The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 18, 1855, Image 1

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' '-«4~ SAVANNAH. GA., MON DAI MORNING. JUNE 18, 1855. NUMBER 146 i. ri'ai.i»it«t> . . pullr.Trl-Wookly uud Weekly, P. W. ALEXANDER & CO. CITY AMpClUIRfTl’ l*»|INTKR iKMB KUUUGfcfU; D«H> ,, «W•>_* «.A**y*• Fl not t • u¥S Va* **. i a'v Hue c.,' ..•5 00 _ . . u oo itatlfv »»» A4VRDCV. fortt Mouthi, 5 OO .Yatvaaiicsj* S«Ht If not l*ul*I in Atlvnno««v ......A.- 4.00 O'ocKlv* Ittvnrlablr | M Advance, tf OO Club Rnwr-IW«»yin!»>... Id 00 17* In t.oewso will *n order for Oiopapertieattendod I o.unli** arcontpfitffbd *Hh the Mousy, ,»r aanttalhn. » ir\ rffrlttW*. • * IIOVIlDOt IIIMLTII-IS5A. Hard*. CmtMM*. AifiMi— Henry t.elhmn, Anuirw Jsekson llnant. Brown—Itr.Juhn M Johnston, M J Hi-llh,Julius Gnmlrv. L'4lb->aiir-J<i|mo K Umtfrey, Mlelmsl Flimsy. • * iVi-enU-rs Row—W IIPspi Mori 11, .'Unlit,» Amorous, i h .iliaui— Li| ward U. Wilson. l»moc llriitmer. I'.ilutntde—Jot. |.h F nunnum. Francis T Hgle. Crswfnnl— Humes Gillum. George 8 Frierson. Cu-ry r«»wu—J.»hu U BeruwuU, tkA T Lawrence, Ah- innl-t l’onc**.N . . Pecker -MilionJ Ruckuor, Jacob F Do®. William tv Idncoln, Joint cn*a tltitrl—Richard T Turner Edwin HZlitrower. ItasMItt tXawy—Thraiix*lloynee, William Ryan. rrankil'tD-ldi—Anlmi RoreherL Ldwatd 1-ovelL Orron#—Jowi'h' lluiks. John FCercopt-lv. Csr'en Id*!. Nik tf—MiIUiii Uutnphroys, ThniuatPran* tiervuD. • • Ilf.tiitcoU—Jamea Sullivan, laalah Davenport. ><Jo«uon i.ohvn, William II Onion. iuiir-'li*«lll’nliMi, Allred J J Uiols. Uajfiu*-Mi>v» l> HuRpns, ncmvns Cohen, l.iiaf >—Thi'Uiaa k Blevins, I rands M."i.if>—• liarlsa W W Utueu. Joseph W Webster. Su»ih »>■»•»•'tiurn*--Andrew Ferry, Chrl.topbvr Win#, luniat J McKenzie MaliUs ‘**ltfhnrjw—M D'W AteXhnder, John Wilder, Lemuel Hover, fimiiu i iaieiln.rtie~l.3Ula N r*Mlgani,J.*hn M Will lama. P-Mval-Johu •>.J?Urt,Ur Harvey l.tUrd. ruis-hl—GeorgeF Palme*, William Rogers. Reynold*—J H.uuiui'l. William I* Ethi rTdfe. 5|»invhlll — William' Mllsy, Marlin l’*> inn. tn'ip— Wuilaiu HTiomiea, cumilua Kiwctte Darla. U'»ii.m—William Humphreys, William llenue*. Bar en—Edward F Klnt-hley. Joseph k McDoiii-IL U nahliiKioti— Hrnrj F Wllllnk,Jr.. John A Mayer,. I omr Sundirnn Mn~ -X-va.' 1^. W !■%’.. W.,,» . . n. uihhki.i.'. _ Uenrral Auction and Commission M3DHOHAWT, No. IM Hay*nroe|,' BrDrD from hit friends onnsluiimciils nr every do ■ -»'! ' • • • « . My psraonal altenttnn will be given lo the sale or Meat Kalatis Hunk Block, lac. Itvvan tn lltraro ttnttwtb, Rsq.. Pierson, tlplilt 4 Oo.t .. p \ W .V , ’5 f l" b o 1 wq., Havannah j K. II. llartU, |l. H.Jhleoa k. Co^ (lalno k l.ucai, W. U. Hnlc hill, MontgoAory, Ala. nmr 17 TiJ.VIIIIKLIIULII, Ag’l. uknmul. ' OROCEH, FORU’ARIIIAU A\D COMMISSION. „ MERCHANT. No. Ha Uryaivairoot.tliroo jIvkiw Eiui Markot*aq. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, . KrenaconilaiRlX on hand a gonsral atock or Family Grooerloa, low for oaah only. mar ft. WM. W AH I N (4 IIAIIKIIMII 4.1|, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner ni Uay and MpiHttomory*«l>.i9avnnniih,Cli. StdloUa c,>u«l|umuuu, tuuf l* preptirud u» receive Col ton ahd Msrchundiie Keiiumllv, iiikiii aloruue. Jan l Tilov.lVW. ~T~~~ JAMi;S N. NilJIOI.N, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Jonee' wharf, fool of Aborooru-atreol, Jan 11 AAV ANN AH, GA,ly CAUI.I.TOK A- PAHMINN, General Commission Merchants. 8-4 UAY-dTUEKT, ttAVANNAU, GEHUGlA. 0. C. CHUKTON. CII.a. r.HtlUN. „ . 1*11 NISTSj Oil NWTON, General Anrtlou & CoratolMlon Merchants, Tender Uielr aervloealo llu-lr Menda and the public. Jana . CHf.KVt’.U A €«., ~ (At t). A. I,. I.anrir’a,cor. lira,ton and Drynn^la.) Factors and Commission Merchants, CM. ly Fare Reduced siSSL Oafth Passage to Now York $20. HKMI-WF.BKLY UNITED NTATlift .UAH, I.INK. 1 MIK new and epleudld aldo whrel aloaniahliti.; . KM'XVILI.E, l-Val tuna, Capt. G. li. I.i'uk .w, AUGUSTA, 1,500 •• .* Tuoo. I.voa, FLORIDA. i.:mo A LA IIAll M ' itPN Kii'-xvilltr, .. Il.rbla,..... Anamla AUbtimn, ... Knoxville,... Tlurida. Avt'isla,.... AUbaina, ... Knox. He..,, Horido, ftl.S. Witopi|i*i.L| G."R, HciiaacK, Will leavo Sat Viah every Wednesday aud Saturday uloliow.: ' “* ...WMnerday,.May ftl, do ...Humnitty.... do .Vh, do ...W,-«lneada>,. .to llin, do ...Aalurday,... do L-Mt, do ... t\ otlneoda),. do Hbb.'d't . ..Saiurda),... tlo Hit It, do ...Wetlneeday.. do do ...dam day.... do ‘.*6ih, do ... WodiMtaday,. do 3tllb, do ...i*et>ir>lay,...Juut- d-l, do ...Wrdmt dey. do iltb, do Angswa. ...Satutday,... do Ddt, t^t ' Alabama Wfiliifoday,. do Iritis, do KiH'xnlie, saiurda),... do llbn, do Fb.ridn. -... W.ilmutny,, do •-’ll h, do Austin a,, . ....tMurday,... do £ut, do AUlumu. Wedneodk),. do ‘J7th, ilo Knoxri le, ..Saiunlny,... do Ibnli dn Tirt-.f *1*11 • are among ilia lar e«i omiw coaol, un*«r- fiM.tUu »peed, ■•&*() nreimliltU vnakluu ti>elrpu»».taea io«'t, |o o.kly hour*, ami are coimrwn tid bv okiillul mviul, aiel imII o officer*. Having elevaiil • nleroom. mluii-'iio, they offer a tnuoi desirable convey suce u Ne * Vbrk. N f Cabot l*as«M*.. ...•?» Stevnue do 8 A»eu»: PADKLHHID. FA VAC-'.Savannah. SAM'L. L. MlTC1IELI*, 13 Ur-miwav, •p- tf New Y *rk NEW-YORK AND L.IVERPOOL U. S. MAIL STEAMERS. ma auire cuNFRlcikUTiiia i.iaa aaa: ATLANTIC, I BALTIC, CiM'I.WmT,- Caiit.l'oNfTOCI. ru-mi’, AimiATiv, i.'af-l. Nv«. | Uapt, . irTtW Theeeahlpa haring boon built by onlract, <‘ , rvlce. evem-nre to ivetotiakeir\n tholrconavructlon, a* alatvln their on nr.«>.,toensnrrHreuirthatids|>ecd: ami ihclrircnmmo- Dtii'ii, for paiMOgeia are unequalled for elegance «r -m'ort. I’riwof paaaagvfrom Ncw-Yorklo Llve.rpial, in drat rs'iin, ai:iu; |n apeond cabin, $75; exclusive ute o| ei'.r-,«i*e Mate rooms, $343. From Llvern.tol lo New Vork. £M ami £»». •an ei|H*rienco*l Sur»r«»n attactied tn each ahlp. .No ilvri/iacu be aecurwi until paid 'or. rit P0.1BII DATES OP HAILING. Fran ,\V» Far*. FY»m l.,rrrpa»l. IRVL I8M. "1 newt ay... .Jan.St. .M».VV*atiirday.... j ft n. 13.. 18V *l»y....Feb 7..IAVA S'aiunla)... F«d> .7..I8.55 * .' neHlay.... Feb HI.. ISttl Hal mday.... Fob BI..IBV, fSatunlay ,.. .Jail Ut.. 1833 For F-eight or Pa»anff*, apply to EDWARD K GOLI.INH, SO VI n ll-*lreel. N. Y. •AN. SulPLKY «t cth, l.lverpool, t l'HLN.KKNiVAR|tln3i„tf7 AustinFrlart,London, w MX IVRIGHT k. CO.. Fails; nr n UK tl'ER, Havre, t iT The owner* of the** ahlpa will not be accnunla- ■•••rgold, diver, bullion, apecio, Jewelry, prtxloua * »r mvtala, utdvaa loll* ol taiUttg ant slgovtl there- "•1 the v due thereof rtpnmttl therein. |.j e * lake notice, (hat the -Dipt of this ■mhiioI carry au> good* conlralmud •>( war. »" v ttivrr iy joua a. aiMi. PATTEN. IIHTTOIt Ai CO., F U U W A R I) IN U » n COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IUU llay Mruvi. ly 13 Snrantmh, Ga. J.c.acai. J. H.otvia. w. hTUiKo. III'll!. 1>A VIS A I,OK«, COMMISSION ftlKIIC II A NTH, June I NuvhmuhI,, <in, SAMUEL P VI'HI H A SUA, lloalrra In UAUDWARE,CUTLKItY, FILES, EDGE TOOL 8 Ac., WHoi.ashta »sn arratt., No. 148 Congn-i ami 07 Jilllau Street*, SneaaaaA, (itorgia. Jnne3 W.ll. WKH.HT. GENERAL BKOKBR, FOH THK rUHC/MSK .iXI) S.1/.K OF RK.1l. KST.1TF. W.V.J PKH'O.Ysl/, PROPERTY. BAY LINE, SAVANNAH. GA. • A. PONCE, Iiuporter & Hiinufuciiirer of Nuffara, an. 13 wmTiaaa>aTakaT, Kevninil haml a‘well aeloctud alock of Imported He gars;nl'o Maiiurartun-tl Tobacco. Snuff, Pipe*, and all olberartlclea usually kept In III* line or bsiainoM, which be offer* on the mo«« maannivlde term*. nov \i n. i.. tuiiEA, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Tit ylor-ml rent tm» nnoa* w«»t or na*vToa.*Taavt, j It prepared lo cnulract for all klndt of Building and . KepairliiK. A bait—Tnoondnct Water through the varlniispari* oi lli'Wws net 13 R. A J. I.ACIILIHON, Engincerii itnd !tl til tv rights, IRU.Y A- HU.iSf, FOUXDER&i Canal*Street—Near the Canal Lock, a. LA'-IIMNON. J.Ul IIMins, S' S. MILLER & J. D. KLUUUSO.'V, \Vll£KJ.