The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 15, 1855, Image 2

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9 THE SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. rttsumtti it P. W. ALEXANDRIA & CO., Oily u< Canniy l-rimsr*. 5 ' Dally* in advance, p*f* onuw " U not paid in advancs- 85 oo A (10 b*Uyjtn'uV»noi| for six month* $3 UO rn*Wr«Rly» In advance, por annum.... 3 00 It «*otjpAtd to •d**o°». • *••••• WMkly. Invariably in advanot. •" k\r, 4 00 t 00 Wsskiv! (dab price,) 10 oopissItH**».. .13 00 SAVANNA)!, (LL Tutid&y udoirnins, May 15. BY TELEGRAPH FOR THE'ittPUBLiCAN, NtwOat.KA.Ma, May 19. Tha cotton matkal wii firm today at unohana- ml pricoi. Yellow corn ia quoted at 110. Starling Exchange 19 Id. New Orlun*. May 14. lMi«rNila|.rNtl|n lltaii. t Tha Aola'a malic arrived at New York AVodnee* day evening, and (Vom thont we fltssn arnno Im portant additional foreign nows. Ono ol the moat important faaturec oi the news is the fact that the latest advices from tho sent of war arrived In lom* dou by telegraph diruect from Lord Kaglnn’a head quarters, the lino between lialaklava and the War Office in Downing elreet being at loaat completed. Thus communications can now ho hourly kopt up batwean Lord Patimure and iho‘ CominandeMn Chief In the Crimea. Queen Victoria will not visit Paris until Sep tember neat, when the industrial priieewitl be awarded. Only ninety Arnorioan exhibitors have applied lor epncc. The Huaeian Government hae ordered the dis tribution of 8,000 slivsr rubles to the poor of Sfe Petersburg, iu order that they may pray for the soul ol the late Cxar. A letter trout St. Petersburg, in speaking ol a regiment of Basehklrs, 400 hono strong, that had just nrrivod nt St. Petersburg, says they refused to resume their march on thn following day unloas lliey could sco the now Emperor. On this circuui' stauco being tuado known to tho Emperor Aloxan- dor, ho immediately tododown lotlio place. Their delight nt seeing tlioir Cxar know no hounds; they SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORNING, M\Y 15, 1865 i. -j.u .ui. i j- 11 !iuj ..u . NEW YOU* OORRE8PONDENOE Of tbs Isvaunab Republican. mm (for tbs Havanosh RspttbMaan. J Ibf WWaw. Knott Aolhiiigitm-Slirring Timto Ahead-Op* | ■""•-and jai I llvel rntie Alnttera—Harmon—The Lwuur Loin— Ure,wMU*nv> itaaivst hopestndu»tat* Utd; /•VmsU Shoplifter*— Decline in' the Price of l.lva, while my •unlattiln *ndlrtMhadst Ab! what enjoy tnrnl ran sxliltuiea |lvs T lln'eguiie-and I am 1*0 A I,me i • Iread IPe'a weary path In lesr*,—■ Alone In wemlrr llirouah tba waato of years, Uf peace, of hope, of bapplneii baraft. Ila'afotia-my hint beloved, < U frlsmU the kindo.t, noblait, moat ilncers, The stcamanip Promctneoa has arrived, with 'California dates to 94th ult. Tho United Suits land Commiaaioneta have | Uitghcd, they sobbed, they thrbw themselvca on confirmed tho Weber claim to 1,1W) leagupa, in*? the ground, they kissed first each other, then tho eluding the sits upon which the town of Siockton 1 Eni|*eror's boots, nnd then his Itorso ; they crept in stands. » ami out between the horso'd log*, which tlioy ohi- Thcre hav# boen two more heavy failures, Jcso | bmcod from lima to t(iiie, and conducted them* Duncan for $80,000 and Goo. B. Upton for ; selves entirely as Children highly delighted nt 000. Bosttiwas generally was doll. t meeting a long ahaent parent. Alter receiving tho Saunders the forger has escaped on board » voa i Emperor’s blessing they marched oit •el bound for China. • In return for tho splendid tiara, value about *200, —J 000 reals, recently present'd to the Pope by the CnatLcnoN, May 14. Quoon of Spain, (lie Holiness has sent Her Mejea* Th.coiioniMM.Miou. w,io checked lo-d.y . tr ,hobudy ol St. Fcln, the M.nyr. fw w.ol ol . Mffidcoi .upply. 8.1m I.S00 b*lo. , Krullch Km|lcror ,„ d w , „ lun ,«| .1 lull Ml* Muled fruiu 8 to 10 ' p, |1( 0 „ cvc „ in , o( lh , 0 . 2d . Th „ IS CM! Good Middlio, i. nuded M 101-., | (iv ,„ lhl „„ Kn „.*l h.d n,.d„ . 13* The Me.nuhip l.ubei. ftoliina, for! uinrkcd iinpie*.ittn upon xll eUwe., even the muet Charleston, sailed yesterday si 7 o'clock, A. M. i hostile of their subject*. Public finding iu the de< — — I partments seemed to bo grently gratified nt tho tyitwlllbe seen that Macallistergives his! enthusiasm manifested towards ilicm From n last H golden aoireo" to-morrow evening. Tho j semi-official statement in tho Paris Constitutionul, presents aro valued at 9600, snd are similar to j it aeems now pretty certain that tho Emperor will thoaa already diauihuted. IVueisiuna, t<e., ffc. Ngw York, May 10ih. Tho Know Noihinga are in Convantion at Hyra* cuae, but with regard 10 their action little leknown hero. 1 liavo It from good authority that there are •heady signs ol a spin in this new nnd power ful party, owing to tho strong Abolition 'proclif- Ilea ol the Now England branch ol 8am’a pro*: wtiusa loud afreciiuiiwisio ms mn*idsar, gany. Ill Massachusetts and Now Hampshire, Tho treasurer my hear<, well ulmi and proved, particularly. Know Nuthinglsm and Froosoilltin 1 sis convertab.s term*,—sro synonymous, and sig- Mly ono and lh. umc Ihlo, piccl.oly. Tho now 1 ji, ,up, now .u.l.ln party in thoeo Stales have made lioatility toalavery ! nh.wtm iiuii K ui<1* nisonmy Uangsrnus wayt aiiuf ,un non, Amo.lo.nlonii l,.o hoou luo uon.l- I c l.lld..«'* nlr., derablo extent aubruergud and sunk out ol sight.- ! n„ who.houlg gunol their befple*ayears and fo»m Tho old hack leaders of luo l rocsoil party have boon ’ ThsiriuUm winds,-who from life's wintry storm picked up and plncod nt lliu head ol tho now ' shall «hlot.t ihom u.,w and heavenly tliougbia In* movement, and all tlte ultra-inns of tho day havo ; splrs» boon luourpoMtcd lulu ihu K. N. croud. Ilowutur,: hMtll b «.III,I II lo prolly utiViuuo tlrnl nu (Mtlillcal porly con: The huid tMnut dooll llio blow, tlourilll In Moo.ouliu.ultolllut umlunvuro luomulh- In him II,- Ini,I It,, .Unroll Imp., lliu. Inw l ernnii slnvoiyngitstion. Since tlmrescission"i tho I tfi-plm-not ihun—h*.w to III* Imly will! Missouri Compromise, ihu anti-sluvery feeling ttiuia has beau otumpmvtit,—hence th« new party, tS* Hy reference lo our advertising Columns it will bo seen lhai Messrs. Warnock Jt Davis have vnterod into so-partnership in the book and sta tionery business, having purchased the establish ment of Cuobedgc & Brother. Tb**y aro young men of excellent character and industrious hahrs, and as gives us pleasure to commend them to public favor. Ils'sgone—my only stay— . Prop whar* my wraknctselu**, and not in vaio, t' -- iMVaxasuta Nkorohs.—A ease haa been brought before the U. H. CommiMloncr, G. L. Woodbury, in Unetou. wherein certain whalrman, belonging to New lludloid »bi|*s,are charged with liiipr^a* jttarlnt Intrlliotncr. i JSptctal Xotfttu. PORT OPlIAvXlfNAIf.. MAtTi. ’ ing into then servieu orto or more ucgroM.’ hi# , ARIllVfcll. . ««r h n »! o, i! ,%t ** -o,/! alfegi'd that H is not mifrequently the case that "anoerwsn, Clvsr|^l-T mo V/ ' h /.i;wIs'k, , ll»lg Kslardln, Amssbury, Me. I Jon-— NOT Ml. *' * t ‘ (JarlMon * IVoifi*. MJSp- WU.'IW <11 !/.>..•*• ; .