The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 04, 1855, Image 4

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W’V S8S ■ar i iSSE! •U*lNwlim>«HMn HS3SSS UMtJftuKtkto. IM dm ■AHW. Ordlwy *. 0. SAVAMSAH RKyU^Ll pAJN, M0N1MY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1866. 1 cYAWW'o*®*'"^' (To 'Ul.lwn ll»w m«n J2'^»*^v»sa5!ssis4" nSaaSaaatssSsjKnS miImaMmiIoi (If Mur Uiiyuu)on or bafef* Uio first S5jSu1rlIiW»S«iW>«M hlW. WHIM p w!mm. JwkwM. Mlllro arofMlwv tb, L'tauuM CTATBorJTo all whomItmayrconcern NVkeroir.Ravauel l'. Hureat will applp at tho Court of oMinin for Uttar* of Dlwalaaftmaa Administrator on UMianliwi!!wO“ <Ua Md MraoalHi all whom “«»• day In A«fU»t n#»t,otharwl»*»a'd Irek «ra vrillbagrant* * J \Vltne**. John 31. Milton* Baq* OMInary fer Chatham CTATB «>K OBpnUIA* I To whom It may concern: WH—Kmlly B. UimiwiH. will apply al th« Court of UMlnary for Utter* of Dlsmlaaloo n* Raecu- Irtv on the e*tal* of Robert 11. Gu*wrd«dec*a*ed. That* are, therefore, to etto and adiuonlah all whom It may ooneoru. to b* and appear before Mid Court to nuke objection (If an) they hare) ou or before the Ural Mondayla August neat otherwlM aald letter* will bo * r *VitniV M. Milieu, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham 55J71-.‘SVi-.,., fob ‘J la EM a o. C. 1 CTAfKuKt; EcWu l A, | Xoall whom l may concern: Where* sMra. Lretla* While, will apply at the Court of Ordtnary for Utter* of DUmUalonaa adulnlatratrt* on tb# aetata of William Whitt. „ . These are, them lore, to cite end admonish all whom It may concern to bo and appear before aald ‘ ourt to make objection (If any they have) on or before tho Brat Monday in Auguit next, otherwise redd Lettera will be “ r witoeev4nhn M. Mitten, Raq-Ordinary forCLatham County, tbliflrrtday ol February, WW. toUi JOHN A. MII.I.EN.o. c. c. Cnavnln Co R,{IA ' I To * 11 whoro il w *J rco,,c<,r, ’ J Svbewu? He*. Henry O. Wyer, will apply at the Court or ordinary for Letter* DI»mU»ory a* Executor on the etiate cf Mr*. Mary A. Crowell, deceased. Thwo are, therefore, to die and adn«n!#h all whom It may concern, to bo and appear before said Court to nuke objection (If any they have) on or before the Orel Monday tn Aug. next, otherwise raid lettera will be |r WHne*e,John M. Milton. F.#q.,OMInary for Chatham County, thla flr«l day of February, 1853. hU& JOHN il. MII.I.EN.o- c. c. Toall whom It may concern S tate of uBorgia, Chatham Co. , . Whereas, Jama* !«. Smith will apply at the i ourt of Ordinary lor Utter* <*r Dirmltslon a* F.aecutor ou the eatato of Sophia Evan*, deceased. ^ „ . The*eare, therefore, to die and adronnl*h all whom It may concern, to be and appear before **ld Court to make objection (If any they nave) on or before the Brat Monday In Augual next, otherwise said letter* will he ,r *Vune»s John M. Milieu, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, thla flr*t d*y of February, 1855. fob8 JOHN M.MII.l.EM, o.r. c. S rAI ci.m..Tco' : '''' f Where**, Daniel t"ake will apply *1 the Court of "r* dinary for I ret teas dtimlraonr a* Adrotnlitrafor de bonl* non on the estate of Arthur Hayward, doctreaed. Thise are, therefore, incite and admonish all whom It war concern, to be and appear before Mid Court to make objection llfany they hare) on or before the Brat Mon* day in Augual next, otherwlM aald lettera will be granted. Wanes*, John M.Millen. F.*q.»OMInary for Chatham County, thUflrat day of February, , IM3. fond JOHN M. MII.I.EN.o. c.c. Til IMUultV hualne*** ‘ iMtruutMi which ihay __™. . a payable to their o«* order. *ixi> day* after tight there; ofrorihaaum of nineteen thousand **v*n hundred and twenty dollar*, wbtob Hill of Exebaag* wa* endowed by •lark* A Dry aon, and delivered for value received to Mid The Marin* Dank of Georgia,and being accepted by •aid llolll*. 8taike A L’o„ waa at maturity presented fbr payment at their counting room, and payment not being made, the aaure wa* relumed under prutaat to tha aald Tha Marla* Uauk of Gtorgla. And ft al*o appearing that on the twantyelghth day ol February ofIba *amo year, the aforesaid Mlarko A Bryson draw thalr certain other liwtruinent or writing known aa a Hill of Exchange, on the aforesaid Uolllt, ttnrkeACo., aVthirty day* after alglit, for the *um ol twenty-one thoueand Ove hundred dollar*, payable lo their ownotdvr, which 1**1 mention* cd Hill of Exchange wa* alto amloreed and delivered lo •aid Tha Marine Hank orUforglabythaaforeMld Hlarke A Hryatin for value received, and tha aatno bring duly accepted by Ho)||*,Hi*rke a up., waa pre*enied for pay mailt at maturity at the counting room of acceptor*, and payment refused,!and the*am* wa* returnwEunderpro* last to the Mid Tha Marino Hank or Georgia. And It further appearing that (he aforesaid Wyalt W. Hlarke, In oM«r to secure the aforcaald Ulll* or Exchangu and olluir bill* of like character, aud certain note* then due by him to themUI The .Marine Hank of Georgia, and allot.* secure tho falthfol pay mentor all nntrstJkrrrgprr to be discounted by the said The Marine Hank of Geor* f ;la. for tha accomodation of *ahl Wyalt tV .Marke, and nr and tu comtderatton of the minof flvo dollar*, to him paid by the »atd The Marine Uauk of Georgia, did, on the twelfth day of April, In the year ono thousand • Ighi hundred and flfty.thrve, make, execute nnd deliver to the aald The Marine Hank of Georgia, Id* certain deed ofmortgage, conveying lo the »atd The Marine Hank ol Georgia among other property "All I ho landa of "Ihetald Wyalt W.Hiarkeon ilutchlaon Itlami, npiHi* ‘‘■lie to and north of tbe cllv of Havannah,*ltuate, lying "and being In the county or Chatham, In the tftate of "Geontla, oetween the Iront and liack rlvera of the H*. "vanuaht” the other teat estate namedln aald inmtaage deed a«( lying and being In the aftircMid county of Chat* ham. And iiruriheranponrlng (hat after the execution of the aforesaid deed of mortgage, and oil the faith of Mid mortgage, and In conm-quenceof the arciirlty offer* cd by iheciauae In the Mid deed of niorlcaite, that It •hoiild aocure "all and every note and note*’’ iherralter "to bedt*oounle«l"byllie*aid Hie Marine HnnkofGoor. gla, "for the accommodation of aald Wyalt W. Marke," the mUI ThoMarluo Uauk of Georgladld, on the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred amt Bfly-lour, Ulacount for Mtd Wyatt W. Hlarke, a note at ninety day*, for the •uni or three thouMnd dollar*, and on the twenty-third day of June of the tame year, another note nt ninety day*, for twcuty-flve hundred dollar*: and on the twenty second day of July of the aamoyear, amihor note at ninety day*, for the aum of flvo thouMnd dollar*: and on the MVeiith day of Auguit of the »atne year,another not* at ninety da* *, for the nun of three ihomand do|iar»:and ou the tamo day aud year another note for the mm of two thousand dollar*, at ninety days. And It aim* ap pearing to therourl that there I* still due (bid owing to a*ld The Marine Hank of Georgia on aald two Hill* of Exchange and mUI promissory Note*, the principal aum of rutty-on* thoueand eltht hundred and seventy nine dollarsand slxiy-twocents, ami the aum of two thousand one hundred and alxly-two dollar* and eleven cent*, for Intcresi to tho date of thl* rule. It la therefore ordered that tha *ald Wyatt W. JMnrka do pay Into this t ‘ourt. by the Brat day of the uext term thereof, the principal. Interest, and co#t* due on aald Hills of Fachange and on said notes, (or show cause fo the contrary. If any ho have,) and that on the failure of •aid Wyatt W. Starke to to do, tho equity of redemption AMcilf A«if nsm f _wwKa In ftool, of lb* Gourllli tween tha tuual bouraot ally of^UMton, ihe linprovVuiTat* i^f*on7"»nm»t*d, aud bailiff in tha ally of Uarteu. Also, a small bouae, with oulbtilldlhga, also In tha city of tHtrlea, u«ar lha line of McIntosh town. Hold m the property i Amoc Ailing, daeaawd, forth: Tama of •al*,«a*h. **— of ibo **U|* of the Uia .... .-.obaoefll of bit creditor*, . 1'urebaMre paying lor paper*. It. GOGDILLi Admlultlraior, Eanan, May HU>, j835. may 10 CTATK OF O in* BratTuMday In June n«xi, will b* *old before the court House door In Uryan County, within the legal hours uf Mlu, a Tract of Land, containing lhr**(3tH)) hundred acrt*,mufO or Um, bounded on the waatnv Jefae L, Uul*r,couth by land* of II. W. Matlox, nuiifi and aaatby U. II. Junta. Levied on a* Ui* property of U II. JonM. to MlliftT two i foa,. Issued IrumaJuaiico's Court In Mid t.'uuniy, in favor of John Hbuman, levied on by a Constable and returned to in*, properly pointed out by defendant, It. 11. Jouea, JAMES T. WILLIAMS, apl B . I mo* Uharlff, U. 0. S TATK OF *BuI|u"-Uk'vaM uojjNTV .-on the ttr*t Tuesday In June next, will ha told before tbe door uf the Gourl House III Mid County within the legal hour* of Mle, a tractor land lying In Mid county, con taining two hundred and any one l*J5l J acres, more or less, willntls appurtenance* | aatd tract of land la well improved, bounded ou tba North by Jeremiah Hall nnd Rroiher.KaM by lauds id It. J. Arnold, South by II. T. Illtius. West by G. J. Good sou. levied on aa the prop erty ol John Halle),loMllaty threefl fas ls«ued from a Justice*’ Court of Mid county. In lavorof E. Daniels and J. II, Alcxandrcw Property pointed out by plnln* tiff. In execution. Levied ou hy a constable, aud re turned io tno April Mill, 1855. J AMEH T. WILLI A M ■*, ‘ aprHS Into* Sheriff II. C. liKVKN MfsSire* HAi.k.