The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 04, 1855, Image 1

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gil gi VOLUME Lift. SAVANNAH, GA., MONDA m REPUBLICAN i IS MH»LfaltlTO I #. CUIIHKM« General Auction and Commission MSmOHANT. No. 1M Hny-atrout, ^ Bellelli from Ilia friend* coiitlgniuotitg of evory de ls rvHr.iaiiKH IWlly/rrlOVottkly and Weekly, p. W. ALEXANDER & CO. CITYANP COUNTY HUf(TEH YKUMS lUUMJCKD; PAllr li» AUvaiMc«a,M tft 00 . If not l*n»d lit Adr*atct>«,.,,, U 00 bill, Montgomery, Ala, |1Hllr* In Advance, for (l MoauliB, 3 00 rri-wccklf * In Advance,.. a 00 ll nai I'Hld In Advance,.. ......,,, 4 00 tTi>rlilr, Invarlnhlr In Advance, V 00 rink Price—toOoploe far 10 OO My personal ationrion will ho liven to the ulo of Baal Estate, Hank Block, 4c, jFochbw CttMtwcgB Raroib WAV51$UKif uol)NtV, OK . Praotlao law In Ulohinotul, Uurke, Washington, fieri- n and Emanuel. HA LOOM D, JOMU Karik to lllram Roberta, Esq., Plerreu, llaUU a Co A R. F. Hood kin., Noble 1.von, Esq., Savannah t E. II. I Oarrl*. It. 8. Thlosa*. Co., Halos 4 l.ucao, W. I). Hob- » Nl 11. l,Ix|l Ac 3IANIHXI,, ATTOUtfK YS AT LAW, WiiyiiaabnrnV (In, Reference—Messrs. A. 4. 4 T. VV. Miller, Augusta, Oa. oci2 ly 1*. J.TIIItF.MCKLD, Ag»l. UIMKIWIh UltOCEK, FOIUVMBMU AMI COMMISSION. MERCHANT. B. (I. CA AN IS a, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, Will pnicllcln the mini .ml .djoinfimV.iuiillc'V^ in. Jan? Macon Circuit. tf K^nde** accompanied with tbo money, or aaatlafeo- K^rcftteUCO- HOAltUOr lit:A 1/1*11-1833. jyiu no ease will auorderrorthopapcrboatieoded No. 148 Bryan-atroat, throo dour* Boat Market»aq. . >hIauiFi'oniuiiilM with thn ■„ ,.„irf,A. SAVANNAH UEORUIA 1 Keeps eonotamU on hand a general stock of Family urocerloa, low Tor caah only. mar 5. iVJI. WAIKINU 11AIIIS It Mil A Rl^ * GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner of Hay ami Monttiomcry-at».,Snvnnnuh l (»a. Solicit* consignments, nmi faprepBrcdtiTroculvo Col ton ami Merchandize gonernllv, upon Murage. Jan I Nov.l.VA5. Herds. inenniM. .tareu—Henry Lathron, Andrew Jacksor jvuu—• Ur.John M Jahnaon.M J Reilly,,—James E Godfrey, Michael Flni Committee. Jackson llaupt. "“"‘i, JulmaQaudtj ... .. inney. v V|<enlera Row—WHBntn Morlll, Matthias Amorouo. ,<i,ktiain—lUtward U. Wilson, Isaao Urunnor. Gambia—Joseph F Common. Franclt T Cole. font—Horace (•Ilium. George H Frleraon. ,xtj Town—John U Uatnwall, SAT taw tenet, An- nyil-i Police. tvewr -MtltonJ Buckner, Jacob F Doe. —William W Lincoln. John Data. r>it—Richard Tinnier. I'd win 8/lttrower. f:,Hill (New)—Thom** Hoy no*, Wlljlam llyan. f-aakttnrt'ldi— Anton llvjtchctl, Edward Lovell, Gwcne—Joseph Burke. John F Cercopely. C»Man l.ot, No. 8—Milton Humphreys, ThouiaaPran- ilergasL Hr.—Jamea Sullivan, Italah Davenport, j*iron—Solomon t'oheu, William It (iulon. Rose* 8 t’nhen, Alfred J J Biol*. Utaicin*— Moace D I'ullenr, Uciavui Cohen. l.iNnj—Th.-ma* F Btevcns, Francis Ulalr. yioourey—t harlot W W Union. Joseph W Wabatar. Christopher Witte, . Wltl.A. 1,01'TOR. ATTultNEV AT I, A IV, Rlonflcello, Ueo. WILLUItl FUWAItUS ATTORNEY AND UOUNfiBLLOR-AT-LAW. Rllcuitopy, I’issridu, will practice In the Oonrtanr East and South Florida. 1 Tunnrt Pinkney k Co.Charleston, 8.0. Reference#. > Ploraon, Ilol0l4 “ ~ >o« ‘ Ploraon, lloldl k Co, Savaiinah. (ja. Cooper 4 Mnthera, Mloaiiopy, Fla. iy* J A NIKS ,S. MCltOl.S, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JotW wharf, foot of Aburcorn-atroot, Jan II SAVANNAH, flAJiCFi. w. Succewor to HENRY J. PEPPER it BON. , Wntctiue, Jewelry ami Nllverware, jYo.,175 Cheinut-at., uiwutUe the State Home, Phllddvlpkiln. may 30 |y CAtil.lVrOK A I'AUSUNH, Gonoral Commission Merchants. M BAY-STREET, SAVANNAH, UKUKUIA. O. «. CSELKTON. Ciua. PARS SON. dec IW_ ' RIIKIk A JBIIRKTOR, General Anrilon ,V Onmmission .Merchants, Teuder their service* to tbt-lr friend* and the pnbllo. .Jan a c * CIlEEVEIt ,V CO., , gddtv niWiUorpe—11 D W Alexander, John Wilder, (AIL. A. I., l.anw’s,wr.Crayton and llryntvaUA Fac,0rS “j 4 ^5W t , 5 , “ M* r «"*als, r-rfivAl—John ». Starr, Dr Harvey l.Uvrd. w ^ UA. „ ... .aniin ... Ilarvt»y l.Uyrd. F'j'iski—Ueonje F Palinrs, William Ungers. Keiiioids—J Oainmel, William It Etheridge. L tngbUl—William Htley, Martin Peyton. Twup—William HThmnas, ciaiullua Euirrne Harle, nAlum—William llumphreya, William Hermes. Waft-n—(fdtvanl F Klnchle). Jn«ep|, a McDoncll. H,shtn|nun—Henry F W Illlnk.Jr., John A Mayer. I AtfXs Fare Mtetlnccd. I Cabin Passage to New York $20. 1 SEMI-WEEKLY IfNITRD STATUS RIAII. f.IRE, T HE new nmi splemlld tide wheel steamships: KNOXVILLE, l JUKI tool, CapL C. D. Ll-olow, AUHI'STA, 1.500 •* “ Tuus.I.ton, FLORIDA, 1.300 “ •• M.S. WooDUPLL, ALA HAM A. 1,900 *♦ «. It.ScMaacK, I Will have SavauDah every Wednesday and Saturday ALbama, ...Wednesday,.May ‘Jd, do Ktc-xville, Saturday.... do klh, do H >rida Wednesday,, do Dm, do Auiruata, Saturday,... do |2lh, do Alabama, Wednesday,, do Itltli, do Knoxville, Saturday,... do I9ih, do Florida Wednesday,, do 9d<l, do Augusta, Satinday,... do V6th, do Abbamn, Wedne*<lay,. do 3»Uh, do Knoxville, Saturday,.. .June 2d, do Florida, Wvtlne-day, do Cth, do Auju-ta, Saturday.... do Oth, do Alabama Wednesday,, do I3lh, do Knnxrtlle, Saturday,... do HJih, do Florida, Wednesday,, do -Jtlih, do Aucunta Sattmlny,... do IPd, do Alabama, Wednesday,, do S?lh, do Knoxville, ..Saturday,... do 3<lih do Tbo-e ships are among thn largest on the coast, unsur- I t-tord in speed, safely nr comfort; ynaklugllieirpaatagea I I: fifty to sixty hours, and are commanded by skillful I avf'.l, and poli'e officer*. Having elegant ataierootn, I i..- cm.mlatlou*, they offer a moaidealrableconveyance | tu Ae» York. Cabin Passage 920 Steerage do 8 AfciiU: PADELFORD, FAY It CO- Savannah. SAM’L. L. MITCH ELL, 13 Umadway, i?'0 ; New Yxrk INEW-YORK AND UIVERPObU U. S. MAIL STEAMERS. nit atitpa couratatno this link are: ATLANTIC, I HALTIC, Canu Writ* Capt.CowaToc*. PACIFIC, ADRIATIC, Capt.Nvi, | CapL——. Thcaoahlpihaving been built byoonlract, Setnreaalv for government service, everyearo • H.-en taken In thelrcouaxructlon, as alio In their eu- -,L»ensure xtremtth and apuexl; and their actommo- n* for passenger* are unequalled for elegance of |t».iorl. I I’rtceof passagefrom Now-York to Liverpool, In flrsl I talon, 5 Km; In second cabin, 975; exclusive use ol 1-xir.x slxe Mat*- rooms, |3i5. F’rom Liverpool to New V >rk, XJtl and JTJn. \n exj-erteurwi Ptirgwn attached to each ship. No Berthscxn t>« secured until paid fur. I’ll'‘POSED DATES OF SAILING. FYem AVa York. From l.iverptol, m 1855. 1855. I U.-tnewlar... .Jan.24.. 1835'Saturday....Jan. 13.. 185c 1 v,.| p *,tay....Feb 7..ISM Satunlay... Feb-.T..1855 I !ne«Uay. ...Feb81..I?55iSaturday.... Feb H).. I8.V5 1 (Saturday ....Jan24.. 1855 For Freight or Passage, apply to WARD K. COLLINS, 50 U ull-street, N. Y. ■•i *WN, SHIPLEY k t.O., Llveriv-ol. •II Pll KN. K EN N A HD it' A k,‘J7 Austin Friar*, London. WAIN WRIGHT it CO., Paris; or . II. DRAPER, Mime, f fT The owner* of these shlpa will not be account*- -or gold, silver, bullion, specie, Jowelry. precious • or metals, unless lulls of lading are signed there* . ml the value thereof expres-cd therein. -vtqmrs please take' notice, that the ship* of this - catiuolcarry any good* contraband of war. mwf ly wm. w. citaavcR. jnUNR.atMt. DOT 20 ly PATTEN. IIDT'rtlN Afi CU.« FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 4 00 Hit)* Slrct-l. iy 13 Savannah, Ga. J.C. anil. J. It. DAVtf. w. U. LONt, lll'NE. DAVIS At I.ONti, 0 O M M l SS| O N MERCHANTS, June I ■ Niivnitniihi Git. SAMUEL PAt.>IKil .V BolO Denier* In % HARD WARE, CUTLERY, I'll.EH, EDGE TOOLS Ac., WHOt-ISAUf AND RETAIL, No. 148 Congress ,and 87 H . Julian Streets, SupaanaA, Utorgu, Jnne3 ini. wiciisirr, GENERAL BROKER, FOR THK PURCHASE A.YD SALE OF REAL ESTATE A.Y!