The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 12, 1855, Image 4

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Os :aatyft -mm .SAVANNAH HKHt I' 1.ICAN, MONDAY MORNIM'. 'MARCH12 lbib, AUVaStlilNU HATBBi iwtwiu I.i.n.1 .no rouowm reire- . nuiNMnnomnuii, totw •> .... in Threw 1 * »“ fo»r , « .... tv> row I*® ril»„ .'' . .... 1 74 Ml « *•“ loo Wool. 110 UooVOU....,...NOO for Hlnrtlmoooti 001 oiooMlu Wo. Ilnoo, threw oortho o( tho oboio Moo will bo ohmotli I. o- rorooolooofftloo ‘d? 04 . •* two •* IS ‘ omwooK »l^#,»0o« ^ ’ ORA oiiiiitiui U*C«l*iV*vUM«lMUlMoncd M Ikf unci o»r*U)kBuUul Ihsy be puMUbeil V»«. A II vlv«rU WOMRU from irauiMi ptnoM or Bim>f«t* a«nt^«ei(Miitolat«8M>Ui*lrr*«iil*r *»<*•!»••§, f °^B*rt» IdvirtDire Bicwwdlu* in th«lr tdvwrtlB*m#i.u ik« wren** number of lluei agreed for, wlllbe chimed “c^rsiSwot. WILL II IXSlfcTfib •R4TUI- f< Vu'JivorttfiWMRU for churlUbU iniUiutlout and re- ’'mKftaE&fiSS MSfc. wllho;,,,,,. ruciirtui u io th* number of loirnloni, will be published Uuy, uulll ordered to bedliconUuued.eudchtrKiMl uc* Afl’uuen directed lo thle offlce, orth Editor*, •U.i it* |to*t paid, to entitle them lo etteiitluh. a. it.—Hach Citation by the Court ol Ordtuary, thet .ppllcatlon ha* been mad* tor Ulterior Administration, nuit be published TUtari naf * at leait. ..... Notice by Executor# and AdmlnlUratori for Debtor* tud realtor* to render In tholraccouuti,tnuitbe pulw '*5*1*1*01 HenlKeUleandnegroc*, by B**eetoM. Ad- ulAlitmtorioend Uuardtani.wuit be published fort y It AYS before the dayor»ale. Theeeialei must be made at the Court Mouse door of the county In which lb*prop- irU la dtuate.auU on tho first Tuimlay «f the tuontb, belweeu tho houmofteu In the mornlnn and four In tho afternoon. No aalefrom day to day l* valid, tittle** *» SSS 8 or Negroes, mud be published PWO MONTIIH. #*Im of pomonal property (except negroes) of twUte «n l inteetan* e*ute*, by Kxecuton aud Administrator*, ?ust be advertised FORTY DAYS. tirdersofthe Court of Ordinary (aceompattlml with n copy orth* bond of agreement) to make titles to land, •uum be advertised three month* at least. sheriff’* «a1e*, under executions roetUrly jmntw by the *’ourta, must be advertised TlllllTY ItA YS-nmler uvriggiwexetfuilivns. SIXTY llAY8-s»le*of perishable »r.>!*urtv, under order of Court, must be advertised, gen- <r-> lv.TEN MAYS lH»forolhedwvof*Mp 1 ___ jMMM Book armtrt(nrmtnt».- u turrit roll i'f.hiii aii v. TITIKttl'FT tCourtship and Its Consequence*. \\ The War m the E*-I,by Blvh-'p sbiuthgaie. Heme l.ti* Twelve Lecture*, by tvm. Hague. A Horn- bn Alt, or tb» Gravelwalk and Uciagonal »lo .e ui Hiiildinf. by V rt Fowler. A *o th Side View ot N Adams. First Thoughts or Beglulng to Think. The Sew* Hoy. Harrs’* Vacation, or Philosophy at Home. Yooman’s Chemical Alius,or the Chemblry of Faml* liar i injects, one vol. quarto, with engravings and dia gram*. Finite D dngs, hy lie .Msrvul. . . .. . The Better l.and, «*r tho Ueliovin* Journey and r uture 1,,0 ACT,o,„ r .,„. THous( , u . |U|| t>|gi Ai.n txAC'. roH V s IS Repnsitorv of Uneful Knowledge, c ntammg the Army and Vavy Mats, Officers of Government, and a variety of useful Table*. Home Idle: by Wm. Hague, i iiesanrus of Kngllili Word*: by Rngcl. Harry’s Vbcvi.hi: by W C. Richards. Romance of Itlourapiiy. Illuriraied bv the t.ives of Hlitoric Personage*: edited by Rev. I»r. Ilawks. Thinn a* They are In America, by tVm.Chambers, of Ktiniiunfh tv hat N.vt: by Mr*. Denison. CornW’s Primary Ccuraphy. t he Itet.ef t. or the Believers Journey. J ,ck |hiwntn<*H Way I) iwn Hast Frank !**lte'a New York Journal, with numerous U* lu.ira I ,ii«—pitci*. 9! per ahnuni. Also,Ida Ladies tin , gene f3 |wr annum. J Kmn'a .Maps die iLmt’iern I o»m lea of Cfforgln, , with tiien iiii’ierof every t>-t atul acctl-ui— on rollers or j LijP -ckitforra. w. TIIORNB WILLIAMS, j - - w iiV»O t\js. j Rsrxtvio av bill* M.i'onrssktOi I hur» lav. JaniMry l - . K N|| Kf Rlbt KKH datleri; « ••teatlmonlnl to Its j IV |..i ir -lie KnickerlaH-ker uiBtr««tn-, from >he i .... *•!..»«.*' wm 4! iurtmli* on • iet \| ir. t. Ware. *Vti....f .libiry Ware, Jr., I Faith. o». A Vt«tt to a llela-lous ui Ttilrteendl«e--iir»ert las Nehenoah meeBBsamsmmmmtie &****».—.- To (he Sheriff nf the tvtiniy of , lilytm, oaxaTiaut werd Vlckm, Wkt.j „ Henxnn. liana II. • Btatutor) weatw*teres i BWAiS 4wl ” tw . TheRmnswIck 4 Florida Rail Hoad Co.J _ . *««•?!! The Heiendant, th* Mrunseikk At Florid* llnll Road Oumiwny, la hereby rtqutrrd i eraonally. orb) Ida Alter* ney, to be and appear at the next liiferm* Court niHiynu Count), on the second Moods), being the e.t-veolh day nf Jutio next, then aud ll>ere in answer the I’hdulIV* tut the utcrlls td Ihe foregoing |ielltl< >o,as In default nf inch apiMw-iuiioe the Court will proceed as lo Just teshall appertain- t\ liners,the Hntioiable Francis M.Hcarlvll, I'sq . on of the Justice* ol raid Inlet lor l omt, (Ida i7u- ..ay ol January, in the )t-ar ol lurl.ord one tin u-umUIhIii huodieil and Bit) flvo. U.vtoN a t.t V V. J. U . M(Hiak,Cl*k l.r. w v. PUT* Alt )». j n a? nut ucftarybutcB i T,,fc '' wwshw» Whines. Itee Ilsur) O, W)*r, will nppt) at the' “tirt * 'rulnsry fur le tter# Dbmbsory as Lxeenuif uu the edntecl Air*. Mar) A.Cniwtdl, deceased. Thi-ae are. thereinto, tu cites t ltd sdmonlih all whom It tna) concern, to l># and aptu-ar heftd# said t ourl In make objection (If ant (Inry have) on or Itefnrethe nrsl Mommy in Aug. next, other els* said letmra will b* e*l. ULI.AA M 1'l.lilUll UllIRT MtVLMItLR TERM, IBW. Flxm ALBisanaa,and Rossbt LoLLtaa, Couiplalnautt amt Tnx IlnvaswirK k Fiostns Railhoao Con'v , Itelendiinlr. I T bi-lng mam- to appear In the above cure that the |t> fvodants have no resident, agent, or place ol bust, lives wtihlu Ui* mate of Georgia. nt*ott wh- tn rertlce can be iffccicd, uimti motion of Complainants’eollcb —. tors. It Is ordcrcl that the IH- rodauls sppi-atand answer | vraiitcd. ...^ ..Ill .... ... il... H..I iIh, nl li re U.PIII llkli Wiilii* Witn*»s. John M. Illtlrn. I>q., Ordinary for Chatham unity, ihta first day of Fenrnati* IBM. ... f,-btt JOHN M. MILLEN, n. c. r. gTATKuy;uK'l'huIA,j ToollwrltotnUnnycncM., Whereas. Jstnes I.. Hmttli will apply si the Conn of Ordinary ’<»r luuters ol Dbtolrslon as Executor on the esta'oof Sophia Kvaits, dueared. ,, , I'liiMi are. llo-relon, lo cite ami adinniiisb ah wnsstiit II may colieero. *o lie ami a |u-ar Imloto si-Id • "Hit to make idiJicMoo (II an) the) hnvei on or In loro the nr«t .Monoa) to AtuuM nett, niherwlse raid b iters will l*e Count), tin* llrst tluy nr I eluuur), iKVI. fob'i _ J‘ 'llN M. MII.LI-N. •».i. ij^TATK^iH-|kUhURG|Ai j q ot || wlioto It ms) concern: iMten-a*. Hioitel lilaLe will aptd) at Hie Court of * »r* dinar) lor Leltoas dlriubaort as Auiott'lrtralor do bold* ouii on llo- orlnto of Arthur It. \ ward, deceas* d Tin *o are, cilo m-d ailtnoolrb »•!' whom it AQri'ftf Adis- | ’ll \'fIIA.M nil. IMFJ-’n H.M.E.-WIII bo sold, \* \ 1 Inin the i'curt House, III Hie fit; o| r*«vauiial. I.'oun yot i.'halhaio,oil llto flr*l Im-aday In Aptlimxi. and iroto day lo da) iiitotli* wind# prperi) is df|a*** ed ul. within (he h aul hour* ol sale, H'Vrti i^eero *Lves, to yell | nsrali, nuiteerui, Udllaitt. Uebeicu, l.todsa. .Mar). i.i d i'eim, loiet' er with Hint I d of land ai llm corioroi Talt.ellaml Jmos eirei is. kio-wo on Hie plao or Him city ol *aVMi>0kh. aslilNnllO PulasLl VI aid ingeilo-r wph a eorialn newel nuf Oou e ion mm. mot ail llimh-iiselo.iu and kl chon linn iu-eiheie. o,and Mine same lime llo 1 Oonlnnlr ol a certain wreeli now on Hie *a!d M, hill lo bn »uhl sopnralcly lev oil oil as ' he l.roneri) ofHie lain \Yllll.nn lliimploe)*. under u II la Isrllliirf ••tu art ilio llonorahte loir ilor Court ol llili'.co <n li, lo lavor Ofll.e llt-inulg*-# Blink, Ol the Halo ol l.o>.r gin. v•,i.'liailvti oiltu* and William UumpMe)a Pro* |H<rt) polulud out h) plaintiff :i 1 i\. THOM AH, sheriff e. u. Buvnlinalt. Mar.-It IH.Y> ( vll ATM A M rill till | FF*K“h A I.E.—iVdl l-oVoTl ..nine v ■ ltr«i I'm-oli.) m April next, trior*- <ln o.