The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, April 13, 1855, Image 1

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VOLUME Llll. savanna^, ga. PUIDAY MORNING, 4 , APRIL 13, 185ft. NUMBER 94. f HE REPUBLICAN j - u niMtw fimral Anelton and Commission Dully,Trn-VVockly mid Weekly, UJ XI c> H ANT, **' i No. 154 Hny-Mtuct, l>. W. ALEXANDER & GO.I foliclii from liii* ftluiut* c>ni»lHiinn*nt» of every «J CltV AND VIH’StY ft»ttlNTKI». My immiMinl iUIpihIcvii will ho given h* the into of Heal Bet nit*, Hunk hi«icH. Ac. Ilinn in lllram Knhurto, KiqI'lcrimi, llclill A Co.| F>. I\ WiH.ll A • 'll., Nnlilo I .you. I*iii, HnvulimBi l K. II. . ■ i ■■ a. .... I a... . a. UF ll 11.%!.. TKU.MS UKDIJCKU: nmil v iiuiinr. In 1ft 00 llnrtls, II. 8. Ttilon ft l*o.. Buie* 4 l.ucas, W. I>. Roll* I»u\rr.l‘,, U CIO i UllLAIoiilgoim'iy, Ala. nmr 17 Dull) «ln AiIyuiicii, for d ,1loulli»« Trl'wccklit In A«lvumu< — via i 00 i a oo I II not I'nlcl In Atlviuioiif Weekly* luxurlublx tn Ailvuuce* - nn Club l»rlecis—t Q do pic a f nr I o oo nr In DOMIC Will an .mIurn*ri»io|»n|.*rt>oatli*nil«<l ic.unlet* accompanied wills ltio money, or aaaincan- lory relbronce. — .itiihii.kii.ii, ,\u’a. n.N.luu J uo i oiiorKn, fodwaiiiiuu aivd commission. ■*-iiitb l ain 1 Mlvtlneed *£SSL Cabin Passage to Now York 820. MKMl-WEHKI.V I’MTI'.D NT.VlUN NIAII. I.INK. T HU new noil splendid side wheel Itctttiixliipa: kmivvH.l.i:, I,'an inn*, Capl. C. ll. Ll'uiuvv, AtMUHI'.l, I,.MM I.YON, runilllA, I.3WI " “ M.S. WimiMil l.t. ALA ll AM A> !.;*»*•» »• “ 0. II. HrHIM'*, Will leave Nivnuimli every Wednesday mid Saturday •i roi'owsi - ....Hnlimtn)',... April 7lli, 1833. ....Wciiht'iulfiy,. do Ihh, ilo ,...8nluriUy,... do Mill, do ....Wedt.etday.. do Ihili, do beliinlny,... «lo -i*i, do .... WcdiiPftdu),. do Vi.Vtli, do 8 u iunlay,... do WHIi, * do \\ i'dncMlay,.Mny VU, do .. ...Saturday,... do 3Hi, d» \\ tiluesiln),. no lliti, do ...tfmurduy,... do Ittili, do ...Wt-ducada),. do IU>h, do .. .Hntunluy,... do Mlili, do ... \\ idt.estli'},. do sldil, do ..Bum day,.•. do .Bill, do ... XYtdm-sduy,. do 3Utli, do ...K,|or>lii),...Juiiv 8d, do Knox* llli\... Florida Auguda A In hnins,... Hnowillc,.. riondn Augusta Alai urns. ... Kn>xvllle, Kl-riiia,.. Augusta,. Aluhamo, .... Knoxville,.... Florida. Aususia. Alulnttinv Known,c 1 lomln Avigvioa AI ii tia ina .... Knoxville,.... Florida, A null'in,. Aluhmnn, .... Knoxville do lYidne Uuy. d< ...1‘nunduy,... do Mill, ... Wednesday., do Llth, do ,. ..MniirUn),... do lllih, do ,... XX eiliieMlny,. do Vll h, do ....Saturday,... do tfdil, do ...Wednesday,. do 14,1h, do ,.. .ffumnluy,... do Until do These ships are nnioiig the lur esi on the const, titisur- pass's! Ill oreoinforU |intkliiiMin?lr|m->»»gos In tlltv sixty bnur-. nod are coiiiii'anded ov sMIlml carefol, ami |mll*w iilHt'iT*. Having eleunnl aialorooiu, aceoniiMHUllons, they offer u nmaldeslriililu convey unco lo.Nu* York. Cabin Pat-Mo.. - s*leeragu do d Awci.tss I’ADKI.PiMID. FA Y fit C«»., Hnvnnnnh. . j*A.M’L. L .MITCHELL, Ll Broiutwav, nprO New \ irk NEW-YORK AND LIVERPOOL U. S. MAIL STEAMERS. rill SHIPS LOMPHIIIhU i nis LINK aks: ATLANTIC-*, | BALTIC, " ii»l. West. ni< PACIFIC. Capt.NYR l'a|lt.(‘oN<TOCg. ADRIATIC, Capl. - MERCHANT. No. 143 UryuiMirooi, tlireo doors Hast Mntkot-iq. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Keeps coiuiniilU on hand a general slock of Family Groceries, low lor cash only. mar A. * W.1I. IVAIIINU llAlir.UNIlA.H, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner ol Bay nml Mom8onicty*l».>Buvttinwh l Ott. Solicit* cou'lgumeiils, iTud'l* prepared lo receive Cot* toil and Mcrch indite generallv, Murage, jail I . Nov.13,’33. JAHIKS S. NH’ll(il.S GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Jones’ wharf, fool ul Abcrcorn-street, Jan 11 SA V ANNAlI, HA. ly_ ( 4 m.r.TON A IMIlHOIKNi Gonoral Commission Merchants, BJ IIAV-STREET, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA, a. t. CAKt-KTO*. CllA». PARSSON. dec 18 . .HINDI A JIIIINSTON, General Aurtion k Commission Hcrrlinnts, Tender Uiolr services lo llielr friends nml the public. Jan 3 - c - dForrfon SHinduoa enruo. ■lillllllKN « JONI!N( WAYNRtUUUUi, UUKKK COUNTY, CIA. PraeUso law in Rtchmoml, llurke, Waalilngion. Ucrl* veil nml Kmmiuel. MAI.MIM n. Junks ly : mill.I.DIt A* JtVVUHJfKY* AT t, A IP, Wiiyuosboroi, Rn, Reference—Messrs. A. J. ft T. W.Miller, Auuustn, Ha. out V ly K . a . C .\ 11 A N I N N , ATTORN BY AT LAW, I'ursytliy <la,i Will practice In the Film and adjoining Couidl** <•* Hie J mi 7 Mneoti Clreuli. tf novlRf Will. A. I.OITON ATTORN BY AT I./ - A W, lion I i ct' 11 n« «2co» Wllal.lAll I III AY A RUN* ATTORNBV AND COUN8KI.I.OR-AT-LAW, lllrun»|>p, Florlilii, will practice In Uni Cnurisof Fast nml Mnlilti Florida. iTumio Pinkney ft Co.i'linrlvslrm. 8,0. References. > Pierson, lleldi fc. Co, Savannah, Ha. »Cooper it Molliurs, Mlcanopy, Fla, marv.'li |y* MMipJi'ii. A%. Hnccewor io IIBNRV J. P UPPER ft HON. IVnlcIliifti Jewelry nml Nllverwiinn i\o. 175 Cheaiiul-tl., ommaite the State Jluuae, l*lillntlt!l|»|iiu, may till I y THAT NI'.AV ANirspi,i:\inn nori:V, THE MILLS HOUSE llerenily Kreeleil AT TUECOUXUU (ll’MKKTtNU &QUKKN-STS. ciiAUUSToar, s. c. ANII ri'IINISIIKII in a stvlk mot KArKBincn ohTor tiib vitv op YORK Wiis Olio nest FOR THE RECEPTION OF IIOADBR8 AND TUB Tit .1W /. /. /.V'# /* Ult I. tv, ON TIUlt.SnAA.NOV. SI. I HAS. net 111 tf T. 8. NICKERSON, Proprietor nn:m*.ii »v ro. (At C. A. i.. Lamar’s,cor. Hra»Ion ami llryaiMits.) Factors and^eommission Mer'clianls, | ATLANTA^ GEORGIA, JOHN R. UNI. , MV A. IS. It IS I. A' ISN. J Allanln, March H, IP.V1. If mar 10 II. IMIOI.ITTI.IS A' I H.r B ANKLEH.S, (New HranMo IliiiMing.) Non. 45 &. 47 South Tliird*rtrect, riHi.Atict.ruiA. WM w. riictvitu. iiov tfu PATTIS IV iyJ3 COMMI88IUN MERCK \NTS, I DU liny Mreel. S'trannnh,Ga. 3CrU)=Yoelt 35JUmf«nurutii. j>VsM «. M. I'HUn'gitt A««V.V AdotrUtfug Ag$nip\' I II* JV'Ms’iM.sL, A*»ie. Peer*, and A*«. Hi fitli.ti.. Hoiteu. P. It Co. are Agents for the most iiiilncnUM kiiiI lar- S aslulretilalliigCuinmerclalPapers both Inihe United tnton mid Ihe I'nnwdas. r CITY BUSINESS hlllKnoilY. *|.tT I'hw following list of lluslimss Firms are anions he Itosl mid most reliable 111 the City of New V«»h •. ’ liUVIdHIIIS. I T’PHTElN k HONHi.No. 100, mid |0A V Cedar-si., corner Trinity Place, InipnricrMi! LA uis.s i:miikoioi:imeh.hlkh,!*c. Aug.3l,Yi5. H ORN,HOlll.liSPBU ft tlAAURAUH. ImmvUm.Y. Oermnii and llidglaii IIIH)AIM1.0TII8, 8ll.UK IIOHIEHIISH, fcc-, No AO Exchange Piece. May I,’55. _ WSNTI.KWISN'NH HNIfMlNR MMillft. C, II. HATCH ft CO„ aC\Cl|AMIIISRrt HTRBKT, NEW YORK, mamifac »F.F tnrersmnl lui|iorlera of Hiiirts, Rimu, «-ra AT»,iiM.vaa,8ii*|.caiiaas,IHin«ar.fcc.,’55, ON FRENCH’S HOTEL, CITY MARBLE WORKS, oamtb.»'i.simiw»ii sowbs. J.C.NT'SK. J.II.IMVI*. W. ll.LoNO. It INIS. IttVh A I.ONU. C O M M l 8 81 u N M I*. It c ll A N T 8, Juno l • biivitiiiuiiii Rn> ■ ‘ Avisi.iA a- vffsusru.i.i:. Factors, Committinn ami Forwarding Merchanti, SAVANNAH, HA. Juno3 J) -S'/. IIA I. .1IONISN, Commission & lorwardlnp; Merchant, BnU’Hreet—F»ut uf Linctiln-atreel, SAVANNAH. HA. RircacNccs.—I.. Trnpmniui it ».'o , Wnrdlaw, Walk er A* Itiirnshle,Jns. Adm-rAt Co.,Charle*ton; A.I.Brady, A. Alexander, Atlanta; Catlm, U-vitt, A Co., Nt-w .expressly for government service, every .-ar« ' L'T*' a., i, i v v b... 11> Iriipllnx. at.ili.iln Ih.<lr »ii- i I tir Collecil.>ns made, Ih-poslt* received, L’lieurrcnt money limight Mid Mild. * Hum fell ll .ii lAbltM. IHYi'Y.nTmII ER.IIANAtuV BANKERS, No. 48 William el root, New Yolk, ISSl’C Forcicn ( Ircnlar Letters of Credit, liN THE FOLLOWING CITIES- .evniukeii In IhelreonsirucHoisas also In tht-lr en. . gim’r.teensure«irc'vjth and speed: ami iholr aecoinmo* Jall.