The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, April 28, 1855, Image 2

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THE SAVANNAH REPUBUCAJ ■w SAVANNAH UJEPUBLICAN, 81TURDAY MORNING APRIL 28, IHftA mm rolU«HK» »» P. W. ALEX AN DER & CO., cnr u< c«ni<>r rHmw TKRfM IlIlDtrOfflX). •jAUJ.lif •*?»»». p«r SAVANNAH, GA. Saturday Morning, April 28. iytelebraph FOR THE REPUBLICAN W YORK OQRRESPO^IOBNCE For the «»«nnih Republican. Naw YoRKhAttfll 83rd. The oprityL stylos nro all out and the town waa never layer, deepilo tho hardnose or tho tlrnoa. Tlio ledioe; I obeerve havo n U«liiou>lten promena ding of gracefully holding up with ouch hand tholr dreeaee, raiaed porliapa about four inuhea on either aide. It waa but reconlly tlio fashion,waa to aweop tho pave with a skirt at lean throe inchc* too long, gathering up "sundries" in Ita course, which tho fair woarora too ofton diacovcrod had bettor been left whoro they wore. Stylo, deman ded in «>no caso the leng’.n, and in tho other tho railing of tho altirt, but upon whnt'principlo uf pro priety t havo yet to bo informed. Tho lair vox uro not alone in their ccconiricitioa. Those individ uals known at "Shanghais" aro actually out-doing themselves this apring. Very high hats, full crown and narrow brim, arc all tho rage; ao xroattenua ted pedestals squeezed into tho lightest of pants, and stub-loud boots ao short that a Christians teeth it is markets. . . ; would ho act upon an edeo to look at them, Tb.«moo i»«k.,i.M.ior Ho»rl I">.*, ml , lln „ how lh „ M ,| 0 , „| Ohio brand* erequoted #10 37 I* a $10 7ft per bbl I , ... , Coro ia eajier. [For the Nayannah Republican.] Lost Mild Unwritten History- Mr, Altxnndtr; Deiir Sir—U\ tlio loottiro on *' Loaf and Unwritten Historywhich 1 had tho pleasure ol delivering in Armory Hall on Thurs day evening, the lait fow pages contain aovornl ex tracts from tho pen of Tytlor, the Uiatorinn, anti, as it la diflloult to tdako an audionoA undoraiaud | beervnq through different media. In all political i venia wo mint bo prepared to expect, not only the • lost oppnalto opinion*, but evon tho moat dlioor- taut alalethonla. What one parly nr olaaa solemnly ivora, ia aa solemnly denied by the other. What -«Ion ml in.ono authority i* eought for in vain in uolhor. What ono writer roproaonta aa of tho iglioat importance, anolhor snoora at, at of no what parts are original with tho locturor.nnd what j >oinont whatever f whilat ‘ho inlaconoeptlona of j come into general vogue with u*. I havo no doubt | but what it some bold "Shanghai" youth wore to Ciuni.tsTON, April 27th. j My the old fusnion of hanging'about threo Th. mtrkttt hu boon dull lo-ihy, iho .»lo. fontih. ol hi. pockoi li.nkurclil.f out of ol. com being limited to 330 M oxlrcmu. ranging ! P»«-kot. It would bo rag. In tinny day. aa it from 8 l » a » 3-8 coma. Iluy.r. arc awaltiug a »*• «">»'* *"*" "«"■"""" b ““ l,ru "‘ ml cuncaaion In priens and olfar to |..rcha.o at 1-4 '"ll a Mango j.rk al Ina min whilo walking cant otr.which aell.r. arc unw.lbng lo acccdo In. ' "P Droadway, and coolly turned ahoul ubaorvlng- ... ' —-■ - j "givo yourself no anxiety tny good tel low, its pm- tsr We havo been requea'cd to state, tlmt Mr. ; C( j m M Such was the stylolhcp,nud the ridiculous Overby, I ho Prohibition candidate for Governor, | is as nppatunl to-day,a# though we hud not laugh aro not claimed by him (ainco quotations cannot bo oxprosaed lo tho oar except by very marked chnnuoa of tono In public aponking, at which 1 nut no adept) 1 deem it justice to myaolf to request that you will favor mo by publishing the aecontpatting •hoots, whoro tho oyo of the reader can detect ni it gluuco thnau portions where, in support of tho atricluro* ugainal Ifumo and Gibbon, 1 have em ployed tho language of my authority. Intention- od Tytler as tho authority from whom these quo- lutimis aro taken—for ho, I boflovo, is tho author of an orticlo in tho Encyclopedia llriUannico which has served mo na a haaia lor wliat I h.ivo written on the two great English Historians. Respectfully Yours. Stuart Elliott. wil! rddreaa tho pcoplo of Savannah at Armory Hall, this evening at 8 o’clock. Mr.Overby is a man of high characiAr, and is said to lionn inter esting and forcible speaker; at.d wo doubt not that both the friend* and opponents oi Prohibition will bo glad to bear w*hal he has to say. Distressing Casualty—Two Men Dr n wiictl. Early yesterday morning a party. consisting of Wm. Hone and John V. Turv cr, Pott Wardens ol 8avannab,D. P. Landcrshino,ship carpenter, Win. P. Rowland, representative of Lloyds, Capi. Ward of tho bqjk Glasgow, and lour negro men, left tho city in a largo sail boat,to go down to iho Glasgow now lying near Tybce, for tho purpose of holding cd ut each other for tho past quarter of a century.— Wc study the absurd to as great a dogruu a- the present moment, as though tho term had lost its meaning with us. Among tho passengers arrived yesterday wero Messrs Ullmatt bnd Muurico Strokoech, who Ituvo engaged tho billowing nrtirta, which will nrrivcin the St. Louis from Havre llth inat. Madame La grange. Signora Parodi. Sig. Aliroto, and Sig. Morelli. The opera war growing out of tho man agement of tho Academy of music to fulfil their contract in producing Mr. Fry’s oratorio, Stabat Mater, stHI continues and caustic cards nto alter- nigely issued by both panics. Tlio fact ib the man agement were afraid to produce the oratorio, for . EXTRACT. Hut because w« noW have one unbroken, con tinuous stream of historical knowledge from the lGtli century to our own day, we should be far Irom right in oonc-ludiilg that the existence <>! Un written History was terminated by tho Revival of Letters Paradoxical as it tuny acorn, tlio annuls of u nation may be written, and yet unwritten. A stream may be broad, continuous, and unbroken lo tlio cyu, and yet abounding in shntlows and Hats. A gem may spurklo with thu true diamond bril liancy, yet owe its lustre entirely to the superiority of tho cut. And History, sustained by utl the pow er ol logic,— surrounded by all tho dignity of philosophy,— clothed in tho faultless garment of an exquisite style—embellished by humor, wit, and imagination,mny, ufter all, bo but an embodiment ol half truths, or even lillio less than n splendid jtiipostura. 'Truth—radical truth, isthc very Inunda tion of all real History. Without it—all tho graces ol art, all tho props and dclcnces of intellect, aro criminal as useless. Tho architect vh.» sells you n house—h fair goodly mansion to tho ey a survey onher, in order to determine tho extout l fear of encountering the Herald's hostility, tho of the injury sho received during the gale ol urday last. Having accomplished their purpose, and decided that sho was uusenworthy in her prest-nt condition, tho party started on their return, n high wind from tho notth-eust having apt ting up in tlio meantime. Soon alter reaching the lower end of Fig island near town, the Dout going at tho ralo of ten or twelve miles an Imur, n fl.iw of wind struck the sails with a > much force as to drive the bows under, when the bout upset and the must'* mid •ails floated out, nnd supk This occasioned much alarm lo moil of the members ot tho party, but Mr. Hono and Capt. Ward endeavored to cncour ago them, and called upon them to cling to tho boat, and if possible to sustain themselves. Tho wind was high however, nnd tho water very rough, and a larger number of tlio party being on uno aide of the boat than on the other, they turned it over and over in their efforts to sustain themselves. 