The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 22, 1855, Image 2

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/ ALEXANDER & SNEEI H»W —* C»»»lr SESfe^K^g tMUr.fftiUvMM*, for «ti rnoBttn,. ** UO H?Wnffi, In •**»■»•. pm «Buum..., * 00 * “ vRXIr. (•** priij l#««**wk too IS 00 SAVANNAH, GA. frlday Morning. Jnnc 82. diimUiiim •» Ufummkis TMSmorr.W. AimiHl k Co, rmptMm ud Him «t*M — wrtf KtfUtMm, lua tag dlMol*- ,1 Wf tw ■ItUrtnl of Mr. Doom. AlliUbu to, «•**.,»«• o*ra tan b«» iUMkpfl»«• new «m. f. W* ALKXANDM, A> K. MOORS. Vt Ukt lhi T ‘ «v |ka 1 ■»■■!■■■ or- .■ I tl*»UI«»»» tdmMot TWIaiu. SpwUtfof IhtSIwf SA VANMAH HEPUHA,1GAN. FJft^AV ^HoySG, JUNE 22U865 h.ldtaSutN.llHjr.: . " Ttwj k»t Hoiking lo tow kg Mtrailng Iht lid. of Immliiuioo. for Hit immUnnM til will •I, tn*ir labor and ihalr enterprise to the more Kite and thrifty air of Freedom. The mil* man and of money. tha variad branches of '• the cultivated brains and tha etrooi arma Vayariaarahly. ' Taabaalaaaaof tha /DjmMiMu offke-will hereafter . bacondected aadar lha »M*e and slyleof Aiumbii immigration, haa gona on gtinln* upon the South. oartfi.,. Ilona of that hJiwIgratlofi haa added tojha _ . _ eoareely known aoulh of Maaon and Uixont Lino, orftntwn only by roport and In thacanaua return*. Tha atraogara randar Freedom attoogar and 8la« vary comparatively weaker." We eommond this paragraph to Mr. 8taphana. and tp I boa* Damooratia papara and apaakara In Oaorgla who oomand that tharo ia no raafoo to apprehend dapgar to tha 8outh (rum (oraign im- migration. Fnur-fiftha of tha foraigoara who have arrlfed in this country within tha past fifty yeare, hava east iboir lota In lha Noribarn Butte and TarrUoriea, and hava thua helped to ewull lha pra* pondaraaca of tha North In population and po*ar. OthorwlM, how happana it that t|kf comparative ratio of inoreaao at tha North haa bean ao much greater than at tha South t Tha natural Increase of our species ia. aa rapid haro aa at (ha North' while the elimalaaod toll aro more attractive ; yet lha North, by raaaon of thia airoam of foreign A Ban*. P. W. ALEXANDER. J. ft. 8NEKD. Jana 1W». IBM. A Ward »• ratrana. In ooowqaancaof tha above change^ k necessary toacttVup the old boainoea of tha office. Oar patron*, therefore, both in town and eouutry, who are indebted to tha office, will do ua a parti* cular favor by attending to their aocouma aa aoon aa possible. BY TELEGRAPH FOR THE REPUBLICAN FROM EUROPE. 4 PAVffi IiATBR. s* rival ST. XiOUIS. ANOTHER ADVANCE IN COTTON. 'Njw York, June 80. The eteamehip St. Louis haa arrived with four days later intelligence. She sailed from Havre and touched at Southampton thv 6th mat. market*. Conou baa advanced 1-Ad. 8*ics of three daya 70.000 bales, incitr ing 84,000 to speculator*. The market closed steady Breadstafl* remain unchanged, price* were leu firm. GENERAL NEW8. The Allied Squadron in the Sea of AaofT had driven the Russians Irom ihe town of Geretchi, and destroyed tha depots and vessels loaded with supplies (or Sevastopol. Since the Alika entered the eea of Aaoff, they have destroyed four Kueaian war steamers and ^40 transport!. - The French sprung two mines in front of Sevas topol, doing considerable damage. A Russian mine ha* been discovered in a ravins which the pressure of tha foot would explode. Tha Vienna Conference had formally doted. Uortschfckoffrays the Allies can’r cm off the communication between Sevastopol and tho conn try. Large Ruasian reinforcements had arrived at Pe* rekop. ty The National Know Nothings are to hold a Convention at Philadelphia on Waahington'a birthday, Feb. 22,185(3, to nominate a candidate for President and another for Vice-President. Tho State Coundla select the delegates, each Slate having aa many votes aa it has Electors. ttoiTED Statu Dift-omatic Appointments — Under a strict construction of tho act pasted by Congress at its last sorgioo, repealing alt other acts, every consular and every, diplomatic appointment becomes vacant on the Istol July, and the Presi dent cannot mako new appointment* without the advice and consent of the Senate. The Senate in case ol a strict construction wmmt nnve to oo can* ed together oo the 1st proximo. Tho President hu decided, however, says tho correspondent of the Journal ol Commerce, to carry into effect on the 1st the new system ol of salaries, but not to va- cate the offices. Cuban Independence.—A■ Neio Scheme.—'Thu New York Sun intimates that anew plan to effect the independence of Cuba hoe been concocted—a says, which "will neither turn to Wash ington tor encouragement, to Ihe South for friends and leaders, nor to the North tor tho support of un principled demagoguery. Ii contemplates the on- tire independence of Cuba—a free Cuba, not to become or be made a means of electing American Presidents or swelling the political power of any section of ihe Union." What the oew schema is, and who are its origt- nators we are not informed, but (hero is a hint that Mr. Goicuria, lately treasurer of the Cuban Junta, ia connected with it; that it is on a somewhat large scale may be gathered Irom the following—we have little faith, however, in these speculations: N We may add that the future effort* fur the in dopendecceof Cuba will nut tw confined toot* gaaizing sympathy on this side of tho Atlantic.— Liberal offers of aid, made smeo both in En gland and France,for an independent itinvemeni, mav now be accepted, and it would not surprise u. if the governments ol both these countries should be induced to lei things take iho proposed direction in Cuba." __ MarRMok in Connecticut —A bill bas parsed tha 8enate of Connecticut legalizing the perform* ance of marriages in that State by clergymen out of the State. The bill refers in tlio pa»t as well *s the future, fur it appear* that thu laws of that com* monwealih ars such that all marriages hitherto performed by clergymen out ol the Siato hare been invalid. Wiaixa in Sweden Still.—On.May 1st, in tho aoulh ol Sweden the navigation waa open, and was being Carried on with great activity; but in the Gull of Stockholm the ice was still so thick that heavily laden wagona could ply upon it Thu wintsr in Swoden haa been more rigorous than h«a been known in the memory of man. Acc<>rd'ng to the Iset accounts from Helsingfors, in Finland, tbs ice was thsre more than s yard thick. Huvr Damaou for Blander — In the circuit court for Lewis county, Ky., a suit of slander— Mist Eltec Barkley vs Wm Giddmge—waa tried, snd a verdict tendered for •1U.000 damages. It appeared on the iris) that Ciddings had paid Ida addresses to Miss B., and had been rejected, pre vious to making lha slanderous ebargrs which the jury has so signally punished in damages. Mortality is New YosK.-Thedesihsin Nsw York, list week, amounted to 153—three lea* than during the previous week. Thirty six were by consumption, five by bronchitis,and iw«nty*one by ioflsmaiiot) of the lungs. Of the whole number, 56 were men, 51 women, 186 boys and 180 girls— 850 wars natives ol the United Slates 60of Ireland, 35 of Germany, 0 of England, sod the remainder ol vstiota European countries. HfAL-rn or CnARL*sTDit<—There weretwsnty- ivs deaths Ib Chsrltsion ls«t wack. T«* DurL in Canapa.