The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 24, 1855, Image 2

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SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY .MORN] "W, *o«M Imriia stttttlon lolbs MTStofCaplin Btran, Ik, ialallMtMl ud ,•**-. Z2ckHfoflNJlM, «rh:«h ** publish lk|* nuns. In*. Hatrim bad M*<nl nnnaiaaUaM tallh him a^ua lha topics discuss.,, ha hit, at oar icaucsl. |aM hla alaara upon psr-r.uud cxtaldarlm lham ol aabtla Impoaaaca wa Ihla morula* lay lham ha- 'foft tho mJift • Jt u hoped, and indaad baliated, that the uttieral fOTetomaol will grant ustbc uae of the Barrack* for *<<nio time to come, and (hue render it unnecee* v eery to lake inetant steps for tho erection of a Guard Barrack*, yet thle la uot certain, and if it were, the vlewi of the Chief of Police, ae set forth in Ida re* ■ port, cannot fall to antago the auco'ioo ot all who ara Interested In tha good order or the city. Hit ■ aaggeationa in regard to tho aiieof the proposed Jail, atrike oe ea being emioentlyjudioiune, and we venture rwpectfally to commend them to the lavprable consideration ol the honorable the Jnati* oca of the Interior Court. We ere glad to loam theae latter functionaries have determined that tha plan of the Jail shall embrace a chapel for retig* , ious woivhip. t* ■ It be will seen that other topica of much Intcrcat are diacuaecd In the report. -We woeld add that tha foregoing la corrobora* tad by the laH papers from the Wcat. It waa be lieved that tha ifae of II feat In tha Arkeoaae would produce a flee of at leaet ala loot In the Miaaiialppl. Removal or Judok Lorino —The oommlitee of the Maaaachuaetta Legielature on the petition f *r the removal of Judge Wing aro diridod in opin ion Tha majority report In iavor of a removal; which ia tinned by four momhera A minority re- Mayor and Council, and being eefried on hy the p*eeent Board, are ae yet la degree acaieeiy more then Inlilaulve. No permanent arrenfement baa been harmed lor the eetabll«haaeut Of an .appropriate ttuard barrack end Station Hunts*. A eudden v-xpuWlon horn our present aceupaucy ortbeU. tt. BarrWa would be eaueedlngly tha location and arrangement of the Main Ouard Barraeke and Station llouaee U of the utnimt Impor- tanre to tha efficiency of the Police, end the choice of altea ehould be m*de with ear#, hiving In view tbe eliaraeirr of the different portions of the city, and alto port algited by two members hue boon aubmlited lie probable aatenaiou. A little study nt our lno*ll|les against the removal Tha other member of the committee did not sign tha minority report but he fa against the removal AtuvALor tvs Kxvitonx SraTx.—The U. 8. Mail S.eamahip Keystone Stale, Capt. flardie, in fifty-six fowl* Horn Phitedotphla, t»» C. A. L. La. mar, arrived at her Wharf, in this city, between 9 . and 10 o'clock, last night. Tho Pursar will ac cept oar thanks for ureal favors. DreASTttSTo Sbiffinq—The British ship In-, fonts, Capt. Calhoun, cleared from Ihts port on the O h o| February, by E. A. Souilard, having ou board a half million feet of timber, bound for Cork and a market, is rep wted l«»*t. Captain and crow rescued by ship Harks way, bound for Ch*rle*t«ot, Veeeel end cargo Insured in N«w York, and M Johns, N. B. We have no pnrtioulare aa to tho date or circumstances ol her lose. From the Charleston Mercury, of Tuesday, we learn that the ship llarkaway hat hermit jnet with disaster, having gone ashore on Cape Ro main, on Monday lest. H-?r cargo consists of 4.00.1 seeks salt. Owing to the heavy eea and strong wind prevailing, nothing pn-diive could bo obtained aa to her condition. Vessel fully in* sored in Cbaricaton, and her cargo, probably, in Europe. _ The U. S. frigate CUumbi-i, belonging to tbe Home squadron, haa arrived at Norloik. QT There waa considerable enow at Dalton 8 inday last, which has been toll owed by frost. It le feared that the fruit trees have been injured. Nativity or th* New Yogs Police —The chief of the New York police haa sent to the A denm-n an answer t» the resolution inquiring intotbu nativi ty of the policemen of'he city. It appeara that there ara 717 bora in the United States, and 431 in foreign countries—making nearly 49 per cent. of tha hires of foreign birth. Tho Chief hinteelf is returned aaa nativo of New-York. Tile Rev. Dr. Soulo, Senior Bishop of the .Metho dist Church South, having declined to preach the funeral of Bishop Capers, at Nashville,tho ensuing month, nn account of feeble health, we understand, that the Rev. Bishop Pierco has been aelocled, to fill hie place. Coloniiation.—The lower branch «f the New Jersey Legislature baa concurred with the upper in granting 95,000, in five annual payments, to the colonization cause. Ths Death or Nicholas and the Acquisition •r Cuba.—A Washington letter says: M One of the consequences uf tho news of the Caer's death, bu it what U may as to truth, ia to bring to a stand still our policy with Spain. The Inatruotiona to our new Minister aro not to be ected upon until tha department shell havo the advantage ol the intelli gence brought by the next steamer. Our intimate relations with Russia,under Nicholas, will creme excitement when made known, and hie death ehould it provo true, mutt have a tonslblo effect upon our foreign relations, unless hie successor ap proves ihe policy adopted between tho two govern menu—Russia and tho United otaltx." American Vukls ton the Crimea.—A corre- disturbance may be apprehended, .ju'inloiii ..f ttin etiil.dolpl.ia U. S. Usutlr, writ* JU !**■••"* H.l—In.bmuhi r..r li. in.* fn.In Main*.ill.'* Iindsu da In (if FflbtUaiV 33 lid ” boUlldar), !• wdl, I think, Show that this city. If ever lamer, Is in ax* lead Kastward. Aa examination of meet elites will show that Ultra are pertlculsr tocalntcs, where the ilUafnats-tl nit«l •!>« viflous congregate, and that these baunte ere net easily changed tend yet more* that they may In a great mi-ssure be omit not within certain limits. Our city has sufficiently grown to have districts of marked character* We have now three points requiring vspcctal aUeniion from the Police. First. All that part of the city Ban of Habersham street Second. The vicinities of the Market. Third. AU that part of the city We*l of West broad- street Tho i alural growth sad consequent Improvement or the ally wld, I think, tn a lew year* cteaiiae the Market vicinities of moat nr the lr pretent disorderly poluu. It is In the Kattcru and tVedera |M>rtlouanr ttircltjr, where there are the porm..iiflni*slilrm-nisiif those from whom M.tsellles end., d... o. fsbrusiy *M j ™ £ save; I woral elements. It embraces not lr«tthaii rlthl Ward*. S?”Sue"(.T 1«TK * n>£. I UM «"> nml HH tnrn On the same day the bark Fanny ; P°pn'eonn. Wlihln it are now overonvhuudruU liquor E>*ler, «d Baltimore, sailed tor Katnoisch, w.tli . vending shopt, iwonty six sailor boarding hoioea. flv« etons of all kinds for the army. 1 do not know I largo home* or III time. Iiesldea numerous unall ouee. ol nny olber A uteri cane at piosrnl eugaged, al* j It la the re.idence and reaoil of a large proportion of ■ h. ..I r r.itlfl. U*r.liikiifia llt.ia 1 il.i ■ ......... . . ■ ,.h«iMiiii 1.1 Emiluli.Kl. Ill'll >ud lh.1 HikiIdi .ml nn™ I..IM c1.n, will! mil aro more tliau a hundred. j moot hero In Ihe cool monilia, ami who have no re* Ora Light IIoUxe System etta us near two e'raiuts of a local diameter or family ilea to control miliious ol dollars a year. Util.ko most cotnmer- •‘ ,rw * This part ortho city •uppltesan a»cra«e of two cial nations, wu give t'ltho navigation of tho whole la tournf iho»# pwrsons arresie«i for dlo-rd rly conduct world Hi. Kdv.ntsgo ol ihl, groat oiuondilmo.