The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 10, 1855, Image 2

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SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. THURSDAY lk)RNING, M VY 10. 1855. THE 8AVANHAH REPUBLICAM.1 tPor iHeBavaaaah Republican,] Hlar Uay-Hit TawMaNy. ' _ MR. Editor :i-Tvvo reaaona constrain me to roauaMiB bv j brevity In my prevent communication: lit. 1 can- p. W. ALEXANDER & CO., nut thlok that tho subject tnaltvr in dispute botweaa ** * iua« l*rln«rr-. , the oorreapuiidonia ol the Gooff,an and Heputili* ee ■gr--—tt-t ! can ia of sufficient public importance to claim ZIX1XITJOSI33* | muoli apace in your journal t and Rd. 1 am unwill* 4 00 i»l( Id intlict upon your readers the historical doubts Dally* Is advance, per annum. - If not paid in advance. • • Daily, in advance, for ala months,. i*Weekiy l ' * A 00 $a oo ay.ii'iavMu*. .mium. •••>«' If not p,td (o .done*.• J “ ln««'i«W> m.dv.ow,, • * JJ* (c)ub prlco.. Ill on|»w»lo, 'V "" rv, SAVANNAH, GA. Thursday Morning, May 10. ByTeLEQRAPH FOR THE REPUBLICAN. Jlvblte Hire How. Mobile, May ?tb. Itiiobeuck, the Know Nothin* candidate, hae been elected Probate Judas over Meek, Democrat, by 1100 majority. Later frwm Havana. CHsauaroN, May 0. The echooner Heyward haa arrived at this port in tour daya irom Havana. Everything wee quiet there. Tho yellow fevor had appeared and aoveral ahipa of war, among them the U 8 atcainor 8au Jacinto, had lott the port to ptcecrvu the health ol their crews. I.tliu liaWN. CoLVMDU, May 9. The wire*are down North of thia point. Charleston market. Charleston, May 9th. Cblfon.—The tales to-day amount t<> 3.3UO bales at extremas ranging from 8 3*8 a 101-4 cents.— Prices sre irregular and bavo declined an 1-8 a 1*4 cent aiuco tho receipt of the Atlanttc'a ac counts. Good middling ia quolud at 91-2 * 9 5-8 cents. For tho present, we need only refer the reader to the carl ot Miss Kate Sazou, who pro* posealo give a reading irom tlie immortal Shaks- peare, to-morrow evening, at St. Andrew'* Hull. Perhaps it it inappropriate to say a reading from Shak*pearo,aaaho will give extracts from other writers, with original introductory remarks. Het reading*or lectures, or whatever they may be called, have been much approved elsewhere, and as site comes highly recommended, and ha* ae- . Iccted Love for her subject, w e should not be »ur prised to see a large audience present to-morrow evening. , tST Macalhstcr has translerrcd hit "temple ot magic" to the Athencuni, at which place he w1l, rnsko Ills first appearance this evening. JST We areauro w e hut do our lady readers n tavor, by referring them to tho advertisement of a Washing Machine in this morning's paper. It washes clothes cleaner than can be done by the hand, requires less time, wears and tears them lean, dispense* almost entirely with fuel and s„ap, and possesses many other advantages which a*e appar el a private individual, which need vomc more convincing proof than • trial axtraot of an 0I4 uawspaper. The correspondent of the Georgian, in tho tint part ol hla communication, virtually yiehla all that l claimed, vis.: that May*I)ay is not colebrated by the moti of tho present generation ns a fcrivsl in honor of 8t. Tammany. Whatever tnav have been the caao at the close of tho last emmity, tt haa escapod from thu memory of, even if It were ever known by, tho preaenl generation. The reaeonlitg of the Georgian's correspond ent may hava aatltfled himaelf, but it wholly fails to satisfy one who now, lor the first lime, hears the claim mads that May-Day ia aven generally observed otherwise than as a continuance, under different lurms and with dtfl«rent customs, ol the old'taahloned May-Day'ol England:—ri /rillwl in lornir 0/ "f/om." Feeling confident that "diffuse and pointless** coimnuaicHtiotis, written in ttnrch ol facts, rather than bmtd u/nm them, will result in nothing very prolitatiloor instructive, l will intrude no longer upon your columns. N. N A Word to l*luitter»« Tho tmusunl chnrnclvr id thu past season, and the remarkable backwardness mid otherwise unfa* vorahle prospects of tho present one, added to the unsmitfactMy accounts received Irom abroad, nil leach u let-son (says thu Mobile Advertiser) which the agriculturist cannot safely pass by unheeded. From all portions ol tho interior wo hear loud complaints ol tho scarcity ol breadstuff* and other pritno articles of food, and oven at tho North and West, from whence our supplies aro *0 largely do* rit&d, prices have gone up so enormously that thoro is Imlo prospect aht^d of permanent relict in this regard. .Meanwhile ilia war in Europe, which dir mmishca the demand for cotton, and otherwise embarrasses tho market, accelerates, in an almost learlul ratio the foreign demand (or (lour and grain, while restricting their production and cutting off large sources of supply lormorly much relied on for the Northern European markets. What, then u the evident policy ol our planters, large and small I ft t«to plant lets land in cotton and m«ro in corn—in Uriel, to produce a* many articles suita ble lor food,within themselves,as possible. When, ever cotton already planted makes a poor "stand,' and 11* generally unpromising, bolter, by ail odds, plough it up and supply its place with more need* •ul, and, as wo believe ut present, more profitable products. By such means wo shall ai least bo placed beyond ihu reach of the most cheerless and sickening of scourges. Inmine, and be prepared to wait ihc progress of evema at home mid abroad with less anxiety and unpleasant foreboding. But l<sfir from llovntm. Tho Cluliawba, at New Jr'eaiin brings Havana dale# to (lie lat Inst. Tho Dlario gives a description of a bull fight, in w hich Honor Matins Laaaro, tho now Milton of Croton, alow a bull an lio had previously announced, with no other weapons than llioio provided by nature—In other words, blows of Ilia list La Fronts, however, stain that Inetoad of killing tho bull ho was killed hlmsolf, by the bull, and wna Miorwarda arrested |«r humbugging tho people! Commodore McCauley was received will* mark ed attention and cnurlosy by ilia Captain General and other Spanish otlioera. During Ilia stay in Havana ho bad boon exton* lively luted. The U. H. itoamlrlguto San Jacinto, (Com. AlcCaulcy'a flug ship) was thy only U. S. man-of-war in tlio hmbor—mid alto would lenvu on 11 cruise tho lid lust. Tho I'riucutou ami James town, it was reported, bad gouo over to Koy West, whore It llgenerally bvituved tho squadmii will rendezvous. Tho Cyauo and Falmouth bud not arrived. The British frigate Vestal and thu French man-of-wnr brig Malcago went to sua, on thu lat. Cnpl. McCulloch, AI New Orleans, Imd bor n released from prison. Mr. Felix still remained In confinement—ll ia nut known when he will bo sent to Cantu. Tho business of tho past wook, la represented ns having been the best ol iliosuasen. Havana «on* llnues iwicctly healthy. La t'rciiHU contains accounts of ovolutioiis of troops mid slinm bmtles, w inch it scoint are re NEW YORK CORRESPONDENCE I Wu.hlmian , Of tbs itavsuusii ItapuWlaan. Wasiiinoton, May 0.