The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 30, 1855, Image 3

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_ nisMBi. an * sfia BANKERS. ^ - N». M William iimii Nor Yob, IMl'B Foreign tlrcuUr Letters of Credit, ON TJIkl I OLI.UVV IMI l ITItiM Frankfort, Geneva, «» TitHnr, Hamburg, llafiuo. lUvte, . ItivM. Hong Km ft, Kandy, C«) Ion, lev r|H*ttl, I.OI/doll, l-rvli'irn, laldtmil, V ml rill, Ital'a. MurtedlcJv M'hm, Mi ••cow, Munich, Mcialna., MmIiiu, Nalla. Manilla, . Ma •elm. J.plaa, Nac, OlNino, Olornn, I'arla, Pan, Palermo, Pl#a. Alexandria* A-i«*ens All'I'lzV, Au'Mcf«HW* Him) ll, . Ka<li it Ration* R. n*#x 1I.MH. H.inleaUX* Hn'i'-f' 1 ®* H'PHIHI. R"l'"IV . tt'Cni Ul Lucca, &*•'•. Bouhay, Batavia, lipir.uii* Can**, i'ob'a <•!, Col 'a ii"« "ad la, ColuinluH Co l"tt. Ca *rulif, C ■ cuila, Caulnit, L> alien. Oi.-olitorr, CUiiitiunt, Fl* relief, alpo, chepitb pom in•»'?M. 1 . 1 .-'.?r N T,,E uKIIMAL HANK iffDUMK ATION x»F 1,1 IN |H)N. nmnelira ami Afei cle* *1“ Onion, Hhii.ulial, Calcutta, llonv Ufiutiay, Uadraa. Bing*!**, CREW* **OR Al'BTK.XtlA ON TUP. HANK OP NKW-'OI TII-W AI.Kn OP LONDON. Branrhp. and .Agencies *t— .MnIiIniiiI Mini Nrivcn*lli* Ilutiter H'ver. I'rl •lump amt Ipswich, Mom on liny, Vle'n'la llntictie*: Mel' mine, Geelong, Kynethft, Oa*'h*midnw,. Mount Mcxaudor. lUllarat. Hnii«i|itir«t A coney, RoiullRo. ocena Aroiici. mar 9D rtn» •—la SOUTH EKXSTOVK DKPOT. Ilmt . Rotterdam, Hindu JaiielM. Pi. Pel#r*burg, (tlrnabnuiff, Plena, finy rna, PwrlTie, Hu*nl». Hhat dial, tHngupn#, . 9>iint), NSlV., lurtn, Toulon, Trlrile, Venice, Vatcjr, Vienna* w louden, XA'aitaW, Mulbournn. Aua., Zurich. W 3 i ffer foranle. •• NBXV Y"RK PRUT.!*, ad M. Jnirtr't Hull,lu (hit eliy, OVER I'llIUTY I'll 1'bULN I hi MM OP AM. STOVES, op tun own n.m r iruiiE. , .rtninl H"*laof other inak- rs—In fact, nil Him !roMe kind* for Bouth*"Ji Dade III marfci'l. being over «• nine* a* varlf.l a Mock a* ever ttl'playtd by air ,r eeieblDhmei t In H»»- Bomb. ai d for li e In'orina- >fC*M»wrr*nnrl». y other* In any wayra-rat an. CITY (rHDINANCB. An Ordinance In n iabliali a uniformsyeiam of Welijhla and M« ■•urea in Hi* • ity .4 eavaonah, and bi #• ab. llati*notQceorin>|.«<cllun, to rt-gulaia Hie aame, and lor olli* r imrpoM a ilierein lurnlioucd N\ Umax groat mean arlty hhd ImqiinUiy i**WW la the x\ plain* end Xu asurea u w used in mule end emu. i» erco In lint eliy, and whereas, lu omit In *o|*bli»h a untioun eyalHU. ii I* #*pvdl*id In pisify and declare a Irani Ma- dare i There me, cue. Id. lie it unlulned by the Mayor and Aldermen SAVANNAH; KEPUBIK AN. FBIlAAY MORNING, MARCH 30. 1866* •StUppiiiQ jnuri'tlocmrntn. Fare Redncel—Cafeln Pism** gro. gaiaiitn. Aalta, Mrnta, Art,, .. FS®5i«St ron mm:.’ "' *| -lli: rlaht lor Clialhim Cminiy, of A|u|>DAlU)V I I’ATfiNT HIIIMII.l: MAIAIIVh,,,, »l|h. Murid lie, In |'#>IVi , t older, and ready io bepiiUu onera* lion. 1enne liberal. Amdy m KDIVAHII KINL'III, I.KV, Union Peny wbarf. Thla Celobraloil Mnchlr.e la now.In ueueral umln e*rry Male In llie Union, and <ln*erVrtlly inrrll* the HU* of Hie city ol Haveunah and *be l eiulela ibereof, III i eral oitoomlum* beMunp.| iiiioii It by all whu are conn Council nareiftliletl, and I' la limrby i nlaliietl by Ibe uu- | |,«*u.«n in judim «»l lla oiH.relioua. «n fuel, II la llie only Hni'by ofihe *ame, ih >l from and after li.p |ia*>aKeof , Machine lhai haa been iiivmlr J,»•uiitily the ureal do III'* I'nlluance, Hie alandard »d Welalil* end ineaaU'et, •Metaluin of a tier reel iinedmd »liaven »lileelr. A ca|iacity and eklebilon edoplrd by llie Unlud Mate* inn florae |iower I* ell lhai l» mi'ilred In «n,k mini *n ami by I w dDirlbiiled In Ibe aeveral .-lalea, end il-ed able H In turn mil from two In inreo HinllMtuI iwrfrcl liinionid-nnllmiMilullilacliy.giialllie llie Ma 1 danl* ni welRWa and ineaaurer, ul aapeolly ami exirnal.ui, In be u**M eaclualvely for lhepnr|in»«a ol Hadv end corn* nierro In Una rtiy. I liai I* in aay. The ir»»y weiehl cram (hall lie the nn'l *ian.lerd for wellihi, from ami by which the a aiulanl avolr.lilieda |i. 1111**1 aiel ounce whikIiI* are In lie mutini ed and ndju*l> r<l. The (Hiutnl nvnbdu|inU weiKhi u*< d lor coniineruuil |'iir|M»ra *111111 cotil.iin *ov«n lhnii*auil Rraln* l*«y, al|d Hie nuuori*vnirdii|Mil*w»lKhldiati roinalu lou* huudrt'd ami ihlriyM-vrii en>: a bell araln* m»y, end ibe Hoy weluln* u*«d by the llrankii g Iomiiu nut* lu ihlacly are !ietcb) ih clnrtd In Ih* Hip |i« |*er Mendaul* Inf a<l. |uallugc aViurilunnU Weluhla • end the cubic Inch which It uied in thl* H.ata ahall lie the unit *lnn.lanl f*.r Ibe adjutiiiu lit«dulliiieaaiirrgiifcai*acit),anda*lhe« aiidard f r dry mcnaures H.a budiel *hall colilaUi iwo ihoii*an«l our hundred amt Ally and toUMcnlb* ruble luchea the hall buv e> *liell coninbi iwn ih 'Utaud and vevti.lydve and lwiHpiiHi*cublcliu'hea,ihr>eck elmll cniiiain Hvo Imudicd Mid ilnrl;.*u*eu and *nt ie> lbs ruble Inche*, the half iwcu -hull cnnuni iwn hundred ami *ixi* * luld and viubl. cniliM cubic Incbe*. Hr qiurie* |wck fliull coniain one hundred ninl llnriy*h*iir Mill .our trill* ruble llie lee, llie qiiur' «ludl coniain alxiy *e»en end iwu- leidh* tunic inches end (no |dut »lu,il muiniii ililrly. three itnii *ix leinh*cubic luche*. And III Ihettiijuitimud **f wine or Iqnul im a»ut. *, *1 e g.db'U u*cd In H> a toy f.T |iur|M>>«*- • I trade and cnmiuerce »heb Coniain (wn huiidrtHl and Ihi'ty-me mine lucliea, Hu* quart ahaH Contain lUiy.Mivuii end llirre qu.Tier*cubic uichr-. llie idnl ehall oonlniii tweniy eUl.t xml nine irnlli* cubic Inrhe*. (lie hell |ilut *iinll c ntnlii touilcrli and Iniir- lenlli* cubic niche*,and (lie Rill ehall contain *0*1*11 ami IfhiMenlhscub c b.cbe*. ami Hie alandard meaaure* u*ed til Ihe i'u*b>tu lloiivt* *haU l>eti «* *laiidanl lorc«mi> lialriiiR ami ail |*i»tlnu dr* and liquid or wine me**ur« a lo be iia-d In trade lid c**unnorcc In Him rll),and >be Inch, Iho imd aiid Ihe vtiril, now uael In thl* Male, ahall he Iho Mnidard me aimre* of rxieimloii In be mod lor Coimui rcml and incohanlcal |iur|H>ae* in lliladly. r*rc. -. And be ll I'Tlhrr ordalne,!. Ilia, lor Ihe pui|m?c olraiahllHilnit uiilloriniiy lu the wrltlila and mea*ure*u»**d In irade and commeiro In tin* city, and lo c ulorni ilmm to Hill Iom koIIik Meiulunt*, l.i Ulicll ahall e-tnbllih an nfflee for the ln*|H'Cib>n and reRiila* tlonofall *ucli w el. In* anil iiioAturi a, etrej-l apolhe carle** <*e Rlus u*e*i for e»iii|M.undiiiK or lennlnu dnwa and imnllcliu». and ir**> eel*hi*, iim-,1 b> Hanking Iu- allluibm* III thl* city.(or ueliihluR Kohl, •liver, Ur. M’c II. Alid hu H (urllier ordalmd, 'I lint Council •hall prnrecil, idler tin* tiasrau*' of lid* oulinancr* In 'led an lli*l'e*t*<r of IVt lclii* and MeiiMirea, lo *Cf»e . Hiouaand iwrfrcl aldinil** |n*r liuut* lhu Mauhlue* am *n coimirucl *1 aa IV>r .W»p- York. mmiDmm iimii. i.Mt, ' 8TKAM8IIIP AUGUSTA, To LoavuTu'Moirnw, Mar. 31, ut 8o’clock,I’ M. The new anil *|i|«mdil laat^oing •hl|i Al/IIUATA* Tiioma* l.y.m, aj*.m •naiidrr, willleava a*above. Purfreighl or paaaaae, aunty »« P DHLPOltD, PAY U UK N. II.—Hhl|i|ier« of Collon by llieae »leamerg. will noilce, (tint un (,'ulinii will be rrcalvml at lo ail lull of any allorailnn'g lir'mebuiarYuTo’HhUigle* of ,, 1B . ,ii M | U ,.im niarkud on ibi .".i varlnua l* n«ih*, from aixteon in Iwemy two Inche*.— !i! 1. " * u "" 1 " 1 ni * ,,wu " ibe mice of one «mii lie »een uu a|i|tllcailnn aa above. .. „ TO IIUNIT* S The Blnro iimler Hie lilulf, at lhu fhni nf Whlia- b Wcr tireet. Knuulrt* of L mar W Hl'P.Nfl'R CUnRP.I.L. PA HR-! IILDti'U). #’oi' Philadelphia. TMK STKA.M-HIIII' KEY8TONK STATE NTOiti:* t oil IRIl.vr. * ’l«»8ftil Wcdiivaday, April I'Nh,*! —o’clock,P M. Three More*, •uiialil** |or »b.ra<cof Cotton or I Tllb I'NITLD r*TATI.hMAII,*ieuin- Mercbanubu. Apply 10 | alilp KKVHToNL HTATB, Cant. R. mar III ir HlllVLANI) U HO 1 Hxmdic. will lanve a* nlmvo. ' |. 0 |j ||| (^'i*, — , wHBlBHl L'aliln I’awaReioPlillailelp|ila..|VU *rr?»»ywwwiwa*m*•g'fcj*I wit' _A.‘i..i.A>iAii.'a,.,," | ruin Havana aVu ki:v wi.vr. " STEAMSHIP I8AUEI,. Ilia U. e. Hail *ieamdd(i INAIIKl., AVilliain l(o|lhi*,i*oiiiUiamler. will leave Savannah for lla*ana am| Key West on llie 4lh anil IPlIi of each mnntli. I.