The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, April 25, 1855, Image 3

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SAVANNAH ItKI'Um,l(’AlN, WK0N1SS1 >A Y MORNING, APRIL 25. 1H55. q*«Ml gm.retctmtnta, ,| ()| K l'OII »AM3. an irk3 mate lUtik, Wp do *h»rv* t’onVral U*«. fl IL IIAHKKILIAM 4 *ON. Mtliho at- I ,,'f Ih« imi'lc to ihtlr.Aue HMortmiHii of Re- wlurli run Werrant to b«of III* beat l4r llwiur* mnl coio|*ritin* all the ilifhran. *lyUa slut rn,» In UK*, mill at nl low prlcua as will aull the '} <8r<;wtviU„»Biiti?t(iirintwia.' i .. in i' at wr,' '**’* L 1 .* V°'‘ MHf ct a chang* 1 I • to (half business In Hnvmnial, have mitli(%rl*v4 , Iho subscriber to eluist out ilpdr prn«mt stock of Plano lortca, Mualc, ami Musical Inalriimunta, lor eaali, wltlo .till it a. I l.t .... t lit. I. - _ » • , — mawto, Jbntr#;«nUB, Art, ii.mhuVoh rti«i *W A dwdraWo throe »uny lirlek DWKl.i.lN ««*- IWV. MOKKMI.I. «vo.wmin. can me at- out regurd to eo«|. Ho i*, rhfl’oftmi. otiablod tu nflnr M iln l.mof ih" l‘" ,,,e *•» Otalr.Bno aaaortmonl of Hi*, bargain* rarely to Im mol will). All liiatrumanu fully 'T.. »lorn they ran Wjirrant to boof Ilia brat guaraniertl, t». It. Ml roll Ct.l., Au»'iilTor1t, , /.ogbanm 4 Do., Waring’# bulldliui. . fnier* L.itfrcw %* W»* --r^-Uhon, for n long parlod, lhay do not hnl* ■'r'llminirndlnathion. d apr 93 i SON. - w -- • armi aoum NoTlot.—Ttioan Indebted to F. Zoubautu k w», nr to t). it. Mitchell, aa their agent, nro requcatml to mako InnmutlatoaeiUemrm. __ a|iM<3 H ACON.--S7 hhd* prime RaouiTrthioa ; JTifo ,io"3o Mmuldera; lauding |»ar slfamahln Key atone Hiatt, " UOlIKNf* • — o llw cmm* 1 ami f«*r Mia by apr « II CUT/. VoiuTlNA* WANTI II, .si™, loth* month, or yMr, to so Into tl 1 lit. » iiobV. HAnRHaiiAM * ,. „ . k _ t _ . itiW , .. ■ |x '<»KKICK.4tfn hasa rlMOeelVri,rnirot;,;iT 1 p7j,ur7 .uK\T.—iwbhlaCamem lauding amt for aalaby , V' celnvtl and foraale by COHKN8 k HERTZ. r ‘ A’.ARLIiT.N 4. PARSON I), aprY3 v l# At No F9 Hay aired. irMAffiiK roi'NO.—ihi~Haiimlar, UtWt»h S l K »usl Ifi o’cl*H.k, Will ba told, the following Cal. ^*daa Ctow.cmp I" <*''® «®p and awallow fork '•‘^Mrorr, t«ro)o*ra oW, with a erop and awallow A i« ear, ***«'» »« 'hfl other ear. ,pf at AN K CII K(> K»I«P X i», r i'KI't* up. by » logr * ttian.on Halunlay.two Rank i,iv»» for an dollar*, on the Rank o| the .«,t, r «ia »'<ne*l ti*o. H. Gray, ami made parable «.h "-die other f»r 6V1W, on (be rianter*’ tlauk, ”‘ T". A. I. U«», l«. 0. WMlhoplM, Au'r, i nintf enable lo** waror. I' 1 m ’' ,r I _ .. . . ... llttft.rt k. Ik. the rieh:i«l oamr *an have them by applying av mo .s. v.iirthlh-aaolBre.aud paying lorthlaadrerilHonenU .oStel. ««♦<•. that be will retard ihohnneatW 'nho lound tin’ cbecVa. |r _a|jrjw_ ,,\0tl\StU'.-ln«om»ioaultpureha*er», on Haro* l‘ bare. Ilreuiru, llorlln, I.oihIoii anil I'arla, for Mle by tl KPPlNtl * KUKTZ, MITIci.. •I'llRBrm of ROW CAN It kt'O.ilaThla Daydlaaolveil, I b V ni'itoal consent Cither party la authorued lo the nam. of tbo Arm In mlju*itm*nl of the uoMttltd JhIIN T. ROW I. A Nil, L'U.N T. UDWLANIl, Jr. «a»annah, April llltb,IWb. tf apr 19 cm i* a ui'N iiHMiif; 1 *11 E undrrtlyued havo euirred Into a eo-nartnerahlp uii.Iit the firm oi It* lAVI.AND k. HUN, and will .,:,,me me bualneaa heretorim* eomtucted by How. ' J u. Vo. JOHN T. UOAVI.ANII. B. P. T. ROWLAND. Urannah. April IlHh, KM. tf apr 19 M'C.AII. fiti'IT;i rriACIIN, Alt. An, ’ H til.O-'MIlB, JOILNeorf k OO., havo received by late arrival! t *«? ®«d WO hhda elnrlflcd mid reflned Sugar WO hhda cliolat t)r eans ,u> IS do fair Mu«covado do 95 do cho'co Porto Ulco do 3Mt hhi« Daitlninro Flour 50. Aw Georgia do, ratra W.A half bbla eatra Canal Flour • At) lihila cholco Itncnn dlilea . W tlo do do Hhouldera • VS bhla Mom Pork. 2it do Prime do IS do Rump do Uhl .do N O Mnlastos, WiKiilo Portland do Si) hlula t’libn do VO twskscInOco Ualllmorn llama Otto boxei Palo Hoap, Vtxi do No. I do AO do Pearl Hlotch TS do Ailamantine ("aiullev VS do Hpnr'ii d.* An do aaaorted randy, M Reynold'a M .Vi do <|uarl* nod pluia L'baiupague Cider Ad baskeU *• llmd»U , k " ,lo AOJhmi I'tiiilco H|>nnlah Hogura Iinmhni half do do . 100,01 u American do 3u<l bhla WhUkey, reclined ItHl do KPUIu.AOdo N ('.Hum All do American Itraody A half piper, so dendjnhna and VSboxea choice old Madeira Wine fi.1 l»o»ea extra cholco old Hraitdv A ijiimter ca«ka very superior Sherry Wine AO douillnhu* pure at Croix ltuin film boxes Tobacco, various brand* , Vi kegs Lard, V.1 bhla do fiS hoses Loaf Sugar SO bbla Crashed do |A do Ground do VS qua nor cheats Hymn Tea Vi candy* choice lllack do Vm bag* assorted >hot in" kegs Dupoui’a Powder. For tale as abort, apr Hi PIBIINO.i ADVANl'KN. I iftKRAL cash advance* on conalxnmrnts of pro ,L dace lo uurlriends in Liverpool, Havre, llamburr Vnean. Vrte*t, A wist »nt am, Uoltentam and Atitwern I itc n if KPPINll *c KRBT/ , vuDAiii.i: ur.Ai. i'.ntatb. B V arrangenwol with Uie purchaser of Fig Island Mill, the whole pioperiy In which the subscriber la, |, d <u lately Interested, can be aold to a tingle pur. Nttier. - Dr. Screven le autlwrlaed lo aeM. ' _ ,utj if W. W. STARKE. imoXTCs.-ll .’llo .lNN '•'« IKK t >IIK attention of ho l.adlca of Savannah la politely called to the following nrtlcba.rlir |} j and cotM, Hir'd, plain, plaid and limeade Silks • ^,r.,vr“ .tr——r,— keft Ihd.iduea, Cashmere*, .Merlmw*and French Print* V\7 HlTKfliMilH.—Hgurejl Swlaa Slmlln, Plain do . silk and t loth Talma* and Cloak*, with a va- Jmlla Dnnltv and HrllHanus Ja oneta, Cambric*, 1 Mriv of other llri*** OinhI*. Tu.*»e Go*»d* will be told very low Indeed, to close zt preumt stock. . Ka^cy*. Plain*, Flannel*, Comfort* and Rlanketa, of H. f!,'r Gont'i Joataim , lhd«, together with every kind of Domestic Gooda - nm^lirW* bWKI.UNn llitCHK, In Wldtakor aired, above l.tburiy,c<Of a'ninlug ; *evi n rooim, with km NxlUrw* lo parlora and chnmlmra, t« idforml to runi low,|o agootl tenant, by the year nr until lat or November im*L For Hirlhcr particular*,oiiqtilrc wt this often. |l ' •tpi’J* M A desirable thr.* !bw)\rlck telmmont lloutO, on olio mid a half Ion, alluated III Vmk atroel— poaaeagluti given nu 1st Noveinlmr. A|»jdy to apr is If OOTAVtm oil ...... WANTIIW, T WOJournnyliien Panlalmm Maker*, at aorll .RORINSiIN k. CAMP'S. t«i» mi.i: oil rent. 1 'lfK Savannah FLOATING DRY |)OUK, ‘MS Ted . lung and US feet wide, with two Steam Knglnea and every apparnlua Tor docking ahl|>* of thu largest aUo and In the quickest pnailhle time, la offered for tale nr If* rent on favorable term*. Alan, Hie Wlmm* \n connection with It. Apply tt> Paddfmd, Fay It Oo.» or I). P. LANDKRHIIINF., apr I a Imola Hiiperlntomlent. VW“ Charleaton Courier will copy for one month ami •end bill to litia office. _ roiTinVpnK TWu Dwelling House*, In tho block corner of Frualdviitand West llroad alrcuta, at uimlvrate rent, for the mi minor or fur elglitiHUi mouths. RcllI.RT HAUBHSIIAAI k HUN. apr U 1 hi—c<>d. , FOII HIJN'l” iRjfk TUB aplondld atorca, now nearly complvted> Fl Si corn * r Uroughtcn mid Hull sired*, uro nllbr, IkilX ed lor rent, topnndvly or tuxeilmr. ItohKKT ILMinHSHAMkHON. _aprjJ Im-omt run ii'hs/t; ir4 Tlio Store. No. IPS llrynn struct. Young'# liulld* lilnB toga, formerly occupied by P..H. Kempton. Poa* ’•'^’aeaaloii «Im u biiiuedialdy. MINIS npr4 If l k JOHNSTON. m m Tit ri;m . Tim Htoro under the tho fool of Wldta- kcr-alrcet. Bnonlrc of mar ltd SPENCER OUURELL. ' NTOI1I N roil m: 1NT. v Three Stores, *ultahletor atorato of Cotton or I Merchaiiill.,i. Apply lo L_niaMtl |f_ ROWLAND k )N» .. ".*»’«« RENT. " , . A lurgo Itrick Shed Warehouse, idlualcd on Lot No. U. third Ty Hiinu, Reynold's Waul, convenient .forSuirlng Colt in and Produce,' or a* a Cartage RepoMtory. Applvtn mar S IVM. II. HtHUUHJGHH, 97 flay-at. IIBIIir A- C'O,, AV B RBCEIVBU their largo ami well rrleclcd li Mock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, to which ihev Invite the attention ol purchanir* Kennralh R ECEIVED |«r Kiioxvilte-lllnck lluregn*, lllack Silk*, lllack Dn'ii •ud Maiitllln Trliiimliig*, Light | i colored u'ulhlni'k Kid Glove#, black Crape scarf*, lion- liet RildMiii«,black iManiillu*, f>c , Ar, lor tale nl the i loweM prices, liv Ha WITT k .MORGAN. * aprVil * » iniim Kiiiiu, nnu Itrllllflllte, .« oneia, ' mnonr*. ; Mu|l*,NiiliiN»ok», Plaid Sw|*» and Cambric*, Hair Cord Dlinlt*, ltrrlinCord»,kc., Ac.,for*ule by ' ■prWR Davvrrr It MORGAN. I'O.tL, ■ TONS Re-i A ah foal, landing from acliouner 8. N. I .p! Smith. For Mb' at gD IMI per Ion, by 1 aar«» If HONE I ONN* R\ , llarrl*’ wharf. •xvilli*.