M*rtiinity to list the quistnui. and t • pr. vo how la'.»e nr-’ tho n*iaults tint have lieen made <-u ■ id charattrf hy tlio .Nrw Y< rkpr< *> during tho l.i*i twenty vevrs We intend nl*" t■ * bring t.< nr roiml J.uii-s nnd Erastti* Brooks—Un-) having re |iubli*hri| hi the Express tho nio»t eflensivo part* of ih« "riginnl Id* I I 1 iln *<• trills Vi,- shall prove n chnrncter utterly In v nd rtprotch, U-ginmng in the year lfi'2 1 *, and I’o'iiing down to lh-i present limn—a pofi.-d -f thirty five years The*■%.deuceailducid v* 1 I coin- pn h'-ml the history of th" New York prc«- *11100 1*120, with all th» < hanges,chance*, circuiii't*t" ('a, I-1 "t*. C"ii|hinnti .md con*pirario«, whuh li»\o h ippeti 'l during that eV'-Mlul jn-rioif In it wi'l nl* > l»e hr 'tight lip, in *ifde-, nil th" cnlumnie* th'l ■ ur cm iih'-s liavo been ca»tmg 111*11 u*. and 11 wi'l l*e proved tbat - ur < ban, tor ha* hern through all tins time with 'ill th" sliglrrst repronrh tho term. I liloKASKu—r\HTi:it'« r»PVMS*|| MlX- TL'KI', a* a rrmpij) f *r liver «li •« asr*. sn-t the number ot l--riiAulai-fe«-«tl*r>>iat>,“«-tc«l with a d>* .rgan.irtt tiaio • •( diet or.-an. it unrlvkllnl. Hun tn-«l* of crrtlftfate*, fo.m the highest *-'>urc»*,«'f 1 [wrotn hv ng in th" r:t) of lin t , \ noglit Im I E'letiof cure* iff.-'-tel li| i af.« r’t .-patn-h Mixture.— We bavr only n~.|u t.. refer t- 1 the • »tr»orUlh*r> cure <•! j .'am•)' I M. I»fi’.ier, IIkj., of tlie Q-tn of I'f r.lo A \l. r- rl*. H-*»E*• I.« r*. IttcI,ri...>,•). \ »., ■ ti > ,e curr.1 t.j t« . 1 Ixttile* •>( ' ar-.e-** *paii-*h Mixture, »f.ef tlif,r ,rar*' soffering fr»m a dlssnol nvef Hr tx;*. tt* aeii >n ,-n ! tin' bl'Xil it woraierful, Im- ter than all lUr iiiratlrir,,- he bad ever taken. «l»! rlicertulli r,*e.'icineiM* it to Ne ••iieU.'i'tmtil. ft leb J6 |*l.| Krrgu*..n. Jo*eph I'ett. o N t'attlrsar. amtr> 1 avc-u. Jam*-* Ii f'.'ler. TI,oma» f '-fft, V It II1111 ng. J'«*»-pu 8 K*f. John 1. fsrnil, VV l l*in ng, John l -oier. ti. Ilri jamlti Uko(K>voly, J'^*rph V r'-nnm n. J- hn H rial I He, VVilUirn VV fi-eejrirli, James liailaieJr: VVi.t.ani II J Jcmtj h Oe)f|t, l*aU<C ii 1 John P. Hernandez. Iln.'j lldter, Jr^* P Herb. Kam*t It Haupl, Itichard m Hoaetl. Kraaiu* lie,.**. J--^ph • 'lay Har«*nJ,»in, Jr, Tbotx.a* llsa-r), Mole-ri llu^Jce n, J I, llowant, ft ai.c • VV H-Slmat). VV HI am l> II li t H.'b'*n'ir, M 'Hum Hunter, VV Ilium I* Hauler, II VV l|o|n,-er, lii -nu IMwisie, Th- wa* lln*J,'*-«.*ha llagar, VV ilium liot.e, James VV Hu Wlm, James Hunter. J IloV-rt I. Jacks' b, P>t»af-1 Jones, J-.ha R John*--.c, AlcXai«)er Juhtoon, VVarreu J .hn«.o K James King, |;*r» Kent, *l.'red Krt,-.. > fl Kimpp J.'**e;.h Upiman, Alexaielrf H l.xtloti, J>4?i M R j D>»ell, Andre* pi», Mvid l/.rlr- 1 . >Vm W U c-Jt. Jehu N I .re i*. ' Y lerj, JohL II U’d.l!Wn Jrixli i ’ 71 j lit-orre V MetuHa, Vietar.<)»f MeHantj, Vb'ift M t»i*. John Makin, John !) Madotte, |) VV Mi«caR;.i:t«J)S : 1 ! Mark ill, Iran Ma'lefe. W HI am I! M.,ng-».. A , MaildoX, Jacob Mi h-. Jam-* Mco * Mdlrti'i, I (ii-o,ge V Vtc*. Inkrj .CUuile* }' if)*.* ,V itliam MoffeJ, | John li M'.ntmollm. \ I lh -ma* J NajW.r, J'.I.n VV Nr*l;r. J■ inn V Natsare*. I I) I* N.rli)l«. V*. it: am II Alrho!