The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 08, 1855, Image 1

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VOLUME LIII, I'llE REPUBLICAN is ruMdsilKP t)n lly,Trl»Wo«kly uml Weekly, .. \V. ALEXANDER & CO. M rv Ai«a«i»iifn*v 1‘HIWTEn TKKJIS KKUUCtlO: ii til % i*M|ttfr*in AdvaiKiif ...■•& «0 , uol In V*\\um r„... ttOO ii »|| v« in Adviluco, Cairn n«utUk« 3 00 i Advance, 3 00 H i«ni I’ul'l in iilvmicn, 4 OO u,>ukh< Invariably (u Advance, C 00 l tub Urlegy-IOKopitra Cor ....13 OO In no caw will au outer tor tho paper beaUended accompanied with the money, or aaailifhiv xn reference. 1(0AUD or UK W/r 11-18415. Used#. UewsHUra. ij..'ii—Henry LMhmn, Andiew JncWson Itaupt. - • *—»* Johnr**- “ *“*— **■ WomrJBuBlwtaa Carta. _ . *. CIIHIIHI.Ii. flencral Auction and Commission MHHQHANT, No. 154. Bay••trout,' bnlltli'from bit friends couilumuunta of every Ua- • • • >| *>o I. . My |wr*on*l Atumilou will bo given lo tbo aalo or Ileal Estate, Uauk Stock. ko. Him to Hiram Koherla, Bsq„ Neraon, lleldt k Co.i K. I. Wood k i*o., Noble Lyon, B»q., Savannah | E. H. Harris, II. 8. Thlow k Co n Bales k Lucaa, W. 1). Hob* bln, Montgomery, Ma. mar 17 T. J.TIIIIELKELU, A«*t. aaNkkau ouoceUi romv'AiiuiAu akd commission. „ ,, „ MERCHANT. No. 148 Bryin-atroet ( ihrco doora Emt Matkot-iq. SAVANNAH, OEOIIOIA, Keepa conttantU on band a general dock of Family Grocer let, low tor cadi only. roar a. Wfl. WAIKINU IIA ICE It (III A 31, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Co,n.r Ul H.y.„dM„m, 0 n,ory.....S.v.n„,l, U :. a-penler* How—" Hliain Mortil, .MnUlilna Atnoraua. AO ham—Edward G. " llnon, Dane Brunner. (Wvimbla—Joseph F Gvmnion. Pruncls T Cola, nai'ord—Horace Gillum,George 8 Frierson. ;f j Town—John U Uatnwull, HAT tawreuce, An tonio Ponco. ;wur-Milton J Hockner, Jacob F Doe. ‘►•si—William W Lincoln, John ('ana. ( - .ft-*.Richard T Iurner. Edwin SZIIImwer, f.wkUu tSesrj—Thomas Uoyuca, William Ryan, r-uttHiu"bli—Aumii llorchorl, Edward Lovell. • tie—Joseph Burke. John F Cercopvly. '»■! Lot, No. ii—Milton Humphrey*, Thomas Prea- JrrvnsL Ffiitveoic—Jnmoa Sullivan, Isaiah Davenport, jwuoi— Solomon Coben, William II Gulua. Ji»l<cr-Moras 3 Cohen, Alfred J J Ulole.' cayrtle—M«*aea D Cullens, octsvus Cohen, . tvrtj—Tbomae P Blevins, Fraud* Ulalr. V 'tirrey—CbarlaaW W Hruen, Joseph W Webatar, rib Ogidborp#—Andraw Farry, Christopher Witte, Daniel J .MoKenale. k idle Oglethorpe— II D W Alexander, John Wilder, Lemuel Hover, «.iib Oglethorpe— l.aul* N FaUlgant.John M WlUlama. ’•viral—John <• Starr, Dr Harvey L Byrd. LasM— GeorgeF Palmes, William itogera. Jr< noble—J GnmmeL William U Eihrridge. f.vmghlll—William liltey, Martin l‘e> ion. b>up—William It Thomas, Clawilua KmteneRarle. ai ton—William Humphreys, WilliamHerme*. T»ren—Edward F KI licit ley, Joseph H McDotiell. tublngton—Henry F Wllllnkjr., John A Mayer. To tbo Inhabitant* oC tho City of Sa vannah. Tie ruleaof tho Board of Health make U obligatory me to address you on tho aubject of measure! for preservation of health. It la presumed, that theaad Tarnthrauco of the but year will make It necessary mr to ray but llttfe. Every good citizen will feel, i: bis duty to hlmielf and Ills neighbors requires him keep bl« premises clean and In good order. Tho dess and inillff.-reut, wa can only reach throhgh the Solicits condgmueuis, and I* prepared to receive Cot* ton and Merqtmudtze gonerallv, upon storage. **“ 1 Nr- Jan l Nov.lit,’Mi. JA3IKS ». MCHOI.S, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Jonea* wharf, foot of Aborcom-atroot, Jan II SAVANNAH, GA. ly CAHI.F.TON A PAIIMINM General Commission Merchants. 89 HAY-STRKKT, hAVANNaII, UEUHGIA. a. i. carlcton. ciub. ransson. dec W _ __ _ ^ "jiiNik a JoiiNis iOiV. General Auction k Commission Merchants, Tender their services to their fHomls and the public. Jan 3* 5 e . UIIEEVEU A t'O., (At C. A. L. Lamar's,cor. Drayton and Urynn-sts.) Factors and Commission Merchants, RAPAXX.Ul. OA. wa.w. caaavca. joins a, sura. uovUt) ly PATTEN, IliTiWkUOo F O K W ARDINO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 DU Huy (itreoi, .S’.irannaA, Ga. \y 13 J.O.aUtX. J. II. 1IAVIS, W.II.LOKO. IH SE. DAVIS A I.ONIL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Junel Navtsimnli, CJn. lAni'EI. PALItlEUA SON, Dealers In II ARD\VARB,CITI.KRY, FILES, EDGE TOOL 8 kc., WIIOLISALa AND RBTAtL, No. 148 Congi-eu end 07H .JulianStreets, 5ueaiinaA. Georgia. Jnne3 TV31. genkral broker, FOR THK runcH.ISK .1X0 S.11.K OF RF.AI. HST.1TKAXO PF.RCOXAI. PROPERTY. BAY LANE, SAVANNAH, liA. A. PONCE, Importer A MantifacturorofNegari, NO. I3 W IIITAXKH.sTa V KT, Keeps on hand a well selected stock of Imported Be fan:alio Manufactured Tobacco. Snuff, Pipes, and all otberartlcles usually kept in hlsllneor business, which he offers on the mo«t rMumnablc terms. uovlt n. a.. toicr.A, CONTRACTOR AND IIIMLHER, Taylor-atrccc Inrt oooas wbst or dkiyt«n.itrkst.'i Is prepared to contract for all kinds of ilalldlng ami Repairing. Also—ToconductWater through tho varlouiparl»ol HollM'S. oct la ; and tlirv may be assured, that the ordinances will !< irriCf/y tifortld. Whoever knows of a nuisance existing In the cUy,ls Tinted to report the same to the Committee of tho *,\i-d hi tho nuisance exists. Should theScaven* p- nrglect to perform t.l duty dally, you are requested v rrport him to the Chairman or Sccrolsry of the Dili of Ilf abb. Permit mo to recommend you to use lime and cop* ;tfis, a« tliilnfictlug agents. You esniiol uie them loo Stiy. I hf*«c who are unable to purchase, will bo sup. p*d with them by applying to their Ward Committees. ^fere concluding, 1 would call your attention to the r.t.h and ninth sections of an Ordinance, passed In i Usncll lulls August, IW9, to Witt >«tlon tt;h. lho owners,'tenants, or oecqpanti of t a-Mi, »li«ll kef*p within their yards or enclosures, * .ppctitel., a box os liarrcl of suOclent size. III Wldch u. u be dei»si'ed nil the offals, flllb, rubbish, dirt, and r. f, matn-r uem rated In said building ahd enclosure, s. j he mid Qllli of every desi-rlpdon ss nturewld, shall xplaced In said box or barrel from the luduy of Aptll m :he 1st da) oi November, belbre the h»ur of 7 o'* — s _ ;.<k: tnd (r»m the 1st day of November, Inclusive, to *»• 8, tillLLER 8l J. D. rEliltl'SOS, >• U.trf.yo! Jl.rcli, Iiic10.It«, U.-tw. Ihehuurura WI1EC1.WIIIRIITS.V lll, \< KN1MTI|S ti. <V. A. M.jand aiieh mailer so plucetl.sCa/fbsdaify .. .. v. .u«i, (<nndsy*excep.ed.) by ttie said .'cuveuger, '*•* »evH.«lTPCIy • .ch places without the city, as shad bo dcslgnalou S.fP.f.VA'.f/f, (0.1.) If lie Mayor or a majority of the Street and Lane Carrliures, Wagons. Carts and Drays manufactured. l* rnmiueo. . y niacksmtthliig. Including Iron Railing and Urates for vc. this. That evory householder and ociupant of a DullUtngs,kc. done at the shortest notice. . auuSfl I ,‘c, shall keep the yard, cellar,enclosure or premises ! 'V. s icuplcd. clean and clear of and free Inun all putrid I niiiMii a. a.i.nosaa i ..inking wotcr or thing whatsoever ; and It shk'l r i ataDOO nnisiimomi iirnnii i urn v Uuduty oi every bonsebokler or occupant of a house, FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS u,mw Into the privies attached to their yards or *n. Hay street. Savannah, Georgia. :■’•eves, a peek or a siinicicnt quxnllly or lime, onco a RtraaBNCKS-Uvssrs. Halt. Moses k Co., and Col. :. th durlUK the tn-idhs or May. Juue, July, August, John Hanks. Columbus.'Keorgla ; Mews. Hall, Irpieiiiiier.Dctobe* and Novtinher. . k Rolterts. Monig nuery, Alabama; Mr. A. J. Brady, t wpl also call your aUenltim to the 'Jd section of an Atlanta. Heorula. anrtltt lit I* ll.n mith nl An,II IS}?. - —— — ■■ ... ■— — * — R. A J. LACK List IN, Engineers ansi 31III wrlghta, /MOV* Rl<ASS FOUXOF.ltS' Canal*8treot—Near the Canal Lock. B.LACHMSOX. J. LACIILISON. at i»itii.««i:»»* pitiVTivr, oiiici:, No, II Wlilli*kt*r«!air€Mi(« X1T CARDS ate printed at g-JJiU per thousand. IMJltt*— tf. aUentbo) to the Sd section of an Drdlnanrepassed liH’oitncllon llie ‘JOlh ol April, 1(127s ?.