The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 01, 1855, Image 2

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re* THE 8AVANMH REPOBLICAN. v. w. alkxandkr & CO., dir nl C«u»«V rr'i»,»r»- m im dwm wrttlm onWti forlKw 1 1 bo t>«ll*v-ih,yiMdi-ak vt'Uif hydrous, |wn>i». >od mlloi TboMtor WCh»th*m will not iirokt »»|K>iliwb>ooMrlk>iitwhlto m»n. uni.m it dlfltn from toy othor ho o.or ««. Thoto wu bin ^A^ANjNAH RKPl|ftJ4CAN, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 1 IH55. . for »U month* *•«« Ckly, in •&v«not.|wr«iiM>m. a&ssag too .0.1* (10 ../* 00 V.v 4 00 ... *00 ,...15 00 SAVANNAH, GA. • Morning, May 1> tflMPH^FORTH^ REPUBLICAN MIocMaaown. now.. New York, April 98. Cone, wu firm Bolurdiy, with on u|.w«rd ton- droop- Soho, *,800 btlro. DKioiMofnoolpie.t ill tbo pom, 908,000 bolN. Col- Ktooop hll burn belli to hull for Ulll In till •ora of .10,000- ThonMl to out down lor tho Tth Slip. Fuborw bu not p« b«n unwrod. Tbo Him eniuniliiM of tho MumoIuuoim I.jU- litnio moor* to-morrow, when It It Rlttwl tho coin- bnted Mn rutonon mil bo rummourd •• o wit- moo Tho letter, recelmt et IVoion on the Afrlei wot. hrootht owr bp Send'ord'e Klprnw cooiponp, lEiiner whom in KtWn will bo bteuitht by mm- NKW YORK CORRESPONDENCE Pbr.lfet KftURMh ItapnbllcM. Nmw York. April 90. Tht Aom««tlo wiTfovor Momi to bo nutting »>wt. »d tbo Indication! now *to that we aliall havo J the oath prohibiting the aale of nn brush with Spain alter ait the "blqwliig" nl the llqoor to negroee without written permiaeion. waa ; filhbuater proa*. Tills being tho oaao public Inter- diereganledi lie know thero wero honoat Uquor j eat very naturally oentroa again In tho airuggle -•*before Bevaltopol. From the tenor of tho last liowa it would not bo aorpriaiug tu hear ul m patch, eduppeaco, which, without tho capture of the groat Ruaeian fortroee, will be humiliating in tho extreme, to the Alliee. There are mightier and mure momontooua ques tion! conneetad with (hie Eurupaan alrugglu tlmn the integrity and oxlatanoo of the Turkish Empire, —than tho winning of thia or that battle,—tho ro dealer* boi as tho great majority or the ehop koep eve eared itotblag for en oath, ho thought tho beet plan waa to prohibit the traffic entirely, except (or raedldual. mechanical and rellgloua purpoaoa. He aaked. what have the slave-holders of Geor gia so much to fear ae the liquor trsffio and tho peeullar population for the most part engaged in it I Mr. Overby uoxt considered tho iliflcronoo be* _ „ (ween tho Whigs and Democrats of Georgia. Tho ' ductlutt of this or that fouroeo.or tho defeat ot this former oeok to put Johnson out of office ; but ! or that party. There aro Issues Involved in it which when It is Inquired, what has he done t no reply ' wore never dreamed ol or cuntrmplatml by tho can be givon, unless it be in thoCherokeo epunties,! great belligerent losdors and govsrninenls. The where eome dissatisfaction exists in reganl to cor- ' collision is undoubtedly fraught with great results tain matters connected with tho State Road. 8<» ; of another kind than Nicholas, or Louis Napoleon If Mr. Jonkina woto now in ofllco and combined I «r Isasrsl ralmerstoti had in view wlioti they pro. the wisdomof Solon and Lycuegua, the Democrats | oipllatcd It. Already wo begin to «ou sonic of tho would cry, “crucify Idm." Tho issue between the ] Irutts, and to bo nble iokuqm (•roily distinctly what two ponies wu not what principles of government * will ultimately colno ul nil this expenditure of •hall rule, but who shall rid#. Tho ban* of con- j Wood and troasuro. Wo nil know to whm a im* tcntlon was tho fixture aotlfijhea. llo did appear , English aristocracy has been brought by thin war, himself m a Whig or a Democrat, llo dosirod to ! a,, d , * I °V * ro beginning to clamor vigorously for suppress tho grogshop system, and was sottish • P®**®* * hsvc seen private letters from soiito of •nough to wish to heal Johnson, Jenkins, mid tho , l * ,Q ‘* r « c, t houses iu Lombard stroei, by the last whole turf. I nul b which speak of the conclusion of an Till: UltlMIAN BXVRNTION. mnig orricut, account. Wo msko the followiug Interesting extracts from tit* French Official statement ol tho reasons which led m tho Crimean oxpsdltion. And first tha In* Htructimw «>( Louis Napoleon v» Marshal Ht. Ar* •and at the commencement ot tits war, dated April 19. Hill. "In placing you. marshal,at tho'head of s French aimy, about to fight st more then six hundred league* from its native land, my first recommends* lion to you i« iu bestow tho greatsst caro on tlio health of tho troops, Iu spars them as much as possible, and not to com© to att engagement unless vmi have made euro of iwo-lblrda at luaat ol the favorablectiancos. . , “Tito putitnsuU of Gallipoli haa boon selected as t|ie dual Plata of dobaikatloO, because It is intended to be, an a strategical point. the basis ol our opera* Huns—that is to ssy, tho 'place d' srmoe,' whore wo ami pluco our depots, ambulances, and provis ions, and whcnco wo can easily advance or ro- cnib.itk. That will nolV»* ,e ‘' 1 ttn »yw tr,>m stationing, if you doom it advisable, one or two divisional" tho barrack! to tho west ol Con stantinople or else at Scutari. “So long us you are not in the presence ol the and vary regrctablo for us. The first was tbo atrala*Is movement ol Prints. Metuclilkoff, who, Instead or sliulllng liimsell up in Sevastopol, march ed towards 8impbor«|Mil, afterwards took the Hold, and kept up his uoimnutilestlon with tha fortress ; tho second was ths bold resolution to sink most of tho ships ol war. s tpolsuro which enabled tho en»my in render ilm port loaceessahlu to ourflneis, and to acquits lor tho dufcnca of tha (dace (rum five to six hundred guns thus set st liberty, logother wltli their aunimniuonjand lo employ their***men as gunners at tho batteries Thus, although the guns of ilia (iiwu at tha first preecniod a formidshta aspuiit. now t,attarirs wors retard na if by enchant- moot, and our (cable aicgo sritllary could not ex* tlnguisli ills lira ».f ilia besieged From this moment tt became apparent to all mat Suvatiopol would nnt bo taken until after a long snuggle, that tlio aid of powerful reinforcements would Ihi requited, and that possibly murderous battles might liava to Im fought Tins situation wee S serious uuo. Ths Generals m-Chlnl Contain- platod it witb that ccJiiiness which aialle s char acter to the lovcl of tha most diflicult responsilnl- ities. This is a proper occasion lor speaking of COMmKRCIAIs RECORD. XAVANNAII XIAIili«T. Mossst, April W, p.M. r;OTTOg.-Thsr* was s fair dtrnsod u^itsf. «©• sslss amounting to H7I Ulo, si Uw Mlowln* psrpes- fs's t irxiaiRX.TCaiRX. li si s.H, tr/Jat «t si"h, A at H-V. IH at tns at V, 174 si UX. ^at •¥. !«»• si PX.MialU 7 IB. list slSX. •»**! * •• "¥ r**ts. Tim msrkst Is flrrn. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS “* " i.n,. for fnlnllrt, M»rir> n . '' 1. n ItBCKlPTR tTp roiTtiR, Pgg r. llAll.tlOAO Msv 1-774 b.lro call..a. si»d U» K*.slai».l fc On, i: Molsnssus. J W l.sibrnp fc Cm. < otsss A IlfUn A It (birdoti, llnairf A (IntiiD'H. O W Oartsan*. J»d.a J oars, lluss, Pa vis k l.<ng, Wjt»ai.e*a, lt»fht, f.sOrop k Rwtiblns, Mr MeCsn, Kln« k Hnfti, Was*er A *:<»•.• stantiar, War Si T'dylor, II' RntwrU, J A Itsrroo, O W ntcks«.o. tV l ( V.mgs, J It folsoms, H f Uupln, a»d PtsrsoD A 11*1-11- Tt.'I.MSA* . ssl II# ss*r|wrk. s TltiS| Iks IsliMl losto, ,8>| ,• , seiUU U'.'linf* !*»♦ l-.i|M | W „ '**'*« i. *'■!.. f r. ‘i. Mrrni »i 7pt a it -tim. skmikoi.i. ru.h, » a. '**• Ut|» »*t ' >h tsn ‘ '* * KBtV VOllK. AUI'II. VS—CnltooRmd*elll»sd |VW, hut .|ro« are saslar. ten nntq«*>tab1} lower, wlta *•!»