The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 19, 1855, Image 3

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SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 19, 1866. CITY OHUIMAWOm.' is ORDINANCE* to guieml ait Ordinance enUlldiin (Ihllnaiic« in M>l apail Hint dedicate h portion of iliu Hurl mt fl«dd rimiuunti, purchased by tfio Oily of Hr. rannih. nr >m lit* holm amt devisees or Joseph Hllles, iIkcamiI, for# publicL'omrlcry, in provide flirtlm M l„ o( lot* it said L'einetory, fur purposes of septiL tute, mil lor the pntlvcilnn, provervalloii, adoriiiiuiil, and regulation or nW Cemetery, inured June 3*1, 1KV.*; aim, In repeal an Ordinance to amend then- fcmalil Ordinance, passed March l»ih, IBA3. ttectioiil. Ito It ordidued by the Mayor and Alder men ortho i'll} nr ttavannah and hamlets ihercof, In rounell aa»rmblod,and ll la hereby nnlali.rd by the nu- iho liy or the same. That from anil after the lat day of April next, »■» much or the 3th Huettnn nr the above re rural ordinance at relate* to the valuation of lota In Mid t'eraetery, he, and the tame la, hereby. miienlod ; iml the * ablation of lota In aald Cemetery snail, hero ifter, he twenty dnllara for each lot, «»r twrite by twen- 0 Uve (bet | and thal no IVaclton of a lot ehall he aohl Kpera’e for lea* than twenty dollar*, and Hint no per* mu, in hi* own name, ehall hid olT or purchase more than two of the lot* In taliK'emelery. j»,hs vl. And hell niither onlalnerl, hv the authority af.resald, Thai all let* huvIiiKitncllon*adjoining,wide* are not aohl a* seperale tola, ahall ho eal I malt'll and aold wlih aald tot*at the Increaaed valuation attove,accord* lug to the proportional number ot rqusto feet to aald lota, and In addition Ihereto. 8eo. 3. And tm It further ordnlnod, by llio authority af >re*.nd, That all the traction*, angle*, and parcel* of ground, bordering upon and about the circle Indore the mam entrance, which bate not been laid off Into Ms a* yet, be, and the aame are hereby forever reserved and set apart for public purpose*, Air the adornment of the ground*, and ahall uoi, at any time, tm aold for private use. , , , fee-4. Amt holt fiirllor onlalnerl, l»y Iho authority aforesaid, Thai III* Ordinance pnoM-d March IWh, 'M3, amendatory of p.e aior*altl Ordinance, lie entirely re* prated,and *'I oilier ordinances, or purl* of Ordinances, lhal may ronltlct with Iho provlaiona of ihta Ordinance, • >, aud the arnne are herctiy repotted. Paaacd In Council. Hnvanhnh, eih March, I83A. EDWARD C. ANDERSON, Mayor. Attest t A. C. UavKhPoaT.uc. 0 uiar IS AN ORDINANCE, to provide Tor the preaorvallou, cleanllueiaand heallh of Hie city. Hecifon I. IU< it tmlalne*! by the Mayor and Aldermen of me City of .Savannah and llte hamlet* thereof. In Council assembled, and It la hereby ordained, hy the auihority «f tile aame, Thai from and after lire passing • tlrla urdlnancp, U ahall he the duty «f the Mayor, at • llr»i meeting of Council In May next, and al every -reeding .May, in pr»pot» to tho Council, to bo con. ocrl by tlirm, four peraotts. whose duly It ahall be to . ut nivi luspccl each and every lol.ciit losurc and yurtl, In me respective pads t,i 11,•• cliv which *ball be a»* signed them by tho Marshal, one*'In every twenty*Aiur hour*, sititll llte Ural dav of November, and where any film or unwholesome collections may bo lottnd, to report the same Iminv ttatcl to the8ii|K'rlnieiiiletit of the 8cnv, encerV department, whose duty it shall lie Immediately to remove the some, and lo have the owner or occupi er hi such lot, enclosure,or yard, placed upon the in* lormathm docket, and inch owner or occupier shall lie fined In a sum not exceeding thirty dollars; that It shall be lhe duty of every person *o proposed or appointed, iittrmg Ihelr continuance in ofilce, lo remtrl the number of person* *ick, and llte disease of each, and llte eon* ditioii of the lols, enclosures, and yard* In the portions or parts of the city assigned lo them by the Marshal every evening, before lu o’clock, to the Marshal; that it kha'I Ire the duly of Iho Matahsl to make aeoiisotlda* ter I re|Nirttolhe Mayor every morning. Sec. •.*. He ll further ordained, lav the authority afore* raid, Thai each person so appointed, shall be paid a salary of fifty dollars per mouth, fruit Iho Aral uay of May to the llrst o| November, subject lo be removed at the pleasure of the Mayor, for neglect ol duty, or for *U) olhel Cause. eec. 3. be It further ordalnc«l, by ttie auihority afore* laid, Thai all reports now required by the exlstuiff or dinances of ihe City of Savannah and the hhinlets thereof, lo be made to the Hoard of Health, shall be made to ihe Mayor, who ahull publish Urn same, when- c.n In hi* opinion he may deem It advisable >" to do. Sec. 4 And t»e ll further ordained, hy the authority s' ri-aut, that the Ordinance to establish a Hoaul of Health lor the City of Savannah, aao-nted lo July tilth. Iand all Ordinances amciidalory thereto, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Head In Couucil first liiue lth March, 1833. war 13 3 EXTRACT FROM FIRE ORDINANCE. “Sec.VW, And be U furtherorJalncd, That II shall ro he lawful for any person or persons, whatever, ex- Crptiugthe Mayor,Chief, Sec uni and I bird Firemen,to Mle in or through any part ol a square, street «-r lane, in wt.ich the lidiatdlanta shall Iteasu-iuMnl lor Ihe purpose of ext nguishmg fire, and excepting iht-troiiimniidaiits of the militia, with such officer* a* may In* nrcesaaay lit svvuiat cu on lum, atul it shall Ik* lawful for him or tiiriu to do so. In such ca«cs only a* may require that he should communicate with the • tiler Fireman; and iti >u>d any pefanuor persons, not of tho above descrip- bon, as herein excepted, attempt to ride lu or through inch part* of squares, streets, or latte*. In which per son are assembled or the purpose of extinguishing tbs £n-a* a'oresald, such person or person*, so offending, »i id!, on conviction thereof, bo fined III a sum not ex ceeding thirty dollars." The above extract published by order of Council. War 13 4 A. O. DAVENPORT, c. c. | AN ORDINANCE to alter and amend tho various nr- dliiM.ce* of the city ol Savannah, to t.rotecl the city from the ill effects of Prtvlcvnnd unclean ht-ebnn I. Kelt ordained ti, the Mayor Mid Alder- I oi ihe city of Havantisli, and the liminels thereof, in I V. uncil usaemhled, und It I* herelty ordained by the i.'o.rity ot the tame, Thai from and alter the pa-sore •his ordinance. It shkll be the duty of the Marshal at-d lti «depu:y. IxtlWet-n (be first day of April and ll.e fi-st I day of May. •nnnally In visit and enter each and every | lot within me city of Savannah, whereon any dwelling <>u«o It or may hereafter be erected, und l«s see lhal tote Is attached thereto, lor every tenetm it; ll.creun. It privy, to be built and -unit according to the provlsuns I made and provid'd by the upon that subject. ■ (Printed prmphlet,pages 331 and 337.) ■ .“re.*-*. He it further ordaiied oyihe authority afon- lia d, That any owner, or losses, or agent refusing or electing to have »u<-h vault or prtt' built and sunk I he re|>nrt«-d to tbu .Mayor, and be fined In a stltn vxcwedltigorie htimii.d dollars, width fine shall I* Ip,fl cted ever) Irti day* until utxin the lot a vault or ■j. ivv thill be built and sunk according to the provisions Inf <fe ordinances made and provided upon Uiai sub ject. eec. 3. Be ll further ordained by the authority afore- ■ said. That when the Marshal or bis deputy shall du- ■cover any sink or sink*, any pr.vv or privy*, surcharged lwlth any offensive matter,or which shall require clean- ■ling In any tuauuer, lo give tin.Ice to the owner or own- I er*. occupier or occupiers of the lot or purl of lot, w in r- Itver sucfi privy or privy t may he located, or to his, her, <r their a.-ent or attorney, requiring that the evil be i.edird and remove,! w until f rly-eikht hour*, nnd If, ■ >r tl.e expiration oi such notice, the **'ne shall it"l Ih re In-en done, It slmil Ire the duty of the Marshal or ■ hi* deputy (tMU'esbly lo enter on thu p*emlses. and lo ■remedy the evil, and to place such owner or owner*, oc- ■ or occupiers on tbu Information dock'-t, who Itiiiii be fined lu a sum not exceeding one hundred | dollars. *ec 4. Ami be ll further ordained by tho authority .'or«»a:d, Thai any person or peraonk owning or occu* Ipyttiguny lot <>r psrt oflot aaa yard, garden, or lor any ■•■tbrr purpose, shall keep the same cl -nnand free from ■flub or Impurity from Vegetable or an mal matter; and ■•h-ii such lot or t art of lot shall be ascertained hy tho iMartiialor his deputy to b>- lu hud ..filer, lit shall be the duly of the Marshal or Ills deputy t.. gnu ■)>• Vice to the owner or owners, occutder or occupiers, ■("'tilling out wlu-reln the evil complained of consists, ■sud wan direction that ll beforthwitn removed. It after liudi notice the lot or part of lot shall mntlnne unclean, ■ ind In had order, the Marshal or Ills deputy shall enter l| » oably on the premises, and with proper aid cause ■t’.e ui:n or Impurity lo !