| , ei.awier M|. inhn'*. TrrsWn, f’slttka, Ar-n**- wdm al «*• slseib.b in j fcfcu>f , li#i (i«rn <k i'iihMii*liti„. U bsh'S e 11 viin* mm! m<li« n* tb* ra\» ro.r sM U.Utux • ■ lliisoiii k Villalnitga, J IV l.aiionp, ll.ioler k liatnms'l, •ml othtr* IMsamer I'tsiUm, r..»h, t'.*n\»r%»Usr. Sir.—V W WiM.lsy. 3) rt I Oilimi and w<is« o. It .«ton 4. Vlf- MM l« I.. tki.i.'»v\ • nr/.i.m •. lot w.e „f II.,. whalers, when on i|i<» coast o| Aim s. luvriglu or slual imgrofS nnd keen iIimii mi service, soinu- inure |or several months, nnd ilitui put III till on shorn nt Him most convenient point, with from throw to live or six dollars only, at a reward for the service snd labor winch is finend upon them. liv.Hr. attendant upon opening the new Palatial '•I 0 "*** * * *Lo,|l«ai.r a. ri.e.»*ii, V Woo- Club House of tho Union Clnh. in Urn Fifth avs* • # t M ,amrr Uibam, Prsaler. Au*«.«.-ri II iehekon. nut. New York, the Evening Mirror remarks that to» bales couimi* i: MoI,mmu«, u WiJarmany; «i wlistevur may ho |lioughior said nt the social || J»iiniion l r.arl«i</n h Parsont. ■ imr.s (■'i.i: A ft i. is. P«rk Peter tKiumir. It.»>. Sew v».rk -ItnwUMl k Son > prig JnMpbu*, memrnsr, luiofo .f« -, Kelly ' ts /vow, epam, Hi., N. II.—K A proeceu lo tho Crimen. Hia camp cquigago was iu cuur*o ol preparation, and Ins departure was staled to lie fixed for tho I0ih May. Fmin pri- vmIo leitcr* wo that previous to the Empe ror's quilting England, it had bnen agreed nt a meeting of the Cabinet that, alihuughall military plans wore tube submitted to a council ol war, the Emperor's will was lo bn omnipotent in all the operations of tho campaign—in oilier words, that he was lobe the solo conunandi-r of the al* tyh it with pleasure w;e icier tho read- j Viol forces. Tlio Imperial decree dated from er lo the correspondence in another column, Windsor Castle, appointing Admiral lininelin by which it will bo seen that a Complimentary t Minister of Marine, in place ol M. Ducos, had Benefit will be given Mr Gnoaepelms, the aecom* I plished organist ol Christ Church, Thursday eve ning next, at St. Andrew's Hall. The nniin'n which appear in the correspondence, afford tho amplest cvidenco of the high estimation in which the popular beneficiary is held, and of the charac ter of tho concert which it is proposed to give. No one hat done mote, if as much, to iusiil a love ol music among our people and elw„i«^thc stand ard of excellence, ihnn Mr. Gnosspelius, and the compliment now tendered to him, na well *.« (ho flattering language in which it is conveyed, is a graceful acknowledgement of tho fact. Thcro ia every reason to behove, therefore, that we shall see a large audience at St. Androw’e Hall. Thursday evening next. InroiTANT Arcrn .N Sale.—Mr. S. Currell will sell, this morning at No. 186, Congress street, a large assortment ol prime groceries. See adver tisement. ___ Savannah, Albany and Gulf Kaikroad— At noon yesterday, a meeting ot tho *tockholde»* of this Company, was held in tho Kxchango L»ng Room. The meeting was organised by the ap pointment of Hon.Kdwntd C. Anderson, Mayor of the city, Chairman, and Wm. haltcrsliy, fv-q • Secretary, The minutes were read by Mr (iruil, the Secretary of ihu Company, and confirmed The amount of si<»ck n-pre>entcu, was 81,204,000. On mutton of Mr. S. Cohen, seconded by Mr. Weed, the meeting was adjourned until Wednes day, the 23d inatant, at l'2 « clock M. - -• Amncmwx fif» JkiiiBLUpWyJi ywoiiilfilii Island, Georgia. Salary, $1<X) pur annum. Jabcz' Delano tu bo light house keeper at Sea Horse Key Florida. Salary, #500 per annum. Greenes boro* Female Colleue.-— Wo learn from a private letter lliat the Annual Examination and commencement Kxorciaeeof tho above col leg'- will bo as follows: Sunday, May ‘2ihl»., aurmon by Rev. G. H. W. Petrio ; Monday. Tuc«day nnd Wednesday, Examination nf Classes; Thurd.iy, cemmi ncvmcnt day, wmli addreM from K«v. Dr Hoyt, and musical concert at nigbt. tr Tho British ship SirChxs. Napier, Cnpt. Peumgill, cleared at this port thu llih ol January by A. Low & Co , for L»nd>>n, fiaa not, according to tho latest advices from England, since been heard of. Her cargo consisted ol 41U,I'J3 feet P P. Timber and 28 spars. There is reasons to fear she has been lost. er t he remains of poor Sam Slockwull, tho science artut who diud mi ihu Atlit-muuin m tevrr last September, wore placed *»n board tho nhip W. A Cooper the 19lh of Februnry, to be convoyed to Boston for interment It will be remembered that tho W. A. Cooper was wrecked the loth <»t March on Scituite beach below Boston, and won<>w learn from the ififetoo Puat liiat the remains of tiio art ist found a watory grave at ImI Kansas Emiorants Hetvrninu.—A numfe-r of returning Kansas emigrants pasted through Alba ny, for Boston,# few days ago. They said ihoy had M aeen the elephant," and wero aaiiified. Tat Sound Dues.—On tho 12th April) Mr. j Bedinger tho American Charge d’AfTuirc* to Den- ; mark, formally notified the Danish government of j the cessation of tho treaty of the 26th April, 18*26. j between iho h after iho lapse of thn term stipulated in tho treaty (twelve months ) In oilier words, lh« United Staten Will, ifter llm 12th April, )U6, refused to pay thu toll now exacted of all nations for passing through thu Danish sound into the Baltic tea. For Liseria—Tho hark Cora, K. Burnham* maater, which went t«» aoa from Norfolk on .Sun day, bound to Liberia, had on hoard three mis- aiunarira of iho Proleatant Episcopal Church, and •ereral cabin paaeenger*. beaidcti (ha emigrants, who numbered 106—of whom 46 were from Ken tucky, about 25 from Virginia, and iho balance j from Maryland and other Slate* I PaoTtcTlow or Lsnumirm —The Prnnaylvania l/Cgtaialure, at its lata sowion, patacd a hill lo pro* , tect hotel and tavern keepers, which has received the signature of the Governor. It ia said that it give* the ri«ht to the landlord to retain the lodgers trunk for payment of board. Ac Tux Camel Brnr.—The U H.atoroahlp Supply, Which la filling up at thn Brooklyn navy.yard f.,r a voyage lo ihc Mndiiorranoan, and to return lo the United States with thirty camels,for service <>n the western plain*, haa been taken from Bin dry dock after being rbyvly coppered, arid will probably veil for her destination about the 20th instani Hue haa been filled up with alalia for the camels. AwTicifATtn Taocai.x in Boston —The amai.d- ad Maine law of Maiaachu»oit» govs into operation on the 20th insl , and as its provisions are ol llm most restrictive character, fears aro entertained in Boeion of open resistance, if tint riol and blood shed. Th# Times of that cliy say# them is a •acral organization of 1,700 men pledge.! to raaist the taw, and tbeubo first gallon of liquor destroyed j>y I ha authorities wlU bathe signal for action — Tha Mayor, however, sacma datarmincd to en force the law, and haa issued Ilia proclamation calling upon the ciiixaos to observe its provisions, or I ska iha consequences. Riotm or Nxi'tsar.