The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 14, 1855, Image 2

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the savannah republican. I M | ,,, I T«ejU.«UlK KKtf —-*■ »l •> * > ri'lLUMBD BY p. \V. ALEXANDRIA CO., • cur cawiiiy rriwtgw. = L nSSlTOIDS. ,$5 011 A 00 •3 00 9 00 .. 4 00 .. * 00 ..19 00 Inp&bllo fool Hid Mlm.llon uwin Ml An du.t minii. tub Mould itind upon it. SAVANNAH KKPUB1 1CAN. MON HAY MORNING, M YY 14. IH66. «■> * m ■ ' ■ ■ m Daily. « adtiRMi, par annum.. If not paid in advantt. • • Dally. U» adtanca. lor all month*,...... I 4'rl‘Woaalr. In adaanca, par anuum.... lv*Xl»! InMli.blplrid.inM... vVatkjy.(club prtcc.l lucuuiwlor.. LtlMr f r*M Ik. Ham A. II. ■tat.n.on •Knan Mathlngl.m, W.«.ll«ih._Augmt* Cjnonlcl. * Srffel I Lit taI nnd .hair High, kj ind upon iu ut I thlnk n| all tha ohriatian denomination# In iho United Status, iho Cailmlics aro tha laat that Huuihcru paople should join In ail'miiling to pul under Ihe ban of clri! proacrlpilon. For «» a church limy lievo never uxirred again*! um or wr peculiar liutiiuiiona. No man can aay aa much ol New Hn|land BapiUia. Presbyterian* or Moth- odiaia { ilia lone roll oi abolition poiiiiona with which Congreaa haa been ao much excited and agitated for yoare pact, come not from iho Catho lic/; their pul pita at tna North are not desecrated every Sabbath with anathemas against tlnvury, And of tho {Area thoutaml Now EttoUnd clergy- men who tent the anti-Nebraska memorial to The Senate tail year not one wae a Catholic ae 1 have been Informed and believe. Why then almuld wo Southern men join tlio Puritans of the North to proscribe Irani office the Catholice on account of a ,iilVft*"*Ih*Hot/Ash.8(.pti«n>,\o Thomi.l %■«*((<»• n’rili W. Thomai, U*q.,ol bibarton, on tho aubjeot ol Turitanicul accusers, who started tins poiaccution Know Noihlogiara. Want of apace prevents ua | against them aay that tee ure. They ea^we are . . , . . i¥ wo art frwn i.ablkhlni It In full; bu..«r,.b. j material pontons ol it Ciuwrontiviu.K, Qa., Dili May, IW5. l)a\t StaYour loiter ot t bo 5th inst was ru- etippooe ovon in their judgment be going to a I woiih* pUcu lor Imlilinu wliat they consider tho monstrous ntmnrdiiy of tho •• iinmaciilato conceit*- lion." And lor my own part I would about as soon risk my chance lor Heaven with him,and hi* crowd too,as with these sell righteous hvponriie* who deal ceivcd sumo days ago, and should haro boon an- *• aworeil earlier, but lor my absence from home — . ... The rumor you montton. In relation to my candi ; oai hie nod brimstone so litieinlly upon our heads Uacylor io-elvction to Congiese, is true. 1 liuve j At any raio I havo no hesitancy to geclaraing that aisled, and repeated ot* various occasions, iliat l l should much aoom-r tiak my civil right* wnli f 'SAVMNAU.GA. Monday Morning, May 14. BY TELEGRAPH FOR THE REPUBLICAN. ItlanuchuMlla l.«flilnlurc< # . llnaroN, May 1). The House of KcpreMiilativea of Massachu setts have dismissed Mr. Illae from that body, by a Veto of I3tf to 14 Tha peraonnl liberty bill, vlr- .nd b, with .... m.y MSI . "» 1 f“«'0v 8U» pride In advancing the prosperity, development and P - ™ * ‘bird reading, progeseof a common country not much leas Uoar, A majority ol the Executive •Council opposed to thorn than tou*. Agultut those who thus worthily , the Guvarnoi'g docitiun relative to Judge Lorinu. coma, who quit the misruled Empires ol lliotr, r . father land," whoa# heart* havo been tired with W, York Know Nothing (Convention, tho love of our Ideas, and our institution* evun In ki,»u Vimw m. h ii diatant climoe, I would notolosmhu door ol ad- , r . n*w iuxi, niijr it. mission, But to all such a* our fatheoi did at first,' l tn? Now York Time* haa a uorres|Kindetit at mil would continue must Irecly end generously Syracuse, who professss to glva tho proceedings M to oktenq , w* h.nd. W.h.v.fMnwch. Know Nothin* Coarailua. Er..t.. U.uoka horn eltlxons, boticr qualifiod In filLtfiam. Another nvil now rolls and which ought to hu remedied, Is the flooding, it |s said, of aotnu of Iho cltlss 1 wbh pttupora and criminals from other omiutrloa. These ought all lu ho miunmiii tonally oxcluced and prohibited Irotn coming atitougst ue— Micro la uo 1 reason why wo should bo tho feeders ol ol her na tion* paupers, ur either the keepers or eMttutionsrs ot lltelr /shins—these evils usn and ought t» bo remedied without retorting to an indiacrlmtnate onslaught upon all wlm by industry, eiiterprtsu sud merit may chouse to better their condition m aban doning the respeutivu dynasties ol iho old world in which they may have chanced to havo been boro. A. stated, and repeated ot* various occasion*, was not, and uid not expect to be, a candidate—the same 1 now sty to you. The reason ol tin* duels I 1 should much aoom-r risk my civil rights with i*' the Amenciii eniholiist, whom they are uttemptmg to drive Irotn oflieo titan with them. Uut sir, 1 ration on my part, was the fact, that largo itum , am opposed to tlna protcripitun upon principle bars of our eld political Irtemla seemed to bo en- j It it is mice b.-guu (tiere is no telling where it will tering into new combmattvne with hup object* ciul. When taction once tastes the bloudoi u vm- punmttt ani pr»nri;»lf* of wliiclt 1 w*§ not Inlerm- ed, and hover could bo, according t« the nils* ol their action and tho opinion* l entertain. Hence my conlusion that they had no further use tor mo ns cud. When laction once tastes the blond ol a vic- tint it seldom casus us ravage* amongst the fold so tong as a single remaining otio, bo the tiutit her at first over ao great, ts left surviving It Was to guaid ugumst any sucli consequence* ns would their Representative; fori presumed they knew cetumlv ensue in this country it thiaelibri at pros- enough of me to be assured il they had any secret ctlption ot this seel ol religiomsis should be sue- sim, or object* to accomplish that thsy never could get my coDKnl, even if they desired it, to bocuim* • dumbinatrumont to execoto such a.purpose. 1 certainly never did, and never ehtlt/go In*fore the people aan candidate tor their aultragee vith my principle* in my oocket. $ , And in giving ray view* of tho "Know Nothing- iara," l ought, perhaps, to premise by saying, and matt truly, that I really /* know nothing” about the principles, times or object* of tho party I am about to epoak of—'thoy aro all kept secret—they are.hold in the daik—being communicated auO made known ouly t«atho iniiiatud,imdmii to tbepe Until alter being first duly plo.igod and sworn — This, to tne, is a very great objection to ilio Inun dation ol the organisation. All political princi ples which are sought to bo earned out in Legisla tion by any body or suit of men m a republic, in tpy opinion, ought to bo oppnly avowed and pub* licly proclaimed. Truth never slums the light or shriuks from iuveatigaiion—or ai teasf u night utrer to do it. Hiding places, or secret coverts, are natural resorts for error It t*. iltorolore.a cir cumstance quite aulliciunt to excite suspicion against thofrufA to*ce it pursuing such u course. And in republics, where free diecus.-mn and full investigation by a virtuous and mtdligeiu people is allowed, (hero never can be any just ground to any danger even Irotn the greatest errors citherm roliaio#or pohuc*. All nueenon* there fore, relating to iho government «d *« tiro people, ought to be nude know e, clearly under*t-*.»d, lull) discussed, and uiiderslandmgly acted upon Indeed, 1 do not believe iliui u Repuinienn Gov ernment can last long, where this i* not the caso. Iu my opinion, no man is fil to represent a free peuplo who has any private or secret object*, or aims, that lie does not openly avow, nr who is not ready and willing, at all tmius, when leq.ured or asked, candidly and truthfully, to proclaim to the assembled multitude not ’only In* ptmciplo, bui his views and sentiments upon all questions that may come before him m his representative eopei- ty. It was on this hum that Representative unv eminent was founded, mid on this alone can it be maintained in pur.ty and safety. And it any secret party shall over tie so tar successful in thin coun try as to bring the Government m nil its depart ments and functions under tin* baneful influences of ns control and power, political nun will inev itably ent-'c. No truth in poiitits ran be more easily and firmly established, either by reason or front