-us for passengeit are i|iicqualle«l for elegance op comfort. Price"f piMagefrom Ncw-York to Liverpool, in first cnti'n. $l:m: In second cablli, 975; excluslvi use ol (t r.i* restate room*, 93-.’.y. From l.tverpmd to New York. £.W ami jCffll. An experienced Surgeon attached to each ship. .So tli-rihs esn be »«cured until paid n.r. |»R PilSISIl DATES OF SAILING. Praia .Vet* Pork. FVcm t.irtrpooV lew. 1855. Wediwsdny....Jan.94.. I- J 55 , ’<aliinl*y... Jan- 13.. 18Vc winy.... Feb 7.. 18551 Sal unlay... Keh .7.. 1855 Wednesday... .Feb-.’I.. l?5.VSutmday.... FeJ> In.. 18 *5 (Saturday ....JanV4.. 1855 For Freight or Pa»«.i«e, apply to rnw \m> K cot.t.tN*. 56 WnlbdrCel, N. Y. Ill,' AVS. SmIPLKV At i ll., Liverpool. el 4.1*11 KV. KKNN ARD At i • i.,*J7 Austin Friars, London. ll H. W UN *VRIOIITft ct) , Paris; or CFO. II. HR\PER, Havre. . £ j** | lie owners of these ships will not he account n* lie lor i8dd, silver, hiilllon, specie, jewelry, precious nones or meials, unless lolls ol lading are signed there- for,ami the valini iln-rcof e\prem**l ihea-ln. '•hlnpers |iif.i*e lake notice, that llio ships of this Line can nut curry any good* contraband of war. jail (i ti.wfly NA.1IFLI. l»AI,7li:U.V MI.N, Healers In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Fit.1*8, K DOE TOOL 8 lie., WIIOLKSXLK *M> KKTSIL, No. 148 Congre-s and 67 8 JulianSlfCOts, 5'areHNdk, littrgta. Jnne3 Alexandria, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Ihilin, Ihuteii-Badctl, Ih-rne, Bonn, Bordeaux, Boulogne, llri'llleli, llru'sels, IhiL-id dl Lucca, Basle, J. lIANIIKOri’K »Y CO.. IMroRTMRS AMD WllOl.assl.e nasl.RHSIN Barthou-Ware, French China Looking Glauea. *• HromghtumUlrttt wn. win*.mi. G E NEK A L HU O K B It. you Tin: pviichask a.vo s.n.i: oy hkai. KST.1TK AX.'l fKIt-'OX It. /»/<<»/• #T/<7*F. RAY l.ANl*., SAVANNAH, UA. ArpfWE, |ni|>orler A: Tlamiitii-turi'r ofScgnri, .... -• hit*X* R-sTH ►. k'T, Frank lurl, Uenott, Geneva, Gibraltar, II nin burg, Hogue, llavie, llehlellii-rg, Hong Kong, Kmnly,Cey Ion, Liverpool, I mmloii, Leghorn, Leipsie, Idshon, 5'adrld, Malm. .Marseilles, Mduii, Moscow, Munich, Messina. .Mu I house, Madias, Malm, Mnnilla, Madeira. Naples, Dporio, i Heron, Paris, Phil. Palermo, Pi»u, Rome, Rotierdnm, Rio du Janeiro, 8|. Petersburg, Mr.i'hnuig, 8leiui, 8m* run, Seville, Hluiiln. Hlinl Kind. Shigiipore, Sydney, NSW., 'lunn. Toulon, Wh-hailcn, Warsaw, .... world. the room* aru warmed gratis; they are lined up win, tiiarhlu lop waah tland*, which are supplied with Crohui water, hjr silver-plated cocks. The halls amt water clo sets, on every floor, aru lighted during I he night. This Hoiolls eoiidunfiil on tint European Plan of l«odgthf Rooms, and iiiuala ns they may he ordered In lh« lie- Uefbelnry. R. I RKNCII. N. II. Do not believe llnckmen amt Runners who mriysuy that wo are lull, as aomu do in frotii/xraNtsrv tatrrrsjh Into Tho Smithsonian Houso, Broadway,corner ol M..union Hiruet, NEW YORK, On llmsamu blork with the Metropolitan Hotel nml 1 Nlhlo’a Garden, and two Murks above the HI. Nicholas Hotel, \\71 LL o|m<ii Anrll 18, nml offers to travellers huptrior M .irfummnaaliuni, In llm liesrt of llrosdwuy, In Imini-dMieJiialaposilionto (lie oilier first cla** houses ■onl places ol miiiim infill, nt modemle rales, TIihIioiim* •ms n I ilia con venlem-u In vogue, a ml will lie conducted «u the Eurtt-.-eun Plan ol Lodging Rooms, «l Jill* trait to tSrtr ilullnrt n il.iy, according to location, fcc., and uieal* furnished us ordered, at prices graded insult both the cifhmmlcnl nml eviravagnnt, the guests ordeilng meids nt pleasure,ami rsvinu nsi.v row wiut la l ain. Traveller a will Hmlnt Hie *MI! II*MNIAN nccomimeU- Bonn of superior order, andean ttinkeirikiH hili.s lk»s l*v »T l.kssl OIK-TIIIHI) TIMS * | OTIIKK flHST l t*BS lin rtl.s, as eomliicleil mi the old system. For respect- ability, order, neatness, comfort, nml economy, the 8MCIIISi*NlAN shall uinke us mark on Hie tunes, ami be worthy Hie pa ronugi- of the people, npr 2 Hill 8IHNKV KGpMAN . .Tv SEWING machines.' I^XCELHIDR HEWING MAGHINTX — Made by I j IIHOD, IIATTEI.LE fc l.i»., Wnrceslor, Massa- • husetta. paleiiled by Ellas Howe, Jr., September Mlb, l' , 4'i. These Machines are wurranied.i with proper use* m*t lo gel out of repair. They are built In a good sub- tlaniinl, and work manlike nunitier, ami will doTnllori Hlumnnkera’ haddlera* work, in a manner warrant* ml to give aatlsfai lion. The nileb will mil rip any mors thun common sewing, done h> hand. Call and see Hof in operation at 140 i.TlEs.M T slreeU PlilladelpM*.ui. •lairs. W. A. UAWmi.N, Agciik may l-‘ ly.Mfci; i’bEMini i nm «*i,A » i.. I ?STAUI.I8IIED In 178(1, W. BAKER fc i,*i ».*S AmerE j ran. French, Hotmeopalhlc and Vninll.-i, Preuiluni . i hondnte, pn-pared l'oeo«, Itrotna, l.'ocoa I’nsie, l-'ocr>a | Slicks, Hoi ii he nml lloinuiopnihic • 'ocoo, * 'ocon whells, i.'ritrkrd i ocoo, etc., are nil eat-s ilent diet lor children, invidlds.aiid persons In In-nllh. They allay rutlu-r than In duce the nervous evcltement ntiemlroit upon the use of • tea or coffee, and me recommended by Donors Warren, nilil l-AI'IIItK.ahit orotv Viocrlnll..l.'.iri-»i„. r I "n-l I It.i.luit, mu] l.jf ?'■ A,,,.., Cnmorol cityn.HSju.,.,.^ ftssktaHim.| STEAM MAN ‘f LE FACTORY, . (O/Ijiniitt the Ciljf Haltmn d I’ark Hunrafn.) | .... , Xf . „ |jr AH been HK-m rxu and rinnisusn. Tim suhacrl-1 Jp°/, n ® r ylno*itB„ I ill r.x i»r r.r;u *. ll her inisislhat, hwconvnnlonce.nlegancr,comfort | T •- D*BLIIF.LL, baying grwally Improve.! their and OTom.iuy, it rmirmt be surpaiMwl In li e world. All , 9 > • «»■ manufacture of every variety of — nAiiiiiji: workn, Embracing Die best sly la of, table tops, mjujiung, tombs, and monuments. Are | reparesi to supply orders upon reasonable ■•rtns. mnr 1.1 Sum PATENT KLASTieSHinm IBA TEN SU IREE.DAY. So. I Harclay*streel NtW Yobk. , C tAlfTION.—None are genuine ex-ept they Iwar tlio 1 ; ainmp of Hie pstenl. All rnanuUUurer* amt sellen j Infringing will be prosecuted accoidiug to law. mar Hi Mar l»,’.V}-f» j 011 31 tllll.TIN NT A N11A II11 HIT' HAIL IIImi. H U. IIKAL’H fci:o„ No. 71 Plus-si , New York. • Hole Agents. t.'oTTnn t!*av**a |» u several other Mill*-, also, tiasaabmi’a I'ninv Ulotiib, and Uin-raH lli)l.l.«ltsforG*tl'-‘*«»»d Ma itutr Pmintsks. May 10,*55. iiAiii i:i«i«i:oTVi*i;>i. J GI'RNKt No. R ID Broadwi.y, Hie oldest mid • most euenstvn eatabUaUtnatit tu Uni t'ulte.d 8tales Sept. I ,*63. EXPItliMMlik. ’’ I AD WARDS, SANFORD ft GO.. Foreign Express, 'j No. ;tG Broadway, flood*and packages forward, ed t«s nml rrnnt all ports of tho world. Aug.31,’35 fillATI'.S AMI TBNlli.RK, W M. II. JACKSON, (formerly W. fc N. Jacksr, fcH.ui*,) Uiuii ami TannaR Makkrs, N!)| Brondwny.oiiu door ahovu I Dili Mu-st, New York. May.*.*, 33. LI5NLI I) Oil, r p fl. fc A. L. ROW i*., Mmiufacliiror* and Import- A or*, I HM Eroiit-st., Nuw Ynru. _ lunn I,’53 ~l,o»ltlii|r iJliims and l*lrtnr« t*risiu«aT' M l*. WIITTLocK, Mnnnfucliirer. No. |U| Canal- • *l.. New York. GILDING In all IW branches. 8ept.l,Y>6. ANDREWS & JESUPi Nil 117 Mri'f'l, New York., /-TOMTII8SION MERGHANISfor ilie sale ..fallkinds V'hl Mti iiinibt’s Tool.*, und C’oTTOh Slid 'Vonl.tx Mai nink.iiv.lrnm the heel makers. Httlutn' Agrnta for t.ourtl .1/rtjAinr hhop. Mnf Iti.'.V* i’Ai*i;u u aim'iioim:. pYlUTHW. FIF.I.DfcC'o., | | C'llfT-st.. Iniy'l. and \.i Wholesale Denier* In American. French, i.sirinaii If MMjMj M* ail* Ml its. •II IITO.Y A I.ANITfJ, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS. No. I’J4 Aieh-sc, *Jd door nlwvo Sixth. I’iiii.aD'a, n // o 1.1: s a i j: a n d h k r a i i. Every mucin hi ll.eirlioeof hu'in. si at the very low -*t market C'AHlI PRllJl^, and solicit the patronage of ' f*L> msr SI - Dla« A THE GREAT PUKIFlEft OP TfIB Dl.tKrDl 3101 u ■•nrtlrlo ol Flcitlirr lu It. dealers ami ..the I \Mlt.YMSMI! •odJmo I’.J/f. >’/>/# / Tiles lor I'lmirv iinsl f liliiini y l aps.. M II.I.EILUOATESfc Yot'l.E. No.v*7D I’sarl-aU t.NCAt'HTtc TILLS, GARNKIRK UHUINEY TOPS. Plumbcr’iiMnterlfll*, Metnlr.fcc. Aug.31,’56 n%m:n. R M. PATRICK, I led i. lice Halmnander Hafir, ami • Godin's Defiance Locks mid Crons liar*, fleiinl, PL'. 