The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 09, 1855, Image 1

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NUMBER 1J2 m' fuI WggBLlCA It; - ... «.■ 'vrjShi? nd w««kiv Wcneral Auction and Commission uml W o«kl>, M J3HO H AST T, No. 154 Huyatroet, lull from lil* Irlnuds conalKiiiuenia of nvorj- do 5ty personal nUcitihui will ho given to Hit* null* or Real ‘total* Hank Htuck. *iu. SAVANNAH, GA„ WEDNESDAY MOKNINO. MAY 9,1855. r# \v. ALEXANDER & CX). ‘ § >< ( .,TY Attn«)4«HNTY i*hiihti:h. ^ tekmV UKUL'CKlT - liter, III AtlviHicv,-.. .Mill I'llvv*% III .V ,vrt,lc,, » JJH iiliOt 7’uDt lit AllVII»»€!»’„ II 011 I* Ill Atlvuiitc. Corn .11 on I It*, ;» 00 ‘w..nVohl>, in A«lvi»uci» a 00 Vuoi Wl* lo Atlvtaltov, 4 410 UtitKH to lllrain Kiibori*, K*q., Picmiii, llolilt fa Co.; l‘. fa iSoldo l.voit, I'.sq , .-nvuunah; E. II. Ilarrla, II. H. I'hlva* A: Co., (Into, fa Lucas, W, H. Holt* | y_H. Mouignnii.ry, Ain. mar 17 T,, AgM. _ _ OBNKIUU . 'luvHrliihi,' 111 Advance, 4 ml QUOOtn, FOItO'AliUlNU A.VD COMMISSION, rim,i»fiw.-n»03*0?=:'•••.«»00, IHEfiOSANT. . || *»•»• 1 ty in n«*ra»«* will an ortiw i\»rUif |>a|ior»>i«niionilrtl No. 148 Brynn-alroi'i, three door* Kurt Mnrkot»»q. (AnlrMacv'oiuiiaiilrKlwith the money, or aaallafar. SAVANNAH, GKOKGIA, Keep* constantly* on hitml a general nock of Family Grocvrlra, low for cmdi only. mar .1. ■fiilffi* i «JI. UVItIM. II.1IIKIIHIIUI, CabinPassftBotoNewYork§20, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, M..til->N •.i-.Ni.t o .... o„ nl iMTI'.O .sTATEh 51 All, MX!-'.. | Conner of liny am! Monmonn‘ry-Mw. t Snvanimli,(»n. r,t|ll* ee* ••►I tplemlnl alilo wheel steamship*: t Solicit* rnii*l{uuii.||l>, iiml l* pi op It rod lo roccivo Cot* I aMi.\VII.I.I., l,vo hint, Capt. c. It. Lnitntr, i ton ami Murcltnuditu goiiondlv, iiihiii aioruuu. 1 U'lH'sr.t, 1,500 •• •» Tint*. Lyon, | jail l Nitv.13,’55. i,:mi •• M.s. Woobiit’LL. i — — • - - Ui.tfllH I' *• ** H. tt.UciitNCK, JAMU.V k. JVH’IIOI.S ktllle, . j‘| ride .tua,• • Alabama. •• Knot* tile,.. Florida Aitgiitia.... Atao-oo* Kh.ivdio Saturday,. Florida.... •*' * ■" Augusta. • Will feat* Savannah every Wednenlay ond Saturday M , tu*nn» Wednesday,.May tfd, do ...Sal uni ay,.., do Mli, Uu .... Wedneaday,. do littt, do ....Saiunlay,... do Will, do ....Wednesday,. do Kith, do ....Saturday,... do lllili, do ... tVodi.cAlitY,. do ttJd, do ....Saluda).... do 20;h, do ...Wodiiraduy,. tin 3tllh, do ..Saturday,...Juno lid, do . ..Wednesday, do Alii, do Saturday,... do Uih, do Wednesday,, do 13th, do Know we Saturday,... do liiih, do Florida Wednesday,. do Vtltlt, do Augusta,. Saturday,... do fi:id, do Atahamu, ........\Ve«lne»day,. do ‘Jillt, do Knoxville, Saturday,... do Ullllt do The«e*hlpa are among 111* lar.evt on the const, iliiMtr- 1 in * petti, safely oreomforts viahltmOiotrpassiiRO* 'jfli’.j t» *1x1) hour*, und are coniioitudeil hv ekilltu! • and poll'e officers. Having elegant ainierooin, i.cntmi.oilath'ti*, tliey offer a most desirable conveyance rf.Ne* York. Cabin S'2d Steerage do S terms: I'ADELFuRD, FAY k. C< •- Savannah. s.TM'L. L. MITCHELL, 13 Broadway, tpr li _ * Near Ynjc NEW-YORK AND LIVERPOOL l T . S. MAIL STEAMERS. i in nines eoMraisiNii this um *na: ATI. ANTIC, | It A I.TIC, Capl.Warr. Capt.couaTocu. PACIFIC. I AIHUATIC, Capt. Nv«« I Capt.——. {■& Those ship* havlnR been built bycontract, <iQjiexpre»*l> for«ovcrnnient service, evoryrara £Tu7nuken liilboIrconnructton.asaUoln theiren. rre,:oentlirealre*«uth and speed; and Iboir accommi* *».,'*i‘ 4 for passenaers are unequalled fur oloRaiice of ^Purr'd passauefrom New-York to l.lvorpool, in ilr%l •ib'ii. 913“i >" second cabin, $73; exclusive use ol *.<.n site slate rooms, $3‘ii. From Liverpool to New v •:», x\w and JC2t*. An experience.! Sunp>*>n nttachnl to each ship. V. Ueriii«etu be secured tiiitll paid mr. PK POSKIt HATES OF HAILING. Prsm .SVn* IV*. From /.irrrpool. IS 55. 1M.V GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Jones* wharf, foot of Ahercorn'Strcot, Jan II SAY ANN AII, HA. ly CIAItl.r.TON A l»AltsONH, General Commission Merchants, 62 HAY-STltBLT, SAVANNAH, HE'iliHIA. 1IINIS A JOHNSTON, Ucncrul Aurtion \ Commiksion llrrrhnnti, Tender their services to Ibelr Mends and the public. Jan 3 c ^ JForrlgn Uuainrnn «rartin. # , . IIKIIIMliN A .IONRN, WAYNKSIIHUO, tntltKi; COUNTY, ha. I'raetlMt Inw In Itlchuiniul, llnrko, Washlnjton,Scrl* ven and Emanuel. TtlOS. M . BKRHIKN. M*L< OM It. JllKIS ' Jwli' ly Mll.lim A: MANDnitii jt r roitxi: vs .1 r 1..1 if, WilVursharn', Uii, Hclercuce—Messrs. A. J. 4k T. W.Miller, AuRUsta,Ha. ueni ly K . II, 41 A an Inn, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I'oraytli, Hu,, Will practice In the Flint and adjoluliiK Countlo* the Jnu 7 Mafon Circuit. If XrUi=Yoi'U atiucrtlnemciitn. •FVpmK. JJ. FilltufilU tV.^ ~Jid»irtt0iPjf .Igtnep. t lb ,V4fUN4li, JVsw. Fur*, and W». 10 I.. Union. F.JaCo. are Aroiiis for tho must mdutiiiUal aud lar* fr4ia(c(n.'(iU<luR(.*onimorcia)Fa|Hrrs both in the United stnlna and the Canada*. tiovdtf W«, A. r.OfTON* ATTHUNKY AT LAW, Nontlctilln, lieu. < iii:i:\ r.i( a (At C. A. l». Lainur’s.etir. Hra,tun und Hrynn-stsA Parlors aud t'omnilsslan Alrrchants, it. o.i. WM. w. niKIVCR. JOHN R. SIMS. novvhi ly TV H,l.l A A! i: II w Alios, ATTOUNF.V AN It CtlllNHHLLOU-AT-LAW. .7llcniio|iy, Florlila, will practloo III Him Courts or Ibtalaud South Florida. iTuntio Pinkney ft Ctt.Charleshm,M.C, Reference*. vPiursoh, llolilt Is C«, Savannah. Ha. > Cooper k Mothers, Mlrnunpy, l-'la. marvo ly* sA.nOYii. u. i>i:i»i‘i u, Succoa«or to II EN R V J. PKPPHR L. SON. H'nlchoa* Jeivi-lrj' and Nil tor ware* JVo. 175 ChtiiiHl-st., (iiiiiuailf: the Hlate House, I'hilailvlplila. may 30 _ ly FULTON IlOUSK, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, nv At i:. iii; Allnnla, March 14. IH55. If mar lit ii. Dooi,i i 'i i.i: a ro„ B A N K. H H. 9 , (Now 11 ramie HmhHug.t Noa. 45 Si. 47 Snutli Third-street, FtutAPELrillA. tr Collection* mndo, UejHiall* received, Uucurreul money bmliilil and sold, Hum feh » Jli:isii«. is.Hill;it jul, dc VO., HANKERS, No. 48 William street, N’uw Yoke, l*af« Foroisn Circular Letters of Credit. ON THE FOLLOWING CITIES: COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IIMI Hay Nirm-I. . Surimnalt, Ga. Jy i3 J.e. ttvsa. J. it. navi*. w. ii.lonu. | ium:. DA VISA I.OMi, C O M M t S S I o N M E It O II A S T S, Junel Savannah, 44a, N.UIIEI, l»AI..Ill'.ll A NON, IIA It 1) WARE, CUTLERY, FILES, K HOE TOO 1.8 Ac., witui.KaaL* an RBTatt., No. I4S Coner, >» and tl7 S . Julian Street*, SueqNaa*, (Jrer^ia. Jnnc3 • ; xv 11. wmi.ii r. C, G N K It A 1, 11 It O K K It, t'Oll Tin: Pt/HClt ISK .1X11 &.1I.K OF RF.Al. KST.1TK .1X:t VHKroX.1t. VllOVF.HTY. RAY I.ANE, SAVANNAH, HA. A. PONCE, Importer A- .11 tut u Inc 111 re r of Negara* NO. I'.t «V|1tr,KKK.*1 KVXT. Keep*on baud a well aolectud atock of Imported S« gar*:also Manulhctured Tobacco. Stmff, Pines, and all ntlierarticlc* usually kept In blpllno of business, whlcb I he offer* on the tno*t reasonable terms. nor 3 ooNT^;TW:TOrL.tEiL tteJDfHiay. Satunlay ...Janff4..IS54 Taylor-alrcei • for Frelaht or Pa*#a«e. abl-ly 10 lft»« nooas wi*t nr nK*VToa.»TRKXT,. rniV.iUlt K COLLINS. 50 t\ ull Mreel, N. Y. «• prepared to contraet for all kind* of HulldlnRand HU 1 ,\VN SiHPl FY k 1 (I. I.IVeriM-vL Repalrlut?. *IlTHF.N* KI'.N V\R|> k. t:**..«7 .\u»tm Friars. Undon.! .. At*«»—ToeoiuluctWatar through the vart«u»part« ol p G. tV UN t\ HIGH I k. CO., Paris; or | , ! n '. ri '- .... .... . I All %1| MIOItT, or»i;t if tlicw ship* will not tie aernuntn* million, sjiecie,Jewelry, precious I* of I*tdmg are signed there- \prer-ed therein, mice, that the ships of this o.|« contraband of war. ttiwf ly Tniuoii l hr I'rnlral linilraail & Conuccting II.% 11.110 % ns. \Y The II* Mr C»M. »: Lr- • r un-iali, m le*« '• f.-.o-l '»-reo( »h I'jwi* p’eaV) lake 11 Lur ennui entry any m. 11 lljxduts llle aud SCIIEDUZjB. U N au4 aler Mnmljy, tl.o lltlh March, Instant* and tin; I furlior ik.'ue. He Pa,*etu;er Traius ou the ru'.ra' Uai'fiMil a ll run a*lollops: Bit'll' ItVthlUII A*» Macon. Lrate.