The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 19, 1855, Image 2

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THE 8AVANHAH BEHfflJCIN. ' ’ L ' *T r ~ -V ' ,v- ALEXANDER & SNEED. «1,ir»»« Bmumi ril«un' TSRMW BTOtji illy, la advance, p«r annum .•5 DO d.oo *4 iid ti advan^i...* "•J5 j advance, for ate mooli*,... •••!> jjj ... tfaaftW.U advance,Rwawti*— Jg f aotpaid in advanoa.. • w 00 "SAVANNAH, GA. XuMd.y Morning, Junt 19. dUa«l«U«M •( CwRftrUaareblR. Ta« Inaer P..W, Aiaiaaaaa A Cks Proprietor* and Mltoftef lha davanaah Rrytl/iras, baa bean dlatolv ad thia day Of th* withdrawal of Mr. Mooaa. All debt* daa ika Republican oftea have bten transferredloth* new ins. P. W. ALEXANDER, * A. K, MOORE. dan* Mlh*lKS. C'opo rtnr rihlp. Tbabaalnaaiof lh* RzpaWfeae o«le# will hereafter baconducted aadarlha natn* and atyt#of At-iiannaa ABaaio. P. W. ALEXANDER, J. R. SNEED. Juna 16lb, IBM, __ Th* abova announcement aeema to require a law vrorda from me. For ion yearn,either aa proprietor, or oiherwiee, 1 have, to the beat of my ability, labored to promote the iQtereeiaorthe Republican, and ft ia for othera to pan upon tbe merit of my effort*. 1 have tried to mekemy eervicea accepta ble, and venture to hope, wlthamne little euccen. Other dutiee than writing having uaually occupied my time, l have no with now to bogin a new vo- catlon, and only dvaire to say, that lor the many kiodneaaea, freely offered and long continued, which have been extended to me by the 1 people ot Savannah, 1 shall ever feol deeply grateful. If my Reparation from the Republican attpuid also.break asunder the tire that bind me personally to many friends here, 1 should most deeply regret the step I have taken. The present ohango of proprietorship will cer tain^ be no loss lu the public. My successor, though not much known in this vicinity, ia well known throughout tho Interior ol Georgia aa an able writer and roost worthy gentleman, and l trust his efforts, which will be particularly directed to that object, will bo successful in establishing a more intimate acquaintance botween the seaboard and the great heart of our noble State. Mr. Alex* ANOtlt will retain the poeitiun of senior editor, which he has filled with ao much ability fur the past ail yean. Under the management of such men, bom and educated upon tho soil of Georgia, and familiar with the wants of her people, the /fe- publican cannot fad to deserve, what tt list always liberally received, tbe patronage of .the Merchant, the Planter, and the Mechanic. It speaks well for a community,that it i* willing to tuatuin and build upapapor of character and ability. The tasto and character ol a people are shown as much by their papers, as by their churches, academies, mer chant marine, and internal improvements. Sus tain a public journalist, and he will be independent, and always ready to rebuke error and delend the right. Adopt a contrary policy, and y.>u find him too frequently catering to this or that interest—be ing all things to all men—arid becoming in tho end a public nuisance instead of a public good. Thu present high position of the Republican is an evidenco of what a paper may attain to, under the discriminating lavor of the public. Indulging in tho h< pe that I shall have a place in the memory of some friends, I bid the readers ol tbe Republican a kind farewell. Albion K. Moors. f \V hat nur late associate has said, and said »o hap pily, leaves ua nothing to add, except 'u wish him all hspptness and success wherever ho goes, and in whatever he undertakes Our now associate, Mr J. R.Sneed, hiteol Washington,Wilkeacoun ty, in thia State, will arrive in Savannah by the tint ot July, when he will speak for hitnsvlf and inter upon his duties. In consequence of the above change, it becomes necessary to settle up the old boeiness uf the office. Our patrons, therefore, both in town and country, cular favor by attending to their accounts as soon as possible. jsr The Commencement exercises of the Ma sonic Female'College at Covington, will begin on Sunday the 44th inat, with an appropriate aetuton Tbe Juior exhibition and a literary address More tbe two societies will follow on Tuesday the 26th, and on Wednesday tho 27th Commencement Day the Senior exhibition will take place. The friends of the college and the public generally nro invited to attend. Lilrrary Notices. Tbe publishers will accept oar thanks for copies of the following books, sent to us through J. M. Cooper Sc Co: A Scooor. or Lira Br Anna Mary Ho*etr, author of M An Art Student in Munich." Bos ton ". Ticknor Sc Fields. This ia a book for the ladies—the moral, the character, the incidents, all being of tint descrip tion which finds moet favor with their sex. Tho author is well known, nod nothing nerd be s.iid in b-sr behalf. Tho volume is neatly bound, and its typographical sppearnnee is much in iis favor. The Two Gcjvroians, or Home in th'* World— By tho author uf "The Heir of Kedclyfle," "Heartsease" dtc.,du-. New York: D. Apple* ton Sc Co. Here is another book for the ladies, from tho popular author of "Tho Heir of Uedclyffu." Liko the previous works from the same gilted pen, i* abounds in touching incidents, in striking thoughts, and elevated sentiments. There may be a diffor- ence of opinion as to its merit* when compan-d with preceding efforts, and yet it pan not fail to bo read with pleasure by all classes. The Watciisu*. By J. A. M. New York: H. lying Sc Brother. We have heretofore noticed this remarkable novel. Ills a story of exciting interest, graphi cally and powerfully written, and ia pervaded throughout with excellent moral sentiments, and useful lessons set forth in lively and agreeable language. Its design is similar to that of‘‘Tho Lamplighter, w of whi' h it profeaee* to be a com* pinion. "The Watchman" however, bat an indi viduality of its own. Indead, we have seldom read a fiction containing to much originality and freshness. Woodworth's A*rntc*N Miscellany or E«m> Txistxo K*"wut»t; vole. VI and VII, By Francis C. Woodworth, author "Siorios about Animals," dec., with illustrations- Dutton : PhlMlpS, Bampa n Sc Co. We hat* heretofore noticed this work In terms of commendation. Wo have seldom seen a work •0 Well Mtted for th* youthful reader, and cannot recommend it too strongly to the attention of pa rents and teachers. T«i Knoxville KwfeTtR.—'We learn from the last number of this old and valuable paper, that Joax M. Flxnixo. Eeq-.baa seeamod the Editorial charge, and also that the power preee upon which the paper It wotked, ta moved by a new and beau* tifnl engine just built by the Knoxville Iron Cum* piny, Btxambm Costixo —Three ocean staamer* arc now on the way from Europe to the United Hurra, vi*: the Hi. Louis, from Havre, via Southampton, June 8; the Ariel, from Havre, direct, June Q, and the Asia, from Liverpool, June 9. The two fir*, named com# to New York, the other to Boston. Yellow Fever at Porrau-Puncr— By »n snivel at New York of the brig Wm. T. Dugan, Captain Babcock, from Port-au-Prince May 29,we learn that the yellow fever has made Its appearance there- Joseph Bibcock, seaman, son of the Capt. of th* brig, died May 17, and Wm. Kersey, sea, meet of New York, on tbe Slet. Orlsp Aspen, eeaman, of New York, died on lb* paacege on the lift ell—ell uf yellow fever. TV* Uqoor Deaum* Lcaocs, In Now York, which lie* been formed Meet iho pauage of the prohibitory Uw In that State, now numbers 14,000 member*, U l» •aid. In Naw York city aloes—a fact Which fl la not difficult to credit, seeing that there are 7fiOO retail liquor shop* In tha oltp-and e» all tbe employee* In the**, as will as the brew. •riM, distilleries, Importing and wholesale houses, swell the roll of the league, rh# array I* quire s formidable «*»•< Bach member paya an admission l*e ol lid, which hat elected A fund of •140/MV. . (Front Ike New York lleratd.] ’ . • , PwuwwnU, Jew 14,18W. The proceeding* of yeeierdey constituted th 0 erlnin—end t moet trying one It waa— of tha na tionality of tbe American organisation. The fact was apparent thaubollMonlstn,ln lie moat hideous forma, with emboldened front and arrogant preten* eion, In tbe Beat, West and Northwest, had not only eeiied tho vestibule, but with wicked and un washed hands bad defaced the euurta of the Inner temple. The period to define positions, principles —In abort, to expound Amerkanlam, it* object* and alma—had bean prqclpitaiad by the aatranged action of Maaaaohueetta from known and recog- olud ducttlnee, and the dompod-waa equal to tha erlaia. * • It waa wiaely determined that the homogeneous* neaa of the organlutlon should either be vindicat ed hr the organism of tha body politic roaolvad In* to ita proper constituent elemanta t and with that especial object In view a aeries of moaaures, in* volvlng tho very laeuos upon which were baaed the distinctive beollonallams that Invaded its nations 1 integrity, were introduced for the avowed object of tho separation. Those measure*, enunciating no now or unjust exactions, being aa old and imperative ns tho enact ments of the constitution of the United States, and upon the poaltivo requirement* ol which they woro based, operated as a bombshell in llto general as semblage only—wounding, however, those against whom the constitutional projectilo waa lovellcd and discharged. Tho extent ol the damago, 'tin true, waa greater than waa anticipated, ami the vast excision, noW that it has been fully realixed. has only served to improve the national health and spirits, and make the natioual body politic more ju bilant and patriotlo. Regarding, as 1 do, th* national pronunciamento the event ol the times, and a spectaclu of moral grandeur unparalleled by modern political delib eration and action, if leiauro permitted mo I would delight to eulogixo tho men,tho act and the deed; but aa my space is restricted, 1 content myeell by tho negative affirmation, that it was not designed, in any phaso, to endorse in any particular tho imbecile and rotten Fierco dynasty, or tho dema gogue Douglas, or any of his wily schemes for place or power. Neither the one nor the other merited or received (lie least consideration at the hands of tho Convention. It simply mot the Imiio, and In a constitutional w.vjr forced upon the delib erations of the body by tho ontholdencd demands of r progressive |anaticism,oud now leaves to every American thouxaitod privilego of standing erectly and proudly upon iho constitution and laws, with out tho sacrifice of personal reaped, duty and integrity. The majority report waa adoptod by— AYU. New York, Dcloware, Diatrict of Columbia; Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, South Caro lina, Flat Ida, Louisiana. Texas, Alabama, Mia- sisiftsippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Ken tucky, California* Maryland. NOES. New Jereoy, New Hampshire. Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island. Connecticut, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Wis consin, Minnesota. Among the latter the report had two vote* from Pennsylvania,one from Maine,*ad two or throo others from other States. It ia gennernlly conce ded hero that Peimfcylvania was misrepresented, and that perhaps no Stato stands more securely on national grounds. Many ot tho faettonista have left, whilst the nationalists are quietly prosecuting the business of tho Convention, tho details of which I will give you by telegraph. Philadelphia, June 14, 1855. The Convention assurnbled at nine o’clock this pursuant in adjournment. Mr Alexander, df Maryland, Chairman ol tho Committee, inndo a report on the Ritual, suggest ing no very material alterations except In the term- ot membetsltto, the principal change proposed »*t— ing iho admiss'i n of American Catholics. This proposed modification gava rise to a most anima ted discussion,in which Messrs Lyonsol New York, Williams ol Iveniucay, lUym-r nf North Carolina,Drown oL-TonnesS'e, .Mattery ol New York and Cunninvhsni ol South Carolina, par ticipated, and resulted in tho defeat of tho propo sition by a very laigo majority .Mr. Hopkiiis, «f Alabama, Chainuan of the Committee, asked ami obtained leave to give publicity to thu plat form of priticipLa adopted by tlitv Couvon'ion. New Jersey has boon in the Convention all day, and, 'Ha presumed, lias resumed fully her nation ality. Great harmony pvrvadcsthe day s proceed- mgs. _ _ _ ___ A motion waiTriinilti to requfro the Secretary, nt thu termination of tho general senmm, to publi-ii thu proceeding-in all newspapers friendly to the organization In addition to the proceedings nod tho platform, an addrers was ordered lor publica tion. Gov. Johnson, ui Pennsylvania, entered hin pro. trai a.i to the power o| iho Council to orect a plat form, but ns one had l^un erected, ho would sub mit it to tho State Council tor its to-tinn, and would baitto manfully for 'he causo. Pennsyl vania is all right—rely upon it. Oilier delegates from dissenting States express vd iheiiiM-Ivcs in similar terms, and in every in stance gave the assurance of their firm adhesion to Aiinncau principles. With tho single exception of M AMnclhiM't :s—tho only socliling Slate—thu de|cgati-s generally trom tho Northwest and New England, with but lew exceptions, givu thu strong est aerornncuot thutr duwrmmaUon to stick tv* thu "national" ship. The Convention is in high spirits, and tho ut- nv*st harmony and good feeding pervaded tho membership. The Ritual still under consideration, at 7 P. M . thu C-mVcnuon adjourned. Sjirnnl Omp'ilrh In ihe JV. V. Eipren*: 1’iiii.APKt.niiA, Juno 14—.Midnight. Th« excitement in ndcrenco to the Convention continues Thu general complexion **t things is n**t so unfavorable ns dotcribed in tho Evening Ex- prura. That is to ray,—the prosports lor harmo nizing iho Convention, so as in Comoro some good understanding, nro noiao had to night as they wore this morning. ' ’ As a gratifying manifestation of this fact, it may bo mentioned, that many of ihe Boilers are back m the Convention,—aim-ng them Gov. Johnson. The feeling among iho delegates is certainly improving A cotni deni «>* tho gas with which thu extremit e» «»l tuiiti suctions were charged,—lias escaped,—and the menibur* breathe deeper and freer in conse quence. Conservative men begin to tsku courage, an<f to hope that all will yet bo woll. Those rn.trial enemiesolSnm, tho Fuvionisis, arc busy out ol doors, doing their heat toprumuto and keep up diseenlsion,—but the game begins to lie scented .New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jor*ey will pull together. .Ylcrtlng of .Morilicru Aaill-Ktiow- Rfnililnge* A mooting was bold at Cleveland, Ohio, last week, by thu Abolitiotf opponents of tho Know- Nothing*, under thu name of the “KnowSnme* things." They adopted a platform in substance ss follows: The prcamhln asserts that servility to the slave powers is the characteristic of tho existing politi cal parties—perilous to manhood and thu heat in terests ol i)i« north and the liberties ot tho repub lic Tha resolution* declaro that tho Usqo brforo tho American public is whether ftentlnmahal) he limit ed to the true Stales or alavary to tho slave Stales. Thai ihe issue has been forced upon tho country by alavo power aggressions. These aggression*, and especially the Nebraska outrages and aeaaulta upon tho oUctive franchise in Kansas, hove arous ed iho Irrrmon of the Republic ; and they will mvintsin ih»ir rights and resist addition* to the slave territory. They will maintain tho nationality ot freedom, aud that tho friend* of freedom should rnakuprinclplee not birth place the lest of admis sion to citizenship. They will repel eveay eeoleeiastieal interference in political affair*— from potentate, punpriest —a* destructive of iho nghi to worship God acoord Ing to iho dictates ol conscience and libony, Tbe raeolntlona also recommend for the action of the sevarsi Huies the promotion of tempersneel the support of public school*, free labor and har bor Improvements. They also urgn all to stnvu for tiie election ol men of liilegmy and naive to resist aggtesaiona of any kind; sod, for fhoao ob jects, are lastly to unite with all frneo, under any name nr organization, to aid In carrying into oper ■Bun tho principle* avowed. Uapfnre *i Nenirrsy. According to lato advices received at Naw Or* lean* from Mexico,*party of pronunciadoe, com* manded by Don Hsnttagn Vidaerl, stlach.d Mon* teray on th* 2Tth ult. ,at half-past 11 A. M., and look the etiy and the Black Fort next morning, making prisoners of the Governor General Cardona and slily-MV.n offieora. 