The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 17, 1855, Image 2

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& SAVANNAH lUSFUBLlOAN, THURSDAY MORNING, M VY 17, 1856, IKE SAVANNAH REPUBLIC JM—W—CUJ—»- ■ MI If III — *»«#** «M rimuBNRo at p. W. ALKX AN DKR & CO., cw «»l Pemor www; 1 savannaCga. Thursday Mowrfjsgtj**gJ&~ 8V TELEBRAPH FOR THE REPUBLICAN- MIM«lla»rau> K»w*. Coi.tM>u, M.r io- Powmuw K®nd»U, of N*w Orlitni. hwhocn H RRPUm itwii lv. iMirA'Mft iuiiiui IliUlHk al DMiilfllli I MmmatirDnBtM R . Dual vlin<mi«wUaill. Tho PhltadaltihU UvanliiK Hullo,In, o( Klld.y , jPwi. *** *.««van, Marsury rurttWWff inw P«P«r witn «n inieroaitiig th* tturpnso of learning tv hat particular* wo could •ffflouol of Iho fatal dual between thtoo dlatin- of tbe voyago of the fcft. Louis, Capt. Dunoan N. guishsd oltlisns of Georgia. Tho aitlolo wao Ingraham, which arrived al tliia purl last evonlng. oallod lorth by a otalomont in Sablno’a "Notes 8ho aallod IroinGibraltar oi» ilia Otb April, In oa >Du.l. .ad Mlhe® Th. wm*®*.', oitloi! " A prosperous run orthirly dayobrought tho Hi. nuia I.. ■!>. <>«..— Hho waa ooiitpfflh 1 * 1 *“ “* i quantity ol port laat iii||lii. Aboi 3a iu aayai l^ohlan Molntoah'a oonrioea are well known. - T -„ Gwinnett waa a man ol ability, but un matmrfg Louie to the Canon. Hho wan outnpellvd to atop at mjtl. violent and exacting, lie waa a signor nt I’ort Minim to land n quantity ol powder, "hull the Declaration, and olterwardn Governor olGonr® dotainod bur until laat niglu. About hall-past gia, and it waa subsequently. when deloatod in an : nino tliia morning, the aloop saluted Comniodoro attempt to fill the gubutnaiorial chair a aocond time, | Slowart. and tho nnlute waa returned by the battery that Mr. McIntosh gave the imorucaUun to tho ; in tho Navy Yiml. Tho ntUccts ami mow uf tho uglit near Savrmnah at * .. Kail lor trial before the U. 8. District ! duel. The partiea fought near Savnnnali at twelve • Ht. held Iff Ml ** | icai-nut pace, an Mr. White atalca in hia Htatia. i »*« "Bavinnati, in Georgia, 90 May, J777. Court. Prom 8t. Louie we learn, that the alander auit of Bfroh te. Col. Denton has been decided in la* tor of Bilthr Verdict, 94.000 for Dirch. Tho mm will be carried up to the Hupreuto Court. Capt* Ingraham, the hero ol the Smyrna affair, declines the public dinner tendered him by theotti* tens of hUledelphia, ae business call* Mm to BoMll Carolina, tila native State. Near Or lew ns ularHH, Ae. Niw Orleans, May lb. The Cotton market la firm to-day, and quota* none nearly nominal, owing to light ruoolpt*. Haiti 8,000 halve. * New Tork Yfnrkria. New Yo*g, May 15. Cotton ia firm. Flour lower: Oniu la quoted at 9101a |IO|. Corn 91.14 a 91.15 |H>r buaitei. Col* feo U ateady, and Sugar firm. CfcRrtraloii NlnrUrt. Charleston, May 10, 0.30. Cotton—There haa bean * speculative demand .. for Cotton to-day; 3,000 bales sold at 8 to 10 1*9 ahetivt*, whose designs peace nnd unammity by eta. Good Middling 10 1-4 to 10L8. ““ , Louia nil seem In eacullont hunlili, mid wo have . ! been reliably iutormod that a boiler ami tnoro el . Itnlnnl >,.1,11,11.i.V Kali v.i, I... I..1111.I .... anv I li lira of Georgia. Hut ail that need bo aaid further ticiont oompany cnii lot bo found on any yossi-l in in happily to bo furnished (rum original documents the service. '1 ln»y aro nlinnat nit young moil, now More me, whieli have never been puhliihod. I *' Captain Ingraham, whom wu hnd ibo honor ol Tho firat which 1 shell give ia a letter to Colonel I sooing, tliia morning, appear* 111 inodtrrately good Lauren*, (lion. Henry) Irom. Mcliilusli, himeclf, 1 health, hut luoka rmhurwnrn. Ferbapa It wnn the dated— ' * *“ *'"■ *' »*•» i ,iiiiu«i|,nii. ,0 wungrowa, i win iniuhla V< with the deposition ol thu two second* in the late afl.tir between the uutortunato Mr. Gwinnett and tnysolf; to prevint misrepresentations which lhavo tenaon to expect Iroin the unremitting, though uu* : doporved [unprovoked] malice of tho lolica of the • party. When ihe nlliiir firat happened, it aeouted , to 11 re a gmierul anttalnciion througliout tho State, 1 to ail paniee; aa it our unhappy divisions were, ! thereby at an end. And, iiliorwurds, Mr. Gwin* nett'a deaili, which waa ovidentty owing to the ' uuakiilulneFN ol hia doctor—appeared t*. make no alteration in the mind >>l anv one, except myself, win, was partly the unfortunate, but ictiovunl iiisirn* mcltt of it. No inlotmaitoii wua longed, or pros,‘cu* lion commenced against me; all panic* visited me; and cvoti bit wifo publicly declared mo innocent and altogether blameless, ami often inquired after my health. Yet the rentiers, uiiweaned.and wicked invcioiacy ol old H — ——and NV ,and their abettors, whose designs peace and unammity by no moans suit, lias arilully worked tho matter up in secret, until now they have brought it before Ihe , Assembly, who have attempted to bring tho Chid c. Justices and other Magistrates to account for taking pltmontsry concert to be given this evening at Si , , lo n „ llcv t) f ^ : >IM j jm] deprive mu «d my com- : roinutubranco ol lita noble conduct in tliu Kusxtu ....... ' affair, w|ton by one act he mads tlte name of an Dear Sir: As 1 hear you aro shortly to set out 1 Amorlnan cillxen as terrible as that «d a Koninu for Philadelphia, to Congress, 1 will trouble you when Paul appoaled unto Caisar, or a Protestant tST Ws would again call attention to the com* Andrew's Hall. It will be seen, by rotvrence to tho programmo published elsewhere, that nemo of tho bsst pieces of tho old masters will bo given, and shat among those who will assist Mr. Gnoaspelius ars many ot the lavorito amateur performers in the city. There is one whoso name doe« nut, for «>b* vinos reasons, appear in the programme, but who, we are assured, will bo present tousamwiih her match'ess voice to render the entertainment ail that tho most ardent lover of music cun desire**, It can hardly bo necessary to aay more. Tho laudablo object of the concert, the excellence of the performers, and the unexceptionable character ol the entertainment, all conspire to make us hope and believe, aa well lor the anke of the reader as tor (be accomplished beneficiary, that tho Hall will be filled to its utmost capacity, tSP 'The Convention of tho Diocrse of Geor gia being in session at Macon last week, Bishop Elliott availed himself of the occasion to present to the Rev. Mr. Dalxcll, of Columbus, in behalf of tho Wardens and Yistry of Christ Chuich ol this city, two heavy Silver Pitch, rs and two Goblets, with appropriate inscription*. It will be tcuieiii* bared, that Mr. Dalidl canto to the sfiuunce ol | irriert-nc* «d tho civil govofinnont the Bishop last summer, and that ho remained in ‘ ’ ’ ,£, ‘ “ - Savannah until the epidemic had spent nseii, visit* fog tho sick; relieving the destitute and comforting the dying Ho went da) and night, and gave hia I e l irom Congress, liunao f nmi party seemed t services alike to the poor and tho noli, whether ' boeaight ol everything else, tlun [except] to ren in and in tho army; ns they say 1 am, or slumld he, under arrest; Inlthougli l have only patted my word tn Mr. Gbm to appear incase any prosecu tion fthmild be ctmimcuced.) and lake upon tlicni* selv'es to direct ibu very details ol the duty; which ruins and sap* the foundation ol nil military disci pline, and that subordination and respect,so neces sary tit (lie army to superior olliccra Thev havoVkvcn encouraged some officers ol our third regiment, just arrived from Virginia, to enter into combinations, and remonstrate to the Assembly against Colonel Habersham; tltut unless they break him, tlu-y will nil throw up their com* missions, and tneir men will lollow them,—who b 1 v«-been »o expensive to the United Slates—giving this ungoiiticntnn [like] and dis honorable reason, thut bn was uiy second in a duel (as they say,) Contrary to an article of war. In •imr,sir,contempt and disobedience to orders, is bfi-omo tho sure rood to promotion anv'iigst us, which nil io a with tho Assembly, from tho Colo* ncl to the Ensign; and commissions filled up with* <>ut (he approbation or knowledge of tho com manding officer. Many ol those who served the Country hum principle, and not for gain, have been teased into n resignation, being too honest to serve [•iishonorablej purposes, anti rhngnued that the service [1 e of the country] could not lie ear* ned on with any ib-gree of propriety or usefulncas to thu Hlatc. On leas tho Oongrosa lixes some line iK'tween tlio govemment ol their army and tit,' in* lerlrrcnce o| lilts civil govifinin-nl • I this real lost and unsettled State, it will not only bccoino use less, out a nuisance to ihe inhnbitanis Kvi-r smee Mr Gtvinuutt w.isdis ippointcd in the Brigadier General's Commission, which ho exp* ct- Protcatani or Catholic Tne Wardens and Ves try of Christ Church veiy naturally desired to j make some acknowledgement of the invaluable ! der tlio army obnoxious, and create lhe*utnio*t cnlusnm mid disorder in it; "hcrcii^they used the utmost art, invention and industry, on every occasion; mid when they found themselves every service* of this Christian hero, and filling to pur* j disappointed, hv my ctrcuin*pecii<>ii and eau- •uade him to accept a gift in money,they caused to *' ‘ ' ‘ l "“* * j lion, they toil to p.