— i 11 "I""" 1 » .1""'* »»d ».'« m.. .. < llltiHil iriillllii 111rro Tho Boston Daily Advertiser says: tamed police fnrre. I have said that the middle secilon or the city latnlm £Kl.'ELS «- bon ih.I In , fkw |i .r» apMvta arriving at l»er jv-rts. to dilrsy the i-xp. uao of maintaining h«T light houses, oVen iu cases where the veseols mav out have no.-n -tio liglile b-r will be free frvm regular dlttutlH-rt. If It •li.nild not bo ,o entirely, it t» «.i,ty ihe \Ve#leru pari—say from tbo alleged umi of whb h they aro obliged to pay. | Jegaraoo.etreet t»* M eat llm..d-that »• ltnt*l> loc-nihme Our follow cntien, Mr. Liwrence, wn«-n ho w#a jdattgeraue. I would, therefore,treat li as pan of the i tVisieru division,with Ysmncraw end NorthniidHouth 1 Uglethurpes. Within Hit* section -say West of him* . ker street andNnrliof enuth Broad street—there are ra(Miried n v. nty-ihree liquor al.op», three tailor board- MintMur at tho Court o| tjt. juttiee, called tho at- tern ion <d ih« B iti»lt (tovernment to lliu aut-jnt, and eodeavorud (u effect a renusaiun of th« light duet, t ut without success. M.-a mh-r nations, with the eaeeption of the United .-'tales, do iho . L same. It ought to 1*0 placed to ..ur credit in the '" K f °ur noted h .u.ea..t in r a i„e. Tbp|mpu. general charge ol grue«ty |nvo l«*r the “u|inigh>y iattou of tl*e Western pan ol tlds dlvhlnn la very inlxtMl, dollar" under wht.n tho country labors ihal tho eonalatli.g of amertcana, free lowl-i eraof comm* rcial world U allow, u the enj -ynii-nt oi «oir all eluarea. ltiHirderl) as ad thceo vbineiiiamoy np|, nuttier->os light houses without charge or tax of • dtriurbancv ia less con ni-m then-than muhi bt- sup. any kind. Know NoTttiROS t.v GeoXqia.—Wo find tho fdlowing com-apobduncn in tlto Washington Oignn: Auuusta, Ga.—In tho langoago t*f Shakespcarn we can exclaim: "Now. t.y St. Paul, the work goes bravely on." Wo n *»e now a<*nio one hun- . , , dr* d and thirty-five councils in our State, and all I • ul l 1 »'P u 's* , "» true Amcneuo-, wiihuut reg-td nt puny preddec 1 lio'.a, atu tin* king to >>ur si.oiditrd. Tho old pit- liinnl ininguers aro trembling nlrea-'y, arid are diligently inquiring as to whut tho Know Nothings will d>* in tho guneius'i ulodioti, and h-ivoihe temerity P* edvisu ns to what ilu-y think vtould bo ! tho nt'-st sdvi».intc coun>o tor our patty to pursue. I Our ro ly to all such is, that we think woarocom* pctcnl toiiMimge our own nfLire, hcip on? own c .iiueiis, .oni ttmt th>‘ n*-xt Gov.-rnor ol Gcotgia will be ol the lumdv <d "Sam " Miu.tDOKVii Lr. Ga—The American principles j p*»*c«l. aa tunny ot the hdiubltstiU n’e moat re»pccuble aml.orib rly. Hint there are comparatively »rw Idler#. I PtmaliiK now over the grouu-ta nl :hv < ',ltadr.>ad, . you arnv«ai Hnnilicraectlni We-t of \\e»l Itn-o l-unt t 1 known a» WsU.n Ward tend vomedmea aa Hot«>i- I viltn) This ia lapld.y huihliUR up With niiall ten.- * menta, and Is laid uut In Intricate street . The pre* la mn»lly it duatrUI, amt coniah s many very worthy citizens; hut I loir from various cautra, tlut ea It incrwwac* III numhrr*, it • ill not tui- prove In character. It i« h«»w the residence of a nuin* her id U.e Police, and their habitual presence has don# much 10 check dl*-oder. CroS'i.ig over Went llroa-l, yon enter furry low n, north ami aouib. ThialacnmprlMd within W«-t lln-ait, l.lbery end Tattnall airetta. Here you will fl .<! a |#-p* ulith-n almost tf not quite, a* mixed a* In Vaui-<erbw, hut of a quieter order. In IM* *ec Ion wt.d Waltor. ward | | her, ttiere are over forty liquor shop* alour. t look for progreavire improvement in Cunyiown. j tlavins given kW* sketch of thw city. I t>»a now to Mll.tairrt.n4lm. •» Ca ia, MARCH 24 w ■■■II I I j . ■ — f>5, llw«. Kud».r«i _ ll.idun. Allan, L.wl.,.0.>m>nif, Wlld.r, Millar, and Dollar. . lkn. nl uiiu un Mil oT Mr. 1). L. fur Work Hjl VP.°iilo« of UlnoirmoM ofibt I SavxiMteh Female < »4«cwlaa.MMa4 heir fiat. i rv^w,s wisra;7. , - * rii.n.M.iMMi; COTT".i.-Tk« Min. -**r —.MMiiimwi^., m.Mi.wii>> |i«nic«i.i. i a .it*.<i uo.i», i ,,„d and .l.inwl by Him mu ih. |U widk^lu Com- Infunii.ilim and fin. Duckol. woio codOioiwI, MniuiiH iho tolluwlim — ‘ Ul» ul S,v,on,n) Nu) H.r.on.h 1 ^ U |, ■ lien >1 Iml. In Wllll.mWr. I ..WltneaseX eyvorii: for Prosecution, •Pulicvmen Wi[aon, Bradley, Fatvoeit, Perry; and for dulettca, D. N. Lain. trine tho avld^nca, II appanring to l a light had been placed at the hole, ,Upun hoarim Cotlncil that a U r -- v - «arly in the evening, Uy the duleitdant, and Ihe Work.In which he wee engaged being itnpoitant end necessary, , On muilon of Alderman Alexander lh* tine of ten dollars imposed by ihe Mayor Waa reduced one half City o| Savannah 1 E nU .,ujt,|ng nogrore after bell Patrick Glvaenn. ) ring, on 13th- Wiinoeeea’aworti: for prosacutinn, (tollcetnan MuCullum ( for dulunoo, John G.uaa m. Council boing sal lulled Imiii tho uvidunco tint liquor had been sold b* a neitro nlt.-r boll nog, On motion of Atde'matt Wilder the fine of ten dollars imposed by the Meyor, waa loeruaaed to iwonty dutlars. xr.h»RTa or committies read and At>omD. "he umlciaignvd,e cutmidilce apiMinted by hie Honor tho Mayor, t"examine thv incUu.>utu-etvd -fowl' . ... . _ .... •"H 1 *? .‘IP hjrt'Mtwt* ! xailUfin Martin Duggan praying parmlaifmi to maku certain additioua and ImpMvcments to hta h»*u*o, corner Bay and Habersham streets, lo Com* if lay particular* al0M.MatN14.Mai »«, 17» at ajf.M'atB8.T9al i 1*019, and Mali#sent* meesenn.4 -i - , T t )7, i r^ l > AP.!HAGi»i ) , iiMuairta. 1 Tt*e frtand* and acquar»>a» cw lidn. ... Uahx • . ’—V M ralKrwon Fire Deperttui-nl. - i Peiilloa of Mvsare. A. Porter, /. fluve.-.,. —- Solomon Cohan.* Ht-hool Cumminiionefe for ally of oo.omun idOitain Nt-nom UummlmbHtefe lor any oi HsVhitosh, praying the ercffilon by Council nl the Mneaie tk-hool Untie* from the fund bequeathed tu (he city (or that purpose, tv Committee on PubUo Education. Petition of eundrv citizen# requeating Ihe exten sion of the water pipes in Ouru»n struct, to Com- mission, is uf Water Works. mitl'-NS XKAD a NO La7d ON Ttrt TABLK. Petition of Jamna II. Handifurd firaymg Council to refund liim mm hundred and Hlty dollar*, being one-hall tho expen.e iucurrvd t»v him in aneailng and bringing bat k to this city Bamuel C. Chappell, who had s'olen Irom Buvannnh hie slave Cbarloitn, and pr->tit-edcd aa lar aa Montgomery, Ala , where Ihev wi-r« arrraisd. Petition of Port Wardens, praying Connell lo In- create ilu lr feet for surveys of "U to lour dollar*. Uutchva* Irom I wo Kutotuiiou* offered and adopted hy Aldi-rman Ifnrdun. Wberens III* Honor the Mayor h«s.-lii- wfth Mr David K. Dilloo'a claim, fur indemnifies, i ^ lion fur hia Imiiri.vciiii'iila oil fractional whari lot. . “ r *.®‘" n '. ,n WNVSoueh Utyer.and f..f the clnliy ann-iuuce-l Hip parvig.- of an ad t*y tbe lute Coogre*# ol (lie United Kiaiea, iii#kir.g an addt*- tiunal npproprution of om< hundred and sixty one thous.tnd d-dlnrs, (9tfil,(J00j for Hie rt-iuovsl of ob- Hoit b.r hi* iinproveiiii'iita uu fractional whari lot, at the foi l of West Broad street, beg leave In re- f ort: That thoaaiii haettonal whail b*l wne a pub* ic ihur ughfarc,u pail ul the landing to the public dock U i« maintained, that Coum-il had no right to approprialu ll hy leasing it to an individual, or to authoiWo thuer- dion ol a building iht-ruon, nor is ihcre any evidence that tin y mb-mlcd to author ise any improvements | at the expiration ol Mr. liin.n ili,.n t... Iibiih ».'Ai.i..