11)8 Poarbst. a pJM,*& |S GOTTEN KT fc GO., Importura of Frt-ndi and 1 • other LurepeanGoods,No. 4H llroad-M. ApJO,*35. T<HIN MV DAVIES. 5t»NE-« fc coT. Imp-.rurriif fl Hosiery nml Genileineu's Furnishing Goods,tnanu facturers ol Shlr^ Tie*, fcc., |O I Wllllain-sir. it. Ap. ;wi,*,Vi. — CONLEY. KIRK &, CO.,* in H, UIIEEHE, I.ARIi ami sM<>KFD PROVE 8IO.NS, PO - DRIED FRUIT. gftllaiid tfSft. fV«af-»r„ Orarr Pttk Sip, New York, mark’d ^ \j Munir .timI Tolmcc«i~ «» «:t* principal grocer* In Ibo United 8laies.aml hv their Agents; l». r. Murray , New York ; Grant fc TwelL, Phlladel- lililu, Thomas V Brumllge, Bnlllmore; KcnhcU fc Dudley, t'lncinlia'l. WALTER RAKER fc CO., mnr 17 3mo* Doreheslt-r, Mas*. vCIITris' IjITTXiB 0-IA3NTT VOll.Y .f.VO f oil PATENTED MAY ICtli, 1834. ^ S. BROWN, Proprietor of Georgia, Tennessee and i’• Alalmmn. of ihi* Inventmn, which 1* d»ublle>s among ilo- moti im|ioriaiiiof modern Bines for ihc use of Hie well ftdvis.-.| farmer um| stock fee.I iinln-r»iilfavor wiih which it has he«mre>-el Am, more limn any Hung olse, altusU Ba uittity 1*11 II. A 11 III, 1*111 A VARNISH MANUFACTORY, HO and H*J North 4th-*lroet. r pilE nmlersIguiHf would earnestly luviiettie atfentlon 1 of Houiht-ra Mer. haius, Coach Makers, l.' Maker* and other*, to their very superior Coach Body, Carriage, Cahltiet Damar. t.lnua Gla»«, Drying Japsn, Iron Japan, Hplrli, ami every irtbei klml of Van.lah which have been In constant use nearly forty years, and le.-l eoud.lont In saying that they am unsurpmsaed by any oilier toanula tur.-.i in this countrv, for thelrduia- tdlily, drying i|ualUi«s, and i.jauni-i' ap|w-arance on tliu work ; als.., every descrlpthm of Paint* as.d PalnU ers Msu-rlala. <>ur priciS-ere moderate, onl terms easy in good buy. era l.lre us a call. ' . Hi'IIRAt K fc C‘».. mar VI Hi fc «J Nor-h 4lh-»l, Pf.nadelpbla, tiii. iikkt iiAiic iii i:. 1 \R.t'. M. IIAI.I.AMD’S mew art.clei received the t lii.'ht-sl prrnnuu. at the World'* Fair and Amerl* can Insiiin.e, wh . o H was i-xainmed by Hie ed chemisisDr. i‘ f 'ol-nTorrey, nd prom>iil»ee«l .be Best For *ale l.y die Principal Drug.-ls’s In thia city—price 91 Principal office amt store 4U-* and 5<*» llr..edwa), Now Y.irW, Mar tft.’AG—1» mat If. IHH ATI MNI) AOENEI . ~ c|’HE ui.'lersigmd, Nortary public and Grimial Agddt, 1 In vmg had *g* eral ytuir* rxiH-rieticn In the prose ruilon of Bonnily I,and a. d Pension I laims, offers their serilcrfsto obtain L.-.tid \A sfrants, UMl>r the Act of • oiign-ss. pu*«H March ml, 1-33, wh'rh law gr.-nlstoall officer*, musician., private *, teamsters, chi plaint, sea- m-ii, mam •», cl. rl>>.fcr.,ifjii acres of land to IIkiw w|,o have not .reele d their warrants,amt who haw; ‘tried lu any of the wart since |7!*i, l:» which Die United Male? have been engaged. SAM'L. STETTINll-’ff fc C'L Wa*blugloti,City,Match V4,1855. 3w tn«r N Infalllbl. rem.-ly for i*crofnla.Klo^s rnalltui, ObsUnate Cotancoo* Ernptloaa. Pi* r Pustules on the Fae.-, Utouhes.ltotl*,Chronic wore ' K>*»,Rt»| Worm or Tetter,Weald Head,Et.larg»a,*wt 1 and Pain of the Boner an.) Joint*. Htubbom I ke/r.Hy- ihylltlc irlsor.ters, Eumbago, Hpli.aii.'omplainU.andall Jlaeaae- arising from an Ifajuolrioa* use of Mercury . Imprudetire \u J.lfe, or Impurity of the Blood. This valuable Medicine, which ha* become celebrated j for the number of extraordinary corn effected through t It* ag*Dc>, ha* induced the proprietors, at the urgent rc. 1 quest nftheirfriehdt,t» offer Ittolhepubllc, whlcJ.tbey | do with ihc utmost confidence In ft* elrtuesaad won I derfu I curative properties. The following cert:heat«.s selected from a large number, are, however,«U«»gM testimony ihn. the mere w or<l ol the proprietors and arnall from gentlemen well known » t » thejr I.Kofttlew. and of the l.ighcai r<-*|«cULIIlty. m k ny of them now re siding In thenty of Richmond. Va. P.BOY’DEN. Ear;., of the Exchange Ifoteh Richmond known every where.**)* i.e ha»*« o tbe MwJlcIne call odGAUTEIFs MPANtMH MIXTURE admlnleUrrd la over a hundred rase*, in nearly all tbedlneaae*for which it is rooommende<L with the moatastAbUhlngly r# xuits. Ift- say* li It tbe most extraordinary owl Kin. he has ever seen, A (.* U K A N D PE V ER-r. RE A T«T ‘BE,—I hereby re r tlfy. Dial fur three years I had Ague and fever of the most violent description. I had severalPhyrtcian*, took large quantities of Quinine, Mercury, and I believe ah' ilia Tonics etlv united, hut all without any permanent re lief. At last I tried GAKTEIU8 HP AN fell MLXTI RE, twobo'.tleeof which effectually cured me. and I att »ik[.py lossy i have had nellber'Jhillsorleiertlr^-e.— i.natder lithe beat Toulc In the w.-rM, ami the only Keepson hum) a well solecied slock of Imported So I gars;also .Maiiufacturi-d Tobacco, Snuff, Pine*, and all other article* usually kepttu tils Rue of business, which I heofferson tho tnnsi roasonabletonn*. nov 3 ! II. I.. COIIUN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. \ T’u vlor»stre**l f rivt nnos* \vk*t or hr*Vion-stmckt,] Melbourne. Aus., Zurich. I AI.80.nnr.DITS FOR INDIA ANUCHINA f>N THE ORIENTAL BANK .CORPORATION OF iw-riorlty for portability, simplicity of construction, and conve- PORK, IIEEF, BEAN'S, I’EAS, and | nh-ncu of use, the l.lllle Giant hat no equal. 11 weigh* '''' Iroin ihri-u to five hundred pounds, according to ante, can tve put in o)<eravion h> the tanner lu twenty tntnuir* wiHmmii expense or ipi-cnanlcal aid, then nJJ.isicd and us.-d with convenience by anybody. The l.uilt* Giant ha* rectified the First Premiums at Ol cry .'tale Fair from Missouri In Maryland the past Fall, and in' llu* most. oinplimriiiary manner. T he»w 'lili* arc guiwanie. d lu lh<- mo*( pontiie man lier against breakage o* derangement, amt warranted lo ' grind bed from ear com,ami g.itt or line hominy lr»m •ht-ile«l corn, w ah a dt-gr.-u ol rase and cuuiomencu for | farm puriH'se* never aiuine.1 before. 1 he subscribers are now prepared to furnish the trade I with improved pattern* and alxes. lo suit (he j wni.i* o| nil.- i No. 2 Is offered at fff.t complete, ready for attaching the team, and warranted lo grind tell bushel* of feed Tralnsou the Central Railroad JiConnecting | t* prepared to contract Cor all Winds of Itultdlug and IIA 11.140 k I'M, BnnmmsEE SOXXEX2TTX.XI. ( A rnd si cr .thuuluy, me I'Jib Murch, instant.and l I m.- t turttu-r no-t.-u, the pavreugur Truiua outhu 11ntrai U.ii'roul will run a* lollows: **1*11*11 ANtl MIL-ON. I-c.nc8av.imi; It. .h * w , arrive nt Manni. .0.83 8. M. I eav>..-’,4.13r. >i .arrive at ttni-on I" ». M. l.-nve 'Eicon 3 ». w . urr.vr loSaiaim li ‘3"e m. 1.. uv« Mac in 8,13 v m.. arrive lu Savamtahl* 50x. x. nnmvuvv'Mii *M» xviustx I.e He Savannah, .e a m arrive in Augusta. 1 * 8 M. Jam-8iV;uum!i .0 3iif.m .arrive in Augusta.Mti*.M, I.Angus.a . *'• p. aarrive III Savannah I u3 a. m. |L-a*e Augusta... .7 ». m . arnti- in Savannah 3.:-0h. »». HTimi H»< AXII AfUl-STA. I.< vie Mac m a. m.. arrive m Augu«la.3 r. H. I.r«e Murou 8 4',f « . arrive ttv Anun»tn.4 4it a.M. I. c.-ivu t'lgii-m. ..7 a. >t.. arnvr in Mut-.ui,. A» *J3l-. «. J. e ■*.• ,tiigu>t.i..-Ii r >1 , arrive lo Macon....2.111 a. H. Tie Ir.ii ii which leave* Savannah lor Mai on at 8 A. M. toil ecis with Hie Macon nml tYealum, and tt estern ai'l titant c Railroad*.carrying pussenuer*foridl points Of. ilu-te RhoI*. lor Borne. Ge.egia.) for NasliVllle and M ••»* ipe, (Terr .,)aml lor North -Muham:.. T-.e Train which leaves Havnnnah for .Macon at 4.U5 P tl .coiiiiuo* with lliu *.mill IVeslcre, tliiscotfee nml V i.igiitner) fc VVeti P lut Raitro-d.cirrymg asseiigu s f r .dl point* .ui the*. Itoi'iN, and for Amoricdt, Albany, ■ ' .luu.In.