The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 07, 1855, Image 3

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SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, 1855. HARNDEN’S EXPRESS! AM tiXTORSV tor NKW YOltK «hd Bio JVorthern 4* Eastern Cities, Will bo dispatched uvory trip of the following vessels, compriMnit tlio Now York Mil Savannah steamship Line, »l*« Tlie AUGIINTAy L’apl.Thoraai l.yon, ** KNOXVII.M;. " (Ml.Luillnw, “ M.OKIDA, « M. 8. XVoodhttll, *' Al.AII.mA, •* <1. H. Hchonck. Theso ship* mil from Savannah every WEDNESDAY and SATUNIUY. P.XPRBS8KS FOR Augusta, Charleston, Columbia, Wllnilnslon, N.C., Nor- folk, Petersburg, Richmond, PalilmoicsXVashlngton, and INTHRMKD1ATK PLAUK8, IIV MAIL TRAINS, Through In chargo of our own Special Messenger, Hally, vSttuday a e*K'«pXevl,) at V o’clock, l*. M. run Macon, Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashvlllo, Columbus, Mouismuory. Mobile nml Now Orleans, VIA UKUHUIA CENTRAL It AI LUO AI). Dally, (Sunday sv-xcepu-d,) al 4 o’clock, I*. M. mar 3 Office 133 lluy-sltecl. Savannah f Gil. I ' J. luklAUTIN, Agent, Mitt MMILX1 liOOIW, PRU STEAMER AUGUSTA. D EWITT k. MORGAN have Just received iiorRlenm or Auguda, a largo ami varied atock oi now ami rich m*AiMiint>lo ilro«a goods, to which the allvnllon of the Isdn-s la especially Invited. nxnmuR. ] EXCHANGE-- humus to suit pnrehaaera, on Main- burg, 11 re mi'll, llurlln, Lomlon ami Paris, for mile by ilociN If KPl’INll A Klim. AIIVANC'CN. L lllRIIAL cash advances on conslgnmenu nf pro •luce (o our frlcmls In Llvpr|mnl, Havre, llatnburv’ llremoo. Trlest, Ainstetilatn, Rotterdam ami Antwerp dec24 if F.PPINGst KURTZ SUM'US AMI ItOMtN t'Olt MALI:. C ENTRAL Itallronl Stock, XX'nv nesboro’ Uatlroail Slock, Muscogee Itallronil llonils. Forsnlo by fob -4 O. A. L. LAMAR. MTOl'KK Ult ItOMIS roll SAI.I’. *) &|||l 9UUTII WESTERN Uatlroail Honda: 3,103 &y)MM Suvanuab City lloiuls; 40 shares Augusta 4c Waynesboro’ Uatlroail Stock. For sain by JNO. S. HUTCHINSON, feli8s fl—tt Over J no. Ingeraoll’a, llwy-strect. 'ASkizR onTHRAUrim n;n.t«ao. Citv T*«ssfa«a’a t trrti-t. I Savannah, March I, InVV ( T il K nver.iRe nrlce of flour tlio last month being f 11 per barrel, bread must welch ns follows : for lucent loaf must weigh I poll ml DM ounces, .1 cent l«af mutt weigh I9\ ounces, 3 cent (oaf must weigh 7W ounces. JOS. XV. ROB ART**, m*r9 city Treasurer. IIKADDOl'K’N i:.\l*i:UITI03l. T HR History of the Expedition against Fort Hu Quea* no In 1773, under Hen. Uriuhlock, edited front original manuscripts: by Wiulhrop Sargent,with many engravings. l.owls’ American Sporfaman, containing Notea on Shooting, and tlio habits or Game lllrds, ttc, with nu merous Illustration* A Year of the War: by Count Curouskl, aullior of Russia An It Is. General Notions of (Chemistry: by Pelonge 4c Fremy. Putiiam’a Monthly Magailue.for February. Avilllon, and other Tales: by the author of Head of the Family,4cc. WH. TIIORNB WILLIAMS, fob 9 0 I. It'll «V IB IIAI TIES Ol'IANNY li’.lL\ A LL the world is reading (Ids Book—more than tfu,- non copies orderetl by the trade. Full Proof of the Ministry, » sequel to the Boy who was trained to lie a Clergyman, b) John N Norton, A. Mm an Intercrtlng work. The Mysteries of the Court of Queen Ann, by Ains worth. The Cay Girls of New York, or Life in the Metropo lis. Ned Hastings, or the Terror of the Road. MoKKor Tlio LI lb of T P narnum. Mo-oof WikutT’scourtship and Its Consequences.— Received and tor sale by 8. 8. SIBLEY, felt 13 No. 131 Congress street llll.NIIY I.ATIIHOP A CO-. H AVE received per steamer Augusta, another do- strable supply of Spring and Summer Goods, em bracing the following styles: Printed Organdies and Jaconet* Plain co|\| Chambry Ginghams Ho ami figured Mourning Muslim Black ramest* ami Canton t loth* Muslin de Bare, for travelling dresses Embroidered Mustln -teeves and Collars Cambric, Muslin and Plmtty Bands Jaconet and Swiss Editing* ami Iniertlngi Tltread U<» do Black and white Crape Collars Bonnot Hlbbons. Press Trimmings, tec. niar 9 csrnrr.n anuminrmnito. EV & CO., , It I V k x l T I! n_, «.). BAILEY (I.4TK n Al I.IV - - . . I ail IlintiitPalri'oli i»|illnUolitltlUs pONTINIJtS to Mamtlnclutn or tmmsnHTRR f.i3K*m! 'jiVlSuo an'SIi .V ira, and have admiiad the following sumps forlltelr work t NO bILVKIIi ItHITlHlI 8TF.HI.IN All Silver v\’*iw *nld by them la made U|u»n the premUoa and la • uaranleed to bo of the quality na stamped. ORDERS AttK WH.ICITKP. Htrangera ami citizens are Invited to visit nur manu. A V |argo Assortment of TEA BETS, PITCH RUB, SPOONS nml FORKS, he. he., always on hand, at fair prices. Unto fehH Mtargains ! Bargains ! [•’Vi'sK CONGIIKSS. Dins, no WIIITAKEK-STRUHT. H EG8 leave to announce to her italnma ofSavatmalu and throughout tho stale or Georgia. Florida and Alabama, that she hat returned from the North, anil la now Opening the most extensive, aoleet and cheapest stock or Fancy and Maple Pry Goods over before offer* ml by her In this city. Inconsequence ul her long slay nt thn North, tlds sea son, all her stuck ha* been Purchased at miction by a person ofex|terlencelntbe Pry Goods lino. IMtllNNGOOllN. „ Printed and Plain < 'ashmorea and pel.aluot,Plaid Poplin, llluck and Colored Cashmere, Cohurgh ami Alpaeeat, Colored Craim and Alpnecna llobea. Press Silks Ml muds per yard, I'lald Wool, llrochen,long ami squaro shawls, very low; Mounting Long Shawls; White and Red Flint- lids, Uleached and Pnhlenched Cotton Prints, Cnmhrlo Sheetings, Velvet Figured ScatlelTable Covert, llleaeh- ml and PnldeachmlTttl-le Clolhs.lrlsb Linens, Ladles’ ami Gum's do, Plain nml Embroidered lldkfk. Sleeves, Collars, Chentletzte, Mu«llti ami Cambric Bands. II I II 1103 Ills Impotslhlelo describe the beauty ami variety of the tl liferent style*, and ns our stock It the must exten sive In the city, wo Invito examination: as to prico, cannot ho beat- TUI.II 31 INI* *» Mixed I'tush Trimmings, Gnloons. Gimps, Rlbhona Mixed double Fringe Trimming, Fancy nml Pluln Vel vets Molr Antique, for Clonks and Tamms. IIOXXF.TNs FIIATIIHUN A' I I.OWRIIN. A Pill slttck or the above, extremely h»w; A fresh supply of Zeplier Worstetl* every shade and color,Canvass and Patents, with a lull ussortmetil of other trimmings to suit. ■lONMirsl no N NUT Nil 30 uerrent cltvuuur fllaaati elxewltere. Bonnet* for tlio Mllllontw case* of rich silk, Satin amt Straw Bonnets, very low; Straw Bonnets trimmed, suitable for country Merchants; Black and Colored Ciolb Cloaks and Talma*. Also, made to order at short notice, t.'loaks^Talnms nml Circulars, pinked with new palerns; 8llppers, Smoklnr **"■' * L'hlldren's Cloaks, stampet want of any tlilug done In Uio above line, will ploase send It in early to prevent disappointment, Bcnii-mber the spot, Wliltaker-stre* I, next door to Congress sireet, opposite Henry Lnlhrop 4* Co. dec’.nt Into sat,into, Anlrn, ttruta. «£c wNnfiht Hay, auliablo (br etiUon, by Bin month ■ , '?V HV'IEBT IIABEBHiiAM 4b BON, tuiliatl r«u HI NT* „ A Jarge Brick Shed Warehouse, slliialml on I«t " ‘ ItiiViiuld'a VVhIiI. lUinvnliloilt Brick She ‘ . lie' . 