The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, April 21, 1855, Image 2

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THE SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. rtlUINID IT V. W. ALEXANDER* CO., ' mi> ml (h«bit rriiimr. jw.nmim *J Jg Invariably in advance t 00 Itchk price,) I0coptr*fof,,.,,.l5 oo ib SAVANNAH. GA. gatnrdsy Morning. April fll. BY TELEGRAPH FOB THE REPUBLICAN, C.3U AllHlra. Wabrington, April 19. Tift followlo* Nputl may ba lully rolled on.— Tha Cablatl art sollrsly harmonious on lha Cuba fUMtioa. Commodore McCauley's inaiructiona art not warlike; be wlH retort to lurce only under etrcumetancca fully justified by international law. The admlniamtion aro strongly In favor ol a pact fie pohoy and Spain ie fully awaro ol that faet. TTte Cuban outragea against our commerce are believed to arlae Irom a deep sealed conspiracy among the liUndstt, which haa irritated and con leaed Concha, but be now knows that he must atop The admiaistraUoa are confident that all can be eettled without war. nairkeia. Nl\v York, April 19. The ootton markot la unchanged. I he flour market ia higher. Southern brand* are quoted at fill a fill SS 1*9 per bbi. The thermometer is up to 90 dcgreee. Charleston, April 19th. Tbo ealca of cotton to day amount to 3,970 bales, at e*tr*mea raogiog Irom ? 3 4 to 10 cents The market closed firm. Good Middling iequoted at 9 J 8 and Middling Fair at 9 3 4 cents. iSTTbe steamer Calhoun, Cspt King, Irom Charleston, arrived at her wharf at half past threo o'clock this morning We ere under obligationt la her clerk for tho usua^ favors. _ IST We are indebted to Mr. H B. Plant, of Adams' Express Co., lor new»p*por fsvort in ad* vaoce of ihe mail. ■C, — si ,1 «»•* The alarm .of Are, a few tginutea past twaive this morning, wae occasioned by.iha hunting nf lour small wooden house*. The fire originated in a email building on ihe lane between, York and 8oulh Brqad etreete, one door caet of the inter* aecttoo with Weal Broad. In a voryehon time, it spread to the fraroa buildings on tho west end o| the block, all of which, (four lit number,) wore de stroyed. Three of the houeoe were oooupled by negroes, end tho fourth, on tho contor of York and Weal Uroad etreete, by J. 11. Baehlor, ee a grocery ■tore. The flames spread so rapidly, that but lit. tie time was loft for the removal of gooda and furnituro. Mr, Baahlor, wo regret to state, whilo ongagod in his store, had hia clothing aot on firo, by the explosion of a liquor or camphene barrel,— which, we could not learn. He wee not serioua- ly injured. The property wee owned by the oatato o 1 Winkler, and wta ol but little value. There wee no Insurance upon any of it, except tbo xtoek of Mr. Baehlor, which wee insured In Savannah offices. The lire, it is believed, wee tho result of ecci dent, having been first discovered in one of the bouses occupied by Ihe negroes. SAVANNAH RErtll l.ICAN, SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL 21, 'nm'lMMamiama ' ' ' " Mi jyW# regret to elate that the Clerk of Coun cil is confined to hi* bod by sickness, and that we arc unable, in consequence ol it, to lay before our reader*, this morning, the official proceedings of the last meeting ol that body. tST It will be soon that the Oank of the Sate of Georgia has declared a semi-annual dividend ot 5 per cent. gy We were shown yesterday, by Mr. Harris, engineer of the steamer Wolska, the rattles taken from a rattlesnake recently killed by Mr. M. Hayne, of Mayport, Fla., on an island near the mouih ot St. Johns river. The bunch »r cluster was 8 1-8 inches in length, and the number ol rat* ties 35. besides the button at theend of tho tail — As the first rattle dees n»t appear until tho fourth year, his snakcship must have been 39 years old. Who would i>ke to encounter such a monster in a cane-brako I QT Tho Police paraded in a body, yesterday afternoon, in their new uniform, under command of their energetic Chief, Capt Ucy#n. Having al ready given a full discretion ol the uniform, we need not repeat it here. L’uder the immediate superintendence of tho Chief, and tho co-operation of the Mayor, tho Police have been brought to a state of great efficiency, and their appearance on parade, yesterday, wae such as to inspire ihe public with confidence end respect. Anoihar Alttriu. Another alarm of firo wax civeu from tho Ex change steeple, at twenty minutes past four, this morning. The outbuildings of a dwelling-house on Liberty street,—whoso propotty, wo could nut ascertain—were discovered io bo on fire. Tho conflagration was subdued, however, before the arrival o( the engino companies upon the spot. Tho damago sustained wax hut little. | l.ltcrnry Notices. The following new publications have been laid on our table by J. M. Cooper Sc Co: WsstwardHo! The Vovaoca and Apventi'rki of Sir Amvas Leigh, in the reign ot her most glorious Majesty, Queen Elisabeth: Rendered into modern English by Ch*rlee Kingsley, au thor of " Hypatia," " Alton Locke," dec., dtc. Boston: Ticknor Sc Fields. No book, says a contemporary, could well differ mure from others than this does from " Alton Locke" and " Hypatia," tho two work* by which Mr. Kmgaley has achieved fame. In* founded on tho story ol an English lad, who, in tho time of Queen Elizaboth, became smitten with the passion for adventure and discovery which prevailed then and mads Drake lamous. Most of tin* incidents are probably facta, but they are narrated with most mitiuto detail, and various characters are introduced to maito a story as deeply interesting ms the live liest imagination could conceive of. It will bo obsorved that tho book resembles in character the story of Israel Potter, as related by Melville ; but it is written with much jnoro caru and elaboration, the author even going to unnecessary pains to de scribe minutely scenes illustrative ol tho times and occasionally wearying the reader by excess of do* tail. But it ia a curious and, in some respects, very useful book, and is probably, as far as it can be, a faithful picture ot the times ol Elizabeth and Drake, of the Armada and of tho early voyages of dis covery. Aa Introduction or Practical Astronomy, with a collection of astronomical Ubius : hy Films Loomis. L. L D, Professor, dtc., in ihuUmvur t'ly ol New Y«rk Harper A Brothers. * This is a very useful and timely publication, and will bo found of great advantage to students of that most interesting of all tho natural sciences, as tronomy. Trz PnorHkTs and Kino* or the Old Testament: A series ..I *«rm»iis preach, d In the Chanel of Lincoln's Innn: by Ficdenck D.