*, for lallabasMC,. I la.,I lor Moi.lgoimry, Mo. , tile ur .1 New i»rle..n». TheTr-In which leave -^avinnah for Augusta 8 A.M. 1 f . u-CU wrl'h Ihu eve. mg Tran'* of Ihc -.corgi* Lull- Ini I. 4-el lh i 8.,nth I'ar .1 -ii II iiir '.ul I h«-Train wlicli I-an. s.ivaunah lor Augusta at H *0 P 'I . c-'iiiieci* with the morning Trn-ii* "f lie Georgia | l.i r- nil. in .1 ll.e Soiill.' ir.-hna Railroad. I i ' er ol the Trnlt.s le .> " g -tavnnenh «1 8 A t| ,ntnl I In t r. M.. Will carry (.u-o-iigcr-lor tnlleilgeiIII mini I ul-ihe 4.113 I*. M. Trulii being the most closely mp rv.ii tiK-nVaif.‘tlne.l f-.r'iglelhorpc, tnn-rl I l. ay. Tnllel a-see. • r.lumhii*. Moingomery, Mo- l Se* Orleans, must tuKe the 0 P. M.Train to various parts ol I -cl El j A11 ATI SHOUT* M A S r E It It U l I. I> E It, At hlsrcshleuce «U Taylor-ntreel, near CaUnmii Square, tt ill take contract* for tlullding and tYork In ; .tlnsonry t.f every iit »criptlon. R.fc j.LAGHLIMiN, E ii u l ii c v r s ii ti d .11 i 11 xv r i g Ii t a * ihox a iiuass youx/iy.iss, Gauttl-Strecl—Near tho Cniinl Lock, a. laciilisos. j.i.a(-iilibon. LONDON. Branclies and Agencies at— Canton, Shanghai, Calcium, llong Kong, Bombay, Madras. Slngapee, CREDITS FOR AUSTRALIA ON THE RANK OF NEW-sofTII-WAl.Ksv OF LONDON. Brnm-iiei nnd Agenries nt— .Muiiland und Netvrn*lle, Hnnu-r River. Brlrhiine nml Ipswich, More on Uuy. Victoria Rrniicbe*: Melhoiirne, Geelong, Kynelon, Un*tlemaliie, Mount Alexander. Ihillarnt. Sainttmret Agency, Ilendlgo. Ovens Agency. mirilU lime—is Gnicral Insurancu Affcney,U2 Kayst IK you It l IIE I5MRI.II! i The Charter Dak Life insnninrc Company, I- O It I I. i, A H (1, o*il rven PKR, NO. 42 CHATHAM--STREET, NEW-YoRK ^t’riT>niR of Peter fc Ge* rge l,«»rlllard, offer* In, ‘ ’ snlonll kinds of <NI IT and TriRACCOI lu g.-n ertl iimi. For particulars, a Price current cm to. oh lallu-d hv addressing a« above. This estnmenl I "be |'l ( Bn- "Ideal of ilie kind hi tbe I Tilled MnlvL TO lUHI.IIEHS .t\l> Sllll’i’ERS; N. WHEATON, l}o. Rtf I'iiiinI Sirci'h .NrXX' York. \y IIOI.F>ALE AND RETAIL Dealer in HOURS, *.* 8 t-IIKs, R LIN Its, fcc , ha* on hand In Ids v\ areriioni*. a large nssoriment of tbe above articles, inauulunuriil o| in,, best lumber, un i kilndrlwl: In. side ami I Mitslde Mitiltriv, Hbtiller llllndi. G-Uoc and Circular Hashes, Panel Work, fcc., ul all dcsciipPuiis, | made lo order M Ihc shortest lint. «• and in Ilo; best | manner, tt imlow Glass and a general asvoriineni of ttutldvf's llanlwttie, constantlv on hand and h.r sole nl I lie |.. well prices. lililu no v III on. ebuarii iii.ei:i:ki:r% STAMPEDE MIXTURE. Tor 1 hr rrrrr inn/ Ague nml t 'hagrra Freer. _ dlc r.ethxlever resebed oy ex»* J'»HN UJ50DBN. Beaver Dam. near Richmond Va. II. Ll CK, Esq., now m the city of Richmond, and fur many year* In the Posiofflce. ha* vurh confidents- la the asiouitbli gefficacy of CABTEIUH HPANIHJI MIX TURE, thgl he ha* boui.Lt ur.wird* of 30 hot Get, w kick he ha*given away to the afflicted. Mr. Lack taja hi ha*nev« r known It to fall when taken according to dt | reciiona. ; fir^fillSCr.a practising Phyxfcitn. and formerly tf ; the <Wy Hotel. In the city of Richmond, cays be bai t witnesses) in i, nurulwr of instance, the effect* of CAR. ' TKR’MHPANISII MIXTURE, which were most tmls turfirlsing. He says In a cioe of Oinremptloh, depe» I dent on tho l.ivat, the g<*«>d effects were wotiderfe) In . deed. At., fit' ,||,|, xx x us, I SAMI ELM. DRINKER,of the firm of Drlnkerfii ’1*11 FIR WIDOWS * ur. M(\OR (-1 f 11 niM'S’ ■ Morrta. Richmond, was cared of Liver Complaint i iir,ili " 11JOVV.8 AND .xti.NOit t-lllLDIvL.v. . )r4f , .undine, by theuseof twobottfesof CART I SPANISH MIXTURE. i GREAT CURE OP SCROFULA.-The editor* of tb« Ukhtacr.d K« pubhran had a servar.t employed tv their , nresa room.cured of violent Hcrofu!#, combined wlifi Rhcamatiim, which entirely disabl'd him from work — TwobotUesc f i’ARTERS sRANlMf MIXTURE mad* a perfect eyre of j ta, and (heed IU>rs In a public nottew. say (he, -cheerfully ree/.mmend m io all who areafi flirted with any diaeaae uf the blood." hTILL AX"Tlir.R CUliEOFhCROrULA.—I bad a very valuable boy cured by three bottle* of f'arter’i CARTER’* 8. M, KNIGHT, tvesifroJ. the (ATTORNEY FOR GOV’T- CLAIMANTS, lUliy and au- Wasiii»«t«*, D.*i, ^VONTIM I’ff to gj»e prompt and pomonal atler" — tlie prosecuin-n of Claims of’evrr* descrlpucn against the General Government, and particularly in tho* • iM-I-re the Treasury In-partmetil, Pension and Lann Burea u, Patent and General<l(>f!lcci and ll-ard oft All exper n-nn* of obtaining th • iction on i laims, with I mime *. Justify him in with the mis per hour, luds per hour, with , per hour wiih one horse. No. 3 at 6*3 will grind flltoen tun No. -I »t fill i will grind twenty bn | two horn:*. Manufactured and for sale by j 8. s. tlRiiWN fc CO. i marl at Nashville, Tenn.. and Mlauta, Curl Votir Hair J IinOLLEniO N . 'I'HE Ho-nipt for iiiakl 1 ilately Inir.Mlueed l"l i.nd a familla lust and m leihiir* forth uMng hit Gorrswfiuiidenti | isunaiu*. aniline runiic gt-narally. tha: intcresta In. . irualwl t«> hi* ket-;lr>g will not t»eneglected. • ' PCNfttoN, IIOl NiV ..AND. P TINT, AND PUIt- LIG LAND LAIV8 Fe for Kraiuitoui<ltvlrtbn:lon amonj hi* bn* ne«* cirr<-|'ondenis, i and ilm«e who msy lu-- come such. • a neat painphU-i contamii.g a synornsof thees -ling I'eusioii, lloquly ..nnd. Patent, ai.d I’Ubl'c l.and Laws, down io the end of the laic Coiiaresi—In cluding the IBil'NTY f.AM» ACT OF ?d MARCH, 1853, under w Inch all who have heretofore received le»* lhan ' 16"acre*are now rntlilrd to additional land; raid Act grams aim IM cere, to all ' 'Ulcers, "* on coinml#e*'-ne.l • fibers, 1 hvplains, 8«idierr, Wagon Xlaaters, Te»i». *t< »s, and ir endly ludiain of the Army,Deluding Male Trmip* Voliimivrs, and Millna—and all Officers, 8ev liiiii,''M nsry 8eamtn, M.vlneff. Clerks, and Lands- I men,of the Navy, n-i heretofore provided for, who have than^f.'iirteen day* tunlew* in ha'ile, at peri'il since | elebrnu- r pili: PB'iPItlETuR liFTIIIS .MEDIUM: wlllatafo, ! I w Uhout hesitation *»r fear nf coutraillcDon, that the I Stamvi a has urrd i s. s. mi.Kit j. n. KBiiorsos, wnr.i'i.witiGUTSA iii.ackmutiin coaaxa or ISrotiRlitou unit Hoiitgomcrj’-wfrrcfw, SAt'AXXAU,iO.I.\ Carriage*. Wagon*. Carl* and Dray* nianiifnctiireil. Hlarkxmllhliig. Including Iron Hailing nnd Grate* for llulld'iiga. fcc. i|"iie al the *horte«i nolico nnglM MUSICAL card. JlUtM OaaAKitTor tin LuriitnvA ciii-a* ii n tiiis City, mid respeili JsirncHonon the organ. Urn Plano and Gi'iiiar', I K({IIjtllbit* KifC IllMirilllfP ('nillj)., of I.OIllllHl. j June I, , iIF II %KTP> *ltI . With a capital and *urphi* -f over $tn",lW0, wlill con- I 1 lluuea, and will, until tlo-next annual meeting, continue • lo Inmre the llie*<u While Peixui*, ut ilie same rale* I charged herntoiore lor all resident* ni lhe Nimli. By its , 1 soiiikIui-s*, k«miI iimnngoitieiit. and prompt payment ol • nil it* {iiXM-a. tt has planed itselt equ.d to any C-mpulty • lu the world. ; Sprinaffrlil Fire A llnrinr lianraiice Co’y, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS., Capital and surplus, over .$-£15,006 . I Stair Mutual Lire \ Murinr lnsurnnrr Co. ; OF PENNSYLVANIA. , c'apltalatid surplus.over SII'JJXN) heahli. Ague p. the j.-vii ul, Hi.m any oilier medicine lu use for « Tin* nicllrine ha* neither Arsenic i.mposiiion, all of the Ingredients are ll by rhnracler ni«l highly slimiilnllng in Ihrirb ndeitcy. persona while using iflcme wlllnothe nff> tied hy exposure to water or p atmosphere no more than -* - *• “ 1 •HI) liet Plant •vails. * lu seciion* rill do well p 1 I he i- adorn lay by i '.impound, ill h.