'lliey also took • large quantity of munltiona <>l war and twenty-alxpisue* of arttllary. In eoflNquene* of thee# event# buainrs* waa*ou. Ilrely inepeuded on Iho frontier. Carvajal th* fiver near Rl» Grand* * Cfiy on lh« 9th Inet, and Csplttrsn oroeerd within fivaleagnenorMaianioroeon the 0th, and Imtiia- dlatoly had no encounflr with a party ol Govern m*ni itoope SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY m JUNE 19, 1866. nm . , JACxaonyiLLR, Jane ISih 18M, I |Th« Court ofChancory, lor Duval oouniy* Non* % b< Forward preaiding, hag bean in aoaaipn ainoe Monday law. Part «f la-day hai been oo- ouplotf by an argument on motion by R. Dorman, E^q. • for an injunction upon 1 the borporattnn of Jackaonvillo againat taxing th* property-of tho town to meet the bonds, tor tho ieaueof which tho people voted at tha election lately held hare. Your readers will remember that tha people voted in lavor of th* town issuing bonds In aid of tho Fieri* da Central Railroad to the value of $80,000. In favor ot Bill the Town Council acted; and hence tho resort to a legal tribunal.' Thera la a minori ty againat thia aolionof th* town which peralata.ln every poealble efibrt to thwart It. It thowa tho publio are fully alive to Railroad matters, and are canvassing tbe roodee provided lor the oonatruutlon ot Roads. In thia, *« in all other important pub lio questions,(bore will bo upponente to particular modes proposed, but 1 think the tendencies aro that In every oounty upon tho routaa of tho project* ed Roads the poople, and ovon tho property hold er!, will vuto tlteroaelvu* to J>o taxed for th* pur pose named, by a largo majority. In Columbia county CummiMlonera have ordered an election on tho 30th of June,.to ascertain the Will of the peoplo in relation to subscribing for stock in thu Central Road A mooting of citizens was hold *1 Alligator on tho 14th, composed ol parsons from various parte ol tho county, in which a system of canvassing tho county waa commenced in lavor of tho subscription A committee waa appointed for thepurpoio. Tho oountioa wcat of Columbia, or of th* Suwannuo river, aro interested in the line of the road to eon* ncct at Alligator Irom tho woat, Thia lino U in charge of tlto "Pensacola and Georgia" company, which not long aince was looking to a connection with your road Irom Savannah in tho direction of the Florida line; but all tho energies of tho com pany, and tho citixena in tho middle interested in a Florida work, are bonding their efforts faith fully to a direct and early completion of n road within nor own limlti to the Atlantic, connecting on a direct lino with the route ol tho Central Charter, it will make Jacksonville tho Eastern terminus. Hon, E. C. Cabell has boon elected Preaideulor the Pensacola end Georgia road. A large meeting of tho Stockholders was held at Monticelln, Mid* dlo Florida, on tho 6th Juno, at which resolutions were adopted in auhatanco at follows: Instructing the Board to locate and prepare fur contract, tho road eaat of Tollahaa«ee, and to do tho same for that portion west ol Tallahassee so soon as sufficient subscriptions can be obtained tho counties west; Instructing tha Board to fixod Ihe ;*alary of tho President at $2,000 • Expressing ft preference for citizen* of Florida aa agents or officers of tho road ; Recommending a call lor instalments no »ub« script Iona; Providing that intercat bo paid In stock at par, at 8 per cent., and all payments on aubecriptton up to tho timo of completing tho rood; Approving of iho purchase o| a controlling amount of stuck in thu Tailahasaeo Railroad, and transfer of tho eamn to tho P. Sc G. Company. A major part of tho stock in tho latter company is already hold by Floridians. The Tallahassee Railroad ia that which has been lor a long time constructed from Tallahassee to St. Marks, and which, although a road of ufo primitive sort, and a littlo rickctly, haa borne upon it a heavy omount of cotton to the'Gulf for itimy year*. The present action in regard to railroads is moro harmonious, united, nod definite,than any thath-»s previously transpired, and looks ns if roally prom ising a road connecting tho West with tho East. A* to tho move for an injunction hero to prevent iho town authorities levying a lax for Railroad purposes, I do not think it will bo sustained. I\ A. Stockton Sc Co. havu iho contract lor car rying tho mail over that interesting portion of turnpike botween this place and Alligator, .and thence onward. I tuo also, thnt Mr. Moses Bar- bur, tho preaunt contractor, advertis.-* tho continu- unco of a pu-ssngcr lino of vehicles between this place nnd Alligator. 'I ho quut am me tcgnlstions of Tarnp.turo to be In force on and «ltcr tho 20th inat. Vessels oom- iog from infected porta aro to remain in qiMrati- -*i— — **—**—— **-•— »*'• >«* epftCC Of Inn unj. ut?» fore coming to tho port. Tho lino Sa*“ Mill now owned by Messrs. Ste phen Bryan and B. Wilson,originally built hy Col. John H. Mclnii'sh. dvseonsed, snd located on his former place oppoaitn Mandarin, waa destroyed by fire last night. Information sent horn is that tho firing was the act ol an incendiary. I loarn that the insurance on tho mill had just expired. . Yours, Ao. [I’orretpondenctt of the -‘avannsh Republican.] C rope amt Weather, West Poirt, (St. Simon's Island,) ? _ , Juno Huh. \ Editor* Savannah Republican I send you two cotton blooms which we have had on thia placu ainco tho first week in June. I would not have you undcratnnd that it ia an evi dence of the forwardness or probable productive ness of the cotton crop, ni n largo portion of tho crop in tins locality is broken,backward and small n«»t over livo inches high. The corn crop i« one of tho moat promising wo havo had on this placo for years. Tho corn ie taa- seling, with from threo to fivo silks on tho beat •talks, and il they fill, tho crop ought to ba abun dant, aa n ia well manured with compost. I liavo no data to fix the rclativo proportion of cotton nnd corn plantod hero this year, compared with Inst year, and can speak advisedly only as lu •hie place*, where one-third less cotton and more corn has been planted. With regard to tho old crop of cotton on hand, tho proportion con only ho approximated by con jecture. Tho estimates vary from 25 to 30 halos still to be sent forward to market. Wo have had propitious rains, and if the crop on , tho light a«il had not been so whipped and killed «' by Bin tornado nnd high winds which swopt over a ! B«>n*l •'a 111 portion of it,tt would not bo so unpromising in somo place*. You know that cotton replanted in Jnne cannot yield a full crop under tho moet favor- ■bio circumstance* An early Iroet or gale in Sep tember will lucvitatdy reduce (ho production to lose than a half crop, and thosn are casualties, not merely possible, hut probable. Yours, See., A Planter. . PniLAUKtrutA, June Ifiili, 1855- A new route baa beotr opened, within a few month*, from Niagara Falla to Philadelphia by Bio way of Canandaigua ami Blmlra, N. Y., ahd Wil liamsport and Reading in thia