11 honever tho boat went ovt-r,of course every ono lost htshold,acdnot unfrcqucntly was driven some distance Irom it by tho w ind and waves. It w aa in one ol these moments, it is supposed, that Mr. Landetshtno and Mr. Rowland were washed off and drowned Tho waves wvro running so high at the time, and tho difficulty of keeping above water so grout, that nounool the party saw them when they went down, being engaged pro bably in trying to regain thu b.-at th.-msulvea. The party had been in this condiuon fur some filtecn minutes, when the ferry bunt, whicn hap Pvned most opporluoly to bo crossing the river author of the Stubnt being brother to the Mr. Fry that mulcted thu Ogro to thu tuno cl $10,OHO in a libel suit. The Imports for the week at this fort, show n large falling oil b.-th in dry goods, nnd in general merchandise, us compared with the correspond ing period of lust year, ns will be seen by tlio fol lowing : roRnoa imports nm tiik week • 8.74. $ 1,7UIUM9 . -2.R.L27o |)ry Good# General MetctiuudLu... IMS. l.cyg.M.o Total since 1st Jany. .S.77,5lu,l 11 8311.800 u«J The exports trom tin* port Ibr itio week to foreign ports, are a little larger, than lor the corresponding period ot lust year. IM4. tti.7.7. From Jan. 1st to April 13th. .9il,'W:.»7.5 810,513..-.3- U eckemliiig April 4IU 7C8,'jrM 8M.UI0 atiho time, went to their assistance, and took up i "hard i Total from Jan. ht 8JI,Mtf,(tf» 8‘.’0,4>.474 The freighting interest continues much depressed nnd but little merchandise is being shipped lu-nee tu Europe, or thence to the United State's. Immi gration from Liverpool winch fs a great source of profit to our ship owners, is also slack; hut 1 notice that a great many emigrants nro returning to tnc old country. Tho Drircr which suds to'dny to-morrow f..r Liverpool lus about one hundred and ninety, which is a greater number by tar tluu over taken by a single tt-ss> | bc-loro. Want «• cmnloymcnl, the hiuli price of provisions and tin the survivors. Mr. Tuner was disappearing under I tho water as the boat came up, and would have been lost hud it bema moment later, lie was Seized by tho hair, which was all of him that could bo teen, and lilted into ihe boat in an insen sible condition. Much endit is due the young gentleman who w as steering tho lorry boat, whoso namo wo have not learned, and tho lour negroes who wero rowing it. Tho accident occurred about 2 o’clock in tho afternoon. Mr. Rowland and Mr. Landcrthiuo wero worthy and respectable citizens, and their sudden and melancholy death is rogrettoJ throughout the city. Each of them leaves a wife and several children. Mr. Rowland was n nntivo of New York, but has resided for a long period in Georgia whoro ho has a largo circle of relations ana friends. Mr. Land- ersliinu w-as tlio builder nnd supcrir.tendcni of the Dry Dack, nnd was regarded by all win knew him as a worthy citizen nnd an industrious •hip carpenter. He was a nativo of Charleston but hxd reaidod hero for somo years. Europenn View of flic < ubun <luc*tiou Much has been su'd in this country us to tho part tho British and Frt-nch Governments would take, in the event tlio United Stales should e me into collision with Spain in regard to Cuba. Soino Contend that they would go to the assistance of Spain ; whilo others aro of tho opinion that they arc likely to bo occupied lor some time to corno with tlio affairs of tho East, and that Russia w il 1 give them ns much work to do ns they can possibly perform. The following extract from itio Liver pool Times meets tho case so far as great Britain ia concerned, and cannot fail to be tend with in terest by the pcoplo ol this country : Whatever form this Cuban question may a.— sumo, we sincerely hope that Spain and the United Sta cs may be allow*d tosetlloit themselves— either by diplomacy or tho sword. We, as a na tion, have nothing to do with ii. Already engag ed m a quarrel which has been forced upon us, and in which wo have less to gain th in any..) the com- batants, it would ho unpardonable f.r us t. r nsh in to another conflict «.f a still iimru questionable character, ll Spain cannot defend her own colony from foreign attack, that IS her afliiir, not ours — Moro than loriy y< ara ago we wasted millions of treasures and shed rivers of tho best Mood in Eng land to servo tho cause of Spain, and in all ties" gem rally, it is said, is the eausi- udol emigration. MANHATTAN, 1 tie [Curreapnmlinceortho •-avunnnli Ili-p'ibbcuu.J Jluvimry In tii'iirgin, AfOC-rx, April 2d, 1855. Messrs. Editors: The Grand Royal Aich Chap ter and the Giand Council ol R — and S — Mus ters, commenced their ummai session in this city yesterday, with m lull representation in both bodus. The following are tho Grand ofliicrs elected for the ensuing Masonic year: ORAND R. A. CIIAITKR. M. E-Phillip T. Schley. G. II.P. •*. Arch. A. Oanldini». D G. II P. " Andrew J Lane, G. K. " Wm. P. Haynes, G. S. " Rev C. W. Key, G C. C. F Lewis, G. C. H. ** L. Dwelle.G. T. " U. B. Russell, G. S. " J. w. Meredith, G. Sentinel. •jnoranco, uniting with tho natural prejudices of arty, nnd llioatudiod miaroproacnlaliniiaof interest r nrtilioo, lend their aid tn augmont tlio diflicul- os and embarrsaainonts which obstruct tlio aoarch iar tttttl^sinthiaomanglednndbewlld«Ilng^oglon.’ , Such nro iho mnteriala from which Iliaiory tnuat o written—judgo tlion lor yourrolvea tho diflicul- .os wliiuii outer into ita compoaltion, and tho high tnndnrd of moral and mental excellence required ;i tho historian. Ho must boa partizan neither hi politics nor in religion. Ho must no, nut only .'itliout bins bimsuif, but cabublo of making nil uo nllownnco for tho passions nnd prejudices of -then*. Uo inuot ponof*a thorough acquaintance rith tho luvvs of evidence nnd tho probabilities ol onfliciing icMimony, Ho must bo nblu"to extract to truth from a limns ol contradictory statements, no of tlio most relined and difficult operations chicli Bio human timid can bo culled to porfurm." Ilo must bu ono willing to deyoto u lilciimo to tho Host laborious study in all departments ol knowl -dge, and tlm ino»t patient investigation in his •wii. Ilo must aim at universal scicnco—I had •ilmost said ho must ncquiru it—still -moro impor- milt than all, he must know how touso t. In brief, iu must bo a philosopher, in his elevation above dm iiiihis of patty and sectional rnttcour—a chris- ban in Ins guntla lurboaronco toward tho passions and IraiHiusof others—a judgo in his deep, dis- TasAioiiqto appreciation ol rolativo * evidence—s iiinihemnticiaii in his intinmey with the calculus ol probabilities, nnd an astronomer, in Ins untiring vigilance, a ad in that nico oxactitudo which ro- cords no observation unless previously corrected irom tlio orrors of mental refaction, aboration and parallax. Finally, ho must be imbued wiihadocp per- <admg si-mo ol tlio high dignity of tiis mission. ! 'iu must nntember that History is tho foster- Medicinal Proporllca of Tea and Coffee; Tho Journal of Cnmtnorco hm a long editorial comittondalory of tho uso of ton, cofl'oe, chicory nnd cocoa. Prof. Johnston ia quoted na saying that moro Ilian aovon hundred milliona of tlm humun race—or about tlireo-fifths of tlio entire population of thu globo—havo oonto lo regard ono ortho other of tho wurni hovorugea inatlo from theno articles aa among the necesaariea ol lilu, and that lhay nro iu fuel among the ino*t iiMoful and most harmlcna forms of indulgonco. 'Tlio quantity of tlio raw niaturiul consuiuud imho wotld is perfectly enor mous—estimated at throe thousand millions ot pound*, of wliirli moro ihuu two-thirds of thu wlmlo or twenty-two hundred und forty million of pounds is tou. "The inedicinnl properties of thcro beverages tiro wo11 known Ten is itHc-d advantageously in in- I fl.imnialory disenses, and ns n euro lor huadacllu tmuuittm anconi). NEWADVERTISEMENTS /’or JS'ew York. S.VVAA-VAH IflAltKET. < •' * Fsio*t, April 37, P. M. COTTON.