—Hoc rotary Dubbin, of tho Nkw York, May 0th. I Navy, Is Mill at homo in Fayeiiavlilo, N. mid! Tin, Maine Llguor Law excitement la still the r ‘’“ ,rM han exciting tople nf discussion,and the highly Inter- The rednimtion ..| iho public debt*ibis week eating now* Irom Europe Is acarcely soHicienl to amount* to & I divide tho attention ol tho public for more than an . "I't'liriitonia this week amount NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A MHO Willi or OOI.III Aprtlal Xottcrn. huui ur iwo.l.llm.. Dr. Tyng, W.,,1 ;""* 1 •|.pl*.«n..n. r. lli»rh.r and II ov Mr. Clt,| l..|iod Into I |', „ j W|M the malstorm of Maine Law agitation wlthcharac* 1 Judge 11. (i l.nrmg o| Boaton, to ib,. vucum y hi tcrlstio forwardnrsa and vehemence, and are bul- I Hm^'niiri ol Claims, m-i-asmucil by Judgo Lump luting tho wavos «l opposition with lusty strokes, i * declining Hie appointment. M, Beecher would sooner bmao Ids right band than be comi-elled to forego the apfandid opportunity which tlila agitation liirtnshcs him lor allowing lire point* mid paces br n Ireiranguer, nnd wagging his unwcaiied tonguo. Iln has a sort of inuuth-Jlux, ns (lip French would say, which enables him to talk faster limn a race Itutso can run, and to such lengths as '* ■ ■■ to tire The hullin''* deep hplr* and hunter's Are." Tho reverend gontlomen just mentioned have all girded up thair Ipins nnd betaken themselves to Ihu rostrum in defence ol tho Mnino Law, nnd are declaiming nightly, with (lie utmost voliemwieo, to crowds of women, children and theorists, mid to conventicles "I Carson Leaguers, olios public in former*. It it relrckhing to witness tho snblime contempt with which they treat the adverse opin ions of such lawyers as Nicholas Will,ol Albany, end A. Oakly Hall, our District Attorney. I'licro lit n Hass ol clergymen in thin city and sorted to either from lack of more substantial ! i|a immciliaio environs and suhurbs, who nro l,o umiiiemciit, or lor the purpose of being prepared: yoinl question among tlie most ambitious, showy, to receive the filibusters in good stylo. and prominent men 1u tlio country, who keep Tho ucreiiiony oi blessing mid disiribuiing tho! thnnselvesconstmitly within ken of tlio public eye, (lag* destined for the Havana vtdunUoin was soon I each one ol whom seems to ho striving will* all tho to take place. Tlio religious portion ol the cere* mdor and impa-sioncd rivalry ol merely woolly monies would be performed in tlio Catiiedral with I. competition, to bear away to-m Iiin Lroihethood i f much pomp and splendor, and tlio Hags worn to | clerical nvuls the meed ol eloqueuce, the laurel bo distributed by tlio Captain General's own and tho crown, mid Ik> at the lop ot tlio heap us n hand. . surnu-uizer and pulpit orator. These clerical gen- Tho A.7.7rIliitTt Curl, 1.1 lint ntorlh. ! •“ » i,h Tlio N.w Yvik M.r.lil ,ny«: -IIioNiiw Kn,. l "'“K" r »“ J ,hl '* 1 fuf .li.pUy, whh . i» I...J Know Nulhing. nrn i.pnlly dnv.loimm Ilmir 1 llcl ' h,r l"*«>l | fll,- nn,l imlnrlcly, wnh » |K.licy with rnlnl.iicu In 111. slnlery .in.Mi.m In I * u «" * cl " r '* ""“""'f**, . Ire so liu Ihwii „|..n|. . ul 'miluimlo. I liny nrn nul nnnlnnt ed Willi mmnrk.btu ull.mmily. In Now Damp- i lll«...olvo. Illoroly lu Ulacharamil 0*« •him ihu Sint.Councilmcunlly.doplcdrc.uln.h'n. ! I “ ,|M " "“'V' 01 " ,ul * ^ m """'' protciimiusnhiii thorcpuni of lliaMiuuuil com* I "'T , P u,n »= • «'"■» imilnilo, .nd ou.iliil Iho Kupilivo Slnvn l, k w nnd ‘“I 1 ,ll °" 1 *' » w.t4 and «M|.a- Itu* .Nchruflkn ncl.nnd plcduUm Iho p.ny f. rul.l ! * lwl " "* ld ul , ," 1 ' IIm,u * 1 Iho lurlhcr cjumlon .ol .l.vcry. .Mr Win T I Onil. On Hi»dn*«, cvc. rhey will h.rdly conwnl Minor, ,u.l clccicd tiucornur ul Cunnccticul by n ! m l»«. mined>cd IHU nnd,. Know Nuiliinu Luel.hilut.,,lale,in 'hi, iiumnuml 1 They .to .cUcd, even nn ihm dny wuh an iirro- mnnniio Hint Inn olcclion In nnnlhcr cmphallo j ITOnail.lo lonulnil I" hunch out Into Iho indcllrllo condemnation uf the principle, id the Kumm-Nc- ‘ lmr ‘ « ennl occntw.ol molten and braiknncl. ll ia cidciu, llwrclnlc, Him iho on-I lh "'k* l» I™'™ 1 - 'I'hcy pamcularly wnh Ihc lii.nal con.ervntivc Know heir can- I “'“'hi that they nrn not mere ihonh mule, hrrealter, will ncl uudonlandiunly nud a- : «'"'* llko l " llu ' r ' c,l,,l| r * ml ulll <" "Id void nil " I"iiy dnlnu.ol tho |nui. Tlioir ■, rmou.,nro in - Tho Herald any. III. order in Ihc Siam of N,.\v . lord.' |iorll"0 "f our rllizcna, whalSuc'., Madam. Y"ik will men in Council cl Syrncnw worn, ami | Sand'a, nnd I’nul do Kock'o novel, am lo the Curl- adds: rnrettitl from I'reilertcli tl,„ (irrni to. Gi'ii. Wntliliigfon, 'I lin editor ollha Virginia Free I'roas, has paid . a visit to "Bell Air," tho residenca of L W. Wasliington, in Jclli-rson, ami sei-n n goti'l many articles owned by Gcoigo NVaabingtou duruig In* life, flu says: We Wore first shown n sword, nnd found on the paictiMM-ut label lliorvto mtaclicd, " I'rcstntvd to ti«n. Washington by Fradsrick ilia Great ol 1'rusaia," wnh thu cutnpliiiiuuiiiry adilruss," From ( In rliirnlin fr■ ,1k., flat,. thu oldest General in Europe to thu greilett Grri eral »n llio World." Tliia sword was worn by tiunrrul Wnslunglon as )us drevs sword whun dt— llvcriug Ins locaagu to CougreM. it was chosen by Ilia oldest nelilloW and executor, Col. William Augiiaiuiu Waaliiogloii. (ill accordance with thu will ol General Washington,leaving him lire first choice of lua swords, vide General Washington's will,) and by him heqimnthcd, in MIO, to hitson, Colonel George C. Waaninglon, o| Maryland, ami by Inin loins only boh, I. W. Washington, i- 1851. Tins sword inuloxqtusit.! hin»li—Iming a straight rapier wuh the lughi-ai p 'li*lnd uteri hm, and now Hi u be.tutilnl statu ol ptetervation , lu Ucl, it Ins tIn* iipiiearaocti ol being perfectly now, u hat ing been always kept wuh pnitirulnr earn. lie ale** s.iw a pocket kiulu of Wnabinglou's • lug engraved on Iho handlu "(leu. Geurgu Wash ington, ITTfi." Ho says: *• Wo were curious enough to stretch o»r (uirkrt tape line on the sword bell as wmi, hy (leu W , and hnind it lo iri. nsure 4l> loclie*—show mg that for a mao devoid of corpulence, there wna a manly Irnnic. .Next we had the plenvnro to inspect a case of rare and peculiar interest. It convien d of a inn* liogany box containing aaurvryor’a roriipMM.mitde by David Kittcnhouve, ol I'liHadelf.liM, the Irirnd of Benjamin Franklin. Ala>i,tWu level-, one us-d liming the llovolullonary \V*»r na a gunner's level, Iho mliJr lur adjosting the Surveyor's case, scales, proiructors, Ate., complete. A shagreen c.iso con taining all the protracting instruments, in very lino order. nm> two surveyot'a chains, togeihsr wuh the wooden piu* used with the same. Thor. We exam- im d a pistol (one of a pair) presented hy Lafayette to Gun. Washington, ami need bv lum during 'lie Revolutionary War, from whom it descended to his nephew Judge Bushio I Washing! n, and hy loin bequeathed m 1826 in tna nephew ,Col George Waaiungton, and ny him to his a<»n, L W. Washington, in 1854." The possessor of tlnse relics is tho s<m of Col. G. C. Wusliuigion, a nephew ul the "Father of lua Country." In rsluin fur the very I1«i'i ring msi M r In •filch ll»* lirrai llagieian MAOAr.IiISTEIXl Haa Immir rrnplYp.1 ilurlng lit* f*t*M *"lllu Pavaiinsli. In* has •spres*l> *».vsg*-*l lb« A T II K N M [ Knit I Ills l-.Vf’.NIMJ, MAY IMh (lu which nca*sb*ii, In add lion to his usual Miowsr of nweoiineais,»lust»«, Sr..h« wll' pfsoont a 8HOWER OF GOLD lu Ilia A'ldntirc, in ihs slil|i« nf 00 1.1 eg •• n I V.oltli-H imd nllic-r f*lfla. VAi.ri:i» at *i\ r. iii'Mifti.i* imi.LAU'*, Plirr.hascd al Ihs store n| Mil. VVII.Vtnf, In tins city, l*> Li in »<» N llaiiullflil U'Ntcbi'v.fl flalit-2 Hilvcr King*— I’u.s—llrnoehas- I’lalc- Jrwela. hr , which will be jir.--*m>d In Hi** A<id>i-ncr, linni.«2iatrl/ all- i tun Magical |u-rl«.Hlianc* I,/ .Vlr. .Tintone Kayiiiond, Aided hy Mlt.J. M. WKnin.N. KcutUry U» ihu great Vaglrl an. At i health, caihd lo |poin'rd »e» CT.*I L'ltli,, »*• r. A. I li.« nl In .oti. Ilftnrd mi llrNliti. t '•* D'* m-m.. r \ ; '* rid Ibis 4»tj J;>,u VTlIh, jr I half, ami a, A. 1 i » . 1 t**y lit o.|| • o t, • * ihe sjecx.ol, V , ,i , l»» ll»**»; l„ i k • nor, *r»*» t*f ; Uta^.Y,'. Hwwlmtbh Wk* . R „4 , , | I It* I l.roif lh« . •i; mi - 41* v u wj.,, t , ■ U ill. Il ial'l klj-mriifl **• ' r - la .% nr.a ri’.i.i 'iw < m/i j , rtr-ll J t 31A HA .11 ll TlAfAl.MRTIIC. A8TIIK WI/.AUH't* IMUR. ANfl IN AIttlAt. BL'IL PLNHION. r it. K^.;. rosy ll* Ju.utty n«wt, kod i'i» mi) " A V ( I tonirtme l< hn-iii) »un in*/ 3 W V. L'lDI’luA Inary nf i.ruthfA »lectern. y.ja ■ Mljvftii* Cintr.i ho‘>l*re Vlr • \ VII • didstr for St.ef .r ll U.e i,»i| Ohl'ge ItU VI ...» . | *>•>«.. o V!, I tec* ... r*» he tigr • Ordinary n1 Tleket*. — f I lu all pari* of U.e llmisa. tTgriloxes and Private Itoies expressly revi t»d tot l.ado*. aa i lieiitli’insn soo-iupsnylog lordiss. liaielhiil- l<>r partlculsr* l> airvopen at 7)* o'clock ; the Wusrdsj.pia*• st *■ U lo Im-Imd *1 Him tAlhrrwuui ami *' omoi JrWe r> More yher.i the gilts may h« sewn—Slid s! the I'lilsikl snd Vachbll lloiei*. nuj » _ UTI.I.IATI 31, || ^ Factor & Comiaiaaioii Merchant I’or ITorVU sre* *-,„i),»■*., r,*,.,- j., m . " NORTH lo.M.VLJg |aL WJI \Vj* CHAItLLM o.\. hi V7 HAY H'JltflLf. MV\SSu| ( . M * “ . ’• ' » " Its proceedings will show that Now York goe are fully persuaded the course rccoinnieilded j w , t |, \ uguna and the South lor n national and would result largely in pecuniary profit to the planter. If every man would ugten to raise one- irnih b-ss cotton ibis year ihan usual, the result would bo Hint the nine-tenth* would not at much ent lira moment it is put into operation. W„ saw ; as a lull crop—while the articles grown in place of a dirty bank bill put into tho machine yesterday by way of exparimeni, and when taken out a moment afterwards, it braked almost as new a* wheu it was first issued. tS^Thoship Sui/fA/wif, winch went nsimro near Tybc* in the gale of the’ilst ult., and was •uhscqaently abandoned, lias boon got off by means of a steam pump, and lowed up to tow n. We nro not informod of tho extent of the damage she sun- tamed, but presume she wnl bavo to go into the Dry Dock for repairs. She was got off under lira su perintendence of nn agent ol iho New York under* writers. the " tenth " would, besides tho convenience mid feeling ol independence caused by their possession* bo so much actual gam to the producer. is sound policy ut any iimo to diversify, agricultural productions, but at times like tho present it is moto —it is absolutely essential to tho public welfare. E5F Tbostcamshijm Florida, Cupt. W«o<JbuJJ ( for New Yitk.and Kcyrh-uc Stale, ILrdic, I<t Philadelphia, sailed'yesterday at I o'clock. " InroRTANT to NEwsrirtn Proprietors asp Printers Geherallv.—We call attu> turn to ad vertisetnent of Win. Ilagor, Jr. & Co , Type Founders, New York, to bo brand in our paper to day." In order to carry out a resolution formwd, lh« proprietor uf ibu Augu.-la Chromclo «.V Sentinel offers that cstabli»hment lor >alo. 'l'I»it FrcwiUrntinl 4|im'»iI«h. The American people will bo called upon next year to select a successor to President Pierce. It may bo considered premature by s uno In agitate tho question at this early dny ; yet, na the moat im portant consequence*, if not the very existence of the Union, bang upon the result, we havo thought it not inappropriate thus early to invite tho atten tion of Southern men to the subject. Id the course of the next Presidential term, the Kansas question will have to be met and decided. How it shall be deridid,will depend to a great extent upon the individual whurn the peopbi may call to rulo over them. All the Snuin requires is tret the people «t Kansas, when they apply for ad* ration into the Union as a Stale, may he roceiv- d, whether thoir constitution shall tolerate or prohibit lh« institution of Slavery. 