-i£onai abuse, slanderous Hint . . . . , . . , . f.»l*« inainuationv and assertions, to my prejudice; be presented to him the plate ol which we have j knowing my declared aversion, Iroin principle, to wlton Crotiiwoll llung Ida aliuild over tho Vuudoia —pi>rha;ia it was tins which brought "Nelson and tho Nile" Into our mind with a rush of emotion such n« pours uvor us in listening to ono of our greatt M orators. " It is undervtood that a complimentary dinner ia shortly to be ulveti to Captain Ingraham by our citixuns.' The Pluladchitiin Lcdgcrol Friday illuming any*, in relation to the luai paragraph : "'I liecliarauicr ol ihe public mniiilestatnm to Commander Ingraham ia nhoul to take 1I10 form of a public dinner, mid a number of our most promi nent and distinguished citizen* intend to jcin in tho testimonial. Whether ilia principle ol citizen ship involved in thu Ko»zin nllinrcan Ire suainined or not, the lutorli'lonco in Ini buliall la juvlliied hy (lie fact that lie wa« in Turkixli territory, where Austria had no authority, and, in an*sting him, tho Austrian government was violating the right* and sovereignty of u tuehle nation. Tho interior- aneo uf Capt. Ingraham*prevented this outrage Iroin being Consummated, and vindicated the lights ol humanity, which the ll»g ol everv liberal and enlightened government should protect ugniiu*t Ihe unlawful exercise ol ail itrnry power. Capt. Ingraham deserves die honors iluti Ins coiiutrymcn bo* in »" ready to below upon hint." We sutijuin a correct lint <d the numva ol thu officers ol the Hi. Louis: Commander— Duncan N. Ingraham. Lieutenants—Alexander Gibson, Enoch G. l'arioti,'John Saumlcra Taylor. Acting Lieutenant—William D. Austin. Surgeon—J. D. Miller. Purser—fienj. K. Gulligir. Acting Master—Edward Barrett. Marino Officer—Second Lieut. Israel Greene. Passed Midshipmen—Ralph Chandler, Chuilrs U Himtli, Bauendi Gherardi, I). L Brainc. B<>alswani—A S ltmg<rrly. Gunner—Moses A Lane. Carpenter— Asa Poinsett. Sitilmakcr— B. 11. Uurclwtcd. Tin: Frundi or Millard Fillmorr in tul Field —Tne tcad<-raofihe old liueClav wings, and 'I MR Trrrpm or UaLisxa*/—Tha lasioumbar of llijs Doinueraliu Haviaw la nrnarnaoted (1> with a portrait of Mr. Usnnstt, or tha Herald. It must Ihi cunfcMrd Ihst Hennoti is not a handsotn* rnan. rhs iMiuiavilIn Journal, iiirnaalf nooo nf tha iiandaoniMi. pokas fun at his likeness, in the fol* lowing pitikM style: Thnre*a ouu Hung wo will roadlly admit, and that Is. that il Bsuneii'a portrait bo amreol, h# is llm ugliest of ilia Democratic editor*. F- r awhile wo doubted whuihar lie or a leriain neighbor of ours la the ugllsst mortal, but tha twist In the eyes ol Bontiult dnoliicd the contest III his favor. , . . .. Wo congratulate our neighbor that there Is mm 1 liver and billon, complaint*, editor uglier than himsell 111 the Democratic ranks, » -jibb Th? llrliUh Nugnr Planner vaddufeag Nlumry. Tho members of lha West India Aasocialion of the port ol Liverpool, have inomnralixod Lord Palmorstun as follows: Tht Ntmorml nj Ihi Welt Initin Animation al Ihr PortoJ Liwpoolt. Hbeweih—Thai your memorialists, being own* era nt, or Interested in, eatatee,situated in the llrit tali West India Puassstlons.aro now engaged in a powerful competition with the slave ownore of Cuba in tlio cultivation ol iho sugar caro. That, whilst your memorialists regard the prin ciple o! proiection as determined, ihuy im error- geticnlly endeavoring to afford to tho free trade system n lull, lair and impartial trial To give effect to aueli n trial it i* ewmnlml that tho. utliirin ot tha British planter should bn Irco Iroin all uniieufHsury iniorioreiicn and ruslrictlun, oilier* wise 11 ia obvious tho competition ia unequal and iinjuat. That your memorialist* aro prepared to show to tbo nmmliuia of her Majesty's Government that they have been, and are al thu preaent period, sub* juetod In heavy loss in thoir attempt to compete with iln* alnvo owner lit the cultivation ol Ihe sugar rnnu hy dm fact that laborers aro mipplied to Culm in Briiishahlna from China on terrtin which am denied to tho British planter, and winch ena bio tlio alnvo owner to cultivate sugar much cheap* or llian it can ho inntiulaciumd In the British West Indies, and this, too, si n time when Culm seta ut delinneo the treaties the Hpanish Government liavo litndu for tboBiippro.uiion.ol Ibu alnvo trade. That nt tho present time your nivitmralitis aro prepared to show die elpeiiso of labor on n augur estate in tlio Bntiih Weal indies amounts to t>6 per eolil. of tlio whole cost o| tlio clop, whilst thu reniniidng Ub per cent. is. in most instances, uh am bed in die payment ol liuisht iiiul other ex* peusos. It is, therefore, n (natter of the utmost Importaneo to your nrernoralista that they should obtain Iree labor on nn InVurnldo terms ns their competitors; die want ol labor having reduced Voiir Colon tea to n Slrte ol disllens aueli as no branch •.I eoiiimerce, manufacture, or ngricuhuro ever experienced. _ 'l ll.l wlnl.l.frnmtlil. c«u.«. llin llrll'.tl " cl „,U., m.uuuii.ui India coloiitm have been gradually sinking, and 1 representation o| ugiirie,*, lie would not t> _ «±E I #■«««• Sntfiiiamtr. was for Ifumn month* a sad vttltin t» the emapUtM l POUT f»N AAV ANN All ... Ul . so bad wa* Its one oartof tbs Urn* itmi the wswr ae* • M AY 1 mail/ oomoI Ibreuih ins M.r»t «.f u.» akio. sau ihde* 1 |Hiru*r Changaor appartl bstnim bioiiarj. , l»r *blp VsMsiils. AI>«s, A1. L llm* t.l*doctor eallsd he esjweiad to Bud him d#*d, K A N.oiiU,d. *p..*s ».ff ,,,4 ,4 , ’ l * ,| wu and lb fact, gave hlafrLbd, no hops, nl h a rve/.vss 1 ; «>f lx.t, dsi<, imn r*«t4i»ru,xi. | ,,• i n . 1 hi, *uo r, who had d*rl>rd grrsl be#., at 1.. H.a uu 1,1 ’ il«>. *.ni •<■< r.u»t 1.. ■». .......... ' 1 *' Isrl'rd grrsl f.i iofll l.> the mm ol * d*», «u| pn»*j hr# «iih pr-.rn IlHlI'iwaj', I'lllt, b#yu»d him. s, a fan.r m hsr to I* i N*»ia». «.ff K»> n #,1. r... |. try tham 1 fonwualefy for him ha did m<». “ - lh#>) s.m.1* prodbred a ehan«s tm *he hetter. In !##«#• ••rltths mss again siiand'ni to hn»ln*,». ha*l> | th' f oushly got nd oMIif dlfordar, andAn ih« wal *,r»l lanl health a'#d spirit*. The** Pdl* wora wonder, rn ! 0t»» r'rasra. »n l r»*iH ... withprovUWo, " ' Mng O.nftdu**. Met*tl|«, litipir;*—A/7 i.h.*., ► tie«r«« , >xt 'n r,t,t, v. ^ Measdrerdsermt. may H . H ».*•»« •* I • .h /.#.. in „ui J, „ J '•« ...1 ; " phllllpa. 11 1 ,„4,t ■*"% k lionitoira portrait ia terrific. _ . ought never to be. ptoiiiwd ot dag«lurreotyped ought to ho eonanlured a penal odeum to make anything so rovoliing to nil our ideas of propriety. No trial* 'imb a right to rnono|sitixu m much ugli ness. If Benin It'a ugliutM could bn distributed over a Ihouaand tacos, it would roako eaeliol them lulunsely, hatefully ugly. Ho ought not to ha per mitted to go imo llm streels without a h'noket over hia awlul irontispiecu. No wonder that so many of tho New York children din of convulsions, tilicu Batiuull la permitted to walk abroad with untmvnred fnco. Wo oiirc husrd ul a man's taco tluil wn* so tiily dial it wua placed on srulirona, and the liability to ciirtitiu«tiou Iron, aueli mine . was greatly leavened. If L'cniictl'a ugly iikeueaa were siauip*:il on liro-placna, th« efim-t would Im decided) y bad, lor Ihe children would not dare tog., nuar em ugli to thu lire to keep warm and would bneritno frost hitlcn and peril a p* frozen to Uonlh. Wu cannot eonovivo of any ruA»<>n whyany- dlillg should ho So ugly 01 Bennett, lie is Ugtiur Ilian n hull starved hyena lie is ugliiiOM |#erfect- ed. There Is a llmroughiiesa about Iris ugliness winch delict competition. WIm-ii .Mirniieau do- scribes lilinaull an n tiger that had hud lha amall pox, lie placed H Very ugly idea in werybiajy'a iniiul, blit it was beautiful when Compared with Bunnell's face. Wlu n Appel lea made lira beauty] his Venus, liu look aneyu irom otm woman, a noov lr»#r*i unodit-r, mouth ln.111 a third, and on until tlio Ycuua aii complete 10 her more Ilian earthly l(#.p.