'reduce, or aaa Carlago tVM. II. 1111111101111118,07 Bay-si. No-J. third Tyllilim, Beymihl'a Waul, convonlenl , ifm Bierlng Coiidii ami Protlur l(v|m»tloiy, Appl^ ‘ L , SHOP corner of Mill and Pahm slrnots, to Held. Apply lo DAVID II. PILI.ON, lobtKI Market square. to i.irr. L ROOMS, opposite llie Pulaski lloiisn—ailltablo for omcea or Rloeplug aparlments. F.nqtdre or Jail tt If JNO. W. KELLY. - i OPFICR8,ln ally, in the ujqier story of (lie Ensleru Tune- it of oJone's New Building," on Bay Ht. TO HUNT. M Two of the most DE9IUABI.I tlio city, in the uj*| uient of’Mono's Ni —At.SU- TWO LOPT8 In tho lower pari of same building, equal to any In the city lor the storage of Cotton or heavy goods. Rent moderate. Apply to JOHN INGERSOLL, dec 3 In the above Building. Milt lilfvi’, Dntll first November, a three glory Brick Homo, situated In Siaie-stroet, second lenemeiit vast of jDr. Schley’s new house, containing eight room* iNsomeut—with water and gns allaclicd-also, out buildings, I'ossmioii given ImniiHlIately. For further paillcuiarst apply lo _feb U If VVELI.E** 4c V RUHTl LLU, 84 llay-tt. FOUNAI.I.. M A commodious Brick Mied Waroliouse,sUuato«l In the rear of the Charleston steamboat Wharf, havlngn leaseol live years, Rultahle for the sto rage of Lime, Hay or other merr.lundUo. Tho Build ing may ho removed by the purchaser, at the expiration of tho lease. Apply to Z. N., Jyjl—tf_ Wllllanison’a Bulldlngg. TIJIII'llNitTS 1’. A PLANTINU LANB1, EOll SALE. A Tract of Land, sllunted on Halida Crook, WM Glynn county, Ga., within n mile of Fuucy BliifT, —"■conlahdng lueu acres. «Hi the premises 1s a m-at two story (Iwelllug, with out buildings. This properly, beside* being suitable for plm.tlng purposes, Is well adapted to the Turpentine nml Lumber business. Also, a tract otlnml containing won acres on Satllla Creek. Apply to P,D.8eANt.K r i', Fancy llluir, Ga., or to TWON 4t MACK AY. JanlO 3m MliaMMNiU a.OTN. A LARGE nuiolH-rof BitlUllug Lots,of various sixes, trom 100 by 10.1 to 43 by 103 feet. They all front on streets 73 feel wide, with lanes In thn rear. For lease for a term of twenty or thirty year*, and some of them nn a perpetual lease. Situated in Holland tythmg, I’eiclval ward, south-west of the Pat k, Inn healthy lo- entity—the only point In the city that escaped the epi demic lust summer. Applications through the Post* tiftlce will bo attended to. tiov44 Onto A. WLIIB. cro=t)nrtim-»D(p yrotttrn. I UINNOLUriON* MIR Ann Of NEVirr. I.ATIIIIUP It HTKBBINH U dissolved, by mutual cunsaul. The limlm-saof tiro Arm will ba aoulod by NovlP, UUiri^t 4t lingers. f ft- LATHUUpy 1 ‘ J. D. HTKBBINH. GKO. H, WAIT. Havannab, Feb. .Mb, IA13. if tei, a ROsITUVA IvllNII | |s r T HE subscribers liavefbrmcd a co pirinenhlp, uniter tho Arm of NF.VITT, I.ATIIHOP U ItHdtlllH for Iho iraiMilhm «»f Bie DRY GOODN business. JOHN W. NF.VITT. J. 8. LATIIIIOP. JOHN H. BOGF.U8. GKO, H. WAIT. Savannah, Fob, fllli, IB.1S. if rdi 3 NOTItli:.’ »|1|IF. Iimlerslgnod maybe found at the aiore of Mr. J Wot. II. Gulon. Agent. J. D. HTKBBINH. Savannah, Feb.Alh, 1833. if fab a NUTIBKi f|1|IK copurtnorslilp hurvlnfoni existing between J. H- 1 Groover ami K. Allan, Is tills day dissolved hy mu tual «nn«t wt. All bills due the concern will Im> paid to J, D.Groover, and all bills against Uiimi will i e paid hy the said J.D. Groover, who la duly nuthorixed in settle the sumo. , OlKtOVKU 4c. ALLEN. F.lMiigliam Co.,Ga., Fob. HI. IHAft. 14* fuh Ht T» tiii: i*i:oi*i.k, W HEN lit the course of a vents, It becomes necessary to procure suitable linbllnmeioa tu ad-irne Hie outer man. your attention Is respectlully called to the Ulipnrttlelled RICH, VARIED, AND EXPENSIVE STOCK or moon cFjOTiii.vH, ANI) t'l) IK IV I Nil I NO A II T Ml I. I-: N, Pint I nm new offurlug at prices to suit (he times, and no tulRlako. WM. «s. PRIOR, Jan 10 tl ,l ** 1 Spring (moods! iii:X 11 V I.ATIIHOP At t o., H AVE rwelvnl per steamer Knoxville.aheuutlfUl Hssortment of Spring ami Summer Goods, cojn. prising ihe following: Rich plaid and *trlpe«l Sommer Silk* Plain, c*d\l nml white Gliicu do Rich jdald Silk Grt nadlues Ui> do ami striped Burege* po do do iirgamllo Muslins Plain, colMand black Bnrcgc* Solid, plaid and striped Jucouels Flg'd ami solid color*, In Brilliant* Plnld Ginghams, English Prints, Ire. fob44 Midi AT WAIIMV No. 115 Congress-street. B KAfTTIFUI. Brocade Barege Rubes, rich plaid Silks Fine Orgnmlle Miisllut I’rinhil Frt-neli Cambrics Flue prinlml Brilliant* French ami American Prints Chnllle* and Chnlllu Bareges White Canton Crspo Shawls Alexander's Kid Gloves New styles Ginghams. Received per steamer Knoxville, ami forsalo nt low prices, for cash, felt 44 VAl.DAIli.K IIK tl. ENTATK. , B Y arrangement with the purchaser ol hlg Island Mlll,lhu whole pioperly In which (lie surtH-riber l«, rcHinrs. imuin wim now and was lately Interested, enit ho suld to a single pur* Caps, Ladles’ Sucks and • chaser. ... Those In ' Pr.Screven Is authorized lo sell. JanU if W. W, STARKE. i s.miii Hl'M.l.lM, l.or« * loll i'll)))., I \\rILL Iki divided among iuxi subscrlIters,on tlio 14th i vv day of Match next. These Lots are situated near I the pleasant and healthy vlllagool Lakeland, L. L— i i inly Ol.'t payable In Instalments, secures four building , Lots. 43 b) inn fool,or a Farm, from 4 to 40 acres. As ~ short time only is loft and a few share* remain unsoM, those who wish In own a delightful country residence, near Urn city of Now York, have nn opportunity offered by apply lug to felt 47 I Ginghams, English Prints, Ac. fob44 ^ EVER. Spring ltrcHn <fio<Hls, AttMvoirriett ■■*):»:, ’ f 7»i!S Spring and Summer 1855. Dry Rnodk ut tVltolPNnlr. Corner Broughton and Jcflbrson-sts., Up Siaim. rpllE subscriher is now rrcotvlng one of the largest 1 and best selected slock <*f good* ever oirere-l to tho trade In this market, to which he Invite* tho attention o merchants. WILLIAM G. FOOTE, mb 4 M'lllM. IIIIIII4IXN. R ICH plaid and strtpcl Bonnet Rlitll»»N8 lv» waicriMl and plain wldlo do Mourning plaid B.>unot do Black, while nml colored Belt do Do and col’d Tuffetu and ^atln ilo. Just received by HENRY LATIIUUP u CO. CIIA’S. WOOD, HUM Broadway, Now-York, or WM. WRIGHT, savannah^ FOR NAl.i:. A negro woman, 4rt yt*nra old, and her boy child six years. Who Isa good cook and washer Apply lo ft bill WM. WRIGHT. foIknai.i:. UAL very likely Inmllies of cotiulry rnPetl Ne ts, comprising cooks washers and I rt'tiers, and a prime follows. Apply to iW WM. IVItlGIIT. V'Al.HAItl.i: PIXi: »V NWA31I* I.AMN I .'VtR Sale, icon seres In one Isrly, situaietl In Glynn county,Ga n 14 rndos from Darien, on a stream ol water nnvigublt. for bouts. Out ol which I* No, I Pine Land, slid 7 oi s acres of that portion cleared, tinder fence nml Improved, consisting ol an Overseers house, Negro houses. Ham and n large Stable. Thu Swamp Land Is thickly covetod with Gypress trees of Isrgu growth, Ash,Oak, lloop Poles and lllrkory. Tho soil la well adapted to the culture of Corn uml Rice, mid n por- lion for Bricks, which has been iiicccMfully niuniilac- lured heretofore. Apply to WM. WRIGHT. Jnn 13 ws—c 4iitDT.iiN M»*rri:i»r 1 1IIK undersign will lenvn fir New York In a few day* . to he nhsunl a abort lime, ami will hu happy to re ceived orders lor garment* to bo made, or uny nrilcle* III In* lino lo be executed lit New York, and will guar antee full satisfaction. WM. O. rlllOU, Draper nml Tailor, lah I 147 Bay street. Cl. C ANNAHI7 A SOX, CliraSSIIIN JIKBOIIAJITS, IIAH CCI-EBS, ami nasi.aRs is 1'UOVISIONS OENHRALLY, 407 and 40U W. Ualiinioro-atreui, Hai.timorf., Mil. Have constantly on hand an assortment or flue fumll llnms, shoulders, Sides. Ijird, In hbli. and ki-gs, &c., lor which they solicit order*, nt lowest market price*, mar I Into* MOURNINOOOODS J U»T RKL'EIVEP, Super Blk. Eng. Ihimhnsln*, do do Canton Cloth", do do Tameso Cloths, do do Silk Alpaca*, Black Mouslln DeLaluts.GInuhnma, Prints, Ac M by Im V 111 HEN BY LATHRi *!• 4c CO. IIAIKCJAIXN—IIAIIIj AfXN T4> III: ll.\|». vpilE attention ol the Ladles of Suvaimali Is politely 1 called lo tho following articles.fix: Ill'll ami col’il, flg’d, plain, pluhi and Brocade Silks Rich DeLnlne*, Cashmeres, Merlnoe* and French I'rinta Shawls, silk nml cloth Talmas and Cloaks, with a va riety of other Press Goods. These Goods will bo sold very low Indeed, lo close the present stock. also: Kerseys, Plains, Flannels, Comfort* and Blanket 1, of nil kinds, together with every kind of Domestic Goods. I fT Planters and others. In the trade, will do well lo call. RoKENIIAUGII fc. l.APStlN, feb 3 if nillOMDlKTEII. A FINK ship* Chronometer, Edwards fe Pinter's make,for oalelow by G. M. GKIPFF.N, den 43 Corner Brvan and Whitaker sts. *atr« ai auction. HY WVLI.Y * laflWTHOMJKj. . At Privatiliifir _ A vary Intelllgenl brown mao. aged about 30 ysura— ahlp carpantar by trade. _ “ h „®_ Ilrleka at I'rlvats Bala. I.fNsy^MSj of the very lutst qualities of Gray, Hard, Brown ami Soft llrictrs. Persrma wlaldng Brick «r||| do wall to give us a call, as w« will sell on the most arrow modating terms. _____ jaw 47 »»Y OC’TAVllW f OIIEK. *’** T44 HUNT A IIUUHK,n» .