The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 28, 1855, Image 3

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IB*?* «•**• SAVANNAH RKDlJHI I* \N, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 28. Iliftfr •JCs NEW p, r * RwUeed—frtli P*ss»(fe *20. For .IVir Ybrk. ll.UTKIt RTATM MAIL LINE. TUB 8TKAM-8HII* ALABAMA t.Ln.0 IVadnodW,Ml) SO. ,1 * o'clock, r. a. »J. Hit tplewHu Imi goln| steamship, ALAltAMA,ti*j)t.Bca*NCR l wnils*va m above.* For Freight or Pome# ap I ply to PAHF.I.FOUD. PA\k «V>. .li.LEwlll succeed th* Alabama, ana do* on fetorday, June W. I*« a.-.'ihlnpers or Cotton by these steamers, will , J.Jukr Holler, that no Cotton will lit received at | «■«•» drawing, ami |talil w that boot distinctly marked on the ©due of I prize of fi?,3m pM*. ‘ ‘ ' at aotmority or thb BTita or oaoRata. Fort Qainea Academy Lottery. rplIK subscriber, having received from lb« Commit- 1 sinners the Agency amt Management nllhe Inaa If. • IBM) in iho City of Atlanta, for Philadelphia NEW ROUTE TO jjlACtAXlA W K fiRBAT .NORTHERN LUES AND CANADA, r.uu: to . PAliw to rhll>*«l«'lphli* . fiullw QO C. I— ItF 80 Dtu.i..\ut*i aMnH doi.i..%r8i t'AUK Iti;Uin.D Fpun SAVANNAH tlirouch tit NIAGARA FALLS 2 . I'-W, and tho distance stumor tlun by any ottiur routo. The well known Oral flat* s'.ilr-whccl steamship KEYSTONE 8TATE, fiPiiin It li AliDIE. »all* from Savannah for I'hlla- Liphi.v I'.VKIlV ALTERNATE WKRNKHFIAY, ,, follows; May 93d, June lilt, amt 9i'th, July ith amt Huh, August lal, 15th ami *.T»tU, fcc, ike, leaving Philadelphia the Inlrrmedlate Wednesdays, ,t« rcjr*ril« speed. strength ami accommodations, | fit* Is unship running nn iho roast. superior In Ilia IfMtene Slate. Hm-voth water IllO miles on tho Oala* «.'v Ray ami River. «mly two nights at sea. Cabin I’U.MIKC, S90~MMr«ic 8M. tins (me. in connection with Ihe Norlli Western | )tsiir..a.l Hon:©, irom Philadelphia, affords Iho ahoriesl, , iMU«’*t. and most inloreslliia mute, from ih© Houlh lo Vut * full*.Ill© (ireat .Northern Ijikes an.l Cnnnda, M-smtf.uii ihe Valiey of ihwHchuyIklll, by Valley Forge, isr.’upti llnollng.the famous Coal Regions oi Fenn*yl- earns. Williamsport. F.lnura and Canandaigua. aitd rec.-i'iittf ra Fulls and iho l! real Suspension Bridge ' la 10 hours, iront Philadelphia—traversing a country ' •arltslhal In the beauty of Us seeuery. TIIK' 't till TICKET.** allowing passengers In stop at Wsrmediate points and resume their journey at pleas, ire, lor sale hv the Agent at Savannah. Faro Irom t*a um.*h to Niagara Falls.lhe Suspension Hilda© or Uu|. jii.i.$>; to Elmira, fi-.'d ; lo Canandaigua. 897. FORT (JAIN UN APAUliMV I.OTTIH11, Ims established the principal Uffiooal Atlanta, Ga., and Intends conducting iho Lottery nn Ihe aama plan as that, of ih* Bouillon* Military AcaditA) U>lloTy,o| Alabama, (IRANtl SCHEME”FOR JUNE. Clnau If, To bo drawn Juno I3ih, 1855, li , Ga.,-when prises auiouuilng 80,000 DOLLARS! \\ Uj ho distributed aceording to iho following magiilll- coni Bclieinn: And t ©member, every Prise Is drawn at ..... .. | l0t , dun, without deduction. lo pritaoi tfiio 19,1)00 15 do of ns) 1,500 78 do or 50. ... 3,WHI 190 do oftu 3,000 from 5.ISS) V.lHXt tl.Wl) 9,300 prise I do ,»f.. I I do of |9 do of 1.000... I 5 do of 500.... i 951 prises, amounting lo fiso.nuo '*NLY TEN TIIOI'HANI) NUMBER* I I IT Tickets 93—Halve* e9,&o-Quartcnfil.«> •£& I lulls uii all solvent Ranks at par. All romo imlrationt j Slrldl) conlldeiitlal. HAMULI. HAV AN* . , Agent amt Manager, Atlanta, Ga. i J. T. AWTREV,t>euersl AKenl,!*Nvniiiiab,l,a., . Offlce on llroughtou tl„ between Drnyloii ami Hull ala. may VO >r D RAWN NI'.MIILItSni Urueuu**. I'ulMki Miiuuiueni j lottery. Class IVOt > 15 UU I 53 14 59 9 05 VI) A 30 70 I msy vs e. wmiiNinoN. | m») VI c. A. I.. I.AMAII. Agent. REDUCTION IN THE GRI AT RATES OF FREIG HT, BSTWatN 7 Now York and Savannah. - THE RATK8 OF FREIGHT HY THE L&Ncw York and Savannah Sicamibipa *■ If have been reduced a* follows I HM All Go*»dt heretofore paying 10 and Ucent' per cunle foot, will bo uken at 8 cents per r^i.'hmt until muher notice. SAMVEL I.. 8IITCIIII.I,, LI HUOAI)WAV,N. Y. p inr.I.FORD. FAY 4c CO„ Savsnnsb. gu '.'3—11 V. N. MAIL lilNK. For JPalaika, Florida. The new and last running t'eamer Ja.XI M I 3ST O £i 23, Capi. IV. It. Poaiell, leaves every ri l hDAV, US 10 oVIock. A. 2*1., TUils the inlsud rouie, aud louchlng at all tne liner. E«mie laudlijis. This steamer will gn lo Wvlaka, c.< ber irip of Tuesday, Ihe Wd Inst, for ire.cUt or passage, app^on board.orlo my 19 . LAFFITEAU, Agent. ; $10,500. I 75 Number Lottery —19 Drawn Hallols. | Groeno and Pulaski Lottery, riiauw l»7. (or INAA. To bo drawn at Savannah Monday, .May V8, 1855. i GREGORY k MAI’RY MANAGE.H8. . •ruMiuu sciismk: ' i o, iio.aon-1 o, „ ouo-i ..t ,2.000. | Tickets $3,50—Shares in proportion. Tickets and tiharct, either singly or hv the Package, 1 for sale by K. WITIIINGTON. inst » I Tho Smithsonian' Clouse, I Hroudway,corner ol llou«|on Street, NEW YORK, On Hie same bloek with the .Metropolitan Hotel nnd Nlido’s Garden, nnd two block* abovu Iho Hi. I Niclmln* Hotel, O FFERS to travellers .Veyrner .1reommod»liani, In J Ih© heart nl lliosriway, ||i luilUeUiate Juvts|>o»l. llou to tne other first ela*« bouses ann places of amuse- ! meut, at inodrrate rates. The lumso bus all llieconve* | iitunces III vogue,nnd Is conducted on the European Plan of l.odglng Rooms, u( jijly unit, usd n^ieurds a Jug, according to Inculloii, Ac., nnd meal* eatra as ordered, nl prices graded to suit both Iho economical and ettravauattl, tho gitestf oidrimg uiealsnt pleasure,mid ostv rmi oiut l« I’san. Travellers will And at tlio 'v.MITHHi t.NI AN Hcr.uuimKla- lions ol superior order, nnd enu, II Ihey chons*, tiinke TIIKIR HII.I.S LBS* Ol AT LSASr OSS-I lltllU THAN AT oTttva rtasr class itoiBLs, as conducted on the old ; system. I lor respect ability, order, neatness aud rconomy, the , Hiulil.oimaii sb ill innke its mnrk on ihe times, and he wortbv the patroiiag© of the people, apr J-OctJ KIDNEY KOP.MAN, I “ HIVING aiHVNIL f jc THIS popular and well known establishment L has recently iiudergoiio thorough alterntl <ns lo Lutccl the pru'enl change now occurring In tho hotel system. It will reopen on MONDAY, May 91, on I Ihe European and Antdlran Plan combined, with the sameelegnnt Dining-Rooms a* h©rrlnir(t-; will. Table d’llote In I.adiev*Ordinary, which will thrown open ; loth© punll© from t tiaiiihor* street and Rroadwayen. ' trance*. It ls expected the Hotel will meet with Iho I usual favor tront the public; also Irom families and . permanent boarders—aa every atlention will lie paid to guest* at moderate charges. The Irving House ha* been newly furnished and paluted through..ill, with vn. rn.ii»imtirov,-nieiit* added. T'b* w bole to be conducted by Mr. WILLI l.M II. Itl'RROt.'GIIK, who |* well known lor bis skill and gentlcmunly deportment, which c.r Itself i* a guarantee tor It* future success. Tho rooms will Ih* charged for separately and price* govern* I td according lo situ ami location, ilia v ‘J.'i r»H C’llAIII.KNTO.H-IMpt’Cl. The steam packet CAROLINA, Carl. uCoxdtrr, will leave here every Tnewfay ? o'clock. For (Trlght ornassage. ap * fi o.'*rJ. or lo SI. A. COHEN .til height payable on the wharf, iprtt min ' "Toil VIIAIU.E8TUSI, VIA DIA'FlToS, UoYD'H LANDING, IIILTON HEAD. AND HEAlToRT. " ■ m. The steam pai kel W.M. HEAIIROOK, iigJJBSCCapt. F. Peck, will loavo for tho abuts K ites every Mm.lsy, at 5 o'clock P. M. Freight for trles:..a will tie taken at Ihe asm* rale a* by tho UU4.rr<Vdi"UD. 8. M. LAFFITKAl’,Agent. FOIt RENT. A very desirable Itrlck Home /new,) con fSl Isiiilug six spacl.m* rooms, will flnisbed ; one ■4'V..mall one; store mom*,closets, wardrobes, pl- . SMS, |!>v|il|.r», fcc , With cominiNlious i-A'rl.ige house, ,*,lpCP* (two servant's rooms above.) and stable attached. ,w ’' , Exec.lent pump«.f waterlnyard. Near corner Aber- Corii nnd T.»> lor streets. Rent very low. Apply lo WM. WRIGHT, tuny 9*1—If mithi:. A delighiful pleasure evcurslon trip : _ will be made by steamer PLANTER, in • Inland passage, on Wednesday next, | tL-.V.t. *n*t.. leaving her wharf at 8 A. At . and return- \ sumpiu-.uv dinner wl.l he provided by th© Btessrd, who wilt eharge extra for ihe *ame. A . hs' d »l im.s e * engaged for <ho occasion. The rr.