• of ltr*iti*tas Pl.Hir Is h* *»». with stirs nf 70W» bbts (.riicral Lanfoboit and Lord R%fan, ae history | «|s,.?5a11JV0 « nm—rrlrr* sr* saslar. tut a*.t «|*nu- iti 1 .futAk i.f lilt*.tt I l.a.r, in ■i-i-.ii, 7. -. ■ . . mi. i ...k_i. n. .. Ti. m... ROM 11.11 l.ll til l.u., VIA litlili:*.. Hid •••/. * . , Hl.t.rr, iMil.uir-ai>,H tu, *t Ihs WSHiO I'Ulfi it , . Mb t^»r l-„ t. M ObvSaViL iwwlt) Moral,Rf M IU | .. Skl«.l|pr f’ti »r.sf.|. at th# I'k ' | A* IV Will spuak ot them. Tltstt part t« this gteat acenu lisa Inch the two countries of which they wiold their swords. Placed fnc« to fsco with im* manse obsUulcs, tiiuy iiavucatipiutcd them only to tilutnuh over them by (liuir courage, perseverance, hole turf. I »»wl*which speak of the conclusion of an early egm a choice-armyor V”.™#nun. over* The apeaker next dwelt on tho retail system.; P«* c ® with much confidence. One of them remarks ; K«SlIljVttS^n^M3siIiJ^t«noplii ,r |{ aihuutd"ml|r | * y and mentioned several shocking murders which 1 (bat Lord Johu’a orders wore to conclude a pence at' * " ‘ have l.tflv roan 11 art iron. .Irinklna i.r.ii>« ail hatarila! Tilt, saouai to ihta w.r !■ Iiii.u'iii. Uiieniy, tliu dislocation of )’our lores* will ba ol j end devutedm aa. '1 ho army sustained by tboir Ntsinli moment, end the prosenco of votir troops st . example, lias homo all without complaining; nx- CoiiMautinonlo may produce s good moral effect; j posod to all tlio rigors of a terrible winter, having but it, by uhaiitfo. alter advancing on the Ualkans, b» prnanrvo them Iroin the cold, tho snow, tlmtor* you should bu constrained to »«a\ a retreat, It tents «*t ram, nothing but pus, and small untvsa* Wind.I bu I ar muro advantageous to rcgsiti the lot; it li*o lafisrd to vacnlica lor thu honor of the coast ol Gallipoli than tliSi ol Constantinople, J Hag and tlm country, or t«» gam the confidence of for the Hu.nuiiis would nsvur venture from Adna* ! the chiefs whom it had learned on the fluid ol bat- noplo to Coustanttncple,leaving aa they would on tie to love and honor. thotr ngut u choice army id OO.OOOmom Jf.jiovor^ J |n t»rdor duly to u^prociatu the immense difiicul .Mite cntcrpMsi*, the statement next proceeds to biy lower. Vsic* *AT1«** ttuvkvts. P'-fk- Tim »s*- krt Is firm wtlt. ae upward tiRdcecy "bl Mm. RIB IR • In-V-*»; new 117.50: Pnm* Riooslt/W. Heel -Th* vtiwrk.-t t« firm . I.ard-1b* dtaiket is •#•». WMskj — W..l|^*Osj VI.. TiV/' Com i ihiii.i .hh. . Cl.,-. -I. . .. ■Turo^TTMlit-i,«. j ,.vt■ l —*fu< UI‘ >.»,UrRm ir , **». >»>H I llRIII.Cviin lit,.,. Tt-. i*.,. ,k->u., Rale* «»f 'Mil., si f..rm« f r*»es—n,a*kvi Dim Of'.c»r1ss i,i, i-afJ hi »• ■Htfi•*. at 1# «*'te<*S, hi o. are Arm. TuMwnltnw-sptrtu U »,t«a«»-»'*i W.U «< wt at 43.X’sM. is big her. Rtlsa St RlAjalOX. Rice i* (Inn at IV'AafiAn. MOlill.I’.. APItM. VC, P m.“f5ol|i#n— Prices to-Csy Sr>’ seinewliat easier, sales '.f atx.ul l-W balsa bstlnr bee., ma<1s J Urn »a»kel ciosln* at t»Xat#X «»••« b»r aii.Mm.mi . , „ I fe-yi.u—bark Johu I’ajsnn eu*Sk»d tut IUmios at H cm#«. ' fttniMiu KnttUiorticc. All Pstft.: pa>abta«.« i».« «t„< syr n fs >>•' r-itiM;iv v-»u. i ... lsr|>*rkrl **tr “ J 1*. will tor q*rlrk ditpa'eU </» *l* trust.I r»r r te.(e aj V, re* y I r<>t itVi.Tiw sebr U ll.l.IA v» I i -- »e dlipa’ci, a. apply «*r« bwa#<i a! 7< *#' M\. .SU •S;*-T5 4ikJ;;, will bate t xplam to tbosu who aro ignorant of It, in 1ST In ordrr to give ths employess ot this of- 6cs as Cffortsalty to patticioate to the f-sttvilie* «.d May Day, oo paper will be issued by us to-tuor- row, XST TWrs will be a total eclipse ol tbs moon Ibis ertaiag. lbs whole ot which will h* tiaiMs in Sostb Aassm<A,swdfn all of inhabited NorthAmer- Ksestt’ot lbs Missisuppt, hut only the latter patt » CsdiVcata asd Ocsg.vrt. The ediiww will take place is Daw as follows: Eclipse begins May I, flk 19a,P. M- Total eclipse begin* 1 Oh. 57m., T M Eclipse whollv end* May V, lh lm., A. M. Ths echpee begins on the eastern side of the moon, tS deg. from US northernatost point. ty-Tv. bodies id Mr. Landcnhine and Mr. Rowland vrer# found yesterday, the farmer near the lower end of Fig Island and th* latter on the Carolina stda ot ths river near Dr. Daniels* plants- Hoc. 1ST It will b# seen that ths Rev. Mr. Milburn will deliver a coune of throe lectures at Armory Hall, commencing to-morrow evening He enjoys tbs reputation of being an eloquent lecturer and a gentleman of dtcidrd ability. tjT It will be seen that Mscsllister has been compelled to defer tho opening ol his “temple of msgio** until to-morrow evening. On his arrival her* he found it impossible to erect his stage and put the Hall in order by this evening. He expects, however, to have everything ready by to-morrow, when all ha asks to "astonish the natives," is an opportunity. W. A. Everett, whose arrest on sutpicion of negro Mealing we noticed in our last issue, was brought up before the Mayor yesterday. Th* proof against him was very strong, but the owner of the negro.Mr. Rutherford, being indisposed to prose cute, th# Mayor gavo him until 9 o’clock lost night, to leave the city, which wo doubt not he did The negro was held subject to the orders of Mr. Rutherford. F'lft I IMIMIT , r. #i iu> «.r t-y '*< »:i.\ 11 thti» 1 t - AtHXNJKUII—Mr. Falter a Benefit —We would ceil attention to the cxlollont bill presented at the AthenBum this etoning, and to the announcement ol Mr-Fuller’s benefit io-m.»rrow night. It will be seen that he will bo assisted on tho occasion by his "better half," and by Mr. J. M. Weston, whoso acting here some year* ago gave *o much pleasure. No actor who has visited Savannah for a long whils deserves more at tho hand* of the public than Mr. Fuller; ho is a capital n median and a gontleman ; and we trust, and mdcuJ believe, tho patrons of the Drama will sh w their appreciation ot him by paying him the compliment of a full house. Ulr. Overby’s Address. W# present below a brief synopsis of the address delivered by Mr. Overby, the Temperance candi date for Governor, at Armory Hall,Saturday night, that our reader* may undemand the exact position which be occupies. A large audience, embracing many of the most reepeciatilo mon in the city, was present. W hen waraechsd the Hail. Mr. Overby was speak ing ol tb* wanton disregard by the Is#'. Legislature, ol the petition asking for some legislative change in regard to ths licenso laws of tho State- Th* Nlitioo, If w« understood him correctly, was signed by 7,000 women and 9,000 Veters; yrl tho wise men who composed the Leg.slature treated it with tha utmost disrespect, ilo was at a loss to understand how a man could refuse any thing when asked by a woman ; and hence he Iu it inexpressible astonishment when the Legislature spurned troni its halls tho respectful petition ol 7,000 wites, mothers and daughters. It is charged, he said, that the present movement is prematura. He confessed that lie never know before that he had so many Iriend*. Letter* were pouring in upon him from all parts of tho State, telling him that the people were t>»i prepare.! lo? tliu question, and that hi* candid ary would only injure bfmsolf. He did not oolievo, however, that tbo movement was in advance of public opinion in Savannah, judging from recent demonstrations, nor in Augusta, Macon, Columbus. Atlanta, Ma rietta, Casville, and other towns. Nor was it m advance of the sentiment of tbo honost farmers and mechanics ol Georgia. Tho people had been folly apprised of the assembling of the Atlanta convention ol the Mod hebruary. Attention had been called lo it through at loast fifty papers in the State, which waa more than coubf be aaid ol Whig and Democratic conventions. Tho people, therefore, were not taken by lurpuc, Many «>( the best men of the Huts attended as