(■)) lad .llu.l») on W.u Droad, near Mouth IImnmI streats. Ann|* to WYI.I.Y 4x MONTMuLLIN. __ c Nil MW K irii KNI UF.iGIKroilNA M-r ^. ,n . H»f » HweBng, with nv« rooma, a kitchen and aervanl room, sttuatMl on an sera of .ground, with a gmxl well of water. Als<», a two story dwelling, with bsaamrnt, having In all leu rooms, with flru places, built In IH13, ami situa ted on one aiidjn half acres of land. Tho alma places are well aliuaUM In Marietta. M»d WYI.I.Y 4l IKINTMOLLHC HIHNAI.K. A pair of gentle carriage Horses. Mold for no fault. Apply to fob In WYI.I.Y 4x MONTMOLI.IN. .. . t’Olt HALF.. S KVKItAL likely yellow Girls, seanstratses ami h<»u*e servault. Also, a negro Mau, 44 years of age, a country blacksmith. feb48 WYl.t.Y It MONTMOLI.IN. JSbpfptffnn atnm-tlnrmrutn. Faro Kcduced—Catilu Pswaxc 8X0. For .VV’ib York. DNiTim status niaii. i.ini:. HTKAMfillll* KNOXVII.I.K, To Loavo Baturday, March I o'clock,!*. M. Thn new ami splendid Hieamshlp KNOXVILLE, Cant. C. D. Ludlow, Will sail a* above. I* A PEI.Foil I). FA V k CO. - JA Auceoods Iho KNOXVII.I.F., and will ull Wednesday, March 14th. N, It,—Shippers Of Ctvllnu by these steamers, will lleasntaku iiollra, that no Crdlon will l*o recelvml at Iho presses that is not distinctly marked on Uio mlgn of tho Bale, mar 7 folk HAVANA AXI> KRY WENT. STI5AM8HII* IHABKL, Thu II. H, Mall su-mitshlp IKABEf., ,William Rollins,Commander, will leave ‘Savannah for Havana ami Key Weal ou lilts* -Kill and lOih of each month. — > connect*, ut Havana, wl'li the II. 8, Mall Steamship Company’s l.lnn ol Steamers for Han Francisco via Aspluwall, nml will carry ihul'nclilc malls. For I'aasagu, apply to fell 10 Cl HI KN8 Is HERTZ, Agents. OiiliAN .TEAS NAVIUATKM CU.D'T'. roa Iti-ciiicii, via Noiilliampton. THE U. H. MAIL KTEAMSHIP HBXlMANNy R. Hiooins, commnndor, Will tnll for Bromuii. touching nt Houth- •SUUiUShiiiptoii, hi land tho malls and passengers for England nml France, on HATUKDAV,4l!h March, at 14 o’clock, M., from I’lcr No. 37, North Klvcr. Pace oj Pamnge Jrum New York tu Southumjf ton or Bremen. lit flrst rahln,tnaln saloon, gl3u In flrst cabin, lower saloon, I III I n second cabin, mi An ex|M-rloncod -"urgeon Is sttache.] to each steamer, spi clu dellvensl In Havre or London. All l^-liert hinat pats through the poslofllco. For pottage or freight, apply to C. II. South WilliamM. The steamer WASHINGTON will succeed the IIKII* NlANN, ami sail April 41st. b nisrO FOR I’AI.ATKA, E. F.,'’ Vl.t DARIEN. BRUNSWICK, HT. MARYS, JACK SONVILLE, MIDPI.EIIPHGII, BLACK CREEK 4t HcoLATA- Tliuradny, 10 o'clock, A. M. *" 'Ihe new and elegant Steam Packet HT. JOHNS, t.’apt. James Fn-elwrii, will for the above nlnct-s every 1 hursrJay, ut In o'clock- This IhisI having large and airy state room accomino. th tloni, and taking the Inland route, olfera superior in* d* cetnenta to Invalids amt otlier*. For Freight or Passage,apply on board, at thn Flrida Steam Packet wharf, near the Go* Works, or to •nur 7 CI.AUIItm.N At CUNNINGHAM, Agents. roit m aTI;i r.sAldit The steamer ST. JullNS, Capt. James ■HasaanC I're, born, will go to St. Augustine on her irlpofeth.March. _mar7 CI.AGIIORN 4t Cl'NMSGHAM. AgU. ‘ FBI! 1'AI.aTkA, (l l.A.l AND INTERMEDIATE LANPINGH. iw.,., To Leave Saturday, .March 10,at 10 o'clock, A. M. w ' frly U . M ,„.. r r -«ir^» h The Steam packet WEl.AKA. Capt. foil .^iVm.Urs jiMsAiiaSKlhg. will leave asabove every Saturday - k Morning, at III o'cl>.-ck. For freight or passage, Agcul. D RAWN NUMBERSorGnwnoAt Pulaskt Monument Lottery, class M, drawn In Augusu: 40 hi 10 73 0 41 4 IH M 31 03 44 35 30. Aim, for Delaware lottery. Extra Class fl : M 14 47 57 4 00 5 07 ll 33 0" IH. mar7 R. WITIIINGION. #l;Ij)0D. 73 Nuiutrer LoUery—19 Drawn nallou. Groeno and Pulaski Lottory, l.'litaw A7» for IMA.'r, ^ To be drawn at Havannab. Ga., March 0th, D&3. GUKGliKY II MAI UV MANAGERS. 1 off • I A,OOII-ft of t l 0<H>—10 off tl'itoo. Ticketa $4—tiharca m proportion. Tickets, either singly or b» t h a Package, fo r ■ ale Gy Aairs at «MCti*_ BYFHILMHJKABpi,. Tills DAY, at II o'clock,In froat of Tb* usual H“**»*““■* N. B^-AII articles, purchased at aaeun* gad natsw ^ *»<**«• ki counl and risk of Umtopmmr pmrcbtmr. marl KniUAV. Oth laif^at llo'cloik,iU IkTiRwMd Bay and East Broad«/MrU-. A MS •^•Fuinltara.Ckdhlng,l.lgoort,«roa*»v*, 4ta. In stora and dwelling. Terios cask. mar 7 Piano Porun tor Polo. ~ On (ha i.oroer of Boll and UmgwatraiB, op stairs, nvar the sbo# *for* I H floe rr^ewowl Plano Portas, from lo7octava*. with all the modern Improvcsnenls, from one off Um best New York monafocUrvae. One of the maker* whf ha prtaent lo show the laatnoaanU, and will give a written warrantee, if nredod, with arm Plano sold. Prrr/n* withieg a gor<d Piano, ala low pnea, will do wall to call and examine the Instruments and attend th* aak. Hstw P^ldv*. Terms cath^ war 7 . « . U*ta arPrtvaiaMalo. ' IsriU Rrst. I,o and 7,00 by 191 frwt-to«ad«4 North by GwtnnetpsGm Wast by BuIPswmL MotOh by 2151' J* 4 *^ 1 Ht. Hn ’ 18 5 <^1 U» No. t, boOdid b ’ L —' • Taana.—Onedtoif, cash: balance, notes at 0 and IS month*, with Interest from date, with aoorarwl ' papwr. Purchaser oaving f-.r titles. w mul . - .‘-*liy Lot at Private n*S' " 1 Lot No.44, Wesley ward,corner of Llamia and Cor* don-*ireet*. Taaws.-O or 19 wootbi, for an approvad endowed note, wltli interest from day of sale. , mar 7 mar 7 E. VVlTIIINGTON PIANO POHTBI eavanuah lleul »UKk Waalnd. Will purchase IUJ sharia of the Hava snob Hotel Mock. akl oil Paintingi ol private Mol*, fin the Comer of Bull and Congrca* streets, wp stairs, over the Rbo* nbop. A splendid collection of Anctent and Modem Palat ines. consisting of landscapes, IllstorteoJ Habjects, Fan cy Heads, Architectural piece*, he. he. imponad try Mr. . II. Iient, of New York, and without doubt the Antsi not - lection ever offered In thia diy, and being all In perfect ! order, and agreeable s-it-Jecla, well adapted forth*draw- lug room or parlor. Among thaw will b* foond a pond Landscape and figure#, br •• Ortaonte," on KagUah Coast Scene, by *• Shayer," ami landscape, by “ Gasper Pawn. sin," a Magdalen, by I'uueUe, Tb* Adoration of lb* Maul, by 44 Allnrt," a Garden Heeoe, by •• LanereC"— fteveral fine E'ightb Landscapes and River new* with mauv other*. They will remain in the city a few days, will be e at Private sale only, and at very moderate prices. m»r Terms a IIV T. J. WAf.MI. feb 44 NCOTT.S ZiZTTZjZI giant COttsV sisVIl COB sVilrJL, PATENTED MAY Ifith.lftM. S 8. BROWN, Proprietor of Georgia, Tenno«see ami s Alabama, of this Invention, which is doubtless among the most Important of modern times for the use of the well ad vln-U farmer and stock fee.ler; ami the uulverral favor with which It ha* licen tervlved from the flr>t, more than anything else, attosts Its utility nmlsu- ttrlorlt). For portability, slmidlclty of construction, an>l eonre- nlencoof use, the Little Giant ha* no i quat. It weight Irotn three t<> flvo hundred pounds, accrduir to sue, can In- put tu opcrailoii hy the tanner in twenty iimiuu-t without expense t>r tm-chanh'iiI aid, then adjusted and used with convenience by anylwdy. The Lillie «• iaiit hu* received the First Premium* at every Mute Fair limn Miseouri to Marylnnd the part ; Fall, and lhat in the most > ompllmcidary inanm-r. i J here Mdi* are guaranteed in ihe hkmI positive man- ! ner against breakage or derangement, and w.vmiiIo.1 to ; grind teed from ear corn, and g f lu or flno hominy lr<>m shvltwt corn, with a dvgrvu «f vj*" and convenience f»>r | farm pur|m»e* never atlalmd In'foie. The subscriber* are now prepanul tofurnirli the trade with improved patterns t>»d sixes, to su.ttlic varied want* oi all. No. .* la offered at 1*13 complete, remly for atmclilng Ihe team, amt warranted lo grind leu bushels of leca per hour a ith one horn-. No. 3 at $7.1 will grind fifteen i>u«he's per hour. No. 4 at gikl will grind twenty h'l.liels per hour, with two Imm-a. Manufactured and for sale t>y S. s. BROWN 4x CO., mar 3 at Nashville. Tulin., and Atlanta, •!*. 5i;u hThikh. ’ i RECEIVED BY J«»IIN M. • tioPER h C<L, Th'irolay, Feb. 20th. A PRACTICAL Treaties on I "reign Bodies lu the, Alrd’a-oigrr : by 8. D. Grots, M. ll. The KeUlloii hctwi-cn the ||o|v .