& afford* ample room and airy acc.nn* t> klalioii, make the trip desirable, pl©a*ant aud •arrest.!e. Tare—one dollar. Children half price, may Jt V. Woul.KY. T/yit"N I'AV YfiRK—Gaoao i a Li a a.-The _ »rhf ECl.lPeE, Gn*|ve, master, eipilok dispairh for the above port. For I ksirhi nr;4.ssge apply on board to captain. or to J»sy*n tDlJLNH k HP.PTT.. • I NEW YullK.-Thebark »JtACT,Kami* jbSders. rnasirr, wdi have disps'ch for tbu above I fort f'.-r freight ergagenirnt*. apply to 1 —ytM DANA*WASHBURN.__ * FUR H\LTTMiTR|;=HaocL*R Uaa.—Ihe )t*chr AI.AIIAMA. * tutber. tunstei, will have e *pt;clia*tb *#. I.« frelgblor passage apply on k*rd at Telluir's wharf, or tn I 18 union AM, KELLY k. CO. FUR ritLU.IIT tTu LlfdlULll.-The schr t^t'NAN, t.'spt. Uobblns, will take Irelgbi to a «*n i«>rt. For i.arttrnlais.snquite «>( W URIGIIAM, KEI.I.Yjt CO, . ■ nri7AMF.ll NT. JOHNS. I j-M- This boat will lie withdrawn from the f lor- | :da Line, for the present. Due notice will be 1 * *•«. whet »l>* will resume her trip*. Ci.AGH'iRN It CUNNINGHAM, Agent*. I aisy V8 • . & otic i:. ’ i I uac Consignee* will plea-eattend to receiving I XfW H*elr goods, landing This Das, fr»-m the bark | LX t'.T, at Padelfnf.i's wharf. may 98 I ir Consignees |i«-r srhooner ECLIPSE Goalee, I YCt 1 from New >ork, are notlfled that she t* ills- t iigThi* luy,at IVahlb'irg’s wharf. All goods re* mg "li the wharf after sunset, will be stored at ex* I J*»w *ml risk of owners. CulIKNS k. IILU I*/. »»> '•» | I it V A VS AII I TI'A I, INM'II A.M E CO 1 I t> »n* An election for right Trustee*, lo manage I 11^ the affair* of thia Institution, lor the ensuing I !• »,«!tl U- held at ihe office ol the company, No. lid I Li street, on Momliy, 4tb June, IK15. *») 0 JA9IK8 MclinNRV.Bec'y. ' " A CAIIO* DR. N, PAINTER, I l;K')M fllARLESTON, S.C., begs re*|»ectfully lo In | 1 vi e the attention of the Ladies a* d Gentlemen ah and its vicinity, lo hi* perullar anil t ffne- tul in nl© of affording relief, Instantaneous and tier* ei»A-ri',to tho.e trounled with Corns, llunlon*. Nall* j*'»'.r»iing if.© f|©sb, 4tc , 4se. Df. P. will arrive in • n or ate .in Monday next, for the purpose of f*3»ii<iiig about a week, and will, during that lima, K '-n-e me ilutist of Ids profession, lit all of Its the*. may VH—tf YlO ONI.Y* I,' dt s t—Aiitiful llomeslesd tn the village of Rose* I *s)e, Dmg island, one hour's ride from the city | v'A* • York, and situated upon the celebrated l4ike kotna. Each tuhtcrilier for only flu will ro- »« building lots, 95 by IMI feet, lying together, s fvrm from 9 to 90 acres. The advantage* of tho intrinsic value of the** Iota, can he to-lier h) referring to maps of the same, to he (!) *• of the undersigned. The division will n the 4th June, proximo. M'ply to WM. WltlGIIT, Agent. »»y >-tf ( "•UN -in store* and ait wharf, in lots t<» *u t purr has- ers For sale by W. II MACLEAN. H r Wilt keep a constant supply on baud In future. rr.»j ;<i C •' 'It S AND COW PBAM.—UnhO bush, prime While ’ torn: bushel* Cow Pea#: 3<# bushel* Hhorta; If't git,*;. Itrau. Landing Ibis day, and for sale on 'A* wbtrf, tiv WAVER k. CONSTANTINE, Vfi J ones' New llullding, Hay al. ItAf.lT Prime Rio Coffee, landing from *ehr Alabama, and for tala by MINIH *S JOIINHTON. ’ II lTF:7eton* Brown anil (Hack Zinc Paint, lu ftiti, ' T M Siel 11 fc k«gs. In store, and for sale In lots 11. Mil I.urt liSMrs, by MINMfc JOIINHTON. may®! to the: pi ri ii . riMIE IIRANDRETII IIOCkLi* now open on the En* 1 topi-an plan, and toady 1«t Ihe reception ol the | travelling public, lo wlmie eumtort every attention 1 will Ik- paid, by the Mi-ssr*. O'Graily, Into of Judsou'* Hotel. j Itrandreth House, No. 413 Hro* Iway, opposite New llaw-n Depot. Private enirance No. 4i Canal Street. ! New York. Ilriimlrrlti IIiiiimp llrstwiirnnl, opposite New Haven llnllroad Depi.t, on Lis* , pi naril and Canal streets Meals served at all hour*; oyster* in every style ; lea amt coffee of very superior I ipiabiy ; every delicacy ol the *«-a*on mt hand. The | supply of teiidcr-lain steak*, is Inteiiiled t<* last un.ll 5 | o’clock In tli« afleriioon. George Slater. Inin of tho New York Hotel, .iipcrlnteiid* the cooking department. [ No place in the city can supply n cheaper or better j dinner—th© many and the few will have equal cause for *4ii»f.icllon. Retnenilu r LLpennid street and Cr-Ual ; —entrance on < Itlier street. S. It. Dinner and supper parties can bo accotnmo- i dated w till private room* If desired, tnav 14 3mo» ■ « \ii>m i(.\ BTTT.T (A*((li«*r« (o Lukbfdgt d- Urothtr.) Wllol-BSaLk A*t> NOT All. Booksollors nnd Stutiouero. No. 159 CONGKI^K HT., Houth side MatWit square, HA VANN All, f»A. jas. a. m. wagnocK. wn.t. uavta muy i.0 PURE OIL8 0F Cognac, Wine and ICiini, WITH DIRECTIONS. F..n S.l.t nv CAMNI'.l k IIAHKP.LL, miy 90-0 H h --I) Platt Hired, New York. lift landed. For sale low JAMES A. IIRilWN. R*®2sJKStaSwi?@i ou Imix-ts Hparkllng Catawba, qta. 10 boxes tin ImImIU do . 15 boxes do Catawba pint*. Ill Imxaa |)ry do A boxes Laities* do In store and fur ulo by jnty 94 * VUOH. B. WAYNE II HUNK. ” ” nTinduieh. I*)A llsgs I'rlina Green Rio Coffee, 14U 75 bags do do Lsgulra Coffee, 100 niatla Did Gdvernmcul Java do. AO bags Marie tlbu do 80 bbls Hiuan's l rallied and Grnuud Hugar. (0 bbls A k II. Clarified Hugar, III lihdsCbnlcoHI, Croix do 95 blots t.'lmlcn and Prime N. U. Hugar. All libls N. O. Mulassas, 75 bhls W. I. do 75 bbls llulter, Hugar and Ko«la Crackers, An bbls lllratn Mmlthaml Canal Flour, 150 bills llnltlmoro ami Georgia Flour, lot) b.ixes Adniniiitlmi anil HtarCandlss, Hi biixi't llendel'a 0s Sl 8a Fat. Tallow l.'amllea 40 boxes Higgins' do do do Hi boxes Colgate's and Headers I'earl Htarch, »H) boxes Family I'ale ami No, | Soap, 500 reams Wrapping I'*per, (aisorted) 90 boxes each Ground Coffee nnd I'eppvr, 95 doicn I'aliiUid liniullu Rruoitii, lOO do lliickels, 500 bags Drop and lluck Hhol, (assorted) For sale al store, by may94 HCllANTUN, JOIINHTON kt'O. MII.TIMIIEN. |M|t RAGS Prime to Choice ItloCnlfre, ll/U 50 *» • Oil Government Java, 90 hints, etudeo Hscori Hide*, III “ ♦* •» Shoulders, 5 " " •* Hams, 15 •* New Orleans Hugar, Uoo bills. Relliied - 75 *• Crashed and Powdered Sugar, 95 lilutr. Cuba Molasses, 50 bids. •• •• /MI •• choices'.o. •• 100 holes No. I Pale aud Family Soap, 5o •• Vurlegatud “ 50 “ Peurl Starch, 50 •• Adatnanllno Candles, 50 " Mould •• 95 “ S|ierni ** I IMI •• Tobacco, all grade*. 90 •• Ground I'cpp'r anti Spice, 90 bag* IVppcr and Hplce, 901) ©tdls Rope, 1500 sack* Salt, Together with a large assorlmrnt of goods not mum Honed, lunidlng and for sale low, by may 18 RUDUEHB k NORRIS. NI'MIICICN. '-ill 'HIID**. IIACON SIDES, t)U 90 blid*. should,-r*, All bids. Mrs* Fork, 3u •• I'rlina Fork, 9oo lings I'rlmn lo Choice Ulo Coffeo, 30 tubs Choice Rotter; 30 bids. Roticr Cracker*, ■M) *• Sugar •• 31 " I'llot IIread, 95 boxes HihU RIsculL Just received ni d for sale by may It . II LCOMRE, JOHNSON k CO. 110.11 r.HTICl.HII'IHt ft. 1 RRI.M. ( K. Flu-Ip* mol 110*0 hrsiols) Gin, 1DU 45'• iilil|F>*c II (•uinectlcui River Rye Gin, loo •* RectlffcJ Wbltkey, A0 •• Luther Felton ami pure lloston Rom, 40 •* DomoMlc llrnmly. • 90 “ Cbolceold Motioogaliela Whiskey. For sale by SCRANTON, JOIINSTfiN k CO, may 93 IMI.TIMOIIE IIAl'ilM, Ac. *w HHlis. Choice Hacmi Hides. I 93 hhds. " Mnoildrrs, *..% tierces H'ignr Cured llatnN Vi Idds and Ion kegs Crime l^-tf Lard, loo hbls Mtperffne iiowardHrert Flour, Received liy recent nrrivnln.and fur sale by may91 Hi.lUNTov, JOIINHTON kCO^ C'A.MH.O, Mill* AND NTAUiTli (WA ROXE.-V AdsinanllnnCandle*, t'lr R»* boxes Family and I'ale Soap, 5*) •*, Pearl Starch, In store, and for sale by may 93 _ J. V. CONNI'.RAT k C(L_ CUIT'Ci:, Ac. U l'DSON MILI.H linminl epicc*, a lull a*«nrtou-ut. •* •• Ground Coffee of all qualities. " *• Ground Rice, for Fuddlngs. Custards, kc. '• " Table Halt,a superior article. In boxes. " " Mustard. In l*rgo anil i-tnall can*, pot op exprifly for Hotels and Drug gists. Kitchen's Yca»l Powder*; Cream Tartar. Kitchen's and Rhode's Cocos; Prepared I'hoco* late. Rrcelvril Iresb Irons tin* Mills, nnd for sale sl New York price*,by JOI.N INGKUHIILL, may 34 No.9, Jone»'lllock. Itny-*t. ' I'i.aia iLmi.GiiVTSiinsHii.r V CHOICE, nssoMmetil id Pink, Green, lUne. Yellow nnd Wbde Plain llarege* aud Tltoic*, Finn:era* Fins 1 iriialoiigs. 