•« removed, ready for the Hen- "*• ' ger’s cart, or suflicienily covered ovur w-lin sand or urtb. ,-c. 5. And be it further ordained by tho authority resaid. That any owner or owners, occupier or occu rsofany Morpartol lot, refusing or neglecting to comply with Ihe requlalinui of the notice, served under r foregoing serin.n, shall be summoned belore the fsjor. and on conviction, be flued in a sum not exceed* ■u-c thirty dollars. “ sec. 6. And be It further nr>Ulited liy Ihe auihority t' 'eiahl, Thai In all cv*cs arising under ltd* onllnance st.ure Ihe Marshal or his deputy sha'I Incur r.-asoimble ■ iH-nse* In carry lnglntocff*%t|is provisions,the amount f * n-h rua-otiahie ei|»eiisus shall he paid out of the > Treasury, and bu cfi irged to tin- own. r or owners, "cupier «»r occupiers of ihe lot or part of Jut, and *hnll ‘ • ’ecntrerablc from suchownuror owners, occupier of piers, hy warrant of distress nnd sale. Is*ucl under * twelfth sect Ion «d Ihe amended charter of the City: • v del always. That *uch amount shall have been •t pnt-ed by Council, ami proved also. It,at the *t.ef r owners, ik:cu ler or occupier* shall to?, In all ■•••*.entitled, upon demand, to be hn«rd Ivy Counrll on > "hj«<ciious presented ugulnst the reasonableness of .r'i sm Mint. *« c. 7. And he It further ordained. That in all case* • re notice ta required, It ll.e o» Her or owner, occu- * drorcupler* he absent from Ihe city, without any Wtiurat anunutnementn. BAILEY Sl CO., (taT* a a 11. a v »x kitsuirn.) -to.'., /CONTINUE to Mamifautiiio V- 1 Ml I. VI;IK WAHlhln orilvr. Df UUITD'II HTUUI.INU amt AMERICAN Hll.VER, and have adopted thn followIng stamp* for lltelr work t 1.1NI1 Hll.VER! IIRITIHII HTERI.l BB 8118 h HA.MKIlh'AN HTANDARIIt m o m Allfllver vVsre sold by litem I* made upon Iho premia#* atul I* uaranteed to tu< of tlm qtiullly ns stumped. OHDI IIM ARE HUI.HTTED. Htrauger* and cltlsriia nru tnvhevl to vlalt our manu* A large assortment of TEA HKTH, PITCHERS, HPnONH nnd FORKS, fce. (tv., always on hand, at fair prlees. Hum tell H Itni't'dliiHiliirtfitlHH ! ruin. imvi.E, WII1TAKEU.STUKKT, NEAR CO NCI HESS. B F.I5H lento to nunouncolo her natron* of H*vaitnnh, nnd throughout tho Htalo of iteorgla, Florida and Alahnma, that she Iimb returned fhimtho North, and la now opening the must extensive, select and cheapest slock of Fancy ami Maple Dry Hoods over befoto offer* ini by Iter in tills city. I n consequence of her long slay at the Nortli, this »ea- *ott, nil Iter stock ha* hern imrchalerl at auction by a pvrsoti of vxperlcuco in tho Dry Hood* lino. HIIISSHOOItb. IVIulfHlnitdl’Inln Cashmeres and Dt'l.nlnos.l’lald Poplin, It lack amlt.'olonsl Cashmere, t'ohuruh and Alpneeas, t'olorini i.’r*|H* nml AI paces* UivIh's, |in*s*Hllk* 60 cent* per ynrvl, Fluid Wool, llroeheu,long amt square shawls, very low; Mourning Hltawls; While atul Rod Flan nels, It leached and l 'tilth-ached iNvtton Prints. Camhrlo Hheellngs, Velvet Figured FcarletTnhlo Covers, llleacli- ed and l'ul>leaelte«ITal.lo Cloths,Irish I.Incus, l.ndle*’ and Honl’a do. Plain nml I'.uthpihterod lldkls. Hleoves, Collars, Cheinlelxte, Muslin and Cambric Hands. It I II II O N S. It I* Impossltito to describe Iho heauty nnd variety or Ihe different »iy les, and us our al.*ck t* Iho most exten sive In the city, wo Invito examination t us to price, cannot lie beat. V It I .n 31 I NOS. Mixed I’lnslt Trimming*, Ualoon*. Hlttipi, Ribbon* Mixed double Fringe Trimming. Fancy and Pluln Vel vets Molr A lit bine, for Cloak* and Valmus. IIOVM.T.S, rr.ATItr.ltN «V I I.OWEItk. A full stock ol llte above, extremely low; A fresh supply of /.epher Worsted, every shade nnd color,Canvas* und Pulerns, with a lull lusortiuout of other trimming* to still. IKON N I.TS 1 ItON N F.TS 1! 30 permit tliettper limn elMitvIirrc. ttouneis for tlio Million; .0 case* of rich Silk, Satin nml Straw Honnel*, very low; Strnw llonnets trimmed, •tihuble for cotfilry Merchants; lllnck and Colored Cloth Ct«ak« and Talma*. A Iso. made loonier at short police, Clonk*,Tninia* and Circulars, pinked with new patern*; Slippers, Smoking Caps, latdtes' Sack* and Children'* Cloaks, stamped for braiding. Those In want of any thing done In thn above lino, will please •end H In curly lo prevent disappointment. Remember tliespol, Whltnker-stre* I, next door to Cotigros strect, opposite Henry Ealhrop it Co. dec.ti 'Into 2,000 .iL-i!;".;, mar 0 4'OIKN A1T.HAT. HUHIEKS, «m tumid scl.r Atln*, al our snlo low from the vessel. If T HE sutirrlhcr will receive C gem HURT. IIAHERSIIAM fit SON. Norii’i:. >ltoii and Merchandise _ _ •nerr.ilv, upon storage, al hi* Vote*, v*n th« most favorable terms WJI. WAUINH HAItEUSIIAM. mar I 3um NOTRE. To Ship Ac<'iit*i Son Captains, «!t Denier*. 1 "11 K subscribers are constantly receiving from the parking house of Chandler K Co., largo supplies of Prime. I’rnno Mess, and Me»*H«et, which they warrant equal, In every respect, lo any Ip the city, amt which they will s« II upon llte most reasonable terms M w hole sale. We have now In store 3U bids of Prime Mess, uud 3u bhls. Mess Ihcf. Hive us a cull before laying in yo >r supplies. LYNN ** SNIDER, mar 0 No. ?'J Hay-street. .NEW HOOKS. RECIEVF.D ItV JOHN M. ruo.’Elt JtCO^ wxo.-rxsPAV. mahcii 7rn, 1*33. v NNt’Al. of .scientific Discovery, a Yearllook of ■ x Facts In Science nml Art, for I83.V Cosas Do E*paua, ernoing tu Madeira, via Bar celona. Satire and Satirist ,b> James llnnnay. Questions id Hie .-out; by J.S. Decker. Habrieile.iir Pictures ol the Flench Hevoluilop, The Young chevalier, er thu Dispuied Inheritance, by Alexander Duma*. The My»lerie* and Miseries of S«n Francisco, The My.tcries of the Court of Queen A into; by W, llnrrlFon Ainsworth. The I'tot.eeT’* Hnnghtor ; by Emer : on BcuucU. Frank laidnV Hatetle, lor March. Knickt rbocker. for Mureh. The Mli.d of Jesus; by tho author of “Word* of Jesus." M<*KK or The Itollrr Land: by A. C. Thompson. The Nature of Evils by lltiiry James. Foobdeps of.*t. Fuul; by Ihuuuthur of •* Words of Jesu*." mar 7 aaianto, Aalrn, Xtcnta. «.-t. . WANTEIh A LADY, a communicant or thn Episcopal Church, IV to taka charge of Iho Urphan’* Home, In tills oily, Hhe must bn computenl to lenoh the clumuulnry brunch- es. Application* may he mudn lu Mr*. Mary Jewett and Mr*. It. U. Harlow, Dlreotresse*. 4 mar 14 row RENT. lied War A large Itrlck Hlied Warehouse, situated on fmt Nn. 3, third Tything, Reynohl'* Ward, eotivonleiit Tor muring Colton and I'rwluco, or a* a Carlago (epohltory. Apply tu maf3 SVM. II. RURKOUnilS, W R»y *t. L SHOP corner of Mill and Fnhm streels, lo Rent. Apply |o DAVID It. DILLON, lob'J3 Market Square. TO M ROOMS, opposite Urn P tlaskl llnuie—sttllaldo for unices or aleeylug upnrinnml*. Enquire of ■ liqiltl . lx El IR.I.Y. JNO. W. TO IIF.NT“ ' ua Two of the moil DKHlRAItf.E OFFR7F.H,in ll tho city, lit Iho upper story of the Eastern Tone- 4 -** muni of “Jono's Now Hulfdlng,"un lUy Hu —ALSO— TWO LOFTS Ip (tin lower part of same building, equal to any In tho city for the storage of Cotton or heavy goods. Rent imalurnte. A join dec 3 Mli'liiinnaoi.i., lu the above llulldliig. FOII III-:NT, Until first November, nlhroettnry Brick House, •dilated lu Hinto-siroet, seroud Imminent cast or ■ Dr. Huliloy’a now house, containing eight room* nml husouiriit—with wutor amt gn* nlluchtxl—also, out buildings. Possession given lininedluU'ly. Fur furibur timliculars,apply to fuh 11 If W EM.F.4 tt VKItHTI I.I.E, W FOIl'NAl.H. LA A coiumodlmia Brick Shod Warelioiiso,sltimlud QljlB In Ihe rear of iho Charleston Steamboat Wharf, “^having* lease ol live years, nuilnhln for the slo- rageof I.line, Hay or other mcrcluiidlxn. Tho lluild- ing may lie reiuovetl hy the purchaser, al the expiration er Ihe lens,'. Apply lu N. WINKLER, Jy3—tf Wllllamson'a llulldliig*. TU 111* UN 'AT N V. A PI A NTT NHl.AN IllT, FOR SALE. | Awt A Tract of l.nud, slluitu-d on Hntllla Creek, , IMI Hlynn coiuily, Ha., within a mtlo of Fancy Bluff, : ■ ■*—roi.mining loro acres. On ihn premise* I* u neat i two story dwelling, with out hulldlngs. This properly, , beside* being mu able for planting purpose*, Is well i udnpli-d to the Turpemine and l.umber Imslnes*. Al*o, n tract o| bind containing Him) acre* on Halllla ' Creek. Apply toF. D.Hcahlictt, Fancy lllnff, Ha., or lo TIHON At MACK AY. Jim 19 3iu IIUIUUIN44 LOTS, A I.AKHE number t«f llulldliig Lots,of various sites, Irom I ml by 103 to 93 by |03 feet. They nil front on streets 73 feel wide, with Intie* III tbu rear. For JfttKUVftiO atmfrt(#cmtiitn. rare Hcducrd-l aWn finite ?20. fits .XVie York. IJNITEI) I4TATUN fflAII, LINE. STEAMSHIP KNOXVILLE, To L«avo Saturday, Mureh S4, at — o’clock, P. M. Tbu new ami aptendhl Htcninsblp KNOXVILLE, UapL C. I). Luuluw, Will sal) B* atHivn. _ PADKLFORD, FAY At CO. ....Jpimr* of Cotton by llmso slnaniars, will please take nullrn, Hint no Colton will tm received at Iho presses that la not distinctly marked nn the edge of Hie Bale. mar II) FA HE REDUCED. ~ For Philadelphia. THE BTEAM.SIIIP KEYSTONE STATE To Sail Sunday, March 96'li, nt —• o'clock,P.M. K TUB UNITED HTATEH MAILst, am- Still* KBVHTONK'HTATE, Capt. R. C ti'ILW* IIahhik, wttt leave a*ntmvo. rdKUHHl t'nblu I’ussnge to I’lillnilulpliln. .i‘J0 Hioorogo “ H mar 17 _ u. L. LAMAR, Agent. FOR HAVANA A Nil KEY WENT. ~ STEAMSHIP 1SAHEL, Tlie U. H. Mull steailishtp ISABEL, !William Rollins,Cuminnmb-r, will lenve Mavimiiab for Havana nml Key Weston Hot (lb ami llllb of each iiinnih. \lllll. coutiecls, nt Havana, wldi ibnU. H. Mali Hieutiisblp Company’* Line ol Hiennirm for Nun Francisco via Aspbiwuli, ami will curry the I'aclllc mall*. For l'a»,age, apply lo rob 11) COHENS A* HKUT7., Agent*. roll PAIjATKAs (FI,A ) A N D INTERMEDIATE LAN DIN (JK. To Loavo To-Morrow, Mur. 90, nt 10 o’clock, A.M. . »-. The new and last s'eiiiiier r*KMI- AlUitfySBK NoLi:,t:ap» W. It. I'oaiell, will leave aa almvo, ever ~ * ~ “ ‘ Aalr* at auction. BY BPENUER UUIAIIEI,!,. Block at I'rlvalc Haie. ft share* Augusta As Waynesboro'Railroad Htockt 10 do navannah Has Hiock. mar 17 Horse and Ituggv al I'rlvate Hale. A fine young Horse, warranted sound and rent!*, and a line leather top lluggy, nearly new. mar 17 ^jSiiinmor Residence at I’rlvate Hate. A Lot of five acres, with eumrorlahle dwelling and necessary nuUhulldlng*, Just complete, at No. 3, U.R, R. mar 17 U gars at Prlvale Male. 80,000 Havana cigara, direct Importation. _ mar 17 TllliltHDAY, 88,1 but.,"in front of atnret A grnera! assortment ofllrocerles, Provisions, Flirnl. lure, Housekeeping HimmI*, lie. Ac. mar 17 inive, every Tuustlsy liervaOer. passage, apply lo mar It) For freight or M. I.AFFITEAU, Agent. FOR PAI.ATKAs U. A ., Vl, DARIEN. HKUNkWICK, HT.MARVH.JACK- m IN VILLI', MlllDl.EIIUItHII, BL ACK CREEK it PICOI. ATA ^ The new ami elegant Fleam Packet FT. Ji IUNF, Capt. James Freeborn, will leeve for Ihe above places every Thursday, nt III o’clock- Tib* boat hnvlng large and «lrv stato room acconimo. di lions, ami Inking Ihe Inland route, offerssii|K)rlor lu- tli'ceinenl* to Invalids bihI other*. For Freight or Passage,apply on honrd, al llte Florida Fleam Packet wharf, near llte Hit* Work*, or lo louse lor n term of twenty nr thirty years, nnd sotnoof, mar 13 CLAUIIUR.N & cl'NMNUll AM. Agent*. iht-tit on a perpetual lease, Flinttiml In Holland D tlibig, ~ Petclvnl war,I,south-west of iliu Putk, in a healthy lo cality— llte only point III the City that escaped the epi demic Iasi summer. Application* through llte Post- 11nice will bu attended lo. tiovvM tbmi A. WEIIII. vam’ahui: uIul esta'i i;. ~ H Y arrangement with tlm purchaser o( Fig Island Mill, Hit* a bole ptoperly In which llte su’>*cr!bt-r Is, ami was lately interested, cun be suld lo a slnglo pur chaser. Dr.Fcroveu Is autliorlxoil to sell. janO If W. W. RTAIlKE. U tll'FE Servant* lor hire. Apply lo mar 18 W.M. WRIHIIT, FOII A MULATTO woman, 88 yeata old, nnd her child, a first rale aemuslreas nnd house servant, Apply lo mar 13 WM. WltlHIIT. FOIINAUU. r OT No.8, Oglethorpe Ward, IK) hy 112 leet, bifeo j simple Apply lo mars WM. WRIHIIT. fou < i \ it:ii vn.i. xr.t . VIA DARIEN, FT.SIMONS, llltUNMVICK, FANCY III.UFF, JEI FERSUNTON AND ST. M \UY«. - . The ateaiiier PLANTER, Capt. Corb, •LkBnunSle wl, l leave for tin, above place* every Wednesday Morning ut III o'clock For freight or pas sage, apply on board, nt the Union Perry wharlor lo feh 12 V. Wt H U.l.EY, Agent. FOR ii.iwkinsvii.m: ~ - .»!T— w. AND OTHER I. A Ml I N H F.-TIto r ~ CD fltl.P.H IIAIITIIIDHE, W. Taylor, inuMcr, will meet with dli-putcb ns above. For freight <>rpus<ngc, npidy on board, or lo I fut> W __ HRlnilAM, KELLY U CO. for iiaw kinSV11.1,1 « AND INTERMEDIATE EANlHNHS.— ITlio new and light dralt slentner MARI' IN iwlll run from Hurl, tt to the nbov,-places, In onneciloii with thu sli-niiiers WEI.AKA and SEMI NOLE. Freight taken Ibroiigti at lb,- i-uMoniary rates. If S. >|. I.AFFITEAU, Ag’t. fou kali;. \ in gro woman, VU years old, and her boy clill.l six A year*. She Isa goo»l cook uud washer Apply to ' ft h 19 \VM L Will,Jilt. FOII sVl.E, SEVERAL country raised Negroes, men and Wotnoit O also, a man. 33 year* old,n Clr-t rate bout hit-,1. nml a wotoaii 30 yeurs old, u wasbt-r amt Irouet, ami nurse. Apply to WM. WRIHIIT. .. C’O-PAHTNUIINIIIP. « A. HOOKER having assoclatml with him lilaaon * CHIthTOPIIKIt C. BURNETT', III the inulnrr* at Mount I'JuMsaiil, Hlynn count'.Hcorgls,It will hereafter bo continue,I under the firm of tt IIITINETT. H. A. HOOKER. c. c. ituRNF.rr. Mount Pleasant, Match 13, D .Vi. '\ mar 13 DISSOLUTION. ~ T ill', linn of NEVITT, I.ATIIRUP fc RTEUHINs is dissolved, by mutual con*, in. The business of the firm will bn settled by Nevitt, l*tlirop tt Rogers. JOHN W. NEVITT. J. H. LATH Hup. J. D. HTKIIIIIN8. OKU. H. WAIT. Savannah, Feb. 3th, DC,ft. if febft . I'O-I'AII’I'NUioiliv: s|iHEsuh«crllM-r* bavn furine,! a co parluershlp, under I the firm of NEVITT, I.ATIIHOP It IDlUERH,for Ilia iransaclluu of Iliu DRY Hou|H Imslneis. JOHN W. NEVITT. J. s. I.ATIIRUP. Ji tilN h. IIUHEUH. HE' 1. H. WAIT. Savannah, Feb. fttli, IK35. ir rub 3 ’* Noriui:. Tllk «imlcr*lgne,l may be round *1 the slore of Mr. 1 \\ in. II. Huloii. Agent. J. I). ST KIIIIINH. Hsvannah, l eb.fttb, lH.33. If feb 3 Aaltn at jHuctfiT^ MY WYI.LY Sc IHONTWOIsIsInV A very Intelligent brown man, aged about 90 years- ship-carpenter by (rule. uh A . RHelia at PrTvate Hate. 1,000,000 of Iba very beet qualities of Gray, Hard, llrown and Hort llrteka. P«rsre% wishing Rriek will do well to give u. a call, aa we will M || oo?Ce mmlaliog terms, J*o87 4J. 4.'ASS A HD A MIN* mill ISM UN DlKItllllANTK, II.U1 VUDiKS, *MI IN I'UOVIHIUNH fJKNKUALLY. 407 and 409 W. ltaltmmro-*iroet. Um.tisorx, Md. Ilavo coiislAtitly on bund an assortment of .fine famll Hams. Hlieiilder*, Hides. I.«r>l, In bbl*. and krgs, Itc. for which they solicit orders, at lowest market prices, mar I lino* ’ CITY MARBLE WORKS, STEAM MANTLE FACTORY, Corner 10th and Vino-ata , I'lin.xbEi.niiA. J It, SCHELL, having greatly Improved their • Iselllllus for the tnaiiiifacturo of every variety of VIAKIII.i; WORKS, Embracing the best style of MANTLES, TABLE Tups, PLuuRINH, TuMIlS, AND MONUMENTS Aro prepared to supply orders upon reasonable terms, mar 1.1 3rno YO URXT. AW. A verydwlf.lilo tirlrk r~r(,fmoUl*rimrt ■Eli l*lo' ,,l * r '' Mon'Clfen lmu.«]|,ui;, raw 111 V1 WVI.I.V I. MOMTMlll.I.m, TO » A IIUI'HE on a full lot, altuatad on Weal Broad, near Houlh llroerl streets. Apply u> WYLI.V tt MONTH Of. LIN. e (j'/Wiigroit iKiiT lii Marlnu, He, a Dwellng, with five rooms, a kltrbeii ami servant room, situated on an of ground, with a good well of water, i, a two story dwelling, with tasernent, haring la all leu rooms, wlih fire place*, built lit t«33, and situ*. I,al on one and;* half acres of land. The alrove place* •re well sliualed in Marlella. febII __ c __ WVI.I.V K_MONTMO|.LIN “FOII HALF.. A pair of gontle carrDge Horses. Hold for bo fault. Apply lo feb 10 WVI.I.V It MONTMOLLIN. ’ POM nai7k. S l.\ Al. Ilkelyyellow (.Iris,M-an*lre**oierid h< servant*. At**,, a iu-| coiiutrv blacksmith. fell Vi WVI.I.V ft MONTMOLLIN, IAANAWAV yesterdsy, Irom tin- shop of Miller * 1V I urgtison, llUcksniiili* and Wheelwrights, corne Jfcatcs at Nuctisa. ' 'iSrWmjwi ick a wgilt.r*” I A naeltockgwgy for sale, atm vale * A fine Kockaway, mat'; new, for low .Tbnm, cash. —llP ^HoombmJ Uitai>rl rate Mle. Northern foe went, wi UiNo.ll,—I of OhfSmtM No. I, vest, fronting on Monifnam atreM, j«i nw>* Libert/,» f*H by Tu-fs* sln.i'br. fisi Ute pr«e*le a good two-*tory Hon*#,on • hlfti brtek b all necessary ogHreHdn* t *0. 0* »wo 1 Lots and tmproreoMU, next south. Can be U oa application M abort. mmtl fTly Lola aTPrivate Halo. l/»ts Nos. I, a and 7, fo by l*» feet-bounded Mmtk by fl wlonetuireet, Weet by Ito 1 Petr swt, tfootb by - “■ ■ street, end east by Lot No. It t also, fy* Nn. t. If Nortli by sc, Weet by ItalM., booth by 1 street, aod East by IwH No. 3. Tsana.-OMetiair. eath; talanee, notes at d and If moniiie, with lataceet from dsu. with apumrad —dwad paper. FarcKasee paving In UHe*. Mdf T . . w '-'A at Private N"*- \sil No.SI, We-ley m don-etreeU. y ward,corner of Llacota • TtKMs.-e Iff 12 months, (Of an sr,Droved w.y., with tuUncvt from day ol *aW? savanoah Hotel Stock Wan tod. IA ill purchase Kqi share, of Ihe Bavumah llowf * u * h aha 1 negro Man, 82 years of age, a »*!