dolugato* ; (Ary did not think it premature to nominate a can didal*; and consequently Temperance rrien, of all others, should not complain. Th# speaker declared bimielf to be in favor of the enactment of a law prohibiting tho salo of liquor in any quantity to t»« drunk at the place of eale. He said morever, that he was in favor of me repeal of tbs present license laws, though he would retain in the I'enal Code all the pains and penalties denounced against crimes growing out of the liquor traffic. In Ihe upper portion of the Stale, he said, ths young men, especially if they made aoy pretensions to respect ability, would not be caught la e regular grogcry ; but dry goods rnsr* chants war* in tho habit of keeping e little “par* ticulsr" under their counters end in their cellars, and It was at suoh placet that the y«ung learn to tipple and than to get drunk, ilo desired a law which would reach these “respectable*' drinking place*,as wall as the gm shops. Much es he die* pised tbs latter, ha had more respect lor ihem than for the dry*goodsgrogenee, as ihry worked openly. He had been aarpriscd in lit* ramblrs through Sa vannah by tbs large number „f signs over the doors purporting that the proprietor was "L censed to Retail Liquor." If* thought ihere ***§ * great deal ot bsd Itquor drank In Hsvannah, Ul he l,k*4 to see this mark over the door, and thought it should bo plscad over lbest)Irene* to tho eeubltehmsnia in the country lo which hs had alluded. As to tha constitution*! right of the Legislature to prohibit lbs ssl* of liquor, hs did run ihmk it necessary tu discuss it The right was too plain to require argument In tegatd the proptisty of legislating upon moral questions, lie n##d only esy there was n<» Isw embraced In our iVnal (.’**d# which to uot fou'duj upon a tn»t a | principle- Much was true of all penal ruacfrntnU from the lime of Moses down to lha present day. W* punish men for gambling—for using their own money In aa Immoral way—and he eouisudsd that w* might exercise tb* ism* power to lh#0) ,,„ m snaking baaata of tharnselvas, and triaging their familie# to rain and starvation. The Leglsltluro bsd already put a mark upon the liquor traffis as fasting and degrading as that upon tb* brow of Cain, by requiring thoss who •ngsg* to U to obtain a It cause, and to |*k«an oath which forbids thsm to sail to negroes without a written order. Why wars not merchants and f***'org required to take out licenses f IU would tie *Ud to know »«•#, hoe H#* «onah negro^a man eye lo gst druhk II* did uot pelts*# lltelt own* drunknnnosa. lie called upon tho people, in view of aueh facts, to discard all political ellisncea, and invoked the ci«-o|*«ratum of ail paitiea, sects.and rvliiions. In support of tho causo of Temperance. He was not superstitious, yet ho could but drew & favorable augury front the fact that bo was nomi nated on the 33d February, the birth day of Wash ington. He wound up with a (imp-meeting nrouaement, telling members ol the church that the issue with them was one-sided: they must support tlm Tom* | peranee cause or declare in favor of an active, sub* sitting evil. Mr D.'dge, the new Snantoh minister, has re ceived his instructions. He is expected to sail in the next steamer. Sail. VBRsi's Steam.—Tbo clipper ship Non pareil, ol Philadelphia, Captain Dunn, made the para«age from the i-apcs ul Delaware to Liverpool Ducks in thirteen days, equal «o twelve day* from Now York, or eleven from Boston—boing about the quickest passage on record. Another Version or a Spanish “Oitraok"— It was recently stated that tho brig Hickman, uf Riston, had been fired into tiirco time*, on the Spanish coast,brought l<», end her papers exam ined. A communication in tho St. John (N. U.) News, signed “A Passenger.” who says he was on the barque Thalia, a Uriti#h vessel, gives an other version ol the affair. Ho saya the vrjsel on which he was a passenger was in tho vicinity when the Spanish cruiser appeared. His vessel— tho Thalia—immediately hoisted her colors and fell to tho Ire ol the cruiser this being, he says, a customary mark of cuuticty towards a man ot war The compliment thus paid was politelv answerod, and the Thalia permitted to past on. The writer then adds: Tho Hickman, of Boston, next esmo within hail of the Spaniard; ami instead of doing na we did, hoist his bunting, Umt it might bo seen that h« belonged to a civilized country, ho d >gg<*dly attempted to nmveaway, not dmMYsed to tell Ins country. The S,.ania-d (not knotting hut the schooner might bo * pirate, or a M (jlld>uster. M ) fired a blank shot across his bow to, bring Imn to his senses. This had no effect A rec<>nd phot wrs fired seri ns :|ie stum ol the schooner; and ns these two hint* «>id not produce any effect, tho •Spaniard pitched s hall towards the hull «>f the Hickman. I Ins brought the schooner up The voswil was overhauled, and sntr«red to depart irt* ter tho ollkor who went on board found out she was a legitimate trader. Tho Exyosltiun uf a,nut* IVupolron, (From tbn l#oiit).,n Times, April t'i.) Tho clear, though elnborate statement nf the military operation* of die allied armies m tlio East, which has been putdish'd t v the French Government m tho .Voutirur, will t‘>« read m ntl nans of the world with intense interest, tor the Emperor uf the Frsnci< pays a not undeserved h. mag- 10 tho lorcrt and justice ol public opilii n, by sutimttiing the whole course of a campaign and an expedition not yet concluded to the • ntictsm, of France to the knowledge »>l our adversary, and to the judgment of foreign nations Wo cm,less that wo oursflvo# hn\o pninsed ilu« lomarkntdo decumem with a degree of snnafarti »r, which is increased by th- unexpected di-ei,very that itu* strategical opinions expressed in ill's journal from the eorninenccninni <d tiu-se operaiioiiH are idoutl- c«l in every point, savo otio, with tho views enter- tamed by the French government and its military advi-era In atteinpting to defend tlis*o «,p ni ( ,n« by such afgufoenta as « ur own know ledge «•! tho theatre ol opera!n-na nnd ol the nrt id «ar enabled us to snggo-t, we certainly were quite uncmim nnis that the very same |Miii|ts were thoae «iti which tho cabinet ol the Tuilerie# relied f >r tho snce« s*ol tlio expei|iti.,|i; hut, although, aa in am to Iu- the ease tn tho e-mduct ol military aflaue, many unt«rse« n dlflicultiea have arisen, nnd tho result In* not vet I belli* qua) to mir r act dices end our • xpeclntu-ns. I wo remain un«h.ik<n in uer eonvutmn Hint the j mam-tfa'cgieil movement* id the last rampiign j j were |>-fleetly sound, and that, in tact, n>» others* j Could reason ihly h*»e been attempted I [I’srt*. April 11.fl P. .tl. r'„ir*.