—• Heavy white Liimu*, ... LoaUundltrawora, Kngltah Long Cloth*, Water TwtM do, Maraellk-* VeMlng*, Wlillo Cord*and * * *—'“i Minis Bye Diapers, Sun I’m* •ale, very cheap, by ~1‘ L M« JjT Planter* and other* thetrado, wll do w«llo Taa*els Linen Sheet log* o*i ROKBNII \mill k I.ADSi )N. bndla* ami Paratol*. lor *tbS ” ! apt** DxWlTI' L’SfoRGAN 4 . COLORED I.A WNS at I9J< cenla — tVe have I nsrei vo>l another lot of llie-e very cheap colored ■ ml- .... .a .... .... 1 nsii iMunwAiir. store I i srPEUl'tR and vane*i assortment of Pli . I ;\ tlfctiimc* .and itniiuing Hardware, always on uund I ui for rale at Hie loweM price#, lor cash, by I or.’A. McCLBsKEY, Ag’t, No. U9CoU| I Musllns,al Ifijg cents, wairanltd ia»l color*, j _aprJo NKVITT. LATHROPfc ROGERS. o upper story of the Eastern Tone* »’» New llillfdlllg," on Hay St, JIliXH AN LI AS». In BIU.S , ju«i receiveil and for *ale by III tnir -.7 » JOHN W. ANDERSON. riir. sr.cvrioN.%1. umy oock. T *HB umler«lgm*d 1* now prepare I to receive vessels • fait) cl»«#f»r repair or overhatiliug. In thu Sec I v.nitty D«*ck. »t <Dlc» *t llradtey’t wharf. Tt» following ate the rate* of chare*; I For Docking 10 cent* per ton. I.arltaya * apti 3mo tjASPL- N PA POT. AAirM.MUEII LtlUDN. T UIBSI.'IISt RIULH h»» receive*! by the Iasi arrival ufthc itcamer.a full nnd complelo stock uf GOODS. For Spring nnd Summer Wear, c«.>*i*Ti*n or Itlick tint colored Cashmere Cloth* Iio Iioe.kms, liliu'k Drop H. Klo Fancy French and Englinh t.'a*tlmere While and Fancy Itarmley Drill*, kc., Ac. Which he taprepareil to make up tn the best and most I fithluMbtr manner. AI«o, a full Mock of KIMIIA MtltEI LOTHINU, I CoDilniof of hhek Italian Cloth. Satin de chine 1 VVhPe, brown and Fancy Drill Alpaca nnd ‘’aabraere Cloih Coats Pantaloon*, and Vc*t*. Abo, 1 ri KMMIhr. <;OOUN,pf cndle** vnrlctlcs. PIriM all and e»»»nliit*. W.M. ft. PRICK ip* Draper and Tailor, 147 Hay-at. ! MB.—/ andlng Ihl* May, |>er *chr Mary C. I'carron iiiki H. M. J.-ttkiii*, noil for sale by CARLEMN k PARSONS, pr it N*». Si llay street. \ RANT A MILLS i'l.oIJR.— H4) Mick* aupeVano »r.;a Mil!* Flour. For sale tiy ;r f. OCTAVES BOURN. I UIt W.oljf AMi •.HASH .-Klitfs.—We have Mi (lan-lan aa***rtineut of white and lend colored r*T't’i ekirt*: also, India Gra*«*Toth ; r. I NLVirr, LATH ID )P k. ROGERS : E, i LE AND POUTLIL- Hi caaka JelTiey'a Ediuhurtfli Planter*', i'\ Ate, In pinla: fill do llnrclay’a Porter, quarts and . pint*; binding and for *nl<* bv | _apr*> _ CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM. C OAL.—ton* Lump Light Coal; film tuna Hrokeu and Screued Red A*h Coal. For aa'e low bv j J»pr_«l» CI.AGHoRN k Cl’NNINGliASI. O RANGES AND LKMo.Vn.-'vA Imve*. In time and lor Milo by CHAMPION «t WATTS, j _»l*f 8" : IJ At’ON k SMOKED foNi;|y><.>.V.Mar|h«. Geor. I It g a llatni; fi bbla Smoked Tongue* ; In *b>re and | for Mte t»y CIIAMPltiN h WATTS. I apr •-*<» i l>.\niV, It REF AND* PidVi It.—|s~ca*ka Teuheswn II llacrtn, llama, side* and Slimddcra; 17 bbla prime ; * llecf; {NNleaeka choice Tennersco Flour, favorite brand*: i In storo and for tale by I.VNN Ac SNIDER. ' apr fin TO RENT, I’ntll lit Novemlmr next, a three atorv llriek Dwelling, on llullatreei, Eltmrtrquaro, with large .UUILhiid airy room*—supplied with u-** and water.— Apply to WYliliY k MONTMOl.UN. npr III M S IliJi' corner of .Mill' ami T'ahm »tr»*ei», lo Rent. Apply to DAVID H. DII.I.oN, __ febfi3 .Market Square. to i.irr M ROOMS, opposite the Pulaski House— nullable for offices or sleeping nparimeiit*. Enquire of _Jhii^ tf _ JNJt. lV. KELLV. to i*i:.vr, M Two of tlto moat DESIItAIILB OFFICE the city, in tho ui moot of 1 “Joue' TWO LOFTS III the lower part of tame Iniildltig, equal to any In the city lor the «lornvo of Cotton or heavy good*. Kent moderate. Apply lu JOHN INGKRSOLL, dec S In the above lliilhling, Fttlt RENT. M t’niU tb»t November, a three story Brick House, situated In state-wtrcct, second lonenient east of Dr. Schley'a new Ipoiae, containing eight room# nnd baM-menl-wItli water nml ga* ntiaithed—also, out bulldingt. Po*ae*siou given ImiiieUluttly. For further particulars, apply lo Jen 14 if WFXLBs At VERSTILI.K.ftfillay at. • FoiihALi:.' M A eoiiiin.Hlioni, Unci, sin’ll Wftrehou*e,*Uuaied tn the rear of Hie Charleston Steamhoat Wharf, having a leu*eol ffve year*, auitahle for the sto rage or Lime, Hay nr other meruhniidlao. The liulld* Kite may be remove*! by Uiepii'cha«er,atlbeexplrailoii of Hie lease. Apply to /. N. WINKLP.R, Jy:»—If Wililanison’* liulldIne*. A";! A.. vif* INDIA SILK**.—A flue bd of plaid India | * '►«, «i much reduce*! pi Ice*; for rale by NLVirr. LATH ip k HOG EH P. • 0'U, _ MR\L AND GRITS .Vi btila Flour; ISO 1 ucka i-o; SO do Meal. *u|Hjrtor article; 50 do Grits, J received and for *alc by i, • n SIcMAIION At DoYLB. | |)tR \I.OllS.—lit black and color*, aUue assortment, j received and for sale by r fil NKVITT, I.ATHRUP Ac- ROGERS, I | \ 1 >OUTOCK8—A large aoorliMeiit of Door l^x:k *, I I J 1 eontUnlly on band, and loraale by iprfil LOVELL At I.ATTIMf RE. rtlMHLET SCREWS.— fi,Sou nro*« Gimhlet Screws; VJT they are the Imat screw* made, assorted site*. Just received from tho lactory and for vale b? aprfiO LOVELL At LAT DM ORB. M AIU.HORO STRIPES PLAIDs and CHECKS — IO) pieces lllue and fane i colored fioil do Shirting, rlripes. So do Apron check*, foraale by NLVirr. 1.1rilROP la ROGERS. I apr.'O AIRS. Leo Heniz's New Novel, Rutiort Graham : a 4 ?1 Scqiiel to " Linda." F'or*atehy apr fill John M. COOPRR fc. co. R I’llltElt More and SjHigt*, suitable for aiirinkllng • tire at recta, for nle |.,w liv j apr fid F. W. CORNWELL. HU llryan at. Tl A NTT 1,1, AN, TW’EV ITT, LATH ID ip It ROGERS, have Just r*celve«| in per steamer Florida the following new and deair- 1 able a vies: I lllark .iitniner Mnutltlaa l Whitoaummer .slanllliaa j Mml* do do | Light col*«l do de. I mar fid 1 C. HANDKERCHIEFS.- A large supply of the almve. Just received and for sale hy aprtfi AIKIN At IICRNH. ATTING—Rtcclvcd per strainer F orhla, US piece* 4-4. ft 4, and 0 I White Mailing, fiS do 4 4,5 4, and tl-4 Checked do. For sale by AIKIN At Itl'HSS. M ap Ifi V»WISS AND GRAPE COLLARS.— Received per *v steamer n largo and henutlful assortment of the above, which will ho offered at extremely low price* by AIKIN At HORN*, apr Ifi. '‘UlKN.~.V*l Ruth id* White WAVER At co.NntANTLNE, apr ifi Jones'.few Hull tug, llay at. M ore ST. L O f? H Fl.t li Ml.- We” hivT itslu additional supply of the St. Louis City M jj \-rii99ff* ii-iin.-iiaiiong luoa.ot gaivan.zeu iron, i {lt y Railroad J. inrfudmg some of the XXX hro > *1*0, Hip Tubs , WI M I'M wlH»t» It pronounced bv Judges equ d In np >r f •» LitVfcLf. At f.ATTIM >RF.» | mperlor In the celebrated (lira W": AUK MtM’RNING LAGK> —A fine and new as- • •fluent, m taibui* width*, of the aleive article, wived and lor sale by rjj M.VI7T. f.ATHROP At ROGERS. hnvlwn Threml l.sce.. of superior qujllly, '«*; received and t..r *ale by Ni.virr. LaTHRop At Rogers. J t M'Haip *'V I. tiler •r:i riiir sai.i:.” \ Woman, 31 year* old, tint rate house servant and i"w»'1 *eam»'re*«, with her clilldren, a* follows: a 1 *■' li year*, a hoy. U year*, a girl 3 year*, a boy 3 ••.tmt an Infan', IS month* old—aold tor no fault, '. • remain to the city—warranted Sound. Apply to prS3 WSL Will GIFT. Kill Ndl.E. man, fi t year# old, a flr*t rate waiter and Apply to W.M. WRIGHT. • ji ion vki.i:. T earner Ito iMon ami Uroiightoti atreeta. with a «« and half story wondcu lioiue, on the lane, In |-o4 repair. Apply to WM. WRIGHT. _iprle^ , KMtNAi.r;. I \ 'dick m»n. 3n yiar.otd.a g.e«l rarfuinler, amt hi# | .'V wife, Ti year* »!d, held hand, Apply to 0.1 Wll, WRIGHT, rmc s aiTe: “ \ !i «rk man, 3S year* old, Add hand, and hi* wife. •» 17 fmr% oM, first ra'.ehou*e terrani.aiid their child, retr.ooj. Apj.|yto WM. WRIGHT, apr |*i TOR NA LI.: ' mtilifo mi n, fin and fil years old, house *erv- ' *nd ho*;|rr»; n black man, fit year* old. Held black (Miy. 1* yetr* old, likely ; a mulattotsiy, :i '»ld . a lila r k le.y, lb year* old; a black man, T-«r* ol«J, s eel die u4u, and a woman, :pi year* old, M. Apply to WM. WRIGHT. Idlth'iial eutiply of the St. I.oui* City Mill* Flour ‘ ' “ “" brand*, and . ... ap war a nee, upeGor In quality, to the celebrate,! Hiram Smnh brand. Aa we wuh to tutroduen this Flour In thl* city, we will tell single barrel* to lamllle* from this ship ment GRENVILLE s* Cfl™ opr I» fin* Hay street. STOCKS AMI I1G.MIS FOIC SALE. C ENTRAL Ralbord rtlock, Wsyneshoru’ Railroad St'H-k, Muw-ogee Railroad Itomia. For ante bv feb 91 C. A l„ LAMAIL J^RITSII CORN MEAI.