#ri, ;«# #|. j. l’if..»ua. f o.s |. "it. I *9 IikimII.i Ilk# I,..., ’ i Isvuilt Itw.'Ormii fmin l>« HPoi *.f Fever. .... nuch a thing ! |ni„ Irises wa. or long rimtlHue-l nibeM of si<; bind will, Brut Oartar'a *pki,(*ti Mlttur* ttw <#tit> re»ne*ij wi.|.b bamtu*^Ikr.At Woo.w/n’h x ii .'. willravlva lhelri]oH>plbVR#<ii*iimtloii*. e»|^i| *J! hkd p# T It k J r, nm, humors from'be i.|iHMt,«trlii« ihe live# los prompt so-l — ■ hesllby seileW, slid h) n, ionic prepertlc, reUoiv tba . .. * lo lita aml vigor. ‘ ^ "«»aiw,hlp e»x*. he. #,) U, It. A tingle le.lllw t, worth all thu s<reatle<l **krispaMllk, In eviaivor*-. It eoblaib* m< Mercur). Ophiin or suy oiMs noih.n, »t |«,r*«.*ou. ' I t'M.. •* '*v# Ilsrh Fit*. Fltrm. R,uir> M A 1 Cchr A !*-#•*• in .MiLor*. t I . a H k. k . .. a. ei drug, audrsb be ffltari tothv yuunfesi Ibtaal without |#-IT** 1 crwrt06 ' !'•» fvrt-r^ h» ••Ulioii. Mr-w tba rert:ilaate« of woadarful e#»rw, ar'iond 'ha 1 tu ple. Store thkii r<twt.UiHlrH person* m u,w city of * Hicbnioml. Va , ean tawtir, lo lit |««nd efff- ts. Bimi adrertisuinrnl. C may 14 Hero. m;i» ' Hteamer'^ghoun. K>#.(,r.-L«'W« CUWMr P.«ntor, i^mL, ( «#,i/,i,; , .4|, i IIOAICD or III: 1I.TII hkvasakW. May |l)ih, IAAS. The Hoard met—Present : M.J. liurfcner, f 'htlrman ; In. it I.. ilyr<l, L'tialriusb ye. lim. . l»r J. >1 Jotiuw-n, VV. W. I.tncoln, W. II. (tulon. J. Iisveb|e,rt. A. i. Ilsupl, Juliu* (isudry, VV. II.Thom*,, Join, on, II-1'. VV. /tie,ander, c. I: Itarrm, A. Farry, J. fiyan, F. U nurr, 41. F. I'slitirw, J VVlhier, I. ■‘nlomon,. F lllsir, I. I'.riMun#. 4. M VVillUm,, A. Ponca, l» II. b#Uo* w«y. i i.l. J. aulllvan, J. VV. VVabtlar and fl. A. T. I.awrelirn. Hip rt cf /,br«»»l# i, J.tortl (/or# fVklb’y /»# l*« tot tntltng ,tr«y l.'.rf, I• Ms) II.—I.)dla Arkwrigbt, Ul >r»r». tOmoa. limp, •y, l.nyUnii May lif. — Joint II Mi'imer, 14 . r»., 0 m.*., Inflkintn* lion of the Drain. I'sv, Mk> I Tktulib <i. I'apo), & )*, VV bo. ploy 4x>Ufb, Mavanbkh. ’• J »*'. »i llh'it inaehinery going to Culm, thu Initer island, I hy niuaiis ot ibu slave trade which shu a'ill pur sues, and by tho aid of Chinese laho'cr* with which Briiiah tnerchants supply tier, lua, wiilhn tho short period of eight yeftrs, increased Imr cultiva tion Irom boxes to 1,345,464 boxes ul sugar, (lie aliiplnenia last year nlone having shown an in crease uf 171,01*0 bole* over those tdtliu year pro- ceding. Thai at the protent ti/nn British ship nwnora now In England from China aro contritctlng to supply bv Briusli ships, navigated with llrifrdi as (lots, Chinese cm die* lor Cuba and our Wryt lmlu ...w . . u I.'..' Ill IITI .if'..,' < beauty Now il any Appalluaor urtiat o| anvap- i **aj H.-Mlanry Can,hi. 33year*. I.,ryn*ltl», »*sv'r . pellatlon, wished lo make iho most Indubitsbly I M V ‘' , ;' ,L 7T M ' '"-‘V"’ 14 ii.*,f..,*1 .mu.,.. i... «... llowflk. U,aria,inn, H inpeiled to lake ienture, from savumi very ugly persona, but ail hu would he compelled to d<# would he to get Bennett's face, and the enterprise would bo accomplished. Melancholy Occprrince,—From a reliable . source we learn thai on Monday ev. ning Inst, 7th j InOsmiuaie inri,during a tlinmlcr sllower, ihv lit.• dwelling of Maj.Joliu Hlaffud. ol Clarkosvtllr, was strick en hy a thunder bull. It seems that ihu fluid •truck the boll w ire in the lower story of the build- . . .. . . ...... ing, which wns confined under the floor, and paas- ..nnu'Se coolie* tor 4.ubn ami our " r .at ImUs ls | ,|, tn v| a . Stafford's feuding room wh-rr it . olomea. Bm.with thisfpeat ndvamsgo t., tffu Mem , „, h ,! vo hursied. gr.atlv nj.tmg h.a arm ' '* '“ > u * >» o-r c || # ir and doing niuelt damage in thu eeiling of the room. Two of Msj S '• children were aevcreljr •lioeknl, mid Ihrcoor four aurvanti, ail of who'll were doing well when our informant left, with the exception oi a negro woman, who,., recovery was l Spnnidl colony, that tlio vessel, hv taking in her guoiita at a small creek, instead ol clearing lioiu Amoy or Hong Kong, carries 75 p< r cent, more iu Guhathsn ll hound for Jamaica, Trinidad, or Do- inerara. 'Hint your memorial ills feel that to preserve Cl- thought by thu physicians to he rsiher doubtful — vilixuliun in Ihe 'Vest India Colonies, it iaesseti f What ih very reinnrkah|e the dwelling ia protect t ia I that portation ul mal< roiderahle pr<^i>rtioii of each im- | ed hv rlireu or more irghtning rods—[D.ih!<#nega iinmigrants sh uol consist of fc- i Signal. I-iei.I)1 he icadeiatifihe old lineClav whige. and ■ That y<*ur inemori«li*r* resportfully bur earnest* "Go to Hxi.trax "—Since thu British authori- n lew ol thu lending Ineods «l Mr hUrnoro. hold ] V our lordship's early euri.iduralion of tio , commenced fife atleinpl to Jaise i hod? of men a secret meeting in lliisciiy on l’riday ••vehnig ihi* subject, ami your lueinonalitiaprny that Cuba j tn N’ova He.aia u. g u to the war in tbeCrnuea ibu lesr, at Lunv.itm,on Hall,lor tbo purposuofdev,sing tl ,, J r , l|lllf , ( | p,. r h. r m her t, elites, and that I #a> „g'* g* t.. Via,ic I Z May 13. — « nri»u»|.lier It. U*le*<>ri, y jars.' obtutbp tom. I'.roflu d May 14.—' hsrlr* VV. IlrinuiMj, 6 luoblL*, t'oiitli. New V«-rk * iJicd lb l.rtl i'i l.,rn « #•.. I.s Bl,< s »»o iolomu Mi) II.—Itenr), 7 luoiith#, Con vui, on,. May 11.-— a<#k,n. u y •ara,<x>ii,mnpUwb ; lit*/ Myea/s, OkUiiUkUon lirsli,. ••ay IU.—Frank, IA yeart,'.Viuvultlon*. May 13.— Prime, lie %isr*. !»••(>•?. May 14. — Ixlward, > • year a. In. uinou a. May IA.— \ lilt.'iln, AI fruit, i*| k’lttt. May IA.— ,«ac Mct'oouica, ItKi je,r» « M av*. A. I . T*»l I.AV . Keeper I. •*. r. P. A.T. l.kWSKB. , Itec'SJ II. II I’ANM.^fal.llN I Far Alilamc hi A.» y,„^, g I Lain. V% H r- r#«.»r. v\ U w ■ !'* I l#a< k«, * AhWll. t SaiKL##, u.i t? 'j I at.<t«L,.e. F. |»t ) >, ... M Uv "‘ Morvan, I# A Se#anD*ti, la#jy *».1 y„'*I •eor-1. »lr, VV M eta»S »M ahli*. 4S,,. # . >, M.»*Z l#»w<t. W It eUr.j.s • l I. , U ••fftanaJr. A fit'.t. J VV eL*rio .1ft *-*»•-. V'i#> M l.ti r, VI „ 1 It I-- un V , K Iclt ,b4 tad) , Mr. AT Motv W. y . ' I. I ■iti.rt, VV )rf, *ed 3'. •**>.,♦ ^ Per VVrUkt, tl»tu |*4l,n» r, * » ,. ^ ••-d Mr, l.-wt ar.-l ..J. li ■, „ 4» .1) . j ! ••- »•. ) II »*< »■» Pr4», iff*., '■ i * '* I# l>rn*. V\.-d». iiKit ortt »• #/•«*-. ni.noil \ A it a S,w rivttaas.May li -• - #«.:. i • ,i ul , . , *#*r(.—4 hr# » a i*4 .A l>... *..,. i.. 1 VI t*»~«. \Oi l.kl. ablOr), tn ar><t >i rk» l>»<■<!., ; i.i^, K»'pe. LIT |,k*t u, ‘u I' r tin. t r §». A II No', Ilablej VV *b» rl, and t-cl.r \j <•, W* 7 a.-) • sr. May 17. • ‘ i K* * M'nr' am • 7 Sv.x. nnniuirm. UKioitn. pnvnie quarrels and dueling, until, at length, my best Irii-nd* were acont-hud at my (»rbca*au<« ; and my eiieuiles const rued [it) niton meaning, (i. e cow.mlicc,] winch made them prompt the nnlor- inunic^tion with Itiu Southern Ii lends ol Mi. Fill more, and to secure lor ihe c.t-President tile Know Nothing unmitiuih'ti in lHfifi. Among those pres ent nt llm meeting on Friday night last was ih- Hon. John P Kennedy, of Baltini jre. who, it will tie recollected, was u member of Mr. Fillnmrc's cabinet. The ostensible visit o| Mr Kennedy to llriseiiy, as announced at lha time, was to visit our navy yard and military duleucctiof oim harbor. Wu iru not particularly iuloriu- d n*loilu- deliberations and resulia < t thot meeting; but vvu do know that a new- Order was lotnicd wiilnn the Know N 'tiling orgntcxation, I'emg a wlu-ei within a w heel,calling thcnirulvc* "Temp'.irs," ami formed wnn the ca- prt'M ohjuel «d luflneiic.iig tho entire Know N"th- im* p*uy tor Mr. Fvtlmnro in tho next ctmv*»t.— IN. Y. Herald.) (•RVMTR *>r Cno.NSTAPT.—The deputation of officers lately sent by llm King of Hanover, to ex- prc»9 hi* condolence with ihe present Emperor'd Kushu has, nmo.ig oilier liuug*, t»r« uglil 'ho King back u sample of the granite of which the Cron- urna)says that for some lirnu past, the Polico Court m mat ct y, 11n*• frequently Mi«pcndcd sentence, lo the ll"Usc of Correulioti, t *r a lunilcd period, with the imde'siandiiig that ihe defendants wi,hci irnm#- , diM’e.y to leave the rj'y and "go to Iii!daX " No The Punmon to MoNteneoro.—It is doubt,Ilosien is thu gainer by complying with tho it right t" place upon Britu-h slops carrying pns- j seiiLers lo th 4 * Bri'iah West Indies, iii.<V ho erpial- i ly applied to such vussels currying puMengeis to (.’Uhu. spoken. The pcuplu of Savannah have much causa to bear tho reverend geutlunien in grateful reitimn* : brance, and wo dount not ihat this announcement j will be received by them with unmixed saiisfaciion. i tunaiu man to Ins oail desiruetiou, though it vias *t«dt I <rtiflcations urn built. These gentlemen, n .,~ .... f . .... • intended to bring mu into t.UiM dileinina II I rt— . w hile staying m Hi. PcNrshutf took a drive nil kmw I.V.T, l ».,».* C.,l»tv - h. ; b.1 »n, I„.,c, r . Ihorw..u 1.1; J „,d ,i.