•• Terms, cash. MYT.J.WAUM, Tllln DA Y, Itnb lost., will bew.ld, %t 11 o’ctock, al the oorner of llryan and JeSeruon ttrtmu: A two-story tod two small wooden Huildlact, on aald j lot. They are u> be moved withia ten day* after thn I sale. Terms, cash. HU |( - l erguson, lllscksnilths and Wheelwright., corner nl llrougbion and Montgomery-streets, * very light od,.red slave, named HHIFI’EN, *0 light as that he would pas* aa a white le.y, alx.ut 17 years old, 3 feot high, having a very visible scar on bis left cheek,light straight hair, little eyes, very artful and specious In hi* address. A suitable reward will be pifd by lodging lilm at our office. WVI.I.V tt MONTMOLLIN. mar 17 At Prl vale Hale. A Northern Hors*, long tall, kind and gee lie la ha/. 1 he. 1 and under the saddle—sold for no fault. Will be •old low. mar 16 Summer Residence at Auction. Tt'ErtDA V, April 3d, will be sold. In front of the Court House, between the usual hour* of sale : That summer residence, known •» Montgomery,ew Ihe Vernon river, being two front lot*,Noa.hand t,«nefc one acre; two middle lota, each two scree, and two back lota, each two acre*, and a strip of wood land, containing acre#, about H lb of a mile from the I k I "rJoSliMpwlcuUnenuiilra.1 lb.comUMrow, «0 ii « W 17 M 37 71 31 33 4. »l 3. tiraJ *l°St “ill ^ ™ "'** “ ''-“’.I - mi, in f U'l.inv/iifiu I ■"“■■) maria K. WITIIINOTON. #12^0(10. 73 Number Loll,-ry—13 Drawn IhUlols- Groono and Pulaski Lottery, l.'lneu 07. for IN53. To be drawn al Savannah. Ha., March 19th, 1833. HltKHuRY It MAl'RV MANAHERS. scut ml: I of 918,000- I or 11.000—I of «2,38H. I'likets f‘J 60—Shares in proportion. Ticket*, either singly •„ bt the Package, for sale by mar I'J B. WITHINLTON. \V S0LTI1 U'KSTKKX ItAIMtO.tU. l.TIAN'.E DF Hi.II EDI.'I.E CuflalB 3ESSESE awegsg: WWt'XKL '91- _JSfLL V YT"jgj Ilf.* T*lfg / \N AND AFTER TUESDAY, February ‘A*th,l'a*aen- X / g«-r Trains will have Macon daily for' olumbu* at 3 o'clock, A. M, and l,.r Amertcu. at 7 A. M., arriving at tadumbus P>ft"'clock, A.M.,and at .Xmerlcu* II# A. ........... . M.'e Aincinusdaily at 7, A-M..aud Columbus at .f exTiVt. lt b'c’iine* nrct-itarv ’*'* **• M -‘^vli.g at Macon fr-.m Americus at 11# A. l,an,l»A.e,,i. la ilVm.f. - M < "•'! from Columbus at 7# I*. M. n Is respectfully called to the ; ''onnecling at Macon each wav with 'Vntral Railroad is rvt|ieciimiy called to tire Trftllti p, -avannab, Augusta. MilMgetilie ami fUu.n. AdminDtrau>r‘s Sale. | On TUEHDAV, April 3. will be sold, at th* legal ' beu r of sale, in front of the«x*m ttonse: lyd Nn. 8 and Improvtmeou, Irelng part of flirdn lot No. 0, west fronting nn Alie street, enetaioleg CO ft. C in front, by I Hi depth I more or leety. The Improva- u.ents cnnsPt of .double one-story botns, ilMlwsI and well finish,y|, or, a iMSemenL sold as tW property of F. A. Hordon, deceased, for the benefit of the beiri. CKO. CORDON, lebja Administrator. Private HnJ*. ————— I wi bushels of Cround Nula For sale la qwaautlee to suit purciiaaer*. uh C Private hale. ——— Fine l.lverpoo! Table halt, in sUme Jars, a superior article, for sale in quantity to suit purchaser*. Private title. Ten Shares Cam Block, 12 Sham AapuuK Wsy nes- I l>or'-'Hsilroad. tab 13 ItAN.AWAY. 1*UII»U AND I’REJI BICE, A NUVEE. by Miss Austell. The Hniiklng House, a tale from Blackwood, by Samuel Phllhpp*. Cosuadv F.s).axtn or gnlng l« Madrid, via Barcelona. Satire nnd Sail,Isis, by Jam,-* llunulng. Putnam's Monthly for Match. Eondon Quarterly Review, for January. Edtn'nirvh Q inrterly Re\l,-w,for January. Blackwood's Magnxine, for February. Mlbman’r Journal, l>>r Ma'Cb. Bayard Inylnr's l.sred* «»f the Saracen. B Id win’s Pari Eeader,. New siqiply o| W>k IF*Courtship. Nolle* flfiy yearain both lleiuiipht-ns, and Fashion un Famine. niarK W. THORNK WILLIAMS. II AKPi.ltVS TI ACiA/IN U Full .11A IK4'II J L>T REHEIVED—Autobiography ol Dr Charles Caldwell. Thomas llood'* Complete I'ooUcal Work*, with Bio- grapblml Sketch, I *,»l. liit-2, a la't- ol (lie Alimn. Brusliwood picked upon Ihe Continent. M Tlie Hlhle I'ray* r Hook, for lamiiy worship and other private and public occasions, by t\ IV Exert*. A I.< tier of Inquiry to Ministers of the Hospel, of all denomination*, on slavery, by a Northern Presbyter. History of Ma on tt Diioii * Elnv, by J II 11 Eaimbo. What Not, by Mr* Maty A Denison. South wide View of Slavery, or Ttueo Mouths at the South. In .e.>l,by Nehemialt Adams, D D. No. It) o| llnriuir's Cazetteer of iln- World, completes the bo .k. niltl _ W. TII'HINE WIEEIAMH._ V KW SPBIN.rn' " ids’.—New" p aid India slid HUce 1.x edit*; new ptluied Hrauaduies New Mourning n*sue*. Itc. D > French l.Tilu't Jackoiie'S Do do ' irgaiidies and Brilliant* Do Trimming Ribbons Do prlului. Parts Bareges Do luncy Hingb .m and L'bnmbrnys Do worku<l .Mualiii i.'* uud .ileevc* ai.s<»: 12 pieces blark Bareges n*«orted qualities 2 do *<iiniiier Bombazine 2 do Mutj* I),-Bye 3 do bl'iek '*-ilk Hrnnndiiie. Ju*l received und lor sale by feb22 NEVITT, EATHROp L. ROCF.RH. 'er steamer Florida: , il slrljred Nik printed and French Juckonet Miisllni i„i strip, ,1 do do do Do printed French Drgnndie* Polka, •()"« siulchin'* stripe Organdies Prln'e-l and pl iln Baregei I’l ,ln black Barege*.all qualities lllnck and white printed Barege* slid Tissues Do do Fou’nid Hllks ll'u' k Elastic Cord, Wbuletiouc Billions Dn-«* rrluiuiing* l.srv while and colore-1 Pearl Butlon* Bonnet llibb-'tis. Taflliu ami Haim lllbhons Huuze Under-Vests, for ladles, gi-iitkinun and children. HOSIERY.— I.adles’ white, hlnrk, mixed and brown (.'niton lloso ; children's wliltu brown ami mixed Cotton II,,«e ; gent's brown hlrachr*1 and Unxetl half llo«e. HI.OVT>. — Eadle*' and gent's superior Kid'.loves; 1 AR0M iny tilaiitnhun. on Hi. Catherine’s I "laud, on Motiduy, vt> February, my mail Anthony, lie Is about 3 l,-el for lu luchn*lu height, of dark brown com plexion, full fact-, stout build. A reward of fifty dollars , Wif „ will bo paid for Ids apprehension nml deliver)' by April ' — —— Di. twenty d liars if delivered by May Is', or tell did* Lr* If apprehended and delivered lo iiic or my overseer on Hi. Catlierlue's, after tbu last iiicitlioiicd date, mar 7 if P. M. Kol.I.OI'K fe J 9 ~IT)iTtllAR LEVniN.-Seml* Week I y 7 p ■ «IT* '* ^ Alter lire UH, ln*t, tin, si,-inner t.AE- nmimrs'*fiofsCiHi H'N, will leave every Wetliiowlay and Satiinfiiy Evening, al 7 o’cl ick. jat* 13 H. M. I.AFFITEAU, Agent SAVANNAH \\D .TlOlWT PI.I'AXAM s \ V A N N A II AND MOUNT Pl.BASANT PACKET—Ti... uiiderrigiiod hnvlng purchased lami» apt. Stevens Hie sloop AMERICA, will hereafter sail her regularly between savnimab and Mount I'len*. ant, iliu 1st and Iftih of every tiioiilli her,-idler, und lake | freight for M. Simons, Brunswick, Fancy Bluff, and Belli, I, nt nag rot aTii (.xts lb <ii tire regular su-ninbont rale*to Brunswick. All Irelglds payable by shippers. For freight apply on hoard lo Capt. Hrlflltb, or I). D. Copp, Agent, HuxauuaU, or the suhicrtlivr, at Mount Pleasant. feb ID lv S. A. HOOKER. J:l' FOB NEW YORK. -Tire brig AUUE'MTA*. Slone. iiia*ti-r, having most of her cargo ,-n|ngi«i IV. N0TirF.-»30 REWARD.' U ANAWKV from lire subscriber, lu Duval county, 1 Ear' ■" “ “*“ -'*'••* *■-*"-* ill meet with dispatch i freight apply tu mb 10 DANA tt WASHBURN. ~Jr'f FOR IIAI.TIMORE Bvnttxa Eisx.-TIre aatfLO"'' sebnoner J. T. FARDV, Loiirlry, uixtier, to riii. i*i;oi*m:. r II EN In the course of lo procure suitable liter man. >nur nIIi-iiBoii iiiparaleRed RICH, VARIED, AND KXTENHIVE STOCK j a o o ii cmTo THM*VOt %ND F I IIXIMII > fl A M T I V I. U S, ' bat I mu now nfferiiiq at prices to suit the lime*, and no ulstnke. WM. O. PRICE. Jan I'J • l'n> street.* C.ISM STOUK. | vo. 178 Broughton street, opposi'e HE Andrew's Hall. ' < OI* VII I NUItSIIII* NOTK F. I 'llF. subscrllter* have mruied n copartnership under the nsiiie nnd »’)le of *N". F. '.CU.M\BTEN t o„ In-arliig date HI, January. Is 3, for tire purpoit of ( mulcting a lleneral Dry 11,aids Buslne**, and have •tirrhuM-d lire entire stock in trade, belonging lo M. I »'renderga*t contalin d in tire store, No. 178 llroufhlon I trod, where Ibex art- now receiving and o|H-nlng a •eneral variety of new ami seasonable gomls to which hey beg leave to call Iho atteniloii of I he citizens of ’ avaimab and surrounding country, and further beg eave l<> *tatv tbul ttx-ir prb es will Ire on such u scale aa .rill make It nn object woriliy of tle-lr alientlon. J. F. fll'll.MARTIN, 1 J. HIEUEOCK. I N. II.—Mr. E. J. Cullmarlln will attend to the pur- Imslng of gtreds In (be northern markets, inarch 7 Imo erect. Is q-itie an intelligent looking boy. Isaac It a I bluck hoy,21 je«r* old, smo-.lh skin, w-elgb* ab-.ut 123 or i3o pounds, 3 feet ft or tt inch,** high, walks, also, quite erect, quick spoken nnd lias quite small eyes. Is 1 an Hiietllcfnt and likely boy. They careicl off several I tint* of clothes with them. I i.urrha*,-d Isaac last De cember, of a man, who styled hliiiocll James Anderson, : f.