The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, April 03, 1855, Image 3

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iiKuiaTitY or voTim | (Rrnri'iU Sfturi'tfonncnta. |i,. it onnriftl by tlio Hcuato ami llotiso of Hcpmebia. tlvraoftlM) iRntoof Gcortiln, luGcimrnl Aaitmtbl) met, nml it it lirrvlijr tmneiotll»y Hm Authority of tho whim*. That Twin «ml nflw llio pnwtKr of li.UAct, nil pctmtiii Mini) lit* qiiattAori io voto ak i-lcction* tor Major amt Al- donncii ofllio city ofSnvaimnli, nml tho hamlet* llmruot, a hi. aroclliaons of tho Uitliisl Hiatus, Imvo ri'slilml In tho Huio oflioontla lor one yi'Ar ImuixHaMy prccri'l- Imr tho oloolloti. ami aonllimo an to i|n up lo tho tlino of olii'iioii, nml wltliln »h« corporalo llntlta of snvniutnh, f,v> mouth ImmwllAlcly prcmlliqf iholr registration, > lime atlalmal tho ago oi iweniy oim years, nml havo mritlNIi TIIAIIK, ISfM; r WADSWORTH'S CASH HOUSE, lia con ii u ■:ciotk «■:liT• (oreoaiTK tiia rt'i-tsat not**,) HA VANN All, IIA., I n now receiving n largo ami well rcWIihI thick of Faun ami Hiapio DnY goods, psl.l all city la«ot, or have In iholr own right tuBIrlont To which the atlenllon of penon* vlaitiliK Uila market real estate to aatlRfJr an* lavexit-mloita which may ho , Ir moat rvapoctmilv Invited. amiiioi them, who have ntmlo all rcturna required by tty doing a regular rath liuiliicaa, wo are ahlo to tel tho ordinance* of tho city, nml have Imen reglRloml nc 1 our Goml* at much lower prlcoa IIirii limit" lining a long curding tothoprovUInnaol thla Act. i credll irnilo. We An hot havo to in* iho cnrli buyer H,c 4. He It inrthorenncloit hy the nntlmrlty afore*' furlong credit*nml hud Until*. I'eraunn buying l.'omla mi.I, Thai It ahnll he the ilnty of »och clerk or 0Ulcer, forcmli, will (Imt It lo li.eir |nlere«t to purchase of a upon the applicntlon in persea aarf n*l Ay erery, amt of It 154*1 T,.\ IK IMMI lllM M'n an) perron ehiltleil lo vole nR afhrvsntd, within the time ' A* hy no lining they can effect n saving of front 10 lo 15 prescribed for the ll*tto lie kept open, to register the ' qe cl. on tlm amount of their hlllit. iiniin. nfaucli pnraon aail drfieer (a Ann n rert'flcale of I In the ttyle* of Rticit registry, eaprosititR ht» name, munlier nml the IHKI’.NN HOHIIS. Unto o|‘ reglotrv. i XXonre exhltillliig printed l,lnena, tientillful Brocade Heo. 5. lie it further enacted bv the authority afore- i Barege Kobea, rich plnhl Hllka. line Orunmlle Muallna, mkI, That such clerk or other 'tltlcwr, ahall ho nulhorla* primed French ramhrtc*, flue printed llrllllaiiia, French, wlh. require anv Applicant lor reglatrathm In make an I American ami English I'rlnla. I’halllea »ml t'hally Ha. althlavli, that lie laenlltleillo vote aeeordlni lo the • rege*, while I'anlon Crape 8hnwl«, new atylsa spring term* of this Act, before issuing a certificate of reg* Ginghams, nml Goods or other lahrle*., l.tliiiioiaM.ltll.N. extract from Registry Act, approve*! Wml or January, Heautirul Ulmpure, Venice Point, Mnllc-c. Cmiihrlcaml IMf. Hw|m coiinra. i.'ollarv ami Hlcevea in act*. Hue cmbrold- The following persons have reglRlercxl their uainea In ivrcd nnd hemstitched llalidkerchlefr, liilnnt'a U’alaia, •...... I till *... Hu'l.a ..ti.l i*...iI.i>1m d*,«.t tn.a.rlk llir* Olilil II...IM compliance with tho nlmve^Act. George II A all, (leergtt A Aih.iMathl** Amoros, llob* ert A Allen, Itiohatd W Adams, Charles II Aih. Richard Hrndlcy, Aiitlmnv llaaler, John V It nr bee, Alexander F lleunell, David Welt, Thomas J Itnlloch, Dennis Hleuimrlissoet, John II Hehukeu. John M Herrieii, John IIIII.O, K II llacou, Gilbert llutler, C K llarhn. Win Hwls* wild Camhrlo Edging* and Inserting*, Flounces and Hand*, Under llnndkcrcldera, Mourning Collaraaml Hleevra. Ato. NPKIKH 9IAKTI.RH AN1I M'AIM’N, In tlila hruucli of our trade, we lake the lead, wild aro offering nt euutirul nomrlim-ol of tliolateal fashionable palerni In all the moat dealratde color*, lini M UI I PrilJ HIMIUN, 111 4, 11-1, IU-4 Hnmalcv Much sheetings (Waken, Jou'pti II llaUlwlu, Kdward W linker, Peter i 4-4, HA, H 4, HM, 11-4 nml l*J- 4 super Cotton Sheetings A Hints, C W W Hrueu, Win J Uul och, Janies A llrnwu. Pine and common Toilet i)ullta nml Counterpanes II 1. Hyrd, 4 Ho’, Abraham Hacker, tVllllniu U lliilt.«h, Haul i Uox, •!. William Crabtree. II I) Courier. Ilaruard Constantine, (Serge H Clark, Francis TCole, Montgomery Cumin.tig, (.'verge H Cimimlug, Aaron II Chauipiou, Kraiicti J Chnmplun, Atoms Cohuin, William Cox, William M Charters, Joseph 8 Claghorn. Thomas W Cooper, John M Coo|M«r, John G Cook, John l.ciarku, Aaron Chain* plow. Mike Christie, Wjllnce Ciimmlng, Joseph H Ca* ruiliers, James A Courvolsie, Ceorge Cornwell, Spencer Currell, NicholasCruger, (1 corgi* Al Conn, Patrick Cur ran, George F Clrco|K>ly, H M folding, tlvorgu Calley, William PClark, Joseph V Conncrat, ll. chesley Hugcer, Martin Duggan, Isaac O'Dynn, l.evl PeW itt, Civrge W D.tvia, Wlll.nm II llavlt, Franda (> liana, John It Hel'ord, John |) llrlnniiny, David It Dll- Ion, Samuel D Dickson.U ilHaut At Davidson. Jut U Da* via, Sant'l P Dibble, Andrew 11II Dawson. William D. Mhcrldgo. Stephen Elliot. Dougahl Ferguson, JoM*ph Felt. i. N Fnlllgant, Alex* ander Fawcett, Jnmea II Foley. IhomaaKord, William II Floming, Joseph S. Fay, John C Terrill, William U Fleming, John Foster, Frederick l ink. 44. Hciijauitn tilonovoly, Joseph FCMUin n. John II <lal* He, t\ llliam IV iiowlrtell, Jaiuos Itallaudet William II (••lion, William T (mhhIwIii, Joniph (ieorge, Patrick (•onion, Hoh’l M (•inhIwIu. Patrick Cluasoii, Calvin l. Gil hurt. 11. John K llcrnam'e/, Henry llartier, Jno F Herb. Ham I it llaupt, Itichanl II Howell. Krasins llenrv, Joseph Clay Habersham, Jr., Tliomua livery, llolierl lluiehlsoti, Jit Howard, Francis VV Duadmaii. William D llowr, t; A Holcombe, William lluiilcr, \MIHain P Huiitur, II W Hollister, Tlioina* lloleoinlni, Thomas Ueudersou, F.iolm llagur, Willintn Hone, James XV Holden, James Hunter, U m J Marly, Christopher llussey, David H Henderson. J. ilohrrt K Jackson, Talwanl Jones, John R Johnson, Ah iniuler Johnson, Warren Johnson. K. James King, Hera Kent, Mired Kent, K It Knapp. J •*eph l.lppuian, Alexander II l.awion, John M II l.»*ell, Andrew low. falward Imckeii, t\ m IV l.iiicnlu, Jehu N l.ewis s Y Levy, John II l.aild, KbeiiJvncks, Charles A I. Lnmur. HI. •orge N Nlcluds, Alexander .Mcllardy, Ab'm Minis, : Dchard 0 Miieiis nml i '••Holts Scotch mid tlussift Dinners and t'insli lllickabuck Towels nml Towellings Superior l.lneii Tnhle DaumskSNinl Nnpklns Curtain Muslins, Hue Dimity Ticks, fcr. Aic. XVII1 1 1; 4.4MMIN, Of evert description, style mid variety. Y. A full and complme iisaorimeiil of Men’s, loulles' liny a* and Misses', ol tho heat liermnu and Kngllsh tuauiifacture. PLANTATION 4.IIOIAS. Striped ii ml plain Osimhurgs. .Marlboro'HI rl lie* and Denims, heavy brown Cottons, plaid Handkerchiefs, Aio. Person* livorlng us wIlli a call may he assured that they w ill meet with honest and honorable dealing, and procure the best good* at the lowest possible prices. mar 8# aPItlXU GOODS. rfMlH snbserlhers have now In store a largo and well X. assorted STOCK of Spring and Summor DRY GOODS!! To which they Invito tho Attention of Purchasers lor 47AKII OIK AI'l»!tOVi:i> I ICI'IIIT. msrJH NBXITT, LATII ID rp K l(U(.'I’. It A. ffdli'i; I,iirhroll .V Co., H AVC received hy late stcumers, mid offer for aalo low, n variety of Solid colored Hnreges, black Halm plaid Harvuca Plain black do Hlack and white Tissues and Hareges lUch printed do Do do Mu«lln Homs I'o do ' irg.onlles I'olored Htri|Hi| Htlks. .MANTILLAS—Mack and cd Ted Silk Mantillas Do ito white Haroge tlo Do Ioum do PANT HTITFH—Plaid ami striped l.lneu Drilla Drown mid wiute do do Plain and I’m ey I'aMiuieres Checked, strlj»e«l .v. plain i otlouades COATINGS—IHnek Drapde F.les Do and colonnl i'ashmaretla Do i nmhleis and Alpuccua CliiH'kol and striped l.incna slate, brown nml '•nil do mar UN SX'titto and fancy Mqr*elHos. <7li;./l’ C.iSIt STOttJH. F. I ward I. Neblliuger, James A Norris, John It Norton, Jocph Now Ian, Thouias M Newell. I vnrl V. ty George H i 'wens, Francis J Ogden, Wm C (PStriseoll, ; i,*!*!* *.V* ,11" .it, 11 .ll.'.ilt Jill.,I lllltMP. IllkVl.l I illlta.P * XX iiiiuui II Olcott, John Oliver, David (VConner. 