« uoi ilo> c. ort II-.iim- io rtn-vit- o' nuntmeh. ouniy ol • tmi tinm. n«:wveil In I uni lo.ii a ol *alo. nil •*..»* p op m kllOWO III I. « p',,11 i f Si.Ill I ll V II, lol* No* I Sill w lh ilio liupi..ioiiu n:s first l>tViliiir. '*.•*«« Waol.loi od on . r il,e pr->)iei!) of Micl«nt*l I’rendi*g-isl, ••• sx.tsiy a B la. Its-.lnti mu .f 'he lloooralde *-npfro r Coun Chilli, am unin ii, in faior ofl.llHe. A'den kih..v«. •Micbaol Pn-iulirgi *t ami I-nwiener J trtnli. uiiln, i. lo e»|Miiim-r*, I'r .iuiilv puiiind oiil by I'hin Ml s All's III l.r I A. lilt >M AH, s. <. i . jUiButU. tna) coiio-rii, lobeandai'pta- l ef.'n- s >11 t'ouri uuuLn _>aiuiniali.March I. IBVI._ oldee.bui (Ifniiy Ho-) have) on ..p i el.iro the lli*l '»••••• t vilAI'ltA vi hllLUlFI "HHAi.t.-ttlll U* soul on tn« day In Aiigurl Inal, olberulto s«id Mura will he V flr«t luv-.h.) m Atoll next, before the d -orof llm Ihe bill, on ur liefniv Ilio Brsl day nl lh* next term ol Ibis loiirt, nr ilisl Hie same be ink ii pru eonfcsui agaiusl Hie Helendaitia. And U l» further unified, dial Ihlsnnler lie publirtuil In one of iho gun tics ol ihe etiy or Havsiimih, once a monHi for tho -pace ol lour months. A true extract irmn me iiiliuitcs. Ian tv! lamo-4 J. \V. MooliE. Cl’k s. i . u. e. 4 i t.uHGIA, CTo Ilio Sheriff of the cniiniy of VJf filtllli Co. i rtlynn. rtaaxii.Mi: * TO JAAllARY TERM, 1PW. Alexander rcrautoii, iniaiuiory Tho llruniwlck and Florida Rail Road Co. j * Acdoii. Tho IK-Iondniil, Iho Uruiiswlck anil I lot Ida Rail Road Compai.y, I* h.-reby reipdreil to bo ano appear at Hie next Inierior Court if Hlyrncouniy, on Ho-socond Mon day, lioinglhi* 11 lilli da) of January i.ext.lheoniidHieru In answer iho Plainnff on llm merit* nf llm loregolng petition, as In delimit ol such appearance. Hie said Court will proceed as injustice shutl appertain < ffs.mpatw, HkcsniillMn, tirrofuls. •JtM nil, AisfllMA. I ONel MPI mb. 1.1 V Mi wm - I I.AIM. we., k«. 9 Tin in if» .uifcirifti x AUK YOU hlCK) B eware ui imitation*:—a*k mi iumpios'* VxustaaLa Tikiii aa. Tlo nmo) cures medw b; ibis plvaasni amt sals reiin-i) may linlute rouiileneio mg. A medicine unite bate nor ll, and girai nivrtl, Ire*, in «lainl ill leal o| public oi.iunui. bo art ol puBlna ten galianiriu wunhles,article, so as to keep i. up a* a gooii (uisllcllit ll ll bo ind really so. A IomhI Medlcllio will live,lie*olio popular, slid ox n nd ds sales )ear ufler )oar. In spin ol np|iosM|n|i.~ I l.o |*enpli* roailil) llm I ton lit tniur*. and llie* lame of iboin pA«*os imiii uioinb io n oulh wM t.o n rapnlii) llmii nvWspM|iert cull spn ad Ii. A lixtn. »iinw*'.es|- li lug In llm cure a inedoine bat inadi H bim is •• at.-ii *orvice ibuO all) nrwsp.poi In prom ol w I.m' wo*a> 4b* u.wr roi* • )on n* 11 amp ion’*Vegelalio iisolloti* ll.owMe"l t. »*. S i-uk'o. IiIm.i> lh a* •».*•. c rorlol liiii'iiiliHioni ot olgi.l yoair'r si.o illnt : ..i. •*!.' • ■ i llo-do * Inlll-ll. • i in. ll illdbrfUi il.ii» ol llo-• ii* mu tlonse.i dwell ilu IJUCliio *1 , oi |l)tpvp*is. (f«il ,t«*obiy, pt-rifiu •o o.l) Line . W A. ffi-r. L»ip. one >d tin old *i visgi,ir*i.-« iind uiosi nlgliiy ii-s|n elabn i iuteio. cured ol gn-ai woakm-a* a.oi resloroil lor.u.u l lo-alrti iarrui Pliiinnier, I ut l» i.alUiii->ro sl. rufferod inn-use I) «U years wnli lop disoar, and inr.'OUMui riu i|insll*iic c-irii| slier all niiier roiutalit* faded ... Hpace will mu periidl lo iiniiio tmiidrerlr m -Ihers.a* In IIo cliy ol Hiivaiit.idi, conn!) ii Cum. Ilio. VV.IdMiilrlch, • api. Tto-* i ai-m, Bold i.auli. Tili .fuin-lcMH'r i'l-h iHt! yj Wi ;»/>, Witness, John M.MIIloh, KfR . tlrdmary forClialliaui liniii.nll lm' p>- p' dy known i»» o.i»lorn half uMiioliy. nf J Jaiuo# hii)Hi, cured i*i'l(lieiiii>«*tS«iii. County, this first da) n| Fcbini.i)^ IbiL ^ ^ | tiiimon lots No* Pimol 41. siiiialnl ill said rily. Bo.inib | J ilio Pert all, •*. , t.rifilu, iobn Luke. lie*. V. I.*k Mitf ' JullN M.MILLEN.n e.r. - N| ,|„ ti; |l.I. bo sold, oil llm lh si rim*dny in April next, Im it foru iim Court H*'useioor In I'fllimliuiu couniy. two Irr.ct* of land olio iiu-latiilmt ibroo luimirod aii-l till) acres, ami Ho* oilier Ilu- Iniiidrid mi-h-s: «n d t.imli Ling In Ilu- county ,.f l.lthubiini, cm tong u port mi ol H e t-siaiooi Ho-1il« VV nil Bird, ami sold lorn ditisloii niiiong iho loirs Tonus, on llm day of sale. Puich'-sor paying lor lilies. EDWARD lllllls. I.Xtalllor. febtM r.vfviilor*,’ kitIti. r |MlB In lull Creek Plani-ilbin, 'ii Hpn'b Carolina, 1 hiiimied on llm H.,»aim.ill river, about f-uirtoou m.h's from llm city,coin.-mliig tl.'A acre*, ad ol which ! v«u of Jolm Willi Ihe exception of Mlncre*. Is ftrrl quuluy m-e land, and sJA acres of which Is now under bank In cults ridge, l H Navy aiollti-u«anil»oi|.ei*eioe.|o Dy.jr p •la. wcpifula.t'.idati. I.nor Ouuphonls. oronchiin. *i V Bus, Dsiico, si. V\ o ron r to mil ow i. r.insr-ns i abon t belli. Dr. Dnuiiuoii, the aililmr ol ibis gn-ai llamplon'* Vogolablo I inctiiie, la lo losonih year, mi uo*ul hoirtili, . so Dial ll will bo seen II Is not sn article got up to mi- ihi*o on lbo public. * — “t’NDULD 1/" IIUN LDH ni Ibis city wllllo-ar ilio saioo to#- tu. vailon. Ailacliod io Ihe planlatliili Is a good sionm w*. l , r n , ll.lM r »■ P.lf., iin« >• III. Tlirv.lir...n 'll..,,.... «... ,,„i I ,,r , w * 'i r 'I| un * «l|l'* , »e |, lli*'«J *'• : in,in,.., mmI ItnIim,,'hi,'ii<■ ntijn'rtain)num . lil.litHlIiin. I ( Wu'im!'l fifli,. ii'l S: Ala... 111.- l.r Uml.ullnl llm, j > ed N-.rdt oi epy • .■in.ii.. is, .*01111. by '■ odou lol .Vi. I a-l I b) t.nnleu lo. lit, Vlorl (•> other Hi )lo ) ol •••!* Not 4:1 ii.el 41 i o.l d • i» i»» Hie property o. Vuei.MolPren !er rfiisi, io sn'Diy n 0. >H , l*s.ilng ol Ibo D' liorst.lo Hipi- 1 i'or • mirl, ol • 'midisin Ci'linl), ms lsV«*r*>l In. HoIhn« I d. Pieiii'crgatl 4M-o. I'ropiTiy out 1 by Pin.ui IT* AuS. | mar 3 A. TIH IM AH, Hnab, Minch -J. IH.VL J r <II.V • II.V VI xllLHHT'H HAI.E.-U III be sold. Ho'. Iln, "">* 1 ‘ font too iliu.r of the Court ll'dise, In Hu'i By olHa- . m- a«r i'l'its* asa< iiiii'i'ii wriaes , van,nil., i omu, Ho. lift Tilvida, In v*/1A £ PI U S> V WiV. M P Irt ' Mh, legal bou-sof rale, H.o follow. "■J'*•''* .\ 1 £ 1 ' ' . ‘ l'oi I'"tmV 1 , ."i'i!'nof wl'i.a.n'n''l m m-‘r 'In JUi ’ MuHTIM f II k MOW lilCA V-t.onilo.non : - . - ... elder It but Justice lo g* veto Iho suffering world the re) , II \ III AM H||KH|PF*H HALL.— W Id be sold lie still o| the appiicaduii. . .. • , , - ' fore iho Court House In Hid cny nf Havniinuh, on .Mum was Acute Itliotimaiinn In the back-eo ha*t I BlHI.uir. ’ \\M'. WILLlAMH. Phliitlirs Allurtiev. ....niy-uning tract or Imrnl, calliwl t.rni. conialio . Hie Br«i T insdiiy In April noxi. Ibo following hi. ill d that I wnscnnRneil In my l»*d lor Ihe Iasi six months.— ll si J. W Mo.aa rV ut "» L-J-'B acres more or le*M«" AWlncrcaof which ! norrm-s lowti: Vyrns/Bella. Joun.., Hnene,, Iho Ural n..ule acted like a cl.arm; Hie -mo restored Vhe lorcm.lneUn truecoti^Vf the oKinal i.rnensa In l 1 "" " t ’ "slduo .onsUisof uurlortd river- ■ .Marta. Hnph,. Ju ly ami her F.llx. and Daphne, strength I pom afflicim back,ami I am now a. well 1 he lorcgolng l* n true copyorme ordinal primes* in ^nmt.umi »'.>l'«k«ndl.ckory.F.'rn,rlh.r pari leu- I s..h|,-r fl la..... imeclnsure of ne.rga«o • amln-ela. younga. when I w.. .iii.ti, | an, now larsap|dyiu ,,pljry \\ |/'/?\M-n\ { Ex’ors. Hm|h nor t ourl, in favur.If W. and J. II. Habersham i be lorvgolng I* a true copy of Hie o^lnal procure III Ilu above staled case,uf wfilch a copy, with |N i|don, I have n rveil, agreeable tu llm siatuir. In such cam made and provided. JOHN P- LA.MII, 8. ti. U. llruniwlck, Ha.,Dec- tKd. lH.'rt. doC'.ll fUiiio—w ... | t “ 01 h-ur. ..1 .»<..i:.l.n«t„« l.r.... r.i,... .111 u,,. Ir.,cl bljniitOil HI) nu. HnxgTiau : ,» in llry on rouiiiy.coi'lainiiig nno loindred acres. uoDert MUitns fMa'.U'.ory j and known as Curl Aigllc, being Ilio residence ul llm ic I. Kiiifi.i. ion »<.. Ci,. i j:::, TI,.- ■h*l«lidnlil, lit. I,r„„,wlcki,„.l Fl.iilil.i 11.11 llo,.I V.,,,.n.V.m.ni7 fmi.i n. V\.i!f Th" I.w • titiiputiy, Ii bvroby require. K/soiully. r by Atb.r- (itf !, raw W Mm,re, ami by order of Die Oid.iiiry, lor llm ney, to be and ap|mar at the ntxl In.erter l-ouii ot said , brm-ni of tho lie*rs and crotlitors ol *aid r.