—Wo have slrssdy msn* tinned the arrest of Leavenworth, one of th« per- U*;s to tbs Isle duel la Cknsds. lie lias givsn bail to the amount of 05,000. The police are now in putauit of tb* seconds lirrckvoridge, the other principal, Is believed to be in Kcntncky, and a re* quint pm will probably be made fur him on (he Governor of that Stale, . Tha Methodist ChureiT^oeth Las pet published the tenth annual report of the Missionary Society, from which we learn that the Society hes under eare Ml rnisrione, 111 missionaries, 188 churches, 19p5(i chutch fnerobeta, 116 Sunday aelmola, 35,034 children aadar religious Instfuciius.Vmaoua! labor echuols, aedJM Indian pupils, Oattlv or IGatFi Mocntain—At the eelshta* tM« of this team at Y«hv«l#, 8. C., on iht 4th Ostohgr utt,Hon. John B.’Preston, ol flouih Carolina,and Judge Badger, of North Caroline, ere lo hs llR orators. The governors sod cIiImus of Virginia, North Carotins, Kentucky and Tan • sre invlisd to attend. . and now has an efieetlvo majority In both branches j ol tho National Legislature. The Tribunt ia right: "The South has nothing to ioso by arrest ing iho lido of immigration," but every thing to gain. True, tho foreign vote may be small in compari. aoa with tho native vote; yet U ie strong enough in almost every city and State in tho Union to docide tha election betwoen the two old political psrtli . Acting alone, the foreign element can do nothing, but let it array itself on ono aide, aa it almost In variably does under the lead ot partisan demo* goguea and intriguing prelates, and it is omnipotent, Tho Presidential contest in 1844 waa thua decided; and hare in Georgia at the last Gubernatorial elec tion, tho difference butween the opposing candi dates was so alight, that it waa Ittlly within tho pow«r of tho foreign element to change the result* Nay more, we firmly believo that victory was ae* cured to tho triumphant eandidato by thia very ole* ment, under tho (also cry of tho "Algerine law," We make another cgtract frem tho Tribune.— Speaking of tho Know Nothing council at Phila delphia, it says: " We havo often been chargod with injudicious and excessive severity in the course ol the war which it has bem our duly lo wage with these mid* mgbt slave catchers, and we have been assured that alter all they were woll meaning pouplo, and a groat deal better than we had represented. But we dare aay that no such charge will ever be mado again, though tho severity ol our animadversion* should bo increased Ion-fold. Such pitiable, loath some and litoltth doughlaceanovarexhibited them selves on any stage before." Thua tho Tribune denounces the member* of tho American party aa '• midnight slave-catchers," while ill colnburora in Georgia nccu?o them oi abolitionism.' Which is right 7 Which ia wrong} Verily, wo hava fallen upon strango times, when Southern papeis and candidates unite with the foul organs ol Northorn abolitionism and Jacobinism, in stigmatising the sons of (ho soil, and all bccauso they seek In aavo thoir native laud from ilie reign ol d« inagogucs and the Intrigues of s grasping hierarchy. Political Parties.—Parties in this country, a* present, seem to be or all sorts, names and sizes and he mutt bo very difficult to please who cannot find a bannor under which to enrol himself.— Among tho present political organizations aro: tho *'American," nr Know Nothing, which has juat constructed a platform at Philodelphia. The "Northern and Western Americans," who seceded from the shove. Thu “Democratic Party," in favor ol Pierce Sc Co. The “Democratic Party," opposed to Pierce & Co. Tho “Whig Party." The Know Somethings," who recently assembled at Cleveland, and are opposed to Slavery. The "Say Nothings," opposed to tho “Know Nothings." The “Aboil lionists." Tho "Southern Party/’ recently started in Georgia. The "Friends of Temperanco," and tho "Opponents of a Prohibitory Liquor Law Bill.’* There aro many other smaller organizu' ions, but the above, wa believe, show the front ranks of po litical parties, as they now ataod. By the time the Presidential canvass opens noxl vest hownym. these panics wiU re duced lo three: the American, tho Democratic and tlio Seward or anti*sluvefy party, tffcvthalMmhUcan.l V Mxaaii, Editors : 1 am In want of light, had bag . KtniaalOQ to it thfosgtryour columns, ! am ooaul those who baliovo that oar naturalisation laws need amendment,and my Improaslon has been that tho nmandment cmfld bo mado sioipiy by legislation. 1 waa not swart that in ashing for a change of the naturalisation laws, wo infringe tha constitution. I waa not awarithat w® aro seeking to violate tha oonatlftilloii until so informed by •omo or tho spyakera at tho lkte Dainocratlo ratifi cation masting In this city. My impression here tofore baa boon, that the Constitution saya nothing on tho subject, but simply to grant to Congress power "to establish an uoiforjn rule ol naturalisa tion" and that what ia meant ia that Oongrcaa by lagisUtion ean establish aboh a rule, and that it can be changed in the asm# war without violating tno Constitution. But i*o of tha speakers at tho lato meeting in ti)ls oily have onaettlad my notions on this abided, and I am now in search of moro light. On* of tho tpoakois, In apeakln* of tho Know Nothiuge, la reported to havo,said— '* The Democracy had, loo, no sympathy with thoir oaths, and their unconstitutional doaigna. Tho Constitution had n rule of naturalisation. That waosought to bo violated." Another epaakor said: . . "Ho could not, however, but allude to startling propositions put forth by tho Know Nothing party. Those proportion* oontomplatod changes in the Gouatitution, aa regards the rule vf naturalisa tion "They sought to establish religious teats ignored by tha Constitution, and to chsngo the rule of natu ralisalion established by It." Ono of these apoechca wae mado -by a distin* gulalted lawyer, and (ho other by a gentleman, who i« always on hand with a aposcb whenever a Democratic meeting la held; ana the presumption with me Is, that they waro wall posted aa to what tho/ said. Now I have searched the Constitution in vain for "the rule ot naturalization" apokon of. All that 1 find ia that Congress has power "to establish an uniform rule;" but tho rule iteeil, whero is that to b* found? That is what perpioxea me. I am not diapoaed to disputo the authority of the gentlemen, or to doubt their intimate knowlcdgo oi the Constitution. But I want more lighi. 