-WIII b, atl,MS«. O the Court llousa door, In Sylvanla, In Mid county, within the legal hour* of Mle, on the Brat Tueiday in Juno next, the following proiwrly, to wit: 301 acres ol Pine Land, more or leas, bounded by landsnf Peter lied- dick, Alexander Krmp. Wilton Gunner; also,Uuiacres of Pine Land, mute or leas, bounded by land* ol Dennis Hc\«tt, A. Kemp,aud UobertT. l.awtntt; all of said fond* b tug and being In Mid county, and levied on hy inn as the property of benjamin F. Mcl.lelaud, to sails!}- sun dry ll.fas. Issued trotn lha 8uparlort^*iirtor said comi ty. in fevor of Thomas C. Ayer vs. Mid McUolaud.— Property pointed out hy defendant’s attorney. Also, at tile Mine time and place: iloo acres of Land, In said county, more or lata, bounded hy lauds or Fieri Ho) kin and David Lee? levied on by me lo satisfy a li ra. issued from tho Hunerlor Gonrtnf said corn ty, in fa vor of Wm. A lloh’l. MclntlreVa. Margaret Williams, administratrix upon llus estate of David Williams dv- •cased. Pro|*rty |tolliled out by defendant. Also, at tame time and placet I50acreai*r Laud, more or Is**, lying Hi said c<*unty, bounded by lands of J. Lawton Hlngelltou and A. Itaux ( levied upon by me to tnilsfy a Hupertor Court fl. la. In favor of Juo. .MurchL •on va. Peter Deuelts. Property pointed util by deleird- ant. Also, at the same lime and place: I bay Mare; levied on us the property ol Wyat W. Hlarke, to ■•11*0 u fl. fa. Issued from the nunerlor Court "f Chstham count), lit favoroi Joseph M.Hbelmau va. Wyalt W.Btarkr. Also, at same lime and place: one Negro Hoy, about 8ti) nenrs of wge, named Peter; levied on hy me to satis fy nn Inferior Court fl. la. of Hcrlveit count), In fa* or of Hottv Woodram va. Mary Ann Clutoii. Property point ed <>ut by di-frudanl. Ahn> »t same time and place:—one Diet containing 313 nr ret of bud, lying In Mid county; another Irani containing 413 acre*, lying in Mtd couuty; another tract containing Ifdacres, lying In said county, hound ed ou the northwest by J times Young’s laud andHImeoii , , Httrke’a, on the eastaud north-easi hy land oj Peter In and to said mortgaged premlaea he forever thereafter ' Roger*, J*inc*Thorop*on and Patrick Hurkley, and on barred and foreclosed. : all other shies by lands of Robert Williams. All ol And Ills further ordered that this rule l>o pntdlshed aald property levied on by m.. to satisfy a mortgage fl fa In one of the public Gaieties of the city of Aavahuati Issued from GioHuperlor Court ol said county in favor once* month, for four months, or a copy thereof served I of J|inpsc> R. Hunter vs. said Williams. Property outhesald Wyatt W. Httuke, or ht* special Agent or poU.tid out by said mortgage. y SadUlery W'arehouna. Vouiig'a Jluilding, Sign of iht Golden Snddlo. ot-rnsiTK w.a.atMMOMa clotiiiho stoxb. w* H* HAT ft 00., Havonuhntid a good a*sortmenlof Haddlos, Drldlea •ml Haninises, nf which the follnwlngcomprlsn a part. Hpntdth(4uUud,ovatlaldand Hhaftot* Haddlca, Plan- ler a largo and aslra large Meddles; Men's plain do.| r.nallshdo.illoys'andRaee do.j Ladles’ Hsddles of* JjKGvty'dpBiterustUrldlesA Martangalea;8addla Uags, MADDLER’h M aTEUI ALM.—HaddleTraos, Hklrtlng and Hog mdus j p*d dn..Htra)nlng and Wonted Web; Thread ami Hacks, aseortedalxes. llAHNi:M.HKH.-L*nach,Harouche,Huggy and Sulky llarnos*o«,„i nil kinds,liy the slngla set. CAIIHIAni: TRIMMINGM.-Rarouche, lluggy and Hulky Springs and Axlea; Daah Ftames: Hobln aud Uowa, by theslnglesal; Plated and Urass Slump Joint*) plain do.spateul Daah leather, Top and Giirtaln do.; broad and narrow Laces, variety of patterns; Milk and t\ orstrd Fringes: black and purple Coach lloans; Huff* gy Lamps: Plated and UrassUarrlage Bandit liras* and Vlated Knobs, Ac. July 93 TIIIKIV. I AMAIITINI.’S History of Turkey. j Kenm-th, nr the Hear Guard of tho Grand Army: by ilinanihnrof the Heir rtf Kedcllffe. Harjter * Maumtne,for May. No. tl llnrper’a Hlory Hooks- Emma. A History „r the Christian Church: by Dr.Charlaa llase. l.letH. Mnu')’s Physical Geography of the Dee, with Mnpsatid rhnrts. It at tlea ol Dm Drlmaa, Hlustraied—new supply. The Foreign Tour of Messrs- brown, Jones and Hob- lri«on, with numerous lllustratfons: by Richard Doyle. The iblohoriy I’aiwra hy W. Macglun : Annotated by IV. M. Mnrkentie—‘J Vols. The Wonderful Adventures of Captain Priest: by the author of a stray Yankee In Texaa. may 3 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. RECIKVED wsarm PER AGO, Tuesday, April 84. ••plIK Wonderful Adventures of Csptsln Priest: a 1 tale of bid few Incident/ and no plot particular by Auti.or «,r " A Diray Yankee In Texas." Trl colored Sketches in Parle In IH5I-8-3. Temptation ; or, The I'ukntwu Heiress J by J. Fred erick em»th, author of •• Fred Veroon," Ac. The Country Neighborhood: by Mist E. A. Pupuy. Thu Banker's Daughter; or, Tho Lost Witness; by G. W. M. ReyiioidS. Ellen '’ortlincr: or, The Oeautlful Creole of Cuba: by John II. Ditea, If- M. N. Patent t»fl)ce and Patent Laws ; or, A Guide to In ventors: by J (1. Muoro. Matibath Slornlng Readings on Ibo Old Teetamcni: by the Rev. John Cuinming. Family Prayi rs for each Morning and Evenlug In lha Year: by the Rev. John dimming. Howard Gre-y; a Dlory for Uoya; by a Young Lady of Philadelphia. mom or Life of Main Houston, Illustrated. Heir of llndrllff. Vuster’a Ptr»t Principle* of t:hemt*try. CORRIB or BMVB1T0R MO JimSKOS in. Dll,, will an *xamluaifoii, styles of good*’ pa- eullarljf adapted lo their trad*. jan 8 WILLIAM a. ruflTE. QIIA prime to choice Itlo Ceflba 01/1/ 150 du fall do do 75 ban I ltd llovarnmant Java do &U hhds fair, prime aud choice New Orleaaa Sugar ku do do do Porto Rleo do 150 bbla A, II A U clarified da Au do do and powdarad do 50 hhds prims Cuba Molasses 150 bbla do h tl do 5U do N Y rwm tinned klo.uus loo do Halilmoru Hour 75 do Georgia do 100 do Hugar, llutls-r and Soda Ulacult* 50 boxes Mmla ami 4111k do VO bbla Huston Crackers 31H> boxes No. I, palu ami family Hoop 50 do Co-gale’a and Hedel’s IVarl Mtareh IdO do Hedel’s and othar brands Talllow Candle* 150 do Adamantlna do 50 do Juddi’a Mon Hperm do 100 co Grant A Williams’ 3’a and k’a Tobacoo 100 do iiuotm lump Tobacco,assorted brands 10 caaeaIndian Queen do 80 8 lb. boxes Wedding Cake Tobacco 30 gross GoodwIn’aHmokHi* do • ou half grots mixes Yellow Hank Tobaeeo, chewing 50 boxa* Negro l’lp»» 50 do hunch Italslu* 80 do llurkey’a Yeast Powders, In JfU> fe cat* fu do Flavoring Extracts In do Ground Pepper 10 do do Allsplca 80 bags Hlank PupMr Ilf do Allspice 80 half chests Hyson Tea, In V'th lb. packages 80 do Black tin do do 4'iflaliys Hyson sod Oolong ' ea.ln 0 A 10 tb.boxas Wkl hols IU*c.U(le<l N o Wnlskey 100 do E Phelps’ Gin 5o do PAH ConuecUcut River Uya Gla IhO do M E Rum 85 do Imitation Malaga Wine 75 do Mi'Uongahela Whiskey 50 boxes Hen Russel's Nectar Ambrosial Wblsktf 5U do Crqinao brandy 50 do Port Wine 83 do Maderlado 5o Jg and X calk* Imitation Cognac Handy 50 packages x |»*|***» X and X cask* French Brandy 5 pipe* Holland Gin I puncheon *c<>tcb Whiskey I do Jamaica Rum 50 bbla American Brandy 50 M Havana -egart 100 51 American do 85 31 Cheroots do 85 doxen Hremids 50 do Painted I'all* 60 hhds prime Bacon Aide* 30 do do do Mhouldere 50 bbla Mesa Pork; 50 do prune do 8(i half bbla Fulton Market Href 50 bosea Imitation English Dairy Cheo'e 3u bag* Almonds, Braxll, Hate! A English Walnut* 3utl reams Wrapping Paper. Together with • general t#» >rtment of Goods, not mentioned, landing and for Mle from store, by asr 14 WKHmTKR A PALMED. FEVER AND AGUE, NATlJRE'lf IffrALLlRLE MPliCirif . i/« »U the ptaventloa »nd cure*! UWrmtuent and U» I 1 rnlllenl Pavers. Fever and Aim, i.bills and Fever, Dumb Ague, General Debility, Night Hweale, ami all other forms of dlsaare whldi have a common origin In Malaria or MUms*. This subtle aUnoepberle pot** which, at certain MSMM, la aMVohlairly Inhamd al •vary nreatb, la tha uni la character, wiser aver it ex. lele.Nor k,Mouth, E*at or Want—aod will evaerwbrra »laid b» thla newly discovered antidote, wbleh Is claimed io be lha grralnst discover/ In medletne ever made This apeelie Is ao karmtose that II may Ins taken by pereona of every age. MX ar conditloe, a*4 ft will wot aubailtute for one disease other* ailll wrrrea, aa It loo often the result In the treatment l/y Quinine, Mercury, Arsenic, and other polsoeou, or deleterious drugs, red a particle of any of which la admitted into ibis preps, ration. The proprietor distinctly claims these extraordinary result* from the use of thla NATURAL ANTJDU1ETU MALARIA. It will entirely protect any resident or traveller even , „,„„ irn , In the moet sickly or swampy Ibcallllra. from erty Ague, , , h . m.rrtrel or shol^ u* ' or IIHIloua dlseeee wlmiever, or any Injury from con- marnrei.orihog* almu. ... etantly Inhaling 4<alar1a or kllairna. ,OOOT9R YOVMIKLr The Pocket .Uncuto, ilk, n»c m. fii "wS2H : V. addrda Trsstlrs «,* k%U« i import, m-mII'W fo- p«*,or(ko^., )|) LJ r '*'fo< ma/riaeo)*. UtiTiWy'/i*,.. m . Kr.r;a'.,D'uTn *a»* bln . .. .. . M k «r _ U.’