-aio. I vims County, on the Hrcond Monday In January next, the • „r M i.. nurcbascrsnutlne nii.-s same beiug tho eigidh day u( Hie, then -rod (here , " Mlt ' 1 V,? » m.p*l lV kkii. im iv lo mil WIT Iho Plainnff oil Ihe merits ul llm lori-gnlng . - • ‘ *' - - * ’ imlitnui, at In drlnultof such apiwaranrr Hie said Court ’ will proceed as m Justice shall upperiaiu VV 11 ness. Hin Honorable Hubert -**. Piles, one ol Ilio > Judges ol said lidvrior Court, tills tilthdat "i Ibi ombor, | In Ihe tear ol nur laird Olio thousand Elgin Hundred . and Hit)-four. WM. W’ll.LIAMH, I'lff’a Alt’) . | HENRY WILLIAMHOX. Ailiiiinlairiilnr’-. Nit If, Tho Briiuswlck k Florida Rail Ron Co, (bU'.uioiy u ^ .Action lam • opariuers, vs. Henry Williams.-u. 1 JHII :tl A. TIHIMAH, S. f. C. W'l-E li* him »d Hi) tin County LMu.l liousj-.oii the , . , n Van .-*MI.Utr F'« hALL.-VViH Im“ sold »’•* Tuesday In April next, between llm urtiul | » it lt >co in n-nsv tloor m Brim. ..unit first 1 - Tilcstluy In Aprtl next. Im-Iwo- ii ilio Iiki-I Imur* ol s«|. fob VO Adnuiilslralor. soion-.y lour years ot ago. I comldor your 1 incline the groaiesl dlsonvert of Urn ago: slid j min suffering humsnny oiigld looreAatnou- iifili'lil to Dr. Ilsiiiptun. win* has saved thousands from ■ -mu And you,gentlemen, have acted Ibo pari nf pm». .. .... ... —>■ *' c tmlietacVorslli dlrseiiiltialii'KItiotioiio: Is whirl, flute I rail a ol I'.and. lying in rn d couii y, containing lour fes'dlml iroin your intshiublr leiiiedy. Iiiltidn-i .md Buy ,4HI) urns, more..r on r ' amaplalu wtlloli pUmer, slid have ucter wri’len two sldt s h, lin* Ci'iiio'cliou tlroi on Hu'north ny 'amU j*jr ■ Horary lame j liui when tny tvllow iM-ings sio si- Ol J .1,1, Dillon, ami on llm eau by Dunli-I H. Edwards’, nlcn d, shall I besltale, nr ibn.ugb m-slcsl), wiibl.old ! I Hold !•• nine esccudoiis In |..turi.r William II. *»> inlormallon valuable to my follow man 1 b..,i| Ldwards, Jmiit-1 A. Fd word* and Amlri-w W u. you consider this worthy ol a place In any o| your news- ; Kstiw I.i o nod Jai-oti l.o.:, Ncuritv. pomwl out by llm pa|mrs,you are at liberty to make_ use of d. lours, ! ib-lend -ni, |.»a* I mo, I'VlT'inry ll-'lh, IrCiA. la-ilcd oil tV'd)» ALV All Kl.MIIALL. . ' by a constable and relumed in mo. ........ ...Tin ........ JAMES T. WILLIAMS, Hherlff a. c. I „ . t’l III. I ITB. IIEAIH i mb J * .W«rr (taa Utid tv (As Air*.— \ rom one of Hie most [ utii^tinM uu «. ..... . .... ■ , resimciable Druggist* lii Boulh Carolina IT\ .MAItbllAI. 8 HALL —t li Ibo flr* i Tuesday In l.tnsLisTus, i*. i . Bel.l. *JI. IMS. vpnl nox. in froiil ol llm conn Inmw, iHtwren ibo .M|>i||u. MOKTIVILIt a Ni,»V\ lilt A \ : HOLLOWAY'S PILLS rut 7* f*r fftllrs* •Jlht f 's.frg *f«(*#,— I tnort i.nmbB and *n «rro ) li »i.fc yoo f»r Ilu im-' liens* )•« r.-nsge whirl, >nu hair isreiusnl ii|oi- lot , Pill* I take it Is .*| |s,tit i ii) ni .isrtne 11,toy t,<e-> > Iih, s.r, all \mo*'C«n • )i|,t-s smI|I»I Irwiotls',. f t ill tl«,' inec« *l>* ino-rt«i rn-l i|„- tutrrlcrws. Be „• *1 lltrly »)l*.pr ll I, • inn. Ii .. ,!.„« I ••'iklosil, wo, (.. Ui.dt ill' r-« Pill- X|,o*,l> -••••■» i ■ M, Cu„»'lllill. •<». Id IMi.lirin III u e o • luting 0 ,#.«•» i, * I- myscii ,i,i"ne y« n. whit I, I I,at, not* •!•.,.•, b» iskihg nieniiM * in New \ .*V Itl'iM V* i n | r.M \ V. •Hi ,t/«,era /a.l,.Vl» I'nri. PfltllTCAll'iN UP I IIP. Ill.oul*. ssn LlVI II VNDBli Dd 0 i UMPLAIN70 The cutti to onto-Huh n «<ifT*-r it,ucn (*.>m i.*.•*<'»*• . oidiol.lti) «ml si"Uiacb, scarcely any are frre truiw lb< infiio-i.c, •>! tin re deal reel it r iiinlad.e* u r. Id, wo '» a*l I lie fair set. |M'rt,a|>* Iho IihmI •■i't..wlne In do-V\ ••ri.l, up lo r cerisiu |«ri •Iwl.rn distn »•>• • n- S:> IIIBII loo ih« I* let-til aid Hull *A». slnl. r ••• the In )da) ol Ide, *i,cli s.d t ill# uiny la <0. u-o-B) r<m'ilu-l lo •oi,io<umI<> kerping ll-r Id'stl |»n *. • tm l|»e I. vi r end - l"Oineb •„ a io-a'Ui) serton. wlo-o in Will ll-iw BOnotlly. Mbd ie-*ini.’i pirn is n> a ro„ari''sl clluio. whore an eicinal si |o-«rs n- retgo ts u regards llo- |i*r-sy salloli «.f II I hull., i frame, ami 'be •I ill Ih'hof I Be. fflurh nisi Im- r-ffet I*- i. si*l I sat Itmt- lessly.ihal boi.lrtt si d Blr- can Im- | n-l-m-mI formsny years Imyoial Ibetronllriarv 'Iniil#, B llollowsy's Pills are Iskeii lo punl) llm h|o< d a*&>rding lollm r .les laid il-.wri for beaiib lo • b.- •Inrctloi.s which cmpaii) carl. I“'X A * AOt. uP vVK\KNE*tt \N|* |illi|i|n, »*V |U YEAltoOTANDIND. * L'HI DtlV llui.D' VV A\> PILlJ*. f off «/ a /.rffrr free, ( rylmi ./..As ./.As»»s. 1tt»r //•■** .Vrr Irrl, kbS.fiKMrr ilA, ley* ToPkurissoa HnhLow •v<3oi.«>rimr *-l Am iimI .Sue aau i* reels. N. V. Kir.—ll Is with ibo iiio*i l,i-artfeli plesrun-1 Oslo lo inform yon that I bate Im n rerl"ir«t n* betiih oi.d sin ngib lo laklr.gyotir Pills For lbola*i ien jrsrr, I sii(TsmI fmm a derangrinenl ol the User sad •lomacb, and »■• rrduca-)! lo suchsm-xin mil* ihsi lga*e>ip •■•) ship, noser os|«e»tine logo to N-. si>) i i.m! Irinl rtcr) lleinnlj Hist war rrcoin-noialed loin . nm all to no |o,; I had givi „ mysod up n, ,ir—pair, win,' I «i.sai U.i recoil,HO Mated lo take y*,„r IMI* — Aficr usina limn, for llnio uioiiilis. the rr*uii ,# that I am nnw in heller l.eelib Ilian t bn**- i»*n foreie*eo )• nr* |,ssi. mol indeed as well e* no li.> i„ |,r*-. V .di nro<|„lii- at B erty to mako il«l* kn»wn f.,r iho I,on. Bird,dlu r*. I reiuad,,i*lf, jo»,r» »r-*|o-ril',ll». Jiill.N JulINMiN. 7'Arrr cr/rArsfrd /•,//» arr si-nto/u/r >JX<si«*s, » (Al /reVi'riry fvifttU.ll UK. V|() || a A «h iNVIGOBATIHii CORDIAL. A IX MKhtUM. 1 I LA Ll ll RLo'PultLD |V|i LIFE LP-’l/iBix., li DU. aiMM> »> ViiaUk stllrt. 'i ■ i lirr-in» )>r->).r m • •liriians* i. fft., 1. t sili>r*ti*s ,.mik*d uiski niiunsiki.i.,, 1 lb- puhhi ..lun <(•*«,*<4 t- h*-. b •*•■«*• I alai •eb-IM* irwto* •h(**M^C«re »-! ,U ’ , inis, u, «•!•*•• sloe I sets, siisiK* I logi r*i dais iir< tbi,»o*i, arr on » _ •IldioiUs ,iar**rnl i, it •••sriltrow • u, , ■I* ••*«» won i. |. *«,. (ty tuniMUii In l.,l*ll i*M*«ilM*«. It. Sl-C^S *, .1* , , i,|. . •UmiIO'Hi ■ IbirSo- i* . hu.< ■ • i|« ... W I. .4 I ,«•(• u| •< » Wi-l. i* ,,re. i. . (Lit.- - .Ire Will. I,S> M<,*4* IM,«» U-H | • , , B,* uln.i - J h.j.j. . IT' "e AsliiilulairiiirixS Nnlo. N iho fir-l Tuesday In April n -xi, will Im*„ld before Iho l ou*l llioite ilooi-, to lliim-villo. Idberivci uu-| ^ Xpnl nex , in front ol the cmiri Inno—, In-tween'ihe Mt>*>liu xloutivlTir Al viiivviiK vY •— n,*. ..i. 1 J IVli. Muom, rterk I. 0. II. c. •• i .•(illu..v,llj, udjoluhTj *„„1..I,n!i, )i,iU...®l I reJ/JS AlkSSifttvSTS. ‘.".I'lr. i‘5!» I” *!> *'"' «**» '"i llr *?“ ."ewsrerel* till.,.- TheltruntwicW and I’tor hi a Had Bond Company, and ; MAUV sjI’EN* Ktt* all pel sou* cntMxriicil, ure imrttiy reipineil to lak** nm I o-bvl Adnini-Tain*. Ague ncmiula nr King’s Evil Jaimdiro llh'lrlicr nil llm Skill Ibiwrl i mnpl&lntt Piles Cousilpailon of Iho Biiwi'l* lice, ihni I, John P. Lam li,slmrtffolUie County ol Clyun did on llm iiliilh da) ln«i.. (Iberv being no resident Agent, nr person upon whom to perleci service.) leave In the Oglethorpe lloiisr- III tho I lly ol Brunswick In said County, tllm same tw-lng lliu lu*t plm-o of don g business of said Company,) a copy lH-cUrnii.ui Roller! Collins vs. The Brunswick and Florida Bull Boadh'um- pnny, "f which ilia foregoing it a c >py of Bo- Process thcreiunoatlached. JOHN P. LAMB, docIA Hlienfflil.viiiiCoiiiily, lo ■ KLl.V, / lo'.he nln riff ol the iniiniy of F (■lyiiii Co ( HI)on, EneaTtaa: Isaac s’. Illndcs, l .^taiul" ■n. S * (Ol 1 The Rrunswlck k Florida Rail Rond Co. The defeiidanl. iho Brui.swick and FI >rtda RaH Bond Company. I«lieriby require-1 |H-rsolinll«.or by Ailorni-y, lo Im aid appear ni t.e m-it Inferior Court ot soul count) on ||,oMi-oud Mon,lay In Jai nary im-XI.Hiosmiih being Hie oigbib dn* of Iho UUdilli, Iben nu t iboro. to aiissertbe pUimiffuii ilii* iimrlls of Hie lorogolnu pi- lidoii A- in ddaiill of such appearance, Hm tourl will pf' cer d as lo Insure shall np| criain. W liiirss ilie llonoruble Itolw-rl * Piles, one of ibo Judges o|saiil Inicriid -'oiirl, Ihls tmii dn. .