9*' piece* Dowlas, llro. and Rleacbed, Oiili-ce*c.diire.l('rape*. Mantillas and Crape Shawls, White nml Colored, together with a fresh and hand some lot of French Embroidery, such n* Collar# •iti-ovc*,Chemisettes, kc. All of which are now offer tng at very low price*, by ROKENRAI'GII k I.AHFON, tn..) H No. 9. Stiadd's llullding. I >oY>* ('LoTHING—of the fullowtiK kind*: While > lluck, drown l.lnen, Cheek Linen ami lllsck 'Me rino Frock "ont* Pant* and Vesta. Rluo and Itlack Merino, Rrowu l.lnen, Check Linen, Atpacca, cloth Sack an I Hound Jacket*. IVIolc. Huff, and flg- ured Marseilles Vest*; all for Iniy* from nine to *even- les-n year* rest. AHo.nlull assortment of chlldreii'a Kell*. Jacket nnd Paid*, amt lane/ suite* for boys rnuu four to eight y,-ar«idd. Allnr which Is for sale very cheap nl GIR). S. NICHoL* -. (JO'S in») I'.r Gttiboo*' Usngo. r /INC, Paint and White l^-ad,landing fr«m srbr L it H. Uavis, nn I for sele In Iota to *ult piirchaver*, by may 93 MINIS k J'MINSTi »N. ■^yiN E Itottie*, Isnding and 'or sale by_ SDfppdia embtettncmnits ■iiriiAN Mi:Am nsviuatiiin i.u.icv aim lleemen via soothnniplon. TIIK IINITKI1 KTATK8 HAII. HTKAIIHIIII' WASSCmOTOKT K. Cavinoy* Commander, vfAk WILL sail ftir llrainan, touching at Houih* aAfiLBLatniiinu, to land IlM Malls and Passengers fhr Etiglaml aud Francs. 0k Balkfday, loth June, at 19 o’clock, M.,frmu Plea No. 37, If of th lllvar. Pritt */ Pass*#* /raas AVtr Far* fa A#kfA«My(vn *r Jfr«M«a< In flrstcabln, main saloon, lo llrsl cabin, lower saloon no lo second canlli, QO An experienced surgeon la allached lu each strainer. Specie delivered in Havre or London. All Letters must pasallmingh the Post Office. For passage or Ire laid, apply lu U. II. HANDS, Agent, II Hmitli Wflllamat. The sR-amer llcritianu will succeed the Washington and sail Joly_l4lh._ eodlw may 95 i'Ult HAVANA AMD KEY VMUT.~ STM A,MSI! IP I8AUKL, Tim V. H. Mall sleamsldp IHAIIEI., .William ll«lilna,4)ommander, will leave savannah for Havana and Key West on tlo* kill and 19th of each month. iAHKL coiiuecls, at Havana, with the I'. H, Mall Hteamidilp Company's'Lino olHteamirs fursnu Frnnclsco via Aspiuwull, and will carry UiePaciilc malls. For PniMiigu, apply to hdiltl fJOIIENN k HERTZ. Agents. (4)It PAI.A'I'KA* i:. « ... VI . DARIEN. IIRUNSWK K. ST. MAltYH, JACK-1 S' IN VILLI', MIHDI.EIIURGil, HLACK CREEK k PICOI.ATA- . «n w. Hill new ami elegant Hteain Packet JugUiitBXG Kr.JDIINH.Eapl. James Fri-almrii. will lei-iuiiir tho above idac«^ every Thursday, at Id o'clock- This boat having large and alrv stale room nceonimo. di lions, and taking the Inland mule, offura superior lie dt-ceineiila to Invalids aud other*. ' For I'lelghl or Passage.apply oil board, at the Florida Steam Packet wharf, near GieGas Work a, or to titssr 13 CLAGIIORN k CUNNINGHAM. Agents. Wit I*A IiATKAiU’IiA. t , AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGH. To Leave Suitirday.tii lU.v'clock, A. M. , . a. The Sleam-packet WEI.AKA, Uopt. ^TI11 MkisHr will leave asabovr every Saturday 1 .Morning, at lu o'clock. For freight or passage, ! apply lo H. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. apr9l 1 JkaDn at jXttttton. ^ IIV kPENUKH OlIIIMELli! Jl aU » JL<JtijCt Co n[* MV OGTAVUI COUEIL Al Auction. *. THIS DAY In front nf iturs; A general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Far* Allure, kc. N. II. All goods mil taken away before the nail sale day, will be add at the risk and expense nf former purchasers. may 98 Cod Fish at Private kale. A few hundred pounds God Fish, Just received awl Tor sale. may ®t_ Farm at Private Mate. A farm containing about 95 acres, wIDi a comfortable . Dwelling-house thereon; seven acreeeudoeed, the hal- i aneo well wooded. Bald tract Is sllualed In White Jlluff District, about seven miles from this city, and I* bound* , edon the north by Killer's land, east by Hairner'f, south by Kelffer'«,and west by A. Usrclay'sland. Tne above will be sold low, If applied for Immedl* j alely. may 94 •. Htock of fJr<)ceHrB at Aiictlou. Nlm THURSDAY, lit Juno to-xl, at store No. 157 RroUgblOU street: A Urge assort merit o| Groceries Llgars, Tobacco, Ann l.b|Uols, kc., kc. Terms made known on day of into. Hale to continue from day lo day, until all aro sold. may 99 At Private Sale. I Prancle' Metallic Life lloat. Will be sold I.• w. rosy 91 Will be sold bcf.irullie Court lloosoonTUEsDA V, the Alb of Juno next, (unless smim-r disposed of,; Lot N'o. 959, In the Hilt District of Wilkinson county, cotyaliilnglfirija acres. Also, l.ul No. 319 In the Huh District ol Raker, for* nieily Early County, containing 9»u acres. For pariIc-i- larsi-iiquiru al Hit- auction store. No. 154 Uay-st. may 'J Plantation at Private Halo. A Plantation situated two tulle* from Davlsboro (No. 19, U. It. It.) containing about < M>«i) sixteen liunJrtxl acres of cl,nice laud, n largo (H-rtloii of which I* oak at d hickory. The largo creek, known as Wllllamson'a Greek, runs llm whole MiKth or tho lands, anil Is tlio buiiml. ry on tliu southwest. Till* place Is remarkably healthy, having Ix-en tottled seven yenis and In a family of thirl) live persons, there lias never heen a dcslli Irom fwor. lit© Improvement* e»n*ut* of a new Irnce cn* closing almost Hu- entire tract, (3ia)| three hundred of which Is culll vnted. * 111 lb© premises It a neat uid rum* forlablo dwelling, kllcbcn, negro houses, stub Ins, gin bouse, Colton screw, eorn bouses, and a well of excel* lent water, unwiir passed In tin-Slate. The situation Is pleasant, and altogether desirable. For terms, kc., call or address Hiiencer Gurrell, 154 llaytt-i Savannah, lia. may V 3k tOkhoaV mil 90th I nee, at II o’clock, at thk Horn occupied by Mcasie. Roll.well k WhRabakdt Tlw remaining stock III said store, eooalstlnff of Ha|* glog, llalo Rope, cigars, Tobacco! Candle*. Marea. koap, Huger, llrandy, Port Wine, Bherry, Nall*» Lvad, l^mon Bytnp, kc., kc. Tsrms-Hama under |90U. cash: from lo __ flo days 1 over |3U0,4 months, for approved endorsed noiaa. may 94 On ti.e f7|(HT TUESDAY In Jane nest between the usual hours of sale, will ba sold lo front of the Conn ■ House. Th* WMtarn half of lot No. 3, Chatham Ward, with . bouse and Improvements thereon t subject to a ground , rent of 119 99 per annum. Hold by virtue nf an urder from lbs Honorable, llm ■y, CK , tom not to CM by pannlsslon cf tu ik»Brt of Urdlnary usd par order JvS! endorsed Of IhTAdmlnM^tor. Terns Cash. ifn Admlnlairalfix’akaio OoTIJUMIDAY, Id Jklykoxt, kt II o'd*«k, to froa of Conn Hokkk 1 Half Lot No. aonthweet eoraar of TijlsraM Jkf- ferson 1 tracts, sad impro vamaota. 9 shares Aogaata k, Waynesboro’ R. JL XkdLbslaog* Ing to tka astatk of 0. KaUaakom. deceased* Md for " baaadt of tho heirs sad creditors of said aataic, by ... ... — ofdar ol lb U e rlt'ate W 11 ,?" •• *he proporty of | permleMoo of tbs Coart of Ordinary, and pat a r&SZ&iX:*- the Admlnlitratrlx. nriii.iincMuu, Possoaslnn given ..It llm first id November. , Tiirmi:—Olio-third cash, or a not«atslainontbs,iwiih I an uiipnived endorser; one third twelve months, and! one third twuycais, with Interest Irom the day of safe, 1 with mortgage ou the premises, and policy of Inaorance f assigned. anr9H FWANeIH T. WIL1.H. F.a'r. I 2_"jiy_wyi,i.y_* : *cm'jiiiiXiVr '! At'Private Sale. | 10 hi,are* Savannah and New York Steamship Hmck I for sale. Apply P, iimjt 94 WVLLY k MON l MOLLIN. At Private Hale. Huvenleeti Ihoumnd acres of l.and lying ff miles on Guiiiberlaiel, H 00 rr-.oked and 10 on Hatilla Rivers, l«- tng np|Hi*lt« to GuinlierlarMl Island, In mile* fr no Hi. Ma* ry’s and tn sight of Femandlua Islands. The high lands are well tlnEien-d ,01 the track ; there are several fine hatnocks and cane fists, which fur planting lands cannot he virollcd—3.IBMI acre* being tulUhle for Iho cultl va Hon of lllce. Th©»«- lands wlllbe sold together or dlvld* ♦*1 tu parcels In suit purchaser*. Also, from 50 to hi, Negroes, in famlllrt. may lu tpaylBg tortUica. rou,Nlti. I * vAICUn 1h« flue *teain packet GAKOI.INA, j ^iSfifiBBbUotC'tlv'r, master, will leave Savannah fur the above place, ol, TucmU)'llm J9tb June, at 1) , o'clock A- 31. riiurhlng at Gliarkstoii, will leave 1 there Wednesday, at 9 oVIock P. 31. For height or passage, having Hue slalo-rnmu ac- ! cotnmoi|aihiu«, apply ou board, or to may 93-Jim 19 3I.A. t.'OIIKN. yiLm, ' I'ult IKiRDEAl'X.