—Tbo market wm at a •tend to-day, tlio _ STEAMSHIP AUGUSTA, salat being llintied to 103 bale* as follow*: 39 at 0 tad To Leave Hsturdny, April ‘id, a maixlrr,willii-avov, Ritvniiniili CxporfN—A |»rll 27. CdBSuSttf »r pn«n.iru. npply in 1 ,<r freight Per brig Random, for Mnlsiisaa—13 amply Hilda, and I’ADKI.FOIU), PAV It r »i * -• • Per ■•.hr Kata llrlgliam, for Now York—*37 bale* ■■■— , Colton, 117 Dry Itidi-n, 100 tons Iron,,31 bug! Uround- tnfta.nnd mindry plcg* Mi-ae. Per sclir Cllxa fur PbilsJeiplilii—170 btles (.‘oi:on, 18 ton* uollad. rtUUUSTA, 28, at 4 o'clock P u I A, I HOMAN I,V.,,, i . ' KCroun, pav u. ngtl.r, Al^, aiAiri.KATnrf, *' ,M "BOIPIIIIT. H ... J*»u«£S8C".'nin lack.I I'l.dlliliA. I «• I 9 I'">" k"... jAl',,',.. ’ ueftek. PtirTriAgblnr iihiiik..m.i.h .in 1 1 .‘V . purl •Igbl or piiMage, apply on bonra. i f * *1. A. UOIIEJI f’Olt PAI.ATK A \1A JAtJKRCi.NVfl.1,1; AND PICOI.ATA &,».cdto«ki.. i -di'iis«i | «ussaiiiriik; rw&*asrd^?s i ^ , . I. • ■ i n I u I.III.HIHV, i.i.nn ™. »»n.iiuuril, AyrilllU U. I and gout, and to its influence is ascribed tho runty. | Kmrcr*. Padelfunl, l\y «;o, (JrNy tt i.roiber-. oil - oftlioso disenses in France and Turkey. Both | Camptlel »;KIuu&Hun*, l.yr.n Ai Wilder. M II William-, M. A. UiiiEs, tea and coffeu powerfully counteract the cflect ol opium and intoxicating liquors ; though when tu kon in uxeusK, uiid without nourishing food, they themselves produce, temporarily ni lausi, some of the mure disagrecatilo consequences incident to the usu of ardent .-ptrits In genera), however, none but personspost. ssmg great mobility of their nervous system, or enfeebled und efleiitmuio eoiiBtituti.-ns. tiro injuriously alieetuil by tlm inoderntu uso ol tou and coffee in connection with food. Prof. Johnston attributes to eolKc tlio quality of stuiinlrtting the digestive oig.ns,und to ion tint ol retarding their operation. Dr. Bigelow, in his work entitled "Na ture la Disunite,'’ reconlly published at Boston, assigns to both the sumo effect—that of producing an increased action oftlio stomach in the process of digestion. Tlio properties and effects nfooffoo nnd tea nro in most respects similar. They oxhil'irnto and produce wakcfnlncbs ; they stimulate the brain nqd fiiHvhe the body; they ictuid the waste ot the. uniimil s)stem, which is in constant progres-, and which it is tlio •fliccofloud to repair. In those Camptlel iJKIliuAt Hun*, fc Milder. SI It VVilllain . Hnh in U timhh, J F .Moig.-ui, J J June*, J l.uwe, IV I) . ElliriJge. FOR I*AI.ATIiA, (Vf,jTT and inti;umj:diati: 1. 1 Mil.NT,H To Leave Saturday, April 28th, at lOo'dock A I r M^nZTlN,,, r,lM l»«ckH Wr.I.AKA I’tM apr 21 ATI. ANTA, A 1*1111. ‘AS-Collon « extremes. r; — llxchaugu on • ew York ii •uiIIiir to y t per cent Morning, ut preinoitu. On Haiaunuli und Cli»rl*-»'on J< t or cent ■I'PD jj* llucon — > e quoit roniei fiX lo'.ijfc. Dam* llaP.’c. Hide* tubs lUc. Hide* clear Kalb^fc. Hhouldera 8n cent*. I-lour—Plenty at $.S». r »,V per hundred. Corn I* si-llli.g ut t<> I.2A. j bulnnce ol Vrelglit apply NI.VV YORK,. APItll. 23—Colton—The mn-k-.t Im* ' _ ,,,r ^ reco-ered from Hto pro tlvu to-ilny, wlib m|i> ling at Die Flour- WoNtern. Snulherii Is unclnoigod with a llinln-d ltu*l- , uprtW || nova ut previous rule*, •-■■rirl* n Irlllo higher— JW'iO • PTnr^i-w vi >ot lm*helN mixed «i IIib:. IN>rk—Him market hf- ^*‘ v - ' KUO liblfl old Sli-rs bold nl $ Hi. I Hu 10.2.7. lU-ef *ck. «• i-' JESa?' FOR It Af.TIMOlir.-TlVe fine *. |,r. I.IA, Nickerson, inniler, tinving mo>t (gV,, curg" engaged, will meet with quick <lcaj,;«tcli. For • BRIGHAM, KELLY it r;n ivlou* eel I no. nnd lias been bc- JT}’ F* * It ll'HT (tr.< i; v .|» c- a r.'7qrr* i»f' ft,00flbflles Now Orleans Midi! ' 3BB will have ilcjmicli for ti,«. iL.i p* 1 •The innrkit l« Hrm—3.6UO bbU i froigln of ton hulc* Cotton apply io * ' linlu-d lm*l-j apr 3d llc'N r,.it it <i smviei | of— the mur- , n o*i «.f mreo eii- win i . ,* 1 • k»t Is firm with hii upward tendency—repacked chi- »,ninnco of frelei.t „r ,',.oV '..'b’c'i. f, lf MB.. Unl-nlia ..r kl'g, nl II.IIVc , hnr" Zit, ’ ' PJ T.'i 1 ''IV I. and bbl* at I0!^ul0t{e VVhisky 7 a:tb-s nf Ohio ut 3.7a I i.p t \. A & '* A.-*IIut,ItV. lOl^iklil^c VVhisky _.. . . 35 t;c. Groceries uro 11 m, Inn traii*rict>nn* aro mod- . crate. Turpentine—spirits belter, with *»le* nf 400 bids r.t 13c: crmiC Si.lka‘J.25. ltosin—bale* -f Wilmliiglnii nl Si Ccnlli.',. upr ‘.H “ AT II E X .E U~\T7~ f,B<SF.EAND -'IANAGLi:,.Mr VV. |J. CRISP, Naiurdn)’ ('.veiling, April 2Stli.|85A. but one whose loundnlion of brick or stone does >nlOT ..f Kovolation—.hu lirsl.burn of human ol '" ,0 b,,ll ' ly repair. who labor much with tlio head, they produce a ....... eoiidilion ol the s’ siein favorable lor mental nppli- Ls ’A , ‘ ,V ,,lo ,"“‘^ u ‘ ro ®"»- . , H . :',| I tlnue* n to lie u f.dr ib-mnud fnr'otion In our market, catiotl, and in all, they tend lo counteract^ the and trnnsart'niis since ihc Nnshvill,-** accounts Indicate sluggiblniCHS which prompts to shrink Irotn uitli-j kii Improvement in prices «.f abmi Jfc. and tl>e offer-’ COMEDY l\D DltUFSTIC DRtMl cullies, nnd to infuso thu spirit which impels to en-j lag nm being v, n large, alt pm on ibt- market is readily | ‘‘ 1 ‘'iit.j.t. counter and overconio them. They increase the i taken op. strict Middling (•’{ to 9c; Good Middling ; enjoyment of life, while they make no saenfieo of j i'X cent its durali-.n. On the eontr>iry,iu tlio old and infirm, M'lUII.I!, APRIL *r». p m—Oottnn—Tho nd vices p whose powers of digestion begin to tail, they doubt* sti-am-r N'nshvdlo wero on «ha market t >-day> amt less operate to prolong it, by retarding the natural the ne** was ..f no lavoralde a cmiracier, Die denu STORY OF THE HEART. 1 P‘' r The charact* r nf --Lreatu'' t.v not extend below the sutlace ol tho earth ami is I productions, and that of all tlm splendid creations i IliiHlmiid’* (.'ulciucd Tlntriirslii Husband’# OM.CINf.D M \i.Nl>tA l# bigbt) tu ne* became aclive nnd re*ult«d in antes of about G.lWLaV- I nl un advance. .'MUdlmga tltfc. MRS. W. H. CRISP, ST. CYit* .tlr. \V. If. CRISP ' Ml** Kaik -Fa: liable consenuentiv to tlm doiin.vinw i-ffi-rtH „r I l,,u "* ,,ielor y a|o,| 0 will find IIS ro-publication ! tidal in ulldl-ea-e# of tbn Stomach a towels. Which llatilo constqucntiy to tlm destroying tlleils o. „ I. i, but another namn for the Rook »«cmtcnded with acidity, und K lte» immediate .clM every ram or frost—is ho not a pr-qier subject lor I* 1 , ,, ‘ ■ i«» the beartim ii. The eificts of exce*s In eating or you, imligmui,,,,,nnd wAlil you hwitnlu ... ! «» «■ ">»-I j V."