*. VV il *tt. N I <lvt a ol I. Ni-IJi net'. Jarae* V N'.rr.s, John U Nuftor, J..*ej-h Nun Ian, Ihoibsi M Newell. 41 *;#f,rge H < »m*. FraLC-* i "ifdrn, Wm C <»"»ri*<« H, \\ ihiam II • »k.,:t J« hn • >1 ui. 1* fit.*ha Para >n*. Thorns* i, p.-t»U, \V . ,ctu It Pn*-u'1, Antonm P..ure, I .tear.; I'lnott*.hn.rp Pattcc. Jowph I I'c.ot. P J fuwch It Philip V! ilu*M IL Ar»lre» VI !t'-»». V >exar«ler I; Kai- SU'll. Jo*«>|Ji lb'**, J Mm P VV Hr*:, del.) % Kumv, Jirh-S II Itra.t. Iioim r. Ka: • r l, VV artng lia*w 1. John lluiher- fitrU, Charie* K Ryan. if.: l t i it - -c. uri »»-i ut»j •*•«! a Marta, f - *aie hj MtdiH V W 5 --k.a i «Uwf I a 4 m t<4 sal* h* mjoH vv » eh.* aka.a Vna Wir.t K*»r *» « • , Min.I. V V. - .ItV ?,'•»> viitri, a, • i |r> p, Kl.r V lo IwNxt B*f 3 V V \ T li * - 1^ • , . hi 1 vRur» ..> «ar 3 - AO *.v‘VT.’-I I hTu N a bj Ut xes User %*■» ; Zi4 M fat axle t/> S.C VAT •>, ma- 3 1 ) V*'N V 8 f» I.VDll — 'At Vt.M 3 a 10 ba/rr 1 • c«-e • "iw.» auj t.r .ale h> b- K Ol'.v, J nrr 1 I *i»i>ii vkttiv v:>-pf m. w.» I* Mx-pUi! "a;'; h bUi ng > r-sr.juw i*rr., r-1 b) a-!.» V m Me Hcrrine'* I'alcnf lire I’roof Nafc«, Tte S'lloer’bt-r eon'luur* lo lujlitirarlilie htaunriTal- J I'd patent fire ant llurcUr l'n»*f r* VI l -. «»franu»1 | e*jual to *»». »r .1 »')ji-ri..f to »..ine, . I the many w!..,S) | bate 1^111 lr-*'nl,a* j’unn*h<*! »n<l r»-tlc. tl l.j the { rr*a • throne'n,it ihe e»H>t for the la*t Horen tea**, ai.,| I* j •ole>ii,.r of Hall's |>Menl l*<i«tfrr Pro,if I.k I,, ! hat Mi* ferelve"! Separale ine>lil* at Ihe W..rt,l'a J Ka'r, I urn,Ion. 1*51, an! N.-e \ .-k Inl-AV-’l vt*o the pkteritre .1.) purdirar 1 of J-o .V releloatnl natent ' r, mb-naiii.-i lih) permutation tin k I lfol*I’*a, place t In ihe ^af-, Pa.r. I ..ii.h.n, arx-'irni h) llal b ai.,| J.'iin’ I.k, ami i VV|M offrnel ai a rew»r,| lo an; oi.e wh<> aoiitj pick the *■ ‘ ' da)i, anJ al j \v ,.r ' h-i I'. TenItr-n 1 tt. A f To'ti Vi H Tf.aoor hn 1. Vilialot k. Itlehard T Tu-rvr. fi-str* rk V . VVi'.baia II t h -maa. JiarU T)o,m|- V M 1. VV'igf.f.t, k 3' .'»* the VV ..'Ill's I'.laifil «i Wilson. r*a» Joacph V Winkler, \lIn, li VV _ l»rj;rf, franc I, II VVctiin, II II 'V re- . IU»h:le VV mer f.r.o* VVIItitncton, Norman VV ,:|i<r II ' ' IV V\ ...lam P It » »i.l, J- w| *. VV ».| hurt.. T). * J V\ a Francis VV *x,r. Thoma* I* U . .) . V W VV .a- n. J, Wan.. < k, W V J WjRj. James T VV , hb. lewk- llH>Ua-h o|j-ialii| 111-in to »e*"-at *k.Ue.| In bwk p'rk’i C. »*** i'iie aucreeileil in "|wnlt.g ihe >afr, . no change "f alter.-.'.hui In t!>" I" tk* • r Kr), Ha* mg men ina.le ilur tig ll.r l ;nr. hu! !l>< ruon, 1 f,-ma i..»t in lit a-ih- ilep..».|..f), an t • a* felu-Mi-t to ihe propn. t..-. aul a irieHul aaartb'l him (••r Hie < hrmj.i. n H»!r ,-f We I *!■ 1 r v . ' 7-ttri Y . n»# or. v. /. — Nolle grtiutne no All. V" • Ilf. Kit IN {•t those hating the 1:. Green Rl«k. i..l v\ ft.rr *i«. N v Vgen-.» In 'ai an-.ah. 1 k» ran t-e h»d a-Utng 1 I In* a iihofli-*) agn, I ATIIKN.I- I’M. TUI. V»! --I I* 1 1*1111 .tt ll I • K A. HI. 1.1., N. II —Tt.e *afe« a'.<l I,. freight ■ at manufacMirer'sprirr* .. . In all the principal rl'le.* tu die l'npc.1 ^ta-.e* »n.1 « ana- I da Inn, fell t rr The mo*', sureeaaful Ann 'lean ll ..k ; RUTH HALL: V I»"MI>TP T VI.I: III THI. fllf-SllNT TIMf.. I'V F*nnv l'» a ». 