—SU sack* Ireali xroumt Com TON TIN K IF 'TEL, m;u h avi .a.con a. 7 , M TIio aubet rlber would resiiectfuliy Inform the j travvlling lollilic that he ha* loa*e,| Hie well known Hotel recently kept by s. W. Allis, and added tho three adjoining home., making one hundred and reventyflve feet front, on one of the most lieaull* fill I’nrkl lu the world Tne Home ha* a around the entire building, three hundred and fltty slx leet long. Tlie House has hem thoroughly renovated, papered, painted, and furbished entile with new furniture ol the most modern sty Ice, nnd at an expense of thirty-thomnnd dollars Having secured the rervlce* of the well known pm* pm-tor ol the Suchein’s Head House, Samuel Fowler, K*q~ he flatter* hlmsetf Hint the public will rla*s his house among tlietlr*t In tho New t.nghmd Stales. N. li.—A Hand of Music I* engaged for the •enroll apt 17 fiinn II. I.EF. SCRANTON, ('tmiu ii vi Eit, u itoi 4.11 i uo\ ami W1KK ItAlLIXti. CSKCIJUKD BY I.KJTUKS I'ATKNT.i Fuhllc Grounds, CemeU-rie#, Cottages, tlntcmiii-*,fcr. Tbi*ne*i ar ticle ol our muuufarluro particularly coiomeiMla llsrlflo favo-nhio notice. Iron llo.t*;cudr, wait patent Wire >.u kilim: a variety Of Mdding Iron HnDtosd*, Wrought Iron > arm-fence, Wire .Selling, smta'de for sheep, |mmiI try, garden or cemetert-fence, Wire Tielll*e* and bum* no r-ltouso*, with every variety of Wire Work for gar* dens Ate.; SteVes. I'.-o let*, lire**. Copper and Iron. Move Wire Cloth, kc. kc. Circulars of designs fur- ntalnil bv the maimfn< Hirer*. M. WAi.KEIt k H'»NS, No.«3:t Market-*;., apr It Unto N. F!. cor. of Mb Ht. Phi In . Pa. M.k Itti.t I NS, Tlie u-idci»lgii< > .l, tmvlng sever a' Piano iirtna on i-omignilieHt* with luslruations ... . . Jlu rime sale*, wilt offer them at xically rcduceil prices. These invtruuirtits are ».y some of Hie In-41 maker* lu I he country, and will lie lully guaranteed. A call I* solicited. G. It. MITCHELL, apr Hi Agent for F*. Zoghaum At Co. | HOOT* Tl AKIN la. L. IDHUDEII. respectfully announces to hi* former patron* nnd hi* friend* generally, that he Inrelnkeii the store formerly occupied lav Mr. ILCaa*ou, curnerof Hull street and* ongress st. I#nnw, where he Is prepared to make Hoot* ntnlShm** of all descriptions,of Do- hod material*, and will be happy to receive order* vriulv Gooni.fvi'iiau - £TooiisiT Jfe 'the nnder*lgned has received and opened a genual a««ortm»oi ..f Men's, lloya’, Silases’ and Children's STRAW II ATS. T'-anklul for pad favors, he Impo*. by devoting hi* time to, nnd paying strict attention to kit era l>nuntn to merit • continuance of public patronage. N. K. HAKNt'M, list nnd Cap Store, JI'TR 153 Congrct* drifl, .ST U A XV fitlOIIV S Wo have on hand, nnd nro receiving weekly, HTIIAW G M|M of all des -riplnm*, winch we avsnre our customer* have not been damaged by •Slilpplno anurvtlntmrntM. IVir M*alallin, VlnrMu. Mri , .i.*fiil. !•**•* ' -niKsikAv, » iu o'clock. A, n., Taking the Inland roulo, and luaching at all Him lnt»r* tnwllala lauding*. For freight ur PMaagjs apply on board, nr In H. XL LAFFlIBAl/, Agent. N. It.—Tire hEMINOI.E tbUdioa at Wblaka on the tripjnr the«4lh lliat. nprfi.1 • FO i t (I E N TI-; 11V11 • I «i (D • VIA tnmP.N.HT.MlMtWjS ftliyNimflEK. FANGT It I d IFF, J EFFERSI WHIN A N l» HT. M \ R VH. m - *<L"***w- The atwtinur PLANTER, Uapl. Gorti, will leave fur tlm above places every \VeiJueadwy Murtilllg at IU o'clock. For freight or paa- •rufui apply on board, at tho Drtloii l erry whart or m fob ill ' V. WmJLLEy. Agent. rou iiavTsa asd'kii* wiivr. ~ 8THAM8IUP ISABEL., Tim V. H. Mall steamship I9AI1EL, .William Rolllna,CommaiHler, will leave Savannah for Havana and Key Watt on the 4th ami tttlh of moIi month. All EL connect*, at Havana, with tho It. H. Mall Hienmthlp Gumpany’* Line ol Htaatnei* fur Han Francisco via Aapmwall, ami will carry tho Pad Ho wall*. yj.rr 0 ' ,u «;o«.»:n« hkrr,^ i:\ITiitNION TO HT. AFRIINTIIW:. ”” m «IT***w. Tito invnrlin atoittn packet HT.JoilNH, ■UmSmBC^aPI* Jollies Freeborn, will mako an I'.x* curtliui in Ht. Aitguatitio on her trip nf Thurnlay, 3d May, reltirnlng, on TueailBy, the Htli. Faro for the trip, •Ifi. For further particulars, en quire or l'LAGllilliN At C»INNINGIIAM.Agta. apr fil __ " I tlit Oli A I* M'.NTOS, ” _ VIA BEAUFORT. H. tk-Tlie Hun •UnwWitiaSCateam packet FLORIDA, t’a| t. Ttma E. Hliaw, will leave hero ever., Hu lids y Alternm>u, at o'clock. For freight nr paaiage, apply »n Ituard, or Pi4 apr fid fa M. A. GOIIEN. .. * F«it PALVi'kA. i:.r., ” VI., DARIEN. HRUNHWICK, »*T. MAItVH, JACK- H> INVILLE, MIDDLEHURtill, HLAGK GREEK At PICOLATA- _ . The new and elegant Fleam Packet JHMMSSC HT. JOIINH, Gapl. Jatlte# Free horn, will le* voter the above pinna every Tljurtdny, at lb o'clock • Thla luiat having largo and alrv alale rmim amitnuto. di lions, and taking the Inland mule, offer# superior In* •it'retnenta to Invallda and other*. For Freight nr Passage, apply nit hoard, at tho Florida Hlenm Par kid wharf, nonr the Gas Works, or tu mar IS CLAGIIOIIN At CCNNINOII AM. Agent*. for i i a xx iv I .\ s X’ii.i. i —y AND INTERMEDI.VIE LANDING*.— 1 >U* l VV^The new and light draft tlcauter MAUltiN attaiaaBiiwill run Irom Darlt-u to Hie aloive place*, In connection with tho ab-ainor* WELAKA and HEML Noi.E. F'n-lghl taken through at the cuMomnry rare*, foofi tf «*. M. LAFFTTKAU. Aa't. Y*-Nf ml-XVoi Alter the 14th lu*t, the ateatne oUfiaailBmSHttUN, will leave every Wednesday and Fatunlay Evening, at 7 o’clock. I an IS H. M. I.AFFITEaU, AgenL^ • FOR P\I.ATK,t. | I,A., . VIA DARIEN. IIKUNHWIt K AND FT. MAIlY'F.Ga., JACKSONVILLE, ANI) PlGOl.ATA. FT*. _ . *IT*”" w Thoatenm packet FLORIDA, Captain JwMrwalSCThoa. E. Hhaw, will lunxo here every Thursday Morning,' at'U o’clock. For Irelghl* or paa- aage, apply on board,or to M. A. COHEN, apr -J wth FOII f l■ A It I. KNT<»- |lI n-«: I. m - u-fT""w. The atenm packet gahoLINA, L'apt. dBatiaClVioKn, will leave tiere every Tuesday Sbvrting, at V o'clock. For freight orpnasage, apply on latard, nr to M. A. COHEN, apr fid fa ( pAi.a'I^cTI * VIA JACKSONVILLE AND PlGOl.ATA. ■ , gfP—*w. Thoatcam packet CAROLINA,.*'apt I. ^M^sfiaSHiaM. Coxnttor, w ill touch here every Faiur. day APerimon, at 4 o'clock, taking the oul<ide|ia«*NKc tn Fl John’# river. For freight or pataage, ni.| ly <m btianl nr to M. A. C« til FIN. apr fid Is FOII i*AarA’a'K A^«X I.A.I AND INTERMEDIATE I. 'NDINGF. To l.cnvo Satunlay, April ' 10o'clock, A. M. Tho •leainpncfcei WEI.AKA, Capt. King, will leave nsalxive every Falurday ng, at III o'ck-ck. For trrlgld or paswige, apply to H. M. LAITTTKAU, Agent, apr fit WWt!" 1 Aalra ' rr * Admtnlstr'it'ir ■ Hai«. 7 Will Ihi anld tmron iha Omm House door In Hilt city, on TUK9D \ V the flfat flay of May next, bfitwmn thn uuttl huuraor aalu : Lot ami Impruvemofita No. 37. Pulaski Ward, Ixung On hy Itxi feet fronting on Joiiim (treat. The Improva minds eunatal* nf a llirvu and nua half Mory wooden dwelling. In good repair with Gas and W.ter works emu plat*. Tho ground I* auhjnct tn a rfciit of thirty tlx dollars per nnnum.tolhucliy. Abu tlie Udlwtag nngrtdat Dye Mary Anu, Tom, Hannah and Ellen helooglng to tho estate* of J. Cohan Jr.and CacHIa J. Cnhcu, docaased. and aold by virtua nf ad«or»a fromGhalbam HitperDir Court, for tba bare offt of Ilia hair* and creditors of aald a*uiaa. Tula* Indlaputable. I’urchtsarapaylng for tlllaa. Any <>r Ilia above property can ho traalod for at prt* vatu sale, by apply lug U> apr 14 J. O.COIIKN, Adw'r. For Huotor l.easa. A Gardati lot, on Uia Thunderbolt road, adjoining ‘ * ■** *” riling and Jkatrr at flfuctfoit. ■iv ncTAvea corn:* TilIH UAV, lUlii in.lT.I II 0-LimI, at residence of tba lata ll.W.Ka*tllrlt,i - . A larva assortment of Household and KHcben Furniture, ronaiatlng nf G|ialri,.Tablaa, Redaiaadf, Hr*- la*. kc. kc., and one superior ltoie wood Plano. Tarma, caali. apt fib llllbo's: containing thlHeeu acraa. with a dwelling farm-house. This Tot I* just out of thaaxlandad III of the city. Tlies* premia** wll I bo ranted for one year, or leaa* ad fur from on* lo ten years. apr lu Drug Flora fbrUxle. ON TIIRUfDAY next, filitliInst .at II o'elock, A M. The entire stock of Drug*. Medicine*. Fancy Article*, Flsluri*, Arc.,In store No I4“, Itrouglilon *treat. will be told at auction, If not nootier disposed of at private