- Mid by i Ilie »uli-i'riiii-r to an p« rs.u, in the i -lied Slate* or i Canadas, for 91. Thu KID 'LLI'.ltl -N wilUml or wave I ilie hair in the mng Beautiful matin* r. \ny person lu*lug ilie ino*l coarse and unfouih Imiklng hair, can ’.transform U UtU* Hie w«ai sitvtiui. t>; ih>- u*«- ««( flertnuswhrr. il ! ihl* article Tne liigredu-Ms w ill not cent u «r l'.'o- - 1 *- ami with this receipt an. one ran make ll eip In .-very respect, lo that Sold a: $3 per bottle. It pn, a package of Kroln rion read) made, m l h ♦••ni free of postage. InM.-ad <*f the receipt, w it Ii di»n Ilona for preparing m liquid hum. nnd full iliuviions ni use. !M-nd all U'ttvrw, post paid, h* II. A. FRKEMONT, Warren. Trumbull county, Ohln. the lotdrcn ol all such persons vhlUlcd. and <t«ex**i\. ilna’-Formsof Appllcaiion" imre :i an* olsewht-re v., l^- fourvl; a- .f every cl»»* ol claimant* under pamphlet coi foil and r'inulrir ll ilupit-d to ti.o want the Art. with copious ami innrurte.ti* m mo lie pail mem. amt prarilcal viigve*!' us a* t" the course lo be pursued In *4*|H-i*dod nr rrjrcled rases Par,ies ti«»t wishing'>* a*ad Vhejaiv*-lvrs of tbr (vei l* 3-1.VI. . tie* alt rde.1 by this ' ’flt.-e in -ecu'lng pre mpt *nJ {■ I ' soual su,icMuien ‘ “ ihl’ where the ilicun* as i.der eat- llftculi s Irom tho»e of the highest respectability, t.ul firefi-M any lug b Hie 8ck buy oiiu t-mle and you will have the infallible proof in yourself. Full dirccllone whole*. KR, So each Ii Ine'ptil Druggist* ev bendilreso-d \| I.ADi A. A. 8ii|,i i'IiiNS fc c<'■'ainnnah. IMVII.VND.RI I.Y fc Uf». Angutia. SIMON'S, RI’FF fc • O., i-|iarlcsliin,H.l. Jan 15 m— \p ,r/.#« if ' i'.rii’iivssro.v I'Al'Ki: FOR WHITING WITIIIIl T I'l:\ (11, l\K. f UipY'ING I.m\e», I’lan -, Flower*. P.c*ure*. Pallrrn i V. ’ for Embroidery', marking Linen Ihdellibly, and Manifold Wnimg. this article :* article i* absolutely the best portable Inkstand Hi the known world, for a .mall quantity fold- placed in the |M«cket con.tiniies a travelling ' ink.i winch c l be I • |u-ii 1* needed, ..By •.can-mam e-pics ol me ».b >*e pamphlet by i muting thirty eenis in posiare stamps. I MM » LMK.NTf* T* • Ci iKROff INDENTS. ; t'ornapondents who prepare and f-rwanl ea*<-i for management by th'* Xgeney will be dealt with liberal. >i : supplied with all necessary blank- oasTis.and kept rnntuiiiii sdv.rid ,.f ihe change* that in-ra iliac to time oeeur In the eieeuimn of the law. In* Within Ihe tnlu-riher's power io direct Ms cor. respondent* to the lucahtynf very many (u-ev-n* enti tle I under lh«- laie Set; and hav oc ntunned aeirrai thouauad Land tt arrant, under former !*••, he nin possession o| data mat will inatcriaily assist la arc mine additional tmunty. F.-e*. below the unul rates—ami eoniinpent ufwti the admiaaion »f Claims. Tfie highest cash p-lces civwn for Land Warrants, UcsoluMotinry >crip. am) Illinois Ijii'i) Pa-ents. Address 8. M. KNli.HT, Washington Cily. nur "I wf — w4 AMF> M.TAYIdin.Cowducb'.rnatbc R. F._ P.R. R.C— , K.chtnood. V ». 8 A i-T RHEUM f'F‘Jf YEAR8 STANDING CURED Mr. Jf*IIN Tll'kMPSf.N reeld'ng in ;be c::i cf Rtcb- ra-nd, was earn) by three ftf-tlles -f i arter'sRmuilah Mi v* ure, of 8 t ;i Bbrurr.. which he Ltd nearly tffi yean and which a!l:hephy*)rlan*ln Ihe city rmEd tsof cure. Mr. Th-rops- n lit well known merchant In tbe eltjr ot Richmond, Yt.. and his cure is wot! remarkable. WM. A MATTHEW*, of R!ebmo»4.Yfi n b*4fi tm- ar.tcured -( 8yphUt*. tn the wont fom, by Carter** Spanish Mixture. He says he cheerfully rcctitaBCOdsIt tnd rotitlder* ■; an ImsluaMr medic in v. RICHARD E. WEsT. «.f Richmond, was cured oi Scrofula.and what phyt'clar.a cal'e-1 c/»nfirmedCo—wanr. linn, hy threw of ' tner'scpar shMIitnr*. EDWIN BURTON, Commlasloner of tfie Rave **> • he has seen the c—h) efec- • of i\**»Spanish 54 ta- lurein a uuml-er ofSinhiHitrrases atd say* It Is aj^r- , feet cure f-r that horrible disease. T. W.DY"TT fc SONS, 15S NorJj Sde^eet.Ptila dtJphta ■ BENNETT fc BFER5,1S5 M*«n street, Klcbmond.Vt tVM. c. II'niiD, of Richmond, Va . cur<-d o. ' Old 8,>rrsand Floor*, whlchdleablcd him from walking . Ttv.k a fc-w hi'Ulei of Carter's HpacJsb filature.and was enable*) io walk w About acruUfc;laa sl.ort time [.er : m. neatli cure*;. Principal Drifts at M. WAKD.CMJffE k - O..K . Maiden Lane. NeW%Y«>rk ! For .ale h* .. M . CARTER fc c*». A A 80L‘»V"Nf fc i o.and TIDiMAf yj. TURNER fc • >*» ne«| Uie*i)ep*iu i b * Drttax.sis and Country MecrnanU every whe-y ••,t fa, tf Ol* ItllflTcllC'-S — ItU W. Morrell, John M. L Jan 17 ope It si reef, be ad- non. Kay. Mr. K irn. I. ,14. T. Tbiuna*. Esqrs. CAPITAL $.*,3(10.1X1.1. Tho«n l.'nnipinle* are sound, strong nnd reBnblp,and , w ill i-fTur-, liisurHiicv nil nil k'nds of properly, ni reason **• t rules. Insiirnnce . fTt-cmi In liny um-nnl. For iu*'irnnco In either "f (lie nhove nnnied I'ompit- ! Ilie*, npp yt" A. WILBUR, Gen Ins Ag’t, Jan II* c No. I IJ liny-street. 8|ivniinali, G’a. ! ts: i Tram from Ma- si'll LaU'iiim will cirry nasvengera 1 J'na.eligers iroiii Mill- Rlr ll lake thu up day Train ut 1 LaFAYETTE HOUSE, Corner Uny .-ind Miiniffmiirry Sta., S.ivnnmili, C.a , IIY JOHN II AlOOl.lh A It f* III. Trmisieni Hour,I nt SI per dnv, und the Table supplied will Ihe best ihe linrkei iff nil*. N.II.—Seven or eight gi nllemi ii can fli-d hontdal Ihe •, ul $4 per week, wiih g-iod lodging, fcc. S'-engers fr.rihe New York nnd PliBnilelphlx Steam- , sli’iiil l by Ihu in-'niifig Tmlii. > >e parucuhirl) reijUeSti-il always i" t-.mstlU tho msh p,’ i.ilv, riisi'in.-iut for Hie nays of di-pu"ure. • *•• i.jiqii.l p|ire-, also, between Montg'iiner) nod ."I'lt WM. M tVADLi Y.Gen. Snp'i. s.annnli, March Kill, H55. if mat i»_ SOI'TII WESTERN R.tlUlOAU. , IIAKl-K i.K Ki;lli:illJl.K ICyww If \ s tin t FT Ell rui.8|)\v. February •Jnih.Pasaon- / f-r Irani, will leav. tlaomi dull) lor Columbus at k. X. M„ nml lor Nmericu* Wt7 A. 3t., trnvii g ■olnis o'cloek, A.M .nmlnl Ann-rlcu* |IJf A. ne 'nn-ilfii' ilH-ly a 7, A M.. und l oliinihii* at ’’ • arnvo.g nt M«c-ui from A marietta at lIJi A. from loin in inis m 7)4 P M. ti -mgat Mhcoii i-in li w«> with Cenlrnl Railroad I--*av4imah. Aug ista, Millmlgevllie and Euion- ml wit), Xtuc-n and Wcsieni Railroad Trains fo 'Hama, Dalton, Chattafi""ga, Knoxv ilie, and He. i cling dally at Columbus, with f ipellka Railroad roniery, Alahamn. und Girard IIuilroail,tohilver ■ s whh Mall Stage Moo to Tal svdle.fcr. . at AiiH-ncus to Augusta; and , N. c., via Augusta, leave Savannah (nr New York ns, and lor Philadelphia on iheCahiu. fiJli; Steerage,fir). AT PFRSE’S i*ici\n\(a oi rici:, N.s.U WliHuUsT-NirsTl. nr ga RDS aie printed at 6J.30 |a-r thousand, net £5—If. I.ile IjiMirnnre. ! Tin- I nltril Mu Ir* Ii fi- liisiirmirr Coni |i!iny,: Tnki-s risks on the Lives of white person*, for life ii j ! a shorier peilnd, und on slnves for one or l«nr years,un j ! ns fuvornhla icrlns ns any« qn dly rs-spoii*ible • oinpany . t j i anrar *m» **-st-,»*h *rv 1*t. Ik35 ; A linnii* of -J3 per cent li..» u.-eti drrlnreil on lln-buM- ; . ness of lust year, lo nil policy holder* enl'ih-d thereto, j MINIS fc J'lH.NnruN, Agent.. | Dr. R. fL ARNOLD. Medical Examiner. mnr III , \ l ii-i-nml lliii-ini- liiMii-uneei Tim In-urancffompuiiyorilio Valley of Virginia, A v ullablo Capital $4 ai.uui— Surplus $61,517 J7. i ii * ut s m rxnrxriui.. Tnkgs risks i-'icnrao.l’relgbl, Building*, Meichnndito, . fcc . lu (own mid cuntr>. ! Lo«*e* prompt)) uiul hherally adjltalr-il mnr PJ MINIS fc JiillN'.»TON, Agenls. i Nnrivirli I'ire Insiiriiiirr Eumpuny. rmni. I Ji.'i'iC,:! I INCHIII’iiRATED |i*n.i—CAPITAL STUCK. $ I 'ili.lHHl. ! nml Wit. UHTAIi WUUiloiMi;, 245 Water St. N. Y. V ANDERVoORT, DICKERSON fc cty. offer for | rule in large or -mull lo|» i-. anil purclntsers— . 