-ruierly a dry goods merchant ol Savannah, but now live* about Ift or go miles above that place. Dnsc says, that lie w-n* rnl-ed In or i ear Hnvnnnan, and the proba bility Is, they may go to that place. I fear that they have I een aided In getiingotr by some while pen<>n. I will f i ,y the ubove r. ward for Ihe apprehension of said boys, f safely lodged ill any Jail, so I < an «d them, or flny dollars extra, for any proof to convict any white man for harboring said boys or taking them off. My address >IIN " Is While,vlllu, Fla. r F.l 18 W. II. JOHNSON. N ew u'i'iih- Iticli plaol n ii agent or atlorney, lire prescribed notice being do do Silk do, kid flnl*b; ,b "bed In "ire of the gazelles ol the city, shall be sul- •■' I f >r the purposes of ordinance. ’ec *. And be It further ordained by Iho anthorliy r** ild, Tbnt If any irerton or |ter«,ms shall refuse ad- nvnrwto, or opjM.s,, ,-r resist (he Marshal nr Ids fi') oi ihe execution ofhisduiy under this ordinance, ' per-on or M-rtons shall, on uinvicUnii, Ire fined la a a n..t exceeding thirty dollar*. ‘•c. V. And be it luriher ordalnnl hy the anthorliy ' •»' l. Tiial all ordinances, nr part* of onllnanc** ' « mwt with the n*ov1*i„«<« «f Hits oidlusuce, be. and e are hereby repeated lu '.'mined, 1st mno, Mth March, 1833. • l.h » Thread do. ■r sale low by ROPERS. AVANA SKPAlts.—VA.'* 0 i a E-in. r»ndn, put up loiaiul ‘.*<01 In • Ihix; l«»,ttvs» Fl'.'rls d. ft.lKSl Ifegil- I.IW0 El linen i'ISI • ''ubaiio; also, numerous 'direr blinds of Segura, all of my ewn imporlulioii. For snlo by J. A. BIIOWN. mar I L ‘" ANDINP Tills Day, fnun steamer Augusta Ift bids Apple*, I case new Figs III boxes Eater Baltin*, lu do do do 3 bug* Pecan Nuts. I or ssle by mar I J. A. llltoWN.^ ANDIN'l and Bi ti' re: '.*nb •*. * Sreia lljsriill, Alibi* <>, A do Sugar do, ft d" Bu'trr do. Aim, lliitler, Cheese, l.ard, Beef, I'nrk, Sugar* of nil bind*, slm k Pickle*, plrkled and freib l^.btters.Caiimi*. "lives. Fig Blue and Mustard. All for sale by % m*r I __ J. A, IIIIOWN. P .A NUrFD»N «;O«~)D»r~sIrli.e,f and plain * »«iia". burgs, of Ihe most approved make*, d'recl from ti e factory • Mariner's Sirlpr*, Marlboro i'lalds; al*o, bh'srb' d and brown Mheeiing, from 7-S to 12 4 wide.— Ju»i received simI for tale by DbWITT tt MoltUAH. TU | AN D 1 / do d M ulches, Jewtlry, .Vc. FRIHIUE'H store now spreads Its tall. And inrow* ihe Big Clock to ihe gale, Warning people where they will find Welches nnd Jewelry of every kind. The Big Clock han.-s outside the door At number one hundred and for"-four. Where people of the state call find Watches und Clock* to suit their mind. Ills Clocks are ticking all the day, From hi ion 'nil night they lick away ; Pood time Urey are always sure to keep, And sold to customers very cheap. Peidlenu-u don't stare, nor ladles wonder, No harm comes from Iho Big clock, y onder, It only warn* you where you will find Jewelry and D.rer Plate* of . very kind, l adles, walk In, genlh-iiiou pa** not by. For louder tllll l* In uni tho cry That Friable lake* the World quite down The way Ire scatter* Jewelry loiiinl. T. S. FBlsIllE tt co., Ml Broughton-*!. feb 17 tf Trout llou«e for Sale. A HARK CllANCK TOR CAPITALISTS. I Ire I'ropu-tor of lids splendid Hotel hnvlng M fully made up his mind to retire from active bull- lies*, w ill, upon tbu first Monday In Ai lit nex', at public outcry. Ill Hit* city, offer It for sale, unless be re. Wives a sail •factory private bid. Those wishing to pur- ehn*o are reb-rred to lire travelling piibl'r for It* opinion ol the couvenleucy and n|i|Mdiiliiienls of this fine build ing. For lire la*t quarter tlie arrival* have broil over 4,onn, (bowing an income of at least eight tliou*nnd dol lar-per quarter. Tire model ol tbl* House was a la bored improvement upon lire very finest llou*es In tire Unlou, and I am ronfideiil, for roiuqindlousiiess, loca. lion, and general udaptednes*, It la tlie best House In the South. Term* will Ire nude easy, so a* to *utt purchasers.— Address, J. F. I ID X.' 1’, A llaiila, Pe. IIAIKF.GF. AND IIIIDI'IIF. KOIIF.N. H ENItV EATHROp Ji Co., have received persu-am- er Florida: Rich Flounced llarrge Robes Do d» llroche do Do do < irgandlo do. mar 13 VifvT xni in:ii sii.ks .m . H ENRY I.ATIIRop It CO., have received |*er slenim-r Florida: lllcli slripcd Place Silk* Do Robe A. Yolati* llo colored SeWlng Silk* Do do percale*—new styles Plftd Mourning Silks, Mourning Jaconets, lie. mar 13 191. % 4 IK 3I.T Mi l l *. fil.OVI S.Ar. U EMtV I.ATIIItOP Ii CO., bnve received per Into arrivals: l.adle*’ long snd short Ih n Net Milts Mhses' do do do do laidia*' snd Mlsse*' do Plovos Do do lien and colored Silk Ploves. tnnr 13 ' \ I • ‘I'llNINirMaiilillss and Tullius, of Idsrk Nik, ,i| irl nlin'd wlih black Engllsb Crape, tunable lor F"R FREIPII toll I’ll ARTKIt. ron ai «» or Nortiisrm Port.—Tireschr.PEoUPE i, Capt. Farris, will receive frelwltl ttvl* week. Ap ply to RoWl.AND tt Co. iusr 14 FOR NEW YORK-Usioa Eta*. - The regu- aQttfLIar picket tchr S. J.WARINii, Neff, ina«ter, "III have quick dispatch lor the above jmrt. For freight or passage, apply lo F. J. ouDEN. uur 12 FOR niSroN.-Bark HARRIET, Captain Nichols, having mini of her cargo engaged, will with dispatch aa above. For balance of freight are plv lo DANA It WASlIBCltN. uur 7 F' »lf BOSTON.—AtNiut"l"o beieVCoilon wanirti for deck toed of ship Jl'EtA HOWARD. For l Mims apply Us UOIIKJ48 It HERTZ. yil? Foil PROVIDENCE —Tire schooner E. S. ^^QiANI.S, U rstcoti, uusii r, will have quick ills- pawn as alreve. For freight or passage apply mi board at Trlfali's wharf, or to _mnro BRMIIAM, Kl.I.LV h co. F' HI II' HTON—1 Ire suirerlor picket ship N lit? ENDEAND, I'rnlbau tiuitrr, will Intel wlih dr-t. tsiiicrs a* above, *or frrlghlor passage apply on board at Ju'iu*oti's Wharf, or to _inar 3 RRHIIIAM. KELLY tt co. "HI I.IVEItPooE.—The new cla*« ship l \M- £B£|L.Rt-ANF.. XJspt.lUvlme*, ha* two thuds ol her Cargo engaged. For Height of remainder, ai ply lo mar 2 Ot PA I) El. FOR D, F AY tt CO. FoR~ HA I.TIM' HIE—llxot lx R*.—Tho schooner ANN MARI A, Ml-.rhell, master, will lireri with despatch as above, for freight or passage apply on board at Telfatrs' w Imrf, or lo mar2 liRIlillAM. KF.I.LY CO. ■fly FOR-i.l VEItpr,, 7f—The flireA I iuifTTlp. **i[ |- ». M. MILLS, NurgeM, ma*Ur, having lire greater part of her cargo engage-1, will meet with dispatch at above. Fur freight of 3m bale* Cotton, apply to C. A. I,. LAMAR, lull 28 KoTfll'-liSTON .—The brig A BOY Fit AN FEH. ^yCFor freight, apply lo F. J. • -EDEN. Fonsions and Bounty Lands, I ■'Oil Coinudsslomal and Noll Commissioned Offi.-t-rs, Musicians, Privates Regulars, Volunteers, Kang< rs Seamen, Mariners,clerk* snd l.andtmrii of tho Army aud Navy. Also f< r their widows, an«| orpluus. Izlil7 S. HUS SUL Ms, GKNKRAL AUKNT IN SAVANNAH, OA., i 'filcu III Mclniire’s Brick Building, near the Market, llt'Mldt'iics No. 72 Ji'llerxoiuMreel, Colilliiurs lire prosecution of claim* of every de*c.rlpilon before Iho several Exi-ruilve Di-partmeni*. Ill* ex|w nence In tire butluets, and bnniliarlly with nfllrial forms and preceilents, enable him lo transact hu*lne*a with tire '.moral '.overnment with rfllclnicy anti ties- ! patch, lie ha# been furnished with the lateAclolCon- 1 gre*s lu relation lo tire additional Bounty l.and, and I* iiow prepared to execute application*, lie will tend I forms n'nl Instruction* when *iifilcicnt farts are coiumii- : ideat'd to '-liable him to delrriidne w hat law* are appli cable I" Ihe case. All letters address® I lo Idm. postage paid, nuking In- | qulrlet In regard to claims, will Ut promptly allcnded RtrcRRscts: ' Cba*. F. Hamilton, E*q-, Edward O. Wilson, Fuq , ‘ Win. I*. Rowland, Esq., Jm». F.Hymm*. E*q.. Franc's M. Stour, 1 *q., Rev. Win. XI. I'riiiiney, Tbo*. J. \\ alsi., Es«|ro Jno F. riullnuriin, F.-«;^ mar lo 'U Clerk Superior Court. To I’lrtM/fl'*, rtJ'IIK umjerslgned luvefci-Ued and offer for ssle : Or Witt A' .lloriftni. |)ER steamer Auguda: l New • tyle* rich plaid Crenndines Rich primed tireiiadincs nn-l flemanrit l»,< do amt (.lain Bare ge* Do do French Jnronoit nml Organdies Black nn«l colored Barege Robes Rich planl, striped and plain silks Black »llk*. Inall width* French embroidered .Xltidln Band* liltnpure and Lare Collar* lire** Trnnming*. Ilmniei Ribbons, Ice. Just rei eivetl und for sale, insr ft Spring nml Summer 1855. Dr}* flnodt ul M'liolesule. Corner nrmigliton nnd JelTcrs m-sls . Up Stair*. 