*.t Dillot/a Ivare ill- n ho should havo hveu r- qoir-*d to remove lh« butldmgjthu City Council, how* evur, took pouci*ioii ol too propi-py and tcutvd it at Hie va Ultimo fixed hy thu committee ai-iKiintcd for that purpose, hy o dor of Council, say tor 9&0 Pur annum- Tlio uttiler«<gord, thi-r-l<>ru. iImia it 4 vquilahle' tn Mr. Dillon, and 'just ’ toward# the public, that Council ehou'd pay over to linn tho aunt u| ooe hundred and fifty d<-linn*, being the • ccs* over thu amount ottered by Mr. D.llon _ ground rent, end tlto rent obtained f-*r tho whole I ^dgincuta proporty, and at the end of Hie year - f tho present I j|,, n j am „ tenant, should require Mr. Dilioit within n reason- ' able lime thcrcalier, to remove thn huddmg ; and should lie t all to do so, thru Council should udver tide it nud suit it,alter the usual notion, to tie ie- moved by the purchaser, an I (my ever the nett prucvcds ofsuih s.ile to Mr. Uilbm Uespoutlully aohnntied, Joskrtt S. Fay, Wx. Duncan, „ ...... OtTAVUS CullEN. Sivannsh, 19th March, 183V The Committee on Water Works, to wh >m waa referred twit'i p -wur to aci) the p-uoon ol J *« s Fav, K-q , PreatJ. nt of the Ste.imi.out Ci tnpnny *»l Georgia, pmying".he extension of tho w., «•? pip--# down to thu vicinity of tin* yard and wh ines o| the Steamboat Company of Ge.ogis." beg leave t<* report' they have relern-d in.* #amu t>* tho Voinntiesi-ners .T the Water Works, rocm mending t ut-aid pul it ion he ur-mtvd. which is all tin- C-'iiomtice can do under Ho* ordm.incea rcgninliug ill" water work*. Too Commitleo, m vo w of :h • gr. at security to prop- r'y ali -rdod by Ihe water w rks, w-.uld rcc-*iittn.-iitl h..| the p-ires Ire i-Aluudert t** all pans ol die ut|y, and sis*. • li u the Board reei-mmr r.d t-» tho Insurai.c** Ac**flci»a n reduction of Hie rat*-# ol inaurnuce, when* ih# pipes >oo now laid, and urumrui'y through ut thu city when the oximisom rh*ll t ee-uite general u*-b't A. Allen, Cba'nnan Tho -ip-'cial (o*inmittee, t«, wh -tit tin- fixing ••! th** snisry *ud m-rqun*it*- »p,-ti**r ol W. ight-io d niesruie*" fcg leave rejH.rt ns follow#, vix. : Tnr-y lecomtneml bis sal ary vh-.iild b*i fiv*- mmdr,*d dollars |«-r mo um, wjih the fees lor adjUMing, aa pi-rqinsnea They it-ao aubmit t*» ihe eona*d*-r»"on *-t ih** market c* iittnit- ie**, the following Tn-iffof leer*, according to iho l^iIt section oi Uo* Ofilluaro’e lor-alaMlstnng a um- w-n>* ruler red I »*»l tbe "In- mom «d the Mine ; nod whereas ih**se olrt'ructmna h ive f.-r u long a* rlca ol years imiwdod Him free osviga bm ol our river, and the progress and pr- t- 4'erity r-f our euiiimvfce, Ion Ign nod dum**-tic, to the groat Ueirimunt of the city oi SaVaunah and the State of Georgia, therefore, Itrmlttil, That we had with delight tho an nouncement, and congratulate our lelluw cnizeue up*-n the paMago of the aet by the la c Congress, making approprtai! n lor iho rcniov#) of the ob structions, and improvement ol Hie Savannah river. Ilrtnlrrd, That our thanks arc due, and are here-by icndi-ri-d to our Senators and ll* pre* nta- lives in Congri'Sa, and alto to the Benamta and Kopresr-matitva of other Srates who were co- workers wtth them f.-r the ubtnittmenl ui an ap* *: primiiati -n «a ju.t as t was lib*-ral. ■ I Remind, That we hereby tender our acknowl- 1 our iiiiincdiatu IvepnwuUttv,-, the h. Seward, f-*r in* watchiulncM and I Xuai in pressing our claiin upon the atteiiliuu ol C-* grea* By Alderman Ifcrtx, R'lol.ftl, That ih-thanks of this Board Ih> and rre ho e><y ti-odund lo ttio Hon E-lward C. An- duiHon and lion Joint E Ward, |-,r their servires In viviiiug Waahiugton, end hi urging the apoto priation to remove the obatruciiunt in, and un pr.*v<* the Sivmuiah riv.-r. Rewind, Tuai the City Treourrr he directed tnpay to the flmi. Edw#ru C. Ander*on all r-x pensejneurred by him, and to pay l«r ih-J H«m. John E Ward all expo*is.-« incurred by Inru, #od Hi** In* ther *uin of fiiteui hundred dollars ;By Aidsmi-m L* wl#, ilerilcfj, That t'-e City Treasurer he directed to pay t- .In? Rev. I harlot \V Rocvrs thirty five dotlma, in-lug the am mnt of an nn*igmii e.o.p m a'ti,idled to certificate No. l‘«W, due l»t February, my By Aldromyi Lewi*, Reiolted, I'hut <ho City .Marshal fx* ina«ructrd to inqime wtiat h.,a Ih-uorne *-f ih# brae* scale* and wet *l|i« puichi«'d tor tho tiurtu t In Novum- lit-r. 1833 fly A'dcrman Mallory, R* tui ml, Th-,1 the C-*mmittenon Pu’-lic Bat'd* ing» In* authorized t.. have a'd placed on 'he n-wr Kmni-n'a Hall. Bv Aid rin-n II mien. Rttolnd, Thai C-omcil will prorerd at th<* nr it regular (lie-Ibtk'to rb-ct an fn*|H Ctof **f Weigh:* and Mean- rr», to »ervo until th- lirvi regular in- ct ingot Council, III Jan->sr). I83b,aml-hai tin- t.'b-ik give notice *i| Hie aattiu by publication until the day of *-(« ction. A'll-iuitl of account passed, $7^27. Council adjourned A C. DAVENPORT, c. c. HCIiL U H> llir.rl.Haiti.;., j 4 “ ■* * " •'*** '“‘1 bake ! ANDREWS I'iTffi -— . " —— » a. i M« a , ar , m,.th ,«ik7i itT ~ FOR OitHi WEEIt o^ tt F Venge, Plemlag A Lo, H#a#, Uavla A latfig. W Bat* tsrab) A t'A», Ur**- vlil# A l>, By** A NeMev. t Who* aa,tehees A ll,rtz. W»jh* A Unas, H W imain#. tV IdiHidB. Crane A Rover*. 4 It 4e***«. VV fl Tl#***, |x#f« MiroUgh. Ravrelt A Cm, FadetL^d, Fay A Co, A S flat- lldge, Uaita A WaHiburu, and utbera. AtUiHKTA, MAKCll Il-t'a »«« -The «rrt«tee*. gnu#* Orm site price* letl, with a telr d*«**d. UHliDNIIL'itt MAfli'll Tl— • l*e-et«antcilvelon*iify at prlera ratlor trading et»wsr.!s._ The taka n * THUK01R! LI3HTNIN0! STOW,. « t±*^Trox.‘ UVI.U lilt. "ij i h... w.n<>... I.HI. ul <N■'H !■ - . in.. ril./f I THAT Hfl.c, Hum w,.. JMid.Ltit##.nihIH eetn* for UM\ Uiddilagti Mi.JdJog fJ UMpoa AI;-t*.^.,* w .^*.. * a a, ..... ' »Ml»i*JMMIC AlMRi.p OF tkLAJp.a OiaM *i Fs'nik* In It* u wu.#Hq wll . * J*Cl eAKUt- -afa^’ij** la - itch an. , Hl| *eppllu>l-w-oiMi*adll) C-rniloaHil NJg luPyge. CIIAUM.aTOR, MAKLII gl-c«trrr#a -!•.**• wees gn*M| it nun-l f..r tht* ankle to da>. a,at Pm- mi- • Mu-v* i.- inaiHi ,-ir uni ari#CM »*«i n«- w- t#k-w • , M . --'O, * a vrr» futllanei-m prine*. The tran*at-tl>.M r.-Mp t*« * v**he#roMiep**.lee ■•*-»**«■#, u, ; ,,, w ** ^ 44 tMlra al *. 7-Id, HVal TH- “H- »*« *17 **. M al < ***o^*l Ih., a, mm*j '• S,tPXt at *,3fila. atr-k.M at SR, »l atrfc. IS M ’V**’* **.7^ ‘b* T ,r r-ia\ '•» *' 'v— ‘-v—- at'-l I--,,/, ,r th» •. 111 at UR. I'i ai uj*. aa.1 art at IUc UK(V UMI.KA'H, MaRCII H _ paly a llimlrd <trma>M| m. r-atorday, an*l lb* *a »* »*,* ««ly • It nn lea <l«ms>Mt »m, f-a<aruay. *M-l lb* aa »• wr*e 4^ ttU>1 »a«ai4aTa. 1 F w ** arsrsir — »*- *■“; — B „ out quoiabl. ebaiHfu saw oBkKAis ct*ssifiraT|i,a. Ordinary . 6 ®7lg Ibkro.r IJ-uhI Vti.IdJliig e-affifk DlildbngFair «... I» ml-ff Fair .OVAir carTTue *T*Ta*aaT. flock nr. hand 1st tkpt lair* M.A.A Arrt.ed *mrr ffl,'«M Arrived to day *U*-WJn mu itmpittMk, UtfVtf ImiIm i.uu.1* *.< 4.., 1 ^ t , iir«at.t,a ( ply to HI Mi x 4. | ITM V. • -t-l by tm-/ 94 TapanH 10 rfat*.. Kipor.e.1 today.... wr..«'g . i,od4-Ml.rwi 4 >*. I f *KV1HAI. un Neili tv.#.*, 1 L Wl <u A . 1.1.1 A 1.-.V. ...Trj, 1 - ; V Tal»i, Udiva^i, i r»M * M*IU .. -<t ‘*4 i •».*. <M ' » (Ml, ar»J »t». feu*, ia j 1,, * ,w * ] e*ta»- <*f It. 1 tl I ..... va w ' *>C I 1 rpKA>—T cliVi* Nkb-wr 1 1 d-n rvo IvrJ and lo* mIc i> } •war H I kobfc-iu. 9 I rooty; 7i iS~* U« W E<*Vr j : c • 1 H ACiN a|f»K* - la UdV *Mcw '••C 'I** Wr*4U*b*|i k*;M- 1., V,', , w*a/X« M*U1J,. J OT UU fctVKl>—4 vwrta* | if -at# hy I mpckmi. t*»n w wikt-i^i;: ft VVlM*, p».**a U by 4 1 Mar U A * IDtL. ' » 11 TViJtN X*r1 A*k 1 oat. l..i)'i{ f-,«. ,. | .,u •....... .• ».. ... t, “’' I ».»•< ii ii"i*i. . •..»» m.Hw.k ' um: run *.»i. -1.. T m iii.mi ..Af.ii .n n ~ III W.!