\VHIfiirr*.YItI,ACKM31ITIi* j No. 183 Yurk-wircol, Carriage*. Wagon*. Cart* and Dray* mattufactoretl. Blacki-milhliig, Including Iron lulling and Grate* for Building*. Ac. done at thoshoricii notice. nogtM . jFoiTfon UuBitujjn Ciu-a*. way 5Vsm' * l.'im im if lVS In tV, ua. Practl»a law In Ulclimoiid, Uurko, WaMilngian, Sell- von and Emanuel. TiniR.M.aaaaiKN. mslcom b. joris deoltf • ly _____ • Nin.i.r.iK & IranuuliT A T T O H&KYH ,1 v IM Wni’itunboro', Hu, Refersncs— Me**r*. A.J. It T. W,Mllhir,'Auguita, Oa. octtl ly "'"•AftlaSMl Will practlcein the Flint and adJoInbigVountie^V the Jan 7 Macon Circuit. tf w in, A. liUr If IK, ATTORNEY AT LA W, * nov.Hf ^ MemlceHn, (ice. A TTO ' AN ^ C *) UN?E L M U?-*A T * LAW. will practice InVho^urftoVVa^uiid'riiiiih Florida. jTnnno Pinkney k Co.Cliarltttnn.S.U. Reference*, s Piunkm, lloldi it Co, Savannah, Ga. > Cooper It Muih«ra, Mlcaunpy, Fla. mauJO |y* MAIL HENRY J. PEPPER It HON. Wniclioa, Jeudlry unit Nllvcrtvare, jVo. 175, uvitoaitelhe Slate liouae, n l*hlltiaul|Hil«a. FULTON HOUSE; • ATLANTA, GEORGIA, I.V A. HKCVEt. Allan!*, March 14. IH.VV if mar 10 AlEkkUd. DUfttiAMiHILIIJLINAUU., HANKERS, , No. 48 William aireei. Netv Yoek, laat’M Foreign Clrcnlir Letters of Cre4H. ON THE FOLLOWING CITIKSi ‘ ’ Alexandria, Frutiklurl, Nnplea, Antwerp, Genua, Nice, Allien*. Geneva, oporto, Aumierdam, Gl'-ralinr, Oioron, Be-l'ii. Ilnmhurg, Purls, Itadeu.Uaden, Hague, Pail, Berne, Havre, Palermo, Bonn, Heidelberg, Pisa, Bordeaux, llong Kong. Borne, Boulogne, Hand), Ceylon, liollerdam, Bremen, Liverpool, Rio do Janeiro, llrtt'M-1*, London, Hi. Petersburg, 11 ag id dl Lucca, leghorn, 8ir.nb.iuig, Bn*lo, I*elpsic, Hieun, Bombay, t.vtina, Pliiynla, lUtavia, l.taU«»n, Seville, Be) Mill, Madrid, Slottlu. Carlo, Malta, Hliuighii, C.bleula, Rlartelllea, Slugaporo. Cologne, CaiUs, Milan, Sydney, NSW,, Colombo, Moscow, Turin, Co)lou. Munich, Toulon, Cttrlsrulie, Meaalna, Trieste, Cnlcmta, Mulhoiue, Venice, «'anion, Madrae, Vvvvy, Dresden, Mnlia. Vienna, llosseblorf, Manilla, Wluibmlen, FUlltslninr, Madeira. Warsaw, Florence, Melbourne. Au»., Zorich. ALSO. CREDITS FOR INDIA AND CHINA ON THE ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION OF LONDON. " Branches and Agencies ai— Cantmi. sb'iughal, Calcutta,- llong Kong, Bombay, - Madras. Slngopoe, CREDirs FOR AUSTRAlT\ ON THE DANK OF new-houtii-walbs uf London. dmttchcv and A«t*nci»t» at— •Malilund aiul Newcn-tle, Hunter River. llrMianoaml Ipswich, More iiii.lluy. Victoria Branches: Melbourne, Goubmg, Kynetnn, Casilumainu, Mount Alexander. Ballarat. Snmllii|i*l Agency, Bendigo. Oven* Agcuey, mar tai nm"—la M. it. citracn. g. t.Musg* oiiruru a 3iosi's. FACTORS ^COMMISSION MERCHANTS Hoy street, Sav-uiiinh, Ueurgia. Hvvaaaaex*—» e*,r*. IUU, Mow* «l »•«.. and Col. Jylill Hanks. Coluiutin*. Gt- .r.-la ; Messrs. Hall, t|o*ea k Robert*. M-ong .mery, Alabama ; .Mr. A. J. Brady, Atlanta. Mtorgia, , nyr-.D • ATPUIlSlS ‘ PKIN’TliVIJ OFFICE!, ■ 9'Ld tVliiiiiker*Mruol, tlT CARDa ara printed at 44 JO por ihousaud. SOI’Til WKSTEItiV KAILKOAIi. CHANCE OF HCIIEDLM.K \N AND AFTER TI/B8DA V. Fobruary ‘Jnth.Pawle ' * v ' Trains will leav« .Macon .Uliy lor Colmnbusat •'ct«<k, A. tt„ ami lor Amvrkus nl* A. M., arrivti g "Iambus 8)< o'clock, A.M .aiulal Arn. rlcus lljf t. 1 •••'vo tim-dcur daily a- 7, A M.. and Columbus at I’. M . arrivo'ir at Macon tr..m Amerlcua at I Ik A. j-,.ifr..iu r.du.nhu* at 'HP. At. ' M-<tnng at .Macon each way with IVnlral Railroad to -avannah. Augusta. Mllledgevilleaml latlon- sad wLh .tlacoiralnl tVesieru Railroad Train* tn *'*• A llama, Dalton, Chattanooga, Knoxville, and -- r.lls*. nmeiln? dally at Columbus, will. ii|«Uka Railroad ’’ '''goniery, .Alabama, aud Girard HailnmiJ.lo ."liver - v >rr» lima. "'•"eciiiig al Amerlcua wlih tlall Hugo Line to Tal t!t«nv. Thom** villp, kc. set,can iM-procormlal A.nerlc'mto Augusta; and '*• " Ibnliigton, N- U, via Aiign*m. •t Class Hteamsl.kpalflava r*avafii.Nb Tor New Vork in>-«|,i)s n„| HalUrdata, and for I'hlUilelpbla on n.-s »).. Passage, in iheCabin, 440; Hieerage, fd. '•i.jui M.iiginnery toHavaiin*b #13 im ' ..imtibn* to do U»») m. Auirncu* lo do H tki „ i-'B". tV. ADAMS.Hnperlnleioltiii. Mvc-n.lVh. I.Mh. IH.'.S fel, |0 CAltltlAGE REPOSITORY MANUFACTOHY. . , rj a A general ami cotupleM aMomueul, Just 'tRgf&f recelvctl. The sii'iH'riberla imw prepared to offer to Die public a handsome setccAoii of ID M.KAWAVH. Top and no-top BUi.GIM, hulll hv Wdlinm Dnttlap,of Phdadelphln; togellterwllh n larger end lu-llcr e lection oi lighter work than has ever been offerti I Ht lid* * slab- ll*limeiu helorts with prices lo corre*|H.u I will, the limes. I am determined l«» keen only such article* In my lino. »* I can contl-lent-y recommend and warrant. Ti.b public are ino*l respecfullf requested to eulland' ■a'I»iy themselves by uti of my stock. All kinds of Repairing dope, ns heremlore. L. H. BENNETT, ntar 1*4 Comer of We«l Itro nl ami Hay st». ~~Cni’rioge AiutTiiiuciory. fhe auhscilbcrtakes'.hl* ineili- >y* ml In return Id*'hunk* I" llie. G. M i;HIKKLfi hn*n-opemd Ills ifnre.nul y A '» " »<!) (or *11 customer#'culls In |||« line. I •-* -h'. i' in employ a superbw workman at . atebe*. net alto u Orsi rain Mauurartiirtng an l Joiihllig ukI ad work In that line will tie received ami f, i"ig lo. order, ami wlih dispaicn (.'alls f"u. all friemls ami customer* In waul ol on line ol business. io.v in ‘•ION nili.M JlAVCLHV NTflliL ‘ wijoi.MAi.r. ajvU grrsic, lf» h’t»iuhto».it ,between Hull Ijr Whitaker The Urges' nml l*rwl selicH-d stork of gnmla '■’ A •'*•■»offer.-ilforsale In HiUcily. Cold amtHlI- •i f tt'aiehr*. Vest, Fob xml Guard chains, vel* f (> w.-lry. ChaieUnrs, tirxcel.Brooches, , ~mml work Finger Bings. Hllver I'aslors, To* ■ * Goblet#, Cups, rake Hasfceti, Hje*.os. Fl«h Knlve«.PIe Knlves.' ln-eve m-oups, Ladles. Alw., all klmts of Platetl Ware. Military ' inrj Goods.and a great variety ol ariiclespM. nu- rMi'" :,b ® whole of which will he sold ai ' kind...( Watchrs.Clne.ka, Jewelry and other Job- • I'.-mled lo bv Coinpetehl bandr. % mikkman JANO FORTES, MUc 10, Ac. fJSjtgmm The uud*/signed l« prepared, as usual F^ supply. II detoamlsDi Ida Hue. having ' r I lull* esanclsa of soma of u.e |,a>i Piano makers I., he rnuniry, aa Mimlari. Jacob » Mefc Jim. It. Dunham «s Co., Drovealiw it kTrnslow, . Pond k i n., T. LHU rl k Co,, ke... a chulee ol dr»ln*D>itn*nf* Wav i.r had at his rsiahlDi nient. '' V' * U( T * •*P**«M* In hMh Ihe pro nst ami business dana.tmenis.d Mnslr. heirusi* •ie fill It# enlfllrat lo l he kind paironaus hr e*el veil during lltr p*»| flv.. tears. II MITCHELL. Again for F. Zoghautn k Co., ° H l-*n|l*tiand Brian at*., near Dm Market HAllRAIftli; The tndersign««L hating several Plan» IForle# onrniistgiirneiit, with lustructlops . 