•<: Jnd, fh .taiiy perwitior |»e»«,nwiling or «*ccu» i anv lot <>r part of a lot as a yard, garden, or lor , » oihfi parpoH‘, shall keep ibe same clean and Tree m tilth or impurity (rum aitltnai or vegetable mat* ' : and when such lotiir part of lot strdi no ascotatn. , i.\ tin* Hoard of Heslih, (hrmigti iheir Ward t otn* ' —• •—-— ((*•% l" he unclean, and In Imd order, they shnil Q \IMtlAOK REPOSITORY »enne day’s notice of Ibe fact by the any IX JuXT V/O 1 A V/ls 1 > Constshlo, .o the owner or owners, occupirror oc- 1 i’.U-rs. pointing oiii wherein tho evil complained of .•:*:*, und with tllreciiou that It be forthwith remnv If, aPi r such notice, the lot or pait of lot shall ue unclean and in bad order, the Mar.hal or r MAUTTPAOTOIIY. A general and complete OMornncut, Just ^received. eiii«rpe.c,«til) o.itlio V it'n^l«..;ii<lwl th I , hSmS^Mifon 0 .' |,,,1,,red . ROCK A W AYS, . no-top lift;UHL*.built by William Dunlap,of >|tvr aid. caui*} the tilth or Impuri , •ly tor the >catenger*a carts, or ial/y covered rr with s nd or earth. M. J. nt’CKNER, chairman 0. II. savannah. I Mb May. leMt. 3law.lw <isR. rare Krrtucctl. Cabin Passage to Now York $20, SEMI-WEEKLY I NITKI) STATEN 31 All. LINE. T HE new and splendid side wheel stesmihips: KNOXVILLE, l r «n tons. Lapt.C. D. Ludlow, AL’UI'STA, IrMM* “ “ Thus. Lyon, f'i.OKI HA, 1,300 •» '* M. H. W<MIDIII’LL, M.AHAMA. 1,300 *• “ U. II.Hcubnck, *at.i i.-avti -avannali every Wedne«day and .Saturday U fellow.: ’ .Alat,«ms Wednesday,.May 2d, do Kn .xville, . Saturday. .. do Sth, do Cl rtda Wednesday,, do Otn, do Aurneia, Saturday,... do 1‘Jih, do A'ahama, We<lnesdA),. do Htth, do Knoxville, Saturday,... do 19th, do Florida Wednesday,, do 93<l, do Aujutia. Haiuday,... do ‘Jfltli, do Alabama, Wednesday,, do 3oth, do Knoxville Saturday,.. .June *1, do rioridn, Wrdne day. do feh, do A'tguv'a, Miturday.... du lhh, do Alabama Wclm-sday,. do 13th, do Knowdin, Saturday,... do Ittih, do Fior.ila, Wednesdays do ttHh, do Auguvia, Saturday,... do *£ld, do Alabama Wnlnesday,. do 27th, do Knoxville, Sat unlay.... do JlHtli do 7to*e ship* are among the lar.-esl on the coast, unaur- f »**s*t in *p* « d, safety or comfort; yiaklng their passages 't* 5fly to sixty hours, and are commanded bv skillful t* , *ful, sod poll'e officers. Having elegant slaieroom, ir.Cfioircfalath.ns.they offer a mnstdeslrable conveyance k Ns a York. fabm Passage Steerage dr H Agents: PADELFOftl), FA Y k CH., Savannah. SAM’L. L. MITCHELL, |3l»r..adway, _»p'6 NewYirk NEW-YORK AND LIVERPOOL U. S. MAIL STEAMERS. rua ships coup ai si no this i.i n a abb: ATLANTIC, | BALTIC, Cant. Wbst. Capl.OiNtTOCC. PACIFIC, ADKIATH, Cspt. N va, I Capt. . Theseshlpahaving been built byeontract, pressly for goveniment servlee. every rare i»*’fcentaken Inthelrcona!rnctlon,aialaolnthelreu. rr.e»,toen»ure«ire*>gili and «(»eed; and thnlraccommo* ixt»,nt for passengers are unequalled for slnganceop vmfon. I'Hceof r.assagefrom Ncw-Yorklo f.lverpsol, in Oral u 1 -n, fCsi; In a«cond cabin, 47.',; exclusive tiso of *r - r» site state rooms, $XU>. From Liverpool lo New I'.fk, £V)and X«H. An ctperianced Surgeon allaclMul to each ship, S't Berths etn bn secured until paid tor. PIC POKED DATES OF SAILING. ftim Xfw York. From /.iirrMil, HfiA. I8W. kvtnaaday....Jan.94..IRYVtMtnrday....Jan. IN..I&V V-ip1n.aitay....Feb 7.. IB" eamrday... Fah v7.. IMS Wadnesday. ■. .Feb 91.. I Mi Saturday.... Feb In.. IK" * e . t. n (Saturday ...Jan94..1833 For Freight or Pa*asg«, apply to r.mVAItll K COLI.lNH.3fl Wnll-airvet, N. Y. Hltr.WN. KDIPLF.Y k CO n Idverpratl. IT y.I'll KN. K KN N AIID k •.«».,'J7 A'laOn Frlsrs, London. B H. WAIN WltlfJHTk CO , Parts; or (.1.0 If. IIRAPEK, Havre. I tT The owners of lhase ships will not ht acmunia- Philadelphia; together with a larger end hetter selection of lighter work than has ever been offered at this eslab* llihiiienl before, with prices to corres|Miud witn the times. I am determined to keep only such articles in tuy >luf,as I can confl-lently recommend and warrant. The public are most respect fully requested to call and satisly themselves by an examination or my stock. All kind* of Repairing done, as heretofore. L. S. ItENNETT, mar 19 Corner of West Broad ami Hay.sts. halcom D.joaaa 3111,l.l'lk * 3IANDI.i l,, A T TOHXK YS AT I.A If, Wny-iii'wlMiroL Bn, Rereretico—Messrs. A. J. k T. VV.Milter, Augusta, Ua. octa ly K • €J , Cl A AN INN, ATTORNEY At LAW, Will practlceln tho Flint and adjolnUtViLuntlpa 1 .'? tha Jan 7 Mncnn Circuit. tf \V3I> A. LOFTON) ATTORNEY AT LAW. novittf Nlositlcolloy flea, AJMMftuw. 3Vloaiiu|t>, Fioriilii, will pracllct lu (he Uourtaor East and Suttllt Florida. ■ ) Tuniio Pinkney k Co. Charleston, 8.0. References, s I'lersun, llvhlt k Co, Savannah, Ua. 1 Cooper k Mothers, M (canopy, Fla. ntar20 . |y* (•AiUUUI, %V. PEPFEIL Snccex'or to IIRNUY J. PEPPER k SON. WnlclioH, Jewelry uml Nlfverwnrei No. 175 Chttnul-tt., omwtitr the Stale Ilouee, l'lillndulplilu. may 30 FULTON HOUSE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, iiv .1. i:. heevi:s. Allsnta, March 14,1833. If mar 10 MEIIIIN. BUN , DU IN 4-’AN, Nil Kit 31 RANKERS Nil Kit 31 AN A: UU., Yoek, No. 48 William atroot, Nxw issva n Circular Letters of Credit. •N TIIB BUI.LOWIMU CITIB3: Forclgi Alexandria, Antwerp, Atlteiis, Amsterdam, Berlin, Baden-Baden, Berne, Bonn, Bordeaux, Boulogne, Bremen, Brussels, Bsgnl Ut Lucca, liasle, Bombay, Batavia, liny rout, Carlo, Ooblentz, Cologne, Cxdla, Culumbo, Ceylon, Carlsruhe, Calcutta, Canton, Dresden, Duoseldorf, Edinburg, Florence, Frankfort, Ueuoa, Ueueva, Ulhraltar, Hamburg, Hague, Havre, Heidelberg, Hong Kong, Kandy, Ceylon, Liverpool, London, Leghorn, Lolpalc, i.yona, Lisbon, Madrid, Malta. Marsolllea, Milan, Moscow, Munich, Messina, Mulhoute, Madras, Malta, Manilla, Madeira, Melbourne, Aui., Zurich. Naples, Nice, Oporto, (Moron, Paris, Pau, Palermo, Pisa, Rome, Rotterdam, Rio de Janeiro, Ht. Petersburg, Strasbout g, Siena, Smyrna, Seville, Stettin. Hhaighk, Singapore, Sydney, NSW., Ttt rlu, Toulon, Trieste, Venice, V’evey, Vienna, Wiesbaden, Warsaw, Carriage JItauafaeiory. Tho subscriberlakvs'.hls melh* — oil to return Ills thniiks to the their llherul jialrouuge,and to Inlurtn them II carries on tho Carriage business at the old stand, near the Market, In all its various branches. He likewise Invites the public lo cull and examine hlsstock of Carriages which he bus now on hand, got up express ly for the Southern market,feelingoniifldent that he can please thorn In style and In price hetlerthan any other •atabUsh mem tu the city. AllklmUof heavy workmade to order,such at Plantation Wagons, Drays, Carls,Tim ber Carriages, kc.,nil made of betlermaterlalslhali can be found elsewhere In tbeclty. And the subscriber flat- lershlmself that the practical experience of overlhlrty Years,and Ills untiring exertion* to please, will still so. cure to him a liberal share of public patronage. Repair ingdotit) In lhr>-*alstylo and utllbcrtl prices. oci.» u. Wi ll ARIM- ASTI.E. ' Marine itailieai/. T HE undertlgnod respectfully Informs all who may need his services, that ho has charge of the .MA RINE RAILWAY, which It now In successful opeoa- lion. Holt therefore, prepared to tuko up vessels of any tlza usually visiting our port, and to do the work of repairing, kc., on reasonable terms. Those who wish to clean nr paint bottoms of their vesyels cnii ntsn be nrcnmm'Hlated on tho Railway upon reasonable derma, lie Is also prepared lo contract for building vea'eUufany class or •Icscrlptlon ar.d to carry on the business of Ship U -pentcrlnu, Spar Muklng and Caulking. In all Its various branches, at the ensternax* treroltyoftheclly. n Ship Smith la on tha promises. aug3 ly II. F. VV 11,LINK. Jr. Savannah Hr,/ Ooek To Ship Owners, Maatfra andCon.sIgnpMof Vessel* rpil ESubscriber riHpeelfltlly Informsihem that theK \* 1 V/ fINAII DRY IfOCK Isiiowlusuccossfulospera* llon.aa illIscalculaUHllntake In ihlpaofany classirom I Ml lo 1300 tons burthen. Itls230 feel long and 03 feet wide, andcimpleteln every particular. AlargoRsiig oi work men I a employed and a large supply of ma- lerlalslaoo hand, so that vessel* can ho repaired with as much despatch a* In auy other port. I'ninp and Block Making and Smith’s work done on the premises and every effort made to ensure economy amt fidelity lo those wkomayfavorthe Honk wltMhmr business. I) F. LANDF.RHHINK, Agent and Superintendent, fet,94 t.ale of Marsh's Mi»ck,l3iBrleslnn. ■NtUi=l’oi-ft aabrcUBtmruta. SAVANNAH, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE fi, 18.05. CITY MARBLE WORKS, STEAM MANTLE FACTORY, Corner 10th and Viun*ata.. Fim.AUKi.ruiA. I E.k B.HUIIKLL, having fnmlly Improved tlielr s facllllles fur tho maiiufactmo of every variety of iflAltlllil-; WORKS, Embracing the best stylo id MANTLES, TABLE TURK, FLOORING, TOMBS, AND MONUMENTS, Are prepared to supply orders upon reasonable terms.