The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 07, 1855, Image 2

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w—■ ■ TflE SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. BYP. W. ALEXANDER &Co! SAVANNAH REPUBLIC AN, WEDNESDAY MORNING* MARCH 7. 1965 CITY AND OMINTV m rxiduo] u»Ur, in idnnMtlw JJJ it not Mid inndnnM UiUr.inadvtnM, (but* montle,. •; jjj I'n-Woonly, In nd*nnon. |»r nnuutn.... S 00 llr°SK\n»MlnbS^nd»in<».. * “ Wocklr, lolnb wTcn.l lOcoi'IMlnr I* 00 SAVANNAH, GA. Wodnonday Morning, Maroh 7. Mr. R. E. SKYLE.Is guthorlzod to rocolvo tub* •criptioM and nttko oollociiont for tlila paper. BY TELEQRAPH FOR THE REPUBLICAN. ruorn WASHINGTON. Wasrinoton, March 6, Much diaMtiafaction exists among tho Demo cratio membera of Congress, on account of tho failura of tho PhMidont to appoint ox-Sonator Shields ouo of tho now Urigadior Gonorala. LATEIt ril«M HAVANA. New York, March 6, Tho Black Warrior has arrived with Havana datoa to the 27th ult. Tho blockade oi tho Island continued. Tho Black Warrior, however, wont In and out without being tnolootcd. A greaypock battle haa boon taught before Fort Principe. It waatumotod that all |.»reigm't* would bo com pelled to bear anna or leave tho inland. Tho excitement, hereto for o noticed, continues with mt abatement. OISA* » it M2A. i\ tw 0 .irt\r, March 6. The clipper *hlp Arman, trout this port, bound for Llvotpoul, is ropy led no having been struck by li'iluning and entirely c-mu-im-l Il.*r crew was S ,\. l by .i piMOg >easel Sin wut owned iy Mi '»i». Il.iiid & G--., Ui.tiiu. re. The Negro Diiriis in llottnu. Boston, March 5. Tho negro "Anthony Burns," has roturnod to thi« city under the protection ul Ilia now purchasers* A grand reception is to be uivon him in the Tic- mont Temple on Wednesday night. DoalU of n Hisliop. Charleston, March 6. Biahop Reynolds of tho Catholic Church died thi« morning. Narketa, New York, March 5. Cotton ia dull. Flour has slightly advanced. Charleston, March 6. 1900bales of cotton wore sold here io*duy at toll pricos. Good middling 8 3-8 to $1*2. tST Such advertisements as wero sent in yes terday and do not appoar this morning, will bo duly attended to to-morrow. Arrival or the Knoxville —Tho U. S. mail steamship Knoxville, Capt. Ludlow, tn fifty seven hours from New York, to Messrs. Fadelford, Fay & Co., arrived yestorday morning. Tho Knoxville brought out $200,000 in specie— $100,000 of which is for the Marino Bank, $5u,000 for the Bank of tho State of Georgia, and $50,000 for tho Planters’ Bank. Sho also brought the largest and most valuable cargo ever landed hero by any ship. ty It gives us pleasure to stato that at the sales yesterday boforo tho Court House, Central Railroad stock brought $103 50 per share, which is an advanco of $13 50 within the past six weeks Twenty-five shares of Planter's Bank stock wero •Iso oliored, and brought $90 per share for $30 paid in. The prices paid for lands and negroes wero much larger than thoso offered a month ago. liox. M. II. McAllister.—Tho Washington correspondent of the New York Times, under date of tho 2d instant, says that tho above named gen* tlcman haa been appointed Judge of tho Circuit Court of Calitornia. Mr. McA. has a large circlo of personal and political frieuds tn Georgia who wtll bo pleased to hear of this appointment. Ilia legal knowledge well qualities him in an eminent for tho high trust. tsr The Hon. Goorgo Bancroft, the historian, arrived bore yesterday, by tho steamship Knoxcille from New York. LtCTt'RE.—'* Ireland and Her devolution of ’48” is t" form tn© subj.-ct of n ficturc by Mr Frank Enion u, at OglMhorpi-Hull, this evening Judg ing !»• m tho subject, ami Irom the high encomiums be.towed upon tne lecturer by the press in oilier ciiit'*, it will bo well worth hearing. Fatal Accident — Thomas Gmlmirtm, a hand j upon a freight train on ihe t\ Railroad, w.i* '• insMut y killed yesurd-y m-.ri.itig, at tho 20th ! AL.o ctau «n. 'The iuun which I it h -ro ai 7! o’clixk, had stopped at N-» 2, ns, and just ;i* ! |!.o f.irs started Guilnu-'in to jump on, I who • h« flipped, fell under the wheels, nnd was I cm* d to d.-nth. II- rein mi* were'igh' t<» I thu «• ty and an imp .i he'<« '*v ('..r -o. r Ld. ii The Verdict wa* III ■•ic--r' | aiico With thu am-Vr facis. Theatricals in Macon —Mr. Cn*p opened a I theatrical season at Concert If ill. Macon, on tho I o' the ftth Mrs. if <wa*d appeared a* tho * Drrt'hcis d . Chartres, m The Folln s ot a Night,' arid aa Gertrude, in tin: Loan of a Lover, amdamod by tho very excellent stock comp my ••» well known upon out boards. tar We learn that th.- Light ship, w hich Ion j been undergoing repairs hero will shortly humoured oirMartin’s Industry. tsr The Savannah 'Turner Association cnlo- brated their fourth anniversary yistcrdty. They! turned out in full ranks in thu afternoon, and paraded through the principal MreeU, after which they engaged in their usual gyrmnastic excrctscs. ty It* will be seen that the Steamer St. John‘ t Will hereafter atop at Middloburg. (Fla.,) on her way to Picolata. On Thursday morning next, ahe Will start on a trip to St. Augustine. The Sunday Liquor Law -The Governor of Pennsylvania haa signed tho bill to provent tho sale of liquor on the .Sabbath day 1 »tx Havana Ores* Troitr, winch arrived tn Charleston a few days ago by tho ImIm-I, was to have given a concert there last overling. Syracuse Municipal Election.— A fusion ticket for municipal officers, composed of Dnmocrats, Whigs and Republican*, iri opposition to tho Know Nothings, has been nominated in Syracuse, N. Y. Lyman Buiv„r.s, Soft, u the fusion nomineo for Mayor. RavRRaah Ulm lM$r«ViiNkiHt. Tho following InterMtiog letter from Capuitt Gilmer will bo.road with pleaaure. Under Itle ablo and akllful direction, and with tho liberal appro priation of $161,000, {uat made by CongreM, wo hope coon to be ablo to oongrotulato our oitixoni upon tho poeaoeolon of an harbor oqual to all tho want* of oommerue. Messrs. Editora: With a viow to determino tho prociao depth and condition cl the channel of tho river over tho "Wrecks," and along tho Southern edgo of "Gnr- den Bank" 1 havo enuod an accurate survey of thoee points to bo made, and aa the results of tho oxeminalion may bo of somo interest to you and your rcadorv, 1 will hero stato them. I. Tho ohannol ovor tho Wrecks haa tho same, or about tho samo, positions, as when tho works oi improvement wero commenced, but it has an in crease of depth equal to tiro feet over what exist ed whou tho chart of tho Coast Burvoy Oilloo was mido:—that is to say, in 1850 and 1851. Tho width of this deeper channol la not as great aa it ahould bo for the convenience end certain passago of vossole (hat come within tho proper limit oi draft. At tho narrowoet part of this channol it ia but little more than 150 feet:—wide onough, il winds and tides wero always lavorablo, but as this is not the case, at least 100 feet more should bo nddod to tho width. Tho depth ol channol over tho Wrocks, in 1951 at ttiMii high water, was fourteen feel six inches. it is now lull sixteen loot six inches. Spring lidos add nearly a foot to tho ittoun high water level of the river; hence, with tho higher tides, vessels drawing over seventeen loot can he taken over the Wroi ks. 2 Tho channel along tho Southern edge ol "Garden Bank" remains in tho saino position as w hen th» works wero commenced, and has a depth ncurly equal to that over the Wrecks. About severtv-Hvo hot in width, we-e dredged from the \ vJge ot tho B.oik, to giv.. great, i wjdxfi . f channel , ai.