sale. .aprfil Dutch (Terse nt Private’■ale. ID spiced and II while Dutch Checre, received |ier Ilutch Galliot Mjorgenatef. _ _ # P r *L- * Block at i’rlvVto Hal#, ft shares Augusta it W«yue*bom' Railroad Block t 10 i do Favatinnh Gas mock mar 17 Cigars nl Private Halo. fin.non Havana cigars, direct Importation. mar 17 A Hummer Residence at Private Fate. A l.ot oi five acres, with comfortable dwelling ami beressnrv oiit-litilldlng*, Juil complete, at No. 3, C. R. R, mar 17 IIV U VUV * MOATMOI.MIX. _ Will ba wild at Auctiao before ilia coon lion** dur ing Ihnuiusl Ilnurs nf aa a: A small dwelilngliouao InMonimollliiville, now rant* ed at eight dollars par month. Gan ba treated tut at prlvaieaale, until day of Mle. Hal* positive. Term* eaah._ apr fiS Administratrix's Hal*. Will lot wild, before lh« Court Itoure, In Hie City of Favannaii on ih*flrtl fUt3fDA V In June naaL between Hie legal hours of sale. Hie following named hrgro •lava*, u» wit: Nancy. Elijah. Winiaia, Hob. Isom, Tofn, Patrick. ami Nelson, belonging to Hhi estate of Blown re Hauls. Hold by porwiMiou ut Hie Ordinary of the County of Chatham, l-.r lire bvneflt of lira hair* and credllur* of a*l«J ratal* ELI/.A A. HKOtVN, Adiulioattatrli «t tba Estate of l.A. Brown, aoivitingro-paiUirr Oruwait Harris. apr 5 On l*t TOISOAY In May, tiefore Hie Court House, |* the tntv of Havnnnali.tM.tweau (he legal buura nf sale: That eligible IMck Yard, re etitly o»r.upli«| by II. I|. Frewart, roblalnlng ten acre# of fine clay Land - the •trntta running 93 fret deep; with carts, mill*, moulds, kiln*, wheel-harrow#,Ac. Hofllcient forma- king three million* nf brick per annum. All In com piete order. Ttaua— At 4,H. Ifi owl 10 months, equally divided, with approval ereinrsrel notes. Hale positive, Xpr fil At I'nvata Hale. A woman about 4u year* of age. a first rata pastry cook, Wat her and Iruncy, and an excellent Iioum serv. ant—warranted sound. inaeil At Private Fata. A vary Intelligent brown man, aged about 30 je*n- *litp car|u»nter by trade. “ JXatra at Hntttan. ttvAiilliuCK Tilt 19 DAY, at JI o'clock, la froat of store: The usual assortment of Greearlee, PfortaUmr, |J- nuor*. • roexrey and GlaH War*, DrjGoodr, new aad sacoml hand Fnrnkarr,C1rAMng. Fancy AnleiM/Aocks, Watch**, Jewairy, kc. Term# cadi on dallraw' N. It.—All artlcwa pnrrhared a. auctloa aM Ml Mi* Bail before lire next regular sale, will tre Mil aa ac* count amt rltk of the loroierpwrchaMr. jyrll ... - .' rrM MKisa«|«>a. at AwcUotaJ TIIIB DAY. at II o' fw-etef 11 JJtMi GypreM bhlfigter. Term#,ad. apr 23 AdatlalMraior'a kata. A IrergwMock of Orocariea, f'otitlkttad. PRIDAY, April fi7th,at II o'clock, will be aold, with • out reserve, at tb* store of the I lie If, /, Gilbert, Mar* ket eqaare i IT* entire Slock Kt Mid -store, contiaUMof » Ulfa, complete and well aeleetad #u»ck of Paattf Grocerk*, crxkrry and Gla*e Ware, Paaey«,rocarle*,dig.Mm— Hold at tire prufrerty MoMflog l“ lb# MUMff M,i* Gilbert, decease], by jrertalaeioa of I he Coart «f Ofil* nary, sod per -rderafUiv Admlnlstratof. / »/. Teaus.-Under fb*,. .»•!.; tivjiu HMMdoffi; over |>«, 4 inoetb*, for approve*! endorsed paper. ” i*otatoe*7*t AuetiooT" to iii .ix r. M llome and Fiore in lireughtnu near Hull atreei PiivM-oioiiglvee Immediately. Apply lo apr 4 XVYI.LV k MONTMOLLIN. TO ICF.J1T. M A very desirable brick resldenc*. frontlitxiVmrt House Hquare. I'.oreMlou given IrntuedUtely. mar WYI.I.V u MONTMOLHW. nii,ti.if ■:ig igi:miti;S*ci: foii kai.e. * M in Marietta, Ga, v Dueling, with five rootoa, a kitchen amt aervanl r<sun, •iluated on an acre of ground, with a good welt of water. Aim. a two atorv dwelling, with h.ternrot, having in all ten rooms, wllfi fire places, Guilt In 1*53. and s tun- tret on .*tre sml.n half acre* of land. Tbo als>ve plaoea are well situated III Marietta, fetid c WYI.I.V it X|ONTMrtU.|N_ C sEN IRAl.ati'IHoutn We*tern Itnllresd FP*ck*, for 'sale. Apply lo iVYI.I.V U. MONIMOLI.IN. mar fi:t NSOM STOVE WORKS, DHNU A!lll MiSIOVATIJIG KSTABLISIIXIE5T. 71* Vork-M.« nonr His* Court llouar, .SAVANNAH, GA. 7'.! J *»TABi.UHtn in I KG. tnr 7U 'I'HE Mibscrlher, grateful to hi* patron* and friend* 1 for their rontlnm-d favor*, would *Utn that, lu ad dition to the liuproxcmetits In Dying arqutrod by him during lua la»t visit to Kiedand and Fcotlaml, baa made airungemi-ni* r»r extending Id* butlne**, by which he I* notv enabled to Dye a greater variety of Color* on Fi|g and Woolen Dresses, Flinwls, ice., which he truils will gt-m-rally pluase all who may favor him with their patronagn. Gentlemen'* Garment* Dyed, Cleaned or Renovated, a* may Im reqnlml, in the *aiiie superior style winch has generally *n much pleased hi# patron* and friend*, i Ladies' Runnels Dyed, Hlonched and Presred In the ' ino-t fashionable style*. «bders from the country punc tually attended to. Term* mo te ate. When parcels an-rent bywleamhoat or railroad, word should Ire sent t him by letter through the Post nfflre.sothat lie may know I Where to 1-all lor them. I _Jan 13 l ALEXANDER GALLOWAY Npi-iilg aml Viiiiiiincr In. ri'IIE Mibscrili'r ha* now opened a full assortment of JL GOOD'", suitable tor the present and coming sea son, coneieting III part of Blank and colored l'a»hinrre I'h.ihi Do do Cashinereiln Floglo milled bluck Diurskin Fancy FreiK-li t'as-lnrere* Black Drupde File: lancy French Drill# WhMe Drills; Hninsly Drill* I'lack and colored Hitk Vesting* White nml fancy Merino do • all ol late sly lev. The whole ot which he t» prepared to tuuke op to order, lu the fashionable uianimr, and on arcom t itiodating torma. WSL It. HYMtiNF. j nixr .to Draper and Tailor, 17 Whit.ttter *t. PAItiS MI LLfNKRV, ! Moinii ts, Itiblunts, Caps and .X Id'll HI Al, FI.IIXXFIIN. i | A| ISA IE A. GARDNER desire* to return thauka to , > .11 the ladle* for their patronage, during her alm-nce, • |i»h n* nt and would call their atteuuon to her new ipi I tig stock . maUi- ilit of Mllllnery Good*. .. iu4rightlHUoreihelra.1i Every etlentlou ha* breu paid at ln-r e%i.-hlishme:ii, | „( doing more and t*e: No. 4US llmailway. New York, to give to her Lusmr** , nrcrent tear In eiivnnuah a claim to the attention of tlo-ladio*. , } She l« now rrctoving, and will continue to receive, by m.xrfi^ Im every sieamer, new ami fashionable g.Muts In her line. . - -— — — — —. ■' OABIH.JSB. j SOUTH KI.’X M’< )VI- DEPOT. THI it DAY, at II nek**, in Goal of store: __HD hbll F*N| Potato**. Termi, cash- apr 94 ~. ' &M*** Hramlyi a; Aae^oa. , , , THIS DAY, si II i^oDckda float of alar#: Ifi half plj^a Cognac llreody: fib qr < asks Am Ac. )| eif i.b do d<> d-,; le.w landing from ucaoMw lagan a. from wew Y«.rk—sale |<4ltlu. Terms, cask, apr ti «all I', at AuctiowT HATUIIDAY, gvui April, at 11 «»’el<vk, |a front rd §um IH flu* Oil I’alniirNf*. «n can****, all I* large giU frame*-*ai* |>.siit«». Terns*, cash. apr*4 AdmintsUaUw'* Hate. Will be sold on TUESDAY. June ft, la Deal tf ( Huoae. Hal Lot No. —, and linprovemetitJ, aitoatad on Mae atre*t, r>gl*th'.rt>e W ant, 3f M fret fr/nt hy fib |*tt daen, fee airaptw. * The improvement* are two MtreaotM wooden l.ulkliNg*, alto torn* story aorwl«a bulldtnf oa a leaacd lot. to ex; ire In frervmbrr negt, the pn.pert/ brluiglng i/i the estate nf Iftmry * a**oti, detcoaMt sold by jwwmtssp.n of -.he Cowri of ordinary aid par order of tne AdminGtrator*, for the l/eoefltof tbl credi tor* and heir* of aal.J estate. Terms cash. apr 13 — ’ N.P. Rum. atPr.vale note. Just recel»e«l ;o-r i.rlg Adelia ll'/dgere, from Bogtoa .'•7 N. E Hum, for **le low from the wharf, la Mi In suit purchasers. opr 1# old Moagahela Whiskey, at PritataMale*. Now lamliog per siearner FP.r.da, from York: Zl bhla r>|<l .MoiHjogahela Wbuiury. For sale low. apr 10 I * “Executrix’# Hale. ‘ TL’FHDAY, 1st May, at II o'clock, tn fremtof f^art House : Lot No. Ifi ai«i im;w.iteta*tita—Oft by l«i feet, Chat ham want, fronting <.nTaylor-*ireeL The tmprevetnaou are three two su.ry lirlrk Tenements i aastetny, *a trtgb haw menu, all In good condition, and uteler good real; isehu.glng to the e*Ui* of Wm Uuan'.ock, Jr, decaaaad, awl sold by permission ..f tie I'oiirt of Ordinary, and by /rf.ler of the Executrix, for haw fit of the hair# **4 creditors af said estate. Terms, cub. mar K4 Fence Palling*, at I'rtvaie (*a»*. fiV<*» *pcure pine Fence Pall logs, for sate low, la Jma lo suit purchaser]. A sample eaa be seen at our count- lug room. mar If7 A Fine llockaway f..r sale, at Private Fate. A flue Rotlawa/, ntauiy uew, U* sain low Tarma, *■*»!., mar 14 AT Al II4XY* NI.W*YBIIK. \l’i. eno- |..f sale, at our FAVANSMI ITbVK V ? AGES' V. a lareeamt varlwl a«/iruneut of STOVES, of orn own manufacture, *ud solicit a continuance «<f Hie lllierat encouragement g.»i-n o-ir :igi-ncy In this clly during the past year. For Ho. Inforiiiatli.n of At.l. PARTIES isloolri ra fit j FT«»VE IH'-*IM>F. either buying or selling, we have the aallsfacUoii r.f luf..rmior our custom' MaUroad •• Private 5tie. fin hares* enual Kaitrowl ew«-k. mar fit have <H*p.itcb ; .. I'llUiADl'.t.lMUA.