^i rliiiurcs and mine part* of Geological Science: l.y John Bye Smith, pub. Uihe.1 lit Itoliii'* Scteiillflc Library. Life, iM'liiary and t ivil, oi the Duka of Welli Kt»n: by all old holdler—Bohn's lllustratMl Library. Hi.lory of the Jesuits: their Origin, Progress, Doc- tniievainl Designs: by G. It. Nlcollul—Bohn's Illustrated Library. Borne In ihe Nineteenth Century: liy Charlotte A. Eaton—Bohn* illusirnteil l.lbrary. The Victories of Wellington ami the British Armies: by tlm amh)>r of u Stories id Waterloo," he.—Bohn's lliii.trah-d l.lbrary. » l.mdvii (e.tvitogiaphy; «v, the lltstory of FlitWIxn Art in thn Middle Ages: by M. Pldron—Bolin's Ulus- Dated Library. The '.yrni-g-dla; or Institutions of Cyrus nnd Iho Del- leuic., or Grecian History—Bohn's Clas.loal Library, r-hakespearlan Tableux; or Scenes (rum Ids Plays. Harper'* Magazine, for March. I'utnMin’* oo do. Godey’s l.a-lic*' Book, for March. morb or Life and Beauties of Fanny lern. Wotfru's Boost: by M a-hlr gum Irving. mar 3 < t tT. 1 *.—IKI hag* verv heavy Sad I'nta, landing per " schr Ann Maria. For sain hy insr 3 llllH.II AM, KELLY U CO. I.INliN GOODS. 1A | 11-4. 14 4, Sheeting* s.4. t»-4, 10-4 blenched Linen Table Damask 8.4,0-4,10-4 brown do do do Damask Napkin*, Doyles, 4tc. Itus-*!* ami Scotch Diaper* lluckabuck uml Birds Eye Diapers. Just rocelvcd by IIEM BY I.ATII HOP h CO. leh 92 VTUW SPRING GooDS.-NVw plnld Indiaand Glaco ll Silks; new printed Granadilie* New Mourning Tissue*, he. IM French Chintz Jnck"tie!* Do d<* Orgnn-IUs and Brilliant* Do Trimming RildHtus Po prlnte i Paris lliiregt-a po fancy Ginglmm nnd Cliamhraya Po workod Muslin I'ollur* and SU-evea also: 12 pieces black Barego*. as«orted qualities 9 do rummer Hoinbiuluo 4 do .Mmis Deltye 3 do black Mlk Grnnndine. Just received uml for sale by feb 49 NF.VIT T, LATHROP h ROGERS. WutcUva. Jeui'lryttVc, FRIHBIE'H st)irv* how spreads ll* sail, And throws (lie Big Chirk to the gale, Warning people where they will Hud Watches ami Jewelry of every kind. Tlio Big Clock ban.-* outside tho door At number one liiimlred ami forty-four, Where people of the Slate can Ibid Watches uml Clocks to suit their mind. Ills Clocks are licking nil the day, Froin noon 'Ull night iliey tick away ; Good time they are always sure to keep. Ami sold lo customers very cheap. Gentlemen don't Hare, nor Indie* wonder, No harm come* Irom the Big U >ck, yonder, It only warn* you where you will And Jewelry ami Door Plate* of«wry kind. Ladles, walk In, gentlemen pn«a not by, For louder still it heard the cry That Friable takes the World quite down The way tie reapers Jewelry round. T. S. FBlsltlE 4c co., 141 Broughton at. feb 17 tf SI*HI.Mi AND OLOTHINa. plEBSON, IIKIDT k ML, have In store,and 1 ceivlng. weekly, per steamers, a largo nnd well as. D.rted dock ol SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, ions man with a an il mtrTinv or Furnishing Hoods, Which they offer on ac'-omm<Hlstlnglerm«,at wholesale or retail, al No*. Ini liiyaii uml IW St. Julian streets. W OT INDIA FIIUIT.—Aly the arrival of the schr. AII»ort tioverniix, I have received: 7u,MX> • vrongei. n»Mi bunches Bananas Hai dozen Pino Apples .Vnotv Plantains, and a lot of Currants. • For sale at J. A. BROWN’S, f feb El o I v »Ml>Tic I.IQl’i >RS -Ml I)ld7p h H CoUimctlcVit - River Rye; 75 do E Phelps' do; 4ddo Domes- ! lie Brandy; ion do l.uiher Felton St Son an I pure Bos j ton Bum;75 do Rectified \Vhl*key. For sale by • feb 24 HCRANT'tN, JmIIN>T«'N k Uc»._ ! A VEll’s CHERRY PF.CToR \l.7-A fre-h supply for 1 «al.. hy JOS. M. TURNER, Agent. ' f. t» 7 e 157 Broughton it. A MONO the clocks which are on hand In great mini- her ami variety of styles. Such a licking, such a striking, tuny Im> heard ns seldom It—price low —Hum right. At lor Jv-vvki.hv, every knows wiikrk SKI FI'S It, ami that In one of the (test places to purchnno. .Mistake not the place 19tl CONGRESS, fell 15 lUli* IMTAI.7IEM, J UST rocelve.1 per slenmrr Florida, another supply of Boy’s lothlug, such .i* flue blue uml hluck < loth Jackets, pUIn nml lancy Casslim-ro Panin, Vests; also. Satinet Jackets and Panin, for hoys from lour to llfterii years old. For salocheapnt the’Totldiuf Store,Gib bons’Bange, hy (.HO- S. NICHOLS k. co. feb 13 c I lKlsjl LINENS AND PIAPF.BS.~3 cases lri»h Liu. cut, assorted; 5 do assorted Bird* Kye, Itunsla amt Huckaback Puimr ; 3 do assorted Table Diaper; 9 do Id lieu Towels. For sale by mar5 WILLIAM G. FooTB. H ltoWN SHIRTINGS AND SHECTINGS.-rgyhales 3 4 brown Shirtings; lno do 7-8 do heavy do, .111 do 7 8 8ea Island do; 4H do 4 4 do do do; 50 «|o 4 4 assorted brown hhcetiiigs. Now landing nml for sale hy mar 5 WILLIAM G. FOOTE. / v INGR AMS AND fRINTS.-'i'.ca!*-* n**orted >o>tVh. \ I French nnd American Ginghams, III do awtuted Mourning do; 5n do Allen’s. Duum-r*, Sprague, Aiuerl. cun, Engli*li und French Prints- For sale by mar3 WILLIAM G, FOOTB. O sNAItl Ri.S —3o hales Virginia white • 'snahurg*; •Jo bale* a.Hvrted tiramls .|o;3u do do striped d<>; JO do i 'hoctaw Mrlpcs. For sale hy mar 3 WILLIAM G. Foori’.. I )RINTED I.AWiA,'J.U*oNK1>*, he -3» case-* a* 1 .ort.-d printed laiwns, American, French amt Eng- Unit: 9 French Jarouet*; I do plain French Lawn*; 1 do do do Cambrics. For sale by mar 3 WILLIAM G^FOOTR. 1 >ANTAI.Oi».N STUFFS—4U cases a*voted Untton- ndc«, American and French; iOdo do Linen prills, tdalli, lunry and white; 4 r*»e* heavy brown Linen Prills; 3 bales heavy planters' Linen. 4 or sale by mar 5 _ WILLIAM G. FUtJTB. B l.E ACII IIP 8IIIRTINGs, “Ac. -'30 “case", as*.>rtH tdcoche.1 Shirting*; 5do dodo Prills ami Jeans; 3 do do do Diapers. I or sale by rnarS W11,1.1'M G. FOOTE, Drab Deles, and 4-4 lllay styles of ‘‘ I tl. Ft" lb o’clock. For ...... . h. M. I.AFFITEAU, a nil Taylor, muster, a il.irnlug, at apply lo mar 3 litiT<• k: vrifiK v11.Tad i. VIA PMtIEN. hT.SIMONS, BBUNStVP K, I'ANCV 1II.UFI4 JEFFEUS4i.NTON AND ST. M \RVS. .jxJP** a> The steamer PLANTER, Capt. Onb, IsfeOaSu ”111 leave for Bin above places every ediictday Morning at lb o’clock. For freight or pas sage, apply .hi board, at the Union Ferry wl.arf or to feb 19 v. WOOLLEY, Agent. • 'OIK IIAWI4INWVII.I.I. AND OTHER I. A N III N G S.-The steamer CHARLES IIAUTKIDUK, VV. , will meet win. dl*paicb as alwve. For freight or passage, apply on b»aru,.*r lo feb4B BRIGHAM, KELLY h CO, FOH IIA \k K I 5M ll.l.l . AND IN I ERMEPLtTE LANDINGS.— Tlio now and light drnlt steamer M ARI'».N III run from Pnrlei. t.« the nlmvc places, lb couiH-ciion wlib the sienniert WEl.AKA am|st;M|. N' U.E. Freight taken through at the < uMomary ra 1 .-*. fed 9 __ tf S. M. LAFFlTKAU. Ag’t. FOH C’llAltl.l'M'ON.-Sciul-Ucelil, .' m --eHT—iw Alter tho Hth ln*t, the steamer ''AL- sSasnidaSa | l" 1 3< will leave every W.slaewlay aud Saturday Lveniug, at 7 o'cl -ck. Jan 15 S. M. LAFFITE.\U, Agent. SAVA.>.>.\1I till .HOI NT l*l.l:AMAVr' SAVANNAH AND MOUNT PLEASANT PACKET,—The under*lgmil having |>urcha**-d apt. Steven* the sloop \ME»|. '. wdl hereafter sail tier regularly between savannah ami Mount Plea*- ani, the l*t and Mill of every month hereafter, ami take freight lor st. Simons, Brumwrlck, Fancy Bluff, and Bethel, at nsa roi'RTil t««* tl.»n the regular sieutulKjat rate* to Brunswick. All freights pay able by shippers. For freight apply on Lard to Capt. Griffith, ..r p. p. Copp, Agent, r*a«uunah, .<r the lubscribr r, a*. Mount Pleasant. fell P'_ ___ lr 8. A. HOOKER. J J- l OR iluhToN.-Tho schr. V.. D'’ANE,Vl*T. J5C4bring, rniHt. r, will in.ei with d spatch a* above. For In igbt or pos*«Kc. apldy on boa»d. at J<.hi.son’s wharf»r to BRIGHAM, KELLY k ui. mar ti FOR PIP'VIPENCE —The rchooner~E7s. ;JANK8, V'r.trolt, master. Will have quick dis- patco «* above. Fur Ire.ght or passage apply on Ltard at lelfair's wharf, nr to tnaril BRIGIIAM. K4.LI.V k ro. Foil ll< sl'lIN—Tbe*u|ierior packet ship N E W* ( Cauileteen*, Grass Linens; 3 4. Linens; together with a variety of other i lug*. For sale hy WILLIAM I mar 5 FO. ITK. iiakim ius ii aga/.im: F'sic iiaiich I I'*T RF.i'ElVLP— Auioblograpliy «*f Hr Cluirlcs Caldwell. Thomas II. ml’s *’ mplelo INtcticat Works, with Bln. graph', ul Sketch. I Sol. Inez, n lule ol Ihe AL'Ilo. | Brushwood picked up on the f’on'lneiit. The Bible Pmv« r lUmtt, f>*r livm.l) worship ami other privatentul public occasion*, l.y VV IV Evert*. A Leiierof inquiry lo Mlnlsier* »f tin- Gospel, of all (*."" slavery, by n Nyrthern Presbyter. t History or Ma o . k Dixon s«. by J II ll Ulnd*. 