• i Drcomher, lo.%4. WM. WII.MVtli*, PUInliir- Alorn.y. J. W. Mo, ni I'lork I ' II. »\ The Bru'i-whk ami Fiorina IMI Rond i omi nny and all pers..iisco|,Ci ,n*sl.a*i- lioroliy ri-qul'oil loiake nolle*- \i, i I,John P I.'inn, s|i4»'ff. • ii i coiiui* o i:iy,.n.« id, ,,n-i-tu .II. day ln-*.,(Bure ln.ti.y- no restiHit Ageni, i rpeso ii|*- •* vsl...m io jmrf c? -o'vice,) ieu*e in Hie igieil orpi IIoiim-. n-hec-i* *-l Hr.,, iw n I, In *u'il • ,„ ) ylll,- -Milo I O ' V ll C IX-I pi. ■••• ol iln'l l,'|s,noss |..| •>..,„; , ,- |i ,OC fcf..ll .11 I •IIM* S tilli.lfS * I • ”r . *.*ci «• il 1 h.rnl I’a'I»i o p n ...f si. ili I i f r. .oil v > i* py 11 It * pious ' citiini. "N I • IT i.lti ii- ,. ..| -t ••( apli«, dii|s|ral,s| lo llis* I >, r**to ge*;by Francis I* Ilawks. Vc. • •all wii.ii MAY BlillHV KECFlVI’.n BY J ills VI. iti ii it*'dll It C't. Tl’cspxv. bsctusia Ktii. I Vlin S,.le it P f llirnuin. wrxBlo'i by HmiiscB l-.ier Vcares by the anti or of "Tim nld House by ll„- HIvor,** Ac ll, 11 inbuilt: li> Mrs. Grey, author of -Th* (, "v!rM-«:*a Fniiconla Binry i by ihe author of Ibeliol- I. r IL-V* • '.-,.* me, a Franconia Hiory. Pn-ik Iha’* t.'asi-iii-. '' VlAYIIIIIIhV UECKlVr'.D HVJiMIN M.i.PER JkO'., t Dec. ‘>th. U V'rt'IDl'-i Magasuie, lor Jan-ian . I T*• a I .if.- of •tM-rliyj ii) J. P.rton.^ The Mutiny and I’ovlry "f Fiugc-r Lilies: by Charles lal Wards- ..... 1 P and other iVnrIMnBs: by Kiiwun. J.ui J.'ainal’.nr Pile Year* in itrlush PrlaoP : by lol,I, Mt'chel. Iiiii-,aiul| in t' '•' B): by Hie lh *. L. II.« haplo. ‘l l...- \utol • hll.lrrn ; it hm-s irmn cioml-l.aud: by Char'.oVU- M lUggl v. , , i Country I* le. and otber NioCo*: by Cousin Mary. A (southern Home: by » Virgin an. Ml,AS or Run, llaM: by fanny Fern. Life oi . 1 Fudge llo'ugc by Ik Marvel. nr** W | XIAV IIOOKk. s i.n: pi.i1.1.-i' I llll.kttulll V 4 . Wli rea*. ll,' J •••• n J |i--In *■ Admo'•I'a'- r ilio I - r ol Jo.lin • ISlirlin. la-*- I sanl c -ist*') ihVrrMil, ba* -.p| hod l*i Ihe ' oiin ol • Toll.SI* •■! subl Colli,*). I t •l,s*,* ••io,. am Vilu.Ii'isiriiln i. Ill- v mo. t i.i-, to, n. .lie ainl aduioi'ltli. nil ami singular ilu-k-iubeil slut ,-fi ilut-r* • I •a>d il.i-*- Ul*. I .ol* • hj C| n* , l| at ) llo) I ii*o) *li ri.y • Biro, wid, •n In- llm*- pre-c Iho,! ' y Isw. ml.i*rt*Im- I •*• of Ills n. s-loi, will Img,.,• :<d llm * ,-p.ic nl. iv lines* my b..iidaiid' si.ininro i|.i« gib day * Jni.our,, A D. 1<*Vi. j iiEt JWI - RAD.N. •irdlnory I. * w l Vll.’iH LFOBLI V. f r , 1U . . , . , N Or,an I anal,. I r '“" V\ hi-rii.ia.l lisrhs \t. ll i*l,'io. ' dm ni-ir uor ,u. :be rrtal, of i Imrlo* Ha*hieo. inlo.d *biil...„ '» itoion ,-d ba* I'ppl-i-d i>. Cm c.mrt m iirdn urv *»l s od cuiiiy. for loli.-riof *1 *n*ii •sion i,>.ii,« adliii'i -irclii.n. Il-o-o nr,) U10.01..10 locm-ai d oils* tho Win roil and cf. o' *a il deci-n«eo. u. Un-1'.,••*. i.j 'ion- .-i any‘.bi-k b.i)oi >n im oitl.-o. wiililu ihe tune pr--«.-r toil b) Isw.oliorwisoluilors.11*1111 »hui hi.I t.o graniod do •il.l aop'i. uni Won-*•, Henry E *mllh. Dnllnury fur Bryan county, 1 this dddiy ,d i lends r. loAt. m ill IIENB V E. MVIITJI.• iribnary II.C. i:vr.%Ti: nai.i:. fl’lll'i Plmiintloiis and Negroes ol the laic Hon. It. K. 1 lliLor. are oftt-red fortnlo. v i: Tim Dice Plantation on the Carolina side of the Siis Viiiinsb rDcr, with alaoit one humlro.l ami fl ') Ni-gnu-s. Tt o i otto,i Plantation on the Watt-re-, with ab^ui seventy Negroes. For further particulars, apply to j- Jati'.’J mwft* A. Al. lifUEIt ^ i-xev-niors Nt» 11( :: toiiEiiroiiv A « •« i ih ithiv \ I.L |K*is ins indi-btoil lo Iho o«tnle oi Iho lido llenjn- niln W Footli k, oi i'liHtham eoitniv, iliToa»iit, nr.. r«T|iii*«is-sl io in ike p •> tm-nl, and nl. iiioso linving doiiiiouls agitlitsi said enalo, mo leq-u-Ud in pre«eui (belli ni George }4 Harding vrli i is tn> duD auliioritcd agi ni lo settle up -aid estnlr. Jan II :ui b'lPIIIV A. FtinlilcK, Adii.’x xhtipi;, \ I.L tisvli g i-lnim* n alnsl H.e r«i Ho of |l r I do Jiorpli II. Burroiign* Imlli iilunlly , or ntr., lol Ibo lull- ll’lli Ul J SI pli II Ilu r olg' » .V **u" . life bi-rcliy • • ij i.s'erl io| n-e-.l ihes.'iur, d I) ii es'eil, wiiliiu llm t• ill** I fi-scrlbr. I hy law io 11- >ul •• 11Ire-r. mo! u'l |’« rsoi.s Im'ot'id'o |o h to J II II iri..i|>il,of io llo-lato Uni, ,.i J. b II. Burr .iis’li* At -mi uro roq lestul lo iiuole uti psiuioiii I*. Hie •ii.*-crliier JXO. .MACp||Kit-U iS BERRIEN. Adm’r. b b id :et NOTH’ f. * IMVi) ui'iiilhs tiPer dn'o, sp|il'e,iii.,n will he midp to X iim* *r tt.iury ol * lislhnin couniy, hi* 'e*vi n, .e*l l*o' N" Vi', lot ii\i lie I, s-d. wilh tinpr*.*run nl*. t e M. A. nr m''"H, lain • f J(Juslifli-it I'x-cn’ots Ji" •' l"- , l;r"» »?'" ""I'""l h > Ilia miNlk Miv Ii. II.' alllii'ttMl. ... vt.i.lrn .1..' Il..»..r,l>t|. M»>"I »»4 AMntren ..| >*>•• ««> .•! >«• ..... iim II l»,|i|fc. r r„lc.K.. .HI., ill-'" "* .11.1... u. il.n« n I., >...11 .Ini*..., II h>. lire.. I.......I ... store*’**.., WIBI cost. r. , Vi i'i ! be tho greatest remedy’lor rbeninsHc affections, and a .". l " * : ") wfundctliil cure bat been |HTlorine4l on a negro buy sul- i ( * LYNN .illl.UII F’rt -^AI.I..—W ill bo s.dd, on the forlng irom Fils. I will Ittrnlsb you wiib a number ol ' I llrst Tm-s ls) ill April next.beforetlm I nurt Ihuoo ccrlirtcaiesif you wish Hum. . lilt. T" VOITI s lifter ditto, .ip|.|l>- ili.ui w .11 • o in ule t > . I "rdiii.try .•• I im-ity i*.„«il». I t |#i. i lit o> I i.nd t»i,.g ui W’.i'ili- ur* Be, • bite ol Ji . Wm P Me* .in,el, ule •liHir in ills* tow not Brunswick, between tho legal tm ot sale. Hi- following pro|u*ry, lowtl: VV usbing • ii. a liogroH-iluw ; levied on a* Ibo propeny i f Win.<• M. IJ'iuriennun, to saltsiy all la mi Dm urtchoue of a mortgage, in lavul of John M. Tlsonva. VVIII.G. VI. (J-iart. rtiinti. J. p. I. Will; s o c. BruiiSrelck, January VD'li, IM.M i,-i, | f * I.YNN Nil Ell I FI**. 4 N\I.E—i'onltniie,l.—W »|l be VI *old on tho fl»*l Tuesday In Vprll next, bi-lore H.e Court fl, use in tlm owuoi Brunswick, |: i* I. g i! luoirs o| sulo. Hie loil.os lug |T.i|a->tv, t.. mu: rt»'«ltii»li,l him-, Im-- t». Vine) , Ill's of mid -sail ,t,-V cd on <■• llo po perl) ol A.'nin *, l.iMuHiren.' nml la.iusa li-aapir. ad. li s m do, to •nil*!) a ll la. on the |o,eel.,rice oi a iiiorgigo I laim m John *> ii. MM |i,road and A ll KoIht** ss s,1 in* r*. (S-MiBirond ci...u.i.u '• •• .h| b ead, Id. WHO. re*.|IN p. |.AVt|t,.*ll llff lliUII*Mli-X , re I.. . «K*SU | i,,|g I'll. .11 III NMI>.\, BALTIMOhE LO'JK HOSPITAL, A t J III.HI. may Im obi.ituc llo most -j •-••.la and el II lecmal r.iiioulv si, li c world lor si- •I.i Kl. I DI.»h(M>. seonnal V\ oaktio*#. Pain in die laiins. Aff.-i lions of tlm Kt-Ineys ami Bladder. Loss m "rguiu. (a.M.-r, Nor* sous .irtMbiUi). IbsesMSef Vbo Ili-svl. No.,-, ft.r Mill. ainl nil ihose Peculiar Disorder* arising i-om a < a a i, ■ s .reus, i H*ei r ot Yoei u.w hlrii. ,i il.ueiiri .1, pnaluir* ( •*.).tulim*-.! I'lhihtp. slot in llo end its • troy* tioiti liuup ..vii ,t/.ag, Vi i ax W (KM xa i m o« si, (’ iua.,1. \..l Ni# Vti.N I sp.i-lalli. Wo* t.avc la*- ih»- slcBni* m »re/ifre>y /..'.Hal uri-a.lliil mid iti-s r mil s i lisloi w l.icl. iiii.u.illt I am. genil.-meiuyour*, H’,(». TID»TT. 11 mid rets i ii ibis cl'y will b«-xr Ihe tau.r lesilniony. Ibfllrale female* ai d chlldroii will Bud ttiis a groat remedy. CHOLERA MoUHI'H, DIAKRIKKA. Dl'bENTEIIV. and all other diseases of the Stouinch aid bowel*, are curoil by llaui) Ion's Vegolsblv dliutun . A* a tore and pievonitolve,It has liecn Momle*lui|y -mci-ssfi.l It wilt In- foill..I on ii,ipi<ry. that l■■•..« who loo it In Vi an I'XoniptlnnInnn Hi-*se direm-s*.- mcidii.i n- He »um inor. lopubllsh all Hit* losltuinny It. Its fuxor. would uuki a 'arg- volume. • nil and got pamphlets uralls.and sis tl.o mai-y • ure*. It Sms ■liuwn its# it nio.i poMorfuiti curativi ol M;i:\ii| re I it re ( y, - tutl,i-l• saruui-li.iuis new In, si.*, vlg. ,. re»lo- in.u .ho sl.a-.iemi . i , . , o il io • nl.*• >i>4 in pla,o •■• do*i o,isii-,my By it- on d. | Is • *. .