The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 30, 1855, Image 2

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- the umm - VU * u'luankb bv P. \V. ALEXANDER & <30., our u< (XMHtr r>ini«*. r " *“■ R , in minim,par umim (5 Wl ;Mid In ndnnco. .. . • OO ■111 ndvinon, I»r nil month. 43 uo vMhlf.I« ndvinon,pnr uuuin.... 3 00 If Mipnldin ndnncn.. < JO Wnnhly, InvnHnbljr In advnncn t 00 Wmlilv.dlnhpnoo.i IBnuWoior 10 0» SAVANNAH, GA. Friday Morning, March 30. BV TELEGRAPH FOR THE REPUBLICAN. Urn at Mumh Macon, March 20 A firo broke out tn this cily, at 3 o'clock, this rooming, iu iho xtabU attached to th« lot a( Mr. J. 8. nation, and communicated to Mra. McCall's house, then lo John Chaii'a, Alexander Richard#, Mr. Moulton's, Mr. Jordan's, to tn uuoccupUd Mors snd to tsversl smaller houvo*. pearly all in»urodi The Are is believed to have miginatod by the act of an incondisry. At V, A. M., the Wesleyan Female Seminary waa diecovorvd lo be on fire. Uy ilu* nmai sttenu* out exertions of the bremeu it wag soon extinguish* ed. Damage to that building about #230. The fire originated from a delect in a fine. Fratu ftlavaua, Nkw Orlians, March SB. Tbs steamship Crescent City has arrived from Havana, and report* that the steamship Hi Dtvravivl was compelled lo submit lona examination ol her Papers by a Spanish man-oLwar. kuvtr hsthitiR Triumph iu New tirlesHv. The city election here, on Monday, resulted in the success of the Know Nothing ticket. nnrksts. Sales of Cotton ths last two days 2,000 bales.— Middling is quoted at 8 3*4. ^ Charleston Market, CtlARLiXTON, March 29. The Cotton sales for the week lout up UIJWO bales. Under the Atlantic's advices the maikit has declined, eomo say 1 4, oihers cl Jim 3>8c. Ho* ceipts for tho week 14,000 bales. 8:ock on hand, excl Jsive of that on shipboard, 32,(11)0 hates. In Rice, the saleafor ihu week loot up 2.4i't casks Good to prime closed at 41 to 5 cm a ; choice 6f; ordinary to lair 4 1-8 to 4 4-8. Stuck <u hand 2,* 814 bales. Freights dull, under a decline in prices. Cotton to Liverpool, 3-8 ; to Havre, 3-4 ; to New York, 3 8 to 7-16. New Terk Msrkeu-Cauadinn Altalrt | -Wrecks. Nkw Yosa, March 29. I Cotton hu declined l-4tu3-8c. arncti the re* eeipt ol the Atlantic'a news. Flour continues on* : ehvnited. • The bill intr.xluccd into the Canadian LegisU* ;• ». fchvxrlaa Ji Jsukfsi, . Wb vb|ib| tp.ohi*m xdltpoeUlun on ths part ol our respected eotemporsrles,,tho Macon Mt+- m*t* ami tbs MlltsdgavilU Hteordtr, to put iho honored gstwUmaa.whoselnsmo stands u the head of this article, in nomination for Uovsrnur of the State without resorting to (he aid of a couveniion, and without, so far as the public are informed, first obtaining the consent fil ths proposed nominee. It Is known to our readers thaw**, sumo time sines, declared ourselves iu lavur ol Mr. Jenkins, snd that he is uur choke, shove all others, for the uflioa with which his nstne is connected. We consider that it is due him, In view of tho disreputable means by which ho was defeated, to give hint an oppoilunlty to vindicate himself. Tlio Recorder and Messenger will, ihevelore, appreciate the mo* tivo which prompts this expression of regret at the course wliiuli two such deservedly luilueinial or* gane of publio opinion have deemed it wise to ro* commend. We are unwilling to assist in forcing Mr. Jen kins into iho position ol a oundidaio, cspreiully under the peculiar circumstances whiohturmuial parties at this lime in Georgia. He has lost a**no of hisformer popularity; nay, he is strungor to-day in the aflVctions of his Irionda than ho ever was before; but there are elements at work, ami which may euier ititotho approaching canvass, that would render a ip mt nation by the pries st^this time, pre mature, and which might poaaibly prevent him Iroiu accepting it at nil, Funhsttttote, m* good, that wo can see. will c<*mo of this early aud unu«u|| movement. If Mr. Jenkins is aa atrong as our cotcmporanrs say he is, «nd hit nomination is already "a foregone emt elusion," there can bo no harm in waitiug a month or two lunger. Ntllllflcixlloit In New York. A select coimniileo ol the New Y«rk Legis lature has reported a bill entitled "An act lor tho belter preservation of tho constitutional rights and liberties of the people of the State." It will be porcclvou up.»u cxaiinninu tho following nyn peis of the mcasur**,whivh w® find in the Herald, that it is nothing m»ro nor leas than s bill to set the c-.nsti* tutiou nl dotiinee, hi tho nullification of the Fugi* live SI a vo law. The bill provides in behalf of fugitivo slaves 1.—The writ o| habeas corpus. 2— A trial by jury. 3— Fines for the arrest of persons as fugitivo slaves, who are not such. 4 — A denial ol the jails (or tho temporal)* safe keeping ul fug^yos. 4 —An interdict against all public •>|ficers ol tho State assisting in the arrest and restoration of iu* giiivo slaves to thou mutters. C —A similar interdict to tho Stato militia. 7 —Repeal of a cimfliviiitg l«\V 8—Penalties to Stale uflicers who miy prefer obedience to the laws ol Congress. 9 — Kapensos of this new law provided h«r* 1(1 — I he net logo into effect immediately. This (says the IL-rald) is clean work, and if this bill tie parsed, there immediately arrises a conflict between Congress and iho State, and the anti slavery ngitaiion will receive the eienmg impetus of open and delimit nullification. Rfieh an act SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 30 k6». ‘ The AostRAMAKjJiamNANCis.—LalsrVdvioca MmIilIN'M Irons Australia give ths URoial account ol ih« mil* Wauks thsfelloWlftlHW MM. Uary rsnconirtwlth ths gold ulggsrn at Bsllsnu.— Tim collision occurred utl (he 3rd ul December j thirty ot the insurgents were allied, snd a much larger number wounded. Tho (Jovurnmuui troops had a captain wounded in ths storming of the rebel barricade, and •'number of soldiers wers killed.— Martial law was pruclsiihsf on Hie fith, but cm* timiuil two days alWrwerd. Thu papers blame the Governor «a ths causo of the disturhanQ0,and ecu sura the whole managemsnt ol ths gold*llronting Tho gold eaporlsd Imm Victoria, from January L IH44, to Janusiy 9, 1844, is aot down ut 9,018,* 447 ouncos. Division or California.— '/’As JVpip Stmt of Gsfnmftin.