'la-tuln, will olfarihotn ai greatly M ,P ,r -*w T»i**w ittsfrgtnrnis are hv some of u.s ’• '"hae«ii»lr/,aml will be full* goaraidgod, > 'dud, o. It. MlrcHF.LL. Agent for F. 7g>gh*nm k Co. public P-r ilivlr liberal patronugf.uml In Inform ilium lhal bpstlllcarriesun Ihe Carriage buslnua* atlliuold slat'd, near the Market, In all tie various hrnucliHi. lie llkewlai invllesthu public to cull uud examine hls#p*ck or Carriages which he bus mo* on (land, got up express ly lor the Southern innrkei.lVidiugeoiilt-lemUiiil hu can pluase them lit style and In price iMtiierihan any mher eaUbllaliniePdiitheclly. AlUimlaofhcavy work made to order.such at Pluiitalioi. VVagoltv, Drays,Carls,'Tim ber Carriage*.kc.,ulI uisdeol hetl. rmaturlalsDialican be found ,'ivewhurelnthecHy. AmDhesuhscrMH'rftut- terrhlmselt that thu practicaloxwcrlenceol overlhlriy year*.and hlauinllrlpgexertions in please. wllltMllae. cure to tilma liberal share ol public patronage. UepaD-ug done It ll»e*—at style amt uUlUt-r»l price*. ocl-J‘4 • IV. II titIM AHTI.E. " .tlarliu: iiaUivni/. fTMIP. undertUnu I reajiectfu’U Informs all who may 1 need hisaurvices. Ihal'.e fin* clntrgu of the MA RINE II tll.WAV, which Is now itrvucccMf-d opeoa- llon. Ilel* ihorelore, prepared to tnku tin vusMtltof any situ usually vUIDugoiir port, aud In do Ihe work of repairing, kc., oil* reasonable terms. Those who wUh'o clean or palm •mtioinsof ihulr vo#m-I# can alvii be aciPtinm-aUlml oil tin* llolway upon rua«ounble terms, lie 1> also prupuretl to coiomct for budding veand* ofany class or luscriptlon and »o curry onDie business of Hldp C 'pemurlng, Hpur Making and Caulking, In*11 lla various branches, ntihe oasternex- tri-mliyofthi'Cliy. A good .ship Huillh is on Ilia pretiii«u*. tog 3 _ ly ft. F. tVILLINK. Jr Savannah Dry Dock ToShipOwners,JlssleraiDHiCoiislKiHTsol' Voxael-t rpilEMui,scrtherro«pecifull» Inform*ibelli Mini IheB \* 1 V/NN til IIIIV D'HJK is now in successliil opera- iUlacalculaledlotaku In sldprolau) cla««irum IMI in 151 Of loll* hnrlheii. II Is ‘J!IU feel long nml ID feel wide, and complete In every particular. A large gang •>i work men is otu ployed and a large supply of ma- terlalalaoo nand,aothal veasulrcnn he rupalrml with at muciMieapatch as In any othar port. Fump and Block Making ami HifiHti's work done rn Hie premise* ami every effort math toeimnrriicopomy anrtfldellty lo those wbomayfavurthe D-.rk wimiloor hu.liir#*. D P. LANI'CHHIHNU, Agent and l:u|•erlutemh-lll, fell*. 1 * I.a'e of Marah’* Doch.i'lmrleainn. Mt|-.N\li.LI. A UR., No. 2*7 Dsy-Slrrri, Nsvannslu ga., II** an office for I'm sale oi North Oahatna, I Trune*-ee,aiHl oihar WESTERN I'lDlDI/CE,ami ex- I peel, al an esrly dale, lo In- in receipt of Baron, Corn, j rlonr, Hope, Cotton, k«L kc., Ihe protjuceof that *ec mm. I tve ke«'n ail office si ChaHauoogn, Teniu for Ihe pnr- ehn*#orsbip'iiaiii of Teii"us*ceriver priKliicl#, andean forwa-d, dlracl to planters, and from Inal fednl. tie are also In direr' dorreapomlcnco wlih HI. Louis, l«oidsvi|le, ajiiI Nashville, ami will all* pd In the pur* rhaseol a'llclea )o i|t.oe innrkela. to l»e sldppnd lo 8a lniermudl*>M polutslu Georgia. 'hie i General Insurance Agency, 142 llayst |!l *U~ViV^Ti RbUH i;i)) The Charter Oak Life lusuritnrc OF II IRrU'RD,' With a capttnl nnd surplus M over Sim.ttM), all)) con linues, ami will, until ihe next annua! lueuiing.couilnuc immure Ihe lives ol White I’eraons, nl Ihe *itm« rams charged herd-mi re fur all reilduuU ni ihe Houili. By It* •»nmlmas, good nmmigemeni, ami prompt paonentol ull ii» hisses, it huiplacml iuell eipu: lo any Cotnputty Hi the world- Snriagriclil Fire & llnrine Insurani'c Co'r, OF HPBI.NCFIKLD, MASH., Capital xml surplus, over 8‘435,(>Ofl State llutuul Firc iV Jliirinc liisurunre Go. OF PENNSYLVANIA. CapHaland surplu-.over tm,000 Eunitublo Fire liunraiifr Foiiiil.o/ Loudon. CAPITAL •JJMkMW'i. These Compxnle* are ••mud, strong and rehahle.and will effect Insurahcuoii all kludaitf pro|u-r|v. al reason able rale*. Insurance i ITecml lo any aimmol. For insiiraucu III either of Hie above named Compa nies, npplj to A. D lLltl'Il, lien. Ina. Ag'l, IH c No. II-4 ll<iy-*tniet.8nvaniuih.Ca, " liirc'lnV,irnacc. Tlir L’ultril Mule* life Insiirmirc Company, Takes risks on the Live* of while person*, f -rlifco a shorter period, and on slave* for one or four years,on as Uvuraltle terms a* any equally r«*pon«lble< ompauy. eseiTAT AVD AS*KT*. ISNCSRV l»T, I8.V1 m A bonus of -43 percent liav lieen declared on thelmil- nest of last y ear, lo nil policy holders enlilluU lhorcb». MINIH k J'lllNSTUN, A gums.. Dr. It. f>. ARNOLIL Mcillcal Examiner. _ mar 19 Fire and Marine I iiMimnee. The tn-urance Company oftUo Valley of Vhrgiuia. Available Capltul 43 gf.0'41—Surplus#111,317 4?. • iisxran exHCRT rsi.. Takes rl*kv onCnr,o.Frviglit, Buildings, Merchandize, he . In town And country. Losses promptly nud liberally adjusted mar III MINIS k J'MINHTON, Agents. .Norwich Fite Insurnnrr. Company, I’oun. iNciuipi'Rated ihui-capital m’uck, 4i.-j),ixxi. rpiM'. almve Company has been In siu-ce#siiil opera- 1 tl'.n npwanls ol ftuy years ami ha* a liighreouia- lion, wherevei known, aa a pruiupt nu t resjauulMo of. lice. Tnc umlerslgne t Is prepared to l*kp F'.re IDaks for *uh| ffioee, "ii dwellings, lurminre, store*,merchandise, warehouses ami eoiliui, upon (lie most lav..ruble leriui. JullN l.NGERHiILL, Ag'l N. F. Ins. Co., mar .1 No. -J Julies' lliiilduig, Bny st. fflonurcli AssiiriMicu Uo. VIHhAXh MFE— 1853. CAPITAL AND HIJIIPLUH FI'ND-«vVNIO,«MI. r | MIL ABOVE mentioned Company have established 1 a branch In Ihe United Stales, ami have lodged vmhJolml.. Asp.nwaU.r.eo. iJunta uud WnD* Sher man, of Hie city "I New Vork, a permanent fund of |I.Vi,"isi in American Beciirlllva, lo ho held by them aa 1 nm eca, liable for lon-es *11*1*1111*1 In this country, whn-.U will bo adjuvud tit Now Vork and promptly paid. The subscriber has been ap|*'lnled Agelil h.rHavan- nali, nml will lake risk* on the most tnvnrablo term*. JAM EH MrllENBV, Agent, may 31 —ly Nu. IM Buy-<i., Savannah, 'lliiLA WTliir Al UTIUL sifutV" I.N8URANCP. COMPANY, or nui.sPKi.riiu. r pilE *ul>aerltter having bn>* »w»>llil«l Agent of Ihe i above named old established MUTUAL Com|>aiiy, Is preparml pi Issue Us Policies rtn Marine nml Inland Na'igsliou Risks. JAMES Mclir.NKV. tmv ‘47 UlHtivy .street, PIHIVIM I tl iftM lltiM i; KMlPAft\ OF TORONTO, CANADA WEST. CsriTSl., fi.INXI.IMNI. The nmlerslKiied, having heenappididl-d A gent of the abnveCiiiupniiy.hcgaloxiiuouiirfl ilmi hols prepared in insue Polielus o| Insurance on Fire risk* In Savannah ami Ms vicinity, as also on Marine risk* generally, may H ly IV*. CROW DEM, Agent. iiomi; i vm i« A \< i: unnpANlv OF TDK C1TV OF NEW.VoRK. C.'iipllnl* •AOOvDOO - 411 l»*i•«! III. C'.J. Martin, He,:’). HIMEON L. I.OOMI8. I'res'i. The Hubtorlliers liavlhg heri. appointed Agents of IheitfH've Company, sreiuiw prepared lolake Risks againsi Fire on llulldlngi, Mercham'lsr, Ac. kc. on favorableterml. COHEN8 k IIHRTZ. J "iy M lo*now i a ii«T:rvi\ Vire oVfipe. ThlsCompany take* Fire KUkalu this City,andInaur* Rents and Leases, sepl tf It. IIAHEIIHIIAM k HON. Agents. .jn> Giilia, P. k Co. are Ageul* (nr the moat influen|UI aud lar- gestcircnlallngCommerclal Paper* bntliliuhe United tftnli-n mul llm Uenadaa. Itl AMINlt'-l, O. O. |’.-8.e» T-O. L. a. U KG ALIA, 1KWKI.S ANll L'llATUMEKMamuartur. ml and kept bn hand, at Him Old Establishment of K. COMIL IM4 Grand slnwl, Bait el llowery, New York Ordtoa front ihe country proinplly «U*itdod to. Jc W—ly . " P MAFEN, 1 3 GOTTENET Ic Co., Impurler* of French and 1 a other EuroiieanGmtUs, No. 48 Un-aduit. A nan,*43. W. J AOKMIK At NUN. • [ O/ Ik* fnfrjfrM of IF. A- X. .fasksox A- .Sons.) (illATE ANI) FENDER MAKERS, SMO Front St. anp 0*JO BkoAbtVAY, Itvw York. TTAVR constantly on hau l every variety of Grales 11 Mini Fenders, also circular ami tuiiare German Sllvor Grules. Wholesale dusleramppliwl. may yt—Aug :mi p Combs, .Fans and Fancy GoQdf7 WILMAiq TARKKII, 1ft PARK PLACE. New York.IwrtlmIke attention IU of Houlliem xml tVestifrn Merchants, to hla tinw slnok of Fans, Combs, Hair, Tooth and Nall llrnshea, Inullea' Itetlculei, I'eirutnerr. Soaps. Porte Mminalos, Jet a tut Itexd Bracelet*. Pcckcl Hunk*, lire** Uuuonn, Pin* ami Needles, llmika ami Eye*. Wulch Guardi, Wax, Coral nud Gla's Hoads, Necklaces, kc. ludla llilbber CuintM.'.'xnes, Hulls ami Toy* of every dner'n* turn. Hclsaor*, Bnzora amt Cutlery, Gold and (lilt JeweDy, Accurileons aud Violin*. Inc'udlng a general and very largo stock of Eiiglhh. French nud Herman Fancy Gum!