> PERZOXAL PROPERTY. HAY LANE, SAVANNAH, GA. A. PONCE, Importer A Ifttiiufiuitiirur of Sogari, Ho. 13 WUlTAKBR-STaAKT, Keens on hand a well aelccted atock or Imported So far*:also Manufactured Tobacco. Snuff, Pipes, and all other articles usually kept In Ills lino of business, which he offer* on tho mow raaaonable terms. nov.'l ». I.. COIIEN, CONTRACTOR ANI) BUILDER, Tuylor-kirooi Irtva doors sv«st or d a a yto n-str**t,] l» prepared to contract for all kind* of Building and Repairing. Also—Toconduct Water through the various parts ol , ItollM'S. net 13 FULTON HOUSE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, U¥ A. R. UBBVKS. Atlanta, March 14, 1855. tf mar 10 ll. HOtiMTTu: A: <:<»., (New Granite HiiildtligO ‘ ‘.street, Not. 45 47 8outli Third PntLADtLrmi. UT Collections made, Deposits received, Unciirrcnl money bought anil hold. 3mo fab 0 lUEDHk. HlNCAN.HIIEIt.llANAL'U., HANKERS, No. 48 William atroot, New Yoek, issue Foreign Circular Letters of Credit. ON TUB FOLLOWING CITIESt * Alexandria, Antwerp, Athens, Amsterdam, Berlin, Hadon.Oaden, Herne, llnnii, Bordeaux,' Boulogne, Bremen, Rru-scI*, Hagnl dl Lucca, llailv, Bombay, Bainvla, Iteymut, Carlo, Cotdentt, Cologne, Cadts, Coluinlm, Ceylon, Carlsruhe, Calcutta, I'anton, Dresden, Duseeldorf, Edinburg, Florence, Frankfurt, Genoa, Geneva, Gibraltar, Hamburg, Hague, Havre, lluldelborg, Hong Kong, Kandy, Cay Ion, Liverpool, London, Leghorn, Lclpslc, Lyons, Lisbon, Madrid, Malta. Marseilles, Milan, Moscow, Munich, Messina, Muthmiie, Madras, Mails. Manilla, Madeira, Naples, Nice, Oporto, nleron. Paris, Pan, Palermo, Pisa, Koiuo, Rotterdam, Rio de Janeiro, Hi. Petersburg, Strasbumg, Hluna, Smyrna, Seville? Hlettln. Hharghat, Singapore. Sydney, NSW., Turin, Toulon, Trieste, Venice, Vevey, Vienna, Wiesbaden, Warsaw, Melbourne, Aus., Zurich. ADANI SHOUT, MAST E R BUILDER, Alhlareahlencoon Taylnr-sireet, nearCalliouu Square. ' WUt take contracts for Building and Work In . Masonry of every description. I R. k J. LACKLISt IN, Engineers anil ll i 11 w r I r li t«, , JRO.V4- RHASS FOVXDERS, ' Canal .Street—Near the Canal Lock, a. LAritt tsoN. j. i.AriiLtsoH. ; llninxon the Central Knilrond k Connecting 1 lit H.itOA ns. SOIIEDTTIjE. 1/ »*.■ and aller .Monday, tin- 19th .March, Instant, and I' / until furtlicriioilre, the Pastt-nger Trains on tbo 7*1 will run as follows: ,11*11.1 a AV ASHA II AHI» MACOH. • c Savannah. .8 a m , arrive at Macon- .0.25 a. M. . e Savannah..4.15r. m , arrive at Maom . .‘J in *. m. r Macon 5 a. h , arriveliiSavalim h‘t.30r.U- a Mac»n 8,15 p.m., arrive in Savannah 0 50 a. tt, BKTWBSM lAVASHAlt A * D AfOISTv. e*aranuah..e a.m., arrive In Angu-ta.5 r n. e,Tavaniia!i .O.SUp.m.,arrive in •j A ngtfl r. m., arrive lu Savannnh 1.05 a. M. no Augusta... .7 a. n , am vein Savannah 3.:iuv. m. miwiiii Macon a an al-ocsta. * Macon 5 a. w., arrive In Augusta.5 y.M. « Man.n H.43f. h , arrive in Auguvta.4 -tn a.M. •3 t<jg<i-ia.. .7 a. M., arrive In 51 aeon.. .11.25 r. M. « tugu-ta.. .0 f M., arrive In Macon... .‘.MO a.M. e Tra n which leave* Havannah for .Maron at 8 A. ■ui.e. i« wiih the Macon and Western, and Western t' Aid e Railroad*.carrying passenger* for all points tv-- It sds, for llntne, i fleoigia,) for Nashville and ‘*.li«. (Triir.,) and f,#r North Alabama. '■ Trim which leaves Savannah for Maron at 4.05 '■••i.nects wlih the -«uth Western, Muscogee and J'unerj h West Point Itallrovi.carrylng -lassongn't l|>mri , Ihew- Honda, and for Americiii,*Alhany, he a. for rallahaasce, (Fla.,) for .Montgomery, Slo- * ' d New < irleaiis. Tr ni, which leavw* Savannah for AtiguataR A.M. 't* wot, mu evening Train* of the <>eorgla Rail- *','l in., v-miii ,'aroloia Itallroad. * ff .tr. which leave* Savannah for Auxutta at O.'W . r-oim-ct- with the morning Trams of the Georgia ad* *‘>d ihe twiuiti Carrdioa Railroad. ■ r »f the Trains leaving »avannsh at d A. M.,gpd < I’. M , will rarri na-s- nguri tor Slllledgflvllpvand ■i‘>n—the 4.05 P. M. Train hvdng the most doaely •rte,|. o-ngesat August a dr-ulne*! for Oglethorpe, Amert* Uhvny, Talleliaviee, l/opitnbus, Montgomery, Mr»> -hi s, w Orlean*. must face the 0 I*. 31. Train to ■ detention » morning Train from Macon will carry paivrngars "'--dip-villa and Kalonton. Passenger* from MIII- - I'e and F.atonton will take the up day Train at nger* for the New York and I’hlladr-lphla Steam* should arrive In Havaniuih l,y the morning Train. "« partleularly requesUd always to consult the ' m«hip,’ sdvertlvemcnis for the dsya of departure. '*' - >gh tl'-kei* art mid Mdwren nsvaiioah ami all lr, »e named place-, also.lertwran Montgomery and •«i* WM. M. WALLEY,Gen.Hup'l. >atinah, March Will, 1855. If mar 10 SotPril Wsf ER.\ llA IMtOAD] Ml ANI. F. OP HUHEDULE s. S, .MILLER & J, Di KKKUl\S0S, UIIKERWItlRIITSAHItlKMIlTIIS No. | if 3 Yorlt-niroct* SAFAXX.1/1, (GA.) L’arrlage*. Wagons, Carl* and Drays manufACtured. IHacksmlthlng. Including Iron Balling and Grates for Buildings.itc. drum at theshoriest notice. aug 2fl I LaPAYETTE HOUSE; Corner Bay ami MontRomcrv Sis., .Savannah, Oa., „RV JOII\ ||. AllXil.ll* A if n lit. Transient Hoard at 91 per day, and the Tnhlo supplied with the best the market affords,—feven nr eight gcnilemcn can find board at the above House, at 31 per week, with good lodging, kc. apr 5 . M. u. cni’acii. ' a. i. musics C.Tliritm A- NIO.Nl’S, FACTORS 8t COMMISSION MERCHANTS Bay >trocd, Savannah, (loorgia. UirxacacKB— Messrs. Hall, Mnsea k Go., nnd Col. -John Banks.Coliiuihus, Gi-irgia - .Me««r*. Hall, Mosei k Itoherls, Muntgimory, Alabama; Mr. A. J. Brady, Atlanta, Georgia. apr 22 AT PFIISFAS * I*KI.\TI.\<« Ol FICE, No. (J U'hlliiker*Ntrci > l, nr CARDS ate printed at 92.30 per thousand, oct 85—tf. _ CAKRIAGE’REPOSITORY ’DJLAJBX UPAOTOHT. A general and complete assortment, Just SOBTV- received. Tbo »i|h*crlber>Js now prepared lo offet to Iho public a handsome vcleCAnn of ROCK A WAYS. Top and no-top Bl't-GIEH, built by tVilllnm Dunlap,of Phtladelptvla; tncetUerwrUh a larger amt better sdccUnti of lighter work tlmn ha« ever been offered at this estab lishment before, with prices to correspond with the time*. I nn determined to keep only auch articles In my *lne, aa I can confidently recommend and warrant. The public are most respectfully requested to call and •at 1sty themselves by an examination of my *t«.ck. All ktuds of Repairing done, as heretofore. L. S. BENNETT, mar 12 Corner of West Broad and Bny.ita. Carriage .llanalaclory. The suhscrlbertakesthla incth-i return hltthaiikb t<» the. lUbliclor their libural tialrunngi ,and to Inform them that ho stlllcarneson tlu- Carriage bualucaa at the old stand, near the Market. In nil It* various branches. He likewise Invites the public to full and examine hlastock of Carriages which he has now on hand, got up express ly for the Southern market,fvcltugconlldenttlial ho can please them In sty le ami In price lo-iler than any olher rslahllihmenilntheelty. AllUmlsofheavy workmado to order.such as Plantation Wagon*, Drnya,Carts,Tim ber Carriages,itc.,nil madeof Imtleroiaterlali thou ran be found elsewhere In the city. Audi ho sul>scrl her flat- tershiinsetl that the practical experience of overthirty vrars.and his untiring exertion* to please, w III still so cure to him a II hern I share of public patronage. RepairIngdoiHJ In lhei—xistylo and at liberal prices. oe(t» II.W.IIAHHUAKTI-K. It vN AND AFTER TUESDAY, February ‘Jf'th.Paaaeu- I ' ger Trains will leave Macon dally for Olutnhui at 'oek. A. and for Americut at 7 A. M., arriving luriihiis 8X;o'etock, A. kl .and at Amnrlciis lljf A. ! Amerlrus dally at 7, A. M.. amt '.‘-dumbo* at t M., arriving at Macon fr-un Au.ertcoa at IIA. not fr-un Columhu* at F- -M. r.ectlng at Macon each way with f'entral Railroad • w. nsvannah, Augusta, Mllledgnvtllo amt Eaton- ■ with Macon ami Western Railroad Trains to AUsnia, Dalton, ChatUnm^fA, Knoxville, and ' --omcttfig dally at Columhus, wlibflfMilIka Railroad • Hu.'gonwry, Alabama, srnl Girard Railroad,to Silver I Vogian, Inus. ' v-m-coig at Amerleua with 'tall Stage Mo* lo Tal* Albany,Thoinaavllle, Ac. 