The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 22, 1855, Image 4

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% iSSsSsSRB'ittM K >pi>Mf tator. mMow* to TWiwKKmiII. MIHm. *■»•! vKlIjMJ to.cUiti.m fSSW*w“ ^tAtrr^'Uiws^ , MH.I.KN, ii. 0. 0. - - — -H W oil- —— —-— — --Trj- II ■ayco*eerti,Vo bo hud ffMMt bolow ooW Court io •lit oWocUoft tit wy tfrnwM fl* «r ***** ihe fit* * Monday lo July out. otherwise uld lovVew will bo grantru. Wluteee, OMitftSli loot eeraJobnlfl. Mlllen. Baq.,Ordinary for Chat bam ®r*. fi »ssreH8ta l v** Whereas, Seaotl B. Hwoat will apply at ibo Court or Ordinary for Cotton of DlatnUaloa aa Administrator ott ths Estate of Uwnlal Fox.dreearexl: ' ' Thoao aro Ihorolbro, to rite and ad'nonlah all whom nay eoocorn, to bo andappoar baforo told Court to tnakt objection (If any Ihoy liavo) on or before tho Brat Mon* day la Aaf wal aoaSo|borwlao aald Lower* wtU begr avw **Witnot*. John M. Mlllen, Kaq^ Ordlnaw for Chatham county, Una accoad day or February. I MAS. febJ JOHN N. MILLEN,0.u.c. S T Cuaculn Uof U1 A< jTt» nil whom It may eoneernt Wboroaa, Mra. Bmllr B. Guerard, will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Cotter* of Dismission aa Kxccu* trtion tho eaut# of Robert G. Guarani,deceased. Theeo are. therefore, t» cite amt admontah alt whom It may concert), in be andappoar before aald Court to make objection (If any they have) on or bhforo the Brat Monday lu August no*l otherwise aald Ultera will bo grant at?. Wunoar.jonn .M. Milieu, Esq.,Ordinary lor Chatham County, thla drat day of February. IMS. fab* ArtltN M. MlCl.HN, o. r. r » S T CtuTn*n Co. RUl A ’ (TqhHwhoml way concerns Whereas Mr*. lamia* White, will apply at tho Court of Ordinary for Utters of Dismission aa admlulalrairtx on the oataio or Wllllatu White. Thbae are, therefore, to elteaml admontah all whom It may ooucern 10 ho and apuear before aal«l Court to Ul« objection (II any they have) on or before the flrat Monday in Autfust n«xi, nthorwlae *14 Ultera will bo ^VUttear, John M.MIIIen, f.sq.. Ordinary forCholham County, tbladrrtdoy ol February, 1833. febi ‘ JOHN SI. MILI.F.N. o. f. n. S T ciaTauM Co. RUl A ’ [ r °* v whora il wa Jconcern* Whereat. Roe. Henry <*. Wjer, will apply at tho Court of Unflnary for CetUra DlsroUaory pa Executor on Ibo estate cf Mra. Mary A. ‘.rowdl, deceased. Theaearo. therefore, to die and admonish all whom It may concern, n* ho aud appear before aald Court 10 make objection (If any they pare) on or .before tho drst Monday In Aug. next, otherwise said lottera will be granted. Witness John M» Mitten, Kaq., Ordinary for Chatham founty,this Bralday of February, 1835. ' '■•“t A, "" • WYATT gs u!5SuiffioVi«M»| *«. Joorgta, that on llio nlualeomh day or abandrodand tny ; ihr«e, Wyatt W, . RKFUB LICAN, FfilDAY MQRNINQ, JUNE 22, 1856. jfV uf, Malaink UWBiy, au matH m I, Mi M!SS3;aKW w -** tween tho usual houraoi sale, lot No, ‘ the Inti * -..—.- .-i V* (ortho County of Chatham) mada their certain payable to their on n order, aixiy days after eight there* of for the eum ofnlneteoa thousand eovon hnmlred ami twenty dollars, which pill or Kaehango waa endorsed by BUtko «t tiryeon. aud dellreiud for value received to aald The Marine Bank of Ueorgla,aud being accepted by aald HoUU,*iu«k«h.Oo., waa al maturity pteaeutodfor paymotd at their countlag room, aad payment not being made, the tame waa returned uniter urntrst to the aald Tha Marina ilauk of Georgia. And It -also appearing that on the twenty-eighth dayot Fabrtuty nflhe saino year, the aforesaid mark* A liryaou drew their eorialh other inatrumentiif wrttlag known aa a III llnf Exchange, on the aforesaid HoUls, BurkofcOo,, at thirty day* after Mkht, for tho aura ol twoitly-oue thousand flvo hundred dollar#. payable to thalr,ownorder,which last mention, •d UHl OT Kxehaijia waa also endoraod and Uollverod lo aald The Mariho IVank of Georgia by the afore raid ttlarke ta llryaon for value received, and ihe aams bring duty accepted by Holds,tkarka fit Co., waa proaeuled for pay meuial maturity at tho counUnirnoth of acceptors, ami payment rofoaed, ami (hesame waa rofbrnod'iinderpro- teat to the aald Thfi Marino Bank of Otiorgla. And It forlhor appearing that the aforesaid Wyatt W. Htarko, In order to aeeure tho eforeeahi Btlla of Exchange amt other bills of Ilka character, and certain notea then due by him to theaald The Marine Bank of Georgia, and also to aeenrelho faithful payment of all notes tStrrnfttr In be discounted by ilia said Tho Marine Bank or Geor- f :la, for the accomodation of said Wyatt W.Marks, and ur aud In conaldnrailoti or the turn of five dollar*, lo him paid by the aald The Marina Uattk of Georgia, did, on thotweinhday or April, In the year ouo thousand sight hundre.1 and Itn/dhree, make, execute mid deliver lo the aald Thy Marino Uank or Georgia, Ida certain deed ofmortgago, oonvaylug to tho said Tha Marine Uank ol Georgia among older properly •'All tho lands or ... —* •• | a Hutcbfsor * non lilnml,oppo- “ -“I, lying M tho aald Wyatt W.Htarke on “alta to aad uorth of th* cUj of davattaah, attwatk, "and being In tho county of Chatham, lu tho Mate of •Kleonrla. between the front and back river* of the Be* •‘vannaht” the other real estate named In said morUagu doed act lying ami betugln IhoaforeMid coiiuly or Chat ham. And 11 further appearing lhatallurilic execution or the afbreaabl deed or mortgage, and on tho faith or aald mortgage, aud In contequeuceof the avmirlty offer* ed by the clause In iha aald deed or murluuge, that It •hould secure "ell aud every nnto and notea” ihereaDo’ ‘•to be discounted" by the said Tho Marino Hank of Geor gia, "for the accommodation of aald Wyalt W. Murku," the said The .Marino Uank of Georgia did, on thelhlrtiuth day of June, eighteen hundred and flfly-lour, discount for aatd Wyatt W. Marke.a note al ninety days, for the aunt or throe thouaaud dollars, and on tho iwcuiy-ibird day of Juuoof the same year, another note nl ninety days for iwenty-dvi huudred dollar*; and on tho twenty , KK -_)y noxt, Darien, bo- tba ImnrovimihU ih#|*9'n7sH't»«ted t aadbslng B |ii W iha city of liarinn. Also, a small houie, with outbulldiiiKS also in the city of Darien, near Um lino of Meluto.U town. Hold as the property of th# oMata of fho laio Arnos Ailing, drceas«d,for thobonodl of hi* eradltors or **'•• ^smxttaassr Dxnen, May Hlh, IBja. may Ifl lal hours of sale, Iha fbllhwlng property, to will the trunawlek Canal, altuxto, lying ami being lu thaeounty if Glynn, exit tiding from Turtle river to the Altatnaha G IiYNN HHUltlFT’rt MAI.K.—Will bo told on tho Orel Tuesday In August next, lieforo the Court House door In {ho tow^ojrgflitaiwlck, betwesn llin lo- of Hlynn, exit tiding frin ... river, together wllh all the looks and works apporialm lug thereto, aud appurtauaneos tliorcor,. l,evled «n a« ilia propariy of Iho Brunswick Canal and Rail Ifond Company, to satlsIV a B fa, In fhvor of Robert Collins iHuedputuf tho Honorable Hiuwrlor Court of said county. JO UN p, LAMB, su.c, Jo l»—Ida . i i.v'NN «AT7K=or„5iisa=rviins U sold, on Tueadat, July Jil,.before tho Court tlouso door, In tho town «r Brun>wlck, brtweeu the Irtfal hour* of aale; the following properly, lo wltt dm Brunswick «.anal, situate, lying and being In the County of Glynn, extonnlng irotn Turtln Hlvcr In tho Attain alt* tltver, to gether wllh all the hocks and Work* appertaining therein, ami appurtenencee lltereof t levied ou as lire properly or the llruniwlck Canal and Railroad Com. M lo sotlrfy Iwo B.fas^ono lit favor or Hugh Frasier , and (he other in favor of T. Pinckney linger, Is- sued out of Ibu Honorable Bunerlor Court ol tnld coun ty. JultN P. LAMB, e. o.o. Jun 8 _ G hYNN HHKRTfV’B BA—Will bo~SOlll~Oli tho Br*t Tueaday In July next, before the Court tlonw door In the town of llruniwlck, between tho legal hour* ol ealw, the following property, to wit t the Brunswick Canal, situate, lying ami being In tlio county <•( Gly mi, extending Iron* Turtle River to the Aliamaha River, to- gelber wllh all Ibo tocka and works appertaining thereto, and appurtenance* thereof, l.evledou u« the property of the Uruuawtckt anal atcl Rail Road Com pany. to satisfy a B fa. Issued irom the Muperior C».urt of said county. In favor o| Thomas Golden, v*. the Uruuswlck Canal aud Rail Hoad Company. AUo to satisfy sundry B fa* Issued from tho Justice s Court In the Vdih district., G.M. In said county In favor ol Tims. Golden, va the Brunswick Canal and Hall Road Com pany t Andrew Thetford v*. the Msiua t Itetdamlu 0. Franklinv».thn Mamet FrankHn «t Harris v*. Hit Damn. Levy mada and returned to ins by a constabU. JOHN P. CAMII, s. a. r. June 1*\, 1855. Jt it—Ida ■jTTfNH BhBHirrs »ai.b.-\viii i» h u on tho TP?«VllOlijjil, ooi*li>liiiii[’ ,7. Ifomeatlo Manufscture, to which It SattUlcrw IVarehoune. Voting** Building, Sign of I he Goldin Saddli. orroatrv w.a.siMNoNi cr.oruiao stoaa. w. H* MAY A 00., Havaonhaud a good aisortmantof Haddlst, Bridles ami llaruesae,, ofwblcli tho follnwlngcowprlse a part. HpdnlsliQu||t(.d overlaid and Hlinfion.Baddies, Plan tar* largo und estra large waddlett Men's plain do.t Rnullihdo.tli.iya’aiidRaco dm; I,allies' Houdlca ola variety orpatiums: Bridles A Marlongalea;dsddle-Uags, Trunks Ac., BADIM.RU'M M ATHIll AI Jt.