The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 21, 1855, Image 3

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SAVANNAH RKPUHLH'AN. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 21. 1855. CITY OtlDlKANOlia. AN ORDINANCE, to amend im OrtUiifcitco vnlUtal in Unlliunc* In m>I *patl ami diUlcfclo a itorllnu nr tlm ftpHiiRn«*i<l Pliutiuiinn, purchased by tho (My of 8*. vntnuli, ir >tn iho helri amt tloviaocs «»r Joseph deceased, for a ptiblio Uvmvlot * wnirra! atnm-tjaninntn. Hargains ! hargains! It Nllles, , cry, to (truvuio for Him \VHITAKEIt!sTHRET 'nE \R CONGRESS. •ala ,.( loll H Mill Cemetery, for |mr|m»ea 0 r M))U |. i\v, J8 u-nvo in anmmnco m her nnt run* nfKavhmral.. ,u 7*Jm!Ilk'lli,rn*«r , aal!i < c!^ "ml throughout tint Stntonf lieoryla. Florid* ami ... jLffaVi AUbnmr., that aho »m* mvitnod from the Ntmh. ami la n««ai!Lvxill'h'mri. MS**** now nnuiilnR themoat oxtenahr*, aolecl ami cheapeai (bregal'l Onlloanee, paaacd March llith, 1853. . ,| rt0 |j ,,f Knnuv ami. 4 tap In Dxjr Gouda over before uuer* Section I. lie II ordained by the Mayor anti Alder ed by her In Uilacllv. mm «*r the Ctly or Savannah amt llamlela therenr. In' Ineonmtquenienrher long alay at the North. Ihliiea* Council aaremuletl.ainl 111* hereby nrtlal.ed by the am ann, all her atoolc haa been purchased ai auction try a tho tty or the antin', That l>om ami atter the Ul day or potaon or experience In the Dry (Itmda lino. April next, an much or the 5lh Suction or the above re l»H I'.NN ROODS, cited Onlloanco aa rt'latea to the valuation ot Iota In IVIntwlnml Plain Cnahrnerea ami DolmlnoaiRlabl Poplin, mil Cemetery, l»e, ami the aamo la, hereby, retwalcd; lllnek amlt'olored Unshuicro, Cohurph and Alpaccas, «nd the xaluatlon of Iota In Mid Cemetery ahall, hero Colored Crape ami Alpacc* Rohes, Dross Silks ftOcenn •Her, be twenty dollara tor each lot, or twtlve by twen* per yarxl, Plaid Wool, Britches, loiur ami aqunro Hrawla, ty.flvo file l; and that no (ruction or a lot shtdl bo sold very low; Mourning shawls While nml Red Man- •m'm'o lor lea* than twenty dollar*, nml Hint no per* nolo, Hhutchwl ami Unltleacherl Colton Print*, Cambric •on. In hi* own name, shall * “ - ~ ** — lUau two of the lota ‘ Sec M. And lie It aforesaid, That all lot* ImvliiKlrnclIuna adjoining, are not woUl a* topernte Iota, ahall ho eatlmatcd ami «olil with aa>d lota at the tncroaaeil valiiaibm ab’ive,accord* . tug to the proportional number or aquaro Teel to aald I tho different sylea, unit a» our aloek l» tho moat exiom lota, and In aibllllon tliervto. at vein the city, we Invite examination: aa lu price, sec.3. And lie It further ordained, try tho authority cannot bo beat, aforesaid, That all the traction*, angle*, ami parcel* of TIIIMM I Nfl*. ground, tiorxleilng upon and about the circle beluro IIm* I Mixed Pluali Triintiilnirw, Gnlonna, Uliup*, Jltwunna main entrance, winch bare not been laid off Into l"la Mixed double Fringe Trimming. Fancy and I lain > el* aa yet, be, and the anme itm hereby forever reserved vets Molr Antlqiie. for Cloak* and Tnimaa. and »et apart Tor public purpo»ea, Tor the ailornuieiit of , IIO.NW lUI'S, FILkTIIDItN A I- l*Ow I.IIN* thegromida, mid ahall mn, at anytime, be told fbr j A hill aloek ul the nlnive, extremely low; nine, ahull bni off or purchnae liter® t Hheetlima, Velvet Figured SearlolTable Cover*, llleach* t* In tain Cemetery, ed and Unbleached Tahiti CUdha.lrtab Ulnciia, l.udlea It turther ordained, by the authority ami tlent’a do. Plain mid Huibmldervd lldkl*. Sleevea, Hot* liuvIriKlrnctlonaauJoiuliig, which t Cellar*, Cln mletxte, Mudln and Cambric Rami*. • •operate Iota, ahall ho eatlmatcd and aolil I It I II II ON X, Itli aaul lota at the Incroaaed vulim'ton above, accord* | __ It lajiupnaaltile to descrlhu Die beauty nnu vartotj^of private uae. See* 4. And be It furllur ordained, by the authority aforesaid, Thai the Ordinance paannl Mnreli I tub, ’853, amenilateiy of i,.o nioraald Ordinance, be ontlrvdy re* ponied,ami all other'•rdlnniice*, nr parla of Ordinances, that may conlllci with the provision* ot ttila Ordinance, be. and the aaiue are hereby repented. Pasted tu Council. Nuvatinah, 8ih March, 1855. EDWARD C. ANDERSON, Mayor. Atteatt A. C. DaVKNVoRT, t-.c, 0 tour 15 EXTRACT FROM FIRE ORDINANCE. ••Sec.IF.'. And bo li Ptrtherordained, Thai It ahall not he lawful fer any person or persona, wliRtevur, ex* j ceeltngthe Mayor, Chief, Secmd and Third Firemen, to I rid«* in or through any part ol n aquare, at reel or lane, lu . which the lidinhilaniadinll hen«arinhled for the purpoae of cvVnguitldtig tire, nml excepting the commandant* of i the mllttla, with such « fllcera aa maybe necc*auny In I kiieinlance on turn, audit almll be lawful for him or them to do to, III Mich cn«cs only aa may require that , he ahould communicate with the cider Fireman; and • •hoiild an> jktmii or |*or*.<ua, not of tlie above deacrip* turn, ut liereln excepted, attempt to ride In or ihrough ; aucli parts of aqiinrca, street*, or latiea. In which per* | •on • are assembl' d or the purpose of extinguishing the 1 Are aa .Voreaald, aiteh person or peranua, so offending, 1 • t ail, on conviction thereof, bo tlned In a sum uot ex ceeding thirl) dollara.'* , The above extract piUilisht d bv order of rounrll. I roar 15 4 A. C. DAVENPORT, c. c. , A treah supply of Zuplicr Worabal, every shade and I color,Canvass and Paterna, with a lull HMorUuuut of i other triiiiiulnuM to suit. 1105 ft I.TS I IKON N1/I N!! i R4I iiiirt'tmt clioiiiMir limn oUtiwImrc. 1 llonnets for the Million; w cu*e» of rlelt Silk, Satin and i Struw llonnets, very low; Straw llouncta trimmed, 1 auhuble for cmt iiry Merchants Hindi and Colored Cloth Cloak* and Talma*. Also, made to onler at short notice,Clocks,Tatuias ami Circulars, pinked with new iiaternt; Slippers, Smoking Cap*, l.udlea’ Sacks and Children's Cloak*, atmuped for braiding. Those In waul of anything done lu the above line, will please send II lu early to prevent disappointment. Remember thusjmt, Whliakertiroil, next uoor to Congress Direct, opposite Henry l.allirup I* Co. dec MU lino MOURNING GOODS* , J UST RECEIVED, Super lllk. Eng. Iloinhaalna, do do Canton Clotli«, do do Tameso t-'lotlia, do do Silk Alpacas, Rlack Moualln Del.alnea.Utnghama, Prints, Ac.. Iiy liovlH HENRY I.ATHR'iPfcCO. SPIttMi A AJMjiniM Ell OLOTHINO. I yiEtlsoN, II hi Ul «l co., Imve (nature,amt nrere- cei»lng, weekly, per aluutimii. a large nud well as* i mivTiirH with * wtnt avuuvtirr ov * t'uniisUhiz • *'• P'"' 1 '’ PJ;"** nm ' f Which they offer on acconnnoilattnu terms, at w holeiale ashuieo , Merlnm-sand t-ranch 1 rlnta or retn || v0 | Noa. lot llryaii und tkt St. Julian atraela. fell Mh litiMai.vt-iiAtttaiNM - rpDE attention ol die I .adit* of Snviomah Is politely I enlle<l to the foll owing nrtirb a. vie Itl’k amt e,.|M, tlg'd, plain, pl od and llracade Sitka Rich Hel.alnes, I'ashmere*, Merliuwaand Fraucli Pi Shawls, !*Hk and • loth Talmas and Cloaks, with a va> rtety«g other l>re*s(h>«»da. Thera tf.^nl* will be stdd very low indeed, to oloao the present stock. *L*»: Kerrays, Plains, Flannels, C.tmfort« and Blanket*, of all, together with every kind of Domestic Uoiwla. tlT Planters and otheia. lu the trade, will do wed tu call. Ri'KENHAt’Ult U I.ADSttN. feb 5 tf rted aleck of ..... ! SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, CHEAP CASH STOKE. No. I7S Broughton street. opiHuPe St. Andrew'a Hall. «it rMatMiii* Nonui:. rpilE sohtcilber* have termed a copirtnerahlp under 1 the naioemid « )le of .Ml, F. t.UU.AI \KTIN f*. | ('<•„ tieirliig date 4th January IS 5, for the purport, of SPUM.YG aiul SVAIAIEK CLOTHING! u m. <>. i*iiirr. i«7 iinv»ir«oi. If NOW RKCKIVtaO nv KaCII si K4MKH rHOM NEW YORK, New and Beautiful Style* of Spring^Niimincr Clothing, AND FURNISHING GOODS, To which he Invites tho nttculhnel Ids friend* und rus* mar 120 in -acting a Ueneral Dry Hood* Itusloc**. and have i»ircti»*ed the endre spick til irmle, h<'huig>ug to M. P'endrTgast coiitaliii d in the store. No. 17A Itro.union ai reel, where they a*« now receiving nml op-'ning a general variety of new und raa-onuti u good* to which tin ) beg leave to c dl 'he utientnoi of 'he cltlteiis of iiniah an I surroiimliiig Countr>, and furiher beg |.»ve in *i.aie Hint their prices w ill lie onsiirh a scale as wi.t m iku it au object wonby of their attention. J. F. ‘iUII.MARTIN, 4. SHERI.' iCK. N. R —Mr. I.. J. Rnllmarlln will aitend to the pur* chiiiinc ol good* In the northern markets. nmreh7 Imo lie If/M 4*. Morgan. F '.R steamer \ugu*ta: Sew -lytearicb plaid fSrenadlnea Rich primed tlrenadincaand Heinanria Do do and pi tin Bareges Ho do French Jaconet* and Organdlaa Black am! c lured Barege Rolie* It ch