The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 29, 1855, Image 2

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THE SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. muiin iv P. W. ALEXANDER & CO., cur c«»i»ir rrtnuw. J,t»r annum »»0» al* 1--da ance.« • • ■ • 00 ^ l advance, for alx month,,. |3 uo L'eanlj, ill ndvanw, par tnuum. ... J 00 If not paid In ndvancn. 2 2® Waefclf, Invariably la advene, * ®0 WeahhMclab pvico.) lOanputlnr It 00 SAVANNAH, GA. Thursday Morning, March 29. •V TELEGRAPH FOR THE REPUBLICAN. • err., v - A WcekLUcr lYom Europe. SAVANNAH dllftflMl. ATLANTIC. THE CZAR'8 DEATH CON FI KM ED. AUKMiivAweiided the Throne. Su., &.c, &c. Nkw York, March 87 The Atlantio hu xrrivod, with on© wssk’a later intelligence. Tho Cotton market opened aclivo but clueed dull, with barely an eighth adtame. The death ol the emperur Nlcliolaa la confirm* od. . The Grand Duke Alexander, the oldeet aon, haa ascended the throne of Russia. He lasucd a proc lamation on the occasion in which ho endorses, and announces hisadhoslon to ilio policy ol his father. SECOND DISPATCH. Liverpool Cotton Market.—Sales ofiho week 87,000 bales, of which speculators took 17,000, and •iporters 13,000. Milliasn nukes tho following quotations: Fair Orloaoa fi S 8d. Middling do ft I 8d- Fair Uplands ft Lfld. Middling do •* The market eloeed tamely, holder* pressing •lira. Brown & Shipley say, tho market Iwgan active, but fell off towarda the end of tho work, and dosed tamely, with barely an advauco ol 1-8. Advices from Manchoeier aro moro favorable.— Flour and wrtt had dodinod one shilling. Canal flour, 38; Ohio, 41; Com 411 io42. Consols 03. Money was easy, and slock nuikel quiet and unchanged. General lulelllfencc. Alexander peaceably Acendcd tho Russian throne, and tamed u manilesio,stating that lie will adhere to tho policy of his fsthor. His brothers and iho officers of the Empire have taken the usual oaih of allegiance. Tho new Cxar has also con firmed hia lather’s instructions tu Gortschaheff, in relation to the four points. The diplomatists at Vienna had met in a pre liminary conference. Nicholas, previous to his death, had recalled Msnschik. fTIrom the Crimes, and had appointed General Oaten Sacken to the chief command nod General Luders to be second in rank. Gen. Rudiger has beon appointed Minister of War by Alexander. The Allies have ordered their Generals to press forward thoir operations There has bean more fighting in tho Crimea — The French stormed a redoubt winch had d>con •killully erected by tho Humans during the night. Several hundred were killed. It is rumored that the Grand Duke Michael died I •t Sevastopol of wounds received during tho siege A large Russian force had threatened Bala- klava. The blocksde of the Danube had been raised. It is said that a disagreement had arisen Mween Napoleon and tho English government. Uo said tho two armies should n»t act together, it Koubuck’s committeo ol inquiry inio tho management of tho war proceeded. L--rdClarendon, however, went to Boulngno and arranged tho difficulty. The commptee of inquiry proce< de, but it waa thought Parliament would U> dissolved. A serious difficulty had occurred in tho Tyrol, Switzerland. The King of D#nma:k is sick. Brescia, a city of Austrian Ila'y, has been de stroyed by an earthquako, with most of its in habitants. Market*. New OatEANs, March37. Cotton is firm. Sales in-day SOW baits. Charleston, March 38. 7S5 bales sold to-day at 71 to 91. No salos since tho arrival of the Atlantic's news Meatubont D Innate rn New Orleans, March 28. The steamer Bulletin, with 3,600 bales cotton, was burned od the Mississippi river, below L«ko Providence, Saturday last. Twenty three lives wore loaf, including the negroes on hoard. Among the lost are J. B. William*, of New York, and — McCautheo of North Carolina. All the wo men and officers of tho boat were saved. The steamer Huntsville, with 6,000 bale* ol cot ton, haa been burned on tho Cumberland river. Later from Mexico. New Orleans, March 38 Tho Orizaba has arrivod from Vera Cruz with dates t > the 19th lost. She brings nothing definite in regard to the insurrection. It was reported that Alvarez had fled, and that many of hia follower! had left him. The troupe would pursue him In the neighborhood of Acapulco. Santa Anna was on thusiastically received on his return to tho city of Meatco. Conlrlbnflona for Handrrivlllc. Wo are glad to learn that every mail takes ad ditional contributions to our unfortunate friend* in 8andsrsvills. We have not been able to ascer tain tlio exact amount sent up, nor is it nerca*sry, bu t we are told it is about t?iAX>. Many pi-r* -ns, however, quietly forward th«ir contribution* with out reporting them, some of which have passed through our hands. It hu already been aisled that the Central Railroad Company guvo $600. The proprietor of the Pulaaki House haa also made a liberal contribution. The reader is referred to iho letter in another place for furiber particulars of the fire The calam ity is a great one, and call* fur fur.lior and itnme- dta'e rafisf. The people of Savannah have never been want ing in liberality, and we kn >w they will not forfait thdr ancient character on an occasion which strongly recommends itself lo their favorable con- siddration. vmnrsikiAM ’ * BAM>M«Vritg* t Mrsms. t. W. AukANDia fie. Co:—1 gnilraly forgot, in mV former communication, to state that everything In the Pom Qffioe waa consumed. Evan the key lo the mall-bags, In tbs confusion, was left, and oor mall facilities so interrupted ihst but for the kindness of Quo. Brantly, my last would not have reached you ao early. It may probably be thought strange by sotno persons, that there should have bsen so little aavsd. I stated iu my first communication that the whole waa consumed in two hours, by which 1 meant that tho buildings were burned to tho ground. In loss than ono hour the whole was on lire, and as i' is usual in auch cases, the whole force of tho town collected st the point where the fire cutumuncod. Most -d the houses and stores Were emptied of (heir euittonis in tho streets or public square, only to bo speedily cosumod. 1 could have saved must of tho typo and paper of our office, if 1 could have got a wagon in lime. We had just received $130 worth of paper; our type alio being almost all new. li is easy to plan and execute when iltore la time and leisure, but in such an hour as that of the afternoon of the memorable 84th (net., it Is difficult to tell what was best lo bo dono. Our type molted down In tho middle of the street. The money and effects of Major Brookins, our highly ofliciont Ordinary and Post Mailer, woro likewise coniumcd, chiefly in thu street. Many valuable papers tiled up iu tits public squaro were burned, und the cinders were carried by the wind le thu distance of two tiiifcs, setting tho woods on lire, t be woods near the Baptist (Sster’s) Church, two mtlc* from the vil lage, were set on lire and tho Church would have probably been Consumed but fur the liinoiy aid of •onto passer-by. Monday last was the regular day for tho com mencement of the acaaion ut thu Superior Court — Thu Judge waa present and convened the Court in church. U was opened with aotnu very appropriate and impreaaivo remarks of Judge Holt, followed with