1 wiah to bs oitod to the article, section or clause of tha Countitution, where that "rule" is to ho found. Let it be douo,so that 1 may no longer bo A Know Nontixo. Hon, Nillnrd STIIniore. The vleit of this iilustrinua gentleman to Eng land, mi uur mailers have been apprised, was made the occasion (says the Richmond Diapatch) of visiting him with tho most violent denunciation by a portion or the English press, on account of his signature ol Ihe Fugitivo Slavs Law. This is tlio ton of greeting which an illustrious American re ceives in the muthor Innd. Tho Culodoma Mer cury can add thst to iis list of American grievan ces. Mrs. Siowe received by them with ovations; Ex-Ptos'dctit Fillmore with abuse. And lot wh.n l For signing iho Fugitivo Slavo Law! NVhai business waa that of foreign journalists! A Pres ident of thu United Slates arraigned by a foreign press for perlormmg his duty undvr the constitution ol his country ! However, as they havo no honors except for Benedict Arnold and Mrs. Stowe, Mr. Fillmore may receive thoir reproof as the best evidence of his honesty and patriotism- The prevalence of abolition fanaticism in Eng land, absolutely blinds iho cy*s of as intelligent and virtuous a people as there is in the world, to the very portion of Amorican society, which, under other circumstances, they would most admiro and reverence. Our. wisest, most conservative and moderate men aro given thu cold shouldur bc causo of their opposition; whilst rascals, jacobins, and demagogues oi the must extrrmo and inluriato character, if thoy but add abolitionism to tlifir other bcaulifui characteristics, bucumo "hule Id- lows well met," with sober, staid and conservative members ol English society- / f ll Uttsw Melos esy the crops a#* looking Ml, Iblu-jMlI III, gut, • Ho, k. McCUII.Md, ofllt. Initilof. jfyjjlJM lu W«(ii»puo Train bn •Mil lo .mm I|M Km YMkCmnnnlal IMMi . . AnOTHiiH CU«K Ot'KMKICJrit. A Letterfrettd/ta. 7t.Mii Sutler King, Ilia not often that lbs leading msn of iny country Rtvs the weight of ihwlr names In favor of any new dls- povsry, no raattor how vsliubU thaldlseovary mar bo . ... wt , rmwm , Mt#w Whan they do, Ills earialnly au evldsnes tbel ihs NtM> virtually throwp off tho yoke of temporal power.— ,#r to wh,ch ,h "7 0,111 publlo attention, is at iesM worth Thajnand of •cclkslaatica^ tyranny which has \ inv***tgatWn. Jnu at this time, thw fnltowtax tut*» *-»—»*-—» * ■ - 1 tho lion. Thomas Quiler King to Dr.Hamuel otlberi of ibis ciiy, will bs road With Intsrset, ae frwm lie perssal ws Ivarnttiat he himself has Juat been oursl or (hut- eer on the shoulder. MaTsaroLiTAM Hotcl, I New Vuik, April 3<l, IMS. j Mr Its vs *tai—Having rsyenily been under ynur ““—‘ *--**-- *-* ■ • ild ■*»««*•• ***'V«?«uaI. M ’** •WN.'V. Jouinil of noilo'w length the efforts of the Spanish and Hardinfaii Governments to effbetaomo temporal (gdopondonua of the Popo ol Home. The substanos of thaoooiasl ia thua auiiimed up:— "Two powerful vassals of tho Pope have thus mtswsnt st Cstt*n t IHW-’i*. ikw-'aJT Thu Aiaierlrian I*arir in riiil»dniptii». Tho Miowiiig timely resolutions wero ,adopt, d at tho grand Know Nothing mtification mooting in Philadelphia, Saturday night last: The Nebraska-Kansas Bill —The N. Y. Jour nal of Comnutco cat mules that 100 niembors at# already elected to Ct>ngrc«*(or lu ho elected Irom tho South,) opposed to the repeal of tho Nohrarks bill, and but IH more aro needed lo mako a majori ty tgainsi touching it. Wc quote: "It is not itnpoMtiblo, nor vety improhahls, that this number will b« luutiu, lainong (lie 131 mem bers n«*l included in the above calcululn n,) will oppose repeal, althmigh some of them voted against tho bill on its passage in other wuids, n is by no moms certain that a hill to repeal the Nebraska law can pas* (lie house. But ii it *hould, it will bn defeated by * largo majority In tho Senato. And before a now Congress, is elected, Nubrnskn will proh.tb|y bo knocking (nr admission Into the Union as a Stale." Rklioious Imdiunation Meeting—On the 11th inst., tho niembors of the Methodist E. Church, assembled in inaw mectiug. at CemrcviUe,Montoo outity, Vm., to take into consideration, a letter re cently wriiten to the Richmond Enquirer,charging, that the members of that and other churches oi the Baltimore Conference, were controlled in thoir votes by thu Church. The meeting pronounced tile statement lulsu, assorted their belief, that the author was aware of its falsity, and recommended him lu the various churches of tho Conference in Virginia, as a fit subject of prayer to God, that ho might "dispense him light both spiritual and imei- lectual." Indian DtrtccLTizs in Canada.—'1‘here is quilo a ferment among the Haugocn Indian-, in Upper Canada, who complain of having boen over-reach- ed by the Government in a troaty respecting their lands, which they agreed,on certain conditions, to code to tho Crown. The provincial newspaper* say a roMlion is threatened, which may cost both blood and treasure. Tho publication of Ln Cronicn at New York, the leading Spanish paper in the United Bt-tes, has been suspended on account of tho hoaltn of its editor. Dtsrsrcriv* Siorn in Kentucky.—'I he Louis- viilo Courier learns Unit a tremendous storm of wind, ram and hail pasted over Franklin couqiy, in that Stile, on Monday last, prostrating the wheat, fruit ire*-* and fences in every direction — The hail Was piled up in some places sis feet — Tho darnsgrfl are estimated at |I00/K)0. Gout to Revet a — John 8cuu, E*q ,«f Stafford county, Virginia, left Fn-derlckshurgh cn Monday last lor Russia. Ho loll New York for Bremen on Saturday, and his ohjvc’ is to procuru a commis sion in the Rusvisn eervico. Ccrro* Hi.l'sb Hours —Ii ts said that tha So. errtary ol the Treasury has ordered sll the Cus tom House* to he kept open for holiness from 9 A M.tnlF. M ,daily. In Naw York tho opening hour heretofore has been 10(/ciock A. M. Rife Psachm.—Ripo peaches are offered In eonsidvrahlo quantities in the Mobile market.— The advetiieer add# that they had * lamsntabla appearance of premature age,as II their growth had heed stimulated by unnatural mesna. Inmmration from 8c«>tlanp.—A large emi gration is now going on front tho north nl Boot- land to Canada In two months n0 fewer than 5/00 persona have left Aberdeen and Hber north ern port*. • There were rip* fig* for sale jn the Charleetoa market Iasi wrek, and Ihe Mereary eeya the crop promise* to be ahundset. _ FoWtkuTn mPuLFir—At The’Iai* Unitarian f'stiVsl Ip JloapNi, Mr Packer.thaprMidsm.on be- hslf of the laymen, public y thanked the clergy lot ielllng polllioa alone III lll*ir pulpllr A R(/Nor>*A dlatani rpnopellon of the Klll- mo(« (amity state! that tt ia tumotcd among vlie Illinois and northern Ohio brannhoeof ilie asm* etook that ea-Preeldent Millard Pillrnnro has gone to Europe to look after Ids euppo*«d ininreers in the eeiaieof e certain John Fillmore, who recent ly died In London.leavinghehlud him an humane* fortune.—C7n. Columbian- Eniiatmonte for the Dritiali army are being made et Niagara,on our nuriharn fronlfar, Tut Pain of Oxif Meet Comi Down..—The Chicago Damocrai eeya that hnmenee numbers of cattle and hoax are now being shipped from that city for eastern, market*. Tut caul# have beer? brought from Teaaa end wlntured In lilinoie. and 8 e now being sent (otward over lha Michigan rittrul end Orest Weefetn Kellmad. A day nr two since ope train left Chicago with 411 cauls end 1,165 hogs. Whereas, The American convention, which ns- •cmbUd in this city, tins agreed upon a platform which ia comp'ohcnsivo and patriotic, and aucli as murt, (tom the purity and republican chm»cter of 111 dtivn'irr, OHii'iramt lirclf tv «M lv-ei m <wr CiHliUtuti country ; nud, wlurruas, it is proper thnl the principles »o distinctly announced should re ceive tho endorsement of the American citizens who havo t' M-tmo-li as they r«c»pnizu tlio soveroig'ity ol the weighed heavily upon them for oontutiee, haa bean ihukcn-away, end the chief cause of ag*e or pniiti- cal paralysis removed. What England and Ger many did three hundred years ago, ha* now bnon done in part by Spaiu and Hatdittla ; but unfdr- tuuklaly the same , weapons ol fntrlgyo, ecclo- •iasticai censure, and alternating rnroaia and enjolcryi are cvidtintly preparing by Rome nuw, that wero used in former daya; and there ie every reason to (sir that modern reformers will encounter as many tmubloe and cares in pur- looting their patriulio work, aa were