The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, April 04, 1855, Image 2

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THE SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. tarma.aar.T-.--i -*-• -- —, rtws muaiiiD at P. W. ALEXANDER & CO., «n> iuia cw««r i*nni«n. thumb loroucimJ. in *dvane©,t'«'»»num ■•••*} J5{ U not paid in advanco.»•'*••• • — ••••**2 }2© Daily, In advanco, lor ala montha, IJ JJP rri-WeoKlv, in advano#,pcr anuum. • • • J U not paid in advanc®. •*•••* ••*•••* v * Weakly* (club price.) iOeoPivR* ’ SAVANNAH, GA. WnilnBudav Morning. April *. • m •eeoml PHi --w’~^*ur T • , 4 ^ wt-' /- •■8AVAj>MAH RKFU BLEpAJft, W. Tin A«*«l©HI©a at (Juba, A cnhimanlcallun, coultlnlnu ioitio men origin- and al ©low*, baa lawn addrovwd In ui from Waahlng- Oonriar, of M«,nl»r aflemnon. In nollelng HI, on oily, on lho a«|olriifun ol Cuba, llio auUlaoco Hnl conimunloallon wo declined to dlecuu lb, 'o| whloh woehall imicoed lolay OoforouUrroaden auldeoi of lb© 'ocem aollun ol Iho Ulreolo™, In joulnfio«|,cello ilw wrlinV. Hi Ihlnha ilfp Idea la ! -",“4 ulvinii out new contract©, mull the Prceldtiit could ! nbanrd of iiayinu 1180,000,000 fur tliu privilege ol In beard befor. die City Council, to whom bo pro-, protecting and dvloudlng Coba at an aoouot be- innod to aubntil ilia ntallor. For Iho eamo tenwn , H"-*- of many mllllona, oven In tlmu td poaoo, mol wo ahall retrain' from nny reply to iho last note to time or war at an outlay probably entirely bo- with which be ha> honored ua t and tldo will ea- y“'“' "«'“«*>•, «»“" granting that we could auc- plain to “ Tax I’ayor," one or the moat Intelligent eeaalully do It with oor moat etronuoun ctloria. I'lio nod Influential oitlaena of riavnnnah, why wo have j writer ndda: auppreaard the very pollllod oommonloalton ho baa | "**»« l' 1 *" or annexation no,1,1 ho carrlnl mo, eonl ua, eondemnmery uf the policy recommended ; attV'eUho aum oriltJO.ono.notll would only boom, or tl„, • - | smaller Item* which the aaqulatlhui would owl ua. That I ^WawlRre bodlatlnetlv nnderatood. that It la 1 W0 “ M " nl ' «l« the aav.rrigary or ll,e bland, enduur | we wtab It to be utaimciiy uiuioiuom, tnet n e cM „ hl> lUm tkuu „„e,, „„„u .yrr-©;, mb rut dcdiidi ineni I f !'' ? "T",' " w0 buy o„. me pt.nt.tion., BY TELEGRAPH FOR THE KEPUBLICAN* I «lo Riot roply 10 Iho avtido uf the K roaiilonu r) . t nlM | improvements from tho presold ownur*, whu -■j| rC || OI , in Kniiimii, *| ltlr Junklnu nreeithernowsound residents In Kurnpe,orthose wlo iNPitrKNDR.vcK, April 9. : We can assure thoVorthy editor or tho Snrnr.- j * holr ‘ rt |> frtun the Kanina election show that tho ! Repuhlicm that mtUitagrft father from our ilwlr puwhMo money and ether wealth. To purchase Returns fry deelro and intention, thnii to httempl to'Tdrco Mr. the es.ate* that would probably Iw sold under die eir- pro-slavery ticket hat succeeded hi eight counties* J t »nkine into tho position ofit ctxmlldslo.” It our ! cimtstniiccs, exclusive to din«, dint woiihl bo retained tiy giving tho candidate# from two to six hundred mi- ! tecolleoiian aervoa uh, n writer in llio lltpuUiean thn preomt Hp*ni»h owtirm, who would rmuitii In Ui» l. r. L..I1 .. - J «... . ..,t .1_ u . Iivot ,mitnln,l elan f !nk,eiiat,itlel nlldut lea,1 mill Ullrf • , . . , lnlninl, woultl r«<iulro prolialily two or lltrtru liundnvl tnlHlou dollar* menu llraltliw tills* there wotiM hu mi omturnUou from our nlatu Hlnlc* of imultij proprietor* market*. Nstv Yona, April 9. Flour it higher. Southern brands arc soiling at S'J.S? a I0J3. Cotton is stiflur, though not quota- bly higher. Middling Orleans is sehuig at U 5-H. jority. It is hoiievod that no ami-slavery mumbor i brat agitated thoOnbcrnatorial quesilon, nnd aug t... .iduvioai in ii, n laaafiflifltoro Tho oditor uf ROMwl th« tiaiuo ot Mr. Hull, a genilomnu that wo has been nlectcd to tho legialatuu. I no edit r of [ hilV0 n | wayi j, 0 |,| | n hi K h eBtooni, nnd who would tho " rroo State” uowspsper was ducked in iho i „j,| y t||| tho Kxecutlve Chnlr. In viowoftho po- , river by a mob. inconsequence of certain oflcnaivo i cttliar circumstances which ntlondod his defeat in ' wr “'bar*, who wnuhl tnko with them, hrridc*their per* exprceelooa In a speech wbielt ho mode on the the laeleonleet,aa we" el hie cmlnonl abllluee ' - - .' . r i nnd litness for tho otnoo, we boliovod, howover. Ilm otccuon. _ I noiiiiiiaiion slmnld bo tondored to Mr. Jenkins, by Dr ltanlta *1 acclamation, if ho would accept it. Unloas there n.... .w! 1 ..-.... a ..©si o I i« every prospect of so uniting ujhmi .dm the variinl I nn.ADU.riiu, April i. i tuidsound elements that will Im brought into the 1 ho Supreme Court ot Pennsylvania Iwa granted , next contest, as to soeuro Imvond almost tho shadow a wnt of errur in thovasoofOr. Doallc.tliodeutist. t ol n doubt his triumph, wo presume It is Irmnds —— will not urgo his claims. Whether Im is a candi date or not, wo presume will dopond greatly upon tho contingencies of tho patty. We kuou> ho doos not absolutely decline a uoinination, whilst every /'ody our At to kno to that ho docs not sack one. Hut there is tiino enough yet lor Mr. Jenkins nnd his Irionds to determine whnt is best to bo d«no to , 1 secure tho triumph of sound principles ana sound Ku««r ftothiutf \ iclorics. ! men. Wo trust vhoro will ho no failing out by CuLi'MtiiA, Aprils. | tho way, upon mcro questions of policy ol those A general oloction was hutd in Connnucticut, j who havo hitherto nobly battled togutlmr. Monday last, for Stato ufticem and memlK.'rs of i —Wo tnko tho loregoing from that excollont Congress. Tho slectiuns show that all f ur of tho ! paper, tho Milledgovillo Recorder. Wo can ns* Whig and Know Nothing candidates for Congress ; sure our entomporary, tltcio ahall "Iw no falling went elected, and 90 out of tho 21 State Senators, out by tho way," so far ns wo nro concerned. Mr. logethor with a largo majority of tho Assembly.— 1 Jenkins, of all men in tho Stato or out of it, is our .. . - K . ... , . . - , pmu'othoeuoriuoiisnaval annament*which Un*»»‘ns- (Sotno of the Know Nothing candidate* lor Con- choice, nnd for that very reason wo nro unwil© (WMUIlUy nit , nlll , h : „,, v Wt , r „ „ „ti„.,wi.e, gross, nnd probably for tho Stato Legislature, wero ; ling to toe him placed prematurely in tho position , MU( | w ,. r „ ct*tmaeiicoto*moir«*w with ihetnmn- Democrats.) Thoro was tto choice lor Govetuor 1 ot a candidate, and before it it Atmten that bo can i iitmnfrivnllimt ttwtr naval estatutahuw m», we c«»uui Ingraham, Democrat, received 27,000 votes ; Minor be elected. We auroo with tho Recorder nlso, in , nut, in the pnmint reUilvo|MisUloi»‘of«Mirnn»at*y*u>u», Know Nothing, 25,000; and Dalton, Wing, 5,000 : what it says of Mr. Hull, ono of tho soudnest men t ••fgamsstlon, and mren, aeeuinpltsh Hie task, except Tho Know Nothings havo elected tho Consus j m tho State, «nd further that "thero Is time ! «i“ ,r nnum, or more year*, and In Hie mean ttmo commissioners in Massachusetts by a large imgori- : enough yet to determine what is best to be done." retnlnim? n- tlioy w,.nU tlKlr naval ""prei ty. Also the Mayor la Clovaland, Ohio, by a - - — majority of »>00 over ox-Qovornqr Wood, Demo* j a letter from (Joorgo II I<oring, ot Salem, Mass., | „u rB t re ngtii, would bo our weak amt Vulneratilu pqiul. : Hgaitut tho Know Nothings, nnd ascribes it to j incasoor it war with sillier of ttio two grout Powers «t Judge Edward ll, l«oring, of Boston, who has ro» , UurnjH*, ami we did niaku a sorluus effort to defend It, . centiy been ejected from oiVnio on account of his would require grantor exertion*, greater mewn*, and decision in tbu Hums cn«o. Now, wo will not no* 1 greater expenditure «n »»»** part *»f the tteneral Ooverm euse the Federal Union of a design to deceive its ' i«vn» than our whole Atlantic roa.t, with the almret nuld c '' r, *b» result UiRtnllour effort* would be unavailing. The .fHim at'ttuUfax. run©, ,|©|.