pla d, striped and plain ^Hkt Clack Silk*. Ill nil wldiht F eneh embroidered Muslin Bands Citnpure ami l.nce Collar* Dress Trimming*. Bonnet Ribbon*, kc. Ju*t received and loraale. mar 5 Spring and Summer 1855. Wry Goods ut WholrNnlw. Corner Broughton und Jefferson-ala , Up Stairs. '| IIK subscriber It How receiving one of the lurgesl ‘ be*t selected nock of good* ever offered to the trade In this market, to which lie Invite* tho utleuthm o m.rch-nt*. WILLIAM G. FUOTE. mh *4 Spring Gootls! II R N It Y I. A T II It 4) P Ai CO., H AVE recelvial [»er a:e«mer Knoxville, a beautiful assortment of Spring und Summer Hood*, com. prising the following: Rich plaid and striped Summer Silk* Plain, co I’d and wldiu Glace do Rich plant Silk Gri na.tines D • do aii i *irtped Barege* lie do do < irgandie Mualtna Plain, col’dand black llnn gea Solid, pla it and striped Jaconet* Pig’d and color*, in Bridlunt* Plaid i.mgliuiiis. Lfuli»h Pants, kc. febgil JRir/i Spring Orrss Goods, AT AVADx\VDItTII>.S 1 AMI IIUPkEi No. 115 Congr' M-etrect. B CAUTim. Brocade Baieg* Rubes, rich plaid Silk* Tme ' tignndie Xlnallu* Prlu.eil French t-’amhrlca Fine printed BrdliatiU f reucU and American Print* < b illie* aud Challie Barege* W tide Canton Crape shawl* Alexander's Kid Gloves New st>lu* Gingham*. Received per (learner Knoxv.lie, and lor sale at low prices, for cull. PAIIIN NIII.I.IA'RIIY* MIS* l». A. GARDNER will open tier new *tock of Paris AHillnery. Oil Wednesday. March 91st. The Ladle* are invited to call u-d examine her New OOi Ills. mb 17 epniisrc^ TnADii], " •Yoiice foolltrrhanfs. \\ r E w>« offer, ni wholesale,tn qnnnlUtes t«* suit pot* " chasers, a full u .d eompeto n*s wtnieiU of tin Ware, oi our own maniifaetur.*. Qouhlv noiio i.e tur* pa**«.l. LOVELL k I.AtTIMiHtE, mar 10 13 llurnard-t. FULTON "h«USK7 ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ■tv a. ■:. Atlanta, March 14,1855. If inar III SHoiita, Antra, iirimi. Vc •n*a«i.mj % ti."a. --*t*gra-T««:-.t-»-..,y*Trv -miimnsa ,, I'AU WA5TED, I N n Root and shim stnru—one whoso parent* ra*ldo lu the city. Apply to O, JOHNSON U CO. mar III II JlmrtVnii niinrii.vf, Tlireo store*, sultahlulor storatuof Uotlnn or Merclianillka. Apply tu , Mtarltf If __ HOWLAND k CO mTS'r. A liirao Brick Shed Waraiiouae, altualed on lad No. 3, third Tytlilnv, Reynold'* Ward, convenient for Storing Cotton amt Prodtn-u, or a* a Cartage Apply to »VM. ||. HUHItUUGIlR.U? Ilay-at. M SIIOP cornur of Mill and Falun streets, to Rent. Apply to DAVID It. DILLON. lelitfl Market Square. to iiivr. a ROOMS, nppoRltn the Ptilaakl Hnuse>*sultaliln ■ ferottloe* or sleeping apartments, Enquire of ■»_lunU if JNO. W. KEt.I.V, . “ I D II ENT. M Two of the moat DESIRABLE OFFICES, In Hie city, in the nii|H*r story of the Eastern Tune* niont of "Jonu'i New Ittlllillng," on Hay St. -*Wll- TWO LOFTS lu tlm lower part or same Imlldlng, equal to nny In Iho city for the Murage tif Cottou or beuvy goods. Rent uiodurulo. Apply to JOHN INGERHOLL, dec .1 In the ubove Building. rou hi:.NTs •fJbSk Until llrsl November, a threeatory llrlrk Heura. la i altimti il In statu^lreet, seceml tunumvid east of ■BUll.Dr. Schley'* new house, containing eight rooms and basement—with water nnd gas id inched—also, out buildings. Porsi'sstou glvcu Immudlntuly, For further puiliciilnra.aiiply to Mi ll |f_ WELl.Kt k, VEItsTII.I.E, HUIkAl.l). M A cornmndloua Brick Sheil WurahonsC,situated In the rear of the Charleston Steamboat Whnrl, having a tease ot live years, suitable for the sto rage nr Lime, liny nr other inercliiuioDe. Tito Itultd- tug may lie removed by the purchaser, at ttinexptralloii of tho lease. Aislil) to /. N. WINKLER, lv 71—II WltPnmsnn'a IliiildliiUH. AMpgiiia StDumfarmrnto. Fare Itcduceit—CaMn I'nssaRe $20, Eor 4Vir York. IJIMTIill HTATIiTI ItlAII, I.INK. STEAMSHIP KNOXVIU.K. To Lonvo Balurtlny,March 81th, at Xu'ulock, M. The new aud aplundhl HteaiuRdp KNOXVILLE, Capt. C. |». Loiilow, will sail a* above. i PADKLFOIU), FAY k CO. JIA willaucceml Urn KNOXVILLE,uml leave oil Weduesilay, VWb Inst. N. IL—Shippers nf Cotton by these steamers, will plea*u lake uollru, that Ito Cotton will lie received at the* that la not distinctly marked on the edge of the Bale. mar IU FA HR WBPDCim. Eor Philadelphia. THE HTEAM.8HIP KEYSTONE STATE To Bail Wedncaduy. March 88,nt —-o'uluck,— M, ^ THE UNITED STATES MAILaleani* ship KKV8TONIJ STATE, c*p,. u. II sit tux, will leuvo a* shove. Cabin l'ttswgeVn l'UIUdi)|plila..|'i2U Hteerugo •* *• ‘‘ h •«. A. I«. LAM All, Agent. IUU IIAVA5A AMI REV WliltT. 8TGAMSII1I* 1SABKL, Tnu V. M. Mall ntenm.ldp ISABKI., AVtlttnm UnUln*,4N»n»n»ni«ter, will leave Snvnimuh for Havana and Key Weston ili<> glh ami HUli of each uiunil,. _ ne InAIlKL conuucts, at Havana, wldi the IL H. Mall Stunmshlp Cumpany'a Line ut Bienmera fur Sun Fruiiclaco via Aspluwull, and will carry the Pacific mail*. For Passage, apply to leh Hi COHENS k HF.Rr/, Agents. FOR P tl.ATKA, (M.A.) AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. To Lonvo Saturday, March 81,ut lOn'clock, A. M. _ . c fT~**a. Tbo ■U'Min*packel WELAKA, Capt. l i outlloiiNe lor Sale. | WS'KrrtSrM KAll 10 C1IANCK FOR CAPITALISTS. ‘ applyt«» s. M. LAFFITKAU, Agent. The I'roplelor nf lids splundld Hotel liuvtug i mar <1 " ‘ “* ‘ I R4MI l‘AI.ATK Ai E. | ., | VIa DARIEN. BRUNSWICK, ST. MahVS.JACK* S LNVILLE, .MIDDI.EIIURGII, BLACK CREEK k J PICULATA- I r» - »fT ^ Iho new and elegnn'. Steam Packet i JEttMittSSK sr. JOHNS, Capt. James Freeborn, will | leevo for tbo above places every Thursday, at tu o'clock ' "" * ‘ ‘ la- ‘ ‘ M fully rniiilo up Ills liilnd to retire from active bust tics., Will, upon tho first Monday In Ai ill Ilex', at politic outcry, lit Hits city, offer It for sale, unless Im re. celvca a autlafuetory private bid. Those wishing to pur- cheio are refer ted to the travelling publ'e for It* opinion or the convenl'iicy aud nppuliitiueni* ot this flue build* lug. For the Iasi quarter the arrivals have buenover 4,ot)0, showing an incomo of ai least eight thousand dot* h»r* per quarter. Tho nimlel of llili Ib.itse wam In* I t j,nous, Hlid taklng ilie roule. ufferssupcriur iu* bored Impmvement upon the very llne*l llouras In the | c# .| n «<nts to Invalid* and oilier*. Union, and I »iu confide ul, for eoinmudlon.iiess. luen. Fur Ficlghl ur Passage, apply on InmnL at the Florida Hun. and gcuurul udaptodness, It la the best House In lli( , Hteam Packet wlmrf, near the c.i* Works, or to South. 4 * Terms will bo made easy, Till* boat having large and alrv statu room uccoiuiiio. Addrvsr n* to suit purclmsor*.- . F* TttUUT, Atlanta, tia TI HPE5TLM'. A PI.A5TI3G LA.MiX, FOR SALK. A Tract of t.und, situated on Hntllla Creek, Ml Glynn county, Ua., within a mile of Fancy llluff, ■ ifciiir • * 1 *““• * ‘ • mar 15 CLAGIDULN k ci.’NMNGIIAM, Agents. I fni f i;> l i lt VI1.1.~ ItltrNSWlCK. FANCY ■cuiilatulng I UNI acre*. two story dwelling, with out buildings. This property, besides tiolug suuubte lor pl.'if.tlng purpo«e«, t* Welt adapted to the Tiirpentiiiu nml l.uniher liusluct*. Also, a tract ol hunt containing Sail,ores on Sntllla I’reek. ApplytoF. D. HcahuiTT, Fancy Bluff. Gn., or to TURIN 4t MACK AY. Jnul3 3m " LOTH,' VIA DARIEN, SV.^IMON! BLUFF, JEFFERSON ION AND ST. M MtVK. _ x|T7**®N The ateaitter PLANTER, Capt. Corh, LmiC‘FWia Will leave Tor the above places every . Wednesday Mortilng ut III o’clock For frelgtd fir pne On the promise* Is n neat j sage.apply on beard, at the Union Ferry whnrl fell I J V. Wooi.LEV. Agent. Aalto at Sluttfon. MY kPENEKU RI/IHIRI.R. * Underwrllera’ Hale. TO MORROW, Wd Inal.. In tram .if »l«ra j A lot nf brown Sheetings and striped Shirting*, mar ‘Jl T Stock at Private Hale. 3*liare* Augusta k Waynesboro’ Railroad Block t 10 du Havatinah Gaa Slock. mar 17 llorse ami Ituggv ut I'rlvateHaie. A flue young Horse, warranted sound and VMdle,and a floe leather lop Buggy, nearly new. mar 17 Aults ai auction. H¥ .7118111* Ac JOlINftTUIII, Will he sold, In Iron*. »rf ai»ie, TO.MORJlOW,Kd Inet., et II o’clock t III half pipe* *• Oterd, Depuy k Co's" Cognac: Bran* fly | 3do do •* Panel CaMIIInn aICo.”dot 5do do •* J. J. Dujiifi " dot 3 do do •» Untied Projwtetnra»»do. Sum* under cash ; nwr f 100, Ul day* | *500,4 months, far approved endorsed note*, v' maril IIY WVU.Y A .tl4iMT.Y|0|,|.|!Vf. i At Prlrals tvaleT * “ AIHinnnier Residence at Private Sale. J , A very Ifitalllgenl brown man, aged about 30 yeara— A Lot o( live acres, with cmulortabte dwelling and 1 ship carpenter by trade. rah A mcesatiry oul*bulldlngt, Just complete, at No. 3, R. I Hrlcks at Private Hale. ” ,n,r *' .. I.ObOJXai r,| the very best qualities of Gray, Hard. Brown and Soft Bricks. Person* wishing IDlea will do well in give us a call, a* we will sell on the roost awm* miMlating terms. Jan 97 C'gars at Private SaleT •JO,(MX) Havana cigara, direct ltn|Miriatlnn. mar 17 THURSDAY, ‘.’