-nison Maurice. Button: Crosby, Nichols A Co. Tho naturu and icupo ol this work are fully sot forth in tho tttlehe. T auth »r is an able mmis tor ol tho Established Church of England, and has laid tho Christian world under great obligations by NSW YORK OORRESPONDKNOE For tbo-Savannah Republican. Now York, April 16th. Although the organ of the Administration at Washington has boon (bumping on the "wild war-drum" for some time past, with all (ho diligenoo and devotion ol an anolont Aateo priest, Its efforts have not aroused a singlo respon sive note in any Influential quarter. Tho only ru* plica elicited front loading journals in various parts of the country, have boon simply scathing exposes of itabssoleas fabrications and false pretenses, too clearly cnncocted to bring about a eatut belli be tween this country and Spain, lor party purposes, It may now be regarded as a fixed fact that the public Indignation cannot be aroused to a lighting pitch by Cuban outragea or by the execution at Havana of protended citizens of the United Sint*'* born In Cuba, with outlandish Spanish nnmus and with Castilian or Andalusian blood in tholr volna. American citizenship, at understood by many npw*a-days, would soom jp bo as comprehensive uud all-pervading as lha globu-oncircling air. One thing i* becoming more and imue curtain with tho lapse of every week and mouth, and that is that Congress must nmro clearly dt-fmc, and ex plain with greater precision, tho requisites which constitute an alien-burp American citizen, other wise our government will ere long be involved in an endless and Inextricable imbroglio will, tho authorities ol every nation, ttibo and elan, dl both hemispheres. Tho Union calls Kstrnnipr-s an American citixen. As well might it call the loader of the Celestial triads an American cil ixon. Aa before rcmatkvd, the public, at tills particu lar time, have no indignation and no cause for in dignation to expend on allegod Spanish nfimuts to our national honor. The public has been gorged and aaliated to raplollun and disgust with alleged Cuban murages, and can tin more'he Sim ulated by them than can the jaded •tnmach of an old epicure, by no unseasoned dish. It is high time that these outrages and alleged wrongs done to Americanized Creoles, Andalusians, Hunga rians and Hottontots, by ferocious foreign tyrants, woro entirely abandoned to such small Irce- booting politicians as Go»rgo Sanders and others of his kidney. In the hands of such charlatans and dealers tu political junk, they riiuku a very available stock in trado. The knotty question of "who's Dncstieks 1" la no longer a problem. Ho i> a young man. iinincd Thompson,93 years of age, and n clerk in tho jew- elry house ot Socket, Davis Sc Potter, 170 Broad way. He is a near relative of ths publisher of tho 'Detroit Advertiser', in which hia essays originally appear. He graduated iu ouo of tho Wcsluru Col leges. Tho Tnhuno offico has been tho srrno of tu multuous rejoicings within the punt day or two, oc casioned by the defeat of tho American party in llob-ken. H there should be another triumph ol tho anti Sam party anywhere, they will probably illuminate their offico. Judging fr<>m the strength Saiifhas displayed during the past wo< k, hi van Vht Alllta rhI iftiu Balsac* of Gat*' Thf London Examiner haa 111 artlola on Cuba, and tho reoant speech In lha Bpanlah Cortes on •lavory. It deprscatsa the Intention of Hpaln to protect slavery In Cuba, and pais that hy offering to tho elave hopes of future emancipation, the Span* iah government would ralee up a power able to do- iy both Cuban nUntert and American sympathi* •err. The Examiner learo that should a baud of American lillibuatera land In Cuba, Uen. Concha will allow thorn tho game scant ntoroy which was shown tu Lopex, and then says: Tho American government will then bo provid ed with a grievance ; and If Oooeral Pierce should doom the governments and fleets of r ranee and England loo deeply engaged In tho Black and Bai lie Haas, to think of succoring Cuba, it is qmio within reach of possibility that tho report ol the Oatcnd rmifcrcncn may b« acted on, and tho atop t»l making common caueo with thu discomlitted corsairs, hy Bonding a foreo for retaliating upon Gen. Concha, and perhaps lor reducing tho island, may become sufficiently popular , ' 1 ' r , c# lu * 11 u l" on Mr. Piorce'e not very reluctant cabinet. The contingency ol tho wcatoru allies looking quietly on must nut. however, ho too hastily as sumed. Franco and England have, on a pruvious occasion, spoken frankly at Washington, as to what would bo their duty were Cuba wantonly invaded, mill ot thiil lime tho Emperor Napoleon observed that the alliance botweon Franco and England ex tended wi-stward os well asaaslwaid. And though it would h«* unfortunate indeed, if Mi tho bt-liel that wo haven duty tu prevent aggression, and protect weak Slates Irom spoliation* ww •Mould bo called upon io perform such duty m both hemispheres at once, let not thu American government too hastily infer ita act ol aggression would bo safe. Turning lu France, die Paris Paine, of tbo 89th nil., Staiov that thu Spanish government had receiv ed from Mr. Cuetio, its Ministor Plenipotentiary to tho United Htatos, the aseurancu that tho Cabi net ol Wttslnngiou soemed disposed to prevent any lillibusiering attempt against tho island. M. Eti enne Mould, a wntor In thu /’afrit, who seems to devota himself specially to American affairs, al though nothing can exceod the gross ignorance which hu display* regarding thsm, furnishes us with an ambitious article on the Cuban question to tin* text ol thu Osiead'oorrenpondonce. Ho concludes it by stating that any attempt upon our part to tako I'osacMion of Cuba by force, or to coni|>el Spain to sell it. would be "a fact unparalleled m tbo history ot civilized nations, and would rest as an tndulihlu stain on tbo forehead of tho American democracy." The Comrier tin //<jrr#,ofthe28d, has the follow- mg in relerouco to tho nows received from Cuba, by the Baltic: ^a'TIti* intelligence presents tho Spanish colony under an aspect which, il it be of a ininqut.izing ii Huron* regards Ihe present,docs not continue tho less menacing as regards thu luturu Much is tho conclusion that is to ho lormcd, even from tho re port* d the Captain General himscll, which «o re cently produced. For the moment the conspiracy is exphsled , the Atmncan expedition, winch wus preparing in the Southern State*, remains without mi object." Tho />** Setedadee, of Madrid, mentions as cer tain the lutelligoncu that England hat offered her mediation m thu ditlcrenco between Spam and the United States. I «asis$ Price for etch •8 M. •prB W. W. I,, A. A. Hni.ilMONR * Of). J. It. M»>»*KP. Is IN)., It Savannah. COMMERCIAL RECORD. lAVAftftAU KIAMKRT. raisst. ApMao, 6 PM. COTTON^-Tb# salt* U» day amount la III balss, at a fall range df prices, lha mark*I closing flrw. The Mlartr- |ng cotnpriae Ihe sales i lot alt, 64 at Bf<, IJ4alBR, BOl.I.OWAY’R OINTMRNT AND PI 1,141 the (be* i ' S3 5* at Rfc. 3 sl»*( IVi alO, tIS at 119*1 remedlaa lor the cure of Female Complaints.—7 h«* ai B« at lu r«ols. irsorrtlnarr *lfcet ilrasa Pills have upon ail aemplsh.i pacallary limld- ntal in females, would appear larredi hie to ibeclllM-na of lha Ifulon, If II were nut onnflfm* dally by the wonderful cures they rltat In Ibe varb.u males. It Is an unquetilonsl.le fket, lbs4lhere I* no S'.y rtmrdy to equal ihrm, for Micrmtnatlag sufferi" from the wdlar sax, particularly for ymtsg gtrlsenlerln Into womanhood, there orn all a<* requested to glv them a trial, which will liwure their rcoommandadoo. HoerdrerlUrmct. 