*, which will lie sold at the very lovrust prl- ces, for i.'aslt or Approved Paper. tryi »rder* by letter select ml nnd pul up lu the best manner. WILLIAM TA8KER, _ may I ly *.V1 lu Park I'lloe, New Vork. Cheapest Musical Work 13 T IK U W O |I LO, I'uicB oSr iioi,i,aji./ H c a ii I y ’ m Album, Of MUSICAL HUUS AND BLOSSOMS. A Collmumiir im-w hil l admired PuLKAH, MA ZURHAA, and ACItnTtietlRB, . for lliu I'iniiM liirle. RMiillflilly llltiflmiiil with «ix • legmit and appropriate Designs, hi i.lthugraph, by D'.tvignou, of the lullowlug •ul-Jecl*: No. I. Msglc Hound*. " ‘J. Henuly's .Mirror, *• 3. llevuilon. •• 4. ttuim-mbrancQ. " ft, Melmlv. ** H. L'oiimdallon. Published nud ho sale by BsMPgh C. JoLLII, 510 Brnadwsy,(HC Nicholas Hotel,) Nuw York. I^TTiie ub'vo work will he sent hv mall lo any part of the country, on m-clpt or $1. addru.-ed in HAMUEL C JOM.IE,ft 0 Broadway, may29—Into'_ tHi. Nicholas lloiel.) New Vork. Tho Smithsonian - Housoi Uruadtv ay, c-truer ol Houston Street. new YoliK, On Ihosame Idock with Ihe Metropolitan Hotel nnd Minin'* Garden, nml two (docks above the Ht. Niclndns Hotel, O FFERS to travellers Superior Aetornmndahont, In the heart of Hn.ndwuy, In liuniedHte Juxuipual, Houlo the oilier Hrsi class liousesoml places of uiiiiimv- iniMlerale rales. The house ha* alllhecouve- nleuces In vogue, nml Is coudtieieil on the European Plan of Lodging Borins, at ffly rrsfs, and upward* to thrreduUnr* a dip. according to locnllou, kc., and im-al* i-Xira as nrdurdd, at prices graded 10 anil both Ihe economical and exiravabiiiit. Hoi go -sis ordeiing meats at pleasure, and rAVian oNhv run vviut i* i-skii. Traveller* will flmUi Hie MtlTIlH'iNIANarcoiiuuiNla- lions of superior nnler, ami c-sii. H they chmise, make TIUHl B|Lh» I.KSS BV AT txssr OSK-THIRD TIUN AT otiu« rixsr ti.*»* jiotki.*, as cm,dueled nu Mm old ■) siein. Fm rospectihlllty, order, neaiiiB** and economy, tho 8mlih*onltui eh II make Us mark ou the times, and be wntthv Dm pnlronnuu of ihe people. apr‘J—Ocl 4 KIDNEY KOp.MAN, city’ Marble wbiiKs; STEAM MANTLE FACTORY, Corner 10ih and VJii8*iie., I’HiUbKid-uu. J K. k ll. PL'HHLli, having greatly Improved n,e| • faollltl** for the manufacture of every.Variety or iHakkli: works, Embracing the beat alyl* of M ANTLER, TABLE TlH‘8, FLOORING, TOM if8, AND MONUMENTS, Aru preparml lo supply onlers upon reasonable lerms. mnr 13 - 3mo P ATENT ELASTIC SKIRTS. „ nArnidi niAivoR. No. J mrola)r«atr«ot„.....New York. C AUTIUN.—Nona aro genuine us-epi they hear ill# stamp of (he patent. All manur-Kturer* and seller* liirrlnglnif will ba pmmoulwl acemdlng lo law. mar 19 > Mar IB.’ftO-P WMJkjpai^mr.— No. 184 Aruli;at., 2d door «bo»o Hixth. Pihlad'a,, irnor.isnALii AXV.ituiAU,. Every ankle III their. Hue of hiulncu at tho very low cstmatxotV'.Anll PH1UEA, and solicit the patronage of uea|er*and other*. • (mdSmn mar‘.7 | U| ii HI’lLlIF.UsiMHmilARY, . : 1®'h stn-r», I'hMn'lolphia. I Tl|f hi any ih-lgn, sii h nr without -‘ viel* I lam * Pati-ni Iteviniiiia niniiiars." a inrW amlsuperl. nrar.lclet alsn.llliUsr-, Coluiou .Window Heads,and all other Iron Work in-rn>«»r> imh* rmUl-in and di*. J eoraih.n of lui Idlngs. L-Mmsio, rhrrrfnlly fnrnlvhkd *> psri'st apply'lie pn *ona>lt. or hy min-r. '* - N8I IN * oa.viki. i.'Hiini.i.’iV ?»hi°nttblo Boot-Mnkor’ ‘ w 1 "( IVrooglnon mul Hull ."rn., H| Thr soo*rrI'•*r,grslafuI for ihe llheial pstmn- ■ I herelnfof rah-nd»il |n film, dsslri-e in In* g^i-'iaiihe public lhal herinifliuus lo carry on H.ehit*)m*»s at Ms nld Ilan.l,aa ab-tva. »ih-ib D*t*sis I Uiaiaesiiaordarafiir IliiOTe of ihr ' •Die, ami njiHl.lf wil ispsrlnrln anv hare* ■'-VihMo the pwMIe, Having many fr.amls la l' '«»»hvh»Va baan ht* patron* In t'harlr««»n, ha -fWi; * .ns Ha from thaw and Rm pah|ir,a rail Sml 41 iy dactfj llllOT-tlAKIIYIl. 'DHI|DER.rq*pa«tfully aannnnras I- Id* former palrnna and hi* friend* VHX . ••■'•‘•nilfy. Dial h« ha*lakm 'Im sior# V W h.rii.rr|y necnpls-l liv Mr. If. Das-nft, , »trr*t *n4 i.oovr*** al. Iran*, wbsra ha Is make Bools sfnf Rimes of *l| dfrrlpll»l»s,nf ^"asmrUlqawd will b« happy to reoalveurdars '‘“.•m tD df SuB^l'iSSires u oy, ■"yvft.sIRSStttt* - - . 1 , "'t" A'lv,"l,trr ol ll.'rj. nilwlio, ll« • rimes, "twrsm,^ n.u.kiUn.l ku. u Goder'*, Petaaia and Kulrkar- “.|tjiMs f*y Jnm. 1 may H , spr in R INRUN h F t fill NND. W 1 A1IIR— 14lMiyi Lslhs Ismllng frnn bsrk Chail*« j IV nilani, for sale by jnay BRIOII AM. KFI.LY 4s HO, L iF.MF.Nf’ FU*'or Fails, ami f* a-tailug ifair—CoiT sis'-Hy oil hand an ' forssla by may W nltlLHAM, KELLY k«fl. t ^’tlXAL,—3U Ion# Lump LivlitCoal; OUli tun* Btokan J and Hrinued IL d A#h i uni. Fur sa's low hv aprtfu i.-LAGIDHtN k CUNNINGHAM. B AGGING..'-fed h«lri heavy Gunny llitldtt* landing and for salt by HJUGHAJI, KELLY k HO, mfr • . . A Y'—Wl ILL'S f'rlmo NnOhrnt If v, Isndlng per schoonar J. ll, nkial. nnd for til# hy m,y7^ IIBIGHAM. KELLY k HO. £NLK andGotlnn Umbrriu*. JIISI rwslvid and for Oaakhy ’ |a».r l«) AIK IN k HUIIN 9* ^ D ihiR LuuKi ft large avvwMnsnt of Dt>Oi lawk*, e.n.laiill»d» hand, ahdfnf sale hv •prVI LOVELL k I.ATTIMliHF.i W HltH GiHifM,'—fltnrkl Mwls* Mn*lln, Plain do. India Dimltv and lirMI'snie, in nneta,ramhrlca MulU.Nainsooks.PlaM Hw|s» and Uawliflc*, llalrL'nrd Rintii*. BarBn'-'onls,k<>, he ,(•*;;*»*• by a nr IB IHfyVfTT.m MORIIAW,* W T. M(51.A Kh »>,'•HVlVinls'ef'*I|(.artiir nUslllr s ami Inflnaoidrr i (he halsnrn of brig It. H. f.a wii.n'* v«igu Dew Rama i'iu|. Now landing ami fa **m*/l4 * FADkLFRttD. KAV Ht'U» IIOYAL INNURAItlftE FOni'ANV. i.iiNin»N AND LlVKRI'iMlL. ('npilal tf,000,000 nf I'niiiidw Ninrllilff. Tnlslnstliutlun has estahlDhw) an Agency in Havan nah,and Fire F-dlcles Upon Prmlnee and Pmimrly will hr Issued by ANDREW LOW k OO, Havaiinah.lkl.tfn, iHftl MVA-YNAinil 'H Al.lftM RAM liOII. Office tin lUv-sTsvvi TlilvUooipan) will lake Fire, Marine,and RIvrrRIskl ID Dir niiislfavurablr terms. —Tanstees— Henry ll. Weed, I John W. Anderson, Illram Rnherts, I N.IL Knapp, John R. Wilder, Henry Lathrnp, I. W. Morrell. I E.F.Wnod. HENRY |L WEED, rraitdmi HIRAM ROBERTA.FircPrssD ftwa* MnllfHav. ffrr’g _ mar 17. “M’liriri^ i.'i ■Li'iiioi'iT. rpiHt organ "f mwlrrn Hplrlieallsm. 4lh vnl. com- I mfncvv In May. It i-unialiis lha fullesi rpmnl ax Ian! nf turreiii Fad* and nplidon* nu Hpirliual inter, course Puhllshnl weekly at f'4 por annum | also, all sniiUusI hooks, for sale hy ' PARTRIDGE k BRITTAN, 34tf Broadway, New York. |«. 8,—A Catalog"" of Hpirliual Ilona* sent on appll- *— —if IH r.silnn. 3mn ajir ia__ . S ii .nW a aTii iimToiSij i.o r*.', 8 ft FAHMH and HIM Building UtB win Im divided #>«P among fkxi kiib*crlhcr, nil Ihe 3d day nf May nr si. These ere siiuslcd In lha hesiitiful vlllayn of llo-rvale, near'hr orlrbraird I akn lln'ikenkom*. Just a nlesvani rid* from ihr HD nf New York, "A Him Iging Island Ball Rnad sml have already proven In ho a prnfliahle liivetlmrni. Over iwn Ihmiisiiil lots and farm* have lieen a-dd, and parUc# poichaslug have vlihvr errrted buildings nr sold nut el en rtorhltanl pruflt. f Inonlv will ik/Ura twn building I'd*, fto hy Mm ML nr alarm (rum tf tn Jn, ncrys, Map* nr the same can Ini seen and rrcelpta given, hv anpolnv in an*** typ. wfirnlfT, Agent, ~V)i:tYil^mYANNAII. r ‘ pEBpoNd Imlding nerds fur lh<« IwanilfiB Fletum will I pleat* prcseiil ihmn and rtwelvnlhelr cojiv. Thoee wishing Ihe Ph lure* (rented ean lit fnrfilsnrd at lha lowest prices. In «Hl nr n« wmnl innuldltf, hy leaving I belt mdara at the bonksnirc nf apr Vi 4. 4. B1BLRY. lift Ceay***# *L HOWARD ASSOCIATION. l'lIlLADICLI'UIA. ■ ni'im r tM 'po all per* ui* iifll cu-il wlUiHcsiiil ill«es«o*. .urh aa I 8MIINA- WF.tENfUHH, IMI'oTLNCE, GvjN« ntlRIKK t. GLEET, HVI'H.LD.kc.kc. Ihe IDitV.AUli AHHOCI tri'i.N of FKIIinlelphla, In View nf Ihe awful dii*truciliinnf hmniit life and health ca-iseil by Hernial diseases, nnd Hie decephnus wh'ch are prneiDnl u|em lliu uiilorui.uU* victims of aiichdia* eases by Q-iac-s, have directed their tonsil Mig Mir* genu,as a i'll t RITA ll..E A...T worthy *»i their name, In give MEDICAL ADVICE GltATIH |o all |>er»oua lhu«MlH'Cle'l, (tlale or Female I who apply by kller, wnh u descrlpllnuuf Ihelr cmidltlun, (age.occupation, habile "I Ills*.) Ac, and ill case* of extreme poverl) and s-ilftrlng.. u> FU UN 1811 MEDICINES FUEE uF CHARGE. The Howard Auociatiiiu Is x benevolent ln«liliitl-Di, esiHhiLhnl by special endow nieul, li.r Ihe relief of iho ■lek and distressed, afll c*eil wlih ••Virulent and Epi demic Diseases.