prayer by tho Rev. J. 11. Smith, ut Atlanta. Thu Grand Jury wt-ru organized and choso their foreman. Tho Court Ihen adjourned to moot at I o'clock, and was finally adjourned to the second Monday in June. Quito a number ol lawyers from a distance were present. A meeting was called at the suggestion ol Col. R. W. Flournoy, and some others, in the pubiiu squaro, and upon his motion General Roberson was requested lo act as chair- mao, and P. C. PomJletuti as secretary. Colonel Flournoy then addressed the assembled crowd in a lew brief and el-quont wuida, calling upon the citizens of iho county to come forward to thu re bel. He was billowed by Colonel Hook, in a short and eloquent address to the same point — Around was the drear aud blackened prospect, the solitary chnnnies and scattered trees, mute evi* deneos of iho sad i-llbcta of tho dostructi on. There was shout $160 taken up, besides .some contribu tions of a different character. It was my purpose to have sent yuu the names of tho eon.nbutors.but :i was objected tv* by some ut tho*« who contribu ted must liberally, and 1 have concluded not to do so. 1 sincerely thank you, in behalf of the sufferers, for the hands<>mo manner in which you have pro- settled thoir claims, (if claims 1 may cull then',} before your reader*. I notice t *ni Dr. Screvrit has contributed glut). It t* just like the man, one of na'ure’s noblemen. May the bread thus east upon the waters, to use your own beuutilul scripturo quo ation, return with blessings. Some will re member the generous donor when they bow before tbo All-wise disposer ol events. Rcspectlully, your obedient servant, I*. C I’endelmn. P. S I had well nigh for got ton to stale that Dr. E C. Williams n, Intomiant, ha* Wen appointed to receive contribut ions fur the sufierors. If direct ed to him they will find their proper destination. GT Th# atsam*h>p Knoxville, hence for New Y«ik,azrtvsd there In fify eight hours. tST* ThsMeamshlps Florida, Cspt. Wnodholl, end Keystone Blaie, Capl. Harde**, sailed yostcr day sttsrnn^o—tho former for Now York and the Utter fur Philadelphia. ty Ws learn from ihe Columbus Enquirer that Bishop Pierce will probably rnako Columbus the place of bis residence. tSTContracts have bran concluded for grading the portions of ihe Savannah fit. Gulf Railroad be tween this city and iho Ah emails not previously 1st out. The whole w. rk from Bavenoah to the West bank of the Altarnaha is now under con tract. _________ Flosn>A Kail Road —Wo hid the pleasure yesterday ol meeting A. Hangs, Esq, the rnsnag lag contractor of the firm who hev* engaged to b«dd the Rail Rood acmes the Peninsular of Flori da from Amslls Island to Cedar Keys Mr Hangs informs us that He npacta to have two bun died hands on the road in a lew days, and that the work will be pushed on ss fast a* possible, there being ao lack of funds Mr. B left last evening frtf Charleston to make arrangements f«r the lnv dtate commeoeemsnt of the work upon ihe piling and bridge over Nassau over. Hank Mania in Ps*r>svi.vA*u<~Th» Philadel phia Amtrlran, not usually bumd in opposition in lbs uiisssloft of banking facilities, enters a strong complaint against the mania (or chartering new basks nbibiied by the Penneylvaels Legislature. Cbarters, it says, art granted with an apparent rack I smew ssd Immoderation which hsrs not In a very great while been equalled In that Htsts — The work li serried on In sn tltravagant manner. C"’PofBl(ati are tnsds by wh'dsssle, a batch hi* mg cuostltoted in a single session Mr. Senator Rcwtird and Secret ho* clerics. In his plsco in the Senate ol the United Slates, not long ago, Win. II. Soward, ol N«w York, took occasion, w hi lo virulently deriding the now Amer ican movement, to declare that ho had never be- brnit-d to any s icioty but thu Christian church and the Whig party; and especially repudiated the idea . ol having belonged to any secret organization.— ' This statement, tho N- York Express auovoratca, he knew to bo untrue when lie uttered it, and we, | atysiho Kxprcae, know it to be untrue. When Governor of the Slate, he officiated ns tho presiding officer ol a rccret organization, lie initiated mein- j bar* into thu signs nnd >ynit)o|* <>1 a secret order — , Ho administered obligations siul pledges to secrecy. 1 He had previously ip-no through the same form* and ceremonials himself, and then led others into ' tho body of which he w as a most prominent mem bcr. Bo says tho Express. And yet, Mr. Soward, in tho Senate, Howard- nn n in tho Legial.-iturc, including the whole body of pledge breakers there, and Iho State paper, which knows of ail these interior secret orgamzA- ' lions, have the effrontery to donnunco aecrut so- | ciettcs Tho motive it a cheat, tho net a fraud, and the anticipated result a private advantage ■ through such inat'umcriD of duplicity ns wo have hero recorded. 'The adjournment of the Indiana Legislature ha* lc-f things iu • worse plight than pe-plo ontsido •'( the State wore at first aware ol. It scorn* that they did not re apportion iho Stale for represents ti»n, ami that tho present appotti-'nment wtiluz- piro beforo the meeting of another session. If the Governor rfocs not call an extra session, there will • thus bo no legal ruin of representation tu govern J • he next election, the Governor having no author!- ‘ ty to provide one. On the whole it mu«t b« evi dent that th - course of thu Democraiic minority in forcing an adjournment tine die, wn* purely re volutionary in character, and entirely antagonist- ical to the principle upon which our Hiaioand na tional constMutiuns aro based—the right ol thorns- jo'ity to govern. The editor ol tnn Melbourne Argue, a* an apoln* er for raising th«- sutwcripm n fr- m #10 to #*u per annum, gives an account of tho tixpemluuro of that paper: " Tho total cost i# in round number* £100,- UUO (nearly hall a million dollars) a year. Tho pnen of composition is $136,000 ; the wear of ma chinery end expenses < f tho niut-lianlenl drp*ri- partmont is $60,000 ; iho rt<nt of the building is $15,000; tho cost •>( the |iap<-r is •l.VI/MM) Ho that editorial still other expensesanmmit t-- t I.SnOifnily for tho psfrer wht« h hall a dozen yearn agu was published at one lhutirlh ol ihal price A HwtDC.NB'»Bri Fl'MERai. —Mis* Grey, an adopt ed daughter ut Mrs Anna Cota Knchto, waa tinned h few day* ago at Ifichm -nd A very largo tunnral pr••cession movol lft»m tho Monuuiental l.’hunh. The chief lady rm-urner was dr< *a.<.| in white, trimmed with black, and tho duel gentleman mourner was attired with whim vr«t «n<|* — The coffin wsscovi-rnd wiib white •atm. and tho hearse wit leetnorind with white nnd black. Tho mourners are td tlm Kwruinnh-ugian porsuasinn, and the funeral drcoraliuna wnro such as are used b* that seel. Turkey's Gat a test Btstcswsn a Si* vs—We ei<r®cl the following mirrciting account of ona of Turkey’s stste.msn from a letter In thu Button Post, rrrelved by the last sterner: " Turkey ha* l*«t the strongr«i ..f her old atates- mm dur-ng lh« prriwni m tnli, Klxomi |' 4 .| M M He wa* 97 year* old, and ha* been a pr-mmenl mart in 'tin Routin'* ol thn I'. fin ev< r sine- tho day* td Catherine ..