—A bitl has been reported in the Cali lornin Legislature todividu that Slate, by crcuting n new one lo bo ui.llod the "Stale ol Columbia," and to embrace all that pari ol the Slate n-.uili, and inclnaive, of the coun'iva of Santa Crux, Santa Clara, Tuolumne and CalaVoraa. A pardon al tho present Stale debt is to bo assumed by tho new gttulo on an equitable basis, lias introduction give rise to a warm debate. One ol the speakers advo cated the cresdon ol three or Imir new Stales, iu order dim the Pacific might have u groaii-r influ ence iu Congress. A motion was made to induf* Imiely posipono tho whale matter, but at last ac* cminia no had been taken. Tiik Ashland DlsimcT —The lion. J C. Brock* enridae declim-a making a canvass lor CungioMm the Ashland district, Ky. lie says lie liasbcrli awaro for more than a year that it would not Ini iii his power m present to make another cmvass, but deemed it decorous lo withhold die aunouiiCi-llieril until die completion ol the term lor which lio was elect* d I le says in his card; — opponents, 1 desiro to express MabbwoImibbiib. _ pifxjtixph from ths Boston Joumnl i "Tbs Committee on BdtwsUen, tn whom w»s refstred sundry petidkas in relation t» colored schools, have made an aXIsntlou report, drawn up hy Mr. Charles VV Hlack.ol Boston. It loan able d.icumcni, displaying much research. Tim Corn* uutieu strived at tits conclusion ilut colored chil dren ut kn |e,s progress in 4 separato school, and Wistim Military lNirimc.-*Ths KwnHIU wtaadurg says* I he TrusM-BS of Cost Tr-nncssas Uulvartlly are about flonsuinmsta an arrangement, whran has been a tnnnih ml two m progress, by winch the Western M'ldnry Institute will t.« loeaiud perms coNflBkiiai. ttkrunii. UwAMviui. MAMKK-rT UirtaV.-lrrl.Hl .Inn. Ihm tit M, IJJ41I.I «, (>«n ptr fillninn, Wt — !•*««« IsadlMgs on tbs river,) a*) IH d*» tsl«*»4*. iWa ^jLxyorU oljtotum from lavtaau i ,. . uit n, ira". ' IIU. i; . .'•* il S.'SV* sirostpa lm.y a. |i ,4.m ^ , i.lO»J«*i nenlly al tills place, aud boommi ino-op-,rated with p* Mmn ,amount tn 11,771 ttsi*s » N^i*^* »*• the Umversny. 8*» tar any acU<*n on tire part, WdQ M Mmkt. *tai w» Uv#»im.g v/w> T.mooremitnu.m ( of the trustees Is m oeessry, dut has tmen dons. * ... unit 111 > liwniul llwl will Iu, .M.imlnlil* 111 llkl. MlSt IJI'IIUn. HI I |M i,*»: sit Os and tn a manner that will, ho acceptahle to tins ”7 TITLIl. ’’ ..j i s.a*. u. fiupar mendent and Oihers now in charge ol lire to Boston» USB Bslet dptsad, aik 4 d« Nee lata i .u * “•* ■ Nee Vurk *Jtuotmlesdplsod.oed»• daimalslvsdf (Mies Upland. In Pr-.» Ideiee, <.tt M BO t'plaeds H* that m> praoiioal incunvealsrtcu need follow (he j Mmlsry Insthota. Tliaarrangement eontomplan abulilion .'l such schools. I hoy accordingly ro- ,| IU ,,i| l0r bulid-oea uimhi ih" Univerariy psihdeipNta Uslm ITploed, in ;ha*k*oN. X7i port a bill pt.tvjdtng that, in «*jhrimumg IU« «ju» [• ) grounds adspiwt tn a much larger number of pupils i„i # , iipiue) sr.d lit <!• iu, tsUeds-WvIng •*» lleatt -n ol scholars in bo "‘huiUcU Into any ou die t h«o can now be see ruuiodstu.J, end to lire pecu- n(J .i.ipbosr r. i.m r|rar»-t, a emefi •* * .7» bs*-. schools or any district school in this L.-nfmon- |,„ discipline that will bo introduced in |h.»»ch.-.l fT."" utid.s liurks sa.tan tt vi i,.io h,nod,s.n,«u,m.h.H .;«a< r «.l |V f Hosoon ...he plans l-.r the amalgam., ion have Ihu tavu, o.*h»r, ut roitgmut nplnlimk of tha applt* |„p y -(|fl . 0 d U , M „, , esat or scholar, sud that any ehdd wlw, ou sc- upon tho subioct. coun' ol Ida race, color, or religious opinions, shall h« excluded Iroiu any public or district school iu Gtosou Mlt.irakv lavmrra — We tskr pleas- tnts CommouwenHli, l*.r admission tu which ho mo In noticing iti*» prosperous comJi'ion ol tho may bo uihorwisu quslilied, sliall recover ddiusgus | (JuofKiii Military ins'ionu There have never tlivrelur." t been more s«ngo|nn anticipations on tho part of The people ol Maasaehusells are al Isast con* I ha fnamla, nor has 'hero bred a betier staio of f-»l- It.u. kg SlllOOg lilS CSdeU. ill-. nsW I'muOMfldailt, sisient, wha ever «ise may , mesidof , hen , . , iav* U U((i j„ n ^ u , |ho Ull t , d Htatev Artillery, lug deified Burns and esnunited Hons, they could m \,. H „ niost lav-nan 0 unpr-ssimi, from his pr« n-.i do leas Ilian place tho negro scholars ol Bit vi<-u« t- puiation and by his gentlemanly tearing — .Slate up,.,, an eoual fooling with the whits. It H* is justly regsided as an acquisition to the l>mii- - ..... i. .i ... i tele. It could not tm oilier wise, «n securing the seems to us, However, llist they should go astrp MfVler- , « rM |uata „l W„t Point, who cm- both- r, snd s-.ulisli all social disiinetions, and al* ■ j.inus the «-xp>-ri«-iic.> «f an ollic-r ol the ar.» y low'iliu two races lo Intermarry II iho negro is the that "I an instruei.-r lor a number of years «n t ie OiM f I'resM), Ib^u, t<»(*i . oiiin ri.w<» t.Xd y.M(|a Turu, PrusMeoce,... , N.e-t-^%, Pl.llad* V|>Wta H«JUnooeai»t N>*t- IX, year. livr |wls*<klr r,pat^l<a«l vp* a qel«t market, J j, ( and taenreen.1 eeek »»|»ned arllh it* mom MS(.- * ‘ rf llulilirt «*i« hnvror B-u», s»4 evln««d oottetOe lo p, r „ laelr slncksup-.n lit* market. The mIm- ii I fl-ley nere HSU, OMl*felurtl*T . kl-nds) UT7, ou Tue**l»y tisi, and ..** VV»Iiv*4-1»t llUi Uxles. VV»n» a ia>r _ ,. ri sin-iljr d«mwal, p*l'eu gradually eitaacvl. aad«m mak. anitoisi tav-irali o nnpr-salon, from hjs pre | T<to~ls; were eonii-ler.d Ho eteive ou* q-o.UU'0,s »A‘#t t-e. a II* e b* »ru T*Hi»» i/rami Exp'.n* of Rice and La-aber fr-** U, UUt equal ol ilia white, why not grant lorn all ihepiiv I « gea id tlut eq-ialiiy I Will Iho Boston Journal inlorm ne ( [' •rrieitOiHlen e of Ilia llallOnore Him 1 WasIIINUToN, March 2*, 1845. The h st.-rv of Mr. Houle's missom to Spain is l). S Military Academy.—Miintiln Adootnle. F*ncv Bam. in Nr.w Usmans.—Tha Plcvyunu spi-akmg >•! a grand fancy lull, nl 'lie fit. Ulunrs II--UI. New Orleans, Iasi werk.says: li wa» amu*ing lo wa'eti iho' t-urr-us pr-mlona- ' which ilm exigencies ol Urn dance effciled — 1 | .Ilf. ivoulos nilseiou in J'peiM IS . h ou-Jnll. s not evt-n y»-t lully divulged,ill nigh w,-have . n>-ngh * .. ( j m fnn , y rompany, •d H in Hid Os'end docunielll to tnlciesl and io ( In manner ora ins»k*, eurairgriloolerly." •nortily tho Annncsti puMic. ^Mucli remain* yet prff(mU , d ^ curi , lllt p* ut to U» di»4-io,crt, cnlier by Mr. Soule . r tho I'r. si* d-ni, or Mr I’orrv. who was tha ik-cp iaiy «.i |«o* gdOoii witn Mr S-.iilu In Mr. Soule's letter o, Mr. Ocobcr^iili, heap* aka of "the main object ol iii, mi sum" us "ihu ncmiMtnm of ill" Is ' .. .. M1|d ^j f *ul***# i my nckii .wlodamema, |.<r the g.-m rnl lairucs*ainl | land of Cui-s lioui Spam." mid Mr. H ulcV entire c..uite*y ol llleir c..un«- in conflicts ch*Mctcri<M*d | c-uiso lisa idefence to tine oi-jrcl li is evident by great«xcitenient. It, Ilk" tuyself, Kiev I el tv« sung in rcemringto tho inm, 1 urn sure we shall j >g oil O'g.