*'and ii" funds can ho u-ed firm "Uier purpose. It has now a surplus or means, wlih wulch Hi* Hiroetnrs have v ied in advertise the xlwve mUice. llliM*ill*Mio**d'Jlwi Iks SnwuiImi cnmesmli the MttUcKl Medical skill of live ago amt wttt (Urnlth the tnosiappmveil modern 'realineut. Vatuahle advleo als-iuhen msicka-i-l nervmia fumilos. afll-cteil wnh amtondiial weak nos, Womb U-unplalnl, Cotllvcncsa, I.eucnrrhii'H.kc. Address,(post pal l.) Dr. GUO. U. GALffOUV. Con- ■tilling Hurgcnii, llowsrd Associaiiou, No. i. Houth NinthHtreel. Plnlsdeiphla, Pa. By order uf ihe Directors, t D. HEARTiVELI^IVealdem. Gao. Fsiri iiilu, Secretary. may Mi _____ _ anv Hi LEATHER. Ft*IT'/.. IIENUKY * CO.. No. 2!) North Third atroel, PiiiLADCi.ritta. Morocco Maiuifaeiurers. Currier* xml Iniimru-rt of French Calf Hklua, and dealers lu KcG and Oak Hole Isiallier and Kipp. limn fch IU IInveIo|>i- JlnnuIhelory. The 0/Ue»f nml Largeat tn the United S‘tales. %vi:vr 4k No. S2H William aireot,, R F.8PKHrFUI.LV Invite ihe alien Ion of me trade lo their very extensive assortment ol ENYKLBFEK. NOTH AND WRITING FAPHH.S, (Jbc. 1 Their great meimies in .tunuluciurliw euniue them tn at extremely tow prices, and nu Hie nmii favor- able lerms 3nm apr III r.IIl.YMSMi! tviK.vjsu: ■'■iii.«i>i:i.eiiM. VARNISH MANUFACTORY, 80 nml H'J North 4th street. r pllK uinler.Igue-I wmiltl eamesll) Invnnthe alienllon i uf Homhura Men hanla, t.'uoch Makers, l.'xh not Makers Mild other*. In Ihelr very superior Coach ll-nly, Carriage.Cabinet lljinur.China Hla#*, Doing Japan, Iron JapNii, Spirit, ami every mhei kind "I Varnish which Inivo been lu cuusiant u*o nearly forty year*, and feel i-Miifl lent in sating ihat they am tiu* , irpa**i-d hy mty other mnnufa tnreti In this ci tintr), for Ihuirdma- hllily, lining qualities, ami n.uiutiiui ap|H>araitre nn tho work ; til*", every description ol I’auiia and Paint ers Muterlil*. our prices aro moderate, ate I terms easy tngmul buy. ers. Hive us a call. 8CI|ltAl.’K k C't*.. mar'Jf linn 811 k R-J North4tli si,Philadelphia. BBMOVAIi. V, 1>. XlltD, is Faintly Grorvrirti, Fruit,A'c. U AH Houi'ived hi# nslahllvlimellt to llmughtoii-s'rcet, onndom from Joff.-rsnn-slrinl, where he will ho pleased to xccuiim-slaie Ills sml the public wlih all things app-Tlnlnli-g tn his linn of biiiluosi. All (iinukl-dly received. nnv'Jft lULNUY LMEIt A(iti^ A T their steam I'nulno ahil Holler Works, Brnnklytt, .V Now Yurk.nre prepanM In execute nrtlers for STATIONARY, JRIVER AND MARINE ' EVw JBSn of every description. Hugur Mills, Mill Work, ole.,also nil kinds nf High and la-w Pressure Hnllrm. The •uhsci'.Uvr. xguni lu SavsttusU (nr the xlwve, Works, will reeelvo orders for any kind nf Machinery, lie has imw mi fnstul a |H»ilahle three horse power En-' glue, which he will sell nn eccom modal log lerms. WM, GUKEN(mCorner UryntiotidJeffer,un-*U, insr'JH limn sr-ninro TnADu. .Yolirc toAferehnnlH. W K now offer, al wlH»hr#xlislii quanlllk* lo anil pur* chasers, a full ami compete astmlment of Tin Ware, of nur uwtt utaiinfacluro. U-iahly mu in i-o tur* tix-sed. LOVELL k I.ATTIMORi:, mar 10 _ 13 Bernard-»t. ¥1 All! wi ll. (now art.cle) received Ih* premium x\ the World's Fair atul Amert* can InsIlMlle, Wh • •• l| wasetsuiltied by Iho -Millmj-iUh- e*l rliei'ilsi* Dr.' -LilliebikI l'r"l. nhn Torre),xml proiioiiiieeil he Bi»t Fur sale hy Iho Principal Urilgglsls tu Ihtkalty—prlo* II I'rinclpsl uOlcn aud store 41W sml fttfl Broadway, New York. Mar LVMH-F msr ID NEW NI*|B1N<4 44IMH1N, P E 11 1ST K A M E It AUGUSTA. D EWITT k MlIltn ANIisv-jnstreceluHl pi r steam er Ang-nin, a large and varied stock nl sow and rich seasonable dress giMnls, In which llie alishtlon pj the tadirsl* e«|>eciRBy tnvllnl. »n>r 3 UHI I.I AN ta'ANO. r ft IIAGK HIMHxii Guaim. sMf Thly nusim la represented as being hrllerthan thei’hlncha Naml,having inure I'ltnsphalnnrLInielli U, Dr. liny* make* the following snslyslsi IlM part* give Agollse I'rgaulo uisltrr with Hells nf Ammonia 3n 80 Bonn, PhiMphslenf Lime, and Magnesia W IH) Hajp. Lime and Hoda "t 74 Haiti. Lime 34 IW Insoluble matter mi l(ii nu Theabnvela worthy ilia alienllon nf AgrloutliiHsI*. For axle by COJIKNM k HERTZ. Jautd B 'monlT.-«rtii'f.rMti.~ iii.S ' • Mi dn Huller do vu dn Pilot llread, It ere) red and Rif vale by m*ytf3 MoM AlloN k flDYl.E. n AV - ltM hale* Prime Neriherli llay, iandihg per hark Fllghl, and hu sale liy may 7 HltlGIIAM. KF.I.I.Y k UP. TjH13*KRVK8,“- Fr«tvok Fruita put Op In iVelr awn I Julee, flyr sale by / ttyl t? - _ <HN18 «k jnGNnTnN J _ A V, - HA V^.^iu Lejee* prime Wirtli RlveTllay. In itore end for eel* by WAVKB A OONHTANTINR, may 41 least* New MuDdlnt,Day aft Till: IIKHI IIA D R. G. M. IIALLAHD'8 (nut tvtvhesl premium at the Wo II I!j hood, BATTHLLE k-CO., VVoroestur, Masta- l'»»'*ntvG by F.llaa Ififwe, Jr., Beptomber Kith, 1840. Theasi Machines are warranted,(with proper uael not lo get nut or repair. They aro bulk lu agoiMlaub- •taiiilal, and workmanlike utanper. and will doTallora 8hncmaliers and Haddlera' work, In a manner warroni- thl tn g|vo aallsfHctlon. Tho illch will uni rip any inori han common eowlng. done by hand. Call and see tlic-i lu "(Miration at 14U CHEhNDT slreet. Phlladelphl#, ui •‘••r*. tv. A. DAVVHON, Arudw way 18 . . ly.MkC .. „, PR RniVn vumiuLATK, * I^HTABLIHIIED in I7e0, W. BAKER k CU.'h Atnerl. Ij can. trmcli, HouiisnquiUila ami Vanilla, Premium LhncoUlM, prepsre.| Cocoa, llrom*. Cocoa Paste. Cncnx KHck*.i*nlube etui Momreopsihlc Coens, Cocon Mhell*. f'racked Coens, etc., aro an excellent diet for children, Invalids,and persons In hvalih. They allay ratherihan In due® the nervous incitement all end ml upmi Ihe use nf Ira urcoffei., and ate recommended by Doctors Warren, Jackson, llaywam, Ware, and Adams,nr Boston, and hy euilnont phitjelans elsewhere. J . For sale by all the principal grocurs lu Iho United Slates, aud hy their Agent*: I 4L U- Mm my. Sew York; Grant k Twalh, Philadel phia, Ihninni V. Uruudlge, Baltimore; Kcniteu k Dudley, Ciiicliiliali. Walter baker kc-t., tuar 17 3mn* _ Dorchester. «su. ' f»€JO v *"r».N * LITTLE GIANT COMM' .I.VIt von .lUFF, MTKNTBII MAY 10th. 18.M. S H. BROWN, Proprietor*,f He-irgis, Tenno»see and • Alabama, nf vht* tnvw.D.m. which I* douhllese ainoiig (lie niusl impunaul uf modem llmut for iho live nflhe well advlsetl farmer and slock feeiler; an-l the Universal Invar Willi which It ha* Ih-i;ii received Inun liio flfD, rawru iliuu unyUimg else, attest' tia utiluy nod *u> perlorll). For portability, simplicity of construction, an-l cunro- uleiico ol use, the Little Hlxut has lin equal. It weighs from tnree In live humlreU puuudi, according to sice, cun he put in o|ierxilnii by the farmer in twenty ininutDs with,mi expense of uu-chsulcal aid, ihuu adjusted and used with convenience by anybody. Tho l.lldo *f laid bus receDed the First Premium* at every 8lalo Fair limn Mlsmurl tn Maryland the past Fall, and lhat m the most • umpllim-niary manner. 'I ht-e Mills ate guarnniei d In Iho most p**»Ui v,« man lier against breakage nr derangemeiit. aud warranleil in grind ineil from ear corn, and gnis nr duo hominy Innn ■lu-llvil curb, with n degree uf ease and convenience (or farm purpou-s never uiulnt-d hefoie. •| lie subscriber* are now prepared to furnish the trade wlih improved pattern* hut! sites, tu suit iho varied wants ni all. No. 4 Is offered al 4U1 complete, ready for attaching the team, and warranted to grind leu bushels of leed per hour with «>ne Bone. No. 3 at Si.) will grind flfleen bushel* per hour. No. 4 al »3.i will grind twenty b'Uhels per hour, with two horse*. MamiUciurcd aud far tale tiy 8. 