| Rusat* A* be w*. iho ••Irlrwt •O h*v was the richest of Mm notable* o| Turkey — II s history '* an thoroughly Tmkl.h *• w« re hu h**n<-te and habilttm-ms When (ie<<ru<> WaMtmg- l -n was surveying land* on ihe hraurho* ol the Ohio, and Heih I’ornerov w** le.rlng- nt the spiked cannon on the forts '•! l^iiiUlrurg, Khusrrf w«« a l*me and d* farmed orphan in the m-uirilams ol the Caucaarue, o'-tairnng a p>er*r|oua .-vi.'em-e i»y in lie aervlcee among ihe i-ottagats lid re the lint- i*ti Midnnateh-d marrhedtrack tollosum from Is l ington common, to the tune ..I Yankee l>o,. humpbacked Ireggor In.y Had #t.«»d aa « slave In the < tamhoul slave m*rkr tCorrespoadshss or ike lavansah Rspubfisss.) rwlliloe an ike MuuiiimIiis. Thsrs is s calm hers In polilirs. The eottrse pursued by Governor Juhnsnn In thedisfienssiiun ol ihe patronage qf his nfftco has given niurial of' fence to many of his warm political Irlcmls here. They aro loud In thoir anathemas against him, and bitterly opposed lo his being re-nominated.— Tho Governor is s kind-hearted and benevolent man, and would no doubt" feed " all ol his flock If Lho offices ware ubumlant enough. Uul they aro not. Homo must stand aaldo for others, and hence tho disaffection towards him. Tho obtiiorvntlvra are lor Jenkins, provided bo will ounetitl again to lie • candidate. The acceptance by Mr. Overby of lho nomina tion tendered him by the Atlanta Tomp«*ance Convention has sslotilsltcd all chases here; and none more than tho true friends ol the groat cau»o. That the people aro not ready for the question, and that Mr. Overby will be must shsinelully bunion, aro propositions so palpably plain and »vtt-«videm as to ruqutre no arguments to prove and establish them. Thoro aro about 07,000 voters in tho Stntc. Mr. Ovorby will receive, In all, not more than 16,000 votes—18,000 of these will bo conservatives and 3,00(1 democrats. Mr. Jenkins, nr lho candi date ol tho conservatives, will gel 35,nOO; and Governor Johnson, or (he standard-bearer of the democracy, will roceive tho united vote of thn democratic party, about 47,000! 1 have divided Iho/unfirtf vote, which Is not loss than 3,000, he- twoun Overby and Jenkins, or lho caiididato «>i tlm conservatives; and tho reader knows that it will not be obtained by cither of them ! It" finals " in more than ono srnao.and ihn democratic candidate will be certain to command it at the election — The " Algnrmo *’ humbug was brought to hear i»n thia vote, atui Governor Johnson owes his u'ociion to its succussful application, in the Iasi conical. It is made up almost entirely of men who love thoir " dram," and who would die Mure they would coil sont to cast thoir suffrages fur a ittait in favor of inhibiting to them lho "liberties"and"privileges’ lor which " Washington fought and freemen died! Already tlto democratic prusst-a have taken p< si tion against tho movement. Suntu of them, tttoro reckless than others, liavo branded it with being n Whig movement, designed to distract and break up •Mho puny." And, atranga to say, «h>? T*-tn- pcrance Banner and ita correspotidcuia nre doing their prettiest to tinge tho ques'ion wi'lt this s--rt of coloring! Three auch articles as wero publish ed in tho number ot the Banner which c >mained Mr Overby's letter of acceptance, will vendor ibis coloring too indelltblo to be cfliictui oasily, and Una the iotempi rate friends ol thi* inov-ment wil liavo dcmoiis'.rated to ihiin by iho rrsqlt in Ocio' tur next. It is abaolulely a*t<>nislting that th<* end of all this is not, cannot, be foreseen by those who ate leading in this m •vetnent. Tina will t>« to pro duce •ucli sn agitation a* was never In-lore wit- ncssi-d in the State. More l*qu--r, nnd meaner liquor, will lie swallowed in Georgia, in 186.1, ihnn was ever drunk before in lho same length of timu, since Oglethorpo landed where y„ur city now stands. Tho Legislature, in b-nh branches, will bo filled up by still-house bullies; ami tho temper , a«co cause will be killed so dead that it wul not i am in be hranl of in ihe neat forty years (• i* ! notorious tbiii our last G* nt-ral Ass* mhly was t|f,. j wo ikisi, nnd, at the same time, thu most intern- , pomtu and disorderly that ever as-eiiiblcd in Mill- : edgcviiie. So had waa their Conduct dial fire, tlm j tempest,and tin* pesttU-nc**, have complied t<> ktep their nets bom tm-cting thu gazt- o| thu pub ic!— j What Was tile cause of this f 1 answer that it was brought nlioul mainly by the discussion of Mm "Kef. eruncc Question," Imbue the people, \u live spring ; and summer preceding ho elections m 1853! Tina I I no man can **r w ill deity. Tho U**n. Jos H Lumpkin, thm wh<>m no man his done mure hard service in th* tciiiper.»iu-u ! causu in Georgia, saw at that early day whither . this inovoment was tending ; and ho resigned ins position ol Prssident <d tlm State Convention — Hit letter o| reaignui n >"u h*v.>r< ad, and you will Agree with tin* that it enurin-ratt-d truMis that no man can dispute, or begin to answer. The nnnds «>| -h»* people art- not pn-parsd for the enactment ol a prohibitory law, nnd Micv w.|l k*ck th*- propi-sitinn to Iho tings nt tho |»-,ll«a in O. tuhor. The rcioritmt'on mu*t commence i» the family nr- clc-in tin* nursery. Our children mu-t be tauglit t<> Ivtte intemperance and tte concomitant evil* — Tima instructed ami indoctrinated, a c* n« ration | will grow lip, prepared It* net up--n the subject, nnd lo at t efficiently. Tbo question is n tm-ral one, ' closely at'icd to religion, ti-ing to ihe latter wbat chi iiustry is lo medicine—tbo precursor ami chief fulcrum Success must bo attained by and Mir-mgli the a d #*f tho Almigbty, who work* by inr>i»« — i In effecting great purpose* Ho works slowly, at II sown appointed 'into, and i?i Ills own sp|M«nt , cd way. tits might hive "finished iho heaven*! und thu earth, nml all (he host ol them” in one ' day, tn one hour, in one second; tint He labored J six day# beforo tho word* "very g-*od" were pro- limine* d! When our li'at parcels transgressed iho i divine command, and thereby involved themselves i nnd tin* world in sin and dcuMt, G u! p*om>s<d Mn-in llm Saviour; yet iiotwilh-tasdmg lie I'liimitrd linn. Ho did md see proper to perform t>»at prom- i-c in n day, a year,m<ra th«>ua.»nd tears! "When , f*ur thouaaiid and four years lud elapsed the i*a. I vi**ur appeared"* Though Hi* appearance wa* hoped for, looked lor, prayed for, by the good nnd wisu mon iiitervoiiiiig thn period ol the promise i and |I* fiillilllient, tile World snw then, and #••<•* now, that Cltrial came at tho proper time. The mind* of tho people were ready to receive Hun. Thn time had arrived. God waa right, for he "dooMi all tilings well!" When d i'kn- a®, super stition, and idolatry bad miv-loped and- nMiroud- ed the world, and the religion of anti Cliri-I every- , where trniiuphed, God determined to reform it; ’ but Ho did lid drive away and duaipstu lhi-s. Ly a iturm! Tbo obstruction* to the r«-o-uhlialmitnt ol ihe true worship of Miu Almighty were r« in «wd i gradually—by slow but suru pru.c-scs, until, all thing* being ready, ilia great Marlin Linhry was brought umm th- stage to romplcto and p«-rfr«-i tii« Rn( •rinatmn, lho se-dr ol which had, l<»r two or* three centuries, Hron »«»wn and uking root. The tree, thu* planted and nurtured by thn Alm'ghiy, j lias continued lo g-nwr and oxpnud its ttrancHoa, 1 II d I it now cover* and protects indium* ol C'hrtet j