«ji»indei,r*i«d the Tim,# ’ Tlio great event of to-day in Tan- is tho article in the Montlenr, the sense of winch l wra* enabled to give in a lew word* yesterday. It Will he I,,I- lowed by am.thor, equally if not Ntill more inter* e*tmg, nn the political, as this is on the military niieaiion Tho article ra generally at'ritmivd, amt f liavo a lino reason to eustier: wiiu truth, t . \| A dr* Ligrierrnnierc, hilt it bears evident marks of living been touched by tho hand ol th” Emperor, particularly in me scientific or technical p.iris. That tho tono ol tins article i« wjilik" cannot be doubted, hut the impression pr<» l ,ccd in high poll'ical quartet* is, that tho plan <d military nper ! stlons hitherto followed is b»m,01 to ho modified, ImiUciwino the Vftstnest of tho (mdt^tnWma, »* ag.iuiNt Seva*to|,ol, and thn siipormrity of tin* Hu** I ran* in position and rna’orial. would hir dly be I dwelt on •<> much As I observed yetltrday, tho [ rleaire In dmcngagu, nr rather cover, the (rupon-l- btlity ol thn|»eri,r la manliest , and tho taulta in rtmiogy that have timm cidlimiltnil are to Im imputrul to other* than himself. U’l. rnav, I suppose, asaumi' It as correct that the tna'iuctmna, of which cxriacta Ml -l| .ITIIV O41, ynu Will IIS-O I" %..,|IIU nil UHM*. i w w _ _ ..... ... monarch* and pontiffs will disappear Irum tho Inuo standing with Onier Fsshsaud L*»rd Raglan res- | ”1 tVitVeii. V ivie.iie>,’c A I. l^msr. \v k H Melet; of the world, as their tinsel theatric il counterfeits) pectmg Hie adoption or one of the three following situamn ot the town and the bay j w»-mk J.a Hsrrnn. ^ plans - I, Either tn march and meet J ho Russian* do through Ihe trap-doors of the stago. Tho fact that tho American party have got nn ally m the l«oudou Times, seems in excite tho ire ol tlio luaionists, who i«y that the Times only ap plauds tho Know Nothing doctrino because tho English people would like to sco tho emigration from Ireland to America effectually chocked. At the annual dinner ol tho St. Grorgo’n Society oil Tuesday evening, Judge Campbell inudo n humorous speech m tho course ul which he remark ed that tho cardinal principle of tho American party was for “ Americana to govern America." This sentence elicited unbounded applause I on tits Balkans. 3. Or to eoixe the Crimen. 3. Or 1.1 land, say at Odcasa, or at any other spot on the Russian coast of the Bites So*. “In the first case, Varus seem* to mo tho Import* snt point lor occupation. ’Hhe infantry might ku to it by sea, nnd tho cavalry more easily perhaps by land. In im caso ought tho army ever to re move too lar from the Black Sea, in ordor that tt may have its cuimnunicatiunsconetaiitlyopou with tlm fleet. "In the second caso'tho one concerning tho occu pation of the Crime*. it l* necessary above nil things to tin sure of tho landing place, in order llMl the disembarkation may be effected at a dm* • mce tram the oncrily, and that this placo my he apahlo of being fortified quickly, so that it may may add that nine-tenths of tho Ktighth population I serve no n support in case ol s retreat ol this city sympathise heartily with the piiuciplo j of the Know Nothings, and always have, fong before the sccussmn to their tanks ot tire 7’Auinfer* It lloirer*, A I*..uer, t R \Va»i,«* k H'Minnr.. Kelly kr,i, N b k II Wr«|, Wall# k VrfSIlUt, Midi* Si Johnston. W 11 KliulH.rmsh. PsUen, Muvon St ‘ Wrlitirr k Panne*. T It Mill#. J II Moors A C*. H D llraintey l#ro, J II# .rUr A ho, «l,»*i|>fon A tVatU, —.... fcl .. . I’Misiupiiin A IKifthtohoiiM, J Rtcbel, K llaviisni, .rlMsIr, Hllltfllib’. It It ft llanrinr A llajwno,!. I.nckctt A AM.lll.g*, A Nliert. J Wifnatos, — -—*- The capture of .Sevastopol ought not to be nt' tempted, titilert you are provided with at least hall ii buttering tram and a great many tacks of earth. When you approach that place, do not neglect »’* - , seize ilalaklava, a small port situated four league* i i r ituii|#lied over the greatest difficulties ol 1 staled In my Inst that tho tido of emigration i lo the south of Sevastopol, and by moan#iorwhich ! „ ul< , NU d b./undatile defonec. Danizic, pr« «r E«o,..._p.«i c „,„, y —.j - ‘ about reversing. I am further informed ill it ail the | "It, the .lord case, that in which an enterprise eight vcascU lor Liverpool ami three lor Loudon] slutild be resolved on in concert with tho admirals now on tho berth all have largo passenger lists "gainst Odessa. * * . * * Ttw.mmibwor „! IS now cm tho berth all havo largo passenger lists booked. The number of immigrants mu vet nt this port smeo 1st January is 33,13d, agimrt 4*1,117 tame lime last year. Decrease, 3j,3N3. At AMI (TrA.V. received rti.* I’rivato letters are said to liavo lieou from General Canrobert and other superp in t»‘e Crimea. They complain of tho tnjuvtico ol | . y- nr troops umtod ; lor a compact mass «*| 40,000 j men is *• way* an imposing force; broken, it is w«,rtli nothing. “It, however, you are obliged to diviJo ymr army, make arrangements for reuniting it on sonic i 34 h -urn. which i# traversed by war steamers, which forming i him. w m w -.tirj. l.ynn a i‘older. Here, t»*vi# a many mu.'.blo buurlM. in.r b. omployed iu I » ■»>' Vyv"- './V flank and protect all the drlenaive works,foe.,foe., are all remarked upon at length. The statement otmdudrs as follows: The history ol modern states dove not present an ciumpln of n mote difficult, more glorious enter prise, or one which tlio very grandeur "I the ob stacles it presents, agree# more nearly with tlio tin por'.anco ol its object, and that ol the ststra rn- gag'd therein. I'lw stego of Sevastopol haa ■cnrcoly nny iinsfogy with any other tn out mi'uary annals. To attack a placo which is not invested, when the enmiy, superior in number#, may recruit . »ub m .f, pruTi.i.m. .ud romM, !(•*«* b,l aud when ho keeps tlio field, I* an act of auda city which could bo ittictnpied only by I'^ngisnd and Franco united lor an object necessary lor Eurejio. Tliu siege of I)-ttit7ic hi* fo-en much admired as >t those in which her, i»m united with sncnc* ‘ dieti* . . ’Cted hv tli«* Vistula, tho cttiboachure of which iti the lUttic it closed by the fo»t ot Verihschuuode, wae hi a situation equally unfavorable to a complete rr investment; still it was possible to take a p'Witmn oil tho river huwecti the fort which closed its ‘mouth and tlio town, and so |to intercept it* com munication with the sea and invent the place — tony, v\ This is w hut was done under the orders ol General l.cti hre. But yet although the place was enclosed within our line* <d attack, notwithstanding the pro* • sence m tho ueightKirb'V'Mi ot th*i Emperor N«p>»- , who covered tntasrege at tho head o| s tinnier* nriiiV. and puralyiw-d lire succour o| Prussia and AT II EN .El Ji: Last Night but Pour; Tut.dur Mr n. M i„ hv iiMikr MR. W. H. CRISP, Will i appear In t * I)()N C-E.SAl! I)K !'• \/A.Y, lb tfcr firaaa »' \l* llg , ' public opinion with respect t # them, ol the unroa sonsblo impstienco uf persons who aro not ac quainted with tho place, nor tho difficulties ul rho siege, nor the obstacles that have been cncu-mtvred. Tlwy add that tlio siege works are going on well, and that before fong an important result may bo expeclod. Tha “important result" no doubt has ruforence to the assault so fong expected an 1 so long poetpenrd. Judge l)uii|iii« nndJilsMiifrv, Thn following remarks wore made by Judge Douglas during the late session uf Cmigreo* ( Mr President: The ••-tutor Irom liniu Mr Wade lua invaded tho circle of my re:.»* (ion* in search of matortals for Ihe impoaUiu. ..t of my ufticial action. Ho has alluded i..cvit» i Aiiitlieru Iiiterc»l9 which he intimates th.t I t - s . and remarked, But wii.-ro tho treasure in. ,firr- •• •• heart i« rImi. So long a* th« • atem-ut, th it I w i« one oi the largest slaveholders m Aup-ncn confined to the itMu|,,n newspapers U n.l stump orators, 1 treated it with silent contempt, i w. ,i„t gladly do so on this occasion, were it not for me fact that tho reference t« mado m my pre-enre t y s senator for the putp .so ot ttupuimg to me a mer cenary motive lor my official rnnduci. I.’nder these ciiciimsianei-e, silence -m my part m i.-gard to the tact, might constructed tm>. a conb ••t«»n ol *nilt in reference to the tnipeachmout. r iio.i % v 1 therefore say to the scnaU r. his insinuation is false and he known it |,i be to so, it lie (ms «>v<-r seurahed the rce.irda or ha* any reliable mfortna- IPm upon the subject. I am n«t the owner ol a slave, and never have bevu. nut h«»c l ever re ceived, and appropriated to my «>wu u>«-, .ii- il i lar earned t»y sieve labor. It is true tint I once had t-ndared to me. undur circuina'ances gr.iidui to my feeling#, a plantation with a large inunti. r "I sfovc* up*'ii it, winch I declined tu ncr.