1 What Not. l.y M's Maty A |). i, son. i South Side View of Slavery, or Thieo Mont hi nt tlio j Sonih. In iK'.4,by Nehi-mlnh A,Inins, p p. Nn. I0o| Harper's Ga/eMeer of Hie \Vorl,|, completes I thelHH.k. mb) W. TlloRNE WILLIAMS. I lor sale In I. j feb 111 •eh* r HrJHryaies-. joTAToKS. —171 Mils Polaities, lauding per hark , Tidal Wave, l or sale by Jan in c HUNTER Ik GAMMELL. 200! fled Whiskey, landing this dnv, nml f«*r sale by feb 4 c MINIS Ik JOHNSTON. %»; IIl'*KEV.—30 bid* Hecllfle.1 Wiiiskey.landing |*o'r vv Emma,ami for sab-bv feb H BRIGHAM, KELLY Ik cn. N EW CRop . ERA MoLAnsEs.—(ill iihdr*aiid 40 bids, nil Imiding nnd In flue order, are now offered H CM.-tin bids Luther Fulton Rum, landing jht E. - Poanc. Fur sale by t f 'ItN.'—4.INXI oils||i ‘ f'ecU'd per Khr A las m«r 3 ■ ATI J hr mar 3 BRIGHAM. KELLY h CO. landing ! tt;n '. I nrn.i white Corn, dally ex* ‘ For sain hy BBIGIIAM, KF.f.I.V h UK 1 _ . ... Florida: .7 Rich nml st ripe. I Mlk In. printed and French Jackonel Muslins Do strip, d do do do l)o printed French Organdies Polks, spot and child/ stripe Organdies Primed ami phli. Bareges I'lsh. black llarege*,nil qualities Block nml white printed Run g. * and Tissues Ho do Foti'nid Silks Black Elastic Cord, Whalebone Buttons Druse Trimming* Large white and ro|..rod pearl Buttons Bonnet llibbons, Tnffitu aud Satin Ribbons Gauze Under-Vests, for ladles, gentlemen nnd children. HOSIERY.—Ladles' white, black, mixed and brown Cotton floin ; chlldr. n'« white brown aiul mixed c„tt)(n Hose ; gent** brown bleach.',1 and mixed half Hose, GLOVES.—Ladles’and grin's superior Kid Gloves; do do silk do, khl flnl*h; do do Elsie Tbresd do. Just received per strainer Florida, and b-rsaln lew hy mar l NP. .’ITT, I.ATRIP*P * ROGERS. G IN, ItE'll. HllAMlY, Wlll.iKEV, IIAV, Cl)itN, OATS, BRAN, SHORTS, he. 2H bbls old Mnnoiigaliula \\ hi.key 15 .to dr. Ryu do 15 do Imllatioii Holland Gin; I5dn N E Rum 5 do Domestic Brands I k cask o|<| Cognac Brandy 3fu bushels Baltimore white Corn 9*n» do prime Seed and Feod Oats BUI do Bran; HXi do Shorts Eastern ami Northern Hay, Hall, In good order, In store ; alto, landing per brig Josephus, from Baltimore, 15 bblslluwlaml Boston Bum. For salt, by U' ll'l'll A. ,'OUIIT IVI1. IT to suit purdiusers, hy J- A. BROWN. iirlEIIV.— I.bmidozen assorted Hosiers.for sale bl AM ■.. t * SITE 1 JEI.TING —9,iMl^et paietUoak tanned Belting, re 1 > reived tier sell/ E I. It Wells, fro ■ Philadelphia l or sale by CIIA’S. II. CAMPFIKLD. fe b Vll ^t IIIBTS!' SH | 111 n It SRI UTS !! l-TuM'feerlVml Ty k ’ steamer, a large lot of s.iperlor style, from a verj celebraled maker—will be sold low. by feb 44 tVM. I». PllltIE. 147 llay-tt J UST RECEIVED —1 full setsof sterling SlUet Tea Sets, Including I'm, t'offeo pot. Tea Pot, Sugar I Bowl, Cream Pot, Mop llowl. We will be happy lo | show them. HORTON h RIKEMAN. I felCJI , f 'EMENT ANirpl.ASTER.—I or saTcny V ‘" n " J _ y - w ‘ ‘’GIINWELL, IW llrynn-st. Ill itjtM EASTERN BRI'K For sal., by tU.WUW CAItl.EToN Ik parsons, |wiv 13 c 89 ttay -st. H AV.-IH bale* prime Eastern Hay, landing from brig Surf, and for sale by- Jan 94 c till.ETON h PARSONS. H AMS, 4»r.—9.5 t.crce* choice Hams; 75 lioxe* Adm luantlnc Candle*, l anding and lor sale by leh J e HOLCOMBE. JOIINKON k Cll. S TRIPED AND WHITE OHNARCMGS.— Having ronipleinl our spring arraugeineiit* for these goods, K antersand all In want will And a g< *• * “ >*t qualities, at *ow prlres.fer rath, al feb 9 c W. C. W AP*Wl h CONSTANTINE, AT II.*. —44,Msi Eastern l.aihs, himllng and for sal« I mar I Jones’ llolldlng. foot Barnard street. MAUI.ETON k. PARoON.w, ! V. avaua V»*-^ uJ , »• “Vi “ . — s.. .in., I I AVANA SBI.ARS.—43,1*0 I .a L«inerantln, pill up rso. j | | m Att ,| o(hi „ (mix; III,OHO El Crlwd; A.bWi RegiJ. la; &,!**» El Ibien Crlsto Cubano; also, numerous oilier braml* of Scgars, all of my own Importation. For salo by J. A. BROWN, mar l B acon, flour, hf.rhingh, ixc.—Eauding: in catks prin.p new M.ouldera .si barn,i a ItalUneiro 11.,„, 24 do exua Geneww Ft«,u» JO do Mala Crackort 2-* do Rikcutt ii liriM Barring*; 95do cheesa. For sale by MCRANTmn, JollNsfON h CO. roar 3 * I CE PITCHERS. - Just rereivwl a liaiuls., lea Pilcher., pl.u-l Tea r • also, cordlaltsiands, ready f< * IM fab 91 t*. n..waid’rich"paternal I 'INptMi amt sale at Is do do, 4 do 8 •ItloN k ItIKP.tlAN'H I ANPING This Pay, from steamer Augusia: J 15 bid* Appl.i*, I ra«e new Figs in limes l.a.rr llalslli*, in do do do 3 bag* Pecan Nuts. For sale by msr I J. A. BROWN. Ill store : 90 hose* Stela Blscull, A bid* ant will And a good stork of the ‘ir rash, al HtTII’S, ll.'.cmigrei* st. Ol’BING SILKS! SPUING 8II.K8I •-Received p.. 1 ’ steamer Knoxville, a few palerns of rich spring Milks. For sale al very low prices, M IV A PH WORTH’S CASH llol’ME, feb H c *113 C«mgre«a-*trecl. Y oNKF.B'8 EHINIII RGB PALE AI.K-pmu, amt only a few bbls. remaining ; for tale b« ClIAHI.ES IIKEI.oW*. f#». 99 44 New st. New Vork. A I.I.-Opp h SONS* highly calibrated India I’ALK ALL—plot* tnd quarts, for sate by CIIAHI.Km BF.LI.OV' 8, f»b99 44 Naw-st., .Saw Vork. H * ALLAsfTolt mXDC^Tom of sbiim Lallatt, at Aridarsnn's upper wharf,for sale by Jeb29 ROWLAND h CO. J i'fTAToitN — i Vi Mils potatoes! lamllng This Day, t**" ship Omoi, ami for sala by !bar*r, Ear.I, Beer, pork, Sugars of all klmls, stock Pickles, |.ltkie*l and (ml, la.l.turs,Catsups, ORves. Fig | Bine ami Mustard. Alt fur ssto by ) m»r I J. a. HHOWN. ' I PLANTATION i.o, ip*.—Hirlpmi and plain o#na- b.irgs, of ilm most apprurrd makes, direct from • y.efsciof j - Mariner’s hlrlpas. Marlbnro Plslds; also, blearhr.1 sml brown sheeting from 7Ji to 12 4 wide.— 1 Just r. re|r.d ami (or M la by , “' 1 Pi WITT h MORGAN. ( •• EAMni.e iirussiiig Casas, Work Ii* ' .VV *'".' * !•;»•*/oRF. feb 94 1 ” ,*M('.Nt II WI N Ee * r - P. J. OGPI’.N, i.’larel and nauleri.e, In rsir* arid M CIII I In ■ iSi* 1 Ling epiniii iigii for tale by CHARLES BP.I.LOWN, ,, U n Al Nnw-si.. New Vork MINIS tjOIIVhToN. | r.NiM.N AlH IH Bl.lN PoltlER AND MltoWfi A J!^UGAlN. e7k rant* will buy a m'hmI black , J ~ lusrts sml pints, J1 It'.r— *— ■ — -• “ r • — • - - lARlJAlN f*7k rant* will InrabsxliM, at A a*i*wortl.’* cost. Ininsa, . D" , J * No. I l5Congra*a st. i ’’-ITS ANplIRAN H*. hosi.rU prime white 1 r.aliimora ' orn ; y<*i .m lira,,, iv, do 8«wt Oats. Lamllng |»ir schr Joh.i tV. Anderson, from IMldn.ora, and f'.rs.b, by WAVER a f.'f iNMI'ANTINE, M,,f 3 Jones’ ll.,tiding, l—i HbmismUI. 1 f " 11 ' “ f u '" H'i«|» Leaf llrsml i Z S l <f sale low, lu close roo*lgiioi«t,i 1 YNc 1 4 boll / ion* A r..r. •*e fyiotlguumf,. by union "1, KeI.I.V h 191. >s»»l butbelt of f en.Missrr I „ r sale by I.VNN s, »N||.MJ, Ull., I , * If AKO »,H.I.I, , I * ■ rise |«r st.lp Asirsrsn. by m| i * CAIII.EfoN l> PARSONS, SJ Bay slfaet, 1 \V “«»'*■ •sisip’i.—i au.b/tcs, Jar»ne<t. Swiss P u » | ’ ’ 'lit* l ‘bated Swiseva (lie«ked n»is.«* : Fu* sale by WILLIAM 4J, FtS/tE, i n . r..ns.e„i , s HABI.EM BI'I.MivVS, 44 Naw *| , New Vork. It’S MJjtl.tML LUCCA OIL In rasas „( Jfi les sa. Ii, froslt and In flu., order; for sale l.s CHARI.»> MEl.LotVs; fab 99 51 Naw *.., Naw Volk. ( 'IIAMPAGNE — A fresh tfijiply of llaldslark kVs» 1 / f1i«in|-gn*. Inqiitr's «ml j.inU, landing frum bs.k Marla kb.rton, ami for sale by fal* 19 e MINIS * JOHNSTON. N i'.VV IIAM/N.- ii l.lidsimw Uaaon, now 'l#„4i„g ami Mr sala by M« MAlloN h liOVI.E. fall 1/7 'IMLI.OVV CANDf.i'.U.-ttl boles, |U to the B. , In I to re ami ft.r sate by feb 97 CHAMPION k WATT" U LM. g|N AND lilt AN PV—.V bid* Bum, 40 do Gut, 4<i do Brand;, raorltad ami for Mb l.y falytT M. MAlloN h IHlVI.K. jit P‘ 'ZEN A ms a' nockat nimoas. For sale he lif IHZI N. B. h II. Wfer.0 . Ju*t re eived for •*!.» In .inanilile* to suit purrhasers, at 13 Barusrd St/oeet, by I.OVEI.L h I.AITIMOBE. __fol» 43 jtoVEs.— .iurfrl. iiils will rem.lilber that we keep hives of every d.srrlption 13 Barnard street I.OVEI.L At I.ATTTMORH. N EW ORLEANS WIIINKRV.