-tber Hi social life Willi rec«nr..ea| senti m ulaol good will. Indeed, tho old Whig puny of ibe At-Ulsitd iii»inci Whsh amlin*nly par-y, an * n*r uiv pari, ( ti.iv.. seen it aurrend. r ila name, and h.Mcr Us tl.ig, with 'egrei. We retire lr..uiiliu field o.gelh.-r ; ton should it ever In* my lorliinc to tv-uppent on the pohtie tl tliuniri', l shall be happy to wdi-.-ine our old Imnds iu their old iimlorm— of wh..|il, al least, it Could Ini s nd that und- r lire «■! .in. ni .,'491, ii couiti ini in 11|4| una. r tlie » nine ia i|'ioi* hi iii« i-.i.i *>• iMtm. «-l Wings they ..liored a lair field and sn I the c--r-e»po> dene-l * show thai Mr. HihiIi- dis It-* had pum«(s "nil tn-D'icilons in legafil lo lliiii "iimio ..hjea" eith- r verbal «»r wrnicn—winch h .ve novur t-ei-n yet promulgated, and winch may In- as new io Mr. Man y when lie s.-ua tln-m, s« in 'h« public lint ««c»uu's*f»r Ul" tscl ib-l Mr. Sou e was pu ling ihe d-ph.malic wires in .me way, Mr. Marey was p.ilimg in anotli.-r, and, at lelMin, Mr. Sou'e w.« surprised .n.J n.digiiaut al ih- die* e.-vety thst his confidential mxuuciious were no longer t<* le* Ill* guide Theie is ipnie enough in iho primed volume ol ture favorable to the extension *.f popular suffrage j an appropriate appi-nd.x to tho reflection ol Sew* has been carried. Thu step is regarded as lavora* j *rd, and is s practical developemcnt of his s«-di- ble to tho election of a Governor, and to eventual j lion and d sunnm programme for furihor opera* ti"0s We shall sec whether his folhrwcrs in (he I Lcgislaiurc have or have not the harddiood to I carry out a measure so fought with the elemental or igitation, sedition, and r«v..luiion »s ttiia. I’.isa j annexation to the Stales. Advices from 8i. Thomas stato 'hat tho ship Sea ' from LiverpiNil, was totally iost on tho coast of, Ireland,on iho Sth. Mayor Wood has t>eon inform'd through the list* bill and o*ary man m»y ns well resolved ai Consul at Zurich that tho Swiss Government are onc.» whether ho is lor tho Northern ortho Sou'heni about to send t-» this country tome 300 paupers, lo ! coiiirdcrAi-y, for it mus: stniedBy ripen into eeces- be Imded in New Y rk. No nows yet of the Asia. Fnreittta. Nkw Yoag, March 29 The London Herald s iys, ui-on wnst it contid era valid suth.'rdy, that ihe Fiemli Umpern; re* monsirates sgainst the committee inquiring into tho conduct o| the war. In the event iho commit Iso continue tn ait the two armies cnnn--t cor.iinuo to act togethn. aith-mgli ihev might act l.-r the same object Iu order iu astufy Louis N«p«.!cun, with-ut affronting (be Kngli*ii people, a dis*olu* tionol Parliament will lake place imim-diaii-ly. Sutctdc ot a Hunk Officer. Boston, March 28. Mr Hopw, Teller of the Merchants' Bank, of this city, committed suicide today. He lud cer tified checka to the amount of |5<).0"0 <>n mh- r Bunks, and drawu the money lo replace the de ficit. English Ifccralfs. Pun.* PKLruiA. March 29 Twelve recruita for Iho English army were ar rowed on board the steamer bound lor New York, and a warrant has been iaeured lor the recruiting officers. open encounter. 1'ttf jour I'dslugi* or Ihu l.etlrr Mill uni Go. Thu public sro r.-minded that* after Saturday neat—mat is to sjy, commencing with ihu li at day of April—Ictteis will not ho forwurded hy tho mulls miles* pottage is paid in advance, «-xc«pi uiily li t ers addressed to places ht-yond the limit* ol iho United .Stales, in those cases in winch such Idlers can now bo tent withuut pre payment. What becomes of letters where postage is not paid may ho .earned tr»m the i^ji-.wing epistle: I'oar OrrttE Dlpantukni, f AnvlaTMFNT Orilrk. MaicIi 24, Ittii. ) I Sill. Your teller I't the 20,h ins , is n-ve.ved — J 111 au*W’.r, 1 umi din-cltd by tin- l*<>*tln .s(.-r Gen eral to iiiluim y u— j 1. The Ai-t oi 31 .March, IH44, making no i>m* i Vision lor unpaid leiteislo places witlon ill-* Uni ted Stales, Oil itie SAIIIO I.rd.y h.ilowing any s»i h 1 I'lUMid Idler I.f luiu-rs hi-o-g pot Into n P.-st I Uffic., ill-- 1'i.siirijsler ihore -t wi.l p».si up eunspic u -us y m his idffi t. u list ut the tutuc, siatuig Uia> ' they am hold l-.r poaingo II not attended p. h I le'ters must he returned monthly lo mo licad Let* I •c« Office. 2. Letters part paid should t«c despatched, ettat* , geil u.iii iIn* iiUdni.ii,ul posisge one at Ihe pie- | pud rate, iicn-rdiiig to dix, istu>>ii*n.d i-y. said «cl, ex. opt where ilie ..|msm>u o. pay the ! v -n«ct umount is known i»» t»*ve o. «n mlt-tiliunsl, J wo, ii they shoultl 0o treated Ihu same u* It tins wn...i> unpaid. 3 P is pi.-p.-r to forward a Ivtirr. when r-- I qu-shni III wiping. SShen 1-»WMidi*d, m. addi- 1 l-onal posiage should Ini ehargint, it til-- litter.' eomrary to i.s uddr- s«,has been io-s*»nt. li it lias b--i n m ni ai coiing iu its audies-, and tli--n l-.r . of articles has appeared in Iho Journal ff Citniirr, ! ""'‘LM. " umsi bo ihsrgtd wi-h n>hiitn.i.*1 | . . , l , "S , age ni the pm-panl ran*, aec -r-ling io dia- from nmc l<» time, in regard to the Churr-h in -Sa- , esiai-luhid i-y ihe Act ul M-reii l. Ibii. vamiah and tho withdrawal of Father O'Neil from : al«-re-a>il. its charge, logelher with the manio nd the appoint-j * Mop lifer", as they cano» t br prc-paid.aud ra. ni of hi. .urcow-r. Ol ih. ninth. ..| the .-..n- ! L , "> "•» *• win ... p,, Ul.paltllud iigrre.tbl) •*— «ny adjustment of the tfiflteufii-s jo-mting n. with -ut supp sing till* exisienen <d enraged wuh .Spain, with-ui supp sing other paiK-rs *-f mu same lone in Mr S-.ulo's let ter t-> Ihe editors -d >he I'.lelhg- iieer.lhwli'st para- graph t«- iii* to r* f.-r tothe c-.iresp -mlene" held t»o tw.-i-n Mr Perry and Mr. Man-y, and inclosing (•-tiers which bad pn»s«-d between Mr. Perrv a> d Mr. >S .ul.-, siiltsen i- lit in hiadei.nMure fr-un Spain, in A'igu*t las . Thai enrrcsiNinl- nc«* shows that the ov.-rtor.-* I'f ill" Spanish Government f"( » mix-ii ei.mrniwp'n to adiust mutual daim« wra _ pie. whi-ru a "Iriar id order" gray'' 01 ds|in»tir|'ie au-l Ioikuio waspt-rloiuioig *h«- c-tt-ri/rer saorf,-.|-p . site to a Craeotlenue, in a s'f»i fr-« k and r.d le*. ts, wuh jingling beefs. NeXl to th»» V‘>U|.*e might In. v-tn a vety well inadu up I's'd Pry, ehuti'i g with a nun,or tight hands rio*th<gi woh Mary. Queen.d Ho-ts: wild" in a set m-Xi o» them H-.t.-It III.; D-V|| Was perlutming L* f> inluiun with a Staler nl 1'harny, and Cardinal Wn sey «»« in king soli nuiisvucN to that pretty liloutncr, his partner. A wag says lie look* under Me Marriags head ul iIn* papers lor ill" n«**» o| the wraA. An «x- change remark*.— Had hu Mill nr.w* -f Ih" weak, the »ituc»ty i*t the sUudtr wo-*td have been c <m* plcte, and placed lion t»ey.-nd ihe hope of inert y A N»w Main Ltqf -a Law —Another prohibi tory iiquof law has jusi b.