'Ihisi* the principle which was shadowed forth in tho Compromise ot 1850 and embodied in the Kansas Nehravk i act, and which lira at the foundation of our Govern* *ment. It is evident, however, that the nnn-alavcry party at the North ia not disposed to recognise it and Hint it ia marshaling nslurcea from Maim* t.,’ the Rocky Mountains, to put it down,so far at least a* it applies to Kansas and Nebraska. Ji u equally evident, that tho South will Dot stand idly hy and see tins great and vital principle repudiated. She will claim,and if need be, insist In the last i-xirrmi* ty, that Knntaa or any other territory shall be l«-f, Iree to determine (be character of her institutions, •o long as she conforms to thu Federal Conatitu- tion.a. Upon tbis point there can h« no duubt w hat tv. r. Now we learn, .not Irom partisan presses *T anonymous letter written, but Irom icliahte prt* ▼ate sources, that Mr. Seward ia already actively engaged in preparing for the coining campaign, and that h e Incnda aro organizing throughout (he Northern States, with a view to h>* nomination and elccti-m. Those who Know any thing of hia past history, of his political saganiy and manage ment, can have Irat liltllo doubt that he will sue- ceod in concentrating upon himaoll ihu anti-alsvery voto of tha North t'nrvltfii Item*. During In* exile in England, Prince Louis Bona parte used to read, with great interest, tho proof- sheets ol M. Thiers’ "History ot tho Consulate and Empire," which were supplied t» him by Mr. Fofhcs Campbell, who was then preparing «n Eng* lish version of that work. The following remark able parsago occur* in a letter which the Prince addirSM-d to Mr.Cambell in ISI7, when rcturerng tlie proof sheet-ol volume V. It will be seen Hint oven ut that early period the Emperor mediated the English alliance, which lie has since so happily nc* complisheii : "Why was not I born to share in the gloricw of those heroic tune* I Bet rn rclKc* couMiluttonnl plnlloitu, a naie-uul party, and .. national ticket, nnd rcpudiulcH iho sectional, ne«U- i lions uml disunion Know Nothings of .Ma.-saihii- j sett-. The new party of Hire State, supported hy | New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and ihu whole South, can nil*red lo repudiate nud outlaw, not only the intrnvlnhlo Know N'oihing* of Miuwnchuscu*, hut ol nil llio Now England Stales, with impunity." A letter Irom Now Jersey, speaking of the coun cil ol Hint Slate, says. " Having thus accomplished their regular busi ness, the Suite Council proceeded lo an informal coiisiiliuiion upt-n the piinciplc* and pl.itlomi ol the Now Jersey Know Nothings and the Presi dential «uesti<-n _ The result wn-very sntrelnciory The Jersey N K.'a Were loiliid to he sound nnd eniiscrvaiivo on the negro qucMtinn, m uvor o| a sliingont uiodilication or grmi.inl nholitp-u ol the nuturnlualion laws, a thorough relorm in the w hide liometal poltey o| Htu govcrmiiciit ine'u.l- iug n modification ol the turill, a ol the executive department* ul Wn»h|iiKp,ti, . s- peciaily Hie old logy navy d.pnilmcm, Ac The de'ogntes lo Philadelphin, thus |* .-ted up, wdi g • m that Council fully prepared (•• .-j.-ei lire- Ma«-..- chuseils herdics iroin Hie party, and g.» in t-.r tin- Union—a Union platform, n I'm. n • mdidvlc, au l a gcncinl clearing out .>t iho offre-ial lunlcis a: Washington, big and little." Tlio .Howl l*nptiIrer IMmil In llio World. There re no plant history shows so many vietssilu.les a- that <d the Tobacco (.Yirodunu inineiiin i liiiporud Irom America son alter the drecov.iy <>( that continent, it was received into Rians,—tln-y furnish them with mental excitement, | the old world wnh u speiics of outhu»i.tMn. It they sliuiulato the leelliigv mid create a sort ol j was tn*i long, however, hclore fcotnu ol the evils ; intellectual intoxication. They nro highly spiced. MISS KATE SAXON IIm lire honor to announce dial -He will r'vw readings From Shakspoaro. An I • struct* Willi lntf'»durU>f) re-mark* (lulu lire w«»rk* of Colcridae—M«M»fu— Her anger,- apsneer,— sefilegH,— 4.1, ftc , Ur. -J*i »jtil ' “L O V K (ilvs*. »,j her Ireforr lire Nobility of I iralaint. at ihw Jlki. -t. r Mj inrr Itooin*. I,; I’rr-l.lrni of lire I lutril MuP-v, Hrnstui-, hr, a oil lo m-u-ivI cure* ul Aurerlra, will, lire r»!*-bral*-l r, i: KM A N I A SUflEI V —at ST. ANDIU.W’.h HAL!,. Iriilur I.veiling, tiny lltli. V.ltnl-eun to mu- I.-|h-ii »t ; m erHMii.i-ner M w o'cl-rek Tickets al ll." Ilsll. I'uimII Mel ithr-lrefl Houses kt msy lo Kill IMIATK As »:. I .. \l. 11 Mill *>. Illtl'h-VVH K. “T M MtYs*. J M*K !*• »N\ ll.l.l.. MIDDl.KIIITHill. HMCK CtILl.h U KH.'H. \ r V -Tp" 1 " » Tire IreW Mel rli'K»n'. I’krhel ££r*ilfiZStm 81. J'HINH. • spt. Juru- Pr.- leon. will n-sve for lhi- i.leree i.lare- •-very Tloirrelsy. nt 10 o'rbrek | hi* Ih.iI list lira IsfKi- Mill kill *1 ile rootn sr.-oiioiifi •I. ll'ius, sml islii'Z'In- inUiel rnu'e, offers superior *s»- reiiit-iits lo lursl-'t* ami oilier*. for l*ieitfht or I'sstixr. apply rut txitnl. st lire r.orl.Is hies id Packet w li*rf. treur lire «;«• \\ orkr. -.f mar 15 • I.AHIHiKN h • } AMMilMM. Aunt. I ' ■ It l.l \ Lit I' 111 >1.. —Tire flm .hr, • II Ut SShm I Ll! ' 1 \K. M m"i Me mi.»‘i r. » svinr u< *t of lief rsrgo ,-i gsire-,1. » .11 Iravert -i.r'rh a- ale-,, . |' (1 , firlul.i <>r pMsaip' apply on Ixaol. • i.. mat P) MIIP,ll A 'I KKI.LY (k cm. 1 U I til ft ,j| ,, H . lie •<*4 ■ M'lilNH-. I • lire l» <t o'. fr» ire-«rersII), iit»i i «• H" it. nut t:.r .'*/■■: Ap ampre srr .i pnir. • a. of ht-s*|,n. ' he .1. .Ire „ •3 «.-•*» Ul e , 1, u «. r. in. ' (" " J • JJ AM now rwt « ■ * > M\m I Ire i 'che k. I*. M .i-Ula bf ere " •)», Vfler Uihl dsre -luu uitii . SSsIhsI s)l I'eisuller, ;• * I Apr... V. sp-3 __ r..4) t Vi. M MUCH S. |llll> * 15(1 •4CX* V Ll It.. I ul». i ln.:rr li» I- ter. ITaiij t ot ineunveiuenees irvolvud hi ihu use c-f it bt-gsu . ... appear, and a loret ot eiiciim-s r.itsvd up nil ifie nlluicmeiits of language, nil the blandish* | again*! H. Tlienlogista pronounced it an mvep- liiepis ol the orator nro hiouglit in play lo thrill and j imn id Baiun, w lr» ll do.r. yvd the efficacy ol la.-t »'»• I is; 1 ,, lur precisely the same object that Iho the itrc or XI, pumvliud the u-« ul it wnh txcouiniupieulioti, opera house is visited on week days—fur excitement j Sultnu Amuraih IV, with the m. *i cruet bind »l and cxhtlnrntion The pews m Beechei’s Clpirch | death i Bhab Ahhas It, with peualth ii almost us cum ilia nd, as « premiu as an opera hot I I'cudoroviiGi ouiicll ollered does, when some fust rale cekhriiy is going to hkyiaik it. The fashinnahlu New Yoik clergy- pm: m;\\ t iiliL-tau l.4 Tim l.B-k I'l.lUlir \ II * III lire"! wi'li ili-jivch s- -Iviii-. I'r.r t»ge. apply mi b-wrd at I- Isir's « li»rf ••* may Pi RKIHIIAM, M’.l.l I - ' |fi KA!,TlM"KL -lire i clu I : "‘“‘Icf. w ill lu."- 'j'.' l ui- an “e j--rt. I m irrraM passage apply u may lu T J ii m:ti it. 4»l ISM • (• l.|»l sl*>--'i--. ma-ir*. Ire CM or |H.«- i*rets* I i ■ i .5 V) 6-- ,|,e«i I K.< 'freol. bastinado t.*r ill- lir.-t olb-m-e, cuiiing oil Hu- inreu lor Hie wcind, and tile In-ail 1 r thu thud olh-nce; "ruMin and Denmark wmply protiiP-ii-d. and SpHy IIIN) i I ' *»C KIM I'.HT • -I .sum \. u ,i>m,nit, liOso. at JoliDN-u • « niiii K .i he.