** \iti',i, uoimncl*, at Havana, wi h the H. jijil No. 3. third T)lhiiiv, Rrynold'a IVanl, rnuvei _*Lfo»Mortum*n»t n* and Produce, or a«R Lai lie|in*ltory. Apply |n mar a WM. II. !limimi'OII8,B? Ilay ai. Ml Aalto at auction. nv >ri:M >:K ciiuHiTi.1.. TIIIH DAY, iNfrom of *tnrei Astro xi 5dJI(ot!, ' HV WVI.I.V tc llll.tWgl'H*' TIIIH i»MT* 111 mini or floret I " "* At Private Hale, A Jarir ami varied asaorimeni ol loncy and aiaplo Morin# Hatife Block | oIms a l*mlly«f ybcug »*•* , jjP **- _ . . wife. 17 yeara, with her child, * >yrtc»M« BMf *1 tS“ "".1‘ J"« 17 | Uu »«. > .iffi, wS n»M, Mu lloueaml IliiRav al Private Main. Ilw t'anal,adjoiuii.i ln|« »*fi;ipuln iehe fi’ovor. Terwa A due ynung llorte, warranli <1 sound ami etnile, and . mmle Loo wu on doy of *al#. ,,u « 7 ' "*•. TllRAHAV.M Aprt,. will hMYl.7n.lM lu &.n A Peinmer Heddrme al Private Sale. ' llo im*. between Hit>«*l lemro «.f aole l A Lot ol Ovu acre*, will* coinhnlable dwallliig ami 1 l»ot No. 4il Troup want, rronilnR l(lb f*«t, on l.lnenln lirceuurv uui.liulldlng*, juilcoinjiletc, at No. 3, C.U. R. ■ ami Ml feat un June* *ireels. The Improvemenia roe* mar I? sUl of a muam«nt Hock House, iwn snoy—five room* ’ i* win al Private Ual# — ; earn, ami well Bnlsbed, with brick klldwsm and bake tfu.Mxi Havana i direct liwp**riaib.n. mar 17 ! M * ,U,m • **L U ’ ■MSMtl.lllON. f |MIK firm of NIJVI IT, LA'IIMIUP U hTCIIIIINn I* I dt'solved, try mutual cnnsenl. *1 t*n buon. ssnf Uiu , »blp car|n.-nirrby trade, flno will be aetUed by Nevlli, Iwlhrop A lloa*ra. 1 JOHN »V. NKVIIT. | ^ NIIMIIKlUo J. H. LATIIItoP. 1 9 Lrdlery. Ma**To: J. D. pTKIIIIINH. * OKO. N. WAIT. Havannah, Peb. Jib, H*.\5. if ni,U Vimm ii-ni :w nui i* •" r |’ll r. aub*crilN'r* have formed r c«* puriurrahlp. under l the him of Nf.VITT, t.ATHlH»r U liotil'ltx,for Ihe Irauanrtiou of the DIIY Uoo|)« bualnn«s. John tv Np.vrrp. J. i« LATIIIIOP. JOHN **. IIOO Lit A. Olio. M. WAIT. r Mr. KIIUINS. I#r,3 SHOP comer of. MHI ami Pahm sireeta, lo Item. Apply b. DAVID HDII.M.N I ^ rji;p , wi , w> „. f h ,. y Wei , |)U H> MarBcl Square. 1 4ih mhJ linn nf each mni.ii,, navannan, reb. Alh. TO LET In** |.** \iii.i, muiniHU*, nl Havana* wi h the U. H. MO I K I.. M illions, oppi»He the Piila*kMlnuse—sullabln Mall Mlrannililp i.'omimny’s Line ol Meauma lor Han j 'IMII*. umler^linml may bu found at the •• ore of mrofflee*or sleepingupartmcnls. Ciuiulreor Prnnclaco via Arplnwull,and will carry thePacidc maila... * Wm. II Ounm. Ai. *.u J. D. f*I LIIIUN: J»«d H JNO. W. KKI.I.Y. L«»r,., apply lo , ah. t ■*». Alls, la'd -IO „ r |vr . 1 i M* W L’OlIKNrt U lllilll'/, Ag*ml*. I M Tw.M.f iikaiiiaiii.k ; rmt ■Mi.,’rio.{i , i.4.i I,ill' lllwlll'nio'*'. Iho city, in Iho *iort of Iho lUslcrn Toiio* , AND INTKH.MKDIATI. L'NDINUM, - — -. iiient of ^June's Now IlitlMlinf,” on loy Hi. To iH'nve Smurday, Marcli 31,at 10 o’clock, A. M. , T IIP I llitril Mfllfx Lifr hlSliruilfr (lllilll!! IIV. TWO I.OPTH In the lower part *.f same hulldloR, Kblg.^vtll'h-av'ra**Lk*vn e\'try K Saturday a shinier I'iSMl**iml on'slVvUM'r oi!e oT| , *ur , it f a/ , '.”ii equal lo any In lliudly tor the aiuraie of t'ollou or Morning, at |0 o’chck. Pof freight or paaeunf. 1 a. I.vorlnm *.»,!* , uw“r I-ur y*#r*.on heavy Rood*. Ileut mmleraltt. Apply lo applylo H. M. I.APPHUAU, AienU ^'I* ir-rm. aa *ny equally ...npauy. JOHN 1NUKRHOI.L, 1 'mar 30 * K kXMTxT i\o x*»KTs, jsnvxkv Ut, H*M; jh* a _ _ l» »hu above HulldlliR._ 1 I'flil ^Al.A'I'K.t* % 1 ««. R’OII II PINT* Vi. DAHIP.N. HRUNSWI*K,‘ST. MAIIVH, JACK A bonus of V3 jwrcn.i baa been declart-d on Ihehnab ' H i.NVIl.I.i:, MIDDLKIIIIUUII, ULAC'H CHLLK U ‘ “ PlCOl.ATA' - . cfT*~* fc. The new and cleian'. Hieatn Packet Ant**eea9EC HT. JOHNS, I'apt. J*m.*a Prvrborn, will ■i ve for Uinabove nlarna every Thurotn), at III o'clock Thla IhmI hadOK large and airy aMle S Until November, a llir.*r story- Hrlck House, situated lo siateslrevi, second tenement east of Ur. Hchley'a new house, containing eight room* and Imwment—with wnler and git* allnche.1—al*.*, out bulhiluKa. Posaesai.m given I m lin'd lately. For further pm m iliars, apply lo febll tf U HI.I.K-* U VKIIHTIU.n.H'f llay st. miiNAi.r., A eommiMtioiialiriekMied Wnrchouae.altualrd U:;;M In Hi* rear of the Clixrleslon Hteainbonl Wharf, "^“^havluga leusool five year*, silltatib* for the •!<»- rageof l.i me, liny or other merchxmllra. Tim ll< 1 tie*. ’ wsxr VW Al Private Halo. — A very Intelligent looen man, ag.d atemt 30>*ara— 1 “ mb 0 >*f Croeaeu Pulaski Monumawt Hi V ?0 .117 .Vi ‘J VM 33 4U 17 31. mar 30 Ii. WlTIIINOION. #KV»00. 7h Number l^>if*ry—13 Drawn Halbite. Groouo and Pulaski Lottory, tlnaa 7 7. lor I HAA, Tu Ui drawn al Aug.ia,a. Ii*. March >uh. Dii3. .•KM.OIIV U MAI’IIV MANADl.Miv. • i*i aaeit. *r naee: 1 or rid 000 1 oi ra,000-1 off Rir.aoo. Ti. ktx* R3—Sharoa in pro|K>rllon. 11ckei* and Miaraa, ellber *lugly or hT <h*Package, loraaeb) K. WITH I NOTON. mar 3n TO III.NT. A very desirable brick rcaldencrt, Doming (Joiirt |J;;; Houso Hquart Pos*e*tloa given Imiurdlaiely. JliiL A ppl mar lu WVI.LV U Mo.NTMOLLIN. to iiiivr. M a IIOUHL ou a lull lot, aliusied on Wee* broad, near Mouth Hroad slreeia. Apply to IVYLI.V U MONTMOI.I.IN. _ " ■■ .ii ' Akira at Kuttidn. 11 H » rHii.raitk * ht.i t " il ./tlooli, laTronit of stor^l b" 1 •»•“** MOOTHneM of Orocertes, PrnvhtoM, LL qiinra. I.rockrryand UlaM Ware, Dry Hood*, new and eceedd hand Fumliure.i.latalng, Fancy Arilate^CkwRa. Wafehe*. Jewelry, Ue. Term*, cash on delivery. n AM artiste* pgrcbaatdaiaeeil'*n and nut set* 11 Ad h*r bth.r* if>e neat retelaraele, wtiibeanMn* an* coent «hd on Dvt of *be former pnrcbascy. nur 3R Vmme* PalUii«*^a<>rivals it lab V leavof last )ear, 10 all policy holders elilUh .| Uieielo. „ . MIND* U J<HIN»ToN, Ak. iu*. __ f*r. R. Ii. ARNOLD. Medical lixamlner. mar ■' rieeau.l Vluriiie Inworiince •tnre.nrnta In Invalids ami otlier*. Ava.ubl,, t apbal R.1 o.m4*-.eur|.lo* RM.3I. J.. tf e •H'Ceinriils lo Invalid* ami Ollier*. o*•••■u.u v api.a. 9.1 *Ma«*~i>arplua«i.i^l l or F.eighi or Pusugc.nppiy on tl.e Flotilla I Tak„*rux. v. Hi earn Packbt wharf, near llie Ha* Work*, or lo I . _ '* * H'likllng*, Men JimrJA HI,AUHOIIN 4* iTNMNUII tM,Agen,.^ | ffiiwraHv ..,ju.„d X*. V V-X. 1 , *J W '’ * l “mr III MINln A JOIlNeTON,. Ni'xi.vf i;h iiimihm i: roil nai.i:. t in Marlnia, Ox, a D«. ling, with Rve rmen*. a klirhrn amt *#rv*nt room, *it.'xiwd on an tcreof ground, with a good well of water. ni*o,a two »l/.rv dwelling, with I. wmrm, having lo all leu rooms. *elila Are p'aees, ImiiIi In I#,3. ami « lux- ‘ on him* and a half acre* of 1-vnd. The xbove places • ell situated In Marietta frbd c W VI.LV A MONTMOLLIN ( t|!N1 ilAL ani Houth Western Railroad Plucks, for sale. Applylo *V Vl.l. V k MON I MOI.I.IN. mar D tyfnu * pence pine »tn. e Palling*, Un saw tew, hi Un to suit parebaaar*. A rample cm be men M—r rrgag log room. _ WrtT " * Huiiif ir r and l<*e*e, at AeRUe*. j. n;PJ«DAY, 3d April)al II wVloefc, In ffdeff6fWHUnrt Dense: Tt# Huiiding krw/wn aaikefevanaali DymMtftua.oa koutb fimad-strrH, with A*l Ue cymMsHc apparatng iliernn; also, the mmalnder off the Lena* on ihe let, Imlng Rve y«ar* fromRAih January laaC irff city idAuTKitiUt*. 1UFj*|iAY. 3d April, In fr.mi of the Court Itoaae: IM No-SI. Wevlcy ward,corner of LincotR and C*n don aue«a*. Taeni- ft or |g raootk*. Cor an spprevedend*ra«4 m Ir, w oh Interavt from day of *•!«. Thar tl Muscoatw and reuoal Hadnnd nirwAVaiA TrKMl.lV.M Aprlnex* In from in* Vaa. :» ahare* Mino*g*a Hellrond ntock; • da Central do. Term*. ea*b. nsar RR A Fin# Ibwaeway for aala^at Pr1va<a date. ”* A nun U'rffkaway, nearly ime, fur tele tow TrreM, en.h. mar |T^ | F.xr<nlna'a •*!♦. | TI'LHDAY, 1*1 May, at ll ecUnk, In fronteffCewrt 1 LM No. II ami ImproveKsmia—4u by ItoPwCfrwnv ; Inf **o Taylor *irrH. The imfirotsn.m.ia are lhr*« twe , aooy Prick f *•■ 1 rsstfny, on rngb baasmawta, bM • t« good comliivm, and «nd*t gmelrewt; bsP'WRlnf tn U*e eafale of W m u-iantock. Jr^ deceMsd, end «r*J by l«rmia*innof the i>i«rt of Ordinary, ard by nrsrr of Dm Kxeruini. for beneAt of the Uirt and crediuwa at , Mid ostnie. Terms, cash. nur 14 Railroad -t/«k. at Private Hate. 9! ahare* ‘.eoirxi Kallroed Mnek. Iiouva^nd l»tat PriVaieMde. Sort tern iceeacM, nu Lot No. Il.oni of Carden Lot \*,. I. w#*t. Ironttnu on Montg-tnery Uretl, Jeot wrath ; Uberiy, 3J fre| by 7 *— few s.inpl*. Hi ibe premiaante a go*id Iwo-Kory ll.oise,ot l a bleb brick baareom. with • all n#«#*«a'y oot-build.naa. at*,,, the two ndjo-elm l.ota ami improvement*, next w.u*b. (Jen be Imisff Inf | on applies mm eaafxne. no 13 rily ly»ta al Private Hale." |/ita No*. 