-ng in it 1 »t ot the Eastern wharves; but, it is soil I too uariow, especially it two and sometimes threo j vessels ho permitted, us bciotoloro, to lay abreast, I n| tht>»e wharves. 1 At n point about 650 luet below the Eastern cor- ] n.*r ol the w liar I ol M.ssrs. Austin & Roberts' Mills, thu mean high water t iiunucl of sixteen and a hail foil iu depth, is undo quite narrow by the projection of a shoal point jutting out from the gon er »I line of Garden Bank. This project mg shoal has no groat extent, nnd unn bo easily removed by dredging. Steam vostfbls can nvoid it by their uhiluy to keep directly in the deep, but narrow channel, South of it, but sail vessels, with contrary wind*, are liable to touch at this point. As Congress has finally grnn'.ud the appropria tion, no long and earnestly urged, means arn now provided tor making further and greater improve ments, and I have now full confidence that nil that has been and will bo gained in depth and width of channel can bo made permanent. Gentlemen, I am with much respect, Your obediont servant, J. F. Gilmer, Cnpt. of Engineers Savannah, Go., March 6th, 1855. CoiigrcHalona)* Both Houses, on Friday, concurred in tho report of tho Committees of Conference on tho Appropriation Bill. Tho Senoto passed tho bill from the llouso to carry into ©fleet tho Reciprocity Treaty; also con curred in tho amendments of tho House to the Bounty Land Bill, which now only wants thu sig nature of tho I'roaident to become a law. The discussien upon tho Tariff dausoof tho Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill was re sumed by Mr. Cooper, who spoke in opposition to it. Mr. Casa expressed his approbation of tho pol icy oi reducing tho duties, nnd thereby reducing the revenue, but was opposed to tho mode proposed by the House. Ho appealed to Mr. Hunter to abandon tho clause ; and, alter some remarks by Mr. Stuart, the vote was taken on Mr. Clayton's motion, and tho section was stricken out by a vote ol 24 to 21. 'The Senate prcccecd with <>thor amendments,. and, alter having taken a recess, whs occupied ] with the bill until halt pus’. 12 o'clock, on Saturday morning. Numerous amendments were adopted, including one of $250,000 to continue tho Wash ington Water Works, nnd another to increase the salaries ol tho Judges of the Supremo Court. Tho House ol Representatives disposed of tho amendments of tho Senate to thu Army Appropri ation Bill. Somo of them were disagreed to ( amongst which was the clause appropriating $30,- 000 L>r the purchase of cumols or dromodurii-s to be employed lor military purposes. Amongst tho amendments agreed to was tho important one to add lour regiments to tho regular army, which was passed by the H->u*o with a further amendment authorizing the appointment of an additional Brigadier General. The Sonato soon thereafter d signed to several of the amendments ol the I Jon***, and committees of conference were ap pointed to consider tin* disagreeing Vote*. 'Tile House pi»s d several private bill*, nnd ihen went in'o Committee of the Whole up n th • Fo-t Of!i •• Apprepri iti n Hilt, which was passed during Hie nigh*. Grunt ItritnIn, One of the first art* of tin* Wnr-ofTtcn under it* n«-w head iL- ni Taimiure) i- augmenting ih« t'-MUiean am.y AH Hie r. g men a are n> ll iv- tln-i r »!•• Ogtb fni-erl l 20**0, \* olt itt.-lvo eoinpf le.* .| r..r.k and ft e in the field, no t I ur o* in tlio dip t at Mil a or tlm I mtan loaud* Several C'liipanies of tho Dr ago. m Guardi, the llua<ars, nnd tin- Ltnrcrs, are to be niscd to the nitrnt of s ven’y■•fun rnen per troop The Sapp-ts and Mm- ra are '<* I o n.rr-an d 5'X* men, and. thi-r ang- j rnv'i'aiioi.a will l-c speedily eirriedout 'The Brit- j iab Indian empire is also to belaid under eontri- I butmn l«’f soldiers. ‘Thu 10th llutsar* are now <>n their wrny to tho Crimen, and other draughts frmn I India have received orders to move toward South ern Ruwtia. Tim inflowing chief appointment* havo been made for tho Baltic Fleet; Tho l.oK«oa Timm nnd iho Knilloh Ariiloeraflyi Tit* London Times, tho nawspaporlal demigod of Enalishmon, flusliod with its victory ovor tho Aborduon ministry, and intoxicatod with the ap- plauso it haa rooeivod, aapiros to load In nnd urgo on a vigorous war against iho oriatooraoy of Eng* land. Hoar what It says: IIIIIIHMII 111.1111.11 Illl'll INI HJ" Highly Imporiimi frwtsa Wasblngisn. j Raby Posiry. Autograph Letter from tho Ctnr to President Home hypsrrrlllcal old bachslor may say tbs iW_ie„„rn toro,. A.aU,., (*. V. Stn„., ^ ®fd'» baby lanxuaxe, trus postry. Ittorrespoodenco of Ihe N.V. Ilerald. Waiihnoton. March 2,1855. Our fiirelgo relalhmi arc hourly Imauming mat ters of dilltculiy with the administration. Atlsr tho adjournment, night holuro last. In the Senate, UnllHl.>iB Mllll U.iIII|Ib« llllkVll 1,11 III tbsro Is no a young boro, lo "liur nv«a arn nnan. and we behold that wn are Sonatina Mason, Cnsa, ami Douglaa drovn opto nnkod. Wo ask lor” talent sulBulont tn cmiduet thu Whlto House, lr«m a speolal Invltatlun aont. In , uroat ifTalra to suceesalul conclusions, and ittstoau tlto morning, through Senator Mason. Our pros* - of talent wo are ollored title* and pedigrees— out relations with a majority ol the Lmopean Wo nak for tnorit, and wo aro oflorod in exehango | orntnenta made tiecoaaary tliia meeting. Governor high oonnnxlotn, or, at boat, seniority. Tho wild I Marcy alone of tho Cabinet was proaon . AtHm- •hade of aristoornoy is ovor ua all, nnd nothing • portant ruvolatton was inailo : tho I losidunt plaecd frooS''“""“"‘ u o,o "' ,i,l '“ " ,o Ado, dmioun.lng -hc m.nno, In wl.lcl, ,hc wn, has boon managed, and tolling ua that tho pooplo f ||| fl Mintsitor on Foreign Affairs, comtmniicatlng of England aro coming to conclusions Lift littlo i to the United Stales Secretary ul State patticulars lavorablo to the stability of the proaont "governing “Inn organization against tills country, advised fllHMnii" ti ilma auma un ihu onau auuinat tho nris- Bnd «iiu u uragud by Eng and and trance. Extracts clnssca, it thus sums up mo onso agumst mo arts- j (ro|l| , c|lor- t0 |ho | lolno government by llus- toernoy: ( slau uactet employe* dialrihutud throughout tho " Wo havo boon ready to allow pinco nnd patron-1 capital* of Europe, proving thu nb-.vo ataiuimuit, nnu to bu monopolized by a few gruat faiiiilius.— and, although thoso secret agents are wholly igno- “ ’ * rant of tlto existence ol any but themselves, tholr Wbara la lbs baby? Haaalu beart— Where Is mumr'a darling Imv T lluea It In Id lla little hand* apart, Tbu dears*!, I>mm»I toy T And to It does; sihI will It* little chin Just a* lal a* butter T And will It poke lla |i||o flriHi ra In lia tiiniilu Idle iwulli, ami mutter Meejr wlcey word*. Juatllke Intu >alter titrdal And *o It will; and an It may, No matter what It* panny, mammy say. And dors It wink It* tub, ryo*e*. When It** mad and u|ni amt rrleoest And doea It aquall Ilk# chlck-s does At evrrylltlhK It »r«*«T Well It duett Why not I,pray T Atnl It muttt'r'a darlln evey day T <>ht what'* the matter 1 nil my full my I What make* my tweeleil chicken ky t Oh ua*ty, uguy |d», In prick It t lla darlln mutti-r'* darflngfrlckstl There! There I *he Ihmwii ll In Tlit fire: the kuel, wicked pin I There I hu»h my U«u«y; gu to teep. Hocked In e kail.o of a deep! ■ TATI1MZ1NT Of »h« flswdlllan of Use ner.hwwtce* favlafs Hawk* is lha t I«h f>br M>>r ^ Net## In KTreulallofie IJapMal mnek paid in On* br llaeka Profit* tine#, lit (>M«mber, IH>4 r Prouai aoMiunt, Navll ga llapoalU, ItMtlvidual IH)|hwIU, |lwi/,73 On IS/tvt on 3 4.481 flt IJ ••• ».»H 7» li.flmrM |)Jl.t’H 7J .