— fhe new . fast sailing <gjg* l.rlir K AT A II DIN, t’epi. Atnsbury, Will rail June" iiil. I’ur pn-snge only, having good uccoiniuodn tloiiv, apply h» captain on imurd, or to LARI.iri'tIN k PARHONH, may 99-Ida Nn. HJ, ltay-*t. \l±L PASSAGE Full IHVERptlUL.—Tho fine SJafasI vailing packet ship, JuSEPII TARUATT; !•»«> . master, will ho ready *u a few days. For passage hav ng superior iiceoiiiuiodollon*, apply onboard, or • > . E. A. Mil'Ll.AUD. may 93—3 ^ _ G'onsigi.eo PurTIVRhpiK)L^-Tbe fine ship UITaTT- m&^ I ER u.\K, llnmllette mailer, having tnnsl ol L-r curgo engaged, will have distialch as above. For freluht or passage apply on l»>nrn, o* tn may lu RKIGII AM, KI'.I.LY k CO. Asslgiieo’s Hate. Will be told mi the ffr*l TUESDAY In June next, he- ween the Inoirt of sale, before the Gourl limive: l^,t No. 17 t'alhouu Ward, with tlio impMVemmta Iheteon. Four negro men, viz.: Osbornv, John, Jouaa aud j Nero. Half Interest In n Lime Shed : <111© Rockaway SJar- 1 riaue; ono llorM,; one fart; »uu lot slate; one lot | stone ; one lot Tiles. 1 The same being the property of Adam Short, aa* ' signed for the heuefll n( bit creditors, and cold by or der of tlio assignee. IIIII AM ID tRERTH Havaunah, >Vny 8,1855. may 8 For Rent or Lease. 1 A Garden fot, oirtlie Tloinderbolt road, adjoining ' Itillm's: contalii-ng thirteen aero*, with a dwelling and farm-lion*©. This loti* Just nut of the extendod limit* ol Him city, The,e premises will bo rentud lor ono year, or leas ed for from ouo to leu year*, apr 19 For frelgblor passage, apply ou board, or to ll HKIGHAM, KELLY k GU. P'Oll RusTuN.—The ship SUSAN MINKS, ’lausscu, master, will have quick dispatch as above. IV" * ■ may III JOt I'Ult NEW YORK—Union Etna.—-Thoregu ■<W»iar packet rchr KNGIIANTRIM-*, Jayne, mavier. Will have quick dispatch for the alrov© port. For freight or passage, apply to F. J. OGDEN, may 9ti FUR NEW YORK—Union Lins —tle regTi. StOi lar Packet Hchr.L. H. DYVIH Davis, masier, i will have ..... .. 1 quick illspatch for tho above port. I'of | freight or pn**nge apply t« F. J.' may 94. Jfifc Full NEW YuRK—i)LH Establisubii i.taa. %ie/*e Tin- l.rlir EMPIRE, Atworlhv, mavirr, will have quirk i|l*patrb t% above. For IreUbl or passage, hav ing g-eel accommodation*, atqily on boani, at lotmar'a wharf or to may 0 RKIGII\M, KELLY k m Fur NEW YORK-old lUrsauntan I.ins jgg—The bark. FLIGHT A. II Gallioiili, master, wilt meet will, ditq.atch a* aieive. For freight, or pas sage.apply on board at Tellair's wharf, or to may In URIGIIAM. KELLY k GO. '(ftp Full I'llll.ADEI.PIHA—liaitisN'a * Link.— I inr Tll “ regular packet srtinoner MARTHA, J Got* •ter, ma*ter. will have quick ill*|iaicb for the above port, having morl of her cargo engaged. For balance of freight, apply lo G. A. GREINER. mn> 19 *>}>> 1lE ! \ V t It EIGHT W ANT Eli-95in 5ii tons afiHtheavy Ir. aht wanted for New York. Will ho taken low. Apply to RuWI.AM) k KuN. taay e VESSEL WANTED.—To carry a cargv of It'H) 31 ol sawed iimlter it, a Northern port. GAKI.EToN k I'ARHONh, No. m-J, Ray *t. H-l I* wanie.1 io load k itii flooring board* or board* and timber, v Vnrli. Apply to ROWLAND k HoN. may ll Tint's, ft. tv.t VNi: A- SON, GENERAL CO.inilS.SHIN AM) FORWARDING MERCHANTS. SAVANNAH, GA. I TT" I •Iberal advances 111 ado on c-uivlgninonts. may 4 tt WII.I.IAI! J. Wll.Cllllllt ATTORNEY AT LAW, Warruiitoti, Geo., Will prarliee In ton Northern Circuit of Georgia, and in the counties nl llurkc, Columbia, Jefferson ami Wash- Inuion, nf tlm Middle Glrruit. ly may'.* PAIRS .MILLINERY,’ Lot No. At Private Hale. 171, 81th district. 9d section,Gilmor •>}.. •* 917. Htb 477. ItMi “ '* fct soctluii, Paulding, 4* 428, 91»t ** 5th *’ — L'lrnkln, •• 70, • •• — Gllrner, •* 513, IVth •• — Luinkln, * foi, l-th " — Thnmat, 950, ©ll, ** — AVEkieson, 95(s ecrei i in Bub “ luirly. 185 “ Mil. »• 1st secUun *• XI '• 1st “ lUtiun. 14 " Mib “ 94 •- Ihe Admlnlitratrlx. Terms cash. Purebai may 15 ssrroAvonsanaadChUtfiatFrttal* Bala. A gor>d fair cook, washer and Iroatr, oa4 boas* ear* vanLagwl ab^jttwrnlv years, with bar (UM, skssl two years, kound and healthy : aotd for a* bsk. may 93 AdaitniitraftiVirtaia ’ Will he sold 00 TUEMDAY. Just 5, In front ef Coart llooaa. llai Lot No.—, sad Iwjmnamaato, sll—lad aw FTaa •tmM,(>gi«tb9rp« Ward, Jljj font front »yW fart daay. fee simple. Tb« Improvement* are two iwnaaat wooden buildings, also a on* alary wooden b*H4la« as a leased lot, to axpIre in December o«t, (he propertV belonging tn the esuto of Henry Uasaoa, dnsatsf, W»ld ty of the Court of Ordinary and par order of tne Administrator*, fur (be be r^-fit of the crsnlt- lori and heir* of Mid eetate. Terms cash. apr 13 old Mongahela Whiskey, at PHvaleial*!””’” Now lauding |*er steamer Florida, from New Tart t C3 bbU Old Monongahala Whiskey. Fpc set* low. apr 10 Fence Palhngs, at Private Bala. 95.H0U tpeuce pine Fence Fallings, for sale low, lo lots u> suit purchasers. A sample can beaten atovrcMmt* } Ing room. mar TJ Xlntm Rockaway for sals, al Frlvai* Pals. A flue Rockaway, nearly uew, sale low Terms cash. mar Id may IH v nr Hslo. o. laborer*, fmm 90 to k.*l years old. Railroad Private Ha'e. 90 share* Central Railroad Hu<k. mar to nv t. j. walih. 3 likely negro in may l« On the flrrt TI.'EHIMY lo Jiiiid, before the court House in tho city of Savannah, between Iho legal hours of sale; Thai valuable Lot »nd lliilhllhgjitvown fc* Wli.'uoi* son's GoUoit Shed,the saute fronting mi |la> street, W Icet. running westwNrdly <>i A street IW feet, and running back 115 kit. Term* made knoau on day of Mhv* may II Adinlnlstratilx's Hale Will l»e a>dd. le-furo the Court limive. In the City nf Havaonali.on the flr*( TULHDA Y In June next, between the legal hour* of *ai«-, tlm foil..wing ii*tne>l negro slave*, to wit: Nancy. Elijah. William, Rob, Isom, Tolu, Patrick, and Nelson, belonging m the e*tat« of llmsiio llbrns. Hold by permuvinu of tho Ordinary of the County #»f Gliathain, p>r the benrfitof tha heir a aud credlbtr* <•( «nhl ,-vtate. ELIZA A. ItRuWN, Administratrix of the Estate of T. A. Itrown, surviv ing co-partner of drown k Harris. apr 3 At i'rivato Hale. A woman about 4o year* of age. a flrrt rate pastry Cieik, wa*lier 4,.<| imnor, amt an exu-Rcut house *©rv. am—warranted soiiml. mar 31 (LSlnutii. iLalt/j. Ik nun. VC. WANTED, B Y 1 he sub*rrltK-r. a IJ -y to attend to a Soda Foun tain. A. RUN AUD. may 9J—tf / 1 AUDENElt WANTED -A competanl Gardener. \ I take charge ,.f a gar-l.-u near me city, on the salt*. 1 for collection. None need apply unb**. good reference bn given as to mas 91 Private flat*. A icntle and kind Pony, suitable for cldldraa. Will bo sold low tf applied for this week. AUo. apelro gentle and well broke Marea. aceus* tomed to double rr single harnosa. Hold foe no fault, the owner about leaving for the summer. Will be de livered after the tailing of the steamer of neat Wed nesday. Will be sold low. Terms cash. may 4 Potatoes! Potatoes!' IW) bags choice" I'eacii iilna*om " Potatoes, pat ap for families, for tale lu quantities to auil purchasers, apr 91 At Prlvata Hals. " A Northern Horae, long tail, kind and gentle la hat ness and under the saddle-sold for no fault. Will b« Sold low. mar It IIAITUh " A FINE Trotting IIURHK with a RL'GG YalmosYzww. wid tie raffed forasam-n as the chains are all taken. No chance can be secured until paid for. may It if SPENCER CUHRELU ■ notice! T IIE subscriber will receive Cotton and Merck and Iso generally, upon Htorage. at Ma stores, on the most favorable terms V\ M. WARING IIAHERfftiAM. mar I 3tuo “juiticeT A dam hIIORT having roads aa aaslgnmcnt to Hiram Roberts fur (be benefit of hi* creditors, all per sons hat Ur.- demands against the said Adam Short, will please render* statement of sueb demand to the as signee- HIRAM RUBERTa. I Savannah. May H, I»i5. may8 flOTICE. T il 1 'HE Indebted to F. ZoGHAl'M k GO, are re quested in attend to the Immediate aeutmeat of their acmuolo, av tho subscriber has received portUva ... instruction* to place ibem in the hands of an attorney G. B. MITCHELL, J App • may I—1» VESSEL WANTED—A * I aim. AiTi.i s : PiNE APPi.LH 1 Irmn brig R. II. Lawton. 91 hi dm II 1 may 95 MINIS k JOHN9TI>N. 1DSI t.' 'K Gliainpattne quart* amt pint*, lundflig from *«hr. L. S. Duvl«.nn<l tor side l»y may 95 MINIS k JOHNSTON. I ^i.oi'R — H'libhla Demicd'a Flour ; 75 bids Haiti* more. Ju»l received, ami f<»r sale bv may 95 ID il.CoMItE.JollNSUN k co. 