-ui.iiit.1, - * ,1 , urrivu at Maroti..C.t!5 p. M. | Itue-av„iiiat).,t 1 or. M .arrive at Mucou ..'.Mo ». m. ; L-u,e Uac.m 5 ,. >» , arriv, liiSavaon li't.3>ir. M Is-a*e M»cn r.l5r.M.. arrive luSuvuimahti 50a. m. until, fili'iill I'D Al'IILsTA. Lea*r■ - » m .. arrive In Atmu»la.5 r m. U«veSarann«:, b 3«ir. a , arrive m luguvia.4.4C a. m : «ue <tiigi|,.4 . t'i p, n., arrive hi Savannah l.l'A a. M. l.-ive AuK'>*ia... .7 a. m , arrive in Savannahs.abp. m. >invu, mac.ix a*t> At oi'sTa. Lr:teMacoii. . .*» a. m..arrive m tiuu«ta.k p m. ~r«T M«.*.ii --I'.p a . arrive tn Auguna.-t III a. m. >.ir tucfta . .7 A. *.. arriv. In tlimn,..ti‘A'r.M. L'-»* tug'irta .ii p n . arrive in Maeon....^.|0 a. M. Tt.r Trsiu atiicii have* Savannah tor Macon nt S A. K.«.-!« with Hie Mar.m and Western, and Wpa'.ern H-! tl at.pc l:4iirm»il*.cnrrylmr |ia«*on«er*forull. . fcc,^ R .aiU. lor Home. Gemtfia.) for Nastivlll *"w IV, 1I1 n-.. > amt lor Nortti Alabama. Ti* Train winch leave* Savannah for Macon at 4.H1 . an T M .c..r in*, t. «|;|, ii„. *outh Western, Muscogee and | “ v •rn..f> aWi'mF tilt Railroad.carrying tapAfitae-t fI-.,1,^... Road*.and lor Atnerlcu*,Albany, . O J1 t.'.a. f.«r lallahame, tFla..) ff*r Montgomery, Mo- : - *'•,! Setr * trleati*. T'i"Train whlcb leave Savannah for Augustan A.M. ; tftni.eci* with the evening Train* of the f.eorgla Hall* . wi't. i'i.| th * s.„itn Carolina Kailr *ad. T» eTrain which leave* Savannah for Augusta at 9'«*» P M.. connect* with the morning Tram* of the Georgia j Ht mad* and the South Hyrolma Hahrond. 1 itier of the Trains lea*mg Savant.ah at s A. M.,and ! t:«P. M.. will carry | u»«etiger* lor Mllledgevlll i and ^ la; mton-tlte 4.03 P. M. Train being Hie most closely » nneetnl. Hi-M-ngers at Augusta destine,! for < iglethorpe, Amerl- j :... Mhatiy, TaHehaoce. Col'imb,is. .Montgomery, Mo- ( » e ,n l New t irlean*. must take the G P. M. Train to K'.l I detention. It- morning Train from Macon will carry paynuers 1 ' • vtltlrdgevillo aud Eatontou. Passenger* Irmn Mill, j eljefl’e and F.ahmtoa will take the up day Train at ! P»„engers for the New York and Philadt Iphia Steam* 1 should arrive in -avannuh by the morning Train. I j are partlciilarly requeihd alw vys lo consult the j • • mdi'p*' iidv. ril-eineiiii for '.be tiny# of departure, li.’ugh ticket* are sold Iretweeu -otiimh and 1 a'eive runted M AST I'.R II U I I. HER, At hl*rc»l»lence on Tnylor-strivot,nearCivlhoiiu Square. l\ III lake conlrui is (or Huihhng and Work In Masonry o| every <te*crttillon. J. LAClII.ISit.N, i: iifflncer* u n tl .11111 »v r i u h 4 a * IHUX+ IIU.lS.s ForXI)F.R\ •laual-dlruet—Nenr the Canal Lock. R. LA«HLt«oN.'tti t*nn. s7 S. .HILf.KU s. J. II. KE/{til SOS, \viii:i:i.\Yui(.u rs,\ ih.acu vtutus i Alexandria, Frauklort, Antwerp, Genoa, .Hht'ii*, Geneva, 1 Amsterdam, Gibraltar, llerthi, llniiihurg, Radeii.lladcii, Hague, Herne, lla vie, llouu, llelihllH'rg, Itordenux, Hong Kong, lhml.'gne, Kaiulv, Ceylon, llremen, ldver|MMi|, mtt«sels, Umdmi, IInuoI dl Lucca, Leghorn, Haile, Lclpsic, llomhay, Lyons, (lain via, Lisbon, Hey rout, Mudrid, Carlo, Malm. Cobleilll, MarrelllM, Cologne, CadU, Milan, Cohitulto, Moscow, Ceylon, Munich, Crt'lsruhe, Messina, Calcutta, • Mullmiiae, Canton, Madras, ItroMh'ii, Malta, ltu-seldorf, Manilla, Edinburg, Madeira, Florence, ALSO. CREDITS FOR INDIA AND CHINA ON TUB ORIENTAL HANK CORPORATION OF LONDON. Hrnnehea and Agencies nt— Canton. Shanghni, Calcutta, Hong Kong, Hotuhay, Madras. Sliigapoe, CREDITS COR At'STR.Xl.lA ON THE RANK OF of London. llrauchitA and \getteies at— MuiMmut and Nevvca*tle Hunter River. llrDbane and Ipswich, More.on Huy. Vletorlu Hranches: Melbourne, Geelong, Kyueton, Cndletn.iine, Mount Alexander. Ilnlliirat. Saiidhuist Agency, Ucndlgo. Ovens A gene. mar •.It fitno—is General Ijisuranre .lffeuc>* 142 ila> *t in vorii : »n: i.vii iicoi Naples, Nice, Oporto, Oioroti, Puri*, Pan. I'ulermo, Pi»u, Home, Rotterdam, Diode Janeiro, st. Petersburg, Sirushouig, Siena, Smyrna, Seville, Hleitln. Slinl glial, Singapore. Sydney, NSW., Turin, Toulon, Trlfsle, Venice, Vovoy, Vienna, Wie»l»aden, Warsaw, Melbourne, Au*., Zurich. Kroiiglitoii uml ilimti:oinery.*lrech, S.IF.IXX.I II, i Of.) Carriage*. Wagon*. Cart* *inl Dray* mnnufartured. IllaeksiiilthlU!!, including Iron Ita ling and Grate* for | lluildtnu-.frc. done nt the shortest iiotlee. uHg'Jtl LaFAYETTE HOUSE, ; Corn-r Kay ami .Montgomery Sts., Savannah, Ua , It A JOHN IS AldOLII, tueiil ( Trmi*ient Hoard at $ I per day, ami the Table supplied wnli urn best the m irket alfonD. N. II.—Seven or e ght geotlvnien can And board at the ( above It non*, at $4 |«t Week, with good lodging, 4tc. ! ajw HXIUTMU. With a rapilal aud surplus of over $♦'*',t*M, still con tinues, nmt w ill, until ihe next annual meetiuK,continue to In*ore ilm live* ol W Idle Persons, ut the same rales charged heretol.ire for all revidenl* at th" Souih. Ity It* »o< i ml lies*, good man igeimmt, and prompt payment ol kit It* losses. It has placed itsell equal to any Couipuiy 111 tt e world- Mirinefidil l'irc k llnrinc Inxnrnnce t’o'y, (IF SPRINGFIELD, MAS.-,, Caplmi ami aurpl«», over 1733,000 State Mutual Hirt tluriiir limirance Co. OF PENNSYLVANIA. - — — -- - .HOKl’.S. Capltaland «ur|du*."Vi r flltl^NiU FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' Eipiilnlilr ITrr Iiisiininrr i:ant|i.. of Uinlun. H.,y street, S.tvannah, Georgia. CAPII AI. S.'..VMt.utm. .. — - Hall, Moses K. t o., and^Col. j Th»s» Companh * are sound, strong and reliable, and ii*ur*ncc «>ii all kind* of property, at reason ' * • -it to any amount. YKD.Vimh CITY BU8INBK8 IHRHlTlIllY. I 'iT Vlto fttlluw lug list of lliislnosa Firm* are among lie host ami moat reliable In the City of New York: ,ii tv - oons, |?P8TKINIt IIONIfLNo. 100 l.lberiy*at..and IDA t’i Ceilnr-st. FRENCH’S HOTEL, , CITY MARBLE WORKS, : Corner of City Hall Hqunro ami Frankfort Htroot, n __ . __ __ . ! new York, BTEAM MANTLE FACTORY. IOppo„lo IhiCUg Hnllnml Park AVaaraia.) ***** If AN iHfii Ma-rirrawamJ tunninik u. Th* «nb*frt* I Corner JOih and yiwytu a., i nn.*i/u.rnu. Ii her JriiiUthat, lorcouveuhinc*,ahrgane«,cum(url .1 E. fc. II. NCIIELL, having greatly improved tbalr • • tar III tilt* for the manufacture oLavery variety of .HAKlIlii: VtOICHS, Embracing the brat alyl* of MANTLE’S, TABLE TOM, FLOORING, TOMBH. AND MONUMKNTn. CAUTi:ik»fkjiPAJUiiaa mlXTI/MM. , corner Trinity Place, Importer* nf I,A* i Releclorv tin.'iiii-'.H. Mil.Kif.lir. . v » } \ CEH, EM IHD H DERI EH, nll.KH, Ac.'.W. __ _ w, H ORN,HUHLIEPEli 4k iTSaFHAI'H, Herman ami Belgian II ID* A DC LOTI IK, HII.KH, IDiMIERIKH, lie., No flO Exchange Place. May I,’.Vi, J4IIIN COLTili Ni'ANI)AIII! 4 4)TT'ON hail lllICK. H e. REACH A. CO., No. 7 I Plim-at., New York, • Hole Agents. CnrroH Canvas* fi u several other Mill*; also, fistuni'lio'a I*hint Cmitiu, and Curran Roi.imaslorCakii-uatid H*i riaar PatNiaa*. May 1(1,*53. iw4ji;i;iaui:o'ni*i:s I critNKN No. RIO Broadway, the olilutlnmJ • must extensive establishment in Uiu I'idled Plate. Ht|i|,l,'55. uxwiiiMiiih. 1 /HWARUP, HANFORD k. CO., Foreign Exprets, 'j No. RE Broadway. Goods uml package* forward ed to and from all parts of the world. Aug.31.'53 44HATCH AKI) TUNIHvllN, W M. U. JACKHtiN, (formerly W. 4k N. Jackao. k. Rous,i Gkatk ami Txafikn Msrkii*, hoi Broadway,ono door above I fltli Ktfnet, New York. MayV-J, W. i.iNHr.r.i) on.. r |l G. 4k A. I. ID l WE, Manufiicttirurs ami Import* i. nrs, I HH Frout st., New York. Jiuiel.'.t.l li.mltInti 44iiiMti anil I'lcitire I'rnnii'aT' M l', WHITLOCK, Manufactuter. No. (Ot Canal* • *l M New York. GILUING lu all Ito branr.hen. Pept.l,’.Yt. ANDREWS & JEKUI’r No.417 I'liist Hir.t.'i, A.,xv \urlt., C tOM MISSION M Eld'll ANT M^r tU sale of all kind* 'of MAi iiiNi*t'i«^rooL«, and Cotton and Wtmtaa M Ai iiiaxav.front the Im-si maker*. F.ttluiirt lor l.oxtll Mocktm Shop. May lit,’.Vi l» A l» I . II U A IK i: II OILS!:. pVRDHW. ITEI.llAtCo., | | CIHT-st.. Imp’l" Mill V' Wholesale Dealer* In Anicrlenn, French, German ■nd English PAPERP,and every description of Paper Manufacturers Materials. Aug 31,'.'