-TUaaupartof pack, achiiouer E. F. J \NEF, WosciiU, master, will 'p-itcli aa nbove. For ireighi.-r pa»Mite, ap ply lui hoard, or to BRIGHAM, KKI.I.Y k. C'O. a; r fil FOR FltfDGlir «»lt ''—The *ii|ia- JiC, ril| r t'flg MARY ANN, Gardner,mister, la now reauy lor f/clfflii. Apply to apr fil BRIGHAM, KKI.I.Y AGO. ”/a», FOR NEW YORK «»R IH»>T«t.N.-The hark £ESaH \REVT, (‘apt- Bryant, wilt take a Freight to elHier of the nbove nutn' d port*. For freight ingagp- mentaapply to aplfi4 DANA it \V\sHHGRN. Jh}\ Full I'llII.ADEI.I'IIIA — llaao*'* l.iax.— jSs8»Tho *clir. II. K. WE*ToN, Captain Mallory, Want* tuts hales Colton on deck, for shove mrl. For freight of which, apply to aprfi* l»V T. J. U tl.MI. hummer Itesidebr*.-*. On Tl'KFDAY, May 1st. will be w.ld in froot of the Court llou-e, be:ween the usual le-urt of sale. Tar. Ixr's ccbUirnng from 1ft Ut 3fi acres ,4 High land, well nm'>ere4 with imk ar.d P.ue, 4e.; they are located opposite the Isle of Hope on a Halt' Water •'^•Jire.^.jwsrejeri srsi7rsr»5 , l y3;.* &5SSS eh***-** pay lar i«r Titles. apl *4 JAM F> F Acer: f.r* li. •v* MaruFactur. full derremtnat'oo i i«torrera during tha II.IVAS, Rftti*oin h o, MIFF |>. 9 street, Fnvaninih, and Broadway, . tnar If. ! M’llCM. AMI M .71.11171C CLOTHING. 1 )11.HFi IN, IIEIDT k CO., have in store, and an re* reiving, weekly, per steamers, a large amt well ai a'.rted Mock uf SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. Ti'MtTiian wmi* nun ■tLKi.Tioanv ' fm-nMiiiif (*oo<ts, Which they offer "ii accoininiwlatlng terms,al wholesale or retail, s'. No*, lo I Bryan and fts Ft. Julian street*. ICIsSH _ • \VM. A- THOMAS, PRACTICAL PLUMBER. A Y|NG lieen duly licensed tiy the « ..inint»*..iucr» of the Favaunah Water Wotks I am tuepared to _ .1 work entrusted to my care, n asiyhtaud ruannar. 1 equal!'d nnly In tlie N< Hherii cities. Being a practical ir Nil 1 sfeiil :F|i •ntf 13 ai, put u:i for intiinv li* HA IM iN n. DOYi.E. landing from schrF N Mnltli MINIrt it JOH.NMON. s- .l lot Sf - l* / 'll AX1PAGNE,llaldalck, Veixenay, llotiche. Anchor " »"1 ‘t,mn brand*, lu quart* and pints, for tale by MINIM k JOlINMToN. KRVKEi I j '.fib* i re«H»e. G IN.-E. I'helpa' Gin, ami for sal* hy marfi3 C sllAM^AGNE.—3S l>»«k»-ia *• l.dudoii • tub " Cham. , pairue, I n store and for anle hy mar 17 OnrAVIM L'OHP.N. *)i Xix Bill.>. GIBrandy nml Wliislu-x, m * and -U' 1 for sale by MINIM k Ji ilINFTON. apr Ifi I yi.ol’U — FT.*il.'lt.-l'ii sack* Knoxville Fleam .'.Ilia, and other brands, received this day nnd l«>r *alo In ota to suit purchaser*. LYNN Jb. HMD Kit. apr Ifi S I'S DRIES.—Just mcixrd per steamer Knoxville In kegs fln« I'.nsV-n Bu'ter, fi htda. t'hlladrlphla Rolled do. in bhla. Whim Beans, 4 do (triad Peaches. 4 do Dried Apples, fi bMa. Apf.le 1 * rising Floor, (l Caoea Oliva Hyrup. kr , kc., for sale hy fehX' T. I. I HHELKELfi. AH'I. Ro*s, having larger portion of a cargo engaged ... it have immediate di'patrh tor llis above port. For l I'lumtdbg atonn. Ireight or passage apply to Ri iWI.ANDk HON. aprfi sCmkl »R FitETljilt olH'll AItTEIL—1 Urn new .SEE'i'd la*t •ailing brig''. MATTHEWS. Apply Ui Capt^Varreti, on hoard, nr lu apr fin d \V A V tc TA YlJtR. y ' J !• F«»R NEW Y"UK—<an E*T*atreu*t> «&£^LThr splendid *chr. KATE Bill'.II Ml. having a art of cargo engaged, will have dlspnteli as ahova. 'or freight nr passage, apply "" board, nl Telfair's wharf, orto BRIGHAM, KKI.I.Y fc cn. »pr IF 'jL&i Foil FREIGHT OR CII.\RTER.-Tbo l.rfg ■g^TIliitlAH ^ EDWARD. Apply | . C,pt. liar nngioti. on board, <<r n> apr IF CAKEETON k PARS'r.NH. Foil NEW VOUK-I'xiox I.|*B • The iegu- r packet schr. ENCIIAM ItEHS, Jayne, ina*. I liaV" quick dispatch for the a'H.vr ;«>rt. Fur (retchlor i a**«gv, apply Ui F. J. UGDEN. apr 1st FOR I’ll EIGHT oil CHARTER -The *u ^EEperlorllrlg E. D<tANK l.oring, Master, w ill be ready lo receive cargo In two day*. For particular* enquire of the Captain on hoard, «>r to ap 117 BRIGHAM. KELLY k C"' F«»U PHILADELPHIA—IIano*'* ».iaa.- Jat2»The new schooner MARY STAI'LKH, SI. Fla* pie*, captain, w III have dispatch for tin- above mut.— For freight apply to C. A. GREINER, upr? jyt) FOR NEW YORK -The *ehr. S"MKRshT, aflafest.-rllng, master, will linve quick dopxtch aa almxu. For freight, of deck load "lily,apply to upr ft BIIIGIIAM. KELLY k co. DIFFERENT KINDS uF .; STOV ES, ' At.l. OF Ol II OXX'.\ JIANI I .U TI 1117 I At*", acxetai vimlsot othc | J - coex*. hydraulic ram*, ami kitchen ranges, constantly on 1 ut.nor i'rotier* and any other* to any way Taoraxsa, litn.1 ..til lorul,. I mil-11 14*1 Itp.illlftit.ili klPf^.1 ‘ b.. l. u . | H . W . ...I. II.. I..I (A,. • ..u... Hu. II.. 1***1 Foil l.l VERP' i* >1..—The bark Itllftltl'F. l'apt I 1*1 iniiu-r, and unconnected with auv other Inis mx u.— i.—!. -•— - * • 1 - „ nix entire tune and attention to biislm ng atone- I trspectfnRy caHattentl'UiArt th. 1 lowing article*. Vx : Fhower lla'hs. Battling Tubes. Vef 1 ttc|e Copprr, Itoliera.Slarble top wash stand*. Patent pan hter ri..«els, lead pip'-, slieel lead, bra** and plated •cas, hydraulic ram*, and kitchen ranges, constantly on hand and l"r tale, ttfflcn So 145 Broughton street.— Wi.rk»hol» Brotigl.ton rtres i lane. S. It — Unexceptionable references given, marfifi f.ino HU nits, Mush mill Hours, 'Jit IUU\ EIGHTH 7 bv ti to Ifi bv fill HAHlI: i)ll»Ul'il ftoo pair# Window III.iNlift to • u 11 do r.'M PANEL IMMIRF,differentatxe*: 1(WNI teixe* Wlmb.w Glass. 7 t>y l» lo 36 by Sfi • All odd « resfurmslied al shortnoticf. JMnltr. > Tor;:.'than any other r*lab. , the elate of G»orgianr Houth* areltna. AV# mtemer.t In Justice to our»«lvr*, and to ael , Tl'KFDAY, May 1st, will be **>ld. it. front of the Coax — 1 House, t^tween tne usaal b'-urt of aaJe: |v>: No. fils*. cooum.arfi^H teres, near Liv la Ogee- cliee. |o WHklns-.ncouhti : aleo, a usetof louj at tka >ork|of:be >ailUa and White '»*k riTers, ta' *mdea codotr, cootatninr3,« W acre#; grabtsd la HdU A tnap ran > e *e» u al tbc coqlUuv room. Term . cask, purchaser* payit g Kr ul«*. apr fiS AdmlM»tratAs'*FaJe. M< *NDAX, Jkah lost., wilt tw aold, in freot of store, ai tl o'clock: 3i41 copies nf the Laws of thv It*: l^g'itatorr (1SS3 | and *S4i, b-.uod; al^>. printed Fto«t« lufflclent far 70 j cojile* : betptiging i«. the etia e of F. T. Cham pan. da . cea*r.|. ahu s*jd by leave of ibe' irdinary, for the Lena* flt of ,he fietrs aad credit >r* r.fad nU'«, tad hy order of the Administratrix, Trrm*.ra»ii. a;*r O Potatoea. PoUtorw lfk* bag* choice" Petcb ploasotr. " Potatoes, pal up for famine*, lor sale In qutt'.Rie* to aalt parrh&aen. apr fit Prlxaic fta*e. N* bhU *uj^ff.,r Mr»a Pork, of Ncxr A'ork Inspectlo*, landing and fur rale. epr 16 Tt' INUAY. Jntic 6ih. will t» *>M, at the Coart lioasa iMtwren the legal hoar* of sale: A family <d Negno*. consltiinr of eight, ahd a half i inmr»-*t in an uodi sided tractor l^ai situated a:«*i J tithe mi'iet from the city, of 473 acre*, be loafing p> ib* j r-statevd x '.I'.-i, deceased, and red hy leave rf iba Ordinary of •’'laViam cuntr, f..r the benefit of Uui a-*t credit/ r» of *aid reia:e. A map of land cas ha •eeo at the ronoting r-e-OJ. Tern *, curb—purchaser* paying 6'* titter ape7 \\ r E offer fur Bale, a* ucul,at NEW V *UK PRICKS 7 7 at Hr. .InF-iir’i //«.'