Htate—by which pas* aengera leaving the Falla • Utile before six in the morning, arrive at PIBIadalphia about fen o'clock' the tamo evening. Thia road paaae* through the (loncaotfcounlry, and aotnu'of the ire#t portions of WeaternNaw York; ani, coming up between Crooked Lake and Honeca Lake, crosses tha Chenung river at Elmira—which streams form Ihe North branch of tho Susquehanna. When a few mile* aouth of Elmira, wo entered a narrow valley, with lofty hills rising on either aide, though not ao stoop as to provont their bolng cultivntud. Every few tnlloa the valloy widens, and we pasted several pretty little village*; and fine mill sties are lulnd all along tho rapid stream. Totho west of this aro the Blossburg coal mines, from which immense quantities of coil are carried by railroad to Corning, N. Y., to find * market in diflurunt directions from that point. Tho taco of the country continue* ntotmtalnoua, until near Williamsport, a thriving town of four thousand Inhabitants, situated upon tho banka of tho west branch of tho Susquehanna river. Tho valley horoii several inilea in width, enclosed hy well-cultivated hills rising gently to thu height ut tlm country beyond. From this place wo pawed through a rich larm- ing country, to tho north branch of tho Susquehan na, and soon entered tho vast coat regions which supply Philadelphia anti many eastern oitioa with thiearticlo of fuel. A wild country, with Jufiy mountain ndgoa rising on evoty aide, along whose stoop declivities tho roadway is cut—now looping fearful gulfs—now plunging through durk tunnuL— then sweeping around steep precipice*,—until at length we reached the summit, and then began a gradual descent to tho head walcra of a branch of tho Schuylkill, Thia xvholo country ie almost en tirely uncultivated*covered with* thick growth of small chestnut troea, oaks, &.e. At Tamagua, wo firat law where tho mine* aro worked; nnd all along tho road, fromThis point, aro evidence of th# tuexhauitiblo stores of coal with which thia region abounds. Pawing Reading, wo tame into* level und well cultivated section ol country, though iho shades ot night prevented any view ot its appuaranco nt a distance Irom tho road ; nnd our journey was ended on reaching this city nt about leu in the evening. Alter an «.l»sonco of n low yenra from thu city, a great chango is noticed in tho stylolof the buildings; nnd although thia clinngc ia not so evident in ilroso streets mostly occupied by dwellings, in tho busi ness portions of the city a decided improvement ia observed, nnd each succeeding edifico erected excels in rirhnosa and lofty proportions those built in former times. The churches lately built, or now m process of orect inn, exceed in magnificence and costliness everything ol tho kind previously attempted ; and those religious societies possessed ol uinplo means, via with ench other in tho splen dor trod beauty of their house* of worship. There aru n few of tho buildings y»-t standing which wore erected in tho days of William Penn, and we arc shown the liouso in which he ia said to havo dwelt while a resident hero. That built by him lor his daughter, mid fot ninny years past oc cupied ns a tavern, has recently been torn awuy. Carpenter's Hall, hi which tho Continental Con gress belli ttft sitting as i-atly as 1771, is yot pro- served as in former dnya. Passing accidentally in front of this venerable building Inst evening, I ob served a procession of gontloincn approaching its entrance, and on going In learned that they were unmbeta'td Bio Ameticau or Know Nothing oft* tionnl conveniU'0, now araembled in this city, who were thus making a vuot within its hallow ed walls. They Were addressed nnd welcomed to tho Hail by the present occupant, Mr. C. J. Wolbert, and n g'-ntletnan from Florida nude a short address in reply. It is said (hat the deliberations of this hotly ate not entirely harmonious—factions having srisen even in this new political organization. Wo mutt of cou-so visit the Old Btale House nod from its lolty steeple look forth ujum the coy, nnd ever thu vast exparifu ot level country tpr«ad out like a map before the eye. Tho improvements are exteoding lur away to tho North and to the South; aud amco the consolidation of the city government with tha munietpelitie* formerly existing in its v.mniiw iic J.oifta extend ttuarlv twmitv-five mil— from North to South, and from tho Delaware river on tbe east to the Schuylkill on the we**, embra cing ft population of over five bundled thousand. liidepeiid. nco ilall, tho scene of the discussion and adoption of tho Declaration of Indcpctiddncc, located beneath this roof, yet preserves us original form and appearance, and ihe wnllsare now (luck* ly hung w ith the portraits of disiiiigmslird Ameri cans living in the days of the revolution, nnd of tlmsc prominent in our country's history previous and subsequent to that tune. Even the venerahtu bull, which called together the freemen of iliociiy on tho morning <d the l<.uith <>f July, 1776, to listen to the tending nf the Declaration ol Independence, from ibo yurd in the rear, has descended from ita lofty position m tho cupola, to take its place among thu robes ot tho tunes of our country's severest trials. The markets here aro abundantly supplied with most kinds of garden vegetable#, grown in tho vicinity. There aro also new potatoes, brought from the Island of Bermuda, sailing at only lilty cents per halt, pock ; ripu tomatoes horn the ssmo place, at 37 1-2 euros per quart ; rtpo auawtH-rries* at (he same price; ripe cherries, Sic. ••• Tlic Kniillirrit ('iiliiti .t|ctv«nii*ttf. * [from Ho I.'olumtius Enquirer] Indications the most encouraging to the friends of the Southern Union movement continue to tk,w in upon Ihecoltiliilllco appointed at tin* Tcmpor- nuco Hall meeting to make known its |,roceCdmgs lo trio several counties in the State. Among tho numerous responres Irom individual.” in various pontons of the Slain is iho tollowim' Irom nn old c.tix*»n of Meriwether, well known in ihirscction «>f Georgia, which we take tho litany of publish ing, Ss an evidence i I the appreciation m winch Bus movement is held by thosu who can not be ptesumed to have any object <-t into reel beyond the i ol the Country nnd Bio m-curity ol Ita canstttu- >. A voice liko this, from one whom linden of sevumy-seven years may bo supposed to Inva investeil with wisdom ns *»p|l nn moderation, can not tail to provo nn rffeottvo vindication ol tho objects, aims and policy of tho Temperance Hall movement. Wo thcrotoro com mend it to tliuconsuleraiion of Bio People. Mnriwithin ti»., Jm.o II, IH.VL yin*. /r>*//ang, , end uiHirt, CemmMit — lissTl kMis :-l ree l*1.1 jour coininuit c»tn’n dnlcd can* »«• ln«i, luf.iruilnx me of the ttu-rtoig of the rill, rrm Mmc'gi-e count/ nt Temperance lUll on thn WUli, nnd tlielr ncilon wrhrnmet. I have raninltiM Hie preamble nnd resolution# adopt ed at thnt meeting with rare and delight, nnd presume it will |»« some gratlfl.-allott in j>eu to kn.o* thnt I lieanl ly nt.prove ttwm. a*Mtit» tal.eve tt to tm toe sren'e»v palriutlo inoteineul that I have known or iea.l ol during a tile of »«■»* nij-aaven ym.ra. And be a**n-<Hl, t,enH<s mm. that jou may ret) on my c*»rdlal r.-o|nw«il»n In tontlKhl, W****t amt dred ; and that y»tl iixve, nmt •tin)) couitmie lo have, my ImiiUj atpiratlona focanrrcaa, not enlr In (ioorgla, but ahun lanU) «olnai| the -uuihorn Atatoa. I am, Uantlruien, mod rrspei-tfutly. Your obedient aervant, Paxacts Jim. j Wailituiinu Item*. j WxatiijtoToN, Thursday, June 14, IM53. A very curious story lias boon circulated t**-d*y, | <vithm a narrow circle, and 1 give it to you |,u vvliat it i* worth, The tumor ir, Hint during the ! last netdon ol tho late Congress, Prentice nf thu I Lnroavillo Journal. Raynor, Flournoy, and other ; gentleman ot the BciuBt mol in thia nty, hi secret — cottclavo, tho result o| which Oottlerenca was a r Nostii Carolina.