0 apr IS onrruAMY. than, hi this city on the lath Inilant, rllAHTI. DON lull. Ihe youitgesl daughtrr anJ child of %lrt. Ad- • laid a Dozier aud Dr. II. 1.. Ilyrd, aged two years a no fourteen days. Tbo heens of three parents were yet painfully teni'e*. from the lois of their only to.y, who died out litre . months before, when title second btlter shaft WMipe. to open the wound alreth. Hucti arn thn ways a Mod of love employs; lie strikes, to savet tie gives aud laavsour '«)*; Thesa angrl tinhn- lie's ttalluned brlgM ou hlyli, To win their strlckr-u parents to the sky. ,• Charltwlnn Mr-rcur), ifuiutsr (H. C.l banner. Dsr- lluaton Flag, I'eidu Times, and Tallabatsre pap*r> plrase copy. NisvNnn«li K*p«r**-Apiil 91 Per schooner It V Davis, fee lloston—Y7I bales csttrm AT racks rice, 7073 bushel* rough rice, BUS rUe flour, tV*i0 bwt lumlx r, 0 pkgs mdse. ptrsebramer Mset.avsen. S.r Nsw York—7 ton, |UU AbU feet limber, XU empty barrels, S3 Up* p,r Hr bark m«u-*ro»r»,for r.^rk—itojWJ frwt limber. Prr Hr bark flUsgow, linden—<31,PW feet Umber, 7,B'.j while oak sloe*. I'ev ship Pitas Ureenmaa for*r|rf«ol— V.4M bales Var« R«Z«ccZ.-rabin For .y'nr. York. vmiteo »im7» -MU, SfCAMHIIIP KNiiJtvn.t,F To I-cats This D«y, Apnl 31. .it, .vy.npni at. si l| .. Kboxviu.i:. , •. wigee.le* eU»«*. P-trir.i.rrifcr, r . v . *»—, J|. N. .NMpper* *4 «-Hlee . I •*••• take mao*, it.*: , ‘ ' M *'» *, f cot- lb* prsrn** Ihei i« wa 4ih,o:o. , ,* “ "-:!1 ta£« row fiiAtti.Evinv * T»-e *'•**»« ;*.»».i « -,, __ Joertl.r, w.-iUiwS,^,,. 7 -. , i., f ,„ vtl euelsLt* t v . upland cotton. «70 bates Hca Itlands. 740 boxes oupper ***') o% lemca. >n o, m" \ Jjjjk . 1*^1* P tl. VI lu II , - Dkttlkh. flitr ^ Akhiv'ulv. " 'KmiNVJI.i.l 1»(* hl- .q A7 . Apmil ‘M-1f7C» bales of UHOm sod rndte u* O.hsns k lleru, Patten, lUbetr k Vo, * J ligdrn, iohn ir»..»«, W Duncan, Hunter k liammcll, A l^<w a «>>. I*. Par - soil* k Uo, John Itlciiardsun, firpentiiis k «>», r. tV Usntisny, Daosk t\atbburn,Franklink ItrsnU; It***, - • * 1 - Vrane k Il'-Jgcr*. I. D«mu.ln« W Da«l«k l."ng, 'Dane k llodgcrs. 1. C lt*mu-ln« »V lia*krll, King k m.i,s, Wsllt k VersUlle, M Cents, N A Hard** k (X>, amt other*. VIA ML __ n/.kir. r Th--* u. f-n. ^» » *r*:gti u , *■ IHnvdir RntrlUonur. PflTtf OP HA VANN All Al'ttll. 'it Per str r'alhoun, King, from < harl*ston to H M l.aflt 1,-au—April ttlei—s* U lloeii, I'lorida sir, J J Collin-. Ilahun k Riolih. Dsns k Watlii-urn, Pranklin *- llram try, A M Varti-r, i’aiu n k llution, W II KsmhrouKb. i II loidd, J Itlchardkon.T k I, McKenna, J I I* Mnlit- tVsyne k Hon. f’athens k Hertz, i Wali-r, lloun k Ce J l(i)M<nliBtid, Hr bn k Po*mr. J II l.ain<>tle, tV I' Yong< It Arnold, \V C o'Drlscol, A Talblrd. MOIHI.I’.. A PM II. I ft—.Cotton—Tb* market U> day bs* l-rro dull. ••!•>( Imlog limited to «a>4geUi bsl*t, at KatunDy'* j.rlrrs--Mnidni.g *■ PrriKlit*— HrlgOcran tVav*,lor llosti> . P A Hall, lor New York *1 fce, eogutd to dar ll.s Ir-lsr-d pa bo*M. <*r to apr lb e», Afrrne.rn.atl eta rOH P tU fK t lla»aiu,iinr,' ... 'clock. Cm !■ Utior Ibneud. (it-nt* ;»• r. ; •.uiMwwi CT*e.-rU, - a^r , # i, P.tsxi;!tiM:iix I. Chcsvefijr k famil), Mrs Dillon. Carvln k lady Mrs Cole and daiiuhtcr, Mr* Vrrilla K II Hakrr, II I tiiH-lihrlm, J IV Mci'clluin. P. tVlilldcn, Dr J A Wtr.fc Iwr.i: A tVallsrr, Ju It '‘ampbeil. J Artnun. J I Evan*,) H buruut, 1*3 deck. AMP.ItICL'H, Al'UII. la.—CotUMi-oar markrt hu brrh quilt- animated for the past week, w* quote ea- ireior* 7 *<‘H ■ ! CDl.t MIH H. Al'ttll. IH-Thua far |M* week crqrrxA Uri rnaiket bs* l^en !••• active, f^flrring *»<**k light. ■ rut trantertiorn dimlrt'ihed. Iluyert *>* i.-.t inritwd t,..11 er*le at last wrek'* pnre^ whilit holdar* return u. I submit to any reduction. ' onffquer.tly iberela a psuae | io o|wratl»na, and we uwltqu >utl»nt. I CllAltl.lUtTON. APRII. If —«;otu»n—'The demand f-tr'lie article conliMir* good, and H e trsnraciiorit of the day reached lV7i h«ict,al lull price*. Czucrar*7J{ ik n cents. SOM < ti aid | ■ . vi \ |||. v , ,m*l» t>*ciK will HCJ<I, Ul, ,,,, u'cViCk. tot lr«‘(t,, „/] | >tMI •*ge. spply eu bo»rZ. o. sp-io , Ihl. —- •it. • y. f 4 :.' 4 ha (TAer-o . . * ,** u *'i Msy,retandng,owTerms*y ° ■ v * f *hta lot ike Ul; . >t CLAr.loJiN < Aiiiiivr.i). Schooner Mary K I’carn.n, Coombs, llock|x.rt, Ms. Hue to Carlostuu k Pars-m*. I NEW Y‘»KK. APUII. 16—r’ottow—Tbs market coo- | tlnur* flrrn. area) ' «le« New urlran* nodding Vl< — i i Flour—price* are ■ trifle higher, •»>« birrsis »--el oM« I VI 4.iu!li*ic I* ir.ffp : Itln Ii. .lit of tllA )>*r> (ji.r.AitP,n. Schooner M Y Davis, Roblutuu. New York—Cohens * Hertz. Mchooncr Manhasacti, llrown, New )ork—Cobeni I Hertz. Hr ba-k HUtesman, llerniatison, Cork—A Ia>w kl'n. Hr hwrk f.lasgow. Ward, l,uiid.>n--llunier k Cawtnrh Hhlp Hllas ilrveninati, Magne, Liverpool—C A L Cam* a) g in .'Jo ; Houlhern i* »c*rre ; s*l^* to day of TZift bzr- fin V.kJBIO fI. Wheel—the imrk«-t I* Erin; . wnil* Michigan $i 7u Cr-m—th* markrt. I* Srrn •VfMt | bushel* rolled al ft 714- Pork-price* are a trig* high er IIHMIbill, old Meu* *ol'| to day *1 g.CAl*- IZ. and new al ft- 73. (U-ef l* uneh*t>g>«]. with * u.-der*.. d« 1 m*nd al prntinu* fair*. I*aid~pr*e»* »fr high*', **!*• 1 id you keg*at lu Vt I *)*• sod barrel*el V’ii*ib>| ■ M»lt I'tl.tThl, ii . — AND INTI avu,i \7, To Lt avo Saturday. A;? .* A T 1IH \ j O-Ul C* ■: nr • £ -t’l.Hltl.D MANTII.I.AZ - KrcnteJ iwr . r»m»r /•-* - — — *■ 81 r. .71 fill AN I) A. New York, April 16—Arrived •chooner f. Hcrantou NIr. Iliit-liuium’e Npooeh In London Tho latest London papeis give an account of out parts C|f thu Country, at tho H.-nry Clay fctlival the proct-cding* at the iliuty-fourth anivernary o among tho rest, Sain o-ght to ho called Samson •— 1 tho Si-nua'a Hospital Soctsiy, which took plac-t end Jons* HiiiMh, from . M iitBrinab. Ilustoo, April It— Arrltnl b.irg !*el»oo|*. from Haven neh, *chr I in, mark, from Jacksonville, Pis. *c».r l.ri from Darien, fit. Hpoke Jan 3lit, lat 0 t« H, l.m M K *hl|) KlemeuL <»-lrtl. from Natannah, via Husnus Ayr* lice I, orr Calcutta. New York, April 17—Cleared bark Peter Octal lie. to Havannah. Huston, April 10—Cleared ihlp H II Talboi, fur Havan nah. | 'l.fft'tt r »*y »•* USUnlu, HTICH. u.rrra* * Sprdal Xoticrn. Ho is already a terror to tho PliiltstiiHs New York is fast hecoming thu literary us well | on the 37th ultimo. Lord Palmerston was in th- | hair, and while toasting those sovereigns who lud a ihe commercial centre ot thu World. Tn« pnh* ; conir»buicd t>» the soctcy, ho drew iho attention t'lrc In Apalnclilcoln. We regret to learn hy tho subjoined note, of tbfl satire destruction hy fire, ot the Commercial Adocrtlur office in Apalachicola, Fla. Wo sym* psthixe with our worthy and o*tcenu>d cotsmpora* ry, end should be glad to render him any aseist- aoce in our power. hahing tntuiests ot ihuciiy is to ho further increased by tho nccorsiun ot a branch eslnhiuhmcut ol the great Boston luaiso of Fetridgu Sc Co. They pro- p<«e to open a puMistnng hou«u hero next month, which shall bo tho great national «-ntr«-pot id stan dard and miscellaneous literature,—the head quar- ! tors of tho productions of mind, ol every du»irnbio kind, Irom tho nurse ry tone up ta thu noblest efforts oi genius. Thu leading Ilotols, it is understood, will raise tho price of b-*ard to $15 pur wo-k, alter .he 1st ol hi. aJtniubUt rxpufitiun u | ihu.u old I’roplifl. who ■ j|,y, C