1» I'.lishn Parsons, Thomas G Pouil, William H I’oilcll, Antonio Ponce, lUiwurd Parsons George Pullen, Joseph F Print, l’J Pouch. IK. I’ldllp M RusscIL Audrev* >1 Rosa. Alexander R Ral ston, Joseph Ross, John P W Read, Henry (loser, James It Head, llolierl Itnllohl, Waring lliused, John Itulher- ford, I'hsilus K Ryan, Churlta Rail, Cornelius II Hike* mail, N. John Ha* sge, George XX’ Hhalfcr, Wm Starr, sr.. Solo, mon Sheftall, lUriuun Seugstack, James J Hinder, Jacob HiialTer, Frnt cis Horrid, Win G.Hiart.ird. John (• Hexion, Henry Hllbhs, William II Hiuilh, William Hurr,Jr.,Geo J Hpsncer, M HheAall, sr^ John H Hieglu. John F Him* mous, Frederick XX' Hiiuitis. HainuH It Hwi*aL Dnunuel Sheflall, lames M Hcliley, Alex A Hineis, James P Here* ven. John BTonllroeck, Richard T Turner. Freilerirk A T'lpfer, A F Torlay, William II Thuiuat, David Thomp son, M D Treaiiof. V. John L Villalonga. W I'.dward G Wilson, Francis T Willie, I^wls Wiggins, J |.h A Winkler, Allen U Wright, WHIiam II VVlIt* street, where they are imw receiving i of new mid seasonable goods to which to call the attention of ilie Clintons of surrounding country, and further t*eg leave lo slate that llictr prices will he oil such a scale ns Will make It an object worthy of their intention. J. I’. Gl'll.MARTIN, J. HIIKig.OCK. N. II.—Mr. I.. J. Guilmnriiu will attend to the pur chasing ot goods lo the northern tuatkets, march? , lino Hr HNrr *V . tloru an. T)Klt sii-Hiuer Augusta: X New styles rich plaid Grenadines Rich prln^d Grvnadtnes’nnd (iematuls Do d<> nml plain Hareges Do do French Jaconets ami (irgandiea Rlaek and colored Hurege Rohes Rich plaid, <iri|ied and plain Silks Mark silk*, mall width* French embroidered Muslin Hands Glmpure and Lace Collars I»re»s Trimming*, lloiiiiel Ribbons, kr. Just revel vis I nml lor sale, mnr A . i.i •sterdam, t.nbiiltaUcn, R.-rileaux, Ilouh.gne, H ••iit*ay, H.^viu, H* - ) rout, 1 • hli-Otl, • ologne, Cadiz, • ••lumlet, I 0) h»n, 1 arlsruho, 1 ilcutta, • Oltnll, lofsJeii, b —rl.lorf, ;•> Spring anil Snnnnrr 1855. Dry 4*oo(lw ui AVIioleunlc. Corner llroui»liton and Jell'oraon-stH, 1'pSmire. • j r |'lll> aubscriN'r is now receiving one of the largest Francis II XX'elman, II |l Wetul, llohlke VX'ilt. | I and lu-st wledeil slock of goods ever olfensl to tho XX llldnglon, Norman Wallace, 11 i) XVyer, trade in this market, to which be invites the nUvnth.n o i Washburn. Tho* J Walsh, i merchants. WILLIAM G. FOirTK. mh •- •S'/iriJifiT Hood Hi II IN I* V I.ATHII »P .v <<»., H AM', received per sieitlner Kiioxv He. n beautiful Rssortntent of spring mid Hummer Good*, com prising tin* lollnwifig: Rich plnhl and striped Hummer silks I’lntu, od'd and w hue Glace do Rich jdaltl Silk Grenadines Do do nnd striped Itarege* Do do do nrgnudie Muslins I'lnin, rul'd nml hhu-k llnregea solid, plaid and slrlpcl Jaconets Fig'd mnl solid colors. In brilliants Fluid Gingham*. Rnglxli Print*, he. feb'J-J Ml ir It Spring MPi'1'ss Hoot fit] AT XV.\l»SAV01IT irN ( ASII IHMM’, No. 115 CongreM-atreet. B KAITIFIM. Ilrornde Harege RoIm *, rich plaid Hllks Fine Organdie Miolllis Pruned I’retirh « iitnlirlcs Fine pniitcHl RriHumta French and American Print* (.'halite* ami Challhi llnn-ges W lute Canton Crape Shaw ls Alexander'* Kid Glove* New styles Gingham*. Received per sleniner Knoxville, and for sale at low price*, lor cash. feb’JJ u .mam P Rovrlaml, JommiIi W'nsliliurn. Tlio* J Walsh, sun* Waver, Thomas H Wayne. M XV XVHioii. Ja« (• Warnork, W A J XX’ylly, James T XX’eldi, H H XVilliain*, James H Wilkin*. Fdw'd U Wlthluglon. V. W.Matn P Youge, Ibts'.nri Yongr. /. I .^uin s Zlttrouer, Hobim»n Zeigler. r :t A. C. DA VF.NPOKT, Clerk of Council. .t| I.SSIKN. IH NC.tN*NilI’.IKTI AN A: C'4>*«| BANKERS, No. 18 XVilliam itrcct, Nr.w York, ISSt’l Foreign Circular Loiters of Credit, UN TUP. FOLLOXV1NG cnilKSt A • vaudria, A'.twerp, ‘•wila, ;m di Lucca, Frankfort, Genoa, Geneva, Glhrallar, Hamburg, Hagm', Havre, Heidelberg, lifing Kong, Kandy, c*-y Ion, Liverpool, loilidoti, Mglmru, Iwipsic, t.yoiis, Lisbon, W mind, Malia. Marseilles, Milan, Moscow, Mtirorli, kieMina, M ulliodtc, Mmlrus, Malm, Manilla. Madeira. Naples, Nice, 11porto, Oleroii, Paris, Pan, Palermo, I'lsa, Rome, Rotterdam, Rio Ur' Jaiieiro, St. I'etanburg, Strasbouig, Hieiin, Smyrna, Seville, Hleltln. Shat ghat, Singapore, Sydney, NSW'., Turin, Toulon, Trieste, Venice, Vevey, X'lemta, WK-.hitdon, Warsaw, Melboiirmi, Am., Zurich. A/.HG.GRF.DITH FOR INDIA AND CHINA ON TIIK o|t|DMAL RANK COKPORATID.N OF J.ONIMJN. Iirsiir|,i^ and Agencies a;— s'don. Hhmghai, Cntc.utia, d"Ug Kong, Homhay, Madras. ■ • gJ|H.e, ' RLfllTH FOR Al'MTItAUA ON Till'. RANK OP NLW'-sol.'TII-W ALKS OF LONDON. Hranrho* nml A gem.let at— Alnltland nnd NovvcntUc Duiitrr River. HrUbniie nnd Ray. »• ’ '"rln Hmoches: At. Il.oiim,., Geelong, Kyneton, •lb rnaino, Mount Alexander. To l*lanlrrs. . 1 MIH it ml cry lg lied have received and offer for sulc : . Schley's striped * Hnahiirg* Do white do HI do do Hnjier fine Linen tlo Marltnnc strlju'd do Cbartaw strim-*, leuiulntu s'lrljiea Mmirhester do, Marlboro do lllim Denim*, do Drill*, Shirting stripes, kr. tnnr'.i IIF.NKY I.XTlIRoP k CO. liAIKLXINS-ILXKR.XLV' TO III; IIAIL ri'IIF, utlMiitioii id ilie Ladle* of Hnvaunnh I* [m>4tU-ly , 1 ealbsl to the following article*, viz: lll’k ami col’d, llg'd. plum, plaid and llrm-nde Silk* Rich Del.mne*, 1,'ntninere*, Merlnoe* nml Krenrh Print* Shawl*, siig nnd • loth Tnlruns and • hmk«, with rvr. riel' id Other Dre-s IomhIs. I These Gm*d« will Iru sold very low lndernl, lo clnso 1 the present *t«H-k. sl»o: Kerse)*, Plains I InnneU, • ornforl* nnd Hlankcls, o| all kind*, together with every fclmloi Dom>-*tle Good*. £"y" I'lalilor* ami others In tlie trade, will do wed to rail. RmKHNHAL'GII U LAIISUN. . (eh 5 t( In. vrat. H andbnrBt Agency,.. • 'vens Agency. ,. Uendlgn. funo ... i*.i it in xi ii.i.i i: it v. MIHs |», (iAUDNF.ll will open her new nlork of 4* « e ( h .11 ill l nr r i/, '»ri Wwlnewlay, March VDi. The Ladle* are invited mrnll n-..| her N. w GM'MiH. mh 17 R F.'F. IV LIMIV ' MI '* o m*i J' It k. CO, I yi'TNAM's MrJiTme.ho'Apr'il^’’ | -fl.M HI... ..I ,l... a .... * SPKI NIi IK IIIIION N. R ICH plnhl nml striped !lnnm-t RIHIb i.NH Do waterml nml plain white do Mourning plaid Itoiiiiel do HUck, whin- and colonnl Hell rlo Do and toil'd Taffeta and satin do. Jn»t received by HRNHV I.ATIIIDlP tt CO. fell T1 LINLN IHIOlis. 4/X I IL4, li I. I.lm-n Hlireting* lv» Is •*••, " I. HM hlenrlnsl l.lm-nTabln Damask s.l, l» I, |n.I brown do .1,, do Daitnsk Napkin*. Doyles, Ac. KiimI i and Scotch |hnp< r* llui knbuck ami bird. Foe Dlsm-r* .dvetby IIF.NHV I.AIIIIDlP A CO. fel rtl -rib. The Slnie ••( itm |,i>mp--n i " lllltl,! •el: by XVlHisrn I Fortune: by Ii. Mary Middleton. . M. lie;rndd*. n.e Madder's Family : by Uav, VV.M. ID vbertnuion . L. D. si'ii <>r 'I Giida LllloU, or the Voice of u„ spirit: hy x. II. • i. eon* of the Hire*-a history r*r ihn rise, progre** iv: .|. ,(11111 of the Amur! can Part j mar ft M XDlilLk. I j** II Alio prime (ireen It lo Coffee * I • '•*1 hl»l* llUller, Sugar and HreUCrstker* ■<n m#*e* each Colgate's and llddel'* Pearl **larrh • A do Tresd well'* *oda lllarijit V» bbla Weal India Molaasee l*S) mnei r*e,lr.| Herring* Vi do Fngll*h Dairy cheese <o hhl* ami .Vi keg* i,'line f.eaf (.aril •V'» ream* wrapping Paper, aaa*>rre«l • • h >*e, n't It e'« lb del'* psteni TaMow l.'umllra i" do firaid k WiHlam*’and 1‘aTohacoo v* hid, usira I 'arui I'huir Vi do |; Phrdp'aliiti 7r»i hoiea J4w. I Pale uml Paudlt binip hi half rhskr black Tea, 1*0. pam-r* Ah »|. auissrlor I'lsh'a: on eegar* X’> hhl* P kill onm client |||»# r Gill •Ml do pure llnsion Pom •W do |»ohw-lle IGaody ,Jn do suj^nor old Vlonongstiela XVhuke* bo do Hmsrt'* A ar.d II llar.lM e U gar 40 do rlo < r..bed and Ground do hr hints rlioiri. Ml. I ‘lota ,J„ I smllng, ami for sale from *4»,»e, hy "••r 31 m RANTON. JMIINHION k *'li * *• %* itooii*i, «> "• d HIRLpy, March WM. 1 H*" Laiop —• (ei*l|,umou* hovel- |,« W illiam North,author of At.iie«tdt.g*hy, «r|, l ' I’* i' 1 ' Fa*! ami Pre.eM , Ilirhard c. Frehth, II *3£ML! Th " H "" , » VVords," the •• I^Mona m. Together a I "'•^1 ** "•« lien I'avar* a humorous n J , ‘ » •••«••«•*». I« *it.