-i.aar. ft**!* V 4 JNeir os bejel, rntaby ru»kt„ Ire* by Ageois, M ill* ttf Ktebcwta oiaisnn*. ail j |>.w>mi,ii«m| “ - H KI prate* *wd l.»bl)ni**.. Hauk A|i|Mr4ii.MH • rJ Mr] Mworn to before rn* ltd* let day of March. IRiS. It. HA PONtf.J f. MMX H. H. Plea* to**: f'riwtdetii—JuHt H, MonTNoi ne inn. K. Ward. I Gilbert fleU*r, J no. p. Tucker. | t. V. ror>D*«*i AI/OI/nTA, MAHL'II 0,—«‘o* »ot.~7L« market ez- hi Liu no new frature lo-ley. Tire drrnam) continue* X«»-hI, eml Ihe prlcr* of la*t week are lull/ »u*UIm«!. MAr.v*X, Mari'h ti —Coin-a from 0 to a ernu. Mer kel* firm. Hui tlUle nttertn*. Ueoetpu Ugbi— mote huyvra than astlrr*. A lady in Boston presented horselfbeforo a Don* | Uat of that city, un Thursday last, for the porposejof j Xaaniic SittclUorucr. POUT ok SAVANNAH MAttCll 7 Wo Itavu been content to livo in our own country, rant ol tho oxlstenco ol any stranger* to our owu guvernment, excluded Irom - statements aro marked by an extraordinary itocu- list ol turn eny, un a uu.-u-y iw mo pomueern tho working ol our own instilutIons, Gut it was racy m miiiu ul lads and datoa. To show friend- : having a loom extracted, nnd dreading tho pain only on condition that our national priue should lie ship nnd imcrcat In the success or the United States accompanying extraction, desired the admitilatra- . *-. respected, nnd our interests ana position In tho is ihuputportol tho Emperors letter, which fact Is lion «d chqlolonn. Questions respecting her lioslth, I Allies Yi:i». great laniily nfnation# remain inviolate. Thlsnur still further tnndo evident in the communication of the condition ol her lungs,ate , were propounded. Hi«*uiahip Km,«*ili«. l.udiow, 57 b».ur* t-oto Nr# aristootacy havo failed to socuro ua, nnd tliurcfuro , die Mmiator. «»d being anawetwl favorably, tho dentlat applo d Vmk, t„ fml.lf..rd, Vsy u»:«. fin «u. n,.u tlx l\ M, the pounlo of England will, wo hope, demand, in 'The communication proceeds to show that these the ether to her nostrils, and death ensued in a few h.,uiii of Msiterst, esehaiiN»i •'«eai. •'«»; •'«*••>** au. uo .plrll of wild and tl.oorollo.1 luvolmu, In mi inlorvinw. »«« had «l «lw« W l;™'" '«“»"»».■ ; uffXfSS.2n.*...., m.* , A SSSi spirit of hatred o r animosity to any ponwn of the Napohum, at which wore present tho llritisli, Sunn- i 1|t>ro j(l a ,, raclicil | Con umlium; It tduchos • «.», iir.ii.wa.ii at Whttshead. T W Hremlri. It^mn community, but in tlto spirit ol practical reform of tali, and Austrian^Ambassadors. In l*om on. U.rd Uu , oa(U . l0 , u(c<Uy : | t i. from an exchange i an urgent nnd intolorahlo grievance, that the ays- Aberdeen, Into Minuter, received, ontliusamo Whv »s lour cent augur like a man that never tom which exclude, plebeian talent frotn liigheflU husinesa, «flieial*Jnmi^‘l'V,fcnch. SpattUh, , lirrci ; ? Becaui it is clear grit and nothing " ” **"" olso. nlmll henceloitlt bo discontinued) and that in thu nnd Austrian representatives. Ibis Imainces was army, nt tho desk, and in tlto council, those men the reluluni ol those Bowers with the United Btutos. ahull bo called to tho public service who are best A protriicted diplomatic policy was recommended 1.1:. ll'.. ... i .1. . ... ... Ad.. .... .. . . 11 u a.. I... I..1I. uiml u-illk aide to serve the public, tins m-VJinent. " It ItiiM boon our painful lot t«» witness more nonrly tlmn idhern, uttd to obtain more ntuplo in- formation a* to the Manner in which this war hm Im n conducted, mid we do not hc»itnto to oxpreas the opinion that without an entire change ol #>>■ i hi. , PiiH-'i'iitiou of youth nnd energy forngo nnd di-i iijinui),—-unlt-M s-mui plan can be tot ut»m t>y «'M. h limit' shall lie ihe only eritcr-on In the tilling sp ol eivd nnd inilitnty ofliees—with'iut^ lit fact Couldn't we send out tobacco to the Crimen t It ia worth $1 25 t<> $1 5(J per pound at Baiaklava, and the poor soldiers cry for it. ■ngaged to sing si Wo wish ail rucccai to to Spun nit all important to he lolhwod out with tho United .- tales, while Franco nnd England would incr, a*o mid dividothuirairength in such a manner, hi South America nnd the United States, n* not to excite suspicion or alarm 'I'lio result of these do- liberations mark u detornvhibU hostility to this country, winch i* only nwRiiiug an opportunity to sli'-w it-elf in acts of nggrcaatuti mid violence, We mo ao little pivtmrvd nt tin* moment to in. , t i have reason t<* Miuvo that Austria, riot- .... , withstanding her a»»urumiu to tho Alina, i* secretly U|| , f|<| lhw n compute nbundonment ot the cl urns of wealth, the friend of Kunsiu, mid it limy not hereafter bo ., r ,.» cr | | , Uu , l; na i.arnikwa nnd nt tlm aame Mm. of fomi.y null of intereel, in favor oi that higher ditlicnU to prove that It is through this power that ordinary gMjd rAxi*, and lbs numtier of cure* leatifird uoinlity which the hand of God ha* impressed oil Ruwia obtained thu infonnatiou in pail now coin- tot.) many of ttm m.,»t rv*|NciatiiM rttlo-n* ol Kiel*- the tore he itl of everu man of talent, it is vain f-.r imitnrnlcd to our goVernmeul. tii"i».l. Vn ? and el-e where, mint tm conciuaitet-vhleuce •• •* 'The I'reeident I-noxious to adopt a proper rourse Uiortbereli no humbug about It. <>n llio inluiiiwlun which tio niuc.'.i. J |li-Vm!? ’ “ f ' slioiild be pivcwled bv « iiieaeago to Congro a m-e silvertlaernent In another culumu. •tatmu particulars, without nuiiMiig Iiim nutlioriiy. riur5 ti ami thus obtain mi appropriation ol some millions ,■ ■■ .—7- r,-r— ol dollars. This suggestion was received with Jtafa- I CT niatingul.he.l^phy.icisi... well known mercb- Jenny Eilid is said to ho Exeter Hall, Englund. A* * j*minm asn Ni-mnch Mameiss. r'arter’s Hpsn- |*ti Mixture -lamia pre-iiinlimnt all other-. It* -ingitlart \ «(U arum* ecMon on the blm-t; lit »u* uvtte emi t; amt vitllyliiK ijuaiiil.*; ita Ionic action on Iho : Its teh-lel-cy to drive ell htunor* to Mie -ur »c«. try rlontuliig Mie s*»tem ncconlltiR to Nature » own continue tin- proem contest.and bett.T uvpt any ei-iidltl 'tis, however degrading, nod how ever hiimillatMig, sitieii Ho d.-giad.itiou mid no In- llldlutioti euflered Ul lh» bunds nt tho enemy can exceed thus., which our own servility nnd mean ness havo inflict'-d, and uru about to itithct upon outsulvuz." Freemasonry in Louisiana.—Such of our read- as are membera of tho Mus->nic institution are doubtless nwaro that the ord.-r in Louistmia, has lor mnny years past been distracted by dissensions ami schisms, n largo number ol the fraternity having refused to acknowledge tho supremacy td thu Grand Lodge in the lower dogrues nnd of the Supremo Council of tlto South in the higher degrees. Wo ,0,..... would c,mi.,1, .«««.! .I..m throughout the country. It an appropriation <*! htaiii.kR'.** andiiVNK rilKHKY I'.XI'IXTOH \NT, money should lie deemed UOCi'Ssury, It could t'O tib- Ml r.mehi, Cl.Ida. and dl-ea-ea..( the iuriK* and throat tnmeu without Bi'Uiiding thu ularill, usreusoiied by gi-m-ratly. There l» no etnplrici-tn tn it* prepare Ion. the ('resident. Independent of thu value in this Ariictrs which are well known and highly appreciated j . , _ ensis of Senator Dnuglaa* opinions and b> tl.e entire m«ltc«ir#culty,»h.iieehter Inm Its com- I’htl ij *. W.-lroff, UrrtuEt.^ Hohwcll • v\ hue- ...„i| Liii.ui. l,„ „ni„,Inina Mm nift-t friemllv |»«»*«tioi,. «T A Itl. t.ll*r* 111 XUKIKI.A « ' 1 It 111 A I. It al- | hea-t, and >.lhrr# Imdimra In Ihn ftuaaimi itniiinreh end nnl iikoS.