1,6 and 7.Mi try lit fmt-bownded North by <*eion#il-Hr#et, \\ est by II ill fi/ret. gib by — •tree! »ir* rest br l.ot No. U: at*o Lot No. X. trosnded : North by —— - vl, Wm by ttill-tl., n-nib by Uair, Street, and Las*, by U* No. i. Tsxmi.—t>ne l»xlf. ca»h ; beJanee, notes al Rand II mon bo, w)Ui interest fr>HQ dale, with appro* ed endorsed ! psprr. Pur:bv*er ixnut f n Ulles. nur 7 miatt'A Hotel Stock Warned,~ * , Will parebat* Hit sbaree of the Nevxnnah Hotel | Hnwk mart** «<% ff. J. M'Al.kll, In Hu* eliy, I** Im approved bv ibe o.minl n*.* on ihe puhlic outcry. In thl* city, offer It for sale, tinlr*» he *#• Market, and iLusIgu of ln«* ofll. l«t..*.,v "liispcc- ! ceivea a aulIsfacHiry private bid. Tlioae wlsbing Input, lor of Weluht'timl Meavurt-," shall b« flv*M over lint • rwls'grad toll... iravelllng public for li.opiiihm door of snbl 1 .Alee, ami Ihe .amr sh dl U- kepi ..m-n a. a Hie rouvenb ncy and npmdntmema of lids flu. build, nutdlc oRlce iturti.g such I'tue*and fivch b»ur« a* the *' ,,r Ihe last quarter Ibe anIvela have bveu oyer Martel Committee may v aiahllsh by rule* or reguln- L'""*. ahnwlug an lociue or at lr»*l Hgl.i lhou*and Ilona. ' IT»m new and light draft sloamer .MARKl.N warehohae* and collon. u|m>u iho imivt favorable term*. iwlll run from Darien m llie above plncea, J"IIN IMiLilHnU., \gH N. F Ins.i.o., Pi conuec*lou with Iho tleaiurrt WID.AKA ami nF.MI n,,r 5 No. *J J .ntV lluild ng. Pay at. NtU.K. Freight lekeo llimugh al the euviomary ra'ea. ■>. ■*., ,, „ .7,,_ ‘ T—: — h. m. i.\FFircAH. a*’i. 0\(Mi AMI RKMIl ITING KsTABUSIlMKNT. Foil fill A It I. Iinio.h.- a tml-Mttohiy: i T3 York-'t., ii.i.rtho <o**rl llniiai. p Allnr thi! Mill hot, llie steamer UAle • _^ 8AVANNAII, UA. •MmaAnSCH" 1 N. will leave every Wednesday and i _ T*J -43 *.T*ai.ianvu ** IK3-*. tlT 7:1 Balnnlay civenlng, at 7 o'U »k. - r |'IIL Miiisrriber, graiolul to Ids patron* ami friend* I J kn,a _ H. M. I.AI'FITKAU, Agent, j * for lliHrnoiiinued larora, would BUle lhai, load .. iwg'lease lo stale H e fact. Ibal we • -Ve. *,„ee & j «V. r, weigh me. mo**ure. "7 t | A Jg“ W,n 1 ^VJlvYIRAM *»» I dnring h's bs,'visit*lo Ki'n*lVr,li'sod*Hc«.Hal.d'"i/m ma*.Jo opi'idne ol ourhouse III lh'*i ny, gkeVaaf Raiarr H/apf* : nee. 4. An |h* ii fnrilierordaliipd. Tllml ihe Murk* I, j *—-ir, • ’ - . ’ C2\ SAVANNAH AND Mul-'NT PI.IJAHANT s>rithgi'inrn's for eslemHng in* business, by which lie la 1* i*t f'tk than any other lnm*e ha* none trdkm Mr ! l-HtniiiiHeeshiilllurnI'b, ir causelo he lunovhed to llm [ Tl lll'KN • IN L A' l*I.A A flAI* LA3IIX, \UKKT —The umlerslgneil having purchased now ennld.'.l to Dye a grealer varlviy of i.Ydorsou n.|x V'iIn tioorgla «ir Houlli I'andmat and *wbile we re* 1 •*"' D*»|»ec1**t Mandanlmensim**of evtons.on, dry nna* , TOR SALT*. D»*ui 1 opt. Mcvcli* the sloop AMCIllr \, will hereafter I and Woolen Drm«ev, Shawl*, he., which he iruvta will yri. exceeillnglv, lltal competition ihouhl cause a<* | »» I q'Pd or wine inea*u»e*, al*.. I*ra« wei*hla ^ A Tra< I of l.xml. situated on Batllla Creek, tall her regular!* between savannah and Mount Plea*- generally phm«« all who tuay lav.r bun with their - '- h nv• mustier* amongst some of our ne'ghbor*. •• ° r l ,h, ' avo'nl *|mI» st***daH, n»g, iber with lodin ce*, ; Glynn county, Ha n wlilnu ft mile of Fancy lilulf, mil, iho lal and 13th of every inouiii livreallvr, ami lake > patronage 1 Pec. 4. Ami bo It further ordained, TliM Iho aalafjr 01 ibe t lid fuspcciiir of weight* and ineavhr.** slmll he • the rale i*f live loo-dretl dollar* per aimuin, pnynble quad riy. togeiher wlih all lee* lor adj istiug all and | Inr-per quarter. The nimlel ul lid* House vvas a la* : bored linpinvetnciit upon ihe very flrtmi Hou*ea in lhu I Union, nml I em couflileiil, for eouimodhiuviirv*, lock* ll and general edapledne**, II U Ihe best Iboisu iu lb I Booth. i Term* will be nude oa*y, *0 a* losull puroha*nra.- Aildn-*, /. F. I Il'lUr, All tidn.Ga. a rre< of ihe . iiiiuv to a* H at ir west NLW YORK I'hlCLN, ' •c » , «H.sUmpa, nmI all -ther sppsraui |\ s\VA>NAII I mljwstm-niand regulalkn * •I h*r ihe ... ........... - - isurra, ar« F.o die information of pqrcharer*. we beg leave lo I (k'tdlng loth alandard* hen ("fore piest ribeH by this », j - ze i ll, dial owing lo Ibe •ciliallon in prlcvol |mi|i, tntPimncv. Xml Ihe * slummrd weiubi. nml ine..- I 4'.*r.C.*l. \»'.a rerltcHol* In the price of i.i.ohn 1 balanc***. ***ale*. aiol «o nip-sbnll 1 * paid lor *oil toe p'ace at Ihe N«*rih. and of c**ur*e a c>rre*|H>udb g rj''he l iiy Irersuty. ai d •ball • v d#mt»lhi| In Ihr *»•— ri- ,| iClo*n lim i thl* we a«*ure oux customer* nl all , ln»|**ctH’n f.-r the uavnf the lnvp*ft.,r. ai d hy tn, O' '..give them llie ben.flt of. ami ihcv ma« My > *"m-hal bv rsoirtli.e*l.adJ.|.ic*l and rv M tda'e*i, aniieo iu nbu'bw of us In •nvamiHh. «• low a* in any city 1 a* may be oece«i.r>, by Hie stmidard* lu reinbeforet'*' It. be fulled *Mbi*p. either at IX Im'vsale **r Head 1 pr» a ed and d. 0 red tl e alto keep, at ail !lme«, a A**e *)• ck of IIXIIIl- Nu. 0 And lie It further ordained. That M lit I . Il«’l M.KII IM><; Alta H I.Ch. , TlX \\ Altt:. lansnivl Ware, Tin l.y the Ih>x. Bluet p ci y are t*'rni he.l to the sa 0 • - • - ' fl'eol **lo'pecibiit of Uelghis Udaloiug loro a<-rv». tin the premise* I* 1* n* •lory dwelling, with out building*. Thl* property, hedde* helug snimbie lor pl<1.tmg purpose*. Dwell adapted to tin* Tnrp«**iliiie and l.ouiU-r bii*iiic** A No. a tract ol Dud c**nbiiidug 8*0 acre* 00 Hatlila I r. ek. Apply loF. D. Bcsrlx r 1, Fancy lilulf. . or 10 TIAtlN it .X1ACKAY. Jan 14 .1m freight lor Ht. Blmnna, llruiuwlrk. Fancy lilulf, and HelloI. al nag r-M HTii M** ih n the regular »ie»inb .at rule*to llruuswlck. A I Irnghl* payable by >ldp|,er*. F**r freight apply on b an! to ijapi. Grifflih, or D. D ' t'opp. Agent, BaVaooali, «*r the *ub*crilM-r, al Mount PI* a*ant. felt Hi Iv ** X II00KDll Full ill V FIlP Gentlemen** Garment* Dyed. Cleaned or Iti-novaied, *• nm> I#** required. Hi I lo* same ruimrlor »i>lt Winch *•»• rally so much plea»e<l Id* pairons ami (ricod*. Ladle*''s Dyet], lllea.:bt'<l and l’i ir.... Tumi i'i|i|**r. Ilny.-rf Plf*. Wnod-u Ware. Ac * hot* *a<« or retail, and •' lowest ratea. \ KHNNI.Dk A URACIL \nvr.t*. B*. A*d'e»'» llall.B..vnntmb,(;.*.ruD, F rK U lM.ucA Kennedy. Manuf.icinnr* Alb.ny,N.V, mu* *JU RANSOM STOVE WORKS, AT XI.IIX.NY, IXiKAR* Yffkl* K. T\’F. off*' f,-r *ale, ai onr BAVa.NN'UI VTuVB X 1 ACtNI'l. a large and v*n*1 a«*<>nmenl of STOVES, OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, a*"! solicit a coiiiinuuiirv of Iho Incnl e*.coiirNg<‘inpn' cn onr «vei*cy in this rliy during the p*s< »evr. F**r "•form Hell of AM. F \ It TIL'S interrttid •* (*» •Vli UL'^I.NFBB,enlicr buying or •ellinv, wehsvaj sa|>*fac l*>n of l,i|.,rini*ig **ur cu*t<*in> r* ahroml (aa . *Ti1 nance •. ai home Dow Hi* isrli ill <1 ffinsf fir put grai Ijtr tuii .tltih F. STOVF.S Ilian any ‘“- w laid weight* and measure* of e«lrii*|ou nml ca- iriii-he«l fo ihe *a <l ln<pecior, amt the o - pocibmof U vigil's mi l Xleasurea*' l» dull nrg-U'ted uni e«ixhiith*d. ihetdd In* eci r shall give puhlic 11 .lice Iheretd,requi,tug all pcra.>ut lot* rr*le*lln »l p'y Infillw 1 h lo ‘hr *,111 It.spitftor, to have thvif Weulitaaml oien^urv*, *cvb s. 1,earn*, and Ii dance* fr- goiatnl and a lpiool, .iceonllng toihe *U"d*rilanlore- aal't, and lie* ***'•! l*e|>cctor shal. •lamp, or enuK* to he •lumped,oil all weuhia nml mensnr* • o exiemmn and Ciiutcoy '."ihertmm ihoseu*ed nv A|a>lhei-ar>i'»orIDnk • ffljvrs, lor CouipoumllnR intillC'lie*. or Weighing g.*hl, •liver, te.l winch doll lie ***«*l iu lh*« city <• r p*ir- p •*••• 01 trade and coiuito r.'i-,Ihe let i-rs f e.’f -r •■t’lty (•mu 'anl,"audio cm, any weight*or oien*ure«. -cvln or ludame*. which may he examined nud a ']u»'ed by Ihe Mid liispei tor, c lenot b** tbu* sl»inp«'il. ihe raid , li spveior sh^ll Htrni*h Ihe proprietor* In Hen nf Ihe | I I ‘ »1' al*inp. With a teriifh aie of H.e vx«mtmitmu ami ndj itl- 1 1 in tuem o' such weuhi* and measure* scid, a. or '.alancea. MU-, Ami Ik* ll iu»iheror»l .liuil, 111.1l within six'y • ays afterootl.'e Irom ihr ln*(H«'i..r ,f In* rendmis* lo liis|MU , regulate nml ni'Jnai we'ghiaamf me isurv*. every imicon ii'ii g weighisnmi m-Miur*s, •vules nml Imam ea in tliU • ily, ior|i.