4.5nt) h«»xe» Tlnplati-s."iie-lhlrd across. Besthriind* ! V.ihmi do. Roofing plait**, I.C. nml I.X. 14 Si); |,5uu do. Extra rixil Un plates; lulls. Sheet Iron. No. Ill lo N,». 'J*; 3IHI do do II. G. nnd aunenletl, Vlltn *J>, Kai do Rn«sla Sheet Iron, No. 8 lo Hi; 73o do Win-, assorted numbers nnitgooduiialll) ’ DU disks Spi-ri Zinc, £5 ion* Speller; I" do Aiillniniiy-—:i|it*n*k» Copper 14 to 16 ok. 3511 pigs BnucnTin—‘JtHipiusstrnl.Tln. ‘.1HI do lo-nd. Together wllh n full assortment ofTinninn'sToolaand 1 Machine*. Rivets, Ears, llnmlli-aand nil artlrh-sfor Tm tier’s use. P Jan III 1 HOUSEKEEPING HARDWARE, and i-A.xut noons, ’ i ■< i: n it ivy. •r any stick, sharp*- , Well .X* Ihe tout gold pen III llll- Ulilvi . II I* linlispensnlile. ll ta, ii.denl, I DrawUg and Panning-taught lu ■>** uous, Any leaf plant, or (lower, c«n tu- "ansferred lo ilie page* of an nlhuui, with a iniuoie amt disilncl res-mhtanci- ' iiaiine. Will, npial Iscdlty, plcJUre* nnd embr-- paiern* an- taken, and hareceived Ihe highest eulo giiniis from the f.irs-x; and, Indeed, a more lasi.-lul pfi-sDiit for a Indy could not he prodm-ed Till* Vlagic i'tp't wilt also mntk Linen *>r olner aiticV* FANCY GROCERY STORE. qPIIE SUlM'KIItl.K rrsprcifullt informs ihc public 1 that he has taken ihe Store, funner It occupied by Mr J. Koti»«eau, (Corner of liny nod Bull sin-ei*,) where he willfcrrpa con*:*nt suppit of f.ueliramly, lliim, l.lqiiorw^xihllaU, Preserve*. Fruit, Pick le*. Pa-I de Fou derv { Grn**, In fact all ihr arilco-s that the mon epic-ircan i desire lor. ! dec 7 * A. XI D. to l CARY’S n-rr.'.-lly llidi-l'llilc. All Ihe wnahlDg In Ihc I A ( » 1 K It R KO 1 \ P K S . Told can use it silli % | R. t'ARY „Ut lesfiecifully give notice lhal 6* r likewise, on* "f .11 ha* r, :urn d lo Savannah, and h*» re-('j>en«it l-i* •I with | GALLERY, corner llr)*n-*if,«cl ami Markei*q--arv-, r l"’*p- ' where he i* prepared lo execute Pictures lu hi. much I MPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IDH'hE-KKEPLNG HARDWARE nml FANG | s, v - ! '■ "If. nhove Coinpniiy bus I ll-'ii upwards o| fhiy yen « Ron, wherevvi known, ns a prompt t I'pora- I us n high refillin' i Ita* (• \ t retjvonsIMe u(* ■ ■•a*. SroaiiMi Ta . 1ST. NIOnOliS, HIM. NTH I I I , iirr'taiix Pri.A*ai Hol-sa rork oxeculed with dl"|inti:h. I.IVr.HY* HACK, AMI The umlcMlgned Is prepnrMl lo lake Fire Risks for j The ntleiillonol I louse- aid fH'"-e, ii dwelling-, titrolhire, Store*, mi-ri;haiull*c, tcit to our stork of G.hmIv nml im J. iV C GOODS, GDI IIminiXX' nml Pi Sn.vrn nnd Hxiusot tnx, i'nar"*lTi' i.xp and Una Hoi l ow W*ar, liaonxx lUTiuan Arrsaaim, Tia, WiMtn i Mil*. Hxsrxts, lit- i fcr., fcc. <'ur slock ■ w surpass' .in variety i amt extent any similar establishment in the n, unity nnd w ill he sold nt j'rtceadefi Ingcuinio-tllioii. ’ . Merchanl* Islnvf ml price* before buy lug. ... ... IIKItKIAN, mnr 1J IyI Hki Hr. ndivny, N SV.'YING silks, Ik lug perfect rSN>. With Ihl* Magic oi n copies of e*ery letter written can onl any ndditlounl luln'' whatever, making It ll, eslnml most convenient arilele eviant It l« nsni lo great advaniage hy reporter* of ihc press, telegraphic operator* nml n h"»t ,.| oilier*. Esrh parkuke contain* Four different Color* -BSnrk, Blue. Green nml Red - with full and printed Instructions, for *1.1 louse, nnd wiT I si siifB-lent'* Imig lo obtain flv« huudriit distinct lliiprersli'lis. It i* pot up tn beautifully rn.vinalixlcolortil Envehipea, w on n truthful hkciu-si "i the proprietor anached. I'-nch nnd ever) pnrkagr warranirsl. Price S'J a dojeo, er five for fil. Singh- picknc^ -J5 mm. Address, post paid, N III BBI'.U., 167 Broadway, N Y. ALL IlKSt-KIPI'l" u III. till ] cQrgF BAXiia — ‘ piirehiseil Ihe targo Brick •I sir.el, lonnrrty known ns ■I tv-ill lie ihuokiiil for ii .Imra iteml to keep go "I i nrrlngi-a , am> c.nreful |Mvers, nml If wdl merit pulroung--, we in- THMtl.t* r. STEVENS,- J 'l ull EI.LIil'iiN. rtavsiiHnh.J.iiiuary lit, 1854. 3m« Jnn I nhers have l Mnl.ln on West tin llrown fc Harris' Stable.» of public pnlronnge. Wn nml Boggle*, genii') llorsi •irict ailumhoi to tend to liavu It. biir.Nt ij.i.i: a €*«.. ,Vo. 207 Itny-Slreel, Savannah, ha,, Has oiNdinl nil "fDi-e no me *n6* o North Alnhauin, -. I Tennes-ee,nnd "Hmr WHsTi.llS PIIOIJt.'LE, nml eg- "* - re.i, ni an unrly dale, lo he In receipt of Bacon, Corn, Imir, Hope, L'ollon, fcc. fcc, tho produco of that too pun Bin inoit fuvornhle terms. Js illN |NGi:i<H"I.L, Ag'l N. F. Ins. i n., j mar 3 No. J Jones’ IlitllilUiv. liny si. ! j .'I mi ii re Ii AvsiiriilMT' Co. I.oihImii, 1 yiHHAXt, i.iyy—y.sTAiii.isin ii ! 1 1 API TAL AND M'RI’I.US Fl N'D fiJ.iHm.isHl. i '| 'III: ABOVE uieiilloiied Mimpnnyr have established , 1 n branch ill lh" CuBed Stale*, nml have lodged t with John L. Aspuiwnll, Geo. Curt!* and Wall* slier- . , unto, of Bin city of New York, a perionmuii (undid ff l.'m,(Nil lu Amero-nii Securities, lo he held hy ihem o* l Tins ees, Huhle for lon*e« *11*111110-11 In Ibis country, | ; wh'ch will he mljn* e,l m New York and prompil) pnhl- > 1 The vuhsi-rlhnr hn« been np|Hiluled Aget.l for Suviui- | i«h, and iv III take risk* on llu, most favorable leriita, JAMES Mi HEN BY, Agent, may 31-ly No. Its tlvy-M-. Savnnnnh. , IIELAtVABi; i| I THAI. Vil liTV INSURANCE LfiMPANY. nr 1-uitsnxi.rm*. I 'lli: auhacrllmr having Ineii aiipnlnleil Agent of the 1 ) T ll AIUUTT’S Pi iT \s|| iita've uanteil old established MU TF Al. Ikimpany. I )• and 7 |H*iiuds each, assort itxxi* , I'.asw- i’orr*a V t\ n keep nn officii al' haltano' j clta*v of •M|rui>mt of Teniiwtsan 1 j forwnol, ill re.-1 lo plant., r*. and fi t M. King. |i P. •• talanfl.—I’.. N Fuller, Jns. llopklnson, Lnl. y„ l<'horo’.-Cr.t. M. i: • arn, I). 8. Ilrnilrriou. J. 1 hrirl (n. p.e, — Lawrrnrc tVllael), W. II. I.owndes, Jai. • nher.—'Ihoma* McTecr, IL Mcllrldn Perplex, • tlflUl isilgo -W.» • lintsoti, J. II.Danders, John Mar . Tffim , for tho pur- -r pr'Nhi' Is, amt can 1 Mint point, rues wall St Louis, I nil, ml lo Bin pur. •hipped lo Sa- prepara.11" Isvuo 111 Nn -.gallon Risks, nov SIT __ PllOVl policies on Mar-no nml luhiiul ( wnn O' Crnpo Shnwls. Pongoo Hdkfs., fcc. fcc. For tale at the very lowest prices, hr J"HS 8. IIIIU || fc m,, Mniiufncturers nml Importers, No. Ill I'earl-tl., Jim 18 3mo Hnii,ver-si|naie. New.York LEATHER. FiMT/o lll'MHIY A CO., No. ‘j'l Niiltlr Thrill Wltrn'l, l’tlU.xt»ti.rmx. Morocco Manufacturers. < urrlcrs and Importer* of I'fenrli •’alf Skins, nnd ilralers In Bed and link Sole I ai*lher nml Kipp. 61111 feh III Tin ( nns, «r .XIv. Iff ried; 11.1 lbs. • nrillns. nr till H*.l. ID snail's Alsou .fwrsx*«io* P*ran.—We refer l our rrad.-r* I" Ihe ailierBseiuent In another column, ' setting mrili II e merits of Bit* pleasing and ingenious ' Invention. The chenpneas slxnild Induce ail to give ll a I trial. - ITillsdelphta .Xlclchanl. U ta unsurpassed for neatness nnd ntllllv, nnd should I meet with Mr*- **lc It rtctilv ileservesi. — Tribune. Ju«i what the public i,a* l urg desired, and reconi mrn,I* lun-ll t<> every liillvhltial oftaale and reflnemeiU. ! Journal fc Fourier. , N,-w York, February 5,1653. Inn* mar 16 SII.Vl.U’S UL A S F 1C PAIN TS,! I'llKAI’. Dl'IIAIIlK. AMI I'KUTKCTIVK. | Mr.F. In, lie* Inspection of hlv new and Improved Slereoscopic I'lciUT*. which he ffaurr* himself, ate luperior to any ever Iwfore j n-dured. uji-raiors throuchont the Male msy obtain instruc- llons in his new process by applying at the Gallery, nov -Js 6m,> REMOVAL. tt . H. I BRD. easixa is fVriirt/i/ t.rorrrirs, Trui,,A'r. H AS Hfinuisl hi* establishment to BniughXew-vteeel, onedisM from Jefferwoi-sireet, where he will tie pleavdto *cisiinn»i»lnie hi* fnenJs and Ilie p-ablic with all thing* appertaining lo hi* line of business Ml,infer* thankful'} received. nov emiNG TXIA.3DE, .Yttlicc toalicrchants. \\7 I- n "’ , "ffer, al * quantities to suit pan 11 chaser*, a fall and compete ass>nn.en; of Tm Ware, of our own inannUctur.