•• ■nu a iim >n .ho •!• tiiai.i*. user, kidnsy*. Imp ui-d ilu- »;. n.. h euros I*..I iv, • plaint, i* •• **.•* . i .1 r I unary ' ug*, i-iixl.* *lliuin. Broi.chiui vPecin r.» i *cr. n Is. Kin/. E»n. A or,,.* ,.|ii ,im«i.«m L.-ii . V# i.rau •;•. *-i Viu,.' I Ui fo. I 1 •. t is.nla. I'll***, w Itli all -Ils* Sss • arising, impure Idiaal. ■ a'! and red Pa in | Idol* ul tin- won.brtni iuml coo Iftn khi Went* fur the *-ta!e. For »4le .1t t’ropriet. ,'• pur *, In J % ll ' V|UII 4 • •».. sml J t:. Dsl'IB . *>lU.I01 t- It V II. VNII Ill-l.t V XI u, sugii* „. in. »• .1 I nc.v r 1 • Wi ll VIr- I INN Cl,L, \dm*r W, III NOTH I.. I.I. jie-sons Indebloil |o tl.o <-.|Vo of las 1* I rn 1 nil bnv n.g .l.ui.iiuli m> lost •m.l < •lulu Ilk. •. Ill nun Will. JOHN I* IIIM re, A.I bnv s'.1, -It. I u.-uii Dr.J., 1 ••ft l' I N. 1 IB> O'l l'«h II ll •I"*'." y ilu- f To ill w hum it mwv coucerut kf.i:eived hy J. M.t.NHiprRkm, I N*:inn.«Tr* OF TRAVEL in Kgyp'. Arabia, Mrea, an. I lUe iluly l.and; by J -bn •* .*!••,.hens—illustrx *a-t. A Journey tnOiitfsl Afr ca: by Bayard Tajlnr-ll novalier the author’sad» | Bal-, Mill, Mira will the un- •lisr.oil’s Oclt, from ihe U-af> »f a fb-ncibr. t'rwrus au«t fl ill-el*. Hy Gers’il Ma**o*; coiiWln'nglhe hr Had of Ratio ibn-la'Kl. with rt-sersl new poems; r»»l*eil and «»w«Klo'l by the Amhor. Uortl.w and LHs. »t Tlm Par— nago . Burcb /.Ien : A riornsnce} by F.llta'ieih’lakesn,„„h K AV Nat! ■ Ttlc of l.tfeln Ne*» \ n»k v»d ll-'St-.n, but '.tdspierl many; bv A. l.-^t m' '«• VVxlden,r>fLife in'ho Wool's; ly H'-ufy ll Ih .roau. ' j. w ||fMIK% RECEIVED nv H 4 r*lBlll.f.\. Jail. Id. M V C«nrt«blp and I't 1 '.,r.»ri|ioir*-.; n- *'•— llanry W lgoff. A true ar-co-un * " veut'iriss In Kngtan.1i riwltm.vnd • J C. rtimble. of Portland Place. fg**»»-*r, r.ib'Dhel com.-«|a»eoe:,ci- of 51 *ss G-iql.m. v... l.nirge UM'r.xml mm) other* Th* novel') ainl In.cre t*ol Ihix cXtrmortllns.y p'lbilcati*. • mas la- jtidre*! from llm f«e; iji si li l« an rtiel'sgulseil resalstlon * f H.e An’hrtf a Cu'l’tsbip of Must,amble Dieem. xino-irv- sc Boss, and is full of Ibr riur*t rot.ixiilic ami stniis-ng scene* a-al lnefdeiil»“«lu-llng up with hi*deb idl<"- xn Hal- Mb -f Alex- an ler Dumas. ijitgcl >,r pirlure* tlm Ffencb resolution — a Ihflb II,>f romance * '** •’ oplndler, author,-f B'*- Jew Tua A'olINg ('IMIS slier, or the |Mspired Ir.l.i flttnre: 1 by Ala«ai>.5af Dunns, Irxiislaled by Ibouisi WBIIama, , IMckens*/'brisi-*-as Hlory, The t*m n poor Traseller*, fr» rn Bo isrl. M Word*. * Batf'.-i’- P.cirtrial. v| .*••It 1 It Hall. For site al Jwn *J>» Nth IVr Ci*NGIlM. 4 -‘‘Ti:LET. VftiMonic Krenliai. \ V ARlEi V of viareu.m llrvalm*. I.ea ly manufsc A '.,rel,o( MaBn ami Lsmlr«kbi, J-nt **-rr-i**..| s»of f... sale by - 8 -Dil.FV. it r» t-t No M. o-’_^ VV’ii Uimihv RKGKIVr.fyftY 4 - -I'rt.l V lirr I'i. rr -fr. WIV« Vldorr. s ,M l "*b>T S .sehl.* by Air,, i I'.mrtti D. E. N.nouibwonb «sal'o« llgrib nv• Dijourn Initm/iM |i*.u lr-b n. b I I*. Kennedy. — Revlsw-l 1 diiuir., w.-b twenty Blmlfa lion*, bv Pt'rAber*. . re v w ... Tlm* Heiress, by Mr* Emma D F. N- Ronll • or-1 . boned In *!roh sod pvjwr IIuTiHiB " slrrruesi.’e late of lb* prrwanl Bine, b, P V.', f y f ,f vHnumGray. Gu# Howard *».<t Ifarns A«| . (l.r I'lt'X,r of v .1) l.aW 11 *10*11 •••’ . vTK "F tills ID- I \ I s Hr) ittt 4 mi ul) . Wheres*. N. J. dark, fs.crTorry nml LlBte Iforry D.iulol, AdiiBnlstrntors „n tho esta'o *if Ella* I’erry. laio , ol *aid i-o'inty,dii-iso*f, has appllnl lo iho • 'ourI ol < 'r. tllniry of *(ild couniy fur I a-It! rx of D'rtmnh ll from said mliilliilslrsiioli. These are thprefore lo rl-e nml admo'drli nil ami sin. gUlar. the kindred nml cn-ddors ol ■mil doc,-.;*.-.l. lo fllo Ihcir objections Bf suy they h.vsoilnnn ufll'-e, within j the lime pre-rrilH-d by law, otherwise I,-tiers of Itsmit- 1 sbui will l>e grail ,d tin- soul applicant. VVitn.-M, II nry E. Mndlb, • »r*l»ii«ry Bryan county. this :*l day of October, lest. orttl IIENIIV I’reHMITII. Ordinary It.C. O TATI*. OF GEORGIA, I > . Iinllinn. 1 .. j T".H . Where**. John Murchison, vs ill apply nl thoi ourt< f Ordlmrs t»r Letters |b*nil*sory as Executor un Hus estate of Will,an, H. RccD iI*t, u»nl. Tbe«e are, ll-errlure,to cite ai d S' , nioi,l > b nP simm ll may r. -morn to Ire- and ,.p|o-ar le *..ul « *» ir| •«, mnke idij,riL.n • if any Imvei 00 or breb-rc Uir 0r*i Mon day In July next, o lu-mlo raid l.rmss wd> l#o .-rniito j. AV line**, John 'I. .v» liters. , • ir>i,1,ary lur Chatham couniy. Ibis lourtli day ol J uiusry |p.*1, Jsni Ji illN .vi. MILLEN, let, 7 VM If • . •1 -Slug ■'• I|i:i'll* g.llol tl o e*'.i'e •• V|«•* 'oi,"i'll. im.. <>l 1 iheris col,niy do- | !•'* nl 1 ' I, c«e I Ihe,;,. duly a"e-b*l, 1 ;.*••**•,ll.,-1 ns I-vm. r,»| llo se od-u-h- l •VMIT'.I. D Mci’r*N.NLl.l., \.b,,V. , La, Jan tl. IP.YV Pli j nStl j NOTH IIIILF. in-i il,« m e- ilnto. appl'c.-.ilun ssd| he mn.le ■ • llto Viurine h I iff i,.i„i U |m,- IWo k ol il i* cm, icinp'ion ol a f.’»l loll No el.,, liter V. unit a $.V> | loll, 1-Bit V, No. I.r.g). In h sigma! J 1 dui-lmuLCiirt.'r. j llo r-t'.il I,nml 1 nit id above lulls Ih-.iil- nm. Jan I Ih-Dn,11 RL'.reE, D VV|)* k I.ONG. I >ii. AM T'! ■alh. i 1,denes. VIAIDHA I • u 1 I.i,*•■ co„le„l|ilatIda III; magi ••• 1 •leal m rsk 1 •*•,». should m.nit-dliilcly il Ire- fo»t. ml 1 •• ire-rlei • n.'alth I -.iutli i'ULDi lib K .-ire HALTC l-e i*-lt linnd *ide, g..|„g (*•■„■ onlll* -rsiron, tie coir.or lb iiarucula, 11, lie and 'lie iiiillilier, *r HR Ji HINBl'i >N. Vleinb.roi tin- It-iynl • ohi-g, oi -urgeoii*. I.hImIoo, i.'sduso ''i-iu .,..• ■! ilio nin*| eliili.en t oliogi • «.| -|i» I nilire, —ni,.,' an * llo- 1.rosier part i.| >s hi-*c I It* lias lic.-i, s|*eo' ‘ii '!•• lior| iIhi* ol'-n. t’nn*, .'hdaii, I- |oiii*tiliigcuri-s:liat nc %• our ku-.wt, Many ir.uiliioil will. Iliiigoig mil,i out* ami bead • hen •lei-j.gronl uorioiisiiess.lreolitf -.luMio 0 si *uddi-|i am,mix, nml t,a*h- filbu •■ •* nl, liei|Uiu-l bliitblniiinlliurelist *-ooi-lUlu s e ill, •liTanui'turni inii.d. Merer meil iinmr intptv. I vhl. P Vll l Is | 1. vi, .Ni i||i I. Dr. J address. 1 ill 'lio«s’ who have tiijuredtlo selves by prv vale sv all vn props r vm'vtlgrnv,, ilia o. a an •»,,( »rp «.,»■wldeb ruins ts*,||s lojp atld sum, .,„0iiiii. 1 boll, no ctilu r luislnessor s. «->« ty . tlioagd ainl in lancliol) effects pro* du ci*. I ny early* of touili. Be Weak no*. • .1 tho ire lo Dish tins#; •do I l.t* Pain' no" • n-i Py .mlr, .i. ■ ml its foverii.K prny»* rty •• mcr, a*, o •>* u»' a* ihlckly ar possible will, pun I tovrd nil. I'sint is the lasting or protect ng l*.«!y ainl th, th, in.ilium ..r agent m .pri-ail'i.H ll. Wornnox roplrt of I w*> buiors, one l r«-m tb* 1 mruiio-io- di-lil "I the PlilUdi Ipliia lint llesilink It-sdroad' J Tlm' ihmi oilier from # gentleman, ■ well kin'* 11 resident gusta.tiiuiryls. .NI’.W ( III NTY J All.* I )I.(N)* for n new County Jsl! •»III be irecrti'd b) Ihe ...». .'usdre* ni ti e fi,forler im,ft tin'll the first day *-f I Bs< k and limb*, pain* in tlm Dead. IhmiM-sa of Wight, .April next. Pinna may Im loll wnh Iho Clerk,al hit j l.o«% *.f V|„«cular Power, 1'slnliaUou o| Iho IL-art,D>x ufllce, courihouxo. , pcpsia. Nervous Irntsblliiy, Drraiigi-mclit ol tbs tilgos N'. It. KNAPP. /. I. •. 1 . «• J live Funclton*, General (bdillily, eympb'nis of Con- WM II. 1 I'VI.EII, j. 1. 1 . r. 1. \ simpiloii. Kr . Ac. GIB*. I'. liVltlt m»N, i. 1 1. c. c. 1 The Icaffuleffi-cI#on the mlml ari-mnrh feVJfre (pi J AH. R, GuiiFIII.V , j. 1. *-. *. ' to bo droadod. Loss of Memo*), 1 <s„f,,*t. n of Idea*, Depression of spirit*. Evil I’oroliodliii*, VVersion ol So- .-*,-h Distrust |a,ve o| woBtudo, Tlinldliy.kc , are iu.m it ir.nvconcern: it m i: mm. in t it .Tu*M st ri r.i r i-.d-nt THE MARINI. B VM\ uF ••l.uBGl y 1 viortgai-c, kr. r». > January Term, (VVATT VV. MTAtlKi:. S InW. IT sp|*enrtniMo rVtoi’ourU.y Iho pi-llmn «•! the Ms- soiucol ihe ov lls prmluci-d, NEIlViM’M DEBILITY. Wonknesa ul the *1*10111, Net outs Dcbllilv, and pro mature teeay genorally.arise Irouilbe i|r*iri,e|,ie ludnl , . , of youth,ilialsotilary p'SCluoso (alsl In |i,e heslthtiil Bank 11iteoigia. iImi tin- mm n-onilid-y o| j cxi*toi,eeo| man.and H I* Ihe ymi- g who arc ,im*i ipt Whereas. J .ho I*, (.iillmnrtln, wll apply al H.e i mirt tanl I no Mar no Bank id 1, • inpnary b t Lr-ller of Di*li,ls*b I, u* Vd'iiinl. tmt »r s.dd H"l I*. -Uikc 11 the «state of Vslriitlne t’re.. vor decoa*eil. These are, then ore, l*s cite and sdmonlsb all whom it may concern.lo lie anil ap|aar Ired.