un««^oet,oo ul ihe ojir-ni. huh ,,t AvaLaruirnta. AVSIL 16,1853. Ciitin Rtjkbht*n, SavaaaaA, On.; Geoilcmcu:—I regret to tuf-rni you of the entire do- •traction of my offlee, the -Commercial Ailvertiter," by Arson yesterday morning. I *aved n-lhlng but my books aud paper*, not even enough to print a dip with. Los* about fi’.OOu-i.o Insurance. Pha*e announce tbo faet In your paper, and state that the Commrrclal Advertiser will again be published, as soon a* new material cao be procured. The Are occurred about 6 o’clock In the morning, and fortunately there wa* Huts or DO wind blowing at Ibe lime, or the destruction or properly would have bean very heavy ;owing to this c'rcamstaBce, end lha extraordinary exentons of nur etltiens, tho Are was conAntd to thr building tn which U originated. Yours, respectfully, J. L. WYMAN. CifMi in Atlanta —Cann Cosily, only 17 ystrs old, was convicted at Atlanta, a few day* ifo, of the murder ol James S. Kent. On Thursday last, io the vicinity of a drinking saloon in Atlanta, a difficulty occurrod between James Martin and Daniel D >ugherty, which re sulted in the death of the latter VjaofNlA and Ezst TtNNissir. Railroad.—Wo learn from the Knoxville Whig <>f the It h inst. that A. L, Maxwell, Esq. haa taken ihe contract for laying the track on the above read :or tho en tire distance from Knoxville to tho Virginia line. Hs is an energetic man. undrrstands the business, aod is* withal, responsible. This is an important contract, and one that will advance the interests ol the eompany. Terrulz SHtrwRLCK— Fite IIlnorkd lives Lorr.-Laasrs Irom Sydney statu that a vessel,name ■nknowo, has been wrocked on B*mpinn Sh-)s|», sod five hundred Chinese and a portion ol tho craw lost. The captain and right men only wero saved. These mado for Cap* Dennis in s boat Joit on landing were attacked by the natives, and five of them were killed, leaving hut three survivors out of five hundred and fifty. Tttt Physician or thk Late Ear*aoa Nicho las.—A latter from Sl> Poteraburg saya that Dr Mant, homeopathic physician to the late Emperor ha* lait Russia in groat histo and secretly.—lie i* reproached with having too long concealed fr>>m the august deceased that his lung was attskud , also with having himself prepared tho mod.cine* degtinsd foi the Emperor, instead of hiving had them prepared by a druggist. Crest irritation w«* manifested against hirn al 8t IVtcrsburg, and tho figured so prominently in the earlier days of man kind. The work before us is full of interest and instruction. A Dm ence nr"Tfit Eclipse or Faith," by its au thor, being a rejoinder to Prof. .NxHinan'i "Re ply’' to "The Ecitpsu of Faith " by Francis William Newman, together with a chapter on "Tho Moral Perfection of Jesus" Boston: Crosby, Nichols Sc Co. I ho controversy between these atda disputants, growing out ol the publication o( "The Eclipse ol Faith," together with thu thuological questions, tho d>-ctrinuf, and argument* of both, ia here br-night within tho coinpzss ot a singlo volume of 203 pages. In other words, wu have tho "Reply* of Prof. Newntan to "tho Eclipse of Faith," the rejoinder of tho author thu latter, and a chap ter by thu forinor upon "Tho Mural Perfection of Jesus " Pcrsunslond of religiuus controversy (w-o ar* not'will d"uhtiors find iho work sutficiemly interesting toauth--rrzo n perurai of i; Si«N» or the Timm, or I’roaont, l’ds», and Future. By the R-v. John Cumming, uuih>-r of "Lectures on ihe Ap->cal>bse ( '"*Miraclre," "Daniel," “Pa rables," Sec. rndadulphia : Lindsay Sc Blskis- Ion The author is now the great pulpit orator of L ’ndon, as E.lwaid Irving was turne twenty years since. But very different is ho from that strange, wonderfully eloquent, but erratic genius. There could not hardly hu a greater contrast Tho ono all firo and enthusiasm; iho other a nun «,f chasten ed eo.-rgy and convincing cilmnem. Tho one liko a meteor, flashing across a troubled sky, and then vanishing suddenly in darkness , tho othor liko a silvurstar, shining serenely, and illuminating our pathway with ita steady ray. Hois looked upJn as the great champion ol Protcitantism in us purest form. Tho subjects discussed in tho present volume are very interesting, embracing the Signs ..f the Times, the Moslem and his End ; the Christian and his Hope ; iho Jew, his Rum and Restoration ; Noah, his Age and ours ; Signs. Ccl-wtfal and Tetrestial; tho I), sin of all N'aiiun*; iho Final Destiny ; It is Dono : the Lord Rdgne'h J. M. Cooper Si. Co. Iiavn also laid on our table "Graco Leu," a romance by Julia Kavanagh—"The Story of the Ptsaani-Koy I’ii.luaophor, founded on tho early life of Ferguson," by Unify Mayhrw, hefOlofure|nolicpd by ua—and "The Caaile Uuihor*" by the popular author of "lleartaease, I'lio I loir of Rrdcliflo," See.—all inlorustmg publications, es pecially ths last « f provisions, slid Ihe psrsage of the Maine L-q i Law. Tho present price of board i* tl2, and iho advnm-0 proposed will |orc« litany traveller* to*|..j • at what aru called tho Hotel* on the Eur- p,’in plan,—that l* whero you pay for your rm»m and cat ' promi?cnou*ly at the reeta<iranls where >'uu i.m procuro meals from 25 cents up. Trado report* cannot bo varied, and all depart nti nis id butmo** continue unsaltslaa -ry. M. ne. is plenty snd easy ot access at about iho lvg.ii rato. Tho financial rlcmenla ai hand and in pro- , spict are favorable lo luiuro ease Cution conti nues to advanco, which it good now«fi>r our South ern f'icnds. Middling Uplands hire been sold as high as 9 5 Sc., hut th* hall is a 1st quota!i »n.— Tho business last wo«k reached oi ihu c-'mpany to Mr- Buchanan, tho American Mints'cr, who was present. His Lordship said: •• Wo t-ann-d daun him as an Englishman,hut we will not acknowledge him wh-diy to i«i foreigner i he rcpie*enlii, ludi-cd. only unollu r memhrr of our own family 1 trust that tin- iden tity which prevails between us tn tint medium <d idea* which ia called language may long continue I - imply an idcu'ity ol sentiment and Iceling, and that when he return* t.» Ins native land, ho will he ahlo to bear wjihtnm the riprca*ion ot esteem and admiraii.-n andfre*nd>hip which the pc* pic o| Hue country umeru n towards hit countrymen, ami that hu will ditiueo among thorn th «c scntimcnis w inch, I am confident, they entertain lur us "— [Loud rht'O'a ] Mr. rose tn reply, and said, I can truly sav I do not find myself a stranger in a strjngi-land. We speak th* same language, wo cad the same books ; in both countries w«. worship thu satn'- God, according to the dictates ol our c. nsrnnce, and there re none to make us alraid.— (Cheers i Lite, liberty, snd property *rr* equshy pr.'lectcd tn both couutn«-s; troth have a Irm pfrs*. public i-s,M'i,»n has lull sway, and we sprak a lan guage cao no»cr be *. ok*n in any e un whb h slavery pracucally exist*. (Liudch.ei A stranger arrming to England must tn- greatly struck With ywur noble char.tira, which arc oi tbo imwt mu.xficeot charArler. Frutidcm-e h»a birr* i d you wiih L-undk-as wealth, and h*a m*piri-«i Hie hc«r!a ol lire p* ol 'hat wealih wiHi Tl.s Itev. l!i-s*st Kaeatar-.O. W P.,M the Mate He r*!