/,in'.hir city,wVEK THIRTY iiikV.r*— tu fact d/airaf/r kinds fur Fuuttiern liault* in market, being over three I.mesa* varied a *lock at cxc r dreplayed hj *xt iillier <-riabh*hftiriil in the huUUi. ai d for Hie intorma- l>eg leave lo si yiviilhg ol our hoi n; tune all. tl Ubur.Cual. , FUR LIV ERF* NIL. — Tim llue new clipper ; ■shin YOl'Nli SlIXTlANK, Fpaldinc, ina'ter, j laving the targext purl "flier I might iu>giuti-d. will have I quick dispatch aa above. For liaUnre uf freight, apply l h> KUIGII AM. KKI.I.Y k < ir. | mar fifi A fullaasortrnentof I'AINTF, Ofl.F, YARMSIIEH 1 Hill FHEF.kc. kc. ' apr 11 ly J'HIN G.FALKIGANT. j < ii\i i i;k aV co. Nr». f. AVHYTAKEU-STUEFTT, HAVANN Alt. GAw ; 1 A I*. AEKRH in Fnshe*, Blinds, Ijooni, Moulding*, kc. . ; 1 ' Alto; Palm*, oil*. Varnishes, Turpentine, Putty; ' I French and American Window Glass; i'amtrr*, Mrs>ni« • ami White AA ash Bruihe*: Gold la'af. Ilmtur, kc. t Al*". fiS Marble Ma’ lli-«, ot the iii.wt nualern *tvla, from f 3.A to SIS". Also, ISO Chick*, from 91 fiS to SIS. * Also, fiA pair* Inside V enetian Blind*. Builder* and : 1 other* would do well to give us* call tieforeptireliatiuf | — drew here. The "nimble sixpence " la our motto. — | J»"'» 'y_ I*AH IN 7lli.I \ . MIFW l». A. GARDNER will o;>eu her uew »tock o V n r i s .Hill l nr rtf, i On \A'ednr*day. March Aflat. Tim Ladles are Invited | to call a **l examine her New Gib III#. mb 17 ii» tiii; i..xiiii:s H I.CACHING and pressing of all kind*, of Ftrnw Work done with rare, skill and neatne**, at Mr*. GltF.CS E'H shop, corner of Jefferson ami York-strmN*. ate the fact. Ui*! we have, aincr the clni wm*r *trru I t than ai/x other b»ure ha* "our nttia ra# [ yrir, to Georgia or ioulb Cardins: aruliwhile were* I gret. exceed high, that compeiiUnn s»‘.-ald can re J much nrrvnusne** amongst x.inr of our n* gt.b .r», wr shall c-'tlnue to mil nth.west NEW YORK PRICE*, I IN F.AV.A.NVAII. information of purchaM-rs, vre heg Jrxrr to all, that owing t" '.be reduction In price "f Inn, ; lucilun Ui the price of loir* has j taken jilace at the N»rlh. atnl ' reductloii here: this we .*t'>ure our customer* at all tune* 'ogive ttieui tin- !*• t#Ct of, and the* may rely j Upon t.inti .• rif ii* In «av%nnah. a* k.w at in any city ; in the I'nihd «tiio. either a; " h<>le«alc of Retail. i AA'c also keep, at nil lima*,a fine *t«<k of ll.XIIIt- XX XH» .HOI MiKI.Iil'IAG AIITK I.E.X, ‘ TIN WAHL, lapxnm-1 AA'are. Tia l>y the box, Fhret Iron. Ttmst s'-vj.jrer. •'upper Pitt, Wrv«len AA'are. kc. 1 kc . • holes!** or retail, arid at low rst rale* KENNEDY k REACH, Agcttt*. w . Ardr«-w'» 11*11, Farannal.,G^irgia, For ItaihtMiuck K* r.uedy, Manufacturer* Albany. N.Y. At Prluic Fxb A Northern ll.-rse, t. wr tail. kir*1 and gswle In hat nr*** a let it.c aaUfile—k>W] for m faulL Will be •old low. jtxr 16 t ' • J*” |t'*XKH 'iltANGE-; Ju*t received hy i • apr fil J. ,x. IIROAVN. M 1) ITT Lit.-.V) firkin* Butter, choice: received amt lor I I > sale hy Mr MAHON kD'iVLK. 'PE* -A large anil waff select ml a*»ortmriit .id cheaporlnver offered In lhl•markDl, U foraale by F. H. Fill LEY, •» ,r s« ITS OmgrMS at. ... S i: iv hooks. **•' nVED BY «. H. -IIlI.EY, APRIL mth. IHSfi. A I'EI.AIDE AVablgrasn, or tlm Trials of aGovarn- ,'\ ... *..... ... ..... ...... •/L, Atmtber of Uiomi awectatid fanciful creations ham rarideriut Die author of •• ilitiritn Gray” Gua Howard" */. g'r>*( a lavoritw with those tml- go* of literature. »li->admirw irulhful ilallneatlniia nan sentiment* and pa**tona to *i :kly aamimen- *"t. xri-l nteroiricioua <.iub*iUisbim>nis. With seraral V-i.i hi! riigrasll'g*. .' •t ain sicCb-aim. or tha Gallop to tha Gallows.— , ? * .of tbl* teK.k performed greater exploit# Ilian S.NM r *."f superior quality, .an ho f *’t ’•* gi.wayuian «>f nf* tun*, lie ws* a fearlessrblar, i ^ el"thbi|f alnre, Gi^ on*’ rar.i t'M^:al shot, and M Isold aa a lyrou. Ills Ilf* waa Irow "'•i-O daring rohhrrle* ami marvclou* eseajm*. Ho k'tmire.l by the ladia* tot Id* gaHcotry, aa much aa •* »x« r-«r«t |,v nun for hi* •uturhuman atreu|lh, ac- 1 ’ ism rouraga- 4 *•( rein at • tJA ( "NGRE-H -T. f avanNaii, apTiTT. ifui.TbST" (’tOP.r. mnr.rt.a *Rcr data application will Immailn * th« foil..■ mg naiuMl Bank*, lor tho paunml of "* f Iw.wiug deirfivd i otr*. the l«fi hand bslvetof •t /», , |f ,|,«troyrd : To II.• At.f Ii.e Rank of Georgia: *■H"l. No an.ilstml .uly li, |s.M, y.liiiR**<l, Prsi'l . . « j|-|j, Nov . fil, l"4A. Ed. Padatford," mar '.*7 Mi: XV 1141014 N, HE’;LIVED BY JOHN M. ri'OPKK k CO., Thursday, April Ifitli. I .■'All SENT Orab.ra, and Fi-ttesinen nf Ancient and J Slmlnrii Times, c.iulnlrilhg of their live*, specimens nil iutr genius; by David A. Harstino. Coidlca; I'lci'iriwqun, Hwtor.eil and lAnc’al, with a ■ketch ni the early Me of Napoleon, translated from tho G'-ruian nf Ferdinand Gn-gorovlne: by Garrard J. Morris rbw Rag-Rag; a collection of epbarnara: by N, Park er AA lllla. lrf>cture«on English l.ltnrxtiirn,frnni Chaucer to Jen- < ny»o" : by llenry lleml. Tlie New Pastoral; by Thomas Rurhanfin Read, .xdelabl AA'nidgrave, or the Trial* of n Governess; by 1 J. F. Hinltli,author of ••■•tanfopl Hall." kc. The lUi-kliu? Home, u tale from Blackwood'* Mags ' tine: hy Hauiual Pldlll|M. apr 14 d very cheap lO*.oils' rn'iire, liy GEO. F. NH.Hol.H k • o._ ( soltN Ml'..Ai,. -Fresh lot, put up for family use, a / superior article, received nml for aalr hy ■P f ft Mr MAHON k. DO VLB. \\r lIMKHV.- .'-ii Mil* Mid MoeongahrU Whiakny,a 7 7 (.rime article, received and b-t »mle t.x •pr •* Mr M AHON H DOVI.E. w Corner Broughton and Barnard sts. IIOOT.N t ,M> Mlliljh. * AVe liiivnjust received an a«(ortincnt ofGeut'a It.h>i«, Oxford Tie*, Congress niters. In great vn-lety; Patent Leatli- r I’lirup*. kr kc. All In want of a I article, nro Invited i-tninlne our stock, apr 7 HEIDI- k IIA VYKIN4, Gtlihona* Range. l)X>li:i. 4 HOilllTcVs Fnshiou.iblo Boot-Mnkor N. W. Crtrner of lirotiffhtoti nnd flull-atroota. The anb'crltit r, grateful tor the lltMunl patron age herelolor" extended to him, desire* to ln- f.irnt the public that tin continue# lo carry on ’the buslner* al*>ve. where he Is prepared t" execu'.e order* for B' tOTF «»f the flueat flu I *h and style, and equnl. If not superior bi any here- •••fore offered to the public, liming many friend* In . . ;li|« .‘•into wh>. have Iwen hi* patron* In Charleslon, ha lex— ItuMeta—« do self., , M i ir cifnlly *oltcli# from them and the public, a call and , a flue lot nf Cheese, j ^ iriaxl. ') dec 93 IKON FROM JI \Vi;».HX NT4»Hi: XVnni.MAt.K ANb K lit All.. No. lift [,l‘rlwern /hill tf IFAifuAcr m The largest slid IfCtt selected slock of goods Cfjyv ever offered foraale III thl* city. Gold and Fil- hu Vb ver AA'atclies, Vest, Fob and Guard chains, *eU xIN.tVl.if Jewelry, t'hairlanea. Bracelets, llroochv*, .lie lllniuoud w..rk Finger Rings, Hllver Castors, Tea Nils. Pitcher*, Gol.tot*. Cups, t'ak" Baskets, Fpmuu, i-'urks, Flail Knlves.Ple Knives,*'brew) Froiip*, Ladles, <ypilous. Al**., all kind* of I'htied AA'are, Military ml Fancy Good*, and a g-mi x aril ly of article* too nu- uerouslo ineidloo ; tb« w bole of which will he sold al educed price* All kiuiDof AVatc.hes.i’locka, Jewelry and other Join Ingattemlrd to lo competent band*, dec 4 HORTON It RIKKA1AN 3m>* B. I. Most*. PIANO FORTES. MUSIC, 4.0. j : The UiM|er*ix*t>ed I* prepared, a* n*u*l ' supply r.ll demxn.:* tn to* line, haring . | | f | Jlilic agencies of some of the tie*: I'ano ! Forte maker* tn the ounlrx, a« Ft/wtart. Jacob <’hlck , l ering, Jim. B. Dunham k t o., Grovrtteen k Truslow, I j Firth, I'oo.J k t T. Gilbert k t o., kc., a choice of | i superior Instrumcnu may ne t.aJ at hi* r*iahli*nsK«i. . I Being possessexi "! a life * experience mi both Die prie I fcsxional an.! buxine** departuietitsef Music, be trust* ’ il._l he niay Mill lie entitled to the kind psiruiage be t.a* r«-cri*«si during the pa»l flxc years. I Ai. tv. MU* DV.U . Agndtor F. Y.«.gt>s"n> k X’o, ) il.*- i> M. Julian sod Brian *:• . near the Market I xriti.xt; goods. r |'HE sutwcr.twf* bare paw la smre a large and weR JI AMT-rtcd FT' Kh uf Spring and Summer , I) K V (4 O C) D S J! reaspo&ding To Which they Imiie the Atleutlon ef Pnrchtrer, few UAH OH API'ROVr.D ( HFDIT. jua? j> NF-A ITT. I. ATMROp Jk ROGER.*. NOTICE. " ~ r H 17 »ut.*erd<r will recr.v# iY;ga ami Kcrckand:** CewrraYx, u:«e '*i.-rage. a*. ). « *', rt*. ua 'Xt asoat axofabte lc?c.» lA At. W.AfU.VG IIAtlF.RSII.AM. n.xr I la..i I HI II.IIINCi I 4»TN. \ LARGE nutate r .d ha id our l-*>w.of i-arkus g.-rx, 1 . Y ir.-m I.Ni by IA) is Si by Ui.x lee They afl treat on street* 75 wei w:de. wi.b lane* »« ibe rxiar. For leare tor a te-m ..f twenty or thirty .on, aa< treire of them on « bore. Fnaate.: :n IL^J p-.tug, Pcir/<ai w*rd. south «r«t/•( :he Px-k.ii.* haoRbv ke cafitv—the ..*D p. at tn Oi*- city that escagwwt ibe'efd- de»r, ! r tg«l ts-ST/' AppT ci'.k.m Ibrvuj a Tire;- Ofici" Wl l 1^ aUet-drv! Ki. «."*fifi fito A. AVERB. T 'F.N I r of thl FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS ; n’V 1 lt«y «roet, Sarinnal., Ofotw , *.,’,'0 i;*r(BBki»»—.ai .....I, c. w. iMigur. i I'" l , *"k*; t ‘olu" •nl. ''ru*heil, Powdered, A k C Fugar, ! fj- R'dieris. MoniRo Coffee, i Atlanta. ('CorRla. 