1 'HE *ub*crU»4r it now rec«utug otre of tt,« largest • lid l*e«l trleclcd slock of K<mh1« ever offered lo lbs , '*de lo ibis aiarkul, to which Ire invite* lire atieiiimn o iivrrbaiiu. WILLI A31 U. FOoTE. tub 8 I Spring Moods! IIENUI 1.111111111' Si VO., ! M AVE received per steamer Knoxville, a beautiful . aonriuirtit of Spring snd Summer Goods, £om- ■rlslnc the following: Rich plaid and striped Summer Silks Plain, Co I'd and wliitufiLcu do Rich plaid Silk t.rt iudlue* D*» do and strliH-d Bareges |)o do do i irgandle Muslins Plain, coi'd and blsrk Bare grs Solid, plaid and striped Jaconets Flg'd and solid colors, lu Brilliants Plaid Minglum*, English Prints, Kc. feb82 Itirh Spring llress Hoodk, with *i AT AA'ADNAVOIITII'N I'ANII IIUIM', follow No. 116 Congress-street. fjKAUTIFUI. Ilrocsile Bsiege Robe*, rich plsld Silk* IJ Fine Organdie Muslin* Printed French Cambrics Fine printed Brilliants French slid American Prints Clullle* and ChalBe Bnrrvc* \\ title Canton Crajre eb»w l* Alexander'* Kit) tr , MllledgeVlIle and and wlih Mac..n and Wtwiem Railroad Train. .. -• Kiln. Allaiits, Dalton, Challnno-iga, Knotvllb-, and ArsIiviIIo. Connecting daily al Cidmnbu*. with • ipeltka Railroad to Monigoiii'-ry, Alabama, and Girard Railroad,to hilver hpilng terminus. i ..nnectlng at Americus with Mail Mage Line to Tal laha*rre, Albany, Tlrerna** tile, Itc. Tickeiscan he procure! st Amerlcu* to Augusta; and at Macon to Wilmington. N. (,'» via Augusta. First Class Su-aiud.lp* leave Savannah for New York Wednesdays and .^aiurdayi, and fur Philadelphia on V\'edne*la»s. Passage. In lire Cabin, 9J0; Sieerage, gh. Fare from .Montgomery to .“avabnah, .. . ,|I2 fto Do. Coiuinbu* t<» do. ... kou Do. Amencu* to 8 ftft GE". W. AliAMS.ixuiw-rintendent. .Macon, Feb. Ifttli, laftft. feb 16 JI V l.N I l.l: FANCY MllltEE. MONSIEUR A. IIONAUD Respectfully inform* bis patrons, and the public incenersl. that Id* annual FANCY DREm* so;REE, ! For bis Pupils, and Gentlemen's Balt, will take place ou I 1 M«anxv Kvtsiau. 19 b Instant, at AaRuav II*ll. ! lnirinif tire evening the follow lug Fancy Dance* will be Introduced by Ids Pupils, vlc: . The t.'schuclia, l"la. A rsgoneaa. Zollrm, Zlngarella, , ; Tarantella, Gavotte, Polka, Highland Fling, .-ailor’s • : Hornpipe. Ac. j Juvenile Soiree, lo begin at •'» I*. M. ' | l.nd'es* and Gentlemen's Ball, al Hi F. M. T irhett 9admitting one gentleman snd two ladies; I ! Pup'I's ticket 9E 7» be bad at Mr. Mitchell's Music I ' Store, st Mr. Cooper’* Bookstore, and fruiu A. Honaud. | N-» Pickeis will »>«• sold at the door. tf mar 14 j T^£LJSr<DXNC3r~, T 1! Ill !• .1 -V H J. .1 S T A r. Silo .V. Mb. NICID HdV respectfully announces I..i thud and last session, will commence at M Andrew's Hall,on Monday, March IVth, lr3ft,f<>r Mis*e*sn<i Mas'ers, and fuewlsy evening, at7# o'clock, for HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. 7# Hr Cinirti »/lX# f'aifra >t«irs,— 1 most numbly and sincere)* iRank you for tbe In- met re pa'C-nage wbxb you hare btetswwd ttpOB my Fill*. (take thl* op|>ortanity of stRtlD« iLtl ay Arc**- W rs were all American 'AtUent, and that Iectertxia fc-r all that concern* America and the Americana, Use m<-«4 lively sympathies), so much so that I originally or-a- pounded thee® Fi"sex; reasly to suit yosrclimate,habits, constitutions, and manner of living, iSUndlng to «ub- li*h mjseif among yr-u. which I have now done, by taking i.rrmitrsio New York. TIIOMAB HOLLOWAY, hi Afeigr* Laa«,.Yrw Toek. PURIFICATION OF THE BLOOD. LIVER AND BILD>L’B COMPLAINTS The Citizens ol the Union suffer much from disorder* uf the Elver and Momach, scxrcety any are free from the Influence <>f these de*trnru*e maladies. Lew* life ' wears last. The fair sex. perhaps the must hsm'wme I In the World, up u> aernatn ;«enM wben. dtnrewun* Vo i say, many lose iheir teeth aid rrw«1 luofca. while )*t (R i the heyday of l.fe, such sad evils mar be effectually , retard.**) by c-nUDually kerping tire blood pure, sad the E;ver and stomach fo a healthy scUon, wbe* tile ! w ll fl-.w tnooiL!*. sim! reremb'e jaarts in a eongmlal i cUmr. w here an eternal inetrt to reign. A* It ] rrgards the i-reservation of the human frame, and the duration of life, much may be effected, and l sey fear lessly, that health ltd life can be prolonged for many yt-are beyond their ordinary limits. If Holloway** Flue men. Pupil* ran r-.mitu-nrr at any time.and tbeir , are taken t«» purify tire bled according totbe rales laid dale from the flrsi it-sson PI AHTO FORTES nirii am now tn better health l ! tel from the rosnufkcturers , cars pa*u and Indeed as well as uleiTCe in, and w? are particu- You sre quite st liberty to make to give a guaranty with every benefit of others. I remain, Su,} New style* Gingham*. Received |>er steamer iiioxville, ami for sale at low price*, for ca*h. feh 82 I PI ANO P''RTF'.8, *r are enabled to offer at j this lime the greatest var'ely Iron, the best tr.anufactur- rers, frv^m the plainest square to tbe most clab.vriC'ly i carve,!, and from six b» seven (K'.ave*. I Our PlRUhS are sele<-tc-t fn whom we have full confidence ' larly r'-'jiievtcl hy them . Instrument sold l.y ut l* regards durability , tone, Ac Persons inwanto' a first rale Instrument may rely safely upon gening such a «ine t-y selecting fro.n the wing makers, whose Instrument* we endeavor lo keep constantly «>n hand, vis: II. Worcester. J. Chick- erlng A Hon. Nunns A Clarke. Baron A Ravens II. | XVaters, end IIjih-i, Brothers A I'nmniinrv. j dec, 3wtols L W. MOIIRF.EE A OO. ! PIANO FORTES, MUSIC, Ac. — " 1 The uud* reigned ts prepared, a* usual to supply *11 drmaml* in hi* line, having Ihe agencies v-f some of the t-est Piano IHI; Til,; \tl.iaic M,VI‘llFSSIO.Y PAPER FOR WRITING uu iioi i pen ou ink. I "IPYINO I.Saves, Plains, Flowers, pictures. Pattern f f >r Embroidery, marking Elnen Indullilily, and r-,id Writing. • article I* article I* ulreolulely the (rest portable Gild In Die known world, for e small quanilty f.*|i|. I : »' l placed In live pocket eotrelUuiet » ttsvaiung ■ »ml, which cannot Ire broken. No rw-n Is needed, —r; .r — • » ii.; stick, sherps-ned U* e i«»lnl write* equally rs ! I l!. 2, ULAHRM. Dre««mg reset, XVork llotes, ’"hi pen In Ihe universe For draw ing, Muwsles, Card Ca*e*. and a varletv of F< ‘ S TRIPED GI.AHHF. ell.KH.— A lew rholrn pnlern* rich siriprd Gla-se Hllks, Just receivr-l al in*r Ift W xlirtWORTII'H, { \ EN I 'M HII.K UMRREi.LAB—lii">i(ir*,lila< k.hlue W nnd green, at W AllBWOltlll'H. mar Ift I All ECU CORN MEAE. -Ml sack* Irreti ground lorn Meal, put lip for family "•n, recrlvrd and for»aleby mar 13 M« MAIIoN A DOVER. I 'ltEHlI AI.F.VftO hhl* Tailor A Hull's Albany Ale, r< rolved snd for twin by mar 12 Mr'MAIION A DOVER. I.OE'H. EXTRA FLOUR.—7ft bhls Hi. Intuit Flour, f 1 : fob the best gold pen In Die untver*e. For drawing, „ Mil.,reusable. Ills,, the whole an of H*»RT "•g*nd Painting—taught In use ! ■••»*. Any ,•1*111. or flower, een be iramferred to ihe pegr* »f ’■■ii.. wIlli a miniiin and distlncl riweinlilancn «*f j ol Pints and quarts, • U i h erpiel fscdliy, {.iriure* sml embroiders ’ft* are taken, and ha re receivnl Ihe highest eulrv- ' feb 88 •• from ihe s.-s ; smI, Indeed,# more lasleful f o.SlioN aN|i DE'BUV i-muTi'Ii aiTii iiinivt-U slid a variety of Fancy ( DEI'"T.— 1 o.N A IUKEMAN'8 In'lep \IUIII A aoNrl^Hl'ARKLlNi)YdTlN'ffUlU.Tl ALE. I I V 1 ivi Pints and quarts, thorilr exp r cted; for sale by ' 1 J CHAP I. EH BF.I.I.I f.t, New York. will ■ « mark Linen or «in*r articles, mi •• to • |.< rfe«:tly Indelllble. All Hie washing In Ihe ‘ : f.-i* to bring 11 onl. Any child can use it wlih , •i »•**-. With this Msgle nairer likewise. »ea «>r W 1 > 'oplee of e*nry teller wrlUen can Ire secured wit |i "d ».i.ini..r.*l Ulwir whatever, making Ii tharl>r«,p Ml oi'.#i ronvroient article eslanl. ll i# ner«l In i i IvenOge \,y m-ip.m. r* of Hi# press, leli-grsphlC ! *ior* anil s h«rei of oibrre. Kech ,re« k*he conlalne ' 'Efferent i ol»re-lllsck, lllne, Green end Bed - j u'l «ud prinled ln*trucilnn*. for *i.l lo u*e, and St Mifficienb) long to obtain fi*e humlrwl distinct Quarts and pint*, mnnanily < CIIAItl.EH BRI.EOWH, 3« New York. r?* 1 S« IlMUmW.'l* bhls. Ht.Croix Huger, an 1 for ,*u a* W T. J A«’i. j 11 lioXI.a Leinnns, Just r'aceTvedby » ” f" 1 ' I. A. BROWN. iPF.-Of large aud small size eolfe, In store ami for MINIH a JOHNrlfiiN. • pul up In beaniifutls en*m*UIcolorrd Fnveb.pee, »- * t'uihful likrtw *• of Die prop.Urn* ,iueb#d. I * ret, am, every ksge warrenuul. !/"• * dozen, or five for 91 Mingle package 83 fAddroe*, pis*I i.eld, «. IIUllIIBLL, 107 Broadway, N. V, nrietuNs nr tn* rests. 'isssth's Msum I Mrs s s*irs* Parse,—We refer "*dr»s hi Hi# erlverilsemenilnsnoiler erdunm, 1 • Dre merits of H.le pleasing ami Ingenious ' m'.. Pi* • ‘*z«**J Indue** sll hi give It r IT lUrlcIphis Merchanl. 1 '• • r>*«rpa«Mn| L,r i.raioees nnd utility, and should • win* i|»» s«|« u rlfblv derervM --Tribune. .V, •''*•' I* * M »* lohg ilwslre.1, andrerom. ,, ' K * , ' I I lu ever, I. divulo.l or taste end lefineineRl. . A ' >,wrier. V^sk. February 9,1103. In..» mar III | (Ul , RhJapj; Wi I do Mpirsj In store d «u# *ala by OCT| AVUff COHEN, It *aln by feh 27 1/I.V'H I'l.lD URHI'/N '• Al'H A HUN WADDING. I J fton.fgai I'.ly'*' 'enlrel Fire, etui patent lliu.d, a»«oried sizes, I'rn-'irsloh <'s|re. water pnmft ftixi.iasi I'.iy'spa- tent edge Our Wads ; IftO.ixsi Litre Cap* ; I'NI.ia/il). |i. CApat 81/MO WI*'* Hull* led H*|r»«n Plsudl apt. Juet revelvnd, direct from lannloii, per shlpa'ftihsul and The Duka, and fur eel* hy Jan 3 a I.OVKI.1. A LATTIMP.R. O ATH — ino l*eg« very Ireevy Herd i tala, laiallng per eels* Ann Marla. For sale ls» Msr 3 BRIGHAM, KEI.I.V k VO. U UM.