'teit can i^, prruiorivl at Amerlcttato Augusta; and ‘••■rt, I., svttmtngvon, via Augusta. I last Mtramshlp* leara Savannah for New York • l»j« urwl Saturdays, am] for I'hllailalphla on -alsyv, passaye, In iheCahlo, 9*J0; Mtewrage, 9S- •.m Moi.igi.rni ry to Savsnnah, |I'J • oltirnhna to do. ... 900 An.aittuMn f*,u f 54 GIV». W. A PA MS,Superintendent. MLFrb. laih, IM3 feh Id ... ‘J-mn; ci.ii* .iiii.i.-i. I I "• voo-oiitot Is manufaclorl'ig a plsnlallno Mill I '•'"flM. tis|t«v«*t* the most economical one (n 'bi*part of iha roonirr- Ha ha* now on hand, •'-"p. "oner of llryau and Jeffsraon streets, sev- II ' 1,1 ‘Offerant sites, and he Is prepared to make M jny sis*, from two to ala horse power, ami III • '»'-ch Burr, Losopus. f 'ologne. or romimmt '• klon»«, aod he ktwpa alt of those different hied* ton*tastily on hand. *• sale, as above, Corn nltellara, Hay l.utters solid led .and all work tvsrrarted. 4 4mo WILLIAM GltEENK. ft 4 in.*, 4UAI9W—AfsANMs • ft \ , ' rim riocka which are on hand In great now 1., ** *h-| variety of *4ylea. Such a ticking, such a I. ***• •***» he heard as aebfoin l*-prlre low—lima 11.. . , '**» Jsw-aLay, every body know* wnsbs Ik ..If •*•'•‘JthattaunaoCihabaalftUeaalormrehaam I li I * 1*9 CONflUWIll. .Marine Kailway. T HE undersigned restmetfu'ly Informs all who may need hit service*, that bn ha* chargu of the IMA RINK RAILWAY, which Is now In aueceaspil opeoa Knit. It*t* therefore, prepareit to lake up vessels of any sire usually vlaltlng our port, ami l<* do the work of repairing, ke,, on reasonable terms. Those who wish lo clean or paint bnUointof their veasols can al«n be accviinmodatml on thn Railway upon reasonable terms, lie Is also prepared to con I fact for hulldltig ve«*ela uf any cU*s nr description and i«» carry onth« business of Hhtp C rpenterlntf, Hpnr Making ami Caulking, Inall Its various branches, at the easterner- tremltyoftheclty. a go-nl aiiip Hrnlth la on iha premise*. aug 3 __ ly H. F. W11,1,INK. Jr. Savannah fie;/ itork To Ship Owtiprs, Maalora and Cnrislifnpfwof VcmoIx r^pll KSubscriber respectfully Inforrnstheni that theS \- 1 V/NNAII DRYD'H'K la now In surressftil opera- tlon.aa Jit la calculated lo lake In shlpsorany rlnssirom IWl toIMKHona burthen. ItlalKtH feet long and 85 font wide, and complete in every particular. A large gang m workmen It employed and a large snpplv of ms- terlals la on hand, to that veaset# can be repaired with aa much despatch as In anv other port. Pump and Block Making ami Hmlth'a work dniinon the premises and every effort made to ensure economy amt fidelity to those who may favorthe Dock with their business, D P. LANDP.IIHIIINK, Agent ami Superintendent, ^ fnh'Jl I.ale of Marsh's Hock.Charleston- <ioV* Ito. 207 Ray-Slrrrl, Harnnnali, (-a., Has o|^m-.| an office for iho sale of North Alabama, Tennessee,and ot|,«r WF.MT1.UN PRODUCE, and ex- P sci, *| an early date, lo hs In receipt of Bacon, Corn, lour, Ifope, Cotton, ke. ke., u„ pro-lure of that *e«- lion. Wo kean an office at f'hattaiiooga, Tenn., for th* pur- cha*a or shipment of TrnitoiMie river product*, and can forward, dlracl to planters, amt from that (mint. We *real*o In direct correspondence wlih Hi. Igiula, l^oilsville, and Nashville, amt will atl-n-l to the pur- rhsaeof article* In ihu*n markets, lo W Shipped to Ms- vannsh.or Iniarninllaie polnisln Georgia. Jtn ** fimo II1 11. 1> 1*1*" IfMNIMiil.r, Willow *irc--t, above I'iih atreer, I'hiladnlphia. I lDiN any -le«|gu, with-f without •• Met- ism's Patent Revolving Hhuiinrs.” a new ami super), nr article! (rise. Girder*, Column-, Window Head*.and all other Iron Work neewsaary |o the erection and do- roratlon of building*. Estimate* cheerfully furnished to parties applying pcsona'ly. nr hr tenor. spy (It In*. HANrtON * PARR AND. I Atflfi— Mfi.flhn l.aiii* landing flmn hark 'hail#* j William, fur tain by may 29 IIRIGII AM. KELLY Isjlfl. /itlFlMT Piat'er Paris, amt Plaslerlng llalr-Con- \.j atantiy nn hand and for sale by may TO nlllfJII A»l, KELLY Jk (Hi, ( t"AI„~3« inn* Lump l.lglttCoal; 2n« hint Broken i and Hcranad llwl Ash Cool. For sate low by apr TO CLAGIIORN Jk CUNNINGHAM. _ 11 AGGlNft,—thn trale* heavyHunny Bagging landing I > amt for aale l.y IIRIGIIAM, KEI.I.V k HO. way *. t : , H A V—no Mkles prime Northern lf*y, landing par schooner J. It. hloat. end for V*le be milGIIAM,KELLY 4 CO. ALSO, CREDITS FOR INDIA AND CHINA ON THE ORIENTAL RANK CORPORATION OF LONDON. Ilranchea and Agencies at— Canton. Shnughal, Calcutta, lloug Kong, ilumbay, Madras. Slngnpoc, CREDITS FOR AUSTRALIA ffN THE RANK OF NEW-SOUTH-WALKS OF LONDON. Rranchoi and Agancies at— 'laltlatid uml Newcastle, Hunter Hirer. Itrlshaiiu ami Ipswich, Mormon Bay. Victoria Branchus: .Melbourne, Geelong, Kyneton, Cavllomalnc, Jlount Alexander. llnllarat. Sandhurst Agency, Bendigo. Ovens Aguncv. mar 21) r,mo—la General Insurance .lirenry. 112 llaj-st in youii t.iri: iftNi?nKn > The Charier Uak Life Insurance Company, of 11A HIT-HID. With a capital nnd surplus of over 9K*>ibOO, still con tinues, and will, until Iho next annual inet-uug, cuutluuc to liiturn tho lives ol White Pursous, at thu same rales charged heretofore for all residents at the South. By lu ■oumJiicaa, good management, and prompt payment of all Its losses. It ha* placed Itself equal lo any Company lu the world- Sprlioflrlil Fire it Tlnrine Insnrantt I'o'y, OF SPUING FIELD, MA88 m Capital and surplus, over 9255,090 State Mutual Fire k -Murine insurance Co. OF PENNSYLVANIA. Cnpltaland surplus,over 9112,000 Uijuilublc Fire Inuiraiirr Comp., of London. CAPITAL 92,500.00". Ttinau Companies aru sound, atroiig nnd reliable,and will effect liisuranco on all kinds of property, at reason able rates. Insurance effected lo any amount. F*»r Inauranco In ellher of the above named Compa nies, apply to A. WILBUR, Gen. Ilia. Ag't, Jail 19 c No. M2 liny-street. Snvminah, Ga. NUMBER 184 Kciu-Voeu aimmtntnuutfl. hem SIX. l'$ttiiifiiu-'Co. , i ATHruTfog Agtniw. UV JVnss«n.*I„ JVfie. York, ondXt. Il£fala-si„ Horton. P. It Go. are Agent* for the moat Influential mid lar- goatalrcnlatlng Commercial Paper* both In the Untlail Slates and tho Canada*. ■ ■ N A FUN. 1.3 GOTTEN KT 4 GO,, lot porter* or French and I 1 * othor European Goods, No. 4 8 Hroad-at. Ap.30,'33. w. jaokSon iT«w. ’ [0/ Ikt late firm of li’.i- /LJotkios 4; .Voaa.1 GRATE AND FKNDBB MAKLItS, 240 Front St. and 990 Broadway. Now York. CITY MARBLE WORKS, AND STEAM MANTLE FACTORY, Corner 10th and Vine*ita., PuibADgLmu. J K. 4 R. SOItKLL, havtbf greaUy improved their • facilities forth* manufacture of every variety of .UAKUIilt WORKS, Embracing the beat atria of MANTLES, TABLE TOPH, FLODRING, TOMBS, AND MONUMP.NTH, Aro (ireparcd to supply order# upon reasonable terms, mar 1.1 3mo f PATENT ELASTIC SKIRTS. H AVE constantly on band avery variety of Grate* UA TEN 1‘IIANCIS. nnd Fender*, also circular and auuare German , No. I Barclay-! n.ltn. W-.1 ..I na ■ I Jk il—.lnH Xl.ililfaift I ‘ - 10J Silver Graio*. Wholesale dealers vupplled, may no-Aug at) P Combs, Pans and Fanoy Goods, Wl 1.1.1 ANI TASKlilt, PARK I’LAHR, New York, Invite* the attention _ - of Southern and Western Merchants, to til* new atock of Kan*,Combs, llalr, Tooth aod Nalt llruahas, Ladlo*’ Rotleulos, Poifumorr, Sonps, Porto Muunulei, Jet and Head llraculnla, Pocket Hook*, Dreia Millions, Pina and Nncdlei, Hooka and Eyos, Watch Guardi, Wax, Coral amt Ola** Bond*, Necklace*, kc. India Rubber Comb*,' , anea, Balls and Toy# of every di-scrip* lion. Scissors, Bacura and Cutlery, Gold and Gnt Jewelry, Aucordcona and Vlullna, Including a general ami very large amok of English, French and German Fancy GikmIn, which will ho soldat tho very lowest pri ce*, for rush or Approved Paper. iryordere by loiter arlecleil and not »P In the beet manner. WILLIAM TASKKII, rnayj _ ly ’.Ml III Park Place, Now Vork._ Cheapest Musical Work ■ > t ii n won M), I’RICK ONK IIOI.I.AR. Reauty’0 Album, OF MUSICAL I1UDS ANO. BLOSSOMS. A Collection or new and adMileu PuLKAS. MA- ZUIIK AS, ami SCIinrj lMIBH, Fur Hie Plano Forte. Beautifully illustrated with six tlcgant and appropriate Designs, lit Lithograph, by D'Avlguou.of tbttloUowlug eubjecla: No. 1, Magic Hound*. •' 2. Beauty’s Mirror. '• 3. Devotion. '• 4. Rcmeiubranco. “ 5. Melody. “ 0. Con sola lion. Published nnd for sale by SsMt-gL C, JoLLti, SID Broadway,(Ht. Nicholas Hotel,) Now York. |3f The above work will bo »eui by mall lo auy part of tho country, on receipt of 91, addressed to HAMUEI. O Jm.I.UL&iQ Broadway, may89— lino (SLNIcholus Hotel.) New York. , Mroot, Niw York. flAUTION.