-«u pa*»-d t'tr lhe legit- Inture »d Maine, and a pn.v- d by the Governor — For hdm-lu.nt of its provi-ioiia it mffn is I -r tho first uffence impnammsoi, l<-r die 'lord n-U u-sa than three n«-i in-4* than *'X month*, »i*d f»*r the fourth "till every auheequ.-ul cmVlctloO. 81,'kW line and one year in 'ho f-lan- pns- n. Neal D .w, ao'h'f ul iIh* orig'nal Maim- law. is sgnm caudl dale hu Mayor u| Pi-rlUnd, tor winch be has been thric-i- d. Ust «s«k. Ah-i'll noun on \V«.|i^*dty il* ui*sf*; b sniN-unesd lbs arrival of the AUsaOe at h*« York, ana one week's Ular hiwtllgraw froui Lamps T*.s r*m-rt of Ms death of ths C« r, vrlidi had »wso douhtoi i»y a-onv pursuit, waso-vOruiol, but b'v sines.o» l.sdsu n .uncru that he approve! ol ths loreign j-ollry -(•<*• fAlher, stMl ibef.r-.rc tbs pr.^psev tot p*ac*it a*. UiUr Ul <U Ih-Lw. Ih« Llrerp.a.1 oiarksl wt.lcb bad bsen very ac'lit, chord dull at bandy an X advance. Tns sates ut O.u we. k were H/imi t«le*,«f wblcb s|wca1atof» b«.k l7-‘»» an t. ajrfwurs Iggaw. Lair • rriesi.s Was .ju. i«d ai i-S. Ml-lddag dn iq, Lair f'pland i)». Mwdln ff • *» «,’» - Tia«!e at tlsnclMO ( er bad iiapimed. Ure l^»i»J''0 n. o--> rsarkel was MS), and lbs rUwk marXK «i»cbaig.d — U.iiim.Ii wrrs (|i4<ilr<l il Id. wbMdi is a cotislderai.-w Os- pr .srinei.t viiblB a n>«ib. u..r market was ur.famrably agrded by tbe AMvwi’ *s advices, and >e»lerd*y price* weir H lo k c "k‘ •"••i Hun lisfombcr arrival was snooupced ; .a*ss «-f its day IsiXbsfsa. *1 be market closed u»*, tut we U* ttese our qUotalim-s will give a l..te»aW) correct Idta of prtseni fairs tVs qurNs : laisv Mlddlo-K Wk Middling io klt.ldlloi »>f Jk Uu.mI Mld.inu| Middling I'str nominal Tha salsa of tbs waek amount t“ 7.W.* *t ih**wmg particulars ; 11 at 7. IX. al 1 k. ‘e at 7; t . all*.a. «i r s. ow. si e|(, >-.v ai a X ell tt e«, non* al «•)*. 7X4 al H),. IWW si fH. ITi al «lu at V. VI a‘ VS. *41 ai VS. su-l VI «i Vfi crou. Il.eit-ealpls In ib« I n-ud H-sUw up n. Uos Pin*, as con-p*.(*l wki. in*i jrsr, g-*r Hi, ms m-su.I: IHuiswuSs* Oflraus W.Ml kM-iir. t i :i •• 7e»v>* X. +■3 “ } luii ia Aim* I.i*«i Hr.UiM. Si. X-'bn'* ai.'l Manias tl r*l li^On* Ollar l -.r*.*r. I’-an T-l'-rsus r-«n» Ms-Ih-. I »>' Rl-dr Islaivl. a. Sew V.wk... PliilSitelplila IbUiiiw-re amlSorl-.-l 1 i-.r < • S. w-* oU aia. A. • filter l'..fts. T-.UH m Ursnl Total. Experts of Cotter.. tt* 1 16> . Pr-.f.deSK*-, K I ■w |'-.fs . . . iiiadelptds. XiS louu..’.i i .-v j ¥m L Coaptratm View *.f Vmu Lo* ni so is m urns •». i.. • -, , v|Jt |f But Iho las' paragraph l that Mr. "I an'll and disunion. f'nilmllc llirfflonliir* In fxtvvtinnrvli. Oir Catholic friends in thisciiy, hkoth"ir breih- ren iii Buffalo and Connecticut, d-> m-t seem to get on as harmoniously as c->uld Ini desired. A herns ili*c--iiragoil i-y Mr. Soule *.f Mr. 8 iilu's le'le* eh arly iniinualos , I'errv had ju'erl "a* a *py and a trnilur" and had I made certain * thor represi-n ation* to Mr. Marry, i c -i.i-i-M'inc Mr. 8 -iiln's diph-nitnc ei.nduct. wh eh | hiVtfiK-en sui-press.-il by iho guv.-rninrni nut ol n , nilmi"*s h»r stth- r privaiunr public ititcri**!* — • Si|H, th" xit'i-mv *»• such sii|.t'r.-s*i-i| co r-muno-a* • t <-us imuhi l"« d -ul.'iil, w.-ie it mu l-.r III.- adio-s* sum --I the »sel by ih l.’nn-n "I ihi* iii-'rning. | Tim Urn--ii says, ’* a* it d -« s n-.» "|i|.i-4r that tho rori.-sp ndt-niu i« in ilm Sis'" D-partm- in,'' it •» f-ur O' prisuute thai it tx ut x puvut" and t" rwunl ' chnrurlpr, «-r, •l -.ffi. l^l. Mil- ut such u ii"tur" n* t • rumler its | iiMi -a'l- ri mc.-mpa'ihlv with the public intrn-S'a. Il W-Milil Ih- well lor Ihe Cf. dit ul our i dipUtmsey, it h s- t'ii-lva had been eelntatued tn llinu lopreV III III" nublu-aliou ol l||» (Intend ii.aill- I frvn HS.-II But, us ih" s'-.rv has hem ihu* f -ret -i.l, i wemay cti.-cio. Imar'he riwt ul n—part y lioin j Mr. Soul© «ul pait y ti.-m Mr- Matey. f'ubluel News from I'lilliMlrtpliln. I I'iiilaiki ruu, March 2N. I*»W I am y.v fi»l"imed that Mr Bmd.*, mv.ted .**et hem by Mr P.-la*. h.vl a v.-rv inter, sting cunter- r-n e with non Vm’i-rday, ..n the r-* .-rgnu xsii- n ••! Ilm I'ahun l R u |n<>rsa)a that Dal as is to sue re d Marry, and that as twin aa ihuigs can l<c ar» rang, d ther.- is |.» l" 1 a new LV-inel, »nd a new n I • I d-ld-Uliall.* a|.|N.inMnentS I am further advi-ed lb >1 S-.uh- and Mr'as have alm—l as g^*aJ as d u^M-n ihe I -il.>wuug tmni-lry S .1. D.-parnnei.t... ury iroversy, we know n ulling whaicv. r. hut a* it is a I provision* ot iho iiti..«uth sactioit ul iln aiihjert of -nt- rc-*< lo <>t.r local read.-ra, wn give In*- j March 3, INV4 Ac I ul low three articles whi. h appeared in the l»«t edi thm ol iho Joumnl ft Courier, and leave Iho public I to decide lor Itsulf. I am very Ii-sparllully. Your ..IM servant, ll-.RAIto Kivn, Fir-t Aratsm I'o.imasUr l.cmral Isaac V F- wi.i h , IN.stuiasti-r, New- Y'-rk. Tri ll.t. \V»r f- -y I -wtuiABli-r (,oi.oral Attorney ti. .-oral.. I If e..ur*r, S.«u|o • pit.*« I Marry, Ci.-i.rg" 'I Dallas, J'a. .... II -well C d-b.Ga. I • v W nglii, Ind J C Br- rkcnn-Jgc, Ky I* **.411". La. W M (iw.ii.Cal .....Henry A Wik.Vx • the choice ut Dallas, and is, II a lir.irl'S of I tie I'imhIs A SritANOK Df LfsloN —I' is said lhat Ihs wires . tho National Telegraph fine have t>cnt* rut awsv III N IIh Alahsina, "li »n.*|dcioii that Ih# V are die u. c*s»- n «.l the eiisiin* drought. Mr W.U R' "d, tho treasurer r.| (flu C'.mpai.V, has set out frwfll New Orleans lo d.spi-i the delusion and lo-eon- struet ihu lino A Bi*«ivim Man.—A rommergial grnil«-in«f) rrcer.ily arrived at Niagara Fall* just b- l-r^ in.d* rngni. He i'»ini>-il'at* ly b-ogh: a globe.|ani.-rn, eu»*scd in Goal l«|and,ex>iniOi"d Ihe cataract, and In thirty seven ininiitra had finistird up the great Arn. rn an w.milor, and was «.nco more un b>s w-y to Alhany. MaVoRaI.TV Cini INNATI,Y.arch 24th. The if* rnr- crais her® n..n»instcd Ja"-*** J. Kairen f r M -y.-r ut ih® eity, 1‘h.y | a sard r. s..|i.ijo«»s deno< ihe Kn -w.No, snd -lie t-and-dsir* ( r th® n mmatioii w. re n-qn-r-d l*» gis® a-sursec® 'hat they arc not Kn -w Nmlunga. Th" ron'rs! Ik*- iwi-rn ih® old hue if.uiucraisand ihu Kn-.w-N-.- thmgs will be wr ,rm Saiiivo *>r Tilt I’ S B«ta I'rtsv—, M'Mi'.'I—The U 8 brig I'errv *ai'id to d-v I r th" e..»st ot Africa A p-licu r.flio r fr.-ut New- York "ui oi her to th" t‘an*ry Islands, to ar* rest Baker, tlio murderer uflVde. Connututt —The annual r|®cti«.n in Connect, trut *tkva tilseu «*l» lb- wee. .ml <1"V -■• A pH' •'» , a'« oiiH*ers, i..ur nienvoers ol Congress and a L-'g'sla- turewre t«* ue enuscii Tin i.tuv » Law t*awiti —The liquor law has been pa»*rd in b ihlosneli.s .*1 ihe tt i*-..r.*tn eg- ivia'ur® i y large niM'-rnra h i* a .iii.