« anle or puren <*vof aipcie* ,.nd c*m- u»-ntmc*ot any kd»l or n dure wloHewr stall turequ'i- v.1 to haw the*.me ev mined m»| reynlnlul l>y the ».ihl lM*lou'i*r,«CC*irdliig'oi|ie**au lardsa'ort'rald.ind «veiy peisou n losing or lieghcling tocouipl* **1 h lids pro vision. upon couvlctlo'i br'ote fie I'oiicm • omi tie Heed i*i a *1101 not exceeding ihifijr d*olnrs. >nid fine 10 he lull civil ever, ten •:a>- if h«, *hr, *>r llie, c*niHtue r in I'eci to comply with the prov la ons of thla III II.IM.Xs l.ffkTN. \ l. XRlJF number **f Ituddliig fe*t*,*if vnrloit* tile*, •foot Ital by .0 lU Ii) I'Ll lev • They all trout on a'reels73 leei, •1I1 Inin-* lo Ibe rear. For It*.ue lor a U rm of twenty nr thirty years. XU- untie «f them on a perpetual lenwr. BliuatVd Hi Ibdlnml lyilung, F' HI IVicivnl w.rd,•onlli wesiol'thw Patk.loa henldiy In* r. i.n lhe>r | C'l'i, —the on'y point In Ihecliyr that v»ci|.t*.l ilieep 1 demlc b.*t *ominer. Applicalloua llimu*li llie I'o* 1 ifllic will be aiti'tidcd to, iiovSi Unto A. wr.ltl». the Iho* m Ship 1 Ol'Stl MF.i'llASH , Bpnld ng, ma*'er, mg die I irge«t pm n| he* Irv.ght eogaaed.will lta*e quick uiapatrli a« above F**r balai c*> ol fo tghl. rpi |y HUb.llAH, KLI.I.Y A l«J. mnr 09 fi«iBltiN.-1he pnckrl ship IIAHT llallel, nix'ler, will h i»v quickdispalrh passage, app.v ..0 ty.«ii, at mo»t ia*h'onatile aiylc*. loally aib-hded 1 1. Term* 1 are «enl b) »:e,rn».eal or railr, him hy letter ibr-iugh the I'ost 1 win re 10. all lor Iheiu. Jao 13 0 AI.RX XNDRII ii XI.I • from llie country pone* " le ate. XVlieo parcels id, •t.oulvl lw iriiv ni>u,**iHial he uiay know For i-eulit John ton 1 whan, or lo mnr -.a , Hotnu’fs, MliObon*. Vans and v^kkii'b I*. AllTlI 141 XI. »'!.«• 1 only a few! MTel' n' - ? S ' ,U,N,:K u ‘ »•«""> “ix HltlGIIAXI. Kr.l.l Y A 1 O. old < dr their palronagv, during her atueneo, their alieiumn to her new spring stock A ll **i|» er »V*re sohl hy Ikcrnt* ma<le upou UiepretalrM and la uarxuteed to Ik* of Ibe qnabty a* stamt*ed. oRDI.Rd A III: w»LH ITF.D. Btraogers ami rktiXeiw* are Mivitc^ tu vtail our manu. factor*. A large assortitirhl of TKA BfITB, PITCH ERA, bptyn.NB ami HH.Ks, Ac. Ac^ always ou band, al fair (•rice-. 'Join f*b a %|l III % ku.Ni*' BF X ft KM.NlO: DIN It I Ri.ll ALL. .vl IMiU and quads, skonly ex|*-c i*d; f.*r sale by CHAH|.|.yi »i|;l.L'»V\>, Mr C? 31 New^t.. New York. I (IN|m iN' AN|l I'M *HLIN IHHII.K AND Hll'itVS 4 kT* •! '1 —Uuarts snd pint', coos'antly on bsml and f„r sair hj i.11 XKI.f.B Hlil.I.liU»*. 31 New-*:., New York. DINHCRlJH PXI.K AMI-Pinti, and d*l*. r* uiairiH.g ; b<r sulc l>v CD A ttl.F.B tl II 111 .* iAA'k. feh fi M New ,| . New Vdk. v xi.« aim.r 111:ai, lktxti:. arrangeim-nt with Hie purcbn*er ul Fig Island apply onboard, pv 1 > .'till, the whole property ill which Ihe *U •scrllwr Is, d »as lady liitereated, can bv sold to a single pur* j y Full f v Hri(IHT iqt CII -^Tlo sgbr. ■feat '* I| M I lie IT, Mt-rllhg, master, lor iwrilcutais, Dr. Bcreren D authorlxe.l to •< pin ft ll XV. W. STARKK. lo • on nai.i:, | »\\t» eligibly local**1 huiiding lot* ninr*Jft HHIGIIAM.KLI.I.Y km Full O-St'.N. — The pa.kei *<hr. NORTH BTaTK. Horton, inasbr. will Imve quirk ilia- or lhu above (Kiri. Fur Irelgi l or pavsnge, F. J. iMiDK.N. Uiar -.'7 ' V"HK - The brig FXClTl.. C,pt. ■vlogin -si of bercaryoengagril will *uhdi*paHli asabo*e l or i.alanc" of frclglil, •I'P'yP* DANA A XX .X-'llltL'It.V F* |( NF.XV 7 jjU£Talln an. bavlnp XI I.ICHi Mdlt Ml.l. A mao VOyeura old, a gmnl cmiMiry lilacksinlib, a fl*W ami axe hand, | a first rale sleaint'«at hand, v7 A mui 3i A man '.'A A mini 3o A mao ‘Jl A woman 33 '* and chill II monih*. **ooil i.*!.i 1 ai.d boner and llisi rale gjnirn ha d. A woman 3>i year* old, house servant aud washer and •her apply lo m.r 'J3 XV . WHIGII f. And be it fur her orduloed, Tint it *ha!l *>o lhu duly of sn'd H**neclof, mice In every dire m**»!'»s. an I a*open a» in*»lin'l hed recte*! by tl.e • ay**r, toea- aimtie. regoa’c ni.d a* J-i-t by |* e alor« *abl rimdar*'*, nil yn'd-l cA* or o'lm measure* of etlcii'loii. and all liquid me i*ure*, dry mea*urej, nml al vcjles, beams, ba'aH. i", and welghi*. wloch are now or msv bur. a* er be used in llda city Tor purp* so* oflrudu and cniuruerci*, an*l all measure* offi X'rli'lon or capacity, all*, hcinr* b.lami*. ant welald* which have hot bei n •tami-e.l accord ,.g n, ih,- provls'oo* «,f this • 'nlim.nce, or which mnv louu 1 ,|. friv. I mm any cnise n* lod tone cnpahle «•» »djo*imcid and regula! rm, *l>nll be deernnl nml cm **.1, red a* forleiu d, md *h.ill bp re' tanieil In li e Mbl • fllce of lo'P'cHoo, and ..II itersolil MX'iig such def i llve weight* ai d mcarurv* shall bo pU'-eil upon Ibe Inf rniaibm D* ckvt Be-.9. Ami be it runher, Thai Doni n"*l after the jnssage of 1 Is nrdlnsiii'u, 11 sbnH md IhiI.iw. fill lor any peisnu o* iN'rson* In thla city lo buy or « II I any 1 rialure. grain, flour or oilier commodity, iioran* I oudam-*. ay rip or ire tele, nor any •piruooii*. vluou*. from fp'fmlhl entagementa *n XX'a*h- } ,,r ,: '' t * bq'"”«. «'>r any w**o*l* ware* or mercbai.ibt** •la am) lUchrnoiai, XDHIG AN'B Grand , ,, »u..ll> *"bl by wu-gi.ior no a*ur< ■ • — — cab* •liter eslnh .1 the Nate of i. ..rjlanr Bnuili I'amhna AA'e l' 'h** statement la pi*t!c« b» oiif»elVr*, and Io Ml ’ hi 'Wore the trade, .io 1 with a f-td ile’ertn ft '('*'n •h'lng moo and teuvr for our cuaioiber* during the •entjear. J\VIf> SCI.I.IVAN. Ageni lor B D. Han-oin k. .0.. i«r24 liuo Stove Manu «Clurer*, Albany, N. Y. S’f. ANDRENV’S HALL! Ulomtur* .nlarch ROlli. I8A3. i on oi\e u ei;k o.\ev i THUN D r R! LIGHTNING! STORM! FLOOD I UEIiUGS l It X Ml T H I U M I* II I IF A Al K ll 11. A N U I.NU'S HYLIC Till. XYOKI.UU r one timber hand. 1 old. » <»•< S XI,I! \ M AN, ‘Jft year* old. n Ulld nl*o, a good field lialtd . hi* go ..I i-.itlk and »«*Vl alnl Ib-lier, and their chlt.l'eii.l M’"»» : a Girl, (i years, one 1 year*, one*i year* an • n inlaid-of good character, mid warrant!d sound.- Apply 10 XX'M. WRIGHT, mnr Oil . -a. The ,bn.(i A VIliKli .A, I ‘apt. Atuore, will re rive firUlo al *lr*»r ’i W.mhI yard, Wmkb r i tool ol v\ p*i Hroa l-*lmoi, unul Frida* next, bin *he will sad for Hruoswick- All freight p*ynlilw by sidp|*er*. I’ nf D. D. "1 p. IIJ Hay -treel, or Cipi^io ou hoard, mar .7 1 'll NF.XV V«• llK.- Ihe M* and •aillnr *elo*"i<er J' HIN Hmk'IiiN. lingo, III •*»• r. hiving par 1 ol her Cargo t'livagrd. will I wt hqMicl* vilvpa.cU far the sh -ve post. For trewhl, applylo. CUIII..NB U IILUIZ. 1 • nf Millinery G< I livery a teoiiim has l.i eri f.ald at her es'ahl'.shmrnt. No. 1W» Hrmnlway. New York. n. give 1*1 her hii<o>e*a | In Kuvunn <h s da oi I** Ihe hllriiHoo id Ho lad e*. Bhe I* now recevlng. ami w III continue lo ret* .ve, by i every steamer, brw and fashionable g.-KJ* tn her line. AIIBk |i A. GAHDM.II. 133V emigres* Uriel, Bavaniuh, and 1(9 lloudway, New York. mar ttt ' MM IN IJ AM) N| .Tl.Ttlllft CI'OTIIINfJ, 1835. ( *L'>. B, JflrllHl,'* * I'"., nre noa> rerev mg <b<*ir T Bpnng and Bumni"r Clot..lug, and re«p,* iiuliy in j Vi's* all. both ymi'gaiel -Id. lo call ami ace lbe*f aw ; *->rtinelit. at the Ck'th'iig Bure. Gibhoiis* ran.i , where ' go at lod.'c* me ms arc , IfereJ to in w«oi of g-eal " • bdhiog. an.r si 7 #i MOURNING GOODS- TUBT It l.i. 1.1V l.D, mi per HH.. Log. Ilmiiba*iris, d'» Uu • anion Cb*|h*, 1I0 do Tamese ci.iih*. •lo ilo MIX Alpacas, Hlark Moutiia DcldHiies.Glt ghams. I'nnis. Ac^ by 1-M6 IIHNHY LATlIRHPJkCO. M'iuxo .%n 11 si n.nLii olotiixng. | >IF.IISii.\, IIKlDT k i'll, have In«lor«,ami ar,re. a large fc nd wml F*ili NF.\V YidlK.