.»T MDI.( Ik.FOC'KKT JUU I *«wi fertagfrora a haranted «>.*,i. |. 4iB . nlgkle.nevvousfaellNge, *r* . ../iV-derea^v ; *i», ,'4S! •« fcsr Us, mcnt.ieait tblviruty vMlutw.t, mean* of «avtng thoesaul. It will Inauntlrrheek the Ague In perron* who have j yj*» I'bl'ernyjfiemhKth' " f tuffsred for any Miogth of time, from on. day to twenty An _ ' S^rl^ 01 A% | To 1,1 who,u 11 m,y conctrn Whereas, llervolett P. Alkloeon will apply at Hi t Court of Ordinary for ■ etters Dlamlsrory aa Admtnlatra tor on tbe Eatate of Thomas Alkiua: Three are, therefore-, tn cite and admonl-h all whom It may concern, to bo and apjtear before aald Court lo make objection (If any they have) on r.r before tb*- flrvl Monday In October next, otherwise aald letters will be granted. Witness, John M. 511 Hen. Esq . Ordinary for Chatham County, thla fifth day «>1 April, HISS. ‘ ’OIIN M “ aprfl . SULLEN, o. c. c To all whom It may concern: S TATE OF GEORGIA, CuaTnaM Co. Whereaa, William 41. Davldeon will apply the Court of Ordtnary for Letters Dlrmlssory a* Administra tor on the E-tate of Jamre Frew, dec, a red: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before aald Court to make objection (>fany they have) on or before the first Mon- ' day tn October next, otherwise Mid letters will be granted. Witness, John 51. MlHen, E»a.,Ordinary for Chatham Coutny, thlt fifth day of April, 1M55. aprfl S 1 TATE OP OP.ORG I A, ErriNauaM Gountt. DUN 31. SULLEN, o. c. c. Toallwhomtt mayconeern: ' tvT*ere»si AlberlG Porter, Administrator, with the will annexed,ol Mans S. Mallory, la'e of saM coun>y, weceased. ha* appllr-t to the Court of Ordinary ol «nid ao'iniy, for Lettera ol Dlsmlaelou from said Admnltv These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all the kindred and creditor* of salcdecrared, tn file ihvtrnh. t*<-lfoi,« (If any they have,: In my ofllce, wuhiuthe ttmo preocrlbed by law, otherwise said letu-re of dismission wilt ho afanted lo the said applicant. Witness my hand and official signature, this Oh day >f April, A. D., 1553. JAM EM RAILS. »|,f 7 Ordmar* a. c. 4DPERIOR rOI'IIT-MTIIVlis t «T April Tryilt, H*5o. Tut Maaiaa Haas »r Gaoaau, »•• ( Mortgage kc Wtatt W. MTiaaa. i wongage, esc. I T Appearing lo the Cojrt, by tbo petition of the Ma rine flank of Georgia, that on the nineteenth day oi February, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, Wyalt W . Mtarke and Harper C. nr)».in,!e<i partners, doing bust* n-u under the name, style ami firm or Murk* k. Ilrysnn, [■•f the County of Chatham.] made tbelr rertam Instru ment la writing, call' d a Hill of Exchange, in which they drew on llolhs, Mlarke k. Co, ol New York,payable tn ttvelr owa order, sixty days after eight thermi, (»t the sum of nineteen thousand, seven hundred and twenty dollars, which BUI of Exchange was endorsed by Mtarke a Itr.kon, and dellsered for value received to the said, the Marine Italik nf Georgia, and wing accepted by the aald Hollis, Mtarke k Co., wm at maturity prerentcl for payment auhetreountlng room, atwt payment not hrtng made, the same was returned under protest to theaald the Marine Hank of Georgia. Awl it al#<» appearing mat on the Iwenlr-elghth day of February of the same tear, the aforesaid .“tarkc a Hrj s-n drew their other certain Instrument r.f writing, known te • Hill of Ewnange, on the af resald Hollis, Mtarke la Co., at thirty days after sight, for the sum of iwenty-oita thousand, live huodrrd dollars, payable to their own ureter, which last lllll of F.s- hangn wm alto endorsed, aod delivered to the said, the .Marine llsnk of Georgia, try lU«aforcaald Murke k Prison, (or value received, and the same hefiig duly accepOd by lloills, Mlarke 4s Co , waa presented tor payment, and paimcnl re fused, and tha ta<ne wm returned under protest to tbe Mid the klarine Hank of Georgia. Ami It lurtherapprerlng that the aforesaid Wsati tV Mtarke, In order to secure the pay mi ni of the aforesaid Ultls of Escbange, and other bills of .Ikrrharacter.and certain mde* then dim by him t<» the said the Marine Bank of Georgia, ami also to secure the faithful pay Attorney at least three months previous to the next term nf thle Court. True extract from minutes. JN(*. F.OUILMARTIN, Clerk. | Hama Is Law, Alt’ys for Petitioner. fob'.i ^ i*m»4 1 CU A.TCEUY NALKHF REAL ESTATE. Henry l^nos and L. F. Itagsdnln, Eieculora of l Henry lo*ors Dr.,dec’d. and EDxabelh Ragwlalo > e». Hn- Heir* At Devisees of Henry Lones.^r,dic’d ) 1 JURmUANT To the decree pronounc' d In this cause, 1 a: the A prll Term, H53, of the Chaoccry Court ot Knnxrllle, I will proce*-<| to rell at public outcry, to tha highest bidder, on the premises, ou the 14th day of July next, the lands tn the plendlugs mentioned, belonging to the estate of Henry Lone*, Men., defeated. Malu lands will lie sold In parcels, or In the aggregate, a* mar he dremnl most tidvDablc on tho day of sale. The above lands will be s.dd oti n credit of one and two Also,at name time and plare, Hylla, Harriet, Mam and Sarah. Mylla.a negro girl about 41; llarrn-t, a girl about 85: Mam a man about flu, and Marah a girl about | 13 )i-arsof ago. All levied ou by lue to Mils!) a tuort- , gage II. fa. Issued Loin the Infer.or Court of Cha'huni ! eonnty, in luvor of tlio Marine Hank of Georgia )*. tVjaii W'.Murko. Properly induted out by said nmrl- g»R« JOHN GROpD.BIn-rlff | April let, 1055. apr t) / ' LYNN rellKRIFF’M MALE,—Will he a«dd, on tne ! V I first Tuesday In June neat, before thuCourt tlonso | door. In the town of llruiowlck, between the h-gal hours of Mle, the following property, to wit: tho Hrfln-wirk , Canal, situate, lying and being In the county of Glynn, 1 eatt'tiding lre*rn Turtle Hirer to list* Aliamaha River, tn- ' getber with all the l.ocka and Works app>-rtnluliig tin rein, nnd appurtenances thereof r levied on a* tire I property ol the Hrun*v/lck Canal nnd Hallr.>ail Com. jinny, to sati-f) two It.fas^one In favor of Hugh Frnsb-r IN I) W HOOK N, RECEIVED HY M. 8. MIRI.RY, APRIL 7th. T NGI.NNF, or the First Days of IIPnnI: hy Alexander Dumas—translated Irnm the original M»M. I»» Mad ame Julia do Margurrltlst. a l>o«>k, tho first Rue of who'll tmlivldiullxr* the favorite aud great author.— Dandsoiiiely bognd lu muslin, MHicnl Notre and Reflectlona: by Henry Holland, M D. F R M. Also, a fresh arrival ol Miranda For sal* at apr 0 135 CONOR EMM ST, NEW IIOOKN. ■*' RECEIVED 11V a. M. hiIILEV, MAY 1st. ^plIE Illustrated Manm-re Rook, a manual of Good 1 ll'haviour and Polite Aceomnllihmeut. Nature ntu) Human Nature: by tho author of Ram Dllrk, The < tork Maker. For sale at may 3 133 COMORKWt MT. year*. Ronds, with approved rociirity, bearing luterest «roiH, ami the other In favor.of P. Ptucknry Hug.-r, Is- ... I . . _ -.111. I ,, .1 _ * . a .... .... ■■■,«. I mtl I.r II... ll.tHAfal.lM y.ihii.lii, I ■ I. l.l •Me.l out of thu Honorable Superior Court <»l saidcm ty. _ JOHN P, LAMB, r I flr.t Tuesday In June neat. In-lore the Court House ; Hrndloiry. "or. in ihu Town of llriiuswlck, between the least Graham’s, l’i freon date, will he required for the payment of the pur chase money. 8)f per cent, of the purchase money will be required info, paid on the day of tale, to meet cost*| *l ,r - kc., und a lien will Ik-retslned on the lauds HU the pur- - 7 % |,YNN MIERIFF’M MALE.—Will be a<dd chase money ta paid. These lands are situated about two ! \ I ~ and a half miles unrtb-wrrt of the city ol Kio>«vllle, on tbe main read leading to ■ Union ami Jack'tKireuwh— they are well watered, both for stock, and with a num ber of good springs. There Is upon the place a large orchard of fine fruit trees, rind the lanus have been well eulllvnled. Th. re Is n e •mfortvble lirlrk dwelling house, and all necessary outnulhllngs, lo g""d repair, upon the place. In alt respect* '-tie one of the most d•••‘rutile farms io H e country. A plot of the lauds ran be seen nt the ofllce of llm Clerk ami Master, at any limn. The whop* tract cnntatff about taxi arrea, and la divided Into tracts varying from fll acres to 315. II. E. MrCLUNG, r. k >t by SAMUEL A. WHITE, n. c. k m. May 81, I&5. tna)‘J-»—Jy 14 NOTM.'II. A LL persons having demand# against Catherine M. llaDey, late of Chatham county, deceased, are notified to present them, duly att'stru, tho itmo prescribed by law,and all persona ludebttd tvlllpleas# make Hnmedlale payment, to D. ¥. IIALSEV, Adtur. Havannah, April 18, 1953. aprEI I sate, the following property, to wit: Nancy, n ! to gro girl about thirteen years nf i ge, levied onnvtlio | property of William Lawrle, deceased, to Mtl*fy a fl. fa on :bc foreclosure of a mortgage, In favor of Al'-anndvr Hcrantoii, trustee, vs. William I«wr|e,deceas'd. apr 8 _ JOHN P. LA Mil ». o. r. / • I.YNN MilF.RlFF’M MALE.-Wlll t... told on M.c ' a I flrst Tuesday In August neat, before tbo Court Hoii»e door, In tbe town of Brunswick, between tbe : legal In.utsol sale, tho following pri-pertt lo wtl: Davis, a negro man, afouit forty years of age. (evil'll ou as it.c . property ot '* tlUaiu A. battens, to laltsly a (l t« on tt,e I for.'Injure of n mortgage. Issued "Ul nf the Inferior | C'oirt of Glynn county In favor of John P. Drarleti, »•• i llgm-e. JOHN I*. LAM li, s u. r. llriiuswlck, .May 89. IH55. tnsy 31 I / 1 HATH AM Mil KRIFF*M HALE. -Contlnurd.