4<» pp . I.' mn -n»ih- Price. 91 25. ll ha* to-cii re»t-fveil t.i this 'ti,|ink’ul*h,,f authorra*. to arhiete »hat may. iirnler the e:rc«nt*!anee«, re- gnnli-,1 at He in.ot biilliant surira* ei'f ,-htainnl hy un V mer lean writer of Helton. -• UI 111 II \ I.I.." h. r llrat continuous aiory, though iterlilng no Ititrrrtt *-r |M.puiarb) from connection with any of di- ae iraed «j'ie*li"iis * lil'h agitate the puhlic mind. 1 in thelao m oi’l-.s *lnci- u» Oral appearanre, reaelmt a greatly larger salt* Ilian any other American work of wl.airier. « ithln die *ame pr-rl-Ht Till* extra..r.l nan fart Is, of !l*etf. ab.uvtaul eihlen-i* '.f die •l.s<iliin| Inter,-tl twf gtaphiC poacrof tin* remarkable work — We have. Ill our |>WM-a*lon, *cirral klirdrol retires of —ltl’TII H VI.U" which hate al'radi apprarrd in the priiK-ipal ne«*|.a|or* ati-.l l-crliHliral* Nrarly all ..f then- t en |>hailrally a e.rl if cruiu*, maid prol.cling f •* ’I III" t»rg,-*l *»'c of any Vmericari t> .'.k, a ml rlci.'Ung • l.olt columnt to .it rul.-g.m, while we lute tel »-111 bui a icry few •not twrlie in all 1 which ilrny iu *ii.gnlar ta*.- nali.-o. *• lit til II V l.l. " Is |..r Sale by ll",>k*elice* grnrraS y Puhtlihio try VIV"*N Mil>111 • lii. mar2 finwf.* No V* Park Itoxr, New.York irtilng. Vlixrrti .Vd. I >55. BENEFIT • «» I'ONITIVI-.I.Y I,ANT Vl’Pl.tlttMI. »i m SOUTHERN STAR, 111-,. Clinr!r« llownril. w ich occa-nm *l.r • ill «| jear a* t.Vl'V li V) 9P VNKI R. in I'. 'ii II 'ur.yca P.'s ceUb-a'.o) • mo'i .U LONDON A^SLKANCK. uu. t iiAici.r.s now Aim, VV Ml apj«ar a* . I’V7ZI.I', Th- II warj's HI. ! il-j.-i* us rrjci :>.»n on 1 t |>n-*«nt ivcaumi. I' die etentti;, * xaneiy of Mr» lie* aril's TI II V T 1*43 1*1 I. Alt M)> (.V. D t* M H I‘.'il A. hr N"Tb P. H K I. I. K . 'IK.' I li VKl.l.* Ill 'VV vr.i» *1 * 11 r kill lulu I • — **•••»«l) »| »*ar i'lurini n it •- r i fM l)'i nt- ro |. o of ih" rii'-ti wh-i ougAf to g'lveru P—in an 1 llicml pig,- m-lndo Many ye ,?■ niter, whnn tho Dukn caino into p >wcr, the matter wss feViVivl. and it w ft« fund I bit Iho fiovern- rueiits of A nit n 1, |'rua«M ad Bavaiix hid imtitii- ti ll similar inquiries, and die reports all ngrerd III the irnporiant i">ini*. that itu*«ia could 'lo nothing in lha way ..| nggri-Mion on llm real ol Europe, nnd Ihxt all Ihe other {rowers of Europe Worl d {tonsil in the attempt lo destroy Ku«si.t *1 11 • tlm Bril- . . 1 diet north. Eieut WVsirls il | a, b'Hiiirr 'I sirry, soiiU'li'd, wn||r>ul n-nr lung Imt- 1 lo iho ilrptli of -1.1.21343 Im t, or nearly f»l null a f editorial nn th* {>ol|ey of usury Itws l*h provinces and llm l.'nitod Hiatus, 1 ■ays that it " cannot concoivn that n vinglo sign mont can f»o advanced in •«i|*|*',rl r ( | tliaprnaeni r«- j Within n sh .it limn Espi Oniiham ■tm lions upon tlio loaning of money , •• and 11 ad- 1 - *» " l:;"',"Tr 1.1...... ,1m.. 11. 