-Tl <u-T>xvifin wiviii.n j,„ SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, Ioo« run wir.iv an 11 •• tn no* or 1 1'arnisliinz Hood*. clioner ut.'r I XX'Mch they offer 0.1 wb'deaalo Ill dl*paieh j i hale* Coiton, an 1 k G A M XI HI.I.. leb'jB Tl BT arrived , , „ I inrtoii Augiisiaaml Ulchmm-i,XDMKJ AN’B Grand •••'•" l| y sold l>> we.gMnr nu aside, r.y nny y VN*.;i XXtIU Mil:it* <l( OF ClILATDr.N AND THL i • c.ip u-.iv. .rales la mnr* or we ghl«, whh h iD.i.l'GL. ' *'tdlmd have l.em. flr.t itnuntn*1 ndJuMed and slamp- i.rand *1 Palhllng lu Ibe World-iraiule*t In ths sub- i •* 1 ' or 1 b >. **•••»**••* I'fpoCor a* hercinbi* *.ru •: eiei-ni it—grahdr**t In it* *ouUHrr>ng. Heaven-re. | ri qu red. And ad .md every per~.n who shall use In effect upon Ihe audience, srd grsmle.t In |ia . inercharitor trader, any l»l-e or framlu •n .rt*l reputaliorifn-rnfflie Na' • apilolamd from • aplndi t*f xbn Union. The only exhibition wh-s* ■ •I a*armidatfea are emnpnscd iiu**lly of udle*—nml • • <.l Hu Oral rr«|H*eh'hllH) it. lhu liud.ionahlc eir e*—ladies ol laU'tii and l *ver*ul ihe heautif il. I xldbllluu each evening at Bo'cliwk, ami XX’ednea- •y fn'ay, and'a'urday at :* F XI. Admisviou 30 cent* — chddrun am] servants '.’3 els. ••■ft iff* d. hU'Ine lent Wrlg'ii* or measures, in such a* hnv examined. rcgUtMod, udpmUvl Mid *tamtM i', < by the salt) ln*|rvcio*. be, she or dm) shull ii|e>n rmivlc. lion lu lore <h*' l'< • mir|, I," Hied In u Mini h»l rxcee*Hng iJHy'lopxr*. Ami It shall In* th*-duly „f Hut sod ln*pic*orto place u|eo« the In orinamm Ih ckm, a'l and every rersoo * r |w r*mi* w|,** shall us,* any wt'tght*nrrrv i«ire*nul reguLleil nml stamped accord tug to tin** ol thl* «ir*'Hinnce. He** III. AimI be ll further ordvined, Thai thei*rovla* Ion* of iM* "rdtiiance shall apply'o u.l wHghtaaml tneaviri s. - cute* Win* arid Halai.ce* wbuli I»e U«eil in llmp'ibll" Alarki-.f.r Ihe purcl.a*e or sale of ^ . m*a*s. g'alP, vegel«r»le»ami provisbu.a usually sold by Nos. I, 3. 3, ami I Minor ••peraluigCa*e«,( upping J »*n !• or m ui'ilfi *. And wi.eo any fnbeor 'raudillent l yu luiUumriii*. I.lilmcorn* s«e», Btrnhisinu* I vveight* or meuaure*. scale*, beams or bnlsne*-* which um* Ids, BIDer Bprtng Lam ns, Kvalis' l.alici-'s, | have md liecu regiilale,! and slaoipeil aec* ■ ■'IIO.XI my M.Cu 1 .Xlomlay. WI I eliriiary, my to 1 3 AN AWLV Iron X Fast Fb>rld*, •> *r*rJ»—The iivique b|:|HH(|b e *n •v Cut ton «<n deck, fir the imil o lll'N 1 Hit K. I1A.AIMl...I,. srilfJIC'AI. I A NTH I ’ Al lllk Tf*. I 'llF. sobactlW* offers for sale a larce asstoimenl of Borg'cal lustrum, ids. of the best uiaiml*' lore, ngwh eh wdl l/e Ihe mltowii.g |H>ckci sets, AJ ' frelghl.-r i>. i SPill.Yt; and SI.ri.UKK CLOTHING! vvtl. t>. I'lllrl:, l(] lli.i-.lri.rl. I* *ovv an glV'iao * V lieu *111*11 ran* «IH yoiig, i . New and Beautiful Stylea of (vpring.V w ii ii, mve 1' lot lii n ; and furnishing goods, To which he lovlies the atlcull mi.I ids InemDaod eu*» | turners tnanW SPUING TRADE. ' • Wirin’ to.TIrrrhaiils. , L 0"W olTer^bl WhoIesale.iti qiixnlities sup pof. ’ Ibis * {Mitsflng and Tre|domng *els. Ub*ie'rical |n«tru s. F'*st Aliotmn tela, Cxir.ctii.g am! Denial ( *•!•*, e'. Ilu'b't, P'dypus and Ton'll Fmeips. n! ll III*, nd I valve; *lup do., silver and «um * alhe.i r*. iiseb Pumps.Turnkeys, plain fulcrum, and Foxe's !| -iig'olf, .VlawV Apparsiur, 0>c. 4c. ateiva will i»e sold a* |..w as can be |>urrhjse*l in ' weights and nies-uri •C'pftus or .vs* n»*k. .or cast, or cPy ►cc-p'anee ■ la«bev. unless the o *U; v al. ri.’MSFi.. .mu, sue'* slave, shall pay iub 2« Vo. IA7 Hromrrn «*. I d-llar* . . TO Tilt: I. XIII lift t a >t.RA* DING ami pressing of all klml*. of Bir*w ' , ' W .rk rlmie wuh ca'e, akiH ami neatm-**, al Mrs. i „ 'A’.SL'ilabop, corner ••! Jefferson ami York«*Xre«ir, • „ ’* ,n " I keep a fu Ha ml com pie lu every aiieh retail go, 1 he N IIXX' IIOOKN. HfXKIX F.D HV JOHN M. Ou»PKII I* CO., XVeilnes/lay, March ».(lh. I to e>.nd t ol hal an »nore, . I 1 TV A XI B .Xlagaxli.c. mr April. • qoatlrr |w*uml, ha I pound, one |w*oid, i*» pounds I im Have of lhu Igtmp—a novel: by William b*ur |MMtn I*.•s*veii|eiui><l*,roiirie«*n pound*ami iweMiy- ■'’ h live pou d* of ihe a* Irdumd* *ifn a d ihe *el **f I 'y *llddl#o*n nr *he History of s Fortune: by G. I I qimr mcaauie* to C-Ui*i*t of ngsll ui, I. tllgslluo. quafi, . >1. lie;i,o‘d«. . pint, hall t"»>( «ud gill Thu rsl id dry meus.ow* to I be AHnuter'a Family : by Rev. XV. M. Iluthcrlugum j cona st of a bail bn*'.el. pr r h Ii if |-erk q mrler pnk, ‘••D. i|*iar and pmi. ami all aid every |#o in ■* *ucn 'I'txil gr.u-ery UfrZL Felt NEXV YnllK -l'*m* I i*t -P.e r«ri packel *chr. J(*NA** b i.lTM. Furman, in ■* •e*. **ill have q i ck dl*p«tch lor Ihe above i-.rt. For _— , freight or passage, apply hi F. J. iiGhEN. YOU S%l.II. ! lu.r jrl \ l' XM11.Y <>f Vi ry bkely a< it well qu«hlted Negme*. f**r aide.o*n* * ngi.l a XXiHiiati 3o vear*o|d. affr*, rale look and Wn-her; next, her lloy child, I; year* old. nrcuslo nl m driving u pair of ln*rs«'*, and watingio Ih- l.oiiu*; next, u Gill, II year* old. and a Gir. U year* old —nil sound ami hesdl-y. Aniily lo anr 17 XX’.M. XVRIGHT. ■< %>AU %V nlherlne's Islund, man Aiuhony. aomii 3 lew! r* or III inches m hulghl. ol ilnrk hrowu com* ph x oe, lull f ,ee. -loui Imll.l. A few aid ot 1)1 v dollar* WI l>e paid f.*r In* apprehension and d"llvery oy April l*i. twenty d llurwif de:ive.e.l by May l*r, *.r ten dob lam il apprehended nod delivered H» me or mr overseer on k .Catherine'*, alter the last mentioned date, mar 7 If !'. M. KOl.I.Dl'K. XOTin. A.iO IlI Xl lllll on, the -uli*crltM'r, Hi Duval eoiility, ' de*|n.ich nv Ifflh ol IV hr nary lasl.rny h..y*, i mar 43 XV ,s* lit NUT IN and l** \.\t\ WasUng on I* n mntat* (o fellow, gff year* of age, fnmo'h *kin. weigh* about I3ii ..r 133 |miiml*. 3 fuel ii or r< Inchea high, walk* q.iil* enct, qi'He au iiielHgeni lia.klhg te*y. D.iai laA bh. k boy. ‘Jl years old. vmmeli tk'n, weigh* about l'.*3 or Kin pounds. 3 feel 3 or ff luclies hlgti, walks, also, i|*|iri'ererl, quick *|Hikeii and ba» qillie small ejes, I* an n'etbi'eni and bkely boy. They c4fried off *t*ven»l suits of clollit'S wilbtl em. I purchased Isaac last Do c in her, of a mao, who styled him*, I! James Anderson, uv«y formerly a dry go.-is merrhaiit ol Bavauiiah, but now | 3-7*' F»*R IMIII. XtiF.I.PlIlA •-*»» livi « about 13or JU mile* above that place. Isaac say*. : jQQ^re.nlar packet selir. B. N. B\l| ril, C» .|. ihni he * a* rubed m or i ear Bavnnm, , and Ilo* probi- • wid Imve dispa th lor above port. For 'rrtgnt, apoly to blllly I*. they limy uo lo that place. I fear Dial ibe) have | mur .M r \ i,IIF.I\I'll i cen aided In gtiHngoff by •*mii<s white person. I will —r.-rrr N ". tt.~;ity ,,v =.- - - - . P*> ll (above r- wai*l lor the apprehension of said boy*, ! " J,' * 4 ' It L.I. I, I..IKC.1 ,,, .1., j»,i. J I........ H„. m ..., m il. » uist-v. 1 |..r III, Ul n.nvl.l .11) -hit. iu.u ' m I'-'V "-.I-"- - (..r -.Ll r ...kl„ S tl.. m . (I >') -l.lh .. '” J'" '" H*** 4 **' ‘W 11 * '"’.f"’"' • -f', 1 ". •« "> I. tk l.ll...,llln. I U. W. II. JUIllsMOK. -UII.V, , Hi.UT/.. «">•» I" J >- OU! VKW V..HK -Tl... hr.c \I'.JI »T \. " Bim.e master, having m -i „i her ra*g v engaact I >'*AM ATDi.N |N(XX DLU. ju»i irmml sod i r -*j >«*'l*l€'II. ^ will meet with dopaich a* above. For balance id * i,f ,n * r *° l.'d IXI.fc I. XTTlMuKF. Imchi apply lo mh 16 DANA 4 XVABIIIIFRN. generally, for the code, lion of accoiitita, rent*, negro; u ii riXtiibi' o. . . i ,, c II Ami b« ll further ordained, Thai every per Inn*. Ac. 4c. Xpi-ly al rfsHlence, on Abercorn-«'reel, ) ^fcL n i't FAHIiV ! t oirmi ,, «m.i l 'I In lug mi owner or In- ner of a re-ail slo.iinr g meery th'i e door* from June* *treel. , h „. lr ,»* , 1 r * u*:••» i ii j.inNA.«:HAv^ AI.AII >1—AI.AIITI. »n»Uff IMlIGII\M, KELLY k fit. \ Ml (NG Ihe docks which arc on hand In great num- «,», |'i 'll FIIHIGH r ('ll c|| \lt r**a »a *!:»• r- her ami variety of aiy lea., Hnch a llrklng, such a AftX... „* Noarmaa I'oxt.- The achr. GMHDilI a|*l. Farm, will riwelvebeighi tin* w.-rk. Ap It' (XX LAND 4 I'u. or offered lor < . by 'he said In ' * P. •'ce, shall lie I * iiiJ in the . • oy slave, nml by l>r>r or loin iis.'lfor 'isil'mg any artir|eorc.itniM<Hlitv ex|a»*e>t , de by •'ii'htlutp, Ihe ssineslialll»*s selrinl peeior. uni ii|am Irllnii of such slave ’ ce Court, fo* uanig fula* or fr.nobil ot , be **r *ho shall receive ,wentv i . rr or mr*»ui bavi-g com ml of ’ 'I'lllI nmlers'gn il. a rvslderl of th'sdiy. res|Netftilly , (tie treasury Ihe sum of led , 1 teiulrr* III* service* lu Ihe merchant* ami i-lllien* " l M«y an and 6" Bt. Julian sireeta. lor ihe ubovu port, plybi mar 96 >ob'ii" *TTT> v» tla |, For Irelalit, apply i mar 91 .» Full NExX* X - (”UK.—ulr i:*T«aiiiiian liiv'i. ■U&dt e sniiermr Packel llvrk FLIGHT, X. II. • ah houn master, wdl have qu<ck de«p*icb ** *bove F**r freight **r pasogi apply uu b-vard at felialr's whar or I" IIHIGII.XM, KELLY 4 I'o. mar 93 ll III i«T' *NI In* fine alilp i*( V|V|i»>. XVII Xl.TII, Groil. r, master, will have quick For Height or pss-atfe apply lo m niMTne r. , ,, _ . ... , ‘"air*.* lull a d dnip He •••orlment of Ttn ill IP BT*(N,—The er LXIMA, XX .ire, *d our own inxtmfartur.-. vgualiU mu lo i. r , ur . will have quick despairb nsatHive. For , pa**i*l. I.KVLI.L 4 I.ATIIM'iIll: >gC. appl) "ii leiard. ur In mar 10 13 ll.rnar.l~t "V7fx.II * ' Tl H(X"Kb.