*—Decuion of the Attorney CentralThe Attorney General of the United 0Ulss,lo regard to Ainariean purchasing vaeMlsol •ny of iho beligerant European Bower, haa do- eidsd lbat, according to tha law of nations, a cili- sen of lh# Umiad Htatea may, •( this lime lawfully purchase • Russian meioham ship of either nf the belligarsnis,Turkey, Roeeie, Greet III it el n, Franco or Hardinia { If purchased honajide, eurb ship he comes American properly, and entitled ee such lo Ibe protection and ths flag of the United Stales ; and although iha cannot fake out a regUier by nut taw, yet that U because »He Is f*>r«ign-hulli, not because *he is liellifferant built, and *ho can ubtsie s rsgister by special act of Congress he«-n commented upon as a singular revolution in the fortunes of n man who a low years since would utd Ihj allowed to put a foot within iho precincts oi tho royal palace. Tho publication of tho Oitend correspondence had produced a most rsoiling (fleet up-m the pub lic mind in £*pMiii. Mi. Soulft wu* handled with' uut gloves iu the commentaries ul lliu press. iu that soution, haa been compelled to ho nnti- tflavery or forfeit ita oxistunco. With this liugo siumbling block and stone of olleuuu of slavery in its way, it soeius to ho next to Impmpiihjo to na- tionaiixu tho party. Any more ordinary cuumi ol dtfloruuce between thu Northuru and Southern wings ol a now political organization, might bo compromised and gut over in Homo way, hut slavery llku the fiery sword brandished before tho gates ol Eden, shuts out all lioptfof a conjunction snd amicable union botweon Virginia and Mussu- chuaotis Know Nothingum. Indued, tho electiuu of another President by tho l>coplu bids lair, on any iavue now, to bo attended wnh diflicultioa ol ihu gravest unluro. Amorican- ism, I'rotoalaiiiifin, and Catholicism,nre all minor niaitor*, and havo lo give way to ibis groat slavery quostion, which devours like a Dragon, all other political questions ami considerations. Tho po litical heavens aro surcharged with tempests, tor nadoes, nnd suuoiiTs. The (Wiling hanueis of tho •toim aro soon to h» unfurled in lire and wrath.— Tho liiaure, as of an eurihquulto, which is to npfit this uonfederacy into halves, already begins to yawn. Thcro uro gall and bittorm-M nnd the most concentrated halo and determination, in por tions ol tho North, agamM tduvu holders, nnd it ia presumed that our Southern fitends entertain n like leeling against tlio iniscrablo tnnalics that infest iho North. Tho soil* of Kenuieky, South Caro lina, and Massitcliuneiis envelope tho only men . - . . -w *• ««•«»»« An- hi.'.! i;,, 1 ;*;, fitlul lever, tlioy aloop well. I heir wands aro* w |, K .fi our judical oflicers «ro lo ho placed mi Bio broken,—their uloquont voices hti-ln-d. Thu loud* > *ame category witli p.w.niasters under iho guueral llul, art thou lull ahnt f • is there tndrvst ttn frieiaily xuatulatt 1 ' No firm siip|Hirl wli« r*oii Bum rn»j’*i islyT (Hi, look above!-h»uk lullijr Havlout's throasl tin IiIiii thy Imrdert c«»l— Iu Him comma whh pure amt prrferl Isllh, And Bn will giihii,then even mull death, And rei««- Unu to Hi* own blest lioiiiu at last. Thy children's alro I* gone, The h•l■l>an'l ol Ihy l.iw—hut *iod will bs More than nu esnhl) mend to them and thee. Leu*-, ci-ose to uiouru, Bmu art not left alout. And when llfo's srenu l» o'er, Through thy Itvdceiner'a boundless grace and love, Again shall Hum, m the origin world above, Meet him wlumi inou hail loveJ, to |tarl no more I HaVasmaii. May Vlh, 1855. Judge LuriuK’it'avu-.llusinio uf Gov* Gurdluur. As already ndvunced hy tulograph. Governor Gardiner ol MaMachuaoita, lias iclusod to sanc tion iho uddrua* fur tho removal of Judge Luring. Alter review ing tho iuw of Hie Blatu in regard to appointment and rombval id judicial utiicer*, Gov. G. closed his mia»ai>u in tliu following man* lu-r: "It is not alleged But J'ldgo lining bus com muted, any crunu against lliu law* o| tho United S.uU’Hor ol ,M<u»achueon*. It ia not alleged that hu is rendered unlit i<ir the pcrformnncu oi iho du ne* ul Ilia office by insutiuv, phymcai lUCapacil), oi nuy other Visilutioii ol rrovidenco. Tills case then, is the first dunug throe quarters of & century utility i lull organixaiinn ; nf ihdr mflm-nce upon dotnasiio fellciiit-s nnd infolicliie*, and above all, upon OuMraiiH-inatrlmuntal trndencii s, it can- not he denied that those nightly gatherings ol rclln- u t(| ad and intolligoni gt-nilemufl, m an atmutphnre »f HcUr wilsnn, New Yrnk-howiaed k Co. oleganoo mid heauiy, are less ohjectloiiahJa p C hr Win Tj*ou, Nickerwio. iiotton-Hrighaia, Kelly than a general scnliaring among bar.rooms, InU 4 ro. Hard room*, oyster rooms, sad other miscellaneous 8t*aiusblp Isabel, Hollins, CharietU/O—Cohens 0l rasoris Tim lonnly wife, wfioflo husband passes' f terra. Ra|w»»in-- , esrar«it^rjr c . Ins oremnga at the club has ibis thought lo con* • ,r * hark Kllr solo her— «Ae kiiutnt where he it." And II she do not, will not ilm Mirror add that it is just a* well oil thu principle that Where Ignorance Is tdlu, * I'll folly to be wise?" COM 1*1,1 .H UNIT AIIV CO.VfCKItT. • Mavasnam, April III, 11*53. (/. .1. (Jnvtipthul, 1 11 ; |n-ar Mrs -Tho Miidorsliriird, desiring hi eintiody la •oino(••rni llm h-uliuK*lliey t-nit<rtain for vonr umlnuut •bilhh-*, and their appreciation of your tgiirts In the ad | l"t four »uffroer*. tnay 14 tfjgjr hi-*- 1 *-' for Hie oBUm or <)r,|,,, ( ,. , Jiiiuary Seal, »i»'l r*»iH-c(/,h; m >. ^ Mi*r • H.'A hAh N• (fI I.-tt, . . . HF JOHN V. TAItVr.k »r r*Up*rlor »».d Intsr lion, In Jbuuuj nett. Ibll IX •ifU, «. *' • ... »« Ke-.s nM.ou. Two hugs, Inward hound- di:i*aicti;o. Meaiuer LTiadiaui. Fraser. Augusta. IMSMM.IIIS Pr» swamstdp hi. Julies, from Palatka— Ml » Netwm, Mis* Me/t rs, Mrs Tiltrun, Vilas Hui-on. MiMllliie and • VI. TW Miller, lady, rlold and avt. N A Hull. Mim , T.lman, Mrs MUh-r. »lr* Klhtrl, Mrs Mrfloiiald end child, Mlu I'loyrt, I'apt J II Helile, I.' I# Hrhlatler, Wrn tanrock. <• l» Tiliiian,T J Ada •. (• It Majef, Himis nounce m slwlaie for |:«».in mar * IVI'.nr tmh mHi _ rjOfifltK) .atacan-l 1 .' mary of Lhalh««n <>,un-.;, , j election re-' MP.e-i.- Kin fort- I WtSr »'»Xnee Mr -AWfp.t. ! didate for Shtrltf at the n«,t I, ! bhl>re M.ay j Jan "A vv vnaali* ,*4 i S " .‘St 'Ml..' ft vanceiueiit ar niOklr In our emninunliy, consider the j pCilmer.l a a, it rt Haom. J II • Pneh," IV llaher lender of urompilinr niory Hnncert tin-most appropriate | riiau,i It l lojd, W A jlrown, ri W IVwli and lady, lul rerili haa tlioiti in its cusiodv f rrovennoro,— meauwliilu, ettrring timue arc ahead. Tho Italian opera companies Jilted iho other day, and llio artists and manugcie havo already g"l iu u> a triangular fight, uti paper. Cards hnvo been puMielied from si<v<-ral «sf iho ntumh.-ra of ihu company, which are about us "clear as mud" P lid -licrdi* umh-r the Stale goVcrbliiuut, to he ic moved witn evorv chaiigo ot the ruling party.— Judge Story anid in llio Convviiliouol )32U,spenk- ing of B»e very paasitgo under omsidtration, ‘ihu br.t ineiaiicoo: reinovai would oatuhiivll apracuce w hu ll would never bo dopnrlcd Iroin, ul aluUing the whole court with every change the pariv n power.* wlm-fi iimat degrades modem pulp tn-s, w liit li lilovt coirupls pub ic morale, and ^ro ll* ouistdora. It i* a pretty quarrel as it stands.