||© ©7T;nr©»©«» «*a jJSDAY ^OK.NlNtia ^IL 4. 105 h uoihurArjiljl«o uilvd aiikdaioi Irom Mol- Ikwii© la Jtannr.Mi. All wm >u>Iii ijulol.— H©v«,tl Ullutai lud accuitw. —, . raanra. Ilturaa, March 30. i '| ||. Kiimrer'a vlali to ilia Crimo, coiiiIiium Tim Koyal Mill Bltamahlp A«l«. C>i>mln (.ill, d-mlKlhl. Warlike |iTi|!» ,r» a. avilvn .. Wi r :,r HH " 17th lust, tmived »t hli|K.rtatOoeloek,»u l hum- u#n , Weddai, the Pruiwlan Envoy, Ires returned day night. Tho atonniship Union sailed from Houtlisinptuii for Now York, on the 14th Instant,|with fifty pas© sougors, I MMmucro or Ttta v»an to wta aiimv . Tho billowing is the Mnnlhwlo of Alexander II* to hia Army, dated St. Pou-rsburg, March M to Pans Tho Munitvur oflinslly «oniradictsths cslumny HgattiM Ovn. foroy, that tin was in correspondencs with the enemy. U«n. Forey, however, is rccullsd- Accldeut is the Widow ol the l.nlo linn ir I Ur barer. i otintday sftornoon as Mrs. Daniel Wulwior was riding through Fourteenth street with Mrs. “Vnliniu warriors! Faithfuldelondcrs ofUliureh, Fgiward Curtis, tho lionire took fright and rnn ofl Hirohc, and Country j It ba*jdj!aaod ^Alinlghty at a furious spued. _ Mrs. W«bsu<r bo<:oiniugsia>m- AMHfAlt RTATCNKVT OF T11K SAVANNAH INSTITUTION FOR s\viv SAP* U* T« Tim im IMT ut'Anit., imi. ’ IJ i0| . inseuuuttaJ hot««*,.. •»it©»4 73 I b*l«i>4, Drill “ " ... H««»l I'r-.Oi a»4 l>044, k | ew4». ii 14, bcrS-tf* ma ihla Vd Af*tl IS>. T J XX Aired, IIIVJIVKMII NO. II, WtdsrieMltstd*^^^ IIKJHCV l». f'irnibrM . Ill 1C A M If *11 lilt < rt, I*r* ttlMlf ttei T»«*»uf • f It. tv«rd. , Mlbti-.O I tV. WurtHl. H II K.-*i i. Ifci.t. i. Wkbb, I lllfao. ■HOTit i: Howntli InMlKitiAK I»r0«*trsii, vt 0*»*a pimx , wra •I-* « * ttiir -- • tllreoplsg l ough I'ruMiillr i wred. bMiMt.l l ma t ohm \ M hi i Tlcktl* d»»4»»—-i r«*u • (fod to visit ua with tho molt painful and grievous ed, ntiomptvd to leap from tho vubiule.siid w«« Iom. In tho midst of hia unwearied «sro lor Hua» precipitated with great force on tire curb atono.— aia s pruapnrity, and tho g'“iy u « *ho Ituaninn rtomo cltiiums wnneMlng tho occurrence huaieucd arms, tho Kmpuror Nlcholsa I sulovilch, my.iitoat to hur relief,and aim waa conveyed by tho FiHoonth hi owed lather, lias depsrtpd to oiornnl ifa. Ward Pollen to No. 70 Fourtoeoth aired, and ; A M llis Inst words woro*“'l thank tho glorious loyal thenco to her resideuco. liar injurio# srs severe, : n . . amird, wilt. Ill lma anved Ituaaia. an.I I nl«i and >lio I. uunaldorad to Ihi dan«©ioudy hull ' hMk ’ ""**> *'" 1 * ,rw lliu iir.vo nriuy and flaol. and I pray (lud to main- . Mrv. Walwar haa hm-n rmidlnu In ilila tuy, will pm-lue© . cor. In iba »o« h<„. tun. lain tlm 111111,1111© and ipllll, l»y which lliejr Iman (Lmalnilou avumio, Imjwoon kid and S3.I .ircui.,) ■ |-rl» M cam,. Hold hr ill l»ua>»a m i*«.m..i. distiuguishe<| tliomselvoa under mo. no long a* sonre tiino past, with Mrs. Edward Curtia. sprs if thin spirit remains upheld, Russian s tranquility Is At tw« ; |vo o’clock to-day Mrs. Wobater ws* sull - .a secured both within and without, and woo to her in.on.iblo. She is thought to U injured ! t* £r^Lm ouemies! I loved my irooisj as my own children, internally, but It cannot Iro certainly ascertained ]V,^,.,.1 r, * ^!,^ Ju*T*V..- -i. MiiUtrovo ns inueh as 1 could to Improvo thnit con* sntil she becomes conscious. Dra. .Parker and j K , ra i » tr <itn Uircugh ths r..Mte* ut /oou,. n# . rujuion* nrurm dltioii. ll 1 wus not entirely auccosaliil in that ro- Marker are attending her —fNow York Ksprcw.ol | m, u,r »kin, ttrn,/ r-nend with 11,cm unrigmiy nu»t- * to PAg^nMiblt" pi t- % j A soual wealth, at least flOO,(DO *lavsa, worth g'JtHi.iNMLiiOO. I it was Irom no want of will, hut Ijeunusu 1 Hsturdny evening. ■ che* In isri, ha *u uuwl/ hf* ap(» tr*nrr Ui g( a-r- I*aa, .t„ «, Tlin tirrilinlillll V la lhal Ilm amlnrallun w | ,,.,,t. 1 Was linatllo to deVito nnytlliUg bettor, Of UO ntOrU.' j I fll.tcr Into Noclflly. This y»UM wan Wight wre-k taMk. BtjF thte* IM v*| 7 The probnb IttyI* that the emlgralU n would I inurh Msy tltoao ever moinornblo worda remain prescrv- I Tlir. INroBTrisira EainsoM Invkntion —Tha i «rM llollowsy'* |ih,tu>«nt areJ Pills, U«i by m# j.,u,t w?diM|f|**-r.*-r I,ra«r limniht,, hat,al aujri©i«, ih.c,..i©r ; | „d In you, aa a |,ro©r ©I In..moor© lot©for i EriJim IIE©.”..Th! 1 ?^,,^ 1 ,.ni,rw, w M »,.„w u,.l, n A ,-,rfaell, .at. atat carulit «a„aubla t-f .r ■- hi* iinirestliqi 4ll*eM*T I* found In l»r. MiCu»iih i'» t # At-*t>*>n 'lUU 't ' ' *- 0, t, V-TIIMA AMI* tVlMKlPINU I.OIMJII 1U.WI;|»Y>~ H*t. S„ H a 1‘iskFusf. l%u. '* *' .f.r« *Tl f • • A uu lit )uur IIUIIIUI US S |I|UU»| «tni-«,© *,.(.* ,,,, ©Unlroftljai.lalid, III© on., nrt,i«io.,litmrovi-m™i^| y „ Ui whloh 1 thn© to ll» lai««,l oalent, nnd l.l Anierlcaii capital that would be luvoited lu that Ulnnd every dollar of which would bo »uijk nnd lost forever In throe month* after the United State* might lie on gaged III war either with (treat (trllalii or Prance. Tim UrirngTUMATs Eaicwuv Ikvrntion —Tfm you whteU I shatA in the largest extent© and let •*' l ’* r * a '' ,l . < ' a IJ ,! ft ,, i0rn i* , it an end I ho invention rt(vi,tr,«i the whi>ln„fth« hh,tchM4i*s|ip*srrd, and u a©.,imrehaHdby a,^^7'^ATiT, is zv amount of Iiicueyod capital smiths value nf the iivgnws l<u»»»n. . Umg Ida caloric ship, and in tho espenmenlslm has , t«g. trsiufcrred from the Uulltst State*, would f.jrm uu ng- (Signed) AJ.KXANUUt. rnndo on tlm vessel. Iln Ires done more, helm*, See rdrerilreineL C *pr ? gri’Katnufat lca*t «s* rAev«sstf mi'f/ins* »/ MUrt nf A |Mreiscri|it prescutB to tno (laards Uio uniform spent all hi* wile’s fortune, which w*s great, umJ worn hv lliu dacoaMd bintioror. ami direou Imm moll Iwtaared. Hot tho want ©r ail © Dial nm i on 1 ,u * MCoMMumu* tlm inutnla ol has led to such recrimination and alienation that rdoliuins. , they have separated, nuvor to bo united again |«-r. i I Im manifesto concludes— May tho sacred mo* | |, n |, a . Undue been ruccoasful, lib oamo w.,u!d , mfiry ol Nicholas survive In our ranks as a terror havo Itoru enrolled with that of Columbus, N«w- ln met. a war neither oflho.e Power, would at- to tho loo, the glory of Russia. ton, Fulion, nnd other men of illustrious renown, tempt to attack Urn Maud nt Us strong pi.ritw.u*, inch I ho llinmlesto Is culisulorod warliko. ' annus |j ut | lu | 1#i a || . hn J|fti u , tr „_ aa llavaua,Matauaaa,ortU.Jago,but would laiuUroop.,' reports nro In circulation purporting to bo the Inst duced min mto a once loving nni irenpy Inunv; with arm* and »uppllo», at dufeucelra* pidnu, proclaim- 1 J"("fd* nf tho Lmptfor Nlcliolits. Ac. orditig to tho and the world coldly ItMiks on, and any*" J told lim tho rri-cthim of an" .rulitiK Nor would J‘0(| | ...uu"t., N , chu | ... iro,. "[l A M; you R ,."