« , . ,, ., ... , man aro to bo decided--and forever. • | of iln mibli*i and mo*t piuisani upirlinib. L-pciinhy Mil. Thackeray, tho English author, is about to pay a visit to tlio United States again, llu is busily employed iu linirbiut! his novel ol the Ncwcomea. and has been preparing somo now ln:iurns, which ho anticipates will provo popular in tlm L'nitcd Slutes, and beneficial lo his ex chequer. Tlm Hon. Samuel Sprigg, formerly Governor of Maryland mid u of thu old school,- died tlm 21sl iuft. aged 73. Ii is Mated that Fletcher W.bstcr i* sharer with ’ol. Kuint-y and Mr Fabens iu mo Central Amort- mil ctcipiisc. A h ruMo railroad accident occurred nt Cannn- .. pc cute him ut law ? tshnil then tlm lame <>f (lie d llonest or careless historian escape the judgement ol a lur higher bar 1— that ol Public opinion 1 Is a dclrnudcd posterity to applaud the reckless waste of time and talent, the perversion of building material, which has reared for its udiinr;iti»n a splendid granite palacu upon nny ol the worthless substructures of prejudice, ignorenco, religious or iididel bigotry,—or Worse than all—on a declared, uwwcd, party bias ? For instance—while we ap plaud the elegance nnd sterling uhilily of » nun like Hume, can v/n lull to be ollendcd by Ins ever obtrusive sceptical tendencies—or, what was even more outrageous—can we ever forgive his indo lence:—an indolence "that perpetually betrayed i him into errors thu most gross, nnd bd him | to commit injustice tho most scandalou-1" l nothing that the very authorities lo which luilmr routs should deny hi* siaienu i t- (’ it nothing to bo " careless ol facts, and . . . shrink irom tho labor ncce*snry to a«ccttnin 1 were, injured, die iotmet »>> severely that his life J them 1” Can wo excuse "tliis apologist for iho j was dcrpamd of j the_blood 1**11. It Is Irom u n-ilcninr- liieorolhi- ilcrlhu Iri-ijutMii iii-ci—«ity of linving reen laxaiive*. To iitm.hnoI u* or a gniny ! may be recommend' d with prc'dlnr proprld.v ; virtue* have Iiudii rcoeutedly Vi-iltl-il Iii tlio iti*o»*e4 o| warm climate*. Mans of llm coir plaints of chidren In early infanc), nail even at ill re aiivaaccil perimi*, are nlli ii'leil will) nclilil»: and in such ca-e*. Die lai-d Miiuiicsiu lias a greo nilv'aiilacc ovei otl)i-i utiaortieiil*. viz: dial il tiolti'Ztt* the acid la Hit) nlilD'-ntarv •■it mu I ■ and act* a* an effl -iicIimi* yet gentle purgntivu.— Till* preimrnllon Is free irmii iinpieaMint tu*tc, and ilueu time# the Mn-t gih ofilieeiininioii Haldneil >lsgne#lii. I mir Hr,i pri-iiiiuu) Silver Medal*, and a New York Wor d’# Fulr MeithI nwanled. For -ale by thu dreggi-is com rally, and by tho mmu fuel ii rer. f. J. IIL'SIIAN D, Philadelphia, apr 24 cud3in , i* l.l V Kit DH lT\ S i;TTZt; A*IITK R’S PA NISH Ml\- TI'ltK.a* a 'cmiilv lor liver ili-en»e*. nnd Die mnniier nl lonindnl'le evlLe-iun eleil wim a diaurguinzed sinio ol Hint iirifitli. is nmivalled. Ilini'lred, oi ceriillcate#, f-om Die highest source#,of persons living In the city of Richmond, Va . inlaid ho ! daigna Monday nftcno<m. A locomotive ran over «•*■«•» of cure* effeetiit by I'arter’s .-*pniu-h Mixture — \i,. i| n ii „ i.._„ , I , . U e have ohU room to refer tu the extraordiiinn cure of . Ii J Hull, nnd completely severed hia head 1 -.,,,,,,,^1 >|. || r iuk«-r, t:-«|. «»r tl,e linn «.f l» r inli**r Al** r - troin In# body. Judge Phelps and another person D*. itookMier-. Itichinnuil, Vn.. who wa* cured by two • ... - carin ’* .-panish Mixture, nficr three year*’ Irom a dl#ei-i-d liver, lie say a. i's ncilon on ■ndeiful. he ler limn nil 'the ineibciim lie ItXarinc Intrlliijcncc. PORT OF SAVANNAH APRIL -.8. •ehr bll-hel AHK1VI7D.. Plant A maud. Ogechce, tnuster. 2ti» II 6l So I i_i. l: ice, to R HaUer-hm 'n-liimi. Johnson. Augusin, io M A Cohen. 2.711 hale- Col uni anti Mdz-, to Culit-ns a Hertz. K.Moly neux and oi her*. Meaiimr Chailinni, Cromwell. Augusta, lo T R Mill*. 450 bales Coition, to K MolyiiuiiX. and otlio-s. ic c.:>. Schr Kate Rriglmin, Dunham, New York—tlrighnm Kelly & Co. Bnu Um.iI'm, Crane, Mutnuza#, (C.uha)—Patlelford, F.iy &.* o. SchrKliZi, FriViee. Philadelphia—Mas’er. MR FULLER IN TWO PIECES. Popular Hal tad by Mr,, f. hl\, DA.ACL. Ity M Ilo. Ant uni. T WO OVUUTI HIIS Itv theOrch»ti» T I cmicludc wilh Dm; i > niedj ..f Pi'etty Piece of Business. The Corsican HJralliers UTl soon he pr-.iuc-l. AV I M I II. \Vll |, l F. »• rvniit glr 1 . w-r# f >r a small f u m. A S od I n*l. I>I.I»AUTi:i). Sienmer Fioldon Joliiieon. Augusta. ANOTHER Adtonisiiino Ucke.—Highly appreciated Dlatii or a Missionary — a private letter from Fey i- n. inciiiimis the de.oh by clndera, ol Rev. Daniel Poor,a Venerable Mksimiury of tho A liter- llH lean Board ol Missions. The cholera was raging I staRI.BR’s ANODYNK ctiKRRY KXPKCTORANT with mucti fatality there. wherever known,to ■ much praite c*iun-t be liestow* d upon a medicine which will arcunplirh micIi cures Anthony B^ Neil«on has been elected president ■d tiie New York Board of Underwriter. i Diiatii «-f "Cvrrer Bf.t.L "—The London News l^um-'iinces the dentil ol "Currer Bell," tCharlotte BrotitO author of “Jane Eyre,’’ "Shirley" and ' * V111 o 11 The announcement will he received with regret in tiiiscoun’y. She was the survivor of :hrcc wonderful girl*, the daughters of a clergy man wh *,now very aged mid infirm, survives his wi!»* ,-md all his many children. ORAM) C-IL'V IL. . U.—Phillip T rfchlcy, G. M. Richard T. Turner, (». 11. T. Joseph E Wells,G H. A. B. C. F. L«.-wi#,G. C.G. B. B. Russeli, G. Recorder. J. \V. Meredith, G. Steward. [Corre*|Huideiii-o of the Savannah lti-put)licnn.] I.«-I!«•»• from Soiiili\V8:»lpri> Georgia. 77/e Weal her—Vulttical l* neper ten) Mr. Jenkins und Mr. Dawson—-Mr. Dm tow und Mr. Seward —“ Sum " III I hr S„u ill west, i^e , \r , Tllu.MAsvti.LU, April 23, 1855. Me##as Khii'orh :—I'uMilicin d I lake the liberty of penning you n line or two from Thomuavillo. Knowing that you fed Intere,led in our *ct*:loii of tin- *tu e, I *li.ill ‘-tier no apology lor tlii* r uiiiiiunlcHlii.ii. Spring lias pant us but n •• living vi*l|,” it nfipear#, forrcurci-ly had her soil anil Indiny lirctze# reminded ns nf her return, when nDd-*uinmer suddenly take# |i cr place. In < (her words, we aro experiem lug Die bent of July and August. I lur piditicnl #ky i» rattier streaked, thoucli bright Tliut mir mnii will Ini elected, we enturtaln ho doubt. Hie only quesllon I-, who *hal| they bo? Mr. .lenUns 1s lo re, like bo ,s every wlu-ro el-e.spoken of; he ha* many admirer* and warm friend* in ’be Southwi-*t, and very derervedly too. • »n« other nnmo isnlso very pro II -use of Smart, nnd this dehimer ot the noil Raleigh," when we see him 'Taking all .statements I of :ho writers oil hi* side ns ho finds tit m and without comparison,—without cxaminatinn— ; tioidmg up to d< ri*mn and contempt, some ■ t tin* I brightest und purest nunies in English hisdory I"— | Wo led justly grieved at the misapplication of hi* j gigantic talents, we feci indignant that mound tlio i gro-slsi pi-rvcision of fact lie ,h >uld have ihi tin* fascination of a delightlul style, ami wo uutnigod that tho whole should ho auppnili d and j ad.mud by a frequently attractive, prob-und |.!ul- j i.*"l by. Nor should even Gibbon, tho acknowledged king ol historians in all ages, osoupo our cn-uro- Not tint lie ever betrays the ignorance or even the carcleSMicts of Ilumc. On the contrary, lu» is sud, by good authorities, to havo attained nearer to universal knowledge than nny man that ever lived. Wo li'-ar much of the Admirable Crichton, but the Admirable Crichton was a mere name!— Ilo Inin |. Ii I... ,.| 111. vn.i Hem.. lfc«o » ofliswl tlicroto a I «h.lo Ill Iho Molimil l.iigoago of» Ulio I " r "" " bn “ li ' l > b,n «""®'' »" Poet, may justly hnsaid to havo"urcrtcd a inonu* til'd e lake d cliecrtiilly lecouniends it to a t. 'inciil. ’ li upr 23 .tlC.TIOIC A.M>A. New Vork , ApDi 21-Arrived, schr Somerset, from Siiv.oiii.ili: *chr ttefcne. do. Ilo# nn. An ii 23—I'T-arcil, ttrig 7.enobi», for Snvun- nan, anil Kmily, mr Jacii-onvllle, Fla. 'ew York. April 23-c'lciirwl. #»dir I. Scranton, f r Savami'di, brig .Qte'iiic, l.-r Jiu-k-onvillc, l lu. I.oimIoii, Match 3a—Cle.ireU, *hl|i Charles tflean, for via • tin!111. Wale*. Providence. R I, April -M— £aihd, sclir J Fra in be#, for UrtuiAvvick, Gu t'lmrli-ton, .•vpril £0—Cleared, brig Toledo for Da rien. Ca l.ivi rpont. April 3-Arriv/d, bark Mary U Adeline, from .-Mvuun Ii. Suited, April 1*1. slop Florida, tor ftivuninb, A,nil 3d, ship l onsul. t-r S..