-tf.Vi barrels N. o. Whiskey, id tin* much aiiproved brands "Ruse” and ”We|s| Ire," oxpecle.1 jier brig Duncan from New. Orleans i for sain to arrive by COHENS k HERTZ. Jan 30 i IVI’.KI'sNil. I.C'lP COAL, for parlor u*e. for tale : I Iroiu llie wharf, by | feb 19 n MINIS h JOHNSTON. H A V 1 H A V I! IIA V 1II— !•*• bales of prime Eastern Hay, landing T»d* Pay. nml for wt.. low from wharf, I »>y I.VNN h SNIPER, No.79 l ay tl. | fehtffl J n| 'o'uAftpl:K eTim AND oriiLUsTn'want 1.T Land j I In lha vlrinlly of Ihe city. | have Ull acre*, ad- 1 Joining Jim. MTIttavnwm's plantation, on the Augusta | Road a |.nftlon well wooded with oak and hickory. It j will In* sold al a bargain, either a* a whole nr In lot*. Apply 1" Jan 97 e P A. L. I.AMAlt. I Pel received, and (or sale by A. Ill i.Vi Al 1 P 4ll tones of Wolfit's Sclirlil* III ilo assorted Jellies. Alto, a floe lot of Englisl. ami French Muslanl. feb 17 H A N PK EIP 'HIEF.H AN I »\UA V A I'*.—3 cjwe* pdm Head lldkf.; 3 do Cotton Pocket do; 9 do Linen Cambric Ladle*’ and Gent's do; 3 do assorted Silk do; 4 do ii m or ted Silk and Linen C’ravals. I nr sale tiy mar3 WILLIAM G. FOOTE. J IVT received Instore: H.imxi !hs. sugar cured Haul*, pul' ’ ENGLAND, Pratt.-all master, w'lll meet w'ltb J. s- Ka.c'i a* above, 'or freight or jmsaagt- apply on board at Jobiison’t W half, or tu war 3 BRIGIIAM, KEI.I.V k CO. H AVING lately received large additions to nur stoek of PIANO FORTES, we are enabled to offer at this time the greatest variety Irom the bust manufa-Tur- run. Irom the piv not square to the most elaburwuly carved, ami from sii to seven octaves. Our Piano* nru oetecied from tho manufacturer* wlo.m wo have (mi confidence In, and we are partlcu- larlv requested by them to give a guaranty with every Instrument sold l*y u* as regards duraURBy. bum. Ate. Person* in want of a first rate Inurnment may rely gelling such a one by selecting from the i. whose Instrumem* we endeavor to Keep constantly on band, viz: II. Worcester, J. Chick- cringle Son, Nunns Al Clarke, Bacon Al Raven*. If. Wafers, and Haines, Brothers As Cummings. Uac4 3mols I. W, MOBKKLL fit co. PIANO FORTES, MUSIC, &.C. The und* rtigneil Is prepared, a* usual supply all demands in Ins line, having iff f 111ho agencies of some uf the t«st Piami Forte makers In tbr counl'). a* StmiarL Jacob f’hick .•ring. Jim. II. Hunhaiu A Grovesteen AtTfuslow, Firth. Pond k Co., T. Gilbert Ac < «... Alc.. a rhotes* of superior Instruments may be bail at hi* establishment. Ilong possessed of a life's e*|^r.ence In both the pro fessional and business department#uf Music, be trusts that be limy mil be rnitiled to the kind patronage I*o has received during the past flveyearv. G. B. MITCHELL. Agent for F. Z*«bsum Ac co, dee 0 M. Julian and tlry an sts., t.rar live Market NTOVIIN. NTOVIIN. We beg leave again to coll Uio attention of the public In onr .STOCK or STOVES Any wishing to purchave will ron*ult their own I liesl intervals b) ratlb g <>u u* and velrei.iur from over I thirty different kind*, being three lime* a* rariol a Stock | a* was evi-r brought to the s .uth bv any otherrsutdish- men!. We have several new jtafern*. made ex pie-sly . for the Southern States, and purchasers may rel* upon buying of us at lowest Northern Price*. KENNEDY k BEACH, Agent* for Maunfaeturcrs, St. Andrew’s IUII, I feb 13 tf Savannah, Ga’ I -C»x K.IVF.iTv* HACK. AMI >-->BAIiB STABIjU. I rplfi; Siibscnlier* have purcha»e<| the large Brick j I stable on West tlroad Greet, formerly known os ( Brown A. ll.irri*' Sulile, ami will be thankiul for a share l nf public patronage. We Intend to kr«-p good ..orrioges and Ituggie*, gentle ll -rset, and careful Driver*; and If ! sir id attention to bavines* will merit patnmagr, we m- tend to havelt. THOMAS F. STEVENS. JACOB El.t.lSTON. I Savannah,January 1st, 1854. _ 3mo Jan I DENT.1I.OHT4 E KETIOVEII. PR II. W. BANKS. hatre-AtUd the - Dental Rooms, recently occupied by pr. i lleahl, «»n Pray'.-'ti-si., one dour from I Brougbbvn, tie f mnd at \ all time*, pieparcl pi attend t-v auv busiio-s* connected : wt.h hlv profession, tu accordance with the new: m.-aern ! an-1 approved principles "f scgeoit ItenLstry. | Tee:hexamined and advice given without'charge— | Specimen* of Plate Work to lie seen at his office, w 1 *rt> • | he will have constantly on handT -o'.h Powder, Brushes, and |>r. parationifor the rvh. fuf T«othact>e. ! dec 19 3m-• j Ou THURSDAY. March Kb, will be sold, la front o store, at 11 o'clock, 20 boxes Tobacco—sold lo pay cho/gee tad Tor oc- I count ol all cooctfocd. Term* tosh. oLfi 'AdmlnTstrsior’s'Kate. "n TUESDAY, April 3, will be sold, at tbe ten hour of tale, In front of the Court House : EolNn. H and Improvements, being part of Gardes lot No. C, west fronting on Al.c untt, coalaialag CO In front, by I lu depth (more or leasy. The Improve ment* coniivt of a double ooe-eiory house, pUMeewd and well flrilshnd, on a basement. Sold os the property or F. A. Gordon, deceased, fur the benefit of tbe heir*. GKU. GORDON. feb 93 Adxslwtcimor. Private Sole. lew bushels of Ground Nut*, for sole la qaanutloa to suit purchasers. mh g Private Sale. Fine Liverpool Tabb-Halt, tn sk>be Jars, a Mpertor art tele, for sale tn quantity v* salt pnrehaaera. & PEM AE NOTIC i:. D ll. PANCOST, Ik-uPsi. has removed to the brick 1 » dwelling corner of Bsrnani and Statmslreel*, and 1 • iho above port lu complete cargo. Apply to ! fronting si.James’square, bear pr. Schley’*, where he , 3 Ii CHAS. A. GREINER. 1 will bo pleased to wait upon ht» fr.eod* and the public 1)UMi AMI KEMN ATISG HSTABLISDIEU. 7 3 Vork-Hi., nrnr ihe Cmttrt Haast. savannah, ga. ! 711 ,jf1 tiTsausutn is IrttJ. 17*73 1 'HI. sutwerlber, grateful lo bl* patrons and fneod* for their continued favor*, would Mate that, ta ad- ! d.tion to the unprorrmeci* in frying ocqwfrwd by him • during hi* last visit to England and Scotland, has made aivangetn.-tiv* f»r exumdtng bis bawntwa, by which be Is now enabled to Dye a greater roriely tf Colors oa Silk ' and Woolen Dreaaco, Shawls, he., which beirssu will ; generally please all who may favor him with their - patronage. Gentlemen's Gxnncm* Dyed, Cleaned or Renovated, asms* be reqntrnl, in i be same sujenor style whidi i ba* generally a • much pleased hi* patron* and friends. Indies’ Bonne** Dyad, Bleached and Pressed la the I tt«**t fastiinnabte styles. «»rdert from the oexuiiry pawc- ■ lually attend<«] t<>. Terms moderate. When parcels are *<•»;« by steamboat or railroad, word should be seet i him by letter thosugh the P*wt i rOorjkothalhe may koow i whereto call fur them. j Jan 13 t A LEX AN Df.R GALLOWAY. C OFFEE, SUGAR, he.-** bags Rto Coffee 73 bag* and i-ockt-uJara do I 3u nr Js rtsotew Porlo iUoo sugar 25 do Si. Jrotx do 30 d-> o-mmon Orleans do j 45 do Clarified do do 71 bbls AllkC do do .Vi do Vest Pork |.u do Butter and Sogar Cixtktn 5» botes eoda do 50 bbls Pilot I 1 read 400 do Portland Syrup list do New Orleans >yrup. Dew crop IHO du oomm-n Whiskey It*i t-nxes Gran; h WilUam* Tet>aoco hi d" Me I e«a do tU do Roly ’# Star do ivbdt choice Bar-m Svdea to do do do ShoulJm |u do/en Pail* 50 bbl* Eagle Gin; 50 krea Lord lew botes I’aie aad No. I Stop 5u d-> and half do Peart Starch NO bag* Prop and Buck Start Kw ke«* hails and qrv F. Powder. I n store and for sal* by . feb X H‘ iLCOMBE, JOHNSON h CO. I _ . For. PHII.APEEIMIIA.—Tin- brig E.'ll vi-w , — ; generally, tn tbe (me.>f bis ifo’essii.n. l^nm! i«L Kh,. J. .us eJJrxiail'ituJK ! ,b»> , '. 11 Vj.’;.V,7.T IZiT ' ““ 0 ' master, will have immediate dispatch f"t the aUire ' -- port. F. r la'* *"- hl OR AH ll'ti Ml S”A i.'s I'ppo k't K R, — !' *. ”, : To which he would Inv ,te the attentinu iif all thus*'w l>e • R Ll' EllpiHM..—-The now clas* ship TA3I- are auflering fr.-m general drbilny. In rrcr-mmenda- i JhJsaal-RLAN E. Gapl. Holm.-s, has two Hurd* of her Ron of this Incomiarab'c artieie, l»r. p. would refer to cargo engaged. I or freight of remainder, spp'y io the hundred# m this c;t* who have b*vn Urn f’.M hy '* "AV h - Hr. Him nine** Itrxlr Itrnrr, \ II DOM I N A I. Sl/rrc mnr I t up especially for family uni. J. A. BROWN. SUNDRIES.—4U boxes Malaga and Sicily U-ui.ui*, 14 s’ chests uf superior Tea*; Hi buxe* Union Tobarcutfl case* Sardines; l cask flue Salt (In small sack*.; 3 pipe* Cider and While Wine Vinegar. Fur sale by mar I J. A. i.RoWN. I’APEI.FoRli A}: For h' \ l TIM I ill E-.