'ike'* Whiskey , D omes ric liui'ors.— bt>i* 1 411 Ilia* New EtigUnd Hum, 5rt bhls E. Phelp'* Monnngnhela Whiskey. •Iveil In store, nnd for »nh< by 95 llo Leo MR Ih JOHNSON k GO. 'O.N -fW hbds Hides and Shoulders. i«aiidlug uid for salt- by 95 IIOI.COMRE.JOHNSON kt’O. • Ullft AFLOAT.—71 aa) bushel* prtam Maryland, landing from schr Hhamrock, at our wharf. For -by II. HAIIEItMlIAM k SON. rs> 9H—3 I ll’ I. MoT.AH8K8.--|lxihhdl i!f s'i|Hir|r.r rpiaRiy, | M , ami In flue order : the bal*nrn of brig II. ll. '«•»'* cargo from Haul* I’rna. Now landing and for by PADELFORD. FAYkGO. u*) 91 w' (.ill AND GUFFKK.—jitM'd* N O Sugar. * :'*i Mils foiaf. Crushed, powdered, A k C Hugar, )'», ItlO l.'offr-w, ’*> •!*» old Govemmenl'Jara Goffer, received ami f '( * • , apl *1 McMAHUN U DOVLE. 'I'AM 1 1. *ALt. 3 case*superior fshlo Halt, juai re I mite.1 from » Hudson 5lllla. H N. V., and for sain apl 91 J.NO. INGERAOLL. M l V* rrvly main Clothing! of every kind used, ran "«■ f-i-.d at tlm rloinmg store,Gibbons'range, I *M f..r ,|| C r.iieap for rain, by 1 sprit GEO. II. NICIIOI.I4 k tin. "'Al. >1 nm* Lump Light •M Htr.ned llrd AsM'iml. . GLALIIollN k t.UNNINGllAM :»»*!; 9WI Inna Broken For a«le low hr IM • AND I.KMoNa.-93 ler*es, tn store ami by GHAHP'.UN k WATTfl. |'*'k I9ICKH--A large asMKin*#oi of |mr»f foxks, - 'au(1 g on baud, and for «*le hr *1 LOVELL k I.ATriMr.liE. \f'»I.A*e».H AND HUfJAIl~3d hints Cub* Molasaes I *'* Taitibti cbolre N. U. Mo)b*ses, bi liM* Prims W Gkotca N. U. Huger, 4o i.M* p*tr •• * 7 14*40,, „,q tllt , t | e Ly k PA l.M EH. I -"•* hand.''and renal slog from Ilia PJ* wah 1 M‘ii»-)moV\>, eupafflnw.lM wliole an I h*H bar- • F«sr t«|, by G. A I.. I.AM AII. "•» ♦ » I ».lts*.|s K ( ||AMPAG$lt- 30* bMkn* ||eld*lrk ; 1* ^• h,, "t‘*vne.'it quri* and pint#, lauding froai 1 ■« , ''| I.sisuci, Si d for Mir »y CLAGIIORN k GUNNINGHAM. may 9 > It41011ft WANTEI). \ SING LL GENTLEM AN desires a comfortable bed- ro-.m or rooms, with n southern exposure,during 1 tlo-•omoo-r month*, *Oh or without teiard. Hhcubl lb- owio-i Ire absent, the advertiser would t>o gl ut it* (M-cupy a room and lakecbargo nf tlm house, paying at tin- tamo llmo for ibeu'oof II. Apply al this office, (J mny 94—if WANTED. . G» o *r» Cook, Wa*ht r ami trotter, fa colored . \ man preferred, > 'or which liberal wages will bo paid. Apply at till* offlee. may 90—9 I.ISftT. \ SOTE, made by llolroinhe, Johnson k Go , dated 1 March 17. 1814, for *10*1, pvyable to the under* ' signod. Per*nn* are cautioned lud to Irado for tho same. Payment will bn rofiin(1. may 90 W. WOODRHIDGE. j tlo kctI'Aiid. I OST—A H«*al King, with c*-a» of arm* engraved on j agr.enstoie. Appiy to Mr. McKENZIE, Pu laski Ihmse. may 94—wd3* SCI.I.IMI nil AT COST. I T ZoGHAl'M k «:«>., Int lu g t<- i-ff ct a change j * * tn their txfim-ss tnSavannat, have autb«»rlxed Ihe su'isrrlber in close out their preu ni stock of I'iano ; Fortes. Mu*ic, and Mu*iral lnvlrumcnt»,l>>r cavil, with- loutn unril to cost. Ho l«, thorofuro. enabled to offer I bargain* rarely to bo met with. All Instrument* fully guaraniml. G. II. MITCHELL, 1 Agent for P. Z.oghaum k Co., Wariiik'vbulbllng. Notn a.—Those indebted to F.Znabuuink G«»,»»r j to •; It. Mitchell, ** lliclr agent, are r* qu'-sted to make Immediate settlement. apr 93 , ftAUNl.ICK’ft N ATI'RE and Human Nature, by Judge Halyhurt>>n. Ihe I nglivh Woman In Russia—Hoclrty and Man ner* of the l(u**lanshl Home. Talcs for the Marine*, by the amtinr of Los Gringos I The Turkish Pnifdre, by Edward Ivy Morris. J The Women of the French Revolutlou, by Murhelet. Tho American among Hie ('Dental*, liy Dr Rou.deu. Rand'* l h«ml*trt, for the u»o of Hluil-n's. Lutheran .Manual on Scriptural Principles of Ihe Aug*- burg CnnlrMion. Adamson l'.qully,3d American Edition, try H Whar ton. Engllsb Common Law l(e|Mirts, lid 7S. Kent's Cornmentarli•, new edition, 4th vul. o in.tier v l'a|"-r*, new supply. Me«lico Gblrurglcal Review, for April, may 94 _ W. TIloRNE WILI.IAMH. ItUUIi.Nl II041KHI RECEIVED IIV H R-Hllll.KV. MAY 99d. A LARGE and iMrautlfiil assortment of Pocket Bibles. Prayers, Hymn Rook* and Testaments. -ronSTlIRR WITH I f^isrl*'AmericanH|M)rt*man. Tlm RiMtsb Poet*. our i.ountrymcn; or, Hrlef Memoir* of Eminent American* : by Henson J. Lotting. Ill* Mimmih; a l^-gdid of the Carl libers : by W.GH- innM -tUidia. • •on I'nsr of Wedlock '• bv Emile P Carleti. The Country NruDilMirhoed : by Mis* E. A. Ilupuy. North sod w«.utb: l.y the author of Mary llartnn, foe. I'D))* ao>I Prejudice: lit Mitv Austen. Cuminlng*' Family Prsyert. ('•■ mi the Apoialipie. Griswold's Family Prayer* Life ol Htmui'l John*on : liy lintwell. Tlm American Imwyrr: or Form Rook,foe. may 9« t 'Ai.ONGREM WT. NEW (14MIIMS, W HITE and Itlack HRk HluDoti*. Ladles' l.l*la Thread ll...e, H«»l*« Mutlln*. Mnatio iiat.ds, l.adi**'Colored HI Ik Gloves, Geotlcmeo'* Llm n and I ottnn Half Hose. Colton Fringes, Wi. In. and IDS In. Ilnhblnet, IRrached ohtrtlngi and Hheellng*. Linen Wheeling* and Pillow ca*n l.lnen*,kc. kc received at W A Ilf* It' Ml I ICS, may V3 ll5C«iogre**ct. 4 4IIINI (KillIN I «ry*e IH'SHP.M nrlma Whllnl.ffrn, dally eapccled Z«)f •) par** hr. P.iraii'in, from North Carolina. For tale, to atrlva, by WAVEtl fo CUNHTANTINE. m*y 9Y Jolie*' Nnw llullding, llay-el. IIACON AM■» I.A IIII. * r.ri |l III is Prime Canon Hide*, I' |l I 95 lihdt. Prime llscoii rtbuiihlara, .Vi kev* Prims Lard, 93 bbls, " " Jotl received anil for sale^by ^ I? n 15 r* vale n ir PIANO FORTES, KUSIC, &.c. ..k.l.U...b 1 I. — ... »Chr. Woodbrhlge, from Ralllmore. For »vle, to arrive, by WAVER fo CONSTANTINE. miv 95 Jones* New Itiilldlng, llav-*t. vj'ENNP.HSEE DA71 IN .—30,1*!© pound* Clear Shlc*, X in.ia*i |Miuml* shoulders, H'.tNio pound* Hums. In storo and lor aulv by may 91 PATTEN, HUTTON k 4 0.^ , / v I'NNV RAGGIN41—190 bale* Gunny Ragging, In o* A I *inre, forsalc on coiiaigiifnent. may l^l URIGIIAM. KELLY fc CO. IME AND LATHS—In Store and for sale ny C.\ RE ETON k PARSONS, may 91. <51 No. 1*9 llay *t, H'lTEK ANI»CHEI..iE -9U keg* and :t(i tub* oe* > lectr-d May llulter; 4Uboxes Wbllo nnd 93 box- c* Colored Glinase. Received per steamer, aud for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNM'ON k CO. may 93 \V \N t sEGAIt!*— liai.M Havana Sugar* of tlio following rlmlm brand*: Cnbarga. Tn-* Marin*, l.a Gorglia, Ro du Ren, E*meri-ldn, Excelsior. For aato by COHEN'S k HERTZ, may 93 M EXICAN GUANO-llvtlm ton «r bill, for «*t« by NV AVr.1t k CONSTANTINE. ntay'JJ June*’New llullding, llay si. * V*IIIKTH—SHIRTS I—G. H. NICIUH.K k GO have 1 • the best assortment of Due White Milrta tn b<> found in the city. Gall and see, nl lliotr Clothing Store. Gibbons* Range, may 19 ,MiR PARTIES AND WEDDINGS, — Handsome plain nnd llgiired While Mnrselllr* anil White figured Katin Vcsls-a beautiful article. I'or ado by GEO. S. NICHOI.h Ml., may 13 Gibbon*' Range- I M.MER « Id THING.—White Duck, While l.lnen. The uniDrsigned Is prepared, a* usual ippty nil demands tn hi* line, having rigenelra of some of Die best I'iano Forte maker* lu Hie coentry, a* H|o.tari. Jacob Chick ©ring Jim. It. Dunham rote.teen fcTrudow, Firth, pond k • 0., T. Giltw-rl k Co., kc., a choire of *U|H>rl« r lotirumi nl* mvv |»«- bad *; biv e*tabli*hmeiit. Ileing p ••*«-*«s| ol a Ilf.-'* ex pern-nee in both the pro* le*»iotinl and hu*in<-** depariment* of Mu*lc, be trusts that lo- m«> anil 1,0 i-ii'.itb-d to the kind patronage no bn* received during the past flu- year*. G. It. MITGlir.I.L. Agent tor I*, /..tgliaum kCo., _de«- 1* et. Johan and Brian *t*.. near the Market utittaiAx, The ihiderrlgni-d, having *1 vera' Piano Forte* oncon-ignmeni. with liitlructlniia . . _ . . *" clow *ale«. will offer them at greatly reduced pdee*. The*e lii*tnim"ntt are hy some of tho he»l maker* in thecnuiitry,and will I,© fully guaranteed. A rail I* solicited. G. It. MITCHELL. *1'/ ,u Agent for F. Zogbaum k Co. i».