history, g^oti principle nr authority, than this. Tne*« are my opinions, candidly cxprt-**od. 1 know that muuv good and (mo men m Geor gia differ w th me m tins particular—tnousanitsot Up m, l doiit.t not, have joined tin* secret older with good intentions. Some ot them have toUi mo so, und 1 do not question tn< 4> motives. And thousands more wilt, perhaps, do it «ith tfi • a.mie intentions and motives Snould it bo a short lived affair, no harm will, or may come ol it. Uut let It succeed— lot it cany all the elections, f*i.»to uud Federal—let the natui.ll and inevitable laws oi its own organism be onee fully developed—and tho country will go by theboaru. li will go a* France did. -The first Jacobin t*lub wn* organized in Parrs<*n theCth Nov, 17S1>, inder *h»- ndemur name "the Friends of ilie Constitution,'' quite aeapeciouaaa that wo now bear id "American* shall rulo America." Many ol tho best men ntid truest patriots in Paris joined it—and thousnni* ol the same sort of men joined tho affiliated club* afterward*—little dreaming of iho deadly fangs id that viper they were nurturing m their futsoim — .Many oftlicio very men utiurwards wont to tho Guillotine, by ord'-rs passvrl secretly in there very clubs. All legialatlon was settled in tne clubs— members of thu Na'tonal Assembly and Con vention, all of them, or most of them, were mem- I bers of the clubs, t«»r they could not ot'-erwiM* Ik- I elected. And alter the question w»s s.-t iod in the J clubs, the member* next Jay went to th»- nominal Halls of Legislation nothing but trembling automa ton*, to register the edict* »f the "Order,” though it were to behead a Monafeh, »rt« cause tlw blood of iho best ol their own nnmlrcr i*> fl >w lieneaili the stroke of the axe. la history of no uac f Or do our peop'.o vainly imagine that Americans would not «lo as the French did under like eiicniiis'nnce.-' "la thy servant a dog that ho should Jo this thing,” said tho haughty,sell confident Hazel. Ye:, lie did all tbit ho had been told that ho would do — "I^*t him that thiuketh he standoth take lo rd f«-si he fall." Human nature is tho same r •mp'Hind of weak /rallies and erring passions everywhere. • » • • * i And where did those "secret Councils" wo now hear of, com*- from J Not from France, it is tfu.- —but from that land of isms, where the peo ple would have gone into anarcliy long ago. il it had not been f/»r the cornerrstive influence of thu more stable minded men ol tin- .South I And what scene* have we lately witiicamuj'iu the Ata — sachuvetts Legislature, wheic tin* new fe,|itio»l..r gan am ha* in««re fully developed n»<-.f itnn any where else. Whst a»« ns fir»t liuq* tlu-ro I I n der tho name of "Tho American I'arty," they have armed thems-jlvea auamst tho f'■ -mistmi >n ol our common country, which they w.-nr sworn to support—with every member of the legislature, I believe, save eight b,»longing to "th»i oider,” ttiey have by an overwhelming majority voto depoe*-.! Judge Lonng, for nothing but the dis- hurgu ot ln« official duty, in laMting a warrant as United State* Commissioner, to cauvu tho arrest of the fugitive Slavo ilurni. ctlption ot tins seel ol rcligiomstshhoiildboeuc' ccuildl?that that wiao provision to which 1 have alluded was put in (In* (utidumcn'ul law ol the Union. Audio iiiantnin it inMcf m latter and spim withatcadia-itucssat tin*timo 1 hold tube a most solemn public duty. And now, us to tho other idea—tho proscription of foreigners— and more particularly that view ol it which looks to tho denial of citizcn*lup to nil those who may h-rcnltcr seek n home in this Country and chooaoto cast their lots and destinies with us. Tliia la a favorite idea with many wno have not thought o| its effect*, or reflected much upon its consequences Tho abrogation of the na turalization laws would not stop immigration, nor would tho extension ol the term ol probation, to the period ol twenty-one years, do it. This cur rent of migration from East to Wgst, this Exo dus of ibe excess of population from the Obi to the Now World, which commenced w ith the set tlement ot tins continent hy Europeans, would still go on. Aild what Would be tho effect, even under the most m->dTn-d b>rm of thu proposed measure-that is of mi extension ot the period from live to twenty one year*, beloro clti*en«lnp should bo gran ed I At tho end ol the first twen ty-one years (rout the cormiiciicoiucu*. of the op eration of tho law, w» should have several mil lions of people iu our mid*'—men ol our own inee—occupying ttie unenviable position ol being a "degraded casto" in society, a spociesol seria tfvnhoiu tho just Irancliiso o| a Jreeman or iho iiocdlul protection duo to a slave, l ilt* would bo at war with all my ideas of American Republican ism ns I have been taught them and gl«tied iu them from youth up If I boro i>o danger n<’»w |»« '-ur institution*, (as smne seem to .msgitie, but which l am far fr -m feeling believing.) from fore'gn- l>r* as a class, .vould not tile danuer be gr.-stly en hanced by thu profiottd remedy 7 Now, it is true they are made to hear their share of the burthens ot Government, but are msn permuted, alter a residence ol fivu years, and taking an oath to sup- l>ort the CciHli’ution, to enjov llieir just parilel- paimn in the privileges, h -nors and imnnmilioa which il secures. Would they he loss likely to ho uiiaelieil to the Government and i's pnunpii-s un der tho operation ol the pr. s ut ststem than they Would ho under ilie pwp.»».-d one who h would treat th--m a* not much I'otter than oulca*n and outlaws I All writers ol qoto, from the enripst to the latest, who have.treati «l upon the elements and component parts, or memlu-r* ol c-uiunijuitios ami trinter, have pomied tliia out aa a source of teal danger—that is having a large number ol the same race not only aliens i«y Inrih, but aliens in heart anil tooling in Iho bosom of i*oeieiy. Swell w ar, to a great extent, the condition of the Hi*'- tain Greece—mm of the same race placed in an inferior position, and /-ruling w-phin themsclv a degraded elas* I wish to b« e no sucli slate thing*m ill'* country.' Wiifi us,attliu Snufi, it is true we have H "degraded cu*te," but it is n| n rare titled hy nature for their suiH.rdinatu p<>si-|..|i The negro, with us, fids 'full p ace in s u-icty and under our system «,f civlizmon tor w|i oh be w»s designed by|«n'uto. No training can fit loin f«»r cither «<» or politic il iquality with In* -upeii-; at leist history iuriiirlivs u< with no irivtancu of the kind ; nor d»ea the negro with u.v In I uoy degradation in bis position, n.-eause it is ms immi- ml place. Bui sucli would ii"t be ihu en«o wpfi clase nothing to fear. Whan in battle or In the | walks of civil lifodid any such over prove traitor or recreant to iho flag nr cause of Ilia country I On what occasion havo anv such nvor proven unituu ur disloyal to the Consiliumm I 1 will not say that uu foreigner has ever boon untrue to tho C institution ; hut as n elms, they i eertumly havo not proven themselves so to be. Indcud, I know ol but otio class ol people in the | United Slates ut tins lime tliwt 1 look upon aa j dangerous to tho Country That class ate neither foreigners or Catholics—they aro 'huso notice horn i traitors at the North who aro disloyal to the Con- I stitiiiiou of that country which guv* them turili, and under whose hciicficciii institution* they liuvu been reared and nurtured. Muuym of die *re ' ” Know Nothings.’