“lu oTivaUsir.- -The aCsi*cti-Miiier ANN MARI A, Mitchell, master, will me* l with dispatch aantxive. t„r freight or parsage apj-ly on taiurd al Telfair*’ w harf, - mar “ iu application. (ii.ariDK nor > |."'KEsM West India sweet-Mrnt# nnd Jelllrs, lust re- ! Jr h . *** NLW \ r c. tvid nnd tor into at J. A. BROWN'S. awtt.lio packet schooner I’.Nv tl \N VUt>S, w*. a superior article of F*>r sale by J. A. BROWN. r. tved nnd lor salo mar I t 'I PER.—93 barrel* ClderT a Chnnipngtio Cider, III coses. mar I H ARPER’S MAGAZINE.—Tho March number of this valuable Mogatine, received and for sale by i»M __ S^S. SIBI.EV, 1.0 i .uigre** al. M ANILLA SKIRTS—14 hair.*, 4.MW Ma nllla skirts, a suiH'rlor article. Just recuivrsl and for aale by mill BRIGHAM. KEI.I.V k n mb I kV C O. NO. e WIIITAKER-STKKKT, SAVANNAH, GA, ! n E.M.EKS In Sashes, Blind*. P •nrs. Moulding*. Ac. | Also; Paint*, •’ll*. Varniihes, TurponUne, Patty; j — _ ; r rent'll and 'mencan \1 in*low Glass; Painter*. Maaoo* 1 -RK—Usioa Lisa.—The regii- . and While " nsli Brush*'*; Gold l.e*f, Bronte, he. ner ENCUANTRIM’S, Jayne, Also, *J4 Marbt« Mantle*, "f Vhe most ims’.ent style, u-r, will have quick dispatch lor the above jKiru— J from f33 to fil5n. Ala**, I^HTocks. from f I £3lofil5. r l' , iJE Son* of the Strew, a History of iW Heinh; or passage apply to l AIwv. 45 |wlr*. Inside Venetian Btio.1*. Builder* and 1 /re** ol lv-s:iry, of the Aroeneaa Par MNDIlir.N. f.A BBLS. Hiram Smith’s aad par* Geneeee Hear »IU (w do Rutter, Sogar and SodaCmekm I4i do E. Tread well's Pilot Bread .'•0 do Stuart's A h B Clartfird Sogar 4 • do do crashed and Ground Sogar 1» U**es Muon’s I-oaf do KW do star t oadies; do C's k P’s Tallow do fid bid* each. White v' me and Cider Yianpr 5o quints:* drv c.dfish 50 bh»* emrh. Metier t»J Carter PoUtoes NO d o " est Indta Mo!aw<« liw do New ‘Vrtfwn* da I5i da Plr.k-1 y* runung Peuuww ;i'W bogs pttme Green and Rio iVffVw 75 l»i*c* amt V» naif do Daach Rairtns 4" half chest* Black Tew, ||tk. papers 3o hh.Js lair arst prime New Ortwaas Saga/ .Vi dozen Hevoms, asworteO MS*. Jest receive*! and for »ate hj leh -Si N5RANTON, jnllNimiN h OO. AEW ROOKS ufa lAvr.p. rarv by k. s. mb lev. F. J. OGDEN. roll I.IVEBI*! other* would *lu il7.T nitVTT l.'.il clTTL I •l~-«J-rc. * l Jan i> is, a superb Ith I HUmiii.hi, m.i.i.i a * ". | 1NTILI.A8—per steamship Augusta—New style • Black Silk, Lace aud Apjiliqur Mnnllllaa, Tor sale nth I PkWirr A: MiiRG 'N. Butter. SO i 1\. t»y fit sain by feb 14 per ship IE 31. MILLS, St urges*, master, having the greater part of her cargo engaged, will meet wltli I Md d’lt.— PW bbl* Cf-rvla ITrur. ■■‘ipalch os above, t or freight ••! rrwv hale*Cotton, - I 1 BITTER AND CHEESE— 4» flfk lyln C. A. L. LAMAR. hove*cheese. h 48 j HEKRING^.—10 bbl* ptekk*!. Kid Nur* »tn<«Xed. I 'jC£± 1*4' ll* It A LT13P >U l*. — U « o v t»a LvV*7-Tbe ALE -KsihM.Ta’!o(NS..n-*Crram 'ItwnyAle. iftSliacket brig J«»>EPHUS, WiIsup. mol.-', will . "VI * <V * rs l ’ f ‘ M meet with dispatch as above. Far freight or | asoagr. ; rust rv'ceivnl and lor sale ny ■pjdy on tNiard, at Telfair’s wharf, «>r to feb 44 a coft before purchasing Prohatdp Ir.fioenoe on the nett PresJAeaual fbectswa, • , *•> which .* added a review of the truer of tbe Hon. ly I Henry A. Wise am.rt Ihe Know Nothings: by oa A* ■ I mrrew More of WilnflSConrtshlp, Idle odd Realties cf Fan- ny f ern, lla. ou'* Pictorial. ■'i*dey'# Magazine, (,-r March. For sale a! feb 47 • 35 CV>XGKE»-«T. t. 1,1 11||»* — lllt> - I’FII, III II HIM, IU BRIGHAM. KEI.I.V k t i>. C 'llllFlSIL—4U boxes fresh Cmlfi.b. rirelved and for j snle by M« M AIKi.N «c piiVI.E. want anything lu the line ol . MAIIi'N K DOYLE. rob 27 O i.if.'i iTnonu All KirXiv ii i s'k i; V.-.nTbbis .\ ,~x x and XXX,Just received and forsalo by fell 37 / V U.NS7- Tim ll tbuitcnn be acconiiMtated ou reastHinldo terms, by call* lug nt 1.1 Barnard strei-l. feb Yd LOVELL h LATTIJIOllH. S UGAR—Just received p« sctv«**v(u-r Manh*«vit, Bl bbls. Ht. Croix Sugar, an 1 lor sale by fob 93 T.J. TIIUKLKEI.P, Agt. S UNDRIES.—Just rerelved juir steamer Knoxvlllfl Iti keg* flue Goshen Butler, 4 bbl*. Pbllad. Ipbla Boiled do. Ill lihl*. While Beau*, 4 do Pried Peaches, 4 do pried Apples, t bbl*. Appb rising Flour, fl i'a«es olive oil, Syrup, fke., he.., for sale by fel>93 T. J.TIIIIEI.KEI.P. Ag*t. / 'AN 'I. BARROWS ANDCORN f.*i W- V ' rowr# recelv.d hy bark GiHal*|we«|, |tf i'um sin-1 Mill# by bark Peter Pemlll.lor sale by fel>93 G. II. C AMITIEI.P. UTTER AND Lot kin* Butter, 80 'heewc, received and for sale bv Iab43 M« M AlloN fc pol l.l;. AV PKI'd<S IP •op.’*.- Iticb Pans llariyn lll -Uw, IIIUGII A d, KEI.EV h CO. ^ FOR FREIGHT n'u i II.'—The new i 2aiid U»t tailing bnj GF.nliGE 'I.BFKT. Ai.- : t’ARLirro.N ft PARSmNs, ! ‘31 No. SJ Bay street ! k. FOR II N VHEi-Tbe fine bark GOOpepKED, I master, will meet with dispatch a* above, j J»n •.*» MrMAIION h DoYLE. I l't E, i «-i J J*n 13 OHEN- k IIERT/. U I F.F! BE I •At do do pi 1 ay , master, wilt meet with dup.vlrh as alvae. ' 1 * do do l For Height or passage apply .>n boarvl, ai Telfair’s w barf, and for sate by or to illtlGIIAM, KEI.I.V A. CO feb 13 _ feb 94 BEEF:: — .m t.t.;. nn» Jo; t cask Beef t|*> I.VNN Z ‘ lk’i>VE LINEN It**S*• MS.— i>n hand a c.^vt assort- gu- Tv mem of pieoe desirable good*, rbesn r.«r ca»h by J»> feb 44 FOR NEW 1 OftK —Usuis l.isg.—Tbe regu- _lar packet scbinmcr I.. S. DAVIS, Parts, mas- I K-r. »TIl have quirk di*p*tch for the atKvvc port. For : x* FAV u,. f i n « pi-nt*. i<er *t fpitsl.1|,|.l,l» | IN A lul-n. I. j. ni'I.N. I r»t French Cambrics; Jacsmel* FOR It IST<> brig All It V FRANCES. ,1’vrt freight, apply to F. J. »AIDES. V tor co* IS'VOUT'4. inter Kno< fet.iM 1.1.81 .Ak F''It IIOS I'ON,—Tho trow ami splendid bark 'I'Ell. having a large part of her cargo rngatiil, will have quick dupairh a* ale've For freight or pa.sagr, apply lo BRIGHAM, KELLY h co. PROVIDENCE—The One packet achr. SMITH, Hmlili, inasirr, will have quick Hie above purl. For Bright or passage, ai* T. J. v Hi PEN. • English* ►did rotor* amt print' inch am*. O'gsnd'vw, e. r or sale bv Pi Win h M-'RG'N. trb 81 UST rocelvud, » hi »u flue timtesvw Ftowr, bail bid* ; Buckw beat, in htg* ; Iter Apple \ >i .war. and a variety of ether articles in our line, and of the very betid.sK-ripUon. For sale by_ D i *MESTIO— Per hark Horvvwt: Bale* Shirting Mrtpes Iv. Marttsrto I'hhIi and SUipcv IK. Cbamhrsy Sxrtpew I k> IP gal do |a. Indian da Is. Kami tph Ptavds Im Mawriek •Hnahurgv |v. sti'ieOi.-whsifi; Jo Mnyad da Im 3-4 ar».1 7-p brown chining* , ! IK» 7 »toe do do IK? heavy SheeMnga For note by I Ifh 47 NKVITT. 1.4T1IROT «a ROGCTfi, I ' >KIME ASP M l» bEEF.-Kecrtvwfi, This (AaT.a (rtwhsTply of Prime and Mes* Beef. For mW by | febv u i.YNN 0. SN1PEK.74 Bay si. ' 111 Hv'XKA Igwn.vna, tut* trorsrvsl by •fl| feb l* i A. BROWN. Ol'i!\R.-4J kbds.c’ankfd Sugar, and Ip tVvere* do, . . ’ landingftiMn bng Ivanewa fr.-rn New (Vleans, nnd •or sate by OCTAVES CX»HEN. feb 13 BtUj*' Onirtnoatt Kegtifiod and JW de * Crtd kfi- ;.o IV t'hni-cjsllka. Printed Cnmtirlca, Jacuiru, aud orgsndira, Just tor sate b) D« VVUT 4a Ml IRG\N. fen 43 VI IAV SPUING GOODS.-llleh Pari* Barege Ko|h% »> New Style llleh Silks, Printed ctialllr*. Barege Pol.allies. Black Barege, chtHle*, and Cronadlitra,| > |*li| Gingham, English Prints French Cambric* amt Jackuti- els, I’rlnted Brtlllalil* and Organdies, I’anry Casslumf aud Vretlugs, Emlirolderlf*, Blbbons, he., received per tlenmrr Knoxville, hy fell93 |»t WITT h 3|l>BG IN. i‘\OUN MEAL.--4U Sack* Fiesli Gronml Meal, put up V for Hrully use, received aud for salo by fell 45 M« MAIION h IMtVI.K. S PGAlf AND t t ANPI.F.S.--4H bbd«N O Sugar; lot Iroxtw Adamunllue Candles In stare and lor sale by OUTAVU8 I’OIIFN. feb 90 A GI’.NcV Fl III GBoUNlMOl’FF.I’., SI’jtA’.S. lTe- The subscriber ha* been oj'jjvivlnird agent for this rll, ii Schnapps I IMF. —IJklO Mils Lima,lauding Hunt lirtg Hiuf,am) 4 for sala low by Jan 94 a CABI.irroN h PAIPVoVS. 89 Bay st. ( I'lllN • I.ISSI bllibrl* prime " bile Colli, In sliue ' and fur aale by cAltl.LloN k PAlluONS, Jab'll e iej Bay -street. . 