—Saddle Trees, Hklrtlug Slid lloghkliis tTad do..Btralnlug aud Worsted Wob| Thread ntid Murks, assorted sixes. IIAUNKABKB,—Coach,Itnrnttahe,Buggy and Bulky llurm-sse*, of all kinds, hy tho single sel. CAIHUAGi: rillMMINUrt.—Barouche, Buggy and Bulhy Springs and Axles; Path Pi nines; Hobbs and llowa, by ihn*lnglesM; I'lalml and Brass Slump Joint*', plain do.tpntini Dash lomUier, Topand Curtain iln.t broad ami narrow Ucos, Variety of palierni; Bilk and Worsted Frlngestblack and purtdo Coach Roans; Hug- ay l.nmpatl'lutudaud Uras»Carrlage Bands; Hrassaml Plaliul Kunbs, Ac. July W second day of July of the same year, nmtlicr note at ntnetydays, for the sum of Bve thousand dollars; nud on t il - X first Tuesday In August next, before thn Court House door, tn the town of Brunswick, between tho legal hour* of sale, the following properly lo wit: Parvis, the toveulh day of August oftheaarae year, another note ‘ a negro man. about forty vraiaof age, levied on aa tho at ninety da> a, for the sum of threo thousand d>dl«r*;aml ! property oi William A. Hal lent, to satisfy a fl r on iho on tho aante day and year another note for the sum of, •foreefoturo or a mortgaae, Isaued out of iho Inforfor two thousand dollars, at ninety days. Aud It alio ai>-1 ( ; nur t •>• Glynn county In favor or John P. Bcarlutt, as- pcarlng to the Court that there Is still due and owing to 1 *’• ^AMU,a. u. »-. aald The Marina Uank of Georgia on aald two Pitta of Exchange and said promissory Notes, tho principal aunt I of forty-one thousand al«hi humlrod and snvoniy Uruuswlck. .May tQ. IMS. 'll / til ATI! AM MlIF.RIFF’B HAI.I^-WIII ho srddVbo ^ ... ■■■/ ly fore the door of the Court llouso, III Ihe City of Hi,. dollarsaudilxiy-two coma, am lhe aum of two thouaaud vguuah. Count) of Chatham, on ttw Brat Tuiwday lu one hundred add sixty two dollars and efovon cents, for July next, between iho legal hours of sale, oiio-oighlh Inn-rest imhodntoof till*ruin. —— — * * ■ - ■ ■ It I* therefore ordered that the said Wyatt W.Htarke do pay Into this Court, by the tint day of the next term thereof, Ihe principal, Intereal, and,coals duo oa aald Hills of Exchange and'on said uolea, for show cause to part or all undivided plnntmbm nr irncl of land, sluialQ on the Ismiid of Mkidatvny. In tne C-.unty of Challmni, Mtatoof Uoorgia, known as the llhmpton place. The aald plnntnllou containing seven hundred and twenty acres, iimru nr less, and hounded on the eniuh by luinlt the contrary. If any he have,) and that pnihe failure or of theestatu Warlng.nn the west by lands or lllrmn aald l\ yatt W. tMnrko to do. tha equity n| redemption |tobnrls,jlurmerly belnuvln« to Mlltege a* then aupintn-d, In andI to said morfonged premises be forever thereafler north hy BkMawav river and marsh, and eas by Rum feb 8 >I^N . MILl.RN.ii. OT ATB OF GRUKUI A, O Cnargais Co. Whereas. James L. Smith will apply at theCouitof OnRnarv for letters of Ppintaslou aa Executor ou the •state of Sophia Evans, deceased. . These are, therefore,Incite and admontah all whom It may concern, '»ta and au|n»ar before s-id Court to tnaka obieclloa (If any they havei on or before Ihe Brat Mondaylu August next, otherwise aald leliers will bo gran tod. Witness John M. MHtan, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham Coanty.thta Bret day of February, tKA. fab8 JOHN M. MILLRN, o. c. c. CIIANCEHV NAI.EOFHF.AL PSTATE. Henry ItfOtios and I.. F. Ragsdale, Executor* of 1 Henry l^iurs, Hr.,dec'd. and Elisabeth Itng-dnle > ei the Heirs u Pevlrcos of Henry’U V pt'##U ANT To the decree pronounced in Pita cause, 1 at the April Term, If.VS, ol the Chancery Court nl Khoxrllle, I will proceed to oell nt nubile outcry, to (he highest bidder, oil tha premise*, oo the 14th day of July n>-xt, Ihe lauds In iho pleadings montlom-d, belonging lu the estate of llniry (.ones, S*- ., deei-;i«ed Bald lands will bo sold lo parcel*, or In Ihe aggregate, as roar be d vetrml most advWable on the day of sate. Tho abovolainl* will bo sold on a credit of one and two yearn. IbuuN, wllh appioved securny. benring intercut from date, will l»- required for the |>a)nit-iil of the pur- | chase money. *.')4 per cent, of IJio purcha»u inniu-y will _ be required to In- paid on Ihe day of svle, in un-i-t coil*, oWecilon (iriny they have) bn or before the first Sion- Ac., and aRen will be retained on the latidaiill the pur- day lu August next, mherwts# said letter* will bo 1 chata money is paid. These Und* are situated nbouuwn J ° t .11.1 ■ half mklu -•—* l * * * ----- - - ... STATE l^OtORO'A, j To .,,. h „ m ,, m.yconcorii; Whereas, liantalHIake will apply at (he Court of <>r dinar) for I^Heaa disniisaorv as Administrator de bonla «#n on theestate of Arthur lley wanl, deceased. This# are,therefore,«o cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and at»pear before aald Court to make barred and foreclosed. And It la furl her ontexod that this rule l>e published In one of Ihe public Gnseitcsuf the city of Savannah one* a month, for four months, or n copy thereof nerved on the said Wyatt IV. Shirks, or hi* special Agent or Attorney at lenkt three mouths previous to the next term of till* Court. True extract Irom minutes. JNi). F. Gif (UM A RUN, Cterk. Bacon A I.avr, Alt’) a for PutlUouor. fob :t iatno4 lev marsh. Then-me having been levied on to sat isfy a mortgage fl fo, returnable to the Honorable • .tint- liaro‘itperior Court, tn tnvor of Aiken .A Burns, for the use of Jnhn Bilbo ta. Hampton l.. Dllbo. Property pointed out In said B la. • A. THOMAS*, a. c. c. HherHfa Office. May 8f», )KA. mayfo'- td* C HATHAM BIIKRIFI ’AHALE — Will be sold before the door o| iho Court llouso, In Bavannah, couii’y of Chatham, and r*lato of Get rgla, oil Iha Aral Tuesday In July uex:, betwe u Iho legal hours of sale, Iho-c two lots of Land, situated In the county of Chatham and Btale of Georgia, ami known aa I^Xh Noa.nln.-ieen, (Id) and twenty, {&.•,) Fair Lawn, near >nv*nunh, coutalnh g each leu (Id; acres, more or lets, with Ihe Improvements and appurtenance* thereon; the tamo having been levied mi to satisfy a mortgage fl fa, Issued out * r the mi parlor Court of Chatham cuuniy In favor of Alexan der A Bmets,Treasurer of tbscbath m Mutual Loan Association, va. Beujamln R. Uanlell. Propcily pointed out lu said fl fa. Juno 8—Im A. THOM AH. a. o.c. •tod. ; and a half miln nortlewest of ihe ciiy of Knoxville, on : the main r>ud leading lo (Union ami Jacksborough— ! they are well watered, froth for stock, and with a num- * Witness. John .M. Mlllen, P.tq., OrdinaryforChatham | Count) this flrat day of February, ISM. ■ . . —- - . ----- , .... ftb8 JUlIN M.MILLEN.o- c.c. i her of gmnl springs. 1 here I* upon the place n largu utimher fourteen, • 14.) south by M number »lxty-sl*, — ” — 1 ' ■ ■ — l .tfl-hnPit of flu# fpiltl Irim.-fttiil Dim Intuit I.m.-.i M... 11 I fill \ f. tl. I Wi*tl i.i • .Ifi-nl ...I. i ,1,0 (..I — I. I _ ■ C IIATUAM FlIKRtPfB BALL.-Wtll be sold he- foro the dour of thn Court (louse in tho Cliy or Wavannali, thu County or Chatham, ami flute of Georgia,on thu first Tuesday In July next, between the h gM hours o' sale, that certain lot of land, abu to In 'Im City of r-avannah,County ami Statu aforesaid, west of Farm stmL.and known -lit tha plan of John McKinnon, at lot number *lx'J-flve (HA,> containing onu hundred and ten (If") feet, by ono hundred (U*l) fort being bounded u->*th ti> New street, east by lot S T C«ATMA■*Co RO * A, j To * 11 whom it may concern Whereas, llervolett P. Aiklnaon will apply at the Court of«>rdInary for - eitert Dtamlsadry as Adminltira tor on Iho Estate of Thomas Atkins: * The** are, therefore, to die aud admnnl h all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said ('purl lo make objection (If any they have) on cr before the first Monday la October next, otherwise said letters will be •ranted. Witness, John .M. Mlllen, Itaq.. Ordinary for Chatham County, this fifth day of April, I8SS. — - JOIIN M. MILLRN, o. c. c. I orchard of flue fruli trees,*Mid tha lamia have been well j cultivated. Th-r« l« a c nnfurtnblo brick dwelling houwj, and alt uccoa«ary munuttdtugs, lu good repair, upon th* place. In all respects H Is one of the most desirable farms in H e country. A plot of the lutids cun be seen at the (•Rice of tho Clerk and MuHor, at any lima. Tho whole irncl containsata.ul Boo acres, and Is divided Into tracts varying front Ot acres lo-JId. II. L. McCLUNG, r. A >t by BAMUKL A. Wj|ITI* n n. c.Sc w- May 81. 183.1. may-Jd aprd * S T * T «.