\..nmili. , linme.ll- ; Ule uppMc.itioli sleoilil 1... m id*-.-it the '.nur.lii,... hniue j i,f An*. Uuymnr, tlr-t door above >t. Aotiew.' tt ; ,i| ■ liro'igiiton street. 3t* apr 28 * Mn.ii Ji j v* s.\l‘,i~ ~~ 1 CTATt: Of i.l.'iliol \.-K!iY \N U'lP'lY- ibe tlr*i Th ■»'!»> • Die « oiirt IIoiijo ■) ,,r ii hundreil ncri #, more •> I.. Ml. I'll.I :».e trail v*'":.i.i" ■» i"'ei-i»A}) i l.Ueit "Il the Wm; l.r •I II. W. MullbX.north J on ns Hie p..perty nf ■I lr>-n: oJu«iice*t ii .-loo l. ItfVICI oed to me, property pun VUES T. W"I. ;\M« SlIKKIFi iK'tnr.iA-n tin. io June lie.’ >’ - rifl h* »«-f at the O Die Ir.-g F'* nf A.G. Me mtv. i.flVe-l Vn Vsi, who bad lor tlm third tune an all- right lobe id hi* lung*, cnu-iiig n i phlegm, with a it cmiirli, pniii' #ide*. sirk etomuch, Ac , in -liorl, ev t. d *[ ileiiih tr.'iri con-umpi Piclnu. i--* to lireak In tiro real ili#chiirgu ol til Die l»rca*l and i-rs *)inp*om null- i; vet i tier - - ‘IrDI ||imu#.—|.i,ne lla r # nod Drum lb email hooks (or the trade, ju*t tec ra:.r 23 l.riVKt. k, Kirby.Trout, Hieep hem o ,B : XT DR" D Rl pm,,.. >. ved and n r #at- t.y U. I.ATTIMOUK. t.T.AR INTEREST T.MU.K#, for ml-bv 1 of Urn 'iti entirely and i> 7 whole ariil Iff. 1 half hates .•.inline -on, *oor i.Cl.lot, •:<HiKNS& IICRT/. and J. It. A!, i ff. n c x-cr turned to list o.. I evil- April *.d . Alter icU REST: Wll.l.ffd#, , me id vitttmi: \ i- eat lor tliufc pdinlul .ii irmbl) reci'inineml D!ID \l., wl.icn l* e:i»esof the bowel* od 1 F t tS ’IN A > i Pri.-eT'or eucli 52 oU. j Tlio new medicine law in tho Stato of New- | York provides tlint it shall not bo lawful for any dmugisi, apothecary ot other person to sull any j preparation of medicinal compound, except (such a# aro published in Dnndnrd chemical nr I swnn-ich — I. plive painpliiet*, io he had crati* of the agents nl* per liotile, or six lirdlle* lor THrit*. M..II RNKU LO. VV. VY. UNVnl.N, A. A. srn.uMiiNS Al CO. J. U. Mm RK ac •?«»., SttVunnah. iff i (.DIM* Lit i v Hol ding I ..1* uni I,.-(Jlrti'eJ • I on :!i 3! dav .,| V*y Juil apr 23 III >1.1.0 WAV' 12 loll I merit more durable than brass,—ffcic which nci her the corroding t.mth of Time, the vioIi-hcj •»! Man, nor iho lapse ot Ages ever can do-lmy ” But let it 1m; Him iiibeitd, nt the.same time, that tips mon ument ic*t# upon :ho lia.-is id severe, umeimtmg Die p« I.. liiniM-l . ic severely nnd i diiorilered sn tog. tlier coin good, and be il.ereb- hi* Joe snnilr, und referring to the uflico u here a w, ' r,,sh '' '"""m' . — ... In* wife culled la-l v true copy in said recipe, with nn uflidavit attached | to nckuowlcdi l* legally filed. j baiid'iMjnlte Pit.l.s the ni'»i the cure ol dl«en< n l A lea. oi i oop,. I of lilin lr. il yt-.'il* liiirili-n to hi* frit- ; tho ingredients, with tliotr proportions, and signed | by the ni.-inufaeturir in hi9 own handwriting, or by i thu 1 he ' live elehrnti'd remedy • oi Dm 1.1 ver i.nd own. New York, Complete mi.-erv l«. lie suffered m» Loiuplaiut, and n otmith 'or weeks el or* • I id' hi IU nn ling them v t AIMKIi VI -T-.-V'lute Duck, t nd v * ’ nix I fmev colored Ma'-eille* Ve«t*. Just red at npl IT R 1 Utl NS i\ v I 'A'Ii’ „ H v.M>.—3 Ti-i.i i *#ee Ham-. , n#t rec I ved and , •)'» uni mil sin* for -ate, from More. In lot* to-•»*• purchaser* i next. These ur.- ai:u;»i iq.r'l liYNN Ji »NIDKR I Ro-evnle. m-u--be ce • p..i.msTuirn.i.i-Tf.-» r.i.i""cii..*ke luiiooMi I fj;„:*£S5 i r « fa L , 1 S'T— i > PJo'ir, on coiivignineol, landing a d for sale hy ; ‘ *. ' ' , n„,r -.'I K.HVI.ASII K 0>. ; 1 inriiis tiuve been * Id. C ,: * LL *-’AI*S— Received, n lot «.f lho«c mncbcalloi 1 ,.)tt,er ended l.iiddii. l.eather Scull« aps.wltu two uoiu#. j ,, r .>rlt. w.:i . t .nie two i.u,...-u i.d*. ;u H ..l;'"-' j; v. K. It A RN I’M' | )m (hot, or • farm from 2 lo vn am-*, Ma - nf tti I ji >T \TDKS —liiii bid* Potnloe*. Inn.ling per bark ; same cm be teen and r cripi* given. .--.i la Vlnrfa Morton, from ilo*'oii and f..r rule by : a p-2a h . \\ t,l(. ■ I. tte.'- anr 1.7 IIUNTKU it GAMMK1.L. j ' CTTYVidcwaI.Iv!*. otl.K. mv.iCotmTvTTAvlnvrVdnes; nt.o, Float*. \ T*' XTU V' T •>' ••nli|«givei..-*.dewallti.4e. Sinkers and Reels. For «nle bv | • mar 27 F. VV. OMRWVKf.t. I"2 Rrian i nd p:i « Inleresie pie i#e Pill*, nnd : l/RI’N A light boat, to bestati'.nc/i near .Minot’s Ledge, | jtu.iy Ailmito as much as you will this rp'etidid i l!4 j,, |, t , |,nift immediately at llm Portsmouth Navy J fabric—gorgeous and va-t us those of Venice, . Yatd. Tho preparatory operations were coni-I that seent to float upon the wave, but remember j menmi <>u Wednesday. Sl\o will be 100 feet long | that all its stability is duo to ns foundation—the j and about 300 tons burthen. mi n 4 i tliers in Die I nlou who bai 'oiiio forvv nl. r Hot. v Dial her hns y hope* llmi Die ’been benell'ted fit WINKS.-• r sal’*) by * ol. In ca MINI q.1-0 Aprcial Notices. I M 'li I >:k . I.av . I such caiisos tho blnckcst ingratitude lias requited | mlnent here; ll is that «l ounlistingiiislieit Kx-Senaior tho grontest sacrifices. L.-t us not repeat the folly. But, irrespective of this consideration the I Americans have claim* upon us of ev. ry kmd in- I fimtoly stronger thin any which the com t of Mad rid can profer. I’licy uro connected with na hy the ties of-a common origin, hy the closest busi ness relations, and by tlio adoption of representa tive institutions common to our own and their land If * strugglo ensue, littlo doubt can exist respecting the issue ; and if wo have any feeling m tlm mat ter, wo must confess that it is in favor of th • suc cess of tho Americans. A war between England and tho United States rerpecti ig Cuba issolareiad, so intensely absurd, that it count not f• >r a moment enter tho brain of a snno minister. This, wo nro rertsln, is the universal sontimont of ibis country, even smongit that portion of it h. r which Brother Johnathan has the least possiblo regard—tlio aristo cracy.” The Liverpool Times, it should bo remember 'd is an organ of tho commercial interests ol Greit Britain, whoao prosperity, mom than th D of any Other clas*,depends upon tlio maintenance ol peace, •specially with this country; What it says, there- fore, should bo received cum grimo tnlis. Wo sco indeed, that a London cot res jam dent states that the'one of tho American papers, in reference to Cuba, ia beginning to causo great uneasiness in commercial circles in England. In regard to francc, tlio sumo correspondent ro- ma»ka, ihai Louis Napoleon io said to h.ivo n far •tronger prejudice against any interference with Cuba than the English government, but thorn is no doubt that they will net together Tho Emp-ror l,\ Duvr*nii. .-.imtilil lie be Die Uninii ,im’rican Party," bis i-U'cii"ii Is llxed beyoai. dmilit.— In live mv»iv wbile, it t* expected tiy nil, that tin’ con gressional iucd will bo run by our able and giiteil Har low. uf course. Mr. fSevvnrd will try it again. I pie su/ne we might consoler Die iniilatory step* io tin* cam paign h* having liei-n alrcdy taken by Mr.Reward, w ho staricdthi* mor|iiag on il»«- circuit, amt ns a lauln-r of C'liirso will put Into full operallon Ills •■ tvlre pulling.’’- He proceeds to Hrumwick to attend the meeting of the Hoard of |llr«*cl ir#," wio-n don biles* bo will iry nnd hidden, but lahmioiirdy driven pile ufsvi-reLuntire- mg study. Gihlitiu'it tliir*t h.r knuwlcduc was iu- sitiablc—his labor in its acquisition, prodigious ! Ill*great cotemporary, Berkiy,Bishop id Cloying seems almost to liuvc had him in view when iiu penned that noble though',—that "he who would make it teal progress in knowledge, must dedicate Ins age, us well ns ins youth,—tlio later growth as well ns the first fruits—ut tho altar of Truth.’ "Mis learning," Bays Tytler, "was equally varied and proloiind, and tho more it is explored, tlio higher will tho cstimuto he found,—not only <>l the extent of its treasures, but also «d the judge ment and skill with which these arc alnvwt invar iably brought to bear upon thu subject bchTb linn, whatever it may ho!” Wlu-rc then was bis error 1 It is told in nsingle word.- Bias! An opponeni oi Christianity, bic.mso ho considered it uo| plncal, ho forgot himsull, tlio first duty a |ihil- I'sopber, and fell down into the position of a nieio pleader for iuef'uicliiy. Detesimg lug"try in laitii, Im became tlio bigot of a seel. AMiming tin; intolcraiieoof priest-vralt, bo became tlio verv high-|iMost ol intolerance itsull! Scorning direct intentional falsehood, yet curried away by enmity, to a system, that part of Ins great w-.»rk which treats ol tlio progressive diffusion of Christianity, is one listBoof :ho most pernicious half tiutlis—one Pater Trade or Boston.—The Boston Trans cript says, that the amount of lusiip ss transacted hy tlio DjflcKTit houses in that city engaged in tho inuntilacltiro and sale of* paper, would astonish nimt po pic. It estimates the number of newspa pers distributed annually, by the press of Boston, at sixty m.lliotis, nnd adds: Paper mills are scattered about all over New England, but are principally located in Massaeliu- This State probably manufactures more qnc-tcil 1 a|,l •T Norirr. Till: Ci'iislgupeof .70lihls.Potatop* roarkid bark ll!irvt-*l, from Holton, is n- j call duel rm-ivo them. DANA WASIIHPUN. ; apr I'd" by KG IRS AND TOHM 7ii ilnii'ti ?_ I fur rale try "N fit DHYI.K. thor.ty ■ ctiaiit*. .-I..IJI ki cj,ir- in a mi trade- ui.iU-r r, shall lie coiiif elicit. oVl.-cK-; A. >1.. to svvi •I'ceiivn llon-e# ami •ice-iji e l '-y e .ca, lor •Lit ..a i.f tnc i>- i-f. j. m *y i •-.) and cnlb-e if.'iu and deposit tin •art. Tin "in. • I i. ml I *. I. .me*. Mtf- . ics'n u til-1. . l" ( Te •|) Die Ft’.',, llnir r<# ■ nr #n ii.i i-h "f the lot UH l.e -;.a e . f - \ f et from Die («un- .’4.i, r:iilia.-..rltace,» sthf c«« tlu- rnl.h -': tli.n'a nnd there* •unu- read, ler the Scavengtr'l | npl 28 lw- \ VI >‘P I IT, C. 0. '» and l lb .SnieKing To line MvAl AHON k. DHYI.K, A* titan all tho rest of tho couitt quantity's are mniiulactured i and in tim vicinity of Boston. ib< s<* mills in -Ally coim-8 to tl li'-re it i* dtsiribuu-d over the < quantities ol rag#, nlutn,ni<-ael c*ii Is ot nil kinds, and other i m.iiiulacture ol |uipi-i, go also a very itujiortani branch of and i* n trade rapidly growing iug year. Largo county, .'ts of nil nd Iioiii | norm iU9 • MlTKi:. jr» 'i'he Itriin-vvick nnd Florida Railroad t'-'in KtCfy pnny will Ii.-M their annual mi-ptinff at Hruns- wicli nnTliiiiMlay llitGM nf Mny. Tile steamer Pliiuti r w ill leave Do* c'lyon lu-r regular tri|> h.r I'piilrevilluce, nn WeilniMilny, the'-M ol May. ut Ipii oVl.n-k A.M.,nml will r.rrlveat tlrnn*wk-k nllio’clock on I'm morning of llu- meeting, Die most cniivenlpnt- oj>|">rtuiiiiy fnr L'etuli-uicn nf ibi*city, Macnii, Augii*ta and -.tlier jilii. «■*, nl attending the iiii-cting. The very best lure will be providedouboard R.rthi uccnmmodatldiiof pa*- i.cheim- in the gel amiiher •*through licarl" on Hie llruo-vvlck Itouil to Washuigiou City.—>liorlly oiler the Hriinswick visit, look out in Huvamiali lor llm 9101,01)11 ai>pr»iirintian “hobby."—The “wire gras# boy," Did “Hriiii-wlik Rosd,’’auil “Die Havaimali n|i|.roprlntlon." wil] j tuti* hi* political stock In trade f-irltie next cauijmlgn.— ** The People," thouiih, miller#iand it nil. I saw nn uxtract u fewd-iy* si-co In tlm Tl*om.i#villn Wiitcbmun (n liitln deiimernlic paper In ills-giii-i-i taken from the Georgian, signed “ A Whig from T houias.’’— ’Tis not all gold Hint gliMer*, hut a trick nf the so callt-il “ whig’- to i-ri-u e the Imprimvlon, that even uhtgt pro Ter Mr. Seward ; So far from ihl* being true il-eie «re many drmotrah here «rlu» will not rUj.porl tilm. The claim* nf Col. Gaold< n i.f l.lbi rly nre being in •l*ti d upon by til* tK-inocrnllc friend* hern amt very Ju-ity loo, lie havingtflveil way heretofore for Mr. Sow- aril. *■ ,; am " H appear*, bn* made *<>me nrquulntaiice* tu ourreciliili. Iln I* very niiicli liKeil. Ilui cau«o i* re garded a* hist Tiiiniry’s cany, 7 lie I sain- made I* Party v* P.iirinilMii; and k. llm (utter Is valued above the former, s.. wil; tho" American Parly ’’ prevail over tin- " --of ihe day. Mucti «|.|,o»iilon, l.oiti public nnd ■1 muatfe*'(Ht against Du- organlz dinn, but it I* le, fur M< long as true pn.rintlim exist# annuig Dip ;an p. oph , *n long will tlm principle* of the .-an Party fir*! strong and zealous (Upjmrter*. Respectfully, Albert. Tii-'Roitjiily Driep I'ota Pr -pitt: a Ckut free from ll Die Kii#sisiii Agricultural In. name, lias published n very i mi iho pninioe rot, and ho anu lint mere (hying, if condui t high ti-iiipcralure, and continn j complete nut "Into to the di*e I IH5U, the l’rnieasor says ho pi I hot mum, and at the end o L were drv etio'igh lo plant. Tl picture of lalsely assorted shadows nnd lights. Let | wi ll ami produced as good n os not be told tliut tlio utterance<if anicro hall truth . nbighlmring Inriners, with tins is not tho*uttcr«neo of a falsehood!—or tlul tho in- ''" y had no disease, and the , r ... . . . . up mi tho wholPtmora abumlni ciiHonal ennlitsion ol moral perspective in history j is no crime!' Is it not possible to tell the troth and Commodore McCauley’s yen-rente erroneous impression.* hy n-d D-lling tlio ; J. iiiiinl ol Commcreo gives tl wlmlo truth ? Is it nothing "to suppress nr conceal j ol L'nimnniloro McCauley’s in imporiunt cireumstnnees which, it known, would I ’I'he i-rdeis that havo honn g give a totally diff.-rcnt complexion to thu acts or : Etudey are, Ibiwey.-r, <d the u i, i in . i, , . , , i d.-nt ehar.ieier. He is not am cv.-M h r.c.rdcd I VV l.,i would y,.u ..I n „ lt painter who should givo you n picture, w hole many j jmu.y erpl'ination toti/i i>J o; tho lights were artfully exchanged lur shadows, '.'nml rrrii tj he shall hear (.nm and ilia slwdow, lorlighis I Could v..u I..1111 nny 1 ««»•./1*. |u#i conception of the onginul Irom which ins copy i-uinc 1 Indeed, if ihc pamier were flu! od in his art, might he tint present to your judgment thu pre cise rovers* of Ids original 1 And shall not tho same artifice in history boesicemed |x-rnicious and dishonest to the last degree 1 Surely it cannot bo uslci-tiP da flintier ol small momuuto to givo II dis proportionate pmniinenco to one feature nf n Hmr- aet« r, or to ono uP|iect ol a subject, wliflo oiliers, winch iruili requires lo be brought i.ut in eniuuien- suralo lullness and reliel, are either throw n entirclv in the shade, or so slightly loiichod ns almost to ca- cajiii observation" pr 2il V. WOOLLEY. Agent. \orici: to mtk Kiim.iH its. hankmwtkofgkoi.ida. # >■ xvXNNXII. I'itlV April, \ All election will be held at the Hanking nn?e In llu# city,on Mi>ii«luy.7ih of May 1 hi# i# i next for olulu Hreciiir# on Die part of indiviilual nnr ,.itv i sii.cMmlilers, to serve fer one *«-:*r Ir.-in ilintdiiie. | apt 13 I. K. TKI’FT, t.‘a*liier. suctcui • *1-1,0 Sentinel and nt Ang i-ta, AID i-ilgevllb- It.cnriler, and Atlieu# « ble, will phase j)itbli*li the above twice a week until the 7th Mny. ALWAYS I j UU AT NT. AADUCVY'S, lessor in Tin- f..l ouu.u will be the urn Ilian by , Die T \HI.F M X at tlm FAIR al lampblct ; null, on ’ to world JBcnri/ B.tillifoji »V Co., H AVK ri-cove.l by late steamers, and offer for snlo low, n v.-oii ly of * • s..liil e. t.'ied ParezcN, black Satin plaid Uareges extract <*f a Un.-oii*. n- through Hi.