34.iie.noi mi: iti 'it. IfMNlt a reeoul ol On* m-iMalliy In Mavsimab,dur> Is lug llie •jiMetnle of |03(, wlb a list of lbs dona- | Bun* lii ak| of I be tick i slso, a brief ace uml nf the Pep- tamtier gala. Just publish*) and rnf sale by I JOHN M. fKHipP.H 4 co. \y HPtXfcV |l>0 bill* Pike's Magnolia Whiskey, . , , aid k' kegs i ml Mooungahrla an, lamllng from •**'* twdda, from Batiininre, for sale | J*’.'* •> . OUTA VlffiOiHIIOf. h «Vl N . " I'hds iisron niilra 7 Kh.fa 8linuide»« 9 hh. * pam*. I soiling (rum fehtemer " ••mllirldis I nml* Balumnva.fur aslah) OVMVPN « 1 MIEN. 1 fab |J Hudson Mills" of New York, for Ihe salt* mod i offoe, Spice*, he , and will keep «v« tismt a supiily ol tlielr good., which will lie furnished lo Ihe Hade al Newr York price*. Tile alm.e Mills arn entirely new, and have all Ihe modern Imiiriivviuenl* III Ihfl way of msehluory for luamifacliirlog and pulling up, knd the proprietor* wai- isnt their Homt* equal. In *11 respests, and a* i heap In prlre as tlmse of any other mill- «inters from dealer* will lie received for sneh article* av Im uiit no| have.m hand, fbiui lime i.i lime, which will Imi lorwarded promptly. JOHN IStH'.llsOl.L, No. tf Jones* it lock, fell 3 « Itav-sleet, S OUTH I'.IIN PLOP ft- - \i*»ldds Soul hern IT.ur.suil aide fur Makers amt Famtly o*e, this day received amt for sala by JOHN INGI'.lPvol.i., feb U N«v tf Jones Bloch, Bay KIM. IIAMPAGNEV'lflEB. I" bbls. lust rocelve.1 and sala by CHAMPION Jx WATTS, feb 4 fl Barnard siroel. I >irTATi»FJ* ANI"»J4|l»N8.-M»bbl#aailhg Poiabwa 40d-i vaU'iw • lulniia. Jn*l rnealved ami w«v sal* bv •lec" ilOGCI iMHK, flORNeON t, ■ , VGBTlIEMN IIAV—ft chob* *-• sale by I. f* Iv Ik I |lt|*» Tufts*' AND' ii U - P Is Ii *B ft MH >, y: *. _ , f I reived, a supply Of Gobi piste Ilf >nve powilrrs, a* sorted, »s billows While, i fbwwin, Yellow, Git*>w l.rtnow, Flesh, Of spaa llleh Gotd.aml MRtef fsh i e KMIM M •'OOPim * t o. t ill AM (Of * « Im. in store, amt fur I.VNN L dlspaich ib ply to feb ‘Al feti tf7 IMF.WTIC l.lxjUsiftS: J. THKI'.t.KUl.P. A gem MINIS k JOHNS’ I)' IKEM’, Masson, master, having most of her cargo eng*get, will meet with dispatch a* ilxns. For balance of ircUbl. apply to feb 11 PAN \ k W \8lttH EX. >1 bids It rented Whiskey .V> do pure Phelps’Gin 40 do E. Phelps’ do 4u do lv.m\e«ue Brandy. W do N F Konv Just aecclvrsl t-cr schr* Emm* and C l^»efler, xM fUr sale by II«H.1N»MB»^ JOHNSON JX CO. leh 8 C n AV »v bahw prime Eastern Hay. •• Johnslon** " on luvanl ship TAMKUL \N P^ from XX Israaar!, fur SOITII \VKSTKK\ IMII.K0.UI. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. PXPI'.I.For.p. E XX’ A i il ) An Am »LS.- i \N AND AFTER m'J*P XV, February VVth.Pasron- I A / ger 1 rains will leave Ms.'on dally for C»duiubu*at | Rich Ml Pararot* IM pis i.l do do l*o plain do do I Po do Satin i’e t'hene Psras-d* , Plain amt Bnvklehisrk do. I Jut* received by IIENRV LXTIlROp h vxV Bl°. obunft's 8)^(i I’e i.n-k, r A.*M !aml a**Amerleus' lit, .V I CPHING MXN'TII.LXS AND SC XHt^* -Kereievsl M. Leave Anverlcus .lady at 7, A M.. amt Columbus at k per steamer Honda, a large and hsmtrome a*rort , VW P. M , arriving al Maron from Americas at I l.t, A. I •"•’"• *" Spring civic* Near ft amt Vsnliltas. lo which w j M and from Columbus at 7 V P. M. i H»*Br ihe la.bes’ aiientl.w., st Connecting al Mscun each way with t'entral RaBrvunl IhtiVn XX 'tmtVoRTII’S, tt5 Cewgro*wsL Train* to Savannah, Augusta. MlMe»t«ev tile amt Eaton* | 1 AV. - 5TO Gstcv pnror lUnua tta*. tav..Vng (reca ! ami with Maron and XX'eslenv Kadrood Trains t.v I | .hip R. Mills, amt f.«v sale bv ’ " ‘ lehDft IHtlGII XM, KEI.I.V Jk CO. f XN(* 4VI bag* genuine IVruv tsn ».#»►', Md* , •can do ta More ai>.| bvf sal* ta let* to *«H . lib Maron and XX'eslenv Itadnwnl Train* Griffin, Atlanta, Pslkvu, ChatlaiuMga, Knoxville, and Nashville. J ... . Vll unmet inn dally at t’otambus, with Opelika Railroad ; ( 2 . ' Girard Railroad,to Uilvcf ' * Mrxicxi I >i>TATO»5A.-RW Nrts Potauv*. ler aaa- lo xmw, per sO p llwdsesv. by JantXt c i’AlU.KTXXX Jk PAKJONN. I >« «T A l'OGS.->V bhit P satees, landing iTOON hkli Tidal XVavc. and hvr «a)e bv Jan If. l e.kKi.nTXiX A PAKNONA. 1 )1. X>TEK -1 iV barrtds v'akrtnei rU»W«. irisssww ax*j fof axle by C XRLKTON h PARSONS, yan Jl * M erchants bank of mxcoN.-iimre?u*» Bank taken al par in exchange »o» Ivry GenJtv by .tulf XV.» . XVAlV*XVOKTll. Ne ' • C-X . .. _ . ^ do. iV >ens Keck Satu E.v aaW b» yxnJk' t v'X.W'.IK'KN h VNXXNCHAM. IUST KIN'tv ED amlXor vw>* hy A.lKtXAl’D, eerwev fl Ru ami Ball sszeris A flaw hrt el MS frsfssg wh*ch he wilt di*|»v*e c4 a* kow as/*..**ills. k> * WHEEL Harrow si.' PE-w ► \\rtw "kwr-Owro. tftjaW- 1 X iwv, |l*m>sv xisliNlibsxwa Eve <sh by Jaa O fl r. XV. OXRNWE40- MM krjiask H AvmS" Him : t> oasiv nbs, I* is hbowUeee. In tscro and lo» sale bv Mil: vxT kYX’» COHPt. I > OPE—of Urge and small s;*e mtfi, k v*e»e ami W 1A ante by MININ h JoUNSTUS. to Monlgonicry, Alaluvma, ami li fbbvr __ J xV.-’lkalia'd iMkh h».i..> m„i imu ; purrhaaers, at neluced price* hj II srslre, pev kV XX as s*H\ ft"W Nee Vrrt. Xy- *V2S2F£Am* Ilk SI..I SW.UMI.TU. ! » . *•'>«'».* Isl.’* r -'” UM "- lahasaee, Allmn*.Thoinasvtllc,ke. ^ I W oRt.EANr* sl’v. XU. Mot. Xn^yjs. he.-» Tic kel* can Im procured at Xmrrictslo Aiigmta, amt J tA tihd*ch-Uee Sew o.teanv v*fn. xV do prime New at Maron to XVlImlngton, N. Via Angasla. Orleans Sugar. .Whhtschoice New v>op New t'rleae. 7 4 « new r*-or\ t* . . XTrst Via** Steamship* leave Savannah for New V o»V MnUun; ?sv J.. tie vilte.X XV Vskev; laeAvwg.awd 1 M aaX* l*wve*s <Ve*sa lU.ssv.ud fas *w»* be • - • - •" { W4>ux. P.%l»E»J\»RWs ffftff R l\\ kehir \\* I Mdl.'MIA-M» hWfis and tb Mrt* mvou >7 *wewf*NxmU»lw*eedee.ka*WljM^ Mfi k. R. lav*. >i Moi Passage, In the cabin, fJO; Sieriage.tN. ' Ht. I* nlgomery to Savannah, filtf V* i « .,ip bn* In do v "‘*!flr XX tvlne*.tay* ami Saiuutaj*. and for I'hlladelphu We-lnewla - ' “ — “■-••**•- “ Faro rru |K». po. Amnriflustiv GEo. XX*. ADAMS,buiHrmlrmlrni Mar«n, Feb. I Mb, 11X34. feb to NEW WOOD YAH It. msr I ssTvia staxwesrast wnxbv. H'lli: siit.scittwf re*Jiectnifty announce*Xo ftie ctPsen* I o| navanhah, lliat hw has rommubwe.' the XX'.swl tiuslneas, and will keep ronrtanilv **W l-*'4 a well se lected slock of Oak amt Pina XYoo.1. Rote* at J, It. PflFotvl’s Drug store, 8. N. Nihlev** Book store,g|Georgian ofik'e, amt J. A. narrow** Groce ty anue. Order* left In ml hoxeahy I oVhwk, will Ke attended to same day. order* solMted. Jan lit ly XV. II. XVH.t.l AM8. IHl.I.R or tvftltltttl, I /i Ht th* New Vo«k amt Phllfalrlphta #ie*iwero,fivr 4 sslehv loiiN M. In ^ v I.IIX IJV AND lloNlllkV, — 9,1 Silk, Lisle, msr 3 XYII.LIAX4G F* MI PK I kIU II XMS.-tfxw vary . hol.ePi* Hswvt, lamllng pef svrsmef rXelMo,* - * *- T - yaw N« e Vi- j f o«W #b«ws by rxntmn, Johnston t V ,i l .fl.l:v VXV.Sfir Emu, HP'S "el* 'IlKl.l^G i.'PiNlH IlGli Al.lT* j \ I. kRGlf’awf rpfamZM >, In slefe and l.v» sate bv j J\ r-enrt.sU aw-t Set taW by 1 ' amt fof sale by lIXftt.R* ItEl.LOXVm 34 New »x, New X o*k K" Bbls rUntiwc rswanw-K oro«t*vo , . . x _ UAIIvxn/a IMVI-E | >oT XTOKJk-*** bbs* I iseviyync;— feb W >oTXTol*J» • (V* * q*|93 MiTII HKH.OXX'lL Awvilo. Xiooa, 11 amt aed *• nf Onesdry drako n »»X>_ WawffdMflkksat robs fcg Ml 3 Ul. h r. XV. IMKNXVEU* Jut. irann.-x I 'LOUR, toobsts Itowaot ssreet lasaiw* a»4 4 R.f vale by HRItlll XM, KIU.I.X h »>». fsh * e ( AURA . new crop • wha Moi Pratt's eatgw. INvt sale by «MfpItM i IMIICKI Ik HTRTR. ;,ki«n n xrw Mv bvssbeM ta ss-ee, and fw rote bv STS ii ” ramnvui.i. s « minin'- English amt f Jeiwvan l|< s'ef? t >»» dnstw|R*wwisti j 1 )RE XP H» bbl* Ptbrt Mn» N*»l Rread,UroLngpe , I.ISte, Nflfliw andiXrtl«*wtlbvsea. I'.xsaJeKv , |» skip It feb t D tLI.vvNw \ 3 L.vpffldevVMlIsk >o**» — “ ■ “ ‘ * o.-*£TWint hm • hol.e Pig l|* jHifseteby l.AGIIoRN k t CNNIHGII Xsi ,r. , RT tesedved od av»e by X RieN \|*D, r ftnt *ds * *Mw»fl*vi tf I wattsb i x*«*h Mws»or4, TaXXs sw4 jwa I* ‘bssi gss; I fHww t. IW»S res wax* bt foot 3 BRIGII XM. KELLY Jk OCX. | UMON8,.Wwwgm* m4 A| Mil taoH THE iHEaT • Ait r re* VW*4 PvekeM MHllMMxksby Mil ___ C tn»T .NWS Rag.W O OISMfSlMUfwI. D l>*rvswlflw<s.|| M*» UiVCW. * LATTtVftORIL Pa-^r7ls7a«r