1 ! ,1 .. , , , 1 jiiii ir.r 1.1 111.1 1 jiir 1 I ho usury laws having beer, abolished by iho ' ubing doplh . f 7>. I.H.. tho Other negro who esespod, says hn is thu pr- p«riy of a Mr McKnight, of .South Carolina This i Is doubtful, howovoii as sortiral Inituti havu Im on 1 wrfttsn sccrrrding fo his directions, to iimitiur of which has any snswsr lm«n roceivrd Ward, who had boon made larno by tho irons ; with which hu was sorured up to about tlm first < (! January, was unablo to travel ns fait as his com panions. At an osrly hour ycsterrlay morning ho - wtv found hy policotnan Wilson in ono of iho bar- j rooms on lha outskirts of tho city, and earned bark ' Ui jail. Ha had bean st liberty long onougb, how- I •vnr, in bscorno partially inloxicat«*l Thus far | ho has pertinaciously refused to msko any ilia ebiS-ire* Which would implirsto his morn succoaa- i ful companions, or put tho polim on their war k Therssder.lf ho has over visited tho jail, will not b« surpriscii to learn that a short stick of fire wood and a srnsll pieco of iron hardly a loot in Jangth, wsro the only ImpUrnents used, at far as •nf dtocovsry has y*t been marie, to of feel an • lining In the wall of tbs prlaon of sufficient ti*o for a man In pass. Billy Wall, u ta behoved, fing openoif ■ boU by which b« delivered himself Iran his call, be then forced tho lock* of ton roll* in which Griffith, Ward, and tho other fwo negroes ware confined i after which they all went to work tod opened a holo in the outer wall ol llm jail just •I ihe bottom of one of Ihe window# Having ac complished th* much, they had still lo ocalo the wall which enebmee the jv||. This they probably did hy mounting up-m each othsr's abouMsrs, the last one receiving eaeistance Irorn ilmee who m iunto/i ft rat It leaeid, that Wall opened W.rde i C4ll through tnteteke, eupp.^, W g 11 'Fhe moer.n work of ih« jail 1. „f ,i ( . cripflon possible. We #aw*fl«| .m.ealvee by . •ooel examination, that th. rud**« p t a C , „ •II Ihal if nerreeary to open any „| ,|„ ■Irnoet any pan of the walla of th. budding 'llm ll gheel evidence oflhia la the fact, that elf time. , ■■ - -~ fuglltvee were in ihelt rede st mid night and e..». 1 •l’»'*'»eehing annual m*«mig on dm baforn ifav break To 1,1, or I, . I 1 .1 , . River Ml l,awi*>nc<i, ur flniil of our Vlllagn 'f'„. befire day break. In pumh a lin e through th* ; piorni*. lor g **1, lim k, atrong ice wasn.vrrhet outer wall with a good aHcK oi wo-;<|, w.r. sn navy tef. and the not. of pr*{.*(aW'rn ant ing •-a(•* < t«i«l thing. Breidne, lim cell# ere (os* roritfartrd, and i b'Mlie |Mir*ee lalewt llJT ih" clut», cniiM eollicieal water 1 ha foot mr which one enemm | iaiis. |..r th. |«e« dev--the five hundi.d duller one t*> e in |l»e pneon epertmcale Is inl'riarebla,aiH) i, . —• m.gmftr, m holiday gift. All Ih.t Is rmw or 1* • mystery lutw their inmsice ever eurvivu 11,■ »• e*'"lnre*, fair pie* ami rm goeging Tin . r.ri ai-mtu'nr. on Momfey I will ooriliniMt five days. vi-y r.| tin- Ocean," from winch w,i extract die |. ( |. low mg pnragraph I ho nuth'ir commends highly 1 tlio tali rs <1 Eu-ilt Maury. 'I tin waters of tho ocean cover nearly three*! fourths, or Ill-'MM-Xar tl) five-sevenlh*,--I die sur- la I the , tilnl of die thirty , iglu tin• 1 ■ •I in-.. * ot ilrv I mill in eiistern e, 1 w.-nij eigbi lie- 1 long to tli« northern liemivplicie '• tin mean ii--p Ii, of t-ie mean Im* been vari. u*ly stvted. hut ituy I "t J die pri'sciil tie 1 lkr 11 at lour filth * , tile liuuierous B'iiinrliiig* now 111 jir.'grr-a* will toon enatrle 11. t.