« volume. Illu.irale,! ord i e llittor/ of a Portunn: tiy (J, etc ling work front ilm fee • orful d' Horsio* ••( linmai, pa*. | Nl’ll I >4* AMI M 4,(tO|IN. U OIIINmiin A. CAMP have |u*l r.reiv.d, and am now opmuig, iholr stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Con*t*tii.g Of everr article rmjH»*dln to a DF.NT1.P. MAN'S W API.If .hi: inar V.l " NKW SIMMN(i (i()Ol>S. H It (Hi I.Xlt A I 4.M A I.AIIMIAI.S A A I. r* celved per Isle nrrlial*. n new ami hand- some assortment id Itieb lire** Go<h|s for Ihn aea- *•>". roti,|*llng »,f Silk*. Tissue*, lUrege*. ktusllna, Glt.ihs.ii*, a„d prints of ull kind*. Al*«,. a full supply *'*'''''•’■'; l-Jri'-o Imnioki, l lro-u Hheellog*. Diapers, ami ml,., lowrll.m/, kc , fcc. HI PIAMI'ltx lhe> off,,* t„| s. I.Ivy's Hirtpe.l Colton Oioahura* •' While A i hoiiaw ami si.irtli.g •• ^ d I I flrow u Shining*, dh a variety >.| PlHiiiatiou tirwMl*. mar vi It'iKP.NHADGlI k I.AIMMIN. 31 A>riLl.A«v. \! hi I rr. I. A Til It "P *» If i». I.IIH, have Ju*t reee| Vrsl . ***** 1 Fl-rlda the foll-iwing |,ew ami ilntlr aide *tyl« * It lor k »'lilimor Mnidlllav | XVtilln ••iininer slanlllia* M.ele do do | Light cit’d do do. tnsr if* M ffl.Tir.lK Mlirill.A I 4»> UXIIWAXV ICIVLII. mil hAI.K. r *AF.N I «A*. tllUMle>l ahoviX Innr iniiea from the raritra 1 of Ihl* r.ll ,on a higti *ntulr t IofT. In frmil of a hold oallwaler river ll.e only lorallmi ••! H.e klo-l wlildri nine ittilr*r.l ir,v?ariiihh The l*u* are l*wi fi»i front ar.d JISI ft el i|r, p, a. d r all Im- Grated for al prlvvle sale. If hot d!apo*ed of 'he ,1.1 •lay ol April nest, will, on that day, b* offered at public. *••!". term* Mm.r»l Comlliton* I No •l.lrlltinu* llr|Uort to lie *oh| onil.u prionlm*. For sale hr mar VI rtPRNfpU CCRRKI.L, Auelloneer. .♦I I'.X II AN 444 %N4». • J/t/i PHI.a , lust rerelMHl and f«r sale by ZXMI mar f7 if JrrHN XV. ANDF.RHHN. FXXII || AIIM XV Kill: NT'4111 ■’• A 1 * 1 PP.IIl'Mt ami varle.i a*anrimenl of I'lanlwr*'. H» I'liaoir* ,aHI Ibilhbrig llarilwa.e, always on haml ami for ••(» al the |..•*•,! |.tlre« l-.r i#»h, I y til". A Xt.t l.t^KPX. Aa't.’No.M'jt uuiroosal. inar |f SAVANNAH RKl'UHUCAW, TUESDAY MOR NING, APRIL 3. 1856. A tTiilliiiitn, a.ilrn, AArnta, ttt .. i-.vruiye uii.irr eou mu. I '*!.*! Ji Ulll, ,0 f..'j/'slhnm Cnunly, of MTHDDARIPi* l MTBNT HIIIMOI.I; MAUIIIVK, lo«clli.r will!i achluo, In purR'ct (udvr, and tvmdy io |>o ttuX In iittorn* mu. '1 (>11118 111101111. Apply to ' KDWAIID KlNclII.F.V, Union Ftrfy wharf. Thlt oolabmiod Miicldnn Is how In Ronnral nwlti • tojy Hinlo In Ihn Union, nml dosorvodiy tmirlls tlmllh* al luummlums hnsUiwod u|mtt U by ait wtinamnom* tik'iil pi Judgo ol Ha nperatlous. <li fad, It Is the only achmo that has I icon invciiic.l t»supply the groat do ■ doratum of it iirrloct rlftoit nml shaven shingle. A i vo linrso power 1* all that Is roi|Ulro<| in work and on* . do It to turn nut from two to thnm ilmiisniid imrfoet diiKln per hour. Tho Machine* am to v.vmstrttep d aa • admit or any alien.lions to mantil'aciur* Hhlugles of irloiia lengths, from sixteen lo twculydwo lucTiog,— IIU call bo Boon on *|i|dlcnllnn n* almvu. iiwujT Duo M Tho Worn liiiilnr Umlduff'nt Iho fool or XVhlla- knr-stmit, Kni|Ulrn of mar ttll * .HPKNCKR CDRItlH.L. t «T4HKi:N F4>IC II ENT. Three Hinros, suliahlniur slora^aof Coiimt or MorcliHiulDo. Apply Ui mar 111 tf _ ROWLAND k CO t ’7 . iiiii iii:nt. A largo llrlck Hhcd Warehouse, situated mi l^d No. J, third T>thing, Reymdd's Waul, convwlilnnt r.irstoringCuiinn and Produco, or nan t.'ariagu vsytoaiutry. Apply *- mnr ft Vi L'arlsgu WM. II. IHHlRODui|H,«7 llay-st. m. L HIIOP corner of Mill and Fahm'strenU, to Rent. Apply to DAVID II. DII.I.ON, *Ob‘J.I _ ^ _ Market Hipinro. T4> in?r. L ROOMS, opimslletho Pulaski llmiso—stillahlo for ofllcea nr sleeping apartment*. P.imnlro „f JMHI If JNO. XV, KIH.I.V. Til IILX I . Two of the most DKAIUAHLK OFFlL’KH,ln Ihn city, in the uiiper *i„ry «r the Kaslnrii Teno* mem of "Jnii"’* Now Itulldiug," on Ray Ht. TXX’O I.OFTH In the lower port of same building, -|un| in any In Iho city h>r tho storagu of Colton or envy goods. Rent utoderulo. Apply to John ingcrholl, dec ft In tho nlmvo llulldlng. _ ‘ _ FOIl HLM’, **nlll Ural November, a three story llrlck House, nlijil sltuabsl In Hinlo-streel, second Imiomniil east of q.iLGr Hchluy'a new hottM*, containing night rnmna id Imsemenl—with water and gas attached—also, out ulldlngs. Po»sc»*ioii given liniiiodlately. For further aiticiilars,apply to fell 14 If XVKLLK* k VIHIHTILLK.HJ Ilny-sL Jnk AcommodlomiUrlckHhnil XX'arflmuse^ilDiated j!,'iB In lb* rear of the Ch«rlo»toii Htuamhoat WhnrL ‘having a lease of live year*, suitabb' (iir tlie sto- igeof I.line, liny or other tnercluudUe. The llulld- Ig may bn removed by the expiration I the lease. Apply lo Z. N.;, ly 51—If XX'HHauisoA's HuihUng*. Trout IIoiim* (br Niile, v It A UK CHANCE Foil CAPITALISTS. Tho Propiet'T of lids splendid Hold having will' fully tiindu up his mind bv fdlrufrom Hcilvo hunt* UUlLm-".*, will, upon the flrrt Monday In Apiil injxi, ul uhlie outcry. In ihl* city, offer II for sale, unless lie re. •Ives n satisfaclory private bid. Those wlsldlig to put- lose are referred to the travelling puhHc for llv opinion f Ihe eoiivcnleucy and n|ipo|ii|im nts ol this flu,- luuld- >g. For the last quarter the arrivals hove linen over .is"', showing an Income ol ni least eight llioit>nnd dob ir* per i|iinrtur. Thu model of tills House wus u la- ••red Improvement noon Hie very (Inest Houses in the ill*ns. nnd 1 am confident, for coininodloiisiicsa, lorn- mi. slid general ndapte loess, It Is Ihe bust House In the oiith. Terms Will be limdo en*v, so n* to suit purchasers.— ddrets, J. F. TIDJI'T, AHniiln,Ga. i'll! i* i:S t*i ni-: .v Pi.x.x tlxr i.a in im, FOR SALK. ssa A Tract of Land, sitonltsl on Hatilla Creek, joXx Glynn county, Ga., within n mile of Fancy RlnlT, •■■■cohlaining Ineo acres. «in the premises I# n neat vosbiry dwelling, wl'.li out hulldlngs. Tills properly, ealdes being mil able lor plst.ltng purposes, Is Well -Inpted to Hie Turpentine nml Lumber bin-im-ss. AI *o, n tract ol laud containing «s» acres on Sntilln tvv-W. A|t|vlyXuK.D.Hexai.n r. Fancy Khtff.Gn., or i TURIN kft! AUK A V. Jnnl'J .Im HI>l|.iMN44 I.OTSl ’ \ l. XIIGH number of lliilhllug Lots,of vnrlons sires, Inun DW by I0.,to i.\ by |u5 leci. They all front •i street*75 feel wide, with lanes In the rear, l or •iiMilora term of twenty'or thirty years, nml some of m iii on ii perpetual lease, siiuaied in Ib llnml tvilung, einval ward, south-west of the I'nik.inn lieuilliylo- ditv—Iho only point III the city that e*<-niHs| tlieejd- elide lust summer. Applications through ihe I'ost* tllce will he attended l". i.ov'JJ tkno A. XX'DIHI. X- i m % hi. r. it i; ai. i:nt.x i i . J > V arrangement with the Fig Island I J Mill,Hie whole pioperiy in which Hie sU'iscritiur Is, •d was lately Interested, can be sold Hi h single pur- iin«vr. Dr. screven Is authorized to sell, land if XX’. XV. STARK It. M i M *HB Servant* lor hint. Apply lo ' mar Itt XV.XI. XVIIIGIIT. If UK NAl.i:. 1 MVO eligibly locainl building lot*. Apply to marttrt XV.XI. WlllGHT. L.X.XIIN Hill S \I.I5. I OTNo. Ho, l.’dh IH»t.. originally Dooly now Worth ^county, Ga ; Lot No. *Jti>, eth Hist..Carrot com.n, Ga t Lot No. ttu.’, 4th Dlsl.,Cheroki lice count), Ga. Ap XVM. XVIIIGIIT. ie, «*> npidylng lo XV.XI. VVRlGli r, Agent. «I,tHI(> Itni.lHXR I.4IT.N A IDO I'AIINik. XX’II.I. lio delivered among limi »ubscrlher«, no Hie If I .'ill April, proximo, (inly 815 will secure Four Lit.*, tt.X by lU" u-et or n Farm, tt to ttu acres, situ, ate ill Iho lieiillh) and pb-a<aui village of W.mhIIhwii, hear the dcilghllul Luke Ronroiikmiu, Long Island, a few in.Ic* from the city m New York. Tlieubove are the lfl*l of the XX'oodlaw n Farms and Lois. F.urh subscriber will be entitled to Four Lots Farm, and a map ••! Hie same, by applying b innrttl l’J NIvRIKOLS roll kali:. A man ttrt year* old,n I country blacksmith, A man !l» " n field nml axe hand, A man tt-X '♦ •* •• •• A mini 3o •• a first rale steambout hand, A man ttt “ •• “ " “ A woman Itt ** nml child II uionths. Goml washer nnd Doner nml llo*l rate garden hand. A woman IHi yuars old. Ionise servant and washer nnd Ironor apply «•* mnr 'tt XVXf, XVRIGH f, I'fiit sali;. \ MAN. ‘JHyenrs oM. n number ono timber hand, nnd »i»o, a good Held Xiamt; hl» wite,'..ll years old, good c..ok and nnslieraml ironer, nml their children, ni follow*: »Glrl, b yrni*. one 4 years, otiott year*, am an Infant—of good character, nnd w arranted iMiiml.