_no.|u© Jour. , .im i. , ., under, advised him to mako ponco oven at tlm loss h.» .av.thol.a.l.l incult, tlhuwhu .l.l.i.d Itumian u.lluouco in lh« So.-lll.t ho,! IUv W,u.u« Anaou,-Thl. vc.r.Mo .nd Ina stato of open sud suoceiat nl revolt, without the pn»- Nicholas, would lake tlm responsibility, ns lie liaiJ fmihful mmiater, pleached a very able and impr«». •ttdllty of our being able to prevent aucli a terrible ca- not behoved :n the possibility of tho Anglo French SIV u sermon, in ibis city on Sabbath last,to a dot-ply lastroph*. Neither the gvidu* nor tplilt of our insUiu-' Alliance,and that Alexander’s constant effort should attentive arid gratified audience. During its d hv- tloutor people will permit u* to keep on fold In timenf b® to detach France Irom Knglund und unite Rub- cry.iio remurked (lint l<»riy-s«veiiyeuM ago, when sin with Austria snd Prumis. Nicholas thou ud- t h«> plnre wns first seitlod and the hammers »nd dc<l thin perhaps Ins pride had been excessive, mid MA \va ol iho WcAkmon were heard in construct.og that <mhI had liumhled Inin therelor. I’lm aliove, tho Capitol, hu was preachnm lire sarno go«pe| however, is probably maiiulncturcd lor tlm hngliah which now ihccfs In* declining days \V« h ' ’hl.A* X »<»»* I'll liKt I I a VIA liMlII.N. lilU S»'.M - ? ■ VIA 1* Mill.**. 111!' AMM. ,. b . M KSUNMIJ.I., hi. a k ■ ,u ^ I. AT A. I t*. 1 AH »V© Ins useful life and labors will ho apnred vet • so long . et ma years t<< llio Lhutch, in whicit ho Im* so fong hte u blllliiug light —MllledgeVllle Recorder. crat. m I sc cl In ii co its Heins, • , Coi.trjintA, April U Mrs. Cass, wife of tho American Charge nt Rome, died there tho 3rd of March. Private dispatches recoivcd at Boston, announce th« failure of Pago 6c Bacon,ot Si Louis, hia stated that several ol thoir drafts on parties in Now York havo been protested. A Class factory at Jersey City has been blown down, by which eight persons wero killed and many others injuicd. e,inM work their will with Impunity n* regard* Cuba In W1"" FwWral U,"o© rubli.Uo. j i, ourMrengtii, 'Phe (‘mi.-rcm Paori.RTv (^ccsrio.v — Areh-lh*h- “ ** '* * ’ - ' , the hi" renders, and misrepresent tho 'rutli; wo rather judgo its conduct with tho samo charity that, | we would havo it oxcrcire towards ourselves; yet j " {Unt u #ll , lc , paU . a from „ „ a to of warfare, 1,.,w truth roqutres us to say, that < Joorgo H. Luring, tho j UHl ., cri0ll40ll t b«progre**ourc«M,amlgi4m.ralpr.. Iimrkvi. Rusiiun nee- urns *ny that Nicln» , .i* pn*scJ tlm I lift lioura ol lliu life in the ooiis.ilati ( .n ol religion. I mg bid mliuu to all thutnomhers ol In* family individunllv lie *aid lo tho EmpreA*. "Toll your ^ hroiiior Fritz, King nl Premia, to adhere to Ruwuu, op Hughes is „ut in n letter in relation nnd uever torget hisfatbet'a policy." lie then took tielovo tho New Yolk Legislature iu vest rhutch luauo of Counts Orb'll, Dolgoronki nnd Arlonburg, property in trustees. lie a«ys sutne Catholics man- also of some ol tho favorite grenadiers ol thu Iioubo* Beat uiiucciM.iry alarm ns to its of loot. The hnl, hold mid personal ailondunt*. All except bis tami- • if it passe*, will p i* ndinittod, inflict some injury ly Inn ing retlterl, ho naked the Empress to repeat i upon Catholics, but lie Would not be aurprt*< <l if, the Lord’s prayer. At the words. "TliV will be in tlm end, it proved beneficial to them, by excit- done on Earth ua it ta m IDuvcu.” Niclwlus ru- iug tlm sympathy of tho American pc<»j,io, nnd re sponded fervently "Alwov*. Always, Always.”— duuing lukowarrn Catlmlics to pay more uttuniion Soon nfiarward-4 ho nddorl "I hope (J<»d will open to Kpuitunl, and leas to polittcnl affairs, in iho In fer me hin urin* " tin then hrcuiiie partially in- lure. Tho hill applies to all denomination*, hut Honaihlu for two hours ; at n.mrt lie *nid sunottiing Im H »>l opinion Hint it is intended for thn Catholic , , ©a-liniiriw IOI «©>»> l,UU,a , ill ll.nill III- ».OU p >l| l a.-|i||ll,f II" I" "1 "|"UI(miimi ll |5 llllN.UIQ 1-T Ull! UUIl'in' Urn let u», tmwever, siippotv that« "hut » nbuut n message to a dear Iti«ml not named, umi church alone, and as vuclt pronounces it the work i ■ h nt, ti, mot* ©©Lu i, of rlai* Inlatul. w itli4*ut nny ....©..kiiiii, .© a i ..©*.... i , i«« ..r ... ....... it..... ..a. . a.. . , .. ■ f’ea llaiist ni r i*. Tiisoat lh*s**a*, ll*t ai*u ' i 4,1 4,ii amt Ihr t-ffrci of imnriMlffit u©e uf Mwoiij. At, uiedicimibB* ever Ik» », UlotrotiM) which ha* effecuri oucti eurp* a* •*afWr‘* e| »i,i»li Mixture. flifeat dl*e*»r* f.r «1urr*l by MUvation, llat-ktog . Uoiigh, llronrlilsJ AffeeiMtiK, fjtrr Seunlsih k t‘ and reuniati*m, have all retiev,-d ai©l oin.l mi . w.MMlerful Manner I>v il«* grrai puriSer •>! itm bin**!. Carter’* NpaifWh Xllxlmv. Threats t.f Mr 1 il tUmw> alone aSouVt ttiltly anywlio ,!*»«,f,r. Csil on the agent an t pr**n.ra a , pamtihlet tyiri'alriliig cure*, whirli *• ill are.iind you. Mveriireinei.l. U *j.r 2 i'O.U.HKHClAla KKF0KI). AAVAVNAH VMICKI.T. Tca*o*v, April 3, 6 P M. <*''TT'iS.—The **!*•« btdav atnounl lo MCfj bah-j, «t the following particular* : tRlal a, SO a* *>*, 1*3 at*i|. (Cati'V :w*. at-H.- J, *rt“ , ». t« al IJ »i 'JV an-' reel* Ti m luarkH rlo*©oj »aiy C»in. hi*vault>• h l.vporis—Vjtrll |. Per *e|| ioner l„ ec/aiitoo, |^,wiieb, tot Saw York— l.ii l>* ettimu, I e;ttk UlUiw, I lw>x iwite. IVr hark Ititai, f-r *• J-hn», rS f!. - ‘JW/JO feet p P tunber, 11749 lU-t lumber. UccHjita of 4.t,lion, Ar-« |ht IlMlIrtNlti. Arait- 3 -1491 hale, uf emum amt ux!©* to frankiiti k liramly, I(.,wi B nd *t In,, I'ohrn* *© lletir, •. flinm.K Si t. 4,, llet,(. a, Pioier, 1 •«*•*, *a Mack*, ti«we ||*»|© h I m,\\.i.nU.ti.iye,Pa<iel(utat, fay k » «>. Pa ven, ilul»4.n fc I,,., \\ liatiroby, K A A lien, »V p V<-r>e» A Wilberg, It h, j. i.n*. A r* Ilaieri4*, r , n \ * tu.c A i.aitoii, lUfiirr. fi;u*ri k Cv, \Vt-|.» • le, and 4*1 tier*. II Ul.ttfiut <* MM K • jj»HA|tl.* H.-4.US % f*-*-- * , * *,-7 vrruiVi'.ihh » -thaw “nr.gipp** • / -It Til A 1 l u ►. a. .. UI. !»,?.'