■ speak .1 ll III-'to di-tllllteiiertl oil ill * |r illlt — has nlre.nlv Ihioii doiio lo pn>vn dirt the ilojith is I’.m-I oi-.iql ..". -I-, ) elleudiitgly unequal ; Ilia! like die aurlace of dm j leiRV !•««« ivExvata „ ltlli ,| |(1 j, die li.-r.. rises into. ter ol tlm L'liidnti I ilil'-’S regards *1*44 (.'uiiadisn mountain peaks,nnd lliore a nks in rlecp valleys - usury law* aa working injuriiMisly on tlm provineos, I 'ntil recently tho ilrejrrat aoutidlng over marie,' C.U.II1* III..0'. ..I ll.o ...Il.l.lo ol III- i " ■'• >»"•< •’* . -t.y it, ,li„ .. ... ... .,t...r..i ,. .1 i- . 1 u . . whu-li Was sh'trl o| a Hum and a ball Artiste ns , . lo "itft'l Htslea at tlm time |n|it,d, 0 maximum sounding waa that r.| ( aiitmn- whnn Its detention w** mo.t nn«dcil l lm Eondoii ! |{.,m, m dm Hoiilli Ailanwr. and g ive ’Ji.fiOd |«ei.; Shipping Gazette, of January 23th, bn* a column «r a tittlo over five miles, without finding i*odr M r v >iN‘i A w f 1 • r- r ( * IlltJU'lrf But m. ro 1 • ntly, at - W. point "f the Atlantic |*r I tile I'(idl'd Htatei 1 M stun A>n Mont .uation —The *' I .ni' • >m 1 • In- Nr wa Mur -1, over the signa'iiro •I* i" » t - ! e iut 'lined . 1 the xlgnitl- . ejt 1011 ol tlie j hr is, a * M luluo force# —* M b ii- ZjIioii "I niniics,’ »•• often ir.,>tf o| late in die eon- | o nee.i l-e! weeii Austria and I'russm, toin'lung ilia , ..i.r».r »•- p"o. > which th" IsM, 1 (tower •li.mld pur vim tiiwxid* 'lie war l-elweeii Rurria nn.l dm Attic, li will tm remembered that Ano-ria tie- in.inrle'l r I l’tu«*ia Hurt »lnt •lioiild ' iiioi'iltie Itt-r mini ' I tna n-ijue«t »lin teliiseil to comply with A • I'llglr** til" ll. rniailie Stairs w ft*, ill r. ll* mi lim t this dilli-reiicn hi twicn AilMns ami ' I'ruMia, ( iniVr-n, d lo adjust the .in« r»l p In y In tins < <>ngi'M |*ius* .» cmihhI li.-r i*.mit, dial ah# i r-nglit not to ‘ mohiliro her army ’ Ho nun h lor the ' history ot di>< 1 Ira*" Me hive t.-i-ii tiri|-i<ntly a»k"<l the meaning of tin phrase At llm nsk r>f In’ing n-gardol life- j •, we will give mh ilebmti.'ii nl it The t phrsae, ' lil-'bilriu loreea,' signifies, In our under j •tuinling ol it, that die loiees t>* t*o |*ut mi a 11*1 j footing to ffr 1 nt in n xUtn ol pie|raia'.i. 111 r war ! --m x .into <•! teailine.* for {ifompt and s, live sm vice -m a cond-iimt to he uioveii to any |nrint whrio scrv ees imy Ire needed, ami at a mo 1 A 'iiiohifurul nimy ' i* one kept Y43TI4 I l.ef .•Hint n.f I Mil inercltaml’fe met- Nelinr. Ui.itr.1 Iruin t.ark li II l>..iulft**, mtrrf taxi. In in rsl.ail lor will.In hoijit*)* J.*) ei|<lilm. I* Il'iVV | VMi A « «1 AOTI4 I ll.Mil.le ton o g 1 .jurlire ..I 1 lo ,) ll.r Vnr V ... . V.V % ffe.) In Nr. \ ...k. h»i. lift) 11 nlonlel ^.'i dine *l,-p« •e nli r > ( ll.r |l»le f VIU.I.I 1 'li|r. I V V N«k X it 11 n ix tl I \ prill. Hatch V. - Hi *t ip Iji.1i r.-f Whi.rJ.rsr. r, I t.( - Hr, *•»-l*»4 V|. >431 |< | • r i ll Vltl.l •• r. VN VIII l.x , n Ire "I Vtntirlne *n.| *iiffo re »i"i tr. Mr nee oil Roulh Ilf.uM t.irr ■1. ni llsriisnl. Tl." li"ur* l>rt. rrn > lo I>V \ . V|. »|>.| 7 I cileloleil lo "HI." pslirlrl*. Itrri l|*l« «»l 4 nlliiii. A* KsT (Von,,I si I. Hr ii ’I I PM VI >4*114 I . I'll Jr-IIN |r I lull i. «(»:■> «rll all,n>l lo lil* |>">.tr.