«»W A -1 T» -11 ulwnlHm.) cuflcrn; Whereas, William M. Davidson will apply the Court of Ordinary lot Letters Dlsmtasory ns Admlnlrtra- |or OQ the E-ute of James Frew, deceased: These are, therefore, to cue and admonish all whom It may concern, to he amt appear before said Court to mnko objection (Ifaoy they hXrai ou or before the Hist Mon day In October next, otherwise said letter* will be ('id ) and west by a street sixty (fill) f fl et wide ; less thirty (3b) fo-el of the eastern purl of said l -t; with the bliUdlng* and appum-nance* to tins *atpe apper taining or belonging : the same having been levied on lo satisfy n mortgage fl fa. Issued out of tho llo'-nrnb'e, the Superior Court of Chatham lount.v, in favor id Alexander A. Hmi-ta,'Treasurer of the ri>aihaiu Mutual Loan Association, va. Beymour llsrrls. Proput) pointed mil Dim U fl fa. A. THOMAS, a. c. c. to 8— Into Jy t4 NOTK'l* i tillHRIPF‘8 flALL—Wllfbe sold on the RECEIVED IIV j'OlN M.CooPEIl A CO., Thursday, Juuu 7lh. S RRMOVBi.f n«v. Icltubml B. Rpeficor, D. D„ with - a sketch of hta Life A School of i.lfo ; by Anna Mary llowllt. A c,immnii|daco Book of Thottgliis, Mutaorlcs and Fancioa t by Mra. Jametmi, Leave* frtim a Family Journal; from Ihe French of Emilio Houvusire. Plays t by Anno Cora Mowotl—now edition. The Cornell pi: ■ Tolo of the Umpire t by Alexander Duma*. ^ Thu Controversy between Senator Brook* awH John Hughes, Bishop of Now York. mox« or Kenneth ; by author of ilulr of Itnd'dyfft. Castle Builders, do do do Two Guardians do do do My Bmvhei'« Keeper l by A. H. Warner. Mummou ; or. Hardships of an Heiress { by Mr*. Gore. Life and It* Alma. O’Hpherlv Papers t by William Maglnn, L. L. D. History of Hwltiorlatid t by II. Ztsliokee. nous, HIULRy, JGNR 5lh, lw More i MtMHTL , loodt of Foreign god - c ..„..j|to would luvltalho atlsmlnn nfpurchassri,and which ho offers fo tho trade on reasonable terms. Country Merchants visiting tho oily, will find ou un axamiiisilon, style, of grurda po- cullarly adapted lo lltolr inula. 1*0 8 WILLIAM «. FOOTE- •Jf Rt II AH if prlntu to choh OUlF IBO do h\t du MHURIIia. lea Rio '.ol do do do A SYNOPSIS of thu Moral Theology or Poter Dsna, ■a prepared for the lire of ihn Romish Hemlna- rle«, and students of Tlimdogy ; translated by Jno. F Berg. Tho PhPosophr nf the llttmen Voice, embracing Ita Wfl , . WCII „., l'hyslnto«lc»t IttatOT), together with » ay* em of prln* mcntluned,landing aud for sale from Core,by .. uliu Mrt.l.-U I'.lllfiiktli. In Dm Brl i.f nln-ill Inn nilT ■ > ° ciplea by which crliicism. In the art of elocution may borcuderrd Intelligible, and Ins ructfoa drflnlt* and comprehensive, to which mndddc a brlet analysis of aoiig and reciiatlnn, by James R*trh,M. IJ. Yoonh ou ihe Horse; by Skinner. A Treat's*-upon the Life, Wala and Triumph of Fatih: by Rev, W, Uotnaln, A M. Afloat ano Ashore; a »ea tala by J. Penlmoro Coop er. Miles Walllufonl, a seiptrl lo tha above. .Blanche l)enrwn><d tn Inlo of modern llfo. 1 hu Conscript, a Tale ol the Empire, front tbs Preach of Alex. Humus. Glunotnnn or iho Htmlli* r f Barqioga and Romance of tt.« Rovobulon, by I'wk Clinton. Julia Maii’fleld or thu Fate of Mothers, by Osgood Bradbury. Pulliam’s Monthly Mngatlhu. Frank LeslU-s’ Paris Fashions. For lain at Julian I3» CONORKS3-BT. nun tnr.vriiYJiCN. O il, Dr’.t-f Memoirs of Lmlnem Americans : hy Uu- lug: liiu-trated by Howards of 10 • engravings. Harper’s and Pulliam'# Magaxliiut for June. Iho Conscript t by A lex. Dumas. Lives ate' Times of Hie Chief Justice* of the V. 8.» by Henry Flanders. I.ninUcnpn Painting Dt Water Colors : by rt. Bar nard. Tim Two Guardians ; by tho author of the Heir of Pedrllffe, Titles for Mariners: by LteuL Trlst, author of Loa Gringo*. Anecdotes of she American Clergy ; by Hr. Belcher. Arnh art Nights, with HO tlluMtaiioi.a. Mr*. Jameson'* Cumit«>» Place Book of Thoughts. 1 -“--a from a Fatuih Journal. W.I IIORNT. WILLIAM* Lei granted. VVItltom, John M. Mlllen, Fire ,Ordinary for Chatham County, Ibis flfUi day of Aj«rtl, 1B33. apr 0 JoilN M. MILLCN. n. c. c. ■ j. a. nairey, line .11 <-numsin county, uoreaseq, are , .. ia , nf .' u4hl , nf ' h ' _ noUfl^Uo prespm them, duly attested. wllbln lha Umw l f prescribed by low,and ol persons Indebted rVlltpleusc 0J , „„ Uiu „ r j„ 0 . ||. CufJhedgo. to -1 s make Immediate payment, to 1 - ' • -• • ' - D. F. HALSEY. Adlnr. Savannah, April 18, IP35. aprlU NOTICE. T IIRRR nionihs alter dale application will be mode tn the Plun'ers' Hank of this city, an redi-vm n C" S T Em E .? M r .2 o“S?T,• I Tn.llwbomll m.,concern: Whereas, Albert G. Porter, Administrator. wl;h the will annexed, nf Maria s. Xlallory, late of said coun y, uoceaswd.bat applied to tho Court of Ordinary ol **id county, for Loiter* ol HliroisGnn from aald Aduinllt t ration l Thoao Are, therefore, to die and admontah all the kindred and creditor# of sate deceased, tn dleth.lrob* tactions (If any they have,) In my offleu, wn hiothe time Twenty Dollar IBU ol that Bank, the rtaht lwnd half ot which hat been lost. The fell hand half is numbnred BI4, leUrr A, and signed hy W. II. Mercer Cashier. Havanuah,Jati.SU, IMS. JUlIN B. ARNOLD, opr 3 !aw3mo .NOl'lCE. A LL Persona havDg claims against the Estate of BA.ML - ‘ leg cl* • I'llll.BRICK, late of Chatham County, deceased, will present them, properly attested; and ml Indebted to said Kslatotn make payment to my Agent, Baml P. Bali. ELVIRA P. flllLURtCK, may I Administratrix. BAVANNAH,liJIh MAID'D. 1833. ,, N . .. - rritRGG month* afterdate, appltcattnn will Im made prescribed b) law, other wire said Icttoro of dlsm.srlon . 1 Ulfl t|.„ k u , m* s ate nf Georgia, at Bavuunoh. wUI bo granted to tho Mldapnl cant. ! for the paymeof t a v-10 Hill, No. «i ( .letter B, p..yable Witness my band ood oOclai • | ffnsture,thlo fob .lay t( .^^.r.ta,mo. M Newton, A. Porter. Presl.lrnt. t. K. vf Aprlt.A.D., IW. JAMv-m KAHN. 1 xefft. Cashier, left hand half of which baa b«en lost or •Pr7 Urdmar* a. c- ; U^etroyed. W. P. NaNCK. Frankfort. - - - 1.VS.V lot 1 ipiOTtHimrnrsnrer 1 ijierty of Jno. II. Culiliedge, to «*tily a mortgngu fl la, out of Ihr superior Court of Cliuilum County, lu favor of James M. smith nud John Bt»dd ird. Ttusieea. A. TIIUMAB,*. c. «. June l-td« IIATIIA Vl AHERIFF’H A A I.I—Will ba'anuTim _ the k’btli of June, in theelty of Bavannah, cmtn'y aforesaid, ot thuelure Iniely oecupli-d by U, Abtaliutn K Broitu-r.sUiiato In Bryan Mirei.ulot of retd) made Clolliinu, frunka, Jewulry. he ,fkc. f.evted on.l>) vir tue of »tn exocuilon of loreclnturn. returnable to tho llonnratde Inferior Court nf t hstham county, In f-nv..i nf A. MimIo 4s Brother v*. I), -thrahant k. Ilrmiu-r. Property p-itniod out in ra*d raortgiuie. 8alu to coin menreai 10 n'c.ock A. M. and contiouo front day to day until all Is disposed of. A. THOM Ad, *. c. r. Jo 13-Ids II4IISKN I lit III It* l IIOOK.Nl • 'Received hy ", s. smiley, .may 3, inw. Ellon .Morbury.orthe Adventures of an Orphan t by Emerson Bennett. Mnmmou, <>r the Hardships i f an Heiress: by Mrs. Gore. Handy An l>,— Lever's great book. iK-gt-nd*and Stories of Ireland.«»r Paddy Mullowp- ny'a Travel*: by Lever. 1.1*11(1*0 Last Mullet: or ihe I'rlreof Threo Live*, Clara Hopkins,ora Mirmrof t lly Life: l>y Osgood Bradbury. Graham's, Ptiinain'i and Blackwood's Magazines. Le*lie-vLadies'l-ax tie. Godey's La Les' Book, » superior numbei. For sale at may 3 133 CuNGRLflfl ST. ~ iianciiiir r’s I ITER • BY and IH*toriC4l Miscellanies, Essays and J Addresses flvo. • |A_Journey tlinmgh the Chloere Lmptae i b^ M. llac and IhltH-t; iiivvolunn* withnntup. Miranda I'lllotl: liv a Indy of Georgia.—3d edition. My Bro hei's Keeper: by 3||*s tvaruer, author of Hollars and 4 'elite. fhu Ittrtl tig and the 8lave-, by a Mouth Carolinian. 8.1 edition. Annals or the End of the Ifllh Century: Df. J. G..11. Itnmse). Ilciulntaceiicea of t'bsrK-tinti; by Cbarlo* Praser. 'Dips of ihn Baltic, of the Black Sea, of the Crimea, 8el.a»toj,«|, *.(, llistors for Hoys; by J.G F.dgar. mav HI W.TIHiRNK WILl.lAMB. smw i«4*i*ii.s RECEIVED UV JOIIN M.CdOI'Ell 4t CO., MONDAY A Pit. i. until. II si tiers' Magazine lor .May. 160 dn fata 73 baks < *ld Uovrriimenl Java AU hhds fair, prlino and choice New OrleansBugaf 80 do do do Porto fileo do l&tt Ltd* A', B la O clarified Ml do do . and powdered Ml Midi prime Cuba Molasses 130 bids do NO do f.W do N Y a'eam rlfluvd Mo.astee . 10(1 «|o UalUmore Flour . 76 do Goorgla dn KtU da' Sugar, Butter ami Bods BtacuUa 60 boxes ttod* and Milk do UU bids llbilon Crackers 3mi boxes No. I, pale and family Hoop 60 do Co gale's and Bedel's Pearl iMarcb (IK) do Uedol's and other brands Talllow C'am!|ai| I6u do Aitamaniliie do AU do Judda'a Mott H (terra ila lou co Gran' * Williams' Vs and (Fs Tobacco I0O do nouliu lump Tobacco,ataortad brands III care* Indian Queen do 8U 3 lb. boxes Wedding t.'s.k*Tobacco 3u gross GuinIwIu's Mmoklng do U0 half gross boxes Yellow Uank Tobacco, chawing 30 boxes Negro Pipes At) do bunch italilhi • - ft) do Durkey’s Yeast Powders, In Jrflb fc cagt .’t) do Fla orltig Ex (recta lo do Ground Pepper It) do . do Aliaplco 3l> haga Black Pepper in. do Altapico OT half cheat* Hyaoti Tea, In Mlk lb. packages OT do Black do du • do 4'i call)* Hysouai.d Oolong ea,ln04c lOfc.boxea wu but* Rectified N U WuUkey mil dn E Phelps'Gill 60 do P 4s It connvetleut River Rye GId 100 d« N E Rum 33 do Imitation Malaga Wluo 73 do MnuuugalicU Whiskey 50 boxes Ben Ruarel's Neclar Ambrosial WhtakrJ 6U do Cognac Itratidy dW do Part Wluq -83 do 5laderUd» .Vi X and X casks imitation Cognac Randy 60 packages U pipe* V and X casks French Brandy 3 pipe* Holland Gin I puncheon ."coteh Whiskey I do Jamaica Runs AO bbla American Braudy 30 M Havana .