*, will deliver an ad.lrr* l>roh|t>ii.un of •• Liquor Tratc," Thla(Hilurdaj Ev*-nliig, al Arniori lUll, at « u’clxk. i ladli a and geiillcineb, are resp«*cthill: luiiiMl to auei.d- l^-t us oil if,, and bear what lie can »a» In fat»r of *jci legal enai-tioent. G. W.UAltMANY. apr 21 t_ • * .liVToiL'A I. NOTK'i: Dlt Cl I MILLS GAN till, bt* resumed -b» __ practice of M, iltcl* e arul Burgrfj Irmn hi* of nd realdrnce un Oouih Hroad street. lbrt«dt.u>n l.*»t "I llarnaui. Tbc linui* brtwrrn R lu 10 A■ M. and 7 loB P M.. »ti bfriern'. d to oflt»F psilcnl* V Jan 13 Alabama, tn aaaur.riw.iit nf ligbl *u |.,w i.rlna, at WAD* *pr IS I I.OL’tt AND 9 A 1.1 - In M,I* an ) half bt»k. for tab DAVID I.'. Dll.I.ON, Market »q. apr 10 I t L«»ITL HAY.'UHIN, "yT«. w||tiUTB~UUAN I AND I.IQl <ilDi-lr, rr bale* prime Norik Itiver llay .V« du i)r> |.a*trrn do Juki l>u*b*l« prin^ tls’ilinorp elate Cera I0U Mo* ctin're llaUlm -fc Hour 3 *i bulLel* Fl.ort* Z5o do llran. » v»»l r»»d for Imrsai ct rr.wt ' Abu. OaU, Ii randy. «,lo. Hern ao.l vSMtkn; f- r aae bj WAM-lt fc i.'ON-T ANTIN'). a;>» 10 J..i.f.' it* Miitdlng, Hay #t. Dm aa**, pallrMA. H f It 1 st» MAT!*; > { .i« a. .un u lias ilhctr, (n. t;i savannah I'f Willfrtere ^ TI'Efll) A V I.Vl MM,, tpuu.),. Tee u« Altar •* - *<«,. . 1V1V| , J az*dtxert»wu.a.! ». Mr .-M 7b* Brilliant Surrttt. U nz .-if .aw- ' Mip> ' • ru* Msniilia*. Hlack. < «<1 .ml and Un Kits*. It.scfc G' i.r A Chany a 4 Jtcoimu and, to package*. *nn k atf: a \\nv. : r-k- o©Sta-M •; Huff kioi I«iu< Paraa-o*. Oraa* Bilk* Jrlih .ir^».» Il Ll.*, A c riortd*. NLVirr', 12 k'hs. Black Sen Muu. lUaza or.»* and s-ben-af, M»urJ is- ri-,ao.w \THKOj- fc K< bLU • Tb» r-ae*'e *»y T'ea.o n «i« tin i iu. h*d >ti!r J' - ' >oriel. ii> Mtit Klim.m bis. DANK BT4TLOrUUr|.u|4. I IZUi April. 18AJ. ( W m An slcctma * ■! Lh» Held ai tn- lUnkiar rJi9r IIoum- In Hot elty.ou MutHlay.Titi >.i M*> iwu lor Ftgt-t tnreciura «•« the pari of inditidu* atockl.nidcra, i« *rr»c fer one year Irom mat date, apt l.l IK Him - . Caihlpr. • *riHi Henlmel and f>.nsiuuti-»ial *i ai i-ig.Ma Mu iitaeville llrmtdrf, and Alhr-,* W Elf, • ill |>b an pul,litli ihe above lairu a e«-«tt -.ntll ibr 7m M*» liUili Ai»»»l% , *rr*Mr|’—I'mIom RarlFiy. The I"i,loii m^ uiy will c, lrr„»:e ir e ifc aniiiieraary at I.a place, Hstbeada.on Mo.mai 75*1 ln*t 1 lie merilna f.,r buiiue**. and for tbs annual pleciloi of nflWr*. • ol be I,el.I at l* oVI ick. M , pr«cl*cly lielrr-lioieril# al I k o'cI«kS, P. M In 'h# course «»f (beday, an oration will b# delietrea by ItubeFt II Griflln. I »o. # I'ure.ual anen.lanc« la requet-.r-t nf tbe member* *1.0 are invt-.ed to bring their laml lei and frt-uj» giiing nonce --I Iheo IntenOont tu lhl»r»*pect. to cutl.e of ibe Hlewa-d* Mr*-r* I dw n l'»f*on» aiwl Jirnn II Jobn*u,n, on <u belure ibe 2u.b tnM^ that Inry iua> make prutlsnu,*. lb.we "Ii.. .Wue lojo-n th* Hoctely. may make an ... i plrvall-'b In ihe »rcre'a> j t^ ibe 10 h Inti. ^ Mr in beM are also rrqo,t eO C-m# prrpertd Is psj ' ibslr annual aubicf||4n.nt "If ra< h He or.ier of JOSI.PII B. FAY, President, r.nw »•«» O. Wition.beoeiar j if ap, :f- U mM»>TIi I IQ- 75 f‘b.* r. I r e.;.. y» no I 1 fc II 25 d<- ftvacdjr I q-tarlt iDB 73 : i N o Wtn»kry t*r**»» r-rjaLt j., d t VO rig Mb hrardy. t* if j bor pfc 4:h j tvot .1.. 1 N r. Lu do do do r I, • Km • ret Malaga V. ne d« do do 0* It \NT>»N. JoiiNFloK fc CO T Rfr KIVr.D-3 ' msVA *;a*I ) DINK OP 1 i r *i i i on Mir. 7 1 Dsn 1 « l M I I>T Kir 1 for ,aie by mar 24 I kIPEItlAL T«»l or Wine, Iu-*| 1VJDEND N • D. K S\ WIM. -*,<* i.i •ale by \ y nx (i tp»i " War»b.,u*r po'.n • N’T\\T* (.< W"£ U. < t' C.d V\ H I.N N I \t HOOK V RBr.MVI D HY .*• * Il N M . re-PEn fc o» Tburnlai. April I .ii. I MMINENT Oral »*. and *i»teamen of Arv!rMa*d *J M. k tr,bT.r .7 F • lewd tte [rrw. .« *or be ant . ii • i-i *acf, *-..e„ 11 »»•, t u (4 tri- -. < •*, k %\ 1 I. .•urt. i: t ,, *- ; -.*» cams, !■»• '-•-*« »nr !i«L-' >31 < .u Mt.MBI of. . Hiula i ca. ! *lHcb Ibr CLwtnar. • I • > Da A II** »t’.rac; *• r •I ’r»ea! and !»•< a(, • ilk a ear } I i, ..f N»p..i».-.. t-an»l»!««J iffia • f I'erdmaud «,r*g»>rc.»\t* : by Garrard J. c. t r. ..v <.r.r:A n . K»4 lag; a cobretina of epbamrea- l>.» N. ra*k- e Io Jew- T N1»|«|NC, IMl M *1*11 It GOODA III. 5TB5A Htbl R ki, -. rr ^1 / U4 stoa-. n. a ' . I amd r, s., r-t » <i J • •I NI) IlD K - 5 but m iransitu. 25.000 hales, pari j th,> desire to remember their poorer neighb \l .. A l a. I .a. ... ...... I. ..... . M AMUTfA *r«. r z * K* 'I N I \ T Hire, pul up In p.' ii.d |I puipto g» amt cake*. . Mills, snd l»r sale, at Ne* Y The t'mzcNsNip or Estbampis —The N O. True Delta says: Vesterday. Secretary Marcy sent a telegraphic liispKih Ifuin Washington to this coy, making en quiries is to whethcr Edrarn; »'*, wli • »* a* rcci-nt'y g.itrollsd at llnvini, Was really a citizen of tho Lmud Smis or not A search of the roronls *-f tho 4th Dt«inci Court all .wa Hmi Francois . I - i.m cisco) Eitramprs, n native of Cobs, arrived in N«-wr Oilcans, in IHM Hu was th> n a min- r, and under the «cc 18 yens, and th" projmr step* being taken, hi* acquired tho rights , f cmrcn»hi|i when he became ol age These tact* won- niim*. dlstely Irsntnotiod to Washmglnu hy*, h, and a certified copy from the nunu'es -I I||« ( . ur-., with the naiuoe ol (lie witnr**,.,, Si> . w a* at «.nc-* pie noted and sent on to tho Scututaty •>( Slalo by mail. mar 28 Agrni f .r JJiiiNV. r*in# nn7r*r..*‘i‘r.V i - Ibo Iter. J.,lm Lumii.log. H A V -vpu I.i in prime N.-rlbrrr inent, and fur tale by K*' /1in iit'i: v. I’artitnuru llaui#,iii» apr m I IVr.RP'iOI. HALT ,w 4 More and l»f *ale t>y apr to N ‘ i * WII J*K I'.V - in • Wiltabire!r tw C..I nines Holt, of Columhus, Is recom mended hy a writer lit tha Enquirer, as a suitable candidate for Governor. l ltofJrtml llur-c In New Orlcrsna. 1 he telegraph has already nnnouncerl the auc- casa of l^xingron over Lccmte, In* to*mar cm queror, in thu great race at Ni-w Orleans, tim I lih. 11 L.ikv Clay Monument.—TIio Cincinnati (ia- zrttu says " Wo undorrtand a large number of tho sub scribers to the Henry Clay .Monumun', which ii is li> erect in l.exingt*>n, Ky . mol m that city on ilia Idth, to doedo up*m which id iho pians they would adopt ol the many which had been sent in Thrro were nearly, il not quite, .mu hundruu competit'-r* fni tho prize .>fl' f.»r Die best d*-aigu Alter con*id*'raMu cn-ullali.'ii un.i dxictimlon, the plan and d.atgn madn by Mr. Hamilton, «»f this city, wag uric, ted, and hows# d*.«ignntrd aa tho successful «nnipcH:.*r \Vu hope Io Iw able in a tew days to give our readers n de scription of the monumunt. aa designed hy our tul- low townsman " icleiAc p- verty ann distress in cvci) form ; smi what Ni"»o benevo ent form coui.J aurh a dcaue l*e man b-sied than in support ol this insulation F [Cheers ] IDs L rdship mentioned ths peruihar character- ' lv'»is winch distinguished this chanty Iron) all othura. It cftr-nds Hs Imiirfits to distressed a- amen | .I over a clonaie. Since the origin .<1 thu inaDtu- I ti.*n m<>ro than 1500 of my Countrymen ha»e br* n ; ri- luvi-.t hy ).»ut tiojniy, and f t ili a r,*llrf I t„.g return y u my most sincere and grealulul ihtnk* — But there i» another peculiarity which 1 tki.nk d»s iinguithes this Imm every other chanty Other charities require recommendation, and rule* are prescribed for port-ms d« siious of enjoying ih.or 1 benefits ; but liofo thn view «.