>Mio *" prepared * Mb the Mine eclcnllOc aklll end cere. It* Mnp M.iomunwealib, (in t>rr, New York, ball*»t,to lootings to tho Russian monarch, and not ikosnmu b< . 1 '„ Ml ., I|| rfccU i„ have been Muter. ... 7, He .. tj Si • «, Itutler Al rr.imon, U Itrnwn, brim At Potter, Una ham, Kelly Al • o. (.leghorn Al 1 uimlnghem, i Vi.tral Ithilroed bu, |* |, Min-writiiir, A Champion, J At 1.*l Co, J II i'art#-r, |i I) > -.pp, Carleton Al I'arsrma, Cram* At IL-lgr<a, <>,hei.* • llrrijL, M A C* hen, P. Ilaiiow b 1 <>, J II |i.:wm. IreWItt A Mor gen, tVm liuncar,, liana Al Weahh'irn, l.intPln A t-ek- man, \Y ll P.thcridg.-, J * Pay, MnC Pott *».d, U'ui <1 P."»te, Prai.kloi A lirentlry, ll J f.uiHrn.c l»r-wn, «#ray llrothera, VV IV f-oodrUh, J V Mullrnariln A >(,rr„. tllle A • o, l|.i|c>-luL.-, Johi.toti A Co, lluntr »*A tn*M, \ llayw.M-,), llu-l--.ii, Plemb g A Co, XV llalr. P XV llradfiian, II..on A Cormery, XX p l|.inter, N X liar- rt.«- A l.'o, llerudrii'a Klpr.-t* John 4 |i Jn—«-«•, <» t dm* -u A «,o,N II Knapp. XV II Kimtrro'jgh, XX’ King St p.-iir, Uljjrl.liw.ii, II I.Lthr-.p A 1 o. J XX l-a'LnpA Co. I.yiiu A Snyd.r, XV XX’ I.)nr..In. Jo. I.lppman.r M l. nffl'i'U-i, c A L Umar, i.-.«.Erti A ShelMim*, II W Merrrr, XX’ II May A Co, T A I. McKenna, l> Melleti A c<>, J II M.H.rn A Co. M r-A Mcix.l*. Mum A lley- m. v ,T H Mill*. Nrtlt, (.ethrop A ll-^rn. J NW-lroi., J f Mira, li 1* Ntcholt A Co, Ja* < .'Hera, P J • >gdtn, P |*l,lllij**, I'adrlfxrd, Pay A Co, Pieraon. Ilndt A C.., Hr XX' Tl'^rk, Kl'ar-on A Co, Patten, HuMoi, A> o, It—k- enbr.ugti A I.uIhu, M J ll«ill>,P(i l(oa*-nbrrg, lluhin- »»n A Camp, ItaL-in A -un h, Uu—a i^.og. - - HMdrt, J Mingcr, J S.darri, A l.'<^ A A rclotnona A C*., I K r. flt. J J Thrrlk.-UI, J M Turner A • o.T—.*. a Mack nt, XI I» T Manor. XV yeti A Co. > II A It XXte.1. XV C XVad-wuMh, S XViltnot, ti P XVuod A Co, tVaj A Tay lor. XX'» lla A Vcrttllle, T S XX ayne A Nil,, XX P Y»nge. •hip \Vll**»s, New York, jo llowtana A «'o Mitre, to XI A Cobra, T It Mill*. • II t aruphleld, Itrlgliam, K*!l) A Co, Patten )-ott*-n A Co, J II C*ilrf, N K liarnum, Jno Jonea. A XXllt.ur, I tx Mxrrrll A Co, «.'hri.i A llrftx, C H Duyrrr, T rt XVay nr- A sm, J XV Phillip- **' — - * " *• - Ih-ctL rrinurkniile, ■ Ivor 500 plij rk-aha, win. have been ine-1# 1 be.k Rtatermen, lleucou, Doetou, ballau, to A !.«■ er.|iinoit.«.I will- the rmpe* Mirte |r-pular r.-m—ll.-*, 1 At- hujt- lo-en pl.-an-t! wlUi Mirta, and only *|M*ak ol ibnn ■ lntt-rtn*of unquallth-d prul-c. If y»u hato u cough,•>' any dl-eatonf Mm lung* <»r lliront, givutl.e Cap.ct.-r-nt 1 n trial; or If you or y -or frnuida nral the aid ul the |)iarrt.<«e Cordial, make u*o of U with conOdtnce, atel ' mark the result. of Ilia colleagues in thu Senate, who hell* velum deprived td every human virtue. Iu this decisi.-ii Marcy tound himsoll nnd his viows lullyaupnorted, . anti while u strict vigilunco will be observes! by our are gratihed iu being able to announce to our run-■ covernment upon tho movements of England and sonic readers, that these dissensions aro ut an end ; Franco • becoming discretion will bo observed us and that now, for tho first timo in filty-ycars, tho ( w . mark,*, tile coincidence that tho receipt of macripUve paropbteu, to be bad gratia of the agents, masons td Louisiana, acknowledge but one head ■ the Emperor’s letter and tho prntler td friendly price for cacti, only M cent* per Imiile, orals hoiiit-a for 1 and are united in ono fold. mt-cmiion on the part ol England,slisuld come by $-j lo. * Tllhri. M. it'ltNKH a co. I tho same vesaol, nnd have been received at tho I 'V. I.INC'H.N, _ Tho total value of tho loretgn exports of Haiti- sumo time by our government. j it Muoitij a c» < " U ’ i more, for tho week ending on Thursday, the 28th, —Wo give the foregoing for what it is worth ; | mar s t J * hevumali. was $233,414. Included in tho export* wero 7,939 j our own opinion being that it is worth nothing.— | 'pt'lli ill NOTICR it barrels of Hour 499 barrel* of corn meal, 51,955 | Ld*. Repub. j RusbtOU. (lark & (O.’S Cod LiTCrOil- I bushel* of corn, 337 barrels and tiorcc* of lard, I -— —*—Th*. leu* Lm of UCslITn.v, ci.AUK a co.. beti.g 1 1,181 barrels of pork, 23fi tierces of beef, 733 boxes I L® M| « joNeartt^lopo 1 7 ,||, w ,u N | 1,, the .truth -1 XV n. I.. (the .ml, ] , , , , ,, r,n y r ' '•'""o.n limoa.l , , |>er*o« of Mu-name of K'i*ht.>t( vrrrr<iniM-ctr<1 With li.c I of middles, 2,429 bags cf <iu.Tntr»n bark, and two Inn*, Thursday evening.— I ho minor which Has uriuMke buttne** in future will bo continued by 1 p.tam'j 111 luml»r nnd coul, ono for llnnuu nnd '■kon owry onoby •ur|in«o. wlilrh lu> ilitcoiitonl. iik<ii:uaS,- i.aiik * i n, ,1.. „,i,Aai.inu-ult I nKtft Ihoao who have Imard it, and which Ims or lor A«|>inwnll. I nr.olucod *, nro.t i. foil In Ih. nnlriio .oouriuc*. I. . IU Att.-r llouae twmg 'iitirclr.1 with the ra. Hark Illi al. Durkre, llnt. b*lU»t. m p. \ Nrhr <\»i*ert, Sumuioua, Itufia.. Utter, Tunic, 0. 7 J XV stall. 3learner Celhouu, Harden, Cba-le*U>n, to 1* V tr-au. Mrtte. to Hard* i c E A <, ' U (affiietu, U llatM-r*iiaiu A r*on, Menu, a Neiheus. J A J XX AiMli rton, C A I. i.«in»r. 1# N .Mchot* Hie® reft, fr.-u» Xlaiihre', ItSutf IL7 Latra t’pland Cot loti, to N A It .r.l«® A * '«>. t.'fuger A trie, ItrLr. u Poster, A - Ifenrlitg®. rmpe*i.-on t o. IlCLOXV—A Img. narnr .nitr-iao (i.i.xiii.n. KhltiChaos, ImMon,|»~»l-J It XV.K'er. 3chr I. I. It XX a.ea, lloffmai., I'h.Udeiphia— Charlee A *. if . . QMI5 A I 1.0 AT 2,000 fd&toXJv* r wharf—5-f »a . P.t, t„. u <1 kr>«7. UtkOHlT DANOINg // / n h a .V h /. .1 h 1 41 ,, 1 Mk Nil ll<.Mr i npe-,.,-;,,4' » arvl Un ewk-ra, win wn r . flail.rm Moral**, March Iru. Maaera, >M fasMaynwh i.rmutneo. Poptl* rer.t..t , Unetion <1ale from the flrw. 1 'IIH PAI.K.— t>A So. it, . a,.*.. new# Ualiroed MtyA. kn iuo m*rC lIAVflr Mu I jttl K*—»>//»<» Cray HrkX.p.. * > IraX i] mar 4 C OHN,—J.otfr LeiLet, mW-»i •• Ii X VI 0 "XVy i t-dMlfc \V V V a I3.W pi AMKn^fSt Ltd* tailing [<• - ■/.' ftll>CJ.rr>M, '|M.NM>«|.K HAC'iN.- 1 r.«*M® New Boot it#: by rt.*» a F: XPIKHN ll.xY- b, mat C h 1+,.. J -f" r.?,*. NOTIf » To Stop Ager.U, Sea Cajnn.-j r |'lll. *Mt*wtrit4-ra are - • 1 parking )>#>u*e <A> La.r#J.»- 4 1 Prune, Pnm#* Me#*, and Mru h.*-', . equal, In e»er, re*f«t, t/. ar..t • u u.«, w ;i **ll U# »■■:.! hie: »*.r XX «• ha«e now ix. -Um Uj u'm »‘ i &0LI.U Me-.P-el ”'*■ <#i-e ut a cal) Inlofe laytbg ,t -' • n^ .. a rr ar C S * ' S~OTIt I.. hatrlbrr »U iu*u* <y..v t. #«•«■»* Ily. m.-rage at L t , rat le tern.* XX M XXAtl.Nf, Ii*elliJ| ri'IIP. 1 gn nuiviMi r.»Min.* produced *.• great n fall in tho public securities, is 1 165,273, and 511 Unoidvay, Miv. l.oaAM'r K.i(JA0rj|C»T in CllouaToi. - I *',ill l»nn«od in. 1 nlludo to the d.|«rtur«ini iho ' J'll wiinern™ »ul. lt,r .wit. N. i , „ i- ' Emperor for tlm Crimea, it continue* to bo the uijeonttmieq. 1 ho Charleston Courier »ny*: > ..rf..w «»«r Mr ili'iut* ha* been Saturd; , .. . . . lying character. 'Tho versatility nnd range of lu r gibs wero displayed in tho parts sho undertook nnd rendered to the gra ificatioii of » numerous nml critical auditory, and in such a manner ns to dint tlm warmest approbation. Wo trust that our city will be graced Agam, ere the season c ows, wtxtx tho presence ot this cstiuinlile actress, who g-.c* bonce, wo umirr«taml, to till a second engagement til the Georgia Thcatn-e, under iliat (M.pular and successful manager, W. 11. Crisp, K»q. As our thuntrical season wilt bo continued some weoks, perhaiw lie>..nd I..