-rt tTl I V.' be sold be fore the Court lions'In theeltynfMa- vsnnah, on the flrst Tuesday In June next, the follow n.g ; Ham d,negro.-s to wit: Cyrus, Bella. Jemmy. Hums, l.i:« l atic:h, Marin. tUiph), Judy and hcrctnhl. Eflxa and D.ipb | I ti".s,dd under fl. fa. on foreclosure o| nto tgase hsihmo IIOIMtX I IIOOKM HOOKS! ItECEIYED UYH. H. MIHI.KY.3IAY3, 055. Ellew M»*Thu»y,ortha Adwntmeaot an Orphan t by Emerson llenii'lt. Mammon, or tire Hardship* of an Heiress: by Mr*. Gore. Handy And;,—l«*vrr’a great book. I.«'grtids and storleaof Ireland, or Paddy Mullown* ey’aTravel*t by l.aver. • laud’s l.a-t itullet: or tha Price of Three l.lvea, 'lara Hopkliw,ora .Mirrorof tlty Lite: by o-good ’•t'tiam’s and Hlackwood’s 3lagailncs. Leslie’s luidlea'Gat) Re. Godey's Ladies'Hook, a superlof numbo. For .nle cl may 5 135 d • RHREF8 8T. m:\viiookn am» M.ui.ixi.XEfl. III.*'Ei VKDHY M. M- MIHLIIY. Jnu. 3. 1 ^RANK i' 'UMtlF. tout ht« Frtend*: by l.«ver. The Pioio er's Daughter: by Kinnierson Hennel. II vi|s--'» Mag.'ilne, tor Fetiruary, Graham'*, for do; (lode)for do: Ballou's Picturlal Poems, of Mrs. liar* Now Home, 4c. For sale at lob 3 e 135 niNGREMM-MT. <n ‘.Rn'ER’fl ■:■•>.niii icon I Popular tdlsraiurv. McI'-ik.s *imI Arts— American re-point, 81 50 per annum, or I8J^ cents HI.Mill ICS. 1 Hfi UDId*. Baltimore Flour, list do. Georgia do. lull 175 backs Atlanta Mills Flour, lno *• ltlo Coffee. IIM) Bags and Pockets Java do. 83 Idiui. Choice Porto Itlco Sugar. 80 New Orleans " I.V) hhls. A. It, and C., and Crashed Dagar. 5o hhds. Mulatact. IhO bbls New • Irlrans -*yrup. 80 Idtde. Choice Bacon bides, lo •• " •• Mhouldere. 150 boxes, Family Hoap. 184 " Pale YOtt « Tottet " 8-Ji •• Adamantine and Bperta Candles. 100 ** Grout-d Pepper. ISO •• Mustard. 173 " Ground Coffee. ISO •• G. and W.Tobacco. Dkl " Nectar |y*f and Aromatic Do. 73 bbU.Old llanongaliela Wbtikey. |ini •• U'ctiflt-d. *• 150 “ Rum. 80 «'Bfk»,Choice Hams. Received and for Mle by 5lc3IAIION k D<»YLE. tnnjt , ...... day P> twenty that they mm twver have another chili, oj continuing lie u»e according to direction'. It will tuimt-dlalely relteva sail dturewstox tctuliv«»( Olllluus or Ague dlwaset. such as general debdlty, wight sweata, «>c. The patfent at one*Vg'ns t*. r«c.»rr appetite and strength, and contliroae until a tJ.nnsina and rad'cal cure Is effected. Finally, Its use will banish Fever ami Are from .. Hi t and all ctaases. Parmer* and all laboring me. adopting It as a preventive, will be free from Ague IIHIloua attacks In Ibal season of the year which, while It Is Iba most sl-kly, Is the roost valuable one to there. Due or two fo.ulea will answer for ordinary coses — •otne may require more. Directions printed in German, French and Mpanlsb, ac company each bottle. Price <*ne Dollar. Liberal discounts made to tbe trade Trade circular* forwarded on application, and the at tide will be Cuuilgtted un liberal terms to responsible panic* In every section of the country. JAM. A. KIDJOEM. Proprietor, Providence, Rhode L and. Asm:.-New York,C. V. i.livkruer 4i Cm, amt c IL King; Boston, Week# It Poller; Philadelphia, T. W. Ul oil k. Mona, Washington, Ubaa. Mcott It Co., and for Mle by dealers generally. mar 17 Is.w—w4rtw6mo ftCUTT’k l.i rTI.U RIANT COHN AND CO I*. MILL. PATENTED MAY Iflth, ie5L T HE attention of Planter*. Parmer# and «P<k foeders Id general, are respectfully estled in this Mill at tbe most Important artlclo of tb* kind now loure, not only welt adap'ed for grinding nob meat for etock. but grist or line hominy for tb* tab'-*, ami eepec'aliy bread meal Irom corn not lolly ripe or drv In the fad. lo aettlngthis Mill, no mechanic or Dame work it wanted, only requiring to ba fastened to a flour or plat form. Ratify adjusted and u*ed by any body, even a child. Th* LITTLE GIANT has received the first premium* at the late Agricultural Pair* of Missouri, Kentucky, .Msrylabd, and other Diate*, and that It lb* most c in- pltineuLry manner,a* wallas lha most ready conunm- dsttoit Dom the thousand* *»Vi easing tu petlmwtanrr. There mills arc guaranteed In lire tnrwl potltlte man uer against delects nr breakage, aud No. 3 warrant'd to grind 14 burbels of lard J»er hour, with one horse, aud offered al the low price of 185. all complete, ready for attaching tbe team,—No. 4 at fl'3, grinds 80 bushes per hour with two bora. t. klanuLcUired hv DCOTT k MOCK BEE, Aoga*u, -a. And sold by C. II. CaurrtetP, Agent for tbe Manu facturers, 171 Uay street, Davanuah, where the Machine may be seen. may t • I4'tu<:re l ' *< 13^" AnyjwrsorrsendJngTWENTY Plvp.i closed In a letur, will receive ,n* ». mlu.ZI* 1 ’ mall.Of five copies Will),# seal f»-r (Mis. ** ^7 Address,(postpaid,) DR. WV Yr,V. r kojv/w. v , ’_ IHIkl.I.'t iPotent iittmtlr Planter _ . , ^I'lll* itlutlilset4itlub w ruf|.'i, A>.. * meori .* *' M »*•' *nn»sw, . wi.ti* 1 tester ever brought Nnj U ) ' •*/ b««ii f./r s long llm* r.p*s> lo l »* has l>««n Irrquesilly sought t ier i. , . .,' M *S *<.ine tun. n .ought to base ntwmiii i,.%, „ nonseolsmc**, but aHer the fare se..; mat with,il has hsen u.mwl of «er (bar, to roiershre'tsd serfs- »•. b»t j-h strength |o In. usm! )n im|«,runt oj«t» cniioq'isatty In u»s<1 as s [ s»». • t-avlurs, kr. 4r„ to wh'cl. juffre, •», mo»l si-pllcehte; the rofnixj. t, A<D„ ,, j T* 1 ' be userf In these dressings w,'fo.a! venlenre tml trouble. It hi, s end ptacej one rt. , . • . C*»«ered end evsn the tnov. rutt) In dres'li,g Wom^J, ir * . v, , f " tbe {.tester not Lying e»**. tl s. bb^.’:.. ' * the portion thet reires. own j ",-j...... .. *T> Cco,„ el.-, co, to be re- ui'.d to'L \ f ** objeerou, t*. tl.* material on wblrb H ', U i»JL1 >4a keep, tbe w-M or per: * hes‘s£ ^ M * qtt'-ntly euppurat ot uir« , i,.r, |! b*» l/e. n found tj iht Nickel’s I.little r.nt et oie-t'd urge.) a-sln»t tbe r.-,ti.n,o;, \ fbts.,* C,* -r,: —ivjS.TiSi's as follows: Tl.esujwrt.wu,..' ike Tt*s-.‘c PLeurvim! •Isis, first. In the on tx.<-‘.» ..r sppt<*i^e tt4~u i . creared care aud comfort w h wh -t. ’ lire plaster t-fl. g I. last re. • srt‘, !t» »>■ ->. -t). .1.1 « Pecr-mt. 'fora tb* e, -r »#:«•# o-T. fr r.r it efloi do a numb.- P,K-i- tr-g, tl •y 1'vrg' Hig.l! NO'IIFE W sold In lllneatille, Elberty County, on tbe flrst Tuesday of June next,* lot of t.and lying In tVallbOiirvllle,belonging to lh« estate of Dr. Wm. p, 1 .McConnell, su'd lot subject lo mortgage, and Sold by permiv'ton of the » ourt of "rdtnsry. apr .0 DAflI’l.. D. M. CNNEI.L, Adm’r. NOTIt'f;. r pilRKE months after date application will bemads l to the Planters’ Dank of this city , to redeem a Twenty tkillar lllll ot that Rank, the right hand half ol which tret been lost. The led hand hall i* numbered fil4, letter A, and signed b) W. fl. Mercer I'nsbter. Davumah, Jau.’JU, L44. J'HIN II. AliNol.D. apr.» Diw8mo tffiwre r Court, tu (asor of \Y. and J, . iLtu-rrhau, r the Mouth, or the Failure of Ftee Socta- I'liXhugb. ' Time*. «r Past, Present and Future: by utnmtng. •land Patent Eaws, or lttrrl >rs' Guide: Ian- '’opartm-rs, va. Henry Wllllams-'ti. may J A. TIIOMAD, ». r. r. , / , IIATII A M Mil Fflit FF*H MA I.K—Cotiiliiu"l. U III be \ -.Id on tin- flrst Tucolay In June nestjbef> 'ett.e d ••( ! ot tits- Court House, In the city of Hatannah. County ol Ctiaihatn, alt'bat property kiiowna-caslertihab •rinoliy, of linrilen Lot- Nos. 43 4i 44, situat'd In said City Hound' ed North by etiy Commons, Mouth by Gaoli n lot 45.1 n-t Rev. I Fait nl < by l.o. M Am. in an Tom tto«»k, tonUlntnt Form* of Agree- mem# lion.;-, Wills, Nr Ac : by Henjamm Tate WiinrlniiV American Criminal —new ed|il«n. WtisrtonV Law of llomlctda—a new work. Dvv'ls tn l.uroi>«aud the East: by D.Irruvu* Prime— 8 vo|s , lllu-trnlci. I. ti rnry I.Uu slid Orrerpondence of the •‘ountre* ol lllesvpglon: l.y R.R. tlii.tdrn-9 volt. The Plevnilt Hoy Pndouopbrr. founded on Frrguron'l .11 ...1,1 II HIJ ..IIIM'II I.II.M, | n-l I • ■ " - ' - — M • by Garden lot 40, West by other mulct) of lots Nos. 13 | Forty Idle: by Henry Math- w, I Him Ira let! NOIIi.'i: V I.I. Persons havbg claims against tbo F.ltatn DAME- PMII.HRICK, late of f'haiham County, ileeea-d, wt'l |.re*enl them, property attested; and all indebted to-aid Estate to make i nvment to mv Agent, Main I I’. Hell. EI.VIIIA P PHI I.HRH K. may 1 Admtntrtratrtv. MAVANNAlfl; l‘.’ih MAID ll.'lDS.V r | , IIRKB months after d it", appliralloii willbemnde 1 to the Hank of the f* afu of Georgia, nt MaVannnh, for the payment rf a g.VO lllll, No. 881, letter H, payable _ ro •' , ) 4 at Augusta,toG. M. Newton, A, I’orler, President, t K, ' - - Teflt, 1 «*htcr, left h*nd hall of which has l»-'ii loit or destroyed. W. I'. NaNCE, Frankfurt, mar 13 May I5,’45. HAVANN til, 181I1 MAID II. IH45. and 44. Irev lid on as tho property of Michael Premier- Rn*l. to saUaty n fl. (*., t«»utng of the Uonotst>lo Mupe- ( rlor Court, ofChatham Comity, iu favorol Eli", Itobi ri# : k • o , vs M. I'reiidcrgast 4c 1 o. Properly pointed out > by I'lalottir# Alt’s, m»y 3 A. THOMAS, e. r. r. ? ’l( vrilAM MHF.HIPFM DALE.