— venting the best iik-ii ir.nii conseujing to take -lit Bignurs I'atodi, after an absence «d two years, tins , vo* *4 emufutuetu, t« the cuntoiu. But lung and , eona' pro* odenls hardly palliate, but wlneh just relumed fruiu humpe. llio important ques- ,,-k gr ^n now i..become .luiio»t a nceisMiy Bn ti.m ia sallied. nii'ii dues not admit Idaek ‘ roiit'*vai ol Ji-.ricsi and laithluG liicursio make room cnildron iutu hi* bnh) show, which is to bo con-t lorohelncnd».uid »upp"iter» ol the victorious patty, ducted "wuh respectful detvroucw for iho social; ' umpbincntary Concert tin-must appropnab nirtlx'd of etprvs.lng Ihulr sentiment. Tlioy therefore desire to learn li It will be arrcptnhlM lo you to preside at a I'miccrt lo be glwn for that purpose, at such a lime na ahall be iuo«t suitable W* yoursulf. Very truly, youmbedieni servant*, Jim V Nlcnll, Nlcpbi n r.llloll, Jo*. 8. Fay, II. it. Mi) Ur, Wm. N«yUs ttaberahara, tlu..'i Itatwrabam, Robert Mackuy, J. U. ilownrd, \V. vine key, J. Ilryan, II*". It. sllichell, \V. F. Holland, W.8. D»natdvon, A. Held., U. Kill*. Jas. Poller, It. Wayne, J'.d w. < . Anderson, lidw. I'adel f .rd, Cbat. Hindi Geo. A. t’oyler, Mo.r. HAugb, T. Illgbmi, Jr., Hub*. Il.l.nffln, Wluvl fct cowls, (u IlmutmrU a ( it)’ Tho opening of iho lire (»f the Allien suggests lo the N Y . t-omier and Enquirer a caiculaiiun ns to the c<>»t ot the iron hnlls which have been thrown into Sevastopol by the live bundled cannon which hav*v<•timed them into what Goriacii'ikol! called "an infernal lire." The accounts by iho Asia, it say»,itiprcaem dial each ol these gnus tired one hundred and twenty rounds a day, which gives a (oral lur the live hundred ol aixty Biou-and rounds. This fire had been continued lor thirteen days, making an aggregate ol seven hundred utid eighty thousand missiles rained upon the city. Tho Weight of the shot fired from tho gnus uf 1.1" , Alllc ' " nM p '“ l ’“ bl1 ' n 1 ln,, ”n,I com- on, I .I,.. !..d.-|..-ad. n. .. ih. inf,.I h„ huudi«il uml l..r.y I.OIUI"., .nil "I "lo | ,u "' | J ru-a lorumn ll.|U..r. m.y br .old hv i I« It Ill.l I l«l lllteen to one hundred nnd ten pounds—and * yr, y J tnyhody, in any place wnhm tin* .*<i.iiv i the la*k wah_dintru-t and alarm l five pounds w-otild probably bo n low eaiunalo t> r , g Thai llio seizuro and doHirm iiou elm anuverago. Th.s would g'Vo a daily delivery Georg* A.Gordon. Rat sun all, April »HSi. Umi ixsx Your »n l highly ilatb-ring l«-uer, It'inlerltiK inn a e<ilupllruonl8»v Concert,di-inainl* from m.- an acknowleogrrient of B.e dceprsl g*alltuite for llm km tru ss whirl, has pr-.inptcd II, aint sllbough 1 muM sny Dial your eslonaln oi my abilities and ser vice* l« tar beyond ihrir worth, I *bll fed U Incumbent on ino to v-rept your gen-roue otT-r, and shall ever e»- let-in U aa one ol the hi ppiest event* <^t.) life, lo base reco'ved *o It Bit m coiun luient. Will, regard to the lime, I would prnpii*e itm< it *liotild .ake places* early in Ibe ensul g nn.nth a* practlcaMe. With centime ul* of ibe dttqtetl re*t»eet, I um,your obedient servant. tlitr. Albcst Uaotsrtuvs. To fit. Kkv.stbshss Klliott, lt.K.t.evLxa, U«t. Roar. llvBsa*nAM, L-q., J.s.l'ttviKR i:*q., 4c..4c. The above Concert will bike place at r*t. Andrew’s | llnllnn fl.'iralay live nine, l?tb Inst., when .Mr. Gnors- j pellu* wdl l,»« ns'iiled hy Mt »«r«. A. Rlech, W. H. I H..|isl'l*on,(*. |l. Mitchell, and Bo- be*t amaieur talent our «*ll> *fl -nl*. Dcht-is one dollar each, l«* be "bUIrn-d : at Mitchell's music *tnn-, and at Iho bootnittres. For parliculair, see i rogranitnc. in-y PJ j VV J cisruent* and svl, S II . Iske, Upon • tiiiMmiANii.i; ll.istoa. May IK—cirarwl, brip Hheet Ancb< •ebr Man-la Triie.n, for U»rien, Ha. I'oMaTEcan, May 8.—Arnsr-I, b*rk \ Roger*, from HavaUMb. poaTiNoi-tn, May S.—Arrived, brig Aronds'e. from Jlarlen, <«a- Hisru *a. May S.—Arrived, sebr ll'-peb.n, fro® Ua rian, *ia- l.ivsaptKtL, .’.pr l /?.—Hailed, slop Franklin, hw Ha vaonalt. j lIsLTiNoas, May II.—Cleared, *<hr Alabama, lor Hav«nualt. Saw Voaa. May J lib.—Arrived, »<br lllack Bird , JarkM.nulle Fla | HATH FURTIIK a« MW|.l: . s m»ni oi -*>fi Felt ll*t*. |,u«i et« , . ** unnwr uracon. Juc, ,*/»>, u * ’' •tore of n k .» MX w f h kk may U ,-j ,, IKON I MONT JI.WU.uv M U u. WII'.UXALL *Vt. Li l a :t So lift /utiufHoh es.f nendlot *rt \S aleiu *. V. _..f Jewelry, . 1.1 m-tr-d work I'teuri et«. PiU-ner*. I. .OletS, < •oka. Fish Unite*.Pi* t yplw.nv V It ,hlu si-J »***. I ■ • rA , .el f aitry (.tael*, and a r»e*t . Ul, HiII* l>. ti.rt>1l'/W . tL« ml.olt V , redure.l pr>r< • A : (iiiVVatcbe*.' ,•<*•. j.«, lilac i ended l»« r,.otj^> r „- dec ♦ IH'LT' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Monster Croldon Night! Till II K. It NT AM) (.III. ATI.NT! A T II E S A-: U M, tVritnekilny. ^luy Kith. IH54. FARKWHl.l. GOLDEN PMRCKQF MAOALLISTEH lO splendid XVatche*, And valuable • 'roamei.i* y. il.nataouulof 8 0 0 0 ! iii no i:leK/int Gifu, Will be presented 1 lilil. ibe on it* rven-itg Tickets, 31,00, Jewelry More, tbe Hotels, and read* for alt e«.. , 'j' , dVlv. TL.r •a> ov 1 V . ,J ^ I Jeweller, and all work in hat I i* • “‘J , d-ihr *m,rdir>g l«» t,rdr*. *n.l «i-i. •• , , ( *olicJled In.m a l frien.j, »,.a. r^tioioen . »„ ; *r.w.e* in my bne ..f “TO I III. |*| III.j( . — — • *pm: llllAMBtinil ll.d -). .. jl, end ,ev ^ ^ "'k paid' . • ill be paid, by I •# Nuns. O'i.rao. ;»> Hole!. l!r*t,dreU, lloo*- , No. Br-n'.•»*. ll«t rn In'pot. Fntaie ei, »anc« N <. > Sew ) . rk. Mritndrr-tli llonac |(««tniirnn i I*;:" let • at.*! » .J ; y <1 le-eler-t -L -«{-• e city , *„ *(.* aid I' J Ib|. I, a • i »< I hit n r Dr«.|i* > t■•»»..nt. oinplnltit 1 I hero is no tdlicial action llint *•> disgusH a , , . „ „„ . high minded limn as this now ntvesnary piaclico usages ol Iho community. Iho Uuion may be - t( j fvn u,val. I vv.,u!d m-t he the first t» miroutuu cmvftutnscvlvivte in thm rvspuct. At *»mo Intvmi, it ovan ivapect to tin* m* >t imj>**rt«i)t vtUcv* — tiino he holds himself road)' to get up u negro When, then, I am muiciied lo pvfl.*1111 all act babv'show ! winch may be construed a* inaugurating Bin* cut- ,7. , , . , ! loin, «>r a preeedonl during all lime, a* regards Opinions on iho constitutionality Ihs^ Hmj niiciary, that l» .«iy ronecining ibe Bill Mmiiio law conliiiuo to ho given hy sotnu of| ol Rigli'a ileclaies 'that it is owntnil |o iho ngliis the most O'luncnt lawyers id Iho .'late. Tho laat i ol every individual—Ills lilt', liberty, property | |i,V» *.*itt itrodiirsMlT citaiiBPVo' be i.etier in Loir- t< tcuui J.uu’s W.U.|«.I.K«1 ,..f l .'* , “ff''; , * l, . u " I ..A..,. ....... ...o.....«..... ...... . *. ,, ! "• lrt «.-* and administration id justice, and But c „. ,,,|,.Mbe .li.order, anti to the m—i e»c.l tleiilaii »d lino talent and much popiiituiiy. His j ,, HiO tight ot every cii'Zen to be im-d by judges , | P „t i.eniilt a-ol*. I lose Pill* *» t >rk wt.ndrraiuj ||"l.l.'iWAY > PI 1.1.8,t eiUln rt-uiedy ,j.