—None aro K'UthlhB except they bear the vv a tamp of tho patont. All manufarlurera aod idler* Infringing will bo prosecuted according to law. mar ID Mar I8,’S0—P The Smithsonian House, Broadway,cornor '>1 llouatun Struct, NEW YORK, On Vito satno block with the Metropolitan Hotel nnd Nlblo'a Garden, and two block* abore thu SI. Nicholas Hotel, O PPBttS to traveller* Superior AerommedatioHt, In tho heart of Umadway, In Immeduto Juxlapoal. tloulo the ntlier Aral data huuaea and placet or am uso- nwm, at tnoderato rates. Tho house has at! the conve niences in vogue, nod (a cuiidurivd oil tho European Plan i*f Lodging Rooms, ot Jt/ty cento, tnd upwarJt to threedoltaro a dnt/ t according to location, Ac., and meals extra a* ordered, at prices grade* to suit both the economical and cxtrnvagnifr, the guests ordering men's at pleasure, nnd rattan oai.y mn waaTle t-aao, Trnvolleta will find at the .sMITIlHONI AN accomm-xla- Ilona of au|N-rior onler, and can, 11 they choose, make TIiaiR BILLS I.KSI BV AT LIStT ONK-TIIUD THAN AT oTiiKlt viaaT class uoTKLf, as conducted on tho old ay stem. For respectability, order, neatness and vconomy, the Smithsonian shril make Its mark nn the dines, and ho worthv the patronage of tho |>eople. apr2—Oct2 SIDNEY KOPMAN. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, l’HII.ADKLPHIAr im-oii-rAK'r T O nil prisons afflicted wlihSetti-il dlasaaos, vueh na HhMINA.. WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, G'»N- ORUIICKA. GLEET, SYPHILIS, kv., Ac. Tho HOWARD ASSOCIATION or Philadelphia, in view of the awful dastructliiii of human llfuaua health caused by H,-xual diseases, and the deceptions which aroprnctlsed upon the unfortunate victims of such die- cases by Qnncxs, have directed their Consulting Mir- genn.aa a Cll A RITA II..E ACT worthy ol their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS to all persona UioaafTPcted, (.Male or Female.) who apply by lrtter, with a description of their conUillon, (age, occupation, habile of lire.) kc, and in case* of extreme poverty and •Offering, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE UP CHARGE. Thettownrd Association la « benevolent Institution, established hr special endowment, for tho relief of tho •Icll and di-tressetl, atlhclod with '•Virulent and Epi demic Diseases," and Its funds can bo used fur no other purpose. It ha* now a surplus of means, with wnlch tlm Directors liavn voted to advertise the ahovo notice. Ill* noodle**to add that tho Association command' Iho highest Mcllonl skill of the age nnd will furnish the most approved modem treatment. Valuable advico iniM nvrilTON dr IrANIItfU, MANUFACTUHEUH ANI) IMPORTERS, No. 194 Arnli-Ht., Ed doorolHivo Hlxtli, I’ihlad’a, WHOLBSALB AND RBTAJL. Every article In their lino of business at the very low list market CAMII PRICES, and Bulled the patronage of dealers and others. uud3mo mar 27 8EWINQ MACHINE8. 1 AXGl’t.StOH SEWING MACHINRs. - Made by lit HOOD, IIATTEI.LK 4 CO n Worceator, Masaa- chuaetta, patented by Elina llowc, Jr., Heptumber Ihlb, 1840. Tlieau Machines are warranlod, (with proper use 1 not to gut out of repair. They are built In a good aub- aiantlal, and workmanlike manner, and will do Tailor* shot maker*’ and Saddlers' work, In a manner warrant, ed to glvo Ballarat lion. Tbo allcb will unt rip any tnor* Ilian common aowlug. done by hand. Call and auotbe-e In operation at 140 C'ilKMNIJT street. Plillsdtlphlp.uL *‘alra. W. A. DAWSON, Ageui. >««/ ly.MfcC . Fit Kill HJTl ()||0< 0|/a I'F7, TDSTAULISIIKUIn I7H0, w. IIAKKK Is CU.94 Atnerl. Pa can, French, Hoininopalhlo and Vanilla, Premium Chocolate, prepared Cocoa, Broina, Cocoa Paato, Cocoa Htlcka, Holube and lloinuopatblc Cocoa, Cocoa Sholle, Crackrd Cocoa, etc., aro an excellent diet for children, Invalids, and persons In health. They allay rather than In duce the nervous excitement attendant upon thn use of lea or coffee, and aro recommended by Doctor* Warren, Jackson, Hay want, Ware, and Adams, of Boston, and by eminent phvalclaua elsewhere. For sale by all Urn principal grocer# lu Iho United Stales, and by their Agents: D. C. Murray, New York; Grant 4 Twella, Philadel phia, I’homas V. Brumllgo, Baltimore; Kcnnell 4 Dudley, Cincluhatl. WALTER BAKER 4 Co., mar 17 3mo* Dorchester. 'I ass. MCOTT’N LITTLE 01 ANT cote.Y A.vot con aiiltj, PATBSTKU MAY lOlh, IBM. S B. BROWN, Proprietor of Georgia, Tennessee and • Alabama, of this Invention, which Is doolulesa among the most Important or modern limes for the use of tho well advised farmer and slock feeder; and the universal favor with which it ha* been received from the first, tuoru than any thtug else, alWat* Us uttttty and su periority. For portability, aimidlclty orconitrucllon, and convo* nlunco of use, thu l.itllo Giant hu* no equal. It weighs from three to five hundred pound*, according to size, can be put lu o|H>ratlou by tho farmer lu twenty minute* without uxpuosuor mechniuvat aid, thou adjusted and used with convenience by anybody. Tho Little Giant hai received the First Premiums at every State Fair from Missouri to Maryland the past Fall, nnd that in the most complimentary manner. These Mill* are guaranteed In the most positive man ner against breakage or derangement, amt warranted to grind teed from oar corn, and grits or flno hominy from shelled corn, with a degree of ease and convenience for farm pur|K>*et never attained before. I ho subscribers are now prepared lo furulih the trade with Improved pattern* end sizes, to suit the varied wants ot alt. No. 2 la offered at 9S5 complete, ready for attaching the team, and warranted to grind teu bushels of feed per hour with one horse. No. 3 at 9*5 will grind fifteen tiushel* per hour. No. 4 ul 99.) will grind twenty h'ulicla per hour, with two horse*. .Manufactured and for aalo by H. H. llRinVN k GO., mar 3 at Nashville, Tenn., and Atlanta, Ga. CELEBRATED PANACEA, rok tub cvkft or IntJpitHt Coniumptien, Scrofuto, OintrnJ tJriUitn, White Smtiling, Rheumattem, iHeenete of tk r Liner •nd kkl*. and ait dlceeeee arising fren Imparities of tho Mood, and the effects of Mercery. CWAIM’H PANACEA hM been for more thirty yem . ,n Htl* country etnl lu Europe for Ha extraordinary cure*—for the certificate* of which re- rerenco le miuU to lb« direction* and liOok* ferhtcb may be had gratia) accompanying Die Panacea. Soma of which give the partlcaUra or case* too frightful for gen eral publication, where thu patients had been almost eatan up with Scrofula and were deemed Incurable by Physician*. E)Jt baa bocn used In b«>apltala and private practice, and naa bad the singular fortune of being recommende*! by tbo most celebrated phyilclans and oilier eminent per. aon*. Among others by W. Gibson, M D., Prof, of Surgery, Pa. Univerelty. Valentine Mutt, 51, U. Prof of Surgerv, N. Y. Univer VV. P. Dewoea, M. D-. Prof of Mid. Pa University. N. Chapman, 51, D., Prof of Physic. Pa University. T. Parke, 51. D., Prca’t College of Physicians, Pblia. Dr. Del Vallo, Prof of Medicine, Havana. Jose Enurenco de Prof of Surgery, Lisbon. J.Chlpman, 5!emher Royal Uollcgorturgeons, Ix/ndoo G, VV. Krvlug, late 5Hnlater to Spain. Sir Thomas Pearson. Major General British Army. Gilbert Robertson, llrltltb Consul,4c , 4c. And also, thu wonderful cures effected by Mwalrn’a