-egars 100 M American do 83 M Cheroot* do 83 doiett Broom* Ail do Painted Palls AO hhds prime llscon Mldce 30 (jo do ' do Hhouldera AO bbla Mess Pork; 50du Prime do 80 half bbla Fulton Market Beef AU Luxe* tmUatUnt CdgUtb Dairy Cheo«o .30 bags Almonds, Brazil, llaael 4s English Walnut* Hull reams Wrapping Paper. Togetiie* wllh a general assortment of Goods, not icntluned, landing aud lor sale from store,by asr 14 «s PALMES. Mill A It. t'OI'FKi:, IIA CON. S-V. Ac. R lHX"MHK. JOIINMUN k have received by Inte arrival*: you Uhls and OT hhds elarlfled and refined Sugar OT bhds choleo t ta eaus do 13 do fair Mti.cnvado 83 do cho'ce Porto Rico 33U Uhls Flour &t> do Georgia do, extra 83 half bbls rxira Canal Flour Au hhds choice Bacon bidra 8U do do Uo hhouldera 83 bbla Mess Purk,OT do Prime do 13 tlo Rump do . Ita) do NO .Molasses, Sot) do Portland do AdhhdsCvtb* d«, 80. nskscbi.ic- llaltunoro Hams fion lroxci Pale floap. vou do No. I do AO do Pearl starch 73 do Adaraam.nt Candles 83 do Sperm do AO do assorted Candy, •• Re) fluid's " AO do quarts and pints Chtmpaguo Cldar All basket*" llel.talck" do 30,tHMtrlu)lceHponlsh begars (ou.lKMi half do do 100,01 u American do 3*mi bbls Whiskey, rectldni iuo do F. P Gin, 30 do N E Rum AU do American Braudy 6 half p'pe*, 30 demtjnhi.s and 83 boxes cbotea old Aladelra Wb.e MS Imves extra ctinlro old I'randr 5 qitarlercosks very superior Sherry Wine, Au (li-rnliohits pure Ml. fr.dx It mu OTu boxesTubarai, various brands An kegs laird, 85 bbls do 83 fonts Loaf Sugar Ao bbls Crashed do 13 do Ground do 83 quarter chests llyv>n Tea 5o ch'I.Ijs choice IIlack do 5(*i bags aas(«rtnl MhOl UK) kegs Dupont's Powder, for sale as above, apr 10 MOCTOK YOVR«BL» The JPoeket WuenlapiuHi OR. EVERY ONE MU OWN rilYa|r;l A jr — tflKFortteG* Edition. W/' /a logDlseaastawd Mslfc/fWf ’* V ifl °f ‘he llarnsr. m abap Aod 1'inti! 7 . . t tl''' •ddml a Treaiti* »„ 4 mom ot a ro*skta%.l»t» r J* blgbw*rtmj^aM« people, or l h>.t* j* giw msfrUkt; by WIKI.lAM VtjfNo, M L Uitio till*/ beMUtaMu J-APK nt«. btsMtUd. save hid, from so «ar); ♦WltnMtbvPGCKLT JMGVLAFltk Let L* taring fnau a ba^n ed «>.v,) l( p*,„ f Jg J»l|f>le.nervousfeOlllif,. SMtbe wbMeiratts nf ”lt win entirely protect any resident or traveller even moment'wli^tronretur*i*!!-Vi in the moat sickly or swatapy localities, from any Ague, j li b* ■I;!?" ", ''•'( orHIIIIoua disease whatever, or any Injury from con- iftr^eoooni u. b« msrried.e. tw... ■tantly Inhaling Malaria Of Miasma. ■ . . •»._ . i-. . ... . i ——-.n, ■ ...ivia.iui ui C ft *'>1^ FEVER AND AGUE, NATi.iinw ilriu.isLi irrcinr. i ^OR lbo prevention and enroot Intermlttenlaod Re ’ mlttenf Fever*. Fever and Ana, Cbllta and Paver, umb Agat, Uenerst Mobility, Night Itwaate, sad all other form* of dtaMM whleft have a common origin to Malaria or Mlajma. This aubbo atmoopherte poison wnlehs al eortaln seatons. Is nnavoldaltly Inhaled at siVerr onslh, Is the same In cb»rsu«r, wherever ties- Isis. Nor h. Houih, Kaet or Wool—sod will everywhere K rld lo talk newly discovered ahUdute, which ta claimed . t»o the greatest dlscovary tn medicine over ramie Ihl# specific ta so harmlere that It may ho take* hy persons of every age, sox or condition, and fl will not substitute for one distaM othere atilt worse, aa lo-lod often Ihe reaull In Uiii treatment by Quinine, Mercury, Arsenic, end other polaoeoti* or deleterious drags, not a ((article of any of which ta admitted tato this nrepa- ratlon, Tt.e proprietor dlrilnclly claims there extraordinary rMiilurromiheuMbf this NATHRAt. ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. , read I hi .uely aseful fo^k "S'jnhiVuIlta! II vs if j Hislautly rhack the Ague In persons who have V err law s'oTgvata* ••forieeat* erea;*^, suffered tor any length of Ume, irom ope day Ui twenly sy Apf ,VVEHTV h vp, year*, so that they need never have another chill, by i efiSrel ta* Utrer will ... , , , . conGnutng ttause according to dlreethm*. SSCorivo^ JSS'oTwiHte loTu It will Intmediately relieve all dtaireeslng reseltaof addrell (oofioaUl »^ U wJ‘ * Billions or Ague d I maxes, .uch as general dsfollty, ?*?![!, f ' %, Ugn Jl?*?, nlelil ■arMBla. lie. Th. at oneefowles lo re»,«er **?« •>- Fh nlgt.t sweats, he. The patient at one#iwgint to reiser j appetite and strength, and contluuee until a periasaeoi and radical cure ta effected, FlusMy, Its use will banish Fever and Are from f«iol Bra and all classes. Palmers and alt laboring tun., by adopting l> as a preventive, will be free from Ague or Billions attacks In that segton </ the year which, while It la Ihe moil al- kly, Is the most valuable on* to then,. Ouo or two iMittleo will answer for ordinary cases- some may require more. Direction* printed In German, Freneb aodMpanlsh, ac company each txiUta. Price One Dollar. Liberal dlKounta made to the trade Trade circular* forwarded on application, and the tr til term* to NMKII'h liar VOI'JffJ •’hliedeiMuo. Vaiml Klnntr l‘l„*ir r rpHf< valuable addition u. egff .<4; \, u .„,, B I has inti with tl.. itm>*i mx, l{/ Plaster e»rr brought t^h.rr (fo '■ s«* lu Dele wilt be conalgiits) 011 liberal paitlvalu every aoelion of the country. JAB. A. niDJDEf. Proprietor, Providence, Rhrale Island. Auksts.—Now York,V. V. Utakeovr k Co., and G. fl. Ring; Boston, Wc-ebe k Potter; Ptiltadeiphl*. T. W. Hi ott k (font, Washington, Chu.Bcoll k to., and for sate by dealer* general)). mar 17 i*.w—wfetwCuo dn do (SC'OTTVN I,ITTI, KflCi 1A AT COHN AND COi; MILL. PATENTED MAY 10th, 1834. T UB aiUmfouuf Planters. Farmers and Stock fomtata In general, are respectfully called to this Mill as the most important article of tho kind now iu u*e, t./»l out) well adapted for grltaDng oob nmol for stock, ton grtal or flue itomtny forthetatdo, and bread meal from corn not fully ripe or dry In the f«*|. Jh anting this Mill, uo mechanic or frame work ta wanted, only requiring lo be fastened to a flour or plat form. Easily adjusted aud used by any body, even a child. The LITTLE GIANT has received the first nremlom* attbe tale Agricultural Fairs of Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and other mates, and that Is the m<>st e-.tu- pllmenlary manner, as well as the most ready commen dation frem the thousand* wltt css.hg Ita (rerfonnanre. These mills are guaranteed In the mmt posltlie man ner agaiml defect* nr breakage, ami No. 3 warrant d to grind 13 burkel* of feed |*er hour, with ouo horse, and offered at the low price of f&3, all complete, ready for attaching Hte team,—No. 4 at t*3, grinds 80 hasbeta per hour with two bor*. *• MauufiStured by SlNJlT k MOCKBEH. Augatts, -a. And sold by G. fl. CaMrrttl-D, Agent for the Manu facturers, 171 Bay street, flavannab, where the Machine May be Ken. may t Piaster fc»rr brought before Ihopuhl.c, The Adhesire In**', been for a long time open to Imp' hs* been ffs-qaenUy arreght a>i*r « »>• r i H UM tunc II,ought to l,aie o»rf»,.«., ,.., t . '7 con ten» ( | <0 l after tbe bn im . ., 4 , Ul has met ba* been found or i tr y 1,1 ^ than to co»rr abraded aurt*re«,MK pawnbr , e, iT. strength u» he used in imporun; ...., 'ITdi- eofiseitueiitly la- used »• a plaeter ( - FreeswosJ^ l® responsible cavItT... he. kr,. to wfoch p«r:-re. most applicable; tbe c*»m' r. Kit:,, be nse-f In these drestinr* wiifomt roi * -font/., vettivnce aid trouble, it hsvir.r ;t , a*»«. tfrip* and pi seed r.|># on theMber, m,«;i ifo p,-, cnirr»d end eten the m«»*t skilled atrt"-r. tw.t r« cully In dfes-lfijr wrKurdt on uneven tarfocex Ihe plaeter m,\ Lying even thd the pbe.) the j, •rtlon iha: rX)«rt. owing lo*lts red | ^ - flci*rrt ela-UcD) lo be (nonI-ted U» the pan* A ubjer'ioiiin ordinary adbeatte tlooi i, :t.,j ^ It I* tr—'• •-*— Hl.-ll LIN ENA AND DIAPERf*—3 case* Irish Lm- ' X ens. assorted; 5 do ass-med Birds Eye. Bassl* and . lluckalMick DtsiH-r; 9 do assorted Table Diaper; 8 do ! Linen Towels. For sale by mar 3 ‘ WILLIAM O. FOOTE. H ltirWN '•MIItTINGM AND AM LET!NGA.-.V) bale* » 3 4 tirowit Ahlrtlng-; Ita* do 7-6 d-i hr*v> do. flu do 1 7 H Aea Island do; 80 Un 4 4 do do do; SO do 4-4 a*-ortcd brown At.c4-l(ugt. Now landing ntul fur sale by - —- — mar 3 WILI.IAM G. FOOTE. J may 1 f simiuahomiw winiw COl.I.AItft. XI.EEVEN. dlV L IN Ita. Muslin and l^iwn, Embroidered Collars, Mlerk Crape Collar*. t atnPrlr and Muslin Embroidered Sleeves, Black l'ri|si Bteeve*. Tucked, Ifoierse aud Rich Embroidered, Lawn llsudkerrhlc a. Mourning wswn llandderehlefs, kc. for isle by HE > UV, LATIIROP k cO. may I ^ | 'LnUN . i-D organdy'Dreeeee, new pauerna.^ X 1 •• Jackonet •• •• Mantilla*, lllsck,<k.l-»red and White,new stylet. Black Grenadiue k Cbxliy. Plain ColM Jaconets and Cambrics, In packages, Ruff ana Blum Parasols. Grass-lo'hs. Block Nett Mitts. Bloc* Silks- frith :.tnen*. Bleached Mtlrtings and Aheetingt. Lt. PrtiiU, Ac. kc., Just received per stuamer : Florida. NEVITT, oATlIUUP * RuGKits. I Apr»* TV•MUeTIC LtQl ORA.-74 bbla N O WWitaf U 73 bbls E Phe):*' Gin ' 30 no P k II <Jo 83 do Rtandy 50 quarter cares Brandy, twtagbrvipa. 4th proof f 8u eighth do do do do do i M bid* N P. Bum 85 do LmUcr Felton's Rutn ' 83 quarter casks Hwccl Malaga Win# 80 eight* do do do do I For salo by BCUANTo.N, JOII.NBTON k CO | ephlO Pl» Hi:IDT fttti H AVE rcrelv,Hl per recent arrivals a alee *s»or. mem nf Gras* s.'tmh, Ptantet*' Linen ard White Duck Coats, Pants and Ve*ts. Also, a lot or Black Bilk Alparca CoaU. For Mta lostc apr 3W_ I.A 1% N OF GEOUb I A t> ASKED at the seta mu of 1*33-4. compiled sitth y J.Rutherford.