-r srtj 4.MJ I- r \V \ VTKIi.— l-icli i II \M. KLI.I 4.1 l-'irel.-.. \pply . V A I men uro wonderful tor their wide range of hour* and versatility. They can explain llio mysteries ot slocks, imd (lie fluctuation* m Wall street, wi ll ns Hindi fluency no ihcy cun the mysteries of the Trinity ; Hicy can explain not only the I. nl, and the divine code contained in the hook of thinks, hut they are an well qualified (in their own estimation,nl h .ut.) lo pron-unco upon iho e-nMi- tutioluility ol a iiioia pi'datif statute nnd law uT fci-ting teiiipoinl interr «i«, ns :i Choate, nn O't'ou- linr, or ft David Paul Br »wn. A novel leniure has been introduced for lh" ] dtiction into Euiope, it *i.«s U eu lashiouahles, of inotning operas. Thw minatory . Bun't i'i.Ti«'d cl —-I) upon tin pert ■ruinuee was given lo-day, " William Tell" ; i ,,, ( „i, being llio i-pera web-cted. The Acndi-my pruscutrd ; j,, >nt,,ko eigat*; tug ih-y col Mli iin luxur'ON when, lit 1518, | vt: , ,ml.. ( •ecupicd Ihc -'nud I oh.lg , witer* Hie l>la Janus, <>t England, wrote ag .jnst n Finding, however, that no penaluo, boWuvt-r severe, could check Hie indulgence hi luxury highly a, pm u- ted, Noveicign* niol lluir (•oVi-iumctiL soon t lound it mucli n.ofe Ndvuntagcous to lum u into n I revenue; nnd ihu cultivation and iimnu were gradiially tuhjocti 8 almost pvciy where to fiscal regulation- m iiioii"|a,Iie« — ' Tobacco was m such general use m America when first discovercrl, and i» there s . w.d.-iy spiuad, Inal ll is d'llicuit t collie lo any , '.ik ium .u an lo what pru'iso pari *•! Hint vast continint !*• it- na tive coiiniiy—probably some p rimn ot ihc Met- [ •an »nipire. A* to Hie precis, dale o| ji* in!/-— 1 ready ainted disc- viiy -l Aim-tica. The Spaniards under ('• iumtur- had ^E-'IITII. l-n ni4> in T. J ( a;Hi N. iioivAHi) AssnrUTio.v, I’ll 11.A I 'ICI.l'II I A. ini-iiK-i-i.m »>mii m i:iii:\t. -1 , »: I p.l ; (R.l ; 4-11 W III, -Pin-1 i|l»re4-.--. -U' I. 4, I >i MIN A ■ WL'kM>‘, I MP« a I.M I . l.l IN l VIC It II • 1. H LIT.'I . KH:!.!-. hr . hr. It.,- II'IU AIIII t-.-iu'l lll'i.-v Vo IS till! Iiwl it III-inir'i ;juii ■ t'.sl ll • .Ir*.,: » l.y w I •*. •' » .p-. ii \r:iT ah. i: Ml III. M. A|I\ I Ml.Hi' IM - Hiolri Ji.iJ . ■ Ure, ./4ik.» . . I IV*2 Gov. Keeper amp tiif. Ai>Ht.Ni*riuri"N —G-.v Reeder of Katissn is now in Washinglou, and Jins to in it is butler »» it is. What a saddening spec lac'io to heli-hi iho two grentest and most civiltz | H °veinl interviews w ith tha I'rcsidi-nt m ed natmiif of tho world destroying one nnuthiT— ! K’* r ^ I" *he ideetmn iruubliv in that temtory tw.» nmiions ihnt ought, m my opinion,to have | Ivn^rfrum U nslimgtmi s«ys: been flit-mis and allb-s, and rivals only in tlio aria G-v. Rced.-r, .i m *ant, court. speedy d. ci*i .n . , . .i j . ^ I he me I icsuti'iit, nnd H in>l mi-taiiiuil t, v h'lo, will ' at |n»C«. L.l UOl0|10 Iho dl.y limy ycl „„ ,,| I'..,,,,.: when 1 shall carry out tho intcnlmna ol my uncle, syivnni i, In- nvlive State, and to the Northern p.-o , by uniting the interests aird policy o! England and | I*'®, generally. Franco in an mdiwolublo alliance. I hat hope a very pretty ror.;» a'rout. iIren tln-y begin nly luliy appro- M x.Murrx v. I.rltrr from NoiHli**e*iorn Isrnrglr*. A I (’»opz— I'n nmtrirk litoitl-’Sititi" on hit/V»rxrii,« i tioi.t—Mnir*. Jiartiiw and Seirnd—Senate /J.rtrsoo, V, he cnei-ra and encourages me. It lorbnls my repining at the altered fortune* ol my family." — Mr E M Ward.H A., has commenced ii series ol luil-length portraits ol emuo-nl living authors. Each author I* a rated In hts "W-n study, surr- unded by those fio' ks nnd laces with whom he ia accustilined to hold almost daily converse — Six are already finished—Lord Mahon, (now Esil Stanhope., Mr. Macrfuley, Mr. li illam, Sir Bulwer Lyttoii, Mr. Dickens and Mr. Thackeray. The pictures aro of a cabinet size, and will be on- gruv-d. — ILimi de Sieigli'z, tin- RuMoaii court hanker, has prop..rrd «.* en the Stock Exchange, a monument to the late Emperor, «s a protector u‘ Commerce —The cost of ft park nnd pleasure-ground is n.» light matter Sixty six thousand pound* were ex panded In uno year, ending March 3|»t, 1855, on Hi- London paiks and pleasure grounds, nnd tho income derived th"relr-uii wna h.vrely above six th -uasnd pounds. *1 he tnree parks hi London that immediately join each oilier-—Jnmva't, rh« Green and Hyde parks—consume X’20,i'(K) of the X'OV ik)} the Regi-nt's Park is maintained al n yearly cost ol X'5.500, n nd iho Victoria Park a, a yearly cost id A’'2,3HO. —’I ho principal theatrical news ol tho day i* that Cento iss udying singing, and is imUlutrr at the opera in London, in iho capacity • .f caniaince In thu* changing her profession,she is countenanc ed hy tin* example*id Mdlle. Nathalie Fitz James, aid of Carlotia Gri«i, who in a pw-ro entitled " La Zingar* 1 ," at the Theatra do la Rnnait-anco, ap* poared wnh a certain auecess as singers. — It appears Hint iho amateurs of hull lighting in •Spam propose to initmt— ih« Parmnna mm their pastime during lire cuininiianco of the Great In dustrial Exhibition A potitiou aigneti try many of tho nobbst names in Mpam.and strongly hacked by M. do Turgot, tho French amhaasador, haa been prcacriird lo Lulls Napoleon lor tho allownnco of the sjrort; aqd iho Duo d'Alha Im*, it i« annl, writ- .*//#(“(, I'.hljr The i-ri-tra ii h 'Hi corn and s', ut taken hy which ihcy si ne*-, we Ilia) di pi-oil Tlii.Mis t'.iisTV, .May 1st, 1855. r ••/ tkf HipuUica n i this st-cti'iii look rxtreinely wo 1, coiton, and judging li.-in thuoarijr our planters, ui.J the energy with III ilu>p.'*i-d t-r l-ri'.-ecuto I heir bull- expect a Very favorable result— ill o r, on iho sens--m*. Crops are lu-w lound gn-w mg in gn at ahund<im: | tlie iiaturaliM, w as, it m helu-vnl, . brought it ini.. Spam Irom M. x.. via* inirodui i •! mt" Portugal tr -m I laming", and into I rann- I )' I a vet, i t tiy * -in-- lnend ot lire,, I C'-IIIIUOII I pllil- II IS that the tlr I Hu-fn were tho-a sent about the Whal, then, i« th« «luty of tho South l Why, to mergn all minor difforenres, and to anno upon | ton to tho Empress to request ln-» auirjmrt. Alieady sumo Sarihtrn man wrh»» can carry thn -Slats* of | s.