-wlut Iu', h-.wcsei. il th.* Gov* ru-.i wii. »ign n. loerrsse at Havst-rub .... - Chart, stuto ** Vu|ll»S«IM X .U'MUIB Xie.osrl toil xi.«:e U.AAW er tra Kj. . ,1 Mb. Ms'll Ct-srU mi-u, VI .r I I'.hrt I’.-n*. V si K«w \ rl.Ms.. Total decrease Hi. V IliLANDv- lh*rs bas b*»* a g-. >A urs,,-! durli.g tbe |w«t week, wirier, has b-e*« f-rsiy tsei Lj bold. rt. Tlres.lws su»>sul In <-f si •Vir. uirs tsi-gii.s I-.-bi ib iu it ctfhls. I rlc> * •«■■*■ *slh- pf 0. Uu.r u| ba/er*. he.eipls •( lb* ant i*tt baits— Ls|M.rtSW*> Us**. til l. — lb*, s o«V »f tbit aroow is *r*j I’gbi, a-«l ir.e Wiru'i nut s fl'in w-II. si. spw snl •• / lie a .is* «.l tbs "eek am -uni W r*sks si g. .*, il {<r U4U.’ -txi |M,uPU|. I.SJ-..I-S-4 Pf • — i oucsss. Fl."l k—lb* n.»rs.l is snppo.d, *:h! U* f- niai.J limited. t*ri.e»iasr * i,but nen-a,.] Urqu-.-e Le*. g-« si# i*Ur#>H.» «. |ivg -v j. y i.pi l.'-wN.—IbsUrnsauU .i «•>(*),a.oi-b« i -*l otau.-d LXUlAStiL tkbt IiAttS let VflJjUf Lt-UMI I'auL Kat« « hi i'uhUHbr Ltilugi •••pi* «t < ««i« Ac* p« r ll"ii't%i U t i„ < t t -i fl U % 41- U.^r u Utl«-1lis mark tn»i-d liRi UU. •vCc Ij . g v -.j qauU- Si * ic<--'ilrrt,‘ t-> tju, II.W.- We ts* tk r We know lorn lint In lbe matter In q.if »imu, and I® our ! rfcoi'eciton we have wrhteu n-.ihing derugstory to h a ! Rank liobbrr* Arrraied, The following extract of s letter, received io this city, announces tho arres', mar A menu us, of tha robbers of tho Suto Bank Agency in Washington, Ga.: A Me Kiel's, M arch 22. Tho two scamps who robbed the Bank si Wash*! tVe were ington. were arrested near this placet ibis in<-tmng. J a**«re*l. ■ Thr-y had s large amount nf money in their p«>s* ] scesion. Yours, dec ■ -- It ts believed that the arrest was made by j a policeman of SaVAnnxh, wh * went in purauit of | tho robberv. It will Ihi reuiooilieri'd ib i tlo-y i-..-k | some |l5,nn0, and lhal a reward ol $IJ*A) waa uf- 1 feied f«*r their apprehension. To the Aihh CaiAa/rrs ,/ A-,t>a*NaX t*sttosc ISbliuii.sIsts: —In our last atldres* to a- we said sll that wpd|.t-rnrd bece*sarj for Mr present, I Till* Vlrglivlil lillbiTMis tor list Contrst — arul stvs.iil-l r.«-l now ..b ru-l" ourselfo.. )4.or n- iireit w® I .tmiUiillie of -Hr. Y ouriioy. dht not f,H It ini|-er«ilvf aiirr |-ern*lig 'h® ommuiii* , Thu ll"U. Th-iiijs 8 FI"Uiuoy has accepiod I lie c»tP>D tu the !>aW)r Journal i- Oasis*, p.ildisbe t hy • n--minali..ll ul til" A>iicri"ati p.riV *d V-fg.uia, os ..'inrix.t* OK,III," ...I.,, lo 14l ,u„l.ic I.,i 11,0 I.m.-o ..I 0 .40,1..., Ol -ho -hn.« Ih.. ». ought. . ... Mr. 4t I 8u , lie I.y ,u„», -ho- .!,I|..U||I. he il d m-t o*p.*ct or dcaue the n -oiiua'i..n. preler- ring to rs'llialii III private lit.-, I ut Ins "«ii-liii C-II* tie aitro.ii's** bad and unh-ly mm lies to I *»• "'“I earm-sl denre l.-r 'he sm-i-ess .1 'lie canon*, hut hat is sll; h® dure n®t cuntmilict ih® Urta ' prmi ipfi s of »fio pstiy, ut*un wtm h, m Ins InmiUc we hav® not f-.rih. t\e* ireatid bit braggartlasi ! judgiu. tit, d-Pond tho pr.»lo* lion "f tin* lights ul wuh Ihealle'ce which lt*'**«rsrd i to® 8..i tf*, and th.» «>l the L’l" 11. in# eh ... ilncribn, *• -eoldb. j uce , -he n.»mn.H..n • lleeen- «J.*.rvlii, e(r.n*ei. a het e>o*t ..l.mnt) .1.. ... r |„Jc |„, |, IK , r „| „ C c.-|-l.„co 11 I Ilex. cl.arneler, - | |„lly |l„„ -■ Ue-ille, • ha, a cei»elri,r<. •• e.ll'M »r Ameil. -ie -i.-ny. be,,, v.uu ilieel ... be -lie ,1 lit sj.poaf ai ri" *»tn<-l.«r |..r ir.»l we o.ust. "•.u-u.» pri-St-un-tl in the C4>n*'il«*ralloii ut thu l*ed al his irs. |,g.-fol la'gusge; tin la. liuumry HIIro III" t-s;.iolUllillt ni ol our I'ld-. peu a*aur®.i, s:i a® irlrndly in*-Fall.rr oWelil,*' b«t not. di-n.® *• Ct>e lUfesta.' we w\tl ever U* t. at “ 1,1 '“f*" 1 u "’ r '^ n ' A nl f"»'’'dn emtgf uion, t« ou- on a I occasions, when addressed properly snd ! '*'••** <'* , U*ulal , -d •*as*it*- alarm, nod iln- ,*-w • i ul ...3.1,.11 .1 .11 If" *ed.,.l..h....U . „ . * “**■*" | ha elerttul Iu cllu.'k U It sut-ins aim-at Olll. -Sai- 3 titd tiaj..,i>.ll, eer tnnperal tile u. d.etlu thm Ibe m«34 ,.l lee....... („e, „„l A Ksisst*. I fi*o h'indr.'d th usaml ‘.-ru'gni'rs oil*, uur luumry To ut 3 I “ ,, : , “*"r-.. w !‘.! '?• K - (OvTliari: \\ i*.., it is s<i|He.s<ti, will l>" defraied, anil mu»t t»e tons id- it I o in l»io eai'iuel nr in a P*r. ign ims*i"n Roly upon o.lhu'e m tiling nl m ih# w ml Suo;. ha- n •! been a-, qu-ct I -r nuihuig Ii i* ats • sa'd. that the (.(.owing diphoiialii- sp* i -ontniruia ** ri he made ‘A. hits* t's, wh I® if®* |.»*t F'lday .-v* nine, iwfbhvd lo Ihe h. ad, Ms rev • l.tll'Ug .... U.v.a i .nipt" II it's' M-t lelhol. Ib.M.’n (iu'itltu ... .Tn England .... In F>aiic*". .. ..B-ignl'rG.neral ... r. |{..m.* .... I *, t’luna • ...To Cobs ....iu Kumucky niioorlisiii 4 Alfcrllsia ilit- 71 is mi* inis*loii of Mate*, ft*r *m Ibe *M.*.n j.-ur sis *'.— •• nifrs ; / irrsle# */ Jlslol li/s4os r*. /a font tl nl. This cbm et- H-a-n, »»• t « on is*i I tutib® "ujeiior l .mil ol I'uli.aiu a-iin y.iuilir llaldrinu. |>rraii|iiur.— l^iM-ral OH-tlwo-.- f I a "al.-i., who d rd • n o. y.ais a.-i, m *140101 ii at ti. Ui* will, i • <1 ol i ii ilie) • nl ,.r public* cp.. s. - : I In your l*sue of yesterday tns name was in'riM|uc"*t a. i,* „i m, After the foregoing waa put mtn type, we I ... ... , . • i ' , . , * -.W*. fUtenrU Untgltn." I.) me . fib® partisans wl.n lollui-bC" I c-ill llteuisvlvrsibe •• Jrundi "ul Father (»'»l!l, lull w»hi ] he : as® most unqursttontldv ihal n-«er*nd geniVmsii's j venffl rneui'es. Il Is not their fault If Ibey do rot drive lo It's iharacfet. nd to bis lot .re tiando.g In ihe I'l.urcb of lint. were shown s diapatth from Macon, which aiaios th»t th« persona stteeted w«rc not tho Bank rub bers, but a trace of "California safe a wind lots." A Bmr.-A n.w i.,d „,l,ndid 1 * |,l » muolcailon. I** which I r®*w stirs. I, d • insurious obfrd in slew, whm ilryasi-*! on me'be cbarac'rr ol Mistss. runuary In s-tiho rscociiite*t pro- pr|, lors of socialv. They know Ingly s»d talrely meant ih-ossuml iiolce i>l naviga'do nvif*. n- 1 in. ii*® s id h role I urrilnries. sirdi h'o ship railed tho Gmgm, arrived hd® yesterday . *' frem, M... where .be ... t.u.ll She ,. « "b ......I u> mn«li. Ih. owned fn this citv ly Capt. J G Miffs, C. F Mills, 0. W. Anders*, n, and W.C. O'Dost oil.