- « a i v i.aa r. * do Ifieiently I ugh,m a | q»iug«d j n a very iks they , •ante up ‘ It ol tile nly, that ; herelore, gelliei t of . .Vmlrew* 111.- 4 , and e.ieh succeeding evening tliroiigli- l-'lr.-t series of Tahlcau n' 7!^ n’l-lock. Ur r.vai.K.vtx: Shler'sReceiving* rplmiis. A < liiId’s .May Dream. First «c Dingo. s#i-()tiil scene—I’e Iln •nuts offering lo Knl st under Ban ts.—The r version i 4ru rxBLKxrx : I’lr#' scene—AV 111 in in Toil’s irl.Duf Skill. -ee.iinl Scene--Gi--’ler iliti-i-Vi is a si cmid arrow I ell bail rerervnl for tbuiynni, had ID#clii!d n a vie*oi will c ———7—--*r»r «nnrouay., it wii vary dLayrfoshlii outdm>ra,*hndm.* flying in every diractidtf, maeU to tho diaoumfoit of pedealriHn*. E. 1) WDInrd,of (lit N'alional Hotel, Wash* . has tn Vi nu d nn niipnralui lor cooking by neb tbo Nntiounl ,Intelligencer regalJs ss iiiofiil and ingetiuoiiR contrivance. Tliofol- description of it is given: •in« n w-8-ll made gridiron, oit icr round or it# bars narrow nnd rlosft together,nnd each , and having pinholes n sixieenth ol no inch long the upper side ; and imagmo thehamlliv gridiron lo bo Ipdlow nml lo coriiniunicato D iih hollow bars ; nnd now connect to tins • a flexible or other gas tuho. Tins is ymir i). Its h**t is diffused into a sheet ol flame, oak pr strong na you may choose, ns by of tho stopcock ll la completely under your l. Over tho thousund little commingling jots to drnw n pioco of sheet iron, full ol ridges its surface. In n moment it is heated to any i you wi«h, nnd upon it msy bo hrqiled son nl id meat without a mingling of tholr gravies, .her articles may bo cookod at the same mo This ridged piec# will servo for ronstmg meals or fowls, it siiimble covering alono being r« ipilml to C"nfin* the bent sod savory exhibition 4 . For huilimr nu nppr-'|>rint« vu«*cl uplnucd in direct contact with tho iU.tica. lam Mc- and pru- lake an it •r tn ask 'ie pas' ; selj wit •d Slates IIEEN Ft It I.D INTO, III# IN-TRl’CTIONS Do N-'T AL- To TAKE ty, lloW- r.iiociing ) prevent •mmcnccat Oo’clock. c: ng: I’cusniit* employ • RESENT THE AF ANY NOTICE of IT WHATEVER evi-r, louse indefatigable v‘g American commerce, and. D any mitrugu Irom occ-uring oiedi ito ohservatioil A bit ever bi-l.iro oct-n paid in mir to seamen, in order that ( squadron may lie reinforced a Imt i.nly in the cn#o flint n vv maud t-lialI w-ilners an attn than ha# v offered Cnuley’s po9Sih|o; his com- o of our II inerehaniiiii-u, is he nl lihert', wiinnni und gratuit/'»» «» i«*uli to hi# country till,mid Im offered, as tiring upmi nil unarmed veesel ol lilt) United States, in Pie#enc» of ono ol our men nl-war, Captain McCauley is instructed to Tlm justice ol tho romarka on Ilunto and Gibbon , cliuHbc.nna if possiblo to sink tho aggressor, no Ilenvotoany unjirejudiccd reader ol history. In J: substnneo they nro those ulsool others fur better qualified to judgo than lam. They aro fully on dorn-d by ihuso nbto and acute historical critics, the Ilonotnlilo Mr. Brodie.and Tytlor,—himself an liig» lotiun of no mean fumt). In moro thnn mm iustunco, 1 linvu even quoted tho language of the latter ver baton. But dolcetivc, onn-sided History—or, what it tho sumo thing in effect, Unwritten flis'ory—nmy spring Irom fnr other sources than the mere indo lence «>r dishonesty of men. It arise# Irom tlio very nature nnd constitution of min Iiiiiik-II. Now the Ihstnrinn is not hy nny means omniscient. He cannot ho an oyo witness of every evont that ho re cords. Ho roust roly upon tho observation and li-incaiy «f oihorr.—thero can bo no help fur it. In other word#, ho mutt depend upon others (or his torical inntcrint—olhors who nnrrnto what they saw, «* they bxw it, or aa they pretended tu s o it. Tho difficulty to which tlio Historian is subjected in diia manor is eloqtionlly and truthfully ex pressed by Plnutus, whon lie anys that "lie who is ignorant of hia way to tho non t/horo must ho con tent to tako s river, with all its wanderings lor his guide." "All subjects," ii ia observed by llallnm, with *Meli ilm passion# or iho iniororisof men matter what disparity ol force may exist against him, what armed witnesses Invorublo to Spain may be |.resent, or whst tho risk to Ivmsclf mav bo. The J.iurnal niakos this statement without dis closing the source from' wlienni it was obtained, but with lull faith in ita correctness. Aa it is en tirely beyond tho bounds of probability tliut a Spaniel) cruiser will fire tymn an American vo*«ol m the presenco of ono of our natiounl shiiw, tho Commodore a mission may hu regarded ns of an entirely pacific character. Wo prosumo that nny of the oflicor# ol our national vessels, if iho wit- nesses of sui-h a ptoceduro, would not hesitate to pmi*iio thu same courao without instructions. L-rie# ufTi.lite 1st tabes i Irs* scene—Tlio HensoiiB—s*| it In iigrlctillure. mm I scene— Summer: Pcnsnnt’s snminor sports. •ITii-il seen i—Aiit"iiiii: I’niit uatliering. F.iiirtli scene—Winter: A Glpjey scene, by the whole •uiij’nny. Tickets lo each scries2.7 rents. t* apr 24 Hi: 1>ICA I. NOTIHIi. DU CHARLES GAN ADI. lias resumed tho prnclice of Mi ilicii e and Surcrry Irmn hi# of Hr-uml resiilcnte on Smith Uroad street, three doors East o| Knrnnril. Tlio bran* between 8 to 10 A. M. and 7 to8 P. M., will lie devo'ed to oOtcc patients. If Jan 12 CON SION .11 r. VI'S. I U8T revel veil |M-r la»e lorival#: l' l.iH'It —mi bill# Minurinr Flour || A V—It'll bale# inline North Diver Hay HATS, CORN AND HAY—ft"ll bushels Corn 7e0 xb* Mau 30 bide* Day Ht’JI, GIN, WHISKEY AND PI’.AGII ItRANDY: 2iMl bbl# of Ihc ah >vo kind-of Liquors, in store and liimlltig. For huIm hv 23 ItRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. A Cane I’rf.sknted to the Emi-kror of Rita- hu — Wo perceivoby a cnrrespondenco published iu the Memphis papers that nhniidsomecnue, su- petbly mounted nl gold, procure I Irom Iho Her- miinuo grounds, near Iho tomb ol Gen. Jncksun, was presontod to tho Uto Emperor of Kusabi in December last, by Col. T.'I*. Shnffnor, through Mr. Seymour, mir Miniator, on bchall ol Col. H. T. t'rnven.of Ohio Count-Nesselrode acknowledged tho gilt, of which, ho said, tho Emperor had u lively appreciation, and expressed his grntitudo lor tho sentiment which dictated, tho present. Calico M*nuea*turf..—A manufacturer in- inn# tlm editor of tho Providence Tnbuno, that . nlji'o enonuh is niinufnutared daily in Klmdo is- canned tliciiuK'lvua, uiuat bo observed hy dil!oiuii| audio muku euuh ttinnlo iu tliootsio a drew. SKM.ING OFF AT COVl*. I i ZOGHAt’M U GO., tu'endliig l" off ct a change ’ • to their htl*liii'*s Iii {invainiiil, have iiiilln-rizcd the sii'isctibcr in «lo#0 mil Dn-lr pre-ent stock of Piano PortcA Muilc, and Mudcul lastriiuiciita, l<ir cusli, with- nut regard to ci»«t. lie I*, the omre. ennhlOil to oiler liurgalne rarely to bo met with. All instruments fully guaranteed, G. It. MITOIIKI.I., Agent for F. /.outiaum ti Co.. U'nrlnk’sbuilding. Noticb —Tb"se Inib'bted lo F. Zoubnum U Co , nr to G It. M tohell. u# their agent, arc rrquustiil to maka tminuitlateMtUeinrnt. apr 23 H AGON.—27 hbd# prime Hacun sides: ft do ilo do shoulder#; lundlng per sleain«hlp Keystone Stnle, ■ * ' • CO Ilf. NS & HERTZ. anil for Hide by opr 23 _ ATTING—Hi |n*r Steamer F-orhla, 27 jiloees 4-4. ft 4, and U-4 White Matting, 2.7 do 4 4, .7 4, nml *4-1 Checked do. Fur aide by AIKIN k UURN8, up* 12 >'ft? M A k*WISS AND GRAPE COLLARS.—Received per . ' Hleainer a largo und beautiful assortment of Die above, which will he offered at extremely low prices hy AIKIN it I1UKNS. -pm n otlN.—M!