.'d lost., In front of store: A general assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Furni ture, Housekeeping ttviodt, fcc.kc. mar 17 S A. HOOKER having associated wilb him Ills son • UHRI'TOPIIF.K C. BUKNF.rr, In the business at Mount pleasnnt, Glytio couoU.Georgia, it will tiereafier hvcumlnuud under lira firm k BURN LIT. S. A. IIOfiKCll, c. c. itURNP.rr. Mount Plnaiant, March 15, 1855. ft _ mar 15 IIINNOI.IITIDN. r pll E firm of NEVI7T, LATIIROP k STEIIBIN8 Is I dissolved, by mutual consent. The business of tho flrrn will be *etiM by Nurlll, Latbroti k Rogers. JOHN W. NP.VITT. J. H. LATIIROP. . ‘ *' S. ' feb 5 feb (I . twhkjvt. A very dealrabtu brick residence, fronting t>oirt House oquare. Potsosslun given Itnine'Hatnlt. Apply to l« WYI.LV k MONTMOLLIN. TO HUNT. A HOUSE on a full lot, *ituatMl on West Broad, near Mouth Broad streets. Apply p. WYI.LV k MONTMOLLIN. Savannah, Feb. 5th, IH55. . 4:41-1^IITNEHNIII 1»." r fMlr.sub«:rlhe>* have funned i> co partnershli 1 thu firm nr NEVHT, LATIIROP k ROG the traii*ncUnii of the DRY GOOD 4 huslntf*. JOHN W. NF.VITT. J. m. LATlIltop. JOHN S. ROGERS. GEO. M. WAIT. Havannnli, Feb. 5tb^H.Vt. if feb 5 noiirr: umlerstgnuft maybe founil at tho store of Mr. 1 Wm. II. Guinn. J. II. STEUBINS. Havnuiisli, Feb. 5th, 1855. tf feb 5 NI .yi.TIRII IIESIPIX i; rou NAl.i;. In M.irlHla, Ga, a Dwi llng. with fire rooms, a Kii* klt ' !> 'eii and servant room, situated on an acre of JuUkiground, with a goml well of water. Also, u two story dwelling, with b rami nt, having In all ten rooms, with fire places, built In IH5.1« and • tua* ted on one and/ half acres of hod. The above place* are well situated In Alariota. ft»B0 c WYI.LV k MONTMOLLIN I lilt SA I.I.. A pair of gentle carrligo Horans. Mold for no fault, -dp, under I * »- Apply to HOGERh, fur I _tob Ifl WVI.LV k MONTMOLLIN. ......... rOK NAI.R. S AI. likely y ellow Girl*. Manstre**e* and bouse servants. Also, a negro , r ‘ JLm* at auction. Till. DAT, « II *r«lo«fc,Infra.!of M/w.: T.. u.u.l nf fiRnadu, mndOM. LL qnf«>. Une.RinnAfil.u to.<b>nd.T Mo >M Mnotwl lf.,.1 Knrnltnr., Ln.tjin,, hmj ArOcfM. on Term* cash on daflvery. ’ N. f>.—All article* purchased at aactio* and not mi- tied before the next regular sale, will bt sold ot it. count and risk of the fovsewr purchaser. a»ar tl out Lot st Auction. TUKBDAY. 3d April, In front of Urn Uo«rt Ifotrae. I^rt No. SI, (Vc«ley ward,corner of Lincoln and Gnr* dotontrneu. Taunt.-ti nr Iff nwrath*, for an approved endorsed twite, with Interest frond ay of sale. nu/ffl EnderVrl tn ni’Wln. FRIDAY,%3d II o'cl/<k.oo I/one k Connerv'* wbsrf, for account of nil eos>cnrM4: ly.tJ‘a,ls, Running •nd.Miandloff Rljwto*. Iron Wort, ke.7* , m.,cs»h. nas/»l ,,. „ Damaged Glue at Auefloft. Til It* DA V, at 11 o’clock, to front of Mora, lor account of all concerned • I bbl Glue, damaged oo voyage of ImpnrtaUon.*- I trios, rath. nurtl Exncuiril 1 * Uaie." TLI.MDAY, IM May, at II o'clock, In front of Cntvt House: I-ot No Iff aid twj>fovmen»s-»» kj I tf) tret, front* logon Taylor street, fbe 'mproveraenta are thren two , *?"f / “rirk Hoot re, on hlgb basement, all m nond eo*. dliioii, and under go<*d rent. Terms, cash. g| Mutual f^.an Hock, at Auction. On ;beflm TUESDAY lu April rwst. at II o'clock,in front «if Court Doom ; 5shsrraChatham Mutual f»an AswicattonHu^k. 4tth Invtalinent pata. Term*, cub. mar *4* Railroad Private Bate. “* Kb (harm t.etilral Itaiirowl Mock. mar Vi A Fine Rockavray tor ••!•, atPrivai* " A Ann R«kaway, nearly ore, for tkie low Terms, cash. tnu 14 servants. Atm, i country blackiiiillh. let* US negro Man, gj year, of age, a WYI.LV k MONTMOLLIN. R AN A W A \ yesterday, from the shop of Miller k !i? \7ui Ferguson, Blsckvmltha and Wheelwrlghla. corner SilaSlmwov* O. Ilrotlgbton aim! Mnnlgomeryetreet*. a very llgbt j LnaomleaUo^ i colore*! slave, named GRIFFEN, an light aa that he _app»e*Uon aa would pn.s as a while imy, about 17 yeara old, 5 feet Hou*e ami l»t at Private »raJe. Northern tent-ment, on ls>l No. il, out of Gardnal/M “o. I, west, fronting on Montgomery M/rat, lutt wrath l.lbertv, 3f feet by 7'*— fee ilmpD. On the prentaee la a good two-story Hodra.on a high brick basement, with -aery out-budding*; also, (be two adjoining Improvements, wit wrath. Can be trneied k*r above. our I) l‘By trot* at Private Bkfo. FOIK HAW KIASYII.I.I . AND INTLRMCDlAl E LANDINGS — Tin-now uml light dralt atvamer MARION (Will run from Dnrlon t« Ilie ahuvu plaros, ■■■ vunnutfiiini witli Hie steamers VYEl.AKA and >LMI* NOI.E. Freight taken ihrouji. at the i nsti.inary rate*. fod'J tl S. 51. L UTITEAU, Ag’t. rou du a it i.»;vr»5, - - cm i- ur,. I, r*-. ■ t* Steamer GAL* Wednesday and *■ nil viifVUifS.s a vr.'x •-'cmi-w *■ - xfp***a. Alter the 14th ln*t, the stem mattaCHoGN win leave every We.Hi Muturday fcvcmng, at < oV| >ck. Jan 15 S. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. < ii \i i i:k sc t:o. No. 8 WII IT A K EILSTREET, SAVANNAH, GA., D EALERS in sashes, Blind*, Dinus, Mnuldlnsa,ke. Alw>: Paints, oils, Ynrnlthe*, Turpentine. Putty; French and American Window Glass; Painter*, Masons ami V\ hlte Wash Hru«he*; Gold Leal, Hr><ute, kc. Al«n. ‘45 Marble Ma-’tle*. nf the most mislern style, from $'.15 to 815". Also, I.VlGInck*. fnnn 81 25 l<> fflV Also, 45 pair* Inside Venetian Blind*. Builders und other* would do well tn give us t call nefnrepurehasiug elrawhere. The •• nimble sixpence ” is «ur motto, J in 9 ly To Planters. T MIE undervigntal have received and offer for sale: Schley's *t'i|>ed Omaburgi Du white do 5-A do do eu|>er line Linen do Murlmac striped do Chari aw Mrloea, Iraulslana Stripe* Manchester do, Marlltoro do Bine llentms, do Drills, Shirting Stripes, kc. mar U HENRY LATIIROP k GO. SPHI5L IKIIHIflNN. 1 > I' ll plaid and striped Bonnet RIBBONS Ik Do watered nml plain white d« Mioirinng plaid It. linet do Black, wldie andco'ored ReU do Du and cul’d Tuff< ta and 4 ntln do. Just received by HENRY LATH UUP k CO. feb 24;n gouds. Til < H-4. 144 l.lneii Hhertlng* IU*T^ e*4 l* 4. |tt-4 bif* ,clif<J Linen Table Damask M.4, JM. |n*4 brown do do do Dtin-t.k Napkin*, D •yles, kc. Itu*.| i and Seo'ch D'ap. r* lluckabuck and •• IDe Diaper*. J i.l teeelved by HENRY LATIIROP k GO. lab M 3D^.3NT OIN Gr, Tit l U II .1 .V f) J. .1 S T s i: s s t O X. .Mb. SICIlol.8rr*pectlnlly Announces histhlid nml last ti'salitii, will commence at St Andrew'* Hall, on Monday, March IVlIi, ts5'»,fiir Ml**esbiid Via* era. and I ueslay evening, nl7j< nVInck, for •■einiemun. Pupils can commence at any time, und their SeMitnt dale from the first lesson. mar li 4’OIIN *1 nAA BUSHELS, on board »chr Alins, at our JsaWU' / Wharf—fur sale hov from the Vessel. uttr 0 lf_ ROUT. HABERSHAM fc mi>N. MITKI,. I 'llR ttibacrlbcr wl.l tecelvo Cotton and Merchandise generally. Upon w torage. at his s'nreS, <>n the most favorable terms V. M. WARING HABERSHAM. mar I 3ino NOTH'!-:. To Ship ARents, ijea’Captnina, &. Don lorn. 'I'HE »iib*cni>er* are consiantly receiving from the I packing liottse ol Chandler k Co., large supplies of Prime. Prmto.Me**, and .Vie** Uiol. which they warrant equal, in every respect, to any tu the city, and wtucli they will sell upon the mint reasonable term* at whole sale. W e have uow lu *ture 5U bbl* of Prime Mess, aud 51'bhla. .Vie** Bi ff. Give u« a call before laying tn yoov vtptdle*. LYNN k SNIDER, mar Q No. 74 Bat -street. TO I'll 11 LtBIEM. B LEACHING and pressing of all kinds, of Straw Work done with care, skill and neatness, at Mrs. GREENE'S shop,corner id Jeirersoiiund Yurk*stre«l», 3tno .-ilk' Ne D Ill'll. IH.M. A LARGE number of Building Lola,of various tin . Irom lot* by lt'5tn 95 by H>5 fcoi. They all front on street* 75 fe«*t wide, with lanes In Hie rear. For lease for a term of twenty nr thirty years, an*! some of them on a perpetual lease. Situated Hi llullaiid tv thing, Peiclvul w ird, soiillnwett of the Paik,lna healthy lo- catlW—the only point Hi the city that escaped the cpi* SAVANNA II A .N1) .TIOCNT 1*1.1-: ANA NT. deinlc Inst summer. Application* tlirougtl the Post* /-'gt SAVANNAH AND MuL'NT PI»BASANT ofllce w HI be aUeudctllo, ^tftjl’ VGKET.—The Mndvr.tgiunl having purchased hov*-- ttuio A. W I.J'1L_ Iioiii t apt. Novell* tile Sloop AMGUJCA. will horeuficr VAl.l AIEI.i: ItifAI. ENTATI... ' Will her regular!