— 8he is 1034 tons burthen, and will run betwoon , this ciiy and European p**rta. ISTWs learn that his II nor Mayor A' derson | haa sent f400 out ol the public lund, t*» the auller j era in Ssndersvillo. Other c nirihmiona continue j tribe sent up. It gives ua plessuru tu add, that j Mr. Joho R. Johnson, of ih® firm nl Hole >mbe,; Johnsno Sc C-»., has l**mn very activo and suc cessful in obtaining contributions. The Washington 8eminr| annmincca th® sus- penai-m of its daily i»au«* until within a tew wneka of the mseting of Cnrtgreaa. Too Ill-Weakly and weekly Sentinel will I*® laaucd aa uaual. The aiAlu" of Frankiiu. which is now h«ung m-"Jelled by (sreenough fur parties oi li-wt m, is ( nearly omiple'ed. M —Tho in«>n ||-uso nl .MarshO-ld, Iho I’a to confound Mg name WI h Mai ul « yoiilb. S lullvs of ibis dn. stv, awl (.it sM»oi ys*r«pa«i,a am-tntu timM *.f o'l' "orilieru C.tllrg. s t'liile* ibis 'rs'idu-ei.t p'e« of < Un»rsnr«,O ey no doubt m<-dliaie s.-m*- fii'ure mJt/niip . ia ms, Merer again they bate tbs fatuity (•» app-ar , In puMic. prlii'. Ilm ibis plea t now wrest Pom ibem. Tlia XIistsR Q' ibey w|.|, I" Insutl. It Ibe , HreftnU Father Unnti t^mighp, 'or tl® last Iwrnly- 1 *d thi* proieip one years, a c*> lahori-r nl t atber v»*NeH1'e tn the same M Held.and unoer ih-.Ain- Fpl*c®p«lJuriMlIcliou. I am led Failirt n'NsO'* enemy —I I si® slwsy* bad tba grea'est lose an t reverence lor bi»,-aiNt I bo|>e lo retain Iberw s*ni rniMs, wblb* I live KpwaSu Qi iui ii f*a«snri,h, Xlarcb CVlb, l"jt. Inal out".ns M a*hoigp.ii. Jt If IS-U, d J 4* k«uit gwo "Ally w A*».»"g tn Iho c*»*»n danger in l>® ap,-r. Il"t<ic<| If in tiUc-gil Til® iuiliii.ili/aii*.ii Uw* amxiid outn-r led nr s-r iii dilo-d and such res'M'ti.his ' hop sod a" tn av> it the «oo| ** Il iii •) Ih- said ill it ilivr® an* r-inpara'i'oly but ' f.-w |- iimgi.rra and |( himii I'a’iiulps iii Yirgiuiii 8I10 la III'I ailing Inf In-ret'lt alniie. 8lm i* a It .id nig iiM-iniH-r nl th a gteai a s'vrho a) ul ai>d Il r in in'll* w,il bo It-11 Inr weal nt »-•••-, hy ih in all IL-r d*-siiuy I* III. MitiiHl With their*, amt sll.. rann-.l l*-*k wuh iii Off r. nco P. th® Ud, dial tin- great vail.) • I iioi'.M s*iseii>p>, wap-rod i y ivsemy ml Ilia Mil ' g In').mil in ' ill". capaP'M nl a m pu a l-m id "III' Ikiii.JmhI mull.-ns, arc rapidiy fl ling Up With Ill's elawa III people •• I will O.iv. rt piri'.Milaily t-* «*no mhor prlncii-le ul lio* Amuricao pnty—|bu "<•■ -n-inioivi-uimu nl Iho Fi'dmal and 8 al® g •»Ai||iil"nl w,|i| v|,«* muni ip *1 affairs <d ra> h other " *| be strict uhe* rvkin-r I make iho uii 'Hi 4>| th®8t,«tis s se lHsJ U|am Ui«l i..111*1.1, n. lie io-i fi.r Ihs II | (> a Tru*h • tin «•»«*) tiling irmir) ( r tbstr c.oui-ri ilis-n s'lpj*- ri t-it a twelve m--n h Tn® rw**-li» lar^e I sUle be illrr*" e«l lo Ih Insrslril In Paul s.-d In Im-lod.l Ii) Ins t.leClH-r III tru*l, to. b-«alres III (lie Mill -Ills heirs al law A*, bj i "l t**«* and by tn%« uw t «.t Him m l mine ■•••ii «-f ir«e ml.* eat b |b.«*- |v.• .|,itills* , li wa» imp>*»*ibic in carry hi il-e | • •I I e will Oi rvla i..m io 'l.e msri' id « aleI sccnidii'sly 'lie I n-iiii.r, I ol Ona*. *'f Oils eilj, HI d a It ill, serving |t r dOcc:|. vrort-on O. Il e I '"lit Ol I tun Crry, s* III ill" <11 wliuli.b o <1 l« niuteul Ilitin At Ihe Isle I'oiirl, alt, r f*.fiis i a ih® -I be I *»l H h-|. ly, who desiritl |., Its- madsr a | any l<* wi h n Vi* w .1 Iskl-.g theaUirs tn A.rlrs, am |* l' *••"« t r be n|.pniMn.rn'»r a Cusi.bao . I <t liom, il'fic e - rair-ing out the Ini - a« ihi it s« t *.s*iiile, il fre log Si NATOS WlLM.jV, rd M»l liwiixg a lic'ure n |**n, was |«k> n vs nh a ai-ddrn ru» amt tiad tu tw can tut tmme LaS'.i Saiis nr Ti arrvrtvr —At Wdnimg! -n, \ t' . I«sc 'Ili4.r*d*v aid, H/r-Mnns'* - I Torpe-iime w.-r® s.-id at 4'» pet till t**t >e! w dip. slid at 41 (*J f r hard EniuRATh'N T • K A a %k\ TlRI, T-BV -Tw t'» us. snd Irs .lrnis has® g..n- i- Ka"*as fnmi .M,s*.hji' Th y ss||, Ih- -h*r* H 'h- ,1*) f elm ion M- KtAiirv in New Y-xx—There see IN) d-a hs iii ,N«.m Y. -I k la*t sank, 12ft *d whn-h w»-ie hy n -nsooiptn-n and id her d-searrs <d III® iuo^s and ihii-at. Tribute nl ICesprrl t.rri«uiiAN. tl .i'll U-ih. IK’.'. AI a nu* ting of tbe I jK#/t#*s /hr -.’i, behl Si tbnr tir.H It'* m. Ih-s wn-rmi.g. 'hs t -ll •wing prran.We si^T tws*»lut ..hs were fs*,) suit aiiopieat -. Wusatss. It has pleased Sll tll-wtse Pmvldsnce l« real i» e Ih'Hl ."if nvaVs 4»n® of .*;ir b"*iher solln r*, Mll.I'iN II. IMItVKKd. wh-s • ibis Ide on ike ttib ‘"••an: lit ,| Tbsl lr. th" dealh rtf onr lsme"t"*l frllnw solit-r', nil cot -* ha* ••l*l*l.*e.1 * *• • r»I si d n- rr| sr lie bias, suit lhal we a I ».e«r y l>* his i,..Me a• it chivalrous chsra.-ier s* a *.Pdier, am) V*'h'.s w»rrn al#l smcrrr Jrf.dlon as s Irfd. UttmlraJ, II, lesllm .li) ol .lee® frf«*d. !hr I ffi '.i.nii llus*ars will wear ibe usual ba- gr •• I ouru iii< h*r Hi" s days. Tbs' we lun'minII) ijm-u'li'ir with hi e nr. Is*g* •*!•» w» rt Ila* r.fn ta »;, st tl '*H IS 11 "o, sr A Nvraws B f tl i 5*1 IWI InllMlrrd |M-.,,rls- t* l. Tbrte s’* "sill {•-.*(«Is i.s U-* ttt'Lrl II..piers sr* X • Uj ft t iu» n. I*I»|.VT*'I*.— Ibwfe IS WU * OrlBShd, ai*l prices r*le b gb The siKk is very I'gtt. V\ r quoi* *i |l a I • i»r bid. Il tcuK,- U r bste beard cf n> u« of imp iuus. \\ e W u«h| t* l*r lo ij4 ns Tor to i( pros 1 >i"1.n._\\ r imf m«s el v-aw. iri*u. atari at •;« cents p.r fcS'Km " A 1.1 IS »ellu.g or b U. SI ftl U 1*1 *sck Tbr r« bsS tie*-111.. cam ■ Mi'isli s »■<« «■•« t si r»;*.»c. I.I1IK -Il« custkrl i* s<m«sC enure.* bare—sste- nTt o> -k iog,».. arm*, s; f> h p r cask. I ••» targ *• are 4r*.s ®.d U|*' .m-ci,*t 1«in 1 *. ami .'."'<* s r *| * . l-dtn r to ibe 1*4 tn«ner"*-pu K puMl- •1iii s llwl.ali due-1. I lie r I nd • HI tf" nl the - the dui ..r T. 1 * llit iu at U r sod 1 p it>l*C4tton in i.11 K. rfswttiv, Ji t Neerelary nf the I tBngham Mums* *S>l)(Clcl! MillsiR i:t i;t rii» 7011*1. iimis*i 8011th la rspeeUlly aud ihveply Inlnrcslcd J Ml till* ipl< Slum ; fIlia mi'lli-ns" uni *01111 il .i.t.|i|i..n 1 .-nr p pm *ii ii.s- uling in ib® i®oi-slav«-h -iding 8(<*t« s, 41 d-tiu t-Mciisive tc-ifii •* i'B -| ilie Wv«i j and N r II tt'tsi, *-u| • f win* h |-*i®e ^ m.-s ** ill, in • r '!••« ipn-m-i' l*e nt"i« speedily Inim.d. incieaamg j »i h u-jilul tha halaiiru ul agAin.i .ores o| Ihqbnliioetevd surf, urrltng It, are Hot ID- ; jnsoJin ihOala of pfnpsrt; ••jrerty thst t«®.k placaun iu asosviikB, • la , March 71, MU*.. •V». / Aria#.—t'li my rriurn fr..n» a i®-l.blH.rir.g mis. sl -n stisc.bc<1 tw Mils AlaitdH, t «cH-w»se*l (mciii the I'mt iifljr® two numiiert uf your eirrllrnl piper, c-ulalulng th® rustdenro ufth® late DaiiicI We<Mlrr,and a>uri" c .wimumcstions uv*r il.g •igoaiur" or *• A rnen.','* m W’.lsb my I.smw appears tw if prominehlly. While | csnm.i pr.inrdincn a d*-Bnl a semeuce on ibe writer-, that slnim knowing lt-e lnisiiil"ii I musl ronlss* my r>g«*i ibst tiers*. e»me>uuleal out bs«e com® m.