* Tins class ol men ni tho North,of which the Massachusetts. New- lluiujr- sliuo and Connecticut**Know Nothing" Legisla tures are tun samples, 1 consider ns our worst cue- , lilies. And io put litem down, I will join, as polit- ; icsl allies now und lorovcr, all trim patriots nt the North and .South, Whulhcr native or ndopu-d, JewHnr Gentiles. What our Geoogia tnoiids, whether^ Wide* or Democrats, who havo gone lntothi#”Now Ordor," are really alter, or what they intend to do, 1 can not imagine. Those ol ihotn whom 1 know liuvu nssnrrcu mo that their object is rotorm, h-uli m our Htsio mill Federal Administration*—to pm bettor and truer men in tho plucos of those who now wiulj authority—that they havo m> sympathies as party men or oifierwi«o with (hut cluss 1 speak of ai tho North—thut they aro lor sustaining the Union plnllorm ol oiir State ol 1S50, and that Ihe, mask of secrecy will soon he removed when all 1 will be made public. Il these bo llu-ir objects, uml also to check thu I rands and correct the abuse* in tho oxiotmg naturalization laws, which 1 havo mentioned without thu indiscriminate |iroS4-ripti-n ol any ol cilizen* on account of their birth place or religion, then they will havo my co-oper ation, as 1 havo told tltviii, • n every proper and jo gltimalo way, to «-lb-ct sucli a ieh iinatum. Not ns a secretly mitiaiod co-worker m ilnf dark lor any purpose, hot as an open and hqld iidvocalu »-l mull iu tlm light of day. Bill will tln-y d<» ns they j B"h, utiu wae buried ul sea nay f Will they throw <<fi the mn-k l * That is Him qiioli -n. Is it po*sihlc iliat they will continue In waa in the Chair, and uno member bad been cx* palled for uttoinpiing anil slavery vlowa. Tho l ioritlu ut Mew York- Ntw Yoiik, May 18. The Florid* arrived here at b o’clock tins tnoru- Ing—all well. Frtiiti New Orlenue. Ni.w Ont.xaNs, May 11. Tho ainniiiship Orizabn haa arrived from Vera Cruz with news ironi Mexico. Bnuia Anna lias g"iio South w nli troops. Il is reputed that h body of soldiers havo revolted in Sonora. Tho ruvoli- or* havo ismed n pronuticiaruent. Cotton h very firm. Sales ol tho w-r«*k 3.V>0li bnloa. Receipt* |'J,r»00 agaiiitt 32,000 sumo week last year. Decrusse of receipts at this port 172, 0«0 bales. Slock 122,500. Flour 10 60 Cullen is lower. Safes of ih«» week bag*. Slock l»,000. Fair y l-y, prime y 3-1 u 10. 3Iurk«*ta. Nkn York, May II. Cotton firm,with nn upward tendency. .Mid dling Hi l -l, Fair Orleans 11 3-4 Flour tower. Ohio 1U.&0 u lu.75. Lorn 1.17. CiuRi.fc.vrnN, May 13 9,000 bales Cotton sold lu-day at H 1*8 to Mi 1-3. There lias been an advunco of 1-3 cent. Good Middling, 101 tsrrho stenmsbip Alabama, Capt. Sebeock arrived here Sa urduy morning, in tiliy-livu liouia from New Yo»k. Mr J. U'Lancusier.of Florida, oiio of the Ala- barnn's the 10,h inst.,uf eoiisump-! w,,, » ,l ": ,,m «'»«ncdiaic AIIMIVAla OF THE INAIIISI- Warlike novemniin In Ike Oulf* j TIiolJ. 8 Mail aioamsliip Isnhtl, Capt. Rollins, arrived ufl'Tybeo Saturday alicrnoi.ii, with dais* from Havana and Key West to the IOiIi m*t. The Isabel brought 03 pms*-ngef*, 30 of whom were transferred In ilie slcaiiisbifi Augusta, lioncn for New York, of! Tybae. laiaruiug that *M era* lets artivmg at Charlesiou fn-iu Wtat India porta are plnc-ud in quarantine, Capt. Rollma brought hla ship uu to this city yesterday morning, and th* probability Is, though we have no direct authority for laying ao, that eh* will sail betwesn ibis port and Havana until the quarantine in Charleston is remoVnd. While the passenger* were being transferred ■ from the Isabel to the Augusta, a young lady ; name not known,* cabin passenger on (ho Augus ta, jumped overboard. She was rescued however, ' when she made a see >nd destroy her* i aell, but wae prevented. It will be sunn by reference to the card of the Isabel's passengers, Hint Havana was very healthy al the lime of her sailing The daws from Cuba, hy this arrival, is unimpor tant, ihoiigli it vtili bo seen hy our Key West cor* ' trspondence, that the movements of our Gulf •qundrun are mysterious, if not warlike. The , Spaniard*have nt length recovered Irotn their late excitement m regard to the invasion ol ih« Island, mid ihn opinion obtain* that the filllbuster* have given up all hope of aeitlr.g II, and have ditbaud-* ad Iu confusion.* KEY WEST CORRESPONDENCE tlf tlm rinvnnhali lte|Mili|leMi>. Ki y Wr.iT. May 10, Into The marine arrival* have b<*cn numeroua tha past fortnight. Quite a fleet of im-n-of-war and merchantmen have entered ihv port, mid lheharb,r lias j rcs.-nivd an enlivenc(^np|H-aram-e. The move* Tk« Ckarleiienendkaveuimk Mail- We find the following appeal to ill* citixene ol Uharleaion,iu (tin Courier of Friday: To the tollmens uj Chut lesion ; Tho undersigned have Ihjou appointed a Com mute lo call ihu attention of our h'llow-citizensto Ihu Charleston Mild Havannah Rail Hoad, 'ihu necessity impoerd upon us «> make lilts road 1* be coming daily inoru apparent 'I he upp«r lines of rontliiuuicailnii through Augusts, llrarichrilln «m| | IM’ITATlfiy. I Hwlrkldl llsl W«|«llM-|)ro »IKi K (| , • fivncen, ere InvnM i.. mum m, r uf „ f4( , ; H l»V\!St nuu, IS**:f fus-4*.**, S „ , f .‘ U * Hb«b, lhl« 9o*cb<k. **** CAMl» or •u. Tin: in a itr i,. h| °■ **•*•* »t**ns«i»i.». t |, w 7 ,, , - , H4»«s.*„. Kingsville, have cut oil both Charleston smJ Ma»- Thauo»1*f»iarrf-l.|,t*w.t, ( , • nnali Irotn Hiu^reat th«rougliiarns **f irsvul, and lfavao«.bsvin v jq.i iraf*>«d*lii> ,* r „«. *-**'- tha cllvct Is apparent ufion ihe nesmeia baliaeun | poa law# win h» nspt.y M,b,ff*a . Ibe two ohm uml u/ion the rail food bon*ten i„, llr.iKli.HU .ii ] Hull luHh«r<lini„iti. "* ' tluii ol tills (ravel fuuai result from ibe rail roads proposed to b* constructed horn K-ngsviile io Augusta, which will cut of! the circuit i.uw exist ing in iho mule. i he elites of Havanrish and Charleston, avvers ofthoM rueulis beforehand, ha«e vault attsmpied r lo eeek Coinpeiisaionrs tor them, davannsh ha*, kn«,«>s4ft-ab4 *fc.i u.*,* , j fieressartly. vraal sod l#jv-o.«^ |r,-slo tnr>«t >'f us, sswetl as o, iu Isle lids vrr%t»’ti \i, s'si*, that i»,*< vans were perbeiiy h«shhj st u» , tha sl*a*n*r . th«i mi iMUiq e«>« . f p,, f •pldainieesl-tM ib*«e, a* :h*j t*t l >- ^tnu, ft ’I •«#. with great vigor, projected a rail road uno Houili- Wistcru Guorgie, which •• eventually to reach .>!«• . bile and 1'enaacolai snd (/harh-Wun, hi addi'ton m I ihu aid which ahv lias giv. n to in.- rail roads to j Memphis and Ns*hvi||e, has underiakun me i gigunhu enterpria" ol the Rabun (i*p Rail Road, winch l* lo open another touio hi the Wuat,ai,d it Striving lo place horacll sga n in the liuo ol North cm irarcl by uioaus ot the North Eaeicrn RaW j Road. i Tbrau various entorpriso# will doubtless pro duce great advantages to ilie cities * b cb have on- them, and )our Committee would in in> 1 wise d acouiagu any exurtious to promote thin, Bui liny «J. sue t > call ihe altenliou - I tlmr Ifl- low -I lli/.<-u* t<> thu ColiliuCllolt I-I lween .Savannah ■ and Ulrnlii-tloii ua a most lln|K>rianl, it lo-i a nt-c- friary link 111 thu chain. Thu "bj < i !>• >iii ol Cl-ariteton and Bavannah i* to .-per, n seaboard route which will bu of kutb- CICIH imponaiicu lo cltalu a line of mails und ttavul lliroggli lllvsc cities ll ,a obvious, there . b>re, that such a eclniiiu de|«-nd* upon through- p..**enge r » | M .th ways to points In-yond each cry t h olusioii ha* opened the North Essiern Rail road t<* rnturcept che stream «f tra«ei which m*»r ' douaimn*.ir. »«>,• goes by iiratichville lo Augusia. hhe must, 'In re- **" “ loro, bu Ublr t<> offer a IntUcr «,r sti ller io • f -e<*. Ilie traveller when hu arrives at iho Station where ; Ure Librarian, t'jrus li ' i«*l ton »,a Imard said *.**„ *,. u.. l, J. M.-Jo.., V. ,l| ^ P S Hal ss, a . k*. i.,*., -t ’ ft. I* Platt, Juti, Itoaxt. T. I.•'»**. tl t| li,,,.;,. IL A. Muait^y.f. * A t , » filing vjetr'af,,* u, M ,7 7lu J,|l,r*fy I nltimllU, >4 “Tp *4.. ,, M*-l,'*< hrlr.lfi, A**r<lfe0.u,, M ,, t.» ug l^f-.rr il.* lh» rl#on, ,4 , , * icnr V'-rl.aiii of |h» j , r-ir.fctr H.e moral aiul ini»m« !.*] ^ t#fc Vnur.e vj.r, of uqi <;«■;, a,ej | lMt . -t _ , Soritl li.irreourw, straor.g tl.rm r,„j o. -.t r-K-l ,r.fl .*!,*« ..a «*|...;* t ..,utuuu.\j / ■ so-, at pn vot. i,a i.ibiki). ,jr\ , b| , desire llo- alg of all * { rtwstrp,. kindlier* -fa ten beoes..|*,.i ixi.« , u , *<.cla:ioi, with a numb* r ,.f 4 f SUU, > f It- l.-J I -r llM- perd.ivr ut .. tl , Pie clisfM irr of O.r M.oli - knot'll J#e-t, |f MKlIt- nienls of Lem. McCauley's rquadroii ar«- aitrse- j ilie r-ads fork. Now fur all me country above ing much altclitiori and thu de; nrtniu of two of the fleet on cruise* oil thu Uiibn coast, wnli every thing 1 and dun by West ol Augusta, the adtaniagcs <>l | the tw-> louier n-e rn uriy equal. But w, tin- trav eller If'itn Southwestern ticurgis, Florida, *avan- »V M n H P. tv M.IJ, VV . II R 0,1 i about them m readme** lor histilitics, ha* excit' d i„,r,,. r imru any part »•! ilie oouuiry below’ ftavan tV^ rhe *ieam»hii' Augusta, Capt. Lyon, for (lolinoai party h*|h»wa(np with ifu-ir "worthy br.-th- j New York, sailed on Kamrdav,u! 4 o'clock, I*. M. reu" of Miiurnchnsflt* Connecticut; Now llsmu- *liir«», and the outlie North I F,vc»y «-ne of whom 1 elected in thu next Congress is our deadly loo !