euffured then. The relations betwoen Sardinia and Homo have been recently moat unlrlvodly. nnd tho whole weight of Clorgy iuiluonoo has been thrown into tho anti-progress scuto. According tu tlio latost inlailigencn Irom Europe, "thu Fopo wss also pro- Juundly itJ/UcleU at thu statu of things in Spain ; and the general opinion was. that tha diplomatic relations botwoan that Kingdom and Romo would spaadily ccaao." It won tumorrd that tlio Spanish Minister at Romo, M. I’achuco, would bo liandud ills passports, nnd confident hopes woru entertain- od Unit thu infiuenco td the clergy over tlio people Would bo sufficient -to excite them to rise in force am) overthrow tho Eap.irtoro government. The m*m4« AW nlrradf brgnu to agltntt tAt miudno/ Ike lugrrtlUioui. and it kid itngiptu out at MudnU that, mm iMMf* of tkr Aarfur, in tkt Ckurtk of St. h’rancn, ktd iictat blood out of grirf for Iko onJo of rkurtk proP- trlf/l Somt t$m ojtrined Ikuttkry ktdieipid off blood fr-m the imagt, and otktn that thry had tun its ryot Tfiue n rcnowal of tho old wnr boglne. On one eido liberty struggling for development; on tho other, interdicts, uxconitnunicutions, authorized treason and tulmllbn, masaacte, civil war, and all Ihe Ills that follow in tho train of occIcUsticel usurpation. And for what ? To retain the poe- •cssinn oflnrgo endowment*! which Rome ac knowledge* are in a great measure misapplied, mismanaged, and in the hand* of lax, wuildty re ligionist*, and which aro a direct bar to tlio pro gress and development of tho nation." Tin: Mains Law in Enoland.—The London Times has leading artickanf n column in length in rognrd to tits proposed introduction ol tho .Maine Lnw into England. Wo have room lor only the following hue I extracts: Good intontions without judgment havo oc- oavionod considerable mischief ere this, and are likely to he the cause ol more, if wo rimy iudgo from the repot (of iho lentprranoo meeting hold the day before yesterday at Exeter Hall, it islur from our thought m cast any ridicule upon tlio chid no- tors in tho tceno. W o give them credit tor ihe very purest motives, however Quixotic may t*otho undoitaking In which they linvo i-ngagrd. This Is noihing lean than tho siipproMinn throughout tho United Kingdom of tho saIo of fermeutrd liquors in any ah«;Mj. Thev wish to tmiodnco tnin these islands tho prnrisions of ;list nn-nauro which is known in tho United Brutes ol North Atnorica "# tlio "Maine Liquor Law.'* Now, tho attempt to fly in thn laco ot human nature on questions of tins kind is simply idle. U is one tiling to introduce a Blight modification in Iho aalo of intoxicating iirmks.and quite another lo aim at a total suppres sion of it by h prohibitory law. • • * • • There is a grvat improvement in English cooioty in regard to leiuporaneo. Thirty years ago gen- licmen habitually ninguored bomo trout dinner parties in a coiMJitiou which Would expose nny of their discondantsto univ. raal and well deserved contempt. Tile improvement haa pervaded moro or less all degrecsul society, although wo are lar iroin denying that drunkvmies* is still thu fruitful cauao of crimu. I he quu«|iou only is how to deal with itf. It ia by a cointonatiun of remedies, nnd not hy any wngle remedy, thst the desirable re-nit will be ob ained. The idea of dealing w ith a bad habit by enduavoring to remove the means of its indulgence, without the power of doing e", ia cer tainly tlio moot clumsy nnd preposterous Unit ever crossed tile human mind • • • • • With regard to tins enforced temperance move ment, wo can have no hositetion whatsoever in Baying that It i* entirely opposed to the g. niuasnd wishes ol iho English people, u visionoiv in con ception, nnd impossible of execution. Wo believe, as well as our Exeter 11 .ill cousins, that inteiujicr- mice i* the iruiitui part-mot vice. Wo think that temperance should and must be promoted by all practicable moans, bur a remedy wo look to the spread of religion, education, nnd the thousand wholesome influences oi an increasing civilization —not lo declamation, uur to dream*. Font OrricE EertoNAoe.—A Washington dis patch says:-— It appear* that the violation of seals by tho spa- cimI agon'* ot ilie F*-at Office Department, *t Now Orlcnua, nt> >ut winch *.» much h-i* been said and written, was practised only upon curtain I jttrraad- dri-AXt'd |u u lictilious personage, yclept "Marritali llaiiaon-'' 1, hart been ascertained by the agenta lit owraii'in, that U|l« rovniuncii liaiL jtee by somebody fleepry engng?ffTn rimbing ... .. ’lu ascertain who that aoimlHKiy w**, and 11 Jo tect Inm ii iiosMible, in hi* nclsri iue employments, nintu naanintii. •( i„ m»a no.tho Marshall Hannon initora were violated, but night aascmbUd tu mas* meeting, in- right* were, invaded. It ts nourue.lmw. 00, “‘" 1 " 1 "" U " d . ""y ,,, " ll * r M milmntcjhy III- witn... Whtl- . P „r...o or hm pi... : form ni-ido by the delegatee to the Amertcnn Nn tionsl Convention ; that ws will give its principles a cordial nnd iinniumoii* support because the doc trines they assert aro republican in ihuir cimracur, ami in accordance with thu spirit of the Constitu tion ot tho Untied States. Revolved, That in the judgment of this meeting thu naturalization law* ol tho United Slates ritnuld be re|M*alcd, or clso so modified and altered ua to require ol mII foreigners a residence of at least twenty-one veat* belote thuy are permitted t<< ex ercise the elective franchise; but we disiincily de clare tImt it is not our desire in iumrlero with the vested right nf any cifisen, nr throw any obstruc tion in the way of foreigners who desire t« obtain a livelihood or acquire property in thm country. Resolved, Thul wo hold that all tha oflicurs under the Federal and Stato governments should be filled only by nniivo born cntzenv, and tlmt nonn other ought to he p< rmitted to logfalato or in any way participate in administering or oxecuiiug American laws. Resolved, That we are opposed f» a union of Church and State, nnd in favor ol tho largest liber ty of opinion upun ail religious topics, and that wo will forever ma ntzin invmlntn the doctrine that all men have a nninrsl nnd inelienatde right to worship tlinir Creator according in the dictates of their own consciences, without having nny to molest them or make them ufra'd. Resolved, That wo nro in favor of tho National Union, and in the language ot tho (illustrious islta "e.ifdial and |miii >valile from thu office of tho special agent by tito Depart ment. ^ The Department lias uniformly rofoved to nit- thorizo, *anriiott,*»r justify such vmlatihns t»y its agunis, or oiln*r», anti lots disavowed tin, power lo break iho seal «*f ail)' letter not relumed to it .is dead or refused, though repeatedly applied to for such auihority hy the officers of the law for alto detection ol crime. I'tRRtnt.K Casualty.—Lato yeMordsy evening a wagon and team, ooinmoiiiv called iho "Gallatin Packet,” ami a buggy horse, together with the driver, tell through iho flooring of the new bridge and were precipitated into tho liver. W« under stand that nlf wero drowned except tho negro man, w ho succeeded ill gelling to the shore with ono leg broken. Workmen have boon ungaged, lor somo days past, lu making repairs on thu flooring, mid heavy limbers supporting thu bridge, and nuiiio ol the sleepers, wlneh wet-made ol brittle umber, gnvowny,when the persons alluded to above, wero poinff norosaj tho wholo, for thirty or forty feet broke through. It is supposed thm n Intie child, who wa* m ono <>| tlio other vehicles, was drowned. Since writing tho foregoing, wo learn that the geulemnn who was in the buggy Wa* W . C. flail, E*q,ol tilts county. Ho succeed>-tt |n goiting to the shore unbanned.