isn wo»ship|»era un<ler n* l»cni«n®nt,#-ni saving: a •'•de. It will never lm uprooted, ur shorn ol *oy of i'a beautllul pr- porturns ; lor G<>d did tho Work, sn I a shad stand luruior. Yoms.tro'y, M* t'NTAlNECR. I NING, MARCH 20. I< 5i>. (Wrliu- b, B*nuwW . Sk.lcbs. (rsst• ThlrS SWrr WImSSW. ' «a.Vl|i • Mimmit, r»i»r M.wS IT. Wnuld you bell... It, de.r iMd.r t—Mr* Vry Hi. told It >11 nv,r ihe city (hat «h« „« m> ,1 ->• window, and In, frl.hl.nrd ill lb, imim.nadoi, nut .if Catty «rnl. Nobody hncoin, nni my window alnra. and cunMquamly I ha„ 0" con «n«tltnQo mport. but little difliircncc. untew thol, baa b,,n • (treater lm* provnmoni Mb to th, matter aod manat of iho cun.ftMUiin* (ban otw hi* aoy rcaaoo to bopc for. The Inal ihlliB Iho alotamenllonod Mra. I’ry .aid aa iho d!ait|i|>oarod down tba alraol. wna, " 1 m oft!" And thla icnilnda me of lha wtotchcd, even aniniift cducalvd paopla. of utlng what at* catltnl iIwiiq Mlirmlnna. Ooo can baldly turn a c-nlit]t wttluiul huarlnil aome auch alctam.lloli aa " Itutliluu .hniliir." " over the lell,'* - flit uul,** "ttln- yor," •• let -or tt|i," •• I .han't do inyihlni elw," om., uto. ,Ml.a Ox. yo oaod thia la.l Iu a viiry ridlciiluuv tinuiurr flic other avanlns ala wftiat panv. Sim had a bciolllui and viiy ahnwy t!o| on bur tlniter, and a Irieml aabod her if eh- Inland* cd lo vtvar tl m churih. Situ tepln d, - 1'l wear anylhintf olio !" And wlioo Mia. Hall w.a fold that uni id old Mra. Allwurihy|ilain»d al tu’init elbowed oft Iho ciomiii«. hat only fe|ily » ae, "Let'or rip I’ • Now, I submit that all lltls Is In exceedingly bad taste, tl nut vulgar, ll Miss Cowslip should prom* eriudu the slrrcl, with Indian ornament* in her n->so and e«r*,atid»irf*»ed in lho must oudft la-hn*ni •bo would prov.tko the rcdiculo of uvery sonsihlo man and woman in town; and yot she violates good taste, Mild lit mv judgment good lireedmg, just si much when shv resorts to lho uso »I low phrases and expressions. Il "a loud laugh bespeak* the : The Crlcksl# ^v^iVd'i'ii-n 1 :; r.* *•“ And all ikruugk (Hu luagibsusd salaam nlgki A mars song *log« Hu. lie tsHlsUMa Clear sad tno/ry |«ae by ibu sober light 01 tHa ulttr moos, Thu wIiMi.nisy muau With a liotluw to mi All through the Imvss o| ths rustling ires Thu sbtitgs «na| tjr ThrougH tlistiifsp hlua sky, The Anwar* may droop sihI tlm brooklet tlgb, Hut t.avrr a flg caret ha lit whlsilMa elrat and marry tune Uy lha an bar light of it. a atim w**on, All through tbv IsngthaiHHi suiumu night, And twvrr a rig carat ha. Thera's a liny srlskii »lil.lti thy heart, And s plvastni sotiv iltig* hu t lls slug*oi lha ni' alo# and gnodusasuftiod Thai hourly tall upon thaa, 1^*1 him vhislla loud sod claar, Waver drown him in a taar; Tht-ru’s dark mbs annugli on earth, I trow, WUtmui lha Kbaim «C a Kh<utu> hcaw ; HaikhraaaiHiugtiln th# Imma of lha poor That never comas in thy lolty door, forth with a smile, Ibair *<>a to hs-gulia | forth to llshU-nM.r l.aav/ gloom, forth to hngiiian lha rloudad HoBn*; Cliaar up Uiaa-ful tlial l« shrouded In night Tall U In toi.a* ol tova, Or liopaon surth. and a land all bright— Tin* Isml of I.Mu and l««o. Amt never (rat, Thai you cannot gal Just wnat jmi want *atills* you Irgval hare, This 1s Imt jour twuiliig splicra j Trial*, vasalinnr. Are but l«-inplai«ns , I sa ll.aiis aright, and lna> II halp you along In it.o r.arros mad • hat lesdt to tiorl. Use them ariihi.and they’libs Ip you along Never (n-l You'll conquer yal. T1«r U-i h»m wliitllc loU't and clast, Nf«rrdrown lilts* in a leaf. liui all ihrough the Iriigth of trouhla's night, lw>t him sing hit marry song. ~ n. ....r^'^Vtmr. OTATf. uuttt I# letvu Kavannsh and ruPadalphta ahssnsm SfiTsSSrC ILZmt lUT ^ np tnm tin. port sail r. A. fa. f.AMAB. AgH. vh. »t iKTiTtit.iT i»i Kfi. MIMa t»f Vllt INI A. hsslmr ite>atminad to Intmu In Savannah, rdh'rs bta I»n4r tea public. II*. m«y u found ol his* 1 at furl, surtihd door atiwta Mnrola stnwL fitanlng J****rnsl ptrassieipy. wari tf niTiijtixt. Mrriur,. Dr. CIIAlUaKA riANAMI, h*a rswamml the praclea of Madlclau on*l aargao, from bis of- ai*d rMhlanea on Mouth Ifroad strnrt, (hraa U-***rs I AHDr—tHtd*. IahIJh.1 raotvrd and t m r>9 v t h Ll/'i’b, i.tinn, r-ii i ifiTr AxTTauAN h r asira suj^fina Hs UMr, n**ar | l/aW~ Imorr White t^orb t *•» U<. j */ ‘ S* 1 #. lo s/nva par hr.g It tl.. ».«*„*, J? br.dg-.hy teAVKK* a Hrwuglai/>a «r. (iuomI at hl< as** uf ll*f'SM. Till hours hriwrttu A to 10 A, M. Sbd 7 Irt B |*. M., Will ha davotad lo ng)im patianls. If Jan IN JIUtK AI, NOTli r. UK. JOHN ll. null l* again « atiamt or hi* pr.#l»«alooal duitea, and may tu ifllrr- in Hroughlon strsal. if oaptSS rii:i»i(-Vi. ni rn T;. * DM. T. I). MATH KIVU, of flaau'ort, S, IJ H _ nSars tils |>niras*|unal sarvicr-s D< tha ritlian* ol .-iivan rah, and may he found for tl fIt, Ptcblln'/,r.ii iirr nt llaritard auo farry sis. Hai.'X, it f lMniEIH lAL im ORD. bA VA N N All MAItKGT. Wsuaaausv, Marcti f. fll*. M. rOTTOff.—Tt»a salt-* |o-day amount to IKU t.aias, at lha following ps’tlcuUn l 117 al N, gtw at #J*. H* at its at «Jg,53 «l HH. 03 at «K.M *t «K. > *> H.and >) st HJg cants Thu uuikH cl»nl unsalita*1. bn visit null l: x porta—M nr (li TO. Tar steamship I'lorlda. for Naw Vork—All laa'ra up- UimI coitou, l i hslit* n | cotton, Vlhtlat dornaslics, and sundry holes aral hates null*. f«r steam-hip Krystoiaa l*tate, for Ptitlsdelphla— 7AS hatesc<Hion, IU. hsltwdomes!,ca,60casksrica. sndsun dry pkgs m lie. Par hark Mary lllltabaib. fn* flosu>n—-KM bales cot- tou, WVd-f hide*. I halashnrp skins, I hah h*rrel. Per hrtg Webster Kelly f.»rst Ugo da feel lumber, l'J,on itei tnnher. Ilrridpl® ts| t'isitnMs Ar.« par first I rand Alsai u SH-liP hsles of Voium »ud rod « in a i* Itanndar, lUritee 4 <>•, Ilsrdaick S ra- k.i IV Strtf. h »» |. a.rsu.i. u <..>>, Mu-s, D.sta * teat.*, W Italerrh) 4 l'o,J II l^ld, trsokiin 4 Nun'las, k\ », is ls)l**r.J W I-* limp 4 o, Itahun S MunUi, lUnlon 4 l'«>, W tl (yam.»>*».«.4 MtKsy, I'atia , uds-.n a * •>, Ibdcoinlic. Johii-.u a •... IV ndea, l.ynu a nnidrr, A , . j — «•«, — ■■ viiMltav. a ca, ms KU'Jiicau l"«u, ||BU J ^ V*** 1 *- " I I'Sflil, A liakl), i'/lin tones, PlaiJ- upon Wubsler, wlf. Irm ly tncorp..raied Into Ins u, 0 highest opinion ol his acquirements, and ' brick 4 tia I, aial others, dictionary tho provincialisms of thu d »y, and did { evi-iy • pin*rtuiiny ol stating tils opinion ol him to itioru incorrupt our Unguagu than any lexicographer | the commissioners. Mr. Upton got into s course I ul vxp-naivu living,unwaiismcd by his no-sris, snd i induced in commit many gross baud* on tho HOOIvh. WV »**ti)s M. r^Nif-i . * \\ eduesdsf, U*/. r, p i * ■ ytrrNAM’a xiss-iu^. m al,,, fnrlh™ >A , *wi*p“* 'ar/t.i y, W M w V^Ur"' ^ ^ '* * , " ^Miranda LllMi, <-r u< V«u Tba orw.s ig th* Slrr "* '*- -ar.1 t a kififtf) <j li* , •bdde»«i«.y H Its Amary-aia |-*»», «f..wsuwr„..,*** f I'll4 Sis** Mf HSS-UM.P • ^ J At il'isut HofII. *1,11^ ..j ** *" b WRlite Post *»*4 I'lorsi: by imt,, y a auUaaar lit - t bs Sr^J, „f kV ^tj« 4, .' **“ ’KI prosartyc,-a C. ' ^u, Ttaa lllsterj of lit* Per. p*s»r—% y.. _ by Uwi P Muruhsoi Is* ..1*. • '**M tJlay IV lu-Ji'o.s.... !.• Us o», W Si Iter.-44*. s>•>!« r| ( |,, 4 . ., , f “* tet Ilia pen of Ibsl waw erlai s*i,a .y 1 aiosts. *■*“ Tlte Sui-ivster King. ».» u Bo,,,, ., _ , by Marry llszel. for sate at “* '“’a _***» '»*•. V'.fci.