« f »e, - e all rji Hu s " 1 - H > ia<-ri 1 • li . ttfI.or f wiiior of the letter, nnd Edward G. Lori tig, tho | |«nty of the whole country, and innru pnrttcnlnrty on , l’r»bato Judge of Horton, are two very dillcrent j me Southern section nf It, would be the tranafe .persons. In other words, the Judgo Loring of 1 tlmutaud million dollar* 4»T A mcricmi capital and labor, C3T Tho steamship Knoxvido, Capi. Charles wlmiii so mucli has been said ot into,did not write • l*» r D»n pur|H»oof entttvsttnxau4tmpr>»vttw ttwautfww Ludlow, arrived at an early hour yesterday morn. 1 ||, u tenor published by the in« from Now York. Tho attentive Purser will which it thinks tho Southern accept our thanks lor tiles of New York papers ; sively circulate. U|1 lu Saturday oftolntwn, wvuralliuur. in wlvunco Will our ccinlomjuir.ry cotred "iu miUaka ho 1 lusmnde? We shall ste. j trifling I* this U* what wmild Ihi the rtsuli u( wi.cti au ‘ mutated satiiinctorily. if peptecutb.n. Hu commends the moderation the Cath.dic%, under the circumstance*, in holding n>. meetings to rcmoiutrate again*! ita paasag-. It is f'»r tjie Legislature lo disjjoseof it as it msy seem lf*t The glory »»r dishonor ol tho mutter, he say*, •hail hctlii'jt*. of the matt. Tho Knoxville brings a largo and valuable cargo and $200,000 in specie. It will bo soon by reference to our marine head, that on the 2nd inst, m latitude 33,51) N. and long it puncnhle piin*c»inii of the talanil, w Ithout any Mimiiilung of Aluxstidcr ami llio gurrisoti of ©Sevas- ti'pol. A lew mniutcH altt rwurds he drew a deep sigi; mid expired. Tho body wns exposed faro uncovered, in the Ciiupel Ardciite, uutil the |PU» ot March, wiicn it was tinned wnh tiio usual Imperial S4>lcmmttes. TUK VtSJTSA CUKPCKCKCU. i «©.._ c ....... .© 1 HR STFAMKRS Hx.VsA AMP (tCKMA.MA.—Til mode lour sic-atiicr* be* •an inJiin-*i-4i>nu*tTn. i mi ivuwuju, i icui|HJicmiarr . , i , -■ -"•t-------f tho Hfvmen 'the w bn not present. Telegraphic reports say iho JJfhfh.'tvu been sold t° the Hritiaii (•overnirient h«.w (ii.Hcusvioii on tho goneral i>a»it of negotiations ter* 1 hvy were originally Hritisn vessels, and made ' - 1 - - •* nro current that ,non y ln I M 10 lh ° Cunard line Irctwucii llostou .uni i ot into, did not write • forttio pnr,H,»e otcntttvattnHaudimproving thetutf»w«i Tlm Congr "* in Vicm s P rumriv u on Th„ r *- RrrAMKM Han*a a.vp (Jxkmaj Federal Union, nnd i ©• •" rierr-rm.nj,.»»©d»., .©.i Sl.Xir'-^ZZ™ ,:!-!,, !© ' ►*"*' >’? r * T II prVn. Should ©non- ; I“» 8l * 1 '‘ ! V" Fr.-oiti. l»-.., i.n AMr»n,nnd i.v„ Tnik- rl "‘ "V h «" "" lino . j Hint., hnvo.nBorfd rorj ...oroly l.y j,h |[,.■|,i.,.n-,n„... TloiUonoio I'l.ninuii-nll.ry jww© IS.w .ork.od ■(renira under Rumors I 4.1 capital amt lugroe* a* we alumhl wiu.e** Austria and England would be content without the , C.or«lH 4 o„er..»mei.. 'ni-,ita|nc..»r>k»M*»u©riMl.lnnd! Thun- Homo ttion of Hoyaniniiul, hul th.l "o- Ho,,,..or ll is ...led Hint "10 Hun. IJavid J. "cloy will hu ; Ulvi ,, ua „ u.u. »u..u .oltnw,, ».uld 11 tvuiMX'' A. ",7‘ 3! , . ' r "" d ; d » ,0 l lor r “-« lMliun to Con S"-'“ fr “™ ! I«' t.r.ur <*..» "») would hiooT, ihclr ... cuomu.l.. u . r ' lay "^V 1 l'i;LpuHo,n»m-. ..chi„n“'j l^lr 76.26 W., she spoko the steam propeller Totton, ' titird District. j hydoing; but ttio i.tighiing effects upon ttio sute*, piiwers, ami pii eceding* wt-ro entered uinmi. The from Charleston lor Now York, with Iom of pro- Hun. E. W. Chastain writes lo tho editoroi tho , from wwkh thi* capital and labor were withdrawn our bases ami tho interpretations given to them by pci ler, and supplied her with pruvitiou*. Thitcap- Cassvill* Standard that lie is willing to abide the ■ wnuld not be lo** severely tell from reduerd production, the Allies having been set torth, ttio Uepr4-senta- tam ol the T. was in need of no other assutmteo. action of a convention oi tho Democratic party of i Lo»enud populatiiiu, decreased wealth© abaudunt-d plan- .V-VT,, 1 ’. — ; I the Fill!. Confjrcs.iunnl l)i,lrict. ..In. or, c.l «■«.«©." .nuuUo,, Mr. UoMattio. ol Adaou’ Uprcu-ha. H „ .,»i c © t » oh liuw wo know n.u.) j '""'hlc.©"". .'f"'!"'. "> enll.Ur. - cur lhank, for Iho l.le.l Now \ ork p.|.0i.. ! ",© ||u„. A ll. Cuh|ul» wdl no. I* n c.ndi- ! ' ,,uld *“ "J '' —. © . ' - * ,, ... of IheUitloii. liwualdalwa)# botousafereigiienutnry, Maoaiixes.—Col. Williams has placed u* in ' , '“ u 1 « ro election from the .Second District. Wo j #(|t| nitm WuU , d bn AnicnranireM. ai..l all .-nr«.nigra possession of Putnam’* Monthly for April, and j discredit too report. ^ | non there wt.uhl Im tu*t in the dpanUh pupuiaimm <-u Leonard Scott diCo.’a re.jmblication of Black wood, preaume Mr. Seward will bo a candidate ; ,j N , imiwraat rule thttvwtm cunyumd uiwn.. >wjii<»w up for March. | Ip'in this, tho First District, and that Mr. Stephens j p.r The handful «f French* Umi Tabic of contents of Putnam: A Trip to tho Bn< * W on * ^avid A. Reese witl i>o returned | were In . ouuiatwtnre now u* jK-rfeuity dioiiK-tn race, Moon{ tho Water Lilly; American Authors * r " m tho Seventh nnd Eighth Districts, lu tho : mlanguage©habits,inannur*,andcu»tutna,iiiidiurmore (Choate) • Hall at the TuillorieH • the c.„ nm p„ Sixth District, it i* generally conceded that ox- nmnerous,than when lliuc.tuniry camvinto out py****- Ai.^uJ^’, uZhuW ! Ou,ur„ur will h« . cndida.o. No one in • prummeutty indicated in the Fourth District, late* ly represented hy Mr- Dent, who will not bo a candidate, on account of iitslhenlth. lives ol Russia accepted tbemvor bally.' One the l‘loiii|K‘ten<tnrics wns hurrup.m dvi>u:t-d to draw up a nmiute or protocol ol tlus, wliieh is to t>o signed to-morrow tSaturday.) tho tir*t ibreg, wliou the innh:iMsdora meet, and tin* document constitute the t>n*t* o| nvgo'iath'n* will for peace. I’, Friday night.— I'ho im**ioii uMieneral Wrdc|l Ins completely (ailed. Prussia refuse* to aceeal.i |u the tr.-aty with the Allies, nnd will not there lure be udtutUod to participst.- re Uu con- crvnct s. rnr. nuir.uu> anp n«)tu;r.r©s. StVASToruL —The Allies have reammd tiring Liverpool, ss tho Acadm and Britannia. They wore sold in I8A0 hy the Cuuard Conqiany to the Central (iovernmeut of (Jermauy for war at«*arnvr*, nnd wiien the idea of forming a Herman National Navy was given up, were purchased by Frit* fc Co., ot Utt-men. lot $165,1X10, who have now oold ' them to Brltnli (Joverntnent »t the advanced price ol ItHU.OtA) Attack by Women t-rov a Whisky St» r.L — The women of Howell, in Michigan, cft-AUd gr. it exeilomeot on ©Saturday by a " morning call,” a.* it I* termed at a spirit atyru. It «ccm« tint the h'lshnnd .'f onn 4>f the iaJics, who w.u Icrimri) u very h.»nl drinker—at tin ion a confirmed very- sbu*tv« m hi* family, ami an object ol regret to all lu$ Iricinl* arid nequauitanccs, hut who, when s..t>4T, is a man of talents ami respectability—has beontiying lor a few nioiith* pa*t to reform Ho wss induced, liowen-r, to drink at tho *to qursnou, and this arous.-d a looting of indiguaii -n in iho vill.ige. ’I’lio women .d ilir piac«,wiio ap- Skeletons; Ourselves in a French Mirror; Lovit Mamod, &c., &c. Contonts of Blackwood : the Beggar’s L-gncy ; Z»iJce— a Romance; Vagsbnod Life in Mexico; .... ..... , r ,.