—1 Nashville Union, 19th inst. Boston, Jiiiio IS. RonnERV or 05,000 Government Monet from an Kxrftiiw Companv.—Jjckson Sc Co.'s Ezprev* liciwenu Fortsmoutli nnd Itostoii wns robbed tins omrnittg on iho oj»-ir « mi ol 3.'',Ono Government funds. 1 hero were JV’T.otlri m bugs in tlio ear, bo- alter Wnvhingtan, ehari atlai fiiin ni to it," and in obedienro to hi* (art-well admonition, will "indignantly frown upon the first dnwinns ..f .very .iifinpl lo .lion.l. any |...r0. n . , „ rrn rJ1um ol oulinwatb.It... or lo mlwM. th. „ u iho ol |l>o lio.crnmcnl moncr sacred ties which now bind together tho various) — .. ... « parts." Reiudvcd, That we are ardontly attached-to'the SnD'li'rai 171,*{! d , ,c 4 f n * n ‘*« I "to thought fo have go. off at one of the way Ma Motor** if mi ** , W> I "»"i officer* have front hero oil a special preverve it at all hazards and under ■! c rcunistan. 1 : fl B . nrr i, o..... ccs, believing (fiat its unequivocal mandate# ought r " ln Ph psvmg off the Umted Mtntea Frigate Couvtitutioi Only otic hag was fatten, and this, it is supp»«cd, wa* got si by means ol falsa keys. The robbers to be obeyed in that spirit of honesty and sincerity so eaecntiai to its effective action as the guardian of thu rights of each Individual citizen *< well an nl the sovereign Steles composing the American Union. __ Luxate in nut Eastxrn War —It ie stated that, according to the official reports, the loss of tho Russians in the Eastern War, including tlineo kill ed tn battle, from disease, and the easua'tice and privations to which the inhabitants of a llt-alm ol wat are ncccsaanly subjected, amounts to men, whilst that of lha throo allied powers cannot Dtrrjccc or the Fort or St ITtprsuvro.— Advices In m St. Fvterahtlig, ol the I7ill. siato that lo strengthen the defence of the poii thri<oiron step mors hnve just been finished and launched at tlie Vntkinski msnulnciory, wliicti are lo ciuue m» there an soon aa tlio navigalioii ia rrsumed The organization ol tile rcgmient of rifienoltho mifw-rml txNiity was Wing actively proem ded with. . The city wp like a vast hermek, where military move-* meins and (tie spiriral wnr threw eveiyilnng duo into tliu slia'lo. Tlie Emperor was tndufnlignhle in introducing improVi-im-nls into the army; and tit order to give * Itrah impetus to the amMtmn <>t liWHI1 „, oflicere, he had comman<t«-d thxt tho names *ueh Ih. I era idial, 111 rim nit nmiilmra. hall • mlllK.n I r I""" 1 ,* ol ' h - "-‘I'l-iy Mh-mta •• lin.l .imiiil r '■ — _ | . . ,r , ... . . I Ized llienisolvc* hy act* ol heroinm »ilould lu •f men have been carried off in thia contest, f ...i.i_ _i i._ It ia impossible (or the human mind to cumpaaa graved hi nt.irbU slabs, md placed no hi ilieiunlii- mgs w here th*y were educated. The Urst natm* to be h nored In this way are these ol nnumgarlrif, Citato, 1853; Trhegi'liff, Odessa, lW4;*nd Toltlo- lien, Sevaxtopol, 1H.VI. A Discovery wb have been Waitiro toil—To have to kill nn ox in order to make a pair ot bouts is a clumsy tiling; and »n havo wxitnd some tmio In hear ol snitio Inver.turn which will supercede leather f-r tho feat, as wool »nd eotion, linen and silk hav« superceded tho skm ot animals for lha rest of the human drcoM. We «no tint ii-ndon papers ipi-ak nl an invention, which hnv ju*l l*een suhmittrd to the lent by iho scientifio aiithonriba — A leaihvr cement,ao etr«'ng anil adhesive tlmt fmoii such mighty Itorors. Thu sight ut a single hoarse bearing lha body of ono who haa died peacefully in hie bed, rtmind* us painfully ol our mortality. Thoughts of death, of the family whom tbs da- ceased baa left, of the keen anguish ol lh«ir do»n- laiiofi, and, peibapa.ol their want and dopvndenco i fill the mind with eadnsM. But hero ate half a million of men, in the prim* ol lif« and airencth dying deaths of violence and agony, slaughtered by their fellow msn, end that loo in a quarrel in which neither party had ihn slightest personal In- Ivrsat. Each of these hall million leave* behind 1 nnrtriioe* aro made wnh |i, in winch rn-t a alngle him some one who loved him*—parents, wife, child i hr required, and Urn process of uteod- „ w ","r- of gavernmanta whiuh, for purimses of solfirh am- der. billon, make suth dapiorahla sacrifioue ol bumau „, ———~- life and happiness! tiiRCoNRscTict’tlUNRiNoLAwa—TlieUon- — i ,i I.I iieciieut Itoiiae of reprrsentatlve* have vmed to re- Tits Government rurtMuivrn T „ P f " 1 'hn tree banking law oi the Htatn by yen* 27, I ^ T havethk nays VU, and It fa understood that the laws nx*FkCT*i>.-—The WeaHIngton rorrnepond- * roncar therein. Them are thirteen banka in the •nt of Ut* New York Courier write* as billow*:— “»K»t't»iHi under the law It «■ niopoecd to ".The euddnrt return nl Mr. Uramoton from * , * nh, ri*»-»tri rhariere Tor ilm prion Canada ba* keen caused Ivm by the dismisetnite ' , ‘ l ,w " l" ,f r,, et upon their rapllal. now going on in rclernnco tu the Renprocity ' ^ T’reaty then by tlio complaints ot the government > , v La#tirci'1 lie (Jbd»# Iron Work*, relative tp Brltirii unitatmvots in th« Unhod Hiau<« 1 * s '"* * “'*• 4 "o edne*day l**t, a Ionite $*atern war. -They ar* « clear violation J’** , j , “r w * t ^b»ng eijtbir-wight tbmisand puwndi ol our Neutrality Laws, and tho Administration, not content with the caowtion of tho ptaoile*. in sists ujion eoifta suttabl* reparation for the Infringe ment ui our tnvuratamy T'h» dilUnulty may load tu the indictment nl those British bflieilla who havu berm engaged in tha illegal preceding* complained of. It is a serious and troublesome question end not unlike ilist wliloh grew obi of the parttelp*- lion ut the French Consul «; Ban th» aipedltiob agalnat Maxloo." tw Thai Wig of the llnaton Fnataayasmmsch pump* are in pep at all the railroad depots m cl«« r the psMw«na*t» nf any alcnhel th»y may have m i(hmm. Tin* ta |n save the roads from liability under til* liquor law fur transporting the prohibited aril •Je. , ever *ffefltr»d in a alngle mass tho largest, in thia country. RVnitl.fR, NCHriPUliA Aftlt iMRRAPKt) 81.00(1. ~-P'»» ikMeivrriRe dtseoeea, Csrter's Upsutah MUlur* t* lb* only (iweilc. ThepmprfKioru kavs ta Ibeir poaosaaton «im nn* humtrud curtlOeeies it,# miwl extraiodlnary , mim rb ImiimI liy ft. We relev Jo ihe rsritRrele uf ttlehard Adams, Uu lllsb SHerlff of Hlckmniul, V*., Pdeln iHni.u., iv<m. mlHloesr of Ike He*enne for Rtebnuu,' i (i#n#r«l tVeieh, of m« Mammoik I’lnmai Ur, llumlte), nl tVssklngtun till* I Mr, tVm. A. riallhewo, amt (Ml. JjWSkt lAiPlrttuwMMl. Va* Mr. f. Hoyden, |.««kaeie Ibdel, >*., and a knotot <>tk«r*, who b«t* w*n«ui« i,f lh« w„t«l <lp«.