* r>»l .lutlr*. »i • I hi# "Ore in lll,oijlil.,i. %tirri il ,n . V Ia, J VV I .i per llallmait. , ! i*e, l*»n» K VV »i v, A l»s M».V* ,I,, II■••rr X i.#. h I'rKn 4 ».* Imperial fsiliamrni, we irust lu see dmui also fwslsd m ibe c«ilnnme They are oppoard to every principle of i-olliiral eron-ony and liavo been al- m-»*t univrrasliy mndemned f*y evrrv writer upon lhat science W« have siw*va sdvoealed dm re moval of all ummretoaiy feairo Ilona from inni-sn- •'I'' Hsnsacti-uia, and ih* very (sei „f its iH-ma (KiMlbte lo.vada III. law m a variety of way# — lima afloid'ng sls>i a piamiuni to disfi-'nmty, and infliriing Injury on ih*» <u.nacl*ii|ioua leirr-iw.r and len lor—afl- rds a aimng argument for dm mpnal ol the law * lloRek Ifari.q ON Tire 1.1 —Tlm Hi l.awrerie., 1 N V ) Republiean, g.v.s dm lollowing aneouni of llm approaching race* on ih. ire in the Hi Haw. fence rlv.r Tho Uswrgalrh-e Trolling (‘lull nf Ogdene- gh, we learn, ha*. r<impletMf ad ih«ir arrange rt-poit *-l having regi-hml j lh» very vergeo| wai, thmigli not aetnabr ougsgcil lie, in * |'a**sgo Iroin IIi » In way, and billy j-i.;•{*« tl hi every pardc ilar for Good IIo|h>. o| tlm aatou | fig* ling, mi l m inxrrhing oilier It t» well known |.-Ill*, of Ml inline, a depth tlis' Auati' haste of MDjuuef. .*1, Feb Vfl. and • depth so prebmiid, that dm jdummel oC ilj.lod Hi it* do- ' •* "in from ill" reel nearly VI hour* Fr"lll lhe»n . resulla it a|ip"ars that the depth* id tlm ii'-nxii ex j reed dm hrigh'S of llm llliiiinislns, smen tlie I• ,| lest I •nmilida ol die lliminalsya sin a hide morn than I 28,10)0 leal, or ft| linlee Notw idlitmidmg lh' .n | aiKitrnou* depths, diero ale largo Urn is of dm ; ocean roinparaltvely shallow , and in llm Immo- dute virinily of places where no In'IIi m could bn { found, were spots of no iMieoirunoii de{,tbs I Imsn ! Isi ia indicate ihal llm Ink! ol dm am is diversified I Ilk" dm surlaen of llm earth Tlm Gulf of Mdieo ■ I* dioiighl liol lo exceed on .tl nvoiagn one mile , | an-1 llm 1 lireiilaiid sesv am of aueli rioMlnraie depth ; dial w lisle*, wlmll hartNioned, idli ii fun lo llm l>il- I loot, aa ia i'i>l|rat<d hy limit "Ppearanee wlmn limy ; rise .gam lo llm suilai e Wfialra am oven aup j |i ,*i d to anck a pall ol thru food al llio Ih'IIuiii 1 11 llm Ma tla bax kept hei afiny in jn*l smli a emi- •lld',11 0X1 r sine, llio Alima cmnnteiired •h-'Ulil put bi-r army hetworu Russia and <lie Sim iloxife.l that I'liixua ' n die sAino ainle • ! iradmcM I uronT ation nr A vr mtc »n (' irsinxx -On Thwrf 'I iy tlm ollienra ol eiistoins inapeeUd a liunvbei of Hliaip'. patent radiums, which have l*een so highly •|"'ken "I in Amriira This lli»J»"ll*llon, ll I* lii-lieiril, |s bn llm g.nrtumeiil I7ie weapon )■ oim "I dm in, uioque winch our tiansailanlie hlcdiion have >ei huwaiiloi Much I# dm faeduy witfi wlm It die r.tblne. can Im Imndled, that il can Ire fifed ten fillies a iiunula, and w|mn ilia i huged "VCr III" W#lrl, a toC'.nd ihvig" I* a* filed b" I m tfm In' ,.f dm Ilf at lu-l i eased I lull! llm . Iitrivaip-ns ol the "fdin.nre oflovi. of die Aumilean government, llm Hoard warn of ujilnmn • ar supeilot I • any other of Ibe aim* loaded a| dm lifmli, and il ** •• immed.alely •dopinf In dm iinl.