>3 Tiles for I'l.iorn mt.l Clilni.i.'V Tens, ' M iller, coated ft voei.i; no.yth peari-st- ENCAI'HTlc TILES, GARNKIRK CHIMNEY Tt »PP._Plitniber , B Material!,, Midair, lie. . Ang.31,’55 ha»i:h. PATRICK, Deflatiru Pnlamander Pafe*, ami Goltln’* Dellaitce l.orkr and Cross liar*. Depot, *vo. 11)!? Pearl-st. Ap.30,‘i5 I v GOTTEN in* fa CO., Importer* ol French and • other EunipeitiiGiNuK No. q h llroad*st. _ Ap»le,Y»5. TOIIN M. D IVIES, JONES k Gi»^ Importer* of ft Hosiery ami Gentlemen'* Furnishing Good*, m nit n hictiirersof Phlrls, Ties, fac., |()| Willlam*»treet. Ap.:tO,‘.Vt.^ U r Jriists that, lor convenience, ulegano, comfurl *mlM'onuiiiy,iteauuoih«*urpa*MMl In lla world. All the rmims tire warmed grails; they are III ted up with marhlR top wash Hands, which arniiipnltn] with Croton water, by *llver*|4iteil cock*. The halls ami waler elo- ■el*, on every lloor, are lighted during the night. Tills Hotel It conducted on the European Plan of Urdglng •,—— * Room*, mill meals a* they may be ordtrtMIulheHo* j J Ul • u **4* l J r wgjj u P° n 'tamable terms. K. FRENCH. 1> M. IVe Gol Toliaceo. I* K T i; H «.*() IK | l. I, A IK Ds NANrfACI I'HKH, NO. 43 I'llATRAM-STRIiHT, NKW-VoRK ^Ul.'l.TX-UR of Peter fa Gin.rge l.orlllard. offer* In, v » salt, all kinds of H.NUFF ami TOIIACCOA In gen er»l u*o. For partirulnr*. a Price Current ran la. oh tallied by addressing a* above, ltd* estahhseraeul t ontyof the oldea: of the kind lit the t'idled Halva, fob 13 '!> N. It; Do not believe llackraun and Runners who n i f|t t’vqv «*| . CTIfi CHI D'PL! I may suy Uigt wenrefull, ns some dosn fromyrremarn ! I •VI 1 LLAo 1 IL ■ >111 It J. i*l« J . IKA I'KH fa l ltELMA N. N*». I Karclny-atreet, Ntw Yog*. ' ( 1 ACTION.—Nuno are genuine ex;*pt Urey bear lha i J stamp of ilm patent. All manufacture!# and sell*ta j Infringing will he nro'eculed according to law. 1 mar III Mar Id,*50-1* j IIVILL faPEHH. j tll/IKTf)* 4k I.AIdllfJ. MANL'FALTTUBIW AND IMPORTER!*. No. 121 Ateli-st , VM tloor aliovo Hiltli, PiDI.Ab'A. tv ii o r. n s a r.n and ii j: r a i /.. Every anlcle in their lino of Inulneyt at tha very low '*t market' V\*H PIllCEP, amt solicit the patronage of ' ' ‘ eodHuio mar 37 apW Tho Smithsoninn Houso. I Jroatl tray, corner ol llouaton Ht reel, NEW YORK, On the satnoAdnck with the Metropolitan Hotel nnd Mblo’a Garden, amt two blocks altovu the nt. Mrholaa Hotel, W ILL open April IH, and offers to travellers Superior .IrrommoJalione, In the heart of Broadway, lit Imniedista Juxtaposition to the oilier first class houses and places of atiiusi tneid, nt nmdrratn rates. The house ha* nil Ihuumvehleurn In vogue, ami will bo conducted on the European Plan ol Lodging 1(101111*, ut fifty real* to tkrredollars a day, nccordlug lo location, fan., nnd meal* fjirmslied as ordered, at prices graded to suit both , ../vnu i-ii the economical mill extravagant. Hie gm-sl* urdetlng 1 dealers and others, meal* at pleasure, 11ml SxYiao oal.v run wiivrls mu, TrnvwlUra will ttmlnt the nMITIIHDNlAN accoinnitala* 1 tlolis l.r I,a» mat... h.,Lii. ....... ......... I m • * * ' * 1 • THE GUEAT PL'UIFIEU OF THE Iti.OODl | Not is Farllclc ol Ms*rr.tirr •« It* A N liifalltblerctnwty for Hnrofo la, King's Evil. If hen uutism, OUstinsUit.'utaaeoos Eruptions.Pimpl** < r Pustules on the Fare, HP.Ubcs, Bolls,Cbrbbtc her* Eyes. Rlnr Worm „r Tetter,"esld Ilea4.i:r.ltrg»n.ekt I and Fain of the Ropes apd Joints, stnhtx.rn I leer*.Ky. hyllllc Disorder*, i.umbag' lilteaae. arMng I lions of au|H*rlor onler. andean make main nit.I. ev st i.a*sr oax-TiiiHb ritsa » r 01 u*a riasr class | not u», a* conducted «m Hm old *ysi« ni. For rtwpect* j fth'hl)'. order, ncaliioss. comfort, am) ecotiutuy, the | HMIt 11 Hi »N I AN shall tutike It* mark on tho linns, uml i bn Worthy tho pa'rouagu of the people, aprjt Got HlDNEY K«>p.MAN . 8EWINQ MACHINES. ‘ I^XCEI.HIDU HEWING MAGIIINEH. -Made by mj IDtfJD, RATTELLE fa Ofl n Worcuttor. Massn* rhusctts.pMeiiUal by Ella* Howe, Jr., Heptetnber 101b, IHIU. These Machine* are warranted, (with proper use* mil lo gel oul of repair. Tliey are built In a ghml sub stantial, and workmanlike manner, and will do Tailors Hhouiiakcra'an^Hoddlera' work, in a manner warrant ed lo glvu satisfaction. Tho allch will nut tip any toon than common tewing, done hr hand. Call ami scoIIict In npuratluo at Ho OHF.HNI'T streeb Plilladelpl.D. ut- Statrs. w. A. DAWhdN, Agom. may 13 lyMfaO «*IK ILlIir.II ( IHMJIILATL, ' IjiKTAllLIHIIKI) III I7H0, IV. BAKER fat o. ; H Amerl- I J can, French, Hoinmopathlc and Ynntll.i, Premium Chocolate, prepart*! Cocoa, llroron, C,tcoa Patie, Coma Slick*, HoluliD amt lloimeopatlun Cocoa, Cocoa Hhells, t racked Cocoa, etc., are nil vxcellenl diet for children. Invalid*.ami |M-r«i.ii* In liealib. They allay rather than in- dime the ttervoil* excitrtneiii uttemtnut upon the use of loa or coffee, and nto r<vommended by Doctors Warren, •nckson, liny wnro. War.-, nnit Ailntns. of Boston, ami by emfneiit pliytlelans i-Im-where. For sale by all the principal groteia In iho United Hluies, and by their Agents: D. C. Murray, New York; Grant 4L T wells. Philadel phia, Thomn* V. Rrumllgu, BaMliuoto; Kennell fa Dudley, Clncluba'i. WALTER BAKER &OI., mar 17 3mo* Dorehetlrr. -Mass. hi'iirrS —- LITTLE aiAJMT eou.Y> eon .mr, PATENTED MAY 10th, tavt. S H. BltDW.N, Proprietor <it Georgia, Tennessee and • Alabama, of ibis Invention, which i* doubtle-* among the imal imp-o uni o| modern lime* for the u*e of the well advised farmer and *t,^k feeder; and Uie universal favor with wlilcli It ha* been tecelvinl from the flm, more than buy thing cl*e, atusls it* utiluy aud *u- perloriiy. For portahility, simtilicity of construction, and conve nience of tl*. 1 , the Little Giant ha* no equal. It weighs Iroiu three In flve hundred pounds, according tn *tie. can bo put lu (»|»eralioti by the lurntcr m iwenty unnuies without ex|H'itseor mt-chaiiii alnid, then uiljusteduml use,| w ith convenience by anybody. The Little Giant has received the First I'n millin' at every state Fair from Missouri lo Maryland the pu«t Full, ami that in the uintt I'oinplltiientary mniuisr. Theso Mills are guamnleed in the aiosi positive tonn- m r ngumst breakage or derangement, and warranted to grind teed from ear corn, ami grits or flue hominy Ironi slu'Med corn, wlifi a degree <>f case and conven.eiice for j - farm purpose* never nltalned liefote. v/*##: V.1/1.YMSU: 1, Lumbago, ni,|i.k|,.ompUij.t«-and all Irotn an lhju>flcb-u. u*e of Mercury. 1 im ... t,»! r.*i,it • ,.r ii.. in. ..a r.i g In Life, or Impurity of th* UbKrd. , r > 7 Sit valuable Medicine, which ho* beeSim* cetahra1*4 ' forthenumher of extraordinary cureseffect^l through 1*1111. A IKIil.FII | A. i Itaatfwuey, lias induces! the proprteW/rr. at theurrantra- VARNISH MANUFACTORY, HD and H3 Ni.rtli 4tii-«tre< , t. • derfulcurative tirojiertle*. The following certfBcaiei r |^HE umh-rslgued would earueslly luviUi tha alteullon J aejected from alary'' narntwr. an, bow««er.*lr>>o*tS I of Houdiera Merchant*, Coach Makers, l.'ab net . testimony than the mere word of the proprietor. *bd Maker* met others, to the.' very aiipi-rinr Coach Body, I are ail fr >m geutlemeti well known In their locaUtlM. < arritgo, t.aliiiiri Damar. China Glass, Drying Japan, ' *ml of the highest rcst>e«UUIIty. many of them Now r«- Don Japan. Spirit, sml every other kind ol Narultli ( aiding In Hie city of Richmond, Va. wlilcli have been In constant n*e nearly forty years, and ; I*.HOYDP.N. )>q.,of the Eicbsnve Hotel.Blchttoad feel confident In saying that they are unsurpassed by ! known every where.says he basaram tba MeJldM Call any other niariura lured in this country, for thelrduta- 'rdCAKTEtt'h IIPAMMI MIXTURE adtolnUMrad la blllly, drying qualllie*. and boautlfu' rpjwaranee on over a hundred c**e».in nearly all thedl*tatraforwl.l«fa !!!? ^j* 0 ' "“'I description of and Patou • it Is reo.mmendsd. with then,'/»i**t/>n!