<rl|,li„n uureit by l atter'* MimnWh Mis* lure ri'#t alteevilfy te«4 trie ike puitRer of Ik# litre—I tui>»*, , A. A. MotwMoee k Uu, Ageete, |eS4--lmn treatment for Ike eurenfaraiieMron my right ilmulder, wlitcli line lieeueffvctually and perfectly reuinvod («rUri• out the Niilfrj and cured,l cannot,injustice to rpy own letdliig*. take leave or you wlthniitexpreMing in) deep ernie of obllgetian fur your valuable servlara, snd my own |ierfect cnufldrtnc* in the rmnwlle* yon apply for tho cine of all cancerous alTiietloui. Uur Inn my visits to yoiirnfltce I have wIUioimn! many raw uf the most alarming and oUllnale nature, whlrh Invariably yield- od lo your treaimaiit, and thepaUaim, relieved Irom a loathiomn and supnoied fatal disease, worn rntored to Imallh. in addllton to ths fveslrsady liandM lo ynn.l beg tn transmit tnirewtih * King, which I stull U happy If yuu wilt wear, as a a token of iu)f esteem and re gard. ( am. with great respect. Your friend and uh’l servant, T. ilUTLsa Ktee. To Dr. Ham'l QiLsaaT, New York. Je id—w3ino lluvbiinii's PalcliiPd nuxiietui. Iluet«nii<l*« L'Aiil.'INHI) MAKNKNIAds highly lirne- tidal In allilloeaxea of Ihe Bbimach and ttuwul*. which are altiuidi-d with acidity, and gives Immediate ielle| to Hie hearlbiim. The HTrdaof exreal In Cal log nr drinking are generally rellnvni by M, and It afford* on* of the mlldoai end must pleasant simrlenu, r*pectaliy Ui peiiona who, from e tedeniar*' life or mhim, are umlur the frequnnt necn«»lly of having ricooron to laxative*. To persons of a blllious or e goiny hahlL It msy lie rocomniend* d with peculiar proprleiy; and tu virtues have boon reueatadly verified In tlie iIiwhm-. of warm cliraatea. Many uf tba coicnlalnt* or cbldren la early iiifaney, and uvun et m<>r* advaneerl jietliNif, ere eltended with adtllt); and In mch tin* Caicipixi Magni-tU haa a great ad vantave over othei HtisorheaU, vis: tliatll both iieuirsllset the add Imh* alimentary canal,and net* unit effkadou*yet'gi-utle purgative.— This pn-iiaratlou ts free from iiopteaianl taaic, nnd three time* tlm •treiiKth of IhecoiuDHin Calcined Msgm-ala. four tint pnmiliiin Hllver .Medals, and a .New York World’. Kulr Mvdnl ewanled. For ante by the druggIsle generally, and by the inanu- fsciurur, T. J. IICHUAND, Phlfadeiphta. apr'id emtSmo* HYI’IIIUH/ffCliuTiTl.A AND lil"KtHi;l> ft'.OOD. For ihe*«iirrrifle diseases CAUTCU'U Nl’AMsIi MIX- Tl'ttK I. the only apedfle. The proprietors have In their posoeulon over ono bun- Uuiutmt certttlcates uf the most extraordinary cute* ef fected by ll. Wo ruler to the certificate of Richard Adam*, lute high sheriff of RJcl ntond, V* 5 Kdwln flurton, roatmlssloner of iho ttnv*iiue for Itlrhmoodj (Jen. Welch, of tlie Mammoth Circus; Dr. Ilcndly, or Warhlogioo i It); Mr. Wm. A. Matthews,and*' tl.l.uck, t'.ni ,of Itictnnond, Vs.; Mr. F. lloydrn, F.xi'hange Hotel, Va.jand « hurt of other*, who have seen caret of the wool de«>-riptlnn cured hy Carter's Npniilth Mixture. They alt certify that Ii 1. it,u greatest purifier of ihe blood known. Neo advcrtiietnetit. 0 nprfl nr Dlillnguitheit nhjalclana, well known mer chants, respectable a|K>UM-cartfa. and hundred* of others bear le.llmnnv to iho good effect* of NT'd ANfM'VNK CHKRltV F.XPCCTtUlANT. a* aeurMIve In eouglm, edit*, and dlre.iesuf the lung, nnd Ibrua. g«tictntl>'. There U no vmptrtetam tn its prvpnraiton. Article* which are well known and highly appreciated hy Uieeiiine medical faculty, alone enier Into Ii* com position. hTAIII.F.IDA Dt.\Utllia:A t.'OKIttAt.Hsi ao prepared with Ihe rutine tdelillflc ‘kill nod care, tl* benffl.'HI effects In illseaae* r,f ihe laiwel* have »>«-n remtvrkahle. Over MR! ph) sktaiia. wtw* have twen mtel« acquainieil wllh the reclpt* of lhe*e |e>pul»r fi-no-lles, have tu en pleascl with them, and only apeak of ih-tu In term* of unquallfiiHl pral.e. If you havu « couch,or any dl-ea-c of Ihu lung, or throm, give the KZpeelor.tU atrial; or If you or your friend, need tb# ant ol the DinrrliU'u I'onttal, make use of U wuti confidence, and mark Ihe rranlt. Deaerlpuvo pamphlet, to be bad grail* of the axent* Prlre of each, only fifty cents per boitie. nriix tiottle. for r.’ 50. TllriS. M. TURN lift k. L'O. W. W. LINCOLN. A. A. BOI.OMONN k. I'M. J. It. SIIMiBF. A CO., may S9 Ik* Savannah. jfi# lsl.|rifilaiad.|iN.lal.|rifilsrMi ;r.7i sr rySiY 'Um kmIiMuKu.: u' a7n 8! i ■' I ia,<niv,,.«l|iwo,w>a I -tMl Ura^puV. i H,u7i.3vi 1 oi9||i,^a:wj.,« ! Kiuoru—l,il. wrak.....1 UK »^»!| III KJ— ' ' Tmirajimy ~1XH|| kinck tinKraJ. JuubVi ,| 1*1. | fM. KM *Fi *Hl?i : I i ,’•AVANNAtl WNOLHULK PM ices Off Mil Brit. Artfeiss, nt* I • e" BAiHilNri, Dundee,44 ltf....Py4.l Neonivky r yd; **U"ny <Ty d.' mali: iiopH., ;;„#v Dittr.n'. IIo|hO. y J.5 MBIiF.Nww.VorR Hh, PkhL{ Prime rbtd. Cargo. jl bbtl NAI.YIN, Haro. y filtl’AD, Nery.. ae f! i'lW.. ft. 1 MU FflJt. rigatien, prttee y ft.) N°- Y- ft.}' tlUICKfi. Bavanoak, itir ( u...p ».,! Northern P CANDl.f^t, kperuuieeti y ft, Mavaunah made. Tallow .V ft.t Noft kern do. On. T ft.i LTIKLNK, Northern ...P ft, | COPs LL, Cub* y ft llVl p ft.) t« *S I3H « 'A 9H 1$ l*H 4 ft <« U'k m % a t l?" i »»J4 < Juki 111 3 ijltMggjjLill .JIHM liiiliiiWkMflK'II ylllUlMstltllill LL ii Mil i • * »s S|3 Ii ii sil iKvssiiIl 1 lyiliii mil. Ji lillif vlllSilli !s ; «•* fill ifii L Jill i J a CUUUAUi^ larrvrt V Ik. ii ManllH r A.I is DOM 12*7 tc am tun j Whirring*, brown. V yd 1 « ttkiwllnvi, irmwn.. y yd.f ? Hrnwri ixrtlli Y j<L « <V»tt«g» rytiAlHirg. Y >d. « DL'CK. LrrgliUt gMedi IV y, American t'oitoo.... Y yd | n PIMII, Mackeral, No. I Y bio, ;• - No. f P6M.H “ No. 3 Pbbi » Pi/it'll, *>i*t Y1AA. Hull. in.»»rdMrttLeap.-YbtL 1'btu.dviptii* fF(iU. , rjporgtm ..fVbbL tl I fill * IN, Uirti, cargo Pbut. t “ reUil pWn. | yi Oat* Yb«. v, Wheat Tbut.j fil.A.**. Am. Window AgllMu | «LNh»W!lP.H Y k*c 3 73 1 HAY, Prime Norther a Pcwt. *• K.,iera Yc*V 1 tilDPt. l»ry Y l>oer*km. Y R. I H< iS. ilaoin, n*wincd Y lor. VS Vj I'lg ...ptou. II—«P pew-.. 4 on wn.-.-t Pewt. 4 V> N. i 1/-U Yt*l. t Ui LAltD Y It*. il LUkllra Korklaml Pbbl.i I U,f-.Newed,refute..Pm.ff. « W Mcrci.anuMe Pm.ft. 14 00 Hivrr leirnber, refbet.... Vbi.ft. e (lb Mi-11 LoiiUMoto prime...VtuJt.|t3 UO i Ifkng'gjhir ujwrtY ut. e i-j I Kaiiguig i lor Milts Y tn- ! 5 «« Sk inieb. Water' Hhptpe.u v. m » in - • •• IIIm. “. ..Y in.,Vim - - Hal. *...Y rn.jsn w Whit* Pine, clear gFm.n.pO uj Merchantable Yn.J:. \o itj 1 Cypree..Stiingtee Y «*■ * >».«1 i.'ypree*HhlngH»..gP u.. Ji. uu ; lt«imt Y m.'lg id) MOLAMIM. Cuba, rxa:.; Tt i New.Ork«bs Prof. 34 NAILM,t?iu 4.1. l-.VUI Y 4)» NAVAL tTOKIXTar .Pbbh, 4 7i fpint. Turjicatlr»e f g»l.; ijj \ arrtifh Peat. OILS,Spenu, wlMer suained. .P goJ. 2 a - fail - red M •■mm#/* 4 Y gai. \>*bric. Becked,»Inter... Y gai., M IJirvrtri.... Ypd. Vi Tanner*’. . Y bbl. 13 UO U ft (A 'A Ift «III4 4 tl ‘A Vl in Comparative Mate mem of the Poreirn Kijrawi* ot *>-u Ion Irmn the LnUcvt Htate., from M-pt cm her 1m. In Mir hdlowlng yeera: le34-*&3. IH3.VS4. |83d-*33. |H3|-’3‘i To Croat flrllaln, 1331450 I37D3-J |47«'.VJ 134-ib" - ~ awvcift IKP.1 41447ft 4i»4ia*- nnniKitmi. itCroitn. SAVANNAH TttKKI'T. WKBKI.Y HE VIEW. COTTON—Arrived-ince the 14th |D«L, 3.ftf« bales Up land. (-.'.ftSU per Rallmad-IHbt via Darien,) and ;3 do Rea Island*. The exports for Ihe isme perbri amount (o 3.84 bales Lptamh and 338do Fen Island*, vis: To Liverpool 3,UVU bale* Upland, and MU do No* (.lands; h> New) ark, 1,487 bale* Upland, and l<> Philadelphia ?■» bale. Upland— teavtn* on band and on shipboard, not cleared,* stock of I3.Y3U bale* Upland and 330 do. *ei Island, agslhal I0.OW bale* Upland and 40iido. fit* (•land, at Hi* same lime lari year. The mark-t has been quiet and dull all the week, with very light aalro. The advice* from l.lverp.