Panacea, have, for many years made It in Invaluable remedy. The Panacea does not contain mercury In auy form and being an Innoconl preparation, It may bo given to the most tender Infant. The retail price hu been reduced to 91 50 t»er boltlo (containing three half plula) or three bottle* for 94. Ilewtre of Imutinltloit. Hwatrn's Panacea la In round bolt he, fluted longitudi nally, with the following letter# blown on tho glaa*: “HWAI5!'S—PANACEA—PHILAUA." and having Uie name of J*s. Hwsim ^tamp' d on the aeallng wax and written on the label covering tho cork, and a splendid engraving for the eld# or the boUle, com- posed of geometric lathe work, comprising nine differ ent dies, which have been turned for llie exclusive use of tho proprietor, by Draper 4 Co., bank note engravers of Philadelphia. In the centre la a portrait of the late Wm. Swalm, copyright ecuured. • Also, Nxvutiu’x Vermifuge. A vatnahlo Family Medicine, being a highly ajjproved rmio dy for all dlreasca arising from dehility of the dl- gosllvu organs, such as Worics Cholera Morbus, Dysen tery, Fuvur and Ague, Bleeding, Piles, hick Headache, 4c., 4c. See the Pamphlet (which may be had grails; accompanying tho Vermifuge. Prepared only tt HWAI.M'H LABORATORY. THE OLD&TAND. Hoventb alreot below cheamut, Phtladel- *)lila, and sold by all refjwcUble Dnigglats In the Lolled dates. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. Persona wishing to obtain the genuine HtVA I M’S PA NACEA audStVIM’S VERMIFUGE, should ho careful *o observe that the name S W A I M * studied cofrcctly on the bolth-a and lab« la, or they may b« lm|«l on by medicine* made tn tmltsUou of them by a person bearing a somewhat similar name, well cal culated lo deceive. GENKRAL AGENTS FOR THK U S. Nrhieffrlln* llroflu-rN A CO.. 170 W \ 111 « tn -• t r e o t, Now York, apt 27 3mo MII-VlvK’S PLASTIC PAINTS, Cll CM*, VITMCIC, A.VU I'llOTCCTIVC, ’ WKATlIkR ANO FIRK PROOF. T il It* PAINT wlllsund any climate, wlthoutcracknr blister and banJena by ex;>c*uro, thus making In lime an enamel of atone, protecting Vvood from decay, and Iron and rustamlcorrosion. 'Mil* Palm differ* Trom tbo so-called Mineral Paint* id Ho-day, which are principally Ochre*and Clayscolored, and are entirely worthless. Silver’s Plastic Paints aro purely Metallic,containing no Alumtn or Clay, They aro liivlgatedflnoly.tnlx readily with Linseed OB, ------- *• ' flow under the afaogiven toalckand nervous fomatos. aflheUsi with yTuiOs’aalreoly aatho heniWhlt^ilaaS!! abdominal weas ness, VVomh Coiuidalnt, Coatlvenesa, — - * Addrevs,(post-paid,) Dr. GKO. R. CALHOUN, Con sulting Hurgniu, Howard Assoclattap, No. ~ South NlnthHin-et. Plilladelphla, Pa. Ity order of the Dtreetore, EAR \ D. HEART WELL, President. Gao. PaniciuLO, Secretary. may lu auglo liil'c liiMurance. The li'nllrii .Stale, Life Insurance Company, Takes risks on the Lives of white persons, for life o a shorter period, nnd on sisve* for one or lour year*, on ns favorable term* a* any equally responsible tCompany. «:* TITAT AMP AS*ITT* . J AM'ARV l*T, 1855 : A bonus of 25 percent baa boon declared nn the busi ness of last year, tn all policy holders ortlllnd thereto. MINIS 4 JHIIN8TON, Agents. J»r. It. D. ARNOLD. Modlcal Examiner. mar 19 Fircaiid illarinc Insurance. The Insurance Company or the Valley of Virginia, Available Capital ff'.liHl.OMi—Surplus 901,517 27. t HAttr aa ranrati-al. Take* rirk* on Cargo,Freight, Building*, Merchandize, 4c., lit town and country. promptly nud liberally adjusted, mar 11) MINIS 4 JGIINnTON, Agent*. Norwich Klre Insnrnnrr Coinimny, Conn. INCORPORATED 181)3—CAPITAL STOCK, S fpilF. above Company has been In auccvaaful opera- l lion upward* ot fitly year*, nnd Utw a high reputa tion, wherever known, aa a prompt and roajmnatbie of. The undersigned la prepared to take Fire Risks for •aid fllnrc, “ii ilwelliugs, furniture, stores,merchandise, warehouses and cotton, upon the most favorable terms, JOHN INUKUHUt.l., Ag’t N. V. In*.Co., mar A No. 2 Jones’ Building, llny-st. Unimrrli AhtlirniHfa ( «• l.nmloii, FIRE AX/) L/FE—KSTAHLISHEi) IW»3. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS FllNI)-92,nttt),«aK). '’pill'. ABOVE mentioned i.umpany have nntaldlshe<l 1 a branch In the United State*, and hnvu lodged with John L. Asplnwnll, Geo. «.‘urtl» and Watt* Sher man, of the city of New York, a permanent fund of 9I.Vi,(H*l|n American ruwurltle*, tobo held by them as Trusiees, llnblo for losses sustained In this country, which will bo adjusted lu New York ami promptly paid, Thnauhscrlbor ha* been appointed Agent for Savan nah, and will lake risk* on the most favorable terms. JAMES Melll-NRY, Agent, may III—ly No. I lM^llny-«*., Sn» annah. DELAWAIIi; jilTHAb NAFIlTY INSURANCE COMPANY, nr riiit.AUKi.riiiA. rpilE anbacrltter having been npprdntcd Agent of the X above named old p*inbll*hed MU TUAL Company. I* prepared to Issue Us policies on .Mnrlne and Inland Navigation Risks. JA.MLS Moll EN BY, nov 27 118 Bay-street. Piiuvuii iAiViVm hamiTi: i»aVy OF roRUNTO, CANADA WEST. CartTAL, 92,000,000. Thn undersigned, having been appointed Agent of the above Company, begs in announce that hols prepared to Issue Policies of Insiiranre oh Fire risk* In Havannalt and Its vldnlty. a* also on .Marino risk* generally, may V Jy Wm. CROWDER, Agent, iio'jtii; iVmTh aNf irro^ii\\N*♦ OF THE CITY OF NEW.YORK. Cixpltitl. *500,000 — All «*ntrt It*. C.J. Martin, Hniry. SIMEON L. 1.0051IS, Prna’l. The Hiihscrihera having hnoa apjiolntad Agents of Iho above Company, are now prepared to lake Bisks against Pirn on Bulldlnga, Merrhani'lse, 4c. 4c. oa favorable term*. COHEN 8 4 HERTZ. JulyM LONDON I'lHKNIX FIICi: OFFM’ll." ridsCoinpany lakes Fire Bisks in Ihl* City,and Insure Routs atld Leases, anpl 2 R. HABERSHAM 4 HON, Aiont* it, INHlIll I.ONIKIN AND LIVERPOOL Fnpllnl 2.000,000 of I'omtsle Ntrrllnifi ThisInatlliitlnn has nstaldlahnd on Agency In Havan 1 oah,and Fire Policies upon Produce and Property will belsaitnd by ANDREW LOW 4 CO. Savnnnab.Oct.20, IHM. lAVAfi’MiVin i/T a i.inm i iianci;()»i Orrtna I If* lUv-aTaaaT. ThlaCompany will take Fire,Marine.and RlverUlakf »nthe moalfavorable lerrni. TRUSTtai Henry I). Weed, lllram RolMirta, John Ii. Wilder, I. W. Morrell. •ebon tier mat 7 . 251 f.iTa(5oti<>e UmKrellaalTusI rsralvad and for Oaefabf (apr 1*0 AIKIH 4 BUNN ja John W. Anderson. N. It.Knanp, Henry Lalhren, K. F. Wood. HENRY I), WEED, President IIIIIA M BOB BUTS. Fite Pres'l Iamb* 51rHa»av.-W» n»erj_7. ' li i'* i ii i r i; A I * 'r f, i. ■“4 j i« a i» iir“ rruiu organ of modern nplrllaalisin. 4lh vo|-com 1 turners In May. ll ronlalna the fullett record na Unt t.r t nrrent Facta and onlidftne on Mplrlittal Inter. e«t*»*e PubBabest wrekly at 9‘*' per annum; al*«, all spiritual hooka, for aale lit PARTRIDGE 4 RllITTAN, 342 Broadway, New Verk. I*, n.—A Catalogue of Spiritual Bonus tool on appli cation. 3mo apr In FAttMft ANII IH II.IMNO I.I5T4. rAIIMH and lltai Building Imta will Ire divided among twa: sulisrrit.rr, on the 3d day of May neat. These are ailualrd In Iho heautlfUl vlllago of Nirsevale, near the eels lira te<) 1-aVe Hunkunknma. Jual a pleasant rhfa from the cltr of New York, on the Imug lalarNl Hall Hoad and have already proven to be a f trnfliahle Investment, liver two thousand Iota and srnis have been sold, and parties purchasing »'*»• either areeled bulldlnga nr sold nut at an eturhilant profit. ftlO only will secure two building lets, »« by |(gi fa«l, or a farm from 9 in TO arras, Map* of Ike •ante nan be »e#n and raeelpl* given, l.y antdvtna 10 apr M WM. WlUOllT.Aisot. r»n; LEATHER. FIIIT'/. II I! N 1)11 Y A* I’O . No. 29 North Third-atroot, I’lULADBt.ritu. Morocco Manufacturer*. Currier* ami tmjiorter* of French 1'nlf-8kins, and dealers In Bed and Oak 80 le leather and Kipp. Ohio fs-h ID 13 live I o|»e TI n ini liicior>-7~ The Oldest nnd Ijnrgtrf in the United Stalet. WEST tV lll.ltI.IN, No. 520 William etrcct, New York, R ESPECT! U 1.1.Y Invito tho altfiulon of tho trado to Ihetr very extensive assortment ol ENVEUIPIX NOTH AND TV U I l l NO PAFI3HS, cbc. Their great fa.