*blijf)y frxvdra *""* He •*)• It islhenioflextraordlnarj medtetna . . EK—iJttEATCfllE.—I barebyeaa .- - year* I bad Ague and Fwvegoftbc* Till; llf.s J if %||K l>\K;. * moat violent deocrtiitlon. 1 had several Physician*, took D R. ft. M. HM.LMtD’H (new received the ‘ Jwequantltle# of (|^ulnlne, Mercury, amtf believe aR htvhct premium at the World'* Fair and Amen- i !T, To " ? can Institute, wh • • d hui examined by the distinguish* I Jl*'^ At laat I trlejt t.AWTEU H HI ANItfll MIXTURE, rd chetnlM.Dr. C < Torres, nd | »»" bottle* of which effeetnally cured me, and I am prom.unu-d .he Best. h»l»l*> to say I have had neiaierC3»RI* or Fever alne*^ For sale by tm. I'rioeipal Druggist* in this c'ty—price ! I coiilder D the best Tonic In the world, sad th* only SI Principal »ftl.:e am! store ta- nod Vsi Ur .sdway, ‘ ircdlc.nethat ever reached my c<t»e. New York. Mar P mar Id j „ . tl , . JDlIN !^3NfJDEIf. J Reaver Dam, near Richmond Va. A TT y>iCK I C. R. I.l CK, Esq., now in the city of Richmond, and lx 4 .Trrrr,, , • rT »|VT' fx r- c the Po*u>fflc<-.ha».oe h eonfldence fa 1) Alii K UK KOI ^ PES. , c^rteh*h hpanihh mix- M r. t’ARV Ui.l M-siHs-tfu'ly give iio'.tce that In TUBE, that he ha* bought upwards of 30 bottle*, wbki lias return d to t-avainmli, and ha* re-opened Ins ' he ha*given away to the afflicted. Mr. Luck sajs h* GALI.I.RV. tv iruer Itry at.-stiewl and Market^q-are, , ha* never known It lo fall when taken according to dl f M t o. »»« I'leturwa In much | VC * . ^ ^ ira aiatetuf*. •suit*, lie says It is thi Our price, aro moderate, amt terms easy lo good buy- i haserer *een >rs G.ra us • rail aonitaui a'ou^ I AGUr Alff) PEVEI mar'Jt d uo *0 fa %! N.wih4th-»t, Philadelphia. ' tlfy, that for three yii here ho I* prepared to execute 1'ictui admtreo style. Mr.C. tnvh.-s tu«|NcU<.ii of his new and improved Hn-reo*coplc Picture*, whirl, he flatter* himself, are •u|>erlor to any ever heft ire produced. iqH-rator* throughout the etate may oOtnu ti i *trtio* tlous in hi* new process by ai plying at the Gallery. nov 3H Gmo to BUii.iiGits .txn sin m;its. N. WlIKAToS, N'o. 32 4'hiiiiI klrret, letv York. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Heater lu DOORS, >1 HASHES, BLINDS, fac, ha* on hand lit his Wareromiis, n large assortment of Dm sbovr articles, manufactured of Die l>»*i lorn'or, and kiln dried; In side ami i lutslde shutter*, Hhuth-r llllmls. Gothic ami Circular Hashes, I'mtel Work, kc...fall description*, tn ido In order ut the thnrie-l nut..',, and III Die best Iiiuutmr.- Window Glass and » ml assortment ol Builder's Hardware, constantly on hand ami lor sale at Iho lowest price*. mm. nnvlh kmc. i:d\v hiii ’ STAMPEDE MIXTURE. tor the Fn rr and Acne uml ('futureit Freer. 1 111K PIP tPRIETt ill t irrillS MHlllt IS E wUJ state without l.e»ltatIoii or fear of cniilradlcttnu, that the Stanpxiik Muti se has cured persons whore M no* t*eon iutr -duced, thntiany oilier imdicino lu iik* for the a fro re df».n*e« This fm-dicinc furs imiiiier Ar»euic or(Jiilnlmiin it* eompositloti, nl|..f;bo iii.'nslivnt* are of a perfectly l.e.-i'by character und highly -iilmulaili g Ihcirtemleoey person* while using mine offer led by exposure In water or adampntmoapliifetio m..»e than when in their iftal health. Plainer* tn *eeiion» ol the country when* the Aguo prevails, will ih» well 0> ml-.pi this medicine as the patient I* not obliged to lay by while under treat- .iientaml they mav be Nxiirert id n »|ic<*dy cure. Th« Proprietor could introduce thousands of err- tlflculi * from ilio.o of Ike liigln-si re*ii*-ruhllily, hut prefer* saying to Dm Hick buy one bottle ami you wilt have Hie infaltlhle proof tn yourself. Full direct loa* for it* n»e accompany each bottle. I Hllver’. Plastic I'atnls are purely Metallic,containing For sale at the Principal DruggDt* everv wheret i noAlmnln or flay. Wholc*aleordersmu a ttmad<lre*»««l MEAllfa fll.F.F.fK J Tliey are levIgntVdfltiely.inlx'rcadR) with Linseed Ol!, REMOTAL. w. i>. t o it u. Family Ororcrits, i'rttit.A'c. H Ah Removed Ids establishment to ItroughP.o^trvet, oned ex front Jofferwitratroel, where he will be pleased io kccoiunt'Mlate hit Ineud* and Die public with all things np| to lit* line of butim-.««. All order* tnaiikfuRy received, nm iv. 8PHXNO TRASS, .Votin: lo.llerrliants. 1\T E m»w offer, at wholesale,In quantities lo suit pt^ >1 c..a*er«, a full and compete a*-m:iieiit of Tin W an . ..I our -wu inaunlacturc. vjnaMv ret lo iw »ur* passed. I.oYELL fa i.AITIMoRE, 13 ll*rimnl-t. ir. Ml SEE. a practliing Phyiietat. and formerly « the City Hotel, lu the city of Richmond, rays ha ‘ha. witnessed iu a number of instabcc* the effects of CAR- TER’HHPAMHII MIXTURE, which were moat InUx •urprUtng. He say* in a ca»e of t.Vv&snntpilon, dtpec. dent on tha Liver, the good effects were wood erf ol te« dee,! flm «uh»cfiln'rs are now |iri'pnro,l to furnish the trade with improved pattern* und sue*, lo »uit the varied w aul* ol all. No. i is offered at ff'W complete, ready for attaching Do- team, and warranted lo grind tell bushels of li ed ! per hour w ith one horse. No. 3 at $75 will grind fifteen tiuslie'v |K-r hour. No. t at $1*1 will grind twenty lot,hid* per hour, with two horse*. Mauutactuted and (or sale by H. >. IHPtWN fa • (»., mar 3 at N'a*hville, Term., and Atlanta, Ga, SIliVUK’* 50: Flit ns A A I) III 11,1)1 X. I.lli.v, FARM- nu t Il'*i Rulidlug U-ts wi.l t w divided •at suliscrihrr, on the 31 -lay of May next. IIicm! are sii iaicl In the I Ro-fvale, mar'he reli hraii-l l.u'*.- Konk->nkoma. jusl a p'.e«*an: ride Korn the coy oFNew Yoik,..„ tlio l,->ng Island Rail Road and hav«i alrrad proQluble invetlinent. Over two t Inrm* have been wild, and parties either er.ctod bull.hugs or sold out at an ex.-rhltaut toaflt. $ IU «-nly will secure two bulldit.g lots, .’kj l*y It*, leet, or a farm from 3 to jfti acres. Map* of the same he wen and r ceipts given. »•> applvlugto apr2- W •'. WRIGHT. AyeoL SAMI ELM. DRINKER, of the Brm of Drinker fa Morris.Richruoto], was cured of Liver Complaint of f year*standing, by tne os*of two botUraof CARTER’S Spanish mixture. «»*ai»'» GREAT < I RE oFBLRort LA.-The editor* of the Richmond ID pub'.ictn had a servant employed In theli preaa room, cured of violent Hcrofula. combined with Rhaumattsm, which entirely disabled him from work — Two Route* of t AKy:B'hHFAKIMl MIXTURE msdt * perfect cure of t-lm.aftdthe editor* In a public boik*. *a.' they ••cheerfully rrcr-mmend it to all who artafi flic'.*-) with any disease of the blood." HULL ANOTHER CURE OP HCROPl'LA.-l had a ver^-valuable boy cured by three bode* of Carter'i Hpantoh Mliturr. | cnsldertt a fruly valuable oedl cme. JAMEH M. TAYLOR, Condor tor oa the R. p.fa P.R. II-C-,. Richmond. Va. 1AI.T RIIEI’M up 30 fa'EAP.H HT AN DING CURED. Ur.JOltS TllO>IPt**tS residfr-cifi tlio city of Kfek- Hioiid. wa* cure-1 by three Nodes of Caner'»Hpu.ufa | Mixture, of Halt hheur. which he had nearly 20 year* | and wild, aillbephystcisnsln theclty Cf.nld i>' { cure . Mr. Thompson Isa well known merchant In the city o| •r I.* cure la mostremarkable. of | WM. A MATTHEW si. of RlcfcOH-bu. Va^hada a*rv- antcure.l of syphilis. In the worst form, hv Carter’a Hpar.lsh Mixture, lie say* be cheerfully recommends!) * i*. *.,ru u«- ■ | ami consider* it an invaluable medicine, ousatid lots and , RICHARD E. WEST. <•( Richmond, was cured ol pi.icbavlng hive t whatphyslclan* cslle>lc..nflrmcdC*«niun)p • Uon. by Uiree tKvDlesofCarter’sHpinlsh Mixture. EDWIN RURToN, C-ommlsatorer of the Revenue •ay* be ha**eeo the roo,t effeetaofrar'.er'sHpantab Mix* Dire In a nimlKT nfwrphIBDreaaef.and *•»» Ills apse feci cur*- for that be rrtble disease. T.W.DYOTT fa SONS*. ITJ North 3d-ltrvet.rhDa by i'X|tr,*urc, tbu* making Dim- an enamel ol «tone, protecting Wood from decay, and Iron amt oilierinrtalsli.uu rustxndcorroaton. This I'nu.i dlffer*tr<>m tho »n calh>»l Mineral Paint* nl the day, w htch are principally Ucliresand tJlay • colored, amt are entirely worthless. Rxraa«ac*s— *’r«'«r». Hall, Muse* fa t o . nnd Col. John II mb*. Columbus, Georgia ; Messrs. Hall, Moves 1 will ,-ff.