^V MI-MMI. I»IH *| AN . RANKERS No 48 Willism strea-r.Ni vacum mind,” uhal shall wo say of the haliitual . v .,.^, .,. k .i, VV i »«uniuuni uau of .Ung terms 1 I know that many otherwise : Mr- Gpim. was thu surveyor ul ll. ruliiit-d find educated pm»ple indulge in this practice u,, ‘ l “J. ,u * d * fu *"l-‘l *t H Tlir C'lild I'nglnrrr atf flrbisatopol. Every ono has heard ol Hubsstopnl, but every nnu tins not Ip-ard ol Col. Upt> n, for many year* thu cftml engineer »»l that rcdoubtabio luriiftcaii n. tliu Dunchufili atid —, — Dtvoti rv lor m»ny Hi svumu nuu ruuiaieu pvx |..«.M ..... yoais. Ilia n uno Dcquently soj-eara in ilm parlia- • from tliouglt It-ssunse ; Indeed, one hears thvsu | rncutaty tvporisol thu Coiniiiiaaiont-rsot Mi*- IL>lv terms rrpcalrd so often, that ha not untrcqucntly ( * 1 * * ' ’ * has to reflect uofots hu esn deii-nmno what is is- i bi-nd r *«d, ht-iween lha vs-srs 1818 and I8i6. Ail Urn great mtpr«vvtueuU on thn stsovn tmn weta of moduru times. Nevurtlivfeaa.the habit of which J aai| (iiw 1 rp«*ak t* d.plorablu and inezcuealdo—eafiecially j u ua'm* oVili e road.' Th'emMr * u'j twcrVd mW"/- in educated circles. Tito vernacular of Young , cd in the month ..I April, Itgfi, and, on inquiry by AI’(»L*4TA, Nt Alt* II '.T-i r^r-ros let sr nurkel sinre imr test »e;».ri, an | rtc s I. grailu.ily a.iv«i.c»-al, rrsahlng In li t- »1*a ourmg » alt Qvistnta*. VNaquo a*. ••(about >a’ • rulnsi) America is s poor aubstiiuto tor wit, and, with those who aro well bn-d, it call never pass (or pure a competent person ooip|. yrd, it waa diacoVi red bo lied trcspssM-d on tin- funds ol the trustees loan amount rxcmdmg XJ.CMM) EsiUema was. attic salt. Like pinchbeck jewelry, it pales before , taken al tbo timu of ibo lscts, and he *>r held to the brilliancy of the rrsl diamond. Uul let mo change tho subject, ibis evening by s merchant who was returning Irom lua counting room on thu Bay. He was in ^ s drcadlul bad hum* ir, probably on account ol iho j Itvit-r Unit bo would b«- mer ly indu-t'd fora j bail to appear at Ihu July A-sizea following, 1 was joined . ,u Rm» charge, lie app arid at Ihu A-a tca , j and answersd when calb dupmi |o plead. The I trial di l not cornu on on tbo first May ol iho As- ; sizu. Ho bad liei-n given to undcrsiaml by in* »o- unsouled aiato of tho Vnton market*, the *raio of Iruijht’, or sontuth nir ol tho kind. Ho evidently . traud. but Iw obtetool inUnmittmu, bo could nut ! douln, Miat bo wou'ti Iki indicted lor l**rgi-ry, and, ' il I*'Und $illty, Would probably be hatig.d. fit* bt-iunged to tho race •»( grumh.cfs, of whom there j tkpi «< ^ rtliamptoti. got up *m»ui acVrn i sro not a low in this town Indeed, gn wlieie wo said hu was going t*» take a walk, an I said hJ will, to quote a paragraph which 1 find in my scrap-ten k.MuR'utmciotimlntetiUtui wunton Dhi; 'why si cm to takoan i special dulighi in grumbling. Unltaa tln-y can complain, they are apparently un happy. To hear them talk it might bo supposed that nothing ever pleased thorn. At hnmu they grumble nt their meals, at iho noise *d tho children and at lit- expenses of housekeeping; abroad they grumble at their cb rks, at their partners, at custom ers who won't buy, id cmpluyara who don’t pay high enough, at thu h od tunes when nothing will sell, hi tbo easy tones »h*n there i* so much cum- petition, nt low wages tec a uso thiy can’t earn enough, nt biall wages te-causo tiny are urged to Work too hard—at everything They grumble at wmter wrather as too cold or sloppy, at tho suutim r lor boing s • Imt, at au’uinn, a* ctiageablo, siaptmgns rainy They grumble M Lived wife wishes lo go ou t ol an evening—grumble some- lum-s quite .is much te*c*u$o »h- st**p« at ti**mc.— sli -uld return to i-n aklast. IL* did n.u, In.w.-v. r, appear ngam and, as it senm-d, went that mmn mg t*• L *ndon. By a inu mo u# ho g d a reem- nir-iitlalion t*> tlto l»u«si <n autboMiio* in L*oid>*n, received the apinmitmeut o> eugmeera and was, iu • b w days, on lo* way to the Crimea Wa have h* ard by what means ho "btsined bis reeoiiiim ndatn-n, but il wo w«-ro to puMi-h tin rn, •hey w *u!d unpltcalu parte a wh..»u t turacca wee •iiuuiiie.iciislilc. As talents are much more lugblv prized iu Rusa<a III in lionifsty. it t« possihie that Ins r.-al character might hav** b»*i-ri given — Talent* me tbo first thing required in that c->un*fy, nnd tho ruirst guafufiirH) lor in*»u*iy t is tho cur la'iuy ol being hanged if v«-u a»e detected in U-tug trthctwuw. When Mt Lot n went to ^evastop t,; th>-h ifte»r Wat in a very inctfincnt aiaie, and <n vamind ongra .-nd> av n d to impr vo it There was great difli u'ty m getting tho water intuit so a* to sdrtl t large alnpa. lie procured imnicii-c iron w..ik* at ILrmoigham, and tiy dod Ol sc once. Inte r nml otp- n-c he made li what U is Tim whole tittle **l h a roaidcncn in ihu Crimea ho has be.-n engaged in ui.» lottificnte ns in th*- Bteek 8-s, and baa lieen I *r a-uiia years n>u ebb-t *1. The eoipa-fi r .*«■ *t old oiottta. f”. Min* -dr. ’ihir'i,.;. h ;.’i;r',i,o ami si now .>n*a for being too tight I h*-y grum- • - bio il rick, bee use lha d *ct"r don't cure them quicker, and when they got well, grurtnlo st the Iml bu lias »ont in In fine, nest to tho bread they eat, grumbling scams to bo their fchief all- r.ngllati r.itltatmeitl In ,Nc«%- York. Wo fiivn below (ho letto» of Mm |\ S f>iutrict Atednuy bd tlm Hoiitliarn Datriei uf ,N'.m- Y*-rk, railing tho attention o| Min Marshal to Mm nl!eg.«| foringn enltMmonts In New Y»tk, and n 'pH-atiiig linn io uau alt thn m- at.a in hi* power t- pr. vent it. *'8ot-ritAa> Dlsratcror N»w York II. 8 District Atedm y‘s < tffico,) •Marin .’J, iti.o t Sir—Krotn thn now •papers, during Mil* last o'W dsys^tuU frmttuthot sources, lm a me n d Utiiovu Hist I’Oiaoua III Dus coy a>nuugag«d iiiiocrudiug uo*n and snipping Mo in to Soiiiv place out id tlm jansdo lion ol tli*- Umud 8utra, m iMi the t*-l* tin ro to lu> lurmod lo|o regimen a Hint (*• ,orvo in p.caa iii w..r id Fraud*, England, mid Mo ir allies, and xganisi Ru-uia I lia United .-Viatea aro, happily, at poarowiih «|| the ri4ii«oa ul tlm w uld I lo y uru mm rat to ml tin* iwlhgi rants, and thu coiomuauco ol i»mc« o. our count.y depind# upon Ion strict •nbdiomeui ol our muiialoj laws. The gov. rnrnoot i*,| l lf - mimd to nxocum die raws io ihor luuosi ,n '1 nia duly mo own in nutsolwa aod iu ail Mm u*. (•out miMi wli .m wa am iu amity. I «H'g, inaMorn, |u call >our altanM«u In iho lid ol ilia* imutraioy act ol ININ, m hirh provide* Dial : •‘llany t era,in shall, within iho lortltorir* of juilsilictwMi ol llp> IJinind Hlaip*, inltel of ruler Itimauii.ut blru ut rarain annttmr to untist nu-nt Now, such people ought t*> bo served aa tbo c m- m<ui scolds in New England worn in old-n tume — hey should be ducked m mo river. They aro a d oiiusnc Upsa trio, blaanng and destroying aM fir-® ante onj yrnrnta I mica met a mail of tine kind—a small man too—ye; ho mss large enough to evst an mtntcnso and chilling atiad <w, beneath who h no flower of inippmoa* bl *otm'd; or if tt struggled mt-. lib*, it w as a sick'y hot house plant, and so--n pissed away. Grunt -l'ng m**n r< nnnd me of scolding wom-n. f have se« u some r*ru specimens ol tbesu animated, mloi