8. BROWN k TO., _mar3 at Nashville,Tem» n and Allania,Ga. - ’ wYlvuk’s ULAST1C PAINTS, I'UEU'i UUliABlt, AM) I'ltUTUTIYE, ’ wuTii.n ami tint noor. T il 18PAINT willt(aiid an) cllinate,wlihoulcrackor blister aud hardens h)ex|K*urc. thus making lu Utile an enamel n| stuue.prolccliiig Wno<l from decay, andtroiikuO niheriuctalsfinm runundcorrosion. This I'nlm differ,Irnui tho stncuBed Mineral Pal ill* of lilt-day, which aro principally Ochres aud Ulayscolored, aud are entirely worthies*. HRver'sPlastic Paints are purely Metallic, containing no Altimlii or niay. They are InvtgaledBiiely.mlx readily with Linseed Oil, (wlinnui the trouble oi griudlng,) and How under the brush astrvvty as thu bust White Lead. • These Paints excel atlolhcrsln body nr covering pro pertles.oiiu pound of which wllUovor as much surface, astwo pounds of While l^ed. There are four natural colors, viz: Black or Slats Brown, Olive and L'hncotate. Dirbi Tin**: This Paint flows readily umferihe brush and its covering property I* increased by using It mixed a* thickly as possible with puro Linseed till; as the PxItiUslhPlaslfugor protecting body and tbeOII simply the medium nr agent In spreading it. We annex copies of two from the Prcsl* dent nr Hie Philadelphia mil Reading Railroad 0o n Ihe other from a gentleman, a well known resident of Au gusta, Georgia. U/« of Ik* Pkitn.nnd RtaJ *g Railroad C* n ) PutLxpBLrv a. Mat 3,18ft3. t J.8, Sitvaa,—Dtar Sir. Wo have used your “PJsallr Pslnls” for more than a year, and for 1'alntlng llrldgcs.ilepoU,kc.,kc., woharo found hgullecguallo any palnlwehave used. 1 n fact,we now glve Ita prefc* once over aliothetawehavoDliHlforsurb purposes. Yours, respectfully, (Signed) JOHN TUCKER.President. Avoc«Ts,nx.,8xr*aMata‘40,U?32, t Hlnarn Planing Mills. | Dtar Sir .—Ynuaik mefor my opinion of••wilvor’i Mineral Paluls,''which you havu put on my Machine Hhopand Planing SHU. I glvovou with pleasure my full and hearty ri conimeudnilnnoi It as a prt-vehtlvenfflre coininunlcat lug from chimneys or from adjoining build* lug*. The Paint which you put on my roofs, ha* now become at hard as«i.»TS,and I feel as aocurofrnm Ore, In this direction, a* it imtslble. A few wi-ekt after the roofs had heeiipalnted, l made anexjierlmcnlori twoor tlirceshliigles liy placing them in Ihefiirnaceuiuler the hollers; the reatill was. lhal the portion uncovered **• entirely consumed, while the painted partwasapparent* ly sound. Ihoughuponexamlnatloiillie wood watfnund to be charred : |he paint, howorer, was riRM and but lltllcblistered. I coiulderlhls as severe atcslasyonr Paint can he put to, and under Ihe circumstances I do not hesitate lo commend It as an invaluable preventive against Are. Respectfully.fee. (Signed) AMBROSE HPKNtT.R. FRENCH At RICHARDS. A*. IF. Csrarr s/lOf* *aj Market »tre*t*, FftiVe., Pa. GENERAL WHOLESALE AGENTS. Forsalnltt Havannsh, Wholesale nnd Retail,hy JAMES D. CARTER k CO, No.170 Broughton street. July w _J itfoi ply iSPKIMi TKAMi:, 18551 ! WADSWORTH’S CASH HOUSE, M 1 I' « M IJ II Ii * M - s T II li l; x, (nr mm a tu* norsa.) 8AVANNAII, GA* I '» now receiving a large and well selected slock ol •Fsnev sml 8i*ple DFLY GOODS, To which the atteutinn or fH'rsons visiting this market Is ninvi re»|K>ciqilly lnvl|ed. By lining a regular rash business, wo srr able In sel our Good* ai much lower prices than Ihose doing a l-mg cnslll iradr. We do not have to tax the rath buyer furlong credits and bad debts. Person* bujlng Hoods foN-ath, will find It lu ti.elr I merest lo purrliase of fami niii’NK, A# hy so doing they can effK-t s saving of from 10 it* 13 qv cl. on the summit of their hill*. In the styles uf DRESS ODDDSi We are exhlt liliig prtnlod Linens. Iwantimi Briu-aile llerrge llolms, rlcn j»l*ld Hlli*. flue iirvsn Me Miullns, primeil FrenchHatntnles, flue printed Hrllllwiits. French, Ameilcan and English prints, I'hatttea ami Chatty Ba- rege«, while Hanlon Cmpo Hhawl-. new styles spring Hliighnui*,auil GimwIboI oilu-r fabrics. 1:3111110101:111 i:n. Beautiful GImpure, Venice Point, .Mslie«e, Cambric and 8wl«* i.’ollsr*. I'ollsr* and 8leeve« In set*. One embreld. cnst ami In-m*-Itched HandkercMris, Inlaill's IVal»i», 8wls« and Hatnhrln Edging* end Inw-nlngs. Flounces • ml Band*. Under Handkerchiefs, Mourning Hollar* and Hleeves. (k c. kPUlKB NIANTliKN AND NFAIIFN. In this hrnocli of nur Irsde, we take ihe lead, and are offering a i.ewulllul assortment of ihe latest fashionable iiati-rni In all llie molt desirable colors. 1 HBl'NEHEF'PnC HOODS. 10 4. 11 -4, 19 4 llarvsley Linen 8heeimg* 4.4,11-4,8 4, IlM, II 4 and 19- 4 super HuttonHhsetlnp Fine snd common Toilet Quills aud * ouulcr|-xor* 1.1 iieus amt • '*-11011* 8coich an-l Russia Diapers ami Htsvh lluckshiick Towels sml Towellings Hupertnr 14wen Table Dsmaskaand Napkin* Curtain Muslin*, flne DlmUyTlckv.ko.fco. waiiTi: (400lifts Of eycry descrlpllnm vl^le amU«lel). A Bill snd complete assoriinonl of Men's, Ladle*' Bo)i' ami Ml**e»’, nf ihe best Uerman and F.ugllsh mn"' r ’ l '""Ji|.\?l T AT,OIM MOnllK. tfIrlitol ami plain tlsnabtirgs. MaGliom'Alrlpeaaftd Denims, heavy brown Unlloiis, plsld Hamlkerrhlefv.kc. Person* lavorlug 111 with a call may he avtuiwd lhat they will meet with honest and hon-natde dealing, and procure the bevlgomls at lb* lowest posaltde price*. msrlW CELfB?TTEO PANACEA, roH-rnKCDMor Jnttpuat ConiHmptlan, itrafala, Onural DtkUlIf, Irkitt SmtHiag' RktumnU/Jtiaain af tk a /.iaer ewj Ski a. and all dirt a* 11 ant lag fram ImpurUlta af tka llluod, and tha rfuta af Mfecarp. S WAIM’h PANACEA hu been for more thirty year* celeiiraicd in thu country ami lii, Euroiie for Ita eiuanrdlnary cures—for Ihe certlflcales of which ra- retnnee Is mad® to ihe dlreetlna* and books (which may v •ccompanylng lliu Panacea. HvUm of which give Die particulars of ease* low frighifal for gen eral puhllraUi.o, whs,a Die pstlem* had been e»m«>#l eetetj up with (krgfule and were deemed Incurable by Physician*. # P It has been used (n botpluis and private practice, end hu had Ih* singular fortune of being fecuinumttded by Ihe mud 1.1-lobralfHl physicians aud. other eminent per* ■oris. Amnng other* by W. Glbsou.M l)„ Prof. ofHurgery, Pa. Uni varsity. Valentino Molt, M. D» Prof ot aurgdey, N, Y, L*giver W.P.flrweee, M. D- Prof of Mid. Pa University. NtChepmeii, M. Ik,-Prof uf Physic, Pa Unlversli;. T. Parke, M. D.,Prc»’l Untlege of Phyaiciena, Phil*. Dr. Del Velfn, Profof Medicine. Ilevatis. Jose Eoureucode Lux, ProfnlHurgery, Lisbon. J.Chlpnuu', Memla-r RoyalOjllegwr-urgoous,London G. W. Erving, late Minister to 8paln. Blr Thonidt Pearson. M«|or GaneraJ British Army. Gilbert Ruherltoii, British (Jnnspl.kc , kc. And al»o. the wonderful cares effecied by Kweim’i Panacea, have, for many years made Ban invaluable reuieily. The I'anact-x doe* not contain mercury in apy form and being an Innocent proparaUun, limey be given to ih 1 most lender InfanL ThtrelsilpriceIimbeeorodueeil toil Mt per tMlile (coutabiDig three half plniej or three bonh-a for |4. fin ware ol Impowition. Hwalm * Panacea la In rouud Golilra,fluM longlludl. nelly, with the following Idlers blown ou Iho glass: s'HWAlM'A—PAN AGRA—Pill LADA." eud having thn name of Jaa. Hwsitf stanqied on tho seeling wax and written on the la'-t-l covering tbu cork, ami e splendid engraving for Hie side nr the Imt-I*. coin- (Miiod u| geniaetrlc tmlhe work, coinprltinx nine diftsr enl dies, which have bo«i turned lor Iho exclusive use or Iho proprietor, h) Draper k 1 ’o^ bank note engravers ni PhUsdtfphla. In the ceairaiaft porirsll of the late Win. tfwatin. cn(>yrlglit*ecured. Alan, mvii 1 itt'w %’ermirtnro, A vxhinhlc Family Me.liclne.t>elega highly approved reiiuil) for all dlrcxso* arising from dch-lity nf the dl- gevtive organs, «uch a* Worn.* Cholera )l.>rhu«, Dyson, leri. Fever a ml .Igne, Bleed-lit-. Piles. Mick llesdaclie, kc . kc 8eo Bis Psmpiilei (which may ho bed gratis) acc-unpot-) Ing Dm Vermifuge. Prepar'd rndy at SWAIM’H LABOR ATORY. THE Dl.DeTAND. Hevcnili slreet lie nw Uie*uiuuPhlla*lel- I'hia. aud sold hy all respectable Druggists in llie Lolled Blales. C AUTION TO THE PUBLIC. Persons wishing tn obtain the ceuulne AW AI APB PA- NACEA andSWIMS VERMIFUGE, tbouldbo eareful tu observe Diet the name S W A I M •» spoiled correctly on Die bmilcsand labels.or they may Im- lni|miM.