\nii;i, tiioni.i.v, Fashionablo Boot-Maker ft. \V. Comer of Hr<»u"litoii and llaiLsircets. ^ The sulM>rrtb(-r.urateful lor Ihe lllieral patron age lierelofor- extended to him, desires lo In form tho puliln: that lie rontlniir* to carry on The busnie** nt hi*old *tatid. a* niurc, win-re licts prepared to execute order* for RO( »T> of Ihe flnr*t (Itilwlt nnd style, and equal, if tint superior lo any here* tofore offered to the public. Having many friend* In till* Slab'who have won hi* patrons tu Charleston, he respectfully solicit* from them and the public,a call and n trial. " •> dec 93 IBOOT-MAKIM; L. Unit I DER. respectfully announces to III* former patron* and hi* friend 1 generally. Hint he linMnkcn the store formerly occupied liy Mr. II.Cas*on, corner of Hull Greet and Congress sl. Lana, where be is prepared to make Root* and sb<*e* of at) description*.of the b«**t mnterlala.and will be happy to receive order* IIOV li HOOTS AMS ftllOILft. V S' «Lr: HI; Hi iGi)EN.*’ r i itomirts, llibhmis, Haps and I Aiini id ii. ri.oAvr.itft M ISS l>. A. GARDNER desires to return thank* to the ladles for tlu-lr patronage, during her ahsence, and would call their attention to her new spring stock of Millinery Good*. Every attenllou ha* been paid al her e«tabll*1imeiit. No. 4i>ti Itroadwny, New York, to give tu her business In etivuiiiiiili a cltiuu to tlm attention id the ladle*. She 1* now receiving, and wiilcontliiuo to receive, by every steamer, new and f«*hb«nahlo good* In her line. Ml8S |l. A. GARDNER. I5U.S Congress street. Savannah, nnd 4u9 ItronJway, New York. 3mo mar Irt kl'III.Ml AND ftCTniKU CLOTHING. TJIt.RsoN, IIEIDT k to., have in store, and a nr©. I ceiling, weekly, per steamers, a large snd well as sorted stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. louktiiKK with a aim sgt-ai tios or Furnishing Hoods. Which they offer on accommodatingb-rni*.at wholesale or retail,at Nos. lot llryau and fft 1 St. Julian strevts. feb9e Winds, Nnsli and lloors. •In f|i m LIGHTS 7 by U to 19 by 9Ur*ASII; ijUtGWD 5iai Pairs Window III. IN DA to suit do Ooo PANEL |iooU>y,dlireri-nl*Ue»5 loon boxe* Window Gta*s. 7 liy tl to 30 by 59 ; Allodd » set furnished at vbortnollcu. at so. A full assortment of PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES IIKI'SHr.**, kc..kc. apr 14- ly _ JOHN G.FALLIGAXT. PARIS HII.I.IM.UV, MIS'* D. A. G ARDNER will open her new slock » Paris .11 i II t n r r #/, Oil We*lne*day. March 91*1. The Igulies are Invited to call and her New GOt i|)S. 3i<m mil 17 to rin: i.amr.ft. H LEACHING nml pressing of all kinds, of straw Work done wltlr c.iro, skill and iiratne**, at Mr*. GREENE’8 shop, c -rnef of Jcffvraun and York-strt-cts. mar 5 3m > character, kc. may 9J IVYLl.Y k MONT.MOLI.IN. WANTED. ^2* A Vessel b> carrv about 75,OUJ fe* t of Hoards and.**hip Plank, from Darien to New lledfoid Apply ’ 11 ay 94-3 Hl'NTERk GAMMELL FOII II liftT* Two large and commodious store*, in the rear of the old boat Go's Yard, from Dt'June to •*•1*1 Novcrnl*er, 1:4,5. Apply at tbit office. may 94—tf Til IIILftT. ■ . The llnuve or part of same. sUuatwl In Com *TTS ffrrss street, over Met-rs. De’.VItt k Morgan's wli"i'BL,tor©, and nowoccutdi d *»> Mr.Gtmke. P»t*es- sinu given on the lit July next. For furthrr particu lars, inqutreul J. EltlEK". may 93-(i M Hou** Immediately. Apply to \VVLEV k Montvii >|.LIN. Hill IftF.ftT A desirable three story brick tenement House, on uner.nd a lialf lot*, situated tn York street— iMtasestlou given on 1st November. Apply t.-v apr la tf OCTAVES WHEN. MSUUCftT HIAL. •7 A TON8 Red Ash Coal, landing from tebooMf 8. If. t/v/ smith. For sale nt (w per ton, hr mar 94 U UuNE k CONS'I HI. Harris'wharf. CAMI IIAHIIW AIIE ftTORR. V cl'PERI-iR and varu-w usnrtau'ut of Plaatara', Mechanics .arid Building Hardware, always on heed and for »«Je at the lowest price*, lor cash, by GBu. A. MrGLENKEV. Ag\ No.l l9C«Dffrf*B*C. mar 15 If MtXIt A.N U A.Ml! •>4 a| a BHLs„Ju»j received and for sale by ait M l mar 97 9mu JuHN IV. ANDERSON. Mltlt'E. T HE firm of ROWLAND kCU. IsTbi* Day dlsaolvwd, by met ul consent. Either party li autbomed to use the naB*- of the Bros In adJwDWMOt of th« wwsaulad business. JuHN T. R.iWI.AND, John t. Rowland,Jr. Saranpah. April 13th, 1855. tf apr It I C O- P A li t ft V. H ft l l I P. T'HE undersigned have entered Into a eo-partamblp X under the Irm of Ro\VL AND k SON, sad will ' continue the business heretofore conducted by Roar - land k Co. JOHN T. ROWLAND. K. F. T. ROWLAND. Savannah. April tPth. Ini5. if apr 13 M Th® Store. No. 105 Ina*. formerly necupb *"»* J — ‘ " apr 4 ADVANCES. I inP.RAL cash advances on consignment* of pro j *luc* Vo «>urfriends tn Liverpool. Havre. Ilatabarw l•r)ai)Buwt>G sound t Bremen. Trte»t, Amsterdam, Kotu-rdam and Antwerp ed by E.S.Ki-mpton. IW, rtcc .« lf KPPIftG k KRITO. r Immediately. ICE NOTIC'I O N and the llrst of May, and during the sum- mrr month*. Die Ice Hnuawnoi the subscrltx-r* will beop.-nrd dally. Siinday* excepted, at 5 o'clock A. M., and close ntsi« |\ M. On Sundays, lliey nil I open a* above, and close at Id o'clock, open again at 19 o'clock, and close at 9o'clock, open again at 5 o'clock, and close at e o'clock. The public will please notice the aieive rrgulat'ons, ami oblige, M. POH ELI. k GO. apr IS Into ftfi'49 All A ft l> COIT'Ei:. HIIIIS. Porto Rico Sugar, 4m ‘*l Iimi Rag* Rl» and Java Coffee. Landing and for *ati< by apr9fi HOMNiMDE, JOHNSON fc GO. IIITTEIt A ft Ill'll ACK CUM* *)\ llutu-r. «•) 75 Barrel* <>f llulter nnd Sugar Crackers, 5b " Pilot Bread. I«aui!thg and for sale by apr 90 HoLGuMltE. JOHNSON k CO. <91.0VI.ft! (91.41 Vlift! G ENTS l.l*b-, Silk,Taffeta and Kid Gloves, Ladle* Ml**©*' •* " •• " *• " children's Gloves, Silk and Nett, We have also n ffne assortment Grnt's Merino and Gotton Half I lose, togetlier with a great variety of I.a- MINI8 k JOIINHTON. TO It li ft T. SUy 71>o Store ui.drr the bluff, at the foot of Whit*- j !> ker-»treet. Enquire of J1L mar 9t» SPENCER CUR REEL. vroui s iou uEftf. ^ Thr.^- Mofrs tunable tor smra.e "f Cotton cr •••1 Merchandir^. Apply lo JiL mar hi tf Rowland fc co TO UK ft Tt ifoft Until l*t November next, a three stars Itnek i;; Dwelling, on Hull Greet, I'.lm-M square, with large lil^and alrv r.-vm»—•iippll"*! with g** snd wafe».— WVl.I.Y fc M0NTM0LLIN. A l’l apr In a- A Al.* UCAI. ERTATE. H V arrangement with the purr baser of F)g I aland Mill, the whole pioper:/ in which«>*crlber is and was lately Iniervticd, ran he told to a single pur chaser. Dr. Screven Is authorized to sell. lanC tf AV. AV. STARKE. »4>K \ KIND ami gen;.©saddle aid tlaracaa llorse,six yetrs old. warranted sound tn every respect, for aalecheap. Arpiy lo CHAMPION fc WATT8. mty 9 Nn. 4,Barnard tt. IF A ft TED* ~ A GOOD Carriage Smut. Apply to L. ?. 1 I Savannah. April«,1?55. I •,* Aura'ta Weekly Chronicle please ttsart fowr [ tinir*. and charge this office. apr 90 I / VI TV M vRSHALTl SALE.—AVlU be s«M IB (Mat of \ the Court llonee on Friday,the 95.h tnsfc, at twelve o'clock, one sorrel Mare, levied upon a* the property of Alb-n Cullen, te satisfy a flue imposed upon him for re tailing liquor wiihoit a Ucwi-so. may in r. M. STO.ftE,l*. M. . BENNETT. HI ll.lSIftfi I.OTft. 4 I. AUGi: numtwr of Ru'.tdtng !.■-its,o' various a.'res, A from IM by lP5to95by InS foe' .They sll ftoat on streets 75 leet wide, with lanve to the rear. For fcd A coinm->»lu»u*l!rlckShed Warchouse,iitu*^d I lease for a term of twenty er thirty years, anc settle of In the rear ..f the Charleston Su-amboal AA’harl, . them on a perpetual lease- Situated in H.-Hard i<*.fcmff, 'having* lease ol five years, suitable for the *;«»-! Peirtval ward, south-wesi of the Pork.In* hsat'.hy lo. We have Ju«t received an assortment ol Gout'* limit*, Oxford Tie*, Congress r I L-ft Galiers,In great v»»lety; Patent l.r*il»- -■ ^d^rr Pump*, fce. fcr. All In want of a good article, are tnviind examine mir stnek. apr 7 IIEIDT fc IIAWKINM.GIbtNins'Range. ft. IS. IIIIAft'Tl.i:V A CO., UllOI.ESAI.r. AM) RETAIL HU Hi LISTS, coshx* or aaot uinoa sap wiiiT*asa-*aaara, SAVANNAH, GA., Are now receiviug a largo stock of genuine DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PERFU MERY, nnd German Cologne, lu great variety— Paints, Oils, Window Glass, l.aurllatd's Snuff. I.andrelh’s new crop Hanlon Seed, 75 per cent Alro- f'beek Marseilles anil Brown l.lnen Frnrk Goals, I hnl. Mu-ning Fluid, nml Camphcne, Fancy s,<ap*. Brush « nnd A'esla, made up In the lale*t fashion, md sin cheap, liy GI'.O, 8. MellOl.H fc Co., I ’i n© nilenllon of Physicians Is directed lo their exlen- , ( ncmlcnl*, receutly selected from Ihe I I'lTKftlftlllftl* WOODS, nl endle*# varieties. I'b-a*e call and examine. AA M. o. PRICE Panla for sale cheap, . may ID Gibbons' Range, C vEM UAL and South AA'pstern Railroad Stock*, for sale. Apply to IVYI.I.A fc MoNI ADH.I.IN. mar 93 I .ANGI.I8H ALES — Pints and quart* ol Albopp k V Son*' India Put© Ale, lla*«k Co'; Ilyas*'ilo„ and the celebrated Burton Ale. For sale by • II MILES llEI.'l.oAA'8, apl 17 34 New-.t.. New Vorlf, ( A ROUND lllcr, Yeast Powder*, and Creatu Tartar.