complain it you g • to the club, >>r stay pi h rn* ; .md when you sit d**wn quietly with Mie Di'Mspapor.tiiey arcvvXidif you do not read aloud, a«d il you Mad aloud, tiny so n manufacture a beadacho and tell you to stop. They aro not sat- istied it you spend an cvcn*rig with s triend,’Lav ing your poor w-ilo and children at lo-me slum- ;• and it you do not go out, they complain 'that y >u are alway- m ihu way,’ and leave iho Mile lo re turn all calls. As tor pom Bridget, lho maid, shu to vet bn* a moment's pence. Thu coflee (by the Way, 1 like good coflec,) is always too h I ur too cold, li o weak or too Strong The cloili- s, ti*o, are nsvcf |iro|)«r>y ironed ; while tho children aru suuiibuJ and scobb d and spiukt-d, (mill they quit tbo li use ami lake to lit) streets, whero. ss Mr. Wa Ib-r, senior, said ol Sain, Miey Into the run of thu town mol got their ofuca:i<*n. Them is still another class of women who de serve n oice, snd m|o>, unlike th* preceding, are as amiable as poaaible I mean tho Mrs Jollyhys. or slip i»Imk1 wive*, Who reverse th" maxim Mist * charity brgius at home,' and rX|Miid all their l«xy cn- rgie* npo distant «* juris They neglect their om n children, and yet they will off their tin- g. r#' rmJa preparing moral cotton |»ockct*h«nd- kinehiofs lor th* hit ant Hottentot*. They never tind inn** io sow on a button for thoir husband*, or t • darn thoir stocking*; nor aro they particular whether tin ir own nkuts ara ol tbo aatnu long'b — When they do g« out, they lock remarkably titan nu tho principle ot comratt Their mduatiy, *• well aa their pltdan'.liiopy, is spuuoalic. and eon- •i-q innily they iievur seen npiisli aoy.hing really vabiiblo To aunt up their history—they make (►>>«»r Mives, pooler mothers, snd dotcstablu house- kueiiors. As r.oia question arses just horu : With such ac'diling, thnliloiNi moilinu, and such grumbling, ti-lli li Isthors, should we L-ol surprised at iho Urge crop of Young Americaut who n"** thrrainn to oVi Mini tlm I as u I I Children aro motativo i tea- lures and soon lea n to trad in the lootsreps ol thoir prederossors L l*ec.'iiirs parents, Mit-'ohirr, to allow love, ktudnea*. sincerity and lo'bearam-r (■•warda onaanother ; and iu liavo liievl ru'ea ••( goVi ruimmt l»t ehildrnn, fmndod in justice and loony, nml tocognwmg Dio rghia of the child as serupuloiisly as they demand nhodipnea Tb#y ahoiiid culiivats older ami sjstoin in all thing*, and a tcsio lor the use ml and l>caut'lul, tnsioa'l ol iho billies and frivolities of tbo day. l-i t tbotn provide atuusouten'S at homo, if tin )' Would keep tbo I'lnlilieii Irolii so*king it olsaWtmio. Make tt n li'iiiso choo'ful and desirable; discard austerity til tho tnff.iassol loimslity } but Observe all ihn trim and gnuumo p diionesv ol honraty and linaity humanity. Wlueh leach s ut to'do unto others a* wi> would that ollt- is should do union*,'sod above all, 'Into ihiosui ihef.* Do this, and you will liavu happy Immcs and hearts, and lho race of Mt*# I'orit and Mr Hharpa will siH»n disappear. (tno wmd more, reader,nnd I have done with this lieutenant colonel to tho army, nnd tu- was r**- Caived nt the pM iCa -I Si I’eteishiirg !•» a id non to hiS ntimer-'US forger lea aod Mauds h - got up , W4‘d* •'l iliu-c thousand pounds ot the m m y of bis Milo'# relation*, not one Inrhing ol winch Old bo repay. Ho held tho p *»• ..ffieo at Divi-mry tor a year, and m iho end of it w.«a a defaulter ••( n ariyMirco hundred |e>unds, wh eh one of h*» SUtettv* wat. bl g d t>* pay. lie died at».»,t a year ago,aod has left a name (iidammis thougn m be) moro durable Uum the bran* artillery bo planted at Sevastopol — Soiiihampl <n Herald. [F'r m il»r American l*«rri>>i J Itciittl •• I it lleinui Iciible lirr llog flint, in • ha>lr-to»ii, lla-s , rrrrnili, “Jack t'«m.'' a l*rae*ml vatualde dog rat. nci.* m * OB* no cmpiiii) No a. of lhalCl'). The nl*t..ry u(|tilllt<-g Isvrf) |||i r r- ; rsioig mid ••'fib) nil’ll'*. It., so one or f.>ur .| , OWIH-.I »•) a leiuh-mvi'soma >mrs »iiic<*a Mbit »«. ,c- C'lV ' ii'iil to harnesa ibem lo a ipilr mmiou. i-on-ouctext 1 (• r It'R p • rjn•*,*, Iu •Idch lliei d>rw linn *U ut iliri-«Mii) lf).a*sh"'*e II) *..nio itirai •. ab-aii furjrsr* »(n, hr *»■* oi.lini-' Pultepii tut thi* d..« In vtr. Ilini.lii- •hr Ihe No ttnurinr b"ior. In thr famrl) of \ir. • •rm l>e made Idin-oU »h lul In a vnnrl) ol wait, rock Imr tlir cradle, lakh g 'I r l al \ . ul in * liplr w»r. i. r<>r • li a'flng .-n plrasalii d*> #, 4c Thn fl'l-mrn <•( .No •«* laccmr «• ly fund of Mm. and warn hi* c.infUlnncr tij h-admir l.ini in tb*.rnwlnehi u-r and at Ihn* uoir«,iUj •t Irtigtl. he •• joined ilir romiamv a**i*io b. hy hi* well known hark, tn spreading the alanu In cam's <>t II-r | T>ir rnslf.«--hnusr was Ids hnmr, and hr w*s dIbiii i llm ftrft 'o -r'lr tba* rn|*- ami in d'aBkiiif 'he ms 1 ch'Or In thr Bra. lie altnutrd a'l the C Irtoal nn* ul ifie Coinp .fi). ilrrsMti In a U'.tiurni which tlir romp»n) luni I made '..r hnu . raM> « cracker- ami«ber*r an,I drrni mg : C"ff. r • "0 *• much appS’rni rrll-b a* Ihe to-st ol u.rrn At one tuns he a at li) acrulrni liHiksst up In a iiUildiiiR near Ilia i-riRiiir hou-r. amt an Mlarm o' (!*«• Ih-ihb Kl • i n Iu ll r mahl. Jack -praiiR ttiroiiah 'hr wliatew wllli It'S j wrtl known tiark. and tiM'k Ids placr at thr roj.r*wiit. > thr rr*i nfthrm. llr was a irnirrsl fav'irttr with thr ah«1* nrlRlih-r- ' timwl. Hint ala4), rrcotfiusnl to* irirnd* I" hr -trrai.-a ImuiR ihrm with a rimnI muiirod Imrk ami a aoRnCtir tad. tl.r rnmpuri) l.a»r tils dafurrrr lyja-. teaid • hating Mm paln'nt nncmvii, and will hatr Ids -km siufftil nnd plareil In Ihrlr rntlnr hmi-r. Ills d!»■••»«• was nldagr, tbuugH it l* iml known rSacily bow uh: he wa*. Yaakzk (’t/vRUiKiViJ— lV*af fcfcamti nf nil thr Tirlri* ’—Tin* eb ek business td the muntry. and *o • I Mie world, i*d»nc in C.inner icut. It i* though* Mui the capital. >c»fly invested, is n w $X ci.isn), mi ( | that thv annual huvmt-M n -w •nn-unts I" $1 Ik*','*W Oi tin# one tiall is done in Mo- rut, and I nrMi in |ln*|oi, and "lie fiaurMi in 1*>visi<">«li, i and Mom it 8,"00 men, with families, doiivo iheir ; rwre support. The mullr>er ol clock* made by the Jrront* Manuf-c'iiruig Conip*ny,..f Nr«* llsveo, i*^u»,i»ai a year. • l, /kSI J*rr mon h, and Nird ia*r day, nn lira, ing filiy distinpi varn rms The li'uln-s' wh. h- *nlo pure p. r d x.-n l» $I'R* , thr* b.w -i $m tmaiucr th- *e they consume lho Lduiw mg al ; Urdinsr) l< • iou MhMIiii/ l/»w |o *ir:c: Northern Mid klhlUlliiR t'.lr Fair to tiiMid I air NKW OMI.KAN'k, l| AM II !M-Tb.-»r h*. te^r. rarte rr mute aidmaiiori In our R>imrat iu«(k« i ilm iu U.« pa»l w.ek. the tuppllrs of Ll rt *rn I'rnlur* has bRC-’i*. sldrrs'd) Incrraw-l to thr oil Urn rnarkrt hu*r»rt* ba* it quite *n Inij iii*r !•) tlm rrp..rt brougrit I.) ih* Mraiiii-r Africa, of ihe Ura ti ■•( llm i.m;i*r- r of l(ut-U, an uvritl wh.rb V’Oir »uppn>r a..aid led in !),«> p.c fi- ca'bui of tiuro| r Ihrra rt for that »t»pir has* o-i..*- qurml) ad'Mio-d. Flour b-* l*ui dull, aud price- ratti er low •*. c urn tia* brro b in, wii|i« ii a u )■,«, urar'y drctlnnl. Prop Hum* have lorn In uo rr.jur-1. r ul vr a lr*s O-mor-s III hr lal.