—'] ho annual j i«ioini»o ..f nearly all of Bin Whig Cougreeameu examtnattoft »»(the Uatvcreity nf Nntth Carulina , .V' m Bt#Hla*« Stair a to vast tbfttr lot with tho Tallahamki, Fla., Juno 15. i Editor* Savannah Republican •• lu reply to your inquit iee, 1 would state : 1. There has been a slight increase in tho quan tity of land plantod in cotton, in this section, as compared to last year. 2. Wo havo the boat "stand" and the lineal proa- j poet wu havo had for several years. 9. High prices have caused all of last year's j crop to he sent forward to market, and not exceed- j lag 50 bales wilt tie t«(t over These remarks Apply to Middle Florida. ! Our corn crop is tho boat, I believe, ever known j In tins Country. Thirty cents per bushel is tho highest price spoken of for th* noat season. Roapeatfully yours, A Suaaoaiata University took place at Chapel Hill, during the past week. The annuel sermon was delivered by ihe Rev. D. M. Painter, D. D , ol Colntnhla, 8. (*.; the addro*s before ihe iwo Literary Borleilee by Geo. Davie, Kaq.of Wilmington, N C.j tho addrciw before tho llfeiuriaal Hoetoiy by Blahop A'ktnaon, and tho veledieiory hy E. Wtnelow Gilllsm, ofFayetto- villa, N. C. Thk Btei.a in 8oitooM.-Th« fluptTme Court of Maine ha* pn.nuuiiaed in ihe ease of Dmmhoe va Uiohard and oihrra, which was argued at flAugor last summer. It waa brought In behalf of a glr; attending one of ihe public ochtmU *>( Ellawntth agetnat the school committee ol the town, far pto- hlkitlnghor attondsnoe at (he sohoo). The com mittee trail directed the English Bible to be read in the school. Hnveral children of Homan Catholic parents, of whom the plaintiff was on#, re(ua«d u, comply with ihe regulation, and were prohibited Irom attending the aeliool. Hence the suit. Th* court gave a decision in favor ot tha aohool com- intttae. ^ An fnpaaui. DaouNAttoit.—Dr. Charlee T. Jackson, of Bnaion, hat reesfved Information that the.Hulian of Turkey hse ednferred upon him th*> Peanraiicti pf the Imperial Order ol tha Mrjtdieh of‘the filth pI*m, (Chevalier) lor the discovery ol he pain suUfuirtg piupeMlH uf ether vspuf. Know-.Nothing# Htephana,Tooitib*.Kerr, snd .. tew ..Biots, declined, and aro now nr Ivefy engaged in figliinig that Order; while the others, at Ioavi eoinn o| them, arc aa fiercely engaged fighting on Bn* oilier aida, It tv further said that Bell of TenneMco, Was ajiiiken o| tm with lloun>>ni |i*r tho In,•idem-) )i« i,„,| vuip.1 againat tho Kana*a. Nchratka lull, ami title. H waa thought, would ttiaka t*tm nevcpiattU to tho Nntth, white, being a Booth- ern man, hn would not l»«* damagetl in that avetton ol the eountiy. Whether tin story ta literally tnio or tutt. «.*n- euimnt eveniatiiniiitiiig the suliject of th-i I'resi- tlf'BI Mem to Confirm the rumor. the r«ion (if tlila III oiling arfya (hat Mr. Mo- i.aiio, UnitrdHtaiea Ci.ritniissiottpr to China, haa l.een so SUreeaaful In Iff* execution of Ih« trust, that no necessity rxists lor hi* return to the East. BkbtrrrioN toTNapRMte or llatr—There has been a material reduetpm In the prices tif best cal- II# (»*r pound in «>ut matkel. Last week the plica* raligril •• billows : l'..r extra il» AH ; Hist quality •y • ft«com| quality ♦■•• Ml ; Bold quality 7 A0»$M |o*dsy Bin price* were 50; #5 AH, $5 ail,| ft MV being a reduction o| limit 9 lu 9 1-9 c*nta per pound J —Albany Atlas, June II. IIKBKItTN «f fiortllX, PIJM V, ttAtl.ttiiAli. Keflaad aaa Aitssrlca. T’lve tonoibT C%a%'a'f BelMwhichTaV# of late mad* ihelr appearance in the Times, would seem In indicate that there exists across tha Atlantic, In Bin breasts ol our ncerjulattuus, the inhabitant* of Iho United Btatos ol America, a feeling of hoatili- ly to us, our Institution* and uudcrtakjnga and a •ftfling ol sympathy W(jli our Ruaelan antngomata. Wo do not nelicvo ft t but, on Iho contrary, We bo- liuvo that blood la llifckor Ilian water, or in Bits case wb might aay than oil—that thmigh tho Yan kees might'have no bbjeetton to have a shot at ea themselves, they wish no other peoplo In the world to do ao wfUt auccese-j-that republican liberty can never sympathise with despotUm—enlightened tn* tolligeuo* with hopeless ignorance—progress with obstruction—that the antagonism of quaTuiba and racoe and insiituliuna between Rusal* and the Btatoa is a gull loo stormy lo be passed, and that [ho ties of kindred blood and kindred sentiment between the Bistro and Great Britain, ale too strong to be uavily m lightly severed. Should it ever be otherwise; should it ever unfortunately come lo paee that thia country shall be placed iri a hostile position to America, or should wo avott witness the untoward event of American sympa thy with our oppunonu, or It* absence from our selves, we cannot Imagine a consummation mure unpropitiuus, or more calculated to damage our inlluence and our cause in the eyes uf the whole eivilieud world. Will It be believed Bml wo, or at least the small fry who icprusciit us, aro doing thuir beet t.» bring ab'.ul tine state of bitterness ; and that the rumor* of American iadifferepcu to our vucccaj, ur uf Ann-rlcan sympathy with our enemies, have their origin not in the acts ol our brethren, hm ui the coniemptuoua slights and callous indifk-rt-nco of oumulves I Tho promptings olnu evil conscience i»l«rm us that w-o have merited tha rueontim-ut, Bio oxiatoncu ol which wo are Iwgimimg to aosumu; and that a pureiHaura in tho sliidmd meolenco with which tho friendly advances ol our Transatlantic brother* scorn to be received, may possibly at no distant period cuttvoti these rumors into facts. Sev eral instances of tbe spevlea of conduct lo which we allude have lately buen brought under our no tice ; hut wo ahsil content ourselves for thu pres ent with thu mention ol two. The Morning Post can testify to tho courtly ca reer of every whiskered, boarded, bsgzy-brceched aid de-camp or envoy Irom Pumpernickel or Halilnngenfat, whoso business or whoso pleasure leads him to visit the capital of England. A special train receives him at Folkestone; a court- carriage at London bridge. He is presented to Majusty bv tho minister ; his nanio ia inserted in tho Lotd Chamberlain's alburn lor royal banquet, concert, and ball; he appears at tho receptions of secretaries; and,as a m-ceseary sequence, ho runa tho gauntlet of aristocratic hospitality and ostenta tion in crescent, lane, and mjuoic, from St. Some thing In the East lo .St. .Somebody in the Writ, till a surfeit ol soups, lobster-iaUde, and Lalitie, driven him back with t*n indigestion t<* tins baths nnd Bruiitiens from whence he earn®. W« find no Inult with hm reception—reception though it ho of the envoy or hanger-on ot a phnntasmagorian kingdom or dukedom, whoa® treasury is a gam bling house, whoso territory is a fisherman's walk ; and whomi army is an officer. "While we least thn great, let's ne’er forgot tiio small.'’ Great Britain can afford to alb.w Lilliput to stalk pow dered and pigtniled across her palm. But while she ram* hospitality (tod consideration on tho smalt, ought she to rovers® Bin caution ol the song, and utterly despise, neglect, and ignorothe great I We think not. In the month of March last, three of the Ameri can veteran officer* ol the Mcxicap campaign, in the thre® several departments uf engineers, artil lery and cavalry, aelecled lr<>m the gallant army V4 thu United Slates by thn President and his Cabinet, as worthy f-om their talenis und services to represent their countrymen, were directed hy thu government ol tho State# to proceed to th® Crimea |*»r tho purpose ul studying the art ol war. Tin- names of these i llic. rs were, und are. Major Richard Delafidd, of the Engmecra; Mnj >r Mor- dccei, o| Bio Arnllery; and Capt. .Maclullro, of tho Cavalry. Did they proceed to tho Russian, wiioro tho art a| war Can bostuJicd quite as eff c- tually ns m our own, to whidi they *»*>uid have ro ceived nnd would still receive a hearty welcome— and with which nation they nrctaUciy represented I.) s> lupathiaol They did not They arrived m England with loiters fr»*tn tbe Orirteh ministers at Wuftlimgtun, authont.eating their misM'.n, and which wore presented tty them last month to Ui® Foreign Secretary in Loudon; but beyond a civil I reception,— which we believe Ixml Clarendon j vouchsafes to all men,—nn interview with Sir John 1 Burgoync, and letters ol rccogni'ion to tho authori- t tics in the Crimea, no notice whatever waa taken j nf '.hem or **t their mission. No special train re- reived them at Liverjioolj no court carriage at Enstitn .Square; no presentation to Majesty; no in- | scriptien in the cliftinoorlaiii's open-sesame, no ! paaicboard for mtniairr’s recrptlon «>r aristocratic sure®,—nnd the only surloit which they received wva a surfeit nl neglect and disgust, which they I has® doubtless carried with them to the court of I France, whither (hey have bent then steps, and j wlncti it will assuredly defy all tho hatha aud Brun- ' n**n* ol Pumpernw-kel to remote. I 'J’owards the end ol lust summer, the l’. States sloop of war Ruble arrived at SpitkcA*l. It is a rule milt® American navy that all th® ouvut c.idHa, who com pi a® III® material out ol which aro fashioned afterwards Bio naval commanders of lire republic, shall serve their time be tore the mast: •"'* ***»*«» "'"’itwnre ibid a i”, rv* irnrwmt too obvious t«. d* scant upon. The Preble, n train ing shiu lor this purpose, i.nd iiunnd niinostex- clu-iveljr hy young gentlemen from nmongst the most respectnble families m tire Sint®-, to Iho amount of two hundred and upwarila, rartie to Spithead f.*r the purpose of naval vdueaiion. She hapiu-ued t>» bo tbe only man nf-war on the statton i at the time, and her presence «>n that account, and ■ on accoont of the frequent <>; pofiunities which she ' bad *.<( saluting the Uoyni Yacht, *»i urstlo ro*>ro Ilian usually cnnspieii us. She was left wholly unnoticed hy the authorities *»! Portsmouth, her cadet# refused admission to the docaynrd, and she ultimately b it the Minion, w ith two hundred young naval hearts, tho future ujiholder# of their country's ••aval fame, fully impressed with too naluro ol their reception in their lathcrlsmi Those aro two instance* of the pains w hlch nr® taken by our representatives to secure (or Great Uritaiu the sympathy *>{ tbe United States. Wo liavo oilier# ol command ; but w o coiiccivo tho foregoing quit® sufficient lor our prevent purpose, amt wo idcdge ourselves to Bio accuracy «•! the do tails. W*. can also fell mir readers how Her Majesty's sloop ol war Pearl sailed Irom Bermuda in Bio winter of 1H3!) or 1SI0 with despatches en trusted to her gallant commander, l«>rd Clarcnco Puget, for iho United States Government: how sho experienced a siiccc-mon of gales on her pas-age ; bow sb« arrived tn I'hwapeako Bay with batter ed hulk and oxhaustrd crow; hnw the uavnl au- thosMu-a o| Norfolk, the Portsmouth ol (lie States, sent shipWfighla and riggers on board ; h>-vv tho good ship Wae refitted w it hnut charge or demand of any kind, and how the British officers and crew were 'Welcomed and feasted on shore. It is fresh, loo, in tiro recollection of the public how the two Russian men of war were refined and repaired at Portsmoutlf last year, their officers received with tnmkvd cntivuteralion, ami tho dockyard thrown open lo Russian pencil and ncri! There was a Prussian man ot wnr (th** Gafinni at the samo period which w-»s similarly favored, bet then, to bo sure she Was comnundcd by onp of the royal family! We would call iho attention of the new- nssocia- tlon which hat bom stalled m England, having taken, at vec think, a l« «| lr*>m th® bock of her older sister in TCofiard—for potting the right men tn tbe tight places—'*) ifie reprehensible proceed ings, nr lather the outrages *<n the common da- conrirs which wo have dcintlcd. Surely n<» Briton can approve thorn, to* eeutlcmati suppott bomg outside ol Drdlnm adoot Bum We cry shame up •» ihe Yankees h»r their sup|M>»cd sympa thies Vvitti Russia, Let us look at home and blame ourselves lor their origin II ii still ml ** ('nlrliicvl .Tlitgiiram. tln-bamt’s v:.M.t:tM.i> M Is bight} bene ficial In all diseases of iho -inmarh and Ibiwels, which ao* with ari.ltij, slut give- linmr.llaie irllrt to Hi® hraitlinin. The tlfretsof svcr*« In e*|li*c nr air Rrueraliy rrll..vr*t t.y p, and It affords one ■ if thr anil im»t |.lea*sni a|^rti-hls, r-|M^tnby l<> prrtoitt m tm. from n »«**lriitar< life or »ttirr r«uses, arc under the Irequeui nrvrssliy of hav lug recxir*,* l.« laxatives. To |>rr»»ii* ul a t.illloii« or a anuiy haMt, It H»aj l»® reroiumriNlrd with |H*c illi*r prnprln* : and Ita virtue# have been i<.|.ral...ttj VerKIr.l In ihe >l>-raa«.« ot • arm rbaisles. Man} of tor reividaiats of rhidrentn early lursuc), and nveii at m-u® adisiiml lu'Bmls, nr® atitii.lrd MliharlSli); and III such i*»r«, W,r I slrluct .Maoir-ia has a gre.ii advaniacr ever elhn al>«.*rtautt, vUi Hint ll tavlh tieuiraliiet tbe sclit tu Hi® aUiwrn'aiv renal, and arts as an rfll -*clou- )rl gentle purgstlis.— TMs |.rr)vsrallon Is tree H"tn unpleasant ts»t®, and three • lines Uni •trenglh »l ihne»imti 'n t'alclnrd Magnesia. ( »>u» tii»t piein'nn' HtWi*r Medals, end a New York World's fair Medal awarded. for sale by Iho druggists grn.ralli, snd liv Ihe tnsnu- fsnurrr. f. J. it PAHA St», Phllsdrlphls. spi SI ®od3m.»* HYPim ta, wnrtri'L\ and ibukabit n'.ooD. Fur these lemAo diseases, i:AUTUU*V M’ANtott MtX- Til HE ts tbe nil) iiwi-iqc TI.® proprietors hsiiUn Ihrlr possession over an® huh liutidrrd 4®rtlfliwlrs o( the must evlrsobltnar) cur®* Of- tve'iit by tt. We refer to ihersritAcst® of Richard Adtmv, late htffh sheriff of Rlri moixt, Vs ; Edwin II or too, r.uitiuitaliuier of the RevritU# for RMinnii-d; (fan. Welch, of the Mabinudh nrcus; t>r, t'rndtv. of Wa*htngt»n' H)1 Mr. Win. A. MsHhews, nh.t«' 11. Lurk, lliq , of Itlclmtohd. Va.; Mr. F. Itftjdin, I'.vchange lloirl, \a tatut a host of ogisrs, who have seco ra-c# ef th® sso-si drsrilpii.ut euiml by t'Mirr's Hpsnlsh MUtm® They stt «wtlf) thal It Is ib® ffr®ai®st puriltrr uf th® bt««d ktinwru. *+<> advertisement. ft apr! IT" tosUiiauishtol Idijslctaas, wall ktmwn 10^ eiianis, ir-pi-cubl® a on the aii.-s, au# hurali.-l- of others braiiwstlmoni b* ihr muid vffrcla s»f ir.tHl.llltl ANO'.VMU vm.ttnv L\rr.»:T'»HAhT. asaeursttve in t.iiieht, e.ilds.and disoasswof ihe lungs and (brw*. gruriall*. Themis no riuplrtristu tft lie pswperetbm. A Mir Ir# Which ar® wall known siul hlxM) sp|u®c4*t®d b) th® nuilr® ms-llr-t fkruhy, glou® *«irr Into lit ro4W< |MWlUon. nTAHI.I ten HI aRKIHI: \ roNIB al so pi®i»M#d with ih® miii® srlsniiac skill #••<» cere, lit tinirfl. 1st sflkcli In <11 tosses of I h» tosrli htt® hsi* isiotrktlilrs Over .VoO |.|»| stcuus, w ho hav# ta®« lakd* BY TELEGRAPH FOB THE REPUBLICAN | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Vsre ItcSaceS —Clbla Pv.viJKf |Jo7 /■'or .Wm fork. tlKlrr.U .TATI,, iff All. f.iii;. TUB KTBAM-sniP FLOW)I)A WtlUili n-d»«Ml»r, tuih inn. ,1 10 ,/ f u A. fl. precisely. Tln~narke|s. ' Naw Oilram, June 17. Walkerlown,on.Bayou Kara, bat been nearly deairoyod by fire. Lues 1500,(100. • Thn iranssciIona In cotton Baturdsy ware llmilrd lo 2JKW bales, at previoee rate*. Molasaea,291 2. Weal®m yellow com, 86; White 90, Emmas «*vabnsn Rarpsucau j— UtnUtmm t-| beff you trill publish the rnHowleg correepodettee, as e disclaimer of any fmputstUia of i fraud on n.) part, tn a sola of timber made by me in Molars. Epptof k. Kreu. Respectfully, 11. C. Pr/wga, HsvtaaxN, June llfib, l*S5. Osaf/reire ; lbs* mbs informed of Ih* fact wb#lb* at In your publication of th* mi, last, advartlslni your Inlentlon to refuse payment of* not* drawn to fa vor ol J. P.Crawley, and givan lo m* lor timber, )oa Intended to Impute any fraud ta me in ttra sate *.