— I (i boxes fresh ground Rice Flour ; 3© do 1I0 Y'casl powders; 15 do Cream Tsriar. lu various slird park- ages; ioiw landing nud for taleby apr Jt JOHN INGF.RHOI.L. I c. IIANIlKI'RGIIIP.FH - A largo supply ol the j» above, Just received and foranle by eprl'J AIKIN k IIURN'8._ XT EW Orleans Syrup —7n Id.I* Prime New orleau iv Syrup lor *ale,to arrive, by may 7 oiTAVI'H COIIP.N. j JOTATUK8.-IW bids Polat'M-*, Imidlng per hark ftl'IKI.ftf; A ft IS ft! (.ODDS. pHK SI'IPM ha* received by tlm last arrival of Ihe rleanmr, a full and complete stock of GOODS, For Spring and Snmnirr Wear, rowststtvii or Hlark nnd colored <*a»hmr-reGlottis Do Doeskins, Idsek Drap DeEte Fancy I'rench and Engloh 1 itulincr© White and Pancv Baruilcy Drills, kc., kc. Which he Is prepared to make op in the best aud inotl lathloiMhl© manlier. \l»o, » full stock of Ul: A IIV MIDI'. (T.ISTHIftU, Coutltllngof tilurk Italian Clotli. >aiin do chine White,brown and Fancy Drill Alpaca and Cashmere Cloth Coats ■'anlaloon*. nnd A'e»l*. Also, Mnrln Morton, from ll"••oll, and lor vale hy l.r 15 fc GAMMELL iisr ft Hull then •ivr assortment« manufaclurer*. Terms cash, or approved rredll. 8. D. IIRANTI.P.V. M. |L T. 8. roWP.I.L. M.D* January 1. ls55. iv-jati.I.'-M* ftll* AAA IM ftTHAW (IflOI)ftll ^ 11m uuder*lgnp-l lia* received and o|wncd a geiient assort meut "f Men’s, Roys', MDsi-s* amt Children'* HTRAAV HATH. Trntiklul for pn*t favors, he hope*, by devoting Ids Hum 10, and paying "trier attention to to ewe liiuni lo merit » continuance of piddle jiatronage. N. K. IIARNl.'.AI, Hal and Cap 8|nre, eprtl 153 Congtss* street. IIAtTfoII THB 8UMMP.IL-A good arson meld of Soil Fell Hat*, latest sly left suitable fo- the summer season. Just received at Ihe lla Htoroof N. K.ltAUNI’M, may U 153 Congrc»s*t. A — - 1 Tr may II k PA l.M EH. ,tf AftTIM.AIS. H I.Ai'K Grenadlnwi lllark and While Grapw da Paris ami lllsck D#r*we Msnllll**.rM#|t»d inir Alabama. IIT.HUY LATlIKUp fc c«J. aur Jo ^ VIEW or ft A V A ft'ft AM • ... r lRH in ri mdding Harris for this baaulltal I'lrtura si III pleat* present ihvm amt rk*a|t(ilhelr coup, riioaw wishing ilie PMutvs framed raN bv* furnished at Ine a 1 n ..V ( . pwreftlw H.«do **gars, Umlthi . lowed prices. In gilt or «»h w.,od Muuldiqtf. by le*«lu< ' ■ •—1 hi ill. I.* I it... ........ .. .. . ... .. . # i.rr, OLAGHURN fc CUNNINGHAM. tfcalr *»*dsrs at the bneksiura nf apr i5 I, B BULKY, 135 Coefrert al. received per s'eami-r Alabama, a lot «i llulter, (new. 1 al«o * bd of Cheap llulter. flam*. Sugar Cured, Baltimore Hams. Mmoked Reef slid Smoked Tongue*. AI«o, * tot of superior English Dairy cheese. Just ro'-etvrd ami for sal© by T. J. TDREI.KIL.D, Ag'l. may I XT I'.W o|li.l'.ANH Mol.ASSP.ft.— IMI bid*, clinlcn N. ll Orleans Molaasos, sale by fel, 19 r HUNTER fc GAMMELL. _ I JAII.H AND KI'.GH — llai dozen Palnie.1 Pallst Viki empty Kegs, assorted sires. Immllng ami for sale liy gar 5 HOI.COA1HE. JOHNKON kt'U._ AV. 0 AT8, 8H0RT8. fce,—Vizi bale* prime Fail- . . ern Hay. 9m biisbel* OaU, (INI bales Northern llay. I mi liusliala linn, Iimi buvlinl* Mhorta, In slum ami ,,, *p| , 97 ,, ‘ LYNN k HNII1F.II \|f IlirF.GooDv Figured owls* Aludln, Plain do. >1 India Dimity and Hrilllanin, Jamnals.l'anibrlc# Mulb.Nairivooka, plaid Hwls* ami Cambric*, HalrGnrd, ke.,fr*r salolit •l,r-.*ii DaAViri’ fo MORGAN. S EGAIIH AND TollACCO.-5U.ikgl Hpanlsti Hegarw, a**orle<l; 9.Vldo*en If, <4 and I II. .Mmnkliig Toliso- "IW" 1 MM.ON . imvui. z|M:SftPMP.irPLr.UR' Iswr hldr. rliolra Tennevsee I Pbeir IkOtockt clmlce Tennessee Flour- Knot- vllln A|HI*. Rneelved lids day real* from Ih* Mills, ami for sab by Jfto. INDP.RHoLL, mayII No, V Jonm 1 fflock, llay • I jt Ell WON, HP.lDt k CU. havnVnewlsml pertle.msr Knotsllle. aootlirr lot of ll.osw Pianlrrs’ l.lnen • ‘owls,Pauls amt VmIs. Also, a nice BMortmenl of Willie I.. II. 8hlM*. I'or sale low, may 10 I lljroHN.-fci bbls old Mnnnngahela SYhttNeyi Hal j dll Rerllflrd do; Nl do Rum; T5i|n Gin; lU* (In 1*0 taesllr llrnmly. Ilevelted ami for sale by •way ¥4 MnM-ilMiN fc IHlYLE C nnllMl. - ftodoiasanrUdOrndfaU Mecdvedam) for sale by miy« M« MAIION fo DOYl.K. 11( Oft fi'HOftT JI'.WI'.I.IIY ft TO II fi*. vv il.'l.lMAI-r. A191* KBTAII.. jYrr I lrt ftrnughlon~al.,l>flietm Hull 4* lVArfulo Tho largetl ami li. *t sebclcd slock of goo.1 ver offered for wale In lid* city. Gold and 8B er AValcbes, Vr*l, Fob and Guard Clialno, tel if Jewelry, Cbalelanns, llrarelcl*. Iboocloe 11 mu lid work Plilger Ring*. Hllver I'atlnr*. Te Hel*, Pltcber*. Goblets, Cup*, cake Ba*kels, 8|Hmm Fork*, I'lvli Kidve*,I’le Knlvea.r’beoan 8,-oups, La.lie, Hyphoii*. Abo, all klml* of Plated AVer©, Mllttar- aml I'ancy Goods,and a great variety nfatllflrstivo m> llierout lo ineniion ; ibn wind© of wldeh will bn sold a reduced prices. All kln.Uol AValcbes,1 lock*. Jewelry amlolhnr Job Illegal tended In hv eomiieu-iii banib. ,| rr f ' HORTON fc KIKP.MAN Eomoval. ft. ft. 1III.I.I.II A J l». l UlHJI MlN, AVHP.EI.AYRIGIITH ANI1 III.ACKHMITIIH, Have removeil I heir esialdbliiu from lha coiner of Itioiiglilou uml Aloutgomcry sireel*, l«» ftu. I UR Ytirft ftlrort, Near 81. James'square, w here they are prepared 1 do any work III llmfr line wltli prnmpliieis ami In workmsMikr manner. Carriage*, Wagons, Utils ami Dray* utanufaeiurcd Hlaca*nuiblng, Includlna Iron Railing ami Grataa |o Buildings fcc , done al lha sIli'Mcil lintlra. may 7 8m Utl.LLAM 1». T( ft ft41, Fnctor & Commission Merchant. Fur Florida am* imulherii Geoigla I'rodnrn, NORTH COMMKUCIAI. WHARF CIUHUHTONt «• C. a Mb V7 IIAY MTRKKT. .SAVANNAH, CJA. may 7 8mo D m i<w M'liiftfi (hridr. ' I* Ejt 8T i: AMUR A U U l» »T A . KWIfT fc MORGAN haveju*4rmwlvwd mr ttwawi »r AH|u*U,s l«t|« ami varied •bi* id sew ae rich OkABonsbls die,* go.Hja, |., whUb llm at> #1,11 nn 1,1 lha D(H**l*M| oU*H) Invlled «ai 3 Pica*© call and cxaui'oc. apr 91 Draper ami Tailor, 147 Bay at. Niimmt'i- lluNicry. f |'8T received per *l©-mcr,au Invoice of 81'AI.AIKR (I IH>81 F.UV. consisting of Hill IK TN, IHIAkVr.MS, IIAlifi-HOftK* G-LOVES, ctoo. Now opening, ami lor sale bv apr94 AVAL O. PRICE, 147 llay.*ucel._ nr. ft vs »•( it.ftiftiiiftij (iouiiN. C RAA'ATH, Mock* and Neck lie*, or llm nawealtlyla and very bent quality. Gaure Mrrlno, lire**©.! 1 ollon, l.lsle Thread, fcc., of *u. - .,, . . . , i.- k u. n , «ei,| baiHi. pertor quality; selectot liotiv Vive very bevt tta|HVivattott» ' . ,,j * WYLI.V k • —ill tm #o|d cheap. "* AA SI. niay 3 AA Sl. «», PRICE. 147 Bay tlrrcl. NAMl’KI. I’AUIKR & MLY, uieaoa'a at'ii niaas, .\V«. 148 fewgme, and <1. SI. .fi/ir* tlrttlt, K p.spi.iTFI'Ll.V Inform the trade ami ellltrn* gen , orally Hint Ihey have In store a f — ' TO l.liT. ROOMS, Oppo»t:«-Ibe Pulaski H< use—suitable foroulos tu sleeping apaitun-nu. r.miutre.k JanC tf JNO. U.KEI.LA^ roic III.NT, M Until flr*t Novcrolier, a three story Brick House, situated In Male-street, second tenement cast ol Dr Schley's new house, containing eight rooms and basement—wtih water and c*» attached—also, otn bu.bllngs. Posses* gt'en Immediately. For fur.her particulars, apply to feb 14 tf AVELLR8 k A'P.RSTILLK, 89 Bay-at- A eomm<xllotu Brick8hed AA’arehou*e,iim*^d •fthe Charleston Sieamboat AA’harl, .... . . se of five year*.suitable for the su*- race of Lime, llay nr other merchandize. The Build-1 ealdy—the only point In the city that eweapeal the'epb '* “ " L demlc last summer. .Applications th*tm|h the Toat- offire wit) be attended to. oov99 flmo A. WEBB. uiftwoi.irioft. 