^lltMir«*.lMMlM ’-vr .'Vrat b-I.W. M*. H ,|^ U r I * t**k <* I Ml • M.iChT #b . m Pa .Via N*t. I )r .1 Ik-lfV h eiq 1 it, , S 3. *»ej| Mi-m-T • *j-*ra! • I.V.OOI* lLh.r-. fli- . as laid down in the "Or n an,'’ are uxtcndiug all over th s Siutc, nnd by ihe next October rlecd-ii ll will tell a talo Hirtt will make the old l -giee I quake to their time*. The people aro walking say,Hit be *JiedH*nnlnatlnj, of llm cit zvu*to |w.rl#,i. op and nr*» dciermine to rule their own country a police *y*«em. It is c-rteiuly b»*t Uiat a mature plan be | a aniping each tu aaur*', li 1-2 c. 3<) In. wuight, 30 143 «3 all other w* ighfa 1 lr**nt 11 Ih d>ni)[ 13 1 Ic. t** In f n-i ••un- y cai-hc«i|.<n scale j 60 c. or t*aiaucc, f yard suck, 13 13 e " 13 1 ic. mekatire. 13 1-3 .• weigh', C l 4c. We have advices ffuqi St. Kitts to the 19th of February* which informs us that the cholera, which had beep raging with destructive violence there, |ps now cursed Its ravages, and the government has aceording’y ordered, by proclamation,the ob servance ot a d»y of thanksgiving and prayer for lha 'mercy «f Pruridi oco in relieving thu Islands of S<. Christopher sod Anguilla irom the droediul •courago. ExrujraTioN.—In *iew of tha money panic, and thefailarea lp San Fr*Dciaco, announced by last Califuroia arrivals, it is proper that the public should know that lha Adams Express Company, uf the At ia otic States, and the Freight and Package Express of Adams & Confront Nuw York tu Bin Fraockoo, ere in no way nonnoeled with tho Booking House of Adam's & Co. in Sjh Francisco, whose failure is reponed. They m- roly act as their ageots ia the All tntlc States. DirectT**** of tbie Wist with Euxort — An agent o|^the Dutch East India Company has visited CbM**go on ■ visit of observation, with a view of opening a direct trade between the head quarters of the trade at Amsterdam and our lake wajrof iberiver and b.,y of St Law rence. This company has sumo three hundred large ships engaged in the India trade. Morbid Ctnuoxmr.—Th* Syraru-o (N. Y) Standard says that the trial of Fyler, lor Um mur der ,*f hie wife, was attended by hundreda of le. males from the opening tilt the claee; and one day Wln-o it was anticipal- d that eomeilnng of an in* delicate nature would be introduced, the cr-wd ul (enisles was greater than ever. Many hav# at tended evtry moment since tnw trial commenet-d. Namhvra of married I ad i«« carried their dinners like school girls, and re^ainod their neats at n »»n, and some even required their servants to bring them warm dinners. 1 certifying ea<*h bataiic -, scale or ) i*d. \ 23 r wnhout the aid ,d foreigners. Ri’«sfa.v V»r«|on or the BxTrr.K or EurATnatA. —A lister fiont Berlin, uau-d Fi-htuatv‘J7,saya: Advire* from Sl Fuieralairg, of tins d»y'sdate, ua u tuat (tie foll-*wing •I-Hiuttcli had r»**«*ri r-ce-vud fr*nn Prince .Mrn«cliik«.ir,diu.d the 19th Fuhiusiy: " On the 17th a portion ol th- troops'‘ucainpiU in the u<.-iuhtM>rii*>od ol Eupstoiis, made a reconn-on- sauce against tin* town to within u di turn-*- <d 930 yard* (t-iist-H) Tin y i*t*cned » rpa-s Him of artille ry, and m a -h-.rt lirtu eucccvdcd ind*»ni'iuiitiiig a n -rttonot tho enemy's guna, and in blowing up live raisaon*,*f auununitioii. Having mmiiumI him* sell that Eupu -na wna d.-fcnd-<i by *H»,000 men and lllOgMii*, G*-n Chrult-fT, who iiiiniiiamlcd th' detachment, gave orders to ruriro which was done ttt period order." Correspondence nr ino l'tnn*)lvarna Inquirer. Frolla Nit VIIllIInil. Savannah, Ga., March 13, 1833 Fbiknd l.vquiatB On Fr day in"rnmg |n»t, f took pa-sagi* on Im.ird the Muarner Keystone tfutc, ol your city,l*oun-l l>-r Hit* plov.and at «ono'« io.k t>,-r |.,wenmga being " let go," she hid fare we' I to the aiuiout urnwil who gazed i.i -dcncc upon Iter u .fill- infin -.* she swung r- mu! Irom her north and t-irncd her h-ad to Un* ninny auuili The follow* iiu Monday m- r-ins found u« looking (r*-m her d. cks upon tlie wh *rvc* and warnhous-*s ol Sav in d-*!, and a»far a* pracilcatile, *c ***l -n, wl.ici, »t.all have in v.ew not only Hie but |.mtp*c!ivo r,4 qiilrvnici.U of our cUy. Cue of the lt-*t rcpOn ineiite to edniliiblratlMi l» appropriate builtliugA#* Among police builduu* ll>* rsiv-a is untm.uiiairl, iho first in Imports' c*i, ami atw*)» n-isht in f*« within ll-o police sdnilnivtratton. I'yu »lil I--.L u tt.r c,:> ui> p you wnl see u vacant spate ra»l of tt »• ol 1 crim-iet) Hi# ouiilliiualti-n ot tbal spvcc In l.iber.y sin vl, is n .w private proper.), but could no doubt lie bougntata fwlr price. Iho whole space then mnnHouib llrnad m* 1I1# north, lo Ulwny sue*ten ibesouth, wo.ild g*v# 7jo i>et h> 1X0feet, with ILhershtm street«n tbcexst—iloiahavtng ut ol tange, aimpt-n amlstry spate fli lor the en-coon 01 laiKebutbl* : Ing*, and ample lor tneconstruction ul a Jail, a l.uaid Barrack, and tbviracc ss iriea irtliis space were occupied hy n Jail an I tinard liar, rack, ll wouhl, I think, operate as a sort of hsrrtcr |.e* twrvn the ditiurhers no thn u*U and th* q-nler popu lation on 1I1* writ of llabecsliam street ll would untie (sml It It tho old) pise.- wln-re SUcti a connection could tw made.) the Jail and Police barrack, under one admin istration, and c-.iiM-q <rldly 1-e under thu dally in*pec Uou olll.e Va). r. Tl.e advantages of inch aominecumi ap|H*ar oi me vet) great. t.rect the Jm| whet* you will,the necessity will often iiah, ais-l hut lor tin* log that hung atmut ue during ' occur for extra guar it. t>* meet the aiilkipallon of, *>r KtLWP'W.—The Board of Managers «f the American Baptist Union have been in session iu N.w Y«*(oi Hi. pa,I low d.v,. Th. 111,1.1 I... liaMUIol. Iho mctl.nii w,- In iderunce to ihu UlHj'H.rr--'-'I'ri" ■>• Hurm.h. and cu- riuwillwInulM wen. lti.d. In lo tl.e e,rt.ill well kno.t.• — The MaUtanHeMMI prawwi'w .InoiiK lha 11*,- llw dMothlo.liun u ll. <h* pr.ti.hlu aucll.m nl th* Buird. ,nd Inn .10 enl.ri,mtd *li.l ih, nuw nl lof.l.a miHiun, will tw .pi III Uitlcr, wl.a.uvnr,fUufC« m.f bu. Th..|uo.llun. in d..|.u<« w.i*. finally TuUemi IP ■ Conini'll-n nl nine, In rcpnfl ■I iho coaiul meM.Dh nl III. Umun. 1.1 he hold In Chicago 10 q»r»*n- Hun .» —Tho of N.lM. «• nib IOH.p.H*d, • log .nice,, goctr, nt -*>#ol*M l.l.llng to hy which ih, 8ra.Pn> -d ih.i H..i. wo, * 10 •.reded." gftd ltd Hcpcmni.iltic. *rcqu-«cd- 10 M ,|| me.n. Ip mcpi- ll.. .n.clincpl of l»wg gfcmMilpg .l.wry In lb. Uwirici al CoIu.ih Ma.irpMlinSib-t'wliinMI.f* l.w, and i Milt- 1,1,, uU-uty totuurr ia ilw uirlnalr. of Hi. Un.wd Klim, Blmll.r jMKMivnw w.i. lo ..ppo* th. Mtlofa-ipfipr inf n.w Sill. Inn. ih. Union. U (ban no way 10 bn,. Mum .no.i*d 10 Bnuin SflWCgnn it »«• r«.nc—Hu»ru him IMa-ln. Uni- Wh, M*lc **-»« • Kwuan Hfuinm, rnm/mlH ol * tumut, iwo lrigauc -nd twaanmll.f v-cmH, wm wHuof off iliai poll Tun lonb Um Kagtind win o.-nlc-, «nd u «M Ittit* hM b««n uipwcwd. -8n»u»l Vnr Inti vgm* Ur»* T.glirogr. purpna hat. Mfl».d .1 Iod.pW.BM. MihowI. Who Mi Uk. City ih. Mb Vohntf, Thflr report thu Ccfgtln Summ, wh*. wm .ppoU.M G.wwaorol UuhT*f*IUffy,hMncklwr.cmUm Mr SMl|g«l Ih<< d.llon y*t. Urlfbun Voung wm will llofuna* tu/MU. RgfUPS ot Itumg^-NMhplM held hi. Ihrcnc by him of 4Hm* dcM»f Horn Um loond.r 1i ihe MnpHi.1 how, now# a-wnn-ff. who wm #*#■ W by Ike n«U-«# whm#I gnd rtownM M M«o- w. ig April tflt l» non»M ot ihn iwn h«n- aasassr-sari s»w-assrtsri , isrs IIM full ISM AUggnM.IS* NOh#M. the provi'-us alu-iniHiii, and L-im-pi-licd us t * dnqi anelmr when wo reached tho iu**uth of iho river, and rctminni until iivming, wo w«>uld have spent .Suinliiy evening in the city For some hours prevhius to our making Tyhs-o Lisht, wa wor-t wrap' in a d-ns- f-*g, and it w#a a my»io*y to ino h w tin* c.iptam ami mlot crept wnii such c nlhb-ncc tn their lm-ulily, hut, ol curs*-. Hut wan ut iht-u skill and uAporit-n- o nntheu.