-a'V •ervire Almady leu la»_g Or.m.u or TH, I 1 ,,,, lluti.y — ll., • I .Ji-w r,,w»™lu>. 1W ... , ni" uixuufai nimd by Hubbin. and l.xwmime, ai . H.,.1.,1,1. C. . I„. Hh..|.'. M.» 'I be public, generally, and llm travelling pubho ! idariunng t—numny English papei In fi.idcutar, will tw p i *•« «l lo learn Ibai llos vn y ' tiijM tiur lloi.l wa* <.|mmi»iI, In f irm, on Monday, j Aitu.xay on ntt \V ,4* A R It The Height Vrtili m*i I lie reproach inferior loilrl are .mim. ; eipi.**, tunning aml.r • rhange of i lo'lMle.eame dallons I# *1 Iasi milioved llnlii I oluinhw* by llm i Into clliafon with a band cm mi (be third i'rt'lge •lil.riiriw Stilt (MrseV.raiH'ft id Mr I’erfy j It-im (hi* r|»y, and wa* thrown off'ih* Ir*. k, doing "We |«ke great pleas'ifo lo adding dial lha | rnuvul.iaM. ilaiitxg* I'he nisn Wtlb die hand f*l, I'.rry ll'ine** t* ifc" n»o#i *uperb lli lei in 11*. igi* , ( |, .armg ih. rneomand not having iln*" l- inii'i*. t* •• P-III l'l In all IIS •|>P ooiiiitmls, and (bal life ( dm same, mm.U good their eetape - C ’uUaioH'g* ubi« ia wurtfiy ol ihu hou*. " AdveiitHt *111)11 VI. Mil’ll I . It I I' VI x Til I we .»| |lr*u'"M. rf* til* pm(«>i*!<tt'*l *rll lee* I" Ihe , ftnthluli, nixl 11.11 l-e f.-iii-.t (..» Ihr |>ienhl Flrkllii"* itffl, e. rorner el IIxii.aoI iimI IV") *l» l»e|.|«n If till. \ h'hl tor NW— ll V> ft I. V|l »V III) M* Ufficr |,i Ih" ef W h’Ukrr ant da**'* U*w". rerief •>' VVhUVni »i».| l.:t»r"l *'*rel» i:\4IIAMil I V\i II VNr«l'. In *'on* 1.1 auM pu('ft*•*'»•. "« Han* !•<»’*. flremew, Heillft, l.e*»il"i'*i»<l Pad*. ».•*»*•«-I’» •feel)) d HITIM- X KHI-tY V IS % V >4 » v I ||1| || xl. ratli •.tianiT* "ti mMiilsnineUl* "1 p*" I .lure I" mi* n*ro.l# In |.lie*pi»"l. Ha«**> Mamlnire fl.rinan. Tflen, Vm*l»nU*n. lie""'!*™ aiM '*«r ii I ITlNi, a KKI TT • HICKS «m> 111011* ion •ii.i. ( XlNfltVl. Itallo.of ai,y», W»m.*lme- I Ur- k, VIv.K'^rr Haliroeil »»"•-»• I n* hi mi. Si ' « ' ' «"•'« rv ■ 434 K> WM »I4IM»> •'••II Mi l;. • » ‘ l vi k S"l 111 VV l.atl.llH ll*n*"*l iv-'i-’s. '.voi Savannah i H| Memla. » •)>»>** V.tuaia 4k '.-iMi,.*, (eh9* ft d UvelJlMi loseie-ll'a, fiat mi eel MITII i . • ••Ill | M |,Mtll4* *||| itollMVilIrtn IM,| Vlevk|K.1<M | irMollt, up'* Moivn 1 al h a a ,>ie*. • * ih* »ai| r.*.o*l le in Ilia W VI l\ VHlHlI II VIII 11*11 V XI mar I J| "" i. %vr m* i m . \ |.l. iheaa iM'kM it* me ,*•«»•* a'T"»tali ai* m-llOed ihsl nnlfM *» 111 r«l h» ink, .»i sh.-rl llm* W-Ue, d»*- ■ ng IM* iimmh Vft» i a ll •*•' -»*v '•* mi *•»# i-ilW -*■ ,h . vlar. •* 14 Viltlll |.,> >41 I'M I I II A VW s»»miuri*re*| I>hi'mo in ta. • ill), ailrt| ■. mi n«n »«"». v. *i-l )»*•• *• ■ * ."ii(e, .III *.) . h.iai #1, fHM 1*-» • < Ik* U-* IX U, It.Vll.tiV. . lmie*V laihlaXtiwa.i. ISU •* l*SVv , v» m »r v. vi vn. llnoe* t >* \ M I till • eem »ft r il# r.-l Ihe , i»e*i. ir*) u ■ N>n'"t »l,*|—*e«l l»» "I • ftrt# V toh. I. . I'*ieiiu ha.'r a 11, k It IVV Tvu*4».'rk<« V'-'lEm msteev OMl, Hl.itoo*, lag J * Li It-A' . %i ii r i •< IjITTUE GIAXT COMI.Y ./*M> < Oil tlllLL PVH >Tl li . RR'rVVN. John Smjr, (,e>rtf VV 'b*Sr*. Wm •* . M • ib'i'i 'hrial', ll.imut Vftptiik.Jiiapi J -inter. J*r !