„. ,, * , „ ,, ' I lie C)rowi»cil lleailh .Tlouriiluff for Civilization—the Census; A Poop nt Parrs; A | XtcluiiftH. S»ry of 111. Camp.i«n within n Ion! in iho Crimon; I „ „ , |1K ,„„ n in ' t ;„|,u„,| ©inuoito M.m.tni.l Chnns.., ft©., &©. I Cl)lltl m „, irnlnB pfcMI , elJ lho f of «©lo by Col. W ""©ms. | ,liu Hm- urur Niclloln.. Tl.u LunJon l"u.lrnl.d Nt-ui. mure than flity ye apply to the Canadian Fieiirh© who havebwu uudwr |'',iigli»h rule for .1 full cciilur). The Island la cpaniali, < Mit.l will,under any clrcimialamtca, remain r*j^iil*ii4«>U,« en-l ofilmo— Hpanlali in Innijtmu**. r < p«nl*h rp euatoru*, >paiii»ti In jKilitlca and In the leading ivalure* g-»* • efiuneiit. “AUti.uigli we may itrprccal.'ttie l.tea "1 AlnoanU'tn! lliu IsIuihI, Dial to-- lias Im-vii made nu nniu-tfe**»ry bug- nte>->,.44 f.u a* I.* It* elfin 4,11 Hie Soiitb. ri- •* 4 '.»'e\ u? it Mould have no greater or oltn-r rotulia Ilian i--.- t-iufrut pear lo have had no .Juiica to dutain'thi-m at h«m-. called a meeting, when ll w*s resolved to pr.-et-e.! xt ouco I., the grocery ami vxccuto summary Vf«• geanre, by p..uring iho li.pmr in the street, winch they did, with hammer and liatchit. The ..wu.-r uh->se aieck was dealteyeil intends lu lake legal proceedings. wlirii they havC daily amt hour I lencr of I'nnuda al a of .Sncrcit Concert. j Now* says: "Rcfcrringto past precedonis, we think : Airnuuiuatton of Jamaica, llayit, Previous announcement by advonisement, etc., • w« are jusutiod in nmtoipauuff that tins tmpnrunt ' TU«ugU Uu> polni of iho Floridaf'e hxs made our citizena generally acquainted with ' event will he m-tdied hy iho Court ol Husnu to huniln-d initea »f ‘ uba, »< tho fact that a Sacred (Concert is to be given in | those of (treat Britain mid France, in lho santo * "re concerned. Trinity (M. E.) Church, on Thursday evening, by j way as if no wnr cxistml, and that the usual corn© tho choir attached to tho aamo, assisted by a num ber of ladies and gentlemen, amateur*, ot the city under llio musical direction of Meaur*. (Juosapu Bus and Donaldson. The proceed* ol tho concert afo to bo applied in payment fur recent repairs to lho church edifice, rnado necessary by damages sustained from tho storm on tho memorable »th of j ,h« royal houres, wliuli | c a\o it scarcely September. Aaido from lho objdbt in view, as an- |or one lo lose a member without all lomnj pounced, tho perh-rniancce will have intrinsic incrim deserving- the patronage ol iho lovers ol »*( r. d song. Wo fed warranted in thi* asnertion from tho well eataidiihcd reputation enjoyed hy several of tho ladies and gentlemen engaged in the slfair, as well as from proofs received during a hall hour's pfc*cnc.> at rehearsal, last even ing. when allor Iisiemng to " Hiorious is thy Name," "Como (Jentla Spring," "IMgrim Fa thers," and other selections from favorite compos er*, wo sensibly felt the force of these lines front Cowpcr: f * Thtrc I* In rent* a *)rnpaihv with soikhI©, And as the mi mi l« ; uet.M, llio .-ar U ; l.-a«\t With mell'rig a|r* or martial, bntk «,r i;rire. F«,rot ctii-r-l in uiii*«>n wnh Mliai Mr l-t-jr fa Puiehr-i WiUiliiiM. ami the heart repUev." Tho rich (real to bo enjoyed, as also iho M-i.rlhy object to bo served, will cause Iho Cfiurrli to bo Mod lo overflowing. Tickets and scats sliould bo secured early. I.tcrraz this Evksijio.—W« would rnnmd oor renders nl tho lecture or Poem, t-> Im diiJivi red al Armory Hall, (iris evening,by tho Rev J Pmtp-ml, Jr. We have seen portion* of it, and can com- mend U to lho Bociaty urxiar whnso suspicra it will be delivered, and to tho public,as a mom entertaining production, abounding in scntinicyt, wm and humor Tho subject u—" Tiro Past and the Prottral.’’ nr llic UjO.nua*. j Han.a run* * iil.In (ar it. i-rai'-acal re* Uha I* not within tlvs hilrnlrnl rude* of the alavo turrilory ut the I'nlUnl Muter: and. If , ... , , , , a ivero afreii Olatci.ra hlack rwpuhlic, w<niliJ,*<'far a* plinionlary muurnmg will bo ordered to bo worn at u „. , lUc i„„, „, e Mmih an- concern.-.!, n-.i t. a re mat m- lho tatter Lourt*. 1 he )»rificiplo cd inicrnationni 'jnrlou* Influence which our Mantlirm Incllimi Justly ilr> aw- is, that all tho crowned heads ol Chriatian ! prerats, a* hav». thn free Maica uf ohlu, I ml i ana, or Europe constitute among themselves one family; . lllliiol*,iuir even Canada. An nenan •>( nvvr «us tiutul- and this ihcury is further strengthened in fnct by i red miluslntorvcinmr, iiuhd effectually cm* off any uwl- liumi>orlcas marrragt** and inti'riiiHrriagc.*. between lixnInfluence than I,lien mile* <■( po*Diblu ; ThoUfltUh tlabama tstamta are nearer lol.vtwgta and losing a kins* So,,t h •■arulina 1 ban Uiilm : l,tu %* l,-> nt tl..- --..iUi ha* man Or close cmncxio.i Anoihcr princ.plo ol nrer heard, mUueiu-r hjnh. Il.ctr .ta- public Inw, siiiflionliig ami aanclifying whnt is ; ' r ' .luo t-» llio natural ties of relationship, is, that j Jld |„, 7 King* arc never supped to U personally nt cn* *" If , h „ Afr j r , n i,ati..n of Cnl,a is i«. Ik* an ..r-Jcct uiuy Tho amicable relmmns between them are 1 0 f,jre«.l, the*nft.-*4an.| »ure*t iii-..le i«. 11*-nt »uch never m'erruptrd ; the (.1 treat motives are attribul- „ reaultlai., all.iw 11 u. remain uu-h-r it* prc.4-M rnler* ; vd -•> them personally in all thoir actions; and the f.i il.eanu.\«ti<in ..f the i»Uud i-> »h- 1«tr-* eourteslea incidental to *uch relative conditions Mould tm It pr.-hai.t.-*.- to npMlnrai »i»ch a *11(00*1, ns occfl*ion require*, und.-r all circurn© [ M—’itl, and )i w.mtd hetnevliable m tt»- nr.i war slanCes W. f itself only alb'Ct* ©States, Without iti In whirl, we migi-l be cntpiKrd alter ll cstur tumour •hi* stigh'ASt degren alireting the sentiment* of •" :h--so cnurfosit'0 being cnumieii, oven in n time of ' The Cost or I.ivinu i«r WAstn.vnTo.s.—The best flour is retailed at ulev.'ii dollar* and seventy live cent* a barrel, and g-»-d butter is forty cent* a pound, eggs |8 cents .i dozen, ham twolvo t<- t.-ur- teen cent* a |nrund—best fifteen coir*, goed lti*h . In-in o tlu.iiaaiut w.r, Mart.-na 'E*pril du Druit d.-* (Jen*,) rot era to I he following." " At the morncni.of tho rupture nf tho n.-gotia- tl*-n* I-w iwacu which had h-'.*n c-minenc.iil be- 1 m>*,'ii Koglninl ami I rancc, tho Ihngllth King t>... *g« 111 j tauM'.l hi© marriage lo bo notified iu the King ot France, and rile latter, in reply, ex- pr.-Mct hi* lively eongmtulatlon ni-.n ihi- miipi- . 1 >u« occurrenvu. On ilm s.unn pnncipl.j J,*miib XIV. put on iiM'u-ning tor the Emperor l^opold .Hid for Joseph 1 who died 111 (Im nod-l of ilm wnr !».'• w.-on tho CW.1 Sisi.-s ; and Clinr..* IV., being still at war with tlm Frmrh nu'iinri'ii, tmlil •oleirin obsequies III Ins mein--ry nt his deveaso." ndoifing 1 Oil lex*.-1 do not w.fli tii lie nnderatood a* lho vi4)M* - Mho writer, y«»l it iimar In 1I1 .i ho iirg' « ins "bjocti'-in to the ac4pii«i>iun with gr.'.it at-iiitv. II.) inentiuiiH, in 1 neon, >o, that Mr ('alh-'un oppoimtl t * ilm acqio*Hn*u ol llio island, an-l seemed to c-tiiaidur it lorhiddtn fruit to lho Fulled Siatiyi. u|m.ii llio i.iwn. 'Pho lotlcr* of Man h lai explain ttm diserepaiiey twtWi*on the Freneli an t Kiounan a»HK.vmis ot rim Morutma «f the rn«t-mt>l*. on tho night **f February 23i. Bom ae.Mums were cor- reef. The French did storm and capture two Rus sian redout-:.*, but finding them not re untile, ir u m tin- murderous hru from the walled b.iit.