*'!, l>y the Alhntie rrcet ved Juri before inirlari wetkly report was eburd, bad hardly any effect ii|h)o (•rices ami after the report |pm New York and other home port, of a , deeltiw, n«r maiket era* quite st.fnant—Tt*ere were no iirjffflfi* — —T • — —«~-r.......I on Monday it 0; on Tuesday IY9;on Wednesday 44 snd yesterday 108 bales. About noon yrrierda/’ the icle- graph snuounred the arrival of the Nl.» at New York from Havre, via. Southampton wtth three days later Intelligence from Europe. The Liverpool market wa. reported tn have advanced ,tgd. with *ali* during the three day* of 70.UH0 halea of whlrh speetrinii.M look 94.000; the market closing steady. Tho political newt W»« not Important. The very small riork on »«.lr* and light demand prevents large transaction*. HcloW we give the quotations current before ihe arrival of the St. Louis; we have n»l beard of any *ale* since her ad vice* were nl hand. Wa quote- ordinary tu good ordinary lO.q® It Low .Middling, IIJW'?c Strict Middling I tv*. UT* Hood Middling, IS r$ lijf Middling Fair tst*® — The tale* of the week amount to 733 bales at Ihe fo|. lowing pnrlicntar*; to at lOJt, I3t> at Ilj^, Swat It 0 -III. trial HM. W7 at Ilk,'^3 at tlJL 314 at lk‘, 4 at |C)4. and 43 at tk’.^ccnf. Tho receipts In Uio Lulled Slate, up tn this time, aa compared with lari year, give the following remit: Decrease at New Orleans 1*8,047 Do. at Mobile IY7.W3 Do. at Texas Yft.939 Do. at Florida 08.603 361,173 Increase st Savannah 074,tf3 Do. at Charleston 94,Ou7 Do. u\ Virginia and North Carolina.. .17,ft A '.70.3S6 To other fit r’n pons.. 0443M *f«337 322722 iiJ44«* Totnl... ...‘.....'..1001173 (014374 230*1781 ;r*ra% no ! Ited-lpta... 0S7*31'i STAUfia 3137401 2030-3* ! bUKkv.... 218360 41 Mr.-O 877346 ltg"747 1'ompnratlve Receipts, Lx pons and Strraks ofrv<|toa a 1 the Port of J*,"in lat hej.ieiolrai to dale : ' Peavs. Urtnpli. F.tporlt. i IMS atuUJp'.. .... “-S'.f 24 ... I7.4W3 . IH4fi 173.006.... ....163.040 . .’33le ; • let: 2*1,333.. ...119.'/*: ...XOJMA 1 1 Ii-4f < M.'AW... 307. 47 . . .. .25.242 1 liM’J 3u*,74l,.., ... 8*0Ml* . .J'-Vtl 1 Ve.Ji «*.%.r*t 1.... vft»ij*4n I 1*31 .34U,|R5... .. . 133,841 ...nun 1 1*50 ... ...313.273 ... . .321.440 ...18 733 | iht*:* M*fi.7.»4 . U.4‘*l • 1-54 369,320.... .... 336,022 ...15,70- Exports of Cotton from Kaviooxb. J ri'm Kept. I,| From 1, {’34, to June 21, ’33. i« June 21. * j 1*35. Ji 1634. r<mT* nihoRTtn 1 i.| 8. 1. |Lpland.ii 8.1. (l.'pUnd Liverpool Dthvw llritish Parts,.. . 6,'W* 133,433 2.74ft fti.OfA .; | ji 2*4 ' 3.3445 Total Great ItriLv in,. .| » S <X*0; 153.453.J >00 *3.4<d Havre, Other Preuch porta, . Ti 142 ' 7.064 , " >w ‘ *Cl 0 Total I'ntncr,.. .. ■ 1 i48( 7.w« :>•- ;r i •JR.N* AllUftOS*. Flax .' ; pork. )lcu, Wfutern.. Prim*.... iters, New-Yort PORTER, lyirrion llAlfflNb. M.-itwra... MAI T. I.«tn*< roam I ’srce. bulk Turk's Island >81*1 BI ' a: (Jr,i Ii O *rd. DU put kt'o.r got. 3 ft Dr, A.vifirfJk'i... .RFfM- *’» fi« J^-rn-i y • Dr. Peach Di bomriMt Oln. *t olfa-i-t BPIKI18. i.m. \RH-ncan... It ’jo.. Jamaica ... •• N. Bra bills. . \rkl»key.PLiLA Halt.. •• Nc-'lrlctai. MUG Aft, Mu*c..»’d S4. Croix V Havana, wine Y “ Lr,>wn... 4* New-Or leans. V Loiu'aiid Crashed. ... V SOAP TraeriAiiyelloe -Y MHOT.aJI rir^s ,..Y HDi Ml*. .-(>aiu-b Y ru. TALt.*>W, American Y * Toll A* 'CO, 3lanu(oriured... .Y E»' TEAK, eoucbowg Y Gunpowdr/ Y ?t lh«-Ti W S>. TWINlLNrine... Y Y yd., ts * .ft*w. 1- oo A . Y Lb' ,i.i (« £ rbu", w .Ydft. 1 :s (ft SM-'X. i or. * YU. IT),* Y bu., % . Wbu. 33 ft /ral. 0 73 . rgai. 33 . Y »M. M . Y t*l-; Cl . r r»|- 34 ..rg*l- I CO real., ii Y&. Vt ^saL, ic '*116 ft V, m ft 4 <n ft ) 4 (ft « km *s ft Vi V! ft M te ft 53 te ft kit ft » w ft 4 5) ft 4 ll V. 1 K •* .4 . .1 24 ft 2 7} 4 « t A J ‘J I S3 SW ft '*% ft m. Ift c#r> Y t., Ytf a.. Y tu'.. YfXL Y m rrk. Total Foreign Porta,.'. | d. t )l J IM/m.,; 3A4-, 73.176 n-rion:.“ r...j '016, 4C.I73iT Ifo: 3b>'3 R ruv blejjce, * i 3.461 ] 4.'0I ew-YorR, : 0.1*7, loo..«w* tgidnnu 1 Phlladclphls 17.433 ! 0,‘JIC 01^15 ' Haiti more and Norfolk, ' I 4,i3n 3.316 Charleston,., 1,1.36 6,430, 1,833 IV-** i Other U. ft. Port*, '..... «3off >7 T'>lal^C<>ariwt»e,..... i T.JwfroW.MSA^imi.-SJ, Ilat,8l7 i• rand Tnt*i w .....jI0J^4J343^WH 13.361 j'5\t,ts-3 Exports of Btca and Lumber from SaranprUi. | From 5Tpt. I. From Nri4- ». . j IN34, lo Jun 0I. IWA3. •« Jun SI. I IH33. | l?3 4. Rtctiy Madeira Ternrlffr. !., V Malaga, .-»i-et “ DO C.arct, MarvAlk*.... •• H'trdraux Y c'k 4 27 cbompafr.c 5 CP s» * tVlIliLSiaileo. 1'r.warbed .Y Z-.i 17 .v l! - Clean.... .Y R... •* WOOIesSKINS, Ijreb't r **-. If ft 3 *Vr,-Vs V • * '« •> 3 M\l\\\E I\TKLLK;E\(F port '.a caWssah..:..:... —:: H>t it. * . . AUKIvf.D. Steamer rtorida,, Cborieticn—M A C.traa. LI.IIAHFU, Propeller Thoms* 8waa, Jehn-un. Bslumorv— Fngfcts Knit k Co. Jkhr .-uCr.ct Price Gaudy, Pkitodefj-tia— Hr (bus. Kritt k CO Me*,i O a emlih, Swegtn. New York—Ogde®, N^rr 4 roRTs sxroarsnTo. Kirs, l.i'Msaa. KiiB.,t.i ueaa i :Cask* iW«. [Cask* I Peel, j Great Britain ] 4 l<ft>WH) V I4.'‘47.'*ri Mi. John'- and ItaltDu.! ' )0 West Indies I 3.14.) 8.471.800 6.416 l,«Wi^M«0 Other Foreign PortjkJ.... .'3,l4iUOO'. OMi'^ XOgft " Total Foreign ^Orts.,13.1431 l7.79i.8i*i|'74X».2l.»ilvw Mnlue . ..... . 1808,3001 Maa-achuaetts 1,077 M>3,300 Khixle Island, 4c i j New York ..; 3^4' (Wl.40,lj 0.011* 4?4l,l(Vi Philadelphia | Ki3 4)0.800; 4 6rt -6i.*«i Halllmore and .Norfolk.: 117 )v3.3»«i, Itrj Cliartfrion ... I 31 , Now-Orteans,4c. j D|t>!,... ...] t,«0 DEP.tltlllt .*tc»»er Fh-rxta, Hk»«, Palsika. ar. PAMtt.iriLKa ’ Ter sictmrr Fl >nda, from Cfcar.eaion—4 W M t. 6 T Wilson, H H Young, L XVvrinr. W W Ntepbr- a 1 i ’ Johnson, •* t: Hope. H 8 t^rier, E P l«lzh’.ot.. .V*i te* : pc», j j; Mticbcf. J 8 Wiutams’ J tqnug. I. i.riM, I J hlrhjud»4-n arid child. “■ flK«ultA,1IU. other Ports.... (133,400; 30 Total decrease 1.-1,840 8RA ISLANDS—There has been e (Sir neniatul throughout the pari week but tha sate* have have hern I milled, a* for several wrek* pssl In consequrnce of the |||hl tinck on sate. We hrar of sales of upwnrdt of IbO hales at extremes ranging from 12 to VS coni*. Re. cclpta of the week 53 lisle*, F.i|nir*s 336 ball a. The account* re cited of the {rowing crops still continue favorable. KILE—The market continues In the same dnll stale noticed In our last we, kly report, tho sale* bring con- toed sltogeiher to Ihe retail trade. Tho receipt* are very ll|ht, and there ts but Utile offering. CttltN.—There have been several cargoes recclted during the week. We havo heard of no sales of impor tance. We quote In hulk St • 1.23ft I 30 per bushel — Tho stock un sale Is Talr. Fl.oLII—Tbe slock nu sale ennllnue* ample ar.d ihn demand limited. )>e quote Georgia, Tenneasre and North Carolina bnndt at f I0^0®|| Ml |*or barrel, ac cording to quallt). OATS—We havo heard of no laige sales. The slock on sale It quite limited. )Vr quote nominally at Psjft 03 rent*. I'KA’*—The stock oo tale I* limbed, ami w# have no transaction* of lufitctent l»port*ure to n»uce. We quote nnmiii.illy at f 1.37.1* prr bushel. HAY- In ibe abmice of Digs transactions, wo canned give qunlatloiit, MALT—There have been no arrival* since our last report. Price* are nominal. LIME—The market Is fairly supplied. It Is selling pom wharf, In iol*,al 0183, and Pom store at 1.30 p«r #**k. MOtiARMRM—The last »*)♦* of Cuba, fmm wharf were made at 04 eta per gallon. The cargo mentioned In our Iasi at having arrived and remaining unsold, has been shipped m llnaton. KXUlt AN<Ht.