—t.tmrrlek* Kirby, Trout, B her p head. have quirk despatch as above, for Height or pa** ige, mar 9.t l.uX'F.I.I. 4 I.A IT IXI' lit F J app.) 00 hoard or lo UK GH XM. KKI.I.Y 4 C. , ‘ ” ' mar Vi I I, *• '• I.INI.B.—Bilk, Twist and tirade, Bu|wrffi*e( ot 1 . *.* iu .1, 01,11 >i„.| . ,, . . - 1 Ion, Gram anil other lire* o* * | *ttr*.Hi.i received * J9 Full I fill. XDI.I.PIIIA lit an* a l.i** - The , ami tn, sale by l.(#X Ll.l. U l.AITIX|"|tF mar 91 ;^IBHING Ui'D*.—\n atsorlnirul *>f Haniboo Hods, al«>, J-Inted ||od» and (>im* hods. Ju«i received nd for sale by I.OVIll.L 4 I. A mMi i|tL. mar V.i I X N( ll'.B «I'III.I Ml. I.l • 'A • ill.— |c rise* . 1 )i 4 he'll,•» each, be*u and In fine order; f*»r *i*e by CII Xlli.l.* IIIII.I.GXXB. fell 99 31 New-*i.. Sew X’ork NCXX'kOIIK TYPE FOUNDRY & PRINTERS* WAREHOUSE. !t e|*|||: I.I..C' Ml.I m ol «'»>« .me I i FI. M'« NDRY 1 in Ibe I nil«'.| M*ie*. will, a stork um-qualled In qiialllv.anil uns'irpa-swt in ii’irij. I* ready in mri.Uh, oil demand, al I *wp*l tnark-t price* a",1 00 liberal lerru*. every ar.icle iii|uircd In a I'nti n,'' 'Oca; TVPK, ((RNXXIF.NB, IMIF.k-LB, I1KABB, amt IIMIIDI’.HB, MET A I, Ill'I.B, I CII AM3V. G Al.I.I'.X'B, and iiiXim«|\G pTli Kb, INK. 4c. XX'c *h»*X t>e (ileW** '* !•» •#(•'! Biwcimcu Ho* ks to nflVcea lo re lb, nr making add'don*. 7i.r sajaiioiity of Aleial In <*ur Type hs* e*ublUhed for u*Hi a chara'rle* I'lroiigl.out ibe l mied Male*. Al.orders wm lui-i-iwnb luiueJm'.e I'l'pa'ch XVIIITF. * ' •» . War 93 Ini'* fit k fii Rrrlnui’vnvl. X X‘. II I N It X IM I II A CO * V T Itielr *ica«! Engine ai d Holler XX ork», Itrooilya, New X'ork, a*e prepa’eit H> eireu'e order* for STATIONARY. RIVER AND MARINE f;.vr.' r.vr.s. (»f every desert noon Bntxr Mills. >1 <11 XX'ork, etc , also ' 1 ai>*"f llich •••-I l-'W Pressure Poller*. Ilo- *u'**ci tier, aci-ni in Bavsnuxh for the a’-ne, , Works, w ill receive or.irr* f *r any kn*d Marbmery. 1 lie Rm liownn I.m l a table three-horn- l- wrr Lo- glue, which be will e'l on sc- rnre«d.:ing ie**n | XVM. tiill.I.M-lsnirr llrv*aamiIrJrm n st*. ' mar 98 Ow > «i. CA.S4.%14I> A MIA. nMISMn.\ ME It (II l\T S* HAfl (ITERS, »N s Vi'en ek a i.i.y. 10" and 109 XX'. |{..liuii -rc-s fi*s*t Hvj tiu ki, Md. ! ♦lave C"h*ta*r.iy on liaml an a*M.rtnieu; fl -e lamtl Dam*, >h.udder*. Bates lu.r.y, m bbl*. w»*l Xrgw. kt.. f 1 r wh.rh ihey solicit order*, at luwe*i market price*, mar 1 Ion.* ern* AiAimi.K works. STEAM MANTLE FACTORY, Corner Hhh and X’lne-sta , rnn.Jbtt.rnu I F. 4 II. Bi'lft I.L. having greaily impr,,«,xl ihelr • Itei'llie* for the maunlactu-e ot ever, variety id .n.XKIII.K XVOICKB. LmbraeMig Ihe l*e*i s'vte id XIAN I I.L”, TAII' t. TuFB, r l.*> *RING, TUMBB, AND Mli.NCMl.STB. Are preparml u* supply **H. it upon reasonable terms. Till' DAY, at II o'clock,!* Imat rdaXora: The usual a«M>nm#ot off Grocartes. P/ovwXom, LL quora. < re -ery and Gl*sa Ware. Dry (b-»P. wew a*4 aeeokil hand Furni(ure,cd*alilM. I'vwy ArtieJk*d^«cka, , XX *U lies, Jewelry, 4c. Terms eath delivery. N. II. -All arti,-tea purchased a. awrtma and wot art- ' H«f Irefore lto* writ regaiar *al», wdl b« sold oa u rnunt ami rtsfc of the l •rmrt parchassr. mar,Jg | MONDAY, April jit, arid b« toU. at II. f. XVUllwk't •hl|* yard, at II o'elr^a : Two Engine*, of 13 hc-rw power, and «»o Rollaa, rUh s.l the appurin.snrr* bwHuqrliig tu ihe H—mar B4IU Jones, and told fur arcuuat off all rubcerowi — ; Term*.cash. mart! At I'nvaiw B*| P . "" A Nnrt).eru llorvc, |nt« tad. kind axid geoUa lahai • nem and uialer the saddle—Bold ftr wo f.aiu Will bt . Mid IcW. K0 14 Ghi *r Residekew al Auelou* TL'I>D\V. Xpnl 3d. will be aoUl. la frm.i off U*t Coan llou»e, bnweefi ihe u*u*i Lours «.f sale : Thai MBimrr res.denre, km-wn as Hrwiipoksery, rm . the Vernon nver. tu-ng two boat k,u. N«h aand^racb . <4.# acre; tw. nthidw ima, each ;wu acre a. awd iwo back he*, each two acre*, ami a »irtp of wo-<J Uwd, ■ roiita*r.lug ■ srrra, afxr.t *ituf a mbafroatkw 1 residence Fo» Iurxhef |o,r.,cu1an aauw ra at the cnuaMfeg room, I *!.«re a map ran be seen, the sale win be p« Ut*.- * Term* at Uu- safe. mar 13 Xdmi-iiiirap^'s Bae. >»r TUESDkV, Aplll X Will be *e.VJ, *| I be legal ! hour of, front id ibu Court Druse : I a'\ N*i '•sol impiturmetiis, bn*.g ;«rt «f Gardwa , lot So c. w,-*: ffcg.i't^ on Abe atr«wt, eoaUihlag CO l r>. ti u fr-D', by I lo de(iih • mure or )e*sThe Imprr.vw- nis o'* r •n#i*t of a double erw s^.r, Irai^, |dastcrwd • nd w*i ffi.i,bet], on a b*«rm*at- N.d a* the pi -jwriy ol F. X. Gur.1cu s dneasrd, for the L*t.ifli ul ihe heir*. GEO. Gi'KlBiK, ' leh AdW’histnuor. pnsste Bale. list bushel* of »;round Nuia For sale la quaa'.iDew -• soil pnrrhaaes*. »h C PATENT ELASTIC SHIRTS. ^■ irjo....,,1.^- O lMl t-iir* Un l*. line Liverpool Table Bail, lo stow# Jan. a super, ur •r iclv. for u« iu quaaJty to soil pu'cLt* r*. I»h 13 I'nrale Bale. T* n **hare* Gam Stork. UBkanw Angu*'ak XX'tywwa- l-.r.-'Ka Iroad te» |S XVM. A THOMAS. PRACTICAL PLUMBER. n AX INv. Cesv duly l.ormad X»> \S* I .«anwe(4n of Ihe Bavanoah XX *lrr XA'oiks, I am preparcvl lw ,1.. »H • or* rn »u* e*l io ray care, a avtyirahd miuoar, equalled "i.Iy .r. b# St r.hem nUr*. Ii* a practical IV.raher,•«•<: uiKvi/Mclnl with any «<brr hws ewss, I « *'ve nil ei.ire lime a/.j aUr*ui.-M* i-bksoawswf I'.ambins id.-oe. | r,*;rc:ftir« call to aw L4- I •:•.« anrtr*. v'.» : Brewer lla hr. Biih;r« Take*, Vow Lew l"pj*er, ll...Sr*.Marble u-p was* i.ukK put w ite* C'Mrls. !«ad plpt, *>.eit lr»d. t-rasa awl yJ,U4 MSS hydra wile ram*, ami »■•■* ...; »;a- . , . c haiel ai*d for *wir. i*Ore So 113 Lr.-jrt l^c sjrrei.— XX»hop I'.ro^chloo *:revl latw N. H -I Kicep.i-oabia rrlrrrucws g.ven. m*f 93 ^ 6oso HI in tlx, Sash and OooriT ‘*(1 flllll LIGHT!*7 by 9to 19 (>•»•<• ABD; • |i »•*”"*/ Purs XViwdi-w Kl.iSl«B u* Hitffo ra*< I’XM'.i. I(• h *Kb, diflrfeni s*.rr* ; ' Iiin hotr* XXTndow Glass, 7 t>) V u 36 t-y 33 . AH <ald sue* <aroishrd at abort souev. • I *•>. A fa’iasK-'.mrntol FAINTS, OILS, V ARVlBIICw Kill BHI>. 4c..Le. a:*v 14 —It JOHN G.FALLIGANT. rii \ rri:ic & c:o. N«*. ft XX IUT AtvLIt-sTREIT, B A VANN All. CA, I \ I. XI «;i:- in, Rimda. Moukl nr*. Ut. f Alw*. Pa nts, (h**. Varwishr*. Tarpewilwr, Pw!t»; r am) Vra-'-sn IX tkJ .w i.U*s: Fainim. Nssms | ai d XX line XX **t. tiruGuw, Gold l^t'. Fnmag, R®. AH". 9X MartBe Ni-iK of the ».«»t nvdres «i1a, Irow* SXi »r |IV* Aiw\ ISCOvli. f--in gi Ci to «t3. X ■•«. 93-1 •' bs I nsnJr \ eoeilaa llbnds. Fa slri awd olhef* •'*uk! do well to give us • eaR BrC-er p«i* 111^ rise 1 h«r* The “wirable supewce " :* |y DANCING, ~ THIS /• .( -v /» J. .1 ST * r.s S I O X. Vb. > |i 'll* »|> rrsprs-luUv avtwrwwrww tls Xhlsd amt la*: HWks, wid a; B; Xudrew'a IIv.l. on Moelay.Mserh IVih. I'3\ 4w Mtwwwawd _^_Xta»r»a. »,..1 | oe*dty rv rsirg, si* v, o'clock, fog ii.amrn. I'up !* c»no wnuii.r st ui uw*.awd iweir .Uli im® ikr IH 'iwa»s mar 4 a 1 Hard )L X N T X11* »N XII’bKETB —1 in* rase **4.niM pi*n. labon musket•, Jiut n-eelv. I and mr *«le m |;i liar- mar III l.dVt l.l. k I.ATTlMiiRII. where gr"Cerie*. Iiquo's. hiea', gr. •h. r arlkh*-re ri|h.*e,| „r ..ff-rr.l |.,r*ah O XTb-100 I tag, v •chs Ann Marla. . S' weights hal luve slid ulalnd hy I wglgi U 51) 1 I Miranda F.lllotl.or li e Vob I The "f Ilia Bp'Dt: by B. II. • Of Ihe Birr A HD —3 I.Mi l • a h'*io»y nf (Lw rise, p"*tfiesa r ‘»i» !'•« 1. irar'.K ll* liver 4iich W| Ighu lor rvamina'" ". d •*'g !• •••*! meas'in ■••v.d « >1 Ii t mar vw T j mid Lkl'.l li. , H * ' OHN. BMiiRT.a AND I'll AN. -\r/> bhD. '’ ,, »?i'o , 'r n "'' 4 • LfBH I*U*I ell Hall. XX HI# Corn ; 9.1 . .. V) „ Kof - b. a-r.vt, par hr g H xi. • 1. rb... .« t wH , y\ , HHl •Ige. by XV A Vl it w I n'*-TASTING, " u * **.. J '"‘#a* Hull ring. Itay • al. IMI .—1,918' bill* Llrne, for •*!« p, arr|»e. pet ul>r. 4 'I XI Junk III*, ll . 1: XIM.I T' 'N 4 P XllBGNH.SJ .'I - a* r| re-" «P*M| CO< "I" f • B — A lot 01 fru*'i D*'•** ,.118- \ I »•<- by PCI r ’ IIMiihkG Fl.ATEB *■ isiaa, Jo,I a I."VI.I.L U I.ATT M'llIK. ' f ' *'.s-Ff: i'l.iil'lt —140 a«cks **notv|i|eBi#ain h 1 • ••qwllne ai»l Fair* Floor, In »|or» ami for i "■T J"IIN INGUHB'il.L. *• X8 Nii, 1 Join* Block, llat si. ! ' X ' NNi: I'FPI' — JO boisw su|o,rb*r q>iaHiy J 1 • F#l*l# r. poi ot> In vlai* at,.