—VV111 ».«, sold on of ' v tbe first Tuesday In Juno neat, before the door of 1 j thec urt House In the city of .-‘avannah, coiit.ty ol 1 < 'batbam. Male of Georgia, lietwrrrii the legal hours of | ; sale, the western half or moiety of lot No. *, fourth , Ty tiling, An-on Want. Levied mi as tho property «>( ) 1 bonus It Kretghor and family, by virtue of nu e*<- j !(.' r I , llltEK month* after dale, appiicnlloti will be made 1 to the Hank of ibo Male of Guoi 'gla, at *avannah, for payment <>f fl 100 Hill, daiud 'Jli'i July, Ir 4 ID. payable at Augusta, lo Geo. M. Newon, signed A. I'< dent, left bamt half having U-. n lost nr de-l HA31 I’M *s I.ANIl R.Tuvki'gee, Ala. mar 19 May 15,*55. cwitity. Mold for taxes for the year 1554. Prop I'oliitcd out by F. 51. rituno' A.JHOAIAD, a.o.v. tl \Tlt AM MiTEUlFF’MDAI.E-—Will be sotil oVlbe 1 Tuesday In June next, within the legal hour- of Sale,before the door of thoiVurl House In the city r.f bavsnnab. county of Chatham, State of Georgia, eight tin, horse*.two sorrel horses, one roane horse, two white horses,and oiioHght liay horse, lorvled on 4- tbo property of .Stephen P- White'head, to satlsl, an even I 8 li'i July, foil), pay aid* i |, *n tl fa. Isitird oulol the Homuable Inferior Court of 1,-tuned A.portrr. Prrel- 1 'hu;ham County, In favor of James II. Johnson, (v-i 1 Stephen P. Whitehead, principal, and Alexander I*. Hi-iifi.-M,rcciiriiy. Property pointed out bv defendant, may 4 dal A. THOMAS ■ * EXTRACTS PR*)tl <HIUI.VANGER. LICEflKEfl-I.IUnillK- UI> “““ -.1 I. |."j m-nt of all note* tktnafur to be discounted by tire said lha Marina Uank of Georgia, for the awminmod*. 1 oration of lb# sum of flvs dollars, to him paid by 'be ■•id, tire -Marina Bank of Georgia, did, on the twelfiti day of April. In the year one thousand eight hundred ami fifty-three, make, execute and deliver P* the said the Marine Hank nf Georgia, hu certain d<ed <d trrort. gvge,conveying tn the said tbe Marine n*nk of Geor gia, among other projrerty.-'all that pl-ntatloo, tract or < parr*) of land, situate, lying and being In Hcrlren | G->urily, In lire State of Georgia. calM and known ae , M .biey'ePoml, eou'Blnlng fourlbousand acres, more or lets, boundel on the North by Havantish River, on i.tber aides by land* nf John -mllb. nf Htarke 4s Tale/.D, Jot. Pollock, Invert and others ; also, alt that plantailon, tract,or parcs-t of Ln-I.situate, lying end being to the •/>unty trfflcriven.DWleof Georgia, known aa "TackI- boe"cAh'.atatttg seven Ibousarvt acres, more nr less, and b»urt Id on lha North by Savannah lllvrr, ontheother sides by HrLrCreek and by lands ol Hr* Mason, aud of ILrry Brannonthe othar real eetate named In *ald mortgage dred ae( lying ami Iretng In said county nf ■' riven. Ami 11 further appearing the! after the ese- rullon of Ure aforesaid deed of mortgage, ami on th# faith of eald mortgage,and In contmiusnee of the sreu- rlty offered by ItrecLusw In Ure said deed of mortgega. that ItsIrewMaacnre'-all and every mite ami miira.'' tlierea/ief “to be dtseonnled" hy lb* said, tbe Marine nankofGnorgla, "lor tbe accommodation of the said Wyatt tV. MLrka,” the said,the Marloo Hank ol Genr. gia did ow Ure IklrUetb day of J one. eighteen hundred and Hfly-foer. discount for eabl Wratt W. Mtarke. a note at ninety days, for tbe ism 01 three tkowsand dob tare, and oi tha twenty-third day ot June of tha ism* year, another aotn at utnaty day*, for iwsmiy-flv* hum dred dollar*,and on the twgoly-ronoml day of Jut, of the same y*ar, another not# ai nlomy day* for the sum Of Ire thousand dollar*, nnd on Hresevenili day of An- gust of Ihn •**■• vaar, another mdn at atuaiy day*, for tha sum '.fibre* thousand dollara, nnd on |hn **m# day and yea/another nou* for lb# sum nf two thnssand dob '•rial ninety days,and ..nth* twentieth dev of Notent 1 tit, eighteen hundred and fffly-fwnr, anoiber note tut lha Hin'il twenty-ds* haadrwd doU«rs. And 11 ap pear ng fo Ihn Uonrt that there I* *011 dne ami owing to the aabff tha Mar-ue Haak of Ganrgla, on said two Utils of Eacbanga,and said promissory noire, the prtn llpel sum of forty-four thontand, Ibrm hundred and •evsniy-atns dollara and sixty (wo rents, ami tha aum of four thontand and ihiny-ffradAllai* andnlavett rent* for Inlsresl to the data of thla rata . It isthtisforomdsfvd.tbattha **td Wyatt W.Ntaika do pay lain thla G. un, by lha flrst 4ay or rtre nsxt itrm theroof, Ihnjxlnelpat. latara*i andgoetsdu* nn satd lllll* nf Exchange, gad onmM noiar, lor sfo>w eaus-itn tho CMMMrjblf aryhnhavg.1 and ihetosi the failure nf MldWyaW W.D4arkn*nlodo-lha eqhllr of r*,lamp. fore var And H It fkrtbor ordered Hut ihla role bn published lo oog nf lha £*Wlo t**Mlni nf Ihn f.’ity of »a*aR N ak. one* n »on<h foe tone month#, or a thereof rervad on tbe said Wyatt W.SUfft«,or his special ogeat nr •Homey, at Innat lore# monihfl previous tn lire ngxt LrmeflhliDourt. Amu. Taau, fflifl. A irunniiran from lb# ntofltut, April «H, Iflto. nillRN D. *1 MAR PE, Ctoth. Bacon * Law, Plalniif -a Auonreye. pur 17—Um4fl , 4THH5G UltitiKfl RDINANCK PADDED DJth <MrTfiBF.ll, 1H8fl. ' Darrin* 8.— That every purs-m who shall her*, after keep wuhiit Uie nty of rtavannat,, or lit ex* t*ml»-<l JuDa-lirhonal limit-, any store, liar rirnm, tavern, Inn, hotel, ordinary, oyster l.oii.e.or cellar, confection ary,rating b»n%e, punch, ),-Mter, stn, or peer tiniue, for tbe sal* ol liquor^ or .itlierwue roll nr dlspoto of malt, vinous,ur sidrltuou* liquor*, cider, beer, punch, or other -trong drink, under nny name w haever, lu any quanilty other than the original package, ce-k. or ves sel, ■ • Imported, shall fl'st ■ Plain a license for the same ■ a is herrloaflt-r prescribed, according lo the class for Which it Is lub-i.d'd lo Ini ii-«n| ; In default whereof, be, ■ be, or they. u(kmi convict.,.n, ( h-« pa-w-d '*'* 'lay, t..r Um penally, • -- . .... , .... . Daer. 3.—That licenses for retailing liquors, shall Ire aaid the Marine Uank of Georgia, for the awouimiMta* ela»u-d *ml numtierr«t, •■ follows, vu *, c.ta-a No. l, for lion of said Wyatt W. rtterke, and (<>r and In eunald-i keei.Hig liquor stores, euinoruliig the holders to tell / 'IIATIUM DHE.KIFF’H DAI.E.-UlJI lie -,,1,1. |.„ V lore the door of the Court Ifou-e, In the« liy o| m- vnnnab. County of Chailiem, nn the first Tm-»da> m July next, lu-twren the legal hours of sale, ono-elghth pari <>f nn undivided plantation nr tract of land, situate on the tsiaml of Hkldaway, In Die County nf Chatham, Htnluof Georgia, known aa the Hampton place. The tnl.l pluiiiNtioii ronialnlna aeven bimdrrd and twenty e r fii on' or lest, and bounded on the south b, Inuds of the esteto Waring.on the west by lands ol Hiram lli>!w«»,,t«.»mrrty l>el»u«in* to Mtltvge as then snpp-<-< <i, north t>) ekt.tawav river nnd marsh, and ear by Hum I. v 111 .nth. Tbe-tme luring been levied ou to »at- lit, u imirtgagofl fi,returnable to the llonorabto' bit- , barn-iiprru-r Court, in revor of Aiken 4c Hums, 1.1,1 r | tbe u-e ol Jolin Itllbo Vs. Ilamploii I.. Itllbo. Property 1 * tMitutvil out In aald fl la. A. THOM AD. a. r. r. Ht.ertr* • '(lire, May 89, IR*,4. mayJH-ida ^ HIATHA-M t*|IKRIFF HALE— VVlH Ire Sold Dl'*r Honks—Frank, or the Philoso pher ot T>t< k- Mot Atl*rnlvt. Introduction tn rracttrsl Astronomy: bv Ur. I.onmla apr 14 tV. THORNE tVlt.I.IA.Ms. HAfllllHirx I ITER 'ItV nod llui.irtcal Miscellanies E«jay» and I j Addresses flvo. • A Journey through the Chinese Empire : liy M. Hue Mi'bor of, i:en.i|l,-cllona <-f aJ.iurtiey through Tartary and Thibet: I it 8 volumes, with a map. Miranda l.lllotl: bv a lad) of Gtorgla.—8d edition. M» Itroiber’s Keeper: by Ml*a tVarner, auilror of Dolltusni.d <>tds. ri.e 11 in 1 ng nnd the Have: by a South Carolinian. 8d -dlilon. Annals or Tennessee,to the End of tha tflh Century : Dr. J. G. M. Rnm-ey. lieinlnlvcetires ot Charleston ; hy f'bnrlns Fraser, M«p-..f the Halite, of tire lllack Sea, of tbe Crlmaa, Delin-b.pul, A»r. , Hut,try fol Hoyt; by J. G. Edgar. may Rt W.TIIOllSE WILLIAMS. > i: It IIOO KN .CE1YED HY JOHN M.Ci 1. il’ER k CO., 51 UNDAY APR.I, 3Utb. ILtper*’ Magailnr for ilay. Mammon : or the Hardships of an Mr*. European Celebrities, by William II lii-fory nf nwltierland, for the Swiss, by lletn- R» VI# Hpregue. S.Xr 1 " 1 1 «■"> rli-n /scb-.kki Tho mbdierlv Papers, by tho lata William Maglno, Ann.dated by Dr Shelton Mackenzie. The Sc trout nf Chits: : of, Christianity viewed tn He Leading Aspect*,liy Itev. A. L, R. Foote. Legend- and Moilee of Ireland ; or I'addy MiHlow- hc»’tTrav'Is,l.y Hnmurl Lover. Ilarper -*Mory Hook, No. 0 received. Puluam’v M»g«iluef.<r Stay . Graham’* “ - apr 10 HOOKS, E|, || V ,s. m e< | It I.K Y, May Pits. I Oilolu rty I'aiirr* -»f |)r. Magltm*. IL-r,-ltini mis tYrlilngt. l-sbell* 5 lucent, nr the Two Orphan-, by O. \\ . ,M. Reynolds. * ' Dick Fly by Night, and the lllack Gang; by the au thor of I apt. -I'l.eall. Tom It SI'IJ A II, CHFFEi:, U.UOfl, Ac. Ac. U ULC«'MllE. JOHNSON k CO^ have received by lata arrival*: 8t<) bbls and 80 hbda clarified aud refined Sugar 8U hhds choice t'Deans do 14 du (sir Mu-covado do 93 d>» choice Porto Itlco 330 bbls Rnltiiiiur* Flour 40 d<» Grorgta do, extra 93 half bids extra r a nal Flour 50 hhds choice Uacoti Dub ■ ft) do do do Db'-uldert 85 bbla Mess Pork,SO do Prime do 15 do Rump do |ta) do N n Molasses, 800do Portland do 30 hhds Cube ifo 80ra-k-eboic Ualllmorr llsmt 8un bosnt I’a'g Soap, rondo No. I do Ik) do Penrl ^ta»ch 73 do A <!