* aor.ure do lira nohlo at Madrid |er| Now York, Pennsylvania, and Now Jersey, at least Wo mention these Mtales,Imeauae thny arc more deeply iniarestcd ip iho proaorvation ol the Union and Bra restoration of old Inendahipa, ihau Sonra other member* ol iho cmlcdarary. Bi-sulos they havo not invratcd ao largoly in tho abolition •locks aa s*,rnw otltor Btatos. By adopting tho plan here indicator], wo tn«y not only aoruro (he •lection of a patnm inaioad of a demagogue, hut obtain a fresh guaranty ol pearn and union K thorn should bo m»ro than two candidate*, (ha election will davolvo ujem Hra ffnusu ol H«p* rcsontatiVM, wbcie Howard would be sum ol sue- Hut who la tho man for iho omorgoncy ? This question Is more oasoy *#k*d than anawerod. We are willing, tako aiiher Mr Fillmore, or Mr. Dickinson, or any r.ihcr equally reliable man, who can carry iho Hlaica mt-ntioucd el Mr. Fillmorn laalfongwr m Hmao Hiaio* probably, lhan Mr. Diehlnaon, though wo believe wnh an op«n hold and thw question fairly *<atod, mth«r could cany ih#m against Mr Reward Be (his as it may, Hie Kansas question it fraught with grsat danger to Hra pwarn ol tho rountrv and tha stability of ihs *overnrneril; ami if iho Mouth would maintain Irar rights—nay, the right* of lira Htatra at large— aha must txoparo Irarsoll to act aa a unit, snd losw no units in getting izrady lor Hra contests of ihu aucrriM "f tho dt-iiiand. that tln-y havo en* toml into trealy with Cuchnrr*, (ho first toreador in Hpam, and i-ihria,to undertake lira eipedillun, which will lw romp-iM-d ol lira r->mpnny which delights Hie* *•( ihr flpnnuh Court. Ks-PrMidcut Fillmorn -rrlvu<| m Ibra'on Haiur- diy laai, on a visii. Ilrai.iii or Nr.w York - T horo worn 493dnath* In New York last wnk. Wo barn that hueia of Waahpigtun, Franklin and Wrhst. r.aro wran rtjrerir.1 to arrivo fo.m thn aludn. ..I Mr ll'raiu Powers, imho ofilrr of tho Coani«|ralitan Art and (.Horary Araona'ion ol Cincinnan Ttrav will ho oxhlhiird pal citire. r princi- Tax Kcmairi ol lira lion. Waller T Colquitt Wero taken to Columbus, tho place of his reel- dance, and intsrrrd itiwrw T'u*aday afternoon last. Gibarallar paimra of tho 8th April, Main tjjtl tha H(. Louis, Capl. Ingraham, is weather-bound at that pi aro. Mua* PxtKtaa —Thocolleniur of New York has Iraeii informed that a lara* number n| paupers sailed Irani Antworp His 15th April, lor Now York. Lxaot lleL'LS or Hnsn —T'lrare worn nlnn ih-ra- ••ml HliSil taken al oo# haul "1 Hoke's *n>>re )|atlr da Grace,onTnoaday ls»', snd al VeiJlwi's . h»is, eight lhouseud warn caught. Tfl" latest lolly enj'.inod hy lira g»iMee* «.| I sell ion op-ill Irar whjsct d«*Vo|o«-R, lira ladles ol Now • Y.-ik, is Hn- wearing o| hunnol llhaiule lour loot long The bonnets, lliranwlnlo, « null nun lo furirlr Ir an pul,lie plrei-ivalion Tin y have long been invisihU to Hra uakod o>« ol lira woarer, and llray now Hiroti, u io run enliroly to tihami ui ginning b» Miller tor want ol ram, without which, j nc energy, industry, nn I per*ovcrence all fail. Some of our citizens are now on their wav I It is sa'd hy his IVnn-ylvatiia Irrainl-, lint the quo-'i"H w^U iiiakr- him tin- most p -j ular man in Bn- Slate, Wl perhaps urako him Hra m-xt Gover nor of Hie State. I do n "t believe that the President has y»-t de cided upon this matter ; hut the general b.-'ul j. hat lie wilt he ohli4l-d to decide aguiiral Reeder and truiovo him. ll will he noticed ihut tiovni- imr Reeder deimnuta not only that Ira ho oflstnuieii in lu- "llieial course, hut that proper ineaHiM-s , should he taken l--r Hie nurpoao of prr-m-rvtng order ( Brunswick, to Httctnl n nractiug of the stockholders nt the m-xt elscii n. 1 he President m >• t to d<- [ ( ,f tho It. ft F R K t'oiiijrany This meeting it ouli- w hetlier inioth'-r olociioii shall In- ordered to ... , . ... liu ii... .........« i . 11.. i.. . , .. thought hy sonra lo ho ol great irnimrinnet*, ns the III! tlie ViuMiieie* by in* relusnl to give ' . , . ♦w-rlifieaiezol clceiion to Nome iiieiiihetR who' luluro pro-peel* ol the enief|»nze, will depend in a Wvrc roturmd <ra having iii-joriiP'R, on iin* wround great uieairaie, on the showing to he made hy the Ihni they were cho*,-u |,y non resident Misa.-ri- ' ans. II Gov Reeder g res hack to hi* government, with Hie support ot lira administration, lira pio!»n- ' hiluy in, that there will he much di-order ut the | next election. Cj'i' en (. nth i Amb.x-snd -t lit-rnandrz. tin lli*l Wll" I II lair* It ' *."inla by "be I 1 r Andie 'Flu - ' j igh tin- liioie «'i d* tecived y.-ar I '*•*»<• • Srgl,. I"r— I- net. It*.» r.t !• I'ln . X Po. I" s --fine i.t i - if]. IV I Modiei- lyj.-an Nu-ol, 1 r It X I •ll-. !'.| • 1 year- I Hh w.-II kn. tr.-m \ irgmia, e-TliVutcd under Coniii-' 1571, having been ongir I'.-rnatia lu |r. til Moiisignor Ni In Tu-eniiv le Me liei, w , I ! I -tiee t l.l •.» I 'rake, w 4N ll'St ■ died ill . nh p Al- llom bis l» III: \KTvYLLL Praslilent. suit I' T\ IT. I Ot X DU 1 11 hn* Imherto been asm tied that Lake Huron ' was 86(1 feet deep, hut it haa lately been ascertained j hy Hra United Htnic* Coast Survey ihai it is only i 42H feet deep. Lake Erie ia from fill to 70 feel Northern poHmn ot this Company. The o| our peojde nro favorably disposed towards the Savuniuh and Gull Read, but how to get Gear o| the other, they know nut. Time, We suppose, will •• Ivu tho ddii-’iiliy, hui it may ho that the solution will he nl too late a day lor «Mir good It is said here Hut "Ham" ha- Ih-oii id Thomas- ville and clsewticie ill Hus region , .uni tlio labur ol hi* hands iNtarn-u-ly estimated al Irom a half deep; Like Ontario 452 feet—ns low as most parts tw " LnnGro,| One of our knowing of (he (Miff of St Lawrence. nn nrua of 13,0111,000 acres Ali thn lake* cover Tlio snow hasnol yo» di*Apjranre«l front the lulls in Central New llnmpshiro. Near Franconia, in lira woods on the north sidn uf the im-unininN, tin* snow, mi Monday week last, wns reported to he three f.-ct deep. A Runni.iii Indy hn* been captured making draw- lugs "I Hie Ficnch trenchea. She w HI In* nciiI to ..Mnlia Sim Irar husband, named Hmiuiofi, av killed at Alina, and she |in« amen noted a* ii duulecr spy In t'h.-w, M. iisignor Nieolo Toiuahu -n . NcVl to salt, tobacco in tlio m<>nl generally con- • sullied ol all pr- duetion*. The annual eoMSump- ) herein "ti nn average ounec*. or con* . mdriah.) m-•»*• Ilian n p 'und weigh: to every man, Woman, nud child throughout the l mu d King dom Moreoveri tin- coiiMimptioii ii giciilv «,rt 'll" mricase Bclwcon they.-.vs I8.’| and 18.11 thu |nere«*e wn- nt tti<- late < t about one min- e pr r head, during tin* next ti ll year* it wn- » m-'whvt K-s ilian nn ounce, hut from I8pj «.. l*»M n w«s at the rate ..1 about one ouneerliiskuig nn iiraren»e ol tt j'.