—ion hid* l.mher Felton Rum, landing |wr K. Doene. For sale by mar 3 RIIIGIIAM, KEI.I.V A CO. 1 kEAClf-MM|tlln'Toft|>—Aweft naReBows, Anvil* * * VlfM- vienlge, and Hand lUmiMft, Just rrewlvd tele by [%*>'• • r.W. UORWEMe* V. AUlinSllUZift.dK fwuUHliirl-.' « 1 —' c ^-' culved via Nashville nnd I < htrnl llnllrosd, aud lor sal* by GUENVILl.E A C<»., 2n7 Uay at. mar 13 ■ car load Cherokee Cora ol. For sale By .BEN VII.I.E A U0..8D? A I Hh. ■ 4l,<artl Easiern l.alhs, lemllng ami for tala CAHI.lrloN A PARiONN, mar 3 No. 82 llay sl, I UfT received ami f,>r *vi» by A. IION AUD, a fine as sortment of Engllsli Cheese, Mustard, Fickle*, and I aure* ‘ e Jan 18 * y-lllFVli:i.l*8 *hlp axe*, adrat, rldselr suit gouges. , P Just re celve-l snd for sale hy 1 Mi 13 F. W. CORNWELL. H A I It'ilk EH. — HslChelor's, lloele't, CrlsUdoro's Gilman'', I'halon'*, and Glaiiii 1 * Hair Dyes. Fo I tele by | fell Ift 41.EH AT IGF. P"UND. "i •III o'.loek. A M., I •lie, having been Impounded In Ontliiauro* n| |hn fit), vl» I "ue red l ow, with while nn ihn back, e swallow fork In Km right ear, Ihe left ear hslf rut off. One while loss, with liruwn ears, marked with a • ••How fork In eerh asf. "n* Urge red Cow, with * darkish head, ears ml off. One dun while spoiled Dow, msrkr.l with S swallow folk In Dm right ear, In IheleilMr, esinmilh crop slid muter rrop. AD", .mu errant sorrel Horse, ht* no marks In Ihe •er* F. M. HloNR,«. H. mar 17 3 H AY, OOllN, f)Atff. BRAN. CORN MEAL,Ac.- 1WI) I teles prime North River Hey M fin ilo Eastern do I Ml b'Mrel* Hough Hire, from Uohb rouuiy Ilf) dw good Utrrtv Meal VIIO tin Feed *m? ne#.| Oats Ini do prim* white Corn IWI do Bran 3 t do Hnprr fine l.lneu Marlmac slripcd Cliariaw 8irii>e«, Eoulslana stripes Manchester vl", Marllmro do Blim Denlins, do Drill*, whirling Hlrtpes.Ac, marl) HI'.NIIV I.ATIIIloP A nn, -- (BipxiINd TIlADlbr .Yoticr toifierrhants. \\7 E now off.-r, at wholesale. In quantities to suit pur, * > chasers, a full and roinp elo atxirimeni of Tin ed. If own insnnfaelur,*". U vain* mo I, l.liVKI.t. A I.A Til Molt |;, 13 Barnard- •ur- S’, t lurxlay lo ti, Ihe 'Jillli will sell the following xinfonnily wlih ihe V a, ««iW| vv msker *n«l Rrendy. In Irhk*. In tier 4 set* by W A V KM A ifilNKTANTINE, r |J June#' lluihllwff,fowl BsirsiiI etrvret. luar III TO Tin: I.ADIUN 1 ) I.E ACHING ami pressing of all kinds, of Hirsw It Work done with rare, skill ami m-alnrt*, st Mr*. GllEFN E'H shop, corner of Jefferson and York-streeis. mar ft 3mo Norivlrh I Irr liiiuraiirr I'oiiijmiiy, Cnnti. INt*«>RI*i'BATED Iml-CAPITAI. hT'iCK, 9EVi,(esi. zIXIII'. above l'oini'<sny lia* been In •tirre*«iiil opera- I lion upward* of fill) year*, ami ha* a high rcouta- lion, wherever known, aa a prompt alii rt<i|miit|h|e „f. fi.e The iiiiifer«lgued I* preparrel lo take E,re Risks for said Iff or,-, n dwelling*, fnrnllutr. sioros.inerrliandlte, warelioii*.'* ami r»tlon, upon the imwi lavorahle leriui. Jult.N INGERHi'LE, Ag't N. F. In*. Co., inar ft So. 2 Jones' Building, Bay *t. 91A1141.% INN - IIA III* % INN ID III; IIA ll! Z|X|||: allriillou of <lie l.affh • of Havanuah Is politely 1 railed to the following arlh'lr*. vt» lll'k and eol'd, fill'd, plain, plaid snd limeade folk* Rich Dcl.alne*, Cashmere*, Mcrlnoe* ami French 1'ilnls Hhawla, 8||k and • Tml» Talma* ami cloaks, wlih a vs- rlrl) of olhef |Bras Gi-mI* Thc*o GimmI* will lie redd very low Imlerel, lo close Ihe present stork. Ki r*eys, I'Ulii*, Flannel*, iXiinfbrl* am| Blankets, of • II kind*, logeiher wlih e«rrr klmlof Domestic Gmvd*. f Y" I'laiiter* and oilier*. In Ihe Dado, will do wed hi I. lloKENBAUGH A I. A Dm in. felt ft If Z|X 4I.I.OVV. -4,1**1 ff.s. recelvrel Thl* Dsy, Bom Ten- I nr*see, siul for sale low to rlo*<> rohslgnnienl. mar 11 EVNNAHNUvRn. I ylllSTED ir^lYRK-A fine se*otlu»eM, IMI color*at I'll* cents. For sale lq mar IU N I.V 11 V. I.ATIIRol' A ItOlIRRH. e«I-K AND GINGHAM l*AIMMIlLLAH. A fine as- H sortiiienl In Bleek,Green, snd Blue mloie. Just re ceived Ih NEVITT, I.ATHtlop A ItOGF.RR. I | ftltAHOI j*,— A hs ml some a*w»nmsnl lu plain ew* ots. ami btecwde Jw*t openml st msr Id NEVITT, I,ATIIRol* A IDMIKNH , t vl.oVRH AND HofilEHYi —9,«») dosin'niiwtrel ^ I EoglKh sml German IIne'ery t ion dozer* Rssnrtfvl Hllk. Elsie, HerllaeiMlUMfoAGlove*. I\»r salebv msr ft WIET4AM G. FxhVTII. M'ttINIj III If IION N | ) I' ll plaid and vtriped Bonnet KIHIIONH IV Do waierd amt plain while do Mourning plaid Ih nnrl do Black, v* Idle ami colored Belt do Do and coi'd Taffi-ta nml s*tln do. Just received ) HENRY I.ATHROI' tt CO. feb88_ I.IN UN GOODS, lit I 11-4,12 4. I.ltv-ii Hheetlng* luT* H.(, tv-4, UM hh-f died ElncoTsblc Damask M,» 4. I'M brow n do do do Damask Napkin*. Doyle*, tte. Itu••'.a snd Hcolch Dlapi-rs lluckshuck and Bird* Eve Diapers. Ju*t received by HENRY EATIIKOF A v'O. feb 82 NI.U' GflOllk, REiT'.IVED I' KNo\VII.EE. U l. 4 V V black iwuiod etlk, rich sore onl mourning tllk*. black an<l lavender black barege*.black bon- el rildmuo, flue French worked collars and shrvrs, • Impure lace veils Dellage, for Iravell'ng dresses, Eng- *li and Anirrlcsii print*, white and black kid glove*.' mg nett milts, while nnl lavsmler color marcliur, , lainca**emir*. for tiiya wear, black snd colored lawus, hecks, drill*, shlilltitf* etc, at VVAD»4VORTH'H«Vi*h House, mar8 lift I'ongres* street. • NIW SI*It I NI) GOODS, I’ F. II 8 T F. A 41 F. It A U G U 8 T A . P EW ITT A Mo||G AN hsvojusi receive*! |*er steam er 4iigu«U, e large and varied »tock of new and rh *ea*ouable dre*s go<M|*, (,< which Ihe attention of he ladies la especially ln% Beil. mat 3 ail'.NItl I.ATIIItOl* A 411, U .4VE ri-cenrel por tlranvrr Auguata, another de- slralde supply of Hprlng and hummer Good*, tu- | •racing Ihe following »tyh •: I’rmlrd i irgamllr* and Jaconet* Plain rol'ili'hamhrv Gingham* I to and figured 4Emrning 4lu*lins lllnck lame*e and' antom h-tli* Muslin de lisle, for IraVel'Iug dresses Emhrolderret .4lu«llu -leeve* and Collars Cambric, Mu»lln ami Dimity Band* Jscoliel ami 8w|s* Edging* ami lusertlugs Thread do do Black and while Crape Collars Bonnet Ribbon*. Drews l rimming*. Ac. HiijM-r Chin'* Jaconet 4|u*iin* Plaid folk*. French I'rlnta l.lneu l.usler de Bale.n-r travelling dresses Mourning Gingham and I.***" Emloolderrel 8le«'ve* and Collar* Thread. Cambric and Mirellu I dlings 44 orkrel band*,' liemiZi'tirs Crape nml Tarleton I ollars Cntlilrrn's llein*lllcli"tl llhkfs, Gallic KIMhiii* India Twill*. I'lllow Uese Elnen Bird* I ye Diaper Damask, lluckaloick ami French Towel* End let' ami Gent's Gauntlet • Gent's w hile. Brow u and slrtprel half lloac Ilo)'sand Girl's do do do For sal" hy NRVITT, I.ATIIRop A RoGERH. mar ft A|*|| INI* AND M T9.TI9Jji~* OLOTIIING. yiEHHi'N, III.IDT k tB, have in *iiae,ami ime cel* log, weekly, per slestnets, a lam** and Well rs- ‘ ' c» Forte makers in the country, s* Stretart. Jscoh Chick i enng. Jno. H. Dunham A Co., Greretelcm k Troslow, j Firlh, Pond k i n, T. GiUi-rt A Co., Ac., • choice of I su|-erior Initrumeuia m*v be bad at hi* rsttbluhnieu Being po*Mw»ed of a Uie * ei|>er,ence in Irttlonal sml business department*»,f Mus.c, he trust* 'tbnt he may Still be-mutlcd |. " * , hat received during the p**t five years. G. B MITX.TIEEE, Agent for F. Zogt>aum kCn, •ler' U 8t. Julian and Ur) tn *l».. hear iln- Market d '*n for hex:lb contained to the dirtgtfoes which sc- company rseh box. A CA8E OF 4VEAKNEHH AND DEBILITY, OF )0 VE4U8HTANDING, « USED BY HoLDoWA\"*8 P1I.LB. C»ff #/ • lifter term CopUm .htn Jriurs, JtlUT Hull .Vr» )r»l, 4f.i4 Jtmttry ftff, JhM. To PRorsssna HciiLow*T, J-Cocoef of Au nsd Nas sau m reels. N. Y. for,—It t* with the mn*t heartfelt pleasure I bare to inform you thal I hs«e been restored to hoshh ul strength b* uklngy-or Pills. For the last tea years, I suffered frem a derangement of the Urrr nod HtonacA, am! wa* reduced to suchaneitremit* that Igxveup my Hh p, never eijwvt'.bc logo to Hex any 1 hod teed every Remedy that w a* recommer-ded lo me, but au to no purpose; and bad given myse.f up w> despair, when I was at last roroinRveodrel to take your PliV— After using them for threw months, the rwsult t* that I better health U.iu l have been for «tev«o ever I wav la my hf*. moke this known for the our* rrspertfnUv, JollN JOHNSON. 1 Tittt ctltletred /M.'