*inaitl:nt Candles 85 do t^pertn do 5*) do assorted Candy, •’ Revnnld'a." 50 do quart* ami pints Champagne Cider 50 ba-W'ta - lleld-lck ” do •SO.hUi choice Spanish Dc-gara liai.uai hall do do 10O.IM n American do 300 bbls v\ in-key, rectified I no d- K P Gtn, 40 do N F. Rum 30 do Xiurrlcan Brandy 5 haK p'pi—, 4n demljobus and 84 boxes choice old Madeira tVn.e 83 lioxi ■ rX'in cb'lie old ‘ 4 quarter casks very snr*rtor Cherry Wine 5n il'iro..>bns pure r*t.i r.dx Rum ftat iron-- T.-bacctv, v ath"»» brxnda 40 kegs laird, 93 bbls do 84tH>ir* Loaf Sugar Nl bbl- 1 ra-lii-1 do 14 (to Ground do 84 quarter chests llys<>n Tea !t»randy* choice lllack do Na» bags a-snrlfd ^hot Its) keg* Du|M«nt's Powder. For aalg as above, apr 16 • * i list 1 »h*|ir 'ex* take place, w mn rini,|;n |r,Utll II • h.|N dll ion r.f • W'-ubd litinneti » , ), pintle-> r • Thirdly It a fre# ti; »r<-<.1. s t.O ' n-»r«vi t».N ""“rl. • ».a a—. a(lt j fl4 , U p, jb p 4 ,., K M>4 Itnp-d* Is f. rpti-' nd o' r IlCl t. I f l • irt ■f rreat advantage when c-e.: . sounds, -ti-imi, varicose ve.f.*. weskr*.. t j Vu’hek heumatl-tr. tnitU<>« of lbs y..t*is .tJ, ‘ equal to) tor *:*r.: sa|.;^>rt )s r»*,v »e< eUins Its fo-td ar>d u-.i-.ty oju-t Cntt*. S-- lt*| qup* S'-et. beqq. M f. ■> '.■R they are psnrelari- i«.vpcNgltt ul. for this 1 tbe 4:oi/i. A lift- M.EI’.VF.fl. <U L INEN, Mustln and Lawn, Embroidered » oilart, Hlack Crape Collar-, Cambric and Mualtn Embroidered Sleevea, fltark Cratre Dlvovet, Tucked, Ifo verse and Rich Embroidered, La»n llandksrcht*.*. Mourning „i*n Uandderebtefs. Ae. For sale by HENRY, LATHROP L cO. may k _ s- I 'Id iFNCi.D • irgandy Dreeset, new mi terns. 1. 44 Jeckonet *• •• Mantillas, black. c„| .red and Whlta,new style*. Itlscti Gn-nadiite 4- Chilly Pistil C«>l’d Jaconet* and Cambrics, In packages. Huff and Blue. ParaedG Gras* -lo'hs. Black Nett Mias. IDtCk bilks Dish Linens, niearbrd phtrtlngt and .sheeting*. 1.1. Prints, Ac . 4ir , lust reccised per st.«amer Florida. NEVITT, gATIIHOP 4- UuGEKs. •P» D O MIOTIC LIQI'ORD.—75 bbll N O \\ hi»key 73 bbls E I t vips’G.n 5« no Pail do 84 do BtaudT 8u quarter ca-ks Brandy, twlcghoops- 4th proof 811 eighth d« do do do do 50 bbls N E Hum 85 do Luther Felton’s Ram 84 quarter ca-ks .•<wcet Malaga Wine Si) eights do do do do Tor -ale by SCRANTON, JOHNDTON f* CO apr 10 PI »•!>«>, IIITIIIT A CO "' * H AVE receiv'd per recent arrivals a i.lce *s«i»r:- men: id Grist Ctoitv, ITaotets* l.iuaA at-d WhU# Duck i'oats, Pant- and Ve»ta. Also, ■ |.>t of lllack Nik Alparea Costs. For »*ie low. ‘ apr So of Um llnin. 1 i rii I< 1.’- H 5' C .* JOSEPH M.Tt LM.ii.Afm. tf 157 pr. : •!»*1* lirr'ERVE-C »:sr I I: V I. II poll DTRk i be Neu nl Mu tire, or ' •t.Uli. at an .ffU-imt rr'r,,'*rar tt:..j: rtfuge. are well kr-r-wn »r-d highly r;; •< [ir»,l.lf- f-.rm In wC.fb !l<r>eu'.'.| 'rsrti!»-d. In, a beC C»d S-'* U '.afi ove- '' vr-l *sit r.fCurileof r. :on, lU'Dir: if >.I tie | m n pi.e <*er- I . f.-rmifcf lieu I ; 1 fl-ritNrti'viif rtiU.u.c and tt*. J'*nv the n>«d>ftnv graie.’ui n-e ‘ - • - lli# f%tnr l.tns stLtiUv »ti, id n r-g frv tmoter be to-utrar taiaren n*. the fresh truil being. It •ru-urrstid the mixture t-« r reps re-1, it.d CKifjui ; '■) • cfo by to 'hr I r-ict.J Il ha* iIm. gr, 1 h i, k .-><* p.-Ti-l -la -i*. ' 1 »m*-e rC-' v-rr; ny l><«..; • < w« xae " dtwrri'ji W’t'j. tie .1 *».; ottseqiM-s.'.'; - M. TI f.ME.Apt I t » A> I l»**C<)lt 111 Til vXmi. /. I.»« TOOTH tV. 'I'III”dr licit**,#articlec -n.*. ncer* mstymcmuictt 1 qualities,hat !'• n.'W : !.• '.ec—ttr t ruidircbvurri » ib niin-ti-of New 3 urt.lfliiiidt!): u. f-ol wou. Ptt-sbt.rg. other plar. • IWM.cri.-f Ptyscau preecr >■« '• t. u.eit pn«K< «<*, «i.j. anc tnx e»« r\ »"«:,* :lie merer fiu:<- ng 'isda It. InSamed.sore,at bUc-;.. t rs«l- in andtt f S'd.* «kka*. 50' H ltuW 3 4 ti malt, vinous. r»r spirituous liquor*, in any quantity not less Ilian aquarl: Vrctoltd, the 'tins be n- t consumed or drank at the place where sold, and every perron lo whom-urb lUr-u-e may be gran.ed, shall pay twenty- five dollar*, ('lass No 9, for retail -hops, kc.. aurhor- Ixiug llie holder* to sell mall, vinnila, «.f splntuoua liquor*, tn any quantll), with periulsiion to drink nr con-innu the-aine al the place wli.-rn sold, and every pe.rson to whom such b'en-e inn, be grenie.1, - heU pvy (•»ne H in-lro.1 Dollars, by Drdlnanre pa-t«-d 8J*ih tie. cem for, DC54 ) Dsr 1.4-That any person obtaining a license of •Itlror of the two r.latte-, ..»* (.mller'e license, who shell trau-grn-s the terms, vlnlate the rolidltlons, or In Ifllign the provisions nl such llrenre, at dellionl In Ihla or any other ' ndlnem #>, vtiatt upon roiivimlon, (for pen- ally, ire Ordinance parsed 3d May, IH43., ORDINANCE PASSED 94th DEt’EMHEM, |P54 - nn r. 9--lllll from and ntler the pilling of Ihla r ifi||. nance, all and every per-on taking out n license, f'* 1 W I- It, T,r,.„r,, ||„„„, lh,» *.itn "I "in. Iliin.lrr.l n..|l,r., •Ill, m, mmi,I f... for the same, allowed by ordinance,and be -uhict to ail IIm. rr.ndltlorre and restilrtfon-.M |lir> a ,r ronlali.e.1 In the said ordinance, patted EJih Ocluber, IOI Hot, 4,--That H #h*l) not Ire iawlui lot «i,y *rs-tntts» r or eplrlioour llq ior* »«. have before their dottranr bars •try N-reea or r.Hrer rrlrst/u^tlon, which may prevent per*..iil from bring fit'reed lo Vl'W, w|.||n trailing for or drinking liquor on the tir.-rnlse*. undsr * ;rensn, nf thirty dollars,on conslcifou b*l"te the police t outl. One l.elf of tiu-h pmsliy to fo paid lo Hie Informer*- tire othar half into Ure City Treasury, OHDINANf’E PANNED 3d MAY, IH43. H B e T . I.— That lr„ni end after the pissing of line ordinance, If air, perron or |rers>.ns elnsll Ire convicted before Oiunr.l or the I'.dleeGoan, of vinlailng any of the prirri.i nt e» they are e'lr.ialtrerl In lire *e«on«L third end fourth aevilone of the entitled ordinance, h#,#li», 01 itiey shell Ire subject to « jreueliy of on* hundred dollars, to bsr ->u*.rr»d by an eseemten dlrcetrel lo the Manbal of said elty, «„ «ny tawmt I'ontlabia thereof, who -hall render, and by virtue Hrereof proceaut lo for* upon Ib" good a and rl-atleia, •nd If rmne to Ire found, mi lha lamia and tenement* nr I be offender, aid after *<l tertislng the seine fur fifteen davs, sired sell the same f ir the pevmenl oI the said fine, and atterret* ami eapt-nswa, nr by a mnttmiu. d|. reded id the Marshal uf said ally, nr any lawful Don- •Ishl* thereof, and In the Jailor of '.ha liaui County, If. In lire opinion nf (be presiding officer nf aald ffonn, •ur.h minimus ma* Ire neees-ary in enfurew lire cnil#«. lion of aald line, coal* and aspen***. Hut. 8.—And Ire It ftirtfor ordained by tb# auit.n,. Ily afurvtsid. lha', nil Ofdlnaw:#* nr part* ef Ordtnan CM mlllletluk agalnsi Ibw provisions nl this Ordinance be. amt Ure asm* are hereby repealed, city nf eavennab, IMb May, INI, I certify that theatre va are Itua axUaata from tha CM/ Ordinances. Aliasti EnwianO. Wiuon, c.c,pr# rue —ir ft |Dl*t RE.t 'E.I VKD.—A fol nf Careil efol flardan tl Wheelherrwwa, which I will ttHim very re**nn •Mfl term*. may 18 r. tv. cornwki,i. 104 Uryan at. •i w. Ring of Thomas Dm If and 31*ry Do,In, sHual'd Whitaker «lreel,city of Savannah, mate of Georgia. „ l"t 'W Eurulturn, nnd a stork of Millinery and Fancy Io, Goods, ••insisting In part of Chair*, Hedate*>L,n..l4«, Hites, llolincls, Lace* RIIiImiii*, k,-„ levin: nn to *at. Isty a m-irtgage, fl fj returnable m 1 hvtham Inferior < <"rt. In luvor of William Ifoxly va. Ttromaa D.i,|oand Mary Doyle; property p»tnle.| out In said mortgage.— Hale 10 take place al III o'clock, A. 51., and continue from day to day, until die stock II ill-itosed III. .may 30-dall.l# A- TTDl.MA' 4 , r.r. ( <11 VPIAM HlIKKirk'* HAI.E- Will be \ the dre-r of ihn Court House, lu Havannah. romry of • bstt'am, nnd •!*!" of Gv rgla, on the first Tue-ln, In July nrsl, belwn tt lire legal hour* nf tale, tlinon two | lots ot Land, sllualeil lu the county of < tiatham amt j Ht*t« of Gvwitu'a, nnd kn»*wn a* l<m» N»*. ntnct.-en, 1 lio 1 twent#, (91.) Ealr Lawn, near favauuah, rontaloti.g ti ten il»; acres,more or leta, with the IniprovriuanU I appurirnni rfa tbereou; the taiiro having luren . levied ou to anility a mortgsco fl fa, Ivaued out. f (l,o ; tmperlor «'# urt nf Chatham county In favor of Alevnu- drr A Hmets,Treasurer of lire ( bath in .Mutual Loan , A-sorlatlou v#. ilenjtmin R. Danlcll. Property point.«| 1 out In said fl fa, June 9 — Im A. THOM A", s.n.r. I / 111 \TUA M nHERlFE'H HALIL —Will lie told l,e 1 *.i»e the floor ol Ure Court House m ti.n City I f M avannah, the County of Chaibam, and Miatn '> Georgia.on tire Hr*! 3 ueelay In July nest, tretwr.n the I- gat ireur* m tale, ihat imrtaln lot ol land, aim -le In be l.'iiy o( Harannah.t ounty and mate alorrsald, W"*t of Earm tueel, amt known In the plan of John 'Muiron. as lot nueilier slkiy-flva (IU,) containing - Iiunilrr.l an.