- mar 1.1 3ino NUMBER 138. jFot-rtait Vuntncon caves. ■ WAVN'auuUt'.'ilMHKff SiI’ntV, (U. Practise law In Richmond, llurke. Wasblnglou,8crl* veil and Emanuul. ♦ Titos, m.bbrrikn. daclff * _ly From N, M, PMtHgUT* Cs.'a AioeriUJnf AgentIfO VsiisimI., Xtm. York, end Xe. 101 Mta*a(.« Rattan. P. k (Jo, are Agonl* forilm moat l«Hutintlal and Jar* geatclrcnlatlngUommerclal Papers both In Hu* Uuiled qtwtos and the HA t'KH* 13 COTTE14F.T k OO., Importera of French and l 1 * other European Honda, No. 4 B Broa«t-*t. ApJM/AS. •' W. JAi!KH?l|4 A «Oi?i ‘ tof Ike late firm of IF. 4- X. Jatkaen <• Ssax.l GRATE ,\NW FENNER MAKERS. 240 Front St. and U30 Broadway, Nhw York. . H AVE constantly on hand every variety oT Urates and Funder*, alio circular and square German Sliver Grates. Wholesale dealers rupnlfod. may 3u—Aug ao P j Combs, Fans and Fanoy Goods, WII.I.IAJT1 TAMKIill, ,1) l-AIIK SI.A0S.Mw Vork.InvIWllh. .llonllon IV/ oT Southern and Western Merohanta, to hla new stock of Fans,Uotnhs, Ifalr, Toollt and Nall llruxhea, La.lles* Reticules, Poiftimury, Soaps, Porte Mniiualos, Jet sml Horn! Ilritcelels, I’ccket Hooks. Dre«s Huttons, Plus and Needles, llimks and Eyes, Watch Guards, Wax, L'ornl nnd Gla«s Heads, Necklaces, ke. India iitihher Combs,’'anes, Bulls und Toys of,-very deserlp* lion. Scissors, Baxors and UUllery, Gold and (fill Jewelry, Accordeous and Violins. Inehtdlug a general nnd very large stock of English. French and German Fancy Goods, which will he sold at the vary lowest pri ces, for Until or Approved Puper. tryurdurs by letter selected end put up In tho bust manner. WILLIAM TAHKER, mnyl_ ly’M III Park Place, New Vork^ Cheapest Musical Work ~ IN T II K VV O It LD, PRICE ONE DOLLAR. IIcantyAlbum, OF MUSICAL BUDS AND BLOSSOMS. Collection or new and admired POLKAS, MA ZURK AS, and SUIIi rmsIlES, fJIIKlK V KtLlwK A ( li.. No. 2S7 Uay-Strcet, Savnnoah, Ga., Has opened an office for tho aalo or North Alabama, Tenneasee.andothor WESTERN PRODUCE,and ox- poet, at au early date, to he In roeelpt of Bacon, Corn, Flour, Hope, Colton, kc. kc., the produce of that sec tion. We kesp an office at Chattanooga, Tenn., for the pur chase or shipment of Termeswe river iirmlnrte, and can forward, direct in p)ant«-r«, and from tnat point. We are also in direct corros|Mindence with HI. I#oiit* ( l^iolivllie, and Naahvlllo, and will alb-mi (nlhepur. chase of articles In iho«n markets. In lie shipped lo Ka- si,.,. WK 1 •v ot mriall, urdess hills of lading are signed there- — ‘ L-.sikI the value Ibereof exprossetf thsrelu. 'trippars filesse takn notice, that llm shlpa of this l* ••ee*rm„tcBrrjr any gorels contraband of war. ;»* 9 mwf ly ~ SOtTII WESTERN 'RAILROAD, HANI.F. OF HCJIEDUI.B AND AFTER TUESDAY, February Wnh.Fasseo- J ’ <«rtr»M,s will leave Macon daRy for • ^dumbos at »a. M., and tor A martens-«t 7 A.M., sr/ivloi •t■ ''Iwiatm, sjf.o’ebick, A.M .antfal Am*rlc«# lljg A. « I.cjtw Ami'fkus daily s> 7, A M.,and Uolumloi* at *4 I* m ,«rriving at Macon train Amsrlcus at IIJ4 A. " **sJ from < oluiohus si « l* /' M. ‘ ' |I|< St Mscoo ear.h wav with L'cntral Hallmsd u. ••>«uoah. Augusta. <tllle.l»r*llto aiet EaUru* ’ • • wet • .if* Macon snd VVrstarn Railroad Trains to Au.ot., Dalton, L'hatUorMigs, Kuoavilla,aiul '"*arwi,ng dally at Columbus, with Opelika Ra’lrnad ’“'•■'rnnw-ry, AUharna, and Girard Railroad,to Mil ver tern ii,us. •■htat.u„H at Amsrlcus with Mall Stage Line to Tal , *kv.»rw Allranv, Thomasvlll*, ko, iirkH, r*o tHipfocu/erlet A/uvUeua lo Augusta; and u, Wilmington, N.«„ via Aftgusia. '"ti f.U*» S|aam«ht|r« leave Sevanoah for New York *",ee1«,, wmi Katurdsts, and tor Pblladalpbla o« '■'!.,,. r*M.*r in thauabln, t*»l Rmerage.W. Or* fr u re M.ifiigwnrry Ut Havsnnah, .... 414 OU •**'- u«Iuwbus to do 4 00 **'*’ Atueftaw*l»» do. ....RK) ill;iin»i:iiMt i oi wdaii v , Willow ai rent, above I2i|| street, I’liilndnlphla. T linh ElloNTK.of soy design, with or without "Met* Isrn's Patent Revolving Hollars.” a new and*0|>erl. or article | also. Olr,|r f », folMnn-, Window Head*.and •II othsr Iron Work nrr.Msry to the erection amide, eoratlon of buildings. Evilmstes cheerfully furnlihed to psrtlss applying peisonaHy, «r h^inter. '•into HANSON k FARRANI). \\ klTE. I'igerad and I'lelR Idrren DHIIa, Thin V... **sel»eree, I Hen 4s Ktee, Msr tellies •^rtLFavHhm i^ee end Neil, While 'ords ami F)e Draper, long Lswm, llruwe 1.1 be ns > N'lXOSN 1 ATIIR— I4U.MSI I.sth* isndtng from bark Chsilae j William, for mIp by mi) WJ_ BRIGHAM. KELLY k GO, ( »EMrST fTasfer l'arls, sml i’iaderlng llaTr-T.Vrn j sisolly on hand so ! for sale l,y May W _ nIHGIf AM, KELLY k CO. C IOAl»’.—MMnris Lump Light Uo’al; ‘hat tuns Brnken < and Ncraned fieri Ash foal. For safe low by apr tffi GLAGIIOIIN k CUNNINGHAM. r> AflGlHO.-^Wt bales heavy (tunny Bagging landing J) ami for sale by BIIIGIIAM, KF.LLV k Co. may* . , ... - T| aV.- Hu Bales prim# Norihern II v, tindlng par I I schootiar J. It. stoat, ami tor sale by m t; 7 BIIIGIIAM,KELLY k Co. S ILK anr|C«r*ton Umbrellas, Just received amt for .ale by |apr 19) AIKIN * BUIIN V \4M)R I3»CKK - A largeaofirlmebt of Door lacks’, iJ dorufaiillr on hand, and tor sale It) apr'JI MtVF.LL k I.ATTIMlrllK. W llif KfiWlTI'i'.—Plgurml Swiss Muslin, Plain do. India Dimity and HrllHsnto,Ja onaU,Cambrics MulU.Nsinsooks,pfg|d Hwlts ami Cambrics, llalr Lord Dlmlt i, Rerliu Cuff., 4c-,k«..rnr saleby aprkf DeVVirrk MORHAJf.^ W |. Mo<,AN»Eh.--Hvhbdi of superior s and lu Ine order i lho bala«r«*’f brig II. M. Lawton'S cargo from Ram* Crux Now lending .mlto sale b) PADELFOND. TAYkViA may 44 ^ ALSO, CREDITS FOR INDIA AND CHINA ON TIIE ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION OF LONDON. Branches and Agencies nt— Canton. Shanghai, Calcutta, Hong Kong, Bombay, Madras. Slugnpoe, CREDITS FOR AUSTRALIA ON THE DANK OP NEW-80UTH-WAI.ES OF LONDON. Branchoi and Agencies at— Mnitluml and Newcastle, Hunter River. ItrDbuiie and Ipswich, ...Moretou Uay. Victoria Branches: Melbourne, Geelong, Kyneton, CasiletiiuUie, Mount Alexander. Ballarat. Sandhurst Agency, Bendigo. Ovens Agency. mnrJW Omo—is General Insurance Agency, 142 llaysT IN YOI-14 mil INM RUB1 The Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, OF H ARTFORD, With a capital uml surplus of over 4IW,noo, still con- tlniiei, nml will, until tho next annual meeting, i-ouUntie In Imuro lho lives ol White Persons, nt the snnto rales charged heretofore for all residents nt tho South. By Its soundness, good ninnageiimot, and prompt payment of all Ms losses, it has placed itself equal to auy Uoinphiiy in the world. Springfield Fire k Marine Insurance Co'y, • OF SPRINGFIELD, MASH., Capital ami surplus, over 4'J:i5,00U State Mutual Fire 'it Murine Insurance Co. OF PENNSYLVANIA. Unpllaland surplus, over g 112,000 Rqiiilable Firr Insurunrc romp., of l.omlun. CAPITAL 4-’,-VKi.00u. Them Uompanh-s nro sooml, strong and reliable, and will effect Insurance on nil k'mlsof property, at reason able rates. Iiitornnce effected m any aim.unt. For Insurnnco lit either of the aliove