- & Rolotrls. Motng onery, Alabama l 5lr. A. J. Brady,, ahiemn Atlanta. Georgia. »| ,r '•’U AT I’lTK-NI'.’fa IMCINTIND nriici;, N«*. G \Vl»liiak«'r-Mr«*«'i* nrr\ RDH ute printed ut R3-W |H'r thousand, net 2.*—If. Lit, Hot.t I'n oas.ltH Hr >«ilway, Naw York, POWER PRESS PRINTING. ono. NT. NICHOLS, III I.l. NTIIEKT, ttfHostTX l‘rt.s*Kl Hopst nr All work executed with dh'pnlch. For iiisuranco In | nles apply to j Jnu 13 c'c Tlir l uili'd *titlrs Ufc Insiiraiirt Coin [inn}', Tnkf* risks ou tm, Live* of white persons, for life o a shorter period, amt on slave* for one or lour years,on a* favorable term* as any equally tvsponsibla Company, carivxr »ni> s*stTs.isNi'sav 1st, Ie55: A bonus of 25 percent has been declared on the busi ness of last year, to nil policy holder* entitled thereto. MINI.s fa JitllNt'I'DN, Agent*. Hr. R. D. ARNOLD. Medical Examiner. mar ID Fire-mid .lliii’iue ■limii’iiiice. Tbe liDuranceronipanyortht* Valley of VirRlnla, Available Capital 83mi,iHMt—Hurplu* $f»l,517 27. riixnrr.a egnrxTt'vt-. Take* rf«k* ou • 'argo.Frelg ht, Budding*, -Merchandlxe, fac.. In town nml c«*unto. I^isve* promptly nml liberally adjusted mar lit MINIH fa JollNeTON, Agents. Norwich l ; lrr limirnnrr Comimnv, Conn. INCnltP* (RATED ItfiM-CAIMTAL -STOCK. $I5ii,imni. A. A., iNH fa co„ *.vt»iiiwih. It 5 YII.A-ND, IH- I.Y fa CM., Augusta. HIMONH, RUFF fa ■ * >., Charleston,H. i . June I, Combs, Fans and Fancy Goods illlirr .,f ,t.r .hi.,..; I ” v'’! Ill, A«'|. I I e-vua ' '■ !;•'»* i»«u« u- ... IU lln,-,trwl. -»*,mi,h. II,. I 1W »r A.;,ll.cru Ilm... M.tcii.,.:., I - — , stock of fans,' .oiih*. Hair, I-hiiii amt N.i I iiKiiraiiee. i 1 Jet and Read Hracelota. IN ckel —MVEUY. II4RK, A5I) (PSO-UII STABLE. ; rpiii; Hnh*crlle-r* have purchased the large Brick i 1 -table on IViet llrond «tr»ei, formerly known a* j Brown fa Harris’ Htulde, and will »•*- thankfutfora «hare of public patronage. Wc hdeml to keep I« urriage* i ami lluggie*. gentle ll -rse*, ami careful Driver*; nnd If sir//". aUenlion to !>m.»e*s win merit patronage, we in. tend to have it. THOM \H F. STEVENS, J ACOB ELUSION. Hnvannnli,January )•». Iej|. itnio Jnu I d place*, also, In-tween Monigotuetv nnd WM. M VVADLFY, Gen. smp't. -atsiniati, March 12th, IH55. tf mar lb M)ITI1 UESTKIl.N RAILUOAll, CIIANI.E of rtcllEllCi.P, £$999 O S till AFTER TL'ErtllAV. February Vitth.Possen- e*r1r»nn will b-avo Macon dally for Columhu* at J'.'t'.-rk. A. M, amt for Amerteu* at 7 A. -%l., arriving _ ___ ii•-..laii.t,.,, ej,...VPvck, A.SI-.andat America# ll« A. ! V l.«.te Vtiiert. ot da>ly a* 7, A M.. and l.oluntho* at 4JIKI.Nf\IJ.I.I. «V 4 4).« i' '* \\“}' Anmnwaai lift a. j \ 0i 207 llaj'-Slrcpt, SavaniLih, (<a., ''••rung »|M,".’.|' esch wav’ with Central Railroad ' "I' 1 '""' 1 «n om.-e f->r lhe *» 1 ’"'' I * , "J ,n “• Tr*... to -avaunali. Augusta. MllledgrvllJc and Eaton. TenneSH-e, and other t\ l.dTl.ltN I ID HH-<-L. and M »i;h 'lac-.ii aud Wnslerrt Railroad Train* to Jmct, at an early date riMII'. nho 1 tioti upward* i thm, wh,'revet km y tin* been lu succeastul opera* l Huy year*, amt ha* a high renuia- vii, ns n prompt tmi re*|M>ii*D>le of- , Dilton, Chattanooga, Knoxville, and • In receipt of lla, r, Hope, Cotton, fac. far , the produce of that lion. We keep an office at ’ 'tint' .Tonn., for n; I dally at Cdurahti*. with Otrallka Railroad | .* 4 i forwuid, direct to planter*, and from that point. .1 Am.rleu, .uh «,ll -l.«« T.l | , 1 “•"»»*•• f""-'-•"'V"'" h''™!!' ! ^ J l^oiltville, nml Nashville, and will attend tothepur-| rha*e of aitlclo* lu Uiosit market*, to In. shlpp,-I to Ha- vatmali.or intermcdin'e |o»int* in GtKiigia. Jan T‘ Ohio ; and ... vltle.fa, • ran pr.-c ire-i nt \im rlcu* :o Angie i: h,r,i,i t.i v\ itriiiiigtnii, N. C^ via Augusta. • -.i • Us, .-irainsiiip* leave Havannah for New York •'.•1iim.i»)« -murdays, aud lor Fhlla<leipldn on •teilirVays C»..*irr m the' abin. $ Jh \ Hleefnge, $H. •* ,r ti'rin Moiiigoiiicf i io HaVbinuh, #12 .Vt I*". ii On* to do IMH! b'*. Atnenru. io do * 55 < i Et >. tv, A DA MH,Su|«irlntendeiit. Wtr'li.Frli l.'ilh, le.'i.'i fob Iff "I ■ iii;nh\ i:ni.i.ik *v < o . . 4 T their -team Engine and Roller Works, ltro<ikljn, I New Y*»rK, are prepared to execute order* for I STATIONARY, RIVER AND MARINE 1 ti.VtJt.VDS. (without the trouble of grinding,; ami flow umL-rthc 1 brush as freely as the best White Lead. ‘ t hese Faint* excel all others in body or covering pnr j pound of which will cover as much surface. I a* two pounds of White Lead. I There are four natural color*, viz: Black or Slate I Brown,Olive and Chocolate. ’ Diaa, Tinas: Thl* Paint flow*readily underthe hru*h ami lla covering (ironerty 1* lucreaseil by using It mixed { a* thickly a* possible with pure Linseed i Dl; n* the Faint i* the lusting or protecting bmly and the 1 HI simply I Brushes i the medium or ugem in sprv ruling It. M.,.,,.,1 * ! We annex copies of two letter*, one from the Frosts Button*! j dent of the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Co n the • - orbsr f.r.,n > m,Hllnm,n - well kt)OW ii resident of Au- attention Pin* and Needle*. Hooka nml Eye*. Watch Guardi. Wax,Coral nnd Gln«* Bents, Necklaces, fac. India Rubber Comb*, 1 'line*, BaF*um| Toy# of every dracrt|e D"h Hcls*or*. Razor* ami Cuiier>, Gold amt Gill leWeDv, Actfordeou* nml Vn-lln*. Including a cent ral uml very large *,ork *>f Englisti, French ami nrmuiii Fancy G<hmI». which will l.e -..Id at the very lowest prl* • us, for Cush or Approved Patu-r. i —*• : ---, - ^ , mr< Infers hy letter selected amt put up In the brat . fttro over all other* we havetrett for.ueh purpose*. tu»an,-r. . ... 'VII.I.I AAlj-'ASll.l:a... . | (8 „ nc<l) other from a gentleman, o guala, Georgia. > n*cr ofthr I'Stla.aoii Htad ug Railroad t o., I I Plltt.apxLrr >. Mxv 3, IH&3. \ | J.H. HiivtR, Esq—Dear Sir . W e have used yotu j “Plastic P*lnts" for more than a year, and for I'altillng . llrldges,de|>otk,fac., 4kc., we have found It quitetHpinlto j any paint we have used. Infact.wetmwglveita prefe* tnanenil) cuum Pvi mu pal Depot* at M. WARD. CLOSE fa -30..^ Maiden l.ane, New-Y«,r*. For sate by II. CARTER fa Co. A AHnl.OMONI fa *'« >,»nu Tlt<*MAh M. TURNER fa U», rav.cna) and »>v liruk-c-s'.s and country MerraanUevtry wL-cra VT Price* *•* "• - ,*l'-l r*r Untile mr A Fnltiot 1m* |f Tlir .ImrriraiUg Frlenrt: •* j. --•> L-n f\L mm fRSkzz.t ! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. rnnr!3 Bl . . jjirr- 1 , if every ,Inscription. Hugar Mills, .Mill (York, etc.,also i ull k.ndaof High an I I ....... icrititTujrto lho Uhtrlreioii nml I *l * ’«'Uiiiah Railro.d will h« re opened the |5lh Do- F"‘D-"*l,and kepiopnn until further notice, atthe I He I L!Le ! rgp| M , t ,u > „|,; glue will rnri ' I ».'r«ton - I., 7 " xioiah. —Mkjo A It. IawPhi. Vdams’ Run — Hawkins ir*. «'ti* -Mills, Wm. C. Iter. Forbir, llr. J . |\ fafsvm, l>»|. . King, D. P. Wilkinson, J. 1 '"«D» Island.— E. N Fuller, Jas. Ilopklnaon, tUil E Wlaley- •••'.—Col. M. I: t arn, D. H. Henderson, J. I!urhnd|n v,iir|ee>.—Law retire Wltsrll.W, II. I.owndra, Jaa. Rbett. ’% iu ir her.->7horns* Jfrtrrr. R. McBride I'enplea, • -n». Vlletl. I' -v.Ultgo - W. t - lluiaon, J. II.Handera, John Mar tVi.ippv Hw«mp lluaier Ground.— Ilurwell MrRrldo. t. l A. Taylor. 'son,die.