-r cent, hi pro|Mrli"ii tothc p -pulni.on wiih lu the !a*t 3*) year* In Denmark. !-\Guniv.- -1 Hu- . Ddi bus. the average c<»nMimt.|i *n m «,i« neat. v “0 • unees per head Hut Hire i« no li ng t.• whit in ured m waim ct-unlrie.- It 'he p«,pu!ximn of'the « v i til be taken nt millions, nud tlie* CO'H'imi'i nil lef kneed ns equal toth-tol Denmark, or 70 or jh r nesd.tile pl.iJucu .•! the whole w..r d willamouip to neat.y two null...ns ot tons ,l.'.i.'ij,- , 1251 n year. T he value <d the «piantitv thus r,.,-),. urd j ■ “ * • und, amounts to atiovo X'7U»,(*i•**,«JtH* . inloii J*N(«.r , PRINTERS’ WAREHOUSE. Mil. IIALAR, Jr. *V (o. V.ra i*. v II lt*r«- *TUEr.T. NEW YORK •l.D : . -I- b •bliretU I - I »jre r*“iol'i l i. ire i.i.w | fri bln g Xl*t»r.* # - >*■< li-i-n c -uiora • tit»,4 X»irei> • M lit,ant 'X| Vno 4 I tre • it •'! ii.air'iat *iNt ma. i.r• i *-l try u*, an*! t>*» rag nr h i. >i » and lira trade grneralir TO«■ . \|ay; » — ilti tire »amv .v—afarr and d »llr»! o. tlie nitiir.y iretr r-'.lotra • .. 4 i » brah la now ready fm ilriton.* ioahi-1 {ran to aJl pr IV Xd 11 I Ihr i... made !•* lire aln-4 'i large • be.i>d liter, •»( »Ufb lx-». i '. •pociinen slirrel* lo-war-lr-l It* 4 tr . r-lu, S an ' pries haa auj/posed llial I hare nan not mure than , •icrfmg —l cn who could bn duped bv "Sam," and another .. “ * —* * .. — II ii-Lii imI - « (• I c I ii ,* it V|i«uii,-win llit-liaiid'- • AUTM.l' M \i.M>|.\ .-t'M'oy fl.-Ml in all diM-a-ea of the -l.nua. Ii and Hew, ia, i attended w lilt aeolny . and xlvr* linnradM'e Gflorge, the i-oh-hrnted English Grali- lioil'Ni, wlio Wnn onro in .hin d hi ll.ialoii, in now lira editor ol Hra Empire, a weekly paper puh|i*h* cl in Loudon. In lira !'• nn»yIfainaH'atc Senate,on Friday, the tnl. Im tli*'-nle <d (hi* Mam Line wn* pnated finally It fixes Hra pri'.'o nt ^8,1 IKI.IKR), |«, any oilier pur- rliuser iioin Hie I'l'iiirevlvnnni Rnii Road Com pany, winch must pax- $9,(gRi,fiH0 for u. ha* sa.d Hint there were, he suppo-ed, about two hundred ol the silly creature* who wciw tub- jeet to his iupliee. All this, however, I* only a subject *d speculation, a* neither they nor I havo any iirann* G knowing hr* doing* hero <-r else where. He la a queer being, but is instinct wnh llio and p • wer It istru y amusing to soo lira iiileicst taken hero ■ by a lew ol lira "prjrir.goiras," lo iisei itaiii wiiero ( ! "Sum" keep* tiunncll,and wlm lie in doing ll '.oV | i- -aid that lie lives in a Dagurtirnu gnlbry, lira Moto o| Sharpe & Jlav«n; and Irom a ! known and Very public point ju»t aer- M Iho spiral, Very Icqueiit olreotvalion* am taken, not by the tohaeopo hut hy prying eyes. All who have any huNiirass wnh our trund Charley, the nitre!, and 1 nrn so,n ascending and descending lire stairway, aio sot down at mice a* Know Nothing*. 11 he is j up there, we wish our fur nd Charley would lake j lit* liki'iie** niol set it up ;it Hra j ost i lli inniril of 411 kind* of j-,ir . Murti ... « »i d sM oltrer kind* of Kip*- • >rt not lira.» ml st rr>si.ii(sci»i i..n Ii4* trerai. o> u r *. r (uunlpr, • be r>antt !•• In l.‘ »1?. MlK.ITINi. 14*v r 4!>d »,->!» t<c. d Part.- - • I till* kl,| it till ' ll. ll'ldl-l i-grin-rsll) ,4 ll--' «IT., ud i 1 st? .Id* aj- cll ho. Uolll 4 b,\n i*. * In | f-fniii* ol « b limy Im- re oinmi'od' d w et' | rlroie- 'i»»e iwran fetraaiedly wsnii rbmalo* Manx of lb iifanrr, and nrn al in wuh an.lU y ; u..l i XI..4IM--'a lore * ..dinii'Nwe iirnirAl'fr* It. K'«: Lire Hi'. 'US \l|. ' siab" lire il "i the dora-c, • iljinls of rtiidr, i. ranrrtt |--i 4 tr od a ii rffl , "t > 'Ire Niol Ihrpp xx xi ii \«: xu. w, r* I U XMbiU-ll. |.||iro, ■)>• w,|i iihii >hi > for, I- N • « rli'N -. I.- o» s |-41-«r r.'t.Uiu.u; ih T'o';;. 1 ,' qwsli.y. tan ■ •alien I* Irira Irom >ni| l.-ai 11 lire* lire *ln-ii||tli of tl.e r>>mii|.oi • '»l. I nrd VI -«nr-'4. I ..ii' H"l j. r r* it. I ii m Nd»rr Xlr-lal*. aod » Ni • \ ofk Worm*, Cal, Xlisla aw ml,-.'. I'.ir t.iln by the druga'i-la Brio in'li , an.I bv lire n«aiiti< furliirei r J llt'H! \M\ f I .. P" r ra,"uu pod-X'.lo KNUCKLE WASHING MACHINL '|X|II 1 et'imlm* Washing XIi .. 1. Xt T- - rxs^ cw-v* t. - npam httr i pd hr i'-m i’o \\\: r?i k. . nn* Judge Lumpkin Iras pei, miniily drelurad lira ! to ••.Sam' Judgeshtji id lira Court nf Claims, lo which ho w n* |„i( loin recently appointod. The M i-sashusftta llniiae of Uo|uetNntativo f..i-d on Thuiiday, l^fi to llll, to abolish tho death 1 penally |'\.r Hra month ol April Inal, 3i'5 Vr**ol* arnxrd ' at ll-reioii Irom toipigu poll*, "| wlm h nliout 150 I worn Nrlinoncrw, mrrelly lnm» ill" Bnnsli pioviner*. . Tin Cfaxjia pia.Rui a or W*a — A letter Irom | Havana *>y* . Ii iKion not serin to ho roii)proh«n<lrd hy Mr public in-peetioii I a in prrs'iadnl that Iho grr*i I-. thn h d re* m lie i* - ill III - yet pol'-nt in action. IL doe* ii"t roiitiiN'd ii 'iso, irar wnh g nnieiiti lull I r ah if)iw, lux shri'ra i« soiighl IIIDt" piecioiia ihau lud a'- gem ponied up m lire attar 11" h time m ill'' Native American 1 I > T Hy. ml •nlv i lua'ly en*«-l 'lir\iii<li ' IV i ■'•'ih.l a iium- j •pi-iHti n*. ami | a. and nurh r* *l> Ure SIIPW- "*<’ ol In, mil«k, ■ au v vrs»lul . |re- I*. >,r. | .-v-< r* ■ .ibbinc . *4, I IX II VI >x iiii a i.d .i :s I "lied ill I..",l.l , Jit, and "llcimgs ill*, are lavishly lived lor a long ail, niiiI w »• .«i>:y ^ a||ii|«:|: Tl 'Ml* »pl <* ■ 444 " SllP'.d- II Wo|k Mol.. I,-, * I Her i TONI .V II. II Ml M> ' icr,. | | XMri K**' XI 4< t 'KU.IP Thw CunvNiilion the llapnsi (.'liurrh Houih, will asNrmhln al Mnftlgoinsiy. A I* , mi Friday next lh« I Ills n»*i VVw nul no dial a call ha* hssn in ad • (of a lllhlo Rovlahm .Mssimg, in Ira Irahl III M»nigom*ry during tha a<t*ai»n rd thw Convsn- tibO Prarira, and |rarfiapa nnf hy lira pc"|d« of (Ira (full • d Hiatira, lhal Ihu puhlie sPii'Hirarn ol the people •d C'lba in ilprul'-dly lu lavor o| war w >Ih Hra I oiled Hint*—'he "Id Hpamarda wi«ti ii (r• -in Hra Uitlui ii'-e ••( lia'p'd which hi* hcrll li.d>i*l||""*ly ami • -in' ant I y cullivalud hy Hra p(r« d u- I n**p"ii»|bil|iy and ceiisoiahip of Gpupial mil tire c»oo|,-s wi*h ii Iiohi din hain-d I •h*-y •'**! Hra Hpaniaid I alii inloiuicd I'V I, , Hiilholliy llial lira ihiinilimli'l" an • s.i,..(al ,.(||. . is, on landing a lew daya amrr, lo go t.. Hie |.aiat •« Wrfo BNluliid with sli'Kila "I " |h alii to lira Van kira*"'. and" Ib.wii wnh lira Yanks**'" h> ,„|, 1 h «ol Iirgl " all.I |..w whit, a whu hl.diMvv. d iIrani along lIn- wlmil I lie siibj.