-i Itarle* llutelilnoui ul. 1 , of Iturlmcion. wu*f- r Ntteen mitlilb* a aad Virlim \>< tbe « *11 bail was l.e one purinf llieMuetbal Ibe t lua'.ly ooAetl ibrougli Ibe nor** ol the skin,ami thrice i per -I.i) change ol »;.pnrel became uicesstry . F.Vtrs lime I.Is tl.NMor called be rajtccietl to find liltn dead, j And in tart, gnve Id* friend* no hope* <•' h • rec ,very ; I hi- •<»'• r. w In. bad derl* ed tin at bene fit by Ibe u*c ot i Hull..way'» Pill*, lo-icgcd Idiu, a* * favor n. her lo loriuualely lor him he d.d no. refuse.t Iron to the Riinhuiis, amounting to two million seven bundled thousand |n>unds, and a total !»r the thirteen days ot thirty-five million one iiiM'Rib thousand Founds—thu prime cost of which, in tho rough, at the average price ol pig iron in England In*/U«W,rOW‘ dollars. I In* is, ol course, w iBmut any regard to thu enormous cost <d transportation to BieCriiiipa. Il lliu cannon halls lire J Irom thu Allied lines during the thirteen days, were rolled into rail bars weighing sixty pounds to the vard, llm bars would-I ^" ,u eVt ' r hymg anything. 1 he iruth i* there i .-xluu.l Ilirco liutidr.d ,„d iliiny itn. mil.,; >11 * 1 " '!'« I; laid ns a railroad, would suffice fur a single track road fr-xn New York to Albany, or Irom Savan nah to Augustn, with all Bie necessary turn- out*. Tlio ch vrg- id power for each gun would proba bly average about aix pounds, which Would show an wxpondfiuto lor tho thirteen day, otfutr million SIX hundred and eighty thousand pounds of powder. Such powder is vvouh In-ro eighteen * Hi uplalnt*. erilselnct. ft p* Kecoverinx from Bis eg." i**-*. or long conllnned Him-* er'* .-paui-b .'t aiure ibe . e llietr iboop'na Cin-lll'ilioii may II , of Fever, ltd- , ml wlil, •-r • that a Judge * l* I..W a I hern in ac- i»'. ! When ihu i ibe *,» railed s-j itdales his oath ul j Mercury. «*pl,n a.-crdaiu- |o the J druir. and ran t ml by it* •oporile , rr-ture tbe >sy |r« i| A s'ngfe »• >ttle I* worth *tl r*n|inrillas In r\ti>terirr. Il coiitbln* tin i m any other itotimi* <*r |ioi—unit* i'given to the yniiiigeat infant without classes, that Wtt havo m« light to In* sitrprtscd when we find virtue a* wall na honor sactaln-cd l*»r it. Business continues slock and Brn Hlib*« are "Laid' indeed, ahfioiigli Bn* mild weather wu are having neutralizes iho effect to some extent.— Iu times like there,.Win n nil kind* of food nre no exhofbiunBy high, tho tt«« and fall m (heir piiii- is WMlnlicd by tl|ou«aiid« ol eager ••uoplt*. i especaDy the lnh.*niigehtsnes,who, lor alni"#t t li» o -I edit: m Ho rn* v it ..nts a pound, but in England would uot, proha- r >' »•»« country find biy, coal more man litiem cenia, at which price i wn a*'a ,0 '** enhanced though they fwhat lli-y i.rre*A.irn» "I iBr. mil at 813 in frit, thu barrel. ' I ihe (siwder cost sevou hundred and two thousand ! ,mw ' 4 0 u trt , j havo heteioloru cmisideicd Bn A,1.1 t.. B oll.,r th. S3I3.3SO cipondoil in lion ’I’ 1 ""*"' * '“-I"'' 1 * lull., .n.l llio C,|innd.d in i...»dcr, .nd | ll " 1 "" ,u . » r '*' lc » w.. I...u ih. tii..r.lioll»d Him ul Sl,0|5,3su f."""“ I'nM". Thor. Ii». I«. u » 1i .|.i-ol l.t» ilul nw.y by llio Alii..- Ill iho .0.00 ul tltnioon - h,c, i l»»* • l„r iw. im.o |...».od - day* Ex-Gov. Ford of O'iiu died the Hih mst. Bishop Wlutehi.usi-, ol Illinois,hie rosigned the ollice of Episcopal Bi«hop ol thin Diocese. End or tiih Quitman Exrr.biTMv —I; is siai.-J that a meeting o| lliu ('uhati Junta, held at New Orleans on the 22111 ult.,General John A. Quit- man handed hi hi* resignation ns commander in clnul of the expedition which hv* been so long organized against Cuba. All of llm American nllifera w)h» hold cornmis»lon« in tin* Quitman army have also resigned, and llm Junta itst-lf has been formally dim.Ived. Thu* end* tlio Quitman oxpMduion and thn Cuban cxccutivu council, an end which, it in alh god limy ntintuite to iho deter mined opposition o| 1'rt-sideni I'loico and hi* cahi- which will bring steaks up to 20 and 25 ( Choice logs of mutton nro IH cents por II*, nnd Veal 16 and 18c , Egg* are pleipy and sell 9 umi |0 for • shilling. Ifutter ha* fallen fib- por Ih, wnlnn n fortnighi, good Orange county ran he bought Ht 2»c lo 25c lor old snd new. Potatoes \ aru gradually coming down $3,5t> per hnrrnl is now ihu price h>r large qnanlilies, ami SI lor the | aits^l*- barrel Aiparagne »*-I!i* at 3? | 2 p.-r htiurh I Bi-nuud't Toiual.-ew aro quite plenty and cheap, j Wo are in th-* midst of our * *<•**.m and very - * - —.— lino on«s am selling at 31 1-4 to 37 l*2c. I’rxsidtncv of l.tnuiu.—The preaidental «lcc- M anhattan. lion in Liberia wan to havo Likert place on Bio lit | The DsoruiiT m Mi*ai«*ipp> l» vvido-spread, nnd instant. Prssidnnt Roheris had declined a m- Bio crop* ol corn, cotton und out* are very un* •fiction. Edward J. Ruyo and -Stephen A. Ben- | son'wore iho opposing candidate*. |{uyo . d, wnelhvr applicable to lor«-tgn or U*.|||e»lic } " !’«• the ailegalion that Judge Doing h os shock • Uuuura t ! ed ihe i»opMiar e-*niiiiiciit *d .Mns-ncbun tt*, it ni.vv 3 That ih« set done tint, in .orm*. prohibit tho | he pernnent I-. ««k what the dutv «d judges tsf— HiaaiihiMuro or exporUlb-n «d dom wiic liquar*. j Am they to r-«p..|ind tho law«nMitad hut (bat theprsiMiesI o|>«‘rNiton of Bi'-H'iS'irei-laus'.*, } making power, ..r arc they to eousini B cons'ituiionnl, would. Ill etred,destroy lliu husi* I coidaiico vvuli p lies# ol manufai-tiiring j . 4. Thai as ihu seizure clausu ia void, liquors other,s» to sh*po hit decision* in nc iAt,'n,!’,..i r.„ ill.; k.'i.i I,h- wnwai* me '..i'jjc ) 1 Iruclion. » " >upp**v*, W» w tt.loged. Butt ace. rdtng to the i i '»! - ous ill this City. They go about in pairs, via.img . nMeit* ..r believes mat he willui.y adju.l.rnted thu host elorus in nil tlio principal avenue*, hutsrI- y and corrupt*v. Tho error, it error u bo I, eon* tiered, vva* a nns'ak.-, . 1* a Juuge, then, to | ,, j he i,-moved lr»'tn office,even if ill the CXei-uti *n j ■ •I Lull •dfire ho giv-* a in atakeu judgstneni f— ft.ii-n an iiupraeticable and.laugur. ii* po.icy Would fi-ad lo n duly removal among judicial officers nl our interior court*, so ntten nro their (IcctaioiiS owrru't-d hy lughor tribunals. ' A* :•> tue that tlio c nduct id Judge leirmg in Bii* trial was harsh, unleelmg, and not . characterized by ilia huinaniiy which the riiaxmi* kiiviinnnh llxpnrls, May I I. ol our juri*| riidencu mrow around a pris xx-r, snd I F*‘ r hark Kb** Ann, hi. Juhna, N tl—201,(93 feel But II** did n I give h'tn tin* benefit <d the doubt I P I* Timber, (3.U73 ih* Lumber, which Iho theory ot our law, a* .. d a* Bio law j for hark I'eicr Urinll'e, Sew Ywik—VT bale*Lotion, ttsell, gran** every persui arraigned, thcro is con- ; \v,„,|, (Hpkg* nnlxe. ivrs.i«j. I he souiur cuiiiiMil l.-r Iturn*, pcrhnp* as mi partial a witness «s tin- iialurv id tlio case, „ , ,, v ... iH flllitS. leailh.« that In* wrote in hi* private I lV f »cl"...nor c Matbew, New \ ..,k.H (rrl Tim- (oiihi.B during Bio trial :—"The (vtnluot of ! * M ' r ' Judge lairing lias boon considerate and Ini-! Per *eh..unor Wm Tyson, n«wi<w-S. I.a*.-* fot*..n,23 inane" nnd hi* present HntcniuiU confirms In* U" "'.ml, flii skin*,5,lthl buahela Rough Rice,534 Dry c nitiimpornneniH docUrntinnn In such a coti-*.'.ui.IIO fort t.umlier. Ilict <d t'sumony, fit its grunt Judge Eonng Bn* i bom fit .-I that doubt, which l»« is accused uf hav- ItW'llH'TH (»F roTT«»li, I'l'.lt ('. IIAII.K'iAD. >uld decline wuh 4ln> I ing -viifiliold Irom Bn- individuul arraigned ho I ore •peniug ol liavignlmn, and the tendency, until i hia tribunal, lest vvo mirsolves d*> violence to llio Hlllim ill, I..I iwo w,,k. |irj..r nrmnl ,.| ™’ , . w ««"' I'Hii,■".!.