-Mt. I i*-H>m-d, i>p , >ii go'ng ash*-re, that th# l**g in Hip river wa# •••rati<-n«d by the burning of tho vv .i.da ro*iii(l about Hi** country. A k-w vr»il»*a Irom ifi,. ciiy w« pa##, d »h*- aicatm-r Florida, lyings' anchor, that li-lt N**w York ou Wcdnva* due lari. Our Havaunah friend* grerted ui <*n the winrf, a-idcongr.i ul *ic*t us ii - u q-rck pimsnue V' ewer.- all liigliiy with - nr mp, **ud Um kind ai* oivti -n La,dam liudiv, who «mfe«r-r.d to make our stay wi h him on board boih n-rr*nabln n'ld tnierorli g Tho rdliontr* of til** Ki*y*tunn Ha's are, without rxce,-tn*u, as guuilemsniy as the real dungrr «f recoil **f prtwH*ers. Tt>s mor* re. mole ihe prls**u, the oflmer will such ikagrr occur.— Tho n#arvr lo the IpnIj nf llm I’olicu. the l*-s !i »t*ld*y will itit-re be In such dai-frr, and the ra -re ca-y will t| b*- to quell disturbers, *1.11* a grea - poller point is train* el tn tuaklng ihe pollcriuvu familiar «|.ls the f*nlur*s of all ruminal*. Tuts In well nigh out *>f Ilia* qn Minn , uo<trr th*- present arrangeinniU. I would further ar**ld Ihe pr«*seni nulsanee (nben slincktugl. Ill public') con ducting |irtinii«r* from <h* Hiurd llarraek to ihe Jail. I enuhl luutilpt) argumn-l it tl wi re of ns*. I will nut) add, the rcpoied sit# forth# new Jail will he a p,-r,H-liuUUii ol old evils, ll Is n' J**ctln|iSble a* b. Ing uuhi-all'i) t 11 is lar fnou the (*«out; it Is i«o lar from aid lo case of danger. Ihe «ttcl hue mm-«l Is Itealihy, * illi free spaces annual I', and It I* Central, having |-* view ilir * itcrl- r uf tl.e clt). The guard btrrack InodW g Souiti Hn-ad *lre*t, would, nr cert duly ought to, to* sh (trimmi-nta) -true ore tor tha* noble sirwrt. IU m*-re Im-hiii vvliicti ca* n -• to* smoipe*!. They al*<* rcroimilnul Hut Ih • dficu huuis ol Pie ln»l fell*r Ik- Im iii V A ,M to li 1* A|. U n't A. At.t.xv, Chairman C-m. Tny Dry Cu'ture Coinontic**, t>> whoo -aa •#* f'-rrmi Hu rwom'hm •-( Aldcrinaii Ali-X -n>ior, rc'a- tiv*- to tho cnlvcu at ih -»**uihcrn rx n inilr «»l the n*r, N-R leave to rep *fl, that they have had the sul-j. cl u idiir cons.deration, atid Ih-Iicvo tl.e ditch i in ite present rum! lt**n to atupto !*• ca*ry o(| ell th<-au piuk •* at. r Hi *t pna«*a through esuj culvert Irom lit# city, ai.d l eg to be ti*ai-hargCgi John N L*vvi». Acting Chm'n. Thn Contmtl'e# .-n F-nanc*-, t** wh**m was re ferred the l"- Irion *•! A»r**ta It. ILb rsbam St S *n, rclattvo to the awii-a* omit on rer'.-in t»r |H-rty, beg fe-pci'lnlly t • ri-potl, That they «am»--t, und* r tho state ul the Kin-mers, icnIuco the 'a\* sl.**n l**r the uruscut year, ami ii-c.*mtn<-tid that tho matter bu r*-l* tied to thu next hoard •-! aM«*»#ors. J'diN N. I.cwts, Oli.'iiriiian C’.-m. Tho Finance C -tuiiti'iee in whmu w.*a rntoirrd lh*t res- itl'ion t*» tak*- in:*> eonatderalion the pro priety ol raising the aalary id tli« Judge mho tTny Court, Rep"t that they h«vo bad the Mine under ri.n«tiicrali--n, an*l liod that under Iho act psa*r*t by tho la-*t i.-gislatorc, thr-y c.tumd imcrkru with tile salary *1 tho pro*ent Judge. John N Ltwis, Chairtn-vn C*>m. Tim Finance -»hom wo toietred the r* solution «»* Al-Urmau Miller, rdativu lit the • ii-jict of u "Water tax," havu had the matk-r uu* del i-on-ui* ration, nud npoit ugamst thu pataago of an otdtuancelevying n water tnx John N Lewis, Chairman C mi. Tlto Finani-e Cout-jiit.m*, !*• wh-mt wan r. lorred AM OlilH.SA.Vt K T«. req*lre<*erlatn bp* lor |.aa*|poi- rrantsd l- (rrr p*r ».*t.. n* r*>lor, u der the Vet ol tl*,- lowislsNr*. t os***! .th I rliriiR-), |f-. < Hac 1st. lie o ••(dallied byr |h# Maser and Aldermen olll.e i‘lly of navair.wh and tbe • iNrr- l, |.* t'.'iiiic I a sem’dt-d an l.t* h.*ss h) r ali.iwl by iu auih-o-ty •# the same. Tliat from and aft* r tl r |-s« •sf this orillnance, w herM-vrr « |oi**|w.ri ts e--n'**l denl-e I srrtion ofth# Act «*| ihe Ng •l«*ur« ap |io>vrI Tit, ObriiaM, the s*|.|■ )lc• 1st #'ialt |>«jr Iberrfor, into the T e»*u') *4 Hi# • 1 i, the ii.n of ite «|.*Par*. rxrlaa'vnd >Ih> frsw no# rharv-d h) thn clerk ef i mined f-o fl In* up a**d rrrtlf. tug the • imp n*c i. he ll f-ni*er ofilaiinl h) tl,* sutle ry *f.*»*- •*’-*. tbst . f 'tfilluamv# i.r |.a-« (nl mlloa I * a/ai'-B th*- i nicis*mis <.f th • ordinance, bi iihI |.,e ttitf are twr, b ■ *s cale-t. PaMM-d tl, I .lUWCri **aTa*-n h.«Mar*h iS'-A I IHV VRtSO. A Mill...**!'N, Major Angst: A.CDsVvar.fcV, C. r. Omar FCOST — Oir I'-wn and the Victni'V were vs te«l with light iMsifa.n A| -inlay and 'lursday in rn- mgs TtK*y wt-re not h-wes* r sufftoeotly a* v«-re to do any injury to v. g. nt|.*n Sin r then ihe weather has l-*C *iuc blai.d and dmnM-d y Pp-mx- llkv. 'lit** lores! tr»H-a are tapi-lly |*u*ting t* r-.h , Ihvtf foliage, and th - Iruii tree# aro a-autning th- tr ' '* ,r * gaody and U-aunlul dicoralt-*n# — Aiikiku* R< pu'dicaii 91st. (Onck nn hand txd cleared g 4.371 Ht a«r. **n M**E*-###.-s‘-.g»r steady, »t-b .airs ofaNnit n-4l lihd* at*JJ^R4J4i I f Fair. Mot■*-«-• • »# d'dl, smtinil) .*Ai t*t.|» »w.< >n *l *t Ugdt i-t Ttdn ra , »».• i|t-«l and Fwriiiestlng, and leAffiiSc |*«r galtou f-r Prim*. Ft.ota—Market qwtat. i*»l*s t,M# Ft Ha Si lam's a' 9hi Vi, ais-J M.iM small b*U of n.qw^Oi^U flti I'i a*H |o-r tiorn I. fJaata—lh<- sale* id MrurnUixdXtflMrks, ii|IR Sic |*- bustle!. ' orrat - H> rket firm, and sNoit I40n haf* l(to s-ld i a* fo.Nws: kNi at lo, taxi ai lu«g, tid tu pruue at .uw i 4P Ih. VVmisxT—4U bbl* Kfct flrd wera sohl al UeJ^c QS got- i I us. t SBIgitT# —A slopwastakrfl f-.r l.iv.rjwo..1 ai 13 34d 1 fur culion, and rd lor corn, and on* I .r Itospo, at J^c E*r , wdt-sn, HAITI MOHR, MAR II l9.-CnMBR.~Tbg desnard ! for this wr*lc'e ha* l-erh quo# l*mt e-l. Wr «M*.e B«U-io day ■ f UM lo ft oonnsoi* lit.* al I0J|C, ant ;o l*eg* g**c*l , t Tf *Mf k»1 Ash dost tic. H-4-lers are fl-rn in *Im|* sl*#s.b«t l-u,.r# i d-» •***! *r*m iIIsjhmswJ -<.*>|w^a:e to »nj gi«at caum at - Ihe pflcv* m j-irspi i rt* msip'nl. ha# N-sfl. rather more aetisliy Its Fkrar _ „ , 'fl da) thin tg-slrd BalufOn) but sir ri|Aark*»«y 4 00 Mu -.' g* , kiili*V IS7 litll* ebang-in the f n.-r.l condition of .hsmariet *4, 1 !--- mv *' * k "" 1 «' «•*•* Usl rejiort l* et loan*!* «#*d «m | i- ,r am *ellhtv. »• ihsy hate »** •»* t -r *..nsr «t*j • !,*■». *■ fs, hot tor nt'zrJ and leoa d.»-f*i1w i.rai-lp. j -icvt hate lallrti off" vioesssvs—Hr.* I. Ils-rlsofi Sold M«j at aoeshMi -.*c»» hot* Vf* tli.|is*p* SI “V4v6.),r Ut r*,y u. *flo I q'twill) . and Mr It- t. wlrs also b) |*iVaie Cus.U*cl uOai nt* • *.w*-t d*> Bt a Hies-Wrh ar-.f **.. »a!r# r-f IHre hsvtng Immu «*.ad# to *t«y. Tl r *t.wk *• hgt *.n) ti c Ana ai liaffi .'•terrorlair l-*prime quart) >'i:w f‘» tic. VI Vlt'll I 'J —i‘o rri.B.—tho^pfa sre s«-rj flnn. % *1 ih*r#-q >r« ts-iv-r« it* it* M-'le-s It* n*u*Erl. Ti e - * has n *•- 0 n.r ahip|di#g aoO ihe J-h'aI cuit*itHi|iiioi*. t\ * qt saw t-*bi i t,*sirie«Tlfl«. l i ra* 4 n*. M..uir n.o4t««. iird'n*ry ;w 7j< k VImI i n-c |*-| SJ4 V4 »W Muidling fair,. | % lo^ mv* lair 10 IO>i It | )| I'nrsss — The twarlct crm*>tiur* Ins for wnb *«.• ciea*e-l s-rlsai*.insEiu.- 'hr * ci a***«i n.i»-i« k -a Ih# d- m-ir! is tlnoint t * tcr *«rq.iKMM »r> Br». an t Iu la r drm-iM|. «iit* rs.luc.i •«)•(•'*•»; sak# V*On*gs 11*0 I Ic. MU hags .-Al Ihoso.f.' 9t|C. Cash, and «OU Elat* Jar . 13^' a i *c I'wt » — V twlcr d.-snaod f..r Hr*#-n god mat* FV»n* U-t iI.r |U*t a d c; > trad-, m* a-rital. c «:>■ «, Vrr. m*-ag-e »**•! »**• **.<e I* d m. oat*o«. r-j.< ,t j g-“"t Urals*!-, 'h«-rr Is s- Os* nq*tlr. f •* l ». tlr.l *l, |*,.» * | Vh<s**, arnl Male has *nh| ni(Wp fur!} . I Sr sale* n| VV rM * I grn Canal *r# .V»«' ht. a ft - k A V M or o«..m •*. u, * I c-.