„ ut ,| l0 Grand Jury in session yesterday, returned the lol ! immediate.)- cry out." Il..w unwmihy Im i»to Inld , , . ....... lowing true bills,vix: —The State vs Wm. Saun- I In* communion!"—although 1 have "n oil uc ! tlreir rnad taking them ft* m time m fusion®, exposed myseli more than any soldier tune between Bhq sol the imo and frigate*, well under my command, tn dtdvneu yt me State, l the g»m» <>l the t me*s cov.-nnu them at every ! And. Irwh ,„p. Oi .ho ,„ul tomlomcn ... II I .tecepied It and loo. they Would gtt rid o| on" , , who, nt all time*, exposed pubhcly llieir designs , pefh-etly convinced of tho llil) ol ihe ngamst the Ireeilom, peace and order of the Statu ; or, have an opportunity ot plaguing me il ilut Charleston land NuvmiiuuIi ICullroad. ' »h"U.d be the Intu ol my antsgamsi. Thus, sir, I dors, assault and battery—cross action ; the same • vs Charles Wilson, liuibortng a slave ; the sume ?• E. W. Murray, simplo larceny ; the sanio va H. j Wolfe, larcony Irom tho house ; tho same vs John I Devanny, fraudulent and malicious mischn-t. We republished, a law days ag--, from tlio i Imrl.llnn liahAn an ..Mr... .ik,i»I hu nt.mi. ' that you may bo enabled to do justice to tny diameter ill Congress or elsewhere, as you go Charleston papers, an address signed by four prom meat citizens ol that place, as a CommiUeo, sis- j along to thu northward. 1 mwv licrwafier givo ling, in most forcible language, the advantage* and intportanco of this enterprise, to hoih cities. Tlio names ut Messrs Meinminger, F’foei, Col - cock and Campbell, add tho weight of political ! and social influence to their address to thi* public, j The immediate object of their appeal, is, to ' bring up the subicnptnm to the road, to a point required, to render available the conditional sub- < scnption made by tho Lcgis.aiuro of Houth Caro , lina. We are assured by our correspondents, that ibis appeal has been responded to, already, with a liberality, which promises success. { mi, or my Iriend, Mr. George Walton lt<» whom l»-g you may eumnnmicato tlu»; a luller account of iLo uiAiit-r irom tne "egiuniug 1 heartily wish y< u a good j'Hirue), and am, dear sir. Your most obedient liumhln servant, LACil'N MclNTOHH. Col. Lacrens. ‘I’he L'IUiw mg affidavits accompany Col. Mc- lutorh'a totter: [Ctmifl-ATC ] St. I'ctcMhurg is K-pti.«eii'#d aa baling been eonverled tutu "tie great lnnuul*i-i' ry«»f arnA nnd warlike instrunien's In tho p!«c» of *!>«♦ Guards, ikmt wer* lormerly alwsy* statloucd in tha capi'al, there aro about 30 battalions ml tlo- t-servo of llm Guards. Tut Tclloraimi «.n tut. Fac irsc — NV«- notice that progress is making in tho tsiabllviunriil of telegraphic communication ta-tween I'ortinud, hi Oregon, and Htvn Francisco. Th« setting up of posts lor the vv.res has been commenced nt tl u Toll and end ot the line, and the Oregonian s»)« " e learn that the w>rk oil that p"ili- n "f the line leading irom the Haerauieiito va.ic y north wishes ut such gentry. £,tP*‘"Hpc«king of snull," said Mrs I'artington, similiug, "such as tins can m-ver Im- itilntory t<# health. Thu flavor is Iteattliltil ns that haim of a thousand flowers Talk ot the injurious tender- nt-sv i t snull. indeed ! I say it hns tlio t-iKcl to ....... - .''•"'htu, l<.r lliurc »». ol.l .Mr. Am.., wh.i ii to the Bishop Hnt'bn IV- ’ ,0 '" 4 * nu “ her lit--, lived ul* *tu- was nearly a • • ' cciittitioli, nnd then M liuieiy-seVen hul her d«)a shortened by leaving i ff taking it I don’t think thufe is anything harmonious in rt, and many a p 'or creature with a guitar in his head has been cured by it." # \V lilt4 Aitillaou Ttiuiiglilol Head* Uri-iv4'*> I would desire the lair e«'( lo consider how im* |K>*vitdo ilia for them to add slivth r.g that can tu urn mienul to whnti® already tl«- mast* r-piccu of nature, 'l'lie load lias tho mol beautiful spixar- sure, as wr[| as lha inghcsi siati-'i), in human tiguru. Nature has laid out nil her .ut m beautilrmg the lace; she has touched it with vciiuiinon. plar.i<s| m it a d. utile row ot ivory, made it ih- se.ti ,,! uni t s and Iduabcs. lighted it op arid enlivened it will# the hrtg'i nesa o| the c)'<'*, hung it on each side with cure us organ® <4, giv.n i: air* and graces dial cuiin 't Lo described, und suirootidcd n witn sueh a fl-wing snad'-ol ha>r r.s s'-isnll its hrautics in the most sgreeniib* light; m short, she • reins to have designed the head as the • up da to the most gloriou* of her works, and when wo load well known, inys tho Austrian Gazelle, that Bus •ia paid a pension to Moti'encgr". Thu following is tho icstory of the affair.— " It was first! paid in I7W*. hy Cntharim*, wh had s-nt |)oig,oir>>uki t" Otimye, to gain over the reigning VbiJ'ka, Hlejdien the Lidle. An an imal pensi oi ol lOdil s«qiiiui (ihe eequm l* ultoul 'Js .Ad w^s then secured to the Bob' p Hnt»bn l'e< trovie In I St H» the Emperor Alexander iiereas * «l the pension t" ‘WW sequins, in conscqucuec of ih" emumn ro®is'.mco which til" Riioi,uh ah J Montenegrins then up,Hi®ed in ttm Bav vl (’.itiaro t«-the French under .M.iiU'i'iit. In 1811, 1h13 and 1813. It »## not paid, on account "I the war whi<-h ; UuitMa had then to sup|M>rt In 1813 tho bishop occupied ih" hays hi thu numu ot ihe rcallti"' 1 , si.d Russia paid up the arrears by wav ol indem nity, nnd increased tin- animal pension to 40UU siNpnua. The decree relative to tins all.ur was 1 c iihrmed t»v tin- Emperor AU-Amder when in • Paris, ami nddre»*cd to Havo I’lnmena'z, !h" \'Ai»«d* ot M"h:enegrn iti per® •». Although , in ihi® rnotn j»rot>na it is staled ihat tlio pension . win granted !•• ,v|ont»iicgr*» lor keeping up d.vtuo | serv,i-e, it wn.® well known that not a sequin ha* j e»*-r been eapMided tor (tint pitfpoao. In |83l « ' kind ol (-"nvcidion Mas cneiudsd between lim | Emperor ami the Bi*h"p of Motiteiiegro, ' l»\ w Inch ihe former secured to the lat’-r n pension , • d I'i.lH'O seqions ; lull •■! w hu h w as l«> l>o p-v d year- ; ly hy the Bu-siati c >n»ut at Trieste, and the oilier j hall lo loim a lund for puhllr wur*hM> nnd instruc tion, ami tho inteiest tn n< cuinul.ite m order w< form : n McU ng firm) to pay off the pension, and render Montenegro proprietor «d it>" fund* By :ln® con- j veiiiion Muii'enegfo placed hetasil under the pro- I In i irate id Uu«H.i. I HtV 4A\ \ II VIAItKir. tVismiiif, \l|i |f, I* M I’OnoN.— Tfi« offer11 g *t<*ck Is lislit, ai#«J (mtn till* cause ihe tile* are .mail. The trai..»ru >tji IihIi) are llrnt'.r.l to A-i '-alet, al tl.e foil. «lt,g parlicu'.a/i: tl al 0,1. A? at VO-1*. IA11 <#V. #3 a: 97,, 14J al ib, ar. i 73 ai l"V ' eiita. The marki-t eontinues Arm. Nrtvniiitali r.Y|Hirta, May Ml, |Vr tieani'tilp Alal#«mLa, New V*-rk— U* u># t*p land ' oitnn.M'l »un4r» ; kj. null* Per bark F.lla, Ilali.m«*re-e0,4“t» feel Timber, TO.ow do l.'imbrr. Per aelir 4 Mevereiit, llavar.a—1.1 bblt potal'-es, 7i em; I. tihdv. ■•a 4u bids, b*r,» i.silari. Per »cbr |e>) al nor anion. N. York—M7 r,»! • t'j sr^! Co trn. YZO du 8 I do, IS casks arid sundry |k‘s noire. ItKor.lPTN "F ••"•n- 'N. PF.n <•. ItAM.P'• 41»- 4|ks |t1. Vt#® t.a'n «.'*#'t«n »r.d rnrtte 1<>J FTueke-, np.vs ns A ••o,r: M-lv .esfi. Vo.Of. 44. t; rt- • >•, J 4V l.* hr'.|i .4. • , Aiken loirnv. If'ilil k Morgan, J li a-:er. ATI. 4 NT A, >1 4 V l. —'i.-t/'S - 7 g - ‘, ti»r« tars. A1’i;r.-*T 4. 41 4 V H.— ottof ,-t'r.r market . ;*«.el on 44(-.Jmft*) lart »t:l. a io»-u'l»B»vnd. sooU tar.coiR U!* Li t# 1 , ferns Thedstnai.O k-p: Up. w.tli ilail) nnpr«.v,nv p — NEW ADVERTISEMENTS I'arc ItrdureiS—(abln I'a.Mrr s^, for .Vrir 1 % orU. I .MTCU >TA I I » -1AII, hTEAMSHIt- KN"XV:i.I.r, To Hail Harurday, I'Jih, •: 1" \ o, \ \q ,nrstt j I 41 sc IM I \ r K 4. I t VI 4 t' 4kll V out N-44 I* fc 44c -7 J 4- K -• • N \ 11.1 I . N !r Fl "L 47 ■ VI l.l '1141 . I he rtaniki klHl, Octor advice*, .to- iiiarkel Lad had lost the previous week. A(»er il. Asia’s news, the rnarkci •mTerw®l. s'..i lililr-l to fit I'ill I| lo *, Sd'kOCI- ol I poiht prev lo-lsl) reach.-i 11.1« season, a rot s i > anci- our m»»kei cl -nl ft-uv l»*t -oetona. h. j iita no diffl -nll* I" disposing .'i all lots • tfe" ; qunisiioa* f i»» n t* '■ * I be recetp-.s in- l-t j season, rod 'hr • ff, r.r-g ck ;• I? hau l it aie 'U equao) d.volwij Let•»•--*, i-lsaL I latorsaud *htppers. i isnn it n ir.ored.* I sell, than t«r or'sirsl Wrrk. ps.i «>t aTti'B®. 1- t-r f; 4' uSdi.i 4 all F fell -Ti,e lit *r n tnaUi* !u g.»- l ;• at.i.,- orar- ebS"5" to h ore 'n -sirs, which rontthue at 4J eertu per Oa*-- t • .*a*ano»h t^rr li'ver, aud *»X j tt l(i> IfoK.i To t'hsrlesl.Hi »rt-r Kad* ad 91 per heir ' ichsogs— 44'e have n.aiigi- :oiio|ire In ra er. Our . - — I b»ni» r nt'i'Ue !