-d nu by mt-diciui-s made In Imitation of them by a person hearing a somewhat similar oatne, well exh culxlvil In deceive. CIKNliKAL AGENTS FOR THE U. S. Mlilciiolin, 11 rot In-ns A CO,. I 7 0 , W i 111 a tn -• »r 0 0 t, New York, apt ‘47 3mn UARTERtl IPAJIIIM klXTCRB, THE GREAT pukifiek or THE bumwi A NM f* Pa* r| lrlcoV Nlercurr l*l«. R tnfaUlbteteaedy pit iterofela.Ktag's Estl.Rbea* matlim, Ohiilnxte Cutaneous V.rcptlon*,nsBi.l** r rustules oo the Face^ DUHrhes,Bolls, i.hroole Bor# Ktu I! I.itf U'.i.m ... .. a. . . . C II O L E It A . .1 Crrfara Curt for Hu dufotr, m sy k* found in tk* an of Perry tJjeit* I’tgtiakt* IM I ft KILLCU. 8t. Uu:|«. Mo. June 1418,1849- Mr. A.T. Womlward, Agent of Pm) Davis Pa-n Killer. Da*u8iu:-I feel It a duly I owe lo Dir public, lo mske known Ihe value of Davis' Pain Killer, xmI my extN-rleiin-In using U for some of Ihe complaints for which it 1* highly recommended. In April latl, on your icc-.nnmi mUll-in, I purchased a one collar hoitle uf «ioi for pains with which I have long been sfll-cted. •nd made use or H on my trip down to Sew urn-ana, w.ih Die most gratifying and liencflcial efh« t*. On my return trip lu this city, the Cholera made us appraran-w among some of my passengers. I made um- of Die Pain Killer, having no other remedy on board, ami 10 my surprise aiul graDflcaimn found It gave immrdiattr*. titjl On my arrival In r-L Louis, 1 called on v-»u and gut four lufk-e hollies, and staled In yon my confllenre In It *» all Infallible Cholera Kerned) , and remarking lo you that l waived no other Cholera remedy on t»> boat. I made use ot f mr bottle* on my trip to New nrleans and lack, for HLolera snd some other coiuplaiuts for wfdch it D recommended, snd mrl with the most aston ishing auctfC'*—when I ordered from you six mote ,<ne dollar boti'i-s. 8mce then I have made two more irips to New Orleans nud back, and oa ray previous trip up. I had more tnau Sovonty Cases of Cholora on board, when the P.1 IX SH.LEft was immediately uved with the most astonishing rerulls. lu all cases where ll »us used lu lime, ll gave relief In a very short linn-amt l can with eoufldvnce say to ihe public, that in all of Ihr Hr*fttagcs or Cholera, when taken In time, it It In my opinion, an infall 1 kit rnardy ' ami after a fair trial with 11 lor several « ■ «k«, and for lour 'rip* to New t it leans smt back, and using It tor Cholera snu lor other complain!* for a hich ft is recommended, no consiuera, tiou whatever would Induce me lo leave ;mrl wlihooi a go--il supply — believing it |o be a mwlicme that w» offi cer or n tniat or any family would be without a single day alter usiiiu- one home. Believing it to lie Die most vslusldefsillily uu-ulrlne known in n.e world, for all thv dilft-itnl complaints lor which It Is recoin mended. I'. 8.—Please scud uie tlx large 1101111* for ihit inn. J. M. ilROAIltVLLL. Captain 8tcamer Atlantic. I most cordially unite wild I apl.tlroxdwdl In recom mending IVrry Davis' Fam Killer to Iht- public, having tn)*clf hern severely shacked wlih the t holers, aud hnmd rclirl In a lew l- ur> by using tho Pam Killer, ami have myself sdmlnDlr/rO ll lo in«re than Ally per sons attacked with Ihe Cholera,and when u«c.1 in lime, a cure wn« t R'-cUv) In a few hours end lake plcavur.- in recommending ll 10 thcpuidicas an InTidoXlde mnl- Iclne, tbai ho InMvIdual should Ik- without a single hour. JOHN N. noFFlNGKR. Clerk 8ir*msr ADaniVc. Davis' P*is Knits.—In loilsy's Union will be found an advertisement of this celebrated rrm.wlr. The rrrtlfiratr* appended, from Die cspislu and clerk of ire 6u-»iutr ADsitDC. we know to t>e gruuiiu-. ami founded nn f«cD. a* 'hry verbally stated In nur office (bo tub- pla'icc-<f whsithcy publish.— St. Mui* t’sisa. The Pain Killer I* sold hy John B. Moore k Co. Tho*. M.Turner k Co.and 8.0,Brantley k Co.,8axatt nab ; Hariri, Cxri**r k «‘o. and dark. AA'clUk Duboee, Aubus's : E. I. Kiroheckcr k Co.. M.o,vu. Alto by Druggl-i, and Hrocers generally. may 19— end3mo rudencelu Ufe,or Impurlt)«rthe Blood. This valuable Modidne, which hasbccoineorUUaated forthenufhber of extraordinary core*effectedtkrrooik Itsagency, has induced the proprietor*, at (hedrgewire* J ueetnfiheirfrlendsyio offer Itlotbepablie, wblchtfaev o with the utmost confidence la lie virtues aud eroa deriu | curative properties. Tbe follow luff eertlflceiU •electedfrom surge number, ere, however.«tpn-se» testimony than the merewnrd of the proprietor* **ntf are ell from gentlemen well known In their localities. *'*« of the blgheet reepecuUBty. many of them now ra- aiding In tbe city of Richmond, Ve. P.BOYDBN. Esq., of the Exchange Ifrrtel. Richmond “STfV’JKT be ha*seen the Medicine call cdO,ARTER’8 HPANI8II MIX',..RE tdmlnlaUrcd la over a hundred eases. In nearly all thadlsetses for wklcb it Ie recommended, wlik llm«nosiasloi,lst,lrMDy ewodre aulu. lie say a It la Ihe most extraordinary medicine Lk n»»overseen. AGUE AND FEVER—GREATCURE.—f herebyCb. tlfy, that for three years I had Ague and Fever of the roost violent description. I had several Physicians,took large quantities nf Quinine, Mercorv, and] believe *11 the Tonics advertised, but all without any pennsnewtr* lief. At last I tried CARTKR’8 8PANI»|) MIXTURE, twobotlleeof which effectually cured me, and I am happy 10 *ay I have had neither Chill* or Fever ainefc— I consider It the best Tonic In the world, end the oely nredlc. ne that ever reached my case. Beaver Daro,nesr Richmond Va^ 8 * , ' OJ * GDBW ' U. II. LUCK, E*q., now in the city of Richmond, and for many years in the Postoffice. havsnch eonfidenew la L h .?£!, U,n .‘*H nKemfme >' of U’ARTER'B 8PAM8II MIX* TURK, lhat he has bought upwards of SO bottle*, which be haa given a way In the afflicted. Mr. Luck saia be has never known It to fall when taken according to di rectluns. Dr. M!XGE,a practising Diytiden, end formerly cf ihe City Hotel, in the city of Richmond, says be ket witnessed In a number of lusUnct-t the eSects or CAS- TEIU88PAN1HU MIXTURE, which were most truly surprising, lleigyslna case of ConsumpUon.demn- on the Liver, llie good effocu were wonderfuliu. A.A ML ELM. DRINKER, of the firm of Drlnkcrlk Morrlv, Richmond, was cured of Liver Complaint off SrAVi'J^u fir!) r tAsrtsi GUEATCERF. UPACROFULA^-Tb# Odltorsof the Rlchiiior.d Repuhllcsn had a servant employed In iheli nrea*rcM\m.cured of violent Hcrofulx, combined with Rheumatism, which entirely dluhied him from work.— Two ironies of r.ARTKR'8 8PANI8H MIXTURE made a perfect cure of bim.ami tbe editors In a public notice tay they •• cheerfully recommend ItioaU who arwaf* dieted with any disease orthe hfood." 8T1LL ANOTHER CUREOFKHROFUI.A.—I bed ■ very valuable boy cured by three botiies of Cfirter'i Spanish Mixture. I coosidedt a truly valuable medl fine. JAMK8 M.TAVIXH,Conductoroa(be R. P k I'.R. R.Co.. Rlebomml. V*. 1 * SALT KIIBI’M OF CO YEAR.** FTAKDINGCURED. Sir. JOHN TID*MP80N residing In the efty of Illch- mo»4, was cured by three tKiiile* of Carter'sNpanlsb Mixture, r.f Hall Rheum, which he had nearly So rears and which alMhepbytlclantln tbeelty rnuld not ewre. .Mr. Thompson la a well knownroerchtet In ll e cltv ot Richmond, Vs..and hi* curela mow remarkable. WM. A MATTHEWS, of Richmond. Va., had a serv- sutcured of hypbllls. In Ifae wor*t form, by Harter’e Spanifh Mixture. Hesaysbecbeerfhlly recommriMlsU amlcontldmUen invaluable medicine. RICHARD E. WENT, of Richmond, was cured 01 Hcrofula.xnd whaiphyalcian# called confirmed Centum p tlor..hy three boti'ev of Carter's 8pan I «L Mixture. EDWIN RHRTON, Connnlssloner of the Revenue tayshehasseen the rood effects of Carter'* Spscisb Mix-’ Dire In a number or8yphUIDcca*et,and «av» It It a per feet cure for that horrible disease. T.W.bYOTT k HONS, 132 North 3dWreei,rhll» delpbla. HI JIN ETT k BEERS, 125 Main si roe L Rich mood, V« WM. 0. HARWOOD, of Richmond, Va., cartel 01 Old Sore* and t't«*er». whichdtsahied hlmfmm walkini Took a few bottle* of Carter's 8 Danish Mile re. and wsa enabliv! 