-pt, n*>t because I had any synipatby woh 4h-»li«i<,ni*tN . r the ub-.litnm muvciiieni; bn for the r,'#<»n that, being a northern man by birth, by oducation md residence, and intqnded slwa|a to rent-in •uch.-t waa impossible for me lo know, undcretsnd and provide for tho wants, comforts and happme*- ,»t ill"#., people. I refused Iu accept them tree a u# • I wav unwilling lo arwiirmi rosp"tisibilltie# wlrt-h I wm liicap.ihlo ol liiltillmg. This tart i# reirrr. 1 lo in the will of mv lathcr*in-iaw, a- a r.-a- n !,.r leaving the plantation and s'avra lo Ii •• nv datightcr, (who Im-cjiiio tho mother ot my mtant children,' a# her •eparsto and exclusive i-Ntat-.with the request tliat ii sho departed ill's In- wiiiumt surviving children, the slaves should tw crnam-ipat rd and sent to Liberia at 'he t-xpenra . | jn-r >•». ' late ;but in the event she slvod'l leave *u(%t\o\g children, lire alivca ah-xild descend to them, under the Ix’h'd, expressed in the will, that thoy w,,u,d be happier and better ofl w ith ihe descend Mil# ol the family Wnh Whom they had lieen tern and Mi-ed, than in a distant fond where they might find ii-, trieoil to care for them This brief -tan, 1111-111,101*11118 to private and ifotneMtc nil,us, which ought to bo jioriniltcd to remain private iu>d sacit-ti.l h«Wn extottvil amt wnmg it >m no- » pj, extreme relticiance, even in vindication id tun purity ol my motive in tbn |»orforiiiaiico o| a high public trust. An the truth compelled run to siognlivn the in. Blnu.iti"ii an i IfeiiNively made by tlio renut.-t ti- in Ohio, G'kI fort>ld that I should In, und-ret -d t v an) one »n b-mg willing to east ((••III me any ree|*oii#iti|litv that now does or ever |n> ,.iinr'„ d to snv mnnlx'i «>| my lamily. So aa lit.- nt.nli last—ami I shall thensh with re'igip, s vm orat'on the mem-ry and virtue# of the sauu,,l m-iher ,.| my chiidr'ii—••• long „* mv heart shall t.n tilled with parental No,ieiMido lot tbn bappoo «n •( I tfiosu in"ilp-rlcM infonts, I implore mv , inline*, w||., N . ruthlessly invade thn domestic tnm tnary, to do me the laVor In fo'lievn, th,t I have ip- w,i»|i, , no aspiration,|n I,.- c nsidvred purer or fe»iter ili«n •lie who wav,or they wfo . * # , , « , <uk min., nun ,'n, — n - .1 ■ ... v i.-k, - i ik..ik khu It o» thn march It forms sovorel columns, fix Danizic rc-t.ud day* from the C1o»1>*'»rn A 1'unnlwihNtn. atel »iWi, Vrhr fiulntir, i.V,»i it, Mss#au, Fi*. mot, Srlii Vtniucvn, llnol.e*, i.'ara.len, Mr. I.laie, to Carl* l*!n- p Hi,1st,did. WonblDfUni, Hapetlo It ref, to Itivt’o. t i i»V»» 4 I Oltnn, fci»4 IIIiSh, to N A liktdts I A I'ft. and i*lu-lc>rn A < unnKurban,. nT'iil'ii#, I Kerb-re, Ptlvik*. Ac. u> Car i,. 125 bsfo# I'pUnd aod!2dns| CoUnn, hiiie*,dear •kin#. Ar, to Hetim, A Vutoloi.fa, . Tfo.o ». Mirk*),( A t*sr-ntw, W King A (*><•«, A H UaftMilgr, ai d Hr ul sin, Krlly A f«. Hies'nef I'ltnirr. • ••rl,,r> ntrevlllsgr, Ae. to V Wonu le*. bate- h i IV'lUtn, 2d bbl# spit Turpen'.ibt, 0 V Wooltry, and Itnuier A iKtmmell. PAVkl.MIKItN Per »learner Planin', fo tn I'eturevUlsx*. Ae—Atrx >|e|i..r,a!.t, J U *|<JI -i-g. I#,]) tn-l t, •»•». f. vl#, Mrs Uro«i, >lr and Mr* J M «, and i in#liter John*, ir in Pals'kt. Ac—J B'S'en. J I' lle»ld 1‘spt • olrall. I'# A leafier. ' apt J M Hr)#e. R l.aptf. i: Ts'.t,, la-lj an; c'oW. 'I •• ' o»f, J Prn'l. V. I<, Y * «• i e»t>i, . II l a etc*',. It llutm Mi»» Vsr, Ve chen, It | I;..,fH Tompkins, \ Dai auk l»#huf.>. ,N Io«n«ebd, T DaV t, sod 7 deck. rit:Moii%M»A. Sew York. April VC—Cleared, bs'k KlUbt, fc*f Vkimal,; brig J ipjeluian, fur JutAsr>bVlllr, FU NeN,p..u. i.t,,-. April 7— Arrived, Hr Hark Hurttivh, Iruu. -»»*i.iiti llior, April V —ArrDel, bs'k Do-:»f-rr»J, fr>.tn m- POOR PILLICODy The Coraican llrntiim Which ha# b««-o th- «r» . . , prepsratpKi w:., ir, :rr..**«j “AT II E N .I; U M7 MR. J. B. FULLER, • Rnepr/trui.l.v snn< t a I* H]t B 33 N 33 F I rp Urdnevilay l.vr >• At. Via) X«. Wbeo he Wt:: bite ire e «m>u4 ^ M ^ t.%> U4 I'ue J,* .l\* ■nivh lt\M miUUHAT. Who has m^«t kiod'v pr- f! • f. wrt.tas upon a point ol reunion sufficiently distant Irotit „ the enemy to provont any column b«iug attacked I singly limning of the trcnclii-s. At a Inter poriod, alter he retreat ul Moscow, ths town, occupied then by thn French, did m t cjpituiate until alter a defence fc.j. , • . , inn i rcnrri, ijiu m i c.ipnu a;e uum aucr • unriice If you repulse Ihe Kussisns proceed no farther ‘ wtn« h lasted a veer, ag-nusl a combined attack by _ ... ,j, # Austrtsna join In tho ] * • • ' than ilm Danube, unl< movement. “An n general rule, every movement ought to lie concerted with the Commander-in-chief ul the English Army It iaonly un certain exceptional occasion*, a# when tho estety of the army is con* ecu,ed that you ahould act on your own aoledcci- . and by land. We might multipiy examples, but tbo foregoing will suffice to show Unit tho Anglo French army in the Crimea has performed there all thit waa to fe? expected from U»c. urage and the ability uf ila rbtefe It tu# tu t only exhibited constancy and tirnitoa* in the midst of suflVrmgs and perils; by adding the glory of Inki'rman to that n| Alma u ha# raised »ull iiigher the honor ot "Ut arm# We ought t" inq»w th*: tile end of it# noble efforts will •y to ] bo attained, hut utiauiinoua opinion already sc* ' knowlrdee*, and lu#t.■»>• will one day repvat, that it h-<s inrritidtho admiration and the gratrude of “Marehal, l havo full confidence hi you; lam convinced that y<*u will remain faithful m these tn ••tu -tious, and that you will bring fresh gb our oxgloa." Thes'atemont next proceeds to givo the res* •'■ns which govurned the Allu^a in their campaign nt Varna, why,they did not pursue the memy across the Danube, foe., and then ukos up the Expcdl* , lion to tire Crimea, as follows . Bui wliat eould the a»a<ici*ted generals do at' Vmn aiur tbe retreat id the Ruwoan army I— ' Could they remain in s state ot luaclivity winch w>.u d hive brought on «l|sc(Hirsgcnient, and by whutv the pre«ltg* of our flag would tnv« im-vo ably suffered I Such an Nltitude ws# lorbiddeii to our, Mh by uiilnary honor and political iut«'ie»i II wingooco taken a (xwition on tho | git at the^ifo, tboro ho on mrval, omneihing .. ^ .... .. . niu-t b« dome, out soldiers tnus have s cosltost'ive , u now said to tench; our enemies must liavu something to fear. Euo p. mast feel the ambitious dc* ro ,-f follow u,g us. whilu it would be our duty lo g*ve her tho , r toward I»*r th» l*r. ojg-ef.ut.tty of buKortr.g us and adttvting u« — *1 ti 11 in, ii romo to the qucs'.ion ot operating upon iIn' Cr nn*. An I'Xi’cdilion against Sevastopol might prnba biy bnateo the catsstropbe ol tbe war Such an i'Xp«Nlitt.<n bad a dctcruonx'e end It might po# sibiy put m:o the hand#<d the silica s province and a winch could Iw us< d a* a gurran-'i o ar>d a nn-an# eichangc in the event <d negotia tion for peace. Deeply inlhirnred by these eon t»-rati--n«, ill* generals in command of the force* rated up -tt the plan, but delayed for a tun* to the w-',rid ; V We bate expUtmsl themtlttsrv e««nduct "(the al'i. d g ts Nine#* the cortimencernent • ftho j Eastern exfo-lit'ori With the unto precision and , iinj-irtin’ity *h*il treat of the negotiations, their v..ii-'u» phase#, their rca»i(i#, and their aim# l.iverpnnl, April D»—Arrived, rblp Warbler, from ] Sevsuukb lO>MfoM.7.S |*rf #*hr W Hrnitb. t'»m Sew Yo-k, 'repov*H v*s * Met,ii K Futrer, Dri*tis>n, |Krllv A Cv». O II Held, Champion A Walt*, M A • »ben, A , ligtu:, i.'envllli. A l*o. lltX'er A Camrr-e'l, J I.vnrt a ,', J Ii M,»>re A Co,T R Mill*, hif #>•(>• llr l III,' , I. I’*-*'«I# V 1'.., III.