-nt, n go >d opportunity will In- atn.rded b>r a repetition of an t-ngagument with ono who has succeeded so well in |iirasit>g all who havo been able to attend her performances, and who cun nover lad in meeting a warm nnd gtrivr- out welcome Irom n Chari, at m audience .Tlviieiirce fur liuprot tun Alluire III tlir trlinen. Lord I'almeraton stated in tho House of Com mons, Feb. I6;h the circumstances which had led to the Into change# in tho Ministry, and in t’to Coursn "f his remark* proceeded to announco tho intentions of the new Government. Ho said: Tho Secretary «>f iho Admirably had appoint ed n Hoard t<» superintend tho train-port service A C"iiinm»H-n was n-.w going to lie sent <>ut to iho Crimea, composed of three civilian*, who w-<-u!d have ample power t-> am. ti5 thu sanMnryfc->nditi<-n of the li.-spiinls, til- caMip, and tho elnp-i (Hear, lieor ) Many complaints had been made .-I tho ays', m of iho Commissariat d« p-irtmont; t«» r^ti- !>' tit's n commiss oii W.1S --ul, nt the head --I wli th Sir John McN-'ilo w.-ultl l«i placed. They xv. ii d • xailiMiu into tllL-ir delects, nnd make llio lire, n-ary impr->y.-meri s in th-- coniniisvariai ar- Mtigcm.-ii's llio Qiiartcrmnslcr*G«neruln nnd A.lju anis-Gem r:tl«‘dep-irttiini u xv.-uid i-e rcni-.x- e-l lf--in th- iiu'h.-ril- .-I E--rd Raglsn, nn-l | i »r, d under M.-'j-r-Gctieral Smiijisou An h .«(>it.,| was t • In. (-ttaidiahcd at Smyrna under civiimn* solely. E'ird l'aninurc Was going In remodel ihe Ill- dlcal d. p.irlm- iit ai h -in.', mid ho would als • present a I* '• \ • >■» .'I*- her Majisty \ > en'ist an soldiers men ;• hi >xi, .1 r than thu present limit, nnd f-.r a -It-, i- r I-r-o.l tlm ii at ;iit-seut lu.-.l I',, lacilrnio • Ik- rran-p rt m die Cniiira, iirrangcineuis w.-nl-t iiiiim.l au iy b« ni.-td to c.dleei niiiui.xU in A*u Minor f -r the service <<| the army Since the pre sent Government had hccti in oHico nil the**' .lung* had been dorm <-r worn doing, ar d lie trn-t.-d iho Ii- use would wail lor thon-sult «»| thoso improve men's bid--re piece, ding wuh tho n.- ( eei eoinuiM- tlio The duly <1 n .Mti-i-iry, ln-wt-v. r, w as | . nnk- * v.-ry eU-ol which fount h omhly and »ale- I)' be made lt-r putting nil end to the war by a Him- ty <-t peace. Aun'tw «t»d Ru-nm tud ngrx’xd up the bams upon which nogoti.iu.-ii* should be e--m- menet-d.aud M wns the duty of thu Hritiah Goxern. III. nt t-» sen Wether p.-ticc c.Mil-l t>e --Itlanu-I on j-i»| and lioii-.rablo ternia. For this purpose Lord J. Rna- •-II would proceed t.. Vienna earl)' next work , ho woul-i pnna tlirough I'atis f- r tho purp-an. ol c--ii- suiting tlm French Government, nnd ihr.-ugli It-r- „ a I. . i it n., , „ , ,, j lin lor the ptirp-.-o of rousulting the Tru-xamn G-»- Rear Admiral lie Il-n R.rhnrd Saunders Dun- | vornmmt 1/ be lulled in fun mi.s.on, the country d«.(.. ll.*cond .nml I-<—I ol Ihu A.Iniir.Uy, w ...M fool Ilia, ihoro ir’ to Comim.nd.r.ln-Uiicr. I Ut m on with-It. w.r, ..a l„ » J Rear Admiral Seymour. Cnntnm of tho f loot j vinced that the nation would support with nlncrity a Government which, having eudeavorerl to pro. dire peace *n«l failed, wn* determined to carry on th» war with vigor. They, I herd ore. tlirrxv them- selves on thu generous support of Tarlumeiii nnd lie k>narteston k/tiurior says : ; ,,i r,.w ,,ur -' ,f Hioiza* nn* w-rn rnnntcini wnn llio Misj Kill, L'.tt.n conrlud.d her Pn«»i!Pmrnt nn ■ „ M.II di-Ulinvo i'r. yet H mnl wlw were S22l*^ n 2Si«S‘7" !i“ nurday cvenming with u l>eneht of a most grnti- 1 terday and the day before among the most incrod- bu»tne*^si.«l with the lo-ndlt of hi. rz|«rtrnce n.d the -- --- ............ .—— — .... . apcfirnce liegiri to givo nway. T hey call to mind mini Incd effort* of csrti loemlwf x.f our Him, we iniat that Ihe Emperor 1* n tort of fatalist, that lie lafirm- to merit ami receive a coiilintuticu of the patronage *o Iv persuaded that ho has a mission to lultil, that no liben.ii) eiw-ndc*! t.. u*. dang-rs, no diiricolties, are great enough t«* pre - Th© Gonulll© Cod Xiiv©r OH, by It, v.-nt Mint fulfilment, that lio is destined t<> restore the glory of in* name, ntni tho nation he rule* over, and that the capture <>1 Sevastopol under bt« own eye, an I poriiapa und.-r Id* c- nt uanJ, w.-ulJ give bi- reign a prectigo iar U-y-uid that <d Algu-rs, nnd nearly equal to tlmt of his great uncle T line who ro xaon tiius, take it lor granted that tlio Emper- r is conxMired that his presence nt the camp would in- spiru iu* army with a confidence, n c .tinge, nnd niM-uihusia>m which neither Kusaiau legion* nor foitrenn could wuliaund. They think, |*tt m-iroover. that tho Emporor would t.«- proud cf an at*-, having occasion to prove to Eui-.po tint alter having crush- liwn *->1.1 *• on# mukc, «e uk.- tl-U n-«-tri<N] of mrorm 0.1 unruly tactions, ai eiic.d daring or m.idlou* op- tho l-aMir. of Havannah that nil nnirlr* m*m,me- l~HUtum.tM,m»Ut th- tutbuloni t«% order, <Utied ltx« •*» u» *•*•■# *» r - <*#**-m.'.c other* ar* d igger nnd p 5ml ol the ns*.s*.n-nfier hav.og re- « ruu,u *' Xv/iltmtlVv k at--red i-vacc, io-e*tnhli*hcd order, nnd made Franco 1 m rhoatnui^irt-* Xlaiiufncturrr* o Fin* hitherto ina-t 1 only by u*— It xxm mir Mr.i'tm who went to Nr• four- iUn.1 to*ii|iertntend It* man-Marture. amt we war- , rant it pure iiur'Mt. I* **.l.l ti> all Mie rmwt reapccu- : ble drugvUt* In the t'lilted 3UI-*. lAtTION.-lle carvlul t*« *#■#■ that the name - 11 >!«• 17. ’ MAXI, Ct.AKK A I TO.,** I* on each lat*rl, and the *igna- ture ii|K)ii Iho c-rk of each b -lllc, wllhuut which M 1* not genuine. Ini - let, I To tlir I.ndli'w of xninnnnli.bro. »n nceount -»r n-iin-r-",* r>mt|>lninta ma le to u» In re- m;hl33 ani» »: oaitkhk •l an inferior quality, that hail I'WMiXbl Its. f I er *team«hip Khi.mlir, fi>.m New Vork- ll -n f Man-o-fx.VX K !»»*,».t», | A I* M John ami M.m 1 Jane emilt-. Xt|.» Xlarauo. XM». w--r. Vim M*rr f t - j I’erkm*. II K t'otnlng ant'laitx. •TIUM. X It • .-mU J T liu-l-t. It XI y.iung. T H«ilu«-II. Jr, Ml*. |; .•< llu-Uw'I. ; r. I. Coming, Mia* f.u-mar au. Mr* I. .-urkc. J Fans. g»n,T ilrrnnnn. It ll#« *11- r. M l» Treanor, ll” It m--.#*- I bury. Ji>« K-inl**!! Hen-lrr* n V <ttr, |i Itstl. F J ‘•al-i. : van. XV t; F<« tr. Hex XI 1 J l'rxm, Mr. IMuirmt*Ig. 1 Xtr* Margaret Falconet, X»r» It*r*>n Shrrman. Mir* T Ii j Sherman. J II I.Mlte, l»ax|» l-iiw amt -.v»u-r »?•-. I'er *'.e»tn#f t'ath >un. fr-'fn < b*rte*.oi«— |ir J I'oLea I an-1 !«-!). Mr J«if.|..n ang lady. II H Me'm'fe atel UJx. . • . ' Xtr* Franley, Mr* tlran. F t*'t'-.i,ie.r ami tody, F Mr«\. Ill in future tie made ; ef> j n,- ohtt . x » , Uf . \\ Mf.wdmr.ic h«c. * f* XX'xlla, Mr 3.rift, 1. IlaiLj, Mr t ubes, ami 7 deck. •Mil It |. I ll AX K r v u-n»#-T«#-j t/b»aw*« it Uo, esi a^- «D) own V and Late »r t,-* u*ar tv, I s.lL aa; [^rn.o wuiu-xer.exuwt Uo • 1 V’-K li'J- Dorieta It'L frlgwy, t* e-i Xorvxirh Mrr limirantr liEtii- .i |V.i,H!**i!MTM» t"V'-4 M'JT Ai. *7 . i J I v|*n» ui i*ti a ,v; j 1 t> «■ upward* ut 01.) )t-itt. an-: Um ttr HXfrr .1" .UorgtiH. I ) I-It .'.earner Xu*u»;a I >. x» -tytrerr*. j-lail <*■% li-'t j.rit,u*j Hitiiotisvto uti Utou-r !»•» do *r«d plkib ftarrgl* )»n do Fre,.#k Jar.»t«; ti-pAC, Kiatk t d < ) -r«-J Ka#t(r It w j t* ,i. to ped a»3! » •'lot k 3ilV». It Lii w«;iLt I 'tKli ®Uit-tokie-ed XIutJtA t.iruj-nr# a;~l U« 1 —’Ur, hr*-a* Tr.tttaiLg*. H-iibei HiLbuna. Ac M :;1. XHXX fire I» — Fer WMJBWT Au»uu ~ 3u|~r t Lin i J a#' -t*rl Mu* in* J’la*d k*. I iei*ch Print* l-xi,ie* o* hair, i * tnrrtizn c.