natneil fompa* nle«, apply to A. WILBUR, (icn. Ins. Ag't, Jan IU c No. IIJ Bay-street. Savannah. Ua. ’ l.ifc (nsiiraiicc. The I'nitnl Mules life liiMiruuce Compmi)', Takes risks on the Lives of while persons, for life o a shorter period, amt on slaves for one or tour years,on as luroruhtu terms at any equally responsible' ompauy. cariTAT anu a»*kt>. i anl'aXy 1st, 1833 : A bonus of 23 percent bat been declared on the bull- ness of last year, lo all policy holders entitled thereto. MINIS k JOHNSTON, Agents. Dr. R. D. ARNOLD. Medtcnl Examiner. tunrJO Flrcahd Aft nr i n c 111 n ura 11 ec. Tho la*uranco Company of tho Valley of Virginia- Available Capital S'.luii.iHiO—surplus 401,317 27. (-IURTKU VIRPKTItAI.. Takes rtiks on Cargo,Freight, Buildings, Merchandize, kc.. In town and country. Lottos promptly ami liberally adjusted mar 10 _ MINIS k JOHNSTON, Agents. Norwich Fire Insiirniirr Comminr, Conn. INCORPORATED IWI3-UAPITAL STOCK, 4130,«W. rpilF. almvo Company has been In successful opera* L tlonupwardt of Any years, and has a high remits, .tlnn, wherever knowti, as a prompt and re*|H)iisl'ale of. flee. The undertlgnod 1t prcpnrnd to lake Fire Risks for said fltoce, >n dwellings, fiiriillnro, aiore»,merchandise, waruhouset ami cotton, nmin the most favorable terms. JOHN INUERSOI.L, Ag’t N. F. Ins. Co., mar 3 No. 2 Jones' lie tilling, Bay -at. 3l»narcli .Uaiiriince Uo. l.onUon, F/H K .1X0 UFH— 1H33. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS FUND-12, HUD, IWO. r pilE ABOVE mentioned Lompauy have established JL a branch In the Unliotl States, and have lodged with John I.. Asplnwall, Geo. Curtis and Walls Sher man, or the city of New York, a permanent fund of • I3it,b0fl tu American s«curltlot, to be held by Ihem ns TriM'ces, liable for losses sustained tu this country, which will be adjusted in Now York and promptly paid. The subscriber has been appointed Agent for Savan nah, ami will lake risks on llm most lavurablo terms. JAMES McllKNRY. Agent, may 31—ly No. IIH llay-«»., ?<a» annahj_ 'DKITA W A R K 31 IJTUAL ' NAYKTY INSURANCE COMPANY, or ruii.tnxt.nio. T HE subscriber having been apiudnli-d Agent of tbo almve uxinmlnld extabllshe«l MUTUAL Company, la preparwl to Issue Its Policies on Marine and Inland Navigation lUsks. JAMLH MclIF.NItY, liov 27 I IS Hay-street. ruoviMiiAi. fTM»A3i;i: 4:031 fany OF roltONTo, CANADA WEST. C»riT*t., 49,wai,0u«. The nmlerilgncwl, having tu-i-n appointed Agent of the atoive C.nnimiiy, liegs toaunmineo that he lx prepared to Otoe Policies «if Insurance on Fire risks In Savannah ami Its vicinity, as also on Marine risks generally, may 9 ly . Wau cltOWDEIt, Agcnl._ 1(031 K 13f NI'H A 3f<’K fOUIPANV, <»F THE CITY (IF NEW.YORK. Cnplfnl. 4500,000 — All (•isld In. G.J. Martin, Kec.’y. SIMEON L. LOOMIS, I'res’l. The Subscribers having hnrx appointed Agents of llie above Company, am now prepared to take Risks against Fire on Buildings, Merchandise, kc. kc. on favorable (arms. COHENS k HERTZ. J»iy« i.oVim.v mu: »rrii:i:. fhlsCnmpany takes Fire Risks In this City,ami Insure Rents ami t.eases. sept 9 ft. HABERSHAM k HON. Agents. ~ HOY A I* l"IILIMi: €20311* AN V • LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. Ciaplinl 14,000,900 of Ponnffi Mrrltnit. Tlilslnstltutlon has established an Agency In Savan* ■ah,and Fire Policies upon Produce and Properly will be Issued by ANDREW LOW k CO. Havsnnah. Oct. 90. IH3I. »A VANN All 311'UAI. INN1KIAN4I. IJO. firms Its Bav-strsbt. ThlsUompany will take Fire, Marine,and Itlverltlskl llilhemnslfavurahlelerm*. —■rarstaas— Henry D. We«l, John W. Anderson. Illram Rolmrta, N. II. Knapp, ■ John It. Wilder, Henry Lattimp, |. W. Morrell. R.F. Wood. HENRY D. WEED, PrattJint HIRAM ROBERTS.#'.r«/'r«s’r JtMII MnHiWffV. 3*aV marl7. "ni*ih ifif a l< '■ 1:1. ii a i’ll. 1 x||E organ nf modern splrlinaBsm, 4lh vol. com- menres In May. It contains the fullest rrrnrd el tant of Current Facta and opinions on Spiritual Inter, fours* Published Weekly at I'J per annum t also, all A for llio Plano Port*.- Beaulinilly llluMralcI wlihalx elegant ami appropriate Designs, lit Llihegraph, by D'AvIgtton, of tbnfoBowlug subject* ’. No. 1. Msglc Sound*. ** 2. Beauty's Mirror. '* 3. Devolloii. . “ 4. Bumrmbrance. “ Melodv. 11 fl. Consolation. I’ubllihcl and for sale by Samvel C. Jot Lilt, SIB Broadway,(St. Nicholas Hotel,) New York. |3TThe nb 've work will ha seul by mall to any part ofttiu country, on receipt or 41, addro»*ed to SAMUKI. O JOLUE.&I9 llrnndway, way99—lino _ (St. Nlcbolaa lloiel.) New York. The Smithsonian* HouseT Broadway,corner n| llouaton Street, NEW VOHK, On the same block with tho Metropolitan lloU-l nnd Nlhlo’a Garden, nnd two blocks above the St. > Nlcbolaa Hotel, O FFERS to travellers Superior Aceommadationi, In the heart of Broadway, In ImmodiNlo juxtaposl. tionluthe other first class hoiisoi and places of am use* tm-nt, at moderate rales. Tho Iioiimi has alltbecunve* nlenccs in voguu.aud is conducted on the European Plan of Ixulglng Rooms, at fifty tents, and upwards to three dollars a dap, according lo location, kc., ami meal* extra a* ordered, at prices graded to suit both the economical and extravagant, tin* guests ordering mealsat pleasure,and payinu only run wiiat t* rsau. Trnvcll«rs will fludat lho SMITHSONIAN accommoda tions of superior order, and can, If they choose, make TIIKIR BILLS t.KXS BV AT LBAST ONX-TIIIHD THAN AT otiikr PIRST CLASS UOTKLS, as conducted on tho old system. For ros|»ectabllity, order, neatnots and economy, the Sinlihsonlnn sh til make lu mark on the tithes, and he worthy tho patronage of tho people, aprli—UctJ SIDNEY KOPMAN, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, 1’IIILADEUTIIA. nlroii r i n r „Mii:.,oEnR.\T. T o all pcrsoui ntllicie*! with Sexual disoa«e*. *uch as SI MINA., WEAKNESS, IMI'fiTKNCE, G><N- ORHIlfEA,GLEET, SYPILI.IS, kc , kc, lho HOWARD ASSOCIATION or Philadelphia, In view of tho awful dostrucllnii of human life and health caused by Sexual disease*, ami the deceptions which are practised upon the iinrhritiunto victims of such d Is- easrn by Quacvs, have directed their Consulting Sur geon,a* a CII \UIT.\l«..E ALT worthy ol their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS lo all persons thu*afflicted,(Malenr Female.) who apply by toller, with a description of Iheir condition, tage, occupation, habits <*f lift-.) Ac, and in case* of extreme poverty and suffering, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard .\**nelatlon Is a bonevolenl Initituilon, established by special endowment, tor the relief of tho sick nnd dittr<-s«e«l. nllbctml with'‘Virulent and Epi demic Diseases."and It* fund* can ho ured for m, other purpose. It ha* now a surplus of mean*, with which the Directors lure voli-d to advertise the above notice. It Is needier* to add that tho AxsocIstUm cnmitiAiidi the highest Medical skill of tho ago sml will luruUh tho most approved modern treatment. Valuable advice atoo given to sick and nervous females, allhclod with abdominal weak ness, Womb Complaint, Costiveness, Li-ui'orrlio'a, H e. Addresa, (post paid,) Dr. GEO. It. OALIloUN. Con sulting Surgeon, Howard As*-)ClauuU» No. • South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. By order of. tho Director*, E7.ltA I). HP.ARTtVKLL, President. Gxn. FAiarniLO, Secrotary. may l» augtO PATENT ELASTIC SKIRTS. „ . IIAYKN »v I'ltAfffCJK* No. I Bnrclny-atrcct, New You*. C t AUTIGN.—mine ara aenulns ex-opt they Imar the J stamp of the patent.. All.iuanufa<lurersand sellera Infringing will be protockled accoidlng lo law. mar IU Mar IH.'