—P. W. Tickling, Wtn. Yeomana, 'I tiad- Pressiire Roller*, it in Havannah lor Die above dera for nuy kind of Machinery, « now on hand a portable llirif horse power Eli which l.u Will sell oil nccoinmmluDng lernis. W51. GREENE, • orner llryaiinnd Jefferson its. IW ffino A .Vlnaonic ICegnliaa. VARIETY of Mno.nlc llegallns, nonily manufac- :<irnd,nf Hatlii nml l.oirtlukln. Just recelvwl and fur «ata bv H H. HIIILEY, dee 2) No. 135*'oiigre*» Street. Nl’Mira i 5 1, -I i: 1.1.44IK A I’ll. I tl’lir. organ r.f modern Hplrtl’inllsm. Ith vol. com- 1 insures In 5t«, 11 roiualiis Die lulls*—* record et- laid i.f i orient laris rod opinions on Hpirhunt inter. kiy nt • -• per annum; also, all •I" *1 h i. r-i PA III IH DOF. fa It It IT TAN, 312 Broadway, New York. 5 Catalogue of H|drlHu! Bonki sent on applh i. .Imo apr |H The umlursignvd Is prepared to take l-'Irn Uiaka for said ffl'H’O, - ii dwelling*, furniture, stores, merchandise, warehouses and cotton, upon the most uvorable terms. Jdil.N INGEIlM, i|.L, Ag’l N. F. In*.Co., mar 5 No, 2 Jones' Budddig. Itn.v -st. Tlunitrcli AVeitruiM'e «'o. I.ointon, FIR F. .1X0 I.IFF— F.S T. III f. I Sit F. l> IH.V.I. CAPITAL AND M'lH'l.l'H FI ND-$-J,l*a»,l»*t. r pilll AIDrVE tni-nll..imk|, ompnny have established 1 n braneli In tin- Culled --tales, nml have lodged with John L. A*pinw»!l, Gen. Ciirtla nml Watt*-her- ttian, of Dll'ally of New York, a permanent f uml of $l5».htxilu Anmnrnn-ecnrltle*, to ho held by I hem ns Tins ces. Ruble for b«a«es auslalnwl In this country, which wilt be adjured ii| New York nml promptly paid. The auhacritHT ha* been app'diited \grul for -uvan nali, amt will take rink* nil Die moat lavornble terms. JAM EH Mi HENRI, Agent, tuny 31 —ly No. tin Bay-*i., -nvnnnnh. Ihl l.AUAKI. Tl I Tl II, SaVi K Y INHUIt 5NCE • tWII’AN V. or riiii.anKi.riiu. *IIE suh*crltier having been ap|Kdnle,l Acrid of the , i above named "hi ednbllahed MUTUAL Company.. — i |a prepared tn I—'it* It* Policies on Marine nml Inlaml Navigation lti*k«. JA5II-H MclIKNRV, ii,o 37 I IH Bay-street. ■*IK4)VI.N4 lAI- I.1M HAN4I. 4 4 MI I* ANY OF r'HDiNTtr, CANADA AVERT. • *eir*i, $'J,inni,<nni. The itmloralgned, having been appointed Agent ofthr ahovn CoiH|>aii>, ta-ga to announce that he t* prepared j to Issua I'nllrlr# «>f Insurance on Fire risk* In Savannah nnd ll# vlclnliy, i.» ulso on Marine risk* generally. , may!! |y Ww.«TD HVDEB, Agent. 111)111. littViLLiiiT; toiiiM.ii, oh' THE CITY r»F NEW.YORK. 4'ii|>ltul. faoDO.OOO — All I'll 1st III. L'.J. Maarin, Hw’y. SIMEON L. 1.0051 IS. I'rea'l. Tim -uliacrlher* having heel. ap|tolided Agents of the above Company, are now prepared totnkn Risks against Fire on IhHidIhg*, Merchandise, fac. far. mi favorable term*. COHENS fa HI'.KT/ I'Hy h 1,0.11)01 i’«i4):>i\ hiii itiiTt t. fhlaCoinpany take* Fire Risks it. thl* City,ami Insure Renta nml*. sept V It. HABERSHAM fa SON, Agents. mar .1 ItOVAl. 4NN4 I4A.N4 I. 4’4)4|PaS 1 . ..pltlN'i; \ND SUMMER PLANTATION tJt LONDON AND LIVRRI'OOL. ^ Plain and -trl,.e»l, Cotton Osnaleirg*, the hea*le*l I'n |»14 la I 2,000,000 »f I’oillllU N|orllll|r* in the M„:e. |'l.»l.| amt Htitp.M Marl Blue Thlsliialltullnai lint established an Agency In Savan* j spunHldrtlng sirlpea, »*. uml I I llrown Hhlrilng, nab, nml Flm I'nllnlc* upon I'rmluee ami Properly will R|,|„ Hoinn.* nml Colored Head llnmlkercldet* ter sale belaauedhr ANDREW LOW' 4k CO. Ha,annnb,O"t.20. IH5|. HOUSEKEEPING.'HARDWARE, AND 1'ANCV 0C>O|)S, .i. .v is i: u it i.v v. I MPORTER- AND WIIUl.I.-ALE DEALER- IN HOUSE-KEEPING HARDWARE ami FANCY GOOD--, HOI llrotwlxvnj . i. v. CfTi.xar, -ii.vxa nnd Pi vtki, Wntv. JaeanaKar, Gkrman Sn.vxa and llaiusvu Wtax,rour**«nioa, Rkam- Ii.t.xn and Ikon Hoi.t.ovv \V.»*v, Itn •m.kis Corrxa and llaa*« Goon*, IUiiiimi Arr*nxTi s, Tin, \V«»op ami Wit.i.ovv Wanx, llRrstta., 5t»v#, IIxskxi*. Ra- rniuxR*Toas, sroRiiaoTai m, fac.,fac. Our stock lira- Tor year* been eutialto nnd now surpaasetin variety nnd extent any similar estnldishuieiil lit llirr, > untry nml will tm *o|,| nt prlcemlclying competition. Tho attention nl House-Keepers nnd Mcrrhnnt* IMtiv.’) ted tovurstockofliood* and prices liefore Imylng. J. vt C. m.'K’KJA.N, tyl* l«Pi lUoadwiy, N. V_ LKATIIEli. rtriT7.s ( iii:.\k)iky x 4:0. No. 21 North Thiril eire.q, I’ltiuAtiei.riiiA. 5torocco Mait'iIttClurers. Currier* and liuporiur* of French t'alf-k in-, nml dealer* hi Red and. I ink Sole Imnlher aud Kipp. thm, leb IP U11 veIo|>e .tinhiiliiciorir“ The Oldrel und l.'tigre' m fhe United Stiitrt. WKVr A lll'IKI.fN, No. 53(1 William atroni, Jv'gyv York, I > RSl'KOTFULLV Invite the ntlemton pf Die trade 1 A. to their very extensive nstortmrnt ol i:nyi:m)i*i:n. Muri: 51 n \vu1n.\4: , PAPERS, tfcc. 1 heir great laciiitir* in vinnuluciurlng enable them 1 to offer at extremely low price*, amt on the most favor- I able term* 3im, ajir to N t l. SYRUP.—3U hid* choice, landing and for sale • hr SCIt\*ToN, JtlllNHTllN fa CO, mar 111 1 ytlTATOF.H - rhi bids Poiaioes,III good order, faml 1 R ii and for snle by HUNTER fa GAMSIRLI. a|>r It JOHN TUCKER. President. Al'Ml'aT*,Ga.,-KeTKMaxR 21',1*53, f -team Vlntilng Mill*. * I hear .vie — You aak tnefor ray opinion of "-II ver’a nallj Mineral Paints," which you have put on my Machine -hopand Pinning Mill. I givey..11 wllliplcnsiireitiy (ull and hearty recommendation of it as a preventlvrofflre comiiiunlcnllngfrotii chimneys or from adjoining build ing*. The Palm which you pm on my roofs, ha* now become a* hard a* «t. am, and I foel a* secure from tire. In thlsdlrectloli.a* l* possible. A few weeksaftrrthe roofshad been painted, I made nnexperiinctilon two,<r three shingle* by placlug'.hem lu IheHirnncounder the hollers: the result wi«, Dint the portion uncovered was piittreiy consumed, while the painted part wn*nppareni- ly sound, though upon examination! hr wood was found lo tie charred ; the paint, however, was nas ami hut lltllehllatered. I consldcrlhl*a* aevere atr»tn*your Paint can he put lo, and under the rlrcntn«tn|ice. I do nothcidtato to commend It a* an Hi valuable preventive against Ore. Respectfully,fac. i signed > AMBROSE SPENCER, ERENCII fa RICHARD-, X. H". C.irarr of 1 Or A aud .Uarlrt rlrrrtr, Vki/a,, f’a. G I'.N KRAI. 5V ID II.F.S ALE AGENTS. Foranlolu Savannah, Whohisaleand Retail,by . JAMES II. CARTER fa CO, No.ITtl Broughtoi>*t reel. July 20 llgolply eg fro* Impuril, tkr tHood, and lk( rjfrtt* of .Vcrrary. S V\ AIM’S PANACEA has hoea lor more thirty year* celebrated lu lids country and in l.u»»|>« for lu extraordinary cures—for the ccrDBcates of whirls re ference i» made lo the directions and m—ka (which may be ),&<) grail*, accompanying the Panacea, m m« of which give ihe par.iruijfs t.f c**»-* frigtillul for gen eral publication, v* tie-e Die patients had l«-m almost eaten up »vun Scridula and were deemed Incurable hy Physicians. £ It ha* be, q used In hospital* and private ha# had the singular lortuot- of being recotunieudv«l tiy Die m"« eeh-braletl pht•.clan# and other eminent fur- son*. A tili ng other* t'V fcM'. Gibson. 51 D . Prof, of Surgery, Pa. University. 5 a eidiho Mott, M. D., Prof ol surgerv, N X. Unlver W. P. Dewee?, M. D-, Prof of 51td. Pa University. N.i'lia; mail. 51. D . Prof ,.f I'nssic. 1 a Ui.ivrrstG. T. I'atke. M. D., I’res't Collige of Pt.y s, cians Put la. D-. Del \ all,., I'r.-fof M,* Havana. Jose Ixinretio-de ProfofHargery, f.:*tK>n. J.l blfdn^n, Memt-ef Roy al Collegeeurgti ns, U'ndotl G. W. Lrv.iig. Ixte Minister to Spam. H r Th. n.ft* Pearson. Mo|<>r t.eiwral British Army. GiIIh rt U.d.triM.u, British Consul.fac . fac. And nl#o, ihr won-lerfut cure# effected by »»aim‘ Panacea, have, for many year# made u an invaluable remedy The Panacea doe# luff conlalt) nx rcun in a~y form and being an innocent preparation, It tuny be given to Dm most tender Infant. The retail price ha* to-, n reduced to SI .VI per bottle (containing three ball plul*» «>r three b«-rlea for $4. ■lew lire of lill|»aaillon -walin'* panacea it lu round oolih*. fluted lopsttudi- lib the follow lug letter* blown on Rio gla#» ; "HW.M5FS —PAN ACEA—PHILADA." and having the name of J**.Hw*ix C.ampcl on th- veal-ng « av and wntirii on the la'el covering tbe corK, , and a #ptrndidrnuiaving for the vide ol the la t;ie, emu- [ posed «l ge, mcirir lathe work. conip/i»mg rune differ ent die*, which have been tinned lor Dm exclusive use | PURIFICATION oFTIIK BLOOD, of the j.ropjlelor, by Dra;e* fa < o n tumk m-ie eigravrrt »an ofPIdtadeljhta. In tt.e centre 1* a pt.rrau of Ujc late J l IV K»: XNDRII.D't S COMPLAINT^ Win-Haattii, copyright wcurrtl. | Th,-« aliens ot the Untwnsuilri much frxun d.Oorders AI«»«», sx* ii itn'a VeriMl fuifp. of the Liver and Stomach, scarcely any arc tree from A valuable Family Medicltifabeing a highly approved , Die influmc* of these deetnic'dve tnatadle#. hence life remedy f<>r all disease# arlviua from debility of (be dl- | wears i>‘t. TT>« utr sex, pt-rhsp* the mrat handsome gcstlve organ*. *uch at Worm* Cholera Morbus, Dyscu- 1 tn (he World, up * certain fen.