'IVLF- L"VELL k I.aTTI HE. .’ui do FyiUp, receiv' d and for anlr |. apl fit M. .ALAHUN Aj S UGAR AND CiiFKKE.—fill hh.U IINIbhDIe 7.A bng* Rio ,’>b do i i|d Governmctd Jnva Cnffer, received and for sale byr npl fil MrAlAMtlN k IMlYLE. ABLE f.ALT.—3cnsc**iijM*rl..r Table Balt, just 1 celved from "llud*»n .AIB|s t M N. V, ami for hy npl fit S t if AIL—fil hhd*. clunfli I" IiIhI*. choice Xt do fair III IlcrCfl* powdered In *l«ro nlid lor sale liy, apl 94 Nl.71.7li:K III'.TIIf'-.XT 4IN XX AKN.XXV KIV1.R. INIR S At IL iai*»t at-.ul f«» from the centra this c t ,ow a high utdi 1 luff. In fre»; eg a bold aattwtier mer — ihr ..tty kvwDen efi tVe kiM within nine mdrwoi Favannah Ttw Kux xre I UP fret f real ami 3W fi-*t j 1 /-*;-. a* d c»o t*c iieatrd h^r at pvlsw* sale. It n.»l itnjHwol of btfore 'he 3.! day of Apnl aexi. will, _ cn that dxy, t-* offered at public **tc. J Terms ll>«ral Uxadiooit*. So spuLuaa* llqaon t* removed to the l ^ ••’kt «u> ibr prntiire*. For sate b* uar.l a ii J Stale street x, and «4 FPLNCElt ' 1 Aacu««t. .rsalc JN«». INGERFI'LL. ew t 'rlrat.s Migar, (KTAVUH i uIU'.N. *' ' - **., “ J.,«KI I, !#»♦**. •• « '• i-W. •. .. iy ,' , ,, M .MU, •• " I*, o - j;, H M J inn , t ‘ 1 * - - . " I, Mil. " ” ” . 7.»tm, Puliters* Rank of Georgia: h. R<. oil, .41,4V Ao.Urson. I*rest sans. - A, ■* au, dalrnl Jan. I.W5I. G W. (AmleVk'U. I'rea I ' XA inn * T r. U *.* ” r Georgia i It '2-lwt*MWi iwylaat Aav'li.allk'lNn ord'la i •• - » r. *: r. v. *.* r t ; itu* •J"'' p*ckage* manufan i •Ut? laala... - •• .. I •; •' " Nov. Itt .IMI .No 544 I • L " at A'lgutu, aiilioul Nu. or i 'ntf. I’rss't, payahl* al AIIku*. vvIHs | t'rev i payable al Uavai ash. dated psylhla *1 Bov I i (U.UANION,np.YUuUli k CO. I fiorjslia do llscn Ml.i.iil.len 'J.'>o hhls Fbmr. I.nmllng at by fU RANT'iN, JOHNlfroi mas fil *|'iHL\n'0 A Vi 1 lurwl Tobanro. . ft" small ImiIi-s Serf rliiilen lobaeeo I" kegs It >uati and Ready do 1711 'I Fpaulah Ungara, aasoited VU M Havana Mse* VSidoren MuioliliigT'ibacco, u, u and I Ih. papers. For sale h* J. V. CONN I’.II AT k CO apr 0 ^i»AP. •" o"" am, i« W ATERING Pom; and for tale by apr I'J ||G k IIAll lllFF’K TIN. - Just received and for sale by M'VELL k LATTIMollK. p* Ifi NCVCLOPP.DIA Itllirr ANICA -Volume sis and rtrrlrs.1 by •• ii'iiinrl lumits. in store ami , •• IN|e , ,'#||N*r"N j —A full assortment on hand, Lovells* laftimohp.. j 4-i:mhx i.noiki. g (L M. GRIFFEN hasre opened lit* store,and v ta ready for all customers'call* In hi* line. I gw have In employ a *um-rlor workman si •aichr*. ifi nml also u llr«t rat,. Nlnnufncturlng mil Jolitilng •rwi-iTer, and all work lu (hat Hue will he received and one nccnrilitiK to order, and wl'li dlapairli Call* oil. iled from all frlun-ls and customer* lu want of rtM-le* lu my Ime of Imilne**. nov 16 n. u. mi a vri,i-: v .v ( ii.i IVUOLKHAI.K AMI IIKTUL DIIIIUUlaTS, • ob* a a or ••"ittinou sun w nir*aaa aastta, FAVANNAH. GA., re now receiving a Urge slock of ganulna PDRIIGF, MEIlH inch, (.IILAIICAI.H, I'ERFli- MEIIV, and German Ifiihigne, lu great variety— ' Paints, 1 ills, AVindoiv GUs*. I.aurllaid's Fuuff, andreth'* new crop Garden Heed. 'S |’"f cent Alc«- *1, Birulng Fluid, and • 'nmplirim. Fancy N.aps, Brush *, Xc. The allentluu of Physician* 1* dlrocimt lo their exlnn. lye assortment "f •'!" mn al., recently anlnctrsl film the lanufaclurers. Term* cash, or approved criultl. . Ir. BRAN N.KY, M. I» T. H. POWELL, M. D. January I. It'd. ly -Jaii.L'ftA. To l , lmilrrs. • I'lir. iimlerrlgncd have received nnd offer for sale i I HrliUy's st'lpcl Osnatoi'gx Ihi while do 3-4 do do Huper flue Line" do Mum mac stupi d tl" < tisr'sw eitiiie*, I-oiii*. 'laurhre'r-r do. Mnrlh Blue Denim*, do Drill, msr » *|FH IMH'Kf Limerick, K Ir In • Trout, Fheep heart, Its** and Drum Hooks, with a Urge asaortmeul » nail hunks hrr tlm trade, Just recclvrel and ">r sale hy mar 'JJ * * * * *—*“*■"" ■Irlyfx Milrlleg Alrtpes, kc. i; K1 r li John ai. cooper k co. I.OVI.LI. k LATTIMORP.. , 1IIH IT,Alt INTERLUf TABLE. ' J #prf -oHN M vT "IFNI HAY. aa and lUJhalfhaUa 7 prime Norlo River llay.iauilingl'oiti *cnr iArup*e, r ml tor sale in i.olll'.NMk IIEIII7. •nr It H I.A' K nml Purple A tew pritcri.s of tl I 'l.Ol'M - I.UfU tack* auperftna Georgia Elmir,dalli • M ** S.!. Kiel |.<r aa.e >" *r'>»» »rr|*r# respecl-I fully *o|lrHad I.YNN k "NIDEB •p* a H A't" I'liMk* auptslor lies-, r..r sale Is* , apt lll'N I I K k '.AMMIo.L. | I AY --Star l.ate* I'riuie Northern Hay. lauding frum ••riff Macon, and for sala n» ■l*M |. A* K II t ri-ulds. a 1 • ho rain at lua ta r il M'lAVt.ANII I e" rer XirOVF. LlnctiFhlrl Bosom*, r< Y> n|.l fil W.M. i / i ID'1 ND COFFEE. HWI.ET i ll"Co|.ATE AND X f C«A .—ft hnsra very choice and pure old Java Coffee ; jo.loRlo ''offer, id variousqualltl«w ; fiUle'tcs best quality Sweet Chocolate; S do Ithode's Coe..* : .A do KiicIh-ii'* do; Just received, fresh trnm the mills, and lor sale hy JOHN INGERFol.l.. ■I”*‘ ( ' Rot Nlr Hire. A cn*r Powder*, amt Cream Tartar.— 1 li leues fre.h ground Rice Flour ; 3" •{.. do Vrgst ■S do Cream I'arinr, In various alxed pack sgr•; now landi nu nml t f t *alehv JOHN INGERFOI.I. ml Buck licit AD t. If i REA -1 there deslratde good* fur l.adl**, mourning and second ruoiirnlmr, rei-eUnl per steamer Florida, by AA . C. AY AltFtA ORTII, apr 91 Oppoxtio the l'ula*ki I louse, Congress *t. I )KINTED Jaconet# amt Lawn*, rrrclsrel. a hand- •••me assortment, new palerns.hyr apr fil XV. r. AX'A ItF WORTH, IlSCrvngreaa at. NKW SPKlN(J <UH)D&~~ HltKI.NIIXI lifil iY I tltSbA. H AA'E received per Isle arrivals, a new and hand- snnin assriDincni of Itlcli Drew* Omuls for the ne# son. cousistluif of Filks, Tissues, ll.reges. Muslins, I Glmthams, a»d prints of all hinds. Also. * full *uiq,|y i or l.l.ions. Linen Damasks. Linen "heelings, Dlapcra, llurlialiurk, lluxvla* and other Towelling, kc., $.e, 'I'll I'l.tMIHt' They offer for *sta Fell ley ’• FiDH'd Cotton oanaburgs | “ White •• " ) Manrheaier and Marlboro' I' and Flrl|">a, Choctaw nnd HhlrOng " •• •t. ', and 4 4 llrow-n Fhlrtlng*. T-.gcihur with a variety of IMuntaibm Good*. tnar fid RoRENR tl'GII k I..ADFON. ! Nlixv XX’OOH vViuT, OMM • i asw ess'aev wiuar. f I'll F. anhscrllrt-r rr»|H-p.billy •unouiu'c* to the in liras 1 ol Havaintnh, lliat he has comini need Dm Woml tiuslnr-**, amt will keep cou*tai"ly on hand a well »<>• i iiHlrel •lock'd (tug mid I'loe XA'iuhI. Iloge* nl I, F„ Del'oriF* Drug *l"re. H. F. HRdey'a | B >"k aiere, nl liiH.rglau office, and J- A. Barron'* Groce ! ry *Mre Oriler* left lu nir ho*n*li) l o’clock, will ho etlrndcil to ism., day. t infers *nllciii*L Jan lit ly W H. WILLIAM". | ^CUTrll AI.FF. lints and quail* nf the following • ' well ktiown brands: From Glasgow—Tennent'a, liarviiy'*, Huihnlord's; Emm RdlnltiiraH Dicks', Jet fries'. Gn.irgi r’s, arid Muir k i«ona’ ■(••ikllng lingular lui "Iona nl Die *lKite constantly r>< *IVlng and for *ale ! ai the lowest ruarkei rate*, by i ll Alll.M IIELl.dW.ujaa • pi 17 f.t N*w street, Naw York , '||L 4NT,aTHiN' MllHKWfH -oaf* cai> aaw.nikt I tatloa inusknit. Just rxwelseil amt lor sain at n Bar- Hard*|rcr l. mar Id l.tlVHI.I. k LAITTMiHti;. r IIMI.H Genesee Ebiur; lit half d" Hlrarn Hmlth'tihq «l Ju»t fr.-riml and fur *al* by »( • ft T. J., Agent. I J'L'rt’lt l.*ndlhg fins Day iminrenr. Futncrrei l!t bsnrls *<i|wflni- rimir. For s»le by .'.V.NN k fNIDF.M 7k bids N R Mumi SO do litre; ion do Whtskev: re HI. XI AM"N k IIOVI.E lUr«**a« *■—M«.*»r». Hall, Moses k Co., snd Col. ! John liniik*. Columbus, Gm.rsla ; AL-*«rs. Hall, M.rer* Mi.nigoroery, AUbatua; Mr. A. J. Brady, apr fit) NOTH''ll. VXTILL l>" *nld In lllnra'tlle, l.llwrly County, on 77 the first Tuewlav ol June next, n lot ol land lying In Wnllliourvlllr,belonging to the estate ol Dr. AATn. I’. McConnell. *ald lot *uhjcri to " engage, and sold hy l«-rini»*inu of the ' oiirt of r irdlnan . apr Ifi SXM'L.JtL MrCoSNEI.L. Adm'r. ill; NOT ILL / \N and the flr»t ..r .May, and during the *um- * / mer month*, the Ice ||<>u*«*.il tho *ub*crtbor* w ill tie opened dally. Fuu.Uy» eacrptod, al ft o’clock A M, and clew* at F I*. XI. '•u Minday*. they ixillopsm asatnive, and dose at I" o’clock, open again al t J o'clock, and cloac at fi o'clock, open again at ft o'clock, amt close at F o'clock. The public will ploatc mo Ice tho almve reguUoon*. and oblige. M. I'OtVEI.I. k Co. apr |e lino iin v TA\i;». r AM now ready lo receive the City Tale* for the pre 1 rent year. The t*.*.ka will |*c kept open until 9 o'clock, F M ..