* between Kavuniiuh ami Mirant Plea*. B Y arrangement with the purchaser oi Fig Island i aid, ilie 1st and l5tb of every niunili hereafter, und lake Mill,Hie whole piuperty in which (he an iscrlber Is, > Bcight fur mi. Simon*, Brunswick, Fancy Bluff, and a<d was lately interested, can be sold to a single pur* j Retlul. at ouu roi'klil J.xss Hull the regular steamboat j chaser. rates to Brunswick. A I Heights payable by shipper*. Dr. Screven I* autlmrlxed to sell. F«.r freight apply on board to Cap). Oridltli, or D. I), jailG tf VV. \V. STARKE. ,4 'PP' Agent, Savannah, or the subscriber, at .Mount 4 FAMILY Of vrryRMy and well qualifloil Negroes, _L'‘!L H L. . S. A. llOiiKER._ /■\ for *.-»le. touslsiltig of a VVoinun 3tl years old, allrat NF.W Vi'ltK.-Tim brig AUGI'STA, rate conk and wn-liur; next, her Boy child, I .'year* old, SJWL^'one, uiaHcr, having must of her cargo engaged in-cuslu < i'd i" driving a pair of horse*, and wnuing In | wm meet with dbpatch a* above. For Imhiuce of Ho* house ; next, a Girl, II year* old. and a Girl U yeara i height apply to old-nil sound umnieatth). Applym | mh Id DANA it WASH BURN. '•'url7 W.VI, WT.IGIW. | 3 y F’"lt l.lag.-The I | OL'MK Servant* for hire. Apply to i anfibtlne *chooner J. T. FVRDY. Gmirley. master, 11 mar 19 WM. WRIGHT. I having part ol her cargo engage,I, will have dispatch u* — — —• 'above. For freight or pa'*ncc apply tn l.ili' liooirniicc. The I'nllril Stale* l.lfc liunraiKr Company, Takes risk* on the Live* of white person*, Mr Hie u a shorter period, and on slaves lor one or four yiars.ou as Invorabtc term* aa any equally respniitlldet'niiipaii). • Al'ITAT Ahb AISSTs, JANUARY la f, D.55 ! 81,1440.4120 Oil. A bonus of 95 per rent lias been declared oil the bull- • nea* of last year, to all policy holders entitled thereto. 1 MINIM k JulINhTON, Agents ‘ l»r. IL 0. AltNt i|,ll. Medlcnl Examiner. mar IU l''ire»ml 'larinc Imoirancc.' Tito lii*uraiiei!('onijiitiiynrilM( Valley of Vlrffinia, A vsllablr CupItBl 83uU,imji—Surptu* *01,517 97. i IIAS1 xu eskfa'i i ai.. Take* risk* ».u i ureo,Freight, Buildings, Meichandize' kc . Hi town uint roiililry. Mi««r« pruinpily and llheially adjusted War IU MINIS' L JOIIN.mTON, Agents. Norwich Fire Insurance (’ompniiy, Outm. 18U.1—CAPITAL STUCK, 815UJMW I 'HE above Company Ira* been In auccesslul opera- j tl>m upward* ot liny year*, and tia* » hlghreouta* , Idgli. having a very visible «car mi Ids left chwek,light • No*. 1*8 aial Ol by \‘H frat-DraadwJ North straight hair, hails eyes, very artful and specious In his i by Gw lane n-si reel. Wort by Bull Hr.oU, py —— addresa. A suitable rrwpnl will be p»ld by lodgli* I a'raet, and rati by MA Wo. Iff; a*w«. Mh No. *, bouMw tillll a! #iiip .ifWr.* VV VI I V i. lli'.l ru, il I ik X'dnh to -* It'—i I.. .....Il - , -y I'elglllg I* - , . -...... WYI.LV fc MONTMOLLIN. »»y *u, Wrat by Hull Rouih by Lama/. I Mrret.and Ea»t by MM No. 5. 1 r 1,1i T«anr.—One half, cash; balajicc, botes at ( im U \UAWN .N I’Mill. It 4 of Crwne fc Pulaski .Monument, with inrarcwt from dale, with airarovtad ebdor«*4 / Mutery. Glass IP-: , paper. I’urchirar iiaving f*r UUet. tau 7 *' “» <0 « J<J 47 « *• W Cl 3 76 i — „^i tv.-li- * mar 91 K. WITIIINOION. | #15^18. 75 Numtrar Loiter j—12 Draw n Ballots Greeno and Pulaski Lottery. Clitw* (ID. for I HAA, J • •• bo drawn at eavannab. Ga^ March 41st, 1855. • UGGOKY fc MAURY MANAGERS. m iicme: I ol Slft.'AIH -1 Ol 82 Him-1 of *2,500. I’u-kuih *4—.Share* in proportion. Ilckets. eltlier singly or tn tbs Package, for sale by »»«r 91 K. WTTIII.NGTON. €4. CANS*A||D A SON. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HAM CLTERS, PKOVISIONK *0 kn ek ally, 407 and 408 W. Baltim jre-a'.foct. Ualtimore, Md. ..... j Have constantly on hand au assortment ol One famil The iinder*lgu<-l la prepare*^ hi take F.rt' Rl*k« for u am , t hbiralders. Side*. Ur4.ln bbl*. and kcg*,fcc. lion, wherevo known, ns a prompt ani responsible u Her- L 1 FOR nai.i; •rein first rate seaiustre: mar 15 wmTSa i.i:. t»T No.9, Oglethorpe Ward, tit) by 119 lent, infee simple Apply to mars WM. WRIGHT. I'OH NAI.I'.. V negro woman, year* old, and her boy child six year*. She i*a giHMlcmik and wa«her Apply pi I h 19 WM. WRIG.IIT. rou sai.i:, CKVERAI. country raised nnd Wmneis v* also, a mull. 35 >eur» old, a first rale boat ba-.d, ami a unman 3tl years old, a washer ulid tmnei, nnd nurse. Apply to WM. WRIGHT, mar 19 mo' I*' ' BRIGHAM', KELLY k t F"R FHEIGIII OR. HARTER.'row ak<Ea»t- *R* «'R Nohiiixri Poht.—The sehr. GEORGE ANN, Gupt. Farris,will n-cenefii'lghi Ihivwt-ek. Ap ply t" Rowland k go. nor 14 # Folt NEW YoRK-t'aio!* Link.—The regti- Ur packet schr 8. J. WARING, Neff, line ve quick dispr" - *- or pn* 4 age. apply to mar Iff •ling*, furniture, stores,nu rchandtra, ! f,, r warehouse* and cotton, upon the ino*t (nvorable term*. JOHN INGr.RSOLL.Ag’tN. F.lns.Go., mar 5 No. g Jones' Building, Bay-at. | Pensions and Bounty Lands, I 'oR Gomnilialnnetl nnd Non I'nnimissloned offleers, ' MU'leinns, Pitvnte*. Be.-iilars, Volunteers, Itangi r», Seamen, Marnier*,« Ink* and «>f the Army I and Navy. Alto ft r tlutr widows, niol or"han*. j MjM: m; k vsseWjMj, GENERAL AGENT IN SAVANNAH, GA., < '111*0 lu Mclnitre's Brick Building, near the Market, ICckitlenrt* No. 78 J«*ffurwoii*Nlrps*l, i O'litl Iiucs the proM'cutinii of Claim* of every description 1 before thu several Lxeeullvn Depsitment*. His expe j rienre In the business, nnd familiarity with official , form* and precedent*, enable Mm to transact builiieu j ■«»"» »*• -“»» with Hie General Government with eflleJeiicy end des- I fj trtvpvHPlvf iLi'rin cvr mmo patch, lie Imt been f.irnlsh'-d w tth the late Act of Unn* J *,\ 1 1 lL.\»S I 1 C» oIlIKlt.* grrsi In relation to the additional Bounty Land, and I* j ____ prrraml onruu II. -Ill vntt , II,\ I II, d. I |||:I:!U\. form*mid liistructiuiis when »ul!lcli'ni facts —* CITY MARBLE WORKS, STEAM MANTLE FACTORY, Corner I0rh and Viue-atr, I’tHI-iPLLnUA. I E. k ft. SUIIEI.I., hating greatly Improve.) tbeir • facllllle* for the manufacture of every variety of TIAKIil.i: VVdlEK*. Embracing the beat style of MANTLE*. TAlll.i: TOR*, FMVORtNG, UlMUS, AND MONUMENT*. Sre prepared to sujqdy order* upon retf-nsble term. Savannah Hotel Huiek Wanted. Will purchase I0U tba/M of the Savannah Hotel 1 »««**: rah 9 1 BYT. J. WAMB. At Frivain Hale. ' A Northern Horse, lung ud. kind and t>nUe in bar ness arid umler the saddle — raid for wo fault. Will bt told low. rat/ iff 8'irnmcr Residenee at Aoctam. . Tl'WDAY, April 3d. will be wild, in fmot of ih* Oran House, between the usual hours of sale : That summer revldence, known *• Montgomery, on the Vernon river. I^ing two front lott, Noe. a and 6,each one acre; two middle lots, etch two acres, tnd two back lots, each two acre*, tod a strip of wo-«* land, , cm.mining acre*, about if lb of a rail* from Urn residence. F«.r further particular* enquire at the counting room, * here a map ran be aeeu. The tale wtU be pot:live.— ; Term* at the ►» !r. mtr 15 Administrator'* Kale- On TUESDAY, Apnl 3, w|R be wAd, at the legal hoard sac, tn front of the Court Douse : l-'tNu. 8 and ImprorcmenU, being part of Garden tot No. 6. west fronting on Abe eucwt, containing 60 A. 6 in Iron',by 11" depth (more or Wa*>. Tne traprove- ment* oon*J*t of ad-rable onoetory h-raw. tdaaterad and well 3i.i»hed, on a btaemenu hold as the property of F. A. Gordon, deceased, fur the benefit rgthe heirs. CEO. GORDON, l*b ^ _____ AdnHnlstrator. i Fn*»t»- ha>. IWt bual.els of Ground Nut* For tala la quanta Dae , m suit purchaser*. mh 6 Private Sale! ’ ' Fin* Liverpool Table halt, tn ttnoe Jtra, a anpervor j ancle, loraale tn quantity U> tail purchaser*. • riiisiiiiu iiifirne1ms worn iiiuicii'iii lacm'i' r.immu- *• , >. , tvatwlUvMiRtde titin tu determine what law* ate applt- 1 l»*fciay**trect,. H have quick dispatch lor the above ji «rt. I'or Iri lgbt F. S. OGDEN. ilia.: Ail:tv Kliotdi. IIE' F.IW'.D FEU .tri. V.MBII KNOXVILLE. H I. v V Y vdirk iwDiiui *I'R, rich aecoinl mourning | Ik*, b'nck and 'asunder lil« c k ha-igc*.black Imhi* , r..: r.i.i.mi*, nm. I'reiicli w-irkeil and above*,: '. pun- l ico rail-. Dcll-ge. for trave lingdresras. ■ I 41.d tm. riruli I rim*, white and black kid glnvct, | h"'g «etl non*, wlo •• ant lavnndur color ina'ce.ino, I ; i i. Cs««'itUfs, i.,r tioj* wear, bt* k and cutuied lawns, checks, drills, tlnrtihg* ulc, nt w A Dew vIlTII’4 Gash IHuira, _ m*r_8 115 < oogre** literI. 5 I W NPH I Mi f.OOIVS, p F. It 8 T E A M E ft A UG U ST A . i n P.Uirr It yH'BGAN hive Ju»trurelv«Hl per strain* rr Mig t-t.., a Wve nt.d vuro-d stock m now slid "-h «M. .i. dre** g<Hu|s, t , w|,l' li Hie attention of , Duke, *nd fur U:- i*.I . re.eii, ii.vHed. mar 3 j J*"-‘ c O ATS.—iun bag* verv j I sebr Ann Marla, tu "•DM.—New ptnld India and Glace ; new printed Gr.vnadiuo* Mourning t'l*a'|es. Ac. F'reticli I 'tilntl Jnckolie's d'< Oranndiea and Urilllanu Do Trimming Ribbons Do prln’.u Paris Barege* Do iHticy G High-in Bud Ghambrny* Do wurkod Jltnlin Gollun and nleevo* at.*"! 