*l*r puisne, fwclww I S4.d I •*> real or *ep«r,|.t Mauds io dsrisl Morn a porsull lhal may rrwaia mo miM-.liiaf wun lu stil tune irs, tbsn could la* tw |ec I r«*t In their and my IM* urns I We |« preferable to war, and penial Ills a*e to tie er,it„/«a| -if m, i),„j may l*e r«lled~mibar tbsn involve e Cougregeih-u In M broil of a»gry "oolenlloe. I'eSre, ilisreboe, for r.rsl's Saks, for ttsiigton's sake, amt |.,r lbs asks of al a rnouirm, loo. when Ibe lali*r Is urgsoilg d*msMlr.| in ihe present loanrisl c<rw*lliioe of our church In Mevaiihsb. I am, d#ar sir, wllb res tier I, Your very nhllgt*l ami bumble terv'l, J. F. i/'Nsiu., •»n. acres eh* the 72*1 Instant The sale o| Daniel WefMtrr'e reiaia at Marsh* fiald has been postponed until Umi CTtli Inst., lu coossqseoce of the I sal snow at ihe Ksst. fiT It is fearad that the fruit crop In northern ! Georgia kas tieen killad hy ihe recent r *ld west her. Os lbs 27th, there was s heavy l«ll of snow, whim j was followed Iif biting frosts Ths whsat emp has ^ •scaped injury thus fsr | A %ftT«fiCdxr Misat-rxxsv follow*—A young Italian firry, pious, and ol groat p>nut>»e, is now t-w Ing sducstsd ai lbs expense ol • Msi hsih 8. Ii.h.i jn ; ChllliecklMi, Ohio, with ih® jdjrposs of ssnding him | as a Maihodtat mv«ati>naiy <•» Rome Tns Hrsi:».t is Nrw llAMriuiSB — Wn ftud m tho f Rep.ftor (nil returns ••( Ifie fo<-en| election for Governor, by which It sooms lhal tha H -n Ralph Metcalf lief been ®|*cir<) Gi*vnin<*r hy a major ii y ol slerui IJJOO vote* over sll others — A large hotel is t«» be srsrfed, intended ss a plsc« II . received •fi*Hit 4/WO vidre mors than Governor Mr. J. C. Zinirnsrrnao, Conssl ol ihe Nether- lands, tt ths port of Sow York, died Friday last, of Congestion of he lungs. ol sumntsf ys*o»l, ou one ol Ills''I'housaivd Islands j Baker, who lavks IdjttKI vnlea, Jamas st§i| X.WK), j and Ass Fower The opposition namltdaiM j in C-mgrras are all elected try msj -rllie* ranging of in# lit. Lawrence Th# fsiher of Msuhew Ward has lost hie suit against tha aity of I#ouisvl||a # lor Injury dons to his hnnaaby tbs mob. Wood is Mllmg si Chicago lor sixteen dollars a cord. Tlift Ms goalie Talsgraph between Bombay. Madras, and Cslcmis waa opaasd on tha first o' Fsbraer?. 'Fhc whole aaterprlaa awfir stes a 41s* Isgaaof ovsf two Ihoaaand milas, snd has been cirftiplated la Bill* mora tbsn s fear, lira dis- tenca from Aden to Bombay Is f ( l7M rnllsa, so lhal with liraerrmpfsBon of tha lUBroad serosa Ih# dsotet to Hast, sad ihs Telegraph Imm AfsxsndHa to Trias**, wmimtetlratlon U‘*n L 'ndun to CaJ* miu can be hid lu a forfnlgttt's lima. from JJWt t** 3>W. Tins* buodted and a)s | 0 pre* •nuiaiives sr" chute it, ol wh*rtn >0 sra Adrninisirs- lion Ihxnircrsta snd tho remainder opp-siip*n.— Fi»u< towns sta t«s fia hoard (*••«, snd if Buy stv -ufil fetorn brar Ihrmocrstetha opjera.iion would still have a majority |iuMUi'>iL«vae) f'sawas v.» tns l»sx*»es.-tbs Deluge,la Ni. da dree 'sMsIl.ftss awl wl hdscMsdrsvtw. Tkea«4bMes bars a«rt only Imm UrfS, swt ef Ibeftral •UliaM.rtvr gy, end Itetev sod gsntlsaran nt th# ftrsl suudieg, but they msnMest that# •albuslasMs admlraiMn nt lie Mass •eetewiaractu by raertsate te bamwaadtetiwid As Ibe pslnii'f assrashsess, still lesressl.g, •ppsrsnl.te g«leagiiMpsa at Us bsoaites. gxMMtl-msai lead* •*ste4k, F.#l. "inlnnaicly minin-iod w ih tins q-ie-ii n of f >r f* , -gn Iiiiio.graiinii, I* |h" grow II nl Ihi- IlmlMli Ca ihoiic t 'liur* h in mir I'numry Ih sp nc, pr> a npi ive amt itvtuleraiit, us «»r* nduiu ), e* all hlslury I-eili-s, haaevi-r Iwen desir*-iTis*- *-1 lr< ®*lnm ni npiu'no, aud Mini® I vs.. M uii.'**rMp'..rms>ug y - p P •*■ any interl*-cn®i- **iih th* - nghi "l its ln®mb. rs aa ciUX* il*. hy any )"k'ialaiivc I'nac'lnnu.l. y« i P> « pul amt imh-irundeni« x* rci«e ••• ili*> *i»dii I a .||> g.. and ihe •|-|"*iiitnssr p- wn ih*) •h"*il>l ho «-actiid**1 tioin'he nlfic cs ul the GoVcimiicnl mall lie de- par m- in* "I shall n>*t have p in my p-*wrr l>* me cl the panpi® u| ill" Slal" and il|scu*a ||i*-e«' questi- ns w uh itiam U. o in tarn II ia n*o* Ini ah"UI aixiy day* t-> the el.c-M'-n, aud it I were lu dev-det av®iy day i • ill*- Cinsrtse, I eb uild nut lr® ehln t>* suil much lii"re i|i*ii <••-« third • I ihe i-u-'n'i.-s An a«fdni..n*l • nd w pi, mn on liiip.-rlaut reason, is, ih ii I *h.ff( lu« fully uficiippHl lu preparaip-n Inf, and al'® itlnm-e ••I*.>n liieCouris in sli.ih | prai in-e, until Ml" elec all ill have p4***xl 'If, wuh the** iipmlons sn>l this p-emon, ih® p***'ple-.1 Virginia s'iallel®*i me loth" d'S'iuguiali. • d uffic" nl (luvnumr nf ill® Cniom-nw®a|ih, I *» i'l •listharge ih® dulhs with fidelity and %*hal alnlpy I p sera* | wdt «n*lc-ev«.f to advame live prosper- dr. guard I lie* honor, and |irn'r c| *h® Inierrs s ami •iiaiiluimns >.| Virginia, liy sll ih® p«>w*-r vcaieif In m®, and I shall do sll Iran, consistent with h®r in|»ie«( aud huttot. I*»r th® priseivattmv ul ths Lnmn. Vary fesperihilly, Y**ur idbuli*-nl servant, TiioMssM FIOt'SNUV. limn Briir or Provisions in l'rrtat)x»kuu — Thu .Marietta Advoc ate says Tha quantities *d provisions pmiring min CHai* Iruiiroga snd Other tnaiku'a in Teunre>.«, spire live late fire In the MVelS, inml, Il w-...,|.l sceui, have r iii® influence un prices ut Georgia In Iipr, in® I'mm. Ill law . wih* *re ••• un* ce*e the Uric S and »* p' e •I** ri.** d ei"l 'b® r* ar.iiiarj g cu-i • ... J.-r it ll*#rr> u u|e*n Ibe p o C | al |wr lit i|,%..ise*l ) ctaliliic.g .bat lie Will 111 lets Vow ii ••( in® m wr - «-r»i.iMii tie . s* ruOsl.i jruca. i fail t • ibem „ib® liens si la 'h® l sr* u *r eld carry II up, lie i« .'ru ling i b» | .mua'l"a a .1'ffcr* li ••|.i|iliui1 tbel II sins g.r**s!• and -bee )-#•■*• g,. In ibe ore ri. |.l.*.wsol hlsuwiainr. |iin in <*i g • I-Umn ai i ii r> least* • *. s'.d "*'t •• I rlrs st isw r.iutgriittnn issUip I nti«-«t stntre . (Folin il-e Fans I'mIrli.m ] The 'cdcial gosrrnm*ni <>l $w|il* liei-d has just recp.ved ir*un li*- rcsid* ip Mm sii r **i il»*Lh*'.*d Stiiics, «t It live, a unit-ct| ie*a eg h s r»-a*it dial in Some canlona ihn siilhontl* * appeared lo lav-r th® cin-gral-hi lo Aiih rn-a ol t* c rnpl. i y di-spint*-, end *vrn nlnimiuals '| h. »•- sl'u-is.tho Amrthen F.iiV") nlwnrs, have lw • u ihe *-V’j cl nl ein iig r* in "stun.. • in th® t-o*.-its* v. n uf It*.