-- H ijfsf ha* a*1« »n* «d \L hi* k) h. * •luctlliUil. • xiffrr bss i evtt active. Frilftitt and Lxchsi r*- h.vr ten. d ill. I'o'ion—lhr ms-ka i cln*rd Oonly at our q'teU'dona, which are a* Mil-w*: saw iiBLKCS* ClsStlflCSTInS. Otetlnar) C.l< 9 7 Imrrior (JasB (diddling *** * - •» r;—«iMi.ten,. Ri ddling Fair « luj^ Fair teVsIl rortoa ituisot Stock or, ham*, m M.-pi .. 1141.* Arrlied *»tic* .... 0 'A :74 ArmixjUiU*} . . . 5 :4—> 1 r.7JO Fx|»r*nr*l 10 date K» j* to d,* .. Stock ob hand m>l rlrt red .. MIINT‘-«»MI ItV. M Lit* II :6—Ca-tton—T>-r lion* in this -rtu I* w*-ie »*') l*rtfr .iuntitf ".r p l»»lcr# iml nu fmm .lay lo ds« in f»*..r .•! **• m bss r- *'ii|»br.| »n out ...c.-o* f.|i.) 4c on •«> gr»d«* uu ring ib« weak IL •• qu-. a 1I»H at ‘ *4 ft" k **h<k or. b*n I M ^L’-ck on iiaj.d v* t\ I(.M|Ni.T'*N. I'tU fi tffl.— turpa-i'in-.— F'u. *»lr-)»-teM*J' llaTli bb'S.sml t - da> ul I**- f *rp»]( IV Co |..r )«U"W d'p. audit •*» f >t bard, | *r bl»)of jqaimr EutrlUgrncr. ItiRT • IF t* \V LN'N Lit MARr'tl « \ it kiyi:d. Ntrsmrr Wplrks. Kmc. 1‘slaika. kr, lof* M I. R -sa and oul*r »«• Hu- ••!. a Vol-loutra. J LV t^ h-iqi, t,—-n 4 V.*rk), it 4 i l.o< >.:l*a.ii. t‘adet|..rd. K»» 4 Co. J LV Andi-rs..|i. C A I. I.»m»» l\ Kii.r k Son*. M earner Ihn. lixiiiiti. 'I»r ms l^rnmic, C7l. bc'rt c«dl"n I'.rru.r- a n ».lr, Krha K F«^ir». N A lUrUra k. LV, Rlotea A Nictao's. IL rosirf 4 1‘aJn.M. ri.a: uti.n. Slfam-hlp rt.irlda, LL .^Hjbull, New York — Pod-dford, Fa> rv Co M an.ttdp Kry-t'be State, Harder, rhlUdr'pt.ta- I l-atna/ Mark .Mar) Kllit b*ih, Mydrr. Rortob— flrighstr., Ki Mrnr LVa^-trr Krll), Itrann, t»t lag . dcCala— bile* 4 Co. _ mi* kKTt.b. Hr •'alhonn, Kine.' h»rt--* <>n Me. im-r |*Ur»rr, 1 o-r», 1 vatrvv itlsgp, kc~ PLN-FLteFllk. Frr Mram*h|n rt-.riu-.l.^ Na-w I'lVt—J tt LL*lt’‘»fo», It,-II It- blun*. O LV rirhownr. lir II Nrrt.-a, C Ll Van iSiten, J VL' it sctirr J V harmti M lltiu* . *L' I'Uak-t -nr, !-*mup| T.-tey, VI*- ». Il'arl»l»r>r. up-LV Itlsi-k-'oir. Llr- Ml II 1. Ml*, ruluun. i l.'otnn, |i || Davidson, ll IVb.»<, I; J J.ilinwoi, N 'I llrvtsn 11 K Johr.*..ii, II'.a ti •min'd, c it TrsfluM. D K«D-«. J » * A T)lc'. L li-adlrs . I. I'.abterl, »L M.m t: F rll..n. l..'l.' n l*s.. |i lUrll. amt JL amar* l*rf slrsm-l Ip hr* » ••r«r —**t*. In* t**-«t« IJ.I" - .'kt p.ut-1. Mrs Mteiaitt, J LV V Llw*.) tt ttnfk. t> Torko.* XII— Ms'lm-n. te P .-rd.*rr, J It -older. Al l Ml Dt It A'*-, if pi si Rr*fpsj«f kind* Do P" th>, tb** », - aa tef n'ati'lltsii ' I'i-s »M r«M 1 r-c-'c *f l»{ lr*«p to *t*tr • I. opening .-/I* i» .» .'b'*» • a .«« w«ft thob Hi) * Sn-i-« *-k» - ),c. lit i,*nm nt Nnu 1 »n.lta*: irv gtet. ftimlnub. that enttjaaaia.o. ax il st I. wr-c NFLL Lc | v - lL ANN Ml Fo» Ibr iMi^Wllma nf pa-rVitte'a. w» l*f ‘o- 1 SI pr-EP »ll. Ihkt I.wi- tf ... it.* a.-utlH ' lb rw-.f* -. ) k Utux. (till k r . k fs-li * w» la 'la fr»rr -f u It t-kr* pi»<, ki *-te N»-m«. *td m cm"— % t*.ik) * r-'uco«t> h. r- : >r.t» •» i-itif Viar < »•ro «. * lit* n r Pr lb" m '»•*• l-l»tl"l, *»' '»* SI'S* up film-» e o' vi (a -t-kt.n-b. p* te* 1 m nj la |.p t r.'pd Sik r-» rfltep tt »* teeiv t\* *<*« Errf .a'an <4 - It t tu- xv % it 1 . isrsi m k 1 t riN«. Ait 111 in Tin LVAhl;. I.IMP-*•* LL at-. 7 » •» >- ;-t •■f- I'tin, 1 q.j«-f «• j.-♦ I-"-. LL . . i Wpi.b At, •bf awaa o* teu:t, tfad s k>s** n; • kf N H l.l'L A M Lt X. Arniiik •'. A»df**'» ll-'l. v I' rK' IU bi k krM*.'J , kkrldkC.!.'«*■» Attuiy.AX B>*f ti HANSOM MOVE WORKS. ,rr « vi \ 'titir.o If Vllln'ffl' 'f.i ll hr VI -i UaU . i’t lie Ilf « . Llf FI 1 an hr J «?* F LI t \ LNhim, of ><tei •* %*•#» telMKi.l L j dsugfiirrof H. Lt i*rwir. |.nj, «.fte* tsiuthf m nrx-'drf Oltl I t AML. Pis 1* In )*l Lug oi . .»n is* l’.'thI lu*l . ai-ter^si- drfim.r Vsinr K ..r* f « H te.t.h*. «f» VI l kTII \ l. ll 11 I. L Mr*, rt ci of tb* |xt* LVnliam THadJwu* LA t|.*. lama, atf *L»«»i nsh S'.a. 1 ends n-> pul-c* Hr* **• Iter** It in katifti a ml te rpl*i>.>n- ’li‘f *'♦ snd a- .AUt.>i L . k lk»vp *»( i*"*' a— • n—c- it STOVES, OF Ot'K OH ,V MA.v(.'/ < n K:. in te«* rt-) • »•* 1 ai.t. r l*.7i -T"L ». Ill -INI.-".* tek*|i.< • ■ lha fckil-Uc u.r fd l»J ^(amguaf m— ■ *Ai'"»- * a-. kt» •» t., 'ar*- LV. l -k- »f lk* *c i®'’ k-f Um 1... .VH I *PlFr * ••»•»* a*) O.# - 4 lift. .ml. Ite <4 RlSPeikM 0.1 III -• m “• U- ai*Wrt'* ll f IU(V, kkl • is » I. •-p a »* " ad do).R It’ll* kMtari.n I.V .-•» m*-»en c «* prvMi bt «s-«f J L w 1 Pine lumlu-r, feet • J.Wl/XA) Maliogany ami r -ewo-ddo 1,'SSI, IO lcioking glass plates .... .. ,S .(Aral It--S* s id glaa* ... «.!«(» t'a-ka ..| 11 r 1 la ... J..VA) Iron.tons I4A1 Glue, harrrl* .... Rolle-i and cast hiss*, ton* . .. INI Varmah, barrel* I 1 A» /.i-c,,!ona 35 ‘1 b-11 lurntu-r ia . l |*ino»f itiree ily IfLun M sine md \V. stern New- Y"th The 1 nil f mstr »<* '• it.- m*mi( it not wh -Uy piucii**- d m Now Yolk a II nnlrfnl * r>p» |«n4( ' t'y iSS Irk* »c« ••• Mai Lu •■«• » Hr* «»’P t. Lt>p t.-a tl.r 11S ■ »r* n* h rf*kf«i fn-m M-* 1*- . lai'n'W >fi Ste li"P«1 hrf p*. t'l. - hs'h rntff,«t it I., h’.s nr-l • • f-l te Ihp hpktts .( th et- wk- • e te«i h- p'si U*d in hr tnars oi S Lo t*-p c-v,n ot .Mil U>-L . w j skrti h |)u*mg my walk b b«re breakfast this j niy.- [New Haven I'alisdiuin, Match I*. I’kT lUsir* — Who ditos n"1 'ove a fat bahv I— one uf iho ira rh-.t bv km-f—uu l«t ••'*' it ran bard ic nut ul Ita ev. a I We ha«»ir«qurrilr w«’Ch Oxt I'LL" t the** ft'»m»n demti tugs •"• hours, •> d tH ■ , leased i.» m»'k I'ow g.s-l nstuHu y Mu) al- ays t-ko ihu g* ll ih* y r II "vrr «>• l-ti d -wo. •I ia Mil iho esiuo |i iho rnir*-' steal* their t *Hv. i-t Ml - Urg- tuV h.u k* UM did!, lilMa t«t'y r.-lla UP u* olo*. I • k* O'.fHMis, lunnL, ani gon.r Hv laugh* ll cin'i erv * The noatnsr #pph»aeh l* It 1# as u*- prea**Ml wb'tnp*», wbpb rail* Lb# Ir#'* »r>d the grv**o at iho aani" "mo. smt whsn lannnla ion* pr -dii“*i rr*pirautm, Iho (itu.r 1* 1--* soli"U* !•» b# l**ntf e n tmicd II w ducilo is iho tat baby Olwai'y '• never nlwreD *«*us It thoro bo «ny •f.iubt on thn taunt wa s-k tnum|*hantiy —" \V«# 1)410,1 l.-m'vn over *rr.i*.d .d |«uCI'<st<c propco s ilo* I—>r was s fat baby over kn *n to h" Its llflh rover tho Itrstl With a |- k.-* t" Wo 410 a iloet.liil "dVi'Csle id !#• bsbir*. ami w.oild hko t>» k’ O all Mte It'llo stnnrra a* id>oso as e-ten* m c«*rn 1 ono There 1* one d wn in Florid*. It um iI, m igli* f mv h'o p and*. * ml 11 ts m*t ten month# W'hal a luebuts lump it mull l-o.Vandoy U N I 1C L I I M IT ATION. Hr Ifipnil* *1 .1 sequf n '• lai* Ll» »t> Poore, *ro In*IIP-l lo kllrn-t ihr fun* r»t-d the* *0 dsufh-pf, s LM Lit | oriCA. tn-m W*r •- Taitnklt steri, kl A ••'chick, Tvo# Ar.o*n,—n ST. AN DREW’S H ALL Nlotict-vv. itarcb rSlh, t<»k rots OAK LL KKK OALV THULD: R! LI3HTMSQ ! ST0*V! FLOOD I _ jl-*laLUGfil te R A N H T li 11 L4 r ll ill' V 1 K I’ " V' 4 * 11 ’* Tt s fl •», m»f vs I NEW ADVEKTISEMENTS. SACK I t) CONCEKT A CONCERT OF SAC) EO MUSIC . h-d • ion tnaiallrd as sarvant In lha pslarm of AMI.I Hsmorl, tlm than heir lo tbs Mifnn« In tlm country *n i tlir iH.titn.ri Wlisru the pssopmi to sm*r»*u la # fine* ami. ongaglng manners, young Kli "*rrt, drsniipa of. " p * ,,u ** <**"'7 I frtli, p-eeraaods'itne faculty o| Rs>n*ng ami raisin ! ' Ing gurwl will, which unaided h|m •-# n.inqnrr na- 1 n ? Iff** turr Whan .Mahmad aunnrilrd |r> Mtethfnns, j ■ lira fiiAnnoa of lha orphan r**o. and tming *h..r|ly a fur wards mads aorr*i«ry In ('*p»n|»«n |*asii*, he laid the ( undaM n of hi* (tturttimi* wraith ||« has oullivurl all Ids friend* ai d all lilt foa«, bm *••* E wrdy n*vrr tail him. Lika alleyrand, be wan ready in arqntrac# m uvrry rhsnfs, an l gon*fa|ly succ*«*d*d In ohiatnhig uoinplhlng Inin evu*y reyolutb'tt llur ha wsa always.a nt. slave Frinn the service of th# imperial b>m*a I m ,p ‘die»jis«t sarvant. JjlllN MiKMJN there ts n** rnsiiurnt*si"(t Ttmush he leaves near- * *»*U.VkS,Mq., ftUt*het,N \ It JEiflOQJM surfing in rrmney, every fsithing ol 1 It goad lo Ihe present Rullsn " lung, I picked up in Fairy s'toei.nesr l Row, a piece .