— Apply m WM. WRIGHT, mnr ttlt ~ > im x.xi.ib \ FAMILX* of very likely nml well qualified Negroes, for sale. LoiisIsHng «T a Woman 3ii \enrs old, n first rale rook and wa«her; next, her Roy child, IJ year* old. neensto ned lo driving a pair of hor«es, and un’miig In th*- house ; next, n Girl, II years old. nml a Girlyears old —nil soiiud and licaltby. Apply to mnr I? XVM. XVItlGHT. K ANA WAY. I 'Rii.M my phiiiintiou, on Hl.i'atherlnu's Inlniul, oil Moiiduy. ttii I'ebriiary, my man Anthony , lie is about 5 liil •* or tu inches In height, of dark brown com plexion, lull lace, stout hiiil.l. A reward of flfir dolinrs will be paid f..r hi* apprehension and delivery by April Id, iwenty dollars if iU'HvcnsI by May Isi, or ten dol lar* ll apprehended and delivered to me or my overseer on St. Catherine's, alter the Insl mentioned dale, marl tf F. M. K»H.I.IM’K. NOTH’I: IK 15 W A ll It. ■ 1 1 AN.XXX LX from ilo- .ubscrllM-r, In Duval county, X Lit*I Florida, on |h" IMh of February Insl, my boys, XVA.'HINGTdN nml ISAAC. Washington Is n iriuliii- b* fellow, tttt year* of age. smooth skin, weigh* about L’»o or 155 pmimls, 5 led '• or o inches high, wnlk* qulie erect, is qulie an intelligcut liMiklng boy. |.am Is a blrn-k boy, ttl year* old, iiiimith skin, weighs aim'll lv!5 or 13" pounds, 5 feet 5 or it inches high, walks, ulso, quite erect, quirk spoken nmt bn* quite small eyes. Is nil Intelligent and likelt boy. They carried off several suits <d clothes with them. I purchased Isaac Insl He ceiuber, of a man, whoalybsl Iouim-H James Amlersou, formerly a dryr giM*i* mo-cliniit of havniinab, toil now live* about 15or ttu mile, above that plnro. Isaac says, Hni he wn* rut-«d ,n or i.ear H.iviuinah, nml tlio piolm- hllily I*, limy may go lo Hiai place. I fear that they have been aided In gelling oil by some while person. I will pay fix above n Ward for Ihe apprehension of said Imy*, If snfely lodged In any Jail, so I eno gel llieio, "r lllty dollars extra, for any proof lo convict any while man for harboring »al-l boys or biking Ibeiu off. My address la XX hlie.vllle, Fla. XV. II. JOHNriii.N. i:\iii«nI;i:- IA Xi'll XNGII— In sum* lo anti purchasers, on Dam. I j Inirg, Ihemcii, llerllii, London nml Fans, for sale hy dec/J If HITING k KRI'.TZ. NT4MIMN A N IV IIIIXIIS •4>|( NXI.I. ( 'IN I It \ I. Rallrord Mm k, WaviicSIiorn' Ruiboad Hioeg, kluseogee Railroad Honda. For sale by fell ttl (’ A. L. I.XMAIL 1*11 mu: xx iiiti;'i'ohm. \ FF.W Iniiutiel bushel* very »u|-eilor, for sale low from wharf, by (’. A. I.. I.AM.XII. n nr Vll l’J 4’4HKft AFLOAT- •J /|( Wl ••I'wfll'.I.o, nn Iniard sclir AHn*, al our os'M F wliarf for sale low front Hie vessel, mar It If linll’T. IIAUI'.RHII AM k wnN. 4 '41% I.. *- i| T"NH Uml A«h • 'oal. landing (mm ach<H>ncr H. ,N. • )X r Mnltio For sale ni $'* <"• per Ion, by mnr 'Jl If ID iNF. k MINNMIX . IlnrHa' wharf. COHN A 1.0 XT, I JI'.II schr. Alabama, lot sale by mnr 31 " * " UT. IIAHKIINHAXt h ffoN. I.4IST, \ Hat or rionnci llo», msrk.d Mr*. JNo.H. MAM,IP wn* (aknn Gom Hie *leamer XX’elnkn when *li" nr rived here on XYedhesd*) last, Hinmgli mlslake. Ihe per who may have Ii, will c. idcr a laior on Mr* Xlaner by leaving Ihe same al Ihn Here of .Meaar*. bwlll k * ’rner XX'ldlaker nml Hay sheet*. r 31 II TO Till'. LXIXir.M H I.II X* DING and pressing of all kinds, of Mirnw XX'orlf done with «*re, skill ami nealm<*s, at X|r*. GRF.I.NF.'H shop, rorner of Jeffersoll ami Votkxlree r 5 3imi N4FII4IG I yl'.IIoiiNA Imlebbd l« the late Dr. H. fi. llaifD.are notified I Itsi all droiaml* l.-l willed hy Ihr VUl of April, mil lie pul lo suit Hi Ihe Oral Court having Juris XX’M. ft* IIAHINliF.tL mar H ft AdniDdatralria'a Aliornet. ( '•'Mll.l’A — lMlboves lb-del'* Hntidh-s, |ttl||n"|<riin ‘ I'rfldo Adainsnllne doi rerelve.1 ami for *ah< ‘ M. MAIMr.N k* D"V le III i VLB. 'Rc|| Inn b.iie* various lirarul*,receltetl and Ini * ’ by Mi llAlliik It |niX'I.F.. mar V7 Ii I'll III,-.*g) fir kill! Puller, rllflicwi Hn-ived ahd for ••Db| Mi MAHON A D.'V l l! mar ”7 1 ^11 F."|| tr. A" ,’g| park age. II y soil, Gnpp«>w.|er, iMijierUl arnl I'.MObong j fur sale hv llm stisle o( •""»«* H J Gll.ltl.IIT. 'I'l-AH teat half do Gas«li«i I ibq isfsllnl ami for sale msr vi vi, Xi \ iion 4 Do VLB. C"'F 7X le.v. I sm.L . ,‘si.b.N.. I do. Htido l ' 1 odi t do, |nilv> d slot for sat, I., •ivsr U Mr MAID-'N k DoX 1.15. / -Slllpjifnn ASuri-tlncniniio. r.iii: iimiiii iji. fig- FbUnrfcf/iiifrr. THU BTKAM.BIIII’ KBV8T0NK flTATK I«»Hull XVmlnco.Iny, April IHtli.nt — o'clock, _ TDK Hj'ATilH M AILslenm* •hl|l KKVHTONF. H'l'ATIJ, (apt. II. lUautK. wrlllhmvo n« almvu, _ Cabin I'asaage lo I'hlladelidila. .tttfi . Hlw-ratfv *' *' •• n tnnrttll G. A. L. LAMAR, Agent. I'arc K«duccd—t^ntiln rassa^u $20. Itor JWtwi- Yotkt UNITBII NT AT KIN 31AII, |.|MIS. 8TGAM8UU* KNOXVH.I.K, lo Lonvo Hhiutiiny, April 7th, m — o'clock,— IM, Tim new and spli'mlld Hienni.l.lo KNlf.WILLK, Gapt. u. If. Lriu.ow, will Salle* shove. I'ADBLFl HID, FAX' k LO. ... Hhtpp«r* of Colton by lU«Mt vteamura, will I l('U»0 tiiko notice, that >m Colton will Ihi recelvml at tlio preslea (hat Is not distinctly marked on thoedgool Iho llate. ,,, r a Kill HAVANA AND KI5V U’I'.NT. 8TKAMBHIT 18AUKL, Tlio U. H. Mall slenuisidp ISA IIHI., ,XVllllaip Rollins.Coninmiid. r, will leave ’Havnimah for llavaun nml Key West on . Hm 4th and HUh of each inoiuh. Him I is a lll'ili connect*, nl llavaun, wlih the U. H. Mall Hieamshlp Company's Line of Hlenim-ra for San r rnneim-o via Aspin wall, and will carry Hm Fnrlflc mall*. For Fnasage, apply lo ft’b I9_ GUIIKNM ft HURT/., Agent*. .... T7Q* 1‘AI.ATH A* i II, A y AND INTI5R M UDIATK I, A NlUNljK. To Lunvo Title Uay, A|ffil W # ut 10o'clock, A. ,M, ‘•’Im new nml Inst sb-amer Hl-5M|. ftfti/lhnr NOLi:,Cq|.t XV. It. I'oslell, will leave as above, every Tuesday licrcaHer. For freight or passage, apply to ^ npr It 8. XI, l.Al’l ITUAU, Agent. ~ V«iri• ALATKA. IS. I ., VI.. DAIIIKN, RRDNHXVICK, HT. MAItVH, JACK H'IN Vll.1.45, MIDDLRUDRgIi , III.AL'K CKKF.K k I'lCi H.ATA- ■ ..wff—The now and elegant Fleam packet ■MesarWikm^JKi TXT. J< >11NF, I’apt. James Fn-r-leirfl, will leave lor Ihe above places every Thur»diiy, nt lo o'clock- llils boat having large nml alrv slate room ncronmio. di lions, nml taking Hie Inland mule, offer* superior In- diiceim-uie lo Invalid* and other*. For Freight or Passage,apply on hoard, at Dm Florida BXeatn Packul wharf, near the tins Works, or to _nmr Ift ^JLAGHUIIN kCUNNINGHAM, Agents. I’4l«i NT. AI RLNTI NF:. Ja .Timsteunu-r FT, JlilINF, ('apt. James Ll reeborn, will go to Ft. Augustine on liursduy,;uh April. ■war** _ CLAGIIIIRN k CUNNINGHAM,AgU. Z. K'4»Yi <<i:.\Ti:itxtllaig , VIA DXIIU’.N. FT.F|X|I»NS, ItRCNSXVlCK, FANCY IH.t.'FF, JKFFLRMiiM’i>N AND FT. M \||\F. . The steamer Pl.ANTKIt, Cap!. fVirb, ._ T j xvUI b-nvo for llm above plnres every inesduy Morning at IU o'clock. For freight or pa»- sage,apply on hoard, nl Hm Dnbm Ferry whnrlorto , ft»*»l*J V. XVI x ILL HV. Agent. B'llll IIAU lilNSVH.I.I . HT? m.... AN " IMTKttMF.I»|.VtF, LANDING^.— LsjK^kWTIio new mid light drnli steamer MARH»N AUUMlwIII run rroiu Darien lo llm above place*. »'• ‘•oiilitcUoli with the iteaim-ra VVIII.AK.X and HLMI- Ni 'I.L. Freight taken Ihrouch at the rustomary rale*. J If *. M. I.AFFlTIIAU, Ag't. F»HIII,\HI,LM4».-M„,|.tt,,-klr. m ,, ‘V'". r ••"• DR' *"*1 • H'« steamer CAI.- Amm&kt£ajm£iI•' '• N. will leave every XX'edueaday am! Faturdny Kv t-ning, at 7 o'clock. . J»" *5 r*. M. LAFFITKAU, Agent. N.XVANNAII AND NKH’NT I'l.l’.AS A NT. Sv<>*v h 'V' ,*' N N •' •• XNII MiH'.NT PLKAHANT jVk^Al'ACKFT.—Tim undersigned having |>urclinsed poiii i apt. Htelens the sloop XMIIRirA, will bereafi.-r anil her rognlarlv between Favanunh and Mount pleas, onl. Hie 1st and 15th of every month In n-wfier, mid take freight b.r Ft. Flimms, llriinswick. Fancy IIluff, and Hello l. at uni: roea rii i.«*s than the regular ralestn llriinswick. All freights payable hy shippers. For freight apply on Imnrd to dipt. Griffith, or |l. D. topp. Agent, Favanunh, or llm subscriber, at Mount Pleasant. J" 1 ' _ Iv S. A. IIOOKF.R. Jr7' FOU fil 'ST' 'N.- The new, flue, fast sailing schr. Salt MARG.XltLr V. DAVIF, Hid.inson, master, having iMirtb.i, of her freight enag.-d. will have quick dispati ii fur the above port. For balance of In-ight nn* ply on board to ( .ijdnln,or lo _*l' r - t’txiIF.Ns k HK11TZ. •«S,S. , . l i,!! , -.' T " N "" " ,;w ns (MhCZL.XII llth la ready to leceive >1 cargo l.