.MI-P UV1/.L Jp.1vmts. , imilTON Ac I.AN1N4J, MANUFAGTUREH8 AND IMPORTERS, •No. 124 Arch**t., 2d door nlmvo Sixth, I’iiilad'a. WIIOI. UNA AND ltli A 11.. Lvory article In their Hue of hualueis at the very low ust market CASH PRICE*, and solicit the patronage of di'nlorn am) other*. uod3mo mar 27 .JIWp MACHINES. .7 IAXCEI.HIOR HEWING MACIIINIiK. - Made by IV IIIlOli, BATTELLE k CO., VVorcestor, Massa' chusetts, patented by Ellas llowe, Jr., Hepteinber lOtb, •S40. These Machines an* warranted,(with proper use’ not lo get out of repair. They are built In a good sub* staiilinl,and workmanlike mauuor,and wtll do Tailor* Hhor makert' and Saddlers' work, In a manner warrant ed to giro satisfaction. Tho stlch will not rip auy tunri than common sewing, dunn by hand. Call and sue thc*v lim|»eratUin at I4fl ClIKKNUT street, i'hllsdelphto.Uh •Ulrs. W. A. DAWSON, Agent, •uay 12 lyMkc Z~' V** «mu3i Knot 14*17a*r§T, I3STAIILISHED In I7e«, W. BAKER k CO.^Amerb fij can, French, lloimeopalhlo and Vanilla, Premium Uiocolate, prepared Cocoa, Uroma, Cocoa Paste, f>*coa Sticks, Kolube and llomutopalhlc Cocoa, Cocoa Shalla, (.racknl Cocoa, etc., are au excellent diet for Children, Invalids,and parsotuln health. They allay rather than In duce the nervous excitement stimulant upon the use nf luu or coffee, and are recommended by Doctors Warren, Jackxm, Hay ward, Warn, nod Adams, id Huston, and by eminent physicians elsewhere. For saloliy all tho principal grocer* lu lho United Stales, and by iheir Agent>: D. C. Murray, Now York-, Grant k Twells. Philadel phia , Tlmma* V. Brundlge, Baltimore; Konnett k Dudley, Chid u hall. WALTER IIAKER fcGO., irtbr 17 3mo* Doreheslor. Has*. BWAXM>B CELEBRATED PANACEA, •oxmanuka or Intiplsnt Consumption, Xsrsfnta. Otnrral iJtkUitu, Irktts Swilling, Rheumatism. tHisasrs of th t f.luer and Skin, and nil dir.tnses arising from fmpnrittss sf the Ulood, nnd Iks tffsiti of Afrrcary, WAIM'HPANACEA ha* beou for morn thirty year* li celetirated In thl* country and In Europe for It* extraordinary cure*—tor tho eertlflr.sU* »»f which re- fereuco Is made p» the directions and b«Kika (• bicfi may anctopsnylng the Panacea. Moms of wblcb give the particular* nf case* bio frightful for gen eral publication, whoie the patients had been almost eatnn up with Scr«fula and were deemed Incurable by Physician*. ' LEATHER. Fit IT'#.. 1IF.NUUY A: 170.. No. 29 North Third-atrod, PmLAnxt.riiu. Morocco Manufacturers, Curriers and lni|M)rior« of French Calf “kins, and dealers In Red and Oak Solo leather ami Kipp. ilmi fob IU Envelope" Jlahulhclory. The Oldett nml forges' in the United States. WEST At ItCIKI.I.N, No. 52i 1 William siroct. Ni:w York, R espectfully invite um attention of me trade to their very cxtuu-ivo nMorlimnit ol IINVKI<U 1*tIN, NOTH A31 (I WUITINCJ PAPEB.S, cbc. Tlielr great Ucihties in .ManufActuritu enable them to offer at extremely low prices, aud on lho most favor- ablo terms Hum Apr III visit: v.'ue.Yis/f! VARNISH MANUFACTORY, 80 nnd 82 North 4th-Btroot. T HE nndersIgiKHl would earnestly Invito the alientlon of Mouthers Merchants, Conch Makers, Cali net Makers and other*, to their very superior Coach Body, Carriage, Cabinet Datnar, China Uls»i, Drying Japan, I mil Japan, Spirit, and every other kind of Yarulsh which have been In roiivtaiil use nearly forty yenro, and feel confident In raying that they are unsurpassed by any other mstnifa-tured in this country, for iheirduia- Mlity, drying qiinllliea, and li.tautifuf appearance on the work ; also, every description of Paints and Paint ers Materials. our price* are mndoralo, and lormx en«r In good buy- era. Give us a call. C. SCHRACK k C(L, mar2l Hum MO k HJ Nonh lili st, Philadelphia. REMOVAL. TV. II. t'OIKD. nxAi.xa tx Famihj Groceries, Fruit,A"e. H AH Removed his ettatillihmemlo llmiighloii.sireet, one door from Jefferoon-streel, when* he will he pleased to accommodate his DU-iids and the public with all things npperlaltdng to hla tine of business. All ordure thankfully received. nov25 “ II (.NIC Y IlHI.CIDk CO., A T tlielr ."team Engluo and Boiler Works Brookly n, Now York,are prepared (o execute dnlqr* for STATIONARY. RIVER,AND MARINE .R^f W III M'j St, uf rvery doscrlpllon. Sugar Mills, Mill Work, cle.,also all kinds of High and l.ow Pressure Holler*. The suhscr'hrr, agent lu havanuah for the above, Works, will receive order* fur any kind of Machinery, lie has now on hand a portable power En gine, which ho wIIIm-II on ncoommmlatlng terms. W.M. GREENE, Corner Bryan and Jefferson-sts. ninrffM Hum SPUING THAXJJ3. .Volire to.llerrhants, W E now offer, at wholesale,)!! quantities to suit pur chasers, a full aud compete ***oitmrnt of Tin Ware, of our own mannfactur.*. Quality not to ho sur passed. I.iiVELL k LATTIMOUU, msr 10 « 13 llamar.l-st. THK IIKN'I' IIAIH UYK. D ll.O. M. It ALLARD'S (now article) received the hlthesi premium at the World'* Fair and Ameri can Institute, wh « n It was examined by lho distinguish ed chemist* Dr. c ) 'ol*n Torrry, nd priinniincpil the Best. Vnr sal# by the Principal Drugftsl* In Ihls city—prlca 41. Principal office nml store 4fH and MSI Broadway, New-York : Mar I.V.W-1' mar HI INKW HI* 1113141 IJ««ns, PER STEAM Ell AUGUhTA. D EW I IT k MORGAN have just received p< r steam er Augusta, a large ami varied stork of new and rich sea so i in Id ii dress goods, (o which tha atirntlniinf llm ladle*Is e*|K*clally Invllovt. ^ aisr 3 4)111 i.i A 31 I4HA3«. r/k BAGS I'hlllati Giimiio. sjl 7 This Gitsnn li repre*enl«1 a* being hetlerthan the Chinch* Island,having mote l'tW'»ph*teof J.ltnelu Ik Dr. Uay* make* the following analy*is: 10(1 parts give Agollte i (rgaule matter with Hall* of Ammonia 30 Mo Bono, I'lmsphateof Lime, and Magnesia 9il oo Snip. Lima and Soda 7 74 Caro. Lime 3l ftfl Insoluble mailer MO spiritual hooks, for *ala by ‘ parthiikje 4 k HHITTAN, 349 Broadway, New York. P. H.—A Catalogue of Kplrllusl Books sent on appll- cation. 3mn «F» l» " KAII3IN A Bin Ill'll,OINI4 I.OTk. ' rn FARMS and I UMt Building Ut* will he divided t)w among ffiil subscriber, on Hie 3d day of Ma) neal. These are sltualed In the heaiRlfUl vlllago of llo’evalo, near'he celebrated Ia9b flonkonhoioa, Just a pleasant rhlo frrtm the ellv of New \ ork, on llm Long Island Ball Bo«d and have already proven lo |>e a profitable Investment. Over lwo thousand lots and farms have been sold, and nartloa purchasing have •liber erected hut Id I tigs nr sold out at an exorbitant proflt. 41(1 only will srNwra iwo building lots, Ml h) )IRM««l,or alarm (mm 9 to HI acres, Maps of the TnlST ‘" ll '".'''M-T tvl.Wli'f ~'--X-yiV. W «» HAVANNAII P E It FORK hnlrling cards tor IhlsheaiiUful IMctiira will nltlM prwaanl them ami rsmalveihelr rony. Thosa wishing the pictures framed can Ira furnished at tha lowest prices. In gill nr row wood moulding, b) leaving llrelr orders at tha tmaksinrs er •pr 93 4. 4. MlBI.BY, 131 Congrats *4. Inn no Thoalrovel* worth) the attention of AarlcuUiirlsts. For sale It) Ct III HNS k HERTZ. JanlH 1 klMCUtT.-Mt bhl*. hod* IV-miR, IJ Ml do Bolter do VO do Pilot Bread, Iteeelved and for tain It) tna) 91 MnMAHON k llOYI.E H A Hal hales Prime Northern Hay, landing, per hark night, and tor sale by may? BIIIGIIAM, , KELLY k (HI. NCOTT*N 1, ITT I. E GIANT t'O It.V (Oil .1111.1., PATBNTHII MAY IU1I1. IKM. S 8. BROWN, Proprietor of Uoorgia, Teottflsseoand s Alabama, of this invention, which Is doubtless among (be most lm|torlaitl of modern limes tor tire use of the well advised Inrna-r and stock feeder; ami the universal favor with which It ha* been received from the first, more than any tiling else, allusts Hs utility and su periority, For portability, simplicity or construction, and conve nience or use, the LIUlo Giant has uo equal. It weigh* Bom three l« five huudtvd pound*, according to sice, can be put la operation by llm farmer In twenty minutes without expensu nr mechanical aid, theu ndjustej hud used with convenience by any body. Tho Little Giant hot received the First Premiums at every Stato Fair from Missouri to Maryland lho past Fall, aud that in the most complimentary manner. These Mills aro guaranteed lu llie most positive man ner against breakage or derangement, and wnrranled to grind leed from ear corn, and grits or linn hominy from shelled corn, with a degree of ease nml convenience tor farm purposes never attained before. ilm subscribers aro now prepared to furnish (he trade with improved