— ! Do they intend to cuntimiu lln-ir alliance with J tlievo open enemies to our Institutions ami th-i pMisiituUon "I the count*)-under the loiallv tins- I n-iuiod uasomatioti of thu "American I’nrty"—iho I very prmriplc op-ni w-hreli Jl rs brined being milt* American through- ut { !«•*** NVIinislo our Georgia friends intend to do I Is it nor time that they had shown llieir^ hand ? !>•' they intend u» abandon ihu Georgia “ go over " horse, toot mid ilragi'ona" into n poliii- al ailianeo wi ll Triimbinl, I»mk«*«*. Wil*on& Tlm list of pasungura, &c-, will be iuuud under the appropriate bead. 1'II41.Y| (tUfUlt.MA, our •uspiciou that tho orders to tlivir commanders aroufa warlike nature. 'I'll*divisions separating ihu w-nrd-rooma from ihu gun deck w-oro tsk'-u - down nboard tlm Jamestown, leaving the wh •!*» : duck clear for action. This is n't usually done' except in nine of war, and m our mind, is a suru • sign (hat <>ur r«Uii'>n* with .S.rmn are m a critical l state. We would u-t ho surpriAed to son thu | Princctonof Jamestown returning w-ltlim « t»o«.k j aqyo ol j thisdiflieiilty, m tow and a prizo of war—taken in a fair fight. Fort Taylor is now an far advanced—having mounted and ill position a water hattery of heavy colurnl'iads—as to bo made available as a means of deleneo for tho town and a place ol relngc lor disaldt-d vessels, and such as may be obl'gcd to flee from an enemy and si-ok the protection of its 4. mis. i A v<->»ol just arrived froin New- Orleans Ins [ landed a d'-tachment of U S troop*. They were Wreck «»( (lie Moldt-ii Age with Raven Hundred I'assi'iigi-rs uml u iYlllllmi of Specie. Wo learn Irom n private letter, received per | m charge o| anolfi terof artillery, and they havo Isabel, by a mereanlilv house iu 4V.iVunuali,thal iho 1 fie* n placed under the i-ommand of Maj r Llints, •|"im and i l,,t ‘ 4,, iship Golden Age, Capt. Watkins, lull San iu n u’diti- i Fruueiseotlie slleriuioiiol tlu- l7ilvv\prtl,lor Fans- Ilia, wnli 713 pasM-ngers,40 cluidren, and #1,30<»,» Co T 1 have beeii cued to th. resolmion which, non g „.d. Sh. illy niter midnight, on thu 38th, ! Kngle, entered th" hart i« is .aid. the lam Know No.lmig ( onvcniiiiHi iP«J; j „ rilck „ Mllt ken rock oil' the ,, and ut, its.- SWth. d. i ...» I Limli.i m I i I idiutna ifr.Mt., 1.1 lull ... uu .l i I..... 1... ed in Macon. This,it seems, It ill* the litlO d« legAlfPcould tiring |m|lt alter u two days’ “ labor"—amt ol it wo limy well say, " Monte* purtuilent rt ridtcnlu* inns nuseilur " 'I tie mountain* have In uu m IiiIht and n tidiciilou# moon.-is horn." It simoly nffiriil*, most m> <-k- Iv mid snbmi-sivc'y, w-nat no inmi South Mm,m anil l)<x-„»'■» line h r the l.nn thirty- five years would hive y.-mur.d to deny, widi->ut jusily sut'j’ t-niig hmiM'li t<* ill" charge «•! mk-.visiii— Umt is, dial "Congress hat no con-iiluiiuiml |M«wi-r I" mietveiio by excluding a new- Slate applying l«-r ad|iiiA»i--ri into ill - Union, upon the gi- und *lnt it»o c>,ii»i 11 ut ion oi such Sat« rec-'gn ze-t slavery " . . , This i* the whole lit* mill s-ul -I ii, •mb-ss we «-x- no sucli Mute of c«-pi diesec-t-i t> aJ>-ol w |n« li H tiearslowaid# ... i K.xivw,iis md Nebra*k", roncc-'lcd m <1. r u tail* — 1 is Wall known to it l wno me iniormi d, m the oninnic law -d 'liuve leni 1 -" »* the iiglu ol t.. ling, w Intt"-y r* mam iciuieru'-, >• :«s go mi -. a I who Ind filed a ol mte- < n to Ik-coiiu ei uens I h s wu« in s'net c -u ph.-mcc with mw u*iial p'nrliee of the GoV'-rniio-m "i -rjuni/.iiig Terr-torn*, , and under tins i-mviMoi, -hu »la*-* ot i-itH tis arc rn»w • j»trled r«» vo ,-. K •"nr, n»:.w-> el« ei ions under tl"*» law. lisa »l»own il,ut .moter- wlie’mmg umj -rity of her pu- p o a-e in l it.u I Quiho, m 17 fiihoins water, going at full speed. Finding that the Water was gaming riqndlv, l Jamestown. Him remain.-d Cap! W ulkiu> dt‘ti-niime‘1 to Ih-.icIi ilie siesiner, | and sai'.ed tlit* m->niitig <»l itn-1*' which he did, hy running her ashore on Quo an island, 3i»j miles from I'aiiama. ol the Kng'i*, tho officer in command of Fort Taylor Tlm I.'. S steam frigate Princeton, Commander early <>n the morning of t ffiit Havaun She was ordered | lieie hy Loin .McCauley, wnli tluqtalclics for iho port the t>"th She tv fit cruise -fl Capo Si. Antoni" m search of the Spanish steamer that has been amusing hviself firing at Tho 'liseipJiMo ol :ho crew was perfect and tho \ American vessels Wo hope alio may UU in w uh passenger* hvliavid admirably during ill** drsasirr, her. We shall then know tfj«* policy adopted by reinaingmi hoard until lakni <di l-y die steamer . the administration about which John I, Stephens, wlmm landed liiein all salc-ly now-*. at P.iiiama ili» 3.1 <>| May. From Panama, they j prt-sid by railway nctom lo Aspmwal. they sailed lor Now York ri'i Kingston • much mystery The '-ark Par»o, Young, arrived fr--tn NV ' ii"( mfoimui wlivthei ifief 1,300,00b was on iho N'-rtli side of Cuba nco of Ilie Free# (» .VelUof (U- Pi arce sent out Hiere to prut, m people have ,ir v.-n, a* tlo-v fr* ill the country Note th- llu- i •del) »* Il "ii Mi, ' m il; hm w It.mi ilie uufit i" h'lto d .in-, [ I, w Ill'll KmiMia ap- , men «'f ililt same rucc and eommg from the anno | st uery. ii. iwi<lt«imidmg all tbu Kxcemive fStai" with ourselves And whai appears not a lit* lie strang" and Singular to me Hi considering th a hit,, movement, is, that il it did not originate wnli, y.-t il is now s • generally and zealous! v favored by so manvol men nt iho N’ -nli who hive ex pemled so much "I tlu-ir iriisgindeif I'fiifanifin-pv hi heliall of our slave* Tnev have |»..«.|, endi-av- ormg ! -r years to el.-vatothc Africani.».incqu.di'y s .el.illy and politically with tlm white man And n<.w , they are mov ( ii j liciveh and ciuthto degrnil-- tho while m in I" a i-"uditl -ll h-w-er ill.ill ill.'il lie d hv lie- negro in tnu South. The«.ieliu*ei « "Know Nothing" Legislature passed s hill lutclv to amend rhe.i t'onn'iniiion, *<» to . xrlndo Ir.un ihe p-.lis in that Stale, hrre.ilu-r, nil natiir-.fixed ein/.i-ii*, from whatever nation they may come; and yet they w..l allow a rui.nmoti negro store Ifoin the South I lie same right lo v Uo tint lb")' give t i iheir "Wii native bun **uis ! They ihu* cxhhit ilie strange pnrudnx ol irmring sgtiost rh.-ir own ran—'heir own blood—even iheir own " knh mid kin," it liny ho, w|i lo they are vainly afi-ll.matie.itly endeavoring to iereise ifio order of nature. f»y inak og III" I'l.iok lllilil equal to the wti-te. Stinll we sec >i"l ih, in m any such m *ve- Mienl f Snail we even oountenanei* rli.-in so lar a* (•• hoar tnn #ame mrne—I" say no'hlng ol ill - a,nil- pled?'-*. pn**w. nf*, signs and siinhrdaf Shall we alfiii-i'e and uinie oiirs-iv. s under thu same haniicr, with nn-n whose acts show iIipiii to In- governed by sui-h prrnr-rp'es, and i>» Iu- bi-m up on sin h a purpose I This i* n qn.-s'|ou lor .S -mil - \ i.,i, men io roiisidcr. Olliers imy d • n il they ch-hu'. I tell ion, l never shall; tint oil may »et d .wu as a " fix- d fact"—one <>! the fixed- cat of ill" lit'-d I am not at *11 a*t"iH*h> <1 at the rapid spread of this now sentiment at thu North, or lather new wav •-! giving emh-ilmienl a fit lit" In an old sell- tinient, l.-lig t hi-risfie.l hy a lafgo class ol thn Ss/.ftii'-rn I"" p.o, no|wnh»t«ndifig • hi* paradox — It is true. "Know" did not original" as I undn's snd its origin, with the dais I itluduto. It'noed wpfi ill" laborers and men depend- It 1 ani upon capital |.>r w,»rk snd oniph.yment sprang fioin (hr antnconistli ot their m'ci, sis to j ho b«* Im- id -r I *e,except ill..*# who Ii 1 I .rrogmns seeking I k" cmp’oyiii'-iit*, wfi.* wer*. wUio ..| ih" covered light which their prmeifi'ps J under biddrug irierrr in the amount of wages. Uut 1 many capiialist* "llbat section, the men who hold * ih- infill slid pi"|K-riy in llieir own hands, wi«hmg to dispnnsi. wnli totorerm and employers, »»ho*" I Votes at thn pul's arc equal to their "WU,Seized lip ! on this ii*-w way >-f • fleeting th«-ir old, loi.g-chet- | |shedd««lin And the m-ifu i-ag'-rly a* they saw that many ol llm very limn wli.