<r eltlter ol the nhovu named porta. For freight engagement*, •PP'yD' DANA k XX’AF||iil’IlN. nior 31 Fo|iNli\\ VixilK —Nvtv Lins.—Fir«XX’esM'i. •SSsS>Thi' regular packet scl.r PLANI'OMC, Captain JTrown, will have luiini-dintedlspalrli fol llm altove tsorl. r or freight of ttiM bales Colton, to complete cargo, app'v to Captain on board, nt Georgia M, ainboalynrd, or to ’ juar U*l HOW t..\Nt» k v'»». 'jht , ' Oll'.N iiW X IHIK —I si..* Lins.-The regii. ■IBfgjlar pack.l schr. I.’ATAR X'T. Franel.. mn*l<r. w ill have quick dispatch for Urn above imoi. For freight or passage, apply to I’. J. (iGDIiN. inar Itu K, ’ U R'X9TIINTimstiIp I.IIoNIDAH,XX'atbb ySfiftbmatter, will hum quick dispnteh as above. For freight or postage, apply on board, or lo mar 30 IIRIGII AM, KHI.I.Y k 111. '~J5vk. K " K l-IVHill*.ml..— Tin. fine imw rltplier 2CD£^ship VXXI’M; MI’.CDAMv . niosirr, m»'Dig llm largost part of her freight engaged, will have quirk dispatch as above. For balance •-! fielgld, apply »o IIRIGIIAM, KLI.LY k o', mar ‘."J -£±'- Foil lb is n in -Tlo- packet ship IIART- ■ I' 1 »UD, IIallot, master, will bare quick dispatch o.« uo.-vc. For freight or passage, nppli on bonr.t, nt Joluooin whsrf. ..r to mar-.’- IIRIGIIAM, KI I.I.Y It (70, V i i'U ilii liTTir "it ni.xiULR. n.. gii, -JteSfc*"XI F.IIFirr, Furling,master, for particular*, apply "ti board, or lo mar-i- IIRIGIIAM . KHI.I.V fc CO Tjjofe: Full i "FT-.N.-The packet schr. NuRTII i££M-ATII. Horton, master, will have quick di*. patch lor the above port. For freight or passage, nrply X" „ F. J. iniDF-N. inir tt? FiiUNLXV YORK.—The brig IIXCRL, (.’apt. JinK ' minion, bni mg most of her enrii-> engageiL w ill liicel vv itli dispatch n» abov e. For balance ol freight, apP'-Vlo DANA k (X XFIIHI'ILS. mar ‘.'7 ""l* “~3Lm» ,r A.4 , i:iHI 4 rj* The sloop AMF.KI' A, I’npt. .Moure, will re- reive irelght at Ftewan's woo.| yard. XVInkler's whnri. imd of XX’,.*! Rroit.l-strc-i, until Friday nest, when stve will salt tor Urun'wick. AH freight payable hy shippers. IJnqulrc of |l. D. Fopp, I Itt Hay-street, or Captain on board, mar tt7 4 jfpg. FOR’ NKXV YfiRK.-Tlie m-w and splendid <g,b- i,i.i sailing schooner J"||N IIH.-sTUN. I.lugo. master, having part of her carg.. engaged, w ill meet with quick dispatch lor Hm above port For treulu, •|»I**> "• CUIlll.NF tt III5RTZ. innr ttii ~ji.lL: Full NI AX' X'liRK —Union Link -The regu- afi.lsr park.-^1 schr. JuN.Xf FMJ HI. i ur man, inv* isvo quick dispatch for the al«*ve |-.M. For I'. J. « il.LN. ■MH"' •--' ter. will have .,... v » freight or passage, apply to Innr tt'i jiiLj F"R NliXV VuRK.—The new cllpia-r schr. iSuSl XVfDli XV"ULD, Capt. Jones, will have dispatch for Hie above port. For freight of bales (’ottnn, ap pl>«" III NTF.Il It G XMMKI.L. m ir ttn F"R IDisT- >N. -The h.i'rque'~FlTlDbHF^can S3fi,’ake.'..i bales Cotton on deck, for llm above mirt. For tretahl,apply to lll'SYF.Il k mar ttl II N»:»V X'uRK.~"i.n Kn mnius' Iunv". jhMmm 'siiperior I'acki'l Hark FLIGHT, X. II. l ab fioim. master, will have qu c’< despatch »• above For freight ..r passage apply on h mrd nl Telfair's whsr or I" IIRIGIIAM, KHI.I.Y k Co. mar tt3 Full n"-»T".N.-Hie ft,,,. ,f„|, ro,V|M"N. ■JX&G I'.Al.l II. Grotter, lllnsler, will have quick ilespalch a* ntn»ve. For freight or iint.agc npply to oiarttll IIUIGII \M, KI'.LLY N « J-fi F"ll R Xl.TIXDHtlL—llsot i.aa Lin*.- The jg7, scii' .'in-f LIT Iff I ANA. Ilaliiawar. master, will have quirk despatch as atmle. l or frelghl or l.a.ssgc, apply •••• iMiord «t to IIU.GUAM, KKLI.Y k fix. nxsrttft 3-7- Full I’llll.AIxlII.I'lllA -IIsron's Link. The regular packet a,-Iir. H. N. FMII'II, I’api. Fiintn, w ill have dlspa'ch for al>ove |M»rt. For irelght, bio.I» to _ c. A. GIOilNr.K. J t ’ FUR'NF.XV X "HK. The fine f a .| ,„|, llrf os. k.o sob., I.IXVM, FCUXNTUN, l.owdeil. master, will have quirk dlspnlrh for tlie above |N,rt. For frelghl or passage, apply mi board, to Captain,or to mar ttl cixIIIINf k HIIIll /.. Jhh FOR MAX' TURK The brig Al Gl'wr.X*, JLSStFloiie. iiiB.b r, having most of |,er cargo engaged will meet with dbpnlch a« above. For luilanre o| Irelght apply to •nil Hi DANA k XV XH|||||i||N. Foil HXI.riMuMF. lison.a Lis, The .flue acheoio-r J. T F.XRDV, Gonrley, master, * part <d her cargo engaged, w ill hale dispatch as For ireighl or paaaagi- spp'v lo mar Iff IIUIGII \M. KIII.I.V k cix. Jh Foil I'll HIGH T (ill CII.XIITIIR. roa an lu*T- ssn „■ Nori nsan I'oar. Ihe s< hr. GR"RGi: k ANN, l apt. Farri», will nu-elve fudglil llils w«mk. Ap ply lo ROXVI.AND k OH. mar 11 Jjl*. FOR IIOfXtON. Hark II.XRRII’.T, Captain , g - Vlcbol*. basing tnoal ol lo-r cargo enga(e,|, will inrei w alt dlspab Ii aa ale ••—•.-•- ■ pi, to mar 7 e. For l.slsure of fri’lgM*- DANA k XX AM III ('UN, niXMRftMlIXTN I f'HT rreelvnl per Ulnarrlvuis: I I.OI'lt Hit iddt superior I'boir IIAV ino bales prime Nmib liner llav OAIH.I'IIRN AND MAX .vhi huHi.Is Corn 7i<t do Halt 30 bale. Day HUM, GIN, XVIIIHKI'.Y XND IT. M M DRANDV : VISI bills Ol the alove kind*of Liquor*, n, .uvro and lauding For *ale hi tosr'tt.l || Hill HAM. K ttl. I.X' k I'n. Mfiw II4MM4N* ’ IIKinVF.D HV JOHN XI. • onlT.ll k CXI., ti .alliesdaV. M*t' h ttlsl. "■'1115 Fin' Flag of CiiImi , or Ihe XUnyidom ol | H > I |vet, a fate of Vbvv t.ti., isling I'.NpvstUbnv ol tffSt f bv ll. M. Ilerdlman. the I'liysi«al Geography el the Hea by M F Maury. «Jureus u| Wc'Haiid- -»ol. V received. Ilarjier'* (Isieteer ol Ihe XX'oild, In one xoluine. Wot* «r \X Ikoff's I ,,ur 1 Bl,l|>. Iluih Mali l>r Faimy Fern. I.ift* and Heaullea of l aim) I ern. 1st I **e*‘ Napoleon In*1/1 U .XXIh v ,a*ks iiagg A -liai's superior Dams, (or tale ny HUM f Kit k HAMM KM., mar '| jl»AN»AT|i»N ^iiXVDKtt.^HM/wet.e.1 I hy msr in Ijorxfxxi:- \>i*"ND»Vh ,vii.m. p.o.i—., md< L 1X|ll*li*, Jtlsl le.eivwl ' »>«U « *aie i.) MfM XlloN k (, •Salrn at auctfon. Salto .11 gfiKtfon. nv senNtinn ruuuiti.i.. HUmkat I'rlvato Hale. “ 6 share* Augusta k Wayncsbonv’ ttailroad mock t I" do ffaviiiutkli flu* mock, | n>r J7 , Horse ami llnggv at Frlvam rtalrT A fliioyniing ID.rse, wairaiitiil sound and VHdle.and A film li'nHitiMop Muggy, m-.-irly new. mar 17 ClgVfswl Frit ale Halo, tfo.INJO llavaun Cigars, direct Dnportallou. mar 17 A Hmiiniar al Prlvata Hale. A Lot 01 five acres, with comfortable dwelling and necessary oubliulldlnKa, Just complete, at No. .’I, C.It, It. ■dll' ■llMO|-!IH|-e. Tlir rnitnl Sliil.-x lire Insuranrc, Takes risk* oil the Lives ol while person*, for life u a shorler period, nnd on slaves for one or lour year*,011 M Invorablo lerfiis as any equally reajrouslblei ••inpaiiy. I aX-ITAT Alb ARSKTS, JANI'AMV 1st, leift: • i,'2 10,0211 00. A bonus or 85 percent bus la-cn declared on the busi ness o| lust year, lo all policy holders entitled thereto. MINIM k JullN.-roN, Agents Dr, It. ll. AllNOLD, Medical I5sanilimr. msr III l-’ireaiul iTIhrincTiisurahcvI TU# lii.ufttucc I’Omimny «r lh« Vulloyof Virginia. Avmlkblu Capital $3ug.0U0 -Hurplus 8III.-M7 tt7. • • DsarsK rani'tii'At.. Takca rbks i.u Cargo,Freight, Hulldlngs, Merchandize, ke., In town and country. Losses prompil) and lllmrall) adjiisleil matlil MINIS k J«MIN>T"N, Agents, \nrwirli Firr liisuranrr Company, Conn. INCORPuHA'mx |HI3—l.'Al’ITAL ofiM K, «I50.(""'- "■'III. above L’onipaiiy has Ixien In siircvsslul opera- I tbui upward* of fitly years, and lias n high reputo* ll m’ V, '" ,r, Vl ’ , • U,uw,, i » prompt on l rospoiiilbla of* The uii lemlgmsl la jircpansl |„ t B ko Fire Risk* for said lllme, -o dwellings, fiirniltire, storos, mer.-handl-e, warehouses and rollon, iqxm Hm most favorable terms. JOHN INGFKHOI.L, Ag't N. F. In*. (»., . "' nt •»_ No, tt Julius' Hulldliig, Hay-st. in I Mi m ItKNO V ATI\ti kstabuniimkvT. 7a X ork-Mj. nonr Ilio Coiirl llou*« , SAVANNA II, (J A. rf4. ; siabi.isiikii in teutt. IT” 7;t "I'lll. (subscriber, grub-mi to Ida patrons and frlemls Jl for tlielr continued favors, would stab* that, In ad dition to the Improvement« In Dying acquired by bun during Id* Inst visit to llnirlaud and Kcollaiid. has made arrangement* f-.r eitendlng hi* buslnnsa, by which he I* hovv enabled to Dye a grcalftP vsrlely or Color* on Mlk and XXoolen Dresses, Hlmwlr, kc., which be tnuts will generally please all who may lavor him with their patronage, Gi-nlb-meii's Garments Dyed, Cleaiu-,1 or Retmvateil, a* may Im requlr«-l, Mi Ilo-same superior stylo which bn.' generally so much pleased Ids patrons and friend*. Ladle* Donne's Dyed, IJluached and Pressed In the hi".l lashlonaltle styles, i ndors from tho country punc tually ullciidod to. Term* 1110 lor ate. XVImn paresis are sent by su-smboat or ruilroad. word should In- sent him by letterHir.iiiglitbi- I'uat • 'illco.aollial !