-. not | ms s«\l. the .•WELL fc LAfriMdUi:, 13 Itamarsl-st. uirrifi, Kirby. Trout, Kheep tiead, Hooks, wiih a large aswirtmenl of ade. Just reef Is rd and I, r sale by 1.1 WELL fc LATTIMOliK. tail LINES.—hill, Twi* 1 -Msil LINE! phi, (Dai and tirade, Superfine Loi rs of*l| sites,Jum received El.L fc l.AtTtMilUU. I I vIsIIINg Ri»I»s.— An assorlmrni of Itamtio * alio. Jointed Rods and F»ne Ii cuts. Just | and for sale by I.UVEI.E R.vls. , lust rvertvest \TTIMOK»:. j Mil I" |.\ I 8 »*l|-e-; snioklng |«)lr win's < hrw i'gtoharc JAM 1.8 MeIIRNRV 118 lln) I cijual t<i anr III •<♦• aboil! Ihe tame plica 'el. ••r liiieriiiwllnii) jhiiiiIsiii G.nngta. 5 » IDBlI.f. ’*!.”• fnMbntslo of Go-«lx tUimifaeDtred at Ul« FoWtl 1 Cliy Hwnmp Mm 1 I,0. It ’ \v. tar Ground.-- Ilur well 5h Tailor. Fh.kllng, Wm. Yeomans .. J D. Rope, on Ft-rrlbue, •la ami Howard Factnrtul. l oinml.u*. fin., cnnsIsiiiHt of OtiiMKirgs. M.e'-Ungs, Hhlriinu*. Varna, aamMi-d nuiiih»rs,«3oi m R .,m, Mn,.,| w..oil.,ns, a au- peri". Hud economic.,I nrtlclifnr Negro I loBilwg. Ifauli rt nru invliod t.. call and emu,Dip Hi® tut no » nil lian-i. (L.y’ HINRV I M I H a'Cl)., ta anil llnllrr "inks, llronklm, pn-panul lo eircin iuil«ri P - nipiily V .III KCIAI. 1‘V.fcl II l.M l <Ot||».tf>Y UF TuRilNIn, LANAI) \ WE«T. lUmu, fiU,IXNI,IMHI. | 1 fm nndertlRiieil, having heenappolnlcd Agent of the 1 nlH,ve Loiopnii). Inga lo aniioiinru ilial he Is prepared lo Issue 1'oilrH s ..I Insurance on l-Trn risks In Hai-nunali I and its ili-lnil), a* also 01, .Marine risks genernll) . may II I) Ww. 1R1 iWDEIC, Agent. HO All. IN SI II A Nil: <0,11 IM,N t>. OF Tin: l.’ITV OF NEW.YORK. t ik|»tti*t. ViMHi.uim— All 1’ixtvt tn. .J. Maatia. 8ei ’y hI.MEON I.. I.OO.MI8. IWI. 1 The 1* 11 liter I lie r - having heel, nppoluieil Agenls of I the above i.'ompany, an-now prepared to lake Risk* ' «galnsl l-'lre on Buildings, Mnrrhani'tae, fcc. fcc. on ; faiorafdeterms. (A'llENs fc HERTZ. I'hart- ^T^lr^iearnEitah stationaryTrivfr and marine Ilia |l. * . IIIII r*g W. W. tlardei HaYUtaYES. Of every desrrlpiion. 8ug,r Mill* Mill Work,etc .also all kinds nf High nod Low prc.iire Roller* ii Hit IMI*)rnond, J I). -•.‘ol. A. J. Lawton, 8amue| Manner, -Nathaniel It. Hey ward, Burrell Bniin 1 Mill to •t, 41’resl'l.-nl ami llnarilof Direct) ' ‘ ' m m F ll tN KID.. H«, •> m i ••DHNM I’UULIt IT.R5 Till,I N .'I'rs.-fM^-r is iiiio'ifaciiiring a pfautalio '"cn lie hrlii ,,, i, it, r must ,e. iisin,'f*t , , l-*i of B,«- if,. He has no® on ll , ' ,,ur, "t *)"'• and Jefferson sirael. ■1 ,'ifftfrrnl •!/.-• and ta prrptird p, makw ••),m 1 won. •>« hors., power, and flf '""•1 Burr, I nsopua. i'nl«*fin«,. or Mommuns "Hi-., ami |„. krrps ail of lhos« iliffuratii kiiuls "n-atitly »n lisi.d, -’ »«>•, •• uhote,Corn Mivlfars, Hay • niiara •••Jicita-I atoi all work warranted, bn* WILLIAM OUCENC. Iras n •Ir® orders for all) kind ,-f Miohlm ud a pn ' ' En _ . hlrh h® w III tell XVM. GBEENE. 1 mar fa Hum .Hn*onii- ICi'gnllii*. x VARIETY of klawoile Ifegall.., neaBy mnnufac- /\ lurml.of HAllnand l.amlrskln,JuO rerelved and for vafahy * H sill LEV, dec. 15 N** T.I\i'imi»imi«i**|, A I. A II 51- AIAII II. A MONG Ilie .bmks whirl, are ..<• hand In «»eal hum- her ®nd snrlely of siyle* Such n Brklng, am h a atrlklng, may is. heard ns seldom Is pnr® low -him® right A* h.r isHsha*. every bwt* knows wneai 8KIFFr*la, xiit| that l« nua..(Ihu bwat pin. e« lo uuichna®. Mistake r.i.l ihe plaor ID CtiMJllMH, fair 13 L AUD - 5 bbla. ita/J.luil ier'Ivril and for sale by marVV T. J. TIJULLKC1.D. 1,11.3 111)5 riHCSl.X t liu; umi i:. ri'lsL'onipany lake* Fire Blsksln this i'll),ami Insure llenls and Leaaes. •cpi V II. II A llEllnll A M fc 80.N. Agelila. i'iiiitj:i TD13 1 v>i iuikn: i'oni’*iiiv o| -HAHTFORD, Fi rNN, The iinilaralgned. Agents of the above prepared to lake risks ngalnsl Flrn on BiBldlngsanil their content*. Alan, Marine Hea Risk*, on the most fai.irahl. -lertns. HR Dill A M, KILLY fc LO., Jan 7 Agenls. HOY A I. I33IIIV3M: f'lMII’ANt. LONDON AND t.tVt'.Rt’OOt.. f’npllivl tf,(100,0011 t»f I’imimt<s Slnrlltiff. Thtalnslllilllon has nstahltahrd an Ageliry lu Havau- nah.and Fire I'ollrl®* umjii I’rrslnca and I'mperlywlll he Issued hy ANDREW LOW fc GO. savannah,opt. Vn. |sx|. NAV AMXAIt Jtl'lt AMVH ItAIMi: <1«». "rrn • 11 h llav-traaax ThliGompant will lake Fir®, Marine,ah,I RlverRIski in I ha mnsifa vorahl® term*. -varstta. Henry fl. Weed, 1 John W., lllram Robert*, N. II Knapp. John tt. Wilder, I Henry t.attirop, I.W Morrell. I H r Wmnl, HENRY |i. WF,l:|l, f'stOJral UIIIAM KOtlFKTff,Uf*eFrr« , i Jaffa* MclIfikM, ff*«')r. war II I a* lhal III i-«*k*. with full diwcihms l u use pmiirsl each ran, being In a much more portable comliinui for retailing. \iv) person de'lr.ius lo Iry ll will please re mil ten dollars Inn teller lo m* risk, or through sum® friend in ihl* place, and I will f-Tii urd one cave a* a hole, 11.1 Ins. TIB* article ha* hem In u»s lor Bin last Hire® years. «n,l givexlie lie«t nf sati*l*cin,iv P»nll who hat® •net vviiti n Also, iupefFarta.ii*leS.«taH.,.,p I'owdcr Yeas I I’-ovder, F„.nle -n np. Fremn Tartar, • am|li<*o| all kinds, anil the l.o.t -**leriilil*. III pound papers, (HI In a ease, or oilier package*. B. T. BABBITT, dec : .un>* Nos.ft- fc 7il Wa*n.iie;nn »i„ N. V. I)iiy(‘Io|M’ 'VlniiuDM’forv. ~ The Oldftt and tAtget* in the I'ntlrd .Vfufc*. fttlAI A III BM5, Nn MB William tlicol, Ni «’ Yiibk, I > I'SIT.FTl UI.I.V Invllii ihe an. 1,'Ion of the frail® II .lo Ibeir Very extensive assortment «l l.NVI l.DI’I N. VOTi: A5II tVIIITINR rAi-ians, Tfirir greal fa.-ililies in .vtahiBm-iuriiig eualile ihesn to offer ai cxirem. ly low prices, and no (lie most Uiof- able term• .him apr 10 N i:\fi -YOIIIi TYPE FOUNDRY & PRINTERS’ WATUOXXOITSII, r|X|IE ol.lesi and must evlehslve I'VI’E FOUNDRY 1 in Ihe t'hlle.1 Stale*, wiih* shs-k mn-i|UaUfO In ■|iiallly, and unsiirpaise-l in variety. I* ready p> mrnlsh, on deiiiainl, Ml lowesi market price* ami ,.n liberal lerms, .'ie»y arilele r com I red tn a l’rln|lMi?Of1l,'®l T V pE, oRNAMENs, I’RUsflkH, III! AH-, and BORDERS, METAL RULE, FHA*ES, ll X 1.1.I.Y 8. *m| FOXIfoaiNG Hi ll KS. INK.fce We shvll he idea**,I lo send N|i.wllM®ll Hooks lo office* wishing io re lii, or making aildlihm*. The superiority of Xlrial In our Type bas ••fahltshwd fur lueli u rharaeinr lltroughoni Bui I'ffltail sia|f« A It ••r-lora will meet with Immedlale dlsiuiich. WHITE fc UO msrU.1 lino 111 fc fix Itaqillnau-sireet, V >' >7* d alfili fi: I*' ml 1 tollies. F"f WgATIIkR AND riRK rfiOOf. epIllHl’AINT w ill sic ud au) climate, wiihoulcrackor I blister nnd harden* li) el pc 111 re, thus making In time an enamel nf stone, protecting XVood from decay, ami Iron and idhcrinelalaiiom ruaiandcorroaten. Tlital'nlni differ.fp-iu ihc so-called Mineral Paint* of , Hi.-da), which areprinclpall) Oclirc» and Flay scolnred, ! and aieeuttrol) worthless. Blivet'*Plastic Faints are purely Metallic,containing no Xluniln or Flay. They arc lev Igalrdfln®') .mix readily wltM.liisee*! Ol!, iwtinoiit the trouble ol grinding, 1 and flow under Ihe brush asfrcely a*lliel»c»l While Lead. These Paints excel alloihersln IkhI, ori-ovcrlhgpnv pound ol nJBch w III cov er as much suriac®* • •two pound* of While t.ead. There are four natural colors, vl*t Black or Blal® Brown,«'live and Flioodal®. Diaa, Yiitas: This I’alulflowa amt It* covering properly l« lncreaae.1 •* thickly as possible with pure Linseed oil; a» lh® j | t)|lU hamivalgu 1 ider.Jusl tc* ,el and for sale by I Paint i» Hie lasting or proleclmg body ami IheOllstmply ll l.Foxilit, JOHNSON * .1 Ilia medium or agent In spreading II. 1 3Ve annex r.iptr* of lwo leitrr*. en® the Preal- I deni of Hi® Philadelphia and Heading lUilrnadF.'