> Mixflcf. i'raicla X'frel. Wrni. *u1,r;,J,,ii.i,vi.„i,, II-< .'i r.lo. VViUiaiu II >, ’.\ . Uaio *•.*'*. y . •.«•■ J <*ptutor, VI •hrftjll, •*. Jehu II >'ezin J hn I’ 'on in..*,», l>r>1ef>rk VV 'irtifu*. 'aniurl ll '.tai. EntxaH Micftai:. lame* M vklrj. t V*. *i A M W 114341 K >• • riVLD in ; .jin * rt'ln! «. I r-l re. 5 : V'TI« \:.* ■•> r • i’»K»n«»f . !■* > t>. V.-v^* r. U.# li" ,«»C'Cai ». li.Nie.-Hia,—t- . * ' .iqsirirti. i e*i!o»j I;. ■ I . -tJip . I VWCiKClrts ok] t.‘* r-l’ l . I - MtoXto «• VV Alrti ■ A eftxle-r'eLMX. Txl.i*-i Ma-j^f* Vltruibr, :« - l. I » V • *; h • 50 HI W VIIII \ X * 11.1. t* pud l>i (ft* 3a•'•••" >J • • . V » Ter ibr i, j--•'» • > a ■ erfut .m; r»•• ,>n r-rilel In ktrx d t-'ei Ktl'TIV »; sCRN V. adapisx! m Vo*,X unniciuiu. kkiorii. MV V>> VII Tt V It Ix i r. I’Sieti, Wa*vh i, « e’e .«k. T '• ’> >N - The #i i ir t*’#* i—1»> i.i t D l ihr t>H'« .p{ |.ni:nii»>i IW; ’ V , . ’•<■4 al W 4 . tl'V ax T a, r. !!•* a- * ,. .J »! • : »* V VI* ,3 nrf«n xt.»K, i K, (III t V VV vl.i, ax-rvl . • I •*!.. Wwk . a ftrf > -.i ».*• : hr *i*l.i • r. 1«e.»n V- Virkauk.. a i 4. * • : r» In I , 'It V tl V Vt fill )•' !* Vt I »:h# i mm II.-•«. t vi •>xa i ol loOUe, m i».i tu. «,! <#>«» -til t i l' k I . ’■* " M uaK L» W |> .’■« *|j ih{ V-'» < Irf# f|.'1. ’C# ' t fo, ipl.ii’ r.l hai«e m- »i .«. V | kf» U.ti#v r' r-fvnAe"i*K*a % J ol q. tto - « U Sivo.iE. Ivon, • , *• -i 1t.Vf t- jU.unu liitflliflniu. r-'tir i*f s vv v>> vn w vn- 11 v All IIIV till. a, lo I’.Iih.'ikI » J i-e* VV rweoll, l*>. VtoVrir-V*. *" |1< (Imm. KrlU A 1 >> I- | 3 (V ok* 4 > . M V i-'lire. Vlinii k )ftkiui.-k, > |V A II if I'm,*, II ill leu k In. T M T'»ir.e< k • ", J*»" »*|ne». Ri'imu, Krill IX V •», VV ai Rial 164* I VV VI,"., ik ' V), I ratal V N Vlolr* L IVv, V V Or'J.-wmut Ik * ", I**k» A vv fttMium* VV' I* V™iy* • infu > vv *,»# vx ,’-»ii* a l*«ln-ei. I M i lx*k-'. VX ll U,i km VV e#n a Vseento-, J T IVK#K J W at.••« l.r-.i to k » o •Meantto It**-*.'Iph |*a,%lwr % V •,uo». « ik K%«i» • acd i\ 0- I H Xlllt* ft! 4 toWa i «mm* MJSe m T It lillli. Mol rut* 1 p*.,.-»i , >l>riHK mi4 Summitr ISV.. Ilfl t*e* %#• U- uigh:.v 1VWJ t Ol II14 t % t> l««M III* i.ii . timkik'i ■ *•* itokK Ve i "•' .e f , .V# Ik* ll.'lK 'U k irMijmn |«i* •»* • J *»• " tto- e, .to|~-»n*V k«***\U*< '( l .mlMlue Tvma. ••**• A a VV .’>> k Wto. Rat-*" A >v>, v .t a |1*. M* *'•*''> K ».V-»K. V A l*lf#aii >to k ' VV k K *»i|iil,*. , V I j I ki j V'.l. "v v I.I** k "•* -ker. vv •»* | 4 ton"-., nix*'^*. J- •«.**-•• k •»» v K aim*. J i #• ...i.i,s, IUM 4k VV aM-Vuin. VV *1** k v Mkok X*.<v#«*-to, Pv» H)l.> I '•>«* ilq*."#» 4 v> Ml i II W w*t, T t V* ai k Kin#, I IH>- , ' *ia«*V. WiVfVxtos 1 •III *1-«e»p# M*.e I m* I»a‘*-'X Ve#** *»•*• •’ k to "O •-••'«•) I fto-« W I N . X '*V -ntoe-K ' OTN-i *■-•»• town Xto*q-k N M» ** > • * *•.»- 4 iva*< - • II Mil I VtllNUr A 4 »» I |. mv- -n> je. kSi^mi# V of ■ •''»> *• t«v.k, •#4 S#»•* •****•*’ * Uto'M >Ei CeXto.'*4 to.’** - * r,"'.J ,V),«Aq* *-■> !>.*.'• k V»“* to.*" 1 » • '#E,« I IV fc—l AtN'to'S X»,u. -toJH SltoX TX..«to nrfO|*i»lM.1i I, to# J« IWtov *~> * «•*“'*'» *■-■+**• | N ..eU,-nl • to" "to •"* "'«*#.*X 1-#«#W MeWm * to/ Inato-x# Sto ".** f ew.«i #—4 .. <»* 1-1X41« IF