• -.hlj.l’In,.ll„«j . , , . . , ' „ . , I no !•••* Sight ol in llio exercise of Ins (udniul Bn- Atlantic, has Imen downward. But u haa sd- lum-tinii." vanct-d 6D cents Biia week. All market provia- j — — i us am about as high now as ever betore known. Annual Rh*"RT or rnt; British IWMxvrcR At Bull's Head Cattle market up town, hoof cat* Gum ral —The l.ond"ii papers give an aba tract tie soli quick at 14’and 15 cords por Ih.mi the foot, '*} documenl, from wlncii it appears that tho I Bniiali po"t-oRn-o suit conetstaol 21.517 pots.ius. wills, i 'I'li,. iiuniber id |Hisl-idIici<s in I Ho Culled Kiiigdoui , nrui i ia 2,373. During l ist year 515 rn-w post ofiii-i's. Dee deliveries lo 1,212 places, nnd n London day mail to It town* were rwiuhfi*ln-il Mails nro conveyed daily over 67,'00 mifis, at ar.,. cliaig" "I 8 l-2d per mile by railway, and 2 I Id by cofti-h. Tin- miuiL-r of charguahlo letters wfin-b passed tft«>'Ujfi Bn- p»*t last veal was 113,- '1)0,0'HI. Ul I Ill-si* l"3,000,l)00 were delivered ».» To tn- Ua>t at IVihnol' ihe Vit.sia-.iin |io«r*o|*-n at 7 ; TweomtnrtM-e at 8- j m«v 15 *J DI MOOt tTH VII I t INK V met-iiuf of 'In- J».-l!M.if»'IC p.*ft* rl-1 in liis Kacbansre l^wiir Kf».r wi.ll.g. ||,e I5lb ,n*t , al o«lil oVIih-I. i«, r» in- sit- J* fi 4.-*ir» in Hit- He:u"ora!ic Gol-sfii»i«,-!»' * « «■ - •nvinii, and in lak«- aotion tu »,-n-r*ne«- to m-- rn*. i.g i i-cl '.ii In' inriitUcf lil '.••inrr--** ' nt its- Fir.t too- ..I Ib.irni. Hy order of U>« l.xocuilvr * ..mro iii iylj J ».•*. tl \ \ A )l' . *wrw'ary - NO, !( !.“ * Till: tu-sturr IM.VNM Kit wi'l O.ucl* at Jrf .i-r*oni..ii, t**.tli going t«* an-l tr-m • Vii’irvittagr, the two nrat vnp*. amt wttt lien n» vav. n| off i.,r • wild., I'T repairs and pm.ilng. hui. I vs 'll brgivm, B lull »ti trip* »i. . Ills) 15 17 h.'jiAii. i.ini. i'or Put mini, t'loriiln, -fT~«a, Th.- I.r«r '«*' r»n n'.« •van-er ^^==^<3 EMZNOLiEr • - * I. P* r * rn W -III IU u'llsrk-.t M ro ,tr, i t.-I lOucl. i.< a: *ii ;o r. tr. For frngtii «.r apply • n S. M I.UTITP. Vf. V k -,nt. :-pr Nl \| HOOK N RECFIVI I. IJV * * Mi. i 'I'Rf- • *d»h.ri> raprrs .•( hr. Mar IT. 1 «'Nrll. Il• -V , . , a*. a v .nrri.', or u t lay Orph i s N ah . tr«J ll.tlUir*ifi • r- 'l.r llaubOd if‘£t* IL.rt-w.. U-l Lifltman. o, ItrG'ri T • I •- A Sr ,r*.l |!» D.ark, ns -m.nta-1 ‘ b» C W l ' a* iv Site will lr»Uin«- V. t\ ' it.l.KV , ,\grit 'M'NKM '»r»v , r-l’ar. dVru • ' fvt I UK ( IIAIII.CVI UN T»'e siraui pack*-! «' ( 1 *'v’ *• ‘ ’• * 1 ‘ ‘*»»r l>< vtomo.i.-. tn t» o'clock. F»>r frrn,*ht III I*. *R Id or tn All f-elght pay able on !!.«• wl,arf. •trier\ lii«v'o rp»S»i.»r. I. V. OHIJ.X. API' ' VEiWF.L W W1KU.—1„ tuv vtvassal iimlwi v,» • - Mll.I.r.iS l3-« o-c.ur^.n Kne rt 1.1 lefAiare.'reri •,'* •..-.i- “lli; Ilrntj liird. r**r S.-si Pastoral; 0* Th-e»a* Rarbanaa ijriant IV a-dgras*-,th- Tn*.s >-f • '-vs. im «i I . *-nnh.*4t». r ..I *-laid-*4 Hail.” a c h ila> k.rtg ff.-susr. u u>r tr>. in lllack • -J'* ki^. - : by Simir. Pl.ill J-*. i;r « Ni:\t‘ KOORk. V f. > MIM.K'Y. APRIL v. Ifu.1 o*—*' * >»*• • »• '-eijuji i h—of Lllrn MlddtMoVrs. Rft'1'.l VKI» Af —• .h fhr IWiri „f ,M- I O H HKItri.U, HKHfHI). NA« A.N.NAII KAKIil T. Meat*at, May U. I I i'f'TT"N—Tin-*alr* to-day amount to KM) I ' ll.e f-.pi.wlng pa»tlmlar*: 5aisV*. If* nt H*,,.*! , 113 si t'ta, liuat »«,. Il' m V'N. M6 all'**. Ill | ami I'Ll at I" -rnt*. Tl»- market ci.niinut- tlrm | being vlrcnlpdl) in favor of srl'.-r#. -rphii*. Halllmnre—37 bales i 5r'Ji fi-s-t Lumber, and sundry pkg* nn!*e. ParschownvrC Matbew,New York—>*5,7:'TH (IF « May II — 7 V, bale* coilon hud mJie in s ( !, ' Mowry, I'haili-stini; L.-rkclt 4 "nelhnps.J \V l.nilirop ki o, I* J Ogden, (J VV Garmsny, .it Ar V lllalongs, llud-on, Fleiinng 4 • e, N A llardrr 4 < ... Row land 4 * is, Cohens 4 llrriz, !'• P*r»on* 4 c'o, I' V I, l.anui. VV |l I'nriMe, VV V| Havldson, Ban* 4 Wa-nburu, J VV V'iderson, Franklin 4 Hrnnlli-y, Br\i-|is illr 4 Vo, I | G, Uiirr, Husi* 4 Long, Crane 4 Rogi-ra, i VVobiiet 4 I'slme*, A rawci-l(.Gilbert 4 ri'drn,Carl ton 4 Parsons,John Jones. .Mrs Jr-cMey, J Ingrrsoll, llngiivin, Bril) 4 < o, IV |> KUn-rulgo. Nl'.VV \ <BIK,MAY 11, noun.—Cotton.—Dio market 1 caiunu-s (trill I'lour-I'riec* Lavs ilscllned P.’q rent* - 2,iH*i btd* gmMl • 'Ido sold at f li'.iCal'. 75. .**..iiWirru i* brass at Sln.-Tall 37. VV bral— Die inarkei I*ui.rhsngvil, with a huntrd dr- \ K W HU II K S T (l K E. < OIM KTNi:ilN||||* VOTK i:. ei'lll. nn.Lt* curd U-*r lid* ,h. r m 1 p»Mi.. rshi ., undi-r do-usin'- tm Lie.! m th* patronagetin- ^uh VV M isaiiiiab. May Mt'i, K'.S. J *iyi*. of vv \ it f uniMti iic it-*- •nM rtwporifully grin ral. VV VU.MN K, K DVVI-. No. 159, (ongrw** »t -rmsny ; Mstnimt t, ts ot thr- OiO». f-.'ll U nr... W».h .r, . . , . VUrrM Rtlr/ rt»y IL-.-r- ll u ov tvni t kii COTOOSA SPRINGS, A I'K-T . a r v r> M VMi s <"*) l« • k hy *ii.k \ r via a V t.tdi VVKH*' 4 r < , promising - r— -■ ...... | r. vv. M |i,,Hit-caiy (hop m B.-nuor. and on emigrating 1»> Liberia became n aue.-esshil I W.diioada) Monrovia, ffo has hfen a member and <p«-akor ol tho l|oii*o of l(cprfla«nlnt|Vo<i i,| that lltpiihlie ; w*a n nmlidhls iw,, year* ago for the Presidency Pfcsidon. Rohuris, nnd is n»w vdiling and inhlislling a paper in Bini cmin- try I In it said lo ba a puia African. Ifimwiu emigrated to Lihona when • thild lie i* tho principal m-rcliani nt Basaa Cntro, ha* tilled ih« «<flico ol judge of , no uf iho highcsi cuurisol Li liana, and i* now viro-prratdont -«f Ilia Ropuldp- II" is reprva«nifld aa a man of talml.and ol grv*i pupuiar ily. "God H*va thr Qvirn m and Nafoloh—A new vrr*- wrna mcorpnraied in Bm Engliah nation al sr.'hoin, As aung al llm H y*l Italian Opera in Londun, during Nspolnun'a recant viaii, as fol low* : *' Emperor and Kinprosn Oh I«ord ! ha pla«*t-d lo blew*; h-'ok on Bn* scene ! And may wo over find, VVill. Ih.nd* of peare entwined, KngUnd and Franea rumhunrd find *avo Iha Quern lmxa*aiiAo*i**r riiK Aaisno a* v.—Tlio pm- pin and pros# ol Knglwud arc inesnaed against lh« •rlstocrscy. Tha following is an rairael from a resolution offered In th* Ilon*e of f oinrnmoris by Mr'^.*y*rd on BiwUilili ol April. "Thai Bm manner in which merit Mid «niaiancy h*en •*• rdiced lo party and lamlly influanco, and lo blind adherence m rnullna In iha ap|mi,-||. liienls to ih* great office* n| slai* and lo pi«ia in diplaniaoy, Bis army, and other hrenohsw of the puhlh. errvieo Is opposed In Bin beet Husro*i* nf the Buie, baa already given Bm t„ (rmt mlefor lunea, ihrraians to bring discredit u|e>n llio nallon- al rluracfi r, and to mvolta (lit* country in m-h«u« diaaefars, Ibal Bile Mono* will giyn tla b«ai au|qe>ri lo any .Ministry which, hi iha prssenl ernergsnry, shsll propi-e* Inpsnlf aa ll* main «*bja«ia Bio elh- clency ol lbs public service and iho Vigorou* prov- •cuiion ul the war ae the only means nf eecuring an honorable and lasting peace." Jmrd Palmerston became so Incensed lhai he dn- liyeied a long panegyric n« Bm arliioerany, and coM#~l Mr L*yard‘* ( barges "fales and valumi- non* " An alnrmmg fire occurred nl 11 a- I April, by wlm-li 2.<U,tk)U trains, potty w a* iloairo)i-d. i* on Bin 1st .