-ui they havo nvol thorn Ths principles as publish*d ( »r th- which are attributed ’<> thn Order, ih-uigh no iM..]y aa an organized party avow: them,, have, ns I un derstand them, two tenting iff cm, and two only. ' These are a proscription by nn exclusion from oflieo of all Catholics, as a class, and a• lion of all persons of foreign birUi, as n class l aril opposed to them “m a double nspr-cf," both ... aa a IciPis of party organization and upon thi-ir ' dr"»dn<l a* iho insuperable ohtiacls boiw menlsasquestions of public policy. As the bs*i* ! ol parly organization, they arn founded tijxin ilm j vary erroneous principle ol looking, not to how iho i country shall b« govemed, hm who ali-ill hold thn j offiesa—not t-» wliotlmr wo shall have wi*n and j wbolaaornn laws, but who shall " rule us," though ( tfmjr may bring nun with their rule. Upon tins pnncipls Trumbull, who d«-fcatod (#on. Slmdds for j thn Scnalu in III nois, ran ti>< as good a "Kn-.w , Nothing" aa any man hi me lam "Macon Couneil," though na mav vote, aa Im doubtless w ill, to re|i*al tho rugPivc nlavs Law, and against Ihs admission of any slavn Htaln in ihu l’nion ; while Hhi«lds, I who haanvar stmel hy tlm ('.onstiiulion,imi*l bn ro- I their |iur|Mi«c, Ind bor-'tim dm willing,llimigh um-onvcious in*tnmicnt* of esrryiug iliat purp<wn out. which, lr-.rn -hn Imginntng, w,i* ,t deairu t-* have a rutinglris population t-> do Ihmr w-otk, and perloMU al- their lalnf, both hi city, town and country, whirli capital may inquire And ns t-i-r- tAinlV a* stn-h a law shall In- piissed, so ur Irmn its cheeking mini..-ration,there Will hn ot people from oifmr coiifitrb-s brought over, mid fib-r ally bought up hi foreign p.-ns—to luoijghi over m Anmnirafi sIiiisi lo supply dm market for Isb. r t hr mi ghoul s|| |ji" lie" !*lu'cs of the Union The Airicsn HIhvii Trade, it ro opened, would xli.lot a worm special lo in irsfli"iiiK hn- jactcd hy Houllivrn men ("-.rausn ho was not horn mail flesh, iIiao iIiomi im’-sl *-UhI"U iih-ii ot ih" in ths country? Upon ihi* principlo s lloaton I North who staried tins thing, and who arn now Atheist, who di-nms tlm inspiration of the I Milo, ! aiding i fmcauso it sanction* slavery, is If* Im t isiainedliy | hill ki Ga-irgia ” Kn- w Nothing*, m tirnforenro io um, j f*ardy l*ocaus*» I will not " how ih-- knoo to Baal," i this (aim political god they have set up Th" only 6osi«ol parly organization is sn agree- | mint amongst thono *-h" nntor into it upon tlm paramount question of iho day And no party can last long without bringing disaster and ruin In its (rain, founded upon aof other principle 'ibe old 1 National Whig Parly tried tlm experiment wlmn |h»r« was r*d-ral dlflisrenrsis of opinion on such ( qopstloos, and wont to pmena Tlm Natpoial U rn* ' ocrattc Party aro now trying * similar eiperitnurii, i aod am «xp«rm»cmg a similar fate Tins is what It Ihs matlor wuh it. Il> vital functions am do - ranged—liencs that disoaso which now sfllirm ,i worse than fha dry rot And wlmt wo id iho rt-.oili i now ahould do it, m-t to go Into any Know No-[ thing" mumrnvry or iinacliiol, #a it may lio. hut m , stand firmly by ihoao m*n si thu North who sr« trua 10 the Constitution and Iho l/Hloii, Withnut r«. , gsrd cither to their birth-placn or rsilgion. Th« question wa should consider is not simtdy who •'shall niln Amorica," Irut irAo will »om for such measures as will best proni"!* tin minreats nt Arn«ric*. and with that the mtorsst* «f mankind Rot lo pass in tlm MhO/ vs.w 1.1 those principles —that It, ih" consideration ol thorn *# qurwilunsof public jwlicy. With me, they I—ih .'and in no : M*-- ■nplmh ih" end. may find ilo-y have j ill" fiimi" to eoiisiimn ttieriis.dve Tits wl*o|ii suh stratum ol N"fthren socody will toon If filled un with A class who csn work, and I who though white, eannot rote. This mwliatili" - would-?*" lords of that aeelu.ii have h«cn wanting j for * long mill* It is n schema w it Is mnny ol them , lo get while slaves lri*l"a<? • I I,lurk ones No - Ariiencsn tnhoier, or innn air king enqi! yioi-ut i there, who has a role, need forspert to bu felsiu- od I -ng wlmii Ins place ran he Hiufa cheaply li , ed by a /meigiitr, who haa none This will Im ilio orao'ii «l working ol Bin pr-posed ruliiriiialion — This Is ills philosophy id III" thing It IS a h|oW si i ie billot |t»x It ib an Insidious Aitni-k upon u■ nn- I sstl #i;flrav" < In a line with ih s pohry.'lii- “Kn -w I N "thing ' Governor of Uoihh i-m-iil hrw ulrenoy re I rortioirnd- I th t>-'**age ol u l-«w d- nving ilm tight ot toting to all who earm t n ml and w-iqn And heme, ihe great • ll uis which arc now bi-ms mmln thf-.ugh-.ut ih* N-iMti, to Hill'ienc" tile elentions, not "idy these. Ian in •pending ihulr money In din ii'ihfirsiiori u( li •• ks and tracts, wnt'oii liy "no Irody know* wh-.," snd S'-altulauj hr -nd esll th'oughoul ill" H -ulhern H's'e*. to Infliiioir" else- lions l»**»*i l*y a|.|msling to ilm worst p«**ions soil Mongrel fitepido-ns ol one nature, n< lliowi even who h hsd amt wirke.l men can i-vokn under ihe aaered Init prnsiitnied natne of religion |lnforiiinsl«ly fm tli* e-.iinlry, nisny *-vi|* wliloh piles 'i f admissi'-n a Slavo Sou., ».* slie doiihlte** wifi, a Southern "Know Nothin/," uo- d-r lips Ri-soiuio.ii, i-.ui mine wnli Ins " »*»'idiv j ilio N r h. in Vniuig il. iip.-ii - ill" ground 'hat * III- Ii iV" Vi-ti J h-r a ti n MH-ogu z «g SI iveiv. who Imd "<.i Io-.-ii " ns- zed," hut •it-.'lati-*i iliC't niu-nlu-n. j F r il*.** r«-yiduii..ii m ms v.-ry li- art ami c ue. do- ‘ i-'«r'S that the rght to i--t4tdi*li Slave instiuitions ’ "in tin-org.iinz-iii n i) Si,ile t • »• imm ui*,'•* long# to Ihe ii dive .uni naiiH.iliz d t-ili/vne," excluding ihoec wh - have i-niv deginri-d their inleniioii. A lllore IllS'dloil* iH'Mi'k, M .IS IH-Vi'r III ilie upon iho pr-m-qio- "l iln- K«n*.i« und N -t.iiie.i Bill A' d ‘ is this !<• he^ til" Pj-ink .-i> wh-cti N-.illii-rn nod S nihern "Kii-'W-Ni.iIihi-4*" at" to stand in h" rejed'on of K:in* « Bui to I lie •• her und mu.ii "hjvcti"ii lo tlip* revolution, M llV o'lJ P stop wuh a *mipl" di-ms I ih" po.v.-r ..| (Jougrev.iori-j.i-i a f* a *• oil nci-onni "I slavery ? P.«m. ulmly when it had o ( ieiied ill" il""i ho the fejei lion of K*n»ns on o-her grounds hy .uiy d pn i- x' ’ Why did it t|.*r piaiii itsell upon ihi- priiu-iples id the < •- rgia Ri s-.luliiiiis id I•*'#•*. anil ssy what ought l - ho d-oie hi e.iwi of the rejei-tioii id a State liy f n- gr. »s In i-aiiM" n| -inVery ! So from Ihi* n doi-s n o even .ill'inn smdi ro;«-*-l;oij hv their '•»».> t V hretlneii" ■ I III" N"llll Mood lie Millim-ni • mi-.* i lor B-v.-rin-i tii' ir party nfii i.ttnui wnfi tin m tor it l Agiin I wr.mld H.iy ii'-t only t • tlm old Whigs • ! ’ til- Till and Hill C ngres*i--na' Districts, hut lo all true Georgi.ins, whe'lit-r Wings or DeiiiocrHis, (*iiiiiii men ord-iic-Kati-is, wlii'her nr- y.m drill- 1 ii g f Will you not pui*.< and reflect ? Am we 1 a’out to witnissm this insane t ry agamst fomign- ( ers m.d Lath-iltee n luliilm«-tit nt ill" nnrient I.itin . Proverb, "Qiiiii l>""9 vii'l perdire ptpta deiucn-' Ul "! " Whom ill" finds mteud lod-sttoy iliny tir*i make mad !‘‘ Tlio times am nidied p -rii nl.-ns ol - evil Tho political horizon is shrouded nnUrk- N-i in hi knows whom Im meets, wh."her ' have ill"dim turret irtip.tri. And how long this will be a i-foi. even to them is hy no meai.s eottnin. They luxe alresdx made liulh snd Veracity nlmo*t a by m r-l and n repr oieb When trull* !•-•«« e i*t with nny Pvol'li —I* no longer eofisiilered a* a vittue—ntnl ns daily and hourly vtol.'tiwiisnm lookrd upon mill no concern Inst n jn r foreenst loz.-o what will very t«-r ol Uml people. Bu*, sir, oonte what may, shall |sir»U" tli ni i-our*" wholi * *«-n*n .1 ilm y dw IHAtids of me V\ bill* I hope hu |h" best, I shntl b • ptepnred lor ihe worst ; and U the "worsl Colima in ihe worst," as ii may, I shall, pi common wi-li my bdlow eititi-iis h-Hr wuh pipe nee mv pntl of Ihu eonpii'-n ills Tli'-i will nfidt me qui'c a* Inti" ns any other e-titrn, h-r I Ii »ve hut Ij-.l'e at sink*-; and no hr nn mv public poshum and r-haf- Bi-u-r an euiiioru-'d, ( ehnll i-uj-iy Ihui eims-datioii wiih-li is lo tie d- ii**il lr- iii a precept taught me iii early Ilio. and which I shall ever cherish snd ires*- nr ii, w Im P vnr loriuim fu min me : •• li'ii If on hf"'« un- "ft*tit main, Mlahap •l.sll Ml ,r II.) rail, If. IsiH-r.i'. Ituii sod -".e iii xsle, H‘i«-. » sol. nn exile ih"U so.I„ltt, R|>. ml net a * kI.hii (orluiie rhatigrd." Yours, m -*l p spe.'tfully, Ai i x oi-i a II Hririizxx Col. Tho* W. Thomas, IJlberiou, (»s. s.gns Wu also sax ed, though We presume it wn . The su-diiu-r I'ntuiii.i was disiuti lied on the 3.1 ins' , to the nsaiMnm-H ot tlm Golden Age, snd strong It-'i'os Mere Cipciisiind of saving her, though the lide Mu* fi<<xsiug and t-hhmg through her. Thu John L. Stephens leU Panama again h-r San Frsueisro on the mghl of Ilia- 3d. I he G -f* dm Gate would luku fi.