-tcM, Mowrnic.g Gir.iham a»~J t^ws. J Merit* and , - 7 i.'i-mJ. , aonttr.i and Maxl-t i.if XX orkcO l-andt,i l-o: t#ve* x raj«e at»i T,i)rt«» - *#.a-* ' tnkou'i llrtar. Lin-d MkXtx. Cum ti; * Imi-a T• i-i*. Fi'iow coiic Lin Hied* I yt tn,;®- I , II oci a*.ark ai> 1 Fr««-ft 7■ * ii article* o last year, to Iw second in roinmnnd. Hear Admiral Hnynca, C. B , just protuniod to hi* flag to t»o third in command. 'Tlio linn. I J I'clhnm, Captain of tho Fleet Admiral Berkeley, nt the earnest deairn of the i Cabinet, continue* as chief naval l^,rd ol iho Ad- | nnr-ilty. 'The new Conmmn.-lor-in-Chief is in the Mth ! year of hi* age, and i* said to Ini the ) -"ing,-»t </ - his standing on thu flag list A* captain of the ! Powerful, M, he commanded n stjuadron in tho 1 .Mediterranean, under Sir Willliam Tarkt-r Mo rriiiNt not U confoUHdiHf wiih Admiral J IV, 1) i Duntlaa who recontly cormnandud tho Black Sun ! flout. the country, which lux w,n confident they would " >t have to aak for mi vmn Navigation to Kansas Territory having ro- c«ntly o;>oned, tho first steamboat of the *oaton left Ht. Ixiula for Westport, Mo., ono of tho disem barking points of tho Kananaurnigrams, on tho 17th ult- The lost aoverocold woaihur, however, closed the navigation again. I‘ ranch Railroad—A 1’aria correspondent of the Newark Advertiser write* aa follows- ”1 lie French cars are much more ,-omfi-rtablo than llio EugHsli, a fact winch I taka pl-^iru in recording on account <d its utnqucne**, it Inmig the only particular 1 lux., yet *«-ei, m winch c.-mi-.rt appear,-<l t-i hn studied. The first ciaas, t-raide# luxurioii* cushion*, nn-l a tin- k sheep *km carpet, aro supplied wuh long, flaltenrtl cylinders ol t-n|>- \la.i.r.fInncial u ... .. i per filled Willi fitd water, renewed at tmorva's. and Map.fGoneral James Sun,won. the present nil -iding a mi-**, agreeable warm'll I. tlio lust.- duputy. Adjutanl-(*,moral, is selected to proceed NVfut a contrast to the English car*, m which! to Ihn Crimea to taku lha command of one of tho Ifno f--r aoren mortal hours haiwt’on Livorj*--o| division, of tho British army General Simpson » n ! 1 l?"'d".h A»d how much toller, i,xt.,sroil,n#o • at Imme, and respected und t- .w . rful nbroid, and won loiter Alliance thosoxvhomi»iru»t- e,| ,-r tinted flint—it would be no wtunlI triumph to rroxo that, x»iu!a thousand* of miles away, ihotnc- cn.n ' iu* p twerfu! hand hsd pm together can g<< <m «-t |t*e|j, and that while ho i* iu Ins hut ..n the heights of the Crimea. Pans would g-- ,-n quito a* methodically n* M he wa* dictating law* in Iho Palace ol tho l uilerie*. On tho other hand wo are t -lii by a very lew that th- rumor i* unf-,muled, and th it none but tho m-st crtduloo* swallow* such a s:ory They a,hmt that a journey may s-ii be,in dermken, l>ut th«-y deny that it is lor the Crimea. The Bai tim- rk and Charm.*ton Line.—‘The Bilinnoru American --I Thursday »»ys We learn lint tlm stockholder* - t the S -nth-in St. am Packet Company, at the nueting held list , vi-iuug, re*-Ivcd to sett th- su-ann-r IVnncssee, nnd she will eonx-quciitly ni-k- n-> more trips t-» « nar'oM-m i h ctl-.risnia-le |o raise the mom y t-> p>) thu debt due <ni tlio Tonma*e«- .,n t ill- P.,1- ui' ! 1 • entirely failed, and our city lii*thrrel--ru b**t Ill'S fine Vessel Her lor* as a Iroight to*.«ul '«'ill, hwwux, r,Ik> tetmxl cd tix swxxe nxeasufutxy the la«X tin,I iwo nr three thu Parker Vein •tuimer* wiil bu numudi.-ttely p -t on th- line, t».it thev > f o •ut»o Inx* e A,'ioiiimi>d it ions, and arc «ih< r >* tro uuaull- ud I r p in-unger i^'at*. The Baluinoro Piitriot say# : We i-arn with groat pleasure, that tho enterpris ing proprietor* of Cromwell's stcnni-lnp lino haxo i: in c 'iitcruplntion to run ;« lino of Height r-'enn-r* beiween till* port aud Charh-ston It i« highly tin- |> -rinnl ill it these gentlenioti- ahould b- Mi«ia-ned, ua the w Mbdrawal nl ihu present Um* deprive* our to- roh-xnl* ot laeildi- a that they iinxo hon ioiorc en* ] joyed, and tho loss of which will be auveruly felt, i Su» .-r London.—I^mdon cztcnda ever an area ,-t “N.trj'j acres or 122 square miles, and thu number ol n* inlMt'itaul.4, rnpidlv mcroasiug, waisxiio two tnilli-'iis litre,, hundred nn-l mtynv- th<>u**ud. tw-- hundred and thirty-siz ,2,162,’J3«m . n the day i -■I tip, last census. A conception - t tin* vn«t nuns - t people tnay bu formed by tho fact, if tlio metropolis w«* surrounded oy a wall, hiving a n irth gate, a south gate, an ,-a»t gate, and n xxe*t gale, and each of the lour gates was of snftiei, nt wuiih to allow* a column ol |»cr*,'n* to pas* - ul fmely lour abreast, and a (xeromptory neee**.iy re- ! quire-1 th- immediate evacuation *>f tho city, it j could not h„ accomplished under f-»ur*and-lx*viitv 1 ho«r<, by thu otpiration o| which time tho head of each of the four column* would have advanced a n-' lc«* distance than seventy fix,i mile* Irom their respertive gale*, ail the p-oplo boing m cl-ue file, four deep —iCIirsluro's Result* <>| the Ceiisoa l»n tt -N. I, t’l.ila.lrlpliia. Hoot* and et.-x | > It 1XJ F. Perm # itrum L k/ ;*•» m.: ' * Hi Ao a SKVilT. LATHE- V A L •: ti x rx ~ Surcfnt xnttern Till'. *hln cOl.’Tlil’iiltT la d-scharalns at! ^mxr^T ^ * upper wLarf; r-in*.gncet *a HI I — r~~- id to Ihe recetpta of their good*. . <4 | rrx .. * V J !“ *h'V—Hark II XK receip K'lXX'i. X.M) A ro. XOTHI'.. t or frriRht, spid) to l». I» C« »l'f. at I4'J Ha) airetl.or to ,'apUiii on U-ard, al XVmiller'* wharf, hud ot XX e»t Hfi-a-t xircet. -Xli freight |mi)ablo by sldpiwr,. ‘J mar 6 IRELAND AND HER REVOLUTION OF A i^-clure upo:i Um d, eply iut« rs*4tn *-at J#ct w ll tw dejlxett-d b, FHANK EMMKTT, Till! 4 I.VKNINt;. XI xg II 7, 105'.. at or-i.l iiioiti'i: HAM.. Ticket* 50 cent*. Ivv.r* <.j^n at 7 o'clock, |\ M. lecture L'roniRirDre at vy pa*i 7 o'clock. tJ»«l;i.N tltitli:. ftiil) Fire Hrrtn Turtif. Joa: r*<rlTrd per *cl.r , <*, vert. Fur rate l.) I —'-***-" —— — mar 7 TIIO'*. J. XVAUSII. if)' 1 s “ , * uW te **»>* •"'1 'ijWL: TOR It Xt.T|X|ORP.-TT.e foe fast saM-eg 'ttar ? 5 UVNTLL 45E »:.V« H m X1T. Pnvh.iaau ma.irr.-i . meet _ . (lI . T1 . ( .. 7 . v - w h dirpatci, f-.r the al*>*p i-.n l.r tn let, I ,*r p»a* \ •'I.Tli c.X h"t N X 1 !.r>r F.- 1 .* *aj>r'f.Le t i-'-cr. id t.arr. *- A ItFRT7.. | xsroI'.La MUlr.-wat rt«*d*n« a ■■DWaiai N ch.1 ...... t n>,ja.u-!. a* above- F--r t-alamr-.tlrt-ig,,! a:» \\ *1 *■ ' J MlJilJl IN'. pl» to ll IN X A XV AMI|lf UN. ” dl ng*; gi td.l* d. :.;j| i'••.\L*• L.«iwV. a.« • 1— sale b) 1L* ea-t t — m -L i ! |>I-XN-~A I'lli XX Swoh I I * t.x t:.e rautc nt U held n' the - IP e ..f < . N . Menu. F.*q .on TIiii-dUx. lie ‘.‘.M - ( M*r, h. m »l. at ^ „'*h<k. F M. T l.e mr-nto-r* are ,r<)‘iu«t, i| l„ Ik« punctual in attendance. It) order -llhr t’rrudcni. TM»»M.XS HOXX t.t.t^ mart, law ScenUry. no xitit oi n i a iiii X retf'ilir no-nlli'x ine« I n* -■ ij.n |l<,a*d II Ire h. Id on XX'i«liiewU) , ll,c !' n® their XYanta cirefull, , and - V *•" "Hl.E \N* ."I'l.All AND XXUlbKI.V-V rp-irl all nui**nr***. ’ hh-!*. Prime !»-i*ar. amt lik) twrreU ImoA Mate* •t XX XI. J*. IpiXX F.N, Oialrman. L l • a. ."ee'v. . U&d-ng amt f.-r *»';c -avannah, Xlarrh fith, IS.YX. mar fl tu w I) I t Ii 1.0.1 |l XV.XXTI.Ih XIhiiiI ISC Dale* •'.di. n 1* Wanict f.., J«vk of the achuuuei KCt.ll*>IU (ur New York. x,MIEN* a IIF.KT7.. \OTIC I. tie tier wan’i^t '--r I hhl ,ne»rhVrv| ire m»'k- e,t t" Netni*. landptf Ir.-ni lark It II l» oclw, ii Noxrint,er l*«t. ITmm cwtlxM lur wnl.ln Idrl) day* »III I*.