| ten III") fret, hy one hundred < Its-v, 1 being (rounded tro*lh by New street, rest l.y fourteen, 114,) ■ouib hy M numlierslvt, alt, «•) and weal by * eftret a.n, (Aliy f*e| wide j l * 1 ' 1*^1 the eastern part of *>*1.11 11 will* It" bull-lings and *pi.ur|entncra to Iba *emn apper taining wy folongmg t the seme having Ireen levlr-l on .'''"•'l * fl fa.loa-ie| not of the llnroral.te,, »br rniperl.» t-.url id Chatham • ouolv, In favor ol A lei* nder A. buintt, Treasurer nf lire Chatham Mutual o o ’ l A *r* r ‘»" n ». *k •*>motif Karri* Proptily poimed mil In a* d fl fa. A- TlDlM Ah, t. «<! r. J« I" Itno A ’H ATH AM HllElffEF'H hAI/h • Willfo eobfou Th; o . "'V •« /•••! he si, »t llm door nf lire tU-iiit o ire lu thivcti,. Utwren the D|*t hours ot sate, ell V" 1 **!.*/*• "f Savannah, known as lot nn, an. 1 liatham Ward, with the Improvement*, levied on the properly of Jim. H. C'ehhedge, fo talify a un-Mg-ge f| fa, nuinflhr Muireflor lAmrt of Chaiham ' "UM,, In favor nf James If.nmllh anil John ni.nld-rd, . A. TIHlklAH, *. a. n. J nue I -Id* rv. or tho Daunted Highwayman: by lha The Mount'd Rifleman, m the Girl of the Robber*' Pa**. Tnoso who h»Ve read Ihn (Rack Plumed Rifle- limn, will welcmnn lit* ••tnmintr.l” brother, as *omo- III tug l«r au'pastlng. Nn other than the pen nf New. ton M. corn*. c „d,| pr>-duce a romance of its character tie*' ta wro»»- gene,atly aflmirtst. Anii* • ley ton. may IV 133 Congress at. lEtV II4I4/KN, " RKi l.lVED HY J"DN M. INNJPCR k CL, Tlrov»d»v, Ap« it I fib. I'M IN INT oratura, and Huiesmen of Ancient ami I j Modern T.lnes, containing sketches nf their liras, *j eelinon* of*'ielr genius: by David A. Marabou. • ordlra; I'u-ture-que, lll-loriMl and Hoc9 with a •letrli oi Hi.' e.rly l>fo of, transtated irom Greman of Ferdinand Hrrgorovinei by Garrard J. n Clmurer (p Jen- fret 1 imwItSiLSUIftUG&yBhreB.ia 1 l' l ** , «l»'i«Milln#<uaild rsreeivalbalf anny. Those wishing the Plrtura* Dameil can Ire naraalnlvwtl at lire h , * M * P»H*4- U glllnf rwaa wood moalilieg, hy feaving Ibelr orders a; il,w hooka.ore nf •I’f « ». Nim.toV, III I’oggre** *1. M IJ'II k ffl’/N’d apa'ikir^ lilinbVtili Xie,pinr#aiM| quarts. Yor arrive. |,y Dll ANl.Kw RRI.L'iWfl,* bi*f D» - 54 New street, New York. tb II..- ling Hag; a collection of aphamernt by N. Park- •rttnii* I re-, fur. • on English Literature,Dr liy-oti; h, Iti-.-ry llesul. , |lo. New l-.a-torali by Thom** Bur Ionian need, i.letai.l Wa dgrave. or tiro Trials of a Governeta; by J. I*. nf ••-tanford Hall. * Ac The Harking House. U tale from Blackwood * Mag* tine: h, Hauiuel Plflltlp*. •!•» 14 NEW IIOOKNs ~ REt’ElVEH HV H. H HlllLEV, APRIL Nil, 11133. ( IHANTIEY .Manor | a lale I bv Lady Geurg.anna I r'iillrr...ti. au hor ol Ellen Middleton,Lady Bird, kc ~ a- vciMh <■ lliton. 'flte Poetry of (Ittat'U) l OotialsUh* al *el#*H««*from upward* ol seventy of Ihetnosi celebrated poett-irana* Isled Into I’.iigllsh verve, with the original icil.<ntbe opirostie page : b, Allred Baker villa. More sit Downing'- c-'unlry House*. Glide,'* Lad*‘a Hook. ItariM r's Gfsbam's-I'u'nsm'aanil Hlackwood’s Mag al III"*, and I tana t-esHe sLaieti- for *s.e a. p r • 35 •NlNlJIIEMH *T . NEW HOORN. nt'.Cl.tVED BY JuHN M.iVAiYKH kt’tt., Monday, May Ulh. CI'll E. lllrelli gaud the Mate. A Poem. I lteiidm*e,-ere* nf Glia,lesion 1 bv Charlea Fraser, t\ atkiri'- • urnmerclal and General l.oielnn Dltrcioiy and t «oirt Guide, for IH.VV Homes lor the People, An hllhurl, ahd Cntit|tr| —the Villa, the Man-Ion, and tha (.'ullage 1 by Gervata tV heeler. Isabella Vincent, er (ha Twu Orphan* 1 hy 0. IV, M. Hey noble t'apiain <I'MitlRvaw—hla tolltiar/aail Matrlmealal by IV. H, Msiweil. I mil, ternnii, ar Filial Plat) E.vempllledi hy Mra. Diumni'rod l*i, 1 titi- Cnisdie I a 4V»vew#wter*a fllwf/1 by Grace Kenursly. Utrh and Poo,, tnd hlhsrTratt* fet tha TMwaat by Mev J.D, II,le, II. Ar Tbe E»mil. at IlsaihsrdsUt nr lha JallNaaM al Christian Erinciple* 1 hy Mr* Maray. ^ I’rvH-w* I'aulti.w; er lha DernlluM of lha AMflUf Paul, Header*’ Vo. Mas 1 eis’Aif. ms, 14 entire*'!##* *••■ lflf» >r | Hooka-toll, Nl.MIRIKN. DOXEH Cireese E.ngiisb, Dairy and Cream. 10 lihd* Haeun Hide* and ^iiouldrr*. |0do Migir, N.l irlrans, Mutcavado k Potto Rleo 3 cask- sugar cured Mam*. 50 bid- erusl ed, |>uwdere,l and refined ‘-agar. |0<l buxe* and bail bows Tobacco, vattousktndG 50 M H* g«r», variouv«, luiirortedhdt-rofwlic 1 73 bhl# Wltw-s and Liquors. fJlbbl-, and V do No. I, 2, and 3 Mackerel. . 80,J,' and X ebrsts lly-ou and IHack Teat. , 3D bbl- Hugar, Hrnla Crackers and Pilot Broad. | 4‘l trove* and hall troxcva-vorlrdCandies. 8" kltt- No. I and 8 Mackerel and Ha tu >n. > 5“* No. I atnl I’alc Soap. 30 bbl-, X and W bids Buck wheat. 5U tia-k. i-champagne <>f our own Imirortatlon. I AL«o, a general aseonment r.f P.rkle*, Prescrvea, Jollies. Catsups. Hplcea, Itaitm*. Fig*. Hantme*. Cor dials, Nuts ot all kind*, a-iorli-d -oap*. Chocolate*.Co- ! ooa, kr, Ac., all id wfrch will Ire *o!j aiitiel iwrsl 1 market price by CIlAMED'N k WATTH, Jaiilfl 0 No.4 Barnard street. | WIHII LINENH.AND DIAPER*-4rase* Di»h Lto- | cns, as*orif,i; 4 do ai*ortrd Birds E,e. Burs a and llucksbuck Diaiur : 2 du a-sortc-1 Table l)ia|-<r;8do Linen Towel*. For sale by ttiar 4 WILLIAM G.FOOTR.. I ItoWN MllllTINGH An|1 HitKF.TlNGH.~30bale* : 3 4 brow n HhlrUng-; Hat7 fl d.» heavy do. 5o do 1 7 H He* Island do; VO do 4 4 do do do; 50 do 4 4 ta-orled brown Hbaetiiig*. and for isle b» tnarfi tVILl.l \M G. l '*"Tn. ' ( ' l Milt A MH AND I’KtNTH.- 84 case* are,.r(e»l Hcotch, 1 French an t American Ginghams, 10 do assorted Mourning do; 4»l do Allen’s. Duio.el's, >p.ague. Amcrl. can, English end I ranch Pilnta. For sate hy mar 3 # Wll.l.l A5IO. fOOTB. 0 " - HNAIIt Rt.H.—bale* \ugmla while • •snaburg*; j tit bale* **-.»rtc«l brands do; :hi do do strl|>e«l do; 80 do l.’bOCtaW Htrlpcs. For aile In mar 3 WILLIAM G. FOOTE. I PRINTED l.ttVNH, JVCrtNITH, he -30 case# a* s.vrte«l printed Ijvwos, American, French an I Eng lish: 9 ca-es French Jaconet*; 1 do plain French Lawns; I do do do Cambrics, for tale by mar 3 WILLIAM G. FOOTE. !>ANTAI.IH»N HTDFFH —V0 cs»e# asrorted Ci-lton j I I. let, American and French; In do do Linen Drills 1 r ial 11. lane, and white; 4 «a»o» hnavv brown Linen 1 trill*; 3 bale* heavy planters’ Linen. I or sale l.y mar 3 WILLIAM 0. FOOTS. B leached HiiiHTiNGH, he.-ao cates *»*->,ted * btearhe.1 Hhtttlng* i 3 do do do Drills and Jeans ; 3 do do do Diapers, l or selr by _mar3 \VILLI IM (}. FOOTB. H AcriN.-'.li hhds prime hi.ire, in store,and for tain liy FADEI.I ORD, FAY h CO, Jan 13 c M A HEIR t WINIL-IOO case* (18 bottle* each) of . supcri -r qitslliy, from II.-war,I, Match h t o In store and mr sale by PA DELE* ‘RD, FAY h IN), jan 13 c C V.II Qt’rtT CM IMPAGNE. 130 basket » n( Ihls'fe vorlte tt inn. In store, and f..r sstr bv jaw it - n FADE.Li i*RD. FAY h CO. j'IIF.hII Ill’ll DID3 cares fmsh Gum Drops, 1 assorted Ravot*,‘for safe by JO*. M. TI’RNER, I gent, _fe'* 13 137 Broughton streeL _ ^Y"1T. l.lnenHMrt ll««eoms, rrcetve-l thb I..IIYN Oi GEOIIGM I T AH “ID at (he session of IH43-4, compiled with noies,’ T J-Rutherford. Price fl8.3c. mat I W. Til 'IIM: Wll.l.lAMH ii4h)nti»>’n i.iat:. \\’ THORNE WII.I.IAMH has Just rnceired vv • Tho l.tfc of Ham Houston,illustrated. Wo-dfort*a Roost; b* Wa*y.thct,.n Irving 1 t.r i h<misiry ol Common Idle; by Jubnvlon,com plete. Family Prayers; by Jno. Cumming, aultor of Lrc- lores on ll.e A|>ocsly|-*e, he. Uobt. Graham, a Acquel (o Linda: by Mrs. Lee llenu. 7 hrec Thousand IteeelpiG forCooking Pastry, he. Ilowa-d Gny ; aHtory for lloy*. | Lewis's American .-porumau, wuh nuturf.-L# rft- . graving* and various blndmgG calf, gill, m.-rorc-.. cloth, he i .More of WykolT-Courtship.Fanny Te**. kc. |,or the First Days of Blood; hi Duma-. Felt-cue Mngsimr, amt Mcrchstiv’ klagame f->r I April. apl | ^l'MHHl'A.~4»« rrceivtd jer *lr»t»et K. v-tt'.r 1 ’ In krg* fine Goshrn Itu icr, 2 bbl-. Fh’U-t* Ipb'a Rolled do. Ill titd* Whitt lleatis, 4 do Dritd I’eorh.-s. 4 ib> Dried Apple*. C bbl*. Apples—Russets—^ do sei f - rising Flour. 0Cares t'ilre Oil, a Cue lot of ' brtse. By rti|s he., he , lor sale b«^ trt.i' J.THRr.LKELD A«’t. RAM ill.--, WIN EH, he.—5 halfpipe* •*. D k. Co e# nuerac and other brands Brs-dy C halt ptf 5 qr ra>k V punch# Jr Hi Ix'Ull n’t croi Rum Jamaica do 4 pipe* llolUnu (-'.n icho(c«J 12 qr ca-ks Maditra Wine 9 cask* Ht.crry «! P quartet cask* Port d. Ill stole and lor *»ie bv *|.C5 a. V.iAs! do t' Euci-h. rl.y '1 MMI'.H VK-TH.— White IJnen Due*, ainl white N and finev colored Marseille* Vest*. Just recetved apt l' " Ri IRISH' »X M C VMl’’-. IIAMPAG.NE,lletdslrk, Verxetuy,(Inache, Anchor nd Crow a brands, in quarts and pint* (<•' ssle t y apr 81 MINI-* h JOHNnlON l/WlTltlUTII Bbt>lfl> - A uige soppli, I French and American Trovth h.n-Urst. E« JOB. M. TCRNKR, Age. feh 13 137 Mrough'on strrrt. I l'sf rtveitrsi instore: 3,'hsi ft*, sugar cun-i luu.v put up c*|<^'lally lor fsmliy use. 1 or Mir bi mart J. A. BROWN. S t'NDKIF> —40 hoxr* Ma'aca and HIcKy Lemon*, IS chi—:* of sute'lor Tea*: III hove* t'ntno Totvacoo;fl caors nantiars; 1 cask flue Balt ( m small sack-'. 