•rill ol pro A Yai.uam.i. Lon — A pine log w as maiiufartiir- •-■I into finuh t u*i l'lmt*d*v,Tn-neetu Civek, 1 l'<i , mad" BB5 lee''d I'li'itr .viuff nnd ntx-ut |fk)' I,., i o| roiMnoii The whole Hen fr<*iii winch ilu* , |..g w.i* iiifi• 11, w ill prolmhly ynilil lumbi r worth , fllHlou ill" spot. Madame Par-Hii. wall known hi lids country from her op«<t sin-lout (nM" *•■no* lew yea is smre, ar- 1 i’d at New York "ii Wednesday by the I!••»- :1m L'lidon district, and 'JIO.tNXl.onn passs-d llirmigli the L >ml >n Mlii-e Tln-re aro I,*i7'i III '!"•/ order idlires ill ill" I'.iHed Kmgilnui. I'ho number ol money order* granted ilurinj H54, W*» 5,4iN.,'J6l; Ilnur Inial auiounlwae $l'),4(i'2,- III lb- Id , and the profit "n wliicli, aber p.i)i"g expenso*, waa jCf0,635 The gross reveinn* p 'Sl.ige on Irilors and iNiok* sil l <>.>uiini**)on on UionoV oriliu* l**t vest was $*,**»H‘.1,0*111, and Bin gross rX|H-ndUiue ?l,413,1k.1). The repoll at aids I lint a poelmasler, llirco •»- sisisol |H-eiuia>liu*. an.l seven L-iier earners liavo In on s'sin in d Hi Bn* Crunea , a'an,eighteen Imrses and mules are specially i-inpli.y. d for the e.invey. • nee ol mm's i >iu.a During uialu Iitonl'ia gM-J.OoO | teller* have been h>rvv.ird"d fruiu Enguind In the seal--I w ar Bit..Ugh fian.... mid 3.15,""O u-tts-rw have rruen, ,| England If.-m Iho so.I .1 w-nr hy I lb" same rente About III.INN) l-tt-rn aro senl I" ( lh" I 'nine.i, and 2,.'MN) .no received Ip'lil Bn nee j m.ui-h'v, by ih" I mg sea r.-u’o • A porn n nl Hi. r• p it i» devoted In a review --( Binl pan *d Hie nnuu-l icpoit ol the l > i>stma«ler Gcn-ral ••• l" Stales, m which ho aoens- <’d Bn* llruisb (ioveinm m • f iiidairm ** in I'Xrl.nL mg li.-ni Hie heeelii o| Bie postal ireaiv, t.eiwc n ill" lw> nail >na, all Aliieiicau . oirimpoiiiliMiCo In und 'mii I rains*, and *lfi iljicd nu unfair pro f Alneiieaii Hiid french i-orrra|Mindein-i* burr ' are a mile higher—25,000 bushel* mixed have ai|vanr«*dfl c*uis, wlih ssir* of J,i*«i Iichkiigv.l, with * in >.li«ra!«- dn. His-f -The iinrkn maud at l--n»i«-r price*. I.a'd— Ilu- market Is drooping. W hoket— The mark 3t)ceni*. Vlr'rtll.i:. MAY 10. p- XI tlti'ir* s-eNit) »mt tranvaci •npjojr on the inarkei. .** 9\4in. NFAV OKI.LANS, MAY 9. P. XL- T\.»i..n.—The ad vi.esbv tli» Vsl*. the stramrr of the ‘.^ih nil , Base ad- ‘ • " ll) lo our "isrkri, and the *slr-- n-ached i* (Liner, with **tc* of Ohio at I*' ; • i ration.— The market eon. I • '.Hunt it t.) tl.,- Manly | i I.uii bales. Xllrhiiuift j YinY I at, IS.VA. ce*n prps-uting I In* m'ins <-f o«r *H-\ui'f,|| oi.ilirrii IV » rung Plain lo tin* l»*or»n;e c n». i I. ul lly pubhr, »r KlsJlr avail o'l'scji.- \>. t 1 opp. rlun li to rciuni r*nr sinc-rr* thsaks to our . u friends <»Mh«-r ronlluursl and e.ittsUbl kapf^gt, rur- ■ bus u* successfully 1° pr*»ve that lh" |*t-|-le of u >r | -(oiitb c»n snd will susis'n u* lo our rff.-r.t to , lr i them » pica-uni and healthful rrsori (nun lb«--S! P » m , f ; low ns." »iiiong ihclr own green mountain*. Thank- the IiIm r»l p*iion>ge ti'llisrio lirM.iwoit utMxn i .. I*, --ft i» n>.*» ffrmly rsia.ilLLctl me sarwli-c* H r ! e-mili, and ess rtfi-rt* on tlir par; • f the p.-opnrior* i will tie spsrr-1. I-mslntalnher high laiMinu. I *1 \ \ l v*T L fi r -t R - iii' • • • '~.rTT T 1 |o require sn ekience-f dpeeripiinn \V P i.*-rit.*R*“ , ■ v V',"‘' JT"'V.‘ s "" . T * ' ' rt r “’ W 7.‘ llm Willies and UwUUckFulid.ur.Dssn.XiaanMM.aMi ’ ' , .1 , k * Pf " vl ‘ h -’ ‘ v r - . VtJV men I) il«-*Ho|--d a nc** While Ne'plmr spring, nnr* n M .t *‘‘ _ sl'.'i'k'ly imprranaled il**n any be.’ tn. — \w»D buskr-s v'.-rn. i • si * •. rle-l to our vailcl) of water* * wrll of tbcptnvsi Frew ! V X •>! No. t* t vT ’ a » vionr. msy if *■ To the medicinal vlrtup* of these Hp-1nc« wo n'ckt hnne ihr Ipstimonx >>f th.nissiKls, »!'■. '» iv.pir u*p. h»«« '..un l reiiowr-d *trvngUi sih| oro-nri lor iht ha'tls of Ll*. We firmly l-rllrxothsl invalid* will N- »-i(or I nipilieirisl lo iio-lit. by ihs pure *n-S l*r«r.r.s »,,, u, r 1 l"» >»• nilnc water*, iho *»ciriy »i... iho hralthl .1 imwmri is I'nliw*** -ffor*. ih*n ks all |h^ nausoou* drees slid r iiti|*>airls. shcoii thsi ha*o * 'light Mini » l«sl lo flo.l rrlirf 10 llio y.ning and tfty, i'o|oos« .'fTor* Lor iir>.<r*| welcome, and li»|-os ("• them to uiskr lh* niortt h..-.r» !•* fly. m*rko.l..,.i) l.s nap pines* soil »«»v .- 11 -l.ktl be our redoasor iopioa» all, to ( ir toiLo sfik snd w r *rv hr*lih, lo ihr (ii | ir..«i r , all o>ir- m *’ '* fort an.l happino**. I M.« d K - (»n I i»ur Mvonnm-Lt’on* »os r tnpii— *or f»rri.'wy.o I’ vp i,_». r •>*h'-'be reil'c.1 *nd qn'et, svr hs*s a numl-cr ; rrl. I'ofralab p'o»*»r t coritfo*. removmt fo-w iho »nr »•*>! husiio V \ N V If NT*. I-* I >KIM|: VU-sl*!»d vvg, , i' T.ii- I b) K' 'Ui-liT li vnr.K-u W a *- ) JJUWV Ff.vs- l»vs II "M V>T* 'V Ll' r\? •iiri»t ii vt’t r.-ii Irl, tildfi-g all ihre-im'—ri* *>«l j*ri« • e-n.c IO Iho |>lo**urrs of « W p»»co. i\ r |i**'r m*.lr- irr«ii(ftnfhl» f.*r •■. unliin io>1 *app'y of Ice throng! out th*- *nd««ur music wiR V*. w ll aiis-x* h** t*cen -mirtvillfsl. Vi»li us and vi.ii will e.>t rogert h*v1nc t-osiowisl ton' pttronigo up.*n H.*ulh» - ii eniorp- -o II II HP K vi VN 4 I'd. tnF*«'ou*.«M Hprtox* sro *.«c*iol l I I I IHM* K ( II V Vi |- m.m -v ->,.i. . i I'ha-npscoc.'« « »*’.* r r-’.*. -u--’* *c! ■•' i iunn, sr-3 to* *»V n m»y 14 v'l.AGlIxiKN a O v\;\i.H V r:- full; i) bale*. osUbllShlUi: s of fully \c. \ .retry , ti.MHl Vli.ldliru l"VJUl I vti.iiittng . 9\ i»b.t, 1 Vli.ldiliif I'si Atlantic Rail Road r. mniue’.-ailon ** t' Ml'lfstfos -IV* sry. \a*hvlllc and ( ed » quarisr t". Thr . V\ rs:rrw Rail R. MPRi>!*|.vx r vri K is«p.'. » M *-.fl*e~' '»|>r'. «';h.siip,- -k. : ; rmhr..idrric«, 4c ! .>• *.»W l > »»* U XIHV v.«* * Ht v till V It* V| parr'RKi ll,.-.}, • IN 1*1 ami oil *htpli<>ar*l e ■o -» -ck lo-iug bningni •ngril hsml* wnh-'in i sir lo luliy fair .tfi 4' -Prli** lisso ilisiluri • fi I- *. vr s *e,N Irh-are.L. Itf;,tfw* | i*ui hnyte, *i*l I,, ii'i.'lntilo xTiawco I .’ vva fur *'».*! to A V "K>" ' 'tits* .. s. Ixhh Ms, .*r>l -f |1 .o *ot i.l ii. II Jo|IV'T''V, I o»l Vc*-"l of Ihoh-wwpsry *l **. I* lor .hr Ini*'lor *h.«uUJ her i.l > ‘- mar If ’VlAtpnux »ttwV“ I V'R H V I.l - *os r'"»r X "» »• " 1 l..,.l!»i imis V,{ I'.c iwaylf 1* v.s V 4 w I -'ltKMI Ml.r HRI VIV -S-.-W. » f*vsh“-.*» ' Mtv.ftd.of It.-nrftcnfi iwseu •river )'••• * J"M\ iNNirf.-* m ex*s li N,. {).«»*i‘r.yl. . i ( VKVIINT V* Mu* xVb-svx, :*hi.*h Y *pr.v H"'V l v M N »"V vvRl.KVVH Mvi|.\-!*4V~»» Nro I lrlr> I 1 1V 1*1 nl Now ) oik "ll Wednesday by lint lid- w.t« *cul an.i*a Un. AlUulii'tu Unt««fx iw.k.'t* —. (.•h"l.e. and liNMibl* *u<*r liou*o al .US- in vnu. ! The Login'll l'"*'i,ia*tcr (Jer n-ral cnieiid* il» n i Bin ' ,l **'»r Msrkeil.o*»t. Hair* vXnni b'.l* tnrludlRE V*« A fr,„|..„r|„„i r-“ A...- | w.*“ •:!.“,'S i '“2.’' tT'l.—*0 “ ; ;■; ' * -1 *»;' 1 1-"»-...:V,... >....... . ■ Iguiio ii valuablernrir". be p.,*|„go l| Iho Unile.l .Stale* (*«v* i .ml y**i al Sl.-iV per liu.hel - -• II .,.1 l .. 