**, tlsvt# A If t. Wei • A Vot'l' e. W I* Ynltf, W «., Ch»C*r A « ., J A I'fovu , C H • smpArld strl Other# Per *chr I',- ...ii, Ifii, -re York, .reported ve*ter- day. 1 "*»if. A («. W V| Dsvliiwri, Weil# A VvrsfHe, J Hui:-»»I., 7 H Wsvi.eA -..n, vt \ r,,hen, K Pare t.» A - t.,i*r, Du • A foo v. Uf k’Hxm, Kellv A • o.l'M ho i, v r.,r,mr,«h»m. . A |v._. i,. W W (;<*>)• Wrb, 1. N I’,. tf m. V. i Wu*e». > > >.»rap!o» A * Dai,x K Wavnbo'n, II -ir in*--. Johr—.r. A ■ o. W e 1 - A Paltnr-N, • rane k liolgrr#. N |: A II Wool, l‘ !* A GENTLEMA.S AMATELR. <t x- I u ler. *r.d a p-po’sr m»rnr>er ■ • t*t M&lt w, . s.» t;-pu: • a th.# . cc»i a yni.j.n. m i>t«v Iir.l (OtUMl r. o’ UK WM, « C. tlLS /I oiD r..» F.r*t A; pe*re->c« n a.vt; »«w MRS. J. B. FULLER, W 1.1*44 Ler s»J. Ilk. j u i j"t>«« Ti A S' TJ AjKtial Notitto. rt ii r i i soi v av -r- Tit Mil. •« I, • e T'U"* 1 m«up a , them lluute " Hr.»u4l»b»4Hir*o«, ' cadet app nntments at the ary Academy, for I9S\ »o 53^Anmrg tli West Point Mi! notice the na’i e of one Go, rg. Ttiuma#. lion. Henry A Wise has *p -k« n ISO hours do* g ilie prrm-nt pulpiest canvas* in Virginia, and ‘ Ik, quite *ect>)e The Dubuq io Tr ter* - , •' X' 1 "? 1: iron N*-e l WITH i:. to Hrcitfo fo it e re- lintel, Uxdeqh* Pswl THE TOODLB8, TIMOTHY 1UOOLEA - VR r LELR Thi c».«. "r ft Si: . a Aergv-nut tUvIrilld t!> v i,«:eRU n 11ANM I M . mi...**., bt Km Fta* I'opulur Itntsrr . . fij V .k, (tua The Man Without a Head. Illiltv loti* a op ... He ; v .< net \«t t tt l 4 1.1. Te—r v r.»n g it.. a»i t.», h* /V RAVI. PIIII.MhD K .#-- : • , . I i" •• 4 I »1 P IU l t.\ It! \ »'. nttt.t \ i c, ti n i.» u no h..i#ts the nvtne «-f ift-n* deucy. St J >mi tbn Evangelist iKptsco- .. , N V . wav lately entered and i of $300 w ,rth ,,| velvet, suriilice#, 1 v.ks, ppors. r. ii r. • ; v i Th« church pa i at JNiurki' Ac «r^.' \ (*h>csg’> p-a;»er sncnti ms a rumor that either ii .‘-tiirlds . r Mr Breckinridge wil| t tt te ;> >mioUg"Vcrn,,r ol Minnesota, vice Gorman, ii -vod. ul o t.l f, put tt into IL *ub|i' W-?!. S .' 'V n .' 1 "! I i -Vi.irBwrmy'«.MMro". ro’nro i'!',!,’, III tell on the army,and tirero in lible doubt they | like #m. are intend'd to do vo, but It would have ••■•mpleted ' tho Hides given >,1 Bin forethought and judg.-im-nt of ibe Ktii|Hjr,,r il ill" Marvhal Wuro nlivn tn i* brin them- I have said that thn article I ered at intondrd to prepare thn army arid Bin oaii-m for thn trsnsler of thn operation# t<> some otb'T place, nod opinion i* merely divided at t-> the lo. cslity. -inn tmlinvn the 'ln-atro will ho in aiioth'-r part ortho Crime* , others that the lr<> ,pa will nuitiark and pf'cmd towards Ode-ax. nnd Ihtii the w«r wi I be earned on in Bin southern provinces <-! Bitaaia, under Bio direction ol tho Emperor huntcif. [*>»■» ||« » Ar,«ri4s X.’aynrer.} Th#» MglttliiMiene iti tlio World “Could a Christian community nxi#t and stand erect in the lamily ol civilized nations, and «fo Mid lie sb"ins in utter darknwu f For w hat do we -en wb„n »look around us I *| h« ft'it,.Ii Islandshfoz* ing wnh three hundred li-glit# , Frauen, with m .rn than „n» hundred and lify , dm Billie, B>« M<;di- leranian, tbo Euiine. all illurtiioa'ml , and even iuttv* N *»th. Imperial IIumu ligt.img tho Amen, an manner on bu pathway ibreugli the Wtiifs* He* out to Ilm r„for Ifo-io Tlio whole globe, fir III North to HouBi, from East I" We#t, la rnnreird withtliua* living rnonurnenta o| humanity •nd civilizxtton. Luty ».| th* Am. Union in ins* pro#* it* Navigable Wators “ l)«aaN*it <j#*M»<lt, andflresibn •ppu wings; ll># *»*, •mltoldsn-wl, cfoun# lm|w,ilsl right; And, lying g'sifoD si m, »•#». I n» Th* world *1 nigtii. f•«I,.. 1-f lbs «l*|f»n! Bow •uMiinaly lair! For mi »>4*l I'sM# llluniiiisle B.«> res, l:n< Irrling conllneM • ,#■(. In <>ue Imlnanliy. Fereharier •' halnum ot far off tin, Horn n, th* h>ni«(« »r loins* p,.»«r«. Although necennoA -*e hi. gt<i«in* world, Y«1 look# on nur# - S Hr • I Sea ll-H paBrol ••Mllfie|« „f night. Vis# marl B,elf Ui>«nsfa.shH|i#ani mint grand, A*. Shining «olgly '•••slfc Ihn Mriir llghi, Ths) wsiiitiigtlalbl; Or, heemtng through ihe sllH and flagrant atr, W'hsrs r >rsi rsefs the vese'l M##rn'>o , h## guard. O'er D«lgM ol hyrnsn Ilfs may **• the t.a#ep Keep tilrl, and ward; Or. streamlag from I.euraMla'# haunted sHX. Whsre l*ry gm,lu* #|swp* ImoniiBi lb* #•»#, louchlag wm, light Ilie eaters surging •» »r A lonely grsve) Dr. hissing bright smid Atfeeito s'nrm, While fooolmg m#»U are quivering with f«#r, Tli# gnordlau l.lghl uphsld l»T •#* fin foesr#, A hot end rlesr. Ilnrn nn with |ti|l|ii(nlth#lilr Itisl *‘oni|'nithiii(«.(|'wi #••#• .httrl tr«4| ItKllil jj a, •>,.' | . e.'flS ..r #0il*. ■ il iU4||.|#«s fo,«n M S » *• I (Ills species of property D-ndi-i, d 1.1 iliern "ruler similar circumstances, and ahull p r- b rm a d -upauu (turn with vtptsl tidvlny no t »ti*nv terc*ia-,|iicnN, it will hn tium rti 'iigli f,-r ll" hi t • imputo ni' timuary motive# to mu in tliu perfor* f my olliuial duties. McAci.v in Comma'# Carkiaoc — It an# given out sorniidvys ago,that Corn Mr Any tud been sent lo Havana, to chastise the Hpaiush mon-ol-war for thotr indignities to American »«■*• aol* Acc'-rding lo thn billowing letter from Havana to the Charleston Standard, it Skoiild seem But lie it more peaecsbly engaged . "On Sunday last wo had a great parade and «fo- vim of all the troop* that could bo mastered, in cluding Bin I,lark and whltn volunteers, the U-t IMnrlaaae* appearing to great advantage ov«r Urn regular soldrera Tut* gathering numbered s,<niu 7&is> or HOtkl men, anil waa ervdltalil" a# * "miBDa training" Tim coeiuiil* certainly sent nnd bccoitiltlg for field *ervice. while ill" nm|en#l • I ilm vuiuiilners l* phisically sn|ierier lollul hr- njlu In,in old Spain Wn had ilm pb aauro . 1 acelug Commodore AlcCauly on the ground in the rni- fiaga of ihe Capiam General, aifomb d by Capt Mir,tiling, and an aid do camp of Gen. I onri.u, tbe Count «l VUtenuevs- W* were not parti, tally grxBfi-d «h*t flie "old onmmoriore" alionld have been ao directly “lapped"—or trapped—and are ol Bin opinion that, with or without sound limbs, ha might have lieen present with oilier mode ol ronvyanc* without incivility, or without).** , f sell -respect. Whet may hsvelieen Ilm o.die>, I know not, -Bi* fad wo litre, and M baa led to Ilm ■atim conclusion in tha puhlio mind Ip-re n,<t tor "ilm dunce, the amip or thn win*"—the "old eoarh and grey* did tlm loll"—end Bin oil ..... ili. t* ,.l ... ..llr-ill I.IS, ver, tbo expvd'tien hating been made tile' l ot deliberation at farm ami L mfon. and J at last aa a tart, .Marshal Ft Amend re* * <■ >v,-d—n-'t invtruction#, which culd not be trans mit ed through such long diS'ance# of space, but I g| # - r advice of the following namro : • lln w, 1 make Inmsell th'-rougbly Acquainted with the nviure and anioiint nliho Russian force* in ibe Crimea; find out whether these force# arc I rmidatife; and land in a spot which may arise , n# n I,»m« tor tntiiro operation# _ The Im,#i placo] acm# i" he Thcotiiaia, ca.led KalU now. This I #jh t. h'*«cver, is ubjecu, uablo a# Udng loriv j foaiDu-s Irom S>y**«o|Hd , but It olfers great adrnn-« |n 11|.< first place, tlm bay i« large and ealc Th.- fhip# "I ilm squadron are there in perfect Mb tv, mid tbn #»""> reniaik applies l<> tbo] barq ie# which bring supplu-s to the army. In the im vt p! ■»>••• ur army, once cslabliMici on tho spot, msv ti-.. ,t a- a proper *»•»« "• operation#. Il w«- oeeiii,) ilm extreme ol tlio Crimen, wo ran rope * all tbo reintorceinents coming by Jim way of Bio Sr aol Ajofl and the Caucasus. Wc make our wiiy onward toward* the centre ol tho country. #t ilm eatim t'rim that wo bnvo it# rc»< urecs at our cominntiil Wu taken p, ##ea#ion ot Simphcre|Mil, tlm suntegicnl centre ol ilm penin*uln, nnd bnvu tip-rode . pen to Sevastopol, on which probably tbi-rc will tw> a gicat tuitfe. In tim cVont ot tins fo.