( said timber Haspectfully, yuurobd’t scv*t., | Messrs.Epplnff 4 Kretz- ll.C-Enwga. , pres-ise-ly. The*picss<1i.| atoaio-t'j. riX'kttu c'&'Stnk. , 't* x HeeessPtt, will u»,. ‘ *fe jr^ Vrr,fM «,r Passat*. mPSp9h> spta^M Stair urntx apply •» tft* <idk««.( Av» i.i. apply at to* o0k« >,t tun Ax-m,. rAUU.roHV, FAY k Ui -IUm FlcriCx, ^ ^ Th# Al'fJIJATA pert nn Hat'ir-tay. J*i+ »V1. S. It.—rtbtf>p«rs «>l *‘«,usib b» thtsw stesiatn « I faasw tsb« not If w. that nn i: U \um wilt he fee* Is'm'1 U: r/r'* ,h, ‘ »* »"« dtHIhcUi marM nu IU - |s U Mm • •IAIII,&kr(l!t-6iw,: — - The stma uctst CAh/ri.toA, cam. . .. ... - - oeiock, Fet (in|V; ,...J op hoard or u. u ‘Tj*',, .tr'T Atl frrlgh: ptJSblt »n lbs-» -*« ttJI - apr'/) tn l- *»- JIAII. lil.U ' —• for /‘nlalkn, florUta. - . wn'""'jk The r.®w arwl fast ->• . isro Tail > ha pi. vV, tt. Fvt.Hl. trs.r, , ,TT. •*-*» RaVasham, Jura ietb, IMS. | Dr. It. f. Knwxi t— bier Sir—In reply to your* nf tklt date, w# ebtei* fully disclaim any Intenltna to Irnj.uit fraud to y«u in the tale nf said Timber, at wa do not bellev* you rould hath ,known anythin* further of the quatity ol said i TI l'tlfiA %’s Ml 10 ssVIssrh Timber, than waa obvious on tha face of It. | Tskteff ti.« li.laiid root., and v*y i u, ,, , . Yours, Respectfully, ms^ltate laodirirs. ThtsMsaoirr • i: r - ( t,, Em so 4 Ksnx. \ "«•••«»»*‘P**f Tuft-daj.the «M to*-.. • ror freight or passage, apply ».# »•**,.}, w u Wnihlniion A ft, <». Telrfrn|>li f:«. mavittr* *' ,,Af rn , A '-> ax**l Tha Annual Meeting ot tha Stockholders of the Wash ' Vi.n sPW vnav r — Ington and New Orleans Telegraph Company, will he ' ,„ c aV. —s./ss 1 v 7. .t-VI '**»• brld at Washington City, V. C., first Wadnesday In July next. J® 14—tf D. P. CLARK, BecreUry. Ul-pSIrh Je I'J it schr It V. b WHS. v s above. For freight :h»ur J-asssgn. vpj.t, v <!««* NOTICE TO PAHAP.NOF.Rft FOR HTKAM8HIP ftfAUEL. ratsengen for ihls airamiblp kre noilflrd that the steamer METAMOUA will leave Watdbur/s Wharf, This Morning, at 10 o'clock, lo convey malls and pas sengers lo htr. Je 19—1 COllRNA 4 HERTZ. ' Jf-V FOR new YoRK -n* 8r^ f.„ nitt l 'ch-. f.oVAI. JU;kAKHiW ci i a.tin a: ii op coni .it p it cp. A meeting of this body will be held at toe CounUng Room of Messrs. Padeltntd, Fay «l Co, This pay. at U o'clock, M. A full attendance tv requested, at business Of Importance will be brought before ihe mrsting. J® 19 ABRAHAM MINIM. Hsrretary. freight J 1 ■OVAL ACKANTON. Isnltu. Mui- aseq-iick despatch f.r H.c xn<.ie yJ psvMreeppl) t® Caj.Utri.of 'HLSe k Itr.klZ. i.f ’ii»» it ritcK.irr tt tm.ii — PoRNLtV Y'lRK. UAl.TlMdltr., OK FVtli.A. (IKI.PHI A, A freight nt l.ooit®f Is wsetsd, s o.gj ,of the rat-ecil) of Ko M . to either *»f th- J*ort*. Apply to Jt* >\V J. \M» k to 10 TO it !:NT*'. ' Ttielwr. star) W.fudeo Baltd'tif. euluv* tw. fTW a tH vr.lli g hoiiw-. on Ue rasUrr. sids . » “ * June* square, win t»« re«,twl from u.® i: t ;»•, nett apply to JOII> J.KiX'f ' )(• IV—41 IHIfiN, LOOK IIi:It I ’ ’ Proper Muzzles f -r *«y v!t»d f»*^. »»»- sttBy on hand, and (or safe t; iu nv ritaf. uzxtos nt any pstUrsnmads iiM:iiU. iiyiTA rioi j . ft.e friends and scquatnlonces of Mr. snd Mrs P. (i. Man'll Thomas, are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral of I lL_JY m mmxUw r f net mimi. tnxd- ir .*** , th®lr daughter, MARIA iHAHKI.LA, Tills Aftornoon, J ohort notice, chop In tVlilUUr ttmi, d-- tr^* at & o'clock, from their 1st* residence, West Do-ad, nesr ' Hrnuthtmi. I. !,.<»t.t% Lk. Roberts street. j® IP j _J* H > —3y* , 1" ■— - ■ —■ ■ - . l i . I - Mlf It K. ^|K r,r.or.r;n PAflKOff^vtsedmltud UnniKHI IAL REFORDs NAVA.UN All .11A It KIT. Man dat, Jnn® ill. COTTu.s — too hales were sold tods) at ISc. Maiket dull. the huslntrs 1 vemto r last. J® ISA—3 psrtutr f our flrm. ..O if^ lit C»J 11 Sc EDWIN FAllBOSt k « O. t for, ipwea* -Sta, wv.arr.D A larse q'isDill) r-f '»»stor »t,»lls.d®:nsrs.-. UHoch, Amelia Islsod, Honda. H®»l«d p will be received at Hie t’a u-u -ixto* Engtorct .-Avannzt., i,a.. nniil the is< July tyt:. i T-, i^gpu ef Er.r, Jnt.® tojffii _ .t IV-lw i *»»t AAI.B. s * I ANfi.‘in® out® fr.uu Quah.'t : • *Ak. H'cg- j mi, Httnrr.«ck -rid Floe. *'n :ii- pls-c is t nr;vv mvi.nivisn. Jl'tvr. 13. r- M—Cotton—Tn® -id. ' *tn»' iniprsirinetit as.d g rd sj r.c* : ;^rfc<oy i<vdy vices by th® A'tan'ic, the steamer of to® Xd 'nsi., g»>® . god d^siralde to' formirg.-r gardeotor Apply to •ddiilmial Brim ess lo our market and 3Vo* bit— four®) Jr pj tv M. »S Rt*iHT. purchasers, ih® vri-ator part of which was perrhaw*-] J - - ftnvNiinab lx ports, June IN. Per t-rtx J M Hawyer, Piciou, N. 8.—133,CV7 feet Tim- j bar.33,040 do Plank. Per brig Macon, New York—4dl bales Cotton. i previous lo th® new* being known. Prices wrrp fu f J and parcels found i.un haoera at tbe rates whleh could not have Le®n obtained hefnr®. Ordinary C QOlu ] tjood Vtiddllrg. is Oftltf* l.<iw vii.idling,. inJa s, lc\ | Middling Pair.. Iv.V *. 13 Middling II If air noannai. STaTSMSST or roTTOs. Slock oh hand 1st Sept., *44 . .tales. W.fe> Arrived sinca. J,l*A,ITa Arrived to-dsy Z.®77 Exported to date.. Exported to day.. ...t,tr-l^ift I.OI6-t,t6‘:.f!i» in AiM.x- role nil in ti I yEUi-nN! 4 tSxfet with dextuis*. tin iwv lU -y iMinunii* ssf beiag comuwed that A'.Ol sTlC At'Rfrl.i: wotfaraish Uaesn jrtih th® rvtaf s^ rvnrt. need nt. a ml at pores suited io ;be arti s oft 1%* Hi-irume®:. k)® made <-f prepared mrtx> pU'er k. tV jut rd a* !•> c<-inmuii)tAic a high dsgrse »| vlUa.oc, 1 » hi, l, Ih rough s graduated tuf*e, cnito it* ear. siri a-® w -rn as not t<> eocuotbet the tn>i. *»ii, v can t>« worn by tsdle* wiihogj atirscung 1 lion, EDWARD HYlit, 14 Malden tan®, up nairs,' New Y*rk- j" lg —__ _ jVj ao Va ii jin an iv too »n n.iiiM. f!on ' I’tr to- <H»id-<1 am'" r 4<si ,(>1*0,0®®* on in® eircing 1 of th® tM ;ui). ymtitne., srt. »«b*®ni«er, tor only ten do"av». win receive iwo ta.Wu.g V>> tvCt®« , ly mg t«geiticr nr a fsisn from 10 m acres, bevs; '•fit I jockied to tr>® village <f Host tale, tawig l»Ur.d. N. 1. Maps of tt.® oaxar can ta wen t,« appticAt><sa to I j® )*—Jy? WM. WRIGHT. AgreL •7 Jl C.I4IITIA Stock on hand snd ca shipboard not cleared.. 4VV. Husar—HD bhdv fully tan lo piitne were sob! tt Sj,c. Molasses—11“ bbli prime retailed K>ld at V7\c, and Y4 at V6c. flour—Very dull—103 bhte ftney sold at glUtt Coru—i*»W-s sacks, including lts*> pri-**® white, mixeil and )®ll.>w In g lots at H’>c; tlttW, IS<1 snd in to |oit prim® yellow at Vta; 7A4 white at V5J*\ snd tvyi at 05c per ti tsnei. (tits—IClu sat-ks ftt. ItoUls sold In 4 tots at 5*c. Whtrk®} — list tibls Pletchers extra and Jt bblt Raw were sold at 31c. , Freights—A Itfrmen **hIp taken fur Liverpvd at Jgd 1 and annttier llmnrn ship for tauKluii at 30* pet hhd j fotiaceo. farhsnges— lietntnd modrrat®. | l.,-n<inn IdtZ.tnj^ ix-rrent t>e®»r. Parts ...* . New York 6<i days... ■. • H91 ** P® r et disonqpu : New York Sight .S A t* per ®.t t -eminm. J M"KH.I% JUNE >0. P. M.-Cotton-Advices p®r stt amt-- Atlantic, from Liverpool, reporting safes l>»r I th® «®rk • iKlIiig Vd IntU 138.000 bales, prices Iiatum, ] sitysnri-il v.,| tieing at hand by i®fegr»®*- i -•*•#-. • > v*rv mil) and gei-erai demand wa* created, re»nUirg I In *ato* lirre U ibout 7ww bafe- at enhanced rairs- ! Mtdd.'tnv closing very stiff entail bolder* in ®r*m® j Instaiirc- d« msndo.g even higher pnccs, tfzde* )eater . . | ^'5“-“*“^ '-SW-UW Ho— •< s«i.-r-“'St.' ‘ _ My tAM»nip®r.s was nc«er betar than »'• »»<*-• ti-C , a'. 1 .*!—ujg— ft—> c*. M UKtm.s D.UME imUltm, »a,ua^--,-g-,a7a sa PORT 1 Ip S vv\S\All * i|-v I- ■, -*k Ifeacrlrtv, With Box and ai^I ft„r I rsri I • 1. VV A Ik ft AM M. ,n. ■ Arps, f,>r flair ftreceletmt fe*s than lb® «• v j«- 1 vis,>. «. m.rriifui Hark K Fhulz, Cacr, New Orleans. Id ballast—M**. I _. J r ,w V- | ter. , T)ALTIMoR|: ri.Oi:R.