^Prtre ffiXtC' W. TH 'HAE SV1LLIAMH. Motirninu do; Mi do Allen**. Dunne)'*, .-prague, Antcrl. Can, English and French Prints. For sale by mar 3 WILLI A M G. FOOTE. 0 >K A lit Tmic* Virginia wldte stanabnrgiT; . 80 hair* assorted brands do; 30 do do striped do; 8U do 1‘tan-taw Stripe*. For sale hy mar 3 WILLIAM O. FOOTE. I HINT Eli LAli’Nfl, JACON ED 3 , ke.»30 cases'** sorted printed l.awn*, American. J rsncb ats-l Eng- | llsh: 9 rare* Freneb Jaconet*; I do plain French 1 Lawns; | do do do Cambric*, l ur sale by 1 mar 3 WILLIAM G. FOOTE. P ANTALOON BTph'B —80 coses sported Cotton ade% American am) French; IndodnLlnru Hrllla, 1 ry brown Linen 1 iC. a.I.. I... aiMaoun. i 0UNHRIE8.—Jnsl received per steamer Knegsille asw^ted *’ til kegs fine ur»«hrn Hauer, * hhte. IriiUadviphia . . I,.... It. II.,,.. 1 .In (V.I«hI 1 M(JP£UItflK lOlllT-M'llIVL.I iU* 1 Agrll TvrtUi I Bad. T«« Mating Hang nr Gsnaota, v*. f Mortgage ■ Wrarr W. bra***. t 1 r Appearing to the (rrert, by tho petition of tho Ma rine Uank of Georgia, thin on the nuetfonlli day. of February, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, Wygit VV. burke end llarporC. Rry* .n,4co partners, doing bust- j nesanndor the name, stylo nod firm of Atarkc k iirysou, > [of the County of Chatham.) made ibelr certain lottru- loertl la writing, called a Bill ufExchangu. In whlciiih'-y drew o« Hollis, ritarke k Co, 01 New York,payable i to tbelr own order, tlxl) day* after sight thercoi, for the , sum of nineteen thousand, revrn hundred soil twenty ' dollar*, which Bill of Exch«nge waa *i<doriod byrtiaike ' k Bryson, ami delivered tor value itcetved totaeaatd, the Marine Bank of Georgia, nr-dm-lng accepted by 'he oaid HolU*. foarke k Co., Was al maturity presented lor payment aliheirqountlng room, and pay mem not t-cing ClIA’rilA.H KUft*t-;HM»tt CODIKT. MAY TKII.M. 1833. I W II ERE AA, Augustus Ooulliieau, Fewell II Fl*k« . nnd John C. Ferrill. smtimonod lo nltriid the * present May Term of this Court, as Grand Juror*, have 1 made default: It Is ordered that they he fined forty did- J lur* a.ich. unless they Ola good and sufficient cause of. excuu* uu or before the. flrat day of tbe next Term of! lid* Court. And wherear, Gtnrge II. Johnston, ru n- ’ vruv 'v. mnnrd In atlcud Hie present ila>-Term nf this Court, | — madodcfanll on 1I10 3Ulh day of May und tubir-queiiity ; ( BAVANNMI, Will M A Bell. Idflfl. . »i la ordered Hint ho bo fined forty ddlari unless In. do ' rpilRRB tuonihs afler date, application will tar ma in file good and sufficient canw nl excuse nit or tic-fore 1 to tho Hank of tho .“late o( G*—'* -* -* *- ' — •- Jl.ii.rn.ili i or'.So ll.rililitni nf UI Mr.. l'rlH’U loJMbr.r, pluton-Mm». J'or ..... !•> * mar 3 v\IL l.r European Celebrities, by William B o iho Ilauk of tho .“late or (luortrla, at Savannah, I tho Orel day ol the next Term nl this Court. And] for psyment of fl IUO Bill, datad 84(‘t July, 1810, pavablo w.trea*. P. M, Carey, Henry Mueth, Thomas Fiutth, F. i at Augusta, to Get». 31. Newton.signed A. Porter. Presl- \ A. Ponlnln, 8. E.Ilothwell; D.G. Phllhrlck. Janie* T. 1 Gore. Visile flfirngue. The History of bwlunrland, for thu bales, by lleln- rleb'Ascfoikkr. The iididn-rty- Parers, hy ihe late William Maglon, Annotated by Hr bhefton \Lirkr-ozlc. The Schoolnf t.'hrtv.: «r, ChrfstlanUy viewed tn La leading Aspect#, by Rev. A. L. H. Foote fogeiids mkI eforles of Ireland; or Paddy Mullow- itey’s Travels, try Hamtu-I (.over. Harj er 8lory Itenk, No. fi received. Puiiiain's .tiagutlticfor May. Graham'- '• ** •* apr 30 | plain, tnney and white; 4 cares hex' : llrlll.: 3 ItsJeaheavv tilanfora' Linen, . . I AM G. FccTR, ItolH ilo. KMtbb Wldte Brans, 4 do Dried Peschr*. 4 do Hrti-t Ahfdi-s, 0 bill*. Apples—Russets—6 do self, rising Floor, fl Cases Olive Oil, a fine lot of Cheose, flyrup. fcr , kc., tor salt- by Wtf . T. J.TURELKELD Aft. I x|t ANHIE8, WINES. Ac.—A half pipes (». H- k Co I> Brandy C halt pipes Sazerec and other brands Brandy 5 qr ra-ks very old Jran Ixtul* do 9 puncheons 8t- Cros Rum t du Jamaica do 4 pipes llollanu Gtn (choice) 18 qr cask# 3tadrira Wtfto 8 casks 8hcrr« do A quarter cask* Port do I n store and loraaie nv apr '■> *. V. tXsN.HERAT k C«l. deni, left band half having been lost nr destroyed. 8 AM PS IN I.ANU.R, Tu-ki'gi e, Ala- mar 18 May IV'.fl. « 0 « Wehh. John Full 'van, John R. Cubbedge, A. Brad- I l«-y and John I). Dullsnny. surnmniicd u> atUud the prevent May Term of IhUyourtan Petit aurora, havo ; madw default; it Is ordered Hull Huy bo Hurd tucnly : j dollars each, unless they fllo good and suffidenl cause j rtf escure on or before Him first day of the next Term of tins Conn. And whereas, Llgar ►eloimto#, summoned < lo attend the present May Term of its lo Court, nude mnxx'ed In turh a manner as to prevent h 111 from he ting. «n«t aim have around Ms neck a collar, with ihe madjB-tbosame^ wa* returned under protest (o tho said 1 owner's name plainly expressed nr engraved thereon: j ami if any dog I* or #h-ll be discovered going at largo IMKJN. RDM A NCP. Passed IHh April, IBM 8*cTloa L—I'M It "rdantod hy tlio Mayor and Al dprinen nf tho t.lty of. Havuttnah and ttai IIninlela , , ,, - . — tlo-reof. III I otincllassembled,and II is hereny ordained I'.T?"“/j?T^". 1 *1 * 1 f A, "J »V‘*. •«l*e«qiiewly } by'lie auihwrtiy of |h«-same, that no |)"g tqlt'e.l go ’ iwrtiy of Hie same, that no J)«»g »h«!l bo per il at I trim within the said c ty. unle*i im bn Urn Marino Uank of Georgia. And It also ep|*earlrig Rial on the twenty.eighth day of FobfUiry of Mm same \uor. Mm aforesaid ritarke k Brynn drew their other certain Instrument of writing, known *1» HlU of Exmauge, on ttai af-rc»ald ID.ins, tftaike k Co., at thirty days aflora'gtd, for ibo sum nf twenty-one thousand, live hundred dollar*, payable to their own order, which last IHH nf Ex benge waa also audorsnd and delivered to the said, the klarine Bank of Georg)*, by thoafdrosatd mark® 4l Urjouti, for value llboiil being so muzzled and without a collar aforesaid, •)>* owner o) such Hmr sliatt forh-lt and pay n sum not oxeeivling five dollars, lor each and every such off-nee ; and If any j«t*um ho Oltlen or Injured t>y any dog running nt tarpe, or Wllhniit the olicl<.*ure „f tf.u owner ihrre--t. tho rtvstrer nf such dog pr (he individual In whore enclosure snch d»g ta Usually kept shall ta* fined lit a *um not ezreedlr g ihlny dollars. 8»ct.1.-5iiiI t»e tv further uniat nod t»y the smborry .. at fo> dog shall b» permlord In ha brought Or come wlrinu thirty feel of (he Market IP.ore during i Market hour*, and any person bringing or • fforlng a di-g nr dogs in accompany him nr her. central> m tho provisions of this serltau. shall bo flned In n sum nut esc*cling Ihlr'y dollare. nvc+.k.—Itw tl forther ordained by the authority That the Mayor, or in Ids"ce, tho s.hul'iiian nf [ Council, dr In the tbsr-nen nf both of them, nny two Al dermen m«y at any time In hta or their discretion Usuo ; hi* Of lltert order it writing, to thu Marshal or • By Con stable*, requiring ihem in kill end de>troy for <111:0 ilme es ihe order sl.s l speedy, any onger dog* not nemm i panted tiy rim owner ti.vrt'of. nr (unxztcd a* aforesaid, 1 1 whle)> may nr si.all be ilisCuverfft nr lu any I square, s.rewi or lain-, or other piitillc plsrn wi bln the I I Drill# ol Ihn cily, and f r a dlrotadienre or neglect of! j such order, lire relit Mar-hnl nf any City ' 'onsiabln •hall he fined In n sum »mi eicenllng thirty dollars, and for a second plfence siisli bn«6»tt| lu a like sum, ari'l \ may lie dismissed fr< m office -. and any imtsouresUtUig t shall have tnspect.d and rvjvortrd un thr same ;ttient< nr Dm-rferlng wlllr tlrn said Marshal and CH> Coestat. In thepr-ipe'drwiharge nf *ah| dutv, cconllng In Hi provision* of Ihls ordinance,shall Ire flrierl in a •un exa-vOlng thirty dollars lur each and every offence. — —-. ” , , ; ' . . .. . i dsvi.,.—1,1111 11 1'iriiie, i,i in<< auwinri r recolvotl, end the aame trelng duly accepted hy llollls, gforesaiif.ihaf fo» dog shell be pcrmllird in lie brought Starke k Co .woe pre*« payment, and pat nient * - • " refuaod, and tho eame ww« reruntwd under nroteit to tbe said the Marine Bank nf Georgia, Ann It turther appearing that the aforesaid Wjall 5V Starke, H> order Pi secure the payment of the aforesaid Bills of Eachange. and other bills«r .Ikecharacter, and e«ri«la nofos then due by nlra h< the said iha Marine Hank of Georgia, and snoUi secure the faithful pay mvat of all note# iktrte/ltr lo im discounted by ihe aald the Marine Bank ol Georgia, for Urn ascnmmnda- lion of said Wyntt W. ••I irke, ami for and In consul- •rallunof the sum of Or dollars, lo him paid by die •aid, the Marine Hank „( Georgia, did, un Iha twelfdi day of April, in Ihe year one thousand right hundred and flfiy-vhrre, meke, earrnle and deliver lo Ihe said the Marine Hank *»f Georgia, hi# certain d rd of ntgrt- gegu.iumvnytnz to the »*ld Mm Murine Hank of Geor gia. among istlier property.-'all that pi n'alloii, tract nt parcel of land, sltuare, l)lng and oning in iV.