., lh® | other iron) a gentleman, • well know nrexl.lenl of Au- , "* 1 * 1 IfiD, *t li, Pkl/«.*wd Nt*i *g N*,lr»*4 f I’ffii xnat rr a. M*v 3, IthVL i J.8. Bii.vaa. E«q— Dear s„ We have user! ••I’laaBc Paints" for more lhan a) ear, and for Palming Bridge*.depois,fcc., fcwe Itai e found It i|Ulleei;nal 10 an) pain! we ha ve used. In fact, w® now glvella prvfo* pi u „ over allmhpra we haveirleil for such purpo®ea. Yours, reaiieciltillv, JOHN TI'UKKR,IValdetit. illy under the brush j |* * 4 }J,’ j J • «> Foffee. 73 do comn test flaw- a l 1.1 Bap VI I I fc t. XTTIMont'.. itvaccsv. In papers; firvn). foil; Xlocatiov Bouff, in 1® by the palate p. Gti.nrm. I Ft K fc. .—Dal Mil* III e-irgla Flint, I nop .flee, .Vi bo- *ore rv'ur' bogs choir* K»> vex .jiuris apj ’ The .Mincrirent's TricNrt! t • Of k st'.w fi HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. r# tit ( irises.. ,/Ht railed Staffs,— I rjo»; tmmM.i and s-neerefy ihat.k yew f‘-*r If.e liw* trease pa footce wb-.cfi ton bare t*r»;iiw«sl upew my pill,. I ;*k«- ibis opj-onnr.ity of stan.*- that tty Awce-w- tort were all XtuertCan Cdiitti*, and lhal UMeeutnfrr al] t.i.,1 c->t»crrus \n»ei»ra sod the Amencan®, the rn -s; In, ji simpatMeo. so mucA h» that I oAgmaity c*»m- poumlrd ll-o, Pifisexp*e*s-'y to nui iocr cbm* ta, c»n*mutions. and manner •>( Imng. .eietMtinc le rotab- yen, which l bate now donr, by -.skins-1 rrRjiw-sin Ntw York THOMAS HOLt.FW XY. Kl .kim* ;^xf,.XYf Teel. PI T.iru* \TION OF THE tU.lHXtr. »sp I.IVVH AND it 8 OrtV.rt.MSTS- Tbe* miens 0! the I'm,u»suffer much f»\.» diiK-irdee* of rr and M.unart, scarce!y any ate free frem the Infcuewr • ! tbsu* destructive mx’adies. W*-ce t.f® wear* •**;. T f-e fart sex, tx-th»p* ibe rOent tia/s'ew in ihe World, up t»’ a certain ;>eri >l « t er.. d>sines® t-c t» asv.msny ki»« ;hcir leeth ard crwsd looks, wkite v« ta the bryiiay ot Die. ,wt.b sad evil* may be rSortuatay remedied by conwnual’.i keetdec tl-e blood pure, ami the Liver and Stomach In a hesdh’ art W, when T|<e will flow sirixubl.i, and rrumb'c ptaats in a ettror. where rn eternal spring ap|ears lo reifr.. As II recaota the preservation of ibe burrsn frame, and lh* duration of ilie, much mti be effected, aaJ l ♦»» lear- les.Ji.that health atallue pukuiged for many year* tw-).»ti«l tlxirordinan limits, if hot to way's Pills kre tsk.n to i-uniy tbe b-c«l aod-nf'e* loshe rule® U>4 down for hemY.h contained in the direction* which tc- com pan* each l*i%. XFXbF.OF W|.XKNI>B AM» D KBit IT 5. « F Iff V KARS STANDING. ' t'R* DB\ ID»Uw»WAY'B PILLS. On tj * I.Uttt Iren («pta,w.io4a .foiarew, .♦*fee Heat, .XVor lei. Stud .bsvoy oik, L*>M To Paosiasea B.IVU'W »v.S5iVrr,cr of Ac® and Nas SXU MWIS.N. V. s.r,—D |* wllh ll,e mo.lbeartfeM pVaawre I have te Inform vow tVaf t bate Kw-n resl.eed to health at*X strength hi taking your PBl* Tor the 1**1 ten years, I lufl,mlfb'm a derangemento< 18® laier ao-1 fitoraaefc, and was reduced lo swcnanrxtreawiy lhal I c»'r*| lay - Ship, never rvpremtg logo to bs*a ary more.a* 1 bad tried cirri licwsedi lb*l w as recommetaJed to me. b®» . at! to no p'uri«»-s*: a».l haA given m; seJI «p m desnan, when l w*s a. fast rewmmended Vo take icvl VmV — Alter using them for throe wee ha. th® ee*talv I* that 1 am now in ta;:ef health I ha a I have brew Kir eta vwa vra'-s pasand imleeal as wetl as ever I wa* ;» my life, , You are ijolte at liberty to make lh:* knew* Tor .># benefit ol other* I tema-.a.Str.ycgr* ees»»rt Tally. JOHN JOIIN80X. Ti„, rS.. » *-r w-ewfirs/ms'f (Jk.w.sewit '*» "> etnag eessfis'sis '* - Apir BrUiii; liesJtdir 1 bcodula or King's l»rwp«y indfew—ws i |7v*| tst’.kiw* iVen- )'jyvi|ehl Jaundice |t!»'* r He*s»a4 C**«wl Ht.uc.Nes on Ihe FxuwaJe tmwgw- bwee-war* >vasp. cv. bit® Bowel iVttiplstats Feie* Pita* kin. xVji«ip»tleo of Ge®» tbe bowel. VX Ml»r‘vta’» .-/all i,«a t iw r.«pii'»« IS Xeswr-Wal VfinMNM K*te«i.).*ef I r-w® XX'oeiss* ,-J all A'rv.*t • kllsVM rs-ns. I ai N'm Time Pepjer. pul up in vtata and small Un cans, Bug. received direct Irvin ibe vnltls, ami fof sal® York price*, by JUl|N IVGEti-B'l U f Xgwni for Mills, New York Xlullel, well pul Wp.Sn.1 cosmHleeeil s rare Aebracj. iso V Green Tunic, for aale hr msr ® WELL* fc VPItffTlt.LK. U \ Mri‘-- ioe«Vka suiH"' "' > )••••*. I >• >Hi by xpr 0 HUNTER fc GAUMELl. I N|g tied) Anwi-si *,G*..N«rTaN»«a VV.IMtf, ( Moalii Planing Mills I /rear A.r — Vnu ask mefor my opinion of ••Nllvrr’a X||Moral Palms,” which you have pul on my Xlarhln® H|i,>p ami Planing XI ill. I give, on w IBi pleasure my full slid hrail) re.-oil, me nd si loli ni lias* prev enllv eof Are nimmwnl«*xivig from ehimney » or Domadjoining build ings. The I'alnl which vou pul on my roofs, ha* now become a* haul as si at a, and I feel •• aeeurefmavfir®, in ihlsdlreelloii.a* Is porwlblr. A Dew week* after th® roof*had beenpalnleil, I mad® ane*|>erlwvealon twoor Ihreeshlngles hy plarlhgihrm In Ihe furnac®unit®r lh* hollers, the result wa». lhailh®l*ortlonuneov®rv*d wa» eniiodv con*um®vt,whll®ltv®|itlnt®vt ®*nwa»a|tp®»®a\- ly suumt, though,i|Hine»amlnallonlh®wouvlwa*fou»iit l„ lie charred ; lh® painl, howefef, waa flaw andbul llllle Idlslored. I is.nsl.ler 11,1s •• severe a lest as pour rat,il ran be pul lu, and under the elreumslane®* 1 do not hesitate to commend ll •• an inealuabUpretfiMlv® V*IWrll . KICIIASI1V A*. IF. (■„*„•( torkaad Marhtl rfr*e»». fkl/a,, T®. At. AGKN1N. " ,h ’" ,, v*wsnioii*rK«i: , ’.i,i, No. I Til HmughlonsinsaL 1’vlrVD llbillvR sS vi i ut - •» t*vk®w amok*®* Ylxfflfifof * | O superior outfit•> DM kkl® hY «pr6 i B AV «•> -IH Mat* and lor aale hv N NVUt I* • il 11 Mi 1 t f.i, sal® hy msr JI I Tm." t’H.-iu * tn v6 kegs i Idils rlnih®. landtag and for ssta MANTWN, JOIINnTYVN fc v>t. III NtEK fc GAMMELL hoKw vi.istseo, iwsi nrviervesl amt klv MAHON fc lM3Yt.IL UNTKB 4 GAMMCl.t I yiiTAtxvKrx, v*«Di*tffl», OANDLKn, fcr - M* tvfsla tS.iai«e® 4 casks rtwtAah CXImixc® XdaisiaMJff® V'v miles ,xo do Tath*w fc' W bids Far *1 Dear, t aafiiw® a-wk r.« sale hv mar 41 m'RANTlkX. JOllSfftviN fc 1 H " hS AN'O Ft I.MrtNU' WAi t'.Rfigvvws Vwvdswvaxta. iMs relief In ivrtwt eoasw of infioewia, aww Ifitvval. • !fc\hta'iVe I i.aUUibmevoidlbMii-wa-a lleuea-t' Hi (lsided l .ane.hew Vell.and YM V-asni. t eW,a aval hi aB misviiWr lv®»«'**s ami lv-»Wa® u MoA>c<s«* lhr\-.Uh».,4 It-et ats^l twain*.Vs, H--v«b si •- &• % orats, and fi..V cti.i. e*«h. T.- ta bad U !.-as*l* of the principal Dreg House® 1s the t>w., hi kJcvi-a A It. fc tv HAM vn New Xv'k.avdhy VN NV | tN\ a". S -sa' H.M.V, ! X^T Three is n-'iaUmNr M K » s»l»ng th® larger stirs, N. H —Dlrtwi^w't fcw the gwWtawee of patsewi* Isnwy g<o.Noler see sftvefi voewrk He*. I®wf«\ UwXwww t« U AY.-t*. bales prime baW«« Lai, UedtagtVtt t*ai, ud »ta **Ve t* ,|.r X v v K l rtxv.v fc PAR'scvNS^RfcX SA. r 'l.hFDAM nil. I® hbh Hlea,ho4 XX L*m Iff ’a pk-anv 0,’u hw j'iVtIN H I ®r< * I | AhVl.AM* ''XT* - fc*' has*■*■(*, lassdtwg tfcsv lV*y ,11 DvMw sg-A,.*eorr Atabasaa, as*! i.w aale by . ay* > LX NN fc isNIDCR * | A MB AND LARD - X ifceVw X.W o# firlcmus . II ttams ®hfi No I Usl lard d* letvi, Is User awl | for **W Km fit LX NN fc hMDI K i *P» 3 ; a votiN. ; \ eg TXuts i ^xUfcTfRNjtAY-~lfc» bfcfo* MrtrtHlt fc VAX, ;ih*wma* Dw-Wv**®. w»he4 Mtws® w»«.e Hakom-ww Lifc s t»aj. »bv®a wrfib Akafiama. fc*-l M LYNN fc inH»K«. owthM fab 4 cThIM* ~ASiv hUMME* PL aNT \TD»N GrtrttXff, > ruin aM Atafc.nd, INnVou vuwahwrga, »hw hea ita* vn the (Mat®, PAaht am* Mrtemt MartXnaws Hhav Horn* V® BSS 55WJS) ilutUiSSSKTa; fix AIK IN fc Nt kkk •A-e* i taw-Aing TV* lx*j, town afclj *jsr> fi |. AXtV IIE kilt k\». MV®, XpyOy X- -e> . _ t fJXWIMMiRi; IU13VX ' ^uM!*** wnjiVfi xvviS!^ & rwrvst »ve-». e-iaeJpaEj litav a*l MmiI wa reeelvfid usl br sake h* op- A lBttNYll.1 Y * vtv , ».♦