••- may know wlo-reto 1 ul| (or them. J«i»>3 c ALEXANDER UALLOXX’AY. Spring anil Suinmci- Goods. "| '1115 siibscrilu-r Ima now opened a full assortment of 1 G"l»|i-, suilaliie lor the present ami coming ten- •on, consisting In parlol Hlack and colored L'n-hmeroi.'loHii Do do Cn«hmercin-s Hlnglo-nilllt'd hlack liiN-skln Faitey Fruncli Cnsslmeres lllarli Drapde Lu-: fancy French Drills XX'hito Drill*; Rurnsly Drills Hlack and colored 1-1IL Vestings VX'blie nnd fancy Merino do -all nf late style*. Tho whole of w hich Im I* prepared lu make up lo •rilcf, in llm most lashloiiahle msuiicr, and on aecoru liioduHng terms. XVM. It. rsV3|liNS. mar 3n Draper nml Tailor, 17 XVliUaker st. . PALIS .Mil.LIXKlUi', Hon nets, millions, Caps anil IHTII'II'■.*•. II.OVVUKS. M ISS H A. GARDNLIt desires to nt urn thanks tn Dm ladies for their patronage, during her absence, and would call their attention to licriu-w spring slock of Millinery Goods. I'.very aitetdlon has lieeti paid nt her establishment, No. 4'Hi llroadway. New X’ork. !■• give to her huainc** tn savuiinnh a claim to the atlenllon of Hie lad e*. She l* now recoiling, and will continue l<* receive, by every steamer, new and fashionable good* in lo-r line. MISS IJ. A. GAUDS Lit, 1-V'N Congress street, Savannah, nml 4«U llroadway, New X «^rk. mar Iff M’HING AND M 'l 'It U ( LOTlItXG, 1855. / f 15". s. ND'Hl'I.H m C"., am now receiving their \ I Spring and -umim r 1 'loti.Dig, and null) lu vile nil, b-.'b y.nii-g nnd .-Id. t-> call and see Ibcir a«- s-irtnieid, nt the 1‘lotlong Store,i.'itihuu*' ranee, where great liiduceini nl* are offered to those in waul or good Clothing. __ innr 71 MOtJENING OOOD8- J l ST KLCLIX'I.D, Su|K-r Hlk. ling. Hoinbasms, do do Canton Cloth), do do Tatncre Cloths, do do Snk Alpaca*, Hlack Moiislln DcLaliu-.. Gin.-hams, Print*, kc., hy novlii _ IILN'RV LATIIR"l'kCO. KDIKIN4J AMD M 3l.ni5U CLOTHING. I J|I.US"N, lll'.IDT k 131, have In store. ai«1 an ro- rvlvlng, wm-kly, per steamer*, a large and well as- sorted slock of SPRING ANO SUMMER CLOTHING. t'ltruislihix Hoods* XX'hlch they offer on nccoiutno<Isliiig ti-nns, at w holesale or retail, al No*. |n| llryati and f> St. Julian slirt is. feh 'its SI*It I.VU anil SI. tf,licit C LOT MING'! vv.-n. o. i-uiei!. i n ni.,-•.01-1-1. it Now KBtKiviNii av rant - uour runs stw v<sx. . New and Beautiful Style* of S|n-ing.v Siiiiiimi-r 4'lolliing, AND FURNISHING GOODS, I o which he Invites the ntlenn ui 14 Ids friend* and cut* turners. n»*i ttrt WM. A THOMAS. ~ PRACTICAL PLUMBER. H AX’ING be*-n duly lh-en*<sl by the Commissioner* of Ilie Savannah Water XVoik*. I am prepared lo do all work en'rusiod to my ran-, m aslylcnml manner, equalled only In ihe Northern ritie*. Ib-ing a practieal Plumber,and unconnected with any oilier hustncM, I will give my entiro lime and AlleiiDon to business of I'mmhlng alone. I resp<vlf-illy call allenllon to the fob I wing articles, viz : .Slmwur llalhs,RathlngTnlms. Ver- tide 1 'oi.|H-r, lloilr-rsMarlile top wash stands. Patent pan water closets, lead pipe, slmd lead, brass and plated c.h'Rs, hydraulic ram*, an,! kitchen ranges, cmutantl) on hand and lor sain, "nice No 145 llroughtou street.— Work.b.,p Rrmighlon striu 1 lane. N. H — I'licxreplloiiahle rcleicoces given. mar 'ii f,m,i IIIi nils, Snsli anil Hours. !' !.*. 8ASIII (UNI I'AN'KI. Dim 'IIS,,110, rent *'ie* ; D""i Iroses XX'Indow Gin**. 7 by lo 3ti by 5tt ; All <wld sizes furnishtsl nl short notice. Also, X full assorinieiit of FAINTS, OILS, VARM.-IIF.S HUI'HIII'.S, kc.,kc. apt II ly JOHN G.FALI.IG.XNT. < iiAi ri:ie & ro. N". fi WDITAKF.It .-TRLin. s.XV.XNN XII. GA.. I \F XI.F.KS in Sashes, llllnds.*. Moulding*. Ke. ' Also; Palm*. "ll«, X'nrnDhes, Turpentine, Putty; I retieh sod American Window UU.«; Painter., Mssun* and AX till*' AA n»li Rru.lies; Gold Leal. Hroiise, kc. Al***. tt-A Marble Mantlra, of Ihe mo»i noslero stvle, ironi 8 tt to 8150. Also, I.VM Iook*. from • I tt5 lo 8LA. Also, 85 pairs Inside Xeneiinn llllnds. Hnllder* aud olhers would do well to give u* a call beforepu-. hating elsewhere. Tho •• uliuMe *Ut<nce " 1* our uvotto. Janti t y S3?ni3MO TX1ADXI. • Votin' lO'flvrrhmils. JF. now offer, at wholesale,In quantities to suit pi^ •‘.ssers, a full and comp »-(•' assortmem i f Tin f our own inannrkrtur,-. (Jualitv tmt to I.,- *ur- l-"Vi:i.l. k I. Xl’TIMoRK, w 13 llsr srd-.t. ,'ISH ll""Ks. Idnii-rirk, Kirby, Trout, Sheep head, Ha»* nml Drum Ibwiks, with a large a«a.vrtment of nail hook* lor lire trade, ju*i r« and for sale by mar tt.l l."Vi:i.l. k I. X l’II M« >151*.. ( M.-ll I.I.MJs,—Mlk, Tw 1st and tirade, Su|verflne t'o|. ton, Grnaa and other lir e* of all sires, |<i»i r.H-el»,Nl •d for sale hr l."\ I I.I. k LA vTIM"RI5. 1 'ISIIIVG R"l>- 1 r also. Jointed |(o4i and f-vr sale h; PLANT XTt"N MA'wKI'.T* 4 I lallou musket., j •>f Hamboo Ibwls, s and • *n., insl re,-e,v.« l.i'X LLI. k I.ATTIM11KK. barvl sir o'.;; as,'assotv<N| I’iaw- l-r sale at 13 Hal l."VF.I.I. k I. xrTIM"»;i5. v hr*, • Nwl' ’*1*. landing per 'IIRIGIIAM, k cix. I."X l.l.l. k I. ATTIMORII. • me l.anl.jiisl'ivrlve MilI’.N'S k IIKIir/. I ARM 14bbl*ami '.Vkeg* pf'\l,JuM'rcelvev| j aud foi sale by ............ IIII.I.W 4X» I.ADIN4L J^'l III Ihe New X’ork and Philadelphia sieainers, for \y DIIN At < M. TXlRNK'.L Awat, liKlLlwyl nus-iusl and |.-r **)* l.iiX‘fSl.1 ft I.AiriMOIlK, •FKH ,IH5SS GiXi'DS N»w -tii ss —Harege IIoIh's Prlnle.1 Tissues and "fgatdie* I'lald Sewing -Ilk I'resse. Plain Hareges amt •M l *ni,h Ccapeg I'rmird Jaeonrl# and "Igalvdle* Fine Apple Drosses I’lald a«d Mrlped Mlk* India Htlks I'rent-h ( am to lea amt llrllhaules Ginghams, I alicoes, ft . For sale hv mark'.' I'tAA | r I k AlliRlt AN / aITII Al It "F MAGNK-I A -FrvsMy prvparvsl ami v sold hy ** “ ,A * • mar vl V " IIKs’l , |»’lliD*’AilllNKbV Dti'bhl* llrviilbNi 1 1 • AA Idskey, o| much *|-|ir<i«r«l for sale ht m*r m t'HII’.NH k DllRTT. U AA XN A HFg.XH' .vv.isni lla«siva w«gars,of At. v ,0lie brand), landing Rum Iriltf •AvivIMmww, bum IIavail* For salehy cchPjah k HttttTK. \? LAV 1 RiSpcUIIX Mol. AhHFJ*. IX*» hbds and *> hhl) new crop min M»ta»wa, Ixx fleenrvler, balam-eot Alva Img lAmMr* ’) ealwo Irwiw ' 'ar,ir,^ c For aale by KHIRNH k IIL’IinL | an va e I ,' I’ll 111.P*w GIN--ImmliiHC bum ship New I ntLnd and (or saluiiB MlN In ft Jl •lINl'TAXN. mar .A H XL'f N lxIDUH lu ldv.|)%nolce Mneotv ftblea, latwf Dig from sieaiMsklp Key *X'V(X*I and Mr ea'e by msr ttl IXMIK.NH k llb’lir// I I **1' rv ert led, |gi lsl( AvtfW*X0,k W IS|«4i<N Nter Xb'e'. X <**.)• Xuws.1, .. estra K)«ml> 1 auks t. »• , fcW*A l»* SJ'r ill niRULKLl.D. '*•*,» HV XVVLI.Y A- IIONTIIOMrim. VVKDNKmDAV, April 4tb, at Iho slort lately occupied by nisi") k IlniHjry, commencing at II o'clock, A. M^ will Ire a..Id I All that largr am] well selected * of nothing. I!#U, Hhima, llimu, Trunks. Corp^b.g., aod lloruaaUa *' Good*. Thu atom will also banmlird. Hale 1 Term* on day ol toju. 1 sprtt (•otlHvi 1 »ry AI Private Hale. A woman aU.ui 4H year* of age, a 8rM rate pastry cmk, washer and Doner, ahd an eimlisni bouse aerv. ant—warranted sound. mar 31 * Al I'rKatn Hate. ” ~ Marine Hank Hlock ; also, a family of young aud Ilka- ly Negoo *, . onsDiliiff of a nun, ttjyears, a woman, bis Wife, 17 years, with her child, 8 years ol-l. __liisr 30 ON'MONDAY, kd April, In front of UrnUonri flnuag. Hie usual hours of of sale loils No. 3 nnd 4, west ' entral Itallinad Depot, near the * anal,itdjidnlng lotsofCaptnlo Jubb Hover. Terms loadir know n on day of sale. Tl'KwDA V, ltd April, will be sold In front of the Court House, between H.e legal hours of aal«: Lot No, 4b Truup ward, fronting Ufifeet, <n, l.incnla end Ik) feel no Jones siri-rls. Tim Iniproveioeui* eon- *lst of a iMiibifiiffil llrlck House, two *u,rjr—live rm.rn* t-aeli. and well flnlslied. Will' brick kitchens and bake oven 011 Hie loL Ter run cash, purchaser paying forth H«*. twar <8 At Private 8nle. ’ A very Inb-IHgnnt brown man, aged Rl»out 30yewrs— shlp-eorpenicrby trade. mb f. WL HX IKI5NT- i-ry dealctbli- brick residence, fronting Court I (ousts equwo. I'otaesaVou ||ivnn Immediately. l'*_ XVVLLV k MONTMOLLIN. T4» KENT. A Him:HP. on a full lot, *lDiate«l ryf XSVst 18! ii Mroail, near Houlh llrmul afreeis, Ap /ly to ■UL XVYL1.Y k MO.NTM/lLl.lN, (ebb M iiffi it Ri; fttifti 10 Marietta, < ■ill 1 klichen and servant , lULurmxnd, with a good well of water. A Iso, a two story dwelling, with brseme/t, having In all Ion rooms, with Ore place*, built lu Ih/.i, and * tua- led 00 one and> half acre* of land. Tbf above places are well situated In Mnrletla. fcbff c AVYI.LY k MONTMOLLIN C tF.NlUAL and e.