10 walk without acrutch;ina slort time per mam-niM enreo. Principal Depots at M. WARD. CLU8E k ,jci..2l Maiden Laue, New.Vork. For vale bv J. H. CARTER fc Co. A A POLO MOM k -X». sad TllUkt AS M. TURNER 4s 1.4». 8*v wwek and hy Drugging and Country Merrhanl* every • hero 1ST Price 8 "IV .swift 1 Ter ftnttl* nr A Pnft.ea far |f. HOLLOWAYS OINTMENT Citizens o f the Union,— Vou bare done me ihe honor at with one voice, •row one tnd ol ibe Union to Ihe other, lo stamp the charscierofaij I'lniment wlih jour spprrbaiu n, U Isscarct-ly two year* since I made ll known an you, and already, 11 hatobtained more celebiltj L : any otter Medicine n so sti.-na period, TlfuMAs HOLLOWAY, r " 1 * “ A I i THOM) N .Vs 1 Jse*Luai, X. IsrL ASTONISHING CURE OF 80RE LEGS, AFTER NINE YEARS 8TANDINH. I Yeppaf a letter fr r» .Mr. II . J. Magirp, of Hunt*. 0 ill I, kadkia Ovary. .V,rU tar.Vias, U. in dated Nor inker 1st, IriJ. 'affitJMnro doffiis” “ VJl.AUK I'Vmu-sl iloubl* width do lllark Tlaaiiest Grenadine* 5 Kpeatih Cranea Hhaillet tfd Mourning lIssue* • , IM Mourning JamaeMamt nrgandle* W «ln Gingham and Glugham Mwtlta* * Hallemwt black i Vep* Hollat» and KJeetas While Tarlllan do do - Hlack Hrape aud Love Vella, ke. ko. ,i " rX'itfe.'.rrr #p r f r. iNDt^xiiirTimTrKiiiYifrarrrtKo^^ 1^ HTHUT-QiArU find pint*, cirottanlly mi hand and for sale hy cHa'bI.K* BELLGWfi apt 17 M NwWL.NeMT^*' i ARKMl 1H1RS MfeAI. - ItsTie'eka'lmli grouai Coro f) A ft ATOBA-1 n Stssli aiHeniore, ii In* fiasorimsaL 1 vX!"* “W^lmsoi' a wen, UTI Mi IM) UB.MIVATIMi K.1TIULISIUBXT. 7 3 Yurh-M.. airiar tlir Ceiirt llouer, SAVANNAH. GA. 7.1 avTssusuen is lW- ty 73 1 ftII L >ni>«<-r|iM-r, graielul to hi* |t«lrou* and friends for ihelr coiiloiti'l favors, would suto lhat. in ad dition to ihr int|iroremr&D lu Dying ergu-red by him during h-s ls«i visit |n England aud Scotland, ha* made arrangt-m.'ii's f »rexlrmllnghl* tu-slne**. by which he I* now 1'nablod lo Dye a greater variety of iVdorvon 8i|k and Woolen Dresses, Shawls, kc., which Beirutis will generally please all who way favor him wlih Ihelr patronage. tionileineii's Garment* Dyed, Cleaned or Renovated, at may be roquirod, lu the same superior style which ha* generally so much pleased hi* patrons and friend*. Indies' Bonne's Dyed, Bleached and I'ress^l In the tnm-i la*ln«nsble *!ylc«. Order* from the C 'liiiity punc tually atti-ndisl to. Terms mivlcratc. When psreds arot«»l hy sleamboal or ruiln>ed, word should he seal him hy leiii-MhroughDH*l\**t 1'filccseo Dial he may know where In t all for them. Jan 13 u ALEXANDER GALLOWAY, SPICING GOODS. T HE sutwenhera have uovr lu sioro a large and wall aesotb-'l STUCK of Spring nnd Summer Dli Y GOODS !! To which ihuy Invllo Ih* Alienllon of Purchaser* lor HAM! Olt Al'I'llOVU) ( III. 1IIT. m * r . W . Nl;\ ITT, 1.4TIIRDI' k KDHEItA. •Sju liVg ANfl SsMrner 1855. nrr (soo«lw ail Wkelraale. Cornhjr Dfuuqhton ami JaHsroon M*-, ^U^Siaira. , „ IT READ Ills OWN WORDS. To raotxssot Dot low *r. i tfir.—It Is not no wuhtcbccome oolonous, neither , la this loiter writa-n fur the mere sake of writing, but ; lossy, that your ODmacni cur»d me .-I one ol the t uiori drvedful cu:an«s u» dim sres fl,»h It heir to, sml which was cu sidcrcd by ail wh,. knew t»«-, 10 ba dilirvD Itryond the roach nl Dit-dicmc. For nine year* I wx* eftlirted wlih ore of ihe most r-alulu! and trouble*, mr wire legs lhai rver fell lo ike loi «•! Bisa; ami aBer trying every wedicire I had ever beard of, I rr signed In despair all hope of bring cured: bet* trii-nd t»r,>ught me a couple cf Urge xw-ts 01 your v»lut« menL which csu*«,1 ike etvesoumy Iro* '« IcsUsd l cr.Hroly regained ni) hcallh to my agn cable furprise aud drbiht, and to the ar:onl>l nirm cf mv Irtrnda. ; \&'gimd> W.J. LANULL^'. AN EXTRAORDINARyTtREUPA BAD UREABT. WHEN NEARLY AT THE I'OINT it* DEATH. Yoppaf a h«ucrj>f* Nr, R. liaiaal, Ale Udnxi AVrmkrr 9\k, 1(3] To Pxortssoa Hoi low**, 38, Corner of Ana and Nat* sau slrceis. New Vert. Dear Sir:—ll la wlih heerDHi grediude 1 hare to inform you that by Uteesocf jour Olwiiweat aud PtUe« thellirofmy wife lias been sated. For sevcw year* sbe had a had hrraM, wlih lea running wounds, iixd «4 1 a cancerous utlurp). I was told that nothing cvu.'d save h, r: she wtsjlieo induced (o use yeur (detmero and IMIs, when In ihe short spec* of ihroe months, they effected a pence* cure, lo the asi<mi>hwKHi of all who knew u*. Wo ol.iunnl your Mrdtrlnet from Messrs. Wrlghl k Co., of Chartroret. New Orleans. | send this from “lloiel des Princro," Paris although, t had wrtl'en |l al New Orleans, heibro we finally ML at that ilnic, inn knowing your address siNra York. (Aigned) R. DURANT. The Pills should Ie used camoiatlp act tk the Ointment is mo*t af the joUevirt easts .- ‘ ‘— Lembxgti NvT-ikro*ia — I 'III! subwrDier la host receiving e ami l»e*t scleciod slock of goods everoffhfed I- • Kali llm Ihe*' 1AM G. 4 I WM. A. THOMAS, PRACTICAL PLUMBER. AYING been duly lleenaml hT the Commissioner* of the (tavannah Water iVwkt, | am propartsl lo .11 work eairi»sie*l in my cam, in asiyleand manner, equal!*! only In Die Northern elDee. |tein* a pracHral plumber,end unconnected wlih say other hus'ims*. I will give my enUre time and Mleailoa to bweineetof riumhlak alotw., I rropeiUhlly roll aiienihm to Um K4* lowing article*, vli 1 BhOkef Rath*,Bathing TuImw, Ver Dele iWpw, |lnDers,Marh4* tog wash sixnds, r»iew] pan water cbwwts. lead pipe, sheet leed, bras* and pi a let! cocks, hydraulic rams, and kliehtmrangre.rv«n*Uhtiy on hand ami lor sale, o*toe No lift BroufkVva *Dwe4.— Woikshui, Broughton slerot Ian*. N. Il v —rncXCepilousbU rofemnew* gttVU. ^jwarW r ^ 4nw> OHAIFER A CIO. NO. fi WIIITAKKR-RTRERT, 4AVANN Ml, OA, T\R \ LERA In Kasha*, Blinds, Ouora. Mauldin**, A*. Aleut Faint*, ODa. VnrolOjro, TnrftfvwnsONnyj Frvnrh and Amertenn Wlndn# Glass; fainter*. Mum* nud Whim Wash Brushes; Gold Lead, Kronen, Ike. AD*S«A Mamie MsxDe*, of Dm m.v*» madron *4>W, hsnWiis»»s*h Amo,Ikfcdoehn.from41 «lmfiy, Alsu, 43 pelf* I aside Venetian Blind*. Hulhter* and other* would de writ m air* w*a roll(seMwpnrolmMa« alee where. The “ nlmhW stipens* M I* ear nrniio. |nt D Bad )-e*» Coeiracied _ Bad Broasts 8|lff JoUle Burns Fistula* Bunions Gout Chllhlaint iDandular File* • Kkta d RbeeaiaUsm ficwtxy Halt Rheum rero-hnad* Weald* Ulcers Horn Nipples Wo Chapped hands Hwellmg* .. , ••Hold an he FstahUshmeal hi !*ro#»w*or llciiew «t, fiOMetdcn Uane, New Vork, sad 444 tftvand, I,endue, also hy all respecuhW IVwgaftemend Den Ur* In MefiW cine* through.-ui ihe United 8lair*,ln | J7.W e*s_ fit ceuis, and fil .ftu cents each. To be hsd Whokseal# of Ihe prim-lpsl Drwe Hewee* m the t'rS'e. Mwn. A. B k D. BANDA. New Vert, and by W. W. I.INIXM.N, 8s: snasi. Ca. tyrhero Is a considerable saving by uklne tbe largest srnev. tf. 0.—Directhvp* her guidance of paUenUln firory disorder »ry affixed to each Pot. J an 11 n ( It-Hftnv ..... .. •£* H«NI4M7RB MCt*.. WH0LE8ALE DRUG GISTS "rrfli rtiStAlifeSkJS'liriw. tv,u* WtNMw-l pure and N.vll VI I Jn hose* IVIwdew GlaMI •• fiW gallon* Linseed OU t M» eaDnsis Wverhed Wtalet 8perm OH; to hsiroia oo Whale Oil; I do Tesla r»D, nwi qaahty 1 fi do Winter simlaed Lard OO 1 » de iVhroub Mechinen («1J I do Ne. 1 OxHer oil; Ml do (/*pprras,crorn and dry; lb da idwcmBetU; leeaaksrMeeb 3 enskv fisherwlws; 3 barrel* Refined Kaltpeire t ' tfto ounce* >•*»'»' HwipbsinQaialne; 10 beirois l-.'»Blar>U*Hrmt; *0 hoie« escorted unndtre t iw irssw *>• live TVffeDmfi ntDiMex . wwaaaagSBfc k*s 4l NBYirr, LATtfl eg enfbrteeqWstUy tork BOGERR BnfibMNaredllMbbi 44b MM* anpesAne Gnavevd tm«| rLmr. lasirorolved (K-es ReBtnmro end bv earn bv , IbWkft^nta^tCRANmiS. KWNbTON 4 bx