19 pieces tdark Barege*, assorted quatltle* 9 do ••irntner U on Iran no 9 do 51uu* Deityu 5 do Id u'k f*iiK t.ratindlne. Jwsl received and (or satu by febd-L NEVITI', LVTHKOp fc ROGERS. N B»V Giii»D4—Pur steii'irar Fiorldal Rich pin'd nnd stripeil Mlk |io prlniesl and French Jnrkonat Muslim I>o alripid do do do Do printed French Organdies Polka, spot mid chintf stripe Orgahdlu* Prln ml and pi dn lla'eges Pl*tn black Hareges,all qunllHc* Itlnck and white printed H in gi s and Tissue* Do do Foil nrd -“Ilka IIrack Elatilc Cord, Wlmlobono ItuHoti* Dress rriinnilligs Large while ninl colored Pearl Buttons Itouru t Uil.bons. Tnffiu and Satin Uthhont Gauze Under- Vests, fur ladle*, gemlvnien and children. flOSIEBY — I.allies' white, lilack. mixed and tirnwn I'oitiii, ||,,*<•; children’s white bru«n nii t iiitxiil Cotton Hose ; gent's bmwn bleached nnd mixed half llo*e. GLOVE 4 —l.adle*’nnd g'-nt's aupeinir Kid Glove*; dn ilo .-ilk do, kid flnldi; do do I.Ura Thread do. Just received per steamer Florida, Hint furs*’** low by I NE/lfT. LAIHIt'iP m ROGERS. pi.Y’s iriisDifTi \pjTfc giis waddiml- I j SOti.ikHi Ely'*Central Fire, and patent lined, assorted •lies, Penursion Gaps water pneift 5txi,nnu Ely's pa le tit edge Gull Wad* ; 4.Vi,'NNi leiXUsGap* ; I'MI.if UG I). II ANA WAY. I 'RO.M my plntitaliou, uu St.Catherine's Island, on .Monday, 90 February, mv man Anthony, licit about 5 b et 8 or III tuche* In hcuht, of dark tirown com* pb>\loi', lull face, stout build. A rewaid of fifiy dollars will bo paid for Ida apprehension and delivery by April 1st. twenty d liars If delivered by May 1st, or ten dot* lar« If npprelicuduil and detlvertsl to me or my overteer on . Cnlherinu's, alter Hie last mentioned date, mar 7 * if P. M. KOLLQUK. MtTICF.-lftU Itr.WAltD. R ANAWEY from the subscriber, In Duval county, East Florida, on Ho* Itlth of F’eltruary la* b«>», WASHINGTON and IMA A l*. Washington is n mulct* ] to follow, 94 years of age, anion'h skin, weigh* about 150 nr 155 pounds, 5 feet II nr 8 Inches high, walk* quite erect. Is qnlie till 'titelligent looking boy. Isaac Is a bluuk tray. 41 year* "Id, smooth akin, weigh* about 195 or I3U pounds, 5 fhet 5 or tl Inches high, walks, also, quite erect, quick spoken nt>d has quite •mall eyes, I* an ititellirotit and ItkcL boy. They curriotl off aorenri •uil" of clothes with them. I purchased Isaac laat l)e cemtier, o| a man, who styleil hliiiHdf James Atideraoti, formerly n dry gorats mi-reliant ol Mavatmah, but now live* about 15or 4ti mile* above that place. Isaac says, that lie was raheil Hi nr near Savanna", and the proba bility Is, ttiey may go to llial place. I fear that they have ' eeti aided in gellingo|f Iiy sonio while person. I will pay the above f*wnr«l fur the apprehension of said boy*, Il lately lodged In any Jail, to I can get them, or fitly dollars extra, for any proof to convict any white man for harboring said boya or taking them off. Mv address it Whliesvtlle. Fla. W. II. JOHNSON. FOR llo*l"N.-|birk HARRIET, Captain _ N idiot*, having most «,r h.-r cargo engaged, w III ilh dupatcb at above. For halanrc of (revglit np> ph t« DAN A fc WAHIHI BN. mar 7 1*1511 ttOHTltS.*— About twv bates 1'otVon wanted _ for deck load of alilp JULIA llotVAltD. for freight "f same apply bv rolll.Ni* fc IlfIKT'/. mar 7 Foil PROVIDENCE-The achooner E. S. "T?-1 t N l.s. V\ eaicoti. inasiei. w ill have quick ilia* r passage apply on board mar III 18 lent edge Gun VV mis : 4Vi."<*i boxes C.ip* ; ItXl.lh OG l>. G.vjra; 9t,iai0 l'h'« Unite led-aloon PlsudCapa. Just received, vltvect from lj»nloh, per •tbpiCoUvut and The isle by per ahlpst LOVELL fc • II >11 V I. A I'll IIOl* A Cl*., tvl. receded per *(eanii'r Augusta, another dn. lie supply of Hiirlog and Hummer Goods, cm* k'.i.lfif llie fullowintf *t)leat (‘noted Uistnilin toil a pialn evil d Chanihry Gloglram* Do and figured M-qro'i^ Musdna Bl.’Ck faurara and Caninu i |..ib* kt'isbn dr Base, for t>*v«n (l g dresses"ii.lured .Mu*tin Iwn.i wi,.| i t.'aiubrie, Mii«||n and IUiruty lt«i d* Jacorrat and Hwls* fhl«ingt m H i Inaerttnvi Thread do , llinck and Whit* Grape Collar* Bonnet Ribbon*- Druse Trimmings, he. reif ‘J M 'iHK S?P.U GO"D 4 —Per ttesmar Augusta: Muprf Chiu s Jaconet 11 us ins Plaid Hllkr, FiSbch Print* Lluen Luster d* Mara f..r travelling drevra* Mourning dnghsm and l.awn I'mbrindered 8 eevr* nnd « o|Ur* Thread, r arnbric ami Muslin Llglng* 11 orke<t l and*,' hern irt'e* '"(•*• and Tarlebrn ' nlUn ' 'idd'sli'a Mernttlicber) llhkfs, IliUts Blbtion* Ind.s T-hli. pillow Case LI lien hod* t'.yu Diaper Dsmssv, llucka'rack and Prrrch Towal* l.t'iiea'and Uent'afiauntlels Geiii'a wmia. browti ami sirqrad half Hose hoy'* aiul i,|r|'a do do dn F- * ssiu by NKVITT, LATIIROP fc ROGERS. »r.*r > II Altr.lil*. AM* Hum III. HOIK S. J ( ‘‘^TIIMopfcCo., have received per aieain< Bleb I louncMl llsrega Robee Do dn Hrre-be do in, dr, Orgatelladn mar 13 Ni:w M II'II II mi.hi, rar. MI NBY LVrillH.P fc GO, have’rwivvvd ,>e, JI soatner I'torola ; * Rich stniwd Glare Niks Il i Komi 1. Volan* I In erdored "ewir.g euk. Ini do I'erraie*. new style* tn r i'i'**** Bournlng Silks, Mourning Jar-orveta, fcr. .HI .V.M .NI T nm *, D 1.0VI M, Ar, LATIIUOp fc i.'b,, hsvs rr'rbnl peril HKIGII-1.M. KELLY fc GO. K UM.—IWJ hid* Luther Fulton Rum, landing pur IL D-rane. Foraalnhy mar 3 BRIGHAM, KELLY fc GO. I > I. U K»**UTI(8' Ti ioL8-Sueh at llrliows, Anvlta ■ > Vice*, Sledge, and lla'id Hammers, Just rrcelvnl Olid t >t sale by . Im -r« C ORN AT DEPOT-' In sacks, at depot. | _marj3 GltF.S Vll.t.E fc GO, W7 Bay si. A ll 5 l|UAi Sl"—H7u cents will buy a good black Itoinbsilira, at A adawortb's rasli lioitao. J»" lu _ c No. 115 Congress *t. I'LOU.T. EXTRA FLoL'II.—75 bbta Si. Louis Fbitir, I aupernro-and extra supr rfine. • Iiy 1IIII* Jii*l re- retveij v| “ ‘ 7 by mar 15 *S —16 bids Should) 1 lor *aln by Watclifw, Ji'iY»lry,Aci FRISBIE'S store now a|>reads Its sail. And throws lira Rig Gluck to the uhIc, Wiirnliig people where they will ilml Walcnrs and Jewelry of every kind. Tho Big Clock lian.'a outslile tho door At number mm hundred ami fort t-four, Where people of the *B»t« can find Watches and Clocks to suit their mind. II It < lock* are ticking nil lira day. From noon ’till night they tick away ; Good ilurathey are always aura to keep, Amt told to customers very cheap. Gentlemen don’t atnre, nor Indies wonder. No harm comes from the tttg Clock, y onder, It only warns toil where you will fii.d Jewelry and Door Pluioa of ever) kind. I.adiea, walk lit, gentlemen pn«a not by, I or l-onler still it li. ard lira cry Ttinl F'ritblc lake* (lie world quite down The wuy t>o scatter* Jewelry round. 1. 8. FR l.s It (FI fc t " , 144 Rroukhton-it. febi 17 tf NTOVr.N, srov »:s. ■'e beg leave again tu call the attention of the public to our STOC K Of MOVES Any vvlthlng to purelu*" will cntmrlt their own best tuiercau Ii) cattl* g *»w u* and selecting from over thirty different kind*. Iralng three ilmeast varied a stock a* *» as ever brought to lira South by any mlo r establish ment. We have sovcrul new psiern*, made e»pre*sly for tho Southern Slate*, and purchasers may relv upon I load, and Iho F’or freight ir'* wharf,or to • BRIGHAM. Kf.I.LV *. co. I't *lt |H HTI >N—The superior packet ship NE W ENGLAND, I’fattra i lunstrr, will meet wnh .H a* Paten *• almvc, 'or freight or passage apply on board at Johnson'* U turf, or to mar II BRIGHAM, KELLY fc GO. i"lt LIVEItl’ixil. —The new da.*ahip I 1 M* .EltLAN E, Gupt Holme*, has I<* • llilrds of Irar ngagctl. For freight of remainder, apply to uvarff _ _6t FjtDEt.toRH, FaV fc go. FOR IIAETI.MoMK-.IUui lT« LinkT^Tira lb woe r ANN MARIA, .Mitchell, matter, will me*l with d' aiiaich n* above. For Height or pataage ap;*ly on board at Tihatr*' w hari, or to mar4- BRIGHAM. KELLY CO. F’"H LI VEUI'OOL.—The fine A I half clip* rarshtp II. M. MILL 4 ,Murgca*.ma«l« r, greater part of her cargo eugngc-l. w III meet wall dispatch as above. For freight of 3>si bales Gottou, apply Vo G. A. L. LAMAR, feb 48 Fi'lt II ISTON.-Tl.e brig AHIIV FTt ANGIL*. j2yJ2 l l,r freight, apply to F. J. GGDLN. .New Y"W Catduto thecsse. ... , # . All letter*addressc I to him. l*>*tage paid, nuking In* V_ stamp of the patent. All manulurtur. r# »nJ seder* qutrie* In regard to claim*, will be promptly attended Infringing will tra prosecuted arc.-rdilig lu law. to. J mar III Mar l-.'iC— P Edward G. Wilson. Km I l»»| r.TIH .Yf 4 I«IM'«I. ATI*.. Jim. F.S,mnu,K.q.. * | I^STAHI.IHHK" In 17-0,11 BAKER fc . Anverl* Rev. Win M. crumiey 1 J can. F vench, Homraopaildc and V auilU, I 1 Jm. F. Gullmartln. Esq, ' “I'Oe. |;repare*lt'«ra*ra, lire— ' Clerk Superior Court, j ; 1 ^k*^ aarvar* • 'lias. F. Hamilton, F>q., Wm. P. Rowland, Iraq , Francis M. Mono, tup, Tima. J. V\ ala.., I raq., mar IU Bt . They allty rath# altemiant uj* uml; ami IIKMIVATIMi KSTAIII ISIDIEM, : 1 3 Vurk-M.. III.