-ri. * --I their tMi-m -H, they blew up the r.'doul.t.©, and retired WHji tlm l-m» -il MV) kiUe»l nnd Jt’ai w..nndv-l February27 —Tho dead were buried during n truce «-l .me hour. M-trih I.—Tho lollowing is iMen.n-hikofl’* dw- patch — ’*l>uring laM night wo creeled a s.-e.,nd rcb-ulil v-vcmv-tivo cents .i |x*ck, Imrrinc* tw in fi-mt ol nut w inch is on tlm left mdo of our l-.rii- *>' cent* a d-»en, porch tliirsy-on,. and a «;u h>--iu-.ns. fr w a* impiNMihl.} for tho enemy to pro- eenis n bumh, a f«»ck fj*)i large en->ogh 1 vein us Nothing ul mq-orSanre ha* occurred at tninv-eight rents, apnle* litty l-> sev.-nty-fiv Eup.Horia " # peck, dr led apples filly cents, dried peach. March 2.1—AdvicesIrom flnUklavA rcja'rt sick- ii.-ss decreasing, an<l tho woathor cle*r ami floaty. Tliren mileri «-f railway arc are now m op- rmioii. The rear <•! die attic* is now greatly Mrengibmcd. (Jcneral Burg*-yno. chicl oillie engineer*, lus left, lie i* succeeded hy (Jcneral Kon.-r, who recom- meiideii, contiary to Napier's advice, nn attack on Cronaiadt March 3.1 —Thn Kussi an* are (•-rnlt mg in n for* midntdu manner thn valley .if Inkcrmann. 'I'hey are alee* erecting mortar turneries at Ksniara l-> tlireaten BaUklava, and hnvoaunk two mure sliq* in ilm harbor ol Sovn'lop.-i, .March Till An .-IHeial French despalrh, giving information --I the .jeaih nf iho Empcr--r Niehola*, hu* tu«' ainvfd Yvatcrdsy w« threw rockets up* .oi K.imirn4-h, which *. t lire town . n fin-. Two RmwiKii .-lii- .f* have desetled In lit* F.ngloli (hir aieg" works are prooaoilimi wnli great arm ty. iSign-1,1 Itiit’AT, Vice-Admiral. March Hih —Nofhintf imp -n*nt I .* occurred — Tip* tepurtt'd battle hetwetu ll*.' A,Ire* m.-t lho Rii^*. m wmeli Oaten Hscken w.i* nported Wu-nul.-.i,; labie. .March J".ii --There is nothing later. fc. Ve At UFsTA. \I*IIIt. «* —«'.>TT*>* —The rnarkti »,»i t»ren uri©rU-wt ©iik> lli*- u-*t ATLANTA, AFKII. Oirros.- 6 <4, 7y» t «lr* ::.t» NKW Y« UtK, MAt;r;il 3 - -r-rema-Thr market c.t, linin'© \er» Irea'j.w.tfi notbing of iwp'.Manta .l o-i.g.-- Mntdlo.g t’nUn-l. are m-mii.aJ xi 3c, aa-t Ou Al.-bi^ ar,i Ne* "rlran* mh'igfl.S' IlMif, fcc.— ll-,- PI- ut rnaikel l* floarr a,it,a (aril; R.unt itcmaufl for die avppti -f th* P.rxl ii-.l P#-te. hoittera, in *!.•» -i tr,< in-ici- -liraiMtix-u t^-i ,.r (.1 tire r and iiH-u.uin grai-e*, in -lUi.m.i in it,. *1,1 trpiiti *tlt| IjIrIh rj-rirrv. Tt-r**H» t*f lire -ia> m- KfeCfcir 4*iv> bbl* si St'-AU ■'•n f-r e,.inci-m 10 * r. cn wid il.-'lceSlate, #*J Ptftl r7)| 1*,r «• 10ire-r. n < *hlo. Hlco— t* tcarrtl) *„ firm; *alt» TH litre* • 11 I % Jtt.n-iiu inttlligriitr. I’OKT OF HAVANNAII Al'KII. 4. Aititivr.n. I'.H. H. Mratmlop Kre-atllle. l.-nllow, .> t,oitf» Iren, Near York. I., |*»,t© It.-nl, Faj fc * On XI SM S ^ long. 7rt, 3.’, IV . ;--.,pt-|irt Ti*;u-«. fr >10 Cli*rle*lun for N*m V<-ik, «nhl->©» .,f lilh'tl her M lit, j 1.4, in.iUKf. | ban**- day, tE‘> r.uoh <-i Chart<-»tot«, uM.kH(n| »,ynal» with (U-aUrelr)., ireiuhenMr it-1 U<oUr • 1:1. tn.rn « h«rle*t-.n Xt’if. tc (J a ch. .And. r©».r fc .*>« an*t<»n, |l .4l,ral.*t*» fc (IrrUft, N k !ta/mije. I. >. I'yck, t> Itrlilco. ii IlfeMn, Haller fc I numi., (©-•♦: fc \ -ilalunga, Ja» A ll---»n, Hctm fc Fovier. IUhIjm. . fc •Ypilelrea-I, Hr d am. Ktlli fc (A-, J |- 4 t'rr.ual Itailre.-i (<*, I* 1. I'oeMaritine,Chaffer fc i.V., VX u> © v. I» IM'opp, J \| 4 '.Kij-,.* fc '.u.' '114*1.orn fc • unmr^i *m, 1 . ..nn© fc llrrt.-.'Vanc fc li.vrro, M A i \ 1*--?^, IVm M-inran, M I* v fj, llelN ill fc H j (,.i, ,p, IV * • I>- -kfcitu IU,i* fc IVa*ii!>arp. l.intlnu fc lUl uim., C Freeland, KletnO-K fc in, I: KiirjwiH, FrahAliri fc. Praiid. «, Hr ChaaCst kill, J P l.u Imiflm fc • ©., IV IV U'»«lriCli, «Jree*illr Ar 1.1, llor.e fc (©Killerr, A II a \ - w.kkI. "in Hale. Iluigrr fc Carureril, Ilridi A. lit* tiie, V > llanr.dge, !: Haber» fc So. VV pllur. ... N \ ll*ril-r fc )l»-I»l C k fc C4..,kc. Iludreo, I It-o- In.-fc - •.«• J„t n**'ii fc ("... J |) Jc*e, Jc<> J.ore*. i IV Nelly. N It Knapp, IV II Konhreufh. Kin* fc jrei.*. St Larin. \ II Lure. It l.sihrnp fc «;r.. J XV LuEr- p k «U , L-.r.llfc l.atlnn..n',C A I. I :m»r. S X| fc J*r»»,l*'e. t4M-k..;i fc -nrlliiij;©, Ji l.ion,IJeo II Mu. V fc II Mjllrr. 1; X Mrc ir.tre,. XlcMafum fc Jv., ,. i XV M..rre:i fc 1 „, || \X Mr,-*-,, XLxc- fc .NXchr-t*. John ii M-.-rr fc l>. \ AI.mJ, fc Jlmibei, T Ii Mill*. Nr. or, I a l'-’"P * Roger*, ii f Ntebol* fc Co, iHiV.mj..©, J.>tn «'liter, *F J 1 V',P n. 1: Par—n. fc Co, ration. Ilmn-a fc (... M J Kelli*. U.iM land fc Ca, liot-lWK-ri fc c«i-..| . II tl.nhkrlitW, 1 Y.r viiPan.l, H*t>un fc ,'tnuh, Ui fc .- H PlWei. J S Murwral. A A H." lev « / *.-KN l. AlaUi l * A 7t»'-MAS*M*rr • I I I.VJ4 4N.4 IX IrAri* rl in waiaur >-! * ** a.-j l», fce. | 4.r Mb ».} | .: ; r. v • m tj. ! *IH‘f!T" XN/> Bit * > . re': firm* I •« ' NTW. I -I.4.I K AN I, 1 I 44, 11”t>. lih4n-« /re *!.»,(. t.j »|-f 4 M ax : iiax Fov oalr J-.r \V V vy p fc « .t.4M‘ 111 Mir.*. f.»«5 i©i*t.vC a.-ie. ■ —.© ui.i, *1,4 i.j^-riu© U» r l-u©t «., f i trte m *. ■ l ie it . » le** il M • I ,*IVe , r 14© .t-* XV.XMlK fc riJjthT X>7.V|. J.-»r*‘ H»iii*’ 11.1. > *. I 5 X ' I.aretia* Ur.*, tl. ; i-Ja lkr«lMrf,tn XVA VI ii fc «t»NST SS7:". ) I -*’ n«iM*f*r. P»t • -if- IIAM KLin - .:•* ©.testtiw kM'rfr. alt©-, r-.n .1 ■•'.© 44.*. U* »% Ai»*XX - iKIH.Camrrrwt. 111 J*. — » u*l r»«» •«. 1 .»l»-rv«l F, - 4f. i1. ^r.)r r, -‘-ree !-■ -kTii. iu *. i.ciiiiui pah x *,.r • l • i.Nrs 1 \ r *©*»'rtm- >*') ttfcJ »Jrf I - " ' r-e©b Uk Mill, k c©k4».--<1 <•: Mi «pr 4 IX AV»t/.l. flT HU I All Kill AI’UII. t* « ITV 7 IM A*t KITIV - Mill. S »1 4**40, t4 XT*.. IIr sr*r»cr juuc • I*- . • Ire ia». rr !« T".’ :i *• 1 m - : •'» •k . xx k- »n xK7 , MAX IIUOKH. glu'F.lYLlt HX Jull.N U 'le-M.h* IXMotalo. A |*ll III ra > f>.*i»K- at»i i 11 . I - 11 Mvsriki'-vs —Tho brig J^uintha, t’u at B"Mon Irom llaytit'n, rrp.-r«hn*mg 1 lire Nth til 1 , in lat 26 *leg. 10 mm , i<>u. *J •2"2 mm , tin* sehiH.ner Yirgmix, (.apMln McM from riiikj.ort I f New nri. au* The Virgrni " ill Im rieidlecied, sailed from tlus p. n <ni :tu nil S'! a West India put —('has Courutr. ll — -In 1 InlMiilui ©mi. j.ili-n nl, i (JairriN Mc.vtnrAr. F.i.r/'rmrr — Wo learn front a gentleman just from (Jriffin, that tho niuniclpal election In that placo on ,M-unlay, reaultcd in iho aucerxa ol tho entire Tcinpcranoo ticknt, na fol lows: j htnifor: i A A. I’ORTKR. | Alder men : Dr Wm ||. Faiciunr-, | F. il fJl.llN »..,©!, • A liM.t.IMT, D H Cp.un, Lei Hran>, • Wm F, Wan,nr, , BaTAjr HKtrrra, I J W HiiAcr.troxr,. Mandtal— Ai.uuarixa. C.'crk— Ffcam'r "“TTri I * ' ^ VVo “ ro n "' rc f'*m uf lire fact, l»*rt are inrlinod VV' l [ 11 Wil1 m ”, lh *' l,, “ UwU*. i -» Uli«.o lho l.iiogui,.({ Itokol ... , UW K,,1.| !,, ( sptaln hhaw,from Charle->l-.i.,will arrive hero (tlm Know Nothing*, tin* evening, and Iwavo (o-mvrrow mornmg hu 1 - Florida, touching at ifitormedisio landinir* Ills! ” Hkiim flaiuinautu.'