-ds luraiidrd |.. he m 1 •"d-d. "ri" • nn.rlv nncnnapli.M. ol , llV ollrn.ive di-iii" nsi v a 11 •• i i, hot undoMtaniliug ihn lamruag, in | which ll wasiiuiiIn, and pmwihly ihoiighl Hra n j Prolowwrir Aga*N»» has dneHnrd *n idler nf the |'/n(ra*nr*hip of Natural llittiiry ill lira Dnivarally „f TMinfiurgh, With a salary nl tsn Humvand <bd- lam. Ifw praf. rs to irmain at llarvanl, Imm fila di-airo lo mould and dovrloji •clNiiUlra Irarning in ltd* country. This 'a not tlra first tomptaHon lu fimuivti fioin Hire country, which Hu* diatiugiilalrad •aval) liaa rsNivH-l Tho aisamthip Hi. L.uis, l<>r flavrs, took mil from N»w York, on Haiurday, fifi paaswng*r». and • I *8.151 in r|orlr .. <. -sm (in ion.' (i \\ ushmgton mi Thursday i visit in I, .ulailllu. Iraoidmniy ga'liorlug a pllnrami Hr else i inalior ol ordinary occuripnip m IL,,,,, " pctuiilO'd I" look on; and lib uni over Hra lapul incioaae >.| I • i• ign mlbranee , and n .w that dire ‘ intlurnee has nssniirad a ahap* - , and pnl on a I -Iill So toiy alarming in Ha chatnrlrr, ho Im* chiiid Ii xi Ii , and with a uoiaclcta #o-p ho i« soon ap proaching (hr firrsidea and so* ret chamber* of (ho Na'ivo hui it Hon* o| Anmnean H.-il, and vviili h's ! pain ami n.iii-<st pulselrs aim, I* *ecn p- intiiig |o o„r daugei, and Hran to the lourady -- nuih-r llio I And hvppy i» it I *r u*. and l-u all, that lu* warn ' lint- mo lu-t ill nun I hi! people am i very wlioiw hi du* iiiaueslv ol ilra»i aiicngili 5\ til* . on.-hand thov s'lik" "ll lira shackle* .-I pvilv . v»i h lira odiol they militate Ainoili an, piuinples, amt *:iy In deuisgogiraa and pailirana dial draii •lays am niiiiiln n d I hoy know that to* high iiiinniitaiou ti to build ni' »nd Imlily oiii nntdo Ins,ll.In ll*. that iiIHmUIi mlllb’rtsmay IpJi"C0 ov cl tlirni a* Iho impregnable n biae "I Ire. deni ■ *Mpi's A- i -‘rai-n 4 4 0 Ncmmss Mioi.i l*li M V 'me 4I4II-I- |.re rmliipnl six, rii-i'4 »'.-l »i»ll)".B qiisllllr#; II* Imi.r a,"- l| on lire Id,. '* raii.U-nr, le «l",r etl Ininoo* |.< ibr no »rr, then I'V • le*"*lns lire •> •un, »•. --nlo.g i„ N siiitr', n |,i r*i‘ 111 v< - -n ; ll * Is -tali*- let st lire *• me "in* , %* - * - .w.loini) *-«hhI , Orel,, and lira inoiilrer ••( r«u>i i,.*i4(1r-| lo In many --I lire m--»t fl»,pe, table eiilieiit Kiel, in ini. \ * , and i Ire* lirr-e, inn,l Ih> pour lurli r e, 1.1 so,«, lloii ll.. |* ne hi,i,it.iiK ■l.'-nt n I b«> i- isl ,*l 4 .Ingle In.lira w ill *vll,rv Ihe m<„l »krp lira I >•' Ii* I rent-lh • * nd,i-f|l,, in, ill In anmher Column ^ Ui»I 1 ■ O It S I % - ),«■•, | < *N I lit TAX' In'll |-.r in*rkri Ii \V\ S M X|iu H* ,.i i Vt r I hi u, •p- H C-YV DV *r-' *• I > XI - v \ ;• k Tv.« TXflr :r' v\ mii.x,;x.'A 11 in -' Ml I I Not tllurli I* «abl heto as ycl ah- ul Hra appioarh- iug ranvnts b-i Cotigieasman In lira Fit*! Disiirat, Govimrob or KftXiaaa —Thw N York Tnlwnw I ' "•" , «.l« , «*»*r,Hwl lh»i* » a. all mad# hit a haa Ura I'dlnwing despatch,,,,, , H» r, Hng ol Hra Deinooiat* Hie last ,d ibis itvenlh "A diaihiguialrad Virginia \V M hi„g > “ " "” v ,Mrh ‘ ,M, » llr, *‘ lull, ttys lira Ptesidwlit can de, bh, dm Vugmla ' te*l*'H»d to ihw rail, ami plaen tlrair candldais on etrrll'iii by the leiiioVal nl (mr l(rn|cr and lira • tt*" track It is preitj g«ti,<rally uinlrtsiood, |«,*», appiiltitilieiii nl Judgo Loiing, ..|*, | that C..I Ja* I. w'll l>" Hra ramfidatn «l • n hi* placr. and h« H .ll.-i'gly ;Mgm # dra admin- party, but who will Ira iho ..pp. Istrallnii to puisuo llial r-miso. 1 ..... " I 1U "t l; X |»\ It I. K ,e., «•■ lr,...ldr»t •Hh • an- .iBnijeieu*. ami li-sl'l, I, |.»wl„il* t ,ll(K| .1*1. Ill*, l, S'|" 111 - -nl l.ul aire-are, -t \ xi -1• \ m. • ill iu;\ i \n « i-'i, \m i* i,.-"ll"l" n.lrd io , .ol m ..|re nl'lir l-,| •rntP.t'tre kra-a Ii |..» i i"nlli*. i ol.l Ittllp, III,i-,-l»lt'«, X. Ire,.». *t..l *l| ..ll», * l'0 | 4n-, ll,.- Inns* 40.11 to..41 |i ii.i*,,4l>ly •;i«,-* ,, lirl, al,-! Ii• * rfT. rlnl lomo, maIde , no * . I |.m.| ,onllliiiPit snd drru ses-ct msl*d , * XI*Vai,i4l el il, .ml oil ,mo (iiendtnr ll* «.hmI iffcpl* lire IHXIlIl ml \ l "Ill'I.XI I* *l*o ip,- n*»irnil«-l •«' i-'mi ■"I'f* ll i* - capital inr-tlrlne in I' I'lliir* *»<* elhe, ,t *r»*p, i|.n !■-• els, • idfh **e *-• p.eralanl al ire,lain >cs $7,olio. ■ v X on hr • I »»!«', ' C I'nt, S*ll>i» Groone uml Pulaski Lottery, « 10*4 t I V* I*»v I X.VA le Ire .!•«„« liv*l,n. ,i '•* . ' *, lltk, o'liX v xi I. X vi x * x». i hr I ol t?,.XII!l I Ml ».t HO'* I Ml SI.500. I lehets fV dfiurrt m |S\v mii, „ (\« i ■,, 4 ml M\*rp». ell hr- »>■«! b, '*•* C- X 4|» i iVHIIlX.ttMX » b) 1 ) l I.M U \ iVr .Jrel. • N' ll'Ur: « | IPS.-*I|«t I , i Prlfre >•! a mi er.M. |<*n<|<h>eit l« Ire Ira-I grails o », only Sivy ecnis |rei Untie. . / 411 \ |ha I .,..*1 ll.'-iW .»■ e rtork. . ne traccl xr*ra XI -rn I nl 14, le klll'l) t l* i ,4 l-.ja.,i ■ lin'd s l (C ux.TW' ,w r f t V. R|x«Nf is* amv , a xrr »Avt t x*.- - ,-srereS s ***** treJ Masses* 1 i—*'"*** . •hs-V Will (re «-4W*y-i si *»•-»-■» 1 I M rt iim ii h ro I HVlX'l • n| oVI'ift- a i ,v , III S XI,IN i I » I! I N \ 1 I ho lts* s* Ih-tre*. I 4,1 P*IW4 S " l‘*b*- IV ,.sr. A poor Irishman, who applied Im * license iilctil spirits, lining I hy Hra ll-.ald o| I'luirl*" a* In hks moral llineta lur lira tiusl, |f pin'll "All sure. It la tint much ehaiarlor a man used* to soli the aamn " 'Moiliiu,did y nit 'l r *r - ha' d d •\V to ,ili- • i'd *l,r •Jmiuhl|*iin king* (o Giuiuh i h"«l a'*«y sweat f ' N i • y v ig randhlalw f | •I" V1 I Im fitniils id \|r (tallow aio v*iy anaioua to sew him sgstn |u ih# hold. and I Iralmv# Hist In. w.>ul,| Ira Hra uiiiveiaal chmc# olios pxity A* to "Ham's" |K)iqdo, howovat, they ate I'ko the bnf In Hra eni- ( irar, llray have uothlivg to aay just now As Ini ilia candidal* Im Gnvoin.if. n i* mv Inun- Id* npinloii that DaWamt i* Hra lira man gidug I" wear hat i D*ws,m, and Vlefiiiy I* • .Mk. VAr, A Bun iit uu Hull. 1 , IN |o IN vxtl I fill IN 1*1 dm It X N |» HR| )VV N 4 "fol'T V4iiarvs*ai,'l I 'M,.,l*M|i |.*« M | and Ro **iei,i • *1 xttl.y.4 ni l i.Uvx •». • I I I? M Sr* ll , Xv* tot U » III t K H**• »HV Ti|'ii*il »*)»• UinilH, i'ura d„ H India IlnH»IV *"<! Il"ll'i»l4 Z* i-nei*. i xowhire*. Mldt*.?l«»'|.*rt-«is, l*U»l asilsiia, ItallV -hi Iviwv'ii, uesiiN■ a* *' r-* ..V i i I«* vx 118 4 XIII » N I *1 XII N| ' , I XUli XN|I III de* . V I ,ml Iban. 1**1 Id* '• |,|,IIT>«0»I b 4*1*41' i «*. II X N 1, I I--*-- - *t«w* »l «n,«| i-«4T 444.1 !•! „V hi . J.HINalV IN h > . d- N. • - » *»«••> ivsreUVid Vk** .' .Nil tlW* I V 1,0 Id, laoit ih -ml -. I ' n«»x\ i.x}n , , XV.d*.44«, liVds plaiStNht 8, llAMv'M. Zull.SMv'N a v\v. , |)"t v | W toi« rv iaww* wad n H 1 wN£"s;i u J