-m Psiiuiim liiu New Yolk passeouc-ts of ibeDth May. I (. in California wo U-ain that the Mins contio- 1 mil. and Hint ilie mm.* Mere producing well. I’oidid- iiae Pi iioUi-anUle i ifi-les M»a reUrriHDg The >egi*lslu'e Mould adj -ipn ilie Iklih .\pn| An cli-irt w-.-uld he made the 33-1 t*. elect a U <*eiia;or, till- result . I Ml nil XI .XU . xtli lim.y d- llhl- llll. I Oglellnirpe I lie ( oiupiiiiy. No. I. Ilits, the oldest while engine C.-m,imy .n ihe city, paraded f'jiurday aUcrno-o, led ranks, and made a urj hitidsoim-appear.iM-e A Sdv.r \ Tuiiiqii-t xx is prcaeii»i-J, oil the na*c isi.ui, lo iho ' liisi I**ia Illso, Mr J I' Bu« km-r, w Im h is he.-p a member >d me t.'onipnuv since it-, oignnua u ii — The Truiiqi. t, mIiu-Ii t* tiom the sn-re of .Mr r*. NViliii-'l, i? hoAiiiitully t-mbel.ished, and hears ihe following m-iription • "Oglethorpe Fuc i ompauy. No. I, to J.uucs T. Buckm-r, 13 Ii .May, lo.i.’i " The Trumpet w«* presented hy Mr. S. B. Hnupp ! a member ol the company, who said : l ofi lluekn-r, x*nli plessur", 1 p. |. folio Inc duly ar»igncd Ilio by ihe Ogi.lh-.fp* j ire <' -iiipauy, und pu-senl you this TiutiqH-i, as a lea- limon-.ii .-I tip- lispeoi .ind eslei-m th- > i-iiletum lot yon, a* •« in m, -vml their ni-priuuiiou of the Zeal, li-h-lity and gentlemanly ei uiie*y of manner. With mIip Ii xou luxe always di*diJiged y« ur Uu- iii-v a.* a l iicmnli, ainj |.>r soiii" uni" past us our i ForxMiiau. I lie t-liP-l rewind "I Ihe Fireiiiuii, la the c>n* ' m-iiiiuiies* <-t having eniiirit'iited to thu relief cl Ih§ ' ft-llowiii-iii I ln« token, sir, will alwuys sll -td )'••", ilm gr .iilying nsMirance Iliat ><-u have done your duly, and d-uu* it xvell. In heh.i l ol ilie Gciiipany, I louder you. sir, our heariput Misties for u long nla* ol luppiiu-ts und pr.wpt-rny In accepting the trumpet, Mr Buckimr respond* cd m iliese words : Mr II mpt, and Gentlemen ot the ('oniinitlce— Since I li.ive lieeii n**.>nsti'»l with Ibe Fife Depart- , inrtit o| iliiseiiy, l have m-ver allowed mysod to he lukeu hysurj-M*e , but I must say you have laki n York whence ! the isi mst, wuh iiiata-riul* l-*r ilm Fort ^h" is J now disiUargingxand will sail this week lor s |0ft ■*> >i ii -ni »* uu oo i / . , wi" i on laugh,I! require* lull lull" I «*• h > M R l »ll* occasion. And, gviitleniru , . I very so,,,, tniiho eharnc G/leili..rpe fun Loiiqisny. Hi this tieaulilul | ,,r -f The si lop-el-war Jann-siown, Corn Crabb*. gO| under wa-gb ihe mornu.g id tbe 3-i. Moj Cla*n fsluled the Cx-llimodor" as he passed For* Taylor, , -ihe Ihs. sarnie ever fired 'r un the li-tldp-sli n) this was reiurmd lr--in the Ja.iiesiowii,nn.1 she al oiieo proceeded to s. a H*-r orders are to cruise • -t! Matanzas und llaxsna H>>|li Ip r ami the Princeton will return lo tip# ft-iidcrv.-u* mi me lOifj 1 or I3ili 'Tlm wpiadroii will, hy that tune, b«* as*, m* i bled pi our hurtsir, and Coin .McCauley will he - shiv lo lofl.iw ilm iii*trui-ii.ui* | me department* w Mi soup- sh .w id lorce, to back up '.lie d* liiaiids «>| out Government up Ml tlio Captain General ot Cuiia The 1 S st.-am Ingate .“su Jae oto, Com. . Suibtil|ii k ., Ihe broad per-oint >•! • ’«-m t"na». js Alc.C u!ey, inti.-iid ih- liarh- r and uruh-rid m ai F-di 'I .lyior si 3 ..'el »ck, P 'I , of up- 31, • hsvmg let'. II ixnii i at t> n'cl-ik tip- s.i-ii" in.-ru,..g. She ni.idv a iup,d run acr. se tin• Unit, .n<r*gi g ,-v.rlU k*>--:.« Colli McCsn-. y, a .und. r»tand, 1 w ill swap the arrival ol ihu Vessels ullschrd lo In* squad---n. lx i* uxp-cii-d that Ilio whole fi.-ci will hsVe rep |<rd llmm*el»i9 before tho K»ih, when (be Cpitiniodore will give the order to adx.-xn-e. The 1'ih-t boat Florida was charmed hv the , Spanish Consul on ihe 3dth, and ->ho smied Mint day h r Havana It is ih--ight that she earn'd j dequtciii-s to Concha ann unemg the movuimii't ol Iho Cuba squadron < lilirla-vtou 4| un mil I Ins- hiilix. Dii tip- I Dili«>9 nn exchange ali laws ficrcti.iotc riiaiiiig in (elation to Quarantine m Ilie putt ol Charb *t'Mi, were icpralid t-x ihe Cry Coiiik-iI, ol Charleston, S uth Carolina, and m their p.nce a ip-w ordinaneo was sulxaiituted The Quaisiitme ground is |p r- ntu*r In lie I--catid op- posile F-»rl J -Iliison, helMei-n ill" Middle Gr.-und and Fort Jolms-m, (be place to bo de-i/uated by hu-ys, lo he anchored under tlu* diicciion of he Pott Physician Vessels ai'ivmg at the port bf ' from other poll* whrte any |K-anlen* Hal or imertouls fever existed, between ihe first dnv < I May and tlm lu»| ol October, will I.,- re quited to remain nt Quainutm" for ai least thirty days after tbeir a'rivaj; and at least twenty day* lh"ir cargo shall have !*een disehsrgisl, and shall pcilotm such further Quaraiiiine as the p.-n Pliysieian aball prescribe. P -wrrs aie gUeti to Poll Physician bu II extraordmaiy eases. niti.hy the preterit Raijtoad rouii a, lie must g- up IP.iii Savannah p* Augusta, tinier 137 ‘I lien down p* Brafichvihe 7i Then n(i lo Kmgavpte 43 Tln-iien to thu Junction of the Charleston North Eaairrn Railroad C! 313 Whereas, if ihe Cfurfes'on and Savannah Rm. toad wen* iii op.-fuli->n, Mic s*npi traveller w i.ld leach ihu aaine Jsoiil <d junction, liy going Inst from Savannah to Charles'oii, ru le Thence by ihu North Esttoru Kail K- ad to Juiiiip-n with Wilmington and Manchester Road 103 310 Makuig a difference of, miles IW in favor ol the Si-alx-ard route Ihrougii Charleston I and Savannah. It i* i-tixpiii*, therefnro, that the Savannah and , CharU-sti.ii Rail, wifi ft-»i .re to t hs»-e»ii-n all ill" travel to and lr dll the lower part id G*->r- i gu and Alabama, which ti-iw goes by Augu*is and will giv" io Savannah, md only wliai »b<- may have lo*i, but a V'olisiJorab e> portion ol Ibr li^xei which i.ostr g..c» l.y Augusts and Macon, snd wlne'i she m.-Ve-r had beli-re The great Vsiuc of this mute will !k> still (ur | th«-r exhib'.ivi hv tho i-xti-n.i- u <>t th-- North G*st- j Ctn Ua I ll* a-t Ir.-in I l*v»aw lo Raii-igl,— a r ute which • t|«-rn ill- sh r'.e-*'. Ip-e ol all th- f"al>-afd P-utes Jo» through ir*x*-l t-< r.'ie N ■rib, and pr m isc* to t-rmg our citie* w uh n reach J to- great In-ds louiid Dt-1-p rivet in N"Mi Carolina. Ihe exampintPHi* r.iintly *-f U..-*" co.l li. il- preauip Iti«-in a* n new morel- of wrath untie Sou h; »p.i a* Mp y . v • iy p. at y in me dm c' r ■ c." • •t the i roj.-eii-m n.-riti .<1 the N«»rth Ls-tcm K -i Road, III-)' will eV« niuxliy si-cure ill" eltenai -o .-1 load *1 he all■■»test «t.d Ih-*'. thf.'Ug'i tout*- for the- while* ..I the S uMir-n p»rt ol out ..svu S*ta<e and t Georgia mid A'shaina. and .( ih* wh* le of f . -rid.i, wi.l ihu* t.«. s.cured thr ugh I harlcstoa b) the .''aVapr.ah and (. bar.. n u :, Rail Road. Another advantage, very nismnxt l» >tli to Char leston and >:*»af n*h, « . -fu. lr tn travel C'.hiini.uf and M »c. n . n tnr tir rgra Centra. Ha' 1 '""-) A p re** n: Itsii.Urt Vtiln-r g,-r utrd hy Atl*nia I-- \ugnsia. - r pus* d- wn the-Ccntrai Kni r -d und iheo 'csx. it -M.!m f-.r ; .c VV a)'iie*x i.l. R to Augusia ; -liei-ci- tti-x hii- the- d iWi. rrsii.s i • |i* .r.ihxn.e. and dim*e- the up trail.* lo K m-svi .e x«bri*- .gmi itx- x musi etiange- op -n the Wj iii-Hgt.-ii and Yla'.< h.-stc-f K -.J — '] Ii«-m- van -u* thaugc* ol car* *u-J t xggsgi'. snd time . -s' hi e-m ei p.g o wu |:a'i» with iiains run*. • e in Mu* c muaiy d.ftci i-n. and owned p| ddb-1-o! l .-liqisnirs. NvU J g\e a lo xicy , |. M1 •"*»*• »*a, Ap-J i G A qamptiw. J.if ll-ii Hif : - 1 !>• ub'lr'.ii ■ tC. f_, S'.m. l-.Mi. tha -.I.#) . f,., abililir*, iw< 1 ifcv.r »(.;.*• cu: op . • laucrlurui ol Niusir .U out u-u,i lefl Iff of X I otnp.lmro'a'; • t.r»t tnttro«l of vtpr«Mii g ii„ o 4*t. desirv lo lean, i li «nl tw MC«|nai SI a *>>oern P» be gi»«n f .r Uai;-. at tksil be um*: luHatlv b* v-o \er» ^uli, your ’n-i Jin* i NickII. «.ep J**.«. I*j. t. 1. VV ru **">b-IIaher*ham, ll.. . nsn Vlsefcay. r. 4 *' 'S iaii '•-"411 'S-1C.4, J. H. Ilosard, W. Via- kay, J. Ur)*:. I.en it -!|!ch»U, VV'. f lloiund, XV. f». ll, A Iteich, K. I.llis, (■rsef. *4*4**411. (ii BTt-tKf * — V.KirV'r.4 sod b gth tetsler.r.R men** i in*- sn KtiX'Sle.satsI M -.fce tier) li.F III. isr*, sl.l-li hi, pr- rnptr«4 I'.. Itl'sM III l.'V* l"l'lllllr I.l IB* • 11fr* 14 Uf ImJ -I'.I lb- if !