1 ,V_. ..... ... . m i i.ul .. m . WI N M• *l|iI’li ner v, • •)»*• iiv- I) If 0IS () for |lrl>*l »ro, I lira iV* » fl 5T fit VNl «T 51 )» ( 'Wo 4 r«'*-ki kt.Mi'imrw V w 9 >( Nro llrVoti** U.J*Mr». ;*odi*< pr- r* l "c*** • **lr hy xNiHl'.N* 4 Ml lit HI iras .a ||oi' Tliii Hi, llnrnljil.r I '''"'.'i'.' VVv""" r-b.» A eon vein mn of Know Nothing* mel af York- 1'iwii, Vs ,n(uw day* agu.tnd it t« »<*td,re» lived t> support Judge lUt ly lor I ■••nitre** j Tnrsrv or ExTSAi'irb'H —A Mealy ol exiradi- I B'D hn# horn siiL-ri'U lillo lid worn Bin Iftllled HlSIa* and the Kiligd ill o| llanovrr Hr» Da. Trvu TusNMiEfiiroN—Tho |(ov |>r l TVng Iws '-"iwwlwl httttvrlf with the editing >d the ] I'foiestant f'huri-hinnn, In Now Yolk. H OSM)' Dnnoil TlIC Hi uevv.— ll Uvi*|od that Ihe scurvy j* pre- I tatling Ins flnttsldwiabl* extent In L"iti%vttle mid ; among ilia railroad lalmrer* in IndUna and. Ken- I lorky, M'lrihulahla to llm ilcficlnncy In vcgrlable I Iruil lot ihe Iasi eight inondi* Tiir I'arsibtfirr.—The 1‘lHcafn Deiii'icrai, sd- 1 Usd by Bn> lion John Wentworth, ei Member nl | GoiiarrM If'iin Illinois, has lio|*i*d ifie n*nn* oil Hatinioi ttovistoii, id Takas, tor !'to*td*n*, and , llaniy Dodge, id Wi*coii*in, fur view l'te*id«ni Giiinqi I* mt Cost urrits Anucouuint — | 'l h. C...I Ollioe |)-parimeiil hea framed a sene* . nf Insirugilon* |<>r Bi« guidsnea ol pi *lnias|a|S, | u|mn thw inirod'ieiiim of rcg'*Mg1i"M of V*lu*hla I Iriiare Tha |den g..e* Inin i'|N>ta|iun on Bin |*i ul Jn'v nr n, wtmii alt % slualdn le||aia ran Ih* reg• ! isinfri) anil *r«-« f„r bv lh* p -*tlfl**t. ra, on j (••apuy I * f. o ..| f|«- **.•*.«• Exirsordtitary eaiu will Bmu ho lakvu In Bi«l| ssle dollwr) I L >rd l "ii)i"g) were -o romur in Un* arrangement | III" lutes m Atin<ru'it mid Dinnco would he equal* : u*i|, a"d tin n tfiora would like Wise lei no inollVo i ' , I i .. ,1,1,,. a. . i . . , l.»» haeaws--Bamaiid mwileratw. Lug Ann tiro-^ten. h oiirre*p«indonc* m I ,, rn, a inand tow ear ceei t*rrm i w-n by Bniisb imeknis. j ... v.iUfidSAf111 fi | ,, „ . ' N*w Verk miilay* I* I fi |*#r r.( dlMw.iuu Mmll l">(cs, t'oiilaiii|iig*iilill "«qui*lMVelv »eriit> I .Ni<« V"«k -iglo 4 fi prf it pin ui lion, j ed. are vnnl lo bo llm l.ishion III I'aria al present— ' 1 ” 1 ' lor h.lna' An nlioiiilnaMe custom' j VU|I. HOVr «.())»r preforoi I’.ilTsa -isalr* ->»' bags III" *1 Dfii*. *nd IlN-V al Sfi l ii-'gln*— A s|»i|» taken ler liotiun *t Ikv per b«lr 84,100. ■ 9 Numlset l.oiniy. if |ir*wn H*lkM* Groono uml Pulaski Lottorv, ( In- I 111. lin ISit.t. * Tl* ll* drawc *1 Vug.i»l*. l Mr*d*«, VI*J IKK, INJ. .11(1 i."KV A »t \t RV vt vt.nua Iv'-i'lk ui'rfii'.iVIi it A,- » Hftfi ... « ’ Ki-hr .-tic, in oi iw-iVw. rro <V«s- T*'' itl* MiiO<ws, Sti*s.'.<tk, Vila**.*' tVk w i*.-,. • S'* U'*eA litli.viu, t*r*. Ili)h>,.*. I-*. l,.. s • L **•* bi W-a.s IC VVeWtTT X ktx'Cvk'- t rtV s.s.%* saiw*-5ar i-s»(ii IN, j.'L"FP. (Ill i LY>> a *n.o»4 G 1 I n( S4slOf) I Sir si (HH) I *I| Kin*. Tick*'* |l—Bhatre nt |vh*|snit|,i n . firkrrs *im| Hhairs, sllksr smc'l -r hr ihr rack it* 'eb» K tV I THING tv >.N. 2 IMSH.'T M KI tv S -V. , si* IL hw-i tgvr• • i«k rw'rnoii (he* •.tt »*ci*>m »—( *-r • i-»K . .Vi:. I C )f VNTvNt.1l. "i MN P..'v Tin. Nmvnm IT*a Tan..—,4 Urhr ol ihe itrmlilium n. Illvotu —One id Bin un>*l Muerwel* ■'lies III our Cliy al Ihe preaenl -Mi'l pear lice, at the comer uni I lurd avemm The low In*ndies lhai rauiain upon ilia mink nf this an eianl U'*e, which l* upward* uf ono hundred yaata ol ago, ara lew couiplelely c<>v«|,hI with white hlnatom* X y. ErseiHg /'sit. tTr 'L* I'ailniiiBlun wsnla In know if il la not inhuman, and mniiary In iha Malna Liquor Law |.>r ilia Allle* L, |a*!*| mt Iha Cssr's taking fnui pmfs • ‘Only ihlnk ' Iha poor man hh* In iaka two quart* si •mrs' I don'l wander lhai ha has amt fit *.■ tong ab>*ut it' AirM.blvvas.iK, Jr I'lli* gallaiil gaut'altiau w|p. I* bv raarni app.'imniain 1st Lleuianani, ( otnpanv t , p k iha |*i |(agmiani uf Ce«ahy, lalt lilt* eiiy on |I,«I I Ilf, |iy«i , |„r l.atingi.n*- (-(impauled by 3D taeruifS w|»"Ui ha auHaiad during a faw svi.-'k* pr*i \Va predlel fur him • hillllanl fulnrs in the b**aiil.ius eatart be ba* )u*l anirird UfN-n II- earria* wnh bint lh" b.»*l w.vhaa ..| tip enminunii) | r b • ba, pnir**auil»uc I I Mt'iM *1.',. JOHN AI.HRHT.iin Tburwla) wltM.LHIi I . I 4 tiiMatit, a aUivkwt fwvmVwwt tt-ww. ts4iwv«4 bWU. | \\ ?1 T ’ . ,,R > »«» I'Uskrl* p'W's VV Vila Nw, i l'lia flndar will liallhandl) raw.inlail by irluinlna It i« * 4r--i'na ' **rn, *l'*m ami I-r vxlr. \i*p|xi - mV lk«( lo-.... l«h«u«ia* , iAuak »> V l*rpr I bv -*- M V |»«' N V , «s,-y. . N Nlrap bw M-w. L* * 81,001) A N anlerprlalna )"UMi man » Mi Dir »lH»rr aiin'iini I* wsiite-l, lo laka Ik" i.Ues* of* |««tMtar *Im>iii rvilrli g Loma preAlabla ea*b buslnaa* Adrfrv*** i uni- tttarea. H"V No. fit, I* Havannsh. Ralerancr* a*« hangrtl Ml*) I* M n l'NHVIIUN VVINRa -.RI'RcII VRI* 4 lll'RK, tf J n.iiilli t\ il|lsin tlirai, Nrw Yeti, sola axrui* "(Ihv Hnliistlsu t\ ler IU|s.ining V*—-I*"i<m, Rasa roii-ianD) an h*n.l.lii raskt *inlos*r* a l*r*r ••w<rl"<rnl nf Il.r niesl arlrbralsHl *w,.->l sn.| dry |ta*«.la>l wlnr* ,0-1 «Ini w till", sl» 1 okal, Vlrmwl, l(U*U, Moprvnl r)UI,"loini Mnmliil. Nasmalyl, M*»,*ffi»il, Hak*i.<r, ,NsimIo-'Xi llinlsl tOfvnri • rv*ak*t*rd|, ( ):,|,„ r , , \'lii-i,ii. Karlnval, ate, el illlhivl br*n L tV Altlt VNTI t» TO HU IM HR Hll VPU JFIfR All <»r*lrrv pMiuplIy a»aeuta«l on (s»r»s1>'r lam,* r K Xiw-> ||lllV Vlf 1 RoiHS.-s' hn», IlL .1 Tihipv ""MU' |M M.W \ uKR Mr*. S" UF. • N ha* rrui 'tis.1 liar wall knowu and leaa rsuMHir-l I'HIV V TU If VKIDNU Hu* *R Iwww V\U P'srw m ho 4 *'»•• >0 I*!*-*•, IMr-N-kr* *mv|,«kMv . . w'P **s «fi'**i I «:*ro • • s s- liar V vcMt DlSsnl*. »• • V i linn- i In ir'-iwa* visbai-gv-l •**« *|*pUeS1ln>i- 1 gent IS «l • NllkV IIIHilxV. 1 ( p.-kr's p’-iMf *s mi# *k *.-«s.v,4- .-•r'*' RK(K|V IH M JolIN U i'..rl!ll kin, I .»«.** i«|v.v.'i ifins. 1lw5,.\W.skw* -IV , Xlomlav, ki», |(|y. j Kb (!#.**(* Vr* |'«4 His vi ■ Hr lllrrllpg *ml Ihr wl *s« A P.-cw *p» C-V AR|v*N kkt. Rl l.I.Y # *" 1 *, r.— 1 , vW .., .... ** pw* srk«*K, VV a*. 1 »*.' 4V **'r 1} I V N N 4 «N • I'tX v rr. v ll v Mi* IM -.J « Trx AM* kt» v l.W ,, ... - V*»Vr* T',ki t x.ifcV VV aikin s vxmnwar-fst sad Hraar*t | -ss.V-n Hi,*vrM ( „ ' • ml «-MM (1.11.1#. fer IAVX ' - llamas lh# )V |'l*s,,'*» «*wi.inh «a4 iWaair, y||i*. iha V|rn»|.> n , nm ii.# i x,iuy# hy lit VI II.. ' ap»i 4-1* Is'lV V. '•ti-rsM , or ih# Ivi i*>pS*ns I) ll v'aailt,an -hi* VlMMsrj *»d VI*.do ' hv VV *(, Xltxss'l n.»n , ar 111(41 l*v#ty i.trmpliffisl i h) Mill#, a V\'S->n*wUrN ni-*4y h| ,.r •»3 i-ih#, Lull M Ihr l>*Nhl IM- Li Ml. ‘ ties, x «,ks h.,»*“ »-»• (\ , Vlgw-I hits Its U VV — X*. Ift* h s*»Sf l-** b'< *»d h*« **!# h* xx-HhV* a iii sit , » *Ki.S« H vv INI. . i I -t.«**w Kmi-sa, , SM-S lVf Llr hi *•••«#—- !• MINIS I sr-3 •■* • -tlN*t.' i; Dm Ph.uip hom-sls MH». sn.1 |Nh. Rr* J.i . It* lr. II V Thr F»m'li *t HraiKr«>l*»a .. ~ ... . — I h'LllSH l i.SK'h'r* h* V',. U.,«, mss* l*s R VNIVI.X. JifilNUDIN 4 IW Cawl s-w. »s *v-» ivsxmw-w* (4 Vhw Ay^*n* i i»..| SD Rks. \ *»,. |\., , , , , . » 1 * ft«,M |l*tk C'-sM kftr |h*W asa.»r 4 - V -'*"< l.s V.• S»*.irf, | r * No. if nwiw 1k m .• s, I* V' -*h, I VRI* \N|l It 1*1 K V hV-Js .- *• **■ Kwww hi I » • — ‘ »-le-. cv >».• -h* ShraUrs*. WIsAts -4.-NW I •«**•» « Hasws . SVV hh-* i-i-otM S^ v '^ 4 a* Ihs lMlw»«a» ' H*«' ^ws» nr*«ow4 D- w> IUIwms** •*># II-i e*»i if *i*rj IlivH *af<. I i l-J »♦ ERIK-I.i