-ireMalr, fh HXffi'* 7a I r inset i«. r --l l*o-l* El eh g«n. its-iim a. aid ss-insoou in g.««l i ih»-s a>d *n V *J4 III l -r • a la • IIVM* Its .—The r.#*Hpl* i-asr t-rni Hvhl of U r. | s ee* air fl.-m . *.lr* .. MS* lia r* ,.| * A-7K I i#a-itMtiq,.-** tt--cil..i«i is i* -i -L-mand,• ubsaL-s of l*«u bt*)- ai fl. a .1 l.iiisi}. »i f I I i- llie* -7 h- ruand h*a br« n g--d Us *be irad* «iilsosit <h«- gr *h |d-f*. VV lilt« V—1 I.r rsia-Er! I- qil-r II-so. bj| *r.| av‘* t**1t ■ |. arr n-l ark-*-. ol.*.>i b-d* aijlg s .q'lr-.t* f * * *to-., riMi A k J.'c- bit f**r I'riaon ; Pis gr is qu rl • Jlr.iln**. HlNtH.N HOOT AMI *l|f»»i TH \lifi, M VROIt 17 ~Tl**ie liw* teen saiferr nor t*si-lne** *b-re i:.p J**- WcrE lUah ss»s *■»!-«■«o-t V n**nibr» •# l*aj«*- hss# • r» rive I ir'-ffl ihr r*- mi I h. a*«t ihnr i.-ucV*-*, #*ih i-e d* inan*l fro**- il chr# Hi t a'-dlr*-!-, has# n-alr Ui. a fair •rrl'lbiiSopi-. I‘>'P • s's Uhditlitrl 1te*ri*af-l* aupplj .-tall **•»*■ nal-b- tidilir pc* *e«*i f.-rv.iii 'e uiootisiac'*.') h- *s*.n#(.e.or- la *^s| um. kaq. b-nwp-s. | v k I l-‘l 1 Htl— Ar»;.»l * I**# oTrl f* |d..*cig Otto. I tin iM»-*;a. I’.m| *^'», lj*r cut o> 4j..le . Ha Irl. F ♦)(«(■ • SrJ f r-t f f.JoiMssio; -ng- <1«. s-ls-r I. t’u-#| -. 7«.-i.As->», ydaM*- luv- ► f^ h«*«#i, Es*• *s A|q*n u*. a*. 4c the Sh tr • 1*1 *» *>##*>• t. W to fl • Pioud j-bi* u r N*w > *•• A rati - - , J<»». V Tl’kv ** l» a. I IT Uru^^V W ■estann ii mnni «iuu R:\ r.k. pi« t si l. , -' ,| 4 V*'Ws'*»t s 4 *-*-' V- «o *»-Lw !>••, -j 4 tr. 1 ihts t i .*«** a s-«g»* **-«# i i!.g. o T-'U bout.« - #« , a o i*« K«gh e sei> *■ - PuiWAk 7 l • #~ I .0-d Ok lr II (•- «i.|. wwd 4 W--XS 11 natksi.!»).lc uf' i# a- •; w Trims ll e*al i'-sSah-m '.. te-i.i*^** iy br ■*• d >m. th* |*t a ro t »>« m*r Si'UXO R * t kkUJ. Aweu >* s*j 4)1! i\§R.risa prut %m i t*n11 VARNISH MANUFACTORY a l and NS .Sf rit itit-o jr. i i*rvl«-(*ik-.ed # -«*J rs-.ol i Ui y t*e*-n*M I iJ *-» bit ‘ «<-1*. s. t. '*-.« a »4it-, (* k'S« »• ussJ i-lla r-, k* lh»« t**t *sf»r..' . .M-ii |>rriiis.ui-M H*<s.v Um ».*** . Iv)*i . If—w Jsf****, rpwn. smt . IK) oo.tmt i .-a . • V s* bk t E-tp tare* In (.WHO, be *w«r ) lar -. *n* let! o * a «oi ia. p**ug: that u«) arr a. ►sr/a.-* as.) «-(.* mav.«#a Itrvd a. I. e <>«*■* . **r i a I4his, < rs,bv .,.*«**. a- d tumunlv s|(-pw*»> de*crt)av.« ,g f* m.» a.w->.t .to- *»■•*» : ai*u, «r» Et. *n*;a Our ( r>.x-» »-* o.-alrfale, u*1 iitn* msi K.*^g I. IV. tea call « . IW41KAI k a i**. o-sf-t k*e l«k#nisrEW^,ft., 1 y - , 44 *1.1.1- till I. \ * KM heavy &.•; V«rM e a.* vi a-ig'T sV». h sal* v* gr- .k'.'l VS* . S t v* 's The ami *, eh** 'i'he I#iud -n Free Fre** m)i that the Tcnnwwee . C4 ** Riv* r ha* risen ini led, anu trp in a numbs r Hal ftovx ss having arr v.-*J Wl'll FI*-UI, Wheat, Cum, and all Iti lll the upper C-Ullllr# i -a'es ihi- •rrl *mhcare<t some Vtss* r>**-* »*» I IlmsgsMS .gfr'*»J •*! *h Ch alw.i 1*4(1 id. st al* -ui ih* *-m.-"proi * a* •rmcomsit pMVslr -al., q I .Ihs C Mta|-*s **l. • *f j Arn.-I.v Ihr I»|wns-d Ih-*» A r s,-«:lf# III e**r* l ihal |K*r», Udrm-d i k- iu this p-rv to eon kraiiclNn*.»od F*j cose-thorn New ill kmdl • I 1'ioducc Vork. v k-d* sod* TE »y«#* - T l> slrng sad E* to* i) sear ia UAWLK- vv ovi«*r f, tn'T Wt> -- -pu lyliji.vttrt.nitA Bftkh' - ku« Po-eed Urn t. tt*? I r s« mat f * U'i I- FImIj s' Cm, Us-dmr fo-t- *#) for sal* i-y Nikle 4 a<* Anrllou LxtrMwidlMivrr- I i|r,-amrt| a-|rvtm 1*1 Ihr n|nl»| Ilf Illy •lumhf-rv A id as lari aa I <t>*--inrd ll wa- coined lino nuiubep* ; It a|*|-ca---*l Him ■ law hut lalrl* Uts-n in«de, 1 liai a tax m* old i*a.-nelo**' |w»ir. sh.niiii i.r laid ; An-I In order to nt»ke them ad snl Inc in marry, Tt • i»l a as in >n c-oi *1 well ettrj. Hui IheharN-lor* cfumi-li-i, a. .1 mM ’is*a* im ns*. '1#astn- o«4 . «• tnJu*.-ce*iHl h trlilahuse, Alai a»i« c lliatioaasr lii'ir.s-n h. ar,‘ hl*K«d from Fnf lb* seek, mms H:nc» Janu*ry I. IA-J. ♦r-4 C tl'VU- UsvtvknJ * wharf,ty T^al nh « *>e * f* ytalrtd ■ i h I si l AAO -4SVi WMl - lUatinr SntrUforiur. 1 ><»TATV»»J* —ise this Fw»k«q h» * |ff- skip I nal IHIitr Ilf f* VV VNN VII . ... .MARiTI VI *(•*• , * . i, ,v - hi nivns nn*nn» si« ntt»um the I#*tl|l--n U 1 alN.t, Ali*N*«iigcr ul C<-uucil, Amt lorry out In all in.I h, run f'n su-li a vile t-x they csoi'd ne’er |n;i shilling; lliil tl.e ruler- drurn-li.r-l loir seals i« pursue, fL.tlir) set all ibr l.actis lors <*p at srtMlus-. A crier wm ■« ni ihrougn Ihe town. «• an.I fn>, To r«ltle hi* drum at d hi* t>1>>w, " II *! f-*rl) "Idbwh tors #s»M ht-n lists. white, ml, tali. a>td pale, so rsu*) .fexr pt'**n,all fl « ie>. hi ihw •■!#. Tio* i.uril.nits r *s|ih Ids sloolr.sii. And cried on ahuid, a* h*> H--I.I up a m.n, *• Ho# nn* I* n*r a hnchfloi ) ssl* . • ■« * |.* h**s f" A»*l th«- chorus«»' maiden* n* |*.*isdr»l, " I, I f*, tn -tiori, at a vr*) ei'rmasant price, Tl»e i*ac' eh*** all w*r.* -..l.l ■ 17 ... a l* vr Amt forty glad in *lden*, *<*«ie y.-**i.crr, *ome o**1er, Insets tugge*! an old l**rti*|..r h ms (•*•* tloHil.Jrr. nny I I'V. t had ihe plns-uru ul mcuMig mi any shin j *'«"*hy wniinl huv. rff.ct In reslrainlng public s xces-ea I'll*- MpP'ita of Ihe tahio am uh* well known In Piul«klph*a 1-- n*:cd any romment; and I mg ut tlic prvw nl afi-ward retain# hi# oilier, they wll uirtloiibirdly continue lit-- Mine I hoi iho pU-aaure **| In ing in H.iv,tnnah last >e*r m HtUxeavon. but i d*i not ft id Hi- girdno# q-iitg #• green u -w, owing to lliu vvorf. r hnug a to llod part Hit* coy, ssldn* Ho* relief f.oro, whirl* la 1 kept alike barrack, "oied tm near at hand. •h**ul*l «*c- ; ca*'on rssjnife thelf s* rsl e*.;l will tine remark that On ; such niE'hia ox I apprehan I (ll*iurb*nce, I r.m o- w nun* . pel *nt to m*n out meo fnrexlra *lu y, amt *Hii-n kr* p mil on duly fur hours th •*•• who h*vn a**rvr*| Hisir loiira* dry n nd cold nnn for this clous a The wentiier The elo-erfoli ess whh winch l>**th mou*.tr*l and fool men floss* t# mild mol pb'ii-atit ax May In I’liiladelpliiii. have metibesr exaction*, winch ars vary tryin*. »hewx llu-jngMl it reviving, aiul hida l.vtf to |m< Very j th- lo-si ai.d hUhrai spirit. g eul f**r the mmImnta Imfotu thu warm and long 1 son* drive Hu-Ill swav I-* tile Upper CoMlUMe# IO «n- j -y tbu in 'Uri'aiit bins nt god drink ol thu Mineral ripnnua. The health of Savannah |a tiustirpanoeri, ami no Onn lenis n repeldnot rd that df- .idlu l* V* X who ll •e.-uiged da inhabitant* duttuu 'h* Uitsst Iasi yeaf. Here ia th# climate f r ti»« cons*imi#ive ; th- win ters aio very mild, i-omparcd with N -nherii col t. f have ronverseit wi*|| many por-oti#, who Honk „ lli.y H...I r-M. la i1m.ii- III. by *" "" a b-wninnlha here dor.iig the wiiHi-r. ll y-u i-an * stnal limn iu qud your aan.-tnm for a lew daya, you would be w#H p*t'd hy a visit hnra by 4-a. Ymira, truly, T. D. N. [Ujfrc#|N*h«l#oc*- of tb« ns'Umorv Nun j Wa*ni«MThR, MsNl N , jn, IN3X Tim llsirnd Coislerrsme-r urilxor t)rve| wp mess In* Tt*e NXMUtlve dn«Mm*iii a brorir-g •• fl*>rre*psi«is|enck I tnucbloz mtilers di« urblng the (nssu.lly r- lalHin* l*r. Iwtso* lids governniMnl an I lb# goVwrntiisoil of #|*aln, pagaa. Miss* stf ihens hav* t*emr«*een it*»t ah) through j ih# nmbn n of the i*ew p-*|#-rs, hul I flint "ins »H-#rs ehou'd, whal I base said of this f t#, prove g**s><|, ar* rangemetils inualilirn In* nosslolor th# wis-eoi «lssswis-ti. T-ls shmibl h«i don# by a Flaibui llouio near Ihe lidtP •sKltnil iF EVkst a*-il (*«uth Itroad streeia. We.lllo-ad Ians*# Ih# grsial lhoroiuhfaret-f ihe r ty, and the |>fe4 •nee nf t#*Ur#nse»* k d»#r - Oni'istiil) ssiniit. A khi vi-ii e*d eiallnn Hulls# st ln*llrA"nl, would I** of as-rvica hy *U) aa wait aa night, and would be Ihs* uu* point inf e-lern part ol Hie ell) — Du. ban arrai gsm#i-t mu»l a-oner nr laler l*e msi'#* and the earlier ihe I rier. A great evl la now fell In I lha nerpselty of mmlurllog prtwoieia frs>m rilrrute I point* of the fl') In ih# llasrark : llilf nllrh keeps Ihe i (toMreman an hngr fr*»m l*l» alntlnn. The arrangemsni | | poipsise. nme*llra Ihla, and Ih** priaoneia can h# rn J ffli*sel In Ihe ea-ly morning lo lha main Hairark will.. I mil dleiorbanck nf lb# citizens. Htji-h an arrangeiiM'hl pfop*fly foil I'UJit-sl, Would rsmesl) one presrni#r-a l ib-feet. Th# erswiloh* f peeper low*** on th*> liuaiil Htirack si-4 "tatlnn llnnse. would rsn-lei a syaietn nf o-w da •IgnaU off. r the I. Il**w mg Mwohnion . , Rewired, Th-t ilu- xulury of U. D. f'apnl, tlio -^ r - J prt-cidi) »L the old rna'si* Imhi i. nre-eiii itf*a*4jngs-r *-f C*iunnl, t*w itirroau-d two . •'ef * rt ) _be*» !