- silil n> pa, r j( in I-l b ItOXVl.XND A ,*•» XOTII I. Xl-irli Irnnlile haxIi g ,<curml . r--n*rq-ience -*l Ihe ati*enrr •|‘-r» !•) the New York and Sa- •hip* will ideate like n-Mee that no Volt cenrd al the i-re**ea,Intended ,fnf Ihrw on the edge ->( ll,e IP Lran-t* XX Li»krx. mar 7 M x v xm* n. i Xtr* IlnMurt, author - ’den \!»i I'ttXfA • o-tded 1 tatrdu-f from K->-r I. > Jai ter 1 He- ixesl a 't'lll X X| Lit I' X 1 »jv'rt»,u*n. no: -lixt.KY. tx: VN S|MKt-M NN. e -ulmne*. a t.xgi.:j | I Ja L x * i ir !•% a a v».- J.*x l »dn j' r t.t.r s t'.iN- I #• and I n Mir t t *:revt ran-r Hint* and *>IJ fowl -f .Xr l.ewi*. X| |l, |ltn* fated wtlh bum, l r»i,nl and for aa'e H) U -*MF>Tif «•* !•’ t It be IVn m> . X aw X N.rx)*** and rUMt : ICtwV* < #/#;.#/» V.ISH STORK. WT-. . New York. No 1> H Ion tfl •M) mark, ti "HI- KdTv i* a Wstntloo ,-nicer TNR PlkklliENr y —The Hanover (f'a > Spectator has raisa«l tho flag of Millard Fillmore, of New Yofk, for IVusideni, anti John I*. Ksnnwiy, of Ma ryland, for Vico I'rMident, and will * U pp,,rt d,am "caoveotion or no coo van lion." IxtRO Kaoi.av —Tho Ixm-luri 'Time* continuee to cannonade Field Marshal E -rd Raglan, and thinks he should interpret the dohat and diagfar* of (be Aberdeen ministry aa a national Invitation to him to resign. Lon.e Nap-dr, jn I* collecting Ida uncle'* letters and writings itlaaaidthst twenty volume# will hardly cm tain all the .MHH.ofthe Empemr Naim greatest diflu ul y that (he eiacl words are iirado U.H Earu tiL AT iTavau* -The II H. •IMPS Han Jacinto, INmoe*on, Fulton, Falmouth, Brandywine, I hr el ur. arid the (lag ai.ip f.dumhua, w*ru reporter] at K-y Wrwlon the VnU nlilrrm. end were dally -s, acted at Havana Th-HeoJaeln |o, which arrived *• K-y Wr*t on the Khh, from H». 'I’homaa, br. k« Iwoblsdi* -»f her propt-IU,, •a slit, was entering the former poii Thu Fubon ■ -Iled fru n Hi 'Thomas, on ilia 7-h, for Martmiq-iu Dr.Lt/lATM TO Tilt Eximimtion —Tho IJ. Stales Agriculiural Society hits appointed Dr Elwyn.of IVnn.ylvama ; Henry VVag-r, „f Now York , Dr W. 1.45. Mortim, of Masaariiuseita, Col. Anthony Kimiml. ,.f Maryland, nnd Charles E. Flint, Of .MaMxchnaeita, delegates to attend tho coming loduatnal Ethihitloo m |' nf , t cylindera than tho cloRo atnvoa with which nurc am hoat«4l. lit rhino Men rug Coal -Dr Tlimnaa lloeker. I of Now Orleans, lian discovertslachemical prepa- I ration, which, mi led with mud as a hrirklayte ' would miz lirne with sand,make* an oirelluut coal' —coal that can 1^, made end sold in tho Now Of. A Bit or Roman, t—Holm, year* ag--, saya tho Saint le-tna Inielligenrer. a very fmaiinfiil yuiitig faily wa* the ward of a |-i r*<iii in le„na:ana, who ileiia,tdedlhof out of quite a largo l-irtuno. This lady came l«» this ntv. xxlirjo tho married, bill ii-,| living on good term* with her huahand, finally obtained a dtVoreo from him nnd retired to a con vent Win fat ahe was them *hi\^errlvr,l a feller fr--III the M il ol lief former guardian, informing her of ilia lalfier'a death, and Inal fiimacll had licirml all Ina vast profM-rtv, hut dial he could not cmiaeni t-i retain that which had Im,cii troachcr-m*ly taken Iron, another, and offering to imho ro*tltutP-n — : 'The Udy immediately pro- ceded to l/'>uiaiana. , , , , ' had an Intcrvlow with tlio heir, and received back, leans market for thirty rents per barrel, if made try i t-,,1, principal and inter,*t. all that thu had l*-on hand, or filicon rroia, if made by tttacinnory R ! wronged „ut of 'The attangeat oatt „l »U<* at--iy ll«llU,.,ll, i lli.rn I. III.«n.l.n .moll imlllnU : '-e—"- N.,hail .1... um Mi-n .... l. . n . I , , , , oi her fortune than alia rammed to this city, sought 1 ' • "" l Ib " »«, "“I* 4 “l I "Ul hrf t.i.llior I In • fo» ,l, r . W„ rn. Wliot llllla cinder* are loft, Is good |«>r cleaning ' marrie-l to him Vrrlly, the love nf woman paMoth silver, bran, nr other similar metal* . and the ashes j '^"^'““'tding. ’The paitioe aro now living m Ht make a to|i raids *and (taper, and la ala- good for | ^ - — - acrubfung fl'Wii*,(Ve M '('h« psienton also awinr* Y*r*Kkk Eartarnt*#—XVn have already chr„n* le<m Many letter*, Ue , written hy tho Etnf »«rnr, | w"um l w", II 7n ci **t r. i w (* eT .'T mi'* 11 ”** I U,, ‘ l ,,M ,M ’"" ,, »‘»*h < f hT.m K'-nwMhm a few are In a im hardly legthle—ii I* only with tho *" K 'where wn aaw It burning). month* t»a*l for tho C.ln.ea Wu have heard ol ‘ *“ —bnl In atnvna.bmiaecu, for •melimg, and l«,r rn*k- j •••"tbot i snkoo *|H,puUitnn, ol *•i|, a * n novel kind lug aleam In fact it < an In, put In all thu prarliral i Acx'ofdmg to Iho Boston Time*, a ship i* ale-,t to ’*"'“.! • **"'•'"" - «*«• | C2; •rating ga* | ln ('rtmua, and melan, holy gati.factton to thelf I'gramtjrr* ARnGnvisuofc* —Five of tliu Arner- 1 •[•'’•"h J**»wr» they, the *old|et», sball have bitten , .,.,.11, j th'* tlliel 1 ho Vessel I* to I ki freighted - h-rflv Ir.l, Lir.til.nt. I,..| U«„ HI..". w| „, ,„.„| ||r Iw-I had been Governors of 1 *rrit»ri,a I«ev|..u. to Ui-i-g all m<its ,-f dellcaele* Im the w -unded and th«lr elevation to the I'roeidetu y JellotAm, ,>|„n> f>w and Tyler Were GnVe|nnfa -d Virginia i Van Burcri nl New Y»rk,and Folk nf Termeeenu — Gen Ja, ko-.t) walTerritorial Guferimr n( Florblg In searrh <4 lh« Albany. I ha Falmouth was going j lor « abort lime, and Gen. Ilarfianti gained greet mi • to 7th Hy -hat it ta not , «n«in that the two i gpptauae dating the (ntvg lima he wa* * l»v«tm>r of iai.r vmmU w#ru at Key West nn lha *5ib. 1 the Tsrtllury «l Indiana. No,abet adm|iil«t»ting loluHlily and enjoyments, lltee« Sgte-abie |nt|dro, e«--I lt>e Inevitable l,le nf man call be turned to Mielt legi||. mat* an-uat,stxd carry luma f-,r ,lrc*nt tuirt< ment die tif-uldernig t-udlee (,f lha Victims e| a •tale nf war J- id Faimntat»tv haa been lelurnsd tu 1'alila* niani without uppuaitlun. Sin ('iiAHt.c* N trim and Sis Jami* Graham — In the 11 * ui*,, o| l-iiimnin, on the li-m ultimo, in reply t•» t'nptniii Dunc .iiiU-, Sir Jam-a Graham said tint lie could n-.t follow the *|u-c, h of A-lnii' ral Napier, At the Mansion llouae, willn-ut tietfA)- mg d- •patch,'* ntid other coiiiiiiunicali-n* uliu h U. would t*c diaadvAntagcou* to tho public service, ' "I and lie pteffliicd autniiiitlng In the „hl.-qur which had le»en thrown upon Inin bv the gallmt officer rather (fiau endanger the public service ll was altogether untrue that tile fleet under Sir Chariea wn* nl •managed and worse disciplined 'The only foundation for dm *1*10111 lit that Iu, hid been ,le- priv,M ot hi* ronminnd xvi*, that lie had Ixion call ed up ,11, when tlm service in iho Baltic, terminated, I-, lower lua llag, lor xaliu b there- were pred-xlciit*. I lie recommendcxl her Majoaiy not t-- lake any no- ! tn-« of tho «|KU’,h nt die Mansion House,*., that . fie tntgfix dub bfitwall a »XMX>t ** writ »x * fie»-> j til UK xi. MUM »:. f fJI.XItl.t-t *i XN XIII. Ita* re.,,tv prac lee ol Xliillctne »» l Server), lr..m lice aixl ri-.ii|ui,ce on 9-nill, llroa.l airve:, ihn* .•mi o( liar,.ant. Tl><* te.ur* le-i«een R to In X. XI. and 7 to * I*. ' be devolist to ofllce iwtielit*. t: J .111.nit xi mum 1 . lilt Jl'MN l». I I'll I* at *>l, «e(l r». Iro.l to 1,1a proiiwalonal .tuile*. »,el e f-.uiei at to* olttce in llroucLt.-n If », ighton *lrr»l. of I»»*i:e !*t X!«!•#■ Mil* XIITN IlIlMlll* NOTMI I * iL*e i:^r* L»,r (ormoS a <v-p**-.r>er*>\-pi e name at,d * *le of #N" I* *.l H.'I XKTIN a e.rinc il*'r 4lh Jftnua'i . ■' -X. Ii* iLe parpw-M ol Mine a V'.*wr*l l»r> ,».v>t* llawnv, a „1 hki* urchaee.1 l|>e eniif® *Lh k "• ira.le. leli'-.j ej vo M rvo»t eonuu^il in Ux- -l.