# t*t vrtir/i,7f qirzrwki < iXr fo.lesrie/ ccssgsaisrz . ] Ague IVbltlly Headache I Scr.Jul* or King'* D"'prj iHdiges-dos . Em Bilious Cota- Erysipelas Jaundice t-latii:* 8i«wteazid Gravel : Bh-tchcs on the l etraie Irregu- feoowCary Synp- I Him lantfos Fevers of all kinds Goat RcVeoik w of Urine Woiri off all Usds 44'eakness, frem whatever cause. • • fou,! at tbe EsublishmrntofPrvdreeor ttoitwaral* HO Maiden lane.New York.and 2«IHtzakd, Loudosv.taw by all respectable Druggists and T Bowel Com pis mu File* ConsKration ot the IfoweL I .free C ■Rotate AMkM both the pr," | throughout the t'MtM Mates,in Doles, at at 97# eeatA ‘ ■ ■ I \4Twdeaa3e of IW CAKKIAUK REPOSITORY MAXUIPAOTOUT. A general ami c,>mplcU> aasortment. Just t<H~rfreeIVrel. Tbe subscriber|t now pre-psrrel b* ••ff«r to the public a hamis.-flit' erl«#ffon of It'H KAW 4YH. Top and ro top BI'GGIF.8, but t by 4Ydlism Dunltp,of I'hilsdrlphis; together with a larger ai d Iwller s> loci',« of Uchter work than ha* ever Iw-eu offcrevl at thn i»tsb- bshment iH-fore, with pnee* to oomwpnmt wit;, tbe lime*. 1 am determined to keep only such article* In m* 'lue. as I can confident).* nccommeml and warrant. Yhc public are- most rr*|-ocifully requested to call and satisfy themselves by an examination of my sv«<i. All klml* of Repairing done, s* heretofore. L. 8. URNNITTT, mar 19 Corner of \4>*i Hniad and Bay *.* UIVUHY. liXck« AND SAXjID STABIiE. rpni; 8ut>aertlw<r* have purchased Ihe largo Brick I 8table on West Brood street, f.wmcrty known a* Urown A Harris' Matde. and w ill l-e thankful lor a share of public patronage. 44'e Intro.1 to keep e>>-1 v tirtid ' ami ItugiiM-a. gentle Horses, amt careful DfVvers; and if strict alientlon to buslnow will mertl pa Iron age, w# in- tend lo base It. TII'lMAH F. NTKVKMH. JACOII RLI.I8TON. Havanuah.January 1st, iHftl. 3m- Jan I * rovi:*, xr»v i:v ~ X. 4Vc bog leave again to call the attention of the public to our i—1 MTOC'K OF NTOVr.N 4ny wishing lo purrha-ewin con»ult ihcJr own , Iwsl lntrr,'*ls by calllrg ..n u» snd selecting from over I thbty diffrre-ut kinds, tv Ing three lime* a* vartrel ast.vl I a* was ever bre-usht to ihe 8,-uth b* any other i«ubJ*»h* i mcnl. 44rha»e several new patern*, made e\|->e-«ly I for ihe Hoiilhrrn States, and purchasers may tell up,vn liuvtiig of u* at Liwrst Northern Freer* KENNEDY A BEACH. Agents for Maunfhrlurer*. Hi. Amlrew's llall. fob 13 If bavsnnah.Ga- DI N I AI. GI 9 I4 I: Ku naiYi. D, DR. II. 4V II.4NK8. ha* re- flued lb# Dental Ibvm*. recently occupied by l*t lleaht, on Draytonwt., owe door ffowi BrovtgM.i». where hr will be r.-nml al all itmra, prepares! lo allrmt to aa* busirrsa cx-nwccirxl Wlih hi* pmft-salon, I" aororeUmv with the rm-w) m.slrrw and appro vest principle* of 8H've«\n tveniuiry Trelh rvamtorel amt ad. Ire given w.tho-it charge. Hprelmm* of Plate IVork to l-e worn al hi* • fftiw. w beer be will ba*r rontianlli on kisilRetk |N»w Jer. Brwshcw, and preparation* lot tbe re Eel of Tm-thache ........ ... „ and 9 l.-'o rent* each. To hr had — the kind patronage be principal Drug Houses tn the Union, by 1 Merer*. A. B a. D.8AND> New Yort.andby 4V. 44'. t.INkXiLN, savannah, tr There is a considerable saving by Irtliff Urn larger sizes N. ll.—Direction* f«»r the guidance of Mtleau in ergry discreicr are affixed to each Box. J ut.eilft lawfttcww lyr FEVER AND AGUE:, OR j NAT I RUN INFA III III.>: NPRCiriC. I 1 'OR the p-eventicn and cure of IntenoiUcrt and Re 1 I* mitirr.1 l evees. Fever and Agon, title and Dm, > Dumb 4gue, General tvebiluv. Night Sweat*, and all i other 'onus of dlvware whveh have a commoa,'Ttgta tn I Malaria or Miasma. This auM<e aU».w«-heo< f* uo* wh'ch. at certain seasons, is uaavotdably mbafod at even breath, t* tho same in charades, wherever It ex- l lu*. North. (K-uth. Iasi or 4Yru— and will everywhere i y told to thl* new ly discs-verexl w Mch ts claiosl ; io t-r tbe great ret discovery tn medicare ever made lhi* specific 1* so harwdew that u may hr takes tj I person* of every age, rex or cx-oditba. and R will skW • ubsntuie for one disease other* sniff were*, a* t* Gw often ihe result tn tbe treatment by Qaiatne, Mrreury, Arsenic, and other twisonost or dsWlerXow* drags. Wot a pamcV oi any of which is adasitMat iota Uus t>repa ration. lb* pwprtecor d'.utnctly etauw* three cttmcedioxry results irem Vhe wreid this N ATT RAE ANTIDOTE TVI M A I.A HI .4 ll will entire" preloei ae« reatdre.t or travtdwe *tsa in ihe most sickly or swamry kwal'Uee, fossa any Afw, re BffBowt disease whatever, or aay lrjRTy ftSWR ocw- atantly Inhal.t.g M starts ,-c Miasma. U«tU itvstaniD chock the Ague ta persona who have ruff.-red for any length of time, fow* one da} W« twravy years, so that they necc never have tSHkW <MU, by oMdinuing tt* u«e scvxv\t ng lo direrffGwM, Ii will unasotlairly relieve a'd dtrtresslswreewhs*4 Bil’.h'u* or .Ague d-.reasea. swch at cvreral debility, ntgM sweaih Ac. Tbe pattral at ewtre Wwvew laWfosswr I api-etiie ami strength, and cwatlanae nau) a perms wren j ao.l rad cal retr I* rlfoclcxt. Finally, tu vise w ill banish IVvw and Are Ihnm fami lies and aff r)*«so*. IVwares amt all tabretsig mrwv hr adopting b at a prevwwUre, will be fore ftrea Agree* | Btlln-s* attack* '» thal «s*t cd the vre* which. *Mlr i tt I* the moU st'kD. It the w».v*« rafwah# sne te them t 'nr nr two botifot will asuwee M nedfoary oases - IJhorwl dtwN-wwto made U the «elt> )m.i u l •rle,t slock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, voosvnss won* riih »* i ut v ms or Furnishing Hoods. 1 Vhlch they offer on acoommmDllwg Ircma, at wholesale i retail, at No*. 101 Iliyan ami W Hi. Julian streets. 1st. 28 <fUVI'**|>ltlN<flMT*. N K. IIAItNUAI It** i reel tot the spring tlv lee nf t Gwillemen'sfolk Hat*. Atoi.Holt Mats of van.,it yles, at Ihe Hal ami U«p Hityo, mar ft iftJ i oNuKEw* htIIEET. vo|l A- .Ml boxes *uperlot n*rt« Hml*. reeelvol and lor Ml. by wvha M. MAH"N h ls*»V9.». I jI.AnTATI''N MUhKRD* • One rare areirvoffttn*- I lailnw rnnsket*. Just reeelvol and h*r sale al 13 Bab i *nl street. msr lit I.OVKI.E A I.ATTIMllllR. | >LANtAtD»N hib’OHII, ihm rreefvol ami for zetig I by rear la I.OYREI. h I.ATTIMORE, I fill A Bt’allP.IA rbeies 'Awn, In arvltw, by ssEr. Iqzlxllf haiwsrmt, fmwv HalBwmre, a very taper for llirle ROUT. ItARERHIIAM Ik IH«N fok> 11 % lr, IIsiuiIivb's Rsdy Rmris k II DO.M IN A I* Ht f IM*OKTKK. I D|i.S*rAI. VuTIt'li. n il. I’ANtNVHT. IVitl-u, ha* rewGive.1 l«» lbs brick ■IweBlng owner ol Barnard and foaiestnos*. awd I fhtnllig Hi. Janve*' square, over IV. 8chte) N, where he j wilt t-e vdeasot u» watt up.w ht* (tvewd* awd the pwhbc general ly, In Ihe line ,-f hi* profossGwv. |ir. CasravsT ha* als>« rerefwd a fiwe ass>wiwve«i of I thal Invaluable arvlete. Dr, “ OR A I To which be woukltnvlle Ihe alVenthve »*( all vhose who are auffevtng Bom geonal dehlliiv Iw 8ro.'*wiwre4e- II,w, of thl* Iweorwparsfoe arviete, Iw. P wowht reOre lo the hundred* Iw this city who have here kesrJlel bt It* appllralKWG h*wo wev W 0II1WKK I CO, NO. 9 4VIUT AhliRJ-TMKI.T. WAV ANN AH. UA, I \E AI.RKH In Hasbro. Blinds Ihuv^ M.-uMlwr*. I f Ain't Paint*. Oil*, ' arwisbea. TnrvrevilRm »N»U»t frnek and AwveOear. *4 .skis Glass, Palavers, NatwM and AY hue AVasb Bras. *: il«M leal, Brv-wse, ka ALo. to Marble Mk vO.**. wf tbe me*» Hresforw 'Nl V, pom fxtfo 9lhv Also, DmiVekb. foww |l «J»|lk Also, tft pair* Is sul# x sweat*# BBndG awd etbsrs wowbl .fo w sll fo gtvw ws a <wM *****pwrebUfo elsewhere. Jhe • wlmbb.aUpreww"heWRselke. c\'Oip*«.y veeb h it's INVee One IVdVr iredc 7 r*de drew tars forw arvftrv! appDcwUcwG a*U tW ae tl,4e w Iff tw c\-e*. «nre| cm ttheest lereat G- reegaw-whas i-autcsis every srevhm of theo.'watry. J 4 8. A. Kltotvlrw. PNfwm. P*n'v tlmv. Rbeds Isfowd. 4#ssvo -New Y.'tk.v\ V vt-rkrewr 4k IKMO- II King. B-vStre 44'. t»i,wt k km*. , f.w sate by deahrs goerewR). mat IT hlr-ekUHsi v x 11>»*»#** « re »* ,n. 44 cekt A TViwr, rfoXadeYbla. t. *. 44'aakingl.vs. t hee. Area Ik 0s, nml tUINti MIIKHItTIXB EtTttUltIDT. VJ 03 ,,v**viaw*b v» ARfo. dT TS ri'tll.'rChecOhM, gvwiemi fob** patrerea 1 r.s. Ihe.1 cvedseod Ikvvrs, w\-w>4 SOaXet j.«r W de 4* TawveaeVbrkha, de de folk Alpacas. • svasoawab v» W i(hi. greirfol fo bt* ) <,o>i I seed favors, wn'%M smve xbaG kn «rf 4IU.U* fo »be i*sfr\'*sswr«m la Dying acqwiiwl by bsm da<4s.gbwUMvvsii G' I^g4aw4 awd fovkfowA Mwaawde a.rongHwvwi* tw evvewdtng Ms Aeilissa by whWb be kt rew eesbVed ).«Djw a greeter ivwq ef ivkzewww W*A sml 44 more Iwrerefo hbawAs Arc, wbttb he traak* wVM grewewffy pleas# aU »he may IbVWg ta# t|tk Akwit pal reside. r. retireereN GarmreM ixjwd. Oaenf eg IwuaHd. as w*ay be srqotreO. t# the mme swwerbr mb *W)k ha* rrwwrwtt) b* mwrd tdeasM hUparesms wa* 9Ni*iia. IwdW Bres-rs UyeJ. > Are eked hhd INmeml Ml the HMUkdWaibbiqb*. 4hd*ew Pm# ihe r»wn*ry sea# i•• IT) MfotMfd Gv Tvrmo awfokw^m Wham porwaka ore *rei hy tseomKmi #r wdhweA, vmd ahwokl he warn* htmhy leaver tkwwvghtkmKfiklMftM i Mm hwm»»mew w b«* bs raff for these yon ID a ALKXAMMP MAI4oOVAY. ) > rCOj' IVCrtrVUGTgTa-rorotUJW