—We quote Sterling 0 per cent, prr in, The Batiks *re ielllng Might Checks on all Northern rule* at id per Cl. prrin., ami purchasing MtgM hill* at J4 per oi. prrin i IP dais *1 tg. 30 day* at Jgft t*. and 60 da) sat I Sft 1 '• per cl. discount. FRP.lUtlTS.—To tJrcrpe-l t^d, dull. Coettwtsw— To ttosion, W- Tu Nsw York, 3 16c by etsftmert; salt ing teasels 3 I6d. To Halllmore, t*c. Nil v IMS null lUportn, Jimr 01, Per propellre Thomas Mwan, Mabiraorw^ntnl bales Cotton, 7t> tons Itallioad Inm, ta cask* Wine. Per selir Mldnejr Price, Phtl*«l*lnhla-4»kWl feel Lumber. Per whr U'lfl Mmlib,New York—73R bale* tMion, 3 do Waste, VtW Dry Hides, 03(| boxes t\»pper l lee, 8 fthta Varnish. «tu k i r w oinji irn tiT FkFt 7 it a 11. r 11 a d . June VI - 464 bale* (3dme and mdse in l.uffbon-, K PsrsoA, 4 «)*, Hardwick *> Looke, T W Neely, Hose, (l«vi* h Lone. Phdetfoid, Fey 4 Co, *"«o|iet 4 LIU*, laud, t'aiiou, litritiui 4 Ln, utetea«4 Ellison, Daua 4 Wakhliurti, ilrigham, Kelli 4 Co, Itehn 4 Fusier, ri A L Lemar, Frank lln * llra’dtey. D M Howard, J Jnmw. UHAltI.LMTUN, JUNE 10.—«‘4dibu —the ntime Unas tiflha day leached ..Illy 101 bales* el IlfcltUft.-. The market ts much dapreeeed. NEW YoUK, JUNK ^ «**mn.-t>lie«-Tbe mark* Is dull. hour-Price* have declined Ifk Cents. Hslee of S.auQ libts ; toed Ohio et 0«,3?>4*0t!T*i Mouthvrn Is heavy at Hall K7tg. Whewt-Th* market ts dull with a daellntng ten gloat, (Nirn-Halm «f IVMleen muni at IHalOl »eu4 tax. (tnaimsheti sold. IS'ili The utarbel I* firm wtth ah npwsrd lemteecy - Old Mesa at 0if MHH 01,Hi new 11**01* S3 Meef—The marhrt noMmue* firm with a moderate demand at pr*«tnu« i«'e« Laid - - (tie market it dell wllh e destining W klthsy - uetee el tlhlo at U e h>M TotalCnnviwite .. ~ i 5,670 *4^623.7Wjl *, f33! 1 m&i,{M) Grand Total. .T. 7.. .\ 16810,24,400^)06;lc.456i Sxponxof Cotton, Kite and Luatwx. raoM Jrs* 14, to jrna 21,1*33. irirrV ts |3. tot'd.1 f/pfand.) Nice. ! t.motor Ltver|ioo| Pictou. N.K New Vmk Philadelphia ... ■ 77.1 336! *V2i.... ..7' 427,i*ri 1 1 137, IM I 14*7! «0 Nsw Yota. June Ift.— 4r, bark Maria Mor^t. f-.-« Hava small. Bn in’s Jane IV—Ar, brig gen'.ih. from *i'>ah lltinsasi, Jure lft-Ar. Kkr nawd Week, tresa HwtiuMi. Naw Yi'ls. Juno )*.—cid. brig I. Peters, Ift* (vt*-* DUmt.'.a. Ar, )«rk Exact, (n'ts fsuMit; i - f J H Rent, (rein Jarks-eadM. Ft* ar trtuoiiii r TNI ,r in os sicisis .061 33U0| I 3S4.4S0 Total... Modi of (7ollon In tltr Interior Town*. 1*53 1*34 . ...IMJWS n.7V5 4>T* fife'll .... 4,168 R.3W 5,034 3.VV- 1.54X1 I.VOiSi 1,7X1 Augusta and Hamburg, June 1.... 3lac< n, June t-. .. I'-i'iimbus. .».a ' Mav 87 MonUmmery, (Ala.) Juno I Memphis, tTcnn.i June L. Columbia, (n.C.) June I..., EXCHANGE Batik Kates for Soiling txchanpo. Cheeks on Poston Jf Y d. prem •• "New York S g*ct. prem •• “Philadelphia V f*n. prem " “ Halit more A v.t.pirm Bank Rates for PurriiMitig Exchange. tUttson England. “ " New.York,light, . “ M “ 3 dsy*.. “ •• •• 10 days . •• “ •• Mi day*.. “ •• “ 60 day *.. “ *- 00 day*. •» •• ttosion, 60 days.. " •• Phils,lei's, 60 day*. •* " ttatilinore.60 dart., rf'.prem r"r (ft S ** ** . . S ft dt*c l . v ft rci.- H ft K rot. “ ..iS’ • ts roi. - 8 - «s ft »s rot. •* .14, ftIHftoi *■ • IH ft'Hrct •’ Fort Gaines Academy Lottery. f |'IIB sulvscrtlra-r having rtvralvcsi ik-ic ihe-Tuoaih L stonrra* »*.*• Axe. <3 and Maftngetcrt.1 m Uu roiir 44.% in »7.0 ACAnf.n i i otti bt, Km e*uhM«hn.t the prtt*Jp*1 Office at AUaula.Go. *n4 lnie»>1ic<*n>lneling the t^hllerv .-n ibe same pus 1* uu. of Ibe S-utto-m Mtlnary Academy UM»eey,c4 Vkhwu, GRAND MU'bME TOR JLI.Y <'!«*• ;t. To be «r*» 0 July 3kL 1*33, in the City c' S'- wu. (it. ■ hew prises sm-HiNunv u> oO.IMHI DOLLARS! Will be •’• tnibuiod *oc«vding to ihe fiv»rt»i«u rsscrih ev*ni .-clH-me Aid it member, every is nor s» each drawing.nod paid when ,tne, vvitheui dsvntwfc. I nitre of *12.0 m. | .v' I' -•* I do *d Xt«|3 do rd f 1.0*0 ..Lift I do of.... ... 3.w«i . 40 do ,U 9K I do of.. .... . IHO In ds of IM1 I do ot IraMV j 1C do of 1 do of.,.. LSWiJftdo of LIST OF VE8SSLS IM PORT Ship*. Auguria.i*) l.yon I.VUi.N Y"k..PndelS'rd, F*y 4 tYi Tlio* Swan,(t) John*on.46n.N.Y’k Urtchsm, Ke'ty 4 Oo John 4 Altrari.1 'row i'll.,.’.i'.".. I.'fwl tlrtgham, Kelly 4 Co Florida, »*nnoman...ttt3u L>*ot TR* J« Mitt* Monterey, Purlngton.. .«*. wall 1 *. tirtgbsm, KeJty ki«* ..771.t.'pool Jit Wlldee ..311 dlse'g Hrgham,Kelly 4 Oo Rarqus*. oou. repair**. tt unter 4 Oama»e , | .. .673.wit’s Xlastee Brigs F Nelson.Geer ThSion, .Oarielon 4 PVws tusks. Heron WW.bsnd’f t->ckeri4 HnetUnf* HM4'harU’u,t.lghtburnel4«.toad’s J Mobnn* 4 Oo E P Pwev4, ihtuton .. WS load’s. .Carle4o« 4 Person* Airreil EtalL ILwsinn. SU.phltn C A Grwlnee Augusts. Htonn 30*.N.T*k .Dan* 4 Waohbuin Vrmm Wlleon ObO.dleeH Cwhens 4 Hew* Eagle, Gibb* IWn.diec’f... (yten, Sumr 4 O* Chaos, Duntnn.. tiririlo, tMnwsrt... Glasgow, (Prt Ward . E Shull, Onrr.., > Lift 4PS prise*, amounting to |*A'"** **NI V TEN THOUSAND M’hlMFK'' I3T Drift* f*-Halve* 9«-'Q«ktter.|V W pm* on ail Ranks at par. Allnusr surtaw etrlftly conlhtf ntial. 65MULL AN, Agent and Mtnecwe, Alts- s C.a J. r. A WTUKY, General .\fr«LNvtaari,i-s. O0re „n Hrouwhton ri^ between IVeyvvwesri foil ttft A’ ,J , D RA W 3 NY Mht-RS ofa. Pn^aaSo Mnnnamst b-ilsn. mat* 147 : VS V TV 7* 34 3t 61 73 77 3 fi •' d9 Jhm vt ll W'lTHlNviKVI. 01OA44. 7* Nuntlrar loritery —14 U»*wo IUDc<* Groouo nnd Pulnaki Lottery* (Tats I 4(1* fwr thUra. T»> be drawn nt Nn-tsath, Friday, June tl. 153k GREGORY 4 MAURY MANAIsLR* J Ttckote *3.tx)—.Shares in prr4v.-4u.rav. , TVcXevs »«.l Vlurev eUb*« •'» I fhi sale by IL \VITItiN‘ T\v3 A CSI1XIAT BOTANICAL CURIOSITY AT Tilt: WY.WWmi*. Kidney rricw.Gawdy Home met, Pteritn* HhM Anchor, D*ri>)t.. J W Aederw'K, Walgon. I out vans, Wlleon.. .... WmKmiih, Smith MnntvaveeU, Urown Ions*dmlth, • urman... Uiynl acrentan, Imwden. Ftimouih, Warn*...... N CrvweP, OpweU., M Y Davie, Robtnaen. Envoy. Ootllnn. .Wtt.Del bnghnm.Kelly4Co lull ..Prighem, Kel«y40n potion Rrigbate, Kelly4CVv .n*UV .Divgneaa, Kelly4Co .Pall. .Rrxghem, KntiyLOn .N.Y%.. • 1 qptfts JMart 4 O* -N.YHt.... vohens4 Uvma .N.YTi .<)|d**v. MUtv 4 Lw • N.Y*h v wheat*4 Heel* dim's.. ..Ugdesv, sure 4 O-'s —LftkeM K IW-*riw**e . .N.Y’h,. <HP»e«s ftnre 4 Ik* N YU.. .Ogdew, Mere ft W OOAMUWUVW VWW tt YNHU kotnina tn iw7 univaw evtvee ewft cwftftwn ewnv* issFO—r.mxr N rivV on evhibiiVoh. at the Uymwaeiwm. •'* Iteoed eirret, a moat reaSs lsI ra aloe Tiunni l.raumoni) kn.vwu *» Thr Cesslssrp Flout- arts* «ft* itcxMH 1 HkM W mtvksth'X. IT Ift Jl hT HliWIA.MMI TO »!.««»* I this pUft t* tw n w*.w» henfthral »»4 croarsM imn.rt left high, wnh wvea tmo* hwdi *n-i ' * enwVn* bevw u»wef4nt«ed Mvhee by ibe greet irvnb** and evf^nsw- et the *»-*•« at cw.*orit» of the MW- )U*IW e4 eAbiV*-"* vw* i* h- I T. M , n**.i f»>wn He T T. M. SJww-w •»!*“*' r ’ " RMIXRI* IHxkftAPv jwwll if Gerdewrae »«>» tw. Revhlnglnn ft N, ft. twlegrepk gj* T>* Vf-nevOi ed the hVoekWhi.m « ih# iwgton tod New o<«e#M Tft»d»w|4 IVmpani. •« •• held si WnslutighMi CHJ, D. U» M*w» D ed*w*Jaj W Jwty wes*. H U ll • YK r. QLkftK. lM»ft><T _ -- vmsCTirsr * _ SAV&XMAtt OAS-UOHT COMPXST • I Mil; h-ranl of PireMwcn ftavw , *V *2^*7 ot J uiv*4ewd *4 «vwpw4 twm wft *• ***£"»*" 4k— OM>. VMM** * "ll**" „ . acsvhwwtw ihe .tdewn* ed Mvno^h ftftl »M«RN IHP.w. Nw. W ftrioeftftftft ♦Mwft.