-re s»M I i.iin t>, make ••hjrclinn nl tny ihi-y have) on or I*, t .r. the rtr*i Monday in July next, ot bins l*e said letter* will be ded i * br'iary |i|(l,loii|i lo,mired uml fll'y II,roc. VVy.t: sii-rli- k IL-rjar I'. Ilrywin, llu-i, 1 ••,nr „(••, «|.o, g* in, !er it e nail,*-, style n d linn ol U.ikr k |try**.n. ("I llie • o'iniy ••! 1 t,.,iliu,u, 11,ado tin I, ci-riaui iiBtr-Bin-iil In writing, called a Bill ot Kv-hango, h, which ll'i-y drew on Holli*. Ntnrke k • o H **i New ' ork, pay aid*- h> Ho 1, o • 1, order, s x:y d*)s ,.l ,, *ligl,| tliir,- ,0 |..r il.«: •uni of 11 in ti i n lln.iisanil seven Inn dred nml Iwent do'd.1 ,, vst. ,-|i Bill o| I vel.niige ws* 01 d r.i.lhy Ptsrki*k Bryson, del.s.rui tor valuer.ueivi,11 ■ ■rglr, ind lioiiig accoptnlbjr ns at niisiurtt> p 1 sei.iod lor puvmont id ll olr counting nml psyu 1 ni lod tieing nude, the same wa« r< turm-d un.lcr pn.ti •• l<* llie s..i i Marine Bans o| i.eumla. Ami 11 sBo rp|i- to lhu'i. 1110 it* v tclinisiroiti un ol tl..- dmud 1 to slitcii they subjocl iIipiii*elvos. Parents n ml (/'tsr- •It um ire olWii 1110led peel to thi- cause «•* • onrro ol disonsi In Ihelr suns nml wards. Alas! how 1,lli-ti do they ascribe m oilier causes the w a*ll-g oitlie frame. Palpitation ol the Heart. Dy«|iepsin,Indigorlloii, dornitgoiiu-hi of Ihe Nervuti* •ystem, 1 oiitfli. ami )*vtnp- t.ousoi('••nsiimpilon,also tho.e serious ito-„iale|f.-cis, men ssiots of vi.-mory, Ibiprrssi.oi oi rei.m:* or ih-cio Bar Nt« of Vlelain holy, win 1, Ibo truth t. they hsvelw. n Hltlel.llsleWrl. I consider.Id. a. ^serr i-ausiil by ind'ilgiug in Pernicious hut alluring prsi ttci-, ilesirnctive In Ireitli llody and N'lust. Thu* arc swept from existence ihoiBantfs who might have Ire-i-n ot use I** their • onnirv,a pleasure lo their irtcnds sml ojna- • ul* lo * — ■ M-lelv inn'oirthe iwn nty* Igblh day id I'eliruary of ih. hr. J> ilINnM.N'.'s IN VHDUIATING REMEDY !’• )< m, Ho- sfor*-*wi<| M.oko V liryx.i, i|r,-w ilmr ecru 11 ; • iilG ANIC VV IAKM'A*. Mfitt a/ Ikt f’kl/a.aaJ //rajia/ /(«./r rag I a., ( Phil sen rnix. M*t ;i, lr,W. \, 4|LV«R, E*g— flrsr Sir (Vi- have .mil yolil "Plus.1 i'sluis" lor more than a year, sml for ISintlng Bridges.iliipols.kc., kt* ,Sf have loulnl It quill e.pisDn any palld wr base ii*-d. Ill lacl. we now give Ha prrlc* clue over alloiliers we havr.rinl lor such |iur|*o*4-s. ( 0lira, respecilully, (Mgucd 1 Jiill.N Tl'CKI.R.President. Av 01 *v», Gx.,>srTt was a *JD, IVI-J. . ret..,uu Pinning Viilis , limr Sir — Von n«k tnciof my opinion ol • silver’* Mineral Palm*," w lib I you have put on tny Vlarloni f*ln.p and Planing Mill. I gin-y ou w it** jde.vsur# uiv lull amt luu.ily nvivtoiuimlsU.noi It ss s prevent sg olrtrv (-0111 ill 1, ulcs ting 1 rom eldmreyr or iroin vdjidninr ton Id- imc* flie t*rerstl w Ills-1* you p. loti my r.reil*. h..» nm treu-oinc a* banl as • 1. »T * . and I feel a* secure fr*. in tre, ,n tldr as |*|re.«*.ld|. Ales, wicksafli-r lie nu.|. bail Ire-ei)pailful. I msdo ane*|re*rtiueioon Iwoor iho-csIBugli• by plarinv I • ns Us Iho 'urnaic niulor the ImuLti ; Ihe n-sull w *•, thai Iho (re»rllon uncovered w as entirely c.uounieil. wlnli Bie |.xliitr.l pari wasappareni- I v sound. ti|Min examination the wmrel wasb.und becharml ;ibe |s*lhl, however, so nan and lull rri-il. I considerihl* a* *eserr a tr*i a* vour Palnl can be pul lo. and under Ihe <T*r„m*tanrc- | d,, not i.esttate 1.1 commend it ss an i„rsl,table preventive acsbist 0ro. Re«i» , -igne.l 1 AMIIIDHrt. repl.Ni ER. FRENCH K RICH (R|ip. A*. IF. Wili,eaa, John (I. Milh-n. Exq..Ordinary for Chatham I , L’n mi). Hi.x fourth day of January l-.VV 1 , Ian ., J* »HN M. MII.LEN, r. • •TAT F. **F GEORGIA. Inxtriiiuiu.t u| wriling kio>w 11 as,. Il'H'd Exi-hatigc, 1, the at-n sntd Holli*, r«t rkefci o., n i|,irty d -do r •'gi'', f"r Hie •um of iwst.iy sml llse humlieit itoilar*, payable to llo Ir owiiord*r,wl.n 1. list meull.u.- *il lldl o| ms* nl**. endor*is| and ilolliefi-.l 1., ' s.dd Ihe .Marine Bank nl Georgia hy tUe al.Te»Md Hla'ke t , ... ... , k IL) sin tor vnluo, and .I in. Ire-.og ilulv It npiresrliig loihelouri.liy Ihe pruiu..,, nl OtHonG. «re. p'od hy Ih.lll.,-urke Si • .., was prescind f..r 1 ay Hlablee, that xald Mtnhler »o p »**<■•*«• l *.f an original „,. ni a: uiniuriiy at Hie roiinllna ro*.in ..1 *r* ept., f .. and Bail Bond, a n*py *.l which la mule a part. < «aid |.e and lo .ame wa* nuiirm.l'ui.b r r.*.e . Iltlon memo.),. I. -ml d,*l Ihe a.d.| ..rtginal II ml has ,,..1 m nl Ihe Manne Bank ol L'roram And .1 Ire . n osl >.r nii*Uld, and he. Ihe ssl.l A'blou. pra'ing t |.,. t |,e' ip. earing Ilml ihe Vor, .a il M | ill VV Ui.iile. Iho e* 1 bod in. • I *d a copy Bond, In lien or l|,e ..rig |.. ... ure ho slor. . 11 Hill. ..) i.v. ban., mat usl so l"(t or mlrtald : II I* therefore, n.ivt the , oner lul# ol Hie ri.aru.-1 r. Bon — I Mortimer II. V\ llllsm* an • -rnrra II. V.01 Ness, lo | |,tm to h.-#*ul Im- l ank nl G.o gu-.M .l Ihe |t*>| ,|ay of H.e nett l.rm of H.D run*, wly the rai l ropy *h nl.l not Ire established, a* si- rrShl.l ! and ll )• luflloT ur ter,at. that n ropy of tl,li rule ire- aersmt p*ir*ou*|ly **n said Moriinor II un.t e,.„ oca 11 ,li in I, • f .tim| l>. rt.i* -!*'•■, Hint d , r»t, n he |.ul,. iBheit In ilu- !*aiann»h B*-| ul,l e ,, ihr.>• ,n-.i,iha|>re Vlolls lo thn III ll f, rm of tl Is • ourl. \. II II |i (WhiiN. p.lf. (i,*y a'rol-seciir H.e lallh(Ul pay Inr, lol all •■Mr** /In |o Lo dl-e u,..l*-d bv l e *..„l ll.e (’arm* |l 11 k o- l,e»*r• I km ir-he sce.-m. dsiio,. o(-a. • VVy»i W.-m,.,. ■ml Ion, | i,nl l-i dte ml llie Balilie Palik ol (.0 -,„| did, „i, . well.I, day o, *|.,.l. In -ho year one H,..i,s •»,| I ul, I,"lull.- an t 0dy..|,ii o ,n .ke, • teeuie rrel .1.1, 1 ,oe *nPl II *• Marti-.- II dl o| l.e owls. Ms «•,'*„ epa . • r ATI • »F • E'llDIA. /, it.. *tli -VIU. W). 1.1 sml <i(i * v f bt * .1* 1 - :o/g is G#ps. • r o ‘.rw."’* , ■|. -I • *f I'lreUi •- -I e« iBu-'r'• •ouHpai un’ )•»*• "*1*' **G 4«)*0 foady's ffbnk. airef’s 'I*»*»''•' b 1 Jauusr-. • , 1. Is U iVklll rsMbrew xw*4'0|. and "He*»»'l,M rj 1* to '.Vire U.r4 XI •! ers.b* I* 7. Hr.|*lt D D. Iik'I" i.f S'. (»," ew. C», ,reli Pldls lalpbls. II D WwB : .w » abb* es*.re.*'e ( »Pl dl •*>•. s'B* from the w-% Ul Her. lobu M-H. In f* I »'e.l II • abr at No I •rre-e-l 1 • Nr; if P < -T" •’ | f« ad whom 1 • a*. Warn el H. 'net' Will eppl) • , I..r I nl I) •„,.•.) n aa Adi to **f Daniel f. |,deeeusr,|; r." |l ere nr«, 1.. ei'o ■n-l ,i|m*<, ce*n. l.e i. tl sppe 1* l-e|. -e -ahl sol vs In.•*. 111 d ' I MMlrt.* n .ok 111 -.t.»* said A ) 1 to ihl ll.o (I. I.) ny • Ad tl.o ••mI* . lo*..1, 1, I.nd. p, 1 ,*,.. |. siliiait ' Tnl* grand and Dnportark lieniedy hs* realoreil slronglb and vigor |„ thousand* o| Hie mm debt lit ate.1 individual*, muuy who had loti all l,u|e* au-l tre-.ui aha'i'toiiMl Iodic. II) Its nonplrb'ii.sig..railuu of ihe Nors.ois dysloin.Bio whole faculllcslrecome restored to H,olr proper (reiwor and lunciloiis, i,n| tlieisllru labrtr of life Is ralseil njrto Imauty, ennslstonc) and duration opoi, ibo mint of ain'iitnclsleil ami premature dn Hue, to *.o,iid and pristine liestth 1 'h how l.sppy line huu Inal* ol „H*4Ul**al youth* l»een ,nade.w Im hi* c ireri, suddenly leslornl to lionlB, Iroin Ihe detaslalloits ol those le-r'fle msla.lle* which re*nlitr»,n I ml 1 scroll.*,* -- Hiicl, per*..,,* bolors CnidempIslInK M (Bill At.I, should reflect 'hat a •mind mlml and laaly are Ihe most „eci «•»'» requl-ll, • 10 promote > •i ioil.lal '• s|ipit,ess In |e*-il, w llhoul I kit, the lourtiev l|,roi,gt, life lam inct a weary pilgrimage; Ihe pro-|re et honrlv lirktrenio tl.o slew ; the iiilo.l trer.imi-r*hi.loMred sr'ih le*,tilr. and will, (l,o mcl-im-hol* tertei-Bo*. II,.