#*nnrt#ud g*»e“ Itumlrvd d«-li#r» the pn-** n: y* ar. i nl''"",' John N Lewi*,Chairman Com. Tho aiM-ciul coiiniilllic, to wlodii h«i r* Iciied tho coiiiiiiuuiCAli *n ol .M-a-ia Win. II Goo- <k Co , relative t-* Mr. A. rieudd r'e lun-o-r bisiii.ln g Is avo -.* trporl th-* pr.<c*-odiiiga of C-<um il m m la li ii to this uiNiier, i3m Augu-', 1833: ihn billow ing pruam"l« end rca-lun ii. • Ibicd i*y Ai-icimau t>* rovi-n, and accuiidud by Aldviutau Lewis, was a«l -i*H d: 'Iho b*»m rocenily cona-ructod by A Scmldof not having l»#«iivl*u.e und«-r ihe aupi-riitiend* nco --f the Dry CuUuie ComuiHlne.a« r-qinn d bv the or* ilimime giaoiing ihe pnvilega to .Mi iS«udJei. and *»»d basin, Uom lb# imptuper c*.hvMostii*n ot it# uiiib*nkmcnt», having c-»u#.-d iho *-vn(I.iw ol tile dry cult •re lands ndjaconl 111 it, Ih* it t It endure, Ri#silvs'd, I hat il iltu a-id bas-n t* not within l-mdaya i**Miatinctrd ir ai’C-'r-laut-i) with tho o*-n ddioii* *-f Ih** grant, f.'nuurll will c.inxider i| i . j,' nuiM"rp, and will iako uocee-onv #-ep- ts* fill op . * ' the a-iid basin at ih*-i-A|-ena*-s*f Mr So nluer. ! Your i-ommitiu# lueommend that tlto Maiehal l*e diroeted t • i-airy out the f.*reg*-mg rr»*lul**-n ' Istftliwitlt. sod tli*i to- seise .Mr A ri»-ndd*-i svi h a writti-u n-io oio that ell-ei, and th«i the Hi* ii [ i-hainoan ol iho C-oui'ii'lei->>u Dry Cul'iin- Iks Hio hi* was — IHlLtditV VV'v -UN rvt| >r ASH Pll.lJ*. rer-atn Ks.ii.sati,-, „r lU — ll- er» l's#.t Wnl Na'-l-su. Vtia-os pi*', w«a a -esrre sng.rrr I • m lies r-iupiaint, and lrss-sl a mini's ' s-f repuioi is-«ir.lie-. hoping 1 tie s s* s*u'*t to-* elli Mm. hm * e t#saais- a*Uil al la-t, a- lo Its. eoilrr y <*-‘.fltt<M to h># ts-i, 4>.d l*e • as oi.*)-# to mills rtiM-r hamt i>r Iisol V'M*. h»- %**• lit ltd-NotH>ls- o«i*dl Inn, a Iroml N.***#lil him a q-iau-ily of ll -ltowa)'* • i|nlm#ul and I’llla, ss|,irh le itnni*»li*i# I) c-.min*-- rest In uae, he asmts fissiissl lniti« !(*'».'.*. | y hn|*i-*se>| l.y i-.»m, *mt |»y |«r.rseru»« #ith ii»m«.* wsn k*. hr wa- e-iilrsly • uMst, and has sloe# rn lie I* *1 ul hesdlh. Ptc adsenlss-meoi. C mat 19 .kliwivro, ' I? •< vt #i* amship Kry-loo# «l*!#. V. b->ar* f-\ww F*.H I 4*I#)p't». I" • V I. i.aitiar '»•)»<• li Itank-nan.Yl*cE 4 ' Vlairos, M IL-'s-v. tH<(N.m. K*dly k I ... J lli «"r>, J M i,».(<! AiVi, liOmii I'.-trbi 4 l*r tt 'Msi|uwk I VV an-, (Tagti -*si 4 i unnHvh «tn. J 1* l«.| Ins, li h i I#*, i'cits# 4 lingers. iMI'.kei. M A I *.h ss.AVm t» (W- ! can. J tiK-kw-s. 4 * ■>. Jr«*s I ytr, a Usaolty, t iJess •■**«#• ilrn, A H •■! •* 4 * lirnatl'tr 4 i n, li I llagsr. F Headman, ll-dcwsnbe. Jsdn*-*o» n ivs llavi## 4 l.»fl.n*elj. Hars-.w l<E 4 I —• k, H|*w p» F.vvre—. VV VV laisclt. I'Jac-ts*. J H J.ihn-sn. «l J-dm .#> 4 • .s , J.iO’r. 4 Kraft. V\* II KtmM>‘«gh, J -swpl. I *pp>e*s». I. 1 l.ll'ri.tbra*. IEr*l K MsvUoun N M l#.ftl*s .. I.yss*. 4 ' -n^n--.*: V |. t4»m r. v Mini*, *4ry--r 4 Uari-it. \ I vi„t r «, ti*t H vid»., r. j M ##77 v n Mdw 4 ir-%. * VirMal--'Si4 |» • le.»•* vte«ra 4 KoiSty, J F lssv#-*-t*erg, llus# IhtTi, 4 IwOtg Knwlstwt, 4 - *, Uatoan 4 -ffi'ih, V A >.»l.-it* a-4 • •• -rrai'lnn. J *»»« 4 **-v !**il)k ■ r.i,T Vt Trtssirl 4 l\\ T Th»'m'll. W r UllllimE VV II IViB't gsf 4 IV, Way A TayL.f. \V*4 *k VanstlWv W* all 4 * sv Th«* # V\ (OH- 4 VV r t .~gn. )i'hr Fhiabe'h Ann, fr-*.s* v\ a to'.g.*o«. 4 n i XX'3 lal-ll. Is c*-i, sisl pew*. I** M It VV It law,-. svi,.. .*,. r !S»mr r*ri, Pirrhng. hal looer, fl Hi gham, Kdly 4 <*-». Hir v -IHies.Or-writ, Vsir«* 4. b sta I 4 5 to T U Mu *^ I Ttt •»!*-* roll fl |» * J,d f p Cn-oS ltLt.iIVV — V |Me vd s WHO* aaVuown. *«* & ‘ c'vki.irmv v ! H VV .- tin tsaisS Urnn Hss, lr n.*-. v- a #•* re sL p A its a, tj OAKU.T-V e r»MMV- UkW. l-g-iw n-t ! - *klr I* V>'ARi.t.l > *> 4 r VE#o»». tu-"*"* C iuri>4t- («* : • tikp.* * J-s a thu ; floor- t. . |* I’. I S I .. VU_MM4.WOi,.Wfl4 u*ar. MS*U.s VsTflw #•; fln n# M.- 1 1 , hi Ml t*. -e -J* |« I«tvd»i and h-wku.; ; l.# U i uli-UJ- I >i*r.VT (>.-•« 144* yem fWsJ s*f ht’r t**'^*. f »r ea>* i) iwargl Bit CHAM. ktUt Iff 1 | — Sgl |il.|, t Iff,, it "J V ir£ * If ‘s BbW hs HjI-OVE. El MV.-Tli t 1QI .S4» •>7k HM* I Ph-v T 4 It *.*. i Xu'' ». K#« *’• Hh*». i#aili.< f,.1 Msas In seal IX K4AvtV*\, is‘m\>T\Ak % (V* -tv. AU. Msst,V».'-»>.4«v~ •W *,S4* «Wm M mix *wri.r la* Ik a.> f«tr c t.i; int.ii. M>««iitr I! H Jvm*, itrsmii, PmShVbcis, R I- ham. Kell) 4 Lav, •Sflig. iiiiipifi-lo il*--erioiiio what embankment Mull ho «d w f y~ SI t’U M.i.t v.—TM* fi rm'-taid# >'t*na*e. whvh s»m* to h*in■ in# »kdl nr *l*s> | ht«*ruts-. >i«-id*uk# mads) in » Allll.h*-* eP.VM-11 VllXTFt.'F _ Vi F ll*»iils-r>, (ss'mrfl) nl th* V*I<W lh*li*(^ JtsW V*04 BIS*I Istfl p-siprflonf ni th# I trliOir* tl..:pl. Hi*I*. Yv .'i.m <«f hrhnii*lr«s(s wh • li s#N«flc*o(ol also, B repnrl a*Ju> ihe n>dvei of tl-# American Alims-#r« j mil nhin'stskabb*. at II I* at fl*lrh*l." hM been primed. In* WiO.fl • Volaww of I.VI I. , ,, . . _ ... M». u<^* ..nisasw !•#*■ iswisirwMwnihet ahnhruiieti ) l* r - Tbe want ot e0#c(iso amt simple Are is not only a f»#4l. bn* lorreMlng e«H In the #b«*ve r*m*rkt, Wh'ch I hav# exlend#il lieyrsfl'l a*ill«ipeilfln, I have only emleavieed to sti#w #i*r* of giesl imp -naiKv whteh were led lillMla plit>bsl*ed Ttarswewibrags* the t-wr##ps.nileho# l*s*twe#o Mr. Ferry, srtei wa# charge »-f at dr* during Mr, Unlit**# nbs#i*r« on tf»e cssi>|#r#ii*ai, e#4 the wpanhih Mmisiar of Niat*-, A<r. Fasheoo, and two l*iie^ frs-m Mr. Ferry In Mr. Mar- n, I isrwMtifle ini* ia tne •-sappisiMMOiia'y anrre*pon.|' ee#*s" whkb a N*w V**rh pe|*kr suppose*l-i have been 4Nr*i reseesl nr wihbMt. t ipreseesi... I saema ihal Mr. Ferr*, nn ih* Dili Maplekitiar, com wtMisfreisd In Mr. Matey lha lm|N.»i«id Mil that the N4am*h MlnMIer nf #1*1# f-r F*ww»«h A fairs, h*d in#ae S f -fmsl prep **Uli*fl lor ihe wsUMi.hfaeoi **f a m xwl g.#«mi#si.*tH to ell at Madrid, Nr tha sdjmhfaimi sod faal wniemeNl nf all clalM* Invoitlng pritale I* terewa k'*W lendlhg (n-iweenlha 1'idled Nlsle* amt Npanltb r.Mu.rf, .tU. Ini u ulmuur |a*llaw,. »„H |na IU Ula.ul.1. #H#MNM b, tun, Him Ml »*.i >U uLmMSS I1»- mt,«S"-»« *"» *«#«• *••*•« Mla.n, tttunMUU nt Ul,l Mm flu |aa|ffJ|mi •« sb« bfowtut Oi !-■ -“K-ajs-iLi'fj? ‘sastis^ir l-nhre hnlldlngs tan be m#»t a-lvaiii#g**oi»ly ptoowt,— I only add, that hi) emsl h**|*e Is. Ihal when H e Wr rk It •oiNtartwed, It will he with tbe wnflhy spirit nf the old •* Fbirantlna Fnmscll," who erdervd t'lelr Vtlnlstera to •• penvlne a plan of hnddli'g." pot rudy mefal, Iml worthy the pr**en and pfospsmilv* «h«r*«<ee nf thalliy. I am, ra*p#elfkUy ( ynm tvh'f -art t , J. ItM VAR .thief Foil#*. **w*,nw V ..