<• rlufk on New York and o.hef II w uh such a pile cl supernumerary ornaments, wu I N othr n eitu-s at sigh, at yn i.r.-m. destroy the symmerry «f thu human figure, and <.i:ipn\, Vs> li I*')' • real It. •! ut ICS, to b"no-laco t" call off ttm eye lr«m great and .iuldish gewgaws, ritd' -n*, snd hi'iiatillnnwuf n Hog ivltcn doing 71 oil. Il i* "Joseph Haber ahum, »Yc suiih: That on Thurs- i ward, i* being input, v pr.wucm.d, an wi.| soon day Iiigtn, the lath May lust , General McIntosh \ '•«? "» "pyntmn a® lar north ns ' reha I tho Oregon showed ihu deponent a written cnaiti-nge. Button Gwmnu't, \v ercin tin- General wa® rharg- tt- a.l;i ' , . i 4-»l w it It ea lling ,M t G. a sertundrol in public cm- n.hul.wnb plea,in, afiMci|i.ln.n,, Iho oily , v.-i.ii .n. on.t r.'f].ilrod li. kiio il .« completion of this great enterprise. It is a inc-e-' a genia-mmi, ircioru suunsu next muining, m Sir lf1 ... sity. from which tho two cmes cannot escape • J" ruhi’s pasture, huMml Col. Mnrtm's • «'‘b ^sn Frnnciaro Viil.ito riv.lne. and .mhiiioui mon..u„ly, .re idle ! 'i'.—-- f" 1 ' 1 ' U-"'™,' »-"* "> r * ' .Mr. L». ihat hu would assuredly meet him at the litno nnd plnce appoluunf, with a pair ol pjstoTs <#my. a® agreed upon by Mr G'* sccumJ, who brought ills- cimilcugu. l lu- (.M i.« and his second waited about fifteen minutes on me ground die next morning Indore Mr, feelings, which, if they u\«i existed, can now, tn the great movement of tho age, only be matter of remembrance, mingled with surprise! Tbs con ditions c-f cur time, make tho motto of Cromwell, peculiarly applicable lo commercial ir.ierroum— *' Through nud throughout," Connexion, not isolation, is the necessity and the law. Honce, has come to Charleston and .‘•avannah, tha conviction that iislat.on cannot longer he maintained, if their position as great marts of com* merce ialu bo preserved. Thu endless chain ot human intercourse must ever revolve, and if it , pass not "through," will pais around. And at this ( moment it revolves through Wilmington, Branch- { ville, Augusta and Montgomery,leaving Charles ton and Savannah to their isolation. Thus wo aland. Jfnit nout nHon* changer lout etla But, wo shall noon have all this changed. Tht North-eastern Road from C!i'arlcst< n to the Pedee, will soon be oompletcd. Car* aro already • running for some distance. That mad will have j its foil developemcnt, when the road to Savannah ( ts open. Then will our Central Railroad have tie I foil complement of passengers and mail. Then, Hr. \V*-l»Hti-r nnd lIn- Jackdaw, Ju*t t*ef.)fe he died, and al'er in® reeovory was ’ n •'"*!'■» #:•> mad. Quite ihe I despaired id, «Mic ol Ins physician® a|.pro®.-lie<| hi® li-vi rso. I fnfi.ul a* hydr.'ph. bn may {•<• i • the tudvnle, nnd asked him h >w- ho found himself — human boing, rabies is worn" n.'ht« dug !• makes ’ »1 uko the Jackdaw- m the enurch sic .-ole," it® appro.i- ;i iii«’f«* gradually It last* lunger, snd w .•• thu strange rt-p.y. 'I ho |>hvsi,-ian Wiliidlew i- m< r.' intense while d endures I hu dog that i* sadly Iron, the bedside to mi -th® r part (ih« room, gomg mad b- ls "iiw ll |..r « long time prior to the vvlu r.' iv.inu rm nd'crs #d liu- I m.i.y w. n-sunning lino) III" Him* intended lor fini»hing tli- him j lull develop nu-i.t «d the disease He i® veiy ill, j logellier, nnd, shaking his head,contested In* »p Iroin this pine i" Corvalli® is shoit, which w h#-n . I"it Im Joe® u-.t ki.-iv w-hnt si's hmi lie fc • , |irr|i"u®i..uMhni the brim ol iho d» ing statesman t tn« (li«sati*lied " :>h everv thing ; vi- v-ii w Pliout a lea* wn® aflccted—itiat ilig stately • nk wa® perishing at *'"i t >"•«. i!rt'.»!*y against Iris belter nature, very | the t..p He could see no imlbod in ihe answer snappish. |-< cling thus, he I *ng» to avoid all | winch tlio question had receiv#-u ()ne o| the la* nn.T.yam c tty iH'.ng i.loi,c. I ins make® Inin seem dies present, who knew Mr " ebcer hetier. did siiange lo I nose who m,. ui"Sl iii-cu>lom<-d D- him | not hedevu his mind wns wandering, nnd st'pp-ng I Ii" sensation induce* li in to seek solitude.— , quietly to his liedude, asked !«itn vvhal be tin ant hv But them >® no Ihct rensotv who'll decide* his ( » H ymg h" Iclt "UK" the jukdaw m the (hutch Ch. ic" to n resting p ace. I he light titfliete upon sietpiu I" "Why. t .-wper . C mpers dolighttul him intense agony. I he miii is to hlni an in*ir iitiu-nt j translation *’l one.f Vincent Bourne's 1 title poems, • 11 rtnre, which he therefore studies to nvui.l- b r ! enntled * 1'he Jackdaw | send you n copy uf 1 brain u> h< », and lo* I® as il it were a trumblmg ; i|, 0 (,.rs,s, which some i f y. ur rcadc | finirhcd will but K-quiro the c ntmum I iuie troll* that place «« inr s- utli as « ur vouiliern h-uinu try, lo pl.u.u us in instant cuiiiinunicatu’n The Bniisli siuaimr Cunway li lt Vorn Cruz <>n » thu "tit inst-, with our §«,"00,(HH) m specie uu Ireiglit. Gov JollMSo telnget.i'er says " THE Sn:.Mr.— ’. tin Atlanta Bi ll. V. Johnson reached' with his second, appeared,and when limy anno 1 Atlanta Thursday Inst, nnd remained over tilt |-ri. •IJI, t-o.i ely saluted each other on both suit s. Thu entering mto anv otner conver®.iti- n than iho bu riel** on hand, Ac. 'I hu .rest ns ihu other nflidn- 1-lly. I.-.I.- i copy s may have * / — - — i ..... ... rriiuig when he lelt lor Etowah. Alt-. ... . C#cn*r«l then drew ills pi Mu is I" sh-wr] he (nig lire new bridge lie 1. It lor CarictsVdic I •"•<» r ‘ , d, and inio whch the light isiiniblu to eul.r Was loaded only with single ball®, but aVu dcd ! „d.lres®ed tho people Friday iiignt. IBs >" ’’ ""•««larki»ess Im paSsrs h..®« iv. If hi® .-vl.flnuy li. (u. in lino l.c.ltti." , I... diK-M*....1, "... inuu-i . M . I him i" coni" t'i'll, ino alleeitm.aie creature a Tennessee Know Notiiinus.—The Nashville I hu other affidavit is,—but only in thu ! Wh g of the'Jth snvs . The minor w«s pretty cur- lip-re formula «>| ih« leg. introduction It begins ! rei.t yesterday iliv there was u Htate Convention ahrupllv—n<# p-itauti being Dinned,—nnd is, no ' ol tins impalpable doubt, the •tateincM ot Gwinnett's sec* ud. " ——— Il Was then proposed and agreed to, that they should go a little lower d wu iln- In!!, n* * number of rpuctstors appeared, aMd when llu- ground i'lllt induces lha pour brute to find out tho I f„ r go|teii, or never lead, that they perceivo iho ...J ... .1 Ml.f. ul...... !>.( I, Id... 1.1 U ... I... .1 .A'. 1 . "triers, where he is !cn»t likely t" h. • whell the light isuniht •treat in* linn i"coni" t tenance brigh'. iis, li s tall heals ihe ground, and ho leaves hi® hiding P'UC", anxious !.# obey tile loved aullioril) ; but he|o|e lie liss gone hail the dif r*.i iirirm.i, ...^ ot- .« "*p h . - . * - I till* lllipalpalilc paitv in lovvn, and that they « "ice, a kmd •»> sunsain.ri «onies over him wInch unaulmously uomtualud Cul. Gututy uatUcu • ilnlalu lor ((uverin.r. u- , Anti-Know Notiiino MovimeNT — Cleveland, \ was elioscn, ihe second usacd iho' Mr ; May Vi, IH55 —Tho "Sag Nichls" secret conv. n* I t#-■ —replied," Whatever d»®tanco theGenu-nl I n«.n, which «s®enib!ed n' Coliimhus on Thursday ] Jib'll-eS " The (i.-neril said In) behoved e|g!i or ten lert Would iiu S'ilficiuni, and (firm s eps were j miniedia'cly measured, to which itic* General's ' second dctired [dial! anoilicr rdipji might t*o added. | It was then propoaij In turn back to back. I'liu | Gem<*al .insw. ieo, " By no nmana Lei uis>-o wluil j we are about." And immediately each took Ins | stand, snd agreefi lo tire as they could; nnd tv-ih ! platols wer.t offrmvrlv at the same time, when M last, adopted Ihe dcm« "iii'.ic Stale t'ckci, widi llm j uxc.-ji'ioti ol the Candida'®* lor Governor, Aitor-, nry General snd Audi'or. ... «. j u . piaiois *»em on ni i>i(-rnm.-iiuir, wni'ii .»ir too, will our Florida Road bring ita large trihule I Gwiunctt toll, (tming eh .« n lut.u ab .v.i the knue,) to both cities. The city of Savannah has not subscribed to iho j Charleston Road, having already plodged uaulf m | one million of dollars, to build th« Florida Road i Bat ae the Charleeton Road progresses, rncirm will reedil/ be found for its completion. Who can doubt this with the example ol Wilnungmn? With e population o| five thousand inhabitants, that town ha* built two roads of more than three hundred miles in length, and built art paying divi dends. The Know Notiiino* in New York met in j Btate Council at Syracuse last week. According ' to the Horeld, great harmony prevailed The question of a platform waa referred to the Nation* ; el Council, which, it ia aaid.meets in Philadelphia ! in June. The "third degree,* according to ihe | Herald's correspondent, waa re.affirm'd by the Council It eaerned to he the impression, that Hen- ; and said hia llpgh wa.