-r|vrii ' Comity, In the Slate nf Geor/is. called and known as Mohfoy’aPoiMl, eon'alolnu lour thnutind acres, Otors fl* ' less, Itflundulon tlio North by flsvaunsh River, on other lidos try lands of John -‘•nllb, nf Htarkv h Taleoti, Jot, Pntlock, Uwtl *fol othm \ *|re, all that plantaihm, parent of Ismf.sltnste, lying and Irbuig In rim •oonljr ofdcrtaeft, Hutenf Georgls. known as "TackI- hon"con<alalng **ven thrmsand sere*, more nt les*. s ml bounded rat the North by Havannah River, on tbenihar aides by Brief • ,V#ok and by land* of Hr, Ha inn, and nf Berry Brannon t H the other real eetal* named Di aald ra"rtg(X# deed eel lying and being lit said cnunlr nf £t-riven. And U further app*#rtf»fta#l afler Ihe ei» cuHon of the efofesald deed nf mortgage, and nn Hm faith of aald mortgage.end Diconeequeneeof the secu rity oBered by tbe elan** In tho »*ld deed of monger*, that It should secure "all .and every note ami iimea.'' Ihereafler'rto be dtsconnied" hy tlm said, the Marine Hank of Georgia, "for Ihe accommodallon of rim s.ld Wyalt W< UUfka." the said,tas Marine (tank ol Geor gia did nn llm ihlrttran stay o' June. elgMean hnndfrd ood fifty-four, discount f<w aald Wratl W, fbnrhe, a iw'toat ninray flays,for thwsum ot thiee thousand dot- l*rs,*adfl0lh#iwenty-4h|rdd*y ol June nf llm same year, another note at alnety days, for twenty.Avn htm- drsfl dollare, and on ibo iwnniy-aocnod day of Jnly of thsewofOM. eaetlser bote el nlM-.y day* form* sum of flvotbOttaOod dollars, emt on the seventh day of Au gust of the sente year, another bote *1 ninety deyi. for the sum Of three thousand dottare, and on the same day hod year another note for Ihe eum of two thousand dol lar* at ninety dn)», and on (he twentieth dai of N»ve«t it ts ordered Mmt Itv-be fined twont) dollars, nn c** he file good nuiJ sufficient can sc of excuse nit or before the firs' (lavof thu lu-xt Term of lisle Court, And whereas 1 George J*, John hieljr, Joim Wickham. ' Follmrd.Gcoige Farica.Jr, Charles Ball, L. Wolic, j Hamuel .Msnsfl.-ldt M. J, Canidy, .--etli Wmelwn'd, und John Krislr. summoned In attend i|ic present .Me) lei in i ot Mils Court,tvs Talesmen ou the I'ettt Jury, have tnudo deiault; It Is orilerod that t'.oy be flood twenty dollirt eacb, uiih-ssihey III* good and iitOclent cause of excure , on»r bi-loiu thu (list day of thn next Term of this | Court. A ltd whereas, A. N. Roaonbcrg, •uminfliM-d to attend llm pre-ent .May Term «.l this Court as Talesmen j "" 'll" I'vtu Jury, madn default 011 tho twen y-lourtl* 1 day ot .May and autisoqurutly -, H Is ordered, that he lm fined twenty dollars,unless he I1|e good and sufficient causa of eveure. nn or baforo the Hr*t day nf |hn nrxl Term ol this Court. And whereas, Matachl Parrish. | •iitnntoued tn aiioud Ihe present May Term of this court, at Talisman on the Patti Jury, made defauli nu Ihe HK»nd day o''June; It Is ordered'hat ha Ik-fluid twenty Mollnrs, utdesa ha file good and suffiv-leni cause l of axnuso nn ur before Ihe Orel day of the nextTurin ol I hi* Court. True extract from minutes. JUlIN F.Ill’ll.MARTIN. Clerk s.c. r. c. Je 19-if <| il u rix 1111 ui) II «*|y u It* il o 11 • |<»r (Do |*uri ! •sffrtsis via nn nil- 1 ,'nOM ami after date, all vessels arriving In Havan. nah River, having disease on M-ard, or ii|hio which I there may have bran sickness during llm viqagr, prior ! (O arrival and solrsrqurnl lo tall clearance, are to ha I brought in anchor at Fort Jacks'll hy tha Pilots, and there Ibfnlue-I until eucb IDno as the Health nffi.irr ! CLlRK rtFGODNCIL'H OFFICH ) Havanaali.Juim 18, Ie33. { TtlMt niy MtrrUl ,nd City CriistaMre. Taka liotlre that lr<>m and after rim ei|.i'ai|on of forty-eight hours Irom thta data you are lirryh) rrqittr- t«* kid ***•' — —*»- * • • - - Im denll wllh •• llm rlrcilti stanras of the ease may ri quire. Vessels arriving from Ibo West Indies or fo.t n I ftonlin ••urn not : any slrklv port, must mom t<i anchor at Fort Jackson, I until visited by Ihe Haaltli Officer, when. If there be nn , ; a) mploius ot cause nf discs* apparent, they will bo pot. ! milled to proesrd "p lo the cllv. JOHN M. JnllN.TnN, M. II, Itaslth officer of Havannah Bavannah, May 13, |**55. •Ill*-: WA IT HM.n. A ,c«wnpanl.*it 10 rim l.aiupllghler; irn thousand co- . V plus ordm-d In ndvnuca—over foriy copies already •imaged. Cull immediately. Tho Wonder ml am| Mud Thrilling Adventures by Land and ft**, nf Uscur rinwnghal. The Llfo nnd Advctuurt-s of Harry Gllddou, U10 man nf many crime*. The American Bird Fnncb-r. (resting upon tbe breed ing. rearing, (ceding n> d niqnagrincut ol the Canary, and other Cairo nis.l Ikuisc ILrds. Harper's Magazine lor June. Graham'* II gnxdm for Jtina, 111 u-tiW 1-0.1’# do for May. Gleason’s Plclottal, kc llrtsltni and for salehy ms) 3u 8. s, slllLEV. i3..Cong'ea»slreol. IridlHGI ri.AMk IHAB-j. A CTHof the General Assembly of the 8i*to of Geor Via,pzs-cl In MDb-dgevl le at a Biennial ttasslon In IA5.V4. l.’ouiplled ami notes added by John Ruth eriord. For sale by • JOHN M.COOPRRk CO. II4MIT.S AM3KH4IF.N. IN e tine Just received an assortment of Gent's 11.iot«, Oxford Ties, t'ongrpaa Gaiters.In great va-letv; Patent Imath- er Pumps. A c. kc. All In want of a are Invited examine our stock. IIKHlTk IIAVVKIN8, Gibbons' Range. Ji'HiJ.i A»ii Jij5fjii;ii7i.«in», " R oHINsdN k CAMP have lurt received, and aro mxv opi ning, their -lock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Cnnalsttu'g of everv nr .tele requisite to a GF.NT4.R. M A N'8 WA It HltrtllK _ mar 83 M'SlUIIEh. Of | UlllMt. MACON MU Eh, O'* 8tl tshnilblrrt, Ml bids. Mvs pork, 3<i •• Prime P- rk, 8t»i bsgs Prime t.» 1'hole# Hlo tJoffco, 3u intis Cholre liiiner: 3" hhls. Iluht r • nu-kers, 30 •• 8ugar •* 3n " Pilot Bread, 8ft boxes H...U Biscuit. Just received ai d foe sale hy may It It Lm Mill', JOHN BON Ik CO. B LEACHED BHIRTINGB, kc.— 30 case# assorted bleached Bhlrtlhgi; ft do do do Drills and Jeans; ft do do do Diapers. For sate by ( _jnarft WILLIAM O. FOOTE. M "AI)K7bA WlNB.—Too cases (IS bottle# cacti 1 of I suimrlor quality,from Howard, March k Co In [ store and'or aale by PADKLFrtRD, FAY k CO. I Jan 13 c C "‘ LICUUOT C11AMPAg'NE.-150 basket » of ihls fk 1 vnrtio Wine. In store, and for sale by Jam.'. e PADEI.FORD. FAV fc t O. ! I ARF.BII tll'M DROPB.-3 cares fresh' Gum Drops, | 1. assorted flavor#, for sale by . JOB. M. Tl’RNrn, Agent, J feb 13 1ST Broughton street. 117 OV F. Litton Shirt Bosoms, received rid* day. by Y> npl 84 W3L V. WADBNVORTIf. S pTiOng and huMmer PLANTATION go?»db. Plain and Butped, e.rtton Osnabnrgs, the heaviest in Ihe Mare, Plait! and Birtpcl MarlOo-o, IIIhp Home- ipun8huiliitf Btrlpvs. V. 7* ami 4-4 Brown Shirring, Blue Rotnais and Colored Head Handkerchiefs lor sale by AIKIN Is BERN'S. apr8 . A lot oi small Itutber Rose. Just received and for sale by F. NN’. CORNWELL, may 14 IQ-J Itry an street. S DNDKTeb.—40 Nixes Malsv-a and Blcijy la-mons, 13 rh»s;s of sutwrior Tea*: to t>o*esFnlt)ii Tobacco;fl cases Ntrdinri; I cask line Balt (tn small mi ks); 3 pipes Cider ami White Wine Vinegar. For sale by mar I J. A. BROWN. P I’HU ML'BTARP.—? case* pure klustard.ol superi or quality, lit 18 6>. cans, nut up expressly for druggist*; also, 45 w>u a»#.»ried qualities Mnwartl, le amwlt Un cans, for faratly use, just received and for axis, • at New 3*ork prices, by JOHN INGERBOI.L. marOT Aeeni for Hudson Mills.New York. QOMMRp VKBTB.—White l.ineti Duck, and white t^ and Bmcy coloresl Ma're-illaa Vests, just received apl (7 ROBIN AON k GAMP|•*. ( 'AllAMPAGNE,|loldstck,Verscttay, Houche, .Anchor . and Crown brands. In quarts and wteta. for sate t y apr 81 MIND* k JOIIN8TON. I'lNE 1 otlTII iThl'BliEB.- A laigo auppty .L>HCil*h, I French and American Tooth Rmshea. F«>rsa *b; JOB. M. Tt'llNER, Agent, feb 13 157 Brnugh'en-streeL AY. OATN BIIORTS. kc,—800 haTea prime Ea-t rrn Hay, DM bushels Oat*, luu balev Northern Day,) bushels Bran, 100 bushel* hhorts In s.ere and for M-e by, apljf7 LYNN k SNIDER t)ACON, BEEP AND FLOUR —18 casksTeoi^wrea Il IUc..ii, llama, sides and sboublers; t? bbls p'tme Brel; ikai#»ck* ch<ucaTcnnesaeo Ffour, lav.vitabrands tu and for sate by LV NN k sMHl.t;. apr 80 I.I A YANA dlhV.Abs—iOOkl Havana'ScraTv ntilr'ld on which U is spread bring irsrer,..^ . keeps tha *r-u|,d or pert lo • bca'Cd r^ udnh.a s,4 qurntly suppuration lakes placefrem i) 'scans* ikku |( baa tK-co f.iurcl by the jnost e«1i#c*.t turgs-,« -i- Ntckr-l'a r.tasrlc Plaster overcome* at) the urtfriaretusi the comrarat Aci.<nr r.. ,, »*»**•» all the prr.j^rtU-s uo U,at soutl.'. a' «. u.«»»'! a* follow*; Tl.r- suf^ri'.rii) of the ITas-'c Ptasunwi. aisii. flrxt. In the ps*> mode of gpr.Hczt nn . rrrared case aud comfort srltb whirl. <)c» The Plaster tret' g l.lasiic. ea»1l» -.) , hsrrn of the surface on which it It eppt.oj. e.'.fo, nence or eavt). Second, Dr>m tbe op>t t*:ar»or m fabric It allows that neersaan atrour t • lake place, which egecUialiy j-rurt.i, t.n-,< ni, dition of lUmiai dr«*#t>l with piastr». t * Thirdly It allows a free ex ponton tr.dt/u.-srtPa n the tnuretr* and d <es nu) pres* npon iti r.»m y „ IraiH-de c< rental ion. The plaster I# made ron-e-astir Kre tudiruky. st<j it found of greet ads a ntage when use.; ,« a ^ wound*, sprains, varicose *e*r.». sritrr-is' rkstgt rhcumaiisre. iusatren ol the joretsaod •••*se whereexfunl srul constant sut-pert Is requ-rt-d. L retains it, bntd and uiiiiiv mart, '.nt<ger.m toe wouodtzJo n-d require veh frsqi«M rerirsreaeittg for Ihn tl*CJ »re perttcutarj- reromae:<t<lu the ore csf the army ere) navy. Bold hy JOBEPli M. TI RXEB.AfeM. , Jar. -.