-I paper ocs' y t»lded On examtn j alb'll, I found It oonUmed tho name* ..I cloven • hu'fi•*•>* tu the city and 8tale, with their eavoral ! f uttmee snncxi-d, tho number »d thew brathot* and It '*• KO Irayoiitl 1 bo luriite ul tlm I sisters, with eofmi remarks stating wheMmf they 1 !"'•« Mt-la#, with iin. nl to Ik, rnliuir-l or miter Mice fVlco •>! all y lortign pnmv, Stale, O'div- n>* dialrlot, uf |H*ople, a* a SfildiM. mmino, or *«* mall, Oil iNistii ah) v»we. | o| war, (otter ul instqim, •r | f every person so ..lUtling shall lie “ ‘"(I" ••••■douieaitn*, and fine«l . „ , iuii , S"t nieoorling $I«R», n t •iseeotl- uce yuera l#h y..U lu uea such means sa m*y ho at Vnuf utimanU I • |rtevunt any vbdaib.11 ..| lho law. M f llm Lnded mate#, wliiuli sre p*e*-,| tu p<cecfv«i-uf n»niraiiiy I wii| tlmerfully c*i operara with y..u in any *m h mraauroa a* y.-n may adopt to |w» void tlm inltac- tn-n ol Mm* Intporienl Selegusrd lu our natii ital |f*acu ami proaporny i hsta Mi* biHiof ‘o |»e, very trapae'fiilly, y.iut OIIN M. Kt.Vi.N pllte PMladsIphisss are sbusllu try lha Nloolson r «». M.iImor, the eoied duel in ami a dMinsaith*| MMsstppl nflk teRtmaei In tbs M*a »«n w#r, sfiMMltied SMicU* Ik J*<»*•«, MlM , u« Sued*) woro orphans, ami, if not, wlt*l wore tlm acca and hralMi ol their parenta, *nd ho* long they would probably sioviva Th# girl opt**<ettn w >0*0 name waaacl tbo Urged sum, was maikrti AN* 1 - the imxt, No S, arid so on to ilia end->-ih« lad one to lm Poulin! only in llm event the writer laded wlih nil th* miter*! 1 think I know iho handwriting, Imt am md i>o«itlve. I can Ibid out however, and until I do, | imf to remain* Qul.lly and obeetvlngty, Q ta a C’oasia I'arry Itenaldon, a clerk tn the I'oet Office tn ('iil.'ag., h*s »«een an*dad lor r»d*hlng the m*M — III) Was ditfcikd |u Ihe Sit. Work haa t«en rtewturd on tb* Lake Erie, W's bash and Hi |, ala Railroad, ihfoURhowl it* ani.r# length, ami setgfai Mi u* a ml lamuais sit wanted lit* eolps Item ss*M* of Ihe Ame/tgsn Foreign \ Bible Do*ui) era u. w suetstaed is New Mesuo Edward Von ib-r llcydt ha# iw-cn *|»p"tnte-i and tci-.igoia-'tl v ice Consul of Prussia lot the port »• I .New Y"fk Th" Wofce ter, Maes, Spy says the people of |h*| city have sutler-ll SLUiicItung like $KO,tXX» by le gti* insurance olh-’ce. Tlm car wheel factory of Bash iV L4*deM, of W'llniinulon. D--I , *»aa desli"Ve t by lire on Wed- KVat n**day night Insmed l.»r $MVat The Gelholle Bishop of |hdw*ie*, hv* wri»t»w a l*ite». ad'ireetexl 'he rlngr nisdt-Tcee. u»g- ms them tols*o» the p«a**ge ol s |Lt\hdmn*y taw' In Iowa TICIMt A VI I t »»« l»« »«. TIM M-I*AL t.VlNiNi.. APR 11. M* IS'V f iler ti e d te-lia'i ef Veases. « L t.N»'»rtil ITS a.Ml ll it |U»N »l tm«L\. *k*i-.d b) a f-mhif .'I le U as at it tioeUs«ac*i. imitWi' Sid 'b* tm»l lawei .4 o * ^h* pmrteh "I IV* illmWI is h* appr-'pi’alfdW tec te.’*S. ..III.*' bwteh.f-i fVi-iaso- rt f*~.ktr*rtl .ha l |i»if« •■, i an* it •>) lb* • |.l*ill In r-apiembr* ia»l L lul, |>roRtauim* ««r ».-e caic*uii»aL*a» am te c-isol hro-i fi m ' ^ S salt hi At 1.1 Ll 1 M _ii 1 1 k 1 • • • a ia*-* — t. Jiiiiss, 1 ej-i liirfs » f.-i- *•-. am g" 1- si .te>i«Mt.a .-m t,.VoiprtJTbu.*J... »h Apr" ms- .O I. L'i'l 'KN «. t'f\VI\LiU AV. A*t*. I* • • I. He IW »-*a f‘ ( («f LI|iIILV|i, haLI'M, n|te! l'*fk anfI -’ll to* * pa te, .. rv .-i I ’UM sin ly pril.iiam, hi; 1 i.V k lu me N I Mil tt Nil 1 It I V A V II till A 1% t ItL |. * Itett* »4| pte .-I all* . R-sir, Wnin a»4 «—ikna L sntlfi tlii'li M-it sHpi-fi, *1-' -L * liaraisilbl tesua, canton gsnn-4 *n4 Maa*la.> .lu**- •> a*W ). s* h) WV R SYV'LNV ms* -it |Lte,pM k Tan.-, it ll b iaAt* t* t« M tk.YTk E The SteMa nwA» * »h* b*ng. al Ih* S-m <4 LL hn* A*f i'l*»l. ba-q-ic* a-4 m-r V* spINriR l 1 RKH4. HI fl 111 MY. T v»l.Hil|;i;"LL la tba Rai*o« |w« S-i -h* ‘r'^ow .a my (Vert I I'LL AMD 41 LL II JuaiUa •a tea tV*e*. n*V' M ih# Naas -gbea «v» it Till Hour u:i 1ST etlted Deal *te*“d-g ^sxom4» If •acte-a. L«k-- a a-1* **—*•". v * '• ' N % ' '■ I'LL* KLMli Hl.h i DI lHlI' > v'*' 1 ft 11 »;t UfM-t « Pa'.aai-i* •*> tec " n-|. po"— " ** Jensm-ii a - iomiw m »i*—so* «** •- "*' l ”'^ l*aliM ,<k- l -p- '»♦ asmWer, tea 1 "* inr m 'Ul fTj-nlkl* ** *■ tba L t —al » < , .«* ■’ ltea rstfill-’ll lb» t fOrtte TV~ 0*4) all ' *'* * om a-nrmi-'ki-f-* • *» e '•» |—f—n **■••**1 «« «*.i—-*" 1 te .'*- i'c R*». i*ape(l»V»fAi* La O- la-4—.•«'•* ►' fte- Inlf* rtf LA'f- I a —I l-'f’i- ,4 u- !*«r ItVVi'.la f-a. V f-eanaiR kl # "V*. gk< I p».«k). kf-1 ** afOk) H J r ** Vi-a*.' .Ve «\k'l£-*t* S-ag I 11* Till. I. AI>»» b • t.r-L> niNc »-ni ca k tML •**A ate -a^ * Ob Oai-f , *4 a)l tM rtf* "**■ L.Kbt .M. e kb-p. «-.rt«*c - Ja^»afw.-a MH L Ml' L >» - IV, oKIHNI, Mk* > I lkli - l.erwbl.‘»f, N ssbU 4- , II V icniirt* I "It I L 1 I. Li*t Nr. holny )f |»a'i quf v iii*|«aicb a* ktM«* i . r- \ a ru""* •neab I'.oa Va- »-• T. J. TtUvI.iA I **».- i» 'IN Ria FlNi- fl Ltfc* rUrsOk )w*1 »*• L I t l A I Lit 4 LU I | 1 Lil’k 1 t • * IL* »k|* t”* **n V) r* *K' 1 •a. a 1 I* L» ( Sort. 1 liIilli rrmi -» Wm Y L » ■ fteca* TV» 7- ». p»* we a* *MfL* *’•' 1/t *a k'Mfir eveaaAmHW ' *i Nr* L «• A f- nj ALM* «, *P»# "T ni’L. aidte-* 1 i*?\; .L'WftU*-. , |.4 fcyrutii MiiHfi. i:i.i;t rioN ftoTier. Ulll «» iVVHIt'l «**»!• S, < eavantekb, L'arrh t*4b, IbVX t (-n'Otell at ran *e#"t*r w-maleg iwu .kb iavkim*’i will that a* ta-aj-r-r-'i *•< W sigbi- ufo*. 1 nihMswIlim, Firs IlsMM Ih-tla • »VV taste, tV—4 two L- wk-nA A-ttkiV AwAWAarW)»ol Usuao »b*n ne*M weeHtWa •**•-« k,w HAYWfftJRTyU,v, lilt. '^'7 •I A* NtiMvAYKls hi* tt#ra ts ttunawr >U LLhiuka* set HutM dlueSS H**Mrac. •oi w*r o. LL hltake* And l ltwsLy LL) A N \ A M M A Mk LttM K• MILA Skai«\l.a tote te I.LttN RlOt A«l»s»". il Xt 1 r>.»stte’a-.1 v * W* >A*a.f -te ———* A 1 m. J h. .Mh I taJ i * n-*a "*-sa ^ ^ ^.,„ T to'. M VMAVR * l''1 1 *■ •TT'aaMLfk. tmisAte. Id #*«*«* *4 ta—• te lbs# * ts —.») .tot. MaainfTt nkMW •*» -ve Mratetnd Cviitt 'WSussa^sgf lint N I \ I I'M »hl N» A *KifH |i.,>. Notssiv P»vlc •»' r.cau-*) »f * s Uq 1—1 a—1 rifias—aw ••»** r^** ttollaiai of Pa- —U I **-4 * ■* iN-ntem % h>ek •*•*•*-• nratkomw- •*>..* r.*o4 LLai-an-S •***• • <b* A*4*1 1; , w , | ln ,.| k.~.k 0 l-W avit b* *« s ites* iMi-, teliVkk,*'-* »*,uj fw MaWM-s *»Ais 4rw * kb kit -T »bi\ (rntpa slaasa-4. ""ra' • u-h .-am*. *•*( ** ‘L;****. *—» * * a** •'■••A aw- 1 "*' » *«nK) t-M-a me »**d ^ ' ) M' •* L*c*» Ate ttadccW W tJ* f Lt< t Ap RIM. > hevos PeA*«* Le»m ll ». , f-**” *P '* y*-m**e )-a*A*S-w • *■*** JJ, ,• an tei-*J ’ iR-« a-oJ 1‘lte aw «-• •' *►*» ra L(aw4 tn* s-r— ** • rt *' wu'tf-e-^ I r-T At 'U iTAa..’ -at »*d •**«• dlAlakS’’ »w vU LteJto-aa w.'—* M swVh| * Tt -uaMi-1— *f*T,un. inTmiti - rt, vA'M4iw«<«d LAty» hurra •«. in* h aaN i