| amail |,„ rant, : •s » "eg. rrcrlved diraci from ih# mlda, amf (or saiw 1 "* V'irk purrs oy J'lllw INGI.II-ULL. • * Agrni for HudoonXIills,New York. I '111'. XI Cal A HD. •" ca*vs pur* Mustard, of sopwrl* •» '|"*d'y. In IJg. 1 an*, pul up aipiessly for '* •’*I •'•*.. IX la.I,s «•• u,,i i,ii(|i,hi Musiard, In 1 family ui#,Jum i»c#iiwl aiel lor sal#, vs, by ( J'dlN ingeHboi.l. Arrni for IfOdoui Mills,haw York. ! f J bo 1 ..I h and • »ery •ueh offem e a aum noX 1*1 re-bog •■ue hiiodr# ■ dollar*. Bee 11 And Is.* It fgr her ordained, Thai III# Xlny nr, wi ll Hie ••• •'ni ce of Ihe Xt a ihel Com III le#. ahall rv'iliibh alar Ifol he rbarged bv Ih# m*fireior, f"» l',*|« Iim. regiiUllug and •lamping or certify leg sll W'e.gli •.measures, seal, •#. |.#ama aid baGiri s wl.lih me •• m»y he uo-l for pur|H.#. • of ir de nr eomnie'CA in ilo* eliy, **ieh f* • io f« mll-clid by Hm losi erlor il.e owner o' owner# ..f aueh weigh 1 *, measurra, w*>a b#«,os»,i<) (■# a**cr*. by Inm Ihsitoete. •• drev**U. led. a’i*l all lee# f.„ .|.m|(l>g*U crilf.log each slid evmy w-lani and mr.siire, aea'w, hesin and lialan e In be ps"l loll* III# rllg IrestU'y ■**•. II Ami lie It furiber ordained. Thai all "rdl res nr parts of I hdi'iai.rrs mill Ming ag a |n«l IhW I'""""" " L'ls • irdinauie, lev, and lire ••'&•* ar# here'll ra|wabeL I'asseil 11, Coin"I savannah,k.'I Xlarrb, le.XX, l.llXVAHIlC AN III,l Ki'N. M-yor. isvaarnar, ( .( . mo ^ n bar and varo-ty o| siyh iking, may ho heard a* seld-m la-price In right. Aa lor Jiwaiav, «v#ry loaly knows vvnsas BKIFF.** ta, and ihal Ison#of III# In'sI plarea lo pnrehaae. M/slake not III# plmV I JK C"M,ltl>B. Uti 13 MTlIllllIh. ItIII.*#. IHra/ii Binub's ami pure Geneaer Fb Ur •in do lloiler, *surf.,r a nd -.ela 1 rackefi 90 <bi F To silwrll's Pil. I It-csd 40 i|o Btua'i’a X 4 It CUilfl.d ■‘ilgar In do do • > <*hed and Groiih/l Bugar •A» lena* Bioari's Loaf do Hsi do Binr ' ati/lles; *S 1 do ff's 4 H's Tallowq jo hld« ca/ h. t\ l/ ie »\ me a ml Cider X'lio gar 40 quin'ai*dr* • .-HGh Mi i,id« eo h Xlmcer ail ('after Potatoaa Ml d«* X\e»l India Mol at sea Hu ibs New "Means do IMi do I'lok' ye I'lsoiinv I'/daioes loOlisr* prime Green sn*1 Mb* ruffe# 73 Iml** nml .X" n*|f do llunrh lla rlns lo half • hesl* lllaek Ira, q Ih pa|wra Ho hn is s rtii I prime New ■ oi»ana Bngaf 3o doleu llrooiit*, ass.nte<l aites. Jn»l l#enite*l ami lor side by tell rJ e* KANTIIN, J'HINHT"N 4 CO. 3I.XV IIOOKN, IlF.i'F.lVl'D. I'V '.U b. IIV B. B Blltl.l'.V. r|V|||; Boiis of lhu B.fe#, a llia'ory of Ihe Rise, Pro I vrrs# ami Desdny, o| iho AiiH'iican I'arl,' " ' “■ I'robsblll lliffueln'o oil Ibe neat |'re«ldenllal rv heat* Betsl 1 »aia, latalli/g iver I or tale hy h" HHIGH AM, KKI.I.Y 4 CO. ll"T.- Mai Hags' ivmprrasrtl an>| Dn>pB|...|, „( v «#ry • 'Jc man ufat iu ml. 13 llatnarvl sirerv. by I.*'X'F.l.l. k L.tTTlMORR. I AND -11 hhla alnl iBlkegsprnn# Lard. )utl lecelved 1 4 and l.u aole by ( OIIU.SB 4 IlLliTV. leh 1 • ply 1, It H'^TON.-Hark II XIIIIIIT, I'apla'n 11 Nichols, having most of her cargo engaged, will no*" with dispatch aa almrr. For tislsm r of ircigi.i |*D «* D AN A w XV AMUtX'H V < o.nsion.9|i:>tn I I’BT fieri veil |hT late ari/va'r: Fl.dl'H- HI bids sin rrlnr I I. nr HAY —Hu bale* prime hm (•ATB, CIlRN AM) II.AV- , Mill |« a d<le*l a le view o| Do* lelier of Ihe lion- j t.ry X. XVM against Dm Know Nothings: by an A- Hay I'O bustieIs Corn Ml d • "an 30 bale* Hay HI M, GIN, XVIIIHKEY AND PII XOI IIRANDY: Vikl bids »f Ihe ab -ve kHaDof l.liplni*. Hi ,inr# and landing For m>I» b» ma* JX HIllGlI XM. KF.I.LV U cn. IXIIIV HINIKN ItIXF.IVr.D HY JOHN XL I'l.H U Cti., \Vi'dn#*i|iy. March 1*1 'IMIII Fire Flaw ••! t nlia, nr T'/e Martyrdom of | 4 «. I |h i, a Tale oi Ih# l.ilwraltlig llapevliilms ul IMI j Ivy II M lUniimvii n.e Physical Geography of Ih# Be#: by M F Maury, i*artV'*ai,il Via ' W'lccna nl Beollaiid - vnl. V feee|v#*l. iillal Vleeiinn. L.JeU er of ihe XX orld. In no# Vnlum#. . HII.I.'«» I.AI)IAIi. I, 1 'll Ibe New X'ork ami l'liila*lelpbl* sieanirrs. f.*r I as'e bv Ii DIN M. CiniPLK * CL'GAIl. M"I.XBBF.-,4e.- Jll lihdt clinic# BI *. rota Sugar III 111 dn .NO dvv 13 du fair il** do o b**ts cn.n.e N#w "Geai.s Byrar 3'» do M..las«es '*• quarter r»«k* Rranji, 1 h proof • 3 eighth do do do JX bids li.imesilr d *. I »nau,c sed lor sate l*y mar JJ B« M XM'"N. Jn|i.NBI"N k i • I \KF"B G""DB-N«W !S»V1 ta -lurrcr Holwa~ / I'rlnlnl T s*n#s sod «'fgat •lies Plaol Ps-w/ng »Hk Dresses I'laOi Hsrrg'S w*»<I ’»l*snlsli C>s|>#« l*l>ntr,l Jscnev is sod "rgandi#* !'" r App'r Grewscs 1'iai l a- .1 M.i| *,z Mika Imba Bilk* I rmch » amhiics and ItrlHIant#* Ginghaina, C#Ui*oes, k#. For sat# hv mirvj Daxvirr a Morgan. I vtTU Ml. v»|* MAUM.BIA. I'tvsMy y ivjvsi^t a ,„t a*»M by J"h. Al. TI'K.NK::. Agwnu mar Jl mm *v niErnAx. N" 1 U.tfolay*#trPct,. Nx»' Y**gg ( V Al'TH l.N.— Nolle are gvnuinerV rpt they hear th# . s'.amp uf the ;ul#nl. All inanulaflureis and se.lvf* IWHU>g*r>K #111 l*# pfoveculisl • .'nldlUg 1# l*W. insr Iff Alar |*,'.’d-P ivMirir r.mmrs. III IITON A I ANIAI.. mANrr.AFTruERH and imi">rti:rb. No 194 Arch-si , 9,1 iLvof at*ov« Sixth, I’nu.ap'k. iv nor. i:s.i \. k .4 ,v n r k r a i/.. Fvery sme r r» Ibi if hue d busln,#* ai Ih# very tow rsl market C.ABH PHK'lJ*, and Ssdicit Uir pauvwva^ uff dealer# and others. e*JJ»** ma* ft IM If .VIS'If « IMK.Vf SH .* ■■■in, 1* VARNISH MANUFACTORY, Hi) and Nil North 4ib-#irt*ef # |'IIF urplecsIgiKst wnukt ean.fwtly invite ih# aiiei/leva | of isouihera V#r,hanis, C«v#eh Makers, "ah eel Maker# ami oD*e#s uv ihei» ve»y #a|*#rl*vr l oach hody, Carnage. C#t>iod Dsmar. China Glass Drying Jrpaw. ln*o Japan. Bpirli. ae*l every ,vihci |ind nl Ys*ilsh M Inch have l*eew in r.vpsianl ns# near; forty year#, sml re. I e>vn6<ie*vl in saying (hal Ihey are ,nnairv»s#esl hy any other manula tur#*l in this enun’r,, tor D*elrda:a bill", .trying qua'IHe#. and tsvaulifu' spiwarat ce on .he work : also, rvrrv descnpik u of Pa n'* ami Paid- rr* Msirnsia "ur prices are moderate, ami 'ertu* east !.>g*»sl huy. o'* i.ive 11* a call. c Bi'IIHA* K k i *', mar «M ffa*o BO k N Nor h Lh si. |'ia>ad#tpL.a. IV Alteal : ,11 (IN BillHVDp.ltll —1 | ,„.d. Haem Bbould*'* > Undlug (mm Key stnUr #(#•#. For s#lo |,y »n»* '•' n (MTAXI'B i OftCN. ' X'ork j ip.* Ii 1 «"*• «—»• K. . 1 'P |eno*d |.sck »#.-#. * Very nice arm I# -s 1 |- ubll.g, aiMlruiea. )u.l •#r#i#ml. Ire.1. Irntn Ih# . , J ■ • .Ml I.,r tale, at haw v-rk prifia liv I IIBT I#© \f F.-H AND I'HIXif, HP.F.r, from Chan.llrr k t o.'a .11 parkery. al i haiiai,m.« a .T#v.n. tbG lie#' •• pa/ krd arci.rdmg lo llie re*|ulr a menl« nf laspeetloo laws, soil liiap#,"l.-ti la gotr.Mr,,i nt-.n •isf) |nrt*«i< UillM IMi 1/UmI Hetnple tack.##, •••ay seso al nor o|?|*#. Where nrdrra wdl Im r.reived for any iiuauiliy GH l.N A ILL). U • "., mar 13 .. .. 'r.-ecDed per soainrr Florida: A (nl n| D»# rn Duller, togeiher with a b>t of rli aa p |bll'#r T. J TllHLl.Ki l.D, Agent. - ..... Iresh Irntn Ih# aMl h.r tale, at haw York i.rl#, t bv J"DN INGP.IDUII.L, Ageni f. f llml sow Mill. (npauy. Il • > AI F.#. - 'Jo Mil* prim# I'lanttiig ami Idling I'o I fur sal*, by HR'GIIAM, flllLLY U til. -'.’/ //. IVM..UI, ZV...I, I-.I '»•» llallroad i "■* imaY ‘"''".-lu, * v '’'‘' IM “- •■** Al*. I I H T i#e#lv#ilt a lot of fl••-#*•! Apple*, ami fur * a |# tl by T. J. IHIU.I.KI'.LD, A,»id- mar /. H P K I|M' , HA7IJIP> - llerwivwd |wr «l##wme Fbolila, a tow p »ira I wpin's aup#g biaca li-uihm rn sw, lor *nb at low price#, l/t mar 'J/ XV AlmVX'i'lltll. I LX I ongrravail. ria.i, fee simple. AppD |». Vfll IL fill,Utn. Xfarkeiwquarw. More of AATkntra'.*nur|«!d|i, Life and llraulleaof Fan- 1 ny I em, Hal »«'• I'ldoiial. Goib'y't .XIagniloe, Inr March. For aab- al f,|, J7 13.X ('• iNGIIHB.a*BT. >i;xf kvitoii v%»«i>. : oi.i* i naai asioa ima r»« a*i w n«ar. ej'IIF. auliarrllrer resiieo.lulls annouiie#apvlb#rlD««Sta 1 11| Bavannah, llut In- haa mmmrncrd Die XX'mal , liusineaa, and Wdl Xm|/ ronaianilf ou hand a well •#• , le. 0.1 shirk nfllaB and I'm# XX'mal. H-.toa al J. IL DeFor.l'a Diug store. B. B. Bible*'* It p.k slur#, #t Georgian nmr#, and J. A. Hamm's Grnc# «y aior#. • rrders left In mv ImseaIiy I o'clock, will be alH ndnl In tnine i|a) . Order# solii.iied. Jao in 7 IT Will.XVH.I.I XMB. I l."i j . mllS. * • x Ti, 1lN*mrSD all* lit IB-.XU I I bhla wkira Famlhr Floor, al#»*. |Hm# XX'hH# Ilww, »ei.