‘3 if 117 l!r'.orl '»r.-*!t*i EFFEitV»>* * >T " ~ .C1TRR PIIIVBIIU, I. UR pr.ri.icn g the NVu:ral Mixture, ur Lf«n«tvg 1 Be bog ^ There P.iwdef*. w hen OS**l according to duecuao, form t t«eu;-al » Ju'tfh . fOtr»ter.f p. aw '*( wb»>h.a* ao • fficretti reirzgera'-i * hore(:«, vtls- bnfuge. an- well hin.wn ar»5 highly a;4arc-atr^ Ty agr«-«-aWte hsrm in whirj* thei v -jir-1 rulx'u-t it tars presented, ha- a flec-divj advantage over the fsat.*.’ j -». psuri *a-’t «<f ( itra'e r»| Poterev, >ra-msch a# -.fsnt lure *-l the twnpowdrrs In forming u «dore,htartk a lively rffenesrenecof carlMsrflc *d4 gas. Iforsh) wv derl».„- tr.e tne.1 .cluegrateful lo He i4.taie.LU o mn. wt tr, and al rise *tme tftor sis. hily sumuiti u a* a ><rii. and mote pi.onj.t.y eflertua) .i> pr«<u< ?tr«r Sf.irs.n.n and lever JtTa*,,: t Ugt snter he •K-utrai mixiure made dir-etsi io-tt <*- ou*. the fr.-»t. 1* jit being, t,. many p arrs.'d ffic**. * pmcuresiid ri- Mi xture bringt. rerclres.'y 1 ,r.'y prejrarr-1. end onssrques.'.l) i.r.-. It aei. rs i<x Asa lehrsTwe-. nr diaphoretic, ri 1* {.rejsrstl. t> !» ’ te Wire l'"V ; > SUJK-rita O ri.e CCBJV' U iCrtveretfcg p..wdrr*, w'.lfii. by rie-r fottUIr atm. | <-duc« t-<> .1, more titsii.f art-atcof floda, err dtaagncatU iu r*,. • ta. ackisr.wlrdged t» have hiltatf any cOctanre :i j-v curing f^rsptrulon.azjd are coui*qut-t.iij rap cjf&tf r.'i saJe by JOB. M. TURNER, AyezA. etwfl TTTcTa 5*5 A.VfT-M OII |(I 114 TOOTH Il l'll. cj«HD*delicious article c<<tt.h or • re mahj wetiu-rt*1 I qualiUcsthat)( now has x standard fsvtv-.u with thi-cstlzs-n*of New York,pt.iiad,'; ma. I'ai a-f-rt- Pitisbnrg. and other ptac<*. Iset.ttsi* arc Ptjscuz preset t-c )V>ntb«lf pracLce mostsurctoafbUy.uAtM ertry sourer the ioi>X flaierij.g laudaJ u*ar« tnz%ri M. InflatTied.sore,or Lieedti.g gem* t,-e imaiCttiM* cure*! t’j it* u*<-; it# action upon then. 1* buW.m. mX-jV, and eCr-c:i» r II cJeaincrtb* teeth *.. ihore-ugrt) (hi; the) are made tn rival pearl it m encores. *i< g.ftsn through th«' mouth such a drlighuat "«-») res*. .11; Ua breari* Is reMtred exqu\»ilet> »w«k 1. s*^ t u,:« Instate* > rebel to the most noth-arU Tbef-BawIngl'eetiflea-.e Irom Dr.Owiton, a tbezt.'*-iz world-wide celebriiy,wM- hassaf>m!itr<l4.rarttcJ(U tfbrm'c*! *n»l)sl*. Ispr*>'s«&c.ri.tu><«tj«tucc uj .•ne ol it* *-.i|>cnnniy • *•! have ciamitred a battle o' -'7s»«*>'* A 6cfl«at-tt< 1«*c»vw Wasw/’amt find Uta l-tsucnta prepare'rer of an tntsoerct ei ararir* 1 t-ri-tre : *17 prove beneflcial for I bo pwrpsvse tl v>e»y»K JswasR CifttTs*. kt. R.c t vis Juvl received arid for sate by W. 55 .L1NL»'1 >. ■nr 17 Mnettraeot -cuarv. ll1;CKRBI r l'4RI5A. pp.r.pAitin rxrncMi.Y m k rAvnirk A 1>«-Iicu4c and Ayproprlnie lota Is: all .Vavetis. Atvd oueuf the tnovt economieat, wutriouv ttt <k(Ja •oroe pfrparath'ijs «5»r brought !»• We uvr. comb etrur Uir grabflr»D«>r> ,u the pi. 1 ale, wilh amp> and heal:) fvl nsMexutwceof the bods V'Tr.lCTl.Y SPEAKING. Ilorkers* fsrtn* ti nctar i' striisxvrt nor latattse b*it rt»u»r»tlv». etre-g-trraj the »tigv- ive amt jWtvU syvirm. it Iw*-^jtJi•: llnwels, D n'bcre, by>enten'. and even it raws if I rbolera, when Io-hJ Iv deemed admireihle hy ih» |4)t i cian. Deckers* rarina ranuo; fall to N avn. i*'. iW | wbrmr. kunWbls vx-.ei.v-.wely »»*ea •», Wwln *M prlvaia prec-soe. Tbe p of he*M «/ M pre.rnion of ••rkweas, »sot least »v l&p-'tazti* t» cnring ol dlWIW. IWpb m health sfo-od tl<* l ure IDcki is" Farina grewi» so n f.wd.iap'rre^t the l nest irw a trie b't*»leg. For sale by Grocers sod Drurgisu geswfaliy. 5V>- sale by CH ARM * P. |*»TT. N«-. IS CmaOheve* v * Baltimore; DINGLE E BnuTHlK. tr. S>*.» Tm* sired. I'hrisdeJpbta; *wd bv the Vanufof'nfrrt.nnl- ER k MS* 'Til I.I;. at lb* Cretan NOD,SY! iT*r*) sJ-crt N aw V at*. m |(3 i 'l'IUW."* i.MKWT BDCIII'.-A sper-aptw j dr for dire*res of ihe btadJe-, *p.‘r>e. lidrejs. »k urtnsr) organs »ls»0<'r dyspept'S, ckirv-a>r rh» 104".**- *h,i kflecil.msol it, *(-r Tbe tnsd'cure is eereestly rrcotrMtdGO rt* - •lci»n* a*,u prart-Hanere af mrdictne, *r.' '»# jrh • cam'll. at ri esu be o*e>1 by pee».ns re *,,am habit*; l« pletsau ta the d w "• be resflfb '*tn by ant pz'.ieill, so tasl'Sr b»w ad»free Eswayfew takirg wtediclwe. Fer sale by >»»■ -JB C Jt^IIX R \H>»KF k tV_ m ssTiirTi i.‘ i .>Vf »i¥»^i »7S t>. * . l'l^ following choice brands-. Csbarga, Tc\w Mart at, 1 cg'ltV. sslmilbn aflevvfol *»W » tsr*e l.a Gorglta, Ho du Rea, EsmereMa, I'xeetsior For I Burg csl In-trumvr.i*. of the b sale t>> may '.*3 COHENS k IILRT7.. 114) apr 7 II El . BROWN’S. cv-lved and lor sale at ma* I # j **A| t Ill'Sllfi.r.S prime Vi'htio Corn. 180 bbls Extra lUMImorv 1‘lour. 3isi bushels Slinris ; 8t*o do Bran. Rat biiebcta Gow Peas, for seed 30 bids Rum.Gin. Il'andr ami Whiskey. , Mexican Gnauo, in bnrr,-|s. or •<)- the ton. New 8 tiusbot 55 bite Corn backs. In store, and for sat" bv WAA’LK k CONSTANTINE, 1 Je 13 .ones'New Building. Bay -*l._ I \17lllBKBY.-ft0 bbls ••Deans"’M hlskcy, In store Vl Ml do "Plke'afttagnuUa" drain arrive, amllr • Use sera nf ivestljdlvo bnnflrsal rtnjtars. And it ap trearthf fo ihe fVrari lhal Ibrao I* sillldue and owing Co Ihw mM Ibo Marino Bank of Goorgla. no aald two HtlU of Exchange, and «avt prnmlsanry nnteo, lb* j>rto tlpal gum of four (nor 1 house ml, three hundred and #«it*niy-«lns dollars and silly Iwo cents, alwl Ibo aooi of four ibnuseMt sort thirty A vorMlers and eloven eenlg fur )M«rest to the data nf 'Ibis rglo fl ielbsrafororavfered.lbellhoasfd tV/sll W.Nterko do pgy Into this G tin, by ibe Hat day nf ihn next i*r« UMWOtof, tho wloripeMwlOftel a*! noeta flu* on aald Rllll of Exchaiige, ood ofliflld not*#, [or th»w cooao to tb* orartrita/Jf »ey ho have,] and that ».n ibo failuro nf Mid WyoU VV.Btarltaan (O fin, (bo equity nf mlemp' UooU**d W* eeJA^mortfuod promisee bo f-.rever JltlJ II I# fartbar nfitarofl thsi Ibis re Us ho published In on of lb# frtWI* fi**oMo# of iho IJHf of florsNoelh nmn « moNih for fora wouihs, raa raspy lhereof served QO Ihooefd Vr/oH W. Btarhe, or hi* sfseolol •««*« or ' jra^wroe month# previous 10 iho bolt Tifib, lit*. A true a 1 Iran from ibo ralaoU*. prilfl, l«l, uuetjf u. NHARfRt Clark, tsepek Lo^ Pltfuilf *• AlforcoyE -- - .. dvakrny for on# month frnm rids dal*.’ony dug nr dogs iu>; accompanied by lb# owner thereof,or muzzled, *• tirnvidevl ,.,1 by tbe nlsovo rrclted nrdt- hanco, wblcli m-y or vball be discovered or found In any square, street. other open otacu within Ibu limits of ih« rtty ot fiavsnnah. fall iml, under llic prnslly iirrsrrllKMl by ordinance. Hi utaoruf EDW. C ANDCRJHIN, Mayor. Jot. 55*. tlnazRTS, Aeliog Clark nlGoUncIl, Jo IH-0 _ ^ ANIHIIHnTi'II'P, '|M) Grant iwnolssbin loeeiloln persona lo make al 1 tarsi'"" ami additions tn ibelr wooden hulldlngs, and in rslteve mein from'he penalty "f a l‘!ro UfUl- nafoe. poasrel in ( ouoeil, June mb, IMAM. H krtint VYrn . N . rialrersham, Win. fl- Giles, and Jus. V. (<<pits<ai mode application l*» GuuhbI un I7ih Mar U*i past, for permtaslnn to make certain addlilnni lo Ibelr tvoodO" premises, etlnaleiL namely 1 5Vn». N- lUiuirsbein.on bd No. 4, Pulaski IVard | 55 in. II. Gller, on "I No, I, J*tper Ward 1 J. V. Connerai. un Im Nn. VJ, Curry Iowa, corner o[ Harris and Montgomery •(reels. Bold additions to lie made nf Wooden male- rtais, m set birth in Ibelr several appBratluos to I'ww ell. And where*#, nermtaelon wax grantad hy reenln- lion of i f.uirttl, in Hi* almvn natoed petara>s, m meM agfh raMlrions a* w>ere aei forih In their sbveral appll ealtons, uietti the fetlh ol whlob they have mode mn- Heels lor (hr eompleiloq of the work, whb-Ii, now 10 roroke, tnlfbl prove offiorfogs I"** abd delrlmanl lu ItwtN I— ntn. L-Meli ordained bylbo Key or and Aldermen of the (By of faysnnab ami Hamlets thereof, in Csiun- ctl Boseinfded. end II la hereby ordeload by ihe euilimt ty rd Iba o*mw, (bet Hoot ood afov tbe patrage bf Ihl* •fdloeocra Ibu aald Wm.N; llabetabam, 5V. II. Gltao •h4 J V Cone#raL bo hereby relieved from any and all MMliy leeerredsflatMifiOto ordlqoisre, byermtllogor M*lo« arsefod uniimmjm or odfllilooe lo ibelr wood- ON boraoe. of wnodeo molrrlala. el tooled, lying and bo lag mi lots deerrtOod M obovedo ibo oily of oavaNoeh, K tided tb* roofs Id tho same bo orsuerod with elate, , Un nr aomo ollwv iNoraNbMUWo NMlorifili ate. I—And bo It fort Ml ordained, Ibei all nrfllMo* 00s or ports of ..r.IlnaMsi mlillsHog asalhzi trtlo ordl M E a ^toSs,; ..... \* *>• MHANTIvliV A) (!!),• IVUOLKSm A1VD HKT1IL DltI'4JUISTS, coaaaa 1 t;.o • •iivaiiTON van (vmitzib* saiars, BAVANNAH,GA., Are now recolvlng a largu stock of genuine Dlll'GH, MEDH'INKN, i:ll EM ID A 1.8, PEIIFD- 3IEIIV, slid German rulogne, In great variety— faints, oils, 5Vlml"w Glass. Laiiritaid's Bnnff, ' amlrrih's new crop Garden Hoed. 73 per celtt Afoo- bal, Bu-iilng Fluid,and Camphaiie, Fancy foiaps, Brush- The attention of Physlclaltils directed to Hialrexten- •Ive assortment nf Chemicals, recently seleciod from the manufacturer*. Tsmseasb.oy appmved credit, II. BRANTLEY. M.l). T- R POWil.L. M.D. _«*nnary 1. to3ft. is—san.t.'Mi / 5LMW7V WINE—Ju*l recelvrd, and In stare, M) \j hose* fin* nt, Julian laretWIno. for sale hy »»»•)« I^V. C'NNKIIAT k 0«l. riENlRAL end Houlh 5Vt stern liallmsd (Mocks, for l> sale Apply In WYl.LV k MUNIMOLI.IN. mar 83 I ^OSSB-T!0lOOUonM-iMVUM PUr.'l tVhlin;', I I.i in bbls New England Rom, — bile K. f 4 —-•* *• 1 iiiitiCmk i.iqi oiiN t E. Phelps and boso hrsnds) Gin, 45 *• iitdlfv il • ounev-Mcltl Mvof U>e Gtn, Ibo •• Rrcllfled WhDkeV, Mi " t.iithor Fell-mi and pure Boston Ruta, 4u -• Domestic Brandt. Vil •• Cbidrn.dil Mono igahela 5Vblskey. MCll A NTUN, J(IIIN*T<iN fc GO, l k OO, bbla E. fhelp'i klmwinishela 5Vhlsksy. Received III alma, and for sale t>\ may V3 . H'ri.CO>tBP.,J'rilNjM)Nfc uo. W S fitfiwislkt * * W* n, . .... , r w ., s J* 6 . . ■ Hft finali st. U a V.'