- . g ngniu-t us. wc may retreat(<ipon Katin, and ip,ilimg i# eoinproinired. If it it. out lavor, we van t>*#mit« S»-va#totH'l, and by tuvcxting tt com*, pieteiv, wo will compel it to aurrendur in a tolera bly -b"M mrerval.’’ I n,u> k'-v tin# anvicc was not taken. v\ bctlmr Bm (••-imiN N m-chicl had riot #tilficient troop# to iinifeitik" Bus long journey to th»» Crimea, or w Ip-tlmr limy exjieclwl a speedier result from n bold nod unixpceicd coup do main, they resolved, n# »'. i« n,,w well known, to land at sonm low InagiP 1 # diNVant (torn Sev*eP>p«d. Ilm glotioue- battle id the AUii# soerned to prove that they were right But in ih" moment of victory limy saw clearly enough <hat without a port they could have n>' l.aoc ,-t operations Influence'! by tlml irreaisti tite inatjnet • *1 prceervati"P wbicli never deceives those win* liMeu |o M, they directed limit course to B-iUklav#, - u tbo south ul Sevas'"pul II was ; clear, loo, 'hit tim army culd not livo m the ene* , my'» owiib) withnut being tn direct communtca* I toll with the lleet. Hut the consequence of retreating towards the south w«s to git* up the northern heights—in other wolds, !•• abandon tho td<a«d investing the forti fication Tim Anglo*French (get, was not s'lllicmntly numerous to invest ih« place com pletely. It w#a necreeary to limit our oporatlohs nx — tVe Invite Ihe alien- ptirril'cnirnt in another D|N,n«r of er*t) de*eri| Wit I ue Txvax tei.iioe of .V|rrrhat ta t» ti e a column o( Mr. Urn. la' tionuf Knglitb. l'rcn I, and Berman t'xucj fo No. IU Park Place, Nm V.tA. Dealer# purct,a#il-g ‘ g .<.1* In (|,at e-tj. *r t . rrquc#!ed to make a note ,-f hi* number before fo## 'eg town tt may I llliehiind'e ( iilrlitril Hiignrelit llutband * « At.' IM D #t \'.N»:.-I \ !• highly fone- in alt tloea-— •>' Iho "loniach ami Howe!#, wh'eh • a>e a'terel'-d w I'-h aeirtlty. amt fit,-# Imitipdiale »rllr| to the Imaiibu n. The eff,vli>ot evert* tt, eating er •Innkli'V are goeerallt r« lie ted t>) II, sod It afr-,',1* on# ,.f thn mU-ted and nm*t plea-aui ap,-M>-nt#. cprcul y t„ peraona who. Irom a •edeniaf for or other eau-ea, ( ■uu under the fre»ji"je! nrcr-'ltr of having rvc-'ur*o to l#\fc.«ve«. To j et-Su* ,-f a tultioua of a g«-n* t at.U, U may im recommend* d wnh i^c'illar proprle'y} an-l I 1 # virtue# have foci, >r,u-*i.,.tl, #r*»iflo.f In the ,ii«r##r, -«f eit'm chntaiei Many of ibr run Plain!# of rhid"i. In early liifaney. amt eten at m re ul, anent >,»:•. are aUrtiled wlihaebtiiy . #i,d in aueti <**•*•, tt,e Miune«i#ha* a gre«i •dian'acr over <-'hrf ah*»rl>ri,u, vtr. that It iimiiril re-tbe #rl,1 in the alimentary •‘anat, and act- r>* an rill -aefou# yrl gentle punf*tl< e — I ni* preparation Ufn-e fr„m uupleaaat.t tx*te, end three time* the strengtli ,-f tl.e common I'alrlnetl Mat" l mir flr«l premium -liver Molat*, World’# Fair Metal awnntr-'. Ie |,y tho dm Via*, at ten (I'ckx-k X.g.uxl itiuVIock "ii t'e> rn »rnif»g °r r, .»t cunve,. *nt eppott ,n :j viaeoti. Ab«u»ta »r.-l «»th«r eetlntf. 7lie very treat tare "CofinoJaBoiiid jw- ty. V. Wo* 'l.l.V.Y. Ajert MITII I TI# vrill klllll.lll It#. IMNK M ATI. "F ti».ol.«;t V. , Iv’ih April, irAJ,. » •vtiori will ire held at the Hank mg In ti*'# c.iy.on M«,|>da).7th ,.f M#y Dtrv-cinr# on Ihe pail of n>Snidaai i.1 p. reeve frr one vex* ir. n, tha; dt>, I K TI ITT.Ca-M' * I i-e -rMinel and t'i,n*iUulion»l.»l xt Vbgwvia, • -!*< "Hr Recorder, and Vihrov \\ t ig, eiti plrave oli the above i* Ire • week unpl ibe 7lh May. HI IIK VI vnit |. r» Dlt « B VlW.Fd* BAN VHI. ha#rveutred the p'»t re of Vt, diet, e *fot yu'frry tr< »e S’* «f I reatdrnrre „n youth Broad »u»rt. tt.r««, d.rera I H#rear,t lion'* tn :weet< k fo in ,\ M. and ? u,S p. V , will ivted to • t©»-e patient*. tf ja, IV UAWN' MMltl'U- of i.rvreor A l*u'x*ki M,mun.eQI C 'lii'ii r HtTTrg h*r* fo-i . Vheo |lu!.r» 'n and for *«fo » v m*> i > ii wtrp N a / Mt vV.PM.M. (.;)») h“- \ >.»u: V.. I#t qaalitj.u in »i I ^ KIND ttA i kxfo'hrxp. App J tl» I# 1? J l »T rtx- vtdfrer *.»- lUtUr, «u aw# firir-V :* JgiT < -ml, |V» and -u, -I'd T wun. V.*>. a loi 4u|rer>.w re-ri vre.J at. f. r m * 11 i ■' i vn '*Y S's.T t-'iev, ,g "fl.l. A'tnrreK! i.-Woe|-Thr - .V I )1“ .«v * : v S3 ti «« <: HC j- r.x tA K - ' V,* '(• AS, :A IT 1* f rlreq !.<»•’. rv-iarrre-t »: W lTIIINi.1i \v;i may I Combs, Fans and Fancy Goodi. M 11 1.1 k ’1 1 k n K l it PARK Pt.AV fU Nee S -k h, ibrcT>(* lbo*w ami Wr»;»-r U. IN i»V I • r V .* . V :« • I • • »*•-• Na I •WINK t jm '.e»' Heir a re-V. ift^rrr--. - • P V.ulNW Jr: »r..! Head Prefeitiv. p.*k.« l- • —-v i"W Plnv ai-4 Nrredv-. !'.,•(* v l, • V\ v il fiveOk W#V.'‘oral and Otr-N fen*. N--ll*>v # Kebtrer i 10.57 Also, for t« *f- V. Tirk, i o*re^ In in## I >S. r .4 11 • t at nral a .New^ork ruggivt# cent ra!li. and by the marm f J Ml’Alt AND, Philadelphia. £.',,1)00. > Number I o. rr, — iJ Drier Ralfo;# Orcouo and Pulaski Lottery, re*. fo- • rr man,-or. Tu It dr Old*. ,-f 'he III tiltV I.XI'I' DIKANT 'tie of he l«*M 'rme,lle# ll*oe A#ihn>a. ar«-t a „ni« nd throat. It (Ti##« ltl|. e n El A»cu-.«, or, t -'e*»1*y, *1,) Ivt. 1KNV lit a. V| (| ttV V k\ Vt.t.KN I nl 1,1 IHMI I nf •I'.’iOU I of tl'tHH*. ri i ii Nt* n , min r a to pri may t I tttv Ol I. t trlte.l k .1 OKI.I k I kkkN I NNS-I. iTHef .Ir '*• tre-a • *re«.V, V .Ire N ,-a*-e,l „ VI e-,f" veil v f ft. • *- tn In.^-4. i ,.»p le.l ar,J e-> ev t< .'.-da ** E ,rol fowlrbt h'llk M V ‘ A , T ' .1 i , (t«lr,l In _ emitinnevl and dcepreea'eit mated'<-• M»Vr i,l»l nf it, ,i.d leByoiirfrlendv ..f Hv g,«Kt< fleet* The DlVltlt- mi: V 4’OltDI kl- '• el— ree >tnmri,.lr.t to your i ,,'ifre. Ii i» - capital n,e»ll« the *r> I' anhn * *"g < ther d •• **♦* of ihe Imvwel*, whirl, are »„ prevalent at eerta.n m- | |>' kt»ga*lne f h.l-anter*' t.insn #rd Wh ie \ rroiv Mlk V!|»*cc* k\\ata For a*Is ayr jw t;,o J l"' bvlev .V. > \ May, Deoflpn ire of ei t:,3u. i* pahiphle'* Ii* Iu- Im h, » nil Oily rent* |>e l .\) »' DgrvM vt .v hr Mr- In itrue i ’v r,ure. v: .ft liuv#,'. 1 f. I **»# hy r • **< Rr*>M, - hy vtre "fo S|,r >1 vi 11 a I.IN*» • ’I N. >» v 1.«»VI• *.N> k I - 4< p 111 A » >av aw nrkiil'l' AND riATIl rtf three rears standing • t T ii|:|».-%tr. John I ongden, n„e living at I* *»er • tlio it Item portion o| th» town T« accoin t>H»b Bps, tbo V.ngllsh tie.k poescaimn ol the hift„,i ,d Ilalaklava ; tho French, looking lor a P"l"t rPapput for tbe purp ree of disembarking their *i,,rca and aniinillion, Imind very providentially tim i "it ot Kamioach The soldiers, who arc grit* ci.tllv right, called this "I’dreiifenro |’*»»t.'* Dovneiopol, B is well known, la not surrounded with witliv and earthwork* It t* rather a great foriifo d < *u<|>. containing generally an aiuty »| ir ni IN to jo thousand men, ptoteoied at tbo c,-ni* nteoceinnni i.| ihe siago-works l>y numerous list Dam. Ill and Fever for tloev iwire a day, and ra wllh fever# *• soon me pbyslelan*. n'B • i„1 every tbifg re give up In devpa'r, beg-’tl "» Itu l bed a 1,111* \ a . bear ID, tiiiiond, had Vgue ear*. mn*t „( the time he ha-l cl,ill* . ly tea* than she#, be •** n*rehwl » llte (h'll let) Mm and al'er liy ,,e. nv«*l of ihe Tonic* alrert'aed, 1 .u,UK-n.le.| to hin,. we*, t „rtrr'» >pai,t*h Mlvinre »H .. poiilea, bui before he had "hkI , no. be «** jrer ii-eily cure,! and hs# I th„t>**n,le wh-» have M \k IIOOI4N • l |\ I'D Uk J, UN vi. r m iiq.K A »X'.. W"NP k V kl-K.t. *«h. I v,| or#' for May i*n,mon . or ihe MonUhip* of an lle' klre. i».u t.» European Oplabrutea, hy kk iluam R ,d S wiser land, for the >«!•*. 6? !<>»• kVitltam Magfo". n y v.ewrJ In Us >(<-»#„e Ti e "irt.wy Dei* 7 *. h ,kkr 1 I n < Klohei hheil. , Ma.