- Leu- islslirc, and C*u.j-|. »• c* ss tui*V w ills ill" |»'* |*-fa- 1 Imn of s -avs, ih® • hjci I sshtcli w as ihi: an ot.d or 'he * »da indicated hy , r- srnm-g 'h- t'nileil f'l iii s lr-iii l>ci-uuumng ihn IL-iaoy Bay nrEii- |u iran*iniM|ng the ci*mp ! elnis *>• 'l»« Ajuciican En»ny lu III.' g vernnichla "I the differ* Id Cm t -"S, the hdcrel gnsrtliui. nl ra*m wly invite* *0*111. HI • n*»-Ihe) r® writ Inund-Hi, is-*1 li* la*■ r ill® lefts »In. I, hnr given it*® '• then* m **rder n- I lu pro Auk" •m-aoii. • w hirh msy off-®'l 4 ** isa riuigianta wilhnUt (fin lal'of hcli'it at all ill fmll. 4 «• I ts ss- hue I svrts t liniiw. F'S* —'Iho I sidfUC® ul Hull Jo«*ph Thomas, "I Mm- Enq ufer, u®-k fire nn the ni.'rnmg id ih® 97th mat , and **«• eniiroly ridl«um®d, ing®iher ** "h a pa<l .1 ih" luiUHuie, and cl.»ih'ns "f IfinlaillPv ‘I hn lire h*d • **Vrfrd ill® r>"'l hr I "e li w a* ihs* iisefe* ami h ihe Isenlrnco “«• wine • mi'*-* lr..m iIp* city, Il «• as Piqwi sih e 4i»r *inr • flit ie» t lin. c mipMA ®«t" render any awsisiam e — 'I'li® •"•* is al f3,tkNI, «.n® lieit ul which isi-nveted hy insurance Airinrsr — We rcgrcl In learn that Mr ('holes A t'nsh-dy, *d ihe 8*.fi nl the South was thin wn It*an Ins luigoy, mi haHHilay attrriinnn, Ui'li mat , a shon diet an. ell* iiv Ins resilience, and very sever®' 1 ly Injut el We am glsd t<* hear lhal he ia duing well an*l a* il| e-H'ii Ih* up agam IIxai.tii nr \V At.UR I* (’ntAitnrr — It win grail* ' ly ihe nuuiernus liiondaid ih'siil-tinguished rtllgen, who h*« so Inn it l*e®n prnett wind tiy sickness, |n , l"*m ihn he Asa* w®|| rn.uigh t*» I*® removed p* , MSP**n tar vse k, end ihal since his a*r|Ael ihetw Imltssc dmiMil in impii Aeslowly Hirong h pea M« « nic't Aiued that h„ Mill ®et twi i<h I-iI tn fit* i ln«nd« end Ids roundy — (('olum'>u* I nure si*.T*ie»»iir®e nipeiosi ll-.MO l*"l IO..US* uw..) i sh, ' afrh .Mk. 1 P-%\ i rr.-il.r rwredug , ;l ,u l.iaj ect-.r nt A\ ,rt. % Flee Muiwtr.d | n.J itMlajv A|*,*HCw» IMVKMVIlT.c Ylr!t4H: nu M ^y* IIAW Kl.wiivt t of Whisker su I Harris s'rvvi*. Itrs.dr* i C"irir®»o. Wkltekersnd l.ll*eriA sirr* t» oua till %4.1 Y.niil II IM hi . r VtH tStk.h»*ieg il*wimiifil i«l«n #*» oansb -III •** S-r pf-di-*«..A*a* .« r» rtu. US, Me IUJ) 1m- found al his • fl.-® ->u |lr..a«l A *cw *1 *•• "I si- * e MM -*n sirs* •. . % juurnel pk as • c |<). m*» s ti II I 14' XI. Mil 14 l„ i'll 1 H'.* w •: VS till i.s* rcum® ' ' lop "I jdmttrlnr *"d^e'A, trim b*» i*C»* "4 |i'.i».| Atcect, 'hire d."- I** - seen * lo In V XI. and : t-< S I*. M.*l n "flee | m I'em* If js*. ’ll IM I XI. M»« M I • lilt. JullN H I IHI •• sgsm well o*u.V n iro-l Irt h>* |i®ilN*|..Ml dculee, SOU WAS) *® ..flc® in llr-iughi.-n *lrrei II *®, >V+ cir f ter- ’i t un xi. m» »i« i . IW lilt. T |I. M XTIIPW e. ,.r |ie*ul.M f?TV ..rtrrs Id* pp'b***.-uial *ers lew* l>. Ih. SACKl-.l) I'ONCKItr A CONCERT Of SACRED MUSIC h -*.i •»; T ! ?; T it i > i i x vi i t tinmi. rill ll-H XV I V IMM*. XPRII. Xih. IKV\. I't dvr the cPtvctlnii *«T Ur#*.* U \ w sod VV * |M*\ *1 |vmi\, a*au-*il hj * nwsiho •" I s •Pe* si'.l i.euU* men. s ins leu r* ••«! ihe |e*l islswi #1 i'-e ^|i® pnM-eedt of ilie I nwffl lo Im* SfpreprlsKd Al ihr Iw-neA. i^.l*®' ku»rh,0** • I i«*"*r-* .»' reps If* id •*-«• l hull l«, ■ mi d li) ihr 'l.wtw In Mejur'whcr ••*• V luP i-r.igreinaAe nl l..e rule leineceel olll If «■*»" kiiiinu «**r *v» MtXVVXII llxvk (TOf h. X ri;xv wbsres, tor *ele lij ;\ HiMN tlli'M XRlwnV, m*r V® tf rsdelhmt's tlwlMief. wp *A»u* IXtMtVI.1 1 *\i lltkliK-lMMSiil-ns" ysnrAswn. •'» n.."K 1 —m . cite ill'l l I mruxi. resk , rt|ul.ewu"i.®l|-o- 1 t *l»ce I" o' Ole.als le l.i*ef|—l, Ma*t«s ••••wb’*" nreieew. Trte*i. Aaw**rdaw». i.®<*»*'«s*w *•*-’ tev-ray r»Hr*s l wl ( til mil. /I' t* W'Vl'l v *>**» ' Vu gB&n-c*t'. e C »•»•* ,k #.-« ■*•• * *••*“ » i.*Vc - |■*•*..*. *»-, !) .•» - - ; IW»» ,e av)i i. |A VI..’ * • on vr «i i V.# • h • l fn N t*t ' |Jhr» 1 t W VA I' ploswl Al V'W* 1 «IiaI ft"*■*■-1*'# A |..iilrtl • r-rk •' |.r®A i. H» A 1.4*1 |U|*.WVS lu. V on h*'»V U»* »J ®j«i) f*se-4 i*A iXs.T >»< atsl waxytk ie>-' An.kvt #*i.*4 w tA,m jr* n *>a bva*«ixf.s a.*?>>#.vs aTse tTAnn- Ksm-i t a ast Veil M.W A aW \wMl it* run ntt ' 1 *Ui* MAN AW. k*«w« «%,« I. | M S| I'. s*« t I* IS (WI* *• J® I • N IA) hr*.#. ,4 A. Art.4 S» d U Alt- t' V t I * ..*wpwrsil*e lie*-* qus ki|**w the fiiii of e**»rt"»V>. Ihu* Ml on *«a MN*P„ m ■m e*a.i VhSit rl 4 ■ *k« O' 1-Va.w ‘Kk a »a 1 M *wA A ®W* *•' - .sspe** f * id ah* * ilecVJ irrifw;* i “* I 4»4*kN f «MI |4«»\l»b MMX axi.l. Fni’i'tt I'Rwpiarv Ihu.-The church tw»i»®t.y pFN^ full. win. I. h*. iu,ehunch id ifie Nets V-*«k V |. vkl U l"-gisl*iure i-.inh*rtsi"s Iln* |*n>p* ity i.uw he'd hr rc* lo*tssiir* up hi ihe*r d-siltthe Him®, smlitl- . lorisifi® 8'ste iu grant N to inrmo..r*p*l rrlls'uiw ! y, __ ' **• ' . e» VX |*I||VS|: tt'ltlfF 4'tlM.T ritW kWW-Pel ke*be4. ter) swiP*W, Uh«*l tewvns era.*: C'l hav CW.lAS,. fu»*11 l'.k.*SVA v*ws > . ti* • M e.-» I .* a*L'v.» M s u • j » km* a •• v • hu *-y «V'rr< * ' N.'i Xic (lillfi * Hi*it v kotrfl SIN kh.lWr. Owe VX*»A >. by Mat'cda, sorn aefia fr un ifie wsg..«i «t ft « MsH.1,' societies, alt" sha'l Have ncrup tfi® pi>qi»ity h ,, si l » il |l,IOiii fl,IA| pi«,l ilm H'lir, p®ts *i |).irmg <hnr life said rerlesisaites Meicnipiinl ■ anil sell fioin ihs pfusishm at .r«e el |l XI I.y |he sri «a h ding I'm p». jmriy m ii**»i 'h* M *MPi ". **e »*.••*» s*k» l-its'iel, II-ur *1 III S harrrl, n-ne ..ffciinjheurlu id the c*>n*t®gsliun of sissfis y using the AUII1; wbs»<-M**1ek*w (h"* ll|* • ' “ - i t< ttHR*t MNIIUUWII Almoei evwiyifitng iffaeaelt at ist®* pi .p u sts|r high- 8we.| p -iaPus, f»r puisne®, *| #1 'oil * fiwshsl fuf yams; Irish |»hsIih*s ai (3 tn.fiti sekr Nils*, at *ei n»*e ibe wed. VtHIfiaM XXI 4k wi»N, . _ j rggSw IX Vis A few days 4g « qilfe • eurbwHy ws* hruwghl Sp r|*Mr. ukwrllwl slliwrii* I'RPs aw4 Urrskeetb* (nsii ilie twi'l. ni id if'S »'lHl»« ** I In Idvingslita, I -,, .,.11, Wi4*e W«s»* st b*s s.|ies,*w He es®e* lA^wpeesllve wv«VfWM«w Mibe IWW.**%»—*• > s< ' v-> • ih«i |be t'wssd bsirs, laws SsyereeWr 'r .»4 n«wiwg jeers im v iw.t 11 V*»fu vwka as seal- Sl»>? »WB'*At* rwsaes gvwry ff'SM fCVU Vwes *a<«K» I'xlfi lwave* iwteat mini iKvin ivi*p« iwe.| icuu mu S r»«s.i CX'IW« ,. •ai'w svaaix • -w*v t < 1..1.IT4I SltlllS I InlH.ra, Tw •> Wrr hu W per 1 Yrt'.l k*w‘i«* ' bun el « sslsasSV IM (Sir iMlrMSI ««S(SMw , *smI Use*bees. *•*» » *v, I Me * ••*",* li •j4>vs. * ks.-ra »c |UM |».|*SkH, I • - .-Mb ; tP I tmm*»> d spring aud huuiiurr I'llk i*AMiV M ,*• *,e..J I "■ I Su «H*\ seAskwe M |ls (ow* e* Swrs P -*'•*'»•* An t»« f> bUwi M i...iwiJ fadswrr* * ^ -bs ja» i»Aeorwn b^weuru kerX 14-olts Tns* Hvnk4t<wr«H« PS*. I t-, f J, I n rs-d SAW.* I*-. .4. »,l«4ll I U Riwl sswi e*--! ' —«a 11 Sew aU h* a a tee* .u »*' '* ^,*1 ”■* S*^** dst ilV. »• yesfw®-* ** ^ ¥%v o KJW® is i*W em-ot Sash<«*■*»*» S**wSW •“* Wb ► * euV Ivor*. twwra. ’'*** itvxL , lM .ik f , * tuha Set tutes! »*—*•*• v I* ’ *wv |WWVUS""|«'^^ .le vs** H M ntvlMi 4 * v-xa* a* •*•** i.tnr*m>Dk : trJS rw»l J 7 0 o t*\\ Ihlt kv’ev *1 X»l #htw* ib*.t It vf AVIS >er«s f\uftt l.»SK II XT« PMW »<u