-d »l rr.. di.ircau.i.g to , Fever amt Ague, Bleeding, Pile*, Mck HddacJte, |a*y,msny to** their teeth ard goodl-voks, «hil« vet In Tilt#. I To tkf CiUtrmr Ofthr fartrd item,— I in,*#: numbly and« retr thank yon for the Ho- tnenra pawonagr wl.irh yesi iuir ajHi* my tht* opportunity of sia.lng that my Aicr* irne-ican CrDxm#. *i-: that I e»:e#U»» f*w ad tn*: concern* \r.Mrn«»nd ibe Anveocan*. tbe mask I |i« els sympxtbies, much k, that I orictnally ccm- ; j-»t D-»*e IMlsexprtwsly :otun yourrhma'r.feahlu, constitution*, and mxunci oi Bviug, intending u>r»ub- ( )l»h tnvscil among yen. which J have now done, by lakinx nremire*;n .Nea York. • TID iM 5S HOLLOWAY, -0 .Yntiv J.atr.Xtm Tori. fac.. In- Nt Dir Pamphh t,which may tn* had gratis) accompanying the Vermifuge. Prepare,! only at -U AI5U- f. 4ROR 4TUKV. HIE OLD -l AND. seventh sired he i>» i Treat mil, PtdladH- phio,aml *.<1,1 by mi respectable Droggtiis m the I nited Males. CAUTION T»» THE PUBLIC. Person* fa|.hii.g to obtain Dje genuine-5Y AIM'S PA- N'.M 'I A nndsVVtM'.- VERMIFUGE, ahouhl be careful to observe that th or*. Edmund ID.ett.41. J. Johnson, J. fl. I'npw. ' l/ltl'.sll FI imvitta --I «,|. John Webb, Wilson Pcrrttseo, j * •‘"ildds . How rd. *'«»V ,r T . I.ll r<>«. It H. Kl*k. Dr. p. Frttcbard. | an doul I-... rivilln - R F. Buckner, William J. Itawtotr, A. : -W. W. Hardee, J. P. Raymond, J. D-| ■ i ol. A. J. Lawton,Hamuel Manner, , Na'baniel |l. Iley ward, Burrell Haun | rd of D'rc ’ -1' tn >. r it Moifsi. pub s. E I.l -e* j nd Trr v 11,«> Trnr.r#*eo Flour; ■ ward *l,net «1»; 5u do au- ■•gia estrn family do ; ai- In •-■•litI# and quarter tdd* ir«h*rn Flour, In elgbtb m tlir mills and warrant • Ir by I" JNU. INGERSOI.L, Iff II,Dl.If fa* I IM A DA II Y, Willow a'lcel, nt.'iVo |2'|i »llwl, I’lllIrs«fmIlr|||i,. I I'll* )N1 *. ••! any dr.lgo. with or Wllhoul “»lrl- al-nt Ilex"ivlmr stmttV*." a new *n.l*Ut.erl also. Gtrdr#., IPduillll', Window lle*d'.«o.| «p l«|s.Dt I'll, s, in atom amt f..i 1 1.14 I bid MIMA 1 " •- ••o.srnhrf 1, I'MioRsKtu'Ing * plantation MUI ■ I.l, Itlw Orlievrs I* Dm most ec-Homli at »n« lu '*'• '• I- • p*M of tf.e r »i#itrv. lie lias now on hand. • ! .# suop, naurt of Biyao amt Jefferson stsweis, sev V! ■' • "f .I.(J,root sues, and •'*' Is prepared lo make a.i.olrr *oy #ire, from two io at* hors- |Kiw«r, anil ffl , u,f F'anch Burr, I oo»pus. • wtognn, o, ernmon; i -tor,*,, g„.\ y, r trrpa different kltol* ’Ua* ronstanily on hand. lod'pi f ‘* *•#!»»•*#, 4i»rn M.rtlers, May • uiicra 1 "dr'Ii ’ all other Ir. 15.. 'si i* I to t„ parlies *|>|->i apr IS l-ling, i.g p. .ai,.* rlirerioily fornlslmd ». . r hv fetter 5 N») 1*4 fa I'A If It-5 Nil. A4.AI1 ii- ai. nm. A 51* iNG the clock* which are on hand In great nuin- tmr and variety ot #iylrs Surli a ilrklng, aurh a •lilfcllitf, may 1st heard aa eeldron I* p'lee tow (lorn 1 * • - , every b,«lv know* witiii of Dm best places to purchase. DM i, IV Ii ylghl As for fti* SKIFF* I*, and than Mbtahe n..l Dm pine, let, 15 /•' «5 MGLAdrvLU. 4lb htida, IU tieraws, .ml IU 'y bbla |.ri,M< •.••**« Mola«aet, in firm order, |uti ra * ‘.awp.n. and for sale h; PADEI.FtHID, Fa I/. I J. TilIII'.I.K lie tiy El.II. • br.g h. it La I,’U •* It I fcmith ,p •)' « :v #... Hiram RrMiineod Flour; i*l rfcelv»d and for #*’• , HolrCOMNE, jMIINit/»h fa HO. M F.N'a IIEADV MADE iMlIIIINu. - Gibbon* llange. - A mrge am! rr»fnpl*l#a*o»ft"<eni of Man a may t»« found at that loihing more In Glbbona' llange *l v-#y low prices. People wanting such may de;.. nd on geMine new and l»n»n ffimda. ami it aa low primate raw imlnuMi. i sit ami aee. av r lew «a C 14KG. 4 Nl'.HOLfa * «X». t.i.shcn. J > i a I McMahon 4 UTl EB-2U krg) sale by mnr 21 LOUB.— Hkt sacks Flour. ;n*t rcceonl nml loi saio Mi MAIloX fa DoYI.L. mnr 21 FOI..-. < olil’IHH, ( AN DLLS, fac.— IV2,' mnr ‘J I M.OUI T by 2.5 bo, 5 hid* t'nnnl NA VAM All HUT AI.IIAM IIANI'i: M). Orrn a 11H Rav *trt # t Thl*t''iiiup*ii) will uko I'lrn. Marine.and IU*erlH*kf in the uioslfaVor aide tnr tn*. —ikesraas- Henry D. Weed, i John W. Anderann. lllrain ll. l.ert*. John It. Wilder, Henry I .at bmp, I.W. Morrell. I E. I*. Wood. II I’.N It A' It. VV El'll, /'rr.ideal IIIB \M IDiUTHn»'.» # ie#Pesa , r Jaw#* Mrllanav. Aee'g niar 17 B IITTF.II Hit I-I . *< 145 keg* < h"Ire Oosberi Butler ho buses l.ngHsb Hairy nml''omnnui Ubeeao Flue Apple •4U ra'ks do «•> ■pw | m.R fa. I near Flour. I.amlina nnd for sale by •u A.NToN. JOIIVHTON fa « O. •51KIN fa lll'RNrv. No. 31, t alhoiili 55 n>d. m,.., i.o S' AI.E.- . .... Itadrond Depot, fee touwlc Apply i.. D AVID It. Dll,™IN, Market s,ri •.HT AID'D.fa, |5(l hove* Family, Pa enml fao. I Soap .VI whole and half h-vn* Htatch in l,.»%,•« Tallow ••'* amt H'a Vi do I 'oba falve* .faeiar* 311 do half gallon ami quart Pick lea. Landing and for #,dc by mar 27 lloi.t'oMHB, JolINm.N fa t • TAHITI.- v sale by .'iff bo i • Pc b. received and .«,i M. MAHON fa DOYI.R. | >f‘»lR Ml dfABD. I Of quality. In 13 »• 75 Mils Butler and "ugar Cracker* V5 halt 1.1.1* No# I ami 3 klackert'l .50 beg* No. Leaf l.ard. Landing and f>o sale t>i mar -47 llol.i'iiMIIE, JOllN-oN fa OO •*,-• prifir Mustard, "f »opcil j • an*, pul up evnre**tv for •liuaglsis'; *1*,'.,' 15 Mura assornd qiiallDe* Mustard, III amall tin ran*, lot family use, put feralVml and fur Sale, at New York pflm*, by JOHN INtIBIDMH.Ir. mar 2* Avrnt for Hudson ApIla.New Voik. \\/ mirror.% mn • w •. -hovai*! MSim ns? itek** \l amt A ae*. for sate by F. W, IJOWNWHI.L, fe'iTf tw Bf»»n Slreal for marlnnery. "»* '■ i|t MYF.I.I-. i; EAflTII'.B i a*i» by •d It uldiar BeltR.i ••UN ,(AT nr yaw r Id if It.— Landing rid* Day irom wiir. faotneraei: 75 , _ liariel* top. Dine Flour l or sale hy 1 apt 4». -VNN fa -NtllElt j / vl.Altirp AND HAUTI'.UNE in « ask* and . »ws („r I l vale by apl 17 MINI- fa J'HINHMN. i* Al.K AT THE I'OUND. •*•• -atnrday nett, the r> Hill Inti., *t II oVIo.'k, A. 51 , will Im sold al tha pound, oim »e«f and wldte * ow, marked tn (he left ear will, a split, wlili a rapoaround hei le.rn* apr in F. M. HTONK, o.n. f> ALTIMoit l‘. Ft.oHR.-t luilco HaUimorf) Flour, in I > store, on u rnvlgnmanfa RlMt ff»f Mfe Id •oar 31 H'lWLANII 4k ty. G IlANiT - 2uiibbfa'ftexl. aai llu’arvo, to store amt for •alaby OARLKTON fa I'AlimiNn, mat It* No. ill |lay*atera) V4 A/lVAilR.w> I (mi hid* poialoev. f»t *ale to anise, I per ship Frank I'lwee. hr mat 71 IJAUI.EION fa PAB-oNR S W A I M S MOKED roNGI'F.H.—lutHixe* sniokid Tongues, a I* apelled correctly on (he bottle* and labrl*,or they may •upcrior article, lor sale by . | j, r m,|K»eil on by medicine* made tn Imitation ol them "pelt IIi'NTER fa GAMAIELIm | by a |>of*<'t» hearing a#oiucwkat s.mtiar name, welt cal- »riti,\<; tuaiuc. Ts.i.v! WADSWORTH’S CASH MOUSE, I i <■<>>«; u c -. s - s r it t: i:'t . reostt HAVANNAH, GA., I H now rrcelvliiR a largo and well ••Iraiml atock oi Fancy and Staple DH.T GOODS, Tn which the attention of |>ersons v|*iilng thl* market la most rnapccRullv Inv licit. By doing a regular isati hu*iera», we are aldo to»c| our Goods at much lower price* than those doing a long i credit trade. We do not have to tax the raah tuner • lor lung credit* awl had debt*. Person# buying* j lor cash, w ill Und It to tl.elr Interest to purchase of a , If CDI I. A ft K AMI IIIII NE, A* hy *o doing they can effivt a **' tug ot from 10 to 15 | Y rt. on the amount of llielr hill*. Ill the »lylc* of millNN 444)4)IlN* Wearo exhltiltlng prtnte.1 Linens, tieautlful Brocade j llarcge Itntirw, rich plaid Hllka, fine (Irgamtle AtuRIns, ! printed Frwncht'amhtle*. line printed Brilliant*. I'rench, I American *tul English Print*. Challle* ami (.lislly Ba rege., wldte Canton Crs|»e HhawD, new *«yles spring | Glugi.atu*, and Gmut* of other fRhrlr* i..iiiiii4)IDi:ikii:n. Itennllfbl Glmputc, Venice Point, Maltese, ( amhtlc and Sw 1st foliar*. Collar* and Hleeve* III set*, tine emhttvld- 1 erc.l and heinsillrheil llaiwlherrhlels Intaiil'* 55 ai#la. | -wl«« amliambric I'delug* and Inserting*. Flounce* aud ttaiid*. Under HamUeri hlefk, Mourning Collar# and Hleeve*, fac. *1*111*44 HAVri.i:* AND M'AIKIN. lu ltd* branch of our trade, we take the lead, amt are offering n I etnilllul a**-'ttmeol of the latest fashionable j patmut In all the most desirable color# II4M ftllHN44 444N)l»fa. i 10 4, I I U PJ-4 flaraslev Linen .