-kf tresdo'g Avjre, -*.t>» U* i. t M. i .1 Ir* V u!*e» ,v * 1.0 \k KK A v'*X % TANT1NF may J i.,mi atoTT-v i irri I kiant rOKN ANP i'OH Ml Me. PkTfoNTKD at kk l*,k, l&kk 1 'IIK a«l»«"»<re,'f Plan'"#. Ivnrro od#kvl ('•!« In general, are eev^re. ;'el v oalleg fo lll,V.M Ihe rw-wi mi article o! »*-• viyM new if nre. "A w*t* eeil eJap r-t f,v *-!#) eg e-b meal fo* al.rek.M* grtai o'ftrre hoR,'#, for ike tabre, , red ra.-wre *K* heel meal tr>'>« e-'n »-•) le-iy Hpe w# dri is ike fv . Iu ee-.uwv U.l» NS I It. p,, narkvOr ee 'urr* weft I# wae.ted. nal, r«;«s»:ng Jre raa'cvreJ •• a •■*.' e* S-n-1 l-a» , a.*; avirvt and ni*x! ky e»v hv ' ’** * Vtr I ongden la nnlv one out ol thol,a*n,l Peru Peneniirvl by ihi* g'»ai tonic, aberatt' apt ' - 11, TUI- ,-, ,II.,< U.| 1 * \ I II k< I o' «H»t'»**»,ee, rreai'v* '•*>»,tee elks fcr. r. panic# l„ie*eaie,t e ill please i»ken.-«-e# 3 »« r< •• -#"lr* »r#,»,#*^ »y lit mm- T>.e t ITI I I 'il kNT Kvv *m ,n! . alike lee Agrreatinrel I a i rt VI v Mary'aw, vnd >'#,». ,r> i\a' , ( >• tv# rr.v j-rr:::' teiie>, ami more especially by the Ruaaian fleet, Were eorere,! with wouihIs andpreu wInch,skiiitiliy stationed in 'h#Inner haibor, had {;•;*.“‘‘.•"J'J^ a .#* directed upon evetf erenue »>y which m* timtw. s* be ••• m| ‘il* the ai,p>s could sppfoacti the place. • At Bi *—n,Bt is io aay, when In* An*!- 1 I"runv-l* itruiy eirivml Imlore Hc*aetn|"'1. P<'»H»|w H was praeiii-abln to atlempl a" aaaaoll.but *tlM Ml-’ll an enierpnan w„ubt have been eoinewbak adyenin- •-■*,•• iii#*n,noh as lbs allied l-’iwe bad It'd eulll • (••ent an ilery lo silence But *d the eneioV Ijoubt*- 1,-M iiolliing waa Impniwthlo to an Anglo l icin li | atmv c.uopoeed „t gvtwteU and eoldmi# hueli aa Ibose wh Bin last ail liP"'lha have niart'tealP'l th. i. . Iin*, for in ibe peril*, latlgims. si"l sulferll'g* • "• '!"• long siege, but nothingahofl «d e"»-c#*#could !I l •have jtiaiilleda rawp so andacl'-U* I'h* fe*|k,n#t- hBi'y eouifngnd Inuwrees lumlonea betore #U ID* hmtw. i rclalty a* the d a, IK# b, ard fr. over the wavesol eonfcn'lou I’redoti n of ilie mu'lltmlu is, that them |« |>, Im no tr>„il,|n, and new* writer* will convey Hm eanm idea ; but I Ire-iiovc ilm Oofiimodoiu wifi do hi* du'k. nidliwitl,- •landing ilm coach—and that tim Goveininent „| ilm I 'lilted Hlatea will have a IfUlhtuI report „l l iti ,,in#iani e##'id lam. lo •'••nlirm action t„f pear «»t w*t, ** may (HiMig with the uattouat botu-i The JaMtarowN in rn! Ouhr —Thn U M'ateo alortp ol war JamsSfown haa arrived at Key Wm A,h.,ri.«-mo "The Jarnee'own. a few days before her arrival, I eoeerml by ooirenelinmnls in case ol and wlmn but one day's eatl Irolll Havana,epted a ' ' ‘ 1 man of war al g distant *, and Mip|Hisii»g tim lo ire, g Hpanlanl, she wae elearvl f«w action, the gu wafeebo'ied, ami evenr prep lntftie*lta(e a,lack .Tfurh tn the s'fsnger. w|i«-n three mil*# distant. Ii»l*t' i «l Bin American flagl» her foreiog. and saline'l tt wuli kH'ny-tw*' »>»n* ttbe p'ove.l to Ire an F.»h'!,*I» Irtga ' 1 B a-"i •* il*e #Kol could be ,vl l,di#oi, ike ##••••# »-•# let,lined “ idirf'I'eicel. NTMP.NT k N D PII.I.N have ef tea. ■r'ul ' me ol J*.«re 'eg* — A'llhney #1* iMin-h'i'g. Vl'gmla, we# # ##*• >*• »-re ,rat* i'„m eivre Irge. #.» bed at ‘ fpev. ■oeroiild »e,ieel* bear II. a# they ,k.,i| ,1a end promt Rrah. Ilia fttend# ,t*i lega'ning th* «i#e of m*« ateie, lb !»»»•* ##- iron, h'm t) w#a <S'n*mwlt>reet. van i aev, r*| |,eop • ihe R'-'wl eltoel# Bel- e| ' induced In • »ae* ,-f 'ht# nature, he p, give ilo im a trial, abrr "ales itrem i’ h II mm h trei'e*. ami by ron'lnu'ng l,a vt,,t a half, he e*a pe'fWltt cu'cl, • a rilj-plc, ai„l ,onaid#re>l treyomt apt 30 fk/».i| 5'#»«»a,S - kVa' »U »ve\,pa, \t nl howvev V4e»' eha, i, Hb„p krepe,-. «i'-H-e»# a,.! foa'e'hwn, 1,117- Ins on trade* ,'"def r—--«. amt 1* 'd'ng «lv>'» 'he Uvf' at *, b- e» tme- e,t, •••»•* *iay >«• for wm. 1 It'ebwk, V. vi 10 #seep IM Tow Walk lefMvtkm re- • e tto-f# a„,k -'‘V, ,m i« tw'vh »\l 'he l>'l ** IV nl bi e»ri*. for the •!-#<# of #U nwruthe tee* 1 ,-f |he honre, t iali"»«'ims ,*• the , are • re>,1 act rollrvl tbe r«kt>iah ih«rel» an»1 th end «l*|'0*H the aan># reedy f,^ ibe .Vevevgrf'# T>-»-#e rn»f-» are ,«,r„ ,,W, | >rr u».«m , i „u, g.W k> Vrevhe-a r* an-i ,'IV>,'i ti ,}e b-e j • • < i-v a, hU>< the im# -V- < |w» h.«*.' * a 1*. , kiaaetacaatec h* n P* .v-*#M>4 •re Vv##, r .1 re, reef* It IX MW# tt a U'VvKL '>4**4. *» A « l'kV»\r>'RT. v \ N evifeet „f an '•txtin#»- kk vfi'Ka, „■ ,,'krr t a" TV l .kkl.v. hl'niiw# tn $»v*r»,t 'Ym. !'<*,#. a*<« l»'i« D'M dliiee At#t hy 4\ tt 1'. far tree-a. 1*1 Hay a.-ere< - *, av f.aV.'e he-re »*? b* wre. t'OI I kltv. Nl I J IN* V. VI .m V a.-a .41-#. * »"*-k (^repre ■ \-Ca— , anvfoVf ,r-.' V „» . I eV-edarel ‘Imi-h r *-k , '.frf >- Trek*#', "*•« -1 ■ Kwk V re fo- - .W-W. I lire » U tf Jkafreea, Bung*, and prudence nrseeillvrel to ilm general 1 "** , rliiel not lo deliver ihe #se*«lt wPli *•» aimy of W,- I (SKI mm at UMun, placed on e lock, wanting •l , |i* Irt), *""i"|t"t|wn, teeetvve nut having Ita tear I t M U kl. INVITATMIN. The f'teml* end *rq*alnia«,real Miami Mr* DkV tl> I*. |.kNDKK**lBNP ami fa#*ll). Mr «' I* treeJe'#Mae and him I*. Vl»-» the menvlw# ,*( the l elherae t hawk, and ihe Msthmll#! Y, » hnifh. »»» rreprekfNkly tni')e,k '„ attend the funeral «-r tbe former, bom fcu la'e reel* •len.-e, J«*e* . *» b*W pc*l n '•Vl.wk Tbl# Mmaleg. wiihuut further leviieBnu. »' V.yr ,1 lit •mult Ikrerei, IfiXf ft hy |4» a* 4M« thaln*ika"v. tv*,a. kk'», ,w k aka" rear the l-arew »he '*»*. b«« iv ing ihwregh them, and U e*re #*» I-**" ,11,1,4 .* u,,>4 fo<- levre* e*e* t |m>d .»» a,1 e»ewre,lh*dr«*re IW** It, • •"«*">•> evrev.lie* Three lv.i,are,mh#c.d>re#*« h»e I.-' remkre»wore** lev ' *ml rnforred iMh* #*me *• It prere»'h#4 Ie • ^ J’ 1 * * »''•» ***■ •he r .u'kh en„u# ol »M. .wvlfoarew P. reyre e< Hwef VlhU O* link kt;Ik v AKtvfcNOaVN, M»yw •P’ ** apt vw kk tt.,* preparation made lor m, j ol real |r#g,a lr,nn tine’s • ibetr diesppomtmnii berk, amt hating no refuge but II# aliiiw Ths* w##al#l have •men it. i ( vk tim l.niaim and Ilm fete o| the cvpedl ml noBitag eh«wld fe« hasaided al • distance end drpvh ami rw* || (H'UlllfV Al HN III Ml'k Nlkk Him# H W IlllMtT Bit All AM. a w,|npI t„ l.mda. ampaaelng Ie ehaaigMwa of illrlfon, ,--*rree'»*e#* wl daimeeilnn, • pai'-oa, eU her fibre pre-twc* , 11,. »|„rl, ,h« «.».,»U u |Nuiail.le el'iii the bailie wl llte Afina.escaped ilmin i phn kVo»*,t»rtul kdvrHinrea of raid Prkreti * •*»* #"<l It "ii'y remained to |H« , cee*l Willi •••# •'«'ll rt I | 1U | foe laetdeci* m 11„« iUl-i^nfev#'., kkifo.oi Ihe Hanker'* Daeghter. «*» Ike lb*l kV It trees t h) II. \V. kl. llcrimHe. 1 ■ --5.^.. I,- . - tl,„ wl«re*,I the nilliliq •»* At »••# • IU, edilH- u'l egle'p'is* tbe It loremliee veiy fdli.a, l„ue M ihrmre i' \ , Vere I.. I • > alM I k . IH«,reeree» »i l |»» t>| kl HIN I'lMilik. I * iiikik ' kKl#" vk »•»# ae-t WMlpof t*ew*he'f#> |iMIUUv'«" tw.fod Slwe N4H,-re. ; focal e»we e Sbtivmg, )',**»" n'ree iVMinwgK t e Heed ll#,-4Vrr-h»e#fo V «l |,a »T*k Th'iwd, w.« .. Ikroee breU.wva, •,\r *a V- ec 'IIW N .-reK- Wl, M.\|t», l.Akttk r k Rk/OWtb kk k'-re mm* < refored k Ire- Iw m. n*V4 11 vei, k ere -•(*> Em,i>* Dvwa tv#h fo iweere" r-*^ I MK.NRY U%TviR»'f b »* x - rntia _ re (nil rwarei-reas ee^N- <W vrel be W* i\ r*r, k*k, ;<7 •*.» •* _ I # v< WN vNt»t kRD t» reree, vM» teei ne'e Y hfow, VW ,s» kree.k '» o*re* » ».' VwrevkN vlklwNYtt.t.1 A vN'. •p4 a* « Ml ntkt ii i.ia. M III.M K Ilireeti,*. n.reek erel Rh «* ''•»» * rwnt a ml Pl.,4, lU-oo* VieeUMbs rereDW> 1+ MhM i„»«, ,„>ro,re- % F* ** „ —TO I 'k -R * 4S# 1 h-»* »*-•> >• vkre V e—'.w. g*. ,ea, >-e*re ,«iv# v. •*•#•# *».#,* it i.oaat. I •iivO>‘( k iM 1