-n, N-. IT* lOr-nl.:.-,* . «hr#e II,#, *,* Nv*lill>t *r».| i-pr«lK( t a) »*rte«) ,u new tal ««•,«,*'« #>4, ,0 «n»,h tvf lea,# I,, rtll Ihe *liee" n of hr c .iinn I 1 purrhaee. lloli i \\ tNTi:». txi J- t it.-» tx *»>J Rv kLir fc.i !«h 1 # Jt'MN T- VC-LI » I -Li 'ti x:;utx Ail- V* m# «<*• >•* *" ,J * I* V.*f)l*u.1 ,**!»; It* hW* uoi X u: |Vei. ;u*t rtvr -es". J , nf Xt.t Ztek l, “* • l»: »u.| »*--» li-w t’» ,r-4 far,he* le« . .t K,X l-l ' I X * I m I, ILL. 1 I " **’ I I »l l-ll iCJk 1. X-.ll l.x a ,-i " ' .0 .KT.* 1 - It, I I XX 1 M * tir.iiM’ xi. >«> 11 l>lt T Ii. XIXTMFXVH. •Her* In- |.o>fe-»li*iiAl sen aneah, ai.<l ilia) tx- f -uiul for Fteklin'* eftU'e.roiner el Hn-uael m Hepllgl if im. vt».M*■ Or IIAN HI'.XI11VI 11 Ilia i (hv of XX ItiiaXei an t Mania , Coror, of XX'hltakcr atel I.M«e»l) um \i AM) ).AUti -M T,h.|a - M«|<a to lusrTel- n#« prim* Ir S'et Lx mI* ti) H, It XN G'N. Jn n,*r :t < »:. •V.R A O' . law a X ear Im-oX ■' nr* *n.l In, fi», IS.VJ- 1, or l.ftig I-' XlaJrlr*. ,i* Bu I . h, Jarne* llasna* -oul. Io j H. H«*ae» U*1»» oi ihe F (oinii'nmi. itKcmui. the XI1 ilwx" xliarr-a* *'• The X4)-te,H>- *1 th* Uv*rt •>< O' KartiMin Al -aonl |l-l|Mi el UllUIIAh'* , l',***e.*e*\ , HxtX'V a> t' >>k». «•<* -*»•■ s ". , Oo *)- SA^-aWeea. .'C ke*'- *w-*i Ir - - ’** ** : m .v* Dr-t. tatef OS Wet <* *»•* M . . •ah V H- 'l EX>Vtfc JOlIXt ' k I |»|,l hhl- h*« V-vA Xte*« <un4 * M 1 I |» iwh!i*( evw -xi.’ nc wwi 1 <*)> X < > l A«;*t"KN A it NNl'- 1 ■ O i«r* Bw**' *' _ Tin. Tcariuak --r Mr Wmutix'* Farv— The name -q die geiiilemaii xvho p,iichn*e,l the Wohvtpf (arm, nt branRlln, N If , is Ruin* I, l av, E*q , and n--t F«y, a* haa hern anii"tinrrd by die paper* ll |a only a lew yeai* aliifo he wa* an ap* prentieo p, r cart*en'cr at ('oncord, t-tit came t„ lloston, mas force-at 111 in Imaiix-a*, nnd now ictirr* to Ina new purchase at Franklin, a* Ina permanent residence Nrxy Htvi.r »xr Vx*r» — Ww learn Irom Menu's Mirr->r of Fa*hn-ii that gay vc«ia are to l-c Ihs vogue, made ol t,outer,d atu| (iguted caaaimetve xxliicl, are dirtmguialied by the b-lfowing faiKdul name* I lie t'liarg-of iukerman. Mud of Para dise, Wnlia' Ten, Chlnoae Bell*. Pen of lldrir, Aigmletie et Cclntiirn do le.rd Raglon, Ilia Heart, Investing Havaatnivd, nnd many oilier* equally •tartlmg amt pecultai DaxiauM rug caf*»nu DgYRRERNkM - In N«*!»•-•• •die, la . Mr* Julia Fleyl^rgef brought suit *o*m*t Muriin Moinitpiy. b»r datnagM, caused hy |,q,h«r •old by the drlendaiil l<» plainiill'a hii-hao-l, John I reybergrr Him charge,! that the delendant'* li quor had made lor huahand a drunkard, had r*u«, eit him to |,hm, In* Mine, and waste lit* money, amt clam,-d one thouaan,I dollars damage. Tho pry gave her a Verdict let $5<W 51s lla»f«ixt»M*i»,"I Ky , It t* •laird, will n«d bn a candidate b>t funlectbm l<* F„rxgr<w*. satin Intend* to devote limwelf to the practice u| |u« ph»* loekfim Tin WtArnra ie IiiIaM' — 5 lott-r ,late<l Dublin. Feb Hbli.aaya H Wo ••••nil In Ih-depth* -tan aluhwi Ajuiteinld Winter •«„**, *le«t and lowt Muccsdlug each 01 bet by lull**." tar Mr elty. Houle ha* artivwii al \Vaah'H|ton HA V AN N A II AlAllliltr. Tt *»e»v. XtanI, S. A o’clock. I*. M. j fXirTMN.-Ttu, ilrmai il today m »• fklr, Ihe sale* J amounting to I.W^n Dale*. *t the mil,,sale# parilrnlar* . H at «X*, I • *1 TI,. IVI »l 7»*. X*M at V*?J al TX*. •" 7 II tn. t'VX at R. ST at f t *' Bk. ft •» X*X». •*■‘1 2 baba •• Jethro" a, row* The -w*iX*t svmHrum j price* uncr>ao#e«t. •Mx via ta it nit .Tlnrcla rt. Per ihlp I.Tii»s ft,, Uverjemt—f,'«T bole* t'|g*nd and ,|„ u 11\,Unn, .x.l*» rmpl) r*a|i Hark*. Prt a,hr F. I. H XX ate*, (or Phlladolpbla •«) hlu ,iio„, and aundry pk** M,lie. Ilccelpt* ol I'ottott, Ac, |»cr llttllrcmd. Attain A t.lrW hale, ,\»tten aiet Mdre.l.i H.Mh •oil t, nml h. i La upton • XX an*. N X Hard#* k t\y ! |; Paraoea A I'e, 1 XX Neel), ifabun A » XX j llli-'*i>)i J XX’ l.athrup A U-. Ilueler A,melt, FranXI-n A Hraeitev, XX XV,H«tl»l4cc., l»«, * A • IrftiHt. XV (luahei.n F l*up-n, l.ynnA *nblcr, w II XVM » « «, ||| | | Xl'lt x *„n,M II XVltliaiwa. It U**»e I.-X ll*)w,wd, XV liuckuc , t 11 1: 11 IN,. *,^1 ( -ee ,4 .d ait it^tK e-f •«»*• I rare A H-W*r*. XX It IV,. J"*’" J-oe*. X w lla-tildce, j | » XX'.uX d ,.e ■„», re*, *4X11 • r»! *, W»* Prim A Fn«t«r. I'»ea A xVatbhurn, It Moodali, Moor ! MKEHNItTX *Aop. case*# .u **d t |e„, a,el mder, I mu .x t».- -0* Prsoell H A N A XX UT* I 'Hl'M in, l-nnUl-a, on *1 J allMUloeS I*!*»., ' U mUi , x*. Fahnikt*, m* u»*e XmI.«») | * twill 4 IW Ror in LCtbt. et dk-x l.e.,*, n , pie*l»M', full 1*00, »teut t*o'M A l**»ht rtf Rf’.t iln.u-1 • ill t^ I'*ld L'l III* kpperAeetle* *-vl d*Jl* *4* V>| |*i, |u enl< J. Il*i* If .,*1l,»»ed h) Mk) I*. .* t* t»r* if apiucben-Xet »iv1 il^'t,*—mt lo me .u m* , ,,•*• on *• 1 nth*line'*, afXer the !»-** m«Wk«Al .'.**# m*r l M I* M k«»l.l.«VK hlM'AAPIHM. mix. N K. I- AHM V hfc* the *av,n| *•" >e* i • (iroiwnM-'* h-lk 11*1* XI*,, Mt |,*l* ot •'»»•*. *1 the llai and t'ap 1M.'»»^ mark |\A , oX-.Rlx* «t M I T irasi lo# *a*e , , 4 »i *I'N AM V Iwiknew HUM' A ik* hM* rtAMinc t'.ua.r-*-* *• IKWlMUni, jAktfN't, 1 -'AT'*. |Ni*ne * UVA i« u>-oe Mt* IW t.x A' a • ,.;h I t *r r',v ',*! r*# * to A ft'»NAt\',rv te I>.><'4 he# .a nae4* »at r.'«' -XN a irxti »40MM>> T rxems*. 1 ■, qumahl, ; NPXV V»»UK. XI XIt,’ll v' »\'Uo« l.llite maid ulll-a <*lr l udur**, **)e* ol IW |.«L li-en* tuMiMIng *1 S'* ll'»" *• w.ff. ton Mahet, •III, a»te* Tr**' l-td* A-ttikrtti t* _ sale, .<( IX*' hhl* al |*,T.V* H IT XX Leal It R,.,,. , I* Rmu, ullb Mlee -*f M,«a*> k*,M, «• noted *1 tvx at*- |S,,X I* „erh»i>»r»t «<th • - »ir.*i> .|im,n.| *, r nrsiM ihIc* • IXe«i i« Rrm wuh **t r4 ,0 ev, hut* I "*■ Alii I* HMkiWtl, «llk » lii.dri*'* demand *, ,>K , I ! *" ..HM»lr,t",*"k It,,» t* ,*4 |.MtJ,,h.*l k ^ a*, . •,!,. **'.«•d Ti"* |«« at tX**l'» XXXi-.k, It-maiSt X\>d*v III" '• t|*n-. «nh * 1 *'DX*'"S *'*'<»r* h«v* *d, S. * . I,ln*e» *1 t»,•'», t-i'|m AI** e|4t«l* *.>• hc-'f* I • ML ». •• el ***.HM. a' 'VX* *ml l Iwde t| |1 N- * n i • -'.maeM la R m At ll.f.-ai td 1-v.te.w- Ark.iv.ti ( t< Rm wpvi •*:#» »f tin Hh4t at b«|t, 1 itnitM amxu it t hin Mil l n anaCaM*Un« • eXknlalnW, MtU (hr vn«*t ,h« »..«*>-r-»l .-»♦ In a ktid, 'I'ML *Hbn-< 1 «Mfk Iw h#tlr« «• In ,h,#p*«J ot i*t rt^i.... -- — — - — *. *1 Lit »Sop, awer, ot In tan *n4 Jtdrmna •*•♦•«*. w, • eml MH«* i-t*d »!***.. and \+ 1» prupeced male J X >T mJ *.« !,*> »n.t !«*»' *X» k Rn, .4 .-ajeoiee t>m»X 'X"**" Fitek •-»:»« *».t t ohe<--k OJD\ p I t d.-aco IM1 ba-,4 tg-'XH rTTVaKaM. Umr x^Ox* 4 **" 1. rebVT VXHX* a t■«.* ^ ^>xi.*al. M |Wv< tMgei*, t*«j'iit f ' 1 " **"' p *i.'*-e kuw, k*J to* ** >♦ 4.) , ( *|\\ Tn N x'Xf kioilw kel gM***d*» * ♦*. U.** and Iv **x* K) X* ’ N1* A ’ d,N*Y 1 I *, •X\t,A U'iNtill.Jl -I'n* mo- xYe-u-Xa XpH) n- a w t-arc-^ | > . IIIII IM l» W.J •.*♦». *Ju* im, neionl td *.m m*>>* I* ►A «» r XX H air |xx».*» - u*.^*«4«x •i"' V '.H. lottuaN re-w-a'K *wJ *_t»*-»*. ii* to xh f.’tix * l#»ema»X X.< onXrr «sx *'*#> n-*«* ,•» *•' “* M*« y-De*. *►.! S« then, HU l,*n. h It*,,, l en , — "-W*k «•■* e*»*>.», •vwei, amt W, 4e-»o *Uet *Ae«l KnU » e.'nM**,tl •« tx M>L 4, iWi^IW* *t«t*e»*H l**y * *i*a*% i an i .j. i **d I vax *** i n-.and *Xl •>’X we,♦•#**** 11 M .) Wan, XX *« I , AM 0 11 H <\ t-M. ►**, XV A»V XN4. amt X kid* land txp, nw *•»• A, it- ,Su* *4 • a, I H J UllHkt \ w »N x a r*d'» a xVtS<**»*« Wei a*-* , ‘ 4 ' M-a*M*4 *# IV# pe-V- “ V*o*4 i |» X'Ai, -d edi ' • , «»A* de Jr We#*/* ' e d» t, e» a- t"d x» i 4 Oe \ whU* Ve «kX t-woie U •*»*• -e* V 1