| iho potariy and dis lies* "i * sick and disabled mmiiimh is lus recoin- mend ill >n, and your licart leaps al . ntn to rrleive ihat dm.r» >a« d »r»nun, no manor tr<>tn A*h*t chnio ho com**, no? what hit past character. ; 1 know of no c <untry which ought to be more careful of ihpir sesmsn than tho mother country and oiimuIvcb. Wc are certainly mote exien*ivc!y ; engaged in commerce than any other two countn* s nr lha world ; nml I hope, while there must neces- s*nly he c<<mpot:tion hetwoen us, Hut it will t*o an hoiiorAhtu M nd a friendly one C» d knows th-, world i« w niu enough b*r tho commerce nf Kill I rlvr. Orders for tl* countr.c# Iu>( u*. ihcrcforr, encourage each other, j /N • instead ol evincing a narrow and jealous spirit — , - [f heers.J No mher two nations , nj«*v hall *-• , much commercial intercourse; and H »-*er there ■turn'd be a war between iheso kindred tutmn*. which Gfld in hia mercy lorhld, [mu * cheers.] ill** susirens"’** "I eoinmerc* fa-twrun ihem b*r one yoar w. olil in|ure Initli to a greater e*tent than w*r • ever intlieled on any oilier nation* "e have.' therefo’e, every interest, every Inclina'lon, and j >ry l.-.-l mg to remain fr lends, and P* preserve . llul»->n Mill ck *■-•*. a very n rrer l-d. fr^b ii hd a Karlizb l.iierMirrr.f8.-m CTw eerj Heed. : M Th..-T»a* Kurbinza Head a .‘8-»rr. at il r Trial* *-f » Goie/nee* b| i.i|i,' rof ••»tarif.*rd llaM.*' Ac . II'-use, u un- fn-m Hlac*w.vid’* tkfi GOODS, For Sprint and summer V« J-’ll X IM.f.RRDl.L. r •pr *« »-l *Im1 I'uiui. izU b « t'AMii’r.K n « n found ten cbe ' r*. ze. by M ID»LI» fc '> b » v l>*ap D- .V i'opuii J. • lU’-i.Ui D- ■ • -Mir lip t. , Hull I. n Al.TIM'iftr. HAM! * Co utter* eIkocs for Mle M lir.Nf fc lirKT7. | n KN Ml. A. -Iiwl, V. *j|^r or srt.elr. rreei 1 i *pr J £ .|l»-L«L- » bbk G..»? V ,*lr by I t .AKD. H A- ' 'N AND I I L SiiMi'.rhWf* Da' I r. - r Cl I., a' La’d lln.-n -At.mtdr-s ■*r 1 k*'jr LkbDnr ted fM H AND *N, JOHNSTON fc « Black tbt Do iv^. rn>cj i ** A A loir in Which be If pec r»*M.-fe*bU mztoM lit Allt *1 API A I «i I l>au»l:i| eg b.'kfk lu’.zr. * t -i \\ Me. fc'o* u »»«: r* i.r* Alpaca r r.J .. . * ffc-Ak—OK. »*.* | I IIMMIIIMi 1,00119 ■' e* i rirz-e cfcli and mu w. AA k apr 21 D-wt-er *•«! rr 1 i/Nvr.L* rr- a *•». »».• ., « J 4 > ' i.e fcw*. s.*>: < brw;»r»-. t»e- 5* - JoH -r<*o*i f W » ►.'-ita t-l l..r u:< apr tu A'i.i 1 h T it L a» i d for sale l*y nur /** AHDI'-N lb***, lt*kr*. I f Pruning Knives *a’e hy msr 10 1 > Al'* 'N 50.1*0 R.». TeMi>e*-ee Hs,-. | > HV’ulder*. M.le* *«■» Mini*, wed ei order. Winch *r«.|»»' IN and Truer ,1 Nhiwes . Jtl»l r^crli,. F. IV. niBAtVi: 102 Urysn Ai i «• AoOtR * AKA,~2<*' .„w.-i mzr.ulnc ret Tobacco, SS,3*» nd I ft •inzll tour* irr. rp.> re T'.bncco krir* R .ucti and do Al Npkbiib-^cmra, at*. rte.J 2n il lUvanz 9t»r* •»id,»t*-n Tohfccci. A» ant I ft paper-*. •r »»le b«- J. V. CnNN UR A 7 fc ia» I O Al', Ora a k.r.,5 Iwr it •beJ.r - uJe by II AkP Aii.\E,llr-«wl. A, and l>>e* befclkl*, i« <;«. - Ir. S ».-t •l*c A * *pr Vl.r. AT TllU pm ND ind, one rod »■>.] wi. :Wi. A. M . tlVdA} bell. II b- *■• !.*. * .- tuhslied. LYNN* fc rpli to * ill, a ro;> AN DING TV.!* Day. ro-m lurk Kh».lr*. from New | j y„rk : .MU bale* N i rlli liner lUt.fir sale Irom Ihe wharf. I.nn.lln; from ir.e *chr. AV.«>11,ridge, from Itnliim re: |r*4 hid* choice lUliim-re I I «ur ; J.«0 buthiw hite ('urn; f*>r •sleirom ibe wharf Landing from the John AV. Anderwm. flom Haiti- ir.i.rr; J’Ki bUtlu'D llran: ZM «!.* -*hori*; for on wtuif, by W fc CO.NNTANTIN I . apr IU Jones'New Itulldlng, Hay *t. Al.TIAMlli; ri.'il U.-litT barrels Halil m:w nixT.ivr.D nv b . of luu» c • ow. tnt'krNl I iround be* b- rn* I.M. , HIMlfcV nini.EV. Ariui.aK. 7hr onij auiheMIe i zpr Yl NYVITT. I.ATf-T.- i*k lAK - A urn ' c-bslaeUy ea Lat.d. *iwt *>a *»->* i apr Cl L II AtlltVi. H ?9 - » * I I a»*e. Illp Tvbt , Iwr a* I>; V I..-1 spr- "Wl - A U I »' V. »■ rr.% ft I -..ii III Ai K Mill DMA*. 1 > i - ■ <:r I* wwiasset. >» iv .it*. . published —beautifully end t rofusH) it. Ju»l rtvewtrd zn.i i-> **•* '. y ' i fcf* ;i m \ irr. i atul IkOI- ! It! Another Cuban Rumob.—A dispatch from Washington to tho New Yolk Tribune aa)'* Alili ugh s-'Uio metiihera *>| the Cihlin l were al lir-i opposml I" any decided SD-p* aguinsl Snam, I h»vr Dio I-,-*! authority for saying Hut the inslruc lions to t oimiu do*n Marauley were unanimously The I'icayune s-ys large mm. were staked upon I 1 "‘"ch w.rn dr amiab'e relations forever 4Ve sometimes com- 1 ^ ,«r zr> plsm i,I each other—wo fad, both c**mpiaiu- cr‘vrd ami lor sale l*y mg nat'.ms occasionally—[laught. r.l but I can say, spr u N.v -j with tho most |>orlVct truth, ihat thcru exists m my agmm.ia whinki.v own C"U»iry an Aiudsr-rurrcni ol kindly and gra- , .y| ^-ht„m New cioufcfecilng towarda the matliereonntiy and if eve | ajw in ilm lime should arrive whuri It shall b-coino necea- i *~\ V 5 II A A ” Il a\ "5 elope that feelihg, Il Would ethitqi i.- | II Hal.' take f* no I*,-*. )u»i r« 'll N INGI'.ltH* M.L, if*' Ill.vk, Mat *tr••«•(. ne i 'Id Inti, ibe Traieller* r&feru emsni; by J n-.*h \\* IDA. C r»*. >*n — n*e and h gMy iniene*<lng. ia»t n .. .Ini In a b.».d and easy style, t*y a era; Lie n>: at, te-iy pen. A!cm>>'r* »f Ihe L i e* nf K*>be,i IL-ldsne, cf Arllbesy, and *•< hi* beet be* J*i>«-* AlniwJc- H.kSfcn* : by A»*i andcr llaldane, Iol the Inner Tnicpie, r.**rl» »r *; L>>*: 77, D<1 bt>D land" lifi'.hrci' ftp. I'.| h*» ai>* t*« ll It J A., late \ Hu ary J-cedi’* H<i l.otwr . f llrmd. ib* rpiwle l*i iht Vc-.bee. AWN *. *» i Lurch. l»ob »m xl A I P I 15 - A* bb C V i d l*i tone cy *J)«« 1 >i *r Vt one -1 * t , r> Uk bbiszAl'fc Me err l.v wi» try *!•* VI \7rr. t’-Ti Ri-r s J u.-*> \|.»* rtf Aliraula IT'. . H AN j Mle *t *p- lu 143 i wry !<• dei "lY |,i iho Rstomshmsol oven of the people of Eng- j Pur tale «othe wharf^by^^ ^Luid cheers foll-»«red Mr. Buchanan to hia aoM Mr B subscribed #50 m this institution. , Hie I'residenl himself, were unmltlskeabiy eru pn-si-ni nml Hut the | ( tho result, ihmitands greatest in'crr-st wa* mamfoatrd It nddi ' Lexington drew th» Hark. Al lha lap 0 I Ihe drum they dsr'ed like Hiunderholia, each deiermm- f n# ., a n„. r Emperur Al.f.nd.r him,.If .d.ncd him, n ,. ! '' *• "* Jio"-.,..un.l th. lu.n ili.y .,...1 I,ho I " „ i ..M ,. u... j (“'h bullets, noi a aiudn bei j bark strelch they flew like do Tbc French fga'lon here has intimated Hut . 'In"lid In,*nl.ties omun in tween llie l ulled Sialra I and.Spam, Franco would'piompil) anp|H,ri lur l-u- F*>an‘»N I'avpzbs—Mayor Wo.hI, of Now- Y,.fk,h*• sent a circular to ilm varmu* I' S Con- Hula iii Kuiope, ii-qtlralmg ibem In give lum early •i..l>co ol every ehipinont ol paupers lor llui inwtantim:, apr 6 J. ,**,' Hullding, Ha, •strei \ TLASr.A 'III.Gw Pl.'H'll In barrwla a, d *wcki lur tale by CKTAVl'n COIII.N. msr 36 M AV IHMIK N* ni> LIVI'D nv W !* Mill.) v, APRIL Tifc KNN I , «** I*»e IN,.| lur* ef IU 1 ".! bi Aie*» ansia'ed u,m itu urlciwal Ml^!* I«* Miwi M*-cnrr i e* A KiU. is* S-m i.we .U laailtr* 'h, an I g •*) aulb.v — I NlihNN D"i»»’ ’ ,'h, J U !,1 .if* f \R A AA N M MM U-. 