>uAh Western IXailtoad Hbtr.ks, for /sale. Apply to IVY LLV k MUNIMOI.LIN. Inar ttll Kl’NIDI NCI5 I'4)r /-4,\|,K. la, Ga, a Dweling, with nte rooms, a servant room, aitnated <4i an acre of D RAWN NfMRFH*orGrt*-ncfcl’uia»ki Monuinent lottery. Class TV: VJ 33 5" Mi 3 12 4 3? 72 71 43 »pr 3 H, AX'ITHINGTO.N. #47)00. 78 Number Lottery—14 Drawn Hallo!*. Groono and Pulaski Lottery, 4 In** ML lor INAft. lo Is- drawn at Augusta. Ga. April 3i|, 185ft. Gi(i:t,tiiiv k mai’iiy managers. siuMiis srncMi: 1 nid ono-1 ot «t,ooo-i ot latiti) Ticktd* 91— h'han-a in proportion. Tickets and ."bares, either singly ■>( by the Package, for rale by K. VVITIIINLTON. Spf 3 BAILEY &, CO., ( I. * I K n • I U i K KIT ciia a.) 1.10 4 In-Muix(•*(n-r-f) l*lilludt-||i|il», / 'ON riNt’L In Manulaouie V SII.VI U XX XIII.. 40 order. • if II It IT I e 11 PTKKLING and AM KUD.'AN nil. VER, ali-1 bavo adoidtal tbof'dlowma sUnt|>* for their work ; llRITLMI wT Kit LING MI.VKR: (BOA AMERICAN M ANDARD: HU r vX'srosold hy Uuim* mode uj»i:i thepretnivn* and is uarantoed to le- «»f the quality a* slamt>esl. "KDKII8 ARK M'l.U ITKD. ^tiafutvr* atsl citizens arv tutUe-l to visit our rntiui. factory. X larvo swrtim-ul of TEA 8irT8. PIT IIKID*. el'Ol »NS sod FORK--, kc. kc^ tlwsy. mi bawl, at fall ttnot leh - M int k HI ins' 8P XRKI.IM. I5|i| Vlll 111-11 ALU. Pints anJ quar:*, shortly ctfs-c'c.!; f-.r sale by C’ll.\Hl.f> HKI.L"'X>, fell tttt 54 New.*!.. New York. I •iNDllSr.XND III‘HLIN PnRI'Kit XMi Hll"XVN’ 1 j .-T' il'T— tguarts and pint*, cotis'antly on b*i-1 and f.,r sab- by • IIAULEA HKI.I.oXX S, feh tttt 54 Ncw-st., New York. \ r "NKKR’.*» KDINIM’HGH FXl.F. AI.K-pinlr, and 1 only a few bbl*. remaining ; 1 ••( sa'e by CIIARI.K8 IIKI.I."XV8. fall tttt • 54 New *t .New York. I X'Ncfl'S eCllt.l'lK I.CCCA "IL—In care, <.f jt j bettlt-s each, frvuh and In fine order; for sab- by CHARI.K* ItKI.GiiXXr*. feh tttt 54 Xew-sL, Nf w Volk . nr.xx’sYniiK TYPE FOUNDRY & PRINTERS’ WAIH3HOTTB33. "1'IIK oldest and eth-i.Mvr I VPK X "i NDRY 1 in the United Mai* *. with a *I<h1 unequalled id quality, and untur(>a«sed in variety. Is read) i.» Surnlth. on demand, at lowest market price* and <>n liberal terms, every artide rcqulrtni In a Printing ' ifllcc: TYPE. x HINA MEN 8, PRESSES*, IIU %**«, ami IIDRDKILS METAL III I.K. CIIXHEN. , GALLEYS, at*| • '>MP"«1N'5 >Tlt KS, INK. kc. XX’e Shall Im ;dea*rd to send Specimen IDhA) toofflotw w 1*1111,g lo rr lb, or maXItig additions. The »u|>ert<>rtty ,-f in our Type ha* e.lsf.ilsfcd for . I self a character throughout the I nlsed S:aU-s. Mtordi's will meet *i:h tmoo-ulsie -lDtuticb. xvtint, tt uo., mar ttl tm-» ittl k Ileeknisn ssreei. \ X. III. V It \ IIM.I’.IK A 111.) \ T their Mum I nglne aut Holier XXKris, Hrooklyn, New X ork, are prepared to execute order* for STATIONARY, RIVER AND MARINE IWHI.YKS. "f every description. Funr Mills M l! Work, etc.,also all kind*of llifh ar.d l-*w pressure lUdlers. The siihscr'ber. ager-t In Savannah tor 11 e sIhvvc, XX’orks, will receive orders for any kind of Machinery■. lie has now on hand a f«»rtalile lhris»-horse |. art fJa- ■me. which he will sell on accommodating term*. XX*M. GREEN IL * orncr Hrysnaiid Jcffcr*.*o *1*. inartt' funo 42) U.X'vH.XHH A MIN, COMMISSION MHHCIIANTS, HAM (ITERS, rut >vis'd Ins Y;*knku 407 ami 402 XV litlntii-'re-sirivl. !>.ti tiv -kt. Md Have eotvstaniiy •»»• band an *s*..nnieiit of fine tamd Hsm*, Sheiilder*. Hide, l.s-.l, in bhjs and ire*. kc M * ■ ” ’ h they soiled order*, st lowest market frier*. r I lino' CITY MARBLE WORKS, STEAM MANTLE FACTORY, Corner lOtlt and X itie-st* , I''i.iJ'ltu. | F. tt It. SfllI.I,4.. having greatly improvnl their fl# facilities for the manufacture id everv variety of nxititi.i; xvoitksi. I inhur ng Ihe tve*'. .tv’e of MANTI. 158, TAIXI.I’ T«'r8, • t.iN)R|Nl! a TOMH8, XND M"M MEM’S, Xre prepalid to supply •«'!! rv upon n-awnahle icm>G r I .i 3ino PATENT I'l.ASTTCSHlKTS. If A ri:N )V Hlir.AI.AN, N<>. I Parclay-Hrevt. • - .... Nnv Y-U / 'Al’TD'N -None *'e grnulne « xrepi tlve) !*-»» ihe \ stamp of the patent. Xil manulsrlurr», and sellers Infringing will t>e pro*«-cutest acrsodlng lo la* mar ft* Mar IVV*—P ir.iij/ F.friifv III IKTDN *\ I XNIM.. MAM I’AHI Itl.KS AND IMrt'KVfRA, N»v. Ittl Arch-M , tt.l door *boto Sixth, I'll 1**. ix no/. 1: s a 1.1; .4 min 1: r a i Everv a" e'e n Weir line of l-us-.m** *t the v»ii tom •’•I market ''AMI I'ltUT.S aud solicit Ihe |vatr\>uage ,-f dealer* sis' others. e-Omo mar tt? I’.llt.YISII: j\1lt.YISII: i-iiii.vni-.i.i-iu v VARNISH MANUFACTORY, 8H and Stt North 4ih-*frret 'I'lll undrrtifiMvt wi'di.t earuesHv Invdeihe stieotion 1 of rsuiilirra kfrnhanis, c.vaVh Maker*, x'ahinet >l*ktr« and ot Iveta, lo ihni ve,y supevlot (Vac S XLwty , t'arrtatfe. Cabinet Damar, China Glass Drying Japan, Don Japan, ffplrll, and every other kind ,,| X'a'ntsh vv hu b liave hern in coivsianl n*r nearly tony yrwrv *i>.t frrl ,-.>nkleal In saving that they am un,urpa*a«st by any other tuanufh-Dined In this rvvmurv, hw the'rdma tout), .Dying qualities, and sppraiaaee on ihe work ; alnv, every drscnpu <«, ol p*'nis ami Psiat. era Mairnat*. "u, prtoe* see mmleratr. ami lene* e**r togD.%1 bio- er» Give u* a call. C, nIIR XPK k t", «»arV4 ffmiv >A1 k Ftt Noerh 4lh-*l. pbltsde'i-bl* PIANO FORTES. MUSIC, Ac. The uml- raigvwwf •* pertvanM. a* usual .supply alt demands In hi* line, having _ the aganrlea ol some Ihe heal l''*m» ,en in iHe cvvuntij. a. fwmisit, J*c>h t'Kwk e,nvg. list. H. Daoham k iv», Grotealeeo ft Tim You . Firth. Fond k t %%. T Gilbert k • *v . kc., s rx,.s*cw of aupert.vr Intltvowrrvl) mat l-r had at hi* oxa' tnT*>rH IDUng of a life 1 * rtpar-en.-e In Iwuh Ihr prvs fesrional and hwstnea* depaiinvent* el Must, Ik- Irwsl* lhal he m*v svill Iv rnlUhvI D the ilml |vat,\m*gw l-a ha* MvelVisl .inriivg ihe y^st »ve yea's G. M. MITX’MKI.U Xgwtvl h*r »’. 7..v*|vavim k tV, de.' 0 M-Julian and Hits* sis., wear the Xis,k*i Dl.'NTAI 4*1 HM14XV|;U. DI5 II. XX HANK8. Ka* we (l)i««l (be JmIVelat U.s.vvw*, WveWttv weeupsed hv tW M J f i r'V'rw •••‘Al, ,M ' fiuxx.vwai. owe vl.w D.'as ‘•Ll.I ” Hrougtvftvn, where he will tv r.emt al all llxwea, |vrrpa,ts) |,v kllm.t 1, Sat busier*, oowwrvSml with hi* profeaalou. In lovnlos* will, |W nsost m«w»rr» amt si plovesl |utwd|dra «d ftwigwwv IVnIVMi 1 Ir-fUvetnuiivrst awdadthw |tvvw wUftoul rVaec*. ftpceimeu* ot Piste Work to |w *rw- al k»s e8Lw, u hee* h«- "id have vsvwatanUy e* h**d Tt«eth pvswsWs, (D aslsesa and preparation* ft* Hw> G4»e4 iJ Tiwik*«ks «lec HI .Xn»> ' ' htiSVAt. iiitii'V." D \\ FANXAXffT, XVnPM, has rvaw"*>4 gv the h**«k dwelUnc corner of Itsissal **l htaxwotrorta, RWd |hiSllS4 Hi f*MM' *|Ulh SNI |X> INibfX. slur* X* wtil be plea wet hv wait wp.v*v h»* f»tca*4* sad Ik* puXUie reoaerJly, IM the tlxm "4 hi* pro wine ID, P, tivvsr ha* a lev NwMxvsl • »aa waoortuseat of XKai iuv aiusVW kntvXrv OK WimWA^'WI-^KS. Tv, whlahhavimhllntlielK# abosUeaof attiKosw «k> a*w sn%rtwg Rva* «wweeat dehtlui. Is h,v» M rwle •ht* l«hr'*wpa,aM* a)(h K |U. P. wouM •» Xra hv Ml**)) X* Xhia g»X) *X,.s ha,, Im. K m O.C.) K, Its Ipplh SD'WI, ua.