3 pipe* Wider amt White Wine Vinegar. For taleb* mitt J. A. {(R'UVN. 1 and lor Bale al J. A. BROWS’.*. VhUkcy.of the much approved brands «>t ••Hoylr-** and “vVllsnifr, ’landing from brig Duncan ami for vats l»T feb ta Cdlir.NH h IIERTT- U 't v.—?(« hairs prime Nonherw Hay, tarot.t-g t^r I‘irk Giro-Wpeed a rot foi -«1e b« fob IN HRIGIItM, KEI.I.V h Ot. • )i Ilk FL*' WH, In at-re and rocHv ng. for site t», hKlf F. IV. ixtRIrtVIil.l, fob.*2 108 Hrym surrl. \ (.r.D I'LTI It O IMm.MFNTH, for **1c hv fohtfj r. IV. mtHDl'Itldq IN Hrraw 1 'H* • I Tt.» Landing I tit* Day iromeenr. rouwerees 1 barrel* tup, rfloe Flour. | or v»le by apr *h LYNN h NNIDEff I > M.TIM I I store.< . W AI IB IV • dsv. by AtlrtTII. WM -Til bid* ehob-e, landing and for sale BORA.'TON, JiHINnTtlN h (X), apl 81 XI «». RYRI’P, * by tnsr 10 | ><lf iflK’-H — HlTbbl# Potatoes. In gorot rrofo-, land rog and for sal* by lll’NTER h G IMMEI-L aprfl B Uir«U -80 keg* chrtWlfo-KinT fusi reeeTi reTanil formI# oj MrMMDtN h DOYLK. mar 01 Rift.—1«‘ #afksTiour,"in*i rrtret-eTatvTfoi aai* 1 by Me. M AID IN k D‘>YLE. mu 21 P iTtaTORfl, (NrtlFIHII, CANDLE*, hc.- 511 bids E,viator* 4 eaakaCroliuh 83 troira Idaroantlna Cf ndfos 30 do Tallow do 83 bids Canal Eta*’' Lauding and for Bale hv mar 81 *< HINTON. JnlINNMN h to. OpftING AND Hi'MM Ell PLlNt ATlON GOODIL Plain and **trl|.e-l. Cotton I'snabnrtS the heaviest In the Blare, I’lat-I aud Billped Marltro-n, Blue Home- •iron BMitlns niripv*. V. *4 and 4 4 Itrown ahtHlng, Blue Romal* and i'o»ore»l Head Handkerchief* for anfe hv AIKIN Ik PL'RNfl. •rvw l4Al.IL—Te*! S r e. #4, (\alh-ww War-1, also, Ire ' wear Ratlnred Dei*oL fee simple, Apidflo mar » DAVID II. Dll.l.tiN, Market square. Ci«»AP, AtAftOILfte.- O Ud trove* Family. Pa w ami No, | Woap kd whole and Half Irove* Blare* 40 Utsv Tallow ('arott. v h'» and OS Ml de t’MbaWUae We«*r* » d-. half gallon and quart Ptrktee. Lamllnfl *'<d for sale by «ar «7 HrtLl'OMHU, JtiHNauN k CO. roil »i •trl-, w-osl and Ml •alehf UaMAIliiN h D"VLR. t •pr k I4ih Inst-, al II oVbvk, A. M., will be e'ld *1 the p-and, one red and while i rw. marked la lire left ear with a spill, with a rope around her l-orm. apr to Ml IWMufta. .TIMoRE ri.rtTlR~-Ch.-ice HsHlmore Flout, in | c invUnmeat. srot liv sale hv _m*r3l K .»\ l.\ND h OV ; ^ ( i t aKTi.-vw bbl* Me*(can Guano, in -i-'te and tor - *. \ aalehy CAKLKW'N h fM(Hrt\B, mark's No wl Bay rental I JOTAfrtKH • ti« Mils l o ai.vs r,v tile to artirn. per ship Frank martfl CIRLETON h pARBOXtt ( **'vSr»ri‘Hrtl.AMKA,-»*M*hhds, lO tiercvG amt 89 bhl* prune • Wh* Mol*»*e», In fine ervle-, 'Vltl re te'ved per brig l(. U. Lawton, amt nv oaie |- *pr 9 P IDELIN'RD, PaY h CM. tb ' irol rfi.-rii.i lubnroi!., . ku they at* mi«doto ri»*lpcar' isskuua. u» s.ftv- H.rougi. the mouth suck, d-Mtifgi (nti is—. :m; it* brrart. i*-r'«tcrd riqui-'< tvrtLiv' :* r n-e lu-Ulid • afford rrlit-lto the mou vimlr»tMO-tdr tb<-follow 11.g«erttflratefrom br.te:...-. 1 ■ foci#:*; worM-w )i> cciebriiy.wbi. ha-stfot -.uvlh* t-vrJstf a rbetnicii anily-i-. isprro fsafari.v- nehuv uy one r.f its -upertortly. ••1 nave cvaained a b-f.U o( • 7.i»e*»'» Avt> Broairin 7 rovw tV»-u.' ir -t flr'• >:« tvs-tfeakg yve^inSir-n of an (nnorent ibarnc'r- l :v2 prow bcnrfij.x.] for the pery—* It Is rrvr c ar Ja*t% L ''vitl-.IU' Vtcu. Jut:-even edan«j for salr by tt. tCu'l' 13, n-«v IT ‘ Monun.n >curt. Mi:( ki:iiv imkivTi. “ n.l P I RED I X!T.L““I Y rOR FA VI l 1TE A Ikclicutr nnd Apixuprlatn l'ot>4 lay Mil Sru-euv, A rol enrol the mm: ec*>bo»»r*l. rnrious ani *h>e scare preparations r-r- trough: tn the utre, c\‘a.b.fctr.r ihrgtst traiion of the yu.; ate. w uk tmpi. ar-d hcaV.tftl -u—srerenrr > I :hr t«t« ^TRDTI.Y MT.IKING. I'e.lcK' Tima :* WJg -tr-i.cT-m war laxative b-u nsforauve. rirt-rtbreat tbe dtgeGi«e and it—>*t<i system Ir I*.*-'Krut H-'»c'». Drerthrei. l>) se tiles y. oikS e»e«. t raws rf < hoVra, when f>«! U deemrd vdm -val. * l•; ifo |g«» ; c an. Iler Were*' Eannt t»r.o<.: fait to t- MtlTI-.'. Ud «b, rr-rr kirova I- Cltafo fotj r.*<\( .r I. »>4 t.nvaie prertlre. T*J.< p»,«e ••a;rou . '}»*: ) nf .♦# pee-esdlow of slrkPess, tt a; least as ir;.-'*.Mi»r U ruivagef .It*,-#-*-. People 'h t-e» it «<■ .tre-ri.fl* ; E«m.a tree}, *, <-omn, n l. s g».. [meu the ini-tlimiWe Met, t.g. ’ j Fro sjle by Growe» arot Dtuggislt genera' j "Ire talc by CliARl.I .- r. P»n. No IS v .... mr*.-* • lUhim.-re : DINGLE k MirtTIIER, V* Mi l Tvn i si/rres. Ptii!»dei( h i; snd bv tbe Viru'w t-t-i.RIXl. I I I. ^ UK- * T Ii I.K, *1 the C-oion Mills,IS 1-Vrrery K-rek j Nrw V -k . vp-A I 'lTT>‘.> V.S7K ICt‘ IlCl UF.- I re.r*v-.p*rn< j rty for di-earo* of ibe t.’»4.le*. spir'. * -iare-». iw u- n-.Vo-can-; alvsford,*p.p*.s.chfx-u-c rlximav^a, and • of tbe akin. The above rorohe-ne is ei“»r«t!r rrreor t*wro.Vs‘ (r air -u- *rhi prantifonefo of it*ed»r!ire. • r.' t’re T** * Cerrerodj. M : can he aar«'. bv pare-re* ,» s' Mts I'd hsb’t- ; 1* j-leatant to the (*»:*. s»m! w , N- roec.'« »(»* b« it-i pit-rnl, no afore* how ad-cm brn-lsu nl 1 p isolipiie. I'or tele by tie 09 c JOHN It MO. Ri X _ Mutiltll, IINTIH' 311 NTN ••ft'll»: swbrciUverefih 1 for s»V a torfe •** ''*** * I Hurfiral In-irura-r-:*^ of tbe t-r»i nn w lir% - among -b eh will trelogrol be 'ob.-M gpoiko-w-w C'l'aN.s 1.8. X arot 4 31 'n< r «-prrahag 1 a-' He;*, lye In-founren'.*. l.l.t. <■>»- *•«•. “'.-si *ais It -I-V11U* Ut». HilVf- Hyr'-'C ll-frts E-»e- '.-wet. AmpufoUng ai*.( Tr»phir-mg seta, ohsie —o* ’• n ^ n v«ifi.;», P.'-J M,%.,uvw iris I l'ur"« W* » ' ** r ’ UiiUei, Hntlrt. Pofypwssn.t T -"k Fortep-. Bjror*-ii» 2. 3 amt 4 valve ; “Inp Jo » t-ve srot iu* ' »•'—'*> > h I'vwps Ts'slrj*. D»'* fsl.-'V'S. r.'trl HP>(n*i-oU. Maw’s Sppara’ns *f. ke The atro-e will N- Mold ** ! -w ascee te pvrerks-eM. phhsdrtpbre „r N»w t --k. .<•» <*»•• *e «-« artfop>*Mf» v. TfRMk. ..«•« ,,,,, Cl So lit Hr nr 1/ t.o III rap J' Co.. v j \\ • by ta-e -Iratwer*. and offer fowiS 1 1 ). • . I * »M'll «*f b.vtid “'ifoed Rareces. Mack Hall* p'.aid Berogs* ri#'" black do Klerk and while Ttssar* aed Itpnts R.rb printed do tro do Vtt-hr Loire* l-o «1« rtrgarotlet • olonr-t Hipped Htik* 31 iNTILUIH-IUock and rol-re-d Mk Merit;)** 1\« do m b;tg tUhff <* |Vv l^i » dr PANT HTVTTN—Fish) a A -r pswlt.tne* ivui* Itrown srot wn.te d-- go Plain r rot l'*« c, iWtstets Chech 4, a t-ped k p i n lOiwsM CO ATIXC-8-IUack l*ea; -h I ie* D- »nj .5 • 1 »a K, » arot Mpa.ces •T, of led and -i'ipr-4 lucw bfvwe -.rot hwff go »I (It# ami r*n:v Mareerture. I ^RRlMI FI.rtDR -»»•*»** ehofo# Teenemoo FV»wr; DM bill* do Hat 11 mote Howard siroe* A.-; 30do*a- petlor Bl Iroiits do; 8w ,t.« Ge-regta extra faiviu d.-| ah f •*’ double astral anal » Nr, tn e«rhih and qnartev hhls t and tackst superior exirw Graham Float, tn eighth bbt* amt sack- Alt flesh from th# mills arot wattanl rd qwatipve, m siore am) r«r sate bv •P» I" JNO. INUF-Ra-'Ll MAY SPUlNiY CtOOnS IIOKI IIUII.IIA I.Aimil. . H 1\ I i'Vre-*r.( |re« le>r * r-.vaK a vve »iJ *,'«*• e MUlimrSl of It if J. |v»ew» 1—*.ro* M noo. o.«n-.sit-vg ef folkv tu-eea, k-m-r*. Ul»«K*vns. » 4 ps-nl-of *■' kind*. klo».afe : ttJ ^ of t g rob l 'wen (uenU 1 wvrers-era, Hucbabuik, IVa 'a* trot roSro tsssgug. he. kt, 111 PUNTIiMN Thrv .vffrr lot mre BcMrj'i for .pod lNotion v1*mai-w«t* - II hue Manchreres *M WidhV Fu*d# amt fl»*T*h t'H.--taw a».i io.lni*g •* V. '* ami 4 4 Ifoewa hhiMleg*. T«t. ikn Miih a -a«-ri| «-4 rroeisiw# »..-ro.*a K 'M\ntl'..IU'foNfl H itter, ciierbr,ke-~' 03 1 leg* choir* (L-aKew Halier r.v hove* I iigtiah Dairy and «Vnnotow Iheese fti reset Pioe Apple do W r*»k* g« 71 hhls Barter and Bartr Oaokoit 83 half bhl* Noe. I and • Mackerel » kegs No Leaf lent t -arot(ng ami mi sate hy mar 87 HOLCrtMML MllNeoft h 4X1 bl'lt vrimi... - — I or quality, |« Iff ft. rent, n»l ep evfve^ly for drwggtsisi alto. It frovr* wsnelqwalnle* klewsred, te amall tin sum*, for family use, Just nseetved »M »•** **)#, *1 New Y*»k prices, hj J11IIN INGRRBrtLU mat ffB A gee t for ft»g—e W'|t».JleM_Yort. \\M| Kit Eft ARROW* Bhovefo, INNUm Msksu 77 ami A ane, r->r sate bp f. tv7iNiRN\VftLI., ^ fot-tfff ^ DR prygn Ilseet 1 E ITHER ami RwMmr ftetlteg h-s w-oek-eer,. nv I s .... hv F. tl . tMRNIVRl.i^ ■vtre re ly- ***** -m. I—»~j rowiVeNmn,, 1 rrnvafiTwroic I avurthfleipisi roret-vd trot h>* bv I" •pit* Hitl.CltMRRa JiiHheON k it*. * u Rpring nug -uiuliirr Wtredv. - '1 c» 1, .M'-ocviher he* srow eywesvt a f»q ***** I ».VW*I*V H UM VnciNproerwi and resrow* •* 1 m-n. 0.«.a'M.»vg «W P*M of ,.i.Mng la part of Pur* arot —-g.vog o.reh* tro g,v fog nivsoe* Binqremrtkog Mach tv^ute I -i-.i I brewh iW» «w Pia-k lw#r de E»ro faw-rg ftsart Drifts II b*-e Iv-tilk. Pei-na't pi.rit _ , II pH* arot rtro) U.U-v Ae - hR ef -*»* J Ibe who(* of which he t» preparsd «e order. tn 1 he wvret faahtsreahm wroneer. *nd +****" lrov » ,*, m a IV W R. »I drtNfo sear X' tWeyves **4 Tarter. (T II h'vaksv v* ^ TV fsfivwlrr*. f |'lir s(* l eg,sn* hate nevu <Md rAf "e* •**• I fo-hiey't nirtped |w.« while 4e 5 I do do B«,re- <v l.tnee do klartveee wvlpwd fo- C*>*,-**w loaWiM |S»r4»wa UtasNiStil-. M*e#ho>v do *— J. twill., '-'•'‘*1"" tea- • III.NKI LITHRvT k «v i W AI l.vt k VMNBl.lMlhi Jones’he e Dtt<hl