-r-- _... PMfle.iA , its,,. §m its "fl#"* Tn» Pnail'tT nf Ihgig^ lbe United Hiaiea brig **f «ear Ferry, hetng abmit to sail frotn Nor nlk, Va.,tri He theaq'iadinn on tho waat roast uf Allies, Hmehlng neoermrily fire al thaOangiy Uiamla.riveNVrtbiwUleaid N#w V««tk base appHrvf to Hm Na»V Dsjzfdtmeet for |>eymiMl<*ntueend io»l tm her n^wIm HjfknfjR •aarnhef Hiker,ihi met; defer n isnle 'Ilia HeefMMf m* on idly aranled the refines*, Ho uae uf lha Chief'a (Mr. Mattel'#) eld», Mr- Ford* will *• a itasaanyar oa that atilp.- Waah. tfiar. AWmr-Awm ERpaeav—The Emperor «( Japae aaawai in NN a Dl«rp b» w f iahia and d-.gilt,*d aullii i* nt. John Mxt.t.tat, f,. r iv aluusks The r*.munfro *-n Fir*-iHw-toont hav# r*. am nud th# premises of Mr K L*v» I , a »«l rv-o-'m* mnol Hint h» havu pgriioa-i oi o* iem«-v«r htakdi'h- bo, pr-vidi-d it l*k*pi up-tt th# a .mo lino «* a) pusout, and not ol#MiU«-t tne lam- J--MN ft WiUvtg.X.. , A N. Miu.Ee, } u i " wn « , w The Ommittew on Pubii*- Bui-dings made a vo-* bal r* ri'laove to c**-', r c , • f n» tiai- r ug ami p'lilit ru thfl C-uunl • hamlH-r ; sod elatrd that thi< *i< am intgii'o ot itio Gmogian-liis'u wa* stopp-d I-r Ho* prew-ni, on morion lunhci t ine was givun I** maki- a morn lull ie|n*rl. _ The rt,s-nal C-miiHlicr, AMrnnvn G-irmany, .{T, pbaiim-n, to re|HOt on 'laa'nii-l * b*dgo' nidi- ' '? Its nee, asked f**r nod ohl allied loi'lo-r limu Thn ColtMiiitten on I'uldo* Huddioga *uhintHed i>r*-|soaa|a Irom ihg t'iniiibeia lit ihn ciiy, I i th<* inriNlurtion of wat,-r lido thn Exchange, which „n mot tun ul Alderman Alim *<*rv infor* led back in MUl «.mvuvVeu with aw*U**iuy Vo have thu wink don# tn lha tm-t mann* r and uu Hr* unit! NdvariingriP*# irnne. An ordinance eatahii»hH<a a utiilotm ay*t#m of woigloa ahd measures l • the o'ty • I Hav^nnah, and to establish an Olllo# uf liMwI-on In tegulatw toe •am#, «ic , Wa* i,-|mr-*-d been by rite tt-mm't'r# t„ whom it had been r»f*>nrd, wnl* ihe Riank# filled ax aalaiy, eie, and having tmen lead aefs*nd time waaon ntotii.n paa*H A bill tn l« rtHilfd, in oHlinance lo tiq «ir# txtn lone fir paaq#*tt« fian'i-tl I - lr*a p* r#-n- of M*b*r, nmle- thn art of the I.eglaUtui#, p,a^*d 7*h Foluuaty, I AM. Wa* lead film ttmu. and *n mnH-t» id A'drtman Harden, read the eoeond time, ami paa-ed. The urdownon reguUUng inspegown of ffmtt, isi(‘* bi i -paM-ti Vln vs- .'s-t It ,» snaVr* -d is*-*r'y #>vti E'lwi of d *. FUtiCMiFllk, IV- sleaiwshti- Kr«•*.#,- »ia *>, Pw-teAs-ip* •*• <# •i it ••(,.#. i: u-, »»..l i j». VI l'»h*ii, V|mivw.#j< ,'d two e*ui #.*, I, Airauw-. vi il i#, j *v IVm, VV M I. *Vx, F i-.i Hp k| M, }**. tie-* R Vl.wrt, **vl eVIJ, s*4 a It* Hs# lie## gr no. |,|i et'M* »Ih* wci# soOh-r*## wi-k #***, with Ibr m *l w-mt##4u It# ll I* |Im* fl* a ,-%'flaflff las# mnllc’M Lr has *•'#* *eru «iwd, 4.**l il,*> teat Ms#-d niiilo k«a«*>. ■V# v*l«anifl-«mnl. a I.iw l| ■*7 #) l ( t tl I til. note EM*A. Nssr Vns», Ua«E l»*i Vn#l VI TO*,**, f •* N«* »n. an Masck jl—«b.-ivr .# e r#v.*.f4 tv - Itvs* l > ai.imr>m. Uif«kv»-,vt#i#l #<.».<—#,* K l. a Wslsff.lflMn - o*i Mk * I. a fl-t biJk Iff*r* awl Kk-WM K-eap a#4 Mary hr IM'si-mV * a,sl,sM«. VlS-vh H- VM J rwt trig H A ' i**"*'" fVan.s-i*. V'#« Yss-k. i «!**• il>s«4 •« >#<**■«•*»»#. lpiW-g M>- wash*#, ha< ih# f-r ■* C*» -4V#-t SMl .*»Oa -Ihr* • mew. The s'ramflf K» V#T»»N K hT VTK wilt , jSVmL n.dT-hr* . earn** JW I#*'# -svacnah a n-l piii-a.Ul,.M. osi alir^osi# , #«,».,* El#, Ela*\h if- l*i*'#l Erg VEFj rows*. tr " m mn , which lia-l Ihn-ij n Umd to a fpeclal commit- C », Aider ms a MalUfy, ehaifruan, waa rwthoted ca, and a suWiuuio oil-fed, wiorh, <*n motion, - winch, on meth'S, WMiead and laid oy#y |.< nni iiic-llngnl 1‘oamH. llm ofdinancw pfivhlma lor the pewervatlon, tUanljneei, ami hnarih of ihe riijr, wae read the atw-nnd time, and a •utmlmia oftcred and rrad by AldMinan Maiden, and iN*n»ldcrablg dwcmefivu •jHiNjinn ihe iiffgiQal and aet*li de, nn ttmtien ff A<derm«n Allen, they Wry* raktrvd »« n cmn'* twi*l#e cNHinramg nl Aldavman II- tie nnn llard#n. An nnlltr xwan tn nlmr^and amend inn •sir ll mltl • ill sliMM nl srt'hs snl SmIss* flu. j»M flyl Ij^iiyij# inns, swl ns SMHluS ntn ns ihs i.fl« M-tfllts'r. lielnt flXr i f -i iho tH-h In* marffil i*. A L I.AM VR. Ag*X I Uii. vu.ttlA II V* tttxMHVIttJ hi* nffig# Ia Ih# r-MV-rv | of VV t,OeE#r »n i llairlt s'rvvi* H»»(v, "MiaEar tnd I liwoiv s'ln le h-*v Vi j Mil 11.1 X t MUM It IK*; I lejffi* I'FVHl INI.V, h,*tog Ps-nawamesl I# Wane TfSF li 'a* saosh, ig # hi* or-z. ••i.oud •#•*•##« o* >bs« pnti'lr. lie n,«> h#*J ai Ms • ffi^- «*# tlruugtmwa ’ *ll#*l, se aimt d -,*• at-*,# MisflsUn sin, |. |. «#iii*'g J-sirwal p*#**# g py, mar N If [ M'lilM, E.VII 'I HM* M M<l*l*h K I»UI>*m*N 4 rvU|* h,*e ie*l w*#***^ *#J 4** m*w *gwe *g. ‘hnr ”* SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, • ,u ##•♦- si'*)* igtwe •* • i.l-STi.K iWs *i g #e#»- aoi*)# rvsatsoe < vt VKV WARI'R’«MM. a Cl 'in tm vurii», yajr Hr fh vitum «; vnaiii. h**r#«*m#*i th# 'Jg*g pr«r tm* ol MfllidN i*> < «-nr#ry, mow hi* el- fleflaosi r##i.|sFSKv IHI Wsoslh Itrimit-MMs*, ih*v<# ***-v* ra# **f Ibeant. Tio* h»ona hfivivs I lo 10 ,t, XI. and t to S F. k, *l|l h# <l»-t*v|#sl in ,.«W tl Je»»e M i.imi; 41, k<iftf'i'* M ,. la lilt. Ji'IIN H 1‘tNII isegwie we«em»«»h»# elinv.11# hit pruWwshoial slwOes, **d M4J hrf st hi* **ffim* IN Urugghi## stmgl, tf <# hm* i t.m « kr* (e*r**r )* J# »' q****S*« r*'4# f-irf . I h pV'.t .' ri*Mh <Ei •• •'# X V wa* IMmes-W s* . 1 at*, u-t »P '-»•*** ifl gVVp*), A-uN-Tv-' . U XH” a.*h-l»*~'*s, *»,«** -Xsangsbiew |V-ho.g T t «*•! - ’J.-fc< P«g #.W -SI# *> l «*-.•»- It'lfc n«#**g a *1-1 * pf.».’-Ji - ■#»p*S rr m#vl I ffvsc S nd * Speari rs> # r»*M a e MR* >•#»•• M»* Inss-h • #*N*»ae* swl B- INsw## •ii**4*e.*^«Vl,«ifl,-s4(.. »v# .a)* »• mar > ttiUnt * W*®; * invri.lvFN AVUHV VM R^ VI tUiifil t>«4 I’M#} ga hn** la.^a urn I ;v .1* t- •*. E !*i*|.*b l>flthHry 1 N— w».-fl, h*i-E'##"V\ ' hg "» 4*4. r'rx,«*| •♦.-oh *# n*s*wv* s*wl »k*»# • OwWa, F*.i • s--ri is-4 VV hi s ihi nJ.441 Los l E* V «• **■•. kr *» rw*-#h.. tHivirr 4 m*4 a jka .TvT; A4-l*H#vV%m ^ >.••!>#• .-niSM 4# Off ia«-,Hl* -•"#* VsvgflSsriri v*li# r -##wh *#.» #**.#(4 #**#» %•*!■ hf ■ -AVhflN Xn»SH* Wh) w4l t * ■ V |4. >#. t*«4 Viflsw*#v I'-ifl.asga I * "4k»* ev*M las*#- rasW a« virtu's li Pew#e-tWoS W-.ts# I*. Li I *#•*•»'e**4 v.rna's 4*4 Vai-t-e* Thflaa tat V V**4 ViE M->* • 4 A *w *, hiwi #» vh* «4#«* gmJK -*• •**» **. .. CN4I tk tWWltt 4 * **!.- |g1Vk|t;ktt|;Ml 4 -n #- , e«dxw WOm #••»* hi*pswthwhwml *e#v*i#w t# efParsaosh. and may be h*nm» b-i 'bejwtm"» at IM. FirkMeV emve.rvewef sd Rsrwafd awe Ferf) *<• i*#M«t h - -- I . X, |H CVilJU**isii-i.»ClMta fw-flj miiii 5«H! aNI.W spuing goods. ii OKI M«»t Ml A I.IHMIV, M W** M* ##-* »' rt,ll h • ws *M hssd- ‘ k.m# a-* >nwww r* U*M* »A'*#a* It* VI# %•* ^hs r>«w«itii "i MVh tlh-w<*\ W ##* as, k**s'*V i.l#E*MN a *» pro#- #< *“ k **•«* Al-...» f-n •wag-lj g irav am.# *** wv# a## «Vva j ' ,#lt r-s, l.lrf- luw-v*. I' 1 '#** "ErnhsK bH(«4 al I'lH k-WVI4m.»s*%sI i ii*i to ri.x.Mrtiitn tV) #*W aw mV* i».-h«r|** mrinshi tVvi wv lkstakb«tg« « W hue - " MiwEnlr* sh4 klarfhar*' fl-hls sw4 thrfp#Ss Ikf-TAW 1*1 osirvif# w • v. \ *•*-< H H-vw* ehnvtwrs, brndvr with 4 |«bo rf rt*o*|m lEwk «e»r 4) |;i»KIO»l« VFull 4 t.vlvMdf ^»r«W . - ‘JF'Me. vvjtfw, VVMKM Ann w Iteurft l.hlkrrtt JT #'«*.. U AV» tarrtt#) EiltZ ihaean, n*J hto V* » E-w. s isibn #4 V-n-n VAoa-4-V' m\, wni.sitr _ I •* .»• -On .. .-» ,a4> — I “"tafcirjrSflii*j5. n Ak VVstataW# SlSVll** ... "I'M I fare f\s* r4 C*4w , *sw fS# Vs*-)i>M V < I »-«. s TOO# «w the X.n saaikm La-isswahU# # r.'M rswai Rwwgta.hxsfA Wot4 |*hd Fmm Msa% n# trims tm »Mve Imao ••#» IkrgM I# wh - P'4 * Torn ft Sh# i naemW lAWomMe d ! by ** *» ri*^ lew ^ wMA# e#4 M'f'’' , ts* AeNvai «4 \ #Wh«A tWrwVM s>*ea( *4 vg# »#— r*hT imir^iacfl^y mm,, P''vL3's255*^ . nKrtkimruMg JtmktNmm* M#^i iAi#*>, fwkiTfcg A s