'pin: C m of • KANE k RuDGERS wss alowdred X on tlie 19th tnsu by mutual consent. Either party w ill use the name of the firm in closing Us present bait- heat. II. A. CRANE, J. G. RODGERS,* T HE urdecs.gne.1 havo entered itifo cvpartaenhlix, under the firm of KOlHiF.K.H k .NORRIS, tor thw traii*actlon of agenrral Gencrry businsso, at the o'd stand of Oats* k Kodgrrs, corner of Bay and tJwecdw streets. JAMES G. RODGERS, JAMES A. NORRIS. Savannah, May IS, 1855. may IS— tf 'savannah, l9lhMAROii4aur T MIREi: months after date, application will bemad* to the Bank of tha State of Georgia, at Savaswah, for payment ol the following Notes, the lefthawd halvtw of w htch have Iws loti cw drstmyrd: •5, Nov-If 43, pay able at KalontornG. B.v.'vimmlafi Jftasft $5, •• 1848, •* •* Savannah, M »* BY, - 18445, ** •• •• ** $5, - 1-48. •- •• «n #5, - IMS. " •• •• A. Farter, * fi5.Julj.lS4*, •• M M ** •• DANIEL TRAIT k CO, mar 13 May 15,’53. Prattville. Aatawga oowwly. Al*. "EXKHAI. WoTIIT. G. M. GRIFFEN has re-opened hto Stork0»d la ready for all easterners’ calls In hta Una. I have in employ a •wpertor wort) ami also a flrst rata Manwfl i>seller, and all w,wk la that Itna will done according to enter, and with dispatch. solicited front alt fr leads and castoroer* la warn ol article* tn my line ef hwatoeas. me Ifi HOWARD ASSOCIATION, I'lUl.ADEU’IUA. ■nniRTAjiT tuxorxiKiim. I V) all persons afflicted with Swxvmt d'srosos.swth aa Sl MlN.\.. AVKAKNE8S, IM|N'TIJ4CE* QMS' ORRIIO: A, GLEET, SYPHILIS, fcev, fce, Ihe limVARI) AS8VHTATION of Philadelphia^la view of the aw Nil dastrwcDon of kwwaw tile aad MU rtu*«wl by Seaual dtaease*. and the decrpUoM wldoh *)* practised upw lha wafortuoala vtrtinu ai inch dtw- rtscs by Qascvs, have d.rtvied lhatr * onaaTitf S«r* a GH ARITAB..K ACT worthy cl their nasaa, to give MEDIC At ADVIGEGB ATIS lo *U pwwasia thus *ff) riel. 1 Mate or Female.) who syply hy Wsiar, Ilk a Ce*.--tplica of lhe*f, xOgc, .veepotfoa. i ing tuay be removed by the purchaser, *t the expiration • of the lease. Apply lu Z. N. WINKLER, 1 |y rt—tf AA'llliam»«ve's Building*. j~TONTINE iKTrELTI ftl'.W IIA%*Kft, (’Oftft, j | The subsi rtber would respectfully tntorm the ' I travrlluiv' public that he ha* leased the wall I | " known Hot. I ricently kept by S. AA'. Allis,and ] . added the three adjoining hou*es making one hundred 4 amt *eveuly-five b et front,.>11 one of the m»*i heautl-1 fill Parks in Hie world. Tne House lias a balcony 1 iHr.-lhHbrr.wM' >,ln om-r'cl .1 v.r, W >.«• '""W" 1 *- <lirr, »nd Or.) ... ; "• •!»’“ W'KBSB.UMIII fc "Vh“ !f . U ^ I,.. j painte.1, and turn.shed entire with new furniturwof the most tuiHleru sty les, and at au ©apen*© of thirty-thousand dollars. Haring si-cuicd tho service* of the w,-il know* pro- liitrlur of the Sachem’s Head House, Samuel Fowler. Y:*q.. he Halters himself that the public w.ll class Ids bouse among the (list m the New lutglaod States. N. 11.—A llstid of Music Is engaged for the *easoa apt 17 9mo II. LEE SCRANTON. (ORRIGtTI.I), \V UOt 4.11 III Oft Aft 1) W11U-: KAILLNU. (Sr.crUHli RY LKITKKS I’ATKNT.i MHwHf4ny«M For Public Grounds, Gemeleneo, Gottages, Balconies.fcc. Thtsnew »r llele of our manufacture particularly commends Itself to lavorahle notice. Iron Belstead*. with latent AATrw Hai kings; a variety of Iron ItedUesds, Wrought Iron Farm fence. AVI re Netitng snita-le for sheep, poul try, garvlen or ccmrlcry-feness AVlrw Trellises and Sura- mcMIonshs. with every variety of AVlrw AAork for gar den*, fcc.; 8teves. Fenders, Brass, Copper and l^vo- VAotn AVlrw Cloth, fcc. fcc. Circulars of designs fur- ulshrvl by the manufacturers. M. AVAI.KKR k 8UN8,No.«33 Market-sU . apr 14 .tm.. N. K. e,»r. of uh St. I'blla^ P*. fi'OKBAI.r.. T ^IIP. splendid l't*htng Snis.-k GARRIRR DOVR, 94 Ions burthrn, two years old,and well found In rigging, satis, cablet,, fcc. All In romplsta sailing order. AA'A l.lY k MONTMOLLIN. apr 85 AVVH V k MoNTMOLI. rim ftAi-r.- \ BLACK Man, a good e*H>k . a blsck Woman,* cook, wather ami Ironrf j a black Man, laboter amv MONTMOLLIN. rate Mannffcciur ng ami JahhUrt —'ftfinl — ..tmeut of | American and Foreign llanlware, and being In direct ( ronimniilcatlon with inatiufarluri'ts both in Ibi* conn- r<»n ft.% l.r.. i Woman, 31 year* old, first rate house servant and J\ good seamsires*. with her cldUtrwn, a* follow*: t girl. 19 year*,* hoy, 8 years,* girl 3 years, a bey t year*.nnd au Infant, 13 month* old- ' “ 1 *“*" and to remain tn the city—warranted apr 83 ran ftAi.r.. tryandlnEuiopeiar,; mm.lanlL receiving addition* to '•«»•“« man. 9.t year* old. a * / ml ^-«I ti'u T ll’elr st.s-k, comprising Planters'. Ilou-keep-r.'and - Y hostler. Apply to »A M. rtKD.m. llirlr i «•' R ....... ..........—, , • | - loch Inay be enumerated liocks. Hinge*, Holts, i •ml Hlitilier Fastenings «f all kinds, Hheel Zlm, Hbeel Copi*er, Pliret and liar Uni Ware*, llrllanuta AVans IMI Cap*, i'omit*. Brushes, and ageneial variety of Fancy fitMula. • ollon Lines, I'lsh Hook*, ftersllr*. Knllllng Pins,’•elne'l'wtlie; Grviss cut. Hand, Tenon. Prsmlng, and tllil Haws; i ham*, Ilsn land 8le,tge Hammers, Anvils. Vires, Kcrww Plate*. Blocks ami Dies, flmlth’s Bellows,G«»o|»er’* Pools, Pl.UAVH, CORN 8IIKI-I.ER8, HAV CUril'.llr*, Hi*e». Ate*. A ml Irons. Hbovels. 8pades.Guns.Hsy amt 'lanure Po»k», 8o.t Irons, AA',1 ling patmr, I'orto Moniialrs, 8plrlt Levels, Gut swd Wrioight Nalls snJ 8p|lm*, Plane* of all kinds, 8elves, Gofleo Mills, Goibm ami Wool Garda,Gur in tact ever/ article adapted to the trade. f liy and country oilers will receive prompt attention, ami all goods for *hlpineal* carefully parked. may 8 _ 11 uI RNING Collars ami klceveiwvery rlrh sml fash- ,ll tollable,for sale low by ,wKlN k IIURNB. apr 19 n *.v Y. - .U«I Hales Northern *n« Easletw Hay, lawdlaff this day. amt for sale by .s,..,|.i. »,,, in I.VNft fc BNIIlltR. | IVEMIHtiL HALT IV00 sack* Mil **J*fi***A 1 J for tale liy LYNN fc 8ft ID HR. four W . . , H AGVIN .‘-ifti hhds Bse-'W Hides. 13 do doBhv>aM«a ..4 M «» apr V4I -Idd l.w wo faun. I habl»* of lira.) fcc x a»d ta case* el axueme povesiv 1*4 o'.um-u «0MXI, raufur vvsi wnihiiY 4 Ilk ID* li- " M ' n The Howard Assocvalfoa Is a Mtmlrat lartHwUse. established hr special rwdowsnent.8w lb* rwVsf off llm sick ami distressed, afflicted wtih-VirwWat and Epi- dcm’c D.seasea,** and its foeds can be a*rd for nn sfcw isriHWf, tt ha* now a surydw* ef means. wlU may 99 IV ill kinds. Hheet Zlm, Hheet . . rr «t*,v|>t, s gm'v!l cart'entrr.and hi ibl:tw?7c«1!k am?-•*“*- «> a geneial variety of Fancy (1IR Mfil.K. \ hlark man. 53 year* old, field hsmt. *©d hi* wliv 37 tear* old, Hot rslehouse ssrvam.aud ihel* child 4 years old. App;yfo AVM. AY RIGHT, apr 18 • Oil rfi'AA'v* mulatto men, w and 81 year* "Id. house secs .in,,.. nn„ n., I «l» .n.1 h.v.ll.r.: • Mar, MM,« l»™ «-* ■Mil,'.M.,L'ufripCumIw,and h.ii,l, .Mm, i»i,H|m , ..,M,ii,-i»i • die the trade 19 years old; a black Imy, 10 years old l • Mark met u to tne trade. r eld. mvo.1 fireman, ami a sremaw,» vem ok field li*ml. Apply lo WM. WRIGHT, apr 18 nt;ftTAi. ftiiTfit’fi;. O il. PANGOnT, iventlst. has removevl 18 Ibe krlrt dwetttaa of Barnard ami foave struts »* fronting 84. James' square, »*ee» fo. fc>M#i\sM»b will tm pleased to waliwmvnbta fttewds and 4be pwbB generally.In thetlneef bis prommU'w. Dr. PaavwsT ho* else received a fieahmortmewl e Ihsl latfctaable article, ,1, nf IM. limnMMMMrtMM, W. IV ,,«*!»» Ulkll,ae»M> „>» SW I IK: ft IT,* ■„ t,M, n.Hl, IfUnili, Mi do Bail#* do 90 dn PHoi Riead. Reeelsed tad fot •*!# hy MK y 43 MeMAHUN * DHYIJ. 8t«l ** srowKI retort lyafigi bawtfiird li •••"■ wav 48 (crw* rwsrv;: ftSHSXU Mi MAIION fc ImiVI.IL 1 a«t , 1 j lUrelvsvl s.df-u sole by pwriMV the l*trect.'fs have voted lo advertise tSmabav* » .... ll I* weed lea* lo add that the AatocUUen NWiatafc ihe htgbeet Medics! skill of (be age awd w|R forwtoh tbe most approval moderw Iresuwsml. Yahaabte ndvlee also atvvmte tick and asfvowa tomato*, iRItM Vrtlfc abdominal week wem, AAomb CweafdataK Owtlmiw, Address, ipws) patd.A Dr, 4715(1. R, CAI4IOPX, (toe stilling !•*?«©■'©, Howard Aaeortatlea, Re. 4 fiwtk fttnih Mtvei.PfcHmlefphta. Fa. „ .4 “jiS-ntfcttw*u,mmm. 47«o. Ftifirwuw. fleoreUry. jn^jfo *8fi»P ••WHATNOT** I * a 8oek that will aftoek severnl errmlagw* mm islaswewi ef the asesl Interesting omd rtufim ifi. Is re. Th© pKtnret are varied awd tome le DSk We J weten rnmgraidifoesw Ibe flWll, "Stom fcad ma vised a,** in itself on Iks torn! le n>Md a itoaftssfla geeeml character. -Pmfot went* I and.fJttfWtwxwda. Ttossstows ww many vlsVees ef Wmely hearth* nnd hraaktr* kswtL nnd Unseleet wnndfVWfft Ihrtn* Um fcedd iluwo, atf me beacon lifili ntorVff, gntdu* thsaa k* maaelart fiftdw SSkaHMMqmVaea ^ had aelHamda, fihs tsekl lanfc towfc sgsg fi* >d her gaosnsvT remrai wmn vhMMat^ mtoaii shame wrth the siraWsvtW Warn defcmdwvrv An theiiaewu wtoss Uii Den sttod fort tozmrsra h#^‘ H «iiiunr«