«rtti. I -I 1| f on me -./> a-c* ; i y -or geri-r-u. ..C-r. ai t«**-oi u a* < t.e ..| u.r fcij (..►*; - free • ti.sli a c.-rto t/t.*- . |l>r I’.II.r, I Would prof- ** t-* . 41 e*tl) ii. Ihe rf/Sul e Uii r.lf, urn-. , HU sculiinri.:* *- * '.sill To Ut. Htr.Risers* I.; . n, U »U« mu a. fc^ 4 . It- bt H. In I*, lira Lsq . fcr . fc- i<i(i I li > in dunam .liu gtuaP-i ag- >.i ».« "S Thus . .1 t..» r tflai dlt ng ll|-n*a V.-iili--.ii- If -.«1 j-.d M trie 1 w i .. p-u c-p. >.mih- , • md i.> 4» ha; in. tio.i;ch ■ I Georjis, *h-I-.m A-.gusta, ;i • on Hi- Centiel Ii"i 'e--d. end \ • ..’■aina, -nd t .(!. Kn I - a. io mi an I I'h.i-osi-.n m . ■ r.- N nt. IJ-.u-n. K-. t a,.d ad I A . i-tlH "-. »«• »gn 4g. t pr -iustiiy tils ii . will, h a lour would r I: -.-mu.a g* » a:, t I The o. ei id S .» ... Ill it tit X cu and * lb- 1 h . oi final - ti.-i h and ( l»a*le»i x al. d, x ihe- lineal cl.-pa rriiioV" mtiH-led v. saela li.-m ih.^e only tiuiiqt.-l I recognize the .-videii.O o| you- im-wr.1 snsp.n.d of Inlcr'ion ; cauae iho |*i titira'ion .*r e.iidiifciicn in III" a* nil officer and a man Again ev.-n destruction *-f such poitiotx of cargoes, bc.l- ::::! it.!:':r:rr: *• . - •'-» >- - - tngn-n , order xesacU io d acharge cargo (guai- nutuxe, «.i, w ids co-operain-n ol the Mayor, per il* ho taken to Charleston, and exclude and heliuve me. gi-miemun. when 1 say iliat tin ro is no pulsu ol iln* heart docs not heal wuh em-d'oit ni tins repeated iiianio-*i»P--p of your 11■•-■nla'111> and kiiidnOHi. In receiving it, I sm«ai- •slte-l itisl I shall Hr Vet III*" to gixn nil ol.lci lhrough ii, a# il i* enough lor you to know when duly i /ills you Tin. " Rr.»mv»ti Li*t‘ im rut Navy.—Tbo hoard 'll officers who are lo decide Up .n lip* dla- qnaldiratmn* ul •urfi ns nr" loho pul iifAm iln-"|{«* | »si Mi-s time iwblle iKilicy- wuh tna, may m»m *'«n« " L.,„ fT,lii In (I... ,.imc( (li... Iht/d'. m llw ...h« t .11 tl-'-l -"I -l-l' 1 , 4.,. .Muntn. (-mp«.4l Jitrl4l.rlm». In "/.....fl. wi.'flli • -•'.—( . fl —J fl tic,. fl' ''fllnfin i. ... ,u| Unuh.UX-M wln.ll I .... >1-111- ». flfl.l .no.- ( CHI..11 ...n.n/i. /.-■>..(« Diwfld 4. I im lo Ul. -plr.l-Ml P'..»»r. C"..lf ll>»« lb# ump.r.l On* I- ,# l-*-l »• It- olh.r—b-itl. —" bad lam (l-l.-lr -jio-4—J lo rn.i.ot.fl, '•In'"" wl.h iwIMWOo .O »-r wii.(fl*«. and --J—'" u * ! Zff. I omm4w| io miliar - • io-iu.IiAm.i--"- 1 for Cltfl -fllco. Kolillun I- • . on-. ..... isi M r i ’S5SjtT "- ll.-o-, or wh-l li- ilrw-ootb-llfl.-. A- . cll l." lii'''ii"oilS!'‘“ bJ" l |wHm-i'«4'i.'."«. l Jd"w i.U 1 SX.‘. , "«« I- '/"■ v«.| List ' *•( ilio Navy isrornp.-s. il ns folio ( a plains— Hptifien Cii*sm. Jotm P /intzioger, Th-'iiias M N.-well, Uriah P Levy, I|..rn« «• |l. , Huwyor Commanders- I' n i|<-ri.-k Yamuiii, John K LhsimceV. Thomas .1 Manning, Roliert I) I'horhutll, Maiino’l I Lioiilenalila— Jonathan D Fi-ins, Ih-rnard J M--«dh r, Kdw aid I.', ItoxSeiB, ‘I h.illisr llrxrwi.rll J|h|m-h || |{|o|| Ll 1TIM —The April rniniber of ihe N'.-w York fd'iano'ly Review has an aMH-lo m, "|'..*i. ||i<-n linptt.v. nienls," iii wlin-li il i« «inied that iho |t s- loll people siiiiiially avrr uf" a'l -nl ilipiy ih'.-nlel- t"ia .-sell, Mi--a- HI N"W Y'l'k a?-oiri iwrniy four ;' Iii Pluladi-li li'a, f-.hiteon ; In New Oiinnha. ah.-ut * IXI c" ii ; and ill Balimiofr fell In the nggri-gnln • d Mi" large no Ira ol the Uniieif Hialea llioi" is an Annual n*"f"«» - I shout iweniy |eiieia a ’lo earll f * l n Mi" country dlainels ifierc am only ah-ml ihi«ir leiinia annua ly I.- osefi pi raon, and ill ihu wlioln I lulled H i a i" (* mIhuiI Imi I lo rarll per- i uut ii ligli!ei* from l-.ailmc "1 Iini-.adnig N'easel* arris- mg "I Qnaianlmo lixa), how over, go lo sra agvn hol -fe hiexkmg bulk (tfiicers, passeegei* and crow must remain on hcai-l ol xi-*srU brought to the Qui’an'ino gnun-d. until oiiwutitrd hy ihu Poll P| and per- intit'd Vy hun I" go up loib" ( tty, and no tmats maV have access to vessel# tying al Quaianime exreju xxl.rii alli»"c.l by tpr Mayor or J\,/j Vbyai- Cisil Sick person* are I.• he sent |o the L*t*rr'lo, ami In he climgi d seventy fixe cents a day till dis missed—If Incapable ol pay mg. tho rapia.ii, owner or cor-aignee ol the vrsm-l to be respunsihts — ' Masiera • I xrsaela are fornst nodi r penally «.| fme, to make to the pilot hy whom they are kiardud a I a'riir merit * n oath, hi »"Jaf*on to health g)r ■« a C-h.ii \\ Kkiiiia la rut N'oRriiWfcar-—Tlirr* tlio dmy of pilots to conduct se.-wel* lish.o io Horn. Ifi hm — Rmlioad I Ions" al Siorio Moun- lam. wa* destroyed by tiro I'liday last. fc*r 'III" irleginph from Sovaaia|Ki| lo lamdoli is n--w i-oiilpluled, slid monssgea ilia)- In hn nrljr ext h tngi d ur >n Saturday, the know innlimga o| New- pcit. Ivy , rattled ill" eledlon lor maguitalsa. Arc. dtoe next pncfMh »h'iw iheben-- i rail toad* Up.-u . iiros, m th--11.. -. &, ed '*iin"- I'cal estate, mul conclude* a* I di w, I lie . *|.mated C* M ol the mMr iad Irom Cliaiics- |..n to S.iV >nn»ll. I* set down ?A Ihe cncmcer ai j-J >fc'."xvi Phe auliseiit-tions ••( the L-'y i un 11- .-I C liar!»■»:..n and >>l p.* at. omIisidnso. | n.-cn| s'. ptc«.-i.t to sh -ut N. aubs.-i||tin* )clh«rn made l-y Mo- « I'yC wnnl oi Saxa.-iiflh I lie Ft»ic li»s pa mod n ixxx auth. i.z-ug tie sat* sen,-lion of 4370.iski, **lupo*or !.;i»|| have Ik-«ii s dis.-riUd tSc *l«»ek. .,n.f -n .-rii.r 'u g. I Ihe In-idi: < I Iln* ant r n> the State, it l-ccono * n.-i'ci-i maty t>-procure an a.I.liti. n»t auhsmt-u *n ol *yi.’i''V || is Ihi* nccrMHx wh h r>Ms |.*t i|h- pies-o'app. sl !*• ..ur *.- |i we !a.| l.i t.itti. itic c.-ndni..ii l.qu'i.xi hy Iho Stair. *• o liny i the- w ti hctiutit .1 her sutnwi-i i:. r>, Cl'irr* apply '• f S*d. and l| cant, i lie expertrd that Mi" Sis'" wil e>in|-e1 them io a»* ait our supmeni-M,— a lair .<pp -riuniiy is n >• oil ic t u*. and l x a union . I rfi it **i h a j. p u .a- li..n oi i't.UV, %»e reria-n'v arc sh e l - festw*- In ourseiios iln- sdist.iage* wKnlx i? iiiiiiii||.xi, Million., (if11» of oor means, ha* au»Y.-f-dr*J w i» king away V\ c "»rn.-«t*y *pj*oal ihefe! re l»> our Icllow-cili- tens in U h »!t m.s enl* rpn*.< R.spe. i'uilt suhnir.i. d hv i G MP.M MINGER.l UPW ARD fKDS | . . w r 1'iU.fik K, Kommntea J B CAMPBF.f.l.. J U A . ,t HiiHromt Pays itMiniXgrs. Se*rrsl suits which h»«e been petulmg l»r • I i.g Hnie, belxcern parties in Tennessee and Ihe We-ii in -V AttanMc It ot, were i*k*n tr.-m the t'-“U|i of ll uiiilt-'ii coaniy !-• ih»t • I Btadiey.a lew ill .o-.lis since, and w,-,,. fiere g «rn lo tb-n These suits grexi og .-| the managi mem of Mai.- K.-ad, when iheic mas an insutficirncx of r -Ihiirf stock to ii * the husitUM .(filing, and pAM.a.nx w *• nli,-god ag*in«t ihe r ad, and dama ges -*<il l>y |ne sullcio.g n«-i>r* Suits weir >nn«t- iiii4>ti, anti since llial l.iiif, IAM-3, ibcf have t>e<ux jH-nd i g, l-v al! s-.rt* ol msn*f. u.m! . n ill* part of ire I Vlendants unl-l Ih- 1 unsci.i w ,-ck — Louti !»einfi n -w in»e*si -iiin Bradley r»*c"iy l*h-- n-suli .if lli. •Mutralion is heavilx »gam*i ihe Slate road,a* iihrIp h»ve l«wen cxi*retci1 by all scuuaimed with ilx-umsianfe* MVsiijh-i-.i iho amoumsawaid- "i* ot e*Ch, » cd I • the PUinlill* lo iln* date n*n have been adju* cd up UT A ('"iHicellm at law- was lined two dollars ,un \Vptlin-sday, tun police court, lor, smoking a cigar in lli" aired* "I Boston and move forward this ill riinmei, rrua ide Tlinsn rclsifl to tli-* #ppoinini"nt of «» many f-iri-ignsra— wh -liy unfit, um only I - minor olllri-a al liuinr, frui |o represent our ciain'iy, is Mlnisier* ahma-t. Ami to III" great frauds and grots abates win. fi al prnasni atleud Mia administration of our nalnralira- I mil I* wa—ih"#" are i-*|la foil liy Mi« wfi- In d they ought I" b# rH»rm*|wf. Not by a all Foreigner*! without regard In tnefB# But In |hr» first pi sen, hy so amending ilie imtural'iallon law*, a* eflei-fuaily to rliA'k and preret t> lhr*si It soda nd ahnt** — I m lb* second plan* by holding in sirlci acmun'ahilliy ai Ilia* fiolla in our ejsdmns, all ihose puhflij f-HKllonirh ". whn, ellhet wuh par- l-giai) virws nr It m wha*cvn» rn-.iive, Mi"« ..