-I the nttce'.th day of May next Aller Ihnl dale exccullona will forthwim |w i*a.trit against all delanliera. JOF. XV. ItOR.ARTF, FavaaisM, I Aprlli’ftft. Clly Treasurer ape.' may Iff 'ftA cm; Ails. I » V "FENCER iT'HUKLL, al I'rlxala nala:— | » fi" M Rliihi.ti.lo, Regalia. IV I l Direct linportatl.ui, and will be *oid low to close con- ' algumrtil apr I'J t (tSA.tlllltli. I OFill.KY'F "tripe*, and a very supert. I»^w - - - Itl N I .XI. 34)111 P ANCOST, IK-TiP* clHiitf corner of R; fronting Ft. James' equare, near Dr. Fchley**. when he will Ik* jdrawit to Wait ii|--n h • tr . nda and th« public gcntraili, In the line of his pro'«*»l.-o. Dr. Pixnwr ha* al*i received a fine aswiruaoni o! that tnvatualde antclc. Ilr. Hit ii lit ii c*a Itnilv Ifrnre, OR A u DOM IN Al* SUri’OKTKR, To which he would Invite ih# a'lenUiHi nf all Ihoaa who arc autterlrg lana goner*I debtinv. In rroxmmrnda* Don of Ihl* incomparable article. Dr. P. would refer to the bmwtre.1* in this r-iy w ho Paxr been benellirel hy U* application. 6aio novfiF MOURNING GOODS. LACK llarege*; dout.'r width do . Black Tissue* ; Grenadine*; Sparfsh i rape* I ChSHIe ; fid M.wtriong tIrene* Vd Mourning J*ci-n«l»and orgsud'c* fid do Gingham and iLngt.ain Mustm* Calicoes ; black i rape Collars and Fleevr* AA Rile Tarlilau do do Black i rape and Love \ ell*, kc kc Rceeul.i receive,!, and f.-t »aie al j|*e l«.ae*l pncea, by DsWirYk MORGAN. ! «p' • _ N t xx si*ii inc; liim us. I’ 17 U F T F. \ M i: K .\ l G I* FT A D EWITT k. MORGAN haveyasirerelvexl |a » Steam of Augusta, a large and un.d »U*ck oi new amt i ! rich arsa-maMc drasa g<wwl*. in width the anenttou o| the ladira ts e*|-ec'»ll* Invl'e-I ml 3 I 1 St n.TII.U .7101 HMA(i 444MHIS. ! • k flue a*e,*»iDiento( t.lack Iwuutxatu'e an I alpaca*, I I i \ tdscV suimurr silks, black Agure.1 amt /dam be- : ' rage# and |i**iis, t.lack, w I,nc and lead rew »reit cam- | 1 tuick and cxiuvx* A large sod flue *»aoriniM.l ."black I Ihdiei sbada, ot all prices. Mack l,»v# veils c* liars akd . under s’.eevi *. For **le i«) •|wfi AtKIA k in KS.H. j I.AMIN »OK S41.17, I ‘T No. "fl. lith Disk, onpoadi tvwwy bow AA'orxk _ J county, G* ; l^>l No. 21 ft, Mh D.*t . Ckrrvt cv«Mv, tod No. kVfi, 4ib Dut-,CWrx'lre rewly, Ga. Ap- AYR pl. to XX’M. AS RIGHT. HANAWAY. J 1 FROM my td»Mat>oa. oa >Lt** lalaad. oa : I Momtay. fil Ei twuart. my tnan Ara.w; He I* stewii ft ib-i h«w lu lnebe»la height. n( dark breaa re.oa- | ptexior, full face, stout bu'.U A rewxrd oftf-.v doltm ; will tw pa'd f«.r hi* tpprebcnxien and dr’.:very Vy April tau iwenvy dollar* if debvetrel by M»v ;•«, or un dol- ' l*rx if apprehen"**! and delverret to mr or t»y overwear , oa bi. CatheTSueV aftet the t*»t net-oowed dxxe. ' mar 7 fim r M. KuLLOCK. Vhlie. tlo* nd tor asle lot f Ifi hy article of • Mxtut, just tecelrrxl , AIKIN t ; lll'RF. ms prlroa. : HI'UN". III.XCK HXlir.HI.S A N asaorlmcnl of these u.wxilf, at xa Just "|H»nexl, sod lor sale by AIKIN apr Ifi ( ~1 CAN" - ftt» bids Mexican Guano, landing (nun schr 1 AX’o.Hlbrh'gr, and for a*le by •|„n mI.NIF k J"IINSfA*.V, ( 7URN.—"elected wbliet orn, laoding ami fur *•!• by D AVID R. IIILI.4IN. epr li AUtktd-aqiur-e AX‘,l'"RN."ATF,'R AND BALT* F'W *#!• ir apt it S| ABIill V I i "• It AG** prime Green li.o c.'ffre 1 I bbl* tlimer, Fngtr xtol Fo.|* i’r»fxerx .Vi boxes each ' olgxle'a and lle,1ei'» Pearl FUttri Vft no Treadwell'* S.s1a It S.-UII •ai bbl. A A'eat India Molaare* too tioxeaFcxIed llvrrlng* .’F» do Fngtlsh DaDv Checre 4" bbla and .VI keg. i.'imn Leaf Lard V** reams «r*| |Unj ra;*ef, #•«. rot 4" twin tl'. k • 4 '. Bcjel'a nxieJd Ta'low i xr.lie* 4" do Grant k AA llliam*' ft’a anJ k’» Tot»acoo ft" bbl. extra Canal flour V* do F. Phelp’aGla ift" boxes Nu. t Pale aiwt Family Soap 4" tiall cheat* nt.ek Tr*. ^x^.pspe^* At. a ii net lor I'laniaii.v. Sei-i 4' 1 titil# I' k II • "„i*necilc«j| HIsertHa (’ d nurr B.-:on Rum do iv.meGi. ttiandy ,x *ii|«erior old Alniwuxiahcda AA'hvxkej lo tMuartV A and It 4 far .fled Angae vumt do •h* do t..... ■ — 4" do do CYashrelsnJCrv I.A hhd* ehoiee hi. i reus xlo lamtieg, amt fl»r *«ie, Pvxm »4ore, hi msr Al (XCRANTs**. J"||SfD»N A • vV'"."* bsirvls t.iiwflni- riosir. •pr v*> I I 1 'Midi l n i.igt'nRH - 1 Domesllr IGpi.dt; 50 i1« relied sim| Im wile I j . li.l'l X S I* A 1 Sab. Ii| i DAVID It. Ill 1.1.4 iN. Matin squaix. , T N.AILrk- -fiftii krg« saaorted Nall*, a superior , brand, landlug snd h*r sale bv apr tl LltVKl.l. A I.ATTIXIOIIR. | AItGF. HXVEDlFll I.EFCHldX. — A Urge supply of 1 4 l.eallh* Leeches.Just received and tor **le by i apr li J"N. M. TURNER, Agwnl. j 1 .XItD AND ELDl'It. -iX bhla prime Uaf Latd.'Mi , j kegs do it" do i ViH' Mil. Italuniore Flour, laiwl i Ing and for aalo by | apr It HCRANTltN. JOHN«T"N A 1 ( DDtEIFH 9-A quintals flesh Ceitflab. • . el* reload . lor sale by MrM * „ * DltYLIL •l" ' . ... I JitT AT* t|'J4 --17a bids Irlah IVlaloea different quail- nea, reveli e,I and |»»r sate by apr A Al. \\ AIION k imX'I.K. Uli K IU.O"OG,*y lirlrk.lor sale.*! iJ'iw tfhW DAVID It. Dll.Id*N, Matkrt ssyware- v|'ENN Run EE BACON hh.Tt Tw«ne*ree Bare** j he-wavecih retuitwi. I cholee quality. In brtffht ewaka. received thl the iNxelrx wf t!e«*.ant i aouslaxliiff ef *MarM' •lay, hy k IM,, wpw ants el minor ol the most celatwwieJ rewn •P» 14 *17 Bay aiPNA. | )"T AT'll'ft. - W" bbl* I'etaieea. landing frexm ship (TII TO.N i'llJX711IH.XX . 4 very de*tr*t4e sr.ic^ fee Frrv.r.?*, i.w revriepd ..A sod hw »**e by AIKIN h BCRXft. apt 14 ^t G Alt. Xl-'|. - O -M hhd* ch.'*cc Ft Croix "agar to .h* do X U do IS do fiir d,* do ;<0 bbt« ctmti'T New t'rtearva Fjrap 3" do Mo Isaac* *.'i qusrlet cask* Brand.. 4;h proof <A eighth do do do fi.' bbl* D>me*He do laodtac and foe toft* R* mar 93 F* R ANTON. JOItNFTOX k IX). * " s •: xx HivoiXN. ——. K 1.4*1 LYF.D BX JOHN M. iNHxrCR 4 4V, T iewta., Apnl fi4, TpilF AX’oiwteefUt Adrerlwer* of C*pu:» rrtaxt; % I late ef Pul *rw <r.-..trn;x and tie p-.-i |^rttcal*r by Aut-.or •• A >ir*j Yatxkce la Tr.k-aa** TVi i ixJored Ffcrtcbe* w Tan* ta !*dt-ff-Y TrmpsaD.'n; or,The t'nla»ww Hetrew*; by J. I>wl- • tek Mo th, author ref " !>ed Ymws.* kc, rhe4A*uwirr >t.(WNwh.nvt bv Via* It A tSapay. Tbi, lUwkrr't iHughier . »xr, Ike l-oat AA .lares; hj AV. V. ttritk'Mx. Ellen AVre-.-wer; .vr. The BeaxiUfat x rerreVe ot C'*h* : »v Join K Dues I'. ", X. ratewl "4B.-e xwJ Eaiowl law* ; ,*r, A GaUexola cawlorx: k; J A, Alevw FeMxaiS v.-iTtiec krwd*n«» reu lb# AU4 ' .. tba Rev . Jobe « Family Er.iarx t.w naM A'ear: hy the Rex Jwbu i'"vwm<vig lioaaixt ».rej ; atk.vv kw Boy*; by a Yeaaff L*4y i rtiUfcdGj'hu. or I Da .\f Sam ttewairew. (;l*a.-%?red. Heir of Radrt.r. taWnS r.m YiUxHph* M CXoataq. I V»T AT'»!> AND .xXIA'Nb — VI* b*d. |\wMa*^ 194* l i Iwloe*. iw*t •orres'ret pr-» wireaww*. m»4 |er ware by Mt'kl AIIA4X k Di'Yl.r., U CTTKR ami i t.i»l»A»w*|4auaa, laaMda IA.'*r . irecervreJ awJ kw waW by • P* 14 XI*MAHOX 4 DOYLE, vt* XI- — 4 Irerrpord I amp 4\n»A, for X#W'fbsia ti# wbw«, by sal lire 1C I igt'oRF.-tn"bht* Glr 4 wale by 1 marfiit I p|!|W MllliiAMMexIN hhda amt bbU, tala* ’ renter. Just art!it-J pet wehr AbboD twreerawx, ami •Ml t> VERY » MININ 4 *4»|IXjtt\AN t.a aate by J A Ml. 14 A- HltOAXN N I- XX IIOIVHSx BECRIVKD ItY F. " MIAl.EX, ATHtt. .V. HAW ( 'll ANTI EV Manor i a late' hv tkdy Gmxrtmaak 1 <Title*4ee, au'h.w ref KIWax Mtd4W4.*ml-^y ItlreJ, ll.-U im.\ » luvu 4 mwM* •at text 1 .Alma. For sale I' AI I l.l: N * dl» MINI * 4 i"IIN.-s|"N H" ■ XIIF AT"ID* I Alma. Rom *|" V . i i" . It It IDII.AM, KKI.I.Y 4 AAL IfiA bbla l'..ta».aa, landing (tom ship Bosl -it, I by Ill'S TI M * 0 A 'I VltM.I - vxai Kh'aor'w.r I'lxiiiisj ■ ii.t | aiing l'-> lalre.1 Ihio English ****** with IM.4 opposite page’ by Alfnrei Bakvollle. More of A I me Downing * lWitty HOW* G.xdey'a t-adyA* Book, I lame*'* • • reharcS. EwiexmS wml nisckw-xodSa Mag i, am' I few* .giliMMwu* . tioax I o lx. \ VK«Y A'llisIX'lf AMV.*e of V-’.wek ‘irf'tq tre-wa K».eo«.*4 Uaiu* Ami, xml fc* aaae hy hpr If MIN lie J"|INKt\>N. i 'lME SrwUiw Here* 4»4 sa*. Xiv r hjwl* AVVU.V4 VOSTMaYU-Y*.’ 'T.AHs D.-4>Sbrexe«rwM< 1 sale by M kf*k '■SIB ttkllUU N«x YktAakhesMi V oewi HaUrexml lV|x>4.4w wrexfOre AMbwi •»■’* DAVttx k DILL'AX, MaXaaaaware. ‘At* XTTxinsM Kiv .-iy‘W535T»r*» N tan IMA. xa II oVT-vX. .AM. Via W h*M *4 xka x«w4, eex* twxl *w4 whiiev x'Xt, vwartreJ la tha M\ rear It’.y*' it<i."KEli MANXEr<w«tm4 fa* hmsm* AixMawvxwwwwwxwHMa ref Baht wwmvaer MxauOM, L'w r-rtewe, *t ' pWXW'XsXETU'E. ' ’ ew'r fx'^waM ' I".'.II A XI. KM It 4 . "