® broken Th" General, vvhi was also shot through tint thick ol tho liugli, aiu *1 •till tn in* place, and not thinking ilia ant.ig >iu®i was worse wiitindrdlihati huutoii—a* h«- alter"ards sh" was (» years declared—naked if he had enough, i>r was lor anoih- “ er shot; lo which all objected, aqd th" a«cnnd* do clarud they [had] bo'lrlndtuvcd like gentlemen of honor, led 'hu General u|i Io .Mr Gwmnott,*»nd lh-y b"'li shook hand*. And turiher tins deponent aaiih n> t [.Signed] "GEO. WELL8." On ih" opening of iho !’ru®»Mn ( liniribera alter tlm lam Easier races*, llm report of ihe commit tee on tliu jiropoaal for the abolition rdtbu Hound •lu*«, was ibe order •>( llm day 'llm •■ngmal m"li"ii was, "Tlmi tlm Second tha ruber eapresaea it* eonvicllon ihaltlm t^vr mmerit wit] take the firal laV' ••pj.oriiimty lor tlm total abolition of Hound due*." A freth m dion, m tho ahapu ol an amendment, was worded thus: "This Chamber i g' ,w, b the more Surprising ,l», Wjlion M«MchuM"i wn.M h... I .’" U "": n ur ] .hi" *"* w **"‘ lFrom tli* l'tirrno|>i(lcnl Mag'iinn.] 'I'liu« Of II 44(1111 (cut,. Mis® Sylvia Hardy, the lady now b-mg eth.lut ed at Barnutit'a American Muacumas iln- " Maine Glaiiiu»s." is a woman <•( peculiar and rein uka- hle ciiarac crisnc* In birth and descont, atm ia i H:ii. Im doe* rm'd tlioroiigldy American Shu Was born in l!*35, in endcavora t-i »vni tlm village of Wilton, Franklin county,siato of Maine. Her latlirr. wlm died ai 3b, and tielorc # years old, b >ru In tlio same village. 11«-r moth r, wh" «till lives, and is now 57, waa j horn mi Falmouth, Mamo. Ilur graiulnioilier wna ! horn m the siirnn lowii Iler giandtnihcr waa bom ! m M .inlia'a Vineyard, Mass. Mm Hardy wa* al birth, "lie ol th" finallrtt of , infanta Hr Barker, 4\iit..n, who aileuded , i her mother at tlio 1mm, used '•» remark ills' Im 1 li'td never s--eu anything, even of Ihu twin kind, 1 ! *■• diminutive Her twin hioihrr dmd slavery ; early ng" Both t"ge In r urdy weighed, w « arc ! n«surc(), three and 4 tinll |u>und® 1 Missllaidy teU'MineU a chad of vury oolmary H'S.i until *lm **as l*v«lvn years ol ag", whnii aim .. .... audde'dy t""k t" glowing with a rapidity lliAt I m-'iitli, from vvlneh, le ; alarm'd l|ur|lfminis, and Slanted all her acq'iamt- I aiicea. As she had live siMcrs, orp- ol whom was . del than heiself.ali <d wdmtn wererailmr below than above tlm coinm-in siaiure of the sot, Imr produces nn iu«tania(leoinehabgo in hi* wh In hji pcarnm-e lie ®"nnii lo say in httnscll • " Why | cannot y u fit m>- alone f Go away! Ho go 1 away' Votitroubb—pam 111c !" And ihurriipon I lie sudden y luins lad and dar's back into his dark Conor lll"t alone, there tie will remain; j-cr- llap* Irotlim ; a h'tle at Ihu mouth, and drinking 1 great dual ol wu'er, hul Itol issuing Ii--iii hi* Ii ding I place I" seek af'ur I.® d. Ilia apja lilvs are 1 ed ; lour, straw, dirt, czcremeni. rag®, un »hv»- ; lug®, at*'lies, iho no>st Ui'iaonic nud ummturnt ®uh j 'l.iiict a, me then tlm delicacies for which the pn -r . d' g, changed hv disease, l-mgs and e* allow a, mi liopu I" C4*e 1 f'urning stomach Hu 1* most *nx* ion® for I quid* H* i« no" .i!tog":her changed. not desire to bile mankind - lie rather 1 ed society ; li" take* P ng p-ut* 1 neys ol thirty or forty mile* in extent and length ened bv nil kind* ol accidents, to vent his rcatlcsa draire L>r moiioli. When on the*z jotirneya, ho does not w alk — * Th'S would h<* loo formal and nvasmud a pace ' for nn antninl whose whole frame q uiets witnvX- • Pi uo ni. lie does not run. That would be lo ■ great nn evcriion ti r nn aiiiiiml whose body is (fie kIuhIc 'I n deadly siekness. H" proceed* in a •lonchmg mstiiKr, m akmdbf lr**l—1 m< vemenl | loplor run imr walk—and his atpn I is d- jn-ied j III- eves do not glare and Mare, but they are dull and retracted III* appearaiii-tv 1* very churaoer latic, and, Il "lice a-en, • i" never .il-eiward* he J tm*(akeu In thta s'ate liu will irivei die lusi j ■ty r . afl«, t.isloiigno Imug'iig dry Iroin los open ; !••*• tba order, on account of lot fanatical course, and that tbs Know Nothings of Maisarhutetra ! wars dlsp-issd ti# rstracs than atejia and return to i common mom. Dxrratcttva FtaiisHramuriiLi) — A fim r»c-’ cured at Hpringfield Haiurilay, whmh rfn*tr«yrd nmr ' of the finest store# on Htat# flouarr srjuara, invo[r ! log a lose of 9150,000, most of Whirh ta covared by jnsurancs. 'Tba Tsmpsranre pany In Cower* county, ha 1 nominated candidate* for lha Lagralatura j I T«« Hmall Fox ia prevailing In tha city r Max ion, in a fatal form. Al fourteen, I 1 mr ««■? m u-.voliy Al fifteen,atm waa a wonder is jmcullarly aua|iier| for taking j £j |0 if,,-rcaa#--d in tin® ejnraordmary manner until deriaiva aiepa toward ilia ah'dnion ol tha Hound *ba attained har iwrniy-first year, when s*m re- i foi l)u< S " ^ he detmie being eloani, a division took |ila> e. Tha amandmsnt waar< ja<'ted, and the origl* rial m >11011 j<4**< d hy a largo majority Horne of Ihe Vp-ima journal*stale that llm Hanlrh quealmn ia io ho olio «#l ilia aobjnji* c<mfiduntial|y 4'®* u-aed arm ng llin allied powers, thoulrl paare not bo ra <i*rah.i»he'l. According lo lha protocol ol leondnn of May 8,1859, I'rlnco Christian ol Giuckahorg i* to auccerd tlm prcaant monarch, Vrcdariuk VII (Jut lira agnalio fine ol Frlnca j Christian only comprise* two sons, fMh In thair iip *( unable i..«Vand ‘ msmwd at'itlonary lor about lour years During ! tbia jienod ol rajiid growih, it *«« i'ii|ios*ihlo to nisk" her . b illing fit In r unit anything like c on- , 111011 neeurary Hh« tuemed b* alier each day - I Him jifoliahly alien tl each week Tlm iln a* dial hi'cainc her orm limnth w*a ihi'fe le useb-va ihnuekl . and tiiua, l><r nine y W#* liri eaeni ) to llink ftuoii# Mieka and folila thrill lo Imr condition ftnoellccl <>l dim ejorigalmg j*roces« waa, of course, couatanl III healih Hie waa eiri-aaively liiln, and could liol.uiidcr llin circuiiialaueca, be any amuter. Him waa ao weak aa loti* al- all Ino apparel super* 11 older I" sc.'oiilinoUa'o Tbs Know Nothiogs wore defaimd in Telia has***, last weak, In lha a I action ol Juaiicaa < lha Ftaca Thara wars 111 daatha In N#w York fail weak Th. Ilr.nnnthlp Hi..,,a, woilliil^al (M/KC. 1 lh».uhj.o. ml.. ...nlM.'.lll.n wu c.milimnr'l ,nd f..rMi«l in Ih. IJnll«! Diitiicl Ciwti ill lUliim.ii. fin Krld.f inurnlti, lor hrmifiiiu .u ....Mill ii.n...,,,, II, lo ihat port. ml/ioriiy, and if they happened t" dm llm Eiiijierur of Rnaala would auccaed to Ijtmninik and to llm Dutflhisssl H< hies wig and ll<*l*lsin, und bacoram Umrabf a nmmbar of tha Garmtum Confsdaraitnn III«-<jurrira of this colding«ncy llm allied JioW- art, acenrding to dm ahovn jeurnala, inland to taka Hgrt in Ormon — Wa noilrsd soma lima sine# hsl the ubiqultooa individual hrmwnaa"Ham" ha. servlcea they hlva rarpfnra.1 to ih« psspsd In upon tha Californians, ami carried ih elaflilon In Bscratntnio hy a Urga majority. W now Imm l»y a Isle snivel trrmi tha I'aeifio.ihs ha oorttinosd his (ravels up to Oregon, and that h carried everything hefwra hint at the rtiunlcipa alceiM in Fort land in lhal d|*'ani territory La* year lha Hmim rat# were Iriumphani at lha city if e sweeping majority Frlnca Frtar |>olg«r«uky, has juat i«auaed, at Hi, [ Feteraliurg, tw» voluiiiaa.aahihiiing ib 0 genealogy I of llm smirn body of Ilia Rusaian nobility, with #u* I llienlio parncalaraaaii# tlm origin «d llmu faiutliea, lha part limy have aualalnixl in history, ami llm r bfone and la fat11/. Tha itnjinriel glVOMtiient fav. rs tliia work, its |K#la*y juat now tmmg to humor dm nnbla oUsaaa. 'Ilia editor of tha Kantae Herald uf Freedom, piili'libed a' Leutimre.being ihroaisimd ’•Mil lynch law, warns all hands rhs' Im has prepared f-.t h« em-rgi-ro-v, ai d wdl hlo*®* ujr llm i ffim and all "ho cnier Jl " pb am h 'l.l#Id j 11* r l"'im» rmild not airenctlmii In nilnluirn I aufln l-nily lau lor limit eoimnued eipansioe, *nd ) 0» grew pamlnlly hrtiiln |„ atierrip'mtf lo walk dictators, one day, aim lel| i,. the ground nnd i IranuMd a leg aaipuuly Natute.lvowevai.m dm ! flelaniy ol Imr pliyati *f ilevclo|iui<'Uls, soon irme I died dm evil, and dim thu cauwi aub«e<pmnlly aid- I ed In Ihe cure | Mia# Hardy |a now auoul 3»l years of age. Him haa grown aln-nt seven limhea a'n.-e aim was twen* ly, and la iieariy cghi I. nt lugli at ij, n p M .«oot mm merit. Him weigh* three hundred an.) |..rty.sli pouinla, 1# massively jvropoitio|in|. rohuM, matron ly lu liar appearance, syrurimirifai in v ,,r«., J M it lot ll'ifl lo alooji, is® tiioal tall I'Pi'jdo arr.i a lialm #• quoad In hn| imove tillage, wheio lu r aigaidie liaig'rl lutrjvclrd loir IO a set ill in) oil llm pall of alfangsra, rnoat annoying lo Imr bathful rmboo Hsr fealurea are large I'll# rapriwsi.ii, ..