patterns aud sixes, to suit the varied wauls ol all. No. J Is offered at 4»»3 complete, ready for attaching the team, ami warranted |o grind leu bushels of reed per hour with one horse. No. 1 at 473 will grind fifteen bushel* per hour. No. 4 at fUU will grind twenty bushels per hour, with two horses. Manufactured and for »a!e by 8. H. BROWN k GO., tnnr it at Nashville, Tenu., and Atlanta, Ga. miLveic’s PLASTIC PAINTS, CHEAl'i BUIUlilK, AMI I'KOTKCTIVE, ’ WEATHUt ANO TIRE TROOP. T il IS PAINT wlllstand any climate, wRbouicrackor blister and hardens by ex|i«iure, thus making lu i tlmo an enamel of siono, protecting \vood from decay, and Iron and nthermctalsfmm rus land corrosion. This Paint dlfferslroia the so-called Mineral Paints nf i the day, which are principally ochresand Cl ays colored, i and are entirely worthless. . Silver’*Plastic Paints are purely Metallic,containing I uo Almuln or Clay. | They arc luvlgntedflni'ly, mix readily with Linseed OR, : (without the trouble of grinding.) and flow under the i brush atlrecly as the best While Lead. . These Paints excel all other* In body nr covering pro- > perries,one pound of which will cover as much surface- as two pounds of White l^ad. There ara four natural colors, via: Black or Slate nrown, Olive andChocolaie. DiaxrTtoM*: This Palntflowsreadlly umierthebru»h and Its covering property to Increased by usinir It mixed as thickly as potsinlo with pure Llntced (Ml; as the Palut Is the lasting or protecting body and ihnOtl simply the medium or agent In spreading It. Wonnncx copies of two letters, one from the Presi dent of the Philadelphia stul Reading RailroadCa n the other from a gentleman, a well ktmwurosldenl of Au- jtuin, Georgia. Office of Iks Phila.and Read ng Railroad Ct., / Putt, spvlpp A. May 3,1833. | J.8. Silvxr, Esq—liter Sir. We have used your "Plastic Paints” for more than a year, and for Painting BrldKcs.dcpota,kc.,kc.,wehave found Itquttcequ&tto any paint we have used. lnfacl,wenowglveltaprcfe» cnco over all others we havetrted for such purposes. Your*, respectfully, (Signed) JOHN TUCKER,President. A v« rara, G a., Srttkm a« r 29,1 M2, i 8team Planing Mills. ) Dear Sir . — You ask motor toy opinion of-‘Sllrpr’s Mineral Paint*,"wblrhyou have pul on my Machine Shopand Planing Mill. I givevou with pleasure iny full and hearty recomnicndaitonof It a* a preventlveofflro communicating from chimney# nr from adjoining build ings. The Paint which you poton my roofs, has now become nt hard as slats,and l feel ns sccurefrnm Are, In this direction, as Is possible. A few weeks after the roof*bail heenpainted, I made anexperimentnu twoor Itirceshtngle* by placing them In the fnrnacounder the boilers; the result was, thaltho portion uncovered was entirely consumed, while the painted pari wasapparenl- ly sound, though upon exaniluattonthe wood w astound to he charred ; the paint, however, was rtax and hut littlehllslereil. I conslderthlsa*severe ateslasvour Paint can he put to, and under the clrcunittanre* I do not hesitate to commend It a* an Invaluable preventive against Are. Respectfully,kc. (Signed! AMBROSE SPENCER. FRENCH k RICHARDS, X. IY. Uararr of l Or A mad Market streets, Phtla., Pa. GENERAL WHOLESALE AGENTS. Fortaleln Savannah, Wholesale ami Retail,by JAMES II. CARTER k CO, No.I.fl Broughtonstreet. )uly20 liiotplv SPHINr. TRADE, 180.1! '. WADSWORTH’S CASH HOUSE. ■ is (' ii > 4:h . s - , r ii i;t , (orrosiTs Tits rt'LAtxi not'tx,) SAVANNAH,GA. I S now receiving a largo and well selected stock ol Fsnrv and Staple DRY GOODS, To which the attention or jn-rsons visiting this market Is most rx*s|«ocirully Invited. tty doing a regular cash hosier**, we arr able lo ael our Goods at much lower prices Ilian tho*n doing a long credit trade. Wo do not have to tax the cash buyer lor long credits and bad debts. Person* buying Ui«xls for cash, will And It to iheir Interest to purchase of a It Kiel'I.A IK ('AMI IIOINi:. A* by so doing they can effect a saving or from 10 to 13 fig cl. on the amount of their hllla. In the alylca of IIHF.NN GOODS. We are exhibiting printed Linens, beautlflil Brocade Barege Rohes, rich jriatd Silks, fine Organ-lie Muslin*, printed French Cambrics, fine printed Brilliant*, French, American and English Print*, l.'hallle* and t'hally Ha- rrges, while t^anton Crape Shawl*, new styles spring Ginghams, and Goods of other Tahrie*. E3iiiiioii>khii:n. Beautiful Glmpuro, Venice Point, Maltese, Cambric and 8w|*a Collars, Collars and Sleeves In set*, flue embroid ered and hemstitched IIandkercblefk, Inlant't IVshn, Hwts* and Cambric Edgings snd Inserting*. Flounces snd Bands, Under Handkerchiefs, Mourning (Vrilar*and Hleovea,ke. M*H131 Cl 31 ANTI.KN A3II> NC'AIIKN. In Ihl* branch of our Dade, we take the lead, and arw offering a l.esullhil assorlnienl of the latest fashionable nalerni In all the most desirable colors. 1 ItOYHEKr.I*. 1* 13444 GOtlDS, m 4, 11.4,19 4 Barnsley Linen Sheetings 4-t, it-4,8 4, In-4, 11-4 and 19- 4 super (Vltnn Sheeting* Fine aud common Toilet Quills and '.\>uutcr|>aiK» i.ineua and Cottons Scotch and Russia Diapers and Clash llnrkabtirk Towels and Towelling* Superior Linen Table Damasks and Napkins Curtain Muslins, fine DluiHy Ticks, kc. kc. 44TIITK BOODI, Of even description, stole and variety. llrtNlKIKY* A fijIt and comqleto assortment of Men's, luulles’ Roys' and M late s', of the best German and K»|Rah """'"“"'ei.AKTAnoji unon*. Striped and plain (knshurg*. Marllhiro' Stripes and Denims, heavy brown Coltone, plaid Handkerchief*, fcc. person* favoring ua with a call may tm assure*! that Ihrv will ineel with honest and honorable dealing, and proimro llm bostgoml* at the lowest possible prices, mar 2fl MOURNING GOODS. U LAl'K Bareurs; double wldlh do Black Tissues; Grenadine* j Spanish Crapea Uhullle t 1M Mourning 'IIssues iM Mourning Jseohete and opgandiet 9«l do Gingham and Gingham Musllat Calicoes t black Crap* Onllani and Sleeva* White TaHItau do do IHavk Crape and Love Veils, ke. ke. Befoul.) received, aud for sale et the lowest Prtcoa, by Da WITT k MORGAN, apr 7 , Fit has boon used In hospitals and prtvaUr practice,and Has had the singular fortune of bolug rccuumendvl by "ia most cnlebruied phyilclzni aud olher eminent per- Hit. Among other* by W. Glbsou, M D., Prof, of Burgery, Pa. University. Valentine 3lutt, If. D. FrofofSurgerr, N. Y, Culver W. P. Dewees, M. D.. Prof of Mid. Pa University. N. Chapman, M, I)., Prof of Physic, Pa University. T. Parke, M, D., Prea’l CoUcgn of Physicians, Phlla. Dr. Del Valin, Prof of Medicine, Havana. Jn*o Itourenco do Luz, Prof of Surgery, Lisbon. J.Uilpman, Member Unynt (JollegeSurgeons.IxindoD G. W. Ervlng, late Minister to H|rain. Sir I hoiiiat Pearson, Mafor General British Army. Gilbert llnheriton, British Omsul.kc, kc. Aud alto, the wonderful cures cffeete>l by Nwsim'a Paimeea.havu. tor many years made It an invaluable remedy. The Panacea does not contain mercury lu any form and being an Innocent preparation, It may be given to th c-rnoal tender Infant. * Thin-tall price has been Mxluced bill 30 tier bottle (containing three half pluU) or threw! bottles for 44. llnwaro of ImpoMltlon. fcwaltn's Panacea It In round GotiR-t, fluted longitudi nally, with the following letter* blown on the glass: •'rtWAIM'8—PANACEA—PHILA DA." and having the name of Jsi. Hwatu stamped on Urn sealing wax and written on the label covering (he cork, and a splendid engraving for the side of the bottle, com posed of gt-omulrlc lulhe work, comprising niiio differ ent dies, which have been turned for tbo exclusive use of the of Phil Wm. Swalm. copyright secured. * Also, Mvitltu'M Vcrmlfitffo. A valuable Family Mudiclne,belug a highly approved remedy for all diseases arising fioin dehiniy or the dl- gesllvo organs, such a* Worms Chnlera Morbus, Dysen- lor), I'm ver and Ague, Blending, Pilot, Hick Headache, kc . kc. 8eo the Pamphlet (which may bo bad gratis) accompanying the Vermifuge. Prepared only at 8WAIM’S LABORATORY. TIIB OLD.