| ami heel "a's. Ilian ami khnru l**r asl# in arrive, fa*' «iibr Auluiua sol brig ll XI < lliiltnii (mm Halil tool#. tl so. i* IM" : l An hal#* prime N..n|,r»n Itwv and Pa*iern do. "ala, iv,, lorn Meal, Hr an ahnru, IKandy, Hum, Gin and XX hi*a#y. Pi.f sale by XV A V P.H 4 "ONffTANTINi:, mar Ul Joim*' llidldHig, pml Uaruanl air##l. H**aa c. X\ Ikuff'a "oorialdp. | ll•*• Ii llal" Isv I anny Fern. { Llie ami dr si, do* ol Fanny I ern. j I as Css#*' Napoleon. mar 'J3 ] X IlDKN lloea. Hakes a ami Trowel,; aim, i ' * I'ruulog Kill*#• and Bln-ar* ; Jusl rrea*lveil ami for , mu* i.y F. XX. il'Il vXA'KI.L. m*i Iff I HU Hryan alrwel W DIBKLV.-Sll bids "Id Columbia XVhlsBey ,l*m|. Ing ami for sal# hy 'IMiRAl'l " - Hu Ihii#* Topsee**, «vl lh# toltowtng I bland, Nrciaf Leal. ••ra|o\ Jenny Uid, Gold Twial, IHdoiaibs I.rar/I 4 XX dlianis'. G.**a|»i|.'* . (*•#. . Hm, in Un loll, aad smoking, lu |taper*. i or ,ste |,« m# nauienf II. J Gll.HLRT. , dam\nt1nI: I.'';",:' I" "VI'ViT'.'sVi.n,'""' 'll' msle* /i/N-Uiain, w,».*C«ua 1 o.. 7 .,i 11 ' 1 NoTI Hi} *;!Lt I IV ami lor sal# by MIND* 4 J"llf«M"N. ^( Dl.l, "APB - H#<nH • ’ I'd Itoalhsr fruit • af d, a lol ol a pa. with »«' rrl •a# oall#^ Ifohis K HAHNI'M* III "*U r'JZriL-** ' Vk,,# " r *” 1 •*•** I I taf rwasltmt, pertoqr Aog*i*(a. a JotVqwrW Hlf(i I XVvvrttk ^niaTiKTiu# FVmri i c#*r#i hn.,8##,# a ir«mamfr: wiib • v»* ft-sr at WAV E I 11*11 of Olka* arilel.4 l„ Am. iu ■-*- kH4Hl|, isf at. r t«i» of ot "t 17 i»#, ami b.r t*i# by f IlNIII.K El.l), A«i 8 I'NDIIIF. , X.»-Jm*1 lr##l*rd |*#r ahaiwer Knoivlll# Hlktgslln# Onatun Ud ier, 9 bid*. I'ldladilpbla j llrdleil ,|rt. |H bid# XX'hlla Ilcai.* 1 do |nted Pose*** *. 4 I d>* Dllial A|*|v>es f. bh'a Appnv —fl i,r«-u ■•! ip* a'l I rising flour. B• #**•# "lit# thl, a l*H id • lw###, ’ iyiMn. Re , Rr , fair sal# by fshVi r j TIIRIII.KEI.I) A|*» m TAVI'n C"|||:.N. ANDLIIB. - Hal Im*x#s. Ii,*si,.rr, ikTAX I B COIIIJt. / "'ll . - -- ,- VV • uba Blnlasaea, Hi flrsi ra # «*r*'#r' l*alao#v*uf brig ( nnlldruce'acaigo. from Havana. • •’* *•!*■ lit iwarVT MHIHWH 4 IIKRTy,. H AVANA BMMHB-Jimmi lUvsna a. gar#,«.| Ia v**rll#liran/|s, Gulina D»o« brig i.XinUrmw. I nun ILvana. I'or »al# by t.’"|||4lh 4 11)111/ mav Ul | lllilll P. XVINI:** - fl# swhei.lHia bat# V ' samptraol soiar very Ilo# oM Madeira #n.| aherry XVbiea, w Mih Ihey are piet*air*l l" **r*l#i !«• i-arUea.U •mi.a ***ma. MINI# 4 J"II.NHT"N. Hiai UT S ILK. Gr#*a and i oiion Fishing l.ln#aj alMk||'Uliy iqnbera ami H##l*. Fitwlehjr _ 4 _^ _ IM N PIANO FORTES. MUSIC, Ac. flw nod* rvusel Is prepares*, a* ns tal I,vsupply 4II demamts In hi# I n#, having be B4-eoc , #s «u s/mr .d the t*#*l l'.#t*o port# maker# In h# cianov. a* Bi.*4a*t, J#,■"(> "Kick rrlng Jno. II. Dunham k >w., Gtovrstoen 4 Tivwtow. Firth. |\»n.l 4 "i*„ T t,i!K-r» 4 4e.. a chose# e| • ■•l#*rl.*r liiv iuaieni* m*» !•» ha-l al ka ##iaMs^wt#tn. XXc'i'g j-e»»#*s«4t iv* a Xde * exjwr wave# !• MX 'he 1'*w G ssl-nal 41-1 Imsiness depa*vnirnit .U M.isto, he trwats that he mav soil he rumlel in Ihe kind pairvnir# h# bs* rweli rd durtng ibe past ii * y ear#. I.' II MITXTIF.I.L. Ageni for F. TsvgbewM 4 •>*- .Ics » M and lUvsn sis , n#«* "*e MsrXej i>r..\ rAl.ot 114». mi mu in*. ||R tl XV. RANKB. ha* *v Sural th# Denial Rm*nt», mcwnDy oyvwp'ed hy I*#. 11 nai.i. on l»r#i i.m-sl- owe diw>r fVwm 7 Hr.0icM.1n, when# h# wdl h# f*uwd hi ill mark prepared !•* alirnvd to a#> bw**n#as rwnwnexriff will* hi* pisvkwM#n,l > JiwMssrs with Ihe swnM wwal#e# ."** "“b* Tea ; Ml hall do GaieU# ##.1 sptuwvrat prloriples .*1 **wigw,m iMwitGuy T . 1reth eismlnral amt hlig* illja kllkrtil ihargw. - Mi M AH"N 4 D"XT.U. H|wwlwwmtid Ptale XV.,rk hi t*r se«#n al hit eOer. wheat I vi iM l>11" l.igl "in*-3ti Mil* H E Hum It# kill Mvw rwostaetlx «*• hahdtiwKfNsw A#r, ntwOwa, 9 Hrandy ; 73,In XA liHhry . Ml do Gin | mrwlerai and •«'* rw»w.r%lKuwM lh# nslwff rff Tomharbe sal# hy Mi M Alltl.N 4 |l"X‘I.L*. • **", . . ui | • »m xi. Nxmn.. M A""N n|DF-B lh rhoicai Hhcsvh hMra* lamb 1^ n - F XRtNxaY, Denl'kX, has, erwhwwd iw th# in# from sieamshlp Keytion# Btair-aad fo. m e hi ) J *.?**** "f a( Rarvaanl awd Ka»g#ltw#w, awd m#r vl "OltFJg B 4 IIF,I1T/., rw*nHi«(l ^X. Jaksm'aqwa*^ neat IW <Hkl#|X nh#** ha M I will Iw* plewaevllvi wall wivorv hia f»v#aas and »h# pwht'r T3 | anvil} n,»p. iodu.NA I do.AXald# g#*ee#iiy, In ih# un# nf hit gewkwahuv I |H I'va.oav has at## HM*r4v«d a in# semnttl nl that invaiwthieanHK 1 'ULMt TXiAH-.AO parked Imperial aud |*om hong J h* msr VJ rpi: An -9* 1 *l#i received ao*t lor a mar VI • Itymvp, Gun|vowv1#r, sal# bv'the sttai# of GII.IU.ltr. m>\ Pa e ami 'o.l sub 3*’ who# at,.] hall Nan Burch to Loire T*IU*W i'andb-tk ff's awd FV -V' da Cuba Biles Bwgar# .Iff de half nitoa awd qaan IVlb#. t-anding a-4 for sale hy mar 97 lit u.OiM |i| % J"IINb"JU Ik Ok I'TTKR. v IILl>F..kc - fi logs choice Goshen Klip t-'V.-a » ngHsK Da'ty iwd v omva XV Pne Apfe '.x* rvli . d# 73 t*M* Raiter and Bagar Oackeis TIX de Pi d Breed •3 hs'f MU* Nrv*. I and U M*rlfe» - 3' keg# No. I.e#f I Aid. I #n.P eg and tor sale bj mat <7 tUMAVMHE. Ji'IINBON Ik CW I'I "I R. • tMTllE. kr.-lm bto* lUhtamw* rinMX I >' du Lewis* /.{v'-gi* Ftoar, 1/30bags Choice Rr# i '.'IW, 7i .to c.Hunvon IL# Coftr. 3*> h.'i#s quart* awd pin/# baovpa gu Odrr. ja*t mcvsvo.1 sml l.v m»e hv *>n/lSI U UffRIU. JvdiNmxyff U l\x | ">l iiv«.nv| jar tw )«Mt sipiij: *>• hl*l. Uki B#g#r. 3 «o r iwdcws) 4w W tours BraXei's Tilww "awdirs ’• ha»k' U 1 hsiupagw# 1 caa U-tHtor Ponee. I »X.v .-.leh AW X kegs Bnever, 3 town* v heenr I bbo Hinvm BwClhN J toelt Kls ng d.s > Is hscawtoai 4-v F.vaiWFy m. «• TAXI I a A MOW* 1 i *>1 Kl«» IX hi*—3 twees# kir tUu m-er lUra#, r I f.w a#/* b. X. 0 NAl tv u*r H I MITKIAI. T"KXX XXINL-«* 4.M#w'.vff ihva sum. vVtw, t.x-siXe by -A. RvXiAVvk. m*r 91 C V IV—34 Mui ~ XI 1-rKMar Nisi* Gaa 1 Gn.l ng u>« UV hy msr V.» UT XV"B vMIICN I >1111 ADM.PHI X HRK'h - 18.4V ThlWiMgMa Ftonwst iirv.-k, 1*1-1.rq awd 1.4 taw by ntfC.' >V v k GRFJNKJL / *|X -1 rv#:p•' G lw, lauding Wv as nrhVfXN Bnuik Vl ami I «r mV liy MIS IB k Jv.ttVBTA'S. mar iJ * "(XU- V yxt'i, mar to ( * FAN" -dl’ hu» v.i.atwy t* we* udkv t 4*Vby I'XRLirnxN k rXRlkXVH, mar c* to M M*«rvti H \a' - Via* GWa'Iiiw* May, uw #hke#M 4"lway«g Ship X IWK vy I. anai hi *’ XRLCTVXN k r kRB»\X4^ IMF -saw* htos l- ww, U* and to tab hy t' XRLKtAkN k r xRakMtR, xr 4 loltol d s ••crdvrvl Is 4 ror ml# by MrMAll*iN 4 D"VI.K. I Ml tour# llevlsi’s Handle#, Irtlvb* (111 a’s ”0 m"l'N*A*I."si"kT k k. T# Which he www hi lav!*# Ih# alien"** nl »iiik*wwM •re •-•Bring Kw gwnneal dshlGtl Iw w»*Wky*> i*M# irtirth |W, I*. w<mvM twkrr ha city wh# have Knew ksweKest hy Ita appHewiHwv. «rw# .»"• Vtviv > */’r awv MW.VMtV.-UI 1*0..M l* *#&.- .\OTi.Trisr5r ( V amid.a • . .. l>*» i|o Adamanllbn d,v, ihwjvest and h»* sal# by marUT MrMAII"N 4 IHtYl.R. Sarnie'ill ,WU *^ ,M V.*MADito7r 4 |i"Yr4'^ iwai*^Mh»rtwrwmsimhtoartwtoj mar 97 , > Mv MAIIIIX 4 IH»% I.R. j th# hwwditols la Xh(s city wh# Ka llTfl R.-SO grains Hwilee,ehoHw: svteivrsl *M ml# by McM.AIIHN 4 ImYU -97 II.K, Gram and t wtlnn Flebln* l-lnw J al^Ftoats ! I * Mv'MAH"N 4 D"YLR. j hkRjvH-i# w#w %r»- vWh. W-U.*#*. la Bii.ksrt ami lleeto. For »aG l.y I , - --. w . _ Imlawrwwff Xk# h"g iVdfcltt' • war VI r. XV. ""HkXXT.I.I.. I»9 Hryawml. i f |'"H XU fl.—Fin# eui awd IwtwR t^ewlwf Twhaegw, : Fw« wax# hy s IXXHRRR Jh 1 snens,*;im/hwsum,>*.#»**. . . . 4 era) (1*1 bli's FuXklO##, |/laMllig and eailaa. Land* . . M xil"N »_ 1*0% |.|, . . , \,,\\ %.m AND liiXdlDRY. - 9.aMB dn## r and mr sol# by c l.u A Hto-- Ha\iW #•*•'#, va/me# hratoD i received , l I RwghsW itw|XJe«w»** •»#♦%#> 1 MM wn## WM lioidhxxinr J*»«lhd«»w » "»» V> amt lur a»H* hy *t*MA1l"N U (H*Yl>. Wdk, LMw, MrINv ewdkNvDw#Utovew |Ww FAR anr 99 N.vhffM l*L"U ■I>#*di.n* thW ItolWW ~U.VMMM.VI I bs'*#h wwilat FV.-wr. fw ml* hi Ml* LVNX 4 rximbl I ARIV - I-4.U •< Th* t**v, irwws atShfawNMl! £ 4 t kn’ilanv# 1 ear tw*d, tw (wmaitd Iws. y . laflflt kWNI. ;S"HV~Rhhi.tovw prvaa# XVh*k# IW*. 'KkdlM Imw l W»r Nvtnerwel. Mnl Be* tw>« hi *»'* __ tvicx k mumol 11 AY. — k >ias.Md & ^ MwkirwlCqfi •««* Wxgagiiwa. ( |^X‘\x* - 1 'hiurr- I mi# by Mil 97 « hO>ts~£tminn't floWI .tv Maf noxx'i.AMi u ut). Jh*» #7 . ^ ^ t xRI UNT —Ml h#tr#R t ewsvid, b*i mi# hi .» wkitl ROW | 5#sr rxitfPR ' hi ANI* I ; 7^'PTKu'^v (U V toa a SO* xi»» . .aT.vstm tor mi# >v 111 iws! IB MINlB h I-VIIVJIOW. * ■ ioto BBTBnSMMCtolka KB IHV.lN«w wto B-mwiMkhanl hrvakkj «•*•* l.\ HR kMIDMt^Tffkaff MlWk. ISALriMChh hJA R-IIlkk gkwke# iggSl I » FV#ws, »w nm.tgwmiwK Mwdlwg a#4</«# awM>f ■wm m nWRIK %«k V'V.'vFR * B W*s ktJv.mcew>h##K Mt*)iMa tad latt I hWs UwJlng nml f#e s*U hf yo. •ft»99 DXAID a MLLnM.Mwrkeaaqwaew. Wih* «» Wt-k#» q*tf#