- l ourt ll«u>c. I IV.„^ _ a A * Ail H All, it A . I Jackson, llaywam. Ware, amt Boston, and by 7*t.-^J| mmiMlil) 1* IKE, fTT T A 1 emvwem plvvatctana rtiewhere. 'pill. M.lucrllrar, grateful fbl* patron* and friend* |-„ f a a lc by all lira principal gr<*en in ihe t’niird 1 for their continued lavors, would ala'e that, In ad State*, and by ihrlr Agent* dillon lu the Improvements m Dying acquiml by t.un ! , Murray, New York; Gram fc Twetla. phtladel ‘ England and N-otlaiid, has made | j,, 4 i p Due Private Aste. Ten Sbartw* >wt, Is r bar is Augusta fc W*y®e*- I.-'"•!:» ’"*1 teb 15 nnoDES’ FEVER AND AGUE, ok SATIRE'S INI'AI.I.IRLT. hPEdlir. 1 /oIt be prevetiUon atxl core of laterm.Bent and Ke lolitent Fever*. Fever and Ague. Gblll* and rerer. Dumb Ague, General liability. Sight nweau, and ad oilier forms of dtsear* whrah have a common ortgta ta Malaria or This saU e ausoapbenc j*.ikw which. *t certain seanras, it unavoidably labalrd U ;nmm i rtrrr breath, ta Ura same tn cUaraucr, wherever It et- | t*U. North. South, Ea»t or Wxaj—an-J will eveeywbrrw tiibe and Homo* .pathtc r. «.a, Owoa rhella, , 3 *•**'* t-* this newly d.*c»ter«l anUd.g#, which taclalraed ocoa. etc., nr,, an excellent diet lor ctitWlrm. I io If ,b *' discotery in medtcine ever made lung Ills last v Trains on the Central Kailrontl^ Connerting IIA 11,110.4 li.N. fi5.a»)nma^55:g^B5 SCUEDTJIjE. O N nnd aPer Monday, Ilie Itm, March, instant. sihI until further notlcsi, lira I’avsengir trams ..n the Gvulral Railroad will run as followa: BCTWKKM BAVaXasll AN|i MSION. Leave Savaniiuli..H a m , arrlv« %\ Macon..(1.95r. w. l.eave. 4 BVaunali..4 (5e. m , arrive itt Macon .,4 In ». m. leave Macon 5 a. m . arrivebiSavanm h T3t>r. m. Leave Macon 8.45 r.*., arrive m SavannahH 50 a. h. SXtlVIlX *AV ASSAM ASH Al'UI ■ f*. Iraave Savannah. .8 a. m., arrive In Augu*la.5 c m. le live Savannah .0 30r. W , arrive m Augusta. 1.46 a. M. I.uave Angus,a .. .ti r, arriveiuf-avunnali I.u5 a. w. Lvavtt Aviguata... .7 *. m , arrive in. 4 *'aimah' r. m. BCTVVBKN MAI ON ASH At III ITi. Leave Macon 5 a. m.. arrive In Augusta.5 r. M. Iraave Macon 8 45r m., arrive in Augusta.1 -Ifi a. w. le'nve Augusta...? A.M.,atrlVeln Macou...ti95r. M. Iranve Augusta... 0 r u , arrive m Macon... .9.10 a. m. The Tram widt h leaves Savannah lor Macon at 8 A. M. contract* with the Macon amt Western, and Western and ABai.fe Itni.roads,carry log pa.seiigera for all points on thesn R 'nds, lor Home,. Geoigm,) lor Nashville and Miovv'dle, . ten- ,,1 and lor North AUhama. Tne Train which leave* Favannah for Macon al 4."5 P. M .conuecla wi ll lira M.tilh VYeaiern, Muscogee and Monigoiner) fc Weal Point Radrosd.oarrylng raasenge • f " nil polnla .Ml liras'- Road*, m.,1 |„ r Americas, Albany, Cohunims, for lailnhaiHtt, ^t (or Monigontcrv, Mo bile a"d New "fierins. The Train which leave- Savannah for Augusta 8 \.M. ■onurcia with lira evening Train* of the i.eorgla Rail* • for extending lit* business, by whlcli Ira now tuiAhlod to Dye a greater variety of i olora on 8'lk and Woolen Dresses, Shawls, fcc.. which leiruxtawtll generally pinnae all who may favor him «Uh vhetr Gentlemen's Garments DyH. Gleaned or Renovated, a» may bo required, in Ura same superior style which tia* gi derail) so much t»lea*e«l lit* pairona ami friends. Ladies' Boiirie-s Dyed, Bleaclied and Preased In lira most fa*hionatile styles, "rders from thecouniry punc tually atleiidevl to. terms mo le ate. When parcels arc wni tiy atennitxiat or railroad. Word should t»* sum him by letter through thu Post' ' that Ira may know win re to tall lor itieni. Jan 13 u ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. IIIUIliHK'Kto EXFEUITlOk. r pllE ILsioiy <d the Ex|>eiHtion against Fori Du Qui-** 1 Ira lu 1775, under fieri. Brnddock. mlUnl irom original manuacrtpia*. by Wtnthrop 8argenl,with many engravings- Irawls' American fjiorsman, containing Note*on Shooting, and the l.alms ol Game Bird*, fcc , with nu* melon* llliisiratlon* A Year of iho War: by Gount Gurouskl, author of Russia Aa It I*. General Notion*of Chemistry: by I'ctonce fc Frerny. Putnam'* Monthly Mnrasura. I**r February. A villlon. and other Tale*: tiv the author o' Head of lira Family,fcc. WIL THORNE WILLIAMS. leb 0 ’ ( EB fc ft)., .. fci it 7tll, ln.%5. NNU Ai. nf Scientific Ili*c*vvevy. a Year Book ot . Facts in Science and Art, for KV5* s* Do Frapana, or Going to Madeira, via Bar- I liudie), i incinhaii. BrutnLge, Hallimorr; Kronen fc WALTER HIKE It fc c'"., in* Docrhratrr. Mas*. BAILEY &. Co., it. Ait » ii t it fc tm t 1.1(1 I lii'kiiiil*klrrei, ^vONTI.M E to Manufv - lillndclplila Ml.VI.II \VAIIf% la nrslrr. v..' VIM I II ii till . in nrtirr. «. . . . •f HHITIHI 8TEREING and AMERICAN -II.VER, . n ‘ * l11 "»n.rdtAt»l u t bsw adnniad the follow lug sUtnpv for tbeir work . 1 BdUoua i t Atur i.o AMLUUAN SfAKHABH: m All-llv rr iVsre wild by them la made upon the prrmire* aud t» uarauli-ed lo be of the uual-ty av vtamtrad ORDERS ABE SOLD ITED. Strangers at»l clttlctia are invited to visit our mar.u. factor v. A large assortment of TEA SETi*. PITCHERS. 8POONS and FORKS, fcr.fcc., always ou hand, at fair price*. 9»o feh 8 PIANO FORTES than in- I ,hl * I* s«j btrmle's that it may be uken by - uae of I pers-.n* • f Mery agr, mi or mnditloa, and n wtU »<A _ tutisiri'Jlc for otw disoave <Kbm «BI wora*. as ts too ' often ihe result id Ura trralDKDl by (JuiBiira, Mercury, ; Ar*et.K,aml i.Urar j«jlar»wo-4« or dtU-Wnuua 4 nsga, ivA a i-artic-e of any <4 which ts admitted >aw> thu oerpa- ration. ] The proprietor diHinctly claims theae enrwnrdtfcsry results fc m the uae of th.s N ATI RAG ANTIDOTE 1V» MALARIA < It will entirely proton say resident m traseHer tnt i in Ura moat »!i iiy or rwsmj.y kvoahtraw. from any A get, t or Bd'n.>u* itlwave whatever, or any Injury from coo* , star,J« inhaling Malaria or Miasma. It will maUn'.ly check the Ague la perwntu who have | suffrfxxl for any length of time, from one day to twrtdy years so that they trace never have another chib, by - ■ nuing i s ura accorj ng to 1) rv.' eve ad dtatrewalac rescl-.s eg ♦raiarv. such ir rexrarwl deU.liy. ea:», fcc- The pattest at once t-r nt to rwoser »I (vura and streng-.h, arxl c-atlsiuea u&td a fmuutl - aiK< rad cal cure it iflec rad. Finally, iu ura will Ini th Fever anJ Are ftvwn fust- Ira* and ad fieri. IVmtra and ail laboring me a bv , adcpGng ti aa a prese^tur, will he tree freran Ague of , Billraus aitsck* to that raaw.a ».f the year which. wfetU t tie most at* iiy, it the curat v aluable one vo vbeta. ura ».r two tv.uirw w;ll answer for ordinary caaew— j MiBf may rr>jnir» mi-rr Jr.racJi.-n, frinixxl tu German, French and Spanish, ac- Ci.:u|ra y rrch t> U'ra. price "ne Ira Par. 1-traeaJ dracrasats made to the trail* 1 rade r.rrutar* forwarded on application, and the •*• 1 tvrie wtU be onV-gtrad »>» ttberat tern* to rr*y<raw , b>e parLc* in every rac'd m of thervuntn. J AS. A. RH"Dbs Proprietov. I'rw vdxerae, Rhode laiard. A«sat*. — New York,t\ V. thiirtwr fc V>. six) f H Ring: B-Wton. Weeks fc Potter , Ph!'»de!rhia. T. W. tiy. it fc Son*. Washintton, ITvaa. Kcott fc Oo.,aatd i lor twie by dealers parrsHy . ! mar 1“ ta.w — wktwC.two C F. W. CliRWELL. I"ad Ghemkee (.'on Nasbvilln and r rntral Italtroad. and for Sal* GHENVILI.E fc CO.,yi7 Hay *1. . ... »t Lowest Northern I’rlrei. KENNEDY fc ft EACH, Agi'iils for Manufacturers, 8t. Andrew'a 11*11, feb 13 \f Savannah, Ga ANDY—5o lioirs Fancy Gandy, rrcelir-l amt lor •ale hy mh# McMAHON fc I nVl.l'.. CTKIPED AND WHITE "HNABt itG. 4 - Having i ) complelml our spring arrangrmrnla for there goods, idau'ers and all lu want will find a good Hoik'd lira bud qualities, at *ow priees.for rash, at feb V» r. W;C. W MVWWuRTtfft, tUd ongrpst at. n isMEstlG GOiHiH,—|n b*lcs hhlrilng htrljiea; 5 tin llliio Deii'ins; 5 rases Apron 'Tracks; I" d" Mira 1 8irlpea and Plaid*; 10 bales licit Ticks; 5 r*»«« Iduo j Drill*. Fnrsaloby VVII.I.IAM G. FO"TE. •uth < luia i: a.L • hI.ED IiLKF'. - Another lot. Just received irom (.'handler fc (.'o, ami for sale at reasennlde prices, art? I.VN> fc HNlDEtt. 7. A. BIIMWN •nits, Ii atore aud lor JOHNSTON. IM I » • war 13 I l’al rrcelvnl, l.s Flour; 4 eases! >, 9 dn Hide*; In stop OCTAVE* COHEN. r ieiy id other articles *n our ; mar 17 j. j jr «1ioi7nd c 11 and for sale by Agaid. Augusla. a bn aupurlor Blew - a. aura brands: with a va- '» Bnr. and lor ssia hy T rilllEl.KELD, FpEF:- Fresh, Bent rnnaianily on baud mtf|7 by J. T. TllllEl.K I', A I *"ll SACK.