-46u hales prime Eoatern Hay,liatiy egfoVied foreoleby r IlIfNTNK A aANMl!l.f.. L, raOS ^ and for eole by OiIaRLEH HRl.lV h. •f* IT M Newoi,, New York. For sale by may 83 * i . iiAi/rinonr iiat on, *o.' 7,-. IIHDH.' hulee lleci-n Bide*. It) •• -lii.iiidrra, v5 Bcic.cs Bogir fund Hams Vi hbis nnd Iuo kegs Prim" Leaf Intrd, Ihti M.l. Miprrfluc • i-watil street Hour, Becclvid l>» recent tot.vets,and for surie hy mayfid \nTun, juHNATuj IkYilHifLEI •JiUk IDlJfiE.d J, \\ . Iti- ntal's I’andlea. aa\lM 9).5 do AdanisiitUie do list do Pearl Hnrclt. 130 b«»Xea Nn. I (loop, inn ita Pale Hoap. VAO Imiea Mustard. 7J do Fresh 1 .MtiindCoffee. D*»» do Ground Pepper. lira «D» ToHtstni aisnp. M) twiee Poppsrflaoco. I.Ml dn Mtunn Byitty. 75 chests and (4 , |traisTra U tub* M«» Butler Ml bids hodt. IHscnlL Ml hid* llntb-i IDsrult. Del th-icu tlrmnu* ltci, lain arrivalV,and for sale by MrMAll'iN k "" ’ noHaiioss nnvi.K. •M 81 HfSVtTr. LAYNROf h RoaRNv, ms) ww MrMAlluN k HOYt*IL O bNAIID'MiB, V AllNB AND NlIRKtlNG*. - bate* Bi.gtlng* an<| Blioetings, Hancock Mills, lO'.alM'iiuatMirgs. du dn 10 bales Yarns, assorted, do 'do IU batg* ".(tahuius, VV atmanrllla Mills, |U In las 1 tsuahurgi, 1 hntuosfou Mill*. Tha xhnva guodi lu siore. end f»»* sal# al U*o tnweat Ntarbal ra'es. CIIANE, iVLl.I.BkUI. * I,'|d|l llliriKB XHl) LIMM.-A complete *aanri*Monl j.. 0 ' ‘"MTOftSosa rt-Ki j'F.NNkflelHi ItAv-HM.-JNi,filiOp«igMl» CW IhJee, 1 |n.tti*ipuiinflg nh.oridsrs, lu,«W fmvtwdf Ham*, lo itufo and fur fiole by gpntj VI PATTrif. lHTTUN kJ-'O, VV ftb'At t’UAl’U.Eo, mivha aiid ui**• lludiie, jam 55 unions |r*.iiooswau. ItA Bryae-at \| EXICAN Gl'ANf—By the ton or bid. f -rsale by. , iH WAVER kiXl.NKTAXTINl-. may W Jones' Row Buthlihf. Bay at. * I Z^IIlKTs*—VHIRTN fo-G. 8.‘ NU'llOUa k l*r» have O the best assortment ol One White fhtna to u> found tn thecJty. Call and soe, it their Gtothing ; fllore, Ulbtsuoe' Rouge. 1 TTou FAKIIL- ANI) 5VBDD.NG8.-Handsome f plain amt rtguml 5Vblte Mareelllr# anJ 55 lute ole by lune .5 ih.TAVDB COHEN. J IV 50AI.—‘.HOloin ••Black llealb" Bntlth's (Vtl. su|«e rlnr, for tbe use ol Blacksmith* <>» F.>ur->l 1 •»•».ror sale In Jen O :r.\Vf»«vtlll'.N. W/iilBKct -IWrtdd. Pike's 5l.<eu<dla vvntskey, Tv and 3*1 kez# old .MniiongaheU do, tn store and for sale In- Je '• IIOTA VUA CI)HBN. I LMi'NH—OT (Mixes Li-muns received and for s»leby . J junl'J McMAlltiN k IKIVLK. | V\T Bl.l. xVHEELR. But kits, *iw\ Gttwlxvot.r Fix* ft ture*, fi'l solo by F. 5V. C"ltN5VELI., Jell HW Bryatt-aL M VU V CAN It ClittN ,-fitaiU “busheU priwre White | Coin, for sals hy ii'IIN T Iti 155 LAND, Jr. j _je 0 __ w U XitlNi — lOcaska Da con Hide*, .n fin* "order r Tor ! •ale by JOHN T IUGYLAND. Jr. ! Jell ; I rM.i ri«'U — HUl”aacki "Atlanta Flour, 3U bids flu, I Just received ami for sale by jeft Id GiGLi; n A. Null III f I 'l.iG Ik -IrtO tuns Alianta Mills Flour, lor aah' bj _2 Joheft OCTAVt'fl UrilCN C XIIHN.- PrlmV 5Vbtt# I5»r», All Itw In bushel, tn store and lur sale b) Jell JOHN T. HU5VL VNU, Ja. | » ai 'ii^ —ifliio* alul eltViOiiivrs prime sitich-. tu vt«w* I» and for sal# by JiHI.N T, ROW i.AN D, Ja. Je 13 |.Sl.A* • .uTTVoiTiim.—3Wuo».l. IK .ml SI qu^uln. I For sale by Je 19 NRVITT, l.ATHRt»P k RDGRRfl, V »IH tWN flHihtlNrim-i bnlrii OT Inch llh.wn OMtv I ) lug, suilahla tor i.tsln Bag, 7 de 30 turh dn «fo do. Jit*5 received and fiv sole by Je |9 NLVm. i.ATIIUlipkHl'HJLIta. OOAP—130 boars I'olgate's No. | iCuit s IUO du huo, Vj rwetxvd tav5 tot sata by ytlttivl . Mi MAIIoN k DOYI.IL j tlH TElIk GilHEirti-ih? firkin* Heller. Mt tan** 1 IJ Ghewae, tweatvod and for sat* hj 1 Junlfi MoMAIlQN » DtiVLIL I 11 (fo.l'iYJ-W|*bl# iDitt.r Blsc’alCfo xlo. fl.-tia, rw () Oelvwl aud for sate by Jon 1J • McMahon k Mnv* B, fy^(OTNA!—I5iWre#*wKv*lra 73 halls, an.l'iia*’quarter IV feme*. Received and !•* aale h» JeN McMAID'N R DOYLE. 7 vt)ItN I NN I—White Jbtrn landing end for sofo 1. n-H BAV,,, a«V AAti-i l -nG..«,r.„. Xn sSgkj; JOM It Market fwaore. il'uiwic'-ljw aoAe superfine Uewrgia ffoar,dally “ 'msWiiWf' may 7) p' iT>V TT^Vi.oOit. flgurvsl railtt Vesta—a beautiful article, flu t ie GU>>. 8. NHTIOIJ* v i ii^ may IP Gibbous' Uauge- f vritN - l,tM» bushel, prime white Maryland «\>r lauding irom ecbr 5V«>o>tbridge, amt f.»ssle |.t — VANS k *MDl-R. I«3 bbla. Ilxtra Uaitiwiore Flour In store and for aale by 5VAVEH h5>5N>TAKTlNr., m.» it Jooea'New Bull log, Ba;,at 1.1. 5If-73 btda'.Vifol aud Navy' Bread. Uml'iig end for sate by way DJ i.'LAGIIriWN * CUNNINGHAM- i I yiKlUtoN, IIF-IDT k l\>. have recelrM per stesmrr KnoxvtBe. another lot of those Plant, rx* lAneo Coats, Paul ■ and Vrets Also, a nice aseottnieui of. 5Yblte I,. It. Hhlrti. Fnraale low. tea* Ifl •on* brie K II ! . lor aale >.«w j from wharf. I.YNN k BNIULK. )•». ^ttl l it BF.F.F,—2 cask DrWd lVref i«e) roceiregfawd for aale hy LYNN k HMDER. leP aomecwh'rh will he found the f pra-kri seta eri.-a No# l. 8 and 4 MitK-r • 'petstanc * ' • ;f ,J 4 8rtx, Fyc last.niweets. I.Dh*«rerav sm*. >4r»i-».**w lustrum.ui*. .- itrr hprtng Iaiwvis, ('•iv*' ljrvvv Antpiits* :.g sn-l Tiepbtwrr* rets, Utiur *c» isst.n.l'.'u PiMtwtvra, I'atrutlNt std lu* 4 1 ***• Guile!. Nutlet, P.drvre* »nd Toeib Torerp*. 8, 3 and 4 vslee; elup ft**, silver srat saw i vSri'-V Stomach Pumps. Turnkeys yds in I5»)c/ure. si*d furl Apringtadt, Vow'# Apparatus kc- kc The ab-'ve will be s»Ut a* fow as raw tre purer.xsef '• Phitsor.pma «.r .>rw 5 «<•*. .-r case «-r cu *ccr #K* 4OJL 3L TCRM k. -cee, rns.H IV» Urev^-. res 11 1 AA8TKRN HAY.—Landing iklsdsy Dra J Hwret, a prim# lot of Ba*te*e lU),h D" | >1.01 R! fl.miRI-A superior Ita of Tre.^***ee A supi I'four In sack* just received, and sole in l»vls to vutt purebase'*- LYNN k 8MDLR. J* 8 . ’ ' H A 3181 -il A MH l- iflca'I* 'f Tewnemee Haras to cfose eonaigumeut, which we «Mfoc at lo <wuta, by the cask. I.YNN k DNIDBR. 1° * . o LG A ID*-Id M pure Rio llowio Itagara. tatedtaf O and (or aale by nvra 14 CI.AatlORN E i t’NNlNGII.W A I.* h*N NeTot.iC.IVA irn ANDt'ipA - A fiw# i' ssaoitmeni of flaloon rtsfols Ralls and Cap* I or Ml# by LOVRl.s. k LATFIMURR, R UM.-Dra bids Rum In atoreand for saW^hr June 3 IHTkVV'A • vAltRN ■ i\ itAsnxssomm^Tgiii nm, g u* I re aVmve, Ju»l received am) M *•># by *prl» _ AlKlN fit RllRNR. N K5V nil I 111 A -A Pell and iwisyM* k<*Mtes«l ef 8*11 ns and Cellars irom Um bool Mootoriwtee.- F»w sale by Jwi„- 0 IVM, tv mtcR, 117 RkrMtaoe. i 5 vv*'V'Sn'vSvr FLVi, nWRLY CHvui>5t.AT»T 5SV‘ If ivx5t4,~j heirs very efodee and h*te o)J )*♦* f'effhe t afidoRKstVfso.04 4*rfow*qo*Vn»e*l •afovie* best quaint Hwerl C*Mreet**w t k do KbtaVe'a 1>W» 1 3 SK^*'- , p' ^•"jjr.SoLlr.ur'- WreSrei Sr T.Wb baobab Core. l« blideehoteo Ttatneswse Hams Henry t-nthrop jr t'o.. A V » recriw-V by la e »learners and offer fo’** V’w . a v .'Ifl) ol 8»d*d c,>'. *ts! Rtrecr*. Mack Salt a w)atd FsuCW rum black d« lllsri »e. 1 • htte Tissues and Fare-go* fit. h |.«IMo,| de 1K» d*» MwvlleRebce l" »-.o urraodteo • Vlored Sirtt-od Mlks M ANTII.LAfl— Rlsck srat ecJ-wxri flkU MaeitDas Ifo do white Rarego #a l»o lag 1 .w PANT bTLTffo-mU s A wr pral I erw ivn« |5r.*w a xml w n.te O' 4" Plate« od F*« cy x'axWxnsrex ('heck 4. *4*«fwd k pla-.e l e wuaN* O'ATINCS-Rlsck Dre| de r»e* Ira ss*4 xdvred v>»V r.i-e-T» iv. 1'an Met* and xlps.ea# t't.ockrd and uiqta I 're-*.* Mats hrevwa sw4 hwf A» vox' JV Wi Be awa (awry Ma-orit>ca ~NK\V SPIJlNU (tOOLX< linRIlkHM GII A MIR8\ v,j. H AVE revived per taws *iv4es»s • w* ** ►'w»e ikuiiMai ta Ryk trass i-■"** ^ U M . *«.. c-*>••»>l•-« W foMW, T5s*oe*, N..rt«rs irinchsms i d prism v*t alt kvsta*. kfo-.• ta I.) sh. Lteew Itamatkv l ire, ux^r.wus 5»-*pww Huchahnrk, IVw im #r-d other Tv*e*>u-*<. At. nu ' Til IH-ANTIIMk Ybsy offer «*u take •chh-yS forirmA CVatea ttastati Manckcazer s#J MorlKrae' flshV* sad fortyrk Cvwtao sM hblrttwf V. \ swd 1 4 Rhvwxi bkirtivgrra , . " 1 SprTwi ssTtiokairr *»*{•; 'I "ill swhwH**’ »m* *«e» openrst • Pal *•*—»♦♦* 1 ii.a.IM MtltkU *— —- —-— 1 iid lOraXi — 1 rtiizW# hv the S'S raw"s*sl5eff th pa*4 ta ptsrk »—! red.Ntysl Bukssst* Chnbs V*. do Oavkw.vrevsra niecta vei-rag Wrk threat (a fso.. ( rerack x-astaveeswe . HU<4 Iwsp As |he< tawrj Fraa** t^Ns 55 btta twills ItaswMt VxsGta b»># Drips m kVbiseawAtassry Mvstvta do a'l ta tsre KjNff J Tbe whtae ta wbWbhe ts preps tta *e mate * pm orife^, in the-K-ta MOW-oahVe maowta. rareianee tetraa. mar V Drape* *w4 TbtM. •» »' ~'Ti ^ . I 'llll xsdsntzwJ base reeert <»*J •» •*» ffchWv b Mdpsfl ktaoabwtffa IV wh'to de VI do de Payer Is* l-tweai de Ok*' raA^s Vreitawo MrijM -?V Si-.-rr.'.r,-; ^. swsaesqgsSr