1 1 r t—iMwr. ru** r\ .V it 41 J 1- T f.; spr £i ' U "nistiw** I !? ill,(too. 1": rArm:!* andund* •tiboi*: Juil received pe • fc --.A* bid* P.'UI '.earner, and foi il AllriN fc ll AD-I csl Nous anJ I.eCu-ilons ly Henrj Helfcnd. \\ I* »' It * Ale- a f-e»h h\ ■■ Mlu i I i\. rity. With renewed vigor (Iuxmg|„n in tha cointe renews his murderous attack leads the lira! mile •aid, to (save Rraata. tst Col Joseph Wiggm, an old and much re- ■bsctsd citizen of Wayne Coumy, died Suddenly ay ! |«,eked—around thn turn they tried bia rcaidanco in Waynesville, Saturday „f! slight pull Imfora reaching the homo at disease of ihe hesrt tlo had berq enjoying his asnal-haalth, and waaonhnraebM k when ittaekeri. Hs luccesded, however, id getting to hi* house, Wfrsrs hs expired in ten minute* af;*r reaching it. tST The Washington Skminel *av« that not- witbatsndjog ih* reports to the contrary, it u now Staled, and the fiennmil with truth, ihat Judge Lumpkin of Georgia, has p.^iijv«ly arcrpind the appointnisoi ai ono of lha three judgee of tho U. B. Court of Claims It la thought that tha Court may bo organized in a few day* «n them , up Hk oti aping Ir.iin Ot a IIlst S«* itiv" r*» nc D, j N Y. "Musical World" says . Io a betwirn- while chat with M Known —Th" hswk -at tho half mile (in 53 seconds,) ih»y were 1 , V' * ' etwi cii-white chat .1 ' V ' i fa*hi'»treble, tmisual snd literary gam nd lead.) 1.0- Lcxmgton liter remarking t** u* tint lie read th ry week from tho first . II Join Iho In us pi. 1 IfcK.k II ll w ill j With an unfaltering step ihe combat urenewed. I.aconite drives around again tile drives around th« turn, tod prepares I publicnblivtuui for the struggle up Hln bark al|e*. h. Hia I aro • < of those goo advertisement iii recumbent and lux ,-u ifie a.,tv,U« limtad lus intent,>>u li *.ri New Y • »k •'•cb-tv > it is—" I' l Thn Saner* Falls American ihruu M. Wik'.ir. Ml ll.tnum Ilm Samnrl I, a In. mumli. ulil, mg Mr Buck'nghstil Into the deepest *ha,l-« .uanese ; |..r wo hardly Hi»«h Hr*' si chsi . wh-i Ttti Surantt Coatrr or Georgia commenced iu .iaaaion al Case*ill* Monday last. There were thirty case# on the docket. ^Tat Weather in Cmmobu Gmaou Is vary fs- varsbls io tbs growing crops Ths whtat promises • large yield. There will be, it is Uaai half a fruit crop made. STEf-Govornor Whltmsrah B Has brook, of Soatb Carol ins. died at Strawberry Hill, Beeufor* District, ih# Iftih inst. Haa. Robert C, WmHirop h*s hasn ale-**d I'rse ideal of ihe Maesaohweeiu r.ral Hv^iaiy A Lolt»d Stales messenger, en rmrte lor Hi FaUrs»wrg>saldM,hev.pemsd through Barilo’ oaibetflihulL Tha Rallen haa been pleesed io'#onf*r ihe first •**• of ths order ol Abdul-Med,«J on Field Mer Severn snd steady l|„ reaches L again *lart» from l>irn, and with n . rn* of poeition for a imu Hie aame ,ff (if |a .d-U. u,..,n ."'I in ilm Un ilm •Deleh **l Hie Hurd mile, l^z.ngton *.pa up,n him. and Ah* upon Uo. mie mako* item-.nslraiion wnh ai*el, I,, ,|„ tnal uallsnxy rss|M*nd«, and in gle of noa'ly Iho whole nth ■nllnmon'a oxperienflra c-nbl beg n i*» i mtefr*t lu Hie general reader, H|.»,-iy Mr, Brown Hland by.lben, «en Who ia Io hu the • gap lively »ble atjl - desperate strug- retch, ahowa i M » willing nae* I*, r*i-spond , but the unronqua,ab|n lead* hirn, apparently at Ip# esse. In r*.)inding ilia turn lof th« hotn# turn, Gilpairirk upon Lexington tntde s lively move, and owning a gap upon l^icomla, look* aa H Ire had it all hia own way, which was tha • set At the aland, Hm Hurd mile, ll wa* vary olein that Lecomin e- uld not run with him. and th»n the imerrei of (hn race seemsd at an smi, for I^«*ngton opened gr*tl a gapup^m It's compsll- l- r the! al) sfl'ift to sboia H a*emad useless, and from Hi* haH mil* ;..•*( t<, the aland, n*» running w # s neretaary I ornlhg down the sirefehj l«e e/.mi* cbe»d a portion ol th« gap up«m l^tlnaton, who, just Ub-ra li« ina* Lruf |)o< siand, apiuiarad frighiena,! hy Hi* shout* ihat r*mi ih« •!?. and when ha came to lha stand, ho wae running away with ••is !«ee<rt|||e lour or live langlhl In HI# !••» Whan Hm lime Ii»r starling for Hm eo,-i»nd boat arrived, previous which Gsn. Well# bad asked permission |ri withdraw hr* hors* from lha cnnisal, Ihe I'residrnt announce.I that, Inssrnueh as run ning Iwoomta a second lisat would greatly conflict wnh tils chansst of success f«r Hie lu'ure up«n Hm turf, the judges had dscidsd Oral he might be wnh lUn I had I T .*l , Xpcfmore# Heinen Mr. Brow'll is coming publialior I —_ Mrs I'xRTmuToN '•»» tm« Home. rxTm-Ts - M Tt*al'» a homo palluc man, **'d M»s I -rung 0,1. |„ Ike III f arrow! 11*11, al Hio Tuesday nlglH, SI *lro pointed to a »*iy la'gn and very linn looking man standing near them did n**A wi*h to be mrortupisd j,»ai ib*<n, n* lie hie month full *d jH.und rake and *l*wstl * > and was oggllng a pyramid o| *rn arrant of lempt- Inu aniroaisnoc. " I hat's a horn** palhio nron." ■aid ehn, "and how thankful wn should bo lo Dr ||«rrnn*>msn that iro Invenlod tha btila p|l!*, l l ' < m|,icir*.| in tho fall of 1*56. what in Ileavon'a namo should we do ll | doctor I like that should give pills according to hia sit** 1 " 1 Him stopped ahori, attracted by ih« monlion ol tier nanro r 'Y » frtonrl who wished to limodum bur to a friend iD-m the noumry, while Ikn pursued In* roeesrebea into ths hnmeop*|liic v|«nils, wnh two •tmiig suspicion* of nrangr* In ills pocket*, and three wailsra wall blng him Tiie Auk "T "Sam "--A writer in thn Washing ton I'lib-n say# **5iifn" le II Vesta <1 age, and »m •*.>rn m llarrford, t'onncciu-ut! Nc*,*r * grc*t,<r b unib'f I Old Sam wn* born In Indcpon.lenca Hall. I’luladelphir, I77fi, July 4th — VVa*h*ngi..i», m IH|2,—tho day war wa* declared i*y Henry 1 lav nod oiio"«i agiimit tiirat Brnani,nnd ho i* now 43y,aiao| ago — lltll l*nittot •• karo'*" l*» ruuiid a tlrot young id yet lie be* iitni>li*|ird wonder*, lie I* at work, budilmg * greni National Mortartront or 1'yremid, cwmp.-r.-d ul lb riy two liliN-ka E*i h Siam is |o b« alien* during none, all camemcd lognHicr *n a msuuer Hist will auablo it to endure forever Wo give a diagram ol tint I'yiannd a* far as completed. MAINE, VERMONT. NEW YORK, p i: 1. A W A It K. CON N KC tier r. % R ll O D E 1 8 1. A N D. N K W II A M I* H II I II E, r E N N H Y L V ASIA. M A R H A C II U 8 E T T 8 Tiro work ia progieealng rapidly, and It ia confi dently antiolpaied that llro monument wilt b* fully M A ML LA NKIliT-* I» c«*Maiiilfc< i Hills fcfclrli. a *U|K-i'..r rillrir, J.|»| r«-«« I Mle bv mill litlD.II A Al. KKLI.V - V.A t> y-l’lltlT- III Tt HIM N7IV|. » - |iru-i.he, l.>r fair In IHNTKIl . f i ur apr V Ayisi: iiiuTt.r.H, o Mig amt for - lisa* Nt fcplr'i fc GAM All I I.. ■ ie* I one fro** c*Cl>, laml- '•IINIR fc D»H\f*D»\ I A III It N|| 114 |A % M» II14 AW »»tN . I. A lit*It snypti ol silk, (sure, avnw c-nirtv* \ unde, *h*ru ai^l wrsprwn ale' • h.-# time l« itled Iran*, canu'i. Asimri e«>4 mrdto :**«f>, I n, e»!< ).>*r AAAI R 9YMONN . msr .V Draper fc T'til.-r, |7 AA total** M. A *ifist r«i* 7HS l.sSIS* —Bow In rr**erv*IU*U l? — Don't u*s Chalk, Lily AVhtte, nr any nf the *•» called | c.omM'r*, io mnscal a ftrtsit ur eallnw immploatnn. If i**u ■ mi til have ifie rose btnuglil hack in ytmr | clow a a riser, healthy, an-l lr*etp*»r„» #kln, *n«l life lf *f Iniuswl Ihmugh ih# *y*»vro, *el a bo'Al# run RPANMH M|XTI'm*.,#„l uke llaecwnb 'f here la « fiardm In l»nr I'ara •bsl Lord Ksgland, and Lieutenant (Jansrai Mir *!)