-34<Ui>( RatuoK-rr fV si m ' O reesirtowns, tor safe by 1 JsIP _ JOHN T.ROWLAND..'? I l .-T H®«-.- red. per h.oi.js. x fe®sa<lfgl as* r mrw H ,\ + on hand a few Art.M®') .-word*, srtsy rrco s- tto'..’ which ta wttl je L to c w® the lot. S I, ca >» SilH'ing anil Mummer " CLOTHING, Ju*« ft-c/lrvd p«r • **ros*. by J H K \ A. ft T A I- II V- \ fln® i-sortnirst nf ('Intb oe. Born*. »Ht*s, Caps, snd a!t ot ',rr.tfeo>f«.'s I'.rtivtiq lii-ds. wt th car. ta t*»uj;bt s>n ug ifmi.ll «,* ..ill «US®1 Ot PUfej ktUnftrj, «-t toe rofeea CAf Ic, je? ( of-fiicss stre, t. la— iw* vtY.-T' t^dfev' Pisla sod 0 tumplel®. Th»we .rail, as I am disposed to ®--U c. rmL tor • “ GRiriT.1. ||.IM«. n II I-..MII, II., . m,i>, I scqualHleil with lt>« i»fl|*»a v«r ih#*e |*'pMlar t®msvtt< have ta®n plMswd with them, amt ®ntr siveak of tha th terns of waqustHVed prats®, If you have a rough, any illswase of Ihe Iiik|« or throat, gtvethe Kipeetoeani a trial; w» If y®« yo«» frtwswls i>®e,l the of the Durrloea «Wvlial, make uo* of II with OMdhlewce, zM math the mult. « tfescrtpiis® pampMeit to be had gratis of Ih® agents Prtco*o( vaek, only fifty tesot pet tatlfe. ot »u bottle, ftfe fiJJO. r4l«»«. fil. tt’HNRH ft IHI. w. W. t.moiLN, A, A. MiMiklMNN ft 00, J, R. WU'.R>: ft (wy, > mey ft 11 SausMti, ci, t: Rrig J M lawyer. Hawyer, PI clou. N. ft.—A Low ft Hrlg Mscm, tvatklns, Naw York—Rowland ft Co. ' ttNlOtt AS l>A » Ibistos- June M—t'hi, hark Heetands, for Savamsh ItiLrAST, .Me, June to.—Ar, brig J IK><k, from i»a- rtm, La. 1 Hath. Jnn® 10.—Ar.hork P A pAge, from r»Aiton, Gx. Naw Vox*, June 14.—Ar, tchr Ralph Post, from Sa vannah. J® 19 Ik ft N ®nee*«rhth do do do, of fin® fistor. y», and f..r oxk bj A. C. D Wt Nr* T.T. Jt i-—if _ TV Ray s*s®h. I » AOi.\ HIDM.-S3 hhd* j - in® ItsV. I » tns sod f» 1 A»fe b) ' ■»HEN* k Hl.l.TX, yfiiw® North K if H»f- j-rrsnion. *j*( 1**•.# K • tmiens k in i.rr. ( V' It HAY —130 tale* ! .1 * Landing Isom tchr I. j j- >» i \\* MITE < '>K.N.-3« Ita t- the hurt.*., it t # I ‘ for *air by ! J®1V JOltN.T. ROWLAND. ( ’ 'V1»hN ail.At.-Si bbl» fresh *et®und N-' ®J V.ct Veal, ;u»t roretvrd or# tor safe hi ! J® to _ MrM 5Hj‘N k. I> vi.r._ I l.yiii’Sa.-'ti bstn Un.itu, pm uo »®d t-ui i> J sal® bv ^® i® v. v v hon ft t»ov i.r <•> JltH'A-KkWx hides ; UwJivtg vt- ta ate by OCT.Wl ft O'llEV. tatterr, Oast 143 : M ife St 13 In 37 -.M 38 30 69 33 3 f.’ Alto; for Extra Class |? . •4 o: fift ve « ti e 35 a n -.i* t • Ticket Nos. JW. vl>, 7<, prize giSO.%®turned. June 19 K. WITIItNr.tON. $5,000. 73 Number Louery—IS Drawn Jtxlloi# Groono and Pulaski Lottory, iCInts 140. for INAA, To be drawn atHavanuah, Tuesday, June l», 1833, - (iUKGORY ft MAt’RY MANAGUKp. •rntMi: 1 of 14,000-t of % 1,200-1 of 4700. t Tickets ♦1,00—Shares in proportion. Tickets and Share*, olthar stngt) or by tkePackage, , (br sal® hj C. WtTIUNrtTUJv. )nn® 19 j *v AI-TMOaiTT op ms statb ov wsoasTsi s Tort Gaines Academy Lottery, 1 >IIE subserttver. having received from ib® t ommis. ' tinners the Ag®.^y and 31 snap®mem ol th® j rOH T WA 19f EA AC'A DC91 % I.OTTKH V, : from • .rattier I hoiuM Hwanxcd echr S-asersx Iniemlsconducting the l.<>ttrry on th® sxm® |dan as thaL * 14 ^ J-t KANTi N, JOHNSTON a ®f thw tauutrru Miluxry Vcxdrcny tgdlxry.ol Alatamx, | IM3 HHU.». — A xpfewdvd fed ef skti l> L w CV bb!s -Moun'sln Ifess” »*, U»4r VoixvnKsbrU tt hisley. W hhl • s'; ft qux>i®c s-xxtis Rrand* i.n4 tor ® vVTAVC« vVIffN I 1A LTlM<»KI l J X‘ htidv pi li VO N. t. VRO AND fl v l IL — Rsc-'n H*dr». do tvheuJdetx. W t-i rers ctmto® ?ussr < sml Hxisx. ft' bids amt 30 keg* Nf w l^-xl tanl. too iitds Huj-e.-fin® Howtr.l Mifel PlMf : GRAND ftUlKMR FOR Jl'LY. C'lltx* a, To t»® drawn July ftt, IBM, tn (he City of At’sujta, «a. when prises amounting 50.000 DOLLARS! Wtu ta divuthudKt xcewnting t« th® tolto® t®| msgwtff. t c®m Hrh®m®: And trm«-mh®r. every Prize ** drs®n 1 each drawing, and paid when du<\ withcni detlurlton. r‘«e of... 912,0 a* 11 prize of . ..9UO0 do of... MW»|3 d® of 91,non,. .. \«Si do of. . . fttss*, to do *( *00 . 4.000 do of V.nnO 10 do of IM> t,3isi do of... I..VW IV do of UM . t ,44® do Of... l,WM 1 VO do of UM . .. V,ISV 1 l? L M Ur.eo IINII* Lw hy •yusi® P) 1 >..AIN Ti»t KH sr-d rus t >r >.lks a®e *»'■ > at amt bargains Al*». Muslin* and a'.i si lire*. tii-Hls. KtiRLNH.Vl till ft LAlfev N J?*r W _ >*• I \| AUt.U"RD BTRlYlvN—J ixl«,la*i rre®-r(d »»t at ; .71 tor safe by ROKI.NB \t’U|l ft UliWN Jur* »■'_ _ U aY —55 tan* ptvme N»vth Usver Way, svpf -0 *^ ;*®r Khi L Jmslos for a 4M prizes, aipiMinUng to f.Mt.iaus ONLY TEN Ttlnl'RAMy Nt'MBERSt tnP“ Tickets gM —llalvsw |4—UusMeesfiV Rills on all solvent Hank* at par. AH roiwn unicaUons strictly confidential. HA Ml'EL MV <N, Agent and Manager, Atlanta, G*. J. P. A "’TREY, »,®»®rsl Agent,Harnnnab,i;a , Off),® on Broughton at., b*lw®*n Drayton and Hull six. Jddd ——— vwiirnh ft hi kt; 1 |K.I.R- ft NoftKIH ■>r |, i. 1:fIMKh. iL'" • ul. I. c. 1 . j 1.1 \\ -Pdsvs X.M'.lisix tt*> tn vim-s *»>J .' »J 11 J® 14 JOHN T, ROWl VNi' H_ t ■\SiTs.—PwnnsjInmU Hois *.v mfeTi.' art hj j y/ j® 14 jo»in t. row t.t.n J» H CTYLK v\ l» t )i (' Rs|C- ye .os. srVecie- - *>•** ItdUcf, M» twvavs erferte.1 New lV»®. h®.*ii®4 I J-er UrasiN and for sal® hv I 1* n m a an ton . johnhton a »>n . , It ki.Pv n"fc*WcieVw*h»ae* Tea. tana of (.Ntixi-rtplTon - i® theChSrVeeiaft and 1 “V. _ H»v»imshR*l)r».dwrotar*op#u»evJtoe»34hlV. 1 . cemtar, to.V(,*i n ! kept open nultl further nolle®, allhe 1 I tv! fl v\ 1 »4 ft ft t-e*vert 14m fess^wg sW* *? fblfow In# places, 10 w it: f I I a»d f.u safe kiw from ita wkwf, hy couMisioasat DAVID N iMt.o". fharfetion -I. T. Poiter, Otis MlUa.TX'm.t'. Re®, J® IS Mark®. aTuT— 1 S'-y-hs^pu-J T^iri'ASSiVALal^'^teiSSm 11.10—11 KHw.n.r. snihM.1. j A. 1®e.m— *«« W.J'xhvr. ! i.wxs kwksn twta. a.tssas^-*' x " ,w "'**■ wW.ssss^'"- - ^Aahe^vsKv.-l-awswweeWtoeilLW, M. , < «wwvl*e,Jft*.| I.Y#V< BettkeicherTftowvkk MeTeet, tt. MtlHWe reeptsw. n».*wiss Allen, t(INveo4a , tfi«.~W; >. Is*tson, J, II Und**, Jok» Mar . ' v ktm Bwamp Muster Unwind. -IterwwH ktrRrtds, John E.lVampton, R A Taylor, DiUUoftvill*.—P, W. IVhllng, Wm. Yeomans, Tha J- Jwnel T.^ 4 MlfWR , U .VV —Jbtaae XwrtiesiB May. y* feftZv a*4 N* *7 j.e Jv'tN T.RwvVv-ft.Np.JR-. d®ws trv», htfer. Wm.Yeomana.Thad- Reeifost' —Edmund RhML ft. ). Jnhnxon, INvp®. i Hraksmv life.—t\vl. Jnh« Weftft, Wllnost IVrtltaft William Howard. I WM. 11, Kill. I»f P. prtatarvt Rotanvtlfe. R. P, Rufknsr, Wliuam J U«m, A. It Joba»mn. Nqsbsif.-tV. W. Hard**, J- P. Raymond, J |tv tohefi, I *wtonnlla. -.Oat, A, j, Lewie*, Pam*®t Mfim»®«. Chart*# Jawdnn. Nla® ll»uv*--Natkaai®! R. |l*y ward, Rms*ll Mfh® 4®s«, John llltt, Ity ®sd*r of the NwNsel and Hoard of IRrvwlore, “ “ "TKRUr dr® It... Ik 0, P. llANt'l amt Ttaft } V RING I.R i N|Hll M|».v»to aNni lho*. -.k rompta® wswwvmsM of Hooka; BUS, Os4fesw sod Ur*M • ’*** )** IvOVRLEft LVTMUvNfR. I'l.ol'Rt—M®*k«* 4eA*‘e 4w kits -V La.r# I'tmOT EV-wr W safe, ta tkm ywoMenmo®* _ to n^ifte tt V kTT * ^ \\*IIl>K EV. -SM Tmds JSSnii 1 * vwWvisu o s*asj, il tatreiHg (T\vm brvfi Ivxskss •*' r<■■***+ >« OOMENH ft Hl kTJ _ U 'WtBfiEY -J-W-Koos^ ft kwlsi. to t vc* ft® 4* -rvk*ft Mefiftoha* «Vft m s'««v *** * ' M* hy . |0** > WT A V tft VN'HKN oKQTRtwv^esshvs tw. »*ta \ list. Bar the wn® ot Rlsrkvsookv *t tVs®-'’is\ w ssVfthv pi O.-TAVraiVtO-A , If aod RfikSHkoM klonoogetafeJv »• NvsiM-i y®v OtftAVtM (VttRt safe at soao*mow»*sS pr*c*ft v ’ •R’TAVl •• voMIJ*. * EMoSft^gfe take* Ifeiiota »vv-*Md *®d ft* safe W & s hand VlHvN ft |H»1 LF- swewpj • ONM* end kham® of tha ta®^ paying at \ll.W Will Kid, itM|®*s *** Jta *eu*B(*nlw rtiwuvd lL \\ miwk, i w osJ* ky r. W.y»»r4WRI.I. Apedy at tftfe »•**. m«y H-M * J#a the Myaost- A tvvom or tvwtftsk, With ft ItoWvWt® OV|W>SWI«yd«s4wv Ihe swmwssw anoftsftft wtik sw wMhowt »—aid, oh#®M . ‘ ,.W®*| noetaool, ltasdv®sit^f W'WHd ta aHd lo ®