-TAND. Seventh street he tow Chesnut, Plilladsl- phin, ami told by all revpectablo Druggists In the United CAUTION TO TIIE PUBLIC. Persons wishing to obtain the genuine 8 WAIM'8 PA NACEA amlRWiM'S VERMIFUGE, should be careful to observe that tbenauto 8 W A I M Is spelled correctly «u the bottles and labels.or tHby may b«! on by meilicine* made tn Imitation of them by « person hearing a somewhat similar name, well cal- culale.1 to deceive. GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE U. 8. NellieIfrliii, Hrolltcra A CO., 170 William-atreot, Now York. apr 27 3uio e tiroprlulor, by Draper k. Co., bank n»te engravers illadelpbla. In thucenlrulaa portrsllof Uie late (J A (ITU It’ft IIP CM MlXTOnB* l '\ ' ' G II O I, E R A Kyoi, King »' orm or Tetter,ftcald Ifaad.F.olareeinetit and Pain of the Boast and Joints, fltabboni Utesrs H»* phylltic Disorders, Lumbago, hplna I CompUiaUtnd all DltesM* arising from an Injodlcloa* use of Mercvrr Imprudence In Life, or Imparity of the Blood. 1 Thl* valuable Medicine, wblcb baa becomefie4eWat«l 4 for the number of extraordinary cures effected tbroowh 11* agency, ht* Induced the theerteWfrito quest of thtlr frienda,tu offer Itto the public, whicl.Ui** do with tha utmost confidence In Its vlrtuesaod won dorfu) curative pro(>ertlet. Tbe following certlffutM selected from a large number, are, hoWever,ttrui*a testimony than th# mere word of the proprietore :eatf are all from gentlemen well known In their IbeaMUew jid , in o ;iiiM.* ,i orR' 1 «^ni''v?“’‘' ,ib *- “• "• F. HOYDEN, Esq.,of (he Exchange Hotel.Richmond known every where, says be hat seen the Medicine coll od CARTER 8 NPANISlI MIXT.-dK ad tn I nl* W red It, over a hundred cases, In nearly all tbedlseoees for which R I* reomimended. with t be mot t as tool shingly good ra hatever* 11 l,lh * ""irymadhina Lf AGUE AND rBV*»Jh01*ATCURIL-! harebyce» tify. that for three year# I bad Agua and Fever of the most violent description. I had severs I Physician* took large quantities of Quinine, Mercury, and I believe oil the Tonies advertised, but all without any peraunentr* lief. At last! tried CARTER’S 8PAM8II MIXTURS. two bottle# nr which effectually cured me, and I ■■ hippy to «sy I have had neither Chills or Fever sinews* 1 consider lithe beet Tonic In Ibe world, and th« only iredlc ne that ever reached my cate. Bearer Dam, near Richmond Va. OUK W’NODEN. c. IL LUCK, Esq., now in tbe aty of Richmond, and for many years In the Postofllce, has sueh confidence In l J?.1^‘ < ' U . lthltlKe ® 0,c T of UARTKk’8 8PANISH MIX- TURK, that he has bought upwards of 30 bottles, which he ha* given away to tbe afflicted. Mr. Lock rays he has never known It to fail when taken according to dl recti obi. iMINOE,a practising Physician, and formerly of the City Hotel, in the city of Richmond, eays be hat witnessed In a number of Instance* the effects of CAR TER 8 SPANISH MIXTURE, wbleb were most truly surprising. He says In a caae of Consumption, depen d«nl on tbo Liver, the good effects were wonderful in. tho firm of Drinker* Morris, Richmond, wa* cured of Liver Complaint off &pTs'toH 1 MI 5 XTl'nF Q **° f twoU,me, °f C'ARTBR’4 GREAT CURE OP'HCROPULA.-Tbe editors of the Richmond Republican had aeervant employed Intbah press room, cured of violent Scrofula, combined with Rheumatism, which entirely disabled him from work.— Two boiUes of CARTER'S HP AN lull MIXTURE mode a perfect cure of him, and the editors In a public notice say they -•cheerfully recommend HD, all who areaf, aided w !th any disease of the blood." STILL ANOTHER CURE OP SCROFULA.—I had a very valuable boy cured by three bottles of f'arter’i Spanish Mixture, ieonstderlt a truly valuable medl- rtue, JAMES jf.TAYLOR,Conductoroathe R.f.k P.R. R.Co., Richmond. Va. SALT RHEUM OF 20 YEARS 8TANDINGCURED. Mr. JOHN THOMPSON residing In the city of Rich* mond. was core-1 by three bottles of Carter’vNpanlth Mixture, of Salt Rheum, wblcb he had nearly Co year# and which all ihephyilclaniin the city roald not cure. Mr. Thompson Ii a well knownmerchaniln the cltr ol Richmond. Ya..amlMs curels most remarkable. * \VM. A MATTHEWS, of Richmond, v*., had a serv- antcurrd of 8*pblll», In the worn form, bv Caner’a Spanish Mixture. If e says he cheerfully rccommendslt and consider* It an Invaluable medicine. RICHARD K. WEST, of Richmond, wax cured oj 8crofula. and » hat physician* called eonflrmrdCouanmp lion, by three botile* of Carter** Spanish Mixture. EDWIN BURTON, Commissioner of the Revenue, ssyr he hssseen the rood effects of Carter’s Spanish Mix ture In a number ofSyphfliilccase#,and sxy* It Is anew feet cure for that horrible disease. T.W.DYOTT k SONS, 132 North 3d-atr*ei,pblla delphla. BENNETT k UF.ER8,123MainstreeL RichmonJ.Va WSI. i’. HARWOOD, of Richmond, Ya., cured ol ‘if Ml FOIL* L’lHlIl K IIIIPE, • Mill Ituibbl*. K Phelps* GlU. . D« Mil*. Old Reserve Bye Whiskey, lain, 37 half Pipe* Cognac Brandy. In atnrs and tor sate lit may 19 t>li)!SftlI\Ko, -*V'7rnch'Truito pul up in thofr*nwit I Julre, tor aalo by •pUI? * ’ MINIS k JOHNSTON. U AY, IIaY—ikni balsa prim# North River Hay. ""‘Krrjyiv on^TANtmK, may II foosa 1 New Mulldlei,May at- A V.-vnu bales prime fteslern llav, daltv eujwwle ale by IIUNTKtt k UAMMKi.t,. I I For sale by apr 9 | (INIHIN AND 11U111.1 l*i'HttRlTA14|VRRftVVH II *T( 'I IT—Quart* and I'lets, jmmu 1 Rf * and tor tale by UiAULE* I'T.Lt.vikNH, a p| 17 M New-tt . New Ynrlt^ 1.311 PAD iViRN M HAI. - IflR aaci'a"Dssh giouhJTori V>All.U.»V|\rC-le black and wdi'ra, alee aatortmeat, I irrslretl atnl tor tala by apr 41 NRVITT, I.ATRROP k M04IRR4. .1 Certain Cure for this disease, may It found in tkt MS of Perry /lirli' Ftgetebh PA l.\ KILLER. St. |«nrts. Mo, Jane I4th, 1B19. | Old Sores and Ulcers, whlchdlrahled him from walklns Mr.A.T. Woodward, kgent of Perry Davit’ Pnm Killer. Took afew l*otiles of Carter’s Spanish Miiure.and wet Dxta Sir. :-l feel It a duty I owe to the public, to enabled to »tlk a ithoot acrutch;lna stort time per tuaWv known the value of Davis’ t'aln Killer, and my I manently —— experience In utipg it for some of the complaints f<*c which It t* highly reoommeuded. In April last. An iur lecuminrndattou, I purchased a one dollar boitlo y..u Tor pains with which I have tong bt*-a silhcted, and made use of tl on my trip down to Now Orleans, with the most graMy lng and beneficial efftets. i in my return trip to this city, the Cholera nude Its appearance among some of tuy passenger*. I made use of tbe Palu Killer, having no oilier remedy on board, and to my surprise ami gratification found it gave iHia'iattrt- Itrj! On my arrival in e|. Louis, 1 called on you and got four large bottles, and staled to you tuy confidence tn It ns an toialtible i.hoh-ra Remedy, and remarking tu you that I a nixed no otherCholcra remcly on my boat. I made use o| four bottles on my trip to New nrieans and tmek. tor Cholera and some otto-r rout plaints for which It is recommended, and met with th- most aston- , Ishing sucre*—when l ordered from you six more oue I dollar bott'es. Since then I hare made two more trips to New tirleans aud back, aud on my previous trip up. I bad more than Sovonty Cases of Cholera on board, w hen the P.11.V Kl/.I.KR was immediately used with the most astonishing results. In all case* where It wa* used In time, it gave relief In a very short tliuu; and I ran with confidence ray to the public, that In all of the first stage* of Cholera, when taken In time, II Is In m> opinion, an infallible remedy! and after a fair trial with It for several wreks, snd lor lour trios to New Orleans ami back, and using It tor Cholera aud lor other complaints for which It t* recommended, no considers- whatever would Induce me to leave port without Principal Depot* at M. WARD. CLOSE k CO..S2 MsMiu Lane,New-York. For sale bv J. H. CARTER fc <V>, A APOLOMOXI M. TURNER k CT». Karvuntl and by T'rugg.staand Country Mareba&Uavcr) wberw EBTiVire 4 - .**!'