—A prim* bit of 1 ltd* Day. by | mar 17 ( mar 17 I.VNN «< SNIDER. I MlH BUaflF.I.S of Maryland Wldi* Corn, t<>. I,s)l'll five, li) ocbr Alabama, mar 14 » IK HIT. HUll'.RHlf AM fc fwi|«. I l'ST rece'ved per sivnmer Florida, a bd nf ( u* || L. .1 11 . ... • ,,f 11. _ ,« ,, I.... I .1 u.mi l.ll...- , . . . by eGof" uraelxml • SLIDER. 74 May-atrewt. iRN AFLOAT, - • 9,1X81 bushels Maryland White '.and fur sale by parked llai msr 14 lie *i ry best desert pi ion, fl.r s*|s T. J. TllllEl.K iri.ll, Agant, * pwr lata • I.sdim 1 long am) short lb n N*l Mill* liuae.* do dn do do I-ad.**' nnd Misses' dn GlnfiM Ben ami mining mils Glota*. \ V HATH. AI, *. ,U by reerl.,.1 lira sprlnf Mv le .. sg."'“o" •*(*. Atm, Soil lists of vari'iua ■ u U.a 11*1 am) Cap Sbrae, ** * ‘53 MfffOUEws-frTMKCr. •■4‘i l.efres choirn llama; 75 Iniiea Alia andtes. t ratelma and lor ante by Hold "MIIL J'HINauN fc «i . < II Alla. - If tier#** Undloir and for •«!« i*r 7 (MiTAVlJS C'OIIHN, ' HlFl'iP.ED* *h»p ale* i sdsea, ch trail and gougwa, D’LV C 1 " Just no'iiwl #<■•! for sat* by (al. 13 M A III IllM -Ban Ullrnsn's, PhalonV aale by fwb 15 V, W ('"IIN1VPLL. Iielor'a. Ilofti 's, I ilstadoro'a and (Matin's Hair IJfea. Fa JOHN II. MOOUE fc DO. II haul ami for sale by I TdH'B — Atlanta Mllla Fbiur ol, h.;.,. M**f#b fSTAVil* G4IHEN V 40 1 _ I > "PE—Of larga IV sale by feb Y7 f I'Al.LoiV*. -4,0"** lira receive*! This Day. from Ten- 1 tie*see, and for sale low to clo* • coiisiBinncnl. mar 17 I.VNN fc UNI PER. I yBINTED LAWNS” — A due aasdiinent, Iasi ruhuaal 14la cent*. F**r sal* Iiy mnr to NLVItr, I.ATIIIPiP fc ROGERS 1I.R AND GINGHAM UMHHF.E1.AW-A fine n«. 1 sortmsnl In Black,Green, and Blue mint*. Just re* reived. to NP.VITT. LATIIROP fc IIOGEBS. I i*ld»VFA ANinnVruLitVr—4,(axi lintnii aasormi \I English and German II alary ; .VSI domn aswirtrd HHk, Elsie, Berlin and Cotton Glove*, For sale tu mat5 WILLIAM G PlUfTR. I'HNING"MantllUe"and Taiuia'a, ol black Villi', M dreri in"Urning, revived I mv 15 IVIIIWI y-IMIIT.D GLASSE rril.KH.-~A I > ' ricti iu!p».| l.l«»»e silka, Jn*l me marts W MisWilUTII' 4 I rnlu which leaves *«v*tiiikh lot Augusla al tf P M-. i-ounecl* with the morning Tramso| u, ( < i.roigia Rnllr< ad* m il lira south < andiua Railroad. 1 tthvr «>f the Trains leavu g Savannah at S A M.,and at 4 U5 l\ M . will car" pavrangeramr Mllliatge*III- *nd Enlonlou— the 4.05 I*. .11. Irat'itHdng tli# tnoat rtoaeiy connected. ra»<cmr.'i*at Angnaladestln«v| f >r "glcthorpe, A inert- "Is, lltiHiij, Tullelinssee, I‘rd'inituia. Monixourary, Mu- hlle and New "i leans, must lake the ti I'. M. Train m avoid drtrntl 'U. Tlic morning Train from Macon wilt cairy pasaengrrs for Mllh ilgcv ilie and Ealoutoii. I'a**engara Irom Mill rdgeviPo and Eatonton will lako tho up day Train at Gorvtoti. Passengers for the New York and Philadelphia Strain- •hip*, should arrive in savannah hy the morning Train. The) **e particularly requested always to cntiaiill the Straiuslilps' »dvcrtlactnenls lor lli( days of depatturg. Tliroiigh llckrla are mid tratween Saiantuli and all lira above named place*, also,between Montgomery and Augusta W.M. M. WADLI V,U«u.8uii’|. ."nvannali, March IVtli, If55. If mar itf SOUTH H KSTKIt\ lYIIIJtOAK CHANGE OF HcTIKDULK a«9 ( vN AND AFTER TUEHII W, IVtirilary IMtb.Paaran* ' t gel I lain* will leave Mac.m dally for Columbus al 3 ivVbs'fc, \. M., and for Amertcus at 7 A. 51., arriving •I i.olumbu* 8qji.'clock, A. M ,and at Amrrlrua it 14 A. li. I.e.ivn linericn* daily •' 7, A M.,amt i vdunibu* at -.'V P. M ,arriving at Mao-m bom Amartcus al IIju M . and from I'oliimbus Mil* !'■ M. Connecting nt .Martineach way with Central Railroad Trains tn Savannah, Augusta. MIHedtevitie and Eaton* 110 ; nnd with Mnr-m and 1vr«iern lUllmad Train* to - I mn. Atlanta, Dalton, Chnliannoga, KhotvIBc, and Nashville. Corinecllng dally at Uidumb'it, with Opelika Railroad lo Montgomery, Alabama, and Girard Railroad,to silver splint lem.lnu*. .nnerling at Amerlen# with Mall stage I.l on to Tab w rlndce paterna ivial at 115 v'owgfevs al. / 1 F.N f'S HIGH UfclllREf.I.AB-' Inrnlnra, Ida' l.liluw x I and green, at W AD-IVoM I It’s, mar l i I ,Ml FJHI 1 nits ME It. 50 sacks Ireah griiniel Corn Meal, put up for lauillt n*e, fecelvrvl and (or aalelu mar II M. MAHON fc In'VI.E. lor fc Son's Albany Ale, • MAHON fc DOVI.E 41,'aos l.aslem I.*'ha, landing and for aat* GAI4I.ETON fc I'Alt-ONs, No H-J Bay at I U8T received and fill trie li) A BON AUD, a line a* •orimiuit of Eng I tali 1 hr«i*e, Musianl, Plrklr*. and • urwa ' c tan IS Y| AGIg I Ml'MIi»Sl"N P il'Hl. for taking bnpre. .v| al'iu uf L*av**, I'upteawf tiinnrvlderies, fcc. rw reived t.y JOHN M 1 OOPl'.M. i Mr mar 5 • Worxl* of 1 tale from lllackwi*od, hy Satire end Sntiriat , by James Hanna). Question* of lira Soul; hy J s. lin ker. j Gubrlelte,nr Pictures ol Ihe French Revolution. Tim Youtig Chevalier, or the Dispuicd Inhcrltaure, I hi Alexander Duniv. The Myrterira and Miseries of Han Franr'rao, 'The .Mysteries of the Court of Queen Anne ; b) W. ! Harrison Ainsworth. The Pioneer's Daughter; by Emer*on Helmett Frank l.evhes’ Gaintr, |or March. Knlekertsraker. for March. I lira .Ml. tl of Jesus; hy the author of Jesus.” Hoax or The Reiter Land ; by A ' .Thompson. The Nature of Evil; by llmry Janu s. Footsteps of M. Paul; by the author ol • Jesus. '* lirar 7 IMHISI, AMI PBEJI BH 4 NOA I.L by Mis* Austen. J\. Tlie Banking lluuae. .-annu l I’hilllpp*. 1 visits tie I'-* pa sis or going »«* Madrid, via Barcelona. Satire and -utlrlsts, by James llaiuiing. Putnam's Monthly lor Mairli. IrfUidon Quarterly Rev lew, lor -anuary . Edlnhurgii Qnaiteriy Review .for January . Blackwood'* .AUgaiura, for t v bruary. ', (,.r llsn- i. Bay uni Taylor's l.amta o| the Saracen. It lidwln's Part* Leader* New sneply ol Wyk It'* Courtship, Nolle* Dry years both llcml»pherra, and Fnsloon au Famtnc. mar 8 AV. TltUKSK AV1LLUMS. H aving utei* re. Of PI AN" >*"l . vice! II VIII'I II'A 5I A(. A/.IM. »’n ‘EIA'EIV—Autohiography 1. With Bio- I I'sT i tl ''a!«. Thomas IIimhU* i" unplrte Poetical AA' graphical Sketch, I %o|. lues, a tale of lira Alamo- Brushwood picked up on the Continent. The Bible I'raii r Book, for Tamil) worship and other j private and public i*ec«siona, hy 1A AA' Ihriir. A trailer of Inquiry to Mtnlsiera of the Gospel, of all j denominations, ou siairiy, l«y a Norllurn Treat.yier lliamr* of Mamu fc Dixon • t in*, by J It B Iratirobo. j Al hat Not, tu Mr* Mat* A tVn'aon. 8011U1 fide View ol Hlavery. or Ttuee Mouth* al the | Ninth, In 1854,1*) Nrh. mivh Adams, D D. No 10of llar|rar's Gaseiteer of ihe AA'oiM, r«'m| Ibelionh. mill mi: iTknt IIAIII l»VI R.O. ,A|. It Al.I.AND'H inew art flei rxvrltevl the „ Id, - tics' ptendum at the IVorW* Fair and Amrrt* can loslliulr, w h th U • as examined by the distinguish rd cheiulsis Dr Cl < 1 • * * * 1*" 'ohuTxwrw), nd prooouiici'd die Beal. Fur asle by lira Principal Druggists In this city-price #1 I’lliicll-al office and store Itf 4 amt ,V*' Itf. mlw »y, NewA'ork. Mar l.'.’MI-P matin S "DA—5" t.oxes « arli Hods, received and n>r sale by mb- MoMAIl'iN fc I'UVl.K. 1 11.ANTA11''N MU.-KETh "he rara a»*nrte,t PUw- taiion musketi. Just received and h*r «»tr at IT Bar naul street mar in I.IIVELI. fc I.ArriMnRIL 1 )1.AN I ,ATI"N rt'IA DEILlnvi rwcwtvest amt |e l.y mar 10 I.HVEl.t. fc I.ArTIAlO I NK Till'. ■ AIAUIC IAIPKESSI07V‘ t’Al’EH FOR WRITING without rr.* 011 ixk. 1 | '"fVlNG l.eaxev. Flatus,flowtn, Pirtuesra, Panetw ‘ V for Kahu-udery, nxarting L orn Iwdeffihlv, aod j Mamfohl Wnunc- Phi* arttciw :• arUc> 1* abasdu^ly the Pert yraruMw Inkvuud in The known world, for a ss a’l qasx:"ty Sold- I ed and plaevxt in Ura psviat cwnKUUUw a uareEtng i inkstand, which cannot he broken. No pea it rau'rd, I i.w any aack, shaft*. ueJ U* a point wrtias eosally ts wed aa t*.c heal g.dd pen In Ura wnitwrwf. Fiw i-aw’;tg. i» tudloptnoaMe. It Is. inderd, the whole an of i Draw Itg and Pa.iitmC—laughi la 0*1 tiaaai. Aty Irxl. plant, of flower, ewn be transfc-rred lo the pages ol 1 an altiuro, with a mmole and 4*nwi reram Mat. oc of 1 iratn'e. 1A 1 h ojux! facihty, pi.-iu-es aud swahrovdevv pstrvn* are taken, and ha ra reor;«isi the hxgheW4 ewl*' gtuen* fnsm the * sir rax ; and. Indeed, a »oiw UsaefWt i.reratit Gr a lad* o-sU rral Ira pudaoM This Magi.* Taper will aloo taatk tdrvea «'t^r arilc'ara, ra a* 10 1 ret.