*— I ho WaDhingum Fnlon Union, «a not known yat whailrer a permanent arrangement pr*<f«a*ra to men a marked change m ihn |*rditlral > Isw®, Ilm realilioa nf tlm has l>«*a nisdo for her m touch hero on her trip* to : CompItiAlon of Virginia within il,a U.i | n w wreka •ml It irpiircw that |hn fir'a of d«nu<c.raU« *"al at* kindled ihrouglMHil lho Hialo,and (here la •• »ve r y ronfidonn*Ihanlioy will light ilm parly onto sm-tlrer brilliant triumph ’’ Tire Unnm M id w-mo- thmg jutt like tins piovii/o* lo the election in Now llaoqmJilra mare i» >\l.le for lo hr hi re I...I.I eeiillng $.x«i, at* re- heir rh*f|(F nil tire ca<c» ol -r paileiili «ufli>rtrig ft,»in .lln© hi h nin) Imi at(|«in-d retliein ihrlr nr*'b> lire autln-rlllr*, rlliier nf rminlln* or *n». anti t-» Bin’ ili,-in proper mulicnl ireSirnent, an<| i hnrxu therapenmUirn-.lli,Xha »ai*l 1 rouu- Ni'M Vink, a bill ha* tree lh,< Ine-xrpnrainxn <-f n catml in Ihnclly. TtmT* 1 r.-al ul*ii-, re tain*- run iju-ml l<i rereivo nn-'rr puiim-nary rori*umpiliin, or pAtregi'a, Forro* rxoM New Orleans to . w *va.-i.v*h — Among tho exports of tho scH.-r.nrr U« *, ni . . lesr mt from New Orleans ,-n iho 3Uih ult , for this port, wc notice 28 halos cotton. Thia ta s airaiign qnai- rer for im to rocoivo cotton from. ty Wo would relrr tho reader lo tire tilnhit ol^o oarning* of tho Havings Bank, in this morn ing’s iaauo. It will bo seen that 11 hns dadarurl a dtvidond ol 7 per cent., ami that ita Wmmi gen erally haa beun conducted with gmt iuccum and DAtivfaciion. tire Hi. Johns. Kvnxvil r.t. am* it* R ill Roil** —Tire KhoaviIIo R'RUter of lire 2»lh lilt aft)#! ! We are gratified le Ire able lo stale that the rare 1 ; mi llio Ka«t Twinowa* nnd (Jm-rgia Railroad srn j now minima l*orn»ir's aix Indus iln* aide of IriUibtli, umi lh-> sftMli' iliaiaiti n *>n 'hi* aide i>| tht* Tvnnrs*ee liver Tlm heavily ami richly freighted . rrsins now p«s* mi aplrndid array over iiremagiitli- I cent bridge, wloeh n->w spans lho imMo 1'rnnnaacn s| lr-ud-iii. Tin* bndgi'.re a work of art. »* pro nounced fiy rornnion I'onnrni eipial, il run auportor . t-> any bridge of tho kirnl in tlm 1 utiro Hmith tl ia Irnlerd a inignificent morliiiiii'ni |o H..uih<jfn enter- prim, nrirray and utility The Iron Ifnrse i» now wiihin twenty-two tniir* «-l Krrexvdlo, nnd inn 1 |,-w nmnina, w.i )mpe to give him such a wetromo i tin#, lire grand^unctn-n of four of die pMindpul 1 worthy o| hi* imp.,r- casren, anil tlm lilapir- lug pri>Dp*|i-la ol lire Intgtn, produced by hi* Ilium- pluui approach Malm or Kauroai* amp Bjrr Hto/:*,— 1 Tho u*n41 monthly ash* Pmk place before lire curt houav ycatrrdsy morning, and w«m largely attend- ®d 'I’ho amount of property offered was not •** Urge m usual. Th*re we/o Vi share* of Central Railroad (flock wild «r f 104 |«*r afisro, and 1« shares of tho Bank of Havannah SI $106 per share. Hot Koiwk I'lart*, dtc.—Noilrn dm advert)**© m*fit of A. Tltotnaa, who will sett to-day a Urge and Wall aclactt-d variety of plan is, «ic., *1 lha |at« residence of WdlUrn Humphreys, corner of Joiim and 'i’adoal siraat*. $3TTh« Fsnorama of tht. (Muge will ba *«• hilnmd lhi« afl«rrpM,n at thraa o'clock, and ihis evening sleight o'clock,at Hi. Andraw’* Hill. fiwiirarrr Cviurrt I'aurxrrMtjtTs • -W« fsarn from the Orand Jury i'raennimeni* of (Jwinncti county, that ihn taxable |*/operty of that tounly last yo«r waaeatlniaied at $3,J*nfAl, and that 7ab dill-iron usve for ilm last three year* received the b« ni flu of cducaimn al llte axpeiMw of d«> oouniry. Tire (irand Jury tie of opinion, dial dm ex|wri© iim nt of biennial noeakm* of our Hist* legislator* h** proved • failure, and ihey recommend a ru- turn iu asNUxI euemii*. Col Benton, arrived at Hr I^km* on the 25th |n>r .having in diarge dre tnneln* -.1 hia wile, wlnreo funeral l-»ok p>ac« m i|re He«mol I’rnahyto- run church on dm foilowpig day. Hire of flits nin«t di«'re*nng aceo.-s a parent perfe’ii i,| *«iiiaMi*o feelings can Ire railed ii|s>n ... wituriM, |* a i»»e of **h-e-pmff cough in a child I Lt»frt*iml The poor llltlo aurtrref, alm--*t *iiII-k a|o.|, *»nlh'a ****** to agony, looking p> t-i llnoe ar <md fur help, elnidiee UR elnibi a ut nuytlilug xxtdpn r*a v Ii l-»r relief. In many roar* lilts alntfl ..( aiifleritlg it all'-"ed lo roniltmo |..f we, V*. htreann.. |||.i oolion prevalle lhal lire «lteea*<j " tnuat run it* e ,ur#e," nri-l nanmtl let cut abort The ino.nireio,** of dna idea ia 04*4111 inanilraietl wh«o Dr jAiorni MiiClin- ick e U hooping l.migh Remedy .. um.| | t . rll-r l» have lureu mien surprising; a-il h*i ked, ** 41 4© I.V tl.M I© ..I ...... ll.. . - . .... ’ . AFSTKIA. Th- Aiistriaii governiiun'- has n -ul'rod Franco amt F.ngUiui Uitvl tho tiiWsmn 4 .t -u> Austuau Aideiuke Wiilintutn Mt I’clcrsburg is .m a.-: -•( ayiiUiadiy merely—that it Imsno |k-Imii aI ol-;- •: Auntmi ha* addressed o new i*ir-'iit*r, -laie.l M.iroh Hih. lo thu (iermanio Federal • -V© ut, mt'-nii'Ug them tiiat tho Austitnu 1 imm*sinner Mi l l-rc-aonl L- lire Diet m new ptopi-foumi 1 Maids lire ilieelnsi tiiohilixatn-ii of tho (i.-rio one -•■•ntin- gi'iii* The i rcular also insiais on dre mn-iwsiiy oi treingnrepnrr <1 for alt evontnalnic* m-l iirentrena di*: Ho- Emperor Aloxsndor lias until.-rued tJ--rt- S4-liak- iri>> tregotiaio lor peace on die hntis sanc- IlDiIrd hy Ihe late F.<ii|ref-ir I’riioaia aia - issued ft eili Mnreli Hih. lit P* Ihpb-insnc ntnl I'.-nanlar Agenia, staling there I* rr»*.<n to t*clirvo that die iieg' iintions now m progressx* id i, rminaie in penen. I'riiMia, by a dticreo |likewt*0 lUteil Manli Hih, prohibits tho exportation of articles contrkhran-i ol war. There is much doubtful talk of nui'-graph letters pnMitig Ih'Mvpi'O lire m->n.irchs ol Fm >p' It is n.u«l tho C*n Abixander tins wrilti n t.. die King nl 1'iuaai.i solii'iiing Ins aitviire, slam,g dial KiiMoa hn* m-l died F.nglnn-t ami Franco 4-1 dre ilcndi ol lire Ktnper -r Nicholas: uu tlie| Emperor of Aua'.na tin* written to the Emperor Nn|Mi)eon that In, thmksdre io*gotiadi-n« will lead to ;reac« M ik.-ll has go no to Moieuw Tire two (Jrand l>ukea me on Iheir Way to Hi. I’oicndsirg rr-mi tho Crimea It is not true that the (•/and Duke .Michael wn* killed (Jen. Often Harken now rotixntninU within 8*'- vnMopol , (Jen Luiiers a: (klr«*4 There isiionnwsolntuvntsnce Irom the |)«nu(re Count Hesmvlaay Is orgami-ng at Hitiainyi a seiv Olid regiment c©4 l‘nrkl*ll CeSMrks III Which rule* will bn enrolled Dtunrbsnev* hate u«cutro«l in Syria Erin*"n bundled Turbidi lm»»|*s have g-mn to Beyrout. 4IRSAT ItfclTAl* Hioi-e dre*fttlmg ol die Union the procce'lmgf In I'lirlianteni havo been ItiiUlijiottanl Th« ship lames (’heater, ahsndoiiej nt r-vn, *va* nlrk"d up by lire male ami *‘> of the c»vw -d the Kngluh slop .Msradreli, sud brought safe into a of Inquiry mio tire Hlalo nf ih« Army Irel-in Hcvsuored ha* Irern l»n -lays in sea- *i--o and roiiilnues fire Estl >’f Encxil, F^'lnirel |{oilnrk,('i>ntml*Mrlai Oflleer, *nd •\,fiMi,i.Mr*t--r ol tire U-mb n’l linos sutured Theovidencu i-oiilnins th-- of mi*roiu*«.mnjni i Tire Falm-tre Fund now uxw*! |mHn-l* *|nrlitig. Arri »t of Bank R r.nri;*; — On Friday exem tire 22'Ii nit., iwo moil wi-ro srrcaied in tills p a imd-'f surit-icton ol hi u.g cotio 'ro«'d in dre n c Bank t-'t-Ifcrv, al Wselrngt-m, < Jeotgia, and w fi-ii to Lmt place per (Jeorgia Radr--ad tram, « n pri-per, © '«>ri They cor.h». t* being tire pet*, "h" •' -ar-led in die liou*4* and left lh«< day prex i- (•• die r-t'bery, but deny any knowledgi'id it H pictons againsV them, h mover, ate x^ry *iroi-g : aneral ctreiimnAiict'S g, t.. prove them I he . A im ru adroit r-ditK-ry we do not reim ni- hate, seen reer-r.led, amt, dguiliy, dmr i u will turn llreir ui».