■*«. sail In Ihadleappoinirnsnl of ill's ibouesnde Jofao F. Burgoyno, G. C. R. who ram* l*« Avllnsss Hie lass, lha rac# was award T«« WfTflvWsf Cdmuiiki of South Carolina has liken sup# lo establish a Fsmsls Cu||# 1# „ Columbia. Two large bssra ware «i'(par*l lif a pint of ia flsisur county, Un week. sd to l^xinglon, midst enlhusilsllc rlroaia. fUarrlMge. Msrrtsga I* s msusr •»I roots vc.rth Tkae Ml bedeah In try slP.irroysblp, tm wbai is wedteel'r* feed, hui * F beil. S nf discord ae*l sfcMInuel Strife 7 ^Tbs*ms the eneifary brlmiaHi pwlh bit*#, Aua ,« e ptosre wt e*wetro, pesu gAsietfut*. There Da serdsn In her face, AVhere ,.w«* and while Idle* grow ; A heavenly i.rsadltel* lhal plat*. SA' herein all plaManl bland* d« p«« ( There eherrlea grow ilial n«nein*y buy, till rherry rl|ro tlismtelva* duery. Those eherrle* fairly du tnrbroe lr( I Irian! pearl a double row. Which whan her lutely Isu*Mar thowt, They l*N.k Ilka foae bud* filled will, imiw | Vsl ihem imi |w«» ner prince may buy, Till sberry rljw ihemselvss da cry. •Aim....... - —- --- i„4 m diieribui* ll due# nnl l**«e q«ID a* well es I our sweetmeat* I l*ul If. after a few d»M>*. y,,M (In trot ind your he«nh aud beauiy reviving. y..wi s<ep e Inst Is ami vigorous, arnt (be *y*4em relre,l»e«l and iHVlfot • ind like a Soring uoUNlng, thee four re*e I* bu|rola«a, and all Ih* valuable nsrtlicetes w# | ugbi ll D Ah# greelssA purilWr of ibe hl.oel heow i., fevily harmlei*. *ed st Abe seme lime powerfully ap* AT-r lleai) Priii.t» Dana *red and le« -I Aiy P AVllt H DAI l iiN. uiaf -71 Marie, equt’e Ji rfl II. - 5U) Aiilm Puller, choice; treeu c.l and lor ) tain by M. Al AIIHN fc loiYLU. roar -*7 M U IIINIHki N AL I'lmrKR fc OL. April in.h mlurw* nf Rtf .Amt** l^-'fih, Jared lain Modern I uglith. by (haiic* Kiug*- lej Giac# Lr-n : by Jul*a Ka«an»ugb, author »( " D*Uy llurn*," Ac. •SKlrtlogy for Ihe fcnuih. nr Ibe I'allure nf I * ee fcvie ij i by Gifcirge Pi Ihugh. i -I.,)! IA. — AH' bbli F nlrM • ;»f .A v nv * it* I* i i i 1 ,\ ni,'» i»i.M»e. . T5 Namhri Iroxwr, f teivi fb-lv* Greoue nnd Ptilnnki L-W7 I.R lew t ln\ I?. Inr t % *-‘ To Sc .*e-rMbdl-jitucm t al t* * ’ * fj, lo 1^,-raua >; IA *r-.;!,.irtr t**c»' rt MliV.ll. A|.e . «, m CKLG'*NA fc V At 1.1 I ef MO IHH1 I wl 0 2<A,tH»P t e( fib** 1'fcfce * fl<A—^bfcJvw n rev's* 1 v,*>v# **.# by , nd Nu-et, riifc+r i.m • Po * P" .■( ihe I c by A AIOI. « onftJec‘ ANPi* - tin AM* and , Vl.Usi'e*. in See or.le J . • c**C". ffc-ro r»n'nu» (.mi l.nia fc iir.K? ? ItPlT.IVl'.D phaaii.a miATi I l’HT rv<eir^l pr’ !»!e •„ %»!*: PI ot It H* M l* •»! e*I •• nr II (V - til' pale* p m»e fcwrtu Liter II (•All*. < t'llN AM 1 HAY V»> hu*hv | ,*KL- | nik Pirwro Muo,-an.* Wkir try ie nor, rwntiM-J th*» w»>. .■* ». apr |fc _ IV ^Jl i., i.OM voZ . Mm* K3 i t ■ k* fc.rierv kr.J Lew's Tor ••*»« M me* t: P. W CAdtKIAti rri k ant» Air«t <ki< iu IV 4 ■ .-oo. • l", Dan Herbert lt<»)A.lirnliiie* ro ihe „l'. Sole U,Mik ! by AA’ll'ia nan*, or the Wild* nf A .*m IL'wdl. aa ur Ahmet hy Marion Ibrlanil- Afral*. nr Life end l.ove In Norway l by tt J Mnirl* aiaehrtpe ILiutslgh, the JesuiD •» oar llovaes hy 11 The A »ulh of Mad*tae ds IroeguettUe i by I*. IV. Ilirkant P oo* HDecs of Navene -a* M*l..rlf*l rwmance. m i* r*am*. Farm Pence. *P» it I J ,. Oft', btoi* CtWro.TamAURI fcw site A»y 1 Ij CAMII.IDN fc PA Him vi a. Nrt.« Pai d*wl I tiro, fat if edicarloiM Re# advertisement. apr to Mereaaart parson* have ».n ibe | IIwe sfM lib* angels welsh Ihem *HII i liar brows Ilka l*«ade,l how* d<> *i»n.|, TfireSi’blRS With plsrslhg fr„w«» |o kill All ^ *— * Alt Hmaspnrossli with eye or b**»t Tharo tfctrwf darriM In a,,ms sigh, 1 tu sMiry-ftp* uromssivt* uu wy. HI, I*. THttkt A TRIAL Mere#wary per* In mi many InMamw* •urrweded In l*u*ilwa ui«.n the riHnwrooiiy woih'e** (*n-|**ralL*n», claiming f..r ihi-c* greet nmliirl virtue*, Inal a grwei many individual* in fu*e ro take anything trot •ancibroed by a phfWcUn — I hi* •aiM'iroo he* Iroen leMtiwnl u|n,o arAhl.atrn ANDDYNK tillMRY HtPia.TURAHT, and 4>l AttRIlCjLA 17 mill A». in more Ih*aa*e hundred Inslansea, lnde*d man# roedDfl vwen •hohnnw *IMlw« lagularly piessrftro Ikn ttspectotaal In ras^ uf I ougk*. t .dd*,*h.l diseases id Ihe |e*pl« orgsM wkti b Vtwwo wik-Dv 'bell **t». And ro all d vesonv -d lb* buosl*. iou, su#R *• diavtbvD*. Ifcs Drorrhiasi Vvdist j lar **D .1 prs^/.sas, S) tUm »,u AM atump auuidsusa In It# *D I* I.M* Iwim Parody. Pa • and 'a I fc.'sp ku whole snd half lour* Nitrcfc to Love* palhtw I'amllf fc, *'• and R*» M> do Cuba Rite* Recar* 9« do half taibuiam) ,|uarl PlcbDe t.ending and f»>t **D hy IIDMA*Mill',, JiHlNRdN fc (X). U ‘ rftkft. i:BkliNR.fcs- 05 kng* rbnlce rl.wl.eii Bullsr Ifc* hote* Kngtlvk iHiry and 0 0Ai ra*e* 1*1 n# Apple uu W* ca*A* d„ Tl hMs Muller smi RugSr IVaekers 05 hall Ltd* Nrt* I ami • Ma. ksrvl Mi kec* No, l.esl Lsrd. I andmg ami h<r ill* by mtt«> Miilr oMliP. JOHNooN fc i») S OAP ■ !V5 ro-*#* Ru I Psle Pstwdy a-sn, ivmial and lerroleby M. MAHiiN * iNAYML #|*c k T I wfcsme D» n*r L- fcki** rr*'. ttt'M. GIN . AA'HiaKi: V AND PKAOtl lilt ANDY *i«i fchl* .1 11-e *h-«# Ufcl'of l.liners, la *|.roa a.<d lamlrog P"* **!• |<i m*t«7 AAA. KLA.I.Y fc (NA ( iDPritL. M— AU AND Mi’l.AMI*.- 100 !'»«• p*tiwe Ml.' I'rtlhw M* fcUU . rathml, |s'wdr<ed ami reined fcwgar ItfONtlrol do VA» M .,-cs'i a^»» amt P.wio Kin do SO .I.i (wiaie AA | Na)*wn XX tc* sad t>Mi do Tat **D hy J V. (MNNPR At fc C\A. apt 0 LtiVSK AN*PPi;i.. IVnk,gnNneowti on ».e*4 l T TIIHLA.I mat A? 1 AY IW h»D* I'-iro* )v**t*r„ Hay, hark Maria Mduw Per row hy apr it aitii.iiaM. kra.LV fc IHIIT RBIIaIn, Hm gwaiWrwe*. **i Aw h-ewd ai Ah# per row hi wlie-: ml tor MM hy RiJii H WlNi v i *Li.Ni I .' IMK PW Ml h] LLIU.IV Agero eloihing More. Uihrowti* -*ngw P r It «|N» 4 NIC IKU* (A) c RN AND i* Alft. Puma* r roW hi K-NSfc HI rasri Slrodldala, sad Sides, landing ihit gay m Zrf^.tai sat# L| LYKHfc *>ll»L>A. I JlttMl kVIj. iHMk li«>u y*l *r ro Afceo own ] * “**Him, * AMtumwi. I V*'8*B RIVI5R II kV fcAwfcoWfcnd" j ii ptAme Nnrifc Rliro HfcV.AsroZ. ' ami R*r row hy AN | *P» '» ,r U aV ...uua haw* IN I wro N-Iihrow May hrig Moo.n. ««l ro)e hi apt |» golAl.Avp g (AA, y| m T J IkMM.kKUV l|**A tvW~viwi'roi!rrzj3iZPg : ‘aam 11 Pfc-LAs. a ww r^ro-s kn|Ma\ Aiysf hkssd Bronsa ‘r,“rv,v i ' liliHM H', I I.IIHI ai* 1 WA fc* At tt rvq-^iv l I Anew* it fc" r- J wA "’ K » a merOw* f^a > , kngy tat ihr ,w >W - (t Vi Hw,eg* r*'**»«h t ^m »um d iwt iwne • Pro*. P-#*♦#■ •»' (»•# Rn |W AWrowum* ___ & . r\u*J AAihoe srot Dan Lii," I h, l n A»nv« , . g taa.Nt> P'fc-va ft.w-k. erowroro » mfcu fc*lA«-u,». fc/ AA h*-WwN A roe* •,<*.• i » #»•*■»- Ie* ** AA WwfcS I •• ** ItrrofcoK * #•• *- v * a» H« vet* I* Rwro-ew nml iVr fcnn. ^ro* f swAn, nSMATOMd ,,^-e l iwrovy A.We s«M iVctroewwOrewe •»- • pwnrovro hy It R N—i-n ■ < « IWBkliiSil Sh-1 Pfc.nro-rror wroeSro • ffclb tfclh* hi ttrni ATO.fc w fce k R*u**7 •S'*’ i-*d> aWmlWAiteAkwrot I *•* nro I A A td-'fcNA. *111,' till UM i*U5- J VILA fc BP Will • fc A" H+ TJgp r