* 1 ho ham. ol an--Birr Ireuooo * I.Mgl.l .l with ••„ fal*o Idle ,.-v pr.-seui lot, sppi* •" • •0 who (dices ,„»*• I* nmlo* llo e*rs ' 4- 'N, mat *rll if l.o,. I, eonfi ; mill, a HI' F. alo In 4 avannah. Wholesale and J.VVIl.s || r ARTI II X ni. No. 1*0 llfoiivhlo, *l re* I I ill* \*0 D-kstpIvr 1 ho hai>|.b r* • m,i I . itiaioty km 1 o.g ! of r« bi* *k 1 1 (m;i ii- n* IIS.I- cnrral *1 ltd* In sill 1 S' 11 it il I r 1 Youuf’a /'rn/./'* 11*7# #’ r ll oil ‘ r. r k • f.'i'./e. ,V .1,1 it a in wr* I. lire Imo.I is. tl 1 ark r so** • n." 1 • i.ilo r roa. ti 1.1 nsio.ii In *«i.| li.Mil.iys 1 Me|e>r. r* -.t the ).••> r, «. .1 Ily-IM o. I l-eilig III ll t* vloretaiil ol 1 bal- re* >1 wlileh |,iiVe ip|re* •• .1 I d 11 fufihe* a> |re*eii,.g ll.«l al t r Ihr etocu'loll | |. It s«nfl(cl. „• v .,»ranie* • ifo'S • .' #1,re-IT ill r-s’igr, ml IS I 'll. ol #k Hbi I tud h ..,..*,1 |, ,,l , . , •*«*,•, II * In r „*.•!,• ,.eo •! life • rurlly ••(!... ! a, 11 —Th.rr ntr *** rem.i •u-ri.iu., ii ai u j ,)>«*• (.* I'bsitntsy il<sn>a. W ll* MAY vt on. ).p ' 'Litre rl G. G irr.rd d- r- • • >1 e Ti*r*f.**.., * "e a|..l odoi -nlth i'i 'efo.P. 1^ ..rl sp(*ere* lei n- -il • •- I **n 1 I so I the* I. »*et on .» r.e- .m ll. liieul Mil other**■•• said Intre** . '■ary • • M • .C|N I P. 1f®re» can ejaulsuisn • 9 Hint •IH.I -V Came Bird* »ml WlhJ Fowls nf AiuWrUst hy Blrtha . I/•«!•. M. I*. V| >.f H.T. WpciHi'l 4ui*,W»**i»f.hy Kelly Itrsckrn a Tain -f F-.ri* Yen* .4g*. breis'i In HraDie-f. atih« H*ne >d li* sari, M-.tismsd,' h***e sv*.|trn. an*1 full »** *1 wp amt Ihrllling Imik«i i by A>- nl* 1 ;♦»#«* bet* brarthTd Frank l/rib’t Lxdv’« R/**,b, fur Jai ua*y. Mxoni'i Parr's# j bt xklUMir. |ftrs4’« J***- dn. nvlx/di * IJ’s* • I »f dW TreilWBon*. Che»e4# P**l**iD» aid Rnpphrinewi. I .'ble fMn QMlanHe. CtiamwPa (Yehstvl and <*U Mwbqilrrr. I or sale St [ To all wleun li •Bt pi I, a p*) mnrrrui I lie ' o„rt of | 1 •■•um n'o ; a i f. ni 111 1 ’ • natiisw ni-sri V( h.TM lS, lit,-hard II Cll«h itr*tn.sry 'nr * •nrr*of Vrln. i,or-1-* ort llie eWal*- ut J*m 1 Un (usl; Th* *e * fr. ihiirsforo. |o«il# an I ,i|n H may • • iwern. in • • sml •,.i»ar befit. I#»sk***bj».jil*m|lf aevibe) butry on o* Ire-fora Ihr flr.• .1 th..,|a» In A'rtl nM*. oll.srwlx« said leltsra win 1* gr.eie*). { -.1 VV I'..*•• Jubt, M MIBrfl.Fsq )lr llnsr, f .rf-halham to • '•emir, .hu Brit day rj Mare.-, l*V( rear# JOHN V*. MILLEN, all , • f.o 1 re my D• o U 01 "U * j i) ”' of 1 I V. 1.41 gi ainl Mild p of Lely ••».* lo •hdi.r* gml *l| . ■ l.e l.biulird 1 In*' re* *•• 1 in- .1 I, la *•*«!, ,1 •to |.sy b,'o it, • our, ,h-1. ••'. ,io . rm. 1 |re>I • •!'• ••! I I. ' a, u* net mi'ary ll any I r » " 1 d Iv illth led 'bal I 11 re !*• 1 • a • e I . Itlr. V( »• Vk VI -- "I THF"IIL VV- 'mill .lla'rlv eon-• ,v..l fre'l 4 t X" vi 1. 1.1 rtpii- bi'-i in 1--t r v» mile* sei.i |.. ' hr <• nrelrv 4 , |. |- t • a, *|' I • 11 l-IIP *1 I •' i|.|e •*t.*rtti •■aim 11I1 ils r ap I lh . 1 i.rre il. . a I re ar , ■ lo r mil*- |of B e **nn • h ili, * A lot n al o , )• I* • I■ II dm I ••* mg f»l*gl 1 Ml, .-.111 IWi- ' da i, v,„.., v> r 1 nmvpat v h -ndrr-l ami #• ton-v •> mil' o •oinoflreo ih.ol*- 1 id# Ii IT () ’ >■« • V M ( ) RDM N ' I' t »*!• » • 1 f Yankee • • • u.k How up • *. VI ,j .» „e, for Jam-nri »*f |„ the aultxvr id " tVr *»M I M 1 I |.*iin ••• I,* hirevio la %«*• I-. • I .. *- S r [ To all whom I ms> nreveem- Jsn II IIV i riNGRI'iMk-MT l/offfJ MM1KEI1 FffH « «Mi: It MM * IW, ||Wr K»JKIVKM MV -■ *. -IH'^V cavil u ||f« ■»/ F , rsarnem. •rttlww by himself. P-. I ta.wal M#». IM/^HMfreas strrsif. dwell W Ilw|(KV^—Miibarrel* VVhDIwy, Ismtlng jwr Irrt . '^"^YwanAa. kkixv . co r vrr a#f» GTJiRLt A, ll 1T UIM • o Whursi, Mr# I •>>,Isa iVhl'o, will epply al it*.- (1.11*1 nl "n|l|i*rf (**e I *•>*rar-f t'‘-ifBa>lnn sa sduimuirt rit »•*. h- isls'e I A dl,am (V in* These •r«s'h*r«' ,i*, Ir, (Be and a-tm-.nleh all • h'-rn It "*-r*rs in in amt a|,r*ear Mh rw sail C*»nrt ,„ make oMeevioW III Boy lbe» havet ••(* f » hefou. tb* Br*» Mo»»d»v in .(ugiiaf hnil, oihwfwlxw teld I eiiwrt will Im yrminl, Winre#*, John (I Miller.. R«q .Ordinary f.i (hsunlf, this tm day III pebrrexry. |sU. (•«•/ Juim m., i* nv* least il.'ew nemlli* pr 1 is ml*. Ire- puM,.bed ! ♦• * * * •*( **s ,*>•■ ,, 1 • •I ) il.»re,*d art v r l I »’• i • • lo II,* Ire at Trio *a>r*ri ir..**, minu'ea J v* • r riDII.M A UTI H. * llt#«,a k Lit t, Ah’i# f.,r p. • lik••»*#, i felr 1 Ian, I I Mi»f,.(s|/t w - ir« Mil* #n l B» M*U 1 reins# | we# rr.n-, In 0rsw «*e-lrT. lamllnf pa# brig il, ll Uai"", ft—bk l .r hv I fahM PnDM.tilRll, I AV k Ml. > • jvill- 4»urew'i I’t'o* «l 11 W THuRN •’ V( II I I VAIs • ONtVHW (||T »IN%* »r» , ,1# ,.re,.,re *.. r« re'lb 'Lr Ja«u - ry lonn're* 'I e •••! dh ,ii.o,'n(f If •»* 'he f.lriMfe* Itv lh# re ,ke II reerlbi * exlrss*'Se p*if.v»v**W. •N |or aiinum, f->r I# nv -nihly nnmliwr# tie r .iivO. 'vtrw a h*tl/ts, I lore*. Fn# sake hi \V 1 11 IH IkebI lly llnifisy Bdnma Com* lilSHlI* I'eiuslw Irrcgu Inroie* I, left of all knots Gout I Veils I f lialige* ion I ry*,|a la* ni*„m end l.rxvel I'lK-oi, afy (*yt(ipi ions I lr< r r.tmpiai .1* Wm-iesl Xff c ion# lli-leniio,, r.l I )i|it Worm* ol all kunit Weal ne*-. from w hairver cause. Fold at ibr Gaialdtibimri)oil-fof, ae/.r linttntaav H, Mal.ten I .an* .New ( d V44-.fairel, Ireituloii.airel by nil rt-apt-rishle Druggists aud l^.der* b, Xbrel'cucs thrioighoi 1 ihe I nil, d Mate*, ll, llox, s. n a 37% cenl*. nml %;.mi c* hi* enib. T*» L had VA hoirtsle „f lb** {. r - mi j .it |i,„g Dm.•,-* litiii, I'i io„, i.% Vr»*r*.A II. k |i.r i AND* '*• (-rk.smlhj W . W. I.I.M m.N. *(.•»,1,ish HP There I* a c*v, xhler*lde raving l,y taking llm larger * N. II. —Dlreclhvi't i"rll e euretsfre "I paivpix lnrve*y disorder an-..fllii d i< ml. 1 ■ 1 l'»»«»l I are al.« re ly UOC TOII VOI 1CNI I f Tin■ Vor l.r I ,linriil,ii>iitm Mil. i:\IBV "Nl. Ill • • VV N I'll V n|i.| V.\ v till F rtiorti laLi ,.. .1 1 ••it Hundrulfu ,r . .1 „■•.»*.. ■ ddlgalo , . mn** -r v th. POCKET .F>* I I.APH f t. 1*0,1 a ImVn'r* 1 .111 k-» ■>. v». *v.« of,I, ti tiiotr ll • ,Hre.<d» .(..ii 1 ii I.I.I'I ILI# I III • Ii* I.I X " VOI1I 1 • i. V. m M-i* • do organ-,, i M fc . ,,. ... WxJl»*||.*l|. I, a., SlfiC-1 r. I .),*. * I. .1 VBiliM > l>\MB |.A1 Hi • I 1 X • lllrrplsr* reerklMSrren .Bet* B lop. , ht'ieocy .-(.rguia'liy rel‘1 unih.rir. . • ,J , H i|. *<*.,( only ■ i-ooiti I afrefi **• *• * ••* t. _ . fieri*-if ih# x-i».rr»...rgei‘l»xie „ Bet' Ih Ifl.lrel Ihsi all IWtlire k t, • Ire ., be. 1.1 f,io*h«:Ti |,< ire-rv r.. t ( • *1* If. , ... alvi.T*-, of >h, ,i (Kr *d flsolto,. lire: *» • 1 . cnldralh. i*r^,r in IU’imI. ntsa,. I,ti f... tin. , . tint.--,* d,*« re, i-e l.#l»lr sml • •«*.) , 1 •>., j ■ h r (,re-.alalo.ti k no* 1. • 1 fl )'F N J.ll V • I * III • I. I •' • N-.iai.aua.ecai,c.isey *r, e'tn 4 u. • .<:•» • .* k nie.ii fr a, .I Tie ■•> inHr* i.Ure t rl, 1 ,1 el - «|..,|» III 1 , Iisin*e*', «*r l/ilMil.d kirel *, ,1 * •)*u-is, s hi ilai U»kH(lots ir} s, 1 >h, , nr impair**.. I y urkusi lire- vi.r 'I.i; si. •• gsi.ifa lol. lx el otree Ltscarel. re-s,ttfird xi.• 1 The ineit'wlalMt |diy*>c*l *),fi|4rill.s ' • lot-' • «, v..u-sh* -ttiirt Its N'T 0 , ti-th|e*f»ry • n* ll.e erthirx v. Il*e relV 1 I# («•*,' . Ihe o rdlsl |To|>ertH • *•! .1 e V eu."lT r. ,< 1 .. lulitm ntetuxtre) re*«* ns • !«• I* tv* m tl r- 1- . , I.i ••• DP HL)H h ( . • onfuiMin. gwlTlik **. rre*l .i( uhreat \i Ij ,- %c k > ., in*sldt 'oil' v. h . *** ru. 11. iu. ioi, *..r,i nl sell iliffucie-i . let# **l 1 )|**l. ... |re*|,il(, ger„ rs; (T-.iB.d •••*., .filial r « 1 • .... ability lo (hu p. .barrens lo *1 • Ir *« Ihe pr..pegali,ik lui*cll«*n». ». s .... |.il|.iiail..n o' ll.e hreri, ! re J. r nr y. ose |. . . rlr , Irmn rel.siever ras*« rnuiqr. It x ,*•• •,., reltMNc 10 Im pl*c«aj on buBist- ier.•xw's.i. in#.. , . Infallible. EVI.RV VV i.kl AN D» -I N-l. W ho snBet* 'fun rerskrre *«. deem-gen.* 1ireri-.t>,p. H Hrttsorr. |mIi*s in il.r xny d**/ *v-. , . |re-culiaf 10 her rex.ui c«.M.m*T, !•• l«.i. me*, a.,.# ai e ihe Inii.-ofriu g 1 .redisl s iritl M V till 11 li Pl.Rwr >N *, nrothe-t will 0i>.I thlrCaredksI, xfirf He; a l» .