« nushet# White Corn landing from udiiHinor lieu Harrison, fnrsalo by WAVER & CONSTANTINE, apr 13 Jones’New Hulbitug, llsy at.. SPUING AN1» SUHI HI Kit OOODRi R OHINSON it CAMP have just reet-lved, aud are now ii|ti>niiig, their atock nf . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, *'nn* , *tl' , g of " v «rv urtlclo requisite'to,a GBNTLN MAN’d WAUUKUUU. ' Bgr HI.irk :i i ii I white Tissues and IlarcL-o* Rich jirinted do Do do Mn«linRonfs l-o no Organ'll.-* 1 '••lorod Striped s:D;v MANTILLAS—Hi.u k and col >red Silk Mantillas Do do white Hurt-go »lo Do l.nce do PANT STITT'S—I’lni.t nml striped Linen Drills Itrmvti and wli.le do do Plain .mil Fa> .-> Ca>*lmcri s I’lieeki'd. *irlp.-d & i.t.tlii Cottonade! 0*7ATINGS— lllnck Dr.ipdu Kle* Do nml cnlnred t'nslimnretts (»•* * iimlilels nail Mpm-cas Checked and *tri|ied l.inen* > re. brow n nnd buff do mar 23 \V> lie mid Inn -y 'la-setlle*. th - Cit - Hr of .Su •ilm ,’uh \hy <rasd .ihltr ! H u. : Tliut i. ,i a,. If tii ax illV«g<.ii?, ef nihil, thjrity of lit tame ottivr 1 nirisge.-. s iatl n-i Hit- !.a"e* R*e 1 u.'i UB ‘ sliutl avoid driving thro-.g" il.ein. and m CiK*#*i> P*n *"ii be l.'iind diMng.ii nriiMig Hi a» ab-re- raid, wilh .-.ut good nr s.dilr" i.t ex tliedroi-r mere- i.f, .-r the owner or i-inploytr* Ih-rioi, rlirlllie fl.ird in a emu nm exi-etdiiiL’ Three Dollar#,ml*eHlectid it in Dio • mu Jos. W. Honxiris •dlifrl io H* "liter nf tNHLIiruN, Jlryor. D lttlYN NI' MI I i fl'J 4 I _ 3|‘P»_ ,. fntaskrMouumwt npr 2 7 4 t 41 3? li. . L. \\ I rut SGI oft. 11 x —limn*. Mde* and flioiiliter*. lauding Thl' from si-hr.Somerret. and for side hv mnr-.'ii I.VXN it AMD Kit, 72 I lav-street, pl.i il’R AND SALT—Iu bbl*and half lib 1*7for .npr !fi D Will li. |ilLf,MN, Market U LKF —SU bid.* New York Me** uml I'r me Heel ; landing Irom slii.i Darlford, and for sale b; landing Ii 'eti 7 c i;l. \C dtiRN & i l. NN INCIIAM H AY.—30(11 ales Northern an t Eastern Hay. Inndiuu ih s day, and h.r sale by apr 1st t.VNN fit MNIDKIt. To Planters. I 'HE nmlcr*igneil have ncelved aud offer for salo: Schli-y’sMi iiihiitg* i«» Hinin ill) ' 3-4 do do thiper flue l.inen do Mur!mac *|r|ped do . Chariaw Mniies, l.o-iislana Stripes Munchi'Ster do, Marlboro do Ithii) Demin*, do Drill*, Shining Stripe*. Ac. mart). HENIIY LATHROP it CO. ^I.tD R.— Inn b'd* Donmeud Flour; 50 do ILram •^mith do: lust reelvttl and tnren'c by nj-r 2.7 tl'd.i )*MHt^ Ji)ttNM>N &. CO. AN DING i I east) now Flirt 5 HI bbl* A|iple$ 3 bbl* choice ITnnr; 5 half do Pig Pork 3 tlrkiu* new Goshen llutier. For sale hy npr2ft JAMK< A. IDtoVVN. 4*It A IIIHH liLS KXPKiinTUA. A DlsTODYof nraddoOk’sexpediDoii against Fort Du Qiie*iii‘, In 177.7,from original inmiuscripli, by Wlnthrop Sargent, M. A., pu dlshed by the lllstorlenl Foci, i) ui Pi'ioisylvnnla. Ilbisiraled with nlates sud inuji*. Received and for sale by S. it.8llll.EY, npr 2.7 J 3ft Congre#* st. tuts lll.MZ’S .YEIV ROOK. I > OHKKT GRAHAM, aseqllel t.xl, mis. s-irpn.#lng In I \ chartcnesa of diction, corn-cme-* of dHuienilon, mid depth and fervor of jiathos, all her other j>r due* Don#. The Hanker'# Daughter, or the Last Witness; by 0. W. M. Reynolds. The Wonderful Adventures of Copt. Priest: n tale of hut few incidentsaiuli"' ph tln particular. Wiiholhcr l.egemts by the nutlior of “A Stray Yrnkee in Texas ” Received anil lor sale by • S. S. 9JUI.EY, njir 25 13.7 Cong res# st. M ils. |.eo lleniz’ Sequel to apr 21' i New Novel, Hobort Graham : i * Linda." For sals hy JOHN M. COOPER & CO. H lTUtKR 'lino nnd Sjvouts, snlixblo f»r sprinkling ll»*v streets, for silo low hy njir Jl) F. VV. CORN WELL, 103 Itrynn st. MANITLI.A.N. N KY ITT, liATHRi *P it ROQERF, have Just recel ve«1 per stcnnier Florida tho following new aud deslr able si vie*: lllnrii snminor Mantillas I White summer .dantlhas Mode do tin j Light cot'd do do. mar 2d C. IIANDKKRCMIKFS -A largo supply of Ihs >i nhove. Just received and for «nle i>y apr 12 aijcin It HURNH, PII’.IINON, KIKIUT A CO. . H AVE RECEIVED tholr largo nml well selected slock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, In which i hey Invite the attention of purchasers general!} N. It.—All enters from the country will bo promntl attended to. IKIVKD por Knoxvllio—Ulaok^narogos Hlaek "R^dliks.’ttVscVr'nrei'a «utiMantHls Trimmings. Light colored mid black Kid Gloves, black Crnne hcarfs, lion- fo , i.TaT kW,uU “ , ’b'5°wniVHo“B l SAV' apr20 /TIIEROlMiE CORN.—In atom nut f-ranii. by (J'l WAVER * CONdTANTlNK, Joan’ New Hntlillng, Hay si. •P rtt5 . A-S&r I M.OI'U.—-dupaillim’ will ground, 1 from tho Etowah Mills, lor sale hy •pr Jft JO A received ILA. L. LAMAR. §(].'),( K Id. •d Number l.otory —14 Dr.iwnHalhts- Groout) and Pulaski Lottory, CIish*. K . Im I >.)•>. To bedeeidcd by Do-d-awi' goflhI. ware l.oiterj.'IU* K, bei.rawn at 17 .ixuii.KL n.t'claaarv. on s.iiiirday, •.'dili, ir-w- . iiRl.i.l)i(7 U •!.AFRY MANAGLhe- | ol'SH.i OOO I oiVdO.DlM)-1 of S’20.000. Tickets 6-‘t'—bares iii TtcKei* und dtiuies, col for sure by nj.r Vd ty .*r br "u-l’siAifl. K. WITIIlStiTdft- SWAIM’S CELtBr.ttlfcD PANACEA, flddi?). Incipient Consumption, Scrofula, Gene> ll Kile Sienhiu', Ithrumatum, luicaJ<*»J >* • a# i ...... ura the, and lit effects if Mir tut y. C'VAlM’at I’.yNAlLA tin* bee: h.r more thlt'JJ*"! O celei,rated in thl* country and hu ! 0| 7l,h rr eMruorillnary cures—lor the ceildlealM "f ferc'ieo IS lilude lo Hie mid bo had gruii*! aconiujiuny mg the I'aaseea- •« Which give Urn pxrucat ;* »u C4*es im*; vtal oL'IC ill. I'litii ill. U>J W-JK eaten up with dim-fula slid were deemed meu s Pliyslei tns. t ,4 li hns been used Iu hnipitals and private pracDce.s lia 9 bail Die singular lorlune id belug rfComnii'W‘ • me iu.'M cfhbratcd jrliys.ciiiia und oilier eiuuco pr- son*. Aui.'iig ulhcr’ lo W. ctliMiu, M D., Prof, of Surgery, Po. '>• Yuleulino Molt, .71. U., Prof at Mirgerv,N- > • lL1 W. I*. Dewecs, ,M. I)., PrororMld. Pa K" 1 ”® N.Chuj, xi. D, Prof nf Physic. Pa I. s*i»«v-i. • T. Parke. M.D ,Pio*TC»4h«ool PnyscianstD— 1) . Del Vail's Protol Midiciue. , , w , n Jose Eoureiictt do Lux, I’rw ol larger*».a,* J., Member Roy al Cnllemt -- un»wn»« w,u Sir ihomasl'earv... - Gilbcil,RttheD.-on,llritish Consul.siv,^ - And ul»o. Die woii R-riul cure iffi-C'e>i u ) Pan icuo, have, for many year* mudo H *" ,„i;j rometiy. The Panacea dm * tad conUljJ j^gitiD II) • ft .IV ft -"Ot.' ll U"l - . , and being mi Hinocuiu prcpaiaiioit* 11 10 the tu. si lender Inlani. , , _ wl b0tl> The retail price has been reduced t*‘ S l ^ .j^jL (containing three haltjunls.l *»r ttiree t#' * Ilexv.xrd.yl »»«xi»*s«*»»» «•. ,„ u g|iud> Sxvalm’s I'atiucoaiinit.ntuiwl botil>«.“-’ J nnllj, with the foli twliigdchvrs blown oamt s •*tfWAlM’#-l»A.NACEA-PlllLAIM. ^ and having the nnnio of J*a- dwxiM Loace/h Mile. and having the nnmo . - sia'.tig Wrtx aud written on the la e- m.nie.^- and # splendid eograxitig tor the Mdeo the “ ^ posed ot geometric lathe work. m.npt•« “ ™,v # ud out dies, which h tvu been turned lur <M nt*fr 1 of I he prop) lelor, b. l)rn, e- K Co., Us»J u» ol Philadelphia. In the centre is a“x’ Win- tfWtdiiR copyright seemed. . c Ala*), Mviilm’s v ‘’ rl »‘ffir 8 rP^ A valuable Family Medicine.beluga V'n,v ot ib* Jf * remedy Tor all diseases arising final ' Pyw 31 geitlve organs, such as Worn « ten. Fever and Ague, Hlecdnig. l He*. - ** bsdfh 1 ' tic-.lic. Hco the Pamphlet (which msy w accompanying tbo VerinDugo. „ .rnRY. Prepared only at SWAIM’S LAnORAr piiilad*h m.u Wand, le.rniii ilftU 4 phis, aud sold by all respective Uruggi* tittles. CAUTION TO TJ'C ruiii.l^ VA „rtM; to observe llisl the namo _ . S VV A I M It spelled correctly on the bottle* sud of i>*J • »Impoaevl on by me.I ew« *“ ‘ n .mc,we» ^ by t person bearing ciilaii#l^‘— ttsoroewhai similar n»n ,c '" oMXA.IENT.srOKTHEU.* 104. ■pr 37 3 mo