-nlties in .Manufacturing enahlu them to offer nt extremely low prices, and ou the most favor- ablo tenna 3ino apr 10 fMK.riSH ! YAJt.YMSiM! Fiiiunm.i'im. VARNISH MANUFACTORY, 8'J nnd 82 North -Ith-etroct. T il E underslgncl would earnestly Invite the attention of Southern Merchant*, Conch Makers, Maker* and oilier*, to their very superior Conch Body, Carriage,Cabinet Damnr, Chinn Glass, Drying Japan, Iron Japan, Spirit, and every other kind of Varnish which have been In constant use nearly forty years, and feel confident In saying Hint they are nnsorpnreod by any other inunuln lured in this country, for ihelrduin- hlllty, drying qualities, nnd hnatitlfuf appearance on tho work ; also, every description of Paint* and Paint ers Materials. • Our prices are moderate, and terms easy to good buy er*. Give us a call. C. HUIIItACK 4 CO„ mar 24 (buo 80 k 82 Nnnh 4th it, Philadelphia. HBMpVAL. \v. 11. roiti>, UBALBR in Fawilif f.rorrries, Fruit,A’r. H Ad Retimvi-d his establishment lu Brntlghlon-strrel, one door front Jeffer*.tn-»treet, where he will he pleated to accommodate hi* friends and the public with all things np|>ertninlng tn lit* line of business. All orders thankfully received. nov 25 II I) NIIV UNI.II II V COm A T their Meant Engine nnd Boiler Works Brooklyn, New York, are prepared lo execute orders for STATIONARY, RIVER AND MARINE ti.Y4iH.YJES, Of every description. Nugnr Mills, .Mill Work, etc.,also all kinds of High and Low Pressure Hollers. Tim subscriber, agent In Ravatmnh for the above. Works, will receive orders fi«r any kind of Machinery. He ha* now on band a portable tbree-herae power En gine, which ho wlllocll on accommodating term*. WM. GREENE. Corner Brynunud Jafforenii-sta. mar 28 Ohio SraiNTG THiYXJB, s^ififf UkalterrhantH^ VITK now offer, nt wholesale, In q'lantlllca to suit pur* chasers, a full and complete assortment of Tin Ware, of our own niaunfactiire. Utiallty not to he »ur- p»»*cd. LOVELL 4 LATTIMnitE, mar 10 _ _ 13 Barnard-st. THK HUNT IIA I II III’ll. D U. o. M. liM.l.AUD’rt (new article) received the highest premium at the World's Fair and Ameri can lostllule, wh « m ll wat examined by tho dlailiiguislf esl chemist* Dr. u ) 'ohnTnrrey, ml prottoitnerel ih«s Ileal. For sale by Hie Principal Druggist* lit this city—price 91. Principal office and More 408 and MN) Broadway, New-York. Mar I5.M«-P^» r N 1-1IV M’lllMJ fJOOVVN* PER M TEA ME II AUG ll HT A D FAV1TT 4 MORGAN haveyuatreceived PI er Augusta, n largo and varied stork ol i rich seasonable dross good*, lo which the abandon nl the ladles Is e*|*cfally Invited. star 3 (Till.IAN GUANO. rsx BARE t'hlUatt Guano.* This Guano Is represented as l»elng brtlerthan tliel'hlncha Island,havingmorePhosphaieofl.lmolit U. I)r. Hays make# the following analysis) I DO par's give Agotlso ttrganle matter With Halts of Aminoiifa 30 80 Bona, t’bosphataof ftlttte, and Magnesia 20 ito **■*• '80.7# 7 74 34 M Null). Limn and 8 Garb. I.iine Insoluble matter.., perries,one pound of which wlllenver as much surface, astwo pounds of White Lead. There are four natural color*, via: Black or (Hate Brown,'dive and Chocolate. I iinacTions: Tills Paint flowa readily under the brush and Its covering properly Is Increased by usingllmixed a* thickly aa pOMiblc with pure Linseed Oil; as the Paint Is the lasting or protecting body and thpOII simply the medium or agent In spreading It. Wo annex copies of two letters, one from thePresl- dentof tho Philadelphia and Reading RailroadCo n the other from a gentleman, a well known resident of Au gusta, Georgia. Office of the pkila.amt Read hg Railroad Co., Pllu.xnal.fP A. Mat 3,1833. J.8. 8ILVXR, Kao—Hear Sir; Wo have used your “Plastic Palms" for more than a year, and for Painting Bridges,depots,4c., 4c., we have found It quite equal lo any paint we have used. I n fact, we now give Ha prefes once over all others w« havcirlcd for such purposes. V ours, respocirully, (Signed) JOHN TUCKER,President. 80 Inn nn mthy the aUAntlon of Agrteutriutsta, dllENN 4 IIEHT’/.. Tbrabnyrts . For sale by JaillM ___ _ __ . B IKCDIT.—5«) bids. hiHla llfaeiilt, “ 50 do Butter do Vi) do Pilot Bread, Received ami for sale by may 23 MnMAIU>N 4 POVI.K. H AV.—inn bale# Prime Nnrlhern ilay, landing, per bark l'llghl,andfor sale hr may 7 1 ‘7 HAM, KELLY4 CO. •HU\ uoll.n i'll*(HT: Itiil'B. Slljli I'XI Mill. R Phelps’riln. I' 0 liltls, I ihl Unserve Ilf* Whiskey, HGO, 37 half Pipes Cognac Brandy. In store Slid Mr sale by may 19 MININ 4 JOlINNTON. f >Rf^kltVK8,-French Fruits"|Tm 'tpIrTitheir'own I Juice, for sale by apt'|» MININ 4 JOlINNTON. H AY, HAV.bal*# prim* North Rlvar llaf. Inttnreandlbrsals by WAVER 4 GONRTANTINK, may 11 Jonas’ Na* lluildlng, Rat at. AfoI’stx, G*8xrrawaia ‘29,1852, Mean: Planing Mills. Dear Sir . — You ask tnefor my opinion of “Silver'* Mineral Paints,” which you have put on my Machine Whop and Planing 51111. I givovou with pluasitro my full and hearty recommendation of It as a prevent! veofflre communicating from chimneys.or from adjoining build ings. The Paint which you put on my roofs, has now bocomc as hard nsat.xTB.nud I feci as secure from fire, in thladlrectlon,as Is possible. A few weeks aflrrthe roefsha.l iK-enpalntod, I made anexperimenton twoor threeshtnglcs by placlngthcm In the furnaceunder the botlers;lhe result was, that the portion uuoovered was entirely consumed, while the painted nariwasnpparont- ly sound, though uponexsmlnallonthe woo.1 wasfound to becharred ;thi* paint, however, was rtau sndbut little blistered. I consider Ibis as severe atestasyour Paint can be put to, and under the circumstances’) do not hesitate to commend tins an Invaluablepreventlve agaln«t fire. Respectfully,4c. (Signed) AMBROSE SPENCER. FRENCH 4 RICHARDS, A*. IF. Corner nf 10(4 it-uf .Market streets, Phils., Pa. GENERAL WHOLESALE AGENTS. Fertile In Savannah, Wholetnleand Retail,by JAMES It.CARTER 4 CO, No. 170 Itronghtonslreet. July 20 llffolpljr si*Kivu Tit \i»i;, i 8ns: 1 WADSWORTH'S CASH'HOUSE, I 1 A <; IIAIIK KKH-.T It i: r.T, (orrosiTS tiib ri’i.xsRi nm-sx,) SAVANNAH, GA, I S now receiving a large and well selected slock ol 1'anrv and Staple DR.Y GOODS, To which the Mtentloti of |iertoua visiting this market la most respecifrilly Invited. By doing a regular cash business, we are able to sel our Good* at much lower price* than those doing a long credit trade. Wo do not have to tax the cash hitter for long credits mid bad debts. Persons buying Goods fur cash, will find tt lo their Interest to purchase of a Hi-Kin.a it riftii iioi nc. A* by so ilolng they can effect a saving of from fO to 15 Y rt. on the amount of their hills, lu the styles of nitllKN GOODS We are exhltdtli a printed Linens, beautiful Brocade Barege tlotioa, rich jdaltl Silks, film t irgamtle Muslins printed French 1'nmbrirs, fine printed Brllllanfa, French, American ami English Print*. Uhallles and Uhtlly It*. regrv, white Uanlnii Crape Hha*D, new styles spring Ginghams, and Good* «»f other fabric*. I.TIIIIIOI 1M.H U N. neaullful Glmpure, Venice Point, klaltese, Uamhrie and 8wl«s foliar*, Collars and Sleeves In set*, fine embroid ered and brtnstUchrd Handkerchief^ Infant’s IValsts, Swiss ami fambrfa Edging* and Inserting*. Flounces •ml Hands, Under llnndkrfrlilefr. Mourning Collar* ami Steevea, 4e. NPIIINIJ MANTI.EN ANI) SC AII IN. In this branch ofntir trade, we fake the lead, and are ofibrlng nheattlllul assortment of the latest fashionable paterns In all the most desirable colors. hoi ni:ki:i:i’in<- gogiw. 