}j,»n -iiM genius iii'oa© hail "Jo die StaleSomssetvlco.“— Al.mua Examinet r KiM4RK«ni.c Fnrx.-Mt.viN in namra! anenee, lire e.-.i| monniim id I’ennay'varus, which Ire* Iwn - ii lire since 1n.1T, will (>rot>*b|y a-on Ire exungio.hed, as tire lire i« approae-'i ug w hull can Ik* auNtrercni hi water A maw h i* Ik on i -nautili d lliton cighlhs ,'1 a mile long, f-U (eel wale. 3iki deep, ami equal lo l,(!hl,lM) ti>u* ol coal The MitaiMiii'pisn aay* dial $IU,(atD litve 1. "^ rdlu LeXinai-’U. Mimoiiii.I i imi*S srUler* »r>-m e holding Stairs to go to Kansas. JK'ltll n - NordiCaiohns; New* *;in*'un nan is a c*mi4*U!c f.-r reeled Tire Aaltev that .Mr (. to l'->iigrr*«. PrtTiMor (*iurr Jnrrur» —Chief Ju*nce J*» Ik'Oth, of Delaware, a man hi«h!y eti«*etH f *f l*»r In* iairri'a and viltoee, diwl ai New ( aarie, on lire VX'di uu: .Bulge Eayatua II Rea*!, lain Chief Jnslii-** ut Ftali temti'iy, dietl at Itath, N N .on thff'th It I* said the Uev Mi** Ui the regular rontrtbut*>l* lo die N Y * now - Tritnini Siircini Mituri* rm> TOTica., X’% l*l O* i nl-am** *. t H*i*ar»i., xta/diWuli, llifcx i I'oilnetl *1 i ell legular tMeellng r->S .Xlti |e©-*lni«i *i>ll elect an l«*jwcl.ili>r XV,i»M* lira. l'"BiptM04l|oli, Flea Mnni|rr4 l«« il*.-u*AA-t it«llA,a Xpj.licat.i* « .11 ' i, ii«„t seeuriiinA k.v. «XAYI»I*X‘UT.* *■ no Aim oi HKAtTll. Ho.««iii,lit Xniti HIV Tl-e la»( 'uevOi-r --/ i»«* p-eseot ||a*M *»( II© *IU* w ill tmhft.l on XX i-Jtw-KilA}, 4lk I-* . •< S<e»inr> ?*eni IMS«FX(.nis. ■et »u-»ni»h j- ko.-miW. item \mw Yerl-IV tl *l©].l| I. I* X1..,,c. J s I Wet imwvi XV XVomS. Ii XX", Marshall Cutis * XVivWfMff". J mine. J •' lie* 1>* J XX Kite,, Newelt. Mom J..fre ,a.I ©.>n. Mi*, i<•ntti.r-4, Mr# ) * U ehlMCeti at©.! , Mi,© X llrBiswe. Mi ©a N Towix'4. s M Asspts ) M [,, X l..MMl«-n. II S rnms tl fkeliiuri, to «VvA- »ivi iiii-h.', *1 l*"©« 1-4. 1.1'alro. II l*erAiM-*i s»»t la. Ml,© |,i©it, Jm X#.iriMHi, III** XVetXi It Mtwrk 11. ) \x inw jn * - »>©J, X M lillM, W T XX Hit aw.* | I xi ©©ji©*}",. N M»a«. I Hoaentw**. »' Kralert". aoJ 0 tlerrsgfc O I MUM XXII 4. s he* Yoft, Mates sa-.XrtirwJ *hir / <‘0> linat|nth JU*i« h .W©i--0>el.-'4»nrr laalwl.a, rv.mi taefc ao"i*»te. »Ta. '* II Marek V Ann cm I »M|© IIOfjMi »>»-l Lu* . XhM I'txneea, If ©In "•iwnili, Khiri»M«i'«*iM*x , ■ © ...... i».<ni *x*,ansah • |.t UI tt XIIM Masb 14--H4. W *L p ftariwi*. E%, Saiaaaak 1 ‘t. . nU-Ji- hi***.'**, was* », r|njn>"*' ll.»k-, Manfc ff« Xniiol to tea TrOwIrle©,, I, IX MlatiC U>wA * '"'l.l' J? nil" m©m l**f-An, l-r IVwt.m, a«©Utftt Fre.vH Frau, in re. , th* *1©.-it w*ae4 *>U s* pw* *i »•« w “ ► «ant-ali, l-*r u» J Aews»> « Se* - it team. Murk riesltal kJ**©*.« low-ruts J > •«*•>• s **| T «• I f»©i **» at.nak ll" 4©c r n»Xi» a* Kstlnai vW l-in * I ii'il U.l *ri I'-i.'-ww. ai"- 1 *" 1 * 11 cswi.wi. 1 kbit I- l«A.i"--. « l-W* *1*4 C Md*sw|rs© t Ta ' Iv ttt .. pit t ,p.i,M*t-MiXa'o'‘ mol***-*, tile* LaiM©,: - .* ffciV. I©o<mm©. -JIO .t-> ■ V-*k» -j j-_ i . -XI VO U«**wl tt . *•*■• •>»» r\*|©e* Ifc* h»» IU I'XR* iw4»r^ i.iaii-mmmX, Marvt* X5©~ kntieA *V>P k«m TV>re*j©w-i>. ftoie r4^«aaa»^ |.|**.,w»4, Marsh 10 • Xlriieat M»V S*»»y, |Vt. P-+* » Hfcxsrreah- [ X \Y\»i-fc - «* Mm I' l"' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SAl'ItI'll CONCKRT. ».« •• e»r*» i* Timm . Tfrllirollal rpla’I'UII Hdli III/ Ihe Choir, 1* . .. *r* < | yo I XT'!) | x r-.-na. IK t4 fc 1*1 IJ * M. »© *' sum fCCtrived st (Its t’vnaion r«f!)re, nreklng 21 Vxi 1 ?!f v,,4,n,, ] r > •• •"•V 1 ' - w© .1. Infurmwl ll.«i it,. m.-astf r•• (.i• i Hr. The ship (ileAt Brliutdti’ h»d Bill Itrat urarllltcin© 1 «H#I them Waa no dock Hist" •*»«" •• iioti.feoil) u*r©l, j Her •J’uagials ol our riiy > I h" steam, r (JrpRI IhdXill Mded have incaived s lull rwpply ol do* invaluable ram- ' *b« Efdi, xxtlh •ovcdlogu bui|d|»d ami i ..... ... . ^ ! rnly,dlroi'l from l’|i*|r*ui.*» Jaroa* NEClrei.iek, ,\| the Crone*. , (..o'** * f,f l». Iwxre l*t*>a*t»l«*n\ »>l tire I’httadeliihu tJi.llege . .1 \ The Bank of F.itRlaiHtba* taken th- .. — - — . ,. Jreqi* !■«• otb/po-l s Hands; • rolluanss, a* s|>|martfium .MedlDtRa. I cuarantsml JaoiAle* l^ren-fhad a million Karltitd Re*. a**d i"*Me*c* •*« r*©.*ih nr«*t*tn*t l iter* *.<.©,» sn Sfitsle In lb« XI-iroiiiglUafWJ.psbilMiA.1 lliws,*Mth .... .© „ „ . . a. An »t>e<>ini»tiieiit Is mviisiiiig fo/ the foreign legion | .,”^1 ,. ■■ m,, m x »i xi «m ,,,iil»©l©..«4m"("qu-'(..»4 iM.r -hii u. rk©. „«..l L-,hi i‘hit© M«n .1-III. mM.n, * |.'a ! S i'.'V!«w"cr.'U©" ,l ffJlOT ©’* " ©^"©©wG* "I" - 1..1 ii„ mmihull M.i.rii i. ""©KTls ,illTSi,sKT.i ! -»©'_• i*©fc»-««- **^.©«»—, •I|'.<lMllhlllll»UM©IA|4ll HIM Ml" ,«©M ©j I Ul.| MmM ©b H ," !h. lu.-l-o-U ul 111© - ^CT©' k ” "*•'©JU",, “ ,l# * new ( hsnevlli.r nfihu Kgeftwiusr with owpaH In t , nn V*h**M % AT)tn"Xe/kL, ., ‘ u . , 41 Hb-Oi.amnbiirretthoflhe tW#fntiOM(|l v»,«. ****• (»« T.. D. MATO DOTS wVNm Votas* . lire Maine Iregisls * * “ lhatr ib*ur« on H'lmtay, sa-l *• t»Mvy wsrulhs |wn slUasordlMbedisfKfc, lhal the/ motofutmI In romply, TH* rwlwsqitMiCM mm, Ihsi fur nnrsIH Ip,hI« •»« S W HuiNlay, T«purs »kn sat* trail- fir fMirt. rattrsd 4u r*a» in dlserHdMiUd sWt#© '‘.'T** 1 ,* " l ,,r W I' ! n* sro kn -wo, ths Knuro ©opr*.. „| the ronnsy • *M it u p, hu honed ihsl tkssgbei uf lhal day • ,, !*.„’! * !* w , •*.»•* 1*0 **••**•« (Hal ii" |H’r*.>rt msikei mo*i i<otam uiwl#*'-*f»*l lW©.in»ts *t t*r»* j i lefcire- u **•# mi m*-*©**-! smm rx©,«» «* r." MtiiMDrlafararsbisinguMK* HmUmIkM HaMirslTisilJiiVl^ i.'r-thiVu^rVdo 0-« rarer# ireUllsMs. liltanM} sa Ihstlsy, It d-"• Itionili* uu n | C4l |i„„, ‘lire ma*.reurslly sgiorMaNabbaih. ltff«Mt Manli inh al Uaat 1 iqll* art uk.V i I hi. •(••). | Wl'il ul«ly L•* -ifllioi-ue afOr«,| |».-«i ili -immlid oURcwa t*f Ib'bl - | | At ' k f*»iM*©' t© - ••( Iioih* SM-i !*.4IMk Bay. Au*t»*lia ||i>< pm* #©v> la* s*H> ta li-x* 't i wx,*** Ami III* 1 marc® I.VhN fc Phttri H. x I *. I»* «»X.OMS »****IW draXMa.'” ■ V^TTT ,» *xi>iv«HEifcuM» ** tl laisttitUfc Mi-rew*- MM IX© I X -realat* -1*1-4a* *. I fc-©4M* "mi WJ -a» S»a.g ik* t*^i. m SI** 1 * 1 t»v> - Fxtsi'Mh I **X4*X* - , u " ,h *“ m fc *h.o.©, aim »fc.M,wa “ »*.#*>W»M*reK k d*»4iMl -F•* wO* x ehwfc . . ' ■ • » — "IIU-M t t fc—Ua**e - •* » »» "fc •"* h »'X» r «' •J ..r fc>«N wrens N N ,. t ’i,mi . nV n.-uwx* ►►> * *•"-« **■* u h at wp.©?3 txxi rffrO |>tW*>*M‘ik* . h* *l »w h»A 0"*w4 A t$r TtiAH. It *»k »» t a, gliitli^i 4H»4 ivw • X»«| fcMWfc aO) V -v*sa-©(fct t AVit-tW"' H v«atM.aKMS»».©X»-l '***' " Di I ’ -a© ifca •*-"»’* * .©ns thwA*©* 4 • 1 *. >*• a H**h«rek#> e Xf»' H* *>' Ml *t Xhl' ' 4*4Wr* r+*+ 1©.- - >. -•» , -r‘j*L3i?C24 « -. ***•♦, ‘-W >***A1 M* 4 © 1 \.©,«yniv-s *< ix^iXVi