-is a perfectly imlS'Btile. AU thw waahtwg ta Ura 1 world (aiit lo M'.wg '.t out. Any chief caw wsra it with l«rMesri ease. AA ilh th»* klagv harw-r l.iewitra. eat c■* oi a copies of evety letter «m:n can Fra awcwml wtt k 1 on. any additional Uhv whatever, maktag 11 the cheap . e*-, amt w»*>*t c-wuetueol ann 1 * extant. It H wsrad W 1 und* ratcnral 1* prepared, a* usual 1 |rrlll a.t«aniage by rrpv'riees the peeaw, tafc^twphK Ilo supply • II demand* In bia line, having . oiraonora and a h-rat ol others. lUcfc pachaka watatas l *»e trast I' arv,. | > . oof d.gerwai x‘,4,ra» - lUa. k, Biww. t'.rrww and R#d~ rank f'u'.i and pnnled tnavewrtlojHg iv as 1 t.i wve, asut w 1 I bet Kfi. r*l*y bmg 10 obuia llvw htwdred dmuwgt mvpmraiona It it pul up in beautifully mi mi led evdomi KavwdopvW, w tih a irwihfnl l.irtraw* el ihe propi1*»ag sdlwthrad. Track ami e'fs'i pa. kagw warranted Encra |9 a dosen. or Ivw for |l IGngW package O e»l large addition* to our Hock RTU8, we are enabled to offi-r al me tlm greatrst variety I-on; tbe tiest mantifaciur- ! fer*. (rom the pi*.not aquitrv |<> the most tlaM-rvUi ly car * r»t, and Iron su to raven tveuvew. I "ur Piano* are ralciel irom tba msnufacturert J wh im we have full eonhdenee in, amt me are oarucu- AVonls of i larly requeued by Ihciu to eve a guaranty raf.h everv Instrumenl *oM by ua a» m aa ids d i*abdiiy. tone, fcc I l’eroous in wanin' a fir*: r»:e Insiruroeot may rrly with aalely upon vuh a one by ►etecilnglrutwlbe following makers, w hove Instruments we endow* 1 to j keep constantly t»n band, vit: It. A5 irfCe»Ier, J. x'h>ck* I erlng fc Hon, Nunns fc ilarkc. Btcxui fc Kavcna, II. j 1' airrt, and HaBiea, Broilier* fc i ummtrgv. I. MORRELL fc OO. PIANO FORTES, MUSIC, fcc. .... .ihe agencies irte makar* tn ihe country, a* Stodari, Jacob (’hick j crlng. Jiio. It. Dunham fc il*., Gmvcslern fcTruth'w, in I Firth. Point fc * «*., T. Gilbert fc "«*., fcc., a choSee of I superior Instruments may Ira had at his establishment 1 |t*'M tmvvwsnl ol a life** exper .i-wee tu both the prx*- is Tf ini-aa I lesatonal and bu»ineas department* of Music, be trust* ol Dr i’ttailea ' hr "’*7 • , ‘ l * ,H " 1" patronage be lab* . Alhs . Ih.'i ivtile, fcc. . 1 receives! during the past five years. G. B. MITvlIFl.t.. Agent for F. /oglvaura fc Hv, dec tf st Julian and Itrvan sis.. near the Marie! C A UKEui K K KPOSITOK V MAKTITPAOTOIIY. jrnm u ' general and compietw asranmrnt. ju»t 'ecelecl. * " itraerttverffa now prepare*! to offra to the public >h*Ri'n of UtK KAAV W8. Address, p»wt paid. S. HUBHCt.U 167 Bw*4*V, X. V 1 handsome rate mplctrm Top an*l no tep BUGGH'J*. built t>) AA'itlianv Dwnlap,of j Joui 11. THtHlNE 1A II.1.1 A.xIH. Philadelphia; together w .th a larger and trailer oeteet N. “**■*“ ol lighter work than has ever |<cran offered al this rstal*- , ' ni Tlekr'a can Ira pnu'uiwil al Amrrlrua to Augusta; a *1 Maron to AA llnilnglon, N. i'h Ha Augusta, First 1 las* Htwaiusnlp* leave navannah for New Vork ; VVolttrslMi raid 8»lubtaya,' 4 ra"d lv»f Ttillaitetptda nn ' t\ iHlnewlai*. fa-sag'. It' the* alibi, #JH; Hirwragt, ffa j F*rn flout 'I.".li).one') to Havsnnah, 919 5" j Do. I'niuuibu* b» d" Dial jlo. .Amefcu-to d" 8 55 HE". A IGA A|H, Su|rartntwu,lehl Mac. n.lVb. I.Mb, 1855 fwb |H IQtblilH dm, Bramly. iTai lnnall Ilwetllbai Wtda- nd old •• Itwaerve, ’ ism, lo store ao.t ft ir aala .Ml,Mb fc JulINMiiN, mar Itf ylNI's Very etovlcw oM Madeira amt Sherry 1A inna, In WiM-l amt glass; alw», lomtlon Ihwk Purl, In ra*h*. For sale Iiy mar III MIND* fc JilllNSKlN | vRFNt II AVINKu • larni. In ea-hs-ml ease* nf otra I’ d.isrn tH.nirai Hauiiune, <« quarter easks and raora For sale hr MININ fc Jii||N«Ti»N. mar IQ ALE lllll'U.- jil coll#for sal# In I loir II II J Gil.IIRM. 1,500 J IP tTIMQRK, lo arrive, hi schr. IIUSII KI.H choice gslAfAl Nsvmaraei, Ihtin Baltimore, a very superior article ftOft’T. ILMIKUSHAM fc NON. mar II 6 A A' A.N .A - x'.l.tkxi I a E-uvetamU, put up . pal and 9W1 in a Irax; lit,t»ai Id t'etaoli MW liwgsl- .\i*ai I I ftuen l’slab* iluhanu; also, numerous other t.iaiMl* of Sugars, all o( my awn lim-wuiton Eor aaiw by J. A. BRirtVN. mat I 1 A MHNG TMs |l*v, ibmi vieamer Augutia 1 J 15 Md* Apples, I vara new |‘q I IQI 1 J he w IV Xi. In hoses I.sir- Italatns, 111 fc 3 bag* IVean Nul* I'or sale b) rnsrl _ J A. HftmVN. I .ANDING and In atom: Wlraxes H***la Btacnlt.* t vli* do, 5 do Sugkf do, 5 do BuH»« do Al»'S (Iwlle*, Clieewe, l aid, Beef, I'ofk, Sugar* of all kind*, Block Pick bra, nick Imt and fresh l-vbslcca, (fclaupa, "II tea, llg Blue and Muatarxl. All t.d Ml* I'T mar I J. A BROWN, | »l. ANT ATD'N GIIoDs,--Ibriiravl ami |*Uiw i*sn*. bnita, nf the wvral •pprovr.l twskea, doers p>ow thw fWciory 1 Mariner's ntriiraa, M»nt*.>r» Elahlst also, IJnulint *nd Ivrxiww nhcc'tng Ibna J * tn 19 4 wide.—- Jnst reeelvesi ami lor sat* by feb DlAVirt fc MORGAN. S I'G All Just tw*el»ed per w4im>nei ManbaaseU. |o tiMa. Nt. (Twix Sugai, an ' tor Mtn By IH. 9.1 t J. TIIIIEl.hlU.l*, Ag‘1 lighter v Itahmeni be (ore, with prior* to correspond w IU* the times. I am ilrleitnlnid lo keep only such arx'c*es in . my line, as I can vranfctentiy re>-«*mmrnd at d warrant ‘The public are most respectfully *° »*M aed aa-dsiv ibemactveaby an rxamlnaibxv ol my awk All kind* ol Rctvalrlng done, •• heretoXvrw l~ N URNS'ETT. mar IV tNvrwer of AA’e-l Broad vn.< Ns* via j ___ M I.IVCIIY, II U K, AMU '»%HBAXaia HTAUIaE. f|'H|! 8ul%scriber* bsve i«u'<h*ra»l tbe targe Brick ! I Maple on AA esl Unvad street. Bwraverty kn,*ww a* Brown fc Harris' Stable, and v* III Ira thankful ft*-r a *harw ■ of public patrivnsce AVe lnlen.| lo keep gv-.s| 1 wrritc.w ; ami lluggieo, gentle ll.vfwtra, a nd carefWt Drivers ; airt II s'llct atirniioi* to hutlwea* will mectl patrvmage, we in tend m haxelt TMrtM AS P BTRVKNl*. J AlVB EI.LlsrxiN ha>*«nnb.January l«. IBM. *rao yaw A ortatess or vna rata*. Ilt-aatii'a M»eu twrasa*io* Psrax.—AV* tefce our rera.letT to the ad sec*, tawsweai ta unuher rwJwaw. ratting mnh lira taervt* «4 this yMaHwc M*4 HfrainM teve^tran. Tbe cheaptraw* abowM Uvdoca al] ke grvw n a uxai - Philadelphia Merchant. it ts ' n*urpas»rO i\r tra-a:w*m aw.1 wUltlv, sad vhctd meet w lih lb« sale II rlch’.' dnenrxrw- Trlborwh. Just what Ihe |*aNlc ha* loa* Jra'N*.'.. asrt -enraw mrwds Uratf to every t;div dstl cj UoOe na-4 mgiauianil .ureal fc ( oorier. I'ebrwars 5, tttl Iran* mar tl l ift* A W» 8I*TIK» O# FANNY ri:** \ l.|. lira wovM t* reeding til* * vl—■arras then fcfc- n» m|Uw ,'rtiwJ hy the (trade Ewll IV»of ,vf'be Mirakwty, a argvrl Ve the (key rahe w as trained to be a Orrajyrasaw, bv Jofcw X Xenmuh .X M . an twtrae-’.lng werfc. The Mvatreve* ,V the iVwrt 0/ Qwaraa Atfc by Alar worth. The Gay Gift* of Ne* Yeti, et LNtatkrl Aa Ned IDt'tngra, or tbe Tw-rw of the Bcrad Rwvoid and fra sale ►« Dll II. AV IIAXKlL havreai.M lira Denial Uoirns, recently orvup'ed bv l*r lleaM, >w Ibraymraet., on* d,*ot Snmw Bri'Wgbbvn, where he will b* *oe**4 at all Umov piepared to atlesvd H aw* bwatvraes nraraml with 81% priffwvsiow.i- areN'rdanee ratxb the ra--*t •ml approvtal prlnruplra id *afrea Ixeeuusr, Terth eiamlnral avul tnlrige grtew w»ih.'et <fcbrew Spec Invena of plain AA'ori to be see* at bis HM, when* be »iil have cNNwrtawtlx on hsw.1 T.*.ob powder, di**Aou^ ami preiutMttliH,* fc»t tbe reUrf of Tx-oSha*be deelU >**•' KPTO NOTHT ; “ 1 \N IVANitvwT. |v«.i *i. bra Aasu.ved vo the htwl I dwelling rwrar ef Bama-d o*4 MaveasreH*. and fronting Sl.Jawvea'eqaare. wear 1“ fcefcWf X whe^r he will Ira )de*a#sl w* wait wpow hva orarad* and the pwhJra grwerallv, In the Ilh* wl hu priMV-raK'is Dr. rsT'uwt haa al*.* reertted a fine aaracxaerwt ol that lw»alwald**rtW4* OH ttRWTfffflWriJPSYFaa. To which ha wvMthl lav We the aVie*Vkrav of all tfcrra* sh> are aw Boring OeM general debl'llv In rrraeoaswvsa*' tb»w of vhls vwa%raw|Na'*IHe avt'eW, l»v. I*. ««M tefce la the hwwdiril* tn this fiQ who have brass bswrdaed hy lia apfU-raltiw* we* *va TV* l t«* eg T T Uavwwea. ,d 1A tk og a «v,»»*ahtp aad «v* t v-eraei waes-ww - fc *. MA1-I.V, No. ISM uravgvrara ajwwc biA »Qv»a» #v )?qJ8 < m > mhVfr* fc av, thwepday, Drfc fifkh. \ PK AvTV Al Tveatvea m EVewUfW fccCvera t» the X • bv fc lABfclfc 9 IV TV* Kotsfoa Mares Ura IW) Srtfcfcfca *J>I wrap# .J Geexxgvwl fcr*orawby Joba Rye figwlxfc, ray ! |„.vwri *e B.'1-wN fcoraal'Ac Mhenry, Ufcs M lurav sbHiM'.rf Ora tHiwof AVafcgha hy aw rij fcvtltre - 'ywMUMsq, ||ira.My id the Jrava'V* Vfcefc OrtgtW. Prigoews Ore tiutssbl lv»4*i fc* G,8.Xve>lht4 8ifcwfclfcw*OMs I I iJbrwrt. I Rerare *• ib# Mnarawraih xImmhjm IgChnRn* fc, ; Eeoow fc-ka* m»utxveJ uhorary. TV* A vravNrtaw Ot tVydagha Mfc fcm fcsfcfcfc Iiwm i hy tbe awvhra «d -waraisw vat WfcMlM,WR9 fc*fc»^ I IViwvarwVed I th*nry. ihiuuaw l.vNoogmpfcy 1 ra, the IUa»g» wg UfctfcMae 1 An «w ihe MkAdle Vgorat V) M, tfcffggfir ffMfc>>a Ura I'virit iJbxit . Tbe • vtv^rasUe: ra Iwsgtvwxarara *4 Cyrw* 1*4 xfcwMwl veevr*, or Urea*a* llvsarar-fcefcwfc xffwmaewl Uhmy. whaiaweraarisa UVhsv 1 ra Swraaraaterra Id* IRya Daipra^ Magrartraw, fra Marwfc PwtwasaN e*. fcv lkdr)N Ladvw*' Ryoafc, 9s* Month ■•ai at I Jib tag Rwhwura *4 Fa way I rara AA'.dMAS Ura* hy AVbsfcv 1 grara Infcg, wag 8 |.x >,(Lldrw xUN-iiMAlM livra IS. aad fra saw h« MINI* fc