10 4. U-4, 19 4 Barw*fav Linen Sheetings 4-4, it 4,8-4, IlM, 11-4 and 12- 4 super Colton Sheeting# Fine sod common Toilet ftiillu and i Vtin»erj>anea l.lnens and Uoltona Scotch and Russia Diaper* and (hash llurkntiuck Towel*and Towellings Superior Linen Table Dstna»k#and Najiklns Ciiltaln Muslins, fine Dlttl'l) Ticks. *c..4o. wiirri: goods, Of even description, style and variety. tlONlKRY* A full and complete assortment of klen'a, l-adle*’ Boys’ ami .Mieses’, oI iho beat German and English n " , ' , "fa‘i U ri.ANTATION KUOI5K. Striped amt plain ftmaburgs. Marlboro* Stripes and Denims, heavy brown Cottons, plaid IUmlkerehlefa,4(\. Persons favoring it* with a call may lm assurxsl that they will meet with honest ami honorable dealing, and procure the best goods at Uie lowest possible price*. nrnVrt _ “ ' hournino goods n l.ACK Baremwi double width do Hfark Ttaaueat Grenadine) | Spanish Cnipea t 'halite t Vd Mourning I Issues tM .Mourning Jaeonelsand f'rgamlloe tM do Glnabarn and Gingham Musllna i 'allroes; black Crape Onllarw end Sleeves While Tarttlen do do Black crape and Love Vella. 4e. 4c. Reeeul.y reoclve.1, nnd for sale at the lowest price*, by DaWITT 4 MORGAN. apr « f oNDTUTaHI'I . . I 4 HTi'UT-QtutrU and Mr aale by rail “iKtrUSAf--TSi Will ^^ “855aAltos X IK.VI.K, fiA ft'XpSRt.-U W»4k ami ^'r», a fine Meortment, ap| *t ^ * Off'll V*n',V ATS B"P4 HOUR**, BABTliRTir I M MIXTURE, C II O T. I<: R A A Certain Curt for this direaet, may be founJ 1 of Perry /Jseie' VcgetaUc I* A 15 KILLER. St. Imn», Mo, June I4ib, ! 9 49. 5lr.A.T. Woodward, Agcnlofperrj Davis'PatuKiller. Dkxr Sta I feel It a duly I owe to the public, to make known the value of Davis’ Pain Kilter, and my experience In using It for aarm- of tho complaints for which tt fa highly recommended. In April fast, on your recommendation, I purchased a one dollar bottle of you for pains with which l have long been afflicted, and made ua*ofit on my trip down to New Orleans, with the most gratifying and beneficial effects. On ray return trip to this city, the Cholera made Its appearance among sotoo of my passengers. I made use «.f the Pain Killer, having no oilier remedy ou board, ami to my surprise and gratification lound It gave immediate re in/! On my arrival lu M. Louis, I called on you and got four large bottles, nnd stated to you my confidence in Has ati Infallible Cholera Remedy, and remarking lo you that I wanted no other Cholera remedy on my host. I made use of four bottles on my trip lo New 1 ’tricans and back, for Cholera and some other complaints tor which It is recommended, and met wtth the most aston ishing auccosa—when I ordered from you six more one dollar bottles. 8mce then I hive made two more trip* to Now Orleans and back, and on my pretlou* trip up. 1 bad more than Soventy Casos of Cholera on hoard, when lire PAIX KILLER was Immediately used with the most astonishing results. In all esses where It w»- used lu time. It gave relief tn a very short lime; amt I ean with confidence say fo the public, that In all of the first stages of Cholera, w hen taken lu time. It Is tn iny opinion, an infallible remedy! and after a fair trial with ll lor several weeks, and for lour trips to New Orleans nnd back, and using it Mr Cholera aqa for other complaint* Mr which It Is recommended, uo consider*, tlon whatever would Induce me lo leave port without a good supply— believing It to be a medicine that 00 offi cer of a boat nr any family would be without a tingle day alter using ono bottle. Believing ll to be the most valuable family roeuiclne known to i:«e world, for all the different complaints for which It is recommended. V. 8.—Please send me tlx large botUra for this trip. J. M. BROADVVELU I'aplaliKrieamrr Atlantic. I most cordially unite with Capt.ltrnadwell tn recom mending Perry Davis’ Pain Killer to the public, having myself been severely aU*«Jte»l with the 1 holers, and found relief in a few hnurt by using the Pain Killer, •nd have m) self administered tt to tuore lhau fifrj per sons attacked with tho cholera, and when used In time, a cure was effected In a few hours and take pleasure In recommending It 10 the public as an Invaluable med icine, that m> inotsldual should be without a single hour. JOHN N. BOFFINGRR, Clerk 8iearoar Atlantic. Dxvjs’ Pxix KiLira.-In to-day's Union will be found an advertisement of thl* celebrated remedy. The certificates appended, from the captain and clerk of the Steamer Atlantic, we know to be genuine, am! Mended on facts, a* they verbally stated In our office the snb- •tanceof what they publish,— St. l*uie ('««««. The Pain Killer Is sold by John It. Moore 4 Co. Tho*. M. Turner k Co. and 8. D. Brantley 4 Co, 8a van nali ; Barret. Cart«r 4 Co. and Clark, \veils 4 Dubose, Augusta; ILL. Strohcckor 4 Co., Mjcon. Also by Druggists and Grocers generally. may 10—eodliuo BY I Ml AMI RKXil'Yltl.M) ESTABLISH XB3T. 7 3 York»M.« near Use Court llounc* SAVANNAH, (• A. T3 -JF1 BSTXSLISIICP I* 1832. IT 73 flMI 17bnbsctibei, grateful to hi* patron* and friend* 1. for their continued favor*, would atale Ural, In ad dition to the Improvement* In Dying acquired by him during his last visit to England and Scotland, has mads arrangements Mr extending Ids buxine**, by which he fa now enabled to Dye a greater variety of Color* on 8Hfc and Woolen Drex-e*, Shawl*. 4c-. which ho trutta will generally please all who may Savor him with their patronage. Gentlrmeu’s Garment* Dyed, Cleaned or Renovated, a* may bn required, In the Mine superior style which ha* generally *0 much pleased his patron* and frlenda. Ionite*' Uounctt Dyed, Bleached and Pressed in the most fashionable *tyfa«. Onler* from the country punc tually attended to. Terms mode. at*. When parcels •resent by steamboat or railroad, word should be sent hint by letter through the 1’osl 1 *ffloe,so that he may know where to call tor them. Jan 13 r. ALEXANDER GAU.OW AV. SPICING GOOOS. T HE subscriber* have now In store a large and welt assorted NTOCK of Spring nnd Summer D R Y (t O O OS!! To w hich Jhey Invite the Attention nf Purchaser* tor PAKII OH AI»l*IIO%’|;n 4 HI;|»|T. mar 28 Nnirr, I.ATIIROP 4 ItOGERA. Spring anti Summer T ‘‘* “«*« ftnuriEK or THE BLOOD! Eyes, ttlug Worm or Tatter,Heald llcad.Eelarremwkt and Pain of the Bones and Joints, ktebboni LHotrs.flt- pbylltle Disorder*, Lumbago, ftblnalComtAal{|ta.siidal| Dlacaae. arising from au injudlelnua aae of Meroart Imprudence In Life, or Impurity of tb« Blood. Thl 1 valuable Slodielne, which has become celebrated for the number of extraordinary curt* effected throegh Itsagency, baa I nd need the proprietors, at the orgeat re< 3 ueatofthelrfrtenda,to offer It tot h# public, wblcMbet o with tho utmost ronfldence In It* vlrtoeaand won deriuI curative properties. The following certificate* •elected from a large number, are, however,«tr*">kM testimony than the mere word of the proprietors rend areall from gentleman well known In their localltlM and ofthe highest reapeetoblllty. many oflbetn now r— aiding In the city of Richmond, Ve. F. HOYDEN, Eeq.,0f the Exchange Hotel.Richmond where.aays be hasaeen the Medicine celt •dCARTKH'H HPANtfcll MIM. itE odmlalsMrcd la over a hundred eases. In nearly all thedloeaeea for which it I* recommended, with the moet aatoeishtafty good » autla. He lays It It the moat extraordinary medicine • * haiever aeon. , AGUE AND FEVER—GREATCURK,—therebye*n Ilf/, that for three years I bad Ague and Fever 0/ iha moat violent description. I had #erer*IPbT»iclana, took large quantities of Quinine, Mercurv, end! believe all tire Tonics advertised, but all wlri- ut -.v rermarentre Hef. A (last I tried CARTER'S hiANI8tl MIXTURE. I* 0 bottle* of which effectually cured me, and I am ha| ;<y lo say I have had neither Chills or Fever linear* I consider It the best Tonic In the world, and the only r»clie nt- that ever reached my case. JOHN LONODEN. Beaver Dam. near Richmond Va, C. U. LUCK, Esq., now in the city of Richmond, and lor many years In the Postofflce. h-* such confidence la theMtonlshlngefficacy of CARTER’S 8PANIJSR MIX. TI. RL, that he baa bought upward* of 50 bottle*, whleh be haagiven away to the afflicted. Mr. Luck tar* b« ha* never known tt to fail when taken according to dt reclloni. * ,. ***;• * Pf^tUlBR Physician, and formerly of .be City Hotel, in tbe city of Richmond, says be ha* witnessed in a numberoflnrtanees the effect* of CAR- TLR H 8PANI8II MIXTURE, which were moil truly tnrprising. lie says In a case of CoutufapUo&,depea- d^ion tho Liver, rite good effects were wohderfulla- »tt»»KEE. 0 f the firm of Drinker4 Moms, Richmond, was cured of Lfaer Complaint oft { c pAsgH 1 5tSTl.REr of lwobotu - of Barter*. GREAT CURE OF SCROFULA.