• *.r 1 wo. a lb* rough regrire r#i*T itr .,"i»r It 1 di*rtH»*,t *fr 111 br h-uire) tie b*|>|') |*»»t( •- 10 ..0*|Tinr, vslur wrmul iiM hssr Leri- »• . t- n • •>, Bai-rvl htrs (Tt pxraLo,, Aid H irrqnt'i 1->* th<-mstiy dlie, mvs I.i, w l .cl. II I*'*cr b-n-* ,reh *1 (,• aivdt "f youiig men have trereu. mlxvO I; 1* in -l 1 im*i In a nrijru i.-uirer ha* i- i»H*i < 1- .*t .•» PEIlMrN- • / I Al.l. triDI-l » X.< N. rvr c* ntumpllir I . 1,1's, xrt r.etnfrd t) 'I« • *~ • tkdtle-.r two, ii, airel srgx. chrif u * >•>. If..,, a pal*, v• Im*, sickly (/ih*r 10 x beant. v 1- .« c* in 1 U xto„ T" TII »' Vi IM. I III ll fl.orir* on.* the **<1 xrd me'aiakre.-v . t- • vlu.e' hy earl) habit* .4 t.’ttlh. * «l : (nto*. 1- la- k ml Hi.Ire. |.»i,.* Ir. (Rr Li I ,l nire- ■ I *• ..1 timarul- • |- s • r. |re 'pi Ule 1 -ir he» - . <: 1 ('t.* u i-nn ditrelny. »;(•■) i- w# ••• ' rt I«M.. •! • e- ll. > e. c« .re. ill I l.rf i„ U- "\ *1 -T T • N ' : Hiial « AS S IC i* A 1 .NTS. . IF ill 1. IB L. I Vi I (I i , 1 i • are |ii,iid) Vlrlnll.r. r,i„iM,nt,. .• I'ainl* i-v •• \ \ v . n mi < ui itv nrn 11- V I. I ll \ri • *•! v 1. 1. 1 »• II • t i- ' • XT ( I It K In Iv. al lu L'l-I.u .V d.-.-.s Nr w V...X .. ,.ai / UAVA INI l»M <11C (at I It t oo I II U ANII. 'I * II l>ilelic,i.i|( srili lr rcinli.ii • *•• niniy* I ,iviall|ir» ■ hal il Imvw hai Ireculso- a urialxrsi 1. (orvie re *1. ilu cil Urn* "f Nr* V of k. Philmb I pi .1. • 1 all 1 more. Pll'rlinrS anil oiPrr plan-* lunli*l* ••«' l‘l,y*H,aiir preset ire- 11 in I heir practice mv"*i, j,xr*vii,iii, »mi o im every -i.ur.a Ihr m *■•• 0 llcrini lamlallni , are are vnt«vl II. I,i0siii|').*«»re,or l.lmlu t gum* ,rs- to-wre*lutrly i U-i .I In 'I- usr : it* *• In-** «(iio them urVI. *.,■••) ing, and cB.rlivi ll ch-elvM-* lt>r • rll. *•• 'horsvugVilv .hat they art mad* rlssl |s-arlln re hilenr*,. tm- | ffu*** Ihrougi. ihi nvoiill *ufh .1 ,|i-i<ghilul 'hil m *• ih», ihe lirvaih '• n-ialem' evqnLlleii aweel. aid 11 will It. mod In- • or, • . ir.nil Ml. llo Ihr 11*.**• * tote, 1 \ u Ih *rl , ( 10 1 Th■ w iiii-1 rr 1 fr* r from l*» Ci tl*. p. , 1 1., nv*' nl M . rid V* 1,1, rs Ichfl y . re |>„ I as *-ihn>Uli. 1 Or an.cT tw a .do mical - inly *i*. i*,,rivd suRcn m lo. onv i,„e «,.y one ol 11* aotveriortly . "It****- p\i»n'lire,t a Imi|||» ol "'/.isiiv’i (*Tl l*i oaa« th r. nv 11 (V stli,"sml find ll so lo .* * isreisMc prrparTln«n •*' an tiiimcriil charar'ir I Ire l.n, twill pr. v, hr nr 11.1 ..1 for 1 hr | lif| iv*c It •* m-.>w.n ewdni " Js w t * I; I'ciiv iis . V| |> 1 ixn. 1,1. J U*t rccell nl xml (<vr *al«-hy VV W I I Nit *IN ln*V 17 Vlonunvrv i -fjuarc NM K» l.’N l‘11 tin I T.litslir g’litKlrr. f |'li|* saiiuh'e s.IvliBon b* ren»-cie*l (roi-rw. n xr em 1 l.*i mil rent! live tr„%. ttnmvlo' isn a* ««l *• 4 PlsHi r rli r hniugbi Ire f.vrr he V'*ilu*l Pncnli-rere » ■-r Ihe j.iiIiIt I be Adhere.te Pl«ai#r In prereewl u*e l.a* I*-1 lor a "in. Hire'll l-i iiw(ic.-i rltve>''.*n-l *Lr *,mr hii In i* In *|*u ti' ly Ming tit a • - 1 . 1 i.«|.,.o re . • to a -mr 1 im- 1 t-.-iiglii •• ha*c • **»-»•m. nvm. »' il«r •« B * "I “ • Tin: i.m:at rt hiFit.R of mi »..•«! N-l a I'm kills at ?DH kill ILII. \ \ o.bMiImi 1,0 uly f -r oSi 'r ha, > . < • ■ualism. ''Irei'rn'.i * reiasre* rev IT-|>, . • ■ r r l’n* 1 ul, » >.,i (hi 1 t<i,|ia*liliis ftmli.i In* l.yc* Litis VV ofoi or Tens r.rwwb Lei. 1 *-o • si.n I'xkivi ibr U.ure , a .a) J..ln'» tlaM*n 1 ».»■ phyl lo ••'*«.nbc, l v.mfiag’-,l,a ■ ua | ll . ;* 1 1 lMSrW*f f ill., It- it (>><!»". a v.,. V»- I m, r.olrhi* 'h I .1,, or I raj *r,i; • i \»-i hi -.. 1 Ul* isliixhir V,riliiii-e. shirC k»** l>o a., •’ •* 1 f>" ihcnutntrer ol exvrsorviixtaiy t*if* • 1 Bn n - I • atfriic*. has-iidvwere hr proyreVeL r* »•!». ,u» ., -.ov i t Iheu IcVrlM ,. io ofrr ll O'I he | at<>r •> . ii. * tl. ihr uncivil riiiditpci is- Uv nr'iiXK deefv 1 ruraiist pr,‘)re-* TH l*dWvMt>i ci * • v'Wtio 1 run* a large i.orntrei. in, ii'*r*.i » - icwlln-otvy !.*•• Ihe loefT *orst • ike prs*( rscacf x • *H f cine* . c 1.1 Ic Wvro re c II I #*•-• p in ll 1 s do ihr highest 'vtprriwi il- 1 y wscy •*■ ilreti < •••Ha) »’ the cut •»: Rnka»i*!, A a I .MI •( DEN. I>| .Al Ire I setohd t’« tel f •. ’ r kt».>Mr .-very re * rre. say t Ir Vs* an 1 Ac V’ tdv • ■ csli vKTFKS repxNisli X|\TtV.I x^wImH.c- nvi-f 1 loiNlml ton. io nub a :iiu Ji«xw* 1 • I. it rrsi.rrvtrend.-v' wilh Ihr t*»wi asl. t sV 4- - B dl* Dr t«)*ill*lke.. os. exirsAofl ws*y *r>c«r o- *1 Vk.l I Wli MAIM C.r.l Hilkl-i 11 *r I" Hfy. ih*t r,.r ikm year* I ksU Agvr t > tf I c><> in.1*1 11*«-t*(a'. re l kril wicn'Diiimi'v l*ogr unxriiliviu .11 igvi nto», Cer-m*'. ir,' i Ire - - I'.c I .voles *.! v r- "ist. he) ,11 w V' Ire'S.' *»» |it ■ He! Ill*, t tm-I (|;TIK> ?pv>,*i X.\- iso-bi W •reh-ch rfitvriwaH' icts! a,. *■*' • h* | p* 10 •** I have hred rre Hire I * »•■((» c*r I r *r< • * I "WsUe# 11 I It Ire-re ia th* •■.!,', # .1 is- a oHriar that c«r* '»* hr*' IM* Cvre >..|l> I 1 *Xi 1 1 Hiuvai l*asre. rr»f I5*cl.sarr-d A » * nil i k. I'.*). to,* 10 ihe mi •*> k.,« *, . * O I re.M , « «l • I, 11-1 4h»*N • *• ••'* lire (,-. !»•# >,.,1)0. o, c fXcies . ' • kill.' >1 Tl I, I ..ih. *.».!.-•■' n. • -v . 1 |„- ,, , i* v, • \i 1 , ! fniH a. h ire, 41 a. ■ , II—., in ih. eu, ■•■ li*l ■ It . • iri\|"l V Ml hi re. Oju — .g II. r » .rear «• 1 r I* • I •* lh- I * «S’, - ires •»'. h, • • 1 v \'i I I VI tuiiuika. 'h in'- »'*W lirsa. hv v»re are n 1* • i*--. *e \hi*t mixtI hi HI. vl * I Ml •*» •• Kl *n I V gli kn,re«* K, psM <1 » V sj v sNv v rereTM < •#•! ■ * *• VrreU Mf* •' Mh. visnsivsse re Wfh r-f..<«s k, Te '..ule. .re * V RT» r.*i *r V\|'1 »f*/'s**'i .-re*re -a in * —a v, .d o ♦* ■«• Sr* ■ ftw«*rw'l* nri—re* »/re.- ■ ll*#*r re - *hre » I .«* * V HI' k • Ml •• re red h» .V Vi - III VV Sire* eb-il.rei Du'irf n-t rv« *re.l (-.r •• r I'V rll • i,.i • vXI|lI (iiIBwiV | • ti Ill'll I n.v'l’ll •• ?«'t,M. -Iree '.Vll"*.rel 1**1 le, 1*1..Mil |*#*x rwrelie* ml kc *• h , IH1I.1 VIVID*: 1'illVs.W X *-• S I MB** • l-l VV h#i I 111 y (V kiiRNVX tt 1, , S*v In r l»*4 R-f >n ,1'rwV prsnk l.resll .*• lalU* I) **'•# -Ms.v«lhl», si f 1 hot . SOu-nw |S«'« k rre V»t JcvMSHal »I'h I mum #•».,* I Iwi /VXNXl. RXHIHXVXw AN|V* »IIN MILL*. >v» R, Irt'l-oi*. •• %■$ .on-irtv 1 r »wx r»ree's»*| k.| h,*(. k; rest,ise#4. Vi iNrew »W* I lo. ley's I.#.|I*4 < (l.rufi ft V* p«i *•• ..0*1 1 MB:, hy Irewr Ih |*,nr Itrywdl, f.a ,»** hr fab I # VV. TllilHNE Wit.1.IAMB lab/J RICH DRE 8 C » SILKS. NX II I n ' (1 •* il I H • I * V h k • |*V ••■«* I re ca'v'r •*■• a *r '•■* ./ l*re I nJ . 1 . ,.v .1 I »i T V ••' -Vk. IV r-v • • u ».m.| .... a ■ .0 e Ai. .1 ry *• ... r'v v •>>•*■-re V • * * **X a vi-.* f ,. * ‘h h X'.rel VreVqw u .\rerere.* "I . I * rsVii'l e .hi* •• -lav#*' v-r# **•—'• '-a V*. to I •* V* r .».*,! *X* » ***irer ‘S* (*re • )-W'Sreree **-*■-I, I OV I lit M h WVII* II ••, a \ 1 1 * V • ArBJCsa 1R1III »•«•• I • k r * MX Nl 1 B . | > ‘vR-.I 1 ■ sre e 1 %*'*'«••» 1^*011 V‘-ws I »«-. 1,-m V* • .•#■-• . • w<S,< ■ 1* V I, “re*are. - 4 re .'h 41 «.» taw *«.»as4-fc>S v# Ore-4 1 iWhSf ('•' isM**l*Sl .• .rek ink ai.|.ii #'W V *■ ill.*#»#*re* *» *k »-B" 1 . . re . .1 . . re .a, re la. ' li A « ,. v ,1 •)»a - v uriv ( c ik* «Tvvi.iv • V, I .- \ tlt-'V'pa. V reartoi •• . * >•< re hi. si*.*nvl hi V*- V/'k* • * I) , ... . - h *C V«1 •*. skrek L I o’ HHMll V ,re.: vVWV Ill'll »#i»V-»»«4# i| » cUI 1-re.h# - ll. • vi*»' U'»(lMv»..*"tiV. . iXt.hre.vreA X. >**’"• - »*#'» *---reA»reKS.X ,» v II V x urttllltts a Rg tsrererre* V *, V . . i n CAurniiiu Idp.x kl vRKl.f llUir - #' - K#t* VMvWewv Mi |l> I* re * > • -*rev. «|S,ySil>re. *'re i ure*# (%• .Vi * Lapkl. I *, resa » »V.tW**n 4 XfvNA IV* X'/vV Men** C* ' .Wbvkls •bvwru sr.ii;s ifvgi-.cwi g,,**.-. '» vx k) i B kl(*k I**v|\ .,1 Kv»*i Ml Vs * J . 14.1 w -ress arej k v.ara sVl.l »t**vk>.' ) isAvS • * * •* : 1—4 a *»• Vre-rvww A* X «<V*N BfitM# V*S Ul'*" * " reyaMis Vt>k t -iVouk I rm'iV, »» X S»re»V )*« i -rettarelli crerrere r***-w*ailvewi* ». M. « («!• svvsw) h • • Mona v.ssw VrV’lVrs (-**•»« I* hv ■. *1 CVkfll » I* ' k SSH.I'X*’ ss I, * S1 IM Tlhllt ksw U'lVH X 111 N' I*k' »*rel h* Ivregg ^liM' resNO k#l#1»-* * IS * 1(4 * • J W * *«* •» * £*41.04 H •ti bv. xa UK»d