■ 1 per Battl* sir A Battles for 41. HOLEOWA'JPS OINTMENT Citizens of ike t’mon,— You have dene me tbe honor as with on# volt*, iron one end of tbe L*Men to the other, lo sump lb* charade.’of my Ututment with your ipprobaltoa. It Is scarcely two years since I made It knowaaotoftg Won whatever would Induce me to leave port without a 1 J®"’ •J* 1 ^ guo«t supply—believing It to be a medicine that no ofll- t > tr toedlclne .n to short a period, cerof a tvat or any family would be without a single i T,, 2iu J” , "lU,U day after using ono Ivottle. Believing It to the most 1 m .vsrDi-/,>«<,.v. 1 valuable family meulclno known to tne world, for all i *st(jN!sim\t n:rr «vr uinr i .ms the different complaint, lor which tt Is recommended. A ^WI1.U tbfcl OT 80RK I.K4, A ITER P. S.-Plea»csend me si* targe hov.Us for tbt. trip. ’ . MM. sEARS STANDING. J.M. BROAmYKLU , c +n*J • Utter from Mr. IF. .'. J *ng.ep, tf Hunts- CapUtu Steamer Atlantic, i role,, ladlm ivutf, Xtrtk Cur oh as, I most conllally unite wllh » apt.Umadwrli lu rec«im- kW .vVrndrr lft,IKL mending I’erry Davis’ Pain Killer to the public, having _ myself been s«*verHy altsrked with the t holers, and 1 »’? IIKAD IIISOM3 WORDS, found relief in a lew h^ur* by uslug the Pam Killer, i To Ptortssoa IIomowst. and have mvsclf admlnls’.rrrd Ii to more than fil)y i>er- 1 , !>lr “ l1 ! ****** «x wi»h tobeeome notorious, neltbsr tons attacked with Ihe Cholera,and when used In'ttme. *• tldaletter wnlieu (or the mere sake of wrlitng.but a cure was e-ffeded tn a few hours, and lake pleasure \ I* soy, that >eur I'.ntmtrt curvU me of one of tbe In rrcommeudtug It to the public as an Invaluable med- , K1 "» l dreadful rutancwi* disease* iLal firvh I* beir to, Iclne, that no Iqulvldual should be without a -Ingle ' * nJ w htcb was considered by all who knew me, lo be ' our. JOHN N. BOFFINGER. ' aniltvlv beyond the reach of turdiclne. For nine Clerk Steamer Atlantic. .)«*'»! »•» afflicted with one of the mod paiulul and Davis' P*i* Ku ira.—In t»r-d.vy's Union wtll be ' tr..ubles.'n.e rore legs thatevrr fell to the lot of man; found an advertisement of this celebrated remedv. The 1 k**‘l sOer trying every mediesne I bad ever heard c*L i retlgi-.rd in despair all bepe ol being cured ; but a friend brought me a cvttple of large rot* of your Oint ment, which caused tbe sore#Oti my legs lo hcwUand I entirely regained my health to my agreeable surpriM and delight, and to the aflonlahmentor tnv fr'xbds. iSigned! W.J. LANGLEY- crntlicatea app. nded, from the captain and clerk of the Steamrr Atlantic. »r know to tn* genuine, and founded on facts, a* lliey verbally sute.1 In our office the sub- stauieof what they publish.-*41.Lewi# I’wies. The Palu Killer is Kdd by John B. Moore k Co. Tho*. M.Turner k (V.and 8. D.Brantlev k Co .8avan Mali; Barrel, Carter k Co. and C ark. Well* It Dubose, Augusta ; L. I. Siroliecker k Co., Macon. AD.» by Drugg|*tt ami Grocer# generally, may IU—codllmo OVISU AM) RK30VATISD KmiaiSUMm. 7 3 YorU-M.. nrnr the Court Honwc, S A V A N N All, G A. 73 JE\ x#T*au#ii«n is ira.*. fnr^7 3 AN EXTRAORDIN ARY CTRFOF A RAD BREAST, WHEN NEARLY AT THE POINT OP DEATH. • Coyytj a l.tutr from Mr. R, iiuraut, .Vnr unwat .VernsSrr 9lk, I nil , To Paor#*#oR Itoi lows v, 38, Comer of Ann and Not- mu street*. New York. i Dear Sir :—It la with heartfelt gratitude l hkte to inform you that by theufeof your ointment and Pills, . .. _ ...... ... ! the life of my wife ha# been raved. For raven year# A|IE »iib#ertber, grateful to hi# patrons and friend# i the bad a bad breast, with ten running wound#, mol ol X (or their continued favor*, would #ux<- that, In ad dltlon to the Impnivrments In Dying ae,yulrt\l l>y him during hta la#l visit lo England and Scotland, ha* made arrangements for extending his besitte#*, by which he t* How enabled lo Dye a grinder varlely ot t olora on St|k and Woolen Dresses, Shawls, kc., which he trust# will grnrrally please all who way favor him with their patronage. Gentlemen's Garment# Dyed, Cleaned or Renovated, a* may l*e required, imhe same superior style which ha* generally »n much pleatod his patron* an.1 friends- Udlet* Bonnet* Dyed, Bleacltevl and Pressed tn the mo>tfk#hlonsble style*. Orvlers from the erantry punc tually attended to. Term# moderate. When parcel# are sent bv steamboat «*r railroad, wool should he sent him by letter through the Post i ifltcw.soUul he may know lore to call tor tjrein. jan El i ALEXANDER GALLOWAY, a cancerous nalunrv I wa# told that nothin# ee«M save her: #he vrstthen induced to ora your Oiwt»e«t sndPilKwhrn lu the short tpnee of there month#, they rff.x ird a perfect curr, to the astonishment of all who knew u». We obtained your Mrdlelnea from Messrs. Wright k Co., of Chartioe-*i. New Ortenna. I •end this from “Hotel dea Prince*," Parts, although, l had written It at New (iflean#, hetoee we finally left, at that lime, notknow tag your address at New York. (Stguod) R. DURANT. Tkr Pills should be used reiyeiafly u-ith ike Ointment tn moot ef tie fwiJwittnt ranee : Bad IwHS* Contracted and Lumbago 8<\re-Qro*U Bad Breasts Stiff Joints Pile# Skln-dtranaoa Burns n»iwla# Rheumatism Scurvy Bunion* Gout hallRbeam hore-heads Chilblain# Glandultr SeaHI# Ulcetv ssUMIAIIl gJSkZklka; | Chapped hand# Hwelhogs S.'reNlPptee Wowwdw »I* 1C I W WWMIS. I • •SoldattheKriabhshmnntolProiraravrMoMowsV, A||B siiIwcril>era have n«w In aiore a large amt wall I S" Makten l^nr. New York, and 944 fttramt, Lesadma, assorted STOCK of also by all rraperrable Droggisls amt Dewtor# In Mkfit- Spring and Summer ;IWihViSiJS DRY GOO IKS !! ; - Ter s? l"V WB-ttftgrRt. v, To vvbledi they Invtln the AllenUon of Purchaser# for ! \\\ yv. LINCOLN, ffavtnnah Gw. CAftll OH AI*l*|IOVI'.II t'KEBIT. | fTT'There l# * con»ldorahl#> raving hi taking lira msr 28 NR\m\ LATHRtiP k ROGERS.^ ||*S;,t,t,ra. * ' ^ “* X. n —Dlreetl.wi* tor guidance of pattowltln every ' disorder are afllsed to Pot. Spring and Summer 1855, Pry t.oml* ■« Whalrsalc Corn or Urouchton atnl Jcrtor»»n-na, Lp btxira. r|v||R •nbterUH'r !# nose nvelvtog one of ibe largest 1 amt best seleeled stock of good* nenr oflbre.1 lo the Dade in this mark el, to waifhhelwvltra lh* •(•‘•niton o merrhanta. WILLIAM G. FOOTE. Oik 9 WM. A. THOMAS. PRAOTIOAIi PLUMPER n AVlNU been duly licensed hr the vVmmtawlener* of the Kav anitsU Water Works, I am prepamt to do all work entrusted to my oara, m a sty I# and manner, equallrd only In ibe Northern rillea. Being a practical Plumber, and uncvnneetml with any other tovainras I will give my entire lime ami attenttoiv to bnstrawsof Plumtdwk a tons l mtvraiffvtty call attention to the fid- low Ini arilrlna, 8i t fthnwer lUlhs, Balhlwg TVibea, Ver- tlete tSto|wr, B-vtkwa,Marble lop wash stands, Palval pnn wale* chvsels, lead pl|*n, sheet tend, hrwa* nndpkted roe#*, hydraulic lam*, amt> on hand and tor sate. (IRn No US Broughton stocet.- Woikshop B lough ton street tonn. N. It -Unoteepitonable retorewee# given- mar 94 —» “ ( IIVITKIt A HI. Nil. • WIUTASSWSTSSST, »XV*HN*M. o*, 1 AKAI.KKK I, «*k~- SUM, l<—«. «"»».». gnd While Wash Broshe*! Gntd t-enf, Rfntmn, kc. JAW Also, VI |*1rt InahleVfisraMa* Rltmla. RulMnra nml othsrs wow to do w ell to tl vw a* a rail betora |«w echoing •Irawhsra. Th*-wlmbWsUiraoe"»•••»motto jsnfi am —- .. - if Jan It oj tawsAtnw J. II. MINIHK WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS orrSf rSS*M-ESii , 18Pt>»i« w»vu Leaf I-end para and No. t! IM h.\\e# Window Gloss; t Gx>gallon* I Itseod (‘lit uw ewth'n# Bleached Wlwie# 8 re raw 041; VO t»#rrat# .to Whale thl j \ do Train OH. host qnatnv r. d.> Wtoier sir*.wed l^rd 0(1; it do (\*hevia's Meehtnety (MIU l do No, t (*n#4or OM; mi do (Vppe<*#^rae«vanddm MI '■■§ IP do Epsom Satu; to casks rwtosh 3 casks Salssraiwa; 4 barrels Refined 8n n pet re t «M oneera »'»»(•' Salphat* Qwtwtn*; IB bairslt l-wtllardS Ba»f; to tovae* sssyinl Oswdlra t .so do Uj *« Lrawofi Sytwp. 4(» t«4A* Pepi-er, AthpkfiawdOtnrst; t barrel each, Nwlunar*. Mate khio»mt] DM ra vins l^uee Ud W rlUn Pape* \ tor approved p4tpei. ik ROGERS