—Tbe odltortofthg Richmond Republican bad a servant employed In th«lt ye*a room,cured of violent Ecrofula, combined wll4 Iheunistiim, which enUrely disable him from work.— (wo bottles of CARTER’S 8PANI8II MIXTURE made , perfect core of him, and tbe editors In a public notice laylhey -‘cheerfully recommend fttoall who areafr «|cied with any d'seateoftbe blood.” STILL ANOTHER CL’REOF SCROFt’LA.-l bad a ery valuable boy cured by three bottles of Garter 1 ! panlih Mixture. I mnstderlt a truly valuable medF tne. JAMEj* M.TA YM'R.Condoctor oa the R.r.k *.R. R.Co . nicbmond, Va. ALT BIIKUM OF 20 YEARS STANDING CURED. Mr. JOHN THOMPSON residing in the city of Rich- •tond, was cured by three bottles of Carter’s8pant*k •fixture, of Halt Rbeum, which he had nearly 20 tear* .ndwhlch allthephyslclaniln theetty could not carsa Ir. Thompson I* a well known merchant In the city at ilchreond, Va.. and bis cure I* moat remarkable. WM. A 5! ATTIIEWR, of Richmond. Va., bad a *ery- nt curei! of Hrphflls, In tbe wore! form, by Carter** panlsh Mixture. He says he cheerfully recommendstt »n*l eoualder* (t *u invaluable medletn*. RICHARD E. WEST, of Richmond, «u cured a| croftils .and what nhyriclan* called conflnnedCou»ump three bottle* of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. EDWIN BURTON, Commissioner of tbe RereoM, «y • he haitocn the good effects of Carter'sHpanlsh Mix- uretn a number n(8ynbmricca»e*,and»ay*Dt» ap*8 -et fare for thst horrible disease. T. W.DYOTT 4 SONS, 132 North 3d-*lre*uPh!la elphla. BENNETT 4 BEERS, 1*5 MainstreeL Richmond,V* WM. C. HARWOOD, of Richmond, Va., cured of •Id Sore* and Ulcere, whlcbdltabltd himfjom waikl&l ■'•e.k a few bottle* of Carter’s 8p«ri*h Vxtnre.and war uabled to walk without a crutch: in a short time pc* .isnenriy cnr.Hi. Principal Depots at 5!. WARD. CLOSE 4 OO..M •Isiden Lane. New-Vork. For *«le hv 2. II. CARTER 4Co. A A 8OLOM0NI iCO.and TIIOMA8 M. TURNER 4 f.ti, Menntft nd by firuggistsand Country Mermsntsercn wbrrw tST Price S u*<- ")-,s»|i 1 per Bottle eir fi But Leo for |f. 18, _55. I»ry (Jeodi nl Wholcanle Conmr Urouchton and Jerteiwon-ata, l’j» Staitw. r|>IIE •Uh#crit*ar Is now recall tng oee *»f the lanreat 1 and l*e»t seleetret sitx-k of g»uxts ever offered to the trade In this market, lo which ne In*Be* the at'eutton o merchant*. WILLIAM G. rooTR. nth 2 WM. A. THOMAS. PHAOTIOAL PLUMBER, H AVING been duly licensed hv the tVmmisshuiers of th* tuvannah Water IVo'ks, I am prepared tn do all work eniru»te*t to mf care, in a style and manner, equalled only In the Northern ctltee. Being * prncricel I’lumhcr, and uncsumected wtth any other business, I wlllltie my entire rime amt attention to business of Plumbing alone. I respectfully oallniicwrion lo the kd- lowing nnl*lea,*4> t hhower Baths, Bathing Titbre, Ver- llete tW|*er, Hot far*. Mark fa top wnsh elands. Patent pan wnlnr elneeu, lend pipe, sheet lead, bress amt (dated cock*, h»d«Mtfa ram*, and kitchen range*, rnnstnntlv «*n hnmt amt fug ml*. Office No 143 Broughton *tree*.-e Wotk»hop Broughton street lane. N. H -UuexceptlonaMe * mar TO gtven. •two rHAITKR A* t'O, WIHTAKKN-BTHRKT, BAVANNAtt, OAh iSRALRRfi In 8a*hea, Iritmt*, th-ore, Moulding*. 4«- 1 / Algol ralnt*. Ori*» Varnishes TnrpewUnej Pnttyt French, amt American Window Ut***i Pal mere, Masnna amt VVhlt* Wash Itrushawi Gold U«r, Rroiue, 4c At*o, 25 Marble Mantles of the moat modem style, from 95510 9150. Ain*. tMCbxh*. from 91 95 U |»X Also, 25 pair* InMde VeneUhh RlW», MnlkWe* ami ’t*re would do w*tl in tiro eta Mril before pure hetthfi ewnere. The "nlmhVkeUpeeee'Miont motto- jeel HOLLOWAYS OINTMENT 'ititent of the Union,— ' Vou have done me the hoDor as with oue voice, rom one end ofthe Union to the other, to stamp the haractormy ointment with >our approbation. It • scarcely two year* since I made It known among oa, and already, it hx* obtained more celebrity thou nj other Medicine ‘.u*o short a i-ertod, THOMAS Hol.l.OWAY, K) .Vsiarn-J.aar, X. FsrL \8TONISHlNG CURE OF KORK LEGS, AFTER NINE VLA1L8 STANDING, teyy •/ * l.tUtr L,m -Mr. fr. J. l^ogiey,tf mile, Yadkin Cenntj, Xertk CnWiss, V. S., dated Xerember 1st, ItskO, .. rr HEAD IH.s OTVN TV OB DR. o I'KorassoR ltoLLonr*T, 8tr.—It V* not tax wWMobeeome notorious, neither «this letter wr't'rn for the mere sake of writing, bal '•ray, that your ointment cured tne of one of the oost dreadful cutaneous diseases tlfat Ce*h Is he.r to, «d which was considered by all u 1 , knew b>«, to bn ntlrelv beyond tiro reac^ of medicine. For nine r*r» t n - ^ ati’ ;tcd with one of the most painful and .ronolosome sore legs thsie«er fell to the K»i of man; ,nd after trying every medicine I had ever heard of, . ret.fried u. despair all hope of t'eing cured : bet a rieud brought me a couple of large pot* of your Oiut- aeirt, which caused the m re* on toy leg* lo heal, and ' entirely regained my health lo ray agreealde surprttw - nd delight, and to lb* asiobfahment of my friend*. (Signed) W. J. LANGLEY. AN EXTRAORDINARY I’URKOP A BAD BRKART, WHEN NEARLY AT THE POINT uF DEATH. Copy#/ a letter fern Mr. ft. Tlerent, Xrw Or, re ns Xeemhre Ski, 1853 . ToPaoriMoa Hot low*t, XSiVmer of AasawdNa** mu stroeta. New Ywk. Dear Sir:—It I* with heartftlt graritude I hare re Inform you that by the are of your Otnttwenl tag PtUo, the rite of my ntfe ha* been saved. For *ereu yror* • he had a bad breast, with ten running wounds, (not of L eai-cerou* nature'. I was Grid that nothing could •art her: she was then induced 10 use your Olntmewt •nd Pills, when tn the short space of threw m on iha, »hey sITrcted a perfect cure, to the astonishment of alt who knew u*. We obtained your Medlclnee from Messrs. Wright 4 Co„ of Chartrre-*t. New " * ;-end this from “Hotelde* Prince*,” Pans, although,! had written It at New Orteant, before we finatte left. Hi that lime, not knowing y our addrews at New Y""* - The Uillt should It weed etrjointlf with Hr. Oinfmenf in matt of thr foiiovmx mstn : Rad l-og* CVntroctM and l umbago ^oreqhroaU Usd Breasts Stiff Joints inies «*■- *. r(m Burns Fistula* Rheumatlsra Scurvy Bunion* Gout EaUKh*um Ftroknft Chilblain* Glandular Scald* Ulcer* LJtapprd hand* Swelling* SoreNlrpfa* Wonndg •.'Sold at the Ksfabtfahnront ol PtvAwre'r lloixowag, -0 Malden Ifane, N*n 5'ort, and 244 Strered, tendon, i.lro by all respectable Druggists sod IV*far* la Medl ine* throughout the UattedMauw,ta Pol*, at 3TW cfa, •7 cent*, sud #» JW cents each. To b* had W holessla •if the principal l»iug Houxw lathe Ur.ten. 5le**r* A. B 4 D. SANDS Neu York, and by W W. LINUOUN, 8»*»na*kGa. ITjri’herets • conriderahU saving by Uktng tk# largest *l»o*. N. It.-Diroetion* for guidance of patleatsla evero IlsorJerare affixmt to oaoh P,v|. Jonll _ o ( ta«sAtaw _ r^n. .3145054 E .4 CTK, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS i;H*b«vii*e IlmUallMgn. ffi OITEIt IN'UhAt.R—5.TO0 Ibo. Union iVklll l.esf Lead pare and Niv t; ll 150 boxes wtndon uUw; •• faVgalKwt* Linseed OU; 5*w gnllens b I esc be. \ Winter Bpem OU; go ifatrel* do Whole tnl j I do Train Oil, beat quality: t do Winterstralnsdlfartt Oil; 5 do t'ohmn's Mnahtwevyoritl 1 do No. t Castor OH; git do Coppera*.creen nnd dry ;PP"* to do Epson* halts; to casks INunak 3 ca»ks Balasrntns; 5 barrels Refined Aattpe4TO J 950 ounce* Ear**’ HutpbateQutntnwt lObarroi* le'rriUrd 'sMuff; VO boxe* a*rorie»t Oandlent ; do IfajVl. SAttawsSw*. eon fiWre 1 W de dadat Bwgar Cared UaiMl M« bbfa supestne HsvwfiRfa FUni.Jnxt mol rod tbwn R*lrinair*and TO*d»k) mtfi BOR a VDVN. JDHNBTWR 4 6a