(tree, w hrrttier hii-li --f low, upon w-ns a su m s'•>tm al Ddfoit |lm *ih lust , and | frost anil a cold Hotlliwlnd al ('mcililisii ibn day [ following ll was lesred ihsl great itijniy Mould l»" KUklamnl hy ilia fruit and grain crop*. Many of the Vineyards In Ohio had Buffered severely. Them wa* a snow snout III I lli**l»ili. whiili Wa* succeeded by ram qiiataniiii" to Mi" Quaiaiitme ground, and to tc- malti mi board until permilied by the I\«m I'hni- clan.l" leave the v essel lie is allow oil d •!- Wn* Me l eer. *#.N»i CS •' 1 Grenville »V L'o , f*.3:» m It iltith -n .V James. > liV« 43 T ■> e. Poj-e »V L'.* , 3,IHO a*N Mr TheuxsS^u. «..v*> V K ariiser ,V >• •«, .'.»*) u> I J I'e-d-.r. I.C»M 7.X R. .1.I* A Del suit. I.W3 73 hy ihe Kussi-tm hi nn. Visit «>r Nkr.'i.iiw III. ti> P-MlI.a.M' - -K'lssulh has willlen an uim*uaMy lot- Iara a day pay f -r such service, pavahl vraasl,and snfl.-ia a fine •■! -• xiy d-Bat* H he |e- , fu#"* | . pi-rb-f o* t?ie duty Tfi" flags (he i e*- ' *' ^ Vania ,j -t naMii'.l, al" to he h-xisii d al bait mail I list!11 iMtimiitrd lo vo up io ihe city, and il (here la ei tuel aickncua on Ix.atd, a yellow flag must l*e Pcnalip-* me provided fm the infraction o| ih# , . ...... , Quarantine Mile*, and pr»i»inmn i* mid" Im ih.« ap te.lott"., even for him. Ill relal.i", ;• Ml" visit .'I | * tnu otWera low-.,,,.. «.,rt, being .Asp..Iron III lo l.nglrtlld U« calla the reepp- , 0n |„,,. w | I he I'HV Council nXa» lisfeshcr order Iiirily ' The l#l|ei appeals hi the New | xe*wol# Infecled ts* ile|*ari from Mi" Slate, a"d Ve*- K.. sail III ssluica Austria aa l..f- Tn* WgaTvnh Win x 1 Caop - The Rbclicaicr Drm.crai learns Irom Ephraim Go#*, Esq, of Pl-isfoit. W lio has ju*l relUMied |. Ill quite on c* • lensite *xe# "tn tom.lha' Hi *|X S| >li.s, Ihri-llilll iHiMluas - I wlih Ii Impnased, iln* wheat i mp looks **e!|, mid llirtn iaa proliy latve breeiiili ol laud ••-wu Bui III HoUIhum Mohnran II *uipaa«ia • liy tiling tn-falnlnra aren In thn Waaiom roumry Dratw tao»r Him Hra--ae —A Ulnirpr, at Mays* vll|r, Ky . was an aff.-rlril hy III" lietl of theaun on • he 3d Inal , Rial fin fell fl on Ms work Iii all In- a#tt»lbl*t condition, atof died ibe Mhm d*c, ,\ ■ Dolhel w aa etmtlaMy allecied, hill IrcoVnird linn E.I MA*|I Kvratrr la In deliver an adilreaa •m the 4• ..I My -m Dofi'lo••"!, M*»« , In honor J' • irinru of the aimtvarsaty uf ihe BAtlla- tile lit ol Dial InWIt. Ymk Tn low. ^ "Thai Aua'rik.sir, which means Ilie l{a|wliurga, wlmm I, a plain, uo|ii«-iendmg CHUeii. w. ivhcd in |l»*> lo-li w ..| my hand |uai seven Vcata nv..| the veiy ekisHnice of whom ihq ended on a hrealh of mm", whom | aared w nh MHa<"d V"m**oa|iy,loid nt I >« aa, lo Huai a king's oalll , w hoill ihe |i".-ple ••I llioig*iy ha* humbled m the dual, unarmed, un p', I fseken, and hermetically •erimled aa wi. suit; tin.a.. II .(wilMirg* wlmm ihe Csar prop ed up I.h a w Min, hoi to whom no aid, u,. combi •■■I Ion can iipitafi xiialliy, and wlmm Ihe very hand ol ihi- r.icfnal lias dimuird to i-crlain dr a" nr tb-n. ll »• Mils Auairla, air, which air ikes let r.if (•• dla advmlurer who raivrd Ills way tfimngh all the lilio dy hmrots uf l?ecemliei, and Ihmuah linseruiinfiiua ixetjiiiy in n llimne , IMs Autiilk, *11, In which Ihe I'ah'io I id Hi Jam. a l...w# wph tear , Iln* \n*iii *, w lio#-* f| >*«• |»<»1.• Ihe leading slims *• h l-nglaml and I ran. • .tm li.H-ked In lbs Damp and hi ihs councils altks." •ol# at Ihe whstvc* of ihr Cii) may be ordered lo Irnve ihem lor the Qualamtne ground, II Ihe .Main! .d P'*ll Physician deem H requisite (,h the public aalely. ^ " IUT la x Nxw-xrxfxk I -The Hnprrms Cmirt ol Pclius) Ivania. in lire i a*" **• Bowrn va t'aylui arid oibcr •ffii'ei* id A?legb»ny t*»lv, a suit hi re diver darpagra I -r opening a »rr«H*. plain'll!* property . w legal ilollce ol ihe pm- (■e-’dlng', recerilly decided- " I h»l pehllekti- it o| a IX-I-PA like tli|a |a rx.*l aiiflh-ieni, ll made in a Unman paper — ifiat when an act I Aaerm'dy provide* f-«t tx.-iire in a new* paper, rl at way means mu t'ntflikt piao, i«Vm some olhrr l*e expieaalyr ilieliilonr.l ’Ilie potiea was ala* |mMlill«il (hire tlnma (e Pai*|aixc*'s WiM-klx Allwniser ll"t Ihi* IS nm a now*,.a|wr In any aenae ol Ihe « |.| It w«# meirly a aheei •xf paper e»*svfe*l with *d*elli»emerxl*, *-i.l .|i*-. Itthmrsl g-ainl'.oia'x, *1 the • Xi^»m* ,*| ihe sd*cr- • »•••• li wa* a HV-idl.|l| lalhd than * new'fsper Tli* pub.ioaihux was ihs same •* nuryw." T«'nl dauiacr* against the R,>ad. $!tMk|.N 40 Th* *r a*e ol her suit* |**nd pg •* hich •* ll* tr mam ovn 11‘I next d’liM , \V" (*re »n*lehle.f |.» a private idler *1 a genjin- inan m t**i# city, l.-r the Hems "I ihia xnlhrtxiaiioA — ( ballad -oga Adxei.xaci lUl (I* ll”T !! I l'Cl ,V*Y"I»( (*sn lV*rf e* #Vhm( —Tho Kdigsi- i , i'bi.bJs, New* .t ,y. r | %, m*i 4iil leatixa ilia’, iix es-na« quence «*f lha|i*ce«<t ll ih having l*ren la-*"*! i.- ihiMern* »w* bariet, and "her hicadslulU mi |*io|*.*rix.v«. Hie r-e-o- ple I .Sou-ha f a.|t haXn I r* k. •* . pen Ihe s ,hc-s • ml he.|*e.| ihrintuiaea a«j lii.Un A g-eat ,1. al ol siitfriing * a ssi.| io pt-etailtn ihs i.'wn.h'p | yiali-oroegh an.l ihe ad|»c,n; townships, w'och weir dna*yal"d hy hie ia»i \ngn* , uxaei ni -be •eulcu being destitute »>l C . d and Ihr meaus.l pi -cuitng Ihe *. e-t |..| -h.o *, i at ei*q*a I. >s •'aleg llial a pftm n Is ll io l-e |...c ii>(si |.« PgtUsnxiM*, '**-1 wg Uu aid I. I ihrse |-.*-t'’* Ml'IlliixixKmn Uuthdl - IklUle M»» ihmuch k' fi *” Aiivn e* i*s.. tied Imv I* m l-s l.~ a**cw «M|h. ispmt the muid'i .*1 Max* will* ('lark, hv * i»«iti named Me Me*, on s. .i-snl . f a .»>ft*. wHv *- • ng «ui ol-h- isetiil eledi.»n '?.!<•» In" ih* 111 r| and attempted io r*»-*r*e, Ivl was over- isk.'U an.* M'liH'iTel I" ihs ll»*l>l 11 use Hand . bills tailing on Ihe «nlSent |.* in-inv- Ma.- nd* *, were , *ice'ale*l, a'*.l H s a* r*Mii.-i»\l Mfl lea - hsd been If nche«l and hi* (*.-use huawl A hiiai'i u .Mi is si I'rci — Kmv i>« v h<wir« • e>niai*» si least iso mtwictse* w ills 11 v net a. hoe. : ..ns •»-|‘e *,>ec*a-'te #, ihiee wpfi bald he*-It, **-»! 1 on- V«iy m -leal m»|l |i» * while elSISl. WK.v, f»,«c | Mice >1 i-.icsiliwanewa, f\t« will icbterve, pUjs wn I a hi«M iixMiument. nnniKiimi iikiorp. HAVANA \ II NtlthtT. S*ti no fc»i -L 1 C4>Tn»S -The era-let »r* qi -ei »’* being Xlm-.wd 'o 311 tw e*. »1 f- ••■* s. far ■ \e ai i* i»bi ‘q. xi a. a. tt: * r*. * ’k • \ reel* Tl.e miiiri e.*4- • cr* l N (av..f e( »< lie**. NwtNMitnh lt%pwr»%. hsi IS- IVr kiraieakip l«t«*;».Vi» X l * pt -* 1 * 1 )X (J.* \\ <K*I. ID.t I4IhI" p4%* Rtfllfl k».» rirrs* or •■x>ttv»h. ns *• E ' Mai ;c ».*e t.*le-* e\*..^e k.~! — * • ' Heme* 4 i i P TWfier. It esc. t'« • ‘ 4k \ , rs..l4e. i IX I e.fc'N'p h « w T ix - * 1 •wan*. **iv»r, Hik* a I'.sir* \t Ut sty. vo ur XI —<\* ,vr rw-aia S p"! l.tiltl, IS* A'> - ■ .'•• •’*’ iwg si.eei. tke sale*-baie Lean .r » f* »■ »• vs •*} si a higMi |-«mm .Via la* lee-' P ' rciehr. 1 lfc»» srws.-e. LX'l.t Mnr*. Mtvn r XI . I'.N >,a r»a, i,< |9 l.<us.l Ie si4.vtfc.fv !*«•* M efleei m krvp .*«• aasrXn *cm si • M(S*« .*•»» ty»w«Cixew >a «•»» 1*»; i* “ S-Sl'kM* |.v>l. 4»J an iJaNvI * ' pt*ee* Ts (i <v**|i |w>-f :• ; r.v hi in *- v me* * day ax * ei» XX , qtr.M# D-.Ui-n si » .*.r i i*" - fclS.,-. liliimx. UU I -eXshvt V» l, /i- 1 - ^ u •**••* MI'X Vobh.XlXX TV**** I* *.»eK*»-.*vV (| ll-"' • PMCra !a«V SJISKO'-I |tX| M*» r*di>sx. s.vM al five'OkXr 7fc rH....i»* . • iih-si ntw re-i, »*>*.* j" 'Vv ^44* IX > «*i - TW* w*4-i«v .In *-»« **• ■ * r," IX . * <■-• r» ie- al S l * IUV bflW-'i *04 Par re*-** Kt.» s4«SHe4 .ty sssu tex* iv'i Vi«i».r 4i liiS.'oXxe M l-ve-e tv* ("ilie. *» • X » a. jv-flCis. i fcrvi IS*. W4.|K S4-I14H.4 0-vn, ie* I'" 1 efca gw* " ’x»w ei i*>... ii ww.iirx, .■ wort*cr., tin \ r v i*i*«4 rt*. •*• •c*-.l- 4V4 S 4—1 S" .4* Xoe 4. * it Ifcf l.|W*-S rt III Ipwe |VI *1.4 4- '*>< l-> *■• 11(41*9*1 ."S lt>9 MfC'l 9 a,* •<•* (-» «J p c!> •*.. I ■*-*'**< si v\*l*v HI.IX iXRt.K-X.HH, W XX A r »» t*** e»4'fl’ :♦.*■**• seoOe at ua* •% im a4i U.w'j snlXeJ is VK« ■*, . | Hw» »w e* 4 - I HUU4 4 41 U l al'l-X 4. •*■«' - iXrt4i„ai« v,a*y t.*a ,f ?® I « H*.hr«W* f +*s Xl4rt 4*4*1.' xr.j.ti *^ « «\ ig it flwit •*"*' 11*14*411 e» IV1IV* n.*it .«Uwl li*Se,v., ' “ Vl "* ,Xl*<1«vl 4i M * ,tl"*"l 7- - \|4) 4 X N I .,dl4f |.»'"4 Vl * U ’ Tx< i ll—.9*1 14- J4*9 i-l|*“ I- 1 ••» Al.) S.-eX >•» kl*d 4—J I'WmS* Xl 4.14 . 19*11 *»♦• ill, He- S. *(■;>*« l.»rt ».•**-* sblpbwMd edarhere* * I • 4NW WW X-*"4 f 1 ■Ilvill* M»iJ • ' • * ' . . »-J »4T l.m*' a H*- .CWS*** - « --v .tsM rauM.tiH i-Ui f ''**■ •r* SI I,IS. IShI ht p 1 e* • ***• fci l.*> X"**”