| her farm, if Hut hsndaonm, la allOshU , lo t tl■■|».,a|ii«,t» I* iiiiid *ml g"»i»lo lo » pleasing tWatce U"t V"l r o i* solus" Ini I'osise, (nil rod uiomiaical Her ilioveiimioa ale eaay and gra»s|iiI, alilb'iigh, having n»ver before left lor village lourm, aim |a aa yet uitai pliMi" st*il In fsabloua' le wtl't, anil lliovaa ai„| «rt* Hi|j| * idno'itt that a lilile ttinre ae- quainlaima W|Ul pU'dlil Ilfs will (•••(>'» IMlorV# r. there do il s course la not ao.nirhi How could it he— ' I fume it i® il.'iiiiltul whether nt 'tils pulp'd ho see# j i at nl. I III* desire la In Journey unnoticed |t nn mm notice* him, he gladly jismcs hy them. Horn | Very ill ; lie raim'd tlav l-> tMc !»• neverthcles®, 1 "nithing • |'po*p los piugrcrs. lie will, s» i f by impuiae, *nap—a# a Ilian in a similar stale might I sins, —and tell the person "to get . ut #•* dm w i> " I II" may r.iko h • load serosa n hi Id in winch dine , arc n flock ol rheep. I’.uild III# se creniuic make room lor him, and »tahd mol'onlr W. Ii'dpaasoti and male them behind uninjured — I'm til. y begin tn lim, and .it 'he ».'nnd the d >g firuka uphmea'a Ilmen.ire naprcl rfiange*. Rage i.k « p.sum ol lion, "'hat made llu! moee < He I'liraues it with nil ill" energy ol m.idnea® II,. |||. ■ .,t „ue, till'll al another. He d"** o-'l loa'igb, mo i® Ins I'll", simply considered, ior*il»l*» ll> caniioi pause P* l'"t dieoi«aiuin ho Ils®evught. II" v-injia and thru lushes onward, nil, Uu Iv ex- ll iixted nud liliabttf longer lo follow, he amka I iJuwii snd dm sheep pas® lurwerd, |.> be no longer | m . ..ted lie may have bitten tw-e.oy or Unity oi Inn mail onslaught , nnd would have worried more, bad lua nliwngdi laaled--f"r Urn furore ul lii.oliiea* then had juismMion of him He limy tm slaoi wlole on llicae excuraioiia , t"'l It be escajiea, Im ieluri a Ii'»me slid eroke the daikness and quiet pvrlvct fitness and j oint ot tin* reply. Tilt: j \«*Kl» 4\v. There I® a hint "tie, bv hi® real, A lol hv Ihe hsrthne** o' hlsnota, Mlglit ti#- »i||i|iom-iI a crow ; ' A great ftrquen'er ef the <hurrJi. Where, bl-hop bkhe fln4» a jrerch, A let 4oi mil'.t) loe. Above (he atrrjile flilur* a plsle, That turn* am) lure® to limb si" i rein " ha: p-.lnt blow® llm «" , l. -ok up, )«»ur brain* t-®-fcr>n to »• on. *li» In ihe clo'i.U— that pleasrs lion ; lie clionsea tl ihe lalaer. Feml of the •;».*■ culainc tirlghl, Thltl" r be wing® 14a n'rj llUht, 4ml 'lienee »,-curelv »--e® The buttle nn<l u e ror»e ®fcow That occtip; iiiaukiu.t bclnw, fecure anil nt til* es®e. Vou ,1oiih'.he*iiaan4 mures (in f.ilti'e Pr.-ken Ih>wc® ah. brul*«s, Il lie •lioulit chabce to '*11; No: not a •male tlooiahl like ilial l.iuplo)® lot ph|l..»o|>hlr pat", lir iroublev li si all. He tee® lfcsl this ratt toutiAabonl, 1 he wornl, wch ad itametley taut i liurrli, nriuy, phv®ir,la". Il® ' U»tolll* a III! Ilf till«lllC®®CB A tc no , oitrorn nt all of b'®, .4 iJ •*)• -wbai aajabe 1-Caw' Thrice haj>pv lttr.1 * I .. .bave «,tu Much ol ihe v aull'ea •>! men. And, rick of r»*» mi h-vo 'em, Woiil't rlmofl'illV i|ir-e Hint.® rr-lgn For ®<ieh * pair «-f w'iib® ** IbOie, 4ml ati"ti n iiaait bclw n 'em 1'n mi 11 Jura. Jar® ol Jrtt), Jars o|)®ni, .1*'® of ji"lietl beef so.I ham, J*>® otea-ly c »o»ebenla® '"cf. Jar* of mincemeat, j*-® ei t|.'ce, Jai® ol oraiur itiarmalaite. Jar® o' |ib<kle®. all fi»uve made, Jarr of c inllst elder" 're, J«r» of hone) ani'eiflnr IVout t th" only ja-» "era thaan Thai o«- uf in lanolin rvan ) lakt-n et prices rai girgrrem 7 iu 0|( rrsti 1I4COV, M4Y r.i.ft'n -There I® & go-*di!a- lDar '1 I »r *4 • oi l'd® offered in "tir market, ai j.iice* rnncti'K ff.un 7 I . f»\ ret.; f. A choice arllrH* Would' pr<"•*•'.) C"U.n»*ii.' Iroin U. tu. Ti.r price that lu a'': ■ ( I— ne pant ifiimlt) 0)% 4 v'l.l'Ml-t'e, M IV .4 —i.'oilon. — Since our l»®l er j. .rt of ii,e market '.bi rr ■« no abairroeni 'n ihe <Hmar*4 Ol . l.nllje in jirirr*. Tl.e ®«ir® c-minut large for tlio •®-a*.'U, »i prim * rai glng froniC.4| ;o 9t*c. • II 41, l.l>7 • »N, M 4 5 14. - • >uion.—The rtemut/ri lo- »!** »»iC"iHl l"il "»® Celiersl I'fl. "ti ai 4 He ml»ame ••( Vt quoted on Hist *•.*» c.>niltiue4 .<• Ik- fil l* fu*(ain r 'l T'e -alea rraclieO IL®’*' baef.alrl- irenie* 'ai.^o-a* fu 1 "\. i t b k c« >.:® Mcnil.l.. MA\ It. V V -Cotp.n.-iFe e-ilmaiml •a|i » ! r tl"- v®#ek a»e I .'*»• naief | pri.tect o.o*>l; lor l.nglaml; liuvera f.>r France amt il,e North Uk .jr very >; artutfl.v. I iv a seoor n.tartvii atioa. Inf# nor.. . «'» a7,q CoihI *1 l.l •*,*•! 4 t • bilu.tri d,*V I'tht. Fair . H'V * " l.ow Mi.ldlliig.... B4a'AfX| j Fflr 1* nonal. .4lbt.1)i..g 1'V* 1 F'e’Ct:'® - Ti.r week l.aa l-ren i-ne of nnufal** lint Vr**. • ■ Il thu tee 1 tl, lof l.iVrrjHMtl have (o-r , fll'.t: g ujivir. at 7M.'. Ii ws® runiomt lhai ab o- men • »«■•" ii.lite st lower gcurra. !b-«uch a® uriiRa'i!, io locfl e Ih" #ep -H. T« • -!.'I » arrtvmt from N. • »>-. leu"® I" b nit (or llaaiw U'o'rr Char., r. ar*4 a bark aleo !.«*il (or |!atti* , urg al 'I IZV .4 mb-one-ppraetd a esrp.. of b-U'brr for Tam pice a' 5*. y lor Key 44>«i, a uh br'ck *1 p y V'. ('alfe ex. re® 't'l glv ilu.I . j acket® D l re Uj. a* f! T4 y h»!e ,jg V R' Two hr ibij.f amt * br br.rk cleared for Uaebt*- In batlaal. NF.4V I'RII. 4Ni*. M\V tl, P »t - J' mooTti • mom *.g the leticr® l»j the 4tUniic rarwe to hai>4. atid a. b .ugh the) 't.. w a j '. Hi ,.1. the ( iLen *.".1 c. the) sla • s've R eouflrmMU'U ol i)ie ev'.reme »eTert\y In 11 e c’®faifc*- .11 *i I >' 1. j - ••’ The detnar 4 tn onr market waa lair, but ow mg to a ®hi-rl anpjily the »a e® ||>4 0"! P\rem| 4.u o halt • tuak 'I if a total (or-he week of •’■.(•(Hi |.i».r*. Mr |nrefc»*o® h®» e been rh-rff) for Foglaiel. llm Nor.h and --pain ; rreucb buiera limit opersia«l apart 1 c>v Ibewrek r>o»ea with great firm- lu**® at our qii nation* : '•ntiiisry vbwwt "Iddilng.I0\g|l| low 4li44bnr... t>'w,a' k 4 , 4li4Uiu<t Fair.. 11 ^ x Middling . . . lu-A l('n | Fair rv n' i.*l • uriiuiT or coTtm. SliA i'll h»"(l IrlSej'l, ‘.44 . . bale*. Cfi.Hft® Arrivnl aiuce l.t-»^74l ta® K».1 OIK- r •»(-. et -f*-ih.».a* a )•■«.( K-*r t .aaULU ei.coding iti# uch h* l. tai.41 () .».* el.*- •, bairi.H ; ras read abd write, am! *. f ■ 1 kraip. til Wfil# > ** OWn p»#* Tbf Iteir !••#*«• I te p* 4 lot .1* Callia-J 04Ki b-j ■ r..i • ..t \ jxd w here I will gel Lite. tl’.KV >7- 1 rua® I*. \ II It 11041KV KF' UVtn IXV JOHN 4J. « ""PU. X TWi St Bel. «») I7va I IM.H v::V »i .1 lltfi'-rlcfc! Miini'.ai 0 i-(.■*. j ll*i.erofi. fc J.vurne® ihmoyh .r.e f b b»*< l.irpi*r »t fwi- Twi® volume*. eargicul and M sr*i;at.e • P»fK-* ■! kio c»l eulijm®, Ufcr.r Bay" *'4. 7 alea *c > UtMi-ki. b) lUrr; i.- - j |J'*'.e*) ta ildii o#. vena*.: . ,t N iic-M-ckx rrn I un j.t : t>) Jmti. 1#. faiur tiiiy 17 M 1*1 UI4UI 4 Ol It I April T- rim. Thi MaSi*k I’.vi or .«. 1 a U'liTl «V. Bt.llt I T Appear.,# t„ ibe -« r.oi llat.k t i iio. tg.1. •. ® m Frt^oarv. eigh-fKii bui*;r- 1 • ir..- ’.»«•» •.r; H .lr • • u ■ l« ft" 1 Armed t dav 1 Fvj> -ied lodaie j t.V|*'i edvntls® I.IUsUl i.rvu.iai 4TM,n3\(a5 Cork on hand and on •Mpboanl r {•wear—The «feif»a,®it bat tmep r hr week embrace 3,*.Vi hbd®. • f „t In. totmri abode IL* »hft*t luctoarea, but fsdure. IliialmMir* Cull'I uni TlagiiPSia. Muabaml'a t'Al.l'INF.II \l AUM'.NIA l» lilgM) t®en*. the iliut I Bc'al all.!l*ea®e® ■»( tho "I'ousclt anil Powela, which ' I are aiiemti-4 with sebllij. and give® unniedla'e »elir| t<» ihe to-atlMi 11. The rff.'.-i® of ever®# in rating or dnitkli 1. a>r generally i. lU »r-l by tl, smt Ii affoi.l® one ot 1 li«*®! smt moat ploaMiU ai«-r|»nu, eapec.iab) to®oiia w Im, Irom a fedrniar llle or oilier csur>«-*, an 1 under ihe frequein n«i*r®®llv i>f bav lug wcoiir*e to In\a l®,<®. T'l l-rraon* of a hl'IloU* or • S->'|1», l| uni l>r loconiiiioiitlril with j.rc a- j 'opr'ei, , and lit ri'liina lia»e -roealrdl® irnflo'l In III* iil®aaae, of w n'in rlluiale® " ®la'i) <*r Ilie eoif idalnlt 0/ rhhlrrn In enrl® Inlam'i, an.l rven a| in re ad» *nrn| pet i-ma, are air tided w lilt acldlt) ; amt In ®i|Ch ea®e«, |hi> fait bull 41 a, .i"®.a bi»® a g»r 11 a.t»aula®e ovei '»(hei abaorbenia, «it dial II IniiIi neulralirea Ike a"Id I" llm abitlrt-lcrt . aim!, and srla aa an effl-aeloua )fl tf*"ile putgailre .- TM® |.f'-i>aiai'oii la lit® Iroin uii|dr*®ai.i laaie, and three llnma ibe thrngih "I lhteoiniii"U ' *i. loci 4lacne«'a. I our Oral premium "liver 4|pdal®, amt a New York World's Fair Me«l*l aw anted •ale livthe drugg1*ta iren**a"®. •"•' bv ihe manu- 10I cleared.. Hiy.WI 'C-.l»e and Ifce •*ol w h‘ h .fceo hbd® • r-e ( *« I l lo .lay. rrlfe® have Ik^i frrn Tt.e -c-e'p'v It®.'® I • ei k ha«r c.'nia'uetl a veil 1 ryr pp-pi^ilon of <\®ni- m n'ofalr \4eijn >'e — ■ l. iofior .. 