-heeling* 4-4, (l 4, M, ln-4, II 4 anil 13- 4 attpeM'oRonHhcetlnga Fine amt eomnioti Tollel vjullia and Counter|uinra I .luma and Colton* —i'oIcIi and Riimib Diaper* ami « ta#h lliickahuck Tow. I* ami Towelling* Hupertor Linen Tahle Damask*ami Napk'nt I 'uttain Atiislln*, flue iHmllj Tick*, fac. fac Avtirri: 44414M1N, ttf eirrv descrltiUnn, style and vatieiv- •l4)N||vll Y. 5 (ull and complete ata.<ruue|D o| Men's, laidles* lloi*' ami Misses', olthn tu<al German aud l.iutiih inaio.fBclure. PMNT 5H05 444IODN. Hlrt|uwl and plain Osualnirga. Xlarltioio'Hlrlim* and Denims, heavy brown CoU.iti*,plahl llaiidkrwhfeD.fae. Pr ison* favoring u* with a call tnav be a**nml that they will meet with h«ncvt ami homo aide dealing, and prvntiro Die bast geml* at the low eat poaaltda price*, mar VO I-I.tGib! I’ot'FkE, Ar.-iw Bids lialllNHvro Fleur I 1 .Ml do lewis' Georgia I'lonr, ItHthagteholce Bov CoIW. 75 do common Bb» Cnffke, .Vtheara quarts and pints hatupalxn I'tder.jMSt received and fbr aale hy mar20 ‘ ID I.CuMIU; JtGINHDN * (Sl. ( 5AYI-NNR PRPPRH. — V« Imam auperler quality > Cayenne Pepper, put up in alala ami amall Bn cans, fur rotailing,eeralm! .Iltecl nokUhoM at New Yoffa price*. t>) JOHN iNltKkllOLl^ mar Agent f»r Hudson Mill*, Nnw > ofk I AIM | A 'll GHKRN Tt TITLE.—Itlff Iraitel* Floitda ’ Mullet, wi ll pul H|s ami eoimtilemt a rarw detlmM'V "55 «»**I Al»o Mr Green 1 wills h*» ket*. hv l - • 5»5»eai* mar* M.I.R fa 5 Mint It,Ll. hat s.nuiar uvmc, culalfl to deceive. (SKNKKAl* AHKST8 Kt>R THE V. H. .farDlelfv'llii# It ml tic re A CO., _ 101 r n »l 106 J o Ii it • a tr c e i. New York. ap> 37 3 me h 44AII. 4 III » l.i ! IIACOA. Ar. Ar. n OLCOMIlE. JtGINHON fa C(>^ hare received by late arrival*: IN at l-td# and W CM* fiarlBcl and rt flnevt Hugar 5M I.ti<)a cbotee ‘ ’rle*n» do 15 do fair Mnsgovado d»s «5 do ch.vee I’.vno Kiev do 350 lihls llalllmore Fleur .50 do Georgia do. extra 3.5 half hid.. xR a Canal Hour .50 hbd* ctw'lce Huron Hide* 3n do d-> do Hhouldrr* 2j hlda Ale*# Pork, 2») d<> Prime J.» 15 do Rump do loo do N tl Molasae*, tNodo Portland do .50 hhds Cuba do W casischolce Baltimore Hams boxes Pale Soap. Vxwi ,|„ No. I d-> 5r do Pearl -tareh 75 do AUamantiut Candle* VA do Hperm do Ml do asaortiM Candy. “Keynold's** ’ .Vi d» quart* ami pint* Champagne Oder 50 basket* *• lleldslck " do AO.iNU cho.ce Hpanlsh Hcgar* Itai.IXtO hall do do ItM'.iHO American do 3.VI tdd* IVhDVey, recUfled )(*■• do E l'Ctn, Mi do N E Rum Mi do American Brand* 5 hair pipe*, V> demijohn* 8mt V5 boxes choice old Madeira 55'lne V.5 lw,\es exit a choice eht tlrandv .5 quarter cask* very superior .-heriy Wine Vt deml|nhn*|.ure Hi. Croix Rum •>kt t,o*r*Tobacco, various brand# 50 kegs t oyrvl. 25 bids de 2.5 !*>\e« Loaf H>'gar 50 tdd* t'raslirvl ,l« 15 do Grouint do 2.5 quarter chest* llye>4t Tea 5o caddy* choice Ilia, k do >«»o bag* a*s*>rnd -h,’» fi>' legs Dupom'# I'um.ler. for **>*#«{»«<* f Lie, such sad exil* m*y tw rffr-craally mh«V.ics| by c'tiUuually kcctiec the blo««d pure, and the I. ver anJ Stomach In ahen'thy action, when life yy .il flow smoothly, xml resemb'e p:ae;s in a cosygrr :al chtnc. where an eternal spring 8iq>e»f* to reign. A* Il . rezxn'.s the prvservat .<u of the Vtim*n frame, amt its . duration of me. much may be effected, awd 1 wi frar- le»»ly,tt.»t health amt life can be nr\ 1« agtsl fortnoay year* t»c< nnd their ordinary limit*, U Hollow ty'* rttla , are taken lo punfj tbe blond acevvrdleg tothe rule# laid i d.«wn for health conUtr.nt in the direction# which ac- company each bv'x. A cam: uF AXKAKXDv- AND DFIttt.lTY, CF 18 • V LAKH STANDI Nil, i-UKCDBT HUl.DOTV AT‘H PIIA-H. j t rpy tf a l rlter ftrot Caytaiv ,'dv .takwrra. .liter lltmn Xnr 1 r*l, eatt* .'****.•» Sci, ir$4. ' It> F*orin.)» Jioix.'M ai,X-C«^ncr *>f 5fta tod >11 aau HireelfaN. Y. -ir,—It it »ith tlic mosthwarDv.i pleasure I has* to Inform you that I base U*en rrD.uixl to health and j ateenevh bt taking your Pill*. For th< ta#t ten years 1 ^suffered from a derangement of tbe Uw aw.t Suwavacfa, 1 amt sat reduced lo »ueh auextrrmuy that I gave wp nay t»hip, never rxpcs '.lnc to go to twa in* ro. rr.a# I h*d . trie,! every K*nml, that siirwvwuncwM to ims hut I all t.> no purpose; and had given my sell wp to despair, ; when I w*t aitx,i rooommendfal to take your PilV-- ' Alter using thorn for throe month*, the nesalt la ihktl ; am now tn better hoeUb than I have bran for eleven car# past, and Indeed a* wetl as rvrrlwatle say tlla. xre quite at liberty lo make this knew a foe lb* You benettyplolher*. I remain. HH.yovr* rrapectlwtls, JvGIN JOHN MIX. VM*4f»/ r»#. • »#/#># ate* r King's Jaun.Cre I bos oi 1 !!"" u|dt1ais *4l.e S |l'>.-,. Wlddiy 1 trope y lldtoua Own- Ida; id* t rmate tnegw 1st! lie# c V r-r* »d all l n.t* •P Iff U V lev* iNvRon, t.t»te Thread and Htiti I Gent's hall Unset ChtM'en's |to*e aiwt H,H-k*; Ladles* and Gent's l•snfr, tl# and List* Tnr,ml > n.t rr 5 e*;s . Chihlnen's do . Cause lleeiwdo, far l or sale by D«5VITT fa. MORGAN. w|,t«» Mtritt: To t-lnp Affettio, Sea Captain*. »\ lValerw T HE subscribers ate eonsiawllv emwlvlng ffamt the packing bouse oD barnllr* fa l\v.. Isng#' swppRrs o4 Prime, I'rtma Mi .*, amt Me«* Ural, which they warrant equal, In etvfy teaiveel, to any In the euy, amt which the. wllleell w|mntW ntnay teesiwtahta Verats at whole sale \Ve hate now In steer W hhU'd ITisne Mrae, and At)lihls Me*t|iee4 u„.,....” UK-, u.w.-y*; mar (1 _ Nn, M Bfaftaitanfa I tUUiiltH in' hid* B phelps* Gin. and Mt bb*a old i lleeerve Bye, IMO. Whiskey4 landing trom rahr TV, p. Phillips, awd h* Mta by * apr 5 * ' MINIR fa JUimuntX. _ MtV 1 ml.R TNh MiNl.Aw*EH,-l>d bids. vhdra'X. l\ it»t»eaii Motarara. Rv» *a»e hi _ tab 14 a HUN V) B fa G A WELL. y (Jlr*o#U4 ip.a.*.» Dee-toche Imbcwsoea Key pel** Mone amt t.ravel Hecv'e-'ar y Sy wap- tow* t :rrr i ■•rrp'.a’wt* 5 r-m-e# at A favioas RunHe* wt e*# 55 .usu ol al 1 ktaala \\ rakneoKfront whaievec cause- • • Ho -l X' ihw I inMidnu*' ot P;\\jt ws- t H.'lieait' H> Malden ).*!.',Vew 5 ork,ami 244 MCwcnt. U'ng««4l.and hv a! rosjse\-l»btr t>-UC2'»'» amt iWVera Ir. kliviViivra throughout ll.rt nit^t Hotv-s at *>5T^ rv-at*, and I..V e.-wt« each. Ti' k» had 55‘boWaV of the prinri|^al l'»u< Dous«« Ihthe Fak'd, hv Meeara. 5, |t. h It. HA MVS New A.vV.ssrthv 55 TV. 1-lNvV'l-N, hatawamh. ’ fj" Tt.crr la a consider able Mving hy taking th* tarter sties N.B. -DlfecDew* forihe guidance e3 rvst'ruta In gve<7 Ut*«'rvler aee w*\rd lo ear* )Vx*. jut.rdt tawMrav I# IN*. Tv‘t»Til t.hU-Hk* - A Utra •uppK. EwMk, I r. .n l. ami Xtuo’u-aw ).*"h K wahea. fw •*), Jxtn. v TCKNn'B, Ageat, AO* 1.' L'7 Nnughvavauwet. X«w sugar eared*Haana, Ivraa)* kt J. 5. BROWN- S I NDKII - -•»' has* Malaga and -v«tt U«ne«s ll ,-faosis ol *<iww« Teas; t« box** Uatna TehaCvvq • . ease* sard.ora; I cask in* HaB (In wnudl Mtdta>; S Mm I fate* and White 5T te# Vinegar. IN»g aafehy * war t . J, a BROTYN. i 'lNl Tvm 1 Fttanehi pul up ra pec mitt tor (kaally s '.'sawjsv- N il" I.IU.WK iVIUSKKY.~M) MklnlMw - »ite.n, wu, m«vn« tonM a, al, . »*" Oolite,# * UVSTS. 11v«rt^-!urka8i»to ' * Mluulil KSU.V S CO. 200 K * IW "' " m ~'r.vhoSbMt&? l«i BryaoaoraC^ fa GHICULTI'R At. n|fMK»R)4T1fa fee sate fat "" a 1 ! tmhti D'lkOvn. UtKma