> wax .V Aaira at auction. llV ^fllMIHICK'it IIkm;; . . .. Hniise smi fe-rt, »t ABetUm. ’ TfllH DAY,kl II tfcbr.fc, in tfm\ of Omit Haas* : Norther* lew-rnent, an hot No, f I, ntn of fJsril«i Lot Nn. I, west, Wording on MonUtnmtrr street, Jon aMOi Idbart/, 3tt feel by 70—fee almide. "a th* premise* ta ■ gomf two-xD.ry Ib»u*•,(»• 0 high brick Usemeot, wtth all nocMNiry oot-boHdlxig*; also, llm two adjoin log Lot* sud impfovetnobU,netlwmvb. Terms, cash. •hr .1 OntrwJ Railroad 8brck,st AoctDus. TII IM DA Y, 3d April. In front nf Ihr, Uowt llout: Jb slift/ot Central Railroad Ntoek. Terms, cash. AprS „ IronKw-smboall>/njpany**ffiaek. it Auc*Dm. TIIIN DAY. at II ,,'aloek.ln froolof the f>»urt llowsaj 'J"# sfraros Iron hteambokf Company's Block. Terns*, easli, gpr 3 v... . ... City Lot At AnrtJno. Tt.D»|)X Y. 3-1 April. In front of th« Court Uo4Ma: IM No. ttl, XYariwy ward,corner iff Lincoln Ahd 4J*r- don-airwets, Tiisi^-t or I j loobtlit, for an approved endorsed W.b'.wllh iiite-rrst Unto day of sale. msr *1 ... •ilH < H"« ft»*d AuetWnT“ TIIBHDAX ,3-1 April, at IJ •/ch^fc, In front of UskCoort If'user The Itu 1 Id I Mr kftown M H>* Haesrmeh Gymnaaliun, am 8<mib flrmrt-tirH, wlih a'l th* gymnastic sppsrstai therein; alto, the remainder of the u**, fm tho lot, being Ova year, from 26th Jsnusn Isu. mar 87 i.srgn 8sDi yt WDm4 ami f.l<ia/.r,. stAtKilotG tm Till; heDA Y, 5lL Inst, at ]| o'cWk, In front of tier#: XX il: p.,*uivr-ly bn sold. wUIm.o. rtsrrve, Hk* follow log Into ice of XViw* *>vl Liquors, Juu received per slilp Alma, from Boston: ’ 25 cases, 1 tint aselt {-ate (JUrd k Dupuj Urandy, Xk4h 25 tlo | do do dark do do do Je»« *» do 8 do do Mtalker's ArnonUllado, rale Mwr- r». D’PJ 1 do 2 do do J J Yrisrte's Gold "beery, l"37 4 do | do do Martisnd k Id.Hips' PouU, 8uia Modetrs. 1KX5 12 do 3 do do Crgriar: Champagne Ilrand/, Do* rami' 1, I M3 10 do 3 do do, Casullon k Co. tt D. Cog- nae Hrsr.dy. IMtt 15 do S do do J. It I*. Msrtarlit At D. Coffboa !Dn4y, 111*0 7 do tt do do Duff Gordon's Imperial Pok8be/. rr, b*4l ft do 2do co N. Garden's K. I. KertUl Madeira, II n 11, ih£j C do 2 do do 7^8Ur Harmony Gold Fherry, 4 do 8 do do Imperial MountainMalmoary.n Is H. I*45 5 do 2 d« do RynXiende k Z/'s ««li>e4am fJIn, Fine Apple brand,qi/vfi G Jo 2 do do Jamaica Rum. imported lea* 4 do tt do do ( berry Brandy V5 do I do do Gordon 8berr» XX'lrm 3" do I do do Ihjre (J'dnce Port do 10 do I 4o do Old Madeira do 4" do Ido do Pure "Id Plnet Pale Brandy 53 llo I do do do "lord Dark do 15 do I do da do Wasp Gift 10 do 2 do do lint Mot.<.T,;-»h.:U Whiskey, IMO *• dog (H<1 i.e-Tgis Peach Itranjy 8 right ca)** Madeira Wl me. eumples of the above rsisliv-e can be seen a: oci Counting nmni. 7 itt, -f.w, cash; over |IC", Widay,,for approval Af»( 2 Fenr-e I’ailiiig*. at I'rivaier-aDG ” 25.i»{^uee pine Fence l*alDbg), for s*Xe low, In D<» suit p'ircbswr*. A eatn|>le can t e seen at /.nr k-mbt- tag mar tt7 A Fine R«kaway fnf oole. At I’riri'e 8*>. fine Uockaway, nearly new, lor sale low Term*, "**»" mar 14 i.iecutnt's ea>. TL'fKDAY, IK May, at II o’clock, In front of Court lloote: Ixit No. II arid improvement*—til l-y I If) feet, front* >' Con Taylor-street. The improtemrc is arethrv*l»u story Brick Tenement* icsris-rn), r.n high be*esner.-.t, at] •n g«rf»J conduloo, sod un-lef gixd rent; UPinr.g 10 Hie esta-e . f XX in (Juantock, Jr„ deceased, tnl *r4d by permission of XL* »<-un of Ordinary, and by order ol the Executrix, for benefit of tbe Lein and cr*esiiU>ii of *A;d estate. 7, m;d, cash. mar 24 be Kail- l IV I/d* N"". I. '• ar»J 7, (tJ by Ii* be; — DiundorJ North by Gu innelt-slrecj, IX,-.-. bi fl,.!l ,ir,et. K-nib M —— sirr.-'. aiel ,-o»; by U-t No.‘|2; I>-t No. 2, b>gbdwT North by )l. We#*, by lluil vt., rv-uth bt Lamar. La*: by 1^4 No. 1. T***».—"ue-haif, ca»h ; balance, tr Utal "• and 12 mon b*. with ir/e'os ir.m .late, u tip appruvedendorsed psi- r Purehxser faxing f »r ffiius. mar 7 *-a< annvb Hotel .-uck Wanted. ’ * X' 3 purcluvse I<a• fharre tt,* r-arntnah lfwtel K ’’ 1 nirfr IIY T. J. XX XI.MI. THIft I* XX’, April 34,wdl be add, at Iho CourtIfoukO : I-j .bare* Hank -snk .-avatnaii l*u^k ; 21 do c«nir»2 Eailruad do. Tvrtna,caab. spr 3 .-‘uimttf Rrtidenee ai AucxlcvuT* “ TUF.tDAV. April 3.1. will Iw wvUJ. tn fronted the Cesn House le-,wrw& u*ual liours rj rale : That rum tm r mstdc-tM-e. fciw-wn a* Mo&'gvmc/y. on tl-e Wnmn r'er. Iwng two fremt leu.No*. datsfLrwch • nr acre; two nn<1d:r t<^s, each two acre#, .xwd two hack I-wo, eoc!. two *<::<•*. at«J a *'.ripof la»i, . oniamiug acrco, about %th of a mbc from U« residence. For further particular* creplre at tl e counting room, w her* a map ran be wen. I be sale «;!; be positive.— Term* at Uh- sale. mar 13 \dtnit>»,ir*U,r * sva-e. "n TUEFDAV, April X wUi be w d. at Use legal hourof saie, tn front of the Court llr. c »e : |e»i No.are! 1 mproiunenu. t«- uz part of Garden b*t N.v. f*. w,-*t fo.t.unc on aIk Kh»i, containing wo F.. '■ in front, by 1 to depth (m-»re <•» W-e, . TXve lm{g\«v*. nwni* r-.r.sut ,-f a double me-ci.r, tr-ua-, i-laitefeil and weJ.'-flniebod. or» a btwrmect. ,w..'d a* the prvfwwty .*( F. A. Gordon, deceased, lor the benefit «.f Ue betra. GE". GORltON. r, * h ‘J-' AdminlstraKW. Mi'ND.XX', April -Jki. vrbl t^-oa.j. a: II. F. XX Ulink'a *s»1f yard, at 11 o'clock: Two Ecr-ne*, of 4X b -rsw p.wer, and two Ito.Jrw, wl.b *11 H.e appurtenances belong!tfi to the Geamre isaro Jono. tnd oc-U for ocecuns t f o!l cvtwv-rwsL— TetmG earn. mar ttl \t I'rtvaVe >ab* A Northern Ii. rv. |„ng toil. k::«t an-! g«ai> -a tun , pe*. and under she «ddie—void !<^ no fatbt. Will lw< . mar 16 PrtVMe haV * husTw-!. of Gmsa>d N utv for *a'e uit f.urrftaG-r*. Fnvaic Sale. nnel.lrrepo.vl Table .Salt, in 'ors a fvrcrvr f.vraa'e n quantity U> suit purrhaw^s. Frirale SabC Ter Share* Gaft* stock, itt Sb*_-,-s AcratU k XX »»wcv- L-r *i:*.|r<.),|. (ej, t* SOUTH EIIX STOVK DEPOT. \\* F -ffer L-r sate, a* NEW V- 'KK PRICED. »» " ♦—"*'•» Mm..,in Ull)c<:v,"YKK T1IIK7Y IHFFEKENT KINDS "F STOVES, Al l. Ill* 411 It OWN n XM l XETI RR. Xiws *eve«*1 k’xl) ot ,-if.M maker*—!rv VscL a.'Ur ttroraftr k>n»t) for Ksiihe's li*de In ms’ket. beirg evre throe line* v irte! a M.vk as ever di* played by tar other ertablDhwver 1 'n it^ South, at d tor the ;nh\ma- at I'mxx cr* arv! w I othwrsia any w»y ttot »vs», w r l*eg leave lo »Ule the fvcl. It al w'e have, *;nc» the epetiing ot owl house in thlsrMX, rUotns mr*i Siren IS c*» treel than any other ho..«e h»* d.we seuiin it, In t.«v-rg a of Ss'ulh I'arvvhna; andfwh.le *, •*■ *rel. exrmlingiv, that cv'mpri h.m. r^akl carve w> much i.erv oiDi-e*. anvwtr*l some . «• nevghtwww, «r shUI cMiam- to wttl at l.-seU NEXX Xi'KK Fi;K’|>, IN > XX ANN AH Foe ihe informabow of pwtvhsxc*. we New tevsv-e to spnore all. that owing the twlmt>on la prioe ,,1-ow. 14ih»»r, c.val. a ■ . * rtvtog-ti.'w tr. the prwv sioxea Ui laii-w pta,v st Ho- North, amt ol roarwe a <v-r-»'0)jvTCvft»w rvvfuction here: this we avoare oef cwsiotwcr* h j,t| i-vRo* logtve tt.em the ot, awl they vwav nrfy up.-n huving vi. in 'aranaah. a» mw a* in ntr • u 'he l n tod Slates, ettlhee st IX Kvesale or Recall XXe »»w kori-. al at! :'r.c*,a ft-e *i.<k .d II XUI>* W XIII ,»|Dl M KI I.FIM. IIITH I.LV TIN XX XIII.’, I»w*nrve»! ii'sre. I'n f-v ihe S.'X. Hn 1 in'", T\we.) v 'Vpj<1 Plvv, WravD* XVate, kr. kf-.w hotewak- <V nrlsit. **»f SI lone»l »■*;«*. KENNEDX ft HEXi'JL 'cecift M Xtvlnew*» IIau. s», *> s Go.wgia. IN-r ft Kenruv'.y, Mahwfhrln.x •» Xlhaey.N X. mar CU HANSOM S10yS>W0RKSi AT Al.ttASY* XII.U*18KK. W r *-v sale, at oat AXVkVVAH fTOYB I v XGE-Ni X . * i»rc» awl 'Xiuvl vwvwsAt v/ STOVES, or f»i /»• mi ,v , jmi rt'NRt srvl ads-i • wv..|.»atwr .2 the ta« -»i rwva-mnMl gtveai owr ag««H) 1* Ik's rlty dwrirw the fvavJ ytvar. Fug iKe ^K'esn*i».>* c4 XI |. F XIITIES ,vfnr«»t,^ <w rie *T''XF |H *t.NFh.S,e.thee buyl*vg .u weiftwz. «t KaWW the sat'.fc'wUvs .-J twkuwniwg vm*i i kXev*4 |%A IV..od at h.-ft-u- lew tie fk. l thsl .)*,y ift* r+H M«p .0. VI. XI mU kl than mV MW nub fed»isi ie ihe ^a»e cl Geswtgta or .v,,> iangfta \Va m*x e ih-. »»w~e)i la ywMVoe vo eamrivs, owj to me U* «WX.I *w. e# the tfwMw. swj With a p»U JkXMWs.wsvwm 01 .4,uwg wv.'i-e a».1 heater I.a j —-iirrry uwivwg the pvwsl fear liw JXMlav m UJVAN. WiNs It Raawww At", N mt UtacMIwm, Xlhoftr. N.\. ., ul .HH»jll XI INUIUI 4n;kf% I'll*- vuVwovv*. okse* kv »a3e 1 Mangtcftt levsis. ,-i the hm* _ t , - VJ h* 1^*4 'he «okawt*C |W4W weOft ettra No* I,«. X awd * XIWe iyixil^ ifts«aihM«i| hw". Lyw lwvt.wwee.1). Euhnrvoswv sum. hkrwhUwW* IwstrwnsttMs ffi'Mee Spog Uwvtv I-'whs* lVM**S AmpaXMiwc awA Trepft.swft nu, iwtfU vawM*, IVwt Xftoexusn LvUtmM aw4 IXeaXal Oaw*» UwUaft RwiVe*. IN-'|-«*w4 (Ml I'wnfs ftf >•■■>—*<) «, 3 a*sl 4 valve. «l*p 4ft. stfvwe aeU W iXlXsWw. •MoBMch rusapft twiwkwjft yAftOw faVrwva, A*4 IVt*X hp'iagVaeK, kiv> Api-ftfwtwiK At. ft,' Jh) IWvv wui he wrivk av tow av wm he P»MftVe,p»va w .'*• X <ut, we f*w m <M AM jXxit. ¥- TV UN ML ISi'M Niftt\>“ I XHij^ !V|X |.x 1 K<*(. to lad* rkl m«n ri m« I 4oerw Kmom M.Vtnw. U) ^«aow> <«aA* val «*■*• iv, *»x !-• Mim • ft it'iivmx.