4 .it - 1 f-'.me f- X — 1 vN.mni.di. «\ «:.'?* ‘ • L ">• #-'4, € - liar "a» "| I I UnOol . . L .T ) I 4|ola®®ra —"ome N,iS®l hbla. w r.r »r>.l up |.® lb'* | no rtniig *1 » ranee of c e*r fe-meB.inr- 4'®'®* , •Ab- l"r jolme and choler, and Tv f • ®ugfcf h"'i»e - t .d*> I'-e m--kit was very dull, and »e count on|« j bear 01 ihe-ftK- or bbla al iW- , 1 .011 The aalea nj» lo Ihla morn'tic embrace ' C.lNli ; .ark*, the 1 '•*• I'C *»!»•* h» vine here f 1 1V | .» « 1.1 <w , ■ aed $4 v:v f»: p-ime whim. To..).® i.ioo a.iktpauir | ir l>.® an,< a dd al 9 I '4* eer bw*h-1 Ulnl.i The''fieand ba« hero (air a! UaV Ceuta for .eeilgid. and IS*, foittaw Tn da® 17.4 bid® Oil- in'® mu e.dd al .*• 1 offre — Thedemaml ha® been 1*1, ihe tale* «f Ihe . week enibircnt -3®*4 I ®C® tlio, leatinc a ®ov-k of is.iu.i bag® tn (l"»l and second hawda II. T. l-»nela , e I tpioir*e-dlnat) *!*»*«• .fair at Vl*c and prime *1 t’V* ! Il cm'a 1 It ve--The atipp'v I® equal to lh« demnod. **k! tke 11 aikei i® r#th« r heavy al 7aT K fir I'e-o'-ea Frc'chi® - 44 e have o * ni|«r®.®emertiv io r-v|ca, awd ihe tale® are In a nira®<irp I'omteal 1 oilon I o I |»e»p "»t .1 'igl »* nt#-** , | Ite-p ..*• lla® ir -Tbe week cb»ee® w.i 7V yu , \ t "Igln htoaiid b'Vj i*er oenl \ mw v 1: b;*Ji ;r * ' * 1 q i®c# c. disr»'we» q.R^t-rr . n.-etyr m inilfg, c*br-4 a b drew nr. Holt ». Mt-u fc ' ■ io \ yj\i van oiCer, *:xti 4#> • a* »• tuei .4 Mbeieea . »c®r» 4o.IXrf.wMrh Bi J of Ilxchwx- * . fc ll-<*oi. *b4 del|«ec«H.' ,rr u .' :• t Ma• te Paek <4 Vi«» r«'» a *s id l«C*ill*. Ma’ke fc V •!.. xi r pa*'. hr.r eoiiaiitif ® . im#’..». hr -aroe ®u r»ur«0 l. • ;tir Mfc-iiie Dp, fc id beorgia Amt it sifcT tppesring mai or. v • Jebmai) .* t*e miiw ' (try • m drew the^r .0be# reflate t kn-i* n *» a ol Ksrnfchge, oa 1 Niaifce fc t>., al Hurt) day* *Pe* : w r my , rr itwaMbd. f.«e bur. . 1' e»t > w a «.r\i»r. w McL laM Ri'i • em'. feed ai.-d tWiive-ol le the oi t.n r®-.a. I'j tbeabdaweid s.arx lecrllol, and Ihe aauie l*tr( «• v • b. itlr I. t'.v, w,| |rfWnle] .ij ri (4®<st, arM ;hc •»-* e w a* -e h i the ®a-4 ihe Mar aw Part of 1.1- M»>. tt lar her appear .•04 that tin "I’tf, in eider to epcuf 1' :le r*. 1 •. M. I® <4 llicharrv. sod m»e- ! ® cc-.ain n -te* the* rtwe by r.lm !• Dank • ( lie.*-* a. ai< t a-a.® !•* *ei re-ti! of ail betas fk#rea.firr to 1* •» d the Marine Dans ol t.e»>'i'a. t on ol aaid 14 tail 44 . euikr. ai eralliKirf Ihr un of Cv. A.'I » f»'4. ibe Mant e bask of i.«o'( ot. '.- «»* J , "f vprii. in Ihr .ear owe lb- ^®x'w: **•»-• xim- flC.y. hr®e. U»»kr. ex«<-a'»- on • *8* 1 t-c klailre ttat.k .®l aire#v»a.b.» e**t»t. >iZ V C®pe, o'ii»e^ Ini 10 ibe **»dvbe Viane# I' n.l . fci atmoig Otoe# (®#»®i'ertv,il-»t i pTrel of land, atiwaie,* t*lee »'- 5 taiftlj, m the A at* of t.e.->-r.a, ra' M- We) N I'.-okI, c®»» ami*. #*•«• - 1 • 1e«®. leandfl os theN.uth by fc»* «■> »Klr® by land* oI JiVhw vu'.ik. "I , i'ub.H a. Uorii Red other® . »'•• * **••• tract or parrel o! law-t.S'UMU "'-I *' ' c. « nt iv'wiop.Suifi'J tie’ i X b •* thv"hwii«'B’.R4 fie* tb.*.»®e' »•' »■ W unOed > n II e North bv !**>• •' ' ‘ 1 ‘ »'.!i® b» tt-t»r- reek an.® by lain ® . * tier•« lif,i-iHia 1*' ifc.--a.t- »v"l cetRi# • ®r ui '"(ace die.t <aei ®*#«4- a^J l-e®' a ** ,? rum. ,4M >1 f..ivt<r appealing •» » • rwiiAWof Die *!• eea*-4 Oerd «4 Wn®*®*#-#' laltfc iV mM wv.*i ttsae. R*4 l« OWtaway-K- ... offered t.® 'be clanee :r. Ibe vhf 1 <i»b'»-''.1»e.ur»'-wt: s»4 aveey-»*ir 1 r# ea'Ti *io lie d-fo we'e®*” ly the m. Itafck »«l t.eiMfc .a, "kv tbe aor wiwwV.: t 14®*.1 44 Mflke." ihe waKl. ib* Va*—- * " i ' t a rt-JoWtlof tblttlMh day o* Jwne, tub e#' bi“®* T and Ef'd*L diKK't'id («•# aei.i 44 ®*., *' *• »-4#v • hole al Msetr tj«®e, E®» the earn « ih-ew ii- ar*. a".'•'» ibo •TaltHkNCl) ei t>• tea , iRMkfi note at wmet) *•»•. tor 1 ®lr*d W-c®. ai»4 oe Ihe twe-a* eev»->».: ;b« ®ame yew. at'-'lKeC "o.c at h'ne v of fte .fcowaawl dollars, «mi •*»» the *<’ SOM m <be ni«« iiv. afKvfce# fiv* * 1 ti t ®«*a ihie< IkeaMhl 4*wU-v ft#®.' • »t.d i« »r a® 'tkr' *«.».» (■> if-* taw ei t« 1* • at " T.ei* ilk* fc •»"! a we*..®#, ft Id . 1 c'. e»r. luo'iiJ ml h»)*•»<*•-, » <*kf -s tw*«.iy*4<e kart'®-i pi toi.C I., he Four. 1M1 th*-e •» »® to 1 Si- o»i 1 ihe Nmhw Hack . D : • ol I Vi fc**«!.md aaU p'"» i * |.®>l • :IW t'l '0 * ''®l Kiftii®'® -ee 4.4ta»e a»# a ♦*» •• .1» •«< d .we.1 »<*•' tfcti* l«ed. I • 11. *-eei 10 ifce .4 ‘.V** fc » It la |-eerfcve e«-^.-ee.i. th•« «•*• •*'-» *' |®a* let.® IRl® « • h) «hc F’fc* *Vf® e- lot.*, ifce*pa 1, .e*e#W*' *•> »"»•' • ! mo® .d Kt.-kaa#*, *»4 oweavd eefev * fc 1* • ,fc# a®'-* . Jty lee at " If Ifc# *' * I and #•■< •' ®k *.*•*» ,*e *"* trrm Willi II ooillra ill" swelling "I III" |||I"«I Ho IV ill t'longo in* IioriI ini" llm "I" '. ra**iwma Is In* •I®-aim. hill M l a ilf -p "I I'm l»q« '• pt VI lll'uilANfi, Philadelphia. SoilMtto* Uassrirtat. It a at i.i® luvariatii® f»*llow ihe *4m'n>» lerli'g "I BTAIM.f.ll'a ANOI»VNi. i'UFRIIV FX 0. mu ii'-i — " * » , 1 mi'i'g <‘i 01 .. Ihough Mcaulfaco I# rovhie.l 4V|||| luitdil"* tn | ,., ,-fomxT. In rate* of 1 ouaha. l\»ld®, rri'iem-o of tiiw effoita tmiuafc.a lo gulp 1 •••* j , bill®, troop 4®ihma. ahd Tt.h'at *«"i lung tsim eat imaii'lty, Tile ihloal I" PllUlgen I" tfiat pla nt® umerall). Il |« md rlalme-l that II will cufe 4| nut n 11 tine It eg ulwiieuw fatr lltp I'url «®l Xav tv it 11 tv ti> I '«'»>« *t**l allet .'a r, ali ®r®a*la arvlvtfcg In !*•«%» wah ltivv#. having *tlare~ .mh-wnf .« wpen wfctefc OA « |rMT if «,y fc, fcawe. . ned tb»' the'etnay have bee,® M, Vee.® dm .04 <he v®*®arfc r*"* fcai.t iVvnu VV fcva-fce ne Ve the *<• " I arM®at ahd mt®«j«f»i t.> I»®| dmiM, ##e m be w®ee®>wcw4 twee *-w >•> o 0. ... r __ ifte-e di la" ed until auch time aa ihe Health tMI| i| IXrttfcer .«fc'«#el Ifcal ifcM tel* ** •bail have Inaprcl#®! amt iep.K®e4 «®n I l-e a* ire , Ibe"!-* , ^ naViw gaaftieeel th* » • of ***♦*"••* l-r d« ah with a* ihe t itvwn avewee® *4 ihe <na* ma.y . f > anct-h S h— te*».fcvv<# a e-c* r>-®|tilie. Veaeflatinvie* (>®'n® the 14 eat tmt»e® . ' heww a»M 44 »*tt "* " h.a sper-k- so® »b-kt* ;ewi, meat f.mve l® fcncm« el IN®*! ZeMa,^. kll . v%r , <4 , y^ae intwe «n.>et».t pew®"-®.® •-* 1 until v|*l|«®1 b) the lUallh I'lffeci, whee, l( there ba wh fm* ,u ai mpiotna f*®**e «®l dlsea* eppevwod. the) wtd ha i«m indie®! t*» pus-wad Wp to Ihh e4|V® < tfcjat ow it Tenw. I JUIIS M JivilNsyNN. M ft, '•callh "f vu»S»*‘ Uatanneb, kl»® l\ PM- v E« it u 0 k s r ii k t. tniMtITM IIMHF *| Mil. wn.l®#Mawed l»a®" lh»a *4a, eeleted lnw> a e-s 1 itaileeraM's **#4ef Iff* *#»»♦ aed ••»»• •* " *K- . Hth'K fc H4V1", w®. the p*®'|"'®f M iiewrtN full) cxpe#*.mr®| in uuiureowa c*»e* Tl.e#ea*re, y»w < tfcn.k and MnP«-a>ea| hwamean. *“d w-®*M maf-fVkttaDy vd |k« w>o®i •!* '"."AaoUcil the pairveoweo* IfcfcJjwfflH Hi^we^^ tel Mad al IVKiL ft»vim Re. I^itaegawnsw •kaeanenh. Ha» Mth, iff** •wav -d • , Imen « 10:a it can.lull) lieli#vi®|, 1® untMjuallut In all til nan ana o» the bow eh, a»d II* mi alive pmperltea Rave been Womler i y • mall' al li mn |l V . ; •*----,, 1 • - rilrul Wliu-li "III fM'inill nollltlli ft» pase. llo .• , all • ®-ea, but have.-Mine lo our ki.on Hstge where !!:: :::n;! JSs ri'trsi! I ! ol ill" iNiwaia III* Slain «f auflerlng I# inoal fill- •• 1 -11 II" lisa lost all a«M- »*-l»aiice . even feeling 1® g"im lie ilie® al and pull* l" piece* anything llml |a HilliJu fils l"®< It Go. annual In lilts Bull' d'lb'ii i'oing n.iifinr-l or*r a III", lie" »t ill" I'uut- mg umae, I’ollail out ill" It** coale, anil, In Ills fury, «rustiril Omni H" enitla Mie ui"#l tilde.•«* cites. 'I lie 111,lag Im ntaiva ia inev*a*nl ami |®ecullar It Ivagilia as a liark, vvlilcti eountl, t'etng lt*u It'llup- ton I" Im ei.iiHnneil, I* 'I'ltclyly 1 liatig"-! I" a liovvl, vvlilrfils aod'i' iilv 1 ul an M in llt>< mnldt# , and so Ho- ji.i.r wt.i'ii a< tails, l#'#ly Wodiouf liJT • •srritdi. illtiase M->% Wir's /*•'<» si** r *a#f-* , ft"* shnutii Vow or vour until* require Ihei# aid. lleacMp'l**’ pamphteia lo Im ha'I fcialt® ol the fc«e*il* |®r|iw <d each, «>nl) Stt) eetua pet l-oll'e, ®>» all Indite, ho f t XU, ftlOfl. W, Tl'IINEft fc 041. tv, iv i.irtMii.N, 4 4 at l| .1 ivu iRn fc I-IV F II, MU'.Ill n 04fc, may IF II M»aoa«k . k** kNNAll ITT4 d "t»w »»*• mkn raeahb® in > m»v rmreRI U kdgtteiUM * *■* «».»%•* fc l^vs. r«n«etif • ktiere*'* •wa It llall U t’NUkWlAN VTINE.® MKti'Vfcl' ».* XkiV 44 .1) ae® eior* .New V :» • <®r vfce lUMwtkae 44i»®e k»p""*« *' (eaio®ll| ft®k«M. :• u#4> •».' >® M * * *»,® an fw»e»®ww» ewe-® e»-d -#■- * While, Ml f**4e‘ '**•'* I We eft wit > Su»l« **M'®#k® . kwe»'-#»l Rwd,l OW®."' i*fc»v. Fa • > ' V.tunjt, R*»ve*w».e*e ,4 V‘VaV ll ty*. i .v(««iiraft n> »• rl “ , ‘ ‘t,^ kdoctees ptwaaptl) e»ee*.**l w »n It is • us